#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include "cli_setpid.h"
#include "frontend_setpid.h"
int cli_setpid(struct backend_conn * conn, int argc, char **argv) {
int c;
static int setRoll = 0, setPitch = 0, setYaw = 0, setAll = 0;
static int setRollV = 0, setPitchV = 0, setYawV = 0;
static int setHeight = 0, setLat = 0, setLong = 0;
struct frontend_pid_data pid_data;
static int mask;
static float pval = 0, ival = 0, dval = 0;
static struct option long_options[] = {
/* These options don’t set a flag. We distinguish them by their indices. */
{"roll", no_argument, &setRoll, 1},
{"pitch", no_argument, &setPitch, 1},
{"yaw", no_argument, &setYaw, 1},
{"rollv", no_argument, &setRollV, 1},
{"pitchv", no_argument, &setPitchV, 1},
{"height", no_argument, &setHeight, 1},
{"lat", no_argument, &setLat, 1},
{"long", no_argument, &setLong, 1},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
while (1)
/* getopt_long stores the option index here. */
int option_index = 0;
c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "p:i:d:", long_options, &option_index);
/* Detect the end of the options. */
if (c == -1)
switch(c) {
case 'p' :
pid_data.p = atof(optarg);
mask |= SET_P;
case 'i' :
pid_data.i = atof(optarg);
mask |= SET_I;
case 'd' :
pid_data.d = atof(optarg);
mask |= SET_D;
default :
printf("Setpid sets the p, i , or d constant values of any single controller\n");
printf("Usage Syntax : \n\t./Cli setpid controller [options...]\n");
printf("Symlink Usage Syntax : \n\t./setpid controller [options...]\n\n");
printf("Available 'controllers' include the following\n");
printf("\t[--pitch] : Pitch\n\t[--roll] : Roll\n\t[--yaw] : Yaw\n");
printf("\t[--pitchv] : Pitch Velocity\n\t[--rollv] : Roll Velocity\n\t[--yawv] : Yaw Velocity\n");
printf("\t[--height] : Z\n\t[--lat] : X\n\t[--long] : Y\n\n");
printf("Available 'controller' options include the following\n");
printf("\t[-p] 'val' : Sets the p constant of the 'controller' to 'val'\n");
printf("\t[-i] 'val' : Sets the i constant of the 'controller' to 'val'\n");
printf("\t[-d] 'val' : Sets the d constant of the 'controller' to 'val'\n");
pid_data.controller = PID_ROLL;
} else if (setYaw) {
pid_data.controller = PID_YAW;
} else if (setPitch) {
pid_data.controller = PID_PITCH;
pid_data.controller = PID_ROLL_RATE;
pid_data.controller = PID_PITCH_RATE;
pid_data.controller = PID_YAW_RATE;
} else if (setHeight) {
pid_data.controller = PID_HEIGHT;
} else if (setLong) {
pid_data.controller = PID_LAT;
} else if (setLat) {
pid_data.controller = PID_LONG;
frontend_setpid(conn, &pid_data, mask);
return 0;