The `quad/` directory contains all code that programs the quadcopter. This
includes any C libraries we have written, any HDL to program the Zybo on
## Documents
[Zybo Pinout Assignments](doc/
[How to use Xilinx software tools](doc/how_to_use_xilinx_tools.pdf)
The main quad application is written as a library, and located at:
src/quad_app/ ("main" function in quad_app.c)
The main XSDK project that actually runs on the Zybo is located at:
We also have a complemetary "virtual quad" to ease testing:
You can also build each library individually inside their respective project
cd src/<project> && make
To build the XSDK project, use the XSDK IDE. Source the proper XSDK files, and
then start up the XSDK IDE. Be sure to select the `xsdk_workspace` directory
in the quad directory as your "workspace":
source /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/
xsdk &
_Write tests! It makes automating things so much easier._
You can also run the test for a specific library inside its respective project
Of course, we cannot run our automated tests on code that needs the Zybo. But
we have manual tests that you can use to test each specific driver in the
hardware interface.
Look in `xsdk_workspace/real_quad/src/hw_impl_zybo_tests.c` for instructions.