diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 7ed439565d369ace3cc8f64db96e8a422bd6ebf0..50624b5782c83bc746bbdca584534418d5caf105 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -4,5 +4,26 @@ groundStation/gui/build*
+## Remove autosaves generated by the Matlab editor
+## We have git for backups!
+# Windows default autosave extension
+# OSX / *nix default autosave extension
+# Compiled MEX binaries (all platforms)
+# Simulink Code Generation
+# Session info
+# Simulink autosave extension
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/MicroCART.iml b/.idea/MicroCART.iml
index caa57a1c754d3b46004608ce57c9fd2e505127df..82a7a013589e69a2c05199da38b46c00038283b6 100644
--- a/.idea/MicroCART.iml
+++ b/.idea/MicroCART.iml
@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@
     <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
     <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
+  <component name="PackageRequirementsSettings">
+    <option name="removeUnused" value="true" />
+  </component>
+  <component name="PyDocumentationSettings">
+    <option name="format" value="PLAIN" />
+    <option name="myDocStringFormat" value="Plain" />
+  </component>
   <component name="TemplatesService">
     <option name="TEMPLATE_CONFIGURATION" value="Jinja2" />
     <option name="TEMPLATE_FOLDERS">
diff --git a/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml b/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..88ae6cbe302141eee1ec2a0ab61878958b155eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+<component name="InspectionProjectProfileManager">
+  <profile version="1.0">
+    <option name="myName" value="Project Default" />
+    <inspection_tool class="DuplicatedCode" enabled="true" level="WEAK WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
+      <Languages>
+        <language minSize="67" name="Python" />
+      </Languages>
+    </inspection_tool>
+    <inspection_tool class="HttpUrlsUsage" enabled="true" level="WEAK WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
+      <option name="ignoredUrls">
+        <list>
+          <option value="http://localhost" />
+          <option value="" />
+          <option value="" />
+          <option value="http://www.w3.org/" />
+          <option value="http://json-schema.org/draft" />
+          <option value="http://java.sun.com/" />
+          <option value="http://xmlns.jcp.org/" />
+          <option value="http://javafx.com/javafx/" />
+          <option value="http://javafx.com/fxml" />
+          <option value="http://maven.apache.org/xsd/" />
+          <option value="http://maven.apache.org/POM/" />
+          <option value="http://www.springframework.org/schema/" />
+          <option value="http://www.springframework.org/tags" />
+          <option value="http://www.springframework.org/security/tags" />
+          <option value="http://www.thymeleaf.org" />
+          <option value="http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/schema/" />
+          <option value="http://www.jboss.com/xml/ns/" />
+          <option value="http://www.ibm.com/webservices/xsd" />
+          <option value="http://activemq.apache.org/schema/" />
+          <option value="http://schema.cloudfoundry.org/spring/" />
+          <option value="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/" />
+          <option value="http://cxf.apache.org/schemas/" />
+          <option value="http://primefaces.org/ui" />
+          <option value="http://tiles.apache.org/" />
+          <option value="http://api.velocityweather.com" />
+        </list>
+      </option>
+    </inspection_tool>
+    <inspection_tool class="PyChainedComparisonsInspection" enabled="true" level="WEAK WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
+      <option name="ignoreConstantInTheMiddle" value="true" />
+    </inspection_tool>
+    <inspection_tool class="PyPackageRequirementsInspection" enabled="true" level="WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
+      <option name="ignoredPackages">
+        <value>
+          <list size="6">
+            <item index="0" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="terminado" />
+            <item index="1" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="srtm4" />
+            <item index="2" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="matplotlib" />
+            <item index="3" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="numpy" />
+            <item index="4" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="scipy" />
+            <item index="5" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="numba" />
+          </list>
+        </value>
+      </option>
+    </inspection_tool>
+    <inspection_tool class="PyPep8Inspection" enabled="true" level="WEAK WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
+      <option name="ignoredErrors">
+        <list>
+          <option value="E127" />
+          <option value="E266" />
+        </list>
+      </option>
+    </inspection_tool>
+    <inspection_tool class="PyPep8NamingInspection" enabled="true" level="WEAK WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
+      <option name="ignoredErrors">
+        <list>
+          <option value="N802" />
+          <option value="N803" />
+          <option value="N806" />
+          <option value="N801" />
+          <option value="N813" />
+        </list>
+      </option>
+    </inspection_tool>
+    <inspection_tool class="PyUnresolvedReferencesInspection" enabled="true" level="WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
+      <option name="ignoredIdentifiers">
+        <list>
+          <option value="tuple.twinx" />
+          <option value="super.configureMainData" />
+          <option value="list.tkraise" />
+          <option value="list.cont" />
+          <option value="list.grid" />
+          <option value="parent_dir" />
+          <option value="loop_filepaths" />
+          <option value="list.__getitem__" />
+          <option value="int.value" />
+        </list>
+      </option>
+    </inspection_tool>
+  </profile>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Copy_of_measured_flight_path.mat b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Copy_of_measured_flight_path.mat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c152a423216e99ff9e71484fc3a7f391857e77a
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Copy_of_measured_flight_path.mat differ
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/compute_quad.m b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/compute_quad.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..930cb97ef0054a653c05cec97246b19a8c4ffa1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/compute_quad.m
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+function [X_dot] = compute_quad(t, X, U)
+% Dynamic equation for a quadcopter (Bolandil-ICA-2013)
+%         x1  = x
+%         x2  = y
+%         x3  = z
+%         x4  = phi
+%         x5  = theta
+%   X  =  x6  = psi
+%         x7  = x_dot
+%         x8  = y_dot
+%         x9  = z_dot
+%         x10 = phi_dot
+%         x11 = theta_dot
+%         x12 = psi_dot
+%             x1_dot  = x7
+%             x2_dot  = x8
+%             x3_dot  = x9
+%             x4_dot  = x10
+%             x5_dot  = x11
+%   X_dot  =  x6_dot  = x12
+%             x7_dot  = x_ddot     = -(sin(theta)*cos(phi))*(u1/m) 
+%                                  = -(sin(x5)*cos(x4))*(u1/m)
+%             x8_dot  = y_ddot     = sin(phi)*(u1/m)
+%                                  = sin(x4)*(u1/m)
+%             x9_dot  = z_ddot     = -(cos(theta)*cos(phi))*(u1/m) + g
+%                                  = -(cos(x5)*cos(x4))*(u1/m) + g
+%             x10_dot = phi_ddot   =   -psi_dot*theta_dot*cos(phi)
+%                                    + [len*cos(psi)*u2]/I_xx
+%                                    - [len*sin(psi)*u3]/I_yy
+%                                    + [(I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx]*(psi_dot - theta_dot*sin(phi))*(theta_dot*cos(phi))
+%                                  =   -x12*x11*cos(x4)
+%                                    + [len*cos(x6)*u2]/I_xx
+%                                    - [len*sin(x6)*u3]/I_yy
+%                                    + [(I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx]*(x12 - x11*sin(x4))*(x11*cos(x4))
+%             x11_dot = theta_ddot =   (psi_dot*phi_dot)/cos(phi) + phi_dot*theta_dot*tan(phi) 
+%                                    + [len*(sin(psi)/cos(phi))*u2]/I_xx 
+%                                    + [len*(cos(psi)/cos(phi))*u3]/I_yy 
+%                                    - [(I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx]*(psi_dot - theta_dot*sin(phi))*(phi_dot/cos(phi))
+%                                  =   (x12*x10)/cos(x4) + x10*x11*tan(x4)
+%                                    + [len*(sin(x6)/cos(x4))*u2]/I_xx 
+%                                    + [len*(cos(x6)/cos(x4))*u3]/I_yy
+%                                    - [(I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx]*(x12 - x11*sin(x4))*(x10/cos(x4))
+%             x12_dot = psi_ddot   =   phi_dot*psi_dot*tan(phi) + (phi_dot*theta_dot)/cos(phi) 
+%                                    + [len*sin(psi)*tan(phi)*u2]/I_xx
+%                                    + [len*cos(psi)*tan(phi)*u3]/I_yy 
+%                                    + [len*u4]/I_zz 
+%                                    - [(I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx]*(psi_dot - theta_dot*sin(phi))*(phi_dot*tan(phi))
+%                                  =   x10*x12*tan(x4) + (x10*x11)/cos(x4) 
+%                                    + [len*sin(x6)*tan(x4)*u2]/I_xx 
+%                                    + [len*cos(x6)*tan(x4)*u3]/I_yy 
+%                                    + [len*u4]/I_zz 
+%                                    - [(I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx]*(x12 - x11*sin(x4))*(x10*tan(x4))
+  % Constants
+  g = 9.8;        % (m/s^2) Gravity
+  m = 28/1000;    % (Kg) Mass of quad (Crazyflie max take-off weight  ~42g) (Foster-2015)
+  len = (.092/2); % (m) Length of quad lever arm for yaw force (92mm diameter of CrazyFlie)
+  len_xy = (.092/2)*sin(pi/4); % (m) Length of quad lever arm for pitch/roll force: Quad arm length * projection onto pitch/roll axis
+  I_xx = 1.33e-5; % (Kg*m^2) Moment of inertia about X-axis (McInerney-MS-Thesis-2017)
+  I_yy = 1.33e-5; % (Kg*m^2) Moment of inertia about Y-axis (McInerney-MS-Thesis-2017)
+  I_zz = 2.64e-5; % (Kg*m^2) Moment of inertia about Z-axis (McInerney-MS-Thesis-2017)
+  % To reduce indexing syntax, reassign input vector
+  % to individule state varibles
+  x1  = X(1);  % x
+  x2  = X(2);  % y
+  x3  = X(3);  % z
+  x4  = X(4);  % phi
+  x5  = X(5);  % theta
+  x6  = X(6);  % psi
+  x7  = X(7);  % x_dot
+  x8  = X(8);  % y_dot
+  x9  = X(9);  % z_dot
+  x10 = X(10); % phi_dot
+  x11 = X(11); % theta_dot
+  x12 = X(12); % psi_dot
+  % Input forces
+  u1 = U(1); % Total force (Note: always normal to yaw motion): Crazy Fly max ~.6 N (Foster-2015)
+  u2 = U(2); % Roll force
+  u3 = U(3); % Pitch force
+  u4 = U(4); % Yaw force  
+  % Compute Quad dynamics
+  x1_dot  = x7;   % x_dot
+  x2_dot  = x8;   % y_dot
+  x3_dot  = x9;   % z_dot
+  x4_dot  = x10;  % phi_dot
+  x5_dot  = x11;  % theta_dot
+  x6_dot  = x12;  % psi_dot
+  x7_dot  =   -(sin(x5)*cos(x4))*(u1/m);      % x_ddot
+  x8_dot  =   sin(x4)*(u1/m);                 % y_ddot
+  x9_dot  =   -(cos(x5)*cos(x4))*(u1/m) + g;  % z_ddot
+  x10_dot =   -x12*x11*cos(x4) ...
+            + (len_xy*cos(x6)*u2)/I_xx ...
+            - (len_xy*sin(x6)*u3)/I_yy ...
+            + ((I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx)*(x12 - x11*sin(x4))*(x11*cos(x4)); % phi_ddot
+  x11_dot =   (x12*x10)/cos(x4) + x10*x11*tan(x4) ...
+            + (len_xy*(sin(x6)/cos(x4))*u2)/I_xx ... 
+            + (len_xy*(cos(x6)/cos(x4))*u3)/I_yy ... 
+            - ((I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx)*(x12 - x11*sin(x4))*(x10/cos(x4)); % theta_ddot
+  x12_dot =   x10*x12*tan(x4) + (x10*x11)/cos(x4) ... 
+            + (len_xy*sin(x6)*tan(x4)*u2)/I_xx ... 
+            + (len_xy*cos(x6)*tan(x4)*u3)/I_yy ... 
+            + (len*u4)/I_zz ... 
+            - ((I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx)*(x12 - x11*sin(x4))*(x10*tan(x4)); % psi_ddot
+  % X_dot : State variable direvative output
+  X_dot = [x1_dot x2_dot x3_dot x4_dot x5_dot x6_dot ... 
+           x7_dot x8_dot x9_dot x10_dot x11_dot x12_dot]';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/compute_quad_lqr_k.m b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/compute_quad_lqr_k.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25b1a6683fb003e102e799ea49e6a404519c6982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/compute_quad_lqr_k.m
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+% File name: compute_quad_lqr_k
+% Author: Phillip Jones (7/26/2022)
+% Description: Compute Quadcopter K for LQR control law for CrazyFlie
+%  CrazyFlie constants:
+g = 9.8;        % (m/s^2) Gravity
+m = 23.1/1000;    % (Kg) Mass of quad (Crazyflie max take-off weight  ~42g) (Foster-2015)
+len = (.092/2); % (m) Length of quad lever arm for yaw force (92mm diameter of CrazyFlie)
+len_xy = (.092/2)*sin(pi/4); % (m) Length of quad lever arm for pitch/roll force: Quad arm length * projection onto pitch/roll axis
+I_xx = 1.33e-5; % (Kg*m^2) Moment of inertia about X-axis (McInerney-MS-Thesis-2017)
+I_yy = 1.33e-5; % (Kg*m^2) Moment of inertia about Y-axis (McInerney-MS-Thesis-2017)
+I_zz = 2.64e-5; % (Kg*m^2) Moment of inertia about Z-axis (McInerney-MS-Thesis-2017)
+%  Matrix A :
+%     x   y   z   phi theta psi x_dot y_dot z_dot phi_dot theta_dot psi_dot    
+%     x1  x2  x3  x4   x5   x6   x7    x8    x9     x10      x11    x12
+A = [ 0   0   0   0    0    0    1     0     0      0        0      0; ...
+      0   0   0   0    0    0    0     1     0      0        0      0; ...
+      0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     1      0        0      0; ...
+      0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      1        0      0; ...
+      0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      0        1      0; ...
+      0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      0        0      1; ...
+      0   0   0   0   -g    0    0     0     0      0        0      0; ...
+      0   0   0   g    0    0    0     0     0      0        0      0; ...
+      0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      0        0      0; ...
+      0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      0        0      0; ...
+      0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      0        0      0; ...
+      0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      0        0      0];
+%   Matrix B :
+%    Thurst  Phi force Theta force  Psi force
+%     u1       u2        u3         u4
+B = [ 0        0         0          0; ...    % x1_dot  (x_dot) 
+      0        0         0          0; ...    % x2_dot  (y_dot)
+      0        0         0          0; ...    % x3_dot  (z_dot)
+      0        0         0          0; ...    % x4_dot  (phi_dot)
+      0        0         0          0; ...    % x5_dot  (theta_dot)
+      0        0         0          0; ...    % x6_dot  (psi_dot)
+      0        0         0          0; ...    % x7_dot  (x_ddot)
+      0        0         0          0; ...    % x8_dot  (y_ddot)
+     -1/m      0         0          0; ...    % x9_dot  (z_ddot)
+      0   len_xy/I_xx    0          0; ...    % x10_dot (phi_ddot)
+      0        0     -len_xy/I_yy    0; ...    % x11_dot (theta_ddot)
+      0        0         0       len/I_zz ];  % x12_dot (psi_ddot)
+%  LQR: Q and R matrix (Note the Q and R matrix is differnt from the Q and
+%       R in LQR.
+Q = [ 1  0  0  0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0; ...
+      0  1  0  0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0; ...
+      0  0  1  0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0; ...
+      0  0  0 .0000001 0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0; ...
+      0  0  0  0 .0000001  0  0  0  0   0  0  0; ...
+      0  0  0  0   0   0.0000001  0  0  0   0  0  0; ...
+      0  0  0  0   0   0 2  0  0   0  0  0; ...
+      0  0  0  0   0   0  0 2  0   0  0  0; ...
+      0  0  0  0   0   0  0  0 2  0  0  0; ...
+      0  0  0  0   0   0  0  0  0 .0000001  0  0; ...
+      0  0  0  0   0   0  0  0  0   0 .0000001 0; ...
+      0  0  0  0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0.0000001];
+R = [1  0    0    0; ...
+     0    1  0    0; ...
+     0    0    1  0; ...
+     0    0    0    10000000];
+[K, S, E] = lqr(A,B,Q,R);
+[dK, S, E] = lqrd(A,B,Q,R,.001);
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/compute_quad_wrapper.m b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/compute_quad_wrapper.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ebb73868e77b3f5aff0ad6448edc56ec51196a1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/compute_quad_wrapper.m
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+function [y, X, U, tspan] = compute_quad_wrapper(tstep, X, U, X_ref,F_hover, tspan)
+% tspan=[0 tstep]; 
+X_init = X(end,:); % Initialize state from where last ode left off
+tspan=[tspan(2) tspan(2)+tstep];  % Advance to next time interval
+[~, X] = ode45(@(t,X) compute_quad(t,X,U), tspan, X_init); % Simulate
+% Xplot = [Xplot; [t, X]]; % log data for plotting later (this is the main thing that contributes to time
+% Compute feedback (i.e. Force inputs (U) in terms of state (X) )
+%Get current state;
+X_c = X(end,:);
+% LQR control law
+U = lqr_quad_gains(X_c-X_ref); % LQR controller gains applied to error 
+                             % between current state (X_c), and
+                             % refernce setpoint (X_ref).
+U(1) = U(1) + F_hover;  % LQR controlling quad at hoover equilibrium 
+euler_angles = [X_c(6) X_c(5) X_c(4)];
+displacement = [X_c(1) X_c(2) X_c(3)];
+y = [euler_angles displacement]; 
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/compute_quad_wrapper_pid.m b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/compute_quad_wrapper_pid.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..45ff880e8db66beae648190955f4f780b9692d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/compute_quad_wrapper_pid.m
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+function [y, X, U, tspan, pid_states, pid_gains] = compute_quad_wrapper_pid(tstep, X, U, X_ref,F_hover, tspan, pid_states, pid_gains)
+% tspan=[0 tstep]; 
+X_init = X(end,:); % Initialize state from where last ode left off
+tspan=[tspan(2) tspan(2)+tstep];  % Advance to next time interval
+alt_error_sum = pid_states(1);
+alt_error_prev = pid_states(2); 
+y_error_sum = pid_states(3);
+y_error_prev = pid_states(4);
+phi_error_sum = pid_states(5);
+phi_error_prev = pid_states(6);
+x_error_sum = pid_states(7);
+x_error_prev = pid_states(8);
+theta_error_sum = pid_states(9);
+theta_error_prev = pid_states(10);
+phi_setpoint = pid_states(11);
+theta_setpoint = pid_states(12);
+Kp_alt = pid_gains(1); 
+Ki_alt = pid_gains(2); 
+Kd_alt  = pid_gains(3);
+Kp_y  = pid_gains(4);
+Ki_y  = pid_gains(5);
+Kd_y = pid_gains(6);
+Kp_phi  = pid_gains(7);
+Ki_phi  = pid_gains(8);
+Kd_phi  = pid_gains(9);
+Kp_x  = pid_gains(10);
+Ki_x  = pid_gains(11);
+Kd_x = pid_gains(12);
+Kp_theta  = pid_gains(13);
+Ki_theta = pid_gains(14);
+Kd_theta = pid_gains(15);
+[~, X] = ode45(@(t,X) compute_quad(t,X,U), tspan, X_init); % Simulate
+U = [0 0 0 0];
+% Xplot = [Xplot; [t, X]]; % log data for plotting later (this is the main thing that contributes to time
+% Compute feedback (i.e. Force inputs (U) in terms of state (X) )
+%Get current state;
+X_c = X(end,:);
+  % Altitude PID control
+alt_c = -X_c(3); % Current Altitude is -Z, as Z-axis points down
+[alt_cmd, alt_error_sum, alt_error_prev] = pid_ctrl(X_ref(3),alt_c, ...
+    Kp_alt, Ki_alt, Kd_alt, alt_error_sum, alt_error_prev);
+U(1) = alt_cmd;
+  % Y position (controlled by phi angle)
+y_c = X_c(2); % Current Y position
+[y_cmd, y_error_sum, y_error_prev] = pid_ctrl(X_ref(2),y_c, ...
+    Kp_y, Ki_y, Kd_y, y_error_sum, y_error_prev);
+phi_setpoint = y_cmd; % Use Y correction command to drive phi setpoint
+  % Roll (phi) angle
+phi_c = X_c(4); % Current angle phi
+[phi_cmd, phi_error_sum, phi_error_prev] = pid_ctrl(phi_setpoint,phi_c, ...
+    Kp_phi, Ki_phi, Kd_phi, phi_error_sum, phi_error_prev);
+U(2) = phi_cmd; %phi rotation (roll), impacts Y-position @ Yaw = 0
+  % X position (controlled by theta angle)
+x_c = X_c(1); % Current X position
+[x_cmd, x_error_sum, x_error_prev] = pid_ctrl(X_ref(1),x_c, ...
+    Kp_x, Ki_x, Kd_x, x_error_sum, x_error_prev);
+theta_setpoint = -x_cmd; % Use X correction command to drive -theta setpoint
+  % Pitch (theta) angle
+theta_c = X_c(5); % Current angle theta
+[theta_cmd, theta_error_sum, theta_error_prev] = pid_ctrl(theta_setpoint,theta_c, ...
+    Kp_theta, Ki_theta, Kd_theta, theta_error_sum, theta_error_prev);
+U(3) = theta_cmd; %theta rotation (pitch), impacts X-position @ Yaw = 0
+pid_states = [alt_error_sum alt_error_prev y_error_sum y_error_prev phi_error_sum phi_error_prev x_error_sum x_error_prev theta_error_sum theta_error_prev phi_setpoint theta_setpoint];
+pid_gains = [Kp_alt Ki_alt Kd_alt Kp_y Ki_y Kd_y Kp_phi Ki_phi Kd_phi Kp_x Ki_x Kd_x Kp_theta Ki_theta Kd_theta];
+euler_angles = [X_c(6) X_c(5) X_c(4)];
+displacement = [X_c(1) X_c(2) X_c(3)];
+y = [euler_angles displacement]; 
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/gamepad_input.slx b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/gamepad_input.slx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f9141f63ee76c2f1d8a591f0f6cbe552c440047
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/gamepad_input.slx differ
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/gamepad_input.slx.original b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/gamepad_input.slx.original
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56f241ef5f5c1e8fe9d23434ae62aa611cb456da
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/gamepad_input.slx.original differ
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/gamepad_input.slxc b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/gamepad_input.slxc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..47e5d26c17f4e7ce4f784010b216817a31b5d45f
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/gamepad_input.slxc differ
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/initialization.mat b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/initialization.mat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6529d85b7f245170fb898bae89596ea60a2a4408
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/initialization.mat differ
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/initialization.mldatx b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/initialization.mldatx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9908de55bb08b07464053d99baf4b9ee8a460940
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/initialization.mldatx differ
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/initializationFHover.mat b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/initializationFHover.mat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c1e13bda4fc4245557badb2e0355b22b1ec8b47
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/initializationFHover.mat differ
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logged_data.mat b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logged_data.mat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7576a63a26066f99c9340f8bff6ca3c68354c0a7
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logged_data.mat differ
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logged_playback.wrl b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logged_playback.wrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00d6690f889f524cb18a5abede2c34763784788a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logged_playback.wrl
@@ -0,0 +1,1029 @@
+#VRML V2.0 utf8
+# Created with V-Realm Builder v2.0
+# Integrated Data Systems Inc.
+# www.ids-net.com
+PointLight {
+  location -0.8 1 1
+PointLight {
+  location 1.1 1.1 0
+DEF Viewport_heli Viewpoint {
+  position 0.024 -0.191 11.9975
+  orientation 1 0 0 0.188496
+DEF Helicopter Transform {
+  scale 0.108 0.108 0.108
+  children [
+    DEF Rotor_1 Transform {
+      translation 10 0 10
+      scale 1.00001 1.00001 1.00001
+      children Shape {
+        appearance Appearance {
+          material Material {
+            specularColor 0.3 0.3 0.3
+            shininess 0.3
+            diffuseColor 0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+            ambientIntensity 0.9551
+          }
+        }
+        geometry IndexedFaceSet {
+          creaseAngle 1
+          coordIndex [
+            78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 
+            74, 163, 164, 67, -1, 
+            62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170, 193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68, 162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 
+            165, 74, 67, 166, -1, 
+            173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 
+            175, 62, 79, 176, -1, 
+            167, 75, 66, 168, -1, 
+            175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 
+            73, 161, 162, 68, -1, 
+            77, 169, 170, 64, -1, 
+            62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 
+            75, 165, 166, 66, -1, 
+            174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163, 74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77, 171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 
+            163, 73, 68, 164, -1, 
+            171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 
+            192, 76, 65, 193, -1, 
+            169, 192, 193, 170, -1, 
+            161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 
+            72, 71, 70, 69, -1, 
+            76, 167, 168, 65, -1, 
+            -1 
+          ]
+          coord DEF _v2%0 Coordinate {
+            point [
+              1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+              0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+              0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+              0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+              1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+              1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+              1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+              1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+              1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+              1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+              1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+              1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+              1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+              1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+              1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+              -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+              -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+              -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+              -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+              -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+              -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+              -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+              -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+              -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+              -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+              -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+              -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+              -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+              -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+              -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+              0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+              0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+              0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+              0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+              0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+              0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+              0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+              0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+              0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+              0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+              0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+              0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+              0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+              0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+              0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+              0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+              0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+              0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+              0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+              0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+              0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+              0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+              0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+              0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+              0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+              0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+              0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+              0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+              0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+              0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+              0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+              0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+              6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+              5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+              1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+              -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+              -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+              -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+              -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+              3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+              5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+              5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+              3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+              -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+              -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+              -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+              -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+              1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+              5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+              6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+              0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+              0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+              0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+              0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+              0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+              0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+              0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+              0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+              0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+              0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+              0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+              0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+              0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+              0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+              0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+              0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+              0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+              0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+              0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+              0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+              0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+              0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+              0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+              0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+              -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+              0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+              0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+              0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+              -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+              0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+              -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+              0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+              -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+              0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+              -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+              0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+              -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+              -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+              0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+              0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+              0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+              0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+              0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+              0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+              0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+              0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+              0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+              0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+              -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+              0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+              -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+              -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+              -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+              0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+              0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+              0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+              0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+              -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+              -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+              -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+              -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+              -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+              -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+              1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+              0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+              1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+              1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+              0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+              0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+              1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+              -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+              -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+              -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+              -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+              -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+              -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+              1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+              1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+              0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+              0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+              0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+              1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+              1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+              -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+              -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+              -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+              -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+              -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+              -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+              -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+              -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+              3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+              3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+              6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+              6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+              6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+              6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+              0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+              0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+              0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+              0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+              0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+              0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+              0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+              0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+              0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+              0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+              0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+              0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+              0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+              0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+              0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+              -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+              -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 
+            ]
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    DEF Rotor_2 Transform {
+      translation 10 0 -10
+      scale 0.999617 0.999617 0.999617
+      children Shape {
+        appearance Appearance {
+          material Material {
+            specularColor 0.3 0.3 0.3
+            shininess 0.3
+            diffuseColor 0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+            ambientIntensity 0.9551
+          }
+        }
+        geometry IndexedFaceSet {
+          creaseAngle 1
+          coordIndex [
+            78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 
+            74, 163, 164, 67, -1, 
+            62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170, 193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68, 162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 
+            165, 74, 67, 166, -1, 
+            173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 
+            175, 62, 79, 176, -1, 
+            167, 75, 66, 168, -1, 
+            175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 
+            73, 161, 162, 68, -1, 
+            77, 169, 170, 64, -1, 
+            62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 
+            75, 165, 166, 66, -1, 
+            174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163, 74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77, 171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 
+            163, 73, 68, 164, -1, 
+            171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 
+            192, 76, 65, 193, -1, 
+            169, 192, 193, 170, -1, 
+            161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 
+            72, 71, 70, 69, -1, 
+            76, 167, 168, 65, -1, 
+            -1 
+          ]
+          coord Coordinate {
+            point [
+              1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+              0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+              0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+              0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+              1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+              1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+              1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+              1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+              1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+              1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+              1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+              1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+              1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+              1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+              1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+              -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+              -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+              -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+              -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+              -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+              -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+              -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+              -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+              -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+              -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+              -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+              -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+              -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+              -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+              -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+              0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+              0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+              0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+              0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+              0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+              0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+              0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+              0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+              0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+              0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+              0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+              0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+              0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+              0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+              0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+              0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+              0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+              0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+              0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+              0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+              0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+              0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+              0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+              0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+              0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+              0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+              0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+              0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+              0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+              0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+              0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+              0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+              6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+              5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+              1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+              -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+              -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+              -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+              -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+              3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+              5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+              5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+              3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+              -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+              -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+              -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+              -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+              1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+              5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+              6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+              0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+              0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+              0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+              0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+              0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+              0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+              0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+              0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+              0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+              0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+              0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+              0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+              0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+              0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+              0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+              0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+              0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+              0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+              0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+              0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+              0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+              0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+              0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+              0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+              -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+              0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+              0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+              0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+              -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+              0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+              -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+              0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+              -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+              0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+              -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+              0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+              -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+              -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+              0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+              0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+              0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+              0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+              0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+              0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+              0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+              0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+              0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+              0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+              -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+              0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+              -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+              -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+              -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+              0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+              0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+              0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+              0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+              -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+              -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+              -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+              -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+              -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+              -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+              1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+              0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+              1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+              1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+              0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+              0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+              1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+              -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+              -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+              -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+              -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+              -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+              -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+              1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+              1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+              0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+              0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+              0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+              1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+              1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+              -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+              -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+              -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+              -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+              -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+              -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+              -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+              -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+              3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+              3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+              6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+              6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+              6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+              6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+              0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+              0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+              0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+              0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+              0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+              0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+              0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+              0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+              0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+              0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+              0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+              0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+              0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+              0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+              0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+              -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+              -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 
+            ]
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    DEF Rotor_3 Transform {
+      translation -10 0 -10
+      scale 0.999617 0.999617 0.999617
+      children Shape {
+        appearance Appearance {
+          material Material {
+            specularColor 0.3 0.3 0.3
+            shininess 0.3
+            diffuseColor 0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+            ambientIntensity 0.9551
+          }
+        }
+        geometry IndexedFaceSet {
+          creaseAngle 1
+          coordIndex [
+            78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 
+            74, 163, 164, 67, -1, 
+            62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170, 193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68, 162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 
+            165, 74, 67, 166, -1, 
+            173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 
+            175, 62, 79, 176, -1, 
+            167, 75, 66, 168, -1, 
+            175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 
+            73, 161, 162, 68, -1, 
+            77, 169, 170, 64, -1, 
+            62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 
+            75, 165, 166, 66, -1, 
+            174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163, 74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77, 171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 
+            163, 73, 68, 164, -1, 
+            171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 
+            192, 76, 65, 193, -1, 
+            169, 192, 193, 170, -1, 
+            161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 
+            72, 71, 70, 69, -1, 
+            76, 167, 168, 65, -1, 
+            -1 
+          ]
+          coord Coordinate {
+            point [
+              1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+              0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+              0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+              0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+              1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+              1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+              1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+              1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+              1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+              1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+              1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+              1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+              1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+              1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+              1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+              -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+              -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+              -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+              -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+              -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+              -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+              -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+              -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+              -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+              -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+              -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+              -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+              -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+              -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+              -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+              0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+              0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+              0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+              0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+              0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+              0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+              0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+              0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+              0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+              0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+              0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+              0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+              0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+              0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+              0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+              0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+              0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+              0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+              0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+              0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+              0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+              0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+              0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+              0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+              0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+              0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+              0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+              0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+              0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+              0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+              0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+              0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+              6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+              5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+              1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+              -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+              -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+              -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+              -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+              3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+              5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+              5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+              3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+              -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+              -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+              -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+              -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+              1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+              5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+              6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+              0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+              0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+              0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+              0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+              0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+              0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+              0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+              0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+              0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+              0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+              0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+              0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+              0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+              0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+              0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+              0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+              0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+              0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+              0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+              0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+              0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+              0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+              0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+              0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+              -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+              0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+              0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+              0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+              -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+              0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+              -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+              0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+              -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+              0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+              -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+              0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+              -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+              -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+              0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+              0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+              0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+              0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+              0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+              0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+              0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+              0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+              0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+              0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+              -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+              0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+              -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+              -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+              -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+              0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+              0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+              0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+              0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+              -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+              -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+              -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+              -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+              -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+              -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+              1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+              0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+              1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+              1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+              0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+              0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+              1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+              -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+              -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+              -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+              -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+              -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+              -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+              1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+              1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+              0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+              0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+              0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+              1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+              1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+              -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+              -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+              -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+              -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+              -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+              -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+              -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+              -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+              3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+              3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+              6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+              6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+              6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+              6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+              0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+              0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+              0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+              0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+              0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+              0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+              0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+              0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+              0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+              0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+              0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+              0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+              0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+              0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+              0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+              -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+              -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 
+            ]
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    DEF Center Transform {
+      translation 0 -1 0
+      scale 1.11653 1.11653 1.11653
+      children Shape {
+        appearance Appearance {
+          material Material {
+          }
+        }
+        geometry Box {
+          size 5 1.5 5
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    DEF Rotor_4 Transform {
+      translation -10 0 10
+      scale 0.999617 0.999617 0.999617
+      children Shape {
+        appearance Appearance {
+          material Material {
+            specularColor 0.3 0.3 0.3
+            shininess 0.3
+            diffuseColor 0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+            ambientIntensity 0.9551
+          }
+        }
+        geometry IndexedFaceSet {
+          creaseAngle 1
+          coordIndex [
+            78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 
+            74, 163, 164, 67, -1, 
+            62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170, 193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68, 162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 
+            165, 74, 67, 166, -1, 
+            173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 
+            175, 62, 79, 176, -1, 
+            167, 75, 66, 168, -1, 
+            175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 
+            73, 161, 162, 68, -1, 
+            77, 169, 170, 64, -1, 
+            62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 
+            75, 165, 166, 66, -1, 
+            174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163, 74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77, 171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 
+            163, 73, 68, 164, -1, 
+            171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 
+            192, 76, 65, 193, -1, 
+            169, 192, 193, 170, -1, 
+            161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 
+            72, 71, 70, 69, -1, 
+            76, 167, 168, 65, -1, 
+            -1 
+          ]
+          coord Coordinate {
+            point [
+              1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+              0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+              0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+              0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+              1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+              1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+              1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+              1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+              1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+              1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+              1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+              1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+              1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+              1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+              1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+              -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+              -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+              -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+              -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+              -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+              -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+              -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+              -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+              -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+              -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+              -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+              -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+              -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+              -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+              -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+              0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+              0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+              0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+              0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+              0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+              0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+              0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+              0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+              0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+              0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+              0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+              0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+              0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+              0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+              0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+              0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+              0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+              0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+              0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+              0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+              0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+              0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+              0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+              0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+              0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+              0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+              0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+              0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+              0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+              0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+              0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+              0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+              6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+              5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+              1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+              -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+              -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+              -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+              -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+              3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+              5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+              5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+              3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+              -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+              -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+              -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+              -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+              1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+              5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+              6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+              0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+              0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+              0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+              0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+              0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+              0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+              0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+              0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+              0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+              0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+              0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+              0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+              0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+              0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+              0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+              0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+              0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+              0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+              0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+              0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+              0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+              0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+              0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+              0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+              -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+              0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+              0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+              0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+              -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+              0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+              -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+              0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+              -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+              0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+              -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+              0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+              -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+              -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+              0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+              0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+              0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+              0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+              0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+              0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+              0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+              0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+              0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+              0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+              -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+              0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+              -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+              -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+              -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+              0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+              0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+              0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+              0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+              -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+              -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+              -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+              -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+              -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+              -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+              1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+              0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+              1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+              1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+              0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+              0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+              1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+              -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+              -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+              -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+              -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+              -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+              -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+              1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+              1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+              0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+              0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+              0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+              1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+              1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+              -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+              -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+              -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+              -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+              -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+              -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+              -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+              -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+              3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+              3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+              6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+              6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+              6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+              6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+              0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+              0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+              0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+              0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+              0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+              0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+              0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+              0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+              0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+              0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+              0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+              0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+              0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+              0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+              0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+              -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+              -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 
+            ]
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  ]
+Background {
+  skyColor [
+    0.76238 0.8 0.1427,
+    0.277798 0.219779 0.7,
+    0.222549 0.390234 0.7,
+    0.60094 0.662637 0.69 
+  ]
+  skyAngle [0.1, 1.2, 1.57]
+  groundColor [
+    0 0.8 0,
+    0.174249 0.82 0.187362,
+    0.467223 0.82 0.445801,
+    0.621997 0.67 0.600279 
+  ]
+  groundAngle [0.9, 1.5, 1.57]
+DEF sqare_platform Transform {
+  translation 0 -0.432 0
+  scale 2 0.04 2
+  children [
+    Shape {
+      appearance Appearance {
+        material Material {
+          diffuseColor 0.8 0.407144 0.297047
+        }
+      }
+      geometry Box {
+      }
+    }
+    Transform {
+      translation 0 0.031 0
+      scale 0.5 1 0.5
+      children Shape {
+        appearance Appearance {
+          material Material {
+            diffuseColor 0.8 0.613697 0.365273
+          }
+        }
+        geometry Cylinder {
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logged_playback.wrl.bak b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logged_playback.wrl.bak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb0ece0c87dd94275cc01905e42ff20b87bd800c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logged_playback.wrl.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,1030 @@
+#VRML V2.0 utf8
+#Created with V-Realm Builder v2.0
+#Integrated Data Systems Inc.
+PointLight {
+	location	-0.8 1 1
+PointLight {
+	location	1.1 1.1 0
+DEF Viewport_heli Viewpoint {
+	fieldOfView	0.785398
+	orientation	1 0 0  0.188496
+	position	0.024 -0.191 11.9975
+DEF Helicopter Transform {
+	translation	0 0 0
+	scale	0.108 0.108 0.108
+	children [ 
+	    DEF Rotor_1 Transform {
+		    translation	10 0 10
+		    scale	1.00001 1.00001 1.00001
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    ambientIntensity	0.9551
+					    diffuseColor	0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+					    shininess	0.3
+					    specularColor	0.3 0.3 0.3
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	IndexedFaceSet {
+				    color	NULL
+				    coord	DEF _v2%0 Coordinate {
+					    point	[ 1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+							      0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+							      0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+							      0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+							      1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+							      1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+							      1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+							      1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+							      1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+							      1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+							      1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+							      1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+							      1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+							      -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+							      -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+							      -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+							      -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+							      -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+							      -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+							      -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+							      -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+							      -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+							      -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+							      -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+							      -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+							      -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+							      -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+							      -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+							      0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+							      0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+							      0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+							      0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+							      0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+							      0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+							      0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+							      0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+							      0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+							      0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+							      0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+							      0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+							      0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+							      0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+							      0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+							      0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+							      0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+							      0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+							      0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+							      0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+							      0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+							      0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+							      0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+							      0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+							      0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+							      0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+							      0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+							      5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+							      1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+							      -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+							      -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+							      -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+							      3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+							      5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+							      5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+							      3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+							      -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+							      -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+							      -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+							      1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+							      5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+							      6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+							      0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+							      0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+							      0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+							      0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+							      0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+							      0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+							      0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+							      0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+							      0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+							      0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+							      0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+							      -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+							      0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+							      0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+							      0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+							      -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+							      0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+							      -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+							      0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+							      -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+							      0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+							      -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+							      0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+							      -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+							      -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+							      0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+							      0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+							      0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+							      0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+							      0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+							      0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+							      0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+							      0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+							      0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+							      0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+							      -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+							      0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+							      -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+							      -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+							      -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+							      0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+							      -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+							      -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+							      -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+							      -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+							      -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+							      -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+							      1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+							      0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+							      1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+							      1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+							      0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+							      0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+							      -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+							      -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+							      -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+							      -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+							      -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+							      1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+							      1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+							      0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+							      0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+							      1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+							      1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+							      -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+							      -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+							      -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+							      -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+							      -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+							      -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+							      -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+							      -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+							      3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+							      3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+							      6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+							      6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+							      6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+							      6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+							      0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+							      0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+							      0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+							      -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 ]
+				    }
+				    creaseAngle	1
+				    coordIndex	[ 78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 74, 163, 164,
+						      67, -1, 62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170,
+						      193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68,
+						      162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 165, 74, 67,
+						      166, -1, 173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 175,
+						      62, 79, 176, -1, 167, 75, 66, 168,
+						      -1, 175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 73, 161,
+						      162, 68, -1, 77, 169, 170, 64, -1,
+						      62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 75, 165, 166,
+						      66, -1, 174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163,
+						      74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77,
+						      171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 163, 73, 68,
+						      164, -1, 171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 192,
+						      76, 65, 193, -1, 169, 192, 193, 170,
+						      -1, 161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 72, 71,
+						      70, 69, -1, 76, 167, 168, 65, -1,
+						      -1 ]
+				    colorIndex	[  ]
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	    DEF Rotor_2 Transform {
+		    translation	10 0 -10
+		    scale	0.999617 0.999617 0.999617
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    ambientIntensity	0.9551
+					    diffuseColor	0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+					    shininess	0.3
+					    specularColor	0.3 0.3 0.3
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	IndexedFaceSet {
+				    coord	DEF _v2%0 Coordinate {
+					    point	[ 1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+							      0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+							      0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+							      0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+							      1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+							      1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+							      1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+							      1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+							      1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+							      1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+							      1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+							      1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+							      1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+							      -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+							      -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+							      -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+							      -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+							      -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+							      -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+							      -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+							      -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+							      -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+							      -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+							      -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+							      -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+							      -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+							      -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+							      -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+							      0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+							      0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+							      0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+							      0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+							      0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+							      0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+							      0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+							      0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+							      0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+							      0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+							      0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+							      0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+							      0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+							      0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+							      0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+							      0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+							      0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+							      0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+							      0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+							      0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+							      0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+							      0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+							      0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+							      0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+							      0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+							      0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+							      0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+							      5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+							      1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+							      -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+							      -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+							      -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+							      3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+							      5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+							      5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+							      3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+							      -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+							      -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+							      -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+							      1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+							      5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+							      6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+							      0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+							      0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+							      0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+							      0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+							      0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+							      0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+							      0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+							      0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+							      0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+							      0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+							      0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+							      -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+							      0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+							      0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+							      0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+							      -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+							      0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+							      -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+							      0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+							      -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+							      0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+							      -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+							      0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+							      -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+							      -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+							      0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+							      0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+							      0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+							      0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+							      0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+							      0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+							      0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+							      0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+							      0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+							      0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+							      -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+							      0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+							      -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+							      -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+							      -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+							      0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+							      -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+							      -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+							      -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+							      -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+							      -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+							      -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+							      1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+							      0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+							      1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+							      1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+							      0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+							      0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+							      -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+							      -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+							      -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+							      -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+							      -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+							      1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+							      1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+							      0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+							      0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+							      1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+							      1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+							      -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+							      -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+							      -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+							      -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+							      -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+							      -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+							      -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+							      -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+							      3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+							      3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+							      6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+							      6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+							      6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+							      6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+							      0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+							      0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+							      0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+							      -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 ]
+				    }
+				    creaseAngle	1
+				    coordIndex	[ 78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 74, 163, 164,
+						      67, -1, 62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170,
+						      193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68,
+						      162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 165, 74, 67,
+						      166, -1, 173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 175,
+						      62, 79, 176, -1, 167, 75, 66, 168,
+						      -1, 175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 73, 161,
+						      162, 68, -1, 77, 169, 170, 64, -1,
+						      62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 75, 165, 166,
+						      66, -1, 174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163,
+						      74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77,
+						      171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 163, 73, 68,
+						      164, -1, 171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 192,
+						      76, 65, 193, -1, 169, 192, 193, 170,
+						      -1, 161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 72, 71,
+						      70, 69, -1, 76, 167, 168, 65, -1,
+						      -1 ]
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	    DEF Rotor_3 Transform {
+		    translation	-10 0 -10
+		    scale	0.999617 0.999617 0.999617
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    ambientIntensity	0.9551
+					    diffuseColor	0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+					    shininess	0.3
+					    specularColor	0.3 0.3 0.3
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	IndexedFaceSet {
+				    coord	DEF _v2%0 Coordinate {
+					    point	[ 1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+							      0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+							      0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+							      0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+							      1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+							      1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+							      1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+							      1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+							      1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+							      1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+							      1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+							      1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+							      1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+							      -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+							      -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+							      -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+							      -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+							      -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+							      -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+							      -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+							      -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+							      -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+							      -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+							      -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+							      -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+							      -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+							      -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+							      -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+							      0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+							      0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+							      0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+							      0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+							      0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+							      0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+							      0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+							      0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+							      0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+							      0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+							      0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+							      0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+							      0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+							      0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+							      0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+							      0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+							      0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+							      0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+							      0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+							      0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+							      0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+							      0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+							      0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+							      0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+							      0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+							      0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+							      0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+							      5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+							      1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+							      -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+							      -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+							      -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+							      3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+							      5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+							      5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+							      3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+							      -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+							      -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+							      -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+							      1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+							      5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+							      6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+							      0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+							      0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+							      0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+							      0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+							      0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+							      0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+							      0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+							      0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+							      0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+							      0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+							      0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+							      -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+							      0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+							      0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+							      0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+							      -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+							      0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+							      -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+							      0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+							      -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+							      0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+							      -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+							      0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+							      -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+							      -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+							      0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+							      0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+							      0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+							      0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+							      0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+							      0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+							      0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+							      0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+							      0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+							      0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+							      -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+							      0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+							      -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+							      -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+							      -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+							      0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+							      -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+							      -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+							      -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+							      -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+							      -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+							      -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+							      1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+							      0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+							      1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+							      1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+							      0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+							      0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+							      -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+							      -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+							      -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+							      -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+							      -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+							      1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+							      1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+							      0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+							      0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+							      1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+							      1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+							      -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+							      -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+							      -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+							      -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+							      -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+							      -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+							      -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+							      -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+							      3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+							      3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+							      6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+							      6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+							      6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+							      6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+							      0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+							      0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+							      0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+							      -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 ]
+				    }
+				    creaseAngle	1
+				    coordIndex	[ 78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 74, 163, 164,
+						      67, -1, 62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170,
+						      193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68,
+						      162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 165, 74, 67,
+						      166, -1, 173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 175,
+						      62, 79, 176, -1, 167, 75, 66, 168,
+						      -1, 175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 73, 161,
+						      162, 68, -1, 77, 169, 170, 64, -1,
+						      62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 75, 165, 166,
+						      66, -1, 174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163,
+						      74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77,
+						      171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 163, 73, 68,
+						      164, -1, 171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 192,
+						      76, 65, 193, -1, 169, 192, 193, 170,
+						      -1, 161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 72, 71,
+						      70, 69, -1, 76, 167, 168, 65, -1,
+						      -1 ]
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	    DEF Center Transform {
+		    translation	0 -1 0
+		    scale	1.11653 1.11653 1.11653
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	Box {
+				    size	5 1.5 5
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	    DEF Rotor_4 Transform {
+		    translation	-10 0 10
+		    scale	0.999617 0.999617 0.999617
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    ambientIntensity	0.9551
+					    diffuseColor	0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+					    shininess	0.3
+					    specularColor	0.3 0.3 0.3
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	IndexedFaceSet {
+				    coord	DEF _v2%0 Coordinate {
+					    point	[ 1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+							      0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+							      0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+							      0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+							      1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+							      1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+							      1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+							      1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+							      1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+							      1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+							      1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+							      1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+							      1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+							      -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+							      -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+							      -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+							      -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+							      -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+							      -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+							      -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+							      -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+							      -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+							      -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+							      -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+							      -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+							      -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+							      -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+							      -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+							      0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+							      0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+							      0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+							      0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+							      0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+							      0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+							      0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+							      0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+							      0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+							      0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+							      0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+							      0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+							      0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+							      0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+							      0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+							      0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+							      0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+							      0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+							      0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+							      0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+							      0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+							      0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+							      0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+							      0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+							      0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+							      0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+							      0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+							      5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+							      1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+							      -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+							      -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+							      -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+							      3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+							      5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+							      5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+							      3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+							      -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+							      -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+							      -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+							      1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+							      5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+							      6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+							      0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+							      0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+							      0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+							      0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+							      0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+							      0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+							      0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+							      0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+							      0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+							      0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+							      0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+							      -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+							      0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+							      0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+							      0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+							      -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+							      0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+							      -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+							      0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+							      -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+							      0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+							      -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+							      0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+							      -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+							      -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+							      0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+							      0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+							      0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+							      0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+							      0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+							      0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+							      0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+							      0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+							      0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+							      0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+							      -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+							      0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+							      -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+							      -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+							      -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+							      0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+							      -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+							      -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+							      -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+							      -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+							      -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+							      -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+							      1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+							      0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+							      1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+							      1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+							      0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+							      0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+							      -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+							      -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+							      -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+							      -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+							      -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+							      1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+							      1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+							      0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+							      0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+							      1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+							      1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+							      -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+							      -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+							      -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+							      -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+							      -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+							      -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+							      -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+							      -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+							      3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+							      3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+							      6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+							      6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+							      6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+							      6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+							      0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+							      0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+							      0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+							      -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 ]
+				    }
+				    creaseAngle	1
+				    coordIndex	[ 78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 74, 163, 164,
+						      67, -1, 62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170,
+						      193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68,
+						      162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 165, 74, 67,
+						      166, -1, 173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 175,
+						      62, 79, 176, -1, 167, 75, 66, 168,
+						      -1, 175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 73, 161,
+						      162, 68, -1, 77, 169, 170, 64, -1,
+						      62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 75, 165, 166,
+						      66, -1, 174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163,
+						      74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77,
+						      171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 163, 73, 68,
+						      164, -1, 171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 192,
+						      76, 65, 193, -1, 169, 192, 193, 170,
+						      -1, 161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 72, 71,
+						      70, 69, -1, 76, 167, 168, 65, -1,
+						      -1 ]
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	]
+Background {
+	groundAngle	[ 0.9, 1.5, 1.57 ]
+	groundColor	[ 0 0.8 0,
+			  0.174249 0.82 0.187362,
+			  0.467223 0.82 0.445801,
+			  0.621997 0.67 0.600279 ]
+	skyAngle	[ 0.1, 1.2, 1.57 ]
+	skyColor	[ 0.76238 0.8 0.1427,
+			  0.277798 0.219779 0.7,
+			  0.222549 0.390234 0.7,
+			  0.60094 0.662637 0.69 ]
+DEF sqare_platform Transform {
+	translation	0 -0.432 0
+	scale	2 0.04 2
+	children [ 
+	    Shape {
+		    appearance	Appearance {
+			    material	Material {
+				    ambientIntensity	0.2
+				    diffuseColor	0.8 0.407144 0.297047
+			    }
+		    }
+		    geometry	Box {
+		    }
+	    }
+	    Transform {
+		    translation	0 0.031 0
+		    scale	0.5 1 0.5
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    diffuseColor	0.8 0.613697 0.365273
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	Cylinder {
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	]
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logged_playback.wrl.thumbnail.png b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logged_playback.wrl.thumbnail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4231e2d42a6d0f0dc58ca9f49fe45912d07a265d
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logged_playback.wrl.thumbnail.png differ
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logs_vs_simulation.slx b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logs_vs_simulation.slx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb46aae242046dad1c49bace57bfb2190ddca165
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/logs_vs_simulation.slx differ
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/lqr_quad_gains.m b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/lqr_quad_gains.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..995bbadcb65c90a009e94d53568baf020ad9df1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/lqr_quad_gains.m
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+function [U] = lqr_quad_gains(X)
+% Name: lqr_gains
+% Author: Phillip Jones.
+% Description: Compute control command for CrazyFlie quad (-KX), 
+%              based on LQR control law
+%   X_dot = A*X + B*U;
+%   Where, A is linerized quadcopter body dynmaics
+%          B is the linearized actuator dynamics
+%   Non-linear
+% Dynamic equation for a quadcopter (Bolandil-ICA-2013)
+%         x1  = x
+%         x2  = y
+%         x3  = z
+%         x4  = phi
+%         x5  = theta
+%   X  =  x6  = psi
+%         x7  = x_dot
+%         x8  = y_dot
+%         x9  = z_dot
+%         x10 = phi_dot
+%         x11 = theta_dot
+%         x12 = psi_dot
+%             x1_dot  = x7
+%             x2_dot  = x8
+%             x3_dot  = x9
+%             x4_dot  = x10
+%             x5_dot  = x11
+%   X_dot  =  x6_dot  = x12
+%             x7_dot  = x_ddot     = -(sin(theta)*cos(phi))*(u1/m) 
+%                                  = -(sin(x5)*cos(x4))*(u1/m)
+%             x8_dot  = y_ddot     = sin(phi)*(u1/m)
+%                                  = sin(x4)*(u1/m)
+%             x9_dot  = z_ddot     = -(cos(theta)*cos(phi))*(u1/m) + g
+%                                  = -(cos(x5)*cos(x4))*(u1/m) + g
+%             x10_dot = phi_ddot   =   -psi_dot*theta_dot*cos(phi)
+%                                    + [len*cos(psi)*u2]/I_xx
+%                                    - [len*sin(psi)*u3]/I_yy
+%                                    + [(I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx]*(psi_dot - theta_dot*sin(phi))*(theta_dot*cos(phi))
+%                                  =   -x12*x11*cos(x4)
+%                                    + [len*cos(x6)*u2]/I_xx
+%                                    - [len*sin(x6)*u3]/I_yy
+%                                    + [(I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx]*(x12 - x11*sin(x4))*(x11*cos(x4))
+%             x11_dot = theta_ddot =   (psi_dot*phi_dot)/cos(phi) + phi_dot*theta_dot*tan(phi) 
+%                                    + [len*(sin(psi)/cos(phi))*u2]/I_xx 
+%                                    + [len*(cos(psi)/cos(phi))*u3]/I_yy 
+%                                    - [(I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx]*(psi_dot - theta_dot*sin(phi))*(phi_dot/cos(phi))
+%                                  =   (x12*x10)/cos(x4) + x10*x11*tan(x4)
+%                                    + [len*(sin(x6)/cos(x4))*u2]/I_xx 
+%                                    + [len*(cos(x6)/cos(x4))*u3]/I_yy
+%                                    - [(I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx]*(x12 - x11*sin(x4))*(x10/cos(x4))
+%             x12_dot = psi_ddot   =   phi_dot*psi_dot*tan(phi) + (phi_dot*theta_dot)/cos(phi) 
+%                                    + [len*sin(psi)*tan(phi)*u2]/I_xx
+%                                    + [len*cos(psi)*tan(phi)*u3]/I_yy 
+%                                    + [len*u4]/I_zz 
+%                                    - [(I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx]*(psi_dot - theta_dot*sin(phi))*(phi_dot*tan(phi))
+%                                  =   x10*x12*tan(x4) + (x10*x11)/cos(x4) 
+%                                    + [len*sin(x6)*tan(x4)*u2]/I_xx 
+%                                    + [len*cos(x6)*tan(x4)*u3]/I_yy 
+%                                    + [len*u4]/I_zz 
+%                                    - [(I_yy - I_zz)/I_xx]*(x12 - x11*sin(x4))*(x10*tan(x4))
+% Linear (assume operating all states at or near 0)
+%             x1_dot  = x7
+%             x2_dot  = x8
+%             x3_dot  = x9
+%             x4_dot  = x10
+%             x5_dot  = x11
+%   X_dot  =  x6_dot  = x12
+%             x7_dot  = x_ddot     = -(theta)*(u1/m) = -(theta)*(g)  (at equil u1 ~ g*m)
+%                                  = -(x5)*(u1/m)    = -(x5)*(g)
+%             x8_dot  = y_ddot     = (phi)*(u1/m) = (phi)*(u1)  (at equil u1 ~ g*m)
+%                                  = (x4)*(u1/m)  = (x4)*(g)
+%             x9_dot  = z_ddot     = -(u1/m) + g  = -u1/m  (at equilibrium u1 is u1+g*m)
+%                                  = -(u1/m) + g  = -u1/m
+%             x10_dot = phi_ddot   =   [len*u2]/I_xx
+%                                  =   [len*u2]/I_xx
+%             x11_dot = theta_ddot =   [len*u3]/I_yy 
+%                                  =   [len*u3]/I_yy
+%             x12_dot = psi_ddot   =   [len*u4]/I_zz 
+%                                  =   [len*u4]/I_zz 
+%     Matrix A :
+%       x   y   z   phi theta psi x_dot y_dot z_dot phi_dot theta_dot psi_dot    
+%       x1  x2  x3  x4   x5   x6   x7    x8    x9     x10      x11    x12
+% A = [ 0   0   0   0    0    0    1     0     0      0        0      0; ...
+%       0   0   0   0    0    0    0     1     0      0        0      0; ...
+%       0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     1      0        0      0; ...
+%       0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      1        0      0; ...
+%       0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      0        1      0; ...
+%       0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      0        0      1; ...
+%       0   0   0   0   -g    0    0     0     0      0        0      0; ...
+%       0   0   0   g    0    0    0     0     0      0        0      0; ...
+%       0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      0        0      0; ...
+%       0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      0        0      0; ...
+%       0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      0        0      0; ...
+%       0   0   0   0    0    0    0     0     0      0        0      0]
+%   Matrix B :
+%       u1       u2        u3         u4
+% B = [ 0        0         0          0; ...    % x1_dot  (x_dot) 
+%       0        0         0          0; ...    % x2_dot  (y_dot)
+%       0        0         0          0; ...    % x3_dot  (z_dot)
+%       0        0         0          0; ...    % x4_dot  (phi_dot)
+%       0        0         0          0; ...    % x5_dot  (theta_dot)
+%       0        0         0          0; ...    % x6_dot  (psi_dot)
+%       0        0         0          0; ...    % x7_dot  (x_ddot)
+%       0        0         0          0; ...    % x8_dot  (y_ddot)
+%      -1/m      0         0          0; ...    % x9_dot  (z_ddot)
+%       0   len_xy/I_xx    0          0; ...    % x10_dot (phi_ddot)
+%       0        0     len_xy/I_yy    0; ...    % x11_dot (theta_ddot)
+%       0        0         0       len/I_zz ]   % x12_dot (psi_ddot)
+%  Where CrazyFlie constants are:
+%  g = 9.8;        % (m/s^2) Gravity
+%  m = 28/1000;    % (Kg) Mass of quad (Crazyflie max take-off weight  ~42g) (Foster-2015)
+%  len = (.092/2); % (m) Length of quad lever arm for yaw force (92mm diameter of CrazyFlie)
+%  len_xy = (.092/2)*sin(pi/4); % (m) Length of quad lever arm for pitch/roll force: Quad arm length * projection onto pitch/roll axis
+%  I_xx = 1.33e-5; % (Kg*m^2) Moment of inertia about X-axis (McInerney-MS-Thesis-2017)
+%  I_yy = 1.33e-5; % (Kg*m^2) Moment of inertia about Y-axis (McInerney-MS-Thesis-2017)
+%  I_zz = 2.64e-5; % (Kg*m^2) Moment of inertia about Z-axis (McInerney-MS-Thesis-2017)
+%  LQR: Q and R matrix (Note the Q and R matrix is differnt from the Q and
+%       R in LQR.
+%  Q = [1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0; ...
+%       0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0; ...
+%       0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0; ...
+%       0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0; ...
+%       0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0; ...
+%       0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0; ...
+%       0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0; ...
+%       0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0; ...
+%       0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0; ...
+%       0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0; ...
+%       0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0; ...
+%       0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1]
+%  R = [1  0  0  0; ...
+%       0  1  0  0; ...
+%       0  0  1  0; ...
+%       0  0  0  1]
+% K from matlab lqr function: [K, S, E] = lqr(A, B, Q, R)  (Continuous time)
+K = [ 0.0000    0.0000   -1.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -1.0276    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000; ...
+      0.0000    1.0000   -0.0000    5.4330   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    1.4522    0.0000    1.0022    0.0000    0.0000; ...
+     -1.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    5.4330   -0.0000   -1.4522    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    1.0022   -0.0000; ...
+      0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    1.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    1.0006];
+% K from matlab lqrd function: [K, S, E] = lqr(A, B, Q, R,Ts)  (Discrete time)
+% where Ts = .001 seconds
+dK_u_1111 = [ 0.0000   -0.0000   -0.9819    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -1.0095    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+             -0.0000    0.4076   -0.0000    2.2178    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.5921   -0.0000    0.4098    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+             -0.4076   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    2.2178   -0.0000   -0.5921   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.4098   -0.0000; ...
+             -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.5021   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_2111 = [-0.0000   -0.0000   -0.6979   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.7254    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000; ...
+             -0.0000    0.4076    0.0000    2.2178    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.5921   -0.0000    0.4098   -0.0000    0.0000; ...
+             -0.4076   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    2.2178    0.0000   -0.5921   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.4098    0.0000; ...
+              0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.5021    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_10_1_1_1 = [ 0.0000    0.0000   -0.3143    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.3412    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                  0.0000    0.4076   -0.0000    2.2178   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.5921   -0.0000    0.4098   -0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                 -0.4076   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    2.2178   -0.0000   -0.5921    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.4098   -0.0000; ...
+                 -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.5021   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_10_10_10_1 = [-0.0000    0.0000   -0.3143    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.3412    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                    0.0000    0.2235   -0.0000    1.2186   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.3248   -0.0000    0.2257    0.0000    0.0000; ...
+                   -0.2235    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    1.2186   -0.0000   -0.3248    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.2257   -0.0000; ...
+                    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.5021    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_10_10_10_xang_01_01_1 = [-0.0000    0.0000   -0.3143   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.3412   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000; ...
+                               0.0000    0.2235    0.0000    1.1971    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.3233   -0.0000    0.2256   -0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                              -0.2235    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    1.1971   -0.0000   -0.3233    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.2256   -0.0000; ...
+                               0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.5021    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_10_10_10_xang_001_001_1 = [-0.0000   -0.0000   -0.3143   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.3412   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                -0.0000    0.2235    0.0000    1.1950    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.3232    0.0000    0.2256    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                -0.2235   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    1.1950    0.0000   -0.3232   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.2256   -0.0000; ...
+                                -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.5021   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_10_10_10_xang_001_001_1_vang_01_01_1 = [ 0.0000    0.0000   -0.3143   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.3412   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                             -0.0000    0.2799    0.0000    0.7962    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.3519   -0.0000    0.0921    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                             -0.2799   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.7962   -0.0000   -0.3519   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0921    0.0000; ...
+                                              0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.5021    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_10_10_10_xang_0001_0001_1_vang_005_005_1 = [ 0.0000    0.0000   -0.3143   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.3412   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000; ...
+                                                  0.0000    0.2892    0.0000    0.6883    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.3525    0.0000    0.0689    0.0000    0.0000; ...
+                                                 -0.2892    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.6883    0.0000   -0.3525   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0689    0.0000; ...
+                                                 -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.5021   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_10_10_10_xang_0001_0001_1_vang_005_005_1_v_01_01_1 = [-0.0000   -0.0000   -0.3143   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.3412   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                                           -0.0000    0.2896   -0.0000    0.5086    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.1961    0.0000    0.0679    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                                           -0.2896    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.5086   -0.0000   -0.1961    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0679    0.0000; ...
+                                                           -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.5021   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_10_10_10_xang_0001_0001_1_vang_005_005_1_v_01_01_01 = [ 0.0000   -0.0000   -0.3153    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.1661    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000; ...
+                                                            -0.0000    0.2896   -0.0000    0.5086   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.1961   -0.0000    0.0679   -0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                                            -0.2896   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.5086   -0.0000   -0.1961   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0679   -0.0000; ...
+                                                             0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.5021    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_10_50_50_xang_0001_0001_1_vang_005_005_1_v_01_01_01 = [-0.0000   -0.0000   -0.3153   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.1661   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000; ...
+                                                            -0.0000    0.1356    0.0000    0.2444    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0928    0.0000    0.0335    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                                            -0.1356   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.2444    0.0000   -0.0928   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0335    0.0000; ...
+                                                            -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.5021   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_10_100_100_xang_0001_0001_1_vang_005_005_1_v_01_01_01 = [ 0.0000   -0.0000   -0.3153   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.1661    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                                               0.0000    0.0970    0.0000    0.1781   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0668   -0.0000    0.0248   -0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                                              -0.0970   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.1781   -0.0000   -0.0668   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0248    0.0000; ...
+                                                              -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.5021    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_10_500_500_xang_0001_0001_1_vang_005_005_1_v_01_01_01 = [-0.0000   -0.0000   -0.3153    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.1661    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000; ...
+                                                              -0.0000    0.0440   -0.0000    0.0871    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0312   -0.0000    0.0130    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                                              -0.0440   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0871   -0.0000   -0.0312   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0130    0.0000; ...
+                                                               0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.5021    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_50_500_500_xang_0001_0001_1_vang_005_005_1_v_01_01_01 = [ 0.0000   -0.0000   -0.1412   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0995   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000; ...
+                                                              -0.0000    0.0440    0.0000    0.0871    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0312    0.0000    0.0130    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                                              -0.0440    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0871    0.0000   -0.0312    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0130    0.0000; ...
+                                                              -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.5021   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_50_500_500_xang_0001_0001_1_vang_005_005_1_v_01_01_005 = [ 0.0000    0.0000   -0.1412    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0944    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                                               -0.0000    0.0440   -0.0000    0.0871    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0312   -0.0000    0.0130    0.0000    0.0000; ...
+                                                               -0.0440    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0871   -0.0000   -0.0312    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0130   -0.0000; ...
+                                                               -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.5021   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_50_500_500_xang_0001_0001_1_vang_005_005_1_v_01_01_001 = [-0.0000   -0.0000   -0.1412    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0900    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                                               -0.0000    0.0440   -0.0000    0.0871    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0312   -0.0000    0.0130   -0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                                               -0.0440    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0871    0.0000   -0.0312   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0130   -0.0000; ...
+                                                               -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.5021   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_u_100_500_500_xang_0001_0001_1_vang_005_005_1_v_01_01_001 = [ 0.0000    0.0000   -0.0999    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0754    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000; ...
+                                                                 0.0000    0.0440    0.0000    0.0871   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0312   -0.0000    0.0130   -0.0000   -0.0000; ...
+                                                                -0.0440    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0871   -0.0000   -0.0312    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0130   -0.0000; ...
+                                                                -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.5021   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.5027];
+dK_488_matrix = [
+        -0.0   0.0    -0.9698 -0.0   0.0     -0.0 0.0   0.0   -1.3878 -0.0   0.0     -0.0;
+        0.0    0.9678 0.0     0 0.0     -0.0 0.0   1.429 0.0     0 0.0     -0.0;
+        0.9678 -0.0   0.0     0.0    -0 -0.0 1.429 -0.0  0.0     0.0    -0 -0.0;
+        -0.0   -0.0   0.0     -0.0   0.0     0.0  -0.0  -0.0  0.0     -0.0   0.0     0
+U_col = -dK_u_100_500_500_xang_0001_0001_1_vang_005_005_1_v_01_01_001*X.';
+U = U_col.';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/measured_flight_path.csv b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/measured_flight_path.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e035ade1d9f99991c40a5c8d5a65fd19daa5e0d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/measured_flight_path.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2644 @@




















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/measured_flight_path.mat b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/measured_flight_path.mat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a491e85f07463076931d6a3f8faaacf251cf6d9f
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/measured_flight_path.mat differ
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/pid_ctrl.m b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/pid_ctrl.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2d02f45072c7c33c9b0f0af0f3f5a155234093d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/pid_ctrl.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+function [cmd, error_sum, error_prev] = pid_ctrl(setpoint,state, Kp, Ki, Kd, goal_error_sum, goal_error_prev)
+% Name: pid_ctrl
+% Authour: Phillip Jones (07/20/2022)
+% Description: Compute a PID control law
+% PID correction cmd = Kp*error + Ki*error_sum + Kd*error_diff
+coder.extrinsic('evalin', 'assignin')
+% Compute PID error terms
+goal_error = setpoint - state;  % Current error
+goal_error_sum = goal_error_sum + goal_error; % Error sum
+goal_error_diff = goal_error - goal_error_prev; % Error difference
+% Compute PID correction command
+pid_cmd = Kp*goal_error + Ki*goal_error_sum + Kd*goal_error_diff;
+% Return results
+cmd = pid_cmd;
+error_sum = goal_error_sum;  % Use as input on next pid function call
+error_prev = goal_error;     % Use as input on next pid function call 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quad_example.m b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quad_example.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8413ed2ef4ac4050395e6420b66b5acde177e688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quad_example.m
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+% Plot Quadcopter motion
+% Constants
+g = 9.8;      % (m/s^2) Gravity
+m = 28/1000;  % (Kg) Mass of quad (Crazy Fly flying weight (Foster-2015)
+F_hover = m*g; % Force required for Crazy Flie to hover
+% Initial states
+x1  = 0;  % x
+x2  = 0;  % y
+x3  = 0;  % z
+x4  = 0;  % phi
+x5  = 0;  % theta
+x6  = 0;  % psi
+x7  = 0;  % x_dot
+x8  = 0;  % y_dot
+x9  = 0;  % z_dot
+x10 = 0;  % phi_dot
+x11 = 0;  % theta_dot
+x12 = 0;  % psi_dot
+X_init=[x1  x2  x3  x4  x5  x6 ... 
+        x7  x8  x9  x10 x11 x12];
+% Initialize forces
+u1 = F_hover;  % Total force (Note: always normal to yaw motion)
+u2 = 0;   % Roll force
+u3 = 0;   % Pitch force
+u4 = 0;   % Yaw force
+U = [u1 u2 u3 u4];    
+% Simulation time
+tstep = .001; % Time step in seconds
+tspan=[0 tstep]; 
+% Initilze loop body varibles
+% Setpoint (i.e refernce)
+alt_setpoint = 1;  % Altitude (-Z axis position) 
+y_setpoint = 1;  % Y axis position
+x_setpoint = 1;  % X axis position
+% X_ref : Set point refernce state for quad to go to
+%         In this case for initial state, to X/Y/Z setpoint
+%         with 0 velocities, and level
+X_ref = [x_setpoint y_setpoint -alt_setpoint 0 0 0 ...
+         0 0 0 0 0 0];
+% Simulate model for 1st timestep (tstep)
+% PHJ: error bound setting, options = odeset('AbsTol',1e-9,'RelTol',1e-9);
+[t, X] = ode113(@(t,X) compute_quad(t,X,U), tspan, X_init); % Simulate
+Xplot = [t, X]; % log time and state for plotting later
+U_plot = [tspan(1), U];
+% Simulate for discrete intervals for n more time steps
+n = 20000;  
+for i=1:(n-1)
+  [t, y, X, U, tspan] = compute_quad_wrapper(t, tstep, X, U, X_ref,F_hover, tspan);
+% Log control forces
+%U_plot = [U_plot; [tspan(1), U]];
+% Reuse t and X for ploting
+t = Xplot(:,1); 
+X = Xplot(:,2:13);
+td = U_plot(:,1);
+U  = U_plot(:,2:5);
+% Convert from radians to degrees
+X(:,4) = X(:,4)*(180/pi);  % phi
+X(:,5) = X(:,5)*(180/pi);  % theta
+X(:,6) = X(:,6)*(180/pi);  % psi
+X(:,10) = X(:,10)*(180/pi);  % phi_dot
+X(:,11) = X(:,11)*(180/pi);  % theta_dot
+X(:,12) = X(:,12)*(180/pi);  % psi_dot
+[t, X]; % Print state over entire simulation time.
+% Plot results of simulation
+% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters
+plot_fontsize = 12;
+plot_linewidth = 1;
+plot_rows = 3;
+plot_cols = 6;
+plot(t,X(:,1), 'green', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel('X (m)')
+title('Title: ')
+plot(t,X(:,2), 'blue', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel('Y (m)')
+title('Title: ')
+plot(t,-X(:,3), 'Color', '#D95319', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel('Z (m)')
+title('Title: ')
+plot(t,X(:,4), 'magenta', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel(['\phi (' char(176) ')'])
+title('Title: ')
+plot(t,X(:,5), 'cyan', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel(['\theta (' char(176) ')'])
+title('Title: ')
+plot(t,X(:,6), 'black', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel(['\psi (' char(176) ')'])
+title('Title: ')
+plot(t,X(:,7), 'green', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel('X^\prime (m/s)')
+title('Title: ')
+plot(t,X(:,8), 'blue', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel('Y^\prime (m/s)')
+title('Title: ')
+plot(t,-X(:,9), 'Color', '#D95319', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel('Z^\prime (m/s)')
+title('Title: ')
+plot(t,X(:,10), 'magenta', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel(['\phi^\prime (' char(176) '/s)'])
+title('Title: ')
+plot(t,X(:,11), 'cyan', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel(['\theta^\prime (' char(176) '/s)'])
+title('Title: ')
+plot(t,X(:,12), 'black', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel(['\psi^\prime (' char(176) '/s)'])
+title('Title: ')
+plot(td,U(:,1), 'Color', '#D95319', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel('Thrust (N)')
+title('Title: ')
+plot(td,U(:,2), 'magenta', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel('\phi Force (N)')
+title('Title: ')
+plot(td,U(:,3), 'cyan', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel('\theta Force (N)')
+title('Title: ')
+plot(td,U(:,4), 'black', 'linewidth', plot_linewidth)
+grid; xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel('\psi Force (N)')
+title('Title: ')
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quad_example_with_wrapper.m b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quad_example_with_wrapper.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1815aa2c323c689fd8e98a3c160ce3b8e6ce08d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quad_example_with_wrapper.m
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+% Plot Quadcopter motion
+% Constants
+g = 9.8;      % (m/s^2) Gravity
+m = 28/1000;  % (Kg) Mass of quad (Crazy Fly flying weight (Foster-2015)
+F_hover = m*g; % Force required for Crazy Flie to hover
+%gamepad = vrjoystick(1);
+% Initial states
+x1  = 0;  % x
+x2  = 0;  % y
+x3  = 0;  % z
+x4  = 0;  % phi
+x5  = 0;  % theta
+x6  = 0;  % psi
+x7  = 0;  % x_dot
+x8  = 0;  % y_dot
+x9  = 0;  % z_dot
+x10 = 0;  % phi_dot
+x11 = 0;  % theta_dot
+x12 = 0;  % psi_dot
+X_init=[x1  x2  x3  x4  x5  x6 ... 
+        x7  x8  x9  x10 x11 x12];
+% Initialize forces
+u1 = F_hover;  % Total force (Note: always normal to yaw motion)
+u2 = 0;   % Roll force
+u3 = 0;   % Pitch force
+u4 = 0;   % Yaw force
+U = [u1 u2 u3 u4];    
+% Simulation time
+tstep = .001; % Time step in seconds
+tspan=[0 tstep]; 
+% Initilze loop body varibles
+% Setpoint (i.e refernce)
+alt_setpoint = 3;  % Altitude (-Z axis position) 
+y_setpoint = 1;  % Y axis position
+x_setpoint = 1;  % X axis position
+% X_ref : Set point refernce state for quad to go to
+%         In this case for initial state, to X/Y/Z setpoint
+%         with 0 velocities, and level
+X_ref = [x_setpoint y_setpoint -alt_setpoint 0 0 0 ...
+         0 0 0 0 0 0];
+ylogs = zeros(15000,7);
+% % Simulate model for 1st timestep (tstep)
+% % PHJ: error bound setting, options = odeset('AbsTol',1e-9,'RelTol',1e-9);
+[t, X] = ode45(@(t,X) compute_quad(t,X,U), tspan, X_init); % Simulate
+ Xplot = [t, X]; % log time and state for plotting later
+ U_plot = [tspan(1), U];
+ time = 0;
+ for i = 1:15000
+     % setpoint = drone_gamepad_input(X_ref(4), X_ref(3), X_ref(1), X_ref(2), gamepad);
+     % X_ref(1) = setpoint(3);
+     % X_ref(2) = setpoint(4);
+     % X_ref(3) = setpoint(1);
+     % X_ref(4) = setpoint(2);
+     if i == 2500
+         alt_setpoint = 5;  % Altitude (-Z axis position) 
+         y_setpoint = 0;  % Y axis position
+         x_setpoint = 0;  % X axis position
+         X_ref = [x_setpoint y_setpoint -alt_setpoint 0 0 0 ...
+              0 0 0 0 0 0];
+     end
+     if i == 5000
+         alt_setpoint = 0;  % Altitude (-Z axis position) 
+         y_setpoint = 0;  % Y axis position
+         x_setpoint = 0;  % X axis position
+         X_ref = [x_setpoint y_setpoint -alt_setpoint 0 0 0 ...
+              0 0 0 0 0 0];
+     end
+     if i == 7500
+         alt_setpoint = 8;  % Altitude (-Z axis position) 
+         y_setpoint = 0;  % Y axis position
+         x_setpoint = 0;  % X axis position
+         X_ref = [x_setpoint y_setpoint -alt_setpoint 0 0 0 ...
+              0 0 0 0 0 0];
+     end
+     if i > 10000 % not sure why this doesn't actually control the yaw, unless this treats yaw exactly the same as pitch and roll!!!
+         X_ref = [x_setpoint y_setpoint -alt_setpoint 0 0 1 ...
+              0 0 0 0 0 0];
+     end
+     [y, X, U, tspan] = compute_quad_wrapper(tstep, X, U, X_ref,F_hover, tspan);
+     time = time + tstep;
+     ylogs(i,1:7) = [time y];
+ end
+ % ylogs = ylogs.';
+ %save("logged_data","ylogs")
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quad_params.m b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quad_params.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e1daecfd26a2510f5d6de884a19ba80e7c6d28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quad_params.m
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+% Plot Quadcopter motion
+% Constants
+g = 9.8;      % (m/s^2) Gravity
+m = 23.1/1000;  % (Kg) Mass of quad (Crazy Fly flying weight (Foster-2015)
+F_hover = m*g; % Force required for Crazy Flie to hover
+%gamepad = vrjoystick(1);
+% Initial states
+x1  = 0;  % x
+x2  = 0;  % y
+x3  = 0;  % z
+x4  = 0;  % phi
+x5  = 0;  % theta
+x6  = 0;  % psi
+x7  = 0;  % x_dot
+x8  = 0;  % y_dot
+x9  = 0;  % z_dot
+x10 = 0;  % phi_dot
+x11 = 0;  % theta_dot
+x12 = 0;  % psi_dot
+X_init=[x1  x2  x3  x4  x5  x6 ... 
+        x7  x8  x9  x10 x11 x12];
+Xsize = 11;
+% Initialize forces
+u1 = F_hover;  % Total force (Note: always normal to yaw motion)
+u2 = 0;   % Roll force
+u3 = 0;   % Pitch force
+u4 = 0;   % Yaw force
+U = [u1 u2 u3 u4];    
+% Simulation time
+tstep = .001; % Time step in seconds
+tspan=[0 tstep]; 
+% Initilze loop body varibles
+% Setpoint (i.e refernce)
+alt_setpoint = 0;  % Altitude (-Z axis position) 
+y_setpoint = 0;  % Y axis position
+x_setpoint = 0;  % X axis position
+% X_ref : Set point refernce state for quad to go to
+%         In this case for initial state, to X/Y/Z setpoint
+%         with 0 velocities, and level
+X_ref = [x_setpoint y_setpoint -alt_setpoint 0 0 0 ...
+         0 0 0 0 0 0];
+% % Simulate model for 1st timestep (tstep)
+% % PHJ: error bound setting, options = odeset('AbsTol',1e-9,'RelTol',1e-9);
+[t, X] = ode45(@(t,X) compute_quad(t,X,U), tspan, X_init); % Simulate
+ Xplot = [t, X]; % log time and state for plotting later
+ U_plot = [tspan(1), U];
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quad_params_pid.m b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quad_params_pid.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee94b5637a874e921a556f9663c02535d6fd9a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quad_params_pid.m
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+% Plot Quadcopter motion
+% Constants
+g = 9.8;      % (m/s^2) Gravity
+m = 28/1000;  % (Kg) Mass of quad (Crazy Fly flying weight (Foster-2015)
+F_hover = m*g; % Force required for Crazy Flie to hover
+% Initial states
+x1  = 0;  % x
+x2  = 0;  % y
+x3  = 0;  % z
+x4  = 0;  % phi
+x5  = 0;  % theta
+x6  = 0;  % psi
+x7  = 0;  % x_dot
+x8  = 0;  % y_dot
+x9  = 0;  % z_dot
+x10 = 0;  % phi_dot
+x11 = 0;  % theta_dot
+x12 = 0;  % psi_dot
+X_init=[x1  x2  x3  x4  x5  x6 ... 
+        x7  x8  x9  x10 x11 x12];
+% Initialize forces
+u1 = F_hover;  % Total force (Note: always normal to yaw motion)
+u2 = 0;   % Roll force
+u3 = 0;   % Pitch force
+u4 = 0;   % Yaw force
+U = [u1 u2 u3 u4];   
+% Simulation time
+tstep = .001; % Time step
+tspan=[0 tstep]; 
+% Initilze loop body varibles
+% Altitude PID Control
+alt_setpoint = 0;  % Altitude (-Z axis)
+Kp_alt = 0.500;
+Ki_alt =  0.001;
+Kd_alt = 500;
+alt_error_sum = 0;    % Sum of error
+alt_error_prev = 0.;   % Previous error
+% Y position PID Controll (assuming 0 yaw, i.e., psi=0)
+y_setpoint = 0;  % Controlled by phi (roll) angle
+Kp_y = .105;
+Ki_y =  0;
+Kd_y = 140;
+y_error_sum = 0;    % Sum of error
+y_error_prev = 0;   % Previous error
+y_cmd = 0;          % correction force
+% phi (roll) angle PID Controll (assuming 0 yaw, i.e., psi=0)
+phi_setpoint = Kp_y*y_setpoint;  % phi  (Set by y_cmd)
+Kp_phi = .001;
+Ki_phi =  0;
+Kd_phi = 100;
+phi_error_sum = 0;    % Sum of error
+phi_error_prev = 0;   % Previous error
+phi_cmd = 0;          % correction force
+% X position PID Controll (assuming 0 yaw, i.e., psi=0)
+x_setpoint = 0;  % Controlled by -theta (-pitch) angle
+Kp_x = .105;
+Ki_x =  0;
+Kd_x = 140;
+x_error_sum = 0;    % Sum of error
+x_error_prev = 0;   % Previous error
+x_cmd = 0;          % correction force
+% theta (pitch) angle PID Controll (assuming 0 yaw, i.e., psi=0)
+theta_setpoint = -Kp_x*x_setpoint;  % theta  (Set by -x_cmd)
+Kp_theta = .001;
+Ki_theta =  0;
+Kd_theta = 100;
+theta_error_sum = 0;    % Sum of error
+theta_error_prev = 0;   % Previous error
+theta_cmd = 0;          % correction force
+% X_ref : Set points for quad to follow
+X_ref = [0 y_setpoint 0 0 0 0 ...
+         0 0 0 0 0 0];
+Xsize = 11;
+pid_states = [alt_error_sum alt_error_prev y_error_sum y_error_prev phi_error_sum phi_error_prev x_error_sum x_error_prev theta_error_sum theta_error_prev phi_setpoint theta_setpoint];
+pid_gains = [Kp_alt Ki_alt Kd_alt Kp_y Ki_y Kd_y Kp_phi Ki_phi Kd_phi Kp_x Ki_x Kd_x Kp_theta Ki_theta Kd_theta];
+% Simulate model for 1st timestep (tstep)
+% PHJ: error bound setting, options = odeset('AbsTol',1e-9,'RelTol',1e-9);
+[t, X] = ode45(@(t,X) compute_quad(t,X,U), tspan, X_init); % Sim
+Xplot = [t, X]; % log time and state for plotting later
+U_plot = [tspan(1), U];
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quadrotor_world_ucart.wrl b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quadrotor_world_ucart.wrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb0ece0c87dd94275cc01905e42ff20b87bd800c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/quadrotor_world_ucart.wrl
@@ -0,0 +1,1030 @@
+#VRML V2.0 utf8
+#Created with V-Realm Builder v2.0
+#Integrated Data Systems Inc.
+PointLight {
+	location	-0.8 1 1
+PointLight {
+	location	1.1 1.1 0
+DEF Viewport_heli Viewpoint {
+	fieldOfView	0.785398
+	orientation	1 0 0  0.188496
+	position	0.024 -0.191 11.9975
+DEF Helicopter Transform {
+	translation	0 0 0
+	scale	0.108 0.108 0.108
+	children [ 
+	    DEF Rotor_1 Transform {
+		    translation	10 0 10
+		    scale	1.00001 1.00001 1.00001
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    ambientIntensity	0.9551
+					    diffuseColor	0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+					    shininess	0.3
+					    specularColor	0.3 0.3 0.3
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	IndexedFaceSet {
+				    color	NULL
+				    coord	DEF _v2%0 Coordinate {
+					    point	[ 1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+							      0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+							      0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+							      0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+							      1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+							      1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+							      1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+							      1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+							      1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+							      1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+							      1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+							      1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+							      1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+							      -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+							      -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+							      -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+							      -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+							      -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+							      -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+							      -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+							      -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+							      -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+							      -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+							      -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+							      -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+							      -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+							      -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+							      -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+							      0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+							      0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+							      0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+							      0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+							      0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+							      0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+							      0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+							      0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+							      0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+							      0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+							      0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+							      0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+							      0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+							      0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+							      0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+							      0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+							      0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+							      0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+							      0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+							      0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+							      0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+							      0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+							      0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+							      0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+							      0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+							      0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+							      0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+							      5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+							      1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+							      -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+							      -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+							      -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+							      3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+							      5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+							      5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+							      3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+							      -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+							      -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+							      -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+							      1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+							      5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+							      6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+							      0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+							      0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+							      0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+							      0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+							      0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+							      0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+							      0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+							      0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+							      0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+							      0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+							      0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+							      -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+							      0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+							      0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+							      0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+							      -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+							      0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+							      -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+							      0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+							      -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+							      0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+							      -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+							      0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+							      -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+							      -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+							      0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+							      0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+							      0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+							      0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+							      0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+							      0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+							      0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+							      0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+							      0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+							      0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+							      -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+							      0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+							      -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+							      -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+							      -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+							      0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+							      -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+							      -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+							      -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+							      -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+							      -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+							      -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+							      1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+							      0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+							      1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+							      1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+							      0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+							      0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+							      -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+							      -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+							      -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+							      -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+							      -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+							      1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+							      1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+							      0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+							      0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+							      1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+							      1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+							      -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+							      -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+							      -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+							      -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+							      -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+							      -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+							      -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+							      -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+							      3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+							      3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+							      6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+							      6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+							      6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+							      6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+							      0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+							      0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+							      0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+							      -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 ]
+				    }
+				    creaseAngle	1
+				    coordIndex	[ 78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 74, 163, 164,
+						      67, -1, 62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170,
+						      193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68,
+						      162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 165, 74, 67,
+						      166, -1, 173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 175,
+						      62, 79, 176, -1, 167, 75, 66, 168,
+						      -1, 175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 73, 161,
+						      162, 68, -1, 77, 169, 170, 64, -1,
+						      62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 75, 165, 166,
+						      66, -1, 174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163,
+						      74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77,
+						      171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 163, 73, 68,
+						      164, -1, 171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 192,
+						      76, 65, 193, -1, 169, 192, 193, 170,
+						      -1, 161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 72, 71,
+						      70, 69, -1, 76, 167, 168, 65, -1,
+						      -1 ]
+				    colorIndex	[  ]
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	    DEF Rotor_2 Transform {
+		    translation	10 0 -10
+		    scale	0.999617 0.999617 0.999617
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    ambientIntensity	0.9551
+					    diffuseColor	0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+					    shininess	0.3
+					    specularColor	0.3 0.3 0.3
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	IndexedFaceSet {
+				    coord	DEF _v2%0 Coordinate {
+					    point	[ 1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+							      0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+							      0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+							      0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+							      1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+							      1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+							      1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+							      1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+							      1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+							      1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+							      1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+							      1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+							      1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+							      -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+							      -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+							      -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+							      -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+							      -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+							      -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+							      -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+							      -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+							      -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+							      -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+							      -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+							      -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+							      -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+							      -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+							      -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+							      0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+							      0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+							      0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+							      0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+							      0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+							      0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+							      0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+							      0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+							      0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+							      0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+							      0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+							      0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+							      0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+							      0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+							      0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+							      0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+							      0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+							      0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+							      0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+							      0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+							      0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+							      0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+							      0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+							      0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+							      0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+							      0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+							      0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+							      5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+							      1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+							      -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+							      -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+							      -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+							      3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+							      5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+							      5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+							      3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+							      -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+							      -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+							      -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+							      1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+							      5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+							      6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+							      0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+							      0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+							      0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+							      0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+							      0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+							      0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+							      0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+							      0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+							      0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+							      0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+							      0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+							      -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+							      0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+							      0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+							      0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+							      -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+							      0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+							      -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+							      0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+							      -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+							      0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+							      -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+							      0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+							      -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+							      -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+							      0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+							      0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+							      0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+							      0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+							      0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+							      0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+							      0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+							      0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+							      0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+							      0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+							      -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+							      0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+							      -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+							      -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+							      -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+							      0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+							      -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+							      -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+							      -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+							      -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+							      -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+							      -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+							      1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+							      0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+							      1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+							      1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+							      0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+							      0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+							      -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+							      -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+							      -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+							      -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+							      -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+							      1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+							      1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+							      0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+							      0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+							      1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+							      1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+							      -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+							      -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+							      -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+							      -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+							      -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+							      -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+							      -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+							      -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+							      3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+							      3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+							      6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+							      6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+							      6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+							      6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+							      0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+							      0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+							      0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+							      -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 ]
+				    }
+				    creaseAngle	1
+				    coordIndex	[ 78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 74, 163, 164,
+						      67, -1, 62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170,
+						      193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68,
+						      162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 165, 74, 67,
+						      166, -1, 173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 175,
+						      62, 79, 176, -1, 167, 75, 66, 168,
+						      -1, 175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 73, 161,
+						      162, 68, -1, 77, 169, 170, 64, -1,
+						      62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 75, 165, 166,
+						      66, -1, 174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163,
+						      74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77,
+						      171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 163, 73, 68,
+						      164, -1, 171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 192,
+						      76, 65, 193, -1, 169, 192, 193, 170,
+						      -1, 161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 72, 71,
+						      70, 69, -1, 76, 167, 168, 65, -1,
+						      -1 ]
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	    DEF Rotor_3 Transform {
+		    translation	-10 0 -10
+		    scale	0.999617 0.999617 0.999617
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    ambientIntensity	0.9551
+					    diffuseColor	0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+					    shininess	0.3
+					    specularColor	0.3 0.3 0.3
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	IndexedFaceSet {
+				    coord	DEF _v2%0 Coordinate {
+					    point	[ 1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+							      0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+							      0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+							      0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+							      1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+							      1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+							      1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+							      1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+							      1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+							      1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+							      1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+							      1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+							      1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+							      -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+							      -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+							      -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+							      -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+							      -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+							      -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+							      -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+							      -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+							      -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+							      -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+							      -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+							      -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+							      -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+							      -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+							      -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+							      0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+							      0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+							      0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+							      0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+							      0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+							      0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+							      0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+							      0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+							      0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+							      0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+							      0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+							      0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+							      0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+							      0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+							      0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+							      0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+							      0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+							      0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+							      0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+							      0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+							      0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+							      0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+							      0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+							      0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+							      0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+							      0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+							      0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+							      5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+							      1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+							      -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+							      -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+							      -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+							      3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+							      5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+							      5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+							      3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+							      -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+							      -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+							      -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+							      1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+							      5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+							      6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+							      0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+							      0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+							      0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+							      0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+							      0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+							      0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+							      0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+							      0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+							      0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+							      0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+							      0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+							      -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+							      0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+							      0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+							      0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+							      -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+							      0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+							      -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+							      0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+							      -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+							      0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+							      -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+							      0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+							      -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+							      -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+							      0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+							      0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+							      0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+							      0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+							      0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+							      0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+							      0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+							      0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+							      0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+							      0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+							      -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+							      0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+							      -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+							      -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+							      -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+							      0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+							      -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+							      -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+							      -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+							      -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+							      -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+							      -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+							      1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+							      0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+							      1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+							      1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+							      0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+							      0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+							      -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+							      -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+							      -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+							      -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+							      -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+							      1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+							      1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+							      0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+							      0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+							      1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+							      1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+							      -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+							      -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+							      -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+							      -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+							      -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+							      -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+							      -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+							      -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+							      3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+							      3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+							      6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+							      6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+							      6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+							      6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+							      0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+							      0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+							      0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+							      -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 ]
+				    }
+				    creaseAngle	1
+				    coordIndex	[ 78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 74, 163, 164,
+						      67, -1, 62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170,
+						      193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68,
+						      162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 165, 74, 67,
+						      166, -1, 173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 175,
+						      62, 79, 176, -1, 167, 75, 66, 168,
+						      -1, 175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 73, 161,
+						      162, 68, -1, 77, 169, 170, 64, -1,
+						      62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 75, 165, 166,
+						      66, -1, 174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163,
+						      74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77,
+						      171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 163, 73, 68,
+						      164, -1, 171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 192,
+						      76, 65, 193, -1, 169, 192, 193, 170,
+						      -1, 161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 72, 71,
+						      70, 69, -1, 76, 167, 168, 65, -1,
+						      -1 ]
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	    DEF Center Transform {
+		    translation	0 -1 0
+		    scale	1.11653 1.11653 1.11653
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	Box {
+				    size	5 1.5 5
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	    DEF Rotor_4 Transform {
+		    translation	-10 0 10
+		    scale	0.999617 0.999617 0.999617
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    ambientIntensity	0.9551
+					    diffuseColor	0.6163 0.6163 0.6163
+					    shininess	0.3
+					    specularColor	0.3 0.3 0.3
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	IndexedFaceSet {
+				    coord	DEF _v2%0 Coordinate {
+					    point	[ 1.87355 -2.12 -0.139033,
+							      0.783522 -2.076 0.446909,
+							      0.783515 -2.267 0.566909,
+							      0.783572 -2.266 -0.517091,
+							      1.87352 -2.12 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.12 0.566963,
+							      1.87359 -2.266 -0.877033,
+							      1.87355 -2.267 -0.047033,
+							      1.87352 -2.267 0.566967,
+							      1.80752 -2.267 0.566963,
+							      1.80755 -2.12 -0.129037,
+							      1.80755 -2.267 -0.037037,
+							      1.80759 -2.266 -0.867037,
+							      1.80659 -2.12 -0.874037,
+							      1.87259 -2.12 -0.884034,
+							      -1.18645 -2.12 -0.139194,
+							      -1.18541 -2.12 -0.884194,
+							      -1.11941 -2.12 -0.874191,
+							      -1.12041 -2.266 -0.867191,
+							      -1.12045 -2.12 -0.129191,
+							      -1.12048 -2.12 0.566809,
+							      -1.12048 -2.267 0.566809,
+							      -1.18649 -2.267 0.566806,
+							      -1.18645 -2.267 -0.047194,
+							      -1.12045 -2.267 -0.037191,
+							      -1.18641 -2.266 -0.877194,
+							      -1.18649 -2.12 0.566806,
+							      -0.096428 -2.266 -0.517137,
+							      -0.096485 -2.267 0.566863,
+							      -0.096479 -2.076 0.446863,
+							      0.591406 -3.166 2.6379,
+							      0.095406 -3.166 2.63787,
+							      0.095406 -2.912 2.63787,
+							      0.219395 -3.166 2.85388,
+							      0.219395 -2.912 2.85388,
+							      0.467395 -2.912 2.85389,
+							      0.467395 -3.166 2.85389,
+							      0.467418 -2.912 2.42289,
+							      0.219418 -2.912 2.42288,
+							      0.591406 -2.912 2.6379,
+							      0.219418 -3.166 2.42288,
+							      0.467418 -3.166 2.42289,
+							      0.434395 -3.132 2.85389,
+							      0.252395 -3.132 2.85388,
+							      0.252395 -2.946 2.85388,
+							      0.434395 -2.946 2.85389,
+							      0.269336 -3.076 3.96788,
+							      0.417336 -3.129 3.96789,
+							      0.417336 -3.076 3.96789,
+							      0.269336 -3.129 3.96788,
+							      0.269395 -3.012 2.85388,
+							      0.269395 -3.066 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -2.962 2.85389,
+							      0.319395 -2.962 2.85388,
+							      0.417395 -3.066 2.85389,
+							      0.417395 -3.012 2.85389,
+							      0.367336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319336 -3.179 3.96789,
+							      0.319395 -3.116 2.85388,
+							      0.367395 -3.116 2.85389,
+							      0.319336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      0.367336 -3.026 3.96789,
+							      6.61556 0.193 -0.215784,
+							      5.14735 -0.086 3.80614,
+							      1.43223 -0.234 5.94594,
+							      -4.46066 -0.086 3.80563,
+							      -5.92844 0.192 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46123 0.471 -4.23737,
+							      -0.74512 0.619 -6.37717,
+							      3.47884 0.568 -5.63495,
+							      5.14777 0.471 -4.23786,
+							      5.14777 0.532 -4.23786,
+							      3.47884 0.628 -5.63495,
+							      -0.74512 0.68 -6.37717,
+							      -4.46123 0.531 -4.23737,
+							      -5.92844 0.253 -0.216444,
+							      -4.46066 -0.025 3.80563,
+							      1.43223 -0.173 5.94594,
+							      5.14735 -0.025 3.80614,
+							      6.61556 0.253 -0.215784,
+							      0.614972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.614936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.614936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.614972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.615018 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.615054 -1.196 -9.6831,
+							      0.615062 -0.319 -9.8381,
+							      0.615054 0.106 -9.6831,
+							      0.615039 0.453 -9.3931,
+							      0.615018 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530019 0.679 -9.0011,
+							      0.530039 0.453 -9.39311,
+							      0.530054 0.106 -9.68311,
+							      0.530062 -0.319 -9.83811,
+							      0.530054 -1.196 -9.68311,
+							      0.530019 -1.768 -9.0011,
+							      0.529972 -1.767 -8.1101,
+							      0.529936 -1.196 -7.4281,
+							      0.529928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529936 0.106 -7.4281,
+							      0.529972 0.679 -8.1101,
+							      0.255231 -2.14915 -7.3791,
+							      0.758162 -2.59984 3.36791,
+							      0.594847 -2.54881 3.72511,
+							      -0.062854 -2.59984 3.36787,
+							      0.594839 -1.93645 3.87253,
+							      0.100415 -1.93645 3.8725,
+							      0.75818 -1.70965 3.02771,
+							      -0.062836 -1.70965 3.02767,
+							      0.758223 -1.02925 2.19989,
+							      -0.062793 -1.02925 2.19985,
+							      0.758299 -0.830803 0.75404,
+							      -0.062717 -0.830803 0.753997,
+							      0.758301 -0.314833 0.72002,
+							      -0.062715 -0.314833 0.719977,
+							      0.758416 -0.415926 -1.4647,
+							      -0.0626 -0.415926 -1.46475,
+							      -0.062585 -0.937566 -1.74258,
+							      0.477454 -1.87132 -6.6023,
+							      0.214366 -1.87132 -6.60231,
+							      0.441263 -0.495408 -8.43416,
+							      0.250751 -0.495408 -8.43417,
+							      0.414074 -0.461388 -8.95013,
+							      0.277994 -0.461388 -8.95014,
+							      0.436671 -2.14915 -7.37909,
+							      0.4548 -2.34193 -7.08992,
+							      0.241608 -2.34193 -7.08993,
+							      0.758426 -3.16939 -1.65658,
+							      -0.06259 -3.16939 -1.65662,
+							      0.758217 -3.03428 2.31419,
+							      -0.062799 -3.03428 2.31415,
+							      -0.062716 -1.54522 0.742657,
+							      -0.062569 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      0.7583 -1.54522 0.7427,
+							      0.758431 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.758447 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      0.100423 -2.54881 3.72509,
+							      -0.476109 -1.54522 0.742637,
+							      -0.47611 -0.830803 0.753977,
+							      -0.063333 -1.54522 0.742658,
+							      -0.063334 -0.830803 0.753998,
+							      -0.475978 -0.937566 -1.74259,
+							      -0.063202 -0.937566 -1.74257,
+							      1.17046 -0.830803 0.754063,
+							      0.757682 -0.830803 0.754041,
+							      1.17064 -1.59392 -2.71303,
+							      1.17046 -1.54522 0.742723,
+							      0.757683 -1.54522 0.742701,
+							      0.75783 -1.57261 -2.04871,
+							      1.17059 -0.937566 -1.74251,
+							      -0.475928 -1.57816 -2.70774,
+							      -0.475962 -1.57261 -2.04878,
+							      -0.063153 -0.955725 -2.674,
+							      -0.475929 -0.955725 -2.67402,
+							      -0.063186 -1.57261 -2.04875,
+							      -0.063152 -1.57816 -2.70772,
+							      1.17061 -1.57261 -2.04869,
+							      1.17064 -0.971488 -2.67932,
+							      0.757865 -1.59392 -2.71305,
+							      0.757814 -0.937566 -1.74253,
+							      0.757863 -0.971488 -2.67934,
+							      1.43188 0.68 -6.37806,
+							      1.43188 0.619 -6.37806,
+							      -2.79216 0.628 -5.63428,
+							      -2.79216 0.567 -5.63428,
+							      -5.55033 0.401 -2.35642,
+							      -5.55033 0.34 -2.35642,
+							      -5.54956 0.105 1.92358,
+							      -5.54956 0.044 1.92358,
+							      -0.744768 -0.173 5.94583,
+							      -0.744768 -0.234 5.94583,
+							      3.47927 -0.122 5.20305,
+							      3.47927 -0.183 5.20305,
+							      6.23667 0.341 -2.3568,
+							      6.23667 0.402 -2.3568,
+							      6.23644 0.044 1.9242,
+							      6.23644 0.105 1.9242,
+							      0.530062 -0.771 -9.83811,
+							      0.615062 -0.771 -9.8381,
+							      0.530039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.615039 -1.542 -9.3921,
+							      0.529995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.614995 -1.846 -8.5551,
+							      0.529951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 -1.542 -7.7181,
+							      0.529928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.771 -7.2731,
+							      0.614928 -0.319 -7.2731,
+							      0.529951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614951 0.453 -7.7181,
+							      0.614995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      0.529995 0.757 -8.5551,
+							      -2.79173 -0.122 5.20272,
+							      -2.79173 -0.183 5.20272 ]
+				    }
+				    creaseAngle	1
+				    coordIndex	[ 78, 171, 172, 63, -1, 74, 163, 164,
+						      67, -1, 62, 175, 63, 172, 64, 170,
+						      193, 65, 168, 66, 166, 67, 164, 68,
+						      162, 69, 70, 173, -1, 165, 74, 67,
+						      166, -1, 173, 70, 71, 174, -1, 175,
+						      62, 79, 176, -1, 167, 75, 66, 168,
+						      -1, 175, 176, 78, 63, -1, 73, 161,
+						      162, 68, -1, 77, 169, 170, 64, -1,
+						      62, 173, 174, 79, -1, 75, 165, 166,
+						      66, -1, 174, 71, 72, 161, 73, 163,
+						      74, 165, 75, 167, 76, 192, 169, 77,
+						      171, 78, 176, 79, -1, 163, 73, 68,
+						      164, -1, 171, 77, 64, 172, -1, 192,
+						      76, 65, 193, -1, 169, 192, 193, 170,
+						      -1, 161, 72, 69, 162, -1, 72, 71,
+						      70, 69, -1, 76, 167, 168, 65, -1,
+						      -1 ]
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	]
+Background {
+	groundAngle	[ 0.9, 1.5, 1.57 ]
+	groundColor	[ 0 0.8 0,
+			  0.174249 0.82 0.187362,
+			  0.467223 0.82 0.445801,
+			  0.621997 0.67 0.600279 ]
+	skyAngle	[ 0.1, 1.2, 1.57 ]
+	skyColor	[ 0.76238 0.8 0.1427,
+			  0.277798 0.219779 0.7,
+			  0.222549 0.390234 0.7,
+			  0.60094 0.662637 0.69 ]
+DEF sqare_platform Transform {
+	translation	0 -0.432 0
+	scale	2 0.04 2
+	children [ 
+	    Shape {
+		    appearance	Appearance {
+			    material	Material {
+				    ambientIntensity	0.2
+				    diffuseColor	0.8 0.407144 0.297047
+			    }
+		    }
+		    geometry	Box {
+		    }
+	    }
+	    Transform {
+		    translation	0 0.031 0
+		    scale	0.5 1 0.5
+		    children Shape {
+			    appearance	Appearance {
+				    material	Material {
+					    diffuseColor	0.8 0.613697 0.365273
+				    }
+			    }
+			    geometry	Cylinder {
+			    }
+		    }
+	    }
+	]
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/simulated_quad_simulink.slx b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/simulated_quad_simulink.slx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81e0e6d616b7729468060d5731c24cb45b2dfc80
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/simulated_quad_simulink.slx differ
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/sl3dex_uav.slxc b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/sl3dex_uav.slxc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9a222e013aa35a04b993c149d999de55417c1fe
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/sl3dex_uav.slxc differ
diff --git a/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/vrheat_anim.avi b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/vrheat_anim.avi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f59acba597652382d81f18cbaa3812aa0b1f8468
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/vrheat_anim.avi differ
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/A_BE_System.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/A_BE_System.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ea6ce1e392906445e3dff60122f54b9b76c0a74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/A_BE_System.m
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+classdef A_BE_System
+    properties
+        B_omega
+        euler_angles
+    end
+    methods
+        function obj = A_BE_System(B_omega,euler_angles)
+            obj.B_omega = B_omega;
+            obj.euler_angles = euler_angles;
+        end
+        function euler_rates = A_BE(obj)
+            phi = obj.euler_angles(1);
+            theta = obj.euler_angles(2);
+            Aeb = [1,  sin(phi)*tan(theta), cos(phi)*tan(theta); ...
+                   0,      cos(phi)       ,        -sin(phi)   ; ...
+                   0,  sin(phi)/cos(theta), cos(phi)/cos(theta)];
+            euler_rates = Aeb * obj.B_omega;
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/Actuation.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/Actuation.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21bde4cc5c924303024574aa8147a3bd64c66e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/Actuation.m
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+% Implements the top level actuation block for the drone actuation system.
+% Author: Gautham Ajith
+classdef Actuation   
+    properties
+        A_BE_System
+        ESC_System
+        L_BE_System
+        L_BE_2
+        Motor_System
+        Rotor_System
+        Pmax
+        Pmin
+        Vb
+        w
+        dt
+        eu_angle
+        B_omega
+        B_Vo
+    end
+    methods
+        function obj = Actuation(A_BE_System, ESC_System, L_BE_System, L_BE_2, Motor_System, Rotor_System, Pmax, Pmin, Vb)
+            obj.A_BE_System = A_BE_System;
+            obj.ESC_System = ESC_System();
+            obj.L_BE_System = L_BE_System;
+            obj.L_BE_2 = L_BE_2;
+            obj.Motor_System = Motor_System;
+            obj.Rotor_System = Rotor_System;
+            obj.Pmax = Pmax;
+            obj.Pmin = Pmin;
+            obj.Vb = Vb;
+            obj.w = 0;
+            obj.dt = 0;
+            obj.B_omega = 0;
+            obj.B_Vo = 0;
+        end
+        function [B_omega, euler_angles, B_Vo, E_ro, B_vo_dot, B_g] = NextOutput(obj, m, Rm, Kv, Kq, Kd, If, Jreq, delta_t)
+            obj.dt = delta_t;
+            obj.Motor_System.Vb_Eff = obj.ESC_System.ESC(obj.ESC_System, obj.Pmax, obj.Pmin, obj.Vb);
+            w_dot = obj.Motor_System.Motor(obj.Motor_System, Rm, Kv, Kq, Kd, If, Jreq, obj.w);
+            obj.w = obj.integrator(w_dot, obj.dt, omega0_o, omega1_o, omega2_o, omega3_o);
+            B_Fg, B_g = obj.L_BE_System.L_BE(obj.L_BE_System);
+            B_omega_dot, B_vo_dot = obj.Rotor_System.rotor(obj, m, Kt, Kd, rhx, rhy, rhz, Jreq, Jxx, Jyy, Jzz, r_oc, Kh, delta_T);
+            obj.B_Vo = integrator(B_vo_dot, delta_t, x_vel_o, y_vel_o, z_vel_o);
+            obj.B_omega = integrator(B_omega_dot, delta_t, rollrate_o, pitchrate_o, yawrate_o);
+            B_omega = obj.B_omega;
+            B_Vo = obj.B_Vo;
+            euler_rates = obj.A_BE_System.A_BE(obj.A_BE_System);
+            euler_angles = integrator(euler_rates, delta_t, roll_o, pitch_o, yaw_o);
+            E_ro_dot = obj.L_BE_2_System.L_BE_2(obj.L_BE_2, obj.B_Vo);
+            E_ro = integrator(E_ro_dot, delta_t, x_o, y_o, z_o);
+        end
+        function output = integrator(input, delta_t, init_cond_1, init_cond_2, init_cond_3, init_cond_4)
+            if nargin < 5
+                x = input(1);
+                y = input(2);
+                z = input(3);
+                x_prime = int(x, 0, delta_t) +init_cond_1;
+                y_prime = int(y, 0, delta_t) + init_cond_2;
+                z_prime = int(z, 0, delta_t) + init_cond_3;
+                output = [x_prime, y_prime, z_prime];
+            else
+                o1 = input(1);
+                o2 = input(2);
+                o3 = input(3);
+                o4 = input(4);
+                o1_prime = int(o1, 0, delta_t) + init_cond_1;
+                o2_prime = int(o2, 0, delta_t) + init_cond_2;
+                o3_prime = int(o3, 0, delta_t) + init_cond_3;
+                o4_prime = int(o4, 0, delta_t) + init_cond_4;
+                output = [o1_prime, o2_prime, o3_prime, o4_prime];
+            end
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/Actuation_Mat_temp.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/Actuation_Mat_temp.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f83108e0eb54b3cc4743b48f3a7ac774e7ee5fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/Actuation_Mat_temp.m
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+function [B_omega, euler_angles, B_vo, E_ro, B_vo_dot, B_g]= Actuation_Mat(P)
+    function Vb_eff   = ESC(P, Pmin, Pmax, Vb)
+        P1 = P(1);
+        P2 = P(2);
+        P3 = P(3);
+        P4 = P(4);
+        % Define u_Pi for each of the rotors, limiting it to be greater than 0
+        u_P0 = (P1 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);
+        u_P1 = (P2 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);
+        u_P2 = (P3 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);
+        u_P3 = (P4 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);
+        % Determine the effective battery voltage from each ESC
+        Vb_eff_0 = u_P0 * Vb;
+        Vb_eff_1 = u_P1 * Vb;
+        Vb_eff_2 = u_P2 * Vb;
+        Vb_eff_3 = u_P3 * Vb;
+        Vb_eff = [Vb_eff_0, Vb_eff_1, Vb_eff_2, Vb_eff_3];
+    function w_dot = motor(Vb_eff, w, Rm, Kv, Kq, Kd, If, Jreq)
+        % Define each motors effective battery voltage
+        Vb_eff_0 = Vb_eff(1);
+        Vb_eff_1 = Vb_eff(2);
+        Vb_eff_2 = Vb_eff(3);
+        Vb_eff_3 = Vb_eff(4);
+        % Determine the angular velocity of each rotor from feedback
+        w_0 = w(1);
+        w_1 = w(2);
+        w_2 = w(3);
+        w_3 = w(4);
+        % Determine angular acceleration of each rotor
+        w_0_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_0 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_0 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_0^2;
+        w_1_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_1 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_1 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_1^2;
+        w_2_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_2 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_2 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_2^2;
+        w_3_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_3 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_3 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_3^2;
+        w_dot = [w_0_dot, w_1_dot, w_2_dot, w_3_dot];  
+    function [B_omega_dot, B_vo_dot]= rotor(w_dot, w, B_Fg, B_omega, B_vo, m, Kt, Kd, rhx, rhy, rhz, Jreq, Jxx, Jyy, Jzz, r_oc, Kh, delta_T)
+        % Create J vector
+        J = [Jxx,  0 ,  0 ; ...
+              0 , Jyy,  0 ; ...
+              0 ,  0 , Jzz;];
+        r_oc_X = [0, -r_oc(3), r_oc(2); r_oc(3), 0, -r_oc(1); -r_oc(2), r_oc(1), 0];
+        % Create r_hi vector
+        rh_0 = [-rhx; rhy; -rhz];
+        rh_1 = [rhx; rhy; -rhz];
+        rh_2 = [-rhx; -rhy; -rhz];
+        rh_3 = [rhx; -rhy; -rhz];
+        % Calculate rotor hub velocity
+        vh_0 = B_vo + cross(B_omega,rh_0);
+        vh_1 = B_vo + cross(B_omega,rh_1); 
+        vh_2 = B_vo + cross(B_omega,rh_2); 
+        vh_3 = B_vo + cross(B_omega,rh_3); 
+        % Define 3x3 Identity Matrix
+        I = eye(3);
+        % Create gamma vectors
+        gamma_Ti = [0; 0; -1];
+        gamma_omega_03 = [0; 0; 1];  %Rotors 0 and 3 use this gamma_omega vector
+        gamma_omega_12 = [0; 0; -1]; %Rotors 1 and 2 use this gamma_omega vector
+        gamma_Hi = [ 1 0 0 ; 0 1 0 ; 0 0 0 ];
+        % Define angular velocities for each rotor
+        w_0 = w(1);
+        w_1 = w(2);
+        w_2 = w(3);
+        w_3 = w(4);
+        % Define angular acceleration for each rotor
+        w_0_dot = w_dot(1);
+        w_1_dot = w_dot(2);
+        w_2_dot = w_dot(3);
+        w_3_dot = w_dot(4);
+        % Define the thrust force
+        T_0 = (Kt * w_0 * w_0 + delta_T * vh_0 * w_0) * gamma_Ti; 
+        T_1 = (Kt * w_1 * w_1 + delta_T * vh_1 * w_1) * gamma_Ti;
+        T_2 = (Kt * w_2 * w_2 + delta_T * vh_2 * w_2) * gamma_Ti;
+        T_3 = (Kt * w_3 * w_3 + delta_T * vh_3 * w_3) * gamma_Ti;
+        % Define the in plane drag force
+        H_0 = -Kh * w_0 * gamma_Hi * vh_0;
+        H_1 = -Kh * w_1 * gamma_Hi * vh_1;
+        H_2 = -Kh * w_2 * gamma_Hi * vh_2;
+        H_3 = -Kh * w_3 * gamma_Hi * vh_3;
+        % Define the rotor force in the z-direction from each rotor
+        B_Fr_0 = T_0 + H_0;
+        B_Fr_1 = T_1 + H_1;
+        B_Fr_2 = T_2 + H_2;
+        B_Fr_3 = T_3 + H_3;
+        % Sum up the rotor forces in the z-direction from each vector to get the
+        % total body force in the z-direction
+        B_Fr = B_Fr_0 + B_Fr_1 + B_Fr_2 + B_Fr_3;
+        % Define the in-plane drag and induced torque produced by each rotor
+         B_Q_d0 = -1 * Kd * w_0 * w_0 * gamma_omega_03;
+         B_Q_d1 = -1 * Kd * w_1 * w_1 * gamma_omega_12;
+         B_Q_d2 = -1 * Kd * w_2 * w_2 * gamma_omega_12;
+         B_Q_d3 = -1 * Kd * w_3 * w_3 * gamma_omega_03;
+        % Sum up the total in-plane drag and induced torque to get the total
+        % in-plane drag and induced torque on the body
+        B_Q_d = B_Q_d0 + B_Q_d1 + B_Q_d2 + B_Q_d3;
+        % Define the force lever arm torque created from the force produced by each
+        % rotor in the z-direction
+        B_Q_F0 = cross( rh_0, B_Fr_0 );
+        B_Q_F1 = cross( rh_1, B_Fr_1 );
+        B_Q_F2 = cross( rh_2, B_Fr_2 );
+        B_Q_F3 = cross( rh_3, B_Fr_3 );
+        B_Q_F = B_Q_F0 + B_Q_F1 + B_Q_F2 + B_Q_F3;
+        % Define the change in angular momentum torque produced by each rotor 
+        B_Q_L0 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_0 * gamma_omega_03) + w_0_dot * gamma_omega_03 );
+        B_Q_L1 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_1 * gamma_omega_12) + w_1_dot * gamma_omega_12 ); 
+        B_Q_L2 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_2 * gamma_omega_12) + w_2_dot * gamma_omega_12 ); 
+        B_Q_L3 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_3 * gamma_omega_03) + w_3_dot * gamma_omega_03 );
+        % Sum up the total change in angular momentum torque produced by each rotor
+        B_Q_L = B_Q_L0 + B_Q_L1 + B_Q_L2 + B_Q_L3;
+        % Define the total rotor system torque as the sum of the in-plane drag and
+        % induced torque, force lever arm torque, and change in angular momentum
+        % torques
+        B_Q = B_Q_d + B_Q_F + B_Q_L;
+        % Define the body forces in the z-direction from each vector to get the
+        % total body force in the z-direction
+        B_F = B_Fr + B_Fg; 
+        % Determine the dynamics of the system
+        M = [m * I , -m * r_oc_X; 
+            zeros(3,3), J];
+        dynamics = M^-1*[B_F - m*cross(B_omega,B_vo) - m*cross(B_omega,cross(B_omega,r_oc)) ; ... 
+                  B_Q - cross(B_omega,J*B_omega) - cross(r_oc,B_F) ];
+        % Define the body frame angular velocities
+        B_vo_dot = dynamics(1:3);
+        % Define the body frame linear velocities
+        B_omega_dot = dynamics(4:6);
+    function E_Fg = gravity(m, g)
+        E_Fg = [0; 0; m*g];
+    function [B_Fg, B_g]  = linear_earth_body_conversion(E_Fg, euler_angles, m)
+        phi = euler_angles(1);
+        theta = euler_angles(2);
+        psi = euler_angles(3);
+        Lbe = [             cos(theta)*cos(psi)              ,          cos(theta)*sin(psi)                  ,     -sin(theta)    ; ...
+               sin(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)-cos(phi)*sin(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)+cos(phi)*cos(psi), sin(phi)*cos(theta); ...
+               cos(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)+sin(phi)*sin(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)-sin(phi)*cos(psi), cos(phi)*cos(theta)];
+        B_Fg = Lbe * E_Fg;
+        B_g = B_Fg/m;
+    function euler_rates = angular_body_earth_conversion(B_omega, euler_angles)
+        phi = euler_angles(1);
+        theta = euler_angles(2);
+        Aeb = [1,  sin(phi)*tan(theta), cos(phi)*tan(theta); ...
+               0,      cos(phi)       ,        -sin(phi)   ; ...
+               0,  sin(phi)/cos(theta), cos(phi)/cos(theta)];
+        euler_rates = Aeb * B_omega;
+    function E_ro  = linear_body_earth_conversion(B_vo, euler_angles)
+        euler_rates = zeros(3,1);
+        E_ro = zeros(3,1);
+        phi = euler_angles(1);
+        theta = euler_angles(2);
+        psi = euler_angles(3);
+        Leb = [cos(theta)*cos(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)-cos(phi)*sin(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)+sin(phi)*sin(psi); ...
+               cos(theta)*sin(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)+cos(phi)*cos(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)-sin(phi)*cos(psi); ...
+                   -sin(theta)    ,                sin(phi)*cos(theta)            ,                 cos(phi)*cos(theta)           ];
+        E_ro = Leb * B_vo;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/ESC_System.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/ESC_System.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eae78c6da8d5a6ec9366f3ac7e827b9ef35c30f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/ESC_System.m
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+% This class is the code representation of the previous ESC_System Simulink
+% Block which was in the Actuator Block
+% Author Gautham Ajith
+classdef ESC_System
+    properties
+        P
+    end
+    methods
+        function obj = ESC_System(P)
+            obj.P = P;
+        end
+        function Vb_eff   = ESC(obj, Pmin, Pmax, Vb)
+            P1 = obj.P(1);
+            P2 = obj.P(2);
+            P3 = obj.P(3);
+            P4 = obj.P(4);
+            % Define u_Pi for each of the rotors, limiting it to be greater than 0
+            u_P0 = (P1 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);
+            u_P1 = (P2 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);
+            u_P2 = (P3 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);
+            u_P3 = (P4 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);
+            % Determine the effective battery voltage from each ESC
+            Vb_eff_0 = u_P0 * Vb;
+            Vb_eff_1 = u_P1 * Vb;
+            Vb_eff_2 = u_P2 * Vb;
+            Vb_eff_3 = u_P3 * Vb;
+            Vb_eff = [Vb_eff_0, Vb_eff_1, Vb_eff_2, Vb_eff_3];            
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/L_BE_System.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/L_BE_System.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58b36f119da36f6d71d867e17d0e6f09fe54b429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/L_BE_System.m
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+% This class represents the previous Simulink Block 
+% linear_earth_body_conversion and gravity block subsystem 
+% Author Gautham Ajith
+classdef L_BE_System
+    properties
+        E_Fg
+        B_vo
+        euler_angles
+    end
+    methods
+        function obj = L_BE_System(g, m, euler_angles, B_vo)
+            if nargin < 3
+                obj.E_Fg = [0; 0; m*g];
+            else
+                obj.B_vo = B_vo;        
+            end
+            obj.euler_angles = euler_angles;
+        end
+        function [B_Fg, B_g] = L_BE(obj)
+            phi = obj.euler_angles(1);
+            theta = obj.euler_angles(2);
+            psi = obj.euler_angles(3);
+            Lbe = [             cos(theta)*cos(psi)              ,          cos(theta)*sin(psi)                  ,     -sin(theta)    ; ...
+                   sin(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)-cos(phi)*sin(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)+cos(phi)*cos(psi), sin(phi)*cos(theta); ...
+                   cos(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)+sin(phi)*sin(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)-sin(phi)*cos(psi), cos(phi)*cos(theta)];
+            B_Fg = Lbe * obj.E_Fg;
+            B_g = B_Fg/m;
+        end
+        function E_ro  = L_BE_2(obj, B_vo)
+            euler_rates = zeros(3,1);
+            E_ro = zeros(3,1);
+            phi = obj.euler_angles(1);
+            theta = obj.euler_angles(2);
+            psi = obj.euler_angles(3);
+            Leb = [cos(theta)*cos(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)-cos(phi)*sin(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)+sin(phi)*sin(psi); ...
+                   cos(theta)*sin(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)+cos(phi)*cos(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)-sin(phi)*cos(psi); ...
+                       -sin(theta)    ,                sin(phi)*cos(theta)            ,                 cos(phi)*cos(theta)           ];
+            E_ro = Leb * B_vo;
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/Motor_System.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/Motor_System.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..439e2b0b49b9568dad078f920c0792cadf076b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/Motor_System.m
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+% This class represents the code implementation of the previous simulink
+% block of the Motor_System in the Actuator Block.
+% Author Gautham Ajith
+classdef Motor_System
+    properties
+        Vb_eff
+        w
+    end
+    methods
+        function obj = Motor_System(Vb_eff)
+            obj.Vb_eff = Vb_eff;
+        end
+        function w_dot = motor(obj, Rm, Kv, Kq, Kd, If, Jreq, w)
+            % Define each motors effective battery voltage
+            Vb_eff_0 = obj.Vb_eff(1);
+            Vb_eff_1 = obj.Vb_eff(2);
+            Vb_eff_2 = obj.Vb_eff(3);
+            Vb_eff_3 = obj.Vb_eff(4);
+            % Determine the angular velocity of each rotor from feedback
+            w_0 = w(1);
+            w_1 = w(2);
+            w_2 = w(3);
+            w_3 = w(4);
+            % Determine angular acceleration of each rotor
+            w_0_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_0 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_0 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_0^2;
+            w_1_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_1 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_1 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_1^2;
+            w_2_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_2 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_2 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_2^2;
+            w_3_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_3 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_3 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_3^2;
+            w_dot = [w_0_dot, w_1_dot, w_2_dot, w_3_dot];
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/Rotor_System.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/Rotor_System.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79ed523c88ab7a69c1c28fae9190b41ac4cbc30c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Actuation/Rotor_System.m
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+% This class represents the previous Simulink Block Rotor_System which is
+% in the Actuation block
+% Author Gautham Ajith
+classdef Rotor_System
+    properties
+        w_dot
+        w
+        B_Fg
+        B_omega
+        B_vo
+    end
+    methods
+        function obj = Rotor_System(w_dot, w, B_Fg, B_omega, B_vo)
+            %UNTITLED Construct an instance of this class
+            %   Detailed explanation goes here
+            obj.w_dot = w_dot;
+            obj.w = w;
+            obj.B_Fg = B_Fg;
+            obj.B_omega = B_omega;
+            obj.B_vo = B_vo;
+        end
+        function [B_omega_dot, B_vo_dot] = rotor(obj, m, Kt, Kd, rhx, rhy, rhz, Jreq, Jxx, Jyy, Jzz, r_oc, Kh, delta_T)
+            %METHOD1 Summary of this method goes here
+            %   Detailed explanation goes here
+            % Create J vector
+            J = [Jxx,  0 ,  0 ; ...
+                  0 , Jyy,  0 ; ...
+                  0 ,  0 , Jzz;];
+            r_oc_X = [0, -r_oc(3), r_oc(2); r_oc(3), 0, -r_oc(1); -r_oc(2), r_oc(1), 0];
+            % Create r_hi vector
+            rh_0 = [-rhx; rhy; -rhz];
+            rh_1 = [rhx; rhy; -rhz];
+            rh_2 = [-rhx; -rhy; -rhz];
+            rh_3 = [rhx; -rhy; -rhz];
+            % Calculate rotor hub velocity
+            vh_0 = obj.B_vo + cross(obj.B_omega,rh_0);
+            vh_1 = obj.B_vo  + cross(obj.B_omega,rh_1); 
+            vh_2 = obj.B_vo  + cross(obj.B_omega,rh_2); 
+            vh_3 = obj.B_vo  + cross(obj.B_omega,rh_3); 
+            % Define 3x3 Identity Matrix
+            I = eye(3);
+            % Create gamma vectors
+            gamma_Ti = [0; 0; -1];
+            gamma_omega_03 = [0; 0; 1];  %Rotors 0 and 3 use this gamma_omega vector
+            gamma_omega_12 = [0; 0; -1]; %Rotors 1 and 2 use this gamma_omega vector
+            gamma_Hi = [ 1 0 0 ; 0 1 0 ; 0 0 0 ];
+            % Define angular velocities for each rotor
+            w_0 = obj.w(1);
+            w_1 = obj.w(2);
+            w_2 = obj.w(3);
+            w_3 = obj.w(4);
+            % Define angular acceleration for each rotor
+            w_0_dot = obj.w_dot(1);
+            w_1_dot = obj.w_dot(2);
+            w_2_dot = obj.w_dot(3);
+            w_3_dot = obj.w_dot(4);
+            % Define the thrust force
+            T_0 = (Kt * w_0 * w_0 + delta_T * vh_0 * w_0) * gamma_Ti; 
+            T_1 = (Kt * w_1 * w_1 + delta_T * vh_1 * w_1) * gamma_Ti;
+            T_2 = (Kt * w_2 * w_2 + delta_T * vh_2 * w_2) * gamma_Ti;
+            T_3 = (Kt * w_3 * w_3 + delta_T * vh_3 * w_3) * gamma_Ti;
+            % Define the in plane drag force
+            H_0 = -Kh * w_0 * gamma_Hi * vh_0;
+            H_1 = -Kh * w_1 * gamma_Hi * vh_1;
+            H_2 = -Kh * w_2 * gamma_Hi * vh_2;
+            H_3 = -Kh * w_3 * gamma_Hi * vh_3;
+            % Define the rotor force in the z-direction from each rotor
+            B_Fr_0 = T_0 + H_0;
+            B_Fr_1 = T_1 + H_1;
+            B_Fr_2 = T_2 + H_2;
+            B_Fr_3 = T_3 + H_3;
+            % Sum up the rotor forces in the z-direction from each vector to get the
+            % total body force in the z-direction
+            B_Fr = B_Fr_0 + B_Fr_1 + B_Fr_2 + B_Fr_3;
+            % Define the in-plane drag and induced torque produced by each rotor
+             B_Q_d0 = -1 * Kd * w_0 * w_0 * gamma_omega_03;
+             B_Q_d1 = -1 * Kd * w_1 * w_1 * gamma_omega_12;
+             B_Q_d2 = -1 * Kd * w_2 * w_2 * gamma_omega_12;
+             B_Q_d3 = -1 * Kd * w_3 * w_3 * gamma_omega_03;
+            % Sum up the total in-plane drag and induced torque to get the total
+            % in-plane drag and induced torque on the body
+            B_Q_d = B_Q_d0 + B_Q_d1 + B_Q_d2 + B_Q_d3;
+            % Define the force lever arm torque created from the force produced by each
+            % rotor in the z-direction
+            B_Q_F0 = cross( rh_0, B_Fr_0 );
+            B_Q_F1 = cross( rh_1, B_Fr_1 );
+            B_Q_F2 = cross( rh_2, B_Fr_2 );
+            B_Q_F3 = cross( rh_3, B_Fr_3 );
+            B_Q_F = B_Q_F0 + B_Q_F1 + B_Q_F2 + B_Q_F3;
+            % Define the change in angular momentum torque produced by each rotor 
+            B_Q_L0 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(obj.B_omega, w_0 * gamma_omega_03) + w_0_dot * gamma_omega_03 );
+            B_Q_L1 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(obj.B_omega, w_1 * gamma_omega_12) + w_1_dot * gamma_omega_12 ); 
+            B_Q_L2 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(obj.B_omega, w_2 * gamma_omega_12) + w_2_dot * gamma_omega_12 ); 
+            B_Q_L3 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(obj.B_omega, w_3 * gamma_omega_03) + w_3_dot * gamma_omega_03 );
+            % Sum up the total change in angular momentum torque produced by each rotor
+            B_Q_L = B_Q_L0 + B_Q_L1 + B_Q_L2 + B_Q_L3;
+            % Define the total rotor system torque as the sum of the in-plane drag and
+            % induced torque, force lever arm torque, and change in angular momentum
+            % torques
+            B_Q = B_Q_d + B_Q_F + B_Q_L;
+            % Define the body forces in the z-direction from each vector to get the
+            % total body force in the z-direction
+            B_F = B_Fr + obj.B_Fg; 
+            % Determine the dynamics of the system
+            M = [m * I , -m * r_oc_X; 
+                zeros(3,3), J];
+            dynamics = M^-1*[B_F - m*cross(obj.B_omega,obj.B_vo) - m*cross(obj.B_omega,cross(obj.B_omega,r_oc)) ; ... 
+                      B_Q - cross(obj.B_omega,J*obj.B_omega) - cross(r_oc,B_F) ];
+            % Define the body frame angular velocities
+            B_vo_dot = dynamics(1:3);
+            % Define the body frame linear velocities
+            B_omega_dot = dynamics(4:6);
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/DroneControlSystem.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/DroneControlSystem.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..001f9cc40a134995a2260b8b26f9dffcd0b824b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/DroneControlSystem.m
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+% Implements the top level control block for the drone control system.
+% Implements a switch between a PID controller and the LQR controller.
+% Author: Austin Beinder
+classdef DroneControlSystem
+    properties
+        drone_pid_controller
+        signal_mixer
+        pmax
+        pmin
+        lqr_k
+    end
+    methods 
+        function obj = DroneControlSystem(drone_pid_controller, signal_mixer, pmax, pmin, lqr_k)
+            obj.drone_pid_controller = drone_pid_controller;
+            obj.signal_mixer = signal_mixer;
+            obj.pmax = pmax;
+            obj.pmin = pmin;
+            obj.lqr_k = lqr_k;
+            return;
+        end
+        % Equivalent to nextOutput in RealTimePIDController
+        function [P, controller] = nextOutputMainController(controller, setpoints, euler_angles_filtered, euler_rates, current_position, delta_t)
+            x_setpoint = setpoints(1);
+            y_setpoint = setpoints(2);
+            z_setpoint = setpoints(3);
+            yaw_setpoint = setpoints(4);
+            x_position = current_position(1);
+            y_position = current_position(2);
+            z_position = current_position(3);
+            roll = euler_angles_filtered(1);
+            pitch = euler_angles_filtered(2); % not super sure im getting these right
+            yaw = euler_angles_filtered(3);
+            roll_rate = euler_rates(1);
+            pitch_rate = euler_rates(2);
+            yaw_rate = euler_rates(3);
+            [heightControlled, y_controlled, x_controlled, yaw_controlled, controller.drone_pid_controller] = controller.drone_pid_controller.nextOutput(z_setpoint, z_position, y_setpoint, y_position, roll, roll_rate, ...
+                x_setpoint, x_position, pitch, pitch_rate, yaw_setpoint, yaw, yaw_rate, delta_t);
+            P = [heightControlled, y_controlled, x_controlled, yaw_controlled];
+        end
+        function [P, setpoint_error] = nextOutputErrorController(controller, setpoints, euler_angles_filtered, euler_rates, current_position, velocity)
+            vector1 = [velocity, euler_rates, euler_angles_filtered, current_position];
+            vector2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, setpoints(1), setpoints(2), setpoints(3), 0, 0, setpoints(4)];
+            setpoint_error = vector1 - vector2;
+            p1 = setpoint_error .* controller.lqr_k;
+            p2 = controller.saturation(p1, [20000, 20000, 20000, 20000], [-20000, -20000, -20000, -20000]);
+            P = -p2;
+        end
+        % Top level control system function, muxes between LQR controller
+        % and PID controller.
+        function [P, setpoint_error, controller] = nextOutput(controller, setpoints, euler_angles_filtered, euler_rates, current_position, velocity, throttle_command, y_controlled, x_controlled, yaw_controlled, lqr_switch, delta_t)
+            [p11, controller] = controller.nextOutputMainController(setpoints, euler_angles_filtered, euler_rates, current_position, delta_t); 
+            [p12, setpoint_error] = controller.nextOutputErrorController(setpoints, euler_angles_filtered, euler_rates, current_position, velocity);
+            if (lqr_switch == 1)
+                p2 = p11;
+            else
+                p2 = p12;
+            end
+            p3 = p2 * controller.signal_mixer;
+            external_inputs = [throttle_command, y_controlled, x_controlled, yaw_controlled];
+            p4 = p3 + external_inputs;
+            P = controller.saturation(p4, controller.pmax, controller.pmin);
+        end
+        % Mimics the saturation block in simulink
+        function output = saturation(~, input, upper, lower)
+            l = length(input);
+            output = zeros(1,l);
+            for i = 1:length(input)
+                if input(i) > upper
+                    output(i) = upper;
+                elseif input(i) < lower
+                    output(i) = lower;
+                else
+                    output(i) = input(i);
+                end    
+            end
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/DronePIDController.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/DronePIDController.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed3f45e1dd4c27f29a0aa7986544367902c57a4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/DronePIDController.m
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+% This class represents a code implementation of the previous block diagram
+% of the quadcopter PID controller. It uses several nested PID controllers
+% to achieve control of x, y, z and yaw.
+% Author: Austin Beinder
+classdef DronePIDController
+    properties
+        z_pid_controller
+        z_max
+        z_min
+        y_pid 
+        y_pid1
+        y_vel_pid
+        roll_pid
+        roll_rate_pid
+        y_max
+        y_min
+        x_pid
+        y_pid2
+        x_vel_pid
+        pitch_pid
+        pitch_rate_pid
+        x_max
+        x_min
+        yaw_pid
+        yaw_rate_pid
+        yaw_max
+        yaw_min
+    end
+    methods 
+        function obj = DronePIDController(z_pid, z_max, z_min, y_pid, y_pid1, y_vel_pid, roll_pid, roll_rate_pid, y_max, y_min, ...
+                x_pid, y_pid2, x_vel_pid, pitch_pid, pitch_rate_pid, x_max, x_min, yaw_pid, yaw_rate_pid, yaw_max, yaw_min)
+            obj.z_pid_controller = z_pid;
+            obj.z_max = z_max;
+            obj.z_min = z_min;
+            obj.y_pid = y_pid;
+            obj.y_pid1 = y_pid1;
+            obj.y_vel_pid = y_vel_pid;
+            obj.roll_pid = roll_pid;
+            obj.roll_rate_pid = roll_rate_pid;
+            obj.y_max = y_max;
+            obj.y_min = y_min;
+            obj.x_pid = x_pid;
+            obj.y_pid2 = y_pid2;
+            obj.x_vel_pid = x_vel_pid;
+            obj.pitch_pid = pitch_pid;
+            obj.pitch_rate_pid = pitch_rate_pid;
+            obj.x_max = x_max;
+            obj.x_min = x_min;
+            obj.yaw_pid = yaw_pid;
+            obj.yaw_rate_pid = yaw_rate_pid;
+            obj.yaw_max = yaw_max;
+            obj.yaw_min = yaw_min;
+            return;
+        end
+        % Equivalent to nextOutput in RealTimePIDController
+        function [heightControlled, y_controlled, x_controlled, yaw_controlled, controller] = nextOutput(controller, z_setpoint, z_position, y_setpoint, y_position, roll, roll_rate, ...
+                x_setpoint, x_position, pitch, pitch_rate, yaw_setpoint, yaw, yaw_rate, delta_t)
+            % ------------- Height Controller -----------
+            z_error = z_setpoint - z_position;
+            [z_output, controller.z_pid_controller] = controller.z_pid_controller.pi_minus_d(z_error, z_position, delta_t);
+            heightControlled = controller.saturation(z_output, controller.z_max, controller.z_min);
+            % -------------- Y Controller ---------
+            y_error = y_setpoint - y_position;
+            [y_output1, controller.y_pid] = controller.y_pid.pi_minus_d(y_error, y_position, delta_t);
+            [y_output2, controller.y_pid1] = controller.y_pid1.pi_minus_d(y_error, y_position, delta_t);
+            y_vel_error = y_output1 - y_output2;
+            [roll_setpoint, controller.y_vel_pid] = controller.y_vel_pid.pi_minus_d(y_vel_error, y_output2, delta_t);
+            roll_error = roll_setpoint - roll;
+            [roll_rate_setpoint, controller.roll_pid] = controller.roll_pid.pi_minus_d(roll_error, roll_setpoint, delta_t);
+            roll_rate_error = roll_rate_setpoint - roll_rate;
+            [y_motor_command, controller.roll_rate_pid] = controller.roll_rate_pid.pi_minus_d(roll_rate_error, roll_rate, delta_t);
+            y_controlled = controller.saturation(y_motor_command, controller.y_max, controller.y_min);
+            % --------------- X Controller ---------
+            x_error = x_setpoint - x_position;
+            [x_output1, controller.x_pid] = controller.x_pid.pi_minus_d(x_error, x_position, delta_t);
+            [x_output2, controller.y_pid2] = controller.y_pid2.pi_minus_d(x_error, x_position, delta_t);
+            x_vel_error = x_output1 - x_output2;
+            [pitch_setpoint, controller.x_vel_pid] = controller.x_vel_pid.pi_minus_d(x_vel_error, x_output2, delta_t);
+            pitch_error = pitch_setpoint - pitch;
+            [pitch_rate_setpoint, controller.pitch_pid] = controller.pitch_pid.pi_minus_d(pitch_error, pitch, delta_t);
+            pitch_rate_error = pitch_rate_setpoint - pitch_rate;
+            [x_motor_command, controller.pitch_rate_pid] = controller.pitch_rate_pid.pi_minus_d(pitch_rate_error, pitch_rate, delta_t);
+            x_controlled = controller.saturation(x_motor_command, controller.x_max, controller.y_max);
+            % --------------- Yaw Controller -------
+            yaw_error = yaw_setpoint - yaw;
+            [yaw_setpoint, controller.yaw_pid] = controller.yaw_pid.pi_minus_d(yaw_error, yaw, delta_t);
+            yaw_rate_error = yaw_setpoint - yaw_rate;
+            [yaw_motor_command, controller.yaw_rate_pid] = controller.yaw_rate_pid.pi_minus_d(yaw_rate_error, yaw_rate, delta_t);
+            yaw_controlled = controller.saturation(yaw_motor_command, controller.yaw_max, controller.yaw_min);
+        end
+        % Mimics the saturation block in simulink
+        function output = saturation(~, input, upper, lower)
+            if input > upper
+                output = upper;
+            elseif input < lower
+                output = lower;
+            else
+                output = input;
+            end
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/PIminusDController.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/PIminusDController.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..629867b3fb67469d6c35bc91bbbf383fa37d2e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/PIminusDController.m
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+classdef PIminusDController
+    properties
+        pi_controller
+        d_controller
+    end
+    methods 
+        function obj = PIminusDController(P, I, D, ts)
+            pi_c = RealTimePIDController(P, I, 0);
+            d_c = RealTimeDerivativeController(D);
+            obj.pi_controller = pi_c;
+            obj.d_controller = d_c;
+            return;
+        end
+        % Equivalent to nextOutput in RealTimePIDController
+        function [setpoint, controller] = pi_minus_d(controller, error, value, delta_t)
+            [output1, controller.pi_controller] = controller.pi_controller.nextOutput(error, delta_t);
+            [output2, controller.d_controller] = controller.d_controller.nextOutput(value, delta_t);
+            setpoint = output1 - output2;
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/RealTimeDerivativeController.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/RealTimeDerivativeController.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..592dce25dc302689df39200b4e04b32656de6d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/RealTimeDerivativeController.m
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+% This implements a D controller in the time domain. 
+% Author: Austin Beinder
+classdef RealTimeDerivativeController
+    properties
+        D {mustBeNumeric}
+        input_last {mustBeNumeric}
+    end
+    methods 
+        function obj = RealTimeDerivativeController(d)
+            obj.D = d;
+            obj.input_last = 0;
+        end
+        function [output, controller] = nextOutput(controller, input, delta_t)
+            difference = input - controller.input_last;
+            slope = difference / delta_t;
+            output = controller.D * slope;
+            controller.input_last = input;
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/RealTimePIDController.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/RealTimePIDController.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..18c78674e80c103b7c94d6477470557a02f1a976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Controller/RealTimePIDController.m
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% This implements a PID controller in the time domain. All equations are 
+% taken from the wikipedia "Discrete implementation" section.
+% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PID_controller#Discrete_implementation
+% Author: Austin Beinder
+classdef RealTimePIDController
+    properties
+        P {mustBeNumeric}
+        I {mustBeNumeric}
+        D {mustBeNumeric}
+        input_last {mustBeNumeric}
+        input_second_2last {mustBeNumeric}
+        output_last {mustBeNumeric}
+    end
+    methods 
+        function obj = RealTimePIDController(p, i, d)
+            obj.P = p;
+            obj.I = i;
+            obj.D = d;
+            obj.input_last = 0;
+            obj.input_second_2last = 0;
+            obj.output_last = 0;
+        end
+        function [output, pid] = nextOutput(pid, input, delta_t)
+            Ti = pid.P / pid.I;
+            Td = pid.D / pid.P;
+            term1 = (1 + (delta_t/Ti) + (Td/delta_t)) * input;
+            term2 = (-1 - (2*Td/delta_t)) * pid.input_last;
+            term3 = ((Td/delta_t)) * pid.input_second_2last;
+            output = pid.output_last + pid.P * (term1 + term2 + term3);
+            pid.input_last = input;
+            pid.input_second_2last = pid.input_last;
+            pid.output_last = output;
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Sensors/IMUModel.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Sensors/IMUModel.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcadf798442e5737d9ff7904ab77f6645331fca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Sensors/IMUModel.m
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+% Author: Austin Beinder
+classdef IMUModel
+    properties
+        accelerometer_sample_time
+        accelerometer_transfer_function
+        accelerometer_noise
+        gyroscope_sample_time
+        gyroscope_noise
+        gyroscope_transfer_function
+        accel_sampler_out
+        gyro_sampler_out
+        time
+        accelerometer_tf_state
+        gyroscope_tf_state
+        accel_tf_b
+        accel_tf_a
+        gyro_tf_b
+        gyro_tf_a
+    end
+    methods 
+        function obj = IMUModel(accelerometer_sample_time, ...
+                accelerometer_transfer_function, ...
+                accelerometer_noise, ...
+                gyroscope_sample_time, ...
+                gyroscope_noise, ...
+                gyroscope_transfer_function)
+            obj.accelerometer_sample_time = accelerometer_sample_time;
+            obj.accelerometer_transfer_function = accelerometer_transfer_function;
+            obj.accelerometer_noise = accelerometer_noise;
+            obj.gyroscope_sample_time = gyroscope_sample_time;
+            obj.gyroscope_noise = gyroscope_noise;
+            obj.gyroscope_transfer_function = gyroscope_transfer_function;
+            obj.time = 0;
+            obj.accel_sampler_out = zeros(1, 3);
+            obj.gyro_sampler_out = zeros(1, 3);
+            obj.accelerometer_tf_state = 0;
+            obj.gyroscope_tf_state = 0;
+            obj.accel_tf_b = [0.749 0];
+            obj.accel_tf_a = [-0.251 1];
+            obj.gyro_tf_b = [0.7327 0];
+            obj.gyro_tf_a = [-0.2673 1];
+        end
+        function [accelerometer, gyroscope, imu] = nextOutput(imu, B_vo_dot, B_vo, B_Omega, B_g, g, r_oc, delta_t)
+            [accelReading, gyroReading] = IdealIMU(B_vo_dot, B_vo, B_Omega, B_g, g, r_oc);
+            [imu.accel_sampler_out, imu] = imu.sampler(imu.accelerometer_sample_time, accelReading, imu.accel_sampler_out, delta_t);
+            [imu.gyro_sampler_out, imu] = imu.sampler(imu.gyroscope_sample_time, gyroReading, imu.accel_sampler_out, delta_t);
+            noisy_accel = imu.accel_sampler_out + mvnrnd([0,0,0],imu.accelerometer_noise);
+            noisy_gyro = imu.gyro_sampler_out + mvnrnd([0,0,0],imu.gyroscope_noise);
+            [filtered_accel, imu.accelerometer_tf_state] = filter(imu.accel_tf_b, imu.accel_tf_a, noisy_accel, imu.accelerometer_tf_state);
+            [filtered_gyro, imu.gyroscope_tf_state] = filter(imu.gyro_tf_b, imu.gyro_tf_a, noisy_gyro, imu.gyroscope_tf_state);
+            accelerometer = quantization(2.4400e-04, filtered_accel);
+            gyroscope = quantization(1.1e-3, filtered_gyro);
+        end
+        function [output, imu] = sampler(imu, sample_rate, input_vector, current_output, delta_t)
+            new_time = imu.time + delta_t;
+            if (new_time > sample_rate)
+                imu.time = new_time - sample_rate;
+                output = input_vector;
+            else
+                imu.time = new_time;
+                output = current_output;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+function output = quantization(quantization_rate, input_vector)
+    output = zeros(1, length(input_vector));
+    for i = 1:length(input_vector)
+        output(i) = quantization_rate * ...
+            round(input_vector(i) / quantization_rate);
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Sensors/IdealIMU.m b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Sensors/IdealIMU.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95942b60b9f4782c6b1c7823216a653c0e4e696d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/CodeImplementation/Sensors/IdealIMU.m
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+function [accelReading, gyroReading] = idealIMU(B_vo_dot, B_vo, B_Omega, B_g, g, r_oc)
+a = B_vo_dot + cross(B_Omega,B_vo); % body frame acceleration 
+accelReading = (a - B_g)/g ; % accelerometer reading (ideal)
+gyroReading = B_Omega ; % gyroscope reading (ideal) 
diff --git a/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model.slx b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model.slx
index e7f7ad3500d97b1b851d355dcadb8fac2467ade9..e8fd2b1a76aa34aae81204a7e998878e589df4fc 100644
Binary files a/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model.slx and b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model.slx differ
diff --git a/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model.slx.r2017a b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model.slx.r2017a
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e7f7ad3500d97b1b851d355dcadb8fac2467ade9
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model.slx.r2017a differ
diff --git a/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model.slx.r2021b b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model.slx.r2021b
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a308ba90647370bac0b5dee839b1a2dd1bdcdb60
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model.slx.r2021b differ
diff --git a/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model.slxc b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model.slxc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21a4d48913aafef81fd80f84395e43d80faed857
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model.slxc differ
diff --git a/controls/model/SFB__actuation_mat__SFB.mat b/controls/model/SFB__actuation_mat__SFB.mat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0855aaaa0e0b2e26af70e2d26f273bc88797b15a
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/model/SFB__actuation_mat__SFB.mat differ
diff --git a/controls/model/Testing/Actuation_Tests/ESC_Test.m b/controls/model/Testing/Actuation_Tests/ESC_Test.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..83df53c107bff1c6edfa2f16d6990e832ece26b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/Testing/Actuation_Tests/ESC_Test.m
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+%Test Script for the ESC in Actuation
+%Created by Gautham Ajith
+P = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 2];
+ESC_Block = ESC_System(P);
diff --git a/controls/model/Testing/drone_control_system_test.m b/controls/model/Testing/drone_control_system_test.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57a602a67499a3f6eea8d4de520676b469dfe099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/Testing/drone_control_system_test.m
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+% A test script intended to demo the functionality of DroneControlSystem.m
+% I don't have a good drone plant model yet so all this does is check to
+% see if everything compiles correctly.
+% Author: Austin Beinder
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+z_controller = PIminusDController(-0.098040, -0.00817, -0.07353, 0.1); % currently not using alpha
+z_max = 20000;
+z_min = -20000;
+y_pid = PIminusDController(0.55, 0.0075, 0, 0.1);
+y_pid1 = PIminusDController(0, 0, -1, 0.1);
+y_vel_pid = PIminusDController(0.1, 0, 0.02, 0.1);
+roll_pid = PIminusDController(35, 0, 1, 0.1);
+roll_rate_pid = PIminusDController(0.03, 0, 0.005, 0.1);
+y_max = 20000;
+y_min = -20000;
+x_pid = PIminusDController(0.55, 0.0075, 0, 0.1);
+y_pid2 = PIminusDController(0, 0, -1, 0.1);
+x_vel_pid = PIminusDController(-0.1, 0, -0.02, 0.1);
+pitch_pid = PIminusDController(35, 0, 1, 0.1);
+pitch_rate_pid = PIminusDController(0.03, 0, 0.005, 0.1);
+x_max = 20000;
+x_min = -20000;
+yaw_pid = PIminusDController(2.6, 0, 0, 0.1);
+yaw_rate_pid = PIminusDController(0.297, 0, 0, 0.1);
+yaw_max = 20000;
+yaw_min = -20000;
+drone_controller = DronePIDController(z_controller, z_max, z_min, y_pid, y_pid1, y_vel_pid, roll_pid, roll_rate_pid, y_max, y_min, ...
+                x_pid, y_pid2, x_vel_pid, pitch_pid, pitch_rate_pid, x_max, x_min, yaw_pid, yaw_rate_pid, yaw_max, yaw_min);
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Model Parameters
+    m = 1.216;                          % Quadrotor + battery mass
+    g = 9.81;                           % Acceleration of gravity
+    Jxx = 0.0110;%0.0130;               % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bx (pitch)
+    Jyy = 0.0116;%0.0140;               % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around by (roll)
+    Jzz = 0.0223;%0.0285;               % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bz (yaw)
+    J = diag([ Jxx Jyy Jzz ]);
+    Jreq = 4.2012e-05;                  % Rotor and motor moment of inertia around axis of rotation 
+    Kt = 1.2007e-05;                    % Rotor thrust constant
+    delta_T = [ 0,  0,  9.404e-04 ];    % Thrust constant adjustment factor
+    Kh = 3.4574e-04;                    % Rotor in-plane drag constant
+    Kd = 1.4852e-07;                    % Rotor drag constant
+    rhx = 0.16;                         % X-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
+    rhy = 0.16;                         % Y-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
+    rhz = 0.03;                         % Z-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
+    r_oc = [0; 0; 0];                   % Vector from origin to center of mass
+    Rm = 0.235;                         % Motor resistance
+    Kq = 96.3422;                       % Motor torque constant
+    Kv = 96.3422;                       % Motor back emf constant
+    If = 0.3836;                        % Motor internal friction current
+    Pmin = 0;                           % Minimum zybo output duty cycle command
+    Pmax = 1;                           % Maximum zybo output duty cycle command
+    Tc = 0.01;%0.04;                          % Camera system sampling period
+    Tq = 0.005;                         % Quad sampling period
+    tau_c = 0;                          % Camera system total latency
+    Vb = 12.3;                          % Nominal battery voltage (V)
+% Signal mixer using rotor layout
+% 1 2
+% 3 4
+signal_mixer = [ 1, -1, -1, -1 
+                 1, -1,  1,  1
+                 1,  1, -1,  1
+                 1,  1,  1, -1 ];
+% Linearize model, load preferred weight set, and build LQR model
+[ssA, ssB] = linearization(m, g, Kt, Kh, Kd, delta_T(3), rhx, rhy, rhz, J, Jreq, Vb, Rm, Kv, Kq, If, signal_mixer);
+% Set control period to equal period of camera system
+T_LQR = Tc;
+[lqr_K, lqr_S, lqr_E] = initial_lqr(ssA, ssB, state_weights, command_weights, T_LQR);
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+controller = DroneControlSystem(drone_controller, signal_mixer, 1, 0, lqr_K);
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+err = 0;
+desired = 10;
+value = 0;
+value2 = 0;
+value3 = 0;
+y_setpoint = 0; 
+y_position = 0;  
+roll = 0; 
+roll_rate = 0; 
+x_setpoint  = 0; 
+x_position  = 0; 
+pitch = 0; 
+pitch_rate = 0; 
+yaw_setpoint  = 0; 
+yaw = 0; 
+yaw_rate = 0; 
+arr = zeros(100);
+arr2 = zeros(100);
+arr3 = zeros(100);
+delta_t = 0.2;
+euler_angles_filtered = zeros(1,3);
+euler_rates = zeros(1,3);
+current_position = [0, 0, 0];
+velocity = zeros(1,3);
+throttle_command = 0; 
+y_controlled = 0;
+x_controlled = 0;
+yaw_controlled = 0; 
+lqr_switch = 1;
+setpoints = [0, 0, 0, 0];
+delta_t = 1;
+for a = 1:100
+    % todo honestly you need something to pretend to be a drone here
+    [P, setpoint_error, controller] = controller.nextOutput(setpoints, euler_angles_filtered, euler_rates, current_position, velocity, throttle_command, y_controlled, x_controlled, yaw_controlled, lqr_switch, delta_t);
diff --git a/controls/model/Testing/drone_gamepad_test.m b/controls/model/Testing/drone_gamepad_test.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6096a2e7013b7edd7f4f39c90c276b12abfd5812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/Testing/drone_gamepad_test.m
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+% This script offers a demo of how to use the drone_gamepad_input 
+% function and plots the yaw, elevation, x and y position.
+% Essentially, it just integrates the x and y joystick positions.
+% Intended for the Logitech F310 controllers found in the MicroCart and
+% 476 room.
+e = 0;
+yaw = 0;
+xa = 0;
+y = 0;
+gamepad = vrjoystick(1);
+T = 500;
+passo = 1;
+while 1
+    position = drone_gamepad_input(yaw, e, y, xa, gamepad);
+    yaw = position(1)
+    e = position(2)
+    y = position(3)
+    xa = position(4)
+    x1=[x1,yaw];
+    plot(x1);
+    hold on
+    x2=[x2,e];
+    plot(x2);
+    x3=[x3,y];
+    plot(x3);
+    x4=[x4,xa];
+    plot(x4);
+    hold off
+    %pay attention to this command %
+    axis([T*fix(t/T),T+T*fix(t/T),-15,15]); 
+    grid
+    t=t+passo;
+    drawnow;
+    tic(); pause(0.1); toc()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/model/Testing/drone_pid_test.m b/controls/model/Testing/drone_pid_test.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b4efbcbed0ad7a387203fd78be927ab516c01614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/Testing/drone_pid_test.m
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+% A test script intended to demo the functionality of DronePIDController.m
+% Author: Austin Beinder
+z_controller = PIminusDController(-0.098040, -0.00817, -0.07353, 0.1); % currently not using alpha
+z_max = 20000;
+z_min = -20000;
+y_pid = PIminusDController(0.55, 0.0075, 0, 0.1);
+y_pid1 = PIminusDController(0, 0, -1, 0.1);
+y_vel_pid = PIminusDController(0.1, 0, 0.02, 0.1);
+roll_pid = PIminusDController(35, 0, 1, 0.1);
+roll_rate_pid = PIminusDController(0.03, 0, 0.005, 0.1);
+y_max = 20000;
+y_min = -20000;
+x_pid = PIminusDController(0.55, 0.0075, 0, 0.1);
+y_pid2 = PIminusDController(0, 0, -1, 0.1);
+x_vel_pid = PIminusDController(-0.1, 0, -0.02, 0.1);
+pitch_pid = PIminusDController(35, 0, 1, 0.1);
+pitch_rate_pid = PIminusDController(0.03, 0, 0.005, 0.1);
+x_max = 20000;
+x_min = -20000;
+yaw_pid = PIminusDController(2.6, 0, 0, 0.1);
+yaw_rate_pid = PIminusDController(0.297, 0, 0, 0.1);
+yaw_max = 20000;
+yaw_min = -20000;
+drone_controller = DronePIDController(z_controller, z_max, z_min, y_pid, y_pid1, y_vel_pid, roll_pid, roll_rate_pid, y_max, y_min, ...
+                x_pid, y_pid2, x_vel_pid, pitch_pid, pitch_rate_pid, x_max, x_min, yaw_pid, yaw_rate_pid, yaw_max, yaw_min);
+err = 0;
+desired = 10;
+value = 0;
+value2 = 0;
+value3 = 0;
+y_setpoint = 0; 
+y_position = 0;  
+roll = 0; 
+roll_rate = 0; 
+x_setpoint  = 0; 
+x_position  = 0; 
+pitch = 0; 
+pitch_rate = 0; 
+yaw_setpoint  = 0; 
+yaw = 0; 
+yaw_rate = 0; 
+arr = zeros(100);
+arr2 = zeros(100);
+arr3 = zeros(100);
+delta_t = 0.2;
+for a = 1:100
+    err = desired - value;
+    value3 = value2;
+    [value2, y_controlled, x_controlled, yaw_controlled, drone_controller] = drone_controller.nextOutput(desired, value, ...
+        y_setpoint, y_position, roll, roll_rate, ...
+                x_setpoint, x_position, pitch, pitch_rate, yaw_setpoint, yaw, yaw_rate, delta_t);
+    value = value + value2*delta_t;
+    arr(a) = value;
+    arr2(a) = err;
+    arr3(a) = value2;
+hold on
+hold off
+legend('output', 'error')
diff --git a/controls/model/Testing/imu_model_test.m b/controls/model/Testing/imu_model_test.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e79729bfa444d7c0ccdfbd81faa1fd6da027a7a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/Testing/imu_model_test.m
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+% A test script intended to demo the functionality of RealTimePIDController.m
+% Author: Austin Beinder
+accelerometer_sample_time = 0.1
+accelerometer_transfer_function = 0;
+accelerometer_noise = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01];
+gyroscope_sample_time = 0.1;
+gyroscope_noise = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01];
+gyroscope_transfer_function = 0;
+imu_model = IMUModel(accelerometer_sample_time, ...
+                accelerometer_transfer_function, ...
+                accelerometer_noise, ...
+                gyroscope_sample_time, ...
+                gyroscope_noise, ...
+                gyroscope_transfer_function);
+B_vo_dot = 0.1;
+B_vo = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1];
+B_Omega = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1];
+B_g = 0.1;
+g = 0.1;
+r_oc = 0.1;
+arr = zeros(3, 1000);
+arr2 = zeros(3, 1000);
+arr3 = zeros(3, 1000);
+delta_t = 0.1;
+for a = 1:1000
+    [value, value2, pid1] = imu_model.nextOutput(B_vo_dot, B_vo, B_Omega, B_g, g, r_oc, delta_t);
+    arr(:,a) = value;
+    arr3(:,a) = value2;
+hold on
+hold off
+legend('actuator','error', 'output')
diff --git a/controls/model/Testing/pi_minus_d_test.m b/controls/model/Testing/pi_minus_d_test.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f9d37b5bb178d20a974ccef944958ac3e968137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/Testing/pi_minus_d_test.m
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+% A test script intended to demo the functionality of PIminusDController.m
+% Author: Austin Beinder
+piminusd = PIminusDController(2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1);
+%pi_c = pid(1, 1, 0, 0, 0.1)
+err = 10;
+desired = 10;
+value = 3;
+value2 = 0;
+value3 = 0;
+arr = zeros(100);
+arr2 = zeros(100);
+arr3 = zeros(100);
+delta_t = 0.2;
+for a = 1:100
+    err = desired - value;
+    [value2, piminusd] = piminusd.pi_minus_d(err, value, delta_t);
+    value = value + value2*delta_t;
+    arr(a) = value2;
+    arr2(a) = err;
+    arr3(a) = value;
+hold on
+hold off
+legend('actuator','error', 'output')
diff --git a/controls/model/Testing/real_time_d_test.m b/controls/model/Testing/real_time_d_test.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c8b5f47f1f285367a4befc4f5747a06cf251dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/Testing/real_time_d_test.m
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+% A test script intended to demo the functionality of RealTimeDerivativeController.m
+% Author: Austin Beinder
+pid1 = RealTimeDerivativeController(0.1);
+err = 10;
+desired = 10;
+value = 3;
+value2 = 0;
+arr = zeros(100);
+arr2 = zeros(100);
+arr3 = zeros(100);
+delta_t = 0.01;
+for a = 1:100
+    err = desired - value2;
+    [value, pid1] = pid1.nextOutput(err, delta_t);
+    value2 = value2 + value*delta_t;
+    arr(a) = value;
+    arr2(a) = err;
+    arr3(a) = value2;
+hold on
+hold off
+legend('actuator','error', 'output')
diff --git a/controls/model/Testing/real_time_pid_test.m b/controls/model/Testing/real_time_pid_test.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..461adf16d4689f75f372b22d86ecfeb3658b83bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/Testing/real_time_pid_test.m
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+% A test script intended to demo the functionality of RealTimePIDController.m
+% Author: Austin Beinder
+pid1 = RealTimePIDController(0.1, 0.1, 0.01);
+%pi_c = pid(1, 1, 0, 0, 0.1)
+err = 10;
+desired = 10;
+value = 3;
+value2 = 0;
+arr = zeros(1000);
+arr2 = zeros(1000);
+arr3 = zeros(1000);
+delta_t = 0.1;
+for a = 1:1000
+    err = desired - value2;
+    [value, pid1] = pid1.nextOutput(err, delta_t);
+    value2 = value2 + value*delta_t;
+    arr(a) = value;
+    arr2(a) = err;
+    arr3(a) = value2;
+hold on
+hold off
+legend('actuator','error', 'output')
diff --git a/controls/model/Testing/test_drone_gamepad_input.asv b/controls/model/Testing/test_drone_gamepad_input.asv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7dc0a55b9b37ceb8d526b6c1d27ad932feb9450c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/Testing/test_drone_gamepad_input.asv
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+e = 0;
+yaw = 0;
+x = 0;
+y = 0;
+gamepad = vrjoystick(1);
+while 1
+T = 500;
+passo = 1;
+while 1
+    position = drone_gamepad_input(y, e, y, x, gamepad);
+    yaw = position(1)
+    e = position(2)
+    y = position(3)
+    x = position(4)
+    b=
+    x=[x,b];
+    plot(x);
+    hold on
+    %pay attention to this command %
+    axis([T*fix(t/T),T+T*fix(t/T),0,1024]); 
+    grid
+    t=t+passo;
+    drawnow;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/model/actuation_mat.c b/controls/model/actuation_mat.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..580989ad10b6f43ed2b04e422a4d7383c0fcabb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/actuation_mat.c
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+ * File: actuation_mat.c
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *   This file is an S-function produced by the S-Function
+ *   Builder which only recognizes certain fields.  Changes made
+ *   outside these fields will be lost the next time the block is
+ *   used to load, edit, and resave this file. This file will be overwritten
+ *   by the S-function Builder block. If you want to edit this file by hand,
+ *   you must change it only in the area defined as:
+ *
+ *        %%%-SFUNWIZ_defines_Changes_BEGIN
+ *        #define NAME 'replacement text'
+ *        %%% SFUNWIZ_defines_Changes_END
+ *
+ *   DO NOT change NAME--Change the 'replacement text' only.
+ *
+ *   For better compatibility with the Simulink Coder, the
+ *   "wrapper" S-function technique is used.  This is discussed
+ *   in the Simulink Coder's Manual in the Chapter titled,
+ *   "Wrapper S-functions".
+ *
+ *  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * | See matlabroot/simulink/src/sfuntmpl_doc.c for a more detailed template |
+ *  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Created: Mon Oct 31 17:30:02 2022
+ */
+#define S_FUNCTION_LEVEL               2
+#define S_FUNCTION_NAME                actuation_mat
+/* %%%-SFUNWIZ_defines_Changes_BEGIN --- EDIT HERE TO _END */
+#define NUM_INPUTS                     1
+/* Input Port  0 */
+#define IN_PORT_0_NAME                 P
+#define INPUT_0_DIMS_ND                {1,1}
+#define INPUT_0_NUM_ELEMS              1
+#define INPUT_0_WIDTH                  1
+#define INPUT_DIMS_0_COL               1
+#define INPUT_0_DTYPE                  real_T
+#define INPUT_0_COMPLEX                COMPLEX_NO
+#define IN_0_BUS_BASED                 0
+#define IN_0_BUS_NAME
+#define IN_0_DIMS                      1-D
+#define INPUT_0_FEEDTHROUGH            1
+#define IN_0_ISSIGNED                  0
+#define IN_0_WORDLENGTH                8
+#define IN_0_FIXPOINTSCALING           1
+#define IN_0_FRACTIONLENGTH            9
+#define IN_0_BIAS                      0
+#define IN_0_SLOPE                     0.125
+#define NUM_OUTPUTS                    6
+/* Output Port  0 */
+#define OUT_PORT_0_NAME                B_omega
+#define OUTPUT_0_DIMS_ND               {1,1}
+#define OUTPUT_0_NUM_ELEMS             1
+#define OUTPUT_0_WIDTH                 1
+#define OUTPUT_DIMS_0_COL              1
+#define OUTPUT_0_DTYPE                 real_T
+#define OUTPUT_0_COMPLEX               COMPLEX_NO
+#define OUT_0_BUS_BASED                0
+#define OUT_0_BUS_NAME
+#define OUT_0_DIMS                     1-D
+#define OUT_0_ISSIGNED                 1
+#define OUT_0_WORDLENGTH               8
+#define OUT_0_FIXPOINTSCALING          1
+#define OUT_0_FRACTIONLENGTH           3
+#define OUT_0_BIAS                     0
+#define OUT_0_SLOPE                    0.125
+/* Output Port  1 */
+#define OUT_PORT_1_NAME                euler_angles
+#define OUTPUT_1_DIMS_ND               {1,1}
+#define OUTPUT_1_NUM_ELEMS             1
+#define OUTPUT_1_WIDTH                 1
+#define OUTPUT_DIMS_1_COL              1
+#define OUTPUT_1_DTYPE                 real_T
+#define OUTPUT_1_COMPLEX               COMPLEX_NO
+#define OUT_1_BUS_BASED                0
+#define OUT_1_BUS_NAME
+#define OUT_1_DIMS                     1-D
+#define OUT_1_ISSIGNED                 1
+#define OUT_1_WORDLENGTH               8
+#define OUT_1_FIXPOINTSCALING          1
+#define OUT_1_FRACTIONLENGTH           3
+#define OUT_1_BIAS                     0
+#define OUT_1_SLOPE                    0.125
+/* Output Port  2 */
+#define OUT_PORT_2_NAME                B_vo
+#define OUTPUT_2_DIMS_ND               {1,1}
+#define OUTPUT_2_NUM_ELEMS             1
+#define OUTPUT_2_WIDTH                 1
+#define OUTPUT_DIMS_2_COL              1
+#define OUTPUT_2_DTYPE                 real_T
+#define OUTPUT_2_COMPLEX               COMPLEX_NO
+#define OUT_2_BUS_BASED                0
+#define OUT_2_BUS_NAME
+#define OUT_2_DIMS                     1-D
+#define OUT_2_ISSIGNED                 1
+#define OUT_2_WORDLENGTH               8
+#define OUT_2_FIXPOINTSCALING          1
+#define OUT_2_FRACTIONLENGTH           3
+#define OUT_2_BIAS                     0
+#define OUT_2_SLOPE                    0.125
+/* Output Port  3 */
+#define OUT_PORT_3_NAME                E_ro
+#define OUTPUT_3_DIMS_ND               {1,1}
+#define OUTPUT_3_NUM_ELEMS             1
+#define OUTPUT_3_WIDTH                 1
+#define OUTPUT_DIMS_3_COL              1
+#define OUTPUT_3_DTYPE                 real_T
+#define OUTPUT_3_COMPLEX               COMPLEX_NO
+#define OUT_3_BUS_BASED                0
+#define OUT_3_BUS_NAME
+#define OUT_3_DIMS                     1-D
+#define OUT_3_ISSIGNED                 1
+#define OUT_3_WORDLENGTH               8
+#define OUT_3_FIXPOINTSCALING          1
+#define OUT_3_FRACTIONLENGTH           3
+#define OUT_3_BIAS                     0
+#define OUT_3_SLOPE                    0.125
+/* Output Port  4 */
+#define OUT_PORT_4_NAME                B_vo_dot
+#define OUTPUT_4_DIMS_ND               {1,1}
+#define OUTPUT_4_NUM_ELEMS             1
+#define OUTPUT_4_WIDTH                 1
+#define OUTPUT_DIMS_4_COL              1
+#define OUTPUT_4_DTYPE                 real_T
+#define OUTPUT_4_COMPLEX               COMPLEX_NO
+#define OUT_4_BUS_BASED                0
+#define OUT_4_BUS_NAME
+#define OUT_4_DIMS                     1-D
+#define OUT_4_ISSIGNED                 1
+#define OUT_4_WORDLENGTH               8
+#define OUT_4_FIXPOINTSCALING          1
+#define OUT_4_FRACTIONLENGTH           3
+#define OUT_4_BIAS                     0
+#define OUT_4_SLOPE                    0.125
+/* Output Port  5 */
+#define OUT_PORT_5_NAME                B_g
+#define OUTPUT_5_DIMS_ND               {1,1}
+#define OUTPUT_5_NUM_ELEMS             1
+#define OUTPUT_5_WIDTH                 1
+#define OUTPUT_DIMS_5_COL              1
+#define OUTPUT_5_DTYPE                 real_T
+#define OUTPUT_5_COMPLEX               COMPLEX_NO
+#define OUT_5_BUS_BASED                0
+#define OUT_5_BUS_NAME
+#define OUT_5_DIMS                     1-D
+#define OUT_5_ISSIGNED                 1
+#define OUT_5_WORDLENGTH               8
+#define OUT_5_FIXPOINTSCALING          1
+#define OUT_5_FRACTIONLENGTH           3
+#define OUT_5_BIAS                     0
+#define OUT_5_SLOPE                    0.125
+#define NPARAMS                        0
+#define SAMPLE_TIME_0                  INHERITED_SAMPLE_TIME
+#define NUM_DISC_STATES                0
+#define DISC_STATES_IC                 [0]
+#define NUM_CONT_STATES                0
+#define CONT_STATES_IC                 [0]
+#define SFUNWIZ_GENERATE_TLC           1
+#define SOURCEFILES                    "__SFB__"
+#define PANELINDEX                     N/A
+#define USE_SIMSTRUCT                  0
+#define SHOW_COMPILE_STEPS             0
+#define CREATE_DEBUG_MEXFILE           0
+#define SAVE_CODE_ONLY                 1
+#define SFUNWIZ_REVISION               3.0
+/* %%%-SFUNWIZ_defines_Changes_END --- EDIT HERE TO _BEGIN */
+#include "simstruc.h"
+extern void actuation_mat_Outputs_wrapper(const real_T *P,
+  real_T *B_omega,
+  real_T *euler_angles,
+  real_T *B_vo,
+  real_T *E_ro,
+  real_T *B_vo_dot,
+  real_T *B_g);
+ * S-function methods *
+ *====================*/
+/* Function: mdlInitializeSizes ===============================================
+ * Abstract:
+ *   Setup sizes of the various vectors.
+ */
+static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S)
+  DECL_AND_INIT_DIMSINFO(outputDimsInfo);
+  ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, NPARAMS);
+  if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) {
+    return;                            /* Parameter mismatch will be reported by Simulink */
+  }
+  ssSetArrayLayoutForCodeGen(S, SS_COLUMN_MAJOR);
+  ssSetOperatingPointCompliance(S, USE_DEFAULT_OPERATING_POINT);
+  ssSetNumContStates(S, NUM_CONT_STATES);
+  ssSetNumDiscStates(S, NUM_DISC_STATES);
+  if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, NUM_INPUTS))
+    return;
+  /* Input Port 0 */
+  ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 0, INPUT_0_NUM_ELEMS);
+  ssSetInputPortDataType(S, 0, SS_DOUBLE);
+  ssSetInputPortComplexSignal(S, 0, INPUT_0_COMPLEX);
+  ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, INPUT_0_FEEDTHROUGH);
+  ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 0, 1);/*direct input signal access*/
+  if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S, NUM_OUTPUTS))
+    return;
+  /* Output Port 0 */
+  ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 0, OUTPUT_0_NUM_ELEMS);
+  ssSetOutputPortDataType(S, 0, SS_DOUBLE);
+  ssSetOutputPortComplexSignal(S, 0, OUTPUT_0_COMPLEX);
+  /* Output Port 1 */
+  ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 1, OUTPUT_1_NUM_ELEMS);
+  ssSetOutputPortDataType(S, 1, SS_DOUBLE);
+  ssSetOutputPortComplexSignal(S, 1, OUTPUT_1_COMPLEX);
+  /* Output Port 2 */
+  ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 2, OUTPUT_2_NUM_ELEMS);
+  ssSetOutputPortDataType(S, 2, SS_DOUBLE);
+  ssSetOutputPortComplexSignal(S, 2, OUTPUT_2_COMPLEX);
+  /* Output Port 3 */
+  ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 3, OUTPUT_3_NUM_ELEMS);
+  ssSetOutputPortDataType(S, 3, SS_DOUBLE);
+  ssSetOutputPortComplexSignal(S, 3, OUTPUT_3_COMPLEX);
+  /* Output Port 4 */
+  ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 4, OUTPUT_4_NUM_ELEMS);
+  ssSetOutputPortDataType(S, 4, SS_DOUBLE);
+  ssSetOutputPortComplexSignal(S, 4, OUTPUT_4_COMPLEX);
+  /* Output Port 5 */
+  ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 5, OUTPUT_5_NUM_ELEMS);
+  ssSetOutputPortDataType(S, 5, SS_DOUBLE);
+  ssSetOutputPortComplexSignal(S, 5, OUTPUT_5_COMPLEX);
+  ssSetNumPWork(S, 0);
+  ssSetNumSampleTimes(S, 1);
+  ssSetNumRWork(S, 0);
+  ssSetNumIWork(S, 0);
+  ssSetNumModes(S, 0);
+  ssSetNumNonsampledZCs(S, 0);
+  ssSetSimulinkVersionGeneratedIn(S, "10.6");
+  /* Take care when specifying exception free code - see sfuntmpl_doc.c */
+                   SS_OPTION_WORKS_WITH_CODE_REUSE));
+#if defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE)
+static void mdlSetInputPortDimensionInfo(SimStruct *S,
+  int_T port,
+  const DimsInfo_T *dimsInfo)
+  if (!ssSetInputPortDimensionInfo(S, port, dimsInfo))
+    return;
+static void mdlSetOutputPortDimensionInfo(SimStruct *S,
+  int_T port,
+  const DimsInfo_T *dimsInfo)
+  if (!ssSetOutputPortDimensionInfo(S, port, dimsInfo))
+    return;
+/* Function: mdlInitializeSampleTimes =========================================
+ * Abstract:
+ *    Specifiy  the sample time.
+ */
+static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S)
+  ssSetSampleTime(S, 0, SAMPLE_TIME_0);
+  ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeDefaultInheritance(S);
+  ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0);
+static void mdlSetInputPortDataType(SimStruct *S, int port, DTypeId dType)
+  ssSetInputPortDataType(S, 0, dType);
+static void mdlSetOutputPortDataType(SimStruct *S, int port, DTypeId dType)
+  ssSetOutputPortDataType(S, 0, dType);
+static void mdlSetDefaultPortDataTypes(SimStruct *S)
+  ssSetInputPortDataType(S, 0, SS_DOUBLE);
+  ssSetOutputPortDataType(S, 0, SS_DOUBLE);
+#define MDL_START                                                /* Change to #undef to remove function */
+#if defined(MDL_START)
+/* Function: mdlStart =======================================================
+ * Abstract:
+ *    This function is called once at start of model execution. If you
+ *    have states that should be initialized once, this is the place
+ *    to do it.
+ */
+static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
+#endif                                 /*  MDL_START */
+/* Function: mdlOutputs =======================================================
+ *
+ */
+static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
+  const real_T *P = (real_T *) ssGetInputPortRealSignal(S, 0);
+  real_T *B_omega = (real_T *) ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S, 0);
+  real_T *euler_angles = (real_T *) ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S, 1);
+  real_T *B_vo = (real_T *) ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S, 2);
+  real_T *E_ro = (real_T *) ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S, 3);
+  real_T *B_vo_dot = (real_T *) ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S, 4);
+  real_T *B_g = (real_T *) ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S, 5);
+  actuation_mat_Outputs_wrapper(P, B_omega, euler_angles, B_vo, E_ro, B_vo_dot,
+    B_g);
+/* Function: mdlTerminate =====================================================
+ * Abstract:
+ *    In this function, you should perform any actions that are necessary
+ *    at the termination of a simulation.  For example, if memory was
+ *    allocated in mdlStart, this is the place to free it.
+ */
+static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
+#ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE                 /* Is this file being compiled as a MEX-file? */
+#include "simulink.c"                  /* MEX-file interface mechanism */
+#include "cg_sfun.h"                   /* Code generation registration function */
diff --git a/controls/model/actuation_mat.tlc b/controls/model/actuation_mat.tlc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..854e66fe37d763f508130e93ad2ea855617bb77f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/actuation_mat.tlc
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+%% File : actuation_mat.tlc
+%% Created : Mon Oct 31 17:30:02 2022
+%% Description: 
+%%   Simulink Coder wrapper functions interface generated for 
+%%   S-function "actuation_mat.c".
+%%         File generated by S-function Builder Block
+%%   For more information on using the Target Language with the 
+%%   Simulink Coder, see the Target Language Compiler manual
+%%   (under Simulink Coder) in the "Inlining S-Functions"
+%%   chapter under the section and subsection:
+%%     "Writing Block Target Files to Inline S-Functions",
+%%        "Function-Based or Wrappered Code".
+%implements  actuation_mat "C"
+%% Function: BlockTypeSetup ===================================================
+%% Purpose:
+%%      Set up external references for wrapper functions in the 
+%%      generated code.
+%function BlockTypeSetup(block, system) Output
+    %assign realType = LibGetDataTypeNameFromId(::CompiledModel.tSS_DOUBLE)
+  %if IsModelReferenceSimTarget() || CodeFormat == "S-Function" || ::isRAccel
+    %assign hFileName = "actuation_mat_accel_wrapper"
+    %assign hFileNameMacro = FEVAL("upper", hFileName)
+    %openfile hFile = "%<hFileName>.h"
+    %selectfile hFile
+    #ifndef _%<hFileNameMacro>_H_
+    #define _%<hFileNameMacro>_H_
+    #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE
+    #include "tmwtypes.h"
+    #else
+    #include "rtwtypes.h"
+    #endif
+    #ifdef __cplusplus
+    #define SFB_EXTERN_C extern "C"
+    #else
+    #define SFB_EXTERN_C extern
+    #endif
+    SFB_EXTERN_C void actuation_mat_Outputs_wrapper_accel(const %<realType> *P,
+			%<realType> *B_omega,
+			%<realType> *euler_angles,
+			%<realType> *B_vo,
+			%<realType> *E_ro,
+			%<realType> *B_vo_dot,
+			%<realType> *B_g);
+    #undef SFB_EXTERN_C
+    #endif
+    %closefile hFile
+    %assign cFileName = "actuation_mat_accel_wrapper"
+    %openfile cFile = "%<cFileName>.c"
+    %selectfile cFile
+    #include <string.h>
+    #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE
+    #include "tmwtypes.h"
+    #else
+    #include "rtwtypes.h"
+    #endif
+    #include "%<hFileName>.h"
+    extern void actuation_mat_Start_wrapper(void);
+    extern void actuation_mat_Outputs_wrapper(const %<realType> *P,
+			%<realType> *B_omega,
+			%<realType> *euler_angles,
+			%<realType> *B_vo,
+			%<realType> *E_ro,
+			%<realType> *B_vo_dot,
+			%<realType> *B_g);
+    extern void actuation_mat_Terminate_wrapper(void);
+    void actuation_mat_Outputs_wrapper_accel(const %<realType> *P,
+			%<realType> *B_omega,
+			%<realType> *euler_angles,
+			%<realType> *B_vo,
+			%<realType> *E_ro,
+			%<realType> *B_vo_dot,
+			%<realType> *B_g){
+    actuation_mat_Outputs_wrapper(P,
+			B_omega,
+			euler_angles,
+			B_vo,
+			E_ro,
+			B_vo_dot,
+			B_g);
+    }
+    %closefile cFile
+    %<LibAddToCommonIncludes("%<hFileName>.h")>
+  %else
+  %openfile externs
+    #ifdef __cplusplus
+    #define SFB_EXTERN_C extern "C"
+    #else
+    #define SFB_EXTERN_C extern
+    #endif
+    SFB_EXTERN_C void actuation_mat_Start_wrapper(void);
+    SFB_EXTERN_C void actuation_mat_Outputs_wrapper(const %<realType> *P,
+			%<realType> *B_omega,
+			%<realType> *euler_angles,
+			%<realType> *B_vo,
+			%<realType> *E_ro,
+			%<realType> *B_vo_dot,
+			%<realType> *B_g);
+    SFB_EXTERN_C void actuation_mat_Terminate_wrapper(void);
+    #undef SFB_EXTERN_C
+  %closefile externs
+  %<LibCacheExtern(externs)>
+  %endif
+  %%
+%% Function: Outputs ==========================================================
+%% Purpose:
+%%      Code generation rules for mdlOutputs function.
+%function Outputs(block, system) Output
+  %%
+  %assign pu0 = LibBlockInputSignalAddr(0, "", "", 0)
+  %assign py0 = LibBlockOutputSignalAddr(0, "", "", 0)
+  %assign py1 = LibBlockOutputSignalAddr(1, "", "", 0)
+  %assign py2 = LibBlockOutputSignalAddr(2, "", "", 0)
+  %assign py3 = LibBlockOutputSignalAddr(3, "", "", 0)
+  %assign py4 = LibBlockOutputSignalAddr(4, "", "", 0)
+  %assign py5 = LibBlockOutputSignalAddr(5, "", "", 0)
+  %if IsModelReferenceSimTarget() || CodeFormat == "S-Function" || ::isRAccel
+    actuation_mat_Outputs_wrapper_accel(%<pu0>, %<py0>, %<py1>, %<py2>, %<py3>, %<py4>, %<py5>);
+  %else
+    actuation_mat_Outputs_wrapper(%<pu0>, %<py0>, %<py1>, %<py2>, %<py3>, %<py4>, %<py5>);
+  %endif
+  %%
+%% [EOF] actuation_mat.tlc
diff --git a/controls/model/actuation_mat_wrapper.c b/controls/model/actuation_mat_wrapper.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4375a7acdc21288c76f16edf5466ae7176be0714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/actuation_mat_wrapper.c
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Include Files
+ *
+ */
+#if defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE)
+#include "tmwtypes.h"
+#include "simstruc_types.h"
+#include "rtwtypes.h"
+/* %%%-SFUNWIZ_wrapper_includes_Changes_BEGIN --- EDIT HERE TO _END */
+#include <math.h>
+/* %%%-SFUNWIZ_wrapper_includes_Changes_END --- EDIT HERE TO _BEGIN */
+#define u_width 1
+#define y_width 1
+#define y_1_width 1
+#define y_2_width 1
+#define y_3_width 1
+#define y_4_width 1
+#define y_5_width 1
+ * Create external references here.  
+ *
+ */
+/* %%%-SFUNWIZ_wrapper_externs_Changes_BEGIN --- EDIT HERE TO _END */
+/* extern double func(double a); */
+/* %%%-SFUNWIZ_wrapper_externs_Changes_END --- EDIT HERE TO _BEGIN */
+ * Output function
+ *
+ */
+void actuation_mat_Outputs_wrapper(const real_T *P,
+			real_T *B_omega,
+			real_T *euler_angles,
+			real_T *B_vo,
+			real_T *E_ro,
+			real_T *B_vo_dot,
+			real_T *B_g)
+/* %%%-SFUNWIZ_wrapper_Outputs_Changes_BEGIN --- EDIT HERE TO _END */
+/* This sample sets the output equal to the input
+      y0[0] = u0[0]; 
+ For complex signals use: y0[0].re = u0[0].re; 
+      y0[0].im = u0[0].im;
+      y1[0].re = u1[0].re;
+      y1[0].im = u1[0].im;
+ */
+/* %%%-SFUNWIZ_wrapper_Outputs_Changes_END --- EDIT HERE TO _BEGIN */
diff --git a/controls/model/drone_gamepad_input.m b/controls/model/drone_gamepad_input.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ab877fddbf5250bc16f87166ca585056fd001bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/drone_gamepad_input.m
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+function setpoint = drone_gamepad_input(yaw_i, elevation_i, y_i, x_i, gamepad)
+input = read(gamepad);
+yaw_add = 0;
+elevation_add = 0;
+y_add = 0;
+x_add = 0;
+if abs(input(1)) > 0.1
+    yaw_add = input(1);
+if abs(input(2)) > 0.1
+    elevation_add = input(2);
+if abs(input(4)) > 0.1
+    y_add = input(4);
+if abs(input(5)) > 0.1
+    x_add = input(5);
+yaw = yaw_add + yaw_i;
+elevation = elevation_add + elevation_i;
+y = y_add + y_i;
+x = x_add + x_i;
+setpoint = [yaw, elevation, y, x];  
diff --git a/controls/model/modelParameters.m b/controls/model/modelParameters.m
index 30bda9a41410236868c9e04b964bc3b692c655b6..bcd3320d9ec1863691bbcd84fbd13c5d6aa9941a 100644
--- a/controls/model/modelParameters.m
+++ b/controls/model/modelParameters.m
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 % Define Simulink Runtime (if logAnalysisToggle is selected, this will be
 % automatically set based on the log files time)
-     runtime = 40;
+     runtime = 1000;
 % Model Parameters
     m = 1.216;                          % Quadrotor + battery mass
diff --git a/controls/model/rtwmakecfg.m b/controls/model/rtwmakecfg.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a0e1421a09a3a38c1027e05603c69f34fb28d6dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/rtwmakecfg.m
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+function makeInfo=rtwmakecfg()
+%RTWMAKECFG.m adds include and source directories to rtw make files.
+%  makeInfo=RTWMAKECFG returns a structured array containing
+%  following field:
+%     makeInfo.includePath - cell array containing additional include
+%                            directories. Those directories will be
+%                            expanded into include instructions of Simulink
+%                            Coder generated make files.
+%     makeInfo.sourcePath  - cell array containing additional source
+%                            directories. Those directories will be
+%                            expanded into rules of Simulink Coder generated 
+%                            make files.
+makeInfo.includePath = {};
+makeInfo.sourcePath  = {};
+makeInfo.linkLibsObjs = {};
+%<Generated by S-Function Builder 3.0. DO NOT REMOVE>
+sfBuilderBlocksByMaskType = find_system(bdroot,'FollowLinks','on','LookUnderMasks','on','MaskType','S-Function Builder');
+sfBuilderBlocksByCallback = find_system(bdroot,'OpenFcn','sfunctionwizard(gcbh)');
+sfBuilderBlocksDeployed   = find_system(bdroot,'BlockType','S-Function','SFunctionDeploymentMode','on');
+sfBuilderBlocks = {sfBuilderBlocksByMaskType{:} sfBuilderBlocksByCallback{:} sfBuilderBlocksDeployed{:}};
+sfBuilderBlocks = unique(sfBuilderBlocks);
+if isempty(sfBuilderBlocks)
+   return;
+sfBuilderBlockNameMATFile = cell(1, length(sfBuilderBlocks));
+for idx = 1:length(sfBuilderBlocks)
+   sfBuilderBlockNameMATFile{idx} = get_param(sfBuilderBlocks{idx},'FunctionName');
+   sfBuilderBlockNameMATFile{idx} = ['.' filesep 'SFB__' char(sfBuilderBlockNameMATFile{idx}) '__SFB.mat'];
+sfBuilderBlockNameMATFile = unique(sfBuilderBlockNameMATFile);
+for idx = 1:length(sfBuilderBlockNameMATFile)
+   if exist(sfBuilderBlockNameMATFile{idx}, 'file')
+      loadedData = load(sfBuilderBlockNameMATFile{idx});
+      if isfield(loadedData,'SFBInfoStruct')
+         makeInfo = UpdateMakeInfo(makeInfo,loadedData.SFBInfoStruct);
+         clear loadedData;
+      end
+   end
+function updatedMakeInfo = UpdateMakeInfo(makeInfo,SFBInfoStruct)
+updatedMakeInfo = {};
+if isfield(makeInfo,'includePath')
+   if isfield(SFBInfoStruct,'includePath')
+      updatedMakeInfo.includePath = {makeInfo.includePath{:} SFBInfoStruct.includePath{:}};
+   else
+      updatedMakeInfo.includePath = {makeInfo.includePath{:}};
+   end
+if isfield(makeInfo,'sourcePath')
+   if isfield(SFBInfoStruct,'sourcePath')
+      updatedMakeInfo.sourcePath = {makeInfo.sourcePath{:} SFBInfoStruct.sourcePath{:}};
+   else
+      updatedMakeInfo.sourcePath = {makeInfo.sourcePath{:}};
+   end
+if isfield(makeInfo,'linkLibsObjs')
+   if isfield(SFBInfoStruct,'additionalLibraries')
+      updatedMakeInfo.linkLibsObjs = {makeInfo.linkLibsObjs{:} SFBInfoStruct.additionalLibraries{:}};
+   else
+      updatedMakeInfo.linkLibsObjs = {makeInfo.linkLibsObjs{:}};
+   end
diff --git a/crazyflie_demos/basic_hover_demo.py b/crazyflie_demos/basic_hover_demo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96682a983355eb0944eb3bfbf983bec30150e881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crazyflie_demos/basic_hover_demo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Demo that makes one Crazyflie take off 30cm above the first controller found
+# Using the controller trigger it is then possible to 'grab' the Crazyflie
+# and to make it move.
+import sys
+import time
+import cflib.crtp
+from cflib.crazyflie import Crazyflie
+from cflib.crazyflie.log import LogConfig
+from cflib.crazyflie.syncCrazyflie import SyncCrazyflie
+from cflib.crazyflie.syncLogger import SyncLogger
+# URI to the Crazyflie to connect to
+uri = 'radio://0/90/2M'
+def wait_for_position_estimator(scf):
+    print('Waiting for estimator to find position...')
+    log_config = LogConfig(name='Kalman Variance', period_in_ms=500)
+    log_config.add_variable('kalman.varPX', 'float')
+    log_config.add_variable('kalman.varPY', 'float')
+    log_config.add_variable('kalman.varPZ', 'float')
+    var_y_history = [1000] * 10
+    var_x_history = [1000] * 10
+    var_z_history = [1000] * 10
+    threshold = 0.001
+    with SyncLogger(scf, log_config) as logger:
+        for log_entry in logger:
+            data = log_entry[1]
+            var_x_history.append(data['kalman.varPX'])
+            var_x_history.pop(0)
+            var_y_history.append(data['kalman.varPY'])
+            var_y_history.pop(0)
+            var_z_history.append(data['kalman.varPZ'])
+            var_z_history.pop(0)
+            min_x = min(var_x_history)
+            max_x = max(var_x_history)
+            min_y = min(var_y_history)
+            max_y = max(var_y_history)
+            min_z = min(var_z_history)
+            max_z = max(var_z_history)
+            # print("{} {} {}".
+            #       format(max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y, max_z - min_z))
+            if (max_x - min_x) < threshold and (
+                    max_y - min_y) < threshold and (
+                    max_z - min_z) < threshold:
+                break
+def reset_estimator(scf):
+    cf = scf.cf
+    cf.param.set_value('kalman.resetEstimation', '1')
+    time.sleep(0.1)
+    cf.param.set_value('kalman.resetEstimation', '0')
+    wait_for_position_estimator(cf)
+def position_callback(timestamp, data, logconf):
+    x = data['kalman.stateX']
+    y = data['kalman.stateY']
+    z = data['kalman.stateZ']
+    print('pos: ({}, {}, {})'.format(x, y, z))
+def start_position_printing(scf):
+    log_conf = LogConfig(name='Position', period_in_ms=500)
+    log_conf.add_variable('kalman.stateX', 'float')
+    log_conf.add_variable('kalman.stateY', 'float')
+    log_conf.add_variable('kalman.stateZ', 'float')
+    scf.cf.log.add_config(log_conf)
+    log_conf.data_received_cb.add_callback(position_callback)
+    log_conf.start()
+def vector_substract(v0, v1):
+    return [v0[0] - v1[0], v0[1] - v1[1], v0[2] - v1[2]]
+def vector_add(v0, v1):
+    return [v0[0] + v1[0], v0[1] + v1[1], v0[2] + v1[2]]
+def fly_in_rectangle(cf, forward_dist, sideways_dist, move_time, wait_time):
+    # left
+    cf.high_level_commander.go_to(
+        0, sideways_dist, 0, 0, move_time, relative=True
+    )
+    time.sleep(wait_time)
+    # forward
+    cf.high_level_commander.go_to(
+        forward_dist, 0, 0, 0, move_time, relative=True
+    )
+    time.sleep(wait_time)
+    # right
+    cf.high_level_commander.go_to(
+        0, -sideways_dist, 0, 0, move_time, relative=True
+    )
+    time.sleep(wait_time)
+    # backwards
+    cf.high_level_commander.go_to(
+        -forward_dist, 0, 0, 0, move_time, relative=True
+    )
+    time.sleep(wait_time)
+def run_sequence(scf):
+    cf = scf.cf
+    setpoint = [0, 0, 2]
+    print("Initiating sequence")
+    setpoint = [0, 0, .5]
+    z_target = 0.66
+    move_dist = 0.2
+    move_vel = 0.2
+    cf.param.set_value('commander.enHighLevel', '1')
+    cf.high_level_commander.takeoff(z_target, 1)
+    time.sleep(3)
+    for i in range(0, 10):
+        fly_in_rectangle(cf, 1, 0.6, 2.5, 4)
+    time.sleep(3)
+    # land
+    cf.high_level_commander.land(0, z_target / move_vel)
+    time.sleep(10)
+    print("done")
+    cf.commander.send_setpoint(0, 0, 0, 0)
+    # Make sure that the last packet leaves before the link is closed
+    # since the message queue is not flushed before closing
+    time.sleep(0.1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    cflib.crtp.init_drivers()
+    with SyncCrazyflie(uri, cf=Crazyflie(rw_cache='./cache')) as scf:
+        reset_estimator(scf)
+        run_sequence(scf)
diff --git a/crazyflie_demos/basic_hover_demo_matlab.py b/crazyflie_demos/basic_hover_demo_matlab.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba6678096d275026b8b045d62a7fae12dfc04781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crazyflie_demos/basic_hover_demo_matlab.py
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Demo that makes one Crazyflie take off 30cm above the first controller found
+# Using the controller trigger it is then possible to 'grab' the Crazyflie
+# and to make it move.
+import csv
+import sys
+import time
+import math
+import cflib.crtp
+from cflib.crazyflie import Crazyflie
+from cflib.crazyflie.log import LogConfig
+from cflib.crazyflie.syncCrazyflie import SyncCrazyflie
+from cflib.crazyflie.syncLogger import SyncLogger
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.io import savemat
+import matlab.engine
+# URI to the Crazyflie to connect to
+uri = 'radio://0/90/2M'
+pos_list = []
+rot_list = []
+start_time = time.time_ns()
+def wait_for_position_estimator(scf):
+    print('Waiting for estimator to find position...')
+    log_config = LogConfig(name='Kalman Variance', period_in_ms=500)
+    log_config.add_variable('kalman.varPX', 'float')
+    log_config.add_variable('kalman.varPY', 'float')
+    log_config.add_variable('kalman.varPZ', 'float')
+    var_y_history = [1000] * 10
+    var_x_history = [1000] * 10
+    var_z_history = [1000] * 10
+    threshold = 0.001
+    with SyncLogger(scf, log_config) as logger:
+        for log_entry in logger:
+            data = log_entry[1]
+            var_x_history.append(data['kalman.varPX'])
+            var_x_history.pop(0)
+            var_y_history.append(data['kalman.varPY'])
+            var_y_history.pop(0)
+            var_z_history.append(data['kalman.varPZ'])
+            var_z_history.pop(0)
+            min_x = min(var_x_history)
+            max_x = max(var_x_history)
+            min_y = min(var_y_history)
+            max_y = max(var_y_history)
+            min_z = min(var_z_history)
+            max_z = max(var_z_history)
+            # print("{} {} {}".
+            #       format(max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y, max_z - min_z))
+            if (max_x - min_x) < threshold and (
+                    max_y - min_y) < threshold and (
+                    max_z - min_z) < threshold:
+                break
+def reset_estimator(scf):
+    cf = scf.cf
+    cf.param.set_value('kalman.resetEstimation', '1')
+    time.sleep(0.1)
+    cf.param.set_value('kalman.resetEstimation', '0')
+    wait_for_position_estimator(cf)
+def position_callback(timestamp, data, logconf):
+    x = data['kalman.stateX']
+    y = data['kalman.stateY']
+    z = data['kalman.stateZ']
+    time_since_start = (time.time_ns() - start_time) / (1000*1000*1000)
+    # print('{} pos: ({}, {}, {})'.format(time_since_start, x, y, z))
+    pos_list.append([time_since_start, x, y, z])
+def rotation_callback(timestamp, data, logconf):
+    q0 = data['kalman.q0']
+    q1 = data['kalman.q1']
+    q2 = data['kalman.q2']
+    q3 = data['kalman.q3']
+    time_since_start = (time.time_ns() - start_time) / (1000 * 1000 * 1000)
+    euler_angles = quaternion_to_euler(q0, q1, q2, q3)
+    yaw = euler_angles[0]
+    pitch = euler_angles[1]
+    roll = euler_angles[2]
+    print('{} rot: ({}, {}, {})'.format(time_since_start, yaw, pitch, roll))
+    rot_list.append([time_since_start, yaw, pitch, roll])
+def quaternion_to_euler(q0, q1, q2, q3):
+    """
+    Convert a quaternion to Euler angles (yaw, pitch, roll) in radians.
+    Args:
+        q0 (float): The scalar (real) part of the quaternion.
+        q1 (float): The x (imaginary) part of the quaternion.
+        q2 (float): The y (imaginary) part of the quaternion.
+        q3 (float): The z (imaginary) part of the quaternion.
+    Returns:
+        tuple: A tuple containing the yaw, pitch, and roll angles in radians.
+    Generated by ChatGPT :)
+    """
+    # roll (x-axis rotation)
+    sinr_cosp = 2 * (q0 * q1 + q2 * q3)
+    cosr_cosp = 1 - 2 * (q1**2 + q2**2)
+    roll = math.atan2(sinr_cosp, cosr_cosp)
+    # pitch (y-axis rotation)
+    sinp = 2 * (q0 * q2 - q3 * q1)
+    if abs(sinp) >= 1:
+        pitch = math.copysign(math.pi / 2, sinp)  # use 90 degrees if out of
+        # range
+    else:
+        pitch = math.asin(sinp)
+    # yaw (z-axis rotation)
+    siny_cosp = 2 * (q0 * q3 + q1 * q2)
+    cosy_cosp = 1 - 2 * (q2**2 + q3**2)
+    yaw = math.atan2(siny_cosp, cosy_cosp)
+    return (yaw, pitch, roll)
+def merge_time_series(rotations_list, positions_list):
+    """
+    Merge two asynchronous time series based on closest time values.
+    The function takes two lists of data, `rotations_list` and `positions_list`,
+    where each list contains a sequence of data points with the first element
+    representing a timestamp and the remaining elements representing data
+    values. The function merges the two lists based on the closest timestamp
+    values and returns a list of merged data points, with each point
+    represented as a list containing timestamp followed by positional and
+    rotational data.
+    Args:
+        rotations_list (list): A list of rotations data points, where each point
+            contains a timestamp and yaw, pitch, and roll values.
+        positions_list (list): A list of positions data points, where each point
+            contains a timestamp and x, y, and z values.
+    Returns:
+        merged_list (list): A list of merged data points, where each point
+            contains a timestamp and corresponding positional and rotational
+            data. If there are no overlapping timestamps between the two
+            input lists, the output list will be empty.
+    Generated by ChatGPT :)
+    """
+    # Initialize empty list to store merged data points
+    merged_list = []
+    # Loop through each position data point
+    for pos_point in positions_list:
+        # Get the timestamp for the current position data point
+        pos_time = pos_point[0]
+        # Initialize variable to store closest rotation data point
+        closest_rot_point = None
+        closest_rot_time_diff = float('inf')
+        # Loop through each rotation data point
+        for rot_point in rotations_list:
+            # Get the timestamp for the current rotation data point
+            rot_time = rot_point[0]
+            # Calculate the absolute difference between the position timestamp
+            # and the rotation timestamp
+            time_diff = abs(rot_time - pos_time)
+            # Check if the current rotation point is closer in time than the
+            # previously closest one
+            if time_diff < closest_rot_time_diff:
+                closest_rot_point = rot_point
+                closest_rot_time_diff = time_diff
+        # Check if a closest rotation point was found
+        if closest_rot_point is not None:
+            # Combine the position and rotation data points into a single
+            # merged point
+            merged_point = [pos_time] + pos_point[1:] + closest_rot_point[1:]
+            # Add the merged point to the list of merged data points
+            merged_list.append(merged_point)
+    # Return the list of merged data points
+    return merged_list
+def extract_along_dimension(list_in, dimension_index):
+    list_out = []
+    for i in range(0, len(list_in)):
+        list_out.append(list_in[i][dimension_index])
+    return list_out
+def start_position_printing(scf):
+    log_conf = LogConfig(name='Rotation', period_in_ms=10)
+    log_conf.add_variable('kalman.q0', 'float')
+    log_conf.add_variable('kalman.q1', 'float')
+    log_conf.add_variable('kalman.q2', 'float')
+    log_conf.add_variable('kalman.q3', 'float')
+    log_conf2 = LogConfig(name='Position', period_in_ms=10)
+    log_conf2.add_variable('kalman.stateX', 'float')
+    log_conf2.add_variable('kalman.stateY', 'float')
+    log_conf2.add_variable('kalman.stateZ', 'float')
+    scf.cf.log.add_config(log_conf)
+    scf.cf.log.add_config(log_conf2)
+    log_conf.data_received_cb.add_callback(rotation_callback)
+    log_conf.start()
+    log_conf2.data_received_cb.add_callback(position_callback)
+    log_conf2.start()
+def vector_substract(v0, v1):
+    return [v0[0] - v1[0], v0[1] - v1[1], v0[2] - v1[2]]
+def vector_add(v0, v1):
+    return [v0[0] + v1[0], v0[1] + v1[1], v0[2] + v1[2]]
+def fly_in_rectangle(cf, forward_dist, sideways_dist, move_time, wait_time):
+    # left
+    cf.high_level_commander.go_to(
+        0, sideways_dist, 0, 0, move_time, relative=True
+    )
+    time.sleep(wait_time)
+    # forward
+    cf.high_level_commander.go_to(
+        forward_dist, 0, 0, 0, move_time, relative=True
+    )
+    time.sleep(wait_time)
+    # right
+    cf.high_level_commander.go_to(
+        0, -sideways_dist, 0, 0, move_time, relative=True
+    )
+    time.sleep(wait_time)
+    # backwards
+    cf.high_level_commander.go_to(
+        -forward_dist, 0, 0, 0, move_time, relative=True
+    )
+    time.sleep(wait_time)
+def run_sequence(scf):
+    cf = scf.cf
+    setpoint = [0, 0, 2]
+    print("Initiating sequence")
+    setpoint = [0, 0, .5]
+    z_target = 0.66
+    move_dist = 0.2
+    move_vel = 0.2
+    cf.param.set_value('commander.enHighLevel', '1')
+    cf.high_level_commander.takeoff(z_target, 1)
+    time.sleep(3)
+    for i in range(0, 1):
+        fly_in_rectangle(cf, 0.5, 0.6, 2.5, 4)
+    time.sleep(3)
+    # land
+    cf.high_level_commander.land(0, z_target / move_vel)
+    time.sleep(3)
+    print("done")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    cflib.crtp.init_drivers()
+    with SyncCrazyflie(uri, cf=Crazyflie(rw_cache='./cache')) as scf:
+        # reset_estimator(scf) # if everything starts breaking, comment out
+        # this line and make sure the position looks good in cfclient. -Austin
+        start_position_printing(scf)
+        run_sequence(scf)
+        print(rot_list)
+        print(pos_list)
+        merged_list = merge_time_series(rot_list, pos_list)
+        print(merged_list)
+        times = extract_along_dimension(merged_list, 0)
+        xs = extract_along_dimension(merged_list, 1)
+        ys = extract_along_dimension(merged_list, 2)
+        zs = extract_along_dimension(merged_list, 3)
+        yaws = extract_along_dimension(merged_list, 4)
+        pitches = extract_along_dimension(merged_list, 5)
+        rolls = extract_along_dimension(merged_list, 6)
+        """
+        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
+        axs[0].plot(times, xs, label='X')
+        axs[0].plot(times, ys, label='Y')
+        axs[0].plot(times, zs, label='Z')
+        # Add title and labels for the left subplot
+        axs[0].set_title('Left Subplot')
+        axs[0].set_xlabel('X-axis')
+        axs[0].set_ylabel('Y-axis')
+        # Add a legend to the left subplot
+        axs[0].legend()
+        axs[1].plot(times, yaws, label='Yaw')
+        axs[1].plot(times, pitches, label='Pitch')
+        axs[1].plot(times, rolls, label='Roll')
+        # Add title and labels for the right subplot
+        axs[1].set_title('Right Subplot')
+        axs[1].set_xlabel('X-axis')
+        axs[1].set_ylabel('Y-axis')
+        # Add a legend to the right subplot
+        axs[1].legend()
+        # Adjust the layout of the subplots
+        plt.tight_layout()
+        plt.show()
+        """
+        matlab_filepath = Path("./../controls/Sim-nonlinear-quad-example/"
+                               "Sim-nonlinear-quad-example")
+        csv_filename = "measured_flight_path.mat"
+        full_path = matlab_filepath.joinpath(csv_filename)
+        merged_list_np = np.array(merged_list).transpose()
+        mdic = {"measured_path": merged_list_np, "label": 'experiment'}
+        savemat(full_path, mdic)
diff --git a/crazyflie_demos/cache/06E08EEC.json b/crazyflie_demos/cache/06E08EEC.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7610b7afb3789182aa68ab7ddceb32d418cadfa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crazyflie_demos/cache/06E08EEC.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4526 @@
+  "activeMarker": {
+    "btSns": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 0,
+      "group": "activeMarker",
+      "name": "btSns",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "i2cOk": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 1,
+      "group": "activeMarker",
+      "name": "i2cOk",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "motion": {
+    "motion": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 2,
+      "group": "motion",
+      "name": "motion",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "deltaX": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 3,
+      "group": "motion",
+      "name": "deltaX",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "deltaY": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 4,
+      "group": "motion",
+      "name": "deltaY",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "shutter": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 5,
+      "group": "motion",
+      "name": "shutter",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "maxRaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 6,
+      "group": "motion",
+      "name": "maxRaw",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "minRaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 7,
+      "group": "motion",
+      "name": "minRaw",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "Rawsum": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 8,
+      "group": "motion",
+      "name": "Rawsum",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "outlierCount": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 9,
+      "group": "motion",
+      "name": "outlierCount",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "squal": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 10,
+      "group": "motion",
+      "name": "squal",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "std": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 11,
+      "group": "motion",
+      "name": "std",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "ring": {
+    "fadeTime": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 12,
+      "group": "ring",
+      "name": "fadeTime",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "loco": {
+    "mode": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 13,
+      "group": "loco",
+      "name": "mode",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "spiWr": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 14,
+      "group": "loco",
+      "name": "spiWr",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "spiRe": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 15,
+      "group": "loco",
+      "name": "spiRe",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "ranging": {
+    "state": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 16,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "state",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "distance0": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 17,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance0",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "distance1": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 18,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance1",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "distance2": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 19,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "distance3": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "name": "distance4",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 22,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance5",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance6",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance7",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 27,
+      "group": "ranging",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 28,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "pressure3",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "pressure4",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "pressure5",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "name": "pressure7",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "name": "d6-7",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "name": "cc4",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
+      "name": "cc5",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
+      "name": "cc7",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 50,
+      "group": "tdoa2",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 51,
+      "group": "tdoa2",
+      "name": "dist1-2",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
+      "name": "dist2-3",
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+    "dist3-4": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 53,
+      "group": "tdoa2",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 54,
+      "group": "tdoa2",
+      "name": "dist4-5",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
+      "name": "dist5-6",
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+    "dist6-7": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 56,
+      "group": "tdoa2",
+      "name": "dist6-7",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+  },
+  "twr": {
+    "rangingSuccessRate0": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 57,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate0",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingPerSec0": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 58,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec0",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
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+    "rangingSuccessRate1": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 59,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate1",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingPerSec1": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 60,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec1",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rangingSuccessRate2": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 61,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate2",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rangingPerSec2": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 62,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec2",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingSuccessRate3": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 63,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate3",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingPerSec3": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 64,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec3",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingSuccessRate4": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 65,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate4",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rangingPerSec4": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 66,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec4",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rangingSuccessRate5": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 67,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate5",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rangingPerSec5": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 68,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec5",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "oa": {
+    "front": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 69,
+      "group": "oa",
+      "name": "front",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "back": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 70,
+      "group": "oa",
+      "name": "back",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 71,
+      "group": "oa",
+      "name": "up",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 72,
+      "group": "oa",
+      "name": "left",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 73,
+      "group": "oa",
+      "name": "right",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+  },
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+    "spiWrBps": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 74,
+      "group": "usd",
+      "name": "spiWrBps",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 75,
+      "group": "usd",
+      "name": "spiReBps",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 76,
+      "group": "usd",
+      "name": "fatWrBps",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "motor": {
+    "m1": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 77,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m1",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 78,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m2",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 79,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m3",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 80,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m4",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 81,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m1req",
+      "ctype": "int32_t",
+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 82,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m2req",
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+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 83,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m3req",
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+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 84,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m4req",
+      "ctype": "int32_t",
+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
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+  },
+  "pm": {
+    "vbat": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 85,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "vbat",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 86,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "vbatMV",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 87,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "extVbat",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 88,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "extVbatMV",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 89,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "extCurr",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 90,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "chargeCurrent",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 91,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "state",
+      "ctype": "int8_t",
+      "pytype": "<b",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 92,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "batteryLevel",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "radio": {
+    "rssi": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 93,
+      "group": "radio",
+      "name": "rssi",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 94,
+      "group": "radio",
+      "name": "isConnected",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "gyro": {
+    "xRaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 95,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "xRaw",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 96,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "yRaw",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 97,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "zRaw",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 98,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "xVariance",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 99,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "yVariance",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 100,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "zVariance",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+  },
+  "pid_attitude": {
+    "roll_outP": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 104,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "roll_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "roll_outI": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 105,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "roll_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+    "roll_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "roll_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 107,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "roll_outFF",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 108,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "pitch_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "pitch_outI": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 109,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "pitch_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 110,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "pitch_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "pitch_outFF": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 111,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "pitch_outFF",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 112,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "yaw_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 113,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "yaw_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "yaw_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "yaw_outFF": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 115,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "yaw_outFF",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "pid_rate": {
+    "roll_outP": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 116,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "roll_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 117,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "roll_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 118,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "roll_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 119,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "roll_outFF",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 120,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "pitch_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 121,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "pitch_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitch_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 122,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "pitch_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 123,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "pitch_outFF",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 124,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "yaw_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "yaw_outI": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 125,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "yaw_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "yaw_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 126,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "yaw_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "yaw_outFF": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 127,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "yaw_outFF",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "colAv": {
+    "latency": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 128,
+      "group": "colAv",
+      "name": "latency",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "ctrlINDI": {
+    "cmd_thrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 129,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "cmd_thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 130,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "cmd_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 131,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "cmd_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 132,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "cmd_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 133,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "r_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 134,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "r_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 135,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "r_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 136,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "u_act_dyn_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "u_act_dyn_q": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 137,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "u_act_dyn_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "u_act_dyn_r": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 138,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "u_act_dyn_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "du_p": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 139,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "du_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 140,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "du_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 141,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "du_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "ang_accel_ref_p": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 142,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "ang_accel_ref_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "ang_accel_ref_q": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 143,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "ang_accel_ref_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "ang_accel_ref_r": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 144,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "ang_accel_ref_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rate_d[0]": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 145,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "rate_d[0]",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rate_d[1]": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 146,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "rate_d[1]",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rate_d[2]": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 147,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "rate_d[2]",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 148,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "uf_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "uf_q": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 149,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "uf_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "uf_r": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 150,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "uf_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "Omega_f_p": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 151,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "Omega_f_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "Omega_f_q": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 152,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "Omega_f_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "Omega_f_r": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 153,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "Omega_f_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "n_p": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 154,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "n_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "n_q": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 155,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "n_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "n_r": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 156,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "n_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "ctrlMel": {
+    "cmd_thrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 157,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "cmd_thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 158,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "cmd_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "cmd_pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 159,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "cmd_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 160,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "cmd_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 161,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "r_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "r_pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 162,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "r_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 163,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "r_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 164,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "accelz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 165,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "zdx",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 166,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "zdy",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 167,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "zdz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 168,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "i_err_x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 169,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "i_err_y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 170,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "i_err_z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "controller": {
+    "cmd_thrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 171,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "cmd_thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 172,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "cmd_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "cmd_pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 173,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "cmd_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "cmd_yaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 174,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "cmd_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 175,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "r_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "r_pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 176,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "r_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "r_yaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 177,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "r_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "accelz": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 178,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "accelz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "actuatorThrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 179,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "actuatorThrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "roll": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 180,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 181,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "yaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 182,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rollRate": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 183,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "rollRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitchRate": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 184,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "pitchRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "yawRate": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 185,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "yawRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "ctr_yaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 186,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "ctr_yaw",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "X": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 187,
+      "group": "ext_pos",
+      "name": "X",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 188,
+      "group": "ext_pos",
+      "name": "Y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 189,
+      "group": "ext_pos",
+      "name": "Z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "x": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 190,
+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "ident": 192,
+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 193,
+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "qx",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 197,
+      "group": "locSrvZ",
+      "name": "tick",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
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+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "crtp",
+      "name": "rxRate",
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+      "pytype": "<H",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "crtp",
+      "name": "txRate",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
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+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 200,
+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "inFlight",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "name": "varZ",
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+      "group": "kalman",
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+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "varD2",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "name": "q3",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "rtUpdate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "rtPred",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 225,
+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "rtFinal",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 226,
+      "group": "outlierf",
+      "name": "lhWin",
+      "ctype": "int32_t",
+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "outlierf",
+      "name": "bucket1",
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+      "pytype": "<i",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "outlierf",
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+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "outlierf",
+      "name": "bucket3",
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+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "outlierf",
+      "name": "bucket4",
+      "ctype": "int32_t",
+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 232,
+      "group": "outlierf",
+      "name": "accLev",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 233,
+      "group": "outlierf",
+      "name": "errD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "rtApnd": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 234,
+      "group": "estimator",
+      "name": "rtApnd",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 235,
+      "group": "estimator",
+      "name": "rtRej",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "thrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 236,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 237,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 238,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 239,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "rollRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitchRate": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 240,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "pitchRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 241,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "yawRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 242,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "zVel",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 243,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "AltHold",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 244,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "Arm",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "ch0": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 245,
+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch0",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 246,
+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch1",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 247,
+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch2",
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+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 248,
+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch3",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 249,
+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch4",
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+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 250,
+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch5",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 251,
+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch6",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 252,
+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch7",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "health": {
+    "motorVarXM1": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 253,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarXM1",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 254,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarYM1",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 255,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarXM2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 256,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarYM2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 257,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarXM3",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 258,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarYM3",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 259,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarXM4",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "motorVarYM4": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 260,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarYM4",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 261,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorPass",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 262,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "batterySag",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 263,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "batteryPass",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 264,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorTestCount",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "errCntW": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 265,
+      "group": "memTst",
+      "name": "errCntW",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 266,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "posRef_x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "posRef_y",
+      "ctype": "float",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "posRef_z",
+      "ctype": "float",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 269,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "velS_y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "velS_z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "velRef_x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 273,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "velRef_y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "velRef_z": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 274,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "velRef_z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 275,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "angS_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "angS_pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 276,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "angS_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 277,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "angS_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "angF_roll": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 278,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "angF_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "angF_pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 279,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "angF_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "angF_yaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 280,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "angF_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "name": "accErr_x",
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+      "name": "accErr_z",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "T_tilde",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "T_inner",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "targetVX",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "targetVY",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "targetX",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "sensfusion6",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "ctype": "float",
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+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "az",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 372,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 373,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "name": "z",
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+      "pytype": "<h",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 378,
+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
+      "name": "vx",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
+      "name": "vy",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
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+      "name": "ax",
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+      "pytype": "<h",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
+      "name": "ay",
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+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
+      "name": "az",
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+      "pytype": "<h",
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+  },
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+    "x": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 384,
+      "group": "mag",
+      "name": "x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "mag",
+      "name": "z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "stabilizer": {
+    "roll": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 387,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 388,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 389,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "thrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 390,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 391,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "rtStab",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 392,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "intToOut",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "stateEstimate": {
+    "x": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 393,
+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 396,
+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "vx",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 397,
+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "vy",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 398,
+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "vz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "ax",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "ay",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "az",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 402,
+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 403,
+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 404,
+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "qx",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "qy",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "qz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 408,
+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "qw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 409,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "x",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "y",
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+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "z",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "vx": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 412,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "vx",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 413,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "vy",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "vz": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 414,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "vz",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 415,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "ax",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+    "ay": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 416,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "ay",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+    "az": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 417,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "az",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 418,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "quat",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rateRoll": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 419,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "rateRoll",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "ratePitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 420,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "ratePitch",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rateYaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 421,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "rateYaw",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "sys": {
+    "canfly": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 422,
+      "group": "sys",
+      "name": "canfly",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "isFlying": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 423,
+      "group": "sys",
+      "name": "isFlying",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 424,
+      "group": "sys",
+      "name": "isTumbled",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 425,
+      "group": "sys",
+      "name": "armed",
+      "ctype": "int8_t",
+      "pytype": "<b",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "tdoaEngine": {
+    "stRx": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 426,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stRx",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 427,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stEst",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 428,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stTime",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 429,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stFound",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 430,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stCc",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "stHit": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 431,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stHit",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "stMiss": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 432,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stMiss",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 433,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "cc",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 434,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "tof",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "tdoa": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 435,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "tdoa",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "DTR_P2P": {
+    "rx_state": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 436,
+      "group": "DTR_P2P",
+      "name": "rx_state",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+    "tx_state": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 437,
+      "group": "DTR_P2P",
+      "name": "tx_state",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "kalman_pred": {
+    "predNX": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 438,
+      "group": "kalman_pred",
+      "name": "predNX",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 439,
+      "group": "kalman_pred",
+      "name": "predNY",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 440,
+      "group": "kalman_pred",
+      "name": "measNX",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 441,
+      "group": "kalman_pred",
+      "name": "measNY",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "lighthouse": {
+    "validAngles": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 442,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "validAngles",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 443,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "rawAngle0x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 444,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "rawAngle0y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 445,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "rawAngle1x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 446,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "rawAngle1y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "angle0x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "angle0y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "angle1x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 450,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "angle1y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "angle0x_1",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 452,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "angle0y_1",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 453,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "angle1x_1",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "angle1y_1",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 455,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "angle0x_2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 456,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "angle0y_2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 52,
+      "group": "tdoa2",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
+      "name": "dist6-7",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
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+  },
+  "twr": {
+    "rangingSuccessRate0": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 57,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate0",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 58,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec0",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
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+    "rangingSuccessRate1": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 59,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate1",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingPerSec1": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 60,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec1",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
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+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingSuccessRate2": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 61,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate2",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rangingPerSec2": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 62,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec2",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingSuccessRate3": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 63,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate3",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingPerSec3": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 64,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec3",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rangingSuccessRate4": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 65,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate4",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingPerSec4": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 66,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec4",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingSuccessRate5": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 67,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate5",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rangingPerSec5": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 68,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec5",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "oa": {
+    "front": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 69,
+      "group": "oa",
+      "name": "front",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 70,
+      "group": "oa",
+      "name": "back",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 71,
+      "group": "oa",
+      "name": "up",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 72,
+      "group": "oa",
+      "name": "left",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 73,
+      "group": "oa",
+      "name": "right",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "spiWrBps": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 74,
+      "group": "usd",
+      "name": "spiWrBps",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 75,
+      "group": "usd",
+      "name": "spiReBps",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 76,
+      "group": "usd",
+      "name": "fatWrBps",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "motor": {
+    "m1": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 77,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m1",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 78,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m2",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 79,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m3",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 80,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m4",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 81,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m1req",
+      "ctype": "int32_t",
+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 82,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m2req",
+      "ctype": "int32_t",
+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 83,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m3req",
+      "ctype": "int32_t",
+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 84,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m4req",
+      "ctype": "int32_t",
+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "pm": {
+    "vbat": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 85,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "vbat",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 86,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "vbatMV",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 87,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "extVbat",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 88,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "extVbatMV",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 89,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "extCurr",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 90,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "chargeCurrent",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 91,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "state",
+      "ctype": "int8_t",
+      "pytype": "<b",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 92,
+      "group": "pm",
+      "name": "batteryLevel",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "radio": {
+    "rssi": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 93,
+      "group": "radio",
+      "name": "rssi",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "isConnected": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 94,
+      "group": "radio",
+      "name": "isConnected",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "gyro": {
+    "xRaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 95,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "xRaw",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 96,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "yRaw",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 97,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "zRaw",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 98,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "xVariance",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 99,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "yVariance",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 100,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "zVariance",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 101,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 103,
+      "group": "gyro",
+      "name": "z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "pid_attitude": {
+    "roll_outP": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 104,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "roll_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "roll_outI": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 105,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "roll_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "roll_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 106,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "roll_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 107,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "roll_outFF",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 108,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "pitch_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "pitch_outI": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 109,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "pitch_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "pitch_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 110,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "pitch_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "pitch_outFF": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 111,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "pitch_outFF",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "yaw_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "yaw_outI": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 113,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "yaw_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "yaw_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 114,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "yaw_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+    "yaw_outFF": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 115,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "yaw_outFF",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "pid_rate": {
+    "roll_outP": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 116,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "roll_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 117,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "roll_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "roll_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 118,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "roll_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 119,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "roll_outFF",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 120,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "pitch_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 121,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "pitch_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitch_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 122,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "pitch_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 123,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "pitch_outFF",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 124,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "yaw_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "yaw_outI": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 125,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "yaw_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "yaw_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 126,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "yaw_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "yaw_outFF": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 127,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "yaw_outFF",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "latency": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 128,
+      "group": "colAv",
+      "name": "latency",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "ctrlINDI": {
+    "cmd_thrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 129,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "cmd_thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 130,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "cmd_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 131,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "cmd_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 132,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "cmd_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 133,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "r_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 134,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "r_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 135,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "r_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 136,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "u_act_dyn_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 137,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "u_act_dyn_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "u_act_dyn_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "name": "du_p",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "du_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "du_r",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "ang_accel_ref_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "ang_accel_ref_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "name": "ang_accel_ref_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "rate_d[0]",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "rate_d[1]": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "rate_d[1]",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 147,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "rate_d[2]",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "uf_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 149,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "uf_q",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "uf_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 151,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "Omega_f_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "Omega_f_q": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 152,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "Omega_f_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "Omega_f_r": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 153,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "Omega_f_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "n_q",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "n_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "ctrlMel": {
+    "cmd_thrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 157,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "cmd_thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 158,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "cmd_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 159,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "cmd_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 160,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "cmd_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 161,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "r_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 162,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "r_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 163,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "r_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 164,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "accelz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "zdx",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 166,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "zdy",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 167,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "zdz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 168,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "i_err_x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "i_err_y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 170,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "i_err_z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "controller": {
+    "cmd_thrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 171,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "cmd_thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 172,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "cmd_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "cmd_pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 173,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "cmd_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 174,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "cmd_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 175,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "r_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 176,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "r_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "r_yaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 177,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "r_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "accelz": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 178,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "accelz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "actuatorThrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 179,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "actuatorThrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "roll": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 180,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 181,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 182,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rollRate": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 183,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "rollRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitchRate": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 184,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "pitchRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 185,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "yawRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 186,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "ctr_yaw",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "X": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 187,
+      "group": "ext_pos",
+      "name": "X",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ext_pos",
+      "name": "Y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 189,
+      "group": "ext_pos",
+      "name": "Z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 190,
+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "qx",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "qy",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "qz",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "qw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "tick": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 197,
+      "group": "locSrvZ",
+      "name": "tick",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "rxRate": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 198,
+      "group": "crtp",
+      "name": "rxRate",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 199,
+      "group": "crtp",
+      "name": "txRate",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 200,
+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "stateX",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 201,
+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "stateY",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "stateZ",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "statePX",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "name": "stateD2",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "kalman",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "kalman",
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+      "name": "q3",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "rtUpdate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "rtPred",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "rtFinal",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 225,
+      "group": "outlierf",
+      "name": "lhWin",
+      "ctype": "int32_t",
+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
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+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<i",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "outlierf",
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+      "pytype": "<i",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "outlierf",
+      "name": "bucket3",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "outlierf",
+      "name": "bucket4",
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+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "outlierf",
+      "name": "accLev",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "outlierf",
+      "name": "errD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 233,
+      "group": "estimator",
+      "name": "rtApnd",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "estimator",
+      "name": "rtRej",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "thrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 235,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 236,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 237,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 238,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "rollRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 239,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "pitchRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 240,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "yawRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "zVel",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 242,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "AltHold",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 243,
+      "group": "extrx",
+      "name": "Arm",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "ch0": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 244,
+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch0",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 245,
+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch1",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<H",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "extrx_raw",
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+      "pytype": "<H",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch4",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch5",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch6",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 251,
+      "group": "extrx_raw",
+      "name": "ch7",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+  },
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+    "motorVarXM1": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 252,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarXM1",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 253,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarYM1",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 254,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarXM2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 255,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarYM2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 256,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarXM3",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 257,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarYM3",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 258,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarXM4",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 259,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarYM4",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 260,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorPass",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 261,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "batterySag",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 262,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "batteryPass",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 263,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorTestCount",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 264,
+      "group": "memTst",
+      "name": "errCntW",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
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+  },
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "posRef_x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "velRef_z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "angS_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "angS_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "ctype": "float",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "angF_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 278,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "angF_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "angF_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "accRef_x",
+      "ctype": "float",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "accRef_y",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "accRef_z",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "accFT_z",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "accErr_x",
+      "ctype": "float",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "accErr_y",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "accErr_z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "T_inner_f",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "T_incremented",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "cmd_theta",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 303,
+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "targetVX",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "targetVY",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "targetX",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "name": "front",
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+      "name": "qz",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "ctype": "float",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "isCalibrated",
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+      "pytype": "<B",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "name": "temp",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 361,
+      "group": "baro",
+      "name": "pressure",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "ctrltarget",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 372,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
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+      "group": "mag",
+      "name": "z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 386,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 387,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 389,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "rtStab",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "intToOut",
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+      "pytype": "<L",
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+  },
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "stateEstimate",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 401,
+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "qw",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "name": "x",
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+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
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+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
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+      "pytype": "<h",
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+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "quat",
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+      "pytype": "<L",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 418,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "rateRoll",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 419,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "ratePitch",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 420,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "rateYaw",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
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+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 421,
+      "group": "sys",
+      "name": "canfly",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 422,
+      "group": "sys",
+      "name": "isFlying",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 423,
+      "group": "sys",
+      "name": "isTumbled",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 424,
+      "group": "sys",
+      "name": "armed",
+      "ctype": "int8_t",
+      "pytype": "<b",
+      "access": 0
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+  },
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+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stRx",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stEst",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 427,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stTime",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 428,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stFound",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stCc",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 430,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stHit",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 431,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stMiss",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "name": "tof",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "tdoa",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+  },
+  "DTR_P2P": {
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 435,
+      "group": "DTR_P2P",
+      "name": "rx_state",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "DTR_P2P",
+      "name": "tx_state",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+  },
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+      "group": "kalman_pred",
+      "name": "predNX",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "kalman_pred",
+      "name": "predNY",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "kalman_pred",
+      "name": "measNX",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "ident": 440,
+      "group": "kalman_pred",
+      "name": "measNY",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "validAngles",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "rawAngle0ylh2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "rawAngle1xlh2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "rawAngle1ylh2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "angle0x_0lh2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "angle0y_0lh2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "angle1x_0lh2",
+      "ctype": "float",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "bsAvailable",
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+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 476,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "bsReceive",
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+      "pytype": "<H",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "bsActive",
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+      "pytype": "<H",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "bsCalCon",
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+      "pytype": "<H",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "status",
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+      "pytype": "<B",
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+  },
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+    }
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
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+    }
+  },
+  "kalman": {
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 178,
+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "resetEstimation",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    }
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+    }
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "ext_pos": {
+    "X": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 41,
+      "group": "ext_pos",
+      "name": "X",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 42,
+      "group": "ext_pos",
+      "name": "Y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 43,
+      "group": "ext_pos",
+      "name": "Z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+  },
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+    "x": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 44,
+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 46,
+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 47,
+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "qx",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 48,
+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "qy",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 49,
+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "qz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 50,
+      "group": "locSrv",
+      "name": "qw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "locSrvZ": {
+    "tick": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 51,
+      "group": "locSrvZ",
+      "name": "tick",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "pid_attitude": {
+    "roll_outP": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 52,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "roll_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "roll_outI": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 53,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "roll_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "roll_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 54,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "roll_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "pitch_outP": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 55,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "pitch_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitch_outI": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 56,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "pitch_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitch_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 57,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "pitch_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "yaw_outP": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 58,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "yaw_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "yaw_outI": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 59,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "yaw_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "yaw_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 60,
+      "group": "pid_attitude",
+      "name": "yaw_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "pid_rate": {
+    "roll_outP": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 61,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "roll_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "roll_outI": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 62,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "roll_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "roll_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 63,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "roll_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitch_outP": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 64,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "pitch_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitch_outI": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 65,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "pitch_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitch_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 66,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "pitch_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "yaw_outP": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 67,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "yaw_outP",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "yaw_outI": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 68,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "yaw_outI",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "yaw_outD": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 69,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "yaw_outD",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "sensfusion6": {
+    "qw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 70,
+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "qw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 71,
+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "qx",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 72,
+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "qy",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 73,
+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "qz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 74,
+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "gravityX",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "gravityY": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 75,
+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "gravityY",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "gravityZ": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 76,
+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "gravityZ",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 77,
+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "accZbase",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 78,
+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "isInit",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "isCalibrated": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 79,
+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "isCalibrated",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "acc": {
+    "x": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 80,
+      "group": "acc",
+      "name": "x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 81,
+      "group": "acc",
+      "name": "y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 82,
+      "group": "acc",
+      "name": "z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "asl": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 83,
+      "group": "baro",
+      "name": "asl",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 84,
+      "group": "baro",
+      "name": "temp",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 85,
+      "group": "baro",
+      "name": "pressure",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "controller": {
+    "ctr_yaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 86,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "ctr_yaw",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "cmd_thrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 213,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "cmd_thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 214,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "cmd_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "cmd_pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 215,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "cmd_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "cmd_yaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 216,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "cmd_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 217,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "r_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "r_pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 218,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "r_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "r_yaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 219,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "r_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 220,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "accelz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "actuatorThrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 221,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "actuatorThrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "roll": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 222,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 223,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "yaw": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 224,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rollRate": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 225,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "rollRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitchRate": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 226,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "pitchRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "yawRate": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 227,
+      "group": "controller",
+      "name": "yawRate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "ctrltarget": {
+    "x": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 87,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "ident": 89,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 90,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "vx",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 91,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "vy",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 92,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "vz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 93,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "ax",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 94,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "ay",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 95,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "az",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 96,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 97,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 98,
+      "group": "ctrltarget",
+      "name": "yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 99,
+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
+      "name": "x",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
+      "name": "y",
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+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
+      "name": "z",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 102,
+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
+      "name": "vx",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 103,
+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
+      "name": "vy",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+    "vz": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 104,
+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
+      "name": "vz",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 105,
+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
+      "name": "ax",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 106,
+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
+      "name": "ay",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 107,
+      "group": "ctrltargetZ",
+      "name": "az",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
+      "access": 0
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+  },
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+    "x": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 111,
+      "group": "mag",
+      "name": "x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "name": "y",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 113,
+      "group": "mag",
+      "name": "z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "roll": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 114,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "pitch": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 115,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "rtStab",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "intToOut",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
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+  },
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+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "az",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 130,
+      "group": "stateEstimate",
+      "name": "pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "name": "yaw",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "name": "az",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "quat",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 146,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "rateRoll",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "ratePitch",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
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+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 148,
+      "group": "stateEstimateZ",
+      "name": "rateYaw",
+      "ctype": "int16_t",
+      "pytype": "<h",
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+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posEstAlt",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posEstAlt",
+      "name": "estVZ",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posEstAlt",
+      "name": "velocityZ",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 152,
+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "targetVX",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "Xp",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "Xi",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "Xd",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "Yp",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "Yi",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "Yd",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "Zp",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "Zi",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "Zd",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "VXp",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "posCtl",
+      "name": "VXi",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "theta_tilde": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 204,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "theta_tilde",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 205,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "T_tilde",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 206,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "T_inner",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 207,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "T_inner_f",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 208,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "T_incremented",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 209,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "cmd_phi",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 210,
+      "group": "posCtrlIndi",
+      "name": "cmd_theta",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "rtApnd": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 211,
+      "group": "estimator",
+      "name": "rtApnd",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 212,
+      "group": "estimator",
+      "name": "rtRej",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "ctrlMel": {
+    "cmd_thrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 228,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "cmd_thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 229,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "cmd_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 230,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "cmd_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 231,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "cmd_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 232,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "r_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 233,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "r_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 234,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "r_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 235,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "accelz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 236,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "zdx",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 237,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "zdy",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 238,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "zdz",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 239,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "i_err_x",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 240,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "i_err_y",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 241,
+      "group": "ctrlMel",
+      "name": "i_err_z",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "ctrlINDI": {
+    "cmd_thrust": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 242,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "cmd_thrust",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 243,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "cmd_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 244,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "cmd_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 245,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "cmd_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 246,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "r_roll",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 247,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "r_pitch",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 248,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "r_yaw",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 249,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "u_act_dyn_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "u_act_dyn_q": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 250,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "u_act_dyn_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "u_act_dyn_r": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 251,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "u_act_dyn_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "du_p": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 252,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "du_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 253,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "du_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 254,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "du_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 255,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "ang_accel_ref_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "ang_accel_ref_q": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 256,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "ang_accel_ref_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+    "ang_accel_ref_r": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 257,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "ang_accel_ref_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rate_d[0]": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 258,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "rate_d[0]",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rate_d[1]": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 259,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "rate_d[1]",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "rate_d[2]": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 260,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "rate_d[2]",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 261,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "uf_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 262,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "uf_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 263,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "uf_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "Omega_f_p": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 264,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "Omega_f_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "Omega_f_q": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 265,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "Omega_f_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "Omega_f_r": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 266,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "Omega_f_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
+    "n_p": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 267,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "n_p",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 268,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "n_q",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 269,
+      "group": "ctrlINDI",
+      "name": "n_r",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "motor": {
+    "m1": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 270,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m1",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 271,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m2",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 272,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m3",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 273,
+      "group": "motor",
+      "name": "m4",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "latency": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 274,
+      "group": "colAv",
+      "name": "latency",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "health": {
+    "motorVarXM1": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 275,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarXM1",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 276,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarYM1",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 277,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarXM2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 278,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarYM2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 279,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarXM3",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 280,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarYM3",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 281,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarXM4",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 282,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorVarYM4",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 283,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorPass",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 284,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "batterySag",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 285,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "batteryPass",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 286,
+      "group": "health",
+      "name": "motorTestCount",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "inFlight": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 287,
+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "inFlight",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "name": "stateZ",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "kalman",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "rtUpdate",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "rtPred",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "group": "kalman",
+      "name": "rtFinal",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "outlierf",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "name": "errD",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 314,
+      "group": "kalman_pred",
+      "name": "predNX",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "group": "kalman_pred",
+      "name": "predNY",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "kalman_pred",
+      "name": "measNX",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 317,
+      "group": "kalman_pred",
+      "name": "measNY",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
+  "ring": {
+    "fadeTime": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 318,
+      "group": "ring",
+      "name": "fadeTime",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 319,
+      "group": "gps",
+      "name": "lat",
+      "ctype": "int32_t",
+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 320,
+      "group": "gps",
+      "name": "lon",
+      "ctype": "int32_t",
+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "gps",
+      "name": "hMSL",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "gps",
+      "name": "hAcc",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "gps",
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+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "gps",
+      "name": "fix",
+      "ctype": "int32_t",
+      "pytype": "<i",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "usd",
+      "name": "spiWrBps",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "usd",
+      "name": "spiReBps",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 328,
+      "group": "loco",
+      "name": "mode",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "loco",
+      "name": "spiWr",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "loco",
+      "name": "spiRe",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+    "state": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 331,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "state",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance0",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance1",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 335,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance3",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance4",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance5",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 338,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance6",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "distance7",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 340,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "pressure0",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 341,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "pressure1",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "pressure2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 343,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "pressure3",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 344,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "pressure4",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "pressure5",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 346,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "pressure6",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 347,
+      "group": "ranging",
+      "name": "pressure7",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 348,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate0",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 349,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec0",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 350,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate1",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingPerSec1": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 351,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec1",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate2",
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+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 353,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec2",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 354,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate3",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
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+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingPerSec3": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 355,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec3",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate4",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
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+    "rangingPerSec4": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 357,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec4",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingSuccessRate5",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+    "rangingPerSec5": {
+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 359,
+      "group": "twr",
+      "name": "rangingPerSec5",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0
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+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
+      "name": "d7-0",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "name": "d5-6",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
+      "name": "d6-7",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
+      "name": "cc7",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
+      "name": "dist1-2",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoa2",
+      "name": "dist6-7",
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+      "pytype": "<H",
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+  },
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
+      "ident": 384,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stRx",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "LogTocElement",
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+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "stEst",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 41,
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 51,
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+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
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+    }
+  },
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+    "BMP388": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 52,
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+      "name": "BMP388",
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+    },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    },
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+    },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 58,
+      "group": "imu_tests",
+      "name": "MPU6500",
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+    },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "group": "imu_tests",
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+    },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+    },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "group": "imu_tests",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 64,
+      "group": "syslink",
+      "name": "probe",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "group": "pid_attitude",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 80,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "roll_kp",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 81,
+      "group": "pid_rate",
+      "name": "roll_ki",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+    }
+  },
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 150,
+      "group": "ctrlAtt",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+      "pytype": "<f",
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+    }
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+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
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+      "ident": 240,
+      "group": "posEstAlt",
+      "name": "vAccDeadband",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": true
+    }
+  },
+  "powerDist": {
+    "idleThrust": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 241,
+      "group": "powerDist",
+      "name": "idleThrust",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": true
+    }
+  },
+  "quadSysId": {
+    "thrustToTorque": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 242,
+      "group": "quadSysId",
+      "name": "thrustToTorque",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "pwmToThrustA": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 243,
+      "group": "quadSysId",
+      "name": "pwmToThrustA",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "pwmToThrustB": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 244,
+      "group": "quadSysId",
+      "name": "pwmToThrustB",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "armLength": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 245,
+      "group": "quadSysId",
+      "name": "armLength",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    }
+  },
+  "sensfusion6": {
+    "kp": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 246,
+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "kp",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": true
+    },
+    "ki": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 247,
+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "ki",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": true
+    },
+    "baseZacc": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 248,
+      "group": "sensfusion6",
+      "name": "baseZacc",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    }
+  },
+  "sound": {
+    "effect": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 249,
+      "group": "sound",
+      "name": "effect",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": true
+    },
+    "neffect": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 250,
+      "group": "sound",
+      "name": "neffect",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 1,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "freq": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 251,
+      "group": "sound",
+      "name": "freq",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    }
+  },
+  "stabilizer": {
+    "estimator": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 252,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "estimator",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "controller": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 253,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "controller",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "stop": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 254,
+      "group": "stabilizer",
+      "name": "stop",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    }
+  },
+  "cpu": {
+    "flash": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 255,
+      "group": "cpu",
+      "name": "flash",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 1,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "id0": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 256,
+      "group": "cpu",
+      "name": "id0",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 1,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "id1": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 257,
+      "group": "cpu",
+      "name": "id1",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 1,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "id2": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 258,
+      "group": "cpu",
+      "name": "id2",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 1,
+      "extended": false
+    }
+  },
+  "tdoaEngine": {
+    "logId": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 259,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "logId",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "logOthrId": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 260,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "logOthrId",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "matchAlgo": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 261,
+      "group": "tdoaEngine",
+      "name": "matchAlgo",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    }
+  },
+  "lighthouse": {
+    "method": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 262,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "method",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "bsCalibReset": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 263,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "bsCalibReset",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "systemType": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 264,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "systemType",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "bsAvailable": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 265,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "bsAvailable",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 1,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "sweepStd": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 266,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "sweepStd",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "sweepStd2": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 267,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "sweepStd2",
+      "ctype": "float",
+      "pytype": "<f",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "enLhRawStream": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 268,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "enLhRawStream",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "lh2maxRate": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 269,
+      "group": "lighthouse",
+      "name": "lh2maxRate",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 0,
+      "extended": false
+    }
+  },
+  "firmware": {
+    "revision0": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 270,
+      "group": "firmware",
+      "name": "revision0",
+      "ctype": "uint32_t",
+      "pytype": "<L",
+      "access": 1,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "revision1": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 271,
+      "group": "firmware",
+      "name": "revision1",
+      "ctype": "uint16_t",
+      "pytype": "<H",
+      "access": 1,
+      "extended": false
+    },
+    "modified": {
+      "__class__": "ParamTocElement",
+      "ident": 272,
+      "group": "firmware",
+      "name": "modified",
+      "ctype": "uint8_t",
+      "pytype": "<B",
+      "access": 1,
+      "extended": false
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crazyflie_demos/lighthouse_openvr_tilt_control.py b/crazyflie_demos/lighthouse_openvr_tilt_control.py
index a018f05592f82d55634d61b0fcc20b0b5f3c11b9..0b64a10b548ff2f327e884ec8a49cc61ed1a6b84 100644
--- a/crazyflie_demos/lighthouse_openvr_tilt_control.py
+++ b/crazyflie_demos/lighthouse_openvr_tilt_control.py
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ from math import asin, atan2
 import math
 import sys
 import time
-from cv2 import EVENT_LBUTTONUP
 import openvr
@@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ from cflib.crazyflie.syncLogger import SyncLogger
 from sqlalchemy import Integer, null
 # URI to the Crazyflie to connect to
-uri = 'radio://0/80/2M'
+uri = 'radio://0/40/2M'
 vr = openvr.init(openvr.VRApplication_Other)
diff --git a/crazyflie_demos/swarm_circles.py b/crazyflie_demos/swarm_circles.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ac7612c37b9cac3562668279a0dee2c0a02ae4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crazyflie_demos/swarm_circles.py
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#     ||          ____  _ __
+#  +------+      / __ )(_) /_______________ _____  ___
+#  | 0xBC |     / __  / / __/ ___/ ___/ __ `/_  / / _ \
+#  +------+    / /_/ / / /_/ /__/ /  / /_/ / / /_/  __/
+#   ||  ||    /_____/_/\__/\___/_/   \__,_/ /___/\___/
+#  Copyright (C) 2019 Bitcraze AB
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+#  MA  02110-1301, USA.
+Kitchen swarm demo
+import sys
+import time
+import cflib.crtp
+from cflib.crazyflie.log import LogConfig
+from cflib.crazyflie.swarm import CachedCfFactory
+from cflib.crazyflie.swarm import Swarm
+from cflib.crazyflie.syncLogger import SyncLogger
+from cflib.crazyflie.mem import MemoryElement
+from cflib.crazyflie.mem import Poly4D
+class Uploader:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._is_done = False
+        self._sucess = True
+    def upload(self, trajectory_mem):
+        print('Uploading data')
+        trajectory_mem.write_data(self._upload_done,
+                                  write_failed_cb=self._upload_failed)
+        while not self._is_done:
+            time.sleep(0.2)
+        return self._sucess
+    def _upload_done(self, mem, addr):
+        print('Data uploaded')
+        self._is_done = True
+        self._sucess = True
+    def _upload_failed(self, mem, addr):
+        print('Data upload failed')
+        self._is_done = True
+        self._sucess = False
+def wait_for_position_estimator(scf):
+    print('Waiting for estimator to find position...')
+    log_config = LogConfig(name='Kalman Variance', period_in_ms=500)
+    log_config.add_variable('kalman.varPX', 'float')
+    log_config.add_variable('kalman.varPY', 'float')
+    log_config.add_variable('kalman.varPZ', 'float')
+    var_y_history = [1000] * 10
+    var_x_history = [1000] * 10
+    var_z_history = [1000] * 10
+    threshold = 0.001
+    with SyncLogger(scf, log_config) as logger:
+        for log_entry in logger:
+            data = log_entry[1]
+            var_x_history.append(data['kalman.varPX'])
+            var_x_history.pop(0)
+            var_y_history.append(data['kalman.varPY'])
+            var_y_history.pop(0)
+            var_z_history.append(data['kalman.varPZ'])
+            var_z_history.pop(0)
+            min_x = min(var_x_history)
+            max_x = max(var_x_history)
+            min_y = min(var_y_history)
+            max_y = max(var_y_history)
+            min_z = min(var_z_history)
+            max_z = max(var_z_history)
+            # print("{} {} {}".
+            #       format(max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y, max_z - min_z))
+            if (max_x - min_x) < threshold and (
+                    max_y - min_y) < threshold and (
+                    max_z - min_z) < threshold:
+                break
+def reset_estimator(scf):
+    cf = scf.cf
+    cf.param.set_value('kalman.resetEstimation', '1')
+    time.sleep(0.1)
+    cf.param.set_value('kalman.resetEstimation', '0')
+    wait_for_position_estimator(scf)
+def activate_high_level_commander(scf):
+    scf.cf.param.set_value('commander.enHighLevel', '1')
+def activate_mellinger_controller(scf, use_mellinger):
+    controller = 1
+    if use_mellinger:
+        controller = 2
+    scf.cf.param.set_value('stabilizer.controller', controller)
+circle =  [
+    [1.51717,0,0,0,0,1.32574,-1.98833,1.05213,-0.193077,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.535169,-0.659232,0.301615,-0.0494349,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
+    [1.50824,0.3,0.106933,-0.103026,-0.0410602,-0.209442,0.212167,-0.0626071,0.00443994,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.3,0.33848,-0.00502046,-0.0275498,0.0241283,-0.151489,0.124218,-0.0286872,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
+    [1.50824,0,-0.43482,-2.9983e-14,0.029862,-0.254959,0.663639,-0.450116,0.0952838,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.6,4.96303e-14,-0.0577895,1.276e-14,-0.299076,0.345641,-0.143107,0.0206168,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
+    [1.51717,-0.3,0.213865,0.103026,-0.0410602,0.417628,-0.835528,0.519489,-0.105396,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.3,-0.33848,-0.01005,-0.0275498,0.0730012,0.130773,-0.146042,0.0365326,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
+small_circle =  [
+    [1.27649,0,0,0,0,1.92865,-3.47886,2.20546,-0.483774,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.69662,-1.01417,0.549531,-0.106795,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
+    [1.22015,0.2,0.0606813,-0.100431,-0.0484002,-0.127439,0.0464536,0.0845032,-0.0393948,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.2,0.272864,0.000809798,-0.0324747,0.0658206,-0.360035,0.346088,-0.0967091,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
+    [1.22015,0,-0.350529,-9.67329e-15,0.0352001,-0.461004,1.39941,-1.1527,0.299203,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.4,-1.22796e-15,-0.0563338,5.23403e-15,-0.505617,0.737984,-0.387096,0.0710504,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
+    [1.27649,-0.2,0.172407,0.100431,-0.0484002,0.514023,-1.24746,0.930469,-0.225515,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.2,-0.272864,-0.0016548,-0.0324747,0.0991706,0.196796,-0.265897,0.0794233,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
+def upload_trajectory(cf, trajectory_id, trajectory):
+    trajectory_mem = cf.mem.get_mems(MemoryElement.TYPE_TRAJ)[0]
+    total_duration = 0
+    for row in trajectory:
+        duration = row[0]
+        x = Poly4D.Poly(row[1:9])
+        y = Poly4D.Poly(row[9:17])
+        z = Poly4D.Poly(row[17:25])
+        yaw = Poly4D.Poly(row[25:33])
+        trajectory_mem.poly4Ds.append(Poly4D(duration, x, y, z, yaw))
+        total_duration += duration
+    upload_result = Uploader().upload(trajectory_mem)
+    if not upload_result:
+        print('Upload failed, aborting!')
+        sys.exit(1)
+    cf.high_level_commander.define_trajectory(trajectory_id, 0,
+                                              len(trajectory_mem.poly4Ds))
+    return total_duration
+# _______________________________
+# Essential Functions
+# _______________________________
+SPACING = 0.25
+def take_off(scf, params):
+    cf = scf.cf
+    commander = cf.high_level_commander
+    d = params['d']
+    # Take off
+    commander.takeoff(DEFAULT_HEIGHT, 2.0)
+    time.sleep(3.0)
+    # Go to start location
+    commander.go_to( SPACING * (d-1), 0.1 -(SPACING* (d-1)), DEFAULT_HEIGHT , 0.0 ,2.0)
+    time.sleep(3.0)
+# Do a Loop
+LOOPS = 3
+def run_shared_sequence(scf, params):
+    cf = scf.cf
+    d = params['d']
+    commander = cf.high_level_commander
+    trajectory_id = 1
+    # Take off
+    duration = upload_trajectory(cf, trajectory_id, circle)
+    relative = True
+    # Delay based on ID
+    time.sleep((d-1)*2)
+    # Execute circle trajectory
+    for t in range(0, LOOPS):
+        commander.start_trajectory(trajectory_id, 1.0, relative)
+        time.sleep(duration)
+    time.sleep(4-(d-1)*2)
+    # Go back to initial position and land again
+    commander.go_to(SPACING * (d-1), -(SPACING* (d-1)),DEFAULT_HEIGHT , 0.0 ,2.0)
+    time.sleep(2.0)
+    commander.land(0.0, 2.0)
+    time.sleep(2)
+    commander.stop()
+# URIS of swarm
+uris = {
+    'radio://0/120/2M/E7E7E7E7E7',
+    'radio://0/90/2M/E7E7E7E7E7',
+    #'radio://0/30/2M/E7E7E7E703',
+    # Add more URIs if you want more copters in the swarm
+# Parameters of Swarm
+params = {
+    'radio://0/120/2M/E7E7E7E7E7': [{'d': 1}],# 1
+    'radio://0/90/2M/E7E7E7E7E7': [{'d': 2}], #3
+    #'radio://0/30/2M/E7E7E7E703': [{'d': 3}],
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    cflib.crtp.init_drivers()
+    factory = CachedCfFactory(rw_cache='./cache')
+    with Swarm(uris, factory=factory) as swarm:
+        # Activate HL commander and reset estimator
+        swarm.parallel_safe(activate_high_level_commander)
+        swarm.parallel_safe(reset_estimator)
+        swarm.parallel_safe(take_off, args_dict=params)
+        input("enter to continue")
+        swarm.parallel_safe(run_shared_sequence, args_dict=params)
diff --git a/groundStation/gui/MicroCART/MicroCART.files b/groundStation/gui/MicroCART/MicroCART.files
index 834edd1e96f3efc25e0564d1086a6d5be87b2cca..b4d086dd0b798f2b1e94602a836172f8e25a851e 100644
--- a/groundStation/gui/MicroCART/MicroCART.files
+++ b/groundStation/gui/MicroCART/MicroCART.files
@@ -5,18 +5,13 @@ controlworker.cpp
diff --git a/new_quad_2022_Hardware/IMU_BreakOUT _Board/IMU_BreakOUT _Board-backups/IMU_BreakOUT _Board-2022-11-10_163734.zip b/new_quad_2022_Hardware/IMU_BreakOUT _Board/IMU_BreakOUT _Board-backups/IMU_BreakOUT _Board-2022-11-10_163734.zip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb7ca488615f5c2ec0de24aabf9fb840200febf1
Binary files /dev/null and b/new_quad_2022_Hardware/IMU_BreakOUT _Board/IMU_BreakOUT _Board-backups/IMU_BreakOUT _Board-2022-11-10_163734.zip differ
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e10059f9ec8b0f33b70ae20b4b3dc2db87f0ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file