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@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ COMS 490
 Summer 2019
-# Independent Study Report
+# Independent Study Report     
@@ -22,4 +21,61 @@ My proposal is to develop an application which will parse through the files prov
 - Direct users on how to better keep their data more private.
 **Project Description:**
-The application is a WPF application runs on .NET which is compatible with any Windows platform machine. It is developed using Visual Studio, and utilized the Material Design In XAML Toolkit, [link](http://materialdesigninxaml.net/).
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+The application is a WPF application runs on .NET which is compatible with any Windows platform machine. It is developed using Visual Studio, and utilized the Material Design In XAML Toolkit, [link](http://materialdesigninxaml.net/).
+The project uses standard programming practices, takes advantage of object oriented concepts like inheritance, polymorphism and data encapsulation. The program is built using the same approach of a Model View Controller Architecture design (MVC).
+The brains of the whole project is divided into 3 main parts:
+1. Pages: This package consists the XAML and C# code responsible for displaying all the view objects and handling interactions with the view models, such as a click.
+2. Models: This package consists of all the Model classes which represents a specific data object. One of the most used model classes in this project is GoogleProductModel.cs, which keeps track of the essentials like the Google Product's name, path, image, size etc.
+3. ComputeProduct: This package contains all the data parsing algorithms which scan through each Google Product and serializes to configurable JSON data structures.
+The app also is built to handle all sorts of unexpected errors. For example, if a user tries to import a Google Product that is not yet supported by the program, it will gracefully let the user know and handle the situation appropriately.
+**Project Features:**
+The app consists of various features shown below:
+- Advanced recursive parsing algorithms which scans through multiple gigabytes worth of data in seconds.
+- Assisted logging information for debugging purposes, and for user satisfaction of program awareness.
+- Convenient directions to get started with the program.
+- Handy 'open folder' which will open the relevant Google Products path in the file explorer.
+- Displays analytical information like, number of files scanned, and Google Product size.
+- Displays a data grid of the information scanned in a more readable format than the file provided by Google.
+**Room for Improvement:**
+A lot of progress has been made to the application but there are some additional functionality that could be added in the future:
+- Implementation of Google Analytics
+- Experiment with time remaining for the data scan
+- Additional animations for the application
+- Acquiring Microsoft's developer certificate to publishing as an independent software product
+The point of this app is to help make users aware of the level of outreach Google has on their users, and it is safe to say that **Personal Insight** is shaping to be such an app. With more time to come this app will have additional features and could definitely be showcased as a reputable resource on privacy.
+This independent research study has given me the opportunity to learn the programming practices of desktop grade applications, and given me an outlook on the technicality for developing products on a large scale.
+I would also like to thank, Professor Simanta Mitra to have given me this opportunity!
+Shubham Sharma
+Computer Engineering | Iowa State University
+Director of IT | Student Government
+Android Developer | MyState
+Project Chair at IEEE
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