diff --git a/controls/model/logAnalysis.m b/controls/model/logAnalysis.m
index 06511cabce98b8521383109b8eaa3852429f6f23..8875fdb5cd7795e672a071bfd660023edcfd0815 100644
--- a/controls/model/logAnalysis.m
+++ b/controls/model/logAnalysis.m
@@ -11,12 +11,14 @@ time_model_40ms = pitch_setpoint_model.time(indices_40ms);
 time_model_5ms = x_command_model.time(indices_5ms);
 % Pull x control structure data
+x_vel_setpoint_model_data = x_vel_setpoint_model.signals.values(indices_40ms);
 pitch_setpoint_model_data = pitch_setpoint_model.signals.values(indices_40ms);
 pitchrate_setpoint_model_data = pitchrate_setpoint_model.signals.values(indices_5ms);
 x_command_model_data = x_command_model.signals.values(indices_5ms);
 x_position_model_data = x_position_model.signals.values(indices_40ms);
 % Pull y control structure data
+y_vel_setpoint_model_data = y_vel_setpoint_model.signals.values(indices_40ms);
 roll_setpoint_model_data = roll_setpoint_model.signals.values(indices_40ms);
 rollrate_setpoint_model_data = rollrate_setpoint_model.signals.values(indices_5ms);
 y_command_model_data = y_command_model.signals.values(indices_5ms);
@@ -38,10 +40,8 @@ PWM2_model = motorCommands.signals.values(indices_5ms, 3);
 PWM3_model = motorCommands.signals.values(indices_5ms, 4);
 % Pull accelerometer readings from model
-pitch_accel = angle_IMU_reading.signals.values(2, 1, indices_5ms);
-pitch_accel = reshape(pitch_accel, [length(pitch_accel) , 1] );
-roll_accel = angle_IMU_reading.signals.values(1, 1, indices_5ms);
-roll_accel = reshape(roll_accel, [length(roll_accel) , 1] );
+pitch_accel = angle_IMU_reading.signals.values(indices_5ms, 2);
+roll_accel = angle_IMU_reading.signals.values(indices_5ms, 1);
 % Pull mahony filter data
 pitch_accel_mahony = mahony_reading.signals.values(indices_5ms, 2);
@@ -49,17 +49,26 @@ roll_accel_mahony = mahony_reading.signals.values(indices_5ms, 1);
 %% Plot x control structure
-% Plot lateral controller output
+% Plot x position controller output
 figure(1); ax1 = subplot(2, 2, 1);
+stairs(time, x_vel_raw, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_40ms, x_vel_setpoint_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
+title('X Position Controller Output');
+xlabel('Time (s)');
+ylabel('Velocity (m/s)');
+legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
+% Plot lateral controller output
+ax2 = subplot(2, 2, 2);
 stairs(time, pitch_setpoint, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_40ms, pitch_setpoint_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
-title('Lateral Controller Output');
+title('X Velocity Controller Output');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('\theta (rad)');
 legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 % Plot pitch controller output
-ax2 = subplot(2, 2, 2);
+ax3 = subplot(2, 2, 3);
 stairs(time, pitchrate_setpoint,'.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_5ms, pitchrate_setpoint_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
 title('Pitch Controller Output');
@@ -68,7 +77,7 @@ ylabel('d\theta/dt (rad/s)');
 legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 % Plot x controller command
-ax3 = subplot(2, 2, 3);
+ax4 = subplot(2, 2, 4);
 stairs(time, x_command, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_5ms, x_command_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
 title('Pitch Rate Controller Output');
@@ -76,30 +85,31 @@ xlabel('Time (s)');
 legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
-% Plot x position
-ax4 = subplot(2, 2, 4);
-stairs(time, x_position, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-stairs(time_model_40ms, x_position_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
-title('X Position');
-xlabel('Time (s)');
-ylabel('Position (m)');
-legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 linkaxes([ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4], 'x');
 %% Plot y control structure
-% Plot longitude controller output
+% Plot y position controller output
 figure(2); ax1 = subplot(2, 2, 1);
+stairs(time, y_vel_raw, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_40ms, y_vel_setpoint_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
+title('Y Position Controller Output');
+xlabel('Time (s)');
+ylabel('Velocity (m/s)');
+legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
+% Plot y velocity controller output
+ax2 = subplot(2, 2, 2);
 stairs(time, roll_setpoint, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_40ms, roll_setpoint_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
-title('Longitude Controller Output ');
+title('Y Velocity Controller Output ');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('\phi (rad)');
 legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 % Plot roll controller output
-ax2 = subplot(2, 2, 2);
+ax3 = subplot(2, 2, 3);
 stairs(time, rollrate_setpoint,'.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_5ms, rollrate_setpoint_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
 title('Roll Controller Output');
@@ -108,22 +118,13 @@ ylabel('d\phi/dt (rad/s)');
 legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 % Plot y controller command
-ax3 = subplot(2, 2, 3);
+ax4 = subplot(2, 2, 4);
 stairs(time, y_command, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_5ms, y_command_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
 title('Y Command');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
-% Plot y position
-ax4 = subplot(2, 2, 4);
-stairs(time, y_position, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-stairs(time_model_40ms, y_position_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
-title('Y Position');
-xlabel('Time (s)');
-ylabel('Position (m)');
-legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 linkaxes([ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4], 'x');
@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 % Plot z position
 ax2 = subplot(2, 1, 2);
-stairs(time, z_position, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, z_pos_raw, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_40ms, z_position_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
 title('Z Position');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 % Plot yaw position
 ax3 = subplot(2, 2, 3);
-stairs(time, yaw_value, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, yaw_angle_raw, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_40ms, yaw_value_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
 title('Yaw Position');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
@@ -218,31 +219,33 @@ linkaxes([ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4], 'xy');
 %% Plot output of complimentary filter
 figure(8); ax1 = subplot(2, 1, 1);
-stairs(time, pitch_measured_VRPN * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-stairs(time, (pitch_measured_IMU + 0.02) * (180/pi), '.-');
-%stairs(time_model_5ms, pitch_accel * (180/pi), '.-');
-stairs(time_model_5ms, pitch_accel_mahony * (180/pi), '.-'); hold off;
+%stairs(time, pitch_measured_VRPN * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, (pitch_measured_IMU) * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_5ms, pitch_accel * (180/pi), '.-');
+%stairs(time_model_5ms, pitch_accel_mahony * (180/pi), '.-'); hold off;
 title('Pitch Complementary Filter Output');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('Pitch Angle (degrees)');
-legend('VRPN','IMU', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
+%legend('VRPN','IMU', 'Model', 'Mahony', 'location', 'northwest');
+legend('IMU', 'Model','location', 'northwest');
 ax2 = subplot(2, 1, 2);
-stairs(time, roll_measured_VRPN * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-stairs(time, roll_measured_IMU * (180/pi), '.-');
-%stairs(time_model_5ms, roll_accel * (180/pi), '.-');
-stairs(time_model_5ms, roll_accel_mahony * (180/pi), '.-'); hold off;
+%stairs(time, roll_measured_VRPN * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, roll_measured_IMU * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_5ms, roll_accel * (180/pi), '.-');
+%stairs(time_model_5ms, roll_accel_mahony * (180/pi), '.-'); hold off;
 title('Roll Complementary Filter Output');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('Roll Angle (degrees)');
-legend('VRPN','IMU', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
+%legend('VRPN','IMU', 'Model', 'Mahony', 'location', 'northwest');
+legend('IMU', 'Model','location', 'northwest');
 linkaxes([ax1, ax2], 'x');
 %% Plot VRPN Position
 figure(9); ax1 = subplot(3, 1, 1);
-stairs(time, x_position, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, x_pos_raw, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 %stairs(time_model_40ms, x_position_model_data, '.-');
 stairs(time, x_setpoint, '.-');
 title('X position');
@@ -251,18 +254,17 @@ ylabel('X position');
 legend('X position', 'X position model', 'X setpoint');
 ax2 = subplot(3, 1, 2);
-stairs(time, y_position, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, y_pos_raw, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 %stairs(time_model_40ms, y_position_model_data, '.-');
-stairs(time, x_setpoint, '.-');
+stairs(time, y_setpoint, '.-');
 title('Y position');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('Y position');
 legend('Y position', 'Y position model', 'Y setpoint');
 ax3 = subplot(3, 1, 3);
-stairs(time, y_position, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-stairs(time_model_40ms, y_position_model_data, '.-');
+stairs(time, z_pos_raw, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_40ms, z_position_model_data, '.-');
 title('Z position');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('Z position');
@@ -273,18 +275,21 @@ linkaxes([ax1, ax2, ax3], 'x');
 %% Plot Gyro Data
 figure(10); ax1 = subplot(3, 1, 1);
 stairs(time, raw_gyro_data_x, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_5ms, gyro_data_x, '.-');
 title('gyro x');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('p (rad/s)');
 ax2 = subplot(3, 1, 2);
 stairs(time, raw_gyro_data_y, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_5ms, gyro_data_y, '.-');
 title('gyro y');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('q (rad/s)');
 ax3 = subplot(3, 1, 3);
 stairs(time, raw_gyro_data_z, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_5ms, gyro_data_z, '.-');
 title('gyro z');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('r (rad/s)');
@@ -294,18 +299,21 @@ linkaxes([ax1, ax2, ax3], 'x');
 %% Plot Accel Data
 figure(11); ax1 = subplot(3, 1, 1);
 stairs(time, raw_accel_data_x, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_5ms, accel_data_x, '.-');
 title('accel x');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('accel x (g)');
 ax2 = subplot(3, 1, 2);
-stairs(time, raw_gyro_data_y, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, raw_accel_data_y, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_5ms, accel_data_y, '.-');
 title('accel y');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('accel y (g)');
 ax3 = subplot(3, 1, 3);
-stairs(time, raw_gyro_data_z, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, raw_accel_data_z, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_5ms, accel_data_z, '.-');
 title('accel z');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('accel (z)');
diff --git a/controls/model/modelParameters.m b/controls/model/modelParameters.m
index 3ad190cf93f61fe0b5149b9e8f70b9ab297e75a4..0b7971269fcd3f3bef9de1f2b0e2f69a8a83d203 100644
--- a/controls/model/modelParameters.m
+++ b/controls/model/modelParameters.m
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     runtime = 20;
 % Model Parameters
-    m = 1.140;                      % Quadrotor + battery mass
+    m = 1.216;                      % Quadrotor + battery mass
     g = 9.81;                       % Acceleration of gravity
     Jxx = 0.0130;                   % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bx (pitch)
     Jyy = 0.0140;                   % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around by (roll)
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
     rhy = 0.16;                     % Y-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
     rhz = 0.03;                     % Z-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
     r_oc = [0; 0; 0];               % Vector from origin to center of mass
-    Rm = 0.2308;                    % Motor resistance
+    Rm = 0.235;                     % Motor resistance
     Kq = 96.3422;                   % Motor torque constant
     Kv = 96.3422;                   % Motor back emf constant
     If = 0.3836;                    % Motor internal friction current
-    Pmin = 1e5;                     % Minimum zybo output duty cycle command
-    Pmax = 2e5;                     % Maximum zybo output duty cycle command
+    Pmin = 0;                     % Minimum zybo output duty cycle command
+    Pmax = 1;                     % Maximum zybo output duty cycle command
     Tc = 0.04;                      % Camera system sampling period
     Tq = 0.005;                     % Quad sampling period
     tau_c = 0;                      % Camera system total latency
@@ -32,9 +32,18 @@
     x_controlled_o = 0;             % Equilibrium lateral controller output
     y_controlled_o = 0;             % Equilibrium longitudinal controller output
     yaw_controlled_o = 0;           % Equilibrium yaw controller output
-    Kp_mahony = 0.2;                % Proportional term for mahony filter
+    Kp_mahony = 0.4;                % Proportional term for mahony filter
     Ki_mahony = 0.001;              % Integral term for mahony filter
+    % Define Biquad Filter Parameters
+    b0 = 0.020083;
+    b1 = 0.040167;
+    b2 = 0.020083;
+    a0 = 1;
+    a1 = -1.561;
+    a2 = 0.6414;
+    SOS_Matrix = [b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2];
     % Determine Initial Conditions
     % Equilibrium rotor speeds
@@ -94,56 +103,74 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
     time = dataStruct.Time.data;
     time = time - time(1);
     time_indices = length(time);
-%     time = 0:0.005001:max(time);
-%     time = time(1:time_indices);
     runtime = max(time);
     % Determine x position error
     x_setpoint = dataStruct.X_Setpoint_Constant.data;
-    x_position = dataStruct.VRPN_X_Constant.data;
-    x_error = timeseries(x_setpoint - x_position, time);
+    x_pos_raw = dataStruct.VRPN_X_Constant.data;
+    x_error = timeseries(x_setpoint - x_pos_raw, time);
+    x_position = timeseries(x_pos_raw, time);
     % Determine y position error
     y_setpoint = dataStruct.Y_Setpoint_Constant.data;
-    y_position = dataStruct.VRPN_Y_Constant.data;
-    y_error = timeseries(y_setpoint - y_position, time);
+    y_pos_raw = dataStruct.VRPN_Y_Constant.data;
+    y_error = timeseries(y_setpoint - y_pos_raw, time);
+    y_position = timeseries(y_pos_raw, time);
     % Determine z position error
     z_setpoint = dataStruct.Alt_Setpoint_Constant.data;
-    z_position = dataStruct.VRPN_Alt_Constant.data;
-    z_error = timeseries(z_setpoint - z_position, time);
+    z_pos_raw = dataStruct.VRPN_Alt_Constant.data;
+    z_error = timeseries(z_setpoint - z_pos_raw, time);
+    z_position = timeseries(z_pos_raw, time);
+    % Determine x velocity error
+    x_vel_setpoint = dataStruct.X_pos_PID_Correction.data;
+    x_vel_raw = dataStruct.X_Vel_Correction.data;
+    x_vel_error = timeseries(x_vel_setpoint - x_vel_raw, time);
+    x_vel = timeseries(x_vel_raw, time);
+    % Determine y velocity error
+    y_vel_setpoint = dataStruct.Y_pos_PID_Correction.data;
+    y_vel_raw = dataStruct.Y_Vel_Correction.data;
+    y_vel_error = timeseries(y_vel_setpoint - y_vel_raw, time);
+    y_vel = timeseries(y_vel_raw, time);
     % Determine pitch error
     pitch_setpoint = dataStruct.X_pos_PID_Correction.data;
-    pitch_value = dataStruct.Pitch_trim_add_Sum.data;
-    pitch_error = timeseries(pitch_setpoint - pitch_value, time);
+    pitch_angle_raw = dataStruct.Pitch_trim_add_Sum.data;
+    pitch_error = timeseries(pitch_setpoint - pitch_angle_raw, time);
+    pitch_angle = timeseries(pitch_angle_raw, time);
     % Determine roll error
     roll_setpoint = dataStruct.Y_pos_PID_Correction.data;
-    roll_value = dataStruct.Roll_Constant.data;
-    roll_error = timeseries(roll_setpoint - roll_value, time);
+    roll_angle_raw = dataStruct.Roll_Constant.data;
+    roll_error = timeseries(roll_setpoint - roll_angle_raw, time);
+    roll_angle = timeseries(roll_angle_raw, time);
     % Determine yaw error
     yaw_setpoint = zeros(length(time), 1); % NEEDS UPDATED WHEN LOG FILE INCLUDES YAW SETPOINT
-    yaw_value = zeros(length(time), 1); % NEEDS UPDATED WHEN LOG FILE INCLUDES YAW VALUE
-    yaw_error = timeseries(yaw_setpoint - yaw_value, time);
+    yaw_angle_raw = zeros(length(time), 1); % NEEDS UPDATED WHEN LOG FILE INCLUDES YAW VALUE
+    yaw_error = timeseries(yaw_setpoint - yaw_angle_raw, time);
+    yaw_angle = timeseries(yaw_angle_raw, time);
     % Determine pitch rate error
     pitchrate_setpoint = dataStruct.Pitch_PID_Correction.data;
-    pitchrate_value = dataStruct.gyro_y.data;
-    pitchrate_error = timeseries(pitchrate_setpoint - pitchrate_value, time);
+    pitchrate_raw = dataStruct.gyro_y.data;
+    pitchrate_error = timeseries(pitchrate_setpoint - pitchrate_raw, time);
+    pitchrate = timeseries(pitchrate_raw, time);
     % Determine roll rate error
     rollrate_setpoint = dataStruct.Roll_PID_Correction.data;
-    rollrate_value = dataStruct.gyro_x.data;
-    rollrate_error = timeseries(rollrate_setpoint - rollrate_value, time);
+    rollrate_raw = dataStruct.gyro_x.data;
+    rollrate_error = timeseries(rollrate_setpoint - rollrate_raw, time);
+    rollrate = timeseries(rollrate_raw, time);
     % Determine yaw rate error
     yawrate_setpoint = dataStruct.Yaw_PID_Correction.data;
-    yawrate_value = dataStruct.gyro_z.data;
-    yawrate_error = timeseries(yawrate_setpoint - yawrate_value, time);
+    yawrate_raw = dataStruct.gyro_z.data;
+    yawrate_error = timeseries(yawrate_setpoint - yawrate_raw, time);
+    yawrate = timeseries(yawrate_raw, time);
     % Pull motor commands from log
     x_command = dataStruct.Pitch_Rate_PID_Correction.data;
@@ -152,10 +179,10 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
     yaw_command = dataStruct.Yaw_Rate_PID_Correction.data;
     % Determine signal mix PWM values
-    PWM0 = dataStruct.Signal_Mixer_PWM_0.data;
-    PWM1 = dataStruct.Signal_Mixer_PWM_1.data;
-    PWM2 = dataStruct.Signal_Mixer_PWM_2.data;
-    PWM3 = dataStruct.Signal_Mixer_PWM_3.data;
+    PWM0 = dataStruct.Signal_Mixer_MOTOR_0.data;
+    PWM1 = dataStruct.Signal_Mixer_MOTOR_1.data;
+    PWM2 = dataStruct.Signal_Mixer_MOTOR_2.data;
+    PWM3 = dataStruct.Signal_Mixer_MOTOR_3.data;
     PWM_arr = ...
         [PWM0, PWM1, PWM2, PWM3];
     motor_commands = timeseries(PWM_arr, time);
@@ -191,11 +218,11 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
     pitch_measured_VRPN = dataStruct.VRPN_Pitch_Constant.data;
     roll_measured_VRPN = dataStruct.VRPN_Roll_Constant.data;
-%     % Set height_controlled_o to initial throttle command
+%     Set height_controlled_o to initial throttle command
 %     height_controlled_o = dataStruct.RC_Throttle_Constant.data(1);
-%     % Set rotor speed initial conditions to there calculated values based on
-%     % initial throttle control
+%     Set rotor speed initial conditions to there calculated values based on
+%     initial throttle control
 %     omega0_o = (sqrt(((height_controlled_o ...
 %     - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin)* Vb - Rm * If) * 4 * ...
 %     Rm * Kv^2 * Kq * Kd + 1) - 1) / (2 * Rm *  ...
@@ -204,22 +231,22 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
 %     omega2_o = omega0_o;
 %     omega3_o = omega0_o;
-%     % Set initial positions
+%     Set initial positions
 %     x_o = x_position(1);
 %     y_o = y_position(1);
 %     z_o = z_position(1);
-%     % Set initial velocities
+%     Set initial velocities
 %     x_vel_o = (x_position(1) - x_position(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
 %     y_vel_o = (y_position(1) - y_position(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
 %     z_vel_o = (z_position(1) - z_position(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
-%     % Equilibrium angles
+%     Equilibrium angles
 %     roll_o = roll_measured_VRPN(1);
 %     pitch_o = pitch_measured_VRPN(1);
 %     yaw_o = 0;
-%     % Equilibrium angular rates
+%     Equilibrium angular rates
 %     rollrate_o = (roll_measured_VRPN(1) - roll_measured_VRPN(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
 %     pitchrate_o = (pitch_measured_VRPN(1) - pitch_measured_VRPN(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
 %     yawrate_o = 0;
diff --git a/controls/model/test_model.slx b/controls/model/test_model.slx
index 62dc0a21547c1eff7b1e558e74d80030e2955325..d5bc5cf9bf30f0bb5a79b4167ac79bdb8b1be8a8 100644
Binary files a/controls/model/test_model.slx and b/controls/model/test_model.slx differ