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12 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.022Apr191513711Mar423Feb1527Jan20Nov329Oct2826171511854128Sep272624201431May222Apr20824Mar625Feb1812531Jan28211810Dec95313Nov12865429Oct28252220191816151098542129Sep2326Aug17May542130Apr292827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432131Mar30Update ci-build.shFixed a couple bugs in the override command found with groundstation testingAdded Override command for characterization testingfixing build issuesAdded override command on quad.PCB wuad working in manual mode, about to add output override commandBeginning formatting data to text file for readThe work continuesContinuing to make changes to debug_rt.cThe work continues. Fixing issues with RT data on quad sidebeggining to make necessary fixes to Tina's addition to allow building of functional projectAdding necessary changes to backend to populate data logMerging quad send_rt_data branch with real-time data transfer gui branchI think everythibng is wirking with the PCB, needs calibration thoughMerge branch 'groundstation_gui_fd_test' of into groundstation_gui_fd_testimplemented script for testing groundstation side of real-time data analysis toolMerge branch 'groundstation_gui_fd_test' of into groundstation_gui_fd_testMerge into groundstation_gui_fd_testImplemented internal timer for routine plotting of incoming dataAdding GUI.m (Matlab plotting) functionality as background process to mainwindow of groundstationMake the quad fly in manual mode!Merge branch 'patch-1' into 'master'Update for Controls. Added instructions for the operation of the Simulink-based simulator.The quad seems close to working (maybe).Get the SDK running again with the timer re-installedAdd the axi_timer back in.Confirmed that the IMU works on the new HW platform.continuing to connect new UI features to mainwindow.cppMerge branch '41-Transition-current-hardware-platform-to-Vivado' of into 41-Transition-current-hardware-platform-to-Vivadoupdate to quad hw tclCreated a new XSDK project for the new hawdware platform.Update Quad_Hardware_Platform_info.mdUpdate quad_hw.tclUpdate quad_hw.tclAdd new fileUpdating GUI to include flight data graph tabmore updatesadded debug flag functionalityadding new files to be trackedMerge branch 'patch-1' into 'master'