## Setup Environment
Before making any changes, setup your environment with:
make setup
This will setup Pelican, so that you can build and deploy the website.
You should only have to run the above command once.
To make changes to the website, keep the following in mind:
- "Pages" go in `content/pages`. Pages are written in Markdown so use the .md
- Images go in `content/images`. An exmple of how to put an image in a page
can be seen in `content/pages/`.
- Files go in `content/files`. An example of how to put a file linke on a page
can be seen in `conent/pages/`.
make build
## Deploying the website
Before deploying, ensure you have 2 files in the website root directory: the
`PASSWORD` file and the `TEAM` file. The `PASSWORD` file should contain the sftp
password that was emailed to you for your website. The `TEAM` file should contain
The `PASSWORD` and `TEAM` files should contain NO SPACES and NO NEWLINES.