Rogue-Like Game COMS 327
Generates or loads a dungeon map and optionally saves it to a file.
Generates random monsters in the dungeon, and runs based on player
input until the game is over.
Compile: `make`
Run: `./rlg327 [OPTIONS]`
Run `./rlg327 -h` for a full list and description of options.
The game generates/loads the map as before. The player character is spawned
in a random position, as well as the monsters as specified on the command
line. The PC is player-controlled now, according to the key mappings given.
The monsters screen displays all of the monsters in the dungeon in a list.
Since there isn't room for it on the screen, it overwrites the dungeon map
while active. Q still quits the game while on the monsters screen. Dungeon
levels are not persistent and stairs are not connected.