from datetime import datetime, timedelta from getpass import getuser import json import os import click from ... import colors as c from .hk_base import HKSpiBase from .hk_ft232h import HKSpiFT232H from .hk_stm32 import HKSpiSTM32 from .hk_pico import HKSpiPico ALL_DRIVERS: 'list[HKSpiBase]' = [ HKSpiSTM32, HKSpiPico, HKSpiFT232H, ] CLAIM_PATH = '/tmp/chipforge_device_claims' def pass_device_with_options(fn): @click.option('--serial', envvar='CHIPFORGE_DEVICE_SERIAL', metavar='SERIAL_NUMBER', help='The serial number of the device to use') @click.option('--path', envvar='CHIPFORGE_DEVICE_PATH', metavar="/dev/* or ftdi://", help='The path or URL of the device to use') @click.option('--fpga', envvar='CHIPFORGE_DEVICE_FPGA', is_flag=True, help='Select the first available FPGA device') @click.option('--pmod', envvar='CHIPFORGE_DEVICE_PMOD', is_flag=True, help='Select the first available fabricated device with PMOD connectors (green)') @click.option('--fab', envvar='CHIPFORGE_DEVICE_FAB', is_flag=True, help='Select the first available fabricated device (black or green)') @click.option('--override', envvar='CHIPFORGE_DEVICE_OVERRIDE', hidden=True, is_flag=True, help='Override any existing claims to the device') def wrapped_fn(serial, path, fpga: bool, pmod: bool, fab: bool, override: bool, *args, **kwargs): if fpga + pmod + fab > 1: raise click.BadOptionUsage('fpga', 'Only one of [--fpga, --pmod, or --fab] are allowed') if fpga: drivers = [HKSpiSTM32] click.echo('> Searching for FPGA devices (white board)')) elif pmod: drivers = [HKSpiPico] click.echo('> Searching for PMOD devices (green board)')) elif fab: drivers = [HKSpiPico, HKSpiFT232H] click.echo('> Searching for all fabricated devices (green & black board)')) else: drivers = ALL_DRIVERS with HKSpi(drivers=drivers, serial=serial, path=path, override=override) as hk: return fn(hk, *args, **kwargs) wrapped_fn.__name__ = fn.__name__ wrapped_fn.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ return wrapped_fn class Claims: class Claim: def __init__(self, path: str, owner: str, expires: datetime): self.path = path self.owner = owner self.expires = expires def __init__(self, path: str=CLAIM_PATH): self.path = path def __enter__(self): self.modified = False if os.path.exists(self.path): with open(self.path) as file: try: raw_claims = json.load(file) = [self.Claim(raw_claim['path'], raw_claim['owner'], datetime.strptime(raw_claim['expires'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')) for raw_claim in raw_claims] except json.JSONDecodeError: = [] # Clean out expired entries modified = False for claim in if claim.expires < modified = True if modified: self.write_back() else: = [] return self def write_back(self): raw_claims = [{'path': claim.path, 'owner': claim.owner, 'expires': claim.expires.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')} for claim in] with open(self.path, 'w+') as file: try: os.chmod(self.path, 0o777) except: pass json.dump(raw_claims, file) def claim(self, device: HKSpiBase, fail_soft=False, override=False): me = getuser() expires = + timedelta(minutes=5) for claim in if claim.path == device.device: if override or claim.owner == me: claim.expires = expires self.write_back() return True else: if not fail_soft: click.echo(c.error()) click.echo(c.error(f'Device {c.code(device)} is already claimed by {c.code(claim.owner)}')) click.echo(c.error()) exit(1) return False else:, me, expires)) self.write_back() return True def release_mine(self): me = getuser() modified = False for claim in if claim.owner == me: modified = True if modified: self.write_back() def release_all(self): = [] self.write_back() def is_mine(self, device: HKSpiBase): me = getuser() for claim in if claim.path == device.device: if claim.owner == me: return True return False def is_unclaimed(self, device: HKSpiBase): for claim in if claim.path == device.device: return False return True def get_owner_string(self, device: HKSpiBase): for claim in if claim.path == device.device: return'(In use by {c.code(claim.owner)})') return c.success('(available)') def __exit__(self, *_): pass def HKSpi(drivers:'list[HKSpiBase]'=ALL_DRIVERS, serial=None, path=None, override=False) -> HKSpiBase: devices = [device for driver in drivers for device in driver.list_devices()] with Claims() as claims: if len(devices) == 0: click.echo(c.error()) click.echo(c.error('No devices found')) click.echo(c.error()) exit(1) matched_devices = [] for device in devices: if device.matches(serial=serial, device=path): if claims.is_mine(device): click.echo('> Found existing claim for {c.code(device.device)}')) matched_devices = [device] break if override or claims.is_unclaimed(device): matched_devices.append(device) if len(matched_devices) == 0: click.echo(c.error()) if serial != None and path != None: click.echo(c.error(f'No device matching serial number {c.code(serial)} and device path {c.code(path)} found')) elif serial != None: click.echo(c.error(f'No device matching serial number {c.code(serial)} found')) elif path != None: click.echo(c.error(f'No device matching device path {c.code(path)} found')) click.echo(c.error(f'All devices:')) for i, device in enumerate(devices): click.echo(c.error(c.default(f' {device} {claims.get_owner_string(device)}'))) click.echo(c.error()) exit(1) if len(matched_devices) == 1: claims.claim(matched_devices[0], override=override) click.echo(c.success(f'>> Using device {c.default(matched_devices[0])}\n')) return matched_devices[0] click.echo('\n'.join(f' {i}) {d} {claims.get_owner_string(d)}' for i, d in enumerate(matched_devices))) index = click.prompt('> Which device should be used? (#)'), prompt_suffix='', type=click.IntRange(0, len(matched_devices)-1)) claims.claim(matched_devices[index], override=override) click.echo(c.success(f'>> Using device {c.default(matched_devices[index])}\n')) return matched_devices[index]