#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "heap.h" struct heap_node { heap_node_t *next; heap_node_t *prev; heap_node_t *parent; heap_node_t *child; void *datum; uint32_t degree; uint32_t mark; }; #define swap(a, b) ({ \ typeof (a) _tmp = (a); \ (a) = (b); \ (b) = _tmp; \ }) #define splice_heap_node_lists(n1, n2) ({ \ if ((n1) && (n2)) { \ (n1)->next->prev = (n2)->prev; \ (n2)->prev->next = (n1)->next; \ (n1)->next = (n2); \ (n2)->prev = (n1); \ } \ }) #define insert_heap_node_in_list(n, l) ({ \ (n)->next = (l); \ (n)->prev = (l)->prev; \ (n)->prev->next = (n); \ (l)->prev = (n); \ }) #define remove_heap_node_from_list(n) ({ \ (n)->next->prev = (n)->prev; \ (n)->prev->next = (n)->next; \ }) void print_heap_node(heap_node_t *n, unsigned indent, char *(*print)(const void *v)) { heap_node_t *nc; printf("%*s%s\n", indent, "", print(n->datum)); if (!(nc = n->child)) { return; } do { print_heap_node(nc, indent + 2, print); nc = nc->next; } while (nc != n->child); } void print_heap(heap_t *h, char *(*print)(const void *v)) { heap_node_t *n; if (h->min) { printf("size = %u\n", h->size); printf("min = "); n = h->min; do { print_heap_node(n, 0, print); n = n->next; } while (n != h->min); } else { printf("(null)\n"); } } void print_heap_node_list(heap_node_t *n) { heap_node_t *hn; if (!n) { return; } hn = n; do { printf("%p ", hn->datum); hn = hn->next; } while (hn != n); printf("\n"); } void heap_init(heap_t *h, int32_t (*compare)(const void *key, const void *with), void (*datum_delete)(void *)) { h->min = NULL; h->size = 0; h->compare = compare; h->datum_delete = datum_delete; } void heap_node_delete(heap_t *h, heap_node_t *hn) { heap_node_t *next; hn->prev->next = NULL; while (hn) { if (hn->child) { heap_node_delete(h, hn->child); } next = hn->next; if (h->datum_delete) { h->datum_delete(hn->datum); } free(hn); hn = next; } } void heap_delete(heap_t *h) { if (h->min) { heap_node_delete(h, h->min); } h->min = NULL; h->size = 0; h->compare = NULL; h->datum_delete = NULL; } heap_node_t *heap_insert(heap_t *h, void *v) { heap_node_t *n; assert((n = calloc(1, sizeof (*n)))); n->datum = v; if (h->min) { insert_heap_node_in_list(n, h->min); } else { n->next = n->prev = n; } if (!h->min || (h->compare(v, h->min->datum) < 0)) { h->min = n; } h->size++; return n; } void *heap_peek_min(heap_t *h) { return h->min ? h->min->datum : NULL; } static void heap_link(heap_t *h, heap_node_t *node, heap_node_t *root) { /* remove_heap_node_from_list(node);*/ if (root->child) { insert_heap_node_in_list(node, root->child); } else { root->child = node; node->next = node->prev = node; } node->parent = root; root->degree++; node->mark = 0; } static void heap_consolidate(heap_t *h) { uint32_t i; heap_node_t *x, *y, *n; heap_node_t *a[64]; /* Need ceil(lg(h->size)), so this is good * * to the limit of a 64-bit address space, * * and much faster than any lg calculation. */ memset(a, 0, sizeof (a)); h->min->prev->next = NULL; for (x = n = h->min; n; x = n) { n = n->next; while (a[x->degree]) { y = a[x->degree]; if (h->compare(x->datum, y->datum) > 0) { swap(x, y); } a[x->degree] = NULL; heap_link(h, y, x); } a[x->degree] = x; } for (h->min = NULL, i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (a[i]) { if (h->min) { insert_heap_node_in_list(a[i], h->min); if (h->compare(a[i]->datum, h->min->datum) < 0) { h->min = a[i]; } } else { h->min = a[i]; a[i]->next = a[i]->prev = a[i]; } } } } void *heap_remove_min(heap_t *h) { void *v; heap_node_t *n; v = NULL; if (h->min) { v = h->min->datum; if (h->size == 1) { free(h->min); h->min = NULL; } else { if ((n = h->min->child)) { for (; n->parent; n = n->next) { n->parent = NULL; } } splice_heap_node_lists(h->min, h->min->child); n = h->min; remove_heap_node_from_list(n); h->min = n->next; free(n); heap_consolidate(h); } h->size--; } return v; } int heap_combine(heap_t *h, heap_t *h1, heap_t *h2) { if (h1->compare != h2->compare || h1->datum_delete != h2->datum_delete) { return 1; } h->compare = h1->compare; h->datum_delete = h1->datum_delete; if (!h1->min) { h->min = h2->min; h->size = h2->size; } else if (!h2->min) { h->min = h1->min; h->size = h1->size; } else { h->min = ((h->compare(h1->min->datum, h2->min->datum) < 0) ? h1->min : h2->min); splice_heap_node_lists(h1->min, h2->min); } memset(h1, 0, sizeof (*h1)); memset(h2, 0, sizeof (*h2)); return 0; } static void heap_cut(heap_t *h, heap_node_t *n, heap_node_t *p) { if (!--p->degree) { p->child = NULL; } if (p->child == n) { p->child = p->child->next; } remove_heap_node_from_list(n); n->parent = NULL; n->mark = 0; insert_heap_node_in_list(n, h->min); } static void heap_cascading_cut(heap_t *h, heap_node_t *n) { heap_node_t *p; if ((p = n->parent)) { if (!n->mark) { n->mark = 1; } else { heap_cut(h, n, p); heap_cascading_cut(h, n); } } } int heap_decrease_key(heap_t *h, heap_node_t *n, void *v) { if (h->compare(n->datum, v) <= 0) { return 1; } if (h->datum_delete) { h->datum_delete(n->datum); } n->datum = v; return heap_decrease_key_no_replace(h, n); } int heap_decrease_key_no_replace(heap_t *h, heap_node_t *n) { /* No tests that the value hasn't actually increased. Change * * occurs in place, so the check is not possible here. The * * user is completely responsible for ensuring that they * * don't fubar the queue. */ heap_node_t *p; p = n->parent; if (p && (h->compare(n->datum, p->datum) < 0)) { heap_cut(h, n, p); heap_cascading_cut(h, p); } if (h->compare(n->datum, h->min->datum) < 0) { h->min = n; } return 0; } #ifdef TESTING int32_t compare(const void *key, const void *with) { return *((int *) key) - *((int *) with); } char *print_int(const void *v) { static char out[640]; snprintf(out, 640, "%d", *((int *) v)); return out; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { heap_t h; int **keys; heap_node_t **a; /* int *p;*/ int i, j; int n; if (argc == 2) { n = atoi(argv[1]); } else { n = 20; } assert((keys = calloc(n, sizeof (*keys)))); assert((a = calloc(n, sizeof (*a)))); heap_init(&h, compare, free); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { assert((keys[i] = malloc(sizeof (*keys[i])))); *keys[i] = i; a[i] = heap_insert(&h, keys[i]); } print_heap(&h, print_int); printf("------------------------------------\n"); heap_remove_min(&h); assert((keys[0] = malloc(sizeof (*keys[0])))); *keys[0] = 0; a[0] = heap_insert(&h, keys[0]); for (i = 0; i < 100 * n; i++) { j = rand() % n; /* assert((p = malloc (sizeof (*p))));*/ (*(int *) a[j]->datum)--; /* (*p)--;*/ heap_decrease_key_no_replace(&h, a[j]); print_heap(&h, print_int); printf("------------------------------------\n"); } free(keys); return 0; } #endif