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DataAnalysis.m 3.70 KiB
%% ANALYSIS CONFIGURATION OPTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Modify your analysis configuration options here
% FNAME %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% if you know the name of the log file that you want to parse, set the it
% here only if it is in the working directory. Otherwise, you may leave it
% blank. You will be able to choose the file to parse through an explorer
% window.
%fname = 'sampleLogFileWithMarker.txt';
fname = '';
% PLOTTING SWITCHES - set them to 0 or 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
plot = 0; % to choose plotting
separatePlot = 1; % to generate separatePlots
multiPlot = 1; % to generate multiPlot
subPlot = 1; % to generate subPlots
clearFigs = 0; % to close all the plots (needed only by the GUI)
% DATA TO PLOT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% write names of the data headers that you want to plot using
% seperatePlots. If this is empty but "plot" switch is 1, all the columns
% will be plotted using seperatePlots.
separateData = {'X pos PID_Correction', 'Altitude PID_Correction'};
% write names of the data headers that you want to plot using multiPlots.
% If this is empty but "plot" switch is 1, the data headers in separateData
% will be plotted using multiPlots.
multiData = {'X pos PID_Correction', 'Altitude PID_Correction'};
% write names of the data headers that you want to plot using subPlots.
% If this is empty but "plot" switch is 1, the data headers in multiData
% will be plotted using subPlots.
subData = {'X pos PID_Correction', 'Altitude PID_Correction'};
% COLOR FOR PLOTTING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
color = 'r'; % one character for color of the plotting line
marker = ''; % one character for the marker of the plotting line
style = '-'; % one character for the style of the plotting line
backgnd = [1 1 1]; % rgb array for background color of the plot
%% DO NOT MODIFY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
fpath = '';
[fname, fpath] = uigetfile('.txt','Select log file');
% storing file options in the structure = fname; % file name only
params.file.path = fpath; % file path only
params.file.pathName = [fpath fname]; % file path with file name
% storing plotting parameters in the structure
params.plotting.plot = plot;
params.plotting.separatePlot = separatePlot;
params.plotting.multiPlot = multiPlot;
params.plotting.subPlot = subPlot;
params.plotting.clearFigs = clearFigs;
% storing plotting data in the structure
params.plotting.separateData = separateData;
params.plotting.multiData = multiData;
params.plotting.subData = subData;
% storing colors for plotting in the struture
params.plotting.color = color;
params.plotting.marker = marker; = style;
params.plotting.backgnd = backgnd;
% saving params into a file
%save params params;
%% parsing the log file specified %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% parse the log and instantiate the data structure, expData
expData = parse_log(params.file.pathName, params);
%save expData expData;
%% plotting routines %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% plot the data accoriding to the plotting parameters set
plot_data(expData, params.plotting);
%% creating the main structure to be stored in the workspace %%%%%%%%%%%%%
% main.params = params;
% main.expData = expData;
% clearvars -except main;
% save main main;