# CrazyFlie's Makefile # Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Bitcraze AB # This Makefile compiles all the object file to ./bin/ and the resulting firmware # image in ./cfX.elf and ./cfX.bin CRAZYFLIE_BASE ?= ./ # Put your personal build config in tools/make/config.mk and DO NOT COMMIT IT! # Make a copy of tools/make/config.mk.example to get you started -include tools/make/config.mk CFLAGS += $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) ######### JTAG and environment configuration ########## OPENOCD ?= openocd OPENOCD_INTERFACE ?= interface/stlink.cfg OPENOCD_CMDS ?= CROSS_COMPILE ?= arm-none-eabi- PYTHON ?= python3 DFU_UTIL ?= dfu-util CLOAD ?= 1 DEBUG ?= 0 CLOAD_SCRIPT ?= python3 -m cfloader CLOAD_CMDS ?= CLOAD_ARGS ?= PLATFORM ?= cf2 LPS_TDMA_ENABLE ?= 0 LPS_TDOA_ENABLE ?= 0 LPS_TDOA3_ENABLE ?= 0 # Platform configuration handling -include current_platform.mk include $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/tools/make/platform.mk CFLAGS += -DCRAZYFLIE_FW ######### Stabilizer configuration ########## ## These are set by the platform (see tools/make/platforms/*.mk), can be overwritten here ESTIMATOR ?= any CONTROLLER ?= Any # one of Any, PID, Mellinger, INDI POWER_DISTRIBUTION ?= stock #OpenOCD conf RTOS_DEBUG ?= 0 LIB = $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/lib FREERTOS = $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/vendor/FreeRTOS CFLAGS += -DBLOBS_LOC='"$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/blobs/"' # Communication Link UART2_LINK ?= 0 ############### CPU-specific build configuration ################ ifeq ($(CPU), stm32f4) PORT = $(FREERTOS)/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F LINKER_DIR = $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/tools/make/F405/linker ST_OBJ_DIR = $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/tools/make/F405 OPENOCD_TARGET ?= target/stm32f4x.cfg # St Lib VPATH += $(LIB)/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Source/ VPATH += $(LIB)/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src VPATH += $(LIB)/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/src VPATH += $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/deck/api $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/deck/core $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/deck/drivers/src $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/deck/drivers/src/test VPATH += $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/utils/src/tdoa $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/utils/src/lighthouse CRT0 = startup_stm32f40xx.o system_stm32f4xx.o # Add ST lib object files -include $(ST_OBJ_DIR)/st_obj.mk # USB obj ST_OBJ += usb_core.o usb_dcd_int.o usb_dcd.o # USB Device obj ST_OBJ += usbd_ioreq.o usbd_req.o usbd_core.o PROCESSOR = -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 CFLAGS += -fno-math-errno -DARM_MATH_CM4 -D__FPU_PRESENT=1 -mfp16-format=ieee #Flags required by the ST library CFLAGS += -DSTM32F4XX -DSTM32F40_41xxx -DHSE_VALUE=8000000 -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER LOAD_ADDRESS_stm32f4 = 0x8000000 LOAD_ADDRESS_CLOAD_stm32f4 = 0x8004000 MEM_SIZE_FLASH_K = 1008 MEM_SIZE_RAM_K = 128 MEM_SIZE_CCM_K = 64 endif ################ Build configuration ################## # libdw dw1000 driver VPATH += $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/vendor/libdw1000/src # vl53l1 driver VPATH += $(LIB)/vl53l1/core/src # FreeRTOS VPATH += $(PORT) PORT_OBJ = port.o VPATH += $(FREERTOS)/portable/MemMang MEMMANG_OBJ ?= heap_4.o VPATH += $(FREERTOS) FREERTOS_OBJ = list.o tasks.o queue.o timers.o $(MEMMANG_OBJ) #FatFS VPATH += $(LIB)/FatFS PROJ_OBJ += ff.o ffunicode.o fatfs_sd.o ifeq ($(FATFS_DISKIO_TESTS), 1) PROJ_OBJ += diskio_function_tests.o CFLAGS += -DUSD_RUN_DISKIO_FUNCTION_TESTS endif ifeq ($(APP), 1) CFLAGS += -DAPP_ENABLED=1 endif ifdef APP_STACKSIZE CFLAGS += -DAPP_STACKSIZE=$(APP_STACKSIZE) endif ifdef APP_PRIORITY CFLAGS += -DAPP_PRIORITY=$(APP_PRIORITY) endif # Crazyflie sources VPATH += $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/init $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/hal/src $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/modules/src $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/modules/src/lighthouse $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/modules/src/kalman_core $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/utils/src $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/drivers/bosch/src $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/drivers/src $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/platform VPATH += $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/utils/src/kve ############### Source files configuration ################ # Init PROJ_OBJ += main.o PROJ_OBJ += platform.o platform_utils.o platform_$(PLATFORM).o platform_$(CPU).o # Drivers PROJ_OBJ += exti.o nvic.o motors.o PROJ_OBJ += led.o mpu6500.o i2cdev.o ws2812_cf2.o lps25h.o i2c_drv.o PROJ_OBJ += ak8963.o eeprom.o maxsonar.o piezo.o PROJ_OBJ += uart_syslink.o swd.o uart1.o uart2.o watchdog.o PROJ_OBJ += cppm.o PROJ_OBJ += bmi055_accel.o bmi055_gyro.o bmi160.o bmp280.o bstdr_comm_support.o bmm150.o PROJ_OBJ += bmi088_accel.o bmi088_gyro.o bmi088_fifo.o bmp3.o PROJ_OBJ += pca9685.o vl53l0x.o pca95x4.o pca9555.o vl53l1x.o pmw3901.o PROJ_OBJ += amg8833.o lh_bootloader.o # USB Files PROJ_OBJ += usb_bsp.o usblink.o usbd_desc.o usb.o # Hal PROJ_OBJ += crtp.o ledseq.o freeRTOSdebug.o buzzer.o PROJ_OBJ += pm_$(CPU).o syslink.o radiolink.o ow_syslink.o ow_common.o proximity.o usec_time.o PROJ_OBJ += sensors.o PROJ_OBJ += storage.o # libdw PROJ_OBJ += libdw1000.o libdw1000Spi.o # vl53l1 lib PROJ_OBJ += vl53l1_api_core.o vl53l1_api.o vl53l1_core.o vl53l1_silicon_core.o vl53l1_api_strings.o PROJ_OBJ += vl53l1_api_calibration.o vl53l1_api_debug.o vl53l1_api_preset_modes.o vl53l1_error_strings.o PROJ_OBJ += vl53l1_register_funcs.o vl53l1_wait.o vl53l1_core_support.o # Modules PROJ_OBJ += system.o comm.o console.o pid.o crtpservice.o param.o PROJ_OBJ += bootloader.o PROJ_OBJ += log.o worker.o queuemonitor.o msp.o PROJ_OBJ += platformservice.o sound_cf2.o extrx.o sysload.o mem.o PROJ_OBJ += range.o app_handler.o static_mem.o app_channel.o PROJ_OBJ += eventtrigger.o supervisor.o # Stabilizer modules PROJ_OBJ += commander.o crtp_commander.o crtp_commander_rpyt.o PROJ_OBJ += crtp_commander_generic.o crtp_localization_service.o peer_localization.o PROJ_OBJ += attitude_pid_controller.o sensfusion6.o stabilizer.o PROJ_OBJ += position_estimator_altitude.o position_controller_pid.o position_controller_indi.o PROJ_OBJ += estimator.o estimator_complementary.o PROJ_OBJ += controller.o controller_pid.o controller_mellinger.o controller_indi.o PROJ_OBJ += student_attitude_controller.o student_pid.o PROJ_OBJ += controller_student.o PROJ_OBJ += power_distribution_$(POWER_DISTRIBUTION).o PROJ_OBJ += collision_avoidance.o health.o # Kalman estimator PROJ_OBJ += estimator_kalman.o kalman_core.o kalman_supervisor.o PROJ_OBJ += mm_distance.o mm_absolute_height.o mm_position.o mm_pose.o mm_tdoa.o mm_flow.o mm_tof.o mm_yaw_error.o mm_sweep_angles.o PROJ_OBJ += mm_tdoa_robust.o mm_distance_robust.o # High-Level Commander PROJ_OBJ += crtp_commander_high_level.o planner.o pptraj.o pptraj_compressed.o # Deck Core PROJ_OBJ += deck.o deck_info.o deck_drivers.o deck_test.o deck_memory.o # Deck API PROJ_OBJ += deck_constants.o PROJ_OBJ += deck_digital.o PROJ_OBJ += deck_analog.o PROJ_OBJ += deck_spi.o PROJ_OBJ += deck_spi3.o # Decks PROJ_OBJ += bigquad.o PROJ_OBJ += ledring12.o PROJ_OBJ += buzzdeck.o PROJ_OBJ += gtgps.o PROJ_OBJ += cppmdeck.o PROJ_OBJ += usddeck.o PROJ_OBJ += zranger.o zranger2.o PROJ_OBJ += locodeck.o PROJ_OBJ += clockCorrectionEngine.o PROJ_OBJ += lpsTwrTag.o PROJ_OBJ += lpsTdoa2Tag.o PROJ_OBJ += lpsTdoa3Tag.o tdoaEngineInstance.o tdoaEngine.o tdoaStats.o tdoaStorage.o PROJ_OBJ += outlierFilter.o PROJ_OBJ += flowdeck_v1v2.o PROJ_OBJ += oa.o PROJ_OBJ += multiranger.o PROJ_OBJ += lighthouse.o PROJ_OBJ += activeMarkerDeck.o # Uart2 Link for CRTP communication is not compatible with decks using uart2 ifeq ($(UART2_LINK), 1) CFLAGS += -DUART2_LINK_COMM else PROJ_OBJ += aideck.o endif ifeq ($(LPS_TDOA_ENABLE), 1) CFLAGS += -DLPS_TDOA_ENABLE endif ifeq ($(LPS_TDOA3_ENABLE), 1) CFLAGS += -DLPS_TDOA3_ENABLE endif ifeq ($(LPS_TDMA_ENABLE), 1) CFLAGS += -DLPS_TDMA_ENABLE endif ifdef SENSORS SENSORS_UPPER = $(shell echo $(SENSORS) | tr a-z A-Z) CFLAGS += -DSENSORS_FORCE=SensorImplementation_$(SENSORS) # Add sensor file to the build if needed ifeq (,$(findstring DSENSOR_INCLUDED_$(SENSORS_UPPER),$(CFLAGS))) CFLAGS += -DSENSOR_INCLUDED_$(SENSORS_UPPER) PROJ_OBJ += sensors_$(SENSORS).o endif endif #Deck tests PROJ_OBJ += exptest.o PROJ_OBJ += exptestRR.o PROJ_OBJ += exptestBolt.o #PROJ_OBJ += bigquadtest.o #PROJ_OBJ += uarttest.o #PROJ_OBJ += aidecktest.o # Utilities PROJ_OBJ += filter.o cpuid.o cfassert.o eprintf.o crc32.o num.o debug.o PROJ_OBJ += version.o FreeRTOS-openocd.o PROJ_OBJ += configblockeeprom.o PROJ_OBJ += sleepus.o statsCnt.o rateSupervisor.o PROJ_OBJ += lighthouse_core.o pulse_processor.o pulse_processor_v1.o pulse_processor_v2.o lighthouse_geometry.o ootx_decoder.o lighthouse_calibration.o lighthouse_deck_flasher.o lighthouse_position_est.o lighthouse_storage.o PROJ_OBJ += kve_storage.o kve.o ifeq ($(DEBUG_PRINT_ON_SEGGER_RTT), 1) VPATH += $(LIB)/Segger_RTT/RTT INCLUDES += -I$(LIB)/Segger_RTT/RTT PROJ_OBJ += SEGGER_RTT.o SEGGER_RTT_printf.o CFLAGS += -DDEBUG_PRINT_ON_SEGGER_RTT endif # Libs PROJ_OBJ += libarm_math.a OBJ = $(FREERTOS_OBJ) $(PORT_OBJ) $(ST_OBJ) $(PROJ_OBJ) $(APP_OBJ) $(CRT0) ############### Compilation configuration ################ AS = $(CROSS_COMPILE)as CC = $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc LD = $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc SIZE = $(CROSS_COMPILE)size OBJCOPY = $(CROSS_COMPILE)objcopy GDB = $(CROSS_COMPILE)gdb INCLUDES += -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/vendor/CMSIS/CMSIS/Core/Include -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/vendor/CMSIS/CMSIS/DSP/Include INCLUDES += -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/vendor/libdw1000/inc INCLUDES += -I$(FREERTOS)/include -I$(PORT) INCLUDES += -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/config INCLUDES += -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/platform INCLUDES += -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/deck/interface -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/deck/drivers/interface INCLUDES += -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/drivers/interface -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/drivers/bosch/interface INCLUDES += -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/hal/interface INCLUDES += -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/modules/interface -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/modules/interface/kalman_core -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/modules/interface/lighthouse INCLUDES += -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/utils/interface -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/utils/interface/kve -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/utils/interface/lighthouse -I$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/src/utils/interface/tdoa INCLUDES += -I$(LIB)/FatFS INCLUDES += -I$(LIB)/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include INCLUDES += -I$(LIB)/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc INCLUDES += -I$(LIB)/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc INCLUDES += -I$(LIB)/STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver/inc INCLUDES += -I$(LIB)/vl53l1 -I$(LIB)/vl53l1/core/inc CFLAGS += -g3 ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1) CFLAGS += -O0 -DDEBUG # Prevent silent errors when converting between types (requires explicit casting) CFLAGS += -Wconversion else CFLAGS += -Os # Fail on warnings CFLAGS += -Werror endif # Disable warnings for unaligned addresses in packed structs (added in GCC 9) CFLAGS += -Wno-address-of-packed-member ifeq ($(LTO), 1) CFLAGS += -flto endif CFLAGS += -DBOARD_REV_$(REV) -DESTIMATOR_NAME=$(ESTIMATOR)Estimator -DCONTROLLER_NAME=ControllerType$(CONTROLLER) -DPOWER_DISTRIBUTION_TYPE_$(POWER_DISTRIBUTION) CFLAGS += $(PROCESSOR) $(INCLUDES) CFLAGS += -Wall -Wmissing-braces -fno-strict-aliasing $(C_PROFILE) -std=gnu11 # CFLAGS += -O0 -Wmissing-braces -fno-strict-aliasing $(C_PROFILE) -std=gnu11 #Use this compiler during debugger, as it has a different optimizer so you can better track variables # Compiler flags to generate dependency files: CFLAGS += -MD -MP -MF $(BIN)/dep/$(@).d -MQ $(@) #Permits to remove un-used functions and global variables from output file CFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections # Prevent promoting floats to doubles CFLAGS += -Wdouble-promotion ASFLAGS = $(PROCESSOR) $(INCLUDES) LDFLAGS += --specs=nosys.specs --specs=nano.specs $(PROCESSOR) -Wl,-Map=$(PROG).map,--cref,--gc-sections,--undefined=uxTopUsedPriority LDFLAGS += -L$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/tools/make/F405/linker #Flags required by the ST library ifeq ($(CLOAD), 1) LDFLAGS += -T $(LINKER_DIR)/FLASH_CLOAD.ld LOAD_ADDRESS = $(LOAD_ADDRESS_CLOAD_$(CPU)) else LDFLAGS += -T $(LINKER_DIR)/FLASH.ld LOAD_ADDRESS = $(LOAD_ADDRESS_$(CPU)) endif ifeq ($(LTO), 1) LDFLAGS += -Os -flto -fuse-linker-plugin endif #Program name PROG = $(PLATFORM) #Where to compile the .o BIN = bin VPATH += $(BIN) #Dependency files to include DEPS := $(foreach o,$(OBJ),$(BIN)/dep/$(o).d) ##################### Misc. ################################ ifeq ($(SHELL),/bin/sh) COL_RED=\033[1;31m COL_GREEN=\033[1;32m COL_RESET=\033[m endif # This define n-thing is a standard hack to get newlines in GNU Make. define n endef # Make sure that the submodules are up to date. # Check if there are any files in the vendor directories, if not warn the user. ifeq ($(wildcard $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/vendor/*/*),) $(error $n \ The submodules does not seem to be present, consider fetching them by:$n \ $$ git submodule init$n \ $$ git submodule update$n \ ) endif #################### Targets ############################### all: bin/ bin/dep bin/vendor check_submodules build build: # Each target is in a different line, so they are executed one after the other even when the processor has multiple cores (when the -j option for the make command is > 1). See: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Parallel.html @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory clean_version CRAZYFLIE_BASE=$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE) @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory compile CRAZYFLIE_BASE=$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE) @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory print_version CRAZYFLIE_BASE=$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE) @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory size CRAZYFLIE_BASE=$(CRAZYFLIE_BASE) compile: $(PROG).hex $(PROG).bin $(PROG).dfu bin/: mkdir -p bin bin/dep: mkdir -p bin/dep bin/vendor: mkdir -p bin/vendor libarm_math.a: +$(MAKE) -C $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/tools/make/cmsis_dsp/ CRAZYFLIE_BASE=$(abspath $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)) PROJ_ROOT=$(CURDIR) V=$(V) CROSS_COMPILE=$(CROSS_COMPILE) clean_version: ifeq ($(SHELL),/bin/sh) @echo " CLEAN_VERSION" @rm -f version.c endif print_version: @echo "Build for the $(PLATFORM_NAME_$(PLATFORM))!" @$(PYTHON) $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/tools/make/versionTemplate.py --crazyflie-base $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE) --print-version ifeq ($(CLOAD), 1) @echo "Crazyloader build!" endif ifeq ($(FATFS_DISKIO_TESTS), 1) @echo "WARNING: FatFS diskio tests enabled. Erases SD-card!" endif size: @$(PYTHON) $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/tools/make/size.py $(SIZE) $(PROG).elf $(MEM_SIZE_FLASH_K) $(MEM_SIZE_RAM_K) $(MEM_SIZE_CCM_K) #Radio bootloader cload: ifeq ($(CLOAD), 1) $(CLOAD_SCRIPT) $(CLOAD_CMDS) flash $(CLOAD_ARGS) $(PROG).bin stm32-fw else @echo "Only cload build can be bootloaded. Launch build and cload with CLOAD=1" endif #Flash the stm. flash: $(OPENOCD) -d2 -f $(OPENOCD_INTERFACE) $(OPENOCD_CMDS) -f $(OPENOCD_TARGET) -c init -c targets -c "reset halt" \ -c "flash write_image erase $(PROG).bin $(LOAD_ADDRESS) bin" \ -c "verify_image $(PROG).bin $(LOAD_ADDRESS) bin" -c "reset run" -c shutdown #verify only flash_verify: $(OPENOCD) -d2 -f $(OPENOCD_INTERFACE) $(OPENOCD_CMDS) -f $(OPENOCD_TARGET) -c init -c targets -c "reset halt" \ -c "verify_image $(PROG).bin $(LOAD_ADDRESS) bin" -c "reset run" -c shutdown flash_dfu: $(PYTHON) tools/make/usb-bootloader.py $(DFU_UTIL) -d 0483:df11 -a 0 -D $(PROG).dfu -s :leave #STM utility targets halt: $(OPENOCD) -d0 -f $(OPENOCD_INTERFACE) $(OPENOCD_CMDS) -f $(OPENOCD_TARGET) -c init -c targets -c "halt" -c shutdown reset: $(OPENOCD) -d0 -f $(OPENOCD_INTERFACE) $(OPENOCD_CMDS) -f $(OPENOCD_TARGET) -c init -c targets -c "reset" -c shutdown openocd: $(OPENOCD) -d2 -f $(OPENOCD_INTERFACE) $(OPENOCD_CMDS) -f $(OPENOCD_TARGET) -c init -c targets -c "\$$_TARGETNAME configure -rtos auto" trace: $(OPENOCD) -d2 -f $(OPENOCD_INTERFACE) $(OPENOCD_CMDS) -f $(OPENOCD_TARGET) -c init -c targets -f tools/trace/enable_trace.cfg rtt: $(OPENOCD) -d2 -f $(OPENOCD_INTERFACE) $(OPENOCD_CMDS) -f $(OPENOCD_TARGET) -c init -c targets \ -c "rtt setup 0x20000000 262144 \"SEGGER RTT\"" -c "rtt start" -c "rtt server start 2000 0" gdb: $(PROG).elf $(GDB) -ex "target remote localhost:3333" -ex "monitor reset halt" $^ erase: $(OPENOCD) -d2 -f $(OPENOCD_INTERFACE) -f $(OPENOCD_TARGET) -c init -c targets -c "halt" -c "stm32f4x mass_erase 0" -c shutdown #Print preprocessor #defines prep: @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -dM -E - < /dev/null check_submodules: @cd $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE); $(PYTHON) tools/make/check-for-submodules.py include $(CRAZYFLIE_BASE)/tools/make/targets.mk #include dependencies -include $(DEPS) unit: # The flag "-DUNITY_INCLUDE_DOUBLE" allows comparison of double values in Unity. See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/37790196 rake unit "DEFINES=$(CFLAGS) -DUNITY_INCLUDE_DOUBLE" "FILES=$(FILES)" "UNIT_TEST_STYLE=$(UNIT_TEST_STYLE)" .PHONY: all clean build compile unit prep erase flash check_submodules trace openocd gdb halt reset flash_dfu flash_verify cload size print_version clean_version