% Model Parameters
m = 1.19; % Quadrotor + battery mass
g = 9.81; % Acceleration of gravity
Jxx = 0.0218; % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bx (pitch)
Jyy = 0.0277; % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around by (roll)
Jzz = 0.0332; % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bz (yaw)
Jreq = 4.2012e-05; % Rotor and motor moment of inertia around axis of rotation
Kt = 8.1558*10^-6; % Rotor thrust constant
Kh = 0; % Rotor in-plane drag constant
Kd = 1.8087e-07; % Rotor drag constant
rhx = 0.016; % X-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
rhy = 0.016; % Y-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
rhz = 0.003; % Z-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
Rm = 0.2308; % Motor resistance
Kq = 96.3422; % Motor torque constant
Kv = 96.3422; % Motor back emf constant
If = 0.511; % Motor internal friction current
Pmin = 0.40; % Minimum zybo output duty cycle command
Pmax = 0.80; % Maximum zybo output duty cycle command
Tc = 0.01; % Camera system sampling period
tau_c = 0; % Camera system total latency
Vb = 11.1; % Nominal battery voltage (V)