fprintf(stderr," --load: \tInstead of generating a random dungeon, loads the saved dungeon\n\t\tfile from ~/.rlg327/dungeon\n");
fprintf(stderr," --save: \tSaves the dungeon to ~/.rlg327/dungeon\n");
fprintf(stderr," --seed: \tSeeds the random number generator to the given value. If not\n\t\tspecified, time(NULL) is used as the seed\n");
fprintf(stderr," --nummon:\tSets the number of monsters to generate in the dungeon. If not\n\t\tspecified, the default is 10. Automatically capped at the number\n\t\tof empty spaces in the dungeon\n");
fprintf(stderr," --nummon:\tSets the number of monsters to generate in the dungeon. If not\n\t\tspecified, the default is 5. Automatically capped at the number\n\t\tof empty spaces in the dungeon\n");
fprintf(stderr," --step: \tSets the time to sleep between each game player turn step. Default is 250000 us.\n");