diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c b/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
index c0043b25606b655874067137e7dad67a6ffb94d2..d801e5ebb1e4c9b39216547b331ea181226f4532 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
@@ -1011,8 +1011,6 @@ static void quad_recv(int index) {
             case SEND_RT_ID:
                 quadlog_file = fopen("quad_log_data.txt", "w");
-		//TODO Add formatting here to populate .txt file in a way QT will be able to read
-		char * formatted_data = malloc(sizeof(data) + 1);
                 fwrite((char *) formatted_data, sizeof(char), m.data_len, quadlog_file);
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c b/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c
index 6310f1c1f2f4753ee7e0d6c249e84519c57f75b2..2f0e251d83cd1245645d48d2749f41fa99511ff6 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c
@@ -54,12 +54,6 @@ static char units_param_str[512] = {};
 static struct str units_output = { .str = units_output_str, .size = 0, .capacity = sizeof(units_output_str)};
 static struct str units_param = { .str = units_param_str, .size = 0, .capacity = sizeof(units_output_str)};
-static enum debug_level level;
-int set_debug_level(enum debug_level newlevel)
-	level = newlevel;
  * Does an sprintf and concatenation. Used just like sprintf, but pass in a pointer to a struct str instead.
  * Returns the number of bytes that would have been written (just like snprintf)
@@ -97,12 +91,13 @@ void addParamToLog(log_t* log_struct, int controller_id, int param_id, char* uni
-void initialize_logging(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps) {
+void initialize_logging(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps, SensorRTFlags_t * flags) {
 	char* rad = "rad";
 	char* rad_s = "rad/s";
 	char* pwm_val = "10ns_dutycycle";
 	char* m = "m";
 	char* m_s = "m/s";
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->alt_pid, PID_CORRECTION, pwm_val);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION, rad);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION, rad);
@@ -142,8 +137,46 @@ void initialize_logging(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps) {
 	addParamToLog(log_struct, ps->flow_vel_y, CONST_VAL, m_s);
 	addParamToLog(log_struct, ps->flow_quality, CONST_VAL, "none");
-	// TODO: Make this not stupid. Adding 6 for IMU and 1 for timestamp
-	row_size = n_outputs + n_params + 9 + 1;
+	int num_outputs = 0;
+	if (flags->imuflags->acc_x)
+	{
+		num_outputs++;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->acc_y)
+	{
+		num_outputs++;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->acc_z)
+	{
+		num_outputs++;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->gyro_x)
+	{
+		num_outputs++;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->gyro_y)
+	{
+		num_outputs++;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->gyro_z)
+	{
+		num_outputs++;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->mag_x)
+	{
+		num_outputs++;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->mag_y)
+	{
+		num_outputs++;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->mag_z)
+	{
+		num_outputs++;
+	}
+	//Track number of outputs desired for log utilizing flags struct. Add 1 for timestamp as
+	//time stamp will always be required for any logging.
+	row_size = n_outputs + n_params + num_outputs + 1;
 	size_t needed_memory = sizeof(float) * row_size * LOG_STARTING_SIZE;
 	logArray = malloc(needed_memory);
 	if (!logArray) { // malloc failed
@@ -153,7 +186,7 @@ void initialize_logging(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps) {
-int log_data(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps)
+int log_data(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps, SensorRTFlags_t * flags)
 	if(arrayIndex >= arraySize)
@@ -161,18 +194,45 @@ int log_data(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps)
 	float* thisRow = &logArray[arrayIndex * row_size];
 	int offset = 0;
-	thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->time_stamp;
-	thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.accel_x;
-	thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.accel_y;
-	thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.accel_z;
-	thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.gyro_xVel_p;
-	thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.gyro_yVel_q;
-	thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.gyro_zVel_r;
-	thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.mag_x;
-	thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.mag_y;
-	thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.mag_z;
+	//TODO make this not stupid
+	thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->time_stamp;
+	if (flags->imuflags->acc_x)
+	{
+		thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.accel_x;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->acc_y)
+	{
+		thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.accel_y;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->acc_z)
+	{
+		thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.accel_z;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->gyro_x)
+	{
+		thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.gyro_xVel_p;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->gyro_y)
+	{
+		thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.gyro_yVel_q;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->gyro_z)
+	{
+		thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.gyro_zVel_r;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->mag_x)
+	{
+		thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.mag_x;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->mag_y)
+	{
+		thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.mag_y;
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->mag_z)
+	{
+		thisRow[offset++] = log_struct->gam.mag_z;
+	}
 	int i;
 	for (i = 0; i < n_params; i++) {
 		thisRow[offset++] = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, log_params[i].block_id, log_params[i].sub_id);
@@ -180,19 +240,20 @@ int log_data(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps)
 	for (i = 0; i < n_outputs; i++) {
 		thisRow[offset++] = graph_get_output(ps->graph, log_outputs[i].block_id, log_outputs[i].sub_id);
 	return 0;
- * Print current sensor info to log file
- */
-void RTprintLogging(struct CommDriver *comm, log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps, raw_sensor_t* raw_sensors, SensorRTFlags_t * flags){
+void RTprintheader(struct CommDriver *comm, log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps, raw_sensor_t* raw_sensors, SensorRTFlags_t * flags) {
 	if (arrayIndex == 0) {
 		// Don't send any logs if nothing was logged
+	else if (flags->flag_count == 0)
+	{
+		//Don't send anything if flags has not been configured or if no data has been requested to be sent.
+		return;
+	}
 	char buf_arr[2560] = {};
 	struct str buf = {.str = buf_arr, .size = 0, .capacity = sizeof(buf_arr)};
@@ -205,40 +266,75 @@ void RTprintLogging(struct CommDriver *comm, log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps,
 	int i;
 	// Comment header
-	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "# MicroCART On-board Quad Log\n# Sample size: %d\n", arrayIndex);
+	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "# MicroCART On-board Quad Log\n# Sample number: %d\n", arrayIndex);
 	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "# IMU IIC failures: %d\n", raw_sensors->gam.error.consErrorCount);
 	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "# LiDAR IIC failures: %d\n", raw_sensors->lidar.error.consErrorCount);
 	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "# Optical Flow IIC failures: %d\n", raw_sensors->optical_flow.error.consErrorCount);
 	// List Pid Constants
-	/*struct graph_node* node = &ps->graph->nodes[n_nodes];
-	if (node->type->type_id == BLOCK_PID) {
-		double kp, ki, kd, alpha;
-		kp = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, n_nodes, 0);
-		ki = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, n_nodes, 1);
-		kd = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, n_nodes, 2);
-		alpha = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, n_nodes, 3);
-		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "# %s :\tKp = %lf Ki = %lf Kd = %lf Alpha = %lf\n", node->name, kp, ki, kd, alpha);
+	for (i = 0; i < ps->graph->n_nodes; ++i) {
+		struct graph_node* node = &ps->graph->nodes[i];
+		if (node->type->type_id == BLOCK_PID) {
+			double kp, ki, kd, alpha;
+			kp = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, i, 0);
+			ki = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, i, 1);
+			kd = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, i, 2);
+			alpha = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, i, 3);
+			safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "# %s :\tKp = %lf Ki = %lf Kd = %lf Alpha = %lf\n", node->name, kp, ki, kd, alpha);
+		}
-	*/
-	// Header names for the pre-defined values
-	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "%%Time\taccel_x\taccel_y\taccel_z\tgyro_x\tgyro_y\tgyro_z\tmag_x\tmag_y\tmag_z");
+	// TODO make this not stupid
+	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "%%Time");
+	if (flags->imuflags->acc_x)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\taccel_x");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->acc_y)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\taccel_y");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->acc_z)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\taccel_z");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->gyro_x)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\tgyro_x");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->gyro_y)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\tgyro_y");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->gyro_z)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\tgyro_z");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->mag_x)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\tmag_x");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->mag_y)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\tmag_y_x");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->mag_z)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\tmag_z");
+	}
 	// Print all the recorded block parameters
-	const char* block_name = ps->graph->nodes[log_params[n_params].block_id].name;
-	const char* output_name = ps->graph->nodes[log_params[n_params].block_id].type->param_names[log_params[n_params].sub_id];
-	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\t%s_%s", block_name, output_name);
+	for (i = 0; i < n_params; i++) {
+		const char* block_name = ps->graph->nodes[log_params[i].block_id].name;
+		const char* output_name = ps->graph->nodes[log_params[i].block_id].type->param_names[log_params[i].sub_id];
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\t%s_%s", block_name, output_name);
+	}
 	// Print all the recorded block outputs
-	block_name = ps->graph->nodes[log_outputs[n_outputs].block_id].name;
-	const char* param_name = ps->graph->nodes[log_outputs[n_outputs].block_id].type->output_names[log_outputs[n_outputs].sub_id];
-	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\t%s_%s", block_name, param_name);
+	for (i = 0; i < n_outputs; i++) {
+		const char* block_name = ps->graph->nodes[log_outputs[i].block_id].name;
+		const char* param_name = ps->graph->nodes[log_outputs[i].block_id].type->output_names[log_outputs[i].sub_id];
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\t%s_%s", block_name, param_name);
+	}
 	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\n");
 	// Send header names
@@ -246,28 +342,88 @@ void RTprintLogging(struct CommDriver *comm, log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps,
 	// Send units header
 	buf.size = 0;
-	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "&s\tG\tG\tG\trad/s\trad/s\trad/s\tuT\tuT\tuT"); // The pre-defined ones
+	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "&s"); // The pre-defined ones
+	if (flags->imuflags->acc_x)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\tG");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->acc_y)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\tG");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->acc_z)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\tG");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->gyro_x)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\trad/s");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->gyro_y)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\trad/s");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->gyro_z)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\trad/s");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->mag_x)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\tuT");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->mag_y)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\tuT");
+	}
+	if (flags->imuflags->mag_z)
+	{
+		safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\tuT");
+	}
 	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, units_output.str);
 	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, units_param.str);
 	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "\n");
 	send_data(comm->uart, LOG_ID, 0, (u8*)buf.str, buf.size);
-	/*************************/
-	/* print & send log data */
-	format_log(arrayIndex, log_struct, &buf);
+ * Print current sensor info to log file. This data is held at the current ArrayIndex entry of the log_struct.
+ */
+void RTprintLogging(struct CommDriver *comm, log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps, raw_sensor_t* raw_sensors, SensorRTFlags_t * flags){
+	if (arrayIndex == 0)
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	else if (flags->flag_count == 0)
+	{
+		//Don't send anything if flags has not been configured or if no data has been requested to be sent.
+		return;
+	}
+	char buf_arr[2560] = {};
+	struct str buf = {.str = buf_arr, .size = 0, .capacity = sizeof(buf_arr)};
+	//Send only the most previous log data.
+	format_log(arrayIndex - 1, log_struct, &buf);
 	send_data(comm->uart, LOG_ID, 0, (u8*)buf.str, buf.size);
 	// This is a stupid hack because if the axi timer is not reset in awhile, it always returns 0, and the timer_end_loop() call hangs forever after a long log
 	// Not 100% certain this works
+void RTprintend();
+	if (arrayIndex == 0)
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	char buf_arr[2560] = {};
+	struct str buf = {.str = buf_arr, .size = 0, .capacity = sizeof(buf_arr)};
 	// Empty message of type LOG_END to indicate end of log
 	send_data(comm->uart, LOG_END_ID, 0, (u8*)buf.str, 0);
- * Prints all the log information.
+ * Prints all the log information. Currently replaced by the RTprintglogging method. 
  * TODO: This should probably be transmitting in binary instead of ascii
@@ -304,7 +460,6 @@ void printLogging(struct CommDriver *comm, log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps, r
 			kd = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, i, 2);
 			alpha = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, i, 3);
 			safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "# %s :\tKp = %lf Ki = %lf Kd = %lf Alpha = %lf\n", node->name, kp, ki, kd, alpha);
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.h b/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.h
index f74e4cc69326edae5a37249c5724d06c2f98aabd..e7f29061cf97cf8fc5f2138dbed3ff542194f364 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.h
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.h
@@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
 // Maximum number of block outputs you can record, and maximum number of block parameters to record
 #define MAX_LOG_NUM 50
-void initialize_logging(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps);
+void initialize_logging(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps, SensorRTFlags_t * flags);
  * Adds the given block output to the data to be logged
@@ -39,7 +37,7 @@ void addParamToLog(log_t* log_struct, int controller_id, int param_id, char* uni
  *      error message
- int log_data(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps);
+ int log_data(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps, SensorRTFlags_t * flags);
   * Fills up an xbox hueg amount of memory with log data
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/quad_app.c b/quad/src/quad_app/quad_app.c
index 4f62549cc543fa71de36f74e744fd96a130436bc..636c683a4a4a2f68f4a7b6c03cc86e7f66696b4b 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/quad_app.c
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/quad_app.c
@@ -20,13 +20,14 @@
 int quad_main(int (*setup_hardware)(hardware_t *hardware_struct))
+	u8 init_cond = 0x0;
 	// Structures to be used throughout
 	modular_structs_t structs = { };
-    	//flags that indicate which rt data to send
-    	SensorRTFlags_t flags;
+    //pointer to flags struct that indicate which rt data to send
+    SensorRTFlags_t * flags;
-    	// initialize internal flag data for RT data transfer
+    // initialize internal flag data for RT data transfer
 	// Wire up hardware
@@ -47,7 +48,6 @@ int quad_main(int (*setup_hardware)(hardware_t *hardware_struct))
 	int last_kill_condition = kill_condition(&(structs.user_input_struct));
 	// Main control loop
 	while (1)
@@ -65,10 +65,6 @@ int quad_main(int (*setup_hardware)(hardware_t *hardware_struct))
 		// Get data from the sensors and put it into raw_sensor_struct
 		get_sensors(&(structs.hardware_struct), &(structs.log_struct), &(structs.user_input_struct), &(structs.raw_sensor_struct));
-		if (flags.flag_count != 0)
-			send_RT_data(&(structs.hardware_struct.comm), &(structs.raw_sensor_struct), &flags);
 		// Process the sensor data and put it into sensor_struct
 		sensor_processing(&(structs.log_struct), &(structs.user_input_struct), &(structs.raw_sensor_struct), &(structs.sensor_struct));
@@ -106,8 +102,14 @@ int quad_main(int (*setup_hardware)(hardware_t *hardware_struct))
 		if (!this_kill_condition) {
 			// Log the data collected in this loop
+			if (init_cond == 0x0)
+			{
+				init_cond = 0x1;
+				initialize_logging(&(structs.log_struct), &(structs.parameter_struct), &flags);
+				RTprintheader(&structs.hardware_struct.comm, &(structs.log_struct), &(structs.parameter_struct), &structs.raw_sensor_struct, &flags);
+			}
 			log_data(&(structs.log_struct), &(structs.parameter_struct));
+			RTprintLogging(&structs.hardware_struct.comm, &(structs.log_struct), &(structs.parameter_struct), &structs.raw_sensor_struct, &flags);
 			if(structs.user_defined_struct.flight_mode == AUTO_FLIGHT_MODE)
 				static int loop_counter = 0;
@@ -132,8 +134,7 @@ int quad_main(int (*setup_hardware)(hardware_t *hardware_struct))
 		if (this_kill_condition == 1 && last_kill_condition == 0) {
-		  // Just disabled
-		  printLogging(&structs.hardware_struct.comm, &(structs.log_struct), &(structs.parameter_struct), &structs.raw_sensor_struct);
+		  RTprintend();