diff --git a/controls/model/Library_Blocks/Derivative.slx b/controls/model/Library_Blocks/Derivative.slx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6367f56fe201f61ea4e48f3cdb2a452a5fc7d0ed
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/model/Library_Blocks/Derivative.slx differ
diff --git a/controls/model/logAnalysis.m b/controls/model/logAnalysis.m
index 8875fdb5cd7795e672a071bfd660023edcfd0815..6433cba477c8487f74f4ac715579d79d5cef6140 100644
--- a/controls/model/logAnalysis.m
+++ b/controls/model/logAnalysis.m
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ y_command_model_data = y_command_model.signals.values(indices_5ms);
 y_position_model_data = y_position_model.signals.values(indices_40ms);
 % Pull z control structure data
-z_command_model_data = z_command_model.signals.values(indices_5ms);
+z_command_model_data = z_command_model.signals.values(indices_40ms);
 z_position_model_data = z_position_model.signals.values(indices_40ms);
 % Pull yaw control structure data
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ roll_accel_mahony = mahony_reading.signals.values(indices_5ms, 1);
 % Plot x position controller output
 figure(1); ax1 = subplot(2, 2, 1);
-stairs(time, x_vel_raw, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, x_vel_setpoint, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_40ms, x_vel_setpoint_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
 title('X Position Controller Output');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ linkaxes([ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4], 'x');
 % Plot y position controller output
 figure(2); ax1 = subplot(2, 2, 1);
-stairs(time, y_vel_raw, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, y_vel_setpoint, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_40ms, y_vel_setpoint_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
 title('Y Position Controller Output');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ linkaxes([ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4], 'x');
 % Plot z controller command
 figure(3); ax1 = subplot(2, 1, 1);
 stairs(time, z_command, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-stairs(time_model_5ms, z_command_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
+stairs(time_model_40ms, z_command_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
 title('Z Command');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ linkaxes([ax1, ax2, ax3], 'x');
 %% Plot PWM Commands
 figure(5); ax1 = subplot(2, 2, 1);
 stairs(time, PWM0,'.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-%stairs(time_model_5ms, PWM0_model, '.-'); hold off;
+stairs(time_model_5ms, PWM0_model, '.-'); hold off;
 title('PWM0 Value');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('PWM0 Command');
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 ax2 = subplot(2, 2, 2);
 stairs(time, PWM1,'.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-%stairs(time_model_5ms, PWM1_model, '.-'); hold off;
+stairs(time_model_5ms, PWM1_model, '.-'); hold off;
 title('PWM1 Value');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('PWM1 Command');
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 ax3 = subplot(2, 2, 3);
 stairs(time, PWM2,'.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-%stairs(time_model_5ms, PWM2_model, '.-'); hold off;
+stairs(time_model_5ms, PWM2_model, '.-'); hold off;
 title('PWM2 Value');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('PWM2 Command');
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 ax4 = subplot(2, 2, 4);
 stairs(time, PWM3,'.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-%stairs(time_model_5ms, PWM3_model, '.-'); hold off;
+stairs(time_model_5ms, PWM3_model, '.-'); hold off;
 title('PWM3 Value');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('PWM3 Command');
@@ -219,26 +219,23 @@ linkaxes([ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4], 'xy');
 %% Plot output of complimentary filter
 figure(8); ax1 = subplot(2, 1, 1);
-%stairs(time, pitch_measured_VRPN * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-stairs(time, (pitch_measured_IMU) * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-stairs(time_model_5ms, pitch_accel * (180/pi), '.-');
-%stairs(time_model_5ms, pitch_accel_mahony * (180/pi), '.-'); hold off;
+stairs(time, pitch_measured_VRPN * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, (pitch_measured_IMU) * (180/pi), '.-');
+stairs(time_model_5ms, (pitch_accel + 0.045) * (180/pi), '.-');
 title('Pitch Complementary Filter Output');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('Pitch Angle (degrees)');
-%legend('VRPN','IMU', 'Model', 'Mahony', 'location', 'northwest');
-legend('IMU', 'Model','location', 'northwest');
+legend('VRPN','IMU', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 ax2 = subplot(2, 1, 2);
-%stairs(time, roll_measured_VRPN * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-stairs(time, roll_measured_IMU * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, roll_measured_VRPN * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, roll_measured_IMU * (180/pi), '.-');
 stairs(time_model_5ms, roll_accel * (180/pi), '.-');
-%stairs(time_model_5ms, roll_accel_mahony * (180/pi), '.-'); hold off;
 title('Roll Complementary Filter Output');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('Roll Angle (degrees)');
-%legend('VRPN','IMU', 'Model', 'Mahony', 'location', 'northwest');
-legend('IMU', 'Model','location', 'northwest');
+legend('VRPN','IMU', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 linkaxes([ax1, ax2], 'x');
diff --git a/controls/model/modelParameters.m b/controls/model/modelParameters.m
index 0b7971269fcd3f3bef9de1f2b0e2f69a8a83d203..a2bf10fe3427cc99d218f81d16c12bb12e72c0a1 100644
--- a/controls/model/modelParameters.m
+++ b/controls/model/modelParameters.m
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
+% Add Library Blocks to Path
+    path = genpath('Library_blocks');
+    addpath(path);
 % Log Analysis Toggle
     logAnalysisToggle = 1;          % 1 for log analysis, 0 for normal operation
+% Physics Verification Toggle
+    physicsVerificationToggle = 1;
 % Define Simulink Runtime (if logAnalysisToggle is selected, this will be
 % automatically set based on the log files time)
-    runtime = 20;
+    runtime = 30;
 % Model Parameters
     m = 1.216;                      % Quadrotor + battery mass
@@ -103,7 +110,7 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
     time = dataStruct.Time.data;
     time = time - time(1);
     time_indices = length(time);
     runtime = max(time);
     % Determine x position error
@@ -137,20 +144,20 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
     y_vel = timeseries(y_vel_raw, time);
     % Determine pitch error
-    pitch_setpoint = dataStruct.X_pos_PID_Correction.data;
+    pitch_setpoint = dataStruct.X_Vel_PID_Correction.data;
     pitch_angle_raw = dataStruct.Pitch_trim_add_Sum.data;
     pitch_error = timeseries(pitch_setpoint - pitch_angle_raw, time);
     pitch_angle = timeseries(pitch_angle_raw, time);
     % Determine roll error
-    roll_setpoint = dataStruct.Y_pos_PID_Correction.data;
+    roll_setpoint = dataStruct.Y_Vel_PID_Correction.data;
     roll_angle_raw = dataStruct.Roll_Constant.data;
     roll_error = timeseries(roll_setpoint - roll_angle_raw, time);
     roll_angle = timeseries(roll_angle_raw, time);
     % Determine yaw error
     yaw_setpoint = zeros(length(time), 1); % NEEDS UPDATED WHEN LOG FILE INCLUDES YAW SETPOINT
-    yaw_angle_raw = zeros(length(time), 1); % NEEDS UPDATED WHEN LOG FILE INCLUDES YAW VALUE
+    yaw_angle_raw = dataStruct.Yaw_Constant.data;
     yaw_error = timeseries(yaw_setpoint - yaw_angle_raw, time);
     yaw_angle = timeseries(yaw_angle_raw, time);
@@ -205,7 +212,6 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
     % Create time series object for z command
     throttle_command = timeseries(dataStruct.RC_Throttle_Constant.data, time);
-    %z_command = dataStruct.RC_Throttle_Constant.data;
     % Pull the measurements from the complimentary filter
     pitch_measured_IMU = dataStruct.Pitch_trim_add_Sum.data;
@@ -218,11 +224,11 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
     pitch_measured_VRPN = dataStruct.VRPN_Pitch_Constant.data;
     roll_measured_VRPN = dataStruct.VRPN_Roll_Constant.data;
-%     Set height_controlled_o to initial throttle command
+%     % Set height_controlled_o to initial throttle command
 %     height_controlled_o = dataStruct.RC_Throttle_Constant.data(1);
-%     Set rotor speed initial conditions to there calculated values based on
-%     initial throttle control
+%     % Set rotor speed initial conditions to there calculated values based on
+%     % initial throttle control
 %     omega0_o = (sqrt(((height_controlled_o ...
 %     - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin)* Vb - Rm * If) * 4 * ...
 %     Rm * Kv^2 * Kq * Kd + 1) - 1) / (2 * Rm *  ...
@@ -231,24 +237,149 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
 %     omega2_o = omega0_o;
 %     omega3_o = omega0_o;
-%     Set initial positions
+%     % Set initial positions
 %     x_o = x_position(1);
 %     y_o = y_position(1);
 %     z_o = z_position(1);
-%     Set initial velocities
+%     % Set initial velocities
 %     x_vel_o = (x_position(1) - x_position(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
 %     y_vel_o = (y_position(1) - y_position(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
 %     z_vel_o = (z_position(1) - z_position(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
-%     Equilibrium angles
+%     % Equilibrium angles
 %     roll_o = roll_measured_VRPN(1);
 %     pitch_o = pitch_measured_VRPN(1);
 %     yaw_o = 0;
-%     Equilibrium angular rates
+%     % Equilibrium angular rates
 %     rollrate_o = (roll_measured_VRPN(1) - roll_measured_VRPN(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
 %     pitchrate_o = (pitch_measured_VRPN(1) - pitch_measured_VRPN(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
 %     yawrate_o = 0;
+if physicsVerificationToggle == 1
+% quadrotor + battery mass
+m = 1.216; 
+% quadrotor + battery inertia tensor
+J = diag([ 0.0130 0.0140 0.0285 ]);
+% quadrotor + battery body frame origin to c.o.g. error radius
+r_oc = [ 0 ; 0 ; 0 ]; 
+% mass of rigidly attached load
+m_L = 0;
+% dimensions of assuemd rectangular load
+x_L = 0; y_L = 0; z_L = 0; 
+x_L = 0; y_L = 0; z_L = 0; 
+% inertia tensor of load
+J_L = m_L/12*diag([y_L^2+z_L^2,x_L^2+z_L^2,x_L^2+y_L^2]);
+% location of load center of mass in body frame
+r_oL = [0; 0; 0];%[ 0.12 ; 0.12 ; -0.04];%(0.04 + z_L/2) ]; 
+%r_oL = [ .115 ; .115 ; 0.04]; 
+% acceleration of gravity 
+g = 9.81; 
+% initial dynamics states conditions 
+u0 = 0; 
+v0 = 0; 
+w0 = 0; 
+p0 = 0; 
+q0 = 0; 
+r0 = 0; 
+x0 = 0; 
+y0 = 0; 
+z0 = 0; 
+phi0 = 0; 
+theta0 = 0; 
+psi0 = 0; 
+% nominally equal rotor parameters
+K_T = cell(1,4); K_H = cell(1,4); K_d = cell(1,4); 
+Delta_T = cell(1,4); 
+%Delta_T = [0 0 0];
+J_r = cell(1,4); Gamma_H = cell(1,4); 
+for i = 1:4
+	% rotor thrust constants
+	K_T{i} = 1.2007e-05; 
+	% rotor H-force coefficeint
+	K_H{i} = 0; 
+	% rotor drag constant
+	K_d{i} = 1.4852e-07;
+	% rotor b_z axis velocity thrust adjustment factor 
+	Delta_T{i} = 0; 
+	% equivalent rotor + motor moment of inertia 
+	J_r{i} = 4.2012e-05;
+    % h-force xy-plane selection matrix
+    Gamma_H{i} = [ 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 ]; 
+have_motor_transient = 1;  
+% nominally equal motor and eletronic speed control parameters
+R_m = cell(1,4); K_Q = cell(1,4); K_V = cell(1,4); 
+i_0 = cell(1,4); omega_0 = cell(1,4); K_E = cell(1,4); 
+p_0 = cell(1,4); p_max = cell(1,4); 
+for i = 1:4
+	% motor resistance
+	R_m{i} = 0.235; 
+	% motor torque constant
+	K_Q{i} = 96.3422; 
+	% motor back-emf constant
+	K_V{i} = 96.3422; 
+	% motor no-load current 
+	i_0{i} = 0.3836; 
+	% initial motor/rotor speed
+	omega_0{i} = (m*g/4/K_T{1})^0.5;
+	% ESC normalized pwm input factor
+	K_E{i} = 1;
+	% ESC turn-on duty cycle
+	p_0{i} = 0; 
+	% ESC maximum duty cycle (as calibrated)
+	p_max{i} = 1; 
+% locatin of hub 1 in body frame
+r_h{1} = [ rhx ; rhy ; -rhz ]; 
+% rotor 1 thrust unit vector
+Gamma_T{1} = [ 0 ; 0 ; -1 ]; 
+% rotor 1 rotation unit vector
+Gamma_Omega{1} = [ 0 ; 0 ; -1 ]; 
+r_h{2} = [ -rhx ; rhy ; -rhz ];
+Gamma_T{2} = [ 0 ; 0 ; -1 ]; 
+Gamma_Omega{2} = [ 0 ; 0 ; 1 ]; 
+r_h{3} = [ -rhx ; -rhy ; -rhz ]; 
+Gamma_T{3} = [ 0 ; 0 ; -1 ];
+Gamma_Omega{3} = [ 0 ; 0 ; -1 ];
+r_h{4} = [ rhx ; -rhy ; -rhz ]; 
+Gamma_T{4} = [ 0 ; 0 ; -1 ];
+Gamma_Omega{4} = [ 0 ; 0 ; 1 ]; 
+% starting/operating battery voltage
+V_0 = 11.4; %12.4; %11.4; 
+% approximate hovering rate of battery discharge
+d_V = 0; 
+F_D = 0; 
+Q_D = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/model/test_model.slx b/controls/model/test_model.slx
index d5bc5cf9bf30f0bb5a79b4167ac79bdb8b1be8a8..dd12b5cc5903054e32c16d022fa90f62cff22876 100644
Binary files a/controls/model/test_model.slx and b/controls/model/test_model.slx differ