@@ -56,6 +56,15 @@ fpgagen template # Set up the transform template for adding a new transform to
See the configuration file `fpga_config.ini` generated when running `fpgagen` for more information on configuration options
including changing the default board and Vivado path.
## HELP! I turned off the housekeeping SPI and can't program the board!
On the Arty, hold BTN0, briefly click the RESET button, and while still holding BTN0, you will have access to the housekeeping SPI to reprogram the board.
Release BTN0 to start your program.
BTN0 is a clock disable button, while it is held, the 10MHz clock will be stopped. The RESET button is the POR reset for the board.
Holding BTN0 while resetting the board will prevent the clock from starting and the MGMT core from disabling the SPI until it is released.
## Development
To run fpgagen in development mode, from this repository run `python3 -m fpgagen -C path/to/caravel_user_project`.