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Student controller documentation and updates

See merge request !65
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1 merge request!65Student controller documentation and updates
......@@ -30,8 +30,18 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "commander.h"
* @brief Initialize all PID data structures with PID coefficients defined in pid.h
* @param updateDt expected delta time since last call for all PID loops
void attitudeControllerInit(const float updateDt);
* @brief Simple test to make sure controller is initialized
* @return true/false
bool attitudeControllerTest(void);
......@@ -39,6 +49,16 @@ bool attitudeControllerTest(void);
* the desired rate which should be fed into a rate controller. The
* attitude controller can be run in a slower update rate then the rate
* controller.
* @param eulerRollActual input
* @param eulerPitchActual input
* @param eulerYawActual input
* @param eulerRollDesired input
* @param eulerPitchDesired input
* @param eulerYawDesired input
* @param rollRateDesired output
* @param pitchRateDesired output
* @param yawRateDesired output
void attitudeControllerCorrectAttitudePID(
float eulerRollActual, float eulerPitchActual, float eulerYawActual,
......@@ -46,8 +66,17 @@ void attitudeControllerCorrectAttitudePID(
float* rollRateDesired, float* pitchRateDesired, float* yawRateDesired);
* Make the controller run an update of the rate PID. The output is
* the actuator force.
* Make the controller run an update of the rate PID. Input comes from the
* correct attitude function. The output is the actuator force.
* TODO MICROCART: Add output to this function to better line up with the other controllers
* @param rollRateActual input
* @param pitchRateActual input
* @param yawRateActual input
* @param rollRateDesired input
* @param pitchRateDesired input
* @param yawRateDesired input
void attitudeControllerCorrectRatePID(
float rollRateActual, float pitchRateActual, float yawRateActual,
......@@ -30,10 +30,32 @@
// A position controller calculate the thrust, roll, pitch to approach
// a 3D position setpoint
* @brief initialize all PID loops with the PID coefficents defined
* from the parameter system
void positionControllerInit();
void positionControllerResetAllPID();
* @brief Update position PID loops, Output is velocity.
* @param thrust output
* @param attitude output
* @param setpoint input
* @param state input
void positionController(float* thrust, attitude_t *attitude, setpoint_t *setpoint,
const state_t *state);
* @brief Update velocity PID loops, Calculates roll and pitch (Excludes yaw control) and thrust
* @param thrust output
* @param attitude output
* @param setpoint input
* @param state input
void velocityController(float* thrust, attitude_t *attitude, setpoint_t *setpoint,
const state_t *state);
......@@ -37,7 +37,12 @@
* @brief Convert float to 16 bit integer
* @param in float
* @return int16_t
static inline int16_t saturateSignedInt16(float in)
// don't use INT16_MIN, because later we may negate it, which won't work for that value.
......@@ -49,6 +54,7 @@ static inline int16_t saturateSignedInt16(float in)
return (int16_t)in;
//structs to hold PID data between executions for each axis
PidObject pidRollRate;
PidObject pidPitchRate;
PidObject pidYawRate;
......@@ -56,6 +62,7 @@ PidObject pidRoll;
PidObject pidPitch;
PidObject pidYaw;
//attitude controller outputs
static int16_t rollOutput;
static int16_t pitchOutput;
static int16_t yawOutput;
......@@ -68,6 +75,7 @@ void attitudeControllerInit(const float updateDt)
//TODO: get parameters from configuration manager instead
//initialize all rate PID loops
......@@ -75,10 +83,12 @@ void attitudeControllerInit(const float updateDt)
//set integral limits for all rate PID loops
pidSetIntegralLimit(&pidRollRate, PID_ROLL_RATE_INTEGRATION_LIMIT);
pidSetIntegralLimit(&pidPitchRate, PID_PITCH_RATE_INTEGRATION_LIMIT);
pidSetIntegralLimit(&pidYawRate, PID_YAW_RATE_INTEGRATION_LIMIT);
//initialize all attitude PID loops
pidInit(&pidRoll, 0, PID_ROLL_KP, PID_ROLL_KI, PID_ROLL_KD, updateDt,
pidInit(&pidPitch, 0, PID_PITCH_KP, PID_PITCH_KI, PID_PITCH_KD, updateDt,
......@@ -86,6 +96,7 @@ void attitudeControllerInit(const float updateDt)
pidInit(&pidYaw, 0, PID_YAW_KP, PID_YAW_KI, PID_YAW_KD, updateDt,
//set integral limits for attitude PID loops
pidSetIntegralLimit(&pidRoll, PID_ROLL_INTEGRATION_LIMIT);
pidSetIntegralLimit(&pidPitch, PID_PITCH_INTEGRATION_LIMIT);
pidSetIntegralLimit(&pidYaw, PID_YAW_INTEGRATION_LIMIT);
......@@ -98,20 +109,6 @@ bool attitudeControllerTest()
return isInit;
void attitudeControllerCorrectRatePID(
float rollRateActual, float pitchRateActual, float yawRateActual,
float rollRateDesired, float pitchRateDesired, float yawRateDesired)
pidSetDesired(&pidRollRate, rollRateDesired);
rollOutput = saturateSignedInt16(pidUpdate(&pidRollRate, rollRateActual, true));
pidSetDesired(&pidPitchRate, pitchRateDesired);
pitchOutput = saturateSignedInt16(pidUpdate(&pidPitchRate, pitchRateActual, true));
pidSetDesired(&pidYawRate, yawRateDesired);
yawOutput = saturateSignedInt16(pidUpdate(&pidYawRate, yawRateActual, true));
void attitudeControllerCorrectAttitudePID(
float eulerRollActual, float eulerPitchActual, float eulerYawActual,
float eulerRollDesired, float eulerPitchDesired, float eulerYawDesired,
......@@ -124,7 +121,7 @@ void attitudeControllerCorrectAttitudePID(
pidSetDesired(&pidPitch, eulerPitchDesired);
*pitchRateDesired = pidUpdate(&pidPitch, eulerPitchActual, true);
// Update PID for yaw axis
// Update PID for yaw axis, handle error update here instead of in PID calculation
float yawError;
yawError = eulerYawDesired - eulerYawActual;
if (yawError > 180.0f)
......@@ -135,6 +132,20 @@ void attitudeControllerCorrectAttitudePID(
*yawRateDesired = pidUpdate(&pidYaw, eulerYawActual, false);
void attitudeControllerCorrectRatePID(
float rollRateActual, float pitchRateActual, float yawRateActual,
float rollRateDesired, float pitchRateDesired, float yawRateDesired)
pidSetDesired(&pidRollRate, rollRateDesired);
rollOutput = saturateSignedInt16(pidUpdate(&pidRollRate, rollRateActual, true));
pidSetDesired(&pidPitchRate, pitchRateDesired);
pitchOutput = saturateSignedInt16(pidUpdate(&pidPitchRate, pitchRateActual, true));
pidSetDesired(&pidYawRate, yawRateDesired);
yawOutput = saturateSignedInt16(pidUpdate(&pidYawRate, yawRateActual, true));
void attitudeControllerResetRollAttitudePID(void)
......@@ -8,17 +8,22 @@
#include "controller_student.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "param.h"
#include "math3d.h"
static bool tiltCompensationEnabled = false;
static bool test_param = false;
//desired vehicle state as calculated be PID controllers
static attitude_t attitudeDesired;
static attitude_t rateDesired;
static float actuatorThrust;
static float thrustDesired;
//variables used only for logging PID command outputs
static float cmd_thrust;
static float cmd_roll;
static float cmd_pitch;
......@@ -30,20 +35,29 @@ static float accelz;
void controllerStudentInit(void)
bool controllerStudentTest(void)
bool pass = true;
//controller passes check if attitude controller passes
pass &= attitudeControllerTest();
return pass;
* Limit the input angle between -180 and 180
* @param angle
* @return float
static float capAngle(float angle) {
//TODO MICROCART: Student written
float result = angle;
while (result > 180.0f) {
......@@ -57,42 +71,66 @@ static float capAngle(float angle) {
return result;
void controllerStudent(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint,
const sensorData_t *sensors,
const state_t *state,
const uint32_t tick)
* This function is called periodically to update the PID loop,
* Reads state estimate and setpoint values and passes them
* to the functions that preform PID calculations, postion PID (including Velocity PID),
* and attitude PID (including attitude rate)
* @param control Output, struct is modified as the ouput of the control loop
* @param setpoint Input, setpoints for thrust, position, velocity, and acceleration of quad
* @param sensors Input, Raw sensor values (typically want to use the state estimated instead) includes gyro,
* accelerometer, barometer, magnatometer
* @param state Input, A more robust way to measure the current state of the quad, allows for direct
* measurements of the orientation of the quad. Includes attitude, position, velocity,
* and acceleration
* @param tick Input, system clock
void controllerStudent(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint, const sensorData_t *sensors, const state_t *state, const uint32_t tick)
// Rate-controled YAW is moving YAW angle setpoint
if (setpoint->mode.yaw == modeVelocity) {
attitudeDesired.yaw += setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw * ATTITUDE_UPDATE_DT;
} else {
attitudeDesired.yaw = setpoint->attitude.yaw;
attitudeDesired.yaw = capAngle(attitudeDesired.yaw);
//TODO MICROCART: student written
//Check if time to update position/velocity controller with RATE_DO_EXECUTE
//then update the position controller to find the desired attitude
positionController(&actuatorThrust, &attitudeDesired, setpoint, state);
//note does not calculate desired yaw or yaw rate
positionController(&thrustDesired, &attitudeDesired, setpoint, state);
// check if time to update the attutide controller
// Switch between manual and automatic position control
// update desired yaw from setpoint
// Rate-controlled YAW is moving YAW angle setpoint
if (setpoint->mode.yaw == modeVelocity) {
attitudeDesired.yaw += setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw * STUDENT_UPDATE_DT;
// absolute controlled yaw
} else {
attitudeDesired.yaw = setpoint->attitude.yaw;
attitudeDesired.yaw = capAngle(attitudeDesired.yaw);
// if z position control disabled, set the output thrust to be the same as the setpoint thrust
// disreguarding the results of the position controller
if (setpoint->mode.z == modeDisable) {
actuatorThrust = setpoint->thrust;
thrustDesired = setpoint->thrust;
// if x or y position control is disabled, set the desired
// roll and pitch to equal their setpoints, disreguarding the results of the position controller
if (setpoint->mode.x == modeDisable || setpoint->mode.y == modeDisable) {
attitudeDesired.roll = setpoint->attitude.roll;
attitudeDesired.pitch = setpoint->attitude.pitch;
// Run the attitude controller with the actual attitude and desired attitude
// outputs the desired attitude rates
attitudeControllerCorrectAttitudePID(state->attitude.roll, state->attitude.pitch, state->attitude.yaw,
attitudeDesired.roll, attitudeDesired.pitch, attitudeDesired.yaw,
&rateDesired.roll, &rateDesired.pitch, &rateDesired.yaw);
// For roll and pitch, if velocity mode, overwrite rateDesired with the setpoint
// value. Also reset the PID to avoid error buildup, which can lead to unstable
// For roll and pitch, if velocity mode, overwrite rateDesired output
// from the attitude controller with the setpoint value
// Also reset the PID to avoid error buildup, which can lead to unstable
// behavior if level mode is engaged later
if (setpoint->mode.roll == modeVelocity) {
rateDesired.roll = setpoint->attitudeRate.roll;
......@@ -103,16 +141,21 @@ void controllerStudent(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint,
// TODO: Investigate possibility to subtract gyro drift.
//update the attitude rate PID, given the current angular rate
//read by the gyro and the desired rate
attitudeControllerCorrectRatePID(sensors->gyro.x, -sensors->gyro.y, sensors->gyro.z,
rateDesired.roll, rateDesired.pitch, rateDesired.yaw);
//get actuator outputs from the rate controller
//TODO MICROCART: remove this redundant call
//invert yaw control
control->yaw = -control->yaw;
//copy values for logging
cmd_thrust = control->thrust;
cmd_roll = control->roll;
cmd_pitch = control->pitch;
......@@ -123,15 +166,19 @@ void controllerStudent(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint,
accelz = sensors->acc.z;
//tilt compensation, increases thrust when tilting more to maintain height
//copy working value of actuator thrust to control->thrust for output
if (tiltCompensationEnabled)
control->thrust = actuatorThrust / sensfusion6GetInvThrustCompensationForTilt();
control->thrust = thrustDesired / sensfusion6GetInvThrustCompensationForTilt();
control->thrust = actuatorThrust;
control->thrust = thrustDesired;
//if no thrust active, set all other outputs to 0 and reset PID variables
if (control->thrust == 0)
control->thrust = 0;
......@@ -144,19 +191,20 @@ void controllerStudent(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint,
cmd_pitch = control->pitch;
cmd_yaw = control->yaw;
//reset all PID variables
// Reset the calculated YAW angle for rate control
// Reset the YAW angle for rate control
attitudeDesired.yaw = state->attitude.yaw;
* Logging variables for the command and reference signals for the
* altitude PID controller
* student PID controller
* @brief Thrust command
......@@ -192,7 +240,7 @@ LOG_ADD(LOG_FLOAT, accelz, &accelz)
* @brief Thrust command without (tilt)compensation
LOG_ADD(LOG_FLOAT, actuatorThrust, &actuatorThrust)
LOG_ADD(LOG_FLOAT, thrustDesired, &thrustDesired)
* @brief Desired roll setpoint
......@@ -217,15 +265,17 @@ LOG_ADD(LOG_FLOAT, pitchRate, &rateDesired.pitch)
* @brief Desired yaw rate setpoint
LOG_ADD(LOG_FLOAT, yawRate, &rateDesired.yaw)
* Controller parameters
* @brief Nonzero for tilt compensation enabled (default: 0)
PARAM_ADD(PARAM_UINT8, tiltComp, &tiltCompensationEnabled)
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
//TODO MICROCART rewrite the PID module
void pidInit(PidObject* pid, const float desired, const float kp,
const float ki, const float kd, const float dt,
const float samplingRate, const float cutoffFreq,
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