This file contains many definitions of make targets
This file contains many definitions of make targets for building libraries and building and running their corresponding tests.
//describe existing targets
A set of variable definitions are at the top of the file.
// abstract targets/rules for test, default, and clean
The `User Targets` are defined for building a library (`default`), building and running tests (`test`), and cleaning the library (`clean`).
// internal targets for internal use, quite abstract
The `Internal Targets` are used for building the library and test binary and rely on abstraction.
## [](../
//describe targets
This file contains definitions of make targets for building executables.
// same as library but for executable, has default and clean targets
Similar to ``, this file has a set of variable definitions at the top of the file.
// similar internal targets
The `User Targets` are defined for building the executable and cleaning.
The `Internal Targets` are used for building the executable and rely on abstraction.
## quad/Makefile
## [quad/Makefile](../Makefile)
// describe what is here
This Makefile contains targets for building libraries and binaries and their associated tests.
// targets for compiling libraries, binaries, tests, clean
In this file, the specific libraries/executables and their locations are listed as opposed to the `.mk` files which have purely abstract definitions.
It also contains a `clean` target for removing compiled libraries and binaries.
A target for generating an image of the control network, called `diagram`, is also present here.
## Low level Makefile
## Library Makefile
Each library needs its own Makefile.
Each library needs its own Makefile. This contains a set of definitions for variables so that the abstract targets in `` can work properly and any additional targets you want to add that are specific to that library.
//Give contents of the makefiles
The following variable definitions that should be included:
//containing the library and provide a NAME, TOP which is a relative path to the quad/ directory, REQLIBS which are the libraries needed, and include $(TOP)/ or (why?)
- NAME: The name of the library
//any additional targets wanted
- TOP: a relative path to the `quad/` directory
- REQLIBS: a list of the libraries necessary to compile this library, in the form of compiler flags, i.e. `-l<name>`
_Note: The REQLIBS should include the name of this library at a minimum, as any tests associated with it would need its own library to be linked in order to be useful._
Additionally, a line like the following should be included:
`include $(TOP)/`
This allows the library to use the targets in the `` file to be applied to this directory.
Any other targets wanted for the library should also be included.
## How to add a library
## How to add a library
//how would you add a library?
To add a library:
// add to libs and clean targets in quad/Makefile with the correct directory
1. Add your library to the libs and clean targets in `quad/Makefile` with a path to the directory containing the library
// Add a makefile to the folder (as above)
1. Add a Makefile to the library with the variable definitions in it as described above
// Update the REQLIBS var for any libraries/executables that need this library to compile
1. Update the `REQLIBS` variable for any library or executable that need this new library to compile