# The Virtual Quadcopter Look at how modular our quad is ... it can even run in a Unix environment! But really, this isn't just some token project, this is pretty useful for debugging routine things in the quad_app without having to fire up the plethoria of things required for flight in Coover 3050. In fact, you don't even have to be in Coover 3050... ## Building To build just the virtual quad, in this folder: ``` make ``` ## Using the Virtual Quad The virt-quad has help output. Get started with: ``` ./virt-quad ``` There are some good example of using this CLI in the [functional tests](https://git.ece.iastate.edu/danc/MicroCART/blob/master/quad/scripts/tests/test_safety_checks.rb#L31). ### Using the UART Driver The UART interface is implemented with unix FIFOs. You can treat these FIFOs as regular unix files. Read from uart-tx to hear with the quad is saying. Write to uart-rx to tell the quad something. ``` echo "hello world" > virt-quad-fifos/uart-rx cat virt-quad-fifos/uart-tx ```