diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/debug_level_readme.txt b/quad/src/quad_app/debug_level_readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 49e181c720a7ee1b6df3ea750f345bfe334c83b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/debug_level_readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// Sensor blocks
-	int cur_pitch;
-	int cur_roll;
-	int cur_yaw;
-	int gyro_y;
-	int gyro_x;
-	int gyro_z;
-	int lidar;
-	int flow_vel_x; // optical flow
-	int flow_vel_y;
-	int flow_vel_x_filt;
-	int flow_vel_y_filt;
-	int flow_quality; // Quality value returned by optical flow sensor
-	int flow_distance;
-// Sensor processing
-	int yaw_correction;
-	int of_angle_corr; // Corrects for the optical flow mounting angle
-	int of_integ_x; // Integrates the optical flow data
-	int of_integ_y;
-	int of_trim_x; // Trim value for optical flow integrated value
-	int of_trim_y;
-	int of_trimmed_x; // Trimmed optical flow integrated value (of_integ_x + of_trim_x)
-	int of_trimmed_y;
-// PID blocks
-	int roll_pid;
-	int pitch_pid;
-	int yaw_pid;
-	int roll_r_pid;
-	int pitch_r_pid;
-	int yaw_r_pid;
-	int x_pos_pid;
-	int y_pos_pid;
-	int alt_pid;
-// Velocity nodes
-	int x_vel_pid;
-	int y_vel_pid;
-	int x_vel;
-	int y_vel;
-	int x_vel_clamp;
-	int y_vel_clamp;
-	int vel_x_gain;
-	int vel_y_gain;
-	// VRPN blocks
-	int vrpn_x;
-	int vrpn_y;
-	int vrpn_alt;
-	int vrpn_pitch, vrpn_roll;
-	// RC blocks
-	int rc_pitch;
-	int rc_roll;
-	int rc_yaw;
-	int rc_throttle;
-	// Desired positions
-	int x_set;
-	int y_set;
-	int alt_set;
-	int yaw_set;
-	// Clamps
-	int clamp_d_pwmP;
-	int clamp_d_pwmR;
-	int clamp_d_pwmY;
-	int yaw_clamp;
-	// Loop times
-	int angle_time;
-	int pos_time;
-	// Signal mixer
-	int mixer;
-	int throttle_trim;
-	int throttle_trim_add;
-	int pitch_trim;
-	int pitch_trim_add;
-	int yaw_trim;
-	int yaw_trim_add;
-	//psi dot integration chain
-	int psi_dot;
-	int psi_dot_offset;
-	int psi_dot_sum;
-	int psi;
-	int psi_offset;
-	int psi_sum;
-	int mag_yaw; //Complementary filtered magnetometer/gyro yaw
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/debug_rt.c b/quad/src/quad_app/debug_rt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 147a65e9999c4a26e01a927f32ead6701cba7c6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/debug_rt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include "debug_rt.h"
-    Helper to return single bit of u32 data. This returns the "position"'th bit of the given u32,
-    assuming it is Zero indexed.
-u32 read_bit(u32 data, int position){
-    return (data >> position) & 1;
-	This method is used to configure the bits within the flags struct by reading in the data sent from the user via the groundstation. 
-	Params:
-		configData:		 Payload from configuration packet sent from the groundstation. Each bit (starting at 31, downto 10) represents a flag either being disabled (0) or enabled (1)
-		SensorRTFlags_t * flags: This contains a pointer to the flags struct. This struct is held within the quad's memory and is used to determine which information within the quad's sensors
-					 will be sent back during each control loop. Due to the limited bandwidth capacity of the UART, it is undesirable to have a large amount of these flags enabled 
-					 when sending data.
-	Returns:
-		int size:		 Total number of data types desired to be displayed via flight data tool.
-int process_configuration_packet(u32 configData, SensorRTFlags_t * flags)
-    int size = 0;
-    flags -> lidarflags -> quadHeight = read_bit(configData, 31); size += read_bit(configData, 31); 
-    flags -> optflowflags ->  x_flow = read_bit(configData, 30); size += 2 * read_bit(configData, 30); 
-    flags -> optflowflags ->  y_flow = read_bit(configData, 29); size += 2 * read_bit(configData, 29); 
-    flags -> optflowflags ->  x_filter = read_bit(configData, 28); size += 2 * read_bit(configData, 28); 
-    flags -> optflowflags ->  y_filter = read_bit(configData, 27); size += 2 * read_bit(configData, 27); 
-    flags -> optflowflags ->  x_velocity = read_bit(configData, 26); size += 2 * read_bit(configData, 26); 
-    flags -> optflowflags ->  y_velocity = read_bit(configData, 25); size += 2 * read_bit(configData, 25); 
-    flags -> imuflags -> gyro_x = read_bit(configData, 24); size += read_bit(configData, 24); 
-    flags -> imuflags -> gyro_y = read_bit(configData, 23); size += read_bit(configData, 23); 
-    flags -> imuflags -> gyro_z = read_bit(configData, 22); size += read_bit(configData, 22); 
-    flags -> imuflags -> acc_x = read_bit(configData, 21); size += read_bit(configData, 21); 
-    flags -> imuflags -> acc_y = read_bit(configData, 20); size += read_bit(configData, 20); 
-    flags -> imuflags -> acc_z = read_bit(configData, 19); size += read_bit(configData, 19); 
-    flags -> imuflags -> mag_x = read_bit(configData, 18); size += read_bit(configData, 18); 
-    flags -> imuflags -> mag_y = read_bit(configData, 17); size += read_bit(configData, 17); 
-    flags -> imuflags -> mag_z = read_bit(configData, 16); size += read_bit(configData, 16); 
-    flags -> errorflags -> lidar = read_bit(configData, 15); size += read_bit(configData, 15); 
-    flags -> errorflags -> consec_lidar = read_bit(configData, 14); size += read_bit(configData, 14); 
-    flags -> errorflags -> optFlow = read_bit(configData, 13); size += read_bit(configData, 13); 
-    flags -> errorflags -> consec_optFlow = read_bit(configData, 12); size += read_bit(configData, 12); 
-    flags -> errorflags -> imu = read_bit(configData, 11); size += read_bit(configData, 11); 
-    flags -> errorflags -> consec_imu = read_bit(configData, 10); size += read_bit(configData, 10);
-    flags -> flag_count = size; 
-    return size;
-	This method populates a payload full of sensor data and transmits it to the groundstation (for real-time data logging feature)
-	Params:
-		CommDriver *comm: 	 This contains a pointer to the communication medium currently being used to communicate with the groundstation. In its current state, this will be 
-				  	 the UART capabilities located on the quad.
-		raw_sensor_t * data:	 This contains a pointer to the struct containing all of the current sensor data that has been collected by the various peripherals on the quad. This
-					 will be used to populate the majority of the information within the payload packet.
-		SensorRTFlags_t * flags: This contains a pointer to the flags struct. This struct is held within the quad's memory and is used to determine which information within the sensors
-					 will be sent back during each control loop. Due to the limited bandwidth capacity of the UART, it is undesirable to have a large amount of these flags
-					 enabled when sending data. The exact contents of the flags struct are detailed in the process_configuration_packet method as well as the struct definition
-					 within this file's header.
-	Returns:
-		bytes_sent:		 Total number of bytes that were transferred via the communication channel (UART). This number can be used to determine the succesful transfer of data.
-int send_RT_data(struct CommDriver *comm, raw_sensor_t * data, SensorRTFlags_t * flags)
-    //include 4 bytes to carry flags info
-    u32 * payload = malloc(sizeof(u32) * (flags -> flag_count) + 4);
-    int currentPosition = 0;
-    u32 flag_info = 0x00000000;
-    /*
-    Since payload is calloced (all zeros), a simple | operation should set this properly
-    */
-    if(flags -> lidarflags -> quadHeight)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> lidar.distance_m);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    //populate correct bit within flag_info. Due to the fact that enabled flags are stored only on the quad's memory, this information will need to be sent to the groundstation with every
-	    //packet to ensure the correct formatting of data before being graphed.
-	    flag_info |= QUAD_HEIGHT_FLAG;
-    } 
-    //64-bit data must be sent in two concurrent 32 bit data blocks within the payload. The MSB's of the data are stored first, then the LSB's. 
-    if(flags -> optflowflags ->  x_flow) 
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = ((u64)(data -> optical_flow.flow_x_rad)) >> 32; //MSB
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    payload[currentPosition] = ((u64)(data -> optical_flow.flow_x_rad)) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF; //LSB
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= X_FLOW_FLAG;
-    }
-    if(flags -> optflowflags ->  y_flow)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = ((u64)(data -> optical_flow.flow_y_rad)) >> 32; //MSB
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    payload[currentPosition] = ((u64)(data -> optical_flow.flow_y_rad)) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF; //LSB
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= Y_FLOW_FLAG;
-    }
-    if(flags -> optflowflags ->  x_filter)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = ((u64)(data -> optical_flow.xVelFilt)) >> 32; //MSB
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    payload[currentPosition] = ((u64)(data -> optical_flow.xVelFilt)) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF; //LSB
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= X_FILTER_FLAG;
-    }
-    if(flags -> optflowflags ->  y_filter)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = ((u64)(data -> optical_flow.yVelFilt)) >> 32; //MSB
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    payload[currentPosition] = ((u64)(data -> optical_flow.yVelFilt)) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF; //LSB
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= Y_FILTER_FLAG;
-    }
-    if(flags -> optflowflags ->  x_velocity)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = ((u64)(data -> optical_flow.xVel)) >> 32; //MSB
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    payload[currentPosition] = ((u64)(data -> optical_flow.xVel)) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF; //LSB
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= X_VELOCITY_FLAG;
-    }
-    if(flags -> optflowflags ->  y_velocity)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = ((u64)(data -> optical_flow.yVel)) >> 32; //MSB
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    payload[currentPosition] = ((u64)(data -> optical_flow.yVel)) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF; //LSB
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= Y_VELOCITY_FLAG;
-    }
-    if(flags -> imuflags -> gyro_x)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> gam.gyro_xVel_p);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= X_GYRO_FLAG; 
-    }
-    if(flags -> imuflags -> gyro_y)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> gam.gyro_yVel_q);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= Y_GYRO_FLAG;
-    }
-    if(flags -> imuflags -> gyro_z)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> gam.gyro_zVel_r);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= Z_GYRO_FLAG; 
-    } 
-    if(flags -> imuflags -> acc_x)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> gam.accel_x);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= X_ACCEL_FLAG; 
-    }
-    if(flags -> imuflags -> acc_y)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> gam.accel_y);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= Y_ACCEL_FLAG; 
-    }
-    if(flags -> imuflags -> acc_z)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> gam.accel_z);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= Z_ACCEL_FLAG; 
-    }
-    if(flags -> imuflags -> mag_x)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> gam.mag_x);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= X_MAG_FLAG; 
-    }
-    if(flags -> imuflags -> mag_y)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> gam.mag_y);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= Y_MAG_FLAG; 
-    }
-    if(flags -> imuflags -> mag_z)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> gam.mag_z);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= Z_MAG_FLAG;
-    }
-    if(flags -> errorflags -> lidar)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> lidar.error.errorCount);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= LIDAR_ERR_FLAG; 
-    }
-    if(flags -> errorflags -> consec_lidar)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> lidar.error.consErrorCount);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= LIDAR_CONSEC_ERR_FLAG; 
-    }
-    if(flags -> errorflags -> optFlow)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> optical_flow.error.errorCount);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= OPTFL_ERR_FLAG; 
-    }
-    if(flags -> errorflags -> consec_optFlow)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> optical_flow.error.consErrorCount);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= OPTFL_CONSEC_ERR_FLAG; 
-    }
-    if(flags -> errorflags -> imu)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> gam.error.errorCount);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= IMU_ERR_FLAG;
-    }
-    if(flags -> errorflags -> consec_imu)
-    {
-	    payload[currentPosition] = (u32)(data -> gam.error.consErrorCount);
-	    currentPosition++;
-	    flag_info |= IMU_CONSEC_ERR_FLAG; 
-    }
-    //package the last 4 bytes of info as binary representation of the enabled flags
-    payload[currentPosition] = flag_info;
-    int bytes_sent = send_data(comm->uart, SEND_RT_ID, 0, (u8*)payload, sizeof(payload));
-    free(payload);
-    return bytes_sent; 
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/debug_rt.h b/quad/src/quad_app/debug_rt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 22afae72ed78e79e8a98d8b4095bd26dd874e0f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/debug_rt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "PID.h"
-#include "type_def.h"
-#include "communication.h"
-#include "computation_graph.h"
-#include "timer.h"
-#define ON 1
-#define OFF 0
-#define ERROR -1
-#define SEND_RT_ID 20
-#define QUAD_HEIGHT_FLAG	0x80000000
-#define X_FLOW_FLAG		0x40000000
-#define Y_FLOW_FLAG		0x20000000
-#define X_FILTER_FLAG		0x10000000
-#define Y_FILTER_FLAG		0x08000000
-#define X_VELOCITY_FLAG		0x04000000
-#define Y_VELOCITY_FLAG		0x02000000
-#define X_GYRO_FLAG		0x01000000
-#define Y_GYRO_FLAG		0x00800000
-#define Z_GYRO_FLAG		0x00400000
-#define X_ACCEL_FLAG		0x00200000
-#define Y_ACCEL_FLAG		0x00100000
-#define Z_ACCEL_FLAG		0x00080000
-#define X_MAG_FLAG		0x00040000
-#define Y_MAG_FLAG		0x00020000
-#define Z_MAG_FLAG		0x00010000
-#define LIDAR_ERR_FLAG		0x00008000
-#define LIDAR_CONSEC_ERR_FLAG	0x00004000
-#define OPTFL_ERR_FLAG		0x00002000
-#define OPTFL_CONSEC_ERR_FLAG	0x00001000
-#define IMU_ERR_FLAG		0x00000800
-#define IMU_CONSEC_ERR_FLAG	0x00000400	
-void initializeFlags( SensorRTFlags_t * flag_pointer);
-void freeFlags(SensorRTFlags_t * flags);
-int send_RT_data(struct CommDriver *comm, raw_sensor_t * data, SensorRTFlags_t * flags);
-u32 shift(u32 data, int position);