diff --git a/common/commands.c b/common/commands.c
index 09f18bcaeefb6c8ecbcffd4342c0ce7b68c59d14..ef4c67e3fd5c42842d8c431b9ca028640f617935 100644
--- a/common/commands.c
+++ b/common/commands.c
@@ -239,6 +239,24 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE_ID] =
 		// Function pointer
+	{
+		// Command text
+		"addnode",
+		// Type of the command data
+		floatType,
+		// Function pointer
+		&cb_addnode
+	},
+	{
+		// Command text
+		"respaddnode",
+		// Type of the command data
+		floatType,
+		// Function pointer
+		&cb_respaddnode
+	},
 	// LOG_END
 		// Command text
diff --git a/common/commands.h b/common/commands.h
index 86fa2c897cf54f090af5e333ae7e755a64f30505..d4b0f2e2c8da6093809535b3dbaa00c57998fc34 100644
--- a/common/commands.h
+++ b/common/commands.h
@@ -42,19 +42,22 @@ enum MessageTypeID{
 	BEGINUPDATE_ID,       // 04
 	LOG_ID,               // 05
 	RESPONSE_ID,          // 06
-	SETPARAM_ID,          // 07 - Setting controller parameters. Example: PID constants
-	GETPARAM_ID,          // 08 - Getting controller parameters. Example: PID constants
-	RESPPARAM_ID,         // 09 - Responding with controller parameters. Example: PID constants
-	SETSOURCE_ID,         // 10 - Setting controller source Block & id
-	GETSOURCE_ID,         // 11 - Getting controller source Block & id
-	RESPSOURCE_ID,        // 12 - Responding with controller source Block & id
-	GETOUTPUT_ID,         // 13 - Getting controller block output
-	RESPOUTPUT_ID,        // 14 - Responding with controller block output
-	GETNODES_ID,          // 15 - Getting nodes from current comp_graph
-	RESPNODES_ID,         // 16 - Responding with nodes from current comp_graph 
-	LOG_END_ID,           // 17 - Responding with controller parameters. Example: PID constants
-	MAX_TYPE_ID           // 18 - Just used to keep track of the size. Must remain at the end
+	SETPARAM_ID,          // 07 - Setting node parameters.
+	GETPARAM_ID,          // 08 - Getting node parameters.
+	RESPPARAM_ID,         // 09 - Responding with node parameters.
+	SETSOURCE_ID,         // 10 - Setting node input source block_id & output_id
+	GETSOURCE_ID,         // 11 - Getting node input source block_id & output_id
+	RESPSOURCE_ID,        // 12 - Responding with node input source block_id & output_id
+	GETOUTPUT_ID,         // 13 - Getting node output
+	RESPOUTPUT_ID,        // 14 - Responding with node output
+	GETNODES_ID,          // 15 - Getting node IDs from current comp_graph
+	RESPNODES_ID,         // 16 - Responding with node IDs from current comp_graph
+	ADDNODE_ID,			  // 17 - Add a node of specified type_id
+	RESPADDNODE_ID,		  // 18 - Responding with the block_id of the newly added node
+	LOG_END_ID,           // 19 - Responding with controller parameters. Example: PID constants
+	MAX_TYPE_ID           // 20 - Just used to keep track of the size. Must remain at the end
  * Message type struct used to keep track of the callback function
  * pointers located in commands.c