Some users may opt to download the Xilinx tools on their own PCs for
development, but this is not recommended.
- Download the ISE Design Suite [here](
- Download the Vivado Design Suite [here](
- Run XSDK
@@ -131,17 +131,18 @@ file placed on the SD-card.
To correctly make a boot.bin file (using no operating system) you must have
1. Copy `Boot.bin` file at `MicroCART/quad/xsdk_workspace/zybo_fsbl/Realease/` to SD Card
1. Plus SD card into quad and power on board
1. Copy `Boot.bin` file at `<workspace>/zybo_fsbl/Realease/` to SD Card
1. Plug SD card into quad and power on board
_NOTE:_ If anything here is unclear there is a deeper explanation in
[Xilinx: how to create a Boot Image](