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* Copyright (C) 2015 - 2016 Bosch Sensortec GmbH
* File :bmi088_gyro.c
* Date: 30 Oct 2017
* Revision:
* Usage: Sensor Driver for BMI088 family of sensors
* Disclaimer
* Common:
* Bosch Sensortec products are developed for the consumer goods industry.
* They may only be used within the parameters of the respective valid
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* safety or security sensitive systems or any system or device
* that may lead to bodily harm or property damage if the system
* or device malfunctions. In addition,Bosch Sensortec products are
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* The Software is specifically designed for the exclusive use for
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* otherwise stipulated in mandatory applicable law.
* The Information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable.
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* No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or
* patent rights of Bosch. Specifications mentioned in the Information are
* subject to change without notice.
/*! \file bmi088_gyro.c
\brief Sensor Driver for BMI088 family of sensors */
/**\name Header files
#include "bmi088.h"
/**\name Local structures
/*! Static Function Declarations
* @brief This API is used to validate the device structure pointer for
* null conditions.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi088_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
static uint16_t null_ptr_check(struct bmi088_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the data ready interrupt for gyro sensor.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi088_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi088_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
static uint16_t set_gyro_data_ready_int(const struct bmi088_int_cfg *int_config, struct bmi088_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configures the pins which fire the
* interrupt signal when any interrupt occurs.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi088_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi088_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
static uint16_t set_int_pin_config(const struct bmi088_int_cfg *int_config, struct bmi088_dev *dev);
/**\name Extern Declarations
/**\name Globals
/* Copy of gyro_cfg structure of device structure. It
* prevents overwriting same gyro configuration data */
static struct bmi088_cfg gyro_cfg_copy;
/**\name Function definitions
* @brief This API is the entry point for gyro sensor.
* It performs the selection of I2C/SPI read mechanism according to the
* selected interface and reads the chip-id of gyro sensor.
uint16_t bmi088_gyro_init(struct bmi088_dev *dev)
uint16_t rslt = BMI088_OK;
uint8_t reg_addr, data = 0;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
reg_addr = BMI088_GYRO_CHIP_ID_REG;
/* Read gyro chip id */
rslt |= bmi088_get_gyro_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI088_ONE, dev);
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
/* Assign Chip Id */
dev->gyro_chip_id = data;
/* Initializing gyro sensor parameters with default values */
dev->gyro_cfg.power = BMI088_GYRO_PM_NORMAL;
dev->gyro_cfg.range = BMI088_GYRO_RANGE_2000_DPS;
/* Copying gyro_cfg parameters of device structure to
* gyro_cfg_copy structure to maintain a copy. This will
* help us to prevent writing same configuration data
* again and again */ = dev->;
gyro_cfg_copy.power = dev->gyro_cfg.power;
gyro_cfg_copy.range = dev->gyro_cfg.range;
rslt = BMI088_E_COM_FAIL;
return rslt;
* @brief This API reads the data from the given register address
* of gyro sensor.
uint16_t bmi088_get_gyro_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len, struct bmi088_dev *dev)
uint16_t rslt = BMI088_OK;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
/* Configuring reg_addr for SPI Interface */
if (dev->interface == BMI088_SPI_INTF)
reg_addr = (reg_addr | BMI088_SPI_RD_MASK);
/* read a gyro register */
rslt = dev->read(dev->gyro_id, reg_addr, data, len);
if (rslt != BMI088_OK)
rslt = BMI088_E_COM_FAIL;
return rslt;
* @brief This API writes the given data to the register address
* of gyro sensor.
uint16_t bmi088_set_gyro_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len, struct bmi088_dev *dev)
uint16_t rslt = BMI088_OK;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if ((rslt == BMI088_OK) && (data != NULL) && (len != 0))
/* Configuring reg_addr for SPI Interface */
if (dev->interface == BMI088_SPI_INTF)
reg_addr = (reg_addr & BMI088_SPI_WR_MASK);
/* write to a gyro register */
rslt = dev->write(dev->gyro_id, reg_addr, data, len);
if (rslt != BMI088_OK)
rslt = BMI088_E_COM_FAIL;
return rslt;
* @brief This API resets the gyro sensor.
uint16_t bmi088_gyro_soft_reset(struct bmi088_dev *dev)
uint16_t rslt = BMI088_OK;
uint8_t data, reg_addr;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
/* Reset gyro device */
rslt = bmi088_set_gyro_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI088_ONE, dev);
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
/* delay 30 ms after writing reset value to its register */
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the power mode, range and bandwidth
* of gyro sensor.
uint16_t bmi088_set_gyro_meas_conf(struct bmi088_dev *dev)
uint16_t rslt = BMI088_OK;
uint8_t reg_addr;
bool is_range_invalid = false, is_odr_invalid = false;
uint8_t odr, range;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
odr = dev->gyro_cfg.odr;
range = dev->gyro_cfg.range;
/* Check if range is not previously configured range */
if (range != gyro_cfg_copy.range)
/* Check for valid range */
if (range <= BMI088_GYRO_RANGE_125_DPS)
reg_addr = BMI088_GYRO_RANGE_REG;
/* Write range value to range register */
rslt = bmi088_set_gyro_regs(reg_addr, &range, BMI088_ONE, dev);
/* If rslt is ok, copy the current range to previous range to maintain a copy */
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
gyro_cfg_copy.range = range;
/* Set range as invalid */
is_range_invalid = true;
/* Check if odr is not previously configured odr */
if (odr != gyro_cfg_copy.odr)
/* Check for valid odr */
if (odr <= BMI088_GYRO_BW_32_ODR_100_HZ)
/* Write odr value to odr register */
rslt = bmi088_set_gyro_regs(reg_addr, &odr, BMI088_ONE, dev);
/* If rslt is ok, copy the current odr to previous odr to maintain a copy */
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
gyro_cfg_copy.odr = odr;
/* Set odr as invalid */
is_odr_invalid = true;
/* If invalid conditions take place, make rslt as invalid */
if ((is_range_invalid) || (is_odr_invalid))
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the power mode of the gyro sensor.
uint16_t bmi088_set_gyro_power_mode(struct bmi088_dev *dev)
uint16_t rslt = BMI088_OK;
uint8_t reg_addr, power;
bool is_power_switching_mode_valid = true;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
power = dev->gyro_cfg.power;
/* Check if power is not previously configured power */
if (power != gyro_cfg_copy.power)
/* Check for invalid power switching (i.e) deep suspend to suspend */
if ((power == BMI088_GYRO_PM_SUSPEND) && (gyro_cfg_copy.power == BMI088_GYRO_PM_DEEP_SUSPEND))
is_power_switching_mode_valid = false;
/* Check for invalid power switching (i.e) from suspend to deep suspend */
if ((power == BMI088_GYRO_PM_DEEP_SUSPEND) && (gyro_cfg_copy.power == BMI088_GYRO_PM_SUSPEND))
is_power_switching_mode_valid = false;
/* Check if power switching mode is valid*/
if (is_power_switching_mode_valid)
reg_addr = BMI088_GYRO_LPM1_REG;
/* Write power to power register */
rslt = bmi088_set_gyro_regs(reg_addr, &power, BMI088_ONE, dev);
/* If rslt is fine, copy current power to previous power to maintain a copy */
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
gyro_cfg_copy.power = power;
return rslt;
* @brief This API reads the gyro data from the sensor,
* store it in the bmi088_sensor_data structure instance
* passed by the user.
uint16_t bmi088_get_gyro_data(struct bmi088_sensor_data *gyro, struct bmi088_dev *dev)
uint16_t rslt = BMI088_OK;
uint8_t index = 0, reg_addr, data[6];
uint32_t lsb, msb, msblsb;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if ((rslt == BMI088_OK) && (gyro != NULL))
reg_addr = BMI088_GYRO_X_LSB_REG;
/* read gyro sensor data */
rslt = bmi088_get_gyro_regs(reg_addr, data, BMI088_SIX, dev);
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
lsb = (uint32_t)data[index++];
msb = (uint32_t)data[index++];
msblsb = (msb << BMI088_EIGHT) | lsb;
gyro->x = (int16_t)msblsb; /* Data in X axis */
lsb = (uint32_t)data[index++];
msb = (uint32_t)data[index++];
msblsb = (msb << BMI088_EIGHT) | lsb;
gyro->y = (int16_t)msblsb; /* Data in Y axis */
lsb = (uint32_t)data[index++];
msb = (uint32_t)data[index++];
msblsb = (msb << BMI088_EIGHT) | lsb;
gyro->z = (int16_t)msblsb; /* Data in Z axis */
return rslt;
* @brief This API configures the necessary gyro interrupt
* based on the user settings in the bmi088_int_cfg
* structure instance.
uint16_t bmi088_set_gyro_int_config(const struct bmi088_int_cfg *int_config, struct bmi088_dev *dev)
uint16_t rslt = BMI088_OK;
switch (int_config->gyro_int_type)
/* Data ready interrupt */
rslt = set_gyro_data_ready_int(int_config, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API enables or disables the Gyro Self test feature in the
* sensor.
uint16_t bmi088_set_gyro_selftest(uint8_t selftest, struct bmi088_dev *dev)
uint16_t rslt = BMI088_OK;
uint8_t reg_addr, data = 0;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
/* Check for valid selftest input */
if ((selftest == BMI088_ENABLE) || (selftest == BMI088_DISABLE))
reg_addr = BMI088_GYRO_SELF_TEST_REG;
/* Read self test register */
rslt = bmi088_get_gyro_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI088_ONE, dev);
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
/* Enable self-test */
data = BMI088_SET_BITSLICE(data, BMI088_GYRO_SELF_TEST_EN, selftest);
/* write self test input value to self-test register */
rslt = bmi088_set_gyro_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI088_ONE, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API checks whether the self test functionality of the
* gyro sensor is working or not.
uint16_t bmi088_perform_gyro_selftest(int8_t *result, struct bmi088_dev *dev)
uint16_t rslt = BMI088_OK;
uint8_t reg_addr, data = 0, loop_break = 1;
*result = BMI088_SELFTEST_FAIL;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
/* Enable the gyro self-test */
rslt = bmi088_set_gyro_selftest(BMI088_ENABLE, dev);
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
/* Loop till self-test ready bit is set */
while (loop_break)
reg_addr = BMI088_GYRO_SELF_TEST_REG;
/* Read self-test register to check if self-test ready bit is set */
rslt = bmi088_get_gyro_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI088_ONE, dev);
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
/* If self-test ready bit is set, exit the loop */
if (data)
loop_break = 0;
/* Exit the loop in case of communication failure */
loop_break = 0;
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
/* Read self-test register to check for self-test Ok bit */
rslt = bmi088_get_gyro_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI088_ONE, dev);
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
/* Update the self-test result based on self-test Ok bit */
if (!data)
*result = BMI088_SELFTEST_PASS;
return rslt;
/* Static function definition */
* @brief This API is used to validate the device structure pointer for
* null conditions.
static uint16_t null_ptr_check(struct bmi088_dev *dev)
uint16_t rslt;
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->read == NULL) || (dev->write == NULL) || (dev->delay_ms == NULL))
/* Device structure pointer is not valid */
rslt = BMI088_E_NULL_PTR;
/* Device structure is fine */
rslt = BMI088_OK;
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the data ready interrupt for gyro sensor.
static uint16_t set_gyro_data_ready_int(const struct bmi088_int_cfg *int_config, struct bmi088_dev *dev)
uint16_t rslt = BMI088_OK;
uint8_t reg_addr, data;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if ((rslt == BMI088_OK) && (int_config != NULL))
reg_addr = BMI088_GYRO_INT_CTRL_REG;
/* Data to enable new data ready interrupt */
/* write data to interrupt control register */
rslt = bmi088_set_gyro_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI088_ONE, dev);
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
reg_addr = BMI088_GYRO_INT3_INT4_IO_MAP_REG;
/* update data to map data ready interrupt to appropriate pins */
if (int_config->gyro_int_channel == BMI088_INT_CHANNEL_3)
if (int_config->gyro_int_channel == BMI088_INT_CHANNEL_4)
if (int_config->gyro_int_channel == BMI088_INT_CHANNEL_BOTH)
/* write data to interrupt map register */
rslt = bmi088_set_gyro_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI088_ONE, dev);
/* Configure interrupt pin */
rslt |= set_int_pin_config(int_config, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configures the pins which fire the
* interrupt signal when any interrupt occurs.
static uint16_t set_int_pin_config(const struct bmi088_int_cfg *int_config, struct bmi088_dev *dev)
uint16_t rslt = BMI088_OK;
uint8_t reg_addr, data;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if ((rslt == BMI088_OK) && (int_config != NULL))
reg_addr = BMI088_GYRO_INT3_INT4_IO_CONF_REG;
/* Read interrupt configuration register */
rslt = bmi088_get_gyro_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI088_ONE, dev);
if (rslt == BMI088_OK)
/* Interrupt pin or channel 3 */
if (int_config->gyro_int_channel == BMI088_INT_CHANNEL_3)
/* Update data with user configured bmi088_int_cfg structure */
data = BMI088_SET_BITSLICE(data, BMI088_GYRO_INT3_LVL, int_config->gyro_int_pin_3_cfg.lvl);
data = BMI088_SET_BITSLICE(data, BMI088_GYRO_INT3_OD, int_config->gyro_int_pin_3_cfg.output_mode);
/* Interrupt pin or channel 4 */
if (int_config->gyro_int_channel == BMI088_INT_CHANNEL_4)
/* Update data with user configured bmi088_int_cfg structure */
data = BMI088_SET_BITSLICE(data, BMI088_GYRO_INT4_LVL, int_config->gyro_int_pin_4_cfg.lvl);
data = BMI088_SET_BITSLICE(data, BMI088_GYRO_INT4_OD, int_config->gyro_int_pin_4_cfg.output_mode);
/* Both Interrupt pins or channels */
if (int_config->gyro_int_channel == BMI088_INT_CHANNEL_BOTH)
/* Update data with user configured bmi088_int_cfg structure */
data = BMI088_SET_BITSLICE(data, BMI088_GYRO_INT3_LVL, int_config->gyro_int_pin_3_cfg.lvl);
data = BMI088_SET_BITSLICE(data, BMI088_GYRO_INT3_OD, int_config->gyro_int_pin_3_cfg.output_mode);
data = BMI088_SET_BITSLICE(data, BMI088_GYRO_INT4_LVL, int_config->gyro_int_pin_4_cfg.lvl);
data = BMI088_SET_BITSLICE(data, BMI088_GYRO_INT4_OD, int_config->gyro_int_pin_4_cfg.output_mode);
/* write to interrupt configuration register */
rslt = bmi088_set_gyro_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI088_ONE, dev);
return rslt;
/** @}*/
* Copyright (C) 2015 - 2016 Bosch Sensortec GmbH
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of the
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
* The information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable.
* The copyright holder assumes no responsibility
* for the consequences of use
* of such information nor for any infringement of patents or
* other rights of third parties which may result from its use.
* No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or
* patent rights of the copyright holder.
* @file bmi160.c
* @date 6 Apr 2017
* @version 3.4.0
* @brief
* @defgroup bmi160
* @brief
* @{*/
#include "bmi160.h"
/* Static function declarations */
* @brief This API configures the pins to fire the
* interrupt signal when it occurs.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_intr_pin_config(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the any-motion interrupt of the sensor.
* This interrupt occurs when accel values exceeds preset threshold
* for a certain period of time.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_accel_any_motion_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets tap interrupts.Interrupt is fired when
* tap movements happen.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_accel_tap_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the data ready interrupt for both accel and gyro.
* This interrupt occurs when new accel and gyro data come.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_accel_gyro_data_ready_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the significant motion interrupt of the sensor.This
* interrupt occurs when there is change in user location.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_accel_sig_motion_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the no motion/slow motion interrupt of the sensor.
* Slow motion is similar to any motion interrupt.No motion interrupt
* occurs when slope bet. two accel values falls below preset threshold
* for preset duration.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_accel_no_motion_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the step detection interrupt.This interrupt
* occurs when the single step causes accel values to go above
* preset threshold.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_accel_step_detect_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the orientation interrupt of the sensor.This
* interrupt occurs when there is orientation change in the sensor
* with respect to gravitational field vector g.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_accel_orientation_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the flat interrupt of the sensor.This interrupt
* occurs in case of flat orientation
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_accel_flat_detect_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the low-g interrupt of the sensor.This interrupt
* occurs during free-fall.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_accel_low_g_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the high-g interrupt of the sensor.The interrupt
* occurs if the absolute value of acceleration data of any enabled axis
* exceeds the programmed threshold and the sign of the value does not
* change for a preset duration.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_accel_high_g_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the default configuration parameters of accel & gyro.
* Also maintain the previous state of configurations.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static void default_param_settg(struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to validate the device structure pointer for
* null conditions.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t null_ptr_check(const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API set the accel configuration.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_accel_conf(struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API check the accel configuration.
* @param[in] data : Pointer to store the updated accel config.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t check_accel_config(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API process the accel odr.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t process_accel_odr(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API process the accel bandwidth.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t process_accel_bw(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API process the accel range.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t process_accel_range(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API checks the invalid settings for ODR & Bw for Accel and Gyro.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t check_invalid_settg(const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API set the gyro configuration.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_gyro_conf(struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API check the gyro configuration.
* @param[in] data : Pointer to store the updated gyro config.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t check_gyro_config(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API process the gyro odr.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t process_gyro_odr(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API process the gyro bandwidth.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t process_gyro_bw(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API process the gyro range.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t process_gyro_range(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the accel power mode.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_accel_pwr(struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API process the undersampling setting of Accel.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t process_under_sampling(uint8_t *data,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the gyro power mode.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_gyro_pwr(struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads accel data along with sensor time if time is requested
* by user. Kindly refer the user guide( for more info.
* @param[in] len : len to read no of bytes
* @param[out] accel : Structure pointer to store accel data
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t get_accel_data(uint8_t len, struct bmi160_sensor_data *accel, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads accel data along with sensor time if time is requested
* by user. Kindly refer the user guide( for more info.
* @param[in] len : len to read no of bytes
* @param[out] gyro : Structure pointer to store accel data
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t get_gyro_data(uint8_t len, struct bmi160_sensor_data *gyro, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads accel and gyro data along with sensor time
* if time is requested by user.
* Kindly refer the user guide( for more info.
* @param[in] len : len to read no of bytes
* @param[out] accel : Structure pointer to store accel data
* @param[out] gyro : Structure pointer to store accel data
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t get_accel_gyro_data(uint8_t len, struct bmi160_sensor_data *accel, struct bmi160_sensor_data *gyro,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API enables the any-motion interrupt for accel.
* @param[in] any_motion_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_any_mot_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t enable_accel_any_motion_int(const struct bmi160_acc_any_mot_int_cfg *any_motion_int_cfg,
struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API disable the sig-motion interrupt.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t disable_sig_motion_int(const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to any-motion or
* sig-motion interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_sig_any_motion(
const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the source of data(filter & pre-filter)
* for any-motion interrupt.
* @param[in] any_motion_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_any_mot_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_any_motion_src(const struct bmi160_acc_any_mot_int_cfg *any_motion_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the duration and threshold of
* any-motion interrupt.
* @param[in] any_motion_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_any_mot_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_any_dur_threshold(const struct bmi160_acc_any_mot_int_cfg *any_motion_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure necessary setting of any-motion interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] any_motion_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_any_mot_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_any_motion_int_settg(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_acc_any_mot_int_cfg *any_motion_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API enable the data ready interrupt.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t enable_data_ready_int(const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API maps the data ready interrupt to INT pin as per selection.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t map_data_ready_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API enables the no motion/slow motion interrupt.
* @param[in] no_mot_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_no_motion_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t enable_no_motion_int(const struct bmi160_acc_no_motion_int_cfg *no_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the interrupt PIN setting for
* no motion/slow motion interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] no_mot_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_no_motion_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_no_motion_int_settg(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_acc_no_motion_int_cfg *no_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to no motion/slow interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_no_motion(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the source of interrupt for no motion.
* @param[in] no_mot_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_no_motion_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_no_motion_data_src(const struct bmi160_acc_no_motion_int_cfg *no_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the duration and threshold of
* no motion/slow motion interrupt along with selection of no/slow motion.
* @param[in] no_mot_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_no_motion_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_no_motion_dur_thr(const struct bmi160_acc_no_motion_int_cfg *no_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API enables the sig-motion motion interrupt.
* @param[in] sig_mot_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_sig_mot_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t enable_sig_motion_int(const struct bmi160_acc_sig_mot_int_cfg *sig_mot_int_cfg, struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the interrupt PIN setting for
* significant motion interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] sig_mot_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_sig_mot_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_sig_motion_int_settg(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_acc_sig_mot_int_cfg *sig_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the source of data(filter & pre-filter)
* for sig motion interrupt.
* @param[in] sig_mot_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_sig_mot_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_sig_motion_data_src(const struct bmi160_acc_sig_mot_int_cfg *sig_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the threshold, skip and proof time of
* sig motion interrupt.
* @param[in] sig_mot_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_sig_mot_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_sig_dur_threshold(const struct bmi160_acc_sig_mot_int_cfg *sig_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API enables the step detector interrupt.
* @param[in] step_detect_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_step_detect_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t enable_step_detect_int(const struct bmi160_acc_step_detect_int_cfg *step_detect_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to low-g or step detector interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_low_step_detect(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the step detector parameter.
* @param[in] step_detect_int_cfg : Structure instance of
* bmi160_acc_step_detect_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_step_detect(const struct bmi160_acc_step_detect_int_cfg *step_detect_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API enables the single/double tap interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t enable_tap_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_acc_tap_int_cfg *tap_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the interrupt PIN setting for
* tap interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] tap_int_cfg : Structure instance of bmi160_acc_tap_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_tap_int_settg(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_acc_tap_int_cfg *tap_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to single or double tap interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_tap(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the source of data(filter & pre-filter)
* for tap interrupt.
* @param[in] tap_int_cfg : Structure instance of bmi160_acc_tap_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_tap_data_src(const struct bmi160_acc_tap_int_cfg *tap_int_cfg, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the parameters of tap interrupt.
* Threshold, quite, shock, and duration.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] tap_int_cfg : Structure instance of bmi160_acc_tap_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_tap_param(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_acc_tap_int_cfg *tap_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API enable the external mode configuration.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_sec_if(const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the ODR of the auxiliary sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_aux_odr(const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API maps the actual burst read length set by user.
* @param[in] len : Pointer to store the read length.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t map_read_len(uint16_t *len, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the settings of auxiliary sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_aux_settg(const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API extract the read data from auxiliary sensor.
* @param[in] map_len : burst read value.
* @param[in] reg_addr : Address of register to read.
* @param[in] aux_data : Pointer to store the read data.
* @param[in] len : length to read the data.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @note : Refer user guide for detailed info.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t extract_aux_read(uint16_t map_len, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *aux_data, uint16_t len,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API enables the orient interrupt.
* @param[in] orient_int_cfg : Structure instance of bmi160_acc_orient_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t enable_orient_int(const struct bmi160_acc_orient_int_cfg *orient_int_cfg, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to orientation interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_orient(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the necessary setting of orientation interrupt.
* @param[in] orient_int_cfg : Structure instance of bmi160_acc_orient_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_orient_int_settg(const struct bmi160_acc_orient_int_cfg *orient_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API enables the flat interrupt.
* @param[in] flat_int : Structure instance of bmi160_acc_flat_detect_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t enable_flat_int(const struct bmi160_acc_flat_detect_int_cfg *flat_int, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to flat interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_flat(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the necessary setting of flat interrupt.
* @param[in] flat_int : Structure instance of bmi160_acc_flat_detect_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_flat_int_settg(const struct bmi160_acc_flat_detect_int_cfg *flat_int,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API enables the Low-g interrupt.
* @param[in] low_g_int : Structure instance of bmi160_acc_low_g_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t enable_low_g_int(const struct bmi160_acc_low_g_int_cfg *low_g_int, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the source of data(filter & pre-filter) for low-g interrupt.
* @param[in] low_g_int : Structure instance of bmi160_acc_low_g_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_low_g_data_src(const struct bmi160_acc_low_g_int_cfg *low_g_int, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the necessary setting of low-g interrupt.
* @param[in] low_g_int : Structure instance of bmi160_acc_low_g_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_low_g_int_settg(const struct bmi160_acc_low_g_int_cfg *low_g_int, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API enables the high-g interrupt.
* @param[in] high_g_int_cfg : Structure instance of bmi160_acc_high_g_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t enable_high_g_int(const struct bmi160_acc_high_g_int_cfg *high_g_int_cfg, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to High-g interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_high_g(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the source of data(filter & pre-filter)
* for high-g interrupt.
* @param[in] high_g_int_cfg : Structure instance of bmi160_acc_high_g_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_high_g_data_src(const struct bmi160_acc_high_g_int_cfg *high_g_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the necessary setting of high-g interrupt.
* @param[in] high_g_int_cfg : Structure instance of bmi160_acc_high_g_int_cfg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_high_g_int_settg(const struct bmi160_acc_high_g_int_cfg *high_g_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the behavioural setting of interrupt pin.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_int_out_ctrl(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configure the mode(input enable, latch or non-latch) of interrupt pin.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t config_int_latch(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets FIFO full interrupt of the sensor.This interrupt
* occurs when the FIFO is full and the next full data sample would cause
* a FIFO overflow, which may delete the old samples.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t set_fifo_full_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This enable the FIFO full interrupt engine.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t enable_fifo_full_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to FIFO FULL interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_fifo_full(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets FIFO watermark interrupt of the sensor.The FIFO
* watermark interrupt is fired, when the FIFO fill level is above a fifo
* watermark.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t set_fifo_watermark_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This enable the FIFO watermark interrupt engine.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t enable_fifo_wtm_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to FIFO watermark interrupt.
* @param[in] int_config : Structure instance of bmi160_int_settg.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_fifo_wtm(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to reset the FIFO related configurations
* in the fifo_frame structure.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static void reset_fifo_data_structure(const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to read number of bytes filled
* currently in FIFO buffer.
* @param[in] bytes_to_read : Number of bytes available in FIFO at the
* instant which is obtained from FIFO counter.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
static int8_t get_fifo_byte_counter(uint16_t *bytes_to_read, struct bmi160_dev const *dev);
* @brief This API is used to compute the number of bytes of accel FIFO data
* which is to be parsed in header-less mode
* @param[out] data_index : The start index for parsing data
* @param[out] data_read_length : Number of bytes to be parsed
* @param[in] acc_frame_count : Number of accelerometer frames to be read
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
static void get_accel_len_to_parse(uint16_t *data_index, uint16_t *data_read_length, const uint8_t *acc_frame_count,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to parse the accelerometer data from the
* FIFO data in both header mode and header-less mode.
* It updates the idx value which is used to store the index of
* the current data byte which is parsed.
* @param[in,out] acc : structure instance of sensor data
* @param[in,out] idx : Index value of number of bytes parsed
* @param[in,out] acc_idx : Index value of accelerometer data
* (x,y,z axes) frames parsed
* @param[in] frame_info : It consists of either fifo_data_enable
* parameter in header-less mode or
* frame header data in header mode
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static void unpack_accel_frame(struct bmi160_sensor_data *acc, uint16_t *idx, uint8_t *acc_idx, uint8_t frame_info,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to parse the accelerometer data from the
* FIFO data and store it in the instance of the structure bmi160_sensor_data.
* @param[in,out] accel_data : structure instance of sensor data
* @param[in,out] data_start_index : Index value of number of bytes parsed
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static void unpack_accel_data(struct bmi160_sensor_data *accel_data, uint16_t data_start_index,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to parse the accelerometer data from the
* FIFO data in header mode.
* @param[in,out] accel_data : Structure instance of sensor data
* @param[in,out] accel_length : Number of accelerometer frames
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static void extract_accel_header_mode(struct bmi160_sensor_data *accel_data, uint8_t *accel_length,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API computes the number of bytes of gyro FIFO data
* which is to be parsed in header-less mode
* @param[out] data_index : The start index for parsing data
* @param[out] data_read_length : No of bytes to be parsed from FIFO buffer
* @param[in] gyro_frame_count : Number of Gyro data frames to be read
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
static void get_gyro_len_to_parse(uint16_t *data_index, uint16_t *data_read_length, const uint8_t *gyro_frame_count,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to parse the gyroscope's data from the
* FIFO data in both header mode and header-less mode.
* It updates the idx value which is used to store the index of
* the current data byte which is parsed.
* @param[in,out] gyro : structure instance of sensor data
* @param[in,out] idx : Index value of number of bytes parsed
* @param[in,out] gyro_idx : Index value of gyro data
* (x,y,z axes) frames parsed
* @param[in] frame_info : It consists of either fifo_data_enable
* parameter in header-less mode or
* frame header data in header mode
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static void unpack_gyro_frame(struct bmi160_sensor_data *gyro, uint16_t *idx, uint8_t *gyro_idx, uint8_t frame_info,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to parse the gyro data from the
* FIFO data and store it in the instance of the structure bmi160_sensor_data.
* @param[in,out] gyro_data : structure instance of sensor data
* @param[in,out] data_start_index : Index value of number of bytes parsed
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static void unpack_gyro_data(struct bmi160_sensor_data *gyro_data, uint16_t data_start_index,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to parse the gyro data from the
* FIFO data in header mode.
* @param[in,out] gyro_data : Structure instance of sensor data
* @param[in,out] gyro_length : Number of gyro frames
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static void extract_gyro_header_mode(struct bmi160_sensor_data *gyro_data, uint8_t *gyro_length,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API checks the presence of non-valid frames in the read fifo data.
* @param[in,out] data_index : The index of the current data to
* be parsed from fifo data
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static void check_frame_validity(uint16_t *data_index, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to move the data index ahead of the
* current_frame_length parameter when unnecessary FIFO data appears while
* extracting the user specified data.
* @param[in,out] data_index : Index of the FIFO data which
* is to be moved ahead of the
* current_frame_length
* @param[in] current_frame_length : Number of bytes in a particular frame
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmi160_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static void move_next_frame(uint16_t *data_index, uint8_t current_frame_length, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to parse and store the sensor time from the
* FIFO data in the structure instance dev.
* @param[in,out] data_index : Index of the FIFO data which
* has the sensor time.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static void unpack_sensortime_frame(uint16_t *data_index, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to parse and store the skipped_frame_count from
* the FIFO data in the structure instance dev.
* @param[in,out] data_index : Index of the FIFO data which
* has the skipped frame count.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static void unpack_skipped_frame(uint16_t *data_index, const struct bmi160_dev *dev);
/*********************** User function definitions ****************************/
* @brief This API reads the data from the given register address
* of sensor.
int8_t bmi160_get_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMI160_OK;
/* Null-pointer check */
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->read == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* Configuring reg_addr for SPI Interface */
if (dev->interface == BMI160_SPI_INTF)
reg_addr = (reg_addr | BMI160_SPI_RD_MASK);
rslt = dev->read(dev->id, reg_addr, data, len);
/* Kindly refer section 3.2.4 of data-sheet*/
if (rslt != BMI160_OK)
rslt = BMI160_E_COM_FAIL;
return rslt;
* @brief This API writes the given data to the register address
* of sensor.
int8_t bmi160_set_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMI160_OK;
uint8_t count = 0;
/* Null-pointer check */
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->write == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* Configuring reg_addr for SPI Interface */
if (dev->interface == BMI160_SPI_INTF)
reg_addr = (reg_addr & BMI160_SPI_WR_MASK);
if ((dev->prev_accel_cfg.power == BMI160_ACCEL_NORMAL_MODE) ||
(dev->prev_gyro_cfg.power == BMI160_GYRO_NORMAL_MODE)) {
rslt = dev->write(dev->id, reg_addr, data, len);
/* Kindly refer section 3.2.4 of data-sheet*/
} else {
/*Burst write is not allowed in
suspend & low power mode */
for (; count < len; count++) {
rslt = dev->write(dev->id, reg_addr, &data[count], 1);
/* Kindly refer section 3.2.4 of data-sheet*/
if (rslt != BMI160_OK)
rslt = BMI160_E_COM_FAIL;
return rslt;
* @brief This API is the entry point for sensor.It performs
* the selection of I2C/SPI read mechanism according to the
* selected interface and reads the chip-id of bmi160 sensor.
int8_t bmi160_init(struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data;
uint8_t chip_id;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Dummy read of 0x7F register to enable SPI Interface
if SPI is used */
if ((rslt == BMI160_OK) && (dev->interface == BMI160_SPI_INTF))
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_SPI_COMM_TEST_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Read chip_id */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_CHIP_ID_ADDR, &chip_id, 1, dev);
if ((rslt == BMI160_OK) && (chip_id == BMI160_CHIP_ID)) {
dev->chip_id = chip_id;
dev->any_sig_sel = BMI160_BOTH_ANY_SIG_MOTION_DISABLED;
/*Soft reset*/
rslt = bmi160_soft_reset(dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_DEV_NOT_FOUND;
return rslt;
* @brief This API resets and restarts the device.
* All register values are overwritten with default parameters.
int8_t bmi160_soft_reset(const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = BMI160_SOFT_RESET_CMD;
/* Null-pointer check */
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->delay_ms == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* Reset the device */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_COMMAND_REG_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if ((rslt == BMI160_OK) && (dev->interface == BMI160_SPI_INTF)) {
/* Dummy read of 0x7F register to enable SPI Interface
if SPI is used */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_SPI_COMM_TEST_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configures the power mode, range and bandwidth
* of sensor.
int8_t bmi160_set_sens_conf(struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMI160_OK;
/* Null-pointer check */
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->delay_ms == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
rslt = set_accel_conf(dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = set_gyro_conf(dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* write power mode for accel and gyro */
rslt = bmi160_set_power_mode(dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = check_invalid_settg(dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the power mode of the sensor.
int8_t bmi160_set_power_mode(struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
/* Null-pointer check */
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->delay_ms == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
rslt = set_accel_pwr(dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = set_gyro_pwr(dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API reads sensor data, stores it in
* the bmi160_sensor_data structure pointer passed by the user.
int8_t bmi160_get_sensor_data(uint8_t select_sensor, struct bmi160_sensor_data *accel, struct bmi160_sensor_data *gyro,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMI160_OK;
uint8_t time_sel;
uint8_t sen_sel;
uint8_t len = 0;
/*Extract the sensor and time select information*/
sen_sel = select_sensor & BMI160_SEN_SEL_MASK;
time_sel = ((sen_sel & BMI160_TIME_SEL) >> 2);
sen_sel = sen_sel & (BMI160_ACCEL_SEL | BMI160_GYRO_SEL);
if (time_sel == 1)
len = 3;
/* Null-pointer check */
if (dev != NULL) {
switch (sen_sel) {
/* Null-pointer check */
if (accel == NULL)
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
rslt = get_accel_data(len, accel, dev);
case BMI160_GYRO_ONLY:
/* Null-pointer check */
if (gyro == NULL)
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
rslt = get_gyro_data(len, gyro, dev);
/* Null-pointer check */
if ((gyro == NULL) || (accel == NULL))
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
rslt = get_accel_gyro_data(len, accel, gyro, dev);
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
return rslt;
* @brief This API configures the necessary interrupt based on
* the user settings in the bmi160_int_settg structure instance.
int8_t bmi160_set_int_config(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMI160_OK;
switch (int_config->int_type) {
/*Any-motion interrupt*/
rslt = set_accel_any_motion_int(int_config, dev);
/* Significant motion interrupt */
rslt = set_accel_sig_motion_int(int_config, dev);
/* Slow or no motion interrupt */
rslt = set_accel_no_motion_int(int_config, dev);
/* Double tap and single tap Interrupt */
rslt = set_accel_tap_int(int_config, dev);
/* Step detector interrupt */
rslt = set_accel_step_detect_int(int_config, dev);
/* Orientation interrupt */
rslt = set_accel_orientation_int(int_config, dev);
/* Flat detection interrupt */
rslt = set_accel_flat_detect_int(int_config, dev);
case BMI160_ACC_LOW_G_INT:
/* Low-g interrupt */
rslt = set_accel_low_g_int(int_config, dev);
/* High-g interrupt */
rslt = set_accel_high_g_int(int_config, dev);
/* Data ready interrupt */
rslt = set_accel_gyro_data_ready_int(int_config, dev);
/* Fifo full interrupt */
rslt = set_fifo_full_int(int_config, dev);
/* Fifo water-mark interrupt */
rslt = set_fifo_watermark_int(int_config, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API enables or disable the step counter feature.
* 1 - enable step counter (0 - disable)
int8_t bmi160_set_step_counter(uint8_t step_cnt_enable, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt != BMI160_OK) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_STEP_CONFIG_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
if (step_cnt_enable == BMI160_ENABLE)
data |= (uint8_t)(step_cnt_enable << 3);
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_STEP_CONFIG_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API reads the step counter value.
int8_t bmi160_read_step_counter(uint16_t *step_val, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data[2] = {0, 0};
uint16_t msb = 0;
uint8_t lsb = 0;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt != BMI160_OK) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_STEP_CNT_0_ADDR, data, 2, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
lsb = data[0];
msb = data[1] << 8;
*step_val = msb | lsb;
return rslt;
* @brief This API reads the mention no of byte of data from the given
* register address of auxiliary sensor.
int8_t bmi160_aux_read(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *aux_data, uint16_t len, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMI160_OK;
uint16_t map_len = 0;
/* Null-pointer check */
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->read == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
if (dev->aux_cfg.aux_sensor_enable == BMI160_ENABLE) {
rslt = map_read_len(&map_len, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = extract_aux_read(map_len, reg_addr, aux_data, len, dev);
} else {
return rslt;
* @brief This API writes the mention no of byte of data to the given
* register address of auxiliary sensor.
int8_t bmi160_aux_write(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *aux_data, uint16_t len, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMI160_OK;
uint8_t count = 0;
/* Null-pointer check */
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->write == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
for (; count < len; count++) {
/* set data to write */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_AUX_IF_4_ADDR, aux_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* set address to write */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_AUX_IF_3_ADDR, &reg_addr, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK && (count < len - 1)) {
return rslt;
* @brief This API initialize the auxiliary sensor
* in order to access it.
int8_t bmi160_aux_init(const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt != BMI160_OK) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
if (dev->aux_cfg.aux_sensor_enable == BMI160_ENABLE) {
/* Configures the auxiliary sensor interface settings */
rslt = config_aux_settg(dev);
} else {
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to setup the auxiliary sensor of bmi160 in auto mode
* Thus enabling the auto update of 8 bytes of data from auxiliary sensor
* to BMI160 register address 0x04 to 0x0B
int8_t bmi160_set_aux_auto_mode(uint8_t* data_addr, struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt != BMI160_OK) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
if (dev->aux_cfg.aux_sensor_enable == BMI160_ENABLE) {
/* Write the aux. address to read in 0x4D of BMI160*/
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_AUX_IF_2_ADDR, data_addr, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Disable the aux. manual mode, i.e aux.
sensor is in auto-mode (data-mode) */
dev->aux_cfg.manual_enable = BMI160_DISABLE;
rslt = bmi160_config_aux_mode(dev);
/* Auxiliary sensor data is obtained
in auto mode from this point */
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Configure the polling ODR for
auxiliary sensor */
rslt = config_aux_odr(dev);
} else {
return rslt;
* @brief This API configures the 0x4C register and settings like
* Auxiliary sensor manual enable/ disable and aux burst read length.
int8_t bmi160_config_aux_mode(const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t aux_if[2] = {(uint8_t)(dev->aux_cfg.aux_i2c_addr * 2), 0};
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_AUX_IF_1_ADDR, &aux_if[1], 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* update the Auxiliary interface to manual/auto mode */
aux_if[1] = BMI160_SET_BITS(aux_if[1], BMI160_MANUAL_MODE_EN , dev->aux_cfg.manual_enable);
/* update the burst read length defined by user */
aux_if[1] = BMI160_SET_BITS_POS_0(aux_if[1], BMI160_AUX_READ_BURST , dev->aux_cfg.aux_rd_burst_len);
/* Set the secondary interface address and manual mode
* along with burst read length */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_AUX_IF_0_ADDR, &aux_if[0], 2, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to read the raw uncompensated auxiliary sensor
* data of 8 bytes from BMI160 register address 0x04 to 0x0B
int8_t bmi160_read_aux_data_auto_mode(uint8_t *aux_data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt != BMI160_OK) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
if ((dev->aux_cfg.aux_sensor_enable == BMI160_ENABLE) &&
(dev->aux_cfg.manual_enable == BMI160_DISABLE)) {
/* Read the aux. sensor's raw data */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_AUX_DATA_ADDR, aux_data, 8, dev);
} else {
return rslt;
* @brief This API reads the data from fifo buffer.
int8_t bmi160_get_fifo_data(struct bmi160_dev const *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint16_t bytes_to_read = 0;
uint16_t user_fifo_len = 0;
uint8_t addr = BMI160_FIFO_DATA_ADDR;
/* check the bmi160 structure as NULL*/
if (dev == NULL || dev->fifo->data == NULL) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* get current FIFO fill-level*/
rslt = get_fifo_byte_counter(&bytes_to_read, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
user_fifo_len = dev->fifo->length;
if (dev->fifo->length > bytes_to_read) {
/* Handling the case where user requests
more data than available in FIFO */
dev->fifo->length = bytes_to_read;
if ((dev->fifo->fifo_time_enable == BMI160_FIFO_TIME_ENABLE) && (bytes_to_read + 4 <= user_fifo_len)) {
/* Handling case of sensor time availability */
dev->fifo->length = dev->fifo->length + 4;
/* read only the filled bytes in the FIFO Buffer */
rslt = dev->read(dev->id, addr, dev->fifo->data, dev->fifo->length);
return rslt;
* @brief This API writes fifo_flush command to command register.This
* action clears all data in the Fifo without changing fifo configuration
* settings
int8_t bmi160_set_fifo_flush(const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint8_t data = BMI160_FIFO_FLUSH_VALUE;
uint8_t reg_addr = BMI160_COMMAND_REG_ADDR;
/* Check the bmi160_dev structure for NULL address*/
if (dev == NULL)
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI160_ONE, dev);
return rslt;
/*! @brief This API sets the FIFO configuration in the sensor.
int8_t bmi160_set_fifo_config(uint8_t config, uint8_t enable, struct bmi160_dev const *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t reg_addr = BMI160_FIFO_CONFIG_1_ADDR;
uint8_t fifo_config = config & BMI160_FIFO_CONFIG_1_MASK;
/* Check the bmi160_dev structure for NULL address*/
if (dev == NULL) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI160_ONE, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
if (fifo_config > 0) {
if (enable == BMI160_ENABLE)
data = data | fifo_config;
data = data & (~fifo_config);
/* write fifo frame content configuration*/
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI160_ONE, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* read fifo frame content configuration*/
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI160_ONE, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* extract fifo header enabled status */
dev->fifo->fifo_header_enable = data & BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_ENABLE;
/* extract accel/gyr/aux. data enabled status */
dev->fifo->fifo_data_enable = data & BMI160_FIFO_M_G_A_ENABLE;
/* extract fifo sensor time enabled status */
dev->fifo->fifo_time_enable = data & BMI160_FIFO_TIME_ENABLE;
return rslt;
/*! @brief This API is used to configure the down sampling ratios of
* the accel and gyro data for FIFO.Also, it configures filtered or
* pre-filtered data for accel and gyro.
int8_t bmi160_set_fifo_down(uint8_t fifo_down, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t reg_addr = BMI160_FIFO_DOWN_ADDR;
/* Check the bmi160_dev structure for NULL address*/
if (dev == NULL) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI160_ONE, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
data = data | fifo_down;
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI160_ONE, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the FIFO watermark level in the sensor.
int8_t bmi160_set_fifo_wm(uint8_t fifo_wm, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint8_t data = fifo_wm;
uint8_t reg_addr = BMI160_FIFO_CONFIG_0_ADDR;
/* Check the bmi160_dev structure for NULL address*/
if (dev == NULL)
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(reg_addr, &data, BMI160_ONE, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API parses and extracts the accelerometer frames from
* FIFO data read by the "bmi160_get_fifo_data" API and stores it in
* the "accel_data" structure instance.
int8_t bmi160_extract_accel(struct bmi160_sensor_data *accel_data, uint8_t *accel_length, struct bmi160_dev const *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint16_t data_index = 0;
uint16_t data_read_length = 0;
uint8_t accel_index = 0;
uint8_t fifo_data_enable = 0;
if (dev == NULL || dev->fifo == NULL || dev->fifo->data == NULL) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* Parsing the FIFO data in header-less mode */
if (dev->fifo->fifo_header_enable == 0) {
/* Number of bytes to be parsed from FIFO */
get_accel_len_to_parse(&data_index, &data_read_length, accel_length, dev);
for (; data_index < data_read_length; ) {
/*Check for the availability of next two bytes of FIFO data */
check_frame_validity(&data_index, dev);
fifo_data_enable = dev->fifo->fifo_data_enable;
unpack_accel_frame(accel_data, &data_index, &accel_index, fifo_data_enable, dev);
/* update number of accel data read*/
*accel_length = accel_index;
/*update the accel byte index*/
dev->fifo->accel_byte_start_idx = data_index;
} else {
/* Parsing the FIFO data in header mode */
extract_accel_header_mode(accel_data, &accel_index, dev);
*accel_length = accel_index;
return rslt;
* @brief This API parses and extracts the gyro frames from
* FIFO data read by the "bmi160_get_fifo_data" API and stores it in
* the "gyro_data" structure instance.
int8_t bmi160_extract_gyro(struct bmi160_sensor_data *gyro_data, uint8_t *gyro_length, struct bmi160_dev const *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint16_t data_index = 0;
uint16_t data_read_length = 0;
uint8_t gyro_index = 0;
uint8_t fifo_data_enable = 0;
if (dev == NULL || dev->fifo->data == NULL) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* Parsing the FIFO data in header-less mode */
if (dev->fifo->fifo_header_enable == 0) {
/* Number of bytes to be parsed from FIFO */
get_gyro_len_to_parse(&data_index, &data_read_length, gyro_length, dev);
for (; data_index < data_read_length ;) {
/*Check for the availability of next two bytes of FIFO data */
check_frame_validity(&data_index, dev);
fifo_data_enable = dev->fifo->fifo_data_enable;
unpack_gyro_frame(gyro_data, &data_index, &gyro_index, fifo_data_enable, dev);
/* update number of gyro data read */
*gyro_length = gyro_index;
/* update the gyro byte index */
dev->fifo->gyro_byte_start_idx = data_index;
} else {
/* Parsing the FIFO data in header mode */
extract_gyro_header_mode(gyro_data, &gyro_index, dev);
*gyro_length = gyro_index;
return rslt;
/*********************** Local function definitions ***************************/
* @brief This API sets the any-motion interrupt of the sensor.
* This interrupt occurs when accel values exceeds preset threshold
* for a certain period of time.
static int8_t set_accel_any_motion_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt != BMI160_OK) || (int_config == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* updating the interrupt structure to local structure */
struct bmi160_acc_any_mot_int_cfg *any_motion_int_cfg = &(int_config->int_type_cfg.acc_any_motion_int);
rslt = enable_accel_any_motion_int(any_motion_int_cfg, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = config_any_motion_int_settg(int_config, any_motion_int_cfg, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets tap interrupts.Interrupt is fired when
* tap movements happen.
static int8_t set_accel_tap_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt != BMI160_OK) || (int_config == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* updating the interrupt structure to local structure */
struct bmi160_acc_tap_int_cfg *tap_int_cfg = &(int_config->int_type_cfg.acc_tap_int);
rslt = enable_tap_int(int_config, tap_int_cfg, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Configure Interrupt pins */
rslt = set_intr_pin_config(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = config_tap_int_settg(int_config, tap_int_cfg, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the data ready interrupt for both accel and gyro.
* This interrupt occurs when new accel and gyro data comes.
static int8_t set_accel_gyro_data_ready_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt != BMI160_OK) || (int_config == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
rslt = enable_data_ready_int(dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Configure Interrupt pins */
rslt = set_intr_pin_config(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = map_data_ready_int(int_config, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the significant motion interrupt of the sensor.This
* interrupt occurs when there is change in user location.
static int8_t set_accel_sig_motion_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt != BMI160_OK) || (int_config == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* updating the interrupt structure to local structure */
struct bmi160_acc_sig_mot_int_cfg *sig_mot_int_cfg = &(int_config->int_type_cfg.acc_sig_motion_int);
rslt = enable_sig_motion_int(sig_mot_int_cfg, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = config_sig_motion_int_settg(int_config, sig_mot_int_cfg, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the no motion/slow motion interrupt of the sensor.
* Slow motion is similar to any motion interrupt.No motion interrupt
* occurs when slope bet. two accel values falls below preset threshold
* for preset duration.
static int8_t set_accel_no_motion_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt != BMI160_OK) || (int_config == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* updating the interrupt structure to local structure */
struct bmi160_acc_no_motion_int_cfg *no_mot_int_cfg = &(int_config->int_type_cfg.acc_no_motion_int);
rslt = enable_no_motion_int(no_mot_int_cfg, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
/* Configure the INT PIN settings*/
rslt = config_no_motion_int_settg(int_config, no_mot_int_cfg, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the step detection interrupt.This interrupt
* occurs when the single step causes accel values to go above
* preset threshold.
static int8_t set_accel_step_detect_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt != BMI160_OK) || (int_config == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* updating the interrupt structure to local structure */
struct bmi160_acc_step_detect_int_cfg *step_detect_int_cfg =
rslt = enable_step_detect_int(step_detect_int_cfg, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Configure Interrupt pins */
rslt = set_intr_pin_config(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = map_int_pin_to_low_step_detect(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = config_step_detect(step_detect_int_cfg, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the orientation interrupt of the sensor.This
* interrupt occurs when there is orientation change in the sensor
* with respect to gravitational field vector g.
static int8_t set_accel_orientation_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt != BMI160_OK) || (int_config == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* updating the interrupt structure to local structure */
struct bmi160_acc_orient_int_cfg *orient_int_cfg = &(int_config->int_type_cfg.acc_orient_int);
rslt = enable_orient_int(orient_int_cfg, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Configure Interrupt pins */
rslt = set_intr_pin_config(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* map INT pin to orient interrupt */
rslt = map_int_pin_to_orient(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
/* configure the
* orientation setting*/
rslt = config_orient_int_settg(orient_int_cfg, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the flat interrupt of the sensor.This interrupt
* occurs in case of flat orientation
static int8_t set_accel_flat_detect_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt != BMI160_OK) || (int_config == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* updating the interrupt structure to local structure */
struct bmi160_acc_flat_detect_int_cfg *flat_detect_int = &(int_config->int_type_cfg.acc_flat_int);
/* enable the flat interrupt */
rslt = enable_flat_int(flat_detect_int, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Configure Interrupt pins */
rslt = set_intr_pin_config(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* map INT pin to flat interrupt */
rslt = map_int_pin_to_flat(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
/* configure the flat setting*/
rslt = config_flat_int_settg(flat_detect_int, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the low-g interrupt of the sensor.This interrupt
* occurs during free-fall.
static int8_t set_accel_low_g_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt != BMI160_OK) || (int_config == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* updating the interrupt structure to local structure */
struct bmi160_acc_low_g_int_cfg *low_g_int = &(int_config->int_type_cfg.acc_low_g_int);
/* Enable the low-g interrupt*/
rslt = enable_low_g_int (low_g_int, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Configure Interrupt pins */
rslt = set_intr_pin_config(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Map INT pin to low-g interrupt */
rslt = map_int_pin_to_low_step_detect(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* configure the data source
* for low-g interrupt*/
rslt = config_low_g_data_src(low_g_int, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = config_low_g_int_settg(low_g_int, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the high-g interrupt of the sensor.The interrupt
* occurs if the absolute value of acceleration data of any enabled axis
* exceeds the programmed threshold and the sign of the value does not
* change for a preset duration.
static int8_t set_accel_high_g_int(struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Null-pointer check */
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt != BMI160_OK) || (int_config == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* updating the interrupt structure to local structure */
struct bmi160_acc_high_g_int_cfg *high_g_int_cfg = &(int_config->int_type_cfg.acc_high_g_int);
/* Enable the high-g interrupt */
rslt = enable_high_g_int(high_g_int_cfg, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Configure Interrupt pins */
rslt = set_intr_pin_config(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Map INT pin to high-g interrupt */
rslt = map_int_pin_to_high_g(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* configure the data source
* for high-g interrupt*/
rslt = config_high_g_data_src(high_g_int_cfg, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = config_high_g_int_settg(high_g_int_cfg, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configures the pins to fire the
* interrupt signal when it occurs.
static int8_t set_intr_pin_config(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* configure the behavioural settings of interrupt pin */
rslt = config_int_out_ctrl(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = config_int_latch(int_config, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to validate the device structure pointer for
* null conditions.
static int8_t null_ptr_check(const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->read == NULL) || (dev->write == NULL) || (dev->delay_ms == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* Device structure is fine */
rslt = BMI160_OK;
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the default configuration parameters of accel & gyro.
* Also maintain the previous state of configurations.
static void default_param_settg(struct bmi160_dev *dev)
/* Initializing accel and gyro params with
* default values */
dev->accel_cfg.odr = BMI160_ACCEL_ODR_100HZ;
dev->accel_cfg.power = BMI160_ACCEL_SUSPEND_MODE;
dev->accel_cfg.range = BMI160_ACCEL_RANGE_2G;
dev->gyro_cfg.odr = BMI160_GYRO_ODR_100HZ;
dev->gyro_cfg.power = BMI160_GYRO_SUSPEND_MODE;
dev->gyro_cfg.range = BMI160_GYRO_RANGE_2000_DPS;
/* To maintain the previous state of accel configuration */
dev->prev_accel_cfg = dev->accel_cfg;
/* To maintain the previous state of gyro configuration */
dev->prev_gyro_cfg = dev->gyro_cfg;
* @brief This API set the accel configuration.
static int8_t set_accel_conf(struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data[2] = {0};
rslt = check_accel_config(data, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Write output data rate and bandwidth */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_ACCEL_CONFIG_ADDR, &data[0], 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
dev->prev_accel_cfg.odr = dev->accel_cfg.odr;
dev-> = dev->;
/* write accel range */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_ACCEL_RANGE_ADDR, &data[1], 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
dev->prev_accel_cfg.range = dev->accel_cfg.range;
return rslt;
* @brief This API check the accel configuration.
static int8_t check_accel_config(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* read accel Output data rate and bandwidth */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_ACCEL_CONFIG_ADDR, data, 2, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = process_accel_odr(&data[0], dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = process_accel_bw(&data[0], dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = process_accel_range(&data[1], dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API process the accel odr.
static int8_t process_accel_odr(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t odr = 0;
if (dev->accel_cfg.odr <= BMI160_ACCEL_ODR_MAX) {
if (dev->accel_cfg.odr != dev->prev_accel_cfg.odr) {
odr = (uint8_t)dev->accel_cfg.odr;
temp = *data & ~BMI160_ACCEL_ODR_MASK;
/* Adding output data rate */
*data = temp | (odr & BMI160_ACCEL_ODR_MASK);
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_OUT_OF_RANGE;
return rslt;
* @brief This API process the accel bandwidth.
static int8_t process_accel_bw(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t bw = 0;
if (dev-> <= BMI160_ACCEL_BW_MAX) {
if (dev-> != dev-> {
bw = (uint8_t)dev->;
temp = *data & ~BMI160_ACCEL_BW_MASK;
/* Adding bandwidth */
*data = temp | ((bw << 4) & BMI160_ACCEL_ODR_MASK);
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_OUT_OF_RANGE;
return rslt;
* @brief This API process the accel range.
static int8_t process_accel_range(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t range = 0;
if (dev->accel_cfg.range <= BMI160_ACCEL_RANGE_MAX) {
if (dev->accel_cfg.range != dev->prev_accel_cfg.range) {
range = (uint8_t)dev->accel_cfg.range;
temp = *data & ~BMI160_ACCEL_RANGE_MASK;
/* Adding range */
*data = temp | (range & BMI160_ACCEL_RANGE_MASK);
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_OUT_OF_RANGE;
return rslt;
* @brief This API checks the invalid settings for ODR & Bw for
* Accel and Gyro.
static int8_t check_invalid_settg(const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
/* read the error reg */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_ERROR_REG_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
data = data >> 1;
data = data & BMI160_ERR_REG_MASK;
if (data == 1)
else if (data == 2)
else if (data == 3)
else if (data == 7)
return rslt;
static int8_t set_gyro_conf(struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data[2] = {0};
rslt = check_gyro_config(data, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Write output data rate and bandwidth */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_GYRO_CONFIG_ADDR, &data[0], 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
dev->prev_gyro_cfg.odr = dev->gyro_cfg.odr;
dev-> = dev->;
/* Write gyro range */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_GYRO_RANGE_ADDR, &data[1], 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
dev->prev_gyro_cfg.range = dev->gyro_cfg.range;
return rslt;
* @brief This API check the gyro configuration.
static int8_t check_gyro_config(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* read gyro Output data rate and bandwidth */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_GYRO_CONFIG_ADDR, data, 2, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = process_gyro_odr(&data[0], dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = process_gyro_bw(&data[0], dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = process_gyro_range(&data[1], dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API process the gyro odr.
static int8_t process_gyro_odr(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t odr = 0;
if (dev->gyro_cfg.odr <= BMI160_GYRO_ODR_MAX) {
if (dev->gyro_cfg.odr != dev->prev_gyro_cfg.odr) {
odr = (uint8_t)dev->gyro_cfg.odr;
temp = (*data & ~BMI160_GYRO_ODR_MASK);
/* Adding output data rate */
*data = temp | (odr & BMI160_GYRO_ODR_MASK);
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_OUT_OF_RANGE;
return rslt;
* @brief This API process the gyro bandwidth.
static int8_t process_gyro_bw(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t bw = 0;
if (dev-> <= BMI160_GYRO_BW_MAX) {
bw = (uint8_t)dev->;
temp = *data & ~BMI160_GYRO_BW_MASK;
/* Adding bandwidth */
*data = temp | ((bw << 4) & BMI160_GYRO_BW_MASK);
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_OUT_OF_RANGE;
return rslt;
* @brief This API process the gyro range.
static int8_t process_gyro_range(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t range = 0;
if (dev->gyro_cfg.range <= BMI160_GYRO_RANGE_MAX) {
if (dev->gyro_cfg.range != dev->prev_gyro_cfg.range) {
range = (uint8_t)dev->gyro_cfg.range;
temp = *data & ~BMI160_GYRO_RANGE_MSK;
/* Adding range */
*data = temp | (range & BMI160_GYRO_RANGE_MSK);
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_OUT_OF_RANGE;
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the accel power.
static int8_t set_accel_pwr(struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint8_t data = 0;
if ((dev->accel_cfg.power >= BMI160_ACCEL_SUSPEND_MODE) &&
(dev->accel_cfg.power <= BMI160_ACCEL_LOWPOWER_MODE)) {
if (dev->accel_cfg.power != dev->prev_accel_cfg.power) {
rslt = process_under_sampling(&data, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Write accel power */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_COMMAND_REG_ADDR, &dev->accel_cfg.power, 1, dev);
/* Add delay of 5 ms */
if (dev->prev_accel_cfg.power == BMI160_ACCEL_SUSPEND_MODE)
dev->prev_accel_cfg.power = dev->accel_cfg.power;
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_OUT_OF_RANGE;
return rslt;
* @brief This API process the undersampling setting of Accel.
static int8_t process_under_sampling(uint8_t *data, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t pre_filter = 0;
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_ACCEL_CONFIG_ADDR, data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
if (dev->accel_cfg.power == BMI160_ACCEL_LOWPOWER_MODE) {
/* Set under-sampling parameter */
*data = temp | ((1 << 7) & BMI160_ACCEL_UNDERSAMPLING_MASK);
/* Write data */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_ACCEL_CONFIG_ADDR, data, 1, dev);
/* disable the pre-filter data in
* low power mode */
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
/* Disable the Pre-filter data*/
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_DATA_0_ADDR, &pre_filter, 2, dev);
} else {
/* disable under-sampling parameter
if already enabled */
*data = temp | 0x7F;
/* Write data */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_ACCEL_CONFIG_ADDR, data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the gyro power mode.
static int8_t set_gyro_pwr(struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
if ((dev->gyro_cfg.power == BMI160_GYRO_SUSPEND_MODE) || (dev->gyro_cfg.power == BMI160_GYRO_NORMAL_MODE)
|| (dev->gyro_cfg.power == BMI160_GYRO_FASTSTARTUP_MODE)) {
if (dev->gyro_cfg.power != dev->prev_gyro_cfg.power) {
/* Write gyro power */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_COMMAND_REG_ADDR, &dev->gyro_cfg.power, 1, dev);
if (dev->prev_gyro_cfg.power ==
/* Delay of 81 ms */
} else if ((dev->prev_gyro_cfg.power == BMI160_GYRO_FASTSTARTUP_MODE)
&& (dev->accel_cfg.power == BMI160_GYRO_NORMAL_MODE)) {
/* This delay is required for transition from
fast-startup mode to normal mode */
} else {
/* do nothing */
dev->prev_gyro_cfg.power = dev->gyro_cfg.power;
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_OUT_OF_RANGE;
return rslt;
* @brief This API reads accel data along with sensor time if time is requested
* by user. Kindly refer the user guide( for more info.
static int8_t get_accel_data(uint8_t len, struct bmi160_sensor_data *accel, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t idx = 0;
uint8_t data_array[9] = {0};
uint8_t time_0 = 0;
uint16_t time_1 = 0;
uint32_t time_2 = 0;
uint8_t lsb;
uint8_t msb;
int16_t msblsb;
/* read accel sensor data along with time if requested */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_ACCEL_DATA_ADDR, data_array, 6 + len, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Accel Data */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
accel->x = msblsb; /* Data in X axis */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
accel->y = msblsb; /* Data in Y axis */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
accel->z = msblsb; /* Data in Z axis */
if (len == 3) {
time_0 = data_array[idx++];
time_1 = (uint16_t)(data_array[idx++] << 8);
time_2 = (uint32_t)(data_array[idx++] << 16);
accel->sensortime = (uint32_t)(time_2 | time_1 | time_0);
} else {
accel->sensortime = 0;
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_COM_FAIL;
return rslt;
* @brief This API reads accel data along with sensor time if time is requested
* by user. Kindly refer the user guide( for more info.
static int8_t get_gyro_data(uint8_t len, struct bmi160_sensor_data *gyro, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t idx = 0;
uint8_t data_array[15] = {0};
uint8_t time_0 = 0;
uint16_t time_1 = 0;
uint32_t time_2 = 0;
uint8_t lsb;
uint8_t msb;
int16_t msblsb;
if (len == 0) {
/* read gyro data only */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_GYRO_DATA_ADDR, data_array, 6, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Gyro Data */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
gyro->x = msblsb; /* Data in X axis */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
gyro->y = msblsb; /* Data in Y axis */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
gyro->z = msblsb; /* Data in Z axis */
gyro->sensortime = 0;
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_COM_FAIL;
} else {
/* read gyro sensor data along with time */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_GYRO_DATA_ADDR, data_array, 12 + len, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Gyro Data */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
gyro->x = msblsb; /* gyro X axis data */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
gyro->y = msblsb; /* gyro Y axis data */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
gyro->z = msblsb; /* gyro Z axis data */
idx = idx + 6;
time_0 = data_array[idx++];
time_1 = (uint16_t)(data_array[idx++] << 8);
time_2 = (uint32_t)(data_array[idx++] << 16);
gyro->sensortime = (uint32_t)(time_2 | time_1 | time_0);
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_COM_FAIL;
return rslt;
* @brief This API reads accel and gyro data along with sensor time
* if time is requested by user.
* Kindly refer the user guide( for more info.
static int8_t get_accel_gyro_data(uint8_t len, struct bmi160_sensor_data *accel, struct bmi160_sensor_data *gyro,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t idx = 0;
uint8_t data_array[15] = {0};
uint8_t time_0 = 0;
uint16_t time_1 = 0;
uint32_t time_2 = 0;
uint8_t lsb;
uint8_t msb;
int16_t msblsb;
/* read both accel and gyro sensor data
* along with time if requested */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_GYRO_DATA_ADDR, data_array, 12 + len, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Gyro Data */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
gyro->x = msblsb; /* gyro X axis data */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
gyro->y = msblsb; /* gyro Y axis data */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
gyro->z = msblsb; /* gyro Z axis data */
/* Accel Data */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
accel->x = (int16_t)msblsb; /* accel X axis data */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
accel->y = (int16_t)msblsb; /* accel Y axis data */
lsb = data_array[idx++];
msb = data_array[idx++];
msblsb = (int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);
accel->z = (int16_t)msblsb; /* accel Z axis data */
if (len == 3) {
time_0 = data_array[idx++];
time_1 = (uint16_t)(data_array[idx++] << 8);
time_2 = (uint32_t)(data_array[idx++] << 16);
accel->sensortime = (uint32_t)(time_2 | time_1 | time_0);
gyro->sensortime = (uint32_t)(time_2 | time_1 | time_0);
} else {
accel->sensortime = 0;
gyro->sensortime = 0;
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_COM_FAIL;
return rslt;
* @brief This API enables the any-motion interrupt for accel.
static int8_t enable_accel_any_motion_int(const struct bmi160_acc_any_mot_int_cfg *any_motion_int_cfg,
struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Enable any motion x, any motion y, any motion z
in Int Enable 0 register */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
if (any_motion_int_cfg->anymotion_en == BMI160_ENABLE) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_ANY_MOTION_X_INT_EN_MASK;
/* Adding Any_motion x axis */
data = temp | (any_motion_int_cfg->anymotion_x & BMI160_ANY_MOTION_X_INT_EN_MASK);
temp = data & ~BMI160_ANY_MOTION_Y_INT_EN_MASK;
/* Adding Any_motion y axis */
data = temp | ((any_motion_int_cfg->anymotion_y << 1) & BMI160_ANY_MOTION_Y_INT_EN_MASK);
temp = data & ~BMI160_ANY_MOTION_Z_INT_EN_MASK;
/* Adding Any_motion z axis */
data = temp | ((any_motion_int_cfg->anymotion_z << 2) & BMI160_ANY_MOTION_Z_INT_EN_MASK);
/* any-motion feature selected*/
dev->any_sig_sel = BMI160_ANY_MOTION_ENABLED;
} else {
data = data & ~BMI160_ANY_MOTION_ALL_INT_EN_MASK;
/* neither any-motion feature nor sig-motion selected */
dev->any_sig_sel = BMI160_BOTH_ANY_SIG_MOTION_DISABLED;
/* write data to Int Enable 0 register */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API disable the sig-motion interrupt.
static int8_t disable_sig_motion_int(const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Disabling Significant motion interrupt if enabled */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MOTION_3_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = (data & BMI160_SIG_MOTION_SEL_MASK);
if (temp) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_SIG_MOTION_SEL_MASK;
data = temp;
/* Write data to register */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MOTION_3_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to any-motion or
* sig-motion interrupt.
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_sig_any_motion(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configure Int Map register to map interrupt pin to
Slope/Any motion interrupt */
if (int_config->int_channel == BMI160_INT_CHANNEL_1) {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_SLOPE_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 2) & BMI160_INT1_SLOPE_MASK);
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
} else {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_SLOPE_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 2) & BMI160_INT2_SLOPE_MASK);
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the source of data(filter & pre-filter)
* for any-motion interrupt.
static int8_t config_any_motion_src(const struct bmi160_acc_any_mot_int_cfg *any_motion_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configure Int data 1 register to add source of interrupt */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_DATA_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_MOTION_SRC_INT_MASK;
data = temp | ((any_motion_int_cfg->anymotion_data_src << 7) & BMI160_MOTION_SRC_INT_MASK);
/* Write data to DATA 1 address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_DATA_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the duration and threshold of
* any-motion interrupt.
static int8_t config_any_dur_threshold(const struct bmi160_acc_any_mot_int_cfg *any_motion_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t data_array[2] = {0};
uint8_t dur;
/* Configure Int Motion 0 register */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MOTION_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* slope duration */
dur = (uint8_t)any_motion_int_cfg->anymotion_dur;
temp = data & ~BMI160_SLOPE_INT_DUR_MASK;
data = temp | (dur & BMI160_MOTION_SRC_INT_MASK);
data_array[0] = data;
/* add slope threshold */
data_array[1] = any_motion_int_cfg->anymotion_thr;
/* INT MOTION 0 and INT MOTION 1 address lie consecutively,
hence writing data to respective registers at one go */
/* Writing to Int_motion 0 and
Int_motion 1 Address simultaneously */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MOTION_0_ADDR, data_array, 2, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure necessary setting of any-motion interrupt.
static int8_t config_any_motion_int_settg(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_acc_any_mot_int_cfg *any_motion_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Configure Interrupt pins */
rslt = set_intr_pin_config(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = disable_sig_motion_int(dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = map_int_pin_to_sig_any_motion(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = config_any_motion_src(any_motion_int_cfg, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = config_any_dur_threshold(any_motion_int_cfg, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API enable the data ready interrupt.
static int8_t enable_data_ready_int(const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Enable data ready interrupt in Int Enable 1 register */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_DATA_RDY_INT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 4) & BMI160_DATA_RDY_INT_EN_MASK);
/* Writing data to INT ENABLE 1 Address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API maps the data ready interrupt to INT pin as per selection.
static int8_t map_data_ready_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configure Map register to map interrupt pin to data ready interrupt*/
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
if (int_config->int_channel == BMI160_INT_CHANNEL_1) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_DATA_READY_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 7) & BMI160_INT1_DATA_READY_MASK);
} else {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_DATA_READY_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 3) & BMI160_INT2_DATA_READY_MASK);
/* Writing data to Map 1 address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API enables the no motion/slow motion interrupt.
static int8_t enable_no_motion_int(const struct bmi160_acc_no_motion_int_cfg *no_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Enable no motion x, no motion y, no motion z
in Int Enable 2 register */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
if (no_mot_int_cfg->no_motion_x == 1) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_NO_MOTION_X_INT_EN_MASK;
/* Adding No_motion x axis */
data = temp | (1 & BMI160_NO_MOTION_X_INT_EN_MASK);
if (no_mot_int_cfg->no_motion_y == 1) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_NO_MOTION_Y_INT_EN_MASK;
/* Adding No_motion x axis */
data = temp | ((1 << 1) & BMI160_NO_MOTION_Y_INT_EN_MASK);
if (no_mot_int_cfg->no_motion_z == 1) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_NO_MOTION_Z_INT_EN_MASK;
/* Adding No_motion x axis */
data = temp | ((1 << 2) & BMI160_NO_MOTION_Z_INT_EN_MASK);
/* write data to Int Enable 2 register */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the interrupt PIN setting for
* no motion/slow motion interrupt.
static int8_t config_no_motion_int_settg(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_acc_no_motion_int_cfg *no_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Configure Interrupt pins */
rslt = set_intr_pin_config(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = map_int_pin_to_no_motion(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = config_no_motion_data_src(no_mot_int_cfg, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = config_no_motion_dur_thr(no_mot_int_cfg, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to no motion/slow interrupt.
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_no_motion(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t data = 0;
/* Configure Int Map register to map interrupt pin
* to No motion interrupt */
if (int_config->int_channel == BMI160_INT_CHANNEL_1) {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_NO_MOTION_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 3) & BMI160_INT1_NO_MOTION_MASK);
/* Write data to appropriate MAP address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
} else {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_NO_MOTION_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 3) & BMI160_INT2_NO_MOTION_MASK);
/* Write data to appropriate MAP address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the source of interrupt for no motion.
static int8_t config_no_motion_data_src(const struct bmi160_acc_no_motion_int_cfg *no_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configure Int data 1 register to add source of interrupt */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_DATA_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_MOTION_SRC_INT_MASK;
data = temp | ((no_mot_int_cfg->no_motion_src << 7) & BMI160_MOTION_SRC_INT_MASK);
/* Write data to DATA 1 address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_DATA_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the duration and threshold of
* no motion/slow motion interrupt along with selection of no/slow motion.
static int8_t config_no_motion_dur_thr(const struct bmi160_acc_no_motion_int_cfg *no_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t temp_1 = 0;
uint8_t reg_addr;
uint8_t data_array[2] = {0};
/* Configuring INT_MOTION register */
reg_addr = BMI160_INT_MOTION_0_ADDR;
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(reg_addr, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_NO_MOTION_INT_DUR_MASK;
/* Adding no_motion duration */
data = temp | ((no_mot_int_cfg->no_motion_dur << 2) & BMI160_NO_MOTION_INT_DUR_MASK);
/* Write data to NO_MOTION 0 address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(reg_addr, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
reg_addr = BMI160_INT_MOTION_3_ADDR;
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(reg_addr, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_NO_MOTION_SEL_BIT_MASK;
/* Adding no_motion_sel bit */
temp_1 = (no_mot_int_cfg->no_motion_sel & BMI160_NO_MOTION_SEL_BIT_MASK);
data = (temp | temp_1);
data_array[1] = data;
/* Adding no motion threshold */
data_array[0] = no_mot_int_cfg->no_motion_thres;
reg_addr = BMI160_INT_MOTION_2_ADDR;
/* writing data to INT_MOTION 2 and INT_MOTION 3
* address simultaneously */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(reg_addr, data_array, 2, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API enables the sig-motion motion interrupt.
static int8_t enable_sig_motion_int(const struct bmi160_acc_sig_mot_int_cfg *sig_mot_int_cfg, struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* For significant motion,enable any motion x,any motion y,
* any motion z in Int Enable 0 register */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
if (sig_mot_int_cfg->sig_en == BMI160_ENABLE) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_SIG_MOTION_INT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | (7 & BMI160_SIG_MOTION_INT_EN_MASK);
/* sig-motion feature selected*/
dev->any_sig_sel = BMI160_SIG_MOTION_ENABLED;
} else {
data = data & ~BMI160_SIG_MOTION_INT_EN_MASK;
/* neither any-motion feature nor sig-motion selected */
dev->any_sig_sel = BMI160_BOTH_ANY_SIG_MOTION_DISABLED;
/* write data to Int Enable 0 register */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the interrupt PIN setting for
* significant motion interrupt.
static int8_t config_sig_motion_int_settg(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_acc_sig_mot_int_cfg *sig_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Configure Interrupt pins */
rslt = set_intr_pin_config(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = map_int_pin_to_sig_any_motion(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = config_sig_motion_data_src(sig_mot_int_cfg, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = config_sig_dur_threshold(sig_mot_int_cfg, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the source of data(filter & pre-filter)
* for sig motion interrupt.
static int8_t config_sig_motion_data_src(const struct bmi160_acc_sig_mot_int_cfg *sig_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configure Int data 1 register to add source of interrupt */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_DATA_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_MOTION_SRC_INT_MASK;
data = temp | ((sig_mot_int_cfg->sig_data_src << 7) & BMI160_MOTION_SRC_INT_MASK);
/* Write data to DATA 1 address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_DATA_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the threshold, skip and proof time of
* sig motion interrupt.
static int8_t config_sig_dur_threshold(const struct bmi160_acc_sig_mot_int_cfg *sig_mot_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configuring INT_MOTION registers */
/* Write significant motion threshold.
* This threshold is same as any motion threshold */
data = sig_mot_int_cfg->sig_mot_thres;
/* Write data to INT_MOTION 1 address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MOTION_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MOTION_3_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_SIG_MOTION_SKIP_MASK;
/* adding skip time of sig_motion interrupt*/
data = temp | ((sig_mot_int_cfg->sig_mot_skip << 2) & BMI160_SIG_MOTION_SKIP_MASK);
temp = data & ~BMI160_SIG_MOTION_PROOF_MASK;
/* adding proof time of sig_motion interrupt */
data = temp | ((sig_mot_int_cfg->sig_mot_proof << 4) & BMI160_SIG_MOTION_PROOF_MASK);
/* configure the int_sig_mot_sel bit to select
* significant motion interrupt */
temp = data & ~BMI160_SIG_MOTION_SEL_MASK;
data = temp | ((sig_mot_int_cfg->sig_en << 1) & BMI160_SIG_MOTION_SEL_MASK);
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MOTION_3_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API enables the step detector interrupt.
static int8_t enable_step_detect_int(const struct bmi160_acc_step_detect_int_cfg *step_detect_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Enable data ready interrupt in Int Enable 2 register */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_STEP_DETECT_INT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | ((step_detect_int_cfg->step_detector_en << 3) & BMI160_STEP_DETECT_INT_EN_MASK);
/* Writing data to INT ENABLE 2 Address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to low-g or step detector interrupt.
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_low_step_detect(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configure Int Map register to map interrupt pin to step detector */
if (int_config->int_channel == BMI160_INT_CHANNEL_1) {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_LOW_STEP_DETECT_MASK;
data = temp | (1 & BMI160_INT1_LOW_STEP_DETECT_MASK);
/* Write data to MAP address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
} else {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_LOW_STEP_DETECT_MASK;
data = temp | (1 & BMI160_INT2_LOW_STEP_DETECT_MASK);
/* Write data to MAP address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the step detector parameter.
static int8_t config_step_detect(const struct bmi160_acc_step_detect_int_cfg *step_detect_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t data_array[2] = {0};
if (step_detect_int_cfg->step_detector_mode == BMI160_STEP_DETECT_NORMAL) {
/* Normal mode setting */
data_array[0] = 0x15;
data_array[1] = 0x03;
} else if (step_detect_int_cfg->step_detector_mode == BMI160_STEP_DETECT_SENSITIVE) {
/* Sensitive mode setting */
data_array[0] = 0x2D;
data_array[1] = 0x00;
} else if (step_detect_int_cfg->step_detector_mode == BMI160_STEP_DETECT_ROBUST) {
/* Robust mode setting */
data_array[0] = 0x1D;
data_array[1] = 0x07;
} else if (step_detect_int_cfg->step_detector_mode == BMI160_STEP_DETECT_USER_DEFINE) {
/* Non recommended User defined setting */
/* Configuring STEP_CONFIG register */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_STEP_CONFIG_0_ADDR, &data_array[0], 2, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data_array[0] & ~BMI160_STEP_DETECT_MIN_THRES_MASK;
/* Adding min_threshold */
data_array[0] = temp | ((step_detect_int_cfg->min_threshold << 3)
temp = data_array[0] & ~BMI160_STEP_DETECT_STEPTIME_MIN_MASK;
/* Adding steptime_min */
data_array[0] = temp | ((step_detect_int_cfg->steptime_min)
temp = data_array[1] & ~BMI160_STEP_MIN_BUF_MASK;
/* Adding steptime_min */
data_array[1] = temp | ((step_detect_int_cfg->step_min_buf) & BMI160_STEP_MIN_BUF_MASK);
/* Write data to STEP_CONFIG register */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_STEP_CONFIG_0_ADDR, data_array, 2, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API enables the single/double tap interrupt.
static int8_t enable_tap_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_acc_tap_int_cfg *tap_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Enable single tap or double tap interrupt in Int Enable 0 register */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
if (int_config->int_type == BMI160_ACC_SINGLE_TAP_INT) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_SINGLE_TAP_INT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | ((tap_int_cfg->tap_en << 5) & BMI160_SINGLE_TAP_INT_EN_MASK);
} else {
temp = data & ~BMI160_DOUBLE_TAP_INT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | ((tap_int_cfg->tap_en << 4) & BMI160_DOUBLE_TAP_INT_EN_MASK);
/* Write to Enable 0 Address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the interrupt PIN setting for
* tap interrupt.
static int8_t config_tap_int_settg(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_acc_tap_int_cfg *tap_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Configure Interrupt pins */
rslt = set_intr_pin_config(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = map_int_pin_to_tap(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = config_tap_data_src(tap_int_cfg, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = config_tap_param(int_config, tap_int_cfg, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to single or double tap interrupt.
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_tap(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configure Map register to map interrupt pin to
single or double tap interrupt*/
if (int_config->int_channel == BMI160_INT_CHANNEL_1) {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
if (int_config->int_type == BMI160_ACC_SINGLE_TAP_INT) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_SINGLE_TAP_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 5) & BMI160_INT1_SINGLE_TAP_MASK);
} else {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_DOUBLE_TAP_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 4) & BMI160_INT1_DOUBLE_TAP_MASK);
/* Write data to MAP address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
} else {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
if (int_config->int_type == BMI160_ACC_SINGLE_TAP_INT) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_SINGLE_TAP_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 5) & BMI160_INT2_SINGLE_TAP_MASK);
} else {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_DOUBLE_TAP_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 4) & BMI160_INT2_DOUBLE_TAP_MASK);
/* Write data to MAP address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the source of data(filter & pre-filter)
* for tap interrupt.
static int8_t config_tap_data_src(const struct bmi160_acc_tap_int_cfg *tap_int_cfg, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configure Int data 0 register to add source of interrupt */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_DATA_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_TAP_SRC_INT_MASK;
data = temp | ((tap_int_cfg->tap_data_src << 3) & BMI160_TAP_SRC_INT_MASK);
/* Write data to Data 0 address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_DATA_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the parameters of tap interrupt.
* Threshold, quite, shock, and duration.
static int8_t config_tap_param(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config,
const struct bmi160_acc_tap_int_cfg *tap_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t data_array[2] = {0};
uint8_t count = 0;
uint8_t dur, shock, quiet, thres;
/* Configure tap 0 register for tap shock,tap quiet duration
* in case of single tap interrupt */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_TAP_0_ADDR, data_array, 2, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
data = data_array[count];
if (int_config->int_type == BMI160_ACC_DOUBLE_TAP_INT) {
dur = (uint8_t)tap_int_cfg->tap_dur;
temp = (data & ~BMI160_TAP_DUR_MASK);
/* Add tap duration data in case of
* double tap interrupt */
data = temp | (dur & BMI160_TAP_DUR_MASK);
shock = (uint8_t)tap_int_cfg->tap_shock;
temp = data & ~BMI160_TAP_SHOCK_DUR_MASK;
data = temp | ((shock << 6) & BMI160_TAP_SHOCK_DUR_MASK);
quiet = (uint8_t)tap_int_cfg->tap_quiet;
temp = data & ~BMI160_TAP_QUIET_DUR_MASK;
data = temp | ((quiet << 7) & BMI160_TAP_QUIET_DUR_MASK);
data_array[count++] = data;
data = data_array[count];
thres = (uint8_t)tap_int_cfg->tap_thr;
temp = data & ~BMI160_TAP_THRES_MASK;
data = temp | (thres & BMI160_TAP_THRES_MASK);
data_array[count++] = data;
/* TAP 0 and TAP 1 address lie consecutively,
hence writing data to respective registers at one go */
/* Writing to Tap 0 and Tap 1 Address simultaneously */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_TAP_0_ADDR, data_array, count, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the secondary interface.
static int8_t config_sec_if(const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t if_conf = 0;
uint8_t cmd = BMI160_AUX_NORMAL_MODE;
/* set the aux power mode to normal*/
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_COMMAND_REG_ADDR, &cmd, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_IF_CONF_ADDR, &if_conf, 1, dev);
if_conf |= (uint8_t)(1 << 5);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
/*enable the secondary interface also*/
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_IF_CONF_ADDR, &if_conf, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the ODR of the auxiliary sensor.
static int8_t config_aux_odr(const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t aux_odr;
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_AUX_ODR_ADDR, &aux_odr, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
aux_odr = (uint8_t)(dev->aux_cfg.aux_odr);
/* Set the secondary interface ODR
i.e polling rate of secondary sensor */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_AUX_ODR_ADDR, &aux_odr, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API maps the actual burst read length set by user.
static int8_t map_read_len(uint16_t *len, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMI160_OK;
switch (dev->aux_cfg.aux_rd_burst_len) {
case BMI160_AUX_READ_LEN_0:
*len = 1;
case BMI160_AUX_READ_LEN_1:
*len = 2;
case BMI160_AUX_READ_LEN_2:
*len = 6;
case BMI160_AUX_READ_LEN_3:
*len = 8;
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the settings of auxiliary sensor.
static int8_t config_aux_settg(const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
rslt = config_sec_if(dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Configures the auxiliary interface settings */
rslt = bmi160_config_aux_mode(dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API extract the read data from auxiliary sensor.
static int8_t extract_aux_read(uint16_t map_len, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *aux_data, uint16_t len,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMI160_OK;
uint8_t data[8] = {0,};
uint8_t read_addr = BMI160_AUX_DATA_ADDR;
uint8_t count = 0;
uint8_t read_count;
uint8_t read_len = (uint8_t)map_len;
for (; count < len;) {
/* set address to read */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_AUX_IF_2_ADDR, &reg_addr, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(read_addr, data, map_len, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
read_count = 0;
/* if read len is less the burst read len
* mention by user*/
if (len < map_len) {
read_len = (uint8_t)len;
} else {
if ((len - count) < map_len)
read_len = (uint8_t)(len - count);
for (; read_count < read_len; read_count++)
aux_data[count + read_count] = data[read_count];
reg_addr += (uint8_t)map_len;
count += (uint8_t)map_len;
} else {
rslt = BMI160_E_COM_FAIL;
return rslt;
* @brief This API enables the orient interrupt.
static int8_t enable_orient_int(const struct bmi160_acc_orient_int_cfg *orient_int_cfg, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Enable data ready interrupt in Int Enable 0 register */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_ORIENT_INT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | ((orient_int_cfg->orient_en << 6) & BMI160_ORIENT_INT_EN_MASK);
/* write data to Int Enable 0 register */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to orientation interrupt.
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_orient(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configure Int Map register to map interrupt pin
* to orientation interrupt */
if (int_config->int_channel == BMI160_INT_CHANNEL_1) {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_ORIENT_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 6) & BMI160_INT1_ORIENT_MASK);
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
} else {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_ORIENT_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 6) & BMI160_INT2_ORIENT_MASK);
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the necessary setting of orientation interrupt.
static int8_t config_orient_int_settg(const struct bmi160_acc_orient_int_cfg *orient_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t data_array[2] = {0, 0};
/* Configuring INT_ORIENT registers */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_ORIENT_0_ADDR, data_array, 2, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
data = data_array[0];
temp = data & ~BMI160_ORIENT_MODE_MASK;
/* Adding Orientation mode */
data = temp | ((orient_int_cfg->orient_mode) & BMI160_ORIENT_MODE_MASK);
temp = data & ~BMI160_ORIENT_BLOCK_MASK;
/* Adding Orientation blocking */
data = temp | ((orient_int_cfg->orient_blocking << 2) & BMI160_ORIENT_BLOCK_MASK);
temp = data & ~BMI160_ORIENT_HYST_MASK;
/* Adding Orientation hysteresis */
data = temp | ((orient_int_cfg->orient_hyst << 4) & BMI160_ORIENT_HYST_MASK);
data_array[0] = data;
data = data_array[1];
temp = data & ~BMI160_ORIENT_THETA_MASK;
/* Adding Orientation threshold */
data = temp | ((orient_int_cfg->orient_theta) & BMI160_ORIENT_THETA_MASK);
temp = data & ~BMI160_ORIENT_UD_ENABLE;
/* Adding Orient_ud_en */
data = temp | ((orient_int_cfg->orient_ud_en << 6) & BMI160_ORIENT_UD_ENABLE);
temp = data & ~BMI160_AXES_EN_MASK;
/* Adding axes_en */
data = temp | ((orient_int_cfg->axes_ex << 7) & BMI160_AXES_EN_MASK);
data_array[1] = data;
/* Writing data to INT_ORIENT 0 and INT_ORIENT 1
* registers simultaneously */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_ORIENT_0_ADDR, data_array, 2, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API enables the flat interrupt.
static int8_t enable_flat_int(const struct bmi160_acc_flat_detect_int_cfg *flat_int, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Enable flat interrupt in Int Enable 0 register */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_FLAT_INT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | ((flat_int->flat_en << 7) & BMI160_FLAT_INT_EN_MASK);
/* write data to Int Enable 0 register */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to flat interrupt.
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_flat(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configure Map register to map interrupt pin to flat interrupt*/
if (int_config->int_channel == BMI160_INT_CHANNEL_1) {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_FLAT_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 7) & BMI160_INT1_FLAT_MASK);
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
} else {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_FLAT_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 7) & BMI160_INT2_FLAT_MASK);
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the necessary setting of flat interrupt.
static int8_t config_flat_int_settg(const struct bmi160_acc_flat_detect_int_cfg *flat_int, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t data_array[2] = {0, 0};
/* Configuring INT_FLAT register */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_FLAT_0_ADDR, data_array, 2, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
data = data_array[0];
temp = data & ~BMI160_FLAT_THRES_MASK;
/* Adding flat theta */
data = temp | ((flat_int->flat_theta) & BMI160_FLAT_THRES_MASK);
data_array[0] = data;
data = data_array[1];
temp = data & ~BMI160_FLAT_HOLD_TIME_MASK;
/* Adding flat hold time */
data = temp | ((flat_int->flat_hold_time << 4) & BMI160_FLAT_HOLD_TIME_MASK);
temp = data & ~BMI160_FLAT_HYST_MASK;
/* Adding flat hysteresis */
data = temp | ((flat_int->flat_hy) & BMI160_FLAT_HYST_MASK);
data_array[1] = data;
/* Writing data to INT_FLAT 0 and INT_FLAT 1
* registers simultaneously */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_FLAT_0_ADDR, data_array, 2, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API enables the Low-g interrupt.
static int8_t enable_low_g_int(const struct bmi160_acc_low_g_int_cfg *low_g_int, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Enable low-g interrupt in Int Enable 1 register */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_LOW_G_INT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | ((low_g_int->low_en << 3) & BMI160_LOW_G_INT_EN_MASK);
/* write data to Int Enable 0 register */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the source of data(filter & pre-filter)
* for low-g interrupt.
static int8_t config_low_g_data_src(const struct bmi160_acc_low_g_int_cfg *low_g_int, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configure Int data 0 register to add source of interrupt */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_DATA_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_LOW_HIGH_SRC_INT_MASK;
data = temp | ((low_g_int->low_data_src << 7) & BMI160_LOW_HIGH_SRC_INT_MASK);
/* Write data to Data 0 address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_DATA_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the necessary setting of low-g interrupt.
static int8_t config_low_g_int_settg(const struct bmi160_acc_low_g_int_cfg *low_g_int, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t data_array[3] = {0, 0, 0};
/* Configuring INT_LOWHIGH register for low-g interrupt */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_LOWHIGH_2_ADDR, &data_array[2], 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data_array[2] & ~BMI160_LOW_G_HYST_MASK;
/* Adding low-g hysteresis */
data_array[2] = temp | (low_g_int->low_hyst & BMI160_LOW_G_HYST_MASK);
temp = data_array[2] & ~BMI160_LOW_G_LOW_MODE_MASK;
/* Adding low-mode */
data_array[2] = temp | ((low_g_int->low_mode << 2) & BMI160_LOW_G_LOW_MODE_MASK);
/* Adding low-g threshold */
data_array[1] = low_g_int->low_thres;
/* Adding low-g interrupt delay */
data_array[0] = low_g_int->low_dur;
/* Writing data to INT_LOWHIGH 0,1,2 registers simultaneously*/
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_LOWHIGH_0_ADDR, data_array, 3, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API enables the high-g interrupt.
static int8_t enable_high_g_int(const struct bmi160_acc_high_g_int_cfg *high_g_int_cfg, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Enable low-g interrupt in Int Enable 1 register */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Adding high-g X-axis */
temp = data & ~BMI160_HIGH_G_X_INT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | (high_g_int_cfg->high_g_x & BMI160_HIGH_G_X_INT_EN_MASK);
/* Adding high-g Y-axis */
temp = data & ~BMI160_HIGH_G_Y_INT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | ((high_g_int_cfg->high_g_y << 1) & BMI160_HIGH_G_Y_INT_EN_MASK);
/* Adding high-g Z-axis */
temp = data & ~BMI160_HIGH_G_Z_INT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | ((high_g_int_cfg->high_g_z << 2) & BMI160_HIGH_G_Z_INT_EN_MASK);
/* write data to Int Enable 0 register */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to High-g interrupt.
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_high_g(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configure Map register to map interrupt pin to high-g interrupt*/
if (int_config->int_channel == BMI160_INT_CHANNEL_1) {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_HIGH_G_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 1) & BMI160_INT1_HIGH_G_MASK);
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
} else {
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_HIGH_G_MASK;
data = temp | ((1 << 1) & BMI160_INT2_HIGH_G_MASK);
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_2_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the source of data(filter & pre-filter)
* for high-g interrupt.
static int8_t config_high_g_data_src(const struct bmi160_acc_high_g_int_cfg *high_g_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
/* Configure Int data 0 register to add source of interrupt */
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_DATA_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data & ~BMI160_LOW_HIGH_SRC_INT_MASK;
data = temp | ((high_g_int_cfg->high_data_src << 7) & BMI160_LOW_HIGH_SRC_INT_MASK);
/* Write data to Data 0 address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_DATA_0_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the necessary setting of high-g interrupt.
static int8_t config_high_g_int_settg(const struct bmi160_acc_high_g_int_cfg *high_g_int_cfg,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t data_array[3] = {0, 0, 0};
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_LOWHIGH_2_ADDR, &data_array[0], 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
temp = data_array[0] & ~BMI160_HIGH_G_HYST_MASK;
/* Adding high-g hysteresis */
data_array[0] = temp | ((high_g_int_cfg->high_hy << 6) & BMI160_HIGH_G_HYST_MASK);
/* Adding high-g duration */
data_array[1] = high_g_int_cfg->high_dur;
/* Adding high-g threshold */
data_array[2] = high_g_int_cfg->high_thres;
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_LOWHIGH_2_ADDR, data_array, 3, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the behavioural setting of interrupt pin.
static int8_t config_int_out_ctrl(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t data = 0;
/* Configuration of output interrupt signals on pins INT1 and INT2 are
* done in BMI160_INT_OUT_CTRL_ADDR register*/
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_OUT_CTRL_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* updating the interrupt pin structure to local structure */
const struct bmi160_int_pin_settg *intr_pin_sett = &(int_config->int_pin_settg);
/* Configuring channel 1 */
if (int_config->int_channel == BMI160_INT_CHANNEL_1) {
/* Output enable */
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_OUTPUT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | ((intr_pin_sett->output_en << 3) & BMI160_INT1_OUTPUT_EN_MASK);
/* Output mode */
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_OUTPUT_MODE_MASK;
data = temp | ((intr_pin_sett->output_mode << 2) & BMI160_INT1_OUTPUT_MODE_MASK);
/* Output type */
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_OUTPUT_TYPE_MASK;
data = temp | ((intr_pin_sett->output_type << 1) & BMI160_INT1_OUTPUT_TYPE_MASK);
/* edge control */
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_EDGE_CTRL_MASK;
data = temp | ((intr_pin_sett->edge_ctrl) & BMI160_INT1_EDGE_CTRL_MASK);
} else {
/* Configuring channel 2 */
/* Output enable */
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_OUTPUT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | ((intr_pin_sett->output_en << 7) & BMI160_INT2_OUTPUT_EN_MASK);
/* Output mode */
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_OUTPUT_MODE_MASK;
data = temp | ((intr_pin_sett->output_mode << 6) & BMI160_INT2_OUTPUT_MODE_MASK);
/* Output type */
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_OUTPUT_TYPE_MASK;
data = temp | ((intr_pin_sett->output_type << 5) & BMI160_INT2_OUTPUT_TYPE_MASK);
/* edge control */
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_EDGE_CTRL_MASK;
data = temp | ((intr_pin_sett->edge_ctrl << 4) & BMI160_INT2_EDGE_CTRL_MASK);
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_OUT_CTRL_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API configure the mode(input enable, latch or non-latch) of interrupt pin.
static int8_t config_int_latch(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t data = 0;
/* Configuration of latch on pins INT1 and INT2 are done in
* BMI160_INT_LATCH_ADDR register*/
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_LATCH_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* updating the interrupt pin structure to local structure */
const struct bmi160_int_pin_settg *intr_pin_sett = &(int_config->int_pin_settg);
if (int_config->int_channel == BMI160_INT_CHANNEL_1) {
/* Configuring channel 1 */
/* Input enable */
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT1_INPUT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | ((intr_pin_sett->input_en << 4) & BMI160_INT1_INPUT_EN_MASK);
} else {
/* Configuring channel 2 */
/* Input enable */
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT2_INPUT_EN_MASK;
data = temp | ((intr_pin_sett->input_en << 5) & BMI160_INT2_INPUT_EN_MASK);
/* In case of latch interrupt,update the latch duration */
/* Latching holds the interrupt for the amount of latch
* duration time */
temp = data & ~BMI160_INT_LATCH_MASK;
data = temp | (intr_pin_sett->latch_dur & BMI160_INT_LATCH_MASK);
/* OUT_CTRL_INT and LATCH_INT address lie consecutively,
* hence writing data to respective registers at one go */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_LATCH_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets FIFO full interrupt of the sensor.This interrupt
* occurs when the FIFO is full and the next full data sample would cause
* a FIFO overflow, which may delete the old samples.
static int8_t set_fifo_full_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMI160_OK;
/* Null-pointer check */
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->delay_ms == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/*enable the fifo full interrupt */
rslt = enable_fifo_full_int(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Configure Interrupt pins */
rslt = set_intr_pin_config(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = map_int_pin_to_fifo_full(int_config, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This enable the FIFO full interrupt engine.
static int8_t enable_fifo_full_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
data = BMI160_SET_BITS(data, BMI160_FIFO_FULL_INT, int_config->fifo_full_int_en);
/* Writing data to INT ENABLE 1 Address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to FIFO FULL interrupt.
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_fifo_full(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
/* Configure Map register to map interrupt pin
* to fifo-full interrupt*/
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
if (int_config->int_channel == BMI160_INT_CHANNEL_1)
data = BMI160_SET_BITS(data, BMI160_FIFO_FULL_INT_PIN1, 1);
data = BMI160_SET_BITS(data, BMI160_FIFO_FULL_INT_PIN2, 1);
/* Writing data to Map 1 address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets FIFO watermark interrupt of the sensor.The FIFO
* watermark interrupt is fired, when the FIFO fill level is above a fifo
* watermark.
static int8_t set_fifo_watermark_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMI160_OK;
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->delay_ms == NULL)) {
rslt = BMI160_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* Enable fifo-watermark interrupt in Int Enable 1 register */
rslt = enable_fifo_wtm_int(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
/* Configure Interrupt pins */
rslt = set_intr_pin_config(int_config, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt = map_int_pin_to_fifo_wtm(int_config, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This enable the FIFO watermark interrupt engine.
static int8_t enable_fifo_wtm_int(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
data = BMI160_SET_BITS(data, BMI160_FIFO_WTM_INT, int_config->fifo_WTM_int_en);
/* Writing data to INT ENABLE 1 Address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_ENABLE_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API maps the INT pin to FIFO watermark interrupt.
static int8_t map_int_pin_to_fifo_wtm(const struct bmi160_int_settg *int_config, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t data = 0;
/* Configure Map register to map interrupt pin
* to fifo-full interrupt*/
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK) {
if (int_config->int_channel == BMI160_INT_CHANNEL_1)
data = BMI160_SET_BITS(data, BMI160_FIFO_WTM_INT_PIN1, 1);
data = BMI160_SET_BITS(data, BMI160_FIFO_WTM_INT_PIN2, 1);
/* Writing data to Map 1 address */
rslt = bmi160_set_regs(BMI160_INT_MAP_1_ADDR, &data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to reset the FIFO related configurations
* in the fifo_frame structure.
static void reset_fifo_data_structure(const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
/*Prepare for next FIFO read by resetting FIFO's
internal data structures*/
dev->fifo->accel_byte_start_idx = 0;
dev->fifo->gyro_byte_start_idx = 0;
dev->fifo->sensor_time = 0;
dev->fifo->skipped_frame_count = 0;
* @brief This API is used to read fifo_byte_counter value (i.e)
* current fill-level in Fifo buffer.
static int8_t get_fifo_byte_counter(uint16_t *bytes_to_read, struct bmi160_dev const *dev)
int8_t rslt = 0;
uint8_t data[2];
uint8_t addr = BMI160_FIFO_LENGTH_ADDR;
rslt |= bmi160_get_regs(addr, data, 2, dev);
data[1] = data[1] & BMI160_FIFO_BYTE_COUNTER_MASK;
/* Available data in FIFO is stored in bytes_to_read*/
*bytes_to_read = (((uint16_t)data[1] << 8) | ((uint16_t)data[0]));
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to compute the number of bytes of accel FIFO data
* which is to be parsed in header-less mode
static void get_accel_len_to_parse(uint16_t *data_index, uint16_t *data_read_length, const uint8_t *acc_frame_count,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
/* Data start index */
*data_index = dev->fifo->accel_byte_start_idx;
if (dev->fifo->fifo_data_enable == BMI160_FIFO_A_ENABLE) {
*data_read_length = (*acc_frame_count) * BMI160_FIFO_A_LENGTH;
} else if (dev->fifo->fifo_data_enable == BMI160_FIFO_G_A_ENABLE) {
*data_read_length = (*acc_frame_count) * BMI160_FIFO_GA_LENGTH;
} else if (dev->fifo->fifo_data_enable == BMI160_FIFO_M_A_ENABLE) {
*data_read_length = (*acc_frame_count) * BMI160_FIFO_MA_LENGTH;
} else if (dev->fifo->fifo_data_enable == BMI160_FIFO_M_G_A_ENABLE) {
*data_read_length = (*acc_frame_count) * BMI160_FIFO_MGA_LENGTH;
} else {
/* When accel is not enabled ,there will be no accel data.
so we update the data index as complete */
*data_index = dev->fifo->length;
if (*data_read_length > dev->fifo->length) {
/* Handling the case where more data is requested
than that is available*/
*data_read_length = dev->fifo->length;
* @brief This API is used to parse the accelerometer data from the
* FIFO data in both header mode and header-less mode.
* It updates the idx value which is used to store the index of
* the current data byte which is parsed.
static void unpack_accel_frame(struct bmi160_sensor_data *acc, uint16_t *idx, uint8_t *acc_idx, uint8_t frame_info,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
switch (frame_info) {
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_A:
/*Partial read, then skip the data*/
if ((*idx + BMI160_FIFO_A_LENGTH) > dev->fifo->length) {
/*Update the data index as complete*/
*idx = dev->fifo->length;
/*Unpack the data array into the structure instance "acc" */
unpack_accel_data(&acc[*acc_idx], *idx, dev);
/*Move the data index*/
*idx = *idx + BMI160_FIFO_A_LENGTH;
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_G_A:
/*Partial read, then skip the data*/
if ((*idx + BMI160_FIFO_GA_LENGTH) > dev->fifo->length) {
/*Update the data index as complete*/
*idx = dev->fifo->length;
/*Unpack the data array into structure instance "acc"*/
unpack_accel_data(&acc[*acc_idx], *idx + BMI160_FIFO_G_LENGTH, dev);
/*Move the data index*/
*idx = *idx + BMI160_FIFO_GA_LENGTH;
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M_A:
/*Partial read, then skip the data*/
if ((*idx + BMI160_FIFO_MA_LENGTH) > dev->fifo->length) {
/*Update the data index as complete*/
*idx = dev->fifo->length;
/*Unpack the data array into structure instance "acc"*/
unpack_accel_data(&acc[*acc_idx], *idx + BMI160_FIFO_M_LENGTH, dev);
/*Move the data index*/
*idx = *idx + BMI160_FIFO_MA_LENGTH;
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M_G_A:
/*Partial read, then skip the data*/
if ((*idx + BMI160_FIFO_MGA_LENGTH) > dev->fifo->length) {
/*Update the data index as complete*/
*idx = dev->fifo->length;
/*Unpack the data array into structure instance "acc"*/
unpack_accel_data(&acc[*acc_idx], *idx + BMI160_FIFO_MG_LENGTH, dev);
/*Move the data index*/
*idx = *idx + BMI160_FIFO_MGA_LENGTH;
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M:
(*idx) = (*idx) + BMI160_FIFO_M_LENGTH;
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_G:
(*idx) = (*idx) + BMI160_FIFO_G_LENGTH;
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M_G:
(*idx) = (*idx) + BMI160_FIFO_MG_LENGTH;
* @brief This API is used to parse the accelerometer data from the
* FIFO data and store it in the instance of the structure bmi160_sensor_data.
static void unpack_accel_data(struct bmi160_sensor_data *accel_data, uint16_t data_start_index,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
uint16_t data_lsb;
uint16_t data_msb;
/* Accel raw x data */
data_lsb = dev->fifo->data[data_start_index++];
data_msb = dev->fifo->data[data_start_index++];
accel_data->x = (int16_t)((data_msb << 8) | data_lsb);
/* Accel raw y data */
data_lsb = dev->fifo->data[data_start_index++];
data_msb = dev->fifo->data[data_start_index++];
accel_data->y = (int16_t)((data_msb << 8) | data_lsb);
/* Accel raw z data */
data_lsb = dev->fifo->data[data_start_index++];
data_msb = dev->fifo->data[data_start_index++];
accel_data->z = (int16_t)((data_msb << 8) | data_lsb);
* @brief This API is used to parse the accelerometer data from the
* FIFO data in header mode.
static void extract_accel_header_mode(struct bmi160_sensor_data *accel_data, uint8_t *accel_length,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
uint8_t frame_header = 0;
uint16_t data_index;
uint8_t accel_index = 0;
for (data_index = dev->fifo->accel_byte_start_idx; data_index < dev->fifo->length;) {
/* extracting Frame header */
frame_header = (dev->fifo->data[data_index] & BMI160_FIFO_TAG_INTR_MASK);
/*Index is moved to next byte where the data is starting*/
switch (frame_header) {
/* Accel frame */
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_A:
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M_A:
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_G_A:
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M_G_A:
unpack_accel_frame(accel_data, &data_index, &accel_index, frame_header, dev);
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M:
move_next_frame(&data_index, BMI160_FIFO_M_LENGTH, dev);
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_G:
move_next_frame(&data_index, BMI160_FIFO_G_LENGTH, dev);
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M_G:
move_next_frame(&data_index, BMI160_FIFO_MG_LENGTH, dev);
/* Sensor time frame */
unpack_sensortime_frame(&data_index, dev);
/* Skip frame */
unpack_skipped_frame(&data_index, dev);
/* Input config frame */
move_next_frame(&data_index, 1, dev);
/* Update the data index as complete in case of Over read */
data_index = dev->fifo->length;
/*Update number of accel data read*/
*accel_length = accel_index;
/*Update the accel frame index*/
dev->fifo->accel_byte_start_idx = data_index;
* @brief This API computes the number of bytes of gyro FIFO data
* which is to be parsed in header-less mode
static void get_gyro_len_to_parse(uint16_t *data_index, uint16_t *data_read_length, const uint8_t *gyro_frame_count,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
/* Data start index */
*data_index = dev->fifo->gyro_byte_start_idx;
if (dev->fifo->fifo_data_enable == BMI160_FIFO_G_ENABLE) {
*data_read_length = (*gyro_frame_count) * BMI160_FIFO_G_LENGTH;
} else if (dev->fifo->fifo_data_enable == BMI160_FIFO_G_A_ENABLE) {
*data_read_length = (*gyro_frame_count) * BMI160_FIFO_GA_LENGTH;
} else if (dev->fifo->fifo_data_enable == BMI160_FIFO_M_G_ENABLE) {
*data_read_length = (*gyro_frame_count) * BMI160_FIFO_MG_LENGTH;
} else if (dev->fifo->fifo_data_enable == BMI160_FIFO_M_G_A_ENABLE) {
*data_read_length = (*gyro_frame_count) * BMI160_FIFO_MGA_LENGTH;
} else {
/* When gyro is not enabled ,there will be no gyro data.
so we update the data index as complete */
*data_index = dev->fifo->length;
if (*data_read_length > dev->fifo->length) {
/* Handling the case where more data is requested
than that is available*/
*data_read_length = dev->fifo->length;
* @brief This API is used to parse the gyroscope's data from the
* FIFO data in both header mode and header-less mode.
* It updates the idx value which is used to store the index of
* the current data byte which is parsed.
static void unpack_gyro_frame(struct bmi160_sensor_data *gyro, uint16_t *idx, uint8_t *gyro_idx, uint8_t frame_info,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
switch (frame_info) {
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_G:
/*Partial read, then skip the data*/
if ((*idx + BMI160_FIFO_G_LENGTH) > dev->fifo->length) {
/*Update the data index as complete*/
*idx = dev->fifo->length;
/*Unpack the data array into structure instance "gyro"*/
unpack_gyro_data(&gyro[*gyro_idx], *idx, dev);
/*Move the data index*/
(*idx) = (*idx) + BMI160_FIFO_G_LENGTH;
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_G_A:
/*Partial read, then skip the data*/
if ((*idx + BMI160_FIFO_GA_LENGTH) > dev->fifo->length) {
/*Update the data index as complete*/
*idx = dev->fifo->length;
/* Unpack the data array into structure instance "gyro" */
unpack_gyro_data(&gyro[*gyro_idx], *idx, dev);
/* Move the data index */
*idx = *idx + BMI160_FIFO_GA_LENGTH;
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M_G_A:
/*Partial read, then skip the data*/
if ((*idx + BMI160_FIFO_MGA_LENGTH) > dev->fifo->length) {
/*Update the data index as complete*/
*idx = dev->fifo->length;
/*Unpack the data array into structure instance "gyro"*/
unpack_gyro_data(&gyro[*gyro_idx], *idx + BMI160_FIFO_M_LENGTH, dev);
/*Move the data index*/
*idx = *idx + BMI160_FIFO_MGA_LENGTH;
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M_A:
/* Move the data index */
*idx = *idx + BMI160_FIFO_MA_LENGTH;
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M:
(*idx) = (*idx) + BMI160_FIFO_M_LENGTH;
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M_G:
/*Partial read, then skip the data*/
if ((*idx + BMI160_FIFO_MG_LENGTH) > dev->fifo->length) {
/*Update the data index as complete*/
*idx = dev->fifo->length;
/*Unpack the data array into structure instance "gyro"*/
unpack_gyro_data(&gyro[*gyro_idx], *idx + BMI160_FIFO_M_LENGTH, dev);
/*Move the data index*/
(*idx) = (*idx) + BMI160_FIFO_MG_LENGTH;
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_A:
/*Move the data index*/
*idx = *idx + BMI160_FIFO_A_LENGTH;
* @brief This API is used to parse the gyro data from the
* FIFO data and store it in the instance of the structure bmi160_sensor_data.
static void unpack_gyro_data(struct bmi160_sensor_data *gyro_data, uint16_t data_start_index,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
uint16_t data_lsb;
uint16_t data_msb;
/* Gyro raw x data */
data_lsb = dev->fifo->data[data_start_index++];
data_msb = dev->fifo->data[data_start_index++];
gyro_data->x = (int16_t)((data_msb << 8) | data_lsb);
/* Gyro raw y data */
data_lsb = dev->fifo->data[data_start_index++];
data_msb = dev->fifo->data[data_start_index++];
gyro_data->y = (int16_t)((data_msb << 8) | data_lsb);
/* Gyro raw z data */
data_lsb = dev->fifo->data[data_start_index++];
data_msb = dev->fifo->data[data_start_index++];
gyro_data->z = (int16_t)((data_msb << 8) | data_lsb);
* @brief This API is used to parse the gyro data from the
* FIFO data in header mode.
static void extract_gyro_header_mode(struct bmi160_sensor_data *gyro_data, uint8_t *gyro_length,
const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
uint8_t frame_header = 0;
uint16_t data_index;
uint8_t gyro_index = 0;
for (data_index = dev->fifo->gyro_byte_start_idx; data_index < dev->fifo->length;) {
/* extracting Frame header */
frame_header = (dev->fifo->data[data_index] & BMI160_FIFO_TAG_INTR_MASK);
/*Index is moved to next byte where the data is starting*/
switch (frame_header) {
/* GYRO frame */
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_G:
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_G_A:
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M_G:
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M_G_A:
unpack_gyro_frame(gyro_data, &data_index, &gyro_index, frame_header, dev);
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_A:
move_next_frame(&data_index, BMI160_FIFO_A_LENGTH, dev);
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M:
move_next_frame(&data_index, BMI160_FIFO_M_LENGTH, dev);
case BMI160_FIFO_HEAD_M_A:
move_next_frame(&data_index, BMI160_FIFO_M_LENGTH, dev);
/* Sensor time frame */
unpack_sensortime_frame(&data_index, dev);
/* Skip frame */
unpack_skipped_frame(&data_index, dev);
/* Input config frame */
move_next_frame(&data_index, 1, dev);
/* Update the data index as complete in case of over read */
data_index = dev->fifo->length;
/*Update number of gyro data read*/
*gyro_length = gyro_index;
/*Update the gyro frame index*/
dev->fifo->gyro_byte_start_idx = data_index;
* @brief This API checks the presence of non-valid frames in the read fifo data.
static void check_frame_validity(uint16_t *data_index, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
if ((*data_index + 2) < dev->fifo->length) {
/* Check if FIFO is empty */
if ((dev->fifo->data[*data_index] == FIFO_CONFIG_MSB_CHECK)
&& (dev->fifo->data[*data_index + 1] == FIFO_CONFIG_LSB_CHECK)) {
/*Update the data index as complete*/
*data_index = dev->fifo->length;
* @brief This API is used to move the data index ahead of the
* current_frame_length parameter when unnecessary FIFO data appears while
* extracting the user specified data.
static void move_next_frame(uint16_t *data_index, uint8_t current_frame_length, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
/*Partial read, then move the data index to last data*/
if ((*data_index + current_frame_length) > dev->fifo->length) {
/*Update the data index as complete*/
*data_index = dev->fifo->length;
} else {
/*Move the data index to next frame*/
*data_index = *data_index + current_frame_length;
* @brief This API is used to parse and store the sensor time from the
* FIFO data in the structure instance dev.
static void unpack_sensortime_frame(uint16_t *data_index, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
uint32_t sensor_time_byte3 = 0;
uint16_t sensor_time_byte2 = 0;
uint8_t sensor_time_byte1 = 0;
/*Partial read, then move the data index to last data*/
if ((*data_index + BMI160_SENSOR_TIME_LENGTH) > dev->fifo->length) {
/*Update the data index as complete*/
*data_index = dev->fifo->length;
} else {
sensor_time_byte3 = dev->fifo->data[(*data_index) + BMI160_SENSOR_TIME_MSB_BYTE] << 16;
sensor_time_byte2 = dev->fifo->data[(*data_index) + BMI160_SENSOR_TIME_XLSB_BYTE] << 8;
sensor_time_byte1 = dev->fifo->data[(*data_index)];
/* Sensor time */
dev->fifo->sensor_time = (uint32_t)(sensor_time_byte3 | sensor_time_byte2 | sensor_time_byte1);
*data_index = (*data_index) + BMI160_SENSOR_TIME_LENGTH;
* @brief This API is used to parse and store the skipped_frame_count from
* the FIFO data in the structure instance dev.
static void unpack_skipped_frame(uint16_t *data_index, const struct bmi160_dev *dev)
/*Partial read, then move the data index to last data*/
if (*data_index >= dev->fifo->length) {
/*Update the data index as complete*/
*data_index = dev->fifo->length;
} else {
dev->fifo->skipped_frame_count = dev->fifo->data[*data_index];
/*Move the data index*/
*data_index = (*data_index) + 1;
/** @}*/
* Copyright (C) 2015 - 2016 Bosch Sensortec GmbH
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of the
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
* The information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable.
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* No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or
* patent rights of the copyright holder.
* File bmm150.c
* Date 1 Mar 2017
* Version 0.8.0
/*! @file bmm150.c
@brief Sensor driver for BMM150 sensor */
#include "bmm150.h"
/************************** Internal macros *******************************/
/* Sensor ODR, Repetition and axes enable/disable settings */
#define MODE_SETTING_SEL UINT16_C(0x000F)
/* Interrupt pin settings like polarity,latch and int_pin enable */
/* Settings to enable/disable interrupts */
/* Interrupt settings for configuring threshold values */
/********************** Static function declarations ************************/
* @brief This internal API is used to validate the device pointer for
* null conditions.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t null_ptr_check(const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API sets/resets the power control bit of 0x4B register.
* @param[in] pwrcntrl_bit : Variable used to select/deselect the suspend mode.
* @param[in,out] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev
* pwrcntrl_bit | power mode
* -----------------|-------------------------
* 0x00 | Suspend mode
* 0x01 | Sleep/Active modes
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_power_control_bit(uint8_t pwrcntrl_bit, struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API reads the trim registers of the sensor and stores
* the trim values in the "trim_data" of device structure.
* @param[in,out] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t read_trim_registers(struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API writes the op_mode value in the Opmode bits
* (bits 1 and 2) of 0x4C register.
* op_mode | Power mode
* ------------|-----------------------
* 0x00 | BMM150_NORMAL_MODE
* 0x01 | BMM150_FORCED_MODE
* 0x03 | BMM150_SLEEP_MODE
* @param[in,out] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t write_op_mode(uint8_t op_mode, const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API sets the device from suspend to sleep mode
* by setting the power control bit to '1' of 0x4B register
* @param[in,out] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t suspend_to_sleep_mode(struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API sets the xy repetition value in the 0x51 register.
* @param[in,out] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev
* dev->settings.xy_rep | nXY(XY Repetitions)
* -------------------------|-----------------------
* 0x00 | 1
* 0x01 | 3
* 0x02 | 5
* . | .
* . | .
* 0xFF | 511
* @note number of XY Repetitions nXY = 1+2(dev->settings.xy_rep)
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_xy_rep(const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API sets the z repetition value in the 0x52 register.
* @param[in,out] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev
* dev->settings.z_rep | nZ(Z Repetitions)
* -------------------------|-----------------------
* 0x00 | 1
* 0x01 | 2
* 0x02 | 3
* . | .
* . | .
* 0xFF | 256
* @note number of Z Repetitions nZ = 1+(dev->settings.z_rep)
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_z_rep(const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to set the output data rate of the sensor
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* dev->settings.data_rate | Data rate (ODR)
* -------------------------|-----------------------
* 0x00 | BMM150_DATA_RATE_10HZ
* 0x01 | BMM150_DATA_RATE_02HZ
* 0x02 | BMM150_DATA_RATE_06HZ
* 0x03 | BMM150_DATA_RATE_08HZ
* 0x04 | BMM150_DATA_RATE_15HZ
* 0x05 | BMM150_DATA_RATE_20HZ
* 0x06 | BMM150_DATA_RATE_25HZ
* 0x07 | BMM150_DATA_RATE_30HZ
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t set_odr(const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API sets the preset mode ODR and repetition settings.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev
* API settings | Representation
* -------------------------|------------------------------
* dev->settings.data_rate | Output Data Rate (ODR)
* dev->settings.xy_rep | XY repetition value
* dev->settings.z_rep | Z-repetition value
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t set_odr_xyz_rep(const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to enable or disable the magnetic
* measurement of x,y,z axes based on the value of xyz_axes_control.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* dev->settings.xyz_axes_control | Measurement axes/channel
* -------------------------------|--------------------------
* Bit 0 | X - Channel
* Bit 1 | Y - Channel
* Bit 2 | Z - Channel
* @note Setting 1 - Disables Channel measurement
* @note Setting 0 - Enables Channel measurement
* dev->settings.xyz_axes_control | Measurement axes Enabled/disabled
* -------------------------------|------------------------------------
* 0x01 | Disables X axis (Y,Z axes enabled)
* 0x02 | Disables Y axis (X,Z axes enabled)
* 0x04 | Disables Z axis (X,Y axes enabled)
* 0x07 | Disables all X,Y,Z axes measurement
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t set_control_measurement_xyz(const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to identify the settings which the user
* wants to modify in the sensor.
* @param[in] sub_settings : Contains the settings subset to identify particular
* group of settings which the user is interested to change.
* @param[in] settings : Contains the user specified settings.
* @return Indicates whether user is interested to modify the settings which
* are related to sub_settings.
* @retval True -> User wants to modify this group of settings
* @retval False -> User does not want to modify this group of settings
static uint8_t are_settings_changed(uint16_t sub_settings, uint16_t settings);
* @brief This API sets the ODR , measurement axes control ,
* repetition values of xy,z.
* @param[in] desired_settings : Contains the settings which user wants to
* change.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t mode_settings(uint16_t desired_settings, const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to parse and store the sensor
* settings in the device structure
* @param[in] reg_data : Pointer of an array consisting all sensor
* setting data from 0x4B to 0x52 registers.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static void parse_setting(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to enable the interrupts and map them to the
* corresponding interrupt pins and specify the pin characteristics like the
* polarity , latch settings for the interrupt pins.
* @note The other interrupts can be latched or non-latched but,
* Data ready interrupt is always cleared after reading out the data
* @param[in] desired_settings : Contains the settings which user wants to
* change.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t interrupt_pin_settings(uint16_t desired_settings, const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to enable data overrun , overflow interrupts and
* enable/disable high/low threshold interrupts for x,y,z axis based on the
* threshold values set by the user in the High threshold (0x50) and
* Low threshold (0x4F) registers.
* @param[in] desired_settings : Contains the settings which user wants to
* change.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t interrupt_config(uint16_t desired_settings, const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to write the user specified High/Low threshold value
* as a reference to generate the high/low threshold interrupt.
* @param[in] desired_settings : Contains the settings which user wants to
* change.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t interrupt_threshold_settings(uint16_t desired_settings, const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to obtain the compensated
* magnetometer X axis data in float.
* @param[in] mag_data_x : The value of raw X data
* @param[in] data_rhall : The value of raw RHALL data
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of compensated X data value in float
static float compensate_x(int16_t mag_data_x, uint16_t data_rhall, const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to obtain the compensated
* magnetometer Y axis data in float.
* @param[in] mag_data_y : The value of raw Y data
* @param[in] data_rhall : The value of raw RHALL data
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of compensated Y data value in float
static float compensate_y(int16_t mag_data_y, uint16_t data_rhall, const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to obtain the compensated
* magnetometer Z axis data in float.
* @param[in] mag_data_z : The value of raw Z data
* @param[in] data_rhall : The value of raw RHALL data
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of compensated Z data value in float
static float compensate_z(int16_t mag_data_z, uint16_t data_rhall, const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to obtain the compensated
* magnetometer X axis data in int16_t.
* @param[in] mag_data_x : The value of raw X data
* @param[in] data_rhall : The value of raw RHALL data
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of compensated X data value in int16_t format
static int16_t compensate_x(int16_t mag_data_x, uint16_t data_rhall, const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to obtain the compensated
* magnetometer Y axis data in int16_t.
* @param[in] mag_data_y : The value of raw Y data
* @param[in] data_rhall : The value of raw RHALL data
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of compensated Y data value in int16_t format
static int16_t compensate_y(int16_t mag_data_y, uint16_t data_rhall, const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to obtain the compensated
* magnetometer Z axis data in int16_t.
* @param[in] mag_data_z : The value of raw Z data
* @param[in] data_rhall : The value of raw RHALL data
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of compensated Z data value in int16_t format
static int16_t compensate_z(int16_t mag_data_z, uint16_t data_rhall, const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to perform the normal self test
* of the sensor and return the self test result as return value
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t perform_normal_self_test(const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to enable the normal self test by setting
* the Self Test bit (bit0) of the 0x4C register,
* which triggers the start of self test
* @param[out] self_test_enable : The value of self test bit0 in 0x4C register
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t enable_normal_self_test(uint8_t *self_test_enable, const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to validate the results of normal self test
* by using the self test status available in the bit0 of registers 0x42,0x44
* and 0x46.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t validate_normal_self_test(const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to perform advanced self test for Z axis
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
* Return value | Status of self-test
* 0 | BMM150_OK
static int8_t perform_adv_self_test(struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to set the desired power mode ,
* axes control and repetition settings for advanced self test
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t adv_self_test_settings(struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to set the positive or negative value of
* self-test current and obtain the corresponding magnetometer z axis data
* @param[in] self_test_current : Self test current either positive/negative
* @param[out] data_z : Z-axis Magnetometer data
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev
* self_test_current | Self-test current Direction
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t adv_self_test_measurement(uint8_t self_test_current, int16_t *data_z, struct bmm150_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to get the difference between the
* Z axis mag data obtained by positive and negative self-test current
* and validate whether the advanced self test is done successfully or not.
* @param[in] positive_data_z : Z-axis Mag data by positive self-test current
* @param[in] negative_data_z : Z-axis Mag data by negative self-test current
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
* Return value | Status of self-test
* 0 | BMM150_OK
static int8_t validate_adv_self_test(int16_t positive_data_z, int16_t negative_data_z);
* @brief This internal API is used to set the self test current value in
* the Adv. ST bits (bit6 and bit7) of 0x4C register
* @param[in] self_test_current : Self test current value (+ve/-ve)
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmm150_dev
* self_test_current | Self-test current Direction
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t set_adv_self_test_current(uint8_t self_test_current, const struct bmm150_dev *dev);
/********************** Global function definitions ************************/
* @brief This API is the entry point, Call this API before using other APIs.
* This API reads the chip-id of the sensor which is the first step to
* verify the sensor and updates the trim parameters of the sensor.
int8_t bmm150_init(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t chip_id = 0;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Power up the sensor from suspend to sleep mode */
rslt = set_power_control_bit(BMM150_POWER_CNTRL_ENABLE, dev);
/* Start-up time delay of 3ms*/
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Chip ID of the sensor is read */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_CHIP_ID_ADDR, &chip_id, 1, dev);
/* Proceed if everything is fine until now */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Check for chip id validity */
if (chip_id == BMM150_CHIP_ID) {
dev->chip_id = chip_id;
/* Function to update trim values */
rslt = read_trim_registers(dev);
} else {
rslt = BMM150_E_DEV_NOT_FOUND;
return rslt;
* @brief This API writes the given data to the register address
* of the sensor.
int8_t bmm150_set_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t len, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if ((rslt == BMM150_OK) && (reg_data != NULL) && (len != 0)) {
/* Write the data to the reg_addr */
/* SPI write requires to set The MSB of reg_addr as 0
but in default the MSB is always 0 */
rslt = dev->write(dev->id, reg_addr, reg_data, len);
} else {
rslt = BMM150_E_NULL_PTR;
return rslt;
* @brief This API reads the data from the given register address of the sensor.
int8_t bmm150_get_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t len, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if ((rslt == BMM150_OK) && (reg_data != NULL)) {
if (dev->interface != BMM150_I2C_INTF) {
/* If interface selected is SPI */
reg_addr = reg_addr | 0x80;
/* Read the data from the reg_addr */
rslt = dev->read(dev->id, reg_addr, reg_data, len);
} else {
rslt = BMM150_E_NULL_PTR;
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to perform soft-reset of the sensor
* where all the registers are reset to their default values except 0x4B.
int8_t bmm150_soft_reset(const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_POWER_CONTROL_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
reg_data = reg_data | BMM150_SET_SOFT_RESET;
rslt = bmm150_set_regs(BMM150_POWER_CONTROL_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to set the power mode of the sensor.
int8_t bmm150_set_op_mode(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t pwr_mode = dev->settings.pwr_mode;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Select the power mode to set */
switch (pwr_mode) {
/* If the sensor is in suspend mode
put the device to sleep mode */
rslt = suspend_to_sleep_mode(dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* write the op mode */
rslt = write_op_mode(pwr_mode, dev);
/* If the sensor is in suspend mode
put the device to sleep mode */
rslt = suspend_to_sleep_mode(dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* write the op mode */
rslt = write_op_mode(pwr_mode, dev);
/* If the sensor is in suspend mode
put the device to sleep mode */
rslt = suspend_to_sleep_mode(dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* write the op mode */
rslt = write_op_mode(pwr_mode, dev);
/* Set the power control bit to zero */
rslt = set_power_control_bit(BMM150_POWER_CNTRL_DISABLE, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to get the power mode of the sensor.
int8_t bmm150_get_op_mode(uint8_t *op_mode, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
if (dev->settings.pwr_cntrl_bit == BMM150_POWER_CNTRL_DISABLE) {
/* Power mode set is suspend mode*/
*op_mode = BMM150_SUSPEND_MODE;
} else {
/*Power mode set is stored in the op_mode */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_OP_MODE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
*op_mode = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_OP_MODE);
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to set the preset mode of the sensor.
int8_t bmm150_set_presetmode(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t preset_mode;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
preset_mode = dev->settings.preset_mode;
switch (preset_mode) {
/* Set the data rate x,y,z repetition
for Low Power mode */
dev->settings.data_rate = BMM150_DATA_RATE_10HZ;
dev->settings.xy_rep = BMM150_LOWPOWER_REPXY;
dev->settings.z_rep = BMM150_LOWPOWER_REPZ;
rslt = set_odr_xyz_rep(dev);
/* Set the data rate x,y,z repetition
for Regular mode */
dev->settings.data_rate = BMM150_DATA_RATE_10HZ;
dev->settings.xy_rep = BMM150_REGULAR_REPXY;
dev->settings.z_rep = BMM150_REGULAR_REPZ;
rslt = set_odr_xyz_rep(dev);
/* Set the data rate x,y,z repetition
for High Accuracy mode */
dev->settings.data_rate = BMM150_DATA_RATE_20HZ;
dev->settings.xy_rep = BMM150_HIGHACCURACY_REPXY;
dev->settings.z_rep = BMM150_HIGHACCURACY_REPZ;
rslt = set_odr_xyz_rep(dev);
/* Set the data rate x,y,z repetition
for Enhanced Accuracy mode */
dev->settings.data_rate = BMM150_DATA_RATE_10HZ;
dev->settings.xy_rep = BMM150_ENHANCED_REPXY;
dev->settings.z_rep = BMM150_ENHANCED_REPZ;
rslt = set_odr_xyz_rep(dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the sensor settings based on the desired_settings
* and the dev structure configuration
int8_t bmm150_set_sensor_settings(uint16_t desired_settings, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
if (are_settings_changed(MODE_SETTING_SEL, desired_settings)) {
/* ODR, Control measurement, XY,Z repetition values*/
rslt = mode_settings(desired_settings, dev);
if ((!rslt) && are_settings_changed(INTERRUPT_PIN_SETTING_SEL, desired_settings)) {
/* Interrupt pin settings */
rslt = interrupt_pin_settings(desired_settings, dev);
if ((!rslt) && are_settings_changed(INTERRUPT_CONFIG_SEL, desired_settings)) {
/* Interrupt configuration settings */
rslt = interrupt_config(desired_settings, dev);
if ((!rslt) && are_settings_changed(INTERRUPT_THRESHOLD_CONFIG_SEL, desired_settings)) {
/* Interrupt threshold settings */
rslt = interrupt_threshold_settings(desired_settings, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API gets the sensor settings and updates the dev structure
int8_t bmm150_get_sensor_settings(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t setting[BMM150_SETTING_DATA_LEN] = {0};
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/*Read the entire sensor settings */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_POWER_CONTROL_ADDR, setting, BMM150_SETTING_DATA_LEN, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/*Parse and store the settings */
parse_setting(setting, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to read the magnetometer data from registers
* 0x42 to 0x49 and update the dev structure with the
* compensated mag data in micro-tesla.
int8_t bmm150_read_mag_data(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
int16_t msb_data;
uint8_t reg_data[BMM150_XYZR_DATA_LEN] = {0};
struct bmm150_raw_mag_data raw_mag_data;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/*Read the mag data registers */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_DATA_X_LSB, reg_data, BMM150_XYZR_DATA_LEN, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Mag X axis data */
reg_data[0] = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[0], BMM150_DATA_X);
/* Shift the MSB data to left by 5 bits */
/* Multiply by 32 to get the shift left by 5 value */
msb_data = ((int16_t)((int8_t)reg_data[1])) * 32;
/* Raw mag X axis data */
raw_mag_data.raw_datax = (int16_t)(msb_data | reg_data[0]);
/* Mag Y axis data */
reg_data[2] = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[2], BMM150_DATA_Y);
/* Shift the MSB data to left by 5 bits */
/* Multiply by 32 to get the shift left by 5 value */
msb_data = ((int16_t)((int8_t)reg_data[3])) * 32;
/* Raw mag Y axis data */
raw_mag_data.raw_datay = (int16_t)(msb_data | reg_data[2]);
/* Mag Z axis data */
reg_data[4] = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[4], BMM150_DATA_Z);
/* Shift the MSB data to left by 7 bits */
/* Multiply by 128 to get the shift left by 7 value */
msb_data = ((int16_t)((int8_t)reg_data[5])) * 128;
/* Raw mag Z axis data */
raw_mag_data.raw_dataz = (int16_t)(msb_data | reg_data[4]);
/* Mag R-HALL data */
reg_data[6] = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[6], BMM150_DATA_RHALL);
raw_mag_data.raw_data_r = (uint16_t)(((uint16_t)reg_data[7] << 6) | reg_data[6]);
/* Compensated Mag X data in int16_t format */
dev->data.x = compensate_x(raw_mag_data.raw_datax, raw_mag_data.raw_data_r, dev);
/* Compensated Mag Y data in int16_t format */
dev->data.y = compensate_y(raw_mag_data.raw_datay, raw_mag_data.raw_data_r, dev);
/* Compensated Mag Z data in int16_t format */
dev->data.z = compensate_z(raw_mag_data.raw_dataz, raw_mag_data.raw_data_r, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to perform the complete self test
* (both normal and advanced) for the BMM150 sensor
int8_t bmm150_perform_self_test(uint8_t self_test_mode, struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
int8_t self_test_rslt = 0;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
switch (self_test_mode) {
/* Set the sensor in sleep mode */
dev->settings.pwr_mode = BMM150_SLEEP_MODE;
rslt = bmm150_set_op_mode(dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Perform the normal self test */
rslt = perform_normal_self_test(dev);
/* Perform the advanced self test */
rslt = perform_adv_self_test(dev);
/* Check to ensure bus error does not occur */
if (rslt >= BMM150_OK) {
/* Store the status of self test result */
self_test_rslt = rslt;
/* Perform soft reset */
rslt = bmm150_soft_reset(dev);
/* Check to ensure bus operations are success */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Restore self_test_rslt as return value */
rslt = self_test_rslt;
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to get the status flags of all interrupt
* which is used to check for the assertion of interrupts
int8_t bmm150_get_interrupt_status(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t interrupt_status;
uint8_t data_ready_status;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Read the data ready status from the register 0x48 */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_DATA_READY_STATUS, &data_ready_status, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Read the interrupt status from the register 0x50 */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_INTERRUPT_STATUS, &interrupt_status, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Mask and store the data ready status bit*/
data_ready_status = BMM150_GET_BITS(data_ready_status, BMM150_DRDY_STATUS);
/* store the entire interrupt status in dev */
dev->int_status = (data_ready_status << 8) | interrupt_status;
return rslt;
/**\name INTERNAL APIs */
* @brief This internal API is used to validate the device structure pointer for
* null conditions.
static int8_t null_ptr_check(const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->read == NULL) || (dev->write == NULL) || (dev->delay_ms == NULL)) {
/* Device structure pointer is not valid */
rslt = BMM150_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* Device structure is fine */
rslt = BMM150_OK;
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API sets/resets the power control bit of 0x4B register.
static int8_t set_power_control_bit(uint8_t pwrcntrl_bit, struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data = 0;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Power control register 0x4B is read */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_POWER_CONTROL_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
/* Proceed if everything is fine until now */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Sets the value of power control bit */
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_PWR_CNTRL, pwrcntrl_bit);
rslt = bmm150_set_regs(BMM150_POWER_CONTROL_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/*Store the power control bit
value in dev structure*/
dev->settings.pwr_cntrl_bit = pwrcntrl_bit;
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API reads the trim registers of the sensor and stores
* the trim values in the "trim_data" of device structure.
static int8_t read_trim_registers(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t trim_x1y1[2] = {0};
uint8_t trim_xyz_data[4] = {0};
uint8_t trim_xy1xy2[10] = {0};
uint16_t temp_msb = 0;
/* Trim register value is read */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_DIG_X1, trim_x1y1, 2, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_DIG_Z4_LSB, trim_xyz_data, 4, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_DIG_Z2_LSB, trim_xy1xy2, 10, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Trim data which is read is updated
in the device structure */
dev->trim_data.dig_x1 = (int8_t)trim_x1y1[0];
dev->trim_data.dig_y1 = (int8_t)trim_x1y1[1];
dev->trim_data.dig_x2 = (int8_t)trim_xyz_data[2];
dev->trim_data.dig_y2 = (int8_t)trim_xyz_data[3];
temp_msb = ((uint16_t)trim_xy1xy2[3]) << 8;
dev->trim_data.dig_z1 = (uint16_t)(temp_msb | trim_xy1xy2[2]);
temp_msb = ((uint16_t)trim_xy1xy2[1]) << 8;
dev->trim_data.dig_z2 = (int16_t)(temp_msb | trim_xy1xy2[0]);
temp_msb = ((uint16_t)trim_xy1xy2[7]) << 8;
dev->trim_data.dig_z3 = (int16_t)(temp_msb | trim_xy1xy2[6]);
temp_msb = ((uint16_t)trim_xyz_data[1]) << 8;
dev->trim_data.dig_z4 = (int16_t)(temp_msb | trim_xyz_data[0]);
dev->trim_data.dig_xy1 = trim_xy1xy2[9];
dev->trim_data.dig_xy2 = (int8_t)trim_xy1xy2[8];
temp_msb = ((uint16_t)(trim_xy1xy2[5] & 0x7F)) << 8;
dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1 = (uint16_t)(temp_msb | trim_xy1xy2[4]);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API writes the op_mode value in the Opmode bits
* (bits 1 and 2) of 0x4C register.
static int8_t write_op_mode(uint8_t op_mode, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Read the 0x4C register */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_OP_MODE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Set the op_mode value in Opmode bits of 0x4C */
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_OP_MODE, op_mode);
rslt = bmm150_set_regs(BMM150_OP_MODE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API sets the device from suspend to sleep mode
* by setting the power control bit to '1' of 0x4B register
static int8_t suspend_to_sleep_mode(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
if (dev->settings.pwr_cntrl_bit == BMM150_POWER_CNTRL_DISABLE) {
rslt = set_power_control_bit(BMM150_POWER_CNTRL_ENABLE, dev);
/* Start-up time delay of 3ms*/
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API sets the xy repetition value in the 0x51 register.
static int8_t set_xy_rep(const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t rep_xy;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* set the xy repetition */
rep_xy = dev->settings.xy_rep;
rslt = bmm150_set_regs(BMM150_REP_XY_ADDR, &rep_xy, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API sets the z repetition value in the 0x52 register.
static int8_t set_z_rep(const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t rep_z;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* set the z repetition */
rep_z = dev->settings.z_rep;
rslt = bmm150_set_regs(BMM150_REP_Z_ADDR, &rep_z, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to set the output data rate of the sensor.
static int8_t set_odr(const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/*Read the 0x4C register */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_OP_MODE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/*Set the ODR value */
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_ODR, dev->settings.data_rate);
rslt = bmm150_set_regs(BMM150_OP_MODE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API sets the preset mode ODR and repetition settings.
static int8_t set_odr_xyz_rep(const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Set the ODR */
rslt = set_odr(dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Set the XY-repetitions number */
rslt = set_xy_rep(dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Set the Z-repetitions number */
rslt = set_z_rep(dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to enable or disable the magnetic
* measurement of x,y,z axes based on the value of xyz_axes_control.
static int8_t set_control_measurement_xyz(const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_AXES_ENABLE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Set the axes to be enabled/disabled*/
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_CONTROL_MEASURE, dev->settings.xyz_axes_control);
rslt = bmm150_set_regs(BMM150_AXES_ENABLE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to identify the settings which the user
* wants to modify in the sensor.
static uint8_t are_settings_changed(uint16_t sub_settings, uint16_t desired_settings)
uint8_t settings_changed = FALSE;
if (sub_settings & desired_settings) {
/* User wants to modify this particular settings */
settings_changed = TRUE;
} else {
/* User don't want to modify this particular settings */
settings_changed = FALSE;
return settings_changed;
* @brief This API sets the ODR , measurement axes control ,
* repetition values of xy,z.
static int8_t mode_settings(uint16_t desired_settings, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMM150_E_INVALID_CONFIG;
if (desired_settings & BMM150_DATA_RATE_SEL) {
/* Sets the ODR */
rslt = set_odr(dev);
if (desired_settings & BMM150_CONTROL_MEASURE_SEL) {
/* Enables/Disables the control measurement axes */
rslt = set_control_measurement_xyz(dev);
if (desired_settings & BMM150_XY_REP_SEL) {
/* Sets the XY repetition */
rslt = set_xy_rep(dev);
if (desired_settings & BMM150_Z_REP_SEL) {
/* Sets the Z repetition */
rslt = set_z_rep(dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to parse and store the sensor
* settings in the device structure
static void parse_setting(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmm150_dev *dev)
/* Parse all the w/r registers and update the
current sensor settings in the dev structure*/
dev->settings.z_rep = reg_data[7];
dev->settings.xy_rep = reg_data[6];
dev->settings.int_settings.high_threshold = reg_data[5];
dev->settings.int_settings.low_threshold = reg_data[4];
dev->settings.xyz_axes_control = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[3], BMM150_CONTROL_MEASURE);
dev->settings.int_settings.drdy_pin_en = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[3], BMM150_DRDY_EN);
dev->settings.int_settings.int_pin_en = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[3], BMM150_INT_PIN_EN);
dev->settings.int_settings.drdy_polarity = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[3], BMM150_DRDY_POLARITY);
dev->settings.int_settings.int_latch = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[3], BMM150_INT_LATCH);
dev->settings.int_settings.int_polarity = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[3], BMM150_INT_POLARITY);
dev->settings.int_settings.data_overrun_en = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[2], BMM150_DATA_OVERRUN_INT);
dev->settings.int_settings.overflow_int_en = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[2], BMM150_OVERFLOW_INT);
dev->settings.int_settings.high_int_en = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[2], BMM150_HIGH_THRESHOLD_INT);
dev->settings.int_settings.low_int_en = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[2], BMM150_LOW_THRESHOLD_INT);
dev->settings.data_rate = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data[1], BMM150_ODR);
* @brief This API is used to enable the interrupts and map them to the
* corresponding interrupt pins and specify the pin characteristics like the
* polarity , latch settings for the interrupt pins.
static int8_t interrupt_pin_settings(uint16_t desired_settings, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data;
struct bmm150_int_ctrl_settings int_settings;
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_AXES_ENABLE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
int_settings = dev->settings.int_settings;
if (desired_settings & BMM150_DRDY_PIN_EN_SEL) {
/* Enables the Data ready interrupt and
maps it to the DRDY pin of the sensor */
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_DRDY_EN, int_settings.drdy_pin_en);
if (desired_settings & BMM150_INT_PIN_EN_SEL) {
/* Sets interrupt pin enable */
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_INT_PIN_EN, int_settings.int_pin_en);
if (desired_settings & BMM150_DRDY_POLARITY_SEL) {
/* Sets Data ready pin's polarity */
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_DRDY_POLARITY, int_settings.drdy_polarity);
if (desired_settings & BMM150_INT_LATCH_SEL) {
/* Sets Interrupt in latched or non-latched mode */
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_INT_LATCH, int_settings.int_latch);
if (desired_settings & BMM150_INT_POLARITY_SEL) {
/* Sets Interrupt pin's polarity */
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_INT_POLARITY, int_settings.int_polarity);
/* Set the interrupt configurations in the 0x4E register */
rslt = bmm150_set_regs(BMM150_AXES_ENABLE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to enable data overrun , overflow interrupts and
* enable/disable high/low threshold interrupts for x,y,z axis based on the
* threshold values set by the user in the High threshold (0x50) and
* Low threshold (0x4F) registers.
static int8_t interrupt_config(uint16_t desired_settings, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data;
struct bmm150_int_ctrl_settings int_settings;
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_INT_CONFIG_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
int_settings = dev->settings.int_settings;
if (desired_settings & BMM150_DATA_OVERRUN_INT_SEL) {
/* Sets Data overrun interrupt */
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_DATA_OVERRUN_INT, int_settings.data_overrun_en);
if (desired_settings & BMM150_OVERFLOW_INT_SEL) {
/* Sets Data overflow interrupt */
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_OVERFLOW_INT, int_settings.overflow_int_en);
if (desired_settings & BMM150_HIGH_THRESHOLD_INT_SEL) {
/* Sets high threshold interrupt */
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_HIGH_THRESHOLD_INT, int_settings.high_int_en);
if (desired_settings & BMM150_LOW_THRESHOLD_INT_SEL) {
/* Sets low threshold interrupt */
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_LOW_THRESHOLD_INT, int_settings.low_int_en);
/* Set the interrupt configurations in the 0x4D register */
rslt = bmm150_set_regs(BMM150_INT_CONFIG_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to write the user specified High/Low threshold value
* as a reference to generate the high/low threshold interrupt.
static int8_t interrupt_threshold_settings(uint16_t desired_settings, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMM150_E_INVALID_CONFIG;
uint8_t reg_data;
if (desired_settings & BMM150_LOW_THRESHOLD_SETTING_SEL) {
/* Sets the Low threshold value to trigger interrupt */
reg_data = dev->settings.int_settings.low_threshold;
rslt = bmm150_set_regs(BMM150_LOW_THRESHOLD_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (desired_settings & BMM150_HIGH_THRESHOLD_SETTING_SEL) {
/* Sets the High threshold value to trigger interrupt */
reg_data = dev->settings.int_settings.high_threshold;
rslt = bmm150_set_regs(BMM150_HIGH_THRESHOLD_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to obtain the compensated
* magnetometer x axis data(micro-tesla) in float.
static float compensate_x(int16_t mag_data_x, uint16_t data_rhall, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
float retval = 0;
float process_comp_x0;
float process_comp_x1;
float process_comp_x2;
float process_comp_x3;
float process_comp_x4;
/* Overflow condition check */
if ((mag_data_x != BMM150_XYAXES_FLIP_OVERFLOW_ADCVAL) &&
(data_rhall != 0) && (dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1 != 0)) {
/*Processing compensation equations*/
process_comp_x0 = (((float)dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1) * 16384.0f / data_rhall);
retval = (process_comp_x0 - 16384.0f);
process_comp_x1 = ((float)dev->trim_data.dig_xy2) * (retval * retval / 268435456.0f);
process_comp_x2 = process_comp_x1 + retval * ((float)dev->trim_data.dig_xy1) / 16384.0f;
process_comp_x3 = ((float)dev->trim_data.dig_x2) + 160.0f;
process_comp_x4 = mag_data_x * ((process_comp_x2 + 256.0f) * process_comp_x3);
retval = ((process_comp_x4 / 8192.0f) + (((float)dev->trim_data.dig_x1) * 8.0f)) / 16.0f;
} else {
/* overflow, set output to 0.0f */
return retval;
* @brief This internal API is used to obtain the compensated
* magnetometer y axis data(micro-tesla) in float.
static float compensate_y(int16_t mag_data_y, uint16_t data_rhall, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
float retval = 0;
float process_comp_y0;
float process_comp_y1;
float process_comp_y2;
float process_comp_y3;
float process_comp_y4;
/* Overflow condition check */
if ((mag_data_y != BMM150_XYAXES_FLIP_OVERFLOW_ADCVAL)
&& (data_rhall != 0) && (dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1 != 0)) {
/*Processing compensation equations*/
process_comp_y0 = ((float)dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1) * 16384.0f / data_rhall;
retval = process_comp_y0 - 16384.0f;
process_comp_y1 = ((float)dev->trim_data.dig_xy2) * (retval * retval / 268435456.0f);
process_comp_y2 = process_comp_y1 + retval * ((float)dev->trim_data.dig_xy1) / 16384.0f;
process_comp_y3 = ((float)dev->trim_data.dig_y2) + 160.0f;
process_comp_y4 = mag_data_y * (((process_comp_y2) + 256.0f) * process_comp_y3);
retval = ((process_comp_y4 / 8192.0f) + (((float)dev->trim_data.dig_y1) * 8.0f)) / 16.0f;
} else {
/* overflow, set output to 0.0f */
return retval;
* @brief This internal API is used to obtain the compensated
* magnetometer z axis data(micro-tesla) in float.
static float compensate_z(int16_t mag_data_z, uint16_t data_rhall, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
float retval = 0;
float process_comp_z0;
float process_comp_z1;
float process_comp_z2;
float process_comp_z3;
float process_comp_z4;
float process_comp_z5;
/* Overflow condition check */
if ((mag_data_z != BMM150_ZAXIS_HALL_OVERFLOW_ADCVAL) &&
(dev->trim_data.dig_z2 != 0) && (dev->trim_data.dig_z1 != 0)
&& (dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1 != 0) && (data_rhall != 0)) {
/* Processing compensation equations */
process_comp_z0 = ((float)mag_data_z) - ((float)dev->trim_data.dig_z4);
process_comp_z1 = ((float)data_rhall) - ((float)dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1);
process_comp_z2 = (((float)dev->trim_data.dig_z3) * process_comp_z1);
process_comp_z3 = ((float)dev->trim_data.dig_z1) * ((float)data_rhall) / 32768.0f;
process_comp_z4 = ((float)dev->trim_data.dig_z2) + process_comp_z3;
process_comp_z5 = (process_comp_z0 * 131072.0f) - process_comp_z2;
retval = (process_comp_z5 / ((process_comp_z4) * 4.0f)) / 16.0f;
} else {
/* overflow, set output to 0.0f */
return retval;
* @brief This internal API is used to obtain the compensated
* magnetometer X axis data(micro-tesla) in int16_t.
static int16_t compensate_x(int16_t mag_data_x, uint16_t data_rhall, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int16_t retval;
uint16_t process_comp_x0 = 0;
int32_t process_comp_x1;
uint16_t process_comp_x2;
int32_t process_comp_x3;
int32_t process_comp_x4;
int32_t process_comp_x5;
int32_t process_comp_x6;
int32_t process_comp_x7;
int32_t process_comp_x8;
int32_t process_comp_x9;
int32_t process_comp_x10;
/* Overflow condition check */
if (mag_data_x != BMM150_XYAXES_FLIP_OVERFLOW_ADCVAL) {
if (data_rhall != 0) {
/* Availability of valid data*/
process_comp_x0 = data_rhall;
} else if (dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1 != 0) {
process_comp_x0 = dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1;
} else {
process_comp_x0 = 0;
if (process_comp_x0 != 0) {
/* Processing compensation equations*/
process_comp_x1 = ((int32_t)dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1) * 16384;
process_comp_x2 = ((uint16_t)(process_comp_x1 / process_comp_x0)) - ((uint16_t)0x4000);
retval = ((int16_t)process_comp_x2);
process_comp_x3 = (((int32_t)retval) * ((int32_t)retval));
process_comp_x4 = (((int32_t)dev->trim_data.dig_xy2) * (process_comp_x3 / 128));
process_comp_x5 = (int32_t)(((int16_t)dev->trim_data.dig_xy1) * 128);
process_comp_x6 = ((int32_t)retval) * process_comp_x5;
process_comp_x7 = (((process_comp_x4 + process_comp_x6) / 512) + ((int32_t)0x100000));
process_comp_x8 = ((int32_t)(((int16_t)dev->trim_data.dig_x2) + ((int16_t)0xA0)));
process_comp_x9 = ((process_comp_x7 * process_comp_x8) / 4096);
process_comp_x10 = ((int32_t)mag_data_x) * process_comp_x9;
retval = ((int16_t)(process_comp_x10 / 8192));
retval = (retval + (((int16_t)dev->trim_data.dig_x1) * 8)) / 16;
} else {
} else {
/* Overflow condition */
return retval;
* @brief This internal API is used to obtain the compensated
* magnetometer Y axis data(micro-tesla) in int16_t.
static int16_t compensate_y(int16_t mag_data_y, uint16_t data_rhall, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int16_t retval;
uint16_t process_comp_y0 = 0;
int32_t process_comp_y1;
uint16_t process_comp_y2;
int32_t process_comp_y3;
int32_t process_comp_y4;
int32_t process_comp_y5;
int32_t process_comp_y6;
int32_t process_comp_y7;
int32_t process_comp_y8;
int32_t process_comp_y9;
/* Overflow condition check */
if (mag_data_y != BMM150_XYAXES_FLIP_OVERFLOW_ADCVAL) {
if (data_rhall != 0) {
/* Availability of valid data*/
process_comp_y0 = data_rhall;
} else if (dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1 != 0) {
process_comp_y0 = dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1;
} else {
process_comp_y0 = 0;
if (process_comp_y0 != 0) {
/*Processing compensation equations*/
process_comp_y1 = (((int32_t)dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1) * 16384) / process_comp_y0;
process_comp_y2 = ((uint16_t)process_comp_y1) - ((uint16_t)0x4000);
retval = ((int16_t)process_comp_y2);
process_comp_y3 = ((int32_t) retval) * ((int32_t)retval);
process_comp_y4 = ((int32_t)dev->trim_data.dig_xy2) * (process_comp_y3 / 128);
process_comp_y5 = ((int32_t)(((int16_t)dev->trim_data.dig_xy1) * 128));
process_comp_y6 = ((process_comp_y4 + (((int32_t)retval) * process_comp_y5)) / 512);
process_comp_y7 = ((int32_t)(((int16_t)dev->trim_data.dig_y2) + ((int16_t)0xA0)));
process_comp_y8 = (((process_comp_y6 + ((int32_t)0x100000)) * process_comp_y7) / 4096);
process_comp_y9 = (((int32_t)mag_data_y) * process_comp_y8);
retval = (int16_t)(process_comp_y9 / 8192);
retval = (retval + (((int16_t)dev->trim_data.dig_y1) * 8)) / 16;
} else {
} else {
/* Overflow condition*/
return retval;
* @brief This internal API is used to obtain the compensated
* magnetometer Z axis data(micro-tesla) in int16_t.
static int16_t compensate_z(int16_t mag_data_z, uint16_t data_rhall, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int32_t retval;
int16_t process_comp_z0;
int32_t process_comp_z1;
int32_t process_comp_z2;
int32_t process_comp_z3;
int16_t process_comp_z4;
if (mag_data_z != BMM150_ZAXIS_HALL_OVERFLOW_ADCVAL) {
if ((dev->trim_data.dig_z2 != 0) && (dev->trim_data.dig_z1 != 0)
&& (data_rhall != 0) && (dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1 != 0)) {
/*Processing compensation equations*/
process_comp_z0 = ((int16_t)data_rhall) - ((int16_t) dev->trim_data.dig_xyz1);
process_comp_z1 = (((int32_t)dev->trim_data.dig_z3) * ((int32_t)(process_comp_z0))) / 4;
process_comp_z2 = (((int32_t)(mag_data_z - dev->trim_data.dig_z4)) * 32768);
process_comp_z3 = ((int32_t)dev->trim_data.dig_z1) * (((int16_t)data_rhall) * 2);
process_comp_z4 = (int16_t)((process_comp_z3 + (32768)) / 65536);
retval = ((process_comp_z2 - process_comp_z1) / (dev->trim_data.dig_z2 + process_comp_z4));
/* saturate result to +/- 2 micro-tesla */
if (retval > BMM150_POSITIVE_SATURATION_Z) {
} else {
/* Conversion of LSB to micro-tesla*/
retval = retval / 16;
} else {
} else {
/* Overflow condition*/
return (int16_t)retval;
* @brief This internal API is used to perform the normal self test
* of the sensor and return the self test result as return value
static int8_t perform_normal_self_test(const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t self_test_bit = 0;
/* Triggers the start of normal self test */
rslt = enable_normal_self_test(&self_test_bit, dev);
/* Check for self test completion status */
if ((rslt == BMM150_OK) && (self_test_bit == 0)) {
/* Validates the self test results for all 3 axes */
rslt = validate_normal_self_test(dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to enable the normal self test by setting
* the Self Test bit (bit0) of the 0x4C register,
* which triggers the start of self test
static int8_t enable_normal_self_test(uint8_t *self_test_enable, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data;
uint8_t self_test_val;
/* Read the data from register 0x4C */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_OP_MODE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Set the Self Test bit(bit0) of the 0x4C register */
self_test_val = 1;
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_SELF_TEST, self_test_val);
/* Write the data to 0x4C register to trigger self test */
rslt = bmm150_set_regs(BMM150_OP_MODE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Read the data from register 0x4C */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_OP_MODE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
/* Self Test bit(bit0) is stored in self_test_enable,
It will be reset to zero after the self test is over */
*self_test_enable = BMM150_GET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_SELF_TEST);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to validate the results of normal self test
* by using the self test status available in the bit0 of registers 0x42,0x44
* and 0x46.
static int8_t validate_normal_self_test(const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t status;
uint8_t self_test_rslt[5];
/* Read the data from register 0x42 to 0x46 */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_DATA_X_LSB, self_test_rslt, BMM150_SELF_TEST_LEN, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Parse and get the self test status bits */
/* X-Self-Test (bit0) of 0x42 register is stored*/
self_test_rslt[0] = BMM150_GET_BITS(self_test_rslt[0], BMM150_SELF_TEST);
/* Y-Self-Test (bit0) of 0x44 register is stored */
self_test_rslt[2] = BMM150_GET_BITS(self_test_rslt[2], BMM150_SELF_TEST);
/* Z-Self-Test (bit0) of 0x46 register is stored */
self_test_rslt[4] = BMM150_GET_BITS(self_test_rslt[4], BMM150_SELF_TEST);
/* Combine the self test status and store it in the first
3 bits of the status variable for processing*/
status = (uint8_t)((self_test_rslt[4] << 2) | (self_test_rslt[2] << 1) | self_test_rslt[0]);
/* Validate status and store Self test result in "rslt" */
if (status == BMM150_SELF_TEST_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
/* Self test is success when all status bits are set */
rslt = BMM150_OK;
} else {
if (status == BMM150_SELF_TEST_STATUS_XYZ_FAIL) {
/* Self test - all axis fail condition */
} else {
/* Self test - some axis fail condition */
rslt = (int8_t)status;
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to perform advanced self test for Z axis
static int8_t perform_adv_self_test(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t self_test_current;
int16_t positive_data_z;
int16_t negative_data_z;
/* Set the desired power mode ,axes control and repetition settings */
rslt = adv_self_test_settings(dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Measure the Z axes data with positive self-test current */
self_test_current = BMM150_ENABLE_POSITIVE_CURRENT;
rslt = adv_self_test_measurement(self_test_current, &positive_data_z, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Measure the Z axes data with
negative self-test current */
self_test_current = BMM150_ENABLE_NEGATIVE_CURRENT;
rslt = adv_self_test_measurement(self_test_current, &negative_data_z, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Disable self-test current */
self_test_current = BMM150_DISABLE_SELF_TEST_CURRENT;
rslt = set_adv_self_test_current(self_test_current, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Validate the advanced self test */
rslt = validate_adv_self_test(positive_data_z, negative_data_z);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to set the desired power mode ,
* axes control and repetition settings for advanced self test
static int8_t adv_self_test_settings(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Set the power mode as sleep mode */
dev->settings.pwr_mode = BMM150_SLEEP_MODE;
rslt = bmm150_set_op_mode(dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Disable XY-axis measurement */
dev->settings.xyz_axes_control = BMM150_DISABLE_XY_AXIS;
rslt = set_control_measurement_xyz(dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Repetition value is set as 0x04 */
dev->settings.z_rep = BMM150_SELF_TEST_REP_Z;
rslt = set_z_rep(dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to set the positive or negative value of
* self-test current and obtain the corresponding magnetometer z axis data
static int8_t adv_self_test_measurement(uint8_t self_test_current, int16_t *data_z, struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Set the advanced self test current as positive or
negative based on the value of parameter "self_test_current" */
rslt = set_adv_self_test_current(self_test_current, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Set the device in forced mode*/
dev->settings.pwr_mode = BMM150_FORCED_MODE;
rslt = bmm150_set_op_mode(dev);
/* Delay to ensure measurement is complete */
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Read Mag data and store the value of Z axis data */
rslt = bmm150_read_mag_data(dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Mag Z axis data is stored */
*data_z = dev->data.z;
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to get the difference between the
* Z axis mag data obtained by positive and negative self-test current
* and validate whether the advanced self test is done successfully or not.
static int8_t validate_adv_self_test(int16_t positive_data_z, int16_t negative_data_z)
int32_t adv_self_test_rslt;
int8_t rslt;
/* Advanced self test difference between the Z axis mag data
obtained by the positive and negative self-test current */
adv_self_test_rslt = positive_data_z - negative_data_z;
/* Advanced self test validation */
/*Value of adv_self_test_rslt should be in between 180-240 micro-tesla*/
if ((adv_self_test_rslt > 180) && (adv_self_test_rslt < 240)) {
/* Advanced self test success */
rslt = BMM150_OK;
} else {
/* Advanced self test fail */
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to set the self test current value in
* the Adv. ST bits (bit6 and bit7) of 0x4C register
static int8_t set_adv_self_test_current(uint8_t self_test_current, const struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data;
/* Read the 0x4C register */
rslt = bmm150_get_regs(BMM150_OP_MODE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Set the self test current value in the Adv. ST bits
(bit6 and bit7) of 0x4c register */
reg_data = BMM150_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMM150_ADV_SELF_TEST, self_test_current);
rslt = bmm150_set_regs(BMM150_OP_MODE_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 Bosch Sensortec GmbH
* File : bmp280.c
* Date : 2016/06/30
* Revision : 2.0.9(Pressure and Temperature compensation code revision is 1.1)
* Usage: Sensor Driver for BMP280 sensor
* Disclaimer
* Common:
* Bosch Sensortec products are developed for the consumer goods industry.
* They may only be used within the parameters of the respective valid
* product data sheet. Bosch Sensortec products are provided with the
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* safety or security sensitive systems or any system or device
* that may lead to bodily harm or property damage if the system
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* The purchaser shall indemnify Bosch Sensortec from all third party
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* Engineering Samples are marked with an asterisk (*) or (e).
* Samples may vary from the valid technical specifications of the product
* series. They are therefore not intended or fit for resale to third
* parties or for use in end products. Their sole purpose is internal
* client testing. The testing of an engineering sample may in no way
* replace the testing of a product series. Bosch Sensortec assumes
* no liability for the use of engineering samples.
* By accepting the engineering samples, the Purchaser agrees to indemnify
* Bosch Sensortec from all claims arising from the use of engineering
* samples.
* Special:
* This software module (hereinafter called "Software") and any information
* on application-sheets (hereinafter called "Information") is provided
* free of charge for the sole purpose to support your application work.
* The Software and Information is subject to the following
* terms and conditions:
* The Software is specifically designed for the exclusive use for
* Bosch Sensortec products by personnel who have special experience
* and training. Do not use this Software if you do not have the
* proper experience or training.
* This Software package is provided `` as is `` and without any expressed
* or implied warranties,including without limitation, the implied warranties
* of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
* Bosch Sensortec and their representatives and agents deny any liability
* for the functional impairment
* of this Software in terms of fitness, performance and safety.
* Bosch Sensortec and their representatives and agents shall not be liable
* for any direct or indirect damages or injury, except as
* otherwise stipulated in mandatory applicable law.
* The Information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable.
* Bosch Sensortec assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use
* of such Information nor for any infringement of patents or
* other rights of third parties which may result from its use.
* No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or
* patent rights of Bosch. Specifications mentioned in the Information are
* subject to change without notice.
#include "../interface/bmp280.h"
static struct bmp280_t *p_bmp280; /**< pointer to BMP280 */
* @brief This function is used for initialize
* the bus read and bus write functions
* and assign the chip id and I2C address of the BMP280 sensor
* chip id is read in the register 0xD0 bit from 0 to 7
* @param *bmp280 structure pointer.
* @note While changing the parameter of the p_bmp280
* @note consider the following point:
* Changing the reference value of the parameter
* will changes the local copy or local reference
* make sure your changes will not
* affect the reference value of the parameter
* (Better case don't change the reference value of the parameter)
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_init(struct bmp280_t *bmp280)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
p_bmp280 = bmp280;/* assign BMP280 ptr */
/* read chip id */
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
BMP280_CHIP_ID_REG, &v_data_u8,
p_bmp280->chip_id = v_data_u8;
/* readout bmp280 calibparam structure */
com_rslt += bmp280_get_calib_param();
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API is used to read uncompensated temperature
* in the registers 0xFA, 0xFB and 0xFC
* @note 0xFA -> MSB -> bit from 0 to 7
* @note 0xFB -> LSB -> bit from 0 to 7
* @note 0xFC -> LSB -> bit from 4 to 7
* @param v_uncomp_temperature_s32 : The uncompensated temperature.
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_read_uncomp_temperature(
int32_t *v_uncomp_temperature_s32)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
/* Array holding the MSB and LSb value
a_data_u8r[0] - Temperature MSB
a_data_u8r[1] - Temperature LSB
a_data_u8r[2] - Temperature LSB
uint8_t a_data_u8r[BMP280_TEMPERATURE_DATA_SIZE] = {BMP280_INIT_VALUE,
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* read temperature data */
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
*v_uncomp_temperature_s32 = (int32_t)((((uint32_t)(
| (((uint32_t)(
| ((uint32_t)a_data_u8r[BMP280_TEMPERATURE_XLSB_DATA]
return com_rslt;
* @brief Reads actual temperature
* from uncompensated temperature
* @note Returns the value in 0.01 degree Centigrade
* @note Output value of "5123" equals 51.23 DegC.
* @param v_uncomp_temperature_s32 : value of uncompensated temperature
* @return Actual temperature output as int32_t
int32_t bmp280_compensate_temperature_s32(int32_t v_uncomp_temperature_s32)
int32_t v_x1_u32r = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
int32_t v_x2_u32r = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
int32_t temperature = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* calculate true temperature*/
/*calculate x1*/
v_x1_u32r = ((((v_uncomp_temperature_s32
- ((int32_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_T1
* ((int32_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_T2))
/*calculate x2*/
v_x2_u32r = (((((v_uncomp_temperature_s32
- ((int32_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_T1))
* ((v_uncomp_temperature_s32
- ((int32_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_T1)))
* ((int32_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_T3))
/*calculate t_fine*/
p_bmp280->calib_param.t_fine = v_x1_u32r + v_x2_u32r;
/*calculate temperature*/
temperature = (p_bmp280->calib_param.t_fine * 5 + 128)
return temperature;
* @brief This API is used to read uncompensated pressure.
* in the registers 0xF7, 0xF8 and 0xF9
* @note 0xF7 -> MSB -> bit from 0 to 7
* @note 0xF8 -> LSB -> bit from 0 to 7
* @note 0xF9 -> LSB -> bit from 4 to 7
* @param v_uncomp_pressure_s32 : The value of uncompensated pressure
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_read_uncomp_pressure(
int32_t *v_uncomp_pressure_s32)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
/* Array holding the MSB and LSb value
a_data_u8[0] - Pressure MSB
a_data_u8[1] - Pressure LSB
a_data_u8[2] - Pressure LSB
uint8_t a_data_u8[BMP280_PRESSURE_DATA_SIZE] = {BMP280_INIT_VALUE,
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
BMP280_PRESSURE_MSB_REG, a_data_u8,
*v_uncomp_pressure_s32 = (int32_t)((((uint32_t)(
| (((uint32_t)(a_data_u8[BMP280_PRESSURE_LSB_DATA]))
| ((uint32_t)a_data_u8[BMP280_PRESSURE_XLSB_DATA]
return com_rslt;
* @brief Reads actual pressure from uncompensated pressure
* and returns the value in Pascal(Pa)
* @note Output value of "96386" equals 96386 Pa =
* 963.86 hPa = 963.86 millibar
* @param v_uncomp_pressure_s32: value of uncompensated pressure
* @return Returns the Actual pressure out put as int32_t
uint32_t bmp280_compensate_pressure_s32(int32_t v_uncomp_pressure_s32)
int32_t v_x1_u32r = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
int32_t v_x2_u32r = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
int32_t v_x3_u32r = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
uint32_t v_pressure_u32 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* calculate x1*/
v_x1_u32r = (((int32_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.t_fine)
>> BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_01_BIT) - (int32_t)64000;
/* calculate x2*/
v_x2_u32r = (((v_x1_u32r >> BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_02_BITS)
* (v_x1_u32r >> BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_02_BITS))
* ((int32_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P6);
v_x2_u32r = v_x2_u32r + ((v_x1_u32r *
v_x2_u32r = (v_x2_u32r >> BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_02_BITS)
+ (((int32_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P4)
/* calculate x1*/
v_x1_u32r = (((p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P3
* (((v_x1_u32r
>> BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_02_BITS) * (v_x1_u32r
+ ((((int32_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P2)
* v_x1_u32r)
v_x1_u32r = ((((32768 + v_x1_u32r))
* ((int32_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P1))
/* calculate pressure*/
v_pressure_u32 = (((uint32_t)(((int32_t)1048576) - v_uncomp_pressure_s32)
- (v_x2_u32r >> BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_12_BITS)))
* 3125;
/* check overflow*/
if (v_pressure_u32 < 0x80000000)
/* Avoid exception caused by division by zero */
if (v_x1_u32r != BMP280_INIT_VALUE)
v_pressure_u32 = (v_pressure_u32
/ ((uint32_t)v_x1_u32r);
/* Avoid exception caused by division by zero */
if (v_x1_u32r != BMP280_INIT_VALUE)
v_pressure_u32 = (v_pressure_u32 / (uint32_t)v_x1_u32r) * 2;
/* calculate x1*/
v_x1_u32r = (((int32_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P9) * ((int32_t)(
* (v_pressure_u32
/* calculate x2*/
v_x2_u32r = (((int32_t)(v_pressure_u32 >>
* ((int32_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P8))
/* calculate x3*/
v_x3_u32r = (int32_t)(((int32_t)(((v_pressure_u32
(v_pressure_u32 >> BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_03_BITS))
* (int32_t)v_pressure_u32)
/* calculate true pressure*/
v_pressure_u32 = (uint32_t)((int32_t)v_pressure_u32 +
((v_x1_u32r + v_x2_u32r + v_x3_u32r
+ p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P7)
return v_pressure_u32;
* @brief reads uncompensated pressure and temperature
* @param v_uncomp_pressure_s32: The value of uncompensated pressure.
* @param v_uncomp_temperature_s32: The value of uncompensated temperature.
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_read_uncomp_pressure_temperature(
int32_t *v_uncomp_pressure_s32, int32_t *v_uncomp_temperature_s32)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
/* Array holding the temperature and pressure data
a_data_u8[0] - Pressure MSB
a_data_u8[1] - Pressure LSB
a_data_u8[2] - Pressure LSB
a_data_u8[3] - Temperature MSB
a_data_u8[4] - Temperature LSB
a_data_u8[5] - Temperature LSB
uint8_t a_data_u8[BMP280_ALL_DATA_FRAME_LENGTH] = {BMP280_INIT_VALUE,
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
BMP280_PRESSURE_MSB_REG, a_data_u8,
*v_uncomp_pressure_s32 = (int32_t)((((uint32_t)(
| (((uint32_t)(
| ((uint32_t)a_data_u8[
/* Temperature */
*v_uncomp_temperature_s32 = (int32_t)((((uint32_t)(a_data_u8[
| (((uint32_t)(a_data_u8[
| ((uint32_t)a_data_u8[
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API reads the true pressure and temperature
* @param v_pressure_u32 : The value of compensated pressure.
* @param v_temperature_s32 : The value of compensated temperature.
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_read_pressure_temperature(
uint32_t *v_pressure_u32,int32_t *v_temperature_s32)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
int32_t v_uncomp_pressure_s32 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
int32_t v_uncomp_temperature_s32 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* read uncompensated pressure and temperature*/
com_rslt = bmp280_read_uncomp_pressure_temperature(
/* read true pressure and temperature*/
*v_temperature_s32 = bmp280_compensate_temperature_s32(
*v_pressure_u32 = bmp280_compensate_pressure_s32(
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API is used to
* calibration parameters used for calculation in the registers
* parameter | Register address | bit
* dig_T1 | 0x88 and 0x89 | from 0 : 7 to 8: 15
* dig_T2 | 0x8A and 0x8B | from 0 : 7 to 8: 15
* dig_T3 | 0x8C and 0x8D | from 0 : 7 to 8: 15
* dig_P1 | 0x8E and 0x8F | from 0 : 7 to 8: 15
* dig_P2 | 0x90 and 0x91 | from 0 : 7 to 8: 15
* dig_P3 | 0x92 and 0x93 | from 0 : 7 to 8: 15
* dig_P4 | 0x94 and 0x95 | from 0 : 7 to 8: 15
* dig_P5 | 0x96 and 0x97 | from 0 : 7 to 8: 15
* dig_P6 | 0x98 and 0x99 | from 0 : 7 to 8: 15
* dig_P7 | 0x9A and 0x9B | from 0 : 7 to 8: 15
* dig_P8 | 0x9C and 0x9D | from 0 : 7 to 8: 15
* dig_P9 | 0x9E and 0x9F | from 0 : 7 to 8: 15
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_get_calib_param(void)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t a_data_u8[BMP280_CALIB_DATA_SIZE] = {
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
/* read calibration values*/
p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_T1 = (uint16_t)((((uint16_t)((uint8_t)a_data_u8[
| a_data_u8[
p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_T2 = (int16_t)((((int16_t)((int8_t)a_data_u8[
| a_data_u8[
p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_T3 = (int16_t)((((int16_t)((int8_t)a_data_u8[
| a_data_u8[
p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P1 = (uint16_t)((((uint16_t)((uint8_t)a_data_u8[
| a_data_u8[
p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P2 = (int16_t)((((int16_t)((int8_t)a_data_u8[
| a_data_u8[
p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P3 = (int16_t)((((int16_t)((int8_t)a_data_u8[
| a_data_u8[
p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P4 = (int16_t)((((int16_t)((int8_t)a_data_u8[
| a_data_u8[
p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P5 = (int16_t)((((int16_t)((int8_t)a_data_u8[
| a_data_u8[
p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P6 = (int16_t)((((int16_t)((int8_t)a_data_u8[
| a_data_u8[
p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P7 = (int16_t)((((int16_t)((int8_t)a_data_u8[
| a_data_u8[
p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P8 = (int16_t)((((int16_t)((int8_t)a_data_u8[
| a_data_u8[
p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P9 = (int16_t)((((int16_t)((int8_t)a_data_u8[
| a_data_u8[
p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P10 =
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API is used to get
* the temperature oversampling setting in the register 0xF4
* bits from 5 to 7
* value | Temperature oversampling
* ------------------------|------------------------------
* 0x01 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_1X
* 0x02 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_2X
* 0x03 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_4X
* 0x04 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_8X
* 0x05,0x06 and 0x07 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_16X
* @param v_value_u8 :The value of temperature over sampling
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_get_oversamp_temperature(uint8_t *v_value_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* read temperature over sampling*/
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
*v_value_u8 = BMP280_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8,
/* assign temperature oversampling*/
p_bmp280->oversamp_temperature = *v_value_u8;
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API is used to set
* the temperature oversampling setting in the register 0xF4
* bits from 5 to 7
* value | Temperature oversampling
* ------------------------|------------------------------
* 0x01 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_1X
* 0x02 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_2X
* 0x03 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_4X
* 0x04 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_8X
* 0x05,0x06 and 0x07 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_16X
* @param v_value_u8 :The value of temperature over sampling
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_set_oversamp_temperature(uint8_t v_value_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
if (com_rslt == SUCCESS) {
/* write over sampling*/
v_data_u8 = BMP280_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8,
com_rslt += p_bmp280->bus_write(
p_bmp280->oversamp_temperature = v_value_u8;
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API is used to get
* the pressure oversampling setting in the register 0xF4
* bits from 2 to 4
* value | Pressure oversampling
* ------------------------|------------------------------
* 0x01 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_1X
* 0x02 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_2X
* 0x03 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_4X
* 0x04 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_8X
* 0x05,0x06 and 0x07 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_16X
* @param v_value_u8 : The value of pressure over sampling
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_get_oversamp_pressure(uint8_t *v_value_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* read pressure over sampling */
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
*v_value_u8 = BMP280_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8,
p_bmp280->oversamp_pressure = *v_value_u8;
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API is used to set
* the pressure oversampling setting in the register 0xF4
* bits from 2 to 4
* value | Pressure oversampling
* ------------------------|------------------------------
* 0x01 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_1X
* 0x02 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_2X
* 0x03 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_4X
* 0x04 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_8X
* 0x05,0x06 and 0x07 | BMP280_OVERSAMP_16X
* @param v_value_u8 : The value of pressure over sampling
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_set_oversamp_pressure(uint8_t v_value_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
if (com_rslt == SUCCESS) {
/* write pressure over sampling */
v_data_u8 = BMP280_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8,
com_rslt += p_bmp280->bus_write(
p_bmp280->oversamp_pressure = v_value_u8;
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API used to get the
* Operational Mode from the sensor in the register 0xF4 bit 0 and 1
* @param v_power_mode_u8 : The value of power mode value
* value | Power mode
* ------------------|------------------
* 0x00 | BMP280_SLEEP_MODE
* 0x01 and 0x02 | BMP280_FORCED_MODE
* 0x03 | BMP280_NORMAL_MODE
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_get_power_mode(uint8_t *v_power_mode_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_mode_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* read the power mode*/
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
*v_power_mode_u8 = BMP280_GET_BITSLICE(v_mode_u8,
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API used to set the
* Operational Mode from the sensor in the register 0xF4 bit 0 and 1
* @param v_power_mode_u8 : The value of power mode value
* value | Power mode
* ------------------|------------------
* 0x00 | BMP280_SLEEP_MODE
* 0x01 and 0x02 | BMP280_FORCED_MODE
* 0x03 | BMP280_NORMAL_MODE
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_set_power_mode(uint8_t v_power_mode_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_mode_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
if (v_power_mode_u8 <= BMP280_NORMAL_MODE) {
/* write the power mode*/
v_mode_u8 = (p_bmp280->oversamp_temperature
+ (p_bmp280->oversamp_pressure
+ v_power_mode_u8;
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_write(
} else {
com_rslt = E_BMP280_OUT_OF_RANGE;
return com_rslt;
* @brief Used to reset the sensor
* The value 0xB6 is written to the 0xE0 register
* the device is reset using the
* complete power-on-reset procedure.
* Soft reset can be easily set using bmp280_set_softreset().
* @note Usage Hint : bmp280_set_softreset()
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_set_soft_rst(void)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_SOFT_RESET_CODE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* write soft reset */
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_write(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
BMP280_RST_REG, &v_data_u8,
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API used to get the sensor
* SPI mode(communication type) in the register 0xF5 bit 0
* @param v_enable_disable_u8 : The spi3 enable or disable state
* value | Description
* -----------|---------------
* 0 | Disable
* 1 | Enable
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_get_spi3(uint8_t *v_enable_disable_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
*v_enable_disable_u8 = BMP280_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8,
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API used to set the sensor
* SPI mode(communication type) in the register 0xF5 bit 0
* @param v_enable_disable_u8 : The spi3 enable or disable state
* value | Description
* -----------|---------------
* 0 | Disable
* 1 | Enable
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_set_spi3(uint8_t v_enable_disable_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
if (com_rslt == SUCCESS) {
v_data_u8 = BMP280_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8,
com_rslt += p_bmp280->bus_write(
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API is used to reads filter setting
* in the register 0xF5 bit 3 and 4
* @param v_value_u8 : The value of filter coefficient
* value | Filter coefficient
* -------------|-------------------------
* 0x01 | BMP280_FILTER_COEFF_2
* 0x02 | BMP280_FILTER_COEFF_4
* 0x03 | BMP280_FILTER_COEFF_8
* 0x04 | BMP280_FILTER_COEFF_16
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_get_filter(uint8_t *v_value_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* read filter*/
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
BMP280_CONFIG_REG_FILTER__REG, &v_data_u8,
*v_value_u8 = BMP280_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8,
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API is used to write filter setting
* in the register 0xF5 bit 3 and 4
* @param v_value_u8 : The value of filter coefficient
* value | Filter coefficient
* -------------|-------------------------
* 0x01 | BMP280_FILTER_COEFF_2
* 0x02 | BMP280_FILTER_COEFF_4
* 0x03 | BMP280_FILTER_COEFF_8
* 0x04 | BMP280_FILTER_COEFF_16
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_set_filter(uint8_t v_value_u8)
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* write filter*/
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
BMP280_CONFIG_REG_FILTER__REG, &v_data_u8,
if (com_rslt == SUCCESS) {
v_data_u8 = BMP280_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8,
BMP280_CONFIG_REG_FILTER, v_value_u8);
com_rslt += p_bmp280->bus_write(
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API used to Read the
* standby duration time from the sensor in the register 0xF5 bit 5 to 7
* @param v_standby_durn_u8 : The standby duration time value.
* value | standby duration
* -----------|--------------------
* 0x00 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_1_MS
* 0x01 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_63_MS
* 0x02 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_125_MS
* 0x03 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_250_MS
* 0x04 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_500_MS
* 0x05 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_1000_MS
* 0x06 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_2000_MS
* 0x07 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_4000_MS
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_get_standby_durn(uint8_t *v_standby_durn_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* read the standby duration*/
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
*v_standby_durn_u8 = BMP280_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8,
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API used to Read the
* standby duration time from the sensor
* in the register 0xF5 bit 5 to 7
* @note Normal mode comprises an
* automated perpetual cycling between an (active)
* Measurement period and an (inactive) standby period.
* @note The standby time is determined
* by the contents of the register t_sb.
* Standby time can be set using BMP280_STANDBYTIME_125_MS.
* @note bmp280_set_standby_durn(BMP280_STANDBYTIME_125_MS)
* @param v_standby_durn_u8 : The standby duration time value.
* value | standby duration
* -----------|--------------------
* 0x00 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_1_MS
* 0x01 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_63_MS
* 0x02 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_125_MS
* 0x03 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_250_MS
* 0x04 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_500_MS
* 0x05 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_1000_MS
* 0x06 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_2000_MS
* 0x07 | BMP280_STANDBYTIME_4000_MS
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_set_standby_durn(uint8_t v_standby_durn_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* write the standby duration*/
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
if (com_rslt == SUCCESS) {
v_data_u8 = BMP280_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8,
com_rslt += p_bmp280->bus_write(
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API is used to write
* the working mode of the sensor
* @param v_work_mode_u8 : The value of work mode
* value | mode
* -------------|-------------
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_set_work_mode(uint8_t v_work_mode_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
if (v_work_mode_u8 <= BMP280_ULTRA_HIGH_RESOLUTION_MODE) {
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(
BMP280_CTRL_MEAS_REG, &v_data_u8,
if (com_rslt == SUCCESS) {
switch (v_work_mode_u8) {
/* write work mode*/
p_bmp280->oversamp_temperature =
p_bmp280->oversamp_pressure =
p_bmp280->oversamp_temperature =
p_bmp280->oversamp_pressure =
p_bmp280->oversamp_temperature =
p_bmp280->oversamp_pressure =
p_bmp280->oversamp_temperature =
p_bmp280->oversamp_pressure =
p_bmp280->oversamp_temperature =
p_bmp280->oversamp_pressure =
v_data_u8 = BMP280_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8,
v_data_u8 = BMP280_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8,
com_rslt += p_bmp280->bus_write(
p_bmp280->dev_addr, BMP280_CTRL_MEAS_REG,
} else {
com_rslt = E_BMP280_OUT_OF_RANGE;
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API used to read both
* uncompensated pressure and temperature in forced mode
* @param v_uncomp_pressure_s32: The value of uncompensated pressure.
* @param v_uncomp_temperature_s32: The value of uncompensated temperature
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_get_forced_uncomp_pressure_temperature(
int32_t *v_uncomp_pressure_s32, int32_t *v_uncomp_temperature_s32)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
uint8_t v_data_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
uint8_t v_waittime_u8 = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* read pressure and temperature*/
v_data_u8 = (p_bmp280->oversamp_temperature
+ (p_bmp280->oversamp_pressure
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_write(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
BMP280_CTRL_MEAS_REG, &v_data_u8,
com_rslt += bmp280_read_uncomp_pressure_temperature(
return com_rslt;
* @brief
* This API write the data to
* the given register
* @param v_addr_u8 -> Address of the register
* @param v_data_u8 -> The data from the register
* @param v_len_u8 -> no of bytes to read
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_write_register(uint8_t v_addr_u8, uint8_t *v_data_u8,
uint8_t v_len_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_write(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
v_addr_u8, v_data_u8, v_len_u8);
return com_rslt;
* @brief
* This API reads the data from
* the given register
* @param v_addr_u8 -> Address of the register
* @param v_data_u8 -> The data from the register
* @param v_len_u8 -> no of bytes to read
* @return results of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval -1 -> Error
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_read_register(uint8_t v_addr_u8, uint8_t *v_data_u8,
uint8_t v_len_u8)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
/* check the p_bmp280 structure pointer as NULL*/
if (p_bmp280 == BMP280_NULL) {
return E_BMP280_NULL_PTR;
} else {
com_rslt = p_bmp280->bus_read(p_bmp280->dev_addr,
v_addr_u8, v_data_u8, v_len_u8);
return com_rslt;
* @brief This API used to read
* actual temperature from uncompensated temperature
* @note Returns the value in Degree centigrade
* @note Output value of "51.23" equals 51.23 DegC.
* @param v_uncomp_temperature_s32 : value of uncompensated temperature
* @return
* Actual temperature in floating point
float bmp280_compensate_temperature_float(int32_t v_uncomp_temperature_s32)
float v_x1_u32r = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
float v_x2_u32r = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
float temperature = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* calculate x1*/
v_x1_u32r = (((float)v_uncomp_temperature_s32) / 16384.0f -
((float)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_T1) / 1024.0f) *
/* calculate x2*/
v_x2_u32r = ((((float)v_uncomp_temperature_s32) / 131072.0f -
((float)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_T1) / 8192.0f) *
(((float)v_uncomp_temperature_s32) / 131072.0f -
((float)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_T1) / 8192.0f)) *
/* calculate t_fine*/
p_bmp280->calib_param.t_fine = (int32_t)(v_x1_u32r + v_x2_u32r);
/* calculate true pressure*/
temperature = (v_x1_u32r + v_x2_u32r) / 5120.0f;
return temperature;
* @brief Reads actual pressure from uncompensated pressure
* and returns pressure in Pa as float.
* @note Output value of "96386.2"
* equals 96386.2 Pa = 963.862 hPa.
* @param v_uncomp_pressure_s32 : value of uncompensated pressure
* @return
* Actual pressure in floating point
float bmp280_compensate_pressure_float(int32_t v_uncomp_pressure_s32)
float v_x1_u32r = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
float v_x2_u32r = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
float pressure = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
float v_pressure_diff_dbl = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
float v_x3_u32r = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
v_x1_u32r = ((float)p_bmp280->calib_param.t_fine/2.0f) - 64000.0f;
v_x2_u32r = v_x1_u32r * v_x1_u32r *
((float)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P6) / 32768.0f;
v_x2_u32r = v_x2_u32r + v_x1_u32r *
((float)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P5) * 2.0f;
v_x2_u32r = (v_x2_u32r / 4.0f) +
(((float)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P4) * 65536.0f);
v_x1_u32r = (((float)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P3) *
v_x1_u32r * v_x1_u32r / 524288.0f +
((float)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P2) * v_x1_u32r) / 524288.0f;
v_x1_u32r = (1.0f + v_x1_u32r / 32768.0f) *
pressure = 1048576.0f - (float)v_uncomp_pressure_s32;
/* Avoid exception caused by division by zero */
if ((v_x1_u32r > 0) || (v_x1_u32r < 0))
pressure = (pressure - (v_x2_u32r / 4096.0f)) *
6250.0f / v_x1_u32r;
v_x1_u32r = ((float)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P9) *
pressure * pressure / 2147483648.0f;
v_x2_u32r = pressure * ((float)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P8) / 32768.0f;
/* calculate different pressure*/
v_pressure_diff_dbl = pressure / 256.0f;
/* calculate x3*/
v_x3_u32r = ((v_pressure_diff_dbl *
v_pressure_diff_dbl * v_pressure_diff_dbl
* (float)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P10)
/ 131072.0f);
/* calculate true pressure*/
pressure = pressure + (v_x1_u32r + v_x2_u32r + v_x3_u32r +
/ 16.0f;
return pressure;
#if defined(BMP280_ENABLE_INT64) && defined(BMP280_64BITSUPPORT_PRESENT)
* @brief This API used to read actual pressure from uncompensated pressure
* @note returns the value in Pa as unsigned 32 bit
* integer in Q24.8 format (24 integer bits and
* 8 fractional bits). Output value of "24674867"
* represents 24674867 / 256 = 96386.2 Pa = 963.862 hPa
* @param v_uncomp_pressure_s32 : value of uncompensated pressure
* @return actual pressure as 64bit output
uint32_t bmp280_compensate_pressure_int64(int32_t v_uncomp_pressure_s32)
int64_t v_x1_s64r = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
int64_t v_x2_s64r = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
int64_t v_x3_s64r = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
int64_t pressure = BMP280_INIT_VALUE;
/* calculate x1*/
v_x1_s64r = ((int64_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.t_fine) - 128000;
v_x2_s64r = v_x1_s64r * v_x1_s64r *
/* calculate x2*/
v_x2_s64r = v_x2_s64r + ((v_x1_s64r *
v_x2_s64r = v_x2_s64r +
v_x1_s64r = ((v_x1_s64r * v_x1_s64r *
((v_x1_s64r * (int64_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P2)
v_x1_s64r = (((((int64_t)1)
<< BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_47_BITS) + v_x1_s64r)) *
pressure = 1048576 - v_uncomp_pressure_s32;
if (v_x1_s64r != BMP280_INIT_VALUE)
#if defined __KERNEL__
pressure = div64_s64((((pressure
<< BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_31_BITS) - v_x2_s64r)
* 3125), v_x1_s64r);
pressure = (((pressure
<< BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_31_BITS) - v_x2_s64r)
* 3125) / v_x1_s64r;
v_x1_s64r = (((int64_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P9) *
(pressure >> BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_13_BITS) * (pressure
v_x2_s64r = (((int64_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P8) *
pressure) >> BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_19_BITS;
/* calculate x3*/
v_x3_s64r = (int64_t)(((int64_t)(((pressure
* (pressure >> BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_04_BITS))
>> BMP280_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_30_BITS) * (int64_t)((pressure
* (int64_t)p_bmp280->calib_param.dig_P10)
/* calculate true pressure*/
pressure = ((pressure + v_x1_s64r + v_x2_s64r + v_x3_s64r)
return (uint32_t)pressure;
* @brief Computing waiting time for sensor data read
* @param v_delaytime_u8r: The value of delay time
* @return 0
BMP280_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmp280_compute_wait_time(uint8_t *v_delaytime_u8r)
/* variable used to return communication result*/
*v_delaytime_u8r = (T_INIT_MAX + T_MEASURE_PER_OSRS_MAX * (((1
<< p_bmp280->oversamp_temperature)
+ ((1 << p_bmp280->oversamp_pressure)
+ ((p_bmp280->oversamp_pressure > 0) ?
T_SETUP_PRESSURE_MAX : 0) + 15) / 16;
return com_rslt;
* Copyright (C) 2016 - 2017 Bosch Sensortec GmbH
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of the
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
* The information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable.
* The copyright holder assumes no responsibility
* for the consequences of use
* of such information nor for any infringement of patents or
* other rights of third parties which may result from its use.
* No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or
* patent rights of the copyright holder.
* File bmp3.c
* Date 04 Dec 2017
* Version 1.0.0
/*! @file bmp3.c
@brief Sensor driver for BMP3 sensor */
#include "bmp3.h"
/***************** Internal macros ******************************/
/*! Power control settings */
#define POWER_CNTL UINT16_C(0x0006)
/*! Odr and filter settings */
#define ODR_FILTER UINT16_C(0x00F0)
/*! Interrupt control settings */
#define INT_CTRL UINT16_C(0x0708)
/*! Advance settings */
#define ADV_SETT UINT16_C(0x1800)
/*! FIFO settings */
/*! Mask for fifo_mode, fifo_stop_on_full, fifo_time_en, fifo_press_en and
fifo_temp_en settings */
#define FIFO_CONFIG_1 UINT16_C(0x003E)
/*! Mask for fifo_sub_sampling and data_select settings */
#define FIFO_CONFIG_2 UINT16_C(0x00C0)
/*! Mask for fwtm_en and ffull_en settings */
#define FIFO_INT_CTRL UINT16_C(0x0300)
/*! FIFO Header */
/*! FIFO temperature pressure header frame */
/*! FIFO temperature header frame */
#define FIFO_TEMP_FRAME UINT8_C(0x90)
/*! FIFO pressure header frame */
#define FIFO_PRESS_FRAME UINT8_C(0x84)
/*! FIFO time header frame */
/*! FIFO error header frame */
#define FIFO_ERROR_FRAME UINT8_C(0x44)
/*! FIFO configuration change header frame */
/***************** Static function declarations ******************************/
* @brief This internal API reads the calibration data from the sensor, parse
* it then compensates it and store in the device structure.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t get_calib_data(struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to parse the calibration data, compensates
* it and store it in device structure.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @param[out] reg_data : Contains calibration data to be parsed.
static void parse_calib_data(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API gets the over sampling, odr and filter settings
* from the sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t get_odr_filter_settings(struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to parse the pressure and temperature data
* and store it in the bmp3_uncomp_data structure instance.
* @param[in] reg_data : Contains the register data which needs to be parsed.
* @param[out] uncomp_data : Contains the uncompensated press and temp data.
static void parse_sensor_data(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data);
* @brief This internal API is used to compensate the pressure or temperature
* or both the data according to the component selected by the user.
* @param[in] sensor_comp : Used to select pressure or temperature.
* @param[in] uncomp_data : Contains the uncompensated pressure and
* temperature data.
* @param[out] comp_data : Contains the compensated pressure and
* temperature data.
* @param[in] calib_data : Pointer to the calibration data structure.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t compensate_data(uint8_t sensor_comp, const struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data,
struct bmp3_data *comp_data, struct bmp3_calib_data *calib_data);
* @brief This internal API is used to compensate the raw temperature data and
* return the compensated temperature data.
* @param[in] uncomp_data : Contains the uncompensated temperature data.
* @param[in] calib_data : Pointer to calibration data structure.
* @return Compensated temperature data.
* @retval Compensated temperature data in float.
static float compensate_temperature(const struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data,
struct bmp3_calib_data *calib_data);
* @brief This internal API is used to compensate the pressure data and return
* the compensated pressure data.
* @param[in] uncomp_data : Contains the uncompensated pressure data.
* @param[in] calib_data : Pointer to the calibration data structure.
* @return Compensated pressure data.
* @retval Compensated pressure data in float.
static float compensate_pressure(const struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data,
const struct bmp3_calib_data *calib_data);
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the power functionality for
* floating point values.
* @param[in] base : Contains the base value.
* @param[in] power : Contains the power value.
* @return Output of power function.
* @retval Calculated power function output in float.
static float bmp3_pow(float base, uint8_t power);
* @brief This internal API is used to compensate the raw temperature data and
* return the compensated temperature data in integer data type.
* @param[in] uncomp_data : Contains the uncompensated temperature data.
* @param[in] calib_data : Pointer to calibration data structure.
* @return Compensated temperature data.
* @retval Compensated temperature data in integer.
static int64_t compensate_temperature(const struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data,
struct bmp3_calib_data *calib_data);
* @brief This internal API is used to compensate the pressure data and return
* the compensated pressure data in integer data type.
* @param[in] uncomp_data : Contains the uncompensated pressure data.
* @param[in] calib_data : Pointer to the calibration data structure.
* @return Compensated pressure data.
* @retval Compensated pressure data in integer.
static uint64_t compensate_pressure(const struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data,
const struct bmp3_calib_data *calib_data);
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the power functionality.
* @param[in] base : Contains the base value.
* @param[in] power : Contains the power value.
* @return Output of power function.
* @retval Calculated power function output in integer.
static uint32_t bmp3_pow(uint8_t base, uint8_t power);
* @brief This internal API is used to identify the settings which the user
* wants to modify in the sensor.
* @param[in] sub_settings : Contains the settings subset to identify particular
* group of settings which the user is interested to change.
* @param[in] settings : Contains the user specified settings.
* @return Indicates whether user is interested to modify the settings which
* are related to sub_settings.
* @retval True -> User wants to modify this group of settings
* @retval False -> User does not want to modify this group of settings
static uint8_t are_settings_changed(uint32_t sub_settings, uint32_t settings);
* @brief This internal API interleaves the register address between the
* register data buffer for burst write operation.
* @param[in] reg_addr : Contains the register address array.
* @param[out] temp_buff : Contains the temporary buffer to store the
* register data and register address.
* @param[in] reg_data : Contains the register data to be written in the
* temporary buffer.
* @param[in] len : No of bytes of data to be written for burst write.
static void interleave_reg_addr(const uint8_t *reg_addr, uint8_t *temp_buff, const uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t len);
* @brief This internal API sets the pressure enable and
* temperature enable settings of the sensor.
* @param[in] desired_settings : Contains the settings which user wants to
* change.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t set_pwr_ctrl_settings(uint32_t desired_settings, const struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API sets the over sampling, odr and filter settings of
* the sensor based on the settings selected by the user.
* @param[in] desired_settings : Variable used to select the settings which
* are to be set.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t set_odr_filter_settings(uint32_t desired_settings, struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API sets the interrupt control (output mode, level,
* latch and data ready) settings of the sensor based on the settings
* selected by the user.
* @param[in] desired_settings : Variable used to select the settings which
* are to be set.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t set_int_ctrl_settings(uint32_t desired_settings, const struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API sets the advance (i2c_wdt_en, i2c_wdt_sel)
* settings of the sensor based on the settings selected by the user.
* @param[in] desired_settings : Variable used to select the settings which
* are to be set.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t set_advance_settings(uint32_t desired_settings, const struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API fills the register address and register data of the
* the over sampling settings for burst write operation.
* @param[in] desired_settings : Variable which specifies the settings which
* are to be set in the sensor.
* @param[out] addr : To store the address to fill in register buffer.
* @param[out] reg_data : To store the osr register data.
* @param[out] len : To store the len for burst write.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
static void fill_osr_data(uint32_t desired_settings, uint8_t *addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t *len,
const struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API fills the register address and register data of the
* the odr settings for burst write operation.
* @param[out] addr : To store the address to fill in register buffer.
* @param[out] reg_data : To store the register data to set the odr data.
* @param[out] len : To store the len for burst write.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
static void fill_odr_data(uint8_t *addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t *len, struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API fills the register address and register data of the
* the filter settings for burst write operation.
* @param[out] addr : To store the address to fill in register buffer.
* @param[out] reg_data : To store the register data to set the filter.
* @param[out] len : To store the len for burst write.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
static void fill_filter_data(uint8_t *addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t *len, const struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to validate the device pointer for
* null conditions.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t null_ptr_check(const struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API parse the power control(power mode, pressure enable
* and temperature enable), over sampling, odr, filter and interrupt control
* settings and store in the device structure.
* @param[in] reg_data : Register data to be parsed.
* @param[out] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
static void parse_sett_data(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API parse the power control(power mode, pressure enable
* and temperature enable) settings and store in the device structure.
* @param[in] reg_data : Pointer variable which stores the register data to
* parse.
* @param[out] settings : Structure instance of bmp3_settings.
static void parse_pwr_ctrl_settings(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_settings *settings);
* @brief This internal API parse the over sampling, odr and filter
* settings and store in the device structure.
* @param[in] reg_data : Pointer variable which stores the register data to
* parse.
* @param[out] settings : Structure instance of bmp3_odr_filter_settings.
static void parse_odr_filter_settings(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_odr_filter_settings *settings);
* @brief This internal API parse the interrupt control(output mode, level,
* latch and data ready) settings and store in the device structure.
* @param[in] reg_data : Pointer variable which stores the register data to
* parse.
* @param[out] settings : Structure instance of bmp3_int_ctrl_settings.
static void parse_int_ctrl_settings(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_int_ctrl_settings *settings);
* @brief This internal API parse the advance (i2c_wdt_en, i2c_wdt_sel)
* settings and store in the device structure.
* @param[in] reg_data : Pointer variable which stores the register data to
* parse.
* @param[out] settings : Structure instance of bmp3_adv_settings.
static void parse_advance_settings(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_adv_settings *settings);
* @brief This internal API validate the normal mode settings of the sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t validate_normal_mode_settings(struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API validate the over sampling, odr settings of the
* sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Indicates whether odr and osr settings are valid or not.
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t validate_osr_and_odr_settings(const struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API calculates the pressure measurement duration of the
* sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Pressure measurement time
* @retval Pressure measurement time in milli secs
static uint16_t calculate_press_meas_time(const struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API calculates the temperature measurement duration of
* the sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Temperature measurement time
* @retval Temperature measurement time in millisecs
static uint16_t calculate_temp_meas_time(const struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API checks whether the measurement time and odr duration
* of the sensor are proper.
* @param[in] meas_t : Pressure and temperature measurement time in millisecs.
* @param[in] odr_duration : Duration in millisecs corresponding to the odr
* value.
* @return Indicates whether odr and osr settings are valid or not.
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning
static int8_t verify_meas_time_and_odr_duration(uint16_t meas_t, uint32_t odr_duration);
* @brief This internal API puts the device to sleep mode.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t put_device_to_sleep(const struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API sets the normal mode in the sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t set_normal_mode(struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API writes the power mode in the sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t write_power_mode(const struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API fills the fifo_config_1(fifo_mode,
* fifo_stop_on_full, fifo_time_en, fifo_press_en, fifo_temp_en) settings in the
* reg_data variable so as to burst write in the sensor.
* @param[in] desired_settings : Variable which specifies the settings which
* are to be set in the sensor.
* @param[out] reg_data : Pointer variable where the fifo_config_1 register
* data will be stored so as to burst write in the register.
* @param[in] dev_fifo : Structure instance of bmp3_fifo_settings which
* contains the fifo_config_1 values set by the user.
static void fill_fifo_config_1(uint16_t desired_settings, uint8_t *reg_data,
struct bmp3_fifo_settings *dev_fifo);
* @brief This internal API fills the fifo_config_2(fifo_sub_sampling,
* data_select) settings in the reg_data variable so as to burst write
* in the sensor.
* @param[in] desired_settings : Variable which specifies the settings which
* are to be set in the sensor.
* @param[out] reg_data : Pointer variable where the fifo_config_2 register
* data will be stored so as to burst write in the register.
* @param[in] dev_fifo : Structure instance of bmp3_fifo_settings which
* contains the fifo_config_2 values set by the user.
static void fill_fifo_config_2(uint16_t desired_settings, uint8_t *reg_data,
const struct bmp3_fifo_settings *dev_fifo);
* @brief This internal API fills the fifo interrupt control(fwtm_en, ffull_en)
* settings in the reg_data variable so as to burst write in the sensor.
* @param[in] desired_settings : Variable which specifies the settings which
* are to be set in the sensor.
* @param[out] reg_data : Pointer variable where the fifo interrupt control
* register data will be stored so as to burst write in the register.
* @param[in] dev_fifo : Structure instance of bmp3_fifo_settings which
* contains the fifo interrupt control values set by the user.
static void fill_fifo_int_ctrl(uint16_t desired_settings, uint8_t *reg_data,
const struct bmp3_fifo_settings *dev_fifo);
* @brief This internal API is used to parse the fifo_config_1(fifo_mode,
* fifo_stop_on_full, fifo_time_en, fifo_press_en, fifo_temp_en),
* fifo_config_2(fifo_subsampling, data_select) and int_ctrl(fwtm_en, ffull_en)
* settings and store it in device structure
* @param[in] reg_data : Pointer variable which stores the fifo settings data
* read from the sensor.
* @param[out] dev_fifo : Structure instance of bmp3_fifo_settings which
* contains the fifo settings after parsing.
static void parse_fifo_settings(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_fifo_settings *dev_fifo);
* @brief This internal API parse the FIFO data frame from the fifo buffer and
* fills the byte count, uncompensated pressure and/or temperature data and no
* of parsed frames.
* @param[in] header : Pointer variable which stores the fifo settings data
* read from the sensor.
* @param[in,out] fifo : Structure instance of bmp3_fifo which stores the
* read fifo data.
* @param[out] byte_index : Byte count which is incremented according to the
* of data.
* @param[out] uncomp_data : Uncompensated pressure and/or temperature data
* which is stored after parsing fifo buffer data.
* @param[out] parsed_frames : Total number of parsed frames.
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error
static uint8_t parse_fifo_data_frame(uint8_t header, struct bmp3_fifo *fifo, uint16_t *byte_index,
struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data, uint8_t *parsed_frames);
* @brief This internal API unpacks the FIFO data frame from the fifo buffer and
* fills the byte count, uncompensated pressure and/or temperature data.
* @param[out] byte_index : Byte count of fifo buffer.
* @param[in] fifo_buffer : FIFO buffer from where the temperature and pressure
* frames are unpacked.
* @param[out] uncomp_data : Uncompensated temperature and pressure data after
* unpacking from fifo buffer.
static void unpack_temp_press_frame(uint16_t *byte_index, const uint8_t *fifo_buffer,
struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data);
* @brief This internal API unpacks the FIFO data frame from the fifo buffer and
* fills the byte count and uncompensated pressure data.
* @param[out] byte_index : Byte count of fifo buffer.
* @param[in] fifo_buffer : FIFO buffer from where the pressure frames are
* unpacked.
* @param[out] uncomp_data : Uncompensated pressure data after unpacking from
* fifo buffer.
static void unpack_press_frame(uint16_t *byte_index, const uint8_t *fifo_buffer,
struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data);
* @brief This internal API unpacks the FIFO data frame from the fifo buffer and
* fills the byte count and uncompensated temperature data.
* @param[out] byte_index : Byte count of fifo buffer.
* @param[in] fifo_buffer : FIFO buffer from where the temperature frames
* are unpacked.
* @param[out] uncomp_data : Uncompensated temperature data after unpacking from
* fifo buffer.
static void unpack_temp_frame(uint16_t *byte_index, const uint8_t *fifo_buffer, struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data);
* @brief This internal API unpacks the time frame from the fifo data buffer and
* fills the byte count and update the sensor time variable.
* @param[out] byte_index : Byte count of fifo buffer.
* @param[in] fifo_buffer : FIFO buffer from where the sensor time frames
* are unpacked.
* @param[out] sensor_time : Variable used to store the sensor time.
static void unpack_time_frame(uint16_t *byte_index, const uint8_t *fifo_buffer, uint32_t *sensor_time);
* @brief This internal API parses the FIFO buffer and gets the header info.
* @param[out] header : Variable used to store the fifo header data.
* @param[in] fifo_buffer : FIFO buffer from where the header data is retrieved.
* @param[out] byte_index : Byte count of fifo buffer.
static void get_header_info(uint8_t *header, const uint8_t *fifo_buffer, uint16_t *byte_index);
* @brief This internal API parses the FIFO data frame from the fifo buffer and
* fills uncompensated temperature and/or pressure data.
* @param[in] sensor_comp : Variable used to select either temperature or
* pressure or both while parsing the fifo frames.
* @param[in] fifo_buffer : FIFO buffer where the temperature or pressure or
* both the data to be parsed.
* @param[out] uncomp_data : Uncompensated temperature or pressure or both the
* data after unpacking from fifo buffer.
static void parse_fifo_sensor_data(uint8_t sensor_comp, const uint8_t *fifo_buffer,
struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data);
* @brief This internal API resets the FIFO buffer, start index,
* parsed frame count, configuration change, configuration error and
* frame_not_available variables.
* @param[out] fifo : FIFO structure instance where the fifo related variables
* are reset.
static void reset_fifo_index(struct bmp3_fifo *fifo);
* @brief This API gets the command ready, data ready for pressure and
* temperature, power on reset status from the sensor.
* @param[in,out] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t get_sensor_status(struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This API gets the interrupt (fifo watermark, fifo full, data ready)
* status from the sensor.
* @param[in,out] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t get_int_status(struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This API gets the fatal, command and configuration error
* from the sensor.
* @param[in,out] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t get_err_status(struct bmp3_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API converts the no. of frames required by the user to
* bytes so as to write in the watermark length register.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bmp3_dev
* @param[out] watermark_len : Pointer variable which contains the watermark
* length.
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval zero -> Success / -ve value -> Error.
static int8_t convert_frames_to_bytes(uint16_t *watermark_len, const struct bmp3_dev *dev);
/****************** Global Function Definitions *******************************/
* @brief This API is the entry point.
* It performs the selection of I2C/SPI read mechanism according to the
* selected interface and reads the chip-id and calibration data of the sensor.
int8_t bmp3_init(struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t chip_id = 0;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Read mechanism according to selected interface */
if (dev->intf != BMP3_I2C_INTF) {
/* If SPI interface is selected, read extra byte */
dev->dummy_byte = 1;
} else {
/* If I2C interface is selected, no need to read
extra byte */
dev->dummy_byte = 0;
/* Read the chip-id of bmp3 sensor */
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_CHIP_ID_ADDR, &chip_id, 1, dev);
/* Proceed if everything is fine until now */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Check for chip id validity */
if (chip_id == BMP3_CHIP_ID) {
dev->chip_id = chip_id;
/* Reset the sensor */
rslt = bmp3_soft_reset(dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Read the calibration data */
rslt = get_calib_data(dev);
} else {
return rslt;
* @brief This API reads the data from the given register address of the sensor.
int8_t bmp3_get_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len, const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint16_t temp_len = len + dev->dummy_byte;
uint16_t i;
uint8_t temp_buff[len + dev->dummy_byte];
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* If interface selected is SPI */
if (dev->intf != BMP3_I2C_INTF) {
reg_addr = reg_addr | 0x80;
/* Read the data from the register */
rslt = dev->read(dev->dev_id, reg_addr, temp_buff, temp_len);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
reg_data[i] = temp_buff[i + dev->dummy_byte];
} else {
/* Read the data using I2C */
rslt = dev->read(dev->dev_id, reg_addr, reg_data, len);
/* Check for communication error */
if (rslt != BMP3_OK)
rslt = BMP3_E_COMM_FAIL;
return rslt;
* @brief This API writes the given data to the register address
* of the sensor.
int8_t bmp3_set_regs(uint8_t *reg_addr, const uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t len, const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t temp_buff[len * 2];
uint16_t temp_len;
uint8_t reg_addr_cnt;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Check for arguments validity */
if ((rslt == BMP3_OK) && (reg_addr != NULL) && (reg_data != NULL)) {
if (len != 0) {
temp_buff[0] = reg_data[0];
/* If interface selected is SPI */
if (dev->intf == BMP3_SPI_INTF) {
for (reg_addr_cnt = 0; reg_addr_cnt < len; reg_addr_cnt++)
reg_addr[reg_addr_cnt] = reg_addr[reg_addr_cnt] & 0x7F;
/* Burst write mode */
if (len > 1) {
/* Interleave register address w.r.t data for
burst write*/
interleave_reg_addr(reg_addr, temp_buff, reg_data, len);
temp_len = len * 2;
} else {
temp_len = len;
rslt = dev->write(dev->dev_id, reg_addr[0], temp_buff, temp_len);
/* Check for communication error */
if (rslt != BMP3_OK)
rslt = BMP3_E_COMM_FAIL;
} else {
} else {
rslt = BMP3_E_NULL_PTR;
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the power control(pressure enable and
* temperature enable), over sampling, odr and filter
* settings in the sensor.
int8_t bmp3_set_sensor_settings(uint32_t desired_settings, struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
if (are_settings_changed(POWER_CNTL, desired_settings)) {
/* Set the power control settings */
rslt = set_pwr_ctrl_settings(desired_settings, dev);
if (are_settings_changed(ODR_FILTER, desired_settings) && (!rslt)) {
/* Set the over sampling, odr and filter settings*/
rslt = set_odr_filter_settings(desired_settings, dev);
if (are_settings_changed(INT_CTRL, desired_settings) && (!rslt)) {
/* Set the interrupt control settings */
rslt = set_int_ctrl_settings(desired_settings, dev);
if (are_settings_changed(ADV_SETT, desired_settings) && (!rslt)) {
/* Set the advance settings */
rslt = set_advance_settings(desired_settings, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API gets the power control(power mode, pressure enable and
* temperature enable), over sampling, odr, filter, interrupt control and
* advance settings from the sensor.
int8_t bmp3_get_sensor_settings(struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t settings_data[BMP3_GEN_SETT_LEN];
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_INT_CTRL_ADDR, settings_data, BMP3_GEN_SETT_LEN, dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Parse the settings data */
parse_sett_data(settings_data, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the fifo_config_1(fifo_mode,
* fifo_stop_on_full, fifo_time_en, fifo_press_en, fifo_temp_en),
* fifo_config_2(fifo_subsampling, data_select) and int_ctrl(fwtm_en, ffull_en)
* settings in the sensor.
int8_t bmp3_set_fifo_settings(uint16_t desired_settings, const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t fifo_sett[5];
uint8_t len = 3;
uint8_t reg_addr[3] = {BMP3_FIFO_CONFIG_1_ADDR, BMP3_FIFO_CONFIG_1_ADDR+1, BMP3_FIFO_CONFIG_1_ADDR+2};
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if ((rslt == BMP3_OK) && (dev->fifo != NULL)) {
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(reg_addr[0], fifo_sett, len, dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
if (are_settings_changed(FIFO_CONFIG_1, desired_settings)) {
/* Fill the FIFO config 1 register data */
fill_fifo_config_1(desired_settings, &fifo_sett[0], &dev->fifo->settings);
if (are_settings_changed(desired_settings, FIFO_CONFIG_2)) {
/* Fill the FIFO config 2 register data */
fill_fifo_config_2(desired_settings, &fifo_sett[1], &dev->fifo->settings);
if (are_settings_changed(desired_settings, FIFO_INT_CTRL)) {
/* Fill the FIFO interrupt ctrl register data */
fill_fifo_int_ctrl(desired_settings, &fifo_sett[2], &dev->fifo->settings);
/* Write the FIFO settings in the sensor */
rslt = bmp3_set_regs(reg_addr, fifo_sett, len, dev);
} else {
rslt = BMP3_E_NULL_PTR;
return rslt;
* @brief This API gets the fifo_config_1(fifo_mode,
* fifo_stop_on_full, fifo_time_en, fifo_press_en, fifo_temp_en),
* fifo_config_2(fifo_subsampling, data_select) and int_ctrl(fwtm_en, ffull_en)
* settings from the sensor.
int8_t bmp3_get_fifo_settings(const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t fifo_sett[3];
uint8_t len = 3;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if ((rslt == BMP3_OK) && (dev->fifo != NULL)) {
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_FIFO_CONFIG_1_ADDR, fifo_sett, len, dev);
/* Parse the fifo settings */
parse_fifo_settings(fifo_sett, &dev->fifo->settings);
} else {
rslt = BMP3_E_NULL_PTR;
return rslt;
* @brief This API gets the fifo data from the sensor.
int8_t bmp3_get_fifo_data(const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint16_t fifo_len;
struct bmp3_fifo *fifo = dev->fifo;
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt == BMP3_OK) && (fifo != NULL)) {
/* Get the total no of bytes available in FIFO */
rslt = bmp3_get_fifo_length(&fifo_len, dev);
/* For sensor time frame */
if (dev->fifo->settings.time_en == TRUE)
fifo_len = fifo_len + 4;
/* Update the fifo length in the fifo structure */
dev->fifo->data.byte_count = fifo_len;
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Read the fifo data */
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_FIFO_DATA_ADDR, fifo->data.buffer, fifo_len, dev);
} else {
rslt = BMP3_E_NULL_PTR;
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the fifo watermark length according to the frames count
* set by the user in the device structure. Refer below for usage.
int8_t bmp3_set_fifo_watermark(const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data[2];
uint8_t reg_addr[2] = {BMP3_FIFO_WM_ADDR, BMP3_FIFO_WM_ADDR+1};
uint16_t watermark_len;
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt == BMP3_OK) && (dev->fifo != NULL)) {
rslt = convert_frames_to_bytes(&watermark_len, dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
reg_data[0] = BMP3_GET_LSB(watermark_len);
reg_data[1] = BMP3_GET_MSB(watermark_len) & 0x01;
rslt = bmp3_set_regs(reg_addr, reg_data, 2, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API extracts the temperature and/or pressure data from the FIFO
* data which is already read from the fifo.
int8_t bmp3_extract_fifo_data(struct bmp3_data *data, struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t header;
uint16_t byte_index = dev->fifo->data.start_idx;
uint8_t parsed_frames = 0;
uint8_t t_p_frame;
struct bmp3_uncomp_data uncomp_data;
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt == BMP3_OK) && (dev->fifo != NULL) && (data != NULL)) {
while ((parsed_frames < (dev->fifo->data.req_frames)) && (byte_index < dev->fifo->data.byte_count)) {
get_header_info(&header, dev->fifo->data.buffer, &byte_index);
t_p_frame = parse_fifo_data_frame(header, dev->fifo, &byte_index, &uncomp_data, &parsed_frames);
/* If the frame is pressure and/or temperature data */
if (t_p_frame != FALSE) {
/* Compensate temperature and pressure data */
rslt = compensate_data(t_p_frame, &uncomp_data, &data[parsed_frames-1],
/* Check if any frames are parsed in FIFO */
if (parsed_frames != 0) {
/* Update the bytes parsed in the device structure */
dev->fifo->data.start_idx = byte_index;
dev->fifo->data.parsed_frames += parsed_frames;
} else {
/* No frames are there to parse. It is time to
read the FIFO, if more frames are needed */
dev->fifo->data.frame_not_available = TRUE;
} else {
rslt = BMP3_E_NULL_PTR;
return rslt;
* @brief This API gets the command ready, data ready for pressure and
* temperature and interrupt (fifo watermark, fifo full, data ready) and
* error status from the sensor.
int8_t bmp3_get_status(struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
rslt = get_sensor_status(dev);
/* Proceed further if the earlier operation is fine */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
rslt = get_int_status(dev);
/* Proceed further if the earlier operation is fine */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Get the error status */
rslt = get_err_status(dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API gets the fifo length from the sensor.
int8_t bmp3_get_fifo_length(uint16_t *fifo_length, const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data[2];
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_FIFO_LENGTH_ADDR, reg_data, 2, dev);
/* Proceed if read from register is fine */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Update the fifo length */
*fifo_length = BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[1], reg_data[0]);
return rslt;
* @brief This API performs the soft reset of the sensor.
int8_t bmp3_soft_reset(const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_addr = BMP3_CMD_ADDR;
/* 0xB6 is the soft reset command */
uint8_t soft_rst_cmd = 0xB6;
uint8_t cmd_rdy_status;
uint8_t cmd_err_status;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
/* Proceed if null check is fine */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Check for command ready status */
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_SENS_STATUS_REG_ADDR, &cmd_rdy_status, 1, dev);
/* Device is ready to accept new command */
if ((cmd_rdy_status & BMP3_CMD_RDY) && (rslt == BMP3_OK)) {
/* Write the soft reset command in the sensor */
rslt = bmp3_set_regs(&reg_addr, &soft_rst_cmd, 1, dev);
/* Proceed if everything is fine until now */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Wait for 2 ms */
/* Read for command error status */
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_ERR_REG_ADDR, &cmd_err_status, 1, dev);
/* check for command error status */
if ((cmd_err_status & BMP3_CMD_ERR) || (rslt != BMP3_OK)) {
/* Command not written hence return
error */
} else {
return rslt;
* @brief This API sets the power mode of the sensor.
int8_t bmp3_set_op_mode(struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t last_set_mode;
uint8_t curr_mode = dev->settings.op_mode;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
rslt = bmp3_get_op_mode(&last_set_mode, dev);
/* If the sensor is not in sleep mode put the device to sleep
mode */
if (last_set_mode != BMP3_SLEEP_MODE) {
/* Device should be put to sleep before transiting to
forced mode or normal mode */
rslt = put_device_to_sleep(dev);
/* Give some time for device to go into sleep mode */
/* Set the power mode */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
if (curr_mode == BMP3_NORMAL_MODE) {
/* Set normal mode and validate
necessary settings */
rslt = set_normal_mode(dev);
} else if (curr_mode == BMP3_FORCED_MODE) {
/* Set forced mode */
rslt = write_power_mode(dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API gets the power mode of the sensor.
int8_t bmp3_get_op_mode(uint8_t *op_mode, const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Read the power mode register */
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_PWR_CTRL_ADDR, op_mode, 1, dev);
/* Assign the power mode in the device structure */
*op_mode = BMP3_GET_BITS(*op_mode, BMP3_OP_MODE);
return rslt;
* @brief This API reads the pressure, temperature or both data from the
* sensor, compensates the data and store it in the bmp3_data structure
* instance passed by the user.
int8_t bmp3_get_sensor_data(uint8_t sensor_comp, struct bmp3_data *comp_data, struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Array to store the pressure and temperature data read from
the sensor */
uint8_t reg_data[BMP3_P_T_DATA_LEN] = {0};
struct bmp3_uncomp_data uncomp_data = {0};
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if ((rslt == BMP3_OK) && (comp_data != NULL)) {
/* Read the pressure and temperature data from the sensor */
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_DATA_ADDR, reg_data, BMP3_P_T_DATA_LEN, dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Parse the read data from the sensor */
parse_sensor_data(reg_data, &uncomp_data);
/* Compensate the pressure/temperature/both data read
from the sensor */
rslt = compensate_data(sensor_comp, &uncomp_data, comp_data, &dev->calib_data);
} else {
rslt = BMP3_E_NULL_PTR;
return rslt;
/****************** Static Function Definitions *******************************/
* @brief This internal API converts the no. of frames required by the user to
* bytes so as to write in the watermark length register.
static int8_t convert_frames_to_bytes(uint16_t *watermark_len, const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BMP3_OK;
if ((dev->fifo->data.req_frames > 0) && (dev->fifo->data.req_frames <= BMP3_FIFO_MAX_FRAMES)) {
if (dev->fifo->settings.press_en && dev->fifo->settings.temp_en) {
/* Multiply with pressure and temperature header len */
*watermark_len = dev->fifo->data.req_frames * BMP3_P_AND_T_HEADER_DATA_LEN;
} else if (dev->fifo->settings.temp_en || dev->fifo->settings.press_en) {
/* Multiply with pressure or temperature header len */
*watermark_len = dev->fifo->data.req_frames * BMP3_P_OR_T_HEADER_DATA_LEN;
} else {
/* No sensor is enabled */
} else {
/* Required frame count is zero, which is invalid */
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API resets the FIFO buffer, start index,
* parsed frame count, configuration change, configuration error and
* frame_not_available variables.
static void reset_fifo_index(struct bmp3_fifo *fifo)
/* Loop variable */
uint16_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
/* Initialize data buffer to zero */
fifo->data.buffer[i] = 0;
fifo->data.byte_count = 0;
fifo->data.start_idx = 0;
fifo->data.parsed_frames = 0;
fifo->data.config_change = 0;
fifo->data.config_err = 0;
fifo->data.frame_not_available = 0;
* @brief This internal API parse the FIFO data frame from the fifo buffer and
* fills the byte count, uncompensated pressure and/or temperature data and no
* of parsed frames.
static uint8_t parse_fifo_data_frame(uint8_t header, struct bmp3_fifo *fifo, uint16_t *byte_index,
struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data, uint8_t *parsed_frames)
uint8_t t_p_frame = 0;
switch (header) {
unpack_temp_press_frame(byte_index, fifo->data.buffer, uncomp_data);
*parsed_frames = *parsed_frames + 1;
t_p_frame = BMP3_PRESS | BMP3_TEMP;
unpack_temp_frame(byte_index, fifo->data.buffer, uncomp_data);
*parsed_frames = *parsed_frames + 1;
t_p_frame = BMP3_TEMP;
unpack_press_frame(byte_index, fifo->data.buffer, uncomp_data);
*parsed_frames = *parsed_frames + 1;
t_p_frame = BMP3_PRESS;
unpack_time_frame(byte_index, fifo->data.buffer, &fifo->data.sensor_time);
fifo->data.config_change = 1;
*byte_index = *byte_index + 1;
fifo->data.config_err = 1;
*byte_index = *byte_index + 1;
fifo->data.config_err = 1;
*byte_index = *byte_index + 1;
return t_p_frame;
* @brief This internal API unpacks the FIFO data frame from the fifo buffer and
* fills the byte count, uncompensated pressure and/or temperature data.
static void unpack_temp_press_frame(uint16_t *byte_index, const uint8_t *fifo_buffer,
struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data)
parse_fifo_sensor_data((BMP3_PRESS | BMP3_TEMP), &fifo_buffer[*byte_index], uncomp_data);
*byte_index = *byte_index + BMP3_P_T_DATA_LEN;
* @brief This internal API unpacks the FIFO data frame from the fifo buffer and
* fills the byte count and uncompensated temperature data.
static void unpack_temp_frame(uint16_t *byte_index, const uint8_t *fifo_buffer, struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data)
parse_fifo_sensor_data(BMP3_TEMP, &fifo_buffer[*byte_index], uncomp_data);
*byte_index = *byte_index + BMP3_T_DATA_LEN;
* @brief This internal API unpacks the FIFO data frame from the fifo buffer and
* fills the byte count and uncompensated pressure data.
static void unpack_press_frame(uint16_t *byte_index, const uint8_t *fifo_buffer, struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data)
parse_fifo_sensor_data(BMP3_PRESS, &fifo_buffer[*byte_index], uncomp_data);
*byte_index = *byte_index + BMP3_P_DATA_LEN;
* @brief This internal API unpacks the time frame from the fifo data buffer and
* fills the byte count and update the sensor time variable.
static void unpack_time_frame(uint16_t *byte_index, const uint8_t *fifo_buffer, uint32_t *sensor_time)
uint16_t index = *byte_index;
uint32_t xlsb = fifo_buffer[index];
uint32_t lsb = ((uint32_t)fifo_buffer[index + 1]) << 8;
uint32_t msb = ((uint32_t)fifo_buffer[index + 2]) << 16;
*sensor_time = msb | lsb | xlsb;
*byte_index = *byte_index + BMP3_SENSOR_TIME_LEN;
* @brief This internal API parses the FIFO data frame from the fifo buffer and
* fills uncompensated temperature and/or pressure data.
static void parse_fifo_sensor_data(uint8_t sensor_comp, const uint8_t *fifo_buffer,
struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data)
/* Temporary variables to store the sensor data */
uint32_t data_xlsb;
uint32_t data_lsb;
uint32_t data_msb;
/* Store the parsed register values for temperature data */
data_xlsb = (uint32_t)fifo_buffer[0];
data_lsb = (uint32_t)fifo_buffer[1] << 8;
data_msb = (uint32_t)fifo_buffer[2] << 16;
if (sensor_comp == BMP3_TEMP) {
/* Update uncompensated temperature */
uncomp_data->temperature = data_msb | data_lsb | data_xlsb;
if (sensor_comp == BMP3_PRESS) {
/* Update uncompensated pressure */
uncomp_data->pressure = data_msb | data_lsb | data_xlsb;
if (sensor_comp == (BMP3_TEMP | BMP3_PRESS)) {
uncomp_data->temperature = data_msb | data_lsb | data_xlsb;
/* Store the parsed register values for pressure data */
data_xlsb = (uint32_t)fifo_buffer[3];
data_lsb = (uint32_t)fifo_buffer[4] << 8;
data_msb = (uint32_t)fifo_buffer[5] << 16;
uncomp_data->pressure = data_msb | data_lsb | data_xlsb;
* @brief This internal API parses the FIFO buffer and gets the header info.
static void get_header_info(uint8_t *header, const uint8_t *fifo_buffer, uint16_t *byte_index)
*header = fifo_buffer[*byte_index];
*byte_index = *byte_index + 1;
* @brief This internal API sets the normal mode in the sensor.
static int8_t set_normal_mode(struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t conf_err_status;
rslt = validate_normal_mode_settings(dev);
/* If osr and odr settings are proper then write the power mode */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
rslt = write_power_mode(dev);
/* check for configuration error */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Read the configuration error status */
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_ERR_REG_ADDR, &conf_err_status, 1, dev);
/* Check if conf. error flag is set */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
if (conf_err_status & BMP3_CONF_ERR) {
/* Osr and odr configuration is
not proper */
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API writes the power mode in the sensor.
static int8_t write_power_mode(const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_addr = BMP3_PWR_CTRL_ADDR;
uint8_t op_mode = dev->settings.op_mode;
/* Temporary variable to store the value read from op-mode register */
uint8_t op_mode_reg_val;
/* Read the power mode register */
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(reg_addr, &op_mode_reg_val, 1, dev);
/* Set the power mode */
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
op_mode_reg_val = BMP3_SET_BITS(op_mode_reg_val, BMP3_OP_MODE, op_mode);
/* Write the power mode in the register */
rslt = bmp3_set_regs(&reg_addr, &op_mode_reg_val, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API puts the device to sleep mode.
static int8_t put_device_to_sleep(const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_addr = BMP3_PWR_CTRL_ADDR;
/* Temporary variable to store the value read from op-mode register */
uint8_t op_mode_reg_val;
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_PWR_CTRL_ADDR, &op_mode_reg_val, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Set the power mode */
op_mode_reg_val = op_mode_reg_val & (~(BMP3_OP_MODE_MSK));
/* Write the power mode in the register */
rslt = bmp3_set_regs(&reg_addr, &op_mode_reg_val, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API validate the normal mode settings of the sensor.
static int8_t validate_normal_mode_settings(struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
rslt = get_odr_filter_settings(dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK)
rslt = validate_osr_and_odr_settings(dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API reads the calibration data from the sensor, parse
* it then compensates it and store in the device structure.
static int8_t get_calib_data(struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_addr = BMP3_CALIB_DATA_ADDR;
/* Array to store calibration data */
uint8_t calib_data[BMP3_CALIB_DATA_LEN] = {0};
/* Read the calibration data from the sensor */
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(reg_addr, calib_data, BMP3_CALIB_DATA_LEN, dev);
/* Parse calibration data and store it in device structure */
parse_calib_data(calib_data, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API interleaves the register address between the
* register data buffer for burst write operation.
static void interleave_reg_addr(const uint8_t *reg_addr, uint8_t *temp_buff, const uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t len)
uint8_t index;
for (index = 1; index < len; index++) {
temp_buff[(index * 2) - 1] = reg_addr[index];
temp_buff[index * 2] = reg_data[index];
* @brief This internal API parse the power control(power mode, pressure enable
* and temperature enable), over sampling, odr, filter, interrupt control and
* advance settings and store in the device structure.
static void parse_sett_data(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_dev *dev)
/* Parse interrupt control settings and store in device structure */
parse_int_ctrl_settings(&reg_data[0], &dev->settings.int_settings);
/* Parse advance settings and store in device structure */
parse_advance_settings(&reg_data[1], &dev->settings.adv_settings);
/* Parse power control settings and store in device structure */
parse_pwr_ctrl_settings(&reg_data[2], &dev->settings);
/* Parse odr and filter settings and store in device structure */
parse_odr_filter_settings(&reg_data[3], &dev->settings.odr_filter);
* @brief This internal API parse the interrupt control(output mode, level,
* latch and data ready) settings and store in the device structure.
static void parse_int_ctrl_settings(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_int_ctrl_settings *settings)
settings->output_mode = BMP3_GET_BITS_POS_0(*reg_data, BMP3_INT_OUTPUT_MODE);
settings->level = BMP3_GET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_INT_LEVEL);
settings->latch = BMP3_GET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_INT_LATCH);
settings->drdy_en = BMP3_GET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_INT_DRDY_EN);
static void parse_advance_settings(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_adv_settings *settings)
settings->i2c_wdt_en = BMP3_GET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_I2C_WDT_EN);
settings->i2c_wdt_sel = BMP3_GET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_I2C_WDT_SEL);
* @brief This internal API parse the power control(power mode, pressure enable
* and temperature enable) settings and store in the device structure.
static void parse_pwr_ctrl_settings(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_settings *settings)
settings->op_mode = BMP3_GET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_OP_MODE);
settings->press_en = BMP3_GET_BITS_POS_0(*reg_data, BMP3_PRESS_EN);
settings->temp_en = BMP3_GET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_TEMP_EN);
* @brief This internal API parse the over sampling, odr and filter
* settings and store in the device structure.
static void parse_odr_filter_settings(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_odr_filter_settings *settings)
uint8_t index = 0;
/* Odr and filter settings index starts from one (0x1C register) */
settings->press_os = BMP3_GET_BITS_POS_0(reg_data[index], BMP3_PRESS_OS);
settings->temp_os = BMP3_GET_BITS(reg_data[index], BMP3_TEMP_OS);
/* Move index to 0x1D register */
settings->odr = BMP3_GET_BITS_POS_0(reg_data[index], BMP3_ODR);
/* Move index to 0x1F register */
index = index + 2;
settings->iir_filter = BMP3_GET_BITS(reg_data[index], BMP3_IIR_FILTER);
* @brief This API sets the pressure enable and temperature enable
* settings of the sensor.
static int8_t set_pwr_ctrl_settings(uint32_t desired_settings, const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_addr = BMP3_PWR_CTRL_ADDR;
uint8_t reg_data;
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(reg_addr, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
if (desired_settings & BMP3_PRESS_EN_SEL) {
/* Set the pressure enable settings in the
register variable */
reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS_POS_0(reg_data, BMP3_PRESS_EN, dev->settings.press_en);
if (desired_settings & BMP3_TEMP_EN_SEL) {
/* Set the temperature enable settings in the
register variable */
reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMP3_TEMP_EN, dev->settings.temp_en);
/* Write the power control settings in the register */
rslt = bmp3_set_regs(&reg_addr, &reg_data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API sets the over sampling, odr and filter settings
* of the sensor based on the settings selected by the user.
static int8_t set_odr_filter_settings(uint32_t desired_settings, struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* No of registers to be configured is 3*/
uint8_t reg_addr[3] = {0};
/* No of register data to be read is 4 */
uint8_t reg_data[4];
uint8_t len = 0;
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_OSR_ADDR, reg_data, 4, dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
if (are_settings_changed((BMP3_PRESS_OS_SEL | BMP3_TEMP_OS_SEL), desired_settings)) {
/* Fill the over sampling register address and
register data to be written in the sensor */
fill_osr_data(desired_settings, reg_addr, reg_data, &len, dev);
if (are_settings_changed(BMP3_ODR_SEL, desired_settings)) {
/* Fill the output data rate register address and
register data to be written in the sensor */
fill_odr_data(reg_addr, reg_data, &len, dev);
if (are_settings_changed(BMP3_IIR_FILTER_SEL, desired_settings)) {
/* Fill the iir filter register address and
register data to be written in the sensor */
fill_filter_data(reg_addr, reg_data, &len, dev);
if (dev->settings.op_mode == BMP3_NORMAL_MODE) {
/* For normal mode, osr and odr settings should
be proper */
rslt = validate_osr_and_odr_settings(dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
/* Burst write the over sampling, odr and filter
settings in the register */
rslt = bmp3_set_regs(reg_addr, reg_data, len, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API sets the interrupt control (output mode, level,
* latch and data ready) settings of the sensor based on the settings
* selected by the user.
static int8_t set_int_ctrl_settings(uint32_t desired_settings, const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data;
uint8_t reg_addr;
struct bmp3_int_ctrl_settings int_settings;
reg_addr = BMP3_INT_CTRL_ADDR;
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(reg_addr, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
int_settings = dev->settings.int_settings;
if (desired_settings & BMP3_OUTPUT_MODE_SEL) {
/* Set the interrupt output mode bits */
reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS_POS_0(reg_data, BMP3_INT_OUTPUT_MODE, int_settings.output_mode);
if (desired_settings & BMP3_LEVEL_SEL) {
/* Set the interrupt level bits */
reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMP3_INT_LEVEL, int_settings.level);
if (desired_settings & BMP3_LATCH_SEL) {
/* Set the interrupt latch bits */
reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMP3_INT_LATCH, int_settings.latch);
if (desired_settings & BMP3_DRDY_EN_SEL) {
/* Set the interrupt data ready bits */
reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMP3_INT_DRDY_EN, int_settings.drdy_en);
rslt = bmp3_set_regs(&reg_addr, &reg_data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API sets the advance (i2c_wdt_en, i2c_wdt_sel)
* settings of the sensor based on the settings selected by the user.
static int8_t set_advance_settings(uint32_t desired_settings, const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_addr;
uint8_t reg_data;
struct bmp3_adv_settings adv_settings = dev->settings.adv_settings;
reg_addr = BMP3_IF_CONF_ADDR;
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(reg_addr, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
if (desired_settings & BMP3_I2C_WDT_EN_SEL) {
/* Set the i2c watch dog enable bits */
reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMP3_I2C_WDT_EN, adv_settings.i2c_wdt_en);
if (desired_settings & BMP3_I2C_WDT_SEL_SEL) {
/* Set the i2c watch dog select bits */
reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS(reg_data, BMP3_I2C_WDT_SEL, adv_settings.i2c_wdt_sel);
rslt = bmp3_set_regs(&reg_addr, &reg_data, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API gets the over sampling, odr and filter settings
* of the sensor.
static int8_t get_odr_filter_settings(struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data[4];
/* Read data beginning from 0x1C register */
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_OSR_ADDR, reg_data, 4, dev);
/* Parse the read data and store it in dev structure */
parse_odr_filter_settings(reg_data, &dev->settings.odr_filter);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API validate the over sampling, odr settings of the
* sensor.
static int8_t validate_osr_and_odr_settings(const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint16_t meas_t = 0;
/* Odr values in milli secs */
uint32_t odr[18] = {5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5120, 10240,
20480, 40960, 81920, 163840, 327680, 655360};
if (dev->settings.press_en) {
/* Calculate the pressure measurement duration */
meas_t = calculate_press_meas_time(dev);
if (dev->settings.temp_en) {
/* Calculate the temperature measurement duration */
meas_t += calculate_temp_meas_time(dev);
rslt = verify_meas_time_and_odr_duration(meas_t, odr[dev->settings.odr_filter.odr]);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API checks whether the measurement time and odr duration
* of the sensor are proper.
static int8_t verify_meas_time_and_odr_duration(uint16_t meas_t, uint32_t odr_duration)
int8_t rslt;
if (meas_t < odr_duration) {
/* If measurement duration is less than odr duration
then osr and odr settings are fine */
rslt = BMP3_OK;
} else {
/* Osr and odr settings are not proper */
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API calculates the pressure measurement duration of the
* sensor.
static uint16_t calculate_press_meas_time(const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
uint16_t press_meas_t;
struct bmp3_odr_filter_settings odr_filter = dev->settings.odr_filter;
float base = 2.0;
float partial_out;
uint8_t base = 2;
uint32_t partial_out;
partial_out = bmp3_pow(base, odr_filter.press_os);
press_meas_t = (uint16_t)(BMP3_PRESS_SETTLE_TIME + partial_out * BMP3_ADC_CONV_TIME);
/* convert into mill seconds */
press_meas_t = press_meas_t / 1000;
return press_meas_t;
* @brief This internal API calculates the temperature measurement duration of
* the sensor.
static uint16_t calculate_temp_meas_time(const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
uint16_t temp_meas_t;
struct bmp3_odr_filter_settings odr_filter = dev->settings.odr_filter;
float base = 2.0;
float partial_out;
uint8_t base = 2;
uint32_t partial_out;
partial_out = bmp3_pow(base, odr_filter.temp_os);
temp_meas_t = (uint16_t)(BMP3_TEMP_SETTLE_TIME + partial_out * BMP3_ADC_CONV_TIME);
/* convert into mill seconds */
temp_meas_t = temp_meas_t / 1000;
return temp_meas_t;
* @brief This internal API fills the register address and register data of
* the over sampling settings for burst write operation.
static void fill_osr_data(uint32_t settings, uint8_t *addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t *len,
const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
struct bmp3_odr_filter_settings osr_settings = dev->settings.odr_filter;
if (settings & (BMP3_PRESS_OS_SEL | BMP3_TEMP_OS_SEL)) {
/* Pressure over sampling settings check */
if (settings & BMP3_PRESS_OS_SEL) {
/* Set the pressure over sampling settings in the
register variable */
reg_data[*len] = BMP3_SET_BITS_POS_0(reg_data[0], BMP3_PRESS_OS, osr_settings.press_os);
/* Temperature over sampling settings check */
if (settings & BMP3_TEMP_OS_SEL) {
/* Set the temperature over sampling settings in the
register variable */
reg_data[*len] = BMP3_SET_BITS(reg_data[0], BMP3_TEMP_OS, osr_settings.temp_os);
/* 0x1C is the register address of over sampling register */
addr[*len] = BMP3_OSR_ADDR;
* @brief This internal API fills the register address and register data of
* the odr settings for burst write operation.
static void fill_odr_data(uint8_t *addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t *len, struct bmp3_dev *dev)
struct bmp3_odr_filter_settings *osr_settings = &dev->settings.odr_filter;
/* Limit the ODR to 0.001525879 Hz*/
if (osr_settings->odr > BMP3_ODR_0_001_HZ)
osr_settings->odr = BMP3_ODR_0_001_HZ;
/* Set the odr settings in the register variable */
reg_data[*len] = BMP3_SET_BITS_POS_0(reg_data[1], BMP3_ODR, osr_settings->odr);
/* 0x1D is the register address of output data rate register */
addr[*len] = 0x1D;
* @brief This internal API fills the register address and register data of
* the filter settings for burst write operation.
static void fill_filter_data(uint8_t *addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t *len, const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
struct bmp3_odr_filter_settings osr_settings = dev->settings.odr_filter;
/* Set the iir settings in the register variable */
reg_data[*len] = BMP3_SET_BITS(reg_data[3], BMP3_IIR_FILTER, osr_settings.iir_filter);
/* 0x1F is the register address of iir filter register */
addr[*len] = 0x1F;
* @brief This internal API is used to parse the pressure or temperature or
* both the data and store it in the bmp3_uncomp_data structure instance.
static void parse_sensor_data(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data)
/* Temporary variables to store the sensor data */
uint32_t data_xlsb;
uint32_t data_lsb;
uint32_t data_msb;
/* Store the parsed register values for pressure data */
data_xlsb = (uint32_t)reg_data[0];
data_lsb = (uint32_t)reg_data[1] << 8;
data_msb = (uint32_t)reg_data[2] << 16;
uncomp_data->pressure = data_msb | data_lsb | data_xlsb;
/* Store the parsed register values for temperature data */
data_xlsb = (uint32_t)reg_data[3];
data_lsb = (uint32_t)reg_data[4] << 8;
data_msb = (uint32_t)reg_data[5] << 16;
uncomp_data->temperature = data_msb | data_lsb | data_xlsb;
* @brief This internal API is used to compensate the pressure or temperature
* or both the data according to the component selected by the user.
static int8_t compensate_data(uint8_t sensor_comp, const struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data,
struct bmp3_data *comp_data, struct bmp3_calib_data *calib_data)
int8_t rslt = BMP3_OK;
if ((uncomp_data != NULL) && (comp_data != NULL) && (calib_data != NULL)) {
/* If pressure or temperature component is selected */
if (sensor_comp & (BMP3_PRESS | BMP3_TEMP)) {
/* Compensate the temperature data */
comp_data->temperature = compensate_temperature(uncomp_data, calib_data);
if (sensor_comp & BMP3_PRESS) {
/* Compensate the pressure data */
comp_data->pressure = compensate_pressure(uncomp_data, calib_data);
} else {
rslt = BMP3_E_NULL_PTR;
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to parse the calibration data, compensates
* it and store it in device structure
static void parse_calib_data(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_dev *dev)
/* Temporary variable to store the aligned trim data */
struct bmp3_reg_calib_data *reg_calib_data = &dev->calib_data.reg_calib_data;
struct bmp3_quantized_calib_data *quantized_calib_data = &dev->calib_data.quantized_calib_data;
/* Temporary variable */
float temp_var;
/* 1 / 2^8 */
temp_var = 0.00390625f;
reg_calib_data->par_t1 = BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[1], reg_data[0]);
quantized_calib_data->par_t1 = ((float)reg_calib_data->par_t1 / temp_var);
reg_calib_data->par_t2 = BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[3], reg_data[2]);
temp_var = 1073741824.0f;
quantized_calib_data->par_t2 = ((float)reg_calib_data->par_t2 / temp_var);
reg_calib_data->par_t3 = (int8_t)reg_data[4];
temp_var = 281474976710656.0f;
quantized_calib_data->par_t3 = ((float)reg_calib_data->par_t3 / temp_var);
reg_calib_data->par_p1 = (int16_t)BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[6], reg_data[5]);
temp_var = 1048576.0f;
quantized_calib_data->par_p1 = ((float)(reg_calib_data->par_p1 - (16384)) / temp_var);
reg_calib_data->par_p2 = (int16_t)BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[8], reg_data[7]);
temp_var = 536870912.0f;
quantized_calib_data->par_p2 = ((float)(reg_calib_data->par_p2 - (16384)) / temp_var);
reg_calib_data->par_p3 = (int8_t)reg_data[9];
temp_var = 4294967296.0f;
quantized_calib_data->par_p3 = ((float)reg_calib_data->par_p3 / temp_var);
reg_calib_data->par_p4 = (int8_t)reg_data[10];
temp_var = 137438953472.0f;
quantized_calib_data->par_p4 = ((float)reg_calib_data->par_p4 / temp_var);
reg_calib_data->par_p5 = BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[12], reg_data[11]);
/* 1 / 2^3 */
temp_var = 0.125f;
quantized_calib_data->par_p5 = ((float)reg_calib_data->par_p5 / temp_var);
reg_calib_data->par_p6 = BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[14], reg_data[13]);
temp_var = 64.0f;
quantized_calib_data->par_p6 = ((float)reg_calib_data->par_p6 / temp_var);
reg_calib_data->par_p7 = (int8_t)reg_data[15];
temp_var = 256.0f;
quantized_calib_data->par_p7 = ((float)reg_calib_data->par_p7 / temp_var);
reg_calib_data->par_p8 = (int8_t)reg_data[16];
temp_var = 32768.0f;
quantized_calib_data->par_p8 = ((float)reg_calib_data->par_p8 / temp_var);
reg_calib_data->par_p9 = (int16_t)BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[18], reg_data[17]);
temp_var = 281474976710656.0f;
quantized_calib_data->par_p9 = ((float)reg_calib_data->par_p9 / temp_var);
reg_calib_data->par_p10 = (int8_t)reg_data[19];
temp_var = 281474976710656.0f;
quantized_calib_data->par_p10 = ((float)reg_calib_data->par_p10 / temp_var);
reg_calib_data->par_p11 = (int8_t)reg_data[20];
temp_var = 36893488147419103232.0f;
quantized_calib_data->par_p11 = ((float)reg_calib_data->par_p11 / temp_var);
* @brief This internal API is used to compensate the raw temperature data and
* return the compensated temperature data in float data type.
static float compensate_temperature(const struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data,
struct bmp3_calib_data *calib_data)
uint32_t uncomp_temp = uncomp_data->temperature;
float partial_data1;
float partial_data2;
partial_data1 = (float)(uncomp_temp - calib_data->quantized_calib_data.par_t1);
partial_data2 = (float)(partial_data1 * calib_data->quantized_calib_data.par_t2);
/* Update the compensated temperature in calib structure since this is
needed for pressure calculation */
calib_data->quantized_calib_data.t_lin = partial_data2 + (partial_data1 * partial_data1)
* calib_data->quantized_calib_data.par_t3;
/* Returns compensated temperature */
return calib_data->quantized_calib_data.t_lin;
* @brief This internal API is used to compensate the raw pressure data and
* return the compensated pressure data in float data type.
static float compensate_pressure(const struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data,
const struct bmp3_calib_data *calib_data)
const struct bmp3_quantized_calib_data *quantized_calib_data = &calib_data->quantized_calib_data;
/* Variable to store the compensated pressure */
float comp_press;
/* Temporary variables used for compensation */
float partial_data1;
float partial_data2;
float partial_data3;
float partial_data4;
float partial_out1;
float partial_out2;
partial_data1 = quantized_calib_data->par_p6 * quantized_calib_data->t_lin;
partial_data2 = quantized_calib_data->par_p7 * bmp3_pow(quantized_calib_data->t_lin, 2);
partial_data3 = quantized_calib_data->par_p8 * bmp3_pow(quantized_calib_data->t_lin, 3);
partial_out1 = quantized_calib_data->par_p5 + partial_data1 + partial_data2 + partial_data3;
partial_data1 = quantized_calib_data->par_p2 * quantized_calib_data->t_lin;
partial_data2 = quantized_calib_data->par_p3 * bmp3_pow(quantized_calib_data->t_lin, 2);
partial_data3 = quantized_calib_data->par_p4 * bmp3_pow(quantized_calib_data->t_lin, 3);
partial_out2 = uncomp_data->pressure *
(quantized_calib_data->par_p1 + partial_data1 + partial_data2 + partial_data3);
partial_data1 = bmp3_pow((float)uncomp_data->pressure, 2);
partial_data2 = quantized_calib_data->par_p9 + quantized_calib_data->par_p10 * quantized_calib_data->t_lin;
partial_data3 = partial_data1 * partial_data2;
partial_data4 = partial_data3 + bmp3_pow((float)uncomp_data->pressure, 3) * quantized_calib_data->par_p11;
comp_press = partial_out1 + partial_out2 + partial_data4;
return comp_press;
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the power functionality for
* floating point values.
static float bmp3_pow(float base, uint8_t power)
float pow_output = 1;
while (power != 0) {
pow_output = base * pow_output;
return pow_output;
* @brief This internal API is used to parse the calibration data, compensates
* it and store it in device structure
static void parse_calib_data(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_dev *dev)
/* Temporary variable to store the aligned trim data */
struct bmp3_reg_calib_data *reg_calib_data = &dev->calib_data.reg_calib_data;
reg_calib_data->par_t1 = BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[1], reg_data[0]);
reg_calib_data->par_t2 = BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[3], reg_data[2]);
reg_calib_data->par_t3 = (int8_t)reg_data[4];
reg_calib_data->par_p1 = (int16_t)BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[6], reg_data[5]);
reg_calib_data->par_p2 = (int16_t)BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[8], reg_data[7]);
reg_calib_data->par_p3 = (int8_t)reg_data[9];
reg_calib_data->par_p4 = (int8_t)reg_data[10];
reg_calib_data->par_p5 = BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[12], reg_data[11]);
reg_calib_data->par_p6 = BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[14], reg_data[13]);
reg_calib_data->par_p7 = (int8_t)reg_data[15];
reg_calib_data->par_p8 = (int8_t)reg_data[16];
reg_calib_data->par_p9 = (int16_t)BMP3_CONCAT_BYTES(reg_data[18], reg_data[17]);
reg_calib_data->par_p10 = (int8_t)reg_data[19];
reg_calib_data->par_p11 = (int8_t)reg_data[20];
* @brief This internal API is used to compensate the raw temperature data and
* return the compensated temperature data in integer data type.
static int64_t compensate_temperature(const struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data,
struct bmp3_calib_data *calib_data)
uint64_t partial_data1;
uint64_t partial_data2;
uint64_t partial_data3;
int64_t partial_data4;
int64_t partial_data5;
int64_t partial_data6;
int64_t comp_temp;
partial_data1 = uncomp_data->temperature - (256 * calib_data->reg_calib_data.par_t1);
partial_data2 = calib_data->reg_calib_data.par_t2 * partial_data1;
partial_data3 = partial_data1 * partial_data1;
partial_data4 = (int64_t)partial_data3 * calib_data->reg_calib_data.par_t3;
partial_data5 = ((int64_t)(partial_data2 * 262144) + partial_data4);
partial_data6 = partial_data5 / 4294967296;
/* Store t_lin in dev. structure for pressure calculation */
calib_data->reg_calib_data.t_lin = partial_data6;
comp_temp = (int64_t)((partial_data6 * 25) / 16384);
return comp_temp;
* @brief This internal API is used to compensate the raw pressure data and
* return the compensated pressure data in integer data type.
static uint64_t compensate_pressure(const struct bmp3_uncomp_data *uncomp_data,
const struct bmp3_calib_data *calib_data)
const struct bmp3_reg_calib_data *reg_calib_data = &calib_data->reg_calib_data;
int64_t partial_data1;
int64_t partial_data2;
int64_t partial_data3;
int64_t partial_data4;
int64_t partial_data5;
int64_t partial_data6;
int64_t offset;
int64_t sensitivity;
uint64_t comp_press;
partial_data1 = reg_calib_data->t_lin * reg_calib_data->t_lin;
partial_data2 = partial_data1 / 64;
partial_data3 = (partial_data2 * reg_calib_data->t_lin) / 256;
partial_data4 = (reg_calib_data->par_p8 * partial_data3) / 32;
partial_data5 = (reg_calib_data->par_p7 * partial_data1) * 16;
partial_data6 = (reg_calib_data->par_p6 * reg_calib_data->t_lin) * 4194304;
offset = (reg_calib_data->par_p5 * 140737488355328) + partial_data4 + partial_data5 + partial_data6;
partial_data2 = (reg_calib_data->par_p4 * partial_data3) / 32;
partial_data4 = (reg_calib_data->par_p3 * partial_data1) * 4;
partial_data5 = (reg_calib_data->par_p2 - 16384) * reg_calib_data->t_lin * 2097152;
sensitivity = ((reg_calib_data->par_p1 - 16384) * 70368744177664) + partial_data2 + partial_data4
+ partial_data5;
partial_data1 = (sensitivity / 16777216) * uncomp_data->pressure;
partial_data2 = reg_calib_data->par_p10 * reg_calib_data->t_lin;
partial_data3 = partial_data2 + (65536 * reg_calib_data->par_p9);
partial_data4 = (partial_data3 * uncomp_data->pressure) / 8192;
partial_data5 = (partial_data4 * uncomp_data->pressure) / 512;
partial_data6 = (int64_t)((uint64_t)uncomp_data->pressure * (uint64_t)uncomp_data->pressure);
partial_data2 = (reg_calib_data->par_p11 * partial_data6) / 65536;
partial_data3 = (partial_data2 * uncomp_data->pressure) / 128;
partial_data4 = (offset / 4) + partial_data1 + partial_data5 + partial_data3;
comp_press = (((uint64_t)partial_data4 * 25) / (uint64_t)1099511627776);
return comp_press;
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the power functionality.
static uint32_t bmp3_pow(uint8_t base, uint8_t power)
uint32_t pow_output = 1;
while (power != 0) {
pow_output = base * pow_output;
return pow_output;
* @brief This internal API is used to identify the settings which the user
* wants to modify in the sensor.
static uint8_t are_settings_changed(uint32_t sub_settings, uint32_t desired_settings)
uint8_t settings_changed = FALSE;
if (sub_settings & desired_settings) {
/* User wants to modify this particular settings */
settings_changed = TRUE;
} else {
/* User don't want to modify this particular settings */
settings_changed = FALSE;
return settings_changed;
* @brief This internal API is used to validate the device structure pointer for
* null conditions.
static int8_t null_ptr_check(const struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->read == NULL) || (dev->write == NULL) || (dev->delay_ms == NULL)) {
/* Device structure pointer is not valid */
rslt = BMP3_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* Device structure is fine */
rslt = BMP3_OK;
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to parse the fifo_config_1(fifo_mode,
* fifo_stop_on_full, fifo_time_en, fifo_press_en, fifo_temp_en),
* fifo_config_2(fifo_subsampling, data_select) and int_ctrl(fwtm_en, ffull_en)
* settings and store it in device structure
static void parse_fifo_settings(const uint8_t *reg_data, struct bmp3_fifo_settings *dev_fifo)
uint8_t fifo_config_1_data = reg_data[0];
uint8_t fifo_config_2_data = reg_data[1];
uint8_t fifo_int_ctrl_data = reg_data[2];
/* Parse fifo config 1 register data */
dev_fifo->mode = BMP3_GET_BITS_POS_0(fifo_config_1_data, BMP3_FIFO_MODE);
dev_fifo->stop_on_full_en = BMP3_GET_BITS(fifo_config_1_data, BMP3_FIFO_STOP_ON_FULL);
dev_fifo->time_en = BMP3_GET_BITS(fifo_config_1_data, BMP3_FIFO_TIME_EN);
dev_fifo->press_en = BMP3_GET_BITS(fifo_config_1_data, BMP3_FIFO_PRESS_EN);
dev_fifo->temp_en = BMP3_GET_BITS(fifo_config_1_data, BMP3_FIFO_TEMP_EN);
/* Parse fifo config 2 register data */
dev_fifo->down_sampling = BMP3_GET_BITS_POS_0(fifo_config_2_data, BMP3_FIFO_DOWN_SAMPLING);
dev_fifo->filter_en = BMP3_GET_BITS(fifo_config_2_data, BMP3_FIFO_FILTER_EN);
/* Parse fifo related interrupt control data */
dev_fifo->ffull_en = BMP3_GET_BITS(fifo_int_ctrl_data, BMP3_FIFO_FULL_EN);
dev_fifo->fwtm_en = BMP3_GET_BITS(fifo_int_ctrl_data, BMP3_FIFO_FWTM_EN);
* @brief This internal API fills the fifo_config_1(fifo_mode,
* fifo_stop_on_full, fifo_time_en, fifo_press_en, fifo_temp_en) settings in the
* reg_data variable so as to burst write in the sensor.
static void fill_fifo_config_1(uint16_t desired_settings, uint8_t *reg_data,
struct bmp3_fifo_settings *dev_fifo)
if (desired_settings & BMP3_FIFO_MODE_SEL) {
/* Fill the FIFO mode register data */
*reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS_POS_0(*reg_data, BMP3_FIFO_MODE, dev_fifo->mode);
if (desired_settings & BMP3_FIFO_STOP_ON_FULL_EN_SEL) {
/* Fill the stop on full data */
*reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_FIFO_STOP_ON_FULL, dev_fifo->stop_on_full_en);
if (desired_settings & BMP3_FIFO_TIME_EN_SEL) {
/* Fill the time enable data */
*reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_FIFO_TIME_EN, dev_fifo->time_en);
if (desired_settings &
/* Fill the FIFO pressure enable */
if (desired_settings & BMP3_FIFO_PRESS_EN_SEL) {
if ((dev_fifo->temp_en == 0) && (dev_fifo->press_en == 1)) {
/* Set the temperature sensor to be enabled */
dev_fifo->temp_en = 1;
/* Fill the pressure enable data */
*reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_FIFO_PRESS_EN, dev_fifo->press_en);
/* Temperature should be enabled to get the pressure data */
*reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_FIFO_TEMP_EN, dev_fifo->temp_en);
* @brief This internal API fills the fifo_config_2(fifo_subsampling,
* data_select) settings in the reg_data variable so as to burst write
* in the sensor.
static void fill_fifo_config_2(uint16_t desired_settings, uint8_t *reg_data,
const struct bmp3_fifo_settings *dev_fifo)
if (desired_settings & BMP3_FIFO_DOWN_SAMPLING_SEL) {
/* To do check Normal mode */
/* Fill the down-sampling data */
*reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS_POS_0(*reg_data, BMP3_FIFO_DOWN_SAMPLING, dev_fifo->down_sampling);
if (desired_settings & BMP3_FIFO_FILTER_EN_SEL) {
/* Fill the filter enable data */
*reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_FIFO_FILTER_EN, dev_fifo->filter_en);
* @brief This internal API fills the fifo interrupt control(fwtm_en, ffull_en)
* settings in the reg_data variable so as to burst write in the sensor.
static void fill_fifo_int_ctrl(uint16_t desired_settings, uint8_t *reg_data,
const struct bmp3_fifo_settings *dev_fifo)
if (desired_settings & BMP3_FIFO_FWTM_EN_SEL) {
/* Fill the FIFO watermark interrupt enable data */
*reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_FIFO_FWTM_EN, dev_fifo->fwtm_en);
if (desired_settings & BMP3_FIFO_FULL_EN_SEL) {
/* Fill the FIFO full interrupt enable data */
*reg_data = BMP3_SET_BITS(*reg_data, BMP3_FIFO_FULL_EN, dev_fifo->ffull_en);
* @brief This API gets the command ready, data ready for pressure and
* temperature, power on reset status from the sensor.
static int8_t get_sensor_status(struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_addr;
uint8_t reg_data;
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(reg_addr, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
dev->status.sensor.cmd_rdy = BMP3_GET_BITS(reg_data, BMP3_STATUS_CMD_RDY);
dev->status.sensor.drdy_press = BMP3_GET_BITS(reg_data, BMP3_STATUS_DRDY_PRESS);
dev->status.sensor.drdy_temp = BMP3_GET_BITS(reg_data, BMP3_STATUS_DRDY_TEMP);
reg_addr = BMP3_EVENT_ADDR;
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(reg_addr, &reg_data, 1, dev);
dev->status.pwr_on_rst = reg_data & 0x01;
return rslt;
* @brief This API gets the interrupt (fifo watermark, fifo full, data ready)
* status from the sensor.
static int8_t get_int_status(struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data;
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_INT_STATUS_REG_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
dev->status.intr.fifo_wm = BMP3_GET_BITS_POS_0(reg_data, BMP3_INT_STATUS_FWTM);
dev->status.intr.fifo_full = BMP3_GET_BITS(reg_data, BMP3_INT_STATUS_FFULL);
dev->status.intr.drdy = BMP3_GET_BITS(reg_data, BMP3_INT_STATUS_DRDY);
return rslt;
* @brief This API gets the fatal, command and configuration error
* from the sensor.
static int8_t get_err_status(struct bmp3_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_data;
rslt = bmp3_get_regs(BMP3_ERR_REG_ADDR, &reg_data, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BMP3_OK) {
dev->status.err.cmd = BMP3_GET_BITS_POS_0(reg_data, BMP3_ERR_FATAL);
dev->status.err.conf = BMP3_GET_BITS(reg_data, BMP3_ERR_CMD);
dev->status.err.fatal = BMP3_GET_BITS(reg_data, BMP3_ERR_CONF);
return rslt;
* Copyright (C) 2014 Bosch Sensortec GmbH
* \section Disclaimer
* Common:
* Bosch Sensortec products are developed for the consumer goods industry.
* They may only be used within the parameters of the respective valid
* product data sheet. Bosch Sensortec products are provided with the
* express understanding that there is no warranty of fitness for a
* particular purpose.They are not fit for use in life-sustaining,
* safety or security sensitive systems or any system or device
* that may lead to bodily harm or property damage if the system
* or device malfunctions. In addition,Bosch Sensortec products are
* not fit for use in products which interact with motor vehicle systems.
* The resale and or use of products are at the purchasers own risk and
* his own responsibility. The examination of fitness for the intended use
* is the sole responsibility of the Purchaser.
* The purchaser shall indemnify Bosch Sensortec from all third party
* claims, including any claims for incidental, or consequential damages,
* arising from any product use not covered by the parameters of
* the respective valid product data sheet or not approved by
* Bosch Sensortec and reimburse Bosch Sensortec for all costs in
* connection with such claims.
* The purchaser must monitor the market for the purchased products,
* particularly with regard to product safety and inform Bosch Sensortec
* without delay of all security relevant incidents.
* Engineering Samples are marked with an asterisk (*) or (e).
* Samples may vary from the valid technical specifications of the product
* series. They are therefore not intended or fit for resale to third
* parties or for use in end products. Their sole purpose is internal
* client testing. The testing of an engineering sample may in no way
* replace the testing of a product series. Bosch Sensortec assumes
* no liability for the use of engineering samples.
* By accepting the engineering samples, the Purchaser agrees to indemnify
* Bosch Sensortec from all claims arising from the use of engineering
* samples.
* Special:
* This software module (hereinafter called "Software") and any information
* on application-sheets (hereinafter called "Information") is provided
* free of charge for the sole purpose to support your application work.
* The Software and Information is subject to the following
* terms and conditions:
* The Software is specifically designed for the exclusive use for
* Bosch Sensortec products by personnel who have special experience
* and training. Do not use this Software if you do not have the
* proper experience or training.
* This Software package is provided `` as is `` and without any expressed
* or implied warranties,including without limitation, the implied warranties
* of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
* Bosch Sensortec and their representatives and agents deny any liability
* for the functional impairment
* of this Software in terms of fitness, performance and safety.
* Bosch Sensortec and their representatives and agents shall not be liable
* for any direct or indirect damages or injury, except as
* otherwise stipulated in mandatory applicable law.
* The Information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable.
* Bosch Sensortec assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use
* of such Information nor for any infringement of patents or
* other rights of third parties which may result from its use.
* No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or
* patent rights of Bosch. Specifications mentioned in the Information are
* subject to change without notice.
* @file bstdr_comm_support.c
* @brief
* Contains the code for the communication wrapper APIs
#include "bstdr_comm_support.h"
#include "stm32fxxx.h"
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
// TA: Maybe not so good to bring in these dependencies...
#include "debug.h"
#include "eprintf.h"
#include "i2cdev.h"
* @brief Communication initialization
* This is optional. Depends on the system you are using
* @return Zero if successful, otherwise an error code
bstdr_ret_t bstdr_comm_init(void)
/**< Communication initialization --Optional!*/
return (bstdr_ret_t)0;
* @brief Generic burst read
* @param [out] dev_id I2C address, SPI chip select or user desired identifier
* @return Zero if successful, otherwise an error code
bstdr_ret_t bstdr_burst_read(uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint32_t len)
/**< Burst read code comes here */
if (i2cdevReadReg8(I2C1_DEV, dev_id, reg_addr, (uint16_t) len, reg_data))
return BSTDR_OK;
* @brief Generic burst write
* @param [out] dev_id I2C address, SPI chip select or user desired identifier
* @return Zero if successful, otherwise an error code
bstdr_ret_t bstdr_burst_write(uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint32_t len)
/**< Burst write code comes here */
if (i2cdevWriteReg8(I2C1_DEV, dev_id,reg_addr,(uint16_t) len, reg_data))
return BSTDR_OK;
* @brief Generic burst read
* @param [in] period Delay period in milliseconds
* @return None
void bstdr_ms_delay(uint32_t period)
/**< Delay code comes */
vTaskDelay(M2T(period)); // Delay a while to let the device stabilize
* || ____ _ __
* +------+ / __ )(_) /_______________ _____ ___
* | 0xBC | / __ / / __/ ___/ ___/ __ `/_ / / _ \
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* || || /_____/_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/ /___/\___/
* Crazyflie control firmware
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Bitcraze AB
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, in version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* adc.h - Analog Digital Conversion header file
#ifndef ADC_H_
#define ADC_H_
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "semphr.h"
#include "config.h"
/******** Defines ********/
* Number of samples used in the mean value calculation.
* Mean size should be evenly dividable by decimation bits.
#define ADC_MEAN_SIZE 8
# error "ADC_DECIMATE_TO_BITS must be bigger or equal to ADC_RESOLUTION"
#define ADC_INTERNAL_VREF 1.20
/******** Types ********/
typedef struct __attribute__((packed))
uint16_t vref;
uint16_t val;
} AdcPair;
typedef struct __attribute__((packed))
AdcPair vbat;
} AdcGroup;
typedef struct
uint16_t vbat;
uint16_t vbatVref;
} AdcDeciGroup;
/*** Public interface ***/
* Initialize analog to digital converter. Configures gyro and vref channels.
* Configures DMA to transfer the result.
void adcInit(void);
bool adcTest(void);
* Converts a 12 bit ADC value to battery voltage
* @param vbat 12 bit adc value
* @param vref 12 bit adc value of the internal voltage
* reference, 1.2V
* @return The voltage in a float value
float adcConvertToVoltageFloat(uint16_t v, uint16_t vref);
* Starts converting ADC samples by activating the DMA.
void adcDmaStart(void);
* Stop converting ADC samples.
void adcDmaStop(void);
* ADC interrupt handler
void adcInterruptHandler(void);
* ADC task
void adcTask(void *param);
#endif /* ADC_H_ */