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quantized_noise_gauss_anal.m 1.69 KiB
function varargout = quantized_noise_gauss_anal( a , sensor_name, axis , units )
% quantized_noise_gauss_anal analysis for quantized sensor data 
% quantized_noise_gauss_anal(a , sensor_name, axis , units )
% be written...
%           a - vector of a single axis accelerometer reading 
% sensor_name - string specifying the axis label 
%        axis - string specifying the axis label 
%       units - string specifying the physical units on that axis 
% none 
% none 
% This function is only really meaningful for a static (not moving) test. 
% Matt Rich -

% dates are in m-d-y format 
% Initial bare bones function. 
% - Matt Rich 11-15-2016
% Change funcdtion name and code to not specify what sensor it is for so it
% can be used for any sensor producing quantized output
% - Matt Rich 11-16-2016

mu = mean(a); 
v = var(a); 
sigma = sqrt(v); 

ea = a - mu; 

mue = mean(ea); %calculate the mean of the error from mean


bins = unique(ea) ; 
dbins = bins(2)-bins(1); % assuming the quantization levels consistent 

bins_right = bins + dbins/2; 
bins_left = bins - dbins/2; 
cgauss_right = normcdf(bins_right,mue,sigma); 
cgauss_left = normcdf(bins_left,mue,sigma); 

emp_dist = length(ea)*(cgauss_right-cgauss_left); 
stairs(bins_left,emp_dist,'r','LineWidth',1) ; 
xlabel(['Error From Mean (',units,')']); 
hold on; 
h = hist(ea,bins); 
legend(['Quantized Gaussian Noise: N(',num2str(mue),',',num2str(v),')'],'Emperical Distribution'); 
title([sensor_name,' deviation from mean on ',axis]); 
