diff --git a/controls/model/3D_Animation/eigenaxis_ucart.m b/controls/model/3D_Animation/eigenaxis_ucart.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e951b32303e19fac8d0264e8902982dbfe2b4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/3D_Animation/eigenaxis_ucart.m
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+% Project   : Autonomous Helicopter
+% Group     : 05gr835 
+% Created   : 2005-04-28
+% Edited    : 2005-05-25
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% The non-linear model contains the following files:
+% thrusten.m        : Main rotor thrust equations
+% rigid.m           : Rigid body equations
+% parameters.m      : Helicopter parameters
+% mrflap.m          : Main rotor flapping equations
+% force_torque.m    : Force and torque equations
+% eigenaxis.m       : Eigen axis rotation for use in VR toolbox
+% eigenaxis.m       : This file contains the eigen axis rotation
+%algorithm. This file is created by group 05gr830.
+function y = eigenaxis(u)
+if abs(u(1))< 0.0001
+    u(1) = 0.0001;
+if abs(u(2))< 0.0001
+    u(2) = 0.0001;
+if abs(u(3))< 0.0001
+    u(3) = 0.0001;
+u = [ -u(1); -u(2); u(3) ];% [Pitch, Yaw, Roll] 
+C11 = cos(u(2))*cos(u(3));
+C12 = cos(u(2))*sin(u(3));
+C13 = -sin(u(2));
+C21 = sin(u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))-cos(u(1))*sin(u(3));
+C22 = sin(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u(3))+cos(u(1))*cos(u(3));
+C23 = sin(u(1))*cos(u(2));
+C31 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))+sin(u(1))*sin(u(3));
+C32 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u(3))-sin(u(1))*cos(u(3));
+C33 = cos(u(1))*cos(u(2));
+theta = acos(0.5*(C11+C22+C33-1));
+e = [C23-C32; C31-C13; C12-C21]/(2*sin(theta));
+y = [e; theta];
diff --git a/controls/model/3D_Animation/license.txt b/controls/model/3D_Animation/license.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb7c123bee6023a3ffcdfa0e256c7a3223ef4ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/3D_Animation/license.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Copyright (c) 2009, The MathWorks, Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are 
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 
+      the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution
+    * Neither the name of the The MathWorks, Inc. nor the names 
+      of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 
+      from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/controls/model/3D_Animation/quadrotor_world_ucart.wrl b/controls/model/3D_Animation/quadrotor_world_ucart.wrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb0ece0c87dd94275cc01905e42ff20b87bd800c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/3D_Animation/quadrotor_world_ucart.wrl
@@ -0,0 +1,1030 @@
+#VRML V2.0 utf8
+#Created with V-Realm Builder v2.0
+#Integrated Data Systems Inc.
+PointLight {
+	location	-0.8 1 1
+PointLight {
+	location	1.1 1.1 0
+DEF Viewport_heli Viewpoint {
+	fieldOfView	0.785398
+	orientation	1 0 0  0.188496
+	position	0.024 -0.191 11.9975
+DEF Helicopter Transform {
+	translation	0 0 0
+	scale	0.108 0.108 0.108
+	children [ 
+	    DEF Rotor_1 Transform {
+		    translation	10 0 10
+		    scale	1.00001 1.00001 1.00001
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    ambientIntensity	0.9551
+					    diffuseColor	0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+					    shininess	0.3
+					    specularColor	0.3 0.3 0.3
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	IndexedFaceSet {
+				    color	NULL
+				    coord	DEF _v2%0 Coordinate {
+					    point	[ 1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+							      0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+							      0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+							      0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+							      1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+							      1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+							      1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+							      1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+							      1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+							      1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+							      1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+							      1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+							      1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+							      -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+							      -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+							      -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+							      -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+							      -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+							      -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+							      -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+							      -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+							      -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+							      -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+							      -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+							      -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+							      -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+							      -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+							      -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+							      0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+							      0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+							      0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+							      0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+							      0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+							      0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+							      0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+							      0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+							      0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+							      0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+							      0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+							      0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+							      0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+							      0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+							      0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+							      0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+							      0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+							      0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+							      0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+							      0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+							      0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+							      0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+							      0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+							      0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+							      0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+							      0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+							      0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+							      5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+							      1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+							      -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+							      -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+							      -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+							      3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+							      5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+							      5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+							      3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+							      -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+							      -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+							      -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+							      1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+							      5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+							      6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+							      0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+							      0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+							      0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+							      0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+							      0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+							      0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+							      0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+							      0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+							      0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+							      0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+							      0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+							      -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+							      0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+							      0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+							      0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+							      -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+							      0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+							      -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+							      0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+							      -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+							      0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+							      -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+							      0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+							      -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+							      -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+							      0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+							      0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+							      0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+							      0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+							      0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+							      0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+							      0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+							      0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+							      0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+							      0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+							      -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+							      0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+							      -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+							      -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+							      -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+							      0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+							      -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+							      -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+							      -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+							      -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+							      -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+							      -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+							      1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+							      0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+							      1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+							      1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+							      0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+							      0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+							      -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+							      -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+							      -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+							      -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+							      -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+							      1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+							      1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+							      0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+							      0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+							      1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+							      1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+							      -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+							      -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+							      -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+							      -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+							      -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+							      -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+							      -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+							      -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+							      3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+							      3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+							      6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+							      6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+							      6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+							      6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+							      0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+							      0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+							      0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+							      -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 ]
+				    }
+				    creaseAngle	1
+				    coordIndex	[ 78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 74, 163, 164,
+						      67, -1, 62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170,
+						      193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68,
+						      162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 165, 74, 67,
+						      166, -1, 173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 175,
+						      62, 79, 176, -1, 167, 75, 66, 168,
+						      -1, 175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 73, 161,
+						      162, 68, -1, 77, 169, 170, 64, -1,
+						      62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 75, 165, 166,
+						      66, -1, 174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163,
+						      74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77,
+						      171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 163, 73, 68,
+						      164, -1, 171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 192,
+						      76, 65, 193, -1, 169, 192, 193, 170,
+						      -1, 161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 72, 71,
+						      70, 69, -1, 76, 167, 168, 65, -1,
+						      -1 ]
+				    colorIndex	[  ]
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	    DEF Rotor_2 Transform {
+		    translation	10 0 -10
+		    scale	0.999617 0.999617 0.999617
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    ambientIntensity	0.9551
+					    diffuseColor	0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+					    shininess	0.3
+					    specularColor	0.3 0.3 0.3
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	IndexedFaceSet {
+				    coord	DEF _v2%0 Coordinate {
+					    point	[ 1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+							      0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+							      0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+							      0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+							      1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+							      1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+							      1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+							      1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+							      1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+							      1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+							      1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+							      1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+							      1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+							      -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+							      -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+							      -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+							      -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+							      -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+							      -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+							      -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+							      -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+							      -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+							      -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+							      -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+							      -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+							      -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+							      -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+							      -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+							      0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+							      0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+							      0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+							      0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+							      0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+							      0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+							      0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+							      0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+							      0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+							      0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+							      0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+							      0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+							      0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+							      0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+							      0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+							      0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+							      0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+							      0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+							      0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+							      0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+							      0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+							      0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+							      0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+							      0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+							      0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+							      0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+							      0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+							      5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+							      1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+							      -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+							      -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+							      -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+							      3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+							      5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+							      5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+							      3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+							      -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+							      -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+							      -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+							      1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+							      5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+							      6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+							      0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+							      0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+							      0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+							      0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+							      0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+							      0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+							      0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+							      0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+							      0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+							      0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+							      0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+							      -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+							      0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+							      0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+							      0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+							      -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+							      0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+							      -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+							      0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+							      -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+							      0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+							      -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+							      0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+							      -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+							      -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+							      0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+							      0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+							      0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+							      0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+							      0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+							      0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+							      0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+							      0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+							      0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+							      0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+							      -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+							      0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+							      -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+							      -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+							      -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+							      0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+							      -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+							      -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+							      -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+							      -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+							      -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+							      -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+							      1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+							      0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+							      1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+							      1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+							      0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+							      0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+							      -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+							      -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+							      -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+							      -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+							      -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+							      1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+							      1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+							      0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+							      0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+							      1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+							      1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+							      -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+							      -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+							      -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+							      -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+							      -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+							      -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+							      -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+							      -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+							      3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+							      3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+							      6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+							      6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+							      6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+							      6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+							      0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+							      0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+							      0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+							      -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 ]
+				    }
+				    creaseAngle	1
+				    coordIndex	[ 78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 74, 163, 164,
+						      67, -1, 62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170,
+						      193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68,
+						      162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 165, 74, 67,
+						      166, -1, 173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 175,
+						      62, 79, 176, -1, 167, 75, 66, 168,
+						      -1, 175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 73, 161,
+						      162, 68, -1, 77, 169, 170, 64, -1,
+						      62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 75, 165, 166,
+						      66, -1, 174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163,
+						      74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77,
+						      171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 163, 73, 68,
+						      164, -1, 171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 192,
+						      76, 65, 193, -1, 169, 192, 193, 170,
+						      -1, 161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 72, 71,
+						      70, 69, -1, 76, 167, 168, 65, -1,
+						      -1 ]
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	    DEF Rotor_3 Transform {
+		    translation	-10 0 -10
+		    scale	0.999617 0.999617 0.999617
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    ambientIntensity	0.9551
+					    diffuseColor	0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+					    shininess	0.3
+					    specularColor	0.3 0.3 0.3
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	IndexedFaceSet {
+				    coord	DEF _v2%0 Coordinate {
+					    point	[ 1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+							      0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+							      0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+							      0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+							      1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+							      1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+							      1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+							      1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+							      1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+							      1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+							      1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+							      1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+							      1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+							      -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+							      -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+							      -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+							      -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+							      -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+							      -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+							      -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+							      -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+							      -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+							      -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+							      -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+							      -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+							      -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+							      -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+							      -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+							      0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+							      0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+							      0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+							      0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+							      0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+							      0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+							      0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+							      0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+							      0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+							      0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+							      0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+							      0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+							      0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+							      0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+							      0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+							      0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+							      0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+							      0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+							      0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+							      0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+							      0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+							      0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+							      0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+							      0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+							      0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+							      0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+							      0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+							      5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+							      1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+							      -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+							      -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+							      -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+							      3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+							      5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+							      5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+							      3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+							      -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+							      -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+							      -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+							      1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+							      5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+							      6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+							      0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+							      0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+							      0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+							      0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+							      0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+							      0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+							      0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+							      0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+							      0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+							      0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+							      0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+							      -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+							      0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+							      0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+							      0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+							      -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+							      0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+							      -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+							      0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+							      -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+							      0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+							      -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+							      0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+							      -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+							      -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+							      0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+							      0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+							      0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+							      0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+							      0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+							      0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+							      0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+							      0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+							      0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+							      0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+							      -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+							      0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+							      -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+							      -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+							      -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+							      0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+							      -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+							      -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+							      -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+							      -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+							      -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+							      -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+							      1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+							      0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+							      1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+							      1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+							      0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+							      0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+							      -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+							      -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+							      -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+							      -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+							      -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+							      1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+							      1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+							      0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+							      0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+							      1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+							      1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+							      -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+							      -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+							      -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+							      -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+							      -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+							      -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+							      -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+							      -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+							      3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+							      3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+							      6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+							      6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+							      6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+							      6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+							      0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+							      0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+							      0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+							      -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 ]
+				    }
+				    creaseAngle	1
+				    coordIndex	[ 78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 74, 163, 164,
+						      67, -1, 62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170,
+						      193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68,
+						      162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 165, 74, 67,
+						      166, -1, 173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 175,
+						      62, 79, 176, -1, 167, 75, 66, 168,
+						      -1, 175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 73, 161,
+						      162, 68, -1, 77, 169, 170, 64, -1,
+						      62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 75, 165, 166,
+						      66, -1, 174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163,
+						      74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77,
+						      171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 163, 73, 68,
+						      164, -1, 171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 192,
+						      76, 65, 193, -1, 169, 192, 193, 170,
+						      -1, 161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 72, 71,
+						      70, 69, -1, 76, 167, 168, 65, -1,
+						      -1 ]
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	    DEF Center Transform {
+		    translation	0 -1 0
+		    scale	1.11653 1.11653 1.11653
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	Box {
+				    size	5 1.5 5
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	    DEF Rotor_4 Transform {
+		    translation	-10 0 10
+		    scale	0.999617 0.999617 0.999617
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    ambientIntensity	0.9551
+					    diffuseColor	0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+					    shininess	0.3
+					    specularColor	0.3 0.3 0.3
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	IndexedFaceSet {
+				    coord	DEF _v2%0 Coordinate {
+					    point	[ 1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+							      0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+							      0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+							      0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+							      1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+							      1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+							      1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+							      1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+							      1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+							      1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+							      1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+							      1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+							      1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+							      -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+							      -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+							      -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+							      -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+							      -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+							      -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+							      -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+							      -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+							      -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+							      -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+							      -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+							      -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+							      -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+							      -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+							      -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+							      0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+							      0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+							      0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+							      0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+							      0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+							      0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+							      0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+							      0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+							      0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+							      0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+							      0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+							      0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+							      0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+							      0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+							      0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+							      0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+							      0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+							      0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+							      0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+							      0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+							      0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+							      0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+							      0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+							      0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+							      0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+							      0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+							      0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+							      5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+							      1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+							      -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+							      -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+							      -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+							      3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+							      5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+							      5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+							      3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+							      -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+							      -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+							      -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+							      1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+							      5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+							      6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+							      0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+							      0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+							      0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+							      0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+							      0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+							      0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+							      0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+							      0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+							      0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+							      0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+							      0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+							      -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+							      0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+							      0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+							      0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+							      -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+							      0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+							      -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+							      0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+							      -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+							      0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+							      -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+							      0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+							      -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+							      -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+							      0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+							      0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+							      0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+							      0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+							      0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+							      0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+							      0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+							      0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+							      0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+							      0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+							      -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+							      0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+							      -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+							      -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+							      -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+							      0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+							      -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+							      -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+							      -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+							      -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+							      -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+							      -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+							      1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+							      0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+							      1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+							      1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+							      0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+							      0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+							      -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+							      -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+							      -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+							      -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+							      -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+							      1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+							      1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+							      0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+							      0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+							      1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+							      1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+							      -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+							      -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+							      -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+							      -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+							      -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+							      -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+							      -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+							      -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+							      3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+							      3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+							      6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+							      6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+							      6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+							      6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+							      0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+							      0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+							      0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+							      -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 ]
+				    }
+				    creaseAngle	1
+				    coordIndex	[ 78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 74, 163, 164,
+						      67, -1, 62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170,
+						      193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68,
+						      162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 165, 74, 67,
+						      166, -1, 173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 175,
+						      62, 79, 176, -1, 167, 75, 66, 168,
+						      -1, 175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 73, 161,
+						      162, 68, -1, 77, 169, 170, 64, -1,
+						      62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 75, 165, 166,
+						      66, -1, 174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163,
+						      74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77,
+						      171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 163, 73, 68,
+						      164, -1, 171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 192,
+						      76, 65, 193, -1, 169, 192, 193, 170,
+						      -1, 161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 72, 71,
+						      70, 69, -1, 76, 167, 168, 65, -1,
+						      -1 ]
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	]
+Background {
+	groundAngle	[ 0.9, 1.5, 1.57 ]
+	groundColor	[ 0 0.8 0,
+			  0.174249 0.82 0.187362,
+			  0.467223 0.82 0.445801,
+			  0.621997 0.67 0.600279 ]
+	skyAngle	[ 0.1, 1.2, 1.57 ]
+	skyColor	[ 0.76238 0.8 0.1427,
+			  0.277798 0.219779 0.7,
+			  0.222549 0.390234 0.7,
+			  0.60094 0.662637 0.69 ]
+DEF sqare_platform Transform {
+	translation	0 -0.432 0
+	scale	2 0.04 2
+	children [ 
+	    Shape {
+		    appearance	Appearance {
+			    material	Material {
+				    ambientIntensity	0.2
+				    diffuseColor	0.8 0.407144 0.297047
+			    }
+		    }
+		    geometry	Box {
+		    }
+	    }
+	    Transform {
+		    translation	0 0.031 0
+		    scale	0.5 1 0.5
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    diffuseColor	0.8 0.613697 0.365273
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	Cylinder {
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	]
diff --git a/controls/model/3D_Animation/sfun_time.c b/controls/model/3D_Animation/sfun_time.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..09f87e5667471119c401f6c7b2436207fb81c9a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/3D_Animation/sfun_time.c
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#define S_FUNCTION_NAME  sfun_time
+#define TIME_SCALE_FACTOR(S) ssGetSFcnParam(S,0)
+ * Need to include simstruc.h for the definition of the SimStruct and
+ * its associated macro definitions.
+ */
+#include "simstruc.h"
+ *  Include the standard ANSI C header for handling time functions:
+ *  ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#include <time.h>
+static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S)
+   ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, 1);  /* Number of expected parameters */
+   if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) return;
+    ssSetNumContStates(S, 0);
+    ssSetNumDiscStates(S, 0);
+   if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, 0)) return;
+   if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S, 0)) return;
+   ssSetNumSampleTimes(S, 1);
+   ssSetNumRWork(S, 1);
+   ssSetNumIWork(S, 0);
+   ssSetNumPWork(S, 0);
+   ssSetNumModes(S, 0);
+   ssSetNumNonsampledZCs(S, 0);
+   ssSetOptions(S, 0);
+static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S)
+   ssSetSampleTime(S, 0, CONTINUOUS_SAMPLE_TIME);
+   ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0);
+#define MDL_START
+static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
+    ssSetRWorkValue(S,0,ssGetTStart(S));
+static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
+   real_T             t_previousSimTime = ssGetRWorkValue(S,0);
+   const real_T      *scaleFactor = mxGetPr(TIME_SCALE_FACTOR(S));
+   time_T             t_SimTime = ssGetT(S);
+   real_T             t_diff = 0.0;
+   real_T             dt;
+   real_T             t_current;
+   real_T             t_0;
+   real_T             t_previous;
+   real_T             t_elapsed;
+   /* Desired Delta time */
+   dt = (t_SimTime - t_previousSimTime) * (scaleFactor[0]);
+   /* Get clock time at the beginning of this step*/   
+   t_previous = (real_T)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+   t_0 = (real_T)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+   /* Wait to reach the desired time */
+   while (t_diff<dt){
+        t_current = (real_T) clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+        /* Look for wrapup */
+        if (t_current<t_previous){
+            t_elapsed = t_previous - t_0;
+            t_0 = (real_T) clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC - t_elapsed;
+        }
+        t_diff = t_current - t_0;
+        t_previous = t_current;
+   }
+   /* Store current time to be used in next time step*/
+   ssSetRWorkValue(S, 0, t_SimTime);
+static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
+    UNUSED_ARG(S); /* unused input argument */
+ *  Required S-function trailer:
+ *  ----------------------------
+ */
+#ifdef  MATLAB_MEX_FILE    /* Is this file being compiled as a MEX-file? */
+#include "simulink.c"      /* MEX-file interface mechanism */
+#include "cg_sfun.h"       /* Code generation registration function */
diff --git a/controls/model/3D_Animation/sfun_time.mexw32 b/controls/model/3D_Animation/sfun_time.mexw32
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5f03e158c0ce37e723f6bf43cd79b24286994a6
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/model/3D_Animation/sfun_time.mexw32 differ
diff --git a/controls/model/3D_Animation/sfun_time.mexw64 b/controls/model/3D_Animation/sfun_time.mexw64
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c993c93128d86f7caa26ee652393c6d75a1c6fc0
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/model/3D_Animation/sfun_time.mexw64 differ
diff --git a/controls/model/3D_Animation/ucart_graphical_animation.mdl b/controls/model/3D_Animation/ucart_graphical_animation.mdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8caed96bbf11bc9f7c604680470cd80ae5a986d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/3D_Animation/ucart_graphical_animation.mdl
@@ -0,0 +1,1372 @@
+Model {
+  Name			  "ucart_graphical_animation"
+  Version		  8.5
+  MdlSubVersion		  0
+  SavedCharacterEncoding  "windows-1252"
+  GraphicalInterface {
+    NumRootInports	    0
+    NumRootOutports	    0
+    ParameterArgumentNames  ""
+    ComputedModelVersion    "1.2"
+    NumModelReferences	    0
+    NumTestPointedSignals   0
+  }
+  ScopeRefreshTime	  0.035000
+  OverrideScopeRefreshTime on
+  DisableAllScopes	  on
+  DataTypeOverride	  "UseLocalSettings"
+  DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo "AllNumericTypes"
+  MinMaxOverflowLogging	  "UseLocalSettings"
+  MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite"
+  FPTRunName		  "Run 1"
+  MaxMDLFileLineLength	  120
+  Object {
+    $PropName		    "BdWindowsInfo"
+    $ObjectID		    1
+    $ClassName		    "Simulink.BDWindowsInfo"
+    Object {
+      $PropName		      "WindowsInfo"
+      $ObjectID		      2
+      $ClassName	      "Simulink.WindowInfo"
+      IsActive		      [1]
+      Location		      [371.0, 86.0, 1171.0, 547.0]
+      Object {
+	$PropName		"ModelBrowserInfo"
+	$ObjectID		3
+	$ClassName		"Simulink.ModelBrowserInfo"
+	Visible			[0]
+	DockPosition		"Left"
+	Width			[50]
+	Height			[50]
+	Filter			[8]
+      }
+      Object {
+	$PropName		"ExplorerBarInfo"
+	$ObjectID		4
+	$ClassName		"Simulink.ExplorerBarInfo"
+	Visible			[1]
+      }
+      Object {
+	$PropName		"EditorsInfo"
+	$ObjectID		5
+	$ClassName		"Simulink.EditorInfo"
+	IsActive		[1]
+	ViewObjType		"SimulinkTopLevel"
+	LoadSaveID		"0"
+	Extents			[1119.0, 345.0]
+	ZoomFactor		[1.0]
+	Offset			[0.0, 0.0]
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Created		  "Thu Dec 01 14:57:20 2016"
+  Creator		  "m87rich"
+  UpdateHistory		  "UpdateHistoryNever"
+  ModifiedByFormat	  "%<Auto>"
+  LastModifiedBy	  "m87rich"
+  ModifiedDateFormat	  "%<Auto>"
+  LastModifiedDate	  "Thu Dec 01 15:14:58 2016"
+  RTWModifiedTimeStamp	  402506046
+  ModelVersionFormat	  "1.%<AutoIncrement:2>"
+  ConfigurationManager	  "none"
+  SampleTimeColors	  off
+  SampleTimeAnnotations	  off
+  LibraryLinkDisplay	  "disabled"
+  WideLines		  off
+  ShowLineDimensions	  off
+  ShowPortDataTypes	  off
+  ShowDesignRanges	  off
+  ShowLoopsOnError	  on
+  IgnoreBidirectionalLines off
+  ShowStorageClass	  off
+  ShowTestPointIcons	  on
+  ShowSignalResolutionIcons on
+  ShowViewerIcons	  on
+  SortedOrder		  off
+  ExecutionContextIcon	  off
+  ShowLinearizationAnnotations on
+  ShowMarkup		  on
+  BlockNameDataTip	  off
+  BlockParametersDataTip  off
+  BlockDescriptionStringDataTip	off
+  ToolBar		  on
+  StatusBar		  on
+  BrowserShowLibraryLinks off
+  BrowserLookUnderMasks	  off
+  SimulationMode	  "normal"
+  PauseTimes		  "5"
+  NumberOfSteps		  1
+  SnapshotBufferSize	  10
+  SnapshotInterval	  10
+  NumberOfLastSnapshots	  0
+  LinearizationMsg	  "none"
+  Profile		  off
+  ParamWorkspaceSource	  "MATLABWorkspace"
+  AccelSystemTargetFile	  "accel.tlc"
+  AccelTemplateMakefile	  "accel_default_tmf"
+  AccelMakeCommand	  "make_rtw"
+  TryForcingSFcnDF	  off
+  Object {
+    $PropName		    "DataLoggingOverride"
+    $ObjectID		    6
+    $ClassName		    "Simulink.SimulationData.ModelLoggingInfo"
+    model_		    "ucart_graphical_animation"
+    overrideMode_	    [0U]
+    Array {
+      Type		      "Cell"
+      Dimension		      1
+      Cell		      "ucart_graphical_animation"
+      PropName		      "logAsSpecifiedByModels_"
+    }
+    Array {
+      Type		      "Cell"
+      Dimension		      1
+      Cell		      []
+      PropName		      "logAsSpecifiedByModelsSSIDs_"
+    }
+  }
+  RecordCoverage	  off
+  CovPath		  "/"
+  CovSaveName		  "covdata"
+  CovMetricSettings	  "dw"
+  CovNameIncrementing	  off
+  CovHtmlReporting	  on
+  CovForceBlockReductionOff on
+  CovEnableCumulative	  on
+  covSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar on
+  CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on
+  CovCumulativeVarName	  "covCumulativeData"
+  CovCumulativeReport	  off
+  CovReportOnPause	  on
+  CovModelRefEnable	  "Off"
+  CovExternalEMLEnable	  off
+  CovSFcnEnable		  on
+  CovBoundaryAbsTol	  0.000010
+  CovBoundaryRelTol	  0.010000
+  CovUseTimeInterval	  off
+  CovStartTime		  0
+  CovStopTime		  0
+  ExtModeBatchMode	  off
+  ExtModeEnableFloating	  on
+  ExtModeTrigType	  "manual"
+  ExtModeTrigMode	  "normal"
+  ExtModeTrigPort	  "1"
+  ExtModeTrigElement	  "any"
+  ExtModeTrigDuration	  1000
+  ExtModeTrigDurationFloating "auto"
+  ExtModeTrigHoldOff	  0
+  ExtModeTrigDelay	  0
+  ExtModeTrigDirection	  "rising"
+  ExtModeTrigLevel	  0
+  ExtModeArchiveMode	  "off"
+  ExtModeAutoIncOneShot	  off
+  ExtModeIncDirWhenArm	  off
+  ExtModeAddSuffixToVar	  off
+  ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off
+  ExtModeArmWhenConnect	  on
+  ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
+  ExtModeLogAll		  on
+  ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on
+  ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
+  ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
+  Array {
+    Type		    "Handle"
+    Dimension		    1
+    Simulink.ConfigSet {
+      $ObjectID		      7
+      Version		      "1.15.0"
+      Array {
+	Type			"Handle"
+	Dimension		8
+	Simulink.SolverCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  8
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  StartTime		  "0.0"
+	  StopTime		  "10.0"
+	  AbsTol		  "auto"
+	  FixedStep		  "auto"
+	  InitialStep		  "auto"
+	  MaxNumMinSteps	  "-1"
+	  MaxOrder		  5
+	  ZcThreshold		  "auto"
+	  ConsecutiveZCsStepRelTol "10*128*eps"
+	  MaxConsecutiveZCs	  "1000"
+	  ExtrapolationOrder	  4
+	  NumberNewtonIterations  1
+	  MaxStep		  "auto"
+	  MinStep		  "auto"
+	  MaxConsecutiveMinStep	  "1"
+	  RelTol		  "1e-3"
+	  SolverMode		  "Auto"
+	  EnableConcurrentExecution off
+	  ConcurrentTasks	  off
+	  Solver		  "ode45"
+	  SolverName		  "ode45"
+	  SolverJacobianMethodControl "auto"
+	  ShapePreserveControl	  "DisableAll"
+	  ZeroCrossControl	  "UseLocalSettings"
+	  ZeroCrossAlgorithm	  "Nonadaptive"
+	  AlgebraicLoopSolver	  "TrustRegion"
+	  SolverResetMethod	  "Fast"
+	  PositivePriorityOrder	  off
+	  AutoInsertRateTranBlk	  off
+	  SampleTimeConstraint	  "Unconstrained"
+	  InsertRTBMode		  "Whenever possible"
+	}
+	Simulink.DataIOCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  9
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  Decimation		  "1"
+	  ExternalInput		  "[t, u]"
+	  FinalStateName	  "xFinal"
+	  InitialState		  "xInitial"
+	  LimitDataPoints	  on
+	  MaxDataPoints		  "1000"
+	  LoadExternalInput	  off
+	  LoadInitialState	  off
+	  SaveFinalState	  off
+	  SaveCompleteFinalSimState off
+	  SaveFormat		  "Array"
+	  SignalLoggingSaveFormat "Dataset"
+	  SaveOutput		  on
+	  SaveState		  off
+	  SignalLogging		  on
+	  DSMLogging		  on
+	  InspectSignalLogs	  off
+	  VisualizeSimOutput	  on
+	  SaveTime		  on
+	  ReturnWorkspaceOutputs  off
+	  StateSaveName		  "xout"
+	  TimeSaveName		  "tout"
+	  OutputSaveName	  "yout"
+	  SignalLoggingName	  "logsout"
+	  DSMLoggingName	  "dsmout"
+	  OutputOption		  "RefineOutputTimes"
+	  OutputTimes		  "[]"
+	  ReturnWorkspaceOutputsName "out"
+	  Refine		  "1"
+	}
+	Simulink.OptimizationCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  10
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  Array {
+	    Type		    "Cell"
+	    Dimension		    8
+	    Cell		    "BooleansAsBitfields"
+	    Cell		    "PassReuseOutputArgsAs"
+	    Cell		    "PassReuseOutputArgsThreshold"
+	    Cell		    "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup"
+	    Cell		    "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup"
+	    Cell		    "OptimizeModelRefInitCode"
+	    Cell		    "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection"
+	    Cell		    "UseSpecifiedMinMax"
+	    PropName		    "DisabledProps"
+	  }
+	  BlockReduction	  on
+	  BooleanDataType	  on
+	  ConditionallyExecuteInputs on
+	  InlineParams		  off
+	  UseDivisionForNetSlopeComputation "off"
+	  UseFloatMulNetSlope	  off
+	  DefaultUnderspecifiedDataType	"double"
+	  UseSpecifiedMinMax	  off
+	  InlineInvariantSignals  off
+	  OptimizeBlockIOStorage  on
+	  BufferReuse		  on
+	  EnhancedBackFolding	  off
+	  CachingGlobalReferences off
+	  GlobalBufferReuse	  on
+	  StrengthReduction	  off
+	  ExpressionFolding	  on
+	  BooleansAsBitfields	  off
+	  BitfieldContainerType	  "uint_T"
+	  EnableMemcpy		  on
+	  MemcpyThreshold	  64
+	  PassReuseOutputArgsAs	  "Structure reference"
+	  PassReuseOutputArgsThreshold 12
+	  ExpressionDepthLimit	  128
+	  LocalBlockOutputs	  on
+	  RollThreshold		  5
+	  StateBitsets		  off
+	  DataBitsets		  off
+	  ActiveStateOutputEnumStorageType "Native Integer"
+	  ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup on
+	  ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup on
+	  InitFltsAndDblsToZero	  off
+	  NoFixptDivByZeroProtection off
+	  EfficientFloat2IntCast  off
+	  EfficientMapNaN2IntZero on
+	  OptimizeModelRefInitCode off
+	  LifeSpan		  "inf"
+	  MaxStackSize		  "Inherit from target"
+	  BufferReusableBoundary  on
+	  SimCompilerOptimization "off"
+	  AccelVerboseBuild	  off
+	}
+	Simulink.DebuggingCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  11
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  RTPrefix		  "error"
+	  ConsistencyChecking	  "none"
+	  ArrayBoundsChecking	  "none"
+	  SignalInfNanChecking	  "none"
+	  SignalRangeChecking	  "none"
+	  ReadBeforeWriteMsg	  "UseLocalSettings"
+	  WriteAfterWriteMsg	  "UseLocalSettings"
+	  WriteAfterReadMsg	  "UseLocalSettings"
+	  AlgebraicLoopMsg	  "warning"
+	  ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
+	  SaveWithDisabledLinksMsg "warning"
+	  SaveWithParameterizedLinksMsg	"warning"
+	  CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on
+	  UnderspecifiedInitializationDetection	"Simplified"
+	  MergeDetectMultiDrivingBlocksExec "error"
+	  CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg off
+	  CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg	off
+	  SignalResolutionControl "UseLocalSettings"
+	  BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
+	  MinStepSizeMsg	  "warning"
+	  TimeAdjustmentMsg	  "none"
+	  MaxConsecutiveZCsMsg	  "error"
+	  MaskedZcDiagnostic	  "warning"
+	  IgnoredZcDiagnostic	  "warning"
+	  SolverPrmCheckMsg	  "none"
+	  InheritedTsInSrcMsg	  "warning"
+	  DiscreteInheritContinuousMsg "warning"
+	  MultiTaskDSMMsg	  "error"
+	  MultiTaskCondExecSysMsg "error"
+	  MultiTaskRateTransMsg	  "error"
+	  SingleTaskRateTransMsg  "none"
+	  TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning"
+	  SigSpecEnsureSampleTimeMsg "warning"
+	  CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none"
+	  IntegerOverflowMsg	  "warning"
+	  Int32ToFloatConvMsg	  "warning"
+	  ParameterDowncastMsg	  "error"
+	  ParameterOverflowMsg	  "error"
+	  ParameterUnderflowMsg	  "none"
+	  ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning"
+	  ParameterTunabilityLossMsg "warning"
+	  FixptConstUnderflowMsg  "none"
+	  FixptConstOverflowMsg	  "none"
+	  FixptConstPrecisionLossMsg "none"
+	  UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none"
+	  UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"
+	  VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none"
+	  InvalidFcnCallConnMsg	  "error"
+	  FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "EnableAllAsError"
+	  SignalLabelMismatchMsg  "none"
+	  UnconnectedInputMsg	  "warning"
+	  UnconnectedOutputMsg	  "warning"
+	  UnconnectedLineMsg	  "warning"
+	  SFcnCompatibilityMsg	  "none"
+	  FrameProcessingCompatibilityMsg "error"
+	  UniqueDataStoreMsg	  "none"
+	  BusObjectLabelMismatch  "warning"
+	  RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning"
+	  AssertControl		  "UseLocalSettings"
+	  ModelReferenceIOMsg	  "none"
+	  ModelReferenceMultiInstanceNormalModeStructChecksumCheck "error"
+	  ModelReferenceVersionMismatchMessage "none"
+	  ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none"
+	  UnknownTsInhSupMsg	  "warning"
+	  ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning"
+	  ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning"
+	  ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error"
+	  StateNameClashWarn	  "none"
+	  SimStateInterfaceChecksumMismatchMsg "warning"
+	  SimStateOlderReleaseMsg "error"
+	  InitInArrayFormatMsg	  "warning"
+	  StrictBusMsg		  "ErrorLevel1"
+	  BusNameAdapt		  "WarnAndRepair"
+	  NonBusSignalsTreatedAsBus "none"
+	  BlockIODiagnostic	  "none"
+	  SFUnusedDataAndEventsDiag "warning"
+	  SFUnexpectedBacktrackingDiag "warning"
+	  SFInvalidInputDataAccessInChartInitDiag "warning"
+	  SFNoUnconditionalDefaultTransitionDiag "warning"
+	  SFTransitionOutsideNaturalParentDiag "warning"
+	  SFUnconditionalTransitionShadowingDiag "warning"
+	  SFUndirectedBroadcastEventsDiag "warning"
+	  SFTransitionActionBeforeConditionDiag	"warning"
+	  SFOutputUsedAsStateInMooreChartDiag "error"
+	  IntegerSaturationMsg	  "warning"
+	}
+	Simulink.HardwareCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  12
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  ProdBitPerChar	  8
+	  ProdBitPerShort	  16
+	  ProdBitPerInt		  32
+	  ProdBitPerLong	  32
+	  ProdBitPerLongLong	  64
+	  ProdBitPerFloat	  32
+	  ProdBitPerDouble	  64
+	  ProdBitPerPointer	  32
+	  ProdLargestAtomicInteger "Char"
+	  ProdLargestAtomicFloat  "None"
+	  ProdIntDivRoundTo	  "Undefined"
+	  ProdEndianess		  "Unspecified"
+	  ProdWordSize		  32
+	  ProdShiftRightIntArith  on
+	  ProdLongLongMode	  off
+	  ProdHWDeviceType	  "32-bit Generic"
+	  TargetBitPerChar	  8
+	  TargetBitPerShort	  16
+	  TargetBitPerInt	  32
+	  TargetBitPerLong	  32
+	  TargetBitPerLongLong	  64
+	  TargetBitPerFloat	  32
+	  TargetBitPerDouble	  64
+	  TargetBitPerPointer	  32
+	  TargetLargestAtomicInteger "Char"
+	  TargetLargestAtomicFloat "None"
+	  TargetShiftRightIntArith on
+	  TargetLongLongMode	  off
+	  TargetIntDivRoundTo	  "Undefined"
+	  TargetEndianess	  "Unspecified"
+	  TargetWordSize	  32
+	  TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32
+	  TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32
+	  TargetHWDeviceType	  "Specified"
+	  TargetUnknown		  off
+	  ProdEqTarget		  on
+	}
+	Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  13
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"
+	  CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
+	  EnableParallelModelReferenceBuilds off
+	  ParallelModelReferenceErrorOnInvalidPool on
+	  ParallelModelReferenceMATLABWorkerInit "None"
+	  ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi"
+	  PropagateVarSize	  "Infer from blocks in model"
+	  ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference on
+	  ModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off
+	  PropagateSignalLabelsOutOfModel off
+	  SupportModelReferenceSimTargetCustomCode off
+	}
+	Simulink.SFSimCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  14
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  SFSimOverflowDetection  on
+	  SFSimEcho		  on
+	  SimCtrlC		  on
+	  SimIntegrity		  on
+	  SimUseLocalCustomCode	  off
+	  SimParseCustomCode	  on
+	  SimBuildMode		  "sf_incremental_build"
+	  SimGenImportedTypeDefs  off
+	}
+	Simulink.RTWCC {
+	  $BackupClass		  "Simulink.RTWCC"
+	  $ObjectID		  15
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  Array {
+	    Type		    "Cell"
+	    Dimension		    16
+	    Cell		    "IncludeHyperlinkInReport"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateTraceInfo"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateTraceReport"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateTraceReportSl"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateTraceReportSf"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateTraceReportEml"
+	    Cell		    "PortableWordSizes"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateWebview"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateCodeMetricsReport"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateCodeReplacementReport"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateMissedCodeReplacementReport"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateErtSFunction"
+	    Cell		    "CreateSILPILBlock"
+	    Cell		    "CodeExecutionProfiling"
+	    Cell		    "CodeProfilingSaveOptions"
+	    Cell		    "CodeProfilingInstrumentation"
+	    PropName		    "DisabledProps"
+	  }
+	  SystemTargetFile	  "grt.tlc"
+	  TLCOptions		  ""
+	  GenCodeOnly		  off
+	  MakeCommand		  "make_rtw"
+	  GenerateMakefile	  on
+	  PackageGeneratedCodeAndArtifacts off
+	  PackageName		  ""
+	  TemplateMakefile	  "grt_default_tmf"
+	  PostCodeGenCommand	  ""
+	  Description		  ""
+	  GenerateReport	  off
+	  SaveLog		  off
+	  RTWVerbose		  on
+	  RetainRTWFile		  off
+	  ProfileTLC		  off
+	  TLCDebug		  off
+	  TLCCoverage		  off
+	  TLCAssert		  off
+	  RTWUseLocalCustomCode	  off
+	  RTWUseSimCustomCode	  off
+	  CustomSourceCode	  ""
+	  CustomHeaderCode	  ""
+	  CustomInclude		  ""
+	  CustomSource		  ""
+	  CustomLibrary		  ""
+	  CustomInitializer	  ""
+	  CustomTerminator	  ""
+	  Toolchain		  "Automatically locate an installed toolchain"
+	  BuildConfiguration	  "Faster Builds"
+	  IncludeHyperlinkInReport off
+	  LaunchReport		  off
+	  PortableWordSizes	  off
+	  CreateSILPILBlock	  "None"
+	  CodeExecutionProfiling  off
+	  CodeExecutionProfileVariable "executionProfile"
+	  CodeProfilingSaveOptions "SummaryOnly"
+	  CodeProfilingInstrumentation off
+	  SILDebugging		  off
+	  TargetLang		  "C"
+	  IncludeBusHierarchyInRTWFileBlockHierarchyMap	off
+	  GenerateTraceInfo	  off
+	  GenerateTraceReport	  off
+	  GenerateTraceReportSl	  off
+	  GenerateTraceReportSf	  off
+	  GenerateTraceReportEml  off
+	  GenerateWebview	  off
+	  GenerateCodeMetricsReport off
+	  GenerateCodeReplacementReport	off
+	  GenerateMissedCodeReplacementReport off
+	  RTWCompilerOptimization "off"
+	  RTWCustomCompilerOptimizations ""
+	  CheckMdlBeforeBuild	  "Off"
+	  SharedConstantsCachingThreshold 1024
+	  Array {
+	    Type		    "Handle"
+	    Dimension		    2
+	    Simulink.CodeAppCC {
+	      $ObjectID		      16
+	      Version		      "1.15.0"
+	      Array {
+		Type			"Cell"
+		Dimension		24
+		Cell			"IgnoreCustomStorageClasses"
+		Cell			"ParameterTuningSideEffectCode"
+		Cell			"IgnoreTestpoints"
+		Cell			"InsertBlockDesc"
+		Cell			"InsertPolySpaceComments"
+		Cell			"SFDataObjDesc"
+		Cell			"MATLABFcnDesc"
+		Cell			"SimulinkDataObjDesc"
+		Cell			"DefineNamingRule"
+		Cell			"SignalNamingRule"
+		Cell			"ParamNamingRule"
+		Cell			"InternalIdentifier"
+		Cell			"InlinedPrmAccess"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStr"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrType"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrField"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrFcn"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrFcnArg"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrBlkIO"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrTmpVar"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrMacro"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrUtil"
+		Cell			"ReqsInCode"
+		PropName		"DisabledProps"
+	      }
+	      ForceParamTrailComments off
+	      GenerateComments	      on
+	      CommentStyle	      "Auto"
+	      IgnoreCustomStorageClasses on
+	      IgnoreTestpoints	      off
+	      IncHierarchyInIds	      off
+	      MaxIdLength	      31
+	      PreserveName	      off
+	      PreserveNameWithParent  off
+	      ShowEliminatedStatement off
+	      OperatorAnnotations     off
+	      IncAutoGenComments      off
+	      SimulinkDataObjDesc     off
+	      SFDataObjDesc	      off
+	      MATLABFcnDesc	      off
+	      IncDataTypeInIds	      off
+	      MangleLength	      1
+	      CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar "$R$N$M"
+	      CustomSymbolStrType     "$N$R$M_T"
+	      CustomSymbolStrField    "$N$M"
+	      CustomSymbolStrFcn      "$R$N$M$F"
+	      CustomSymbolStrFcnArg   "rt$I$N$M"
+	      CustomSymbolStrBlkIO    "rtb_$N$M"
+	      CustomSymbolStrTmpVar   "$N$M"
+	      CustomSymbolStrMacro    "$R$N$M"
+	      CustomSymbolStrUtil     "$N$C"
+	      DefineNamingRule	      "None"
+	      ParamNamingRule	      "None"
+	      SignalNamingRule	      "None"
+	      InsertBlockDesc	      off
+	      InsertPolySpaceComments off
+	      SimulinkBlockComments   on
+	      MATLABSourceComments    off
+	      EnableCustomComments    off
+	      InternalIdentifier      "Shortened"
+	      InlinedPrmAccess	      "Literals"
+	      ReqsInCode	      off
+	      UseSimReservedNames     off
+	    }
+	    Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
+	      $BackupClass	      "Simulink.TargetCC"
+	      $ObjectID		      17
+	      Version		      "1.15.0"
+	      Array {
+		Type			"Cell"
+		Dimension		13
+		Cell			"GeneratePreprocessorConditionals"
+		Cell			"IncludeMdlTerminateFcn"
+		Cell			"SuppressErrorStatus"
+		Cell			"ERTCustomFileBanners"
+		Cell			"GenerateSampleERTMain"
+		Cell			"GenerateTestInterfaces"
+		Cell			"ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant"
+		Cell			"GenerateAllocFcn"
+		Cell			"PurelyIntegerCode"
+		Cell			"SupportComplex"
+		Cell			"SupportAbsoluteTime"
+		Cell			"SupportContinuousTime"
+		Cell			"SupportNonInlinedSFcns"
+		PropName		"DisabledProps"
+	      }
+	      TargetFcnLib	      "ansi_tfl_table_tmw.mat"
+	      TargetLibSuffix	      ""
+	      TargetPreCompLibLocation ""
+	      GenFloatMathFcnCalls    "NOT IN USE"
+	      TargetLangStandard      "C89/C90 (ANSI)"
+	      CodeReplacementLibrary  "None"
+	      UtilityFuncGeneration   "Auto"
+	      ERTMultiwordTypeDef     "System defined"
+	      ERTMultiwordLength      256
+	      MultiwordLength	      2048
+	      GenerateFullHeader      on
+	      InferredTypesCompatibility off
+	      GenerateSampleERTMain   off
+	      GenerateTestInterfaces  off
+	      ModelReferenceCompliant on
+	      ParMdlRefBuildCompliant on
+	      CompOptLevelCompliant   on
+	      ConcurrentExecutionCompliant on
+	      IncludeMdlTerminateFcn  on
+	      GeneratePreprocessorConditionals "Disable all"
+	      CombineOutputUpdateFcns on
+	      CombineSignalStateStructs	off
+	      SuppressErrorStatus     off
+	      ERTFirstTimeCompliant   off
+	      IncludeFileDelimiter    "Auto"
+	      ERTCustomFileBanners    off
+	      SupportAbsoluteTime     on
+	      LogVarNameModifier      "rt_"
+	      MatFileLogging	      on
+	      MultiInstanceERTCode    off
+	      CodeInterfacePackaging  "Nonreusable function"
+	      SupportNonFinite	      on
+	      SupportComplex	      on
+	      PurelyIntegerCode	      off
+	      SupportContinuousTime   on
+	      SupportNonInlinedSFcns  on
+	      SupportVariableSizeSignals off
+	      ParenthesesLevel	      "Nominal"
+	      CastingMode	      "Nominal"
+	      MATLABClassNameForMDSCustomization "Simulink.SoftwareTarget.GRTCustomization"
+	      ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant off
+	      CPPClassGenCompliant    on
+	      AutosarCompliant	      off
+	      GRTInterface	      off
+	      GenerateAllocFcn	      off
+	      GenerateSharedConstants on
+	      UseMalloc		      off
+	      ExtMode		      off
+	      ExtModeStaticAlloc      off
+	      ExtModeTesting	      off
+	      ExtModeStaticAllocSize  1000000
+	      ExtModeTransport	      0
+	      ExtModeMexFile	      "ext_comm"
+	      ExtModeIntrfLevel	      "Level1"
+	      RTWCAPISignals	      off
+	      RTWCAPIParams	      off
+	      RTWCAPIStates	      off
+	      RTWCAPIRootIO	      off
+	      GenerateASAP2	      off
+	      MultiInstanceErrorCode  "Error"
+	    }
+	    PropName		    "Components"
+	  }
+	}
+	PropName		"Components"
+      }
+      Name		      "Configuration"
+      CurrentDlgPage	      "Solver"
+      ConfigPrmDlgPosition     [ 228, 112, 1308, 752 ] 
+    }
+    PropName		    "ConfigurationSets"
+  }
+  Simulink.ConfigSet {
+    $PropName		    "ActiveConfigurationSet"
+    $ObjectID		    7
+  }
+  Object {
+    $PropName		    "DataTransfer"
+    $ObjectID		    18
+    $ClassName		    "Simulink.GlobalDataTransfer"
+    DefaultTransitionBetweenSyncTasks "Ensure deterministic transfer (maximum delay)"
+    DefaultTransitionBetweenAsyncTasks "Ensure data integrity only"
+    DefaultTransitionBetweenContTasks "Ensure deterministic transfer (minimum delay)"
+    DefaultExtrapolationMethodBetweenContTasks "None"
+    AutoInsertRateTranBlk   [0]
+  }
+  ExplicitPartitioning	  off
+  BlockDefaults {
+    ForegroundColor	    "black"
+    BackgroundColor	    "white"
+    DropShadow		    off
+    NamePlacement	    "normal"
+    FontName		    "Helvetica"
+    FontSize		    10
+    FontWeight		    "normal"
+    FontAngle		    "normal"
+    ShowName		    on
+    BlockRotation	    0
+    BlockMirror		    off
+  }
+  AnnotationDefaults {
+    HorizontalAlignment	    "center"
+    VerticalAlignment	    "middle"
+    ForegroundColor	    "black"
+    BackgroundColor	    "white"
+    DropShadow		    off
+    FontName		    "Helvetica"
+    FontSize		    10
+    FontWeight		    "normal"
+    FontAngle		    "normal"
+    UseDisplayTextAsClickCallback off
+  }
+  LineDefaults {
+    FontName		    "Helvetica"
+    FontSize		    9
+    FontWeight		    "normal"
+    FontAngle		    "normal"
+  }
+  MaskDefaults {
+    SelfModifiable	    "off"
+    IconFrame		    "on"
+    IconOpaque		    "on"
+    RunInitForIconRedraw    "off"
+    IconRotate		    "none"
+    PortRotate		    "default"
+    IconUnits		    "autoscale"
+  }
+  MaskParameterDefaults {
+    Evaluate		    "on"
+    Tunable		    "on"
+    NeverSave		    "off"
+    Internal		    "off"
+    ReadOnly		    "off"
+    Enabled		    "on"
+    Visible		    "on"
+    ToolTip		    "on"
+  }
+  BlockParameterDefaults {
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      BusCreator
+      Inputs		      "4"
+      DisplayOption	      "none"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: auto"
+      NonVirtualBus	      off
+      InheritFromInputs	      on
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      BusSelector
+      OutputSignals	      "signal1,signal2,signal3"
+      OutputAsBus	      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Constant
+      Value		      "1"
+      VectorParams1D	      on
+      SamplingMode	      "Sample based"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit from 'Constant value'"
+      LockScale		      off
+      SampleTime	      "inf"
+      FramePeriod	      "inf"
+      PreserveConstantTs      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Demux
+      Outputs		      "4"
+      DisplayOption	      "none"
+      BusSelectionMode	      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Gain
+      Gain		      "1"
+      Multiplication	      "Element-wise(K.*u)"
+      ParamMin		      "[]"
+      ParamMax		      "[]"
+      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Same as input"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Same as input"
+      LockScale		      off
+      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	on
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Inport
+      Port		      "1"
+      OutputFunctionCall      off
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: auto"
+      LockScale		      off
+      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+      PortDimensions	      "-1"
+      VarSizeSig	      "Inherit"
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      SignalType	      "auto"
+      SamplingMode	      "auto"
+      LatchByDelayingOutsideSignal off
+      LatchInputForFeedbackSignals off
+      Interpolate	      on
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      MATLABFcn
+      MATLABFcn		      "sin"
+      OutputDimensions	      "-1"
+      OutputSignalType	      "auto"
+      Output1D		      on
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      RateTransition
+      Integrity		      on
+      Deterministic	      on
+      X0		      "0"
+      OutPortSampleTimeOpt    "Specify"
+      OutPortSampleTimeMultiple	"1"
+      OutPortSampleTime	      "-1"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      S-Function
+      FunctionName	      "system"
+      SFunctionModules	      "''"
+      PortCounts	      "[]"
+      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+      EnableBusSupport	      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      SubSystem
+      ShowPortLabels	      "FromPortIcon"
+      Permissions	      "ReadWrite"
+      PermitHierarchicalResolution "All"
+      TreatAsAtomicUnit	      off
+      MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
+      PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off
+      CheckFcnCallInpInsideContextMsg off
+      SystemSampleTime	      "-1"
+      RTWSystemCode	      "Auto"
+      RTWFcnNameOpts	      "Auto"
+      RTWFileNameOpts	      "Auto"
+      FunctionInterfaceSpec   "void_void"
+      FunctionWithSeparateData off
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+	$PropName		"MaskObject"
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+      }
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+	Name			"3D Graphical Simulation"
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+	    PortNumber		    1
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+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
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+	  }
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+	    PortNumber		    1
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+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
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+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
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+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	}
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+	}
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+	  OutDataTypeStr	  "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
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+	}
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+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
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+	  DstBlock		  "Bus\nCreator"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
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+	  DstPort		  1
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+	  SrcPort		  1
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+	  DstPort		  1
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+      Ports		      []
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+	$PropName		"MaskObject"
+	$ObjectID		20
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+	  $PropName		  "Parameters"
+	  $ObjectID		  21
+	  $ClassName		  "Simulink.MaskParameter"
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+	  Value			  "1"
+	}
+      }
+    }
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+      SrcPort		      1
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+      DstPort		      2
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