fprintf(stderr," --load: \tInstead of generating a random dungeon, loads the saved dungeon\n\t\tfile from ~/.rlg327/dungeon\n");
fprintf(stderr," --load: \tInstead of generating a random dungeon, loads the saved dungeon\n\t\tfile from ~/.rlg327/dungeon\n");
fprintf(stderr," --save: \tSaves the dungeon to ~/.rlg327/dungeon\n");
fprintf(stderr," --save: \tSaves the dungeon to ~/.rlg327/dungeon\n");
fprintf(stderr," --seed: \tSeeds the random number generator to the given value. If not\n\t\tspecified, time(NULL) is used as the seed\n");
fprintf(stderr," --seed: \tSeeds the random number generator to the given value. If not\n\t\tspecified, time(NULL) is used as the seed\n");
fprintf(stderr," --nummon:\tSets the number of monsters to generate in the dungeon. If not\n\t\tspecified, the default is 7. Automatically capped at the number\n\t\tof empty spaces in the dungeon.\n\t\tIf nummon is 0, the game never ends and the PC wanders the\n\t\tdungeon endlessly.\n");
fprintf(stderr," --nummon:\tSets the number of monsters to generate in the dungeon. If not\n\t\tspecified, the default is 7. Automatically capped at the number\n\t\tof empty spaces in the dungeon.\n");
fprintf(stderr," -h: \tPrints this help information and exits\n");
fprintf(stderr," -h: \tPrints this help information and exits\n");