Getting Started - Ground Station ================================ The Ground Station as a whole allows all the different systems and hardware to communicate with each other. The Ground Station has four main components including: * Command Line Interface (CLI) * Graphical User Interface (GUI) * Frontend * Backend Both the CLI and GUI are user interfaces. The GUI uses all the same commands and the CLI but has extra functionality. The GUI shows the controls graph, provides extra navigation help, and will soon support real time graphing of the data. The Frontend does all the reading from and writing to the backend via a socket connected to the backend. The backend is primarily a server that manages all connections and where all data passes through between the VRPN (Camera System), the quad, and user interfaces. **Figure 1** shows the main components and their interaction. Both user interfaces use the frontend to manage the writing and parsing of return messages from the backend. ![alt text][GroundStationComponents] ![alt text][GroundStationDiagram] [GroundStationComponents]:./images/groundStationComponents.png [GroundStationDiagram]:./images/groundStationDiagram.png