diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/config/trace.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/config/trace.h
index 65fa9ffb246992ad3d21b8c1e69269794b2aa39a..96a4bc58966726deaf64080b24e85c31174a67a3 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/config/trace.h
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/config/trace.h
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
-#define traceQUEUE_SEND(xQueue) ITM_SEND(3, ITM_QUEUE_SEND | ((xQUEUE *) xQueue)->uxQueueNumber)
-#define traceQUEUE_SEND_FAILED(xQueue) ITM_SEND(3, ITM_QUEUE_FAILED | ((xQUEUE *) xQueue)->uxQueueNumber)
-#define traceBLOCKING_ON_QUEUE_RECEIVE(xQueue) ITM_SEND(3, ITM_BLOCKING_ON_QUEUE_RECEIVE | ((xQUEUE *) xQueue)->uxQueueNumber)
-#define traceBLOCKING_ON_QUEUE_SEND(xQueue) ITM_SEND(3, ITM_BLOCKING_ON_QUEUE_SEND | ((xQUEUE *) xQueue)->uxQueueNumber)
+// #define traceQUEUE_SEND(xQueue) ITM_SEND(3, ITM_QUEUE_SEND | ((xQUEUE *) xQueue)->uxQueueNumber)
+// #define traceQUEUE_SEND_FAILED(xQueue) ITM_SEND(3, ITM_QUEUE_FAILED | ((xQUEUE *) xQueue)->uxQueueNumber)
+// #define traceBLOCKING_ON_QUEUE_RECEIVE(xQueue) ITM_SEND(3, ITM_BLOCKING_ON_QUEUE_RECEIVE | ((xQUEUE *) xQueue)->uxQueueNumber)
+// #define traceBLOCKING_ON_QUEUE_SEND(xQueue) ITM_SEND(3, ITM_BLOCKING_ON_QUEUE_SEND | ((xQUEUE *) xQueue)->uxQueueNumber)
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/deck/drivers/interface/locodeck.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/deck/drivers/interface/locodeck.h
index d2bb34493929af97dcd0f1c16f91b7b3cc9ee88e..ad869a62a36bd8f38979b96aae3965c855e5e33f 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/deck/drivers/interface/locodeck.h
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/deck/drivers/interface/locodeck.h
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
 #include "FreeRTOS.h"
-#include "libdw1000.h"
+//#include "libdw1000.h"
 #include "stabilizer_types.h"
 // Timestamp counter frequency
@@ -89,8 +90,9 @@ uint8_t locoDeckGetActiveAnchorIdList(uint8_t unorderedAnchorList[], const int m
 // Callbacks for uwb algorithms
 typedef struct uwbAlgorithm_s {
-  void (*init)(dwDevice_t *dev);
-  uint32_t (*onEvent)(dwDevice_t *dev, uwbEvent_t event);
+  // void (*init)(dwDevice_t *dev);
+  // uint32_t (*onEvent)(dwDevice_t *dev, uwbEvent_t event);
   bool (*isRangingOk)();
   bool (*getAnchorPosition)(const uint8_t anchorId, point_t* position);
   uint8_t (*getAnchorIdList)(uint8_t unorderedAnchorList[], const int maxListSize);
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/interface/cppm.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/interface/cppm.h
index 0971d6b888dccbd38bc17da68058971465549d5c..0f7d9d9522e090b40100118787461b1114d2a6f0 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/interface/cppm.h
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/interface/cppm.h
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
 void cppmInit(void);
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/interface/i2c_drv.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/interface/i2c_drv.h
index 5942b399a9deb383708104dd5a1d27c14ecc2e25..11fea627fbda788c297d5275552c4f494ce2091b 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/interface/i2c_drv.h
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/interface/i2c_drv.h
@@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
 #ifndef I2C_H
 #define I2C_H
 #include "FreeRTOS.h"
 #include "semphr.h"
 #include "queue.h"
 /* ST includes */
 #include "stm32fxxx.h"
+// #include "stm32f4xx_dma.h"
+// #include "stm32f4xx_gpio.h"
+// #include "stm32f4xx_rcc.h"
+// #include "stm32f4xx_i2c.h"
 typedef enum
@@ -32,7 +40,7 @@ typedef struct _I2cMessage
   uint8_t          nbrOfRetries;      //< The slave address of the device on the I2C bus.
 	I2cDirection     direction;         //< Direction of message
   I2cStatus        status;            //< i2c status
-  xQueueHandle     clientQueue;       //< Queue to send received messages to.
+  //xQueueHandle     clientQueue;       //< Queue to send received messages to.
   bool             isInternal16bit;   //< Is internal address 16 bit. If false 8 bit.
   uint16_t         internalAddress;   //< Internal address of device.
   uint8_t          *buffer;           //< Pointer to the buffer from where data will be read for transmission, or into which received data will be placed.
@@ -73,7 +81,7 @@ typedef struct
   StaticSemaphore_t isBusFreeSemaphoreBuffer;
   SemaphoreHandle_t isBusFreeMutex;     //< Mutex to protect bus
   StaticSemaphore_t isBusFreeMutexBuffer;
-  DMA_InitTypeDef DMAStruct;            //< DMA configuration structure used during transfer setup.
+  //DMA_InitTypeDef DMAStruct;            //< DMA configuration structure used during transfer setup.
 } I2cDrv;
 // Definitions of i2c busses found in c file.
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/interface/led.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/interface/led.h
index c4b5434941d4ff562f383cba012d34f3505f853e..7f13995bb3902c55e6dc88e0d017ab1586bc2565 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/interface/led.h
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/interface/led.h
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #define __LED_H__
 #include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stm32f4xx_gpio.h>
 //Led polarity configuration constant
 #define LED_POL_POS 0
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/ak8963.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/ak8963.c
index 7aa6b20c939ed895be8736bab51d29974f3d46e5..300211067147be47e8a430c879dea1a6c242aa99 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/ak8963.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/ak8963.c
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ void ak8963Reset()
   //i2cdevWriteBits(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, AK8963_CNTL_MODE_BIT,
 // ASTC register
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/cppm.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/cppm.c
index a3cf95cee3c3af5153fc0be789121bee13c5c9ca..94397bcd7fc7f700f3ba9e19a330f0354df85630 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/cppm.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/cppm.c
@@ -104,10 +104,11 @@ void cppmInit(void)
-bool cppmIsAvailible(void)
-  return isAvailible;
+// bool cppmIsAvailible(void)
+// {
+//   return isAvailible;
+// }
 int cppmGetTimestamp(uint16_t *timestamp)
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/i2c_drv.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/i2c_drv.c
index 869a29ba6596f4492d22487988a831942ff5ba80..978c1e204b58cf57bdd7a72f2e319af22622128e 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/i2c_drv.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/i2c_drv.c
@@ -15,13 +15,11 @@
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library.
- *
- * i2c_drv.c - i2c driver implementation
+ * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR static TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef  TIM_TimeBaseStructure;
+// static TIM_OCInitTypeDef  TIM_OCInitStructure;
+// static GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
+// static DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_InitStructure;
+// static NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;tation
  * @note
  * For some reason setting CR1 reg in sequence with
@@ -70,10 +68,11 @@
 #define I2CDEV_CLK_TS (10)
 static void gpioWaitForHigh(GPIO_TypeDef *gpio, uint16_t pin, uint16_t timeout_us)
-  uint64_t start = usecTimestamp();
-  while (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(gpio, pin) == Bit_RESET && usecTimestamp() - start <= timeout_us)
-  {
-  }
+  // uint64_t start = usecTimestamp();
+  // while (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(gpio, pin) == Bit_RESET && usecTimestamp() - start <= timeout_us)
+  // {
+  // }
@@ -124,26 +123,27 @@ static void i2cdrvDmaIsrHandler(I2cDrv* i2c);
 // Cost definitions of busses
 static const I2cDef sensorBusDef =
-  .i2cPort            = I2C3,
-  .i2cPerif           = RCC_APB1Periph_I2C3,
-  .i2cEVIRQn          = I2C3_EV_IRQn,
-  .i2cERIRQn          = I2C3_ER_IRQn,
-  .i2cClockSpeed      = I2C_DEFAULT_SENSORS_CLOCK_SPEED,
-  .gpioSCLPerif       = RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOA,
-  .gpioSCLPort        = GPIOA,
-  .gpioSCLPin         = GPIO_Pin_8,
-  .gpioSCLPinSource   = GPIO_PinSource8,
-  .gpioSDAPerif       = RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOC,
-  .gpioSDAPort        = GPIOC,
-  .gpioSDAPin         = GPIO_Pin_9,
-  .gpioSDAPinSource   = GPIO_PinSource9,
-  .gpioAF             = GPIO_AF_I2C3,
-  .dmaPerif           = RCC_AHB1Periph_DMA1,
-  .dmaChannel         = DMA_Channel_3,
-  .dmaRxStream        = DMA1_Stream2,
-  .dmaRxIRQ           = DMA1_Stream2_IRQn,
-  .dmaRxTCFlag        = DMA_FLAG_TCIF2,
-  .dmaRxTEFlag        = DMA_FLAG_TEIF2,
+  // .i2cPort            = I2C3,
+  // .i2cPerif           = RCC_APB1Periph_I2C3,
+  // .i2cEVIRQn          = I2C3_EV_IRQn,
+  // .i2cERIRQn          = I2C3_ER_IRQn,
+  // .i2cClockSpeed      = I2C_DEFAULT_SENSORS_CLOCK_SPEED,
+  // .gpioSCLPerif       = RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOA,
+  // .gpioSCLPort        = GPIOA,
+  // .gpioSCLPin         = GPIO_Pin_8,
+  // .gpioSCLPinSource   = GPIO_PinSource8,
+  // .gpioSDAPerif       = RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOC,
+  // .gpioSDAPort        = GPIOC,
+  // .gpioSDAPin         = GPIO_Pin_9,
+  // .gpioSDAPinSource   = GPIO_PinSource9,
+  // .gpioAF             = GPIO_AF_I2C3,
+  // .dmaPerif           = RCC_AHB1Periph_DMA1,
+  // .dmaChannel         = DMA_Channel_3,
+  // .dmaRxStream        = DMA1_Stream2,
+  // .dmaRxIRQ           = DMA1_Stream2_IRQn,
+  // .dmaRxTCFlag        = DMA_FLAG_TCIF2,
+  // .dmaRxTEFlag        = DMA_FLAG_TEIF2,
 I2cDrv sensorsBus =
@@ -153,33 +153,34 @@ I2cDrv sensorsBus =
 static const I2cDef deckBusDef =
-  .i2cPort            = I2C1,
-  .i2cPerif           = RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1,
-  .i2cEVIRQn          = I2C1_EV_IRQn,
-  .i2cERIRQn          = I2C1_ER_IRQn,
-  .i2cClockSpeed      = I2C_DEFAULT_DECK_CLOCK_SPEED,
-  .gpioSCLPerif       = RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOB,
-  .gpioSCLPort        = GPIOB,
-  .gpioSCLPin         = GPIO_Pin_6,
-  .gpioSCLPinSource   = GPIO_PinSource6,
-  .gpioSDAPerif       = RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOB,
-  .gpioSDAPort        = GPIOB,
-  .gpioSDAPin         = GPIO_Pin_7,
-  .gpioSDAPinSource   = GPIO_PinSource7,
-  .gpioAF             = GPIO_AF_I2C1,
-  .dmaPerif           = RCC_AHB1Periph_DMA1,
-  .dmaChannel         = DMA_Channel_1,
-  .dmaRxStream        = DMA1_Stream5,
-  .dmaRxIRQ           = DMA1_Stream5_IRQn,
-  .dmaRxTCFlag        = DMA_FLAG_TCIF5,
-  .dmaRxTEFlag        = DMA_FLAG_TEIF5,
-  .dmaRxStream        = DMA1_Stream0,
-  .dmaRxIRQ           = DMA1_Stream0_IRQn,
-  .dmaRxTCFlag        = DMA_FLAG_TCIF0,
-  .dmaRxTEFlag        = DMA_FLAG_TEIF0,
+//   .i2cPort            = I2C1,
+//   .i2cPerif           = RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1,
+//   .i2cEVIRQn          = I2C1_EV_IRQn,
+//   .i2cERIRQn          = I2C1_ER_IRQn,
+//   .i2cClockSpeed      = I2C_DEFAULT_DECK_CLOCK_SPEED,
+//   .gpioSCLPerif       = RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOB,
+//   .gpioSCLPort        = GPIOB,
+//   .gpioSCLPin         = GPIO_Pin_6,
+//   .gpioSCLPinSource   = GPIO_PinSource6,
+//   .gpioSDAPerif       = RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOB,
+//   .gpioSDAPort        = GPIOB,
+//   .gpioSDAPin         = GPIO_Pin_7,
+//   .gpioSDAPinSource   = GPIO_PinSource7,
+//   .gpioAF             = GPIO_AF_I2C1,
+//   .dmaPerif           = RCC_AHB1Periph_DMA1,
+//   .dmaChannel         = DMA_Channel_1,
+//   .dmaRxStream        = DMA1_Stream5,
+//   .dmaRxIRQ           = DMA1_Stream5_IRQn,
+//   .dmaRxTCFlag        = DMA_FLAG_TCIF5,
+//   .dmaRxTEFlag        = DMA_FLAG_TEIF5,
+// #else
+//   .dmaRxStream        = DMA1_Stream0,
+//   .dmaRxIRQ           = DMA1_Stream0_IRQn,
+//   .dmaRxTCFlag        = DMA_FLAG_TCIF0,
+//   .dmaRxTEFlag        = DMA_FLAG_TEIF0,
+// #endif
@@ -191,32 +192,35 @@ I2cDrv deckBus =
 static void i2cdrvStartTransfer(I2cDrv *i2c)
-  ASSERT_DMA_SAFE(i2c->txMessage.buffer);
-  if (i2c->txMessage.direction == i2cRead)
-  {
-    i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_BufferSize = i2c->txMessage.messageLength;
-    i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_Memory0BaseAddr = (uint32_t)i2c->txMessage.buffer;
-    DMA_Init(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, &i2c->DMAStruct);
-    DMA_Cmd(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, ENABLE);
-  }
-  I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_BUF, DISABLE);
-  I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_EVT, ENABLE);
-  i2c->def->i2cPort->CR1 = (I2C_CR1_START | I2C_CR1_PE);
+  // ASSERT_DMA_SAFE(i2c->txMessage.buffer);
+  // if (i2c->txMessage.direction == i2cRead)
+  // {
+  //   i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_BufferSize = i2c->txMessage.messageLength;
+  //   i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_Memory0BaseAddr = (uint32_t)i2c->txMessage.buffer;
+  //   DMA_Init(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, &i2c->DMAStruct);
+  //   DMA_Cmd(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, ENABLE);
+  // }
+  // I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_BUF, DISABLE);
+  // I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_EVT, ENABLE);
+  // i2c->def->i2cPort->CR1 = (I2C_CR1_START | I2C_CR1_PE);
 static void i2cTryNextMessage(I2cDrv* i2c)
-  i2c->def->i2cPort->CR1 = (I2C_CR1_STOP | I2C_CR1_PE);
-  I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_EVT | I2C_IT_BUF, DISABLE);
+  // i2c->def->i2cPort->CR1 = (I2C_CR1_STOP | I2C_CR1_PE);
+  // I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_EVT | I2C_IT_BUF, DISABLE);
 static void i2cNotifyClient(I2cDrv* i2c)
-  portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
-  xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(i2c->isBusFreeSemaphore, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
-  portYIELD_FROM_ISR(xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
+  // portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
+  // xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(i2c->isBusFreeSemaphore, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
+  // portYIELD_FROM_ISR(xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
 static void i2cdrvTryToRestartBus(I2cDrv* i2c)
@@ -281,76 +285,78 @@ static void i2cdrvTryToRestartBus(I2cDrv* i2c)
 static void i2cdrvDmaSetupBus(I2cDrv* i2c)
+  // NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
-  NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
-  RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(i2c->def->dmaPerif, ENABLE);
-  // RX DMA Channel Config
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_Channel = i2c->def->dmaChannel;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t)&i2c->def->i2cPort->DR;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_Memory0BaseAddr = 0;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralToMemory;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_BufferSize = 0;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_MemoryInc = DMA_MemoryInc_Enable;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_PeripheralDataSize = DMA_PeripheralDataSize_Byte;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_MemoryDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Byte;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_Mode = DMA_Mode_Normal;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_Priority = DMA_Priority_High;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_FIFOMode = DMA_FIFOMode_Disable;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_FIFOThreshold = DMA_FIFOThreshold_1QuarterFull;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_MemoryBurst = DMA_MemoryBurst_Single;
-  i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_PeripheralBurst = DMA_PeripheralBurst_Single;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = i2c->def->dmaRxIRQ;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_HIGH_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  // RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(i2c->def->dmaPerif, ENABLE);
+  // // RX DMA Channel Config
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_Channel = i2c->def->dmaChannel;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t)&i2c->def->i2cPort->DR;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_Memory0BaseAddr = 0;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralToMemory;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_BufferSize = 0;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_MemoryInc = DMA_MemoryInc_Enable;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_PeripheralDataSize = DMA_PeripheralDataSize_Byte;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_MemoryDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Byte;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_Mode = DMA_Mode_Normal;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_Priority = DMA_Priority_High;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_FIFOMode = DMA_FIFOMode_Disable;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_FIFOThreshold = DMA_FIFOThreshold_1QuarterFull;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_MemoryBurst = DMA_MemoryBurst_Single;
+  // i2c->DMAStruct.DMA_PeripheralBurst = DMA_PeripheralBurst_Single;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = i2c->def->dmaRxIRQ;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_HIGH_PRI;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
+  // NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
 static void i2cdrvInitBus(I2cDrv* i2c)
-  i2cdrvTryToRestartBus(i2c);
+  // i2cdrvTryToRestartBus(i2c);
-  i2c->isBusFreeSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic(&i2c->isBusFreeSemaphoreBuffer);
-  i2c->isBusFreeMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic(&i2c->isBusFreeMutexBuffer);
+  // i2c->isBusFreeSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic(&i2c->isBusFreeSemaphoreBuffer);
+  // i2c->isBusFreeMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic(&i2c->isBusFreeMutexBuffer);
 static void i2cdrvdevUnlockBus(GPIO_TypeDef* portSCL, GPIO_TypeDef* portSDA, uint16_t pinSCL, uint16_t pinSDA)
-  GPIO_SetBits(portSDA, pinSDA);
-  /* Check SDA line to determine if slave is asserting bus and clock out if so */
-  while(GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(portSDA, pinSDA) == Bit_RESET)
-  {
-    /* Set clock high */
-    GPIO_SetBits(portSCL, pinSCL);
-    /* Wait for any clock stretching to finish. */
-    gpioWaitForHigh(portSCL, pinSCL, 10 * 1000);
-    sleepus(I2CDEV_CLK_TS);
-    /* Generate a clock cycle */
-    GPIO_ResetBits(portSCL, pinSCL);
-    sleepus(I2CDEV_CLK_TS);
-    GPIO_SetBits(portSCL, pinSCL);
-    sleepus(I2CDEV_CLK_TS);
-  }
-  /* Generate a start then stop condition */
-  GPIO_SetBits(portSCL, pinSCL);
-  sleepus(I2CDEV_CLK_TS);
-  GPIO_ResetBits(portSDA, pinSDA);
-  sleepus(I2CDEV_CLK_TS);
-  GPIO_ResetBits(portSCL, pinSCL);
-  sleepus(I2CDEV_CLK_TS);
-  /* Set data and clock high and wait for any clock stretching to finish. */
-  GPIO_SetBits(portSDA, pinSDA);
-  GPIO_SetBits(portSCL, pinSCL);
-  gpioWaitForHigh(portSCL, pinSCL, 10 * 1000);
-  /* Wait for data to be high */
-  gpioWaitForHigh(portSDA, pinSDA, 10 * 1000);
+  // GPIO_SetBits(portSDA, pinSDA);
+  // /* Check SDA line to determine if slave is asserting bus and clock out if so */
+  // while(GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(portSDA, pinSDA) == Bit_RESET)
+  // {
+  //   /* Set clock high */
+  //   GPIO_SetBits(portSCL, pinSCL);
+  //   /* Wait for any clock stretching to finish. */
+  //   gpioWaitForHigh(portSCL, pinSCL, 10 * 1000);
+  //   sleepus(I2CDEV_CLK_TS);
+  //   /* Generate a clock cycle */
+  //   GPIO_ResetBits(portSCL, pinSCL);
+  //   sleepus(I2CDEV_CLK_TS);
+  //   GPIO_SetBits(portSCL, pinSCL);
+  //   sleepus(I2CDEV_CLK_TS);
+  // }
+  // /* Generate a start then stop condition */
+  // GPIO_SetBits(portSCL, pinSCL);
+  // sleepus(I2CDEV_CLK_TS);
+  // GPIO_ResetBits(portSDA, pinSDA);
+  // sleepus(I2CDEV_CLK_TS);
+  // GPIO_ResetBits(portSCL, pinSCL);
+  // sleepus(I2CDEV_CLK_TS);
+  // /* Set data and clock high and wait for any clock stretching to finish. */
+  // GPIO_SetBits(portSDA, pinSDA);
+  // GPIO_SetBits(portSCL, pinSCL);
+  // gpioWaitForHigh(portSCL, pinSCL, 10 * 1000);
+  // /* Wait for data to be high */
+  // gpioWaitForHigh(portSDA, pinSDA, 10 * 1000);
@@ -366,16 +372,17 @@ void i2cdrvCreateMessage(I2cMessage *message,
                       uint32_t length,
                       const uint8_t *buffer)
-  ASSERT_DMA_SAFE(buffer);
-  message->slaveAddress = slaveAddress;
-  message->direction = direction;
-  message->isInternal16bit = false;
-  message->internalAddress = I2C_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS;
-  message->messageLength = length;
-  message->status = i2cAck;
-  message->buffer = (uint8_t *)buffer;
-  message->nbrOfRetries = I2C_MAX_RETRIES;
+  // ASSERT_DMA_SAFE(buffer);
+  // message->slaveAddress = slaveAddress;
+  // message->direction = direction;
+  // message->isInternal16bit = false;
+  // message->internalAddress = I2C_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS;
+  // message->messageLength = length;
+  // message->status = i2cAck;
+  // message->buffer = (uint8_t *)buffer;
+  // message->nbrOfRetries = I2C_MAX_RETRIES;
 void i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(I2cMessage *message,
@@ -386,47 +393,48 @@ void i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(I2cMessage *message,
                              uint32_t length,
                              const uint8_t  *buffer)
-  ASSERT_DMA_SAFE(buffer);
-  message->slaveAddress = slaveAddress;
-  message->direction = direction;
-  message->isInternal16bit = IsInternal16;
-  message->internalAddress = intAddress;
-  message->messageLength = length;
-  message->status = i2cAck;
-  message->buffer = (uint8_t *)buffer;
-  message->nbrOfRetries = I2C_MAX_RETRIES;
-bool i2cdrvMessageTransfer(I2cDrv* i2c, I2cMessage* message)
-  bool status = false;
-  // xSemaphoreTake(i2c->isBusFreeMutex, portMAX_DELAY); // Protect message data
-  // // Copy message
-  // memcpy((char*)&i2c->txMessage, (char*)message, sizeof(I2cMessage));
-  // // We can now start the ISR sending this message.
-  // i2cdrvStartTransfer(i2c);
-  // // Wait for transaction to be done
-  // if (xSemaphoreTake(i2c->isBusFreeSemaphore, I2C_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT) == pdTRUE)
-  // {
-  //   if (i2c->txMessage.status == i2cAck)
-  //   {
-  //     status = true;
-  //   }
-  // }
-  // else
-  // {
-  //   i2cdrvClearDMA(i2c);
-  //   i2cdrvTryToRestartBus(i2c);
-  //   //TODO: If bus is really hanged... fail safe
-  // }
-  // xSemaphoreGive(i2c->isBusFreeMutex);
-  return status;
+  // ASSERT_DMA_SAFE(buffer);
+  // message->slaveAddress = slaveAddress;
+  // message->direction = direction;
+  // message->isInternal16bit = IsInternal16;
+  // message->internalAddress = intAddress;
+  // message->messageLength = length;
+  // message->status = i2cAck;
+  // message->buffer = (uint8_t *)buffer;
+  // message->nbrOfRetries = I2C_MAX_RETRIES;
+// bool i2cdrvMessageTransfer(I2cDrv* i2c, I2cMessage* message)
+// {
+//   bool status = false;
+//   // xSemaphoreTake(i2c->isBusFreeMutex, portMAX_DELAY); // Protect message data
+//   // // Copy message
+//   // memcpy((char*)&i2c->txMessage, (char*)message, sizeof(I2cMessage));
+//   // // We can now start the ISR sending this message.
+//   // i2cdrvStartTransfer(i2c);
+//   // // Wait for transaction to be done
+//   // if (xSemaphoreTake(i2c->isBusFreeSemaphore, I2C_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT) == pdTRUE)
+//   // {
+//   //   if (i2c->txMessage.status == i2cAck)
+//   //   {
+//   //     status = true;
+//   //   }
+//   // }
+//   // else
+//   // {
+//   //   i2cdrvClearDMA(i2c);
+//   //   i2cdrvTryToRestartBus(i2c);
+//   //   //TODO: If bus is really hanged... fail safe
+//   // }
+//   // xSemaphoreGive(i2c->isBusFreeMutex);
+//   return status;
+// }
 static void i2cdrvEventIsrHandler(I2cDrv* i2c)
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/i2cdev.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/i2cdev.c
index 81dd6ab1af7965fe289c0677d191ccd29fc2fff4..dfb5bddbb56dc36a7f504c3e58e073c9d5127ade 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/i2cdev.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/i2cdev.c
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ bool i2cdevRead(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint16_t len, uint8_t *data)
   //i2cdrvCreateMessage(&message, devAddress, i2cRead, len, data);
-  return i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
+  return true;//i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
 bool i2cdevReadReg8(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint8_t memAddress,
@@ -100,19 +100,19 @@ bool i2cdevReadReg8(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint8_t memAddress,
   // i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(&message, devAddress, false, memAddress,
   //                           i2cRead, len, data);
-  return i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
+  return true;//i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
 bool i2cdevReadReg16(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint16_t memAddress,
                      uint16_t len, uint8_t *data)
-  // I2cMessage message;
+  I2cMessage message;
   // i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(&message, devAddress, true, memAddress,
   //                         i2cRead, len, data);
-  return i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
+  return true;//i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
 bool i2cdevWriteByte(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint8_t memAddress,
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ bool i2cdevWrite(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint16_t len, const uint8_t *
   //i2cdrvCreateMessage(&message, devAddress, i2cWrite, len, data);
-  return i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
+  return true;//i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
 bool i2cdevWriteReg8(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint8_t memAddress,
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ bool i2cdevWriteReg8(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint8_t memAddress,
   // i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(&message, devAddress, false, memAddress,
   //                            i2cWrite, len, data);
-  return i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
+  return true;//i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
 bool i2cdevWriteReg16(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint16_t memAddress,
@@ -182,5 +182,5 @@ bool i2cdevWriteReg16(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint16_t memAddress,
   // i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(&message, devAddress, true, memAddress,
   //                            i2cWrite, len, data);
-  return i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
+  return true;//i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/uart1.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/uart1.c
index dabca42bb4d1ca5f24307ba66249bb568a6bce55..1f04600728f39125c12299397bc2d6ef4c282741 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/uart1.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/uart1.c
@@ -48,8 +48,9 @@
 //#define ENABLE_UART1_DMA
-static xQueueHandle uart1queue;
-STATIC_MEM_QUEUE_ALLOC(uart1queue, 64, sizeof(uint8_t));
+//static xQueueHandle uart1queue;
+//STATIC_MEM_QUEUE_ALLOC(uart1queue, 64, sizeof(uint8_t));
 static bool isInit = false;
 static bool hasOverrun = false;
@@ -190,12 +191,13 @@ bool uart1Test(void)
 bool uart1GetDataWithTimeout(uint8_t *c, const uint32_t timeoutTicks)
-  if (xQueueReceive(uart1queue, c, timeoutTicks) == pdTRUE)
-  {
-    return true;
-  }
+  // if (xQueueReceive(uart1queue, c, timeoutTicks) == pdTRUE)
+  // {
+  //   return true;
+  // }
-  *c = 0;
+  // *c = 0;
   return false;
@@ -257,7 +259,8 @@ int uart1Putchar(int ch)
 void uart1Getchar(char * ch)
-  xQueueReceive(uart1queue, ch, portMAX_DELAY);
+  //xQueueReceive(uart1queue, ch, portMAX_DELAY);
 bool uart1DidOverrun()
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/uart2.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/uart2.c
index 3eca14c49e9600a71e33ddb91e03d3191b888852..7ae49ee2f4f3d4361ab445024b5ffb91c9849954 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/uart2.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/uart2.c
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ static StaticSemaphore_t waitUntilSendDoneBuffer;
 static bool isInit = false;
-static DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_InitStructureShare;
+//static DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_InitStructureShare;
 static uint8_t dmaBuffer[128];
 static bool    isUartDmaInitialized;
 static uint32_t initialDMACount;
@@ -70,8 +70,9 @@ static void uart2HandleDataFromISR(uint8_t c, BaseType_t * const pxHigherPriorit
-static xQueueHandle uart2queue;
-STATIC_MEM_QUEUE_ALLOC(uart2queue, 64, sizeof(uint8_t));
+// static xQueueHandle uart2queue;
+// STATIC_MEM_QUEUE_ALLOC(uart2queue, 64, sizeof(uint8_t));
 static bool hasOverrun = false;
@@ -337,12 +338,13 @@ void uart2HandleDataFromISR(uint8_t c, BaseType_t * const pxHigherPriorityTaskWo
 bool uart2GetDataWithTimeout(uint8_t *c, const uint32_t timeoutTicks)
-  if (xQueueReceive(uart2queue, c, timeoutTicks) == pdTRUE)
-  {
-    return true;
-  }
+  // if (xQueueReceive(uart2queue, c, timeoutTicks) == pdTRUE)
+  // {
+  //   return true;
+  // }
-  *c = 0;
+  // *c = 0;
   return false;
@@ -353,7 +355,8 @@ bool uart2GetDataWithDefaultTimeout(uint8_t *c)
 void uart2Getchar(char * ch)
-  xQueueReceive(uart2queue, ch, portMAX_DELAY);
+  //xQueueReceive(uart2queue, ch, portMAX_DELAY);
 bool uart2DidOverrun()
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/uart_syslink.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/uart_syslink.c
index c960da8807242a45846053e1a75d8d6a6e431da3..f7f4a36e9199740e62d9f0d5c99e205accb27a3e 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/uart_syslink.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/uart_syslink.c
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static uint8_t *outDataIsr;
 static uint8_t dataIndexIsr;
 static uint8_t dataSizeIsr;
 static bool    isUartDmaInitialized;
-static DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_InitStructureShare;
+//static DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_InitStructureShare;
 static uint32_t initialDMACount;
 static uint32_t remainingDMACount;
 static bool     dmaIsPaused;
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/vl53l0x.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/vl53l0x.c
index 49b006c39ac73c81dd4f7e43b212625643c17c4b..a7c236c5fcc52c3e59f3dfb40b17cd78fd1f236f 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/vl53l0x.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/vl53l0x.c
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ bool vl53l0xInit(VL53L0xDev* dev, I2C_Dev *I2Cx, bool io_2V8)
   // }
   // /* Move initialized sensor to a new I2C address */
-  // int newAddress;
+  int newAddress;
   // taskENTER_CRITICAL();
   // newAddress = nextI2CAddress++;
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ bool vl53l0xSetSignalRateLimit(VL53L0xDev* dev, float limit_Mcps)
   // if (limit_Mcps < 0 || limit_Mcps > 511.99f) { return false; }
   // // Q9.7 fixed point format (9 integer bits, 7 fractional bits)
-  // uint16_t fixed_pt = limit_Mcps * (1 << 7);
+  uint16_t fixed_pt = limit_Mcps * (1 << 7);
   return vl53l0xWriteReg16Bit(dev, VL53L0X_RA_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_MIN_COUNT_RATE_RTN_LIMIT, fixed_pt);
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/ws2812_cf2.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/ws2812_cf2.c
index c3f2176312ca543daebd78f5b6f480d790bd214c..e0f28a0c6b79fc4cafd6ff70f32a2a70f5050a70 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/ws2812_cf2.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/drivers/src/ws2812_cf2.c
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
 //#define TIM1_CCR1_Address 0x40012C34	// physical memory address of Timer 3 CCR1 register
-static TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef  TIM_TimeBaseStructure;
-static TIM_OCInitTypeDef  TIM_OCInitStructure;
-static GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
-static DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_InitStructure;
-static NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
+// static TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef  TIM_TimeBaseStructure;
+// static TIM_OCInitTypeDef  TIM_OCInitStructure;
+// static GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
+// static DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_InitStructure;
+// static NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
 static xSemaphoreHandle allLedDone = NULL;
@@ -176,9 +176,7 @@ static uint8_t (*color_led)[3] = NULL;
 void ws2812Send(uint8_t (*color)[3], uint16_t len)
-  //   int i;
-	// if(len<1) return;
+  //   int i;#include <stm32f4xx_gpio.h>
 	// //Wait for previous transfer to be finished
 	// xSemaphoreTake(allLedDone, portMAX_DELAY);
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/hal/src/usb_bsp.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/hal/src/usb_bsp.c
index 3bc037b0e0f2fdf71e37505d0113e39823cff557..3d8964a746dd931218b88dc3b339eca4f0db3b1a 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/hal/src/usb_bsp.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/hal/src/usb_bsp.c
@@ -100,149 +100,150 @@
-#ifdef USE_STM3210C_EVAL
-  RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_OTG_FS, ENABLE) ;
-#else // USE_STM322xG_EVAL
-  GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
- #ifdef USE_USB_OTG_FS
-  RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd( RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOA , ENABLE);
-   /* Configure SOF ID DM DP Pins */
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_11 |
-                                GPIO_Pin_12;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL ;
-  GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  // AF10
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA,GPIO_PinSource11,GPIO_AF_OTG1_FS) ;
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA,GPIO_PinSource12,GPIO_AF_OTG1_FS) ;
-  /* Configure  VBUS Pin */
-  /*GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_9;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_OD;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL ;
-  GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);    */
-  /* Configure ID pin */
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin =  GPIO_Pin_10;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_OD;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_UP ;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
-  GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA,GPIO_PinSource10,GPIO_AF_OTG1_FS) ;
-  RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SYSCFG, ENABLE);
-  RCC_AHB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB2Periph_OTG_FS, ENABLE) ;
- #else // USE_USB_OTG_HS
-  #ifdef USE_ULPI_PHY // ULPI
-  RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd( RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOA | RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOB |
-                         RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOC | RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOH |
-                           RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOI, ENABLE);
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA,GPIO_PinSource3, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D0
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA,GPIO_PinSource5, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // CLK
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource0, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D1
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource1, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D2
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource5, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D7
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource10,GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D3
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource11,GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D4
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource12,GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D5
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource13,GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D6
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOH,GPIO_PinSource4, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // NXT
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOI,GPIO_PinSource11,GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // DIR
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOC,GPIO_PinSource0, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // STP
-  // CLK
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_5 ;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
-  GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  // D0
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_3  ;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL ;
-  GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  // D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0 | GPIO_Pin_1  |
-    GPIO_Pin_5 | GPIO_Pin_10 |
-      GPIO_Pin_11| GPIO_Pin_12 |
-        GPIO_Pin_13 ;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL ;
-  GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  // STP
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0  ;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
-  GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  //NXT
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_4;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
-  GPIO_Init(GPIOH, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  //DIR
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_11 ;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
-  GPIO_Init(GPIOI, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd( RCC_AHB1Periph_OTG_HS |
-                         RCC_AHB1Periph_OTG_HS_ULPI, ENABLE) ;
-  #else
-  RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOB , ENABLE);
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_12 |
-                                GPIO_Pin_14 |
-                                GPIO_Pin_15;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
-  GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource12, GPIO_AF_OTG2_FS) ;
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource14,GPIO_AF_OTG2_FS) ;
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource15,GPIO_AF_OTG2_FS) ;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_13;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN;
-  GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+// #ifdef USE_STM3210C_EVAL
+//   RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_OTG_FS, ENABLE) ;
+// #else // USE_STM322xG_EVAL
+//   GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
+//  #ifdef USE_USB_OTG_FS
+//   RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd( RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOA , ENABLE);
+//    /* Configure SOF ID DM DP Pins */
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_11 |
+//                                 GPIO_Pin_12;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL ;
+//   GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+//   // AF10
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA,GPIO_PinSource11,GPIO_AF_OTG1_FS) ;
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA,GPIO_PinSource12,GPIO_AF_OTG1_FS) ;
+//   /* Configure  VBUS Pin */
+//   /*GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_9;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_OD;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL ;
+//   GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);    */
+//   /* Configure ID pin */
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin =  GPIO_Pin_10;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_OD;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_UP ;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
+//   GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA,GPIO_PinSource10,GPIO_AF_OTG1_FS) ;
+//   RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SYSCFG, ENABLE);
+//   RCC_AHB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB2Periph_OTG_FS, ENABLE) ;
+//  #else // USE_USB_OTG_HS
+//   #ifdef USE_ULPI_PHY // ULPI
+//   RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd( RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOA | RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOB |
+//                          RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOC | RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOH |
+//                            RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOI, ENABLE);
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA,GPIO_PinSource3, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D0
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA,GPIO_PinSource5, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // CLK
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource0, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D1
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource1, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D2
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource5, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D7
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource10,GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D3
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource11,GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D4
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource12,GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D5
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource13,GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // D6
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOH,GPIO_PinSource4, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // NXT
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOI,GPIO_PinSource11,GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // DIR
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOC,GPIO_PinSource0, GPIO_AF_OTG2_HS) ; // STP
+//   // CLK
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_5 ;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
+//   GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+//   // D0
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_3  ;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL ;
+//   GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+//   // D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0 | GPIO_Pin_1  |
+//     GPIO_Pin_5 | GPIO_Pin_10 |
+//       GPIO_Pin_11| GPIO_Pin_12 |
+//         GPIO_Pin_13 ;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL ;
+//   GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+//   // STP
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0  ;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
+//   GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+//   //NXT
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_4;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
+//   GPIO_Init(GPIOH, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+//   //DIR
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_11 ;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
+//   GPIO_Init(GPIOI, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+//   RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd( RCC_AHB1Periph_OTG_HS |
+//                          RCC_AHB1Periph_OTG_HS_ULPI, ENABLE) ;
+//   #else
+//   RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOB , ENABLE);
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_12 |
+//                                 GPIO_Pin_14 |
+//                                 GPIO_Pin_15;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
+//   GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource12, GPIO_AF_OTG2_FS) ;
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource14,GPIO_AF_OTG2_FS) ;
+//   GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB,GPIO_PinSource15,GPIO_AF_OTG2_FS) ;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_13;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
+//   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN;
+//   GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd( RCC_AHB1Periph_OTG_HS, ENABLE) ;
+//   RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd( RCC_AHB1Periph_OTG_HS, ENABLE) ;
-  #endif
- #endif //USB_OTG_HS
-#endif //USE_STM322xG_EVAL
+//   #endif
+//  #endif //USB_OTG_HS
+// #endif //USE_STM322xG_EVAL
 * @brief  USB_OTG_BSP_EnableInterrupt
@@ -252,33 +253,34 @@ void USB_OTG_BSP_Init(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *pdev)
 void USB_OTG_BSP_EnableInterrupt(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *pdev)
-  NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
-  NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_4);
-#ifdef USE_USB_OTG_HS
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = OTG_HS_IRQn;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = OTG_FS_IRQn;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_MID_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_4);
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = OTG_HS_EP1_OUT_IRQn;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_MID_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_4);
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = OTG_HS_EP1_IN_IRQn;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_MID_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+//   NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
+//   NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_4);
+// #ifdef USE_USB_OTG_HS
+//   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = OTG_HS_IRQn;
+// #else
+//   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = OTG_FS_IRQn;
+// #endif
+//   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_MID_PRI;
+//   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
+//   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
+//   NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+//   NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_4);
+//   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = OTG_HS_EP1_OUT_IRQn;
+//   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_MID_PRI;
+//   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
+//   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
+//   NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+//   NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_4);
+//   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = OTG_HS_EP1_IN_IRQn;
+//   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_MID_PRI;
+//   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
+//   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
+//   NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+// #endif
 * @brief  USB_OTG_BSP_uDelay
@@ -288,16 +290,17 @@ void USB_OTG_BSP_EnableInterrupt(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *pdev)
 void USB_OTG_BSP_uDelay (const uint32_t usec)
-  uint32_t count = 0;
-  const uint32_t utime = (120 * usec / 7);
-  do
-  {
-    if ( ++count > utime )
-    {
-      return ;
-    }
-  }
-  while (1);
+  // uint32_t count = 0;
+  // const uint32_t utime = (120 * usec / 7);
+  // do
+  // {
+  //   if ( ++count > utime )
+  //   {
+  //     return ;
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // while (1);
@@ -309,7 +312,8 @@ void USB_OTG_BSP_uDelay (const uint32_t usec)
 void USB_OTG_BSP_mDelay (const uint32_t msec)
-  USB_OTG_BSP_uDelay(msec * 1000);
+  //USB_OTG_BSP_uDelay(msec * 1000);
 * @}
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/hal/src/usbd_desc.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/hal/src/usbd_desc.c
index 105df08723f670810bba9194012d8f8850cbcb67..42e681c5d8e040cd32cf2868b70c036f4a3e9a30 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/hal/src/usbd_desc.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/hal/src/usbd_desc.c
@@ -257,19 +257,20 @@ static const char bin2hex[] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
 uint8_t *  USBD_USR_SerialStrDescriptor( uint8_t speed , uint16_t *length)
-  char serial_nr[25];
-  char *chip_id = (char*)MCU_ID_ADDRESS;
-  int i;
+  // char serial_nr[25];
+  // char *chip_id = (char*)MCU_ID_ADDRESS;
+  // int i;
-  serial_nr[24] = 0;
+  // serial_nr[24] = 0;
-  for (i=0; i<12; i++)
-  {
-    serial_nr[0+(i*2)] = bin2hex[(chip_id[i]>>4)&0x0F];
-    serial_nr[1+(i*2)] = bin2hex[chip_id[i]&0x0F];
-  }
+  // for (i=0; i<12; i++)
+  // {
+  //   serial_nr[0+(i*2)] = bin2hex[(chip_id[i]>>4)&0x0F];
+  //   serial_nr[1+(i*2)] = bin2hex[chip_id[i]&0x0F];
+  // }
-  USBD_GetString ((uint8_t *)serial_nr, USBD_StrDesc, length);
+  // USBD_GetString ((uint8_t *)serial_nr, USBD_StrDesc, length);
   return USBD_StrDesc;
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/hal/src/usec_time.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/hal/src/usec_time.c
index 73643417242091b8fd800c843029bdc8a1c2a5c4..4336546163fd6a1c08f13f5749768e133fad5697 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/hal/src/usec_time.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/hal/src/usec_time.c
@@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ uint64_t usecTimestamp(void)
 void __attribute__((used)) TIM7_IRQHandler(void)
-  TIM_ClearITPendingBit(TIM7, TIM_IT_Update);
+  // TIM_ClearITPendingBit(TIM7, TIM_IT_Update);
-  __sync_fetch_and_add(&usecTimerHighCount, 1);
+  // __sync_fetch_and_add(&usecTimerHighCount, 1);
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/Core/CM3/core_cm3.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/Core/CM3/core_cm3.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..172526d5e73617e60cb8c862657c2cacdd28159b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/Core/CM3/core_cm3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1763 @@
+ * @file     core_cm3.h
+ * @brief    CMSIS Cortex-M3 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
+ * @version  V4.30
+ * @date     20. October 2015
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2015 ARM LIMITED
+   All rights reserved.
+   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+   - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
+     to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+     specific prior written permission.
+   *
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#if   defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+ #pragma system_include         /* treat file as system include file for MISRA check */
+#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
+  #pragma clang system_header   /* treat file as system include file */
+#ifndef __CORE_CM3_H_GENERIC
+#define __CORE_CM3_H_GENERIC
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+  \page CMSIS_MISRA_Exceptions  MISRA-C:2004 Compliance Exceptions
+  CMSIS violates the following MISRA-C:2004 rules:
+   \li Required Rule 8.5, object/function definition in header file.<br>
+     Function definitions in header files are used to allow 'inlining'.
+   \li Required Rule 18.4, declaration of union type or object of union type: '{...}'.<br>
+     Unions are used for effective representation of core registers.
+   \li Advisory Rule 19.7, Function-like macro defined.<br>
+     Function-like macros are used to allow more efficient code.
+ */
+ *                 CMSIS definitions
+ ******************************************************************************/
+  \ingroup Cortex_M3
+  @{
+ */
+/*  CMSIS CM3 definitions */
+#define __CM3_CMSIS_VERSION_MAIN  (0x04U)                                      /*!< [31:16] CMSIS HAL main version */
+#define __CM3_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB   (0x1EU)                                      /*!< [15:0]  CMSIS HAL sub version */
+#define __CM3_CMSIS_VERSION       ((__CM3_CMSIS_VERSION_MAIN << 16U) | \
+                                    __CM3_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB           )        /*!< CMSIS HAL version number */
+#define __CORTEX_M                (0x03U)                                      /*!< Cortex-M Core */
+#if   defined ( __CC_ARM )
+  #define __ASM            __asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for ARM Compiler */
+  #define __INLINE         __inline                                   /*!< inline keyword for ARM Compiler */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static __inline
+#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
+  #define __ASM            __asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for ARM Compiler */
+  #define __INLINE         __inline                                   /*!< inline keyword for ARM Compiler */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static __inline
+#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
+  #define __ASM            __asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for GNU Compiler */
+  #define __INLINE         inline                                     /*!< inline keyword for GNU Compiler */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static inline
+#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+  #define __ASM            __asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for IAR Compiler */
+  #define __INLINE         inline                                     /*!< inline keyword for IAR Compiler. Only available in High optimization mode! */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static inline
+#elif defined ( __TMS470__ )
+  #define __ASM            __asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for TI CCS Compiler */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static inline
+#elif defined ( __TASKING__ )
+  #define __ASM            __asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for TASKING Compiler */
+  #define __INLINE         inline                                     /*!< inline keyword for TASKING Compiler */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static inline
+#elif defined ( __CSMC__ )
+  #define __packed
+  #define __ASM            _asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for COSMIC Compiler */
+  #define __INLINE         inline                                    /*!< inline keyword for COSMIC Compiler. Use -pc99 on compile line */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static inline
+  #error Unknown compiler
+/** __FPU_USED indicates whether an FPU is used or not.
+    This core does not support an FPU at all
+#define __FPU_USED       0U
+#if defined ( __CC_ARM )
+  #if defined __TARGET_FPU_VFP
+    #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+  #endif
+#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
+  #if defined __ARM_PCS_VFP
+    #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+  #endif
+#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
+  #if defined (__VFP_FP__) && !defined(__SOFTFP__)
+    #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+  #endif
+#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+  #if defined __ARMVFP__
+    #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+  #endif
+#elif defined ( __TMS470__ )
+  #if defined __TI_VFP_SUPPORT__
+    #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+  #endif
+#elif defined ( __TASKING__ )
+  #if defined __FPU_VFP__
+    #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+  #endif
+#elif defined ( __CSMC__ )
+  #if ( __CSMC__ & 0x400U)
+    #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+  #endif
+#include "core_cmInstr.h"                /* Core Instruction Access */
+#include "core_cmFunc.h"                 /* Core Function Access */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __CORE_CM3_H_GENERIC */
+#ifndef __CMSIS_GENERIC
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* check device defines and use defaults */
+  #ifndef __CM3_REV
+    #define __CM3_REV               0x0200U
+    #warning "__CM3_REV not defined in device header file; using default!"
+  #endif
+  #ifndef __MPU_PRESENT
+    #define __MPU_PRESENT             0U
+    #warning "__MPU_PRESENT not defined in device header file; using default!"
+  #endif
+  #ifndef __NVIC_PRIO_BITS
+    #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          4U
+    #warning "__NVIC_PRIO_BITS not defined in device header file; using default!"
+  #endif
+  #ifndef __Vendor_SysTickConfig
+    #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U
+    #warning "__Vendor_SysTickConfig not defined in device header file; using default!"
+  #endif
+/* IO definitions (access restrictions to peripheral registers) */
+    \defgroup CMSIS_glob_defs CMSIS Global Defines
+    <strong>IO Type Qualifiers</strong> are used
+    \li to specify the access to peripheral variables.
+    \li for automatic generation of peripheral register debug information.
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+  #define   __I     volatile             /*!< Defines 'read only' permissions */
+  #define   __I     volatile const       /*!< Defines 'read only' permissions */
+#define     __O     volatile             /*!< Defines 'write only' permissions */
+#define     __IO    volatile             /*!< Defines 'read / write' permissions */
+/* following defines should be used for structure members */
+#define     __IM     volatile const      /*! Defines 'read only' structure member permissions */
+#define     __OM     volatile            /*! Defines 'write only' structure member permissions */
+#define     __IOM    volatile            /*! Defines 'read / write' structure member permissions */
+/*@} end of group Cortex_M3 */
+ *                 Register Abstraction
+  Core Register contain:
+  - Core Register
+  - Core NVIC Register
+  - Core SCB Register
+  - Core SysTick Register
+  - Core Debug Register
+  - Core MPU Register
+ ******************************************************************************/
+  \defgroup CMSIS_core_register Defines and Type Definitions
+  \brief Type definitions and defines for Cortex-M processor based devices.
+  \ingroup    CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup   CMSIS_CORE  Status and Control Registers
+  \brief      Core Register type definitions.
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Union type to access the Application Program Status Register (APSR).
+ */
+typedef union
+  struct
+  {
+    uint32_t _reserved0:27;              /*!< bit:  0..26  Reserved */
+    uint32_t Q:1;                        /*!< bit:     27  Saturation condition flag */
+    uint32_t V:1;                        /*!< bit:     28  Overflow condition code flag */
+    uint32_t C:1;                        /*!< bit:     29  Carry condition code flag */
+    uint32_t Z:1;                        /*!< bit:     30  Zero condition code flag */
+    uint32_t N:1;                        /*!< bit:     31  Negative condition code flag */
+  } b;                                   /*!< Structure used for bit  access */
+  uint32_t w;                            /*!< Type      used for word access */
+} APSR_Type;
+/* APSR Register Definitions */
+#define APSR_N_Pos                         31U                                            /*!< APSR: N Position */
+#define APSR_N_Msk                         (1UL << APSR_N_Pos)                            /*!< APSR: N Mask */
+#define APSR_Z_Pos                         30U                                            /*!< APSR: Z Position */
+#define APSR_Z_Msk                         (1UL << APSR_Z_Pos)                            /*!< APSR: Z Mask */
+#define APSR_C_Pos                         29U                                            /*!< APSR: C Position */
+#define APSR_C_Msk                         (1UL << APSR_C_Pos)                            /*!< APSR: C Mask */
+#define APSR_V_Pos                         28U                                            /*!< APSR: V Position */
+#define APSR_V_Msk                         (1UL << APSR_V_Pos)                            /*!< APSR: V Mask */
+#define APSR_Q_Pos                         27U                                            /*!< APSR: Q Position */
+#define APSR_Q_Msk                         (1UL << APSR_Q_Pos)                            /*!< APSR: Q Mask */
+  \brief  Union type to access the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR).
+ */
+typedef union
+  struct
+  {
+    uint32_t ISR:9;                      /*!< bit:  0.. 8  Exception number */
+    uint32_t _reserved0:23;              /*!< bit:  9..31  Reserved */
+  } b;                                   /*!< Structure used for bit  access */
+  uint32_t w;                            /*!< Type      used for word access */
+} IPSR_Type;
+/* IPSR Register Definitions */
+#define IPSR_ISR_Pos                        0U                                            /*!< IPSR: ISR Position */
+#define IPSR_ISR_Msk                       (0x1FFUL /*<< IPSR_ISR_Pos*/)                  /*!< IPSR: ISR Mask */
+  \brief  Union type to access the Special-Purpose Program Status Registers (xPSR).
+ */
+typedef union
+  struct
+  {
+    uint32_t ISR:9;                      /*!< bit:  0.. 8  Exception number */
+    uint32_t _reserved0:15;              /*!< bit:  9..23  Reserved */
+    uint32_t T:1;                        /*!< bit:     24  Thumb bit        (read 0) */
+    uint32_t IT:2;                       /*!< bit: 25..26  saved IT state   (read 0) */
+    uint32_t Q:1;                        /*!< bit:     27  Saturation condition flag */
+    uint32_t V:1;                        /*!< bit:     28  Overflow condition code flag */
+    uint32_t C:1;                        /*!< bit:     29  Carry condition code flag */
+    uint32_t Z:1;                        /*!< bit:     30  Zero condition code flag */
+    uint32_t N:1;                        /*!< bit:     31  Negative condition code flag */
+  } b;                                   /*!< Structure used for bit  access */
+  uint32_t w;                            /*!< Type      used for word access */
+} xPSR_Type;
+/* xPSR Register Definitions */
+#define xPSR_N_Pos                         31U                                            /*!< xPSR: N Position */
+#define xPSR_N_Msk                         (1UL << xPSR_N_Pos)                            /*!< xPSR: N Mask */
+#define xPSR_Z_Pos                         30U                                            /*!< xPSR: Z Position */
+#define xPSR_Z_Msk                         (1UL << xPSR_Z_Pos)                            /*!< xPSR: Z Mask */
+#define xPSR_C_Pos                         29U                                            /*!< xPSR: C Position */
+#define xPSR_C_Msk                         (1UL << xPSR_C_Pos)                            /*!< xPSR: C Mask */
+#define xPSR_V_Pos                         28U                                            /*!< xPSR: V Position */
+#define xPSR_V_Msk                         (1UL << xPSR_V_Pos)                            /*!< xPSR: V Mask */
+#define xPSR_Q_Pos                         27U                                            /*!< xPSR: Q Position */
+#define xPSR_Q_Msk                         (1UL << xPSR_Q_Pos)                            /*!< xPSR: Q Mask */
+#define xPSR_IT_Pos                        25U                                            /*!< xPSR: IT Position */
+#define xPSR_IT_Msk                        (3UL << xPSR_IT_Pos)                           /*!< xPSR: IT Mask */
+#define xPSR_T_Pos                         24U                                            /*!< xPSR: T Position */
+#define xPSR_T_Msk                         (1UL << xPSR_T_Pos)                            /*!< xPSR: T Mask */
+#define xPSR_ISR_Pos                        0U                                            /*!< xPSR: ISR Position */
+#define xPSR_ISR_Msk                       (0x1FFUL /*<< xPSR_ISR_Pos*/)                  /*!< xPSR: ISR Mask */
+  \brief  Union type to access the Control Registers (CONTROL).
+ */
+typedef union
+  struct
+  {
+    uint32_t nPRIV:1;                    /*!< bit:      0  Execution privilege in Thread mode */
+    uint32_t SPSEL:1;                    /*!< bit:      1  Stack to be used */
+    uint32_t _reserved1:30;              /*!< bit:  2..31  Reserved */
+  } b;                                   /*!< Structure used for bit  access */
+  uint32_t w;                            /*!< Type      used for word access */
+} CONTROL_Type;
+/* CONTROL Register Definitions */
+#define CONTROL_SPSEL_Pos                   1U                                            /*!< CONTROL: SPSEL Position */
+#define CONTROL_SPSEL_Msk                  (1UL << CONTROL_SPSEL_Pos)                     /*!< CONTROL: SPSEL Mask */
+#define CONTROL_nPRIV_Pos                   0U                                            /*!< CONTROL: nPRIV Position */
+#define CONTROL_nPRIV_Msk                  (1UL /*<< CONTROL_nPRIV_Pos*/)                 /*!< CONTROL: nPRIV Mask */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_CORE */
+  \ingroup    CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup   CMSIS_NVIC  Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
+  \brief      Type definitions for the NVIC Registers
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IOM uint32_t ISER[8U];               /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/W)  Interrupt Set Enable Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED0[24U];
+  __IOM uint32_t ICER[8U];               /*!< Offset: 0x080 (R/W)  Interrupt Clear Enable Register */
+        uint32_t RSERVED1[24U];
+  __IOM uint32_t ISPR[8U];               /*!< Offset: 0x100 (R/W)  Interrupt Set Pending Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED2[24U];
+  __IOM uint32_t ICPR[8U];               /*!< Offset: 0x180 (R/W)  Interrupt Clear Pending Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED3[24U];
+  __IOM uint32_t IABR[8U];               /*!< Offset: 0x200 (R/W)  Interrupt Active bit Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED4[56U];
+  __IOM uint8_t  IP[240U];               /*!< Offset: 0x300 (R/W)  Interrupt Priority Register (8Bit wide) */
+        uint32_t RESERVED5[644U];
+  __OM  uint32_t STIR;                   /*!< Offset: 0xE00 ( /W)  Software Trigger Interrupt Register */
+}  NVIC_Type;
+/* Software Triggered Interrupt Register Definitions */
+#define NVIC_STIR_INTID_Pos                 0U                                         /*!< STIR: INTLINESNUM Position */
+#define NVIC_STIR_INTID_Msk                (0x1FFUL /*<< NVIC_STIR_INTID_Pos*/)        /*!< STIR: INTLINESNUM Mask */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_NVIC */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_SCB     System Control Block (SCB)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the System Control Block Registers
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the System Control Block (SCB).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IM  uint32_t CPUID;                  /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/ )  CPUID Base Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t ICSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/W)  Interrupt Control and State Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t VTOR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  Vector Table Offset Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t AIRCR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x00C (R/W)  Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t SCR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x010 (R/W)  System Control Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t CCR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x014 (R/W)  Configuration Control Register */
+  __IOM uint8_t  SHP[12U];               /*!< Offset: 0x018 (R/W)  System Handlers Priority Registers (4-7, 8-11, 12-15) */
+  __IOM uint32_t SHCSR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x024 (R/W)  System Handler Control and State Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t CFSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x028 (R/W)  Configurable Fault Status Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t HFSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x02C (R/W)  HardFault Status Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t DFSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x030 (R/W)  Debug Fault Status Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t MMFAR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x034 (R/W)  MemManage Fault Address Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t BFAR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x038 (R/W)  BusFault Address Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t AFSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x03C (R/W)  Auxiliary Fault Status Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t PFR[2U];                /*!< Offset: 0x040 (R/ )  Processor Feature Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t DFR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x048 (R/ )  Debug Feature Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t ADR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x04C (R/ )  Auxiliary Feature Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t MMFR[4U];               /*!< Offset: 0x050 (R/ )  Memory Model Feature Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t ISAR[5U];               /*!< Offset: 0x060 (R/ )  Instruction Set Attributes Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED0[5U];
+  __IOM uint32_t CPACR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x088 (R/W)  Coprocessor Access Control Register */
+} SCB_Type;
+/* SCB CPUID Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_CPUID_IMPLEMENTER_Pos          24U                                            /*!< SCB CPUID: IMPLEMENTER Position */
+#define SCB_CPUID_VARIANT_Pos              20U                                            /*!< SCB CPUID: VARIANT Position */
+#define SCB_CPUID_VARIANT_Msk              (0xFUL << SCB_CPUID_VARIANT_Pos)               /*!< SCB CPUID: VARIANT Mask */
+#define SCB_CPUID_ARCHITECTURE_Pos         16U                                            /*!< SCB CPUID: ARCHITECTURE Position */
+#define SCB_CPUID_PARTNO_Pos                4U                                            /*!< SCB CPUID: PARTNO Position */
+#define SCB_CPUID_PARTNO_Msk               (0xFFFUL << SCB_CPUID_PARTNO_Pos)              /*!< SCB CPUID: PARTNO Mask */
+#define SCB_CPUID_REVISION_Pos              0U                                            /*!< SCB CPUID: REVISION Position */
+#define SCB_CPUID_REVISION_Msk             (0xFUL /*<< SCB_CPUID_REVISION_Pos*/)          /*!< SCB CPUID: REVISION Mask */
+/* SCB Interrupt Control State Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_ICSR_NMIPENDSET_Pos            31U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: NMIPENDSET Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_NMIPENDSET_Msk            (1UL << SCB_ICSR_NMIPENDSET_Pos)               /*!< SCB ICSR: NMIPENDSET Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSVSET_Pos             28U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSVSET Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSVSET_Msk             (1UL << SCB_ICSR_PENDSVSET_Pos)                /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSVSET Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSVCLR_Pos             27U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSVCLR Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSVCLR_Msk             (1UL << SCB_ICSR_PENDSVCLR_Pos)                /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSVCLR Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSTSET_Pos             26U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSTSET Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSTSET_Msk             (1UL << SCB_ICSR_PENDSTSET_Pos)                /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSTSET Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSTCLR_Pos             25U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSTCLR Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSTCLR_Msk             (1UL << SCB_ICSR_PENDSTCLR_Pos)                /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSTCLR Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_ISRPREEMPT_Pos            23U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: ISRPREEMPT Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_ISRPREEMPT_Msk            (1UL << SCB_ICSR_ISRPREEMPT_Pos)               /*!< SCB ICSR: ISRPREEMPT Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_ISRPENDING_Pos            22U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: ISRPENDING Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_ISRPENDING_Msk            (1UL << SCB_ICSR_ISRPENDING_Pos)               /*!< SCB ICSR: ISRPENDING Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTPENDING_Pos           12U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: VECTPENDING Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTPENDING_Msk           (0x1FFUL << SCB_ICSR_VECTPENDING_Pos)          /*!< SCB ICSR: VECTPENDING Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_RETTOBASE_Pos             11U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: RETTOBASE Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_RETTOBASE_Msk             (1UL << SCB_ICSR_RETTOBASE_Pos)                /*!< SCB ICSR: RETTOBASE Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: VECTACTIVE Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_Msk            (0x1FFUL /*<< SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_Pos*/)       /*!< SCB ICSR: VECTACTIVE Mask */
+/* SCB Vector Table Offset Register Definitions */
+#if (__CM3_REV < 0x0201U)                   /* core r2p1 */
+#define SCB_VTOR_TBLBASE_Pos               29U                                            /*!< SCB VTOR: TBLBASE Position */
+#define SCB_VTOR_TBLBASE_Msk               (1UL << SCB_VTOR_TBLBASE_Pos)                  /*!< SCB VTOR: TBLBASE Mask */
+#define SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_Pos                 7U                                            /*!< SCB VTOR: TBLOFF Position */
+#define SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_Msk                (0x3FFFFFUL << SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_Pos)            /*!< SCB VTOR: TBLOFF Mask */
+#define SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_Pos                 7U                                            /*!< SCB VTOR: TBLOFF Position */
+#define SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_Msk                (0x1FFFFFFUL << SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_Pos)           /*!< SCB VTOR: TBLOFF Mask */
+/* SCB Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Pos              16U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: VECTKEY Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Msk              (0xFFFFUL << SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Pos)            /*!< SCB AIRCR: VECTKEY Mask */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEYSTAT_Pos          16U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: VECTKEYSTAT Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_ENDIANESS_Pos            15U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: ENDIANESS Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_ENDIANESS_Msk            (1UL << SCB_AIRCR_ENDIANESS_Pos)               /*!< SCB AIRCR: ENDIANESS Mask */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Pos              8U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: PRIGROUP Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Msk             (7UL << SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Pos)                /*!< SCB AIRCR: PRIGROUP Mask */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_SYSRESETREQ_Pos           2U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: SYSRESETREQ Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_SYSRESETREQ_Msk          (1UL << SCB_AIRCR_SYSRESETREQ_Pos)             /*!< SCB AIRCR: SYSRESETREQ Mask */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTCLRACTIVE_Pos         1U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: VECTCLRACTIVE Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTRESET_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: VECTRESET Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTRESET_Msk            (1UL /*<< SCB_AIRCR_VECTRESET_Pos*/)           /*!< SCB AIRCR: VECTRESET Mask */
+/* SCB System Control Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_SCR_SEVONPEND_Pos               4U                                            /*!< SCB SCR: SEVONPEND Position */
+#define SCB_SCR_SEVONPEND_Msk              (1UL << SCB_SCR_SEVONPEND_Pos)                 /*!< SCB SCR: SEVONPEND Mask */
+#define SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Pos               2U                                            /*!< SCB SCR: SLEEPDEEP Position */
+#define SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Msk              (1UL << SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Pos)                 /*!< SCB SCR: SLEEPDEEP Mask */
+#define SCB_SCR_SLEEPONEXIT_Pos             1U                                            /*!< SCB SCR: SLEEPONEXIT Position */
+#define SCB_SCR_SLEEPONEXIT_Msk            (1UL << SCB_SCR_SLEEPONEXIT_Pos)               /*!< SCB SCR: SLEEPONEXIT Mask */
+/* SCB Configuration Control Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_CCR_STKALIGN_Pos                9U                                            /*!< SCB CCR: STKALIGN Position */
+#define SCB_CCR_STKALIGN_Msk               (1UL << SCB_CCR_STKALIGN_Pos)                  /*!< SCB CCR: STKALIGN Mask */
+#define SCB_CCR_BFHFNMIGN_Pos               8U                                            /*!< SCB CCR: BFHFNMIGN Position */
+#define SCB_CCR_BFHFNMIGN_Msk              (1UL << SCB_CCR_BFHFNMIGN_Pos)                 /*!< SCB CCR: BFHFNMIGN Mask */
+#define SCB_CCR_DIV_0_TRP_Pos               4U                                            /*!< SCB CCR: DIV_0_TRP Position */
+#define SCB_CCR_DIV_0_TRP_Msk              (1UL << SCB_CCR_DIV_0_TRP_Pos)                 /*!< SCB CCR: DIV_0_TRP Mask */
+#define SCB_CCR_UNALIGN_TRP_Pos             3U                                            /*!< SCB CCR: UNALIGN_TRP Position */
+#define SCB_CCR_UNALIGN_TRP_Msk            (1UL << SCB_CCR_UNALIGN_TRP_Pos)               /*!< SCB CCR: UNALIGN_TRP Mask */
+#define SCB_CCR_USERSETMPEND_Pos            1U                                            /*!< SCB CCR: USERSETMPEND Position */
+#define SCB_CCR_USERSETMPEND_Msk           (1UL << SCB_CCR_USERSETMPEND_Pos)              /*!< SCB CCR: USERSETMPEND Mask */
+#define SCB_CCR_NONBASETHRDENA_Pos          0U                                            /*!< SCB CCR: NONBASETHRDENA Position */
+/* SCB System Handler Control and State Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTENA_Pos          18U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: USGFAULTENA Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTENA_Msk          (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTENA_Pos)             /*!< SCB SHCSR: USGFAULTENA Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTENA_Pos          17U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: BUSFAULTENA Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTENA_Msk          (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTENA_Pos)             /*!< SCB SHCSR: BUSFAULTENA Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTENA_Pos          16U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: MEMFAULTENA Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTENA_Msk          (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTENA_Pos)             /*!< SCB SHCSR: MEMFAULTENA Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_SVCALLPENDED_Pos         15U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: SVCALLPENDED Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTPENDED_Pos       14U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: BUSFAULTPENDED Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTPENDED_Pos       13U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: MEMFAULTPENDED Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTPENDED_Pos       12U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: USGFAULTPENDED Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_SYSTICKACT_Pos           11U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: SYSTICKACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_SYSTICKACT_Msk           (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_SYSTICKACT_Pos)              /*!< SCB SHCSR: SYSTICKACT Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_PENDSVACT_Pos            10U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: PENDSVACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_PENDSVACT_Msk            (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_PENDSVACT_Pos)               /*!< SCB SHCSR: PENDSVACT Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MONITORACT_Pos            8U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: MONITORACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MONITORACT_Msk           (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_MONITORACT_Pos)              /*!< SCB SHCSR: MONITORACT Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_SVCALLACT_Pos             7U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: SVCALLACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_SVCALLACT_Msk            (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_SVCALLACT_Pos)               /*!< SCB SHCSR: SVCALLACT Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTACT_Pos           3U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: USGFAULTACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTACT_Msk          (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTACT_Pos)             /*!< SCB SHCSR: USGFAULTACT Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTACT_Pos           1U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: BUSFAULTACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTACT_Msk          (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTACT_Pos)             /*!< SCB SHCSR: BUSFAULTACT Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTACT_Pos           0U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: MEMFAULTACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTACT_Msk          (1UL /*<< SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTACT_Pos*/)         /*!< SCB SHCSR: MEMFAULTACT Mask */
+/* SCB Configurable Fault Status Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_CFSR_USGFAULTSR_Pos            16U                                            /*!< SCB CFSR: Usage Fault Status Register Position */
+#define SCB_CFSR_USGFAULTSR_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << SCB_CFSR_USGFAULTSR_Pos)          /*!< SCB CFSR: Usage Fault Status Register Mask */
+#define SCB_CFSR_BUSFAULTSR_Pos             8U                                            /*!< SCB CFSR: Bus Fault Status Register Position */
+#define SCB_CFSR_BUSFAULTSR_Msk            (0xFFUL << SCB_CFSR_BUSFAULTSR_Pos)            /*!< SCB CFSR: Bus Fault Status Register Mask */
+#define SCB_CFSR_MEMFAULTSR_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SCB CFSR: Memory Manage Fault Status Register Position */
+#define SCB_CFSR_MEMFAULTSR_Msk            (0xFFUL /*<< SCB_CFSR_MEMFAULTSR_Pos*/)        /*!< SCB CFSR: Memory Manage Fault Status Register Mask */
+/* SCB Hard Fault Status Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_HFSR_DEBUGEVT_Pos              31U                                            /*!< SCB HFSR: DEBUGEVT Position */
+#define SCB_HFSR_DEBUGEVT_Msk              (1UL << SCB_HFSR_DEBUGEVT_Pos)                 /*!< SCB HFSR: DEBUGEVT Mask */
+#define SCB_HFSR_FORCED_Pos                30U                                            /*!< SCB HFSR: FORCED Position */
+#define SCB_HFSR_FORCED_Msk                (1UL << SCB_HFSR_FORCED_Pos)                   /*!< SCB HFSR: FORCED Mask */
+#define SCB_HFSR_VECTTBL_Pos                1U                                            /*!< SCB HFSR: VECTTBL Position */
+#define SCB_HFSR_VECTTBL_Msk               (1UL << SCB_HFSR_VECTTBL_Pos)                  /*!< SCB HFSR: VECTTBL Mask */
+/* SCB Debug Fault Status Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_DFSR_EXTERNAL_Pos               4U                                            /*!< SCB DFSR: EXTERNAL Position */
+#define SCB_DFSR_EXTERNAL_Msk              (1UL << SCB_DFSR_EXTERNAL_Pos)                 /*!< SCB DFSR: EXTERNAL Mask */
+#define SCB_DFSR_VCATCH_Pos                 3U                                            /*!< SCB DFSR: VCATCH Position */
+#define SCB_DFSR_VCATCH_Msk                (1UL << SCB_DFSR_VCATCH_Pos)                   /*!< SCB DFSR: VCATCH Mask */
+#define SCB_DFSR_DWTTRAP_Pos                2U                                            /*!< SCB DFSR: DWTTRAP Position */
+#define SCB_DFSR_DWTTRAP_Msk               (1UL << SCB_DFSR_DWTTRAP_Pos)                  /*!< SCB DFSR: DWTTRAP Mask */
+#define SCB_DFSR_BKPT_Pos                   1U                                            /*!< SCB DFSR: BKPT Position */
+#define SCB_DFSR_BKPT_Msk                  (1UL << SCB_DFSR_BKPT_Pos)                     /*!< SCB DFSR: BKPT Mask */
+#define SCB_DFSR_HALTED_Pos                 0U                                            /*!< SCB DFSR: HALTED Position */
+#define SCB_DFSR_HALTED_Msk                (1UL /*<< SCB_DFSR_HALTED_Pos*/)               /*!< SCB DFSR: HALTED Mask */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_SCB */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_SCnSCB System Controls not in SCB (SCnSCB)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the System Control and ID Register not in the SCB
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the System Control and ID Register not in the SCB.
+ */
+typedef struct
+        uint32_t RESERVED0[1U];
+  __IM  uint32_t ICTR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/ )  Interrupt Controller Type Register */
+#if ((defined __CM3_REV) && (__CM3_REV >= 0x200U))
+  __IOM uint32_t ACTLR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  Auxiliary Control Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED1[1U];
+} SCnSCB_Type;
+/* Interrupt Controller Type Register Definitions */
+#define SCnSCB_ICTR_INTLINESNUM_Pos         0U                                         /*!< ICTR: INTLINESNUM Position */
+/* Auxiliary Control Register Definitions */
+#define SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISFOLD_Pos            2U                                         /*!< ACTLR: DISFOLD Position */
+#define SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISFOLD_Msk           (1UL << SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISFOLD_Pos)           /*!< ACTLR: DISFOLD Mask */
+#define SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISDEFWBUF_Pos         1U                                         /*!< ACTLR: DISDEFWBUF Position */
+#define SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISMCYCINT_Pos         0U                                         /*!< ACTLR: DISMCYCINT Position */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_SCnotSCB */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_SysTick     System Tick Timer (SysTick)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the System Timer Registers.
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the System Timer (SysTick).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IOM uint32_t CTRL;                   /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/W)  SysTick Control and Status Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t LOAD;                   /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/W)  SysTick Reload Value Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t VAL;                    /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  SysTick Current Value Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t CALIB;                  /*!< Offset: 0x00C (R/ )  SysTick Calibration Register */
+} SysTick_Type;
+/* SysTick Control / Status Register Definitions */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG_Pos         16U                                            /*!< SysTick CTRL: COUNTFLAG Position */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG_Msk         (1UL << SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG_Pos)            /*!< SysTick CTRL: COUNTFLAG Mask */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Pos          2U                                            /*!< SysTick CTRL: CLKSOURCE Position */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk         (1UL << SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Pos)            /*!< SysTick CTRL: CLKSOURCE Mask */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Pos            1U                                            /*!< SysTick CTRL: TICKINT Position */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Msk           (1UL << SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Pos)              /*!< SysTick CTRL: TICKINT Mask */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SysTick CTRL: ENABLE Position */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk            (1UL /*<< SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Pos*/)           /*!< SysTick CTRL: ENABLE Mask */
+/* SysTick Reload Register Definitions */
+#define SysTick_LOAD_RELOAD_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SysTick LOAD: RELOAD Position */
+#define SysTick_LOAD_RELOAD_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL /*<< SysTick_LOAD_RELOAD_Pos*/)    /*!< SysTick LOAD: RELOAD Mask */
+/* SysTick Current Register Definitions */
+#define SysTick_VAL_CURRENT_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SysTick VAL: CURRENT Position */
+#define SysTick_VAL_CURRENT_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL /*<< SysTick_VAL_CURRENT_Pos*/)    /*!< SysTick VAL: CURRENT Mask */
+/* SysTick Calibration Register Definitions */
+#define SysTick_CALIB_NOREF_Pos            31U                                            /*!< SysTick CALIB: NOREF Position */
+#define SysTick_CALIB_NOREF_Msk            (1UL << SysTick_CALIB_NOREF_Pos)               /*!< SysTick CALIB: NOREF Mask */
+#define SysTick_CALIB_SKEW_Pos             30U                                            /*!< SysTick CALIB: SKEW Position */
+#define SysTick_CALIB_SKEW_Msk             (1UL << SysTick_CALIB_SKEW_Pos)                /*!< SysTick CALIB: SKEW Mask */
+#define SysTick_CALIB_TENMS_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SysTick CALIB: TENMS Position */
+#define SysTick_CALIB_TENMS_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL /*<< SysTick_CALIB_TENMS_Pos*/)    /*!< SysTick CALIB: TENMS Mask */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_SysTick */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_ITM     Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM)
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell Register (ITM).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __OM  union
+  {
+    __OM  uint8_t    u8;                 /*!< Offset: 0x000 ( /W)  ITM Stimulus Port 8-bit */
+    __OM  uint16_t   u16;                /*!< Offset: 0x000 ( /W)  ITM Stimulus Port 16-bit */
+    __OM  uint32_t   u32;                /*!< Offset: 0x000 ( /W)  ITM Stimulus Port 32-bit */
+  }  PORT [32U];                         /*!< Offset: 0x000 ( /W)  ITM Stimulus Port Registers */
+        uint32_t RESERVED0[864U];
+  __IOM uint32_t TER;                    /*!< Offset: 0xE00 (R/W)  ITM Trace Enable Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED1[15U];
+  __IOM uint32_t TPR;                    /*!< Offset: 0xE40 (R/W)  ITM Trace Privilege Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED2[15U];
+  __IOM uint32_t TCR;                    /*!< Offset: 0xE80 (R/W)  ITM Trace Control Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED3[29U];
+  __OM  uint32_t IWR;                    /*!< Offset: 0xEF8 ( /W)  ITM Integration Write Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t IRR;                    /*!< Offset: 0xEFC (R/ )  ITM Integration Read Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t IMCR;                   /*!< Offset: 0xF00 (R/W)  ITM Integration Mode Control Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED4[43U];
+  __OM  uint32_t LAR;                    /*!< Offset: 0xFB0 ( /W)  ITM Lock Access Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t LSR;                    /*!< Offset: 0xFB4 (R/ )  ITM Lock Status Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED5[6U];
+  __IM  uint32_t PID4;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFD0 (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #4 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID5;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFD4 (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #5 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID6;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFD8 (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #6 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID7;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFDC (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #7 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID0;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFE0 (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #0 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID1;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFE4 (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #1 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID2;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFE8 (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #2 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID3;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFEC (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #3 */
+  __IM  uint32_t CID0;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFF0 (R/ )  ITM Component  Identification Register #0 */
+  __IM  uint32_t CID1;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFF4 (R/ )  ITM Component  Identification Register #1 */
+  __IM  uint32_t CID2;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFF8 (R/ )  ITM Component  Identification Register #2 */
+  __IM  uint32_t CID3;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFFC (R/ )  ITM Component  Identification Register #3 */
+} ITM_Type;
+/* ITM Trace Privilege Register Definitions */
+#define ITM_TPR_PRIVMASK_Pos                0U                                            /*!< ITM TPR: PRIVMASK Position */
+#define ITM_TPR_PRIVMASK_Msk               (0xFUL /*<< ITM_TPR_PRIVMASK_Pos*/)            /*!< ITM TPR: PRIVMASK Mask */
+/* ITM Trace Control Register Definitions */
+#define ITM_TCR_BUSY_Pos                   23U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: BUSY Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_BUSY_Msk                   (1UL << ITM_TCR_BUSY_Pos)                      /*!< ITM TCR: BUSY Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_TraceBusID_Pos             16U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: ATBID Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_TraceBusID_Msk             (0x7FUL << ITM_TCR_TraceBusID_Pos)             /*!< ITM TCR: ATBID Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_GTSFREQ_Pos                10U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: Global timestamp frequency Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_GTSFREQ_Msk                (3UL << ITM_TCR_GTSFREQ_Pos)                   /*!< ITM TCR: Global timestamp frequency Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_TSPrescale_Pos              8U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: TSPrescale Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_TSPrescale_Msk             (3UL << ITM_TCR_TSPrescale_Pos)                /*!< ITM TCR: TSPrescale Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_SWOENA_Pos                  4U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: SWOENA Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_SWOENA_Msk                 (1UL << ITM_TCR_SWOENA_Pos)                    /*!< ITM TCR: SWOENA Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_DWTENA_Pos                  3U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: DWTENA Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_DWTENA_Msk                 (1UL << ITM_TCR_DWTENA_Pos)                    /*!< ITM TCR: DWTENA Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_SYNCENA_Pos                 2U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: SYNCENA Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_SYNCENA_Msk                (1UL << ITM_TCR_SYNCENA_Pos)                   /*!< ITM TCR: SYNCENA Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_TSENA_Pos                   1U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: TSENA Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_TSENA_Msk                  (1UL << ITM_TCR_TSENA_Pos)                     /*!< ITM TCR: TSENA Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_ITMENA_Pos                  0U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: ITM Enable bit Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_ITMENA_Msk                 (1UL /*<< ITM_TCR_ITMENA_Pos*/)                /*!< ITM TCR: ITM Enable bit Mask */
+/* ITM Integration Write Register Definitions */
+#define ITM_IWR_ATVALIDM_Pos                0U                                            /*!< ITM IWR: ATVALIDM Position */
+#define ITM_IWR_ATVALIDM_Msk               (1UL /*<< ITM_IWR_ATVALIDM_Pos*/)              /*!< ITM IWR: ATVALIDM Mask */
+/* ITM Integration Read Register Definitions */
+#define ITM_IRR_ATREADYM_Pos                0U                                            /*!< ITM IRR: ATREADYM Position */
+#define ITM_IRR_ATREADYM_Msk               (1UL /*<< ITM_IRR_ATREADYM_Pos*/)              /*!< ITM IRR: ATREADYM Mask */
+/* ITM Integration Mode Control Register Definitions */
+#define ITM_IMCR_INTEGRATION_Pos            0U                                            /*!< ITM IMCR: INTEGRATION Position */
+#define ITM_IMCR_INTEGRATION_Msk           (1UL /*<< ITM_IMCR_INTEGRATION_Pos*/)          /*!< ITM IMCR: INTEGRATION Mask */
+/* ITM Lock Status Register Definitions */
+#define ITM_LSR_ByteAcc_Pos                 2U                                            /*!< ITM LSR: ByteAcc Position */
+#define ITM_LSR_ByteAcc_Msk                (1UL << ITM_LSR_ByteAcc_Pos)                   /*!< ITM LSR: ByteAcc Mask */
+#define ITM_LSR_Access_Pos                  1U                                            /*!< ITM LSR: Access Position */
+#define ITM_LSR_Access_Msk                 (1UL << ITM_LSR_Access_Pos)                    /*!< ITM LSR: Access Mask */
+#define ITM_LSR_Present_Pos                 0U                                            /*!< ITM LSR: Present Position */
+#define ITM_LSR_Present_Msk                (1UL /*<< ITM_LSR_Present_Pos*/)               /*!< ITM LSR: Present Mask */
+/*@}*/ /* end of group CMSIS_ITM */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_DWT     Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT)
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the Data Watchpoint and Trace Register (DWT).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IOM uint32_t CTRL;                   /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/W)  Control Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t CYCCNT;                 /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/W)  Cycle Count Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t CPICNT;                 /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  CPI Count Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t EXCCNT;                 /*!< Offset: 0x00C (R/W)  Exception Overhead Count Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t SLEEPCNT;               /*!< Offset: 0x010 (R/W)  Sleep Count Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t LSUCNT;                 /*!< Offset: 0x014 (R/W)  LSU Count Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t FOLDCNT;                /*!< Offset: 0x018 (R/W)  Folded-instruction Count Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t PCSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x01C (R/ )  Program Counter Sample Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t COMP0;                  /*!< Offset: 0x020 (R/W)  Comparator Register 0 */
+  __IOM uint32_t MASK0;                  /*!< Offset: 0x024 (R/W)  Mask Register 0 */
+  __IOM uint32_t FUNCTION0;              /*!< Offset: 0x028 (R/W)  Function Register 0 */
+        uint32_t RESERVED0[1U];
+  __IOM uint32_t COMP1;                  /*!< Offset: 0x030 (R/W)  Comparator Register 1 */
+  __IOM uint32_t MASK1;                  /*!< Offset: 0x034 (R/W)  Mask Register 1 */
+  __IOM uint32_t FUNCTION1;              /*!< Offset: 0x038 (R/W)  Function Register 1 */
+        uint32_t RESERVED1[1U];
+  __IOM uint32_t COMP2;                  /*!< Offset: 0x040 (R/W)  Comparator Register 2 */
+  __IOM uint32_t MASK2;                  /*!< Offset: 0x044 (R/W)  Mask Register 2 */
+  __IOM uint32_t FUNCTION2;              /*!< Offset: 0x048 (R/W)  Function Register 2 */
+        uint32_t RESERVED2[1U];
+  __IOM uint32_t COMP3;                  /*!< Offset: 0x050 (R/W)  Comparator Register 3 */
+  __IOM uint32_t MASK3;                  /*!< Offset: 0x054 (R/W)  Mask Register 3 */
+  __IOM uint32_t FUNCTION3;              /*!< Offset: 0x058 (R/W)  Function Register 3 */
+} DWT_Type;
+/* DWT Control Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NUMCOMP_Pos               28U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: NUMCOMP Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NUMCOMP_Msk               (0xFUL << DWT_CTRL_NUMCOMP_Pos)             /*!< DWT CTRL: NUMCOMP Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOTRCPKT_Pos              27U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: NOTRCPKT Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOTRCPKT_Msk              (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_NOTRCPKT_Pos)            /*!< DWT CTRL: NOTRCPKT Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOEXTTRIG_Pos             26U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: NOEXTTRIG Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOEXTTRIG_Msk             (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_NOEXTTRIG_Pos)           /*!< DWT CTRL: NOEXTTRIG Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOCYCCNT_Pos              25U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: NOCYCCNT Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOCYCCNT_Msk              (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_NOCYCCNT_Pos)            /*!< DWT CTRL: NOCYCCNT Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOPRFCNT_Pos              24U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: NOPRFCNT Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOPRFCNT_Msk              (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_NOPRFCNT_Pos)            /*!< DWT CTRL: NOPRFCNT Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CYCEVTENA_Pos             22U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: CYCEVTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CYCEVTENA_Msk             (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_CYCEVTENA_Pos)           /*!< DWT CTRL: CYCEVTENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_FOLDEVTENA_Pos            21U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: FOLDEVTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_FOLDEVTENA_Msk            (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_FOLDEVTENA_Pos)          /*!< DWT CTRL: FOLDEVTENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_LSUEVTENA_Pos             20U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: LSUEVTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_LSUEVTENA_Msk             (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_LSUEVTENA_Pos)           /*!< DWT CTRL: LSUEVTENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_SLEEPEVTENA_Pos           19U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: SLEEPEVTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_SLEEPEVTENA_Msk           (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_SLEEPEVTENA_Pos)         /*!< DWT CTRL: SLEEPEVTENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_EXCEVTENA_Pos             18U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: EXCEVTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_EXCEVTENA_Msk             (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_EXCEVTENA_Pos)           /*!< DWT CTRL: EXCEVTENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CPIEVTENA_Pos             17U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: CPIEVTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CPIEVTENA_Msk             (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_CPIEVTENA_Pos)           /*!< DWT CTRL: CPIEVTENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_EXCTRCENA_Pos             16U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: EXCTRCENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_EXCTRCENA_Msk             (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_EXCTRCENA_Pos)           /*!< DWT CTRL: EXCTRCENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_PCSAMPLENA_Pos            12U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: PCSAMPLENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_PCSAMPLENA_Msk            (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_PCSAMPLENA_Pos)          /*!< DWT CTRL: PCSAMPLENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_SYNCTAP_Pos               10U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: SYNCTAP Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_SYNCTAP_Msk               (0x3UL << DWT_CTRL_SYNCTAP_Pos)             /*!< DWT CTRL: SYNCTAP Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CYCTAP_Pos                 9U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: CYCTAP Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CYCTAP_Msk                (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_CYCTAP_Pos)              /*!< DWT CTRL: CYCTAP Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_POSTINIT_Pos               5U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: POSTINIT Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_POSTINIT_Msk              (0xFUL << DWT_CTRL_POSTINIT_Pos)            /*!< DWT CTRL: POSTINIT Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_POSTPRESET_Pos             1U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: POSTPRESET Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_POSTPRESET_Msk            (0xFUL << DWT_CTRL_POSTPRESET_Pos)          /*!< DWT CTRL: POSTPRESET Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CYCCNTENA_Pos              0U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: CYCCNTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CYCCNTENA_Msk             (0x1UL /*<< DWT_CTRL_CYCCNTENA_Pos*/)       /*!< DWT CTRL: CYCCNTENA Mask */
+/* DWT CPI Count Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_CPICNT_CPICNT_Pos               0U                                         /*!< DWT CPICNT: CPICNT Position */
+#define DWT_CPICNT_CPICNT_Msk              (0xFFUL /*<< DWT_CPICNT_CPICNT_Pos*/)       /*!< DWT CPICNT: CPICNT Mask */
+/* DWT Exception Overhead Count Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_EXCCNT_EXCCNT_Pos               0U                                         /*!< DWT EXCCNT: EXCCNT Position */
+#define DWT_EXCCNT_EXCCNT_Msk              (0xFFUL /*<< DWT_EXCCNT_EXCCNT_Pos*/)       /*!< DWT EXCCNT: EXCCNT Mask */
+/* DWT Sleep Count Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_SLEEPCNT_SLEEPCNT_Pos           0U                                         /*!< DWT SLEEPCNT: SLEEPCNT Position */
+/* DWT LSU Count Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_LSUCNT_LSUCNT_Pos               0U                                         /*!< DWT LSUCNT: LSUCNT Position */
+#define DWT_LSUCNT_LSUCNT_Msk              (0xFFUL /*<< DWT_LSUCNT_LSUCNT_Pos*/)       /*!< DWT LSUCNT: LSUCNT Mask */
+/* DWT Folded-instruction Count Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_FOLDCNT_FOLDCNT_Pos             0U                                         /*!< DWT FOLDCNT: FOLDCNT Position */
+#define DWT_FOLDCNT_FOLDCNT_Msk            (0xFFUL /*<< DWT_FOLDCNT_FOLDCNT_Pos*/)     /*!< DWT FOLDCNT: FOLDCNT Mask */
+/* DWT Comparator Mask Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_MASK_MASK_Pos                   0U                                         /*!< DWT MASK: MASK Position */
+#define DWT_MASK_MASK_Msk                  (0x1FUL /*<< DWT_MASK_MASK_Pos*/)           /*!< DWT MASK: MASK Mask */
+/* DWT Comparator Function Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_MATCHED_Pos           24U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: MATCHED Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_MATCHED_Msk           (0x1UL << DWT_FUNCTION_MATCHED_Pos)         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: MATCHED Mask */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_DATAVADDR1_Pos        16U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: DATAVADDR1 Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_DATAVADDR0_Pos        12U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: DATAVADDR0 Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_DATAVSIZE_Pos         10U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: DATAVSIZE Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_LNK1ENA_Pos            9U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: LNK1ENA Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_LNK1ENA_Msk           (0x1UL << DWT_FUNCTION_LNK1ENA_Pos)         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: LNK1ENA Mask */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_DATAVMATCH_Pos         8U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: DATAVMATCH Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_CYCMATCH_Pos           7U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: CYCMATCH Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_EMITRANGE_Pos          5U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: EMITRANGE Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_FUNCTION_Pos           0U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: FUNCTION Position */
+/*@}*/ /* end of group CMSIS_DWT */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_TPI     Trace Port Interface (TPI)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the Trace Port Interface (TPI)
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the Trace Port Interface Register (TPI).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IOM uint32_t SSPSR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/ )  Supported Parallel Port Size Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t CSPSR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/W)  Current Parallel Port Size Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED0[2U];
+  __IOM uint32_t ACPR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x010 (R/W)  Asynchronous Clock Prescaler Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED1[55U];
+  __IOM uint32_t SPPR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x0F0 (R/W)  Selected Pin Protocol Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED2[131U];
+  __IM  uint32_t FFSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x300 (R/ )  Formatter and Flush Status Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t FFCR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x304 (R/W)  Formatter and Flush Control Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t FSCR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x308 (R/ )  Formatter Synchronization Counter Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED3[759U];
+  __IM  uint32_t TRIGGER;                /*!< Offset: 0xEE8 (R/ )  TRIGGER */
+  __IM  uint32_t FIFO0;                  /*!< Offset: 0xEEC (R/ )  Integration ETM Data */
+  __IM  uint32_t ITATBCTR2;              /*!< Offset: 0xEF0 (R/ )  ITATBCTR2 */
+        uint32_t RESERVED4[1U];
+  __IM  uint32_t ITATBCTR0;              /*!< Offset: 0xEF8 (R/ )  ITATBCTR0 */
+  __IM  uint32_t FIFO1;                  /*!< Offset: 0xEFC (R/ )  Integration ITM Data */
+  __IOM uint32_t ITCTRL;                 /*!< Offset: 0xF00 (R/W)  Integration Mode Control */
+        uint32_t RESERVED5[39U];
+  __IOM uint32_t CLAIMSET;               /*!< Offset: 0xFA0 (R/W)  Claim tag set */
+  __IOM uint32_t CLAIMCLR;               /*!< Offset: 0xFA4 (R/W)  Claim tag clear */
+        uint32_t RESERVED7[8U];
+  __IM  uint32_t DEVID;                  /*!< Offset: 0xFC8 (R/ )  TPIU_DEVID */
+  __IM  uint32_t DEVTYPE;                /*!< Offset: 0xFCC (R/ )  TPIU_DEVTYPE */
+} TPI_Type;
+/* TPI Asynchronous Clock Prescaler Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_ACPR_PRESCALER_Pos              0U                                         /*!< TPI ACPR: PRESCALER Position */
+#define TPI_ACPR_PRESCALER_Msk             (0x1FFFUL /*<< TPI_ACPR_PRESCALER_Pos*/)    /*!< TPI ACPR: PRESCALER Mask */
+/* TPI Selected Pin Protocol Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_SPPR_TXMODE_Pos                 0U                                         /*!< TPI SPPR: TXMODE Position */
+#define TPI_SPPR_TXMODE_Msk                (0x3UL /*<< TPI_SPPR_TXMODE_Pos*/)          /*!< TPI SPPR: TXMODE Mask */
+/* TPI Formatter and Flush Status Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_FFSR_FtNonStop_Pos              3U                                         /*!< TPI FFSR: FtNonStop Position */
+#define TPI_FFSR_FtNonStop_Msk             (0x1UL << TPI_FFSR_FtNonStop_Pos)           /*!< TPI FFSR: FtNonStop Mask */
+#define TPI_FFSR_TCPresent_Pos              2U                                         /*!< TPI FFSR: TCPresent Position */
+#define TPI_FFSR_TCPresent_Msk             (0x1UL << TPI_FFSR_TCPresent_Pos)           /*!< TPI FFSR: TCPresent Mask */
+#define TPI_FFSR_FtStopped_Pos              1U                                         /*!< TPI FFSR: FtStopped Position */
+#define TPI_FFSR_FtStopped_Msk             (0x1UL << TPI_FFSR_FtStopped_Pos)           /*!< TPI FFSR: FtStopped Mask */
+#define TPI_FFSR_FlInProg_Pos               0U                                         /*!< TPI FFSR: FlInProg Position */
+#define TPI_FFSR_FlInProg_Msk              (0x1UL /*<< TPI_FFSR_FlInProg_Pos*/)        /*!< TPI FFSR: FlInProg Mask */
+/* TPI Formatter and Flush Control Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_FFCR_TrigIn_Pos                 8U                                         /*!< TPI FFCR: TrigIn Position */
+#define TPI_FFCR_TrigIn_Msk                (0x1UL << TPI_FFCR_TrigIn_Pos)              /*!< TPI FFCR: TrigIn Mask */
+#define TPI_FFCR_EnFCont_Pos                1U                                         /*!< TPI FFCR: EnFCont Position */
+#define TPI_FFCR_EnFCont_Msk               (0x1UL << TPI_FFCR_EnFCont_Pos)             /*!< TPI FFCR: EnFCont Mask */
+/* TPI TRIGGER Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_TRIGGER_TRIGGER_Pos             0U                                         /*!< TPI TRIGGER: TRIGGER Position */
+#define TPI_TRIGGER_TRIGGER_Msk            (0x1UL /*<< TPI_TRIGGER_TRIGGER_Pos*/)      /*!< TPI TRIGGER: TRIGGER Mask */
+/* TPI Integration ETM Data Register Definitions (FIFO0) */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ITM_ATVALID_Pos          29U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ITM_ATVALID Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ITM_ATVALID_Msk          (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO0_ITM_ATVALID_Pos)        /*!< TPI FIFO0: ITM_ATVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ITM_bytecount_Pos        27U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ITM_bytecount Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ITM_bytecount_Msk        (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO0_ITM_bytecount_Pos)      /*!< TPI FIFO0: ITM_bytecount Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM_ATVALID_Pos          26U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM_ATVALID Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM_ATVALID_Msk          (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO0_ETM_ATVALID_Pos)        /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM_ATVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM_bytecount_Pos        24U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM_bytecount Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM_bytecount_Msk        (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO0_ETM_bytecount_Pos)      /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM_bytecount Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM2_Pos                 16U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM2 Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM2_Msk                 (0xFFUL << TPI_FIFO0_ETM2_Pos)              /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM2 Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM1_Pos                  8U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM1 Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM1_Msk                 (0xFFUL << TPI_FIFO0_ETM1_Pos)              /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM1 Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM0_Pos                  0U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM0 Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM0_Msk                 (0xFFUL /*<< TPI_FIFO0_ETM0_Pos*/)          /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM0 Mask */
+/* TPI ITATBCTR2 Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_ITATBCTR2_ATREADY_Pos           0U                                         /*!< TPI ITATBCTR2: ATREADY Position */
+#define TPI_ITATBCTR2_ATREADY_Msk          (0x1UL /*<< TPI_ITATBCTR2_ATREADY_Pos*/)    /*!< TPI ITATBCTR2: ATREADY Mask */
+/* TPI Integration ITM Data Register Definitions (FIFO1) */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM_ATVALID_Pos          29U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM_ATVALID Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM_ATVALID_Msk          (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO1_ITM_ATVALID_Pos)        /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM_ATVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM_bytecount_Pos        27U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM_bytecount Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM_bytecount_Msk        (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO1_ITM_bytecount_Pos)      /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM_bytecount Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ETM_ATVALID_Pos          26U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ETM_ATVALID Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ETM_ATVALID_Msk          (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO1_ETM_ATVALID_Pos)        /*!< TPI FIFO1: ETM_ATVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ETM_bytecount_Pos        24U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ETM_bytecount Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ETM_bytecount_Msk        (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO1_ETM_bytecount_Pos)      /*!< TPI FIFO1: ETM_bytecount Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM2_Pos                 16U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM2 Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM2_Msk                 (0xFFUL << TPI_FIFO1_ITM2_Pos)              /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM2 Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM1_Pos                  8U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM1 Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM1_Msk                 (0xFFUL << TPI_FIFO1_ITM1_Pos)              /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM1 Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM0_Pos                  0U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM0 Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM0_Msk                 (0xFFUL /*<< TPI_FIFO1_ITM0_Pos*/)          /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM0 Mask */
+/* TPI ITATBCTR0 Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_ITATBCTR0_ATREADY_Pos           0U                                         /*!< TPI ITATBCTR0: ATREADY Position */
+#define TPI_ITATBCTR0_ATREADY_Msk          (0x1UL /*<< TPI_ITATBCTR0_ATREADY_Pos*/)    /*!< TPI ITATBCTR0: ATREADY Mask */
+/* TPI Integration Mode Control Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_ITCTRL_Mode_Pos                 0U                                         /*!< TPI ITCTRL: Mode Position */
+#define TPI_ITCTRL_Mode_Msk                (0x1UL /*<< TPI_ITCTRL_Mode_Pos*/)          /*!< TPI ITCTRL: Mode Mask */
+/* TPI DEVID Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_DEVID_NRZVALID_Pos             11U                                         /*!< TPI DEVID: NRZVALID Position */
+#define TPI_DEVID_NRZVALID_Msk             (0x1UL << TPI_DEVID_NRZVALID_Pos)           /*!< TPI DEVID: NRZVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_DEVID_MANCVALID_Pos            10U                                         /*!< TPI DEVID: MANCVALID Position */
+#define TPI_DEVID_MANCVALID_Msk            (0x1UL << TPI_DEVID_MANCVALID_Pos)          /*!< TPI DEVID: MANCVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_DEVID_PTINVALID_Pos             9U                                         /*!< TPI DEVID: PTINVALID Position */
+#define TPI_DEVID_PTINVALID_Msk            (0x1UL << TPI_DEVID_PTINVALID_Pos)          /*!< TPI DEVID: PTINVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_DEVID_MinBufSz_Pos              6U                                         /*!< TPI DEVID: MinBufSz Position */
+#define TPI_DEVID_MinBufSz_Msk             (0x7UL << TPI_DEVID_MinBufSz_Pos)           /*!< TPI DEVID: MinBufSz Mask */
+#define TPI_DEVID_AsynClkIn_Pos             5U                                         /*!< TPI DEVID: AsynClkIn Position */
+#define TPI_DEVID_AsynClkIn_Msk            (0x1UL << TPI_DEVID_AsynClkIn_Pos)          /*!< TPI DEVID: AsynClkIn Mask */
+#define TPI_DEVID_NrTraceInput_Pos          0U                                         /*!< TPI DEVID: NrTraceInput Position */
+#define TPI_DEVID_NrTraceInput_Msk         (0x1FUL /*<< TPI_DEVID_NrTraceInput_Pos*/)  /*!< TPI DEVID: NrTraceInput Mask */
+/* TPI DEVTYPE Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_DEVTYPE_MajorType_Pos           4U                                         /*!< TPI DEVTYPE: MajorType Position */
+#define TPI_DEVTYPE_MajorType_Msk          (0xFUL << TPI_DEVTYPE_MajorType_Pos)        /*!< TPI DEVTYPE: MajorType Mask */
+#define TPI_DEVTYPE_SubType_Pos             0U                                         /*!< TPI DEVTYPE: SubType Position */
+#define TPI_DEVTYPE_SubType_Msk            (0xFUL /*<< TPI_DEVTYPE_SubType_Pos*/)      /*!< TPI DEVTYPE: SubType Mask */
+/*@}*/ /* end of group CMSIS_TPI */
+#if (__MPU_PRESENT == 1U)
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_MPU     Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the Memory Protection Unit (MPU).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IM  uint32_t TYPE;                   /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/ )  MPU Type Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t CTRL;                   /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/W)  MPU Control Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RNR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  MPU Region RNRber Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RBAR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x00C (R/W)  MPU Region Base Address Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RASR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x010 (R/W)  MPU Region Attribute and Size Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RBAR_A1;                /*!< Offset: 0x014 (R/W)  MPU Alias 1 Region Base Address Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RASR_A1;                /*!< Offset: 0x018 (R/W)  MPU Alias 1 Region Attribute and Size Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RBAR_A2;                /*!< Offset: 0x01C (R/W)  MPU Alias 2 Region Base Address Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RASR_A2;                /*!< Offset: 0x020 (R/W)  MPU Alias 2 Region Attribute and Size Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RBAR_A3;                /*!< Offset: 0x024 (R/W)  MPU Alias 3 Region Base Address Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RASR_A3;                /*!< Offset: 0x028 (R/W)  MPU Alias 3 Region Attribute and Size Register */
+} MPU_Type;
+/* MPU Type Register Definitions */
+#define MPU_TYPE_IREGION_Pos               16U                                            /*!< MPU TYPE: IREGION Position */
+#define MPU_TYPE_IREGION_Msk               (0xFFUL << MPU_TYPE_IREGION_Pos)               /*!< MPU TYPE: IREGION Mask */
+#define MPU_TYPE_DREGION_Pos                8U                                            /*!< MPU TYPE: DREGION Position */
+#define MPU_TYPE_DREGION_Msk               (0xFFUL << MPU_TYPE_DREGION_Pos)               /*!< MPU TYPE: DREGION Mask */
+#define MPU_TYPE_SEPARATE_Pos               0U                                            /*!< MPU TYPE: SEPARATE Position */
+#define MPU_TYPE_SEPARATE_Msk              (1UL /*<< MPU_TYPE_SEPARATE_Pos*/)             /*!< MPU TYPE: SEPARATE Mask */
+/* MPU Control Register Definitions */
+#define MPU_CTRL_PRIVDEFENA_Pos             2U                                            /*!< MPU CTRL: PRIVDEFENA Position */
+#define MPU_CTRL_PRIVDEFENA_Msk            (1UL << MPU_CTRL_PRIVDEFENA_Pos)               /*!< MPU CTRL: PRIVDEFENA Mask */
+#define MPU_CTRL_HFNMIENA_Pos               1U                                            /*!< MPU CTRL: HFNMIENA Position */
+#define MPU_CTRL_HFNMIENA_Msk              (1UL << MPU_CTRL_HFNMIENA_Pos)                 /*!< MPU CTRL: HFNMIENA Mask */
+#define MPU_CTRL_ENABLE_Pos                 0U                                            /*!< MPU CTRL: ENABLE Position */
+#define MPU_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk                (1UL /*<< MPU_CTRL_ENABLE_Pos*/)               /*!< MPU CTRL: ENABLE Mask */
+/* MPU Region Number Register Definitions */
+#define MPU_RNR_REGION_Pos                  0U                                            /*!< MPU RNR: REGION Position */
+#define MPU_RNR_REGION_Msk                 (0xFFUL /*<< MPU_RNR_REGION_Pos*/)             /*!< MPU RNR: REGION Mask */
+/* MPU Region Base Address Register Definitions */
+#define MPU_RBAR_ADDR_Pos                   5U                                            /*!< MPU RBAR: ADDR Position */
+#define MPU_RBAR_ADDR_Msk                  (0x7FFFFFFUL << MPU_RBAR_ADDR_Pos)             /*!< MPU RBAR: ADDR Mask */
+#define MPU_RBAR_VALID_Pos                  4U                                            /*!< MPU RBAR: VALID Position */
+#define MPU_RBAR_VALID_Msk                 (1UL << MPU_RBAR_VALID_Pos)                    /*!< MPU RBAR: VALID Mask */
+#define MPU_RBAR_REGION_Pos                 0U                                            /*!< MPU RBAR: REGION Position */
+#define MPU_RBAR_REGION_Msk                (0xFUL /*<< MPU_RBAR_REGION_Pos*/)             /*!< MPU RBAR: REGION Mask */
+/* MPU Region Attribute and Size Register Definitions */
+#define MPU_RASR_ATTRS_Pos                 16U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: MPU Region Attribute field Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_ATTRS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << MPU_RASR_ATTRS_Pos)               /*!< MPU RASR: MPU Region Attribute field Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_XN_Pos                    28U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.XN Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_XN_Msk                    (1UL << MPU_RASR_XN_Pos)                       /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.XN Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_AP_Pos                    24U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.AP Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_AP_Msk                    (0x7UL << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos)                     /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.AP Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_TEX_Pos                   19U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.TEX Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_TEX_Msk                   (0x7UL << MPU_RASR_TEX_Pos)                    /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.TEX Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_S_Pos                     18U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.S Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_S_Msk                     (1UL << MPU_RASR_S_Pos)                        /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.S Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_C_Pos                     17U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.C Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_C_Msk                     (1UL << MPU_RASR_C_Pos)                        /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.C Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_B_Pos                     16U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.B Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_B_Msk                     (1UL << MPU_RASR_B_Pos)                        /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.B Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_SRD_Pos                    8U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: Sub-Region Disable Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_SRD_Msk                   (0xFFUL << MPU_RASR_SRD_Pos)                   /*!< MPU RASR: Sub-Region Disable Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_SIZE_Pos                   1U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: Region Size Field Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_SIZE_Msk                  (0x1FUL << MPU_RASR_SIZE_Pos)                  /*!< MPU RASR: Region Size Field Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_ENABLE_Pos                 0U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: Region enable bit Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_ENABLE_Msk                (1UL /*<< MPU_RASR_ENABLE_Pos*/)               /*!< MPU RASR: Region enable bit Disable Mask */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_MPU */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_CoreDebug       Core Debug Registers (CoreDebug)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the Core Debug Registers
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the Core Debug Register (CoreDebug).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IOM uint32_t DHCSR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/W)  Debug Halting Control and Status Register */
+  __OM  uint32_t DCRSR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x004 ( /W)  Debug Core Register Selector Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t DCRDR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  Debug Core Register Data Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t DEMCR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x00C (R/W)  Debug Exception and Monitor Control Register */
+} CoreDebug_Type;
+/* Debug Halting Control and Status Register Definitions */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_DBGKEY_Pos         16U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: DBGKEY Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_DBGKEY_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_DBGKEY_Pos)       /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: DBGKEY Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_RESET_ST_Pos     25U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_RESET_ST Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_RESET_ST_Msk     (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_RESET_ST_Pos)        /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_RESET_ST Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_RETIRE_ST_Pos    24U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_RETIRE_ST Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_RETIRE_ST_Msk    (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_RETIRE_ST_Pos)       /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_RETIRE_ST Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_LOCKUP_Pos       19U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_LOCKUP Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_LOCKUP_Msk       (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_LOCKUP_Pos)          /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_LOCKUP Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_SLEEP_Pos        18U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_SLEEP Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_SLEEP_Msk        (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_SLEEP_Pos)           /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_SLEEP Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_HALT_Pos         17U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_HALT Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_HALT_Msk         (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_HALT_Pos)            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_HALT Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_REGRDY_Pos       16U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_REGRDY Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_REGRDY_Msk       (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_REGRDY_Pos)          /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_REGRDY Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_SNAPSTALL_Pos     5U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_SNAPSTALL Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_SNAPSTALL_Msk    (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_SNAPSTALL_Pos)       /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_SNAPSTALL Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_MASKINTS_Pos      3U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_MASKINTS Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_MASKINTS_Msk     (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_MASKINTS_Pos)        /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_MASKINTS Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_STEP_Pos          2U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_STEP Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_STEP_Msk         (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_STEP_Pos)            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_STEP Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_HALT_Pos          1U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_HALT Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_HALT_Msk         (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_HALT_Pos)            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_HALT Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN_Pos       0U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_DEBUGEN Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN_Msk      (1UL /*<< CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN_Pos*/)     /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_DEBUGEN Mask */
+/* Debug Core Register Selector Register Definitions */
+#define CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGWnR_Pos         16U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DCRSR: REGWnR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGWnR_Msk         (1UL << CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGWnR_Pos)            /*!< CoreDebug DCRSR: REGWnR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGSEL_Pos          0U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DCRSR: REGSEL Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGSEL_Msk         (0x1FUL /*<< CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGSEL_Pos*/)     /*!< CoreDebug DCRSR: REGSEL Mask */
+/* Debug Exception and Monitor Control Register Definitions */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Pos         24U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: TRCENA Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk         (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Pos)            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: TRCENA Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_REQ_Pos        19U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_REQ Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_REQ_Msk        (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_REQ_Pos)           /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_REQ Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_STEP_Pos       18U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_STEP Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_STEP_Msk       (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_STEP_Pos)          /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_STEP Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_PEND_Pos       17U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_PEND Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_PEND_Msk       (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_PEND_Pos)          /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_PEND Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_EN_Pos         16U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_EN Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_EN_Msk         (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_EN_Pos)            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_EN Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_HARDERR_Pos     10U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_HARDERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_HARDERR_Msk     (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_HARDERR_Pos)        /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_HARDERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_INTERR_Pos       9U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_INTERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_INTERR_Msk      (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_INTERR_Pos)         /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_INTERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_BUSERR_Pos       8U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_BUSERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_BUSERR_Msk      (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_BUSERR_Pos)         /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_BUSERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_STATERR_Pos      7U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_STATERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_STATERR_Msk     (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_STATERR_Pos)        /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_STATERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_CHKERR_Pos       6U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_CHKERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_CHKERR_Msk      (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_CHKERR_Pos)         /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_CHKERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_NOCPERR_Pos      5U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_NOCPERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_NOCPERR_Msk     (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_NOCPERR_Pos)        /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_NOCPERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_MMERR_Pos        4U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_MMERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_MMERR_Msk       (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_MMERR_Pos)          /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_MMERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_CORERESET_Pos    0U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_CORERESET Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_CORERESET_Msk   (1UL /*<< CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_CORERESET_Pos*/)  /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_CORERESET Mask */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_CoreDebug */
+  \ingroup    CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup   CMSIS_core_bitfield     Core register bit field macros
+  \brief      Macros for use with bit field definitions (xxx_Pos, xxx_Msk).
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief   Mask and shift a bit field value for use in a register bit range.
+  \param[in] field  Name of the register bit field.
+  \param[in] value  Value of the bit field.
+  \return           Masked and shifted value.
+#define _VAL2FLD(field, value)    ((value << field ## _Pos) & field ## _Msk)
+  \brief     Mask and shift a register value to extract a bit filed value.
+  \param[in] field  Name of the register bit field.
+  \param[in] value  Value of register.
+  \return           Masked and shifted bit field value.
+#define _FLD2VAL(field, value)    ((value & field ## _Msk) >> field ## _Pos)
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_core_bitfield */
+  \ingroup    CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup   CMSIS_core_base     Core Definitions
+  \brief      Definitions for base addresses, unions, and structures.
+  @{
+ */
+/* Memory mapping of Cortex-M3 Hardware */
+#define SCS_BASE            (0xE000E000UL)                            /*!< System Control Space Base Address */
+#define ITM_BASE            (0xE0000000UL)                            /*!< ITM Base Address */
+#define DWT_BASE            (0xE0001000UL)                            /*!< DWT Base Address */
+#define TPI_BASE            (0xE0040000UL)                            /*!< TPI Base Address */
+#define CoreDebug_BASE      (0xE000EDF0UL)                            /*!< Core Debug Base Address */
+#define SysTick_BASE        (SCS_BASE +  0x0010UL)                    /*!< SysTick Base Address */
+#define NVIC_BASE           (SCS_BASE +  0x0100UL)                    /*!< NVIC Base Address */
+#define SCB_BASE            (SCS_BASE +  0x0D00UL)                    /*!< System Control Block Base Address */
+#define SCnSCB              ((SCnSCB_Type    *)     SCS_BASE      )   /*!< System control Register not in SCB */
+#define SCB                 ((SCB_Type       *)     SCB_BASE      )   /*!< SCB configuration struct */
+#define SysTick             ((SysTick_Type   *)     SysTick_BASE  )   /*!< SysTick configuration struct */
+#define NVIC                ((NVIC_Type      *)     NVIC_BASE     )   /*!< NVIC configuration struct */
+#define ITM                 ((ITM_Type       *)     ITM_BASE      )   /*!< ITM configuration struct */
+#define DWT                 ((DWT_Type       *)     DWT_BASE      )   /*!< DWT configuration struct */
+#define TPI                 ((TPI_Type       *)     TPI_BASE      )   /*!< TPI configuration struct */
+#define CoreDebug           ((CoreDebug_Type *)     CoreDebug_BASE)   /*!< Core Debug configuration struct */
+#if (__MPU_PRESENT == 1U)
+  #define MPU_BASE          (SCS_BASE +  0x0D90UL)                    /*!< Memory Protection Unit */
+  #define MPU               ((MPU_Type       *)     MPU_BASE      )   /*!< Memory Protection Unit */
+/*@} */
+ *                Hardware Abstraction Layer
+  Core Function Interface contains:
+  - Core NVIC Functions
+  - Core SysTick Functions
+  - Core Debug Functions
+  - Core Register Access Functions
+ ******************************************************************************/
+  \defgroup CMSIS_Core_FunctionInterface Functions and Instructions Reference
+/* ##########################   NVIC functions  #################################### */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_Core_FunctionInterface
+  \defgroup CMSIS_Core_NVICFunctions NVIC Functions
+  \brief    Functions that manage interrupts and exceptions via the NVIC.
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief   Set Priority Grouping
+  \details Sets the priority grouping field using the required unlock sequence.
+           The parameter PriorityGroup is assigned to the field SCB->AIRCR [10:8] PRIGROUP field.
+           Only values from 0..7 are used.
+           In case of a conflict between priority grouping and available
+           priority bits (__NVIC_PRIO_BITS), the smallest possible priority group is set.
+  \param [in]      PriorityGroup  Priority grouping field.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping(uint32_t PriorityGroup)
+  uint32_t reg_value;
+  uint32_t PriorityGroupTmp = (PriorityGroup & (uint32_t)0x07UL);             /* only values 0..7 are used          */
+  reg_value  =  SCB->AIRCR;                                                   /* read old register configuration    */
+  reg_value &= ~((uint32_t)(SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Msk | SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Msk)); /* clear bits to change               */
+  reg_value  =  (reg_value                                   |
+                ((uint32_t)0x5FAUL << SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Pos) |
+                (PriorityGroupTmp << 8U)                      );              /* Insert write key and priorty group */
+  SCB->AIRCR =  reg_value;
+  \brief   Get Priority Grouping
+  \details Reads the priority grouping field from the NVIC Interrupt Controller.
+  \return                Priority grouping field (SCB->AIRCR [10:8] PRIGROUP field).
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPriorityGrouping(void)
+  return ((uint32_t)((SCB->AIRCR & SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Msk) >> SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Pos));
+  \brief   Enable External Interrupt
+  \details Enables a device-specific interrupt in the NVIC interrupt controller.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  External interrupt number. Value cannot be negative.
+ */
+  NVIC->ISER[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) >> 5UL)] = (uint32_t)(1UL << (((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0x1FUL));
+  \brief   Disable External Interrupt
+  \details Disables a device-specific interrupt in the NVIC interrupt controller.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  External interrupt number. Value cannot be negative.
+ */
+  NVIC->ICER[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) >> 5UL)] = (uint32_t)(1UL << (((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0x1FUL));
+  \brief   Get Pending Interrupt
+  \details Reads the pending register in the NVIC and returns the pending bit for the specified interrupt.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  Interrupt number.
+  \return             0  Interrupt status is not pending.
+  \return             1  Interrupt status is pending.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
+  return((uint32_t)(((NVIC->ISPR[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) >> 5UL)] & (1UL << (((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0x1FUL))) != 0UL) ? 1UL : 0UL));
+  \brief   Set Pending Interrupt
+  \details Sets the pending bit of an external interrupt.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  Interrupt number. Value cannot be negative.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
+  NVIC->ISPR[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) >> 5UL)] = (uint32_t)(1UL << (((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0x1FUL));
+  \brief   Clear Pending Interrupt
+  \details Clears the pending bit of an external interrupt.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  External interrupt number. Value cannot be negative.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
+  NVIC->ICPR[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) >> 5UL)] = (uint32_t)(1UL << (((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0x1FUL));
+  \brief   Get Active Interrupt
+  \details Reads the active register in NVIC and returns the active bit.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  Interrupt number.
+  \return             0  Interrupt status is not active.
+  \return             1  Interrupt status is active.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetActive(IRQn_Type IRQn)
+  return((uint32_t)(((NVIC->IABR[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) >> 5UL)] & (1UL << (((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0x1FUL))) != 0UL) ? 1UL : 0UL));
+  \brief   Set Interrupt Priority
+  \details Sets the priority of an interrupt.
+  \note    The priority cannot be set for every core interrupt.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  Interrupt number.
+  \param [in]  priority  Priority to set.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t priority)
+  if ((int32_t)(IRQn) < 0)
+  {
+    SCB->SHP[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0xFUL)-4UL] = (uint8_t)((priority << (8U - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & (uint32_t)0xFFUL);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    NVIC->IP[((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn)]               = (uint8_t)((priority << (8U - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & (uint32_t)0xFFUL);
+  }
+  \brief   Get Interrupt Priority
+  \details Reads the priority of an interrupt.
+           The interrupt number can be positive to specify an external (device specific) interrupt,
+           or negative to specify an internal (core) interrupt.
+  \param [in]   IRQn  Interrupt number.
+  \return             Interrupt Priority.
+                      Value is aligned automatically to the implemented priority bits of the microcontroller.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn)
+  if ((int32_t)(IRQn) < 0)
+  {
+    return(((uint32_t)SCB->SHP[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0xFUL)-4UL] >> (8U - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)));
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return(((uint32_t)NVIC->IP[((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn)]               >> (8U - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)));
+  }
+  \brief   Encode Priority
+  \details Encodes the priority for an interrupt with the given priority group,
+           preemptive priority value, and subpriority value.
+           In case of a conflict between priority grouping and available
+           priority bits (__NVIC_PRIO_BITS), the smallest possible priority group is set.
+  \param [in]     PriorityGroup  Used priority group.
+  \param [in]   PreemptPriority  Preemptive priority value (starting from 0).
+  \param [in]       SubPriority  Subpriority value (starting from 0).
+  \return                        Encoded priority. Value can be used in the function \ref NVIC_SetPriority().
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t NVIC_EncodePriority (uint32_t PriorityGroup, uint32_t PreemptPriority, uint32_t SubPriority)
+  uint32_t PriorityGroupTmp = (PriorityGroup & (uint32_t)0x07UL);   /* only values 0..7 are used          */
+  uint32_t PreemptPriorityBits;
+  uint32_t SubPriorityBits;
+  PreemptPriorityBits = ((7UL - PriorityGroupTmp) > (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) ? (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) : (uint32_t)(7UL - PriorityGroupTmp);
+  SubPriorityBits     = ((PriorityGroupTmp + (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) < (uint32_t)7UL) ? (uint32_t)0UL : (uint32_t)((PriorityGroupTmp - 7UL) + (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS));
+  return (
+           ((PreemptPriority & (uint32_t)((1UL << (PreemptPriorityBits)) - 1UL)) << SubPriorityBits) |
+           ((SubPriority     & (uint32_t)((1UL << (SubPriorityBits    )) - 1UL)))
+         );
+  \brief   Decode Priority
+  \details Decodes an interrupt priority value with a given priority group to
+           preemptive priority value and subpriority value.
+           In case of a conflict between priority grouping and available
+           priority bits (__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) the smallest possible priority group is set.
+  \param [in]         Priority   Priority value, which can be retrieved with the function \ref NVIC_GetPriority().
+  \param [in]     PriorityGroup  Used priority group.
+  \param [out] pPreemptPriority  Preemptive priority value (starting from 0).
+  \param [out]     pSubPriority  Subpriority value (starting from 0).
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_DecodePriority (uint32_t Priority, uint32_t PriorityGroup, uint32_t* const pPreemptPriority, uint32_t* const pSubPriority)
+  uint32_t PriorityGroupTmp = (PriorityGroup & (uint32_t)0x07UL);   /* only values 0..7 are used          */
+  uint32_t PreemptPriorityBits;
+  uint32_t SubPriorityBits;
+  PreemptPriorityBits = ((7UL - PriorityGroupTmp) > (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) ? (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) : (uint32_t)(7UL - PriorityGroupTmp);
+  SubPriorityBits     = ((PriorityGroupTmp + (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) < (uint32_t)7UL) ? (uint32_t)0UL : (uint32_t)((PriorityGroupTmp - 7UL) + (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS));
+  *pPreemptPriority = (Priority >> SubPriorityBits) & (uint32_t)((1UL << (PreemptPriorityBits)) - 1UL);
+  *pSubPriority     = (Priority                   ) & (uint32_t)((1UL << (SubPriorityBits    )) - 1UL);
+  \brief   System Reset
+  \details Initiates a system reset request to reset the MCU.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SystemReset(void)
+  __DSB();                                                          /* Ensure all outstanding memory accesses included
+                                                                       buffered write are completed before reset */
+  SCB->AIRCR  = (uint32_t)((0x5FAUL << SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Pos)    |
+                           (SCB->AIRCR & SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Msk) |
+                            SCB_AIRCR_SYSRESETREQ_Msk    );         /* Keep priority group unchanged */
+  __DSB();                                                          /* Ensure completion of memory access */
+  for(;;)                                                           /* wait until reset */
+  {
+    __NOP();
+  }
+/*@} end of CMSIS_Core_NVICFunctions */
+/* ##################################    SysTick function  ############################################ */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_Core_FunctionInterface
+  \defgroup CMSIS_Core_SysTickFunctions SysTick Functions
+  \brief    Functions that configure the System.
+  @{
+ */
+#if (__Vendor_SysTickConfig == 0U)
+  \brief   System Tick Configuration
+  \details Initializes the System Timer and its interrupt, and starts the System Tick Timer.
+           Counter is in free running mode to generate periodic interrupts.
+  \param [in]  ticks  Number of ticks between two interrupts.
+  \return          0  Function succeeded.
+  \return          1  Function failed.
+  \note    When the variable <b>__Vendor_SysTickConfig</b> is set to 1, then the
+           function <b>SysTick_Config</b> is not included. In this case, the file <b><i>device</i>.h</b>
+           must contain a vendor-specific implementation of this function.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t SysTick_Config(uint32_t ticks)
+  if ((ticks - 1UL) > SysTick_LOAD_RELOAD_Msk)
+  {
+    return (1UL);                                                   /* Reload value impossible */
+  }
+  SysTick->LOAD  = (uint32_t)(ticks - 1UL);                         /* set reload register */
+  NVIC_SetPriority (SysTick_IRQn, (1UL << __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) - 1UL); /* set Priority for Systick Interrupt */
+  SysTick->VAL   = 0UL;                                             /* Load the SysTick Counter Value */
+  SysTick->CTRL  = SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk |
+                   SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Msk   |
+                   SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk;                         /* Enable SysTick IRQ and SysTick Timer */
+  return (0UL);                                                     /* Function successful */
+/*@} end of CMSIS_Core_SysTickFunctions */
+/* ##################################### Debug In/Output function ########################################### */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_Core_FunctionInterface
+  \defgroup CMSIS_core_DebugFunctions ITM Functions
+  \brief    Functions that access the ITM debug interface.
+  @{
+ */
+extern volatile int32_t ITM_RxBuffer;                    /*!< External variable to receive characters. */
+#define                 ITM_RXBUFFER_EMPTY   0x5AA55AA5U /*!< Value identifying \ref ITM_RxBuffer is ready for next character. */
+  \brief   ITM Send Character
+  \details Transmits a character via the ITM channel 0, and
+           \li Just returns when no debugger is connected that has booked the output.
+           \li Is blocking when a debugger is connected, but the previous character sent has not been transmitted.
+  \param [in]     ch  Character to transmit.
+  \returns            Character to transmit.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t ITM_SendChar (uint32_t ch)
+  if (((ITM->TCR & ITM_TCR_ITMENA_Msk) != 0UL) &&      /* ITM enabled */
+      ((ITM->TER & 1UL               ) != 0UL)   )     /* ITM Port #0 enabled */
+  {
+    while (ITM->PORT[0U].u32 == 0UL)
+    {
+      __NOP();
+    }
+    ITM->PORT[0U].u8 = (uint8_t)ch;
+  }
+  return (ch);
+  \brief   ITM Receive Character
+  \details Inputs a character via the external variable \ref ITM_RxBuffer.
+  \return             Received character.
+  \return         -1  No character pending.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE int32_t ITM_ReceiveChar (void)
+  int32_t ch = -1;                           /* no character available */
+  if (ITM_RxBuffer != ITM_RXBUFFER_EMPTY)
+  {
+    ch = ITM_RxBuffer;
+    ITM_RxBuffer = ITM_RXBUFFER_EMPTY;       /* ready for next character */
+  }
+  return (ch);
+  \brief   ITM Check Character
+  \details Checks whether a character is pending for reading in the variable \ref ITM_RxBuffer.
+  \return          0  No character available.
+  \return          1  Character available.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE int32_t ITM_CheckChar (void)
+  if (ITM_RxBuffer == ITM_RXBUFFER_EMPTY)
+  {
+    return (0);                              /* no character available */
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return (1);                              /*    character available */
+  }
+/*@} end of CMSIS_core_DebugFunctions */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __CORE_CM3_H_DEPENDANT */
+#endif /* __CMSIS_GENERIC */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/Core/CM3/stm32f10x.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/Core/CM3/stm32f10x.h
index 127e3a35b0ec89a273dbb523f7f8d0ee701be912..9596452dc1ec7a89b295b26d91b7458df850cef7 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/Core/CM3/stm32f10x.h
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/Core/CM3/stm32f10x.h
@@ -342,7 +342,8 @@ typedef __I uint16_t vuc16;  /*!< Read Only */
 typedef __I uint8_t vuc8;   /*!< Read Only */
 #ifndef __cplusplus
-typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = !FALSE} bool;
+//typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = !FALSE} bool;
 typedef enum {RESET = 0, SET = !RESET} FlagStatus, ITStatus;
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/cmsis_gcc.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/cmsis_gcc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa7c94fd541e7df04b3025837ee974a8afee7fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/cmsis_gcc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1373 @@
+ * @file     cmsis_gcc.h
+ * @brief    CMSIS Cortex-M Core Function/Instruction Header File
+ * @version  V4.30
+ * @date     20. October 2015
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2015 ARM LIMITED
+   All rights reserved.
+   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+   - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
+     to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+     specific prior written permission.
+   *
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __CMSIS_GCC_H
+#define __CMSIS_GCC_H
+/* ignore some GCC warnings */
+#if defined ( __GNUC__ )
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
+/* ###########################  Core Function Access  ########################### */
+/** \ingroup  CMSIS_Core_FunctionInterface
+    \defgroup CMSIS_Core_RegAccFunctions CMSIS Core Register Access Functions
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief   Enable IRQ Interrupts
+  \details Enables IRQ interrupts by clearing the I-bit in the CPSR.
+           Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __enable_irq(void)
+  __ASM volatile ("cpsie i" : : : "memory");
+  \brief   Disable IRQ Interrupts
+  \details Disables IRQ interrupts by setting the I-bit in the CPSR.
+  Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __disable_irq(void)
+  __ASM volatile ("cpsid i" : : : "memory");
+  \brief   Get Control Register
+  \details Returns the content of the Control Register.
+  \return               Control Register value
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_CONTROL(void)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, control" : "=r" (result) );
+  return(result);
+  \brief   Set Control Register
+  \details Writes the given value to the Control Register.
+  \param [in]    control  Control Register value to set
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_CONTROL(uint32_t control)
+  __ASM volatile ("MSR control, %0" : : "r" (control) : "memory");
+  \brief   Get IPSR Register
+  \details Returns the content of the IPSR Register.
+  \return               IPSR Register value
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_IPSR(void)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, ipsr" : "=r" (result) );
+  return(result);
+  \brief   Get APSR Register
+  \details Returns the content of the APSR Register.
+  \return               APSR Register value
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_APSR(void)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, apsr" : "=r" (result) );
+  return(result);
+  \brief   Get xPSR Register
+  \details Returns the content of the xPSR Register.
+    \return               xPSR Register value
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_xPSR(void)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, xpsr" : "=r" (result) );
+  return(result);
+  \brief   Get Process Stack Pointer
+  \details Returns the current value of the Process Stack Pointer (PSP).
+  \return               PSP Register value
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_PSP(void)
+  register uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, psp\n"  : "=r" (result) );
+  return(result);
+  \brief   Set Process Stack Pointer
+  \details Assigns the given value to the Process Stack Pointer (PSP).
+  \param [in]    topOfProcStack  Process Stack Pointer value to set
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_PSP(uint32_t topOfProcStack)
+  __ASM volatile ("MSR psp, %0\n" : : "r" (topOfProcStack) : "sp");
+  \brief   Get Main Stack Pointer
+  \details Returns the current value of the Main Stack Pointer (MSP).
+  \return               MSP Register value
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_MSP(void)
+  register uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, msp\n" : "=r" (result) );
+  return(result);
+  \brief   Set Main Stack Pointer
+  \details Assigns the given value to the Main Stack Pointer (MSP).
+    \param [in]    topOfMainStack  Main Stack Pointer value to set
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_MSP(uint32_t topOfMainStack)
+  __ASM volatile ("MSR msp, %0\n" : : "r" (topOfMainStack) : "sp");
+  \brief   Get Priority Mask
+  \details Returns the current state of the priority mask bit from the Priority Mask Register.
+  \return               Priority Mask value
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_PRIMASK(void)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, primask" : "=r" (result) );
+  return(result);
+  \brief   Set Priority Mask
+  \details Assigns the given value to the Priority Mask Register.
+  \param [in]    priMask  Priority Mask
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_PRIMASK(uint32_t priMask)
+  __ASM volatile ("MSR primask, %0" : : "r" (priMask) : "memory");
+#if       (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03U)
+  \brief   Enable FIQ
+  \details Enables FIQ interrupts by clearing the F-bit in the CPSR.
+           Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __enable_fault_irq(void)
+  __ASM volatile ("cpsie f" : : : "memory");
+  \brief   Disable FIQ
+  \details Disables FIQ interrupts by setting the F-bit in the CPSR.
+           Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __disable_fault_irq(void)
+  __ASM volatile ("cpsid f" : : : "memory");
+  \brief   Get Base Priority
+  \details Returns the current value of the Base Priority register.
+  \return               Base Priority register value
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_BASEPRI(void)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, basepri" : "=r" (result) );
+  return(result);
+  \brief   Set Base Priority
+  \details Assigns the given value to the Base Priority register.
+  \param [in]    basePri  Base Priority value to set
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_BASEPRI(uint32_t value)
+  __ASM volatile ("MSR basepri, %0" : : "r" (value) : "memory");
+  \brief   Set Base Priority with condition
+  \details Assigns the given value to the Base Priority register only if BASEPRI masking is disabled,
+           or the new value increases the BASEPRI priority level.
+  \param [in]    basePri  Base Priority value to set
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_BASEPRI_MAX(uint32_t value)
+  __ASM volatile ("MSR basepri_max, %0" : : "r" (value) : "memory");
+  \brief   Get Fault Mask
+  \details Returns the current value of the Fault Mask register.
+  \return               Fault Mask register value
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_FAULTMASK(void)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, faultmask" : "=r" (result) );
+  return(result);
+  \brief   Set Fault Mask
+  \details Assigns the given value to the Fault Mask register.
+  \param [in]    faultMask  Fault Mask value to set
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_FAULTMASK(uint32_t faultMask)
+  __ASM volatile ("MSR faultmask, %0" : : "r" (faultMask) : "memory");
+#endif /* (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03U) */
+#if       (__CORTEX_M == 0x04U) || (__CORTEX_M == 0x07U)
+  \brief   Get FPSCR
+  \details Returns the current value of the Floating Point Status/Control register.
+  \return               Floating Point Status/Control register value
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_FPSCR(void)
+#if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U) && (__FPU_USED == 1U)
+  uint32_t result;
+  /* Empty asm statement works as a scheduling barrier */
+  __ASM volatile ("");
+  __ASM volatile ("VMRS %0, fpscr" : "=r" (result) );
+  __ASM volatile ("");
+  return(result);
+   return(0);
+  \brief   Set FPSCR
+  \details Assigns the given value to the Floating Point Status/Control register.
+  \param [in]    fpscr  Floating Point Status/Control value to set
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_FPSCR(uint32_t fpscr)
+#if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U) && (__FPU_USED == 1U)
+  /* Empty asm statement works as a scheduling barrier */
+  __ASM volatile ("");
+  __ASM volatile ("VMSR fpscr, %0" : : "r" (fpscr) : "vfpcc");
+  __ASM volatile ("");
+#endif /* (__CORTEX_M == 0x04U) || (__CORTEX_M == 0x07U) */
+/*@} end of CMSIS_Core_RegAccFunctions */
+/* ##########################  Core Instruction Access  ######################### */
+/** \defgroup CMSIS_Core_InstructionInterface CMSIS Core Instruction Interface
+  Access to dedicated instructions
+  @{
+/* Define macros for porting to both thumb1 and thumb2.
+ * For thumb1, use low register (r0-r7), specified by constraint "l"
+ * Otherwise, use general registers, specified by constraint "r" */
+#if defined (__thumb__) && !defined (__thumb2__)
+#define __CMSIS_GCC_OUT_REG(r) "=l" (r)
+#define __CMSIS_GCC_USE_REG(r) "l" (r)
+#define __CMSIS_GCC_OUT_REG(r) "=r" (r)
+#define __CMSIS_GCC_USE_REG(r) "r" (r)
+  \brief   No Operation
+  \details No Operation does nothing. This instruction can be used for code alignment purposes.
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE void __NOP(void)
+  __ASM volatile ("nop");
+  \brief   Wait For Interrupt
+  \details Wait For Interrupt is a hint instruction that suspends execution until one of a number of events occurs.
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE void __WFI(void)
+  __ASM volatile ("wfi");
+  \brief   Wait For Event
+  \details Wait For Event is a hint instruction that permits the processor to enter
+    a low-power state until one of a number of events occurs.
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE void __WFE(void)
+  __ASM volatile ("wfe");
+  \brief   Send Event
+  \details Send Event is a hint instruction. It causes an event to be signaled to the CPU.
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE void __SEV(void)
+  __ASM volatile ("sev");
+  \brief   Instruction Synchronization Barrier
+  \details Instruction Synchronization Barrier flushes the pipeline in the processor,
+           so that all instructions following the ISB are fetched from cache or memory,
+           after the instruction has been completed.
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE void __ISB(void)
+  __ASM volatile ("isb 0xF":::"memory");
+  \brief   Data Synchronization Barrier
+  \details Acts as a special kind of Data Memory Barrier.
+           It completes when all explicit memory accesses before this instruction complete.
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE void __DSB(void)
+  __ASM volatile ("dsb 0xF":::"memory");
+  \brief   Data Memory Barrier
+  \details Ensures the apparent order of the explicit memory operations before
+           and after the instruction, without ensuring their completion.
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE void __DMB(void)
+  __ASM volatile ("dmb 0xF":::"memory");
+  \brief   Reverse byte order (32 bit)
+  \details Reverses the byte order in integer value.
+  \param [in]    value  Value to reverse
+  \return               Reversed value
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __REV(uint32_t value)
+#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)
+  return __builtin_bswap32(value);
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("rev %0, %1" : __CMSIS_GCC_OUT_REG (result) : __CMSIS_GCC_USE_REG (value) );
+  return(result);
+  \brief   Reverse byte order (16 bit)
+  \details Reverses the byte order in two unsigned short values.
+  \param [in]    value  Value to reverse
+  \return               Reversed value
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __REV16(uint32_t value)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("rev16 %0, %1" : __CMSIS_GCC_OUT_REG (result) : __CMSIS_GCC_USE_REG (value) );
+  return(result);
+  \brief   Reverse byte order in signed short value
+  \details Reverses the byte order in a signed short value with sign extension to integer.
+  \param [in]    value  Value to reverse
+  \return               Reversed value
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE int32_t __REVSH(int32_t value)
+#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)
+  return (short)__builtin_bswap16(value);
+  int32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("revsh %0, %1" : __CMSIS_GCC_OUT_REG (result) : __CMSIS_GCC_USE_REG (value) );
+  return(result);
+  \brief   Rotate Right in unsigned value (32 bit)
+  \details Rotate Right (immediate) provides the value of the contents of a register rotated by a variable number of bits.
+  \param [in]    value  Value to rotate
+  \param [in]    value  Number of Bits to rotate
+  \return               Rotated value
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __ROR(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  return (op1 >> op2) | (op1 << (32U - op2));
+  \brief   Breakpoint
+  \details Causes the processor to enter Debug state.
+           Debug tools can use this to investigate system state when the instruction at a particular address is reached.
+  \param [in]    value  is ignored by the processor.
+                 If required, a debugger can use it to store additional information about the breakpoint.
+ */
+#define __BKPT(value)                       __ASM volatile ("bkpt "#value)
+  \brief   Reverse bit order of value
+  \details Reverses the bit order of the given value.
+  \param [in]    value  Value to reverse
+  \return               Reversed value
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __RBIT(uint32_t value)
+  uint32_t result;
+#if       (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03U) || (__CORTEX_SC >= 300U)
+   __ASM volatile ("rbit %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) );
+  int32_t s = 4 /*sizeof(v)*/ * 8 - 1; /* extra shift needed at end */
+  result = value;                      /* r will be reversed bits of v; first get LSB of v */
+  for (value >>= 1U; value; value >>= 1U)
+  {
+    result <<= 1U;
+    result |= value & 1U;
+    s--;
+  }
+  result <<= s;                        /* shift when v's highest bits are zero */
+  return(result);
+  \brief   Count leading zeros
+  \details Counts the number of leading zeros of a data value.
+  \param [in]  value  Value to count the leading zeros
+  \return             number of leading zeros in value
+ */
+#define __CLZ             __builtin_clz
+#if       (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03U) || (__CORTEX_SC >= 300U)
+  \brief   LDR Exclusive (8 bit)
+  \details Executes a exclusive LDR instruction for 8 bit value.
+  \param [in]    ptr  Pointer to data
+  \return             value of type uint8_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint8_t __LDREXB(volatile uint8_t *addr)
+    uint32_t result;
+#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)
+   __ASM volatile ("ldrexb %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*addr) );
+    /* Prior to GCC 4.8, "Q" will be expanded to [rx, #0] which is not
+       accepted by assembler. So has to use following less efficient pattern.
+    */
+   __ASM volatile ("ldrexb %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) : "memory" );
+   return ((uint8_t) result);    /* Add explicit type cast here */
+  \brief   LDR Exclusive (16 bit)
+  \details Executes a exclusive LDR instruction for 16 bit values.
+  \param [in]    ptr  Pointer to data
+  \return        value of type uint16_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint16_t __LDREXH(volatile uint16_t *addr)
+    uint32_t result;
+#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)
+   __ASM volatile ("ldrexh %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*addr) );
+    /* Prior to GCC 4.8, "Q" will be expanded to [rx, #0] which is not
+       accepted by assembler. So has to use following less efficient pattern.
+    */
+   __ASM volatile ("ldrexh %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) : "memory" );
+   return ((uint16_t) result);    /* Add explicit type cast here */
+  \brief   LDR Exclusive (32 bit)
+  \details Executes a exclusive LDR instruction for 32 bit values.
+  \param [in]    ptr  Pointer to data
+  \return        value of type uint32_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __LDREXW(volatile uint32_t *addr)
+    uint32_t result;
+   __ASM volatile ("ldrex %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*addr) );
+   return(result);
+  \brief   STR Exclusive (8 bit)
+  \details Executes a exclusive STR instruction for 8 bit values.
+  \param [in]  value  Value to store
+  \param [in]    ptr  Pointer to location
+  \return          0  Function succeeded
+  \return          1  Function failed
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __STREXB(uint8_t value, volatile uint8_t *addr)
+   uint32_t result;
+   __ASM volatile ("strexb %0, %2, %1" : "=&r" (result), "=Q" (*addr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+   return(result);
+  \brief   STR Exclusive (16 bit)
+  \details Executes a exclusive STR instruction for 16 bit values.
+  \param [in]  value  Value to store
+  \param [in]    ptr  Pointer to location
+  \return          0  Function succeeded
+  \return          1  Function failed
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __STREXH(uint16_t value, volatile uint16_t *addr)
+   uint32_t result;
+   __ASM volatile ("strexh %0, %2, %1" : "=&r" (result), "=Q" (*addr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+   return(result);
+  \brief   STR Exclusive (32 bit)
+  \details Executes a exclusive STR instruction for 32 bit values.
+  \param [in]  value  Value to store
+  \param [in]    ptr  Pointer to location
+  \return          0  Function succeeded
+  \return          1  Function failed
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __STREXW(uint32_t value, volatile uint32_t *addr)
+   uint32_t result;
+   __ASM volatile ("strex %0, %2, %1" : "=&r" (result), "=Q" (*addr) : "r" (value) );
+   return(result);
+  \brief   Remove the exclusive lock
+  \details Removes the exclusive lock which is created by LDREX.
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE void __CLREX(void)
+  __ASM volatile ("clrex" ::: "memory");
+  \brief   Signed Saturate
+  \details Saturates a signed value.
+  \param [in]  value  Value to be saturated
+  \param [in]    sat  Bit position to saturate to (1..32)
+  \return             Saturated value
+ */
+#define __SSAT(ARG1,ARG2) \
+({                          \
+  uint32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1); \
+  __ASM ("ssat %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__RES) :  "I" (ARG2), "r" (__ARG1) ); \
+  __RES; \
+ })
+  \brief   Unsigned Saturate
+  \details Saturates an unsigned value.
+  \param [in]  value  Value to be saturated
+  \param [in]    sat  Bit position to saturate to (0..31)
+  \return             Saturated value
+ */
+#define __USAT(ARG1,ARG2) \
+({                          \
+  uint32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1); \
+  __ASM ("usat %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__RES) :  "I" (ARG2), "r" (__ARG1) ); \
+  __RES; \
+ })
+  \brief   Rotate Right with Extend (32 bit)
+  \details Moves each bit of a bitstring right by one bit.
+           The carry input is shifted in at the left end of the bitstring.
+  \param [in]    value  Value to rotate
+  \return               Rotated value
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __RRX(uint32_t value)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("rrx %0, %1" : __CMSIS_GCC_OUT_REG (result) : __CMSIS_GCC_USE_REG (value) );
+  return(result);
+  \brief   LDRT Unprivileged (8 bit)
+  \details Executes a Unprivileged LDRT instruction for 8 bit value.
+  \param [in]    ptr  Pointer to data
+  \return             value of type uint8_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint8_t __LDRBT(volatile uint8_t *addr)
+    uint32_t result;
+#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)
+   __ASM volatile ("ldrbt %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*addr) );
+    /* Prior to GCC 4.8, "Q" will be expanded to [rx, #0] which is not
+       accepted by assembler. So has to use following less efficient pattern.
+    */
+   __ASM volatile ("ldrbt %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) : "memory" );
+   return ((uint8_t) result);    /* Add explicit type cast here */
+  \brief   LDRT Unprivileged (16 bit)
+  \details Executes a Unprivileged LDRT instruction for 16 bit values.
+  \param [in]    ptr  Pointer to data
+  \return        value of type uint16_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint16_t __LDRHT(volatile uint16_t *addr)
+    uint32_t result;
+#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)
+   __ASM volatile ("ldrht %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*addr) );
+    /* Prior to GCC 4.8, "Q" will be expanded to [rx, #0] which is not
+       accepted by assembler. So has to use following less efficient pattern.
+    */
+   __ASM volatile ("ldrht %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) : "memory" );
+   return ((uint16_t) result);    /* Add explicit type cast here */
+  \brief   LDRT Unprivileged (32 bit)
+  \details Executes a Unprivileged LDRT instruction for 32 bit values.
+  \param [in]    ptr  Pointer to data
+  \return        value of type uint32_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __LDRT(volatile uint32_t *addr)
+    uint32_t result;
+   __ASM volatile ("ldrt %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*addr) );
+   return(result);
+  \brief   STRT Unprivileged (8 bit)
+  \details Executes a Unprivileged STRT instruction for 8 bit values.
+  \param [in]  value  Value to store
+  \param [in]    ptr  Pointer to location
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE void __STRBT(uint8_t value, volatile uint8_t *addr)
+   __ASM volatile ("strbt %1, %0" : "=Q" (*addr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+  \brief   STRT Unprivileged (16 bit)
+  \details Executes a Unprivileged STRT instruction for 16 bit values.
+  \param [in]  value  Value to store
+  \param [in]    ptr  Pointer to location
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE void __STRHT(uint16_t value, volatile uint16_t *addr)
+   __ASM volatile ("strht %1, %0" : "=Q" (*addr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+  \brief   STRT Unprivileged (32 bit)
+  \details Executes a Unprivileged STRT instruction for 32 bit values.
+  \param [in]  value  Value to store
+  \param [in]    ptr  Pointer to location
+ */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE void __STRT(uint32_t value, volatile uint32_t *addr)
+   __ASM volatile ("strt %1, %0" : "=Q" (*addr) : "r" (value) );
+#endif /* (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03U) || (__CORTEX_SC >= 300U) */
+/*@}*/ /* end of group CMSIS_Core_InstructionInterface */
+/* ###################  Compiler specific Intrinsics  ########################### */
+/** \defgroup CMSIS_SIMD_intrinsics CMSIS SIMD Intrinsics
+  Access to dedicated SIMD instructions
+  @{
+#if (__CORTEX_M >= 0x04U)  /* only for Cortex-M4 and above */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SADD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("sadd8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __QADD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("qadd8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SHADD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("shadd8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UADD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uadd8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UQADD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uqadd8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UHADD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uhadd8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SSUB8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("ssub8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __QSUB8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("qsub8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SHSUB8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("shsub8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __USUB8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("usub8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UQSUB8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uqsub8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UHSUB8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uhsub8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SADD16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("sadd16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __QADD16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("qadd16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SHADD16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("shadd16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UADD16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uadd16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UQADD16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uqadd16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UHADD16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uhadd16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SSUB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("ssub16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __QSUB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("qsub16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SHSUB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("shsub16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __USUB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("usub16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UQSUB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uqsub16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UHSUB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uhsub16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SASX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("sasx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __QASX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("qasx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SHASX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("shasx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UASX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uasx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UQASX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uqasx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UHASX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uhasx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SSAX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("ssax %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __QSAX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("qsax %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SHSAX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("shsax %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __USAX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("usax %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UQSAX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uqsax %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UHSAX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uhsax %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __USAD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("usad8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __USADA8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint32_t op3)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("usada8 %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2), "r" (op3) );
+  return(result);
+#define __SSAT16(ARG1,ARG2) \
+({                          \
+  int32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1); \
+  __ASM ("ssat16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__RES) :  "I" (ARG2), "r" (__ARG1) ); \
+  __RES; \
+ })
+#define __USAT16(ARG1,ARG2) \
+({                          \
+  uint32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1); \
+  __ASM ("usat16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__RES) :  "I" (ARG2), "r" (__ARG1) ); \
+  __RES; \
+ })
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UXTB16(uint32_t op1)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uxtb16 %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1));
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __UXTAB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("uxtab16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SXTB16(uint32_t op1)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("sxtb16 %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1));
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SXTAB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("sxtab16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SMUAD  (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("smuad %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SMUADX (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("smuadx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SMLAD (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint32_t op3)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("smlad %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2), "r" (op3) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SMLADX (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint32_t op3)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("smladx %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2), "r" (op3) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint64_t __SMLALD (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint64_t acc)
+  union llreg_u{
+    uint32_t w32[2];
+    uint64_t w64;
+  } llr;
+  llr.w64 = acc;
+#ifndef __ARMEB__   /* Little endian */
+  __ASM volatile ("smlald %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[0]), "=r" (llr.w32[1]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[0]), "1" (llr.w32[1]) );
+#else               /* Big endian */
+  __ASM volatile ("smlald %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[1]), "=r" (llr.w32[0]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[1]), "1" (llr.w32[0]) );
+  return(llr.w64);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint64_t __SMLALDX (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint64_t acc)
+  union llreg_u{
+    uint32_t w32[2];
+    uint64_t w64;
+  } llr;
+  llr.w64 = acc;
+#ifndef __ARMEB__   /* Little endian */
+  __ASM volatile ("smlaldx %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[0]), "=r" (llr.w32[1]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[0]), "1" (llr.w32[1]) );
+#else               /* Big endian */
+  __ASM volatile ("smlaldx %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[1]), "=r" (llr.w32[0]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[1]), "1" (llr.w32[0]) );
+  return(llr.w64);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SMUSD  (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("smusd %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SMUSDX (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("smusdx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SMLSD (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint32_t op3)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("smlsd %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2), "r" (op3) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SMLSDX (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint32_t op3)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("smlsdx %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2), "r" (op3) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint64_t __SMLSLD (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint64_t acc)
+  union llreg_u{
+    uint32_t w32[2];
+    uint64_t w64;
+  } llr;
+  llr.w64 = acc;
+#ifndef __ARMEB__   /* Little endian */
+  __ASM volatile ("smlsld %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[0]), "=r" (llr.w32[1]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[0]), "1" (llr.w32[1]) );
+#else               /* Big endian */
+  __ASM volatile ("smlsld %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[1]), "=r" (llr.w32[0]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[1]), "1" (llr.w32[0]) );
+  return(llr.w64);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint64_t __SMLSLDX (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint64_t acc)
+  union llreg_u{
+    uint32_t w32[2];
+    uint64_t w64;
+  } llr;
+  llr.w64 = acc;
+#ifndef __ARMEB__   /* Little endian */
+  __ASM volatile ("smlsldx %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[0]), "=r" (llr.w32[1]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[0]), "1" (llr.w32[1]) );
+#else               /* Big endian */
+  __ASM volatile ("smlsldx %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[1]), "=r" (llr.w32[0]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[1]), "1" (llr.w32[0]) );
+  return(llr.w64);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SEL  (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+  uint32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("sel %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE  int32_t __QADD( int32_t op1,  int32_t op2)
+  int32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("qadd %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE  int32_t __QSUB( int32_t op1,  int32_t op2)
+  int32_t result;
+  __ASM volatile ("qsub %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+  return(result);
+#define __PKHBT(ARG1,ARG2,ARG3) \
+({                          \
+  uint32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1), __ARG2 = (ARG2); \
+  __ASM ("pkhbt %0, %1, %2, lsl %3" : "=r" (__RES) :  "r" (__ARG1), "r" (__ARG2), "I" (ARG3)  ); \
+  __RES; \
+ })
+#define __PKHTB(ARG1,ARG2,ARG3) \
+({                          \
+  uint32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1), __ARG2 = (ARG2); \
+  if (ARG3 == 0) \
+    __ASM ("pkhtb %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__RES) :  "r" (__ARG1), "r" (__ARG2)  ); \
+  else \
+    __ASM ("pkhtb %0, %1, %2, asr %3" : "=r" (__RES) :  "r" (__ARG1), "r" (__ARG2), "I" (ARG3)  ); \
+  __RES; \
+ })
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __SMMLA (int32_t op1, int32_t op2, int32_t op3)
+ int32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("smmla %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (result): "r"  (op1), "r" (op2), "r" (op3) );
+ return(result);
+#endif /* (__CORTEX_M >= 0x04) */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_SIMD_intrinsics */
+#if defined ( __GNUC__ )
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+#endif /* __CMSIS_GCC_H */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/core_cm4.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/core_cm4.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..873eec99dad6d216f8e367f779f1f26811b115ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/core_cm4.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1937 @@
+ * @file     core_cm4.h
+ * @brief    CMSIS Cortex-M4 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
+ * @version  V4.30
+ * @date     20. October 2015
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2015 ARM LIMITED
+   All rights reserved.
+   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+   - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
+     to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+     specific prior written permission.
+   *
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#if   defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+ #pragma system_include         /* treat file as system include file for MISRA check */
+#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
+  #pragma clang system_header   /* treat file as system include file */
+#ifndef __CORE_CM4_H_GENERIC
+#define __CORE_CM4_H_GENERIC
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+  \page CMSIS_MISRA_Exceptions  MISRA-C:2004 Compliance Exceptions
+  CMSIS violates the following MISRA-C:2004 rules:
+   \li Required Rule 8.5, object/function definition in header file.<br>
+     Function definitions in header files are used to allow 'inlining'.
+   \li Required Rule 18.4, declaration of union type or object of union type: '{...}'.<br>
+     Unions are used for effective representation of core registers.
+   \li Advisory Rule 19.7, Function-like macro defined.<br>
+     Function-like macros are used to allow more efficient code.
+ */
+ *                 CMSIS definitions
+ ******************************************************************************/
+  \ingroup Cortex_M4
+  @{
+ */
+/*  CMSIS CM4 definitions */
+#define __CM4_CMSIS_VERSION_MAIN  (0x04U)                                      /*!< [31:16] CMSIS HAL main version */
+#define __CM4_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB   (0x1EU)                                      /*!< [15:0]  CMSIS HAL sub version */
+#define __CM4_CMSIS_VERSION       ((__CM4_CMSIS_VERSION_MAIN << 16U) | \
+                                    __CM4_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB           )        /*!< CMSIS HAL version number */
+#define __CORTEX_M                (0x04U)                                      /*!< Cortex-M Core */
+#if   defined ( __CC_ARM )
+  #define __ASM            __asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for ARM Compiler */
+  #define __INLINE         __inline                                   /*!< inline keyword for ARM Compiler */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static __inline
+#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
+  #define __ASM            __asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for ARM Compiler */
+  #define __INLINE         __inline                                   /*!< inline keyword for ARM Compiler */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static __inline
+#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
+  #define __ASM            __asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for GNU Compiler */
+  #define __INLINE         inline                                     /*!< inline keyword for GNU Compiler */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static inline
+#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+  #define __ASM            __asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for IAR Compiler */
+  #define __INLINE         inline                                     /*!< inline keyword for IAR Compiler. Only available in High optimization mode! */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static inline
+#elif defined ( __TMS470__ )
+  #define __ASM            __asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for TI CCS Compiler */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static inline
+#elif defined ( __TASKING__ )
+  #define __ASM            __asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for TASKING Compiler */
+  #define __INLINE         inline                                     /*!< inline keyword for TASKING Compiler */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static inline
+#elif defined ( __CSMC__ )
+  #define __packed
+  #define __ASM            _asm                                      /*!< asm keyword for COSMIC Compiler */
+  #define __INLINE         inline                                    /*!< inline keyword for COSMIC Compiler. Use -pc99 on compile line */
+  #define __STATIC_INLINE  static inline
+  #error Unknown compiler
+/** __FPU_USED indicates whether an FPU is used or not.
+    For this, __FPU_PRESENT has to be checked prior to making use of FPU specific registers and functions.
+#if defined ( __CC_ARM )
+  #if defined __TARGET_FPU_VFP
+    #if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)
+      #define __FPU_USED       1U
+    #else
+      #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+      #define __FPU_USED       0U
+    #endif
+  #else
+    #define __FPU_USED         0U
+  #endif
+#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
+  #if defined __ARM_PCS_VFP
+    #if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1)
+      #define __FPU_USED       1U
+    #else
+      #warning "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+      #define __FPU_USED       0U
+    #endif
+  #else
+    #define __FPU_USED         0U
+  #endif
+#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
+  #if defined (__VFP_FP__) && !defined(__SOFTFP__)
+    #if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)
+      #define __FPU_USED       1U
+    #else
+      #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+      #define __FPU_USED       0U
+    #endif
+  #else
+    #define __FPU_USED         0U
+  #endif
+#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+  #if defined __ARMVFP__
+    #if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)
+      #define __FPU_USED       1U
+    #else
+      #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+      #define __FPU_USED       0U
+    #endif
+  #else
+    #define __FPU_USED         0U
+  #endif
+#elif defined ( __TMS470__ )
+  #if defined __TI_VFP_SUPPORT__
+    #if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)
+      #define __FPU_USED       1U
+    #else
+      #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+      #define __FPU_USED       0U
+    #endif
+  #else
+    #define __FPU_USED         0U
+  #endif
+#elif defined ( __TASKING__ )
+  #if defined __FPU_VFP__
+    #if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)
+      #define __FPU_USED       1U
+    #else
+      #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+      #define __FPU_USED       0U
+    #endif
+  #else
+    #define __FPU_USED         0U
+  #endif
+#elif defined ( __CSMC__ )
+  #if ( __CSMC__ & 0x400U)
+    #if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)
+      #define __FPU_USED       1U
+    #else
+      #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
+      #define __FPU_USED       0U
+    #endif
+  #else
+    #define __FPU_USED         0U
+  #endif
+#include "core_cmInstr.h"                /* Core Instruction Access */
+#include "core_cmFunc.h"                 /* Core Function Access */
+#include "core_cmSimd.h"                 /* Compiler specific SIMD Intrinsics */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __CORE_CM4_H_GENERIC */
+#ifndef __CMSIS_GENERIC
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* check device defines and use defaults */
+  #ifndef __CM4_REV
+    #define __CM4_REV               0x0000U
+    #warning "__CM4_REV not defined in device header file; using default!"
+  #endif
+  #ifndef __FPU_PRESENT
+    #define __FPU_PRESENT             0U
+    #warning "__FPU_PRESENT not defined in device header file; using default!"
+  #endif
+  #ifndef __MPU_PRESENT
+    #define __MPU_PRESENT             0U
+    #warning "__MPU_PRESENT not defined in device header file; using default!"
+  #endif
+  #ifndef __NVIC_PRIO_BITS
+    #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          4U
+    #warning "__NVIC_PRIO_BITS not defined in device header file; using default!"
+  #endif
+  #ifndef __Vendor_SysTickConfig
+    #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U
+    #warning "__Vendor_SysTickConfig not defined in device header file; using default!"
+  #endif
+/* IO definitions (access restrictions to peripheral registers) */
+    \defgroup CMSIS_glob_defs CMSIS Global Defines
+    <strong>IO Type Qualifiers</strong> are used
+    \li to specify the access to peripheral variables.
+    \li for automatic generation of peripheral register debug information.
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+  #define   __I     volatile             /*!< Defines 'read only' permissions */
+  #define   __I     volatile const       /*!< Defines 'read only' permissions */
+#define     __O     volatile             /*!< Defines 'write only' permissions */
+#define     __IO    volatile             /*!< Defines 'read / write' permissions */
+/* following defines should be used for structure members */
+#define     __IM     volatile const      /*! Defines 'read only' structure member permissions */
+#define     __OM     volatile            /*! Defines 'write only' structure member permissions */
+#define     __IOM    volatile            /*! Defines 'read / write' structure member permissions */
+/*@} end of group Cortex_M4 */
+ *                 Register Abstraction
+  Core Register contain:
+  - Core Register
+  - Core NVIC Register
+  - Core SCB Register
+  - Core SysTick Register
+  - Core Debug Register
+  - Core MPU Register
+  - Core FPU Register
+ ******************************************************************************/
+  \defgroup CMSIS_core_register Defines and Type Definitions
+  \brief Type definitions and defines for Cortex-M processor based devices.
+  \ingroup    CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup   CMSIS_CORE  Status and Control Registers
+  \brief      Core Register type definitions.
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Union type to access the Application Program Status Register (APSR).
+ */
+typedef union
+  struct
+  {
+    uint32_t _reserved0:16;              /*!< bit:  0..15  Reserved */
+    uint32_t GE:4;                       /*!< bit: 16..19  Greater than or Equal flags */
+    uint32_t _reserved1:7;               /*!< bit: 20..26  Reserved */
+    uint32_t Q:1;                        /*!< bit:     27  Saturation condition flag */
+    uint32_t V:1;                        /*!< bit:     28  Overflow condition code flag */
+    uint32_t C:1;                        /*!< bit:     29  Carry condition code flag */
+    uint32_t Z:1;                        /*!< bit:     30  Zero condition code flag */
+    uint32_t N:1;                        /*!< bit:     31  Negative condition code flag */
+  } b;                                   /*!< Structure used for bit  access */
+  uint32_t w;                            /*!< Type      used for word access */
+} APSR_Type;
+/* APSR Register Definitions */
+#define APSR_N_Pos                         31U                                            /*!< APSR: N Position */
+#define APSR_N_Msk                         (1UL << APSR_N_Pos)                            /*!< APSR: N Mask */
+#define APSR_Z_Pos                         30U                                            /*!< APSR: Z Position */
+#define APSR_Z_Msk                         (1UL << APSR_Z_Pos)                            /*!< APSR: Z Mask */
+#define APSR_C_Pos                         29U                                            /*!< APSR: C Position */
+#define APSR_C_Msk                         (1UL << APSR_C_Pos)                            /*!< APSR: C Mask */
+#define APSR_V_Pos                         28U                                            /*!< APSR: V Position */
+#define APSR_V_Msk                         (1UL << APSR_V_Pos)                            /*!< APSR: V Mask */
+#define APSR_Q_Pos                         27U                                            /*!< APSR: Q Position */
+#define APSR_Q_Msk                         (1UL << APSR_Q_Pos)                            /*!< APSR: Q Mask */
+#define APSR_GE_Pos                        16U                                            /*!< APSR: GE Position */
+#define APSR_GE_Msk                        (0xFUL << APSR_GE_Pos)                         /*!< APSR: GE Mask */
+  \brief  Union type to access the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR).
+ */
+typedef union
+  struct
+  {
+    uint32_t ISR:9;                      /*!< bit:  0.. 8  Exception number */
+    uint32_t _reserved0:23;              /*!< bit:  9..31  Reserved */
+  } b;                                   /*!< Structure used for bit  access */
+  uint32_t w;                            /*!< Type      used for word access */
+} IPSR_Type;
+/* IPSR Register Definitions */
+#define IPSR_ISR_Pos                        0U                                            /*!< IPSR: ISR Position */
+#define IPSR_ISR_Msk                       (0x1FFUL /*<< IPSR_ISR_Pos*/)                  /*!< IPSR: ISR Mask */
+  \brief  Union type to access the Special-Purpose Program Status Registers (xPSR).
+ */
+typedef union
+  struct
+  {
+    uint32_t ISR:9;                      /*!< bit:  0.. 8  Exception number */
+    uint32_t _reserved0:7;               /*!< bit:  9..15  Reserved */
+    uint32_t GE:4;                       /*!< bit: 16..19  Greater than or Equal flags */
+    uint32_t _reserved1:4;               /*!< bit: 20..23  Reserved */
+    uint32_t T:1;                        /*!< bit:     24  Thumb bit        (read 0) */
+    uint32_t IT:2;                       /*!< bit: 25..26  saved IT state   (read 0) */
+    uint32_t Q:1;                        /*!< bit:     27  Saturation condition flag */
+    uint32_t V:1;                        /*!< bit:     28  Overflow condition code flag */
+    uint32_t C:1;                        /*!< bit:     29  Carry condition code flag */
+    uint32_t Z:1;                        /*!< bit:     30  Zero condition code flag */
+    uint32_t N:1;                        /*!< bit:     31  Negative condition code flag */
+  } b;                                   /*!< Structure used for bit  access */
+  uint32_t w;                            /*!< Type      used for word access */
+} xPSR_Type;
+/* xPSR Register Definitions */
+#define xPSR_N_Pos                         31U                                            /*!< xPSR: N Position */
+#define xPSR_N_Msk                         (1UL << xPSR_N_Pos)                            /*!< xPSR: N Mask */
+#define xPSR_Z_Pos                         30U                                            /*!< xPSR: Z Position */
+#define xPSR_Z_Msk                         (1UL << xPSR_Z_Pos)                            /*!< xPSR: Z Mask */
+#define xPSR_C_Pos                         29U                                            /*!< xPSR: C Position */
+#define xPSR_C_Msk                         (1UL << xPSR_C_Pos)                            /*!< xPSR: C Mask */
+#define xPSR_V_Pos                         28U                                            /*!< xPSR: V Position */
+#define xPSR_V_Msk                         (1UL << xPSR_V_Pos)                            /*!< xPSR: V Mask */
+#define xPSR_Q_Pos                         27U                                            /*!< xPSR: Q Position */
+#define xPSR_Q_Msk                         (1UL << xPSR_Q_Pos)                            /*!< xPSR: Q Mask */
+#define xPSR_IT_Pos                        25U                                            /*!< xPSR: IT Position */
+#define xPSR_IT_Msk                        (3UL << xPSR_IT_Pos)                           /*!< xPSR: IT Mask */
+#define xPSR_T_Pos                         24U                                            /*!< xPSR: T Position */
+#define xPSR_T_Msk                         (1UL << xPSR_T_Pos)                            /*!< xPSR: T Mask */
+#define xPSR_GE_Pos                        16U                                            /*!< xPSR: GE Position */
+#define xPSR_GE_Msk                        (0xFUL << xPSR_GE_Pos)                         /*!< xPSR: GE Mask */
+#define xPSR_ISR_Pos                        0U                                            /*!< xPSR: ISR Position */
+#define xPSR_ISR_Msk                       (0x1FFUL /*<< xPSR_ISR_Pos*/)                  /*!< xPSR: ISR Mask */
+  \brief  Union type to access the Control Registers (CONTROL).
+ */
+typedef union
+  struct
+  {
+    uint32_t nPRIV:1;                    /*!< bit:      0  Execution privilege in Thread mode */
+    uint32_t SPSEL:1;                    /*!< bit:      1  Stack to be used */
+    uint32_t FPCA:1;                     /*!< bit:      2  FP extension active flag */
+    uint32_t _reserved0:29;              /*!< bit:  3..31  Reserved */
+  } b;                                   /*!< Structure used for bit  access */
+  uint32_t w;                            /*!< Type      used for word access */
+} CONTROL_Type;
+/* CONTROL Register Definitions */
+#define CONTROL_FPCA_Pos                    2U                                            /*!< CONTROL: FPCA Position */
+#define CONTROL_FPCA_Msk                   (1UL << CONTROL_FPCA_Pos)                      /*!< CONTROL: FPCA Mask */
+#define CONTROL_SPSEL_Pos                   1U                                            /*!< CONTROL: SPSEL Position */
+#define CONTROL_SPSEL_Msk                  (1UL << CONTROL_SPSEL_Pos)                     /*!< CONTROL: SPSEL Mask */
+#define CONTROL_nPRIV_Pos                   0U                                            /*!< CONTROL: nPRIV Position */
+#define CONTROL_nPRIV_Msk                  (1UL /*<< CONTROL_nPRIV_Pos*/)                 /*!< CONTROL: nPRIV Mask */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_CORE */
+  \ingroup    CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup   CMSIS_NVIC  Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
+  \brief      Type definitions for the NVIC Registers
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IOM uint32_t ISER[8U];               /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/W)  Interrupt Set Enable Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED0[24U];
+  __IOM uint32_t ICER[8U];               /*!< Offset: 0x080 (R/W)  Interrupt Clear Enable Register */
+        uint32_t RSERVED1[24U];
+  __IOM uint32_t ISPR[8U];               /*!< Offset: 0x100 (R/W)  Interrupt Set Pending Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED2[24U];
+  __IOM uint32_t ICPR[8U];               /*!< Offset: 0x180 (R/W)  Interrupt Clear Pending Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED3[24U];
+  __IOM uint32_t IABR[8U];               /*!< Offset: 0x200 (R/W)  Interrupt Active bit Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED4[56U];
+  __IOM uint8_t  IP[240U];               /*!< Offset: 0x300 (R/W)  Interrupt Priority Register (8Bit wide) */
+        uint32_t RESERVED5[644U];
+  __OM  uint32_t STIR;                   /*!< Offset: 0xE00 ( /W)  Software Trigger Interrupt Register */
+}  NVIC_Type;
+/* Software Triggered Interrupt Register Definitions */
+#define NVIC_STIR_INTID_Pos                 0U                                         /*!< STIR: INTLINESNUM Position */
+#define NVIC_STIR_INTID_Msk                (0x1FFUL /*<< NVIC_STIR_INTID_Pos*/)        /*!< STIR: INTLINESNUM Mask */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_NVIC */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_SCB     System Control Block (SCB)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the System Control Block Registers
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the System Control Block (SCB).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IM  uint32_t CPUID;                  /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/ )  CPUID Base Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t ICSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/W)  Interrupt Control and State Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t VTOR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  Vector Table Offset Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t AIRCR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x00C (R/W)  Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t SCR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x010 (R/W)  System Control Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t CCR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x014 (R/W)  Configuration Control Register */
+  __IOM uint8_t  SHP[12U];               /*!< Offset: 0x018 (R/W)  System Handlers Priority Registers (4-7, 8-11, 12-15) */
+  __IOM uint32_t SHCSR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x024 (R/W)  System Handler Control and State Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t CFSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x028 (R/W)  Configurable Fault Status Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t HFSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x02C (R/W)  HardFault Status Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t DFSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x030 (R/W)  Debug Fault Status Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t MMFAR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x034 (R/W)  MemManage Fault Address Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t BFAR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x038 (R/W)  BusFault Address Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t AFSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x03C (R/W)  Auxiliary Fault Status Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t PFR[2U];                /*!< Offset: 0x040 (R/ )  Processor Feature Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t DFR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x048 (R/ )  Debug Feature Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t ADR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x04C (R/ )  Auxiliary Feature Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t MMFR[4U];               /*!< Offset: 0x050 (R/ )  Memory Model Feature Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t ISAR[5U];               /*!< Offset: 0x060 (R/ )  Instruction Set Attributes Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED0[5U];
+  __IOM uint32_t CPACR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x088 (R/W)  Coprocessor Access Control Register */
+} SCB_Type;
+/* SCB CPUID Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_CPUID_IMPLEMENTER_Pos          24U                                            /*!< SCB CPUID: IMPLEMENTER Position */
+#define SCB_CPUID_VARIANT_Pos              20U                                            /*!< SCB CPUID: VARIANT Position */
+#define SCB_CPUID_VARIANT_Msk              (0xFUL << SCB_CPUID_VARIANT_Pos)               /*!< SCB CPUID: VARIANT Mask */
+#define SCB_CPUID_ARCHITECTURE_Pos         16U                                            /*!< SCB CPUID: ARCHITECTURE Position */
+#define SCB_CPUID_PARTNO_Pos                4U                                            /*!< SCB CPUID: PARTNO Position */
+#define SCB_CPUID_PARTNO_Msk               (0xFFFUL << SCB_CPUID_PARTNO_Pos)              /*!< SCB CPUID: PARTNO Mask */
+#define SCB_CPUID_REVISION_Pos              0U                                            /*!< SCB CPUID: REVISION Position */
+#define SCB_CPUID_REVISION_Msk             (0xFUL /*<< SCB_CPUID_REVISION_Pos*/)          /*!< SCB CPUID: REVISION Mask */
+/* SCB Interrupt Control State Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_ICSR_NMIPENDSET_Pos            31U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: NMIPENDSET Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_NMIPENDSET_Msk            (1UL << SCB_ICSR_NMIPENDSET_Pos)               /*!< SCB ICSR: NMIPENDSET Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSVSET_Pos             28U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSVSET Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSVSET_Msk             (1UL << SCB_ICSR_PENDSVSET_Pos)                /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSVSET Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSVCLR_Pos             27U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSVCLR Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSVCLR_Msk             (1UL << SCB_ICSR_PENDSVCLR_Pos)                /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSVCLR Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSTSET_Pos             26U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSTSET Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSTSET_Msk             (1UL << SCB_ICSR_PENDSTSET_Pos)                /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSTSET Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSTCLR_Pos             25U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSTCLR Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSTCLR_Msk             (1UL << SCB_ICSR_PENDSTCLR_Pos)                /*!< SCB ICSR: PENDSTCLR Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_ISRPREEMPT_Pos            23U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: ISRPREEMPT Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_ISRPREEMPT_Msk            (1UL << SCB_ICSR_ISRPREEMPT_Pos)               /*!< SCB ICSR: ISRPREEMPT Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_ISRPENDING_Pos            22U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: ISRPENDING Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_ISRPENDING_Msk            (1UL << SCB_ICSR_ISRPENDING_Pos)               /*!< SCB ICSR: ISRPENDING Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTPENDING_Pos           12U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: VECTPENDING Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTPENDING_Msk           (0x1FFUL << SCB_ICSR_VECTPENDING_Pos)          /*!< SCB ICSR: VECTPENDING Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_RETTOBASE_Pos             11U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: RETTOBASE Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_RETTOBASE_Msk             (1UL << SCB_ICSR_RETTOBASE_Pos)                /*!< SCB ICSR: RETTOBASE Mask */
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SCB ICSR: VECTACTIVE Position */
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_Msk            (0x1FFUL /*<< SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_Pos*/)       /*!< SCB ICSR: VECTACTIVE Mask */
+/* SCB Vector Table Offset Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_Pos                 7U                                            /*!< SCB VTOR: TBLOFF Position */
+#define SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_Msk                (0x1FFFFFFUL << SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_Pos)           /*!< SCB VTOR: TBLOFF Mask */
+/* SCB Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Pos              16U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: VECTKEY Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Msk              (0xFFFFUL << SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Pos)            /*!< SCB AIRCR: VECTKEY Mask */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEYSTAT_Pos          16U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: VECTKEYSTAT Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_ENDIANESS_Pos            15U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: ENDIANESS Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_ENDIANESS_Msk            (1UL << SCB_AIRCR_ENDIANESS_Pos)               /*!< SCB AIRCR: ENDIANESS Mask */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Pos              8U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: PRIGROUP Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Msk             (7UL << SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Pos)                /*!< SCB AIRCR: PRIGROUP Mask */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_SYSRESETREQ_Pos           2U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: SYSRESETREQ Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_SYSRESETREQ_Msk          (1UL << SCB_AIRCR_SYSRESETREQ_Pos)             /*!< SCB AIRCR: SYSRESETREQ Mask */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTCLRACTIVE_Pos         1U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: VECTCLRACTIVE Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTRESET_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SCB AIRCR: VECTRESET Position */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTRESET_Msk            (1UL /*<< SCB_AIRCR_VECTRESET_Pos*/)           /*!< SCB AIRCR: VECTRESET Mask */
+/* SCB System Control Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_SCR_SEVONPEND_Pos               4U                                            /*!< SCB SCR: SEVONPEND Position */
+#define SCB_SCR_SEVONPEND_Msk              (1UL << SCB_SCR_SEVONPEND_Pos)                 /*!< SCB SCR: SEVONPEND Mask */
+#define SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Pos               2U                                            /*!< SCB SCR: SLEEPDEEP Position */
+#define SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Msk              (1UL << SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Pos)                 /*!< SCB SCR: SLEEPDEEP Mask */
+#define SCB_SCR_SLEEPONEXIT_Pos             1U                                            /*!< SCB SCR: SLEEPONEXIT Position */
+#define SCB_SCR_SLEEPONEXIT_Msk            (1UL << SCB_SCR_SLEEPONEXIT_Pos)               /*!< SCB SCR: SLEEPONEXIT Mask */
+/* SCB Configuration Control Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_CCR_STKALIGN_Pos                9U                                            /*!< SCB CCR: STKALIGN Position */
+#define SCB_CCR_STKALIGN_Msk               (1UL << SCB_CCR_STKALIGN_Pos)                  /*!< SCB CCR: STKALIGN Mask */
+#define SCB_CCR_BFHFNMIGN_Pos               8U                                            /*!< SCB CCR: BFHFNMIGN Position */
+#define SCB_CCR_BFHFNMIGN_Msk              (1UL << SCB_CCR_BFHFNMIGN_Pos)                 /*!< SCB CCR: BFHFNMIGN Mask */
+#define SCB_CCR_DIV_0_TRP_Pos               4U                                            /*!< SCB CCR: DIV_0_TRP Position */
+#define SCB_CCR_DIV_0_TRP_Msk              (1UL << SCB_CCR_DIV_0_TRP_Pos)                 /*!< SCB CCR: DIV_0_TRP Mask */
+#define SCB_CCR_UNALIGN_TRP_Pos             3U                                            /*!< SCB CCR: UNALIGN_TRP Position */
+#define SCB_CCR_UNALIGN_TRP_Msk            (1UL << SCB_CCR_UNALIGN_TRP_Pos)               /*!< SCB CCR: UNALIGN_TRP Mask */
+#define SCB_CCR_USERSETMPEND_Pos            1U                                            /*!< SCB CCR: USERSETMPEND Position */
+#define SCB_CCR_USERSETMPEND_Msk           (1UL << SCB_CCR_USERSETMPEND_Pos)              /*!< SCB CCR: USERSETMPEND Mask */
+#define SCB_CCR_NONBASETHRDENA_Pos          0U                                            /*!< SCB CCR: NONBASETHRDENA Position */
+/* SCB System Handler Control and State Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTENA_Pos          18U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: USGFAULTENA Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTENA_Msk          (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTENA_Pos)             /*!< SCB SHCSR: USGFAULTENA Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTENA_Pos          17U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: BUSFAULTENA Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTENA_Msk          (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTENA_Pos)             /*!< SCB SHCSR: BUSFAULTENA Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTENA_Pos          16U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: MEMFAULTENA Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTENA_Msk          (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTENA_Pos)             /*!< SCB SHCSR: MEMFAULTENA Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_SVCALLPENDED_Pos         15U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: SVCALLPENDED Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTPENDED_Pos       14U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: BUSFAULTPENDED Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTPENDED_Pos       13U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: MEMFAULTPENDED Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTPENDED_Pos       12U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: USGFAULTPENDED Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_SYSTICKACT_Pos           11U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: SYSTICKACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_SYSTICKACT_Msk           (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_SYSTICKACT_Pos)              /*!< SCB SHCSR: SYSTICKACT Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_PENDSVACT_Pos            10U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: PENDSVACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_PENDSVACT_Msk            (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_PENDSVACT_Pos)               /*!< SCB SHCSR: PENDSVACT Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MONITORACT_Pos            8U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: MONITORACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MONITORACT_Msk           (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_MONITORACT_Pos)              /*!< SCB SHCSR: MONITORACT Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_SVCALLACT_Pos             7U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: SVCALLACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_SVCALLACT_Msk            (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_SVCALLACT_Pos)               /*!< SCB SHCSR: SVCALLACT Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTACT_Pos           3U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: USGFAULTACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTACT_Msk          (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_USGFAULTACT_Pos)             /*!< SCB SHCSR: USGFAULTACT Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTACT_Pos           1U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: BUSFAULTACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTACT_Msk          (1UL << SCB_SHCSR_BUSFAULTACT_Pos)             /*!< SCB SHCSR: BUSFAULTACT Mask */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTACT_Pos           0U                                            /*!< SCB SHCSR: MEMFAULTACT Position */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTACT_Msk          (1UL /*<< SCB_SHCSR_MEMFAULTACT_Pos*/)         /*!< SCB SHCSR: MEMFAULTACT Mask */
+/* SCB Configurable Fault Status Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_CFSR_USGFAULTSR_Pos            16U                                            /*!< SCB CFSR: Usage Fault Status Register Position */
+#define SCB_CFSR_USGFAULTSR_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << SCB_CFSR_USGFAULTSR_Pos)          /*!< SCB CFSR: Usage Fault Status Register Mask */
+#define SCB_CFSR_BUSFAULTSR_Pos             8U                                            /*!< SCB CFSR: Bus Fault Status Register Position */
+#define SCB_CFSR_BUSFAULTSR_Msk            (0xFFUL << SCB_CFSR_BUSFAULTSR_Pos)            /*!< SCB CFSR: Bus Fault Status Register Mask */
+#define SCB_CFSR_MEMFAULTSR_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SCB CFSR: Memory Manage Fault Status Register Position */
+#define SCB_CFSR_MEMFAULTSR_Msk            (0xFFUL /*<< SCB_CFSR_MEMFAULTSR_Pos*/)        /*!< SCB CFSR: Memory Manage Fault Status Register Mask */
+/* SCB Hard Fault Status Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_HFSR_DEBUGEVT_Pos              31U                                            /*!< SCB HFSR: DEBUGEVT Position */
+#define SCB_HFSR_DEBUGEVT_Msk              (1UL << SCB_HFSR_DEBUGEVT_Pos)                 /*!< SCB HFSR: DEBUGEVT Mask */
+#define SCB_HFSR_FORCED_Pos                30U                                            /*!< SCB HFSR: FORCED Position */
+#define SCB_HFSR_FORCED_Msk                (1UL << SCB_HFSR_FORCED_Pos)                   /*!< SCB HFSR: FORCED Mask */
+#define SCB_HFSR_VECTTBL_Pos                1U                                            /*!< SCB HFSR: VECTTBL Position */
+#define SCB_HFSR_VECTTBL_Msk               (1UL << SCB_HFSR_VECTTBL_Pos)                  /*!< SCB HFSR: VECTTBL Mask */
+/* SCB Debug Fault Status Register Definitions */
+#define SCB_DFSR_EXTERNAL_Pos               4U                                            /*!< SCB DFSR: EXTERNAL Position */
+#define SCB_DFSR_EXTERNAL_Msk              (1UL << SCB_DFSR_EXTERNAL_Pos)                 /*!< SCB DFSR: EXTERNAL Mask */
+#define SCB_DFSR_VCATCH_Pos                 3U                                            /*!< SCB DFSR: VCATCH Position */
+#define SCB_DFSR_VCATCH_Msk                (1UL << SCB_DFSR_VCATCH_Pos)                   /*!< SCB DFSR: VCATCH Mask */
+#define SCB_DFSR_DWTTRAP_Pos                2U                                            /*!< SCB DFSR: DWTTRAP Position */
+#define SCB_DFSR_DWTTRAP_Msk               (1UL << SCB_DFSR_DWTTRAP_Pos)                  /*!< SCB DFSR: DWTTRAP Mask */
+#define SCB_DFSR_BKPT_Pos                   1U                                            /*!< SCB DFSR: BKPT Position */
+#define SCB_DFSR_BKPT_Msk                  (1UL << SCB_DFSR_BKPT_Pos)                     /*!< SCB DFSR: BKPT Mask */
+#define SCB_DFSR_HALTED_Pos                 0U                                            /*!< SCB DFSR: HALTED Position */
+#define SCB_DFSR_HALTED_Msk                (1UL /*<< SCB_DFSR_HALTED_Pos*/)               /*!< SCB DFSR: HALTED Mask */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_SCB */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_SCnSCB System Controls not in SCB (SCnSCB)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the System Control and ID Register not in the SCB
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the System Control and ID Register not in the SCB.
+ */
+typedef struct
+        uint32_t RESERVED0[1U];
+  __IM  uint32_t ICTR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/ )  Interrupt Controller Type Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t ACTLR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  Auxiliary Control Register */
+} SCnSCB_Type;
+/* Interrupt Controller Type Register Definitions */
+#define SCnSCB_ICTR_INTLINESNUM_Pos         0U                                         /*!< ICTR: INTLINESNUM Position */
+/* Auxiliary Control Register Definitions */
+#define SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISOOFP_Pos            9U                                         /*!< ACTLR: DISOOFP Position */
+#define SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISOOFP_Msk           (1UL << SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISOOFP_Pos)           /*!< ACTLR: DISOOFP Mask */
+#define SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISFPCA_Pos            8U                                         /*!< ACTLR: DISFPCA Position */
+#define SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISFPCA_Msk           (1UL << SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISFPCA_Pos)           /*!< ACTLR: DISFPCA Mask */
+#define SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISFOLD_Pos            2U                                         /*!< ACTLR: DISFOLD Position */
+#define SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISFOLD_Msk           (1UL << SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISFOLD_Pos)           /*!< ACTLR: DISFOLD Mask */
+#define SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISDEFWBUF_Pos         1U                                         /*!< ACTLR: DISDEFWBUF Position */
+#define SCnSCB_ACTLR_DISMCYCINT_Pos         0U                                         /*!< ACTLR: DISMCYCINT Position */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_SCnotSCB */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_SysTick     System Tick Timer (SysTick)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the System Timer Registers.
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the System Timer (SysTick).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IOM uint32_t CTRL;                   /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/W)  SysTick Control and Status Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t LOAD;                   /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/W)  SysTick Reload Value Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t VAL;                    /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  SysTick Current Value Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t CALIB;                  /*!< Offset: 0x00C (R/ )  SysTick Calibration Register */
+} SysTick_Type;
+/* SysTick Control / Status Register Definitions */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG_Pos         16U                                            /*!< SysTick CTRL: COUNTFLAG Position */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG_Msk         (1UL << SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG_Pos)            /*!< SysTick CTRL: COUNTFLAG Mask */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Pos          2U                                            /*!< SysTick CTRL: CLKSOURCE Position */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk         (1UL << SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Pos)            /*!< SysTick CTRL: CLKSOURCE Mask */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Pos            1U                                            /*!< SysTick CTRL: TICKINT Position */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Msk           (1UL << SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Pos)              /*!< SysTick CTRL: TICKINT Mask */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SysTick CTRL: ENABLE Position */
+#define SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk            (1UL /*<< SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Pos*/)           /*!< SysTick CTRL: ENABLE Mask */
+/* SysTick Reload Register Definitions */
+#define SysTick_LOAD_RELOAD_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SysTick LOAD: RELOAD Position */
+#define SysTick_LOAD_RELOAD_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL /*<< SysTick_LOAD_RELOAD_Pos*/)    /*!< SysTick LOAD: RELOAD Mask */
+/* SysTick Current Register Definitions */
+#define SysTick_VAL_CURRENT_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SysTick VAL: CURRENT Position */
+#define SysTick_VAL_CURRENT_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL /*<< SysTick_VAL_CURRENT_Pos*/)    /*!< SysTick VAL: CURRENT Mask */
+/* SysTick Calibration Register Definitions */
+#define SysTick_CALIB_NOREF_Pos            31U                                            /*!< SysTick CALIB: NOREF Position */
+#define SysTick_CALIB_NOREF_Msk            (1UL << SysTick_CALIB_NOREF_Pos)               /*!< SysTick CALIB: NOREF Mask */
+#define SysTick_CALIB_SKEW_Pos             30U                                            /*!< SysTick CALIB: SKEW Position */
+#define SysTick_CALIB_SKEW_Msk             (1UL << SysTick_CALIB_SKEW_Pos)                /*!< SysTick CALIB: SKEW Mask */
+#define SysTick_CALIB_TENMS_Pos             0U                                            /*!< SysTick CALIB: TENMS Position */
+#define SysTick_CALIB_TENMS_Msk            (0xFFFFFFUL /*<< SysTick_CALIB_TENMS_Pos*/)    /*!< SysTick CALIB: TENMS Mask */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_SysTick */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_ITM     Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM)
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell Register (ITM).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __OM  union
+  {
+    __OM  uint8_t    u8;                 /*!< Offset: 0x000 ( /W)  ITM Stimulus Port 8-bit */
+    __OM  uint16_t   u16;                /*!< Offset: 0x000 ( /W)  ITM Stimulus Port 16-bit */
+    __OM  uint32_t   u32;                /*!< Offset: 0x000 ( /W)  ITM Stimulus Port 32-bit */
+  }  PORT [32U];                         /*!< Offset: 0x000 ( /W)  ITM Stimulus Port Registers */
+        uint32_t RESERVED0[864U];
+  __IOM uint32_t TER;                    /*!< Offset: 0xE00 (R/W)  ITM Trace Enable Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED1[15U];
+  __IOM uint32_t TPR;                    /*!< Offset: 0xE40 (R/W)  ITM Trace Privilege Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED2[15U];
+  __IOM uint32_t TCR;                    /*!< Offset: 0xE80 (R/W)  ITM Trace Control Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED3[29U];
+  __OM  uint32_t IWR;                    /*!< Offset: 0xEF8 ( /W)  ITM Integration Write Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t IRR;                    /*!< Offset: 0xEFC (R/ )  ITM Integration Read Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t IMCR;                   /*!< Offset: 0xF00 (R/W)  ITM Integration Mode Control Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED4[43U];
+  __OM  uint32_t LAR;                    /*!< Offset: 0xFB0 ( /W)  ITM Lock Access Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t LSR;                    /*!< Offset: 0xFB4 (R/ )  ITM Lock Status Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED5[6U];
+  __IM  uint32_t PID4;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFD0 (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #4 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID5;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFD4 (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #5 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID6;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFD8 (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #6 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID7;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFDC (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #7 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID0;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFE0 (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #0 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID1;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFE4 (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #1 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID2;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFE8 (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #2 */
+  __IM  uint32_t PID3;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFEC (R/ )  ITM Peripheral Identification Register #3 */
+  __IM  uint32_t CID0;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFF0 (R/ )  ITM Component  Identification Register #0 */
+  __IM  uint32_t CID1;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFF4 (R/ )  ITM Component  Identification Register #1 */
+  __IM  uint32_t CID2;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFF8 (R/ )  ITM Component  Identification Register #2 */
+  __IM  uint32_t CID3;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFFC (R/ )  ITM Component  Identification Register #3 */
+} ITM_Type;
+/* ITM Trace Privilege Register Definitions */
+#define ITM_TPR_PRIVMASK_Pos                0U                                            /*!< ITM TPR: PRIVMASK Position */
+#define ITM_TPR_PRIVMASK_Msk               (0xFUL /*<< ITM_TPR_PRIVMASK_Pos*/)            /*!< ITM TPR: PRIVMASK Mask */
+/* ITM Trace Control Register Definitions */
+#define ITM_TCR_BUSY_Pos                   23U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: BUSY Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_BUSY_Msk                   (1UL << ITM_TCR_BUSY_Pos)                      /*!< ITM TCR: BUSY Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_TraceBusID_Pos             16U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: ATBID Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_TraceBusID_Msk             (0x7FUL << ITM_TCR_TraceBusID_Pos)             /*!< ITM TCR: ATBID Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_GTSFREQ_Pos                10U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: Global timestamp frequency Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_GTSFREQ_Msk                (3UL << ITM_TCR_GTSFREQ_Pos)                   /*!< ITM TCR: Global timestamp frequency Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_TSPrescale_Pos              8U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: TSPrescale Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_TSPrescale_Msk             (3UL << ITM_TCR_TSPrescale_Pos)                /*!< ITM TCR: TSPrescale Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_SWOENA_Pos                  4U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: SWOENA Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_SWOENA_Msk                 (1UL << ITM_TCR_SWOENA_Pos)                    /*!< ITM TCR: SWOENA Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_DWTENA_Pos                  3U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: DWTENA Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_DWTENA_Msk                 (1UL << ITM_TCR_DWTENA_Pos)                    /*!< ITM TCR: DWTENA Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_SYNCENA_Pos                 2U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: SYNCENA Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_SYNCENA_Msk                (1UL << ITM_TCR_SYNCENA_Pos)                   /*!< ITM TCR: SYNCENA Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_TSENA_Pos                   1U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: TSENA Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_TSENA_Msk                  (1UL << ITM_TCR_TSENA_Pos)                     /*!< ITM TCR: TSENA Mask */
+#define ITM_TCR_ITMENA_Pos                  0U                                            /*!< ITM TCR: ITM Enable bit Position */
+#define ITM_TCR_ITMENA_Msk                 (1UL /*<< ITM_TCR_ITMENA_Pos*/)                /*!< ITM TCR: ITM Enable bit Mask */
+/* ITM Integration Write Register Definitions */
+#define ITM_IWR_ATVALIDM_Pos                0U                                            /*!< ITM IWR: ATVALIDM Position */
+#define ITM_IWR_ATVALIDM_Msk               (1UL /*<< ITM_IWR_ATVALIDM_Pos*/)              /*!< ITM IWR: ATVALIDM Mask */
+/* ITM Integration Read Register Definitions */
+#define ITM_IRR_ATREADYM_Pos                0U                                            /*!< ITM IRR: ATREADYM Position */
+#define ITM_IRR_ATREADYM_Msk               (1UL /*<< ITM_IRR_ATREADYM_Pos*/)              /*!< ITM IRR: ATREADYM Mask */
+/* ITM Integration Mode Control Register Definitions */
+#define ITM_IMCR_INTEGRATION_Pos            0U                                            /*!< ITM IMCR: INTEGRATION Position */
+#define ITM_IMCR_INTEGRATION_Msk           (1UL /*<< ITM_IMCR_INTEGRATION_Pos*/)          /*!< ITM IMCR: INTEGRATION Mask */
+/* ITM Lock Status Register Definitions */
+#define ITM_LSR_ByteAcc_Pos                 2U                                            /*!< ITM LSR: ByteAcc Position */
+#define ITM_LSR_ByteAcc_Msk                (1UL << ITM_LSR_ByteAcc_Pos)                   /*!< ITM LSR: ByteAcc Mask */
+#define ITM_LSR_Access_Pos                  1U                                            /*!< ITM LSR: Access Position */
+#define ITM_LSR_Access_Msk                 (1UL << ITM_LSR_Access_Pos)                    /*!< ITM LSR: Access Mask */
+#define ITM_LSR_Present_Pos                 0U                                            /*!< ITM LSR: Present Position */
+#define ITM_LSR_Present_Msk                (1UL /*<< ITM_LSR_Present_Pos*/)               /*!< ITM LSR: Present Mask */
+/*@}*/ /* end of group CMSIS_ITM */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_DWT     Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT)
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the Data Watchpoint and Trace Register (DWT).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IOM uint32_t CTRL;                   /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/W)  Control Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t CYCCNT;                 /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/W)  Cycle Count Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t CPICNT;                 /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  CPI Count Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t EXCCNT;                 /*!< Offset: 0x00C (R/W)  Exception Overhead Count Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t SLEEPCNT;               /*!< Offset: 0x010 (R/W)  Sleep Count Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t LSUCNT;                 /*!< Offset: 0x014 (R/W)  LSU Count Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t FOLDCNT;                /*!< Offset: 0x018 (R/W)  Folded-instruction Count Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t PCSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x01C (R/ )  Program Counter Sample Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t COMP0;                  /*!< Offset: 0x020 (R/W)  Comparator Register 0 */
+  __IOM uint32_t MASK0;                  /*!< Offset: 0x024 (R/W)  Mask Register 0 */
+  __IOM uint32_t FUNCTION0;              /*!< Offset: 0x028 (R/W)  Function Register 0 */
+        uint32_t RESERVED0[1U];
+  __IOM uint32_t COMP1;                  /*!< Offset: 0x030 (R/W)  Comparator Register 1 */
+  __IOM uint32_t MASK1;                  /*!< Offset: 0x034 (R/W)  Mask Register 1 */
+  __IOM uint32_t FUNCTION1;              /*!< Offset: 0x038 (R/W)  Function Register 1 */
+        uint32_t RESERVED1[1U];
+  __IOM uint32_t COMP2;                  /*!< Offset: 0x040 (R/W)  Comparator Register 2 */
+  __IOM uint32_t MASK2;                  /*!< Offset: 0x044 (R/W)  Mask Register 2 */
+  __IOM uint32_t FUNCTION2;              /*!< Offset: 0x048 (R/W)  Function Register 2 */
+        uint32_t RESERVED2[1U];
+  __IOM uint32_t COMP3;                  /*!< Offset: 0x050 (R/W)  Comparator Register 3 */
+  __IOM uint32_t MASK3;                  /*!< Offset: 0x054 (R/W)  Mask Register 3 */
+  __IOM uint32_t FUNCTION3;              /*!< Offset: 0x058 (R/W)  Function Register 3 */
+} DWT_Type;
+/* DWT Control Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NUMCOMP_Pos               28U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: NUMCOMP Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NUMCOMP_Msk               (0xFUL << DWT_CTRL_NUMCOMP_Pos)             /*!< DWT CTRL: NUMCOMP Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOTRCPKT_Pos              27U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: NOTRCPKT Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOTRCPKT_Msk              (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_NOTRCPKT_Pos)            /*!< DWT CTRL: NOTRCPKT Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOEXTTRIG_Pos             26U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: NOEXTTRIG Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOEXTTRIG_Msk             (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_NOEXTTRIG_Pos)           /*!< DWT CTRL: NOEXTTRIG Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOCYCCNT_Pos              25U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: NOCYCCNT Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOCYCCNT_Msk              (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_NOCYCCNT_Pos)            /*!< DWT CTRL: NOCYCCNT Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOPRFCNT_Pos              24U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: NOPRFCNT Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_NOPRFCNT_Msk              (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_NOPRFCNT_Pos)            /*!< DWT CTRL: NOPRFCNT Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CYCEVTENA_Pos             22U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: CYCEVTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CYCEVTENA_Msk             (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_CYCEVTENA_Pos)           /*!< DWT CTRL: CYCEVTENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_FOLDEVTENA_Pos            21U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: FOLDEVTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_FOLDEVTENA_Msk            (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_FOLDEVTENA_Pos)          /*!< DWT CTRL: FOLDEVTENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_LSUEVTENA_Pos             20U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: LSUEVTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_LSUEVTENA_Msk             (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_LSUEVTENA_Pos)           /*!< DWT CTRL: LSUEVTENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_SLEEPEVTENA_Pos           19U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: SLEEPEVTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_SLEEPEVTENA_Msk           (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_SLEEPEVTENA_Pos)         /*!< DWT CTRL: SLEEPEVTENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_EXCEVTENA_Pos             18U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: EXCEVTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_EXCEVTENA_Msk             (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_EXCEVTENA_Pos)           /*!< DWT CTRL: EXCEVTENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CPIEVTENA_Pos             17U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: CPIEVTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CPIEVTENA_Msk             (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_CPIEVTENA_Pos)           /*!< DWT CTRL: CPIEVTENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_EXCTRCENA_Pos             16U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: EXCTRCENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_EXCTRCENA_Msk             (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_EXCTRCENA_Pos)           /*!< DWT CTRL: EXCTRCENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_PCSAMPLENA_Pos            12U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: PCSAMPLENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_PCSAMPLENA_Msk            (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_PCSAMPLENA_Pos)          /*!< DWT CTRL: PCSAMPLENA Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_SYNCTAP_Pos               10U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: SYNCTAP Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_SYNCTAP_Msk               (0x3UL << DWT_CTRL_SYNCTAP_Pos)             /*!< DWT CTRL: SYNCTAP Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CYCTAP_Pos                 9U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: CYCTAP Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CYCTAP_Msk                (0x1UL << DWT_CTRL_CYCTAP_Pos)              /*!< DWT CTRL: CYCTAP Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_POSTINIT_Pos               5U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: POSTINIT Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_POSTINIT_Msk              (0xFUL << DWT_CTRL_POSTINIT_Pos)            /*!< DWT CTRL: POSTINIT Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_POSTPRESET_Pos             1U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: POSTPRESET Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_POSTPRESET_Msk            (0xFUL << DWT_CTRL_POSTPRESET_Pos)          /*!< DWT CTRL: POSTPRESET Mask */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CYCCNTENA_Pos              0U                                         /*!< DWT CTRL: CYCCNTENA Position */
+#define DWT_CTRL_CYCCNTENA_Msk             (0x1UL /*<< DWT_CTRL_CYCCNTENA_Pos*/)       /*!< DWT CTRL: CYCCNTENA Mask */
+/* DWT CPI Count Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_CPICNT_CPICNT_Pos               0U                                         /*!< DWT CPICNT: CPICNT Position */
+#define DWT_CPICNT_CPICNT_Msk              (0xFFUL /*<< DWT_CPICNT_CPICNT_Pos*/)       /*!< DWT CPICNT: CPICNT Mask */
+/* DWT Exception Overhead Count Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_EXCCNT_EXCCNT_Pos               0U                                         /*!< DWT EXCCNT: EXCCNT Position */
+#define DWT_EXCCNT_EXCCNT_Msk              (0xFFUL /*<< DWT_EXCCNT_EXCCNT_Pos*/)       /*!< DWT EXCCNT: EXCCNT Mask */
+/* DWT Sleep Count Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_SLEEPCNT_SLEEPCNT_Pos           0U                                         /*!< DWT SLEEPCNT: SLEEPCNT Position */
+/* DWT LSU Count Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_LSUCNT_LSUCNT_Pos               0U                                         /*!< DWT LSUCNT: LSUCNT Position */
+#define DWT_LSUCNT_LSUCNT_Msk              (0xFFUL /*<< DWT_LSUCNT_LSUCNT_Pos*/)       /*!< DWT LSUCNT: LSUCNT Mask */
+/* DWT Folded-instruction Count Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_FOLDCNT_FOLDCNT_Pos             0U                                         /*!< DWT FOLDCNT: FOLDCNT Position */
+#define DWT_FOLDCNT_FOLDCNT_Msk            (0xFFUL /*<< DWT_FOLDCNT_FOLDCNT_Pos*/)     /*!< DWT FOLDCNT: FOLDCNT Mask */
+/* DWT Comparator Mask Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_MASK_MASK_Pos                   0U                                         /*!< DWT MASK: MASK Position */
+#define DWT_MASK_MASK_Msk                  (0x1FUL /*<< DWT_MASK_MASK_Pos*/)           /*!< DWT MASK: MASK Mask */
+/* DWT Comparator Function Register Definitions */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_MATCHED_Pos           24U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: MATCHED Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_MATCHED_Msk           (0x1UL << DWT_FUNCTION_MATCHED_Pos)         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: MATCHED Mask */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_DATAVADDR1_Pos        16U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: DATAVADDR1 Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_DATAVADDR0_Pos        12U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: DATAVADDR0 Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_DATAVSIZE_Pos         10U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: DATAVSIZE Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_LNK1ENA_Pos            9U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: LNK1ENA Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_LNK1ENA_Msk           (0x1UL << DWT_FUNCTION_LNK1ENA_Pos)         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: LNK1ENA Mask */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_DATAVMATCH_Pos         8U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: DATAVMATCH Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_CYCMATCH_Pos           7U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: CYCMATCH Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_EMITRANGE_Pos          5U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: EMITRANGE Position */
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_FUNCTION_Pos           0U                                         /*!< DWT FUNCTION: FUNCTION Position */
+/*@}*/ /* end of group CMSIS_DWT */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_TPI     Trace Port Interface (TPI)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the Trace Port Interface (TPI)
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the Trace Port Interface Register (TPI).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IOM uint32_t SSPSR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/ )  Supported Parallel Port Size Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t CSPSR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/W)  Current Parallel Port Size Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED0[2U];
+  __IOM uint32_t ACPR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x010 (R/W)  Asynchronous Clock Prescaler Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED1[55U];
+  __IOM uint32_t SPPR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x0F0 (R/W)  Selected Pin Protocol Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED2[131U];
+  __IM  uint32_t FFSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x300 (R/ )  Formatter and Flush Status Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t FFCR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x304 (R/W)  Formatter and Flush Control Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t FSCR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x308 (R/ )  Formatter Synchronization Counter Register */
+        uint32_t RESERVED3[759U];
+  __IM  uint32_t TRIGGER;                /*!< Offset: 0xEE8 (R/ )  TRIGGER */
+  __IM  uint32_t FIFO0;                  /*!< Offset: 0xEEC (R/ )  Integration ETM Data */
+  __IM  uint32_t ITATBCTR2;              /*!< Offset: 0xEF0 (R/ )  ITATBCTR2 */
+        uint32_t RESERVED4[1U];
+  __IM  uint32_t ITATBCTR0;              /*!< Offset: 0xEF8 (R/ )  ITATBCTR0 */
+  __IM  uint32_t FIFO1;                  /*!< Offset: 0xEFC (R/ )  Integration ITM Data */
+  __IOM uint32_t ITCTRL;                 /*!< Offset: 0xF00 (R/W)  Integration Mode Control */
+        uint32_t RESERVED5[39U];
+  __IOM uint32_t CLAIMSET;               /*!< Offset: 0xFA0 (R/W)  Claim tag set */
+  __IOM uint32_t CLAIMCLR;               /*!< Offset: 0xFA4 (R/W)  Claim tag clear */
+        uint32_t RESERVED7[8U];
+  __IM  uint32_t DEVID;                  /*!< Offset: 0xFC8 (R/ )  TPIU_DEVID */
+  __IM  uint32_t DEVTYPE;                /*!< Offset: 0xFCC (R/ )  TPIU_DEVTYPE */
+} TPI_Type;
+/* TPI Asynchronous Clock Prescaler Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_ACPR_PRESCALER_Pos              0U                                         /*!< TPI ACPR: PRESCALER Position */
+#define TPI_ACPR_PRESCALER_Msk             (0x1FFFUL /*<< TPI_ACPR_PRESCALER_Pos*/)    /*!< TPI ACPR: PRESCALER Mask */
+/* TPI Selected Pin Protocol Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_SPPR_TXMODE_Pos                 0U                                         /*!< TPI SPPR: TXMODE Position */
+#define TPI_SPPR_TXMODE_Msk                (0x3UL /*<< TPI_SPPR_TXMODE_Pos*/)          /*!< TPI SPPR: TXMODE Mask */
+/* TPI Formatter and Flush Status Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_FFSR_FtNonStop_Pos              3U                                         /*!< TPI FFSR: FtNonStop Position */
+#define TPI_FFSR_FtNonStop_Msk             (0x1UL << TPI_FFSR_FtNonStop_Pos)           /*!< TPI FFSR: FtNonStop Mask */
+#define TPI_FFSR_TCPresent_Pos              2U                                         /*!< TPI FFSR: TCPresent Position */
+#define TPI_FFSR_TCPresent_Msk             (0x1UL << TPI_FFSR_TCPresent_Pos)           /*!< TPI FFSR: TCPresent Mask */
+#define TPI_FFSR_FtStopped_Pos              1U                                         /*!< TPI FFSR: FtStopped Position */
+#define TPI_FFSR_FtStopped_Msk             (0x1UL << TPI_FFSR_FtStopped_Pos)           /*!< TPI FFSR: FtStopped Mask */
+#define TPI_FFSR_FlInProg_Pos               0U                                         /*!< TPI FFSR: FlInProg Position */
+#define TPI_FFSR_FlInProg_Msk              (0x1UL /*<< TPI_FFSR_FlInProg_Pos*/)        /*!< TPI FFSR: FlInProg Mask */
+/* TPI Formatter and Flush Control Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_FFCR_TrigIn_Pos                 8U                                         /*!< TPI FFCR: TrigIn Position */
+#define TPI_FFCR_TrigIn_Msk                (0x1UL << TPI_FFCR_TrigIn_Pos)              /*!< TPI FFCR: TrigIn Mask */
+#define TPI_FFCR_EnFCont_Pos                1U                                         /*!< TPI FFCR: EnFCont Position */
+#define TPI_FFCR_EnFCont_Msk               (0x1UL << TPI_FFCR_EnFCont_Pos)             /*!< TPI FFCR: EnFCont Mask */
+/* TPI TRIGGER Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_TRIGGER_TRIGGER_Pos             0U                                         /*!< TPI TRIGGER: TRIGGER Position */
+#define TPI_TRIGGER_TRIGGER_Msk            (0x1UL /*<< TPI_TRIGGER_TRIGGER_Pos*/)      /*!< TPI TRIGGER: TRIGGER Mask */
+/* TPI Integration ETM Data Register Definitions (FIFO0) */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ITM_ATVALID_Pos          29U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ITM_ATVALID Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ITM_ATVALID_Msk          (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO0_ITM_ATVALID_Pos)        /*!< TPI FIFO0: ITM_ATVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ITM_bytecount_Pos        27U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ITM_bytecount Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ITM_bytecount_Msk        (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO0_ITM_bytecount_Pos)      /*!< TPI FIFO0: ITM_bytecount Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM_ATVALID_Pos          26U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM_ATVALID Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM_ATVALID_Msk          (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO0_ETM_ATVALID_Pos)        /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM_ATVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM_bytecount_Pos        24U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM_bytecount Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM_bytecount_Msk        (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO0_ETM_bytecount_Pos)      /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM_bytecount Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM2_Pos                 16U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM2 Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM2_Msk                 (0xFFUL << TPI_FIFO0_ETM2_Pos)              /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM2 Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM1_Pos                  8U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM1 Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM1_Msk                 (0xFFUL << TPI_FIFO0_ETM1_Pos)              /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM1 Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM0_Pos                  0U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM0 Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO0_ETM0_Msk                 (0xFFUL /*<< TPI_FIFO0_ETM0_Pos*/)          /*!< TPI FIFO0: ETM0 Mask */
+/* TPI ITATBCTR2 Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_ITATBCTR2_ATREADY_Pos           0U                                         /*!< TPI ITATBCTR2: ATREADY Position */
+#define TPI_ITATBCTR2_ATREADY_Msk          (0x1UL /*<< TPI_ITATBCTR2_ATREADY_Pos*/)    /*!< TPI ITATBCTR2: ATREADY Mask */
+/* TPI Integration ITM Data Register Definitions (FIFO1) */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM_ATVALID_Pos          29U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM_ATVALID Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM_ATVALID_Msk          (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO1_ITM_ATVALID_Pos)        /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM_ATVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM_bytecount_Pos        27U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM_bytecount Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM_bytecount_Msk        (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO1_ITM_bytecount_Pos)      /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM_bytecount Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ETM_ATVALID_Pos          26U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ETM_ATVALID Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ETM_ATVALID_Msk          (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO1_ETM_ATVALID_Pos)        /*!< TPI FIFO1: ETM_ATVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ETM_bytecount_Pos        24U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ETM_bytecount Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ETM_bytecount_Msk        (0x3UL << TPI_FIFO1_ETM_bytecount_Pos)      /*!< TPI FIFO1: ETM_bytecount Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM2_Pos                 16U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM2 Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM2_Msk                 (0xFFUL << TPI_FIFO1_ITM2_Pos)              /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM2 Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM1_Pos                  8U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM1 Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM1_Msk                 (0xFFUL << TPI_FIFO1_ITM1_Pos)              /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM1 Mask */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM0_Pos                  0U                                         /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM0 Position */
+#define TPI_FIFO1_ITM0_Msk                 (0xFFUL /*<< TPI_FIFO1_ITM0_Pos*/)          /*!< TPI FIFO1: ITM0 Mask */
+/* TPI ITATBCTR0 Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_ITATBCTR0_ATREADY_Pos           0U                                         /*!< TPI ITATBCTR0: ATREADY Position */
+#define TPI_ITATBCTR0_ATREADY_Msk          (0x1UL /*<< TPI_ITATBCTR0_ATREADY_Pos*/)    /*!< TPI ITATBCTR0: ATREADY Mask */
+/* TPI Integration Mode Control Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_ITCTRL_Mode_Pos                 0U                                         /*!< TPI ITCTRL: Mode Position */
+#define TPI_ITCTRL_Mode_Msk                (0x1UL /*<< TPI_ITCTRL_Mode_Pos*/)          /*!< TPI ITCTRL: Mode Mask */
+/* TPI DEVID Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_DEVID_NRZVALID_Pos             11U                                         /*!< TPI DEVID: NRZVALID Position */
+#define TPI_DEVID_NRZVALID_Msk             (0x1UL << TPI_DEVID_NRZVALID_Pos)           /*!< TPI DEVID: NRZVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_DEVID_MANCVALID_Pos            10U                                         /*!< TPI DEVID: MANCVALID Position */
+#define TPI_DEVID_MANCVALID_Msk            (0x1UL << TPI_DEVID_MANCVALID_Pos)          /*!< TPI DEVID: MANCVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_DEVID_PTINVALID_Pos             9U                                         /*!< TPI DEVID: PTINVALID Position */
+#define TPI_DEVID_PTINVALID_Msk            (0x1UL << TPI_DEVID_PTINVALID_Pos)          /*!< TPI DEVID: PTINVALID Mask */
+#define TPI_DEVID_MinBufSz_Pos              6U                                         /*!< TPI DEVID: MinBufSz Position */
+#define TPI_DEVID_MinBufSz_Msk             (0x7UL << TPI_DEVID_MinBufSz_Pos)           /*!< TPI DEVID: MinBufSz Mask */
+#define TPI_DEVID_AsynClkIn_Pos             5U                                         /*!< TPI DEVID: AsynClkIn Position */
+#define TPI_DEVID_AsynClkIn_Msk            (0x1UL << TPI_DEVID_AsynClkIn_Pos)          /*!< TPI DEVID: AsynClkIn Mask */
+#define TPI_DEVID_NrTraceInput_Pos          0U                                         /*!< TPI DEVID: NrTraceInput Position */
+#define TPI_DEVID_NrTraceInput_Msk         (0x1FUL /*<< TPI_DEVID_NrTraceInput_Pos*/)  /*!< TPI DEVID: NrTraceInput Mask */
+/* TPI DEVTYPE Register Definitions */
+#define TPI_DEVTYPE_MajorType_Pos           4U                                         /*!< TPI DEVTYPE: MajorType Position */
+#define TPI_DEVTYPE_MajorType_Msk          (0xFUL << TPI_DEVTYPE_MajorType_Pos)        /*!< TPI DEVTYPE: MajorType Mask */
+#define TPI_DEVTYPE_SubType_Pos             0U                                         /*!< TPI DEVTYPE: SubType Position */
+#define TPI_DEVTYPE_SubType_Msk            (0xFUL /*<< TPI_DEVTYPE_SubType_Pos*/)      /*!< TPI DEVTYPE: SubType Mask */
+/*@}*/ /* end of group CMSIS_TPI */
+#if (__MPU_PRESENT == 1U)
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_MPU     Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the Memory Protection Unit (MPU).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IM  uint32_t TYPE;                   /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/ )  MPU Type Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t CTRL;                   /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/W)  MPU Control Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RNR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  MPU Region RNRber Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RBAR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x00C (R/W)  MPU Region Base Address Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RASR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x010 (R/W)  MPU Region Attribute and Size Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RBAR_A1;                /*!< Offset: 0x014 (R/W)  MPU Alias 1 Region Base Address Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RASR_A1;                /*!< Offset: 0x018 (R/W)  MPU Alias 1 Region Attribute and Size Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RBAR_A2;                /*!< Offset: 0x01C (R/W)  MPU Alias 2 Region Base Address Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RASR_A2;                /*!< Offset: 0x020 (R/W)  MPU Alias 2 Region Attribute and Size Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RBAR_A3;                /*!< Offset: 0x024 (R/W)  MPU Alias 3 Region Base Address Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t RASR_A3;                /*!< Offset: 0x028 (R/W)  MPU Alias 3 Region Attribute and Size Register */
+} MPU_Type;
+/* MPU Type Register Definitions */
+#define MPU_TYPE_IREGION_Pos               16U                                            /*!< MPU TYPE: IREGION Position */
+#define MPU_TYPE_IREGION_Msk               (0xFFUL << MPU_TYPE_IREGION_Pos)               /*!< MPU TYPE: IREGION Mask */
+#define MPU_TYPE_DREGION_Pos                8U                                            /*!< MPU TYPE: DREGION Position */
+#define MPU_TYPE_DREGION_Msk               (0xFFUL << MPU_TYPE_DREGION_Pos)               /*!< MPU TYPE: DREGION Mask */
+#define MPU_TYPE_SEPARATE_Pos               0U                                            /*!< MPU TYPE: SEPARATE Position */
+#define MPU_TYPE_SEPARATE_Msk              (1UL /*<< MPU_TYPE_SEPARATE_Pos*/)             /*!< MPU TYPE: SEPARATE Mask */
+/* MPU Control Register Definitions */
+#define MPU_CTRL_PRIVDEFENA_Pos             2U                                            /*!< MPU CTRL: PRIVDEFENA Position */
+#define MPU_CTRL_PRIVDEFENA_Msk            (1UL << MPU_CTRL_PRIVDEFENA_Pos)               /*!< MPU CTRL: PRIVDEFENA Mask */
+#define MPU_CTRL_HFNMIENA_Pos               1U                                            /*!< MPU CTRL: HFNMIENA Position */
+#define MPU_CTRL_HFNMIENA_Msk              (1UL << MPU_CTRL_HFNMIENA_Pos)                 /*!< MPU CTRL: HFNMIENA Mask */
+#define MPU_CTRL_ENABLE_Pos                 0U                                            /*!< MPU CTRL: ENABLE Position */
+#define MPU_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk                (1UL /*<< MPU_CTRL_ENABLE_Pos*/)               /*!< MPU CTRL: ENABLE Mask */
+/* MPU Region Number Register Definitions */
+#define MPU_RNR_REGION_Pos                  0U                                            /*!< MPU RNR: REGION Position */
+#define MPU_RNR_REGION_Msk                 (0xFFUL /*<< MPU_RNR_REGION_Pos*/)             /*!< MPU RNR: REGION Mask */
+/* MPU Region Base Address Register Definitions */
+#define MPU_RBAR_ADDR_Pos                   5U                                            /*!< MPU RBAR: ADDR Position */
+#define MPU_RBAR_ADDR_Msk                  (0x7FFFFFFUL << MPU_RBAR_ADDR_Pos)             /*!< MPU RBAR: ADDR Mask */
+#define MPU_RBAR_VALID_Pos                  4U                                            /*!< MPU RBAR: VALID Position */
+#define MPU_RBAR_VALID_Msk                 (1UL << MPU_RBAR_VALID_Pos)                    /*!< MPU RBAR: VALID Mask */
+#define MPU_RBAR_REGION_Pos                 0U                                            /*!< MPU RBAR: REGION Position */
+#define MPU_RBAR_REGION_Msk                (0xFUL /*<< MPU_RBAR_REGION_Pos*/)             /*!< MPU RBAR: REGION Mask */
+/* MPU Region Attribute and Size Register Definitions */
+#define MPU_RASR_ATTRS_Pos                 16U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: MPU Region Attribute field Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_ATTRS_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << MPU_RASR_ATTRS_Pos)               /*!< MPU RASR: MPU Region Attribute field Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_XN_Pos                    28U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.XN Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_XN_Msk                    (1UL << MPU_RASR_XN_Pos)                       /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.XN Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_AP_Pos                    24U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.AP Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_AP_Msk                    (0x7UL << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos)                     /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.AP Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_TEX_Pos                   19U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.TEX Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_TEX_Msk                   (0x7UL << MPU_RASR_TEX_Pos)                    /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.TEX Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_S_Pos                     18U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.S Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_S_Msk                     (1UL << MPU_RASR_S_Pos)                        /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.S Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_C_Pos                     17U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.C Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_C_Msk                     (1UL << MPU_RASR_C_Pos)                        /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.C Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_B_Pos                     16U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.B Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_B_Msk                     (1UL << MPU_RASR_B_Pos)                        /*!< MPU RASR: ATTRS.B Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_SRD_Pos                    8U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: Sub-Region Disable Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_SRD_Msk                   (0xFFUL << MPU_RASR_SRD_Pos)                   /*!< MPU RASR: Sub-Region Disable Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_SIZE_Pos                   1U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: Region Size Field Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_SIZE_Msk                  (0x1FUL << MPU_RASR_SIZE_Pos)                  /*!< MPU RASR: Region Size Field Mask */
+#define MPU_RASR_ENABLE_Pos                 0U                                            /*!< MPU RASR: Region enable bit Position */
+#define MPU_RASR_ENABLE_Msk                (1UL /*<< MPU_RASR_ENABLE_Pos*/)               /*!< MPU RASR: Region enable bit Disable Mask */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_MPU */
+#if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_FPU     Floating Point Unit (FPU)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the Floating Point Unit (FPU)
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the Floating Point Unit (FPU).
+ */
+typedef struct
+        uint32_t RESERVED0[1U];
+  __IOM uint32_t FPCCR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/W)  Floating-Point Context Control Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t FPCAR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  Floating-Point Context Address Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t FPDSCR;                 /*!< Offset: 0x00C (R/W)  Floating-Point Default Status Control Register */
+  __IM  uint32_t MVFR0;                  /*!< Offset: 0x010 (R/ )  Media and FP Feature Register 0 */
+  __IM  uint32_t MVFR1;                  /*!< Offset: 0x014 (R/ )  Media and FP Feature Register 1 */
+} FPU_Type;
+/* Floating-Point Context Control Register Definitions */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_ASPEN_Pos                31U                                            /*!< FPCCR: ASPEN bit Position */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_ASPEN_Msk                (1UL << FPU_FPCCR_ASPEN_Pos)                   /*!< FPCCR: ASPEN bit Mask */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_LSPEN_Pos                30U                                            /*!< FPCCR: LSPEN Position */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_LSPEN_Msk                (1UL << FPU_FPCCR_LSPEN_Pos)                   /*!< FPCCR: LSPEN bit Mask */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_MONRDY_Pos                8U                                            /*!< FPCCR: MONRDY Position */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_MONRDY_Msk               (1UL << FPU_FPCCR_MONRDY_Pos)                  /*!< FPCCR: MONRDY bit Mask */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_BFRDY_Pos                 6U                                            /*!< FPCCR: BFRDY Position */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_BFRDY_Msk                (1UL << FPU_FPCCR_BFRDY_Pos)                   /*!< FPCCR: BFRDY bit Mask */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_MMRDY_Pos                 5U                                            /*!< FPCCR: MMRDY Position */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_MMRDY_Msk                (1UL << FPU_FPCCR_MMRDY_Pos)                   /*!< FPCCR: MMRDY bit Mask */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_HFRDY_Pos                 4U                                            /*!< FPCCR: HFRDY Position */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_HFRDY_Msk                (1UL << FPU_FPCCR_HFRDY_Pos)                   /*!< FPCCR: HFRDY bit Mask */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_THREAD_Pos                3U                                            /*!< FPCCR: processor mode bit Position */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_THREAD_Msk               (1UL << FPU_FPCCR_THREAD_Pos)                  /*!< FPCCR: processor mode active bit Mask */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_USER_Pos                  1U                                            /*!< FPCCR: privilege level bit Position */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_USER_Msk                 (1UL << FPU_FPCCR_USER_Pos)                    /*!< FPCCR: privilege level bit Mask */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_LSPACT_Pos                0U                                            /*!< FPCCR: Lazy state preservation active bit Position */
+#define FPU_FPCCR_LSPACT_Msk               (1UL /*<< FPU_FPCCR_LSPACT_Pos*/)              /*!< FPCCR: Lazy state preservation active bit Mask */
+/* Floating-Point Context Address Register Definitions */
+#define FPU_FPCAR_ADDRESS_Pos               3U                                            /*!< FPCAR: ADDRESS bit Position */
+#define FPU_FPCAR_ADDRESS_Msk              (0x1FFFFFFFUL << FPU_FPCAR_ADDRESS_Pos)        /*!< FPCAR: ADDRESS bit Mask */
+/* Floating-Point Default Status Control Register Definitions */
+#define FPU_FPDSCR_AHP_Pos                 26U                                            /*!< FPDSCR: AHP bit Position */
+#define FPU_FPDSCR_AHP_Msk                 (1UL << FPU_FPDSCR_AHP_Pos)                    /*!< FPDSCR: AHP bit Mask */
+#define FPU_FPDSCR_DN_Pos                  25U                                            /*!< FPDSCR: DN bit Position */
+#define FPU_FPDSCR_DN_Msk                  (1UL << FPU_FPDSCR_DN_Pos)                     /*!< FPDSCR: DN bit Mask */
+#define FPU_FPDSCR_FZ_Pos                  24U                                            /*!< FPDSCR: FZ bit Position */
+#define FPU_FPDSCR_FZ_Msk                  (1UL << FPU_FPDSCR_FZ_Pos)                     /*!< FPDSCR: FZ bit Mask */
+#define FPU_FPDSCR_RMode_Pos               22U                                            /*!< FPDSCR: RMode bit Position */
+#define FPU_FPDSCR_RMode_Msk               (3UL << FPU_FPDSCR_RMode_Pos)                  /*!< FPDSCR: RMode bit Mask */
+/* Media and FP Feature Register 0 Definitions */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_FP_rounding_modes_Pos    28U                                            /*!< MVFR0: FP rounding modes bits Position */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_FP_rounding_modes_Msk    (0xFUL << FPU_MVFR0_FP_rounding_modes_Pos)     /*!< MVFR0: FP rounding modes bits Mask */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_Short_vectors_Pos        24U                                            /*!< MVFR0: Short vectors bits Position */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_Short_vectors_Msk        (0xFUL << FPU_MVFR0_Short_vectors_Pos)         /*!< MVFR0: Short vectors bits Mask */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_Square_root_Pos          20U                                            /*!< MVFR0: Square root bits Position */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_Square_root_Msk          (0xFUL << FPU_MVFR0_Square_root_Pos)           /*!< MVFR0: Square root bits Mask */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_Divide_Pos               16U                                            /*!< MVFR0: Divide bits Position */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_Divide_Msk               (0xFUL << FPU_MVFR0_Divide_Pos)                /*!< MVFR0: Divide bits Mask */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_FP_excep_trapping_Pos    12U                                            /*!< MVFR0: FP exception trapping bits Position */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_FP_excep_trapping_Msk    (0xFUL << FPU_MVFR0_FP_excep_trapping_Pos)     /*!< MVFR0: FP exception trapping bits Mask */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_Double_precision_Pos      8U                                            /*!< MVFR0: Double-precision bits Position */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_Double_precision_Msk     (0xFUL << FPU_MVFR0_Double_precision_Pos)      /*!< MVFR0: Double-precision bits Mask */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_Single_precision_Pos      4U                                            /*!< MVFR0: Single-precision bits Position */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_Single_precision_Msk     (0xFUL << FPU_MVFR0_Single_precision_Pos)      /*!< MVFR0: Single-precision bits Mask */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_A_SIMD_registers_Pos      0U                                            /*!< MVFR0: A_SIMD registers bits Position */
+#define FPU_MVFR0_A_SIMD_registers_Msk     (0xFUL /*<< FPU_MVFR0_A_SIMD_registers_Pos*/)  /*!< MVFR0: A_SIMD registers bits Mask */
+/* Media and FP Feature Register 1 Definitions */
+#define FPU_MVFR1_FP_fused_MAC_Pos         28U                                            /*!< MVFR1: FP fused MAC bits Position */
+#define FPU_MVFR1_FP_fused_MAC_Msk         (0xFUL << FPU_MVFR1_FP_fused_MAC_Pos)          /*!< MVFR1: FP fused MAC bits Mask */
+#define FPU_MVFR1_FP_HPFP_Pos              24U                                            /*!< MVFR1: FP HPFP bits Position */
+#define FPU_MVFR1_FP_HPFP_Msk              (0xFUL << FPU_MVFR1_FP_HPFP_Pos)               /*!< MVFR1: FP HPFP bits Mask */
+#define FPU_MVFR1_D_NaN_mode_Pos            4U                                            /*!< MVFR1: D_NaN mode bits Position */
+#define FPU_MVFR1_D_NaN_mode_Msk           (0xFUL << FPU_MVFR1_D_NaN_mode_Pos)            /*!< MVFR1: D_NaN mode bits Mask */
+#define FPU_MVFR1_FtZ_mode_Pos              0U                                            /*!< MVFR1: FtZ mode bits Position */
+#define FPU_MVFR1_FtZ_mode_Msk             (0xFUL /*<< FPU_MVFR1_FtZ_mode_Pos*/)          /*!< MVFR1: FtZ mode bits Mask */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_FPU */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup CMSIS_CoreDebug       Core Debug Registers (CoreDebug)
+  \brief    Type definitions for the Core Debug Registers
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief  Structure type to access the Core Debug Register (CoreDebug).
+ */
+typedef struct
+  __IOM uint32_t DHCSR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/W)  Debug Halting Control and Status Register */
+  __OM  uint32_t DCRSR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x004 ( /W)  Debug Core Register Selector Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t DCRDR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  Debug Core Register Data Register */
+  __IOM uint32_t DEMCR;                  /*!< Offset: 0x00C (R/W)  Debug Exception and Monitor Control Register */
+} CoreDebug_Type;
+/* Debug Halting Control and Status Register Definitions */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_DBGKEY_Pos         16U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: DBGKEY Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_DBGKEY_Msk         (0xFFFFUL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_DBGKEY_Pos)       /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: DBGKEY Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_RESET_ST_Pos     25U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_RESET_ST Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_RESET_ST_Msk     (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_RESET_ST_Pos)        /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_RESET_ST Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_RETIRE_ST_Pos    24U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_RETIRE_ST Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_RETIRE_ST_Msk    (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_RETIRE_ST_Pos)       /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_RETIRE_ST Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_LOCKUP_Pos       19U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_LOCKUP Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_LOCKUP_Msk       (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_LOCKUP_Pos)          /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_LOCKUP Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_SLEEP_Pos        18U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_SLEEP Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_SLEEP_Msk        (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_SLEEP_Pos)           /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_SLEEP Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_HALT_Pos         17U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_HALT Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_HALT_Msk         (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_HALT_Pos)            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_HALT Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_REGRDY_Pos       16U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_REGRDY Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_REGRDY_Msk       (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_REGRDY_Pos)          /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: S_REGRDY Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_SNAPSTALL_Pos     5U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_SNAPSTALL Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_SNAPSTALL_Msk    (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_SNAPSTALL_Pos)       /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_SNAPSTALL Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_MASKINTS_Pos      3U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_MASKINTS Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_MASKINTS_Msk     (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_MASKINTS_Pos)        /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_MASKINTS Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_STEP_Pos          2U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_STEP Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_STEP_Msk         (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_STEP_Pos)            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_STEP Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_HALT_Pos          1U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_HALT Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_HALT_Msk         (1UL << CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_HALT_Pos)            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_HALT Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN_Pos       0U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_DEBUGEN Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN_Msk      (1UL /*<< CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN_Pos*/)     /*!< CoreDebug DHCSR: C_DEBUGEN Mask */
+/* Debug Core Register Selector Register Definitions */
+#define CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGWnR_Pos         16U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DCRSR: REGWnR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGWnR_Msk         (1UL << CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGWnR_Pos)            /*!< CoreDebug DCRSR: REGWnR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGSEL_Pos          0U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DCRSR: REGSEL Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGSEL_Msk         (0x1FUL /*<< CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGSEL_Pos*/)     /*!< CoreDebug DCRSR: REGSEL Mask */
+/* Debug Exception and Monitor Control Register Definitions */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Pos         24U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: TRCENA Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk         (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Pos)            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: TRCENA Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_REQ_Pos        19U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_REQ Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_REQ_Msk        (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_REQ_Pos)           /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_REQ Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_STEP_Pos       18U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_STEP Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_STEP_Msk       (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_STEP_Pos)          /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_STEP Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_PEND_Pos       17U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_PEND Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_PEND_Msk       (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_PEND_Pos)          /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_PEND Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_EN_Pos         16U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_EN Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_EN_Msk         (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_EN_Pos)            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: MON_EN Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_HARDERR_Pos     10U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_HARDERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_HARDERR_Msk     (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_HARDERR_Pos)        /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_HARDERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_INTERR_Pos       9U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_INTERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_INTERR_Msk      (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_INTERR_Pos)         /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_INTERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_BUSERR_Pos       8U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_BUSERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_BUSERR_Msk      (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_BUSERR_Pos)         /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_BUSERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_STATERR_Pos      7U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_STATERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_STATERR_Msk     (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_STATERR_Pos)        /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_STATERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_CHKERR_Pos       6U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_CHKERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_CHKERR_Msk      (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_CHKERR_Pos)         /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_CHKERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_NOCPERR_Pos      5U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_NOCPERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_NOCPERR_Msk     (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_NOCPERR_Pos)        /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_NOCPERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_MMERR_Pos        4U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_MMERR Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_MMERR_Msk       (1UL << CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_MMERR_Pos)          /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_MMERR Mask */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_CORERESET_Pos    0U                                            /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_CORERESET Position */
+#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_CORERESET_Msk   (1UL /*<< CoreDebug_DEMCR_VC_CORERESET_Pos*/)  /*!< CoreDebug DEMCR: VC_CORERESET Mask */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_CoreDebug */
+  \ingroup    CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup   CMSIS_core_bitfield     Core register bit field macros
+  \brief      Macros for use with bit field definitions (xxx_Pos, xxx_Msk).
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief   Mask and shift a bit field value for use in a register bit range.
+  \param[in] field  Name of the register bit field.
+  \param[in] value  Value of the bit field.
+  \return           Masked and shifted value.
+#define _VAL2FLD(field, value)    ((value << field ## _Pos) & field ## _Msk)
+  \brief     Mask and shift a register value to extract a bit filed value.
+  \param[in] field  Name of the register bit field.
+  \param[in] value  Value of register.
+  \return           Masked and shifted bit field value.
+#define _FLD2VAL(field, value)    ((value & field ## _Msk) >> field ## _Pos)
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_core_bitfield */
+  \ingroup    CMSIS_core_register
+  \defgroup   CMSIS_core_base     Core Definitions
+  \brief      Definitions for base addresses, unions, and structures.
+  @{
+ */
+/* Memory mapping of Cortex-M4 Hardware */
+#define SCS_BASE            (0xE000E000UL)                            /*!< System Control Space Base Address */
+#define ITM_BASE            (0xE0000000UL)                            /*!< ITM Base Address */
+#define DWT_BASE            (0xE0001000UL)                            /*!< DWT Base Address */
+#define TPI_BASE            (0xE0040000UL)                            /*!< TPI Base Address */
+#define CoreDebug_BASE      (0xE000EDF0UL)                            /*!< Core Debug Base Address */
+#define SysTick_BASE        (SCS_BASE +  0x0010UL)                    /*!< SysTick Base Address */
+#define NVIC_BASE           (SCS_BASE +  0x0100UL)                    /*!< NVIC Base Address */
+#define SCB_BASE            (SCS_BASE +  0x0D00UL)                    /*!< System Control Block Base Address */
+#define SCnSCB              ((SCnSCB_Type    *)     SCS_BASE      )   /*!< System control Register not in SCB */
+#define SCB                 ((SCB_Type       *)     SCB_BASE      )   /*!< SCB configuration struct */
+#define SysTick             ((SysTick_Type   *)     SysTick_BASE  )   /*!< SysTick configuration struct */
+#define NVIC                ((NVIC_Type      *)     NVIC_BASE     )   /*!< NVIC configuration struct */
+#define ITM                 ((ITM_Type       *)     ITM_BASE      )   /*!< ITM configuration struct */
+#define DWT                 ((DWT_Type       *)     DWT_BASE      )   /*!< DWT configuration struct */
+#define TPI                 ((TPI_Type       *)     TPI_BASE      )   /*!< TPI configuration struct */
+#define CoreDebug           ((CoreDebug_Type *)     CoreDebug_BASE)   /*!< Core Debug configuration struct */
+#if (__MPU_PRESENT == 1U)
+  #define MPU_BASE          (SCS_BASE +  0x0D90UL)                    /*!< Memory Protection Unit */
+  #define MPU               ((MPU_Type       *)     MPU_BASE      )   /*!< Memory Protection Unit */
+#if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)
+  #define FPU_BASE          (SCS_BASE +  0x0F30UL)                    /*!< Floating Point Unit */
+  #define FPU               ((FPU_Type       *)     FPU_BASE      )   /*!< Floating Point Unit */
+/*@} */
+ *                Hardware Abstraction Layer
+  Core Function Interface contains:
+  - Core NVIC Functions
+  - Core SysTick Functions
+  - Core Debug Functions
+  - Core Register Access Functions
+ ******************************************************************************/
+  \defgroup CMSIS_Core_FunctionInterface Functions and Instructions Reference
+/* ##########################   NVIC functions  #################################### */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_Core_FunctionInterface
+  \defgroup CMSIS_Core_NVICFunctions NVIC Functions
+  \brief    Functions that manage interrupts and exceptions via the NVIC.
+  @{
+ */
+  \brief   Set Priority Grouping
+  \details Sets the priority grouping field using the required unlock sequence.
+           The parameter PriorityGroup is assigned to the field SCB->AIRCR [10:8] PRIGROUP field.
+           Only values from 0..7 are used.
+           In case of a conflict between priority grouping and available
+           priority bits (__NVIC_PRIO_BITS), the smallest possible priority group is set.
+  \param [in]      PriorityGroup  Priority grouping field.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping(uint32_t PriorityGroup)
+  uint32_t reg_value;
+  uint32_t PriorityGroupTmp = (PriorityGroup & (uint32_t)0x07UL);             /* only values 0..7 are used          */
+  reg_value  =  SCB->AIRCR;                                                   /* read old register configuration    */
+  reg_value &= ~((uint32_t)(SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Msk | SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Msk)); /* clear bits to change               */
+  reg_value  =  (reg_value                                   |
+                ((uint32_t)0x5FAUL << SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Pos) |
+                (PriorityGroupTmp << 8U)                      );              /* Insert write key and priorty group */
+  SCB->AIRCR =  reg_value;
+  \brief   Get Priority Grouping
+  \details Reads the priority grouping field from the NVIC Interrupt Controller.
+  \return                Priority grouping field (SCB->AIRCR [10:8] PRIGROUP field).
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPriorityGrouping(void)
+  return ((uint32_t)((SCB->AIRCR & SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Msk) >> SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Pos));
+  \brief   Enable External Interrupt
+  \details Enables a device-specific interrupt in the NVIC interrupt controller.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  External interrupt number. Value cannot be negative.
+ */
+  NVIC->ISER[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) >> 5UL)] = (uint32_t)(1UL << (((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0x1FUL));
+  \brief   Disable External Interrupt
+  \details Disables a device-specific interrupt in the NVIC interrupt controller.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  External interrupt number. Value cannot be negative.
+ */
+  NVIC->ICER[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) >> 5UL)] = (uint32_t)(1UL << (((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0x1FUL));
+  \brief   Get Pending Interrupt
+  \details Reads the pending register in the NVIC and returns the pending bit for the specified interrupt.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  Interrupt number.
+  \return             0  Interrupt status is not pending.
+  \return             1  Interrupt status is pending.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
+  return((uint32_t)(((NVIC->ISPR[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) >> 5UL)] & (1UL << (((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0x1FUL))) != 0UL) ? 1UL : 0UL));
+  \brief   Set Pending Interrupt
+  \details Sets the pending bit of an external interrupt.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  Interrupt number. Value cannot be negative.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
+  NVIC->ISPR[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) >> 5UL)] = (uint32_t)(1UL << (((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0x1FUL));
+  \brief   Clear Pending Interrupt
+  \details Clears the pending bit of an external interrupt.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  External interrupt number. Value cannot be negative.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
+  NVIC->ICPR[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) >> 5UL)] = (uint32_t)(1UL << (((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0x1FUL));
+  \brief   Get Active Interrupt
+  \details Reads the active register in NVIC and returns the active bit.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  Interrupt number.
+  \return             0  Interrupt status is not active.
+  \return             1  Interrupt status is active.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetActive(IRQn_Type IRQn)
+  return((uint32_t)(((NVIC->IABR[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) >> 5UL)] & (1UL << (((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0x1FUL))) != 0UL) ? 1UL : 0UL));
+  \brief   Set Interrupt Priority
+  \details Sets the priority of an interrupt.
+  \note    The priority cannot be set for every core interrupt.
+  \param [in]      IRQn  Interrupt number.
+  \param [in]  priority  Priority to set.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t priority)
+  if ((int32_t)(IRQn) < 0)
+  {
+    SCB->SHP[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0xFUL)-4UL] = (uint8_t)((priority << (8U - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & (uint32_t)0xFFUL);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    NVIC->IP[((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn)]               = (uint8_t)((priority << (8U - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & (uint32_t)0xFFUL);
+  }
+  \brief   Get Interrupt Priority
+  \details Reads the priority of an interrupt.
+           The interrupt number can be positive to specify an external (device specific) interrupt,
+           or negative to specify an internal (core) interrupt.
+  \param [in]   IRQn  Interrupt number.
+  \return             Interrupt Priority.
+                      Value is aligned automatically to the implemented priority bits of the microcontroller.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn)
+  if ((int32_t)(IRQn) < 0)
+  {
+    return(((uint32_t)SCB->SHP[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0xFUL)-4UL] >> (8U - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)));
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return(((uint32_t)NVIC->IP[((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn)]               >> (8U - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)));
+  }
+  \brief   Encode Priority
+  \details Encodes the priority for an interrupt with the given priority group,
+           preemptive priority value, and subpriority value.
+           In case of a conflict between priority grouping and available
+           priority bits (__NVIC_PRIO_BITS), the smallest possible priority group is set.
+  \param [in]     PriorityGroup  Used priority group.
+  \param [in]   PreemptPriority  Preemptive priority value (starting from 0).
+  \param [in]       SubPriority  Subpriority value (starting from 0).
+  \return                        Encoded priority. Value can be used in the function \ref NVIC_SetPriority().
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t NVIC_EncodePriority (uint32_t PriorityGroup, uint32_t PreemptPriority, uint32_t SubPriority)
+  uint32_t PriorityGroupTmp = (PriorityGroup & (uint32_t)0x07UL);   /* only values 0..7 are used          */
+  uint32_t PreemptPriorityBits;
+  uint32_t SubPriorityBits;
+  PreemptPriorityBits = ((7UL - PriorityGroupTmp) > (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) ? (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) : (uint32_t)(7UL - PriorityGroupTmp);
+  SubPriorityBits     = ((PriorityGroupTmp + (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) < (uint32_t)7UL) ? (uint32_t)0UL : (uint32_t)((PriorityGroupTmp - 7UL) + (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS));
+  return (
+           ((PreemptPriority & (uint32_t)((1UL << (PreemptPriorityBits)) - 1UL)) << SubPriorityBits) |
+           ((SubPriority     & (uint32_t)((1UL << (SubPriorityBits    )) - 1UL)))
+         );
+  \brief   Decode Priority
+  \details Decodes an interrupt priority value with a given priority group to
+           preemptive priority value and subpriority value.
+           In case of a conflict between priority grouping and available
+           priority bits (__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) the smallest possible priority group is set.
+  \param [in]         Priority   Priority value, which can be retrieved with the function \ref NVIC_GetPriority().
+  \param [in]     PriorityGroup  Used priority group.
+  \param [out] pPreemptPriority  Preemptive priority value (starting from 0).
+  \param [out]     pSubPriority  Subpriority value (starting from 0).
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_DecodePriority (uint32_t Priority, uint32_t PriorityGroup, uint32_t* const pPreemptPriority, uint32_t* const pSubPriority)
+  uint32_t PriorityGroupTmp = (PriorityGroup & (uint32_t)0x07UL);   /* only values 0..7 are used          */
+  uint32_t PreemptPriorityBits;
+  uint32_t SubPriorityBits;
+  PreemptPriorityBits = ((7UL - PriorityGroupTmp) > (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) ? (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) : (uint32_t)(7UL - PriorityGroupTmp);
+  SubPriorityBits     = ((PriorityGroupTmp + (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) < (uint32_t)7UL) ? (uint32_t)0UL : (uint32_t)((PriorityGroupTmp - 7UL) + (uint32_t)(__NVIC_PRIO_BITS));
+  *pPreemptPriority = (Priority >> SubPriorityBits) & (uint32_t)((1UL << (PreemptPriorityBits)) - 1UL);
+  *pSubPriority     = (Priority                   ) & (uint32_t)((1UL << (SubPriorityBits    )) - 1UL);
+  \brief   System Reset
+  \details Initiates a system reset request to reset the MCU.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SystemReset(void)
+  __DSB();                                                          /* Ensure all outstanding memory accesses included
+                                                                       buffered write are completed before reset */
+  SCB->AIRCR  = (uint32_t)((0x5FAUL << SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Pos)    |
+                           (SCB->AIRCR & SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Msk) |
+                            SCB_AIRCR_SYSRESETREQ_Msk    );         /* Keep priority group unchanged */
+  __DSB();                                                          /* Ensure completion of memory access */
+  for(;;)                                                           /* wait until reset */
+  {
+    __NOP();
+  }
+/*@} end of CMSIS_Core_NVICFunctions */
+/* ##################################    SysTick function  ############################################ */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_Core_FunctionInterface
+  \defgroup CMSIS_Core_SysTickFunctions SysTick Functions
+  \brief    Functions that configure the System.
+  @{
+ */
+#if (__Vendor_SysTickConfig == 0U)
+  \brief   System Tick Configuration
+  \details Initializes the System Timer and its interrupt, and starts the System Tick Timer.
+           Counter is in free running mode to generate periodic interrupts.
+  \param [in]  ticks  Number of ticks between two interrupts.
+  \return          0  Function succeeded.
+  \return          1  Function failed.
+  \note    When the variable <b>__Vendor_SysTickConfig</b> is set to 1, then the
+           function <b>SysTick_Config</b> is not included. In this case, the file <b><i>device</i>.h</b>
+           must contain a vendor-specific implementation of this function.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t SysTick_Config(uint32_t ticks)
+  if ((ticks - 1UL) > SysTick_LOAD_RELOAD_Msk)
+  {
+    return (1UL);                                                   /* Reload value impossible */
+  }
+  SysTick->LOAD  = (uint32_t)(ticks - 1UL);                         /* set reload register */
+  NVIC_SetPriority (SysTick_IRQn, (1UL << __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) - 1UL); /* set Priority for Systick Interrupt */
+  SysTick->VAL   = 0UL;                                             /* Load the SysTick Counter Value */
+  SysTick->CTRL  = SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk |
+                   SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Msk   |
+                   SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk;                         /* Enable SysTick IRQ and SysTick Timer */
+  return (0UL);                                                     /* Function successful */
+/*@} end of CMSIS_Core_SysTickFunctions */
+/* ##################################### Debug In/Output function ########################################### */
+  \ingroup  CMSIS_Core_FunctionInterface
+  \defgroup CMSIS_core_DebugFunctions ITM Functions
+  \brief    Functions that access the ITM debug interface.
+  @{
+ */
+extern volatile int32_t ITM_RxBuffer;                    /*!< External variable to receive characters. */
+#define                 ITM_RXBUFFER_EMPTY   0x5AA55AA5U /*!< Value identifying \ref ITM_RxBuffer is ready for next character. */
+  \brief   ITM Send Character
+  \details Transmits a character via the ITM channel 0, and
+           \li Just returns when no debugger is connected that has booked the output.
+           \li Is blocking when a debugger is connected, but the previous character sent has not been transmitted.
+  \param [in]     ch  Character to transmit.
+  \returns            Character to transmit.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t ITM_SendChar (uint32_t ch)
+  if (((ITM->TCR & ITM_TCR_ITMENA_Msk) != 0UL) &&      /* ITM enabled */
+      ((ITM->TER & 1UL               ) != 0UL)   )     /* ITM Port #0 enabled */
+  {
+    while (ITM->PORT[0U].u32 == 0UL)
+    {
+      __NOP();
+    }
+    ITM->PORT[0U].u8 = (uint8_t)ch;
+  }
+  return (ch);
+  \brief   ITM Receive Character
+  \details Inputs a character via the external variable \ref ITM_RxBuffer.
+  \return             Received character.
+  \return         -1  No character pending.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE int32_t ITM_ReceiveChar (void)
+  int32_t ch = -1;                           /* no character available */
+  if (ITM_RxBuffer != ITM_RXBUFFER_EMPTY)
+  {
+    ch = ITM_RxBuffer;
+    ITM_RxBuffer = ITM_RXBUFFER_EMPTY;       /* ready for next character */
+  }
+  return (ch);
+  \brief   ITM Check Character
+  \details Checks whether a character is pending for reading in the variable \ref ITM_RxBuffer.
+  \return          0  No character available.
+  \return          1  Character available.
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE int32_t ITM_CheckChar (void)
+  if (ITM_RxBuffer == ITM_RXBUFFER_EMPTY)
+  {
+    return (0);                              /* no character available */
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return (1);                              /*    character available */
+  }
+/*@} end of CMSIS_core_DebugFunctions */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __CORE_CM4_H_DEPENDANT */
+#endif /* __CMSIS_GENERIC */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/core_cmFunc.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/core_cmFunc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01c26e1cf0e87e05137e37edc78784f15b8c13f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/core_cmFunc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * @file     core_cmFunc.h
+ * @brief    CMSIS Cortex-M Core Function Access Header File
+ * @version  V4.30
+ * @date     20. October 2015
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2015 ARM LIMITED
+   All rights reserved.
+   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+   - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
+     to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+     specific prior written permission.
+   *
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#if   defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+ #pragma system_include         /* treat file as system include file for MISRA check */
+#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
+  #pragma clang system_header   /* treat file as system include file */
+#ifndef __CORE_CMFUNC_H
+#define __CORE_CMFUNC_H
+/* ###########################  Core Function Access  ########################### */
+/** \ingroup  CMSIS_Core_FunctionInterface
+    \defgroup CMSIS_Core_RegAccFunctions CMSIS Core Register Access Functions
+  @{
+/*------------------ RealView Compiler -----------------*/
+#if   defined ( __CC_ARM )
+  #include "cmsis_armcc.h"
+/*------------------ ARM Compiler V6 -------------------*/
+#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
+  #include "cmsis_armcc_V6.h"
+/*------------------ GNU Compiler ----------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
+  #include "cmsis_gcc.h"
+/*------------------ ICC Compiler ----------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+  #include <cmsis_iar.h>
+/*------------------ TI CCS Compiler -------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __TMS470__ )
+  #include <cmsis_ccs.h>
+/*------------------ TASKING Compiler ------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __TASKING__ )
+  /*
+   * The CMSIS functions have been implemented as intrinsics in the compiler.
+   * Please use "carm -?i" to get an up to date list of all intrinsics,
+   * Including the CMSIS ones.
+   */
+/*------------------ COSMIC Compiler -------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __CSMC__ )
+  #include <cmsis_csm.h>
+/*@} end of CMSIS_Core_RegAccFunctions */
+#endif /* __CORE_CMFUNC_H */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/core_cmInstr.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/core_cmInstr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b973d9bfd33a7b82653cec0bfef590422883d6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/core_cmInstr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * @file     core_cmInstr.h
+ * @brief    CMSIS Cortex-M Core Instruction Access Header File
+ * @version  V4.30
+ * @date     20. October 2015
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2015 ARM LIMITED
+   All rights reserved.
+   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+   - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
+     to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+     specific prior written permission.
+   *
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#if   defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+ #pragma system_include         /* treat file as system include file for MISRA check */
+#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
+  #pragma clang system_header   /* treat file as system include file */
+#ifndef __CORE_CMINSTR_H
+#define __CORE_CMINSTR_H
+/* ##########################  Core Instruction Access  ######################### */
+/** \defgroup CMSIS_Core_InstructionInterface CMSIS Core Instruction Interface
+  Access to dedicated instructions
+  @{
+/*------------------ RealView Compiler -----------------*/
+#if   defined ( __CC_ARM )
+  #include "cmsis_armcc.h"
+/*------------------ ARM Compiler V6 -------------------*/
+#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
+  #include "cmsis_armcc_V6.h"
+/*------------------ GNU Compiler ----------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
+  #include "cmsis_gcc.h"
+/*------------------ ICC Compiler ----------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+  #include <cmsis_iar.h>
+/*------------------ TI CCS Compiler -------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __TMS470__ )
+  #include <cmsis_ccs.h>
+/*------------------ TASKING Compiler ------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __TASKING__ )
+  /*
+   * The CMSIS functions have been implemented as intrinsics in the compiler.
+   * Please use "carm -?i" to get an up to date list of all intrinsics,
+   * Including the CMSIS ones.
+   */
+/*------------------ COSMIC Compiler -------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __CSMC__ )
+  #include <cmsis_csm.h>
+/*@}*/ /* end of group CMSIS_Core_InstructionInterface */
+#endif /* __CORE_CMINSTR_H */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/core_cmSimd.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/core_cmSimd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ef5d4ef9ae655bbcbeeb84b0a938b3b96f3bb26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/core_cmSimd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * @file     core_cmSimd.h
+ * @brief    CMSIS Cortex-M SIMD Header File
+ * @version  V4.30
+ * @date     20. October 2015
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2015 ARM LIMITED
+   All rights reserved.
+   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+   - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
+     to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+     specific prior written permission.
+   *
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#if   defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+ #pragma system_include         /* treat file as system include file for MISRA check */
+#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
+  #pragma clang system_header   /* treat file as system include file */
+#ifndef __CORE_CMSIMD_H
+#define __CORE_CMSIMD_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* ###################  Compiler specific Intrinsics  ########################### */
+/** \defgroup CMSIS_SIMD_intrinsics CMSIS SIMD Intrinsics
+  Access to dedicated SIMD instructions
+  @{
+/*------------------ RealView Compiler -----------------*/
+#if   defined ( __CC_ARM )
+  #include "cmsis_armcc.h"
+/*------------------ ARM Compiler V6 -------------------*/
+#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
+  #include "cmsis_armcc_V6.h"
+/*------------------ GNU Compiler ----------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
+  #include "cmsis_gcc.h"
+/*------------------ ICC Compiler ----------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+  #include <cmsis_iar.h>
+/*------------------ TI CCS Compiler -------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __TMS470__ )
+  #include <cmsis_ccs.h>
+/*------------------ TASKING Compiler ------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __TASKING__ )
+  /*
+   * The CMSIS functions have been implemented as intrinsics in the compiler.
+   * Please use "carm -?i" to get an up to date list of all intrinsics,
+   * Including the CMSIS ones.
+   */
+/*------------------ COSMIC Compiler -------------------*/
+#elif defined ( __CSMC__ )
+  #include <cmsis_csm.h>
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_SIMD_intrinsics */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __CORE_CMSIMD_H */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/interface/bootloader.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/interface/bootloader.h
index cb993271edb973dc1a90a0ea0dfd3bba00817958..41acf9f8499aa948d48098b79798322ff1d7fa26 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/interface/bootloader.h
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/interface/bootloader.h
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 /* ST includes */
 #include "stm32f4xx.h"
+#include "stm32f4xx_syscfg.h"
  * @brief Check if memory is set after software 
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/bootloader.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/bootloader.c
index 57e168c9ad8d868718c300b77e7cb9b31a9b6daa..83f1d4c549c5f7d116df15df7c73f16dcb55838f 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/bootloader.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/bootloader.c
@@ -52,14 +52,15 @@
  * @param bl_addr The bootloader address to jump to
 static void branch_to_bootloader(uint32_t r0, uint32_t bl_addr){
-    __asm volatile (
-        "ldr r2, [r1, #0]\n"    // get address of stack pointer
-        "msr msp, r2\n"         // get stack pointer
-        "ldr r2, [r1, #4]\n"    // get address of destination
-        "bx r2\n"               // branch to bootloader
-        );
-    //unreachable code
-    while(1);
+    // __asm volatile (
+    //     "ldr r2, [r1, #0]\n"    // get address of stack pointer
+    //     "msr msp, r2\n"         // get stack pointer
+    //     "ldr r2, [r1, #4]\n"    // get address of destination
+    //     "bx r2\n"               // branch to bootloader
+    //     );
+    // //unreachable code
+    // while(1);
 void check_enter_bootloader(){
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/controller.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/controller.c
index 58d97da171a58486d45c69a00384fa05704b51cb..5e2ec0f373d871f75e64dd9815144af568fb66d2 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/controller.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/controller.c
@@ -40,11 +40,12 @@ void controllerInit(ControllerType controller) {
     currentController = DEFAULT_CONTROLLER;
-  ControllerType forcedController = CONTROLLER_NAME;
-  if (forcedController != ControllerTypeAny) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT("Controller type forced\n");
-    currentController = forcedController;
-  }
+  // ControllerType forcedController = CONTROLLER_NAME;
+  // if (forcedController != ControllerTypeAny) {
+  //   DEBUG_PRINT("Controller type forced\n");
+  //   currentController = forcedController;
+  // }
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/crtpservice.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/crtpservice.c
index d864f232e24b7f5d47492e975d74ec8e829ab845..720d7de7e990939fc7f60cb2d4731a3e8821e59c 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/crtpservice.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/crtpservice.c
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 #include "crtpservice.h"
 #include "static_mem.h"
 #include "param.h"
+#include "config.h"
 typedef enum {
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/estimator.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/estimator.c
index cad7e09a7fa28566b0bf5232f6c9dc3d7a505ab4..fb2df521db9ff58e81ad1d6594316399da618b93 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/estimator.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/estimator.c
@@ -103,11 +103,12 @@ void stateEstimatorSwitchTo(StateEstimatorType estimator) {
     newEstimator = DEFAULT_ESTIMATOR;
-  StateEstimatorType forcedEstimator = ESTIMATOR_NAME;
-  if (forcedEstimator != anyEstimator) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT("Estimator type forced\n");
-    newEstimator = forcedEstimator;
-  }
+  // StateEstimatorType forcedEstimator = ESTIMATOR_NAME;
+  // if (forcedEstimator != anyEstimator) {
+  //   DEBUG_PRINT("Estimator type forced\n");
+  //   newEstimator = forcedEstimator;
+  // }
   StateEstimatorType previousEstimator = currentEstimator;
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/stabilizer.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/stabilizer.c
index 060da59fd30f962598734fee009a68f6e4e15bc6..158edb2cbc98e61fe411bfb25d74d78792cddc82 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/stabilizer.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/stabilizer.c
@@ -213,7 +213,9 @@ static void stabilizerTask(void* param)
   uint32_t tick;
   uint32_t lastWakeTime;
-  vTaskSetApplicationTaskTag(0, (void*)TASK_STABILIZER_ID_NBR);
+  vTaskSetApplicationTaskTag(0, (void*)3);
   //Wait for the system to be fully started to start stabilization loop
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/system.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/system.c
index 84c8c79509f287d291095961123b00065c090ab2..6531dc825630484f3bd430e87f73f68ca7af5c66 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/system.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/modules/src/system.c
@@ -115,18 +115,19 @@ void systemInit(void)
-  DEBUG_PRINT("----------------------------\n");
-  DEBUG_PRINT("%s is up and running!\n", platformConfigGetDeviceTypeName());
-    DEBUG_PRINT("Production release %s\n", V_STAG);
-  } else {
-    DEBUG_PRINT("Build %s:%s (%s) %s\n", V_SLOCAL_REVISION,
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT("I am 0x%08X%08X%08X and I have %dKB of flash!\n",
-              *((int*)(MCU_ID_ADDRESS+8)), *((int*)(MCU_ID_ADDRESS+4)),
-              *((int*)(MCU_ID_ADDRESS+0)), *((short*)(MCU_FLASH_SIZE_ADDRESS)));
+  // DEBUG_PRINT("----------------------------\n");
+  // DEBUG_PRINT("%s is up and running!\n", platformConfigGetDeviceTypeName());
+  //   DEBUG_PRINT("Production release %s\n", V_STAG);
+  // } else {
+  //   DEBUG_PRINT("Build %s:%s (%s) %s\n", V_SLOCAL_REVISION,
+  //               V_SREVISION, V_STAG, (V_MODIFIED)?"MODIFIED":"CLEAN");
+  // }
+  // DEBUG_PRINT("I am 0x%08X%08X%08X and I have %dKB of flash!\n",
+  //             *((int*)(MCU_ID_ADDRESS+8)), *((int*)(MCU_ID_ADDRESS+4)),
+  //             *((int*)(MCU_ID_ADDRESS+0)), *((short*)(MCU_FLASH_SIZE_ADDRESS)));
@@ -332,7 +333,8 @@ bool systemIsArmed()
 void vApplicationIdleHook( void )
-  static uint32_t tickOfLatestWatchdogReset = M2T(0);
+  static uint32_t tickOfLatestWatchdogReset = 0;//M2T(0);
   portTickType tickCount = xTaskGetTickCount();
@@ -360,22 +362,23 @@ PARAM_GROUP_START(cpu)
  * @brief Size in kB of the device flash memory
- * @brief Byte `0 - 3` of device unique id
- */
- * @brief Byte `4 - 7` of device unique id
- */
- * @brief Byte `8 - 11` of device unique id
- */
+// /**
+//  * @brief Byte `0 - 3` of device unique id
+//  */
+// /**
+//  * @brief Byte `4 - 7` of device unique id
+//  */
+// /**
+//  * @brief Byte `8 - 11` of device unique id
+//  */
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/Makefile b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/Makefile
index fefa38311adb279fe935c9197df11bcf87d6edd7..d8930a3e03daf97157f17f8f933c5f02fcf5d566 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/Makefile
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/Makefile
@@ -20,6 +20,18 @@ CFLAGS = -mcpu=cortex-a72 \
 		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH11) \
 		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH12) \
 		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH13) \
+		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH14) \
+		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH15) \
+		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH16) \
+		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH17) \
+		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH18) \
+		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH19) \
+		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH20) \
+		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH21) \
+		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH22) \
+		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH23) \
+		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH24) \
+		 -I$(INCLUDEPATH25) \
 BUILTIN_OPS = -fno-builtin-memset
 ASMFLAGS = -mcpu=cortex-a72
@@ -37,6 +49,19 @@ INCLUDEPATH10 ?= ../utils/src/
 INCLUDEPATH11 ?= ../modules/interface/
 INCLUDEPATH12 ?= ../lib/CMSIS/Core/CM3/
 INCLUDEPATH13 ?= ../lib/CMSIS/STM32F4xx/Include/
+INCLUDEPATH14 ?= ../lib/STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/
+INCLUDEPATH15 ?= ../deck/interface/
+INCLUDEPATH16 ?= ../utils/src/lighthouse
+INCLUDEPATH17 ?= ../drivers/bosch/interface
+INCLUDEPATH18 ?= ../lib/vl53l1/core/inc
+INCLUDEPATH19 ?= ../lib/vl53l1/
+INCLUDEPATH20 ?= ../lib/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/
+INCLUDEPATH21 ?= ../lib/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/
+INCLUDEPATH22 ?= ../platform
+INCLUDEPATH23 ?= ../modules/interface/lighthouse
+INCLUDEPATH24 ?= ../deck/drivers/interface
+INCLUDEPATH25 ?= ../modules/interface/kalman_core
 PLATFORM          ?= cf2
@@ -79,7 +104,7 @@ OBJS += build/platform_utils.o build/platform_$(PLATFORM).o #build/platform_$(CP
 # Drivers
 PRO += build/exti.o build/nvic.o build/motors.o
-OBJS += build/led.o build/mpu6500.o build/i2cdev.o build/ws2812_cf2.o build/lps25h.o build/i2c_drv.o
+OBJS += build/led.o build/mpu6500.o build/i2c_drv.o build/i2cdev.o build/ws2812_cf2.o build/lps25h.o 
 OBJS += build/ak8963.o build/eeprom.o build/maxsonar.o build/piezo.o
 OBJS += build/uart_syslink.o build/swd.o build/uart1.o build/uart2.o build/watchdog.o
 OBJS += build/cppm.o
@@ -92,13 +117,13 @@ OBJS += build/amg8833.o build/lh_bootloader.o
 OBJS += build/usb_bsp.o build/usblink.o build/usbd_desc.o build/usb.o
 # Hal
-OBJS += build/crtp.o build/ledseq.o build/freeRTOSdebug.o build/buzzer.o
-OBJS += build/pm_$(CPU).o build/syslink.o build/radiolink.o build/ow_syslink.o build/ow_common.o build/proximity.o build/usec_time.o
+OBJS += build/ledseq.o build/freeRTOSdebug.o build/buzzer.o build/crtp.o
+OBJS += build/syslink.o build/radiolink.o build/ow_syslink.o build/ow_common.o build/proximity.o build/usec_time.o #build/pm_$(CPU).o
 OBJS += build/sensors.o
 OBJS += build/storage.o
 # libdw
-OBJS += build/libdw1000.o build/libdw1000Spi.o
+#OBJS += build/libdw1000.o build/libdw1000Spi.o
 # vl53l1 lib
 OBJS += build/vl53l1_api_core.o build/vl53l1_api.o build/vl53l1_core.o build/vl53l1_silicon_core.o build/vl53l1_api_strings.o
@@ -122,8 +147,8 @@ OBJS += build/estimator.o build/estimator_complementary.o
 OBJS += build/controller.o build/controller_pid.o build/controller_mellinger.o build/controller_indi.o
 OBJS += build/student_attitude_controller.o build/student_pid.o
 OBJS += build/controller_student.o
-OBJS += build/power_distribution_$(POWER_DISTRIBUTION).o
-OBJS += build/collision_avoidance.o health.o
+OBJS += build/power_distribution_stock.o
+OBJS += build/collision_avoidance.o #health.o
 # Kalman estimator
 OBJS += build/estimator_kalman.o build/kalman_core.o build/kalman_supervisor.o
@@ -264,9 +289,6 @@ build/%.o : ../../../Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CA72_64_BIT/%.c
 build/%.o : ../../../Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CA72_64_BIT/%.S
 	$(CROSS)as $(ASMFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
-build/%.o : ../../../Source/portable/MemMang/%.c
-	$(CROSS)gcc $(CFLAGS)  -c -o $@ $<
 ##########Crazyflie files
 build/%.o : ../deck/api/%.c
@@ -294,7 +316,7 @@ build/%.o : ../init/%.c
 	$(CROSS)gcc $(CFLAGS)  -c -o $@ $<
-build/%.o : ../modules/src%.c
+build/%.o : ../modules/src/%.c
 	$(CROSS)gcc $(CFLAGS)  -c -o $@ $<
 build/%.o : ../modules/src/kalman_core/%.c
@@ -315,6 +337,9 @@ build/%.o : ../utils/src/lighthouse/%.c
 build/%.o : ../utils/src/tdoa/%.c
 	$(CROSS)gcc $(CFLAGS)  -c -o $@ $<
+build/%.o : ../lib/vl53l1/core/src/%.c
+	$(CROSS)gcc $(CFLAGS)  -c -o $@ $<
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/ak8963.o b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/ak8963.o
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af5b85f1ac43be7b205048a23e5fe5409240c4e2
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2376aa95779ed0de3a03b696450abe50f484d5e8
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..405bdb39a048848bfff405a9952f31fc3d161772
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6dd74f2cc5b9b2a13d70422255f66645a2332b82
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..afa9e029952886e02031e66b1a178026c99a6c6d
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..adb015efdc98f5a0e053268219b16160a3b1221f
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22be17d4676a572d895b71fc48949915942fdba8
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1443f6724a4db006f18a1c55662478f6e6f54fda
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..672ea0da74bf6e7904622a04315af970c8f4cec5
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d7c69cdf22714f309721d182c16fd7273efafe3d
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69812c05b50ef7bb06dc94240a50c1efd45c046
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc920f7d714d9b8b9fd0c5f418f34c52674b6f0a
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33a3138a39484746e11ccf4e36cf6e33307072fd
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0736c493d60acfeae0cace63360cc371f74320ac
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a1cb6464bae0869239492bd41596092bfa15b5d
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..757410f56892a75874ed2054bcc7ce12f616848c
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f8dfe2e7e83db326f66f466fa1de98d99ff2454
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a566ddd75eb3b4a7f0d77ff9ac4c02a64c3d386e
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c129151b3edd5eb3289d188584e11c4efc17b01a
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcfcc0c2687c77996ab01665b090d3c00496806c
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..134bc8a91a2ccff588ea0985bf3a9bf5fd8b77a0
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e6088bd234aa7e1ccf0a4fea76c74ed23b76090
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..45007e75af7d080d7eea64703c972389d7abaf65
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b587cebd896dbef3aa99f2487fe2d2c0b535ff6
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56584439328e8718ca291368ab87f316790ed281
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1708e33c219da462ca2b44883c3135da20a0cbb2
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4993fb1040dc206603cc6b0af1cd2a9ff3d1e014
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64268e7ff64de06d1cebf2998abca032d7557da1
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b3f56100b928f709580493e8139cf427f6c2241
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f709141495c75ae0ed03caa8e53b657ff99a8ce
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2071447a3c322593709f6e491060f685cec3c655
Binary files /dev/null and b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/vl53l1_core_support.o differ
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/vl53l1_error_strings.o b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/vl53l1_error_strings.o
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8eb47384f5f2af0e8bd6a93d2a7485558f4d5a0
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c762620711a4c9769cdbd05f30b8236398ee2444
Binary files /dev/null and b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/vl53l1_register_funcs.o differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..612963832933d8edac5bd0330e45f724df808b50
Binary files /dev/null and b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/vl53l1_silicon_core.o differ
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/vl53l1_wait.o b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/vl53l1_wait.o
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..54f951ba7434b1cb83d88e94137c711ec9f4429d
Binary files /dev/null and b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/vl53l1_wait.o differ
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/vl53l1x.o b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/vl53l1x.o
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b03487cea4178323d05ef7944b8a7c694bdcd3c
Binary files /dev/null and b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/vl53l1x.o differ
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/watchdog.o b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/watchdog.o
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b876362e187003b87529400e734db5dc4a41a6f
Binary files /dev/null and b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/watchdog.o differ
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/worker.o b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/worker.o
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4776989aee96fedee22313d6e44d03286385b668
Binary files /dev/null and b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/worker.o differ
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/ws2812_cf2.o b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/ws2812_cf2.o
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b251d860d821c60c712f834965da867e4a03bb8
Binary files /dev/null and b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/uart/build/ws2812_cf2.o differ
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/utils/src/cf_math.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/utils/src/cf_math.h
index 72a5a9c091499404cfd51155e5320a3f59ccac77..4a8aae466fca2196d8851f4f200220b9c23428c5 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/utils/src/cf_math.h
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/utils/src/cf_math.h
@@ -32,90 +32,91 @@
 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpointer-to-int-cast"
 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wint-to-pointer-cast"
 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
-#include "arm_math.h"
+//#include "arm_math.h"
 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
 #include "cfassert.h"
-#define DEG_TO_RAD (PI/180.0f)
-#define RAD_TO_DEG (180.0f/PI)
+// #define DEG_TO_RAD (PI/180.0f)
+// #define RAD_TO_DEG (180.0f/PI)
 #define MIN(a, b) ((b) < (a) ? (b) : (a))
 #define MAX(a, b) ((b) > (a) ? (b) : (a))
-// Matrix data must be aligned on 4 byte bundaries
-static inline void assert_aligned_4_bytes(const arm_matrix_instance_f32* matrix) {
-  const uint32_t address = (uint32_t)matrix->pData;
-  ASSERT((address & 0x3) == 0);
-static inline void mat_trans(const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrc, arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst) {
-  assert_aligned_4_bytes(pSrc);
-  assert_aligned_4_bytes(pDst);
-  ASSERT(ARM_MATH_SUCCESS == arm_mat_trans_f32(pSrc, pDst));
-static inline void mat_inv(const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrc, arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst) {
-  assert_aligned_4_bytes(pSrc);
-  assert_aligned_4_bytes(pDst);
-  ASSERT(ARM_MATH_SUCCESS == arm_mat_inverse_f32(pSrc, pDst));
-static inline void mat_mult(const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcA, const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcB, arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst) {
-  assert_aligned_4_bytes(pSrcA);
-  assert_aligned_4_bytes(pSrcB);
-  assert_aligned_4_bytes(pDst);
-  ASSERT(ARM_MATH_SUCCESS == arm_mat_mult_f32(pSrcA, pSrcB, pDst));
-static inline float arm_sqrt(float32_t in) {
-  float pOut = 0;
-  arm_status result = arm_sqrt_f32(in, &pOut);
-  return pOut;
-static inline float limPos(float in) {
-  if (in < 0.0f) {
-    return 0.0f;
-  }
-  return in;
-static inline float clip1(float a) {
-  if (a < -1.0f) {
-    return -1.0f;
-  }
-  if (a > 1.0f) {
-    return 1.0f;
-  }
-  return a;
-static inline void mat_scale(const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcA, float32_t scale, arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst)
-{ ASSERT(ARM_MATH_SUCCESS == arm_mat_scale_f32(pSrcA, scale, pDst)); }
-// copy float matrix
-static inline void matrixcopy(int ROW, int COLUMN, float destmat[ROW][COLUMN], float srcmat[ROW][COLUMN]){
-    //TODO: check the dimension of the matrices
-    for (int i=0; i<ROW; i++){
-        for(int j=0; j<COLUMN; j++){
-            destmat[i][j] = srcmat[i][j];
-        }
-    }
-// copy float vector
-static inline void vectorcopy(int DIM, float destVec[DIM], float srcVec[DIM]){
-    //TODO: check the dimension of the vector
-    for (int i=0; i<DIM; i++){
-        destVec[i] = srcVec[i];
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
+// // Matrix data must be aligned on 4 byte bundaries
+// static inline void assert_aligned_4_bytes(const arm_matrix_instance_f32* matrix) {
+//   const uint32_t address = (uint32_t)matrix->pData;
+//   ASSERT((address & 0x3) == 0);
+// }
+// static inline void mat_trans(const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrc, arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst) {
+//   assert_aligned_4_bytes(pSrc);
+//   assert_aligned_4_bytes(pDst);
+//   ASSERT(ARM_MATH_SUCCESS == arm_mat_trans_f32(pSrc, pDst));
+// }
+// static inline void mat_inv(const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrc, arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst) {
+//   assert_aligned_4_bytes(pSrc);
+//   assert_aligned_4_bytes(pDst);
+//   ASSERT(ARM_MATH_SUCCESS == arm_mat_inverse_f32(pSrc, pDst));
+// }
+// static inline void mat_mult(const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcA, const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcB, arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst) {
+//   assert_aligned_4_bytes(pSrcA);
+//   assert_aligned_4_bytes(pSrcB);
+//   assert_aligned_4_bytes(pDst);
+//   ASSERT(ARM_MATH_SUCCESS == arm_mat_mult_f32(pSrcA, pSrcB, pDst));
+// }
+// static inline float arm_sqrt(float32_t in) {
+//   float pOut = 0;
+//   arm_status result = arm_sqrt_f32(in, &pOut);
+//   ASSERT(ARM_MATH_SUCCESS == result);
+//   return pOut;
+// }
+// static inline float limPos(float in) {
+//   if (in < 0.0f) {
+//     return 0.0f;
+//   }
+//   return in;
+// }
+// static inline float clip1(float a) {
+//   if (a < -1.0f) {
+//     return -1.0f;
+//   }
+//   if (a > 1.0f) {
+//     return 1.0f;
+//   }
+//   return a;
+// }
+// static inline void mat_scale(const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcA, float32_t scale, arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst)
+// { ASSERT(ARM_MATH_SUCCESS == arm_mat_scale_f32(pSrcA, scale, pDst)); }
+// // copy float matrix
+// static inline void matrixcopy(int ROW, int COLUMN, float destmat[ROW][COLUMN], float srcmat[ROW][COLUMN]){
+//     //TODO: check the dimension of the matrices
+//     for (int i=0; i<ROW; i++){
+//         for(int j=0; j<COLUMN; j++){
+//             destmat[i][j] = srcmat[i][j];
+//         }
+//     }
+// }
+// // copy float vector
+// static inline void vectorcopy(int DIM, float destVec[DIM], float srcVec[DIM]){
+//     //TODO: check the dimension of the vector
+//     for (int i=0; i<DIM; i++){
+//         destVec[i] = srcVec[i];
+//     }
+// }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/utils/src/lighthouse/lighthouse_geometry.c b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/utils/src/lighthouse/lighthouse_geometry.c
index e8de754ef311fff469b5b91f0657ac18a4cf0630..b5a8601207dc476fc0f3abcd69d0b1c05d30de4f 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/utils/src/lighthouse/lighthouse_geometry.c
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/utils/src/lighthouse/lighthouse_geometry.c
@@ -158,15 +158,16 @@ bool lighthouseGeometryIntersectionPlaneVector(const vec3d linePoint, const vec3
     return true;
-void lighthouseGeometryGetSensorPosition(const vec3d cfPos, const arm_matrix_instance_f32 *R, vec3d sensorPosition, vec3d pos) {
-  arm_matrix_instance_f32 LOCAL_POS = {3, 1, sensorPosition};
+// void lighthouseGeometryGetSensorPosition(const vec3d cfPos, const arm_matrix_instance_f32 *R, vec3d sensorPosition, vec3d pos) {
+//   arm_matrix_instance_f32 LOCAL_POS = {3, 1, sensorPosition};
-  vec3d rotatedPos = {0};
-  arm_matrix_instance_f32 ROTATED_POS = {1, 3, rotatedPos};
-  arm_mat_mult_f32(R, &LOCAL_POS, &ROTATED_POS);
+//   vec3d rotatedPos = {0};
+//   arm_matrix_instance_f32 ROTATED_POS = {1, 3, rotatedPos};
+//   arm_mat_mult_f32(R, &LOCAL_POS, &ROTATED_POS);
-  vec_add(cfPos, rotatedPos, pos);
+//   vec_add(cfPos, rotatedPos, pos);
+// }
 bool lighthouseGeometryYawDelta(const vec3d ipv, const vec3d spv, const vec3d n, float* yawDelta) {
     float spvn = vec_length(spv);
diff --git a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/utils/src/lighthouse/lighthouse_geometry.h b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/utils/src/lighthouse/lighthouse_geometry.h
index 277a9cfad89a3d3919583654e401af2830a8d137..f4bca0b5fdb39542fa973eee4b5db35e422ec6ae 100644
--- a/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/utils/src/lighthouse/lighthouse_geometry.h
+++ b/uboot-compiler/bm_crazyflie/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A72_64-bit_Raspberrypi4/utils/src/lighthouse/lighthouse_geometry.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <stdbool.h>
-#include "arm_math.h"
+//#include "arm_math.h"
 #include "stabilizer_types.h"
 typedef struct {
@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ bool lighthouseGeometryIntersectionPlaneVector(const vec3d linePoint, const vec3
  * @param sensorPosition - the sensor position relative to the center of the Crazyflie
  * @param pos - (output) the position of the sensor
-void lighthouseGeometryGetSensorPosition(const vec3d cfPos, const arm_matrix_instance_f32 *R, vec3d sensorPosition, vec3d pos);
+//void lighthouseGeometryGetSensorPosition(const vec3d cfPos, const arm_matrix_instance_f32 *R, vec3d sensorPosition, vec3d pos);
  * @brief Calculate the angle between two vectors. The vectors are assumed to be in a plane defined by