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type_def.h 8.31 KiB
* struct_def.h
* Created on: Mar 2, 2016
* Author: ucart
#ifndef TYPE_DEF_H_
#define TYPE_DEF_H_
* @brief
* The modes for autonomous and manual flight.
enum flight_mode{
// index|| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 & 4 | 5 & 6 | 7+ | end |
// msg param|| beg char | msg type | msg subtype | msg id | data len (bytes) | data | checksum |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// bytes|| 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | var | 1 |
typedef struct {
char begin_char;
char msg_type;
char msg_subtype;
int msg_id;
int data_len;
} metadata_t;
// String builder data type
typedef struct stringBuilder_s {
char* buf;
int length;
int capacity;
int maxCapacity;
// Methods
int (*addStr)(struct stringBuilder_s*, char*);
int (*addStrAt)(struct stringBuilder_s*, char*, int);
int (*addChar)(struct stringBuilder_s*, char);
int (*addCharAt)(struct stringBuilder_s*, char, int);
int (*removeCharAt)(struct stringBuilder_s*, int);
void (*clear)(struct stringBuilder_s*);
} stringBuilder_t;
typedef struct {
char** tokens;
int numTokens;
} tokenList_t;
typedef struct commands{
int pitch, roll, yaw, throttle;
typedef struct raw{
int x,y,z;
typedef struct PID_Consts{
float P, I, D;
//Camera system info
typedef struct {
int packetId;
double y_pos;
double x_pos;
double alt_pos;
double yaw;
double roll;
double pitch;
} quadPosition_t;
typedef struct {
float yaw;
float roll;
float pitch;
float throttle;
} quadTrims_t;
//Gyro, accelerometer, and magnetometer data structure
//Used for reading an instance of the sensor data
typedef struct {
//Xint16 raw_gyro_x, raw_gyro_y, raw_gyro_z;
float gyro_xVel_p; // In degrees per second
float gyro_yVel_q;
float gyro_zVel_r;
//Xint16 raw_accel_x, raw_accel_y, raw_accel_z;
float accel_x; //In g
float accel_y;
float accel_z;
float accel_roll;
float accel_pitch;
// MAG
//Xint16 raw_mag_x, raw_mag_y, raw_mag_z;
float heading; // In degrees
float mag_x; //Magnetic north: ~50 uT
float mag_y;
float mag_z;
typedef struct PID_t {
double current_point; // Current value of the system
double setpoint; // Desired value of the system
float Kp; // Proportional constant
float Ki; // Integral constant
float Kd; // Derivative constant
double prev_error; // Previous error
double acc_error; // Accumulated error
double pid_correction; // Correction factor computed by the PID
float dt; // sample period
} PID_t;
typedef struct PID_values{
float P; // The P component contribution to the correction output
float I; // The I component contribution to the correction output
float D; // The D component contribution to the correction output
float error; // the error of this PID calculation
float change_in_error; // error change from the previous calc. to this one
float pid_correction; // the correction output (P + I + D)
} PID_values;
* @brief
* Holds the data inputed by the user
typedef struct user_input_t {
int rc_commands[6]; // Commands from the RC transmitter
// float cam_x_pos; // Current x position from the camera system
// float cam_y_pos; // Current y position from the camera system
// float cam_z_pos; // Current z position from the camera system
// float cam_roll; // Current roll angle from the camera system
// float cam_pitch; // Current pitch angle from the camera system
// float cam_yaw; // Current yaw angle from the camera system
float yaw_manual_setpoint;
float roll_angle_manual_setpoint;
float pitch_angle_manual_setpoint;
int hasPacket;
stringBuilder_t * sb;
} user_input_t;
* @brief
* Holds the log data to be sent to the ground station. It may hold the
* timestamp of when a sensor's data was obtained.
typedef struct log_t {
// Time
float time_stamp;
float time_slice;
// Id
int packetId;
gam_t gam; // Raw and calculated gyro, accel, and mag values are all in gam_t
float phi_dot, theta_dot, psi_dot; // gimbal equation values
quadPosition_t currentQuadPosition;
float roll_angle_filtered, pitch_angle_filtered;
float lidar_altitude;
float pid_P_component, pid_I_component, pid_D_component; // use these generically for any PID that you are testing
// PID coefficients and errors
PID_t local_x_PID, local_y_PID, altitude_PID;
PID_t angle_yaw_PID, angle_roll_PID, angle_pitch_PID;
PID_t ang_vel_yaw_PID, ang_vel_roll_PID, ang_vel_pitch_PID;
PID_values local_x_PID_values, local_y_PID_values, altitude_PID_values;
PID_values angle_yaw_PID_values, angle_roll_PID_values, angle_pitch_PID_values;
PID_values ang_vel_yaw_PID_values, ang_vel_roll_PID_values, ang_vel_pitch_PID_values;
// RC commands
commands commands;
//trimmed values
quadTrims_t trims;
int motors[4];
} log_t;
* @brief
* Holds the raw data from the sensors and the timestamp if available
typedef struct raw_sensor {
int acc_x; // accelerometer x data
int acc_x_t; // time of accelerometer x data
int acc_y; // accelerometer y data
int acc_y_t; // time of accelerometer y data
int acc_z; // accelerometer z data
int acc_z_t; // time of accelerometer z data
int gyr_x; // gyroscope x data
int gyr_x_t; // time of gyroscope x data
int gyr_y; // gyroscope y data
int gyr_y_t; // time of gyroscope y data
int gyr_z; // gyroscope z data
int gyr_z_t; // time of gyroscope z data
int ldr_z; //lidar z data (altitude)
int ldr_z_t; //time of lidar z data
gam_t gam;
// Structures to hold the current quad position & orientation
quadPosition_t currentQuadPosition;
} raw_sensor_t;
* @brief
* Holds the processed data from the sensors and the timestamp if available
typedef struct sensor {
int acc_x; // accelerometer x data
int acc_x_t; // time of accelerometer x data
int acc_y; // accelerometer y data
int acc_y_t; // time of accelerometer y data
int acc_z; // accelerometer z data
int acc_z_t; // time of accelerometer z data
int gyr_x; // gyroscope x data
int gyr_x_t; // time of gyroscope x data
int gyr_y; // gyroscope y data
int gyr_y_t; // time of gyroscope y data
int gyr_z; // gyroscope z data
int gyr_z_t; // time of gyroscope z data
int ldr_z; //lidar z data (altitude)
int ldr_z_t; //time of lidar z data
float pitch_angle_filtered;
float roll_angle_filtered;
float lidar_altitude;
float phi_dot, theta_dot, psi_dot;
// Structures to hold the current quad position & orientation
quadPosition_t currentQuadPosition;
quadTrims_t trims;
} sensor_t;
* @brief
* Holds the setpoints to be used in the controller
typedef struct setpoint_t {
quadPosition_t desiredQuadPosition;
} setpoint_t;
* @brief
* Holds the parameters that are specific to whatever type of
* control algorithm is being used
typedef struct parameter_t {
PID_t roll_angle_pid, roll_ang_vel_pid;
PID_t pitch_angle_pid, pitch_ang_vel_pid;
PID_t yaw_ang_vel_pid;
PID_t local_x_pid;
PID_t local_y_pid;
PID_t yaw_angle_pid;
PID_t alt_pid;
} parameter_t;
* @brief
* Holds user defined data for the controller
typedef struct user_defined_t {
int flight_mode;
int engaging_auto;
} user_defined_t;
* @brief
* Holds the raw actuator values before processing
typedef struct raw_actuator_t {
int controller_corrected_motor_commands[6];
} raw_actuator_t;
* @brief
* Holds processed commands to go to the actuators
typedef struct actuator_command_t {
int pwms[4];
} actuator_command_t;
* @brief
* Structures to be used throughout
typedef struct {
user_input_t user_input_struct;
log_t log_struct;
raw_sensor_t raw_sensor_struct;
sensor_t sensor_struct;
setpoint_t setpoint_struct;
parameter_t parameter_struct;
user_defined_t user_defined_struct;
raw_actuator_t raw_actuator_struct;
actuator_command_t actuator_command_struct;
#endif /* TYPE_DEF_H_ */