RLG327 MONSTER DESCRIPTION 1 BEGIN MONSTER NAME Junior Barbarian SYMB p COLOR YELLOW DESC This is a junior barbarian. He--or is it she? You can't tell for sure-- looks like... it should still be in barbarian school. The barbarians are putting them in the dungeons young these days. It's wearing dirty, tattered cloth armor and wielding a wooden sword. You have a hard time feeling intimidated. . SPEED 7+1d4 DAM 0+1d4 HP 12+2d6 ABIL SMART RRTY 100 END BEGIN MONSTER NAME Amazon Lich Queen DESC She was a powerful Amazon warrior in life. Death at the hands of the undead hordes was followed by her resurrection through dark, necromantic arts. Her power in life didn't approach her undead glory. Clad in night-black robes that don't move in the wind, her incorporeal form commands the power of death over life. You may just be her next victim. You fear for your soul as you quake before her malevolent majesty. . SYMB p COLOR BLACK RED MAGENTA ABIL SMART PASS DAM 30+5d9 HP 2999+1d1001 SPEED 10+10d2 RRTY 10 END BEGIN MONSTER NAME Durin's Bane DESC Nameless Terror, Flame of Udun, Shadow and Flame This is a Balrog of Morgoth - Wielding a Fiery whip and flaming sword, a hellish beast with a mane and eyes of fire. This creature is responsible for the destruction of the great city of Moria. The defeat of this monster will avenge the death of countless dwarves, re-establish the wealth and power of the Misty Mountains and bring peace to the halls of Khazad-dum. . SYMB B COLOR RED MAGENTA SPEED 20+0d1 ABIL SMART TELE UNIQ HP 100+0d1 DAM 10+2d20 RRTY 10 END BEGIN MONSTER NAME Titan DESC Looming over you at a massive 15 feet tall, weighing nearly a ton, the Titan is a force to be reckoned with. A mighty oak club is his weapon of choice, but you are all too aware it would take no more than a flick of the wrist for him to shatter every bone in your body. . SYMB M COLOR GREEN BLUE SPEED 4+2d3 DAM 25+3d6 HP 500+2d500 ABIL SMART TUNNEL RRTY 20 END BEGIN MONSTER NAME Slime DESC Eww... It's slimy. . SYMB s COLOR GREEN WHITE CYAN MAGENTA RED YELLOW BLUE DAM 0+1d4 HP 20+0d1 SPEED 7+1d3 ABIL TUNNEL ERRATIC RRTY 50 END BEGIN MONSTER SYMB z DESC The TA says it crashes whenever it runs, but it works fine on *your* computer. It's probably a hardware problem. It's really, really, really annoying. . SPEED 30+0d1 COLOR RED NAME Software Bug DAM 0+0d1 HP 100000+0d1 ABIL SMART TELE RRTY 100 END BEGIN MONSTER NAME Hardware Bug SPEED 10+0d1 DAM 10+3d6 HP 500+2d500 DESC It doesn't actually exist. See: Software Bug. . SYMB z COLOR BLUE ABIL TELE ERRATIC RRTY 2 END BEGIN MONSTER SPEED 25+2d5 DAM 5+1d6 HP 50+1d50 DESC It may require a few extra lines of code, but damn is it fast! . SYMB C COLOR GREEN NAME C Program ABIL SMART RRTY 80 END BEGIN MONSTER SYMB C NAME C++ Program DESC Does in one line what it take 200 lines to do in C, but what's taking so long? . COLOR BLACK HP 500+5d100 SPEED 2+0d1 DAM 100+9d9 ABIL SMART TELE TUNNEL RRTY 70 END BEGIN MONSTER SYMB p COLOR MAGENTA NAME Rory Gilmore DESC All decked out in a brand new Chilton uniform, she talks faster than anybody you've ever known. She's dual-wielding Proust's "Rememberance of Things Past" and a half-empty coffee cup; you'd better watch out or she'll hit you with a litany of cultural references from which you'll never recover. . ABIL SMART ERRATIC UNIQ SPEED 50+0d1 HP 10+1d10 DAM 0+1d2 RRTY 40 END BEGIN MONSTER SYMB p COLOR BLUE NAME Tsukino Usagi DESC In our world, she's the youma! Tsukini kawatte oshioki yo, Sailor Moon! . ABIL ERRATIC TELE UNIQ SPEED 10+0d1 HP 100+0d1 DAM 0+3d5 RRTY 40 END BEGIN MONSTER SYMB G COLOR CYAN NAME Casper the Friendly Ghost DESC Casper, the friendly ghost, The friendliest ghost you know. Though grown-ups might Look at him with fright, The children all love him so. He always says hello, and he's really glad to meetcha. Wherever he may go, He's kind to every living creature. Grown-ups don't understand Why children love him the most. But kids all know That he loves them so, Casper the friendly ghost. . ABIL TELE PASS UNIQ SPEED 7+1d5 HP 19+1d11 DAM 0+1d2 RRTY 40 END BEGIN MONSTER SYMB G COLOR GREEN NAME Slimer DESC Better call Venkman. He's covered with ectoplasm, and he wants to eat all your food. . ABIL TELE PASS ERRATIC UNIQ SPEED 7+1d5 HP 19+1d11 DAM 0+1d2 RRTY 80 END BEGIN MONSTER SYMB p COLOR WHITE NAME David Bowie DESC He was the human equivalent of a Google search, a portal through which you could step into an amazing, very different wider world. He flooded plain everyday reality with extraordinary, unexpected information, processing the details through a buoyant, mobile mind and made intellectual discovery seem incredibly glamorous. - Joe Coscarelli in the New York Times . ABIL UNIQ SMART ERRATIC PICKUP UNIQ SPEED 15+1d5 HP 190+5d11 DAM 9+3d8 RRTY 30 END BEGIN MONSTER SYMB S COLOR YELLOW NAME SpongeBob SquarePants DESC "Are you ready, kids?!?!" "I can't hear you!" He lives in a pineapple under the sea. He's enormous and yellow and porous. And he's tired of flipping Krabby Patties and playing unofficial sidekick and the ocean's biggest fan to Mermaid Man. Each of those billions of pores is saturated with soaked-up malevolence, and all of it is focused on you. SpongeBob rules the dungeons of 327. He'll coat the dungeon floor with your blood and soak it right up to increase his power. . ABIL UNIQ ERRATIC DESTROY TUNNEL BOSS SPEED 80+0d1 HP 6666+0d666 DAM 0+1d4 RRTY 10 END BEGIN MONSTER SYMB h COLOR YELLOW SPEED 6+1d10 ABIL DESTROY TELE ERRATIC HP 200+0d1 DAM 10000+10d1000 NAME Grass Mud Horse DESC This desert-dwelling alpaca relative somehow made it into the dungeon. Be careful! It packs a powerful punch! . RRTY 25 END BEGIN MONSTER SYMB c COLOR RED SPEED 40+0d1 ABIL PICKUP TELE SMART HP 200+0d1 DAM 0+0d1 NAME River Crab DESC It's a fresh-water crustacean that just wants everybody to get along. . RRTY 35 END BEGIN MONSTER SYMB P COLOR YELLOW SPEED 5+0d1 ABIL ERRATIC HP 10+0d1 DAM 1+0d1 NAME Overhead Projector DESC Some really old skool tech that might go over your head. It's kind of like Powerpoint, but without computers. You've probably never seen one before (unless you 1) are old; or 2) have taken a music class). If you get attacked by one of these, make sure to block high. > \ | |---| |___| . RRTY 100 END BEGIN MONSTER SYMB D COLOR RED YELLOW SPEED 25+0d1 ABIL PICKUP TELE UNIQ HP 20000+0d1 DAM 0+1d4 NAME Donald Trump DESC Watch out! He'll bludgeon your with a massive orange comb-over while spouting nonsense like: "I will build a great wall--and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me--and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words." . RRTY 20 END BEGIN MONSTER SYMB W COLOR GREEN SPEED 15+0d1 ABIL PICKUP SMART HP 20000+0d1 DAM 10+5d4 NAME Bruce Willis DESC He doesn't have any shoes, but he'll mess up your holiday plans. Yippee ki-yay, mother trucker. . RRTY 50 END