#! /usr/bin/bash # Script to run the program, generate its coverage information # and move it to a directory # Make directory to save the output mkdir -p Temporary GAN_Inputs=(./GanSamples/*.txt) Total=${#GAN_Inputs[@]} echo Total $Total GAME=0 for input in "${GAN_Inputs[@]}"; do # Start fresh GAME=$(( GAME +1 )) echo Processing $GAME with $input cp -r zork Temporary/Zork$GAME cp $input Temporary/Zork$GAME/GanInput cd Temporary/Zork$GAME make -s tr -d '\15\32' < GanInput > UnixGanInput ./zork < UnixGanInput &> ZorkOut.gameOut # Generate the coverage information fd -d 1 -e gcda -X gcov > /dev/null # Make directory to save the output mkdir -p ../.././GanCoverage/Game$GAME/ cp UnixGanInput ../.././GanCoverage/Game$GAME/input fd -d 1 -e gcov -e gameOut -X mv {} ../.././GanCoverage/Game$GAME cd ../../ rm -rf ./Temporary/Zork$GAME done rmdir Temporary