Computation Graph
A computation graph is a way to organize a large function into smaller, reusable functions, and easily visualize how data flows from one step of calculation to another. We chose to implement the control algorithm in this manner because as the complexity of the controller grew (deeper PID nesting, more filtering, etc.), it became very difficult to understand exactly how the sensor data was being processed and used. Our final design is partially inspired by Simulink, in an effort to draw parallels between the actual implementation of a controller and how they are often designed by control engineers.
To help understand the basics of the computation graph, we will walk through a simple example. Below is a possibly graph configuration, along with a representative Simulink diagram. Each node represents a computation step which takes in inputs, and produces outputs. Each node also potentially has configuration parameters.
In this example, there are four different types of nodes:
- Constant
- Addition
- Gain
- Multiplication
A constant block, as defined in node_constant.c and node_constant.h has:
- 0 Inputs
- 1 Output
- 1 Parameter
When its computation is executed, it simply sets the output to be the value of the parameter CONST_SET.
An addition block is defined in node_add.c and node_add.h has
- 2 Inputs
- 1 Output
- 0 Parameters
During its computation step, it calculates the difference between the values passed into ADD_SUMMAND1 and ADD_SUMMAND1, putting the result in ADD_SUM.
Gain, Multiplication
Both of these blocks have implementations (node_gain, node_mult). They are both simple blocks that perform a single operation.
Storing State
The blocks introduced above are purely functional: Every input combination maps to a single output combination, regardless of past inputs. To implement controllers and filters, we need something more powerful --- Introducing block state.
A block implementation can define a custom struct for storing any sort of data it would like. Each new instantiation of a block allocates memory for the struct, and the block execution function gets a void*
passed into it, which the execution function is responsible for casting and using.
A simple stateful block
To help explain these ideas, we'll go through a simple block that uses state: An accumulator node (node_accumulator.c and node_accumulator.h).
This block performs the following operation: Every time its execute
function is called, it outputs the sum of its previous output with the current input. i.e., it computes \sum_{t=1}^{T}{x_t}
Clearly, our state needs to store the total summation so far. In the implementation, you will see that the accum_state
struct has a single field which contains a double representing the accumulated value. The accumulate block also contains a reset function, which sets the accumulated value to 0.
You may wonder why a node_integrator
block exists in addition to the accumulator block. The integrator block computes a proper integral, taking into account the time difference between calls, dt
, and is used for the optical flow calculations. The accumualtor block is actually only used for automated testing.
Initializing State
If a block has state, we probably want a way to initialize the state in some way. If the initialization were to only occur once, we might have left it up to the block implementation to keep a flag in the state struct representing whether it has been initialized. But because blocks can be disconnected and reconnected during runtime (e.g. switching from manual to autonomous flight), the initialization may need to run multiple times, so we allow a block definition to provide a function that will be called upon block initialization (reset
field in grah_node_type
Reset Propagation
When a block is connected to the graph, we want it to be reset. Because it is part of a chain of computations, we usually want its ancestors to be reset also. Consider the graph below. When D is connected, both B and A will have their reset
functions called.
Things to Note
Updated Flag
In the quadcopter, some sensors update at different rates (e.g. VRPN data comes at 100Hz, but accelerometer data is at 200Hz). Therefore, some PID blocks need to update at different rates, too. To account for this, every block has an updated
flag that gets set whenever its data changes. Things that could cause its data to change are setting a new source, updating a parameter, or being reset. During the graph traversal for calculation, if a node isn't marked as updated
, then its execute
function will not be called. This allows PIDs to automatically run at the correct rate to match their sensor inputs, since a sensor will only be marked updated
when new data is set.
Floating Point
The computation graph uses doubles for all data. This was decided because the Zynq-7000 has double-precision FPUs, so we knew could take advantage of the higher precision, rather than using single-precision floats.
Because we are using floating points for values, NaN values must be handled carefully. Data flows forward in the graph, so if a NaN is set somewhere, there is a very good chance that all of its dependents will also output NaNs after the next computation pass. If one of the blocks in the chain has a state, then it could cause that block to continually output NaNs until being reset. This is very bad, of course, so if the block has the possibility to output a NaN (e.g. it does a division by one of its inputs, which could be zero), then you should put a check to prevent that. (See node_pid.c).
Node IDs
When creating new blocks from the quad code, use the graph_add_defined_block
function, which returns an integer representing the new ID. (or -1 if it failed to create it). You can also add a node with a specific ID, using the graph_add_node_id
function, but this is only to allow the ground station to re-create the quadcopter's graph. Nodes with arbitrary IDs should not be created, since the computation graph uses a lazy way to map node IDs to nodes. It just keeps an array, where the index holds the node at that index ID. So adding a node with an ID of 5000 means that space for more than 5000 nodes will be allocated.