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Commit 29995828 authored by abashara's avatar abashara
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Revert "closer"

This reverts commit 91f3b4e7
parent 08155079
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1 merge request!3Revert "closer"
This commit is part of merge request !3. Comments created here will be created in the context of that merge request.
-- Henry Duwe
-- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
-- Iowa State University
-- MIPS_Processor.vhd
-- DESCRIPTION: This file contains a MIPS_Processor
-- implementation.
-- 01/29/2019 by H3::Design created.
-- 10/18/23 by AB: Added Functional Blocks
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.MIPS_types.all;
entity MIPS_Processor is
generic(N : integer := DATA_WIDTH);
port(iCLK : in std_logic;
iRST : in std_logic;
iInstLd : in std_logic;
iInstAddr : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
iInstExt : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
oALUOut : out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0)); -- TODO: Hook this up to the output of the ALU. It is important for synthesis that you have this output that can effectively be impacted by all other components so they are not optimized away.
end MIPS_Processor;
architecture structure of MIPS_Processor is
component mem is
generic(ADDR_WIDTH : integer;
DATA_WIDTH : integer);
clk : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector((ADDR_WIDTH-1) downto 0);
data : in std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0);
we : in std_logic := '1';
q : out std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH -1) downto 0));
end component;
component if_id_reg is
generic(N : integer := 96);
iCLK : in std_logic; -- Clock
iRST : in std_logic; -- Reset
iWE : in std_logic; -- Write Enable
currentPC : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Holds Current PC Address
pcPlus4 : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Holds PC+4 Address
instruction : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Holds Instruction
oCurrentPC : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Outputs Current PC Address
oPCPlus4 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Outputs PC+4 Address
oInstruction: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)-- Outputs Instruction
); -- Outputs Flush
end component;
component id_ex_reg is
generic(N : integer := 164);
iCLK : in std_logic; -- Clock
iRST : in std_logic; -- Reset
iWE : in std_logic; -- Write Enable
regdst : in std_logic;
shamt : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Shamt value for the ALU.
control : in std_logic_vector(14 downto 0); -- Control Signals
pcPlus4 : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- PC+4
readData1 : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Read Data 1 from Register File
readData2 : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Read Data 2 from Register File
signExtend : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Sign Extended Immediate
rsAddress : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Register Address 1
rtAddress : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Register Address 2
rdAddress : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Register Address 3
oregdst : out std_logic;
oControl : out std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
oShamt : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Shamt value for the ALU.
oPcPlus4 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
oReadData1 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
oReadData2 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
oSignExtend : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
oRsAddress : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
oRtAddress : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
oRdAddress : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0));
end component;
component ex_mem_reg is
generic(N : integer := 110);
iCLK : in std_logic;
iRST : in std_logic;
iWE : in std_logic;
control : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
pcPlus4 : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
regDst : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Stores Destination Register Address
ALURes : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
readData2 : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
oControl : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
oPCPlus4 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
oRegDst : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
oALURes : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
oReadData2 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
end component;
component mem_wb_reg is
generic(N : integer := 73);
iCLK : in std_logic;
iRST : in std_logic;
iWE : in std_logic;
control : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- Stores Control Signals
regDst : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Stores Destination Register Address
memRead : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Stores Data Read from Memory
ALURes : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Stores Result of ALU
oControl : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
oRegDst : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
oMemRead : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
oALURes : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
end component;
component full_adder_N is
generic(N : integer := 32);
port(i_Xv : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
i_Yv : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
i_Cv : in std_logic;
o_Sv : out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
o_Cv : out std_logic);
end component;
-- Control Unit Component
component controlunit is
opcode : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); -- Takes in the opcode field of an instruction
funct : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); -- Takes in the funct field of an instruction
regDst : out std_logic; -- Determines whether the destination register is rt or rd
branch : out std_logic; -- Determines whether the instruction is a branch
jump : out std_logic; -- Determines whether the instruction is a jump
jr : out std_logic;
jal : out std_logic;
memRead : out std_logic; -- Determines whether the instruction reads memory
memToReg : out std_logic; -- Determines whether the instruction writes memory to register
ALUOp : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Determines the ALU operation
memWrite : out std_logic; -- Sets Memory write
ALUSrc : out std_logic; -- Determines the second ALU operand
regWrite : out std_logic; -- Determines whether the instruction writes to a register
extender : out std_logic; -- determines whether a value is zero extended or sign extended
halt : out std_logic); -- Determines whether the instruction is a halt
end component;
-- Extender Component
component zero_extender is
generic(INPUT_WIDTH : integer);
port (
inputs : in std_logic_vector(INPUT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Takes in the 16 bit immediate field of an instruction
outputs : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)); -- Outputs the 32 bit immediate field of an instruction
end component;
component sign_extender is
generic (INPUT_WIDTH : integer);
port (
inputs : in std_logic_vector(INPUT_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); -- **** Input and Output are keywords *****
outputs : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
end component;
-- And Gate
component andg2 is
i_A : in std_logic;
i_B : in std_logic;
o_F : out std_logic);
end component;
-- Registerfile Component
component register_file is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic; -- Reset
WEn : in std_logic; -- Write Enable
WriteR : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Write Select
Read1 : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Read 1 Select
Read2 : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Read 2 Select
data : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Write Data
oRead1 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Data from Register 1
oRead2 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) -- Data from Register 2
end component;
-- ALU Component
component ALU is
generic(N : integer := 32);
i_A : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
i_B : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
i_ALUOP : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
i_shamt : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
o_F : out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
o_Overflow : out std_logic;
o_Zero : out std_logic);
end component;
-- Barrel Shifter Component
component bShifter is
generic(N : integer := 8);
i_X : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 downto 0); -- Input data
i_S0 : in STD_LOGIC; -- Control signal S0 (0 for left, 1 for right)
i_S1 : in STD_LOGIC; -- Control signal S1 (0 for shift, 1 for rotate)
o_Y : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 downto 0)); -- Output data
end component;
-- Fetch Component
component fetch is
port(iCLK : in std_logic; --clock
iRST : in std_logic; --reset
i_A : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --input PC address
i_B : in std_logic_vector(29 downto 0); --input PC address
o_B : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --output address from program counter
o_A : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)); --output address from program counter
end component;
-- 32b Mux Component
component mux_32x1 is
Inputs : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
Selects : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
Output : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
end component;
component mux2t1_N is
generic(N : integer);
port (
i_S : in std_logic;
i_D0 : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
i_D1 : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
o_O : out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0));
end component;
component pc_reg is
port(i_CLK : in std_logic; -- Clock input
i_RST : in std_logic; -- Reset input
i_WE : in std_logic; -- Write enable input
i_D : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Data value input
o_Q : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)); -- Data value output
end component;
-- Required data memory signals
signal s_DMemWr : std_logic; -- TODO: use this signal as the final active high data memory write enable signal
signal s_DMemAddr : std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); -- TODO: use this signal as the final data memory address input
signal s_DMemData : std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); -- TODO: use this signal as the final data memory data input
signal s_DMemOut : std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); -- TODO: use this signal as the data memory output
-- Required register file signals
signal s_RegWr : std_logic; -- TODO: use this signal as the final active high write enable input to the register file
signal s_RegWrAddr,s_rd_add_ex : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- TODO: use this signal as the final destination register address input
signal s_RegWrData : std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); -- TODO: use this signal as the final data memory data input
signal s_RegReadData1 : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); -- RegFile output 1
--signal s_RegReadData2 : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); -- RegFile output 2
-- Required instruction memory signals
signal s_IMemAddr : std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); -- Do not assign this signal, assign to s_NextInstAddr instead
signal s_NextInstAddr : std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); -- TODO: use this signal as your intended final instruction memory address input.
signal s_Inst,s_Inst_de : std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); -- TODO: use this signal as the instruction signal
-- Required halt signal -- for simulation
signal s_Halt, s_halt_temp, s_regWr_temp : std_logic; -- TODO: this signal indicates to the simulation that intended program execution has completed. (Opcode: 01 0100)
-- Required overflow signal -- for overflow exception detection
signal s_Ovfl, s_ovfl_ex, s_ovfl_mem, s_extender : std_logic; -- TODO: this signal indicates an overflow exception would have been initiated
--Josh's added signals (feel free to change if you find redundancy or errors)
signal s_zeroToFetch : std_logic; --zero signal output from alu that goes to fetch
signal s_branch : std_logic; --branch output from control unit to fetch logic
signal s_jump : std_logic; --jump output from control to fetch logic
signal s_stall, s_flush, s_stall_r, s_flush_r : std_logic; -- stall the program, flush
--signal s_signExtended : std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
-- TODO: You may add any additional signals or components your implementation
-- requires below this comment
-- MUX control Signals
signal s_regDst : std_logic; -- MUX control signal for RegDst.
signal s_alusrc : std_logic; -- MUX control signal for aluSRC.
--MUX Output Signals
signal s_ALU2,s_temp : std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); -- MUX Output signal for ALUSRC that feeds to ALU port 2
--Instruction Splices
signal s_inst_32b ,s_inst_32b_exreg, s_inst_32b_zero , s_inst_32b_sign ,s_rd1_ex ,s_rd2_ex , s_rd2_mem, s_rd1_de, s_rd2_de : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH -1 downto 0); -- sign extended form of 15-0 bits of inst.
signal s_25_21,s_25_21_ex, s_20_16,s_20_16_ex,s_bufferRegDst, s_reg_dest_mem, s_reg_dest_wb : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
signal s_25_0: std_logic_vector(25 downto 0);
signal s_31_26, s_5_0: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
--PC count passthroughs
signal s_PCPlus4_passthrough, s_currentAddr,s_PCPlus4_passthrough_ex,s_PCPlus4_passthrough_mem : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); -- passed through PCPlus4 for state reg
--Control signals
signal s_ALUOP,s_shamt,s_rd_id_ex_out : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- control signal
signal s_MemToReg,s_regWR_CTL_IFReg : std_logic;
signal s_nextInst,s_notJumpAddress, s_memtoregbuff,main_plusFour,mux2fetch : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal s_ALURES, s_ALURES_mem, s_dMemtoMux, s_AddressToMux : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
SIGNAL s_wb_control_temp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
--control passthroughs
signal s_control_id_ex, s_control_ex, s_control_wb: std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
signal s_control_mem, s_control_mem_in : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); -- TODO
signal s_wb_memtoReg : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- temp control signal
signal s_id_ex_control_15b: std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
signal s_regdst_ex : std_logic;
SIGNAL s_shitty_immediate_value : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0);
--jump control
signal s_jr, s_jal : std_logic;
signal s_jump_target, s_branch_target, s_vhdlSucks, s_PCSrc_next : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);--self explanatory, except VHDL sucks is the legacy final target signal.
signal s_DMemWr_buffer: std_logic;
SIGNAL s_pcWrite, s_we_pcreg, s_pc_src_reg : STD_LOGIC;
--implement TODO PC + 4 to $31, when JAL
-- on JR set next instruction to $31
--mux set nextInstr to JR that loads $31 when opcode == JR
--OvFL detection
-- TODO: This is required to be your final input to your instruction memory. This provides a feasible method to externally load the memory module which means that the synthesis tool must assume it knows nothing about the values stored in the instruction memory. If this is not included, much, if not all of the design is optimized out because the synthesis tool will believe the memory to be all zeros.
with iInstLd select
s_IMemAddr <= s_NextInstAddr when '0',
iInstAddr when others;
IMem: mem
generic map(ADDR_WIDTH => ADDR_WIDTH,
port map(clk => iCLK,
addr => s_IMemAddr(11 downto 2),
data => iInstExt,
we => iInstLd,
q => s_Inst);
-- oALUOut <= s_oALUOut; -- connect signal to output port
--s_DMemData <= s_RegReadData2;
oALUOut <= s_DMemAddr;
s_25_21 <= s_Inst_de(25 downto 21);
s_20_16 <= s_Inst_de(20 downto 16);
s_25_0 <= s_Inst_de(25 downto 0);
s_31_26 <= s_Inst_de(31 downto 26);
s_5_0 <= s_Inst_de(5 downto 0);
-- Instruction Memory
--s_control_id_ex <= s_Inst_de(11 downto 0)
pcreg: pc_reg
port map(i_CLK => iCLK, -- Clock input
i_RST => iRST,-- Reset input
i_WE => '1', -- Write enable input
i_D => s_nextInst, -- Data value input
o_Q => s_NextInstAddr); -- Data value output
fetch_hack: fetch
port map(
iCLK => iCLK,
iRST => iRST,
i_A => s_IMemAddr,
o_A => s_PCSrc_next,--PC plus 4
i_B => s_inst_32b_exreg(29 downto 0),
o_B => s_temp
s_pc_src_reg <= '1' WHEN (s_control_id_ex(7) = '1') ELSE -- MUX to correct for branch not taken.
'1' WHEN s_control_id_ex(8) = '1' AND s_vhdlSucks = s_branch_target ELSE
-- s_PCSrc_next <= s_IMemAddr + X"00000004";
mux_PCSrc: mux2t1_N
generic map(N => 32)
port map(
i_S => s_pc_src_reg, --Whoops, this should be MemWrite not RegWr
i_D0 => s_PCSrc_next,
i_D1 => s_vhdlSucks,
o_O => s_nextInst
if_id: if_id_reg
generic map(N => 96)
port map(
iCLK => iCLK, -- Clock
iRST => iRST, -- Reset
iWE => '1', -- Write Enable
currentPC => s_IMemAddr, -- Holds Current PC Address
pcPlus4 => s_nextInst, -- Holds PC+4 Address
instruction => s_Inst(31 downto 0), -- Holds Instruction
oCurrentPC => s_currentAddr, -- Outputs Current PC Address
oPCPlus4 => s_PCPlus4_passthrough, -- Outputs PC+4 Address
oInstruction=> s_Inst_de(31 downto 0) -- Outputs Instruction
); -- Outputs Flush
ctrl_unit: controlunit
port map(
opcode => s_31_26,
funct => s_5_0,
regDst => s_regDst,-- To MUX control
branch => s_branch,-- To AND gate
jump => s_jump, -- To jump MUX
jr => s_jr,
jal => s_jal,
memRead => open, -- To DMem
memToReg => s_MemToReg,-- to DMem output MUX
ALUOp => s_ALUOP,-- to ALU
memWrite => s_DMemWr_buffer,-- to Dmem
ALUSrc => s_alusrc,-- to Mux before ALU
regWrite => s_regWr_temp,-- to Regfile
extender => s_extender,
halt => s_halt_temp-- AS required. All Instructions Complete or Machine cessation.
jalAddr: mux2t1_N
generic map(N => 5)
port map(i_S => s_jal,
i_D0 => s_20_16, --rt is taking the place of rd,
i_D1 => "11111", -- 31
o_O => s_bufferRegDst);
RegFile: register_file
port map(
clk => iCLK,
rst => iRST,
WEn => s_RegWr, -- to be passed from WB
Read1 => s_25_21,
Read2 => s_20_16,
WriteR => s_reg_dest_wb,
data => s_RegWrData(N-1 downto 0),
oRead1 => s_rd1_de,
oRead2 => s_rd2_de
s_RegReadData1 <= s_rd1_de;
s_id_ex_control_15b(14 downto 10) <= s_ALUOP;
s_id_ex_control_15b(9) <= s_ALUSrc;
s_id_ex_control_15b(8) <= s_branch;
s_id_ex_control_15b(7) <= s_jump;
s_id_ex_control_15b(6) <= s_jr;
s_id_ex_control_15b(5) <= s_jal;
s_id_ex_control_15b(4) <= s_regWr_temp;
s_id_ex_control_15b(3) <= s_MemToReg;
s_id_ex_control_15b(2) <= s_DMemWr_buffer;
s_id_ex_control_15b(1) <= s_alusrc;
s_id_ex_control_15b(0) <= s_halt_temp;
m_sign_ex: sign_extender
generic map(INPUT_WIDTH => 16)
port map (
inputs => s_Inst_de(15 downto 0),
outputs => s_inst_32b_sign(DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0)
m_zero_ex: zero_extender
generic map(INPUT_WIDTH => 16)
port Map(
inputs => s_Inst_de(15 downto 0),
outputs => s_inst_32b_zero(DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0)
extender_mux: mux2t1_N
generic map(N => 32)
port map(i_S => s_extender, -- 0 for sign, 1 for zero
i_D0 => s_inst_32b_sign, --rt is taking the place of rd,
i_D1 => s_inst_32b_zero, -- 31
o_O => s_inst_32b
id_ex: id_ex_reg
generic map(N => 164)
port map(
iCLK => iCLK, -- Clock
iRST => iRST, -- Reset
iWE => '1', -- Write Enable
regdst => s_regDst,
shamt => s_Inst_de(10 downto 6),
control => s_id_ex_control_15b, -- Control Signals
pcPlus4 => s_PCPlus4_passthrough, -- PC+4
readData1 => s_rd1_de, -- Read Data 1 from Register File
readData2 => s_rd2_de, -- Read Data 2 from Register File
signExtend => s_inst_32b, -- Sign Extended Immediate
rsAddress => s_25_21, -- Register Address 1
rtAddress => s_20_16, -- Register Address 2
rdAddress => s_inst_de(15 downto 11), -- Register Address 3
oregdst => s_regdst_ex,
oControl => s_control_id_ex,
oShamt => s_shamt,
oPcPlus4 => s_PCPlus4_passthrough_ex, -- TODO Make more signals``
oReadData1 => s_rd1_ex,
oReadData2 => s_rd2_ex,
oSignExtend => s_inst_32b_exreg,
oRsAddress => s_25_21_ex,
oRtAddress => s_20_16_ex,
oRdAddress => s_rd_add_ex
mux_reg_dst: mux2t1_N -- MOVE TO EX STAGE
generic map(N => 5)
port map(
i_S => s_regdst_ex,
i_D1 => s_rd_add_ex,
i_D0 => s_bufferRegDst, -- either normal or address 31 for JAL
o_O => s_rd_id_ex_out
mux_alusrc: mux2t1_N
generic map(N => 32)
port map(
i_S => s_control_id_ex(9),
i_D0 => s_rd2_ex(DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0),
i_D1 => s_inst_32b_exreg(DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0),
o_O => s_ALU2
alu_inst: ALU
port map(
i_A => s_rd1_ex, --Read data input from register file
i_B => s_ALU2, --Read data input after the mux from register file data 2 and the sign extension
i_ALUOP => s_control_id_ex(14 downto 10), --Input from control unit
i_shamt => s_shamt, --control output passthrough from id/ex
o_F => s_ALURES, --output of the ALU that goes to data memory and the mux of the output of data memory
o_Overflow => s_ovfl_ex, --overflow output
o_Zero => s_zeroToFetch --zero output that goes to jump calc
jalDat: mux2t1_N
generic map(N => 32)
port map(i_S => s_jal,
i_D0 => s_ALURES, --ALU output
i_D1 => s_PCPlus4_passthrough_ex,
o_O => s_memtoregbuff);
s_jump_target <= s_PCPlus4_passthrough(31 DOWNTO 28) & (s_inst_32b_exreg(25 DOWNTO 0) & "00");
s_shitty_immediate_value <= s_jump_target OR X"00400000";
-- s_temp <= s_inst_32b(29 downto 0) & "00";
-- 3 branch
-- 4 jump
-- 5 jr
-- 6 jal
add1 : full_adder_N
i_Xv => s_PCPlus4_passthrough_ex,
i_Yv => s_temp,
i_Cv => '0',
o_Sv => s_branch_target,
o_Cv => OPEN
s_vhdlSucks <= s_branch_target WHEN (s_control_id_ex(7) = '0' AND s_control_id_ex(8) = '1' AND s_zeroToFetch = '1' AND s_control_id_ex(14 DOWNTO 10) = "01010") ELSE
--s_rd1_de WHEN (s_control_id_ex(6) = '1') ELSE -- JAL
s_rd1_ex WHEN s_control_id_ex(6) = '1' ELSE -- changed back by one cycle
s_branch_target WHEN (s_control_id_ex(7) = '0' AND s_control_id_ex(8) = '1' AND s_zeroToFetch = '0' AND s_control_id_ex(14 DOWNTO 10) = "01001") ELSE -- BNE
s_shitty_immediate_value WHEN (s_control_id_ex(7) = '1') AND NOT s_control_id_ex(6) = '1' ELSE -- Jump
s_control_mem_in(8 DOWNTO 5) <= "0000"; -- placeholder bits
s_control_mem_in(0) <= s_control_id_ex(4); -- RegWr
s_control_mem_in(1) <= s_control_id_ex(3); -- Mem2Reg
s_control_mem_in(2) <= s_control_id_ex(0); -- Halt
s_control_mem_in(3) <= s_control_id_ex(2); -- MemWrite
s_control_mem_in(4) <= s_Ovfl_ex; -- overflow bit
ex_mem: ex_mem_reg
generic map(N => 110)
port map(
iCLK => iCLK,
iRST => iRST,
iWE => '1',
control => s_control_mem_in,--s_control_mem_in, --TODO needs certain bits
pcPlus4 => s_PCPlus4_passthrough_ex,--Needs fetch/jump handling logic,
regDst => s_rd_id_ex_out,-- Stores Destination Register Address
ALURes => s_memtoregbuff,
readData2 => s_rd2_ex,
oControl => s_control_mem(8 downto 0),
oPCPlus4 => s_PCPlus4_passthrough_mem,
oRegDst => s_reg_dest_mem,
oALURes => s_DMemAddr, -- Goes to DMem
oReadData2 => s_DMemData
-- Data Memory
DMem: mem
generic map(ADDR_WIDTH => ADDR_WIDTH,
port map(clk => iCLK,
addr => s_DMemAddr(11 downto 2),
data => s_DMemData,
we => s_control_mem(2),
q => s_DMemOut);
s_wb_control_temp(2 downto 0) <= s_control_mem(2 downto 0);
s_wb_control_temp(3) <= s_control_mem(4); -- ovfl
mem_web: mem_wb_reg -- TODO
generic map(N => 73)
port map(
iCLK => iCLK,
iRST => iRST,
iWE => '1',
control => s_wb_control_temp, -- What signals are needed?
regDst => s_reg_dest_mem, -- Stores Destination Register Address
memRead => s_DMemOut, -- Stores Data Read from Memory
ALURes => s_dMemAddr, -- Stores Result of ALU
oControl => s_wb_memtoReg, -- See input above
oRegDst => s_reg_dest_wb,
oMemRead => s_dMemtoMux,
oALURes => s_AddressToMux
s_Ovfl <= s_wb_memtoReg(3); -- Overflow handling. Hopefully.
mux_memToReg: mux2t1_N
generic map(N => 32)
port map(
i_S => s_wb_memtoReg(1), --bit 0, regWr, bit 1, MemToReg
i_D0 => s_AddressToMux,
i_D1 => s_dMemtoMux,
o_O => s_RegWrData(DATA_WIDTH -1 downto 0)
s_Halt <= s_wb_memtoReg(2); -- Halt Signal in Writeback
s_RegWrAddr <= s_reg_dest_wb; -- Write Address written back
s_RegWr <= s_wb_memtoReg(0); -- RegWRite Signal in WB
--s_DMemData <= s_oALUOut;
-- jReg: mux2t1_N -- mux for JR
-- generic map(N => 32)
-- port map(i_S => s_jr,
-- i_D0 => s_notJumpAddress,
-- i_D1 => s_RegReadData1,
-- o_O => s_NextInstAddr);
-- jReg2: mux2t1_N
-- generic map(N => 32)
-- port map(i_S => s_jr,
-- i_D0 => s_IMemAddr,
-- i_D1 => s_RegReadData1,
-- o_O => mux2fetch);
-- Fetch_Logic: fetch
-- generic map(N => 32)
-- port map(
-- i_CLK => iCLK,
-- i_RST => iRST,
-- i_A => s_IMemAddr, --pc address input, example:10010000
-- i_signExt => s_inst_32b, --sign extended 32 bit number after the sign extension from 16 to 32
-- i_mem => s_25_0, --gives 26 bit value from instructin memory
-- i_zero => s_zeroToFetch, --zero input from ALU
-- i_jump => s_jump, --jump input from control unit
-- i_branch => s_branch, --branch input value from control unit
-- i_enable => '1', --enable from register(PC) or not - (we can probably get rid of this and just input 1 into the enable for the PC register within fetch)
-- i_ALUOP => s_ALUOP,
-- i_jr => s_jr,
-- i_jrdat => s_RegReadData1,
-- o_plusFour => main_plusFour,
-- o_A => s_nextInst --output of the last mux that then inputs back into the PC register
-- );
-- reg_fetch_decode: mux32t1
--Jump: mux2t1_N
--generic map(N => 32)
-- port map(i_S => s_jump,
-- i_D0 => s_normalOrBranch,
-- i_D1 => s_finalJumpAddress,
-- o_O => s_inputPC);
-- TODO: Ensure that s_Halt is connected to an output control signal produced from decoding the Halt instruction (Opcode: 01 0100)
-- TODO: Ensure that s_Ovfl is connected to the overflow output of your ALU
-- TODO: Implement the rest of your processor below this comment!
end structure;
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