1/25: Initialize Project
Implement hardness and immutable cells
Implement room generation
1/26: Implement corridor generation
1/27: Improve corridor generation to avoid parallel paths
Add staircases
1/28: Ability for there to be up to 2 staircases of each type
1/30: Update hardness to match HW2 spec
2/5: Rewrite data structures and dungeon generation to make file i/o
2/6: Remove seed parameter; always use time seed now
Add new parameters --save and --load
Implement reading/writing dungeons to file
Fix memory leaks
Use uintX_t types instead unsigned int, short, char, etc.
2/7: Add error message if file not found
2/11: Implement basic binary heap specific to this application, based on
the stack we created in class
Implement Dijkstra's Algorithm
Implement distance printing function
2/15: Re-implement Dijkstra based on Dr. Sheaffer's heap and example code
Add player character and unreachable locations to distance map printing
2/18: Fix the issue where distances would be added to INT_MAX, causing
Print the distance maps and unreachable areas as they are displayed
in the sample output file