% Import data as a table. data = readtable('C:\Users\Andy\Documents\MATLAB\MicroCART\Thrust and Drag Constant\Thrust and Drag Constant Data.xlsx'); filePath_noLoadCurrentData = 'C:\Users\Andy\Documents\MATLAB\MicroCART\Zero Load Current\No Load Friction Current.csv'; [I_0, I_1, I_2] = zero_load_current(filePath_noLoadCurrentData); rotor_speed_0 = data.(2) * (pi/30); rotor_speed_1 = data.(3) * (pi/30); rotor_speed_2 = data.(4) * (pi/30); rotor_speed_3 = data.(5) * (pi/30); % Define Pmin and Pmax, as well as the motor parameters Rm, Kv, Kq, and If Pmin = 0.40; Pmax = 0.8; Rm = 0.2308; Kv = 96.3422; Kq = 96.3422; If0 = I_0 * sign(rotor_speed_0) + I_1 * rotor_speed_0 + I_2 * rotor_speed_0.^2; If1 = I_0 * sign(rotor_speed_1) + I_1 * rotor_speed_1 + I_2 * rotor_speed_1.^2; If2 = I_0 * sign(rotor_speed_2) + I_1 * rotor_speed_2 + I_2 * rotor_speed_2.^2; If3 = I_0 * sign(rotor_speed_3) + I_1 * rotor_speed_3 + I_2 * rotor_speed_3.^2; If = [If0; If1; If2; If3]; % Call the calc_thrust_constant() function. Kt = calc_thrust_constant(data); % Call the calc_drift_constant() function. Kd = calc_drag_constant(data, Pmin, Pmax, Rm, Kv, Kq, If );