diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eab7b9165e2d8f45dab2bcc436224e03f7bf2795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project.
+# use the official gcc image, based on debian
+# can use verions as well, like gcc:5.2
+# see https://hub.docker.com/_/gcc/
+image: gcc
+  stage: build
+  script: 
+    - echo "It works."
+# run tests using the binary built before
+  stage: test
+  script:
+    - echo "Running tests."
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/Data_Analysis_Tool_Overview.pdf b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/Data_Analysis_Tool_Overview.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..786cf9f166eb1969e41152e8304db8bc4ebac168
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/Data_Analysis_Tool_Overview.pdf differ
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/GUI_Guide.pdf b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/GUI_Guide.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8e7c74c5e6968f5ee9ff32a260506b9ff1c466ab
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/GUI_Guide.pdf differ
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/cam_sys_data_load.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/cam_sys_data_load.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e63c772c52921f5d35e34843c43ffec06403fdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/cam_sys_data_load.m
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+function [] = cam_sys_data_load( varargin )
+% USE: 
+% Produces a structure containing the time data, x axis position, y axis
+% position, z axis position, roll Euler angle, pitch Euler angle, and yaw
+% Euler angle for each CSV file produced by Optitrack Tracking Tools 
+% contained in a given directory. 
+% cam_sys_data_load( path )
+% Optional Inputs: 
+%   path is a string containing the name of the directory containing the 
+%   CSV files to be read in. If this argument is not included, the user
+%   will be prompted to choose a director through a GUI menu. 
+% Outputs: 
+%   One or more instances of a structure containing vectors for time, 
+%   position and orientation. For an output structure called data: 
+%       data.t (time stamp vector)
+%       data.x (x axis position vector)
+%       data.y (y axis position vector) 
+%       data.z (z axis position vector)
+%       data.phi (roll Euler angle vector)
+%       data.theta (pitch Euler angle vector)
+%       data.psi (yaw Euler angle vector) 
+%       ***The structure names will generally be the same as the CSV file
+%       names, unless the file name is not a valid MATLAB variable name in
+%       which case it will be renamed data#, where # will be the index
+%       where the file would appear in the result of a dir or ls command. 
+% AUTHOR(s): 
+%   Matt Rich 
+%   Graduate Student 
+%   Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
+%   Iowa State University 
+%   m87rich@iastate.edu
+%   13-Mar-2012 (Matt Rich) : initial creation
+if isempty(varargin)
+    path = uigetdir('.','Choose a directory containing the Optitrack CSV files you want to load.');
+    path = varargin{end}; 
+files = dir(path);
+fileIndex = find(~[files.isdir]);
+for k = 1:length(fileIndex)
+    fileName = files(fileIndex(k)).name;
+    if strcmpi('.csv',fileName(end-3:end))
+        if isvarname(fileName(1:end-4)) 
+            assignin('base',fileName(1:end-4),cam_sys_data_read([path,'\',fileName])); 
+        else
+            assignin('base',['data',num2str(k)],cam_sys_data_read([path,'\',fileName])); 
+            disp([fileName(1:end-4),' has been renamed data',num2str(k),...
+            ' in order to be a valid MATLAB variable name.']); 
+        end
+    else
+        disp([fileName,' not loaded since it is not a CSV file.']); 
+    end
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/cam_sys_data_read.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/cam_sys_data_read.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a576e71c17a6e32631eaaf0ee097a4e7afd7dce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/cam_sys_data_read.m
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+function data = cam_sys_data_read(filename)
+% USE: 
+% Produces a structure containing the time data, x axis position, y axis
+% position, z axis position, roll Euler angle, pitch Euler angle, and yaw
+% Euler angle from a CSV file produced by Optitrack Tracking Tools. 
+% data = cam_sys_data_read(filename)
+% Inputs: 
+%   filename is a string containing the name of the CSV file to be read in
+% Outputs: 
+%   data is a structure containing vectors for time, position and
+%   orientation: 
+%       data.t (time stamp)
+%       data.x (x axis position)
+%       data.y (y axis position) 
+%       data.z (z axis position)
+%       data.phi (roll Euler angle *(as reported by Tracking Tools)) 
+%       data.theta (pitch Euler angle *(as reported by Tracking Tools)) 
+%       data.psi (yaw Euler angle *(as reported by Tracking Tools)) 
+%       data.qx = 1st quaternion component  
+%       data.qy = 1st quaternion component
+%       data.qz = 1st quaternion component
+%       data.qw = 1st quaternion component
+%       *The Euler Angles reported by Tracking Tools may be incorrect
+%       depending on the setup of the axes. As of 3-14-13, they are
+%       incorrect since the axes are set up to provide the correct
+%       information for the VRPN decoding of the MicroCART base station
+%       software, which assumes a Yaw-Pitch-Roll sequence of rotations.
+%       The quaternions can be used to obtain the correct Euler angles if
+%       the rotation sequence is known. 
+% AUTHOR(s): 
+%   Matt Rich 
+%   Graduate Student 
+%   Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
+%   Iowa State University 
+%   m87rich@iastate.edu
+%   13-Mar-2012 (Matt Rich) : initial creation
+%   14-Mar-2013 (Matt Rich) : added quaternion extraction 
+[num,txt,raw] = xlsread(filename);
+data.t = raw(45:end,3); data.t = [data.t{1:2:end}]; 
+data.x = raw(45:end,6); data.x = [data.x{1:2:end}];
+data.y = raw(45:end,7); data.y = [data.y{1:2:end}];
+data.z = raw(45:end,8); data.z = [data.z{1:2:end}];
+data.psi = raw(45:end,13); data.psi = [data.psi{1:2:end}]; 
+data.theta = raw(45:end,14); data.theta = [data.theta{1:2:end}]; 
+data.phi = raw(45:end,15); data.phi = [data.phi{1:2:end}]; 
+data.qx = raw(45:end,9); data.qx = [data.qx{1:2:end}];
+data.qy = raw(45:end,10); data.qy = [data.qy{1:2:end}];
+data.qz = raw(45:end,11); data.qz = [data.qz{1:2:end}];
+data.qw = raw(45:end,12); data.qw = [data.qw{1:2:end}];
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/sampleLogFile.txt b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/sampleLogFile.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01145fe05140eff19ea7565ef62be84a56f6553e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/sampleLogFile.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+#Custom Header:::::
+#Settings: x y z
+#Constants: 1 2 3
+#Contents will be printed to MATLAB terminal
+#▼▼▼▼ - Time must be included for parser to work properly needs to be exactly the following string: 'Time'
+%Time	Lat	Lon	Alt	Roll	Pitch	Yaw	PIDpitchIn	PIDpitchOut	setThrottle	matrixInPitch	Motor_1	Motor_3
+&ms	m1/1300	m2/1300	m3/1300	m4/1300	degrees	degrees	degrees	degrees	dM/13	dM/13	dM/13	dM/13
+       0	+0.1306	+0.3377	+1.4709	+0.28	+3.48	-0.03	0.00	2606.05	0.00	434.34	0	1300
+       7	+0.1306	+0.3377	+1.4709	+0.28	+3.48	-0.03	0.00	2606.05	0.00	434.34	0	1300
+      11	+0.1303	+0.3380	+1.4709	+0.30	+3.53	+0.00	0.00	155.69	0.00	25.95	0	325
+      15	+0.1303	+0.3380	+1.4709	+0.30	+3.53	+0.00	0.00	155.69	0.00	25.95	0	325
+      20	+0.1299	+0.3383	+1.4709	+0.32	+3.58	+0.02	0.00	161.83	0.00	26.97	0	338
+      25	+0.1299	+0.3383	+1.4709	+0.32	+3.58	+0.02	0.00	161.83	0.00	26.97	0	338
+      30	+0.1296	+0.3387	+1.4709	+0.41	+3.65	+0.01	0.00	170.86	0.00	28.48	0	364
+      35	+0.1296	+0.3387	+1.4709	+0.41	+3.65	+0.01	0.00	170.86	0.00	28.48	0	364
+      40	+0.1292	+0.3389	+1.4709	+0.42	+3.69	+0.02	0.00	160.27	0.00	26.71	0	338
+      45	+0.1292	+0.3389	+1.4709	+0.42	+3.69	+0.02	0.00	160.27	0.00	26.71	0	338
+      50	+0.1289	+0.3390	+1.4709	+0.44	+3.73	+0.03	0.00	158.77	0.00	26.46	0	338
+      55	+0.1289	+0.3390	+1.4709	+0.44	+3.73	+0.03	0.00	158.77	0.00	26.46	0	338
+      60	+0.1284	+0.3391	+1.4708	+0.46	+3.78	+0.05	0.00	163.03	0.00	27.17	0	351
+      65	+0.1284	+0.3391	+1.4708	+0.46	+3.78	+0.05	0.00	163.03	0.00	27.17	0	351
+      70	+0.1281	+0.3390	+1.4707	+0.38	+3.79	+0.16	0.00	137.17	0.00	22.86	0	286
+      75	+0.1281	+0.3390	+1.4707	+0.38	+3.79	+0.16	0.00	137.17	0.00	22.86	0	286
+      80	+0.1275	+0.3389	+1.4708	+0.38	+3.86	+0.04	0.00	188.87	0.00	31.48	0	403
+      85	+0.1275	+0.3389	+1.4708	+0.38	+3.86	+0.04	0.00	188.87	0.00	31.48	0	403
+      90	+0.1271	+0.3390	+1.4707	+0.38	+3.91	+0.02	0.00	166.78	0.00	27.80	0	351
+      95	+0.1271	+0.3390	+1.4707	+0.38	+3.91	+0.02	0.00	166.78	0.00	27.80	0	351
+     100	+0.1267	+0.3390	+1.4707	+0.37	+3.96	+0.03	0.00	175.14	0.00	29.19	0	377
+     105	+0.1267	+0.3390	+1.4707	+0.37	+3.96	+0.03	0.00	175.14	0.00	29.19	0	377
+     110	+0.1263	+0.3390	+1.4706	+0.37	+4.00	+0.03	0.00	163.15	0.00	27.19	0	351
+     115	+0.1263	+0.3390	+1.4706	+0.37	+4.00	+0.03	0.00	163.15	0.00	27.19	0	351
+     120	+0.1259	+0.3389	+1.4706	+0.37	+4.02	+0.06	0.00	157.62	0.00	26.27	0	338
+     125	+0.1259	+0.3389	+1.4706	+0.37	+4.02	+0.06	0.00	157.62	0.00	26.27	0	338
+     130	+0.1255	+0.3388	+1.4705	+0.38	+4.05	+0.03	0.00	159.64	0.00	26.61	0	338
+     135	+0.1255	+0.3388	+1.4705	+0.38	+4.05	+0.03	0.00	159.64	0.00	26.61	0	338
+     140	+0.1252	+0.3387	+1.4705	+0.39	+4.06	+0.13	0.00	146.56	0.00	24.43	0	312
+     145	+0.1252	+0.3387	+1.4705	+0.39	+4.06	+0.13	0.00	146.56	0.00	24.43	0	312
+     150	+0.1249	+0.3386	+1.4705	+0.38	+4.09	+0.12	0.00	159.00	0.00	26.50	0	338
+     155	+0.1249	+0.3386	+1.4705	+0.38	+4.09	+0.12	0.00	159.00	0.00	26.50	0	338
+     160	+0.1245	+0.3385	+1.4705	+0.45	+4.14	-0.07	0.00	185.69	0.00	30.95	0	390
+     165	+0.1245	+0.3385	+1.4705	+0.45	+4.14	-0.07	0.00	185.69	0.00	30.95	0	390
+     170	+0.1243	+0.3383	+1.4705	+0.36	+4.17	-0.01	0.00	162.53	0.00	27.09	0	351
+     175	+0.1243	+0.3383	+1.4705	+0.36	+4.17	-0.01	0.00	162.53	0.00	27.09	0	351
+     180	+0.1241	+0.3381	+1.4705	+0.36	+4.20	-0.02	0.00	163.69	0.00	27.28	0	351
+     185	+0.1241	+0.3381	+1.4705	+0.36	+4.20	-0.02	0.00	163.69	0.00	27.28	0	351
+     190	+0.1238	+0.3378	+1.4704	+0.30	+4.22	-0.01	0.00	165.86	0.00	27.64	0	351
+     195	+0.1238	+0.3378	+1.4704	+0.30	+4.22	-0.01	0.00	165.86	0.00	27.64	0	351
+     200	+0.1235	+0.3375	+1.4704	+0.28	+4.23	-0.01	0.00	152.26	0.00	25.38	0	325
+     205	+0.1235	+0.3375	+1.4704	+0.28	+4.23	-0.01	0.00	152.26	0.00	25.38	0	325
+     210	+0.1232	+0.3372	+1.4703	+0.25	+4.24	-0.00	0.00	151.03	0.00	25.17	0	325
+     215	+0.1232	+0.3372	+1.4703	+0.25	+4.24	-0.00	0.00	151.03	0.00	25.17	0	325
+     220	+0.1229	+0.3369	+1.4703	+0.24	+4.23	+0.10	0.00	136.86	0.00	22.81	0	286
+     225	+0.1229	+0.3369	+1.4703	+0.24	+4.23	+0.10	0.00	136.86	0.00	22.81	0	286
+     230	+0.1224	+0.3365	+1.4704	+0.21	+4.25	-0.03	0.00	167.12	0.00	27.85	0	351
+     235	+0.1224	+0.3365	+1.4704	+0.21	+4.25	-0.03	0.00	167.12	0.00	27.85	0	351
+     240	+0.1220	+0.3363	+1.4704	+0.25	+4.27	-0.05	0.00	159.47	0.00	26.58	0	338
+     245	+0.1220	+0.3363	+1.4704	+0.25	+4.27	-0.05	0.00	159.47	0.00	26.58	0	338
+     250	+0.1217	+0.3358	+1.4703	+0.16	+4.27	-0.02	0.00	146.15	0.00	24.36	0	312
+     255	+0.1217	+0.3358	+1.4703	+0.16	+4.27	-0.02	0.00	146.15	0.00	24.36	0	312
+     260	+0.1214	+0.3354	+1.4703	+0.12	+4.28	-0.01	0.00	152.55	0.00	25.42	0	325
+     265	+0.1214	+0.3354	+1.4703	+0.12	+4.28	-0.01	0.00	152.55	0.00	25.42	0	325
+     270	+0.1211	+0.3350	+1.4703	+0.05	+4.27	+0.09	0.00	142.99	0.00	23.83	0	299
+     275	+0.1211	+0.3350	+1.4703	+0.05	+4.27	+0.09	0.00	142.99	0.00	23.83	0	299
+     281	+0.1209	+0.3346	+1.4703	+0.01	+4.27	+0.06	0.00	144.38	0.00	24.06	0	312
+     285	+0.1209	+0.3346	+1.4703	+0.01	+4.27	+0.06	0.00	144.38	0.00	24.06	0	312
+     290	+0.1206	+0.3342	+1.4703	-0.01	+4.28	-0.10	0.00	157.38	0.00	26.23	0	338
+     295	+0.1206	+0.3342	+1.4703	-0.01	+4.28	-0.10	0.00	157.38	0.00	26.23	0	338
+     300	+0.1204	+0.3339	+1.4703	-0.05	+4.28	-0.11	0.00	147.51	0.00	24.58	0	312
+     305	+0.1204	+0.3339	+1.4703	-0.05	+4.28	-0.11	0.00	147.51	0.00	24.58	0	312
+     310	+0.1203	+0.3336	+1.4704	-0.03	+4.28	-0.16	0.00	147.27	0.00	24.54	0	312
+     315	+0.1203	+0.3336	+1.4704	-0.03	+4.28	-0.16	0.00	147.27	0.00	24.54	0	312
+     320	+0.1203	+0.3333	+1.4704	-0.09	+4.27	-0.16	0.00	145.76	0.00	24.29	0	312
+     325	+0.1203	+0.3333	+1.4704	-0.09	+4.27	-0.16	0.00	145.76	0.00	24.29	0	312
+     330	+0.1203	+0.3329	+1.4704	-0.14	+4.27	-0.16	0.00	146.51	0.00	24.42	0	312
+     335	+0.1203	+0.3329	+1.4704	-0.14	+4.27	-0.16	0.00	146.51	0.00	24.42	0	312
+     340	+0.1203	+0.3324	+1.4703	-0.27	+4.27	-0.13	0.00	144.99	0.00	24.17	0	312
+     345	+0.1203	+0.3324	+1.4703	-0.27	+4.27	-0.13	0.00	144.99	0.00	24.17	0	312
+     350	+0.1203	+0.3320	+1.4703	-0.35	+4.27	-0.11	0.00	146.30	0.00	24.38	0	312
+     355	+0.1203	+0.3320	+1.4703	-0.35	+4.27	-0.11	0.00	146.30	0.00	24.38	0	312
+     360	+0.1203	+0.3316	+1.4703	-0.37	+4.25	-0.01	0.00	134.85	0.00	22.47	0	286
+     365	+0.1203	+0.3316	+1.4703	-0.37	+4.25	-0.01	0.00	134.85	0.00	22.47	0	286
+     370	+0.1202	+0.3312	+1.4705	-0.39	+4.22	-0.12	0.00	126.19	0.00	21.03	0	273
+     375	+0.1202	+0.3312	+1.4705	-0.39	+4.22	-0.12	0.00	126.19	0.00	21.03	0	273
+     380	+0.1202	+0.3307	+1.4706	-0.44	+4.22	-0.12	0.00	141.27	0.00	23.54	0	299
+     385	+0.1202	+0.3307	+1.4706	-0.44	+4.22	-0.12	0.00	141.27	0.00	23.54	0	299
+     390	+0.1202	+0.3302	+1.4706	-0.48	+4.21	-0.11	0.00	140.59	0.00	23.43	0	299
+     395	+0.1202	+0.3302	+1.4706	-0.48	+4.21	-0.11	0.00	140.59	0.00	23.43	0	299
+     400	+0.1202	+0.3298	+1.4706	-0.55	+4.20	-0.11	0.00	138.97	0.00	23.16	0	299
+     405	+0.1202	+0.3298	+1.4706	-0.55	+4.20	-0.11	0.00	138.97	0.00	23.16	0	299
+     410	+0.1201	+0.3295	+1.4706	-0.52	+4.20	-0.12	0.00	144.90	0.00	24.15	0	312
+     415	+0.1201	+0.3295	+1.4706	-0.52	+4.20	-0.12	0.00	144.90	0.00	24.15	0	312
+     420	+0.1201	+0.3291	+1.4706	-0.55	+4.18	-0.09	0.00	132.83	0.00	22.14	0	286
+     425	+0.1201	+0.3291	+1.4706	-0.55	+4.18	-0.09	0.00	132.83	0.00	22.14	0	286
+     430	+0.1201	+0.3285	+1.4705	-0.69	+4.17	-0.04	0.00	132.59	0.00	22.10	0	286
+     435	+0.1201	+0.3285	+1.4705	-0.69	+4.17	-0.04	0.00	132.59	0.00	22.10	0	286
+     440	+0.1201	+0.3280	+1.4706	-0.77	+4.16	-0.03	0.00	135.68	0.00	22.61	0	286
+     445	+0.1201	+0.3280	+1.4706	-0.77	+4.16	-0.03	0.00	135.68	0.00	22.61	0	286
+     450	+0.1202	+0.3276	+1.4706	-0.81	+4.13	+0.06	0.00	124.61	0.00	20.77	0	260
+     455	+0.1202	+0.3276	+1.4706	-0.81	+4.13	+0.06	0.00	124.61	0.00	20.77	0	260
+     460	+0.1202	+0.3272	+1.4706	-0.85	+4.12	+0.05	0.00	135.03	0.00	22.50	0	286
+     465	+0.1202	+0.3272	+1.4706	-0.85	+4.12	+0.05	0.00	135.03	0.00	22.50	0	286
+     470	+0.1202	+0.3267	+1.4706	-0.88	+4.13	-0.12	0.00	147.77	0.00	24.63	0	312
+     475	+0.1202	+0.3267	+1.4706	-0.88	+4.13	-0.12	0.00	147.77	0.00	24.63	0	312
+     480	+0.1202	+0.3262	+1.4706	-0.98	+4.10	-0.17	0.00	124.06	0.00	20.68	0	260
+     485	+0.1202	+0.3262	+1.4706	-0.98	+4.10	-0.17	0.00	124.06	0.00	20.68	0	260
+     490	+0.1204	+0.3259	+1.4707	-0.97	+4.11	-0.14	0.00	149.03	0.00	24.84	0	312
+     495	+0.1204	+0.3259	+1.4707	-0.97	+4.11	-0.14	0.00	149.03	0.00	24.84	0	312
+     500	+0.1204	+0.3256	+1.4707	-1.02	+4.09	-0.25	0.00	123.12	0.00	20.52	0	260
+     505	+0.1204	+0.3256	+1.4707	-1.02	+4.09	-0.25	0.00	123.12	0.00	20.52	0	260
+     510	+0.1206	+0.3253	+1.4707	-0.98	+4.11	-0.19	0.00	158.19	0.00	26.36	0	338
+     515	+0.1206	+0.3253	+1.4707	-0.98	+4.11	-0.19	0.00	158.19	0.00	26.36	0	338
+     520	+0.1206	+0.3249	+1.4707	-1.06	+4.08	-0.24	0.00	121.59	0.00	20.27	0	260
+     525	+0.1206	+0.3249	+1.4707	-1.06	+4.08	-0.24	0.00	121.59	0.00	20.27	0	260
+     530	+0.1206	+0.3245	+1.4706	-1.14	+4.12	-0.25	0.00	168.32	0.00	28.05	0	364
+     535	+0.1206	+0.3245	+1.4706	-1.14	+4.12	-0.25	0.00	168.32	0.00	28.05	0	364
+     540	+0.1207	+0.3242	+1.4706	-1.16	+4.11	-0.24	0.00	138.66	0.00	23.11	0	299
+     545	+0.1207	+0.3242	+1.4706	-1.16	+4.11	-0.24	0.00	138.66	0.00	23.11	0	299
+     550	+0.1208	+0.3239	+1.4706	-1.17	+4.11	-0.24	0.00	138.12	0.00	23.02	0	299
+     555	+0.1208	+0.3239	+1.4706	-1.17	+4.11	-0.24	0.00	138.12	0.00	23.02	0	299
+     560	+0.1208	+0.3234	+1.4706	-1.27	+4.09	-0.18	0.00	129.15	0.00	21.53	0	273
+     565	+0.1208	+0.3234	+1.4706	-1.27	+4.09	-0.18	0.00	129.15	0.00	21.53	0	273
+     570	+0.1209	+0.3231	+1.4706	-1.32	+4.09	-0.17	0.00	140.57	0.00	23.43	0	299
+     575	+0.1209	+0.3231	+1.4706	-1.32	+4.09	-0.17	0.00	140.57	0.00	23.43	0	299
+     580	+0.1209	+0.3228	+1.4706	-1.35	+4.09	-0.16	0.00	138.11	0.00	23.02	0	299
+     585	+0.1209	+0.3228	+1.4706	-1.35	+4.09	-0.16	0.00	138.11	0.00	23.02	0	299
+     590	+0.1211	+0.3226	+1.4706	-1.32	+4.10	-0.11	0.00	150.71	0.00	25.12	0	325
+     595	+0.1211	+0.3226	+1.4706	-1.32	+4.10	-0.11	0.00	150.71	0.00	25.12	0	325
+     600	+0.1212	+0.3224	+1.4706	-1.33	+4.10	-0.11	0.00	140.66	0.00	23.44	0	299
+     605	+0.1212	+0.3224	+1.4706	-1.33	+4.10	-0.11	0.00	140.66	0.00	23.44	0	299
+     610	+0.1212	+0.3222	+1.4706	-1.35	+4.09	-0.12	0.00	138.20	0.00	23.03	0	299
+     615	+0.1212	+0.3222	+1.4706	-1.35	+4.09	-0.12	0.00	138.20	0.00	23.03	0	299
+     620	+0.1214	+0.3220	+1.4706	-1.37	+4.09	-0.15	0.00	140.24	0.00	23.37	0	299
+     625	+0.1214	+0.3220	+1.4706	-1.37	+4.09	-0.15	0.00	140.24	0.00	23.37	0	299
+     630	+0.1215	+0.3219	+1.4706	-1.38	+4.09	-0.14	0.00	143.43	0.00	23.90	0	299
+     635	+0.1215	+0.3219	+1.4706	-1.38	+4.09	-0.14	0.00	143.43	0.00	23.90	0	299
+     640	+0.1217	+0.3218	+1.4707	-1.38	+4.09	-0.17	0.00	139.50	0.00	23.25	0	299
+     645	+0.1217	+0.3218	+1.4707	-1.38	+4.09	-0.17	0.00	139.50	0.00	23.25	0	299
+     650	+0.1219	+0.3216	+1.4707	-1.39	+4.09	-0.19	0.00	138.87	0.00	23.14	0	299
+     655	+0.1219	+0.3216	+1.4707	-1.39	+4.09	-0.19	0.00	138.87	0.00	23.14	0	299
+     660	+0.1220	+0.3215	+1.4707	-1.40	+4.08	-0.21	0.00	137.51	0.00	22.92	0	286
+     665	+0.1220	+0.3215	+1.4707	-1.40	+4.08	-0.21	0.00	137.51	0.00	22.92	0	286
+     670	+0.1221	+0.3215	+1.4707	-1.40	+4.08	-0.23	0.00	135.53	0.00	22.59	0	286
+     675	+0.1221	+0.3215	+1.4707	-1.40	+4.08	-0.23	0.00	135.53	0.00	22.59	0	286
+     680	+0.1222	+0.3214	+1.4707	-1.39	+4.07	-0.24	0.00	137.17	0.00	22.86	0	286
+     685	+0.1222	+0.3214	+1.4707	-1.39	+4.07	-0.24	0.00	137.17	0.00	22.86	0	286
+     690	+0.1223	+0.3213	+1.4707	-1.40	+4.06	-0.25	0.00	135.13	0.00	22.52	0	286
+     695	+0.1223	+0.3213	+1.4707	-1.40	+4.06	-0.25	0.00	135.13	0.00	22.52	0	286
+     700	+0.1224	+0.3213	+1.4708	-1.39	+4.06	-0.26	0.00	139.22	0.00	23.20	0	299
+     705	+0.1224	+0.3213	+1.4708	-1.39	+4.06	-0.26	0.00	139.22	0.00	23.20	0	299
+     710	+0.1224	+0.3212	+1.4708	-1.39	+4.06	-0.26	0.00	135.65	0.00	22.61	0	286
+     715	+0.1224	+0.3212	+1.4708	-1.39	+4.06	-0.26	0.00	135.65	0.00	22.61	0	286
+     720	+0.1225	+0.3212	+1.4708	-1.38	+4.05	-0.25	0.00	136.87	0.00	22.81	0	286
+     725	+0.1225	+0.3212	+1.4708	-1.38	+4.05	-0.25	0.00	136.87	0.00	22.81	0	286
+     730	+0.1225	+0.3211	+1.4708	-1.37	+4.05	-0.23	0.00	135.52	0.00	22.59	0	286
+     735	+0.1225	+0.3211	+1.4708	-1.37	+4.05	-0.23	0.00	135.52	0.00	22.59	0	286
+     740	+0.1225	+0.3211	+1.4708	-1.36	+4.04	-0.22	0.00	137.24	0.00	22.87	0	286
+     745	+0.1225	+0.3211	+1.4708	-1.36	+4.04	-0.22	0.00	137.24	0.00	22.87	0	286
+     750	+0.1225	+0.3211	+1.4708	-1.35	+4.03	-0.21	0.00	134.36	0.00	22.39	0	286
+     755	+0.1225	+0.3211	+1.4708	-1.35	+4.03	-0.21	0.00	134.36	0.00	22.39	0	286
+     760	+0.1226	+0.3211	+1.4708	-1.34	+4.03	-0.20	0.00	136.80	0.00	22.80	0	286
+     765	+0.1226	+0.3211	+1.4708	-1.34	+4.03	-0.20	0.00	136.80	0.00	22.80	0	286
+     770	+0.1226	+0.3212	+1.4708	-1.32	+4.02	-0.20	0.00	132.39	0.00	22.06	0	286
+     775	+0.1226	+0.3212	+1.4708	-1.32	+4.02	-0.20	0.00	132.39	0.00	22.06	0	286
+     780	+0.1227	+0.3212	+1.4708	-1.31	+4.02	-0.19	0.00	137.16	0.00	22.86	0	286
+     785	+0.1227	+0.3212	+1.4708	-1.31	+4.02	-0.19	0.00	137.16	0.00	22.86	0	286
+     790	+0.1228	+0.3213	+1.4708	-1.29	+4.01	-0.18	0.00	132.20	0.00	22.03	0	286
+     795	+0.1228	+0.3213	+1.4708	-1.29	+4.01	-0.18	0.00	132.20	0.00	22.03	0	286
+     800	+0.1229	+0.3213	+1.4708	-1.28	+4.01	-0.18	0.00	137.27	0.00	22.88	0	286
+     805	+0.1229	+0.3213	+1.4708	-1.28	+4.01	-0.18	0.00	137.27	0.00	22.88	0	286
+     810	+0.1231	+0.3214	+1.4708	-1.29	+4.00	-0.16	0.00	134.26	0.00	22.38	0	286
+     815	+0.1231	+0.3214	+1.4708	-1.29	+4.00	-0.16	0.00	134.26	0.00	22.38	0	286
+     820	+0.1232	+0.3216	+1.4709	-1.23	+3.99	-0.18	0.00	129.78	0.00	21.63	0	273
+     825	+0.1232	+0.3216	+1.4709	-1.23	+3.99	-0.18	0.00	129.78	0.00	21.63	0	273
+     830	+0.1234	+0.3219	+1.4709	-1.15	+3.99	-0.24	0.00	138.28	0.00	23.05	0	299
+     835	+0.1234	+0.3219	+1.4709	-1.15	+3.99	-0.24	0.00	138.28	0.00	23.05	0	299
+     840	+0.1235	+0.3221	+1.4709	-1.14	+3.98	-0.25	0.00	132.63	0.00	22.11	0	286
+     845	+0.1235	+0.3221	+1.4709	-1.14	+3.98	-0.25	0.00	132.63	0.00	22.11	0	286
+     850	+0.1238	+0.3222	+1.4708	-1.19	+3.95	+0.00	0.00	110.21	0.00	18.37	0	234
+     855	+0.1238	+0.3222	+1.4708	-1.19	+3.95	+0.00	0.00	110.21	0.00	18.37	0	234
+     860	+0.1239	+0.3224	+1.4708	-1.18	+3.94	-0.02	0.00	132.24	0.00	22.04	0	286
+     865	+0.1239	+0.3224	+1.4708	-1.18	+3.94	-0.02	0.00	132.24	0.00	22.04	0	286
+     870	+0.1239	+0.3225	+1.4708	-1.17	+3.94	-0.09	0.00	136.97	0.00	22.83	0	286
+     875	+0.1239	+0.3225	+1.4708	-1.17	+3.94	-0.09	0.00	136.97	0.00	22.83	0	286
+     880	+0.1239	+0.3227	+1.4708	-1.16	+3.94	-0.10	0.00	134.46	0.00	22.41	0	286
+     885	+0.1239	+0.3227	+1.4708	-1.16	+3.94	-0.10	0.00	134.46	0.00	22.41	0	286
+     890	+0.1239	+0.3229	+1.4708	-1.13	+3.95	-0.20	0.00	142.84	0.00	23.81	0	299
+     895	+0.1239	+0.3229	+1.4708	-1.13	+3.95	-0.20	0.00	142.84	0.00	23.81	0	299
+     900	+0.1239	+0.3231	+1.4708	-1.11	+3.95	-0.20	0.00	135.14	0.00	22.52	0	286
+     905	+0.1239	+0.3231	+1.4708	-1.11	+3.95	-0.20	0.00	135.14	0.00	22.52	0	286
+     910	+0.1239	+0.3233	+1.4708	-1.09	+3.94	-0.23	0.00	130.61	0.00	21.77	0	273
+     915	+0.1239	+0.3233	+1.4708	-1.09	+3.94	-0.23	0.00	130.61	0.00	21.77	0	273
+     921	+0.1238	+0.3235	+1.4708	-1.09	+3.93	-0.19	0.00	130.38	0.00	21.73	0	273
+     925	+0.1238	+0.3235	+1.4708	-1.09	+3.93	-0.19	0.00	130.38	0.00	21.73	0	273
+     930	+0.1238	+0.3238	+1.4708	-1.08	+3.92	-0.20	0.00	126.21	0.00	21.04	0	273
+     935	+0.1238	+0.3238	+1.4708	-1.08	+3.92	-0.20	0.00	126.21	0.00	21.04	0	273
+     940	+0.1238	+0.3240	+1.4708	-1.07	+3.92	-0.18	0.00	137.42	0.00	22.90	0	286
+     945	+0.1238	+0.3240	+1.4708	-1.07	+3.92	-0.18	0.00	137.42	0.00	22.90	0	286
+     950	+0.1238	+0.3242	+1.4708	-1.06	+3.91	-0.16	0.00	127.00	0.00	21.17	0	273
+     955	+0.1238	+0.3242	+1.4708	-1.06	+3.91	-0.16	0.00	127.00	0.00	21.17	0	273
+     960	+0.1237	+0.3245	+1.4707	-1.05	+3.91	-0.14	0.00	131.70	0.00	21.95	0	273
+     965	+0.1237	+0.3245	+1.4707	-1.05	+3.91	-0.14	0.00	131.70	0.00	21.95	0	273
+     970	+0.1237	+0.3248	+1.4708	-1.04	+3.90	-0.13	0.00	131.87	0.00	21.98	0	273
+     975	+0.1237	+0.3248	+1.4708	-1.04	+3.90	-0.13	0.00	131.87	0.00	21.98	0	273
+     980	+0.1236	+0.3252	+1.4708	-0.97	+3.89	-0.14	0.00	125.78	0.00	20.96	0	260
+     985	+0.1236	+0.3252	+1.4708	-0.97	+3.89	-0.14	0.00	125.78	0.00	20.96	0	260
+     990	+0.1233	+0.3256	+1.4708	-0.96	+3.87	-0.14	0.00	122.56	0.00	20.43	0	260
+     995	+0.1233	+0.3256	+1.4708	-0.96	+3.87	-0.14	0.00	122.56	0.00	20.43	0	260
+    1000	+0.1229	+0.3259	+1.4709	-0.92	+3.80	-0.15	0.00	81.80	0.00	13.63	0	169
+    1005	+0.1229	+0.3259	+1.4709	-0.92	+3.80	-0.15	0.00	81.80	0.00	13.63	0	169
+    1010	+0.1224	+0.3263	+1.4708	-0.87	+3.79	-0.12	0.00	119.17	0.00	19.86	0	247
+    1015	+0.1224	+0.3263	+1.4708	-0.87	+3.79	-0.12	0.00	119.17	0.00	19.86	0	247
+    1020	+0.1218	+0.3266	+1.4708	-0.86	+3.78	-0.16	0.00	121.57	0.00	20.26	0	260
+    1026	+0.1218	+0.3266	+1.4708	-0.86	+3.78	-0.16	0.00	121.57	0.00	20.26	0	260
+    1030	+0.1214	+0.3269	+1.4708	-0.83	+3.79	-0.13	0.00	140.47	0.00	23.41	0	299
+    1035	+0.1214	+0.3269	+1.4708	-0.83	+3.79	-0.13	0.00	140.47	0.00	23.41	0	299
+    1040	+0.1211	+0.3270	+1.4707	-0.82	+3.79	-0.14	0.00	130.73	0.00	21.79	0	273
+    1046	+0.1211	+0.3270	+1.4707	-0.82	+3.79	-0.14	0.00	130.73	0.00	21.79	0	273
+    1050	+0.1209	+0.3271	+1.4707	-0.80	+3.80	-0.17	0.00	138.83	0.00	23.14	0	299
+    1055	+0.1209	+0.3271	+1.4707	-0.80	+3.80	-0.17	0.00	138.83	0.00	23.14	0	299
+    1060	+0.1207	+0.3272	+1.4707	-0.79	+3.82	-0.17	0.00	145.99	0.00	24.33	0	312
+    1065	+0.1207	+0.3272	+1.4707	-0.79	+3.82	-0.17	0.00	145.99	0.00	24.33	0	312
+    1070	+0.1207	+0.3275	+1.4707	-0.75	+3.83	-0.20	0.00	141.57	0.00	23.59	0	299
+    1075	+0.1207	+0.3275	+1.4707	-0.75	+3.83	-0.20	0.00	141.57	0.00	23.59	0	299
+    1080	+0.1206	+0.3279	+1.4707	-0.67	+3.86	-0.22	0.00	150.39	0.00	25.06	0	325
+    1085	+0.1206	+0.3279	+1.4707	-0.67	+3.86	-0.22	0.00	150.39	0.00	25.06	0	325
+    1090	+0.1206	+0.3282	+1.4707	-0.65	+3.88	-0.23	0.00	147.81	0.00	24.63	0	312
+    1095	+0.1206	+0.3282	+1.4707	-0.65	+3.88	-0.23	0.00	147.81	0.00	24.63	0	312
+    1100	+0.1207	+0.3285	+1.4707	-0.61	+3.89	-0.24	0.00	148.05	0.00	24.67	0	312
+    1105	+0.1207	+0.3285	+1.4707	-0.61	+3.89	-0.24	0.00	148.05	0.00	24.67	0	312
+    1110	+0.1207	+0.3288	+1.4707	-0.63	+3.92	-0.20	0.00	156.12	0.00	26.02	0	338
+    1115	+0.1207	+0.3288	+1.4707	-0.63	+3.92	-0.20	0.00	156.12	0.00	26.02	0	338
+    1120	+0.1206	+0.3291	+1.4707	-0.61	+3.96	-0.21	0.00	163.47	0.00	27.24	0	351
+    1125	+0.1206	+0.3291	+1.4707	-0.61	+3.96	-0.21	0.00	163.47	0.00	27.24	0	351
+    1130	+0.1204	+0.3293	+1.4707	-0.58	+4.00	-0.21	0.00	162.95	0.00	27.16	0	351
+    1135	+0.1204	+0.3293	+1.4707	-0.58	+4.00	-0.21	0.00	162.95	0.00	27.16	0	351
+    1140	+0.1200	+0.3295	+1.4706	-0.53	+4.03	-0.21	0.00	165.13	0.00	27.52	0	351
+    1145	+0.1200	+0.3295	+1.4706	-0.53	+4.03	-0.21	0.00	165.13	0.00	27.52	0	351
+    1150	+0.1193	+0.3297	+1.4706	-0.44	+4.06	-0.23	0.00	159.20	0.00	26.53	0	338
+    1155	+0.1193	+0.3297	+1.4706	-0.44	+4.06	-0.23	0.00	159.20	0.00	26.53	0	338
+    1160	+0.1186	+0.3299	+1.4706	-0.42	+4.07	-0.19	0.00	153.09	0.00	25.51	0	325
+    1165	+0.1186	+0.3299	+1.4706	-0.42	+4.07	-0.19	0.00	153.09	0.00	25.51	0	325
+    1170	+0.1177	+0.3300	+1.4704	-0.43	+4.07	-0.19	0.00	138.62	0.00	23.10	0	299
+    1175	+0.1177	+0.3300	+1.4704	-0.43	+4.07	-0.19	0.00	138.62	0.00	23.10	0	299
+    1180	+0.1168	+0.3303	+1.4704	-0.44	+4.09	-0.06	0.00	153.19	0.00	25.53	0	325
+    1185	+0.1168	+0.3303	+1.4704	-0.44	+4.09	-0.06	0.00	153.19	0.00	25.53	0	325
+    1190	+0.1158	+0.3306	+1.4703	-0.43	+4.15	-0.15	0.00	188.97	0.00	31.50	0	403
+    1195	+0.1158	+0.3306	+1.4703	-0.43	+4.15	-0.15	0.00	188.97	0.00	31.50	0	403
+    1200	+0.1149	+0.3310	+1.4703	-0.44	+4.20	-0.11	0.00	180.55	0.00	30.09	0	390
+    1205	+0.1149	+0.3310	+1.4703	-0.44	+4.20	-0.11	0.00	180.55	0.00	30.09	0	390
+    1210	+0.1141	+0.3313	+1.4701	-0.44	+4.23	-0.11	0.00	166.71	0.00	27.79	0	351
+    1215	+0.1141	+0.3313	+1.4701	-0.44	+4.23	-0.11	0.00	166.71	0.00	27.79	0	351
+    1220	+0.1133	+0.3315	+1.4700	-0.45	+4.27	-0.09	0.00	174.43	0.00	29.07	0	377
+    1225	+0.1133	+0.3315	+1.4700	-0.45	+4.27	-0.09	0.00	174.43	0.00	29.07	0	377
+    1230	+0.1126	+0.3317	+1.4698	-0.47	+4.36	-0.06	0.00	213.79	0.00	35.63	0	455
+    1235	+0.1126	+0.3317	+1.4698	-0.47	+4.36	-0.06	0.00	213.79	0.00	35.63	0	455
+    1240	+0.1120	+0.3318	+1.4698	-0.44	+4.41	-0.03	0.00	188.57	0.00	31.43	0	403
+    1245	+0.1120	+0.3318	+1.4698	-0.44	+4.41	-0.03	0.00	188.57	0.00	31.43	0	403
+    1250	+0.1115	+0.3320	+1.4699	-0.35	+4.42	-0.10	0.00	163.68	0.00	27.28	0	351
+    1255	+0.1115	+0.3320	+1.4699	-0.35	+4.42	-0.10	0.00	163.68	0.00	27.28	0	351
+    1260	+0.1110	+0.3321	+1.4698	-0.33	+4.48	-0.11	0.00	193.30	0.00	32.22	0	416
+    1265	+0.1110	+0.3321	+1.4698	-0.33	+4.48	-0.11	0.00	193.30	0.00	32.22	0	416
+    1270	+0.1104	+0.3324	+1.4698	-0.29	+4.54	-0.13	0.00	203.57	0.00	33.93	0	429
+    1275	+0.1104	+0.3324	+1.4698	-0.29	+4.54	-0.13	0.00	203.57	0.00	33.93	0	429
+    1280	+0.1098	+0.3328	+1.4697	-0.21	+4.60	-0.16	0.00	202.74	0.00	33.79	0	429
+    1285	+0.1098	+0.3328	+1.4697	-0.21	+4.60	-0.16	0.00	202.74	0.00	33.79	0	429
+    1290	+0.1090	+0.3331	+1.4697	-0.16	+4.66	-0.18	0.00	202.04	0.00	33.67	0	429
+    1295	+0.1090	+0.3331	+1.4697	-0.16	+4.66	-0.18	0.00	202.04	0.00	33.67	0	429
+    1300	+0.1080	+0.3333	+1.4694	-0.26	+4.74	-0.12	0.00	216.71	0.00	36.12	0	468
+    1305	+0.1080	+0.3333	+1.4694	-0.26	+4.74	-0.12	0.00	216.71	0.00	36.12	0	468
+    1310	+0.1068	+0.3334	+1.4694	-0.27	+4.80	-0.17	0.00	212.83	0.00	35.47	0	455
+    1315	+0.1068	+0.3334	+1.4694	-0.27	+4.80	-0.17	0.00	212.83	0.00	35.47	0	455
+    1320	+0.1055	+0.3336	+1.4692	-0.26	+4.86	-0.15	0.00	206.79	0.00	34.46	0	442
+    1325	+0.1055	+0.3336	+1.4692	-0.26	+4.86	-0.15	0.00	206.79	0.00	34.46	0	442
+    1330	+0.1043	+0.3339	+1.4690	-0.32	+5.01	-0.30	0.00	282.39	0.00	47.07	0	611
+    1335	+0.1043	+0.3339	+1.4690	-0.32	+5.01	-0.30	0.00	282.39	0.00	47.07	0	611
+    1340	+0.1027	+0.3340	+1.4692	-0.09	+4.96	-0.18	0.00	136.98	0.00	22.83	0	286
+    1345	+0.1027	+0.3340	+1.4692	-0.09	+4.96	-0.18	0.00	136.98	0.00	22.83	0	286
+    1350	+0.1013	+0.3340	+1.4688	-0.32	+5.15	-0.27	0.00	316.17	0.00	52.69	0	676
+    1355	+0.1013	+0.3340	+1.4688	-0.32	+5.15	-0.27	0.00	316.17	0.00	52.69	0	676
+    1360	+0.0998	+0.3341	+1.4687	-0.29	+5.22	-0.30	0.00	225.76	0.00	37.63	0	481
+    1365	+0.0998	+0.3341	+1.4687	-0.29	+5.22	-0.30	0.00	225.76	0.00	37.63	0	481
+    1370	+0.0983	+0.3342	+1.4685	-0.28	+5.30	-0.28	0.00	239.85	0.00	39.98	0	507
+    1375	+0.0983	+0.3342	+1.4685	-0.28	+5.30	-0.28	0.00	239.85	0.00	39.98	0	507
+    1380	+0.0969	+0.3345	+1.4684	-0.21	+5.36	-0.27	0.00	228.35	0.00	38.06	0	494
+    1385	+0.0969	+0.3345	+1.4684	-0.21	+5.36	-0.27	0.00	228.35	0.00	38.06	0	494
+    1390	+0.0955	+0.3346	+1.4683	-0.22	+5.44	-0.28	0.00	246.76	0.00	41.13	0	533
+    1395	+0.0955	+0.3346	+1.4683	-0.22	+5.44	-0.28	0.00	246.76	0.00	41.13	0	533
+    1400	+0.0942	+0.3347	+1.4681	-0.25	+5.53	-0.25	0.00	256.57	0.00	42.76	0	546
+    1405	+0.0942	+0.3347	+1.4681	-0.25	+5.53	-0.25	0.00	256.57	0.00	42.76	0	546
+    1410	+0.0930	+0.3349	+1.4680	-0.23	+5.63	-0.22	0.00	267.59	0.00	44.60	0	572
+    1415	+0.0930	+0.3349	+1.4680	-0.23	+5.63	-0.22	0.00	267.59	0.00	44.60	0	572
+    1420	+0.0917	+0.3350	+1.4679	-0.20	+5.72	-0.30	0.00	257.79	0.00	42.96	0	546
+    1425	+0.0917	+0.3350	+1.4679	-0.20	+5.72	-0.30	0.00	257.79	0.00	42.96	0	546
+    1430	+0.0905	+0.3351	+1.4678	-0.15	+5.82	-0.32	0.00	276.04	0.00	46.01	0	598
+    1435	+0.0905	+0.3351	+1.4678	-0.15	+5.82	-0.32	0.00	276.04	0.00	46.01	0	598
+    1440	+0.0891	+0.3349	+1.4676	-0.21	+5.92	-0.31	0.00	273.54	0.00	45.59	0	585
+    1445	+0.0891	+0.3349	+1.4676	-0.21	+5.92	-0.31	0.00	273.54	0.00	45.59	0	585
+    1450	+0.0875	+0.3349	+1.4675	-0.22	+6.03	-0.30	0.00	289.01	0.00	48.17	0	624
+    1455	+0.0875	+0.3349	+1.4675	-0.22	+6.03	-0.30	0.00	289.01	0.00	48.17	0	624
+    1460	+0.0859	+0.3350	+1.4673	-0.15	+6.14	-0.37	0.00	287.37	0.00	47.90	0	611
+    1465	+0.0859	+0.3350	+1.4673	-0.15	+6.14	-0.37	0.00	287.37	0.00	47.90	0	611
+    1470	+0.0840	+0.3349	+1.4671	-0.21	+6.23	-0.33	0.00	282.76	0.00	47.13	0	611
+    1475	+0.0840	+0.3349	+1.4671	-0.21	+6.23	-0.33	0.00	282.76	0.00	47.13	0	611
+    1480	+0.0820	+0.3350	+1.4669	-0.20	+6.33	-0.37	0.00	287.09	0.00	47.85	0	611
+    1485	+0.0820	+0.3350	+1.4669	-0.20	+6.33	-0.37	0.00	287.09	0.00	47.85	0	611
+    1490	+0.0799	+0.3351	+1.4667	-0.19	+6.41	-0.18	0.00	282.40	0.00	47.07	0	611
+    1495	+0.0799	+0.3351	+1.4667	-0.19	+6.41	-0.18	0.00	282.40	0.00	47.07	0	611
+    1500	+0.0776	+0.3351	+1.4664	-0.23	+6.55	-0.37	0.00	327.07	0.00	54.51	0	702
+    1505	+0.0776	+0.3351	+1.4664	-0.23	+6.55	-0.37	0.00	327.07	0.00	54.51	0	702
+    1510	+0.0754	+0.3352	+1.4661	-0.17	+6.65	-0.16	0.00	295.80	0.00	49.30	0	637
+    1515	+0.0754	+0.3352	+1.4661	-0.17	+6.65	-0.16	0.00	295.80	0.00	49.30	0	637
+    1520	+0.0730	+0.3350	+1.4659	-0.24	+6.79	-0.33	0.00	333.98	0.00	55.66	0	715
+    1525	+0.0730	+0.3350	+1.4659	-0.24	+6.79	-0.33	0.00	333.98	0.00	55.66	0	715
+    1530	+0.0707	+0.3350	+1.4657	-0.21	+6.91	-0.41	0.00	327.12	0.00	54.52	0	702
+    1535	+0.0707	+0.3350	+1.4657	-0.21	+6.91	-0.41	0.00	327.12	0.00	54.52	0	702
+    1540	+0.0685	+0.3347	+1.4655	-0.21	+7.02	-0.19	0.00	321.04	0.00	53.51	0	689
+    1545	+0.0685	+0.3347	+1.4655	-0.21	+7.02	-0.19	0.00	321.04	0.00	53.51	0	689
+    1550	+0.0662	+0.3346	+1.4651	-0.24	+7.17	-0.36	0.00	356.72	0.00	59.45	0	767
+    1555	+0.0662	+0.3346	+1.4651	-0.24	+7.17	-0.36	0.00	356.72	0.00	59.45	0	767
+    1560	+0.0640	+0.3345	+1.4648	-0.33	+7.37	-0.38	0.00	392.90	0.00	65.48	0	845
+    1565	+0.0640	+0.3345	+1.4648	-0.33	+7.37	-0.38	0.00	392.90	0.00	65.48	0	845
+    1570	+0.0619	+0.3344	+1.4646	-0.30	+7.48	-0.26	0.00	342.76	0.00	57.13	0	741
+    1575	+0.0619	+0.3344	+1.4646	-0.30	+7.48	-0.26	0.00	342.76	0.00	57.13	0	741
+    1580	+0.0597	+0.3346	+1.4642	-0.25	+7.65	-0.45	0.00	385.59	0.00	64.27	0	832
+    1585	+0.0597	+0.3346	+1.4642	-0.25	+7.65	-0.45	0.00	385.59	0.00	64.27	0	832
+    1590	+0.0575	+0.3344	+1.4640	-0.33	+7.79	-0.25	0.00	367.56	0.00	61.26	0	793
+    1595	+0.0575	+0.3344	+1.4640	-0.33	+7.79	-0.25	0.00	367.56	0.00	61.26	0	793
+    1600	+0.0553	+0.3344	+1.4636	-0.35	+7.93	-0.32	0.00	376.15	0.00	62.69	0	806
+    1605	+0.0553	+0.3344	+1.4636	-0.35	+7.93	-0.32	0.00	376.15	0.00	62.69	0	806
+    1610	+0.0528	+0.3343	+1.4634	-0.36	+8.05	-0.29	0.00	357.94	0.00	59.66	0	767
+    1615	+0.0528	+0.3343	+1.4634	-0.36	+8.05	-0.29	0.00	357.94	0.00	59.66	0	767
+    1620	+0.0501	+0.3341	+1.4631	-0.34	+8.23	-0.29	0.00	416.74	0.00	69.46	0	897
+    1625	+0.0501	+0.3341	+1.4631	-0.34	+8.23	-0.29	0.00	416.74	0.00	69.46	0	897
+    1630	+0.0473	+0.3339	+1.4627	-0.36	+8.39	-0.31	0.00	400.99	0.00	66.83	0	858
+    1635	+0.0473	+0.3339	+1.4627	-0.36	+8.39	-0.31	0.00	400.99	0.00	66.83	0	858
+    1640	+0.0443	+0.3337	+1.4623	-0.36	+8.57	-0.31	0.00	429.44	0.00	71.57	0	923
+    1645	+0.0443	+0.3337	+1.4623	-0.36	+8.57	-0.31	0.00	429.44	0.00	71.57	0	923
+    1650	+0.0412	+0.3336	+1.4618	-0.40	+8.72	-0.41	0.00	405.44	0.00	67.57	0	871
+    1655	+0.0412	+0.3336	+1.4618	-0.40	+8.72	-0.41	0.00	405.44	0.00	67.57	0	871
+    1660	+0.0380	+0.3334	+1.4614	-0.37	+8.91	-0.35	0.00	446.64	0.00	74.44	0	962
+    1665	+0.0380	+0.3334	+1.4614	-0.37	+8.91	-0.35	0.00	446.64	0.00	74.44	0	962
+    1670	+0.0346	+0.3334	+1.4609	-0.39	+9.11	-0.47	0.00	453.11	0.00	75.52	0	975
+    1675	+0.0346	+0.3334	+1.4609	-0.39	+9.11	-0.47	0.00	453.11	0.00	75.52	0	975
+    1680	+0.0313	+0.3334	+1.4603	-0.47	+9.26	-0.54	0.00	427.92	0.00	71.32	0	923
+    1685	+0.0313	+0.3334	+1.4603	-0.47	+9.26	-0.54	0.00	427.92	0.00	71.32	0	923
+    1690	+0.0278	+0.3332	+1.4598	-0.40	+9.47	-0.44	0.00	475.70	0.00	79.28	0	1027
+    1695	+0.0278	+0.3332	+1.4598	-0.40	+9.47	-0.44	0.00	475.70	0.00	79.28	0	1027
+    1700	+0.0244	+0.3331	+1.4592	-0.47	+9.65	-0.44	0.00	467.47	0.00	77.91	0	1001
+    1705	+0.0244	+0.3331	+1.4592	-0.47	+9.65	-0.44	0.00	467.47	0.00	77.91	0	1001
+    1710	+0.0209	+0.3326	+1.4583	-0.47	+10.00	-0.07	0.00	591.19	0.00	98.53	0	1274
+    1715	+0.0209	+0.3326	+1.4583	-0.47	+10.00	-0.07	0.00	591.19	0.00	98.53	0	1274
+    1720	+0.0175	+0.3324	+1.4577	-0.55	+10.22	-0.14	0.00	514.03	0.00	85.67	0	1105
+    1725	+0.0175	+0.3324	+1.4577	-0.55	+10.22	-0.14	0.00	514.03	0.00	85.67	0	1105
+    1730	+0.0141	+0.3321	+1.4572	-0.58	+10.46	-0.06	0.00	528.29	0.00	88.05	0	1144
+    1735	+0.0141	+0.3321	+1.4572	-0.58	+10.46	-0.06	0.00	528.29	0.00	88.05	0	1144
+    1740	+0.0106	+0.3319	+1.4566	-0.64	+10.66	-0.12	0.00	510.31	0.00	85.05	0	1105
+    1745	+0.0106	+0.3319	+1.4566	-0.64	+10.66	-0.12	0.00	510.31	0.00	85.05	0	1105
+    1750	+0.0071	+0.3318	+1.4559	-0.58	+10.89	-0.15	0.00	546.73	0.00	91.12	0	1183
+    1755	+0.0071	+0.3318	+1.4559	-0.58	+10.89	-0.15	0.00	546.73	0.00	91.12	0	1183
+    1760	+0.0034	+0.3317	+1.4552	-0.62	+11.13	-0.20	0.00	552.34	0.00	92.06	0	1196
+    1765	+0.0034	+0.3317	+1.4552	-0.62	+11.13	-0.20	0.00	552.34	0.00	92.06	0	1196
+    1770	-0.0004	+0.3315	+1.4545	-0.67	+11.33	-0.16	0.00	531.48	0.00	88.58	0	1144
+    1775	-0.0004	+0.3315	+1.4545	-0.67	+11.33	-0.16	0.00	531.48	0.00	88.58	0	1144
+    1780	-0.0043	+0.3314	+1.4538	-0.70	+11.59	-0.19	0.00	585.33	0.00	97.55	0	1261
+    1785	-0.0043	+0.3314	+1.4538	-0.70	+11.59	-0.19	0.00	585.33	0.00	97.55	0	1261
+    1790	-0.0085	+0.3313	+1.4529	-0.69	+11.85	-0.15	0.00	597.17	0.00	99.53	0	1287
+    1795	-0.0085	+0.3313	+1.4529	-0.69	+11.85	-0.15	0.00	597.17	0.00	99.53	0	1287
+    1800	-0.0129	+0.3312	+1.4520	-0.73	+12.10	-0.25	0.00	595.69	0.00	99.28	0	1287
+    1805	-0.0129	+0.3312	+1.4520	-0.73	+12.10	-0.25	0.00	595.69	0.00	99.28	0	1287
+    1810	-0.0174	+0.3311	+1.4511	-0.76	+12.34	-0.23	0.00	600.06	0.00	100.01	0	1300
+    1815	-0.0174	+0.3311	+1.4511	-0.76	+12.34	-0.23	0.00	600.06	0.00	100.01	0	1300
+    1820	-0.0221	+0.3310	+1.4500	-0.74	+12.63	-0.25	0.00	643.60	0.00	107.27	0	1300
+    1825	-0.0221	+0.3310	+1.4500	-0.74	+12.63	-0.25	0.00	643.60	0.00	107.27	0	1300
+    1830	-0.0269	+0.3308	+1.4490	-0.78	+12.86	-0.22	0.00	610.90	0.00	101.82	0	1300
+    1835	-0.0269	+0.3308	+1.4490	-0.78	+12.86	-0.22	0.00	610.90	0.00	101.82	0	1300
+    1840	-0.0318	+0.3307	+1.4479	-0.80	+13.14	-0.22	0.00	653.70	0.00	108.95	0	1300
+    1845	-0.0318	+0.3307	+1.4479	-0.80	+13.14	-0.22	0.00	653.70	0.00	108.95	0	1300
+    1850	-0.0368	+0.3306	+1.4467	-0.79	+13.45	-0.25	0.00	687.14	0.00	114.52	0	1300
+    1855	-0.0368	+0.3306	+1.4467	-0.79	+13.45	-0.25	0.00	687.14	0.00	114.52	0	1300
+    1860	-0.0417	+0.3304	+1.4456	-0.88	+13.73	-0.27	0.00	670.70	0.00	111.78	0	1300
+    1865	-0.0417	+0.3304	+1.4456	-0.88	+13.73	-0.27	0.00	670.70	0.00	111.78	0	1300
+    1870	-0.0468	+0.3304	+1.4444	-0.91	+14.02	-0.28	0.00	691.65	0.00	115.28	0	1300
+    1875	-0.0468	+0.3304	+1.4444	-0.91	+14.02	-0.28	0.00	691.65	0.00	115.28	0	1300
+    1880	-0.0518	+0.3303	+1.4430	-1.00	+14.24	-0.49	0.00	650.87	0.00	108.48	0	1300
+    1885	-0.0518	+0.3303	+1.4430	-1.00	+14.24	-0.49	0.00	650.87	0.00	108.48	0	1300
+    1890	-0.0569	+0.3302	+1.4417	-1.03	+14.57	-0.45	0.00	735.57	0.00	122.60	0	1300
+    1895	-0.0569	+0.3302	+1.4417	-1.03	+14.57	-0.45	0.00	735.57	0.00	122.60	0	1300
+    1900	-0.0621	+0.3303	+1.4404	-1.04	+14.89	-0.46	0.00	747.82	0.00	124.64	0	1300
+    1905	-0.0621	+0.3303	+1.4404	-1.04	+14.89	-0.46	0.00	747.82	0.00	124.64	0	1300
+    1910	-0.0674	+0.3302	+1.4389	-1.02	+15.23	-0.40	0.00	767.91	0.00	127.98	0	1300
+    1915	-0.0674	+0.3302	+1.4389	-1.02	+15.23	-0.40	0.00	767.91	0.00	127.98	0	1300
+    1920	-0.0729	+0.3301	+1.4373	-0.97	+15.58	-0.33	0.00	788.92	0.00	131.49	0	1300
+    1925	-0.0729	+0.3301	+1.4373	-0.97	+15.58	-0.33	0.00	788.92	0.00	131.49	0	1300
+    1930	-0.0785	+0.3300	+1.4358	-0.98	+15.94	-0.31	0.00	809.26	0.00	134.88	0	1300
+    1935	-0.0785	+0.3300	+1.4358	-0.98	+15.94	-0.31	0.00	809.26	0.00	134.88	0	1300
+    1940	-0.0842	+0.3298	+1.4342	-1.03	+16.29	-0.29	0.00	811.04	0.00	135.17	0	1300
+    1945	-0.0842	+0.3298	+1.4342	-1.03	+16.29	-0.29	0.00	811.04	0.00	135.17	0	1300
+    1950	-0.0903	+0.3297	+1.4325	-1.06	+16.69	-0.28	0.00	864.36	0.00	144.06	0	1300
+    1955	-0.0903	+0.3297	+1.4325	-1.06	+16.69	-0.28	0.00	864.36	0.00	144.06	0	1300
+    1960	-0.0965	+0.3298	+1.4306	-1.00	+17.05	-0.31	0.00	840.82	0.00	140.14	0	1300
+    1965	-0.0965	+0.3298	+1.4306	-1.00	+17.05	-0.31	0.00	840.82	0.00	140.14	0	1300
+    1970	-0.1029	+0.3299	+1.4285	-0.94	+17.47	-0.01	0.00	904.58	0.00	150.76	0	1300
+    1975	-0.1029	+0.3299	+1.4285	-0.94	+17.47	-0.01	0.00	904.58	0.00	150.76	0	1300
+    1980	-0.1095	+0.3301	+1.4265	-0.98	+17.81	-0.06	0.00	855.50	0.00	142.58	0	1300
+    1985	-0.1095	+0.3301	+1.4265	-0.98	+17.81	-0.06	0.00	855.50	0.00	142.58	0	1300
+    1990	-0.1163	+0.3303	+1.4243	-1.00	+18.20	-0.17	0.00	907.33	0.00	151.22	0	1300
+    1995	-0.1163	+0.3303	+1.4243	-1.00	+18.20	-0.17	0.00	907.33	0.00	151.22	0	1300
+    2000	-0.1233	+0.3304	+1.4219	-0.93	+18.69	+0.04	0.00	999.31	0.00	166.55	0	1300
+    2005	-0.1233	+0.3304	+1.4219	-0.93	+18.69	+0.04	0.00	999.31	0.00	166.55	0	1300
+    2010	-0.1304	+0.3305	+1.4196	-0.93	+19.09	-0.07	0.00	946.55	0.00	157.76	0	1300
+    2015	-0.1304	+0.3305	+1.4196	-0.93	+19.09	-0.07	0.00	946.55	0.00	157.76	0	1300
+    2020	-0.1374	+0.3309	+1.4173	-0.97	+19.43	-0.30	0.00	913.24	0.00	152.21	0	1300
+    2025	-0.1374	+0.3309	+1.4173	-0.97	+19.43	-0.30	0.00	913.24	0.00	152.21	0	1300
+    2030	-0.1447	+0.3309	+1.4148	-0.91	+19.92	-0.32	0.00	1040.37	0.00	173.39	0	1300
+    2035	-0.1447	+0.3309	+1.4148	-0.91	+19.92	-0.32	0.00	1040.37	0.00	173.39	0	1300
+    2040	-0.1519	+0.3306	+1.4119	-0.93	+20.45	+0.00	0.00	1079.79	0.00	179.96	0	1300
+    2045	-0.1519	+0.3306	+1.4119	-0.93	+20.45	+0.00	0.00	1079.79	0.00	179.96	0	1300
+    2050	-0.1595	+0.3307	+1.4091	-0.95	+20.88	-0.23	0.00	1032.00	0.00	172.00	0	1300
+    2055	-0.1595	+0.3307	+1.4091	-0.95	+20.88	-0.23	0.00	1032.00	0.00	172.00	0	1300
+    2060	-0.1668	+0.3310	+1.4062	-0.96	+21.33	-0.12	0.00	1057.23	0.00	176.21	0	1300
+    2065	-0.1668	+0.3310	+1.4062	-0.96	+21.33	-0.12	0.00	1057.23	0.00	176.21	0	1300
+    2070	-0.1745	+0.3312	+1.4032	-0.83	+21.87	-0.12	0.00	1141.43	0.00	190.24	0	1300
+    2075	-0.1745	+0.3312	+1.4032	-0.83	+21.87	-0.12	0.00	1141.43	0.00	190.24	0	1300
+    2080	-0.1822	+0.3319	+1.4002	-0.99	+22.35	-0.60	0.00	1113.72	0.00	185.62	0	1300
+    2085	-0.1822	+0.3319	+1.4002	-0.99	+22.35	-0.60	0.00	1113.72	0.00	185.62	0	1300
+    2090	-0.1901	+0.3323	+1.3969	-0.98	+22.75	-0.65	0.00	1075.91	0.00	179.32	0	1300
+    2095	-0.1901	+0.3323	+1.3969	-0.98	+22.75	-0.65	0.00	1075.91	0.00	179.32	0	1300
+    2100	-0.1983	+0.3322	+1.3932	-0.84	+23.51	-0.16	0.00	1351.83	0.00	225.30	0	1300
+    2105	-0.1983	+0.3322	+1.3932	-0.84	+23.51	-0.16	0.00	1351.83	0.00	225.30	0	1300
+    2110	-0.2069	+0.3326	+1.3896	-1.08	+23.89	-0.50	0.00	1094.36	0.00	182.39	0	1300
+    2115	-0.2069	+0.3326	+1.3896	-1.08	+23.89	-0.50	0.00	1094.36	0.00	182.39	0	1300
+    2120	-0.2156	+0.3331	+1.3859	-0.74	+24.55	-0.43	0.00	1322.72	0.00	220.45	0	1300
+    2125	-0.2156	+0.3331	+1.3859	-0.74	+24.55	-0.43	0.00	1322.72	0.00	220.45	0	1300
+    2130	-0.2243	+0.3328	+1.3816	-0.80	+25.17	-0.19	0.00	1309.50	0.00	218.25	0	1300
+    2135	-0.2243	+0.3328	+1.3816	-0.80	+25.17	-0.19	0.00	1309.50	0.00	218.25	0	1300
+    2140	-0.2335	+0.3332	+1.3772	-0.86	+25.75	-0.28	0.00	1304.79	0.00	217.47	0	1300
+    2145	-0.2335	+0.3332	+1.3772	-0.86	+25.75	-0.28	0.00	1304.79	0.00	217.47	0	1300
+    2150	-0.2428	+0.3338	+1.3727	-1.08	+26.28	-0.69	0.00	1285.55	0.00	214.26	0	1300
+    2155	-0.2428	+0.3338	+1.3727	-1.08	+26.28	-0.69	0.00	1285.55	0.00	214.26	0	1300
+    2160	-0.2523	+0.3340	+1.3680	-1.15	+26.75	-0.87	0.00	1260.53	0.00	210.09	0	1300
+    2165	-0.2523	+0.3340	+1.3680	-1.15	+26.75	-0.87	0.00	1260.53	0.00	210.09	0	1300
+    2170	-0.2621	+0.3345	+1.3628	-1.03	+27.46	-0.50	0.00	1459.70	0.00	243.28	0	1300
+    2175	-0.2621	+0.3345	+1.3628	-1.03	+27.46	-0.50	0.00	1459.70	0.00	243.28	0	1300
+    2180	-0.2719	+0.3348	+1.3577	-1.01	+28.02	-0.64	0.00	1366.37	0.00	227.73	0	1300
+    2185	-0.2719	+0.3348	+1.3577	-1.01	+28.02	-0.64	0.00	1366.37	0.00	227.73	0	1300
+    2190	-0.2816	+0.3352	+1.3524	-1.08	+28.61	-0.87	0.00	1409.09	0.00	234.85	0	1300
+    2195	-0.2816	+0.3352	+1.3524	-1.08	+28.61	-0.87	0.00	1409.09	0.00	234.85	0	1300
+    2200	-0.2915	+0.3358	+1.3468	-1.03	+29.40	-0.77	0.00	1578.42	0.00	263.07	0	1300
+    2205	-0.2915	+0.3358	+1.3468	-1.03	+29.40	-0.77	0.00	1578.42	0.00	263.07	0	1300
+    2210	-0.3017	+0.3363	+1.3409	-1.03	+30.08	-0.78	0.00	1528.63	0.00	254.77	0	1300
+    2215	-0.3017	+0.3363	+1.3409	-1.03	+30.08	-0.78	0.00	1528.63	0.00	254.77	0	1300
+    2220	-0.3118	+0.3370	+1.3353	-0.69	+31.00	-0.47	0.00	1722.42	0.00	287.07	0	1300
+    2225	-0.3118	+0.3370	+1.3353	-0.69	+31.00	-0.47	0.00	1722.42	0.00	287.07	0	1300
+    2230	-0.3220	+0.3373	+1.3288	-0.84	+31.62	-0.82	0.00	1536.46	0.00	256.08	0	1300
+    2235	-0.3220	+0.3373	+1.3288	-0.84	+31.62	-0.82	0.00	1536.46	0.00	256.08	0	1300
+    2240	-0.3325	+0.3377	+1.3225	-0.70	+32.45	-0.76	0.00	1718.64	0.00	286.44	0	1300
+    2245	-0.3325	+0.3377	+1.3225	-0.70	+32.45	-0.76	0.00	1718.64	0.00	286.44	0	1300
+    2250	-0.3432	+0.3382	+1.3155	-0.70	+33.20	-0.75	0.00	1680.48	0.00	280.08	0	1300
+    2255	-0.3432	+0.3382	+1.3155	-0.70	+33.20	-0.75	0.00	1680.48	0.00	280.08	0	1300
+    2260	-0.3541	+0.3385	+1.3082	-0.34	+34.22	-0.10	0.00	1908.37	0.00	318.06	0	1300
+    2265	-0.3541	+0.3385	+1.3082	-0.34	+34.22	-0.10	0.00	1908.37	0.00	318.06	0	1300
+    2270	-0.3650	+0.3393	+1.3010	-0.65	+34.45	-0.63	0.00	1358.97	0.00	226.50	0	1300
+    2275	-0.3650	+0.3393	+1.3010	-0.65	+34.45	-0.63	0.00	1358.97	0.00	226.50	0	1300
+    2280	-0.3762	+0.3399	+1.2930	-0.54	+35.36	-0.48	0.00	1872.37	0.00	312.06	0	1300
+    2285	-0.3762	+0.3399	+1.2930	-0.54	+35.36	-0.48	0.00	1872.37	0.00	312.06	0	1300
+    2290	-0.3880	+0.3405	+1.2848	-0.39	+36.31	-0.29	0.00	1932.17	0.00	322.03	0	1300
+    2295	-0.3880	+0.3405	+1.2848	-0.39	+36.31	-0.29	0.00	1932.17	0.00	322.03	0	1300
+    2300	-0.3997	+0.3410	+1.2761	-0.19	+37.23	+0.06	0.00	1938.71	0.00	323.12	0	1300
+    2305	-0.3997	+0.3410	+1.2761	-0.19	+37.23	+0.06	0.00	1938.71	0.00	323.12	0	1300
+    2310	-0.4115	+0.3418	+1.2672	-0.28	+37.94	-0.20	0.00	1819.78	0.00	303.30	0	1300
+    2315	-0.4115	+0.3418	+1.2672	-0.28	+37.94	-0.20	0.00	1819.78	0.00	303.30	0	1300
+    2320	-0.4231	+0.3425	+1.2576	-0.32	+38.67	-0.45	0.00	1861.61	0.00	310.27	0	1300
+    2325	-0.4231	+0.3425	+1.2576	-0.32	+38.67	-0.45	0.00	1861.61	0.00	310.27	0	1300
+    2330	-0.4351	+0.3427	+1.2491	+0.23	+39.30	+0.58	0.00	1802.80	0.00	300.47	0	1300
+    2335	-0.4351	+0.3427	+1.2491	+0.23	+39.30	+0.58	0.00	1802.80	0.00	300.47	0	1300
+    2340	-0.4451	+0.3435	+1.2411	+0.25	+39.62	+0.45	0.00	1602.58	0.00	267.10	0	1300
+    2345	-0.4451	+0.3435	+1.2411	+0.25	+39.62	+0.45	0.00	1602.58	0.00	267.10	0	1300
+    2350	-0.4537	+0.3447	+1.2331	+0.66	+40.24	+0.91	0.00	1827.53	0.00	304.59	0	1300
+    2355	-0.4537	+0.3447	+1.2331	+0.66	+40.24	+0.91	0.00	1827.53	0.00	304.59	0	1300
+    2360	-0.4600	+0.3462	+1.2266	+1.00	+41.05	+1.18	0.00	1998.09	0.00	333.02	0	1300
+    2365	-0.4600	+0.3462	+1.2266	+1.00	+41.05	+1.18	0.00	1998.09	0.00	333.02	0	1300
+    2370	-0.4652	+0.3477	+1.2210	+0.89	+41.95	+0.93	0.00	2095.46	0.00	349.24	0	1300
+    2375	-0.4652	+0.3477	+1.2210	+0.89	+41.95	+0.93	0.00	2095.46	0.00	349.24	0	1300
+    2380	-0.4708	+0.3483	+1.2163	+0.93	+42.82	+1.00	0.00	2099.12	0.00	349.85	0	1300
+    2385	-0.4708	+0.3483	+1.2163	+0.93	+42.82	+1.00	0.00	2099.12	0.00	349.85	0	1300
+    2390	-0.4770	+0.3487	+1.2107	+0.39	+43.25	-0.05	0.00	1803.57	0.00	300.59	0	1300
+    2395	-0.4770	+0.3487	+1.2107	+0.39	+43.25	-0.05	0.00	1803.57	0.00	300.59	0	1300
+    2400	-0.4841	+0.3491	+1.2036	+0.54	+43.72	-0.25	0.00	1845.76	0.00	307.63	0	1300
+    2405	-0.4841	+0.3491	+1.2036	+0.54	+43.72	-0.25	0.00	1845.76	0.00	307.63	0	1300
+    2410	-0.4923	+0.3493	+1.1954	+0.93	+44.40	+0.49	0.00	2019.60	0.00	336.60	0	1300
+    2415	-0.4923	+0.3493	+1.1954	+0.93	+44.40	+0.49	0.00	2019.60	0.00	336.60	0	1300
+    2420	-0.5006	+0.3501	+1.1869	+1.03	+44.86	+0.38	0.00	1880.54	0.00	313.42	0	1300
+    2425	-0.5006	+0.3501	+1.1869	+1.03	+44.86	+0.38	0.00	1880.54	0.00	313.42	0	1300
+    2430	-0.5089	+0.3514	+1.1785	+0.93	+45.16	+0.24	0.00	1773.66	0.00	295.61	0	1300
+    2435	-0.5089	+0.3514	+1.1785	+0.93	+45.16	+0.24	0.00	1773.66	0.00	295.61	0	1300
+    2440	-0.5158	+0.3529	+1.1711	+0.06	+45.08	-1.20	0.00	1496.78	0.00	249.46	0	1300
+    2445	-0.5158	+0.3529	+1.1711	+0.06	+45.08	-1.20	0.00	1496.78	0.00	249.46	0	1300
+    2450	-0.5219	+0.3544	+1.1650	+0.62	+45.88	-0.35	0.00	2156.10	0.00	359.35	0	1300
+    2455	-0.5219	+0.3544	+1.1650	+0.62	+45.88	-0.35	0.00	2156.10	0.00	359.35	0	1300
+    2460	-0.5261	+0.3565	+1.1606	+0.16	+46.23	-1.14	0.00	1853.03	0.00	308.84	0	1300
+    2465	-0.5261	+0.3565	+1.1606	+0.16	+46.23	-1.14	0.00	1853.03	0.00	308.84	0	1300
+    2470	-0.5295	+0.3573	+1.1569	+0.81	+46.93	-0.43	0.00	2121.35	0.00	353.56	0	1300
+    2475	-0.5295	+0.3573	+1.1569	+0.81	+46.93	-0.43	0.00	2121.35	0.00	353.56	0	1300
+    2480	-0.5318	+0.3581	+1.1541	+0.59	+47.40	-0.77	0.00	1969.82	0.00	328.30	0	1300
+    2485	-0.5318	+0.3581	+1.1541	+0.59	+47.40	-0.77	0.00	1969.82	0.00	328.30	0	1300
+    2490	-0.5350	+0.3584	+1.1507	+1.64	+48.08	+0.55	0.00	2149.90	0.00	358.32	0	1300
+    2495	-0.5350	+0.3584	+1.1507	+1.64	+48.08	+0.55	0.00	2149.90	0.00	358.32	0	1300
+    2500	-0.5377	+0.3584	+1.1470	+0.91	+48.25	-0.66	0.00	1785.54	0.00	297.59	0	1300
+    2505	-0.5377	+0.3584	+1.1470	+0.91	+48.25	-0.66	0.00	1785.54	0.00	297.59	0	1300
+    2510	-0.5416	+0.3583	+1.1429	+1.87	+48.74	+0.68	0.00	2032.17	0.00	338.70	0	1300
+    2515	-0.5416	+0.3583	+1.1429	+1.87	+48.74	+0.68	0.00	2032.17	0.00	338.70	0	1300
+    2520	-0.5446	+0.3588	+1.1390	+1.00	+48.64	-0.71	0.00	1609.58	0.00	268.26	0	1300
+    2525	-0.5446	+0.3588	+1.1390	+1.00	+48.64	-0.71	0.00	1609.58	0.00	268.26	0	1300
+    2530	-0.5481	+0.3597	+1.1352	+1.21	+48.90	-0.50	0.00	1877.04	0.00	312.84	0	1300
+    2535	-0.5481	+0.3597	+1.1352	+1.21	+48.90	-0.50	0.00	1877.04	0.00	312.84	0	1300
+    2540	-0.5510	+0.3606	+1.1321	+1.85	+49.34	+0.45	0.00	2020.27	0.00	336.71	0	1300
+    2546	-0.5510	+0.3606	+1.1321	+1.85	+49.34	+0.45	0.00	2020.27	0.00	336.71	0	1300
+    2550	-0.5527	+0.3619	+1.1298	+1.09	+49.28	-0.73	0.00	1659.11	0.00	276.52	0	1300
+    2555	-0.5527	+0.3619	+1.1298	+1.09	+49.28	-0.73	0.00	1659.11	0.00	276.52	0	1300
+    2560	-0.5544	+0.3628	+1.1277	+1.22	+49.59	-0.58	0.00	1932.86	0.00	322.14	0	1300
+    2565	-0.5544	+0.3628	+1.1277	+1.22	+49.59	-0.58	0.00	1932.86	0.00	322.14	0	1300
+    2570	-0.5559	+0.3630	+1.1258	+1.28	+49.74	-0.58	0.00	1831.39	0.00	305.23	0	1300
+    2576	-0.5559	+0.3630	+1.1258	+1.28	+49.74	-0.58	0.00	1831.39	0.00	305.23	0	1300
+    2580	-0.5575	+0.3626	+1.1240	+1.20	+49.78	-0.71	0.00	1749.69	0.00	291.61	0	1300
+    2585	-0.5575	+0.3626	+1.1240	+1.20	+49.78	-0.71	0.00	1749.69	0.00	291.61	0	1300
+    2590	-0.5589	+0.3619	+1.1224	+1.23	+49.79	-0.71	0.00	1724.09	0.00	287.35	0	1300
+    2595	-0.5589	+0.3619	+1.1224	+1.23	+49.79	-0.71	0.00	1724.09	0.00	287.35	0	1300
+    2601	-0.5601	+0.3613	+1.1208	+1.21	+49.80	-0.82	0.00	1727.58	0.00	287.93	0	1300
+    2605	-0.5601	+0.3613	+1.1208	+1.21	+49.80	-0.82	0.00	1727.58	0.00	287.93	0	1300
+    2610	-0.5609	+0.3612	+1.1198	+1.31	+49.86	-0.68	0.00	1765.15	0.00	294.19	0	1300
+    2615	-0.5609	+0.3612	+1.1198	+1.31	+49.86	-0.68	0.00	1765.15	0.00	294.19	0	1300
+    2620	-0.5613	+0.3616	+1.1193	+1.20	+49.90	-0.83	0.00	1753.61	0.00	292.27	0	1300
+    2625	-0.5613	+0.3616	+1.1193	+1.20	+49.90	-0.83	0.00	1753.61	0.00	292.27	0	1300
+    2630	-0.5615	+0.3623	+1.1192	+1.67	+50.10	-0.18	0.00	1871.95	0.00	311.99	0	1300
+    2635	-0.5615	+0.3623	+1.1192	+1.67	+50.10	-0.18	0.00	1871.95	0.00	311.99	0	1300
+    2640	-0.5612	+0.3630	+1.1195	+1.63	+50.16	-0.20	0.00	1780.28	0.00	296.71	0	1300
+    2645	-0.5612	+0.3630	+1.1195	+1.63	+50.16	-0.20	0.00	1780.28	0.00	296.71	0	1300
+    2650	-0.5609	+0.3633	+1.1199	+1.64	+50.21	-0.16	0.00	1768.08	0.00	294.68	0	1300
+    2655	-0.5609	+0.3633	+1.1199	+1.64	+50.21	-0.16	0.00	1768.08	0.00	294.68	0	1300
+    2660	-0.5607	+0.3632	+1.1201	+1.65	+50.22	-0.17	0.00	1745.99	0.00	291.00	0	1300
+    2665	-0.5607	+0.3632	+1.1201	+1.65	+50.22	-0.17	0.00	1745.99	0.00	291.00	0	1300
+    2670	-0.5606	+0.3627	+1.1202	+1.70	+50.18	-0.10	0.00	1704.11	0.00	284.02	0	1300
+    2675	-0.5606	+0.3627	+1.1202	+1.70	+50.18	-0.10	0.00	1704.11	0.00	284.02	0	1300
+    2680	-0.5604	+0.3621	+1.1203	+1.28	+50.01	-0.72	0.00	1608.28	0.00	268.05	0	1300
+    2685	-0.5604	+0.3621	+1.1203	+1.28	+50.01	-0.72	0.00	1608.28	0.00	268.05	0	1300
+    2690	-0.5605	+0.3616	+1.1203	+1.30	+50.00	-0.70	0.00	1722.11	0.00	287.02	0	1300
+    2695	-0.5605	+0.3616	+1.1203	+1.30	+50.00	-0.70	0.00	1722.11	0.00	287.02	0	1300
+    2700	-0.5604	+0.3614	+1.1204	+1.26	+49.99	-0.73	0.00	1718.98	0.00	286.50	0	1300
+    2705	-0.5604	+0.3614	+1.1204	+1.26	+49.99	-0.73	0.00	1718.98	0.00	286.50	0	1300
+    2710	-0.5603	+0.3616	+1.1204	+1.21	+49.99	-0.79	0.00	1726.41	0.00	287.73	0	1300
+    2715	-0.5603	+0.3616	+1.1204	+1.21	+49.99	-0.79	0.00	1726.41	0.00	287.73	0	1300
+    2720	-0.5602	+0.3620	+1.1205	+1.10	+49.97	-0.92	0.00	1709.46	0.00	284.91	0	1300
+    2725	-0.5602	+0.3620	+1.1205	+1.10	+49.97	-0.92	0.00	1709.46	0.00	284.91	0	1300
+    2730	-0.5602	+0.3624	+1.1206	+1.05	+49.93	-0.95	0.00	1700.33	0.00	283.39	0	1300
+    2735	-0.5602	+0.3624	+1.1206	+1.05	+49.93	-0.95	0.00	1700.33	0.00	283.39	0	1300
+    2740	-0.5602	+0.3626	+1.1206	+1.04	+49.89	-0.95	0.00	1694.96	0.00	282.49	0	1300
+    2745	-0.5602	+0.3626	+1.1206	+1.04	+49.89	-0.95	0.00	1694.96	0.00	282.49	0	1300
+    2750	-0.5601	+0.3625	+1.1206	+1.05	+49.84	-0.94	0.00	1687.70	0.00	281.28	0	1300
+    2755	-0.5601	+0.3625	+1.1206	+1.05	+49.84	-0.94	0.00	1687.70	0.00	281.28	0	1300
+    2760	-0.5600	+0.3622	+1.1209	+1.10	+49.80	-0.90	0.00	1690.63	0.00	281.77	0	1300
+    2765	-0.5600	+0.3622	+1.1209	+1.10	+49.80	-0.90	0.00	1690.63	0.00	281.77	0	1300
+    2770	-0.5596	+0.3618	+1.1213	+1.16	+49.77	-0.84	0.00	1697.79	0.00	282.97	0	1300
+    2775	-0.5596	+0.3618	+1.1213	+1.16	+49.77	-0.84	0.00	1697.79	0.00	282.97	0	1300
+    2780	-0.5591	+0.3615	+1.1220	+1.33	+49.78	-0.59	0.00	1730.15	0.00	288.36	0	1300
+    2785	-0.5591	+0.3615	+1.1220	+1.33	+49.78	-0.59	0.00	1730.15	0.00	288.36	0	1300
+    2790	-0.5583	+0.3613	+1.1229	+1.36	+49.79	-0.57	0.00	1723.70	0.00	287.28	0	1300
+    2795	-0.5583	+0.3613	+1.1229	+1.36	+49.79	-0.57	0.00	1723.70	0.00	287.28	0	1300
+    2800	-0.5581	+0.3614	+1.1237	+1.95	+50.02	+0.34	0.00	1891.91	0.00	315.32	0	1300
+    2805	-0.5581	+0.3614	+1.1237	+1.95	+50.02	+0.34	0.00	1891.91	0.00	315.32	0	1300
+    2810	-0.5574	+0.3617	+1.1244	+1.97	+50.04	+0.35	0.00	1750.43	0.00	291.74	0	1300
+    2815	-0.5574	+0.3617	+1.1244	+1.97	+50.04	+0.35	0.00	1750.43	0.00	291.74	0	1300
+    2820	-0.5565	+0.3620	+1.1250	+1.46	+49.79	-0.42	0.00	1541.96	0.00	256.99	0	1300
+    2825	-0.5565	+0.3620	+1.1250	+1.46	+49.79	-0.42	0.00	1541.96	0.00	256.99	0	1300
+    2830	-0.5562	+0.3621	+1.1254	+1.63	+49.75	-0.14	0.00	1690.52	0.00	281.75	0	1300
+    2835	-0.5562	+0.3621	+1.1254	+1.63	+49.75	-0.14	0.00	1690.52	0.00	281.75	0	1300
+    2840	-0.5561	+0.3621	+1.1256	+1.69	+49.68	-0.05	0.00	1665.85	0.00	277.64	0	1300
+    2845	-0.5561	+0.3621	+1.1256	+1.69	+49.68	-0.05	0.00	1665.85	0.00	277.64	0	1300
+    2850	-0.5559	+0.3620	+1.1258	+1.70	+49.64	-0.05	0.00	1684.75	0.00	280.79	0	1300
+    2855	-0.5559	+0.3620	+1.1258	+1.70	+49.64	-0.05	0.00	1684.75	0.00	280.79	0	1300
+    2860	-0.5558	+0.3618	+1.1260	+1.71	+49.65	-0.05	0.00	1721.11	0.00	286.85	0	1300
+    2865	-0.5558	+0.3618	+1.1260	+1.71	+49.65	-0.05	0.00	1721.11	0.00	286.85	0	1300
+    2870	-0.5557	+0.3616	+1.1261	+1.70	+49.60	-0.06	0.00	1681.21	0.00	280.20	0	1300
+    2875	-0.5557	+0.3616	+1.1261	+1.70	+49.60	-0.06	0.00	1681.21	0.00	280.20	0	1300
+    2880	-0.5553	+0.3614	+1.1264	+1.16	+49.41	-0.80	0.00	1574.56	0.00	262.43	0	1300
+    2885	-0.5553	+0.3614	+1.1264	+1.16	+49.41	-0.80	0.00	1574.56	0.00	262.43	0	1300
+    2890	-0.5552	+0.3614	+1.1266	+1.16	+49.42	-0.82	0.00	1714.08	0.00	285.68	0	1300
+    2895	-0.5552	+0.3614	+1.1266	+1.16	+49.42	-0.82	0.00	1714.08	0.00	285.68	0	1300
+    2900	-0.5551	+0.3614	+1.1268	+1.16	+49.39	-0.82	0.00	1685.93	0.00	280.99	0	1300
+    2905	-0.5551	+0.3614	+1.1268	+1.16	+49.39	-0.82	0.00	1685.93	0.00	280.99	0	1300
+    2910	-0.5549	+0.3615	+1.1271	+1.19	+49.36	-0.76	0.00	1685.17	0.00	280.86	0	1300
+    2915	-0.5549	+0.3615	+1.1271	+1.19	+49.36	-0.76	0.00	1685.17	0.00	280.86	0	1300
+    2920	-0.5545	+0.3616	+1.1275	+1.21	+49.31	-0.71	0.00	1664.19	0.00	277.36	0	1300
+    2925	-0.5545	+0.3616	+1.1275	+1.21	+49.31	-0.71	0.00	1664.19	0.00	277.36	0	1300
+    2930	-0.5539	+0.3615	+1.1282	+1.31	+49.28	-0.58	0.00	1683.16	0.00	280.53	0	1300
+    2935	-0.5539	+0.3615	+1.1282	+1.31	+49.28	-0.58	0.00	1683.16	0.00	280.53	0	1300
+    2940	-0.5532	+0.3613	+1.1290	+1.36	+49.27	-0.48	0.00	1691.82	0.00	281.97	0	1300
+    2945	-0.5532	+0.3613	+1.1290	+1.36	+49.27	-0.48	0.00	1691.82	0.00	281.97	0	1300
+    2950	-0.5525	+0.3610	+1.1300	+1.41	+49.27	-0.35	0.00	1707.58	0.00	284.60	0	1300
+    2955	-0.5525	+0.3610	+1.1300	+1.41	+49.27	-0.35	0.00	1707.58	0.00	284.60	0	1300
+    2960	-0.5515	+0.3607	+1.1309	+1.34	+49.30	-0.44	0.00	1726.46	0.00	287.74	0	1300
+    2965	-0.5515	+0.3607	+1.1309	+1.34	+49.30	-0.44	0.00	1726.46	0.00	287.74	0	1300
+    2970	-0.5509	+0.3603	+1.1317	+1.45	+49.30	-0.26	0.00	1697.93	0.00	282.99	0	1300
+    2975	-0.5509	+0.3603	+1.1317	+1.45	+49.30	-0.26	0.00	1697.93	0.00	282.99	0	1300
+    2980	-0.5507	+0.3600	+1.1323	+1.66	+49.38	+0.15	0.00	1765.03	0.00	294.17	0	1300
+    2985	-0.5507	+0.3600	+1.1323	+1.66	+49.38	+0.15	0.00	1765.03	0.00	294.17	0	1300
+    2990	-0.5500	+0.3597	+1.1326	+0.80	+49.06	-0.99	0.00	1466.02	0.00	244.34	0	1300
+    2995	-0.5500	+0.3597	+1.1326	+0.80	+49.06	-0.99	0.00	1466.02	0.00	244.34	0	1300
+    3000	-0.5500	+0.3594	+1.1327	+0.87	+49.04	-0.85	0.00	1683.01	0.00	280.50	0	1300
+    3005	-0.5500	+0.3594	+1.1327	+0.87	+49.04	-0.85	0.00	1683.01	0.00	280.50	0	1300
+    3010	-0.5499	+0.3592	+1.1327	+0.87	+49.00	-0.84	0.00	1666.41	0.00	277.73	0	1300
+    3015	-0.5499	+0.3592	+1.1327	+0.87	+49.00	-0.84	0.00	1666.41	0.00	277.73	0	1300
+    3020	-0.5498	+0.3590	+1.1328	+0.92	+49.01	-0.72	0.00	1697.32	0.00	282.89	0	1300
+    3025	-0.5498	+0.3590	+1.1328	+0.92	+49.01	-0.72	0.00	1697.32	0.00	282.89	0	1300
+    3030	-0.5498	+0.3586	+1.1328	+0.85	+48.99	-0.78	0.00	1680.95	0.00	280.16	0	1300
+    3035	-0.5498	+0.3586	+1.1328	+0.85	+48.99	-0.78	0.00	1680.95	0.00	280.16	0	1300
+    3040	-0.5496	+0.3580	+1.1330	+0.88	+48.98	-0.73	0.00	1685.20	0.00	280.87	0	1300
+    3045	-0.5496	+0.3580	+1.1330	+0.88	+48.98	-0.73	0.00	1685.20	0.00	280.87	0	1300
+    3050	-0.5494	+0.3573	+1.1331	+0.94	+48.99	-0.64	0.00	1698.44	0.00	283.07	0	1300
+    3055	-0.5494	+0.3573	+1.1331	+0.94	+48.99	-0.64	0.00	1698.44	0.00	283.07	0	1300
+    3060	-0.5491	+0.3564	+1.1335	+0.67	+48.92	-0.90	0.00	1639.25	0.00	273.21	0	1300
+    3065	-0.5491	+0.3564	+1.1335	+0.67	+48.92	-0.90	0.00	1639.25	0.00	273.21	0	1300
+    3070	-0.5489	+0.3556	+1.1338	+1.01	+49.05	-0.30	0.00	1793.43	0.00	298.90	0	1300
+    3075	-0.5489	+0.3556	+1.1338	+1.01	+49.05	-0.30	0.00	1793.43	0.00	298.90	0	1300
+    3080	-0.5481	+0.3553	+1.1345	+0.66	+48.88	-0.92	0.00	1562.99	0.00	260.50	0	1300
+    3085	-0.5481	+0.3553	+1.1345	+0.66	+48.88	-0.92	0.00	1562.99	0.00	260.50	0	1300
+    3090	-0.5474	+0.3551	+1.1355	+0.87	+48.87	-0.67	0.00	1681.06	0.00	280.18	0	1300
+    3095	-0.5474	+0.3551	+1.1355	+0.87	+48.87	-0.67	0.00	1681.06	0.00	280.18	0	1300
+    3100	-0.5464	+0.3554	+1.1365	+0.87	+48.91	-0.54	0.00	1717.60	0.00	286.27	0	1300
+    3105	-0.5464	+0.3554	+1.1365	+0.87	+48.91	-0.54	0.00	1717.60	0.00	286.27	0	1300
+    3110	-0.5457	+0.3555	+1.1375	+0.80	+48.88	-0.58	0.00	1673.71	0.00	278.95	0	1300
+    3115	-0.5457	+0.3555	+1.1375	+0.80	+48.88	-0.58	0.00	1673.71	0.00	278.95	0	1300
+    3120	-0.5450	+0.3555	+1.1383	+0.91	+48.86	-0.38	0.00	1672.49	0.00	278.75	0	1300
+    3125	-0.5450	+0.3555	+1.1383	+0.91	+48.86	-0.38	0.00	1672.49	0.00	278.75	0	1300
+    3130	-0.5445	+0.3554	+1.1389	+1.11	+48.86	-0.11	0.00	1690.61	0.00	281.77	0	1300
+    3135	-0.5445	+0.3554	+1.1389	+1.11	+48.86	-0.11	0.00	1690.61	0.00	281.77	0	1300
+    3140	-0.5440	+0.3549	+1.1395	+0.64	+48.68	-0.64	0.00	1553.74	0.00	258.96	0	1300
+    3145	-0.5440	+0.3549	+1.1395	+0.64	+48.68	-0.64	0.00	1553.74	0.00	258.96	0	1300
+    3150	-0.5438	+0.3542	+1.1397	+0.69	+48.64	-0.58	0.00	1649.08	0.00	274.85	0	1300
+    3155	-0.5438	+0.3542	+1.1397	+0.69	+48.64	-0.58	0.00	1649.08	0.00	274.85	0	1300
+    3160	-0.5438	+0.3535	+1.1398	+0.79	+48.65	-0.34	0.00	1686.36	0.00	281.06	0	1300
+    3165	-0.5438	+0.3535	+1.1398	+0.79	+48.65	-0.34	0.00	1686.36	0.00	281.06	0	1300
+    3170	-0.5437	+0.3530	+1.1398	+0.81	+48.58	-0.29	0.00	1634.40	0.00	272.40	0	1300
+    3175	-0.5437	+0.3530	+1.1398	+0.81	+48.58	-0.29	0.00	1634.40	0.00	272.40	0	1300
+    3180	-0.5438	+0.3524	+1.1397	+0.88	+48.55	-0.11	0.00	1652.50	0.00	275.42	0	1300
+    3185	-0.5438	+0.3524	+1.1397	+0.88	+48.55	-0.11	0.00	1652.50	0.00	275.42	0	1300
+    3190	-0.5438	+0.3521	+1.1398	+0.86	+48.48	-0.09	0.00	1627.90	0.00	271.32	0	1300
+    3195	-0.5438	+0.3521	+1.1398	+0.86	+48.48	-0.09	0.00	1627.90	0.00	271.32	0	1300
+    3200	-0.5436	+0.3519	+1.1400	+0.82	+48.44	-0.09	0.00	1641.39	0.00	273.56	0	1300
+    3205	-0.5436	+0.3519	+1.1400	+0.82	+48.44	-0.09	0.00	1641.39	0.00	273.56	0	1300
+    3210	-0.5433	+0.3518	+1.1404	+0.79	+48.38	-0.11	0.00	1629.99	0.00	271.67	0	1300
+    3215	-0.5433	+0.3518	+1.1404	+0.79	+48.38	-0.11	0.00	1629.99	0.00	271.67	0	1300
+    3220	-0.5430	+0.3515	+1.1410	+0.86	+48.42	+0.12	0.00	1700.95	0.00	283.49	0	1300
+    3225	-0.5430	+0.3515	+1.1410	+0.86	+48.42	+0.12	0.00	1700.95	0.00	283.49	0	1300
+    3230	-0.5420	+0.3514	+1.1419	+0.55	+48.22	-0.33	0.00	1526.39	0.00	254.40	0	1300
+    3235	-0.5420	+0.3514	+1.1419	+0.55	+48.22	-0.33	0.00	1526.39	0.00	254.40	0	1300
+    3240	-0.5412	+0.3510	+1.1428	+0.54	+48.20	-0.39	0.00	1652.95	0.00	275.49	0	1300
+    3245	-0.5412	+0.3510	+1.1428	+0.54	+48.20	-0.39	0.00	1652.95	0.00	275.49	0	1300
+    3250	-0.5404	+0.3505	+1.1438	+0.63	+48.25	-0.21	0.00	1698.32	0.00	283.05	0	1300
+    3255	-0.5404	+0.3505	+1.1438	+0.63	+48.25	-0.21	0.00	1698.32	0.00	283.05	0	1300
+    3260	-0.5392	+0.3500	+1.1450	+0.55	+48.21	-0.27	0.00	1636.86	0.00	272.81	0	1300
+    3265	-0.5392	+0.3500	+1.1450	+0.55	+48.21	-0.27	0.00	1636.86	0.00	272.81	0	1300
+    3270	-0.5381	+0.3500	+1.1464	+0.43	+48.17	-0.45	0.00	1637.95	0.00	272.99	0	1300
+    3275	-0.5381	+0.3500	+1.1464	+0.43	+48.17	-0.45	0.00	1637.95	0.00	272.99	0	1300
+    3280	-0.5374	+0.3498	+1.1472	+0.36	+48.12	-0.58	0.00	1627.43	0.00	271.24	0	1300
+    3285	-0.5374	+0.3498	+1.1472	+0.36	+48.12	-0.58	0.00	1627.43	0.00	271.24	0	1300
+    3290	-0.5368	+0.3496	+1.1476	+0.07	+47.99	-0.91	0.00	1562.66	0.00	260.44	0	1300
+    3295	-0.5368	+0.3496	+1.1476	+0.07	+47.99	-0.91	0.00	1562.66	0.00	260.44	0	1300
+    3300	-0.5362	+0.3500	+1.1482	-0.01	+47.90	-1.00	0.00	1592.95	0.00	265.49	0	1300
+    3305	-0.5362	+0.3500	+1.1482	-0.01	+47.90	-1.00	0.00	1592.95	0.00	265.49	0	1300
+    3310	-0.5358	+0.3501	+1.1487	+0.10	+47.85	-0.75	0.00	1619.13	0.00	269.85	0	1300
+    3315	-0.5358	+0.3501	+1.1487	+0.10	+47.85	-0.75	0.00	1619.13	0.00	269.85	0	1300
+    3320	-0.5354	+0.3501	+1.1491	+0.08	+47.80	-0.75	0.00	1619.99	0.00	270.00	0	1300
+    3325	-0.5354	+0.3501	+1.1491	+0.08	+47.80	-0.75	0.00	1619.99	0.00	270.00	0	1300
+    3330	-0.5355	+0.3500	+1.1495	+0.16	+47.66	-0.52	0.00	1546.28	0.00	257.71	0	1300
+    3335	-0.5355	+0.3500	+1.1495	+0.16	+47.66	-0.52	0.00	1546.28	0.00	257.71	0	1300
+    3340	-0.5350	+0.3498	+1.1500	+0.21	+47.57	-0.45	0.00	1578.65	0.00	263.11	0	1300
+    3345	-0.5350	+0.3498	+1.1500	+0.21	+47.57	-0.45	0.00	1578.65	0.00	263.11	0	1300
+    3350	-0.5346	+0.3494	+1.1506	+0.36	+47.56	-0.19	0.00	1632.00	0.00	272.00	0	1300
+    3355	-0.5346	+0.3494	+1.1506	+0.36	+47.56	-0.19	0.00	1632.00	0.00	272.00	0	1300
+    3360	-0.5337	+0.3489	+1.1515	-0.30	+47.25	-1.03	0.00	1412.34	0.00	235.39	0	1300
+    3365	-0.5337	+0.3489	+1.1515	-0.30	+47.25	-1.03	0.00	1412.34	0.00	235.39	0	1300
+    3370	-0.5326	+0.3486	+1.1527	-0.39	+47.07	-1.36	0.00	1502.12	0.00	250.35	0	1300
+    3375	-0.5326	+0.3486	+1.1527	-0.39	+47.07	-1.36	0.00	1502.12	0.00	250.35	0	1300
+    3380	-0.5315	+0.3482	+1.1539	-0.39	+46.97	-1.40	0.00	1547.47	0.00	257.91	0	1300
+    3385	-0.5315	+0.3482	+1.1539	-0.39	+46.97	-1.40	0.00	1547.47	0.00	257.91	0	1300
+    3390	-0.5301	+0.3482	+1.1553	-0.59	+46.88	-1.69	0.00	1556.03	0.00	259.34	0	1300
+    3395	-0.5301	+0.3482	+1.1553	-0.59	+46.88	-1.69	0.00	1556.03	0.00	259.34	0	1300
+    3400	-0.5286	+0.3484	+1.1572	+0.01	+46.97	-0.63	0.00	1691.05	0.00	281.84	0	1300
+    3405	-0.5286	+0.3484	+1.1572	+0.01	+46.97	-0.63	0.00	1691.05	0.00	281.84	0	1300
+    3410	-0.5273	+0.3481	+1.1588	+0.24	+47.02	-0.32	0.00	1659.54	0.00	276.59	0	1300
+    3415	-0.5273	+0.3481	+1.1588	+0.24	+47.02	-0.32	0.00	1659.54	0.00	276.59	0	1300
+    3420	-0.5256	+0.3481	+1.1607	-0.14	+46.97	-0.54	0.00	1587.43	0.00	264.57	0	1300
+    3425	-0.5256	+0.3481	+1.1607	-0.14	+46.97	-0.54	0.00	1587.43	0.00	264.57	0	1300
+    3430	-0.5243	+0.3472	+1.1617	-0.21	+46.65	-0.98	0.00	1379.71	0.00	229.95	0	1300
+    3435	-0.5243	+0.3472	+1.1617	-0.21	+46.65	-0.98	0.00	1379.71	0.00	229.95	0	1300
+    3440	-0.5230	+0.3468	+1.1631	-0.31	+46.53	-1.03	0.00	1527.17	0.00	254.53	0	1300
+    3445	-0.5230	+0.3468	+1.1631	-0.31	+46.53	-1.03	0.00	1527.17	0.00	254.53	0	1300
+    3451	-0.5218	+0.3465	+1.1643	-0.33	+46.45	-1.07	0.00	1543.59	0.00	257.27	0	1300
+    3455	-0.5218	+0.3465	+1.1643	-0.33	+46.45	-1.07	0.00	1543.59	0.00	257.27	0	1300
+    3460	-0.5209	+0.3460	+1.1655	-0.32	+46.39	-1.03	0.00	1561.43	0.00	260.24	0	1300
+    3465	-0.5209	+0.3460	+1.1655	-0.32	+46.39	-1.03	0.00	1561.43	0.00	260.24	0	1300
+    3470	-0.5199	+0.3457	+1.1667	+0.01	+46.35	-0.34	0.00	1576.81	0.00	262.80	0	1300
+    3475	-0.5199	+0.3457	+1.1667	+0.01	+46.35	-0.34	0.00	1576.81	0.00	262.80	0	1300
+    3480	-0.5191	+0.3452	+1.1674	-0.38	+46.24	-0.66	0.00	1515.35	0.00	252.56	0	1300
+    3485	-0.5191	+0.3452	+1.1674	-0.38	+46.24	-0.66	0.00	1515.35	0.00	252.56	0	1300
+    3490	-0.5185	+0.3451	+1.1681	-0.37	+46.15	-0.77	0.00	1534.67	0.00	255.78	0	1300
+    3495	-0.5185	+0.3451	+1.1681	-0.37	+46.15	-0.77	0.00	1534.67	0.00	255.78	0	1300
+    3500	-0.5176	+0.3448	+1.1691	-0.29	+46.06	-0.63	0.00	1521.95	0.00	253.66	0	1300
+    3505	-0.5176	+0.3448	+1.1691	-0.29	+46.06	-0.63	0.00	1521.95	0.00	253.66	0	1300
+    3510	-0.5167	+0.3445	+1.1701	-0.23	+45.93	-0.45	0.00	1501.18	0.00	250.20	0	1300
+    3515	-0.5167	+0.3445	+1.1701	-0.23	+45.93	-0.45	0.00	1501.18	0.00	250.20	0	1300
+    3520	-0.5159	+0.3443	+1.1712	-0.23	+45.83	-0.56	0.00	1512.34	0.00	252.06	0	1300
+    3525	-0.5159	+0.3443	+1.1712	-0.23	+45.83	-0.56	0.00	1512.34	0.00	252.06	0	1300
+    3530	-0.5148	+0.3435	+1.1723	-0.32	+45.77	-0.48	0.00	1538.62	0.00	256.44	0	1300
+    3535	-0.5148	+0.3435	+1.1723	-0.32	+45.77	-0.48	0.00	1538.62	0.00	256.44	0	1300
+    3540	-0.5135	+0.3431	+1.1736	-0.34	+45.75	-0.50	0.00	1561.67	0.00	260.28	0	1300
+    3545	-0.5135	+0.3431	+1.1736	-0.34	+45.75	-0.50	0.00	1561.67	0.00	260.28	0	1300
+    3550	-0.5118	+0.3429	+1.1754	-0.45	+45.56	-0.63	0.00	1441.80	0.00	240.30	0	1300
+    3555	-0.5118	+0.3429	+1.1754	-0.45	+45.56	-0.63	0.00	1441.80	0.00	240.30	0	1300
+    3560	-0.5102	+0.3421	+1.1772	-0.51	+45.42	-0.78	0.00	1471.77	0.00	245.29	0	1300
+    3565	-0.5102	+0.3421	+1.1772	-0.51	+45.42	-0.78	0.00	1471.77	0.00	245.29	0	1300
+    3570	-0.5080	+0.3416	+1.1793	-0.49	+45.41	-0.54	0.00	1561.09	0.00	260.18	0	1300
+    3575	-0.5080	+0.3416	+1.1793	-0.49	+45.41	-0.54	0.00	1561.09	0.00	260.18	0	1300
+    3580	-0.5058	+0.3410	+1.1818	-0.24	+45.38	-0.36	0.00	1544.05	0.00	257.34	0	1300
+    3585	-0.5058	+0.3410	+1.1818	-0.24	+45.38	-0.36	0.00	1544.05	0.00	257.34	0	1300
+    3590	-0.5033	+0.3404	+1.1842	-0.52	+45.44	-0.38	0.00	1615.42	0.00	269.24	0	1300
+    3595	-0.5033	+0.3404	+1.1842	-0.52	+45.44	-0.38	0.00	1615.42	0.00	269.24	0	1300
+    3600	-0.5005	+0.3401	+1.1871	-0.43	+45.34	-0.33	0.00	1494.68	0.00	249.11	0	1300
+    3605	-0.5005	+0.3401	+1.1871	-0.43	+45.34	-0.33	0.00	1494.68	0.00	249.11	0	1300
+    3610	-0.4975	+0.3391	+1.1899	-0.82	+45.28	-0.84	0.00	1524.82	0.00	254.14	0	1300
+    3615	-0.4975	+0.3391	+1.1899	-0.82	+45.28	-0.84	0.00	1524.82	0.00	254.14	0	1300
+    3620	-0.4943	+0.3385	+1.1929	-0.96	+45.21	-0.92	0.00	1505.82	0.00	250.97	0	1300
+    3625	-0.4943	+0.3385	+1.1929	-0.96	+45.21	-0.92	0.00	1505.82	0.00	250.97	0	1300
+    3630	-0.4915	+0.3376	+1.1959	-0.62	+45.29	-0.36	0.00	1625.41	0.00	270.90	0	1300
+    3635	-0.4915	+0.3376	+1.1959	-0.62	+45.29	-0.36	0.00	1625.41	0.00	270.90	0	1300
+    3640	-0.4882	+0.3369	+1.1989	-1.08	+45.07	-1.12	0.00	1397.39	0.00	232.90	0	1300
+    3645	-0.4882	+0.3369	+1.1989	-1.08	+45.07	-1.12	0.00	1397.39	0.00	232.90	0	1300
+    3650	-0.4853	+0.3357	+1.2019	-0.39	+45.15	-0.16	0.00	1622.04	0.00	270.34	0	1300
+    3655	-0.4853	+0.3357	+1.2019	-0.39	+45.15	-0.16	0.00	1622.04	0.00	270.34	0	1300
+    3660	-0.4824	+0.3350	+1.2048	-0.62	+44.99	-0.61	0.00	1438.05	0.00	239.67	0	1300
+    3665	-0.4824	+0.3350	+1.2048	-0.62	+44.99	-0.61	0.00	1438.05	0.00	239.67	0	1300
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/sampleLogFile2.txt b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/sampleLogFile2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c1aecf1afc77cad49123e9c90610c2efbc533e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/sampleLogFile2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#Custom Header:::::
+#Settings: x y z
+#Constants: 1 2 3
+#Contents will be printed to MATLAB terminal
+#▼▼▼▼ - Time must be included for parser to work properly needs to be exactly the following string: 'Time'
+%Time	Header1 Header2	Header3	Header4	b
+&sec    Unit1   Unit2   Unit3   Unit4   b
+1	1	1	100	0	0
+2	1	2	80	.5	-1
+3	1	3	60	1	1
+4	1	4	40	.5	-.5
+5	1	5   20	0	0
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/sampleLogFileMarkers.txt b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/sampleLogFileMarkers.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6978517106b050406f8b3a47582216fff4c35152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/sampleLogFileMarkers.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1558 @@
+#Constants		pitch_P		pitch_I		pitch_D
+#PIDValues		1650		3		550
+#Constants		roll_P		roll_I		roll_D
+#PIDValues		1650		3		550
+%Time		Marker		Motor_1	Motor_2	Motor_3	Motor_4	Pitch		Pitch_err		Pitch_pid_p		 Pitch_pid_d		Roll		 Roll_err		Roll_pid_p		Roll_pid_d
+&sec		Marker		%thrust	%thrust	%thrust	%thrust	degrees		degrees		degrees		degrees		degrees		degrees		degrees		degrees
+7432.245736	0	26000	56000	56000	26000	1.116891		-1.116891		-32.164158		-1072.138594		-6.535178		6.535178		188.199626		6273.320876
+7432.225854	0	30645	34606	51355	47394	1.433347		-1.433347		-41.277421		-303.775445		-6.128577		6.128577		176.490353		-390.309095
+7432.235837	0	46955	52155	35045	29845	1.190617		-1.190617		-34.287296		233.004158		-6.325159		6.325159		182.151503		188.704990
+7432.255838	0	44179	56000	37821	26000	1.048486		-1.048486		-30.194220		136.435870		-6.733110		6.733110		193.899660		391.605236
+7432.265835	0	45772	51407	36228	30593	0.856764		-0.856764		-24.673021		184.039981		-6.886135		6.886135		198.306459		146.893300
+7432.275879	0	45460	51433	36540	30567	0.681091		-0.681091		-19.614003		168.633922		-7.035232		7.035232		202.600134		143.122487
+7432.285921	0	46259	53643	35741	28357	0.483580		-0.483580		-13.926094		189.596983		-7.254105		7.254105		208.903223		210.102983
+7432.295835	0	43702	54575	38298	27425	0.377995		-0.377995		-10.885485		101.353619		-7.497621		7.497621		215.915977		233.758464
+7432.305846	0	49422	52210	32578	29790	0.082657		-0.082657		-2.380357		283.504256		-7.653913		7.653913		220.416883		150.030181
+7432.315757	0	45384	54528	36616	27472	-0.067949		0.067949		1.956799		144.571885		-7.883356		7.883356		227.024346		220.248774
+7432.325837	0	47656	51650	34344	30350	-0.290743		0.290743		8.372791		213.866414		-8.008690		8.008690		230.633730		120.312795
+7432.335846	0	44888	53650	37112	28350	-0.413698		0.413698		11.913658		118.028875		-8.197351		8.197351		236.066750		181.100667
+7432.345892	0	45812	54359	36188	27641	-0.564212		0.564212		16.248144		144.482860		-8.403987		8.403987		242.017447		198.356584
+7432.355937	0	46162	53347	35838	28653	-0.722097		0.722097		20.794899		151.558514		-8.570012		8.570012		246.798619		159.372389
+7432.365853	0	47339	53651	34661	28349	-0.915034		0.915034		26.351073		185.205811		-8.740994		8.740994		251.722542		164.130777
+7432.375898	0	47303	54094	34697	27906	-1.101078		1.101078		31.708768		178.589830		-8.921453		8.921453		256.919405		173.228756
+7432.385829	0	47329	54893	34671	27107	-1.282505		1.282505		36.933491		174.157424		-9.123119		9.123119		262.726957		193.585083
+7432.395944	0	47153	53453	34847	28547	-1.452623		1.452623		41.832541		163.301686		-9.269882		9.269882		266.953424		140.882209
+7432.405926	0	46673	54905	35327	27095	-1.601540		1.601540		46.121047		142.950173		-9.460820		9.460820		272.452066		183.288082
+7432.415920	0	48310	55675	33690	26325	-1.801209		1.801209		51.871097		191.668328		-9.671648		9.671648		278.523461		202.379823
+7432.425864	0	46210	53502	35790	28498	-1.924136		1.924136		55.411145		118.001625		-9.802564		9.802564		282.293569		125.670284
+7432.435935	0	50342	54730	31658	27270	-2.182676		2.182676		62.856543		248.179920		-9.970531		9.970531		287.130676		161.236897
+7432.445988	0	48615	55555	33385	26445	-2.375358		2.375358		68.405386		184.961427		-10.160889		10.160889		292.612600		182.730779
+7432.455841	0	48312	54994	33688	27006	-2.552077		2.552077		73.494552		169.638861		-10.326233		10.326233		297.374175		158.719197
+7432.465940	0	48791	55646	33209	26354	-2.739654		2.739654		78.896383		180.061050		-10.508171		10.508171		302.613598		174.647421
+7432.475817	0	48398	55649	33602	26351	-2.908351		2.908351		83.754506		161.937419		-10.684351		10.684351		307.687207		169.120282
+7432.485938	0	47879	55305	34121	26695	-3.054477		3.054477		87.962636		140.271019		-10.843217		10.843217		312.262242		152.501166
+7432.495807	0	51147	56000	30853	26000	-3.306360		3.306360		95.216323		241.789576		-11.027699		11.027699		317.574933		177.089721
+7432.505844	0	50995	56000	31005	26000	-3.545575		3.545575		102.105239		229.630526		-11.201945		11.201945		322.592852		167.263970
+7432.515948	0	50565	56000	31435	26000	-3.763143		3.763143		108.370741		208.850075		-11.387999		11.387999		327.950833		178.599358
+7432.525831	0	49552	56000	32448	26000	-3.940020		3.940020		113.464437		169.789866		-11.566197		11.566197		333.082565		171.057731
+7432.535943	0	52633	56000	29367	26000	-4.215377		4.215377		121.394136		264.323279		-11.746103		11.746103		338.263495		172.697678
+7432.545848	0	52507	55974	29493	26026	-4.478217		4.478217		128.963402		252.308883		-11.892955		11.892955		342.492519		140.967444
+7432.555921	0	49072	56000	32928	26000	-4.617351		4.617351		132.970160		133.558586		-12.059023		12.059023		347.274920		159.413368
+7432.565869	0	52345	56000	29655	26000	-4.862534		4.862534		140.030920		235.358663		-12.225464		12.225464		352.068090		159.772336
+7432.575946	0	52872	56000	29128	26000	-5.118076		5.118076		147.390017		245.303251		-12.420504		12.420504		357.684848		187.225267
+7432.585992	0	52780	56000	29220	26000	-5.362767		5.362767		154.436603		234.886184		-12.589226		12.589226		362.543689		161.961392
+7432.595940	0	51714	56000	30286	26000	-5.564101		5.564101		160.234603		193.266682		-12.746678		12.746678		367.077984		151.143149
+7432.605944	0	54021	56000	27979	26000	-5.837041		5.837041		168.094708		262.003504		-12.923918		12.923918		372.182129		170.138180
+7432.615882	0	53511	56000	28489	26000	-6.084532		6.084532		175.221939		237.574354		-13.060629		13.060629		376.119109		131.232664
+7432.625937	0	52378	56000	29622	26000	-6.286284		6.286284		181.031975		193.667859		-13.240439		13.240439		381.297261		172.605067
+7432.635880	0	54771	56000	27229	26000	-6.562465		6.562465		188.985424		265.114978		-13.379364		13.379364		385.298020		133.358613
+7432.645969	0	51982	56000	30018	26000	-6.736234		6.736234		193.989624		166.806653		-13.571943		13.571943		390.843894		184.862465
+7432.655870	0	53775	56000	28225	26000	-6.965010		6.965010		200.577897		219.609104		-13.710493		13.710493		394.833858		132.998824
+7432.666038	0	53521	56000	28479	26000	-7.178190		7.178190		206.717028		204.637721		-13.824571		13.824571		398.119064		109.506845
+7432.676022	0	53629	56000	28371	26000	-7.388399		7.388399		212.770622		201.786458		-13.964994		13.964994		402.162948		134.796128
+7432.685975	0	54863	56000	27137	26000	-7.633688		7.633688		219.834443		235.460699		-14.095690		14.095690		405.926737		125.459656
+7432.695924	0	55075	56000	26925	26000	-7.878576		7.878576		226.886708		235.075504		-14.225209		14.225209		409.656622		124.329478
+7432.706048	0	55585	56000	26415	26000	-8.133085		8.133085		234.216043		244.311169		-14.397815		14.397815		414.627309		165.689588
+7432.716034	0	54585	56000	27415	26000	-8.346040		8.346040		240.348709		204.422176		-14.508529		14.508529		417.815642		106.277764
+7432.725956	0	55830	56000	26170	26000	-8.594286		8.594286		247.497674		238.298848		-14.607727		14.607727		420.672347		95.223486
+7432.735989	0	55648	56000	26352	26000	-8.828714		8.828714		254.248725		225.035027		-14.709804		14.709804		423.611958		97.987056
+7432.746044	0	54862	56000	27138	26000	-9.029341		9.029341		260.026355		192.587674		-14.826428		14.826428		426.970482		111.950785
+7432.756007	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.283802		9.283802		267.354313		244.265273		-14.910977		14.910977		429.405324		81.161410
+7432.766046	0	55267	54165	26733	27835	-9.483818		9.483818		273.114339		192.000866		-14.888726		14.888726		428.764540		-21.359473
+7432.775921	0	55676	56000	26324	26000	-9.691284		9.691284		279.088935		199.153200		-15.003014		15.003014		432.055794		109.708458
+7432.785997	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.946069		9.946069		286.426236		244.576707		-15.083750		15.083750		434.380831		77.501237
+7432.796069	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.286753		10.286753		296.237227		327.033028		-15.252518		15.252518		439.240976		162.004828
+7432.806016	0	55991	56000	26009	26000	-10.479846		10.479846		301.797903		185.355842		-15.293150		15.293150		440.411116		39.004683
+7432.816000	0	52129	56000	29871	26000	-10.536550		10.536550		303.430867		54.432154		-15.526490		15.526490		447.130819		223.990083
+7432.825916	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.760713		10.760713		309.886285		215.180591		-15.613782		15.613782		449.644634		83.793849
+7432.835938	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.988139		10.988139		316.435674		218.312964		-15.699724		15.699724		452.119602		82.498938
+7432.845947	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.267986		11.267986		324.494699		268.634185		-15.798742		15.798742		454.971094		95.049739
+7432.855996	0	50531	56000	31469	26000	-11.245523		11.245523		323.847818		-21.562725		-15.921267		15.921267		458.499563		117.615610
+7432.865984	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.481764		11.481764		330.651066		226.774961		-16.007061		16.007061		460.970253		82.356334
+7432.876063	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.716242		11.716242		337.403543		225.082561		-16.073626		16.073626		462.887196		63.898116
+7432.886018	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.048568		12.048568		346.973853		319.010317		-16.143883		16.143883		464.910454		67.441911
+7432.895930	0	55552	56000	26448	26000	-12.170122		12.170122		350.474341		116.682947		-16.232631		16.232631		467.466214		85.192025
+7432.905994	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.381228		12.381228		356.553776		202.647820		-16.279700		16.279700		468.821691		45.182556
+7432.916023	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.661834		12.661834		364.634635		269.361958		-16.436471		16.436471		473.336390		150.489956
+7432.926080	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.985395		12.985395		373.952535		310.596675		-16.437110		16.437110		473.354781		0.613034
+7432.936070	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.212486		13.212486		380.492286		217.991695		-16.468165		16.468165		474.249105		29.810816
+7432.945959	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.463998		13.463998		387.735296		241.433680		-16.527222		16.527222		475.949831		56.690872
+7432.956056	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.647030		13.647030		393.006264		175.698921		-16.573358		16.573358		477.278459		44.287592
+7432.965971	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.784554		13.784554		396.966650		132.012889		-16.626823		16.626823		478.818141		51.322728
+7432.975989	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.046633		14.046633		404.513998		251.578242		-16.702481		16.702481		480.996935		72.626472
+7432.986037	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.238025		14.238025		410.025671		183.722451		-16.774359		16.774359		483.066858		68.997443
+7432.996048	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.447319		14.447319		416.052908		200.907886		-16.788991		16.788991		483.488229		14.045686
+7433.006086	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.669978		14.669978		422.465028		213.737339		-16.861802		16.861802		485.585050		69.894046
+7433.016103	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.815005		14.815005		426.641509		139.216036		-16.901853		16.901853		486.738423		38.445741
+7433.026053	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.025262		15.025262		432.696480		201.832354		-16.965883		16.965883		488.582343		61.464012
+7433.036083	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.250743		15.250743		439.189884		216.446817		-17.010601		17.010601		489.870156		42.927116
+7433.046040	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.470273		15.470273		445.511869		210.732818		-17.047175		17.047175		490.923411		35.108477
+7433.056006	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.554748		15.554748		447.944596		81.090927		-17.157135		17.157135		494.090009		105.553269
+7433.065979	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.811403		15.811403		455.335718		246.370733		-17.181611		17.181611		494.794866		23.495257
+7433.076147	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.935181		15.935181		458.900280		118.818730		-17.215333		17.215333		495.766000		32.371134
+7433.086137	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.047381		16.047381		462.131394		107.703805		-17.340676		17.340676		499.375606		120.320171
+7433.096129	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.247092		16.247092		467.882667		191.709101		-17.386593		17.386593		500.697939		44.077784
+7433.106186	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.325781		16.325781		470.148745		75.535923		-17.421145		17.421145		501.692972		33.167750
+7433.116028	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.490752		16.490752		474.899577		158.361048		-17.532817		17.532817		504.908891		107.197315
+7433.126153	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.621153		16.621153		478.654835		125.175267		-17.618201		17.618201		507.367779		81.962943
+7433.136040	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.745686		16.745686		482.241131		119.543225		-17.672949		17.672949		508.944391		52.553713
+7433.146139	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.785528		16.785528		483.388504		38.245767		-17.784563		17.784563		512.158638		107.141584
+7433.156123	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.049889		17.049889		491.001548		253.768116		-17.823425		17.823425		513.277785		37.304908
+7433.166158	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.077420		17.077420		491.794378		26.427656		-17.942852		17.942852		516.717052		114.642233
+7433.176091	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.190282		17.190282		495.044571		108.339787		-18.033945		18.033945		519.340329		87.442547
+7433.186139	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.277819		17.277819		497.565468		84.029883		-18.100869		18.100869		521.267599		64.242333
+7433.196153	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.382647		17.382647		500.584298		100.627691		-18.191656		18.191656		523.882073		87.149143
+7433.206059	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.441899		17.441899		502.290630		56.877732		-18.287183		18.287183		526.633054		91.699362
+7433.216143	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.509455		17.509455		504.236095		64.848810		-18.391758		18.391758		529.644607		100.385100
+7433.226081	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.554961		17.554961		505.546577		43.682754		-18.496914		18.496914		532.672879		100.942403
+7433.236164	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.669192		17.669192		508.836208		109.654367		-18.564789		18.564789		534.627539		65.155327
+7433.246147	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.723501		17.723501		510.400182		52.132457		-18.671850		18.671850		537.710689		102.771670
+7433.256091	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.746775		17.746775		511.070421		22.341311		-18.796462		18.796462		541.299248		119.618624
+7433.266152	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.870553		17.870553		514.634983		118.818730		-18.892851		18.892851		544.075061		92.527121
+7433.276046	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.851526		17.851526		514.087039		-18.264800		-18.993655		18.993655		546.977989		96.764266
+7433.286033	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.860885		17.860885		514.356561		8.984059		-19.122527		19.122527		550.689237		123.708248
+7433.296046	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.959439		17.959439		517.194727		94.605535		-19.239671		19.239671		554.062758		112.450719
+7433.306166	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.925487		17.925487		516.216955		-32.592416		-19.328667		19.328667		556.625649		85.429698
+7433.316078	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.890863		17.890863		515.219857		-33.236593		-19.484134		19.484134		561.102779		149.237663
+7433.326183	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.926327		17.926327		516.241148		34.043044		-19.600508		19.600508		564.454123		111.711472
+7433.336057	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.975219		17.975219		517.649142		46.933144		-19.693389		19.693389		567.128885		89.158714
+7433.346105	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.981062		17.981062		517.817415		5.609095		-19.833404		19.833404		571.161041		134.405196
+7433.356159	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.025697		18.025697		519.102819		42.846799		-19.931704		19.931704		573.991880		94.361305
+7433.366089	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.997595		17.997595		518.293516		-26.976764		-20.047626		20.047626		577.330193		111.277103
+7433.376173	0	55742	56000	26258	26000	-17.911007		17.911007		515.799960		-83.118528		-20.211554		20.211554		582.050979		157.359540
+7433.386158	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.945105		17.945105		516.781913		32.731742		-20.341179		20.341179		585.783912		124.431103
+7433.396143	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.884639		17.884639		515.040618		-58.043152		-20.478712		20.478712		589.744569		132.021904
+7433.406137	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.838622		17.838622		513.715433		-44.172853		-20.644515		20.644515		594.519348		159.159303
+7433.416159	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.868239		17.868239		514.568353		28.430670		-20.745305		20.745305		597.421883		96.751153
+7433.426174	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.887535		17.887535		515.124017		18.522143		-20.941947		20.941947		603.084791		188.763589
+7433.436129	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.832666		17.832666		513.543914		-52.670091		-21.079933		21.079933		607.058479		132.456273
+7433.446149	0	55509	56000	26491	26000	-17.736408		17.736408		510.771887		-92.400908		-21.241403		21.241403		611.708504		155.000836
+7433.456170	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.771172		17.771172		511.773017		33.371001		-21.432133		21.432133		617.201123		183.087289
+7433.466276	0	53916	56000	28084	26000	-17.621137		17.621137		507.452309		-144.023597		-21.614024		21.614024		622.439218		174.603164
+7433.476169	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.680701		17.680701		509.167640		57.177693		-21.757527		21.757527		626.571786		137.752295
+7433.486198	0	54795	56000	27205	26000	-17.561069		17.561069		505.722472		-114.838928		-21.947595		21.947595		632.045375		182.452947
+7433.496268	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.539301		17.539301		505.095604		-20.895600		-22.148811		22.148811		637.839970		193.153173
+7433.506190	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.506448		17.506448		504.149500		-31.536818		-22.351476		22.351476		643.676314		194.544792
+7433.516275	0	55607	56000	26393	26000	-17.416474		17.416474		501.558432		-86.368918		-22.497718		22.497718		647.887757		140.381455
+7433.526184	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.463972		17.463972		502.926300		45.595616		-22.679378		22.679378		653.119214		174.381882
+7433.536271	0	54614	56000	27386	26000	-17.339917		17.339917		499.353772		-119.084269		-22.876670		22.876670		658.800808		189.386457
+7433.546287	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.426220		17.426220		501.839116		82.844794		-23.050995		23.050995		663.821013		167.340189
+7433.556212	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.353836		17.353836		499.754588		-69.484264		-23.218545		23.218545		668.646097		160.836130
+7433.566267	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.313216		17.313216		498.584841		-38.991570		-23.444052		23.444052		675.140239		216.471404
+7433.576190	0	54125	56000	27875	26000	-17.173382		17.173382		494.557898		-134.231448		-23.687823		23.687823		682.160345		234.003514
+7433.586269	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.163487		17.163487		494.272935		-9.498745		-23.887820		23.887820		687.919830		191.982836
+7433.596161	0	55987	56000	26013	26000	-17.088998		17.088998		492.127825		-71.503669		-24.121368		24.121368		694.645531		224.190056
+7433.606238	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.072693		17.072693		491.658264		-15.652031		-24.332359		24.332359		700.721647		202.537179
+7433.616183	0	54421	56000	27579	26000	-16.946247		16.946247		488.016893		-121.379048		-24.563539		24.563539		707.379144		221.916586
+7433.626191	0	54299	56000	27701	26000	-16.818472		16.818472		484.337215		-122.655928		-24.812421		24.812421		714.546427		238.909423
+7433.636259	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.893728		16.893728		486.504453		72.241277		-24.965858		24.965858		718.965089		147.288740
+7433.646214	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.838281		16.838281		484.907681		-53.225756		-25.199841		25.199841		725.703330		224.608034
+7433.656218	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.781722		16.781722		483.278896		-54.292828		-25.389094		25.389094		731.153414		181.669444
+7433.666270	0	55967	56000	26033	26000	-16.711403		16.711403		481.253868		-67.500919		-25.604036		25.604036		737.343317		206.330121
+7433.676175	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.659832		16.659832		479.768720		-49.504936		-25.839767		25.839767		744.131863		226.284862
+7433.686264	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.682879		16.682879		480.432419		22.123307		-26.024189		26.024189		749.442834		177.032351
+7433.696180	0	54916	56000	27084	26000	-16.577392		16.577392		477.394608		-101.260394		-26.253678		26.253678		756.051649		220.293850
+7433.706331	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.590591		16.590591		477.774721		12.670457		-26.532001		26.532001		764.066787		267.171264
+7433.716270	0	55959	56000	26041	26000	-16.521193		16.521193		475.776199		-66.617429		-26.765522		26.765522		770.791702		224.163830
+7433.726281	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.548695		16.548695		476.568192		26.399791		-26.982992		26.982992		777.054383		208.756030
+7433.736183	0	54691	56000	27309	26000	-16.436000		16.436000		473.322818		-108.179152		-27.231172		27.231172		784.201455		238.235742
+7433.746386	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.407708		16.407708		472.508056		-27.158707		-27.448628		27.448628		790.463743		208.742917
+7433.756217	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.417593		16.417593		472.792724		9.488910		-27.697939		27.697939		797.643368		239.320844
+7433.766275	0	45656	56000	36344	26000	-16.001538		16.001538		460.811225		-399.383307		-28.150686		28.150686		810.681564		434.606522
+7433.776268	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.010144		16.010144		461.059061		8.261204		-28.396459		28.396459		817.759301		235.924572
+7433.786309	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.000265		16.000265		460.774541		-9.483993		-28.671276		28.671276		825.673485		263.806134
+7433.796338	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.023045		16.023045		461.430569		21.867603		-28.839743		28.839743		830.524975		161.716342
+7433.806195	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.017337		16.017337		461.266181		-5.479604		-29.105103		29.105103		838.166785		254.727006
+7433.816209	0	53527	56000	28473	26000	-15.874060		15.874060		457.140103		-137.535930		-29.483621		29.483621		849.067345		363.352001
+7433.826244	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.818148		15.818148		455.529955		-53.671598		-29.761907		29.761907		857.081401		267.135203
+7433.836279	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.777525		15.777525		454.360110		-38.994849		-30.049274		30.049274		865.356964		275.852084
+7433.846187	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.735569		15.735569		453.151859		-40.275007		-30.303012		30.303012		872.664097		243.571103
+7433.856281	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.709075		15.709075		452.388878		-25.432706		-30.600337		30.600337		881.226441		285.411477
+7433.866258	0	55686	56000	26314	26000	-15.643416		15.643416		450.498046		-63.027740		-30.906603		30.906603		890.046260		293.993950
+7433.876376	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.697595		15.697595		452.058282		52.007884		-31.179814		31.179814		897.914171		262.263715
+7433.886433	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.929505		15.929505		458.736826		222.618133		-31.195837		31.195837		898.375618		15.381575
+7433.896384	0	48639	56000	33361	26000	-15.617333		15.617333		449.746916		-299.663693		-31.674401		31.674401		912.157273		459.388494
+7433.906428	0	54317	56000	27683	26000	-15.504876		15.504876		446.508376		-107.951313		-31.967061		31.967061		920.585275		280.933380
+7433.916372	0	55678	56000	26322	26000	-15.440761		15.440761		444.661997		-61.545968		-32.304107		32.304107		930.291501		323.540866
+7433.926266	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.564336		15.564336		448.220707		118.623674		-32.564436		32.564436		937.788445		249.898136
+7433.936380	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.705291		15.705291		452.279909		135.306716		-32.641071		32.641071		939.995366		73.564053
+7433.946283	0	52410	56000	29590	26000	-15.522658		15.522658		447.020473		-175.314546		-33.132158		33.132158		954.137662		471.409857
+7433.956403	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.671476		15.671476		451.306120		142.854899		-33.186544		33.186544		955.703849		52.206218
+7433.966395	0	50564	56000	31436	26000	-15.425957		15.425957		444.235660		-235.681981		-33.727536		33.727536		971.283299		519.315004
+7433.976367	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.659406		15.659406		450.958510		224.094987		-33.817107		33.817107		973.862761		85.982084
+7433.986282	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.678458		15.678458		451.507191		18.289387		-34.066511		34.066511		981.045091		239.410996
+7433.996371	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.660044		15.660044		450.976901		-17.676353		-34.458219		34.458219		992.325470		376.012623
+7434.006306	0	54657	56000	27343	26000	-15.549535		15.549535		447.794469		-106.081069		-34.787277		34.787277		1001.801661		315.873027
+7434.016384	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.653269		15.653269		450.781779		99.577010		-34.954501		34.954501		1006.617352		160.523057
+7434.026332	0	55183	56000	26817	26000	-15.559053		15.559053		448.068564		-90.440512		-35.388146		35.388146		1019.105440		416.269600
+7434.036378	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.578352		15.578352		448.624326		18.525422		-35.528390		35.528390		1023.144186		134.624839
+7434.046352	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.594019		15.594019		449.075496		15.038997		-35.945920		35.945920		1035.168171		400.799513
+7434.056378	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.611806		15.611806		449.587740		17.074794		-36.226630		36.226630		1043.252054		269.462764
+7434.066310	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.591708		15.591708		449.008964		-19.292533		-36.477278		36.477278		1050.470182		240.604281
+7434.076372	0	55620	56000	26380	26000	-15.509872		15.509872		446.652259		-78.556836		-36.752295		36.752295		1058.390120		263.997912
+7434.086367	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.574541		15.574541		448.514570		62.077045		-37.020926		37.020926		1066.126147		257.867575
+7434.096379	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.526256		15.526256		447.124082		-46.349615		-37.338366		37.338366		1075.267759		304.720402
+7434.106402	0	54890	56000	27110	26000	-15.419261		15.419261		444.042850		-102.707744		-37.590250		37.590250		1082.521489		241.791010
+7434.116360	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.409930		15.409930		443.774115		-8.957833		-37.883351		37.883351		1090.962178		281.356275
+7434.126370	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.424422		15.424422		444.191453		13.911277		-38.131170		38.131170		1098.098874		237.889886
+7434.136366	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.419495		15.419495		444.049586		-4.728884		-38.338685		38.338685		1104.074872		199.199915
+7434.146394	0	53022	56000	28978	26000	-15.249360		15.249360		439.150053		-163.317770		-38.653403		38.653403		1113.138101		302.107632
+7434.156470	0	55857	56000	26143	26000	-15.178960		15.178960		437.122665		-67.579597		-38.916324		38.916324		1120.709690		252.386332
+7434.166366	0	54751	56000	27249	26000	-15.072518		15.072518		434.057365		-102.176666		-39.190755		39.190755		1128.612712		263.434052
+7434.176320	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.261959		15.261959		439.512858		181.849748		-39.357650		39.357650		1133.418962		160.208344
+7434.186460	0	54454	56000	27546	26000	-15.141491		15.141491		436.043644		-115.640461		-39.596044		39.596044		1140.284219		228.841901
+7434.196399	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.136737		15.136737		435.906744		-4.563332		-39.856503		39.856503		1147.784901		250.022709
+7434.206426	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.172200		15.172200		436.927986		34.041405		-40.100058		40.100058		1154.798761		233.795345
+7434.216464	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.120622		15.120622		435.442641		-49.511492		-40.352119		40.352119		1162.057605		241.961479
+7434.226477	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.073976		15.073976		434.099360		-44.776052		-40.576542		40.576542		1168.520522		215.430558
+7434.236422	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.056351		15.056351		433.591788		-16.919076		-40.807990		40.807990		1175.185740		222.173929
+7434.246528	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.135506		15.135506		435.871290		75.983405		-40.990455		40.990455		1180.440357		175.153911
+7434.256510	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.346079		15.346079		441.935357		202.135593		-41.168975		41.168975		1185.581383		171.367526
+7434.266493	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.281951		15.281951		440.088585		-61.559081		-41.326251		41.326251		1190.110588		150.973499
+7434.276472	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.276852		15.276852		439.941752		-4.894435		-41.575928		41.575928		1197.300786		239.673257
+7434.286414	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.354077		15.354077		442.165688		74.131191		-41.748165		41.748165		1202.260852		165.335536
+7434.296482	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.321096		15.321096		441.215895		-31.659752		-41.952074		41.952074		1208.132994		195.738077
+7434.306391	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.316721		15.316721		441.089912		-4.199445		-42.145436		42.145436		1213.701439		185.614824
+7434.316458	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.285712		15.285712		440.196915		-29.766560		-42.308285		42.308285		1218.391147		156.323612
+7434.326490	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.473382		15.473382		445.601414		180.149972		-42.438875		42.438875		1222.151864		125.357211
+7434.336482	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.446428		15.446428		444.825205		-25.873631		-42.631285		42.631285		1227.692869		184.700191
+7434.346401	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.630628		15.630628		450.129783		176.819265		-42.762592		42.762592		1231.474239		126.045644
+7434.356491	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.754099		15.754099		453.685494		118.523687		-42.925396		42.925396		1236.162668		156.280994
+7434.366483	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.795748		15.795748		454.884893		39.979964		-43.066535		43.066535		1240.227181		135.483742
+7434.376504	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.718840		15.718840		452.670103		-73.826313		-43.251094		43.251094		1245.542085		177.163482
+7434.386479	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.847463		15.847463		456.374171		123.468935		-43.365616		43.365616		1248.840076		109.933019
+7434.396397	0	55289	56000	26711	26000	-15.720975		15.720975		452.731571		-121.420026		-43.578284		43.578284		1254.964480		204.146802
+7434.406390	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.783401		15.783401		454.529317		59.924871		-43.709294		43.709294		1258.737293		125.760436
+7434.416501	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.820721		15.820721		455.604060		35.824776		-43.901242		43.901242		1264.265022		184.257627
+7434.426414	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.832793		15.832793		455.951719		11.588633		-44.004617		44.004617		1267.242005		99.232793
+7434.436513	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.920744		15.920744		458.484516		84.426552		-44.142888		44.142888		1271.223906		132.730007
+7434.446522	0	55212	56000	26788	26000	-15.785349		15.785349		454.585424		-129.969716		-44.325575		44.325575		1276.484916		175.366998
+7434.456501	0	54445	56000	27555	26000	-15.627213		15.627213		450.031435		-151.799619		-44.465809		44.465809		1280.523366		134.615004
+7434.466405	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.699265		15.699265		452.106375		69.164634		-44.597495		44.597495		1284.315652		126.409531
+7434.476503	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.699260		15.699260		452.106227		-0.004917		-44.698192		44.698192		1287.215531		96.662641
+7434.486411	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.653564		15.653564		450.790286		-43.864697		-44.805003		44.805003		1290.291452		102.530718
+7434.496448	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.757736		15.757736		453.790234		99.998266		-44.900403		44.900403		1293.038794		91.578066
+7434.506500	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.782241		15.782241		454.495928		23.523122		-44.995944		44.995944		1295.790169		91.712475
+7434.516719	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.798941		15.798941		454.976848		16.030669		-45.101351		45.101351		1298.825669		101.183355
+7434.526548	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.768057		15.768057		454.087441		-29.646903		-45.176927		45.176927		1301.002103		72.547793
+7434.536488	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.765070		15.765070		454.001436		-2.866834		-45.258729		45.258729		1303.357825		78.524053
+7434.546490	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.955076		15.955076		459.473205		182.392299		-45.265279		45.265279		1303.546456		6.287694
+7434.556461	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.947103		15.947103		459.243612		-7.653087		-45.375747		45.375747		1306.727707		106.041729
+7434.566406	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.993036		15.993036		460.566388		44.092536		-45.469543		45.469543		1309.428826		90.037286
+7434.576507	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.979374		15.979374		460.172948		-13.114661		-45.532162		45.532162		1311.232129		60.110092
+7434.586420	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.041249		16.041249		461.954811		59.395432		-45.569325		45.569325		1312.302348		35.673976
+7434.596513	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.117667		16.117667		464.155488		73.355883		-45.573720		45.573720		1312.428921		4.219115
+7434.606477	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.162734		16.162734		465.453333		43.261498		-45.611170		45.611170		1313.507402		35.949349
+7434.616488	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.289096		16.289096		469.092295		121.298730		-45.629250		45.629250		1314.028054		17.355084
+7434.626574	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.310063		16.310063		469.696100		20.126849		-45.675193		45.675193		1315.351126		44.102371
+7434.636602	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.360706		16.360706		471.154498		48.613250		-45.687170		45.687170		1315.696031		11.496842
+7434.646511	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.377214		16.377214		471.629910		15.847087		-45.707390		45.707390		1316.278347		19.410551
+7434.656505	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.412960		16.412960		472.659315		34.313500		-45.724578		45.724578		1316.773331		16.499460
+7434.666608	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.394814		16.394814		472.136745		-17.419010		-45.740035		45.740035		1317.218453		14.837384
+7434.676497	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.395128		16.395128		472.145793		0.301600		-45.737952		45.737952		1317.158461		-1.999736
+7434.686590	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.442195		16.442195		473.501220		45.180917		-45.735876		45.735876		1317.098665		-1.993179
+7434.696546	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.498660		16.498660		475.127301		54.202676		-45.757029		45.757029		1317.707831		20.305514
+7434.706514	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.543179		16.543179		476.409361		42.735338		-45.751968		45.751968		1317.562079		-4.858375
+7434.716535	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.569493		16.569493		477.167130		25.258958		-45.731617		45.731617		1316.976026		-19.535124
+7434.726660	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.629625		16.629625		478.898835		57.723522		-45.702285		45.702285		1316.131318		-28.156936
+7434.736486	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.641425		16.641425		479.238626		11.326373		-45.700608		45.700608		1316.083029		-1.609623
+7434.746597	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.588827		16.588827		477.723925		-50.490052		-45.705420		45.705420		1316.221601		4.619062
+7434.756615	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.600136		16.600136		478.049603		10.855943		-45.681439		45.681439		1315.531003		-23.019910
+7434.766602	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.647833		16.647833		479.423176		45.785755		-45.645666		45.645666		1314.500812		-34.339726
+7434.776620	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.681251		16.681251		480.385557		32.079369		-45.605965		45.605965		1313.357520		-38.109720
+7434.786525	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.693577		16.693577		480.740494		11.831224		-45.584775		45.584775		1312.747273		-20.341575
+7434.796536	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.729020		16.729020		481.761195		34.023374		-45.553400		45.553400		1311.843753		-30.117333
+7434.806632	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.761937		16.761937		482.709119		31.597465		-45.516381		45.516381		1310.777664		-35.536289
+7434.816662	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.839439		16.839439		484.941021		74.396729		-45.446866		45.446866		1308.775797		-66.728890
+7434.826592	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.917774		16.917774		487.196919		75.196624		-45.348170		45.348170		1305.933550		-94.741583
+7434.836504	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.939479		16.939479		487.821968		20.834953		-45.328991		45.328991		1305.381230		-18.410683
+7434.846625	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.892321		16.892321		486.463934		-45.267791		-45.321645		45.321645		1305.169684		-7.051528
+7434.856609	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.936578		16.936578		487.738422		42.482913		-45.294410		45.294410		1304.385361		-26.144087
+7434.866645	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.928209		16.928209		487.497421		-8.033365		-45.275801		45.275801		1303.849465		-17.863214
+7434.876612	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.007769		17.007769		489.788577		76.371878		-45.233420		45.233420		1302.628970		-40.683150
+7434.886506	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.047889		17.047889		490.943965		38.512945		-45.180083		45.180083		1301.092976		-51.199794
+7434.896643	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.081871		17.081871		491.922574		32.620281		-45.136636		45.136636		1299.841797		-41.705966
+7434.906568	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.087036		17.087036		492.071325		4.958361		-45.103298		45.103298		1298.881727		-32.002330
+7434.916637	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.194397		17.194397		495.163080		103.058517		-45.009960		45.009960		1296.193787		-89.598000
+7434.926578	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.117301		17.117301		492.942882		-74.006617		-44.982987		44.982987		1295.417038		-25.891662
+7434.936658	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.151727		17.151727		493.934275		33.046454		-44.939472		44.939472		1294.163892		-41.771531
+7434.946742	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.188598		17.188598		494.996086		35.393685		-44.901954		44.901954		1293.083444		-36.014915
+7434.956644	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.190282		17.190282		495.044571		1.616180		-44.884783		44.884783		1292.588952		-16.483068
+7434.966578	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.208250		17.208250		495.562027		17.248541		-44.852172		44.852172		1291.649830		-31.304061
+7434.976625	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.243299		17.243299		496.571369		33.644736		-44.808858		44.808858		1290.402487		-41.578114
+7434.986752	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.286043		17.286043		497.802289		41.030645		-44.775643		44.775643		1289.445958		-31.884313
+7434.996671	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.353643		17.353643		499.749032		64.891428		-44.693292		44.693292		1287.074402		-79.051852
+7435.006743	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.378896		17.378896		500.476263		24.241060		-44.666712		44.666712		1286.308962		-25.514662
+7435.016669	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.387157		17.387157		500.714166		7.930100		-44.654134		44.654134		1285.946748		-12.073815
+7435.026608	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.392527		17.392527		500.868818		5.155057		-44.630833		44.630833		1285.275722		-22.367537
+7435.036768	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.406390		17.406390		501.268061		13.308078		-44.607064		44.607064		1284.591222		-22.816658
+7435.046736	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.422291		17.422291		501.725967		15.263557		-44.580887		44.580887		1283.837387		-25.127828
+7435.056731	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.435738		17.435738		502.113211		12.908131		-44.571233		44.571233		1283.559358		-9.267628
+7435.066686	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.500384		17.500384		503.974883		62.055737		-44.536447		44.536447		1282.557589		-33.392310
+7435.076715	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.433617		17.433617		502.052137		-64.091533		-44.562548		44.562548		1283.309260		25.055707
+7435.086707	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.419921		17.419921		501.657714		-13.147444		-44.570738		44.570738		1283.545098		7.861257
+7435.096608	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.425068		17.425068		501.805924		4.940331		-44.562616		44.562616		1283.311227		-7.795691
+7435.106713	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.327302		17.327302		498.990476		-93.848258		-44.606517		44.606517		1284.575486		42.141974
+7435.116728	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.352712		17.352712		499.722232		24.391860		-44.539571		44.539571		1282.647577		-64.263642
+7435.126800	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.381368		17.381368		500.547467		27.507842		-44.526666		44.526666		1282.275921		-12.388527
+7435.136686	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.536275		17.536275		505.008468		148.700029		-44.523906		44.523906		1282.196456		-2.648830
+7435.146695	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.536801		17.536801		505.023614		0.504851		-44.531645		44.531645		1282.419312		7.428527
+7435.156676	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.484473		17.484473		503.516681		-50.231069		-44.581498		44.581498		1283.854991		47.855973
+7435.166756	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.484273		17.484273		503.510928		-0.191778		-44.615342		44.615342		1284.829617		32.487512
+7435.176732	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.481792		17.481792		503.439479		-2.381653		-44.646092		44.646092		1285.715139		29.517412
+7435.186736	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.476455		17.476455		503.285761		-5.123913		-44.676766		44.676766		1286.598498		29.445291
+7435.196635	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.472575		17.472575		503.174038		-3.724098		-44.704432		44.704432		1287.395212		26.557148
+7435.206710	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.513286		17.513286		504.346441		39.080083		-44.789345		44.789345		1289.840528		81.510544
+7435.216714	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.465719		17.465719		502.976605		-45.661181		-44.859006		44.859006		1291.846624		66.869855
+7435.226714	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.566111		17.566111		505.867682		96.369237		-44.870528		44.870528		1292.178449		11.060834
+7435.236614	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.498540		17.498540		503.921776		-64.863563		-44.981495		44.981495		1295.374060		106.520355
+7435.246749	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.496795		17.496795		503.871520		-1.675189		-45.018176		45.018176		1296.430412		35.211742
+7435.256716	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.520233		17.520233		504.546480		22.498667		-45.043130		45.043130		1297.149038		23.954213
+7435.266651	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.485508		17.485508		503.546481		-33.333302		-45.138087		45.138087		1299.883595		91.151893
+7435.276656	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.540184		17.540184		505.121027		52.484870		-45.177129		45.177129		1301.007906		37.477016
+7435.286751	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.474662		17.474662		503.234129		-62.896609		-45.299771		45.299771		1304.539767		117.728710
+7435.296719	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.432393		17.432393		502.016880		-40.574968		-45.372581		45.372581		1306.636539		69.892406
+7435.306756	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.467335		17.467335		503.023124		33.541471		-45.451077		45.451077		1308.897060		75.350702
+7435.316679	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.410762		17.410762		501.393946		-54.305941		-45.534170		45.534170		1311.289957		79.763234
+7435.326627	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.361871		17.361871		499.986000		-46.931505		-45.569137		45.569137		1312.296939		33.566058
+7435.336751	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.270570		17.270570		497.356725		-87.642521		-45.703142		45.703142		1316.156003		128.635466
+7435.346725	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.375136		17.375136		500.367983		100.375265		-45.788253		45.788253		1318.607023		81.700683
+7435.356699	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.258206		17.258206		497.000657		-112.244189		-45.914628		45.914628		1322.246379		121.311843
+7435.366814	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.312528		17.312528		498.565024		52.145571		-46.006436		46.006436		1324.890259		88.129342
+7435.376746	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.229255		17.229255		496.166915		-79.936981		-46.229514		46.229514		1331.314427		214.138925
+7435.386738	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.216726		17.216726		495.806126		-12.026280		-46.346617		46.346617		1334.686768		112.411380
+7435.396716	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.111251		17.111251		492.768659		-101.248920		-46.505546		46.505546		1339.263573		152.560174
+7435.406725	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.051557		17.051557		491.049591		-57.302266		-46.607329		46.607329		1342.194727		97.705126
+7435.416842	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.068761		17.068761		491.545017		16.514212		-46.732247		46.732247		1345.792088		119.912028
+7435.426728	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.000418		17.000418		489.576884		-65.604448		-46.871347		46.871347		1349.797887		133.526623
+7435.436829	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.044341		17.044341		490.841782		42.163283		-46.943658		46.943658		1351.880300		69.413781
+7435.446790	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.019059		17.019059		490.113714		-24.268925		-47.044506		47.044506		1354.784507		96.806884
+7435.456793	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.956448		16.956448		488.310657		-60.101897		-47.228695		47.228695		1360.088789		176.809430
+7435.466804	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.938599		16.938599		487.796643		-17.133802		-47.347561		47.347561		1363.511878		114.102960
+7435.476727	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.940957		16.940957		487.864552		2.263635		-47.563078		47.563078		1369.718304		206.880867
+7435.486722	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.910966		16.910966		487.000863		-28.789639		-47.707871		47.707871		1373.888049		138.991475
+7435.496840	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.840668		16.840668		484.976426		-67.481250		-47.876494		47.876494		1378.744063		161.867142
+7435.506845	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.862511		16.862511		485.605457		20.967722		-48.042854		48.042854		1383.534873		159.693658
+7435.516722	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.728030		16.728030		481.732674		-129.092783		-48.176473		48.176473		1387.382823		128.265023
+7435.526740	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.856632		16.856632		485.436152		123.449266		-48.329937		48.329937		1391.802272		147.314966
+7435.536789	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.837963		16.837963		484.898534		-17.920583		-48.500118		48.500118		1396.703133		163.362026
+7435.546875	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.641498		16.641498		479.240741		-188.593119		-48.771574		48.771574		1404.520494		260.578692
+7435.556817	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.548700		16.548700		476.568340		-89.080036		-48.908833		48.908833		1408.473283		131.759644
+7435.566867	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.460641		16.460641		474.032445		-84.529817		-49.133372		49.133372		1414.939544		215.542018
+7435.576724	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.329186		16.329186		470.246798		-126.188248		-49.288721		49.288721		1419.413280		149.124563
+7435.586775	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.383266		16.383266		471.804182		51.912814		-49.494792		49.494792		1425.347677		197.813213
+7435.596869	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.375271		16.375271		471.573950		-7.674396		-49.681874		49.681874		1430.735260		179.586112
+7435.606843	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.337920		16.337920		470.498322		-35.854280		-49.924441		49.924441		1437.720698		232.847929
+7435.616798	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.322509		16.322509		470.054528		-14.793128		-50.176345		50.176345		1444.975019		241.810679
+7435.626816	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.263618		16.263618		468.358572		-56.531876		-50.386172		50.386172		1451.017597		201.419294
+7435.636800	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.227768		16.227768		467.326167		-34.413487		-50.576441		50.576441		1456.496939		182.644725
+7435.646845	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.145666		16.145666		464.961791		-78.812540		-50.741609		50.741609		1461.253425		158.549547
+7435.656845	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.078513		16.078513		463.027932		-64.461976		-50.917373		50.917373		1466.315085		168.721974
+7435.666858	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.044382		16.044382		462.045045		-32.762885		-51.181719		51.181719		1473.927686		253.753364
+7435.677006	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.134298		16.134298		464.634441		86.313188		-51.312879		51.312879		1477.704826		125.904679
+7435.686761	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.110465		16.110465		463.948072		-22.878945		-51.522955		51.522955		1483.754584		201.658607
+7435.696828	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.907331		15.907331		458.098255		-194.993913		-51.820440		51.820440		1492.321551		285.565555
+7435.706871	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.884612		15.884612		457.443997		-21.808594		-52.068301		52.068301		1499.459428		237.929225
+7435.716833	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.895435		15.895435		457.755661		10.388792		-52.270546		52.270546		1505.283675		194.141567
+7435.726899	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.841266		15.841266		456.195720		-51.998049		-52.415357		52.415357		1509.453911		139.007866
+7435.736751	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.744103		15.744103		453.397630		-93.269646		-52.723644		52.723644		1518.331951		295.934677
+7435.746827	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.736860		15.736860		453.189035		-6.953180		-52.971706		52.971706		1525.475630		238.122642
+7435.756936	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.601096		15.601096		449.279322		-130.323768		-53.238599		53.238599		1533.161598		256.198943
+7435.766942	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.540728		15.540728		447.540830		-57.949722		-53.444868		53.444868		1539.101699		198.003352
+7435.776900	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.482398		15.482398		445.861052		-55.992603		-53.671541		53.671541		1545.629427		217.590928
+7435.786925	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.375755		15.375755		442.789949		-102.370083		-53.865320		53.865320		1551.209870		186.014771
+7435.796885	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.283009		15.283009		440.119073		-89.029223		-54.137053		54.137053		1559.035197		260.844231
+7435.806940	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.229761		15.229761		438.585636		-51.114559		-54.392488		54.392488		1566.391209		245.200396
+7435.816899	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.314865		15.314865		441.036460		81.694126		-54.519376		54.519376		1570.045316		121.803582
+7435.826944	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.155037		15.155037		436.433740		-153.423995		-54.862876		54.862876		1579.937419		329.736769
+7435.836934	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.087707		15.087707		434.494767		-64.632446		-55.083427		55.083427		1586.288810		211.713016
+7435.846831	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.086708		15.086708		434.466000		-0.958890		-55.289094		55.289094		1592.211601		197.426379
+7435.856926	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.036469		15.036469		433.019207		-48.226416		-55.537187		55.537187		1599.356166		238.152146
+7435.866899	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.968672		14.968672		431.066810		-65.079927		-55.742263		55.742263		1605.261943		196.859241
+7435.876839	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.846451		14.846451		427.547094		-117.323846		-56.050592		56.050592		1614.141163		295.974016
+7435.886939	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.797605		14.797605		426.140428		-46.888888		-56.238876		56.238876		1619.563365		180.740058
+7435.896850	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.700032		14.700032		423.330536		-93.663037		-56.482553		56.482553		1626.580766		233.913362
+7435.906847	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.586402		14.586402		420.058215		-109.077394		-56.795311		56.795311		1635.587543		300.225914
+7435.917008	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.535290		14.535290		418.586294		-49.064010		-57.058871		57.058871		1643.177524		252.999365
+7435.926952	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.454376		14.454376		416.256143		-77.671707		-57.330743		57.330743		1651.006883		260.978639
+7435.936835	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.355282		14.355282		413.402438		-95.123500		-57.510514		57.510514		1656.183904		172.567368
+7435.946941	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.385960		14.385960		414.285895		29.448569		-57.756674		57.756674		1663.272804		236.296654
+7435.956855	1	55207	56000	26793	26000	-14.162898		14.162898		407.862170		-214.124173		-57.984345		57.984345		1669.829249		218.548179
+7435.966924	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.105883		14.105883		406.220280		-54.729655		-58.249875		58.249875		1677.475977		254.890919
+7435.976941	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.924394		13.924394		400.993766		-174.217150		-58.474185		58.474185		1683.935648		215.322375
+7435.986894	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.015398		14.015398		403.614485		87.357312		-58.727804		58.727804		1691.239339		243.456364
+7435.996925	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.894179		13.894179		400.123635		-116.361678		-58.989769		58.989769		1698.783392		251.468420
+7436.007080	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.787246		13.787246		397.044173		-102.648735		-59.182913		59.182913		1704.345542		185.405016
+7436.016907	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.742034		13.742034		395.742173		-43.400005		-59.400564		59.400564		1710.613436		208.929777
+7436.026855	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.642523		13.642523		392.876445		-95.524266		-59.656805		59.656805		1717.992657		245.974064
+7436.036989	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.643520		13.643520		392.905162		0.957251		-59.874319		59.874319		1724.256617		208.798647
+7436.046921	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.587435		13.587435		391.290048		-53.837150		-60.037930		60.037930		1728.968257		157.054663
+7436.056901	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.523344		13.523344		389.444357		-61.523020		-60.250335		60.250335		1735.085088		203.894377
+7436.067045	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.457919		13.457919		387.560237		-62.803999		-60.475130		60.475130		1741.558725		215.787888
+7436.076877	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.371658		13.371658		385.076098		-82.804635		-60.742416		60.742416		1749.256003		256.575942
+7436.087059	1	54635	56000	27365	26000	-13.149423		13.149423		378.676198		-213.330016		-61.017509		61.017509		1757.178104		264.070034
+7436.096955	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.202464		13.202464		380.203660		50.915405		-61.194233		61.194233		1762.267399		169.643164
+7436.106944	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.085644		13.085644		376.839481		-112.139285		-61.386940		61.386940		1767.816961		184.985399
+7436.116959	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.008328		13.008328		374.612939		-74.218065		-61.602111		61.602111		1774.013454		206.549764
+7436.126969	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.991624		12.991624		374.131921		-16.033947		-61.716551		61.716551		1777.309084		109.854341
+7436.136954	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.895476		12.895476		371.363041		-92.296004		-61.959924		61.959924		1784.317732		233.621597
+7436.147045	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.777704		12.777704		367.971472		-113.052279		-62.241089		62.241089		1792.414695		269.898772
+7436.156964	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.739797		12.739797		366.879813		-36.388636		-62.433967		62.433967		1797.969174		185.149312
+7436.167079	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.699792		12.699792		365.727744		-38.402304		-62.668024		62.668024		1804.709530		224.678516
+7436.177074	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.666477		12.666477		364.768363		-31.979382		-62.830104		62.830104		1809.377110		155.586004
+7436.187044	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.608839		12.608839		363.108500		-55.328757		-63.002901		63.002901		1814.353305		165.873170
+7436.196988	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.502740		12.502740		360.053059		-101.848021		-63.180479		63.180479		1819.467187		170.462728
+7436.206978	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.523031		12.523031		360.637392		19.477755		-63.311353		63.311353		1823.236066		125.629306
+7436.217040	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.430929		12.430929		357.985054		-88.411272		-63.486724		63.486724		1828.286415		168.344975
+7436.227064	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.342364		12.342364		355.434555		-85.016638		-63.693556		63.693556		1834.242743		198.544264
+7436.236942	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.261648		12.261648		353.110108		-77.481568		-63.876421		63.876421		1839.508867		175.537467
+7436.246995	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.204758		12.204758		351.471808		-54.609999		-63.939450		63.939450		1841.323972		60.503483
+7436.257073	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.242808		12.242808		352.567573		36.525503		-64.083540		64.083540		1845.473456		138.316154
+7436.267012	1	55862	56000	26138	26000	-12.082792		12.082792		347.959444		-153.604299		-64.331250		64.331250		1852.607006		237.784982
+7436.276971	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.131902		12.131902		349.373683		47.141314		-64.395064		64.395064		1854.444730		61.257482
+7436.287049	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.048309		12.048309		346.966378		-80.243498		-64.563517		64.563517		1859.295827		161.703229
+7436.297076	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.924965		11.924965		343.414331		-118.401572		-64.725243		64.725243		1863.953179		155.245066
+7436.306976	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.953696		11.953696		344.241730		27.579963		-64.791195		64.791195		1865.852469		63.309669
+7436.317060	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.845719		11.845719		341.132223		-103.650242		-64.963534		64.963534		1870.815486		165.433884
+7436.327019	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.798425		11.798425		339.770255		-45.398921		-65.080624		65.080624		1874.187434		112.398267
+7436.336964	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.728359		11.728359		337.752481		-67.259148		-65.226462		65.226462		1878.387272		139.994621
+7436.347279	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.676346		11.676346		336.254621		-49.928650		-65.324127		65.324127		1881.199819		93.751550
+7436.357043	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.584257		11.584257		333.602652		-88.398978		-65.472001		65.472001		1885.458273		141.948462
+7436.367000	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.560130		11.560130		332.907850		-23.160055		-65.559031		65.559031		1887.964565		83.543062
+7436.377069	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.504959		11.504959		331.319044		-52.960217		-65.688764		65.688764		1891.700596		124.534369
+7436.387047	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.449428		11.449428		329.719862		-53.306073		-65.791606		65.791606		1894.662237		98.721385
+7436.397041	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.336528		11.336528		326.468562		-108.376667		-65.953509		65.953509		1899.324703		155.415535
+7436.407012	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.318444		11.318444		325.947786		-17.359182		-66.008130		66.008130		1900.897676		52.432418
+7436.417057	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.231963		11.231963		323.457304		-83.016083		-66.163503		66.163503		1905.372101		149.147511
+7436.427052	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.180705		11.180705		321.981204		-49.203336		-66.237488		66.237488		1907.502705		71.020126
+7436.437026	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.142447		11.142447		320.879439		-36.725476		-66.342693		66.342693		1910.532403		100.989938
+7436.447054	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.089978		11.089978		319.368450		-50.366297		-66.431540		66.431540		1913.091016		85.287094
+7436.457010	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.071901		11.071901		318.847872		-17.352626		-66.522231		66.522231		1915.702736		87.057352
+7436.467007	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.002510		11.002510		316.849545		-66.610873		-66.626050		66.626050		1918.692505		99.658966
+7436.477172	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.947249		10.947249		315.258133		-53.047091		-66.741801		66.741801		1922.025901		111.113191
+7436.487065	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.877619		10.877619		313.252947		-66.839531		-66.839063		66.839063		1924.826843		93.364716
+7436.497024	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.834382		10.834382		312.007816		-41.504353		-66.925089		66.925089		1927.304220		82.579255
+7436.507111	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.814963		10.814963		311.448562		-18.641800		-67.003876		67.003876		1929.573101		75.629354
+7436.517166	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.760673		10.760673		309.885129		-52.114427		-67.097115		67.097115		1932.258189		89.502931
+7436.527076	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.716046		10.716046		308.599971		-42.838603		-67.213726		67.213726		1935.616368		111.939311
+7436.537185	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.663057		10.663057		307.074009		-50.865412		-67.280416		67.280416		1937.536901		64.017773
+7436.547143	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.623501		10.623501		305.934872		-37.971213		-67.396120		67.396120		1940.868920		111.067295
+7436.557154	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.610990		10.610990		305.574576		-12.009889		-67.473438		67.473438		1943.095511		74.219704
+7436.567122	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.545307		10.545307		303.683031		-63.051507		-67.564457		67.564457		1945.716673		87.372065
+7436.577045	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.503239		10.503239		302.471559		-40.382370		-67.661131		67.661131		1948.500699		92.800856
+7436.587116	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.435370		10.435370		300.517072		-65.149590		-67.752669		67.752669		1951.136810		87.870359
+7436.597062	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.388175		10.388175		299.157956		-45.303851		-67.878440		67.878440		1954.758757		120.731592
+7436.607156	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.417871		10.417871		300.013138		28.506070		-67.930206		67.930206		1956.249511		49.691796
+7436.617052	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.375390		10.375390		298.789792		-40.778220		-68.026669		68.026669		1959.027439		92.597604
+7436.627181	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.337071		10.337071		297.686282		-36.783665		-68.140078		68.140078		1962.293369		108.864307
+7436.637160	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.320654		10.320654		297.213500		-15.759394		-68.219301		68.219301		1964.574838		76.048970
+7436.647157	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.255070		10.255070		295.324807		-62.956437		-68.381928		68.381928		1969.258153		156.110525
+7436.657069	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.279978		10.279978		296.042106		23.909956		-68.464703		68.464703		1971.641904		79.458356
+7436.667071	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.166673		10.166673		292.779176		-108.764321		-68.616893		68.616893		1976.024669		146.092176
+7436.677174	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.166741		10.166741		292.781118		0.064746		-68.698097		68.698097		1978.363180		77.950358
+7436.687151	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.140817		10.140817		292.034561		-24.885237		-68.840746		68.840746		1982.471162		136.932731
+7436.697146	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.085616		10.085616		290.444894		-52.988902		-68.892061		68.892061		1983.948934		49.259067
+7436.707058	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.131331		10.131331		291.761401		43.883547		-69.042455		69.042455		1988.279969		144.367814
+7436.717063	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.069915		10.069915		289.992741		-58.955327		-69.145058		69.145058		1991.234726		98.491907
+7436.727155	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.076872		10.076872		290.193075		6.677806		-69.287993		69.287993		1995.350969		137.208104
+7436.737072	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.072319		10.072319		290.061978		-4.369915		-69.401136		69.401136		1998.609227		108.608603
+7436.747184	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.014702		10.014702		288.402705		-55.309087		-69.484191		69.484191		2001.001042		79.727173
+7436.757179	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.961809		9.961809		286.879496		-50.773621		-69.609723		69.609723		2004.616106		120.502114
+7436.767085	1	54847	56000	27153	26000	-9.805323		9.805323		282.373034		-150.215402		-69.727810		69.727810		2008.016771		113.355517
+7436.777104	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.741055		9.741055		280.522254		-61.692670		-69.883524		69.883524		2012.501031		149.475336
+7436.787196	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.746254		9.746254		280.671964		4.990324		-70.003073		70.003073		2015.943789		114.758611
+7436.797124	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.757747		9.757747		281.002953		11.032969		-70.161848		70.161848		2020.516169		152.412653
+7436.807038	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.747996		9.747996		280.722121		-9.361058		-70.294654		70.294654		2024.340713		127.484798
+7436.817156	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.712249		9.712249		279.692692		-34.314319		-70.402011		70.402011		2027.432370		103.055239
+7436.827094	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.677943		9.677943		278.704765		-32.930896		-70.597751		70.597751		2033.069265		187.896490
+7436.837154	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.624606		9.624606		277.168746		-51.200613		-70.715551		70.715551		2036.461669		113.080144
+7436.847307	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.624411		9.624411		277.163140		-0.186861		-70.865753		70.865753		2040.787196		144.184232
+7436.857111	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.571056		9.571056		275.626630		-51.217005		-70.987495		70.987495		2044.293094		116.863251
+7436.867290	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.480867		9.480867		273.029367		-86.575449		-71.198671		71.198671		2050.374520		202.714205
+7436.877169	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.507521		9.507521		273.796946		25.585964		-71.328273		71.328273		2054.106814		124.409795
+7436.887208	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.462722		9.462722		272.506821		-43.004155		-71.534736		71.534736		2060.052520		198.190212
+7436.897076	1	55814	56000	26186	26000	-9.346760		9.346760		269.167377		-111.314803		-71.679304		71.679304		2064.215773		138.775110
+7436.907282	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.270506		9.270506		266.971397		-73.199347		-71.850353		71.850353		2069.141614		164.194703
+7436.917255	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.265207		9.265207		266.818810		-5.086213		-71.956822		71.956822		2072.207701		102.202892
+7436.927157	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.161285		9.161285		263.826066		-99.758133		-72.219415		72.219415		2079.769850		252.071619
+7436.937156	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.230231		9.230231		265.811583		66.183880		-72.370349		72.370349		2084.116423		144.885778
+7436.947208	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.220585		9.220585		265.533800		-9.259433		-72.498237		72.498237		2087.799346		122.764111
+7436.957283	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.183223		9.183223		264.457852		-35.864934		-72.665180		72.665180		2092.606974		160.254240
+7436.967228	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.106011		9.106011		262.234285		-74.118897		-72.852635		72.852635		2098.005277		179.943442
+7436.977261	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.068043		9.068043		261.140905		-36.446005		-73.091528		73.091528		2104.884893		229.320526
+7436.987199	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.103830		9.103830		262.171490		34.352839		-73.195722		73.195722		2107.885480		100.019574
+7436.997184	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.140624		9.140624		263.231087		35.319924		-73.355221		73.355221		2112.478709		153.107643
+7437.007274	1	55649	56000	26351	26000	-9.023139		9.023139		259.847756		-112.777725		-73.336656		73.336656		2111.944091		-17.820597
+7437.017217	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.938521		8.938521		257.410922		-81.227794		-73.218166		73.218166		2108.531821		-113.742352
+7437.027225	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.848514		8.848514		254.818920		-86.400062		-73.278887		73.278887		2110.280442		58.287382
+7437.037274	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.894908		8.894908		256.154973		44.535100		-73.183339		73.183339		2107.528871		-91.719031
+7437.047177	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.861784		8.861784		255.201050		-31.797439		-73.251737		73.251737		2109.498578		65.656900
+7437.057273	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.840527		8.840527		254.588909		-20.404682		-73.276421		73.276421		2110.209435		23.695230
+7437.067287	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.829244		8.829244		254.263969		-10.831356		-73.318188		73.318188		2111.412227		40.093064
+7437.077265	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.801093		8.801093		253.453289		-27.022660		-73.439936		73.439936		2114.918321		116.869807
+7437.087268	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.740089		8.740089		251.696480		-58.560297		-73.547033		73.547033		2118.002504		102.806091
+7437.097199	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.801135		8.801135		253.454494		58.600456		-73.660776		73.660776		2121.278071		109.185576
+7437.107232	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.826216		8.826216		254.176784		24.076328		-73.744719		73.744719		2123.695457		80.579519
+7437.117247	1	53970	56000	28030	26000	-8.656138		8.656138		249.278873		-163.263679		-73.814572		73.814572		2125.707060		67.053437
+7437.127286	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.644620		8.644620		248.947171		-11.056736		-73.707802		73.707802		2122.632319		-102.491379
+7437.137171	1	55314	56000	26686	26000	-8.524225		8.524225		245.480047		-115.570799		-73.674703		73.674703		2121.679133		-31.772852
+7437.147217	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.450580		8.450580		243.359229		-70.693940		-73.618443		73.618443		2120.058954		-54.005980
+7437.157288	1	53952	56000	28048	26000	-8.289033		8.289033		238.707016		-155.073777		-73.453091		73.453091		2115.297157		-158.726573
+7437.167276	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.247987		8.247987		237.524975		-39.401352		-73.274556		73.274556		2110.155737		-171.380639
+7437.177310	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.171917		8.171917		235.334305		-73.022321		-73.098747		73.098747		2105.092800		-168.764591
+7437.187177	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.179427		8.179427		235.550597		7.209703		-73.004846		73.004846		2102.388632		-90.138912
+7437.197292	1	55090	56000	26910	26000	-8.062432		8.062432		232.181378		-112.307295		-72.957554		72.957554		2101.026714		-45.397282
+7437.207203	1	54732	56000	27268	26000	-7.936341		7.936341		228.550210		-121.038929		-72.950259		72.950259		2100.816643		-7.002354
+7437.217216	1	54536	56000	27464	26000	-7.806899		7.806899		224.822538		-124.255717		-72.983338		72.983338		2101.769239		31.753182
+7437.227212	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.796929		7.796929		224.535437		-9.570047		-72.982395		72.982395		2101.742095		-0.904799
+7437.237406	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.753313		7.753313		223.279390		-41.868240		-72.945833		72.945833		2100.689185		-35.097003
+7437.247243	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.738090		7.738090		222.841005		-14.612824		-72.816742		72.816742		2096.971643		-123.918056
+7437.257289	1	54889	56000	27111	26000	-7.624682		7.624682		219.575076		-108.864307		-72.808519		72.808519		2096.734822		-7.894039
+7437.267401	1	53631	56000	28369	26000	-7.471772		7.471772		215.171584		-146.783069		-72.779422		72.779422		2095.896900		-27.930737
+7437.277245	1	55367	56000	26633	26000	-7.381457		7.381457		212.570706		-86.695924		-72.746473		72.746473		2094.948041		-31.628609
+7437.287386	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.417003		7.417003		213.594358		34.121722		-72.736378		72.736378		2094.657326		-9.690523
+7437.297304	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.445577		7.445577		214.417233		27.429163		-72.784729		72.784729		2096.049732		46.413541
+7437.307399	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.410073		7.410073		213.394786		-34.081563		-72.843278		72.843278		2097.735804		56.202412
+7437.317365	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.371812		7.371812		212.292948		-36.727935		-72.934133		72.934133		2100.352246		87.214708
+7437.327289	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.417163		7.417163		213.598955		43.533593		-72.974062		72.974062		2101.502126		38.329363
+7437.337311	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.413699		7.413699		213.499206		-3.324971		-72.976098		72.976098		2101.560742		1.953840
+7437.347372	1	54022	56000	27978	26000	-7.277003		7.277003		209.562644		-131.218731		-73.008800		73.008800		2102.502519		31.392574
+7437.357297	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.318715		7.318715		210.763863		40.040612		-73.017338		73.017338		2102.748388		8.195639
+7437.367400	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.354389		7.354389		211.791202		34.244657		-73.101220		73.101220		2105.164003		80.520511
+7437.377301	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.316278		7.316278		210.693692		-36.583692		-73.181850		73.181850		2107.485992		77.399611
+7437.387391	1	55936	56000	26064	26000	-7.245375		7.245375		208.651822		-68.062320		-73.412471		73.412471		2114.127409		221.380591
+7437.397300	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.295383		7.295383		210.091951		48.004314		-73.497371		73.497371		2116.572332		81.497431
+7437.407581	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.303671		7.303671		210.330617		7.955506		-73.620963		73.620963		2120.131534		118.640065
+7437.417282	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.278380		7.278380		209.602303		-24.277121		-73.725472		73.725472		2123.141170		100.321174
+7437.427385	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.362239		7.362239		212.017255		80.498382		-73.810036		73.810036		2125.576454		81.176162
+7437.437280	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.381024		7.381024		212.558240		18.032864		-73.892040		73.892040		2127.937979		78.717470
+7437.447394	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.375209		7.375209		212.390779		-5.582049		-73.986289		73.986289		2130.652177		90.473294
+7437.457357	1	55021	56000	26979	26000	-7.269031		7.269031		209.333076		-101.923421		-74.185485		74.185485		2136.388600		191.214085
+7437.467337	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.307017		7.307017		210.426997		36.464036		-74.283703		74.283703		2139.217079		94.282627
+7437.477383	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.455193		7.455193		214.694155		142.238587		-74.387542		74.387542		2142.207438		99.678636
+7437.487283	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.474560		7.474560		215.251885		18.590987		-74.548216		74.548216		2146.834499		154.235363
+7437.497396	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.438276		7.438276		214.206965		-34.830645		-74.752500		74.752500		2152.717459		196.098685
+7437.507255	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.456392		7.456392		214.728675		17.390326		-74.813821		74.813821		2154.483390		58.864355
+7437.517299	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.481505		7.481505		215.451875		24.106652		-74.929211		74.929211		2157.806361		110.765696
+7437.527285	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.455951		7.455951		214.715988		-24.529546		-75.067283		75.067283		2161.782557		132.539868
+7437.537422	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.475835		7.475835		215.288593		19.086823		-74.997267		74.997267		2159.766233		-67.210793
+7437.547324	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.598891		7.598891		218.832354		118.125379		-75.049777		75.049777		2161.278427		50.406456
+7437.557337	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.650312		7.650312		220.313175		49.360693		-75.149566		75.149566		2164.152145		95.790625
+7437.567375	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.626958		7.626958		219.640625		-22.418350		-75.323128		75.323128		2169.150370		166.607499
+7437.577357	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.663601		7.663601		220.695870		35.174862		-75.402843		75.402843		2171.446002		76.521039
+7437.587409	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.723559		7.723559		222.422536		57.555512		-75.424741		75.424741		2172.076607		21.020174
+7437.597362	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.799361		7.799361		224.605485		72.764978		-75.502707		75.502707		2174.321884		74.842572
+7437.607357	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.822847		7.822847		225.281822		22.544563		-75.576207		75.576207		2176.438522		70.554614
+7437.617354	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.914535		7.914535		227.922235		88.013783		-75.495836		75.495836		2174.124008		-77.150464
+7437.627487	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.957732		7.957732		229.166235		41.466653		-75.406538		75.406538		2171.552414		-85.719824
+7437.637507	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.960919		7.960919		229.258018		3.059432		-75.356097		75.356097		2170.099819		-48.419833
+7437.647356	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.907728		7.907728		227.726229		-51.059648		-75.263644		75.263644		2167.437351		-88.748932
+7437.657391	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.960916		7.960916		229.257920		51.056370		-75.163083		75.163083		2164.541405		-96.531510
+7437.667502	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.962084		7.962084		229.291555		1.121163		-75.113933		75.113933		2163.125986		-47.180653
+7437.677502	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.972570		7.972570		229.593531		10.065883		-75.079844		75.079844		2162.144279		-32.723546
+7437.687502	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.935545		7.935545		228.527295		-35.541207		-75.031397		75.031397		2160.749120		-46.505332
+7437.697408	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.002197		8.002197		230.446722		63.980892		-74.907258		74.907258		2157.174182		-119.164586
+7437.707442	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.931709		7.931709		228.416826		-67.663193		-74.811315		74.811315		2154.411203		-92.099309
+7437.717501	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.033166		8.033166		231.338563		97.391233		-74.605979		74.605979		2148.497951		-197.108388
+7437.727497	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.028876		8.028876		231.215038		-4.117489		-74.430135		74.430135		2143.434030		-168.797374
+7437.737377	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.995122		7.995122		230.242994		-32.401457		-74.273178		74.273178		2138.913971		-150.668621
+7437.747503	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.011159		8.011159		230.704810		15.393868		-74.122873		74.122873		2134.585494		-144.282579
+7437.757486	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.010535		8.010535		230.686837		-0.599101		-73.994356		73.994356		2130.884475		-123.367310
+7437.767428	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.996243		7.996243		230.275277		-13.718680		-73.785646		73.785646		2124.874055		-200.347304
+7437.777382	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.983205		7.983205		229.899810		-12.515560		-73.646405		73.646405		2120.864224		-133.661032
+7437.787514	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.086973		8.086973		232.888104		99.609792		-73.382166		73.382166		2113.254672		-253.651738
+7437.797379	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.068449		8.068449		232.354642		-17.782077		-73.277596		73.277596		2110.243267		-100.380182
+7437.807485	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.074315		8.074315		232.523578		5.631223		-72.991766		72.991766		2102.011961		-274.376869
+7437.817492	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.112082		8.112082		233.611205		36.254227		-72.737000		72.737000		2094.675225		-244.557858
+7437.827406	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.069146		8.069146		232.374729		-41.215867		-72.579059		72.579059		2090.126842		-151.612759
+7437.837574	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.215273		8.215273		236.582878		140.271634		-72.342311		72.342311		2083.308989		-227.261782
+7437.847512	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.269504		8.269504		238.144615		52.057877		-72.094600		72.094600		2076.175439		-237.784982
+7437.857474	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.309760		8.309760		239.303912		38.643256		-71.855776		71.855776		2069.297791		-229.254961
+7437.867499	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.378947		8.378947		241.296338		66.414177		-71.603052		71.603052		2062.019867		-242.597461
+7437.877406	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.515245		8.515245		245.221442		130.836815		-71.337214		71.337214		2054.364288		-255.185962
+7437.887504	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.516023		8.516023		245.243865		0.747442		-71.085112		71.085112		2047.104263		-242.000818
+7437.897516	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.544332		8.544332		246.059094		27.174279		-70.785103		70.785103		2038.464618		-287.988186
+7437.907438	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.603857		8.603857		247.773293		57.139993		-70.528527		70.528527		2031.075758		-246.295333
+7437.917526	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.676194		8.676194		249.856444		69.438368		-70.264219		70.264219		2023.464239		-253.717303
+7437.927483	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.694380		8.694380		250.380170		17.457530		-69.993347		69.993347		2015.663695		-260.018110
+7437.937518	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.821800		8.821800		254.049595		122.314170		-69.709061		69.709061		2007.476842		-272.895098
+7437.947510	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.875700		8.875700		255.601817		51.740706		-69.444835		69.444835		1999.867684		-253.638625
+7437.957511	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.886969		8.886969		255.926339		10.817423		-69.168547		69.168547		1991.911161		-265.217423
+7437.967503	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.990941		8.990941		258.920509		99.805668		-68.863968		68.863968		1983.139926		-292.374492
+7437.977564	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.084713		9.084713		261.620964		90.015158		-68.588548		68.588548		1975.208384		-264.384747
+7437.987613	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.154437		9.154437		263.628855		66.929683		-68.276647		68.276647		1966.226292		-299.403071
+7437.997477	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.103018		9.103018		262.148108		-49.358234		-67.954153		67.954153		1956.939125		-309.572220
+7438.007520	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.151686		9.151686		263.549636		46.717599		-67.681157		67.681157		1949.077410		-262.057185
+7438.017668	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.416549		9.416549		271.177136		254.250020		-67.446247		67.446247		1942.312467		-225.498080
+7438.027506	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.419952		9.419952		271.275140		3.266782		-67.145541		67.145541		1933.652759		-288.656950
+7438.037492	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.510034		9.510034		273.869305		86.472183		-66.808232		66.808232		1923.938960		-323.793292
+7438.047625	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.509624		9.509624		273.857503		-0.393391		-66.525735		66.525735		1915.803641		-271.177292
+7438.057618	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.637365		9.637365		277.536198		122.623146		-66.247753		66.247753		1907.798338		-266.843438
+7438.067511	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.710582		9.710582		279.644673		70.282519		-65.938660		65.938660		1898.897088		-296.708345
+7438.077589	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.788999		9.788999		281.902932		75.275302		-65.647639		65.647639		1890.516293		-279.359818
+7438.087505	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.902103		9.902103		285.160109		108.572543		-65.340076		65.340076		1881.659102		-295.239687
+7438.097631	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.955263		9.955263		286.690988		51.029325		-65.030238		65.030238		1872.736412		-297.423005
+7438.107607	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.048932		10.048932		289.388468		89.915991		-64.751395		64.751395		1864.706326		-267.669559
+7438.117562	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.169404		10.169404		292.857805		115.644559		-64.467505		64.467505		1856.530881		-272.514820
+7438.127614	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.228628		10.228628		294.563350		56.851506		-64.208040		64.208040		1849.058819		-249.068737
+7438.137556	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.365171		10.365171		298.495486		131.071210		-63.909513		63.909513		1840.461856		-286.565423
+7438.147532	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.496175		10.496175		302.268127		125.754699		-63.613418		63.613418		1831.934917		-284.231305
+7438.157515	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.470146		10.470146		301.518571		-24.985224		-63.406190		63.406190		1825.967181		-198.924541
+7438.167530	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.622075		10.622075		305.893812		145.841390		-63.140837		63.140837		1818.325567		-254.720449
+7438.177614	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.750056		10.750056		309.579391		122.852623		-62.839072		62.839072		1809.635371		-289.673209
+7438.187613	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.872835		10.872835		313.115162		117.859021		-62.597236		62.597236		1802.670979		-232.146382
+7438.197608	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.023045		11.023045		317.440910		144.191608		-62.352817		62.352817		1795.632237		-234.624743
+7438.207717	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.092677		11.092677		319.446170		66.841990		-62.110960		62.110960		1788.667256		-232.166052
+7438.217564	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.231605		11.231605		323.447002		133.361071		-61.871269		61.871269		1781.764627		-230.087638
+7438.227596	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.401255		11.401255		328.332569		162.852257		-61.608798		61.608798		1774.206018		-251.953602
+7438.237584	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.624286		11.624286		334.755410		214.094669		-61.337974		61.337974		1766.406852		-259.972215
+7438.247606	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.894371		11.894371		342.533284		259.262472		-61.050164		61.050164		1758.118504		-276.278257
+7438.257590	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.924419		11.924419		343.398620		28.844550		-60.885413		60.885413		1753.374016		-158.149600
+7438.267629	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.068219		12.068219		347.539770		138.038322		-60.656991		60.656991		1746.795934		-219.269395
+7438.277678	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.168457		12.168457		350.426397		96.220896		-60.503093		60.503093		1742.363995		-147.731304
+7438.287613	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.291308		12.291308		353.964257		117.928684		-60.314231		60.314231		1736.925173		-181.294084
+7438.297555	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.557546		12.557546		361.631367		255.570337		-60.065974		60.065974		1729.775888		-238.309503
+7438.307581	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.677571		12.677571		365.087845		115.215927		-59.903559		59.903559		1725.098670		-155.907273
+7438.317631	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.835400		12.835400		369.632982		151.504576		-59.752988		59.752988		1720.762521		-144.538283
+7438.327626	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.952898		12.952898		373.016683		112.790018		-59.580853		59.580853		1715.805405		-165.237188
+7438.337670	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.140312		13.140312		378.413831		179.904923		-59.425255		59.425255		1711.324489		-149.363875
+7438.347573	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.404860		13.404860		386.032259		253.947601		-59.243784		59.243784		1706.098491		-174.199939
+7438.357642	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.651497		13.651497		393.134902		236.754790		-59.015703		59.015703		1699.530244		-218.941569
+7438.367643	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.810961		13.810961		397.727124		153.074041		-58.932081		58.932081		1697.122103		-80.271363
+7438.377617	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.082413		14.082413		405.544386		260.575414		-58.719123		58.719123		1690.989339		-204.425454
+7438.387629	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.278941		14.278941		411.203974		188.652948		-58.595332		58.595332		1687.424433		-118.830204
+7438.397668	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.468668		14.468668		416.667728		182.125121		-58.471112		58.471112		1683.847135		-119.243264
+7438.407616	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.737154		14.737154		424.399576		257.728249		-58.347034		58.347034		1680.273968		-119.105577
+7438.417625	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.890260		14.890260		428.808698		146.970749		-58.243373		58.243373		1677.288723		-99.508166
+7438.427740	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.025586		15.025586		432.705823		129.904151		-58.135852		58.135852		1674.192345		-103.212595
+7438.437656	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.124045		15.124045		435.541235		94.513744		-57.996919		57.996919		1670.191365		-133.365989
+7438.447686	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.392880		15.392880		443.283114		258.062631		-57.882472		57.882472		1666.895539		-109.860897
+7438.457726	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.880591		15.880591		457.328193		468.169302		-57.728609		57.728609		1662.464583		-147.698522
+7438.467656	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.103885		16.103885		463.758606		214.347094		-57.619203		57.619203		1659.313917		-105.022192
+7438.477748	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.511723		16.511723		475.503480		391.495824		-57.552670		57.552670		1657.397908		-63.866973
+7438.487731	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.583189		16.583189		477.561553		68.602413		-57.406292		57.406292		1653.182530		-140.512586
+7438.497625	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.876696		16.876696		486.013944		281.746387		-57.372544		57.372544		1652.210659		-32.395720
+7438.507728	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.074495		17.074495		491.710143		189.873278		-57.301449		57.301449		1650.163257		-68.246722
+7438.517614	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.352707		17.352707		499.722084		267.064720		-57.166651		57.166651		1646.281376		-129.396021
+7438.527712	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.626420		17.626420		507.604453		262.745619		-57.066367		57.066367		1643.393397		-96.265972
+7438.537711	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.770033		17.770033		511.740218		137.858838		-56.989203		56.989203		1641.171232		-74.072182
+7438.547668	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.115120		18.115120		521.678004		331.259519		-56.889032		56.889032		1638.286498		-96.157789
+7438.557729	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.416301		18.416301		530.351382		289.112628		-56.794522		56.794522		1635.564825		-90.722442
+7438.567625	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.599385		18.599385		535.623850		175.748914		-56.713455		56.713455		1633.230248		-77.819228
+7438.577739	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.795362		18.795362		541.267580		188.124329		-56.653636		56.653636		1631.507590		-57.421923
+7438.588017	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.070231		19.070231		549.183239		263.855308		-56.567002		56.567002		1629.012707		-83.162785
+7438.597724	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.505939		19.505939		561.730729		418.249667		-56.439393		56.439393		1625.337848		-122.495294
+7438.607710	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.682180		19.682180		566.806108		169.179291		-56.375920		56.375920		1623.509958		-60.929656
+7438.617703	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.858495		19.858495		571.883601		169.249773		-56.312526		56.312526		1621.684331		-60.854256
+7438.627745	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.107583		20.107583		579.056834		239.107758		-56.222562		56.222562		1619.093558		-86.359084
+7438.637686	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.292816		20.292816		584.391162		177.810937		-56.221650		56.221650		1619.067299		-0.875294
+7438.647626	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.608989		20.608989		593.496287		303.504169		-56.117090		56.117090		1616.056189		-100.370347
+7438.657738	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.812066		20.812066		599.344482		194.939822		-55.992641		55.992641		1612.472302		-119.462907
+7438.667727	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.117432		21.117432		608.138385		293.130130		-55.937412		55.937412		1610.881823		-53.015947
+7438.677735	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.231331		21.231331		611.418428		109.334737		-55.857164		55.857164		1608.570850		-77.032447
+7438.687639	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.545094		21.545094		620.454168		301.191360		-55.730082		55.730082		1604.911137		-121.990442
+7438.697717	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.745941		21.745941		626.238142		192.799121		-55.600977		55.600977		1601.193202		-123.931170
+7438.707732	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.024346		22.024346		634.255640		267.249942		-55.609484		55.609484		1601.438186		8.166134
+7438.717666	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.194461		22.194461		639.154583		163.298100		-55.519370		55.519370		1598.843086		-86.503327
+7438.727805	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.363779		22.363779		644.030611		162.534267		-55.452646		55.452646		1596.921569		-64.050555
+7438.737733	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.511996		22.511996		648.298949		142.277926		-55.385680		55.385680		1594.993070		-64.283311
+7438.747743	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.864999		22.864999		658.464704		338.858515		-55.271120		55.271120		1591.693997		-109.969079
+7438.757841	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.108340		23.108340		665.472418		233.590454		-55.200117		55.200117		1589.649251		-68.158209
+7438.767778	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.239215		23.239215		669.241346		125.630945		-55.094748		55.094748		1586.614832		-101.147294
+7438.777931	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.594081		23.594081		679.460751		340.646803		-55.000143		55.000143		1583.890405		-90.814233
+7438.787727	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.989151		23.989151		690.837952		379.240066		-54.740056		54.740056		1576.400444		-249.665380
+7438.797722	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.075285		24.075285		693.318428		82.682520		-54.699508		54.699508		1575.232762		-38.922727
+7438.807841	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.597473		24.597473		708.356376		501.264930		-54.481731		54.481731		1568.961230		-209.051073
+7438.817720	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.772599		24.772599		713.399644		168.108940		-54.438920		54.438920		1567.728344		-41.096210
+7438.827864	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.923386		24.923386		717.741989		144.744813		-54.313357		54.313357		1564.112395		-120.531619
+7438.837863	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-25.274246		25.274246		727.846031		336.801410		-54.175599		54.175599		1560.145247		-132.238269
+7438.847833	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-25.577127		25.577127		736.568387		290.745199		-54.053871		54.053871		1556.639743		-116.850138
+7438.857747	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-25.808264		25.808264		743.224655		221.875608		-53.926177		53.926177		1552.962425		-122.577250
+7438.867861	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-26.028652		26.028652		749.571374		211.557299		-53.846090		53.846090		1550.656074		-76.878369
+7438.877840	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-26.035225		26.035225		749.760644		6.309003		-53.827526		53.827526		1550.121456		-17.820597
+7438.887841	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-26.277985		26.277985		756.751639		233.033150		-53.631134		53.631134		1544.465777		-188.522637
+7438.897881	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-26.468387		26.468387		762.234816		182.772577		-53.559506		53.559506		1542.403033		-68.758130
+7438.907884	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-26.768010		26.768010		770.863348		287.617743		-53.386572		53.386572		1537.422904		-166.004300
+7438.917817	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-26.803349		26.803349		771.881050		33.923388		-53.331189		53.331189		1535.828000		-53.163469
+7438.927838	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-27.142858		27.142858		781.658185		325.904489		-53.140036		53.140036		1530.323187		-183.493793
+7438.937799	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-27.379411		27.379411		788.470432		227.074921		-53.030173		53.030173		1527.159342		-105.461478
+7438.947836	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-27.729514		27.729514		798.552690		336.075276		-52.815725		52.815725		1520.983699		-205.854774
+7438.957842	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-27.998783		27.998783		806.307060		258.478969		-52.662743		52.662743		1516.578117		-146.852732
+7438.967780	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.237102		28.237102		813.170153		228.769779		-52.452807		52.452807		1510.532391		-201.524198
+7438.977814	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.411628		28.411628		818.196161		167.533606		-52.357198		52.357198		1507.779050		-91.778040
+7438.987739	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.655717		28.655717		825.225413		234.308392		-52.148675		52.148675		1501.774040		-200.167000
+7438.997832	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.943978		28.943978		833.526742		276.710987		-51.854762		51.854762		1493.309945		-282.136500
+7439.007879	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.082648		29.082648		837.520149		133.113563		-51.801169		51.801169		1491.766575		-51.445663
+7439.017851	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.323296		29.323296		844.450316		231.005549		-51.487817		51.487817		1482.742685		-300.796330
+7439.027760	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.616735		29.616735		852.900741		281.680822		-51.177651		51.177651		1473.810554		-297.737718
+7439.037833	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.814356		29.814356		858.591825		189.702809		-50.987345		50.987345		1468.330130		-182.680786
+7439.047743	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.101952		30.101952		866.873977		276.071727		-50.774250		50.774250		1462.193432		-204.556584
+7439.057884	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.177108		30.177108		869.038314		72.144568		-50.644183		50.644183		1458.447763		-124.855638
+7439.067843	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.313244		30.313244		872.958747		130.681098		-50.506978		50.506978		1454.496548		-131.707191
+7439.077824	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.561918		31.561918		908.917996		1198.641658		-49.717347		49.717347		1431.756797		-757.991672
+7439.087772	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.755670		31.755670		914.497653		185.988545		-49.536937		49.536937		1426.561385		-173.180401
+7439.097861	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.771240		31.771240		914.946020		14.945567		-49.371490		49.371490		1421.796834		-158.818364
+7439.107942	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.661274		31.661274		911.779225		-105.559826		-49.301313		49.301313		1419.775888		-67.364872
+7439.117884	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.018339		32.018339		922.061965		342.758000		-48.982575		48.982575		1410.596904		-305.966139
+7439.127779	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.295709		32.295709		930.049664		266.256630		-49.024912		49.024912		1411.816120		40.640533
+7439.137883	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.378525		32.378525		932.434595		79.497695		-48.800797		48.800797		1405.362055		-215.135515
+7439.147932	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.387801		32.387801		932.701707		8.903742		-48.658387		48.658387		1401.260957		-136.703253
+7439.157837	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.684716		32.684716		941.252249		285.018086		-48.338277		48.338277		1392.042437		-307.283998
+7439.168100	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.770974		32.770974		943.736315		82.802176		-48.125824		48.125824		1385.924229		-203.940272
+7439.177896	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.897627		32.897627		947.383636		121.577382		-47.893310		47.893310		1379.228327		-223.196745
+7439.187923	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.865190		32.865190		946.449530		-31.136870		-47.751727		47.751727		1375.151029		-135.909915
+7439.197909	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.274732		33.274732		958.243480		393.131673		-47.307266		47.307266		1362.351474		-426.651835
+7439.207869	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.398956		33.398956		961.820877		119.246542		-47.119156		47.119156		1356.934288		-180.572867
+7439.217838	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.217846		33.217846		956.605303		-173.852444		-46.893886		46.893886		1350.446981		-216.243565
+7439.227953	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.682023		33.682023		969.972619		445.577204		-46.587587		46.587587		1341.626179		-294.026732
+7439.237905	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.866851		33.866851		975.295293		177.422464		-46.217008		46.217008		1330.954278		-355.730057
+7439.247848	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.800212		33.800212		973.376235		-63.968599		-45.936646		45.936646		1322.880426		-269.128382
+7439.257985	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.854762		33.854762		974.947143		52.363575		-45.729295		45.729295		1316.909149		-199.042559
+7439.267936	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.077224		34.077224		981.353608		213.548839		-45.427575		45.427575		1308.220232		-289.630592
+7439.277841	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.170497		34.170497		984.039679		89.535713		-45.113966		45.113966		1299.188966		-301.042199
+7439.287844	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.403523		34.403523		990.750334		223.688483		-44.675940		44.675940		1286.574697		-420.475602
+7439.297947	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.607824		34.607824		996.633786		196.115077		-44.375985		44.375985		1277.936625		-287.935734
+7439.308015	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.731570		34.731570		1000.197414		118.787587		-44.053665		44.053665		1268.654475		-309.405029
+7439.317917	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.834238		34.834238		1003.154039		98.554194		-43.732926		43.732926		1259.417859		-307.887197
+7439.327889	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.062189		35.062189		1009.718549		218.816996		-43.255161		43.255161		1245.659217		-458.621383
+7439.338159	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.282025		35.282025		1016.049385		211.027861		-42.811660		42.811660		1232.887298		-425.730646
+7439.347950	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.145879		35.145879		1012.128657		-130.690932		-42.755731		42.755731		1231.276658		-53.687990
+7439.357841	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.378174		35.378174		1018.818265		222.986937		-42.330422		42.330422		1219.028637		-408.267379
+7439.367932	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.400471		35.400471		1019.460377		21.403730		-42.073265		42.073265		1211.623058		-246.852636
+7439.377841	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.739310		35.739310		1029.218236		325.261950		-41.509754		41.509754		1195.395103		-540.931821
+7439.387965	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.874223		35.874223		1033.103460		129.507482		-41.207757		41.207757		1186.698219		-289.896131
+7439.397935	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.671363		35.671363		1027.261510		-194.731653		-40.883719		40.883719		1177.366599		-311.053991
+7439.407951	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.024883		36.024883		1037.442166		339.355171		-40.371602		40.371602		1162.618679		-491.597354
+7439.417893	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.894236		35.894236		1033.679777		-125.412941		-39.999469		39.999469		1151.902029		-357.221663
+7439.427970	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.008682		36.008682		1036.975604		109.860897		-39.643255		39.643255		1141.643777		-341.941714
+7439.437934	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.320364		36.320364		1045.951402		299.193263		-39.179522		39.179522		1128.289247		-445.151031
+7439.447914	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.287525		36.287525		1045.005691		-31.523705		-38.809814		38.809814		1117.642424		-354.894102
+7439.457928	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.338543		36.338543		1046.474907		48.973858		-38.392114		38.392114		1105.613521		-400.963426
+7439.467993	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.482660		36.482660		1050.625178		138.342381		-38.006250		38.006250		1094.501415		-370.403528
+7439.477848	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.518781		36.518781		1051.665401		34.674108		-37.751914		37.751914		1087.177071		-244.144797
+7439.487958	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.366622		36.366622		1047.283521		-146.062672		-37.321441		37.321441		1074.780348		-413.224101
+7439.497881	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.614236		36.614236		1054.414317		237.693191		-36.730312		36.730312		1057.757056		-567.443073
+7439.507980	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.782693		36.782693		1059.265512		161.706507		-36.443656		36.443656		1049.501950		-275.170207
+7439.518021	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.674096		36.674096		1056.138155		-104.245245		-35.894037		35.894037		1033.674073		-527.595878
+7439.528049	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.953318		36.953318		1064.179158		268.033445		-35.096186		35.096186		1010.697600		-765.882432
+7439.537957	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.254611		37.254611		1072.855783		289.220810		-34.719364		34.719364		999.845919		-361.722708
+7439.547870	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.071576		37.071576		1067.584741		-175.701380		-34.074567		34.074567		981.277093		-618.960857
+7439.558093	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.076825		37.076825		1067.735901		5.038679		-33.905701		33.905701		976.414096		-162.099898
+7439.567924	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.211482		37.211482		1071.613750		129.261613		-33.545993		33.545993		966.055235		-345.295370
+7439.577955	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.312808		37.312808		1074.531725		97.265840		-33.042287		33.042287		951.549545		-483.523011
+7439.588031	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.112571		37.112571		1068.765306		-192.213953		-32.687755		32.687755		941.339779		-340.325534
+7439.598086	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.101113		37.101113		1068.435350		-10.998547		-32.228855		32.228855		928.124410		-440.512300
+7439.608009	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.142521		37.142521		1069.627815		39.748847		-31.911419		31.911419		918.982896		-304.717124
+7439.618036	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.082108		37.082108		1067.888045		-57.992339		-31.379122		31.379122		903.653839		-510.968566
+7439.628040	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.171279		37.171279		1070.456001		85.598528		-30.948455		30.948455		891.251510		-413.410962
+7439.638018	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.123407		37.123407		1069.077364		-45.954585		-30.482803		30.482803		877.841708		-446.993411
+7439.647968	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.040543		37.040543		1066.691056		-79.543591		-30.153940		30.153940		868.371123		-315.686166
+7439.658054	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.311254		37.311254		1074.486977		259.864032		-29.725311		29.725311		856.027508		-411.453843
+7439.668079	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.067720		37.067720		1067.473707		-233.775675		-29.491145		29.491145		849.284005		-224.783421
+7439.678077	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.315000		37.315000		1074.594864		237.371922		-28.961027		28.961027		834.017694		-508.877039
+7439.687954	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.239749		37.239749		1072.427773		-72.236359		-28.375463		28.375463		817.154659		-562.101156
+7439.698087	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.261342		37.261342		1073.049626		20.728409		-27.965159		27.965159		805.338778		-393.862724
+7439.707965	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.240596		37.240596		1072.452164		-19.915402		-27.560766		27.560766		793.693087		-388.189703
+7439.718018	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.258197		37.258197		1072.959048		16.896129		-27.150810		27.150810		781.887187		-393.529981
+7439.728074	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.154641		37.154641		1069.976851		-99.406540		-26.840446		26.840446		772.949351		-297.927856
+7439.738025	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.152001		37.152001		1069.900829		-2.534091		-26.332288		26.332288		758.315465		-487.796217
+7439.748042	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.240599		37.240599		1072.452262		85.047781		-25.823275		25.823275		743.656942		-488.617420
+7439.758032	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.123376		37.123376		1069.076478		-112.526119		-25.402351		25.402351		731.535199		-404.058099
+7439.767947	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.031387		37.031387		1066.427386		-88.303089		-24.817368		24.817368		714.688884		-561.543852
+7439.777962	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.030185		37.030185		1066.392767		-1.153946		-24.417016		24.417016		703.159587		-384.309888
+7439.788053	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.938568		36.938568		1063.754395		-87.945759		-23.915783		23.915783		688.725100		-481.149554
+7439.797991	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.933797		36.933797		1063.617003		-4.579723		-23.603373		23.603373		679.728355		-299.891531
+7439.807953	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.874839		36.874839		1061.919129		-56.595802		-23.117410		23.117410		665.733629		-466.490835
+7439.818141	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.882270		36.882270		1062.133133		7.133484		-22.644063		22.644063		652.102201		-454.380959
+7439.827999	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.869416		36.869416		1061.762953		-12.339354		-22.029411		22.029411		634.401490		-590.023696
+7439.838007	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.783854		36.783854		1059.298950		-82.133412		-21.674687		21.674687		624.186167		-340.510756
+7439.848115	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.736814		36.736814		1057.944310		-45.154691		-21.288272		21.288272		613.058227		-370.931327
+7439.858062	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.663745		36.663745		1055.840063		-70.141554		-20.805255		20.805255		599.148327		-463.663340
+7439.868117	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.596177		36.596177		1053.894255		-64.860284		-20.661848		20.661848		595.018512		-137.660503
+7439.878079	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.580144		36.580144		1053.432512		-15.391409		-20.164797		20.164797		580.704452		-477.135330
+7439.888160	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.386368		36.386368		1047.852167		-186.011493		-19.690027		19.690027		567.032062		-455.746353
+7439.897946	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.458450		36.458450		1049.927992		69.194138		-19.211837		19.211837		553.261176		-459.029526
+7439.908104	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.329138		36.329138		1046.204057		-124.131143		-18.678872		18.678872		537.912892		-511.609465
+7439.918041	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.171394		36.171394		1041.661379		-151.422620		-18.220860		18.220860		524.723093		-439.659953
+7439.928068	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.200368		36.200368		1042.495760		27.812719		-17.623018		17.623018		507.506499		-573.886484
+7439.938152	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.218065		36.218065		1043.005398		16.987920		-17.349831		17.349831		499.639276		-262.240767
+7439.948171	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.991754		35.991754		1036.488095		-217.243433		-16.755397		16.755397		482.520783		-570.616424
+7439.958150	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.964122		35.964122		1035.692364		-26.524365		-16.441753		16.441753		473.488484		-301.076621
+7439.968131	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.768154		35.768154		1030.048880		-188.116133		-15.899149		15.899149		457.862614		-520.862341
+7439.978064	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.725308		35.725308		1028.815010		-41.128993		-15.546455		15.546455		447.705759		-338.561833
+7439.988168	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.457407		35.457407		1021.100029		-257.166028		-15.478585		15.478585		445.751247		-65.150410
+7439.998061	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.377836		35.377836		1018.808529		-76.383352		-15.082302		15.082302		434.339131		-380.403847
+7440.008186	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.137304		35.137304		1011.881706		-230.894089		-14.853857		14.853857		427.760361		-219.292343
+7440.018094	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.910565		34.910565		1005.352110		-217.653215		-14.458875		14.458875		416.385716		-379.154831
+7440.028212	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.898674		34.898674		1005.009663		-11.414886		-13.940612		13.940612		401.460819		-497.496575
+7440.038080	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.813047		34.813047		1002.543792		-82.195699		-13.715696		13.715696		394.983691		-215.904266
+7440.048159	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.683192		34.683192		998.804221		-124.652386		-13.419848		13.419848		386.463882		-283.993632
+7440.058140	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.472955		34.472955		992.749840		-201.812685		-13.060216		13.060216		376.107234		-345.221609
+7440.068212	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.392451		34.392451		990.431491		-77.278316		-12.689917		12.689917		365.443372		-355.462059
+7440.078155	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.981151		33.981151		978.586891		-394.819975		-12.812563		12.812563		368.975332		117.731988
+7440.088084	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.030069		34.030069		979.995623		46.957731		-12.192019		12.192019		351.104946		-595.679507
+7440.098197	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.620141		33.620141		968.190560		-393.502116		-12.101349		12.101349		348.493841		-87.036863
+7440.108081	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.612645		33.612645		967.974687		-7.195771		-11.782618		11.782618		339.315053		-305.959582
+7440.118178	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.174007		33.174007		955.342814		-421.062410		-11.262789		11.262789		324.345039		-499.000475
+7440.128168	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.050944		33.050944		951.798856		-118.131936		-11.196421		11.196421		322.433775		-63.708797
+7440.138069	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.737226		32.737226		942.764443		-301.147103		-10.949882		10.949882		315.333959		-236.660540
+7440.148082	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.697680		32.697680		941.625577		-37.962198		-10.755945		10.755945		309.748992		-186.165571
+7440.158164	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.405498		32.405498		933.211344		-280.474424		-10.229321		10.229321		294.583290		-505.523384
+7440.168209	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.206739		32.206739		927.487510		-190.794468		-10.139391		10.139391		291.993501		-86.326301
+7440.178075	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.204246		32.204246		927.415717		-2.393126		-9.441619		9.441619		271.899106		-669.813156
+7440.188175	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.886605		31.886605		918.268302		-304.913819		-9.512081		9.512081		273.928265		67.638606
+7440.198058	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.756292		31.756292		914.515552		-125.091672		-8.931054		8.931054		257.195885		-557.745993
+7440.208101	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.651660		31.651660		911.502376		-100.439191		-8.535372		8.535372		245.801079		-379.826874
+7440.218197	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.525425		31.525425		907.867053		-121.177435		-8.232352		8.232352		237.074715		-290.878788
+7440.228119	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.288041		31.288041		901.030907		-227.871537		-7.960275		7.960275		229.239455		-261.175334
+7440.238238	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.056652		31.056652		894.367361		-222.118199		-7.549889		7.549889		217.421188		-393.942222
+7440.248078	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.114285		31.114285		896.027076		55.323839		-7.119253		7.119253		205.019757		-413.381048
+7440.258201	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.748429		30.748429		885.491189		-351.196229		-6.841428		6.841428		197.018990		-266.692229
+7440.268074	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.529504		30.529504		879.186612		-210.152566		-6.594861		6.594861		189.918375		-236.687176
+7440.278195	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.432171		30.432171		876.383606		-93.433559		-6.157962		6.157962		177.336586		-419.392958
+7440.288201	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.220298		30.220298		870.282117		-203.382969		-5.950734		5.950734		171.368837		-198.924951
+7440.298221	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.036064		30.036064		864.976555		-176.852047		-5.581946		5.581946		160.748494		-354.011431
+7440.308174	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.811935		29.811935		858.522096		-215.148628		-5.328559		5.328559		153.451479		-243.233852
+7440.318130	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.642652		29.642652		853.647101		-162.499845		-5.045947		5.045947		145.312853		-271.287523
+7440.328263	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.423888		29.423888		847.347146		-209.998488		-4.819928		4.819928		138.803971		-216.962732
+7440.338195	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.232540		29.232540		841.836727		-183.680654		-4.539843		4.539843		130.738098		-268.862434
+7440.348293	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.051773		29.051773		836.630988		-173.524618		-4.241675		4.241675		122.151462		-286.221206
+7440.358246	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.806944		28.806944		829.580444		-235.018134		-3.904724		3.904724		112.447965		-323.449895
+7440.368181	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.589702		28.589702		823.324303		-208.538026		-3.666259		3.666259		105.580680		-228.909515
+7440.378276	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.356820		28.356820		816.617779		-223.550797		-3.455728		3.455728		99.517817		-202.095434
+7440.388220	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.133261		28.133261		810.179745		-214.601159		-3.155879		3.155879		90.882793		-287.834108
+7440.398189	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.005406		28.005406		806.497805		-122.731328		-2.801204		2.801204		80.668885		-340.463631
+7440.408303	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-27.618133		27.618133		795.345131		-371.755809		-2.810633		2.810633		80.940416		9.051058
+7440.418176	3	56000	26000	26000	56000	-28.038818		28.038818		807.459989		403.828621		5.820491		-5.820491		-167.618103		-8285.283986
+7440.428195	3	56000	26000	26000	56000	-29.373594		29.373594		845.898780		1281.293035		9.814895		-9.814895		-282.648678		-3834.352493
+7440.438166	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.871725		28.871725		831.446001		-481.759310		9.519761		-9.519761		-274.149424		283.308476
+7440.448281	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.598297		28.598297		823.571844		-262.471884		9.697057		-9.697057		-279.255192		-170.192271
+7440.458232	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.306356		28.306356		815.164545		-280.243307		9.137270		-9.137270		-263.134485		537.356883
+7440.468241	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.029553		28.029553		807.193172		-265.712440		9.779386		-9.779386		-281.626108		-616.387427
+7440.478310	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-27.814434		27.814434		800.998203		-206.498951		9.284921		-9.284921		-267.386522		474.652871
+7440.488345	3	26000	56000	56000	26000	-21.776269		21.776269		627.111518		-5796.222836		-0.857281		0.857281		24.687927		9735.814962
+7440.498177	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.480281		21.480281		618.587677		-284.128040		-0.657709		0.657709		18.940652		-191.575820
+7440.508207	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.224287		21.224287		611.215585		-245.736390		-0.551671		0.551671		15.886997		-101.788500
+7440.518225	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.127457		21.127457		608.427085		-92.950016		-6.264351		6.264351		180.400349		5483.778403
+7440.528203	3	56000	26000	26000	56000	-25.170589		25.170589		724.860933		3881.128281		-0.634771		0.634771		18.280079		-5404.009023
+7440.538288	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.958669		24.958669		718.758067		-203.428864		-0.474336		0.474336		13.659904		-154.005834
+7440.548244	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.777409		24.777409		713.538167		-173.996687		-0.326648		0.326648		9.406782		-141.770719
+7440.558271	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.546260		24.546260		706.881554		-221.887082		-0.216369		0.216369		6.230969		-105.860427
+7440.568294	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.349754		24.349754		701.222581		-188.632458		-0.124501		0.124501		3.585366		-88.186775
+7440.578341	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.132757		24.132757		694.973521		-208.301991		0.015767		-0.015767		-0.454062		-134.647603
+7440.588173	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.875445		23.875445		687.563467		-247.001797		0.090114		-0.090114		-2.595096		-71.367806
+7440.598180	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.679851		23.679851		681.930752		-187.757164		0.179655		-0.179655		-5.173703		-85.953566
+7440.608322	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.554727		23.554727		678.327441		-120.110363		0.657155		-0.657155		-18.924695		-458.366396
+7440.618284	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.266076		23.266076		670.014900		-277.084708		0.432811		-0.432811		-12.464070		215.354185
+7440.628314	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.096259		23.096259		665.124513		-163.012892		0.456125		-0.456125		-13.135448		-22.379267
+7440.638259	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.948210		22.948210		660.860994		-142.117292		0.635759		-0.635759		-18.308535		-172.436237
+7440.648196	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.734056		22.734056		654.693809		-205.572844		0.632024		-0.632024		-18.200973		3.585387
+7440.658414	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.594242		22.594242		650.667456		-134.211779		0.822180		-0.822180		-23.677091		-182.537260
+7440.668578	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.340949		22.340949		643.373157		-243.143290		0.747380		-0.747380		-21.523010		71.802707
+7440.678329	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.071027		22.071027		635.599954		-259.106755		0.798384		-0.798384		-22.991806		-48.959875
+7440.688246	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.902019		21.902019		630.732876		-162.235945		0.826591		-0.826591		-23.804125		-27.077314
+7440.698387	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.732656		21.732656		625.855570		-162.576884		0.978451		-0.978451		-28.177365		-145.774647
+7440.708368	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.512796		21.512796		619.524045		-211.050808		0.967083		-0.967083		-27.849996		10.912288
+7440.718319	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.285892		21.285892		612.989679		-217.812210		1.104753		-1.104753		-31.814615		-132.153956
+7440.728365	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.098702		21.098702		607.598998		-179.689378		1.262342		-1.262342		-36.352831		-151.273869
+7440.738354	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.852984		20.852984		600.522834		-235.872120		1.275866		-1.275866		-36.742309		-12.982609
+7440.748434	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.693901		20.693901		595.941554		-152.709335		1.380584		-1.380584		-39.757959		-100.521659
+7440.758547	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.457520		20.457520		589.134273		-226.909369		1.527497		-1.527497		-43.988765		-141.026862
+7440.768382	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.284871		20.284871		584.162356		-165.730566		1.442736		-1.442736		-41.547803		81.365379
+7440.778311	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.017848		20.017848		576.472650		-256.323516		1.635166		-1.635166		-47.089399		-184.719861
+7440.788427	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.834526		19.834526		571.193348		-175.976753		1.541698		-1.541698		-44.397704		89.723188
+7440.798380	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.586056		19.586056		564.037916		-238.514394		1.680722		-1.680722		-48.401329		-133.454194
+7440.808321	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.510417		19.510417		561.859663		-72.608441		1.959790		-1.959790		-56.437913		-267.886128
+7440.818397	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.327205		19.327205		556.583557		-175.870210		1.890107		-1.890107		-54.431185		66.890959
+7440.828390	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.984318		18.984318		546.709107		-329.148322		1.758848		-1.758848		-50.651192		125.999749
+7440.838396	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.756891		18.756891		540.159693		-218.313783		1.855674		-1.855674		-53.439570		-92.945918
+7440.848389	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.518967		18.518967		533.307959		-228.391141		1.823720		-1.823720		-52.519374		30.673202
+7440.858392	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.348472		18.348472		528.398050		-163.663626		1.997286		-1.997286		-57.517709		-166.611187
+7440.868419	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.131811		18.131811		522.158678		-207.979083		1.885339		-1.885339		-54.293873		107.461214
+7440.878356	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.889910		17.889910		515.192418		-232.208669		1.852190		-1.852190		-53.339249		31.820796
+7440.888307	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.691370		17.691370		509.474878		-190.584660		1.927964		-1.927964		-55.521387		-72.737932
+7440.898314	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.459109		17.459109		502.786253		-222.954154		1.922284		-1.922284		-55.357792		5.453173
+7440.908398	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.276168		17.276168		497.517917		-175.611228		1.988004		-1.988004		-57.250400		-63.086953
+7440.918299	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.015434		17.015434		490.009318		-250.286609		2.020304		-2.020304		-58.180591		-31.006355
+7440.928422	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.791031		16.791031		483.546992		-215.410888		2.002279		-2.002279		-57.661506		17.302837
+7440.938401	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.582931		16.582931		477.554128		-199.762136		2.024882		-2.024882		-58.312414		-21.696929
+7440.948434	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.425435		16.425435		473.018579		-151.184946		2.123513		-2.123513		-61.152780		-94.678886
+7440.958389	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.239215		16.239215		467.655829		-178.758353		2.140387		-2.140387		-61.638734		-16.198475
+7440.968452	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.958658		15.958658		459.576371		-269.315243		2.156023		-2.156023		-62.089013		-15.009288
+7440.978410	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.690768		15.690768		451.861686		-257.156193		2.148348		-2.148348		-61.867989		7.367469
+7440.988308	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.555023		15.555023		447.952513		-130.305737		2.203329		-2.203329		-63.451313		-52.777454
+7440.998428	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.367355		15.367355		442.548063		-180.148333		2.271110		-2.271110		-65.403286		-65.065790
+7441.008451	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.145463		15.145463		436.158022		-213.001370		2.316999		-2.316999		-66.724778		-44.049714
+7441.018427	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.851346		14.851346		427.688076		-282.331556		2.287875		-2.287875		-65.886075		27.956758
+7441.028480	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.665108		14.665108		422.324784		-178.776383		2.338959		-2.338959		-67.357184		-49.036965
+7441.038418	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.402885		14.402885		414.773306		-251.715928		2.383490		-2.383490		-68.639595		-42.747017
+7441.048394	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.177325		14.177325		408.277640		-216.522217		2.465749		-2.465749		-71.008470		-78.962520
+7441.058526	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.942134		13.942134		401.504633		-225.766897		2.497786		-2.497786		-71.931076		-30.753519
+7441.068346	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.767710		13.767710		396.481575		-167.435259		2.513069		-2.513069		-72.371188		-14.670398
+7441.078393	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.490222		13.490222		388.490508		-266.368911		2.529321		-2.529321		-72.839212		-15.600808
+7441.088364	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.296384		13.296384		382.908368		-186.071321		2.592546		-2.592546		-74.659977		-60.692187
+7441.098392	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.076983		13.076983		376.590072		-210.609883		2.646640		-2.646640		-76.217749		-51.925723
+7441.108340	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.823665		12.823665		369.295035		-243.167877		2.725318		-2.725318		-78.483513		-75.525474
+7441.118393	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.529752		12.529752		360.830965		-282.135680		2.729760		-2.729760		-78.611433		-4.263986
+7441.128503	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.322030		12.322030		354.848993		-199.399069		2.762421		-2.762421		-79.552024		-31.353030
+7441.138417	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.052777		12.052777		347.095066		-258.464217		2.810976		-2.810976		-80.950294		-46.609007
+7441.148466	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.887591		11.887591		342.338039		-158.567578		2.830903		-2.830903		-81.524147		-19.128416
+7441.158511	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.660808		11.660808		335.807164		-217.695832		2.868220		-2.868220		-82.598798		-35.821702
+7441.168511	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.393361		11.393361		328.105239		-256.730840		2.961650		-2.961650		-85.289405		-89.686923
+7441.178508	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.161433		11.161433		321.426203		-222.634524		3.030311		-3.030311		-87.266704		-65.909941
+7441.188439	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.896891		10.896891		313.807923		-253.942683		2.999967		-2.999967		-86.392854		29.128324
+7441.198535	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.640186		10.640186		306.415350		-246.419087		3.029627		-3.029627		-87.247003		-28.471649
+7441.208396	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.330201		10.330201		297.488431		-297.563970		3.076628		-3.076628		-88.600538		-45.117810
+7441.218494	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.110043		10.110043		291.148350		-211.336017		3.123007		-3.123007		-89.936154		-44.520553
+7441.228512	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.994343		9.994343		287.816430		-111.064017		3.236374		-3.236374		-93.200891		-108.824559
+7441.238507	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.698862		9.698862		279.307169		-283.642039		3.232415		-3.232415		-93.086857		3.801137
+7441.248407	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.389160		9.389160		270.388388		-297.292694		3.251735		-3.251735		-93.643246		-18.546320
+7441.258526	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.126524		9.126524		262.825010		-252.112597		3.316674		-3.316674		-95.513358		-62.337052
+7441.268523	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.937940		8.937940		257.394203		-181.026906		3.374079		-3.374079		-97.166508		-55.105016
+7441.278495	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.630562		8.630562		248.542348		-295.061842		3.405773		-3.405773		-98.079224		-30.423850
+7441.288493	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.414807		8.414807		242.329037		-207.110345		3.466993		-3.466993		-99.842241		-58.767237
+7441.298444	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.180841		8.180841		235.591312		-224.590823		3.515388		-3.515388		-101.235920		-46.455953
+7441.308467	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.896099		7.896099		227.391330		-273.332745		3.554598		-3.554598		-102.365080		-37.638675
+7441.318500	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.676339		7.676339		221.062683		-210.954919		3.613011		-3.613011		-104.047243		-56.072101
+7441.328519	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.436452		7.436452		214.154448		-230.274498		3.683320		-3.683320		-106.072012		-67.492314
+7441.338494	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.160397		7.160397		206.204637		-264.993683		3.724736		-3.724736		-107.264699		-39.756224
+7441.348437	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.924662		6.924662		199.415956		-226.289369		3.781671		-3.781671		-108.904302		-54.653436
+7441.358503	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.688229		6.688229		192.607163		-226.959772		3.838844		-3.838844		-110.550765		-54.882094
+7441.368529	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.423266		6.423266		184.976773		-254.346319		3.933839		-3.933839		-113.286428		-91.188774
+7441.378593	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.151808		6.151808		177.159363		-260.580331		3.970111		-3.970111		-114.330991		-34.818761
+7441.388539	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.904608		5.904608		170.040492		-237.295702		4.024988		-4.024988		-115.911340		-52.678287
+7441.398531	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.786071		5.786071		166.626894		-113.786608		4.175084		-4.175084		-120.233781		-144.081376
+7441.408508	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.503987		5.503987		158.503451		-270.781443		4.175987		-4.175987		-120.259782		-0.866689
+7441.418629	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.225601		5.225601		150.486493		-267.231911		4.241470		-4.241470		-122.145573		-62.859729
+7441.428494	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.987318		4.987318		143.624445		-228.734948		4.337062		-4.337062		-124.898423		-91.761649
+7441.438450	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.714600		4.714600		135.770745		-261.790007		4.425114		-4.425114		-127.434145		-84.524080
+7441.448407	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.468745		4.468745		128.690623		-236.004069		4.436376		-4.436376		-127.758471		-10.810867
+7441.458541	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.287431		4.287431		123.469136		-174.049549		4.442165		-4.442165		-127.925183		-5.557053
+7441.468544	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.060889		4.060889		116.945219		-217.463896		4.533433		-4.533433		-130.553487		-87.610148
+7441.478574	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.814737		3.814737		109.856541		-236.289278		4.520144		-4.520144		-130.170817		12.755692
+7441.488413	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.505699		3.505699		100.956895		-296.654869		4.602637		-4.602637		-132.546417		-79.186670
+7441.498534	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.304685		3.304685		95.168084		-192.960370		4.614912		-4.614912		-132.899927		-11.783689
+7441.508578	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.105346		3.105346		89.427555		-191.350952		4.648512		-4.648512		-133.867545		-32.253936
+7441.518515	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.868308		2.868308		82.601342		-227.540433		4.674716		-4.674716		-134.622167		-25.154054
+7441.528661	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.622885		2.622885		75.533674		-235.588960		4.770050		-4.770050		-137.367567		-91.513321
+7441.538596	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.348650		2.348650		67.636276		-263.246577		4.724078		-4.724078		-136.043672		44.129826
+7441.548580	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.217746		2.217746		63.866500		-125.659220		4.801874		-4.801874		-138.284044		-74.679069
+7441.558510	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.960975		1.960975		56.472034		-246.482193		4.805368		-4.805368		-138.384654		-3.353655
+7441.568594	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.621908		1.621908		46.707592		-325.481389		4.855975		-4.855975		-139.842043		-48.579648
+7441.578637	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.529493		1.529493		44.046243		-88.711642		4.858598		-4.858598		-139.917574		-2.517700
+7441.588653	4	55598	56000	26402	26000	-1.148995		1.148995		33.088678		-365.252160		4.871155		-4.871155		-140.279186		-12.053736
+7441.598589	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.984295		0.984295		28.345671		-158.100221		4.896736		-4.896736		-141.015884		-24.556592
+7441.608817	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.774947		0.774947		22.316878		-200.959775		4.931788		-4.931788		-142.025300		-33.647195
+7441.618627	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.523871		0.523871		15.086398		-241.016010		4.890638		-4.890638		-140.840260		39.501339
+7441.628524	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.259956		0.259956		7.486210		-253.339612		4.963356		-4.963356		-142.934389		-69.804303
+7441.638577	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.093749		0.093749		2.699772		-159.547904		4.902910		-4.902910		-141.193660		58.024302
+7441.648532	4	55952	56000	26048	26000	0.233132		-0.233132		-6.713732		-313.783498		4.891813		-4.891813		-140.874091		10.652281
+7441.658635	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.341513		-0.341513		-9.834860		-104.037588		4.918389		-4.918389		-141.639433		-25.511384
+7441.668626	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.644750		-0.644750		-18.567453		-291.086445		4.882749		-4.882749		-140.613064		34.212284
+7441.678655	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.791884		-0.791884		-22.804620		-141.238873		4.915316		-4.915316		-141.550944		-31.262673
+7441.688608	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.888823		-0.888823		-25.596269		-93.054972		4.930308		-4.930308		-141.982691		-14.391541
+7441.698649	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.055132		-1.055132		-30.385626		-159.645253		4.916702		-4.916702		-141.590861		13.060980
+7441.708525	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.270476		-1.270476		-36.587083		-206.715213		5.001178		-5.001178		-144.023589		-81.090927
+7441.718603	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.374070		-1.374070		-39.570373		-99.443011		4.964984		-4.964984		-142.981264		34.744181
+7441.728569	4	51330	56000	30670	26000	1.813612		-1.813612		-52.228289		-421.930533		4.889093		-4.889093		-140.795782		72.849393
+7441.738545	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.912591		-1.912591		-55.078663		-95.012449		4.890633		-4.890633		-140.840124		-1.478083
+7441.748535	4	55498	56000	26502	26000	2.195707		-2.195707		-63.231813		-271.771681		4.840931		-4.840931		-139.408797		47.710910
+7441.758630	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	2.354423		-2.354423		-67.802521		-152.356923		4.820638		-4.820638		-138.824415		19.479394
+7441.768765	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	2.569402		-2.569402		-73.993457		-206.364542		4.778687		-4.778687		-137.616313		40.270090
+7441.778652	4	55949	56000	26051	26000	2.817755		-2.817755		-81.145508		-238.401704		4.729897		-4.729897		-136.211244		46.835616
+7441.788644	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.007477		-3.007477		-86.609120		-182.120409		4.628609		-4.628609		-133.294363		97.229369
+7441.798623	4	52312	56000	29688	26000	3.365373		-3.365373		-96.915796		-343.555845		4.507218		-4.507218		-129.798546		116.527230
+7441.808675	4	54466	56000	27534	26000	3.640005		-3.640005		-104.824632		-263.627879		4.432403		-4.432403		-127.644031		71.817152
+7441.818593	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.722530		-3.722530		-107.201154		-79.217404		4.438763		-4.438763		-127.827192		-6.105341
+7441.828679	4	53667	56000	28333	26000	4.013300		-4.013300		-115.574745		-279.119685		4.230912		-4.230912		-121.841532		199.522004
+7441.838684	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.144981		-4.144981		-119.366895		-126.405023		4.217632		-4.217632		-121.459082		12.748316
+7441.848609	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.342513		-4.342513		-125.055398		-189.616755		4.094375		-4.094375		-117.909543		118.317977
+7441.858585	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.535494		-4.535494		-130.612840		-185.248069		4.073684		-4.073684		-117.313667		19.862540
+7441.868628	4	55348	56000	26652	26000	4.744978		-4.744978		-136.645547		-201.090239		3.964673		-3.964673		-114.174385		104.642734
+7441.878636	4	55069	56000	26931	26000	4.957505		-4.957505		-142.765895		-204.011574		3.841851		-3.841851		-110.637372		117.900409
+7441.888681	4	55485	56000	26515	26000	5.149524		-5.149524		-148.295639		-184.324831		3.792655		-3.792655		-109.220625		47.224909
+7441.898664	4	54319	56000	27681	26000	5.374988		-5.374988		-154.788552		-216.430426		3.683941		-3.683941		-106.089875		104.358345
+7441.908743	4	55942	56000	26058	26000	5.538893		-5.538893		-159.508662		-157.337002		3.618254		-3.618254		-104.198243		63.054375
+7441.918757	4	53709	56000	28291	26000	5.772972		-5.772972		-166.249645		-224.699415		3.493284		-3.493284		-100.599346		119.963251
+7441.928631	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	5.813171		-5.813171		-167.407307		-38.588755		3.402349		-3.402349		-97.980624		87.290723
+7441.938727	4	49938	56000	32062	26000	6.165788		-6.165788		-177.561950		-338.488072		3.235265		-3.235265		-93.168940		160.389468
+7441.948761	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.291786		-6.291786		-181.190437		-120.949596		3.182700		-3.182700		-91.655191		50.458293
+7441.958760	4	52001	56000	29999	26000	6.560226		-6.560226		-188.920933		-257.683173		3.027061		-3.027061		-87.173089		149.403419
+7441.968740	4	55163	56000	26837	26000	6.713865		-6.713865		-193.345422		-147.482976		2.864388		-2.864388		-82.488445		156.154782
+7441.978669	4	51719	56000	30281	26000	6.978785		-6.978785		-200.974594		-254.305750		2.731057		-2.731057		-78.648793		127.988420
+7441.988685	4	52162	56000	29838	26000	7.220663		-7.220663		-207.940178		-232.186131		2.602321		-2.602321		-74.941473		123.577323
+7441.998682	4	53489	56000	28511	26000	7.410359		-7.410359		-213.403022		-182.094797		2.469037		-2.469037		-71.103154		127.943959
+7442.008784	4	55103	56000	26897	26000	7.539735		-7.539735		-217.128776		-124.191791		2.344163		-2.344163		-67.507035		119.870640
+7442.018637	4	50508	56000	31492	26000	7.819847		-7.819847		-225.195424		-268.888250		2.167152		-2.167152		-62.409491		169.918127
+7442.028756	4	55265	56000	26735	26000	7.930990		-7.930990		-228.396124		-106.690004		2.008536		-2.008536		-57.841697		152.259804
+7442.038671	4	51197	56000	30803	26000	8.175609		-8.175609		-235.440644		-234.817341		1.861655		-1.861655		-53.611826		140.995719
+7442.048667	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	8.226146		-8.226146		-236.895993		-48.511624		1.750279		-1.750279		-50.404410		106.913848
+7442.058664	4	49297	56000	32703	26000	8.525333		-8.525333		-245.511961		-287.198946		1.567302		-1.567302		-45.135053		175.645240
+7442.068756	4	53488	56000	28512	26000	8.674053		-8.674053		-249.794805		-142.761469		1.374440		-1.374440		-39.581016		185.134560
+7442.078626	4	55098	56000	26902	26000	8.763696		-8.763696		-252.376333		-86.050928		1.169036		-1.169036		-33.665816		197.173338
+7442.089206	4	47929	56000	34071	26000	9.091936		-9.091936		-261.828969		-315.087885		0.977310		-0.977310		-28.144501		184.043823
+7442.098634	4	53496	56000	28504	26000	9.222476		-9.222476		-265.588235		-125.308856		0.782992		-0.782992		-22.548564		186.531250
+7442.108724	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.189549		-9.189549		-264.640016		31.607300		0.732839		-0.732839		-21.104259		48.143486
+7442.118654	4	44277	56000	37723	26000	9.627030		-9.627030		-277.238573		-419.951901		0.455340		-0.455340		-13.112855		266.380128
+7442.128733	5	51794	56000	30206	26000	9.797836		-9.797836		-282.157407		-163.961127		0.253511		-0.253511		-7.300599		193.741876
+7442.138659	5	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.786592		-9.786592		-281.833622		10.792837		0.207981		-0.207981		-5.989432		43.705561
+7442.148751	5	52358	56000	29642	26000	9.932677		-9.932677		-286.040566		-140.231475		0.000748		-0.000748		-0.021544		198.929612
+7442.158710	5	49527	56000	32473	26000	10.169416		-10.169416		-292.858149		-227.252766		-0.237011		0.237011		6.825418		228.232056
+7442.168991	5	50242	56000	31758	26000	10.374600		-10.374600		-298.767024		-196.962506		-0.439642		0.439642		12.660773		194.511830
+7442.178723	5	51394	56000	30606	26000	10.534431		-10.534431		-303.369842		-153.427273		-0.648636		0.648636		18.679370		200.619912
+7442.188865	5	51634	56000	30366	26000	10.680939		-10.680939		-307.588957		-140.637159		-0.831822		0.831822		23.954743		175.845777
+7442.198754	5	50851	56000	31149	26000	10.848991		-10.848991		-312.428523		-161.318853		-1.063018		1.063018		30.612730		221.932875
+7442.208831	5	49709	56000	32291	26000	11.050074		-11.050074		-318.219282		-193.025321		-1.265354		1.265354		36.439577		194.228236
+7442.218848	5	50327	56000	31673	26000	11.223863		-11.223863		-323.224048		-166.825503		-1.458638		1.458638		42.005747		185.539015
+7442.228868	5	48818	56000	33182	26000	11.442862		-11.442862		-329.530764		-210.223868		-1.676340		1.676340		48.275134		208.979566
+7442.238781	5	53432	56000	28568	26000	11.499335		-11.499335		-331.157065		-54.210052		-1.925748		1.925748		55.457547		239.413762
+7442.248869	5	48774	56000	33226	26000	11.710557		-11.710557		-337.239819		-202.758461		-2.128039		2.128039		61.283128		194.186028
+7442.258755	5	52089	56000	29911	26000	11.803251		-11.803251		-339.909220		-88.980049		-2.360796		2.360796		67.986044		223.430526
+7442.268762	5	42475	56000	39525	26000	12.216720		-12.216720		-351.816271		-396.901667		-2.605381		2.605381		75.029586		234.784763
+7442.278870	5	50549	56000	31451	26000	12.345313		-12.345313		-355.519478		-123.440251		-2.827206		2.827206		81.417691		212.936830
+7442.288751	5	48469	56000	33531	26000	12.539613		-12.539613		-361.114944		-186.515525		-3.073691		3.073691		88.515934		236.608088
+7442.298878	5	52007	56000	29993	26000	12.608290		-12.608290		-363.092691		-65.924898		-3.277433		3.277433		94.383282		195.578262
+7442.308890	5	46503	56000	35497	26000	12.859868		-12.859868		-370.337619		-241.497606		-3.499949		3.499949		100.791296		213.600472
+7442.318846	5	48509	56000	33491	26000	13.035771		-13.035771		-375.403261		-168.854743		-3.728821		3.728821		107.382347		219.701715
+7442.328813	5	49406	56000	32594	26000	13.175634		-13.175634		-379.431016		-134.258494		-3.988066		3.988066		114.848066		248.857290
+7442.338771	5	50742	56000	31258	26000	13.265661		-13.265661		-382.023608		-86.419731		-4.189471		4.189471		120.648095		193.334296
+7442.348855	5	45375	56000	36625	26000	13.533289		-13.533289		-389.730746		-256.904587		-4.394142		4.394142		126.542193		196.469948
+7442.358977	5	49444	56000	32556	26000	13.655244		-13.655244		-393.242790		-117.068142		-4.654427		4.654427		134.037884		249.856338
+7442.368858	5	49231	56000	32769	26000	13.780086		-13.780086		-396.837987		-119.839907		-4.906737		4.906737		141.303883		242.199972
+7442.378786	5	48661	56000	33339	26000	13.919777		-13.919777		-400.860800		-134.093761		-5.150897		5.150897		148.335175		234.376416
+7442.388850	5	47325	56000	34675	26000	14.099696		-14.099696		-406.042099		-172.709972		-5.373243		5.373243		154.738284		213.436969
+7442.398850	5	45371	56000	36629	26000	14.339496		-14.339496		-412.947826		-230.190903		-5.696660		5.696660		164.052042		310.458578
+7442.408841	5	49990	56000	32010	26000	14.415818		-14.415818		-415.145749		-73.264092		-5.906739		5.906739		170.101886		201.661475
+7442.419035	6	44052	56000	37948	26000	14.689336		-14.689336		-423.022512		-262.558758		-6.190086		6.190086		178.261669		271.992758
+7442.428784	6	51414	56000	30586	26000	14.705886		-14.705886		-423.499104		-15.886426		-6.461907		6.461907		186.089553		260.929465
+7442.438849	6	44968	56000	37032	26000	14.938493		-14.938493		-430.197711		-223.286897		-6.688869		6.688869		192.625603		217.868350
+7442.448837	6	48925	56000	33075	26000	15.030106		-15.030106		-432.835986		-87.942481		-6.918760		6.918760		199.245974		220.679045
+7442.458772	6	50755	56000	31245	26000	15.056568		-15.056568		-433.598033		-25.401562		-7.140624		7.140624		205.635216		212.974735
+7442.468854	6	43726	56000	38274	26000	15.318417		-15.318417		-441.138741		-251.356959		-7.350289		7.350289		211.673136		201.263987
+7442.478886	6	50901	56000	31099	26000	15.329953		-15.329953		-441.470960		-11.073947		-7.619254		7.619254		219.418777		258.188024
+7442.488838	6	45446	56000	36554	26000	15.524235		-15.524235		-447.065860		-186.496675		-7.795693		7.795693		224.499835		169.368610
+7442.498824	6	48811	56000	33189	26000	15.598576		-15.598576		-449.206741		-71.362704		-8.061744		8.061744		232.161561		255.390853
+7442.508869	6	47619	56000	34381	26000	15.710094		-15.710094		-452.418235		-107.049793		-8.331764		8.331764		239.937591		259.201005
+7442.519050	6	46491	56000	35509	26000	15.855555		-15.855555		-456.607206		-139.632374		-8.572477		8.572477		246.869626		231.067836
+7442.528845	6	48918	56000	33082	26000	15.914122		-15.914122		-458.293819		-56.220442		-8.818554		8.818554		253.956116		236.216336
+7442.538786	6	47488	56000	34512	26000	16.018347		-16.018347		-461.295292		-100.049078		-9.035352		9.035352		260.199472		208.111852
+7442.548855	6	47616	56000	34384	26000	16.114371		-16.114371		-464.060582		-92.176348		-9.304396		9.304396		267.947374		258.263424
+7442.558881	6	47967	56000	34033	26000	16.194904		-16.194904		-466.379768		-77.306181		-9.551492		9.551492		275.063221		237.194896
+7442.568946	6	45912	56000	36088	26000	16.341513		-16.341513		-470.601784		-140.733868		-9.839200		9.839200		283.348618		276.179910
+7442.578836	6	48558	56000	33442	26000	16.393782		-16.393782		-472.107044		-50.175339		-10.072856		10.072856		290.077443		224.294141
+7442.588996	6	54044	56000	27956	26000	16.258712		-16.258712		-468.217295		129.658282		-10.362395		10.362395		298.415554		277.937055
+7442.598962	6	45433	56000	36567	26000	16.417026		-16.417026		-472.776398		-151.970088		-10.583831		10.583831		304.792466		212.563723
+7442.608971	6	47170	56000	34830	26000	16.511289		-16.511289		-475.490990		-90.486407		-10.868620		10.868620		312.993776		273.377001
+7442.618968	6	46679	56000	35321	26000	16.618474		-16.618474		-478.577681		-102.889687		-11.104906		11.104906		319.798328		226.818398
+7442.628902	6	49020	56000	32980	26000	16.642739		-16.642739		-479.276490		-23.293644		-11.362371		11.362371		327.212783		247.148499
+7442.638995	7	47181	56000	34819	26000	16.727413		-16.727413		-481.714922		-81.281066		-11.610236		11.610236		334.350807		237.934142
+7442.648962	7	51942	56000	30058	26000	16.648217		-16.648217		-479.434240		76.022744		-11.896576		11.896576		342.596792		274.866149
+7442.658984	7	48104	56000	33896	26000	16.699835		-16.699835		-480.920716		-49.549192		-12.117201		12.117201		348.950346		211.785138
+7442.668952	7	45717	56000	36283	26000	16.829516		-16.829516		-484.655271		-124.485195		-12.430934		12.430934		357.985201		301.161855
+7442.678997	7	49767	56000	32233	26000	16.818014		-16.818014		-484.324037		11.041164		-12.693991		12.693991		365.560701		252.516642
+7442.688964	7	48460	56000	33540	26000	16.850002		-16.850002		-485.245210		-30.705780		-12.995643		12.995643		374.247652		289.565027
+7442.698951	7	49269	56000	32731	26000	16.852913		-16.852913		-485.329051		-2.794713		-13.295460		13.295460		382.881765		287.803784
+7442.708961	7	51086	56000	30914	26000	16.793579		-16.793579		-483.620359		56.956410		-13.524142		13.524142		389.467321		219.518542
+7442.718976	7	46703	56000	35297	26000	16.882848		-16.882848		-486.191118		-85.691959		-13.817934		13.817934		397.927925		282.020122
+7442.728911	7	49490	56000	32510	26000	16.874669		-16.874669		-485.955575		7.851422		-14.066913		14.066913		405.098011		239.002854
+7442.738962	7	47375	56000	34625	26000	16.937129		-16.937129		-487.754305		-59.957653		-14.319604		14.319604		412.375000		242.566317
+7442.749004	7	52023	56000	29977	26000	16.840188		-16.840188		-484.962608		93.056560		-14.599685		14.599685		420.440738		268.857926
+7442.758868	7	46334	56000	35666	26000	16.936965		-16.936965		-487.749584		-92.899203		-14.880841		14.880841		428.537455		269.890577
+7442.768942	7	51754	56000	30246	26000	16.847287		-16.847287		-485.167024		86.085349		-15.150833		15.150833		436.312674		259.173959
+7442.778979	7	50004	56000	31996	26000	16.818337		-16.818337		-484.333330		27.789772		-15.432775		15.432775		444.432011		270.644575
+7442.788863	7	48726	56000	33274	26000	16.832422		-16.832422		-484.738965		-13.521165		-15.718559		15.718559		452.661990		274.332613
+7442.798990	7	49275	56000	32725	26000	16.826711		-16.826711		-484.574479		5.482882		-15.995128		15.995128		460.626626		265.487880
+7442.808946	7	53343	56000	28657	26000	16.683126		-16.683126		-480.439550		137.830973		-16.298658		16.298658		469.367668		291.368067
+7442.818873	7	50432	56000	31568	26000	16.640970		-16.640970		-479.225546		40.466785		-16.600109		16.600109		478.048816		289.371610
+7442.828976	7	49996	56000	32004	26000	16.613878		-16.613878		-478.445354		26.006401		-16.881728		16.881728		486.158860		270.334780
+7442.839026	8	51339	56000	30661	26000	16.541432		-16.541432		-476.359056		69.543272		-17.109202		17.109202		492.709650		218.359679
+7442.848916	8	51732	56000	30268	26000	16.456957		-16.456957		-473.926328		81.090927		-17.424467		17.424467		501.788615		302.632153
+7442.858972	8	50050	56000	31950	26000	16.430787		-16.430787		-473.172690		25.121272		-17.710059		17.710059		510.013086		274.149030
+7442.869000	8	53936	56000	28064	26000	16.273515		-16.273515		-468.643583		150.970221		-17.984931		17.984931		517.928843		263.858587
+7442.878986	8	51625	56000	30375	26000	16.197865		-16.197865		-466.465035		72.618276		-18.271763		18.271763		526.189014		275.339037
+7442.888891	8	51250	56000	30750	26000	16.136202		-16.136202		-464.689270		59.192181		-18.513159		18.513159		533.140719		231.723487
+7442.898955	8	52610	56000	29390	26000	16.029634		-16.029634		-461.620331		102.297962		-18.751828		18.751828		540.013893		229.105800
+7442.908916	8	53083	56000	28917	26000	15.909389		-15.909389		-458.157510		115.427375		-18.973470		18.973470		546.396706		212.760419
+7442.918885	8	52480	56000	29520	26000	15.812124		-15.812124		-455.356470		93.367994		-19.316087		19.316087		556.263386		328.889340
+7442.928968	8	56000	56000	26000	26000	15.568643		-15.568643		-448.344724		233.724862		-19.565972		19.565972		563.459533		239.871591
+7442.939123	8	52188	56000	29812	26000	15.489515		-15.489515		-446.066009		75.957179		-19.796866		19.796866		570.108819		221.642852
+7442.948977	8	54668	56000	27332	26000	15.328259		-15.328259		-441.422179		154.794306		-20.104373		20.104373		578.964387		295.185596
+7442.959012	8	53548	56000	28452	26000	15.208673		-15.208673		-437.978339		114.794672		-20.307923		20.307923		584.826203		195.393860
+7442.969073	8	55071	56000	26929	26000	15.040404		-15.040404		-433.132553		161.526203		-20.577932		20.577932		592.601913		259.190351
+7442.978926	8	50290	56000	31710	26000	15.037454		-15.037454		-433.047581		2.832413		-20.755898		20.755898		597.726957		170.834810
+7442.988918	8	54880	56000	27120	26000	14.879028		-14.879028		-428.485233		152.078271		-21.030999		21.030999		605.649304		264.078230
+7442.998979	8	54106	56000	27894	26000	14.750536		-14.750536		-424.784951		123.342723		-21.217001		21.217001		611.005761		178.548545
+7443.009157	8	54704	56000	27296	26000	14.604874		-14.604874		-420.590177		139.825791		-21.506451		21.506451		619.341315		277.851820
+7443.018986	8	55823	56000	26177	26000	14.424967		-14.424967		-415.409222		172.698498		-21.706334		21.706334		625.097555		191.874653
+7443.029111	8	55440	56000	26560	26000	14.262440		-14.262440		-410.728783		156.014636		-21.948379		21.948379		632.067946		232.346356
+7443.039057	9	54138	56000	27862	26000	14.147787		-14.147787		-407.427031		110.058412		-22.213073		22.213073		639.690578		254.087746
+7443.049068	9	53426	56000	28574	26000	14.059736		-14.059736		-404.891333		84.523261		-22.369023		22.369023		644.181624		149.701536
+7443.058995	9	55444	56000	26556	26000	13.905488		-13.905488		-400.449313		148.067325		-22.668520		22.668520		652.806517		287.496448
+7443.069114	9	52657	56000	29343	26000	13.848940		-13.848940		-398.820848		54.282174		-22.888539		22.888539		659.142615		211.203247
+7443.079087	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	13.610872		-13.610872		-391.964983		228.528827		-23.077654		23.077654		664.588715		181.536674
+7443.089074	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	13.419215		-13.419215		-386.445663		183.977336		-23.342633		23.342633		672.219560		254.361480
+7443.098981	9	50826	56000	31174	26000	13.436427		-13.436427		-386.941311		-16.521588		-23.488906		23.488906		676.431938		140.412599
+7443.109105	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	13.150267		-13.150267		-378.700514		274.693221		-23.775023		23.775023		684.671505		274.652243
+7443.119113	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	12.921789		-12.921789		-372.120810		219.323486		-24.026295		24.026295		691.907631		241.204202
+7443.129123	9	53814	56000	28186	26000	12.850700		-12.850700		-370.073605		68.240166		-24.227835		24.227835		697.711569		193.464607
+7443.139094	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	12.562590		-12.562590		-361.776627		276.565924		-24.480079		24.480079		704.975675		242.136866
+7443.149041	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	12.415337		-12.415337		-357.536048		141.352639		-24.667165		24.667165		710.363357		179.589391
+7443.159129	9	54927	56000	27073	26000	12.319497		-12.319497		-354.776043		92.000142		-24.904738		24.904738		717.204961		228.053480
+7443.169218	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.966508		-6.966508		-200.621035		5138.500296		-24.778818		24.778818		713.578735		-120.874196
+7443.179009	9	26000	56000	56000	26000	11.956911		-11.956911		-344.334324		-4790.442996		-25.360445		25.360445		730.328375		558.321327
+7443.189107	9	55893	56000	26107	26000	11.840235		-11.840235		-340.974277		112.001598		-25.570473		25.570473		736.376756		201.612711
+7443.198983	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	11.578618		-11.578618		-333.440255		251.134038		-25.829914		25.829914		743.848130		249.045789
+7443.209138	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	11.326610		-11.326610		-326.182960		241.909847		-26.030995		26.030995		749.638841		193.023682
+7443.219034	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	11.144432		-11.144432		-320.936604		174.878538		-26.254801		26.254801		756.084006		214.838833
+7443.229090	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	10.958949		-10.958949		-315.595072		178.051069		-26.459514		26.459514		761.979309		196.510106
+7443.239120	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	10.781478		-10.781478		-310.484263		170.360282		-26.702346		26.702346		768.972369		233.101994
+7443.248987	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	10.520709		-10.520709		-302.974657		250.320211		-26.927106		26.927106		775.444973		215.753466
+7443.259107	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	10.305506		-10.305506		-296.777254		206.580088		-27.183647		27.183647		782.832849		246.262550
+7443.269094	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	10.023829		-10.023829		-288.665539		270.390511		-27.431722		27.431722		789.976873		238.134116
+7443.279043	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.748844		-9.748844		-280.746561		263.965949		-27.617962		27.617962		795.340213		178.778023
+7443.288989	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.573511		-9.573511		-275.697318		168.308094		-27.860651		27.860651		802.329142		232.964307
+7443.299142	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.387882		-9.387882		-270.351606		178.190395		-28.024772		28.024772		807.055485		157.544762
+7443.309031	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.265659		-9.265659		-266.831817		117.326304		-28.236465		28.236465		813.151811		203.210860
+7443.319051	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.001619		-9.001619		-259.228018		253.459960		-28.480181		28.480181		820.170343		233.951062
+7443.329014	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	8.715910		-8.715910		-251.000179		274.261311		-28.652937		28.652937		825.145358		165.833831
+7443.339059	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	8.421660		-8.421660		-242.526396		282.459408		-28.885567		28.885567		831.844604		223.308206
+7443.349162	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	8.260159		-8.260159		-237.875511		155.029520		-29.096094		29.096094		837.907344		202.091336
+7443.359066	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	8.103622		-8.103622		-233.367549		150.265396		-29.275198		29.275198		843.065187		171.928108
+7443.369131	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	7.795555		-7.795555		-224.495877		295.722410		-29.483355		29.483355		849.059674		199.816227
+7443.379201	10	48692	56000	33308	26000	8.033165		-8.033165		-231.338538		-228.088722		-29.709704		29.709704		855.578059		217.279494
+7443.389133	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	7.632232		-7.632232		-219.792498		384.868011		-29.828102		29.828102		858.987674		113.653839
+7443.399339	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	7.460556		-7.460556		-214.848585		164.797083		-30.061288		30.061288		865.702951		223.842561
+7443.409107	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	7.343726		-7.343726		-211.484136		112.148300		-30.211081		30.211081		870.016676		143.790841
+7443.419171	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	7.078689		-7.078689		-203.851608		254.417621		-30.372666		30.372666		874.669996		155.110657
+7443.429103	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.871393		-6.871393		-197.881905		198.990107		-30.626667		30.626667		881.984702		243.823528
+7443.439246	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.622549		-6.622549		-190.715716		238.872953		-30.812452		30.812452		887.334913		178.340375
+7443.449218	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.394611		-6.394611		-184.151587		218.804292		-30.965691		30.965691		891.747871		147.098601
+7443.459082	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.170914		-6.170914		-177.709569		214.733928		-31.201896		31.201896		898.550087		226.740539
+7443.469207	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.031939		-6.031939		-173.707385		133.406147		-31.420957		31.420957		904.858598		210.283697
+7443.479106	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	5.726511		-5.726511		-164.911674		293.190368		-31.570214		31.570214		909.156883		143.276155
+7443.489190	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	5.686956		-5.686956		-163.772562		37.970394		-31.745934		31.745934		914.217263		168.679357
+7443.499194	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	5.410326		-5.410326		-155.806205		265.545249		-31.906918		31.906918		918.853274		154.533684
+7443.509097	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	5.082937		-5.082937		-146.378081		314.270779		-32.120505		32.120505		925.004134		205.028653
+7443.519155	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.817676		-4.817676		-138.739111		254.632346		-32.259721		32.259721		929.013276		133.638084
+7443.529190	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.758923		-4.758923		-137.047150		56.398697		-32.439382		32.439382		934.187150		172.462463
+7443.539100	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.479152		-4.479152		-128.990313		268.561244		-32.599120		32.599120		938.787264		153.337121
+7443.549104	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.082208		-4.082208		-117.559155		381.038599		-32.776534		32.776534		943.896425		170.305371
+7443.559204	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.962573		-3.962573		-114.113901		114.841796		-32.958887		32.958887		949.147797		175.045729
+7443.569188	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.729046		-3.729046		-107.388814		224.169567		-33.116729		33.116729		953.693327		151.517689
+7443.579111	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.416426		-3.416426		-98.386019		300.093144		-33.275855		33.275855		958.275837		152.750313
+7443.589194	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.316768		-3.316768		-95.516050		95.665641		-33.395056		33.395056		961.708564		114.424229
+7443.599108	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.047316		-3.047316		-87.756413		258.654561		-33.595006		33.595006		967.466721		191.938579
+7443.609224	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	2.732236		-2.732236		-78.682753		302.455332		-33.696694		33.696694		970.395121		97.613335
+7443.619140	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	2.529400		-2.529400		-72.841492		194.708705		-33.906183		33.906183		976.427963		201.094747
+7443.629197	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	2.300315		-2.300315		-66.244325		219.905581		-34.106505		34.106505		982.196841		192.295909
+7443.639150	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	2.011611		-2.011611		-57.930228		277.136546		-34.233803		34.233803		985.862750		122.196972
+7443.649196	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.511486		-1.511486		-43.527668		480.085351		-34.364673		34.364673		989.631531		125.626028
+7443.659189	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.283741		-1.283741		-36.969077		218.619686		-34.507256		34.507256		993.737644		136.870444
+7443.669110	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.092091		-1.092091		-31.449960		183.970574		-34.646859		34.646859		997.757900		134.008527
+7443.679202	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.873722		-0.873722		-25.161377		209.619440		-34.843367		34.843367		1003.416923		188.634098
+7443.689238	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.530471		-0.530471		-15.276475		329.496739		-35.012438		35.012438		1008.285820		162.296593
+7443.699218	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.261468		-0.261468		-7.529741		258.224444		-35.128646		35.128646		1011.632395		111.552477
+7443.709206	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.024547		-0.024547		-0.706911		227.427670		-35.266340		35.266340		1015.597674		132.175982
+7443.719294	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.076430		0.076430		2.201034		96.931506		-35.442794		35.442794		1020.679200		169.384181
+7443.729161	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.460564		0.460564		13.263303		368.742298		-35.621520		35.621520		1025.826126		171.564221
+7443.739324	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.620604		0.620604		17.872105		153.626734		-35.705449		35.705449		1028.243119		80.566406
+7443.749218	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.855646		0.855646		24.640837		225.624396		-35.858292		35.858292		1032.644668		146.718323
+7443.759160	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.084784		1.084784		31.239545		219.956958		-35.972100		35.972100		1035.922104		109.247863
+7443.769151	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.329952		1.329952		38.299878		235.344423		-36.094186		36.094186		1039.437935		117.194355
+7443.779250	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.500630		1.500630		43.215045		163.838910		-36.236886		36.236886		1043.547392		136.981905
+7443.789193	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.938526		1.938526		55.825527		420.349389		-36.332068		36.332068		1046.288440		91.368258
+7443.799233	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.128188		2.128188		61.287412		182.062835		-36.500118		36.500118		1051.127931		161.316395
+7443.809340	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.340294		2.340294		67.395632		203.607325		-36.650129		36.650129		1055.447951		144.000649
+7443.819293	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.610454		2.610454		75.175676		259.334799		-36.711437		36.711437		1057.213488		58.851242
+7443.829274	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.804075		2.804075		80.751564		185.862947		-36.836341		36.836341		1060.810456		119.898915
+7443.839313	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.021995		3.021995		87.027202		209.187940		-36.898267		36.898267		1062.593794		59.444606
+7443.849214	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.290802		3.290802		94.768301		258.036610		-37.016002		37.016002		1065.984330		113.017857
+7443.859206	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.487931		3.487931		100.445211		189.230330		-37.083406		37.083406		1067.925417		64.702928
+7443.869464	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.739615		3.739615		107.693188		241.599232		-37.211694		37.211694		1071.619847		123.147666
+7443.879236	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.098896		4.098896		118.039731		344.884768		-37.292536		37.292536		1073.947933		77.602863
+7443.889298	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.353712		4.353712		125.377892		244.605392		-37.365001		37.365001		1076.034772		69.561303
+7443.899388	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.616183		4.616183		132.936537		251.954831		-37.500136		37.500136		1079.926389		129.720569
+7443.909215	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.880885		4.880885		140.559403		254.095532		-37.557342		37.557342		1081.573811		54.914057
+7443.919320	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.101877		5.101877		146.923505		212.136731		-37.723620		37.723620		1086.362261		159.614980
+7443.929328	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.329266		5.329266		153.471849		218.278132		-37.817736		37.817736		1089.072624		90.345442
+7443.939285	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.193857		5.193857		149.572352		-129.983239		-38.119760		38.119760		1097.770295		289.922357
+7443.949270	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.392886		5.392886		155.303980		191.054270		-38.248868		38.248868		1101.488328		123.934448
+7443.959323	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.611298		5.611298		161.593780		209.660009		-38.310750		38.310750		1103.270388		59.401989
+7443.969278	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.795967		5.795967		166.911881		177.270025		-38.447015		38.447015		1107.194558		130.805671
+7443.979291	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.965862		5.965862		171.804505		163.087472		-38.528868		38.528868		1109.551755		78.573227
+7443.989236	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.171414		6.171414		177.723953		197.314918		-38.687626		38.687626		1114.123642		152.396262
+7443.999298	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.266308		6.266308		180.456715		91.092065		-38.785984		38.785984		1116.956154		94.417036
+7444.009279	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.543855		6.543855		188.449503		266.426280		-38.858165		38.858165		1119.034830		69.289207
+7444.019261	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.742982		6.742982		194.183934		191.147700		-39.002877		39.002877		1123.202214		138.912797
+7444.029297	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.949727		6.949727		200.137766		198.461078		-39.067251		39.067251		1125.056067		61.795115
+7444.039235	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.037181		7.037181		202.656253		83.949566		-39.241725		39.241725		1130.080551		167.482793
+7444.049306	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.600460		7.600460		218.877545		540.709719		-39.239915		39.239915		1130.028427		-1.737475
+7444.059303	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.631876		7.631876		219.782245		30.156672		-39.431707		39.431707		1135.551631		184.106827
+7444.069199	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.852036		7.852036		226.122399		211.338475		-39.539412		39.539412		1138.653320		103.389621
+7444.079248	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.951448		7.951448		228.985275		95.429197		-39.700946		39.700946		1143.305165		155.061483
+7444.089312	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.226477		8.226477		236.905532		264.008567		-39.832096		39.832096		1147.082010		125.894845
+7444.099236	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.245008		8.245008		237.439191		17.788634		-39.976834		39.976834		1151.250181		138.939023
+7444.109301	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.426672		8.426672		242.670722		174.384341		-40.141462		40.141462		1155.991128		158.031583
+7444.119319	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.494331		8.494331		244.619161		64.947978		-40.213145		40.213145		1158.055446		68.810582
+7444.129319	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.816266		8.816266		253.890248		309.036225		-40.411688		40.411688		1163.773084		190.587938
+7444.139392	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.916813		8.916813		256.785775		96.517578		-40.456573		40.456573		1165.065667		43.086112
+7444.149231	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.972908		8.972908		258.401209		53.847805		-40.593426		40.593426		1169.006753		131.369531
+7444.159373	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.161059		9.161059		263.819551		180.611387		-40.743386		40.743386		1173.325297		143.951476
+7444.169341	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.937227		8.937227		257.373673		-214.862600		-40.931893		40.931893		1178.753892		180.953145
+7444.179315	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.099835		9.099835		262.056448		156.092495		-41.110758		41.110758		1183.904850		171.698630
+7444.189428	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.030345		9.030345		260.055269		-66.705942		-41.254947		41.254947		1188.057187		138.411224
+7444.199326	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.226349		9.226349		265.699786		188.150555		-41.360310		41.360310		1191.091409		101.140738
+7444.209522	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.342889		9.342889		269.055875		111.869648		-41.583459		41.583459		1197.517642		214.207768
+7444.219431	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.411289		9.411289		271.025681		65.660179		-41.690068		41.690068		1200.587761		102.337301
+7444.229309	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.560120		9.560120		275.311697		142.867193		-41.959403		41.959403		1208.344048		258.542895
+7444.239405	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.622141		9.622141		277.097764		59.535578		-42.119864		42.119864		1212.965012		154.032111
+7444.249317	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.733028		9.733028		280.291088		106.444135		-42.191195		42.191195		1215.019199		68.472922
+7444.259420	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.714937		9.714937		279.770091		-17.366558		-42.443007		42.443007		1222.270864		241.722167
+7444.269305	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.818897		9.818897		282.763942		99.795014		-42.649634		42.649634		1228.221291		198.347569
+7444.279441	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.953046		9.953046		286.627136		128.773153		-42.795387		42.795387		1232.418671		139.912665
+7444.289312	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.993313		9.993313		287.786753		38.653910		-42.936324		42.936324		1236.477381		135.290325
+7444.299345	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.018176		10.018176		288.502749		23.866519		-43.083092		43.083092		1240.703970		140.886307
+7444.309408	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.046719		10.046719		289.324739		27.399659		-43.234606		43.234606		1245.067263		145.443082
+7444.319328	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.132732		10.132732		291.801748		82.566962		-43.370311		43.370311		1248.975304		130.268037
+7444.329387	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.110974		10.110974		291.175150		-20.886585		-43.557701		43.557701		1254.371738		179.881155
+7444.339407	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.089587		10.089587		290.559248		-20.530075		-43.707726		43.707726		1258.692151		144.013762
+7444.349344	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.407461		10.407461		299.713350		305.136740		-43.825014		43.825014		1262.069803		112.588406
+7444.359435	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.430830		10.430830		300.386343		22.433102		-43.990680		43.990680		1266.840649		159.028172
+7444.369308	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.357498		10.357498		298.274524		-70.393980		-44.111151		44.111151		1270.309961		115.643740
+7444.379413	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.540770		10.540770		303.552376		175.928399		-44.278737		44.278737		1275.136077		160.870552
+7444.389316	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.528521		10.528521		303.199627		-11.758283		-44.402770		44.402770		1278.707966		119.062960
+7444.399380	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.572380		10.572380		304.462682		42.101815		-44.600838		44.600838		1284.411934		190.132260
+7444.409422	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.570040		10.570040		304.395289		-2.246425		-44.716886		44.716886		1287.753886		111.398399
+7444.419435	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.667716		10.667716		307.208180		93.763024		-44.838843		44.838843		1291.265979		117.069781
+7444.429419	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.637191		10.637191		306.329124		-29.301867		-45.022671		45.022671		1296.559837		176.461935
+7444.439396	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.655400		10.655400		306.853489		17.478839		-45.100415		45.100415		1298.798722		74.629486
+7444.449414	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.709898		10.709898		308.422921		52.314401		-45.239113		45.239113		1302.792916		133.139789
+7444.459451	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.628273		10.628273		306.072289		-78.354403		-45.426249		45.426249		1308.182073		179.638565
+7444.469423	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.840625		10.840625		312.187596		203.843564		-45.513526		45.513526		1310.695446		83.779097
+7444.479397	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.833577		10.833577		311.984631		-6.765500		-45.652629		45.652629		1314.701343		133.529902
+7444.489564	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.915641		10.915641		314.347900		78.775659		-45.780036		45.780036		1318.370399		122.301877
+7444.499543	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.870267		10.870267		313.041204		-43.556541		-45.884784		45.884784		1321.386918		100.550652
+7444.509366	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.060469		11.060469		318.518653		182.581618		-46.058961		46.058961		1326.402846		167.197585
+7444.519425	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.020465		11.020465		317.366608		-38.401484		-46.124537		46.124537		1328.291318		62.949061
+7444.529417	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.107088		11.107088		319.861172		83.152130		-46.278732		46.278732		1332.731813		148.016512
+7444.539441	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.173970		11.173970		321.787237		64.202175		-46.304267		46.304267		1333.467159		24.511516
+7444.549532	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.698899		10.698899		308.106168		-456.035659		-46.681355		46.681355		1344.326511		361.978412
+7444.559536	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.765604		10.765604		310.027143		64.032525		-46.779320		46.779320		1347.147712		94.040036
+7444.569528	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.784886		10.784886		310.582414		18.509030		-46.903018		46.903018		1350.709963		118.741691
+7444.579486	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.737863		10.737863		309.228265		-45.138299		-47.051712		47.051712		1354.992020		142.735243
+7444.589531	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.748413		10.748413		309.532086		10.127351		-47.171339		47.171339		1358.437040		114.834011
+7444.599469	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.732820		10.732820		309.083030		-14.968514		-47.310996		47.310996		1362.458870		134.060979
+7444.609522	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.748948		10.748948		309.547477		15.481561		-47.415815		47.415815		1365.477455		100.619495
+7444.619513	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.739086		10.739086		309.263474		-9.466782		-47.477287		47.477287		1367.247713		59.008598
+7444.629432	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.717082		10.717082		308.629820		-21.121800		-47.612521		47.612521		1371.142182		129.815638
+7444.639483	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.699480		10.699480		308.122911		-16.896948		-47.742753		47.742753		1374.892572		125.012994
+7444.649505	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.662753		10.662753		307.065256		-35.255179		-47.873042		47.873042		1378.644633		125.068724
+7444.659439	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.789382		10.789382		310.711889		121.554434		-47.987765		47.987765		1381.948426		110.126436
+7444.669517	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.813984		10.813984		311.420386		23.616552		-48.093609		48.093609		1384.996516		101.602972
+7444.679547	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.567881		10.567881		304.333133		-236.241743		-48.302002		48.302002		1390.997788		200.042427
+7444.689525	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.596796		10.596796		305.165818		27.756169		-48.425969		48.425969		1394.567809		119.000673
+7444.699506	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.707537		10.707537		308.354938		106.303990		-48.447358		48.447358		1395.183760		20.531714
+7444.709454	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.609204		10.609204		305.523140		-94.393268		-48.602786		48.602786		1399.659759		149.199963
+7444.719458	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.689719		10.689719		307.841809		77.288970		-48.723595		48.723595		1403.138807		115.968287
+7444.729545	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.700224		10.700224		308.144327		10.083914		-48.827943		48.827943		1406.143820		100.167096
+7444.739425	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.752937		10.752937		309.662347		50.600693		-48.917289		48.917289		1408.716792		85.765719
+7444.749545	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.612914		10.612914		305.629995		-134.411752		-49.136586		49.136586		1415.032089		210.509896
+7444.759407	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.550556		10.550556		303.834216		-59.859306		-49.211943		49.211943		1417.202228		72.337985
+7444.769473	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.771004		10.771004		310.182656		211.614668		-49.252016		49.252016		1418.356240		38.467050
+7444.779552	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.597930		10.597930		305.198470		-166.139528		-49.463499		49.463499		1424.446517		203.009248
+7444.789464	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.855993		10.855993		312.630160		247.723013		-49.476593		49.476593		1424.823582		12.568831
+7444.799535	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.667115		10.667115		307.190870		-181.309655		-49.731768		49.731768		1432.172120		244.951248
+7444.809487	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.665303		10.665303		307.138672		-1.739934		-49.862601		49.862601		1435.939819		125.589967
+7444.819590	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.740984		10.740984		309.318130		72.648600		-49.962059		49.962059		1438.803998		95.472634
+7444.829506	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.803595		10.803595		311.121187		60.101897		-49.969971		49.969971		1439.031869		7.595718
+7444.839527	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.838303		10.838303		312.120719		33.317730		-50.087785		50.087785		1442.424667		113.093257
+7444.849449	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.775370		10.775370		310.308393		-60.410872		-50.199582		50.199582		1445.644176		107.316971
+7444.859492	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.682151		10.682151		307.623871		-89.484081		-50.382201		50.382201		1450.903219		175.301433
+7444.869533	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.985341		10.985341		316.355103		291.041061		-50.340151		50.340151		1449.692264		-40.365160
+7444.879467	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.984642		10.984642		316.334990		-0.670403		-50.458190		50.458190		1453.091553		113.309622
+7444.889505	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.982913		10.982913		316.285177		-1.660436		-50.562149		50.562149		1456.085354		99.793375
+7444.899646	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.076582		11.076582		318.982657		89.915991		-50.708926		50.708926		1460.312238		140.896142
+7444.909562	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.050124		11.050124		318.220733		-25.397465		-50.757789		50.757789		1461.719397		46.905279
+7444.919587	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.125755		11.125755		320.398740		72.600245		-50.848737		50.848737		1464.338493		87.303221
+7444.929461	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.003225		11.003225		316.870125		-117.620528		-50.999117		50.999117		1468.669134		144.354701
+7444.939604	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.025395		11.025395		317.508573		21.281615		-51.063911		51.063911		1470.535085		62.198341
+7444.949547	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.988019		10.988019		316.432232		-35.878047		-51.212021		51.212021		1474.800324		142.174661
+7444.959556	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.016474		11.016474		317.251689		27.315244		-51.282833		51.282833		1476.839563		67.974627
+7444.969662	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.031769		11.031769		317.692139		14.681667		-51.413443		51.413443		1480.600870		125.376880
+7444.979569	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.027468		11.027468		317.568270		-4.128963		-51.470571		51.470571		1482.246029		54.838657
+7444.989647	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.079518		11.079518		319.067211		49.964711		-51.588388		51.588388		1485.638925		113.096535
+7444.999542	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.920148		10.920148		314.477695		-152.983889		-51.666983		51.666983		1487.902299		75.445771
+7445.009625	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.085371		11.085371		319.235779		158.602819		-51.796832		51.796832		1491.641673		124.645829
+7445.019544	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.808131		10.808131		311.251842		-266.131237		-51.970537		51.970537		1496.644029		166.745186
+7445.029677	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.025135		11.025135		317.501099		208.308548		-52.041120		52.041120		1498.676679		67.754984
+7445.039615	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.082826		11.082826		319.162486		55.379570		-52.159163		52.159163		1502.076066		113.312900
+7445.049599	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.154247		11.154247		321.219255		68.558976		-52.248587		52.248587		1504.651299		85.841119
+7445.059651	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.125722		11.125722		320.397782		-27.382448		-52.433627		52.433627		1509.980071		177.625716
+7445.069538	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.016548		11.016548		317.253803		-104.799271		-52.561765		52.561765		1513.670173		123.003423
+7445.079592	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.042413		11.042413		317.998664		24.828687		-52.687222		52.687222		1517.283073		120.429993
+7445.089635	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.923352		10.923352		314.569969		-114.289820		-52.701040		52.701040		1517.680988		13.263822
+7445.099623	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.968318		10.968318		315.864889		43.163970		-52.911836		52.911836		1523.751497		202.350318
+7445.109654	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.039190		11.039190		317.905848		68.031996		-53.028670		53.028670		1527.116069		112.152398
+7445.119623	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.857467		10.857467		312.672597		-174.441710		-53.109420		53.109420		1529.441500		77.514350
+7445.129661	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.116701		11.116701		320.137996		248.846635		-53.242042		53.242042		1533.260733		127.307773
+7445.139639	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.013940		11.013940		317.178690		-98.643526		-53.405901		53.405901		1537.979552		157.293975
+7445.149634	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.081898		11.081898		319.135760		65.235645		-53.525279		53.525279		1541.417393		114.594698
+7445.159538	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.021782		11.021782		317.404546		-57.707131		-53.660230		53.660230		1545.303699		129.543543
+7445.169624	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.941416		10.941416		315.090155		-77.146366		-53.678364		53.678364		1545.825925		17.407537
+7445.179683	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.037882		11.037882		317.868181		92.600882		-53.913552		53.913552		1552.598834		225.763619
+7445.189646	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.853084		10.853084		312.546368		-177.393779		-54.084334		54.084334		1557.517004		163.938999
+7445.199633	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.827073		10.827073		311.797328		-24.968013		-54.157468		54.157468		1559.623119		70.203841
+7445.209555	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.869561		10.869561		313.020895		40.785596		-54.288809		54.288809		1563.405472		126.078427
+7445.219659	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.781063		10.781063		310.472339		-84.951892		-54.456183		54.456183		1568.225491		160.667300
+7445.229570	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.872787		10.872787		313.113785		88.048205		-54.561908		54.561908		1571.270138		101.488233
+7445.239642	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.773262		10.773262		310.247663		-95.537379		-54.673455		54.673455		1574.482468		107.077658
+7445.249650	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.923918		10.923918		314.586246		144.619420		-54.894401		54.894401		1580.845267		212.093294
+7445.259666	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.866228		10.866228		312.924908		-55.377930		-55.013216		55.013216		1584.266880		114.053786
+7445.269733	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.912905		10.912905		314.269099		44.806376		-55.125183		55.125183		1587.491307		107.480884
+7445.279656	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.911104		10.911104		314.217246		-1.728460		-55.269720		55.269720		1591.653675		138.745606
+7445.289648	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.913981		10.913981		314.300103		2.761930		-55.437893		55.437893		1596.496707		161.434412
+7445.299662	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.970147		10.970147		315.917554		53.915009		-55.532699		55.532699		1599.226937		91.007650
+7445.309654	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.884357		10.884357		313.446987		-82.352236		-55.726820		55.726820		1604.817215		186.342597
+7445.319636	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.749767		10.749767		309.571056		-129.197687		-55.911693		55.911693		1610.141167		177.465081
+7445.329672	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.812332		10.812332		311.372810		60.058460		-56.013985		56.013985		1613.086975		98.193586
+7445.339740	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.834667		10.834667		312.016004		21.439791		-56.128288		56.128288		1616.378671		109.723210
+7445.349658	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.738005		10.738005		309.232347		-92.788562		-56.320377		56.320377		1621.910432		184.392035
+7445.359748	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.828070		10.828070		311.826020		86.455792		-56.500155		56.500155		1627.087650		172.573924
+7445.369640	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.758809		10.758809		309.831456		-66.485479		-56.721173		56.721173		1633.452514		212.162137
+7445.379759	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.656527		10.656527		306.885944		-98.183751		-56.894581		56.894581		1638.446313		166.459978
+7445.389642	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.751598		10.751598		309.623795		91.261715		-56.993011		56.993011		1641.280890		94.485879
+7445.399751	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.764180		10.764180		309.986132		12.077913		-57.173663		57.173663		1646.483284		173.413157
+7445.409718	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.632789		10.632789		306.202329		-126.126781		-57.415335		57.415335		1653.442955		231.989026
+7445.419811	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.683743		10.683743		307.669725		48.913211		-57.592592		57.592592		1658.547592		170.154572
+7445.429764	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.658876		10.658876		306.953582		-23.871437		-57.733656		57.733656		1662.609941		135.411620
+7445.439770	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.722219		10.722219		308.777735		60.805082		-57.880915		57.880915		1666.850692		141.358376
+7445.449763	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.628574		10.628574		306.080968		-89.892223		-58.113934		58.113934		1673.561150		223.681927
+7445.459750	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.600571		10.600571		305.274517		-26.881695		-58.322145		58.322145		1679.557210		199.868679
+7445.469748	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.627996		10.627996		306.064323		26.326850		-58.504115		58.504115		1684.797567		174.678564
+7445.479755	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.540088		10.540088		303.532731		-84.386393		-58.662500		58.662500		1689.358735		152.038932
+7445.489637	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.490129		10.490129		302.094027		-47.956780		-58.900109		58.900109		1696.201372		228.087902
+7445.499768	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.509419		10.509419		302.649544		18.517226		-59.117521		59.117521		1702.462381		208.700299
+7445.509644	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.574009		10.574009		304.509594		62.001646		-59.204380		59.204380		1704.963756		83.379149
+7445.519732	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.527376		10.527376		303.166656		-44.764578		-59.427038		59.427038		1711.375827		213.735700
+7445.529771	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.501459		10.501459		302.420320		-24.877861		-59.655603		59.655603		1717.958039		219.407082
+7445.539706	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.534988		10.534988		303.385873		32.185093		-59.847402		59.847402		1723.481441		184.113383
+7445.549760	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.640236		10.640236		306.416801		101.030916		-60.022446		60.022446		1728.522348		168.030262
+7445.559753	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.547015		10.547015		303.732229		-89.485720		-60.244666		60.244666		1734.921831		213.316083
+7445.569717	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.423710		10.423710		300.181313		-118.363872		-60.516555		60.516555		1742.751682		260.995030
+7445.579694	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.426177		10.426177		300.252344		2.367720		-60.739199		60.739199		1749.163359		213.722587
+7445.589746	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.444069		10.444069		300.767588		17.174780		-60.883473		60.883473		1753.318155		138.493180
+7445.599803	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.529695		10.529695		303.233459		82.195699		-61.109996		61.109996		1759.841555		217.446685
+7445.609676	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.473631		10.473631		301.618910		-53.818300		-61.338254		61.338254		1766.414917		219.112039
+7445.619760	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.402103		10.402103		299.559067		-68.661422		-61.545940		61.545940		1772.395831		199.363828
+7445.629706	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.382546		10.382546		298.995855		-18.773749		-61.760777		61.760777		1778.582686		206.228495
+7445.639844	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.350764		10.350764		298.080607		-30.508265		-61.992286		61.992286		1785.249674		222.232938
+7445.649871	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.282997		10.282997		296.129069		-65.051243		-62.245932		62.245932		1792.554152		243.482590
+7445.659870	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.246203		10.246203		295.069472		-35.319924		-62.444164		62.444164		1798.262841		190.289617
+7445.669755	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.262360		10.262360		295.534755		15.509427		-62.632753		62.632753		1803.693795		181.031823
+7445.679864	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.245672		10.245672		295.054179		-16.019195		-62.829011		62.829011		1809.345639		188.394785
+7445.689863	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.195655		10.195655		293.613779		-48.013330		-63.107506		63.107506		1817.365694		267.335176
+7445.699755	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.213675		10.213675		294.132735		17.298535		-63.283164		63.283164		1822.424304		168.620348
+7445.709719	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.198104		10.198104		293.684319		-14.947206		-63.485522		63.485522		1828.251797		194.249749
+7445.719870	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.082006		10.082006		290.340916		-111.446753		-63.741593		63.741593		1835.626101		245.810151
+7445.729786	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.072203		10.072203		290.058634		-9.409413		-63.950774		63.950774		1841.650093		200.799704
+7445.739864	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.033873		10.033873		288.954804		-36.794320		-64.125470		64.125470		1846.680969		167.695880
+7445.749833	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.972114		9.972114		287.176260		-59.284791		-64.354732		64.354732		1853.283244		220.075846
+7445.759891	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.954620		9.954620		286.672474		-16.792864		-64.571222		64.571222		1859.517699		207.815170
+7445.769820	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.871098		9.871098		284.267210		-80.175474		-64.769413		64.769413		1865.225208		190.250278
+7445.779852	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.861939		9.861939		284.003466		-8.791462		-64.942040		64.942040		1870.196486		165.709257
+7445.789770	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.822017		9.822017		282.853782		-38.322806		-65.153926		65.153926		1876.298368		203.396082
+7445.799839	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.799437		9.799437		282.203532		-21.675006		-65.353784		65.353784		1882.053870		191.850066
+7445.809863	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.764736		9.764736		281.204197		-33.311173		-65.524170		65.524170		1886.960632		163.558722
+7445.819831	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.732980		9.732980		280.289711		-30.482858		-65.731480		65.731480		1892.930728		199.003220
+7445.829785	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.692318		9.692318		279.118710		-39.033368		-65.949663		65.949663		1899.213964		209.441185
+7445.839877	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.715272		9.715272		279.779754		22.034794		-66.086219		66.086219		1903.146493		131.084323
+7445.849843	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.678358		9.678358		278.716714		-35.434663		-66.297730		66.297730		1909.237558		203.035474
+7445.859812	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.639338		9.639338		277.592994		-37.457347		-66.441765		66.441765		1913.385469		138.263702
+7445.869827	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.591820		9.591820		276.224584		-45.613647		-66.609022		66.609022		1918.202144		160.555840
+7445.879886	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.607674		9.607674		276.681139		15.218481		-66.820267		66.820267		1924.285537		202.779770
+7445.889760	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.539064		9.539064		274.705334		-65.860152		-66.991957		66.991957		1929.229867		164.811015
+7445.899867	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.413916		9.413916		271.101310		-120.134130		-67.109873		67.109873		1932.625616		113.191605
+7445.909851	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.394310		9.394310		270.536721		-18.819645		-67.276243		67.276243		1937.416720		159.703493
+7445.919861	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.367984		9.367984		269.778583		-25.271252		-67.406406		67.406406		1941.165143		124.947429
+7445.929832	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.348021		9.348021		269.203667		-19.163862		-67.634336		67.634336		1947.729063		218.797326
+7445.939810	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.291966		9.291966		267.589413		-53.808466		-67.791390		67.791390		1952.251875		150.760412
+7445.949848	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.307130		9.307130		268.026102		14.556274		-67.911437		67.911437		1955.708992		115.237236
+7445.959756	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.233056		9.233056		265.892916		-71.106181		-68.077821		68.077821		1960.500491		159.716606
+7445.969872	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.272404		9.272404		267.026078		37.772059		-68.213072		68.213072		1964.395452		129.832029
+7445.979810	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.164598		9.164598		263.921463		-103.487149		-68.343809		68.343809		1968.160397		125.498176
+7445.989784	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.207031		9.207031		265.143458		40.733144		-68.508034		68.508034		1972.889739		157.644749
+7445.999895	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.146094		9.146094		263.388591		-58.495551		-68.666986		68.666986		1977.467233		152.583122
+7446.009850	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.085958		9.085958		261.656812		-57.725981		-68.771440		68.771440		1980.475295		100.268722
+7446.019875	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.070587		9.070587		261.214149		-14.755428		-68.919334		68.919334		1984.734339		141.968131
+7446.029865	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.040344		9.040344		260.343231		-29.030591		-69.047072		69.047072		1988.412935		122.619867
+7446.039879	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.992982		8.992982		258.979297		-45.464486		-69.208845		69.208845		1993.071663		155.290961
+7446.049889	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.949687		8.949687		257.732470		-41.560903		-69.268664		69.268664		1994.794321		57.421923
+7446.059961	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.877618		8.877618		255.657039		-69.181025		-69.417145		69.417145		1999.070281		142.531991
+7446.069967	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.867573		8.867573		255.367774		-9.642169		-69.498800		69.498800		2001.421773		78.383088
+7446.079825	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.723678		8.723678		251.223895		-138.129294		-69.657295		69.657295		2005.986089		152.143836
+7446.089978	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.748494		8.748494		251.938538		23.821443		-69.717612		69.717612		2007.723105		57.900548
+7446.099889	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.724673		8.724673		251.252539		-22.866651		-69.856805		69.856805		2011.731559		133.615136
+7446.110001	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.718413		8.718413		251.072267		-6.009042		-69.963007		69.963007		2014.789975		101.947188
+7446.119926	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.640627		8.640627		248.832203		-74.668825		-70.091162		70.091162		2018.480569		123.019814
+7446.129937	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.661813		8.661813		249.442302		20.336658		-70.125976		70.125976		2019.483125		33.418536
+7446.139900	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.545303		8.545303		246.087049		-111.841783		-70.283029		70.283029		2024.005938		150.760412
+7446.150016	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.526910		8.526910		245.557373		-17.655864		-70.394771		70.394771		2027.223873		107.264519
+7446.159949	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.504204		8.504204		244.903484		-21.796301		-70.477450		70.477450		2029.604870		79.366565
+7446.169931	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.515034		8.515034		245.215369		10.396168		-70.542255		70.542255		2031.471115		62.208176
+7446.179984	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.514383		8.514383		245.196634		-0.624508		-70.650261		70.650261		2034.581459		103.678107
+7446.189881	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.489263		8.489263		244.473213		-24.114028		-70.713167		70.713167		2036.393023		60.385466
+7446.199921	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.512606		8.512606		245.145444		22.407696		-70.814390		70.814390		2039.308047		97.167492
+7446.210007	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.469449		8.469449		243.902624		-41.427314		-70.896161		70.896161		2041.662884		78.494549
+7446.220001	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.451556		8.451556		243.387332		-17.176419		-70.985808		70.985808		2044.244510		86.054206
+7446.230042	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.482419		8.482419		244.276124		29.626414		-71.079443		71.079443		2046.941006		89.883208
+7446.239929	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.322967		8.322967		239.684247		-153.062567		-71.130246		71.130246		2048.404026		48.767328
+7446.249991	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.443529		8.443529		243.156166		115.730613		-71.190133		71.190133		2050.128651		57.487488
+7446.259894	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.445569		8.445569		243.214928		1.958758		-71.312619		71.312619		2053.655988		117.577910
+7446.269999	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.298045		8.298045		238.966531		-141.613260		-71.354146		71.354146		2054.851896		39.863586
+7446.280034	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.357590		8.357590		240.681320		57.159662		-71.389595		71.389595		2055.872744		34.028292
+7446.289920	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.288959		8.288959		238.704877		-65.881461		-71.512620		71.512620		2059.415621		118.095875
+7446.299984	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.242936		8.242936		237.379519		-44.178590		-71.585983		71.585983		2061.528325		70.423484
+7446.309915	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.207919		8.207919		236.371111		-33.613592		-71.673854		71.673854		2064.058810		84.349513
+7446.319990	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.197309		8.197309		236.065545		-10.185540		-71.695553		71.695553		2064.683712		20.830035
+7446.329894	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.178687		8.178687		235.529280		-17.875507		-71.727730		71.727730		2065.610343		30.887723
+7446.339997	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.082875		8.082875		232.770087		-91.973096		-71.875693		71.875693		2069.871354		142.033696
+7446.349872	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.982646		7.982646		229.883706		-96.212700		-71.956678		71.956678		2072.203571		77.740550
+7446.359861	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.036831		8.036831		231.444114		52.013621		-71.994196		71.994196		2073.284018		36.014915
+7446.370021	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.089510		8.089510		232.961176		50.568730		-72.050368		72.050368		2074.901640		53.920746
+7446.379904	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.012756		8.012756		230.750813		-73.678792		-72.147992		72.147992		2077.713007		93.712211
+7446.389886	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.932734		7.932734		228.446330		-76.816082		-72.266072		72.266072		2081.113476		113.348961
+7446.399967	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.921157		7.921157		228.112956		-11.112466		-72.323787		72.323787		2082.775551		55.402517
+7446.409929	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.904407		7.904407		227.630585		-16.079023		-72.442571		72.442571		2086.196280		114.024282
+7446.420121	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.953608		7.953608		229.047480		47.229826		-72.458636		72.458636		2086.658907		15.420914
+7446.429935	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.995959		7.995959		230.267090		40.653646		-72.483894		72.483894		2087.386286		24.245977
+7446.439991	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.894298		7.894298		227.339452		-97.587928		-72.605881		72.605881		2090.899265		117.099285
+7446.450073	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.824304		7.824304		225.323767		-67.189485		-72.699086		72.699086		2093.583369		89.470148
+7446.460062	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.850617		7.850617		226.081536		25.258958		-72.824392		72.824392		2097.191942		120.285749
+7446.470081	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.915582		7.915582		227.952404		62.362254		-72.812733		72.812733		2096.856183		-11.191964
+7446.480125	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.880227		7.880227		226.934235		-33.938959		-72.894128		72.894128		2099.200201		78.133941
+7446.489968	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.848397		7.848397		226.017610		-30.554160		-73.006717		73.006717		2102.442527		108.077526
+7446.500090	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.823883		7.823883		225.311646		-23.532137		-73.082034		73.082034		2104.611486		72.298646
+7446.510006	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.887540		7.887540		227.144846		61.106682		-73.146483		73.146483		2106.467503		61.867237
+7446.519985	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.908910		7.908910		227.760257		20.513684		-73.204759		73.204759		2108.145708		55.940151
+7446.530071	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.854753		7.854753		226.200660		-51.986575		-73.343247		73.343247		2112.133902		132.939816
+7446.539968	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.846641		7.846641		225.967035		-7.787496		-73.403852		73.403852		2113.879180		58.175921
+7446.549997	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.841553		7.841553		225.820521		-4.883781		-73.486873		73.486873		2116.270012		79.694390
+7446.560118	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.882579		7.882579		227.001972		39.381683		-73.575255		73.575255		2118.815249		84.841251
+7446.570048	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.905132		7.905132		227.651460		21.649599		-73.609181		73.609181		2119.792235		32.566190
+7446.580029	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.856115		7.856115		226.239876		-47.052801		-73.715185		73.715185		2122.844946		101.757050
+7446.590077	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.826986		7.826986		225.401019		-27.961880		-73.791158		73.791158		2125.032789		72.928071
+7446.600043	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.806335		7.806335		224.806311		-19.823611		-73.877621		73.877621		2127.522755		82.998872
+7446.610041	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.889132		7.889132		227.190701		79.479665		-73.970095		73.970095		2130.185813		88.768601
+7446.620117	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.842240		7.842240		225.840289		-45.013726		-74.044995		74.044995		2132.342774		71.898699
+7446.630031	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.728624		7.728624		222.568385		-109.063461		-74.206160		74.206160		2136.983997		154.707432
+7446.639993	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.822548		7.822548		225.273217		90.161040		-74.191707		74.191707		2136.567789		-13.873577
+7446.650069	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.761469		7.761469		223.514269		-58.631599		-74.286100		74.286100		2139.286119		90.610981
+7446.659982	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.786684		7.786684		224.240394		24.204180		-74.373971		74.373971		2141.816604		84.349513
+7446.670118	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.734981		7.734981		222.751459		-49.631149		-74.521803		74.521803		2146.073878		141.909122
+7446.680103	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.732601		7.732601		222.682911		-2.284944		-74.545470		74.545470		2146.755427		22.718310
+7446.690025	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.752606		7.752606		223.259032		19.204021		-74.613417		74.613417		2148.712152		65.224171
+7446.699994	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.702457		7.702457		221.814846		-48.139542		-74.775026		74.775026		2153.366160		155.133605
+7446.710110	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.655544		7.655544		220.463844		-45.033395		-74.847378		74.847378		2155.449754		69.453120
+7446.720026	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.632000		7.632000		219.785810		-22.601113		-74.927858		74.927858		2157.767415		77.255368
+7446.730113	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.691091		7.691091		221.487520		56.723654		-74.975909		74.975909		2159.151167		46.125054
+7446.740036	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.683477		7.683477		221.268254		-7.308871		-75.063936		75.063936		2161.686176		84.500313
+7446.750110	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.732250		7.732250		222.672806		46.818405		-75.195506		75.195506		2165.475118		126.298070
+7446.759998	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.731255		7.731255		222.644162		-0.954792		-75.258617		75.258617		2167.292583		60.582161
+7446.770093	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.734524		7.734524		222.738305		3.138110		-75.311127		75.311127		2168.804777		50.406456
+7446.780104	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.693561		7.693561		221.558650		-39.321855		-75.370236		75.370236		2170.506978		56.740046
+7446.790100	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.730542		7.730542		222.623632		35.499409		-75.429419		75.429419		2172.211343		56.812167
+7446.800049	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.705233		7.705233		221.894778		-24.295151		-75.582546		75.582546		2176.621056		146.990418
+7446.810072	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.704056		7.704056		221.860897		-1.129359		-75.689021		75.689021		2179.687339		102.209449
+7446.820114	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.697495		7.697495		221.671946		-6.298348		-75.746272		75.746272		2181.336039		54.956675
+7446.830061	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.720716		7.720716		222.340661		22.290498		-75.812675		75.812675		2183.248311		63.742399
+7446.840134	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.772158		7.772158		223.822097		49.381182		-75.824648		75.824648		2183.593118		11.493564
+7446.850054	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.754210		7.754210		223.305206		-17.229691		-75.899350		75.899350		2185.744375		71.708560
+7446.860169	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.734453		7.734453		222.736265		-18.964708		-76.057831		76.057831		2190.308297		152.130723
+7446.870225	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.800996		7.800996		224.652544		63.875988		-76.072454		76.072454		2190.729421		14.037490
+7446.880160	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.793505		7.793505		224.436819		-7.190853		-76.126249		76.126249		2192.278594		51.639080
+7446.890180	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.761928		7.761928		223.527472		-30.311570		-76.178575		76.178575		2193.785477		50.229430
+7446.900183	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.675236		7.675236		221.030941		-83.217695		-76.327480		76.327480		2198.073632		142.938495
+7446.910160	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.748430		7.748430		223.138753		70.260391		-76.402277		76.402277		2200.227642		71.800351
+7446.920112	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.754605		7.754605		223.316590		5.927905		-76.398999		76.398999		2200.133228		-3.147125
+7446.930194	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.711716		7.711716		222.081491		-41.169971		-76.475859		76.475859		2202.346641		73.780417
+7446.940201	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.603414		7.603414		218.962616		-103.962496		-76.557364		76.557364		2204.693806		78.238845
+7446.950095	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.618274		7.618274		219.390551		14.264509		-76.641423		76.641423		2207.114536		80.690980
+7446.960191	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.580741		7.580741		218.309661		-36.029667		-76.691878		76.691878		2208.567524		48.432946
+7446.970086	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.616731		7.616731		219.346098		34.547895		-76.689726		76.689726		2208.505565		-2.065301
+7446.980190	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.677668		7.677668		221.100964		58.495551		-76.774400		76.774400		2210.943997		81.281066
+7446.990091	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.619864		7.619864		219.436332		-55.487752		-76.829485		76.829485		2212.530345		52.878261
+7447.000183	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.599085		7.599085		218.837935		-19.946545		-76.897022		76.897022		2214.475268		64.830780
+7447.010140	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.578496		7.578496		218.245022		-19.763783		-76.946534		76.946534		2215.901113		47.528148
+7447.020112	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.596239		7.596239		218.755987		17.032176		-76.928933		76.928933		2215.394229		-16.896129
+7447.030188	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.613742		7.613742		219.260044		16.801879		-76.971055		76.971055		2216.607249		40.434003
+7447.040101	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.639969		7.639969		220.015305		25.175363		-77.032041		77.032041		2218.363541		58.543086
+7447.050195	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.604131		7.604131		218.983244		-34.402013		-77.121018		77.121018		2220.925891		85.411668
+7447.060154	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.571405		7.571405		218.040803		-31.414703		-77.223826		77.223826		2223.886549		98.688602
+7447.070193	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.614818		7.614818		219.291023		41.674003		-77.216354		77.216354		2223.671365		-7.172823
+7447.080160	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.648617		7.648617		220.264345		32.444075		-77.164219		77.164219		2222.169989		-50.045848
+7447.090203	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.677378		7.677378		221.092605		27.608648		-77.194190		77.194190		2223.033088		28.769970
+7447.100117	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.513088		7.513088		216.361394		-157.707036		-77.404751		77.404751		2229.096812		202.124119
+7447.110222	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.493371		7.493371		215.793584		-18.927008		-77.437891		77.437891		2230.051178		31.812191
+7447.120202	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.544141		7.544141		217.255669		48.736185		-77.438178		77.438178		2230.059439		0.275373
+7447.130166	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.522322		7.522322		216.627326		-20.944774		-77.460766		77.460766		2230.709910		21.682382
+7447.140116	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.507775		7.507775		216.208389		-13.964549		-77.481932		77.481932		2231.319469		20.318627
+7447.150189	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.585082		7.585082		218.434685		74.209869		-77.552311		77.552311		2233.346218		67.558289
+7447.160221	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.573334		7.573334		218.096370		-11.277199		-77.536000		77.536000		2232.876509		-15.656948
+7447.170238	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.488153		7.488153		215.643333		-81.767887		-77.592527		77.592527		2234.504360		54.261684
+7447.180307	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.458926		7.458926		214.801649		-28.056130		-77.641253		77.641253		2235.907584		46.774149
+7447.190188	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.339303		7.339303		211.356752		-114.829913		-77.701373		77.701373		2237.638897		57.710409
+7447.200138	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.519879		7.519879		216.556958		173.340216		-77.692596		77.692596		2237.386143		-8.425117
+7447.210190	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.638051		7.638051		219.960082		113.437474		-77.723359		77.723359		2238.272059		29.530525
+7447.220314	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.617271		7.617271		219.361661		-19.947365		-77.742880		77.742880		2238.834214		18.738508
+7447.230305	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.574761		7.574761		218.137454		-40.806904		-77.809406		77.809406		2240.750027		63.860416
+7447.240214	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.433345		7.433345		214.064976		-135.749280		-77.938524		77.938524		2244.468355		123.944283
+7447.250270	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.496384		7.496384		215.880351		60.512498		-77.858802		77.858802		2242.172527		-76.527596
+7447.260365	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.460669		7.460669		214.851831		-34.283996		-77.880535		77.880535		2242.798412		20.862818
+7447.270236	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.493136		7.493136		215.786822		31.166375		-78.001758		78.001758		2246.289361		116.364956
+7447.280312	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.630565		7.630565		219.744504		131.922737		-78.080585		78.080585		2248.559421		75.668693
+7447.290277	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.628149		7.628149		219.674923		-2.319366		-78.115221		78.115221		2249.556863		33.248067
+7447.300306	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.696090		7.696090		221.631476		65.218434		-78.097448		78.097448		2249.045062		-17.060041
+7447.310295	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.635930		7.635930		219.899008		-57.748929		-78.133594		78.133594		2250.085974		34.697056
+7447.320324	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.712989		7.712989		222.118125		73.970556		-78.195168		78.195168		2251.859182		59.106946
+7447.330212	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.610966		7.610966		219.180087		-97.934604		-78.339545		78.339545		2256.016928		138.591528
+7447.340366	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.586353		7.586353		218.471295		-23.626387		-78.407566		78.407566		2257.975817		65.296292
+7447.350329	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.682670		7.682670		221.245019		92.457458		-78.362501		78.362501		2256.678021		-43.259859
+7447.360250	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.609947		7.609947		219.150730		-69.809631		-78.425748		78.425748		2258.499420		60.713291
+7447.370335	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.657942		7.657942		220.532884		46.071783		-78.556062		78.556062		2262.252170		125.091672
+7447.380238	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.558014		7.558014		217.655182		-95.923394		-78.676355		78.676355		2265.716368		115.473270
+7447.390221	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.687033		7.687033		221.370658		123.849213		-78.684517		78.684517		2265.951419		7.835031
+7447.400286	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.683840		7.683840		221.278703		-3.065169		-78.710437		78.710437		2266.697878		24.881959
+7447.410260	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.660056		7.660056		220.593785		-22.830591		-78.837786		78.837786		2270.365262		122.246146
+7447.420295	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.639211		7.639211		219.993496		-20.009652		-78.914442		78.914442		2272.572774		73.583722
+7447.430254	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.540085		7.540085		217.138857		-95.154643		-79.018056		79.018056		2275.556642		99.462271
+7447.440231	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.334515		7.334515		211.218868		-197.332948		-79.125699		79.125699		2278.656560		103.330612
+7447.450446	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.385888		7.385888		212.698312		49.314797		-79.139886		79.139886		2279.065096		13.617873
+7447.460307	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.460451		7.460451		214.845561		71.574971		-79.208037		79.208037		2281.027722		65.420866
+7447.470261	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.670068		7.670068		220.882092		201.217681		-79.307184		79.307184		2283.882952		95.174313
+7447.480263	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.704868		7.704868		221.884279		33.406243		-79.350269		79.350269		2285.123706		41.358471
+7447.490314	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.671298		7.671298		220.917521		-32.225251		-79.399925		79.399925		2286.553681		47.665834
+7447.500227	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.637299		7.637299		219.938421		-32.636672		-79.487815		79.487815		2289.084756		84.369183
+7447.510329	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.541476		7.541476		217.178909		-91.983750		-79.621311		79.621311		2292.929167		128.147006
+7447.520212	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.503161		7.503161		216.075522		-36.779568		-79.663638		79.663638		2294.148088		40.630698
+7447.530222	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.653832		7.653832		220.414547		144.634172		-79.717815		79.717815		2295.708275		52.006245
+7447.540351	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.693604		7.693604		221.559879		38.177744		-79.837357		79.837357		2299.150836		114.752054
+7447.550312	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.578644		7.578644		218.249276		-110.353455		-79.973107		79.973107		2303.060156		130.310655
+7447.560332	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.544986		7.544986		217.279986		-32.309666		-80.044776		80.044776		2305.124080		68.797469
+7447.570368	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.460290		7.460290		214.840939		-81.301555		-80.175868		80.175868		2308.899254		125.839114
+7447.580250	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.678807		7.678807		221.133763		209.760815		-80.142974		80.142974		2307.951969		-31.576157
+7447.590324	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.617879		7.617879		219.379167		-58.486536		-80.307418		80.307418		2312.687606		157.854557
+7447.600280	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.511450		7.511450		216.314236		-102.164373		-80.397399		80.397399		2315.278870		86.375475
+7447.610341	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.445408		7.445408		214.412364		-63.395724		-80.489995		80.489995		2317.945468		88.886619
+7447.620374	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.485810		7.485810		215.575842		38.782582		-80.513737		80.513737		2318.629181		22.790432
+7447.630444	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.460140		7.460140		214.836612		-24.641007		-80.569670		80.569670		2320.239919		53.691268
+7447.640369	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.626885		7.626885		219.638535		160.064101		-80.696957		80.696957		2323.905534		122.187138
+7447.650423	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.532077		7.532077		216.908256		-91.009289		-80.829531		80.829531		2327.723390		127.261877
+7447.660342	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.602591		7.602591		218.938914		67.688599		-80.806780		80.806780		2327.068198		-21.839738
+7447.670341	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.184218		20.184218		581.263755		12077.494711		-77.813996		77.813996		2240.882206		-2872.866392
+7447.680404	17	26000	56000	56000	26000	-7.774481		7.774481		223.888973		-11912.492737		-80.975198		80.975198		2331.918311		3034.536839
+7447.690398	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.538253		7.538253		217.086093		-226.762667		-81.146322		81.146322		2336.846316		164.266825
+7447.700387	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.542143		7.542143		217.198136		3.734753		-81.182911		81.182911		2337.900013		35.123229
+7447.710420	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.470272		7.470272		215.128385		-68.991706		-81.270877		81.270877		2340.433252		84.441304
+7447.720336	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.659176		20.659176		594.941555		12660.439014		-78.186822		78.186822		2251.618820		-2960.481048
+7447.730431	17	26000	56000	56000	26000	-7.801013		7.801013		224.653061		-12342.949808		-81.377736		81.377736		2343.510550		3063.057661
+7447.740367	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.340605		7.340605		211.394247		-441.960469		-81.645739		81.645739		2351.228482		257.264376
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/sampleLogFileWunits.txt b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/sampleLogFileWunits.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a911b6111d75835b4eb6510c55bdfd4e04be88a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/SupportFiles/sampleLogFileWunits.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+#Constants		pitch_P		pitch_I		pitch_D
+#PIDValues		1500		0		50
+#Constants		roll_P		roll_I		roll_D
+#PIDValues		0		0		0
+&ms	m1/1300	m2/1300	m3/1300	m4/1300	degrees	degrees	degrees	degrees	dM/13	dM/13	dM/13	dM/13
+%Time	Motor_1	Motor_2	Motor_3	Motor_4	Pitch	Roll	pit_err	rol_err	pPID_p	dPID_p	pPID_r	dPID_r
+0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+1	0	0	0	0	180	90	0	0	0	0	0	0
+2	0	0	0	0	45	108	0	0	0	0	0	0
+3	1300	650	1300	650	45	108	0	0	0	0	0	0
+4	910	910	910	910	-68.7173	-6.58024	0	0	0	0	0	0
+5	910	910	910	910	-68.7145	-6.57418	0	0	0	0	0	0
+6	910	910	910	910	-68.7136	-6.55742	0	0	0	0	0	0
+7	910	910	910	910	-68.7104	-6.57143	0	0	0	0	0	0
+8	910	910	910	910	-68.7173	-6.58513	0	0	0	0	0	0
+9	910	910	910	910	-68.7105	-6.59821	0	0	0	0	0	0
+10	910	910	910	910	-68.7093	-6.58017	0	0	0	0	0	0
+11	910	910	910	910	-68.7156	-6.57196	0	0	0	0	0	0
+12	910	910	910	910	-68.7112	-6.60286	0	0	0	0	0	0
+13	910	910	910	910	-68.7201	-6.5617	0	0	0	0	0	0
+14	910	910	910	910	-68.7108	-6.58283	0	0	0	0	0	0
+15	910	910	910	910	-68.7195	-6.5686	0	0	0	0	0	0
+16	910	910	910	910	-68.7142	-6.56762	0	0	0	0	0	0
+17	910	910	910	910	-68.7143	-6.57921	0	0	0	0	0	0
+18	910	910	910	910	-68.717	-6.58228	0	0	0	0	0	0
+19	910	910	910	910	-68.7133	-6.56944	0	0	0	0	0	0
+20	910	910	910	910	-68.7122	-6.59382	0	0	0	0	0	0
+21	910	910	910	910	-68.7156	-6.56864	0	0	0	0	0	0
+22	910	910	910	910	-68.7165	-6.57375	0	0	0	0	0	0
+23	910	910	910	910	-68.7064	-6.58956	0	0	0	0	0	0
+24	910	910	910	910	-68.7106	-6.57736	0	0	0	0	0	0
+25	910	910	910	910	-68.7102	-6.57218	0	0	0	0	0	0
+26	910	910	910	910	-68.7134	-6.56109	0	0	0	0	0	0
+27	910	910	910	910	-68.7116	-6.57292	0	0	0	0	0	0
+28	910	910	910	910	-68.7101	-6.58784	0	0	0	0	0	0
+29	910	910	910	910	-68.7125	-6.60086	0	0	0	0	0	0
+30	910	910	910	910	-68.7082	-6.58193	0	0	0	0	0	0
+31	910	910	910	910	-68.7107	-6.57204	0	0	0	0	0	0
+32	910	910	910	910	-68.7102	-6.76534	0	0	0	0	0	0
+33	910	910	910	910	-68.7167	-6.56736	0	0	0	0	0	0
+34	910	910	910	910	-68.7109	-6.57658	0	0	0	0	0	0
+35	910	910	910	910	-68.7151	-6.59004	0	0	0	0	0	0
+36	910	910	910	910	-68.7074	-6.6021	0	0	0	0	0	0
+37	910	910	910	910	-68.7135	-6.58856	0	0	0	0	0	0
+38	910	910	910	910	-68.7138	-6.57383	0	0	0	0	0	0
+39	910	910	910	910	-68.7144	-6.58388	0	0	0	0	0	0
+40	910	910	910	910	-68.7203	-6.5536	0	0	0	0	0	0
+41	910	910	910	910	-68.714	-6.57405	0	0	0	0	0	0
+42	910	910	910	910	-68.7133	-6.58134	0	0	0	0	0	0
+43	910	910	910	910	-68.7154	-6.59638	0	0	0	0	0	0
+44	910	910	910	910	-68.7164	-6.56909	0	0	0	0	0	0
+45	910	910	910	910	-68.7093	-6.55694	0	0	0	0	0	0
+46	910	910	910	910	-68.7157	-6.56219	0	0	0	0	0	0
+47	910	910	910	910	-68.7122	-6.60371	0	0	0	0	0	0
+48	910	910	910	910	-68.714	-6.60158	0	0	0	0	0	0
+49	910	910	910	910	-68.7124	-6.5949	0	0	0	0	0	0
+50	910	910	910	910	-68.7151	-6.58733	0	0	0	0	0	0
+51	910	910	910	910	-68.7081	-6.57174	0	0	0	0	0	0
+52	910	910	910	910	-68.7127	-6.58671	0	0	0	0	0	0
+53	910	910	910	910	-68.7087	-6.58966	0	0	0	0	0	0
+54	910	910	910	910	-68.7138	-6.58047	0	0	0	0	0	0
+55	910	910	910	910	-68.7119	-6.54723	0	0	0	0	0	0
+56	910	910	910	910	-68.7136	-6.58857	0	0	0	0	0	0
+57	910	910	910	910	-68.7083	-6.59339	0	0	0	0	0	0
+58	910	910	910	910	-68.7187	-6.56435	0	0	0	0	0	0
+59	910	910	910	910	-68.7099	-6.58143	0	0	0	0	0	0
+60	910	910	910	910	-68.7163	-6.59263	0	0	0	0	0	0
+61	910	910	910	910	-68.713	-6.59823	0	0	0	0	0	0
+62	910	910	910	910	-68.7117	-6.59404	0	0	0	0	0	0
+63	910	910	910	910	-68.7119	-6.59341	0	0	0	0	0	0
+64	910	910	910	910	-68.7118	-6.582	0	0	0	0	0	0
+65	910	910	910	910	-68.7115	-6.58575	0	0	0	0	0	0
+66	910	910	910	910	-68.7094	-6.60455	0	0	0	0	0	0
+67	910	910	910	910	-68.7092	-6.57272	0	0	0	0	0	0
+68	910	910	910	910	-68.7144	-6.58776	0	0	0	0	0	0
+69	910	910	910	910	-68.7171	-6.59279	0	0	0	0	0	0
+70	910	910	910	910	-68.7129	-6.59011	0	0	0	0	0	0
+71	910	910	910	910	-68.7124	-6.57662	0	0	0	0	0	0
+72	910	910	910	910	-68.7117	-6.60702	0	0	0	0	0	0
+73	910	910	910	910	-68.7108	-6.59913	0	0	0	0	0	0
+74	910	910	910	910	-68.7122	-6.58844	0	0	0	0	0	0
+75	910	910	910	910	-68.7155	-6.567	0	0	0	0	0	0
+76	910	910	910	910	-68.7119	-6.57231	0	0	0	0	0	0
+77	910	910	910	910	-68.7118	-6.59065	0	0	0	0	0	0
+78	910	910	910	910	-68.7073	-6.60729	0	0	0	0	0	0
+79	910	910	910	910	-68.7051	-6.59932	0	0	0	0	0	0
+80	910	910	910	910	-68.71	-6.57274	0	0	0	0	0	0
+81	910	910	910	910	-68.7114	-6.57201	0	0	0	0	0	0
+82	910	910	910	910	-68.7138	-6.57372	0	0	0	0	0	0
+83	910	910	910	910	-68.713	-6.57689	0	0	0	0	0	0
+84	910	910	910	910	-68.7105	-6.75632	0	0	0	0	0	0
+85	910	910	910	910	-68.7091	-6.59362	0	0	0	0	0	0
+86	910	910	910	910	-68.7123	-6.58743	0	0	0	0	0	0
+87	910	910	910	910	-68.7127	-6.57815	0	0	0	0	0	0
+88	910	910	910	910	-68.7174	-6.58048	0	0	0	0	0	0
+89	910	910	910	910	-68.7111	-6.56357	0	0	0	0	0	0
+90	910	910	910	910	-68.718	-6.56835	0	0	0	0	0	0
+91	910	910	910	910	-68.7184	-6.5511	0	0	0	0	0	0
+92	910	910	910	910	-68.7165	-6.58079	0	0	0	0	0	0
+93	910	910	910	910	-68.7146	-6.5955	0	0	0	0	0	0
+94	910	910	910	910	-68.7149	-6.5787	0	0	0	0	0	0
+95	910	910	910	910	-68.7127	-6.58877	0	0	0	0	0	0
+96	910	910	910	910	-68.714	-6.55813	0	0	0	0	0	0
+97	910	910	910	910	-68.7137	-6.57877	0	0	0	0	0	0
+98	910	910	910	910	-68.7116	-6.60083	0	0	0	0	0	0
+99	910	910	910	910	-68.7126	-6.59024	0	0	0	0	0	0
+100	910	910	910	910	-68.7119	-6.59156	0	0	0	0	0	0
+101	910	910	910	910	-68.7117	-6.59362	0	0	0	0	0	0
+102	910	910	910	910	-68.7115	-6.59028	0	0	0	0	0	0
+103	910	910	910	910	-68.7129	-6.54188	0	0	0	0	0	0
+104	910	910	910	910	-68.709	-6.59028	0	0	0	0	0	0
+105	910	910	910	910	-68.7126	-6.57901	0	0	0	0	0	0
+106	910	910	910	910	-68.7088	-6.59052	0	0	0	0	0	0
+107	910	910	910	910	-68.708	-6.59616	0	0	0	0	0	0
+108	910	910	910	910	-68.7077	-6.59789	0	0	0	0	0	0
+109	910	910	910	910	-68.7115	-6.57742	0	0	0	0	0	0
+110	910	910	910	910	-68.7089	-6.58995	0	0	0	0	0	0
+111	910	910	910	910	-68.7157	-6.56982	0	0	0	0	0	0
+112	910	910	910	910	-68.7151	-6.56983	0	0	0	0	0	0
+113	910	910	910	910	-68.7129	-6.58075	0	0	0	0	0	0
+114	910	910	910	910	-68.7123	-6.58221	0	0	0	0	0	0
+115	910	910	910	910	-68.7073	-6.58181	0	0	0	0	0	0
+116	910	910	910	910	-68.7132	-6.59612	0	0	0	0	0	0
+117	910	910	910	910	-68.7119	-6.57369	0	0	0	0	0	0
+118	910	910	910	910	-68.7147	-6.57273	0	0	0	0	0	0
+119	910	910	910	910	-68.7186	-6.57622	0	0	0	0	0	0
+120	910	910	910	910	-68.7178	-6.58112	0	0	0	0	0	0
+121	910	910	910	910	-68.7113	-6.58558	0	0	0	0	0	0
+122	910	910	910	910	-68.7193	-6.5812	0	0	0	0	0	0
+123	910	910	910	910	-68.7167	-6.5745	0	0	0	0	0	0
+124	910	910	910	910	-68.7233	-6.56039	0	0	0	0	0	0
+125	910	910	910	910	-68.724	-6.5707	0	0	0	0	0	0
+126	910	910	910	910	-68.7149	-6.59831	0	0	0	0	0	0
+127	910	910	910	910	-68.7146	-6.5989	0	0	0	0	0	0
+128	910	910	910	910	-68.7165	-6.57087	0	0	0	0	0	0
+129	910	910	910	910	-68.7148	-6.58663	0	0	0	0	0	0
+130	910	910	910	910	-68.7112	-6.58548	0	0	0	0	0	0
+131	910	910	910	910	-68.7171	-6.55508	0	0	0	0	0	0
+132	910	910	910	910	-68.7132	-6.56367	0	0	0	0	0	0
+133	910	910	910	910	-68.7098	-6.59346	0	0	0	0	0	0
+134	910	910	910	910	-68.7122	-6.60002	0	0	0	0	0	0
+135	910	910	910	910	-68.7094	-6.59222	0	0	0	0	0	0
+136	910	910	910	910	-68.712	-6.59942	0	0	0	0	0	0
+137	910	910	910	910	-68.7127	-6.57507	0	0	0	0	0	0
+138	910	910	910	910	-68.7097	-6.59115	0	0	0	0	0	0
+139	910	910	910	910	-68.7092	-6.58178	0	0	0	0	0	0
+140	910	910	910	910	-68.7135	-6.57208	0	0	0	0	0	0
+141	910	910	910	910	-68.7155	-6.56987	0	0	0	0	0	0
+142	910	910	910	910	-68.7112	-6.58022	0	0	0	0	0	0
+143	910	910	910	910	-68.7143	-6.56627	0	0	0	0	0	0
+144	910	910	910	910	-68.715	-6.57458	0	0	0	0	0	0
+145	910	910	910	910	-68.7104	-6.575	0	0	0	0	0	0
+146	910	910	910	910	-68.717	-6.56333	0	0	0	0	0	0
+147	910	910	910	910	-68.7175	-6.56683	0	0	0	0	0	0
+148	910	910	910	910	-68.7128	-6.581	0	0	0	0	0	0
+149	910	910	910	910	-68.7179	-6.56913	0	0	0	0	0	0
+150	910	910	910	910	-68.7164	-6.59259	0	0	0	0	0	0
+151	910	910	910	910	-68.7192	-6.56792	0	0	0	0	0	0
+152	910	910	910	910	-68.7119	-6.5852	0	0	0	0	0	0
+153	910	910	910	910	-68.7159	-6.55696	0	0	0	0	0	0
+154	910	910	910	910	-68.7147	-6.56195	0	0	0	0	0	0
+155	910	910	910	910	-68.7151	-6.5553	0	0	0	0	0	0
+156	910	910	910	910	-68.7173	-6.57198	0	0	0	0	0	0
+157	910	910	910	910	-68.721	-6.58276	0	0	0	0	0	0
+158	910	910	910	910	-68.7115	-6.6074	0	0	0	0	0	0
+159	910	910	910	910	-68.7069	-6.59888	0	0	0	0	0	0
+160	910	910	910	910	-68.7106	-6.61112	0	0	0	0	0	0
+161	910	910	910	910	-68.712	-6.57887	0	0	0	0	0	0
+162	910	910	910	910	-68.7086	-6.56839	0	0	0	0	0	0
+163	910	910	910	910	-68.7135	-6.57573	0	0	0	0	0	0
+164	910	910	910	910	-68.7113	-6.5891	0	0	0	0	0	0
+165	910	910	910	910	-68.7092	-6.5805	0	0	0	0	0	0
+166	910	910	910	910	-68.7074	-6.59747	0	0	0	0	0	0
+167	910	910	910	910	-68.7111	-6.56219	0	0	0	0	0	0
+168	910	910	910	910	-68.7091	-6.60392	0	0	0	0	0	0
+169	910	910	910	910	-68.7142	-6.56625	0	0	0	0	0	0
+170	910	910	910	910	-68.7099	-6.56131	0	0	0	0	0	0
+171	910	910	910	910	-68.7117	-6.60535	0	0	0	0	0	0
+172	910	910	910	910	-68.711	-6.57228	0	0	0	0	0	0
+173	910	910	910	910	-68.7113	-6.57045	0	0	0	0	0	0
+174	910	910	910	910	-68.7117	-6.59982	0	0	0	0	0	0
+175	910	910	910	910	-68.7088	-6.59403	0	0	0	0	0	0
+176	910	910	910	910	-68.711	-6.5631	0	0	0	0	0	0
+177	910	910	910	910	-68.7156	-6.56489	0	0	0	0	0	0
+178	910	910	910	910	-68.7146	-6.56593	0	0	0	0	0	0
+179	910	910	910	910	-68.7143	-6.58678	0	0	0	0	0	0
+180	910	910	910	910	-68.719	-6.58645	0	0	0	0	0	0
+181	910	910	910	910	-68.7189	-6.57364	0	0	0	0	0	0
+182	910	910	910	910	-68.713	-6.58196	0	0	0	0	0	0
+183	910	910	910	910	-68.7192	-6.59796	0	0	0	0	0	0
+184	910	910	910	910	-68.7196	-6.5695	0	0	0	0	0	0
+185	910	910	910	910	-68.7171	-6.58085	0	0	0	0	0	0
+186	910	910	910	910	-68.7105	-6.58979	0	0	0	0	0	0
+187	910	910	910	910	-68.7126	-6.59579	0	0	0	0	0	0
+188	910	910	910	910	-68.7123	-6.59333	0	0	0	0	0	0
+189	910	910	910	910	-68.713	-6.57582	0	0	0	0	0	0
+190	910	910	910	910	-68.7137	-6.55652	0	0	0	0	0	0
+191	910	910	910	910	-68.7082	-6.58461	0	0	0	0	0	0
+192	910	910	910	910	-68.7133	-6.59833	0	0	0	0	0	0
+193	910	910	910	910	-68.712	-6.59504	0	0	0	0	0	0
+194	910	910	910	910	-68.7088	-6.57512	0	0	0	0	0	0
+195	910	910	910	910	-68.7098	-6.57698	0	0	0	0	0	0
+196	910	910	910	910	-68.7114	-6.58377	0	0	0	0	0	0
+197	910	910	910	910	-68.7096	-6.57424	0	0	0	0	0	0
+198	910	910	910	910	-68.7111	-6.60173	0	0	0	0	0	0
+199	910	910	910	910	-68.7141	-6.58086	0	0	0	0	0	0
+200	910	910	910	910	-68.7084	-6.60313	0	0	0	0	0	0
+201	910	910	910	910	-68.7188	-6.57043	0	0	0	0	0	0
+202	910	910	910	910	-68.7083	-6.614	0	0	0	0	0	0
+203	910	910	910	910	-68.7181	-6.56947	0	0	0	0	0	0
+204	910	910	910	910	-68.7082	-6.59613	0	0	0	0	0	0
+205	910	910	910	910	-68.7108	-6.58247	0	0	0	0	0	0
+206	910	910	910	910	-68.7151	-6.58836	0	0	0	0	0	0
+207	910	910	910	910	-68.7166	-6.56497	0	0	0	0	0	0
+208	910	910	910	910	-68.7152	-6.60558	0	0	0	0	0	0
+209	910	910	910	910	-68.7125	-6.63414	0	0	0	0	0	0
+210	910	910	910	910	-68.7154	-6.57143	0	0	0	0	0	0
+211	910	910	910	910	-68.7172	-6.57319	0	0	0	0	0	0
+212	910	910	910	910	-68.7181	-6.57976	0	0	0	0	0	0
+213	910	910	910	910	-68.714	-6.57042	0	0	0	0	0	0
+214	910	910	910	910	-68.7155	-6.57596	0	0	0	0	0	0
+215	910	910	910	910	-68.7152	-6.58512	0	0	0	0	0	0
+216	910	910	910	910	-68.7109	-6.59214	0	0	0	0	0	0
+217	910	910	910	910	-68.7129	-6.57147	0	0	0	0	0	0
+218	910	910	910	910	-68.7111	-6.58515	0	0	0	0	0	0
+219	910	910	910	910	-68.7085	-6.59436	0	0	0	0	0	0
+220	910	910	910	910	-68.7104	-6.56685	0	0	0	0	0	0
+221	910	910	910	910	-68.7133	-6.58304	0	0	0	0	0	0
+222	910	910	910	910	-68.7115	-6.57897	0	0	0	0	0	0
+223	910	910	910	910	-68.7113	-6.56823	0	0	0	0	0	0
+224	910	910	910	910	-68.707	-6.74196	0	0	0	0	0	0
+225	910	910	910	910	-68.7085	-6.57655	0	0	0	0	0	0
+226	910	910	910	910	-68.7107	-6.58387	0	0	0	0	0	0
+227	910	910	910	910	-68.7122	-6.54067	0	0	0	0	0	0
+228	910	910	910	910	-68.7126	-6.57526	0	0	0	0	0	0
+229	910	910	910	910	-68.7134	-6.60692	0	0	0	0	0	0
+230	910	910	910	910	-68.714	-6.60161	0	0	0	0	0	0
+231	910	910	910	910	-68.7148	-6.57368	0	0	0	0	0	0
+232	910	910	910	910	-68.7148	-6.57796	0	0	0	0	0	0
+233	910	910	910	910	-68.7153	-6.55663	0	0	0	0	0	0
+234	910	910	910	910	-68.7146	-6.57694	0	0	0	0	0	0
+235	910	910	910	910	-68.715	-6.58062	0	0	0	0	0	0
+236	910	910	910	910	-68.7172	-6.5615	0	0	0	0	0	0
+237	910	910	910	910	-68.714	-6.60407	0	0	0	0	0	0
+238	910	910	910	910	-68.7132	-6.58025	0	0	0	0	0	0
+239	910	910	910	910	-68.7165	-6.5541	0	0	0	0	0	0
+240	910	910	910	910	-68.7137	-6.58388	0	0	0	0	0	0
+241	910	910	910	910	-68.7139	-6.58074	0	0	0	0	0	0
+242	910	910	910	910	-68.7126	-6.58001	0	0	0	0	0	0
+243	910	910	910	910	-68.71	-6.5943	0	0	0	0	0	0
+244	910	910	910	910	-68.7126	-6.5834	0	0	0	0	0	0
+245	910	910	910	910	-68.7129	-6.59747	0	0	0	0	0	0
+246	910	910	910	910	-68.7127	-6.58487	0	0	0	0	0	0
+247	910	910	910	910	-68.7175	-6.53995	0	0	0	0	0	0
+248	910	910	910	910	-68.7039	-6.56545	0	0	0	0	0	0
+249	910	910	910	910	-68.7101	-6.57265	0	0	0	0	0	0
+250	910	910	910	910	-68.7137	-6.74384	0	0	0	0	0	0
+251	910	910	910	910	-68.7094	-6.58815	0	0	0	0	0	0
+252	910	910	910	910	-68.7083	-6.5677	0	0	0	0	0	0
+253	910	910	910	910	-68.71	-6.58472	0	0	0	0	0	0
+254	910	910	910	910	-68.7112	-6.57079	0	0	0	0	0	0
+255	910	910	910	910	-68.7117	-6.58272	0	0	0	0	0	0
+256	910	910	910	910	-68.7129	-6.57111	0	0	0	0	0	0
+257	910	910	910	910	-68.7134	-6.57462	0	0	0	0	0	0
+258	910	910	910	910	-68.7133	-6.57908	0	0	0	0	0	0
+259	910	910	910	910	-68.716	-6.56779	0	0	0	0	0	0
+260	910	910	910	910	-68.7183	-6.574	0	0	0	0	0	0
+261	910	910	910	910	-68.7127	-6.57063	0	0	0	0	0	0
+262	910	910	910	910	-68.7155	-6.57779	0	0	0	0	0	0
+263	910	910	910	910	-68.7149	-6.59511	0	0	0	0	0	0
+264	910	910	910	910	-68.717	-6.57029	0	0	0	0	0	0
+265	910	910	910	910	-68.7152	-6.59376	0	0	0	0	0	0
+266	910	910	910	910	-68.7172	-6.58449	0	0	0	0	0	0
+267	910	910	910	910	-68.7178	-6.58352	0	0	0	0	0	0
+268	910	910	910	910	-68.7139	-6.59444	0	0	0	0	0	0
+269	910	910	910	910	-68.7176	-6.56169	0	0	0	0	0	0
+270	910	910	910	910	-68.7101	-6.60567	0	0	0	0	0	0
+271	910	910	910	910	-68.711	-6.60599	0	0	0	0	0	0
+272	910	910	910	910	-68.714	-6.56079	0	0	0	0	0	0
+273	910	910	910	910	-68.7103	-6.60096	0	0	0	0	0	0
+274	910	910	910	910	-68.7158	-6.57	0	0	0	0	0	0
+275	910	910	910	910	-68.7061	-6.59511	0	0	0	0	0	0
+276	910	910	910	910	-68.712	-6.57439	0	0	0	0	0	0
+277	910	910	910	910	-68.7122	-6.5709	0	0	0	0	0	0
+278	910	910	910	910	-68.7075	-6.5614	0	0	0	0	0	0
+279	910	910	910	910	-68.7085	-6.56329	0	0	0	0	0	0
+280	910	910	910	910	-68.7073	-6.58707	0	0	0	0	0	0
+281	910	910	910	910	-68.7121	-6.57283	0	0	0	0	0	0
+282	910	910	910	910	-68.7126	-6.56793	0	0	0	0	0	0
+283	910	910	910	910	-68.7097	-6.5885	0	0	0	0	0	0
+284	910	910	910	910	-68.7115	-6.59382	0	0	0	0	0	0
+285	910	910	910	910	-68.7153	-6.56475	0	0	0	0	0	0
+286	910	910	910	910	-68.7174	-6.55654	0	0	0	0	0	0
+287	910	910	910	910	-68.7204	-6.57285	0	0	0	0	0	0
+288	910	910	910	910	-68.7202	-6.5576	0	0	0	0	0	0
+289	910	910	910	910	-68.7128	-6.5795	0	0	0	0	0	0
+290	910	910	910	910	-68.7203	-6.58742	0	0	0	0	0	0
+291	910	910	910	910	-68.7175	-6.58273	0	0	0	0	0	0
+292	910	910	910	910	-68.7191	-6.53584	0	0	0	0	0	0
+293	910	910	910	910	-68.7177	-6.57937	0	0	0	0	0	0
+294	910	910	910	910	-68.7197	-6.57484	0	0	0	0	0	0
+295	910	910	910	910	-68.7175	-6.58781	0	0	0	0	0	0
+296	910	910	910	910	-68.7134	-6.58103	0	0	0	0	0	0
+297	910	910	910	910	-68.7165	-6.53469	0	0	0	0	0	0
+298	910	910	910	910	-68.7129	-6.57844	0	0	0	0	0	0
+299	910	910	910	910	-68.7092	-6.58754	0	0	0	0	0	0
+300	910	910	910	910	-68.7128	-6.56722	0	0	0	0	0	0
+301	910	910	910	910	-68.7064	-6.59059	0	0	0	0	0	0
+302	910	910	910	910	-68.7091	-6.58058	0	0	0	0	0	0
+303	910	910	910	910	-68.7131	-6.56119	0	0	0	0	0	0
+304	910	910	910	910	-68.7193	-6.58125	0	0	0	0	0	0
+305	910	910	910	910	-68.7132	-6.60038	0	0	0	0	0	0
+306	910	910	910	910	-68.7082	-6.58938	0	0	0	0	0	0
+307	910	910	910	910	-68.7065	-6.59282	0	0	0	0	0	0
+308	910	910	910	910	-68.7102	-6.58595	0	0	0	0	0	0
+309	910	910	910	910	-68.7167	-6.59042	0	0	0	0	0	0
+310	910	910	910	910	-68.7138	-6.59493	0	0	0	0	0	0
+311	910	910	910	910	-68.7124	-6.57531	0	0	0	0	0	0
+312	910	910	910	910	-68.7095	-6.57089	0	0	0	0	0	0
+313	910	910	910	910	-68.7132	-6.58505	0	0	0	0	0	0
+314	910	910	910	910	-68.716	-6.59859	0	0	0	0	0	0
+315	910	910	910	910	-68.7169	-6.58382	0	0	0	0	0	0
+316	910	910	910	910	-68.7082	-6.58674	0	0	0	0	0	0
+317	910	910	910	910	-68.7113	-6.56857	0	0	0	0	0	0
+318	910	910	910	910	-68.7131	-6.5782	0	0	0	0	0	0
+319	910	910	910	910	-68.7192	-6.56291	0	0	0	0	0	0
+320	910	910	910	910	-68.7177	-6.58191	0	0	0	0	0	0
+321	910	910	910	910	-68.7108	-6.57296	0	0	0	0	0	0
+322	910	910	910	910	-68.7095	-6.74273	0	0	0	0	0	0
+323	910	910	910	910	-68.7139	-6.55733	0	0	0	0	0	0
+324	910	910	910	910	-68.7208	-6.57467	0	0	0	0	0	0
+325	910	910	910	910	-68.7165	-6.57736	0	0	0	0	0	0
+326	910	910	910	910	-68.7126	-6.57218	0	0	0	0	0	0
+327	910	910	910	910	-68.7142	-6.57118	0	0	0	0	0	0
+328	910	910	910	910	-68.7156	-6.57661	0	0	0	0	0	0
+329	910	910	910	910	-68.7162	-6.58396	0	0	0	0	0	0
+330	910	910	910	910	-68.7144	-6.56982	0	0	0	0	0	0
+331	910	910	910	910	-68.7109	-6.5795	0	0	0	0	0	0
+332	910	910	910	910	-68.7081	-6.58963	0	0	0	0	0	0
+333	910	910	910	910	-68.7183	-6.59294	0	0	0	0	0	0
+334	910	910	910	910	-68.7153	-6.59215	0	0	0	0	0	0
+335	910	910	910	910	-68.7103	-6.58821	0	0	0	0	0	0
+336	910	910	910	910	-68.7117	-6.58884	0	0	0	0	0	0
+337	910	910	910	910	-68.7177	-6.55721	0	0	0	0	0	0
+338	910	910	910	910	-68.7191	-6.60134	0	0	0	0	0	0
+339	910	910	910	910	-68.7086	-6.59667	0	0	0	0	0	0
+340	910	910	910	910	-68.7113	-6.57529	0	0	0	0	0	0
+341	910	910	910	910	-68.7098	-6.6048	0	0	0	0	0	0
+342	910	910	910	910	-68.7207	-6.56936	0	0	0	0	0	0
+343	910	910	910	910	-68.7097	-6.60145	0	0	0	0	0	0
+344	910	910	910	910	-68.7134	-6.58043	0	0	0	0	0	0
+345	910	910	910	910	-68.713	-6.57005	0	0	0	0	0	0
+346	910	910	910	910	-68.715	-6.58217	0	0	0	0	0	0
+347	910	910	910	910	-68.7077	-6.59054	0	0	0	0	0	0
+348	910	910	910	910	-68.7071	-6.58033	0	0	0	0	0	0
+349	910	910	910	910	-68.7196	-6.58453	0	0	0	0	0	0
+350	910	910	910	910	-68.7158	-6.6013	0	0	0	0	0	0
+351	910	910	910	910	-68.708	-6.59316	0	0	0	0	0	0
+352	910	910	910	910	-68.7129	-6.59982	0	0	0	0	0	0
+353	910	910	910	910	-68.7177	-6.58604	0	0	0	0	0	0
+354	910	910	910	910	-68.7139	-6.5663	0	0	0	0	0	0
+355	910	910	910	910	-68.7141	-6.5817	0	0	0	0	0	0
+356	910	910	910	910	-68.7171	-6.5664	0	0	0	0	0	0
+357	910	910	910	910	-68.7178	-6.56956	0	0	0	0	0	0
+358	910	910	910	910	-68.7065	-6.59572	0	0	0	0	0	0
+359	910	910	910	910	-68.7113	-6.59773	0	0	0	0	0	0
+360	910	910	910	910	-68.7151	-6.58637	0	0	0	0	0	0
+361	910	910	910	910	-68.7141	-6.57482	0	0	0	0	0	0
+362	910	910	910	910	-68.7122	-6.59089	0	0	0	0	0	0
+363	910	910	910	910	-68.7106	-6.60363	0	0	0	0	0	0
+364	910	910	910	910	-68.7135	-6.58199	0	0	0	0	0	0
+365	910	910	910	910	-68.7082	-6.58326	0	0	0	0	0	0
+366	910	910	910	910	-68.7134	-6.58623	0	0	0	0	0	0
+367	910	910	910	910	-68.7108	-6.58438	0	0	0	0	0	0
+368	910	910	910	910	-68.7136	-6.5745	0	0	0	0	0	0
+369	910	910	910	910	-68.7107	-6.60957	0	0	0	0	0	0
+370	910	910	910	910	-68.7131	-6.57828	0	0	0	0	0	0
+371	910	910	910	910	-68.71	-6.60118	0	0	0	0	0	0
+372	910	910	910	910	-68.7149	-6.56709	0	0	0	0	0	0
+373	910	910	910	910	-68.7123	-6.58165	0	0	0	0	0	0
+374	910	910	910	910	-68.7119	-6.57835	0	0	0	0	0	0
+375	910	910	910	910	-68.7125	-6.59325	0	0	0	0	0	0
+376	910	910	910	910	-68.7172	-6.57893	0	0	0	0	0	0
+377	910	910	910	910	-68.7124	-6.59335	0	0	0	0	0	0
+378	910	910	910	910	-68.7118	-6.57741	0	0	0	0	0	0
+379	910	910	910	910	-68.7126	-6.60212	0	0	0	0	0	0
+380	910	910	910	910	-68.7155	-6.59585	0	0	0	0	0	0
+381	910	910	910	910	-68.7097	-6.59273	0	0	0	0	0	0
+382	910	910	910	910	-68.7155	-6.60126	0	0	0	0	0	0
+383	910	910	910	910	-68.7178	-6.56617	0	0	0	0	0	0
+384	910	910	910	910	-68.706	-6.58213	0	0	0	0	0	0
+385	910	910	910	910	-68.7115	-6.57724	0	0	0	0	0	0
+386	910	910	910	910	-68.7161	-6.53927	0	0	0	0	0	0
+387	910	910	910	910	-68.7099	-6.58762	0	0	0	0	0	0
+388	910	910	910	910	-68.7128	-6.5631	0	0	0	0	0	0
+389	910	910	910	910	-68.7214	-6.52838	0	0	0	0	0	0
+390	910	910	910	910	-68.7109	-6.58434	0	0	0	0	0	0
+391	910	910	910	910	-68.7124	-6.5911	0	0	0	0	0	0
+392	910	910	910	910	-68.7212	-6.59077	0	0	0	0	0	0
+393	910	910	910	910	-68.7155	-6.61371	0	0	0	0	0	0
+394	910	910	910	910	-68.7112	-6.60503	0	0	0	0	0	0
+395	910	910	910	910	-68.7166	-6.56987	0	0	0	0	0	0
+396	910	910	910	910	-68.7115	-6.58128	0	0	0	0	0	0
+397	910	910	910	910	-68.7051	-6.61677	0	0	0	0	0	0
+398	910	910	910	910	-68.7185	-6.57157	0	0	0	0	0	0
+399	910	910	910	910	-68.7156	-6.58369	0	0	0	0	0	0
+400	910	910	910	910	-68.712	-6.5853	0	0	0	0	0	0
+401	910	910	910	910	-68.7188	-6.5853	0	0	0	0	0	0
+402	910	910	910	910	-68.7128	-6.56785	0	0	0	0	0	0
+403	910	910	910	910	-68.713	-6.58656	0	0	0	0	0	0
+404	910	910	910	910	-68.7207	-6.57733	0	0	0	0	0	0
+405	910	910	910	910	-68.7146	-6.56837	0	0	0	0	0	0
+406	910	910	910	910	-68.7088	-6.59566	0	0	0	0	0	0
+407	910	910	910	910	-68.7132	-6.58559	0	0	0	0	0	0
+408	910	910	910	910	-68.7115	-6.60884	0	0	0	0	0	0
+409	910	910	910	910	-68.7076	-6.59386	0	0	0	0	0	0
+410	910	910	910	910	-68.72	-6.58041	0	0	0	0	0	0
+411	910	910	910	910	-68.7085	-6.59255	0	0	0	0	0	0
+412	910	910	910	910	-68.7138	-6.56855	0	0	0	0	0	0
+413	910	910	910	910	-68.7224	-6.57238	0	0	0	0	0	0
+414	910	910	910	910	-68.7105	-6.58649	0	0	0	0	0	0
+415	910	910	910	910	-68.7102	-6.5843	0	0	0	0	0	0
+416	910	910	910	910	-68.7155	-6.58432	0	0	0	0	0	0
+417	910	910	910	910	-68.7109	-6.56913	0	0	0	0	0	0
+418	910	910	910	910	-68.7113	-6.58803	0	0	0	0	0	0
+419	910	910	910	910	-68.715	-6.58461	0	0	0	0	0	0
+420	910	910	910	910	-68.7075	-6.59759	0	0	0	0	0	0
+421	910	910	910	910	-68.719	-6.74931	0	0	0	0	0	0
+422	910	910	910	910	-68.7138	-6.59307	0	0	0	0	0	0
+423	910	910	910	910	-68.7087	-6.604	0	0	0	0	0	0
+424	910	910	910	910	-68.7205	-6.56644	0	0	0	0	0	0
+425	910	910	910	910	-68.7115	-6.58284	0	0	0	0	0	0
+426	910	910	910	910	-68.7107	-6.60004	0	0	0	0	0	0
+427	910	910	910	910	-68.715	-6.58993	0	0	0	0	0	0
+428	910	910	910	910	-68.7116	-6.59032	0	0	0	0	0	0
+429	910	910	910	910	-68.7139	-6.58179	0	0	0	0	0	0
+430	910	910	910	910	-68.7173	-6.54551	0	0	0	0	0	0
+431	910	910	910	910	-68.7116	-6.58131	0	0	0	0	0	0
+432	910	910	910	910	-68.7087	-6.61744	0	0	0	0	0	0
+433	910	910	910	910	-68.7104	-6.62017	0	0	0	0	0	0
+434	910	910	910	910	-68.7114	-6.56875	0	0	0	0	0	0
+435	910	910	910	910	-68.7126	-6.59447	0	0	0	0	0	0
+436	910	910	910	910	-68.7148	-6.57111	0	0	0	0	0	0
+437	910	910	910	910	-68.7145	-6.583	0	0	0	0	0	0
+438	910	910	910	910	-68.7188	-6.58005	0	0	0	0	0	0
+439	910	910	910	910	-68.712	-6.56403	0	0	0	0	0	0
+440	910	910	910	910	-68.7118	-6.6166	0	0	0	0	0	0
+441	910	910	910	910	-68.7119	-6.58167	0	0	0	0	0	0
+442	910	910	910	910	-68.7145	-6.57906	0	0	0	0	0	0
+443	910	910	910	910	-68.7102	-6.59172	0	0	0	0	0	0
+444	910	910	910	910	-68.716	-6.75345	0	0	0	0	0	0
+445	910	910	910	910	-68.7119	-6.57442	0	0	0	0	0	0
+446	910	910	910	910	-68.7148	-6.58037	0	0	0	0	0	0
+447	910	910	910	910	-68.7098	-6.58086	0	0	0	0	0	0
+448	910	910	910	910	-68.7191	-6.59955	0	0	0	0	0	0
+449	910	910	910	910	-68.7172	-6.56737	0	0	0	0	0	0
+450	910	910	910	910	-68.7103	-6.58066	0	0	0	0	0	0
+451	910	910	910	910	-68.7172	-6.56591	0	0	0	0	0	0
+452	910	910	910	910	-68.7079	-6.58814	0	0	0	0	0	0
+453	910	910	910	910	-68.7173	-6.58176	0	0	0	0	0	0
+454	910	910	910	910	-68.716	-6.56879	0	0	0	0	0	0
+455	910	910	910	910	-68.7132	-6.57353	0	0	0	0	0	0
+456	910	910	910	910	-68.7147	-6.56796	0	0	0	0	0	0
+457	910	910	910	910	-68.7084	-6.58179	0	0	0	0	0	0
+458	910	910	910	910	-68.7154	-6.58351	0	0	0	0	0	0
+459	910	910	910	910	-68.7144	-6.58074	0	0	0	0	0	0
+460	910	910	910	910	-68.7136	-6.58261	0	0	0	0	0	0
+461	910	910	910	910	-68.7179	-6.56817	0	0	0	0	0	0
+462	910	910	910	910	-68.7082	-6.60454	0	0	0	0	0	0
+463	910	910	910	910	-68.7167	-6.57688	0	0	0	0	0	0
+464	910	910	910	910	-68.7048	-6.61307	0	0	0	0	0	0
+465	910	910	910	910	-68.718	-6.57425	0	0	0	0	0	0
+466	910	910	910	910	-68.6783	-6.68434	0	0	0	0	0	0
+467	910	910	910	910	-68.7085	-6.63192	0	0	0	0	0	0
+468	910	910	910	910	-68.7192	-6.58369	0	0	0	0	0	0
+469	910	910	910	910	-68.7105	-6.74313	0	0	0	0	0	0
+470	910	910	910	910	-68.8054	-6.35354	0	0	0	0	0	0
+471	910	910	910	910	-68.8036	-6.50326	0	0	0	0	0	0
+472	910	910	910	910	-68.8041	-6.51739	0	0	0	0	0	0
+473	910	910	910	910	-68.7721	-6.37858	0	0	0	0	0	0
+474	910	910	910	910	-68.6034	-6.79759	0	0	0	0	0	0
+475	910	910	910	910	-68.6123	-7.07856	0	0	0	0	0	0
+476	910	910	910	910	-68.6978	-7.20075	0	0	0	0	0	0
+477	910	910	910	910	-68.7092	-6.97938	0	0	0	0	0	0
+478	910	910	910	910	-68.5067	-7.70914	0	0	0	0	0	0
+479	910	910	910	910	-66.613	-8.79074	0	0	0	0	0	0
+480	910	910	910	910	-62.348	-6.89816	0	0	0	0	0	0
+481	910	910	910	910	-58.3202	-4.51191	0	0	0	0	0	0
+482	910	910	910	910	-53.0715	-3.13262	0	0	0	0	0	0
+483	910	910	910	910	-46.9161	-2.85837	0	0	0	0	0	0
+484	910	910	910	910	-41.5937	-1.56969	0	0	0	0	0	0
+485	910	910	910	910	-36.9342	-0.119108	0	0	0	0	0	0
+486	910	910	910	910	-33.6039	0.721408	0	0	0	0	0	0
+487	910	910	910	910	-30.01	0.566267	0	0	0	0	0	0
+488	910	910	910	910	-26.4972	0.136394	0	0	0	0	0	0
+489	910	910	910	910	-21.2003	-0.783769	0	0	0	0	0	0
+490	910	910	910	910	-16.6885	-1.23396	0	0	0	0	0	0
+491	910	910	910	910	-12.0339	-1.57324	0	0	0	0	0	0
+492	910	910	910	910	-6.77052	-1.64983	0	0	0	0	0	0
+493	910	910	910	910	-2.81965	-1.63724	0	0	0	0	0	0
+494	910	910	910	910	1.74301	-1.60742	0	0	0	0	0	0
+495	910	910	910	910	5.6797	-1.51719	0	0	0	0	0	0
+496	910	910	910	910	8.90499	-1.47922	0	0	0	0	0	0
+497	910	910	910	910	10.5542	-1.45318	0	0	0	0	0	0
+498	910	910	910	910	11.7679	-1.28374	0	0	0	0	0	0
+499	910	910	910	910	12.3219	-1.36283	0	0	0	0	0	0
+500	910	910	910	910	12.4503	-1.51314	0	0	0	0	0	0
+501	910	910	910	910	11.782	-1.83117	0	0	0	0	0	0
+502	910	910	910	910	10.5402	-2.03054	0	0	0	0	0	0
+503	910	910	910	910	9.34675	-2.30849	0	0	0	0	0	0
+504	910	910	910	910	8.01059	-2.22077	0	0	0	0	0	0
+505	910	910	910	910	7.01924	-1.80421	0	0	0	0	0	0
+506	910	910	910	910	6.37181	-1.3916	0	0	0	0	0	0
+507	910	910	910	910	5.63605	-1.08198	0	0	0	0	0	0
+508	910	910	910	910	4.8716	-1.09728	0	0	0	0	0	0
+509	910	910	910	910	4.10093	-1.31086	0	0	0	0	0	0
+510	910	910	910	910	3.13095	-1.6733	0	0	0	0	0	0
+511	910	910	910	910	2.21374	-1.94185	0	0	0	0	0	0
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/DataAnalysis.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/DataAnalysis.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34834d0460e095c21808b0cc26c5d084546a9319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/DataAnalysis.m
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+%% ANALYSIS CONFIGURATION OPTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Modify your analysis configuration options here
+% FNAME %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% if you know the name of the log file that you want to parse, set the it
+% here only if it is in the working directory. Otherwise, you may leave it
+% blank. You will be able to choose the file to parse through an explorer
+% window.
+%fname = 'sampleLogFileWithMarker.txt';  
+fname = 'testies_v2.txt';  
+% PLOTTING SWITCHES - set them to 0 or 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+plot            = 1;    % to choose plotting
+separatePlot    = 1;    % to generate separatePlots
+multiPlot       = 1;    % to generate multiPlot
+subPlot         = 0;    % to generate subPlots
+clearFigs       = 0;    % to close all the plots (needed only by the GUI)
+% DATA TO PLOT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% write names of the data headers that you want to plot using
+% seperatePlots. If this is empty but "plot" switch is 1, all the columns
+% will be plotted using seperatePlots.
+separateData = {'PID_roll_vel'};
+% write names of the data headers that you want to plot using multiPlots.
+% If this is empty but "plot" switch is 1, the data headers in separateData
+% will be plotted using multiPlots.
+multiData = {}; 
+% write names of the data headers that you want to plot using subPlots.
+% If this is empty but "plot" switch is 1, the data headers in multiData
+% will be plotted using subPlots.
+subData = {};
+% COLOR FOR PLOTTING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+color       = 'r';      % one character for color of the plotting line
+marker      = '';       % one character for the marker of the plotting line
+style       = ':';      % one character for the style of the plotting line
+backgnd     = [1 1 1];  % rgb array for background color of the plot
+%% DO NOT MODIFY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+fpath = '';
+    [fname, fpath] = uigetfile('.txt','Select log file');
+% storing file options in the structure
+params.file.name = fname;               % file name only
+params.file.path = fpath;               % file path only
+params.file.pathName = [fpath fname];   % file path with file name
+% storing plotting parameters in the structure
+params.plotting.plot = plot;               
+params.plotting.separatePlot = separatePlot;           
+params.plotting.multiPlot = multiPlot;              
+params.plotting.subPlot = subPlot;
+params.plotting.clearFigs = clearFigs;
+% storing plotting data in the structure
+params.plotting.separateData = separateData;                
+params.plotting.multiData = multiData;         
+params.plotting.subData = subData;
+% storing colors for plotting in the struture
+params.plotting.color = color; 
+params.plotting.marker = marker; 
+params.plotting.style = style; 
+params.plotting.backgnd = backgnd;
+% saving params into a file
+%save params params;
+%% parsing the log file specified %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% parse the log and instantiate the data structure, expData
+expData = parse_log(params.file.pathName, params); 
+%save expData expData;
+%% plotting routines %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% plot the data accoriding to the plotting parameters set
+plot_data(expData, params.plotting);
+%% creating the main structure to be stored in the workspace %%%%%%%%%%%%%
+main.params     = params;
+main.expData    = expData;
+clearvars -except main;
+save main main;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/GUI.fig b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/GUI.fig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e62ff281260cd9f294eff1374daa9c160bab03e
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/GUI.fig differ
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/GUI.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/GUI.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3794047e00cc08f8ad91d60cbe691a2839368fa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/GUI.m
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+function varargout = GUI(varargin)
+% GUI MATLAB code for GUI.fig
+%      GUI, by itself, creates a new GUI or raises the existing
+%      singleton*.
+%      H = GUI returns the handle to a new GUI or the handle to
+%      the existing singleton*.
+%      GUI('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
+%      function named CALLBACK in GUI.M with the given input arguments.
+%      GUI('Property','Value',...) creates a new GUI or raises the
+%      existing singleton*.  Starting from the left, property value pairs are
+%      applied to the GUI before GUI_OpeningFcn gets called.  An
+%      unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
+%      stop.  All inputs are passed to GUI_OpeningFcn via varargin.
+%      *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu.  Choose "GUI allows only one
+%      instance to run (singleton)".
+% Edit the above text to modify the response to help GUI
+% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 24-Mar-2015 21:23:27
+% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
+gui_Singleton = 1;
+gui_State = struct('gui_Name',       mfilename, ...
+                   'gui_Singleton',  gui_Singleton, ...
+                   'gui_OpeningFcn', @GUI_OpeningFcn, ...
+                   'gui_OutputFcn',  @GUI_OutputFcn, ...
+                   'gui_LayoutFcn',  [] , ...
+                   'gui_Callback',   []);
+if nargin && ischar(varargin{1})
+    gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});
+if nargout
+    [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
+    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
+% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
+% --- Executes just before GUI is made visible.
+function GUI_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
+% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn.
+% hObject    handle to figure
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+% varargin   command line arguments to GUI (see VARARGIN)
+% Choose default command line output for GUI
+handles.output = hObject;
+handles.filepath = hObject;
+handles.filepath = mfilename('fullpath');
+handles.filepath = strrep(handles.filepath, 'GUI', '');
+if (~exist(handles.filepath,'file'))
+     error(strcat(handles.filepath, ' does not exist'))
+if(~isfield(handles, 'axes'))
+    for i = 1:12
+        eval(['handles.axes{' num2str(i) '} = handles.axes' num2str(i) ';']);
+        eval(['handles = rmfield(handles,''axes' num2str(i) ''');']);
+        eval(['handles.togglebuttons{' num2str(i) '} = handles.togglebutton' num2str(i) ';']);
+        eval(['handles = rmfield(handles,''togglebutton' num2str(i) ''');']);
+        eval(['handles.radiobutton{' num2str(i) '} = handles.radiobutton' num2str(i) ';']);
+        eval(['handles = rmfield(handles,''radiobutton' num2str(i) ''');']);
+    end
+    for i = 13:16
+        eval(['handles.radiobutton{' num2str(i) '} = handles.radiobutton' num2str(i) ';']);
+        eval(['handles = rmfield(handles,''radiobutton' num2str(i) ''');']);
+    end
+handles.main = hObject;
+handles.main = struct();
+    handles.main = importData(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+    handles = loadOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+    previewPlot(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+    if(~isfield(handles.main.params.file,'pathName'))
+        handles.main.params.file.name = '';
+        handles.main.params.file.path = handles.filepath;
+        handles.main.params.file.pathName = handles.filepath;
+    end
+    handles.main.params.file.name = '';
+    handles.main.params.file.path = handles.filepath;
+    handles.main.params.file.pathName = handles.filepath;
+load_listbox(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+guidata(hObject, handles);
+% Update handles structure
+%findobj('tag', 'figure\*');
+% UIWAIT makes GUI wait for user response (see UIRESUME)
+% uiwait(handles.figure1);
+% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line.
+function varargout = GUI_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) 
+% varargout  cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT);
+% hObject    handle to figure
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+% Get default command line output from handles structure
+varargout{1} = handles.output;
+% --- Executes when user attempts to close figure1.
+function figure1_CloseRequestFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to figure1 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+% Hint: delete(hObject) closes the figure
+function uipanel1_SelectionChangeFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+previewPlot(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% --- Executes when selected object is changed in uipanel3.
+function uipanel3_SelectionChangeFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to the selected object in uipanel3 
+% eventdata  structure with the following fields (see UIBUTTONGROUP)
+%	EventName: string 'SelectionChanged' (read only)
+%	OldValue: handle of the previously selected object or empty if none was selected
+%	NewValue: handle of the currently selected object
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles.main.params.plotting.separatePlot = 0;           % to generate separate plots
+handles.main.params.plotting.multiPlot = 0;              % to super impose multiple quantities on the same plot
+handles.main.params.plotting.subPlot = 0; 
+switch get(get(handles.uipanel3,'SelectedObject'),'Tag')
+case 'radiobutton14',  handles.main.params.plotting.separatePlot = 1;
+case 'radiobutton15',  handles.main.params.plotting.subPlot = 1; 
+case 'radiobutton16',  handles.main.params.plotting.multiPlot = 1;
+    otherwise
+        error('You must select a radio button to indicate what field''s options you are changing.')
+exportData(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+previewPlot(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton2.
+function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);;
+    set(handles.figure1, 'HandleVisibility', 'off');
+    close all;
+    set(handles.figure1, 'HandleVisibility', 'on');
+handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot = handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot(~cellfun('isempty',handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot));
+    if(handles.main.params.plotting.subPlot)  %% plot on one figure using multiple subplots
+        counter = 1;
+        x = ceil(sqrt(length(handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot)));
+        y = x - floor((x ^ 2 - length(handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot))/x);
+        figure_handle = figure;
+    else if(handles.main.params.plotting.multiPlot)
+            figure_handle = figure;
+        end
+    end
+    tempData{1} = handles.main.expData.data{1};
+    tempParams{1} = handles.main.expData.params{1};
+    tempUnit{1} = handles.main.expData.unit{1};
+    tempName{1} = handles.main.expData.datafields{1};
+    if(isfield(handles.main.params.plotting,'toPlot'))
+        for m = 1:length(handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot)
+            for n = 1:length(handles.main.expData.datafields)
+                if(strcmp(handles.main.expData.datafields{n},handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot{m}))
+                    tempData{m+1} = handles.main.expData.data{n};
+                    tempParams{m+1} = handles.main.expData.params{n};
+                    tempUnit{m+1} = handles.main.expData.unit{n};
+                    tempName{m+1} =  handles.main.expData.datafields{n};
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    for i=1:length(handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot)
+        if(strcmp(tempName{i},'Marker'))
+        else
+            if(handles.main.params.plotting.subPlot)
+                subplot(x,y,counter);
+                counter = counter + 1;
+            else if(handles.main.params.plotting.separatePlot)
+                figure_handle = figure;
+                whitebg(tempParams{1}.backgnd);
+                else
+                    hold on;
+                end
+                whitebg('white');
+            end
+            if(strcmp(get(get(handles.uipanel1,'SelectedObject'),'Tag'), 'radiobutton13'))
+                whitebg(tempParams{1}.backgnd);
+                plot(tempData{1},tempData{i+1},'LineStyle',tempParams{1}.style,'Marker',tempParams{1}.marker,'Color',tempParams{1}.color);
+                set(gca,'Color',tempParams{1}.backgnd);
+                set(gcf,'Color',tempParams{1}.backgnd);
+                grid ON;
+                title(tempName{i+1})
+                xlabel(strcat(tempName{1},'(', tempUnit{1},')'));
+                ylabel(tempUnit{i+1});
+            else
+                plot(tempData{1},tempData{i+1},'LineStyle',tempParams{i+1}.style,'Marker',tempParams{i+1}.marker,'Color',tempParams{i+1}.color);
+                if(handles.main.params.plotting.subPlot||handles.main.params.plotting.separatePlot)
+                    set(gca,'Color',tempParams{i+1}.backgnd);
+                end
+                grid ON;
+                xlabel(strcat(tempName{1},'(', tempUnit{1},')'));
+                if(~handles.main.params.plotting.multiPlot)
+                    ylabel(tempUnit{i+1});
+                    title(tempName{i+1})
+                else
+                    hold off;
+                end
+            end
+            if(isfield(handles.main.expData,'Marker'))
+                marks = find(handles.main.expData.Marker.data);
+                l = length(marks);
+                for n = 1:l
+                    x = handles.main.expData.data{1}(marks(n));
+                    line([x x], get(gca,'YLim'),'Color',[rand(1) rand(1) rand(1)]);
+                    y = get(gca,'YLim');
+                    y = y(1)+(1/l)*n*(y(2)-y(1));
+                    text('String',strcat('M',num2str(n),'>'),'Position',[x,y],'HorizontalAlignment','right')
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    all_ha = findobj( figure_handle, 'type', 'axes', 'tag', '' );
+    linkaxes( all_ha, 'x' );
+    error('You must select fields to plot first.')
+% --- Executes on button press in checkbox1.
+function checkbox1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to checkbox1 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of checkbox1
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+button_state = get(hObject,'Value');
+if button_state == get(hObject,'Max')
+	handles.main.params.plotting.clearFigs = 1;
+elseif button_state == get(hObject,'Min')
+	handles.main.params.plotting.clearFigs = 0;
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton3.
+function pushbutton3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to pushbutton3 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+switch get(get(handles.uipanel1,'SelectedObject'),'Tag')
+case 'radiobutton1',  i = 2;
+case 'radiobutton2',  i = 3;
+case 'radiobutton3',  i = 4;
+case 'radiobutton4',  i = 5;
+case 'radiobutton5',  i = 6;
+case 'radiobutton6',  i = 7;
+case 'radiobutton7',  i = 8;
+case 'radiobutton8',  i = 9;
+case 'radiobutton9',  i = 10;
+case 'radiobutton10',  i = 11;
+case 'radiobutton11',  i = 12;
+case 'radiobutton12',  i = 13;
+case 'radiobutton13',  i = 1;
+    otherwise
+        error('You must select a radio button to indicate what field''s options you are changing before pressing this button.')
+color = get(handles.listbox1,'String');
+color = color{get(handles.listbox1,'Value')};
+style = get(handles.listbox2,'String');
+style = style{get(handles.listbox2,'Value')};
+marker = get(handles.listbox3,'String');
+marker = marker{get(handles.listbox3,'Value')};
+bg = get(handles.listbox4,'String');
+bg = bg{get(handles.listbox4,'Value')};
+handles.main.expData.params{i}.color = color;
+handles.main.expData.params{i}.style = style;
+handles.main.expData.params{i}.marker = marker;
+handles.main.expData.params{i}.backgnd = bg;
+exportData(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+previewPlot(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton4.
+function pushbutton4_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to pushbutton4 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+if  isdir(handles.main.params.file.pathName)
+        cd (handles.main.params.file.pathName);
+        handles.main.params.file.path = cd;
+        handles.main.params.file.pathName = cd;
+        addpath(cd);
+        load_listbox(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on selection change in listbox5.
+function listbox5_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to listbox5 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+% Hints: contents = cellstr(get(hObject,'String')) returns listbox5 contents as cell array
+%        contents{get(hObject,'Value')} returns selected item from listbox5
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+if strcmp(get(handles.figure1,'SelectionType'),'open')
+    index_selected = get(handles.listbox5,'Value');
+    file_list = get(handles.listbox5,'String');
+    [path, handles.main.params.file.name, ext] = fileparts(file_list{index_selected});
+    handles.main.params.file.name = strcat(handles.main.params.file.name,ext);
+    handles.main.params.file.pathName = strcat(handles.main.params.file.path,'/', handles.main.params.file.name);
+    if  isdir(handles.main.params.file.pathName)
+        cd (handles.main.params.file.pathName);
+        handles.main.params.file.path = cd;
+        handles.main.params.file.pathName = cd;
+        addpath(cd);
+        load_listbox(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+    else
+        cd(handles.main.params.file.path);
+        switch ext
+            case '.txt'
+                if(isfield(handles.main.params,'plotting'))
+                    if(isfield(handles.main,'expData'))
+                        handles.main.expData = parse_log(handles.main.params.file.pathName,handles.main.params,handles.main.expData);
+                    else
+                        handles.main.expData = parse_log(handles.main.params.file.pathName,handles.main.params);
+                    end
+                else
+                    handles.main.params = set_params(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+                    handles.main.expData = parse_log(handles.main.params.file.pathName,handles.main.params);
+                end
+                handles.main = generateGuiData(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+                exportData(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+                handles.main = importData(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+                handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+                handles = loadOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+                set(handles.text5,'string',strcat('Current Log:', handles.main.params.file.pathName));
+                previewPlot(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+            case '.mat'
+                handles.main = importData(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+                handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+                handles = loadOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+                set(handles.text5,'string',strcat('Current Log:', handles.main.params.file.pathName));
+                previewPlot(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+            otherwise
+            try
+                open(handles.main.params.file.pathName,handles.main.params);
+            catch ex
+                errordlg(ex.getReport('basic'),'File Type Error','modal');
+            end
+        end
+    end
+%% Extra Functions
+% Used by above
+function previewPlot(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+%handles.datafields = fieldnames(handles.main.expData);
+    if(strcmp(get(get(handles.uipanel1,'SelectedObject'),'Tag'), 'radiobutton13'))
+        whitebg(handles.main.expData.params{1}.backgnd);
+        for i = 1:length(handles.main.expData.data)-1
+                if(~isnan(handles.main.expData.data{i}(1,1)) && i<=12)
+                    plot(handles.axes{i},handles.main.expData.data{1},handles.main.expData.data{i+1},'LineStyle',handles.main.expData.params{1}.style,'Marker',handles.main.expData.params{1}.marker,'Color',handles.main.expData.params{1}.color);
+                    set(handles.axes{i},'Color',handles.main.expData.params{1}.backgnd);
+                    set(handles.togglebuttons{i},'string',handles.main.expData.datafields{i+1},'enable','on');
+                    grid(handles.axes{i}, 'on');
+                    xlabel(handles.axes{i},strcat(handles.main.expData.datafields{1},'(', handles.main.expData.unit{1},')'));
+                    ylabel(handles.axes{i},handles.main.expData.unit{i+1});
+                    if(isfield(handles.main.expData,'Marker'))
+                        marks = find(handles.main.expData.Marker.data);
+                        for j = 1:length(marks)
+                            line([handles.main.expData.data{1}(marks(j)) handles.main.expData.data{1}(marks(j))], get(handles.axes{i},'YLim'),'Color','red','Parent',handles.axes{i})
+                        end
+                    end
+                end
+        end
+    else
+        whitebg('white');
+        for i = 1:length(handles.main.expData.data)-1
+            if(~isnan(handles.main.expData.data{i}(1,1)) && (i<=12))
+                plot(handles.axes{i},handles.main.expData.data{1},handles.main.expData.data{i+1},'LineStyle',handles.main.expData.params{i+1}.style,'Marker',handles.main.expData.params{i+1}.marker,'Color',handles.main.expData.params{i+1}.color);
+                if(~handles.main.params.plotting.multiPlot)
+                    set(handles.axes{i},'Color',handles.main.expData.params{i+1}.backgnd);
+                end
+                set(handles.togglebuttons{i},'string',handles.main.expData.datafields{i+1},'enable','on');
+                grid(handles.axes{i}, 'on');
+                xlabel(handles.axes{i},strcat(handles.main.expData.datafields{1},'(', handles.main.expData.unit{1},')'));
+                ylabel(handles.axes{i},handles.main.expData.unit{i+1});
+                if(isfield(handles.main.expData,'Marker'))
+                        marks = find(handles.main.expData.Marker.data);
+                        for j = 1:length(marks)
+                            line([handles.main.expData.data{1}(marks(j)) handles.main.expData.data{1}(marks(j))], get(handles.axes{i},'YLim'),'Color','red','Parent',handles.axes{i})
+                        end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    for i = length(handles.main.expData.data):12
+                plot(handles.axes{i},0,0);
+                set(handles.axes{i},'Color','white');
+                grid(handles.axes{i}, 'off');
+                set(handles.togglebuttons{i},'string','no data','enable','off');
+                set(handles.togglebuttons{i},'value',0);
+                handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot{i} = [];
+    end
+    setbgcolor(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+guidata(hObject, handles);
+function main = importData(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+main = evalin('base' , 'main');
+handles.main = main;
+handles.main = generateGuiData(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+    handles.main.params = set_params(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+    handles.main.params.plotting.separatePlot = 1;           % to generate separate plots
+    handles.main.params.plotting.multiPlot = 0;              % to super impose multiple quantities on the same plot
+    handles.main.params.plotting.subPlot = 0;           % to generate sub plots for multiple quantities
+    handles.main.params.plotting.clearFigs = 1;
+main = handles.main;
+guidata(hObject, handles);
+function main = generateGuiData(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+n = length(fieldnames(handles.main.expData));
+handles.main.expData.datafields = fieldnames(handles.main.expData);
+for i = 1:n
+eval(['handles.main.expData.data{i} = handles.main.expData.', handles.main.expData.datafields{i}, '.data;']); %%
+eval(['handles.main.expData.unit{i} = handles.main.expData.', handles.main.expData.datafields{i}, '.unit;']); %%
+eval(['handles.main.expData.params{i} = handles.main.expData.', handles.main.expData.datafields{i}, '.params;']);
+main = handles.main;
+guidata(hObject, handles);
+function exportData(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+handles.main.expData.datafields = fieldnames(handles.main.expData);
+for i = 1:length(handles.main.expData.data)
+eval(['handles.main.expData.', handles.main.expData.datafields{i}, '.data = handles.main.expData.data{i};']); %%
+eval(['handles.main.expData.', handles.main.expData.datafields{i}, '.unit = handles.main.expData.unit{i};']); %%
+eval(['handles.main.expData.', handles.main.expData.datafields{i}, '.params = handles.main.expData.params{i};']);
+handles.main.expData = rmfield(handles.main.expData, 'datafields');
+handles.main.expData = rmfield(handles.main.expData, 'data');
+handles.main.expData = rmfield(handles.main.expData, 'unit');
+handles.main.expData = rmfield(handles.main.expData, 'params');
+assignin('base', 'main', handles.main);
+function setbgcolor(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+bgcolor = get(handles.figure1,'color');
+set(handles.uipanel1,'BackgroundColor', bgcolor);
+set(handles.uipanel2,'BackgroundColor', bgcolor);
+set(handles.uipanel3,'BackgroundColor', bgcolor);
+for i = 1:16
+    set(handles.radiobutton{i},'BackgroundColor', bgcolor);
+for i = 1:6
+    eval(['set(handles.text', num2str(i) , ',''BackgroundColor'', bgcolor);'])
+set(handles.checkbox1,'BackgroundColor', bgcolor);
+guidata(hObject, handles);
+function load_listbox(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+dir_struct = dir(cd);
+[sorted_names,sorted_index] = sortrows({dir_struct.name}');
+handles.file_names = sorted_names;
+handles.is_dir = [dir_struct.isdir];
+handles.sorted_index = sorted_index;
+set(handles.text5,'string',strcat('Current Log:', handles.main.params.file.pathName))
+guidata(hObject, handles);
+function params = set_params(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+handles.main.params.plotting.plot = 1;               % switch to choose plotting
+handles.main.params.plotting.separatePlot = 1;           % to generate separate plots
+handles.main.params.plotting.multiPlot = 0;              % to super impose multiple quantities on the same plot
+handles.main.params.plotting.subPlot = 0;           % to generate sub plots for multiple quantities
+handles.main.params.plotting.clearFigs = 1;
+handles.main.params.plotting.separateData = {};     % column numbers to plot on separate figures
+handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot = {};
+                                                        % if empty & plot = 1, all the columns will be plotted                                               
+handles.main.params.plotting.multiData = {};         % if empty but switch is on, use separateData values
+handles.main.params.plotting.subData = {};      % if empty but switch is on, use multiData values
+handles.main.params.plotting.color = 'black'; % one character for color of the plotting line
+handles.main.params.plotting.marker = 'none'; % one character for the maker of the plotting line
+handles.main.params.plotting.style = '-'; % one character for the style of the plotting line
+handles.main.params.plotting.backgnd = 'white'; % rgb array for background color of the plot
+params = handles.main.params;
+function handles = loadOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+    set(handles.radiobutton{14},'Value',1)
+else if(handles.main.params.plotting.subPlot)
+        set(handles.radiobutton{15},'Value',1)
+    else if(handles.main.params.plotting.multiPlot)
+            set(handles.radiobutton{16},'Value',1)
+        else
+            set(handles.radiobutton{14},'Value',1);
+            handles.main.params.plotting.separatePlot = 1;
+        end
+    end
+    set(handles.checkbox1,'Value',1)
+    set(handles.checkbox1,'Value',0)
+for n = 2:length(handles.main.expData.datafields)
+    if(n<=13)
+        set(handles.togglebuttons{n-1}, 'Value', 0);
+    end
+    for m = 1:length(handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot)
+        for n = 2:length(handles.main.expData.datafields)
+            if(strcmp(handles.main.expData.datafields{n},handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot{m}))
+                set(handles.togglebuttons{n-1}, 'Value', 1);
+            end
+        end
+    end
+exportData(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+guidata(hObject, handles);
+function handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+uipanel3_SelectionChangeFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+    handles.main.params.plotting.clearFigs = 1;
+    handles.main.params.plotting.clearFigs = 0;
+handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot = {};
+for i = 1:length(handles.main.expData.datafields)-1
+    if(i<=12)
+        button_state = get(handles.togglebuttons{i},'Value');
+    end
+    if button_state == 1
+        handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot = {handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot{:}, handles.main.expData.datafields{i+1}};
+    else
+        handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot(strcmp(handles.main.expData.datafields{i+1},handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot)) = [];
+    end
+handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot = handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot(~cellfun('isempty',handles.main.params.plotting.toPlot));
+exportData(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+guidata(hObject, handles);
+%% unused functions
+function uipanel1_ButtonDownFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+function togglebutton7_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+function listbox5_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+function listbox1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+function listbox1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
+    set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');
+function listbox2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+function listbox2_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+function listbox3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+function listbox3_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
+    set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');
+function listbox4_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+function listbox4_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
+    set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');
+%% bulky functions (repetative)
+%--- Executes on button press in togglebutton1.
+function togglebutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to togglebutton1 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in togglebutton2.
+function togglebutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to togglebutton2 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in togglebutton3.
+function togglebutton3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to togglebutton3 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in togglebutton4.
+function togglebutton4_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to togglebutton4 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in togglebutton5.
+function togglebutton5_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to togglebutton5 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in togglebutton6.
+function togglebutton6_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to togglebutton6 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in togglebutton7.
+function togglebutton7_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to togglebutton7 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in togglebutton8.
+function togglebutton8_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to togglebutton8 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)clc
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in togglebutton9.
+function togglebutton9_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to togglebutton9 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in togglebutton10.
+function togglebutton10_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to togglebutton10 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in togglebutton11.
+function togglebutton11_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to togglebutton11 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+% --- Executes on button press in togglebutton12.
+function togglebutton12_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject    handle to togglebutton12 (see GCBO)
+% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+handles = guidata(hObject);
+handles = updateOptions(hObject, eventdata, handles);
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/buildPlotCharString.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/buildPlotCharString.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..efb0e8b03e643fbaaacaa52d2a90f7de26453bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/buildPlotCharString.m
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+function plotCharStr = buildPlotCharString(plotParams)
+%buildPlotCharString builds a character string for plotting using the
+%plotParams input structure
+%   plotParams : structure that contains the plotting style parameters.
+%       fields of plotParams:
+%           plotParams.plot
+%           plotParams.style
+%           plotParams.color
+%           plotParams.marker
+%           plotParams.backgnd
+% keeps track of the index in the string
+i = 1;
+% color
+    plotCharStr(i) = plotParams.color;
+    i = i + 1;
+% marker
+    plotCharStr(i) = plotParams.marker;
+    i = i + 1;
+% style
+    plotCharStr(i) = plotParams.style;
+    i = i + 1;
+% sanity check for the string
+    error('Wrong plot style formatting options, please use allowed values only');
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/haveDiffPlotStyles.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/haveDiffPlotStyles.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ed77912805176c9fc6e3c2896d2670283691ad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/haveDiffPlotStyles.m
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+function y = haveDiffPlotStyles(data,headers)
+%   haveDiffPlotStyles checks to see if the headers in the data structure
+%   have different plotting parameters
+%   This function ONLY compares the color, marker and style fields of the
+%   params structure.
+% initialize to true
+y = 1;
+% return 1 if only one
+if(length(headers) == 1)
+    y = 1;
+    return
+% obtaining the plotting params structure from each header
+j = 0;
+for i = 1:length(headers)
+    entity = headers{i};
+    headerPlotParams(i) = eval(['data.' entity '.params']);
+% check if there are more than two defaults
+numOfDefaults = 0;
+for i = 1:length(headerPlotParams)
+    if(isDefaultPlotCharString(headerPlotParams(i)))
+        numOfDefaults = numOfDefaults + 1;
+        if(numOfDefaults >= 2)
+            y = 0;
+            return
+        end
+    else
+    end
+% checking for equality between the plotting parameters
+colorEqual = 0;
+markerEqual = 0;
+styleEqual = 0;
+for i = 1:length(headerPlotParams)
+    for j = 1:length(headerPlotParams)
+       if(i == j)
+           continue;
+       else
+           if(strcmp(headerPlotParams(i).color, headerPlotParams(j).color) == 1)
+               colorEqual = 1;
+           end
+           if(strcmp(headerPlotParams(i).marker, headerPlotParams(j).marker) == 1)
+               markerEqual = 1;
+           end
+           if(strcmp(headerPlotParams(i).marker, headerPlotParams(j).marker) == 1)
+               styleEqual = 1;
+           end
+           if(colorEqual && markerEqual && styleEqual)
+               y = 0;
+               return;
+           end
+           colorEqual = 0;
+           markerEqual = 0;
+           styleEqual = 0;
+       end 
+    end
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/isDefaultPlotCharString.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/isDefaultPlotCharString.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2f5ae964b4f13bf101b6e8dc459fa6d816c5217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/isDefaultPlotCharString.m
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+function y = isDefaultPlotCharString(plotParams)
+%isDefaultPlotCharString Compares the input plotParams structure to the
+%default plotting format:
+%       color   b
+%       marker  (none)
+%       style   -
+%   Return 1 if it is the default plotting style. Returns 0 otherwise
+defaultColor = 0;
+defaultMarker = 0;
+defaultStyle = 0;
+% checking plotting color
+if(plotParams.color == 'b' || isempty(plotParams.color))
+    defaultColor = 1;
+% checking plotting marker
+    defaultMarker = 1;
+% checking plotting style
+if(plotParams.style == '-' || isempty(plotParams.style))
+    defaultStyle = 1;
+% final check
+if(defaultColor && defaultMarker && defaultStyle)
+    y = 1;
+    y = 0;
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/isPlotCharString.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/isPlotCharString.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..036883c6594023b89aa07ed798c4cdbb6cfcb9ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/isPlotCharString.m
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+function y = isPlotCharString(str)
+% isPlotCharString sees if the str is composed of characeters that are used
+% in making up a plot formatting string.
+%   str - string to check
+if (length(str) <= 4)
+    % if the input string is empty, it is a valid plot formatting character
+    % string
+    if(length(str) == 0)
+        y = 1;
+        return
+    end
+    % list of possible characters allowed in the string
+    plotTypeChars = ['bgrcmykw.ox+*sdv^<>ph-:.'];
+    for i = 1:length(str)
+        if (ismember(str(i),plotTypeChars))
+            y = 1;
+            continue
+        else
+            y = 0;
+            break;
+        end
+    end
+    y = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/main.mat b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/main.mat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2385f3363d899a77037979f39fda9055a9a94454
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/main.mat differ
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/parse_camera_log.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/parse_camera_log.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f8fba2ba5c8191ad27ae67a5c752da0953dc238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/parse_camera_log.m
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+function trackableData = parse_camera_log(filepath)
+%loads position, quaternion orientation and euler angles from rigidbody
+%trajectories exported to csv in Motive 1.5.1 and returns them in the
+%array of structs
+%tested for one and three rigid bodies
+%license: GPL, author Frieder Wittmann, email frieder.wittmann@gmail.com
+openedFile = fopen(filepath,'r');
+currentLineNo = 0;
+%go through the first lines which dont contain data of interest
+for lineIndex = 1:41                                                        % edited by RZ: to match the OptiTrack Tools software used by the Controls Lab at Iowa State University
+    readNextLine(openedFile);
+    currentLineNo = currentLineNo +1;
+commaSeperatedValues = csvStringFromOpenedFile(openedFile);
+numberOfFrames = str2num(commaSeperatedValues{3})
+commaSeperatedValues = csvStringFromOpenedFile(openedFile);
+numberOfRidgidBodies = str2num(commaSeperatedValues{3})
+%create container of size numberOfRidgidBodies for the output data
+RigidBodies = repmat(struct(...
+    'Name', 'empty_name', ...                                               % added by RZ: name of the trackable
+    'T', NaN(numberOfFrames,1), ...
+    'P', NaN(numberOfFrames,3), ...
+    'Q', NaN(numberOfFrames,4), ...
+    'Euler', NaN(numberOfFrames,3)),numberOfRidgidBodies,1);
+%the next lines contain information about the markerpositions on the ridigd bodies. we ignore this infrmation
+for i = 1:numberOfRidgidBodies 
+    commaSeparatedValues = csvStringFromOpenedFile(openedFile);
+    name = commaSeparatedValues{2};
+    if(isequal(name(1),'"'))    % taking care of this issue. Occurs sometimes only.
+        name(1) = '';
+        name(end) = '';
+    end
+    RigidBodies(i).Name = name;
+frameIndex = 0; %every nth (numberOfRidgidBodies+1) contains the ridgidbody information of a frame/timestamp
+numberOfLinesUntilNextFrameLine = numberOfRidgidBodies+1;
+for lineIndex = 1:numberOfFrames*numberOfLinesUntilNextFrameLine 
+%there is always a frame line and then one line per rigid body with details which are not of interest to us here  
+    currentLineContent = readNextLine(openedFile);
+    %if current line is a line with frame information  
+    if( mod(lineIndex,numberOfLinesUntilNextFrameLine) == 1)     
+        frameIndex = frameIndex+1; %we're at the next frame
+        frameLine = currentLineContent;
+        commaSeperatedValues = regexp(frameLine, ',', 'split');
+        frameIndexFromFile = str2num(commaSeperatedValues{2});
+        timestamp = str2num(commaSeperatedValues{3});
+        %check how many ridig bodies were tracked, sometimes so are out of
+        %sight and hence not tracked
+        numberOFTrackedRidigdBodiesInThisFrame = str2num(commaSeperatedValues{4});
+        currentCSVIndex = 4;
+        if (numberOFTrackedRidigdBodiesInThisFrame > 0)
+            currentCSVIndex = currentCSVIndex+1;
+            currentRidgidBodyID = str2num(commaSeperatedValues{currentCSVIndex});
+            for(expectedRidigbBodyID = 1:numberOfRidgidBodies + 1)   
+                if (expectedRidigbBodyID ~= currentRidgidBodyID)
+                    break %go to next 
+                end
+                currentCSVIndex = currentCSVIndex+1;
+                [p, q, euler ] = readPQEulerStartingAtIndex(currentCSVIndex, commaSeperatedValues);              
+                RigidBodies(currentRidgidBodyID).T(frameIndex,:) = timestamp;
+                RigidBodies(currentRidgidBodyID).P(frameIndex,:) = p;
+                RigidBodies(currentRidgidBodyID).Q(frameIndex,:) = q; 
+                RigidBodies(currentRidgidBodyID).Euler(frameIndex,:) = euler;
+                currentCSVIndex = currentCSVIndex+10; %the ten values are p(3),q(4)euler(3)=10
+                if (currentCSVIndex + 11 < length(commaSeperatedValues))
+                    currentRidgidBodyID = str2num(commaSeperatedValues{currentCSVIndex}); %get next ridgid body id
+                else
+                    break;
+                end
+            end
+        end           
+    end
+% added by RZ: to output the structure in readable format
+trackableData.numOfTrackables = length(RigidBodies);
+for i=1:trackableData.numOfTrackables
+    eval(['trackableData.' RigidBodies(i).Name ' = RigidBodies(i);']);
+function lineContent = readNextLine(openedFile)
+    lineContent = fgetl(openedFile);
+function csvString = csvStringFromOpenedFile(openedFile)
+    lineContent = readNextLine(openedFile);
+    csvString = regexp(lineContent, ',', 'split');
+function [p, q, euler] = readPQEulerStartingAtIndex(index, commaSeperatedValues)
+                positionX = str2double(commaSeperatedValues{index});
+                positionY = str2double(commaSeperatedValues{index+1});
+                positionZ = str2double(commaSeperatedValues{index+2});
+                p = [positionX, positionY, positionZ];
+                QuaternionX = str2double(commaSeperatedValues{index+3});
+                QuaternionY = str2double(commaSeperatedValues{index+4});
+                QuaternionZ = str2double(commaSeperatedValues{index+5});
+                QuaternionW =  str2double(commaSeperatedValues{index+6});
+                q = [QuaternionX, QuaternionY, QuaternionZ, QuaternionW];
+                EulerX = str2double(commaSeperatedValues{index+7});
+                EulerY = str2double(commaSeperatedValues{index+8});
+                EulerZ = str2double(commaSeperatedValues{index+9});
+                euler = [EulerX, EulerY, EulerZ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/parse_log.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/parse_log.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f265c9c849b881ba8452362518bed7b4106f994d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/parse_log.m
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+function [loggedData] = parse_log(filename, params, expData)
+%parse_log This independent function parses the data stored in the file and
+%returns a structure containing the data
+%   filename    - this is the complete path of the file with the filename
+%   params      - this is the params structure which holds the analysis
+%                 configuration options
+% Check if file exists
+if (~exist(filename,'file'))
+    error(strcat(filename, ' does not exist'));
+% Open file
+FileID = fopen(filename, 'r');
+% Gets the first line of the file
+string = fgetl(FileID);
+% Test first line, if not formatted correctly, reject
+if(size(regexp(string, '^#')) == 0)
+    error(strcat(filename, ' is not properly formatted, and does not contain "#" headers'));
+% Loop through header lines
+while( regexp(string, '^#') == 1 )
+    %Print out string and move on
+    disp(string)
+    old = string;
+    string = fgetl(FileID);
+% Two possibilities for the next two lines:
+%   1) line of headers
+%   2) line of units
+foundHeaders = 0;
+foundUnits = 0;
+% Checking current line's type:
+identifier = string(1);
+if (regexp(identifier,'%'))
+    foundHeaders = 1;
+    % this is a line of headers; extract headers:
+    headers = strsplit(string);
+    headers{1} = strrep(headers{1},'%', '');
+    numOfHeaders = length(headers);
+    if (regexp(identifier,'&'))
+        foundUnits = 1;
+        % this is a line of units; extract units:
+        units = strsplit(string);
+        units{1} = strrep(units{1},'&','');
+    else
+         error(strcat(filename, ' is not properly formatted, contains undefined line identifier.'));
+    end
+% Obtaining the next line
+string = fgetl(FileID); 
+identifier = string(1);
+    if(regexp(identifier,'&'))
+        foundUnits = 1;
+        % this is a line of units; extract units:
+        units = strsplit(string);
+        units{1} = strrep(units{1},'&','');
+    else
+        error(strcat(filename, ' is not properly formatted, contains or undefined/excessive line identifiers.'));
+    end
+    if(foundUnits)
+        if(regexp(identifier,'%'))
+            % this is a line of headers; extract headers:
+            headers = strsplit(string);
+            headers{1} = strrep(headers{1},'%', '');
+            numOfHeaders = length(headers);
+        end
+    else
+        error('Should never be able to get here');
+    end
+% sanity check and clean up
+if(numOfHeaders ~= length(units))
+    error(strcat(filename, ' is not properly formatted, contains unmatched number of units and headers'));
+clear foundHeaders foundUnits;
+% Get all data into a single matrix called "log"
+log = [];
+line = zeros(1,numOfHeaders);
+while ~feof(FileID)
+    line = textscan(FileID, '%f', numOfHeaders);
+    line = transpose(cell2mat(line));
+    log = [log;line];
+% Converting the log matrix into a expData structure.
+for i = 1:numOfHeaders
+    eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.data = log(:,i);']);           % adding data
+    eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.unit = cell2mat(units(i));']);           % adding unit
+    eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.plot = 0;']);           % adding params.plot
+    eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.style = ''-'';']);      % adding params.style
+    eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.color = ''b'';']);      % adding params.color
+    eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.marker = '''';']);      % adding params.marker
+    eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.backgnd = [1 1 1];']);  % adding params.backgnd
+% data types are set
+if exist('params', 'var')
+    % setting the value of <header-name>.params.plot value
+    if(params.plotting.plot == 1)
+        if(params.plotting.subPlot == 1)
+            if(isempty(params.plotting.subData))
+                if(isempty(params.plotting.multiData))
+                    if(isempty(params.plotting.separateData))
+                        for i = 1:numOfHeaders
+                            eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.plot = 1;']);
+                        end
+                    else
+                        for i = 1:length(params.plotting.separateData)
+                            eval(['loggedData.' params.plotting.separateData{i} '.params.plot = 1;']);
+                        end
+                    end
+                else
+                    for i = 1:length(params.plotting.multiData)
+                        eval(['loggedData.' params.plotting.multiData{i} '.params.plot = 1;']);
+                    end
+                end
+            else
+                for i = 1:length(params.plotting.subData)
+                    eval(['loggedData.' params.plotting.subData{i} '.params.plot = 1;']);
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        if(params.plotting.multiPlot == 1)
+            if(isempty(params.plotting.multiData))
+                if(isempty(params.plotting.separateData))
+                    for i = 1:numOfHeaders
+                        eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.plot = 1;']);
+                    end
+                else
+                    for i = 1:length(params.plotting.separateData)
+                        eval(['loggedData.' params.plotting.separateData{i} '.params.plot = 1;']);
+                    end
+                end
+            else
+                for i = 1:length(params.plotting.multiData)
+                    eval(['loggedData.' params.plotting.multiData{i} '.params.plot = 1;']);
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        if(params.plotting.separatePlot == 1)
+            if(isempty(params.plotting.separateData))
+                for i = 1:numOfHeaders
+                    eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.plot = 1;']);
+                end
+            else
+                for i = 1:length(params.plotting.separateData)
+                    eval(['loggedData.' params.plotting.separateData{i} '.params.plot = 1;']);
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    else
+        % nothing really needed to do here since the default value of
+        % <header-name>.params.plot is 0
+    end 
+    % setting the following values to those set in DataAnalysis.m
+    % 1) <header-name>.params.style
+    % 2) <header-name>.params.color
+    % 3) <header-name>.params.marker
+    % 4) <header-name>.params.backgnd
+    for i = 1:numOfHeaders
+        eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.style = params.plotting.style;']);
+        eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.color = params.plotting.color;']);
+        eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.marker = params.plotting.marker;']);
+        eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.backgnd = params.plotting.backgnd;']);
+    end
+% converting time to relative time
+loggedData.Time.data = loggedData.Time.data - loggedData.Time.data(1);
+% this is to parse the Marker field, if it exists
+if (isfield(loggedData,'Marker'))
+    c = zeros(numel(loggedData.Marker.data),1);
+    for i = 2: numel(loggedData.Marker.data)
+         if (loggedData.Marker.data(i)>loggedData.Marker.data(i-1))
+             c(i) = loggedData.Marker.data(i);
+         end
+    end
+    loggedData.Marker.data = c;
+% if expData was sent in as a variable, then update the plotting parameters
+% of loggedData to be the same as that in the existing data structure
+if (exist('expData','var'))
+    if(isempty(setdiff(headers,expData.datafields)))
+    for i = 1:numOfHeaders
+        eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.style = expData.' headers{i} '.params.style;']);
+        eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.color = expData.' headers{i} '.params.color;']);
+        eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.marker = expData.' headers{i} '.params.marker;']);
+        eval(['loggedData.' headers{i} '.params.backgnd = expData.' headers{i} '.params.backgnd;']);
+    end
+    end
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_data.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_data.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ea7fd3410c23971dde2515f85c6fb0e0821de0c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_data.m
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+function plot_data(expData, plotParams)
+%PLOT_DATA This function plots the data according to the parameters mentioned in params
+%   expData     - structure that contains the data to be plotted
+%   plotParams  - structure that contains the plotting options
+% check plotting switch
+if (~plotParams.plot) 
+    disp('No plotting');
+    %% check separate plotting switch
+    if(plotParams.separatePlot)
+        % bulding the plot_separate statement that will be executed
+        plot_separateString = 'plot_separate(expData,0,''';
+        % extracting data headers to plot
+        if(isempty(plotParams.separateData))
+            headers = fieldnames(expData);  % if none mentioned, use all of the headers
+            headers = headers(2:end);       % except Time :)
+        else
+            headers = plotParams.separateData;
+        end
+        % adding the headers to the plot_separate statement
+        for i = 1:length(headers)
+            if(i==length(headers))
+                plot_separateString = strcat(plot_separateString,headers{i},''');');
+            else
+                plot_separateString = strcat(plot_separateString,headers{i},''',''');
+            end
+        end
+        % executing the plot_separate statement
+        eval(plot_separateString);
+    end
+    %% check multi plotting switch
+    if(plotParams.multiPlot)
+        % building the plot_multi statement that will be executed
+        plot_multiString = 'plot_multi(expData,0,''';
+        % extracting data headers to plot
+        if(isempty(plotParams.multiData)) % if none mentioned, use headers for separate plotting
+            if(isempty(plotParams.separateData))
+                headers = fieldnames(expData); % if no headers mentioned for separate plotting, use all of the headers
+            else
+                headers = plotParams.separateData;
+            end
+        else
+            headers = plotParams.multiData;
+        end
+        % adding the headers to the plot_multi statement
+        for i = 1:length(headers)
+            if(i==length(headers))
+                plot_multiString = strcat(plot_multiString,headers{i},''');');
+            else
+                plot_multiString = strcat(plot_multiString,headers{i},''',''');
+            end
+        end
+        % executing the plot_multi statement
+        eval(plot_multiString);
+    end
+    %% check sub plotting switch
+    if(plotParams.subPlot)
+        % building the plot_sub statement that will be executed
+        plot_subString = 'plot_sub(expData,0,''';
+        % extracting data headers to plot
+        if(isempty(plotParams.subData)) % if none mentioned, use headers mentioned for multi plotting
+            if(isempty(plotParams.multiData)) % if no headers mentioned for multi plotting, use headers mentioned for separate plotting
+                if(isempty(plotParams.separateData)) % if no headers mentioned for separate plotting, use all of the headers
+                    headers = fieldNames(expData);
+                else
+                    headers = plotParams.separateData;
+                end
+            else
+                headers = plotParams.multiData;
+            end
+        else
+            headers = plotParams.subData;
+        end
+        % adding the headers to the plot_sub statement
+        for i = 1:length(headers)
+            if(i==length(headers))
+                plot_subString = strcat(plot_subString,headers{i},''');');
+            else
+                plot_subString = strcat(plot_subString,headers{i},''',''');
+            end
+        end
+        % executing the plot_sub statement
+        eval(plot_subString);
+    end
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_multi.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_multi.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d63c9df36fddf81cefcee997e480e8ade2c3a38f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_multi.m
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+function plot_multi(expData, useMarker, varargin)
+%PLOT_MULTI This function is used to plot multiple headers on the same plot 
+%   expData - structure that stores all of the data
+%   useMarker   - flag to indicated whether or not to plot vertical lines
+%                 at the marker locations
+%   varargin - the header names and corresponding plotting parameters
+%   Example of varargin: 'Pitch','r-','Roll','Yaw','go' 
+%   This means that Pitch will be plotted in red solids, Roll with no
+%   special formatting and Yaw in green circles.
+% calculating number of headers
+numOfHeaders = 0;
+headers = {};
+for i = 1:length(varargin)
+    if(~isPlotCharString(varargin{i}))
+        numOfHeaders = numOfHeaders + 1;
+        headers{numOfHeaders} = varargin{i};
+    end
+% checking to see validity of varargin
+if (length(varargin) > (numOfHeaders*2))
+    error('Too many arguments entered');
+% if the plotting style params for each header are different, diffPlotStyles = 1
+diffPlotStyles = haveDiffPlotStyles(expData,headers);
+% extracting time structure
+time = expData.Time;
+% extract markerlocations, if any
+markerLocations = [];
+    if(~isfield(expData,'Marker'))
+        error('Error! Attempting to plot markers without Marker field');
+    else
+        markerLocations = find(expData.Marker.data);
+    end
+% initiliazing final plot statement to be executed
+plotString = ['plot(time.data,expData.'];
+% building the plot statement to be executed
+for i = 1:length(varargin)
+    entity = varargin{i};
+    plotString = strcat(plotString,entity);
+    if (i~=length(varargin))
+        % adding plot style character string
+        if (isPlotCharString(entity))
+            % entity is a plot character string here
+            plotString = strcat(plotString,''',time.data,expData.');
+        else
+            % entity is a header here
+            plotString = strcat(plotString,'.data,');
+            % extracting next entity 
+            nextEntity = varargin{i+1};
+            % checking to see if next entity is a plot character string
+            if (isPlotCharString(nextEntity))
+                % if yes, add the required inverted commas
+                plotString = strcat(plotString,'''');
+            else
+                % if not, add the plot character string from header's params
+                if(diffPlotStyles)
+                    % if the headers have different plotting style params
+                    if(isDefaultPlotCharString(eval(['expData.' entity '.params'])))
+                        % if the plotting params are default, don't bother
+                        plotString = strcat(plotString,'time.data,expData.');
+                    else
+                        % else, construct a plot char string and append
+                        plotCharString = buildPlotCharString(eval(['expData.' entity '.params']));
+                        plotString = strcat(plotString,'''');
+                        plotString = strcat(plotString,plotCharString);
+                        plotString = strcat(plotString,''',');
+                        plotString = strcat(plotString,'time.data,expData.');
+                    end
+                else
+                    % if two or more headers have the same plotting style
+                    % params, don't construct their plot char strings  
+                    plotString = strcat(plotString,'time.data,expData.');                    
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    else
+        % this is the last entity in the varargin cell array
+        if(isPlotCharString(entity))
+             % if a plot character string, add the ending inverted comma
+            plotString = strcat(plotString,''');');
+        else
+            % if not, add the header's data to the plotString
+            plotString = strcat(plotString,'.data');
+            % and also add the plot character string from its params
+            if(diffPlotStyles)
+                 % if the headers have different plotting style params
+                if (isDefaultPlotCharString(eval(['expData.' entity '.params'])))
+                    % if the plotting params are default, don't worry
+                    plotString = strcat(plotString,');');
+                else
+                    % else, construct a plot char string and append
+                    plotCharString = buildPlotCharString(eval(['expData.' entity '.params']));
+                    plotString = strcat(plotString,',''');
+                    plotString = strcat(plotString,plotCharString);
+                    plotString = strcat(plotString,''');');
+                end
+            else
+                % if two or more headers have the same plotting style
+                % params, don't construct their plot char strings  
+                plotString = strcat(plotString,');');
+            end
+        end
+    end
+%% plotting stuff
+figure;                 % opening a new figure
+whitebg(gcf,[1 1 1]);   % making sure the background is set to white
+eval(plotString);       % plotting
+grid ON;                % plotting grid lines
+xlim([0,time.data(end)]); % setting x-axis limits
+xlabel(['Time (' time.unit ')']);       % setting x-axis label
+%constructing yAxisLabel
+yAxisLabel = [];
+for i = 1:numOfHeaders
+    if i == numOfHeaders
+        yAxisLabel = strcat(yAxisLabel,headers{i});
+        if(eval(['isempty(expData.' headers{1} '.unit)']))
+            break;
+        else
+            yAxisLabel = strcat(yAxisLabel,'(', eval(['expData.' headers{1} '.unit']),')');
+        end
+    else
+        yAxisLabel = strcat(yAxisLabel,headers{i},',');
+    end
+% constructing statement for inserting the legend
+legendString = ['legend('''];
+for i = 1:numOfHeaders
+    if(i == numOfHeaders)
+        legendString = strcat(legendString,headers{i},''',''Location'',''NorthWest'');');
+    else
+        legendString = strcat(legendString,headers{i},''',''');
+    end
+% plotting markers, if any
+for i = 1:numel(markerLocations)
+    %hx = graph2d.constantline(time.data(markerLocations(i)),'Linestyle','--', 'Color', [0.7 0.7 0.7]);
+    %changedependvar(hx,'x');
+    text(time.data(markerLocations(i)),(min(ylim)+max(ylim))/2,num2str(i));
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_multi_vectors.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_multi_vectors.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..431f92ba15dd56685cff65f4732bb95f268c3064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_multi_vectors.m
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+function plot_multi_vectors(xval, varargin)
+%PLOT_MULTI_VECTORS This function plots multiple vectors on the same plot.
+%The vectors are plotted against time.
+%   xval        - the vector to be plotted against
+%   varargin    - the vectors to be plotted (with optional formatting)
+vectorNames = cell(length(varargin),1);
+numOfVectors = 0;
+for i = 1:length(varargin)
+    dataHeader = varargin{i};
+    if(isPlotCharString(dataHeader))
+        continue;
+    end
+    % track the number of vectors to be used for legend creation
+    numOfVectors = numOfVectors + 1;
+    vectorNames{numOfVectors} = inputname(i+1);
+    % plotting the individual vectors (with formatting)
+    if(i ~= length(varargin))
+        if(isPlotCharString(varargin{i+1}))
+            plot(xval,dataHeader,varargin{i+1});
+        else
+            plot(xval,dataHeader);
+        end
+    else
+        plot(xval,dataHeader);
+    end
+    % hold the plot for the next vectors
+    if (numOfVectors == 1)
+        hold all;
+    end
+grid ON;
+% constructing statement for inserting the legend
+legendString = ['legend('''];
+for i = 1:numOfVectors
+    if(i == numOfVectors)
+        legendString = strcat(legendString,vectorNames{i,1},''',''Location'',''NorthWest'');');
+    else
+        legendString = strcat(legendString,vectorNames{i,1},''',''');
+    end
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_separate.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_separate.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21258d6dacefad42184b8a649f738b7d9a5ee11a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_separate.m
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+function plot_separate(expData, useMarker, varargin)
+%PLOT_SEPARATE This function plots separate plots for the data-headers
+%passed to the function
+%   expData     - structure that contains all the data
+%   useMarker   - flag to indicated whether or not to plot vertical lines
+%                 at the marker locations
+%   varargin    - the headers of the data to be plotted
+%   Example of varargin: 'Pitch','r-','Roll','Yaw','go' 
+%   This means that Pitch will be plotted in red solids, Roll with default 
+%   formatting and Yaw in green circles.
+time = expData.Time; % extracting time structure
+markerLocations = [];
+% extract markerlocations, if any
+    if(~isfield(expData,'Marker'))
+        error('Error! Attempting to plot markers without Marker field');
+    else
+        markerLocations = find(expData.Marker.data);
+    end
+% bulding the plot statement that will be executed
+for i = 1:length(varargin)
+    dataHeader = varargin{i};
+    % continue to next iteration if current argument is a plotting character string
+    if(isPlotCharString(dataHeader))
+        continue;
+    end
+    % adding the header to the plot statment to be executed
+    plotString = strcat('plot(time.data,expData.',dataHeader,'.data');
+    % adding plot formatting string, if it exists
+    if(i ~= length(varargin))
+        if(isPlotCharString(varargin{i+1}))
+            plotString = strcat(plotString,',''',varargin{i+1},''');');
+        else
+            % use the plotting parameters set for this header
+            plotCharString = buildPlotCharString(eval(['expData.' dataHeader '.params']));
+            plotString = strcat(plotString,',''', plotCharString, ''');');
+        end
+    else
+        % use the plotting parameters set for this header
+        plotCharString = buildPlotCharString(eval(['expData.' dataHeader '.params']));
+        plotString = strcat(plotString,',''', plotCharString, ''');');
+    end
+    % plotting data and making it look good
+    figure;
+    whitebg(gcf,eval(['expData.' dataHeader '.params.backgnd']));   % setting background
+    eval(plotString);   % plotting
+    title(dataHeader);  % setting title
+    xlabel(['Time (' time.unit ')']);   % setting the x-axis label
+    if(eval(['isempty(expData.' dataHeader '.unit)']))
+        yAxisLabel = dataHeader;
+    else
+        yAxisLabel = [dataHeader ' (' eval(['expData.' dataHeader '.unit']) ')'];
+    end
+    ylabel(yAxisLabel); % setting y-axis label
+    xlim([0, time.data(end)]); % setting x-axis limits
+    grid ON;    % setting grid lines on the graph
+    % adding markers
+    for i = 1:numel(markerLocations)
+        %hx = graph2d.constantline(time.data(markerLocations(i)), 'LineStyle', '--', 'Color',[0.7 0.7 0.7]);
+        %changedependvar(hx,'x');
+        text(time.data(markerLocations(i)),(min(ylim)+max(ylim))/2, num2str(i));
+    end
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_sub.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_sub.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f91b59e2ff472dc38a39ed3575176a7a6c291f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_sub.m
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+function plot_sub(expData, useMarker, varargin)
+%PLOT_SUB This function make sub 2x1 subplots of data headers mentioned
+%   expData     - structure that holds all of the data
+%   useMarker   - flag to indicated whether or not to plot vertical lines
+%                 at the marker locations
+%   varargin    - the data headers to be plotted along with optional
+%                 formatting parameters
+%   Example of varargin: 'Pitch','r-','Roll','Yaw','go' 
+%   This means that Pitch will be plotted in red solids, Roll with no
+%   special formatting and Yaw in green circles.
+% extracting the Time structure
+time = expData.Time;
+currHeaderIndex = 0;
+% extract markerlocations, if any
+markerLocations = [];
+    if(~isfield(expData,'Marker'))
+        error('Error! Attempting to plot markers without Marker field');
+    else
+        markerLocations = find(expData.Marker.data);
+    end
+% calculating number of headers
+numOfHeaders = 0;
+for i = 1:length(varargin)
+    if(~isPlotCharString(varargin{i}))
+        numOfHeaders = numOfHeaders + 1;
+    end
+% building the plot statement to be executed
+for i = 1:length(varargin)
+    % continue to next argument if the current argument is a plot
+    % formatting string
+    if(isPlotCharString(varargin{i}))
+        continue;
+    end
+    % keeping track of the number of headers
+    currHeaderIndex = currHeaderIndex + 1;
+    % adding header name to the plot statment
+    plotString = strcat('plot(time.data,expData.',varargin{i},'.data');
+    % adding the plot formatting string if it exists
+    if(i ~= length(varargin))
+        if(isPlotCharString(varargin{i+1}))
+            plotString = strcat(plotString,',''',varargin{i+1},''');');
+        else
+            % use the plotting style parameters set for this header
+            plotCharString = buildPlotCharString(eval(['expData.' varargin{i} '.params']));
+            plotString = strcat(plotString,',''', plotCharString, ''');');
+        end
+    else
+        % use the plotting parameters set for this header
+        plotCharString = buildPlotCharString(eval(['expData.' varargin{i} '.params']));
+        plotString = strcat(plotString,',''', plotCharString, ''');');
+    end
+    % checking to see if a new figure needs to be created
+    if(mod(currHeaderIndex,2) == 1)
+        figure;
+        if(currHeaderIndex ~= numOfHeaders)
+            subplot(2,1,1);
+        end
+    else
+        subplot(2,1,2);
+    end
+    %% plotting data and making it look pretty
+    eval(plotString);
+    title(varargin{i});
+    xlabel(['Time (' time.unit ')']);
+    if(eval(['isempty(expData.' varargin{i} '.unit)']))
+        yAxisLabel = varargin{i};
+    else
+        yAxisLabel = [varargin{i} ' (' eval(['expData.' varargin{i} '.unit']) ')'];
+    end
+    ylabel(yAxisLabel);
+    xlim([0,time.data(end)]);
+    grid ON;
+    set(gca,'Color',eval(['expData.' varargin{i} '.params.backgnd']));
+    % plotting markers, if any
+    for i = 1:numel(markerLocations)
+        %hx = graph2d.constantline(time.data(markerLocations(i)),'Linestyle', '--','Color', [0.7 0.7 0.7]);
+        %changedependvar(hx,'x');
+        text(time.data(markerLocations(i)),(min(ylim)+max(ylim))/2, num2str(i));
+    end
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_sub_vectors.m b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_sub_vectors.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba9c5345c64436cb90d613f275bd572a62a09f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/plot_sub_vectors.m
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+function plot_sub_vectors(xval,varargin)
+%PLOT_SUB_VECTORS This function plots 2x1 sub plots for the vectors
+%passed to the function. The vectors are plotted against time.
+%   xval        - the vector to be plotted against
+%   varargin    - the vectors to be plotted (with optional formatting)
+numOfVectors = 0;
+for i = 1:length(varargin)
+    % continue to the next iteration if the current argument is a plot
+    % formatting string
+    if(isPlotCharString(varargin{i}))
+        continue;
+    end
+    % keeping track of the number of vectors to check for creation of new
+    % figures
+    numOfVectors = numOfVectors + 1;
+    % creating new figure, if needed, and choosing the right axes
+    if(mod(numOfVectors,2) == 1)
+        figure;
+        if(~(i == length(varargin)))
+            subplot(2,1,1);
+        end
+    else
+        subplot(2,1,2);
+    end
+    % plotting the vector
+    if(i ~= length(varargin))
+        if(isPlotCharString(varargin{i+1}))
+            plot(xval,varargin{i},varargin{i+1});
+        else
+            plot(xval,varargin{i});
+        end
+    else
+        plot(xval,varargin{i});
+    end
+    % labelling the plot
+    title(inputname(i+1));
+    xlabel(inputname(1));
+    ylabel(inputname(i+1));
+    xlim([0,xval(length(xval))]);
+    grid ON;
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/sampleLogFile.txt b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/sampleLogFile.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc44c06061525668b6f80c4606fe854ea75aab3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/sampleLogFile.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1551 @@
+#Constants		pitch_P		pitch_I		pitch_D
+#PIDValues		1900		0			409
+#Constants		roll_P		roll_I		roll_D
+#PIDValues		1900		0			409
+#Orientation:   OptiTrack-VRPN
+#Position:      OptiTrack-VRPN
+#Direction:     OptiTrack-VRPN
+#Communication: 6-Channel Trainer
+%Time	Motor_1	Motor_2	Motor_3	Motor_4	Pitch	Pitch_err	Pitch_pid_p	Pitch_pid_d	Roll	Roll_err	Roll_pid_p	Roll_pid_d	Yaw		qx	qy	qz	qw
+&sec	%thrust	%thrust	%thrust	%thrust	degrees	degrees		degrees		degrees		degrees	degrees		degrees		degrees 	degrees	val	val	val	val
+0.000000	0	1300	1300	0	-70.274537	110.266991	3656.591901	787128.732663	3.211985	-3.211985	-106.513447	-22928.398073	-0.013742	0.022850	-0.575314	0.016032	0.817456
+0.009998	0	1300	1300	0	-70.289314	110.281768	3657.081910	71579.767689	3.345764	-3.345764	-110.949748	-2171.610511	-0.153569	0.023100	-0.575429	0.015709	0.817375
+0.019967	0	1300	1300	351	-70.208934	110.201388	3654.416407	6473.332408	3.262608	-3.262608	-108.192181	-143.860681	-0.104210	0.022767	-0.574857	0.015627	0.817788
+0.029999	0	1274	1300	533	-70.283457	110.275911	3656.887680	634.998760	3.335543	-3.335543	-110.610785	-60.233595	-0.137640	0.023108	-0.575385	0.015770	0.817404
+0.039999	0	1144	1300	663	-70.284388	110.276843	3656.918583	58.331924	3.331540	-3.331540	-110.478066	-2.878567	-0.132351	0.023106	-0.575391	0.015788	0.817399
+0.049992	0	936	1300	871	-70.192202	110.184656	3653.861570	-54.555671	3.193062	-3.193062	-105.885941	89.660412	-0.030716	0.022642	-0.574732	0.015800	0.817876
+0.059989	0	1287	1300	520	-70.280506	110.272960	3656.789838	52.359069	3.305900	-3.305900	-109.627802	-65.092699	-0.103849	0.023067	-0.575362	0.015862	0.817420
+0.069992	0	1014	1300	793	-70.192930	110.185384	3653.885697	-52.058129	3.207658	-3.207658	-106.369983	57.820201	-0.043584	0.022681	-0.574738	0.015781	0.817871
+0.079991	0	1300	1300	507	-70.282666	110.275120	3656.861458	53.506102	3.331386	-3.331386	-110.472945	-75.042854	-0.133559	0.023099	-0.575379	0.015779	0.817408
+0.090093	0	1209	1300	598	-70.288052	110.280506	3657.040074	8.282792	3.366251	-3.366251	-111.629113	-29.177015	-0.174025	0.023144	-0.575421	0.015666	0.817380
+0.100103	0	910	1300	897	-70.276839	110.269294	3656.668248	-6.517502	3.203051	-3.203051	-106.217183	103.161854	-0.008008	0.022815	-0.575330	0.016029	0.817446
+0.110099	0	1300	1300	312	-70.259609	110.252063	3656.096875	-11.778193	3.462131	-3.462131	-114.808625	-158.808572	-0.273548	0.023333	-0.575225	0.015431	0.817516
+0.120045	0	1183	1300	624	-70.261350	110.253804	3656.154586	0.058903	3.464321	-3.464321	-114.881220	-15.936017	-0.270747	0.023362	-0.575237	0.015463	0.817507
+0.129982	0	780	1300	1027	-70.274070	110.266524	3656.576419	8.307960	3.211267	-3.211267	-106.489653	163.706624	-0.010395	0.022862	-0.575310	0.016052	0.817458
+0.140047	0	1235	1300	572	-70.203391	110.195845	3654.232590	-44.847008	3.300494	-3.300494	-109.448516	-42.767977	-0.149864	0.022809	-0.574821	0.015490	0.817814
+0.150098	0	1053	1300	754	-70.276348	110.268802	3656.651935	43.068405	3.234120	-3.234120	-107.247496	39.003761	-0.037145	0.022890	-0.575328	0.015977	0.817446
+0.160111	0	1300	1300	312	-70.267679	110.260133	3656.364475	-1.708090	3.485360	-3.485360	-115.578903	-159.306387	-0.291495	0.023407	-0.575284	0.015422	0.817474
+0.170133	0	962	1300	845	-70.291192	110.283646	3657.144183	15.072968	3.337783	-3.337783	-110.685069	81.124644	-0.142417	0.023099	-0.575441	0.015749	0.817365
+0.180133	0	1300	1300	494	-70.264009	110.256463	3656.242785	-16.269522	3.461558	-3.461558	-114.789608	-72.948305	-0.264684	0.023372	-0.575255	0.015493	0.817493
+0.190105	0	1183	1300	624	-70.266906	110.259360	3656.338854	0.401980	3.472742	-3.472742	-115.160472	-13.924700	-0.280616	0.023372	-0.575278	0.015436	0.817479
+0.200107	0	832	1300	975	-70.195690	110.188144	3653.977222	-46.170735	3.255513	-3.255513	-107.956915	139.677857	-0.094541	0.022767	-0.574761	0.015658	0.817854
+0.210104	0	1079	1300	728	-70.280572	110.273026	3656.792014	50.900269	3.235754	-3.235754	-107.301675	25.527584	-0.036085	0.022907	-0.575358	0.015993	0.817424
+0.220128	0	1300	1300	286	-70.270650	110.263104	3656.463006	-1.807242	3.503228	-3.503228	-116.171441	-170.882270	-0.312114	0.023430	-0.575307	0.015365	0.817458
+0.230181	0	884	1300	923	-70.204848	110.197302	3654.280913	-42.660946	3.299195	-3.299195	-109.405437	116.311334	-0.147002	0.022814	-0.574831	0.015505	0.817807
+0.240093	0	988	1300	819	-70.283946	110.276400	3656.903909	47.834813	3.212988	-3.212988	-106.546701	67.053870	0.001007	0.022930	-0.575378	0.016144	0.817407
+0.250098	0	1144	1300	663	-70.194050	110.186504	3653.922835	-53.964617	3.229379	-3.229379	-107.090251	-4.539079	-0.064887	0.022729	-0.574747	0.015738	0.817864
+0.260117	0	1118	1300	689	-70.192291	110.184746	3653.864532	-6.036401	3.219106	-3.219106	-106.749596	6.242979	-0.059821	0.022681	-0.574735	0.015722	0.817874
+0.270112	0	1300	1300	338	-70.263461	110.255915	3656.224590	45.656860	3.445165	-3.445165	-114.245999	-146.198853	-0.253121	0.023314	-0.575251	0.015493	0.817498
+0.280113	0	1196	1300	611	-70.262308	110.254762	3656.186361	3.402191	3.457255	-3.457255	-114.646927	-21.134780	-0.265488	0.023338	-0.575244	0.015465	0.817503
+0.290139	0	806	1300	1001	-70.279776	110.272230	3656.765637	11.617902	3.217247	-3.217247	-106.687952	153.468104	-0.026117	0.022825	-0.575353	0.015971	0.817431
+0.300119	0	1300	1300	338	-70.263414	110.255868	3656.223034	-9.579650	3.460111	-3.460111	-114.741634	-143.915575	-0.272579	0.023323	-0.575253	0.015429	0.817498
+0.310123	0	832	1300	975	-70.196060	110.188514	3653.989489	-44.563755	3.224914	-3.224914	-106.942214	139.495843	-0.064621	0.022698	-0.574762	0.015718	0.817855
+0.320154	0	1287	1300	520	-70.280922	110.273376	3656.803617	50.876110	3.344476	-3.344476	-110.907030	-64.725145	-0.152203	0.023099	-0.575369	0.015711	0.817417
+0.330110	0	1144	1300	663	-70.285181	110.277635	3656.944876	7.419132	3.332749	-3.332749	-110.518152	1.732926	-0.141414	0.023069	-0.575399	0.015730	0.817396
+0.340118	0	1157	1300	650	-70.286779	110.279233	3656.997863	1.710145	3.346140	-3.346140	-110.962205	-8.526089	-0.152276	0.023110	-0.575410	0.015720	0.817387
+0.350108	0	1014	1300	793	-70.232797	110.225251	3655.207758	-34.907519	3.260548	-3.260548	-108.123860	54.819388	-0.077172	0.022884	-0.575022	0.015815	0.817665
+0.360112	0	1222	1300	585	-70.285026	110.277480	3656.939716	30.708774	3.321154	-3.321154	-110.133645	-34.334186	-0.125673	0.023065	-0.575396	0.015784	0.817397
+0.370132	0	1183	1300	624	-70.291273	110.283728	3657.146900	6.833742	3.346102	-3.346102	-110.960945	-19.275995	-0.156497	0.023088	-0.575443	0.015691	0.817365
+0.380217	0	1300	1300	494	-70.262491	110.254945	3656.192441	-17.918468	3.461091	-3.461091	-114.774136	-75.788504	-0.271791	0.023334	-0.575246	0.015439	0.817502
+0.390105	0	793	1300	1014	-70.191907	110.184361	3653.851779	-47.922178	3.209137	-3.209137	-106.419025	158.225487	-0.045811	0.022681	-0.574731	0.015772	0.817876
+0.400135	0	1300	1300	351	-70.258079	110.250533	3656.046127	38.480512	3.445364	-3.445364	-114.252581	-138.535856	-0.251293	0.023325	-0.575212	0.015505	0.817524
+0.410216	0	1196	1300	611	-70.259512	110.251966	3656.093656	4.395971	3.454076	-3.454076	-114.541511	-18.114954	-0.260710	0.023340	-0.575223	0.015482	0.817517
+0.420115	0	1131	1300	676	-70.262268	110.254722	3656.185040	2.208244	3.438234	-3.438234	-114.016160	8.713983	-0.241030	0.023325	-0.575241	0.015544	0.817504
+0.430104	0	1066	1300	741	-70.294806	110.287260	3657.264048	21.337597	3.385135	-3.385135	-112.255339	35.285649	-0.195701	0.023169	-0.575471	0.015608	0.817345
+0.440108	0	1118	1300	689	-70.293062	110.285516	3657.206198	0.807398	3.371320	-3.371320	-111.797204	12.168764	-0.176011	0.023169	-0.575457	0.015679	0.817354
+0.450103	0	1131	1300	676	-70.292308	110.284762	3657.181213	-0.415727	3.366825	-3.366825	-111.648160	4.024782	-0.173512	0.023150	-0.575451	0.015674	0.817358
+0.460202	0	1300	1300	507	-70.268453	110.260907	3656.390153	-15.379928	3.473457	-3.473457	-115.184189	-68.218024	-0.281153	0.023374	-0.575289	0.015436	0.817471
+0.470113	0	1014	1300	793	-70.292408	110.284862	3657.184512	14.262326	3.369077	-3.369077	-111.722814	62.037245	-0.171863	0.023174	-0.575451	0.015697	0.817357
+0.480127	0	923	1300	884	-70.281215	110.273669	3656.813358	-5.959081	3.226508	-3.226508	-106.995045	98.034472	-0.029283	0.022875	-0.575363	0.015995	0.817422
+0.490227	0	1300	1300	507	-70.291839	110.284293	3657.165654	6.295242	3.348683	-3.348683	-111.046543	-69.739070	-0.153055	0.023123	-0.575446	0.015728	0.817361
+0.500215	0	1196	1300	611	-70.297959	110.290413	3657.368589	4.548567	3.374350	-3.374350	-111.897688	-23.021413	-0.178596	0.023177	-0.575492	0.015676	0.817329
+0.510115	0	923	1300	884	-70.286162	110.278616	3656.977396	-7.308327	3.221782	-3.221782	-106.838328	97.804815	-0.010261	0.022936	-0.575395	0.016108	0.817395
+0.520109	0	1300	1300	481	-70.297023	110.289477	3657.337572	6.387506	3.367131	-3.367131	-111.658307	-85.479274	-0.176384	0.023137	-0.575486	0.015656	0.817335
+0.530227	0	1300	1300	494	-70.265949	110.258404	3656.307123	-19.376699	3.472028	-3.472028	-115.136803	-75.037887	-0.276926	0.023385	-0.575270	0.015458	0.817483
+0.540234	0	767	1300	1040	-70.280846	110.273300	3656.801121	7.900689	3.201308	-3.201308	-106.159392	168.753319	-0.005520	0.022814	-0.575359	0.016038	0.817425
+0.550117	0	1300	1300	325	-70.258878	110.251332	3656.072618	-13.683664	3.454410	-3.454410	-114.552583	-150.509169	-0.259059	0.023350	-0.575218	0.015496	0.817520
+0.560225	0	1183	1300	624	-70.261589	110.254043	3656.162512	0.510204	3.454486	-3.454486	-114.555085	-13.598109	-0.261888	0.023336	-0.575238	0.015476	0.817506
+0.570228	0	806	1300	1001	-70.192086	110.184541	3653.857733	-45.044435	3.218724	-3.218724	-106.736920	151.719060	-0.058145	0.022687	-0.574734	0.015732	0.817875
+0.580244	0	1196	1300	611	-70.200454	110.192908	3654.135201	1.333002	3.282943	-3.282943	-108.866503	-27.841484	-0.131525	0.022776	-0.574799	0.015533	0.817830
+0.590210	0	1209	1300	598	-70.284483	110.276937	3656.921731	54.821269	3.326115	-3.326115	-110.298158	-30.642364	-0.132553	0.023066	-0.575393	0.015760	0.817400
+0.600224	0	1001	1300	806	-70.192412	110.184867	3653.868545	-54.695578	3.225855	-3.225855	-106.973399	62.198652	-0.063340	0.022712	-0.574736	0.015731	0.817872
+0.610193	0	1287	1300	520	-70.285438	110.277892	3656.953385	55.552637	3.338324	-3.338324	-110.703026	-67.522352	-0.151267	0.023059	-0.575402	0.015688	0.817395
+0.620158	0	1157	1300	650	-70.285796	110.278250	3656.965243	5.299152	3.339268	-3.339268	-110.734332	-6.772597	-0.147403	0.023085	-0.575403	0.015720	0.817393
+0.630222	0	1300	1300	507	-70.259107	110.251561	3656.080209	-16.740418	3.440466	-3.440466	-114.090165	-65.903805	-0.248826	0.023302	-0.575220	0.015499	0.817520
+0.640257	0	845	1300	962	-70.193720	110.186174	3653.911896	-43.814997	3.223987	-3.223987	-106.911454	134.065090	-0.064459	0.022693	-0.574746	0.015714	0.817866
+0.650212	0	1274	1300	533	-70.282470	110.274924	3656.854949	53.830769	3.338211	-3.338211	-110.699268	-62.191850	-0.145984	0.023085	-0.575380	0.015724	0.817409
+0.660217	0	962	1300	845	-70.191686	110.184140	3653.844460	-53.995166	3.208914	-3.208914	-106.411605	78.217530	-0.044776	0.022684	-0.574729	0.015779	0.817877
+0.670215	0	1170	1300	637	-70.196184	110.188638	3653.993620	-1.990040	3.244054	-3.244054	-107.576913	-15.696524	-0.080046	0.022758	-0.574764	0.015704	0.817852
+0.680236	0	1196	1300	611	-70.202705	110.195159	3654.209865	4.043147	3.280909	-3.280909	-108.799079	-25.295681	-0.125106	0.022794	-0.574814	0.015569	0.817818
+0.690216	0	1118	1300	689	-70.228932	110.221387	3655.079593	17.419270	3.265506	-3.265506	-108.288296	7.710103	-0.075887	0.022927	-0.574994	0.015848	0.817683
+0.700230	0	1157	1300	650	-70.232636	110.225090	3655.202418	3.982105	3.274925	-3.274925	-108.600618	-5.404141	-0.085541	0.022945	-0.575021	0.015827	0.817664
+0.710205	0	1066	1300	741	-70.198175	110.190629	3654.059639	-22.051583	3.227340	-3.227340	-107.022633	30.458122	-0.061785	0.022730	-0.574777	0.015751	0.817843
+0.720248	0	1300	1300	468	-70.293110	110.285564	3657.207794	59.370669	3.366465	-3.366465	-111.636202	-87.174977	-0.169048	0.023169	-0.575456	0.015704	0.817353
+0.730238	0	1040	1300	767	-70.235357	110.227811	3655.292640	-32.110233	3.280210	-3.280210	-108.775883	48.093382	-0.088469	0.022968	-0.575040	0.015833	0.817650
+0.740254	0	1300	1300	416	-70.268741	110.261195	3656.399699	18.718123	3.460048	-3.460048	-114.739538	-112.169738	-0.266476	0.023352	-0.575289	0.015473	0.817470
+0.750219	0	1053	1300	754	-70.295211	110.287665	3657.277485	18.939631	3.377864	-3.377864	-112.014198	43.273656	-0.182767	0.023182	-0.575472	0.015664	0.817343
+0.760223	0	975	1300	832	-70.228664	110.221118	3655.070679	-41.448960	3.265539	-3.265539	-108.289372	76.798561	-0.076762	0.022923	-0.574992	0.015842	0.817685
+0.770223	0	1300	1300	338	-70.265378	110.257833	3656.288188	20.057796	3.497968	-3.497968	-115.997027	-143.852322	-0.305379	0.023428	-0.575268	0.015385	0.817484
+0.780230	0	858	1300	949	-70.232475	110.224929	3655.197075	-19.516532	3.281600	-3.281600	-108.821966	127.253018	-0.097172	0.022934	-0.575021	0.015778	0.817665
+0.790230	0	1274	1300	533	-70.292599	110.285053	3657.190860	37.242891	3.389294	-3.389294	-112.393251	-58.319378	-0.192561	0.023214	-0.575454	0.015651	0.817355
+0.800216	0	910	1300	897	-70.281438	110.273892	3656.820756	-3.861904	3.225115	-3.225115	-106.948880	101.370218	-0.031128	0.022856	-0.575365	0.015975	0.817421
+0.810236	0	1287	1300	520	-70.293716	110.286170	3657.227900	7.602648	3.340421	-3.340421	-110.772552	-65.492333	-0.143646	0.023111	-0.575459	0.015754	0.817352
+0.820215	0	1183	1300	624	-70.285334	110.277788	3656.949946	-4.757316	3.356281	-3.356281	-111.298494	-16.277291	-0.156518	0.023161	-0.575400	0.015740	0.817393
+0.830224	0	1287	1300	520	-70.260049	110.252503	3656.111469	-16.827196	3.451073	-3.451073	-114.441914	-62.943027	-0.255585	0.023344	-0.575226	0.015504	0.817514
+0.840224	0	1196	1300	611	-70.259100	110.251554	3656.079982	-2.145917	3.468938	-3.468938	-115.034326	-17.315236	-0.284043	0.023329	-0.575223	0.015390	0.817519
+0.850220	0	832	1300	975	-70.227230	110.219684	3655.023140	-20.884411	3.250753	-3.250753	-107.799064	140.066415	-0.064663	0.022878	-0.574981	0.015854	0.817693
+0.860342	0	1300	1300	442	-70.257176	110.249630	3656.016185	17.342348	3.426855	-3.426855	-113.638824	-100.433265	-0.229711	0.023301	-0.575204	0.015566	0.817530
+0.870229	0	1053	1300	754	-70.289055	110.281509	3657.073332	22.495373	3.346110	-3.346110	-110.961209	43.718070	-0.155248	0.023094	-0.575427	0.015699	0.817376
+0.880346	0	949	1300	858	-70.193688	110.186142	3653.910830	-59.213345	3.218027	-3.218027	-106.713804	86.176823	-0.051459	0.022716	-0.574744	0.015777	0.817866
+0.890207	0	1274	1300	533	-70.284993	110.277447	3656.938637	54.558691	3.320779	-3.320779	-110.121210	-59.599671	-0.124781	0.023067	-0.575396	0.015788	0.817397
+0.900342	0	1053	1300	754	-70.200048	110.192502	3654.121749	-49.556675	3.254910	-3.254910	-107.936897	36.874933	-0.103953	0.022715	-0.574794	0.015589	0.817834
+0.910283	0	1300	1300	377	-70.258769	110.251223	3656.069011	33.782749	3.455734	-3.455734	-114.596468	-127.656091	-0.265430	0.023328	-0.575219	0.015457	0.817521
+0.920336	0	806	1300	1001	-70.190578	110.183032	3653.807713	-40.983563	3.200038	-3.200038	-106.117271	153.587495	-0.034647	0.022672	-0.574721	0.015806	0.817883
+0.930347	0	1300	1300	364	-70.256261	110.248715	3655.985838	38.859898	3.429717	-3.429717	-113.733714	-134.951597	-0.234419	0.023298	-0.575198	0.015547	0.817535
+0.940330	0	1053	1300	754	-70.287541	110.279995	3657.023114	23.868468	3.345410	-3.345410	-110.937999	42.507764	-0.156300	0.023084	-0.575417	0.015688	0.817384
+0.950323	0	949	1300	858	-70.191578	110.184032	3653.840876	-60.142829	3.222726	-3.222726	-106.869633	83.532896	-0.057630	0.022718	-0.574729	0.015756	0.817876
+0.960341	0	1157	1300	650	-70.196366	110.188820	3653.999646	-2.356652	3.245486	-3.245486	-107.624386	-7.164420	-0.084392	0.022746	-0.574766	0.015680	0.817852
+0.970335	0	1300	1300	507	-70.287535	110.279989	3657.022922	58.981559	3.358084	-3.358084	-111.358283	-73.761596	-0.156952	0.023171	-0.575415	0.015747	0.817382
+0.980334	0	1300	1300	481	-70.265840	110.258294	3656.303496	-8.717550	3.467404	-3.467404	-114.983485	-77.655599	-0.277609	0.023349	-0.575270	0.015430	0.817485
+0.990330	0	1118	1300	689	-70.262288	110.254742	3656.185711	-3.098611	3.431099	-3.431099	-113.779555	16.506548	-0.236524	0.023297	-0.575241	0.015540	0.817504
+1.000341	0	1222	1300	585	-70.267671	110.260125	3656.364212	3.208250	3.481404	-3.481404	-115.447715	-31.113143	-0.290018	0.023386	-0.575284	0.015412	0.817474
+1.010337	0	858	1300	949	-70.206273	110.198728	3654.328193	-39.566341	3.274148	-3.274148	-108.574853	131.717067	-0.111274	0.022814	-0.574838	0.015634	0.817800
+1.020319	0	1066	1300	741	-70.197554	110.190008	3654.039043	-9.270603	3.244970	-3.244970	-107.607276	30.959829	-0.079799	0.022765	-0.574773	0.015711	0.817845
+1.030329	0	1300	1300	468	-70.292637	110.285092	3657.192129	60.805871	3.383725	-3.383725	-112.208576	-87.150825	-0.186563	0.023205	-0.575454	0.015665	0.817355
+1.040328	0	1118	1300	689	-70.291279	110.283733	3657.147083	4.646717	3.348123	-3.348123	-111.027957	15.182552	-0.147742	0.023146	-0.575441	0.015763	0.817363
+1.050350	0	1157	1300	650	-70.294213	110.286667	3657.244377	2.321749	3.361674	-3.361674	-111.477323	-7.398773	-0.166634	0.023147	-0.575464	0.015697	0.817349
+1.060317	0	1300	1300	468	-70.263015	110.255469	3656.209820	-20.094842	3.488516	-3.488516	-115.683567	-83.235905	-0.296625	0.023405	-0.575251	0.015400	0.817497
+1.070290	0	1014	1300	793	-70.286568	110.279022	3656.990862	13.490808	3.379595	-3.379595	-112.071601	63.272324	-0.181930	0.023199	-0.575410	0.015676	0.817385
+1.080330	0	1248	1300	559	-70.259913	110.252367	3656.106950	-16.012937	3.456941	-3.456941	-114.636507	-44.280557	-0.262692	0.023350	-0.575226	0.015483	0.817515
+1.090354	0	832	1300	975	-70.279730	110.272184	3656.764087	11.379219	3.236669	-3.236669	-107.332017	138.616389	-0.038961	0.022899	-0.575353	0.015977	0.817429
+1.100320	0	1105	1300	702	-70.278964	110.271418	3656.738712	0.539562	3.231575	-3.231575	-107.163073	15.956939	-0.036941	0.022873	-0.575347	0.015966	0.817433
+1.110342	0	1235	1300	572	-70.202700	110.195154	3654.209677	-49.343896	3.301967	-3.301967	-109.497361	-44.141666	-0.149080	0.022824	-0.574816	0.015503	0.817817
+1.120339	0	1014	1300	793	-70.277924	110.270378	3656.704201	44.342557	3.213975	-3.213975	-106.579445	53.103409	-0.018877	0.022838	-0.575339	0.016006	0.817439
+1.130345	0	1287	1300	520	-70.288330	110.280784	3657.049299	10.778620	3.326862	-3.326862	-110.322937	-68.392920	-0.133275	0.023067	-0.575420	0.015759	0.817381
+1.140321	0	1274	1300	533	-70.255396	110.247850	3655.957162	-20.437145	3.404198	-3.404198	-112.887469	-56.527157	-0.206934	0.023254	-0.575190	0.015615	0.817540
+1.150347	0	1066	1300	741	-70.280798	110.273252	3656.799517	14.591937	3.338128	-3.338128	-110.696518	37.647717	-0.141240	0.023109	-0.575367	0.015757	0.817417
+1.160360	0	936	1300	871	-70.195160	110.187614	3653.959667	-54.183513	3.205667	-3.205667	-106.303955	89.276750	-0.042611	0.022671	-0.574754	0.015778	0.817860
+1.170305	0	1300	1300	507	-70.283993	110.276448	3656.905484	52.986963	3.326122	-3.326122	-110.298367	-70.404126	-0.126661	0.023096	-0.575388	0.015802	0.817402
+1.180362	0	1196	1300	611	-70.289184	110.281638	3657.077593	8.142874	3.353549	-3.353549	-111.207880	-24.074214	-0.166813	0.023089	-0.575430	0.015654	0.817375
+1.190335	0	949	1300	858	-70.193859	110.186313	3653.916522	-61.270339	3.214718	-3.214718	-106.604101	88.120820	-0.051753	0.022690	-0.574745	0.015758	0.817866
+1.200290	0	1274	1300	533	-70.282127	110.274581	3656.843584	51.923176	3.317487	-3.317487	-110.012028	-58.921082	-0.119950	0.023068	-0.575375	0.015806	0.817412
+1.210365	0	1183	1300	624	-70.284878	110.277332	3656.934830	6.461863	3.338001	-3.338001	-110.692317	-18.542850	-0.145312	0.023087	-0.575397	0.015728	0.817397
+1.220350	0	975	1300	832	-70.270230	110.262685	3656.449088	-8.930414	3.221742	-3.221742	-106.837004	73.861080	-0.024988	0.022864	-0.575284	0.016000	0.817477
+1.230449	0	1131	1300	676	-70.278513	110.270967	3656.723757	4.522547	3.224238	-3.224238	-106.919798	5.048982	-0.034604	0.022832	-0.575345	0.015946	0.817437
+1.240318	0	1118	1300	689	-70.274433	110.266887	3656.588454	-2.263617	3.216761	-3.216761	-106.671833	5.375532	-0.017026	0.022868	-0.575313	0.016033	0.817456
+1.250339	0	1300	1300	312	-70.263726	110.256180	3656.233399	-7.140361	3.458191	-3.458191	-114.677940	-155.888249	-0.266536	0.023339	-0.575254	0.015462	0.817496
+1.260334	0	1170	1300	637	-70.263254	110.255708	3656.217751	-0.955768	3.450515	-3.450515	-114.423422	-9.195082	-0.253060	0.023352	-0.575249	0.015520	0.817498
+1.270313	0	936	1300	871	-70.200815	110.193269	3654.147170	-40.684543	3.301831	-3.301831	-109.492860	95.835069	-0.146753	0.022835	-0.574802	0.015519	0.817827
+1.280442	0	1209	1300	598	-70.284178	110.276632	3656.911599	49.815367	3.360652	-3.360652	-111.443439	-29.117865	-0.162900	0.023160	-0.575392	0.015717	0.817399
+1.290311	0	1300	1300	494	-70.265526	110.257980	3656.293076	-7.666747	3.470850	-3.470850	-115.097732	-75.053132	-0.280145	0.023361	-0.575268	0.015429	0.817486
+1.300349	0	806	1300	1001	-70.197097	110.189551	3654.023891	-44.948245	3.227802	-3.227802	-107.037968	150.382049	-0.065089	0.022716	-0.574769	0.015729	0.817849
+1.310438	0	1300	1300	338	-70.265108	110.257562	3656.279223	39.727799	3.471507	-3.471507	-115.119518	-143.320215	-0.280705	0.023363	-0.575265	0.015428	0.817488
+1.320366	0	1183	1300	624	-70.264796	110.257250	3656.268872	3.431513	3.471532	-3.471532	-115.120354	-13.131427	-0.281168	0.023361	-0.575263	0.015425	0.817490
+1.330480	0	988	1300	819	-70.289434	110.281888	3657.085888	16.133252	3.357922	-3.357922	-111.352919	71.788617	-0.161525	0.023147	-0.575430	0.015714	0.817373
+1.340455	0	1274	1300	533	-70.259761	110.252215	3656.101915	-17.829599	3.454439	-3.454439	-114.553533	-56.235608	-0.255394	0.023369	-0.575224	0.015522	0.817515
+1.350437	0	910	1300	897	-70.202469	110.194923	3654.202040	-38.863834	3.287793	-3.287793	-109.027350	103.200512	-0.134195	0.022797	-0.574813	0.015538	0.817819
+1.360444	0	1209	1300	598	-70.287208	110.279662	3657.012076	51.424857	3.348461	-3.348461	-111.039180	-29.969314	-0.158073	0.023097	-0.575414	0.015690	0.817385
+1.370436	0	1300	1300	507	-70.264331	110.256785	3656.253461	-10.178041	3.447003	-3.447003	-114.306942	-66.721083	-0.252554	0.023329	-0.575257	0.015506	0.817493
+1.380442	0	806	1300	1001	-70.192308	110.184762	3653.865084	-47.638340	3.206344	-3.206344	-106.326403	150.026800	-0.039568	0.022692	-0.574733	0.015803	0.817874
+1.390461	0	1183	1300	624	-70.201120	110.193574	3654.157292	1.385179	3.262718	-3.262718	-108.195820	-22.904961	-0.110982	0.022735	-0.574802	0.015578	0.817828
+1.400466	0	1235	1300	572	-70.286256	110.278710	3656.980499	55.349168	3.328710	-3.328710	-110.384211	-44.887323	-0.131407	0.023090	-0.575405	0.015781	0.817390
+1.410457	0	1300	1300	468	-70.258213	110.250667	3656.050567	-13.177228	3.456105	-3.456105	-114.608774	-86.823782	-0.263025	0.023343	-0.575214	0.015476	0.817523
+1.420397	0	806	1300	1001	-70.275338	110.267792	3656.618460	9.969766	3.215129	-3.215129	-106.617727	149.301130	-0.018169	0.022850	-0.575320	0.016016	0.817452
+1.430436	0	1118	1300	689	-70.193607	110.186061	3653.908141	-51.948736	3.225869	-3.225869	-106.973854	6.580303	-0.059660	0.022730	-0.574744	0.015758	0.817866
+1.440440	0	1144	1300	663	-70.192518	110.184972	3653.872042	-5.427080	3.232758	-3.232758	-107.202304	-3.870991	-0.072308	0.022716	-0.574737	0.015702	0.817872
+1.450446	0	1183	1300	624	-70.196049	110.188503	3653.989135	1.797091	3.262851	-3.262851	-108.200236	-19.869988	-0.107081	0.022756	-0.574766	0.015605	0.817853
+1.460449	0	1235	1300	572	-70.284233	110.276688	3656.913443	57.374620	3.323117	-3.323117	-110.198733	-40.904559	-0.128071	0.023067	-0.575391	0.015777	0.817401
+1.470468	0	1170	1300	637	-70.288985	110.281439	3657.071007	8.284991	3.334374	-3.334374	-110.572032	-11.004798	-0.133803	0.023118	-0.575424	0.015793	0.817376
+1.480436	0	975	1300	832	-70.193004	110.185458	3653.888155	-61.712792	3.221610	-3.221610	-106.832648	72.387549	-0.057943	0.022709	-0.574740	0.015749	0.817870
+1.490466	0	1079	1300	728	-70.190543	110.182997	3653.806561	-7.187389	3.192671	-3.192671	-105.872995	25.291522	-0.025256	0.022666	-0.574720	0.015836	0.817883
+1.500446	0	1300	1300	507	-70.280385	110.272839	3656.785825	57.753954	3.305864	-3.305864	-109.626612	-71.286321	-0.107116	0.023050	-0.575361	0.015839	0.817421
+1.510446	0	1300	1300	468	-70.261836	110.254290	3656.170724	-6.786795	3.433795	-3.433795	-113.868958	-89.500659	-0.245386	0.023272	-0.575239	0.015490	0.817507
+1.520432	0	1040	1300	767	-70.281754	110.274208	3656.831220	12.324206	3.347882	-3.347882	-111.019970	47.677191	-0.150609	0.023131	-0.575374	0.015740	0.817412
+1.530470	0	949	1300	858	-70.275372	110.267826	3656.619582	-3.010832	3.224692	-3.224692	-106.934838	83.987640	-0.025533	0.022881	-0.575320	0.016012	0.817451
+1.540441	0	1157	1300	650	-70.278566	110.271021	3656.725518	1.804147	3.253047	-3.253047	-107.875115	-10.793858	-0.057786	0.022921	-0.575346	0.015925	0.817434
+1.550458	0	1092	1300	715	-70.279177	110.271631	3656.745767	0.559390	3.223978	-3.223978	-106.911172	17.854912	-0.033455	0.022836	-0.575349	0.015953	0.817433
+1.560439	0	1300	1300	338	-70.259976	110.252430	3656.109026	-12.431230	3.451658	-3.451658	-114.461314	-146.381249	-0.258365	0.023334	-0.575226	0.015487	0.817515
+1.570463	0	1170	1300	637	-70.262178	110.254632	3656.182062	0.298507	3.445654	-3.445654	-114.262213	-9.390614	-0.247762	0.023344	-0.575241	0.015533	0.817503
+1.580456	0	1183	1300	624	-70.264682	110.257137	3656.265109	1.653360	3.469633	-3.469633	-115.057401	-16.425471	-0.280476	0.023351	-0.575262	0.015421	0.817490
+1.590567	0	845	1300	962	-70.203446	110.195900	3654.234438	-39.193157	3.260741	-3.260741	-108.130261	132.727246	-0.094813	0.022801	-0.574816	0.015684	0.817815
+1.600426	0	1066	1300	741	-70.232539	110.224993	3655.199190	15.515457	3.231047	-3.231047	-107.145585	31.742496	-0.029180	0.022915	-0.575015	0.016009	0.817665
+1.610448	0	1157	1300	650	-70.204646	110.197100	3654.274207	-16.657528	3.248880	-3.248880	-107.736937	-8.669378	-0.085739	0.022762	-0.574825	0.015689	0.817810
+1.620580	0	1092	1300	715	-70.191505	110.183959	3653.838458	-9.922585	3.221074	-3.221074	-106.814863	17.051683	-0.054450	0.022723	-0.574728	0.015770	0.817877
+1.630479	0	1300	1300	468	-70.287513	110.279967	3657.022200	61.970790	3.361426	-3.361426	-111.469114	-90.360318	-0.168612	0.023137	-0.575417	0.015680	0.817383
+1.640459	0	949	1300	858	-70.276190	110.268644	3656.646701	-1.717686	3.213802	-3.213802	-106.573719	87.744783	-0.017850	0.022842	-0.575326	0.016012	0.817448
+1.650466	0	1118	1300	689	-70.277215	110.269669	3656.680710	0.509042	3.213925	-3.213925	-106.577799	7.891949	-0.018611	0.022839	-0.575334	0.016008	0.817443
+1.660510	0	1144	1300	663	-70.194239	110.186693	3653.929099	-53.586679	3.216934	-3.216934	-106.677577	-1.230225	-0.051111	0.022709	-0.574748	0.015774	0.817863
+1.670475	0	1300	1300	494	-70.286247	110.278701	3656.980205	55.011770	3.340418	-3.340418	-110.772464	-80.502385	-0.141822	0.023121	-0.575405	0.015766	0.817389
+1.680449	0	1144	1300	663	-70.280529	110.272983	3656.790599	1.293656	3.333787	-3.333787	-110.552556	-3.022079	-0.135295	0.023108	-0.575364	0.015778	0.817419
+1.690551	0	1300	1300	507	-70.260663	110.253117	3656.131814	-12.657052	3.435602	-3.435602	-113.928883	-65.737780	-0.246968	0.023277	-0.575231	0.015488	0.817513
+1.700489	0	1040	1300	767	-70.286879	110.279333	3657.001159	15.951818	3.351903	-3.351903	-111.153327	48.613753	-0.160817	0.023108	-0.575412	0.015688	0.817387
+1.710520	0	1014	1300	793	-70.198966	110.191420	3654.085859	-55.444202	3.267720	-3.267720	-108.361685	58.884183	-0.114878	0.022751	-0.574787	0.015575	0.817838
+1.720571	0	1183	1300	624	-70.285118	110.277572	3656.942773	50.632901	3.302580	-3.302580	-109.517690	-17.189493	-0.100878	0.023057	-0.575394	0.015868	0.817397
+1.730552	0	1183	1300	624	-70.292479	110.284933	3657.186882	9.396276	3.329769	-3.329769	-110.419308	-19.240026	-0.139630	0.023056	-0.575451	0.015729	0.817360
+1.740546	0	1157	1300	650	-70.285809	110.278263	3656.965684	-3.476388	3.338386	-3.338386	-110.705074	-7.345363	-0.141060	0.023111	-0.575402	0.015761	0.817392
+1.750500	0	1118	1300	689	-70.280251	110.272705	3656.781378	-3.939265	3.322365	-3.322365	-110.173782	9.770165	-0.121115	0.023098	-0.575361	0.015822	0.817420
+1.760509	0	936	1300	871	-70.273069	110.265523	3656.543206	-5.014894	3.186117	-3.186117	-105.655657	89.232069	0.012377	0.022797	-0.575302	0.016088	0.817465
+1.770543	0	1131	1300	676	-70.189441	110.181895	3653.770004	-54.557101	3.193432	-3.193432	-105.898228	3.354678	-0.025217	0.022672	-0.574712	0.015840	0.817888
+1.780574	0	1157	1300	650	-70.271374	110.263828	3656.487011	48.074916	3.213440	-3.213440	-106.561716	-12.643451	-0.015073	0.022854	-0.575291	0.016029	0.817472
+1.790534	0	1144	1300	663	-70.275922	110.268376	3656.637838	7.348759	3.219695	-3.219695	-106.769122	-5.227206	-0.025334	0.022847	-0.575325	0.015988	0.817449
+1.800558	0	1131	1300	676	-70.277593	110.270047	3656.693223	1.748110	3.217706	-3.217706	-106.703164	0.813768	-0.024826	0.022835	-0.575337	0.015982	0.817441
+1.810559	0	1300	1300	442	-70.288725	110.281180	3657.062402	7.382852	3.376626	-3.376626	-111.973144	-103.046875	-0.179571	0.023190	-0.575426	0.015679	0.817375
+1.820557	0	988	1300	819	-70.199751	110.192205	3654.111906	-57.078592	3.252631	-3.252631	-107.861344	71.110404	-0.089550	0.022771	-0.574790	0.015680	0.817834
+1.830510	0	1261	1300	546	-70.285983	110.278437	3656.971454	50.988474	3.348462	-3.348462	-111.039211	-55.963419	-0.146754	0.023154	-0.575403	0.015771	0.817390
+1.840472	0	1001	1300	806	-70.277270	110.269725	3656.682543	-1.022022	3.244130	-3.244130	-107.579437	62.835100	-0.046482	0.022915	-0.575336	0.015960	0.817441
+1.850554	0	1300	1300	390	-70.260715	110.253169	3656.133547	-10.756240	3.443618	-3.443618	-114.194694	-122.828554	-0.249278	0.023322	-0.575231	0.015512	0.817511
+1.860575	0	1183	1300	624	-70.255082	110.247536	3655.946732	-4.624859	3.448250	-3.448250	-114.348296	-14.145115	-0.247757	0.023364	-0.575190	0.015545	0.817538
+1.870566	0	1027	1300	780	-70.287518	110.279972	3657.022367	20.645965	3.361779	-3.361779	-111.480807	54.873944	-0.162755	0.023169	-0.575416	0.015724	0.817382
+1.880544	0	1131	1300	676	-70.292549	110.285003	3657.189208	5.152189	3.355302	-3.355302	-111.266025	9.210110	-0.159400	0.023138	-0.575452	0.015716	0.817357
+1.890515	0	1183	1300	624	-70.288275	110.280729	3657.047462	-2.311594	3.386431	-3.386431	-112.298302	-19.414903	-0.189651	0.023209	-0.575423	0.015656	0.817376
+1.900568	0	858	1300	949	-70.282099	110.274553	3656.842656	-4.197845	3.189893	-3.189893	-105.780851	125.174357	0.024634	0.022884	-0.575363	0.016196	0.817417
+1.910554	0	1118	1300	689	-70.277732	110.270187	3656.697862	-3.219266	3.200487	-3.200487	-106.132166	4.510209	-0.002200	0.022826	-0.575336	0.016057	0.817441
+1.920552	0	1144	1300	663	-70.194432	110.186886	3653.935515	-54.359939	3.205283	-3.205283	-106.291210	-2.702866	-0.042793	0.022668	-0.574749	0.015775	0.817864
+1.930610	0	1300	1300	312	-70.261446	110.253900	3656.157767	38.344089	3.448411	-3.448411	-114.353637	-157.193567	-0.255719	0.023324	-0.575237	0.015490	0.817508
+1.940492	0	819	1300	988	-70.195479	110.187933	3653.970231	-39.749289	3.200974	-3.200974	-106.148318	147.868895	-0.035582	0.022673	-0.574756	0.015805	0.817858
+1.950589	0	1144	1300	663	-70.195500	110.187954	3653.970942	-3.568205	3.231378	-3.231378	-107.156561	-6.233094	-0.067157	0.022732	-0.574758	0.015732	0.817856
+1.960557	0	1105	1300	702	-70.273863	110.266317	3656.569542	50.676041	3.207156	-3.207156	-106.353313	15.196621	-0.009816	0.022835	-0.575309	0.016036	0.817460
+1.970567	0	1131	1300	676	-70.194477	110.186931	3653.937001	-46.867684	3.202947	-3.202947	-106.213730	4.109342	-0.039165	0.022669	-0.574749	0.015789	0.817863
+1.980599	0	1300	1300	507	-70.285763	110.278217	3656.964159	54.819422	3.318725	-3.318725	-110.053084	-74.543353	-0.124002	0.023056	-0.575401	0.015784	0.817394
+1.990530	0	988	1300	819	-70.192855	110.185309	3653.883212	-55.657752	3.206068	-3.206068	-106.317235	66.750276	-0.041533	0.022680	-0.574737	0.015788	0.817871
+2.000559	0	1300	1300	507	-70.281683	110.274137	3656.828875	52.446734	3.327628	-3.327628	-110.348314	-72.626026	-0.132616	0.023077	-0.575373	0.015766	0.817414
+2.010564	0	988	1300	819	-70.194044	110.186498	3653.922653	-52.081398	3.214058	-3.214058	-106.582199	67.067677	-0.051037	0.022689	-0.574747	0.015760	0.817865
+2.020581	0	1222	1300	585	-70.201815	110.194269	3654.180352	0.307859	3.278411	-3.278411	-108.716237	-35.609706	-0.129888	0.022752	-0.574809	0.015522	0.817824
+2.030564	0	1222	1300	585	-70.289702	110.282157	3657.094803	57.150295	3.331626	-3.331626	-110.480886	-37.828778	-0.140705	0.023064	-0.575431	0.015730	0.817374
+2.040676	0	1014	1300	793	-70.194530	110.186984	3653.938754	-55.996284	3.233984	-3.233984	-107.242981	59.320808	-0.076025	0.022706	-0.574752	0.015682	0.817862
+2.050682	0	1300	1300	403	-70.257190	110.249644	3656.016652	35.553214	3.422014	-3.422014	-113.478290	-116.564733	-0.229278	0.023269	-0.575205	0.015545	0.817531
+2.060665	0	1209	1300	598	-70.257677	110.250131	3656.032794	3.553484	3.447402	-3.447402	-114.320174	-27.113852	-0.258118	0.023305	-0.575211	0.015467	0.817527
+2.070699	0	910	1300	897	-70.200642	110.193096	3654.141439	-36.576535	3.280855	-3.280855	-108.797278	105.289305	-0.128667	0.022776	-0.574800	0.015543	0.817829
+2.080692	0	1300	1300	403	-70.263117	110.255571	3656.213195	37.241524	3.473614	-3.473614	-115.189404	-115.591739	-0.282806	0.023368	-0.575251	0.015424	0.817498
+2.090632	0	1040	1300	767	-70.291402	110.283856	3657.151151	21.860060	3.377647	-3.377647	-112.007006	52.053138	-0.186253	0.023163	-0.575446	0.015637	0.817362
+2.100686	0	1079	1300	728	-70.295091	110.287545	3657.273487	4.359913	3.335211	-3.335211	-110.599787	32.112855	-0.134786	0.023118	-0.575468	0.015792	0.817345
+2.110704	0	1300	1300	442	-70.263726	110.256180	3656.233380	-19.925287	3.490232	-3.490232	-115.740472	-97.521074	-0.300978	0.023395	-0.575257	0.015378	0.817494
+2.120689	0	845	1300	962	-70.234293	110.226747	3655.257366	-20.939928	3.265328	-3.265328	-108.282365	137.272154	-0.074238	0.022933	-0.575032	0.015860	0.817656
+2.130682	0	1274	1300	533	-70.290844	110.283298	3657.132642	34.816504	3.374431	-3.374431	-111.900355	-58.359670	-0.175718	0.023193	-0.575440	0.015696	0.817364
+2.140670	0	949	1300	858	-70.193039	110.185494	3653.889334	-60.370242	3.234083	-3.234083	-107.246238	85.866425	-0.065675	0.022759	-0.574740	0.015756	0.817868
+2.150704	0	1235	1300	572	-70.200806	110.193260	3654.146893	-0.446566	3.313821	-3.313821	-109.890458	-43.804304	-0.157826	0.022865	-0.574803	0.015500	0.817826
+2.160680	0	1300	1300	403	-70.265423	110.257877	3656.289672	41.983872	3.484890	-3.484890	-115.563316	-115.247966	-0.291810	0.023402	-0.575268	0.015417	0.817485
+2.170682	0	819	1300	988	-70.279989	110.272443	3656.772688	13.266621	3.245462	-3.245462	-107.623594	144.872000	-0.046928	0.022922	-0.575355	0.015965	0.817427
+2.180665	0	1079	1300	728	-70.284097	110.276551	3656.908904	3.877710	3.224331	-3.224331	-106.922882	26.924298	-0.013124	0.022940	-0.575380	0.016100	0.817406
+2.190749	0	1300	1300	299	-70.264187	110.256641	3656.248666	-12.472678	3.485616	-3.485616	-115.587420	-165.845508	-0.293199	0.023401	-0.575259	0.015410	0.817491
+2.200691	0	1014	1300	793	-70.292824	110.285278	3657.198325	17.542844	3.368980	-3.368980	-111.719618	60.934905	-0.174048	0.023162	-0.575455	0.015681	0.817355
+2.210677	0	1248	1300	559	-70.256968	110.249422	3656.009280	-21.701688	3.447520	-3.447520	-114.324101	-45.486458	-0.254092	0.023327	-0.575205	0.015496	0.817530
+2.220705	0	1170	1300	637	-70.257752	110.250206	3656.035282	-1.460318	3.457450	-3.457450	-114.653397	-10.552395	-0.259184	0.023372	-0.575210	0.015510	0.817525
+2.230677	0	975	1300	832	-70.285515	110.277969	3656.955933	17.929463	3.340868	-3.340868	-110.787388	74.886703	-0.145280	0.023107	-0.575401	0.015743	0.817393
+2.240756	0	949	1300	858	-70.192637	110.185091	3653.875990	-58.224472	3.221712	-3.221712	-106.836000	83.534158	-0.057668	0.022711	-0.574737	0.015751	0.817871
+2.250668	0	1144	1300	663	-70.201467	110.193921	3654.168802	0.440548	3.238149	-3.238149	-107.381083	-3.097698	-0.075037	0.022740	-0.574801	0.015711	0.817826
+2.260711	0	1300	1300	351	-70.262099	110.254553	3656.179450	39.233809	3.456426	-3.456426	-114.619424	-141.378787	-0.271784	0.023300	-0.575244	0.015416	0.817505
+2.270676	0	988	1300	819	-70.279833	110.272287	3656.767522	15.123031	3.327098	-3.327098	-110.330753	71.300876	-0.132573	0.023074	-0.575360	0.015763	0.817423
+2.280681	0	1014	1300	793	-70.194612	110.187066	3653.941468	-53.904790	3.253584	-3.253584	-107.892930	54.163970	-0.098873	0.022731	-0.574755	0.015617	0.817861
+2.290701	0	1300	1300	416	-70.255520	110.247974	3655.961276	34.563100	3.433022	-3.433022	-113.843332	-111.319288	-0.241419	0.023287	-0.575194	0.015513	0.817538
+2.300679	0	1040	1300	767	-70.289658	110.282112	3657.093318	25.346157	3.342488	-3.342488	-110.841092	48.729499	-0.149426	0.023098	-0.575431	0.015723	0.817373
+2.310681	0	1144	1300	663	-70.283376	110.275830	3656.885009	-1.771963	3.350582	-3.350582	-111.109511	-0.822693	-0.154035	0.023133	-0.575386	0.015729	0.817403
+2.320697	0	1157	1300	650	-70.287924	110.280378	3657.035818	2.786093	3.356435	-3.356435	-111.303588	-3.867129	-0.162997	0.023129	-0.575419	0.015695	0.817381
+2.330695	0	1170	1300	637	-70.290519	110.282974	3657.121894	1.938094	3.368625	-3.368625	-111.707837	-8.263958	-0.177935	0.023141	-0.575439	0.015651	0.817367
+2.340749	0	923	1300	884	-70.192466	110.184921	3653.870334	-63.144831	3.215661	-3.215661	-106.635370	98.032503	-0.050989	0.022701	-0.574735	0.015768	0.817873
+2.350708	0	1300	1300	325	-70.258192	110.250646	3656.049883	37.050077	3.461669	-3.461669	-114.793286	-151.297213	-0.266995	0.023363	-0.575214	0.015475	0.817523
+2.360706	0	806	1300	1001	-70.273304	110.265758	3656.550994	13.177005	3.204818	-3.204818	-106.275794	152.955532	-0.009114	0.022822	-0.575305	0.016029	0.817463
+2.370694	0	1196	1300	611	-70.198931	110.191385	3654.084714	-47.117051	3.264032	-3.264032	-108.239411	-24.548492	-0.105215	0.022773	-0.574786	0.015625	0.817838
+2.380668	0	1235	1300	572	-70.201274	110.193728	3654.162410	-2.769448	3.325250	-3.325250	-110.269465	-42.057977	-0.177296	0.022848	-0.574808	0.015418	0.817824
+2.390680	0	1300	1300	442	-70.267519	110.259973	3656.359181	42.691096	3.473791	-3.473791	-115.195285	-100.109495	-0.282990	0.023367	-0.575282	0.015424	0.817476
+2.400753	0	845	1300	962	-70.278493	110.270948	3656.723097	10.930091	3.247664	-3.247664	-107.696627	136.735788	-0.052576	0.022909	-0.575345	0.015935	0.817435
+2.410817	0	1300	1300	390	-70.265141	110.257595	3656.280308	-7.627097	3.454205	-3.454205	-114.545787	-120.899853	-0.258304	0.023352	-0.575263	0.015501	0.817488
+2.420807	0	1157	1300	650	-70.264852	110.257306	3656.270727	-0.881659	3.443297	-3.443297	-114.184057	-3.915635	-0.243150	0.023350	-0.575259	0.015555	0.817490
+2.430722	0	1209	1300	598	-70.260807	110.253261	3656.136589	-2.726208	3.481490	-3.481490	-115.450572	-25.336656	-0.284349	0.023416	-0.575234	0.015452	0.817508
+2.440692	0	1001	1300	806	-70.290967	110.283421	3657.136737	19.377282	3.374008	-3.374008	-111.886329	67.631149	-0.174081	0.023198	-0.575441	0.015705	0.817363
+2.450794	0	1287	1300	520	-70.262925	110.255379	3656.206840	-16.284929	3.476066	-3.476066	-115.270719	-59.530127	-0.277591	0.023411	-0.575248	0.015473	0.817497
+2.460783	0	1014	1300	793	-70.290684	110.283138	3657.127337	16.549655	3.376783	-3.376783	-111.978367	59.076526	-0.177281	0.023202	-0.575439	0.015696	0.817365
+2.470798	0	1300	1300	507	-70.263828	110.256282	3656.236760	-15.901853	3.490049	-3.490049	-115.734413	-68.040094	-0.301531	0.023391	-0.575258	0.015373	0.817493
+2.480775	0	988	1300	819	-70.288328	110.280782	3657.049224	14.484084	3.372686	-3.372686	-111.842507	70.123327	-0.173695	0.023191	-0.575422	0.015701	0.817377
+2.490792	0	1261	1300	546	-70.261518	110.253972	3656.160173	-16.056622	3.461028	-3.461028	-114.772021	-50.875284	-0.269726	0.023344	-0.575239	0.015453	0.817507
+2.500783	0	1014	1300	793	-70.290254	110.282708	3657.113080	17.202170	3.362130	-3.362130	-111.492450	59.602899	-0.162605	0.023171	-0.575435	0.015727	0.817368
+2.510857	0	1053	1300	754	-70.200044	110.192498	3654.121604	-56.596734	3.307340	-3.307340	-109.675537	40.700507	-0.157201	0.022822	-0.574798	0.015472	0.817831
+2.520849	0	1183	1300	624	-70.284193	110.276647	3656.912103	49.499161	3.341574	-3.341574	-110.810794	-18.529717	-0.144240	0.023118	-0.575391	0.015754	0.817400
+2.530812	0	1118	1300	689	-70.283628	110.276082	3656.893350	4.146881	3.321193	-3.321193	-110.134918	11.580916	-0.125767	0.023065	-0.575386	0.015783	0.817404
+2.540789	0	1014	1300	793	-70.194490	110.186944	3653.937449	-57.588552	3.236371	-3.236371	-107.322116	56.215125	-0.075359	0.022726	-0.574752	0.015699	0.817862
+2.550740	0	1079	1300	728	-70.188150	110.180604	3653.727208	-9.391455	3.204193	-3.204193	-106.255078	26.108050	-0.041553	0.022667	-0.574704	0.015777	0.817895
+2.560746	0	1300	1300	364	-70.255336	110.247790	3655.955162	42.722599	3.414867	-3.414867	-113.241285	-134.269046	-0.224859	0.023241	-0.575191	0.015540	0.817541
+2.570751	0	1066	1300	741	-70.288318	110.280772	3657.048887	25.275909	3.338999	-3.338999	-110.725398	37.011257	-0.144939	0.023095	-0.575421	0.015737	0.817380
+2.580813	0	962	1300	845	-70.188909	110.181363	3653.752366	-61.864370	3.217462	-3.217462	-106.695075	81.774662	-0.058114	0.022679	-0.574711	0.015726	0.817891
+2.590778	0	1261	1300	546	-70.277561	110.270015	3656.692175	52.071885	3.309060	-3.309060	-109.732569	-52.173826	-0.114439	0.023037	-0.575342	0.015802	0.817436
+2.600775	0	1300	1300	455	-70.259794	110.252249	3656.103015	-6.797546	3.440564	-3.440564	-114.093438	-90.107136	-0.251157	0.023291	-0.575225	0.015483	0.817517
+2.610810	0	1027	1300	780	-70.282764	110.275218	3656.864702	14.242479	3.347617	-3.347617	-111.011188	51.960830	-0.153407	0.023115	-0.575382	0.015718	0.817407
+2.620837	0	1092	1300	715	-70.282534	110.274988	3656.857079	1.142784	3.314630	-3.314630	-109.917287	26.066685	-0.119180	0.023052	-0.575378	0.015797	0.817410
+2.630782	0	975	1300	832	-70.193594	110.186048	3653.907714	-57.902873	3.206762	-3.206762	-106.340255	72.733663	-0.045762	0.022664	-0.574743	0.015761	0.817868
+2.640822	0	1300	1300	338	-70.261932	110.254386	3656.173906	38.942471	3.439155	-3.439155	-114.046691	-143.675547	-0.245623	0.023309	-0.575239	0.015516	0.817506
+2.650811	0	858	1300	949	-70.193031	110.185485	3653.889055	-41.214103	3.226481	-3.226481	-106.994151	125.077489	-0.063687	0.022715	-0.574740	0.015732	0.817869
+2.660787	0	1300	1300	377	-70.258090	110.250544	3656.046481	38.556882	3.441757	-3.441757	-114.132988	-128.612528	-0.245219	0.023330	-0.575212	0.015531	0.817524
+2.670782	0	1079	1300	728	-70.288094	110.280548	3657.041469	22.986910	3.375754	-3.375754	-111.944245	31.154448	-0.176512	0.023199	-0.575421	0.015696	0.817378
+2.680781	0	1261	1300	546	-70.264347	110.256801	3656.253990	-13.321978	3.457212	-3.457212	-114.645496	-50.034142	-0.260318	0.023363	-0.575257	0.015502	0.817492
+2.690817	0	858	1300	949	-70.200294	110.192748	3654.129912	-42.638427	3.252152	-3.252152	-107.845441	128.105052	-0.088346	0.022773	-0.574794	0.015686	0.817831
+2.700799	0	1300	1300	377	-70.261385	110.253839	3656.155756	35.826924	3.462554	-3.462554	-114.822653	-125.098491	-0.261931	0.023394	-0.575236	0.015517	0.817506
+2.710778	0	1170	1300	637	-70.265437	110.257891	3656.290128	5.897821	3.457377	-3.457377	-114.650973	-8.028257	-0.262785	0.023352	-0.575266	0.015485	0.817487
+2.720774	0	845	1300	962	-70.231460	110.223914	3655.163418	-21.520682	3.251451	-3.251451	-107.822205	132.953248	-0.058524	0.022913	-0.575010	0.015902	0.817671
+2.730809	0	1079	1300	728	-70.278318	110.270772	3656.717279	28.361443	3.233479	-3.233479	-107.226237	23.674053	-0.036090	0.022891	-0.575342	0.015981	0.817436
+2.740805	0	1105	1300	702	-70.283055	110.275509	3656.874351	5.654162	3.219432	-3.219432	-106.760419	11.272061	-0.027317	0.022834	-0.575376	0.015974	0.817414
+2.750782	0	1300	1300	273	-70.269350	110.261804	3656.419889	-8.397084	3.492189	-3.492189	-115.805373	-176.348126	-0.303637	0.023394	-0.575297	0.015370	0.817465
+2.760778	0	975	1300	832	-70.287707	110.280161	3657.028626	11.153286	3.351194	-3.351194	-111.129790	75.494064	-0.146221	0.023176	-0.575415	0.015789	0.817381
+2.770834	0	988	1300	819	-70.197493	110.189947	3654.037021	-57.238508	3.255298	-3.255298	-107.949753	68.744462	-0.097070	0.022752	-0.574775	0.015639	0.817846
+2.780900	0	1300	1300	377	-70.262593	110.255047	3656.195828	36.822078	3.459289	-3.459289	-114.714370	-125.377585	-0.267639	0.023342	-0.575246	0.015460	0.817501
+2.790794	0	1170	1300	637	-70.255721	110.248175	3655.967948	-1.122839	3.457809	-3.457809	-114.665301	-10.539268	-0.266684	0.023337	-0.575197	0.015458	0.817536
+2.800899	0	1118	1300	689	-70.254683	110.247137	3655.933516	-0.768552	3.429715	-3.429715	-113.733668	17.110041	-0.236584	0.023288	-0.575187	0.015531	0.817543
+2.810789	0	1040	1300	767	-70.284712	110.277166	3656.929316	19.613459	3.354739	-3.354739	-111.247357	50.718209	-0.163180	0.023117	-0.575397	0.015685	0.817397
+2.820790	0	936	1300	871	-70.192091	110.184545	3653.857879	-58.317762	3.221356	-3.221356	-106.824216	91.160570	-0.060282	0.022695	-0.574734	0.015730	0.817874
+2.830894	0	1300	1300	364	-70.261503	110.253957	3656.159680	39.370967	3.444111	-3.444111	-114.211051	-134.992150	-0.253210	0.023306	-0.575237	0.015486	0.817508
+2.840891	0	1001	1300	806	-70.287649	110.280103	3657.026702	20.551851	3.322157	-3.322157	-110.166897	66.887813	-0.131058	0.023045	-0.575416	0.015751	0.817385
+2.850925	0	1144	1300	663	-70.283737	110.276191	3656.896975	-0.668257	3.333837	-3.333837	-110.554224	-1.494431	-0.139979	0.023084	-0.575388	0.015745	0.817403
+2.860885	0	1118	1300	689	-70.279295	110.271749	3656.749668	-2.954192	3.314311	-3.314311	-109.906721	12.581124	-0.118164	0.023055	-0.575355	0.015802	0.817426
+2.870908	0	1196	1300	611	-70.284608	110.277062	3656.925850	3.172563	3.353786	-3.353786	-111.215748	-24.422046	-0.157570	0.023138	-0.575395	0.015720	0.817397
+2.880930	0	1131	1300	676	-70.284571	110.277025	3656.924624	0.263895	3.340718	-3.340718	-110.782405	6.247589	-0.147804	0.023094	-0.575395	0.015724	0.817399
+2.890913	0	1144	1300	663	-70.288684	110.281138	3657.061021	2.697371	3.339133	-3.339133	-110.729855	1.598791	-0.145125	0.023095	-0.575424	0.015736	0.817378
+2.900930	0	988	1300	819	-70.190259	110.182713	3653.797138	-63.528769	3.233195	-3.233195	-107.216808	68.787180	-0.068694	0.022738	-0.574721	0.015729	0.817883
+2.910895	0	1131	1300	676	-70.200441	110.192895	3654.134770	0.834559	3.238837	-3.238837	-107.403898	2.600424	-0.075683	0.022742	-0.574794	0.015710	0.817831
+2.920922	0	1300	1300	507	-70.285780	110.278234	3656.964728	55.320611	3.353718	-3.353718	-111.213512	-74.133401	-0.158234	0.023134	-0.575404	0.015715	0.817391
+2.930893	0	1001	1300	806	-70.190664	110.183118	3653.810563	-56.845773	3.243604	-3.243604	-107.561972	64.890029	-0.084830	0.022731	-0.574725	0.015666	0.817881
+2.940910	0	1300	1300	364	-70.264824	110.257278	3656.269808	42.891813	3.458644	-3.458644	-114.692985	-133.444164	-0.269985	0.023325	-0.575262	0.015440	0.817490
+2.950930	0	1014	1300	793	-70.288445	110.280899	3657.053114	19.193162	3.345317	-3.345317	-110.934918	61.300297	-0.150323	0.023113	-0.575422	0.015730	0.817379
+2.960910	0	1300	1300	468	-70.268021	110.260475	3656.375816	-11.530425	3.480595	-3.480595	-115.420886	-82.364604	-0.292899	0.023366	-0.575287	0.015388	0.817473
+2.970906	0	1014	1300	793	-70.290515	110.282969	3657.121759	13.554346	3.379041	-3.379041	-112.053246	58.436175	-0.182793	0.023191	-0.575439	0.015668	0.817366
+2.980902	0	1118	1300	689	-70.289986	110.282440	3657.104201	0.888944	3.367497	-3.367497	-111.670439	12.808332	-0.173502	0.023155	-0.575435	0.015677	0.817370
+2.990896	0	962	1300	845	-70.276951	110.269405	3656.671948	-8.382694	3.241819	-3.241819	-107.502784	82.767952	-0.046075	0.022900	-0.575333	0.015952	0.817443
+3.000912	0	1300	1300	364	-70.267056	110.259510	3656.343819	-7.172901	3.463615	-3.463615	-114.857837	-136.211322	-0.272001	0.023350	-0.575278	0.015451	0.817479
+3.010912	0	1183	1300	624	-70.263865	110.256319	3656.238004	-2.722812	3.463243	-3.463243	-114.845477	-12.140976	-0.268357	0.023366	-0.575255	0.015475	0.817494
+3.020938	0	1183	1300	624	-70.266355	110.258809	3656.320581	1.365226	3.483744	-3.483744	-115.525318	-14.373801	-0.292228	0.023392	-0.575275	0.015408	0.817481
+3.030880	0	806	1300	1001	-70.198616	110.191070	3654.074251	-44.067533	3.247046	-3.247046	-107.676127	153.104349	-0.085231	0.022753	-0.574782	0.015682	0.817840
+3.040887	0	1300	1300	507	-70.291003	110.283457	3657.137918	55.912342	3.380510	-3.380510	-112.101960	-72.645988	-0.190691	0.023161	-0.575444	0.015620	0.817364
+3.050903	0	1144	1300	663	-70.288326	110.280780	3657.049147	3.340882	3.368262	-3.368262	-111.695786	1.342425	-0.173112	0.023163	-0.575423	0.015683	0.817378
+3.060940	0	1131	1300	676	-70.289675	110.282129	3657.093897	1.175500	3.358609	-3.358609	-111.375680	6.364904	-0.165070	0.023134	-0.575432	0.015692	0.817372
+3.070921	0	897	1300	910	-70.273549	110.266003	3656.559133	-10.376057	3.190827	-3.190827	-105.811819	109.649332	0.007775	0.022807	-0.575306	0.016079	0.817462
+3.080998	0	1300	1300	507	-70.280504	110.272958	3656.789764	3.545201	3.317495	-3.317495	-110.012308	-71.730723	-0.120702	0.023065	-0.575363	0.015800	0.817420
+3.090919	0	1040	1300	767	-70.197008	110.189462	3654.020940	-54.251485	3.243265	-3.243265	-107.550729	41.951878	-0.092329	0.022690	-0.574772	0.015613	0.817850
+3.100913	0	1079	1300	728	-70.191404	110.183858	3653.835088	-8.573654	3.210940	-3.210940	-106.478805	24.804221	-0.047331	0.022686	-0.574728	0.015770	0.817878
+3.110889	0	1222	1300	585	-70.199894	110.192348	3654.116650	4.740921	3.275572	-3.275572	-108.622078	-39.774371	-0.125819	0.022752	-0.574795	0.015536	0.817834
+3.120939	0	1248	1300	559	-70.289099	110.281553	3657.074800	58.056255	3.342640	-3.342640	-110.846124	-46.925743	-0.155999	0.023066	-0.575428	0.015676	0.817377
+3.130924	0	1118	1300	689	-70.287327	110.279781	3657.016014	4.133082	3.321930	-3.321930	-110.159382	9.185673	-0.126669	0.023066	-0.575413	0.015781	0.817386
+3.140904	0	923	1300	884	-70.193731	110.186185	3653.912277	-60.472430	3.178115	-3.178115	-105.390278	94.334960	-0.013677	0.022620	-0.574742	0.015846	0.817868
+3.150912	0	1300	1300	299	-70.258956	110.251410	3656.075200	36.802804	3.447835	-3.447835	-114.334550	-166.336953	-0.262075	0.023288	-0.575220	0.015441	0.817521
+3.160909	0	1170	1300	637	-70.262271	110.254725	3656.185154	5.498937	3.439872	-3.439872	-114.070482	-9.956606	-0.254580	0.023269	-0.575244	0.015455	0.817505
+3.170908	0	962	1300	845	-70.282004	110.274458	3656.839498	13.306224	3.314046	-3.314046	-109.897935	80.756348	-0.114759	0.023070	-0.575373	0.015825	0.817412
+3.180900	0	1053	1300	754	-70.200973	110.193427	3654.152423	-51.412130	3.266918	-3.266918	-108.335108	37.952642	-0.116186	0.022739	-0.574802	0.015562	0.817829
+3.190992	0	1066	1300	741	-70.198594	110.191049	3654.073546	-6.165839	3.221535	-3.221535	-106.830146	32.628510	-0.058463	0.022705	-0.574780	0.015746	0.817842
+3.201011	0	1066	1300	741	-70.193148	110.185602	3653.892923	-4.088132	3.179958	-3.179958	-105.451414	29.895522	-0.013180	0.022636	-0.574738	0.015859	0.817871
+3.211016	0	1300	1300	260	-70.261810	110.254264	3656.169849	44.166287	3.465992	-3.465992	-114.936658	-182.819450	-0.271819	0.023369	-0.575240	0.015463	0.817504
+3.220904	0	871	1300	936	-70.193849	110.186304	3653.916197	-40.499806	3.249011	-3.249011	-107.741286	125.466481	-0.087761	0.022755	-0.574748	0.015673	0.817864
+3.231029	0	1261	1300	546	-70.286943	110.279397	3657.003283	56.093130	3.349743	-3.349743	-111.081678	-53.357035	-0.153045	0.023132	-0.575411	0.015733	0.817386
+3.240992	0	975	1300	832	-70.277398	110.269852	3656.686758	-1.098524	3.228855	-3.228855	-107.072875	73.847556	-0.031271	0.022882	-0.575336	0.015992	0.817441
+3.251044	0	1300	1300	494	-70.292884	110.285338	3657.200315	9.903324	3.356141	-3.356141	-111.293843	-75.531258	-0.160026	0.023141	-0.575454	0.015716	0.817355
+3.261015	0	1157	1300	650	-70.287151	110.279605	3657.010180	-2.827977	3.358369	-3.358369	-111.367744	-8.334638	-0.160671	0.023155	-0.575413	0.015722	0.817384
+3.271032	0	975	1300	832	-70.277654	110.270108	3656.695245	-6.410280	3.244112	-3.244112	-107.578843	73.275491	-0.046467	0.022915	-0.575338	0.015961	0.817439
+3.281040	0	1105	1300	702	-70.278742	110.271197	3656.731354	0.123796	3.231325	-3.231325	-107.154786	14.949074	-0.041576	0.022848	-0.575347	0.015931	0.817435
+3.291045	0	1170	1300	637	-70.197792	110.190246	3654.046938	-52.497235	3.258747	-3.258747	-108.064149	-16.429193	-0.098362	0.022770	-0.574777	0.015647	0.817844
+3.301041	0	1300	1300	494	-70.289010	110.281464	3657.071832	54.442624	3.377869	-3.377869	-112.014393	-78.826053	-0.182981	0.023182	-0.575428	0.015661	0.817374
+3.311038	0	1300	1300	507	-70.266704	110.259158	3656.332141	-9.528569	3.471495	-3.471495	-115.119123	-67.942177	-0.283569	0.023348	-0.575277	0.015408	0.817480
+3.321014	0	806	1300	1001	-70.276148	110.268602	3656.645322	5.274024	3.231085	-3.231085	-107.146850	150.163489	-0.034781	0.022881	-0.575327	0.015978	0.817447
+3.331022	0	1300	1300	338	-70.265253	110.257707	3656.284017	-6.586253	3.476258	-3.476258	-115.277089	-145.346770	-0.287401	0.023363	-0.575267	0.015405	0.817487
+3.341010	0	1157	1300	650	-70.264043	110.256497	3656.243914	-1.385063	3.461786	-3.461786	-114.797171	-3.825830	-0.274820	0.023323	-0.575257	0.015421	0.817494
+3.351033	0	1105	1300	702	-70.260405	110.252859	3656.123250	-2.482049	3.427844	-3.427844	-113.671608	21.633528	-0.233451	0.023289	-0.575228	0.015545	0.817514
+3.361022	0	819	1300	988	-70.191482	110.183936	3653.837698	-44.997459	3.208126	-3.208126	-106.385494	144.696112	-0.040160	0.022702	-0.574727	0.015808	0.817877
+3.371016	0	1274	1300	533	-70.278015	110.270469	3656.707232	52.092726	3.321880	-3.321880	-110.157702	-60.698688	-0.124600	0.023077	-0.575346	0.015794	0.817432
+3.381033	0	962	1300	845	-70.278961	110.271415	3656.738609	5.341483	3.193583	-3.193583	-105.903214	77.619671	0.010384	0.022839	-0.575343	0.016113	0.817434
+3.391015	0	1300	1300	481	-70.285973	110.278427	3656.971139	5.044305	3.335681	-3.335681	-110.615383	-85.297471	-0.142631	0.023084	-0.575404	0.015736	0.817392
+3.401033	0	988	1300	819	-70.280685	110.273139	3656.795760	-2.968615	3.215127	-3.215127	-106.617638	70.363935	-0.015860	0.022861	-0.575358	0.016034	0.817425
+3.410979	0	1274	1300	533	-70.281049	110.273503	3656.807842	-0.033613	3.315799	-3.315799	-109.956051	-59.224694	-0.116548	0.023074	-0.575367	0.015821	0.817417
+3.421023	0	936	1300	871	-70.188992	110.181446	3653.755105	-59.505196	3.169867	-3.169867	-105.116768	88.961850	-0.005063	0.022605	-0.574708	0.015866	0.817893
+3.431036	0	1183	1300	624	-70.191925	110.184379	3653.852367	-3.502064	3.214079	-3.214079	-106.582887	-20.579272	-0.049946	0.022695	-0.574731	0.015768	0.817875
+3.441008	0	1144	1300	663	-70.189710	110.182164	3653.778912	-1.760315	3.214516	-3.214516	-106.597374	-2.159851	-0.049888	0.022699	-0.574715	0.015770	0.817886
+3.451038	0	1300	1300	442	-70.287534	110.279988	3657.022893	63.150420	3.368113	-3.368113	-111.690860	-99.601062	-0.177335	0.023140	-0.575418	0.015652	0.817382
+3.461005	0	962	1300	845	-70.199558	110.192013	3654.105512	-51.504886	3.228090	-3.228090	-107.047534	82.058539	-0.065787	0.022715	-0.574787	0.015726	0.817836
+3.471026	0	1157	1300	650	-70.199615	110.192069	3654.107386	-4.636745	3.251606	-3.251606	-107.827331	-7.785407	-0.089483	0.022764	-0.574789	0.015675	0.817835
+3.481036	0	1287	1300	520	-70.287748	110.280202	3657.029999	56.720640	3.348023	-3.348023	-111.024635	-63.219548	-0.148873	0.023140	-0.575416	0.015754	0.817381
+3.491007	0	1287	1300	520	-70.263940	110.256395	3656.240502	-10.320756	3.434589	-3.434589	-113.895270	-62.087454	-0.239257	0.023308	-0.575253	0.015539	0.817496
+3.501017	0	1157	1300	650	-70.258665	110.251119	3656.065563	-4.357751	3.431096	-3.431096	-113.779462	-3.374952	-0.233544	0.023312	-0.575215	0.015561	0.817522
+3.511025	0	1209	1300	598	-70.265263	110.257717	3656.284355	3.882643	3.469957	-3.469957	-115.068118	-25.506462	-0.275737	0.023377	-0.575265	0.015456	0.817487
+3.521046	0	1144	1300	663	-70.262842	110.255296	3656.204061	-1.216014	3.461209	-3.461209	-114.778032	3.351636	-0.265901	0.023364	-0.575247	0.015482	0.817499
+3.531028	0	819	1300	988	-70.197455	110.189909	3654.035748	-42.612809	3.233644	-3.233644	-107.231711	148.224039	-0.066183	0.022753	-0.574771	0.015751	0.817846
+3.541039	0	1300	1300	507	-70.299426	110.291880	3657.417234	62.237455	3.360919	-3.360919	-111.452300	-69.050326	-0.164736	0.023151	-0.575501	0.015708	0.817322
+3.551021	0	1300	1300	494	-70.266184	110.258638	3656.314899	-15.940150	3.468330	-3.468330	-115.014180	-76.105621	-0.276334	0.023362	-0.575272	0.015444	0.817482
+3.561050	0	1001	1300	806	-70.294798	110.287252	3657.263765	17.074605	3.359250	-3.359250	-111.396939	63.700527	-0.158617	0.023170	-0.575467	0.015742	0.817345
+3.571022	0	949	1300	858	-70.196988	110.189442	3654.020265	-62.079078	3.233772	-3.233772	-107.235938	87.441731	-0.074982	0.022709	-0.574770	0.015689	0.817850
+3.581175	0	1300	1300	364	-70.264919	110.257373	3656.272962	37.913001	3.458749	-3.458749	-114.696464	-136.154799	-0.267855	0.023336	-0.575263	0.015456	0.817490
+3.591188	0	1196	1300	611	-70.264003	110.256457	3656.242567	2.848461	3.471626	-3.471626	-115.123485	-20.709768	-0.285230	0.023341	-0.575258	0.015397	0.817494
+3.601153	0	988	1300	819	-70.289936	110.282390	3657.102547	17.142763	3.355600	-3.355600	-111.275895	73.646563	-0.162553	0.023125	-0.575434	0.015695	0.817371
+3.611172	0	1131	1300	676	-70.287484	110.279938	3657.021229	-0.032852	3.355127	-3.355127	-111.260218	6.989843	-0.166589	0.023102	-0.575417	0.015663	0.817384
+3.621119	0	1105	1300	702	-70.289482	110.281936	3657.087488	1.299928	3.331411	-3.331411	-110.473781	16.103123	-0.140033	0.023066	-0.575429	0.015734	0.817375
+3.631162	0	1001	1300	806	-70.194864	110.187318	3653.949842	-61.044982	3.234472	-3.234472	-107.259164	64.121326	-0.073031	0.022725	-0.574754	0.015706	0.817860
+3.641165	0	1105	1300	702	-70.192894	110.185348	3653.884510	-6.826179	3.225608	-3.225608	-106.965203	11.578687	-0.059255	0.022731	-0.574739	0.015759	0.817869
+3.651139	0	1300	1300	351	-70.257170	110.249624	3656.015984	41.188406	3.445223	-3.445223	-114.247918	-141.800765	-0.256978	0.023296	-0.575207	0.015464	0.817530
+3.661140	0	1001	1300	806	-70.279948	110.272402	3656.771336	18.524498	3.321830	-3.321830	-110.156066	67.177904	-0.133739	0.023030	-0.575361	0.015729	0.817424
+3.671134	0	988	1300	819	-70.193784	110.186238	3653.914024	-54.261374	3.228700	-3.228700	-107.067737	66.580080	-0.070649	0.022695	-0.574747	0.015694	0.817866
+3.681157	0	1300	1300	364	-70.258720	110.251174	3656.067373	37.129210	3.448172	-3.448172	-114.345724	-136.088396	-0.263562	0.023283	-0.575219	0.015432	0.817522
+3.691148	0	936	1300	871	-70.198734	110.191188	3654.078173	-35.581140	3.283360	-3.283360	-108.880348	94.659778	-0.138917	0.022742	-0.574788	0.015482	0.817840
+3.701184	0	1300	1300	169	-70.227077	110.219531	3655.018067	15.109050	3.637136	-3.637136	-120.611984	-220.254542	-0.510587	0.023398	-0.575019	0.014611	0.817675
+3.711159	0	884	1300	923	-70.242452	110.234906	3655.527924	11.376980	3.420021	-3.420021	-113.412190	121.147679	-0.281823	0.022994	-0.575110	0.015157	0.817612
+3.721225	0	1300	1300	429	-70.240014	110.232468	3655.447077	-0.544575	3.587287	-3.587287	-118.958941	-96.951322	-0.463574	0.023275	-0.575108	0.014699	0.817614
+3.731153	0	1183	1300	624	-70.229980	110.222434	3655.114321	-6.604570	3.588734	-3.588734	-119.006922	-9.816978	-0.452729	0.023342	-0.575034	0.014781	0.817663
+3.741141	0	1105	1300	702	-70.199250	110.191704	3654.095290	-20.564653	3.549398	-3.549398	-117.702505	24.661076	-0.421446	0.023224	-0.574813	0.014800	0.817821
+3.751103	0	728	1300	1079	-70.296525	110.288979	3657.321040	61.468753	3.260137	-3.260137	-108.110238	190.615111	-0.110839	0.022703	-0.575483	0.015586	0.817350
+3.761202	0	1300	1300	182	-70.232823	110.225278	3655.208624	-35.431717	3.619550	-3.619550	-120.028822	-213.984766	-0.491697	0.023366	-0.575058	0.014659	0.817647
+3.771138	0	1170	1300	637	-70.229700	110.222154	3655.105032	-5.279006	3.599072	-3.599072	-119.349761	-6.200432	-0.467231	0.023343	-0.575034	0.014730	0.817664
+3.781161	0	1092	1300	715	-70.235915	110.228369	3655.311128	3.545852	3.550328	-3.550328	-117.733337	31.003904	-0.398668	0.023338	-0.575070	0.014976	0.817634
+3.791074	0	962	1300	845	-70.138199	110.130653	3652.070749	-63.592820	3.424222	-3.424222	-113.551506	85.329245	-0.331189	0.022794	-0.574376	0.014802	0.818141
+3.801163	0	1079	1300	728	-70.209829	110.202283	3654.446107	40.376445	3.384094	-3.384094	-112.220806	33.526903	-0.242929	0.022938	-0.574875	0.015247	0.817778
+3.811054	0	1105	1300	702	-70.265429	110.257883	3656.289861	40.149547	3.362180	-3.362180	-111.494106	17.441813	-0.218472	0.022895	-0.575269	0.015324	0.817500
+3.821151	0	1157	1300	650	-70.208546	110.201000	3654.403564	-32.972952	3.376230	-3.376230	-111.960022	-7.466238	-0.233606	0.022929	-0.574865	0.015274	0.817785
+3.831165	0	1118	1300	689	-70.217490	110.209944	3654.700146	2.802834	3.353870	-3.353870	-111.218541	13.813996	-0.204416	0.022914	-0.574926	0.015372	0.817740
+3.841144	0	1300	1300	286	-70.256313	110.248768	3655.987582	25.497794	3.611360	-3.611360	-119.757233	-166.158285	-0.504445	0.023239	-0.575229	0.014532	0.817533
+3.851172	0	1300	1300	377	-70.317392	110.309846	3658.013033	41.848270	3.767557	-3.767557	-124.936934	-116.173104	-0.786810	0.022923	-0.575703	0.013318	0.817229
+3.861138	0	1300	1300	273	-70.315728	110.308182	3657.957842	2.732787	3.994182	-3.994182	-132.452105	-158.117152	-1.037356	0.023281	-0.575716	0.012670	0.817220
+3.871155	0	1131	1300	676	-70.321566	110.314020	3658.151447	4.030938	3.929965	-3.929965	-130.322569	27.257292	-0.955889	0.023230	-0.575748	0.012930	0.817195
+3.881135	0	273	1300	1300	-70.216067	110.208521	3654.652953	-68.220937	3.316749	-3.316749	-109.987568	401.150612	-0.155576	0.022894	-0.574911	0.015534	0.817748
+3.891237	0	1300	1300	221	-70.273792	110.266246	3656.567196	30.971436	3.669232	-3.669232	-121.676353	-190.507489	-0.572483	0.023307	-0.575361	0.014342	0.817442
+3.901168	0	1170	1300	637	-70.262158	110.254612	3656.181404	-4.764000	3.647307	-3.647307	-120.949293	-3.110260	-0.537989	0.023326	-0.575273	0.014475	0.817500
+3.911083	0	1092	1300	715	-70.273006	110.265460	3656.541122	6.657810	3.599727	-3.599727	-119.371484	30.832239	-0.475055	0.023300	-0.575344	0.014688	0.817448
+3.921251	0	1300	1300	494	-70.250511	110.242965	3655.795162	-13.782218	3.708991	-3.708991	-122.994788	-67.078394	-0.596015	0.023477	-0.575194	0.014368	0.817554
+3.931143	0	819	1300	988	-70.260336	110.252790	3656.120981	5.173932	3.467511	-3.467511	-114.987007	152.102627	-0.317876	0.023148	-0.575239	0.015142	0.817518
+3.941253	0	1300	1300	273	-70.192485	110.184939	3653.870942	-43.130187	3.750077	-3.750077	-124.357257	-167.863823	-0.642619	0.023548	-0.574785	0.014226	0.817842
+3.951150	0	949	1300	858	-70.210719	110.203173	3654.475596	7.986559	3.574478	-3.574478	-118.534195	99.626217	-0.437011	0.023323	-0.574895	0.014817	0.817760
+3.961225	0	1300	1300	455	-70.167228	110.159683	3653.033410	-27.310434	3.720823	-3.720823	-123.387165	-85.330861	-0.609171	0.023512	-0.574601	0.014312	0.817970
+3.971323	0	1118	1300	689	-70.235713	110.228167	3655.304430	41.589164	3.670668	-3.670668	-121.723959	24.571643	-0.552818	0.023423	-0.575085	0.014480	0.817630
+3.981245	0	1066	1300	741	-70.228253	110.220707	3655.057049	-1.067829	3.604804	-3.604804	-119.539830	45.297025	-0.474963	0.023345	-0.575024	0.014703	0.817671
+3.991180	0	1261	1300	546	-70.173226	110.165681	3653.232311	-36.018909	3.676713	-3.676713	-121.924422	-42.799982	-0.562591	0.023430	-0.574640	0.014424	0.817944
+4.001210	0	1157	1300	650	-70.174431	110.166885	3653.272268	-2.485729	3.665434	-3.665434	-121.550378	3.419571	-0.559851	0.023363	-0.574650	0.014388	0.817939
+4.011226	0	1066	1300	741	-70.248877	110.241331	3655.740990	48.015529	3.600185	-3.600185	-119.386654	42.591656	-0.412262	0.023623	-0.575159	0.015132	0.817560
+4.021261	0	1027	1300	780	-70.264696	110.257150	3656.265563	14.584209	3.515912	-3.515912	-116.592051	58.374875	-0.301086	0.023577	-0.575260	0.015506	0.817484
+4.031306	0	1300	1300	455	-70.244447	110.236901	3655.594065	-11.766823	3.655646	-3.655646	-121.225797	-85.024885	-0.484334	0.023658	-0.575135	0.014895	0.817581
+4.041271	0	1183	1300	624	-70.247024	110.239479	3655.679545	0.605017	3.653595	-3.653595	-121.157787	-6.419057	-0.479075	0.023669	-0.575153	0.014923	0.817568
+4.051255	0	1170	1300	637	-70.250461	110.242915	3655.793510	2.288554	3.651499	-3.651499	-121.088276	0.777871	-0.475981	0.023669	-0.575177	0.014935	0.817550
+4.061246	0	1170	1300	637	-70.240987	110.233441	3655.479327	-5.945183	3.656098	-3.656098	-121.240787	-2.916211	-0.470315	0.023732	-0.575107	0.014997	0.817596
+4.071273	0	1170	1300	637	-70.246789	110.239243	3655.671747	3.217168	3.661636	-3.661636	-121.424446	-3.849761	-0.489826	0.023673	-0.575152	0.014887	0.817568
+4.081253	0	1014	1300	793	-70.257169	110.249623	3656.015937	7.040855	3.555136	-3.555136	-117.892771	68.887953	-0.347804	0.023624	-0.575211	0.015368	0.817520
+4.091268	0	1079	1300	728	-70.259092	110.251546	3656.079733	1.885964	3.512564	-3.512564	-116.481028	33.843324	-0.314851	0.023485	-0.575223	0.015390	0.817514
+4.101254	0	1300	1300	481	-70.222255	110.214709	3654.858152	-23.764374	3.627926	-3.627926	-120.306579	-71.878461	-0.473549	0.023519	-0.574978	0.014827	0.817696
+4.111182	0	1066	1300	741	-70.148365	110.140819	3652.407867	-50.441119	3.556470	-3.556470	-117.937003	40.099182	-0.403364	0.023374	-0.574446	0.014952	0.818072
+4.121259	0	949	1300	858	-70.135691	110.128145	3651.987592	-12.721032	3.416700	-3.416700	-113.302061	93.692462	-0.273319	0.023030	-0.574347	0.015177	0.818147
+4.131297	0	1300	1300	455	-70.127869	110.120324	3651.728217	-6.210804	3.569156	-3.569156	-118.357705	-90.107025	-0.449062	0.023239	-0.574307	0.014684	0.818178
+4.141265	0	1118	1300	689	-70.271018	110.263472	3656.475209	92.600442	3.531240	-3.531240	-117.100368	16.461650	-0.579129	0.022290	-0.575359	0.013601	0.817484
+4.151254	0	1300	1300	0	-70.335429	110.327884	3658.611166	50.267839	4.087639	-4.087639	-135.551231	-359.935344	-1.323817	0.022503	-0.575904	0.011102	0.817132
+4.161320	0	1105	1300	702	-70.333505	110.325959	3658.547362	3.301396	3.976000	-3.976000	-131.849156	39.488989	-1.164360	0.022508	-0.575870	0.011678	0.817148
+4.171275	0	26	1300	1300	-70.198518	110.190972	3654.071009	-87.657924	3.194308	-3.194308	-105.927259	512.963788	-0.325771	0.021170	-0.574834	0.013701	0.817882
+4.181258	0	1300	1300	481	-70.250694	110.243148	3655.801231	25.930549	3.392857	-3.392857	-112.511413	-82.341984	-0.550964	0.021447	-0.575225	0.013102	0.817609
+4.191261	0	1105	1300	702	-70.277155	110.269609	3656.678698	19.523473	3.354358	-3.354358	-111.234709	17.493905	-0.452189	0.021664	-0.575399	0.013620	0.817472
+4.201323	0	0	1300	1300	-70.005714	109.998169	3647.677404	-173.397531	2.423864	-2.423864	-80.378360	602.036617	0.577717	0.020216	-0.573394	0.016261	0.818869
+4.211349	0	1209	1300	598	-70.004449	109.996903	3647.635449	-16.545334	2.597077	-2.597077	-86.122334	-57.539403	0.371700	0.020423	-0.573398	0.015655	0.818873
+4.221291	0	1300	1300	286	-70.017621	110.010075	3648.072229	7.080719	2.874945	-2.874945	-95.336782	-186.535416	0.067045	0.020883	-0.573510	0.014871	0.818797
+4.231258	0	702	1300	1105	-70.072858	110.065312	3649.903976	36.599661	2.570959	-2.570959	-85.256218	180.855154	0.459651	0.020671	-0.573874	0.016163	0.818523
+4.241254	0	1300	1300	494	-70.046382	110.038837	3649.026006	-13.859125	2.749338	-2.749338	-91.171491	-99.352951	0.143473	0.020364	-0.573718	0.014793	0.818666
+4.251295	0	1040	1300	767	-70.041027	110.033481	3648.848405	-4.717883	2.694543	-2.694543	-89.354419	26.428380	0.220480	0.020359	-0.573673	0.015068	0.818693
+4.261328	0	715	1300	1092	-70.122961	110.115415	3651.565431	52.583858	2.441946	-2.441946	-80.977989	165.826609	0.487958	0.019887	-0.574245	0.015725	0.818291
+4.271252	0	1300	1300	234	-69.989335	109.981790	3647.134257	-82.505005	2.799135	-2.799135	-92.822847	-218.229113	-0.010958	0.019954	-0.573331	0.013929	0.818962
+4.281264	0	1131	1300	676	-69.977839	109.970293	3646.753010	-14.944911	2.784969	-2.784969	-92.353082	-10.634394	-0.033630	0.019741	-0.573254	0.013694	0.819025
+4.291262	0	1170	1300	637	-70.039108	110.031562	3648.784773	38.408682	2.828233	-2.828233	-93.787769	-29.047990	-0.086709	0.019777	-0.573696	0.013542	0.818717
+4.301223	0	1157	1300	650	-69.985541	109.977995	3647.008428	-31.381512	2.858962	-2.858962	-94.806778	-22.662449	-0.178311	0.019545	-0.573326	0.013032	0.818991
+4.311392	0	1053	1300	754	-69.906354	109.898808	3644.382483	-53.420248	2.819502	-2.819502	-93.498223	23.191094	-0.168333	0.019323	-0.572762	0.012891	0.819392
+4.321379	0	1300	1300	507	-70.067644	110.060098	3649.731049	99.929809	2.951239	-2.951239	-97.866808	-83.480868	-0.275169	0.019708	-0.573919	0.012817	0.818575
+4.331371	0	585	1300	1222	-70.011991	110.004446	3647.885556	-27.050281	2.581248	-2.581248	-85.597427	232.684207	0.123609	0.019068	-0.573496	0.013804	0.818870
+4.341374	0	819	1300	988	-69.772175	109.764629	3639.932938	-158.043805	2.428652	-2.428652	-80.537153	120.146758	0.223728	0.018500	-0.571783	0.013722	0.820081
+4.351379	0	702	1300	1105	-69.858340	109.850794	3642.790285	41.530002	2.186592	-2.186592	-72.510120	167.930137	0.496386	0.018123	-0.572386	0.014475	0.819656
+4.361452	0	559	1300	1248	-69.627208	109.619662	3635.125654	-145.252663	1.869748	-1.869748	-62.003179	219.424505	0.744624	0.017105	-0.570733	0.014649	0.820827
+4.371379	0	1300	1300	0	-69.730523	109.722977	3638.551713	54.200753	2.523110	-2.523110	-83.669487	-406.747817	-0.107267	0.017530	-0.571527	0.011818	0.820311
+4.381390	0	1235	1300	572	-69.667166	109.659620	3636.450705	-36.151920	2.570403	-2.570403	-85.237777	-67.599940	-0.083282	0.017995	-0.571064	0.012215	0.820617
+4.391359	0	1170	1300	637	-69.555892	109.548347	3632.760740	-75.710229	2.620135	-2.620135	-86.886982	-38.527934	-0.335806	0.017108	-0.570301	0.010635	0.821189
+4.401334	0	1300	1300	0	-69.765030	109.757484	3639.695998	129.129416	4.644653	-4.644653	-154.022518	-1320.303920	-2.809955	0.019220	-0.572069	0.003070	0.819974
+4.411408	0	0	1300	1300	-69.265679	109.258133	3623.136906	-310.225121	2.596810	-2.596810	-86.113492	1200.831460	-0.333628	0.016990	-0.568221	0.010483	0.822634
+4.421371	0	650	1300	1157	-69.181986	109.174440	3620.361535	-82.793059	2.457150	-2.457150	-81.482175	200.472804	-0.199598	0.016662	-0.567614	0.010739	0.823056
+4.431395	0	1300	1300	156	-68.846826	108.839280	3609.247203	-224.537306	2.873484	-2.873484	-95.288336	-251.404672	-0.734721	0.017059	-0.565247	0.008887	0.824697
+4.441336	0	1118	1300	689	-68.646279	108.638733	3602.596817	-151.368287	2.848473	-2.848473	-94.458930	-6.659723	-0.685480	0.017155	-0.563798	0.009076	0.825685
+4.451404	0	1300	1300	429	-68.504067	108.496521	3597.880881	-105.397130	3.033316	-3.033316	-100.588561	-119.817808	-1.015719	0.016889	-0.562809	0.007572	0.826380
+4.461373	0	1300	1300	0	-68.340137	108.332591	3592.444773	-116.290532	3.504351	-3.504351	-116.208673	-317.463068	-1.561549	0.017646	-0.561681	0.005903	0.827144
+4.471393	0	26	1300	1300	-67.986575	107.979030	3580.720220	-239.578495	2.696928	-2.696928	-89.433504	494.214558	-0.658215	0.016300	-0.559044	0.008396	0.828935
+4.481356	0	1092	1300	715	-67.804215	107.796669	3574.672919	-140.594683	2.757046	-2.757046	-91.427112	5.934883	-0.649169	0.016808	-0.557718	0.008718	0.829814
+4.491380	0	1300	1300	221	-67.436186	107.428640	3562.468607	-251.064345	3.085735	-3.085735	-102.326849	-212.298350	-1.099564	0.017070	-0.555095	0.006967	0.831582
+4.501363	0	585	1300	1222	-67.126468	107.118922	3552.197977	-224.160315	2.693313	-2.693313	-89.313629	235.725073	-0.635152	0.016519	-0.552804	0.008375	0.833105
+4.511374	0	793	1300	1014	-66.714655	106.707109	3538.541724	-287.335251	2.522589	-2.522589	-83.652209	132.087935	-0.320305	0.016849	-0.549775	0.009769	0.835086
+4.521375	0	1300	1300	0	-66.567920	106.560374	3533.675835	-121.332775	3.272296	-3.272296	-108.513430	-474.467494	-1.317445	0.017560	-0.548803	0.006061	0.835745
+4.531378	0	1300	1300	481	-66.145413	106.137867	3519.664962	-285.136559	3.337271	-3.337271	-110.668113	-85.275960	-1.401418	0.017729	-0.545729	0.005646	0.837755
+4.541418	0	195	1300	1300	-65.916823	105.909278	3512.084643	-173.632237	2.681257	-2.681257	-88.913841	416.450851	-0.475452	0.017374	-0.543958	0.009248	0.838882
+4.551417	0	1144	1300	663	-65.514877	105.507331	3498.755584	-276.651291	2.772056	-2.772056	-91.924872	-21.066754	-0.567278	0.017664	-0.541019	0.008926	0.840777
+4.561382	0	793	1300	1014	-65.092700	105.085154	3484.755663	-300.074646	2.561213	-2.561213	-84.933053	135.341013	-0.359697	0.017151	-0.537904	0.009378	0.842780
+4.571379	0	1300	1300	0	-64.727817	104.720271	3472.655696	-264.140381	3.308975	-3.308975	-109.729765	-473.081528	-1.306053	0.018287	-0.535315	0.005831	0.844434
+4.581343	0	572	1300	1235	-64.257631	104.250085	3457.063745	-330.218263	2.865133	-2.865133	-95.011397	245.826430	-0.627220	0.018261	-0.531766	0.008662	0.846650
+4.591403	0	1144	1300	663	-63.930870	103.923324	3446.227941	-240.756579	2.923719	-2.923719	-96.954185	-15.586282	-0.717005	0.018331	-0.529360	0.008199	0.848159
+4.601399	0	429	1300	1300	-63.497084	103.489539	3431.843061	-303.500478	2.462370	-2.462370	-81.655269	298.081735	-0.051701	0.018034	-0.526079	0.010922	0.850174
+4.611420	0	1300	1300	0	-63.153899	103.146353	3420.462593	-249.822691	3.199247	-3.199247	-106.091050	-450.235173	-1.071239	0.018888	-0.523639	0.006656	0.851705
+4.621416	0	585	1300	1222	-62.706201	102.698655	3405.616373	-313.356390	2.771433	-2.771433	-91.904186	236.783748	-0.497911	0.018391	-0.520243	0.008873	0.853774
+4.631399	0	871	1300	936	-62.251481	102.243935	3390.537274	-324.076374	2.648416	-2.648416	-87.824805	101.513627	-0.381562	0.018062	-0.516843	0.009096	0.855841
+4.641341	0	1300	1300	416	-61.841837	101.834292	3376.952991	-296.862732	2.864172	-2.864172	-94.979548	-131.478603	-0.648916	0.018531	-0.513807	0.007986	0.857668
+4.651373	0	0	1300	1300	-61.225464	101.217918	3356.513278	-425.741470	1.928159	-1.928159	-63.940168	593.741496	0.725673	0.017705	-0.509059	0.014017	0.860436
+4.661342	0	1300	1300	0	-60.940514	100.932968	3347.063980	-224.252647	3.942418	-3.942418	-130.735543	-1256.709078	-2.163541	0.020074	-0.507260	0.001177	0.861558
+4.671392	0	0	1300	1300	-60.302822	100.295276	3325.917318	-432.248864	2.216982	-2.216982	-73.517905	1000.917689	0.413783	0.018541	-0.502129	0.012839	0.864498
+4.681378	0	598	1300	1209	-59.791467	99.783921	3308.960127	-371.609978	2.039853	-2.039853	-67.644077	206.202120	0.703092	0.018489	-0.498240	0.014190	0.866726
+4.691398	0	1300	1300	0	-59.475420	99.467874	3298.479618	-238.446237	3.257529	-3.257529	-108.023751	-770.059346	-1.140214	0.019745	-0.496051	0.005462	0.868052
+4.701493	0	208	1300	1300	-58.885881	98.878336	3278.929778	-400.793729	2.523506	-2.523506	-83.682631	402.855975	0.073244	0.019490	-0.491425	0.011381	0.870627
+4.711509	0	1300	1300	0	-58.544420	98.536874	3267.606487	-257.650799	3.125100	-3.125100	-103.632243	-353.264398	-0.934670	0.019799	-0.488955	0.006220	0.872062
+4.721390	0	1131	1300	676	-58.097041	98.089495	3252.770849	-317.178294	3.082082	-3.082082	-102.205709	-4.244476	-0.717352	0.020471	-0.485512	0.007587	0.873957
+4.731428	0	806	1300	1001	-57.494262	97.486716	3232.781938	-418.559015	2.868335	-2.868335	-95.117598	137.847854	-0.359146	0.020437	-0.480861	0.009290	0.876510
+4.741462	0	1118	1300	689	-56.875912	96.868366	3212.276671	-437.972404	2.890608	-2.890608	-95.856201	-1.916445	-0.334917	0.020788	-0.476118	0.009442	0.879085
+4.751493	0	1300	1300	182	-56.558047	96.550501	3201.735863	-245.401158	3.239217	-3.239217	-107.416518	-225.766199	-0.993821	0.020782	-0.473775	0.005755	0.880382
+4.761501	0	1300	1300	429	-56.190353	96.182807	3189.542663	-260.732914	3.375986	-3.375986	-111.951947	-109.200291	-1.094179	0.021490	-0.470960	0.005452	0.881876
+4.771499	0	533	1300	1274	-55.338640	95.331095	3161.298812	-576.522400	2.944235	-2.944235	-97.634544	270.304505	-0.366707	0.021267	-0.464285	0.009097	0.885384
+4.781500	0	442	1300	1300	-54.962386	94.954840	3148.821749	-296.552540	2.525637	-2.525637	-83.753279	296.193927	0.212921	0.020409	-0.461308	0.011818	0.886926
+4.791501	0	559	1300	1248	-54.368594	94.361048	3129.130858	-412.260327	2.210828	-2.210828	-73.313848	231.198888	0.826769	0.020456	-0.456633	0.015230	0.889289
+4.801474	0	1300	1300	429	-53.799042	93.791496	3110.243799	-408.087878	2.449765	-2.449765	-81.237289	-134.368550	0.533326	0.021169	-0.452230	0.013821	0.891543
+4.811485	0	1300	1300	299	-53.270651	93.263105	3092.721683	-379.616190	2.721431	-2.721431	-90.246066	-188.323162	0.135885	0.021758	-0.448158	0.011706	0.893613
+4.821497	0	1092	1300	715	-52.749495	92.741949	3075.439497	-372.306035	2.692997	-2.692997	-89.303155	1.330436	0.248406	0.022015	-0.444071	0.012381	0.895636
+4.831498	0	1209	1300	598	-52.297041	92.289495	3060.435554	-327.434083	2.769976	-2.769976	-91.855898	-49.830098	0.158259	0.022305	-0.440540	0.011891	0.897377
+4.841480	0	910	1300	897	-51.739617	91.732071	3041.950685	-392.145805	2.635066	-2.635066	-87.382092	83.155649	0.451034	0.022406	-0.436128	0.013573	0.899504
+4.851467	0	1300	1300	494	-51.266473	91.258928	3026.260641	-343.099511	2.795296	-2.795296	-92.695529	-96.535127	0.263162	0.022984	-0.432428	0.012622	0.901287
+4.861501	0	767	1300	1040	-50.671459	90.663913	3006.529205	-416.036858	2.549752	-2.549752	-84.552981	150.104721	0.667887	0.022602	-0.427691	0.014787	0.903521
+4.871481	0	1300	1300	507	-50.116957	90.109411	2988.141239	-398.386928	2.712851	-2.712851	-89.961552	-92.364430	0.469453	0.023178	-0.423333	0.013736	0.905573
+4.881459	0	1300	1300	507	-49.509976	89.502431	2968.012993	-430.976201	2.833425	-2.833425	-93.959932	-86.816199	0.360773	0.023770	-0.418538	0.013211	0.907792
+4.891473	0	1300	1300	429	-49.069164	89.061618	2953.395097	-324.829370	3.001650	-3.001650	-99.538481	-116.912325	0.040284	0.023972	-0.415092	0.011195	0.909395
+4.901529	0	845	1300	962	-48.385671	88.378125	2930.729620	-470.683015	2.796753	-2.796753	-92.743842	121.718802	0.632877	0.024523	-0.409558	0.015037	0.911831
+4.911493	0	1118	1300	689	-47.802989	87.795443	2911.407149	-422.300189	2.822751	-2.822751	-93.605962	-5.824866	0.791525	0.025316	-0.404877	0.016292	0.913875
+4.921477	0	1300	1300	0	-47.396596	87.389050	2897.930636	-302.557977	3.509390	-3.509390	-116.375776	-446.770471	-0.648686	0.025764	-0.401884	0.007126	0.915300
+4.931502	0	1300	1300	377	-46.796087	86.788542	2878.017025	-416.256226	3.635387	-3.635387	-120.553987	-122.102994	-0.625879	0.026943	-0.397070	0.007586	0.917361
+4.941495	0	1053	1300	754	-46.159445	86.151899	2856.905147	-451.274961	3.546883	-3.546883	-117.619087	46.363406	-0.482108	0.026822	-0.391940	0.008263	0.919563
+4.951519	0	1300	1300	429	-45.802241	85.794695	2845.059833	-272.236466	3.701656	-3.701656	-122.751577	-96.015298	-0.797257	0.027045	-0.389137	0.006162	0.920762
+4.961519	0	1118	1300	689	-45.206180	85.198634	2825.293689	-411.559908	3.653041	-3.653041	-121.139424	22.820177	-0.645743	0.027260	-0.384310	0.007051	0.922775
+4.971473	0	1118	1300	689	-44.589476	84.581930	2804.843020	-439.459147	3.622230	-3.622230	-120.117704	22.161656	-0.561198	0.027385	-0.379320	0.007461	0.924830
+4.981513	0	1131	1300	676	-43.961871	83.954325	2784.030839	-445.611851	3.598256	-3.598256	-119.322692	17.508925	-0.446274	0.027656	-0.374224	0.008142	0.926890
+4.991489	0	1300	1300	455	-43.641336	83.633790	2773.401515	-249.062837	3.727881	-3.727881	-123.621215	-82.708159	-0.713748	0.027881	-0.371687	0.006311	0.927918
+5.001526	0	1118	1300	689	-42.951556	82.944010	2750.527546	-468.694915	3.684729	-3.684729	-122.190245	20.415600	-0.523404	0.028246	-0.366051	0.007522	0.930135
+5.011483	0	1300	1300	507	-42.440068	82.432523	2733.565965	-376.006051	3.775292	-3.775292	-125.193421	-57.137694	-0.632501	0.028709	-0.361918	0.006780	0.931743
+5.021502	0	1300	1300	468	-42.070774	82.063228	2721.319701	-273.361971	3.876653	-3.876653	-128.554678	-70.849653	-0.865036	0.028861	-0.358967	0.005099	0.932890
+5.031504	0	1287	1300	520	-41.380226	81.372680	2698.420268	-472.892776	3.936630	-3.936630	-130.543607	-45.354751	-0.826948	0.029583	-0.353328	0.005388	0.935016
+5.041497	0	650	1300	1157	-40.842894	80.835348	2680.601647	-391.938985	3.570165	-3.570165	-118.391145	233.841790	0.070769	0.029408	-0.348735	0.011448	0.936690
+5.051519	0	1300	1300	403	-40.334676	80.327130	2663.748496	-364.707084	3.766616	-3.766616	-124.905724	-106.015895	-0.258844	0.030071	-0.344646	0.009211	0.938206
+5.061474	0	1144	1300	663	-39.821647	79.814101	2646.735822	-367.586410	3.730583	-3.730583	-123.710824	13.802117	-0.098053	0.030313	-0.340403	0.010281	0.939735
+5.071601	0	1300	1300	351	-39.385588	79.378043	2632.275573	-312.783791	3.924314	-3.924314	-130.135192	-123.045533	-0.873080	0.029670	-0.337015	0.004368	0.941021
+5.081599	0	1183	1300	624	-38.898195	78.890650	2616.113011	-344.788873	3.902137	-3.902137	-129.399769	3.206390	-0.972407	0.029278	-0.333037	0.003339	0.942453
+5.091695	0	793	1300	1014	-38.248309	78.240763	2594.561949	-449.165320	3.634349	-3.634349	-120.519567	172.565486	-0.039843	0.029846	-0.327462	0.010060	0.944339
+5.101477	0	1300	1300	442	-37.790029	77.782484	2579.364832	-345.070002	3.792902	-3.792902	-125.777386	-88.967642	-0.387407	0.030216	-0.323762	0.007520	0.945626
+5.111561	0	1131	1300	676	-37.260748	77.253202	2561.813195	-372.003870	3.753965	-3.753965	-124.486178	17.049972	-0.413550	0.029885	-0.319400	0.007046	0.947122
+5.121588	0	1300	1300	351	-36.713217	76.705671	2543.656391	-388.183082	3.946298	-3.946298	-130.864191	-122.961946	-0.541196	0.031192	-0.314894	0.006363	0.948593
+5.131625	0	1105	1300	702	-36.246136	76.238590	2528.167396	-337.264924	3.872913	-3.872913	-128.430664	36.322077	-0.461394	0.030863	-0.311008	0.006686	0.949882
+5.141594	0	1300	1300	390	-35.820334	75.812788	2514.047253	-307.850442	4.038647	-4.038647	-133.926607	-104.544803	-1.079865	0.030631	-0.307637	0.001874	0.951009
+5.151633	0	1300	1300	507	-35.352923	75.345377	2498.547324	-330.139876	4.094477	-4.094477	-135.778001	-45.573120	-1.162118	0.030958	-0.303777	0.001190	0.952239
+5.161583	0	1300	1300	507	-34.899532	74.891986	2483.512317	-325.718986	4.160456	-4.160456	-137.965930	-47.173859	-1.177718	0.031547	-0.300012	0.001086	0.953413
+5.171618	0	949	1300	858	-34.436599	74.429053	2468.160851	-328.982692	3.981294	-3.981294	-132.024705	111.622389	-0.942572	0.030745	-0.296097	0.002430	0.954660
+5.181603	0	910	1300	897	-33.977127	73.969581	2452.924205	-328.527201	3.811537	-3.811537	-126.395339	120.474959	-0.590488	0.030299	-0.292179	0.004791	0.955872
+5.191646	0	1157	1300	650	-33.468428	73.460882	2436.055099	-358.582284	3.811094	-3.811094	-126.380663	11.195710	-0.465615	0.030674	-0.287900	0.005685	0.957152
+5.201612	0	1027	1300	780	-32.953967	72.946421	2418.994926	-367.591571	3.715099	-3.715099	-123.197345	63.509650	-0.486486	0.029880	-0.283611	0.005125	0.958460
+5.211603	0	767	1300	1040	-32.418567	72.411022	2401.240409	-381.174131	3.451276	-3.451276	-114.448644	177.125168	0.288793	0.029620	-0.278946	0.010825	0.959789
+5.221590	0	1300	1300	481	-31.915943	71.908397	2384.572755	-361.254760	3.595528	-3.595528	-119.232238	-77.601397	0.067546	0.030325	-0.274779	0.009192	0.960985
+5.231613	0	1300	1300	507	-31.585565	71.578019	2373.617012	-246.722543	3.682092	-3.682092	-122.102785	-63.097545	-0.649672	0.029371	-0.272189	0.003291	0.961790
+5.241624	0	1092	1300	715	-31.108357	71.100811	2357.792182	-331.779622	3.623091	-3.623091	-120.146256	32.519386	-0.784544	0.028619	-0.268218	0.001884	0.962931
+5.251632	0	910	1300	897	-30.675328	70.667782	2343.432411	-310.947419	3.456403	-3.456403	-114.618658	111.047211	-0.625251	0.027641	-0.264541	0.002717	0.963974
+5.261617	0	1300	1300	507	-30.030339	70.022793	2322.043745	-447.440978	3.567022	-3.567022	-118.286914	-61.774523	-0.744830	0.028377	-0.259139	0.001788	0.965421
+5.271618	0	871	1300	936	-29.637076	69.629530	2309.002653	-295.855618	3.367615	-3.367615	-111.674354	123.776557	-0.466007	0.027367	-0.255762	0.003585	0.966346
+5.281598	0	1248	1300	559	-29.161585	69.154039	2293.234771	-336.074656	3.450816	-3.450816	-114.433399	-42.818223	-0.642133	0.027729	-0.251790	0.002159	0.967382
+5.291624	0	1196	1300	611	-28.775877	68.768331	2280.444207	-280.193352	3.475236	-3.475236	-115.243188	-19.693089	-0.862945	0.027500	-0.248586	0.000244	0.968219
+5.301647	0	1183	1300	624	-28.281857	68.274311	2264.061896	-345.341670	3.496355	-3.496355	-115.943523	-15.463068	-0.945047	0.027567	-0.244430	-0.000541	0.969275
+5.311595	0	1027	1300	780	-27.866478	67.858932	2250.287405	-302.382377	3.406787	-3.406787	-112.973329	56.988516	-0.820354	0.027127	-0.240885	0.000212	0.970174
+5.321633	0	1170	1300	637	-27.371446	67.363900	2233.871519	-347.537398	3.426804	-3.426804	-113.637116	-7.782239	-0.934183	0.027122	-0.236719	-0.000843	0.971199
+5.331598	0	1040	1300	767	-26.962922	66.955376	2220.324363	-297.650783	3.353261	-3.353261	-111.198359	47.167547	-0.829359	0.026765	-0.233231	-0.000214	0.972053
+5.341612	0	1183	1300	624	-26.480794	66.473248	2204.336383	-339.501898	3.382327	-3.382327	-112.162200	-14.555273	-0.942207	0.026844	-0.229166	-0.001241	0.973016
+5.351596	0	949	1300	858	-26.109682	66.102136	2192.029828	-272.091200	3.248555	-3.248555	-107.726179	85.611485	-0.737446	0.026159	-0.225966	0.000136	0.973784
+5.361603	0	1066	1300	741	-25.616811	65.609265	2175.685634	-344.362134	3.212742	-3.212742	-106.538559	31.004127	-0.738758	0.025906	-0.221776	-0.000069	0.974753
+5.371743	0	819	1300	988	-25.154354	65.146808	2160.349955	-327.250351	3.005437	-3.005437	-99.664072	135.621888	-0.674475	0.024313	-0.217826	-0.000032	0.975685
+5.381648	0	1053	1300	754	-24.839493	64.831947	2149.908773	-236.116657	2.982634	-2.982634	-98.907887	27.363655	-0.781438	0.023950	-0.215167	-0.001060	0.976283
+5.391605	0	1092	1300	715	-24.378225	64.370679	2134.612562	-322.061454	2.969561	-2.969561	-98.474383	11.014064	-0.865842	0.023732	-0.211254	-0.001912	0.977141
+5.401612	0	1001	1300	806	-23.989532	63.981986	2121.722995	-281.340082	2.892269	-2.892269	-95.911281	51.127044	-0.803847	0.023228	-0.207924	-0.001615	0.977868
+5.411713	0	1118	1300	689	-23.522309	63.514763	2106.229298	-325.787070	2.900831	-2.900831	-96.195189	-0.899710	-0.839723	0.023287	-0.203943	-0.002013	0.978704
+5.421630	0	845	1300	962	-23.127302	63.119756	2093.130383	-288.128692	2.720601	-2.720601	-90.218556	117.765779	-0.732620	0.021976	-0.200545	-0.001503	0.979437
+5.431652	0	1118	1300	689	-22.772139	62.764594	2081.352742	-256.162297	2.750591	-2.750591	-91.213048	-8.738137	-0.462253	0.022732	-0.197455	0.000785	0.980048
+5.441637	0	1027	1300	780	-22.360992	62.353446	2067.718562	-290.496027	2.697722	-2.697722	-89.459842	33.560550	-0.668337	0.021962	-0.193978	-0.001156	0.980759
+5.451603	0	1066	1300	741	-21.923999	61.916454	2053.227353	-310.953824	2.677517	-2.677517	-88.789819	16.213000	-0.466581	0.022163	-0.190198	0.000446	0.981495
+5.461719	0	1079	1300	728	-21.458418	61.450872	2037.788076	-326.957649	2.664267	-2.664267	-88.350437	9.967237	-0.646280	0.021792	-0.186243	-0.001212	0.982261
+5.471703	0	936	1300	871	-21.150139	61.142593	2027.565165	-230.114145	2.554821	-2.554821	-84.721083	72.035097	-0.782359	0.020661	-0.183623	-0.002618	0.982776
+5.481629	0	1092	1300	715	-20.831308	60.823762	2016.992342	-229.366039	2.565897	-2.565897	-85.088382	-0.643506	-0.791835	0.020771	-0.180890	-0.002747	0.983280
+5.491696	0	1118	1300	689	-20.366889	60.359343	2001.591616	-320.283281	2.586328	-2.586328	-85.765895	-13.236379	-1.100622	0.020514	-0.176961	-0.005461	0.983989
+5.501740	0	1079	1300	728	-20.016229	60.008683	1989.963298	-255.653005	2.580822	-2.580822	-85.583303	2.360458	-0.912007	0.020794	-0.173915	-0.003922	0.984533
+5.511643	0	936	1300	871	-19.553335	59.545789	1974.613148	-326.513317	2.479046	-2.479046	-82.208268	66.851437	-0.876309	0.020019	-0.169927	-0.003861	0.985246
+5.521749	0	1235	1300	572	-19.168473	59.160928	1961.850651	-276.770092	2.588170	-2.588170	-85.826969	-64.120447	-0.965362	0.020866	-0.166637	-0.004544	0.985787
+5.531714	0	1027	1300	780	-18.739213	58.731667	1947.615826	-304.697079	2.539197	-2.539197	-84.202956	26.034630	-1.060590	0.020354	-0.162958	-0.005523	0.986408
+5.541729	0	936	1300	871	-18.326778	58.319232	1933.938977	-294.944977	2.442240	-2.442240	-80.987733	65.197788	-1.016845	0.019625	-0.159395	-0.005365	0.987005
+5.551713	0	897	1300	910	-17.893343	57.885797	1919.565732	-308.537421	2.331835	-2.331835	-77.326580	77.686570	-0.844855	0.018953	-0.155627	-0.004117	0.987626
+5.561710	0	1027	1300	780	-17.531168	57.523623	1907.555560	-263.152211	2.314757	-2.314757	-76.760242	18.150242	-0.823580	0.018867	-0.152501	-0.004024	0.988115
+5.571715	0	1118	1300	689	-17.104190	57.096644	1893.396420	-300.871741	2.350308	-2.350308	-77.939160	-21.410942	-1.102284	0.018850	-0.148866	-0.006460	0.988657
+5.581702	0	1040	1300	767	-16.765905	56.758359	1882.178457	-247.172649	2.326941	-2.326941	-77.164276	13.233194	-1.060909	0.018738	-0.145938	-0.006197	0.989097
+5.591716	0	1053	1300	754	-16.277177	56.269631	1865.971638	-339.195898	2.320015	-2.320015	-76.934622	5.689959	-1.049925	0.018743	-0.141717	-0.006202	0.989710
+5.601685	0	832	1300	975	-15.916780	55.909234	1854.020426	-265.461896	2.158115	-2.158115	-71.565806	105.880052	-0.819894	0.017660	-0.138559	-0.004477	0.990187
+5.611724	0	1079	1300	728	-15.420674	55.413128	1837.568922	-344.855932	2.184731	-2.184731	-72.448420	-7.619732	-0.836833	0.017912	-0.134275	-0.004678	0.990771
+5.621702	0	1014	1300	793	-15.173955	55.166409	1829.387396	-191.841600	2.154536	-2.154536	-71.447124	18.939922	-1.097453	0.017371	-0.132180	-0.007009	0.991049
+5.631732	0	988	1300	819	-14.704587	54.697041	1813.822575	-321.158120	2.110756	-2.110756	-69.995330	30.050546	-1.087809	0.017052	-0.128116	-0.007056	0.991588
+5.641701	0	910	1300	897	-14.228029	54.220483	1798.019320	-339.412598	2.016137	-2.016137	-66.857622	64.316134	-0.957871	0.016422	-0.123967	-0.006115	0.992132
+5.651692	0	1092	1300	715	-13.842254	53.834708	1785.226534	-281.432819	2.055859	-2.055859	-68.174870	-19.947123	-1.285547	0.016456	-0.120676	-0.008973	0.992515
+5.661686	0	884	1300	923	-13.306777	53.299231	1767.469445	-373.283600	1.936323	-1.936323	-64.210908	75.800235	-0.941026	0.015831	-0.115980	-0.006198	0.993106
+5.671713	0	884	1300	923	-12.911287	52.903741	1754.354482	-289.875012	1.841402	-1.841402	-61.063203	68.321864	-0.859229	0.015123	-0.112536	-0.005643	0.993517
+5.681701	0	819	1300	988	-12.521720	52.514174	1741.435950	-279.464781	1.706688	-1.706688	-56.595922	93.735240	-1.120519	0.013737	-0.109183	-0.008095	0.993894
+5.691729	0	1092	1300	715	-12.088628	52.081082	1727.074074	-305.680790	1.759668	-1.759668	-58.352803	-25.794022	-1.270769	0.014102	-0.105448	-0.009410	0.994280
+5.701711	0	1027	1300	780	-11.622250	51.614704	1711.608397	-330.984436	1.751295	-1.751295	-58.075128	3.094067	-1.005970	0.014314	-0.101367	-0.007185	0.994720
+5.711727	0	650	1300	1157	-11.213301	51.205755	1698.047136	-295.045793	1.492410	-1.492410	-49.490201	168.038557	-1.947644	0.011299	-0.097896	-0.015641	0.995010
+5.721711	0	936	1300	871	-10.802608	50.795062	1684.428057	-293.766533	1.463218	-1.463218	-48.522145	34.270320	-2.217380	0.010888	-0.094352	-0.018060	0.995316
+5.731733	0	884	1300	923	-10.338776	50.331230	1669.046799	-327.053599	1.381241	-1.381241	-45.803682	56.201711	-2.024262	0.010411	-0.090292	-0.016505	0.995724
+5.741732	0	1300	1300	429	-9.788261	49.780716	1650.791041	-387.021159	1.645331	-1.645331	-54.561238	-166.285789	-1.156717	0.013444	-0.085446	-0.008831	0.996213
+5.751723	0	676	1300	1131	-9.250978	49.243432	1632.974041	-384.165662	1.390872	-1.390872	-46.123053	150.135986	-0.716499	0.011593	-0.080710	-0.005253	0.996656
+5.761727	0	1131	1300	676	-8.796624	48.789078	1617.907111	-329.654721	1.498412	-1.498412	-49.689222	-56.118582	-0.705696	0.012565	-0.076762	-0.005137	0.996957
+5.771716	0	819	1300	988	-8.348532	48.340986	1603.047813	-321.076922	1.364111	-1.364111	-45.235647	82.134136	-0.899353	0.011301	-0.072876	-0.006960	0.997253
+5.781724	0	871	1300	936	-7.855899	47.848354	1586.711490	-348.626945	1.290967	-1.290967	-42.810099	54.893275	-0.683058	0.010831	-0.068563	-0.005175	0.997575
+5.791726	0	923	1300	884	-7.420879	47.413333	1572.285653	-313.940928	1.252220	-1.252220	-41.525178	30.129941	-0.767188	0.010471	-0.064782	-0.005973	0.997827
+5.801862	0	663	1300	1144	-6.985878	46.978332	1557.860477	-307.035730	1.031901	-1.031901	-34.219146	143.934040	-1.167846	0.008367	-0.061011	-0.009623	0.998056
+5.811734	0	1014	1300	793	-6.558952	46.551406	1543.703092	-308.554008	1.071262	-1.071262	-35.524390	-12.604577	-0.958766	0.008854	-0.057280	-0.007818	0.998288
+5.821702	0	845	1300	962	-6.011346	46.003800	1525.543783	-384.535377	0.974755	-0.974755	-32.324106	61.661066	-0.912569	0.008077	-0.052499	-0.007506	0.998560
+5.831809	0	962	1300	845	-5.529942	45.522396	1509.579814	-344.016369	0.978792	-0.978792	-32.457968	2.957200	-0.889697	0.008157	-0.048302	-0.007343	0.998773
+5.841742	0	832	1300	975	-5.030697	45.023151	1493.024214	-357.434112	0.888177	-0.888177	-29.453049	59.435238	-0.952428	0.007378	-0.043949	-0.007963	0.998975
+5.851705	0	832	1300	975	-4.535953	44.528407	1476.617888	-354.748845	0.807925	-0.807925	-26.791793	57.676327	-0.996253	0.006701	-0.039632	-0.008408	0.999156
+5.861835	0	988	1300	819	-4.014771	44.007226	1459.334865	-366.140801	0.832637	-0.832637	-27.611280	-10.667467	-1.207331	0.006892	-0.035102	-0.010275	0.999307
+5.871760	0	832	1300	975	-3.523236	43.515690	1443.034916	-354.683674	0.742440	-0.742440	-24.620231	57.958373	-1.100410	0.006180	-0.030801	-0.009399	0.999462
+5.881851	0	793	1300	1014	-3.001060	42.993514	1425.718915	-368.062458	0.636747	-0.636747	-21.115336	73.251559	-1.123669	0.005298	-0.026239	-0.009657	0.999595
+5.891797	0	832	1300	975	-2.482664	42.475118	1408.528268	-371.695185	0.567438	-0.567438	-18.816942	51.892111	-1.091792	0.004744	-0.021710	-0.009418	0.999709
+5.901846	0	481	1300	1300	-2.120475	42.112929	1396.517623	-267.639108	0.262430	-0.262430	-8.702519	201.751730	-1.862485	0.001989	-0.018538	-0.016207	0.999695
+5.911828	0	1170	1300	637	-1.455814	41.448268	1374.476614	-456.406516	0.457049	-0.457049	-15.156319	-108.132734	-1.130693	0.003863	-0.012743	-0.009815	0.999863
+5.921807	0	767	1300	1040	-0.913975	40.906429	1356.508556	-393.867142	0.326671	-0.326671	-10.832806	74.921248	-1.282846	0.002761	-0.008007	-0.011172	0.999902
+5.931833	0	819	1300	988	-0.399784	40.392238	1339.457347	-368.616394	0.263031	-0.263031	-8.722454	47.995857	-1.169807	0.002260	-0.003512	-0.010200	0.999939
+5.941819	0	819	1300	988	0.194243	39.798211	1319.758656	-419.535653	0.198877	-0.198877	-6.595025	46.054336	-1.107378	0.001752	0.001678	-0.009666	0.999950
+5.951822	0	871	1300	936	0.532591	39.459863	1308.538612	-257.638637	0.175468	-0.175468	-5.818752	19.372649	-1.453635	0.001590	0.004628	-0.012692	0.999907
+5.961836	0	793	1300	1014	1.151601	38.840853	1288.011466	-424.584785	0.091661	-0.091661	-3.039593	56.076187	-1.510175	0.000932	0.010038	-0.013186	0.999862
+5.971800	0	715	1300	1092	1.656260	38.336194	1271.276346	-367.296561	-0.035486	0.035486	1.176772	87.897139	-1.652319	-0.000101	0.014456	-0.014413	0.999792
+5.981846	0	806	1300	1001	2.220387	37.772067	1252.569190	-397.814428	-0.084666	0.084666	2.807637	39.739480	-1.671172	-0.000456	0.019384	-0.014566	0.999706
+5.991793	0	806	1300	1001	2.817874	37.174580	1232.755759	-425.953793	-0.142250	0.142250	4.717201	41.180070	-1.730762	-0.000869	0.024604	-0.015068	0.999583
+6.001836	0	884	1300	923	3.335525	36.656929	1215.589806	-373.191258	-0.140452	0.140452	4.657572	2.566707	-1.678362	-0.000799	0.029119	-0.014604	0.999469
+6.011842	0	780	1300	1027	3.873523	36.118931	1197.749125	-382.848684	-0.220997	0.220997	7.328532	52.473747	-1.759020	-0.001408	0.033822	-0.015276	0.999310
+6.021788	0	858	1300	949	4.461540	35.530914	1178.249737	-418.449527	-0.236176	0.236176	7.831890	14.692861	-1.758221	-0.001462	0.038951	-0.015251	0.999124
+6.031742	0	754	1300	1053	5.065898	34.926556	1158.208450	-432.043108	-0.323604	0.323604	10.731117	58.315654	-1.740434	-0.002150	0.044231	-0.015048	0.998906
+6.041817	0	689	1300	1118	5.657067	34.335387	1138.604548	-420.048845	-0.444903	0.444903	14.753532	83.448621	-1.898824	-0.003060	0.049404	-0.016358	0.998640
+6.051814	0	806	1300	1001	6.244351	33.748103	1119.129484	-419.415523	-0.474370	0.474370	15.730717	26.716421	-1.772556	-0.003291	0.054522	-0.015219	0.998391
+6.061773	0	845	1300	962	6.730278	33.262176	1103.015523	-354.791291	-0.490061	0.490061	16.251032	12.658189	-1.905801	-0.003292	0.058761	-0.016351	0.998133
+6.071841	0	793	1300	1014	7.311165	32.681289	1083.752578	-406.703437	-0.536171	0.536171	17.780118	30.883086	-2.005672	-0.003553	0.063830	-0.017168	0.997807
+6.081788	0	858	1300	949	7.905734	32.086720	1064.035918	-424.862871	-0.533213	0.533213	17.682006	0.891874	-1.951988	-0.003467	0.069004	-0.016672	0.997471
+6.091851	0	650	1300	1157	8.448538	31.543916	1046.035882	-388.647512	-0.677261	0.677261	22.458823	93.027608	-2.020496	-0.004595	0.073752	-0.017148	0.997119
+6.101860	0	962	1300	845	9.022390	30.970064	1027.006221	-407.396904	-0.595681	0.595681	19.753522	-44.447625	-1.969013	-0.003830	0.078730	-0.016720	0.996748
+6.111820	0	754	1300	1053	9.596915	30.395539	1007.954234	-411.367499	-0.673152	0.673152	22.322571	46.402728	-2.096194	-0.004323	0.083743	-0.017736	0.996320
+6.121954	0	949	1300	858	10.120709	29.871745	990.584564	-372.769679	-0.599539	0.599539	19.881471	-43.028221	-2.358254	-0.003395	0.088292	-0.020036	0.995887
+6.131744	0	728	1300	1079	10.654200	29.338254	972.893334	-387.492095	-0.690732	0.690732	22.905542	56.343181	-2.527155	-0.003953	0.092950	-0.021397	0.995433
+6.141815	0	910	1300	897	11.288057	28.704397	951.873839	-443.701110	-0.644523	0.644523	21.373208	-24.705248	-2.426020	-0.003514	0.098443	-0.020513	0.994925
+6.151848	0	858	1300	949	11.851376	28.141078	933.193479	-404.685429	-0.642894	0.642894	21.319165	-3.293642	-2.339180	-0.003472	0.103329	-0.019723	0.994446
+6.161857	0	858	1300	949	12.479504	27.512950	912.363960	-444.047001	-0.639597	0.639597	21.209832	-2.437011	-2.405517	-0.003266	0.108780	-0.020259	0.993854
+6.171830	0	780	1300	1027	13.027867	26.964587	894.179565	-397.200161	-0.694898	0.694898	23.043694	35.753756	-2.465366	-0.003583	0.113546	-0.020686	0.993311
+6.181820	0	715	1300	1092	13.633206	26.359248	874.105771	-429.331071	-0.784445	0.784445	26.013190	61.417357	-2.581240	-0.004122	0.118812	-0.021552	0.992674
+6.191798	39	962	1300	845	14.276186	25.716268	852.783733	-457.203522	-0.700400	0.700400	23.226156	-49.055232	-2.439910	-0.003418	0.124360	-0.020366	0.992022
+6.201821	0	754	1300	1053	14.808053	25.184402	835.146381	-385.909065	-0.770473	0.770473	25.549838	40.927873	-2.565596	-0.003781	0.128979	-0.021334	0.991411
+6.211927	130	780	1300	1027	15.466518	24.525936	813.310824	-457.977666	-0.813992	0.813992	26.993005	31.657526	-2.470526	-0.004136	0.134678	-0.020406	0.990671
+6.221880	78	923	1300	884	16.035285	23.957169	794.449807	-412.495186	-0.761117	0.761117	25.239596	-31.570060	-2.376037	-0.003684	0.139581	-0.019604	0.990010
+6.231874	169	962	1300	845	16.647014	23.345440	774.164102	-434.715306	-0.686745	0.686745	22.773328	-51.161236	-2.287953	-0.003039	0.144849	-0.018887	0.989269
+6.241958	156	715	1300	1092	17.220389	22.772065	755.150287	-408.488741	-0.786832	0.786832	26.092349	59.843180	-2.385599	-0.003671	0.149817	-0.019554	0.988514
+6.251792	221	702	1300	1105	17.805304	22.187150	735.753745	-423.098546	-0.878063	0.878063	29.117675	65.634517	-2.589858	-0.004071	0.154883	-0.021140	0.987698
+6.261969	273	780	1300	1027	18.414884	21.577570	715.539310	-427.173798	-0.911739	0.911739	30.234398	27.379778	-2.692253	-0.004093	0.160145	-0.021916	0.986842
+6.271870	325	897	1300	910	19.013733	20.978721	695.680733	-431.336007	-0.869141	0.869141	28.821814	-25.382769	-2.739185	-0.003531	0.165293	-0.022320	0.985986
+6.281932	390	819	1300	988	19.634374	20.358080	675.099491	-439.497309	-0.889202	0.889202	29.487069	10.651083	-2.829508	-0.003434	0.170637	-0.023005	0.985059
+6.291941	429	637	1300	1170	20.244935	19.747519	654.852538	-435.817999	-1.020281	1.020281	33.833808	85.960913	-2.843399	-0.004402	0.175909	-0.022859	0.984131
+6.301961	260	702	1300	1105	20.714269	19.278185	639.288825	-343.567333	-1.097752	1.097752	36.402851	57.983779	-2.963230	-0.004772	0.179959	-0.023712	0.983377
+6.311937	468	871	1300	936	21.307479	18.684975	619.617234	-417.104227	-1.054511	1.054511	34.968920	-22.839708	-2.896238	-0.004369	0.185035	-0.023134	0.982450
+6.321972	585	754	1222	1053	21.947825	18.044629	598.382545	-452.029946	-1.104702	1.104702	36.633305	30.397917	-3.063348	-0.004372	0.190538	-0.024405	0.981367
+6.332022	546	897	1261	910	22.527478	17.464977	579.160555	-415.367995	-1.049999	1.049999	34.819286	-32.587642	-2.954230	-0.003949	0.195484	-0.023491	0.980417
+6.341987	676	611	1131	1196	23.168060	16.824394	557.918033	-454.911105	-1.202435	1.202435	39.874238	96.266047	-3.350141	-0.004405	0.201008	-0.026528	0.979220
+6.351912	780	923	1027	884	23.834555	16.157899	535.816214	-477.127550	-1.118182	1.118182	37.080309	-46.239256	-3.212768	-0.003755	0.206676	-0.025413	0.978072
+6.361946	871	1131	936	676	24.538595	15.453860	512.469390	-498.716576	-0.912527	0.912527	30.260550	-137.237837	-3.035470	-0.002150	0.212632	-0.024189	0.976831
+6.371984	793	936	1014	871	25.149361	14.843093	492.215618	-440.170988	-0.863792	0.863792	28.644443	-43.950544	-3.044944	-0.001570	0.217824	-0.024290	0.975684
+6.382050	780	650	1027	1157	25.732872	14.259582	472.865658	-416.185113	-0.995261	0.995261	33.004102	80.835296	-3.269374	-0.002112	0.222822	-0.025876	0.974513
+6.391899	910	1053	897	754	26.362994	13.629460	451.970005	-452.967967	-0.833930	0.833930	27.654174	-98.700991	-3.130979	-0.000853	0.228139	-0.024940	0.973309
+6.401955	884	468	923	1300	26.954198	13.038256	432.364952	-422.685739	-1.098856	1.098856	36.439448	162.124178	-3.455143	-0.002295	0.233221	-0.027082	0.972044
+6.411933	923	923	884	884	27.543319	12.449135	412.828959	-421.576363	-1.013669	1.013669	33.614553	-40.624136	-3.268062	-0.001800	0.238192	-0.025590	0.970879
+6.421962	1092	1053	715	754	28.218236	11.774218	390.447842	-475.057231	-0.872151	0.872151	28.921612	-95.279834	-3.154816	-0.000668	0.243873	-0.024842	0.969489
+6.432036	1183	936	624	871	28.919238	11.073216	367.201759	-494.769965	-0.817198	0.817198	27.099296	-44.027217	-3.130287	-0.000083	0.249787	-0.024668	0.967987
+6.441963	1170	806	637	1001	29.569206	10.423249	345.648012	-469.890875	-0.846144	0.846144	28.059189	14.880792	-3.127746	-0.000173	0.255279	-0.024503	0.966557
+6.451914	1222	559	585	1248	30.227010	9.765444	323.834378	-471.697791	-1.032207	1.032207	34.229288	122.644124	-3.426864	-0.000896	0.260865	-0.026518	0.965011
+6.461952	1222	858	585	949	30.856207	9.136247	302.969415	-449.642654	-0.992329	0.992329	32.906859	-14.678931	-3.414944	-0.000417	0.266150	-0.026419	0.963570
+6.471923	1300	1287	442	520	31.550372	8.442082	279.950051	-492.650057	-0.690004	0.690004	22.881396	-198.048655	-3.007629	0.001342	0.271917	-0.023618	0.962030
+6.482051	1274	117	533	1300	32.149559	7.842895	260.080245	-428.638308	-1.216282	1.216282	40.333451	319.800117	-3.822401	-0.000959	0.277062	-0.029108	0.960411
+6.491932	1300	767	247	1040	32.907337	7.085117	234.951376	-536.527723	-1.206934	1.206934	40.023443	23.257675	-3.871250	-0.000529	0.283404	-0.029410	0.958549
+6.501934	1300	780	325	1027	33.574584	6.417870	212.824645	-481.694031	-1.229066	1.229066	40.757380	16.474034	-3.848302	-0.000566	0.288985	-0.029048	0.956893
+6.511905	1300	1053	273	754	34.248208	5.744246	190.486420	-482.206807	-1.068510	1.068510	35.433120	-102.966267	-3.682259	0.000553	0.294564	-0.027959	0.955223
+6.521957	1300	546	130	1261	34.986671	5.005784	165.998070	-520.597742	-1.276954	1.276954	42.345384	125.315729	-4.018221	-0.000084	0.300764	-0.030087	0.953224
+6.531920	1300	780	65	1027	35.720714	4.271740	141.656251	-525.448743	-1.285625	1.285625	42.632954	17.077359	-3.943444	-0.000120	0.306865	-0.029307	0.951302
+6.541955	1300	1066	130	741	36.378834	3.613620	119.832182	-473.345432	-1.111258	1.111258	36.850704	-111.248576	-3.720722	0.000925	0.312279	-0.027815	0.949583
+6.551913	1300	806	0	1001	37.097019	2.895435	96.016250	-511.045639	-1.136482	1.136482	37.687166	6.279496	-3.794130	0.001133	0.318229	-0.028230	0.947593
+6.561980	1300	585	0	1222	37.795640	2.196814	72.849114	-496.799171	-1.299187	1.299187	43.082662	105.514694	-4.095320	0.000852	0.324037	-0.030133	0.945564
+6.571920	1300	910	0	897	38.457635	1.534819	50.896516	-477.366071	-1.221784	1.221784	40.515900	-40.860571	-4.033393	0.001528	0.329473	-0.029716	0.943696
+6.581961	1300	78	78	1300	39.026209	0.966245	32.041888	-410.838942	-1.729253	1.729253	57.344206	324.395772	-4.681998	-0.000569	0.334287	-0.033460	0.941877
+6.591907	1300	845	0	962	39.724180	0.268274	8.896296	-492.712606	-1.640639	1.640639	54.405649	-28.153406	-4.547712	0.000024	0.339989	-0.032451	0.939869
+6.601957	1300	962	0	845	40.417088	-0.424634	-14.081392	-492.213788	-1.528928	1.528928	50.701169	-74.714173	-4.504167	0.001062	0.345633	-0.032269	0.937814
+6.611949	1300	689	0	1118	41.074510	-1.082056	-35.882349	-471.720936	-1.609105	1.609105	53.359943	45.271287	-4.625837	0.001018	0.351027	-0.032866	0.935788
+6.622034	1300	1027	0	780	41.817969	-1.825515	-60.536381	-521.319420	-1.441728	1.441728	47.809508	-103.701655	-4.430526	0.002050	0.357044	-0.031619	0.933550
+6.632007	1300	949	0	858	42.515283	-2.522829	-83.660175	-501.141023	-1.355278	1.355278	44.942723	-65.689858	-4.266628	0.002481	0.362696	-0.030405	0.931408
+6.641925	1300	0	0	1300	43.028414	-3.035960	-100.676231	-381.395028	-2.382340	2.382340	79.001392	665.496125	-5.416679	-0.001993	0.367157	-0.036335	0.929447
+6.651962	1300	1300	0	234	44.080222	-4.087768	-135.555527	-714.833967	-1.720379	1.720379	57.049925	-367.839634	-4.604593	0.001169	0.375469	-0.031603	0.926295
+6.662024	1300	1144	0	663	44.905039	-4.912585	-162.907488	-596.881529	-1.522107	1.522107	50.474977	-161.199031	-4.441637	0.002532	0.382073	-0.030741	0.923617
+6.672093	1300	299	0	1300	45.495080	-5.502626	-182.474001	-434.441300	-1.882558	1.882558	62.427975	217.891512	-4.834379	0.001169	0.386914	-0.032543	0.921541
+6.682056	1300	1196	0	611	46.306108	-6.313654	-209.368695	-567.716697	-1.569136	1.569136	52.034534	-184.204449	-4.476518	0.002774	0.393344	-0.030526	0.918880
+6.692051	1300	169	0	1300	47.007274	-7.014820	-232.620236	-506.859201	-2.011014	2.011014	66.687762	270.131469	-4.938860	0.001103	0.399069	-0.032514	0.916344
+6.702034	1300	767	0	1040	47.780465	-7.788011	-258.260210	-548.684416	-1.970015	1.970015	65.328182	-2.051884	-4.886935	0.001560	0.405228	-0.032019	0.913653
+6.712063	1300	533	0	1274	48.429055	-8.436601	-279.768270	-469.541877	-2.122705	2.122705	70.391572	98.640797	-5.192676	0.001700	0.410428	-0.033717	0.911268
+6.722051	1300	689	0	1118	49.092191	-9.099737	-301.758692	-473.541089	-2.147202	2.147202	71.203928	24.891802	-5.134637	0.001579	0.415699	-0.032962	0.908903
+6.732036	1300	1300	0	299	49.760511	-9.768057	-323.921041	-477.403571	-1.633884	1.633884	54.181637	-331.304543	-4.705146	0.004345	0.420857	-0.031242	0.906579
+6.742071	1300	312	0	1300	50.398020	-10.405566	-345.061631	-455.658697	-1.994989	1.994989	66.156350	203.571372	-5.188149	0.003531	0.425976	-0.033542	0.904106
+6.752097	1300	1300	0	507	50.963338	-10.970884	-363.808283	-407.321094	-1.605051	1.605051	53.225513	-233.988886	-4.875384	0.005664	0.430329	-0.032371	0.902074
+6.762042	1300	273	0	1300	51.689990	-11.697536	-387.904975	-511.142171	-1.980278	1.980278	65.668512	223.346771	-5.244668	0.004407	0.436128	-0.033645	0.899245
+6.771999	1300	1014	0	793	52.385087	-12.392633	-410.955275	-499.500093	-1.780366	1.780366	59.039160	-109.857491	-5.125678	0.005808	0.441518	-0.033268	0.896617
+6.781998	1300	663	0	1144	52.941025	-12.948571	-429.390886	-406.219464	-1.872453	1.872453	62.092896	49.777193	-5.297119	0.005984	0.445877	-0.034084	0.894425
+6.792032	1300	676	0	1131	53.596765	-13.604310	-451.136018	-461.042704	-1.931254	1.931254	64.042818	42.552438	-5.340756	0.005976	0.451000	-0.033991	0.891857
+6.802036	1300	767	0	1040	54.232637	-14.240182	-472.222331	-454.393785	-1.928042	1.928042	63.936282	1.782906	-5.418928	0.006585	0.455932	-0.034410	0.889325
+6.812023	1300	728	0	1079	54.849134	-14.856680	-492.666156	-441.903713	-1.953507	1.953507	64.780755	16.707652	-5.471425	0.006866	0.460711	-0.034517	0.886852
+6.822031	1300	598	0	1209	55.469752	-15.477298	-513.246637	-442.598371	-2.058634	2.058634	68.266891	69.689699	-5.589562	0.006807	0.465528	-0.034800	0.884323
+6.832046	1300	1157	0	650	56.047705	-16.055251	-532.412275	-414.730293	-1.778280	1.778280	58.970000	-175.359824	-5.377370	0.008354	0.469908	-0.034121	0.882016
+6.842032	1300	403	0	1300	56.632967	-16.640513	-551.820316	-418.038092	-2.053704	2.053704	68.103401	163.000636	-5.758638	0.008067	0.474459	-0.035725	0.879515
+6.852024	1300	702	0	1105	57.244942	-17.252488	-572.114179	-435.458440	-2.064678	2.064678	68.467310	21.955680	-5.773939	0.008328	0.479147	-0.035584	0.876974
+6.862029	1300	546	0	1261	57.632785	-17.640331	-584.975530	-291.143426	-2.203993	2.203993	73.087188	92.362132	-5.890669	0.007934	0.482144	-0.035754	0.875326
+6.872072	1300	234	0	1300	58.150828	-18.158374	-602.154472	-361.236701	-2.538835	2.538835	84.190958	224.811620	-6.368543	0.007655	0.486167	-0.037786	0.873015
+6.882036	1300	1300	0	468	58.659169	-18.666715	-619.011714	-363.916433	-2.093851	2.093851	69.434712	-269.214197	-5.837593	0.009030	0.489927	-0.035448	0.870996
+6.892054	1300	546	0	1261	59.125522	-19.133067	-634.476545	-335.171970	-2.267868	2.267868	75.205360	88.309458	-6.197210	0.009476	0.493489	-0.037259	0.868902
+6.902110	1300	1014	0	793	59.609567	-19.617113	-650.528096	-342.843663	-2.069755	2.069755	68.635669	-119.926109	-5.922569	0.010023	0.497111	-0.035855	0.866888
+6.912092	1300	338	0	1300	60.066606	-20.074152	-665.684091	-328.298217	-2.369164	2.369164	78.564461	183.698518	-6.382113	0.009985	0.500617	-0.037850	0.864784
+6.922040	1300	1261	0	546	60.525995	-20.533541	-680.918003	-329.521205	-1.991188	1.991188	66.030308	-229.671436	-5.974653	0.011273	0.503991	-0.036261	0.862874
+6.932142	1300	247	0	1300	61.018944	-21.026490	-697.264819	-346.639208	-2.370635	2.370635	78.613243	223.290483	-6.425362	0.010652	0.507773	-0.037787	0.860596
+6.942107	1300	1079	0	728	61.397896	-21.405442	-709.831326	-278.316945	-2.104867	2.104867	69.800017	-152.655944	-6.175590	0.011725	0.510551	-0.036946	0.858974
+6.952051	1300	234	0	1300	61.780310	-21.787856	-722.512662	-274.866712	-2.470286	2.470286	81.917783	224.401744	-6.654457	0.011323	0.513483	-0.038746	0.857150
+6.962049	1300	442	0	1300	62.271825	-22.279371	-738.811908	-344.016536	-2.635287	2.635287	87.389443	127.500313	-6.884403	0.011390	0.517182	-0.039510	0.854887
+6.972030	1300	598	0	1209	62.557256	-22.564802	-748.277182	-216.878369	-2.697621	2.697621	89.456509	52.132181	-7.000653	0.011610	0.519316	-0.039967	0.853568
+6.982031	1300	611	0	1196	62.892673	-22.900219	-759.400026	-237.361780	-2.757762	2.757762	91.450836	43.763048	-7.110488	0.011852	0.521818	-0.040358	0.852019
+6.992178	1300	247	0	1300	63.338750	-23.346296	-774.192480	-306.955416	-3.061722	3.061722	101.530540	198.578269	-7.542859	0.011833	0.525188	-0.041966	0.849868
+7.002150	1300	520	0	1287	63.679322	-23.686868	-785.486278	-249.552862	-3.149263	3.149263	104.433529	75.053319	-7.540499	0.011382	0.527738	-0.041375	0.848322
+7.012043	1300	910	0	897	64.152811	-24.160357	-801.187780	-333.196352	-2.984746	2.984746	98.977919	-100.921573	-7.424970	0.012352	0.531184	-0.041045	0.846171
+7.022069	1300	689	0	1118	64.386220	-24.393766	-808.927909	-181.331480	-2.998443	2.998443	99.432130	-0.285374	-7.490087	0.012694	0.532901	-0.041346	0.845071
+7.032205	1300	611	0	1196	64.735815	-24.743360	-820.520904	-240.380413	-3.051092	3.051092	101.178051	33.723701	-7.614082	0.013096	0.535476	-0.041839	0.843412
+7.042062	1300	741	0	1066	65.045111	-25.052657	-830.777558	-225.500597	-3.005218	3.005218	99.656789	-27.056096	-7.586406	0.013493	0.537732	-0.041695	0.841976
+7.052182	1300	0	0	1300	65.346899	-25.354445	-840.785233	-214.009387	-3.683011	3.683011	122.133258	432.670832	-8.250934	0.011837	0.540119	-0.043223	0.840394
+7.062149	1300	507	0	1300	65.599914	-25.607460	-849.175522	-184.200746	-3.713908	3.713908	123.157866	59.563336	-8.363882	0.012317	0.541968	-0.043758	0.839169
+7.072216	1300	585	0	1222	65.988123	-25.995669	-862.049021	-267.045343	-3.744667	3.744667	124.177871	25.222082	-8.423602	0.012643	0.544804	-0.043822	0.837322
+7.082154	1300	572	0	1235	66.210686	-26.218232	-869.429492	-169.664367	-3.785142	3.785142	125.520053	28.720467	-8.483833	0.012789	0.546433	-0.043938	0.836252
+7.092161	1300	494	0	1300	66.476024	-26.483570	-878.228429	-187.494435	-3.872465	3.872465	128.415789	59.241009	-8.594130	0.012866	0.548383	-0.044166	0.834961
+7.102164	1300	1027	0	780	66.722221	-26.729767	-886.392651	-176.765492	-3.590569	3.590569	119.067768	-177.501006	-8.323942	0.013794	0.550094	-0.043405	0.833860
+7.112180	1300	234	0	1300	66.954306	-26.961852	-894.088883	-166.437969	-3.892078	3.892078	129.066197	179.265832	-8.570733	0.012949	0.551862	-0.043613	0.832694
+7.122118	1300	689	0	1118	67.209342	-27.216888	-902.546176	-181.658582	-3.822217	3.822217	126.749526	-29.203513	-8.532838	0.013453	0.553685	-0.043521	0.831479
+7.132220	1300	0	0	1300	67.601301	-27.608847	-915.544040	-268.385854	-4.322765	4.322765	143.348320	319.213221	-9.060308	0.012666	0.556648	-0.044672	0.829450
+7.142092	1300	819	0	988	67.840868	-27.848414	-923.488382	-181.982155	-4.127826	4.127826	136.883883	-98.633347	-8.826316	0.013116	0.558325	-0.043773	0.828363
+7.152215	1300	715	0	1092	67.961723	-27.969269	-927.496070	-93.921593	-4.066221	4.066221	134.841006	-48.403261	-8.720726	0.013134	0.559184	-0.043234	0.827811
+7.162147	1300	0	0	1300	68.136175	-28.143721	-933.281124	-122.505524	-4.503427	4.503427	149.339289	281.059542	-9.257907	0.012733	0.560546	-0.044863	0.826809
+7.172182	1300	0	0	1300	68.289987	-28.297533	-938.381721	-110.600476	-5.112692	5.112692	169.543302	419.595750	-9.901962	0.011617	0.561824	-0.046414	0.825872
+7.182174	1300	286	0	1300	68.614739	-28.622285	-949.150900	-220.961430	-5.228218	5.228218	173.374285	113.197344	-9.982472	0.011456	0.564188	-0.046183	0.824274
+7.192154	1300	195	0	1300	68.818004	-28.825550	-955.891435	-152.272327	-5.435038	5.435038	180.232688	144.768572	-10.262081	0.011523	0.565697	-0.047017	0.823191
+7.202137	1300	0	0	1300	68.869917	-28.877463	-957.612946	-47.605413	-6.381660	6.381660	211.623863	628.437774	-11.300937	0.009905	0.566370	-0.049758	0.822588
+7.212208	1300	1300	0	221	69.110331	-29.117876	-965.585350	-159.314460	-5.520907	5.520907	183.080211	-498.234940	-10.304110	0.011371	0.567814	-0.046665	0.821754
+7.222198	1300	0	0	1300	69.400176	-29.407722	-975.196998	-202.761426	-6.245490	6.245490	207.108280	425.306926	-10.993767	0.009871	0.570112	-0.047768	0.820118
+7.232243	1300	1300	0	0	69.520098	-29.527644	-979.173765	-95.863541	-5.169222	5.169222	171.417883	-657.086525	-9.890499	0.012189	0.570634	-0.045134	0.819872
+7.242262	1300	0	0	1300	69.635636	-29.643182	-983.005139	-83.548170	-5.912311	5.912311	196.059648	421.760379	-10.695270	0.010988	0.571673	-0.047094	0.819055
+7.252134	1300	0	0	1300	69.903226	-29.910772	-991.878774	-183.380691	-6.695480	6.695480	222.030524	553.010772	-11.411320	0.009232	0.573832	-0.048059	0.817510
+7.262168	1300	1040	0	767	70.035649	-30.043195	-996.270082	-102.289972	-6.202204	6.202204	205.672863	-269.004070	-10.851429	0.010073	0.574613	-0.046421	0.817046
+7.272200	1300	819	0	988	70.167632	-30.175178	-1000.646798	-94.673285	-5.995493	5.995493	198.818072	-158.138877	-10.680808	0.010813	0.575479	-0.046130	0.816443
+7.282214	1300	0	0	1300	70.428235	-30.435780	-1009.288699	-177.497375	-6.880303	6.880303	228.159484	559.105345	-11.487541	0.008827	0.577611	-0.047191	0.814899
+7.292118	1300	754	0	1053	70.523312	-30.530858	-1012.441578	-78.521290	-6.571364	6.571364	217.914686	-150.974168	-11.205407	0.009695	0.578178	-0.046656	0.814518
+7.302358	1300	0	0	1300	70.654144	-30.661690	-1016.780141	-90.075978	-6.909677	6.909677	229.133573	201.426940	-11.591700	0.009373	0.579207	-0.047572	0.813737
+7.312130	1300	1222	0	585	70.880123	-30.887669	-1024.273898	-158.114164	-6.346966	6.346966	210.473358	-354.198820	-10.909555	0.010138	0.580627	-0.045374	0.812841
+7.322177	1300	611	0	1196	70.955633	-30.963179	-1026.777885	-63.105843	-6.279916	6.279916	208.249884	-75.389778	-10.839076	0.010328	0.581139	-0.045148	0.812486
+7.332312	1300	0	0	1300	71.189471	-31.197017	-1034.532246	-155.575575	-7.820914	7.820914	259.351315	981.128477	-12.334716	0.007252	0.583290	-0.047692	0.810830
+7.342298	1300	0	0	1300	71.203930	-31.211476	-1035.011736	-23.556553	-8.593567	8.593567	284.973460	591.355563	-13.222248	0.006321	0.583668	-0.050021	0.810426
+7.352230	1300	1300	0	117	71.454155	-31.461701	-1043.309516	-165.547274	-7.569755	7.569755	251.022587	-614.436188	-12.039532	0.007811	0.585058	-0.046617	0.809613
+7.362274	1300	1001	0	806	71.572131	-31.579677	-1047.221732	-91.244400	-7.213887	7.213887	239.221545	-285.654281	-11.666738	0.008545	0.585767	-0.045687	0.809146
+7.372274	1300	338	0	1300	71.685159	-31.692705	-1050.969897	-81.644211	-7.281113	7.281113	241.450849	17.657533	-11.773044	0.008732	0.586576	-0.045984	0.808540
+7.382333	1300	195	0	1300	71.876292	-31.883838	-1057.308094	-130.755459	-7.402627	7.402627	245.480406	80.031890	-11.842413	0.008432	0.587954	-0.045664	0.807560
+7.392183	1300	0	0	1300	71.958217	-31.965763	-1060.024846	-65.951331	-7.658963	7.658963	253.980829	176.023935	-12.090100	0.007985	0.588611	-0.046011	0.807067
+7.402233	1300	0	0	1300	72.149292	-32.156838	-1066.361138	-129.404670	-7.891119	7.891119	261.679422	165.904734	-12.326977	0.007778	0.590019	-0.046290	0.806024
+7.412202	1300	0	0	1300	72.282727	-32.290273	-1070.785994	-98.633710	-8.674894	8.674894	287.670386	525.189331	-13.110518	0.006460	0.591218	-0.047615	0.805079
+7.422270	1300	0	0	1300	72.323833	-32.331379	-1072.149140	-35.423635	-9.001734	9.001734	298.508809	258.249225	-13.504720	0.006248	0.591618	-0.048650	0.804725
+7.432348	1300	1300	0	26	72.609383	-32.616929	-1081.618337	-187.199210	-7.927264	7.927264	262.878030	-669.050791	-12.281810	0.007800	0.593233	-0.045310	0.803717
+7.442320	1300	0	0	1300	72.594221	-32.601767	-1081.115526	-7.196728	-8.826440	8.826440	292.695830	524.026888	-13.294153	0.006719	0.593429	-0.047770	0.803440
+7.452337	1300	403	0	1300	72.853587	-32.861132	-1089.716420	-168.707665	-8.664225	8.664225	287.316579	-57.540866	-13.047414	0.006886	0.595170	-0.046591	0.802218
+7.462378	1300	390	0	1300	72.854322	-32.861868	-1089.740820	-15.755825	-8.596904	8.596904	285.084143	-48.736724	-13.043796	0.007339	0.595148	-0.046915	0.802212
+7.472310	1300	0	0	1300	72.938085	-32.945630	-1092.518477	-56.136395	-9.672321	9.672321	320.746312	697.769337	-14.160582	0.005723	0.596113	-0.049041	0.801381
+7.482288	1300	637	0	1170	73.167662	-33.175208	-1100.131564	-154.395489	-9.292466	9.292466	308.149855	-183.438118	-13.610913	0.005807	0.597562	-0.046902	0.800429
+7.492320	1300	1040	0	767	73.237552	-33.245097	-1102.449179	-59.217961	-8.772274	8.772274	290.899613	-353.225135	-13.086784	0.006791	0.597862	-0.045875	0.800257
+7.502269	1300	0	0	1300	73.270958	-33.278504	-1103.556978	-27.188444	-10.134283	10.134283	336.065566	855.725679	-14.535770	0.004890	0.598580	-0.048839	0.799558
+7.512314	1300	1300	0	481	73.577949	-33.585495	-1113.737182	-200.870187	-9.241651	9.241651	306.464754	-499.433099	-13.557924	0.006394	0.600365	-0.046316	0.798358
+7.522272	1300	481	0	1300	73.550980	-33.558526	-1112.842870	-0.762706	-9.147913	9.147913	303.356269	-106.641306	-13.488914	0.006653	0.600146	-0.046358	0.798518
+7.532236	1300	1300	0	429	73.552113	-33.559659	-1112.880434	-0.807083	-8.402381	8.402381	278.633522	-495.123843	-12.786173	0.008170	0.599901	-0.045362	0.798745
+7.542316	1300	1300	0	0	73.736082	-33.743628	-1118.981085	-118.596793	-6.374642	6.374642	211.391143	-1351.076773	-10.629282	0.011196	0.600591	-0.040772	0.798438
+7.552348	1300	351	0	1300	73.816509	-33.824055	-1121.648140	-62.791485	-6.620565	6.620565	219.546259	36.658746	-10.896806	0.010963	0.601209	-0.041274	0.797950
+7.562338	1300	0	0	1300	74.035638	-34.043184	-1128.914730	-148.045542	-7.558488	7.558488	250.648943	612.549652	-11.759092	0.009189	0.602985	-0.042138	0.796586
+7.572323	1300	325	0	1300	74.088340	-34.095885	-1130.662379	-47.724174	-7.497822	7.497822	248.637179	16.339651	-11.727080	0.009498	0.603328	-0.042183	0.796320
+7.582309	1300	559	0	1248	74.135696	-34.143242	-1132.232767	-35.114770	-7.368078	7.368078	244.334733	-82.816178	-11.614309	0.009855	0.603615	-0.042036	0.796106
+7.592292	1300	611	0	1196	74.194802	-34.202348	-1134.192820	-41.613566	-7.215694	7.215694	239.281489	-106.582306	-11.487341	0.010305	0.603977	-0.041900	0.795833
+7.602434	1300	182	0	1300	74.235529	-34.243075	-1135.543368	-29.827404	-7.369696	7.369696	244.388379	89.099176	-11.659375	0.010185	0.604298	-0.042243	0.795572
+7.612286	1300	208	0	1300	74.270592	-34.278138	-1136.706093	-25.812688	-7.464695	7.464695	247.538653	70.700061	-11.770472	0.010148	0.604565	-0.042479	0.795358
+7.622377	1300	871	0	936	74.208384	-34.215930	-1134.643208	37.710800	-7.110651	7.110651	235.798129	-221.495113	-11.493020	0.011079	0.604032	-0.042480	0.795750
+7.632245	1300	403	0	1300	74.230963	-34.238509	-1135.391953	-11.360539	-7.132352	7.132352	236.517736	-6.127173	-11.572063	0.011368	0.604187	-0.042893	0.795606
+7.642302	1300	0	0	1300	74.050045	-34.057591	-1129.392480	115.773254	-8.903406	8.903406	295.248132	1142.838322	-13.535415	0.009211	0.603467	-0.047386	0.795926
+7.652279	1300	0	0	1300	74.175880	-34.183426	-1133.565324	-71.284158	-9.290031	9.290031	308.069093	355.536016	-13.935605	0.008792	0.604457	-0.047979	0.795143
+7.662352	1300	1300	0	390	74.043387	-34.050933	-1129.171686	78.976267	-8.435053	8.435053	279.716937	-519.067871	-13.106365	0.010197	0.603265	-0.046879	0.796097
+7.672313	1300	0	0	1300	73.954256	-33.961801	-1126.215985	65.252238	-9.557989	9.557989	316.954919	683.961095	-14.320403	0.008675	0.603026	-0.049508	0.796136
+7.682393	1300	494	0	1300	74.069937	-34.077483	-1130.052137	-68.639882	-9.273370	9.273370	307.516579	-121.639512	-13.987168	0.009046	0.603722	-0.048551	0.795664
+7.692299	1300	0	0	1300	73.815379	-33.822925	-1121.610671	160.324294	-10.727916	10.727916	355.751181	940.903470	-15.563201	0.006894	0.602513	-0.052169	0.796373
+7.702333	1300	1300	0	0	73.792634	-33.800180	-1120.856427	29.244621	-9.257030	9.257030	306.974746	-866.310118	-14.058982	0.009185	0.601811	-0.049469	0.797053
+7.712271	1300	1300	0	0	73.693188	-33.700734	-1117.558671	67.574519	-8.166753	8.166753	270.819800	-790.742176	-12.971956	0.010948	0.600761	-0.047738	0.797927
+7.722324	1300	0	0	1300	73.583572	-33.591118	-1113.923644	76.907790	-8.634814	8.634814	286.341275	230.748173	-13.490772	0.010277	0.600156	-0.049020	0.798313
+7.732471	1300	1300	0	364	73.423233	-33.430779	-1108.606626	109.577988	-7.813998	7.813998	259.121999	-504.939382	-12.709887	0.011727	0.598780	-0.048046	0.799385
+7.742350	1300	0	0	1300	73.329808	-33.337354	-1105.508513	71.374900	-8.903106	8.903106	295.238169	668.217798	-13.780641	0.009612	0.598502	-0.049929	0.799506
+7.752344	1300	0	0	1300	73.031663	-33.039209	-1095.621649	200.077545	-9.114198	9.114198	302.238242	197.842071	-14.133544	0.009604	0.596514	-0.051644	0.800882
+7.762276	1300	1300	0	273	72.978496	-32.986042	-1093.858561	53.019157	-8.220164	8.220164	272.590946	-565.690497	-13.147770	0.010662	0.595840	-0.049463	0.801508
+7.772420	1300	1300	0	455	72.774177	-32.781723	-1087.083107	135.635750	-7.588552	7.588552	251.645911	-455.346820	-12.525709	0.011620	0.594216	-0.048605	0.802752
+7.782409	1300	0	0	1300	72.442231	-32.449776	-1076.075336	227.973740	-8.309597	8.309597	275.556682	426.950698	-13.445876	0.010947	0.592140	-0.051678	0.804102
+7.792303	1300	1300	0	338	72.286162	-32.293708	-1070.899916	123.191751	-7.474285	7.474285	247.856675	-508.154958	-12.553322	0.012026	0.590776	-0.049888	0.805202
+7.802340	1300	0	0	1300	72.106843	-32.114389	-1064.953469	127.139868	-7.785324	7.785324	258.171132	155.129795	-12.838188	0.011106	0.589637	-0.050474	0.806014
+7.812449	1300	1131	0	676	71.733040	-31.740586	-1052.557701	251.642099	-7.226345	7.226345	239.634663	-345.223608	-12.367850	0.012215	0.586833	-0.050413	0.808045
+7.822397	1300	689	0	1118	71.432966	-31.440512	-1042.606870	218.641701	-7.062628	7.062628	234.205623	-138.280596	-12.188026	0.012129	0.584683	-0.050276	0.809612
+7.832451	1300	0	0	1300	71.157804	-31.165350	-1033.482156	197.472088	-8.061733	8.061733	267.337181	632.687116	-13.266365	0.010253	0.583103	-0.053091	0.810597
+7.842413	1300	1300	0	0	70.946334	-30.953879	-1026.469513	155.723027	-6.166560	6.166560	204.490860	-1176.410381	-11.350278	0.013715	0.580973	-0.049356	0.812309
+7.852486	1300	572	0	1235	70.640923	-30.648469	-1016.341723	210.951235	-6.245402	6.245402	207.105365	-55.414402	-11.409561	0.013157	0.578850	-0.049647	0.813815
+7.862365	1300	0	0	1300	70.452154	-30.459700	-1010.081890	143.254221	-6.640662	6.640662	220.212696	254.261516	-11.905269	0.012660	0.577638	-0.051346	0.814578
+7.872471	1300	1248	0	559	70.158271	-30.165817	-1000.336382	201.792095	-6.049136	6.049136	200.596936	-357.310363	-11.260506	0.013333	0.575374	-0.049998	0.816252
+7.882388	1300	559	0	1248	69.816613	-29.824159	-989.006561	241.887441	-6.036596	6.036596	200.181099	-40.929264	-11.282207	0.013202	0.572948	-0.050512	0.817927
+7.892506	1300	312	0	1300	69.436736	-29.444282	-976.409377	265.659013	-6.148638	6.148638	203.896552	68.256054	-11.468506	0.012962	0.570282	-0.051615	0.819723
+7.902464	1300	1300	0	195	69.116103	-29.123649	-965.776771	233.114380	-5.368067	5.368067	178.011845	-502.260225	-10.550906	0.013695	0.567764	-0.049187	0.821606
+7.912430	1300	143	0	1300	68.767598	-28.775144	-954.219909	248.119741	-5.685424	5.685424	188.535794	160.784073	-10.950160	0.013074	0.565371	-0.050765	0.823170
+7.922440	1300	1300	0	78	68.335164	-28.342710	-939.879859	302.906819	-4.828038	4.828038	160.103815	-541.287321	-10.103486	0.014695	0.562006	-0.049229	0.825536
+7.932496	1300	1300	0	325	67.973113	-27.980658	-927.873771	261.159134	-4.275405	4.275405	141.777805	-405.770816	-9.483083	0.015352	0.559254	-0.047712	0.827480
+7.942391	1300	1261	0	546	67.593378	-27.600923	-915.281283	272.772640	-3.884166	3.884166	128.803836	-293.583147	-9.061404	0.015840	0.556416	-0.046815	0.829433
+7.952397	1300	0	0	1300	67.169929	-27.177475	-901.239205	299.428903	-4.597566	4.597566	152.461072	436.030180	-9.903676	0.014420	0.553549	-0.049746	0.831204
+7.962419	1300	1300	0	143	66.812978	-26.820524	-889.402249	258.345986	-3.803725	3.803725	126.136285	-474.571460	-9.077087	0.015925	0.550739	-0.047805	0.833155
+7.972470	1300	689	0	1118	66.453540	-26.461086	-877.482829	255.556776	-3.825762	3.825762	126.867064	-28.708861	-9.091902	0.015571	0.548139	-0.048030	0.834862
+7.982407	1300	559	0	1248	66.139873	-26.147419	-867.081259	228.091043	-3.880133	3.880133	128.670075	32.862115	-9.141354	0.015179	0.545876	-0.048327	0.836333
+7.992433	1300	715	0	1092	65.818100	-25.825646	-856.410859	229.007337	-3.812466	3.812466	126.426162	-40.828003	-9.029336	0.014903	0.543520	-0.048030	0.837889
+8.002492	1300	1027	0	780	65.324335	-25.331881	-840.036972	339.425083	-3.545705	3.545705	117.580031	-175.881555	-8.697639	0.014934	0.539848	-0.047159	0.840308
+8.012461	1300	286	0	1300	64.829775	-24.837321	-823.636739	352.793430	-3.814078	3.814078	126.479608	158.616956	-9.062870	0.014322	0.536294	-0.048876	0.842493
+8.022412	1300	728	0	1079	64.489182	-24.496728	-812.342270	254.230334	-3.724007	3.724007	123.492764	-44.227970	-8.949112	0.014205	0.533772	-0.048667	0.844108
+8.032478	1300	1300	0	26	64.132785	-24.140331	-800.523686	252.876921	-2.954783	2.954783	97.984316	-500.203956	-8.065506	0.015529	0.530948	-0.045923	0.846017
+8.042402	1300	845	0	962	63.750924	-23.758470	-787.860692	272.679711	-2.918295	2.918295	96.774317	-69.633125	-7.951222	0.015028	0.528132	-0.045443	0.847812
+8.052447	1300	260	0	1300	63.357239	-23.364785	-774.805606	279.127079	-3.224192	3.224192	106.918255	191.397295	-8.223075	0.013758	0.525312	-0.046256	0.849540
+8.062489	1300	650	0	1157	62.922513	-22.930059	-760.389543	306.319011	-3.216500	3.216500	106.663195	12.361179	-8.189303	0.013374	0.522094	-0.046273	0.851527
+8.072477	1300	1300	0	130	62.571671	-22.579217	-748.755179	255.803492	-2.539496	2.539496	84.212861	-438.693904	-7.458796	0.014873	0.519313	-0.044089	0.853317
+8.082432	1300	1209	0	598	62.257670	-22.265216	-738.342536	227.956369	-2.266652	2.266652	75.165020	-217.833003	-7.194233	0.015531	0.516907	-0.043491	0.854795
+8.092492	1300	169	0	1300	61.848114	-21.855660	-724.761145	284.948419	-2.681130	2.681130	88.909627	247.818669	-7.762347	0.014752	0.513941	-0.046055	0.856461
+8.102428	1300	858	0	949	61.549211	-21.556757	-714.849143	221.162876	-2.544852	2.544852	84.390472	-66.293800	-7.495531	0.014398	0.511689	-0.044808	0.857881
+8.112561	1300	1300	0	0	61.134047	-21.141593	-701.081786	286.065530	-1.643785	1.643785	54.509972	-583.711892	-6.308365	0.015647	0.508403	-0.040088	0.860043
+8.122494	1300	676	0	1131	60.801958	-20.809504	-690.069287	242.993763	-1.796277	1.796277	59.566817	46.175851	-6.392804	0.014715	0.505953	-0.040166	0.861500
+8.132477	1300	195	39	1300	60.406810	-20.414356	-676.965671	278.951077	-2.181688	2.181688	72.347524	254.701905	-6.793695	0.013378	0.503071	-0.041638	0.863138
+8.142517	1300	1079	0	728	60.083285	-20.090831	-666.237184	234.456424	-1.923936	1.923936	63.800145	-143.590028	-6.485516	0.013805	0.500579	-0.040569	0.864629
+8.152351	1300	1300	143	494	59.659480	-19.667026	-652.183269	300.881172	-1.580404	1.580404	52.408196	-239.602817	-5.978885	0.013991	0.497324	-0.038387	0.866602
+8.162400	1300	611	78	1196	59.296698	-19.304244	-640.152978	261.612784	-1.736690	1.736690	57.590830	79.285679	-6.274535	0.013919	0.494598	-0.040072	0.868086
+8.172524	1300	936	26	871	58.983076	-18.990622	-629.752885	224.772532	-1.617768	1.617768	53.647208	-69.186527	-6.025051	0.013599	0.492211	-0.038800	0.869504
+8.182425	1300	884	130	923	58.616266	-18.623812	-617.589002	260.820870	-1.564945	1.564945	51.895541	-40.937145	-5.778433	0.012778	0.489439	-0.037273	0.871147
+8.192377	1300	1144	117	663	58.277603	-18.285149	-606.358500	244.552059	-1.336693	1.336693	44.326404	-152.510372	-5.547068	0.013384	0.486817	-0.036588	0.872635
+8.202469	1300	1300	143	325	57.931782	-17.939327	-594.890626	244.605384	-0.899024	0.899024	29.812781	-295.416386	-5.063513	0.014535	0.484104	-0.034851	0.874195
+8.212577	1300	1027	104	780	57.629607	-17.637153	-584.870139	216.208780	-0.805909	0.805909	26.724956	-86.434223	-4.998796	0.014862	0.481778	-0.034822	0.875475
+8.222454	1300	234	325	1300	57.199490	-17.207036	-570.606934	302.156039	-1.223313	1.223313	40.566607	265.989079	-5.311570	0.012816	0.478581	-0.035575	0.877229
+8.232565	1300	1300	169	429	56.897945	-16.905491	-560.607322	220.925574	-0.799943	0.799943	26.527103	-248.060387	-4.789869	0.013774	0.476205	-0.033418	0.878591
+8.242575	1300	702	442	1105	56.416070	-16.423616	-544.627737	332.492426	-0.932374	0.932374	30.918708	63.332462	-4.878284	0.012952	0.472536	-0.033660	0.880573
+8.252494	1300	1053	403	754	56.006407	-16.013953	-531.042775	298.272200	-0.777648	0.777648	25.787789	-95.353550	-4.655670	0.013083	0.469366	-0.032677	0.882302
+8.262540	1300	1027	403	780	55.602595	-15.610141	-517.651864	287.963261	-0.666180	0.666180	22.091375	-80.667677	-4.441469	0.012934	0.466248	-0.031567	0.883996
+8.272455	1300	507	494	1300	55.166046	-15.173592	-503.175373	311.884400	-0.908836	0.908836	30.138141	151.305960	-4.701260	0.011967	0.462918	-0.032683	0.885718
+8.282491	1287	702	520	1105	54.727460	-14.735006	-488.631311	311.950447	-0.982826	0.982826	32.591747	61.569120	-4.798988	0.011633	0.459537	-0.033242	0.887460
+8.292497	1300	1053	494	754	54.332505	-14.340051	-475.534100	284.508219	-0.827631	0.827631	27.445275	-95.064194	-4.534431	0.011641	0.456459	-0.031900	0.889096
+8.302483	1248	130	559	1300	53.908318	-13.915864	-461.467533	301.522111	-1.321912	1.321912	43.836249	312.516708	-4.920254	0.009182	0.453271	-0.033035	0.890713
+8.312496	1222	1014	585	793	53.483814	-13.491360	-447.390431	302.533700	-1.143056	1.143056	37.905176	-87.553319	-4.748124	0.009738	0.449933	-0.032506	0.892418
+8.322501	1235	1027	572	780	53.094655	-13.102200	-434.485420	279.918853	-1.014710	1.014710	33.649042	-91.207837	-4.596525	0.010007	0.446878	-0.031918	0.893970
+8.332487	1066	1040	741	767	52.607720	-12.615266	-418.338060	341.876076	-0.886775	0.886775	29.406568	-91.430573	-4.504432	0.010482	0.443049	-0.031802	0.895872
+8.342515	1079	754	728	1053	52.156717	-12.164262	-403.382219	322.934146	-0.955647	0.955647	31.690442	36.289757	-4.508358	0.009805	0.439539	-0.031664	0.897612
+8.352532	1222	962	585	845	51.822960	-11.830506	-392.314426	245.567956	-0.864518	0.864518	28.668504	-55.752216	-4.341710	0.009771	0.436913	-0.030776	0.898924
+8.362486	897	1092	910	715	51.274763	-11.282309	-374.135547	379.661388	-0.705000	0.705000	23.378679	-109.042957	-4.119880	0.010009	0.432586	-0.029745	0.901046
+8.372535	1001	299	806	1300	50.837982	-10.845528	-359.651313	316.552028	-1.096984	1.096984	36.377372	243.379189	-4.605242	0.008606	0.429216	-0.032181	0.902587
+8.382537	1092	910	715	897	50.477327	-10.484873	-347.691541	262.774966	-1.002678	1.002678	33.250053	-39.067206	-4.395255	0.008441	0.426363	-0.030956	0.903983
+8.392527	975	936	832	871	50.054881	-10.062427	-333.682725	298.303644	-0.941470	0.941470	31.220343	-43.311099	-4.257059	0.008273	0.423023	-0.030179	0.905579
+8.402561	1014	741	793	1066	49.676537	-9.684083	-321.136343	271.803292	-1.013452	1.013452	33.607326	42.642599	-4.351277	0.007926	0.420044	-0.030738	0.906949
+8.412500	780	1287	1027	520	49.161591	-9.169137	-304.060094	360.882212	-0.703062	0.703062	23.314406	-198.651055	-3.980605	0.008871	0.415911	-0.029032	0.908898
+8.422525	845	650	962	1157	48.724535	-8.732081	-289.566764	315.715383	-0.868750	0.868750	28.808833	89.260465	-4.219288	0.008283	0.412467	-0.030408	0.910427
+8.432577	923	897	884	910	48.356951	-8.364497	-277.377218	265.985853	-0.821340	0.821340	27.236678	-22.544925	-4.103296	0.008128	0.409541	-0.029725	0.911771
+8.442524	715	1300	1092	455	47.857083	-7.864629	-260.800984	350.254700	-0.482700	0.482700	16.006932	-222.882585	-3.658202	0.009098	0.405510	-0.027467	0.913633
+8.452496	806	325	1001	1300	47.455132	-7.462678	-247.471773	293.432636	-0.877265	0.877265	29.091212	236.390898	-4.018391	0.007103	0.402375	-0.029017	0.914987
+8.462570	715	949	1092	858	46.997670	-7.005216	-232.301761	321.381364	-0.776215	0.776215	25.740258	-43.791404	-3.936762	0.007487	0.398699	-0.028799	0.916599
+8.472626	728	884	1079	923	46.579451	-6.586997	-218.433087	299.095161	-0.761530	0.761530	25.253282	-13.442415	-3.905937	0.007373	0.395350	-0.028676	0.918053
+8.482501	741	1183	1066	624	46.191305	-6.198850	-205.561667	282.283922	-0.536341	0.536341	17.785751	-149.050743	-3.683422	0.008304	0.392199	-0.027727	0.919425
+8.492547	637	897	1170	910	45.742501	-5.750047	-190.678766	315.591546	-0.536856	0.536856	17.802803	-13.161329	-3.879843	0.008843	0.388581	-0.029370	0.920904
+8.502667	598	715	1209	1092	45.289803	-5.297349	-175.666743	318.986229	-0.641843	0.641843	21.284324	66.212399	-3.994165	0.008251	0.384959	-0.030006	0.922409
+8.512654	624	1261	1183	546	44.885062	-4.892608	-162.245033	291.998351	-0.363453	0.363453	12.052559	-174.847225	-3.770868	0.009630	0.381644	-0.029199	0.923798
+8.522529	624	1196	1183	611	44.498645	-4.506191	-149.430936	280.496680	-0.170867	0.170867	5.666176	-142.491970	-3.513208	0.010227	0.378502	-0.027807	0.925126
+8.532510	598	754	1209	1053	44.111451	-4.118997	-136.591098	277.246228	-0.279951	0.279951	9.283532	57.935659	-3.696195	0.009847	0.375385	-0.028973	0.926364
+8.542529	520	1196	1287	611	43.687087	-3.694633	-122.518670	300.074557	-0.056719	0.056719	1.880876	-139.357793	-3.467042	0.010796	0.371917	-0.027895	0.927784
+8.552833	546	1144	1261	663	43.299149	-3.306695	-109.654159	271.525986	0.093837	-0.093837	-3.111747	-107.403176	-3.335415	0.011498	0.368750	-0.027352	0.929055
+8.562525	429	949	1300	858	42.870966	-2.878512	-95.455081	311.266777	0.102783	-0.102783	-3.408425	-16.018249	-3.323590	0.011433	0.365275	-0.027321	0.930428
+8.572608	247	1300	1300	325	42.328550	-2.336096	-77.467868	377.447543	0.488599	-0.488599	-16.202565	-249.943621	-3.014468	0.013471	0.360810	-0.026068	0.932177
+8.582533	364	728	1300	1079	41.902519	-1.910065	-63.340155	312.917481	0.317377	-0.317377	-10.524628	88.998347	-3.343884	0.013018	0.357345	-0.028238	0.933455
+8.592677	312	1300	1300	494	41.450022	-1.457568	-48.334772	317.931055	0.590042	-0.590042	-19.566519	-166.671544	-3.125725	0.014466	0.353615	-0.027330	0.934880
+8.602516	481	1261	1300	546	41.145085	-1.152631	-38.222686	230.158740	0.774795	-0.774795	-25.693166	-137.052579	-2.876334	0.015147	0.351115	-0.025872	0.935852
+8.612550	299	0	1300	1300	40.706443	-0.713989	-23.676778	304.636298	-0.040776	0.040776	1.352198	515.209173	-4.100663	0.012110	0.347596	-0.033420	0.936970
+8.622574	221	1300	1300	0	40.252414	-0.259960	-8.620608	321.632339	0.712637	-0.712637	-23.631940	-441.124395	-2.942602	0.014672	0.343819	-0.026247	0.938554
+8.632583	351	1300	1300	0	39.913476	0.078978	2.619019	248.988109	1.910825	-1.910825	-63.365365	-816.992187	-0.973404	0.018571	0.341118	-0.013674	0.939738
+8.642631	78	0	1300	1300	39.391431	0.601023	19.930681	359.843504	0.878852	-0.878852	-29.143842	592.834989	-2.997787	0.016034	0.336711	-0.027210	0.941078
+8.652515	0	0	1300	1300	38.774424	1.218030	40.391407	437.732825	-0.678138	0.678138	22.487921	1075.638669	-4.719731	0.008091	0.331893	-0.036878	0.942561
+8.662580	377	1300	1300	0	38.532038	1.460416	48.429238	195.931458	1.096903	-1.096903	-36.374673	-1047.926724	-2.970918	0.017586	0.329594	-0.027628	0.943554
+8.672661	0	1300	1300	338	37.990893	2.001561	66.374290	366.288258	1.284127	-1.284127	-42.583279	-215.180108	-2.913441	0.018866	0.325098	-0.027682	0.945087
+8.682636	65	1300	1300	507	37.568138	2.424316	80.393377	308.344527	1.459738	-1.459738	-48.406747	-133.827629	-2.864203	0.020103	0.321574	-0.027760	0.946264
+8.692667	143	1300	1300	455	37.214528	2.777926	92.119526	256.781097	1.670046	-1.670046	-55.380837	-148.227027	-2.503339	0.020778	0.318668	-0.025349	0.947300
+8.702603	0	754	1300	1053	36.705122	3.287332	109.012047	355.991098	1.468910	-1.468910	-48.710897	117.736415	-2.918346	0.020180	0.314425	-0.028202	0.948648
+8.712601	0	702	1300	1105	36.240125	3.752330	124.431960	334.181694	1.276079	-1.276079	-42.316380	135.864740	-3.337823	0.019636	0.310550	-0.031140	0.949844
+8.722541	0	1027	1300	780	35.786363	4.206091	139.479271	326.628270	1.313307	-1.313307	-43.550902	-11.872245	-3.531711	0.020368	0.306741	-0.032842	0.951008
+8.732560	130	1300	1300	39	35.507758	4.484696	148.718141	210.129468	1.828697	-1.828697	-60.641902	-334.960964	-2.832451	0.022729	0.304421	-0.028400	0.951843
+8.742565	0	637	1300	1170	34.932733	5.059721	167.786712	392.084540	1.510923	-1.510923	-50.104104	175.687293	-3.311458	0.021243	0.299631	-0.031515	0.953298
+8.752547	0	1235	1300	572	34.535856	5.456598	180.947630	293.675577	1.680868	-1.680868	-55.739705	-94.468215	-3.308423	0.022569	0.296280	-0.031916	0.954301
+8.762621	0	1300	1300	416	34.116638	5.875816	194.849425	296.750938	1.914001	-1.914001	-63.470691	-158.810254	-3.126047	0.023962	0.292759	-0.030971	0.955384
+8.772558	0	1300	1300	416	33.792262	6.200193	205.606172	238.848162	2.129404	-2.129404	-70.613712	-155.110133	-2.995800	0.025369	0.290023	-0.030406	0.956200
+8.782577	0	1183	1300	624	33.338763	6.653691	220.644752	315.464231	2.196766	-2.196766	-72.847513	-57.715318	-3.206804	0.026381	0.286170	-0.032297	0.957271
+8.792615	0	1300	1300	325	33.027576	6.964878	230.964115	229.828132	2.470374	-2.470374	-81.920710	-182.174341	-3.015363	0.028137	0.283538	-0.031345	0.958036
+8.802653	0	1222	1300	585	32.588370	7.404084	245.528711	304.860398	2.542563	-2.542563	-84.314584	-63.189641	-3.129236	0.028946	0.279814	-0.032424	0.959070
+8.812579	0	1300	1300	468	32.218184	7.774270	257.804549	269.759830	2.704839	-2.704839	-89.695854	-111.804756	-2.990629	0.029906	0.276704	-0.031610	0.959970
+8.822640	0	1300	1300	468	31.891352	8.101102	268.642725	235.315068	2.854652	-2.854652	-94.663845	-106.792359	-2.944714	0.030999	0.273935	-0.031539	0.960731
+8.832609	0	1261	1300	546	31.473536	8.518918	282.498030	293.358706	2.945041	-2.945041	-97.661256	-68.559067	-2.821518	0.031402	0.270437	-0.030657	0.961737
+8.842537	0	1300	1300	494	31.164416	8.828038	292.748829	228.768135	3.069173	-3.069173	-101.777643	-87.359584	-2.751493	0.032236	0.267828	-0.030310	0.962450
+8.852647	0	1300	1300	390	30.691913	9.300541	308.417624	324.183829	3.259572	-3.259572	-108.091496	-130.197989	-2.633037	0.033498	0.263840	-0.029672	0.963528
+8.862627	0	1131	1300	676	30.258504	9.733950	322.789999	311.295680	3.233253	-3.233253	-107.218719	5.253068	-2.943347	0.033925	0.260108	-0.032143	0.964448
+8.872563	0	1300	1300	247	30.045603	9.946851	329.850080	167.435171	3.516121	-3.516121	-116.599003	-184.160238	-2.582883	0.035462	0.258348	-0.029708	0.964944
+8.882633	0	1300	1300	169	29.589502	10.402953	344.974971	309.238217	3.821215	-3.821215	-126.716293	-213.373091	-2.444601	0.037672	0.254470	-0.029125	0.965908
+8.892685	0	1300	1300	455	29.246554	10.745900	356.347533	249.487128	3.909417	-3.909417	-129.641182	-76.275241	-2.364412	0.038203	0.251581	-0.028562	0.966660
+8.902727	0	1300	1300	260	29.044271	10.948183	363.055512	153.366059	4.147871	-4.147871	-137.548624	-161.062865	-2.142272	0.039711	0.249891	-0.027158	0.967078
+8.912626	0	988	1300	819	28.534566	11.457888	379.957966	347.907300	3.985380	-3.985380	-132.160211	91.647310	-2.518160	0.039103	0.245497	-0.029850	0.968148
+8.922674	0	1287	1300	520	28.188728	11.803726	391.426368	254.944933	4.059055	-4.059055	-134.603363	-39.307872	-2.509105	0.039669	0.242556	-0.029844	0.968866
+8.932693	0	1300	1300	169	27.780205	12.212250	404.973530	287.789261	4.355146	-4.355146	-144.422096	-195.382463	-2.297059	0.041687	0.239099	-0.028564	0.969679
+8.942759	0	1261	1300	546	27.445980	12.546474	416.056826	241.606234	4.362045	-4.362045	-144.650878	-22.106511	-2.275423	0.041670	0.236275	-0.028301	0.970380
+8.952709	0	1300	1300	455	27.107004	12.885450	427.297704	243.045943	4.445660	-4.445660	-147.423659	-56.528242	-2.218389	0.042232	0.233403	-0.027893	0.971062
+8.962747	0	1300	1300	338	26.789091	13.203363	437.840089	227.616693	4.606141	-4.606141	-152.745412	-108.906099	-2.167722	0.043464	0.230687	-0.027694	0.971662
+8.972758	0	1300	1300	429	26.483085	13.509369	447.987650	219.054833	4.688387	-4.688387	-155.472786	-63.210351	-2.131396	0.044065	0.228085	-0.027457	0.972256
+8.982722	0	1300	1300	507	26.165746	13.826708	458.511015	226.591354	4.722352	-4.722352	-156.599133	-27.879559	-2.165359	0.044396	0.225369	-0.027713	0.972867
+8.992679	0	1300	1300	156	25.857827	14.134627	468.721997	221.286804	4.993795	-4.993795	-165.600516	-179.387216	-2.080784	0.046513	0.222722	-0.027426	0.973386
+9.002758	0	1118	1300	689	25.456564	14.535890	482.028355	278.513889	4.871329	-4.871329	-161.539380	62.715578	-2.533378	0.046309	0.219159	-0.030904	0.974100
+9.012773	0	1300	1300	143	25.085101	14.907353	494.346544	266.016009	5.155478	-5.155478	-170.962134	-178.452676	-1.930006	0.047549	0.216175	-0.026189	0.974844
+9.022774	0	1300	1300	468	24.749230	15.243224	505.484453	242.123202	5.179479	-5.179479	-171.758017	-31.795018	-1.968219	0.047805	0.213294	-0.026441	0.975460
+9.032666	0	1300	1300	351	24.455957	15.536497	515.209746	214.434503	5.292912	-5.292912	-175.519602	-77.260900	-1.988435	0.048790	0.210761	-0.026718	0.975954
+9.042723	0	1300	1300	429	23.963480	16.028974	531.540898	337.336516	5.346817	-5.346817	-177.307152	-41.788413	-1.671403	0.048646	0.206686	-0.023934	0.976904
+9.052661	0	1300	1300	299	23.671313	16.321141	541.229525	221.515896	5.491952	-5.491952	-182.120019	-98.539171	-1.514115	0.049592	0.204232	-0.022742	0.977401
+9.062759	0	1300	1300	429	23.370769	16.621685	551.195964	213.274727	5.530229	-5.530229	-183.389349	-33.499647	-1.652594	0.050154	0.201599	-0.023875	0.977892
+9.072751	0	1066	1300	741	22.948216	17.044238	565.208348	293.815948	5.362418	-5.362418	-177.824515	105.931954	-2.025092	0.049348	0.197866	-0.026603	0.978625
+9.082759	0	1300	1300	208	22.686173	17.306281	573.898018	196.618984	5.583906	-5.583906	-185.169339	-134.005992	-1.793317	0.050826	0.195679	-0.024904	0.979033
+9.092665	0	1300	1300	377	22.391438	17.601017	583.671810	210.944096	5.646403	-5.646403	-187.241827	-53.194239	-1.784789	0.051331	0.193149	-0.024822	0.979511
+9.102681	0	1274	1300	533	22.039975	17.952479	595.326742	246.897385	5.613676	-5.613676	-186.156530	16.378924	-1.835208	0.051117	0.190128	-0.025060	0.980107
+9.112670	0	1300	1300	299	21.692607	18.299847	606.845916	248.116394	5.746943	-5.746943	-190.575840	-85.079242	-1.746765	0.052094	0.187166	-0.024384	0.980643
+9.122731	0	1274	1300	533	21.384594	18.607860	617.059994	221.212466	5.708442	-5.708442	-189.299117	17.155068	-1.883316	0.051969	0.184475	-0.025366	0.981134
+9.132719	0	1300	1300	468	21.098064	18.894390	626.561696	206.277661	5.729402	-5.729402	-189.994158	-12.055105	-1.836871	0.052058	0.182037	-0.024887	0.981597
+9.142765	0	1300	1300	78	20.782026	19.210428	637.041914	222.911672	6.011057	-6.011057	-199.334192	-183.108859	-1.615060	0.054106	0.179372	-0.023299	0.982016
+9.152742	0	1300	1300	390	20.419115	19.573339	649.076488	256.309760	6.040338	-6.040338	-200.305209	-35.723140	-1.581696	0.054291	0.176270	-0.022903	0.982577
+9.162778	0	1118	1300	689	20.131005	19.861449	658.630595	209.582897	5.886630	-5.886630	-195.208049	96.185898	-1.695713	0.053135	0.173776	-0.023524	0.983069
+9.172730	0	1300	1300	403	19.686258	20.306196	673.378951	309.017584	5.947288	-5.947288	-197.219529	-30.753436	-1.782939	0.053763	0.169905	-0.024176	0.983696
+9.182695	0	1300	1300	260	19.468705	20.523749	680.593295	169.813043	6.088528	-6.088528	-201.903220	-94.754174	-1.701684	0.054844	0.168046	-0.023593	0.983970
+9.192771	0	1300	1300	351	19.210438	20.782016	689.157737	181.782419	6.153520	-6.153520	-204.058443	-50.441881	-1.611354	0.055259	0.165857	-0.022799	0.984336
+9.202754	0	1300	1300	468	18.789216	21.203238	703.125989	290.324343	6.141131	-6.141131	-203.647630	3.459062	-1.599503	0.055117	0.162245	-0.022494	0.984953
+9.212774	0	1300	1300	234	18.378310	21.614144	716.752165	292.517067	6.295975	-6.295975	-208.782443	-99.988840	-1.398638	0.056152	0.158780	-0.020799	0.985496
+9.222675	0	1300	1300	507	18.068341	21.924113	727.031108	229.813295	6.242633	-6.242633	-207.013552	25.758028	-1.470977	0.055783	0.156087	-0.021208	0.985939
+9.232749	0	1300	1300	468	17.825278	22.167176	735.091409	177.433557	6.233181	-6.233181	-206.700093	8.419194	-1.472409	0.055695	0.153996	-0.021097	0.986275
+9.242759	0	1209	1300	598	17.468930	22.523525	746.908358	247.155980	6.133726	-6.133726	-203.402042	65.246870	-1.692397	0.055115	0.150840	-0.022700	0.986759
+9.252808	0	1300	1300	299	17.141847	22.850607	757.754818	233.686231	6.249442	-6.249442	-207.239346	-68.855392	-1.491863	0.055834	0.148098	-0.020977	0.987173
+9.262702	0	1300	1300	325	16.887480	23.104974	766.189942	188.127199	6.328036	-6.328036	-209.845617	-57.819854	-1.447613	0.056444	0.145913	-0.020581	0.987471
+9.272801	0	1300	1300	468	16.500831	23.491623	779.011725	265.626158	6.307269	-6.307269	-209.156976	8.146598	-1.450989	0.056254	0.142582	-0.020406	0.987972
+9.282790	0	1300	1300	429	16.291555	23.700900	785.951592	160.116819	6.320510	-6.320510	-209.596042	-7.859500	-1.431792	0.056336	0.140784	-0.020160	0.988231
+9.292763	0	1235	1300	572	15.912201	24.080253	798.531443	261.377510	6.236948	-6.236948	-206.825042	53.643913	-1.628438	0.055836	0.137430	-0.021582	0.988701
+9.302812	0	1300	1300	481	15.615907	24.376547	808.356917	215.081913	6.226397	-6.226397	-206.475149	11.671921	-1.578408	0.055669	0.134899	-0.021003	0.989071
+9.312760	0	845	1300	962	15.184962	24.807492	822.647577	300.633410	5.889619	-5.889619	-195.307178	220.654413	-2.124292	0.053361	0.130985	-0.025137	0.989628
+9.322747	0	1300	1300	442	14.818535	25.173919	834.798761	265.435115	5.943738	-5.943738	-197.101813	-15.078208	-2.133332	0.053801	0.127803	-0.025120	0.990021
+9.332820	0	1287	1300	520	14.530475	25.461980	844.351218	209.674628	5.911480	-5.911480	-196.032104	19.433817	-2.166285	0.053529	0.125305	-0.025246	0.990351
+9.342749	0	1300	1300	351	14.280444	25.712011	852.642560	182.495656	5.995368	-5.995368	-198.813933	-53.014132	-1.987844	0.054035	0.123209	-0.023688	0.990625
+9.352899	0	1300	1300	390	14.015949	25.976505	861.413538	185.700813	6.047135	-6.047135	-200.530602	-37.896838	-1.608527	0.054058	0.121091	-0.020347	0.990959
+9.362866	0	1300	1300	455	13.563606	26.428848	876.413797	311.361728	6.053054	-6.053054	-200.726876	-7.308053	-1.939134	0.054417	0.117020	-0.023013	0.991370
+9.372862	0	1300	1300	416	13.304580	26.687874	885.003431	196.470835	6.090993	-6.090993	-201.984976	-25.293795	-1.857577	0.054639	0.114809	-0.022232	0.991635
+9.382778	0	1300	1300	403	13.076655	26.915799	892.561684	167.046942	6.129778	-6.129778	-203.271140	-27.680241	-1.373278	0.054478	0.113060	-0.017977	0.991931
+9.392911	0	1300	1300	455	12.687027	27.305428	905.482267	264.831797	6.132919	-6.132919	-203.375286	-4.500061	-1.441945	0.054551	0.109653	-0.018398	0.992301
+9.402746	0	1248	1300	559	12.419878	27.572576	914.341250	200.447097	6.064447	-6.064447	-201.104663	44.696025	-1.511172	0.054007	0.107317	-0.018813	0.992579
+9.412880	0	1300	1300	442	12.066995	27.925459	926.043296	244.248831	6.091109	-6.091109	-201.988815	-13.079689	-1.565910	0.054265	0.104230	-0.019154	0.992887
+9.422834	0	1300	1300	0	11.894439	28.098015	931.765451	134.746952	6.523226	-6.523226	-216.318382	-282.792360	-0.780682	0.057292	0.103057	-0.012660	0.992943
+9.432782	0	1300	1300	364	11.569895	28.422559	942.527758	223.919911	6.532841	-6.532841	-216.637205	-32.099303	-0.738091	0.057336	0.100264	-0.012141	0.993233
+9.442803	0	1300	1300	338	11.233748	28.758707	953.674823	238.043038	6.593458	-6.593458	-218.647352	-42.174924	-0.577690	0.057723	0.097424	-0.010637	0.993511
+9.452904	0	1300	1300	312	10.850858	29.141596	966.371910	267.656795	6.664185	-6.664185	-220.992750	-49.279597	-0.458755	0.058240	0.094158	-0.009474	0.993807
+9.462811	0	1287	1300	520	10.544971	29.447484	976.515533	224.736875	6.596370	-6.596370	-218.743899	39.865702	-0.588361	0.057759	0.091445	-0.010391	0.994079
+9.472865	0	1235	1300	572	10.411278	29.581176	980.948951	106.666224	6.502463	-6.502463	-215.629843	64.248883	-0.753839	0.057075	0.090211	-0.011686	0.994217
+9.482849	0	1300	1300	455	10.115891	29.876563	990.744356	201.680256	6.496142	-6.496142	-215.420213	9.957625	-0.752832	0.057016	0.087649	-0.011529	0.994452
+9.492780	0	1300	1300	364	9.748321	30.244133	1002.933439	258.488780	6.544432	-6.544432	-217.021592	-30.624862	-0.754628	0.057431	0.084453	-0.011401	0.994706
+9.502871	0	1300	1300	312	9.410134	30.582320	1014.148149	240.970384	6.623699	-6.623699	-219.650186	-53.779128	-0.595543	0.058001	0.081589	-0.009910	0.994928
+9.512867	0	1300	1300	468	9.106832	30.885622	1024.206004	218.811945	6.591258	-6.591258	-218.574398	16.169371	-0.636606	0.057746	0.078938	-0.010093	0.995154
+9.522861	0	1300	1300	390	8.781278	31.211176	1035.001794	231.285038	6.616419	-6.616419	-219.408775	-14.866404	-0.612891	0.057946	0.076120	-0.009742	0.995366
+9.532847	0	1300	1300	338	8.373350	31.619104	1048.529198	286.112948	6.672453	-6.672453	-221.266920	-37.762282	-0.602508	0.058422	0.072576	-0.009483	0.995605
+9.542861	0	1300	1300	455	8.055049	31.937405	1059.084454	232.274439	6.643376	-6.643376	-220.302685	15.416925	-0.650030	0.058196	0.069789	-0.009719	0.995815
+9.552782	0	1300	1300	403	7.727398	32.265056	1069.949768	235.434126	6.664625	-6.664625	-221.007349	-12.477930	-0.637290	0.058368	0.066946	-0.009456	0.996003
+9.562918	0	1300	1300	442	7.381534	32.610920	1081.419057	242.847476	6.652589	-6.652589	-220.608193	6.595337	-0.659832	0.058271	0.063929	-0.009471	0.996207
+9.572778	0	1300	1300	364	6.981263	33.011192	1094.692567	285.464577	6.695536	-6.695536	-222.032397	-27.622761	-0.692170	0.058654	0.060428	-0.009574	0.996402
+9.582884	0	1300	1300	390	6.633921	33.358533	1106.210861	248.958107	6.714341	-6.714341	-222.655992	-14.574085	-0.682486	0.058805	0.057411	-0.009324	0.996574
+9.592786	0	1300	1300	494	6.273417	33.719037	1118.165622	258.886243	6.662620	-6.662620	-220.940843	32.529293	-0.847862	0.058425	0.054195	-0.010555	0.996764
+9.602893	0	1300	1300	455	5.893787	34.098667	1130.754634	267.294205	6.645891	-6.645891	-220.386085	13.680399	-0.839177	0.058261	0.050899	-0.010281	0.996950
+9.612889	0	1300	1300	299	5.530288	34.462166	1142.808701	260.284704	6.734857	-6.734857	-223.336324	-56.511224	-0.759528	0.058988	0.047769	-0.009443	0.997070
+9.622877	0	1300	1300	442	5.153983	34.838471	1155.287456	268.156255	6.714781	-6.714781	-222.670579	7.899446	-0.911797	0.058860	0.044418	-0.010568	0.997222
+9.632875	0	1300	1300	364	4.794801	35.197653	1167.198381	257.514054	6.755572	-6.755572	-224.023267	-25.757811	-0.832634	0.059170	0.041329	-0.009712	0.997345
+9.642858	0	1300	1300	377	4.437815	35.554639	1179.036471	255.469254	6.782584	-6.782584	-224.919012	-19.901543	-0.822999	0.059386	0.038224	-0.009454	0.997458
+9.652949	0	1300	1300	338	4.061697	35.930757	1191.509024	265.111382	6.833489	-6.833489	-226.607091	-34.558006	-0.845528	0.059820	0.034934	-0.009473	0.997553
+9.662864	0	1300	1300	390	3.742051	36.250403	1202.108889	233.336861	6.839906	-6.839906	-226.819888	-7.362824	-0.994570	0.059903	0.032073	-0.010607	0.997632
+9.673043	0	1300	1300	468	3.358667	36.633787	1214.822389	265.684311	6.798413	-6.798413	-225.443904	25.837357	-1.031737	0.059528	0.028719	-0.010721	0.997756
+9.682819	0	1300	1300	286	2.976846	37.015608	1227.484058	277.586785	6.888050	-6.888050	-228.416386	-56.981121	-0.896769	0.060254	0.025457	-0.009369	0.997814
+9.692880	0	1300	1300	390	2.620448	37.372007	1239.302667	255.103333	6.896578	-6.896578	-228.699197	-10.655444	-1.019398	0.060333	0.022289	-0.010253	0.997877
+9.702969	0	1300	1300	325	2.221135	37.771319	1252.544379	280.057368	6.947536	-6.947536	-230.389018	-33.764247	-0.872350	0.060726	0.018884	-0.008772	0.997937
+9.712878	0	1300	1300	299	1.836204	38.156250	1265.309170	277.554910	7.009640	-7.009640	-232.448480	-43.733657	-0.845863	0.061241	0.015542	-0.008346	0.997967
+9.723054	0	1300	1300	455	1.482076	38.510378	1277.052503	251.025569	6.962520	-6.962520	-230.885891	26.184155	-1.151420	0.060844	0.012299	-0.010814	0.998013
+9.732882	0	1300	1300	364	1.178345	38.814109	1287.124600	223.418645	6.993576	-6.993576	-231.915772	-18.056089	-1.088238	0.061084	0.009684	-0.010105	0.998034
+9.742975	0	1300	1300	364	0.831297	39.161157	1298.633137	243.467279	7.019146	-7.019146	-232.763685	-18.081723	-1.211628	0.061287	0.006593	-0.010997	0.998038
+9.753002	0	1300	1300	130	0.410583	39.581871	1312.584565	294.431475	7.194605	-7.194605	-238.582128	-115.224280	-0.791531	0.062766	0.003142	-0.007119	0.997998
+9.762973	0	1300	1300	234	0.039342	39.953112	1324.895368	268.388812	7.284193	-7.284193	-241.552974	-68.793899	-0.521284	0.063525	0.000054	-0.004562	0.997970
+9.772903	0	1300	1300	351	-0.296193	40.288647	1336.022124	243.693467	7.294522	-7.294522	-241.895519	-13.040359	-0.689315	0.063597	-0.002962	-0.005839	0.997954
+9.782996	0	1300	1300	351	-0.813718	40.806172	1353.183900	354.997888	7.314798	-7.314798	-242.567879	-14.222911	-0.694633	0.063745	-0.007473	-0.005596	0.997923
+9.792878	0	1300	1300	286	-1.179487	41.171941	1365.313273	272.560652	7.372166	-7.372166	-244.470296	-38.939835	-0.513111	0.064240	-0.010559	-0.003807	0.997871
+9.802945	0	1300	1300	156	-1.541034	41.533488	1377.302626	257.831995	7.517145	-7.517145	-249.277964	-97.032037	-1.068461	0.065419	-0.014029	-0.008422	0.997724
+9.812965	0	1300	1300	312	-1.931578	41.924032	1390.253544	276.378165	7.537069	-7.537069	-249.938678	-21.711386	-1.038604	0.065561	-0.017414	-0.007935	0.997665
+9.822876	0	1300	1300	325	-2.333337	42.325791	1403.576389	288.176694	7.560831	-7.560831	-250.726640	-17.535571	-0.961064	0.065746	-0.020869	-0.007024	0.997593
+9.832897	0	1300	1300	338	-2.671523	42.663977	1414.791057	245.193852	7.573200	-7.573200	-251.136815	-9.602673	-1.102139	0.065796	-0.023894	-0.008055	0.997514
+9.842931	0	1300	1300	234	-3.126688	43.119142	1429.884890	316.688423	7.658916	-7.658916	-253.979261	-56.323778	-0.913769	0.066543	-0.027753	-0.006131	0.997379
+9.852883	0	1300	1300	416	-3.489558	43.482012	1441.918115	265.430821	7.609497	-7.609497	-252.340472	27.067846	-1.228915	0.065996	-0.031090	-0.008675	0.997298
+9.863016	0	1300	1300	273	-3.941271	43.933725	1456.897485	313.476827	7.669270	-7.669270	-254.322630	-35.894879	-1.112545	0.066501	-0.034958	-0.007382	0.997146
+9.872876	0	1300	1300	338	-4.293162	44.285616	1468.566655	260.167512	7.670762	-7.670762	-254.372085	-4.285524	-1.206388	0.066446	-0.038074	-0.007991	0.997031
+9.882981	0	1300	1300	247	-4.719770	44.712225	1482.713514	297.655558	7.744687	-7.744687	-256.823532	-47.905595	-1.333986	0.066994	-0.041865	-0.008824	0.996836
+9.892861	0	1300	1300	429	-5.166164	45.158618	1497.516489	320.238113	7.683135	-7.683135	-254.782400	35.981153	-1.041336	0.066518	-0.045573	-0.006038	0.996726
+9.902954	0	1300	1300	286	-5.570151	45.562605	1510.913199	288.835873	7.733400	-7.733400	-256.449243	-29.102025	-0.958397	0.066948	-0.049041	-0.005058	0.996538
+9.912987	0	1300	1300	273	-6.040472	46.032926	1526.509626	330.478728	7.783028	-7.783028	-258.094993	-34.747700	-1.004307	0.067310	-0.053159	-0.005156	0.996302
+9.922902	0	1300	1300	416	-6.455208	46.447662	1540.262807	301.514620	7.728544	-7.728544	-256.288218	32.449320	-1.135191	0.066726	-0.056838	-0.006074	0.996132
+9.932902	0	1300	1300	390	-6.840983	46.833437	1553.055596	277.757335	7.703026	-7.703026	-255.442020	19.509510	-0.998365	0.066530	-0.060111	-0.004670	0.995961
+9.942951	0	1300	1300	299	-7.261433	47.253888	1566.998253	296.777781	7.737276	-7.737276	-256.577798	-20.362178	-0.911313	0.066829	-0.063715	-0.003646	0.995721
+9.952960	0	1170	1300	637	-7.754325	47.746779	1583.343145	346.555634	7.535713	-7.535713	-249.893701	128.847101	-1.908101	0.064431	-0.068554	-0.012134	0.995491
+9.962961	0	1300	1300	13	-8.191118	48.183572	1597.827753	314.931189	7.784366	-7.784366	-258.139337	-149.635005	-0.965468	0.067103	-0.071823	-0.003537	0.995151
+9.973059	0	936	1300	871	-8.594721	48.587176	1611.211757	287.981099	7.403180	-7.403180	-245.498753	231.700955	-1.847246	0.063165	-0.075805	-0.011204	0.995057
+9.982921	0	1300	1300	364	-9.043276	49.035730	1626.086396	321.298353	7.441376	-7.441376	-246.765372	-3.770535	-1.729003	0.063496	-0.079637	-0.009894	0.994750
+9.992978	0	1300	1300	91	-9.375246	49.367700	1637.094931	243.377981	7.628635	-7.628635	-252.975112	-121.235294	-1.191275	0.065449	-0.082227	-0.004902	0.994450
+10.002990	0	1300	1300	403	-9.891632	49.884086	1654.218946	356.842326	7.583309	-7.583309	-251.472047	18.372607	-1.132013	0.065029	-0.086672	-0.004119	0.994104
+10.013029	0	1300	1300	364	-10.309801	50.302255	1668.085942	302.735360	7.578470	-7.578470	-251.311571	4.793652	-1.140454	0.064924	-0.090303	-0.003953	0.993788
+10.022904	0	1300	1300	351	-10.819597	50.812051	1684.991424	362.470137	7.583653	-7.583653	-251.483445	-2.961321	-1.056115	0.064967	-0.094675	-0.002921	0.993382
+10.033147	0	1300	1300	312	-11.293320	51.285774	1700.700686	333.015701	7.616937	-7.616937	-252.587189	-21.396144	-0.779818	0.065429	-0.098624	-0.000222	0.992971
+10.043084	0	1300	1300	338	-11.783927	51.776381	1716.969821	350.659336	7.628718	-7.628718	-252.977883	-9.645981	-0.863675	0.065399	-0.102921	-0.000652	0.992537
+10.053077	0	1300	1300	507	-12.320015	52.312469	1734.747158	380.011368	7.525420	-7.525420	-249.552390	66.199975	-0.680965	0.064608	-0.107460	0.001146	0.992107
+10.063031	0	1196	1300	611	-12.623713	52.616167	1744.818159	232.602420	7.362825	-7.362825	-244.160534	112.001830	-1.049434	0.062812	-0.110293	-0.002025	0.991910
+10.073002	0	1300	1300	468	-13.293341	53.285795	1767.023882	456.902411	7.310747	-7.310747	-242.433553	44.094165	-0.804443	0.062514	-0.115952	0.000421	0.991285
+10.083084	0	1287	1300	520	-13.569082	53.561536	1776.167782	218.845635	7.217239	-7.217239	-239.332707	64.211521	-1.432527	0.061021	-0.118674	-0.004954	0.991044
+10.092976	0	1300	1300	507	-14.138053	54.130507	1795.035584	392.984591	7.144416	-7.144416	-236.917820	53.621719	-1.279312	0.060458	-0.123509	-0.003390	0.990494
+10.102992	0	1300	1300	442	-14.772431	54.764885	1816.072367	446.752802	7.112396	-7.112396	-235.855994	25.616728	-0.759442	0.060661	-0.128714	0.001414	0.989824
+10.113120	0	1300	1300	65	-15.076469	55.068923	1826.154654	235.181323	7.342253	-7.342253	-243.478316	-145.146350	-0.185927	0.063264	-0.131021	0.006795	0.989336
+10.123072	0	1183	1300	624	-15.572162	55.564616	1842.592449	344.561086	7.152965	-7.152965	-237.201300	110.122726	-0.669776	0.061014	-0.135570	0.002671	0.988884
+10.133097	0	1300	1300	455	-16.255104	56.247558	1865.239649	473.439351	7.122693	-7.122693	-236.197459	29.588454	-0.850056	0.060445	-0.141557	0.001452	0.988082
+10.142995	0	1274	1300	533	-16.705451	56.697905	1880.173733	338.428846	7.034413	-7.034413	-233.269978	60.540202	-0.654253	0.059869	-0.145337	0.003274	0.987564
+10.153082	0	975	1300	832	-17.310137	57.302591	1900.225868	419.853411	6.750126	-6.750126	-223.842659	188.499579	-0.868526	0.057061	-0.150661	0.001379	0.986936
+10.163136	0	1300	1300	429	-17.896935	57.889389	1919.684843	416.921818	6.770788	-6.770788	-224.527836	3.709621	-0.857339	0.057170	-0.155707	0.001807	0.986146
+10.173096	0	1222	1300	585	-18.419115	58.411569	1937.000973	378.142933	6.661194	-6.661194	-220.893564	71.718474	-0.897984	0.056094	-0.160220	0.001576	0.985485
+10.183108	0	1235	1300	572	-18.869679	58.862133	1951.942249	326.412036	6.570385	-6.570385	-217.882217	65.378724	-0.912327	0.055226	-0.164101	0.001553	0.984895
+10.193130	0	1248	1300	559	-19.442025	59.434480	1970.921977	400.294701	6.488242	-6.488242	-215.158257	59.131468	-0.836684	0.054545	-0.168983	0.002370	0.984106
+10.203049	0	1274	1300	533	-19.958517	59.950971	1988.049493	374.321622	6.428930	-6.428930	-213.191392	44.191313	-0.927063	0.053824	-0.173460	0.001762	0.983367
+10.213187	0	1183	1300	624	-20.499806	60.492261	2005.999327	380.522496	6.312923	-6.312923	-209.344463	78.316883	-0.920881	0.052754	-0.178102	0.001902	0.982595
+10.223101	0	1300	1300	377	-20.951096	60.943551	2020.964668	330.035644	6.374606	-6.374606	-211.389932	-33.168148	-0.663911	0.053621	-0.181848	0.004421	0.981854
+10.233003	0	1066	1300	741	-21.586359	61.578813	2042.030759	446.229044	6.175541	-6.175541	-204.788704	127.300768	-1.172335	0.050997	-0.187524	0.000052	0.980935
+10.243044	0	1183	1300	624	-22.111366	62.103820	2059.440672	379.851639	6.081527	-6.081527	-201.671089	72.313062	-1.109371	0.050206	-0.191988	0.000684	0.980112
+10.253104	0	1196	1300	611	-22.642029	62.634483	2077.038124	376.847617	5.989256	-5.989256	-198.611259	66.092363	-1.132317	0.049286	-0.196534	0.000579	0.979257
+10.263101	0	1170	1300	637	-23.170396	63.162850	2094.559427	377.242758	5.883939	-5.883939	-195.118808	74.373777	-1.215020	0.048150	-0.201082	-0.000066	0.978390
+10.273078	0	1170	1300	637	-23.694148	63.686603	2111.927718	374.965476	5.785099	-5.785099	-191.841164	71.051282	-0.970196	0.047650	-0.205449	0.002084	0.977505
+10.283117	0	1183	1300	624	-24.200946	64.193400	2128.733766	361.689319	5.697488	-5.697488	-188.935863	63.090443	-0.994517	0.046776	-0.209781	0.001943	0.976627
+10.293024	0	1209	1300	598	-24.771187	64.763641	2147.643671	406.371603	5.631574	-5.631574	-186.750075	48.923631	-1.057262	0.046003	-0.214664	0.001536	0.975603
+10.303051	0	1157	1300	650	-25.374360	65.366814	2167.645642	427.320141	5.537725	-5.537725	-183.637924	65.190464	-1.047649	0.045120	-0.219793	0.001700	0.974501
+10.313117	0	1300	1300	455	-25.878417	65.870871	2184.360804	363.769975	5.578901	-5.578901	-185.003372	-20.670537	-1.224583	0.045037	-0.224146	0.000494	0.973514
+10.323061	0	1092	1300	715	-26.474989	66.467443	2204.143894	422.362979	5.431839	-5.431839	-180.126586	94.035238	-1.143143	0.043841	-0.229179	0.001150	0.972396
+10.333081	0	1105	1300	702	-27.018819	67.011274	2222.177982	390.602336	5.316570	-5.316570	-176.304128	83.200520	-1.101038	0.042852	-0.233776	0.001502	0.971345
+10.343140	0	1001	1300	806	-27.623626	67.616080	2242.234140	425.712476	5.137082	-5.137082	-170.352097	123.379461	-0.838296	0.041773	-0.238806	0.003602	0.970162
+10.353032	0	1014	1300	793	-28.148484	68.140938	2259.639089	383.066171	4.980390	-4.980390	-165.155988	114.020415	-0.842010	0.040358	-0.243252	0.003445	0.969117
+10.363138	0	1157	1300	650	-28.691843	68.684297	2277.657548	383.736415	4.923196	-4.923196	-163.259375	47.027838	-0.777913	0.039929	-0.247824	0.004071	0.967973
+10.373070	0	1144	1300	663	-29.238132	69.230586	2295.773178	391.818885	4.854304	-4.854304	-160.974819	49.287290	-0.864531	0.039074	-0.252467	0.003395	0.966810
+10.383082	0	1066	1300	741	-29.792020	69.784474	2314.140798	394.632289	4.734577	-4.734577	-157.004527	82.087252	-0.811288	0.038098	-0.257122	0.003782	0.965620
+10.393121	0	832	1300	975	-30.348411	70.340865	2332.591413	395.540351	4.466345	-4.466345	-148.109623	180.888895	-0.346639	0.036816	-0.261668	0.007282	0.964428
+10.403066	0	1248	1300	559	-31.072938	71.065392	2356.617654	508.680202	4.502567	-4.502567	-149.310770	-7.096737	-0.419668	0.036866	-0.267782	0.006996	0.962749
+10.413103	0	897	1300	910	-31.572663	71.565117	2373.189161	369.295564	4.280966	-4.280966	-141.962193	142.681986	-0.484460	0.034791	-0.272010	0.006096	0.961646
+10.423139	0	1300	1300	377	-32.041173	72.033627	2388.725533	336.508161	4.447781	-4.447781	-147.493992	-94.971962	-0.478360	0.036146	-0.275928	0.006700	0.960475
+10.433104	0	1157	1300	650	-32.619019	72.611473	2407.887628	406.876534	4.387320	-4.387320	-145.489056	30.699222	-0.493357	0.035528	-0.280776	0.006620	0.959093
+10.443130	0	1079	1300	728	-33.252784	73.245238	2428.904081	447.210661	4.299885	-4.299885	-142.589583	59.391329	-0.490484	0.034722	-0.286080	0.006636	0.957554
+10.453070	0	1300	1300	494	-33.675882	73.668336	2442.934525	316.951390	4.376747	-4.376747	-145.138421	-44.723895	-0.704232	0.034768	-0.289674	0.005183	0.956480
+10.463121	0	975	1300	832	-34.278166	74.270620	2462.907028	417.726491	4.202521	-4.202521	-139.360888	108.493904	-0.641067	0.033389	-0.294685	0.005463	0.954995
+10.473143	0	1105	1300	702	-34.739903	74.732357	2478.218818	336.943457	4.150660	-4.150660	-137.641091	43.431559	-0.931649	0.032135	-0.298616	0.003057	0.953827
+10.483174	0	1131	1300	676	-35.289590	75.282044	2496.447128	386.259364	4.111354	-4.111354	-136.337650	29.373090	-1.067235	0.031360	-0.303225	0.002003	0.952401
+10.493159	0	1300	1300	104	-35.802757	75.795211	2513.464394	368.634488	4.455917	-4.455917	-147.763792	-221.233890	-2.439353	0.030447	-0.307865	-0.008293	0.950907
+10.503244	0	962	1300	845	-36.350330	76.342784	2531.622598	385.875208	4.247755	-4.247755	-140.860889	114.091722	-2.111196	0.029463	-0.312305	-0.005933	0.949506
+10.513201	0	1196	1300	611	-36.921475	76.913929	2550.562472	407.313360	4.251731	-4.251731	-140.992728	7.822539	-2.041573	0.029543	-0.317013	-0.005142	0.947947
+10.523310	0	1001	1300	806	-37.379835	77.372289	2565.762265	331.197108	4.113177	-4.113177	-136.398107	89.735818	-1.885943	0.028719	-0.320756	-0.004081	0.946718
+10.533211	0	1209	1300	598	-37.972425	77.964879	2585.413299	418.433247	4.127218	-4.127218	-136.863734	-0.962903	-1.908340	0.028631	-0.325652	-0.004023	0.945048
+10.543199	0	1014	1300	793	-38.442973	78.435427	2601.017270	343.774415	4.002771	-4.002771	-132.736925	80.759666	-1.767303	0.027899	-0.329489	-0.003057	0.943742
+10.553125	0	1300	1300	507	-38.934179	78.926633	2617.306274	352.388510	4.089396	-4.089396	-135.609506	-49.203853	-1.783669	0.028451	-0.333536	-0.002777	0.942304
+10.563149	0	806	1300	1001	-39.372056	79.364510	2631.826803	315.504673	3.818835	-3.818835	-126.637355	170.733829	-0.977910	0.028498	-0.336934	0.003193	0.941091
+10.573134	0	1027	1300	780	-39.898141	79.890596	2649.272476	370.588545	3.743014	-3.743014	-124.123048	64.813053	-0.820803	0.028255	-0.341214	0.004413	0.939551
+10.583118	0	1248	1300	559	-40.361096	80.353550	2664.624623	334.608547	3.802506	-3.802506	-126.095889	-32.762815	-0.945059	0.028296	-0.345035	0.003708	0.938156
+10.593204	0	1144	1300	663	-40.861792	80.854246	2681.228342	352.586823	3.772491	-3.772491	-125.100545	16.371818	-0.884906	0.028150	-0.349116	0.004257	0.936647
+10.603099	0	1300	1300	403	-41.466109	81.458563	2701.268235	428.310010	3.927861	-3.927861	-130.252790	-100.295248	-1.354301	0.027867	-0.354161	0.001085	0.934769
+10.613210	0	1300	1300	468	-41.809973	81.802427	2712.671198	259.467898	4.022395	-4.022395	-133.387673	-69.761500	-1.375278	0.028503	-0.356967	0.001317	0.933681
+10.623286	0	1014	1300	793	-42.326921	82.319375	2729.813862	356.595503	3.889803	-3.889803	-128.990753	79.156147	-1.183159	0.027922	-0.361129	0.002629	0.932094
+10.633183	0	1001	1300	806	-42.829556	82.822010	2746.481862	361.989711	3.774010	-3.774010	-125.150924	83.117356	-0.876469	0.027863	-0.365143	0.004906	0.930522
+10.643238	0	195	1300	1300	-43.159412	83.151866	2757.420292	245.737740	3.118400	-3.118400	-103.410053	430.857153	0.678988	0.027481	-0.367503	0.015515	0.929487
+10.653188	0	676	1300	1131	-43.492730	83.485184	2768.473541	239.734713	2.872754	-2.872754	-95.264131	199.486213	1.130436	0.026936	-0.370134	0.018447	0.928404
+10.663226	0	1300	1300	0	-44.130344	84.122798	2789.617629	434.071182	3.601469	-3.601469	-119.429228	-453.195224	-0.500236	0.027483	-0.375599	0.007761	0.926342
+10.673170	0	117	1300	1300	-44.417174	84.409628	2799.129270	226.752287	2.842099	-2.842099	-94.247586	453.900279	1.161016	0.026787	-0.377611	0.018750	0.925387
+10.683219	0	1144	1300	663	-44.892316	84.884770	2814.885557	327.495751	2.929743	-2.929743	-97.153972	-15.543267	0.976282	0.026878	-0.381475	0.017632	0.923820
+10.693297	0	1170	1300	637	-45.507064	85.499518	2835.271387	425.691801	2.961168	-2.961168	-98.196062	-21.652540	0.974255	0.027114	-0.386422	0.017831	0.921751
+10.703191	0	1300	1300	0	-46.097289	86.089743	2854.843983	425.826198	3.758921	-3.758921	-124.650533	-524.722379	-0.696264	0.027801	-0.391478	0.007252	0.919739
+10.713222	0	728	1300	1079	-46.439442	86.431896	2866.190201	260.017128	3.387465	-3.387465	-112.332608	192.808724	0.009204	0.027194	-0.394084	0.011727	0.918597
+10.723223	0	1300	1300	234	-46.859796	86.852250	2880.129695	296.398197	3.703980	-3.703980	-122.828628	-187.855442	-0.880669	0.026598	-0.397635	0.005802	0.917140
+10.733194	0	0	1300	1300	-46.962246	86.954700	2883.527057	93.676533	2.008962	-2.008962	-66.619696	1085.758530	3.031605	0.026612	-0.397821	0.031241	0.916545
+10.743217	0	507	1300	1300	-47.319189	87.311643	2895.363718	239.651051	1.783531	-1.783531	-59.144137	244.486158	3.406941	0.026177	-0.400652	0.033468	0.915244
+10.753227	0	1300	1300	0	-48.039888	88.032342	2919.263023	489.036410	3.351276	-3.351276	-111.132518	-994.250396	-0.028038	0.026609	-0.406887	0.011679	0.913016
+10.763308	0	1196	1300	611	-48.636314	88.628769	2939.041265	428.351534	3.250880	-3.250880	-107.803255	-25.050328	0.275719	0.026839	-0.411574	0.013873	0.910875
+10.773209	0	1248	1300	559	-49.070620	89.063074	2953.443380	323.694727	3.317168	-3.317168	-110.001446	-45.705879	0.268984	0.027305	-0.415017	0.014153	0.909294
+10.783180	0	1066	1300	741	-49.600185	89.592639	2971.004409	374.071387	3.260814	-3.260814	-108.132678	32.501225	0.522336	0.027739	-0.419162	0.016070	0.907345
+10.793172	0	1079	1300	728	-49.897551	89.890005	2980.865454	227.146217	3.228865	-3.228865	-107.073226	23.704704	0.580848	0.027681	-0.421505	0.016478	0.906253
+10.803240	0	598	1300	1209	-50.322942	90.315396	2994.971940	294.881890	2.863641	-2.863641	-94.961929	237.696144	1.186232	0.027015	-0.424781	0.019990	0.904672
+10.813240	0	1261	1300	546	-50.775959	90.768413	3009.994554	320.790656	2.997767	-2.997767	-99.409718	-65.431727	0.982533	0.027305	-0.428381	0.018958	0.902987
+10.823287	0	1300	1300	39	-51.184373	91.176827	3023.538090	292.949667	3.425648	-3.425648	-113.598773	-282.412657	0.409314	0.028500	-0.431671	0.016131	0.901437
+10.833230	0	1300	1300	338	-51.480831	91.473285	3033.369009	220.157581	3.602634	-3.602634	-119.467883	-141.260698	0.234413	0.029203	-0.434021	0.015493	0.900296
+10.843210	0	1170	1300	637	-51.841640	91.834094	3045.333872	254.622195	3.587262	-3.587262	-118.958114	-2.871225	0.321984	0.029378	-0.436834	0.016208	0.898916
+10.853237	0	1196	1300	611	-52.191765	92.184219	3056.944461	249.746465	3.609817	-3.609817	-119.706050	-14.861185	0.290172	0.029399	-0.439583	0.016127	0.897576
+10.863316	0	403	1300	1300	-52.579536	92.571990	3069.803429	272.389973	3.092145	-3.092145	-102.539399	332.203823	1.115430	0.028499	-0.442493	0.020673	0.896080
+10.873341	0	1300	1300	0	-53.015898	93.008352	3084.273755	307.239738	3.787732	-3.787732	-125.605939	-420.242397	0.000800	0.029577	-0.446078	0.014756	0.894383
+10.883212	0	1027	1300	780	-53.399798	93.392252	3097.004362	280.348677	3.632027	-3.632027	-120.442581	63.585536	0.342802	0.029654	-0.449005	0.016910	0.892877
+10.893359	0	1053	1300	754	-53.667247	93.659701	3105.873316	196.421254	3.563487	-3.563487	-118.169720	49.596201	0.524632	0.029810	-0.451051	0.018118	0.891816
+10.903290	0	1300	1300	0	-53.901799	93.894253	3113.651357	171.141413	4.203151	-4.203151	-139.381757	-413.189445	-0.362667	0.031255	-0.453023	0.013801	0.890844
+10.913273	0	1222	1300	585	-54.309143	94.301597	3127.159374	280.335057	4.157651	-4.157651	-137.872937	-8.048458	-0.426080	0.030580	-0.456209	0.013249	0.889248
+10.923321	0	1300	1300	442	-54.648104	94.640558	3138.399759	244.385936	4.262410	-4.262410	-141.346883	-68.416100	-0.534790	0.030898	-0.458854	0.012927	0.887880
+10.933204	0	0	1300	1300	-54.960887	94.953341	3148.772017	227.616548	3.420568	-3.420568	-113.430316	545.896559	0.831305	0.029823	-0.461036	0.020205	0.886650
+10.943342	0	1300	1300	0	-55.272274	95.264728	3159.098021	220.005825	4.062830	-4.062830	-134.728552	-362.617058	-0.026394	0.031297	-0.463571	0.016239	0.885358
+10.953286	0	1300	1300	0	-55.631290	95.623744	3171.003423	254.276328	4.579034	-4.579034	-151.846507	-369.835730	-0.921013	0.031584	-0.466525	0.011538	0.883869
+10.963219	0	1300	1300	416	-55.935107	95.927561	3181.078383	221.626637	4.637101	-4.637101	-153.772095	-71.740949	-0.983987	0.031706	-0.468877	0.011394	0.882621
+10.973342	0	13	1300	1300	-56.240391	96.232845	3191.201987	215.846951	3.794077	-3.794077	-125.816362	534.576859	0.525766	0.031357	-0.470926	0.019647	0.881397
+10.983366	0	949	1300	858	-56.388055	96.380509	3196.098717	115.197068	3.710725	-3.710725	-123.052287	102.465559	0.656910	0.031242	-0.472040	0.020346	0.880789
+10.993234	0	1300	1300	0	-56.784522	96.776976	3209.246070	271.010111	4.601011	-4.601011	-152.575287	-575.335730	-0.797491	0.032005	-0.475356	0.012969	0.879115
+11.003340	0	1105	1300	702	-57.167661	97.160115	3221.951415	270.664758	4.439711	-4.439711	-147.226376	51.871767	-0.366502	0.032484	-0.478191	0.015726	0.877514
+11.013330	0	0	1300	1300	-55.878059	95.870513	3179.186605	-813.013949	-3.262404	3.262404	108.185430	5007.518070	11.863141	0.023385	-0.468433	0.077993	0.879739
+11.023275	1001	1300	806	0	-51.286340	91.278794	3026.919424	-3069.029535	4.152974	-4.152974	-137.717837	-4378.839252	-1.527923	0.026896	-0.432878	0.003667	0.901044
+11.033238	0	1300	1300	0	-56.650895	96.643350	3204.814834	3213.107566	10.755781	-10.755781	-356.675203	-4698.740607	-9.907483	0.041402	-0.477750	-0.031374	0.876958
+11.043245	1300	0	0	1300	-47.016868	87.009322	2885.338372	-5956.064742	-9.594650	9.594650	318.170638	12771.028085	25.026511	0.011253	-0.404661	0.165420	0.899310
+11.053303	0	1300	1300	0	-52.130893	92.123347	3054.925885	2762.694777	4.635522	-4.635522	-153.719732	-8031.251857	-1.283755	0.031408	-0.439417	0.007714	0.897701
+11.063331	676	0	1131	1300	-47.423743	87.416197	2898.830872	-2796.410091	-10.012798	10.012798	332.036940	8753.560324	25.349364	0.009946	-0.408372	0.165887	0.897560
+11.073258	0	0	1300	1300	-47.679827	87.672281	2907.322932	-88.622909	-10.137442	10.137442	336.170297	882.522176	25.452339	0.009863	-0.410514	0.165876	0.896586
+11.083312	0	1300	1300	0	-52.843213	92.835667	3078.547293	3326.368179	3.981686	-3.981686	-132.037707	-9037.942036	-1.286392	0.026117	-0.445026	0.005410	0.895121
+11.093239	0	1300	1300	0	-53.422985	93.415439	3097.773269	683.171261	4.503206	-4.503206	-149.331959	-1167.818919	-1.348357	0.029808	-0.449533	0.007156	0.892738
+11.103311	0	0	1300	1300	-58.042370	98.034825	3250.957894	3039.936554	-0.236724	0.236724	7.850077	2950.477091	5.672106	0.022199	-0.484627	0.042265	0.873417
+11.113242	0	1300	1300	0	-53.857981	93.850435	3112.198271	-2454.477932	4.166640	-4.166640	-138.171013	-2605.661316	-1.433479	0.026747	-0.452957	0.005317	0.891115
+11.123331	1105	1300	702	0	-49.449971	89.442425	2966.023128	-3058.941360	19.081660	-19.081660	-632.771803	-9836.323310	-26.309059	0.052734	-0.435917	-0.136348	0.888034
+11.133308	0	0	1300	1300	-58.762183	98.754637	3274.827765	5777.108506	-4.093906	4.093906	135.759053	14175.098451	11.020984	0.016102	-0.491026	0.066180	0.868478
+11.143325	0	1300	1300	0	-54.553914	94.546368	3135.276294	-2202.340190	3.789794	-3.789794	-125.674321	-3821.537184	-1.519731	0.023312	-0.458391	0.003372	0.888438
+11.153296	0	1300	1300	0	-54.798999	94.791453	3143.403631	-41.274636	3.862434	-3.862434	-128.083165	-395.594998	-1.403194	0.024285	-0.460263	0.004642	0.887438
+11.163338	0	0	1300	1300	-54.467900	94.460354	3132.423968	-217.785864	-20.766769	20.766769	688.652153	15886.381889	33.965659	-0.021789	-0.477309	0.176570	0.860537
+11.173326	0	1300	1300	0	-55.226196	95.218650	3157.570003	472.809347	3.508590	-3.508590	-116.349250	-14324.787251	-1.354611	0.021648	-0.463570	0.003719	0.885788
+11.183293	637	1300	1170	0	-50.725327	90.717781	3008.315553	-2886.493573	19.311907	-19.311907	-640.407080	-11592.516688	-26.419332	0.051057	-0.445739	-0.133618	0.883660
+11.193423	0	0	1300	1300	-55.696921	95.689375	3173.179833	2929.264326	3.715310	-3.715310	-123.204356	8961.561081	-1.639143	0.021981	-0.467251	0.002501	0.883848
+11.203457	0	0	1300	1300	-55.922665	95.915119	3180.665797	411.520445	3.737934	-3.737934	-123.954570	797.541028	-1.996156	0.020639	-0.469057	-0.000088	0.882927
+11.213448	0	78	1300	1300	-56.144961	96.137415	3188.037400	181.817395	3.101887	-3.101887	-102.862477	485.660223	-0.814089	0.020539	-0.470574	0.006470	0.882098
+11.223310	0	1300	1300	0	-56.306548	96.299002	3193.395844	122.932513	3.645481	-3.645481	-120.888721	-312.532313	-1.653774	0.021236	-0.471949	0.002289	0.881367
+11.233323	0	1274	1300	533	-56.687766	96.680220	3206.037518	258.260164	3.677741	-3.677741	-121.958525	-49.289171	-1.695799	0.021217	-0.474884	0.002216	0.879790
+11.243322	0	1300	1300	390	-56.808462	96.800917	3210.039954	101.812637	3.842229	-3.842229	-127.413143	-111.234427	-1.609217	0.022809	-0.475789	0.003600	0.879256
+11.253437	975	1300	832	0	-51.997666	91.990120	3050.507914	-3080.482062	20.487662	-20.487662	-679.396617	-10700.219530	-27.568474	0.052458	-0.457027	-0.135030	0.877577
+11.263486	0	0	1300	1300	-57.033056	97.025511	3217.487772	2974.398557	4.402497	-4.402497	-145.992341	9423.664527	-2.529060	0.023214	-0.477689	-0.001044	0.878222
+11.273326	0	0	1300	1300	-57.256286	97.248740	3224.890339	421.392845	3.554888	-3.554888	-117.884535	1427.512861	-1.589569	0.020580	-0.479224	0.002690	0.877447
+11.283489	0	1300	1300	221	-57.353598	97.346052	3228.117343	99.977410	4.034360	-4.034360	-133.784455	-178.729203	-1.855449	0.023113	-0.480008	0.002692	0.876955
+11.293334	1300	1300	364	0	-52.312843	92.305297	3060.959572	-3308.707447	21.598684	-21.598684	-716.239491	-11577.670780	-28.744262	0.055436	-0.461210	-0.138842	0.874606
+11.303416	0	0	1300	1300	-57.564187	97.556641	3235.100719	3084.052141	3.265698	-3.265698	-108.294647	10764.343646	-2.054636	0.016341	-0.481655	-0.001990	0.876206
+11.313480	0	338	1300	1300	-57.709707	97.702161	3239.926352	372.634951	4.158721	-4.158721	-137.908425	396.745140	-3.111399	0.018674	-0.482960	-0.006259	0.875421
+11.323340	0	0	1300	1300	-58.378997	98.371451	3262.120845	474.244170	-21.677980	21.677980	718.869047	17019.278957	33.857688	-0.017579	-0.506046	0.161934	0.846986
+11.333459	0	1300	1300	0	-58.196169	98.188623	3256.058047	-74.723715	3.641459	-3.641459	-120.755351	-14724.428507	-1.266775	0.022387	-0.486338	0.005796	0.873465
+11.343403	1300	0	0	1300	-48.032087	88.024541	2919.004332	-6636.510488	-35.689379	35.689379	1183.504633	24308.725741	56.084385	-0.064918	-0.473523	0.298688	0.826043
+11.353448	0	1300	1300	0	-58.563782	98.556236	3268.248566	6205.785999	3.308138	-3.308138	-109.701997	-23003.260964	-1.226681	0.019942	-0.489145	0.004784	0.871962
+11.363421	0	1300	1300	0	-58.642157	98.634611	3270.847553	616.536229	3.774161	-3.774161	-125.155916	-2399.518845	-1.183490	0.023655	-0.489708	0.007125	0.871536
+11.373400	0	1300	1300	0	-58.856868	98.849322	3277.967658	195.758493	4.113291	-4.113291	-136.401900	-439.053193	-1.837912	0.023378	-0.491458	0.003671	0.870580
+11.383427	1131	1300	676	0	-53.858041	93.850495	3112.200277	-3218.268920	22.821271	-22.821271	-756.782006	-12150.542644	-30.077650	0.055157	-0.474498	-0.140236	0.867262
+11.393499	0	0	1300	1300	-59.118762	99.111216	3286.652378	3101.051409	3.512378	-3.512378	-116.474860	11351.516944	-1.330052	0.020933	-0.493370	0.005026	0.869553
+11.403380	507	1300	1300	0	-54.201342	94.193796	3123.584551	-2941.038874	22.181488	-22.181488	-735.566012	-11204.484833	-29.206072	0.053002	-0.475780	-0.135447	0.867455
+11.413412	0	0	1300	1300	-59.294667	99.287121	3292.485605	3029.109439	3.993684	-3.993684	-132.435571	10753.016543	-2.240449	0.020612	-0.494857	0.000252	0.868730
+11.423482	0	0	1300	1300	-59.432225	99.424679	3297.047217	362.335737	4.449052	-4.449052	-147.536165	677.724921	-2.327529	0.023644	-0.495912	0.001611	0.868049
+11.433407	0	0	1300	1300	-59.556398	99.548853	3301.164962	114.300647	3.708628	-3.708628	-122.982772	545.827540	-1.670568	0.020846	-0.496740	0.003422	0.867642
+11.443412	0	0	1300	1300	-60.211741	100.204195	3322.896930	435.474116	-21.543368	21.543368	714.405138	16429.313360	32.075945	-0.019253	-0.518251	0.144696	0.842679
+11.453332	0	1300	1300	0	-59.643948	99.636402	3304.068211	-331.287118	4.492348	-4.492348	-148.971900	-15515.014137	-2.388028	0.023641	-0.497525	0.001422	0.867126
+11.463484	0	1300	1300	0	-59.738977	99.731431	3307.219502	31.121738	3.962967	-3.962967	-131.416975	-1052.374956	-1.936602	0.021568	-0.498164	0.002572	0.866811
+11.473426	0	676	1300	1131	-59.794597	99.787051	3309.063930	39.129882	3.477557	-3.477557	-115.320158	220.496861	-1.550155	0.019563	-0.498528	0.003401	0.866646
+11.483437	0	1300	1300	0	-59.875529	99.867983	3311.747718	56.021301	4.299174	-4.299174	-142.566017	-512.626710	-2.504472	0.021597	-0.499299	-0.000210	0.866161
+11.493510	0	975	1300	832	-59.896102	99.888556	3312.429968	18.322454	4.069742	-4.069742	-134.957765	101.611986	-2.063269	0.021779	-0.499373	0.002132	0.866111
+11.503394	0	1066	1300	741	-60.024147	100.016601	3316.676100	85.663193	3.999732	-3.999732	-132.636144	55.252795	-2.016382	0.021418	-0.500332	0.002225	0.865566
+11.513460	0	858	1300	949	-60.034306	100.026760	3317.012967	14.294092	3.776646	-3.776646	-125.238324	148.900317	-1.794503	0.020699	-0.500373	0.002931	0.865557
+11.523439	0	1300	1300	0	-60.060431	100.052885	3317.879308	18.288121	4.602354	-4.602354	-152.619851	-523.302087	-2.637935	0.023243	-0.500721	0.000177	0.865297
+11.533344	1300	0	0	1300	-54.142231	94.134685	3121.624383	-3872.367415	-16.177361	16.177361	536.461619	13554.383433	29.569752	-0.006161	-0.467623	0.163057	0.868736
+11.543374	0	1300	1300	0	-60.088724	100.081178	3318.817557	3497.376059	4.427849	-4.427849	-146.833031	-12106.417110	-2.909786	0.020727	-0.500984	-0.002627	0.865204
+11.553436	1300	0	0	1300	-52.660105	92.652559	3072.475211	-4477.585908	-34.928015	34.928015	1158.256842	24302.237417	51.373503	-0.059000	-0.497871	0.250620	0.828151
+11.563432	0	0	1300	1300	-52.583798	92.576252	3069.944772	-456.738480	-35.073950	35.073950	1163.096225	2304.836133	51.634057	-0.059249	-0.497851	0.252152	0.827679
+11.573400	0	0	1300	1300	-53.292603	93.285057	3093.449633	419.674714	-34.459956	34.459956	1142.735420	-189.468902	50.493559	-0.056758	-0.500358	0.243956	0.828798
+11.583550	0	1300	1300	0	-55.957619	95.950073	3181.824917	1743.822178	-31.565295	31.565295	1046.744808	-1870.198321	45.625926	-0.046368	-0.509274	0.211878	0.832825
+11.593530	0	0	1300	1300	-54.929068	94.921522	3147.716882	-509.870773	-32.949911	32.949911	1092.660426	729.849051	47.784288	-0.050947	-0.506282	0.225029	0.830930
+11.603435	0	0	1300	1300	-54.645065	94.637519	3138.298990	-232.663532	-33.417076	33.417076	1108.152192	372.733197	48.367986	-0.052912	-0.505677	0.228216	0.830306
+11.613547	0	1300	1300	0	-57.527807	97.520261	3233.894327	1830.947662	-29.673218	29.673218	984.001164	-2371.527099	42.672936	-0.039838	-0.514947	0.193543	0.834136
+11.623461	0	0	1300	1300	-57.388191	97.380645	3229.264489	76.444405	-30.211231	30.211231	1001.842343	134.599734	43.347444	-0.041239	-0.515197	0.196496	0.833223
+11.633439	0	1300	1300	0	-61.150384	101.142838	3354.023531	2453.312971	-23.328454	23.328454	773.600819	-4463.234787	33.690909	-0.022233	-0.527231	0.145919	0.836804
+11.643584	0	0	1300	1300	-57.916415	97.908869	3246.781053	-1851.237462	-29.376127	29.376127	974.149255	3473.078057	42.353015	-0.037686	-0.516866	0.191273	0.833573
+11.653507	0	0	1300	1300	-56.151051	96.143505	3188.239370	-1323.180907	-31.971799	31.971799	1060.224989	2014.282915	46.125718	-0.046335	-0.511465	0.213024	0.831190
+11.663527	0	0	1300	1300	-55.896606	95.889060	3179.801646	-284.892207	-32.412779	32.412779	1074.848453	468.437020	46.728077	-0.047854	-0.510922	0.216319	0.830587
+11.673571	0	0	1300	1300	-53.526855	93.519309	3101.217724	-1557.507724	-35.166928	35.166928	1166.179484	1822.586298	51.043103	-0.058462	-0.503596	0.243960	0.826714
+11.683507	0	0	1300	1300	-54.492397	94.484851	3133.236325	487.830786	-33.869172	33.869172	1123.144291	-680.441220	49.304327	-0.052681	-0.506061	0.233551	0.828602
+11.693457	0	0	1300	1300	-50.759634	90.752088	3009.453215	-2388.868723	-37.474562	37.474562	1242.703536	2288.242866	55.331616	-0.068580	-0.494251	0.275325	0.821711
+11.703569	0	1300	1300	0	-55.501449	95.493903	3166.697759	2831.181466	-33.085332	33.085332	1097.151166	-2613.734682	47.942059	-0.048905	-0.510228	0.223521	0.829044
+11.713501	0	1300	1300	143	-57.110015	97.102469	3220.039800	1309.344829	-31.327749	31.327749	1038.867508	-1386.759881	44.958398	-0.043156	-0.515954	0.204115	0.830823
+11.723445	0	0	1300	1300	-57.540386	97.532840	3234.311455	400.356933	-30.914082	30.914082	1025.149781	-396.535188	44.238853	-0.041750	-0.517713	0.199287	0.830972
+11.733605	0	0	1300	1300	-55.844613	95.837067	3178.077484	-1048.812286	-33.202944	33.202944	1101.051321	1428.518809	47.732702	-0.049297	-0.512525	0.220248	0.828480
+11.743465	0	1300	1300	0	-58.139798	98.132253	3254.188728	1412.074987	-30.284523	30.284523	1004.272820	-1786.770436	43.155696	-0.039826	-0.520103	0.192252	0.831232
+11.753573	0	0	1300	1300	-58.572744	98.565198	3268.545736	405.348381	-29.738033	29.738033	986.150513	-512.048562	42.308942	-0.038105	-0.521704	0.187150	0.831474
+11.763526	0	0	1300	1300	-57.490223	97.482677	3232.647994	-668.502948	-31.432221	31.432221	1042.331908	1057.403074	44.525941	-0.044400	-0.518401	0.199198	0.830427
+11.773569	0	0	1300	1300	-56.724076	96.716530	3207.241603	-555.787651	-32.664306	32.664306	1083.189417	892.195930	46.481981	-0.047484	-0.516523	0.210477	0.828642
+11.783505	0	520	1300	1287	-57.898606	97.891060	3246.190482	715.844099	-31.226604	31.226604	1035.513414	-856.866411	44.151472	-0.043044	-0.520512	0.196011	0.829936
+11.793563	0	910	1300	897	-58.911307	98.903761	3279.772926	718.475946	-29.809882	29.809882	988.533134	-992.041051	41.985862	-0.038858	-0.523899	0.183358	0.830903
+11.803605	0	1300	1300	0	-60.641774	100.634229	3337.157396	1183.774512	-26.876040	26.876040	891.243239	-1986.503446	37.661268	-0.031380	-0.529489	0.159950	0.832510
+11.813564	0	1300	1300	481	-61.290252	101.282707	3358.661740	530.419531	-25.553256	25.553256	847.378063	-1042.892572	35.777050	-0.028375	-0.531510	0.150449	0.833101
+11.823577	1300	0	0	1300	-55.400615	95.393069	3163.353969	-3769.376930	-34.987529	34.987529	1160.230399	6020.402169	49.714666	-0.055128	-0.514154	0.228181	0.824949
+11.833555	0	1300	1300	0	-58.242804	98.235258	3257.604521	1504.763583	-31.643851	31.643851	1049.349836	-1625.805962	44.379044	-0.043708	-0.523502	0.194570	0.828358
+11.843508	0	0	1300	1300	-56.529269	96.521723	3200.781554	-979.378041	-34.138301	34.138301	1132.068947	1477.272982	48.519554	-0.049701	-0.518933	0.219222	0.824731
+11.853577	0	0	1300	1300	-55.396166	95.388621	3163.206445	-819.217159	-35.542847	35.542847	1178.645439	1039.251585	50.594211	-0.055187	-0.515665	0.232027	0.822926
+11.863479	0	1300	1300	0	-65.019363	105.011817	3482.323722	6225.919609	-17.348125	17.348125	575.285606	-11818.188537	25.165862	-0.008382	-0.546241	0.102507	0.831290
+11.873585	0	0	1300	1300	-67.734394	107.726848	3572.357558	2305.680482	-24.095873	24.095873	799.049413	3272.997955	35.618295	0.001675	-0.571887	0.137616	0.808705
+11.883508	0	1300	1300	0	-65.916528	105.908982	3512.074846	-976.926341	-15.862802	15.862802	526.030442	-5080.832001	23.411084	-0.004055	-0.551108	0.095095	0.828988
+11.893523	0	1300	1300	0	-68.268684	108.261138	3590.075297	1435.651123	7.386877	-7.386877	-244.958103	-15528.484872	-5.214203	0.027794	-0.561816	-0.001463	0.826794
+11.903477	0	0	1300	1300	-67.155917	107.148371	3553.174554	-594.095242	-10.702646	10.702646	354.913178	10370.796178	17.094866	0.005007	-0.556093	0.072280	0.827956
+11.913474	0	0	1300	1300	-66.815701	106.808155	3541.892539	-274.865651	-16.742469	16.742469	555.201289	4863.639851	24.960494	-0.000942	-0.558120	0.100210	0.823686
+11.923543	1300	0	0	1300	-56.193810	96.186264	3189.657313	-6874.887758	-19.487182	19.487182	646.219432	2209.458201	32.599501	-0.013019	-0.487415	0.167514	0.856852
+11.933552	0	0	1300	1300	-56.202629	96.195083	3189.949753	-618.760678	-19.787010	19.787010	656.162114	395.108668	32.900611	-0.013954	-0.487953	0.168467	0.856345
+11.943705	0	0	1300	1300	-56.266184	96.258638	3192.057311	-14.801499	-19.913569	19.913569	660.358960	116.429204	33.090661	-0.013910	-0.488612	0.169194	0.855826
+11.953552	0	0	1300	1300	-56.343032	96.335486	3194.605686	49.208991	-19.991436	19.991436	662.941129	61.977969	33.152718	-0.014008	-0.489277	0.169138	0.855456
+11.963658	0	0	1300	1300	-56.378624	96.371078	3195.785966	27.307743	-20.156597	20.156597	668.418078	111.738099	33.321959	-0.014416	-0.489793	0.169609	0.855060
+11.973607	0	0	1300	1300	-56.507923	96.500377	3200.073686	86.792940	-20.221489	20.221489	670.569962	52.512501	33.412192	-0.014143	-0.490811	0.169686	0.854465
+11.983633	0	0	1300	1300	-56.549316	96.541770	3201.446338	34.670250	-20.395080	20.395080	676.326455	117.147954	33.567532	-0.014652	-0.491379	0.169998	0.854068
+11.993567	0	0	1300	1300	-56.628580	96.621034	3204.074810	54.918917	-20.535008	20.535008	680.966638	102.067715	33.731775	-0.014761	-0.492165	0.170424	0.853529
+12.003514	0	0	1300	1300	-56.912932	96.905386	3213.504284	190.439149	-20.396795	20.396795	676.383322	-80.803070	33.415632	-0.014271	-0.493917	0.167958	0.853014
+12.013555	0	0	1300	1300	-57.007555	97.000010	3216.642127	78.425963	-20.524750	20.524750	680.626489	75.409320	33.551383	-0.014365	-0.494785	0.168182	0.852465
+12.023576	0	0	1300	1300	-57.052220	97.044675	3218.123275	36.045963	-20.542741	20.542741	681.223102	18.495441	33.554206	-0.014357	-0.495125	0.168014	0.852301
+12.033646	0	0	1300	1300	-57.029394	97.021849	3217.366336	-11.462969	-20.684463	20.684463	685.922775	93.058879	33.743421	-0.014660	-0.495198	0.168865	0.852085
+12.043557	0	1300	1300	0	-68.428215	108.420669	3595.365544	7456.497136	0.353533	-0.353533	-11.723607	-13755.339050	3.361342	0.019041	-0.561968	0.025987	0.826532
+12.053648	0	0	1300	1300	-67.751721	107.744175	3572.932154	236.896102	-8.860877	8.860877	293.837820	4690.359629	14.525245	0.006633	-0.559379	0.061932	0.826569
+12.063721	0	0	1300	1300	-67.771366	107.763820	3573.583598	34.058346	-11.006511	11.006511	364.989729	1806.804324	17.270751	0.004615	-0.560630	0.071206	0.824986
+12.073547	0	0	1300	1300	-67.725314	107.717768	3572.056453	-27.219630	-11.278592	11.278592	374.012284	346.298549	17.561785	0.004008	-0.560464	0.072036	0.825030
+12.083699	0	0	1300	1300	-66.062269	106.054723	3516.907784	-1066.956267	-19.650871	19.650871	651.647555	5390.149187	27.928385	-0.009228	-0.555750	0.109076	0.824111
+12.093633	0	1300	1300	0	-66.821370	106.813824	3542.080535	398.007091	-16.331148	16.331148	541.561367	-1674.350770	23.848045	-0.003388	-0.557790	0.094200	0.824612
+12.103695	0	1300	1300	0	-68.885020	108.877474	3610.513761	1367.669458	-4.221986	4.221986	140.006367	-7965.498832	9.357510	0.015826	-0.565790	0.046460	0.823088
+12.113550	0	0	1300	1300	-66.969943	106.962398	3547.007424	-1133.386021	-18.239639	18.239639	604.849339	8484.391265	26.675427	-0.002961	-0.560547	0.104882	0.821449
+12.123708	0	0	1300	1300	-63.323602	103.316056	3426.090157	-2434.344754	-25.953548	25.953548	860.652256	5695.405526	36.101531	-0.023233	-0.545549	0.144936	0.825125
+12.133636	0	1300	1300	0	-64.845393	104.837847	3476.554662	771.303447	-22.451137	22.451137	744.507903	-1766.672262	31.728408	-0.014307	-0.550793	0.125931	0.824963
+12.143682	0	0	1300	1300	-64.279398	104.271852	3457.785556	-295.943653	-24.253168	24.253168	804.265492	1004.611170	34.107827	-0.017523	-0.549412	0.135946	0.824232
+12.153617	0	0	1300	1300	-63.174937	103.167391	3421.160239	-748.058986	-27.497820	27.497820	911.862250	2209.988930	38.473184	-0.023520	-0.547086	0.155075	0.822250
+12.163654	0	0	1300	1300	-62.947418	102.939872	3413.615437	-214.929501	-28.048556	28.048556	930.125332	556.433602	39.155909	-0.024994	-0.546516	0.158063	0.822017
+12.173569	0	0	1300	1300	-61.967683	101.960137	3381.126174	-660.437109	-30.161279	30.161279	1000.185882	1432.697098	42.004878	-0.030083	-0.543989	0.171645	0.820798
+12.183679	0	572	1300	1235	-62.711544	102.703998	3405.793556	418.500586	-28.712804	28.712804	952.152637	-801.718355	39.908774	-0.026992	-0.546098	0.161053	0.821651
+12.193633	0	0	1300	1300	-62.253851	102.246305	3390.615874	-260.059810	-29.634262	29.634262	982.709333	527.297121	41.099106	-0.029566	-0.544790	0.166701	0.821304
+12.203636	0	0	1300	1300	-61.748615	101.741069	3373.861613	-351.416417	-30.577493	30.577493	1013.988052	659.861204	42.312505	-0.032414	-0.543314	0.172616	0.820953
+12.213614	0	1300	1300	0	-65.205315	105.197770	3488.490143	2215.693472	-22.798206	22.798206	756.017132	-4998.339725	32.204101	-0.013477	-0.553639	0.126724	0.822948
+12.223707	0	0	1300	1300	-65.861778	105.854232	3510.259265	622.174642	-23.067337	23.067337	764.941868	-277.397724	32.830320	-0.010453	-0.558363	0.128136	0.819575
+12.233628	1300	0	0	1300	-58.681593	98.674047	3272.155306	-4636.281969	-35.048733	35.048733	1162.260000	7806.112809	48.950276	-0.045313	-0.534021	0.210104	0.817695
+12.243599	0	1300	1300	0	-61.390781	101.383235	3361.995399	1340.167716	-31.325097	31.325097	1038.779567	-1711.300256	43.430918	-0.033811	-0.542531	0.178312	0.820196
+12.253708	0	0	1300	1300	-57.812500	97.804955	3243.335114	-2178.685743	-36.376553	36.376553	1206.292166	3091.906630	50.929846	-0.049257	-0.532099	0.221361	0.815747
+12.263650	0	0	1300	1300	-55.482574	95.475028	3166.071841	-1719.120985	-38.695693	38.695693	1283.197781	1795.544897	54.642255	-0.058934	-0.524781	0.246268	0.812701
+12.273701	0	0	1300	1300	-53.747593	93.740047	3108.537676	-1276.274267	-40.196738	40.196738	1332.974302	1132.078187	57.122907	-0.066266	-0.519389	0.264070	0.810007
+12.283614	0	1300	1300	0	-57.750291	97.742745	3241.272184	2501.289740	-36.385988	36.385988	1206.605063	-2388.945599	50.624163	-0.051010	-0.531610	0.219381	0.816493
+12.293677	0	741	1300	1066	-58.978505	98.970959	3282.001274	1018.599148	-35.034023	35.034023	1161.772208	-1088.295002	48.747944	-0.044913	-0.535716	0.207608	0.817245
+12.303679	390	0	1300	1300	-54.376604	94.369058	3129.396478	-2893.254977	-39.505079	39.505079	1310.038018	2802.024307	55.970618	-0.063675	-0.520811	0.256477	0.811740
+12.313713	858	0	949	1300	-50.190565	90.183019	2990.582155	-2970.352042	-42.430917	42.430917	1407.062493	2146.802542	61.354719	-0.080129	-0.507250	0.298726	0.804387
+12.323641	0	0	1300	1300	-52.254906	92.247360	3059.038303	1076.659455	-41.294421	41.294421	1369.374864	-545.932975	58.873069	-0.073189	-0.514471	0.277666	0.808000
+12.333758	0	0	1300	1300	-53.500854	93.493308	3100.355516	896.890637	-40.007949	40.007949	1326.713819	-875.171739	57.018298	-0.066559	-0.517466	0.265199	0.810845
+12.343740	0	1300	1300	0	-57.534446	97.526900	3234.114493	2703.539459	-36.429268	36.429268	1208.040289	-2405.865088	50.703233	-0.051879	-0.530433	0.220579	0.816881
+12.353598	0	975	1300	832	-58.641399	98.633853	3270.822424	976.736470	-34.948821	34.948821	1158.946800	-1194.868723	48.456978	-0.047064	-0.533396	0.207198	0.818745
+12.363624	1300	0	0	1300	-43.008287	83.000741	2752.408813	-10032.524438	-45.440425	45.440425	1506.861551	6684.052163	68.891923	-0.105086	-0.482094	0.368664	0.787801
+12.373750	0	0	1300	1300	-47.455988	87.448442	2899.900144	1951.907712	-44.277823	44.277823	1468.308218	-145.160877	64.994707	-0.090724	-0.499718	0.327683	0.796665
+12.383674	0	1300	1300	0	-63.756361	103.748815	3440.440988	10830.321933	3.596201	-3.596201	-119.254532	-31297.046129	-0.899878	0.022499	-0.528048	0.009905	0.848859
+12.393794	0	1300	1300	0	-63.770113	103.762567	3440.897022	982.777816	3.802700	-3.802700	-126.102299	-2947.042996	-1.048854	0.023339	-0.528162	0.009757	0.848767
+12.403688	0	1300	1300	0	-63.722372	103.714826	3439.313882	58.930252	4.185244	-4.185244	-138.787959	-521.185807	-1.276498	0.025135	-0.527824	0.009819	0.848925
+12.413809	1300	1300	117	0	-58.085315	98.077769	3252.381980	-3613.040327	26.810784	-26.810784	-889.079251	-14569.846117	-32.871912	0.060790	-0.510286	-0.132676	0.847532
+12.423732	0	1300	1300	0	-58.056846	98.049300	3251.437906	-349.378802	26.855753	-26.855753	-890.570495	-1363.256983	-32.989166	0.060687	-0.510206	-0.133425	0.847470
+12.433770	0	1300	1300	0	-58.064681	98.057136	3251.697755	-26.584783	26.854043	-26.854043	-890.513795	-122.400029	-32.965467	0.060756	-0.510245	-0.133235	0.847471
+12.443796	0	1300	1300	0	-58.088382	98.080836	3252.483687	12.932829	27.013041	-27.013041	-895.786372	-114.038778	-33.149588	0.061039	-0.510690	-0.133820	0.847091
+12.453791	0	1300	1300	0	-58.031264	98.023718	3250.589585	-35.907010	27.098831	-27.098831	-898.631283	-66.070336	-33.271550	0.061305	-0.510465	-0.134504	0.847098
+12.463671	0	0	1300	1300	-63.718655	103.711109	3439.190625	3728.212188	4.151460	-4.151460	-137.667628	15049.758192	-1.444968	0.024110	-0.527835	0.008414	0.848963
+12.473766	0	0	1300	1300	-63.757903	103.750357	3440.492120	361.277699	4.175288	-4.175288	-138.457802	1341.114270	-1.631374	0.023417	-0.528163	0.007156	0.848790
+12.483658	0	676	1300	1131	-63.666930	103.659384	3437.475352	-26.452570	4.002481	-4.002481	-132.727303	236.382613	-1.483102	0.022844	-0.527470	0.007429	0.849234
+12.493710	0	884	1300	923	-63.726788	103.719242	3439.460320	36.268369	3.825165	-3.825165	-126.847266	135.915504	-1.285196	0.022426	-0.527886	0.008097	0.848980
+12.503794	0	884	1300	923	-63.694727	103.687181	3438.397119	-17.376369	3.643582	-3.643582	-120.825755	129.206512	-1.141869	0.021748	-0.527634	0.008314	0.849152
+12.513657	0	962	1300	845	-63.645933	103.638388	3436.779080	-33.662946	3.520974	-3.520974	-116.759933	92.463238	-1.061727	0.021219	-0.527267	0.008330	0.849394
+12.523745	0	1170	1300	637	-63.653384	103.645839	3437.026163	1.760909	3.545708	-3.545708	-117.580139	-7.584508	-0.657556	0.023261	-0.527241	0.011441	0.849320
+12.533688	0	1300	1300	0	-63.556574	103.549028	3433.815816	-62.990823	4.451600	-4.451600	-147.620645	-591.629234	-2.006777	0.023795	-0.526734	0.005575	0.849679
+12.543792	0	299	1300	1300	-63.598520	103.590974	3435.206786	21.292674	3.739065	-3.739065	-123.992104	404.784337	-1.313658	0.021688	-0.526948	0.007452	0.849588
+12.553684	0	1300	1300	481	-63.647419	103.639874	3436.828356	34.002656	3.894561	-3.894561	-129.148529	-64.745143	-1.197426	0.023363	-0.527276	0.009043	0.849325
+12.563752	0	442	1300	1300	-63.707711	103.700166	3438.827716	41.957997	3.384982	-3.384982	-112.250256	322.807231	-0.824238	0.021292	-0.527691	0.009480	0.849117
+12.573781	1300	0	0	1300	-55.741877	95.734331	3174.670632	-5151.992931	-38.326736	38.326736	1270.962693	27026.710918	54.207873	-0.057133	-0.525294	0.243834	0.813233
+12.583757	0	1300	1300	0	-58.097645	98.090099	3252.790851	1062.719756	26.229481	-26.229481	-869.802543	-39522.701720	-32.317328	0.058918	-0.509412	-0.131124	0.848431
+12.593801	0	1300	1300	0	-58.103185	98.095639	3252.974587	99.807254	26.061261	-26.061261	-864.224149	-3469.927465	-32.098791	0.058627	-0.509146	-0.130237	0.848747
+12.603670	0	1300	1300	0	-58.076369	98.068823	3252.085326	-8.429270	26.123080	-26.123080	-866.274123	-359.850161	-32.219218	0.058630	-0.509093	-0.130930	0.848672
+12.613711	0	1300	1300	0	-58.139890	98.132344	3254.191761	40.305087	26.160401	-26.160401	-867.511759	-56.722007	-32.126061	0.059131	-0.509525	-0.129896	0.848537
+12.623795	0	1300	1300	0	-58.066378	98.058833	3251.754028	-43.707042	26.269191	-26.269191	-871.119353	-75.180797	-32.398863	0.058943	-0.509284	-0.131639	0.848426
+12.633769	0	1300	1300	0	-58.081581	98.074035	3252.258173	5.906385	26.246686	-26.246686	-870.373062	7.788228	-32.362580	0.058893	-0.509344	-0.131427	0.848426
+12.643862	0	1300	1300	0	-58.113582	98.106036	3253.319343	21.124778	26.208267	-26.208267	-869.099051	25.424682	-32.314308	0.058727	-0.509495	-0.131151	0.848390
+12.653694	0	1300	1300	0	-58.109569	98.102024	3253.186296	-0.693811	26.188363	-26.188363	-868.439004	15.464214	-32.291023	0.058695	-0.509433	-0.131078	0.848441
+12.663748	0	1300	1300	0	-58.072767	98.065221	3251.965893	-23.828622	26.145639	-26.145639	-867.022220	28.989116	-32.242114	0.058706	-0.509106	-0.131009	0.848647
+12.673763	0	1300	1300	0	-58.044814	98.037268	3251.038919	-20.278886	26.920754	-26.920754	-892.726015	-499.690511	-33.276544	0.059925	-0.510351	-0.135295	0.847140
+12.683806	0	0	1300	1300	-63.671373	103.663827	3437.622687	3635.274128	3.968362	-3.968362	-131.595874	14791.595321	-1.498273	0.022520	-0.527508	0.007161	0.849221
+12.693848	0	0	1300	1300	-63.632043	103.624498	3436.318468	303.796772	3.891612	-3.891612	-129.050731	1389.193164	-1.508409	0.021914	-0.527224	0.006720	0.849417
+12.703797	0	1300	1300	195	-63.607115	103.599569	3435.491798	11.493757	4.361371	-4.361371	-144.628545	-179.389561	-1.980941	0.023230	-0.527107	0.005370	0.849464
+12.713770	0	910	1300	897	-63.599600	103.592054	3435.242615	-3.840897	4.132230	-4.132230	-137.029945	132.717500	-1.805330	0.022341	-0.527028	0.005615	0.849536
+12.723793	1300	0	0	1300	-57.015830	97.008284	3216.916530	-4263.939342	-20.010161	20.010161	663.562064	15646.437583	33.112514	-0.012405	-0.494039	0.167115	0.853138
+12.733773	0	0	1300	1300	-57.010559	97.003013	3216.741733	-391.763829	-20.028112	20.028112	664.157353	1436.664981	33.108740	-0.012570	-0.494028	0.167023	0.853160
+12.743727	0	0	1300	1300	-57.114415	97.106869	3220.185724	31.915339	-19.870500	19.870500	658.930745	28.443380	32.901753	-0.011994	-0.494507	0.165908	0.853108
+12.753809	0	0	1300	1300	-57.103195	97.095649	3219.813639	-4.347660	-20.140680	20.140680	667.890227	176.600764	33.180724	-0.012833	-0.494851	0.166846	0.852713
+12.763905	0	0	1300	1300	-57.164374	97.156828	3221.842441	38.967069	-20.041308	20.041308	664.594951	-48.012859	33.098013	-0.012276	-0.495127	0.166509	0.852627
+12.773898	0	1300	1300	0	-58.082870	98.075324	3252.300912	599.977599	26.647926	-26.647926	-883.678679	-30322.412773	-33.120611	0.058485	-0.510208	-0.135248	0.847334
+12.783783	0	0	1300	1300	-57.101813	97.094267	3219.767827	-588.258795	-20.420824	20.420824	677.180176	28082.038893	33.475417	-0.013648	-0.495285	0.167831	0.852256
+12.793937	0	0	1300	1300	-57.095585	97.088039	3219.561285	-56.725826	-20.437654	20.437654	677.738261	2528.435894	33.481547	-0.013764	-0.495266	0.167819	0.852267
+12.803794	0	0	1300	1300	-57.099420	97.091874	3219.688475	-2.702985	-20.320568	20.320568	673.855552	155.902333	33.341560	-0.013487	-0.495105	0.167275	0.852472
+12.813826	0	0	1300	1300	-57.079246	97.071700	3219.019482	-13.298821	-20.365013	20.365013	675.329392	42.890309	33.371429	-0.013747	-0.495032	0.167355	0.852494
+12.823898	0	0	1300	1300	-57.079105	97.071559	3219.014790	-1.292347	-20.387160	20.387160	676.063831	18.152814	33.391590	-0.013825	-0.495066	0.167409	0.852463
+12.833873	0	0	1300	1300	-57.170073	97.162528	3222.031428	59.050443	-20.291047	20.291047	672.876606	-60.860080	33.188489	-0.013727	-0.495540	0.166089	0.852447
+12.843924	0	0	1300	1300	-57.133683	97.126137	3220.824661	-18.163234	-20.367561	20.367561	675.413916	43.917229	33.285390	-0.013982	-0.495407	0.166569	0.852426
+12.853784	0	1300	1300	0	-63.758070	103.750524	3440.497662	4352.609636	3.638399	-3.638399	-120.653864	-15775.335812	-1.419553	0.020416	-0.528155	0.006251	0.848880
+12.863920	1300	0	0	1300	-50.091832	90.084286	2987.308059	-8369.469783	-42.665019	42.665019	1414.825601	28264.800885	61.354565	-0.082258	-0.507302	0.298106	0.804370
+12.873878	0	1300	1300	0	-63.569707	103.562161	3434.251299	8016.147429	4.162501	-4.162501	-138.033766	-27925.589538	-1.887717	0.022195	-0.526821	0.005133	0.849671
+12.883882	1300	0	0	1300	-45.694811	85.687265	2841.497307	-10867.134566	-44.148903	44.148903	1464.033065	28802.287862	65.497938	-0.096631	-0.489971	0.339249	0.797183
+12.893809	0	1300	1300	0	-57.217109	97.209563	3223.591192	6532.772181	-19.917100	19.917100	660.476034	-13194.283545	32.608165	-0.013320	-0.495265	0.163272	0.853158
+12.903916	0	1300	1300	0	-57.200666	97.193120	3223.045901	577.598917	-19.932613	19.932613	660.990490	-1177.954447	32.650144	-0.013300	-0.495176	0.163557	0.853155
+12.913782	0	0	1300	1300	-57.245437	97.237891	3224.530572	82.568923	-19.849288	19.849288	658.227323	-163.147656	32.490945	-0.013242	-0.495354	0.162623	0.853231
+12.923792	0	0	1300	1300	-57.310662	97.303116	3226.693527	49.788689	-19.783917	19.783917	656.059528	-57.202018	32.383087	-0.013039	-0.495709	0.161945	0.853157
+12.933865	0	0	1300	1300	-57.237616	97.230071	3224.271238	-42.593774	-19.853369	19.853369	658.362646	39.607554	32.562912	-0.012983	-0.495313	0.163160	0.853156
+12.943791	0	0	1300	1300	-57.180479	97.172933	3222.376475	-41.228860	-20.069444	20.069444	665.527953	144.795374	32.831256	-0.013593	-0.495251	0.164363	0.852952
+12.953933	0	0	1300	1300	-57.190815	97.183269	3222.719255	2.922188	-20.396276	20.396276	676.366130	222.388756	33.131007	-0.014699	-0.495831	0.165155	0.852443
+12.963872	0	0	1300	1300	-57.172501	97.164956	3222.111946	-11.683799	-20.295587	20.295587	673.027160	-45.376025	33.016797	-0.014496	-0.495543	0.164786	0.852686
+12.973792	0	0	1300	1300	-57.181113	97.173567	3222.397500	4.559118	-20.341124	20.341124	674.537208	25.611876	33.082285	-0.014527	-0.495677	0.165055	0.852555
+12.983921	0	0	1300	1300	-57.154264	97.146718	3221.507172	-16.811541	-20.292937	20.292937	672.939281	-28.606618	33.008506	-0.014565	-0.495410	0.164781	0.852763
+12.993780	0	0	1300	1300	-57.132000	97.124454	3220.768852	-16.184253	-20.413087	20.413087	676.923588	76.348450	33.147350	-0.014922	-0.495444	0.165349	0.852627
+13.003812	0	0	1300	1300	-57.137204	97.129658	3220.941426	1.900353	-20.355567	20.355567	675.016161	-30.298250	33.064340	-0.014838	-0.495387	0.164967	0.852735
+13.013904	0	0	1300	1300	-57.142120	97.134574	3221.104445	3.335041	-20.346578	20.346578	674.718088	-8.516263	33.024653	-0.014929	-0.495403	0.164699	0.852776
+13.023793	0	0	1300	1300	-57.125183	97.117637	3220.542813	-10.796557	-20.349059	20.349059	674.800364	0.844414	33.011451	-0.015052	-0.495286	0.164632	0.852855
+13.034034	0	0	1300	1300	-57.120128	97.112582	3220.375179	-4.170623	-20.421883	20.421883	677.215292	46.320559	33.101130	-0.015221	-0.495367	0.164997	0.852734
+13.043877	0	0	1300	1300	-57.073560	97.066014	3218.830933	-31.042138	-20.436997	20.436997	677.716481	14.221909	33.115429	-0.015405	-0.495064	0.165153	0.852877
+13.053932	0	0	1300	1300	-57.088615	97.081069	3219.330150	6.912796	-20.273405	20.273405	672.291578	-104.347354	32.998885	-0.014648	-0.494919	0.164955	0.853013
+13.064025	0	0	1300	1300	-57.162781	97.155236	3221.789619	48.349930	-20.231251	20.231251	670.893687	-36.533095	32.846098	-0.014783	-0.495360	0.163818	0.852973
+13.073940	0	0	1300	1300	-57.096069	97.088523	3219.577342	-39.200336	-20.302927	20.302927	673.270558	43.529060	32.927413	-0.015155	-0.495005	0.164277	0.853085
+13.083846	0	0	1300	1300	-57.078858	97.071312	3219.006600	-14.859723	-20.274514	20.274514	672.328337	-14.606307	32.894048	-0.015136	-0.494838	0.164194	0.853198
+13.093923	0	0	1300	1300	-57.088815	97.081269	3219.336796	5.075332	-20.248317	20.248317	671.459624	-18.200623	32.863643	-0.015044	-0.494867	0.164056	0.853209
+13.103934	0	0	1300	1300	-57.099007	97.091461	3219.674767	7.068204	-20.255596	20.255596	671.701002	3.065949	32.857841	-0.015095	-0.494948	0.163956	0.853180
+13.113929	0	0	1300	1300	-57.119194	97.111648	3220.344192	13.749035	-20.296626	20.296626	673.061619	26.917377	32.874131	-0.015273	-0.495151	0.163851	0.853080
+13.123991	0	0	1300	1300	-57.065393	97.057847	3218.560080	-33.475374	-20.319277	20.319277	673.812755	17.050212	32.923727	-0.015380	-0.494812	0.164254	0.853197
+13.134001	0	0	1300	1300	-57.100420	97.092874	3219.721636	19.669842	-20.232868	20.232868	670.947300	-54.475640	32.815697	-0.015104	-0.494920	0.163737	0.853239
+13.144035	0	0	1300	1300	-57.024528	97.016982	3217.204964	-47.315284	-20.343015	20.343015	674.599929	66.322357	32.988468	-0.015393	-0.494567	0.164735	0.853246
+13.153935	0	0	1300	1300	-57.071057	97.063511	3218.747928	26.130994	-20.306281	20.306281	673.381767	-17.972757	32.917719	-0.015293	-0.494832	0.164252	0.853187
+13.163986	0	0	1300	1300	-57.037739	97.030193	3217.643049	-19.157416	-20.522586	20.522586	680.554717	138.096025	33.100846	-0.016207	-0.494934	0.164763	0.853013
+13.173962	0	0	1300	1300	-57.029982	97.022436	3217.385807	-6.790475	-20.552132	20.552132	681.534493	31.797154	33.116146	-0.016383	-0.494924	0.164769	0.853014
+13.184019	0	0	1300	1300	-57.019090	97.011544	3217.024629	-7.645713	-20.593903	20.593903	682.919700	29.843642	33.159136	-0.016540	-0.494914	0.164935	0.852985
+13.194016	0	0	1300	1300	-57.012655	97.005109	3216.811221	-4.872665	-20.597380	20.597380	683.034971	4.970207	33.158694	-0.016586	-0.494874	0.164933	0.853008
+13.204027	0	0	1300	1300	-57.049873	97.042327	3218.045420	23.685854	-20.545300	20.545300	681.307963	-33.311318	33.098254	-0.016353	-0.495051	0.164616	0.852970
+13.213902	0	0	1300	1300	-57.065996	97.058450	3218.580097	12.761571	-20.405562	20.405562	676.674072	-94.787801	32.988694	-0.015740	-0.494949	0.164364	0.853090
+13.223927	0	0	1300	1300	-57.044371	97.036825	3217.862968	-12.844437	-20.385959	20.385959	676.024012	-21.289959	32.957766	-0.015789	-0.494764	0.164272	0.853214
+13.234055	0	0	1300	1300	-57.095162	97.087616	3219.547274	31.427440	-20.505501	20.505501	679.988155	74.770309	33.036615	-0.016194	-0.495303	0.164217	0.852904
+13.243998	0	0	1300	1300	-57.076136	97.068590	3218.916333	-9.539513	-20.478634	20.478634	679.097220	-10.693167	32.971046	-0.016331	-0.495122	0.163892	0.853069
+13.253962	0	0	1300	1300	-57.032859	97.025313	3217.481219	-29.046569	-20.453953	20.453953	678.278758	-17.044664	32.940659	-0.016402	-0.494778	0.163879	0.853270
+13.264040	0	0	1300	1300	-57.014304	97.006758	3216.865921	-14.578217	-20.607769	20.607769	683.379515	97.577210	33.129291	-0.016786	-0.494896	0.164665	0.853043
+13.273886	0	0	1300	1300	-56.999556	96.992011	3216.376870	-11.050434	-20.604383	20.604383	683.267215	6.767752	33.124279	-0.016824	-0.494787	0.164679	0.853102
+13.284045	0	0	1300	1300	-57.001084	96.993538	3216.427523	-0.013137	-20.590763	20.590763	682.815570	-8.105981	33.099426	-0.016826	-0.494774	0.164549	0.853135
+13.293917	0	0	1300	1300	-57.029666	97.022120	3217.375329	18.765130	-20.575098	20.575098	682.296077	-11.031434	33.058561	-0.016804	-0.494946	0.164242	0.853095
+13.303944	0	0	1300	1300	-57.027806	97.020260	3217.313667	0.498005	-20.463028	20.463028	678.579721	-73.549110	32.909762	-0.016617	-0.494751	0.163622	0.853330
+13.313923	0	0	1300	1300	-57.060652	97.053106	3218.402866	21.401090	-20.487572	20.487572	679.393600	9.258497	32.929833	-0.016620	-0.495020	0.163585	0.853182
+13.324027	0	0	1300	1300	-57.085981	97.078435	3219.242829	18.210925	-20.526947	20.526947	680.699353	26.147260	32.974939	-0.016646	-0.495261	0.163688	0.853022
+13.333921	0	0	1300	1300	-57.075620	97.068074	3218.899233	-5.117746	-20.439609	20.439609	677.803092	-54.829370	32.885984	-0.016410	-0.495051	0.163428	0.853198
+13.344025	0	0	1300	1300	-57.083328	97.075782	3219.154851	4.494545	-20.363587	20.363587	675.282120	-53.809586	32.795564	-0.016212	-0.494984	0.163065	0.853310
+13.353931	0	0	1300	1300	-57.035416	97.027870	3217.566004	-30.948619	-20.490114	20.490114	679.477899	77.882545	32.933320	-0.016696	-0.494847	0.163662	0.853266
+13.364020	0	0	1300	1300	-57.047851	97.040305	3217.978367	5.213984	-20.516747	20.516747	680.361085	24.168090	32.950107	-0.016786	-0.494975	0.163641	0.853194
+13.374015	0	0	1300	1300	-57.042593	97.035047	3217.804023	-2.939144	-20.530815	20.530815	680.827601	11.331671	32.965581	-0.016839	-0.494960	0.163709	0.853188
+13.383933	0	0	1300	1300	-57.033305	97.025759	3217.496018	-6.341926	-20.541416	20.541416	681.179159	7.969338	32.975121	-0.016903	-0.494912	0.163757	0.853206
+13.394010	0	0	1300	1300	-57.033418	97.025872	3217.499759	-0.499831	-20.491297	20.491297	679.517157	-31.578807	32.916580	-0.016783	-0.494832	0.163537	0.853297
+13.403902	0	0	1300	1300	-57.139190	97.131645	3221.007310	69.275300	-20.327045	20.327045	674.070344	-110.546912	32.676359	-0.016297	-0.495308	0.162198	0.853286
+13.414025	0	0	1300	1300	-57.103225	97.095679	3219.814654	-16.853322	-20.428631	20.428631	677.439053	55.255947	32.756285	-0.016810	-0.495210	0.162442	0.853286
+13.423931	0	0	1300	1300	-57.093535	97.085989	3219.493323	-7.887781	-20.518679	20.518679	680.425176	64.006818	32.861681	-0.017052	-0.495285	0.162862	0.853157
+13.434100	0	0	1300	1300	-56.697030	96.689484	3206.344714	-254.122913	-20.998726	20.998726	696.344111	312.540692	33.645432	-0.018387	-0.493316	0.167616	0.853350
+13.443939	0	0	1300	1300	-56.684808	96.677263	3205.939431	-31.494169	-20.971963	20.971963	695.456635	11.209500	33.612904	-0.018363	-0.493186	0.167520	0.853444
+13.454021	0	0	1300	1300	-56.656251	96.648705	3204.992429	-21.237034	-20.971239	20.971239	695.432613	0.544881	33.634418	-0.018348	-0.492988	0.167755	0.853513
+13.464023	0	0	1300	1300	-56.651177	96.643631	3204.824161	-5.222593	-20.950837	20.950837	694.756062	-13.187745	33.614271	-0.018298	-0.492920	0.167705	0.853563
+13.474008	0	0	1300	1300	-56.664767	96.657221	3205.274829	8.355895	-20.954418	20.954418	694.874813	1.126531	33.603262	-0.018332	-0.493019	0.167574	0.853531
+13.483995	0	0	1300	1300	-56.670536	96.662990	3205.466142	4.508840	-20.997136	20.997136	696.291411	27.857290	33.634435	-0.018499	-0.493127	0.167608	0.853459
+13.493952	0	0	1300	1300	-56.702877	96.695331	3206.538599	21.481175	-20.976403	20.976403	695.603871	-10.965128	33.607174	-0.018368	-0.493319	0.167412	0.853389
+13.503962	0	117	1300	1300	-57.110607	97.103061	3220.059441	266.305219	-20.490461	20.490461	679.489423	-316.059213	32.783119	-0.017133	-0.495354	0.162356	0.853212
+13.514064	0	0	1300	1300	-57.165653	97.158108	3221.884858	59.381200	-20.372721	20.372721	675.585014	-104.173553	32.641413	-0.016713	-0.495553	0.161675	0.853234
+13.524084	0	0	1300	1300	-57.092148	97.084602	3219.447320	-42.226023	-20.517170	20.517170	680.375116	84.116065	32.821997	-0.017217	-0.495268	0.162576	0.853219
+13.534134	0	0	1300	1300	-57.109507	97.101961	3220.022975	7.392865	-20.403358	20.403358	676.600966	-65.911259	32.702522	-0.016836	-0.495211	0.162136	0.853343
+13.544094	0	0	1300	1300	-57.044093	97.036547	3217.853755	-41.930672	-20.512921	20.512921	680.234208	65.345969	32.871194	-0.017109	-0.494931	0.163079	0.853320
+13.554018	0	0	1300	1300	-57.063343	97.055797	3218.492122	8.740950	-20.495309	20.495309	679.650179	-5.526730	32.840311	-0.017057	-0.495037	0.162878	0.853298
+13.564007	0	0	1300	1300	-57.049140	97.041594	3218.021108	-8.431242	-20.524091	20.524091	680.604646	18.194105	32.882350	-0.017130	-0.494984	0.163102	0.853285
+13.574130	0	0	1300	1300	-57.058607	97.051061	3218.335051	5.317720	-20.488158	20.488158	679.413034	-21.425527	32.834932	-0.017040	-0.494993	0.162881	0.853324
+13.584004	0	0	1300	1300	-57.109114	97.101568	3220.009927	33.645100	-20.415060	20.415060	676.989014	-49.956560	32.709977	-0.016892	-0.495226	0.162141	0.853333
+13.594136	0	0	1300	1300	-57.139184	97.131638	3221.007084	22.304730	-20.426987	20.426987	677.384553	3.161002	32.712276	-0.016886	-0.495454	0.162033	0.853221
+13.604063	0	0	1300	1300	-57.106404	97.098858	3219.920065	-19.373138	-20.437941	20.437941	677.747797	7.445233	32.722894	-0.017015	-0.495241	0.162145	0.853321
+13.614146	0	0	1300	1300	-57.094099	97.086553	3219.512014	-9.673517	-20.516815	20.516815	680.363351	51.473224	32.809361	-0.017263	-0.495279	0.162479	0.853230
+13.624122	0	0	1300	1300	-56.676189	96.668643	3205.653588	-272.675111	-21.006269	21.006269	696.594270	323.013131	33.636603	-0.018542	-0.493180	0.167570	0.853434
+13.634009	0	0	1300	1300	-56.656358	96.648812	3204.995988	-38.048339	-20.995761	20.995761	696.245789	22.779277	33.624382	-0.018574	-0.493023	0.167574	0.853523
+13.644131	0	0	1300	1300	-56.639068	96.631522	3204.422626	-14.518246	-20.984758	20.984758	695.880933	-5.013561	33.635995	-0.018492	-0.492888	0.167752	0.853568
+13.654026	0	0	1300	1300	-56.653136	96.645590	3204.889145	7.884906	-20.965750	20.965750	695.250596	-12.914364	33.606710	-0.018436	-0.492954	0.167580	0.853565
+13.664101	0	0	1300	1300	-56.653481	96.645935	3204.900567	0.933960	-20.986774	20.986774	695.947792	12.385229	33.607959	-0.018586	-0.492988	0.167498	0.853559
+13.674007	0	0	1300	1300	-56.682921	96.675375	3205.876835	19.355274	-20.980429	20.980429	695.737374	-3.017621	33.601125	-0.018482	-0.493184	0.167400	0.853467
+13.684124	0	117	1300	1300	-57.087682	97.080136	3219.299238	261.644701	-20.482710	20.482710	679.232382	-319.864560	32.766416	-0.017213	-0.495179	0.162322	0.853319
+13.694007	0	0	1300	1300	-57.082164	97.074618	3219.116253	20.422190	-20.441298	20.441298	677.859113	-56.554131	32.731855	-0.017070	-0.495076	0.162257	0.853394
+13.704144	0	0	1300	1300	-57.123260	97.115714	3220.479030	28.174357	-20.422227	20.422227	677.226705	-17.301641	32.706982	-0.016919	-0.495335	0.162053	0.853285
+13.714006	0	0	1300	1300	-57.102594	97.095048	3219.793711	-10.987802	-20.435941	20.435941	677.681454	7.419359	32.747616	-0.016904	-0.495215	0.162348	0.853299
+13.724128	0	0	1300	1300	-57.043207	97.035661	3217.824374	-39.103887	-20.500002	20.500002	679.805814	41.783473	32.863570	-0.017048	-0.494906	0.163081	0.853336
+13.734105	0	0	1300	1300	-57.045945	97.038399	3217.915181	-1.781592	-20.501509	20.501509	679.855786	4.786421	32.873013	-0.017011	-0.494928	0.163138	0.853313
+13.744123	0	0	1300	1300	-57.064652	97.057106	3218.535517	11.958049	-20.486243	20.486243	679.349544	-9.456238	32.829163	-0.017034	-0.495032	0.162831	0.853311
+13.754110	0	0	1300	1300	-57.063714	97.056168	3218.504416	0.479034	-20.485340	20.485340	679.319589	-1.447560	32.835002	-0.017004	-0.495025	0.162881	0.853306
+13.764166	0	0	1300	1300	-57.051194	97.043649	3218.089252	-8.040016	-20.484510	20.484510	679.292061	-0.666907	32.843614	-0.016997	-0.494937	0.162979	0.853338
+13.774072	0	0	1300	1300	-57.120642	97.113096	3220.392217	44.718823	-20.416966	20.416966	677.052225	-44.271153	32.726836	-0.016801	-0.495312	0.162230	0.853267
+13.784147	0	0	1300	1300	-57.134496	97.126950	3220.851640	12.967556	-20.415135	20.415135	676.991503	-5.177630	32.710083	-0.016820	-0.495404	0.162079	0.853242
+13.794071	0	0	1300	1300	-57.125682	97.118136	3220.559343	-4.572797	-20.391597	20.391597	676.210975	-15.854693	32.669384	-0.016846	-0.495303	0.161900	0.853334
+13.804060	0	0	1300	1300	-57.095110	97.087564	3219.545545	-20.275383	-20.478268	20.478268	679.085074	54.857857	32.759649	-0.017188	-0.495224	0.162273	0.853303
+13.814055	0	0	1300	1300	-56.680484	96.672938	3205.796015	-271.036147	-20.987746	20.987746	695.980010	335.763089	33.618395	-0.018470	-0.493180	0.167503	0.853449
+13.824257	0	0	1300	1300	-56.671124	96.663578	3205.485634	-30.159776	-20.987410	20.987410	695.968885	29.759702	33.612590	-0.018519	-0.493113	0.167485	0.853490
+13.834088	0	0	1300	1300	-56.660747	96.653201	3205.141508	-9.623991	-20.979029	20.979029	695.690944	-2.776348	33.603368	-0.018527	-0.493026	0.167479	0.853541
+13.844155	0	0	1300	1300	-56.660923	96.653378	3205.147375	-0.755494	-20.979702	20.979702	695.713279	0.183556	33.606212	-0.018519	-0.493029	0.167497	0.853536
+13.854160	0	0	1300	1300	-56.678367	96.670821	3205.725829	11.246192	-20.989400	20.989400	696.034852	6.306805	33.611632	-0.018517	-0.493166	0.167451	0.853466
+13.864124	0	0	1300	1300	-56.698167	96.690621	3206.382418	13.916968	-20.995628	20.995628	696.241406	4.630634	33.610711	-0.018510	-0.493314	0.167368	0.853397
+13.874130	0	117	1300	1300	-57.090731	97.083185	3219.400325	255.877946	-20.503354	20.503354	679.916974	-318.864075	32.793585	-0.017241	-0.495234	0.162428	0.853266
+13.884144	0	0	1300	1300	-57.112022	97.104476	3220.106355	37.031064	-20.426872	20.426872	677.380715	-78.520719	32.706719	-0.016986	-0.495262	0.162059	0.853325
+13.894126	0	0	1300	1300	-57.130196	97.122650	3220.709036	15.185417	-20.421872	20.421872	677.214907	-10.400034	32.709547	-0.016885	-0.495383	0.162057	0.853257
+13.904279	0	0	1300	1300	-57.101546	97.094001	3219.758989	-16.975238	-20.429107	20.429107	677.454850	3.698642	32.733029	-0.016919	-0.495196	0.162271	0.853325
+13.914121	0	0	1300	1300	-57.022358	97.014812	3217.132984	-53.703858	-20.515139	20.515139	680.307762	56.984451	32.880960	-0.017145	-0.494783	0.163196	0.853383
+13.924118	0	0	1300	1300	-57.022074	97.014529	3217.123596	-5.067279	-20.525782	20.525782	680.660709	12.090658	32.896318	-0.017159	-0.494799	0.163265	0.853361
+13.934214	0	0	1300	1300	-57.032677	97.025131	3217.475194	6.364353	-20.502994	20.502994	679.905043	-13.570330	32.867823	-0.017082	-0.494836	0.163125	0.853367
+13.944130	0	0	1300	1300	-57.032969	97.025423	3217.484867	0.773778	-20.497388	20.497388	679.719132	-4.909317	32.860679	-0.017071	-0.494829	0.163096	0.853377
+13.954172	0	0	1300	1300	-57.095958	97.088412	3219.573678	40.791324	-20.449492	20.449492	678.130851	-31.408055	32.767165	-0.016939	-0.495190	0.162451	0.853293
+13.964227	0	0	1300	1300	-57.081733	97.074188	3219.101965	-5.495350	-20.531943	20.531943	680.865020	50.398715	32.838615	-0.017284	-0.495218	0.162662	0.853230
+13.974111	0	0	1300	1300	-57.141246	97.133700	3221.075469	38.526964	-20.389238	20.389238	676.132753	-88.963987	32.658791	-0.016830	-0.495407	0.161793	0.853294
+13.984196	0	0	1300	1300	-57.134630	97.127084	3220.856086	-0.784673	-20.447245	20.447245	678.056331	29.328962	32.729185	-0.016977	-0.495453	0.162083	0.853210
+13.994266	0	0	1300	1300	-57.087913	97.080367	3219.306876	-30.196255	-20.452646	20.452646	678.235427	6.132032	32.729383	-0.017148	-0.495133	0.162176	0.853375
+14.004192	0	0	1300	1300	-56.677460	96.669914	3205.695750	-270.929000	-20.984914	20.984914	695.886088	348.313121	33.613693	-0.018478	-0.493154	0.167488	0.853467
+14.014230	0	0	1300	1300	-56.674405	96.666859	3205.594453	-26.520623	-20.973351	20.973351	695.502669	24.078376	33.600962	-0.018455	-0.493113	0.167451	0.853498
+14.024189	0	0	1300	1300	-56.676926	96.669380	3205.678027	-0.778364	-20.973990	20.973990	695.523862	2.613415	33.598930	-0.018461	-0.493132	0.167427	0.853492
+14.034254	0	0	1300	1300	-56.690973	96.683427	3206.143860	8.992165	-20.961879	20.961879	695.122239	-7.577152	33.588392	-0.018376	-0.493211	0.167365	0.853460
+14.044127	0	0	1300	1300	-56.699345	96.691800	3206.421496	6.323644	-20.989718	20.989718	696.045423	17.580280	33.617279	-0.018434	-0.493315	0.167439	0.853384
+14.054151	0	182	1300	1300	-57.105253	97.097707	3219.881901	263.411909	-20.456717	20.456717	678.370417	-343.541133	32.742819	-0.017071	-0.495262	0.162215	0.853294
+14.064230	0	0	1300	1300	-57.126090	97.118544	3220.572896	37.201699	-20.380607	20.380607	675.846534	-80.046946	32.654925	-0.016826	-0.495288	0.161839	0.853355
+14.074197	0	0	1300	1300	-57.122185	97.114639	3220.443384	0.850050	-20.417820	20.417820	677.080538	16.922471	32.707144	-0.016888	-0.495321	0.162076	0.853290
+14.084137	0	0	1300	1300	-57.076611	97.069065	3218.932102	-29.659347	-20.539728	20.539728	681.123183	81.092767	32.861114	-0.017260	-0.495196	0.162808	0.853215
+14.094281	0	0	1300	1300	-57.089690	97.082144	3219.365801	5.716097	-20.443689	20.443689	677.938403	-54.242017	32.771467	-0.016895	-0.495139	0.162523	0.853310
+14.104136	0	0	1300	1300	-57.034688	97.027142	3217.541871	-35.643383	-20.500173	20.500173	679.811491	32.147849	32.869008	-0.017050	-0.494847	0.163141	0.853359
+14.114175	0	0	1300	1300	-57.051632	97.044086	3218.103764	7.728188	-20.482995	20.482995	679.241843	-8.196073	32.836632	-0.017014	-0.494937	0.162933	0.853347
+14.124238	0	0	1300	1300	-57.042488	97.034942	3217.800524	-5.201857	-20.491452	20.491452	679.522270	4.715683	32.851578	-0.017039	-0.494887	0.163030	0.853357
+14.134205	0	0	1300	1300	-57.100914	97.093368	3219.738019	37.555347	-20.424689	20.424689	677.308346	-43.025489	32.735423	-0.016877	-0.495185	0.162309	0.853324
+14.144159	0	0	1300	1300	-57.108861	97.101315	3220.001557	8.607386	-20.432582	20.432582	677.570069	1.215419	32.738200	-0.016902	-0.495253	0.162277	0.853291
+14.154252	0	0	1300	1300	-57.117752	97.110206	3220.296375	6.496960	-20.438228	20.438228	677.757306	3.742963	32.727769	-0.016963	-0.495322	0.162153	0.853273
+14.164138	0	0	1300	1300	-57.111000	97.103454	3220.072480	-3.830539	-20.411995	20.411995	676.887391	-16.858142	32.693401	-0.016936	-0.495232	0.162027	0.853350
+14.174177	0	0	1300	1300	-57.080876	97.073330	3219.073532	-19.826735	-20.502504	20.502504	679.888783	57.000741	32.791247	-0.017272	-0.495163	0.162438	0.853305
+14.184256	0	0	1300	1300	-56.662701	96.655156	3205.206338	-271.226893	-21.028568	21.028568	697.333729	344.097378	33.656333	-0.018662	-0.493121	0.167655	0.853449
+14.194158	0	0	1300	1300	-56.664611	96.657065	3205.269663	-23.628270	-20.996378	20.996378	696.266266	10.485407	33.614558	-0.018597	-0.493081	0.167478	0.853509
+14.204226	0	0	1300	1300	-56.653920	96.646374	3204.915140	-9.029981	-20.982556	20.982556	695.807904	-7.967387	33.602461	-0.018577	-0.492984	0.167474	0.853566
+14.214294	0	0	1300	1300	-56.663002	96.655456	3205.216303	5.041494	-20.993830	20.993830	696.181763	6.551372	33.616384	-0.018574	-0.493066	0.167506	0.853512
+14.224259	0	0	1300	1300	-56.667638	96.660092	3205.370033	3.477784	-20.995414	20.995414	696.234284	1.628563	33.626916	-0.018527	-0.493102	0.167566	0.853480
+14.234195	0	182	1300	1300	-57.080644	97.073098	3219.065843	269.905002	-20.468008	20.468008	678.744847	-344.111442	32.748435	-0.017201	-0.495106	0.162269	0.853372
+14.244312	0	0	1300	1300	-57.098453	97.090907	3219.656400	35.713791	-20.511778	20.511778	680.196302	-2.848493	32.813121	-0.017197	-0.495303	0.162518	0.853210
+14.254179	0	0	1300	1300	-57.150844	97.143299	3221.393772	37.701848	-20.359229	20.359229	675.137607	-100.469228	32.620545	-0.016745	-0.495427	0.161614	0.853319
+14.264245	0	0	1300	1300	-57.122722	97.115176	3220.461196	-14.734089	-20.425583	20.425583	677.337996	33.724317	32.725186	-0.016866	-0.495338	0.162176	0.853261
+14.274164	0	0	1300	1300	-57.099556	97.092010	3219.692993	-16.494179	-20.470050	20.470050	678.812557	32.158898	32.796295	-0.016956	-0.495249	0.162570	0.853236
+14.284319	0	0	1300	1300	-57.112643	97.105097	3220.126951	6.895643	-20.416445	20.416445	677.034964	-31.420111	32.728791	-0.016811	-0.495255	0.162267	0.853293
+14.294206	0	0	1300	1300	-57.034220	97.026674	3217.526369	-50.786601	-20.494599	20.494599	679.626628	48.357643	32.869188	-0.017009	-0.494836	0.163168	0.853361
+14.304265	0	0	1300	1300	-57.032971	97.025425	3217.484939	-5.398764	-20.508109	20.508109	680.074658	13.093584	32.889327	-0.017027	-0.494849	0.163263	0.853335
+14.314318	0	0	1300	1300	-57.119393	97.111847	3220.350808	55.325901	-20.397393	20.397393	676.403161	-70.319763	32.701807	-0.016767	-0.495272	0.162132	0.853310
+14.324365	0	0	1300	1300	-57.111057	97.103511	3220.074357	-0.378739	-20.444913	20.444913	677.978997	24.341411	32.765076	-0.016871	-0.495290	0.162418	0.853243
+14.334304	0	0	1300	1300	-57.131622	97.124076	3220.756339	13.385772	-20.444810	20.444810	677.975585	2.158062	32.745964	-0.016894	-0.495431	0.162225	0.853197
+14.344334	0	0	1300	1300	-57.143596	97.136050	3221.153390	8.962489	-20.386022	20.386022	676.026083	-37.851132	32.675731	-0.016726	-0.495422	0.161927	0.853263
+14.354302	0	0	1300	1300	-57.124703	97.117158	3220.526904	-11.478556	-20.373348	20.373348	675.605810	-11.699529	32.642649	-0.016829	-0.495266	0.161782	0.853378
+14.364255	0	0	1300	1300	-57.098757	97.091211	3219.666477	-17.958271	-20.462121	20.462121	678.549620	56.787572	32.751900	-0.017091	-0.495226	0.162276	0.853303
+14.374340	0	0	1300	1300	-56.688092	96.680546	3206.048317	-266.075451	-21.004180	21.004180	696.524993	354.192450	33.646701	-0.018448	-0.493262	0.167624	0.853378
+14.384266	0	0	1300	1300	-56.689187	96.681642	3206.084644	-23.636784	-20.979394	20.979394	695.703036	16.223260	33.604459	-0.018442	-0.493227	0.167414	0.853440
+14.394260	0	0	1300	1300	-56.682260	96.674714	3205.854919	-6.647997	-20.974741	20.974741	695.548754	-1.545217	33.598967	-0.018451	-0.493170	0.167410	0.853473
+14.404283	0	0	1300	1300	-56.674233	96.666687	3205.588744	-5.801114	-20.992877	20.992877	696.150164	11.604498	33.624986	-0.018498	-0.493145	0.167546	0.853460
+14.414327	0	0	1300	1300	-56.690904	96.683358	3206.141560	10.249880	-21.005907	21.005907	696.582244	9.472585	33.633957	-0.018508	-0.493282	0.167515	0.853387
+14.424275	0	130	1300	1300	-57.078360	97.070814	3218.990108	253.568590	-20.508313	20.508313	680.081411	-323.579530	32.805837	-0.017260	-0.495156	0.162528	0.853292
+14.434324	0	0	1300	1300	-57.084646	97.077100	3219.198545	27.010364	-20.434617	20.434617	677.637565	-76.898321	32.715047	-0.017085	-0.495082	0.162155	0.853409
+14.444234	0	0	1300	1300	-57.121865	97.114319	3220.432770	26.827993	-20.388148	20.388148	676.096604	-37.452835	32.668587	-0.016835	-0.495271	0.161918	0.853350
+14.454263	0	0	1300	1300	-57.137492	97.129946	3220.950994	12.547154	-20.400680	20.400680	676.512184	4.715399	32.686262	-0.016807	-0.495401	0.161957	0.853267
+14.464376	0	0	1300	1300	-57.080898	97.073352	3219.074262	-35.223981	-20.445776	20.445776	678.007617	29.391437	32.765527	-0.016961	-0.495079	0.162492	0.853350
+14.474265	0	0	1300	1300	-57.099034	97.091488	3219.675673	8.654390	-20.422981	20.422981	677.251709	-12.244252	32.737686	-0.016860	-0.495170	0.162338	0.853328
+14.484280	0	0	1300	1300	-57.093051	97.085505	3219.477259	-3.091856	-20.402224	20.402224	676.563367	-14.563679	32.701304	-0.016880	-0.495093	0.162172	0.853404
+14.494276	0	0	1300	1300	-57.091401	97.083855	3219.422544	-1.352303	-20.428904	20.428904	677.448106	15.995645	32.732835	-0.016947	-0.495124	0.162295	0.853361
+14.504284	0	0	1300	1300	-57.088074	97.080528	3219.312220	-2.280257	-20.453994	20.453994	678.280113	17.723117	32.772597	-0.016971	-0.495142	0.162491	0.853313
+14.514322	0	0	1300	1300	-57.073788	97.066242	3218.838496	-9.445162	-20.543165	20.543165	681.237144	59.273688	32.849447	-0.017344	-0.495180	0.162713	0.853241
+14.524369	0	0	1300	1300	-57.128370	97.120824	3220.648484	34.414644	-20.429482	20.429482	677.467267	-68.094685	32.706997	-0.016958	-0.495381	0.162010	0.853266
+14.534271	0	0	1300	1300	-57.100753	97.093208	3219.732691	-14.925868	-20.420245	20.420245	677.160978	-12.293844	32.702317	-0.016988	-0.495173	0.162083	0.853372
+14.544342	0	0	1300	1300	-57.093814	97.086268	3219.502580	-5.822439	-20.502840	20.502840	679.899914	52.145076	32.803748	-0.017184	-0.495256	0.162498	0.853241
+14.554359	0	0	1300	1300	-56.681614	96.674068	3205.833494	-267.611250	-21.033223	21.033223	697.488102	348.391943	33.677254	-0.018552	-0.493264	0.167743	0.853351
+14.564313	0	0	1300	1300	-56.676426	96.668880	3205.661449	-27.811412	-21.000424	21.000424	696.400441	10.430755	33.634865	-0.018505	-0.493173	0.167582	0.853437
+14.574261	0	0	1300	1300	-56.690042	96.682496	3206.112982	6.337874	-20.963881	20.963881	695.188617	-22.874515	33.583446	-0.018415	-0.493207	0.167322	0.853470
+14.584281	0	0	1300	1300	-56.684478	96.676932	3205.928486	-3.028796	-20.978121	20.978121	695.660827	7.148353	33.607867	-0.018432	-0.493192	0.167456	0.853452
+14.594420	0	0	1300	1300	-56.693640	96.686095	3206.232313	5.599606	-20.995963	20.995963	696.252501	12.075946	33.632303	-0.018433	-0.493286	0.167539	0.853381
+14.604263	0	169	1300	1300	-57.099199	97.091653	3219.681130	267.512173	-20.474810	20.474810	678.970407	-341.983038	32.761451	-0.017143	-0.495248	0.162291	0.853286
+14.614560	0	0	1300	1300	-57.122682	97.115136	3220.459859	38.518529	-20.461459	20.461459	678.527678	-38.708189	32.728340	-0.017120	-0.495389	0.162044	0.853252
+14.624355	0	0	1300	1300	-57.124678	97.117132	3220.526050	4.888091	-20.403477	20.403477	676.604910	-41.927674	32.716159	-0.016735	-0.495319	0.162199	0.853270
+14.634459	0	0	1300	1300	-57.137237	97.129691	3220.942521	8.513963	-20.413984	20.413984	676.953342	2.978830	32.713097	-0.016791	-0.495422	0.162100	0.853228
+14.644452	0	0	1300	1300	-57.087335	97.079789	3219.287729	-31.629381	-20.514322	20.514322	680.280675	65.426264	32.830039	-0.017174	-0.495231	0.162660	0.853225
+14.654442	0	0	1300	1300	-57.101711	97.094166	3219.764461	6.459808	-20.414681	20.414681	676.976445	-58.767308	32.733007	-0.016811	-0.495176	0.162333	0.853326
+14.664498	0	0	1300	1300	-57.104713	97.097167	3219.864007	2.522482	-20.427129	20.427129	677.389234	2.721704	32.739927	-0.016865	-0.495216	0.162323	0.853304
+14.674450	0	0	1300	1300	-57.099835	97.092290	3219.702248	-2.949072	-20.417034	20.417034	677.054494	-6.330870	32.732720	-0.016835	-0.495166	0.162325	0.853333
+14.684465	0	0	1300	1300	-57.094470	97.086924	3219.524309	-3.745150	-20.459554	20.459554	678.464494	26.980503	32.780385	-0.016961	-0.495196	0.162510	0.853278
+14.694466	0	0	1300	1300	-57.096446	97.088900	3219.589848	0.941990	-20.477472	20.477472	679.058699	14.079722	32.799005	-0.017008	-0.495238	0.162566	0.853242
+14.704449	0	0	1300	1300	-57.118308	97.110762	3220.314808	14.294751	-20.453891	20.453891	678.276703	-14.044906	32.751096	-0.016978	-0.495351	0.162257	0.853236
+14.714478	0	0	1300	1300	-57.125421	97.117875	3220.550687	5.899982	-20.413435	20.413435	676.935130	-27.458182	32.692162	-0.016911	-0.495335	0.161976	0.853300
+14.724389	0	0	1300	1300	-57.129117	97.121571	3220.673263	2.959033	-20.461867	20.461867	678.541212	29.169846	32.745087	-0.017032	-0.495438	0.162151	0.853205
+14.734400	0	0	1300	1300	-57.073225	97.065679	3218.819822	-35.965719	-20.496980	20.496980	679.705589	25.412529	32.785546	-0.017278	-0.495101	0.162439	0.853341
+14.744485	0	0	1300	1300	-56.671395	96.663850	3205.494640	-262.010509	-21.009971	21.009971	696.717026	332.643045	33.638763	-0.018574	-0.493152	0.167582	0.853447
+14.754363	0	0	1300	1300	-56.663167	96.655622	3205.221790	-29.485657	-20.990695	20.990695	696.077797	17.929829	33.615571	-0.018554	-0.493062	0.167513	0.853513
+14.764707	0	0	1300	1300	-56.656636	96.649090	3205.005206	-6.709118	-20.994370	20.994370	696.199685	3.893479	33.617988	-0.018590	-0.493022	0.167532	0.853532
+14.774467	0	0	1300	1300	-56.661127	96.653581	3205.154134	2.355905	-21.013731	21.013731	696.841692	13.205771	33.641114	-0.018622	-0.493086	0.167610	0.853479
+14.784441	0	182	1300	1300	-57.073670	97.066124	3218.834558	268.566356	-20.475313	20.475313	678.987096	-349.027794	32.753477	-0.017254	-0.495068	0.162292	0.853388
+14.794484	0	0	1300	1300	-57.089769	97.082223	3219.368424	34.726797	-20.496871	20.496871	679.701996	-17.670576	32.784073	-0.017236	-0.495216	0.162387	0.853284
+14.804445	0	0	1300	1300	-57.111720	97.104174	3220.096359	17.464133	-20.496483	20.496483	679.689113	-1.865140	32.785709	-0.017164	-0.495370	0.162347	0.853204
+14.814552	0	0	1300	1300	-57.133569	97.126023	3220.820886	15.614308	-20.414907	20.414907	676.983943	-52.596435	32.695061	-0.016886	-0.495395	0.161971	0.853267
+14.824377	0	0	1300	1300	-57.116387	97.108841	3220.251117	-9.887853	-20.438924	20.438924	677.780373	10.978803	32.741096	-0.016915	-0.495315	0.162252	0.853259
+14.834495	0	0	1300	1300	-57.103643	97.096097	3219.828504	-9.071853	-20.467644	20.467644	678.732782	19.427720	32.789391	-0.016956	-0.495273	0.162519	0.853232
+14.844480	0	0	1300	1300	-57.107319	97.099774	3219.950428	1.563390	-20.439637	20.439637	677.804039	-16.431168	32.756621	-0.016879	-0.495255	0.162387	0.853269
+14.854486	0	0	1300	1300	-57.118059	97.110513	3220.306577	7.107867	-20.428018	20.428018	677.418747	-9.028750	32.745101	-0.016812	-0.495312	0.162325	0.853249
+14.864445	0	0	1300	1300	-57.123211	97.115665	3220.477401	4.004024	-20.400647	20.400647	676.511063	-18.653127	32.707224	-0.016757	-0.495304	0.162149	0.853288
+14.874487	0	0	1300	1300	-57.116750	97.109204	3220.263167	-3.813868	-20.440194	20.440194	677.822505	23.877199	32.754967	-0.016863	-0.495321	0.162349	0.853238
+14.884506	0	0	1300	1300	-57.177320	97.169774	3222.271721	38.892262	-20.355610	20.355610	675.017579	-52.629095	32.631190	-0.016597	-0.495610	0.161644	0.853210
+14.894506	0	0	1300	1300	-57.185023	97.177477	3222.527159	8.534418	-20.277998	20.277998	672.443873	-55.150292	32.528218	-0.016443	-0.495540	0.161194	0.853338
+14.904567	0	0	1300	1300	-57.172443	97.164897	3222.109993	-7.347084	-20.319282	20.319282	673.812893	21.657101	32.577682	-0.016572	-0.495516	0.161415	0.853308
+14.914454	0	0	1300	1300	-57.135591	97.128045	3220.887952	-24.837634	-20.330397	20.330397	674.181498	9.277504	32.594323	-0.016687	-0.495275	0.161581	0.853414
+14.924399	0	0	1300	1300	-57.121467	97.113921	3220.419585	-11.481033	-20.436972	20.436972	677.715652	70.356395	32.714413	-0.017001	-0.495344	0.162049	0.853279
+14.934499	0	0	1300	1300	-56.721851	96.714305	3207.167815	-258.026920	-20.953956	20.953956	694.859496	338.810305	33.568905	-0.018311	-0.493413	0.167176	0.853382
+14.944412	0	0	1300	1300	-56.708098	96.700552	3206.711744	-32.640175	-20.943563	20.943563	694.514847	24.248151	33.561606	-0.018305	-0.493300	0.167201	0.853442
+14.954463	0	0	1300	1300	-56.699853	96.692307	3206.438327	-8.279496	-20.974226	20.974226	695.531661	22.000785	33.596772	-0.018406	-0.493293	0.167352	0.853415
+14.964444	0	0	1300	1300	-56.707431	96.699885	3206.689617	4.172113	-20.996417	20.996417	696.267557	16.429488	33.614385	-0.018473	-0.493381	0.167368	0.853359
+14.974559	0	195	1300	1300	-57.112870	97.105324	3220.134479	260.760725	-20.449766	20.449766	678.139915	-349.598205	32.723287	-0.017083	-0.495303	0.162081	0.853295
+14.984449	0	0	1300	1300	-57.125052	97.117506	3220.538446	31.930203	-20.468114	20.468114	678.748371	-20.075305	32.749649	-0.017071	-0.495418	0.162168	0.853212
+14.994475	0	0	1300	1300	-57.140488	97.132942	3221.050330	12.889544	-20.351613	20.351613	674.885060	-77.245031	32.600945	-0.016802	-0.495340	0.161527	0.853384
+15.004524	0	0	1300	1300	-57.150444	97.142898	3221.380499	7.599118	-20.335091	20.335091	674.337146	-17.665927	32.593166	-0.016685	-0.495386	0.161516	0.853362
+15.014490	0	0	1300	1300	-57.096064	97.088518	3219.577190	-34.706072	-20.469949	20.469949	678.809220	86.176079	32.758328	-0.017129	-0.495219	0.162296	0.853302
+15.024559	0	0	1300	1300	-57.125898	97.118353	3220.566530	16.104643	-20.401673	20.401673	676.545085	-36.246171	32.703287	-0.016774	-0.495324	0.162108	0.853284
+15.034413	0	0	1300	1300	-57.114932	97.107386	3220.202867	-5.728625	-20.416574	20.416574	677.039231	6.460783	32.720390	-0.016842	-0.495270	0.162198	0.853297
+15.044510	0	0	1300	1300	-57.111420	97.103874	3220.086394	-2.775617	-20.384111	20.384111	675.962723	-20.300240	32.680690	-0.016782	-0.495194	0.162051	0.853370
+15.054507	0	0	1300	1300	-57.106447	97.098901	3219.921507	-3.480009	-20.445470	20.445470	677.997456	37.983335	32.760727	-0.016907	-0.495257	0.162394	0.853266
+15.064531	0	0	1300	1300	-57.133522	97.125976	3220.819344	17.216187	-20.374258	20.374258	675.635976	-42.666557	32.668320	-0.016699	-0.495333	0.161948	0.853311
+15.074529	0	0	1300	1300	-57.171736	97.164191	3222.086575	26.368823	-20.326519	20.326519	674.052905	-34.864830	32.587384	-0.016586	-0.495523	0.161458	0.853296
+15.084562	0	0	1300	1300	-57.164528	97.156982	3221.847533	-2.273919	-20.321683	20.321683	673.892522	-6.289260	32.575723	-0.016621	-0.495464	0.161409	0.853338
+15.094492	0	0	1300	1300	-57.150655	97.143109	3221.387480	-9.268663	-20.305152	20.305152	673.344328	-11.371938	32.565124	-0.016582	-0.495341	0.161436	0.853405
+15.104562	0	0	1300	1300	-57.117836	97.110290	3220.299157	-22.000405	-20.467508	20.467508	678.728283	103.667142	32.752721	-0.017073	-0.495367	0.162212	0.853233
+15.114544	0	0	1300	1300	-57.100998	97.093452	3219.740813	-12.947674	-20.448598	20.448598	678.101173	-2.852533	32.739247	-0.017039	-0.495220	0.162234	0.853315
+15.124530	0	0	1300	1300	-56.717756	96.710210	3207.032024	-250.198575	-20.944111	20.944111	694.533038	321.711497	33.572429	-0.018234	-0.493370	0.167255	0.853393
+15.134533	0	0	1300	1300	-56.738933	96.731387	3207.734272	-9.000326	-20.881349	20.881349	692.451758	-11.479725	33.492136	-0.018051	-0.493415	0.166874	0.853446
+15.144565	0	0	1300	1300	-56.765509	96.757963	3208.615555	16.380309	-20.849816	20.849816	691.406074	-21.444609	33.453298	-0.017907	-0.493549	0.166654	0.853414
+15.154559	0	156	1300	1300	-57.152850	97.145305	3221.460291	252.990606	-20.342033	20.342033	674.567357	-331.653640	32.612824	-0.016645	-0.495416	0.161626	0.853325
+15.164589	0	0	1300	1300	-57.162475	97.154929	3221.779467	29.165680	-20.235997	20.235997	671.051075	-98.692612	32.474558	-0.016426	-0.495314	0.161031	0.853500
+15.184624	0	0	1300	1300	-57.153600	97.146054	3221.485152	-1.625371	-20.299167	20.299167	673.145876	16.745461	32.593561	-0.016407	-0.495358	0.161666	0.853356
+15.194630	0	0	1300	1300	-57.185498	97.177952	3222.542934	20.541181	-20.262183	20.262183	671.919436	-22.466096	32.551915	-0.016221	-0.495524	0.161438	0.853306
+15.204602	0	0	1300	1300	-57.109257	97.101711	3220.014678	-47.730519	-20.422937	20.422937	677.250250	102.539350	32.748738	-0.016783	-0.495243	0.162396	0.853276
+15.214576	0	0	1300	1300	-57.135341	97.127795	3220.879649	12.617643	-20.393111	20.393111	676.261154	-10.058009	32.693342	-0.016726	-0.495376	0.162048	0.853266
+15.224574	0	0	1300	1300	-57.132955	97.125409	3220.800528	-0.401378	-20.347784	20.347784	674.758080	-30.334104	32.647171	-0.016595	-0.495289	0.161906	0.853346
+15.234501	0	0	1300	1300	-57.125528	97.117982	3220.554251	-4.888405	-20.413007	20.413007	676.920950	39.832730	32.724205	-0.016769	-0.495340	0.162216	0.853254
+15.244648	0	0	1300	1300	-57.115590	97.108044	3220.224698	-6.802649	-20.413700	20.413700	676.943927	4.017111	32.726457	-0.016793	-0.495272	0.162254	0.853286
+15.254552	0	0	1300	1300	-57.159119	97.151573	3221.668159	27.872474	-20.315099	20.315099	673.674200	-64.181453	32.607500	-0.016449	-0.495421	0.161688	0.853314
+15.264571	0	0	1300	1300	-57.159817	97.152271	3221.691312	2.981801	-20.275928	20.275928	672.375241	-31.200616	32.552896	-0.016392	-0.495363	0.161449	0.853394
+15.274556	0	0	1300	1300	-57.162881	97.155335	3221.792908	2.262318	-20.265392	20.265392	672.025858	-9.686835	32.534552	-0.016384	-0.495367	0.161350	0.853410
+15.284559	0	0	1300	1300	-57.127820	97.120274	3220.630263	-22.540425	-20.408380	20.408380	676.767494	91.885201	32.690128	-0.016875	-0.495345	0.161977	0.853295
+15.294488	0	0	1300	1300	-57.104233	97.096687	3219.848085	-17.468629	-20.398240	20.398240	676.431238	1.784392	32.680845	-0.016907	-0.495163	0.162009	0.853394
+15.304591	0	0	1300	1300	-57.115256	97.107710	3220.213597	5.513173	-20.340413	20.340413	674.513639	-37.017387	32.608211	-0.016759	-0.495148	0.161691	0.853465
+15.314479	0	0	1300	1300	-56.713554	96.706009	3206.892687	-262.857094	-20.885858	20.885858	692.601274	354.205009	33.504341	-0.018106	-0.493245	0.167009	0.853516
+15.324686	0	117	1300	1300	-57.101281	97.093735	3219.750175	223.510886	-20.349835	20.349835	674.826072	-309.818978	32.621215	-0.016812	-0.495065	0.161781	0.853495
+15.334486	0	0	1300	1300	-57.114619	97.107073	3220.192478	29.511323	-20.352306	20.352306	674.908018	-27.053606	32.623040	-0.016785	-0.495163	0.161752	0.853445
+15.344585	0	0	1300	1300	-57.128247	97.120701	3220.644402	11.423907	-20.370072	20.370072	675.497166	8.988945	32.647505	-0.016773	-0.495287	0.161824	0.853359
+15.354592	0	0	1300	1300	-57.145387	97.137841	3221.212788	12.153773	-20.376664	20.376664	675.715774	5.091949	32.656500	-0.016735	-0.495418	0.161820	0.853285
+15.364590	0	0	1300	1300	-57.181219	97.173673	3222.401021	24.362291	-20.235579	20.235579	671.037201	-91.110413	32.490530	-0.016301	-0.495448	0.161106	0.853411
+15.374623	0	0	1300	1300	-57.166320	97.158774	3221.906948	-7.431654	-20.264436	20.264436	671.994145	10.412798	32.539193	-0.016347	-0.495390	0.161380	0.853392
+15.384603	0	0	1300	1300	-57.178660	97.171114	3222.316165	7.345878	-20.261389	20.261389	671.893101	-1.032645	32.548253	-0.016250	-0.495474	0.161431	0.853335
+15.394612	0	0	1300	1300	-57.115799	97.108254	3220.231635	-40.092352	-20.389666	20.389666	676.146939	83.083114	32.707990	-0.016693	-0.495236	0.162220	0.853315
+15.404684	0	0	1300	1300	-57.137378	97.129832	3220.947204	10.291119	-20.385916	20.385916	676.022588	5.086247	32.696477	-0.016654	-0.495381	0.162097	0.853255
+15.414578	0	0	1300	1300	-57.131015	97.123469	3220.736186	-3.225014	-20.395838	20.395838	676.351615	6.968385	32.709853	-0.016688	-0.495352	0.162170	0.853258
diff --git a/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/sampleLogFileWithMarker.txt b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/sampleLogFileWithMarker.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6978517106b050406f8b3a47582216fff4c35152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/DataAnalysisTool/Tool/sampleLogFileWithMarker.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1558 @@
+#Constants		pitch_P		pitch_I		pitch_D
+#PIDValues		1650		3		550
+#Constants		roll_P		roll_I		roll_D
+#PIDValues		1650		3		550
+%Time		Marker		Motor_1	Motor_2	Motor_3	Motor_4	Pitch		Pitch_err		Pitch_pid_p		 Pitch_pid_d		Roll		 Roll_err		Roll_pid_p		Roll_pid_d
+&sec		Marker		%thrust	%thrust	%thrust	%thrust	degrees		degrees		degrees		degrees		degrees		degrees		degrees		degrees
+7432.245736	0	26000	56000	56000	26000	1.116891		-1.116891		-32.164158		-1072.138594		-6.535178		6.535178		188.199626		6273.320876
+7432.225854	0	30645	34606	51355	47394	1.433347		-1.433347		-41.277421		-303.775445		-6.128577		6.128577		176.490353		-390.309095
+7432.235837	0	46955	52155	35045	29845	1.190617		-1.190617		-34.287296		233.004158		-6.325159		6.325159		182.151503		188.704990
+7432.255838	0	44179	56000	37821	26000	1.048486		-1.048486		-30.194220		136.435870		-6.733110		6.733110		193.899660		391.605236
+7432.265835	0	45772	51407	36228	30593	0.856764		-0.856764		-24.673021		184.039981		-6.886135		6.886135		198.306459		146.893300
+7432.275879	0	45460	51433	36540	30567	0.681091		-0.681091		-19.614003		168.633922		-7.035232		7.035232		202.600134		143.122487
+7432.285921	0	46259	53643	35741	28357	0.483580		-0.483580		-13.926094		189.596983		-7.254105		7.254105		208.903223		210.102983
+7432.295835	0	43702	54575	38298	27425	0.377995		-0.377995		-10.885485		101.353619		-7.497621		7.497621		215.915977		233.758464
+7432.305846	0	49422	52210	32578	29790	0.082657		-0.082657		-2.380357		283.504256		-7.653913		7.653913		220.416883		150.030181
+7432.315757	0	45384	54528	36616	27472	-0.067949		0.067949		1.956799		144.571885		-7.883356		7.883356		227.024346		220.248774
+7432.325837	0	47656	51650	34344	30350	-0.290743		0.290743		8.372791		213.866414		-8.008690		8.008690		230.633730		120.312795
+7432.335846	0	44888	53650	37112	28350	-0.413698		0.413698		11.913658		118.028875		-8.197351		8.197351		236.066750		181.100667
+7432.345892	0	45812	54359	36188	27641	-0.564212		0.564212		16.248144		144.482860		-8.403987		8.403987		242.017447		198.356584
+7432.355937	0	46162	53347	35838	28653	-0.722097		0.722097		20.794899		151.558514		-8.570012		8.570012		246.798619		159.372389
+7432.365853	0	47339	53651	34661	28349	-0.915034		0.915034		26.351073		185.205811		-8.740994		8.740994		251.722542		164.130777
+7432.375898	0	47303	54094	34697	27906	-1.101078		1.101078		31.708768		178.589830		-8.921453		8.921453		256.919405		173.228756
+7432.385829	0	47329	54893	34671	27107	-1.282505		1.282505		36.933491		174.157424		-9.123119		9.123119		262.726957		193.585083
+7432.395944	0	47153	53453	34847	28547	-1.452623		1.452623		41.832541		163.301686		-9.269882		9.269882		266.953424		140.882209
+7432.405926	0	46673	54905	35327	27095	-1.601540		1.601540		46.121047		142.950173		-9.460820		9.460820		272.452066		183.288082
+7432.415920	0	48310	55675	33690	26325	-1.801209		1.801209		51.871097		191.668328		-9.671648		9.671648		278.523461		202.379823
+7432.425864	0	46210	53502	35790	28498	-1.924136		1.924136		55.411145		118.001625		-9.802564		9.802564		282.293569		125.670284
+7432.435935	0	50342	54730	31658	27270	-2.182676		2.182676		62.856543		248.179920		-9.970531		9.970531		287.130676		161.236897
+7432.445988	0	48615	55555	33385	26445	-2.375358		2.375358		68.405386		184.961427		-10.160889		10.160889		292.612600		182.730779
+7432.455841	0	48312	54994	33688	27006	-2.552077		2.552077		73.494552		169.638861		-10.326233		10.326233		297.374175		158.719197
+7432.465940	0	48791	55646	33209	26354	-2.739654		2.739654		78.896383		180.061050		-10.508171		10.508171		302.613598		174.647421
+7432.475817	0	48398	55649	33602	26351	-2.908351		2.908351		83.754506		161.937419		-10.684351		10.684351		307.687207		169.120282
+7432.485938	0	47879	55305	34121	26695	-3.054477		3.054477		87.962636		140.271019		-10.843217		10.843217		312.262242		152.501166
+7432.495807	0	51147	56000	30853	26000	-3.306360		3.306360		95.216323		241.789576		-11.027699		11.027699		317.574933		177.089721
+7432.505844	0	50995	56000	31005	26000	-3.545575		3.545575		102.105239		229.630526		-11.201945		11.201945		322.592852		167.263970
+7432.515948	0	50565	56000	31435	26000	-3.763143		3.763143		108.370741		208.850075		-11.387999		11.387999		327.950833		178.599358
+7432.525831	0	49552	56000	32448	26000	-3.940020		3.940020		113.464437		169.789866		-11.566197		11.566197		333.082565		171.057731
+7432.535943	0	52633	56000	29367	26000	-4.215377		4.215377		121.394136		264.323279		-11.746103		11.746103		338.263495		172.697678
+7432.545848	0	52507	55974	29493	26026	-4.478217		4.478217		128.963402		252.308883		-11.892955		11.892955		342.492519		140.967444
+7432.555921	0	49072	56000	32928	26000	-4.617351		4.617351		132.970160		133.558586		-12.059023		12.059023		347.274920		159.413368
+7432.565869	0	52345	56000	29655	26000	-4.862534		4.862534		140.030920		235.358663		-12.225464		12.225464		352.068090		159.772336
+7432.575946	0	52872	56000	29128	26000	-5.118076		5.118076		147.390017		245.303251		-12.420504		12.420504		357.684848		187.225267
+7432.585992	0	52780	56000	29220	26000	-5.362767		5.362767		154.436603		234.886184		-12.589226		12.589226		362.543689		161.961392
+7432.595940	0	51714	56000	30286	26000	-5.564101		5.564101		160.234603		193.266682		-12.746678		12.746678		367.077984		151.143149
+7432.605944	0	54021	56000	27979	26000	-5.837041		5.837041		168.094708		262.003504		-12.923918		12.923918		372.182129		170.138180
+7432.615882	0	53511	56000	28489	26000	-6.084532		6.084532		175.221939		237.574354		-13.060629		13.060629		376.119109		131.232664
+7432.625937	0	52378	56000	29622	26000	-6.286284		6.286284		181.031975		193.667859		-13.240439		13.240439		381.297261		172.605067
+7432.635880	0	54771	56000	27229	26000	-6.562465		6.562465		188.985424		265.114978		-13.379364		13.379364		385.298020		133.358613
+7432.645969	0	51982	56000	30018	26000	-6.736234		6.736234		193.989624		166.806653		-13.571943		13.571943		390.843894		184.862465
+7432.655870	0	53775	56000	28225	26000	-6.965010		6.965010		200.577897		219.609104		-13.710493		13.710493		394.833858		132.998824
+7432.666038	0	53521	56000	28479	26000	-7.178190		7.178190		206.717028		204.637721		-13.824571		13.824571		398.119064		109.506845
+7432.676022	0	53629	56000	28371	26000	-7.388399		7.388399		212.770622		201.786458		-13.964994		13.964994		402.162948		134.796128
+7432.685975	0	54863	56000	27137	26000	-7.633688		7.633688		219.834443		235.460699		-14.095690		14.095690		405.926737		125.459656
+7432.695924	0	55075	56000	26925	26000	-7.878576		7.878576		226.886708		235.075504		-14.225209		14.225209		409.656622		124.329478
+7432.706048	0	55585	56000	26415	26000	-8.133085		8.133085		234.216043		244.311169		-14.397815		14.397815		414.627309		165.689588
+7432.716034	0	54585	56000	27415	26000	-8.346040		8.346040		240.348709		204.422176		-14.508529		14.508529		417.815642		106.277764
+7432.725956	0	55830	56000	26170	26000	-8.594286		8.594286		247.497674		238.298848		-14.607727		14.607727		420.672347		95.223486
+7432.735989	0	55648	56000	26352	26000	-8.828714		8.828714		254.248725		225.035027		-14.709804		14.709804		423.611958		97.987056
+7432.746044	0	54862	56000	27138	26000	-9.029341		9.029341		260.026355		192.587674		-14.826428		14.826428		426.970482		111.950785
+7432.756007	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.283802		9.283802		267.354313		244.265273		-14.910977		14.910977		429.405324		81.161410
+7432.766046	0	55267	54165	26733	27835	-9.483818		9.483818		273.114339		192.000866		-14.888726		14.888726		428.764540		-21.359473
+7432.775921	0	55676	56000	26324	26000	-9.691284		9.691284		279.088935		199.153200		-15.003014		15.003014		432.055794		109.708458
+7432.785997	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.946069		9.946069		286.426236		244.576707		-15.083750		15.083750		434.380831		77.501237
+7432.796069	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.286753		10.286753		296.237227		327.033028		-15.252518		15.252518		439.240976		162.004828
+7432.806016	0	55991	56000	26009	26000	-10.479846		10.479846		301.797903		185.355842		-15.293150		15.293150		440.411116		39.004683
+7432.816000	0	52129	56000	29871	26000	-10.536550		10.536550		303.430867		54.432154		-15.526490		15.526490		447.130819		223.990083
+7432.825916	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.760713		10.760713		309.886285		215.180591		-15.613782		15.613782		449.644634		83.793849
+7432.835938	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.988139		10.988139		316.435674		218.312964		-15.699724		15.699724		452.119602		82.498938
+7432.845947	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.267986		11.267986		324.494699		268.634185		-15.798742		15.798742		454.971094		95.049739
+7432.855996	0	50531	56000	31469	26000	-11.245523		11.245523		323.847818		-21.562725		-15.921267		15.921267		458.499563		117.615610
+7432.865984	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.481764		11.481764		330.651066		226.774961		-16.007061		16.007061		460.970253		82.356334
+7432.876063	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.716242		11.716242		337.403543		225.082561		-16.073626		16.073626		462.887196		63.898116
+7432.886018	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.048568		12.048568		346.973853		319.010317		-16.143883		16.143883		464.910454		67.441911
+7432.895930	0	55552	56000	26448	26000	-12.170122		12.170122		350.474341		116.682947		-16.232631		16.232631		467.466214		85.192025
+7432.905994	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.381228		12.381228		356.553776		202.647820		-16.279700		16.279700		468.821691		45.182556
+7432.916023	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.661834		12.661834		364.634635		269.361958		-16.436471		16.436471		473.336390		150.489956
+7432.926080	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.985395		12.985395		373.952535		310.596675		-16.437110		16.437110		473.354781		0.613034
+7432.936070	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.212486		13.212486		380.492286		217.991695		-16.468165		16.468165		474.249105		29.810816
+7432.945959	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.463998		13.463998		387.735296		241.433680		-16.527222		16.527222		475.949831		56.690872
+7432.956056	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.647030		13.647030		393.006264		175.698921		-16.573358		16.573358		477.278459		44.287592
+7432.965971	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.784554		13.784554		396.966650		132.012889		-16.626823		16.626823		478.818141		51.322728
+7432.975989	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.046633		14.046633		404.513998		251.578242		-16.702481		16.702481		480.996935		72.626472
+7432.986037	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.238025		14.238025		410.025671		183.722451		-16.774359		16.774359		483.066858		68.997443
+7432.996048	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.447319		14.447319		416.052908		200.907886		-16.788991		16.788991		483.488229		14.045686
+7433.006086	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.669978		14.669978		422.465028		213.737339		-16.861802		16.861802		485.585050		69.894046
+7433.016103	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.815005		14.815005		426.641509		139.216036		-16.901853		16.901853		486.738423		38.445741
+7433.026053	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.025262		15.025262		432.696480		201.832354		-16.965883		16.965883		488.582343		61.464012
+7433.036083	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.250743		15.250743		439.189884		216.446817		-17.010601		17.010601		489.870156		42.927116
+7433.046040	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.470273		15.470273		445.511869		210.732818		-17.047175		17.047175		490.923411		35.108477
+7433.056006	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.554748		15.554748		447.944596		81.090927		-17.157135		17.157135		494.090009		105.553269
+7433.065979	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.811403		15.811403		455.335718		246.370733		-17.181611		17.181611		494.794866		23.495257
+7433.076147	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.935181		15.935181		458.900280		118.818730		-17.215333		17.215333		495.766000		32.371134
+7433.086137	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.047381		16.047381		462.131394		107.703805		-17.340676		17.340676		499.375606		120.320171
+7433.096129	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.247092		16.247092		467.882667		191.709101		-17.386593		17.386593		500.697939		44.077784
+7433.106186	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.325781		16.325781		470.148745		75.535923		-17.421145		17.421145		501.692972		33.167750
+7433.116028	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.490752		16.490752		474.899577		158.361048		-17.532817		17.532817		504.908891		107.197315
+7433.126153	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.621153		16.621153		478.654835		125.175267		-17.618201		17.618201		507.367779		81.962943
+7433.136040	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.745686		16.745686		482.241131		119.543225		-17.672949		17.672949		508.944391		52.553713
+7433.146139	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.785528		16.785528		483.388504		38.245767		-17.784563		17.784563		512.158638		107.141584
+7433.156123	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.049889		17.049889		491.001548		253.768116		-17.823425		17.823425		513.277785		37.304908
+7433.166158	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.077420		17.077420		491.794378		26.427656		-17.942852		17.942852		516.717052		114.642233
+7433.176091	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.190282		17.190282		495.044571		108.339787		-18.033945		18.033945		519.340329		87.442547
+7433.186139	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.277819		17.277819		497.565468		84.029883		-18.100869		18.100869		521.267599		64.242333
+7433.196153	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.382647		17.382647		500.584298		100.627691		-18.191656		18.191656		523.882073		87.149143
+7433.206059	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.441899		17.441899		502.290630		56.877732		-18.287183		18.287183		526.633054		91.699362
+7433.216143	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.509455		17.509455		504.236095		64.848810		-18.391758		18.391758		529.644607		100.385100
+7433.226081	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.554961		17.554961		505.546577		43.682754		-18.496914		18.496914		532.672879		100.942403
+7433.236164	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.669192		17.669192		508.836208		109.654367		-18.564789		18.564789		534.627539		65.155327
+7433.246147	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.723501		17.723501		510.400182		52.132457		-18.671850		18.671850		537.710689		102.771670
+7433.256091	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.746775		17.746775		511.070421		22.341311		-18.796462		18.796462		541.299248		119.618624
+7433.266152	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.870553		17.870553		514.634983		118.818730		-18.892851		18.892851		544.075061		92.527121
+7433.276046	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.851526		17.851526		514.087039		-18.264800		-18.993655		18.993655		546.977989		96.764266
+7433.286033	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.860885		17.860885		514.356561		8.984059		-19.122527		19.122527		550.689237		123.708248
+7433.296046	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.959439		17.959439		517.194727		94.605535		-19.239671		19.239671		554.062758		112.450719
+7433.306166	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.925487		17.925487		516.216955		-32.592416		-19.328667		19.328667		556.625649		85.429698
+7433.316078	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.890863		17.890863		515.219857		-33.236593		-19.484134		19.484134		561.102779		149.237663
+7433.326183	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.926327		17.926327		516.241148		34.043044		-19.600508		19.600508		564.454123		111.711472
+7433.336057	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.975219		17.975219		517.649142		46.933144		-19.693389		19.693389		567.128885		89.158714
+7433.346105	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.981062		17.981062		517.817415		5.609095		-19.833404		19.833404		571.161041		134.405196
+7433.356159	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.025697		18.025697		519.102819		42.846799		-19.931704		19.931704		573.991880		94.361305
+7433.366089	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.997595		17.997595		518.293516		-26.976764		-20.047626		20.047626		577.330193		111.277103
+7433.376173	0	55742	56000	26258	26000	-17.911007		17.911007		515.799960		-83.118528		-20.211554		20.211554		582.050979		157.359540
+7433.386158	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.945105		17.945105		516.781913		32.731742		-20.341179		20.341179		585.783912		124.431103
+7433.396143	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.884639		17.884639		515.040618		-58.043152		-20.478712		20.478712		589.744569		132.021904
+7433.406137	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.838622		17.838622		513.715433		-44.172853		-20.644515		20.644515		594.519348		159.159303
+7433.416159	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.868239		17.868239		514.568353		28.430670		-20.745305		20.745305		597.421883		96.751153
+7433.426174	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.887535		17.887535		515.124017		18.522143		-20.941947		20.941947		603.084791		188.763589
+7433.436129	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.832666		17.832666		513.543914		-52.670091		-21.079933		21.079933		607.058479		132.456273
+7433.446149	0	55509	56000	26491	26000	-17.736408		17.736408		510.771887		-92.400908		-21.241403		21.241403		611.708504		155.000836
+7433.456170	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.771172		17.771172		511.773017		33.371001		-21.432133		21.432133		617.201123		183.087289
+7433.466276	0	53916	56000	28084	26000	-17.621137		17.621137		507.452309		-144.023597		-21.614024		21.614024		622.439218		174.603164
+7433.476169	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.680701		17.680701		509.167640		57.177693		-21.757527		21.757527		626.571786		137.752295
+7433.486198	0	54795	56000	27205	26000	-17.561069		17.561069		505.722472		-114.838928		-21.947595		21.947595		632.045375		182.452947
+7433.496268	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.539301		17.539301		505.095604		-20.895600		-22.148811		22.148811		637.839970		193.153173
+7433.506190	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.506448		17.506448		504.149500		-31.536818		-22.351476		22.351476		643.676314		194.544792
+7433.516275	0	55607	56000	26393	26000	-17.416474		17.416474		501.558432		-86.368918		-22.497718		22.497718		647.887757		140.381455
+7433.526184	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.463972		17.463972		502.926300		45.595616		-22.679378		22.679378		653.119214		174.381882
+7433.536271	0	54614	56000	27386	26000	-17.339917		17.339917		499.353772		-119.084269		-22.876670		22.876670		658.800808		189.386457
+7433.546287	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.426220		17.426220		501.839116		82.844794		-23.050995		23.050995		663.821013		167.340189
+7433.556212	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.353836		17.353836		499.754588		-69.484264		-23.218545		23.218545		668.646097		160.836130
+7433.566267	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.313216		17.313216		498.584841		-38.991570		-23.444052		23.444052		675.140239		216.471404
+7433.576190	0	54125	56000	27875	26000	-17.173382		17.173382		494.557898		-134.231448		-23.687823		23.687823		682.160345		234.003514
+7433.586269	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.163487		17.163487		494.272935		-9.498745		-23.887820		23.887820		687.919830		191.982836
+7433.596161	0	55987	56000	26013	26000	-17.088998		17.088998		492.127825		-71.503669		-24.121368		24.121368		694.645531		224.190056
+7433.606238	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.072693		17.072693		491.658264		-15.652031		-24.332359		24.332359		700.721647		202.537179
+7433.616183	0	54421	56000	27579	26000	-16.946247		16.946247		488.016893		-121.379048		-24.563539		24.563539		707.379144		221.916586
+7433.626191	0	54299	56000	27701	26000	-16.818472		16.818472		484.337215		-122.655928		-24.812421		24.812421		714.546427		238.909423
+7433.636259	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.893728		16.893728		486.504453		72.241277		-24.965858		24.965858		718.965089		147.288740
+7433.646214	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.838281		16.838281		484.907681		-53.225756		-25.199841		25.199841		725.703330		224.608034
+7433.656218	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.781722		16.781722		483.278896		-54.292828		-25.389094		25.389094		731.153414		181.669444
+7433.666270	0	55967	56000	26033	26000	-16.711403		16.711403		481.253868		-67.500919		-25.604036		25.604036		737.343317		206.330121
+7433.676175	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.659832		16.659832		479.768720		-49.504936		-25.839767		25.839767		744.131863		226.284862
+7433.686264	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.682879		16.682879		480.432419		22.123307		-26.024189		26.024189		749.442834		177.032351
+7433.696180	0	54916	56000	27084	26000	-16.577392		16.577392		477.394608		-101.260394		-26.253678		26.253678		756.051649		220.293850
+7433.706331	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.590591		16.590591		477.774721		12.670457		-26.532001		26.532001		764.066787		267.171264
+7433.716270	0	55959	56000	26041	26000	-16.521193		16.521193		475.776199		-66.617429		-26.765522		26.765522		770.791702		224.163830
+7433.726281	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.548695		16.548695		476.568192		26.399791		-26.982992		26.982992		777.054383		208.756030
+7433.736183	0	54691	56000	27309	26000	-16.436000		16.436000		473.322818		-108.179152		-27.231172		27.231172		784.201455		238.235742
+7433.746386	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.407708		16.407708		472.508056		-27.158707		-27.448628		27.448628		790.463743		208.742917
+7433.756217	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.417593		16.417593		472.792724		9.488910		-27.697939		27.697939		797.643368		239.320844
+7433.766275	0	45656	56000	36344	26000	-16.001538		16.001538		460.811225		-399.383307		-28.150686		28.150686		810.681564		434.606522
+7433.776268	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.010144		16.010144		461.059061		8.261204		-28.396459		28.396459		817.759301		235.924572
+7433.786309	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.000265		16.000265		460.774541		-9.483993		-28.671276		28.671276		825.673485		263.806134
+7433.796338	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.023045		16.023045		461.430569		21.867603		-28.839743		28.839743		830.524975		161.716342
+7433.806195	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.017337		16.017337		461.266181		-5.479604		-29.105103		29.105103		838.166785		254.727006
+7433.816209	0	53527	56000	28473	26000	-15.874060		15.874060		457.140103		-137.535930		-29.483621		29.483621		849.067345		363.352001
+7433.826244	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.818148		15.818148		455.529955		-53.671598		-29.761907		29.761907		857.081401		267.135203
+7433.836279	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.777525		15.777525		454.360110		-38.994849		-30.049274		30.049274		865.356964		275.852084
+7433.846187	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.735569		15.735569		453.151859		-40.275007		-30.303012		30.303012		872.664097		243.571103
+7433.856281	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.709075		15.709075		452.388878		-25.432706		-30.600337		30.600337		881.226441		285.411477
+7433.866258	0	55686	56000	26314	26000	-15.643416		15.643416		450.498046		-63.027740		-30.906603		30.906603		890.046260		293.993950
+7433.876376	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.697595		15.697595		452.058282		52.007884		-31.179814		31.179814		897.914171		262.263715
+7433.886433	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.929505		15.929505		458.736826		222.618133		-31.195837		31.195837		898.375618		15.381575
+7433.896384	0	48639	56000	33361	26000	-15.617333		15.617333		449.746916		-299.663693		-31.674401		31.674401		912.157273		459.388494
+7433.906428	0	54317	56000	27683	26000	-15.504876		15.504876		446.508376		-107.951313		-31.967061		31.967061		920.585275		280.933380
+7433.916372	0	55678	56000	26322	26000	-15.440761		15.440761		444.661997		-61.545968		-32.304107		32.304107		930.291501		323.540866
+7433.926266	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.564336		15.564336		448.220707		118.623674		-32.564436		32.564436		937.788445		249.898136
+7433.936380	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.705291		15.705291		452.279909		135.306716		-32.641071		32.641071		939.995366		73.564053
+7433.946283	0	52410	56000	29590	26000	-15.522658		15.522658		447.020473		-175.314546		-33.132158		33.132158		954.137662		471.409857
+7433.956403	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.671476		15.671476		451.306120		142.854899		-33.186544		33.186544		955.703849		52.206218
+7433.966395	0	50564	56000	31436	26000	-15.425957		15.425957		444.235660		-235.681981		-33.727536		33.727536		971.283299		519.315004
+7433.976367	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.659406		15.659406		450.958510		224.094987		-33.817107		33.817107		973.862761		85.982084
+7433.986282	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.678458		15.678458		451.507191		18.289387		-34.066511		34.066511		981.045091		239.410996
+7433.996371	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.660044		15.660044		450.976901		-17.676353		-34.458219		34.458219		992.325470		376.012623
+7434.006306	0	54657	56000	27343	26000	-15.549535		15.549535		447.794469		-106.081069		-34.787277		34.787277		1001.801661		315.873027
+7434.016384	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.653269		15.653269		450.781779		99.577010		-34.954501		34.954501		1006.617352		160.523057
+7434.026332	0	55183	56000	26817	26000	-15.559053		15.559053		448.068564		-90.440512		-35.388146		35.388146		1019.105440		416.269600
+7434.036378	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.578352		15.578352		448.624326		18.525422		-35.528390		35.528390		1023.144186		134.624839
+7434.046352	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.594019		15.594019		449.075496		15.038997		-35.945920		35.945920		1035.168171		400.799513
+7434.056378	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.611806		15.611806		449.587740		17.074794		-36.226630		36.226630		1043.252054		269.462764
+7434.066310	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.591708		15.591708		449.008964		-19.292533		-36.477278		36.477278		1050.470182		240.604281
+7434.076372	0	55620	56000	26380	26000	-15.509872		15.509872		446.652259		-78.556836		-36.752295		36.752295		1058.390120		263.997912
+7434.086367	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.574541		15.574541		448.514570		62.077045		-37.020926		37.020926		1066.126147		257.867575
+7434.096379	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.526256		15.526256		447.124082		-46.349615		-37.338366		37.338366		1075.267759		304.720402
+7434.106402	0	54890	56000	27110	26000	-15.419261		15.419261		444.042850		-102.707744		-37.590250		37.590250		1082.521489		241.791010
+7434.116360	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.409930		15.409930		443.774115		-8.957833		-37.883351		37.883351		1090.962178		281.356275
+7434.126370	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.424422		15.424422		444.191453		13.911277		-38.131170		38.131170		1098.098874		237.889886
+7434.136366	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.419495		15.419495		444.049586		-4.728884		-38.338685		38.338685		1104.074872		199.199915
+7434.146394	0	53022	56000	28978	26000	-15.249360		15.249360		439.150053		-163.317770		-38.653403		38.653403		1113.138101		302.107632
+7434.156470	0	55857	56000	26143	26000	-15.178960		15.178960		437.122665		-67.579597		-38.916324		38.916324		1120.709690		252.386332
+7434.166366	0	54751	56000	27249	26000	-15.072518		15.072518		434.057365		-102.176666		-39.190755		39.190755		1128.612712		263.434052
+7434.176320	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.261959		15.261959		439.512858		181.849748		-39.357650		39.357650		1133.418962		160.208344
+7434.186460	0	54454	56000	27546	26000	-15.141491		15.141491		436.043644		-115.640461		-39.596044		39.596044		1140.284219		228.841901
+7434.196399	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.136737		15.136737		435.906744		-4.563332		-39.856503		39.856503		1147.784901		250.022709
+7434.206426	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.172200		15.172200		436.927986		34.041405		-40.100058		40.100058		1154.798761		233.795345
+7434.216464	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.120622		15.120622		435.442641		-49.511492		-40.352119		40.352119		1162.057605		241.961479
+7434.226477	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.073976		15.073976		434.099360		-44.776052		-40.576542		40.576542		1168.520522		215.430558
+7434.236422	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.056351		15.056351		433.591788		-16.919076		-40.807990		40.807990		1175.185740		222.173929
+7434.246528	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.135506		15.135506		435.871290		75.983405		-40.990455		40.990455		1180.440357		175.153911
+7434.256510	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.346079		15.346079		441.935357		202.135593		-41.168975		41.168975		1185.581383		171.367526
+7434.266493	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.281951		15.281951		440.088585		-61.559081		-41.326251		41.326251		1190.110588		150.973499
+7434.276472	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.276852		15.276852		439.941752		-4.894435		-41.575928		41.575928		1197.300786		239.673257
+7434.286414	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.354077		15.354077		442.165688		74.131191		-41.748165		41.748165		1202.260852		165.335536
+7434.296482	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.321096		15.321096		441.215895		-31.659752		-41.952074		41.952074		1208.132994		195.738077
+7434.306391	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.316721		15.316721		441.089912		-4.199445		-42.145436		42.145436		1213.701439		185.614824
+7434.316458	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.285712		15.285712		440.196915		-29.766560		-42.308285		42.308285		1218.391147		156.323612
+7434.326490	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.473382		15.473382		445.601414		180.149972		-42.438875		42.438875		1222.151864		125.357211
+7434.336482	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.446428		15.446428		444.825205		-25.873631		-42.631285		42.631285		1227.692869		184.700191
+7434.346401	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.630628		15.630628		450.129783		176.819265		-42.762592		42.762592		1231.474239		126.045644
+7434.356491	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.754099		15.754099		453.685494		118.523687		-42.925396		42.925396		1236.162668		156.280994
+7434.366483	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.795748		15.795748		454.884893		39.979964		-43.066535		43.066535		1240.227181		135.483742
+7434.376504	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.718840		15.718840		452.670103		-73.826313		-43.251094		43.251094		1245.542085		177.163482
+7434.386479	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.847463		15.847463		456.374171		123.468935		-43.365616		43.365616		1248.840076		109.933019
+7434.396397	0	55289	56000	26711	26000	-15.720975		15.720975		452.731571		-121.420026		-43.578284		43.578284		1254.964480		204.146802
+7434.406390	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.783401		15.783401		454.529317		59.924871		-43.709294		43.709294		1258.737293		125.760436
+7434.416501	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.820721		15.820721		455.604060		35.824776		-43.901242		43.901242		1264.265022		184.257627
+7434.426414	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.832793		15.832793		455.951719		11.588633		-44.004617		44.004617		1267.242005		99.232793
+7434.436513	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.920744		15.920744		458.484516		84.426552		-44.142888		44.142888		1271.223906		132.730007
+7434.446522	0	55212	56000	26788	26000	-15.785349		15.785349		454.585424		-129.969716		-44.325575		44.325575		1276.484916		175.366998
+7434.456501	0	54445	56000	27555	26000	-15.627213		15.627213		450.031435		-151.799619		-44.465809		44.465809		1280.523366		134.615004
+7434.466405	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.699265		15.699265		452.106375		69.164634		-44.597495		44.597495		1284.315652		126.409531
+7434.476503	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.699260		15.699260		452.106227		-0.004917		-44.698192		44.698192		1287.215531		96.662641
+7434.486411	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.653564		15.653564		450.790286		-43.864697		-44.805003		44.805003		1290.291452		102.530718
+7434.496448	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.757736		15.757736		453.790234		99.998266		-44.900403		44.900403		1293.038794		91.578066
+7434.506500	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.782241		15.782241		454.495928		23.523122		-44.995944		44.995944		1295.790169		91.712475
+7434.516719	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.798941		15.798941		454.976848		16.030669		-45.101351		45.101351		1298.825669		101.183355
+7434.526548	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.768057		15.768057		454.087441		-29.646903		-45.176927		45.176927		1301.002103		72.547793
+7434.536488	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.765070		15.765070		454.001436		-2.866834		-45.258729		45.258729		1303.357825		78.524053
+7434.546490	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.955076		15.955076		459.473205		182.392299		-45.265279		45.265279		1303.546456		6.287694
+7434.556461	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.947103		15.947103		459.243612		-7.653087		-45.375747		45.375747		1306.727707		106.041729
+7434.566406	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.993036		15.993036		460.566388		44.092536		-45.469543		45.469543		1309.428826		90.037286
+7434.576507	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.979374		15.979374		460.172948		-13.114661		-45.532162		45.532162		1311.232129		60.110092
+7434.586420	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.041249		16.041249		461.954811		59.395432		-45.569325		45.569325		1312.302348		35.673976
+7434.596513	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.117667		16.117667		464.155488		73.355883		-45.573720		45.573720		1312.428921		4.219115
+7434.606477	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.162734		16.162734		465.453333		43.261498		-45.611170		45.611170		1313.507402		35.949349
+7434.616488	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.289096		16.289096		469.092295		121.298730		-45.629250		45.629250		1314.028054		17.355084
+7434.626574	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.310063		16.310063		469.696100		20.126849		-45.675193		45.675193		1315.351126		44.102371
+7434.636602	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.360706		16.360706		471.154498		48.613250		-45.687170		45.687170		1315.696031		11.496842
+7434.646511	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.377214		16.377214		471.629910		15.847087		-45.707390		45.707390		1316.278347		19.410551
+7434.656505	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.412960		16.412960		472.659315		34.313500		-45.724578		45.724578		1316.773331		16.499460
+7434.666608	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.394814		16.394814		472.136745		-17.419010		-45.740035		45.740035		1317.218453		14.837384
+7434.676497	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.395128		16.395128		472.145793		0.301600		-45.737952		45.737952		1317.158461		-1.999736
+7434.686590	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.442195		16.442195		473.501220		45.180917		-45.735876		45.735876		1317.098665		-1.993179
+7434.696546	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.498660		16.498660		475.127301		54.202676		-45.757029		45.757029		1317.707831		20.305514
+7434.706514	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.543179		16.543179		476.409361		42.735338		-45.751968		45.751968		1317.562079		-4.858375
+7434.716535	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.569493		16.569493		477.167130		25.258958		-45.731617		45.731617		1316.976026		-19.535124
+7434.726660	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.629625		16.629625		478.898835		57.723522		-45.702285		45.702285		1316.131318		-28.156936
+7434.736486	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.641425		16.641425		479.238626		11.326373		-45.700608		45.700608		1316.083029		-1.609623
+7434.746597	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.588827		16.588827		477.723925		-50.490052		-45.705420		45.705420		1316.221601		4.619062
+7434.756615	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.600136		16.600136		478.049603		10.855943		-45.681439		45.681439		1315.531003		-23.019910
+7434.766602	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.647833		16.647833		479.423176		45.785755		-45.645666		45.645666		1314.500812		-34.339726
+7434.776620	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.681251		16.681251		480.385557		32.079369		-45.605965		45.605965		1313.357520		-38.109720
+7434.786525	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.693577		16.693577		480.740494		11.831224		-45.584775		45.584775		1312.747273		-20.341575
+7434.796536	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.729020		16.729020		481.761195		34.023374		-45.553400		45.553400		1311.843753		-30.117333
+7434.806632	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.761937		16.761937		482.709119		31.597465		-45.516381		45.516381		1310.777664		-35.536289
+7434.816662	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.839439		16.839439		484.941021		74.396729		-45.446866		45.446866		1308.775797		-66.728890
+7434.826592	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.917774		16.917774		487.196919		75.196624		-45.348170		45.348170		1305.933550		-94.741583
+7434.836504	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.939479		16.939479		487.821968		20.834953		-45.328991		45.328991		1305.381230		-18.410683
+7434.846625	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.892321		16.892321		486.463934		-45.267791		-45.321645		45.321645		1305.169684		-7.051528
+7434.856609	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.936578		16.936578		487.738422		42.482913		-45.294410		45.294410		1304.385361		-26.144087
+7434.866645	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.928209		16.928209		487.497421		-8.033365		-45.275801		45.275801		1303.849465		-17.863214
+7434.876612	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.007769		17.007769		489.788577		76.371878		-45.233420		45.233420		1302.628970		-40.683150
+7434.886506	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.047889		17.047889		490.943965		38.512945		-45.180083		45.180083		1301.092976		-51.199794
+7434.896643	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.081871		17.081871		491.922574		32.620281		-45.136636		45.136636		1299.841797		-41.705966
+7434.906568	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.087036		17.087036		492.071325		4.958361		-45.103298		45.103298		1298.881727		-32.002330
+7434.916637	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.194397		17.194397		495.163080		103.058517		-45.009960		45.009960		1296.193787		-89.598000
+7434.926578	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.117301		17.117301		492.942882		-74.006617		-44.982987		44.982987		1295.417038		-25.891662
+7434.936658	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.151727		17.151727		493.934275		33.046454		-44.939472		44.939472		1294.163892		-41.771531
+7434.946742	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.188598		17.188598		494.996086		35.393685		-44.901954		44.901954		1293.083444		-36.014915
+7434.956644	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.190282		17.190282		495.044571		1.616180		-44.884783		44.884783		1292.588952		-16.483068
+7434.966578	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.208250		17.208250		495.562027		17.248541		-44.852172		44.852172		1291.649830		-31.304061
+7434.976625	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.243299		17.243299		496.571369		33.644736		-44.808858		44.808858		1290.402487		-41.578114
+7434.986752	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.286043		17.286043		497.802289		41.030645		-44.775643		44.775643		1289.445958		-31.884313
+7434.996671	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.353643		17.353643		499.749032		64.891428		-44.693292		44.693292		1287.074402		-79.051852
+7435.006743	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.378896		17.378896		500.476263		24.241060		-44.666712		44.666712		1286.308962		-25.514662
+7435.016669	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.387157		17.387157		500.714166		7.930100		-44.654134		44.654134		1285.946748		-12.073815
+7435.026608	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.392527		17.392527		500.868818		5.155057		-44.630833		44.630833		1285.275722		-22.367537
+7435.036768	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.406390		17.406390		501.268061		13.308078		-44.607064		44.607064		1284.591222		-22.816658
+7435.046736	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.422291		17.422291		501.725967		15.263557		-44.580887		44.580887		1283.837387		-25.127828
+7435.056731	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.435738		17.435738		502.113211		12.908131		-44.571233		44.571233		1283.559358		-9.267628
+7435.066686	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.500384		17.500384		503.974883		62.055737		-44.536447		44.536447		1282.557589		-33.392310
+7435.076715	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.433617		17.433617		502.052137		-64.091533		-44.562548		44.562548		1283.309260		25.055707
+7435.086707	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.419921		17.419921		501.657714		-13.147444		-44.570738		44.570738		1283.545098		7.861257
+7435.096608	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.425068		17.425068		501.805924		4.940331		-44.562616		44.562616		1283.311227		-7.795691
+7435.106713	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.327302		17.327302		498.990476		-93.848258		-44.606517		44.606517		1284.575486		42.141974
+7435.116728	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.352712		17.352712		499.722232		24.391860		-44.539571		44.539571		1282.647577		-64.263642
+7435.126800	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.381368		17.381368		500.547467		27.507842		-44.526666		44.526666		1282.275921		-12.388527
+7435.136686	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.536275		17.536275		505.008468		148.700029		-44.523906		44.523906		1282.196456		-2.648830
+7435.146695	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.536801		17.536801		505.023614		0.504851		-44.531645		44.531645		1282.419312		7.428527
+7435.156676	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.484473		17.484473		503.516681		-50.231069		-44.581498		44.581498		1283.854991		47.855973
+7435.166756	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.484273		17.484273		503.510928		-0.191778		-44.615342		44.615342		1284.829617		32.487512
+7435.176732	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.481792		17.481792		503.439479		-2.381653		-44.646092		44.646092		1285.715139		29.517412
+7435.186736	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.476455		17.476455		503.285761		-5.123913		-44.676766		44.676766		1286.598498		29.445291
+7435.196635	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.472575		17.472575		503.174038		-3.724098		-44.704432		44.704432		1287.395212		26.557148
+7435.206710	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.513286		17.513286		504.346441		39.080083		-44.789345		44.789345		1289.840528		81.510544
+7435.216714	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.465719		17.465719		502.976605		-45.661181		-44.859006		44.859006		1291.846624		66.869855
+7435.226714	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.566111		17.566111		505.867682		96.369237		-44.870528		44.870528		1292.178449		11.060834
+7435.236614	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.498540		17.498540		503.921776		-64.863563		-44.981495		44.981495		1295.374060		106.520355
+7435.246749	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.496795		17.496795		503.871520		-1.675189		-45.018176		45.018176		1296.430412		35.211742
+7435.256716	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.520233		17.520233		504.546480		22.498667		-45.043130		45.043130		1297.149038		23.954213
+7435.266651	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.485508		17.485508		503.546481		-33.333302		-45.138087		45.138087		1299.883595		91.151893
+7435.276656	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.540184		17.540184		505.121027		52.484870		-45.177129		45.177129		1301.007906		37.477016
+7435.286751	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.474662		17.474662		503.234129		-62.896609		-45.299771		45.299771		1304.539767		117.728710
+7435.296719	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.432393		17.432393		502.016880		-40.574968		-45.372581		45.372581		1306.636539		69.892406
+7435.306756	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.467335		17.467335		503.023124		33.541471		-45.451077		45.451077		1308.897060		75.350702
+7435.316679	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.410762		17.410762		501.393946		-54.305941		-45.534170		45.534170		1311.289957		79.763234
+7435.326627	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.361871		17.361871		499.986000		-46.931505		-45.569137		45.569137		1312.296939		33.566058
+7435.336751	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.270570		17.270570		497.356725		-87.642521		-45.703142		45.703142		1316.156003		128.635466
+7435.346725	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.375136		17.375136		500.367983		100.375265		-45.788253		45.788253		1318.607023		81.700683
+7435.356699	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.258206		17.258206		497.000657		-112.244189		-45.914628		45.914628		1322.246379		121.311843
+7435.366814	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.312528		17.312528		498.565024		52.145571		-46.006436		46.006436		1324.890259		88.129342
+7435.376746	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.229255		17.229255		496.166915		-79.936981		-46.229514		46.229514		1331.314427		214.138925
+7435.386738	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.216726		17.216726		495.806126		-12.026280		-46.346617		46.346617		1334.686768		112.411380
+7435.396716	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.111251		17.111251		492.768659		-101.248920		-46.505546		46.505546		1339.263573		152.560174
+7435.406725	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.051557		17.051557		491.049591		-57.302266		-46.607329		46.607329		1342.194727		97.705126
+7435.416842	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.068761		17.068761		491.545017		16.514212		-46.732247		46.732247		1345.792088		119.912028
+7435.426728	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.000418		17.000418		489.576884		-65.604448		-46.871347		46.871347		1349.797887		133.526623
+7435.436829	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.044341		17.044341		490.841782		42.163283		-46.943658		46.943658		1351.880300		69.413781
+7435.446790	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.019059		17.019059		490.113714		-24.268925		-47.044506		47.044506		1354.784507		96.806884
+7435.456793	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.956448		16.956448		488.310657		-60.101897		-47.228695		47.228695		1360.088789		176.809430
+7435.466804	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.938599		16.938599		487.796643		-17.133802		-47.347561		47.347561		1363.511878		114.102960
+7435.476727	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.940957		16.940957		487.864552		2.263635		-47.563078		47.563078		1369.718304		206.880867
+7435.486722	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.910966		16.910966		487.000863		-28.789639		-47.707871		47.707871		1373.888049		138.991475
+7435.496840	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.840668		16.840668		484.976426		-67.481250		-47.876494		47.876494		1378.744063		161.867142
+7435.506845	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.862511		16.862511		485.605457		20.967722		-48.042854		48.042854		1383.534873		159.693658
+7435.516722	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.728030		16.728030		481.732674		-129.092783		-48.176473		48.176473		1387.382823		128.265023
+7435.526740	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.856632		16.856632		485.436152		123.449266		-48.329937		48.329937		1391.802272		147.314966
+7435.536789	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.837963		16.837963		484.898534		-17.920583		-48.500118		48.500118		1396.703133		163.362026
+7435.546875	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.641498		16.641498		479.240741		-188.593119		-48.771574		48.771574		1404.520494		260.578692
+7435.556817	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.548700		16.548700		476.568340		-89.080036		-48.908833		48.908833		1408.473283		131.759644
+7435.566867	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.460641		16.460641		474.032445		-84.529817		-49.133372		49.133372		1414.939544		215.542018
+7435.576724	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.329186		16.329186		470.246798		-126.188248		-49.288721		49.288721		1419.413280		149.124563
+7435.586775	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.383266		16.383266		471.804182		51.912814		-49.494792		49.494792		1425.347677		197.813213
+7435.596869	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.375271		16.375271		471.573950		-7.674396		-49.681874		49.681874		1430.735260		179.586112
+7435.606843	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.337920		16.337920		470.498322		-35.854280		-49.924441		49.924441		1437.720698		232.847929
+7435.616798	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.322509		16.322509		470.054528		-14.793128		-50.176345		50.176345		1444.975019		241.810679
+7435.626816	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.263618		16.263618		468.358572		-56.531876		-50.386172		50.386172		1451.017597		201.419294
+7435.636800	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.227768		16.227768		467.326167		-34.413487		-50.576441		50.576441		1456.496939		182.644725
+7435.646845	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.145666		16.145666		464.961791		-78.812540		-50.741609		50.741609		1461.253425		158.549547
+7435.656845	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.078513		16.078513		463.027932		-64.461976		-50.917373		50.917373		1466.315085		168.721974
+7435.666858	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.044382		16.044382		462.045045		-32.762885		-51.181719		51.181719		1473.927686		253.753364
+7435.677006	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.134298		16.134298		464.634441		86.313188		-51.312879		51.312879		1477.704826		125.904679
+7435.686761	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.110465		16.110465		463.948072		-22.878945		-51.522955		51.522955		1483.754584		201.658607
+7435.696828	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.907331		15.907331		458.098255		-194.993913		-51.820440		51.820440		1492.321551		285.565555
+7435.706871	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.884612		15.884612		457.443997		-21.808594		-52.068301		52.068301		1499.459428		237.929225
+7435.716833	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.895435		15.895435		457.755661		10.388792		-52.270546		52.270546		1505.283675		194.141567
+7435.726899	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.841266		15.841266		456.195720		-51.998049		-52.415357		52.415357		1509.453911		139.007866
+7435.736751	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.744103		15.744103		453.397630		-93.269646		-52.723644		52.723644		1518.331951		295.934677
+7435.746827	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.736860		15.736860		453.189035		-6.953180		-52.971706		52.971706		1525.475630		238.122642
+7435.756936	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.601096		15.601096		449.279322		-130.323768		-53.238599		53.238599		1533.161598		256.198943
+7435.766942	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.540728		15.540728		447.540830		-57.949722		-53.444868		53.444868		1539.101699		198.003352
+7435.776900	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.482398		15.482398		445.861052		-55.992603		-53.671541		53.671541		1545.629427		217.590928
+7435.786925	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.375755		15.375755		442.789949		-102.370083		-53.865320		53.865320		1551.209870		186.014771
+7435.796885	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.283009		15.283009		440.119073		-89.029223		-54.137053		54.137053		1559.035197		260.844231
+7435.806940	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.229761		15.229761		438.585636		-51.114559		-54.392488		54.392488		1566.391209		245.200396
+7435.816899	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.314865		15.314865		441.036460		81.694126		-54.519376		54.519376		1570.045316		121.803582
+7435.826944	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.155037		15.155037		436.433740		-153.423995		-54.862876		54.862876		1579.937419		329.736769
+7435.836934	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.087707		15.087707		434.494767		-64.632446		-55.083427		55.083427		1586.288810		211.713016
+7435.846831	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.086708		15.086708		434.466000		-0.958890		-55.289094		55.289094		1592.211601		197.426379
+7435.856926	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.036469		15.036469		433.019207		-48.226416		-55.537187		55.537187		1599.356166		238.152146
+7435.866899	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.968672		14.968672		431.066810		-65.079927		-55.742263		55.742263		1605.261943		196.859241
+7435.876839	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.846451		14.846451		427.547094		-117.323846		-56.050592		56.050592		1614.141163		295.974016
+7435.886939	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.797605		14.797605		426.140428		-46.888888		-56.238876		56.238876		1619.563365		180.740058
+7435.896850	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.700032		14.700032		423.330536		-93.663037		-56.482553		56.482553		1626.580766		233.913362
+7435.906847	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.586402		14.586402		420.058215		-109.077394		-56.795311		56.795311		1635.587543		300.225914
+7435.917008	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.535290		14.535290		418.586294		-49.064010		-57.058871		57.058871		1643.177524		252.999365
+7435.926952	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.454376		14.454376		416.256143		-77.671707		-57.330743		57.330743		1651.006883		260.978639
+7435.936835	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.355282		14.355282		413.402438		-95.123500		-57.510514		57.510514		1656.183904		172.567368
+7435.946941	0	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.385960		14.385960		414.285895		29.448569		-57.756674		57.756674		1663.272804		236.296654
+7435.956855	1	55207	56000	26793	26000	-14.162898		14.162898		407.862170		-214.124173		-57.984345		57.984345		1669.829249		218.548179
+7435.966924	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.105883		14.105883		406.220280		-54.729655		-58.249875		58.249875		1677.475977		254.890919
+7435.976941	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.924394		13.924394		400.993766		-174.217150		-58.474185		58.474185		1683.935648		215.322375
+7435.986894	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.015398		14.015398		403.614485		87.357312		-58.727804		58.727804		1691.239339		243.456364
+7435.996925	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.894179		13.894179		400.123635		-116.361678		-58.989769		58.989769		1698.783392		251.468420
+7436.007080	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.787246		13.787246		397.044173		-102.648735		-59.182913		59.182913		1704.345542		185.405016
+7436.016907	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.742034		13.742034		395.742173		-43.400005		-59.400564		59.400564		1710.613436		208.929777
+7436.026855	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.642523		13.642523		392.876445		-95.524266		-59.656805		59.656805		1717.992657		245.974064
+7436.036989	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.643520		13.643520		392.905162		0.957251		-59.874319		59.874319		1724.256617		208.798647
+7436.046921	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.587435		13.587435		391.290048		-53.837150		-60.037930		60.037930		1728.968257		157.054663
+7436.056901	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.523344		13.523344		389.444357		-61.523020		-60.250335		60.250335		1735.085088		203.894377
+7436.067045	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.457919		13.457919		387.560237		-62.803999		-60.475130		60.475130		1741.558725		215.787888
+7436.076877	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.371658		13.371658		385.076098		-82.804635		-60.742416		60.742416		1749.256003		256.575942
+7436.087059	1	54635	56000	27365	26000	-13.149423		13.149423		378.676198		-213.330016		-61.017509		61.017509		1757.178104		264.070034
+7436.096955	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.202464		13.202464		380.203660		50.915405		-61.194233		61.194233		1762.267399		169.643164
+7436.106944	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.085644		13.085644		376.839481		-112.139285		-61.386940		61.386940		1767.816961		184.985399
+7436.116959	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.008328		13.008328		374.612939		-74.218065		-61.602111		61.602111		1774.013454		206.549764
+7436.126969	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.991624		12.991624		374.131921		-16.033947		-61.716551		61.716551		1777.309084		109.854341
+7436.136954	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.895476		12.895476		371.363041		-92.296004		-61.959924		61.959924		1784.317732		233.621597
+7436.147045	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.777704		12.777704		367.971472		-113.052279		-62.241089		62.241089		1792.414695		269.898772
+7436.156964	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.739797		12.739797		366.879813		-36.388636		-62.433967		62.433967		1797.969174		185.149312
+7436.167079	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.699792		12.699792		365.727744		-38.402304		-62.668024		62.668024		1804.709530		224.678516
+7436.177074	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.666477		12.666477		364.768363		-31.979382		-62.830104		62.830104		1809.377110		155.586004
+7436.187044	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.608839		12.608839		363.108500		-55.328757		-63.002901		63.002901		1814.353305		165.873170
+7436.196988	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.502740		12.502740		360.053059		-101.848021		-63.180479		63.180479		1819.467187		170.462728
+7436.206978	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.523031		12.523031		360.637392		19.477755		-63.311353		63.311353		1823.236066		125.629306
+7436.217040	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.430929		12.430929		357.985054		-88.411272		-63.486724		63.486724		1828.286415		168.344975
+7436.227064	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.342364		12.342364		355.434555		-85.016638		-63.693556		63.693556		1834.242743		198.544264
+7436.236942	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.261648		12.261648		353.110108		-77.481568		-63.876421		63.876421		1839.508867		175.537467
+7436.246995	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.204758		12.204758		351.471808		-54.609999		-63.939450		63.939450		1841.323972		60.503483
+7436.257073	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.242808		12.242808		352.567573		36.525503		-64.083540		64.083540		1845.473456		138.316154
+7436.267012	1	55862	56000	26138	26000	-12.082792		12.082792		347.959444		-153.604299		-64.331250		64.331250		1852.607006		237.784982
+7436.276971	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.131902		12.131902		349.373683		47.141314		-64.395064		64.395064		1854.444730		61.257482
+7436.287049	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.048309		12.048309		346.966378		-80.243498		-64.563517		64.563517		1859.295827		161.703229
+7436.297076	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.924965		11.924965		343.414331		-118.401572		-64.725243		64.725243		1863.953179		155.245066
+7436.306976	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.953696		11.953696		344.241730		27.579963		-64.791195		64.791195		1865.852469		63.309669
+7436.317060	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.845719		11.845719		341.132223		-103.650242		-64.963534		64.963534		1870.815486		165.433884
+7436.327019	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.798425		11.798425		339.770255		-45.398921		-65.080624		65.080624		1874.187434		112.398267
+7436.336964	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.728359		11.728359		337.752481		-67.259148		-65.226462		65.226462		1878.387272		139.994621
+7436.347279	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.676346		11.676346		336.254621		-49.928650		-65.324127		65.324127		1881.199819		93.751550
+7436.357043	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.584257		11.584257		333.602652		-88.398978		-65.472001		65.472001		1885.458273		141.948462
+7436.367000	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.560130		11.560130		332.907850		-23.160055		-65.559031		65.559031		1887.964565		83.543062
+7436.377069	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.504959		11.504959		331.319044		-52.960217		-65.688764		65.688764		1891.700596		124.534369
+7436.387047	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.449428		11.449428		329.719862		-53.306073		-65.791606		65.791606		1894.662237		98.721385
+7436.397041	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.336528		11.336528		326.468562		-108.376667		-65.953509		65.953509		1899.324703		155.415535
+7436.407012	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.318444		11.318444		325.947786		-17.359182		-66.008130		66.008130		1900.897676		52.432418
+7436.417057	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.231963		11.231963		323.457304		-83.016083		-66.163503		66.163503		1905.372101		149.147511
+7436.427052	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.180705		11.180705		321.981204		-49.203336		-66.237488		66.237488		1907.502705		71.020126
+7436.437026	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.142447		11.142447		320.879439		-36.725476		-66.342693		66.342693		1910.532403		100.989938
+7436.447054	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.089978		11.089978		319.368450		-50.366297		-66.431540		66.431540		1913.091016		85.287094
+7436.457010	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.071901		11.071901		318.847872		-17.352626		-66.522231		66.522231		1915.702736		87.057352
+7436.467007	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.002510		11.002510		316.849545		-66.610873		-66.626050		66.626050		1918.692505		99.658966
+7436.477172	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.947249		10.947249		315.258133		-53.047091		-66.741801		66.741801		1922.025901		111.113191
+7436.487065	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.877619		10.877619		313.252947		-66.839531		-66.839063		66.839063		1924.826843		93.364716
+7436.497024	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.834382		10.834382		312.007816		-41.504353		-66.925089		66.925089		1927.304220		82.579255
+7436.507111	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.814963		10.814963		311.448562		-18.641800		-67.003876		67.003876		1929.573101		75.629354
+7436.517166	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.760673		10.760673		309.885129		-52.114427		-67.097115		67.097115		1932.258189		89.502931
+7436.527076	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.716046		10.716046		308.599971		-42.838603		-67.213726		67.213726		1935.616368		111.939311
+7436.537185	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.663057		10.663057		307.074009		-50.865412		-67.280416		67.280416		1937.536901		64.017773
+7436.547143	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.623501		10.623501		305.934872		-37.971213		-67.396120		67.396120		1940.868920		111.067295
+7436.557154	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.610990		10.610990		305.574576		-12.009889		-67.473438		67.473438		1943.095511		74.219704
+7436.567122	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.545307		10.545307		303.683031		-63.051507		-67.564457		67.564457		1945.716673		87.372065
+7436.577045	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.503239		10.503239		302.471559		-40.382370		-67.661131		67.661131		1948.500699		92.800856
+7436.587116	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.435370		10.435370		300.517072		-65.149590		-67.752669		67.752669		1951.136810		87.870359
+7436.597062	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.388175		10.388175		299.157956		-45.303851		-67.878440		67.878440		1954.758757		120.731592
+7436.607156	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.417871		10.417871		300.013138		28.506070		-67.930206		67.930206		1956.249511		49.691796
+7436.617052	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.375390		10.375390		298.789792		-40.778220		-68.026669		68.026669		1959.027439		92.597604
+7436.627181	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.337071		10.337071		297.686282		-36.783665		-68.140078		68.140078		1962.293369		108.864307
+7436.637160	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.320654		10.320654		297.213500		-15.759394		-68.219301		68.219301		1964.574838		76.048970
+7436.647157	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.255070		10.255070		295.324807		-62.956437		-68.381928		68.381928		1969.258153		156.110525
+7436.657069	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.279978		10.279978		296.042106		23.909956		-68.464703		68.464703		1971.641904		79.458356
+7436.667071	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.166673		10.166673		292.779176		-108.764321		-68.616893		68.616893		1976.024669		146.092176
+7436.677174	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.166741		10.166741		292.781118		0.064746		-68.698097		68.698097		1978.363180		77.950358
+7436.687151	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.140817		10.140817		292.034561		-24.885237		-68.840746		68.840746		1982.471162		136.932731
+7436.697146	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.085616		10.085616		290.444894		-52.988902		-68.892061		68.892061		1983.948934		49.259067
+7436.707058	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.131331		10.131331		291.761401		43.883547		-69.042455		69.042455		1988.279969		144.367814
+7436.717063	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.069915		10.069915		289.992741		-58.955327		-69.145058		69.145058		1991.234726		98.491907
+7436.727155	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.076872		10.076872		290.193075		6.677806		-69.287993		69.287993		1995.350969		137.208104
+7436.737072	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.072319		10.072319		290.061978		-4.369915		-69.401136		69.401136		1998.609227		108.608603
+7436.747184	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.014702		10.014702		288.402705		-55.309087		-69.484191		69.484191		2001.001042		79.727173
+7436.757179	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.961809		9.961809		286.879496		-50.773621		-69.609723		69.609723		2004.616106		120.502114
+7436.767085	1	54847	56000	27153	26000	-9.805323		9.805323		282.373034		-150.215402		-69.727810		69.727810		2008.016771		113.355517
+7436.777104	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.741055		9.741055		280.522254		-61.692670		-69.883524		69.883524		2012.501031		149.475336
+7436.787196	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.746254		9.746254		280.671964		4.990324		-70.003073		70.003073		2015.943789		114.758611
+7436.797124	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.757747		9.757747		281.002953		11.032969		-70.161848		70.161848		2020.516169		152.412653
+7436.807038	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.747996		9.747996		280.722121		-9.361058		-70.294654		70.294654		2024.340713		127.484798
+7436.817156	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.712249		9.712249		279.692692		-34.314319		-70.402011		70.402011		2027.432370		103.055239
+7436.827094	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.677943		9.677943		278.704765		-32.930896		-70.597751		70.597751		2033.069265		187.896490
+7436.837154	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.624606		9.624606		277.168746		-51.200613		-70.715551		70.715551		2036.461669		113.080144
+7436.847307	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.624411		9.624411		277.163140		-0.186861		-70.865753		70.865753		2040.787196		144.184232
+7436.857111	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.571056		9.571056		275.626630		-51.217005		-70.987495		70.987495		2044.293094		116.863251
+7436.867290	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.480867		9.480867		273.029367		-86.575449		-71.198671		71.198671		2050.374520		202.714205
+7436.877169	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.507521		9.507521		273.796946		25.585964		-71.328273		71.328273		2054.106814		124.409795
+7436.887208	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.462722		9.462722		272.506821		-43.004155		-71.534736		71.534736		2060.052520		198.190212
+7436.897076	1	55814	56000	26186	26000	-9.346760		9.346760		269.167377		-111.314803		-71.679304		71.679304		2064.215773		138.775110
+7436.907282	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.270506		9.270506		266.971397		-73.199347		-71.850353		71.850353		2069.141614		164.194703
+7436.917255	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.265207		9.265207		266.818810		-5.086213		-71.956822		71.956822		2072.207701		102.202892
+7436.927157	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.161285		9.161285		263.826066		-99.758133		-72.219415		72.219415		2079.769850		252.071619
+7436.937156	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.230231		9.230231		265.811583		66.183880		-72.370349		72.370349		2084.116423		144.885778
+7436.947208	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.220585		9.220585		265.533800		-9.259433		-72.498237		72.498237		2087.799346		122.764111
+7436.957283	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.183223		9.183223		264.457852		-35.864934		-72.665180		72.665180		2092.606974		160.254240
+7436.967228	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.106011		9.106011		262.234285		-74.118897		-72.852635		72.852635		2098.005277		179.943442
+7436.977261	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.068043		9.068043		261.140905		-36.446005		-73.091528		73.091528		2104.884893		229.320526
+7436.987199	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.103830		9.103830		262.171490		34.352839		-73.195722		73.195722		2107.885480		100.019574
+7436.997184	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.140624		9.140624		263.231087		35.319924		-73.355221		73.355221		2112.478709		153.107643
+7437.007274	1	55649	56000	26351	26000	-9.023139		9.023139		259.847756		-112.777725		-73.336656		73.336656		2111.944091		-17.820597
+7437.017217	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.938521		8.938521		257.410922		-81.227794		-73.218166		73.218166		2108.531821		-113.742352
+7437.027225	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.848514		8.848514		254.818920		-86.400062		-73.278887		73.278887		2110.280442		58.287382
+7437.037274	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.894908		8.894908		256.154973		44.535100		-73.183339		73.183339		2107.528871		-91.719031
+7437.047177	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.861784		8.861784		255.201050		-31.797439		-73.251737		73.251737		2109.498578		65.656900
+7437.057273	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.840527		8.840527		254.588909		-20.404682		-73.276421		73.276421		2110.209435		23.695230
+7437.067287	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.829244		8.829244		254.263969		-10.831356		-73.318188		73.318188		2111.412227		40.093064
+7437.077265	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.801093		8.801093		253.453289		-27.022660		-73.439936		73.439936		2114.918321		116.869807
+7437.087268	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.740089		8.740089		251.696480		-58.560297		-73.547033		73.547033		2118.002504		102.806091
+7437.097199	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.801135		8.801135		253.454494		58.600456		-73.660776		73.660776		2121.278071		109.185576
+7437.107232	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.826216		8.826216		254.176784		24.076328		-73.744719		73.744719		2123.695457		80.579519
+7437.117247	1	53970	56000	28030	26000	-8.656138		8.656138		249.278873		-163.263679		-73.814572		73.814572		2125.707060		67.053437
+7437.127286	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.644620		8.644620		248.947171		-11.056736		-73.707802		73.707802		2122.632319		-102.491379
+7437.137171	1	55314	56000	26686	26000	-8.524225		8.524225		245.480047		-115.570799		-73.674703		73.674703		2121.679133		-31.772852
+7437.147217	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.450580		8.450580		243.359229		-70.693940		-73.618443		73.618443		2120.058954		-54.005980
+7437.157288	1	53952	56000	28048	26000	-8.289033		8.289033		238.707016		-155.073777		-73.453091		73.453091		2115.297157		-158.726573
+7437.167276	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.247987		8.247987		237.524975		-39.401352		-73.274556		73.274556		2110.155737		-171.380639
+7437.177310	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.171917		8.171917		235.334305		-73.022321		-73.098747		73.098747		2105.092800		-168.764591
+7437.187177	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.179427		8.179427		235.550597		7.209703		-73.004846		73.004846		2102.388632		-90.138912
+7437.197292	1	55090	56000	26910	26000	-8.062432		8.062432		232.181378		-112.307295		-72.957554		72.957554		2101.026714		-45.397282
+7437.207203	1	54732	56000	27268	26000	-7.936341		7.936341		228.550210		-121.038929		-72.950259		72.950259		2100.816643		-7.002354
+7437.217216	1	54536	56000	27464	26000	-7.806899		7.806899		224.822538		-124.255717		-72.983338		72.983338		2101.769239		31.753182
+7437.227212	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.796929		7.796929		224.535437		-9.570047		-72.982395		72.982395		2101.742095		-0.904799
+7437.237406	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.753313		7.753313		223.279390		-41.868240		-72.945833		72.945833		2100.689185		-35.097003
+7437.247243	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.738090		7.738090		222.841005		-14.612824		-72.816742		72.816742		2096.971643		-123.918056
+7437.257289	1	54889	56000	27111	26000	-7.624682		7.624682		219.575076		-108.864307		-72.808519		72.808519		2096.734822		-7.894039
+7437.267401	1	53631	56000	28369	26000	-7.471772		7.471772		215.171584		-146.783069		-72.779422		72.779422		2095.896900		-27.930737
+7437.277245	1	55367	56000	26633	26000	-7.381457		7.381457		212.570706		-86.695924		-72.746473		72.746473		2094.948041		-31.628609
+7437.287386	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.417003		7.417003		213.594358		34.121722		-72.736378		72.736378		2094.657326		-9.690523
+7437.297304	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.445577		7.445577		214.417233		27.429163		-72.784729		72.784729		2096.049732		46.413541
+7437.307399	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.410073		7.410073		213.394786		-34.081563		-72.843278		72.843278		2097.735804		56.202412
+7437.317365	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.371812		7.371812		212.292948		-36.727935		-72.934133		72.934133		2100.352246		87.214708
+7437.327289	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.417163		7.417163		213.598955		43.533593		-72.974062		72.974062		2101.502126		38.329363
+7437.337311	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.413699		7.413699		213.499206		-3.324971		-72.976098		72.976098		2101.560742		1.953840
+7437.347372	1	54022	56000	27978	26000	-7.277003		7.277003		209.562644		-131.218731		-73.008800		73.008800		2102.502519		31.392574
+7437.357297	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.318715		7.318715		210.763863		40.040612		-73.017338		73.017338		2102.748388		8.195639
+7437.367400	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.354389		7.354389		211.791202		34.244657		-73.101220		73.101220		2105.164003		80.520511
+7437.377301	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.316278		7.316278		210.693692		-36.583692		-73.181850		73.181850		2107.485992		77.399611
+7437.387391	1	55936	56000	26064	26000	-7.245375		7.245375		208.651822		-68.062320		-73.412471		73.412471		2114.127409		221.380591
+7437.397300	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.295383		7.295383		210.091951		48.004314		-73.497371		73.497371		2116.572332		81.497431
+7437.407581	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.303671		7.303671		210.330617		7.955506		-73.620963		73.620963		2120.131534		118.640065
+7437.417282	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.278380		7.278380		209.602303		-24.277121		-73.725472		73.725472		2123.141170		100.321174
+7437.427385	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.362239		7.362239		212.017255		80.498382		-73.810036		73.810036		2125.576454		81.176162
+7437.437280	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.381024		7.381024		212.558240		18.032864		-73.892040		73.892040		2127.937979		78.717470
+7437.447394	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.375209		7.375209		212.390779		-5.582049		-73.986289		73.986289		2130.652177		90.473294
+7437.457357	1	55021	56000	26979	26000	-7.269031		7.269031		209.333076		-101.923421		-74.185485		74.185485		2136.388600		191.214085
+7437.467337	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.307017		7.307017		210.426997		36.464036		-74.283703		74.283703		2139.217079		94.282627
+7437.477383	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.455193		7.455193		214.694155		142.238587		-74.387542		74.387542		2142.207438		99.678636
+7437.487283	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.474560		7.474560		215.251885		18.590987		-74.548216		74.548216		2146.834499		154.235363
+7437.497396	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.438276		7.438276		214.206965		-34.830645		-74.752500		74.752500		2152.717459		196.098685
+7437.507255	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.456392		7.456392		214.728675		17.390326		-74.813821		74.813821		2154.483390		58.864355
+7437.517299	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.481505		7.481505		215.451875		24.106652		-74.929211		74.929211		2157.806361		110.765696
+7437.527285	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.455951		7.455951		214.715988		-24.529546		-75.067283		75.067283		2161.782557		132.539868
+7437.537422	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.475835		7.475835		215.288593		19.086823		-74.997267		74.997267		2159.766233		-67.210793
+7437.547324	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.598891		7.598891		218.832354		118.125379		-75.049777		75.049777		2161.278427		50.406456
+7437.557337	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.650312		7.650312		220.313175		49.360693		-75.149566		75.149566		2164.152145		95.790625
+7437.567375	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.626958		7.626958		219.640625		-22.418350		-75.323128		75.323128		2169.150370		166.607499
+7437.577357	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.663601		7.663601		220.695870		35.174862		-75.402843		75.402843		2171.446002		76.521039
+7437.587409	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.723559		7.723559		222.422536		57.555512		-75.424741		75.424741		2172.076607		21.020174
+7437.597362	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.799361		7.799361		224.605485		72.764978		-75.502707		75.502707		2174.321884		74.842572
+7437.607357	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.822847		7.822847		225.281822		22.544563		-75.576207		75.576207		2176.438522		70.554614
+7437.617354	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.914535		7.914535		227.922235		88.013783		-75.495836		75.495836		2174.124008		-77.150464
+7437.627487	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.957732		7.957732		229.166235		41.466653		-75.406538		75.406538		2171.552414		-85.719824
+7437.637507	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.960919		7.960919		229.258018		3.059432		-75.356097		75.356097		2170.099819		-48.419833
+7437.647356	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.907728		7.907728		227.726229		-51.059648		-75.263644		75.263644		2167.437351		-88.748932
+7437.657391	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.960916		7.960916		229.257920		51.056370		-75.163083		75.163083		2164.541405		-96.531510
+7437.667502	1	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.962084		7.962084		229.291555		1.121163		-75.113933		75.113933		2163.125986		-47.180653
+7437.677502	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.972570		7.972570		229.593531		10.065883		-75.079844		75.079844		2162.144279		-32.723546
+7437.687502	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.935545		7.935545		228.527295		-35.541207		-75.031397		75.031397		2160.749120		-46.505332
+7437.697408	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.002197		8.002197		230.446722		63.980892		-74.907258		74.907258		2157.174182		-119.164586
+7437.707442	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.931709		7.931709		228.416826		-67.663193		-74.811315		74.811315		2154.411203		-92.099309
+7437.717501	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.033166		8.033166		231.338563		97.391233		-74.605979		74.605979		2148.497951		-197.108388
+7437.727497	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.028876		8.028876		231.215038		-4.117489		-74.430135		74.430135		2143.434030		-168.797374
+7437.737377	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.995122		7.995122		230.242994		-32.401457		-74.273178		74.273178		2138.913971		-150.668621
+7437.747503	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.011159		8.011159		230.704810		15.393868		-74.122873		74.122873		2134.585494		-144.282579
+7437.757486	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.010535		8.010535		230.686837		-0.599101		-73.994356		73.994356		2130.884475		-123.367310
+7437.767428	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.996243		7.996243		230.275277		-13.718680		-73.785646		73.785646		2124.874055		-200.347304
+7437.777382	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.983205		7.983205		229.899810		-12.515560		-73.646405		73.646405		2120.864224		-133.661032
+7437.787514	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.086973		8.086973		232.888104		99.609792		-73.382166		73.382166		2113.254672		-253.651738
+7437.797379	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.068449		8.068449		232.354642		-17.782077		-73.277596		73.277596		2110.243267		-100.380182
+7437.807485	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.074315		8.074315		232.523578		5.631223		-72.991766		72.991766		2102.011961		-274.376869
+7437.817492	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.112082		8.112082		233.611205		36.254227		-72.737000		72.737000		2094.675225		-244.557858
+7437.827406	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.069146		8.069146		232.374729		-41.215867		-72.579059		72.579059		2090.126842		-151.612759
+7437.837574	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.215273		8.215273		236.582878		140.271634		-72.342311		72.342311		2083.308989		-227.261782
+7437.847512	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.269504		8.269504		238.144615		52.057877		-72.094600		72.094600		2076.175439		-237.784982
+7437.857474	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.309760		8.309760		239.303912		38.643256		-71.855776		71.855776		2069.297791		-229.254961
+7437.867499	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.378947		8.378947		241.296338		66.414177		-71.603052		71.603052		2062.019867		-242.597461
+7437.877406	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.515245		8.515245		245.221442		130.836815		-71.337214		71.337214		2054.364288		-255.185962
+7437.887504	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.516023		8.516023		245.243865		0.747442		-71.085112		71.085112		2047.104263		-242.000818
+7437.897516	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.544332		8.544332		246.059094		27.174279		-70.785103		70.785103		2038.464618		-287.988186
+7437.907438	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.603857		8.603857		247.773293		57.139993		-70.528527		70.528527		2031.075758		-246.295333
+7437.917526	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.676194		8.676194		249.856444		69.438368		-70.264219		70.264219		2023.464239		-253.717303
+7437.927483	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.694380		8.694380		250.380170		17.457530		-69.993347		69.993347		2015.663695		-260.018110
+7437.937518	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.821800		8.821800		254.049595		122.314170		-69.709061		69.709061		2007.476842		-272.895098
+7437.947510	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.875700		8.875700		255.601817		51.740706		-69.444835		69.444835		1999.867684		-253.638625
+7437.957511	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.886969		8.886969		255.926339		10.817423		-69.168547		69.168547		1991.911161		-265.217423
+7437.967503	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.990941		8.990941		258.920509		99.805668		-68.863968		68.863968		1983.139926		-292.374492
+7437.977564	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.084713		9.084713		261.620964		90.015158		-68.588548		68.588548		1975.208384		-264.384747
+7437.987613	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.154437		9.154437		263.628855		66.929683		-68.276647		68.276647		1966.226292		-299.403071
+7437.997477	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.103018		9.103018		262.148108		-49.358234		-67.954153		67.954153		1956.939125		-309.572220
+7438.007520	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.151686		9.151686		263.549636		46.717599		-67.681157		67.681157		1949.077410		-262.057185
+7438.017668	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.416549		9.416549		271.177136		254.250020		-67.446247		67.446247		1942.312467		-225.498080
+7438.027506	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.419952		9.419952		271.275140		3.266782		-67.145541		67.145541		1933.652759		-288.656950
+7438.037492	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.510034		9.510034		273.869305		86.472183		-66.808232		66.808232		1923.938960		-323.793292
+7438.047625	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.509624		9.509624		273.857503		-0.393391		-66.525735		66.525735		1915.803641		-271.177292
+7438.057618	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.637365		9.637365		277.536198		122.623146		-66.247753		66.247753		1907.798338		-266.843438
+7438.067511	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.710582		9.710582		279.644673		70.282519		-65.938660		65.938660		1898.897088		-296.708345
+7438.077589	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.788999		9.788999		281.902932		75.275302		-65.647639		65.647639		1890.516293		-279.359818
+7438.087505	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.902103		9.902103		285.160109		108.572543		-65.340076		65.340076		1881.659102		-295.239687
+7438.097631	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.955263		9.955263		286.690988		51.029325		-65.030238		65.030238		1872.736412		-297.423005
+7438.107607	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.048932		10.048932		289.388468		89.915991		-64.751395		64.751395		1864.706326		-267.669559
+7438.117562	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.169404		10.169404		292.857805		115.644559		-64.467505		64.467505		1856.530881		-272.514820
+7438.127614	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.228628		10.228628		294.563350		56.851506		-64.208040		64.208040		1849.058819		-249.068737
+7438.137556	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.365171		10.365171		298.495486		131.071210		-63.909513		63.909513		1840.461856		-286.565423
+7438.147532	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.496175		10.496175		302.268127		125.754699		-63.613418		63.613418		1831.934917		-284.231305
+7438.157515	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.470146		10.470146		301.518571		-24.985224		-63.406190		63.406190		1825.967181		-198.924541
+7438.167530	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.622075		10.622075		305.893812		145.841390		-63.140837		63.140837		1818.325567		-254.720449
+7438.177614	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.750056		10.750056		309.579391		122.852623		-62.839072		62.839072		1809.635371		-289.673209
+7438.187613	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.872835		10.872835		313.115162		117.859021		-62.597236		62.597236		1802.670979		-232.146382
+7438.197608	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.023045		11.023045		317.440910		144.191608		-62.352817		62.352817		1795.632237		-234.624743
+7438.207717	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.092677		11.092677		319.446170		66.841990		-62.110960		62.110960		1788.667256		-232.166052
+7438.217564	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.231605		11.231605		323.447002		133.361071		-61.871269		61.871269		1781.764627		-230.087638
+7438.227596	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.401255		11.401255		328.332569		162.852257		-61.608798		61.608798		1774.206018		-251.953602
+7438.237584	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.624286		11.624286		334.755410		214.094669		-61.337974		61.337974		1766.406852		-259.972215
+7438.247606	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.894371		11.894371		342.533284		259.262472		-61.050164		61.050164		1758.118504		-276.278257
+7438.257590	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.924419		11.924419		343.398620		28.844550		-60.885413		60.885413		1753.374016		-158.149600
+7438.267629	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.068219		12.068219		347.539770		138.038322		-60.656991		60.656991		1746.795934		-219.269395
+7438.277678	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.168457		12.168457		350.426397		96.220896		-60.503093		60.503093		1742.363995		-147.731304
+7438.287613	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.291308		12.291308		353.964257		117.928684		-60.314231		60.314231		1736.925173		-181.294084
+7438.297555	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.557546		12.557546		361.631367		255.570337		-60.065974		60.065974		1729.775888		-238.309503
+7438.307581	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.677571		12.677571		365.087845		115.215927		-59.903559		59.903559		1725.098670		-155.907273
+7438.317631	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.835400		12.835400		369.632982		151.504576		-59.752988		59.752988		1720.762521		-144.538283
+7438.327626	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.952898		12.952898		373.016683		112.790018		-59.580853		59.580853		1715.805405		-165.237188
+7438.337670	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.140312		13.140312		378.413831		179.904923		-59.425255		59.425255		1711.324489		-149.363875
+7438.347573	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.404860		13.404860		386.032259		253.947601		-59.243784		59.243784		1706.098491		-174.199939
+7438.357642	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.651497		13.651497		393.134902		236.754790		-59.015703		59.015703		1699.530244		-218.941569
+7438.367643	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.810961		13.810961		397.727124		153.074041		-58.932081		58.932081		1697.122103		-80.271363
+7438.377617	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.082413		14.082413		405.544386		260.575414		-58.719123		58.719123		1690.989339		-204.425454
+7438.387629	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.278941		14.278941		411.203974		188.652948		-58.595332		58.595332		1687.424433		-118.830204
+7438.397668	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.468668		14.468668		416.667728		182.125121		-58.471112		58.471112		1683.847135		-119.243264
+7438.407616	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.737154		14.737154		424.399576		257.728249		-58.347034		58.347034		1680.273968		-119.105577
+7438.417625	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.890260		14.890260		428.808698		146.970749		-58.243373		58.243373		1677.288723		-99.508166
+7438.427740	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.025586		15.025586		432.705823		129.904151		-58.135852		58.135852		1674.192345		-103.212595
+7438.437656	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.124045		15.124045		435.541235		94.513744		-57.996919		57.996919		1670.191365		-133.365989
+7438.447686	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.392880		15.392880		443.283114		258.062631		-57.882472		57.882472		1666.895539		-109.860897
+7438.457726	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.880591		15.880591		457.328193		468.169302		-57.728609		57.728609		1662.464583		-147.698522
+7438.467656	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.103885		16.103885		463.758606		214.347094		-57.619203		57.619203		1659.313917		-105.022192
+7438.477748	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.511723		16.511723		475.503480		391.495824		-57.552670		57.552670		1657.397908		-63.866973
+7438.487731	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.583189		16.583189		477.561553		68.602413		-57.406292		57.406292		1653.182530		-140.512586
+7438.497625	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.876696		16.876696		486.013944		281.746387		-57.372544		57.372544		1652.210659		-32.395720
+7438.507728	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.074495		17.074495		491.710143		189.873278		-57.301449		57.301449		1650.163257		-68.246722
+7438.517614	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.352707		17.352707		499.722084		267.064720		-57.166651		57.166651		1646.281376		-129.396021
+7438.527712	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.626420		17.626420		507.604453		262.745619		-57.066367		57.066367		1643.393397		-96.265972
+7438.537711	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.770033		17.770033		511.740218		137.858838		-56.989203		56.989203		1641.171232		-74.072182
+7438.547668	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.115120		18.115120		521.678004		331.259519		-56.889032		56.889032		1638.286498		-96.157789
+7438.557729	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.416301		18.416301		530.351382		289.112628		-56.794522		56.794522		1635.564825		-90.722442
+7438.567625	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.599385		18.599385		535.623850		175.748914		-56.713455		56.713455		1633.230248		-77.819228
+7438.577739	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.795362		18.795362		541.267580		188.124329		-56.653636		56.653636		1631.507590		-57.421923
+7438.588017	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.070231		19.070231		549.183239		263.855308		-56.567002		56.567002		1629.012707		-83.162785
+7438.597724	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.505939		19.505939		561.730729		418.249667		-56.439393		56.439393		1625.337848		-122.495294
+7438.607710	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.682180		19.682180		566.806108		169.179291		-56.375920		56.375920		1623.509958		-60.929656
+7438.617703	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.858495		19.858495		571.883601		169.249773		-56.312526		56.312526		1621.684331		-60.854256
+7438.627745	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.107583		20.107583		579.056834		239.107758		-56.222562		56.222562		1619.093558		-86.359084
+7438.637686	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.292816		20.292816		584.391162		177.810937		-56.221650		56.221650		1619.067299		-0.875294
+7438.647626	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.608989		20.608989		593.496287		303.504169		-56.117090		56.117090		1616.056189		-100.370347
+7438.657738	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.812066		20.812066		599.344482		194.939822		-55.992641		55.992641		1612.472302		-119.462907
+7438.667727	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.117432		21.117432		608.138385		293.130130		-55.937412		55.937412		1610.881823		-53.015947
+7438.677735	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.231331		21.231331		611.418428		109.334737		-55.857164		55.857164		1608.570850		-77.032447
+7438.687639	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.545094		21.545094		620.454168		301.191360		-55.730082		55.730082		1604.911137		-121.990442
+7438.697717	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.745941		21.745941		626.238142		192.799121		-55.600977		55.600977		1601.193202		-123.931170
+7438.707732	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.024346		22.024346		634.255640		267.249942		-55.609484		55.609484		1601.438186		8.166134
+7438.717666	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.194461		22.194461		639.154583		163.298100		-55.519370		55.519370		1598.843086		-86.503327
+7438.727805	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.363779		22.363779		644.030611		162.534267		-55.452646		55.452646		1596.921569		-64.050555
+7438.737733	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.511996		22.511996		648.298949		142.277926		-55.385680		55.385680		1594.993070		-64.283311
+7438.747743	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.864999		22.864999		658.464704		338.858515		-55.271120		55.271120		1591.693997		-109.969079
+7438.757841	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.108340		23.108340		665.472418		233.590454		-55.200117		55.200117		1589.649251		-68.158209
+7438.767778	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.239215		23.239215		669.241346		125.630945		-55.094748		55.094748		1586.614832		-101.147294
+7438.777931	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.594081		23.594081		679.460751		340.646803		-55.000143		55.000143		1583.890405		-90.814233
+7438.787727	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.989151		23.989151		690.837952		379.240066		-54.740056		54.740056		1576.400444		-249.665380
+7438.797722	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.075285		24.075285		693.318428		82.682520		-54.699508		54.699508		1575.232762		-38.922727
+7438.807841	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.597473		24.597473		708.356376		501.264930		-54.481731		54.481731		1568.961230		-209.051073
+7438.817720	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.772599		24.772599		713.399644		168.108940		-54.438920		54.438920		1567.728344		-41.096210
+7438.827864	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.923386		24.923386		717.741989		144.744813		-54.313357		54.313357		1564.112395		-120.531619
+7438.837863	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-25.274246		25.274246		727.846031		336.801410		-54.175599		54.175599		1560.145247		-132.238269
+7438.847833	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-25.577127		25.577127		736.568387		290.745199		-54.053871		54.053871		1556.639743		-116.850138
+7438.857747	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-25.808264		25.808264		743.224655		221.875608		-53.926177		53.926177		1552.962425		-122.577250
+7438.867861	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-26.028652		26.028652		749.571374		211.557299		-53.846090		53.846090		1550.656074		-76.878369
+7438.877840	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-26.035225		26.035225		749.760644		6.309003		-53.827526		53.827526		1550.121456		-17.820597
+7438.887841	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-26.277985		26.277985		756.751639		233.033150		-53.631134		53.631134		1544.465777		-188.522637
+7438.897881	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-26.468387		26.468387		762.234816		182.772577		-53.559506		53.559506		1542.403033		-68.758130
+7438.907884	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-26.768010		26.768010		770.863348		287.617743		-53.386572		53.386572		1537.422904		-166.004300
+7438.917817	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-26.803349		26.803349		771.881050		33.923388		-53.331189		53.331189		1535.828000		-53.163469
+7438.927838	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-27.142858		27.142858		781.658185		325.904489		-53.140036		53.140036		1530.323187		-183.493793
+7438.937799	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-27.379411		27.379411		788.470432		227.074921		-53.030173		53.030173		1527.159342		-105.461478
+7438.947836	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-27.729514		27.729514		798.552690		336.075276		-52.815725		52.815725		1520.983699		-205.854774
+7438.957842	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-27.998783		27.998783		806.307060		258.478969		-52.662743		52.662743		1516.578117		-146.852732
+7438.967780	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.237102		28.237102		813.170153		228.769779		-52.452807		52.452807		1510.532391		-201.524198
+7438.977814	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.411628		28.411628		818.196161		167.533606		-52.357198		52.357198		1507.779050		-91.778040
+7438.987739	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.655717		28.655717		825.225413		234.308392		-52.148675		52.148675		1501.774040		-200.167000
+7438.997832	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.943978		28.943978		833.526742		276.710987		-51.854762		51.854762		1493.309945		-282.136500
+7439.007879	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.082648		29.082648		837.520149		133.113563		-51.801169		51.801169		1491.766575		-51.445663
+7439.017851	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.323296		29.323296		844.450316		231.005549		-51.487817		51.487817		1482.742685		-300.796330
+7439.027760	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.616735		29.616735		852.900741		281.680822		-51.177651		51.177651		1473.810554		-297.737718
+7439.037833	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.814356		29.814356		858.591825		189.702809		-50.987345		50.987345		1468.330130		-182.680786
+7439.047743	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.101952		30.101952		866.873977		276.071727		-50.774250		50.774250		1462.193432		-204.556584
+7439.057884	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.177108		30.177108		869.038314		72.144568		-50.644183		50.644183		1458.447763		-124.855638
+7439.067843	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.313244		30.313244		872.958747		130.681098		-50.506978		50.506978		1454.496548		-131.707191
+7439.077824	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.561918		31.561918		908.917996		1198.641658		-49.717347		49.717347		1431.756797		-757.991672
+7439.087772	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.755670		31.755670		914.497653		185.988545		-49.536937		49.536937		1426.561385		-173.180401
+7439.097861	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.771240		31.771240		914.946020		14.945567		-49.371490		49.371490		1421.796834		-158.818364
+7439.107942	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.661274		31.661274		911.779225		-105.559826		-49.301313		49.301313		1419.775888		-67.364872
+7439.117884	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.018339		32.018339		922.061965		342.758000		-48.982575		48.982575		1410.596904		-305.966139
+7439.127779	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.295709		32.295709		930.049664		266.256630		-49.024912		49.024912		1411.816120		40.640533
+7439.137883	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.378525		32.378525		932.434595		79.497695		-48.800797		48.800797		1405.362055		-215.135515
+7439.147932	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.387801		32.387801		932.701707		8.903742		-48.658387		48.658387		1401.260957		-136.703253
+7439.157837	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.684716		32.684716		941.252249		285.018086		-48.338277		48.338277		1392.042437		-307.283998
+7439.168100	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.770974		32.770974		943.736315		82.802176		-48.125824		48.125824		1385.924229		-203.940272
+7439.177896	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.897627		32.897627		947.383636		121.577382		-47.893310		47.893310		1379.228327		-223.196745
+7439.187923	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.865190		32.865190		946.449530		-31.136870		-47.751727		47.751727		1375.151029		-135.909915
+7439.197909	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.274732		33.274732		958.243480		393.131673		-47.307266		47.307266		1362.351474		-426.651835
+7439.207869	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.398956		33.398956		961.820877		119.246542		-47.119156		47.119156		1356.934288		-180.572867
+7439.217838	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.217846		33.217846		956.605303		-173.852444		-46.893886		46.893886		1350.446981		-216.243565
+7439.227953	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.682023		33.682023		969.972619		445.577204		-46.587587		46.587587		1341.626179		-294.026732
+7439.237905	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.866851		33.866851		975.295293		177.422464		-46.217008		46.217008		1330.954278		-355.730057
+7439.247848	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.800212		33.800212		973.376235		-63.968599		-45.936646		45.936646		1322.880426		-269.128382
+7439.257985	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.854762		33.854762		974.947143		52.363575		-45.729295		45.729295		1316.909149		-199.042559
+7439.267936	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.077224		34.077224		981.353608		213.548839		-45.427575		45.427575		1308.220232		-289.630592
+7439.277841	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.170497		34.170497		984.039679		89.535713		-45.113966		45.113966		1299.188966		-301.042199
+7439.287844	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.403523		34.403523		990.750334		223.688483		-44.675940		44.675940		1286.574697		-420.475602
+7439.297947	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.607824		34.607824		996.633786		196.115077		-44.375985		44.375985		1277.936625		-287.935734
+7439.308015	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.731570		34.731570		1000.197414		118.787587		-44.053665		44.053665		1268.654475		-309.405029
+7439.317917	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.834238		34.834238		1003.154039		98.554194		-43.732926		43.732926		1259.417859		-307.887197
+7439.327889	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.062189		35.062189		1009.718549		218.816996		-43.255161		43.255161		1245.659217		-458.621383
+7439.338159	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.282025		35.282025		1016.049385		211.027861		-42.811660		42.811660		1232.887298		-425.730646
+7439.347950	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.145879		35.145879		1012.128657		-130.690932		-42.755731		42.755731		1231.276658		-53.687990
+7439.357841	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.378174		35.378174		1018.818265		222.986937		-42.330422		42.330422		1219.028637		-408.267379
+7439.367932	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.400471		35.400471		1019.460377		21.403730		-42.073265		42.073265		1211.623058		-246.852636
+7439.377841	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.739310		35.739310		1029.218236		325.261950		-41.509754		41.509754		1195.395103		-540.931821
+7439.387965	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.874223		35.874223		1033.103460		129.507482		-41.207757		41.207757		1186.698219		-289.896131
+7439.397935	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.671363		35.671363		1027.261510		-194.731653		-40.883719		40.883719		1177.366599		-311.053991
+7439.407951	2	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.024883		36.024883		1037.442166		339.355171		-40.371602		40.371602		1162.618679		-491.597354
+7439.417893	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.894236		35.894236		1033.679777		-125.412941		-39.999469		39.999469		1151.902029		-357.221663
+7439.427970	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.008682		36.008682		1036.975604		109.860897		-39.643255		39.643255		1141.643777		-341.941714
+7439.437934	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.320364		36.320364		1045.951402		299.193263		-39.179522		39.179522		1128.289247		-445.151031
+7439.447914	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.287525		36.287525		1045.005691		-31.523705		-38.809814		38.809814		1117.642424		-354.894102
+7439.457928	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.338543		36.338543		1046.474907		48.973858		-38.392114		38.392114		1105.613521		-400.963426
+7439.467993	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.482660		36.482660		1050.625178		138.342381		-38.006250		38.006250		1094.501415		-370.403528
+7439.477848	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.518781		36.518781		1051.665401		34.674108		-37.751914		37.751914		1087.177071		-244.144797
+7439.487958	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.366622		36.366622		1047.283521		-146.062672		-37.321441		37.321441		1074.780348		-413.224101
+7439.497881	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.614236		36.614236		1054.414317		237.693191		-36.730312		36.730312		1057.757056		-567.443073
+7439.507980	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.782693		36.782693		1059.265512		161.706507		-36.443656		36.443656		1049.501950		-275.170207
+7439.518021	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.674096		36.674096		1056.138155		-104.245245		-35.894037		35.894037		1033.674073		-527.595878
+7439.528049	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.953318		36.953318		1064.179158		268.033445		-35.096186		35.096186		1010.697600		-765.882432
+7439.537957	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.254611		37.254611		1072.855783		289.220810		-34.719364		34.719364		999.845919		-361.722708
+7439.547870	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.071576		37.071576		1067.584741		-175.701380		-34.074567		34.074567		981.277093		-618.960857
+7439.558093	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.076825		37.076825		1067.735901		5.038679		-33.905701		33.905701		976.414096		-162.099898
+7439.567924	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.211482		37.211482		1071.613750		129.261613		-33.545993		33.545993		966.055235		-345.295370
+7439.577955	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.312808		37.312808		1074.531725		97.265840		-33.042287		33.042287		951.549545		-483.523011
+7439.588031	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.112571		37.112571		1068.765306		-192.213953		-32.687755		32.687755		941.339779		-340.325534
+7439.598086	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.101113		37.101113		1068.435350		-10.998547		-32.228855		32.228855		928.124410		-440.512300
+7439.608009	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.142521		37.142521		1069.627815		39.748847		-31.911419		31.911419		918.982896		-304.717124
+7439.618036	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.082108		37.082108		1067.888045		-57.992339		-31.379122		31.379122		903.653839		-510.968566
+7439.628040	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.171279		37.171279		1070.456001		85.598528		-30.948455		30.948455		891.251510		-413.410962
+7439.638018	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.123407		37.123407		1069.077364		-45.954585		-30.482803		30.482803		877.841708		-446.993411
+7439.647968	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.040543		37.040543		1066.691056		-79.543591		-30.153940		30.153940		868.371123		-315.686166
+7439.658054	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.311254		37.311254		1074.486977		259.864032		-29.725311		29.725311		856.027508		-411.453843
+7439.668079	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.067720		37.067720		1067.473707		-233.775675		-29.491145		29.491145		849.284005		-224.783421
+7439.678077	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.315000		37.315000		1074.594864		237.371922		-28.961027		28.961027		834.017694		-508.877039
+7439.687954	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.239749		37.239749		1072.427773		-72.236359		-28.375463		28.375463		817.154659		-562.101156
+7439.698087	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.261342		37.261342		1073.049626		20.728409		-27.965159		27.965159		805.338778		-393.862724
+7439.707965	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.240596		37.240596		1072.452164		-19.915402		-27.560766		27.560766		793.693087		-388.189703
+7439.718018	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.258197		37.258197		1072.959048		16.896129		-27.150810		27.150810		781.887187		-393.529981
+7439.728074	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.154641		37.154641		1069.976851		-99.406540		-26.840446		26.840446		772.949351		-297.927856
+7439.738025	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.152001		37.152001		1069.900829		-2.534091		-26.332288		26.332288		758.315465		-487.796217
+7439.748042	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.240599		37.240599		1072.452262		85.047781		-25.823275		25.823275		743.656942		-488.617420
+7439.758032	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.123376		37.123376		1069.076478		-112.526119		-25.402351		25.402351		731.535199		-404.058099
+7439.767947	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.031387		37.031387		1066.427386		-88.303089		-24.817368		24.817368		714.688884		-561.543852
+7439.777962	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-37.030185		37.030185		1066.392767		-1.153946		-24.417016		24.417016		703.159587		-384.309888
+7439.788053	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.938568		36.938568		1063.754395		-87.945759		-23.915783		23.915783		688.725100		-481.149554
+7439.797991	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.933797		36.933797		1063.617003		-4.579723		-23.603373		23.603373		679.728355		-299.891531
+7439.807953	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.874839		36.874839		1061.919129		-56.595802		-23.117410		23.117410		665.733629		-466.490835
+7439.818141	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.882270		36.882270		1062.133133		7.133484		-22.644063		22.644063		652.102201		-454.380959
+7439.827999	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.869416		36.869416		1061.762953		-12.339354		-22.029411		22.029411		634.401490		-590.023696
+7439.838007	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.783854		36.783854		1059.298950		-82.133412		-21.674687		21.674687		624.186167		-340.510756
+7439.848115	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.736814		36.736814		1057.944310		-45.154691		-21.288272		21.288272		613.058227		-370.931327
+7439.858062	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.663745		36.663745		1055.840063		-70.141554		-20.805255		20.805255		599.148327		-463.663340
+7439.868117	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.596177		36.596177		1053.894255		-64.860284		-20.661848		20.661848		595.018512		-137.660503
+7439.878079	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.580144		36.580144		1053.432512		-15.391409		-20.164797		20.164797		580.704452		-477.135330
+7439.888160	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.386368		36.386368		1047.852167		-186.011493		-19.690027		19.690027		567.032062		-455.746353
+7439.897946	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.458450		36.458450		1049.927992		69.194138		-19.211837		19.211837		553.261176		-459.029526
+7439.908104	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.329138		36.329138		1046.204057		-124.131143		-18.678872		18.678872		537.912892		-511.609465
+7439.918041	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.171394		36.171394		1041.661379		-151.422620		-18.220860		18.220860		524.723093		-439.659953
+7439.928068	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.200368		36.200368		1042.495760		27.812719		-17.623018		17.623018		507.506499		-573.886484
+7439.938152	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-36.218065		36.218065		1043.005398		16.987920		-17.349831		17.349831		499.639276		-262.240767
+7439.948171	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.991754		35.991754		1036.488095		-217.243433		-16.755397		16.755397		482.520783		-570.616424
+7439.958150	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.964122		35.964122		1035.692364		-26.524365		-16.441753		16.441753		473.488484		-301.076621
+7439.968131	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.768154		35.768154		1030.048880		-188.116133		-15.899149		15.899149		457.862614		-520.862341
+7439.978064	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.725308		35.725308		1028.815010		-41.128993		-15.546455		15.546455		447.705759		-338.561833
+7439.988168	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.457407		35.457407		1021.100029		-257.166028		-15.478585		15.478585		445.751247		-65.150410
+7439.998061	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.377836		35.377836		1018.808529		-76.383352		-15.082302		15.082302		434.339131		-380.403847
+7440.008186	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-35.137304		35.137304		1011.881706		-230.894089		-14.853857		14.853857		427.760361		-219.292343
+7440.018094	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.910565		34.910565		1005.352110		-217.653215		-14.458875		14.458875		416.385716		-379.154831
+7440.028212	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.898674		34.898674		1005.009663		-11.414886		-13.940612		13.940612		401.460819		-497.496575
+7440.038080	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.813047		34.813047		1002.543792		-82.195699		-13.715696		13.715696		394.983691		-215.904266
+7440.048159	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.683192		34.683192		998.804221		-124.652386		-13.419848		13.419848		386.463882		-283.993632
+7440.058140	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.472955		34.472955		992.749840		-201.812685		-13.060216		13.060216		376.107234		-345.221609
+7440.068212	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.392451		34.392451		990.431491		-77.278316		-12.689917		12.689917		365.443372		-355.462059
+7440.078155	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.981151		33.981151		978.586891		-394.819975		-12.812563		12.812563		368.975332		117.731988
+7440.088084	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-34.030069		34.030069		979.995623		46.957731		-12.192019		12.192019		351.104946		-595.679507
+7440.098197	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.620141		33.620141		968.190560		-393.502116		-12.101349		12.101349		348.493841		-87.036863
+7440.108081	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.612645		33.612645		967.974687		-7.195771		-11.782618		11.782618		339.315053		-305.959582
+7440.118178	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.174007		33.174007		955.342814		-421.062410		-11.262789		11.262789		324.345039		-499.000475
+7440.128168	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-33.050944		33.050944		951.798856		-118.131936		-11.196421		11.196421		322.433775		-63.708797
+7440.138069	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.737226		32.737226		942.764443		-301.147103		-10.949882		10.949882		315.333959		-236.660540
+7440.148082	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.697680		32.697680		941.625577		-37.962198		-10.755945		10.755945		309.748992		-186.165571
+7440.158164	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.405498		32.405498		933.211344		-280.474424		-10.229321		10.229321		294.583290		-505.523384
+7440.168209	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.206739		32.206739		927.487510		-190.794468		-10.139391		10.139391		291.993501		-86.326301
+7440.178075	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-32.204246		32.204246		927.415717		-2.393126		-9.441619		9.441619		271.899106		-669.813156
+7440.188175	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.886605		31.886605		918.268302		-304.913819		-9.512081		9.512081		273.928265		67.638606
+7440.198058	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.756292		31.756292		914.515552		-125.091672		-8.931054		8.931054		257.195885		-557.745993
+7440.208101	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.651660		31.651660		911.502376		-100.439191		-8.535372		8.535372		245.801079		-379.826874
+7440.218197	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.525425		31.525425		907.867053		-121.177435		-8.232352		8.232352		237.074715		-290.878788
+7440.228119	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.288041		31.288041		901.030907		-227.871537		-7.960275		7.960275		229.239455		-261.175334
+7440.238238	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.056652		31.056652		894.367361		-222.118199		-7.549889		7.549889		217.421188		-393.942222
+7440.248078	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-31.114285		31.114285		896.027076		55.323839		-7.119253		7.119253		205.019757		-413.381048
+7440.258201	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.748429		30.748429		885.491189		-351.196229		-6.841428		6.841428		197.018990		-266.692229
+7440.268074	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.529504		30.529504		879.186612		-210.152566		-6.594861		6.594861		189.918375		-236.687176
+7440.278195	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.432171		30.432171		876.383606		-93.433559		-6.157962		6.157962		177.336586		-419.392958
+7440.288201	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.220298		30.220298		870.282117		-203.382969		-5.950734		5.950734		171.368837		-198.924951
+7440.298221	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-30.036064		30.036064		864.976555		-176.852047		-5.581946		5.581946		160.748494		-354.011431
+7440.308174	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.811935		29.811935		858.522096		-215.148628		-5.328559		5.328559		153.451479		-243.233852
+7440.318130	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.642652		29.642652		853.647101		-162.499845		-5.045947		5.045947		145.312853		-271.287523
+7440.328263	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.423888		29.423888		847.347146		-209.998488		-4.819928		4.819928		138.803971		-216.962732
+7440.338195	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.232540		29.232540		841.836727		-183.680654		-4.539843		4.539843		130.738098		-268.862434
+7440.348293	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-29.051773		29.051773		836.630988		-173.524618		-4.241675		4.241675		122.151462		-286.221206
+7440.358246	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.806944		28.806944		829.580444		-235.018134		-3.904724		3.904724		112.447965		-323.449895
+7440.368181	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.589702		28.589702		823.324303		-208.538026		-3.666259		3.666259		105.580680		-228.909515
+7440.378276	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.356820		28.356820		816.617779		-223.550797		-3.455728		3.455728		99.517817		-202.095434
+7440.388220	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.133261		28.133261		810.179745		-214.601159		-3.155879		3.155879		90.882793		-287.834108
+7440.398189	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.005406		28.005406		806.497805		-122.731328		-2.801204		2.801204		80.668885		-340.463631
+7440.408303	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-27.618133		27.618133		795.345131		-371.755809		-2.810633		2.810633		80.940416		9.051058
+7440.418176	3	56000	26000	26000	56000	-28.038818		28.038818		807.459989		403.828621		5.820491		-5.820491		-167.618103		-8285.283986
+7440.428195	3	56000	26000	26000	56000	-29.373594		29.373594		845.898780		1281.293035		9.814895		-9.814895		-282.648678		-3834.352493
+7440.438166	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.871725		28.871725		831.446001		-481.759310		9.519761		-9.519761		-274.149424		283.308476
+7440.448281	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.598297		28.598297		823.571844		-262.471884		9.697057		-9.697057		-279.255192		-170.192271
+7440.458232	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.306356		28.306356		815.164545		-280.243307		9.137270		-9.137270		-263.134485		537.356883
+7440.468241	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-28.029553		28.029553		807.193172		-265.712440		9.779386		-9.779386		-281.626108		-616.387427
+7440.478310	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-27.814434		27.814434		800.998203		-206.498951		9.284921		-9.284921		-267.386522		474.652871
+7440.488345	3	26000	56000	56000	26000	-21.776269		21.776269		627.111518		-5796.222836		-0.857281		0.857281		24.687927		9735.814962
+7440.498177	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.480281		21.480281		618.587677		-284.128040		-0.657709		0.657709		18.940652		-191.575820
+7440.508207	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.224287		21.224287		611.215585		-245.736390		-0.551671		0.551671		15.886997		-101.788500
+7440.518225	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.127457		21.127457		608.427085		-92.950016		-6.264351		6.264351		180.400349		5483.778403
+7440.528203	3	56000	26000	26000	56000	-25.170589		25.170589		724.860933		3881.128281		-0.634771		0.634771		18.280079		-5404.009023
+7440.538288	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.958669		24.958669		718.758067		-203.428864		-0.474336		0.474336		13.659904		-154.005834
+7440.548244	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.777409		24.777409		713.538167		-173.996687		-0.326648		0.326648		9.406782		-141.770719
+7440.558271	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.546260		24.546260		706.881554		-221.887082		-0.216369		0.216369		6.230969		-105.860427
+7440.568294	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.349754		24.349754		701.222581		-188.632458		-0.124501		0.124501		3.585366		-88.186775
+7440.578341	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-24.132757		24.132757		694.973521		-208.301991		0.015767		-0.015767		-0.454062		-134.647603
+7440.588173	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.875445		23.875445		687.563467		-247.001797		0.090114		-0.090114		-2.595096		-71.367806
+7440.598180	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.679851		23.679851		681.930752		-187.757164		0.179655		-0.179655		-5.173703		-85.953566
+7440.608322	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.554727		23.554727		678.327441		-120.110363		0.657155		-0.657155		-18.924695		-458.366396
+7440.618284	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.266076		23.266076		670.014900		-277.084708		0.432811		-0.432811		-12.464070		215.354185
+7440.628314	3	56000	56000	26000	26000	-23.096259		23.096259		665.124513		-163.012892		0.456125		-0.456125		-13.135448		-22.379267
+7440.638259	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.948210		22.948210		660.860994		-142.117292		0.635759		-0.635759		-18.308535		-172.436237
+7440.648196	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.734056		22.734056		654.693809		-205.572844		0.632024		-0.632024		-18.200973		3.585387
+7440.658414	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.594242		22.594242		650.667456		-134.211779		0.822180		-0.822180		-23.677091		-182.537260
+7440.668578	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.340949		22.340949		643.373157		-243.143290		0.747380		-0.747380		-21.523010		71.802707
+7440.678329	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-22.071027		22.071027		635.599954		-259.106755		0.798384		-0.798384		-22.991806		-48.959875
+7440.688246	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.902019		21.902019		630.732876		-162.235945		0.826591		-0.826591		-23.804125		-27.077314
+7440.698387	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.732656		21.732656		625.855570		-162.576884		0.978451		-0.978451		-28.177365		-145.774647
+7440.708368	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.512796		21.512796		619.524045		-211.050808		0.967083		-0.967083		-27.849996		10.912288
+7440.718319	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.285892		21.285892		612.989679		-217.812210		1.104753		-1.104753		-31.814615		-132.153956
+7440.728365	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-21.098702		21.098702		607.598998		-179.689378		1.262342		-1.262342		-36.352831		-151.273869
+7440.738354	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.852984		20.852984		600.522834		-235.872120		1.275866		-1.275866		-36.742309		-12.982609
+7440.748434	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.693901		20.693901		595.941554		-152.709335		1.380584		-1.380584		-39.757959		-100.521659
+7440.758547	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.457520		20.457520		589.134273		-226.909369		1.527497		-1.527497		-43.988765		-141.026862
+7440.768382	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.284871		20.284871		584.162356		-165.730566		1.442736		-1.442736		-41.547803		81.365379
+7440.778311	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.017848		20.017848		576.472650		-256.323516		1.635166		-1.635166		-47.089399		-184.719861
+7440.788427	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.834526		19.834526		571.193348		-175.976753		1.541698		-1.541698		-44.397704		89.723188
+7440.798380	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.586056		19.586056		564.037916		-238.514394		1.680722		-1.680722		-48.401329		-133.454194
+7440.808321	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.510417		19.510417		561.859663		-72.608441		1.959790		-1.959790		-56.437913		-267.886128
+7440.818397	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-19.327205		19.327205		556.583557		-175.870210		1.890107		-1.890107		-54.431185		66.890959
+7440.828390	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.984318		18.984318		546.709107		-329.148322		1.758848		-1.758848		-50.651192		125.999749
+7440.838396	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.756891		18.756891		540.159693		-218.313783		1.855674		-1.855674		-53.439570		-92.945918
+7440.848389	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.518967		18.518967		533.307959		-228.391141		1.823720		-1.823720		-52.519374		30.673202
+7440.858392	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.348472		18.348472		528.398050		-163.663626		1.997286		-1.997286		-57.517709		-166.611187
+7440.868419	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-18.131811		18.131811		522.158678		-207.979083		1.885339		-1.885339		-54.293873		107.461214
+7440.878356	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.889910		17.889910		515.192418		-232.208669		1.852190		-1.852190		-53.339249		31.820796
+7440.888307	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.691370		17.691370		509.474878		-190.584660		1.927964		-1.927964		-55.521387		-72.737932
+7440.898314	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.459109		17.459109		502.786253		-222.954154		1.922284		-1.922284		-55.357792		5.453173
+7440.908398	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.276168		17.276168		497.517917		-175.611228		1.988004		-1.988004		-57.250400		-63.086953
+7440.918299	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-17.015434		17.015434		490.009318		-250.286609		2.020304		-2.020304		-58.180591		-31.006355
+7440.928422	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.791031		16.791031		483.546992		-215.410888		2.002279		-2.002279		-57.661506		17.302837
+7440.938401	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.582931		16.582931		477.554128		-199.762136		2.024882		-2.024882		-58.312414		-21.696929
+7440.948434	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.425435		16.425435		473.018579		-151.184946		2.123513		-2.123513		-61.152780		-94.678886
+7440.958389	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-16.239215		16.239215		467.655829		-178.758353		2.140387		-2.140387		-61.638734		-16.198475
+7440.968452	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.958658		15.958658		459.576371		-269.315243		2.156023		-2.156023		-62.089013		-15.009288
+7440.978410	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.690768		15.690768		451.861686		-257.156193		2.148348		-2.148348		-61.867989		7.367469
+7440.988308	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.555023		15.555023		447.952513		-130.305737		2.203329		-2.203329		-63.451313		-52.777454
+7440.998428	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.367355		15.367355		442.548063		-180.148333		2.271110		-2.271110		-65.403286		-65.065790
+7441.008451	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-15.145463		15.145463		436.158022		-213.001370		2.316999		-2.316999		-66.724778		-44.049714
+7441.018427	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.851346		14.851346		427.688076		-282.331556		2.287875		-2.287875		-65.886075		27.956758
+7441.028480	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.665108		14.665108		422.324784		-178.776383		2.338959		-2.338959		-67.357184		-49.036965
+7441.038418	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.402885		14.402885		414.773306		-251.715928		2.383490		-2.383490		-68.639595		-42.747017
+7441.048394	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-14.177325		14.177325		408.277640		-216.522217		2.465749		-2.465749		-71.008470		-78.962520
+7441.058526	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.942134		13.942134		401.504633		-225.766897		2.497786		-2.497786		-71.931076		-30.753519
+7441.068346	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.767710		13.767710		396.481575		-167.435259		2.513069		-2.513069		-72.371188		-14.670398
+7441.078393	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.490222		13.490222		388.490508		-266.368911		2.529321		-2.529321		-72.839212		-15.600808
+7441.088364	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.296384		13.296384		382.908368		-186.071321		2.592546		-2.592546		-74.659977		-60.692187
+7441.098392	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-13.076983		13.076983		376.590072		-210.609883		2.646640		-2.646640		-76.217749		-51.925723
+7441.108340	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.823665		12.823665		369.295035		-243.167877		2.725318		-2.725318		-78.483513		-75.525474
+7441.118393	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.529752		12.529752		360.830965		-282.135680		2.729760		-2.729760		-78.611433		-4.263986
+7441.128503	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.322030		12.322030		354.848993		-199.399069		2.762421		-2.762421		-79.552024		-31.353030
+7441.138417	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-12.052777		12.052777		347.095066		-258.464217		2.810976		-2.810976		-80.950294		-46.609007
+7441.148466	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.887591		11.887591		342.338039		-158.567578		2.830903		-2.830903		-81.524147		-19.128416
+7441.158511	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.660808		11.660808		335.807164		-217.695832		2.868220		-2.868220		-82.598798		-35.821702
+7441.168511	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.393361		11.393361		328.105239		-256.730840		2.961650		-2.961650		-85.289405		-89.686923
+7441.178508	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.161433		11.161433		321.426203		-222.634524		3.030311		-3.030311		-87.266704		-65.909941
+7441.188439	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.896891		10.896891		313.807923		-253.942683		2.999967		-2.999967		-86.392854		29.128324
+7441.198535	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.640186		10.640186		306.415350		-246.419087		3.029627		-3.029627		-87.247003		-28.471649
+7441.208396	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.330201		10.330201		297.488431		-297.563970		3.076628		-3.076628		-88.600538		-45.117810
+7441.218494	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.110043		10.110043		291.148350		-211.336017		3.123007		-3.123007		-89.936154		-44.520553
+7441.228512	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.994343		9.994343		287.816430		-111.064017		3.236374		-3.236374		-93.200891		-108.824559
+7441.238507	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.698862		9.698862		279.307169		-283.642039		3.232415		-3.232415		-93.086857		3.801137
+7441.248407	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.389160		9.389160		270.388388		-297.292694		3.251735		-3.251735		-93.643246		-18.546320
+7441.258526	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.126524		9.126524		262.825010		-252.112597		3.316674		-3.316674		-95.513358		-62.337052
+7441.268523	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.937940		8.937940		257.394203		-181.026906		3.374079		-3.374079		-97.166508		-55.105016
+7441.278495	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.630562		8.630562		248.542348		-295.061842		3.405773		-3.405773		-98.079224		-30.423850
+7441.288493	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.414807		8.414807		242.329037		-207.110345		3.466993		-3.466993		-99.842241		-58.767237
+7441.298444	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.180841		8.180841		235.591312		-224.590823		3.515388		-3.515388		-101.235920		-46.455953
+7441.308467	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.896099		7.896099		227.391330		-273.332745		3.554598		-3.554598		-102.365080		-37.638675
+7441.318500	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.676339		7.676339		221.062683		-210.954919		3.613011		-3.613011		-104.047243		-56.072101
+7441.328519	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.436452		7.436452		214.154448		-230.274498		3.683320		-3.683320		-106.072012		-67.492314
+7441.338494	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.160397		7.160397		206.204637		-264.993683		3.724736		-3.724736		-107.264699		-39.756224
+7441.348437	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.924662		6.924662		199.415956		-226.289369		3.781671		-3.781671		-108.904302		-54.653436
+7441.358503	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.688229		6.688229		192.607163		-226.959772		3.838844		-3.838844		-110.550765		-54.882094
+7441.368529	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.423266		6.423266		184.976773		-254.346319		3.933839		-3.933839		-113.286428		-91.188774
+7441.378593	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.151808		6.151808		177.159363		-260.580331		3.970111		-3.970111		-114.330991		-34.818761
+7441.388539	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.904608		5.904608		170.040492		-237.295702		4.024988		-4.024988		-115.911340		-52.678287
+7441.398531	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.786071		5.786071		166.626894		-113.786608		4.175084		-4.175084		-120.233781		-144.081376
+7441.408508	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.503987		5.503987		158.503451		-270.781443		4.175987		-4.175987		-120.259782		-0.866689
+7441.418629	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.225601		5.225601		150.486493		-267.231911		4.241470		-4.241470		-122.145573		-62.859729
+7441.428494	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.987318		4.987318		143.624445		-228.734948		4.337062		-4.337062		-124.898423		-91.761649
+7441.438450	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.714600		4.714600		135.770745		-261.790007		4.425114		-4.425114		-127.434145		-84.524080
+7441.448407	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.468745		4.468745		128.690623		-236.004069		4.436376		-4.436376		-127.758471		-10.810867
+7441.458541	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.287431		4.287431		123.469136		-174.049549		4.442165		-4.442165		-127.925183		-5.557053
+7441.468544	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.060889		4.060889		116.945219		-217.463896		4.533433		-4.533433		-130.553487		-87.610148
+7441.478574	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.814737		3.814737		109.856541		-236.289278		4.520144		-4.520144		-130.170817		12.755692
+7441.488413	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.505699		3.505699		100.956895		-296.654869		4.602637		-4.602637		-132.546417		-79.186670
+7441.498534	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.304685		3.304685		95.168084		-192.960370		4.614912		-4.614912		-132.899927		-11.783689
+7441.508578	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.105346		3.105346		89.427555		-191.350952		4.648512		-4.648512		-133.867545		-32.253936
+7441.518515	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.868308		2.868308		82.601342		-227.540433		4.674716		-4.674716		-134.622167		-25.154054
+7441.528661	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.622885		2.622885		75.533674		-235.588960		4.770050		-4.770050		-137.367567		-91.513321
+7441.538596	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.348650		2.348650		67.636276		-263.246577		4.724078		-4.724078		-136.043672		44.129826
+7441.548580	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.217746		2.217746		63.866500		-125.659220		4.801874		-4.801874		-138.284044		-74.679069
+7441.558510	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.960975		1.960975		56.472034		-246.482193		4.805368		-4.805368		-138.384654		-3.353655
+7441.568594	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.621908		1.621908		46.707592		-325.481389		4.855975		-4.855975		-139.842043		-48.579648
+7441.578637	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.529493		1.529493		44.046243		-88.711642		4.858598		-4.858598		-139.917574		-2.517700
+7441.588653	4	55598	56000	26402	26000	-1.148995		1.148995		33.088678		-365.252160		4.871155		-4.871155		-140.279186		-12.053736
+7441.598589	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.984295		0.984295		28.345671		-158.100221		4.896736		-4.896736		-141.015884		-24.556592
+7441.608817	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.774947		0.774947		22.316878		-200.959775		4.931788		-4.931788		-142.025300		-33.647195
+7441.618627	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.523871		0.523871		15.086398		-241.016010		4.890638		-4.890638		-140.840260		39.501339
+7441.628524	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.259956		0.259956		7.486210		-253.339612		4.963356		-4.963356		-142.934389		-69.804303
+7441.638577	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.093749		0.093749		2.699772		-159.547904		4.902910		-4.902910		-141.193660		58.024302
+7441.648532	4	55952	56000	26048	26000	0.233132		-0.233132		-6.713732		-313.783498		4.891813		-4.891813		-140.874091		10.652281
+7441.658635	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.341513		-0.341513		-9.834860		-104.037588		4.918389		-4.918389		-141.639433		-25.511384
+7441.668626	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.644750		-0.644750		-18.567453		-291.086445		4.882749		-4.882749		-140.613064		34.212284
+7441.678655	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.791884		-0.791884		-22.804620		-141.238873		4.915316		-4.915316		-141.550944		-31.262673
+7441.688608	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.888823		-0.888823		-25.596269		-93.054972		4.930308		-4.930308		-141.982691		-14.391541
+7441.698649	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.055132		-1.055132		-30.385626		-159.645253		4.916702		-4.916702		-141.590861		13.060980
+7441.708525	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.270476		-1.270476		-36.587083		-206.715213		5.001178		-5.001178		-144.023589		-81.090927
+7441.718603	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.374070		-1.374070		-39.570373		-99.443011		4.964984		-4.964984		-142.981264		34.744181
+7441.728569	4	51330	56000	30670	26000	1.813612		-1.813612		-52.228289		-421.930533		4.889093		-4.889093		-140.795782		72.849393
+7441.738545	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.912591		-1.912591		-55.078663		-95.012449		4.890633		-4.890633		-140.840124		-1.478083
+7441.748535	4	55498	56000	26502	26000	2.195707		-2.195707		-63.231813		-271.771681		4.840931		-4.840931		-139.408797		47.710910
+7441.758630	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	2.354423		-2.354423		-67.802521		-152.356923		4.820638		-4.820638		-138.824415		19.479394
+7441.768765	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	2.569402		-2.569402		-73.993457		-206.364542		4.778687		-4.778687		-137.616313		40.270090
+7441.778652	4	55949	56000	26051	26000	2.817755		-2.817755		-81.145508		-238.401704		4.729897		-4.729897		-136.211244		46.835616
+7441.788644	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.007477		-3.007477		-86.609120		-182.120409		4.628609		-4.628609		-133.294363		97.229369
+7441.798623	4	52312	56000	29688	26000	3.365373		-3.365373		-96.915796		-343.555845		4.507218		-4.507218		-129.798546		116.527230
+7441.808675	4	54466	56000	27534	26000	3.640005		-3.640005		-104.824632		-263.627879		4.432403		-4.432403		-127.644031		71.817152
+7441.818593	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.722530		-3.722530		-107.201154		-79.217404		4.438763		-4.438763		-127.827192		-6.105341
+7441.828679	4	53667	56000	28333	26000	4.013300		-4.013300		-115.574745		-279.119685		4.230912		-4.230912		-121.841532		199.522004
+7441.838684	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.144981		-4.144981		-119.366895		-126.405023		4.217632		-4.217632		-121.459082		12.748316
+7441.848609	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.342513		-4.342513		-125.055398		-189.616755		4.094375		-4.094375		-117.909543		118.317977
+7441.858585	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.535494		-4.535494		-130.612840		-185.248069		4.073684		-4.073684		-117.313667		19.862540
+7441.868628	4	55348	56000	26652	26000	4.744978		-4.744978		-136.645547		-201.090239		3.964673		-3.964673		-114.174385		104.642734
+7441.878636	4	55069	56000	26931	26000	4.957505		-4.957505		-142.765895		-204.011574		3.841851		-3.841851		-110.637372		117.900409
+7441.888681	4	55485	56000	26515	26000	5.149524		-5.149524		-148.295639		-184.324831		3.792655		-3.792655		-109.220625		47.224909
+7441.898664	4	54319	56000	27681	26000	5.374988		-5.374988		-154.788552		-216.430426		3.683941		-3.683941		-106.089875		104.358345
+7441.908743	4	55942	56000	26058	26000	5.538893		-5.538893		-159.508662		-157.337002		3.618254		-3.618254		-104.198243		63.054375
+7441.918757	4	53709	56000	28291	26000	5.772972		-5.772972		-166.249645		-224.699415		3.493284		-3.493284		-100.599346		119.963251
+7441.928631	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	5.813171		-5.813171		-167.407307		-38.588755		3.402349		-3.402349		-97.980624		87.290723
+7441.938727	4	49938	56000	32062	26000	6.165788		-6.165788		-177.561950		-338.488072		3.235265		-3.235265		-93.168940		160.389468
+7441.948761	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.291786		-6.291786		-181.190437		-120.949596		3.182700		-3.182700		-91.655191		50.458293
+7441.958760	4	52001	56000	29999	26000	6.560226		-6.560226		-188.920933		-257.683173		3.027061		-3.027061		-87.173089		149.403419
+7441.968740	4	55163	56000	26837	26000	6.713865		-6.713865		-193.345422		-147.482976		2.864388		-2.864388		-82.488445		156.154782
+7441.978669	4	51719	56000	30281	26000	6.978785		-6.978785		-200.974594		-254.305750		2.731057		-2.731057		-78.648793		127.988420
+7441.988685	4	52162	56000	29838	26000	7.220663		-7.220663		-207.940178		-232.186131		2.602321		-2.602321		-74.941473		123.577323
+7441.998682	4	53489	56000	28511	26000	7.410359		-7.410359		-213.403022		-182.094797		2.469037		-2.469037		-71.103154		127.943959
+7442.008784	4	55103	56000	26897	26000	7.539735		-7.539735		-217.128776		-124.191791		2.344163		-2.344163		-67.507035		119.870640
+7442.018637	4	50508	56000	31492	26000	7.819847		-7.819847		-225.195424		-268.888250		2.167152		-2.167152		-62.409491		169.918127
+7442.028756	4	55265	56000	26735	26000	7.930990		-7.930990		-228.396124		-106.690004		2.008536		-2.008536		-57.841697		152.259804
+7442.038671	4	51197	56000	30803	26000	8.175609		-8.175609		-235.440644		-234.817341		1.861655		-1.861655		-53.611826		140.995719
+7442.048667	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	8.226146		-8.226146		-236.895993		-48.511624		1.750279		-1.750279		-50.404410		106.913848
+7442.058664	4	49297	56000	32703	26000	8.525333		-8.525333		-245.511961		-287.198946		1.567302		-1.567302		-45.135053		175.645240
+7442.068756	4	53488	56000	28512	26000	8.674053		-8.674053		-249.794805		-142.761469		1.374440		-1.374440		-39.581016		185.134560
+7442.078626	4	55098	56000	26902	26000	8.763696		-8.763696		-252.376333		-86.050928		1.169036		-1.169036		-33.665816		197.173338
+7442.089206	4	47929	56000	34071	26000	9.091936		-9.091936		-261.828969		-315.087885		0.977310		-0.977310		-28.144501		184.043823
+7442.098634	4	53496	56000	28504	26000	9.222476		-9.222476		-265.588235		-125.308856		0.782992		-0.782992		-22.548564		186.531250
+7442.108724	4	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.189549		-9.189549		-264.640016		31.607300		0.732839		-0.732839		-21.104259		48.143486
+7442.118654	4	44277	56000	37723	26000	9.627030		-9.627030		-277.238573		-419.951901		0.455340		-0.455340		-13.112855		266.380128
+7442.128733	5	51794	56000	30206	26000	9.797836		-9.797836		-282.157407		-163.961127		0.253511		-0.253511		-7.300599		193.741876
+7442.138659	5	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.786592		-9.786592		-281.833622		10.792837		0.207981		-0.207981		-5.989432		43.705561
+7442.148751	5	52358	56000	29642	26000	9.932677		-9.932677		-286.040566		-140.231475		0.000748		-0.000748		-0.021544		198.929612
+7442.158710	5	49527	56000	32473	26000	10.169416		-10.169416		-292.858149		-227.252766		-0.237011		0.237011		6.825418		228.232056
+7442.168991	5	50242	56000	31758	26000	10.374600		-10.374600		-298.767024		-196.962506		-0.439642		0.439642		12.660773		194.511830
+7442.178723	5	51394	56000	30606	26000	10.534431		-10.534431		-303.369842		-153.427273		-0.648636		0.648636		18.679370		200.619912
+7442.188865	5	51634	56000	30366	26000	10.680939		-10.680939		-307.588957		-140.637159		-0.831822		0.831822		23.954743		175.845777
+7442.198754	5	50851	56000	31149	26000	10.848991		-10.848991		-312.428523		-161.318853		-1.063018		1.063018		30.612730		221.932875
+7442.208831	5	49709	56000	32291	26000	11.050074		-11.050074		-318.219282		-193.025321		-1.265354		1.265354		36.439577		194.228236
+7442.218848	5	50327	56000	31673	26000	11.223863		-11.223863		-323.224048		-166.825503		-1.458638		1.458638		42.005747		185.539015
+7442.228868	5	48818	56000	33182	26000	11.442862		-11.442862		-329.530764		-210.223868		-1.676340		1.676340		48.275134		208.979566
+7442.238781	5	53432	56000	28568	26000	11.499335		-11.499335		-331.157065		-54.210052		-1.925748		1.925748		55.457547		239.413762
+7442.248869	5	48774	56000	33226	26000	11.710557		-11.710557		-337.239819		-202.758461		-2.128039		2.128039		61.283128		194.186028
+7442.258755	5	52089	56000	29911	26000	11.803251		-11.803251		-339.909220		-88.980049		-2.360796		2.360796		67.986044		223.430526
+7442.268762	5	42475	56000	39525	26000	12.216720		-12.216720		-351.816271		-396.901667		-2.605381		2.605381		75.029586		234.784763
+7442.278870	5	50549	56000	31451	26000	12.345313		-12.345313		-355.519478		-123.440251		-2.827206		2.827206		81.417691		212.936830
+7442.288751	5	48469	56000	33531	26000	12.539613		-12.539613		-361.114944		-186.515525		-3.073691		3.073691		88.515934		236.608088
+7442.298878	5	52007	56000	29993	26000	12.608290		-12.608290		-363.092691		-65.924898		-3.277433		3.277433		94.383282		195.578262
+7442.308890	5	46503	56000	35497	26000	12.859868		-12.859868		-370.337619		-241.497606		-3.499949		3.499949		100.791296		213.600472
+7442.318846	5	48509	56000	33491	26000	13.035771		-13.035771		-375.403261		-168.854743		-3.728821		3.728821		107.382347		219.701715
+7442.328813	5	49406	56000	32594	26000	13.175634		-13.175634		-379.431016		-134.258494		-3.988066		3.988066		114.848066		248.857290
+7442.338771	5	50742	56000	31258	26000	13.265661		-13.265661		-382.023608		-86.419731		-4.189471		4.189471		120.648095		193.334296
+7442.348855	5	45375	56000	36625	26000	13.533289		-13.533289		-389.730746		-256.904587		-4.394142		4.394142		126.542193		196.469948
+7442.358977	5	49444	56000	32556	26000	13.655244		-13.655244		-393.242790		-117.068142		-4.654427		4.654427		134.037884		249.856338
+7442.368858	5	49231	56000	32769	26000	13.780086		-13.780086		-396.837987		-119.839907		-4.906737		4.906737		141.303883		242.199972
+7442.378786	5	48661	56000	33339	26000	13.919777		-13.919777		-400.860800		-134.093761		-5.150897		5.150897		148.335175		234.376416
+7442.388850	5	47325	56000	34675	26000	14.099696		-14.099696		-406.042099		-172.709972		-5.373243		5.373243		154.738284		213.436969
+7442.398850	5	45371	56000	36629	26000	14.339496		-14.339496		-412.947826		-230.190903		-5.696660		5.696660		164.052042		310.458578
+7442.408841	5	49990	56000	32010	26000	14.415818		-14.415818		-415.145749		-73.264092		-5.906739		5.906739		170.101886		201.661475
+7442.419035	6	44052	56000	37948	26000	14.689336		-14.689336		-423.022512		-262.558758		-6.190086		6.190086		178.261669		271.992758
+7442.428784	6	51414	56000	30586	26000	14.705886		-14.705886		-423.499104		-15.886426		-6.461907		6.461907		186.089553		260.929465
+7442.438849	6	44968	56000	37032	26000	14.938493		-14.938493		-430.197711		-223.286897		-6.688869		6.688869		192.625603		217.868350
+7442.448837	6	48925	56000	33075	26000	15.030106		-15.030106		-432.835986		-87.942481		-6.918760		6.918760		199.245974		220.679045
+7442.458772	6	50755	56000	31245	26000	15.056568		-15.056568		-433.598033		-25.401562		-7.140624		7.140624		205.635216		212.974735
+7442.468854	6	43726	56000	38274	26000	15.318417		-15.318417		-441.138741		-251.356959		-7.350289		7.350289		211.673136		201.263987
+7442.478886	6	50901	56000	31099	26000	15.329953		-15.329953		-441.470960		-11.073947		-7.619254		7.619254		219.418777		258.188024
+7442.488838	6	45446	56000	36554	26000	15.524235		-15.524235		-447.065860		-186.496675		-7.795693		7.795693		224.499835		169.368610
+7442.498824	6	48811	56000	33189	26000	15.598576		-15.598576		-449.206741		-71.362704		-8.061744		8.061744		232.161561		255.390853
+7442.508869	6	47619	56000	34381	26000	15.710094		-15.710094		-452.418235		-107.049793		-8.331764		8.331764		239.937591		259.201005
+7442.519050	6	46491	56000	35509	26000	15.855555		-15.855555		-456.607206		-139.632374		-8.572477		8.572477		246.869626		231.067836
+7442.528845	6	48918	56000	33082	26000	15.914122		-15.914122		-458.293819		-56.220442		-8.818554		8.818554		253.956116		236.216336
+7442.538786	6	47488	56000	34512	26000	16.018347		-16.018347		-461.295292		-100.049078		-9.035352		9.035352		260.199472		208.111852
+7442.548855	6	47616	56000	34384	26000	16.114371		-16.114371		-464.060582		-92.176348		-9.304396		9.304396		267.947374		258.263424
+7442.558881	6	47967	56000	34033	26000	16.194904		-16.194904		-466.379768		-77.306181		-9.551492		9.551492		275.063221		237.194896
+7442.568946	6	45912	56000	36088	26000	16.341513		-16.341513		-470.601784		-140.733868		-9.839200		9.839200		283.348618		276.179910
+7442.578836	6	48558	56000	33442	26000	16.393782		-16.393782		-472.107044		-50.175339		-10.072856		10.072856		290.077443		224.294141
+7442.588996	6	54044	56000	27956	26000	16.258712		-16.258712		-468.217295		129.658282		-10.362395		10.362395		298.415554		277.937055
+7442.598962	6	45433	56000	36567	26000	16.417026		-16.417026		-472.776398		-151.970088		-10.583831		10.583831		304.792466		212.563723
+7442.608971	6	47170	56000	34830	26000	16.511289		-16.511289		-475.490990		-90.486407		-10.868620		10.868620		312.993776		273.377001
+7442.618968	6	46679	56000	35321	26000	16.618474		-16.618474		-478.577681		-102.889687		-11.104906		11.104906		319.798328		226.818398
+7442.628902	6	49020	56000	32980	26000	16.642739		-16.642739		-479.276490		-23.293644		-11.362371		11.362371		327.212783		247.148499
+7442.638995	7	47181	56000	34819	26000	16.727413		-16.727413		-481.714922		-81.281066		-11.610236		11.610236		334.350807		237.934142
+7442.648962	7	51942	56000	30058	26000	16.648217		-16.648217		-479.434240		76.022744		-11.896576		11.896576		342.596792		274.866149
+7442.658984	7	48104	56000	33896	26000	16.699835		-16.699835		-480.920716		-49.549192		-12.117201		12.117201		348.950346		211.785138
+7442.668952	7	45717	56000	36283	26000	16.829516		-16.829516		-484.655271		-124.485195		-12.430934		12.430934		357.985201		301.161855
+7442.678997	7	49767	56000	32233	26000	16.818014		-16.818014		-484.324037		11.041164		-12.693991		12.693991		365.560701		252.516642
+7442.688964	7	48460	56000	33540	26000	16.850002		-16.850002		-485.245210		-30.705780		-12.995643		12.995643		374.247652		289.565027
+7442.698951	7	49269	56000	32731	26000	16.852913		-16.852913		-485.329051		-2.794713		-13.295460		13.295460		382.881765		287.803784
+7442.708961	7	51086	56000	30914	26000	16.793579		-16.793579		-483.620359		56.956410		-13.524142		13.524142		389.467321		219.518542
+7442.718976	7	46703	56000	35297	26000	16.882848		-16.882848		-486.191118		-85.691959		-13.817934		13.817934		397.927925		282.020122
+7442.728911	7	49490	56000	32510	26000	16.874669		-16.874669		-485.955575		7.851422		-14.066913		14.066913		405.098011		239.002854
+7442.738962	7	47375	56000	34625	26000	16.937129		-16.937129		-487.754305		-59.957653		-14.319604		14.319604		412.375000		242.566317
+7442.749004	7	52023	56000	29977	26000	16.840188		-16.840188		-484.962608		93.056560		-14.599685		14.599685		420.440738		268.857926
+7442.758868	7	46334	56000	35666	26000	16.936965		-16.936965		-487.749584		-92.899203		-14.880841		14.880841		428.537455		269.890577
+7442.768942	7	51754	56000	30246	26000	16.847287		-16.847287		-485.167024		86.085349		-15.150833		15.150833		436.312674		259.173959
+7442.778979	7	50004	56000	31996	26000	16.818337		-16.818337		-484.333330		27.789772		-15.432775		15.432775		444.432011		270.644575
+7442.788863	7	48726	56000	33274	26000	16.832422		-16.832422		-484.738965		-13.521165		-15.718559		15.718559		452.661990		274.332613
+7442.798990	7	49275	56000	32725	26000	16.826711		-16.826711		-484.574479		5.482882		-15.995128		15.995128		460.626626		265.487880
+7442.808946	7	53343	56000	28657	26000	16.683126		-16.683126		-480.439550		137.830973		-16.298658		16.298658		469.367668		291.368067
+7442.818873	7	50432	56000	31568	26000	16.640970		-16.640970		-479.225546		40.466785		-16.600109		16.600109		478.048816		289.371610
+7442.828976	7	49996	56000	32004	26000	16.613878		-16.613878		-478.445354		26.006401		-16.881728		16.881728		486.158860		270.334780
+7442.839026	8	51339	56000	30661	26000	16.541432		-16.541432		-476.359056		69.543272		-17.109202		17.109202		492.709650		218.359679
+7442.848916	8	51732	56000	30268	26000	16.456957		-16.456957		-473.926328		81.090927		-17.424467		17.424467		501.788615		302.632153
+7442.858972	8	50050	56000	31950	26000	16.430787		-16.430787		-473.172690		25.121272		-17.710059		17.710059		510.013086		274.149030
+7442.869000	8	53936	56000	28064	26000	16.273515		-16.273515		-468.643583		150.970221		-17.984931		17.984931		517.928843		263.858587
+7442.878986	8	51625	56000	30375	26000	16.197865		-16.197865		-466.465035		72.618276		-18.271763		18.271763		526.189014		275.339037
+7442.888891	8	51250	56000	30750	26000	16.136202		-16.136202		-464.689270		59.192181		-18.513159		18.513159		533.140719		231.723487
+7442.898955	8	52610	56000	29390	26000	16.029634		-16.029634		-461.620331		102.297962		-18.751828		18.751828		540.013893		229.105800
+7442.908916	8	53083	56000	28917	26000	15.909389		-15.909389		-458.157510		115.427375		-18.973470		18.973470		546.396706		212.760419
+7442.918885	8	52480	56000	29520	26000	15.812124		-15.812124		-455.356470		93.367994		-19.316087		19.316087		556.263386		328.889340
+7442.928968	8	56000	56000	26000	26000	15.568643		-15.568643		-448.344724		233.724862		-19.565972		19.565972		563.459533		239.871591
+7442.939123	8	52188	56000	29812	26000	15.489515		-15.489515		-446.066009		75.957179		-19.796866		19.796866		570.108819		221.642852
+7442.948977	8	54668	56000	27332	26000	15.328259		-15.328259		-441.422179		154.794306		-20.104373		20.104373		578.964387		295.185596
+7442.959012	8	53548	56000	28452	26000	15.208673		-15.208673		-437.978339		114.794672		-20.307923		20.307923		584.826203		195.393860
+7442.969073	8	55071	56000	26929	26000	15.040404		-15.040404		-433.132553		161.526203		-20.577932		20.577932		592.601913		259.190351
+7442.978926	8	50290	56000	31710	26000	15.037454		-15.037454		-433.047581		2.832413		-20.755898		20.755898		597.726957		170.834810
+7442.988918	8	54880	56000	27120	26000	14.879028		-14.879028		-428.485233		152.078271		-21.030999		21.030999		605.649304		264.078230
+7442.998979	8	54106	56000	27894	26000	14.750536		-14.750536		-424.784951		123.342723		-21.217001		21.217001		611.005761		178.548545
+7443.009157	8	54704	56000	27296	26000	14.604874		-14.604874		-420.590177		139.825791		-21.506451		21.506451		619.341315		277.851820
+7443.018986	8	55823	56000	26177	26000	14.424967		-14.424967		-415.409222		172.698498		-21.706334		21.706334		625.097555		191.874653
+7443.029111	8	55440	56000	26560	26000	14.262440		-14.262440		-410.728783		156.014636		-21.948379		21.948379		632.067946		232.346356
+7443.039057	9	54138	56000	27862	26000	14.147787		-14.147787		-407.427031		110.058412		-22.213073		22.213073		639.690578		254.087746
+7443.049068	9	53426	56000	28574	26000	14.059736		-14.059736		-404.891333		84.523261		-22.369023		22.369023		644.181624		149.701536
+7443.058995	9	55444	56000	26556	26000	13.905488		-13.905488		-400.449313		148.067325		-22.668520		22.668520		652.806517		287.496448
+7443.069114	9	52657	56000	29343	26000	13.848940		-13.848940		-398.820848		54.282174		-22.888539		22.888539		659.142615		211.203247
+7443.079087	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	13.610872		-13.610872		-391.964983		228.528827		-23.077654		23.077654		664.588715		181.536674
+7443.089074	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	13.419215		-13.419215		-386.445663		183.977336		-23.342633		23.342633		672.219560		254.361480
+7443.098981	9	50826	56000	31174	26000	13.436427		-13.436427		-386.941311		-16.521588		-23.488906		23.488906		676.431938		140.412599
+7443.109105	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	13.150267		-13.150267		-378.700514		274.693221		-23.775023		23.775023		684.671505		274.652243
+7443.119113	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	12.921789		-12.921789		-372.120810		219.323486		-24.026295		24.026295		691.907631		241.204202
+7443.129123	9	53814	56000	28186	26000	12.850700		-12.850700		-370.073605		68.240166		-24.227835		24.227835		697.711569		193.464607
+7443.139094	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	12.562590		-12.562590		-361.776627		276.565924		-24.480079		24.480079		704.975675		242.136866
+7443.149041	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	12.415337		-12.415337		-357.536048		141.352639		-24.667165		24.667165		710.363357		179.589391
+7443.159129	9	54927	56000	27073	26000	12.319497		-12.319497		-354.776043		92.000142		-24.904738		24.904738		717.204961		228.053480
+7443.169218	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.966508		-6.966508		-200.621035		5138.500296		-24.778818		24.778818		713.578735		-120.874196
+7443.179009	9	26000	56000	56000	26000	11.956911		-11.956911		-344.334324		-4790.442996		-25.360445		25.360445		730.328375		558.321327
+7443.189107	9	55893	56000	26107	26000	11.840235		-11.840235		-340.974277		112.001598		-25.570473		25.570473		736.376756		201.612711
+7443.198983	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	11.578618		-11.578618		-333.440255		251.134038		-25.829914		25.829914		743.848130		249.045789
+7443.209138	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	11.326610		-11.326610		-326.182960		241.909847		-26.030995		26.030995		749.638841		193.023682
+7443.219034	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	11.144432		-11.144432		-320.936604		174.878538		-26.254801		26.254801		756.084006		214.838833
+7443.229090	9	56000	56000	26000	26000	10.958949		-10.958949		-315.595072		178.051069		-26.459514		26.459514		761.979309		196.510106
+7443.239120	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	10.781478		-10.781478		-310.484263		170.360282		-26.702346		26.702346		768.972369		233.101994
+7443.248987	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	10.520709		-10.520709		-302.974657		250.320211		-26.927106		26.927106		775.444973		215.753466
+7443.259107	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	10.305506		-10.305506		-296.777254		206.580088		-27.183647		27.183647		782.832849		246.262550
+7443.269094	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	10.023829		-10.023829		-288.665539		270.390511		-27.431722		27.431722		789.976873		238.134116
+7443.279043	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.748844		-9.748844		-280.746561		263.965949		-27.617962		27.617962		795.340213		178.778023
+7443.288989	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.573511		-9.573511		-275.697318		168.308094		-27.860651		27.860651		802.329142		232.964307
+7443.299142	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.387882		-9.387882		-270.351606		178.190395		-28.024772		28.024772		807.055485		157.544762
+7443.309031	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.265659		-9.265659		-266.831817		117.326304		-28.236465		28.236465		813.151811		203.210860
+7443.319051	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	9.001619		-9.001619		-259.228018		253.459960		-28.480181		28.480181		820.170343		233.951062
+7443.329014	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	8.715910		-8.715910		-251.000179		274.261311		-28.652937		28.652937		825.145358		165.833831
+7443.339059	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	8.421660		-8.421660		-242.526396		282.459408		-28.885567		28.885567		831.844604		223.308206
+7443.349162	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	8.260159		-8.260159		-237.875511		155.029520		-29.096094		29.096094		837.907344		202.091336
+7443.359066	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	8.103622		-8.103622		-233.367549		150.265396		-29.275198		29.275198		843.065187		171.928108
+7443.369131	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	7.795555		-7.795555		-224.495877		295.722410		-29.483355		29.483355		849.059674		199.816227
+7443.379201	10	48692	56000	33308	26000	8.033165		-8.033165		-231.338538		-228.088722		-29.709704		29.709704		855.578059		217.279494
+7443.389133	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	7.632232		-7.632232		-219.792498		384.868011		-29.828102		29.828102		858.987674		113.653839
+7443.399339	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	7.460556		-7.460556		-214.848585		164.797083		-30.061288		30.061288		865.702951		223.842561
+7443.409107	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	7.343726		-7.343726		-211.484136		112.148300		-30.211081		30.211081		870.016676		143.790841
+7443.419171	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	7.078689		-7.078689		-203.851608		254.417621		-30.372666		30.372666		874.669996		155.110657
+7443.429103	10	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.871393		-6.871393		-197.881905		198.990107		-30.626667		30.626667		881.984702		243.823528
+7443.439246	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.622549		-6.622549		-190.715716		238.872953		-30.812452		30.812452		887.334913		178.340375
+7443.449218	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.394611		-6.394611		-184.151587		218.804292		-30.965691		30.965691		891.747871		147.098601
+7443.459082	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.170914		-6.170914		-177.709569		214.733928		-31.201896		31.201896		898.550087		226.740539
+7443.469207	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	6.031939		-6.031939		-173.707385		133.406147		-31.420957		31.420957		904.858598		210.283697
+7443.479106	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	5.726511		-5.726511		-164.911674		293.190368		-31.570214		31.570214		909.156883		143.276155
+7443.489190	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	5.686956		-5.686956		-163.772562		37.970394		-31.745934		31.745934		914.217263		168.679357
+7443.499194	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	5.410326		-5.410326		-155.806205		265.545249		-31.906918		31.906918		918.853274		154.533684
+7443.509097	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	5.082937		-5.082937		-146.378081		314.270779		-32.120505		32.120505		925.004134		205.028653
+7443.519155	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.817676		-4.817676		-138.739111		254.632346		-32.259721		32.259721		929.013276		133.638084
+7443.529190	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.758923		-4.758923		-137.047150		56.398697		-32.439382		32.439382		934.187150		172.462463
+7443.539100	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.479152		-4.479152		-128.990313		268.561244		-32.599120		32.599120		938.787264		153.337121
+7443.549104	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	4.082208		-4.082208		-117.559155		381.038599		-32.776534		32.776534		943.896425		170.305371
+7443.559204	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.962573		-3.962573		-114.113901		114.841796		-32.958887		32.958887		949.147797		175.045729
+7443.569188	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.729046		-3.729046		-107.388814		224.169567		-33.116729		33.116729		953.693327		151.517689
+7443.579111	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.416426		-3.416426		-98.386019		300.093144		-33.275855		33.275855		958.275837		152.750313
+7443.589194	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.316768		-3.316768		-95.516050		95.665641		-33.395056		33.395056		961.708564		114.424229
+7443.599108	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	3.047316		-3.047316		-87.756413		258.654561		-33.595006		33.595006		967.466721		191.938579
+7443.609224	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	2.732236		-2.732236		-78.682753		302.455332		-33.696694		33.696694		970.395121		97.613335
+7443.619140	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	2.529400		-2.529400		-72.841492		194.708705		-33.906183		33.906183		976.427963		201.094747
+7443.629197	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	2.300315		-2.300315		-66.244325		219.905581		-34.106505		34.106505		982.196841		192.295909
+7443.639150	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	2.011611		-2.011611		-57.930228		277.136546		-34.233803		34.233803		985.862750		122.196972
+7443.649196	11	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.511486		-1.511486		-43.527668		480.085351		-34.364673		34.364673		989.631531		125.626028
+7443.659189	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.283741		-1.283741		-36.969077		218.619686		-34.507256		34.507256		993.737644		136.870444
+7443.669110	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	1.092091		-1.092091		-31.449960		183.970574		-34.646859		34.646859		997.757900		134.008527
+7443.679202	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.873722		-0.873722		-25.161377		209.619440		-34.843367		34.843367		1003.416923		188.634098
+7443.689238	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.530471		-0.530471		-15.276475		329.496739		-35.012438		35.012438		1008.285820		162.296593
+7443.699218	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.261468		-0.261468		-7.529741		258.224444		-35.128646		35.128646		1011.632395		111.552477
+7443.709206	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	0.024547		-0.024547		-0.706911		227.427670		-35.266340		35.266340		1015.597674		132.175982
+7443.719294	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.076430		0.076430		2.201034		96.931506		-35.442794		35.442794		1020.679200		169.384181
+7443.729161	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.460564		0.460564		13.263303		368.742298		-35.621520		35.621520		1025.826126		171.564221
+7443.739324	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.620604		0.620604		17.872105		153.626734		-35.705449		35.705449		1028.243119		80.566406
+7443.749218	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-0.855646		0.855646		24.640837		225.624396		-35.858292		35.858292		1032.644668		146.718323
+7443.759160	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.084784		1.084784		31.239545		219.956958		-35.972100		35.972100		1035.922104		109.247863
+7443.769151	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.329952		1.329952		38.299878		235.344423		-36.094186		36.094186		1039.437935		117.194355
+7443.779250	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.500630		1.500630		43.215045		163.838910		-36.236886		36.236886		1043.547392		136.981905
+7443.789193	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-1.938526		1.938526		55.825527		420.349389		-36.332068		36.332068		1046.288440		91.368258
+7443.799233	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.128188		2.128188		61.287412		182.062835		-36.500118		36.500118		1051.127931		161.316395
+7443.809340	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.340294		2.340294		67.395632		203.607325		-36.650129		36.650129		1055.447951		144.000649
+7443.819293	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.610454		2.610454		75.175676		259.334799		-36.711437		36.711437		1057.213488		58.851242
+7443.829274	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-2.804075		2.804075		80.751564		185.862947		-36.836341		36.836341		1060.810456		119.898915
+7443.839313	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.021995		3.021995		87.027202		209.187940		-36.898267		36.898267		1062.593794		59.444606
+7443.849214	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.290802		3.290802		94.768301		258.036610		-37.016002		37.016002		1065.984330		113.017857
+7443.859206	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.487931		3.487931		100.445211		189.230330		-37.083406		37.083406		1067.925417		64.702928
+7443.869464	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-3.739615		3.739615		107.693188		241.599232		-37.211694		37.211694		1071.619847		123.147666
+7443.879236	12	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.098896		4.098896		118.039731		344.884768		-37.292536		37.292536		1073.947933		77.602863
+7443.889298	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.353712		4.353712		125.377892		244.605392		-37.365001		37.365001		1076.034772		69.561303
+7443.899388	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.616183		4.616183		132.936537		251.954831		-37.500136		37.500136		1079.926389		129.720569
+7443.909215	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-4.880885		4.880885		140.559403		254.095532		-37.557342		37.557342		1081.573811		54.914057
+7443.919320	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.101877		5.101877		146.923505		212.136731		-37.723620		37.723620		1086.362261		159.614980
+7443.929328	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.329266		5.329266		153.471849		218.278132		-37.817736		37.817736		1089.072624		90.345442
+7443.939285	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.193857		5.193857		149.572352		-129.983239		-38.119760		38.119760		1097.770295		289.922357
+7443.949270	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.392886		5.392886		155.303980		191.054270		-38.248868		38.248868		1101.488328		123.934448
+7443.959323	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.611298		5.611298		161.593780		209.660009		-38.310750		38.310750		1103.270388		59.401989
+7443.969278	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.795967		5.795967		166.911881		177.270025		-38.447015		38.447015		1107.194558		130.805671
+7443.979291	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-5.965862		5.965862		171.804505		163.087472		-38.528868		38.528868		1109.551755		78.573227
+7443.989236	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.171414		6.171414		177.723953		197.314918		-38.687626		38.687626		1114.123642		152.396262
+7443.999298	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.266308		6.266308		180.456715		91.092065		-38.785984		38.785984		1116.956154		94.417036
+7444.009279	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.543855		6.543855		188.449503		266.426280		-38.858165		38.858165		1119.034830		69.289207
+7444.019261	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.742982		6.742982		194.183934		191.147700		-39.002877		39.002877		1123.202214		138.912797
+7444.029297	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-6.949727		6.949727		200.137766		198.461078		-39.067251		39.067251		1125.056067		61.795115
+7444.039235	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.037181		7.037181		202.656253		83.949566		-39.241725		39.241725		1130.080551		167.482793
+7444.049306	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.600460		7.600460		218.877545		540.709719		-39.239915		39.239915		1130.028427		-1.737475
+7444.059303	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.631876		7.631876		219.782245		30.156672		-39.431707		39.431707		1135.551631		184.106827
+7444.069199	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.852036		7.852036		226.122399		211.338475		-39.539412		39.539412		1138.653320		103.389621
+7444.079248	13	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.951448		7.951448		228.985275		95.429197		-39.700946		39.700946		1143.305165		155.061483
+7444.089312	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.226477		8.226477		236.905532		264.008567		-39.832096		39.832096		1147.082010		125.894845
+7444.099236	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.245008		8.245008		237.439191		17.788634		-39.976834		39.976834		1151.250181		138.939023
+7444.109301	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.426672		8.426672		242.670722		174.384341		-40.141462		40.141462		1155.991128		158.031583
+7444.119319	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.494331		8.494331		244.619161		64.947978		-40.213145		40.213145		1158.055446		68.810582
+7444.129319	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.816266		8.816266		253.890248		309.036225		-40.411688		40.411688		1163.773084		190.587938
+7444.139392	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.916813		8.916813		256.785775		96.517578		-40.456573		40.456573		1165.065667		43.086112
+7444.149231	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.972908		8.972908		258.401209		53.847805		-40.593426		40.593426		1169.006753		131.369531
+7444.159373	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.161059		9.161059		263.819551		180.611387		-40.743386		40.743386		1173.325297		143.951476
+7444.169341	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.937227		8.937227		257.373673		-214.862600		-40.931893		40.931893		1178.753892		180.953145
+7444.179315	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.099835		9.099835		262.056448		156.092495		-41.110758		41.110758		1183.904850		171.698630
+7444.189428	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.030345		9.030345		260.055269		-66.705942		-41.254947		41.254947		1188.057187		138.411224
+7444.199326	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.226349		9.226349		265.699786		188.150555		-41.360310		41.360310		1191.091409		101.140738
+7444.209522	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.342889		9.342889		269.055875		111.869648		-41.583459		41.583459		1197.517642		214.207768
+7444.219431	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.411289		9.411289		271.025681		65.660179		-41.690068		41.690068		1200.587761		102.337301
+7444.229309	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.560120		9.560120		275.311697		142.867193		-41.959403		41.959403		1208.344048		258.542895
+7444.239405	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.622141		9.622141		277.097764		59.535578		-42.119864		42.119864		1212.965012		154.032111
+7444.249317	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.733028		9.733028		280.291088		106.444135		-42.191195		42.191195		1215.019199		68.472922
+7444.259420	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.714937		9.714937		279.770091		-17.366558		-42.443007		42.443007		1222.270864		241.722167
+7444.269305	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.818897		9.818897		282.763942		99.795014		-42.649634		42.649634		1228.221291		198.347569
+7444.279441	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.953046		9.953046		286.627136		128.773153		-42.795387		42.795387		1232.418671		139.912665
+7444.289312	14	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.993313		9.993313		287.786753		38.653910		-42.936324		42.936324		1236.477381		135.290325
+7444.299345	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.018176		10.018176		288.502749		23.866519		-43.083092		43.083092		1240.703970		140.886307
+7444.309408	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.046719		10.046719		289.324739		27.399659		-43.234606		43.234606		1245.067263		145.443082
+7444.319328	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.132732		10.132732		291.801748		82.566962		-43.370311		43.370311		1248.975304		130.268037
+7444.329387	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.110974		10.110974		291.175150		-20.886585		-43.557701		43.557701		1254.371738		179.881155
+7444.339407	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.089587		10.089587		290.559248		-20.530075		-43.707726		43.707726		1258.692151		144.013762
+7444.349344	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.407461		10.407461		299.713350		305.136740		-43.825014		43.825014		1262.069803		112.588406
+7444.359435	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.430830		10.430830		300.386343		22.433102		-43.990680		43.990680		1266.840649		159.028172
+7444.369308	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.357498		10.357498		298.274524		-70.393980		-44.111151		44.111151		1270.309961		115.643740
+7444.379413	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.540770		10.540770		303.552376		175.928399		-44.278737		44.278737		1275.136077		160.870552
+7444.389316	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.528521		10.528521		303.199627		-11.758283		-44.402770		44.402770		1278.707966		119.062960
+7444.399380	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.572380		10.572380		304.462682		42.101815		-44.600838		44.600838		1284.411934		190.132260
+7444.409422	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.570040		10.570040		304.395289		-2.246425		-44.716886		44.716886		1287.753886		111.398399
+7444.419435	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.667716		10.667716		307.208180		93.763024		-44.838843		44.838843		1291.265979		117.069781
+7444.429419	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.637191		10.637191		306.329124		-29.301867		-45.022671		45.022671		1296.559837		176.461935
+7444.439396	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.655400		10.655400		306.853489		17.478839		-45.100415		45.100415		1298.798722		74.629486
+7444.449414	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.709898		10.709898		308.422921		52.314401		-45.239113		45.239113		1302.792916		133.139789
+7444.459451	15	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.628273		10.628273		306.072289		-78.354403		-45.426249		45.426249		1308.182073		179.638565
+7444.469423	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.840625		10.840625		312.187596		203.843564		-45.513526		45.513526		1310.695446		83.779097
+7444.479397	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.833577		10.833577		311.984631		-6.765500		-45.652629		45.652629		1314.701343		133.529902
+7444.489564	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.915641		10.915641		314.347900		78.775659		-45.780036		45.780036		1318.370399		122.301877
+7444.499543	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.870267		10.870267		313.041204		-43.556541		-45.884784		45.884784		1321.386918		100.550652
+7444.509366	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.060469		11.060469		318.518653		182.581618		-46.058961		46.058961		1326.402846		167.197585
+7444.519425	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.020465		11.020465		317.366608		-38.401484		-46.124537		46.124537		1328.291318		62.949061
+7444.529417	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.107088		11.107088		319.861172		83.152130		-46.278732		46.278732		1332.731813		148.016512
+7444.539441	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.173970		11.173970		321.787237		64.202175		-46.304267		46.304267		1333.467159		24.511516
+7444.549532	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.698899		10.698899		308.106168		-456.035659		-46.681355		46.681355		1344.326511		361.978412
+7444.559536	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.765604		10.765604		310.027143		64.032525		-46.779320		46.779320		1347.147712		94.040036
+7444.569528	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.784886		10.784886		310.582414		18.509030		-46.903018		46.903018		1350.709963		118.741691
+7444.579486	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.737863		10.737863		309.228265		-45.138299		-47.051712		47.051712		1354.992020		142.735243
+7444.589531	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.748413		10.748413		309.532086		10.127351		-47.171339		47.171339		1358.437040		114.834011
+7444.599469	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.732820		10.732820		309.083030		-14.968514		-47.310996		47.310996		1362.458870		134.060979
+7444.609522	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.748948		10.748948		309.547477		15.481561		-47.415815		47.415815		1365.477455		100.619495
+7444.619513	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.739086		10.739086		309.263474		-9.466782		-47.477287		47.477287		1367.247713		59.008598
+7444.629432	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.717082		10.717082		308.629820		-21.121800		-47.612521		47.612521		1371.142182		129.815638
+7444.639483	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.699480		10.699480		308.122911		-16.896948		-47.742753		47.742753		1374.892572		125.012994
+7444.649505	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.662753		10.662753		307.065256		-35.255179		-47.873042		47.873042		1378.644633		125.068724
+7444.659439	16	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.789382		10.789382		310.711889		121.554434		-47.987765		47.987765		1381.948426		110.126436
+7444.669517	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.813984		10.813984		311.420386		23.616552		-48.093609		48.093609		1384.996516		101.602972
+7444.679547	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.567881		10.567881		304.333133		-236.241743		-48.302002		48.302002		1390.997788		200.042427
+7444.689525	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.596796		10.596796		305.165818		27.756169		-48.425969		48.425969		1394.567809		119.000673
+7444.699506	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.707537		10.707537		308.354938		106.303990		-48.447358		48.447358		1395.183760		20.531714
+7444.709454	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.609204		10.609204		305.523140		-94.393268		-48.602786		48.602786		1399.659759		149.199963
+7444.719458	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.689719		10.689719		307.841809		77.288970		-48.723595		48.723595		1403.138807		115.968287
+7444.729545	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.700224		10.700224		308.144327		10.083914		-48.827943		48.827943		1406.143820		100.167096
+7444.739425	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.752937		10.752937		309.662347		50.600693		-48.917289		48.917289		1408.716792		85.765719
+7444.749545	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.612914		10.612914		305.629995		-134.411752		-49.136586		49.136586		1415.032089		210.509896
+7444.759407	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.550556		10.550556		303.834216		-59.859306		-49.211943		49.211943		1417.202228		72.337985
+7444.769473	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.771004		10.771004		310.182656		211.614668		-49.252016		49.252016		1418.356240		38.467050
+7444.779552	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.597930		10.597930		305.198470		-166.139528		-49.463499		49.463499		1424.446517		203.009248
+7444.789464	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.855993		10.855993		312.630160		247.723013		-49.476593		49.476593		1424.823582		12.568831
+7444.799535	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.667115		10.667115		307.190870		-181.309655		-49.731768		49.731768		1432.172120		244.951248
+7444.809487	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.665303		10.665303		307.138672		-1.739934		-49.862601		49.862601		1435.939819		125.589967
+7444.819590	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.740984		10.740984		309.318130		72.648600		-49.962059		49.962059		1438.803998		95.472634
+7444.829506	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.803595		10.803595		311.121187		60.101897		-49.969971		49.969971		1439.031869		7.595718
+7444.839527	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.838303		10.838303		312.120719		33.317730		-50.087785		50.087785		1442.424667		113.093257
+7444.849449	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.775370		10.775370		310.308393		-60.410872		-50.199582		50.199582		1445.644176		107.316971
+7444.859492	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.682151		10.682151		307.623871		-89.484081		-50.382201		50.382201		1450.903219		175.301433
+7444.869533	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.985341		10.985341		316.355103		291.041061		-50.340151		50.340151		1449.692264		-40.365160
+7444.879467	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.984642		10.984642		316.334990		-0.670403		-50.458190		50.458190		1453.091553		113.309622
+7444.889505	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.982913		10.982913		316.285177		-1.660436		-50.562149		50.562149		1456.085354		99.793375
+7444.899646	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.076582		11.076582		318.982657		89.915991		-50.708926		50.708926		1460.312238		140.896142
+7444.909562	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.050124		11.050124		318.220733		-25.397465		-50.757789		50.757789		1461.719397		46.905279
+7444.919587	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.125755		11.125755		320.398740		72.600245		-50.848737		50.848737		1464.338493		87.303221
+7444.929461	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.003225		11.003225		316.870125		-117.620528		-50.999117		50.999117		1468.669134		144.354701
+7444.939604	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.025395		11.025395		317.508573		21.281615		-51.063911		51.063911		1470.535085		62.198341
+7444.949547	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.988019		10.988019		316.432232		-35.878047		-51.212021		51.212021		1474.800324		142.174661
+7444.959556	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.016474		11.016474		317.251689		27.315244		-51.282833		51.282833		1476.839563		67.974627
+7444.969662	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.031769		11.031769		317.692139		14.681667		-51.413443		51.413443		1480.600870		125.376880
+7444.979569	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.027468		11.027468		317.568270		-4.128963		-51.470571		51.470571		1482.246029		54.838657
+7444.989647	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.079518		11.079518		319.067211		49.964711		-51.588388		51.588388		1485.638925		113.096535
+7444.999542	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.920148		10.920148		314.477695		-152.983889		-51.666983		51.666983		1487.902299		75.445771
+7445.009625	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.085371		11.085371		319.235779		158.602819		-51.796832		51.796832		1491.641673		124.645829
+7445.019544	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.808131		10.808131		311.251842		-266.131237		-51.970537		51.970537		1496.644029		166.745186
+7445.029677	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.025135		11.025135		317.501099		208.308548		-52.041120		52.041120		1498.676679		67.754984
+7445.039615	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.082826		11.082826		319.162486		55.379570		-52.159163		52.159163		1502.076066		113.312900
+7445.049599	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.154247		11.154247		321.219255		68.558976		-52.248587		52.248587		1504.651299		85.841119
+7445.059651	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.125722		11.125722		320.397782		-27.382448		-52.433627		52.433627		1509.980071		177.625716
+7445.069538	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.016548		11.016548		317.253803		-104.799271		-52.561765		52.561765		1513.670173		123.003423
+7445.079592	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.042413		11.042413		317.998664		24.828687		-52.687222		52.687222		1517.283073		120.429993
+7445.089635	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.923352		10.923352		314.569969		-114.289820		-52.701040		52.701040		1517.680988		13.263822
+7445.099623	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.968318		10.968318		315.864889		43.163970		-52.911836		52.911836		1523.751497		202.350318
+7445.109654	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.039190		11.039190		317.905848		68.031996		-53.028670		53.028670		1527.116069		112.152398
+7445.119623	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.857467		10.857467		312.672597		-174.441710		-53.109420		53.109420		1529.441500		77.514350
+7445.129661	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.116701		11.116701		320.137996		248.846635		-53.242042		53.242042		1533.260733		127.307773
+7445.139639	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.013940		11.013940		317.178690		-98.643526		-53.405901		53.405901		1537.979552		157.293975
+7445.149634	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.081898		11.081898		319.135760		65.235645		-53.525279		53.525279		1541.417393		114.594698
+7445.159538	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.021782		11.021782		317.404546		-57.707131		-53.660230		53.660230		1545.303699		129.543543
+7445.169624	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.941416		10.941416		315.090155		-77.146366		-53.678364		53.678364		1545.825925		17.407537
+7445.179683	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-11.037882		11.037882		317.868181		92.600882		-53.913552		53.913552		1552.598834		225.763619
+7445.189646	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.853084		10.853084		312.546368		-177.393779		-54.084334		54.084334		1557.517004		163.938999
+7445.199633	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.827073		10.827073		311.797328		-24.968013		-54.157468		54.157468		1559.623119		70.203841
+7445.209555	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.869561		10.869561		313.020895		40.785596		-54.288809		54.288809		1563.405472		126.078427
+7445.219659	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.781063		10.781063		310.472339		-84.951892		-54.456183		54.456183		1568.225491		160.667300
+7445.229570	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.872787		10.872787		313.113785		88.048205		-54.561908		54.561908		1571.270138		101.488233
+7445.239642	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.773262		10.773262		310.247663		-95.537379		-54.673455		54.673455		1574.482468		107.077658
+7445.249650	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.923918		10.923918		314.586246		144.619420		-54.894401		54.894401		1580.845267		212.093294
+7445.259666	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.866228		10.866228		312.924908		-55.377930		-55.013216		55.013216		1584.266880		114.053786
+7445.269733	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.912905		10.912905		314.269099		44.806376		-55.125183		55.125183		1587.491307		107.480884
+7445.279656	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.911104		10.911104		314.217246		-1.728460		-55.269720		55.269720		1591.653675		138.745606
+7445.289648	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.913981		10.913981		314.300103		2.761930		-55.437893		55.437893		1596.496707		161.434412
+7445.299662	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.970147		10.970147		315.917554		53.915009		-55.532699		55.532699		1599.226937		91.007650
+7445.309654	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.884357		10.884357		313.446987		-82.352236		-55.726820		55.726820		1604.817215		186.342597
+7445.319636	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.749767		10.749767		309.571056		-129.197687		-55.911693		55.911693		1610.141167		177.465081
+7445.329672	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.812332		10.812332		311.372810		60.058460		-56.013985		56.013985		1613.086975		98.193586
+7445.339740	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.834667		10.834667		312.016004		21.439791		-56.128288		56.128288		1616.378671		109.723210
+7445.349658	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.738005		10.738005		309.232347		-92.788562		-56.320377		56.320377		1621.910432		184.392035
+7445.359748	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.828070		10.828070		311.826020		86.455792		-56.500155		56.500155		1627.087650		172.573924
+7445.369640	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.758809		10.758809		309.831456		-66.485479		-56.721173		56.721173		1633.452514		212.162137
+7445.379759	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.656527		10.656527		306.885944		-98.183751		-56.894581		56.894581		1638.446313		166.459978
+7445.389642	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.751598		10.751598		309.623795		91.261715		-56.993011		56.993011		1641.280890		94.485879
+7445.399751	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.764180		10.764180		309.986132		12.077913		-57.173663		57.173663		1646.483284		173.413157
+7445.409718	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.632789		10.632789		306.202329		-126.126781		-57.415335		57.415335		1653.442955		231.989026
+7445.419811	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.683743		10.683743		307.669725		48.913211		-57.592592		57.592592		1658.547592		170.154572
+7445.429764	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.658876		10.658876		306.953582		-23.871437		-57.733656		57.733656		1662.609941		135.411620
+7445.439770	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.722219		10.722219		308.777735		60.805082		-57.880915		57.880915		1666.850692		141.358376
+7445.449763	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.628574		10.628574		306.080968		-89.892223		-58.113934		58.113934		1673.561150		223.681927
+7445.459750	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.600571		10.600571		305.274517		-26.881695		-58.322145		58.322145		1679.557210		199.868679
+7445.469748	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.627996		10.627996		306.064323		26.326850		-58.504115		58.504115		1684.797567		174.678564
+7445.479755	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.540088		10.540088		303.532731		-84.386393		-58.662500		58.662500		1689.358735		152.038932
+7445.489637	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.490129		10.490129		302.094027		-47.956780		-58.900109		58.900109		1696.201372		228.087902
+7445.499768	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.509419		10.509419		302.649544		18.517226		-59.117521		59.117521		1702.462381		208.700299
+7445.509644	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.574009		10.574009		304.509594		62.001646		-59.204380		59.204380		1704.963756		83.379149
+7445.519732	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.527376		10.527376		303.166656		-44.764578		-59.427038		59.427038		1711.375827		213.735700
+7445.529771	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.501459		10.501459		302.420320		-24.877861		-59.655603		59.655603		1717.958039		219.407082
+7445.539706	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.534988		10.534988		303.385873		32.185093		-59.847402		59.847402		1723.481441		184.113383
+7445.549760	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.640236		10.640236		306.416801		101.030916		-60.022446		60.022446		1728.522348		168.030262
+7445.559753	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.547015		10.547015		303.732229		-89.485720		-60.244666		60.244666		1734.921831		213.316083
+7445.569717	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.423710		10.423710		300.181313		-118.363872		-60.516555		60.516555		1742.751682		260.995030
+7445.579694	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.426177		10.426177		300.252344		2.367720		-60.739199		60.739199		1749.163359		213.722587
+7445.589746	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.444069		10.444069		300.767588		17.174780		-60.883473		60.883473		1753.318155		138.493180
+7445.599803	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.529695		10.529695		303.233459		82.195699		-61.109996		61.109996		1759.841555		217.446685
+7445.609676	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.473631		10.473631		301.618910		-53.818300		-61.338254		61.338254		1766.414917		219.112039
+7445.619760	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.402103		10.402103		299.559067		-68.661422		-61.545940		61.545940		1772.395831		199.363828
+7445.629706	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.382546		10.382546		298.995855		-18.773749		-61.760777		61.760777		1778.582686		206.228495
+7445.639844	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.350764		10.350764		298.080607		-30.508265		-61.992286		61.992286		1785.249674		222.232938
+7445.649871	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.282997		10.282997		296.129069		-65.051243		-62.245932		62.245932		1792.554152		243.482590
+7445.659870	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.246203		10.246203		295.069472		-35.319924		-62.444164		62.444164		1798.262841		190.289617
+7445.669755	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.262360		10.262360		295.534755		15.509427		-62.632753		62.632753		1803.693795		181.031823
+7445.679864	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.245672		10.245672		295.054179		-16.019195		-62.829011		62.829011		1809.345639		188.394785
+7445.689863	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.195655		10.195655		293.613779		-48.013330		-63.107506		63.107506		1817.365694		267.335176
+7445.699755	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.213675		10.213675		294.132735		17.298535		-63.283164		63.283164		1822.424304		168.620348
+7445.709719	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.198104		10.198104		293.684319		-14.947206		-63.485522		63.485522		1828.251797		194.249749
+7445.719870	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.082006		10.082006		290.340916		-111.446753		-63.741593		63.741593		1835.626101		245.810151
+7445.729786	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.072203		10.072203		290.058634		-9.409413		-63.950774		63.950774		1841.650093		200.799704
+7445.739864	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-10.033873		10.033873		288.954804		-36.794320		-64.125470		64.125470		1846.680969		167.695880
+7445.749833	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.972114		9.972114		287.176260		-59.284791		-64.354732		64.354732		1853.283244		220.075846
+7445.759891	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.954620		9.954620		286.672474		-16.792864		-64.571222		64.571222		1859.517699		207.815170
+7445.769820	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.871098		9.871098		284.267210		-80.175474		-64.769413		64.769413		1865.225208		190.250278
+7445.779852	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.861939		9.861939		284.003466		-8.791462		-64.942040		64.942040		1870.196486		165.709257
+7445.789770	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.822017		9.822017		282.853782		-38.322806		-65.153926		65.153926		1876.298368		203.396082
+7445.799839	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.799437		9.799437		282.203532		-21.675006		-65.353784		65.353784		1882.053870		191.850066
+7445.809863	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.764736		9.764736		281.204197		-33.311173		-65.524170		65.524170		1886.960632		163.558722
+7445.819831	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.732980		9.732980		280.289711		-30.482858		-65.731480		65.731480		1892.930728		199.003220
+7445.829785	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.692318		9.692318		279.118710		-39.033368		-65.949663		65.949663		1899.213964		209.441185
+7445.839877	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.715272		9.715272		279.779754		22.034794		-66.086219		66.086219		1903.146493		131.084323
+7445.849843	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.678358		9.678358		278.716714		-35.434663		-66.297730		66.297730		1909.237558		203.035474
+7445.859812	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.639338		9.639338		277.592994		-37.457347		-66.441765		66.441765		1913.385469		138.263702
+7445.869827	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.591820		9.591820		276.224584		-45.613647		-66.609022		66.609022		1918.202144		160.555840
+7445.879886	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.607674		9.607674		276.681139		15.218481		-66.820267		66.820267		1924.285537		202.779770
+7445.889760	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.539064		9.539064		274.705334		-65.860152		-66.991957		66.991957		1929.229867		164.811015
+7445.899867	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.413916		9.413916		271.101310		-120.134130		-67.109873		67.109873		1932.625616		113.191605
+7445.909851	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.394310		9.394310		270.536721		-18.819645		-67.276243		67.276243		1937.416720		159.703493
+7445.919861	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.367984		9.367984		269.778583		-25.271252		-67.406406		67.406406		1941.165143		124.947429
+7445.929832	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.348021		9.348021		269.203667		-19.163862		-67.634336		67.634336		1947.729063		218.797326
+7445.939810	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.291966		9.291966		267.589413		-53.808466		-67.791390		67.791390		1952.251875		150.760412
+7445.949848	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.307130		9.307130		268.026102		14.556274		-67.911437		67.911437		1955.708992		115.237236
+7445.959756	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.233056		9.233056		265.892916		-71.106181		-68.077821		68.077821		1960.500491		159.716606
+7445.969872	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.272404		9.272404		267.026078		37.772059		-68.213072		68.213072		1964.395452		129.832029
+7445.979810	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.164598		9.164598		263.921463		-103.487149		-68.343809		68.343809		1968.160397		125.498176
+7445.989784	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.207031		9.207031		265.143458		40.733144		-68.508034		68.508034		1972.889739		157.644749
+7445.999895	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.146094		9.146094		263.388591		-58.495551		-68.666986		68.666986		1977.467233		152.583122
+7446.009850	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.085958		9.085958		261.656812		-57.725981		-68.771440		68.771440		1980.475295		100.268722
+7446.019875	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.070587		9.070587		261.214149		-14.755428		-68.919334		68.919334		1984.734339		141.968131
+7446.029865	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-9.040344		9.040344		260.343231		-29.030591		-69.047072		69.047072		1988.412935		122.619867
+7446.039879	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.992982		8.992982		258.979297		-45.464486		-69.208845		69.208845		1993.071663		155.290961
+7446.049889	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.949687		8.949687		257.732470		-41.560903		-69.268664		69.268664		1994.794321		57.421923
+7446.059961	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.877618		8.877618		255.657039		-69.181025		-69.417145		69.417145		1999.070281		142.531991
+7446.069967	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.867573		8.867573		255.367774		-9.642169		-69.498800		69.498800		2001.421773		78.383088
+7446.079825	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.723678		8.723678		251.223895		-138.129294		-69.657295		69.657295		2005.986089		152.143836
+7446.089978	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.748494		8.748494		251.938538		23.821443		-69.717612		69.717612		2007.723105		57.900548
+7446.099889	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.724673		8.724673		251.252539		-22.866651		-69.856805		69.856805		2011.731559		133.615136
+7446.110001	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.718413		8.718413		251.072267		-6.009042		-69.963007		69.963007		2014.789975		101.947188
+7446.119926	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.640627		8.640627		248.832203		-74.668825		-70.091162		70.091162		2018.480569		123.019814
+7446.129937	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.661813		8.661813		249.442302		20.336658		-70.125976		70.125976		2019.483125		33.418536
+7446.139900	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.545303		8.545303		246.087049		-111.841783		-70.283029		70.283029		2024.005938		150.760412
+7446.150016	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.526910		8.526910		245.557373		-17.655864		-70.394771		70.394771		2027.223873		107.264519
+7446.159949	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.504204		8.504204		244.903484		-21.796301		-70.477450		70.477450		2029.604870		79.366565
+7446.169931	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.515034		8.515034		245.215369		10.396168		-70.542255		70.542255		2031.471115		62.208176
+7446.179984	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.514383		8.514383		245.196634		-0.624508		-70.650261		70.650261		2034.581459		103.678107
+7446.189881	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.489263		8.489263		244.473213		-24.114028		-70.713167		70.713167		2036.393023		60.385466
+7446.199921	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.512606		8.512606		245.145444		22.407696		-70.814390		70.814390		2039.308047		97.167492
+7446.210007	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.469449		8.469449		243.902624		-41.427314		-70.896161		70.896161		2041.662884		78.494549
+7446.220001	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.451556		8.451556		243.387332		-17.176419		-70.985808		70.985808		2044.244510		86.054206
+7446.230042	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.482419		8.482419		244.276124		29.626414		-71.079443		71.079443		2046.941006		89.883208
+7446.239929	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.322967		8.322967		239.684247		-153.062567		-71.130246		71.130246		2048.404026		48.767328
+7446.249991	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.443529		8.443529		243.156166		115.730613		-71.190133		71.190133		2050.128651		57.487488
+7446.259894	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.445569		8.445569		243.214928		1.958758		-71.312619		71.312619		2053.655988		117.577910
+7446.269999	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.298045		8.298045		238.966531		-141.613260		-71.354146		71.354146		2054.851896		39.863586
+7446.280034	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.357590		8.357590		240.681320		57.159662		-71.389595		71.389595		2055.872744		34.028292
+7446.289920	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.288959		8.288959		238.704877		-65.881461		-71.512620		71.512620		2059.415621		118.095875
+7446.299984	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.242936		8.242936		237.379519		-44.178590		-71.585983		71.585983		2061.528325		70.423484
+7446.309915	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.207919		8.207919		236.371111		-33.613592		-71.673854		71.673854		2064.058810		84.349513
+7446.319990	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.197309		8.197309		236.065545		-10.185540		-71.695553		71.695553		2064.683712		20.830035
+7446.329894	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.178687		8.178687		235.529280		-17.875507		-71.727730		71.727730		2065.610343		30.887723
+7446.339997	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.082875		8.082875		232.770087		-91.973096		-71.875693		71.875693		2069.871354		142.033696
+7446.349872	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.982646		7.982646		229.883706		-96.212700		-71.956678		71.956678		2072.203571		77.740550
+7446.359861	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.036831		8.036831		231.444114		52.013621		-71.994196		71.994196		2073.284018		36.014915
+7446.370021	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.089510		8.089510		232.961176		50.568730		-72.050368		72.050368		2074.901640		53.920746
+7446.379904	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-8.012756		8.012756		230.750813		-73.678792		-72.147992		72.147992		2077.713007		93.712211
+7446.389886	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.932734		7.932734		228.446330		-76.816082		-72.266072		72.266072		2081.113476		113.348961
+7446.399967	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.921157		7.921157		228.112956		-11.112466		-72.323787		72.323787		2082.775551		55.402517
+7446.409929	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.904407		7.904407		227.630585		-16.079023		-72.442571		72.442571		2086.196280		114.024282
+7446.420121	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.953608		7.953608		229.047480		47.229826		-72.458636		72.458636		2086.658907		15.420914
+7446.429935	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.995959		7.995959		230.267090		40.653646		-72.483894		72.483894		2087.386286		24.245977
+7446.439991	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.894298		7.894298		227.339452		-97.587928		-72.605881		72.605881		2090.899265		117.099285
+7446.450073	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.824304		7.824304		225.323767		-67.189485		-72.699086		72.699086		2093.583369		89.470148
+7446.460062	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.850617		7.850617		226.081536		25.258958		-72.824392		72.824392		2097.191942		120.285749
+7446.470081	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.915582		7.915582		227.952404		62.362254		-72.812733		72.812733		2096.856183		-11.191964
+7446.480125	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.880227		7.880227		226.934235		-33.938959		-72.894128		72.894128		2099.200201		78.133941
+7446.489968	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.848397		7.848397		226.017610		-30.554160		-73.006717		73.006717		2102.442527		108.077526
+7446.500090	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.823883		7.823883		225.311646		-23.532137		-73.082034		73.082034		2104.611486		72.298646
+7446.510006	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.887540		7.887540		227.144846		61.106682		-73.146483		73.146483		2106.467503		61.867237
+7446.519985	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.908910		7.908910		227.760257		20.513684		-73.204759		73.204759		2108.145708		55.940151
+7446.530071	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.854753		7.854753		226.200660		-51.986575		-73.343247		73.343247		2112.133902		132.939816
+7446.539968	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.846641		7.846641		225.967035		-7.787496		-73.403852		73.403852		2113.879180		58.175921
+7446.549997	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.841553		7.841553		225.820521		-4.883781		-73.486873		73.486873		2116.270012		79.694390
+7446.560118	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.882579		7.882579		227.001972		39.381683		-73.575255		73.575255		2118.815249		84.841251
+7446.570048	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.905132		7.905132		227.651460		21.649599		-73.609181		73.609181		2119.792235		32.566190
+7446.580029	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.856115		7.856115		226.239876		-47.052801		-73.715185		73.715185		2122.844946		101.757050
+7446.590077	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.826986		7.826986		225.401019		-27.961880		-73.791158		73.791158		2125.032789		72.928071
+7446.600043	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.806335		7.806335		224.806311		-19.823611		-73.877621		73.877621		2127.522755		82.998872
+7446.610041	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.889132		7.889132		227.190701		79.479665		-73.970095		73.970095		2130.185813		88.768601
+7446.620117	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.842240		7.842240		225.840289		-45.013726		-74.044995		74.044995		2132.342774		71.898699
+7446.630031	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.728624		7.728624		222.568385		-109.063461		-74.206160		74.206160		2136.983997		154.707432
+7446.639993	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.822548		7.822548		225.273217		90.161040		-74.191707		74.191707		2136.567789		-13.873577
+7446.650069	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.761469		7.761469		223.514269		-58.631599		-74.286100		74.286100		2139.286119		90.610981
+7446.659982	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.786684		7.786684		224.240394		24.204180		-74.373971		74.373971		2141.816604		84.349513
+7446.670118	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.734981		7.734981		222.751459		-49.631149		-74.521803		74.521803		2146.073878		141.909122
+7446.680103	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.732601		7.732601		222.682911		-2.284944		-74.545470		74.545470		2146.755427		22.718310
+7446.690025	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.752606		7.752606		223.259032		19.204021		-74.613417		74.613417		2148.712152		65.224171
+7446.699994	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.702457		7.702457		221.814846		-48.139542		-74.775026		74.775026		2153.366160		155.133605
+7446.710110	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.655544		7.655544		220.463844		-45.033395		-74.847378		74.847378		2155.449754		69.453120
+7446.720026	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.632000		7.632000		219.785810		-22.601113		-74.927858		74.927858		2157.767415		77.255368
+7446.730113	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.691091		7.691091		221.487520		56.723654		-74.975909		74.975909		2159.151167		46.125054
+7446.740036	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.683477		7.683477		221.268254		-7.308871		-75.063936		75.063936		2161.686176		84.500313
+7446.750110	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.732250		7.732250		222.672806		46.818405		-75.195506		75.195506		2165.475118		126.298070
+7446.759998	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.731255		7.731255		222.644162		-0.954792		-75.258617		75.258617		2167.292583		60.582161
+7446.770093	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.734524		7.734524		222.738305		3.138110		-75.311127		75.311127		2168.804777		50.406456
+7446.780104	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.693561		7.693561		221.558650		-39.321855		-75.370236		75.370236		2170.506978		56.740046
+7446.790100	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.730542		7.730542		222.623632		35.499409		-75.429419		75.429419		2172.211343		56.812167
+7446.800049	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.705233		7.705233		221.894778		-24.295151		-75.582546		75.582546		2176.621056		146.990418
+7446.810072	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.704056		7.704056		221.860897		-1.129359		-75.689021		75.689021		2179.687339		102.209449
+7446.820114	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.697495		7.697495		221.671946		-6.298348		-75.746272		75.746272		2181.336039		54.956675
+7446.830061	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.720716		7.720716		222.340661		22.290498		-75.812675		75.812675		2183.248311		63.742399
+7446.840134	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.772158		7.772158		223.822097		49.381182		-75.824648		75.824648		2183.593118		11.493564
+7446.850054	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.754210		7.754210		223.305206		-17.229691		-75.899350		75.899350		2185.744375		71.708560
+7446.860169	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.734453		7.734453		222.736265		-18.964708		-76.057831		76.057831		2190.308297		152.130723
+7446.870225	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.800996		7.800996		224.652544		63.875988		-76.072454		76.072454		2190.729421		14.037490
+7446.880160	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.793505		7.793505		224.436819		-7.190853		-76.126249		76.126249		2192.278594		51.639080
+7446.890180	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.761928		7.761928		223.527472		-30.311570		-76.178575		76.178575		2193.785477		50.229430
+7446.900183	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.675236		7.675236		221.030941		-83.217695		-76.327480		76.327480		2198.073632		142.938495
+7446.910160	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.748430		7.748430		223.138753		70.260391		-76.402277		76.402277		2200.227642		71.800351
+7446.920112	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.754605		7.754605		223.316590		5.927905		-76.398999		76.398999		2200.133228		-3.147125
+7446.930194	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.711716		7.711716		222.081491		-41.169971		-76.475859		76.475859		2202.346641		73.780417
+7446.940201	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.603414		7.603414		218.962616		-103.962496		-76.557364		76.557364		2204.693806		78.238845
+7446.950095	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.618274		7.618274		219.390551		14.264509		-76.641423		76.641423		2207.114536		80.690980
+7446.960191	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.580741		7.580741		218.309661		-36.029667		-76.691878		76.691878		2208.567524		48.432946
+7446.970086	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.616731		7.616731		219.346098		34.547895		-76.689726		76.689726		2208.505565		-2.065301
+7446.980190	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.677668		7.677668		221.100964		58.495551		-76.774400		76.774400		2210.943997		81.281066
+7446.990091	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.619864		7.619864		219.436332		-55.487752		-76.829485		76.829485		2212.530345		52.878261
+7447.000183	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.599085		7.599085		218.837935		-19.946545		-76.897022		76.897022		2214.475268		64.830780
+7447.010140	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.578496		7.578496		218.245022		-19.763783		-76.946534		76.946534		2215.901113		47.528148
+7447.020112	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.596239		7.596239		218.755987		17.032176		-76.928933		76.928933		2215.394229		-16.896129
+7447.030188	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.613742		7.613742		219.260044		16.801879		-76.971055		76.971055		2216.607249		40.434003
+7447.040101	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.639969		7.639969		220.015305		25.175363		-77.032041		77.032041		2218.363541		58.543086
+7447.050195	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.604131		7.604131		218.983244		-34.402013		-77.121018		77.121018		2220.925891		85.411668
+7447.060154	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.571405		7.571405		218.040803		-31.414703		-77.223826		77.223826		2223.886549		98.688602
+7447.070193	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.614818		7.614818		219.291023		41.674003		-77.216354		77.216354		2223.671365		-7.172823
+7447.080160	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.648617		7.648617		220.264345		32.444075		-77.164219		77.164219		2222.169989		-50.045848
+7447.090203	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.677378		7.677378		221.092605		27.608648		-77.194190		77.194190		2223.033088		28.769970
+7447.100117	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.513088		7.513088		216.361394		-157.707036		-77.404751		77.404751		2229.096812		202.124119
+7447.110222	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.493371		7.493371		215.793584		-18.927008		-77.437891		77.437891		2230.051178		31.812191
+7447.120202	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.544141		7.544141		217.255669		48.736185		-77.438178		77.438178		2230.059439		0.275373
+7447.130166	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.522322		7.522322		216.627326		-20.944774		-77.460766		77.460766		2230.709910		21.682382
+7447.140116	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.507775		7.507775		216.208389		-13.964549		-77.481932		77.481932		2231.319469		20.318627
+7447.150189	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.585082		7.585082		218.434685		74.209869		-77.552311		77.552311		2233.346218		67.558289
+7447.160221	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.573334		7.573334		218.096370		-11.277199		-77.536000		77.536000		2232.876509		-15.656948
+7447.170238	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.488153		7.488153		215.643333		-81.767887		-77.592527		77.592527		2234.504360		54.261684
+7447.180307	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.458926		7.458926		214.801649		-28.056130		-77.641253		77.641253		2235.907584		46.774149
+7447.190188	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.339303		7.339303		211.356752		-114.829913		-77.701373		77.701373		2237.638897		57.710409
+7447.200138	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.519879		7.519879		216.556958		173.340216		-77.692596		77.692596		2237.386143		-8.425117
+7447.210190	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.638051		7.638051		219.960082		113.437474		-77.723359		77.723359		2238.272059		29.530525
+7447.220314	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.617271		7.617271		219.361661		-19.947365		-77.742880		77.742880		2238.834214		18.738508
+7447.230305	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.574761		7.574761		218.137454		-40.806904		-77.809406		77.809406		2240.750027		63.860416
+7447.240214	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.433345		7.433345		214.064976		-135.749280		-77.938524		77.938524		2244.468355		123.944283
+7447.250270	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.496384		7.496384		215.880351		60.512498		-77.858802		77.858802		2242.172527		-76.527596
+7447.260365	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.460669		7.460669		214.851831		-34.283996		-77.880535		77.880535		2242.798412		20.862818
+7447.270236	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.493136		7.493136		215.786822		31.166375		-78.001758		78.001758		2246.289361		116.364956
+7447.280312	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.630565		7.630565		219.744504		131.922737		-78.080585		78.080585		2248.559421		75.668693
+7447.290277	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.628149		7.628149		219.674923		-2.319366		-78.115221		78.115221		2249.556863		33.248067
+7447.300306	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.696090		7.696090		221.631476		65.218434		-78.097448		78.097448		2249.045062		-17.060041
+7447.310295	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.635930		7.635930		219.899008		-57.748929		-78.133594		78.133594		2250.085974		34.697056
+7447.320324	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.712989		7.712989		222.118125		73.970556		-78.195168		78.195168		2251.859182		59.106946
+7447.330212	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.610966		7.610966		219.180087		-97.934604		-78.339545		78.339545		2256.016928		138.591528
+7447.340366	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.586353		7.586353		218.471295		-23.626387		-78.407566		78.407566		2257.975817		65.296292
+7447.350329	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.682670		7.682670		221.245019		92.457458		-78.362501		78.362501		2256.678021		-43.259859
+7447.360250	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.609947		7.609947		219.150730		-69.809631		-78.425748		78.425748		2258.499420		60.713291
+7447.370335	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.657942		7.657942		220.532884		46.071783		-78.556062		78.556062		2262.252170		125.091672
+7447.380238	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.558014		7.558014		217.655182		-95.923394		-78.676355		78.676355		2265.716368		115.473270
+7447.390221	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.687033		7.687033		221.370658		123.849213		-78.684517		78.684517		2265.951419		7.835031
+7447.400286	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.683840		7.683840		221.278703		-3.065169		-78.710437		78.710437		2266.697878		24.881959
+7447.410260	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.660056		7.660056		220.593785		-22.830591		-78.837786		78.837786		2270.365262		122.246146
+7447.420295	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.639211		7.639211		219.993496		-20.009652		-78.914442		78.914442		2272.572774		73.583722
+7447.430254	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.540085		7.540085		217.138857		-95.154643		-79.018056		79.018056		2275.556642		99.462271
+7447.440231	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.334515		7.334515		211.218868		-197.332948		-79.125699		79.125699		2278.656560		103.330612
+7447.450446	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.385888		7.385888		212.698312		49.314797		-79.139886		79.139886		2279.065096		13.617873
+7447.460307	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.460451		7.460451		214.845561		71.574971		-79.208037		79.208037		2281.027722		65.420866
+7447.470261	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.670068		7.670068		220.882092		201.217681		-79.307184		79.307184		2283.882952		95.174313
+7447.480263	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.704868		7.704868		221.884279		33.406243		-79.350269		79.350269		2285.123706		41.358471
+7447.490314	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.671298		7.671298		220.917521		-32.225251		-79.399925		79.399925		2286.553681		47.665834
+7447.500227	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.637299		7.637299		219.938421		-32.636672		-79.487815		79.487815		2289.084756		84.369183
+7447.510329	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.541476		7.541476		217.178909		-91.983750		-79.621311		79.621311		2292.929167		128.147006
+7447.520212	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.503161		7.503161		216.075522		-36.779568		-79.663638		79.663638		2294.148088		40.630698
+7447.530222	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.653832		7.653832		220.414547		144.634172		-79.717815		79.717815		2295.708275		52.006245
+7447.540351	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.693604		7.693604		221.559879		38.177744		-79.837357		79.837357		2299.150836		114.752054
+7447.550312	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.578644		7.578644		218.249276		-110.353455		-79.973107		79.973107		2303.060156		130.310655
+7447.560332	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.544986		7.544986		217.279986		-32.309666		-80.044776		80.044776		2305.124080		68.797469
+7447.570368	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.460290		7.460290		214.840939		-81.301555		-80.175868		80.175868		2308.899254		125.839114
+7447.580250	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.678807		7.678807		221.133763		209.760815		-80.142974		80.142974		2307.951969		-31.576157
+7447.590324	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.617879		7.617879		219.379167		-58.486536		-80.307418		80.307418		2312.687606		157.854557
+7447.600280	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.511450		7.511450		216.314236		-102.164373		-80.397399		80.397399		2315.278870		86.375475
+7447.610341	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.445408		7.445408		214.412364		-63.395724		-80.489995		80.489995		2317.945468		88.886619
+7447.620374	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.485810		7.485810		215.575842		38.782582		-80.513737		80.513737		2318.629181		22.790432
+7447.630444	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.460140		7.460140		214.836612		-24.641007		-80.569670		80.569670		2320.239919		53.691268
+7447.640369	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.626885		7.626885		219.638535		160.064101		-80.696957		80.696957		2323.905534		122.187138
+7447.650423	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.532077		7.532077		216.908256		-91.009289		-80.829531		80.829531		2327.723390		127.261877
+7447.660342	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.602591		7.602591		218.938914		67.688599		-80.806780		80.806780		2327.068198		-21.839738
+7447.670341	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.184218		20.184218		581.263755		12077.494711		-77.813996		77.813996		2240.882206		-2872.866392
+7447.680404	17	26000	56000	56000	26000	-7.774481		7.774481		223.888973		-11912.492737		-80.975198		80.975198		2331.918311		3034.536839
+7447.690398	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.538253		7.538253		217.086093		-226.762667		-81.146322		81.146322		2336.846316		164.266825
+7447.700387	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.542143		7.542143		217.198136		3.734753		-81.182911		81.182911		2337.900013		35.123229
+7447.710420	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.470272		7.470272		215.128385		-68.991706		-81.270877		81.270877		2340.433252		84.441304
+7447.720336	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-20.659176		20.659176		594.941555		12660.439014		-78.186822		78.186822		2251.618820		-2960.481048
+7447.730431	17	26000	56000	56000	26000	-7.801013		7.801013		224.653061		-12342.949808		-81.377736		81.377736		2343.510550		3063.057661
+7447.740367	17	56000	56000	26000	26000	-7.340605		7.340605		211.394247		-441.960469		-81.645739		81.645739		2351.228482		257.264376
diff --git a/controls/MATLAB/thrustAndDragConstant/calcDragConstant.m b/controls/MATLAB/thrustAndDragConstant/calcDragConstant.m
index 1a888d4f683e4fee08aba806366e258a91a1617e..3ebd0135780ff85931e33adb536c3dc14ecc285a 100644
--- a/controls/MATLAB/thrustAndDragConstant/calcDragConstant.m
+++ b/controls/MATLAB/thrustAndDragConstant/calcDragConstant.m
@@ -30,22 +30,23 @@ rotor_speed_3 = data.(5) * (pi/30);
 % done by stacking the data of each motor in a single array and performing
 % a least squares approximation of all of the data.
-%       u: Defined in section 4.2.5
-%       omega: vector of each rotors speed in rad/s
-%       A: column vector of each rotors speed squared
-%       b: Defined in section
-%       Kd_vector: Vector containing all experimental Kd values
-%       Vb: Battery voltage
-u1 = ((data.(1)/100) - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin);
-u2 = ((data.(1)/100) - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin);
-u3 = ((data.(1)/100) - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin);
-u4 = ((data.(1)/100) - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin);
+% u: Defined in section 4.2.5
+% omega: vector of each rotors speed in rad/s
+% A: column vector of each rotors speed squared
+% b: Defined in section
+% Kd_vector: Vector containing all experimental Kd values
+% Vb: Battery voltage
+u1 = ((data.(1)) - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin);
+u2 = ((data.(1)) - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin);
+u3 = ((data.(1)) - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin);
+u4 = ((data.(1)) - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin);
 u = [u1; u2; u3; u4];
 Vb = [data.(6); data.(6); data.(6); data.(6)];
 omega = [rotor_speed_0; rotor_speed_1; rotor_speed_2; rotor_speed_3];
 A = omega.^2;
 b = ((u.*Vb)/(Rm*Kq))-omega./(Rm*Kq*Kv)-If/Kq;
-Kd = ((A'*A)^-1)*A'*b
+Kd = ((A'*A)^-1)*A'*b;
diff --git a/controls/MATLAB/thrustAndDragConstant/calcThrustConstant.m b/controls/MATLAB/thrustAndDragConstant/calcThrustConstant.m
index c69b9fe88f1fb5775e384733d3e4ffc02cac2208..91e8e7618bae382a640791dec7340c84db3369d4 100644
--- a/controls/MATLAB/thrustAndDragConstant/calcThrustConstant.m
+++ b/controls/MATLAB/thrustAndDragConstant/calcThrustConstant.m
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ A = (rotor_speed_0.^2 + rotor_speed_1.^2 + rotor_speed_2.^2 + rotor_speed_3.^2);
 % multiplying by the acceleration of gravity.
 T = (data.Scale_g_/1000)*9.8;
-% Calculate the thrust constant (Kt) through the following
-% equation: Kt = (A'A)^-1.*A'.*T as defined on page 65 of "Model
+% Calculate the thrust constant (Kt) through least squares approximation
+% Kt = (A'A)^-1.*A'.*T as defined on page 65 of "Model
 % development, system identification, and control of a quadrotor
 % helicopter" (Matt Rich's Thesis).
-Kt = ((A'*A)^(-1))*(A'*T) 
+Kt = ((A'*A)^(-1))*(A'*T); 
diff --git a/controls/MATLAB/thrustAndDragConstant/thrustDragConstantCalculations.m b/controls/MATLAB/thrustAndDragConstant/thrustDragConstantCalculations.m
index 1ef35479243d2f50a2f1e4b015a50bcff2650a3d..827ae3c87799d2b781fec882baa4cb24acaa780a 100644
--- a/controls/MATLAB/thrustAndDragConstant/thrustDragConstantCalculations.m
+++ b/controls/MATLAB/thrustAndDragConstant/thrustDragConstantCalculations.m
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 % Import data as a table.
-data = readtable('C:\Users\Andy\Documents\MATLAB\MicroCART\Thrust and Drag Constant\Thrust and Drag Constant Data.xlsx');
+data = readtable('C:\Users\Andy\Documents\School\MicroCART\GitRepo\MicroCART_17-18\controls\dataCollection\Thrust and Drag Constant Data v2.xlsx');
-filePath_noLoadCurrentData = 'C:\Users\Andy\Documents\MATLAB\MicroCART\Zero Load Current\No Load Friction Current.csv';
+filePath_noLoadCurrentData = 'C:\Users\Andy\Documents\School\MicroCART\GitRepo\MicroCART_17-18\controls\dataCollection\No Load Friction Current.xlsx';
 [I_0, I_1, I_2] = zeroLoadCurrent(filePath_noLoadCurrentData);
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ rotor_speed_2 = data.(4) * (pi/30);
 rotor_speed_3 = data.(5) * (pi/30);
 % Define Pmin and Pmax, as well as the motor parameters Rm, Kv, Kq, and If
-Pmin = 0.40;
-Pmax = 0.8;
+Pmin = 1e5;
+Pmax = 2e5;
 Rm = 0.2308;
 Kv = 96.3422;
 Kq = 96.3422;
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ If3 = I_0 * sign(rotor_speed_3) + I_1 * rotor_speed_3 + I_2 * rotor_speed_3.^2;
 If = [If0; If1; If2; If3];
 % Call the calc_thrust_constant() function.
-Kt = calcThrustConstant(data);
+Kt = calcThrustConstant(data)
 % Call the calc_drift_constant() function.
-Kd = calcDragConstant(data, Pmin, Pmax, Rm, Kv, Kq, If );
+Kd = calcDragConstant(data, Pmin, Pmax, Rm, Kv, Kq, If)
diff --git a/controls/MATLAB/zeroLoadCurrent/Kd_error.m b/controls/MATLAB/zeroLoadCurrent/Kd_error.m
index 9e087f5394d289bce2eba3bc3b920af917d8ef2f..d6589a8c08f806c69e4b8517c0fc7c79b1174fe9 100644
--- a/controls/MATLAB/zeroLoadCurrent/Kd_error.m
+++ b/controls/MATLAB/zeroLoadCurrent/Kd_error.m
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
 % Read in data 
-data = readtable('C:\Users\Andy\Documents\MATLAB\MicroCART\Thrust and Drag Constant\Thrust and Drag Constant Data.xlsx');
+data = readtable('C:\Users\Andy\Documents\School\MicroCART\GitRepo\MicroCART_17-18\controls\dataCollection\Thrust and Drag Constant Data v2.xlsx');
-filePath_noLoadCurrentData = 'C:\Users\Andy\Documents\MATLAB\MicroCART\Zero Load Current\No Load Friction Current.csv';
+filePath_noLoadCurrentData = 'C:\Users\Andy\Documents\School\MicroCART\GitRepo\MicroCART_17-18\controls\dataCollection\noLoadCurrentv2.xlsx';
-[I_0, I_1, I_2, dutyCycle_error, error, residual_error, residual_error_ConstantIf] = zeroLoadCurrent(filePath_noLoadCurrentData);
+[I_0, I_1, I_2, motorCommand_error, error, residual_error, residual_error_ConstantIf] = zeroLoadCurrent(filePath_noLoadCurrentData);
-Pmin = 0.40;
-Pmax = 0.8;
+Pmin = 1e5;
+Pmax = 2e5;
 Rm = 0.2308;
 Kv = 96.3422;
 Kq = 96.3422;
+Kd = 1.0317e-7;
 % Convert RPM to angular speed of each rotor.
 rotor_speed_0 = data.(2) * (pi/30);
@@ -17,10 +18,10 @@ rotor_speed_1 = data.(3) * (pi/30);
 rotor_speed_2 = data.(4) * (pi/30);
 rotor_speed_3 = data.(5) * (pi/30);
-duty_cycle_percentage = data.(1);
+motorCommand = data.(1);
 Vb = data.(6);
-u = ((data.(1)/100) - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin);
+u = ((data.(1)) - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin);
 If = I_0 * sign(rotor_speed_0) + I_1 * rotor_speed_0 + I_2 * rotor_speed_0.^2;
 w_num = -1 + sqrt( 1 - 4*Rm*Kv*Kq*Kd*(Kv*Rm*If - Kv*u.*Vb));
@@ -29,13 +30,10 @@ w = w_num / w_den;
 hold on
-plot(duty_cycle_percentage, w); grid()
-plot(duty_cycle_percentage, rotor_speed_0);
-%plot(duty_cycle_percentage, rotor_speed_1);
-%plot(duty_cycle_percentage, rotor_speed_2);
-%plot(duty_cycle_percentage, rotor_speed_3);
+plot(motorCommand, w); grid()
+plot(motorCommand, rotor_speed_0);
-xlabel('Duty Cycle Percentage');
+xlabel('Motor Command');
 ylabel('Rotor Speed (rad/s)')
diff --git a/controls/MATLAB/zeroLoadCurrent/zeroLoadCurrent.m b/controls/MATLAB/zeroLoadCurrent/zeroLoadCurrent.m
index 5ce2636122b937a2396a507ad8acb374a07d73cd..d8cffe27289fcd65e955a9f3e4f23e61c7d8d9fb 100644
--- a/controls/MATLAB/zeroLoadCurrent/zeroLoadCurrent.m
+++ b/controls/MATLAB/zeroLoadCurrent/zeroLoadCurrent.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [I_0, I_1, I_2, dutyCycle, error, residual_error, residual_error_constantIf] = zeroLoadCurrent(absoluteFilePath)
+function [I_0, I_1, I_2, motorCommand, error, residual_error, residual_error_constantIf] = zeroLoadCurrent(absoluteFilePath)
 %This function takes in an absolute file path to a .csv or Excel file with 
 %the following format:
 %   Second column should be the motor speed in revolutions per minute
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ function [I_0, I_1, I_2, dutyCycle, error, residual_error, residual_error_consta
     data = readtable(absoluteFilePath);
     %Extract the motor speed column and convert it to radians per second
-    dutyCycle = data.(1);
+    motorCommand = data.(1);
     motorSpeed_rpm = data.(2);
     motorSpeed_radPerSec = motorSpeed_rpm * pi/30;
diff --git a/controls/dataCollection/Thrust and Drag Constant Data v2.xlsx b/controls/dataCollection/Thrust and Drag Constant Data v2.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e843501691b72708b7b7b2f0c36d2e62330cdbb
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/dataCollection/Thrust and Drag Constant Data v2.xlsx differ
diff --git a/controls/dataCollection/loadCurrent.xlsx b/controls/dataCollection/loadCurrent.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b78e545f9ad9355d2b21e4fe4e12f4836e2f2907
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/dataCollection/loadCurrent.xlsx differ
diff --git a/controls/dataCollection/noLoadCurrentv2.xlsx b/controls/dataCollection/noLoadCurrentv2.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..534d60c7578211010d56526a64eee9aa91db1898
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/dataCollection/noLoadCurrentv2.xlsx differ
diff --git a/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model_R2016_B.slx b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model_R2016_B.slx
index 4a522c3598e05d090a69937f4321bbae2bff06ee..5845d44124f35d4a571cc0f9319c8dc54f693804 100644
Binary files a/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model_R2016_B.slx and b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model_R2016_B.slx differ
diff --git a/controls/model/modelParameters.m b/controls/model/modelParameters.m
index 4d04f572601179be83af8d527a862e4873c026a3..37f6b9b12cf17c951f9f626c0c895fd39687b4c2 100644
--- a/controls/model/modelParameters.m
+++ b/controls/model/modelParameters.m
@@ -1,32 +1,34 @@
     % Model Parameters
     m = 1.19;                       % Quadrotor + battery mass
     g = 9.81;                       % Acceleration of gravity
-    Jxx = 0.0218;                   % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bx (pitch)
-    Jyy = 0.0277;                   % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around by (roll)
+    %Jxx = 0.0218;                   % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bx (pitch)
+    %Jyy = 0.0277;                   % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around by (roll)
+    Jxx = 0.0277;
+    Jyy = 0.0218;
     Jzz = 0.0332;                   % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bz (yaw)
-    Jreq = 4.2012e-05;              % Rotor and motor moment of inertia around axis of rotation
-    Kt = 8.1558*10^-6;              % Rotor thrust constant
+    Jreq = 4.2012e-05;              % Rotor and motor moment of inertia around axis of rotation 
+    Kt = 8.6519e-6;                 % Rotor thrust constant
     Kh = 0;                         % Rotor in-plane drag constant
-    Kd = 1.8087e-07;                % Rotor drag constant
-    rhx = 0.016;                    % X-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
-    rhy = 0.016;                    % Y-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
-    rhz = 0.003;                    % Z-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
+    Kd = 1.0317e-7;                 % Rotor drag constant
+    rhx = 0.16;                     % X-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
+    rhy = 0.16;                     % Y-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
+    rhz = 0.03;                     % Z-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
     Rm = 0.2308;                    % Motor resistance
     Kq = 96.3422;                   % Motor torque constant
     Kv = 96.3422;                   % Motor back emf constant
     If = 0.511;                     % Motor internal friction current
-    Pmin = 0.40;                    % Minimum zybo output duty cycle command
-    Pmax = 0.80;                    % Maximum zybo output duty cycle command
+    Pmin = 1e5;                     % Minimum zybo output duty cycle command
+    Pmax = 2e5;                     % Maximum zybo output duty cycle command
     Tc = 0.01;                      % Camera system sampling period
     tau_c = 0;                      % Camera system total latency
     Vb = 11.1;                      % Nominal battery voltage (V)
-    omega_o = 598.088;              % Equilibrium Rotor Speed
     x_controlled_o = 0;             % Equilibrium lateral controller output
     y_controlled_o = 0;             % Equilibrium longitudinal controller output
     yaw_controlled_o = 0;           % Equilibrium yaw controller output
+    omega_o = sqrt((m*g)/(4*Kt));   % Equilibrium Rotor Speed
     % Equilibrium height controller output
     height_controlled_o = (((Rm*If + ...
     + (((omega_o * 2 * Rm * Kv * Kq  ...
     * Kd + 1)^2) - 1)/(4* Rm*Kv^2*Kq ...
-    *Kd))/Vb)*(Pmax- Pmin)+Pmin)*100;     
\ No newline at end of file
+    *Kd))/Vb)*(Pmax- Pmin)+Pmin);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/model/test_model.slx b/controls/model/test_model.slx
index 39a3e32d6af42371f6da1d27a0c2472428ff38ef..be2883e34aa7f17edaecefb7ed49cbc539bfa55e 100644
Binary files a/controls/model/test_model.slx and b/controls/model/test_model.slx differ
diff --git a/controls/model/test_model_R2015A.mdl b/controls/model/test_model_R2015A.mdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bdec86fe72075d99163046fc48e26d1eb4ad7931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/model/test_model_R2015A.mdl
@@ -0,0 +1,12335 @@
+Model {
+  Name			  "test_model_R2015A"
+  Version		  8.5
+  SavedCharacterEncoding  "windows-1252"
+  GraphicalInterface {
+    NumRootInports	    0
+    NumRootOutports	    0
+    ParameterArgumentNames  ""
+    ComputedModelVersion    "1.1926"
+    NumModelReferences	    0
+    NumTestPointedSignals   0
+  }
+  ScopeRefreshTime	  0.035000
+  OverrideScopeRefreshTime on
+  DisableAllScopes	  off
+  DataTypeOverride	  "UseLocalSettings"
+  DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo "AllNumericTypes"
+  MinMaxOverflowLogging	  "UseLocalSettings"
+  MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite"
+  FPTRunName		  "Run 1"
+  MaxMDLFileLineLength	  120
+  Object {
+    $PropName		    "BdWindowsInfo"
+    $ObjectID		    1
+    $ClassName		    "Simulink.BDWindowsInfo"
+    Object {
+      $PropName		      "WindowsInfo"
+      $ObjectID		      2
+      $ClassName	      "Simulink.WindowInfo"
+      IsActive		      [1]
+      Location		      [-8.0, -8.0, 1936.0, 1056.0]
+      Object {
+	$PropName		"ModelBrowserInfo"
+	$ObjectID		3
+	$ClassName		"Simulink.ModelBrowserInfo"
+	Visible			[0]
+	DockPosition		"Left"
+	Width			[50]
+	Height			[50]
+	Filter			[9]
+      }
+      Object {
+	$PropName		"ExplorerBarInfo"
+	$ObjectID		4
+	$ClassName		"Simulink.ExplorerBarInfo"
+	Visible			[0]
+      }
+      Array {
+	Type			"Simulink.EditorInfo"
+	Dimension		2
+	Object {
+	  $ObjectID		  5
+	  IsActive		  [0]
+	  ViewObjType		  "SimulinkTopLevel"
+	  LoadSaveID		  "0"
+	  Extents		  [1755.0, 904.0]
+	  ZoomFactor		  [1.25]
+	  Offset		  [317.9000000000002, 148.73333824475606]
+	}
+	Object {
+	  $ObjectID		  6
+	  IsActive		  [1]
+	  ViewObjType		  "SimulinkSubsys"
+	  LoadSaveID		  "573"
+	  Extents		  [1755.0, 904.0]
+	  ZoomFactor		  [1.5]
+	  Offset		  [135.31666666666638, 158.93095238095214]
+	}
+	PropName		"EditorsInfo"
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Created		  "Thu Nov 03 18:34:52 2016"
+  Creator		  "Andy"
+  UpdateHistory		  "UpdateHistoryNever"
+  ModifiedByFormat	  "%<Auto>"
+  LastModifiedBy	  "Andy"
+  ModifiedDateFormat	  "%<Auto>"
+  LastModifiedDate	  "Wed Feb 08 12:06:59 2017"
+  RTWModifiedTimeStamp	  408456418
+  ModelVersionFormat	  "1.%<AutoIncrement:1926>"
+  ConfigurationManager	  "none"
+  SampleTimeColors	  off
+  SampleTimeAnnotations	  off
+  LibraryLinkDisplay	  "disabled"
+  WideLines		  off
+  ShowLineDimensions	  on
+  ShowPortDataTypes	  off
+  ShowDesignRanges	  off
+  ShowLoopsOnError	  on
+  IgnoreBidirectionalLines off
+  ShowStorageClass	  off
+  ShowTestPointIcons	  on
+  ShowSignalResolutionIcons on
+  ShowViewerIcons	  on
+  SortedOrder		  off
+  ExecutionContextIcon	  off
+  ShowLinearizationAnnotations on
+  ShowMarkup		  on
+  BlockNameDataTip	  off
+  BlockParametersDataTip  off
+  BlockDescriptionStringDataTip	off
+  ToolBar		  on
+  StatusBar		  on
+  BrowserShowLibraryLinks off
+  BrowserLookUnderMasks	  off
+  SimulationMode	  "normal"
+  PauseTimes		  "5"
+  NumberOfSteps		  1
+  SnapshotBufferSize	  10
+  SnapshotInterval	  10
+  NumberOfLastSnapshots	  0
+  LinearizationMsg	  "none"
+  Profile		  off
+  ParamWorkspaceSource	  "MATLABWorkspace"
+  AccelSystemTargetFile	  "accel.tlc"
+  AccelTemplateMakefile	  "accel_default_tmf"
+  AccelMakeCommand	  "make_rtw"
+  TryForcingSFcnDF	  off
+  Object {
+    $PropName		    "DataLoggingOverride"
+    $ObjectID		    8
+    $ClassName		    "Simulink.SimulationData.ModelLoggingInfo"
+    model_		    "test_model_R2015A"
+    overrideMode_	    [0.0]
+    Array {
+      Type		      "Cell"
+      Dimension		      1
+      Cell		      "test_model_R2015A"
+      PropName		      "logAsSpecifiedByModels_"
+    }
+    Array {
+      Type		      "Cell"
+      Dimension		      1
+      Cell		      []
+      PropName		      "logAsSpecifiedByModelsSSIDs_"
+    }
+  }
+  RecordCoverage	  off
+  CovPath		  "/"
+  CovSaveName		  "covdata"
+  CovMetricSettings	  "dwe"
+  CovNameIncrementing	  off
+  CovHtmlReporting	  off
+  CovForceBlockReductionOff on
+  CovEnableCumulative	  on
+  covSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar off
+  CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar off
+  CovCumulativeVarName	  "covCumulativeData"
+  CovCumulativeReport	  off
+  CovReportOnPause	  on
+  CovModelRefEnable	  "Off"
+  CovExternalEMLEnable	  on
+  CovSFcnEnable		  on
+  CovBoundaryAbsTol	  0.000010
+  CovBoundaryRelTol	  0.010000
+  CovUseTimeInterval	  off
+  CovStartTime		  0
+  CovStopTime		  0
+  ExtModeBatchMode	  off
+  ExtModeEnableFloating	  on
+  ExtModeTrigType	  "manual"
+  ExtModeTrigMode	  "normal"
+  ExtModeTrigPort	  "1"
+  ExtModeTrigElement	  "any"
+  ExtModeTrigDuration	  1000
+  ExtModeTrigDurationFloating "auto"
+  ExtModeTrigHoldOff	  0
+  ExtModeTrigDelay	  0
+  ExtModeTrigDirection	  "rising"
+  ExtModeTrigLevel	  0
+  ExtModeArchiveMode	  "off"
+  ExtModeAutoIncOneShot	  off
+  ExtModeIncDirWhenArm	  off
+  ExtModeAddSuffixToVar	  off
+  ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off
+  ExtModeArmWhenConnect	  on
+  ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
+  ExtModeLogAll		  on
+  ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on
+  ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
+  ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
+  Array {
+    Type		    "Handle"
+    Dimension		    1
+    Simulink.ConfigSet {
+      $ObjectID		      9
+      Version		      "1.15.0"
+      Array {
+	Type			"Handle"
+	Dimension		8
+	Simulink.SolverCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  10
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  StartTime		  "0.0"
+	  StopTime		  "10"
+	  AbsTol		  "auto"
+	  FixedStep		  "auto"
+	  InitialStep		  "auto"
+	  MaxNumMinSteps	  "-1"
+	  MaxOrder		  5
+	  ZcThreshold		  "auto"
+	  ConsecutiveZCsStepRelTol "10*128*eps"
+	  MaxConsecutiveZCs	  "1000"
+	  ExtrapolationOrder	  4
+	  NumberNewtonIterations  1
+	  MaxStep		  "auto"
+	  MinStep		  "auto"
+	  MaxConsecutiveMinStep	  "1"
+	  RelTol		  "1e-3"
+	  SolverMode		  "SingleTasking"
+	  EnableConcurrentExecution off
+	  ConcurrentTasks	  off
+	  Solver		  ode45
+	  SolverName		  ode45
+	  SolverJacobianMethodControl "auto"
+	  ShapePreserveControl	  "DisableAll"
+	  ZeroCrossControl	  "UseLocalSettings"
+	  ZeroCrossAlgorithm	  "Nonadaptive"
+	  AlgebraicLoopSolver	  "TrustRegion"
+	  SolverResetMethod	  "Fast"
+	  PositivePriorityOrder	  off
+	  AutoInsertRateTranBlk	  off
+	  SampleTimeConstraint	  "Unconstrained"
+	  InsertRTBMode		  "Whenever possible"
+	}
+	Simulink.DataIOCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  11
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  Decimation		  "1"
+	  ExternalInput		  "[t, u]"
+	  FinalStateName	  "xFinal"
+	  InitialState		  "xInitial"
+	  LimitDataPoints	  off
+	  MaxDataPoints		  "1000"
+	  LoadExternalInput	  off
+	  LoadInitialState	  off
+	  SaveFinalState	  off
+	  SaveCompleteFinalSimState off
+	  SaveFormat		  "Dataset"
+	  SignalLoggingSaveFormat "Dataset"
+	  SaveOutput		  on
+	  SaveState		  off
+	  SignalLogging		  on
+	  DSMLogging		  on
+	  InspectSignalLogs	  off
+	  VisualizeSimOutput	  on
+	  SaveTime		  on
+	  ReturnWorkspaceOutputs  off
+	  StateSaveName		  "xout"
+	  TimeSaveName		  "tout"
+	  OutputSaveName	  "yout"
+	  SignalLoggingName	  "logsout"
+	  DSMLoggingName	  "dsmout"
+	  OutputOption		  "RefineOutputTimes"
+	  OutputTimes		  "[]"
+	  ReturnWorkspaceOutputsName "out"
+	  Refine		  "1"
+	}
+	Simulink.OptimizationCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  12
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  Array {
+	    Type		    "Cell"
+	    Dimension		    8
+	    Cell		    "BooleansAsBitfields"
+	    Cell		    "PassReuseOutputArgsAs"
+	    Cell		    "PassReuseOutputArgsThreshold"
+	    Cell		    "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup"
+	    Cell		    "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup"
+	    Cell		    "OptimizeModelRefInitCode"
+	    Cell		    "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection"
+	    Cell		    "UseSpecifiedMinMax"
+	    PropName		    "DisabledProps"
+	  }
+	  BlockReduction	  on
+	  BooleanDataType	  on
+	  ConditionallyExecuteInputs on
+	  InlineParams		  off
+	  UseDivisionForNetSlopeComputation "off"
+	  UseFloatMulNetSlope	  off
+	  DefaultUnderspecifiedDataType	"double"
+	  UseSpecifiedMinMax	  off
+	  InlineInvariantSignals  off
+	  OptimizeBlockIOStorage  on
+	  BufferReuse		  on
+	  EnhancedBackFolding	  off
+	  CachingGlobalReferences off
+	  GlobalBufferReuse	  on
+	  StrengthReduction	  off
+	  ExpressionFolding	  on
+	  BooleansAsBitfields	  off
+	  BitfieldContainerType	  "uint_T"
+	  EnableMemcpy		  on
+	  MemcpyThreshold	  64
+	  PassReuseOutputArgsAs	  "Structure reference"
+	  PassReuseOutputArgsThreshold 12
+	  ExpressionDepthLimit	  128
+	  LocalBlockOutputs	  on
+	  RollThreshold		  5
+	  StateBitsets		  off
+	  DataBitsets		  off
+	  ActiveStateOutputEnumStorageType "Native Integer"
+	  ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup on
+	  ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup on
+	  InitFltsAndDblsToZero	  off
+	  NoFixptDivByZeroProtection off
+	  EfficientFloat2IntCast  off
+	  EfficientMapNaN2IntZero on
+	  OptimizeModelRefInitCode off
+	  LifeSpan		  "inf"
+	  MaxStackSize		  "Inherit from target"
+	  BufferReusableBoundary  on
+	  SimCompilerOptimization "off"
+	  AccelVerboseBuild	  off
+	}
+	Simulink.DebuggingCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  13
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  RTPrefix		  "error"
+	  ConsistencyChecking	  "none"
+	  ArrayBoundsChecking	  "none"
+	  SignalInfNanChecking	  "none"
+	  SignalRangeChecking	  "none"
+	  ReadBeforeWriteMsg	  "UseLocalSettings"
+	  WriteAfterWriteMsg	  "UseLocalSettings"
+	  WriteAfterReadMsg	  "UseLocalSettings"
+	  AlgebraicLoopMsg	  "error"
+	  ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
+	  SaveWithDisabledLinksMsg "warning"
+	  SaveWithParameterizedLinksMsg	"warning"
+	  CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on
+	  UnderspecifiedInitializationDetection	"Simplified"
+	  MergeDetectMultiDrivingBlocksExec "error"
+	  CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg off
+	  CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg	off
+	  SignalResolutionControl "UseLocalSettings"
+	  BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
+	  MinStepSizeMsg	  "warning"
+	  TimeAdjustmentMsg	  "none"
+	  MaxConsecutiveZCsMsg	  "error"
+	  MaskedZcDiagnostic	  "warning"
+	  IgnoredZcDiagnostic	  "warning"
+	  SolverPrmCheckMsg	  "none"
+	  InheritedTsInSrcMsg	  "warning"
+	  MultiTaskDSMMsg	  "error"
+	  MultiTaskCondExecSysMsg "error"
+	  MultiTaskRateTransMsg	  "error"
+	  SingleTaskRateTransMsg  "none"
+	  TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning"
+	  SigSpecEnsureSampleTimeMsg "warning"
+	  CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none"
+	  IntegerOverflowMsg	  "warning"
+	  Int32ToFloatConvMsg	  "warning"
+	  ParameterDowncastMsg	  "error"
+	  ParameterOverflowMsg	  "error"
+	  ParameterUnderflowMsg	  "none"
+	  ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning"
+	  ParameterTunabilityLossMsg "warning"
+	  FixptConstUnderflowMsg  "none"
+	  FixptConstOverflowMsg	  "none"
+	  FixptConstPrecisionLossMsg "none"
+	  UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none"
+	  UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"
+	  VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none"
+	  InvalidFcnCallConnMsg	  "error"
+	  FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "EnableAllAsError"
+	  SignalLabelMismatchMsg  "none"
+	  UnconnectedInputMsg	  "warning"
+	  UnconnectedOutputMsg	  "warning"
+	  UnconnectedLineMsg	  "warning"
+	  SFcnCompatibilityMsg	  "none"
+	  FrameProcessingCompatibilityMsg "error"
+	  UniqueDataStoreMsg	  "none"
+	  BusObjectLabelMismatch  "warning"
+	  RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning"
+	  AssertControl		  "UseLocalSettings"
+	  ModelReferenceIOMsg	  "none"
+	  ModelReferenceMultiInstanceNormalModeStructChecksumCheck "error"
+	  ModelReferenceVersionMismatchMessage "none"
+	  ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none"
+	  UnknownTsInhSupMsg	  "warning"
+	  ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning"
+	  ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning"
+	  ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error"
+	  StateNameClashWarn	  "none"
+	  SimStateInterfaceChecksumMismatchMsg "warning"
+	  SimStateOlderReleaseMsg "error"
+	  InitInArrayFormatMsg	  "warning"
+	  StrictBusMsg		  "ErrorLevel1"
+	  BusNameAdapt		  "WarnAndRepair"
+	  NonBusSignalsTreatedAsBus "none"
+	  BlockIODiagnostic	  "none"
+	  SFUnusedDataAndEventsDiag "warning"
+	  SFUnexpectedBacktrackingDiag "error"
+	  SFInvalidInputDataAccessInChartInitDiag "warning"
+	  SFNoUnconditionalDefaultTransitionDiag "error"
+	  SFTransitionOutsideNaturalParentDiag "warning"
+	  SFUnconditionalTransitionShadowingDiag "warning"
+	  SFUndirectedBroadcastEventsDiag "warning"
+	  SFTransitionActionBeforeConditionDiag	"warning"
+	  SFOutputUsedAsStateInMooreChartDiag "error"
+	  IntegerSaturationMsg	  "warning"
+	}
+	Simulink.HardwareCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  14
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  ProdBitPerChar	  8
+	  ProdBitPerShort	  16
+	  ProdBitPerInt		  32
+	  ProdBitPerLong	  32
+	  ProdBitPerLongLong	  64
+	  ProdBitPerFloat	  32
+	  ProdBitPerDouble	  64
+	  ProdBitPerPointer	  64
+	  ProdLargestAtomicInteger "Char"
+	  ProdLargestAtomicFloat  "Float"
+	  ProdIntDivRoundTo	  "Zero"
+	  ProdEndianess		  "LittleEndian"
+	  ProdWordSize		  32
+	  ProdShiftRightIntArith  on
+	  ProdLongLongMode	  off
+	  ProdHWDeviceType	  "Specified"
+	  TargetBitPerChar	  8
+	  TargetBitPerShort	  16
+	  TargetBitPerInt	  32
+	  TargetBitPerLong	  32
+	  TargetBitPerLongLong	  64
+	  TargetBitPerFloat	  32
+	  TargetBitPerDouble	  64
+	  TargetBitPerPointer	  32
+	  TargetLargestAtomicInteger "Char"
+	  TargetLargestAtomicFloat "None"
+	  TargetShiftRightIntArith on
+	  TargetLongLongMode	  off
+	  TargetIntDivRoundTo	  "Undefined"
+	  TargetEndianess	  "Unspecified"
+	  TargetWordSize	  32
+	  TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32
+	  TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32
+	  TargetHWDeviceType	  "Specified"
+	  TargetUnknown		  off
+	  ProdEqTarget		  on
+	}
+	Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  15
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"
+	  CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
+	  EnableParallelModelReferenceBuilds off
+	  ParallelModelReferenceErrorOnInvalidPool on
+	  ParallelModelReferenceMATLABWorkerInit "None"
+	  ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi"
+	  PropagateVarSize	  "Infer from blocks in model"
+	  ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference on
+	  ModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off
+	  PropagateSignalLabelsOutOfModel on
+	  SupportModelReferenceSimTargetCustomCode off
+	}
+	Simulink.SFSimCC {
+	  $ObjectID		  16
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  SFSimEcho		  on
+	  SimCtrlC		  on
+	  SimIntegrity		  on
+	  SimUseLocalCustomCode	  off
+	  SimParseCustomCode	  on
+	  SimBuildMode		  "sf_incremental_build"
+	  SimGenImportedTypeDefs  off
+	}
+	Simulink.RTWCC {
+	  $BackupClass		  "Simulink.RTWCC"
+	  $ObjectID		  17
+	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  Array {
+	    Type		    "Cell"
+	    Dimension		    13
+	    Cell		    "IncludeHyperlinkInReport"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateTraceInfo"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateTraceReport"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateTraceReportSl"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateTraceReportSf"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateTraceReportEml"
+	    Cell		    "PortableWordSizes"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateWebview"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateCodeMetricsReport"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateCodeReplacementReport"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateMissedCodeReplacementReport"
+	    Cell		    "GenerateErtSFunction"
+	    Cell		    "CreateSILPILBlock"
+	    PropName		    "DisabledProps"
+	  }
+	  SystemTargetFile	  "grt.tlc"
+	  TLCOptions		  ""
+	  GenCodeOnly		  off
+	  MakeCommand		  "make_rtw"
+	  GenerateMakefile	  on
+	  PackageGeneratedCodeAndArtifacts off
+	  TemplateMakefile	  "grt_default_tmf"
+	  PostCodeGenCommand	  ""
+	  GenerateReport	  off
+	  SaveLog		  off
+	  RTWVerbose		  on
+	  RetainRTWFile		  off
+	  ProfileTLC		  off
+	  TLCDebug		  off
+	  TLCCoverage		  off
+	  TLCAssert		  off
+	  RTWUseLocalCustomCode	  off
+	  RTWUseSimCustomCode	  off
+	  Toolchain		  "Automatically locate an installed toolchain"
+	  BuildConfiguration	  "Faster Builds"
+	  IncludeHyperlinkInReport off
+	  LaunchReport		  off
+	  PortableWordSizes	  off
+	  CreateSILPILBlock	  "None"
+	  CodeExecutionProfiling  off
+	  CodeExecutionProfileVariable "executionProfile"
+	  CodeProfilingSaveOptions "SummaryOnly"
+	  CodeProfilingInstrumentation off
+	  SILDebugging		  off
+	  TargetLang		  "C"
+	  IncludeBusHierarchyInRTWFileBlockHierarchyMap	off
+	  GenerateTraceInfo	  off
+	  GenerateTraceReport	  off
+	  GenerateTraceReportSl	  off
+	  GenerateTraceReportSf	  off
+	  GenerateTraceReportEml  off
+	  GenerateWebview	  off
+	  GenerateCodeMetricsReport off
+	  GenerateCodeReplacementReport	off
+	  GenerateMissedCodeReplacementReport off
+	  RTWCompilerOptimization "off"
+	  RTWCustomCompilerOptimizations ""
+	  CheckMdlBeforeBuild	  "Off"
+	  SharedConstantsCachingThreshold 1024
+	  Array {
+	    Type		    "Handle"
+	    Dimension		    2
+	    Simulink.CodeAppCC {
+	      $ObjectID		      18
+	      Version		      "1.15.0"
+	      Array {
+		Type			"Cell"
+		Dimension		25
+		Cell			"IgnoreCustomStorageClasses"
+		Cell			"IgnoreTestpoints"
+		Cell			"InsertBlockDesc"
+		Cell			"InsertPolySpaceComments"
+		Cell			"SFDataObjDesc"
+		Cell			"MATLABFcnDesc"
+		Cell			"SimulinkDataObjDesc"
+		Cell			"DefineNamingRule"
+		Cell			"SignalNamingRule"
+		Cell			"ParamNamingRule"
+		Cell			"InternalIdentifier"
+		Cell			"InlinedPrmAccess"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStr"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrType"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrField"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrFcn"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrModelFcn"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrFcnArg"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrBlkIO"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrTmpVar"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrMacro"
+		Cell			"CustomSymbolStrUtil"
+		Cell			"CustomUserTokenString"
+		Cell			"ReqsInCode"
+		PropName		"DisabledProps"
+	      }
+	      ForceParamTrailComments off
+	      GenerateComments	      on
+	      CommentStyle	      "Auto"
+	      IgnoreCustomStorageClasses on
+	      IgnoreTestpoints	      off
+	      IncHierarchyInIds	      off
+	      MaxIdLength	      31
+	      PreserveName	      off
+	      PreserveNameWithParent  off
+	      ShowEliminatedStatement off
+	      OperatorAnnotations     off
+	      IncAutoGenComments      off
+	      SimulinkDataObjDesc     off
+	      SFDataObjDesc	      off
+	      MATLABFcnDesc	      off
+	      IncDataTypeInIds	      off
+	      MangleLength	      1
+	      CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar "$R$N$M"
+	      CustomSymbolStrType     "$N$R$M_T"
+	      CustomSymbolStrField    "$N$M"
+	      CustomSymbolStrFcn      "$R$N$M$F"
+	      CustomSymbolStrFcnArg   "rt$I$N$M"
+	      CustomSymbolStrBlkIO    "rtb_$N$M"
+	      CustomSymbolStrTmpVar   "$N$M"
+	      CustomSymbolStrMacro    "$R$N$M"
+	      CustomSymbolStrUtil     "$N$C"
+	      DefineNamingRule	      "None"
+	      ParamNamingRule	      "None"
+	      SignalNamingRule	      "None"
+	      InsertBlockDesc	      off
+	      InsertPolySpaceComments off
+	      SimulinkBlockComments   on
+	      MATLABSourceComments    off
+	      EnableCustomComments    off
+	      InternalIdentifier      "Shortened"
+	      InlinedPrmAccess	      "Literals"
+	      ReqsInCode	      off
+	      UseSimReservedNames     off
+	    }
+	    Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
+	      $BackupClass	      "Simulink.TargetCC"
+	      $ObjectID		      19
+	      Version		      "1.15.0"
+	      Array {
+		Type			"Cell"
+		Dimension		15
+		Cell			"IncludeMdlTerminateFcn"
+		Cell			"SuppressErrorStatus"
+		Cell			"ERTCustomFileBanners"
+		Cell			"GenerateSampleERTMain"
+		Cell			"ExistingSharedCode"
+		Cell			"GenerateTestInterfaces"
+		Cell			"ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant"
+		Cell			"GenerateAllocFcn"
+		Cell			"PurelyIntegerCode"
+		Cell			"SupportComplex"
+		Cell			"SupportAbsoluteTime"
+		Cell			"SupportContinuousTime"
+		Cell			"SupportNonInlinedSFcns"
+		Cell			"RemoveDisableFunc"
+		Cell			"RemoveResetFunc"
+		PropName		"DisabledProps"
+	      }
+	      TargetFcnLib	      "ansi_tfl_table_tmw.mat"
+	      TargetLibSuffix	      ""
+	      TargetPreCompLibLocation ""
+	      GenFloatMathFcnCalls    "NOT IN USE"
+	      TargetLangStandard      "C99 (ISO)"
+	      CodeReplacementLibrary  "None"
+	      UtilityFuncGeneration   "Auto"
+	      ERTMultiwordTypeDef     "System defined"
+	      ERTMultiwordLength      256
+	      MultiwordLength	      2048
+	      GenerateFullHeader      on
+	      InferredTypesCompatibility off
+	      GenerateSampleERTMain   off
+	      GenerateTestInterfaces  off
+	      ModelReferenceCompliant on
+	      ParMdlRefBuildCompliant on
+	      CompOptLevelCompliant   on
+	      ConcurrentExecutionCompliant on
+	      IncludeMdlTerminateFcn  on
+	      GeneratePreprocessorConditionals "Use local settings"
+	      CombineOutputUpdateFcns on
+	      CombineSignalStateStructs	off
+	      SuppressErrorStatus     off
+	      ERTFirstTimeCompliant   off
+	      IncludeFileDelimiter    "Auto"
+	      ERTCustomFileBanners    off
+	      SupportAbsoluteTime     on
+	      LogVarNameModifier      "rt_"
+	      MatFileLogging	      on
+	      MultiInstanceERTCode    off
+	      CodeInterfacePackaging  "Nonreusable function"
+	      SupportNonFinite	      on
+	      SupportComplex	      on
+	      PurelyIntegerCode	      off
+	      SupportContinuousTime   on
+	      SupportNonInlinedSFcns  on
+	      SupportVariableSizeSignals off
+	      ParenthesesLevel	      "Nominal"
+	      CastingMode	      "Nominal"
+	      MATLABClassNameForMDSCustomization "Simulink.SoftwareTarget.GRTCustomization"
+	      ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant off
+	      CPPClassGenCompliant    on
+	      AutosarCompliant	      off
+	      GRTInterface	      off
+	      GenerateAllocFcn	      off
+	      GenerateSharedConstants on
+	      UseMalloc		      off
+	      ExtMode		      off
+	      ExtModeStaticAlloc      off
+	      ExtModeTesting	      off
+	      ExtModeStaticAllocSize  1000000
+	      ExtModeTransport	      0
+	      ExtModeMexFile	      "ext_comm"
+	      ExtModeIntrfLevel	      "Level1"
+	      RTWCAPISignals	      off
+	      RTWCAPIParams	      off
+	      RTWCAPIStates	      off
+	      RTWCAPIRootIO	      off
+	      GenerateASAP2	      off
+	      MultiInstanceErrorCode  "Error"
+	    }
+	    PropName		    "Components"
+	  }
+	}
+	PropName		"Components"
+      }
+      Name		      "Configuration"
+      CurrentDlgPage	      "Diagnostics"
+      ConfigPrmDlgPosition    [ 195, 142, 1085, 882 ]  
+    }
+    PropName		    "ConfigurationSets"
+  }
+  Simulink.ConfigSet {
+    $PropName		    "ActiveConfigurationSet"
+    $ObjectID		    9
+  }
+  Object {
+    $PropName		    "DataTransfer"
+    $ObjectID		    21
+    $ClassName		    "Simulink.GlobalDataTransfer"
+    DefaultTransitionBetweenSyncTasks "Ensure deterministic transfer (maximum delay)"
+    DefaultTransitionBetweenAsyncTasks "Ensure data integrity only"
+    DefaultTransitionBetweenContTasks "Ensure deterministic transfer (minimum delay)"
+    DefaultExtrapolationMethodBetweenContTasks "None"
+    AutoInsertRateTranBlk   [0]
+  }
+  ExplicitPartitioning	  off
+  BlockDefaults {
+    ForegroundColor	    "black"
+    BackgroundColor	    "white"
+    DropShadow		    off
+    NamePlacement	    "normal"
+    FontName		    "Helvetica"
+    FontSize		    10
+    FontWeight		    "normal"
+    FontAngle		    "normal"
+    ShowName		    on
+    BlockRotation	    0
+    BlockMirror		    off
+  }
+  AnnotationDefaults {
+    HorizontalAlignment	    "center"
+    VerticalAlignment	    "middle"
+    ForegroundColor	    "black"
+    BackgroundColor	    "white"
+    DropShadow		    off
+    FontName		    "Helvetica"
+    FontSize		    10
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+    FontAngle		    "normal"
+    UseDisplayTextAsClickCallback off
+  }
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+    FontName		    "Helvetica"
+    FontSize		    9
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+    FontAngle		    "normal"
+  }
+  MaskDefaults {
+    SelfModifiable	    "off"
+    IconFrame		    "on"
+    IconOpaque		    "on"
+    RunInitForIconRedraw    "off"
+    IconRotate		    "none"
+    PortRotate		    "default"
+    IconUnits		    "autoscale"
+  }
+  MaskParameterDefaults {
+    Evaluate		    "on"
+    Tunable		    "on"
+    NeverSave		    "off"
+    Internal		    "off"
+    ReadOnly		    "off"
+    Enabled		    "on"
+    Visible		    "on"
+    ToolTip		    "on"
+  }
+  BlockParameterDefaults {
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      BusCreator
+      DisplayOption	      "none"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: auto"
+      NonVirtualBus	      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      BusSelector
+      OutputSignals	      "signal1,signal2,signal3"
+      OutputAsBus	      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Constant
+      Value		      "1"
+      VectorParams1D	      on
+      SamplingMode	      "Sample based"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit from 'Constant value'"
+      LockScale		      off
+      SampleTime	      "inf"
+      FramePeriod	      "inf"
+      PreserveConstantTs      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Delay
+      DelayLengthSource	      "Dialog"
+      DelayLength	      "2"
+      DelayLengthUpperLimit   "100"
+      InitialConditionSource  "Dialog"
+      InitialCondition	      "0.0"
+      ExternalReset	      "None"
+      ShowEnablePort	      off
+      PreventDirectFeedthrough off
+      DiagnosticForOutOfRangeDelayLength "None"
+      RemoveProtectionDelayLength off
+      InputProcessing	      "Elements as channels (sample based)"
+      UseCircularBuffer	      off
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      StateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+      CodeGenStateStorageClass "Auto"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Demux
+      Outputs		      "4"
+      DisplayOption	      "none"
+      BusSelectionMode	      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      DiscreteIntegrator
+      IntegratorMethod	      "Integration: Forward Euler"
+      gainval		      "1.0"
+      ExternalReset	      "none"
+      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+      InitialCondition	      "0"
+      InitialConditionSetting "Output"
+      SampleTime	      "1"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+      LockScale		      off
+      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+      LimitOutput	      off
+      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+      ShowSaturationPort      off
+      ShowStatePort	      off
+      IgnoreLimit	      off
+      StateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+      RTWStateStorageClass    "Auto"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Gain
+      Gain		      "1"
+      Multiplication	      "Element-wise(K.*u)"
+      ParamMin		      "[]"
+      ParamMax		      "[]"
+      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Same as input"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Same as input"
+      LockScale		      off
+      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	on
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Ground
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Inport
+      Port		      "1"
+      OutputFunctionCall      off
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: auto"
+      LockScale		      off
+      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+      PortDimensions	      "-1"
+      VarSizeSig	      "Inherit"
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      SignalType	      "auto"
+      SamplingMode	      "auto"
+      LatchByDelayingOutsideSignal off
+      LatchInputForFeedbackSignals off
+      Interpolate	      on
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Integrator
+      ExternalReset	      "none"
+      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+      InitialCondition	      "0"
+      LimitOutput	      off
+      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+      WrapState		      off
+      WrappedStateUpperValue  "pi"
+      WrappedStateLowerValue  "-pi"
+      ShowSaturationPort      off
+      ShowStatePort	      off
+      AbsoluteTolerance	      "auto"
+      IgnoreLimit	      off
+      ZeroCross		      on
+      ContinuousStateAttributes	"''"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Mux
+      Inputs		      "4"
+      DisplayOption	      "none"
+      UseBusObject	      off
+      BusObject		      "BusObject"
+      NonVirtualBus	      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Outport
+      Port		      "1"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: auto"
+      LockScale		      off
+      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
+      PortDimensions	      "-1"
+      VarSizeSig	      "Inherit"
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      SignalType	      "auto"
+      SamplingMode	      "auto"
+      SourceOfInitialOutputValue "Dialog"
+      OutputWhenDisabled      "held"
+      InitialOutput	      "[]"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Quantizer
+      QuantizationInterval    "0.5"
+      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      RandomNumber
+      Mean		      "0"
+      Variance		      "1"
+      Seed		      "0"
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      VectorParams1D	      on
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      RateTransition
+      Integrity		      on
+      Deterministic	      on
+      X0		      "0"
+      OutPortSampleTimeOpt    "Specify"
+      OutPortSampleTimeMultiple	"1"
+      OutPortSampleTime	      "-1"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      S-Function
+      FunctionName	      "system"
+      SFunctionModules	      "''"
+      PortCounts	      "[]"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Saturate
+      UpperLimitSource	      "Dialog"
+      UpperLimit	      "0.5"
+      LowerLimitSource	      "Dialog"
+      LowerLimit	      "-0.5"
+      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+      ZeroCross		      on
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Same as input"
+      LockScale		      off
+      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Scope
+      Floating		      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Step
+      Time		      "1"
+      Before		      "0"
+      After		      "1"
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      VectorParams1D	      on
+      ZeroCross		      on
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      SubSystem
+      ShowPortLabels	      "FromPortIcon"
+      Permissions	      "ReadWrite"
+      PermitHierarchicalResolution "All"
+      TreatAsAtomicUnit	      off
+      MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
+      PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off
+      SystemSampleTime	      "-1"
+      RTWSystemCode	      "Auto"
+      RTWFcnNameOpts	      "Auto"
+      RTWFileNameOpts	      "Auto"
+      FunctionInterfaceSpec   "void_void"
+      FunctionWithSeparateData off
+      RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
+      RTWMemSecFuncExecute    "Inherit from model"
+      RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
+      RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
+      RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+      SimViewingDevice	      off
+      DataTypeOverride	      "UseLocalSettings"
+      DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo	"AllNumericTypes"
+      MinMaxOverflowLogging   "UseLocalSettings"
+      Opaque		      off
+      MaskHideContents	      off
+      SFBlockType	      "NONE"
+      GeneratePreprocessorConditionals off
+      PropagateVariantConditions off
+      TreatAsGroupedWhenPropagatingVariantConditions on
+      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+      IsWebBlock	      off
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Sum
+      IconShape		      "rectangular"
+      Inputs		      "++"
+      CollapseMode	      "All dimensions"
+      CollapseDim	      "1"
+      InputSameDT	      on
+      AccumDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Same as first input"
+      LockScale		      off
+      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	on
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Terminator
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      ZeroOrderHold
+      SampleTime	      "1"
+    }
+  }
+  System {
+    Name		    "test_model_R2015A"
+    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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+      BlockType		      SubSystem
+      Name		      "     Sensors   "
+      SID		      "650"
+      Ports		      [6, 3]
+      Position		      [1300, 422, 1520, 658]
+      ZOrder		      73
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+      Commented		      "on"
+      RequestExecContextInheritance off
+      Variant		      off
+      Object {
+	$PropName		"MaskObject"
+	$ObjectID		22
+	$ClassName		"Simulink.Mask"
+	Display			"port_label('input', 1, '^{B}Omega', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\Theta', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	"\nport_label('input', 3, '^{B}v_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 4, '^{E}r_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_labe"
+	"l('input', 5, '^{B}dv_o/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 6, '^{B}g', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output"
+	"', 1, '\\Theta_{filtered}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 2, 'd\\Theta_{gyro}/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_"
+	"label('output', 3, '^{E}r_o', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Sensors', 'texmode', 'on'); "
+      }
+      System {
+	Name			"     Sensors   "
+	Location		[-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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+	  BlockType		  Inport
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+	  ZOrder		  265
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+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Inport
+	  Name			  "euler_angles"
+	  SID			  "652"
+	  Position		  [1720, 1043, 1750, 1057]
+	  ZOrder		  266
+	  Port			  "2"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
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+	  BlockType		  Inport
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+	  Position		  [1015, 613, 1045, 627]
+	  ZOrder		  267
+	  Port			  "3"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
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+	  BlockType		  Inport
+	  Name			  "E_ro"
+	  SID			  "654"
+	  Position		  [1720, 963, 1750, 977]
+	  ZOrder		  268
+	  Port			  "4"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Inport
+	  Name			  "B_vo_dot"
+	  SID			  "655"
+	  Position		  [1015, 548, 1045, 562]
+	  ZOrder		  269
+	  Port			  "5"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Inport
+	  Name			  "B_g"
+	  SID			  "656"
+	  Position		  [1015, 743, 1045, 757]
+	  ZOrder		  273
+	  Port			  "6"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "3D Graphical Simulation"
+	  SID			  "698"
+	  Ports			  [2]
+	  Position		  [2005, 1075, 2155, 1135]
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+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    23
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input',1,'r_{o}','texmode','on')\nport_label('input',2,'\\Theta','texmode','on')"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "3D Graphical Simulation"
+	    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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+	      Position		      [110, 218, 140, 232]
+	      ZOrder		      -1
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "Euler Angles"
+	      SID		      "700"
+	      Position		      [125, 108, 155, 122]
+	      ZOrder		      -2
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      BusCreator
+	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator"
+	      SID		      "701"
+	      Ports		      [3, 1]
+	      Position		      [600, 76, 610, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      -3
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+	      Inputs		      "3"
+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	      InheritFromInputs	      on
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      BusCreator
+	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator1"
+	      SID		      "702"
+	      Ports		      [3, 1]
+	      Position		      [630, 191, 640, 269]
+	      ZOrder		      -4
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      Inputs		      "3"
+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	      InheritFromInputs	      on
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      BusCreator
+	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator2"
+	      SID		      "703"
+	      Ports		      [3, 1]
+	      Position		      [385, 75, 390, 155]
+	      ZOrder		      -5
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      Inputs		      "3"
+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	      InheritFromInputs	      on
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      BusSelector
+	      Name		      "Bus\nSelector"
+	      SID		      "704"
+	      Ports		      [1, 3]
+	      Position		      [500, 77, 505, 153]
+	      ZOrder		      -6
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      OutputSignals	      "phi,theta,psi"
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		1
+		Name			"<phi>"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"<theta>"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		3
+		Name			"<psi>"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
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+	      Ports		      [1, 3]
+	      Position		      [440, 183, 450, 267]
+	      ZOrder		      -7
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+	      ShowName		      off
+	      Outputs		      "3"
+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      "Demux1"
+	      SID		      "706"
+	      Ports		      [1, 3]
+	      Position		      [290, 75, 295, 155]
+	      ZOrder		      -8
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+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		1
+		Name			"phi"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"theta"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		3
+		Name			"psi"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Gain
+	      Name		      "Gain"
+	      SID		      "707"
+	      Position		      [550, 240, 580, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      -10
+	      Gain		      "-1"
+	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Gain
+	      Name		      "Gain1"
+	      SID		      "708"
+	      Position		      [670, 208, 710, 252]
+	      ZOrder		      -11
+	      Gain		      "eye(3)*1"
+	      Multiplication	      "Matrix(K*u)"
+	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Gain
+	      Name		      "Gain2"
+	      SID		      "709"
+	      Position		      [550, 190, 580, 220]
+	      ZOrder		      -12
+	      Gain		      "-1"
+	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "MATLAB Function"
+	      SID		      "710"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [655, 92, 725, 138]
+	      ZOrder		      5
+	      ErrorFcn		      "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	      PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	      TreatAsAtomicUnit	      on
+	      RequestExecContextInheritance off
+	      SFBlockType	      "MATLAB Function"
+	      Variant		      off
+	      System {
+		Name			"MATLAB Function"
+		Location		[223, 338, 826, 833]
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+		  BlockType		  Inport
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+		  SID			  "710::1"
+		  Position		  [20, 101, 40, 119]
+		  ZOrder		  -1
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Demux
+		  Name			  " Demux "
+		  SID			  "710::20"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
+		  Position		  [270, 230, 320, 270]
+		  ZOrder		  11
+		  Outputs		  "1"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  S-Function
+		  Name			  " SFunction "
+		  SID			  "710::19"
+		  Tag			  "Stateflow S-Function test_model_R2015A 11"
+		  Ports			  [1, 2]
+		  Position		  [180, 100, 230, 160]
+		  ZOrder		  10
+		  FunctionName		  "sf_sfun"
+		  PortCounts		  "[1 2]"
+		  SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+		  EnableBusSupport	  on
+		  Port {
+		    PortNumber		    2
+		    Name		    "y"
+		    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+		    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Terminator
+		  Name			  " Terminator "
+		  SID			  "710::21"
+		  Position		  [460, 241, 480, 259]
+		  ZOrder		  12
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Outport
+		  Name			  "y"
+		  SID			  "710::5"
+		  Position		  [460, 101, 480, 119]
+		  ZOrder		  -5
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		}
+		Line {
+		  ZOrder		  1
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+		  SrcPort		  1
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+		  DstPort		  1
+		}
+		Line {
+		  Name			  "y"
+		  ZOrder		  2
+		  Labels		  [0, 0]
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+		  SrcPort		  2
+		  DstBlock		  "y"
+		  DstPort		  1
+		}
+		Line {
+		  ZOrder		  3
+		  SrcBlock		  " Demux "
+		  SrcPort		  1
+		  DstBlock		  " Terminator "
+		  DstPort		  1
+		}
+		Line {
+		  ZOrder		  4
+		  SrcBlock		  " SFunction "
+		  SrcPort		  1
+		  DstBlock		  " Demux "
+		  DstPort		  1
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      RateTransition
+	      Name		      "Rate Transition"
+	      SID		      "711"
+	      Position		      [755, 94, 795, 136]
+	      ZOrder		      -13
+	      NamePlacement	      "alternate"
+	      OutPortSampleTime	      "0.06"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      RateTransition
+	      Name		      "Rate Transition1"
+	      SID		      "712"
+	      Position		      [735, 210, 770, 250]
+	      ZOrder		      -14
+	      OutPortSampleTime	      "0.06"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "VR Sink"
+	      SID		      "713"
+	      Ports		      [2]
+	      Position		      [865, 76, 1055, 234]
+	      ZOrder		      -15
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.36"
+	      SourceBlock	      "vrlib/VR Sink"
+	      SourceType	      "Virtual Reality Sink"
+	      InstantiateOnLoad	      on
+	      SampleTime	      "-1"
+	      ViewEnable	      on
+	      RemoteChange	      off
+	      RemoteView	      off
+	      FieldsWritten	      "Helicopter.rotation.4.1.1.double#Helicopter.translation.3.1.1.double"
+	      WorldFileName	      "quadrotor_world_ucart.wrl"
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+	      VideoDimensions	      "[]"
+	      AllowVariableSize	      off
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      1
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+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      2
+	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nCreator2"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nSelector"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      3
+	      SrcBlock		      "Demux"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [40, 0; 0, 40; 120, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator1"
+	      DstPort		      3
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      4
+	      SrcBlock		      "Gain"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [5, 0; 0, -25]
+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator1"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      5
+	      SrcBlock		      "Gain2"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator1"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      6
+	      SrcBlock		      "Rate Transition1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [35, 0; 0, -35]
+	      DstBlock		      "VR Sink"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      7
+	      SrcBlock		      "Rate Transition"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "VR Sink"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      8
+	      SrcBlock		      "Demux"
+	      SrcPort		      3
+	      DstBlock		      "Gain"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      9
+	      SrcBlock		      "Demux"
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      Points		      [80, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Gain2"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nCreator1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Gain1"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "<phi>"
+	      ZOrder		      11
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nSelector"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [0, -10; 45, 0; 0, 60]
+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator"
+	      DstPort		      3
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "<psi>"
+	      ZOrder		      12
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nSelector"
+	      SrcPort		      3
+	      Points		      [0, -10; 75, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
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+	      Name		      "<theta>"
+	      ZOrder		      13
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nSelector"
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      Points		      [30, 0; 0, -25]
+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      14
+	      SrcBlock		      "Gain1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Rate Transition1"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "psi"
+	      ZOrder		      15
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      "Demux1"
+	      SrcPort		      3
+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator2"
+	      DstPort		      3
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "theta"
+	      ZOrder		      16
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      "Demux1"
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator2"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
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+	      Name		      "phi"
+	      ZOrder		      17
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      "Demux1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator2"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      18
+	      SrcBlock		      "Euler Angles"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Demux1"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      19
+	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nCreator"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "MATLAB Function"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      20
+	      SrcBlock		      "MATLAB Function"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Rate Transition"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
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+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+	  Variant		  off
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+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    24
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input',1, '\\Theta','texmode','on')\nport_label('input',2,'r_{o}','texmode','on')"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "3D Graphical Simulation1"
+	    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "Displacement"
+	      SID		      "716"
+	      Position		      [180, 218, 210, 232]
+	      ZOrder		      -2
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+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      BusCreator
+	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator"
+	      SID		      "717"
+	      Ports		      [3, 1]
+	      Position		      [600, 76, 610, 154]
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+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
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+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      BusCreator
+	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator1"
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+	      Ports		      [3, 1]
+	      Position		      [630, 191, 640, 269]
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+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	      InheritFromInputs	      on
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      BusCreator
+	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator2"
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+	      Ports		      [3, 1]
+	      Position		      [385, 75, 390, 155]
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+	      Inputs		      "3"
+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	      InheritFromInputs	      on
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      BusSelector
+	      Name		      "Bus\nSelector"
+	      SID		      "720"
+	      Ports		      [1, 3]
+	      Position		      [500, 77, 505, 153]
+	      ZOrder		      -6
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      OutputSignals	      "phi,theta,psi"
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		1
+		Name			"<phi>"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"<theta>"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		3
+		Name			"<psi>"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      "Demux"
+	      SID		      "721"
+	      Ports		      [1, 3]
+	      Position		      [440, 183, 450, 267]
+	      ZOrder		      -7
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+	      ShowName		      off
+	      Outputs		      "3"
+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      "Demux1"
+	      SID		      "722"
+	      Ports		      [1, 3]
+	      Position		      [290, 75, 295, 155]
+	      ZOrder		      -8
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      Outputs		      "3"
+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		1
+		Name			"phi"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"theta"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		3
+		Name			"psi"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Gain
+	      Name		      "Gain"
+	      SID		      "723"
+	      Position		      [550, 240, 580, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      -10
+	      Gain		      "-1"
+	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Gain
+	      Name		      "Gain1"
+	      SID		      "724"
+	      Position		      [670, 208, 710, 252]
+	      ZOrder		      -11
+	      Gain		      "eye(3)*1"
+	      Multiplication	      "Matrix(K*u)"
+	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Gain
+	      Name		      "Gain2"
+	      SID		      "725"
+	      Position		      [550, 190, 580, 220]
+	      ZOrder		      -12
+	      Gain		      "-1"
+	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "MATLAB Function"
+	      SID		      "726"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [655, 92, 725, 138]
+	      ZOrder		      5
+	      ErrorFcn		      "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	      PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	      TreatAsAtomicUnit	      on
+	      RequestExecContextInheritance off
+	      SFBlockType	      "MATLAB Function"
+	      Variant		      off
+	      System {
+		Name			"MATLAB Function"
+		Location		[223, 338, 826, 833]
+		Open			off
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+		  SID			  "726::1"
+		  Position		  [20, 101, 40, 119]
+		  ZOrder		  -1
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Demux
+		  Name			  " Demux "
+		  SID			  "726::20"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
+		  Position		  [270, 230, 320, 270]
+		  ZOrder		  11
+		  Outputs		  "1"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  S-Function
+		  Name			  " SFunction "
+		  SID			  "726::19"
+		  Tag			  "Stateflow S-Function test_model_R2015A 3"
+		  Ports			  [1, 2]
+		  Position		  [180, 100, 230, 160]
+		  ZOrder		  10
+		  FunctionName		  "sf_sfun"
+		  PortCounts		  "[1 2]"
+		  SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+		  EnableBusSupport	  on
+		  Port {
+		    PortNumber		    2
+		    Name		    "y"
+		    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+		    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Terminator
+		  Name			  " Terminator "
+		  SID			  "726::21"
+		  Position		  [460, 241, 480, 259]
+		  ZOrder		  12
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Outport
+		  Name			  "y"
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+		  ZOrder		  -5
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		}
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+		  ZOrder		  1
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+		}
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+		  Name			  "y"
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+		  DstPort		  1
+		}
+		Line {
+		  ZOrder		  3
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+		  SrcPort		  1
+		  DstBlock		  " Terminator "
+		  DstPort		  1
+		}
+		Line {
+		  ZOrder		  4
+		  SrcBlock		  " SFunction "
+		  SrcPort		  1
+		  DstBlock		  " Demux "
+		  DstPort		  1
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      RateTransition
+	      Name		      "Rate Transition"
+	      SID		      "727"
+	      Position		      [755, 94, 795, 136]
+	      ZOrder		      -13
+	      NamePlacement	      "alternate"
+	      OutPortSampleTime	      "0.06"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      RateTransition
+	      Name		      "Rate Transition1"
+	      SID		      "728"
+	      Position		      [735, 210, 770, 250]
+	      ZOrder		      -14
+	      OutPortSampleTime	      "0.06"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "VR Sink"
+	      SID		      "729"
+	      Ports		      [2]
+	      Position		      [865, 76, 1055, 234]
+	      ZOrder		      -15
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.36"
+	      SourceBlock	      "vrlib/VR Sink"
+	      SourceType	      "Virtual Reality Sink"
+	      InstantiateOnLoad	      on
+	      SampleTime	      "-1"
+	      ViewEnable	      on
+	      RemoteChange	      off
+	      RemoteView	      off
+	      FieldsWritten	      "Helicopter.rotation.4.1.1.double#Helicopter.translation.3.1.1.double"
+	      WorldFileName	      "quadrotor_world_ucart.wrl"
+	      AutoView		      on
+	      VideoDimensions	      "[]"
+	      AllowVariableSize	      off
+	    }
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+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
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+	      DstPort		      1
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+	      ZOrder		      7
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      8
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      Name		      "<phi>"
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nSelector"
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+	    }
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+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      SrcPort		      3
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+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      15
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+	      SrcPort		      2
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+	      DstPort		      1
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+	      ZOrder		      20
+	      SrcBlock		      "Euler Angles\n"
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+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, 'Gyroscope Reading', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\Theta_{IMU"
+	    "}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, 'd\\Theta_{Gyro}/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('A_{EB}', 'texmode',"
+	    " 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "euler_angles_IMU"
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+	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      13
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Demux
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+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      15
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "679::23"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function test_model_R2015A 12"
+	      Ports		      [2, 2]
+	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 160]
+	      ZOrder		      14
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      PortCounts	      "[2 2]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"euler_rates_IMU"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Terminator
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+	      SID		      "679::25"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      16
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Outport
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Calculate Pitch and Roll\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
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+	  Position		  [1480, 484, 1875, 631]
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+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
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+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, 'Accelerometer Reading', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '\\theta"
+	    "_{accel}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 2, '\\phi_{accel}', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Calculate Pitch a"
+	    "nd Roll', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Calculate Pitch and Roll\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
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+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "accel_roll_prev"
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+	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
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+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "680::20"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      11
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "680::19"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function test_model_R2015A 13"
+	      Ports		      [2, 3]
+	      Position		      [180, 105, 230, 185]
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      PortCounts	      "[2 3]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"accel_pitch"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		3
+		Name			"accel_roll"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Terminator
+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "680::21"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      12
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Outport
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+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Outport
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+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Complimentary Filter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    27
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+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '\\theta_{accel}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\phi_{accel}'"
+	    ", 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 3, '\\Theta_{Gyro}', 'texmode', 'on');\n%port_label('input', 4, '\\Theta"
+	    "_{IMU}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '\\Theta_{IMU}', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Complimentary Filte"
+	    "r', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Complimentary Filter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
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+	      BlockType		      Inport
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+		PortNumber		2
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+	}
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+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+	    ", 'on')\nport_label('input', 3, '^{B}\\Omega', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_label('input', 4, '^{B}g', 'texmode', 'on')"
+	    "\nport_label('output', 1, 'Accelerometer Reading', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_label('output', 2, 'Gyroscope Reading',"
+	    " 'texmode', 'on')\ndisp('IMU', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "IMU\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
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+		")\nport_label('input', 3, '^{B}\\Omega', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_label('input', 4, '^{B}g', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_la"
+		"bel('input', 5, 'r_{oc}', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_label('output', 1, 'Accelerometer Reading', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_"
+		"label('output', 2, 'Gyroscope Reading', 'texmode', 'on')\ndisp('Ideal IMU', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	      }
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+		    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+		  }
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+	    }
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+	      Inputs		      "++|"
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+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum2"
+	      SID		      "668"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [570, 285, 590, 305]
+	      ZOrder		      11
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "|++"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum3"
+	      SID		      "669"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [570, 200, 590, 220]
+	      ZOrder		      12
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "++|"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      RandomNumber
+	      Name		      "accelerometer_noise"
+	      SID		      "670"
+	      Position		      [630, 140, 660, 170]
+	      ZOrder		      2
+	      Mean		      "zeros(3,1)"
+	      Variance		      "[ 3e-7 ; 3.3e-7 ; 7.2e-7 ] "
+	      Seed		      "[0,1,2]"
+	      SampleTime	      "5e-3"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Quantizer
+	      Name		      "accelerometer_quantizer"
+	      SID		      "671"
+	      Position		      [770, 195, 800, 225]
+	      ZOrder		      9
+	      QuantizationInterval    "2.4400e-04"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      ZeroOrderHold
+	      Name		      "accelerometer_sampling"
+	      SID		      "672"
+	      Position		      [495, 195, 530, 225]
+	      ZOrder		      15
+	      SampleTime	      "5e-3"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      RandomNumber
+	      Name		      "gyroscope_noise"
+	      SID		      "673"
+	      Position		      [630, 315, 660, 345]
+	      ZOrder		      6
+	      Mean		      "zeros(3,1)"
+	      Variance		      "[ 2.2e-8 ; 1.1e-7 ; 2.4e-8 ]"
+	      Seed		      "[0,1,2]"
+	      SampleTime	      "5e-3"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Quantizer
+	      Name		      "gyroscope_qunatizer"
+	      SID		      "674"
+	      Position		      [770, 280, 800, 310]
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      QuantizationInterval    "1.1e-3"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      ZeroOrderHold
+	      Name		      "gyroscope_sampling"
+	      SID		      "675"
+	      Position		      [495, 280, 530, 310]
+	      ZOrder		      16
+	      SampleTime	      "5e-3"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Constant
+	      Name		      "r_oc"
+	      SID		      "676"
+	      Position		      [30, 307, 95, 333]
+	      ZOrder		      28
+	      Value		      "zeros(3,1)"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "accelerometer"
+	      SID		      "677"
+	      Position		      [840, 203, 870, 217]
+	      ZOrder		      29
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "gyroscope"
+	      SID		      "678"
+	      Position		      [840, 288, 870, 302]
+	      ZOrder		      21
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      3
+	      SrcBlock		      "accelerometer_noise"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [35, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum1"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      4
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [22, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			39
+		Points			[0, 65]
+		DstBlock		"Discrete-Time\nIntegrator1"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			38
+		DstBlock		"gyroscope_qunatizer"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      5
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum2"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      6
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum3"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum1"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      8
+	      SrcBlock		      "gyroscope_noise"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [28, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			35
+		Points			[0, 60]
+		DstBlock		"Discrete-Time\nIntegrator"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			34
+		Points			[7, 0]
+		DstBlock		"Sum"
+		DstPort			2
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "accelerometer_quantizer"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      11
+	      SrcBlock		      "gyroscope_sampling"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [8, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			45
+		Points			[0, -29; -1, 0]
+		Branch {
+		  ZOrder		  52
+		  Points		  [0, -1]
+		  DstBlock		  "Discrete-Time\nIntegrator2"
+		  DstPort		  1
+		}
+		Branch {
+		  ZOrder		  51
+		  Points		  [-81, 0; 0, 189; 72, 0]
+		  Branch {
+		    ZOrder		    47
+		    Points		    [0, -50]
+		    DstBlock		    "Scope4"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		  }
+		  Branch {
+		    ZOrder		    46
+		    DstBlock		    "Discrete-Time\nIntegrator3"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		  }
+		}
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			44
+		DstBlock		"Sum2"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      12
+	      SrcBlock		      "accelerometer_sampling"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum3"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      13
+	      SrcBlock		      "Ground"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [5, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum2"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      14
+	      SrcBlock		      "Ground1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [5, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum3"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      15
+	      SrcBlock		      "B_vo_dot"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      16
+	      SrcBlock		      "B_vo"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      17
+	      SrcBlock		      "B_Omega"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [48, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			50
+		Points			[0, 125]
+		DstBlock		"Integrator"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			49
+		DstBlock		"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+		DstPort			3
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      18
+	      SrcBlock		      "B_g"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	      DstPort		      4
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      19
+	      SrcBlock		      "r_oc"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	      DstPort		      5
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      30
+	      SrcBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "gyroscope_sampling"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      31
+	      SrcBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "accelerometer_sampling"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      36
+	      SrcBlock		      "Discrete-Time\nIntegrator"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Scope"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      37
+	      SrcBlock		      "Discrete-Time\nIntegrator1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Scope1"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      40
+	      SrcBlock		      "Discrete-Time\nIntegrator2"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Scope2"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      43
+	      SrcBlock		      "Discrete-Time\nIntegrator3"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Scope3"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      48
+	      SrcBlock		      "Integrator"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Scope5"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      64
+	      SrcBlock		      "gyroscope_qunatizer"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "gyroscope"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      65
+	      SrcBlock		      "accelerometer_quantizer"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "accelerometer"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Integrator
+	  Name			  "Integrator"
+	  SID			  "776"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [1945, 735, 1975, 765]
+	  ZOrder		  307
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Mux
+	  Name			  "Mux"
+	  SID			  "736"
+	  Ports			  [3, 1]
+	  Position		  [2455, 608, 2460, 682]
+	  ZOrder		  301
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Inputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "OptiTrack Camera System\n\n       "
+	  SID			  "681"
+	  Ports			  [2, 2]
+	  Position		  [1990, 946, 2230, 1039]
+	  ZOrder		  299
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    30
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '^{E}r_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\psi', 'texmode', 'on"
+	    "');\nport_label('output', 1, '^{E}r_o camera', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 2, '\\psi camera', 'texmod"
+	    "e', 'on');\ndisp('OptiTrack Camera System', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "OptiTrack Camera System\n\n       "
+	    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
+	    Open		    off
+	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
+	    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+	    ScreenColor		    "white"
+	    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
+	    PaperPositionMode	    "auto"
+	    PaperType		    "usletter"
+	    PaperUnits		    "inches"
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "E_ro"
+	      SID		      "682"
+	      Position		      [295, 238, 325, 252]
+	      ZOrder		      -1
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "yaw"
+	      SID		      "683"
+	      Position		      [295, 338, 325, 352]
+	      ZOrder		      4
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      RandomNumber
+	      Name		      "E_ro_noise"
+	      SID		      "684"
+	      Position		      [545, 175, 575, 205]
+	      ZOrder		      30
+	      Mean		      "zeros(3,1)"
+	      Variance		      "[ 7.9664e-10 ; 1.1928e-10 ; 5.0636e-10 ] "
+	      Seed		      "[0,1,2]"
+	      SampleTime	      "5e-3"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Quantizer
+	      Name		      "E_ro_quantizer"
+	      SID		      "685"
+	      Position		      [685, 230, 715, 260]
+	      ZOrder		      34
+	      QuantizationInterval    "2.4400e-04"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      ZeroOrderHold
+	      Name		      "E_ro_sampling"
+	      SID		      "686"
+	      Position		      [410, 230, 445, 260]
+	      ZOrder		      38
+	      SampleTime	      "5e-3"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Ground
+	      Name		      "Ground1"
+	      SID		      "687"
+	      Position		      [465, 180, 485, 200]
+	      ZOrder		      42
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Ground
+	      Name		      "Ground2"
+	      SID		      "688"
+	      Position		      [465, 390, 485, 410]
+	      ZOrder		      56
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum1"
+	      SID		      "689"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [605, 235, 625, 255]
+	      ZOrder		      33
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "++|"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum3"
+	      SID		      "690"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [485, 235, 505, 255]
+	      ZOrder		      37
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "++|"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum4"
+	      SID		      "691"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [605, 335, 625, 355]
+	      ZOrder		      47
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "|++"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum6"
+	      SID		      "692"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [485, 335, 505, 355]
+	      ZOrder		      51
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "|++"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      RandomNumber
+	      Name		      "yaw_noise"
+	      SID		      "693"
+	      Position		      [545, 365, 575, 395]
+	      ZOrder		      46
+	      Variance		      "1.0783e-9"
+	      SampleTime	      "5e-3"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Quantizer
+	      Name		      "yaw_quantizer"
+	      SID		      "694"
+	      Position		      [685, 330, 715, 360]
+	      ZOrder		      50
+	      QuantizationInterval    "1.1e-3"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      ZeroOrderHold
+	      Name		      "yaw_sampling"
+	      SID		      "695"
+	      Position		      [410, 330, 445, 360]
+	      ZOrder		      54
+	      SampleTime	      "5e-3"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "E_ro_camera"
+	      SID		      "696"
+	      Position		      [800, 238, 830, 252]
+	      ZOrder		      43
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "yaw_camera"
+	      SID		      "697"
+	      Position		      [800, 338, 830, 352]
+	      ZOrder		      55
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      2
+	      SrcBlock		      "E_ro_noise"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [35, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum1"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      3
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum3"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum1"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      4
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "E_ro_quantizer"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      5
+	      SrcBlock		      "E_ro_sampling"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum3"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      6
+	      SrcBlock		      "Ground1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [5, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum3"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      8
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum4"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "yaw_quantizer"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      9
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum6"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum4"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      SrcBlock		      "yaw_noise"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [35, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum4"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      11
+	      SrcBlock		      "yaw_sampling"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum6"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      12
+	      SrcBlock		      "Ground2"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [5, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum6"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      17
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+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "yaw_sampling"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      18
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+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "E_ro_sampling"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      19
+	      SrcBlock		      "E_ro_quantizer"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "E_ro_camera"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      20
+	      SrcBlock		      "yaw_quantizer"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "yaw_camera"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
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+	  BlockType		  Scope
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+	  YMax			  0.00209
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+	  SampleTime		  -1
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+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
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+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
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+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
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+	  Location		  [680 330 1240 750]
+	}
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+	  BlockType		  Scope
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+	  SID			  "738"
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+	}
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+	  Position		  [1955, 544, 1985, 576]
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+	}
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+	  Ports			  []
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+	      Value		      "1"
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
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+	}
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
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+	}
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+	    }
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+	    }
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+	  }
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+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    36
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+	  }
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+	  DstPort		  3
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+	  }
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+	    ZOrder		    98
+	    Points		    [0, 150]
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+	    DstPort		    1
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+	    ZOrder		    100
+	    Points		    [0, -80]
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+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
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+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
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+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  73
+	  SrcBlock		  "Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  1
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+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
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+	  ZOrder		  74
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+	  SrcPort		  1
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+	  DstBlock		  "Complimentary Filter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
+      }
+    }
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+	$PropName		"MaskObject"
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+	Display			"port_label('input', 1, 'Rotor Duty Cycles', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '^{B}Omega', 'texmo"
+	"de', 'on');\nport_label('output', 2, '\\Theta', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 3, '^{B}v_o', 'texmode', 'on'"
+	");\nport_label('output', 4, '^{E}r_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 5, '^{B}dv_o/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\np"
+	"ort_label('output', 6, '^{B}g', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Actuation', 'texmode', 'on'); "
+      }
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+	  ZOrder		  -1
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+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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+	  Position		  [1395, 303, 1630, 452]
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+	  Variant		  off
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+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    34
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+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '^B\\Omega', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\Theta', 'texmode',"
+	    " 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, 'd\\Theta/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('A_{EB}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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+	    }
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+	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
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+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "446::24"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      15
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "446::23"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function test_model_R2015A 7"
+	      Ports		      [2, 2]
+	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 160]
+	      ZOrder		      14
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      PortCounts	      "[2 2]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"euler_rates"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Terminator
+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "446::25"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      16
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "euler_rates"
+	      SID		      "446::5"
+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -5
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      1
+	      SrcBlock		      "B_omega"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [120, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      2
+	      SrcBlock		      "euler_angles"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "euler_rates"
+	      ZOrder		      3
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "euler_rates"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      4
+	      SrcBlock		      " Demux "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Terminator "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      5
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux1"
+	  SID			  "449"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [1830, 526, 1835, 574]
+	  ZOrder		  107
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    1
+	    Name		    "x position"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    2
+	    Name		    "y position"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    3
+	    Name		    "z position"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux2"
+	  SID			  "450"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [1830, 301, 1835, 349]
+	  ZOrder		  109
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    1
+	    Name		    "Roll"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    2
+	    Name		    "Pitch"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    3
+	    Name		    "Yaw"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux3"
+	  SID			  "451"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [1830, 406, 1835, 454]
+	  ZOrder		  117
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    1
+	    Name		    "Body x velocity"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    2
+	    Name		    "Body y velocity"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    3
+	    Name		    "Body z velocity"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux4"
+	  SID			  "452"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [1830, 161, 1835, 209]
+	  ZOrder		  115
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    1
+	    Name		    "Body roll velocity"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    2
+	    Name		    "Body pitch velocity"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    3
+	    Name		    "Body yaw velocity"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux5"
+	  SID			  "453"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [1830, 641, 1835, 689]
+	  ZOrder		  119
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    1
+	    Name		    "Body x acceleration"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    2
+	    Name		    "Body y acceleration"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    3
+	    Name		    "Body z acceleration"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "ESC System"
+	  SID			  "442"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [55, 282, 290, 518]
+	  ZOrder		  36
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    35
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, 'Rotor Duty Cycle', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, 'Vb_{eff}', '"
+	    "texmode', 'on');\ndisp('ESC System');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "ESC System"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
+	    Open		    off
+	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
+	    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+	    ScreenColor		    "white"
+	    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
+	    PaperPositionMode	    "auto"
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "rotor_duty_cycles"
+	      SID		      "442::1"
+	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -1
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "442::36"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      17
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "442::35"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function test_model_R2015A 4"
+	      Ports		      [1, 2]
+	      Position		      [180, 105, 230, 165]
+	      ZOrder		      16
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      Parameters	      "Pmax,Pmin,Vb"
+	      PortCounts	      "[1 2]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"Vb_eff"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Terminator
+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "442::37"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      18
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "Vb_eff"
+	      SID		      "442::5"
+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -5
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      34
+	      SrcBlock		      "rotor_duty_cycles"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "Vb_eff"
+	      ZOrder		      35
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "Vb_eff"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      36
+	      SrcBlock		      " Demux "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Terminator "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      37
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Gravity\n\n"
+	  SID			  "443"
+	  Ports			  [0, 1]
+	  Position		  [335, 664, 485, 786]
+	  ZOrder		  96
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    36
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('output', 1, '^EF_g', 'texmode', 'on');\nfprintf('Gravity');\n"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Gravity\n\n"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
+	    Open		    off
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "443::28"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      19
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Ground
+	      Name		      " Ground "
+	      SID		      "443::30"
+	      Position		      [20, 121, 40, 139]
+	      ZOrder		      21
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "443::27"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function test_model_R2015A 1"
+	      Ports		      [1, 2]
+	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 160]
+	      ZOrder		      18
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      Parameters	      "g,m"
+	      PortCounts	      "[1 2]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"E_Fg"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Terminator
+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "443::29"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      20
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "E_Fg"
+	      SID		      "443::5"
+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -5
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "E_Fg"
+	      ZOrder		      1
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "E_Fg"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      2
+	      SrcBlock		      " Ground "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      3
+	      SrcBlock		      " Demux "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Terminator "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      4
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Integrator
+	  Name			  "Integrator"
+	  SID			  "454"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [730, 340, 760, 370]
+	  ZOrder		  49
+	  InitialCondition	  "[omega_o, omega_o, omega_o, omega_o]"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Integrator
+	  Name			  "Integrator1"
+	  SID			  "455"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [1225, 445, 1255, 475]
+	  ZOrder		  53
+	  InitialCondition	  "[0; 0; 0]"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Integrator
+	  Name			  "Integrator2"
+	  SID			  "456"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [1225, 325, 1255, 355]
+	  ZOrder		  54
+	  InitialCondition	  "[0; 0; 0]"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Integrator
+	  Name			  "Integrator3"
+	  SID			  "457"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [1685, 590, 1715, 620]
+	  ZOrder		  98
+	  InitialCondition	  "[0; 0; 0]"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Integrator
+	  Name			  "Integrator4"
+	  SID			  "458"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [1685, 365, 1715, 395]
+	  ZOrder		  77
+	  InitialCondition	  "[0; 0; 0]"
+	  ContinuousStateAttributes "['phi' 'theta' 'psi']"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SID			  "444"
+	  Ports			  [2, 1]
+	  Position		  [1395, 499, 1630, 706]
+	  ZOrder		  75
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    37
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '^Bv_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\Theta', 'texmode', 'on"
+	    "');\nport_label('output', 1, '^Ev_o', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('L_{EB}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
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+	      BlockType		      Inport
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+	      SID		      "444::24"
+	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      15
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "euler_angles"
+	      SID		      "444::28"
+	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      19
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "444::30"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      21
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "444::29"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function test_model_R2015A 2"
+	      Ports		      [2, 2]
+	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 160]
+	      ZOrder		      20
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      PortCounts	      "[2 2]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"E_ro"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Terminator
+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "444::31"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      22
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "E_ro"
+	      SID		      "444::26"
+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      17
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      1
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+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      2
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+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      Name		      "E_ro"
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      4
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+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      5
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SID			  "447"
+	  Ports			  [2, 2]
+	  Position		  [600, 694, 770, 816]
+	  ZOrder		  97
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+	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    38
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '^EF_g', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\Theta', 'texmode', 'on"
+	    "');\nport_label('output', 1, '^BF_g', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('L_{BE}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
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+	    "'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '\\alpha', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Motor System');\n"
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+	    "on');\nport_label('input', 3, '^BF_g', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 4, '^B\\Omega', 'texmode', 'on');\n"
+	    "port_label('input', 5, '^Bv_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '^Bd\\Omega/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\npo"
+	    "rt_label('output', 2, '^Bdv_o/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Rotor System', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
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+	  SaveName		  ScopeData2
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+	  YMax			  679.8109
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+	  SampleTime		  -1
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+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
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+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
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+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
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+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope3"
+	  SID			  "464"
+	  Ports			  [3]
+	  Position		  [1935, 408, 1975, 452]
+	  ZOrder		  116
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+	  Open			  off
+	  TimeRange		  auto
+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  on
+	  LimitDataPoints	  off
+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
+	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
+	  SaveName		  ScopeData2
+	  YMin			  -1.00000~-71.40595~-81.80792
+	  YMax			  1.00000~93.1255~67.47699
+	  SampleInput		  off
+	  SampleTime		  -1
+	  ZoomMode		  on
+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
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+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
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+	    axes2		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	    axes3		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
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+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope4"
+	  SID			  "465"
+	  Ports			  [3]
+	  Position		  [1935, 643, 1975, 687]
+	  ZOrder		  118
+	  NumInputPorts		  "3"
+	  Open			  off
+	  TimeRange		  auto
+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  on
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+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
+	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
+	  SaveName		  ScopeData4
+	  YMin			  -1019.9483~-1019.9483~-1019.9483
+	  YMax			  1049.2638~1049.2638~1049.2638
+	  SampleInput		  off
+	  SampleTime		  -1
+	  ZoomMode		  on
+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
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+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
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+	    axes3		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
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+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
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+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope6"
+	  SID			  "466"
+	  Ports			  [3]
+	  Position		  [1935, 528, 1975, 572]
+	  ZOrder		  79
+	  NumInputPorts		  "3"
+	  Open			  off
+	  TimeRange		  auto
+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  on
+	  LimitDataPoints	  off
+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
+	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
+	  SaveName		  ScopeData4
+	  YMin			  -1.00000~-1.00000~-0.09265
+	  YMax			  1.00000~1.00000~0.0667
+	  SampleInput		  off
+	  SampleTime		  -1
+	  ZoomMode		  on
+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	    axes2		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	    axes3		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
+	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
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+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope7"
+	  SID			  "467"
+	  Ports			  [1]
+	  Position		  [535, 644, 565, 676]
+	  ZOrder		  99
+	  NumInputPorts		  "1"
+	  Open			  off
+	  TimeRange		  auto
+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  off
+	  LimitDataPoints	  off
+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
+	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
+	  SaveName		  ScopeData1
+	  YMin			  -1.45924
+	  YMax			  13.13314
+	  SampleInput		  off
+	  SampleTime		  -1
+	  ZoomMode		  on
+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
+	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
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+	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
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+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
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+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope8"
+	  SID			  "468"
+	  Ports			  [1]
+	  Position		  [820, 629, 850, 661]
+	  ZOrder		  100
+	  NumInputPorts		  "1"
+	  Open			  off
+	  TimeRange		  auto
+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  off
+	  LimitDataPoints	  off
+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
+	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
+	  SaveName		  ScopeData2
+	  YMin			  -14.59237
+	  YMax			  14.59237
+	  SampleInput		  off
+	  SampleTime		  -1
+	  ZoomMode		  on
+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
+	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
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+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope9"
+	  SID			  "469"
+	  Ports			  [1]
+	  Position		  [1225, 229, 1255, 261]
+	  ZOrder		  102
+	  NumInputPorts		  "1"
+	  Open			  off
+	  TimeRange		  auto
+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  off
+	  LimitDataPoints	  off
+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
+	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
+	  SaveName		  ScopeData3
+	  YMin			  -9.72639
+	  YMax			  9.72632
+	  SampleInput		  off
+	  SampleTime		  -1
+	  ZoomMode		  on
+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
+	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
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+	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
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+	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "B_omega"
+	  SID			  "471"
+	  Position		  [1815, 238, 1845, 252]
+	  ZOrder		  61
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "euler_angles"
+	  SID			  "472"
+	  Position		  [1870, 373, 1900, 387]
+	  ZOrder		  91
+	  Port			  "2"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "B_vo"
+	  SID			  "473"
+	  Position		  [1815, 468, 1845, 482]
+	  ZOrder		  58
+	  Port			  "3"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "E_ro"
+	  SID			  "474"
+	  Position		  [1830, 598, 1860, 612]
+	  ZOrder		  88
+	  Port			  "4"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "B_vo_dot"
+	  SID			  "475"
+	  Position		  [1830, 718, 1860, 732]
+	  ZOrder		  103
+	  Port			  "5"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "B_g"
+	  SID			  "476"
+	  Position		  [1830, 778, 1860, 792]
+	  ZOrder		  104
+	  Port			  "6"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  1
+	  SrcBlock		  "ESC System"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [23, 0; 0, -59]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    2
+	    Points		    [2, 0; 0, -46]
+	    DstBlock		    "Scope"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    3
+	    Points		    [0, -1]
+	    DstBlock		    "Motor System"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  4
+	  SrcBlock		  "Motor System"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [40, 0; 0, -45]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    5
+	    DstBlock		    "Integrator"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    6
+	    Points		    [0, -45]
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      101
+	      DstBlock		      "Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      7
+	      Points		      [0, -65]
+	      DstBlock		      "Scope1"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  9
+	  SrcBlock		  "Integrator"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [68, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    290
+	    Points		    [0, 210; -473, 0; 0, -105]
+	    DstBlock		    "Motor System"
+	    DstPort		    2
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    292
+	    DstBlock		    "Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    DstPort		    2
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    291
+	    Points		    [0, -110]
+	    DstBlock		    "Scope2"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  103
+	  SrcBlock		  "Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [39, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    15
+	    Points		    [0, -95]
+	    DstBlock		    "Scope9"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    16
+	    DstBlock		    "Integrator2"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  22
+	  SrcBlock		  "Integrator2"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [55, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    105
+	    Points		    [0, 252; -416, 0; 0, -147]
+	    DstBlock		    "Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    DstPort		    4
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    23
+	    Points		    [0, -95; 454, 0]
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      24
+	      DstBlock		      "B_omega"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      25
+	      Points		      [0, -60]
+	      DstBlock		      "Demux4"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    27
+	    DstBlock		    "Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  28
+	  SrcBlock		  "Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Integrator4"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  29
+	  SrcBlock		  "Gravity\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [7, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    30
+	    Points		    [0, -65]
+	    DstBlock		    "Scope7"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    31
+	    DstBlock		    "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  32
+	  SrcBlock		  "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Integrator3"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  33
+	  SrcBlock		  "Integrator3"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [64, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    34
+	    Points		    [0, -55]
+	    DstBlock		    "Demux1"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    35
+	    DstBlock		    "E_ro"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  36
+	  SrcBlock		  "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [24, 0; 0, -1]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    107
+	    Points		    [82, 0; 0, -324]
+	    DstBlock		    "Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    DstPort		    3
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    106
+	    Points		    [0, -79]
+	    DstBlock		    "Scope8"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  39
+	  SrcBlock		  "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "B_g"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "y position"
+	  ZOrder		  45
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux1"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope6"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "x position"
+	  ZOrder		  46
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux1"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope6"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "z position"
+	  ZOrder		  47
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux1"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope6"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Pitch"
+	  ZOrder		  57
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux2"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope10"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Roll"
+	  ZOrder		  58
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux2"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope10"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Yaw"
+	  ZOrder		  59
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux2"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope10"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body pitch velocity"
+	  ZOrder		  60
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux4"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope11"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body roll velocity"
+	  ZOrder		  61
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux4"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope11"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body yaw velocity"
+	  ZOrder		  62
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux4"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope11"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body y velocity"
+	  ZOrder		  63
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux3"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope3"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body x velocity"
+	  ZOrder		  64
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux3"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope3"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body z velocity"
+	  ZOrder		  65
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux3"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope3"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body y acceleration"
+	  ZOrder		  66
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux5"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope4"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body x acceleration"
+	  ZOrder		  67
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux5"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope4"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body z acceleration"
+	  ZOrder		  68
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux5"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope4"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  69
+	  SrcBlock		  "Integrator1"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [34, 0; 0, 90]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    104
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+	    ", 6, '^{E}r_y', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 7, '^{E}r_z', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 8, '\\"
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+	      SampleTime	      "-1"
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+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller11"
+	      SID		      "834"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [260, 117, 300, 153]
+	      ZOrder		      123
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "PID"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Continuous-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "-1"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      on
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "-5.58*5"
+	      I			      "-0.323"
+	      D			      "-15.5*0.6"
+	      N			      "1/0.00106"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller2"
+	      SID		      "832"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [405, 541, 445, 579]
+	      ZOrder		      121
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "P"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Continuous-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "-1"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      on
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "-359098.201085257"
+	      I			      "-77.7"
+	      D			      "2.32"
+	      N			      "1/0.0818"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      off
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller4"
+	      SID		      "854"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [405, 392, 445, 428]
+	      ZOrder		      128
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "PD"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Continuous-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "-1"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      on
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "49.9288564716647"
+	      I			      "35.1207902652377"
+	      D			      "1.71644717082694"
+	      N			      "5320.80923448602"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller5"
+	      SID		      "594"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [405, 237, 445, 273]
+	      ZOrder		      36
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "PD"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Continuous-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "-1"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      on
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "0.718*5"
+	      I			      "0"
+	      D			      "2.15"
+	      N			      "100"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller7"
+	      SID		      "596"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [545, 392, 585, 428]
+	      ZOrder		      133
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "PD"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Continuous-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "-1"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      on
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "18237.343549923"
+	      I			      "1575.82088970639"
+	      D			      "674.387075196541"
+	      N			      "309.449971015086"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller8"
+	      SID		      "597"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [545, 237, 585, 273]
+	      ZOrder		      39
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "P"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Continuous-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "-1"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      on
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "20"
+	      I			      "0"
+	      D			      "0"
+	      N			      "100"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller9"
+	      SID		      "829"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [260, 237, 300, 273]
+	      ZOrder		      120
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "PID"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Continuous-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "-1"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      on
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "0.7"
+	      I			      "0.114"
+	      D			      "0.596"
+	      N			      "1/0.00195"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Scope
+	      Name		      "Scope"
+	      SID		      "791"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [410, 649, 440, 681]
+	      ZOrder		      97
+	      NumInputPorts	      "1"
+	      Open		      off
+	      TimeRange		      auto
+	      TickLabels	      OneTimeTick
+	      ShowLegends	      off
+	      LimitDataPoints	      off
+	      MaxDataPoints	      5000
+	      SaveToWorkspace	      off
+	      SaveName		      ScopeData1
+	      YMin		      -4.53199
+	      YMax		      5.80666
+	      SampleInput	      off
+	      SampleTime	      -1
+	      ZoomMode		      on
+	      Grid		      on
+	      DataFormat	      StructureWithTime
+	      Decimation	      1
+	      List {
+		ListType		AxesTitles
+		axes1			"%<SignalLabel>"
+	      }
+	      List {
+		ListType		ScopeGraphics
+		FigureColor		"[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
+		AxesColor		"[0 0 0]"
+		AxesTickColor		"[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
+		LineColors		"[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
+		LineStyles		"-|-|-|-|-|-"
+		LineWidths		"[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+		MarkerStyles		"none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	      }
+	      Location		      [1 76 1921 1039]
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Scope
+	      Name		      "Scope1"
+	      SID		      "792"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [235, 649, 265, 681]
+	      ZOrder		      106
+	      NumInputPorts	      "1"
+	      Open		      off
+	      TimeRange		      auto
+	      TickLabels	      OneTimeTick
+	      ShowLegends	      off
+	      LimitDataPoints	      off
+	      MaxDataPoints	      5000
+	      SaveToWorkspace	      off
+	      SaveName		      ScopeData2
+	      YMin		      -6.26281
+	      YMax		      31.28638
+	      SampleInput	      off
+	      SampleTime	      -1
+	      ZoomMode		      on
+	      Grid		      on
+	      DataFormat	      StructureWithTime
+	      Decimation	      1
+	      List {
+		ListType		AxesTitles
+		axes1			"%<SignalLabel>"
+	      }
+	      List {
+		ListType		ScopeGraphics
+		FigureColor		"[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
+		AxesColor		"[0 0 0]"
+		AxesTickColor		"[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
+		LineColors		"[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
+		LineStyles		"-|-|-|-|-|-"
+		LineWidths		"[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+		MarkerStyles		"none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	      }
+	      Location		      [1 76 1921 1039]
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Scope
+	      Name		      "Scope2"
+	      SID		      "795"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [265, 174, 295, 206]
+	      ZOrder		      107
+	      NumInputPorts	      "1"
+	      Open		      off
+	      TimeRange		      auto
+	      TickLabels	      OneTimeTick
+	      ShowLegends	      off
+	      LimitDataPoints	      off
+	      MaxDataPoints	      5000
+	      SaveToWorkspace	      off
+	      SaveName		      ScopeData5
+	      YMin		      -1.20714
+	      YMax		      0.22148
+	      SampleInput	      off
+	      SampleTime	      -1
+	      ZoomMode		      on
+	      Grid		      on
+	      DataFormat	      StructureWithTime
+	      Decimation	      1
+	      List {
+		ListType		AxesTitles
+		axes1			"%<SignalLabel>"
+	      }
+	      List {
+		ListType		ScopeGraphics
+		FigureColor		"[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
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+		LineWidths		"[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+		MarkerStyles		"none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	      }
+	      Location		      [1 76 1921 1039]
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Scope
+	      Name		      "Scope3"
+	      SID		      "797"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [550, 334, 580, 366]
+	      ZOrder		      109
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+	      TimeRange		      auto
+	      TickLabels	      OneTimeTick
+	      ShowLegends	      off
+	      LimitDataPoints	      off
+	      MaxDataPoints	      5000
+	      SaveToWorkspace	      off
+	      SaveName		      ScopeData1
+	      YMin		      -0.13447
+	      YMax		      1.21019
+	      SampleInput	      off
+	      SampleTime	      -1
+	      ZoomMode		      on
+	      Grid		      on
+	      DataFormat	      StructureWithTime
+	      Decimation	      1
+	      List {
+		ListType		AxesTitles
+		axes1			"%<SignalLabel>"
+	      }
+	      List {
+		ListType		ScopeGraphics
+		FigureColor		"[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
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+		LineWidths		"[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+		MarkerStyles		"none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	      }
+	      Location		      [1 76 1921 1039]
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Scope
+	      Name		      "Scope4"
+	      SID		      "798"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [365, 334, 395, 366]
+	      ZOrder		      110
+	      NumInputPorts	      "1"
+	      Open		      off
+	      TimeRange		      auto
+	      TickLabels	      OneTimeTick
+	      ShowLegends	      off
+	      LimitDataPoints	      off
+	      MaxDataPoints	      5000
+	      SaveToWorkspace	      off
+	      SaveName		      ScopeData2
+	      YMin		      -0.08847
+	      YMax		      0.24078
+	      SampleInput	      off
+	      SampleTime	      -1
+	      ZoomMode		      on
+	      Grid		      on
+	      DataFormat	      StructureWithTime
+	      Decimation	      1
+	      List {
+		ListType		AxesTitles
+		axes1			"%<SignalLabel>"
+	      }
+	      List {
+		ListType		ScopeGraphics
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+		LineWidths		"[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+		MarkerStyles		"none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	      }
+	      Location		      [1 76 1921 1039]
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Scope
+	      Name		      "Scope5"
+	      SID		      "799"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [240, 334, 270, 366]
+	      ZOrder		      111
+	      NumInputPorts	      "1"
+	      Open		      off
+	      TimeRange		      auto
+	      TickLabels	      OneTimeTick
+	      ShowLegends	      off
+	      LimitDataPoints	      off
+	      MaxDataPoints	      5000
+	      SaveToWorkspace	      off
+	      SaveName		      ScopeData3
+	      YMin		      -0.14703
+	      YMax		      1.31859
+	      SampleInput	      off
+	      SampleTime	      -1
+	      ZoomMode		      on
+	      Grid		      on
+	      DataFormat	      StructureWithTime
+	      Decimation	      1
+	      List {
+		ListType		AxesTitles
+		axes1			"%<SignalLabel>"
+	      }
+	      List {
+		ListType		ScopeGraphics
+		FigureColor		"[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
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+		LineWidths		"[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+		MarkerStyles		"none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	      }
+	      Location		      [1 76 1921 1039]
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Scope
+	      Name		      "Scope6"
+	      SID		      "825"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [550, 484, 580, 516]
+	      ZOrder		      117
+	      NumInputPorts	      "1"
+	      Open		      off
+	      TimeRange		      auto
+	      TickLabels	      OneTimeTick
+	      ShowLegends	      off
+	      LimitDataPoints	      off
+	      MaxDataPoints	      5000
+	      SaveToWorkspace	      off
+	      SaveName		      ScopeData1
+	      YMin		      -0.48276
+	      YMax		      2.87086
+	      SampleInput	      off
+	      SampleTime	      -1
+	      ZoomMode		      on
+	      Grid		      on
+	      DataFormat	      StructureWithTime
+	      Decimation	      1
+	      List {
+		ListType		AxesTitles
+		axes1			"%<SignalLabel>"
+	      }
+	      List {
+		ListType		ScopeGraphics
+		FigureColor		"[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
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+		LineWidths		"[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+		MarkerStyles		"none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	      }
+	      Location		      [1 76 1921 1039]
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Scope
+	      Name		      "Scope7"
+	      SID		      "826"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [365, 484, 395, 516]
+	      ZOrder		      118
+	      NumInputPorts	      "1"
+	      Open		      off
+	      TimeRange		      auto
+	      TickLabels	      OneTimeTick
+	      ShowLegends	      off
+	      LimitDataPoints	      off
+	      MaxDataPoints	      5000
+	      SaveToWorkspace	      off
+	      SaveName		      ScopeData2
+	      YMin		      -0.04704
+	      YMax		      0.39309
+	      SampleInput	      off
+	      SampleTime	      -1
+	      ZoomMode		      on
+	      Grid		      on
+	      DataFormat	      StructureWithTime
+	      Decimation	      1
+	      List {
+		ListType		AxesTitles
+		axes1			"%<SignalLabel>"
+	      }
+	      List {
+		ListType		ScopeGraphics
+		FigureColor		"[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
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+		LineWidths		"[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+		MarkerStyles		"none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	      }
+	      Location		      [1 76 1921 1039]
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Scope
+	      Name		      "Scope8"
+	      SID		      "827"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [245, 484, 275, 516]
+	      ZOrder		      119
+	      NumInputPorts	      "1"
+	      Open		      off
+	      TimeRange		      auto
+	      TickLabels	      OneTimeTick
+	      ShowLegends	      off
+	      LimitDataPoints	      off
+	      MaxDataPoints	      5000
+	      SaveToWorkspace	      off
+	      SaveName		      ScopeData3
+	      YMin		      -81.1648
+	      YMax		      21.11528
+	      SampleInput	      off
+	      SampleTime	      -1
+	      ZoomMode		      on
+	      Grid		      on
+	      DataFormat	      StructureWithTime
+	      Decimation	      1
+	      List {
+		ListType		AxesTitles
+		axes1			"%<SignalLabel>"
+	      }
+	      List {
+		ListType		ScopeGraphics
+		FigureColor		"[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
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+		AxesTickColor		"[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
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+		LineWidths		"[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+		MarkerStyles		"none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	      }
+	      Location		      [1 76 1921 1039]
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum"
+	      SID		      "598"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [350, 550, 370, 570]
+	      ZOrder		      40
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+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "|+-"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum1"
+	      SID		      "599"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [340, 245, 360, 265]
+	      ZOrder		      41
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "|+-"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum2"
+	      SID		      "600"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [490, 245, 510, 265]
+	      ZOrder		      42
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "|+-"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum3"
+	      SID		      "602"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [335, 400, 355, 420]
+	      ZOrder		      43
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "|+-"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum4"
+	      SID		      "603"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [490, 400, 510, 420]
+	      ZOrder		      44
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "|+-"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum5"
+	      SID		      "618"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [215, 400, 235, 420]
+	      ZOrder		      56
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "|+-"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum6"
+	      SID		      "619"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [210, 245, 230, 265]
+	      ZOrder		      57
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "|+-"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum7"
+	      SID		      "620"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [210, 125, 230, 145]
+	      ZOrder		      58
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+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "|+-"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum8"
+	      SID		      "648"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [210, 550, 230, 570]
+	      ZOrder		      104
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      IconShape		      "round"
+	      Inputs		      "|+-"
+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "height_controlled"
+	      SID		      "606"
+	      Position		      [655, 128, 685, 142]
+	      ZOrder		      -2
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "y_controlled"
+	      SID		      "636"
+	      Position		      [655, 248, 685, 262]
+	      ZOrder		      74
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "x_controlled"
+	      SID		      "637"
+	      Position		      [655, 403, 685, 417]
+	      ZOrder		      75
+	      Port		      "3"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "yaw_controlled"
+	      SID		      "638"
+	      Position		      [655, 553, 685, 567]
+	      ZOrder		      76
+	      Port		      "4"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      283
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller2"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      43
+	      SrcBlock		      "pitch"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [9, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			233
+		Points			[0, 25]
+		DstBlock		"Scope7"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			232
+		Points			[1, 0]
+		DstBlock		"Sum3"
+		DstPort			2
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      42
+	      SrcBlock		      "roll"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [15, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			218
+		DstBlock		"Scope4"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			215
+		DstBlock		"Sum1"
+		DstPort			2
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      48
+	      SrcBlock		      "pitch_rate"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [40, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			229
+		DstBlock		"Sum4"
+		DstPort			2
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			228
+		Points			[0, 25]
+		DstBlock		"Scope6"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      47
+	      SrcBlock		      "roll_rate"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [40, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			123
+		Points			[0, 30]
+		DstBlock		"Scope3"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			122
+		DstBlock		"Sum2"
+		DstPort			2
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      49
+	      SrcBlock		      "yaw_rate"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [25, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			173
+		Points			[0, 50]
+		DstBlock		"Scope"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			87
+		DstBlock		"Sum"
+		DstPort			2
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      26
+	      SrcBlock		      "z_setpoint"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum7"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      28
+	      SrcBlock		      "y_setpoint"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum6"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      31
+	      SrcBlock		      "x_position"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [25, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			237
+		DstBlock		"Sum5"
+		DstPort			2
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			236
+		Points			[0, 25]
+		DstBlock		"Scope8"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      32
+	      SrcBlock		      "x_setpoint"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum5"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      33
+	      SrcBlock		      "y_position"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [20, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			241
+		Points			[0, 30]
+		DstBlock		"Scope5"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			128
+		DstBlock		"Sum6"
+		DstPort			2
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      34
+	      SrcBlock		      "z_position"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [25, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			108
+		DstBlock		"Scope2"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			107
+		DstBlock		"Sum7"
+		DstPort			2
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      100
+	      SrcBlock		      "yaw"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [25, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			172
+		DstBlock		"Scope1"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			102
+		DstBlock		"Sum8"
+		DstPort			2
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      98
+	      SrcBlock		      "yaw_setpoint"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum8"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      207
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller5"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      212
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum2"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller8"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      216
+	      SrcBlock		      "PID Controller5"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum2"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      243
+	      SrcBlock		      "PID Controller9"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum1"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      244
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum6"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller9"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      247
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum5"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller1"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      281
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum7"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller11"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      285
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum8"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller10"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      349
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum3"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller4"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      388
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum4"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller7"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      401
+	      SrcBlock		      "PID Controller10"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      404
+	      SrcBlock		      "PID Controller7"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "x_controlled"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      408
+	      SrcBlock		      "PID Controller4"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum4"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      409
+	      SrcBlock		      "PID Controller1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum3"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux"
+	  SID			  "586"
+	  Ports			  [1, 4]
+	  Position		  [300, 309, 305, 406]
+	  ZOrder		  13
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux1"
+	  SID			  "639"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [300, 484, 305, 556]
+	  ZOrder		  32
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux2"
+	  SID			  "588"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [285, 409, 290, 481]
+	  ZOrder		  15
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux4"
+	  SID			  "640"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [275, 559, 280, 631]
+	  ZOrder		  33
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "MATLAB Function"
+	  SID			  "647"
+	  Ports			  [4, 1]
+	  Position		  [715, 308, 915, 632]
+	  ZOrder		  35
+	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  Variant		  off
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "MATLAB Function"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
+	    Open		    off
+	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "height_controlled"
+	      SID		      "647::1"
+	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -1
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "y_controlled"
+	      SID		      "647::23"
+	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      14
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "x_controlled"
+	      SID		      "647::22"
+	      Position		      [20, 171, 40, 189]
+	      ZOrder		      13
+	      Port		      "3"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "yaw_controlled"
+	      SID		      "647::24"
+	      Position		      [20, 206, 40, 224]
+	      ZOrder		      15
+	      Port		      "4"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "647::20"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      11
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "647::19"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function test_model_R2015A 14"
+	      Ports		      [4, 2]
+	      Position		      [180, 107, 230, 208]
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      PortCounts	      "[4 2]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"motorCommands"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Terminator
+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "647::21"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      12
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "motorCommands"
+	      SID		      "647::5"
+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -5
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      105
+	      SrcBlock		      "height_controlled"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      106
+	      SrcBlock		      "y_controlled"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      107
+	      SrcBlock		      "x_controlled"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      3
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      108
+	      SrcBlock		      "yaw_controlled"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      4
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "motorCommands"
+	      ZOrder		      109
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "motorCommands"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      110
+	      SrcBlock		      " Demux "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Terminator "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      111
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Saturate
+	  Name			  "Saturation"
+	  SID			  "756"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [960, 455, 990, 485]
+	  ZOrder		  44
+	  InputPortMap		  "u0"
+	  UpperLimit		  "Pmax*ones(4,1)"
+	  LowerLimit		  "Pmin*ones(4,1)"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope1"
+	  SID			  "794"
+	  Ports			  [1]
+	  Position		  [1080, 564, 1110, 596]
+	  ZOrder		  46
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+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  off
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+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
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+	  SaveName		  ScopeData4
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+	  YMax			  212500.00000
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+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
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+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
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+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Sum
+	  Name			  "Sum"
+	  SID			  "748"
+	  Ports			  [2, 1]
+	  Position		  [655, 340, 675, 360]
+	  ZOrder		  36
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  IconShape		  "round"
+	  Inputs		  "|++"
+	  InputSameDT		  off
+	  OutDataTypeStr	  "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	  SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Sum
+	  Name			  "Sum1"
+	  SID			  "749"
+	  Ports			  [2, 1]
+	  Position		  [655, 420, 675, 440]
+	  ZOrder		  37
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+	  IconShape		  "round"
+	  Inputs		  "|++"
+	  InputSameDT		  off
+	  OutDataTypeStr	  "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	  SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Sum
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+	  SID			  "750"
+	  Ports			  [2, 1]
+	  Position		  [655, 500, 675, 520]
+	  ZOrder		  38
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+	  IconShape		  "round"
+	  Inputs		  "|++"
+	  InputSameDT		  off
+	  OutDataTypeStr	  "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	  SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Sum
+	  Name			  "Sum3"
+	  SID			  "751"
+	  Ports			  [2, 1]
+	  Position		  [655, 580, 675, 600]
+	  ZOrder		  39
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+	  IconShape		  "round"
+	  Inputs		  "|++"
+	  InputSameDT		  off
+	  OutDataTypeStr	  "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	  SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Constant
+	  Name			  "height_controlled_o"
+	  SID			  "752"
+	  Position		  [605, 375, 635, 405]
+	  ZOrder		  40
+	  Value			  "height_controlled_o"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Constant
+	  Name			  "x_controlled_o"
+	  SID			  "754"
+	  Position		  [605, 535, 635, 565]
+	  ZOrder		  42
+	  Value			  "x_controlled_o"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Constant
+	  Name			  "y_controlled_o"
+	  SID			  "753"
+	  Position		  [605, 455, 635, 485]
+	  ZOrder		  41
+	  Value			  "y_controlled_o"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Constant
+	  Name			  "yaw_controlled_o"
+	  SID			  "755"
+	  Position		  [605, 620, 635, 650]
+	  ZOrder		  43
+	  Value			  "yaw_controlled_o"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "Motor Commands"
+	  SID			  "578"
+	  Position		  [1055, 463, 1085, 477]
+	  ZOrder		  -2
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  1
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+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Demux"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  30
+	  SrcBlock		  "euler_angles_filtered"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Demux1"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  3
+	  SrcBlock		  "current_position"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Demux2"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  34
+	  SrcBlock		  "euler_rates"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Demux4"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
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+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  28
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Controller"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  29
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Controller"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  40
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux2"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Controller"
+	  DstPort		  5
+	}
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+	  ZOrder		  41
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+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Controller"
+	  DstPort		  6
+	}
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+	  ZOrder		  42
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux2"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Controller"
+	  DstPort		  7
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  68
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+	  DstBlock		  "Sum1"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
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+	}
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+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  72
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+	  SrcPort		  4
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+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
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+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "MATLAB Function"
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+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
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+	  SrcBlock		  "Sum"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
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+	  ZOrder		  77
+	  SrcBlock		  "y_controlled_o"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [25, 0]
+	  DstBlock		  "Sum1"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  78
+	  SrcBlock		  "x_controlled_o"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [25, 0]
+	  DstBlock		  "Sum2"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  79
+	  SrcBlock		  "yaw_controlled_o"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [25, 0]
+	  DstBlock		  "Sum3"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  80
+	  SrcBlock		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Saturation"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  81
+	  SrcBlock		  "Saturation"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [21, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    122
+	    Points		    [0, 110]
+	    DstBlock		    "Scope1"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    121
+	    DstBlock		    "Motor Commands"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  84
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux1"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Controller"
+	  DstPort		  8
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  86
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux1"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Controller"
+	  DstPort		  9
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  90
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux4"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Controller"
+	  DstPort		  11
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  91
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux4"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Controller"
+	  DstPort		  12
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  93
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux4"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Controller"
+	  DstPort		  13
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  94
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux"
+	  SrcPort		  4
+	  DstBlock		  "Controller"
+	  DstPort		  4
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  95
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux1"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Controller"
+	  DstPort		  10
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  131
+	  SrcBlock		  "Controller"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Sum2"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  133
+	  SrcBlock		  "height_controlled_o"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [25, 0]
+	  DstBlock		  "Sum"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    Line {
+      ZOrder		      52
+      SrcBlock		      "Control System"
+      SrcPort		      1
+      DstBlock		      "Actuation"
+      DstPort		      1
+    }
+    Line {
+      ZOrder		      55
+      SrcBlock		      "Communication System"
+      SrcPort		      1
+      DstBlock		      "Control System"
+      DstPort		      1
+    }
+    Line {
+      ZOrder		      186
+      SrcBlock		      "Actuation"
+      SrcPort		      2
+      Points		      [9, 0; 0, 192; -583, 0; 0, -162]
+      DstBlock		      "Control System"
+      DstPort		      2
+    }
+    Line {
+      ZOrder		      187
+      SrcBlock		      "Actuation"
+      SrcPort		      1
+      Points		      [2, 0; 0, 246; -590, 0; 0, -121]
+      DstBlock		      "Control System"
+      DstPort		      3
+    }
+    Line {
+      ZOrder		      188
+      SrcBlock		      "Actuation"
+      SrcPort		      4
+      Points		      [23, 0; 0, 140; -604, 0; 0, -80]
+      DstBlock		      "Control System"
+      DstPort		      4
+    }
+  }
+#Finite State Machines
+#   Stateflow 80000010
+Stateflow {
+  machine {
+    id			    1
+    name		    "test_model_R2015A"
+    created		    "03-Nov-2016 18:34:53"
+    isLibrary		    0
+    sfVersion		    80000006
+    firstTarget		    145
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    2
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Gravity\n\n"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 3 0 0]
+    viewObj		    2
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    7
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    1
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "gravity"
+    }
+    firstData		    4
+    firstTransition	    8
+    firstJunction	    7
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    3
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    2
+    treeNode		    [2 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    2
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function E_Fg = gravity(m, g)\n\nE_Fg = [0; 0; m*g];\n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    4
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "E_Fg"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [2 0 5]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    5
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "m"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 1
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [2 4 6]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    6
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "g"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [2 5 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    7
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    2
+    subviewer		    2
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [2 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    8
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      7
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    2
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    2
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [2 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    9
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Gravity\n\n"
+    chart		    2
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    10
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 11 0 0]
+    viewObj		    10
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    11
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    2
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "linear_body_earth_conversion"
+    }
+    firstData		    12
+    firstTransition	    16
+    firstJunction	    15
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    11
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    10
+    treeNode		    [10 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    10
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function E_ro  = linear_body_earth_conversion(B_vo, euler_angles)\n\neuler_rates = zeros(3,1);\nE"
+      "_ro = zeros(3,1);\n\nphi = euler_angles(1);\ntheta = euler_angles(2);\npsi = euler_angles(3);\n\nLeb = [cos(thet"
+      "a)*cos(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)-cos(phi)*sin(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)+sin(phi)*sin(psi); ..."
+      "\n       cos(theta)*sin(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)+cos(phi)*cos(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)-sin(p"
+      "hi)*cos(psi); ...\n           -sin(theta)    ,                sin(phi)*cos(theta)            ,                 c"
+      "os(phi)*cos(theta)           ];\n\nE_ro = Leb * B_vo;"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    12
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "B_vo"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [10 0 13]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    13
+    ssIdNumber		    11
+    name		    "euler_angles"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [10 12 14]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    14
+    ssIdNumber		    9
+    name		    "E_ro"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [10 13 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    15
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    10
+    subviewer		    10
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [10 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    16
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      15
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    10
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    10
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [10 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    17
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    chart		    10
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    18
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /3D Graphical Simulation1/MATLAB Function"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 19 0 0]
+    viewObj		    18
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    5
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    3
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "eigenaxis_ucart"
+    }
+    firstData		    20
+    firstTransition	    23
+    firstJunction	    22
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    19
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    18
+    treeNode		    [18 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    18
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function y = eigenaxis_ucart(u)\n\n\nif abs(u(1))< 0.0001\n    u(1) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nif abs(u(2)"
+      ")< 0.0001\n    u(2) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nif abs(u(3))< 0.0001\n    u(3) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nu = [ -u(1); -u(2); u(3) "
+      "];% [Pitch, Yaw, Roll] \n\nC11 = cos(u(2))*cos(u(3));\nC12 = cos(u(2))*sin(u(3));\nC13 = -sin(u(2));\nC21 = sin("
+      "u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))-cos(u(1))*sin(u(3));\nC22 = sin(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u(3))+cos(u(1))*cos(u(3));\nC23 = "
+      "sin(u(1))*cos(u(2));\nC31 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))+sin(u(1))*sin(u(3));\nC32 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u("
+      "3))-sin(u(1))*cos(u(3));\nC33 = cos(u(1))*cos(u(2));\n    \ntheta = acos(0.5*(C11+C22+C33-1));\n\ne = [C23-C32; "
+      "C31-C13; C12-C21]/(2*sin(theta));\n    \ny = [e; theta];\n\n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    20
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "u"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [18 0 21]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    21
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "y"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [18 20 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    22
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    18
+    subviewer		    18
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [18 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    23
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      22
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    18
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    18
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [18 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    24
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /3D Graphical Simulation1/MATLAB Function"
+    chart		    18
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    25
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/ESC System"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 26 0 0]
+    viewObj		    25
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    18
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    4
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "ESC"
+    }
+    firstData		    27
+    firstTransition	    33
+    firstJunction	    32
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    26
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    25
+    treeNode		    [25 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    25
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function Vb_eff   = ESC(rotor_duty_cycles, Pmin, Pmax, Vb)\n\nrotor_0_duty_cycle = rotor_duty_cyc"
+      "les(1);\nrotor_1_duty_cycle = rotor_duty_cycles(2);\nrotor_2_duty_cycle = rotor_duty_cycles(3);\nrotor_3_duty_cy"
+      "cle = rotor_duty_cycles(4);\n\n% Define u_Pi for each of the rotors, limiting it to be greater than 0\n% u_P0 = "
+      "(rotor_0_duty_cycle/100 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\n% u_P1 = (rotor_1_duty_cycle/100 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\n% u"
+      "_P2 = (rotor_2_duty_cycle/100 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\n% u_P3 = (rotor_3_duty_cycle/100 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin)"
+      ";\nu_P0 = (rotor_0_duty_cycle - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\nu_P1 = (rotor_1_duty_cycle - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\nu_P"
+      "2 = (rotor_2_duty_cycle - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\nu_P3 = (rotor_3_duty_cycle - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\n\n\n% Det"
+      "ermine the effective battery voltage from each ESC\nVb_eff_0 = u_P0 * Vb;\nVb_eff_1 = u_P1 * Vb;\nVb_eff_2 = u_P"
+      "2 * Vb;\nVb_eff_3 = u_P3 * Vb;\n    \nVb_eff = [Vb_eff_0, Vb_eff_1, Vb_eff_2, Vb_eff_3];\n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    27
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "rotor_duty_cycles"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [25 0 28]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    28
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "Vb_eff"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"1,4"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [25 27 29]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    29
+    ssIdNumber		    16
+    name		    "Pmin"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 1
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [25 28 30]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    30
+    ssIdNumber		    17
+    name		    "Pmax"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [25 29 31]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    31
+    ssIdNumber		    18
+    name		    "Vb"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 2
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [25 30 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    32
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    25
+    subviewer		    25
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [25 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    33
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      32
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    25
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    25
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [25 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    34
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/ESC System"
+    chart		    25
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    35
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Motor System"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 36 0 0]
+    viewObj		    35
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    16
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    5
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "motor"
+    }
+    firstData		    37
+    firstTransition	    47
+    firstJunction	    46
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    36
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    35
+    treeNode		    [35 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    35
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function angular_acceleration = motor(Vb_eff, angular_velocity, Rm, Kv, Kq, Kd, If, Jreq)\n\n% De"
+      "fine each motors effective battery voltage\nVb_eff_0 = Vb_eff(1);\nVb_eff_1 = Vb_eff(2);\nVb_eff_2 = Vb_eff(3);\n"
+      "Vb_eff_3 = Vb_eff(4);\n\n% Determine the angular velocity of each rotor from feedback\nw_0 = angular_velocity(1)"
+      ";\nw_1 = angular_velocity(2);\nw_2 = angular_velocity(3);\nw_3 = angular_velocity(4);\n\n% w_0 = (-1 + sqrt(1 - "
+      "4*Rm*Kv*Kq*Kd*(Kv*Rm*If - Kv*Vb_eff_0)))/2*Rm*Kv*Kq*Kd;\n% w_1 = (-1 + sqrt(1 - 4*Rm*Kv*Kq*Kd*(Kv*Rm*If - Kv*Vb_"
+      "eff_1)))/2*Rm*Kv*Kq*Kd;\n% w_2 = (-1 + sqrt(1 - 4*Rm*Kv*Kq*Kd*(Kv*Rm*If - Kv*Vb_eff_2)))/2*Rm*Kv*Kq*Kd;\n% w_3 ="
+      " (-1 + sqrt(1 - 4*Rm*Kv*Kq*Kd*(Kv*Rm*If - Kv*Vb_eff_3)))/2*Rm*Kv*Kq*Kd;\n% angular_velocity = [w_0, w_1, w_2, w_"
+      "3];\n\n% Determine angular acceleration of each rotor\nw_0_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_0 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) *"
+      " w_0 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_0^2;\nw_1_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_1 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_1 - 1/(J"
+      "req*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_1^2;\nw_2_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_2 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_2 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If "
+      "- (Kd/Jreq) * w_2^2;\nw_3_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_3 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_3 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq)"
+      " * w_3^2;\n\n\n\nangular_acceleration = [w_0_dot, w_1_dot, w_2_dot, w_3_dot];  "
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    37
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "Vb_eff"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 0 38]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    38
+    ssIdNumber		    16
+    name		    "angular_velocity"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 37 39]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    39
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "angular_acceleration"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"1,4"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 38 40]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    40
+    ssIdNumber		    9
+    name		    "Rm"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 5
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 39 41]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    41
+    ssIdNumber		    10
+    name		    "Kv"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 4
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 40 42]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    42
+    ssIdNumber		    11
+    name		    "Kq"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 3
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 41 43]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    43
+    ssIdNumber		    12
+    name		    "Kd"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 2
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 42 44]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    44
+    ssIdNumber		    13
+    name		    "If"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 43 45]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    45
+    ssIdNumber		    14
+    name		    "Jreq"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 1
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 44 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    46
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    35
+    subviewer		    35
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [35 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    47
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      46
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    35
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    35
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [35 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    48
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Motor System"
+    chart		    35
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    49
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 50 0 0]
+    viewObj		    49
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    30
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    6
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "rotor"
+    }
+    firstData		    51
+    firstTransition	    69
+    firstJunction	    68
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    50
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    49
+    treeNode		    [49 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    49
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function [B_omega_dot, B_vo_dot]= rotor(angular_acceleration, angular_velocity, B_Fg, B_omega, B_"
+      "vo, m, Kt, Kd, rhx, rhy, rhz, Jreq, Jxx, Jyy, Jzz)\n\nB_vo_dot = zeros(3,1);\nB_omega_dot = zeros(3,1);\n\n% Cre"
+      "ate J vector\nJ = [Jxx,  0 ,  0 ; ...\n      0 , Jyy,  0 ; ...\n      0 ,  0 , Jzz;];\n\n% Create r_hi vector\nr"
+      "h_0 = [-rhx; rhy; rhz];\nrh_1 = [rhx; rhy; rhz];\nrh_2 = [-rhx; -rhy; rhz];\nrh_3 = [rhx; -rhy; rhz];\n\n% Defin"
+      "e vector from body frame origin to center of mass\nbr_oc = [0; 0; 0];\n\n% Define 3x3 Identity Matrix\nI = eye(3"
+      ");\n\n% Create gamma vectors\ngamma_Ti = [0; 0; -1];\ngamma_omega_03 = [0; 0; -1];  %Rotors 0 and 3 use this gam"
+      "ma_omega vector\ngamma_omega_12 = [0; 0; 1]; %Rotors 1 and 2 use this gamma_omega vector\n\n% Define angular vel"
+      "ocities for each rotor\nw_0 = angular_velocity(1);\nw_1 = angular_velocity(2);\nw_2 = angular_velocity(3);\nw_3 "
+      "= angular_velocity(4);\n\n% Define angular acceleration for each rotor\nw_0_dot = angular_acceleration(1);\nw_1_"
+      "dot = angular_acceleration(2);\nw_2_dot = angular_acceleration(3);\nw_3_dot = angular_acceleration(4);\n\n% Defi"
+      "ne the rotor force in the z-direction from each rotor\nB_Fr_0 = Kt * w_0 * w_0 * gamma_Ti;\nB_Fr_1 = Kt * w_1 * "
+      "w_1 * gamma_Ti;\nB_Fr_2 = Kt * w_2 * w_2 * gamma_Ti;\nB_Fr_3 = Kt * w_3 * w_3 * gamma_Ti;\n\n% Sum up the rotor "
+      "forces in the z-direction from each vector to get the\n% total body force in the z-direction\nB_Fr = B_Fr_0 + B_"
+      "Fr_1 + B_Fr_2 + B_Fr_3;\n\n% Define the in-plane drag and induced torque produced by each rotor\n B_Q_d0 = -1 * "
+      "Kd * w_0 * w_0 * gamma_omega_03;\n B_Q_d1 = -1 * Kd * w_1 * w_1 * gamma_omega_12;\n B_Q_d2 = -1 * Kd * w_2 * w_2"
+      " * gamma_omega_12;\n B_Q_d3 = -1 * Kd * w_3 * w_3 * gamma_omega_03;\n\n% Sum up the total in-plane drag and indu"
+      "ced torque to get the total\n% in-plane drag and induced torque on the body\nB_Q_d = B_Q_d0 + B_Q_d1 + B_Q_d2 + "
+      "B_Q_d3;\n\n% Define the force lever arm torque created from the force produced by each\n% rotor in the z-directi"
+      "on\nB_Q_F0 = cross( rh_0, B_Fr_0 );\nB_Q_F1 = cross( rh_1, B_Fr_1 );\nB_Q_F2 = cross( rh_2, B_Fr_2 );\nB_Q_F3 = "
+      "cross( rh_3, B_Fr_3 );\n\nB_Q_F = B_Q_F0 + B_Q_F1 + B_Q_F2 + B_Q_F3;\n\n%Define the change in angular momentum t"
+      "orque produced by each rotor \nB_Q_L0 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_0 * gamma_omega_03) + w_0_dot * gamma_ome"
+      "ga_03 );\nB_Q_L1 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_1 * gamma_omega_12) + w_1_dot * gamma_omega_12 ); \nB_Q_L2 = -"
+      "1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_2 * gamma_omega_12) + w_2_dot * gamma_omega_12 ); \nB_Q_L3 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B"
+      "_omega, w_3 * gamma_omega_03) + w_3_dot * gamma_omega_03 );\n\n% Sum up the total change in angular momentum tor"
+      "que produced by each rotor\nB_Q_L = B_Q_L0 + B_Q_L1 + B_Q_L2 + B_Q_L3;\n\n% Define the total rotor system torque"
+      " as the sum of the in-plane drag and\n% induced torque, force lever arm torque, and change in angular momentum\n"
+      "% torques\nB_Q = B_Q_d + B_Q_F + B_Q_L;\n\n% Define the body forces in the z-direction from each vector to get t"
+      "he\n% total body force in the z-direction\nB_F = B_Fr + B_Fg; \n\n% Define the body frame linear velocities\nB_v"
+      "o_dot = (m*I)^(-1) * ( B_F - cross( B_omega, m*(B_vo + cross(B_omega, br_oc)) ) );\n\n% Define the body frame an"
+      "gular velocities\nB_omega_dot = J ^(-1) * ( B_Q - cross(B_omega, J * B_omega) - cross(br_oc, B_F) );\n\n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    51
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "B_omega_dot"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 0 52]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    52
+    ssIdNumber		    10
+    name		    "angular_acceleration"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 51 53]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    53
+    ssIdNumber		    11
+    name		    "angular_velocity"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 52 54]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    54
+    ssIdNumber		    30
+    name		    "B_Fg"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 53 55]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    55
+    ssIdNumber		    8
+    name		    "B_omega"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 54 56]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    56
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "B_vo_dot"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 55 57]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    57
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "B_vo"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 56 58]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    58
+    ssIdNumber		    12
+    name		    "m"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 6
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 57 59]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    59
+    ssIdNumber		    14
+    name		    "Kt"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 5
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 58 60]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    60
+    ssIdNumber		    13
+    name		    "Kd"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 4
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
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+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 59 61]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    61
+    ssIdNumber		    15
+    name		    "rhx"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 7
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 60 62]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    62
+    ssIdNumber		    16
+    name		    "rhy"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 8
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 61 63]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    63
+    ssIdNumber		    17
+    name		    "rhz"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 9
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 62 64]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    64
+    ssIdNumber		    18
+    name		    "Jreq"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 63 65]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    65
+    ssIdNumber		    19
+    name		    "Jxx"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 1
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 64 66]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    66
+    ssIdNumber		    20
+    name		    "Jyy"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 2
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 65 67]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    67
+    ssIdNumber		    21
+    name		    "Jzz"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 3
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 66 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    68
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    49
+    subviewer		    49
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [49 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    69
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      68
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    49
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    49
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [49 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    70
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    chart		    49
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    71
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 72 0 0]
+    viewObj		    71
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    6
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    7
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "angular_body_earth_conversion"
+    }
+    firstData		    73
+    firstTransition	    77
+    firstJunction	    76
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    72
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    71
+    treeNode		    [71 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    71
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function euler_rates = angular_body_earth_conversion(B_omega, euler_angles)\n\neuler_rates = zero"
+      "s(3,1);\n\nphi = euler_angles(1);\ntheta = euler_angles(2);\n\nAeb = [1, sin(phi)*tan(theta), cos(phi)*tan(theta"
+      "); ...\n       0,     cos(phi)       ,        -sin(phi)   ; ...\n       0,  sin(phi)/cos(theta), cos(phi)/cos(th"
+      "eta)];\n\n   \neuler_rates = Aeb * B_omega;\n  "
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    73
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "B_omega"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [71 0 74]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    74
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "euler_rates"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [71 73 75]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    75
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "euler_angles"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [71 74 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    76
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    71
+    subviewer		    71
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [71 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    77
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      76
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    71
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    71
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [71 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    78
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    chart		    71
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    79
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 80 0 0]
+    viewObj		    79
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    13
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    8
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "linear_earth_body_conversion"
+    }
+    firstData		    81
+    firstTransition	    87
+    firstJunction	    86
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    80
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    79
+    treeNode		    [79 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    79
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function [B_Fg, B_g]  = linear_earth_body_conversion(E_Fg, euler_angles, m)\n\nphi = euler_angles"
+      "(1);\ntheta = euler_angles(2);\npsi = euler_angles(3);\n\nLbe = [             cos(theta)*cos(psi)              ,"
+      "          cos(theta)*sin(psi)                  ,     -sin(theta)    ; ...\n       sin(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)-c"
+      "os(phi)*sin(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)+cos(phi)*cos(psi), sin(phi)*cos(theta); ...\n       cos(phi)*sin("
+      "theta)*cos(psi)+sin(phi)*sin(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)-sin(phi)*cos(psi), cos(phi)*cos(theta)];\n\nB_Fg"
+      " = Lbe * E_Fg;\n\nB_g = B_Fg/m;"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    81
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "E_Fg"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [79 0 82]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    82
+    ssIdNumber		    11
+    name		    "euler_angles"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"3"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [79 81 83]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    83
+    ssIdNumber		    9
+    name		    "B_Fg"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"3"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [79 82 84]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    84
+    ssIdNumber		    12
+    name		    "B_g"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [79 83 85]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    85
+    ssIdNumber		    13
+    name		    "m"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [79 84 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    86
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    79
+    subviewer		    79
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [79 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    87
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      86
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    79
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    79
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [79 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    88
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    chart		    79
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    89
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Complimentary Filter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 90 0 0]
+    viewObj		    89
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    16
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    9
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "complimentaryFilter"
+    }
+    firstData		    91
+    firstTransition	    96
+    firstJunction	    95
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    90
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    89
+    treeNode		    [89 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    89
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "%function euler_angles_IMU  = complimentaryFilter(accel_pitch, accel_roll, euler_angles_gyro, pre"
+      "v_euler_angles_IMU)\nfunction euler_angles_IMU  = complimentaryFilter(accel_pitch, accel_roll, euler_angles_gyro"
+      ")\n\n% LOOP_TIME = 5*10^-3;\n% \n% prev_phi = prev_euler_angles_IMU(1);\n% prev_theta = prev_euler_angles_IMU(2)"
+      ";\n% \n% phi_dot_gyro = euler_angles_gyro(1);\n% theta_dot_gyro = euler_angles_gyro(2);\n\n% phi = 0.98 * ( prev"
+      "_phi + phi_dot_gyro * LOOP_TIME ) + 0.02 * accel_roll;\n% theta = 0.98 * ( prev_theta + theta_dot_gyro * LOOP_TI"
+      "ME) + 0.02 * accel_pitch;\nk_gyro = 1; \nk_accel = 1-k_gyro; \n\nphi = k_gyro * ( euler_angles_gyro(1) ) + k_acc"
+      "el * accel_roll;\ntheta = k_gyro * ( euler_angles_gyro(2) ) + k_accel * accel_pitch;\n\neuler_angles_IMU = [phi;"
+      " theta];\n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    91
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "accel_pitch"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [89 0 92]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    92
+    ssIdNumber		    13
+    name		    "accel_roll"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [89 91 93]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    93
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "euler_angles_IMU"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"[2,1]"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [89 92 94]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    94
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "euler_angles_gyro"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [89 93 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    95
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    89
+    subviewer		    89
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [89 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    96
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      95
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    89
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    89
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [89 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    97
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Complimentary Filter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    chart		    89
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    98
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /IMU\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 99 0 0]
+    viewObj		    98
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    15
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    10
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "idealIMU"
+    }
+    firstData		    100
+    firstTransition	    109
+    firstJunction	    108
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    99
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    98
+    treeNode		    [98 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    98
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function [accelReading,gyroReading] = idealIMU(B_vo_dot, B_vo, B_Omega, B_g, r_oc, g)\n%#codegen\n"
+      "\na = B_vo_dot + cross(B_Omega,B_vo) ; % body frame acceleration \n\naccelReading = (a - B_g)/g ; % acceleromete"
+      "r reading (ideal)\n\ngyroReading = B_Omega ; % gyroscope reading (ideal) \n\nend\n\n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    100
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "B_vo_dot"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [98 0 101]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    101
+    ssIdNumber		    9
+    name		    "B_vo"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [98 100 102]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    102
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "accelReading"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [98 101 103]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    103
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "B_Omega"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [98 102 104]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    104
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "B_g"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [98 103 105]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    105
+    ssIdNumber		    8
+    name		    "gyroReading"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [98 104 106]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    106
+    ssIdNumber		    10
+    name		    "r_oc"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [98 105 107]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    107
+    ssIdNumber		    12
+    name		    "g"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [98 106 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    108
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    98
+    subviewer		    98
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [98 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    109
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      108
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    98
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    98
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [98 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    110
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /IMU\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    chart		    98
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    111
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /3D Graphical Simulation/MATLAB Function"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 112 0 0]
+    viewObj		    111
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    5
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    11
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "eigenaxis_ucart"
+    }
+    firstData		    113
+    firstTransition	    116
+    firstJunction	    115
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    112
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    111
+    treeNode		    [111 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    111
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function y = eigenaxis_ucart(u)\n\n\nif abs(u(1))< 0.0001\n    u(1) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nif abs(u(2)"
+      ")< 0.0001\n    u(2) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nif abs(u(3))< 0.0001\n    u(3) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nu = [ -u(1); -u(2); u(3) "
+      "];% [Pitch, Yaw, Roll] \n\nC11 = cos(u(2))*cos(u(3));\nC12 = cos(u(2))*sin(u(3));\nC13 = -sin(u(2));\nC21 = sin("
+      "u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))-cos(u(1))*sin(u(3));\nC22 = sin(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u(3))+cos(u(1))*cos(u(3));\nC23 = "
+      "sin(u(1))*cos(u(2));\nC31 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))+sin(u(1))*sin(u(3));\nC32 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u("
+      "3))-sin(u(1))*cos(u(3));\nC33 = cos(u(1))*cos(u(2));\n    \ntheta = acos(0.5*(C11+C22+C33-1));\n\ne = [C23-C32; "
+      "C31-C13; C12-C21]/(2*sin(theta));\n    \ny = [e; theta];\n\n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    113
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "u"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [111 0 114]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    114
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "y"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [111 113 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    115
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    111
+    subviewer		    111
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [111 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    116
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      115
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    111
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    111
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [111 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    117
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /3D Graphical Simulation/MATLAB Function"
+    chart		    111
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    118
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 119 0 0]
+    viewObj		    118
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    6
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    12
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "angular_body_earth_conversion"
+    }
+    firstData		    120
+    firstTransition	    124
+    firstJunction	    123
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    119
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    118
+    treeNode		    [118 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    118
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function euler_rates_IMU = angular_body_earth_conversion(gyro_reading, euler_angles_IMU)\n\nphi ="
+      " euler_angles_IMU(1);\ntheta = euler_angles_IMU(2);\n\nAeb = [1, sin(phi)*tan(theta), cos(phi)*tan(theta); ...\n"
+      "       0,     cos(phi)       ,        -sin(phi)   ; ...\n       0,  sin(phi)/cos(theta), cos(phi)/cos(theta)];\n"
+      "\n   \neuler_rates_IMU = Aeb * gyro_reading;\n  "
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    120
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "gyro_reading"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [118 0 121]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    121
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "euler_rates_IMU"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"[3,1]"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [118 120 122]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    122
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "euler_angles_IMU"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [118 121 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    123
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    118
+    subviewer		    118
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [118 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    124
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      123
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    118
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    118
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [118 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    125
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    chart		    118
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    126
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Calculate Pitch and Roll\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 127 0 0]
+    viewObj		    126
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    10
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    13
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "getPitchAndRoll"
+    }
+    firstData		    128
+    firstTransition	    133
+    firstJunction	    132
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    127
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    126
+    treeNode		    [126 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    126
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function [accel_pitch, accel_roll] = getPitchAndRoll(accel_reading, accel_roll_prev)\n\nmag = nor"
+      "m(accel_reading);\n\nx_accel = accel_reading(1)/mag;\ny_accel = accel_reading(2)/mag;\nz_accel = accel_reading(3"
+      ")/mag;\n\naccel_pitch = atan(x_accel/sqrt(y_accel^2 + z_accel^2));\n%unwrapped_pitch = unwrap([accel_pitch_prev "
+      "accel_pitch]);\n%accel_pitch = unwrapped_pitch(2);\n\naccel_roll = atan2( -y_accel,(sign(-z_accel)*sqrt(z_accel^"
+      "2 + (1/100)*x_accel^2)) );\nunwrapped_roll = unwrap([accel_roll_prev accel_roll]);\naccel_roll = unwrapped_roll("
+      "2); \n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    128
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "accel_reading"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [126 0 129]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    129
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "accel_pitch"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [126 128 130]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    130
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "accel_roll"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [126 129 131]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    131
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "accel_roll_prev"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [126 130 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    132
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    126
+    subviewer		    126
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [126 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    133
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      132
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    126
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    126
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [126 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    134
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Calculate Pitch and Roll\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
+    chart		    126
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    135
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Control System/MATLAB Function"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 136 0 0]
+    viewObj		    135
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    11
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    14
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "signal_mixer"
+    }
+    firstData		    137
+    firstTransition	    143
+    firstJunction	    142
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    136
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    135
+    treeNode		    [135 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    135
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function motorCommands  = signal_mixer(height_controlled, y_controlled, x_controlled, yaw_control"
+      "led)\n\ncontroller_outputs = [ height_controlled; x_controlled; y_controlled; yaw_controlled ];\nsignal_mixer = "
+      "[ 1, -1, -1, -1; ... \n                 1,  1, -1,  1; ...\n                 1, -1,  1,  1; ...\n               "
+      "  1,  1,  1, -1 ];\n\n% signal_mixer = [ 1,  1, -1, -1; ... \n%                  1, -1, -1,  1; ...\n%          "
+      "        1,  1,  1,  1; ...\n%                  1, -1,  1, -1 ];\n\nmotorCommands = signal_mixer * controller_out"
+      "puts;\n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    137
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "height_controlled"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [135 0 138]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    138
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "y_controlled"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [135 137 139]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    139
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "motorCommands"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [135 138 140]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    140
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "x_controlled"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [135 139 141]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    141
+    ssIdNumber		    8
+    name		    "yaw_controlled"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [135 140 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    142
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    135
+    subviewer		    135
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [135 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    143
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      142
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    135
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    135
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [135 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    144
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Control System/MATLAB Function"
+    chart		    135
+  }
+  target {
+    id			    145
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "sfun"
+    description		    "Default Simulink S-Function Target."
+    linkNode		    [1 0 0]
+  }
diff --git a/controls/parameterIdentification/ModelingParameters.docx b/controls/parameterIdentification/ModelingParameters.docx
index fcf758acb355225ec99b41114ae2bcb501574ee1..6d5a8c125f76dce3b4cc8b0574a59d3953bba223 100644
Binary files a/controls/parameterIdentification/ModelingParameters.docx and b/controls/parameterIdentification/ModelingParameters.docx differ
diff --git a/groundStation/scripts/parameters.txt b/groundStation/scripts/parameters.txt
index b9bc0a6b08041eb32e26f305eb8839ce27019f66..b59828a078dd77e18f25cc6b2a37763804fa76b5 100644
--- a/groundStation/scripts/parameters.txt
+++ b/groundStation/scripts/parameters.txt
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-lat p 1.0
-lat i 1.0
-lat d 1.0
-long p 1.0
-long i 1.0
-long d 1.0
-height p 1.0
-height i 1.0
-height d 1.0
-pitch p 1.0
-pitch i 1.0
-pitch d 1.0
-roll p 1.0
-roll i 1.0
-roll d 1.0
-yaw p 1.0
-yaw i 1.0
-yaw d 1.0
-pitchv p 1.0
-pitchv i 1.0
-pitchv d 1.0
-rollv p 1.0
-rollv i 1.0
-rollv d 1.0
-yawv p 1.0
-yawv i 1.0
-yawv d 1.0
+lat p -0.015
+lat i -0.005
+lat d -0.03
+long p 0.015
+long i 0.005
+long d 0.03
+height p 9804.0
+height i 817.0
+height d 7353.0
+pitch p 15.0
+pitch i 0.0
+pitch d 0.2
+roll p 15.0
+roll i 0.0
+roll d 0.2
+yaw p 2.6
+yaw i 0.0
+yaw d 0.0
+pitchv p 4600.0
+pitchv i 0.0
+pitchv d 550
+rollv p 4600.0
+rollv i 0.0
+rollv d 550
+yawv p 435480
+yawv i 0.0
+yawv d 0.0
diff --git a/groundStation/scripts/setpid_batch.sh b/groundStation/scripts/setpid_batch.sh
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 2525b2bce20fd9cd8b73fcbd430350dabf4dac03..3702acaece930939f40459879ed9254e556e4663
--- a/groundStation/scripts/setpid_batch.sh
+++ b/groundStation/scripts/setpid_batch.sh
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Use default filename if it wasn't given at the command line
 if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
-    filename="parameters.txt"
+    filename="scripts/parameters.txt"
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ regex='(lat|long|height|pitch|roll|yaw|pitchv|rollv|yawv) (p|i|d) ([-+]?[0-9]*\.
 awk_prog='{print "./Cli setpid" " " "--" $1 " " "-" $2 " " $3}'
 # Search, parse, and execute ./Cli commands
-grep -E "$regex" $filename | awk "$awk_prog" | bash
+grep -E "$regex" $filename | awk "$awk_prog" | bash
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c b/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
index 7efcbc855495ddda5661de6627d3b005372cfd79..db4ec5d7380a793658809d7b6547c028a1272632 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
@@ -33,8 +33,14 @@
 #include "commands.h"
 #include "vrpn_tracker.hpp"
 #include "type_def.h"
-#include "logger.h"
+#include "packet.h"
+#include "responseparam.h"
+#include "update.h"
 #include "config.h"
+#include "cmHandler.h"
+#include "getparam.h"
+#include "setparam.h"
+#include "bitwise.h"
 #define QUAD_BT_ADDR  "00:06:66:64:61:D6"
 #define QUAD_BT_CHANNEL  0x01
@@ -64,7 +70,9 @@ static char * get_client_buffer(int fd);
 /* Return pointer to client pending responses, or -1*/ 
 static int * get_client_pend_responses(int fd);
 /* Return positive integer if successful, -1 otherwise */
-static int clientAddPendResponses(int fd, unsigned char *packet);
+static int clientAddPendResponses(int fd, uint16_t packet_id);
+/* Return positive integer if successful, -1 otherwise */
+static int clientRemovePendResponses(int fd, uint16_t packet_id);
 /* Returns -1 on error */
 static int remove_client(int fd);
 /* Receive data from client */
@@ -73,10 +81,13 @@ static void client_recv(int fd);
 static void quad_recv();
 /* Checks to see if socket has disconnected. Returns 1 on disconnect, else returns 0 */
 static int wasDisconnected(int fd);
+/* handle controller responses from quad to frontend */
+static void handleResponseParam(struct metadata *m, uint8_t * data);
 /* Thread-safe wrappers */
 pthread_mutex_t quadSocketMutex;
-static ssize_t writeQuad(const char * buf, size_t count);
+static ssize_t writeQuad(const uint8_t * buf, size_t count);
 static ssize_t readQuad(char * buf, size_t count);
 /* Functions for recording Latencies */
@@ -92,17 +103,18 @@ const char *TRACKER_IP = "UAV@";
 static int zyboSocket;
 static int backendSocket;
 struct ucart_vrpn_tracker * tracker = NULL;
-const char *logHeader = "";//"#\n#\tDefault log header\n#\tEverything after '#'`s will be printed as is in the processed logs.\n#\n\0";
 #define MAX_CLIENTS 32
 #define CLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
 static char client_buffers[MAX_CLIENTS][CLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE];
 static int client_fds[MAX_CLIENTS];
 static int client_pending_responses[MAX_CLIENTS][CLIENT_MAX_PENDING_RESPONSES];
 fd_set rfds_master;
 int max_fd = 0;
+static FILE * quadlog_file;
 pthread_mutex_t quadResponseMutex, cliInputMutex ;
 unsigned char *commandBuf;
 int newQuadResponse = 0, newCliInput = 0;
@@ -118,7 +130,6 @@ static void cb(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData * td) {
 	if(!(count % 10)) {
-		//updateLogFile(td);
@@ -127,6 +138,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	int activity;
+	char log_file[256] = "logs/";
 	 * Create backend listening socket
@@ -163,7 +175,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	/* Add to socket set */
 	safe_fd_set(backendSocket, &rfds_master, &max_fd);
 	/* Initialize client buffers */
 	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
@@ -189,24 +200,45 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_unlock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	// open the log file
-	if(createLogFile(argc, argv[1]))
-	{
-		perror("Error creating log file...");
-		exit(1);
-	}
 	// watch for input from stdin (fd 0) to see when it has input
 	safe_fd_set(fileno(stdin), &rfds_master, &max_fd);
 	if (!getenv(NOQUAD_ENV)) {
 		// watch for input from the zybo socket
 		safe_fd_set(zyboSocket, &rfds_master, &max_fd);
+	}
+	if(argc >= 2)
+	{
+		strncat(log_file, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
+	} else {
+		time_t rawtime;
+		char timestr [30];
+		time(&rawtime);
+		sprintf(timestr,"%s",ctime(&rawtime));
+		// Lets convert space to _ in
+		char *p = timestr;
+		size_t i = 0;
+		while(i < strlen(timestr))
+		{ 
+		    if (*p == ' ')
+		          *p = '_';
+			i++;
+			p++;
+		}
+		// timestr has a weird char at the end of it.
+		// we will not include it in our file name
+		strncat(log_file, timestr, strlen(timestr) -1 );
+		strcat(log_file, ".txt");
+	printf("Creating log file '%s'...\n",log_file);
+	quadlog_file = fopen(log_file, "a");
 	// Tell the quad we are ready to send it vrpn data
 		// create vrpnTracker instance
 		tracker = ucart_vrpn_tracker_createInstance(TRACKER_IP);
@@ -264,89 +296,56 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	safe_close_fd(zyboSocket, &quadSocketMutex);
-	closeLogFile();
+	fclose(quadlog_file);
 	return 0;
 void sendStartPacket() {
-	unsigned char packet[8] = {0};
-	currMessageID++;
-	metadata_t metadata = 
-	{
-		(char) BEGIN_CHAR,
-		0x04,
-		0x01,
-		0x01,
-		0
-	};
+	uint8_t packet[64];
+	struct metadata m;
+	m.msg_type = BEGINUPDATE_ID;
+	m.data_len = 0;
+	m.msg_id = currMessageID++;
-	packet[0] = metadata.begin_char; // BEGIN					//PACKET_START_BYTE;
-	packet[1] = metadata.msg_type;	// UPDATE				//'U'; // U for vrpn camera update, C for command
-	packet[2] = metadata.msg_subtype; // BEGIN UPDATE
-	packet[3] = (currMessageID & 0x000000ff); 			// MSG ID(1)
-	packet[4] =	((currMessageID >> 8) & 0x000000ff); // MSG ID(2)
-	packet[5] = 0; 			// DATALEN(1)
-	packet[6] = 0; 	// DATALEN(2)
-	char checksum = 0;
-	int i;
-	for(i=0; i < metadata.data_len + 7; i++)
-		checksum ^= packet[i];
-	packet[metadata.data_len + 7] = checksum; //PACKET_END_BYTE;
-	int status = writeQuad((char * ) packet, metadata.data_len + 8);
-	if (status != 8)
-	{
-		perror("Error sending start packet...\n");
-		keepRunning = 0;
-	}else
-	{
-		printf("Start packet successfuly sent...\n");
-	}	
+	ssize_t psize;
+	if ((psize = EncodePacket(packet, 64, &m, NULL)) < 0) {
+		warnx("Big problems. sendStartPacket");
+		return;
+	}
+	writeQuad(packet, psize);
+	printf("Start Packet sent...\n");
 void sendVrpnPacket(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData *info) {
-	int pSize = 36;//sizeof(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData) + 8;
-	int n;
-	unsigned char packet[pSize];
-	currMessageID++;
-	packet[0] = 0xBE; // BEGIN					//PACKET_START_BYTE;
-	packet[1] = 0x04; // UPDATE				//'U'; // U for vrpn camera update, C for command
-	packet[2] = 0x00; // N/A
-	//TODO Figure out Packet ID with this new ucar_vrpn_TrackerData struct
-	packet[3] = (currMessageID & 0x000000ff); 			// MSG ID(1)
-	packet[4] =	((currMessageID >> 8) & 0x000000ff); // MSG ID(2)
-	packet[5] = (28 & 0x000000ff); 			// DATALEN(1)
-	packet[6] = ((28) >> 8 & 0x00000ff); 	// DATALEN(2)
-	//memcpy(&packet[7], &info, sizeof(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData));
-	memset(&packet[7], 0, 4);
-	memcpy(&packet[11], &(info->y), 4);
-	memcpy(&packet[15], &(info->x), 4);
-	memcpy(&packet[19], &(info->z), 4);
-	memcpy(&packet[23], &(info->roll), 4);
-	memcpy(&packet[27], &(info->pitch), 4);
-	memcpy(&packet[31], &(info->yaw), 4);
-	char checksum = 0;
-	int i;
-	for(i=0; i < pSize - 1; i++) 
-		checksum ^= packet[i];
-	packet[pSize - 1] = checksum; //PACKET_END_BYTE;
-	n = writeQuad((char *) packet, pSize);
-	if(n < 0) {	
-		perror("vrpnhandler: ERROR writing to socket");
-		keepRunning = 0;
+	uint8_t packet[64];
+	struct metadata m;
+	uint8_t data[128];
+	struct position_update u;
+	u.id = currMessageID;
+	u.x = info->x;
+	u.y = info->y;
+	u.z = info->z;
+	u.pitch = info->pitch;
+	u.roll = info->roll;
+	u.yaw = info->yaw;
+	if (EncodeUpdate(&m, data, 128, &u) < 0) {
+		warnx("Big problems. sendVrpnPacket . EncodeUpdate");
+		return;
+	m.msg_id = currMessageID++;
-	struct timeval tstart;
-	gettimeofday(&tstart, NULL);
-	timeArr[currMessageID%MAX_HASH_SIZE] = tstart;
+	ssize_t psize;
+	if ((psize = EncodePacket(packet, 64, &m, data)) < 0) {
+		warnx("Big problems. sendVrpnPacket. EncodePacket");
+		return;
+	}
+	writeQuad(packet, psize);
 void getVRPNPacket(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData *td) {
@@ -434,8 +433,6 @@ int connectToZybo() {
-		// int result = setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (int[]){1}, sizeof(int));
-		// printf("result = %d\n", result);
 		printf("connection successful!...\n");
 		return sock;
@@ -463,7 +460,7 @@ int safe_fd_clr(int fd, fd_set* fds, int* max_fd) {
     return 0;
-static ssize_t writeQuad(const char * buf, size_t count) {
+static ssize_t writeQuad(const uint8_t * buf, size_t count) {
 	ssize_t retval;
 	if (getenv(NOQUAD_ENV)) {
 		return count;
@@ -541,12 +538,22 @@ static int * get_client_pend_responses(int fd) {
-static int clientAddPendResponses(int fd, unsigned char *packet) {
+static int clientAddPendResponses(int fd, uint16_t packet_id) {
 	int *pendingResponses = get_client_pend_responses(fd);
-	int packetID = (packet[4] << 8) | (packet[3]);
 	for(int i = 0; i < CLIENT_MAX_PENDING_RESPONSES; i++) {
 		if(pendingResponses[i] == -1) {
-			pendingResponses[i] = packetID;
+			pendingResponses[i] = packet_id;
+			return i;
+		}
+	}
+	return -1;
+static int clientRemovePendResponses(int fd, uint16_t packet_id) {
+	int *pendingResponses = get_client_pend_responses(fd);
+	for(int i = 0; i < CLIENT_MAX_PENDING_RESPONSES; i++) {
+		if(pendingResponses[i] == packet_id) {
+			pendingResponses[i] = -1;
 			return i;
@@ -584,20 +591,22 @@ static void safe_close_fd(int fd, pthread_mutex_t *mutexLock) {
 static void client_recv(int fd) {
 	char * buffer;
 	ssize_t len_pre;
-     	buffer = get_client_buffer(fd);
-	len_pre = strlen(buffer);
+	char cmdString[64];
 	char * cursor;
+	ssize_t r;
+	int index = 0;
+    buffer = get_client_buffer(fd);
+	len_pre = strlen(buffer);
 	cursor = buffer + len_pre;
-	ssize_t r;
 	r = read(fd, cursor, CLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE - len_pre - 1);
 	if (r < 0) {
 		warn("read (fd: %d)", fd);
 	buffer[len_pre + r] = '\0';
-	int index = 0;
 	/* Parse buffer and handle commands */
 	while (1) {
 		/* not using strtok because reasons */
@@ -615,10 +624,10 @@ static void client_recv(int fd) {
 		buffer[newline] = '\0';
 		printf("Client(%d) : '%s'\n",fd, buffer);
-		unsigned char * packet;
-		if(formatCommand(buffer, &packet) == -1) {
+		struct controller_message cm;
+		if (stringToCm(buffer, &cm) == NULL) {
 			/* buffer was not a quad command, handling internally to
 			 * backend instead of forwarding to quad
@@ -653,20 +662,49 @@ static void client_recv(int fd) {
 		} else {
-			if (packet[1] == 0x02) {
-				if (clientAddPendResponses(fd, packet) == -1) {
+			uint8_t packet[64];
+			struct metadata m;
+			uint8_t data[128];
+			ssize_t result;
+			if (strncmp(buffer, "set", 3) == 0) {
+				result = EncodeSetparam(&m, data, 128, &cm);
+			} else if (strncmp(buffer, "get", 3) == 0) {
+				result = EncodeGetparam(&m, data, 128, &cm);
+			} else {
+				warnx("not implemented yet");
+			}
+			if (result < 0) {
+				warnx("Big problems. client_recv. EncodeMetaData");
+				return;
+			}
+			ssize_t psize;
+			if ((psize = EncodePacket(packet, 64, &m, data)) < 0) {
+				warnx("Big problems. client_recv. EncodePacket");
+				return;
+			}
+			m.msg_id = currMessageID++;
+			/* Only add the client to the pending responses if it was a getparam command */
+			if (m.msg_type == GETPARAM_ID) {
+				if (clientAddPendResponses(fd, BytesTo16(packet[ID_L], packet[ID_H])) == -1) {
 					warnx("Ran out of room! Consider increasing CLIENT_MAX_PENDING_RESPONSES!\n");
-			int datalen = (packet[6] << 8) | (packet[5]);
-			printf("sending %lf '", getFloat(packet, 7));
-			for(int i = 0; i < datalen + 8; ++i) {
-				printf(" 0x%.2x", (signed) packet[i]);
-			}
-			printf("'\n");
-			writeQuad((char *) packet, datalen +8);
+			// printf("packet = '");
+			// for(int i = 0; i < (int)psize; ++i) {
+			// 	printf(" %.2x ", packet[i]);
+			// }
+			// printf("'\n");
+			writeQuad(packet, psize);
 		char * rest = &buffer[newline] + 1;
 		size_t restLen = (strlen(rest) == 0) ? 1 : strlen(rest);
@@ -676,89 +714,101 @@ static void client_recv(int fd) {
 static void quad_recv() {
-	/* Check to see which command we are receiving. If it is one that needs to be passed on
-		onto  the clients, do so.
-	 */
-	int validPacket;
-	unsigned char *data;
-	metadata_t metadata;
-	static unsigned char respBuf[2048];
+	static unsigned char respBuf[4096];
 	static size_t respBufLen;
-	/**
-	 * Read the response from the control loop
-	 */
-	int respLen = readQuad((char *) respBuf + respBufLen,
-	if(respLen <= 0) {
+	struct metadata m;
+	uint8_t data[4096];
+	size_t respLen;
+	ssize_t datalen;
+	size_t packetlen;
+	respLen = readQuad((char *) respBuf + respBufLen, 
+			CMD_MAX_LENGTH - respBufLen);
+	if (respLen <= 0) {
 		perror("ERROR reading from quad...\n");
 	respBufLen += respLen;
-	if (respBufLen < 8) {
-		/* not long enough yet */
-		printf("too short!!\n");
-		return;
-	}
+	// printf("packet = '");
+	// for(int i = 0; i < (int)respBufLen; ++i) {
+	// 	printf(" %.2x ", respBuf[i]);
+	// }
+	// printf("'\n");
-	// Validate the message is correctly formatted
-	validPacket = parse_packet((unsigned char *) respBuf, &data, &metadata);
-	if (validPacket == -1) {
-		warnx("Doesn't have start byte.");
-		/* nuke packet */
-		respBufLen = 0;
-		return;
-	}
+	while(respBufLen){
+		datalen = DecodePacket(&m, data, 2048, respBuf, respBufLen);
-	/* Get datalen */
-	size_t datalen = metadata.data_len;
-	if (respBufLen < datalen + 8) {
-		/* Packet not yet fully read */
-		return;
-	}
+		if (datalen == -1) {
+			warnx("No start Byte!\n");
+			respBufLen = 0;
+			return;
+		}
+		if (datalen == -5) {
+			warnx("Chechsum mismatch!\n");
+			respBufLen = 0;
+			return;
+		}
+		if (datalen < 0){
+			/* Not enough data yet. We need to wait for more */
+			return;	
+		}
-	if (datalen > CMD_MAX_LENGTH - 8) {
-		/* Very invalid packet. Nuke that shit */
-		warnx("data len is over the maximum packet length. Try reducing the data in the packet sent to the groundstation.\n");
-		respBufLen = 0;
-		return;
+		packetlen = PacketSize(&m);
+		memmove(respBuf, respBuf + packetlen, respBufLen - packetlen);
+		respBufLen -= packetlen;
+		switch (m.msg_type) {
+			case DEBUG_ID :
+			case PACKETLOG_ID :
+			case UPDATE_ID :
+				printf("(Backend): Command '%s' ignored\n", MessageTypes[m.msg_type].cmdText);
+				break;
+			case LOG_ID:
+				/* something like this */
+				fwrite((char *) data, sizeof(char), m.data_len, quadlog_file);
+				fflush(quadlog_file);
+				break;
+			case RESPONSE_ID:
+				printf("(Backend): response id found\n");
+				break;
+			case SETPARAM_ID:
+			case GETPARAM_ID:
+				printf("(Backend): Command '%s' ignored\n", MessageTypes[m.msg_type].cmdText);
+				break;
+			case RESPPARAM_ID:
+				handleResponseParam(&m, data);
+				break;
+			default:
+				printf("(Backend): message type %d unrecognized\n", m.msg_type);
+		}
-	if(validPacket == -2) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Checksums did not match (Parse Packet)\n");
+static void handleResponseParam(struct metadata *m, uint8_t * data)
+	struct controller_message cm;
+	if (DecodeResponseParam(&cm, m, data) < 0) {
+		warnx("DecodeResponse error");
-	if (validPacket == 0) {
-		/* At least enough data read to check checksum, and it was good!*/
-		char * cmdText = MessageTypes[(int)metadata.msg_type].subtypes[(int)metadata.msg_subtype].cmdText;
-		float value = getFloat((unsigned char *)respBuf, 7);
-		//printf("Quad : %s, %lf\n", cmdText, value);
-		/* 
-		   Assuming the quad sends the correct info.. This hasn't been tested yet due to a lack of
-		   quad software. We can check how to format by the cmdText and pass to every client.
-		   */
-		if(strncmp(cmdText, "log", strlen(cmdText)) == 0) {
-			char log_text[datalen+1];
-			strncpy(log_text, (char *) data, datalen);
-			log_text[datalen] = '\0';
-			printf("log='%s'\n", log_text);
-		}
+	char buffer[128];
-		char buffer[1048];
-		sprintf(buffer, "%s %lf\n", cmdText, value);
+	const char * message = cmToString(RESPPARAM_ID, &cm);
-		for(int fd = 0; fd <= max_fd; ++fd) {
-			if (get_client_index(fd) > -1) {
-				write(fd, buffer, datalen + 8);
-			}
+	size_t len = snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %f\n", message, cm.value);
+	for(int fd = 0; fd <= max_fd; ++fd) {
+		if (get_client_index(fd) > -1) {
+			clientRemovePendResponses(fd, m->msg_id);
+			write(fd, buffer, len);
-	memmove(respBuf, respBuf + datalen + 8, respBufLen - (datalen + 8));
-	respBufLen -= datalen + 8;
 static int wasDisconnected(int fd) {
@@ -798,8 +848,4 @@ void findTimeDiff(int respID) {
 	gettimeofday(&tend, NULL);
 	timeval_subtract(&result, &tend, &timeArr[respID%MAX_HASH_SIZE]);
 	printf("(BackEnd): Elapsed time = %ld ms\n", result.tv_usec/1000);
-	// printf("print to log\n");
-	// char tmp[8];
-	// snprintf(tmp, 8, "%ld \tms\n", result.tv_usec/1000);
-	// writeStringToLog(tmp);
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/bitwise.h b/groundStation/src/backend/bitwise.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1622f9a8f54885b6690e090b051c2bc36644ffce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/bitwise.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#ifndef _bitwise_h
+#define _bitwise_h
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+/* Bit shifting for endianness of 16-bit numbers */
+#define LSByte16(x) ((x) & 0xff)
+#define MSByte16(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0xff)
+/* Build a 16-bit integer out of two bytes */
+#define BytesTo16(lsb, msb) (((lsb) & 0xff) | (((msb) & 0xff) << 8))
+/* Same for 32bit */
+#define IntByte1(x) ((x) & 0xff)
+#define IntByte2(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0xff)
+#define IntByte3(x) (((x) >> 16) & 0xff)
+#define IntByte4(x) (((x) >> 24) & 0xff)
+#define BytesToInt(b1, b2, b3, b4) (((b1) & 0xff) | (((b2) << 8) & 0xff) \
+		| (((b3) << 16) & 0xff) | (((b4) & 0xff)))
+/* Break apart a float. Sadly this is UB, but the "correct" way
+ * to do this involves actually implementing
+ * IEEE 754 in software to do so
+ */
+static inline uint8_t FloatByte1(float f)
+	char arr[4];
+	memcpy(arr, &f, 4);
+	return arr[0];
+static inline uint8_t FloatByte2(float f)
+	char arr[4];
+	memcpy(arr, &f, 4);
+	return arr[1];
+static inline uint8_t FloatByte3(float f)
+	char arr[4];
+	memcpy(arr, &f, 4);
+	return arr[2];
+static inline uint8_t FloatByte4(float f)
+	char arr[4];
+	memcpy(arr, &f, 4);
+	return arr[3];
+static inline float BytesToFloat(uint8_t b1, uint8_t b2, uint8_t b3, uint8_t b4)
+	char arr[4];
+	arr[0] = b1;
+	arr[1] = b2;
+	arr[2] = b3;
+	arr[3] = b4;
+	float f;
+	memcpy(&f, arr, 4);
+	return f;
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/callbacks.h b/groundStation/src/backend/callbacks.h
index d04d4fda5dd8c23a2df61cc00594755652a14f89..69510e0a8165c7cc99f99a8e4aeb7e6eab3ffb0c 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/callbacks.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/callbacks.h
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
 #include "type_def.h"
 /* Make commands.c happy */
-typedef void (command_cb)(unsigned char *command, 
-		int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+typedef void (command_cb)(void);
+float getFloat(unsigned char * str, int pos);
 #endif /* __CALLBACKS_H */
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/cmHandler.c b/groundStation/src/backend/cmHandler.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..062cae960abc4d87595fe6fba828f51fadcc8c2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/cmHandler.c
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "cmHandler.h"
+const char * respParamStrings[MAX_PARAM_COMMANDS] = {
+	"getrollp",
+	"getrolli",
+	"getrolld",
+	"getroll",
+	"getpitchp",
+	"getpitchi",
+	"getpitchd",
+	"getpitch",
+	"getyawp",
+	"getyawi",
+	"getyawd",
+	"getyaw",
+	"getrollratep",
+	"getrollratei",
+	"getrollrated",
+	"getrollrate",
+	"getpitchratep",
+	"getpitchratei",
+	"getpitchrated",
+	"getpitchrate",
+	"getyawratep",
+	"getyawratei",
+	"getyawrated",
+	"getyawrate",
+	"getlatp",
+	"getlati",
+	"getlatd",
+	"getlat",
+	"getlongp",
+	"getlongi",
+	"getlongd",
+	"getlong",
+	"getheightp",
+	"getheighti",
+	"getheightd",
+	"getheight"
+const char * setParamStrings[MAX_PARAM_COMMANDS] = {
+	"setrollp",
+	"setrolli",
+	"setrolld",
+	"setroll",
+	"setpitchp",
+	"setpitchi",
+	"setpitchd",
+	"setpitch",
+	"setyawp",
+	"setyawi",
+	"setyawd",
+	"setyaw",
+	"setrollratep",
+	"setrollratei",
+	"setrollrated",
+	"setrollrate",
+	"setpitchratep",
+	"setpitchratei",
+	"setpitchrated",
+	"setpitchrate",
+	"setyawratep",
+	"setyawratei",
+	"setyawrated",
+	"setyawrate",
+	"setlatp",
+	"setlati",
+	"setlatd",
+	"setlat",
+	"setlongp",
+	"setlongi",
+	"setlongd",
+	"setlong",
+	"setheightp",
+	"setheighti",
+	"setheightd",
+	"setheight"
+const char * cmToString(int msgType, const struct controller_message *cm) 
+	size_t index = (cm->id * MAX_CONTROL_PARAM_ID)  + cm->value_id;
+	switch (msgType) {
+		case DEBUG_ID :
+		case PACKETLOG_ID :
+		case UPDATE_ID :
+		case LOG_ID:
+		case SETPARAM_ID:
+			return setParamStrings[index];
+		case GETPARAM_ID:
+			return NULL;
+			break;
+		case RESPONSE_ID:
+			return NULL;
+			return respParamStrings[index];
+		default:
+			return NULL;
+			break;
+	}
+struct controller_message * stringToCm(const char * string, struct controller_message *cm)
+	int result;
+	size_t i;
+	char cmdString[strlen(string)];
+	strncpy(cmdString, string, strlen(string));
+	float cmdValue;
+	for (i = 0; i < strlen(string) + 1; ++i) {
+		if (string[i] == ' ' || string[i] == '\n' || string[i] == '\0') {
+			cmdString[i] = '\0';
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	int index = -1;
+	for(i = 0; i < MAX_PARAM_COMMANDS; ++i) {
+		if((result = strncmp(cmdString, respParamStrings[i], strlen(respParamStrings[i]))) == 0 &&
+			strlen(cmdString) == strlen(respParamStrings[i])) {
+			index = i;
+			break;
+		} else if ((result = strncmp(cmdString, setParamStrings[i], strlen(setParamStrings[i]))) == 0 &&
+			strlen(cmdString) == strlen(setParamStrings[i])) {
+			cm->value = strtof(&string[strlen(cmdString)],NULL);
+			index = i;
+			break;	
+		}
+	}
+	/* Error, nothing found */
+	if (index == -1) {
+		return NULL;
+	} else {
+		cm->value_id = i % MAX_CONTROL_PARAM_ID;
+		if (i <= PARAM_ROLL) {
+			cm->id = ROLL_ID;
+		} else if (i <= PARAM_PITCH) {
+			cm->id = PITCH_ID;
+		} else if (i <= PARAM_YAW) {
+			cm->id = YAW_ID;
+		} else if (i <= PARAM_ROLL_RATE) {
+			cm->id = ROLL_RATE_ID;
+		} else if (i <= PARAM_PITCH_RATE) {
+			cm->id = PITCH_RATE_ID;
+		} else if (i <= PARAM_YAW_RATE) {
+			cm->id = YAW_RATE_ID;
+		} else if (i <= PARAM_LOCAL_X) {
+			cm->id = LOCAL_X_ID;
+		} else if (i <= PARAM_LOCAL_Y) {
+			cm->id = LOCAL_Y_ID;
+		} else if (i <= PARAM_ALT) {
+			cm->id = ALT_ID;
+		}
+	}
+	return cm;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/cmHandler.h b/groundStation/src/backend/cmHandler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee51ca658206d9d7b0874c546d43f557ab0cdd7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/cmHandler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#ifndef _CMHANDLER_H
+#define _CMHANDLER_H
+#include "controller.h"
+enum paramIndices {
+extern const char * respParamStrings[MAX_PARAM_COMMANDS];
+extern const char * setParamStrings[MAX_PARAM_COMMANDS];
+const char * cmToString(int msgType, const struct controller_message *cm);
+struct controller_message * stringToCm(const char * string, struct controller_message *cm);
+#endif /* _CMHANDLER_H */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/commands.c b/groundStation/src/backend/commands.c
index 3cf67d0289a8606be838cea96d78b6f1e4972cac..18025ee340fd1e4238e2b657d6eeb27af3e28a81 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/commands.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/commands.c
@@ -30,14 +30,15 @@
- * To extend this file, simply add the new subtypes (typically
+ * To extend this file, simply add the new type (typically
  * a Setter, Getter, and Response) and create weak aliases below.
  * Ensure the Quad and GroundStation always maintain this file in sync!
-/* List of callbacks. DO NOT MODIFY THESE IN THIS FILE - 
+ * List of callbacks. DO NOT MODIFY THESE IN THIS FILE -
  * Simply implement a function with the same name
  * in a different file (callbacks.c) and these will
  * be overridden.
@@ -55,1338 +56,123 @@ command_cb cb_beginupdate __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
 command_cb cb_log __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
 command_cb cb_response __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-/* Callbacks for configuration (setters)*/
-command_cb cb_setyawp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setyawi __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setyawd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setrollp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setrolli __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setrolld __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setpitchp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setpitchi __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setpitchd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setyawratep __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setyawratei __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setyawrated __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setrollratep __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setrollratei __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setrollrated __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setpitchratep __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setpitchratei __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setpitchrated __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setlatp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setlati __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setlatd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setlongp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setlongi __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setlongd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setheightp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setheighti __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setheightd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setheight __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setlat __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setlong __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setyaw __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setpitch __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_setroll __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
+/* Callbacks for configuration */
+command_cb cb_setparam __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
+command_cb cb_getparam __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
+command_cb cb_respparam __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-/* Default callbacks for getters */
-command_cb cb_getyawp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getyawi __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getyawd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getrollp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getrolli __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getrolld __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getpitchp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getpitchi __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getpitchd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getyawratep __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getyawratei __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getyawrated __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getrollratep __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getrollratei __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getrollrated __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getpitchratep __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getpitchratei __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getpitchrated __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getlatp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getlati __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getlatd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getlongp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getlongi __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getlongd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getheightp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getheighti __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getheightd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getheight __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getlat __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getlong __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getyaw __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getpitch __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_getroll __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-/* Default callbacks for responses */
-command_cb cb_respyawp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_respyawi __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_respyawd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resprollp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resprolli __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resprolld __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resppitchp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resppitchi __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resppitchd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_respyawratep __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_respyawratei __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_respyawrated __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resprollratep __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resprollratei __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resprollrated __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resppitchratep __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resppitchratei __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resppitchrated __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resplatp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resplati __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resplatd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resplongp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resplongi __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resplongd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_respheightp __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_respheighti __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_respheightd __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_respheight __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resplat __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resplong __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_respyaw __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resppitch __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-command_cb cb_resproll __attribute__((weak, alias("cb_default")));
-/* Command structure */
-struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
+ * Command structure.
+ * This array is used to keep track of the callback functions
+ * for commands between the quad and the ground station.
+ *
+ * There is one callback function pointer associated with each
+ * element in this struct array.
+ *
+ * DO NOT change this struct without updating the
+ * "MessageTypeID" struct in commands.h as well
+ */
+struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE_ID] =
 	// DEBUG
-		// Message Type ID
-		0x00,
-		// Debug Subtypes
-		{
-			// NONE subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x00,
-				// Command text
-				"debug",
-				// Type of the command data
-				stringType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_debug
-			},
-			// NONE subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x01,
-				// Command text
-				"packetlog",
-				// Type of the command data
-				stringType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_packetlog
-			},
-			// NONE subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x02,
-				// Command text
-				"getpacketlogs",
-				// Type of the command data
-				stringType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getpacketlogs
-			}
-		}
+		// Command text
+		"debug",
+		// Type of the command data
+		stringType,
+		// Function pointer
+		&cb_debug
-		// Message Type ID
-		0x01,
-		// Calibration Subtypes (PID coefficients)
-		{
-			// yaw p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x00,
-				// Command text
-				"setyawp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setyawp
-			},
-			// yaw i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x01,
-				// Command text
-				"setyawi",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setyawi
-			},
-			// yaw d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x02,
-				// Command text
-				"setyawd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setyawd
-			},
-			// roll p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x03,
-				// Command text
-				"setrollp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setrollp
-			},
-			// roll i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x04,
-				// Command text
-				"setrolli",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setrolli
-			},
-			// roll d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x05,
-				// Command text
-				"setrolld",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setrolld
-			},
-			// pitch p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x06,
-				// Command text
-				"setpitchp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setpitchp
-			},
-			// pitch i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x07,
-				// Command text
-				"setpitchi",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setpitchi
-			},
-			// pitch d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x08,
-				// Command text
-				"setpitchd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setpitchd
-			},
-			// yawrate p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x09,
-				// Command text
-				"setyawratep",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setyawratep
-			},
-			// yawrate i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0A,
-				// Command text
-				"setyawratei",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setyawratei
-			},
-			// yawrate d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0B,
-				// Command text
-				"setyawrated",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setyawrated
-			},
-			// rollrate p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0C,
-				// Command text
-				"setrollratep",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setrollratep
-			},
-			// rollrate i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0D,
-				// Command text
-				"setrollratei",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setrollratei
-			},
-			// rollrate d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0E,
-				// Command text
-				"setrollrated",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setrollrated
-			},
-			// pitchrate p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0F,
-				// Command text
-				"setpitchratep",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setpitchratep
-			},
-			// pitchrate i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x10,
-				// Command text
-				"setpitchratei",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setpitchratei
-			},
-			// pitchrate d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x11,
-				// Command text
-				"setpitchrated",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setpitchrated
-			},
-			// height p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x12,
-				// Command text
-				"setheightp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setheightp
-			},
-			// height i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x13,
-				// Command text
-				"setheighti",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setheighti
-			},
-			// height d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x14,
-				// Command text
-				"setheightd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setheightd
-			},
-			// lat p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x15,
-				// Command text
-				"setlatp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setlatp
-			},
-			// lat i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x16,
-				// Command text
-				"setlati",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setlati
-			},
-			// lat d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x17,
-				// Command text
-				"setlatd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setlatd
-			},
-			// long p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x18,
-				// Command text
-				"setlongp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setlongp
-			},
-			// long i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x19,
-				// Command text
-				"setlongi",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setlongi
-			},
-			// long d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1A,
-				// Command text
-				"setlongd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setlongd
-			},
-			// height setpoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1B,
-				// Command text
-				"setheight",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setheight
-			},
-			// lat setpoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1C,
-				// Command text
-				"setlat",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setlat
-			},
-			// long setpoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1D,
-				// Command text
-				"setlong",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setlong
-			},
-			// yaw setpoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1E,
-				// Command text
-				"setyaw",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setyaw
-			},
-			// pitch setpoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1F,
-				// Command text
-				"setpitch",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setpitch
-			},
-			// roll setpoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x20,
-				// Command text
-				"setroll",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_setroll
-			}
-		}
+		// Command text
+		"packetlog",
+		// Type of the command data
+		stringType,
+		// Function pointer
+		&cb_packetlog
-		// Message Type ID
-		0x02,
-		// Calibration Subtypes (PID coefficients)
-		{
-			// yaw p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x00,
-				// Command text
-				"getyawp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getyawp
-			},
-			// yaw i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x01,
-				// Command text
-				"getyawi",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getyawi
-			},
-			// yaw d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x02,
-				// Command text
-				"getyawd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getyawd
-			},
-			// roll p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x03,
-				// Command text
-				"getrollp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getrollp
-			},
-			// roll i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x04,
-				// Command text
-				"getrolli",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getrolli
-			},
-			// roll d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x05,
-				// Command text
-				"getrolld",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getrolld
-			},
-			// pitch p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x06,
-				// Command text
-				"getpitchp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getpitchp
-			},
-			// pitch i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x07,
-				// Command text
-				"getpitchi",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getpitchi
-			},
-			// pitch d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x08,
-				// Command text
-				"getpitchd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getpitchd
-			},
-			// yawrate p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x09,
-				// Command text
-				"getyawratep",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getyawratep
-			},
-			// yawrate i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0A,
-				// Command text
-				"getyawratei",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getyawratei
-			},
-			// yawrate d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0B,
-				// Command text
-				"getyawrated",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getyawrated
-			},
-			// rollrate p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0C,
-				// Command text
-				"getrollratep",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getrollratep
-			},
-			// rollrate i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0D,
-				// Command text
-				"getrollratei",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getrollratei
-			},
-			// rollrate d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0E,
-				// Command text
-				"getrollrated",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getrollrated
-			},
-			// pitchrate p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0F,
-				// Command text
-				"getpitchratep",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getpitchratep
-			},
-			// pitchrate i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x10,
-				// Command text
-				"getpitchratei",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getpitchratei
-			},
-			// pitchrate d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x11,
-				// Command text
-				"getpitchrated",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getpitchrated
-			},
-			// height p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x12,
-				// Command text
-				"getheightp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getheightp
-			},
-			// height i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x13,
-				// Command text
-				"getheighti",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getheighti
-			},
-			// height d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x14,
-				// Command text
-				"getheightd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getheightd
-			},
-			// lat p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x15,
-				// Command text
-				"getlatp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getlatp
-			},
-			// lat i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x16,
-				// Command text
-				"getlati",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getlati
-			},
-			// lat d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x17,
-				// Command text
-				"getlatd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getlatd
-			},
-			// long p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x18,
-				// Command text
-				"getlongp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getlongp
-			},
-			// long i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x19,
-				// Command text
-				"getlongi",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getlongi
-			},
-			// long d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1A,
-				// Command text
-				"getlongd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getlongd
-			},
-			// height setpoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1B,
-				// Command text
-				"getheight",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getheight
-			},
-			// lat getpoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1C,
-				// Command text
-				"getlat",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getlat
-			},
-			// long getpoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1D,
-				// Command text
-				"getlong",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getlong
-			},
-			// yaw getpoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1E,
-				// Command text
-				"getyaw",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getyaw
-			},
-			// pitch getpoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1F,
-				// Command text
-				"getpitch",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getpitch
-			},
-			// roll getpoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x20,
-				// Command text
-				"getroll",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_getroll
-			}
-		}
+		// Command text
+		"getpacketlogs",
+		// Type of the command data
+		stringType,
+		// Function pointer
+		&cb_getpacketlogs
-		// Message Type ID
-		0x03,
-		// Calibration Subtypes (PID coefficients)
-		{
-			// yaw p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x00,
-				// Command text
-				"respyawp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_respyawp
-			},
-			// yaw i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x01,
-				// Command text
-				"respyawi",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_respyawi
-			},
-			// yaw d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x02,
-				// Command text
-				"respyawd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_respyawd
-			},
-			// roll p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x03,
-				// Command text
-				"resprollp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resprollp
-			},
-			// roll i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x04,
-				// Command text
-				"resprolli",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resprolli
-			},
-			// roll d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x05,
-				// Command text
-				"resprolld",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resprolld
-			},
-			// pitch p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x06,
-				// Command text
-				"resppitchp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resppitchp
-			},
-			// pitch i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x07,
-				// Command text
-				"resppitchi",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resppitchi
-			},
-			// pitch d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x08,
-				// Command text
-				"resppitchd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resppitchd
-			},
-			// yawrate p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x09,
-				// Command text
-				"respyawratep",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_respyawratep
-			},
-			// yawrate i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0A,
-				// Command text
-				"respyawratei",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_respyawratei
-			},
-			// yawrate d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0B,
-				// Command text
-				"respyawrated",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_respyawrated
-			},
-			// rollrate p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0C,
-				// Command text
-				"resprollratep",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resprollratep
-			},
-			// rollrate i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0D,
-				// Command text
-				"resprollratei",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resprollratei
-			},
-			// rollrate d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0E,
-				// Command text
-				"resprollrated",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resprollrated
-			},
-			// pitchrate p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x0F,
-				// Command text
-				"resppitchratep",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resppitchratep
-			},
-			// pitchrate i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x10,
-				// Command text
-				"resppitchratei",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resppitchratei
-			},
-			// pitchrate d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x11,
-				// Command text
-				"resppitchrated",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resppitchrated
-			},
-			// height p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x12,
-				// Command text
-				"respheightp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_respheightp
-			},
-			// height i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x13,
-				// Command text
-				"respheighti",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_respheighti
-			},
-			// height d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x14,
-				// Command text
-				"respheightd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_respheightd
-			},
-			// lat p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x15,
-				// Command text
-				"resplatp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resplatp
-			},
-			// lat i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x16,
-				// Command text
-				"resplati",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resplati
-			},
-			// lat d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x17,
-				// Command text
-				"resplatd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resplatd
-			},
-			// long p constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x18,
-				// Command text
-				"resplongp",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resplongp
-			},
-			// long i constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x19,
-				// Command text
-				"resplongi",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resplongi
-			},
-			// long d constant subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1A,
-				// Command text
-				"resplongd",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resplongd
-			},
-			// height setpoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1B,
-				// Command text
-				"respheight",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_respheight
-			},
-			// lat resppoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1C,
-				// Command text
-				"resplat",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resplat
-			},
-			// long resppoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1D,
-				// Command text
-				"resplong",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resplong
-			},
-			// yaw resppoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1E,
-				// Command text
-				"respyaw",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_respyaw
-			},
-			// pitch resppoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x1F,
-				// Command text
-				"resppitch",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resppitch
-			},
-			// roll resppoint subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x20,
-				// Command text
-				"resproll",
-				// Type of the command data
-				floatType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_resproll
-			}
-		}
+		// Command text
+		"update",
+		// Type of the command data
+		stringType,
+		// Function pointer
+		&cb_update
-		// Message Type ID
-		0x04,
-		// Update Subtypes
-		{
-			// NONE subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x00,
-				// Command text
-				"update",
-				// Type of the command data
-				stringType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_update
-			},
-			// BEGIN update
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x01,
-				// Command text
-				"beginupdate",
-				// Type of the command data
-				stringType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_beginupdate
-			}
-		}
+		// Command text
+		"beginupdate",
+		// Type of the command data
+		stringType,
+		// Function pointer
+		&cb_beginupdate
 	// LOG
-		// Message Type ID
-		0x05,
-		// Log Subtypes
-		{
-			// NONE subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x00,
-				// Command text
-				"log",
-				// Type of the command data
-				stringType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_log
-			},
-			// Response subtype
-			{
-				// ID
-				0x01,
-				// Command text
-				"response",
-				// Type of the command data
-				stringType,
-				// Function pointer
-				&cb_response
-			}
-		}
+		// Command text
+		"log",
+		// Type of the command data
+		stringType,
+		// Function pointer
+		&cb_log
+	},
+	{
+		// Command text
+		"response",
+		// Type of the command data
+		stringType,
+		// Function pointer
+		&cb_response
+	},
+	{
+		// Command text
+		"setparam",
+		// Type of the command data
+		floatType,
+		// Function pointer
+		&cb_setparam
+	},
+	{
+		// Command text
+		"getparam",
+		// Type of the command data
+		floatType,
+		// Function pointer
+		&cb_getparam
+	{
+		// Command text
+		"respparam",
+		// Type of the command data
+		floatType,
+		// Function pointer
+		&cb_respparam
+	}
+int findCommand(char * str)
+	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TYPE_ID; i++) {
+		if (strcmp(str, MessageTypes[i].cmdText) == 0) {
+			return i;
+		}
+	}
+	return -1;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/commands.h b/groundStation/src/backend/commands.h
index 30935eb44d3aced5ba2ac0b949447a14fd4d839b..578b20f7b7fe20b8568905eceb2b37df6ef83cc9 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/commands.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/commands.h
@@ -7,45 +7,85 @@
 #include "callbacks.h"
-// ----------------------
-// Helper stuff
-#define MAX_TYPE 6
-#define MAX_SUBTYPE 100
+#define MAX_CMD_TEXT_LENGTH 100
 enum Message{
 	END_CHAR   = 0xED
-// This should also have double to avoid confusion with float values.
+ * Enumeration of the data types that a callback function may use
+ * doubleType should get added here at some point
+ */
 enum DataType
-	floatType,
-	intType,
-	stringType
+	floatType,            // 00
+	intType,              // 01
+	stringType            // 02
-struct MessageSubtype{
-	char ID;
-	char cmdText[100];
-	char cmdDataType;
-	command_cb * functionPtr;
+ * Message type IDs used to know what kind of message we are dealing with
+ * Enumeration used to index the MessageTypes array in commands.c
+ *
+ * DO NOT change this enum or you will break backwards compatibility.
+ * DO NOT change this enum without also updating the "MessageTypes" array
+ * in commands.c to match.
+ */
+enum MessageTypeID{
+	DEBUG_ID,             // 00
+	PACKETLOG_ID,         // 01
+	UPDATE_ID,            // 03
+	BEGINUPDATE_ID,       // 04
+	LOG_ID,               // 05
+	RESPONSE_ID,          // 06
+	SETPARAM_ID,          // 07 - Setting controller parameters. Example: PID constants
+	GETPARAM_ID,          // 08 - Getting controller parameters. Example: PID constants
+	RESPPARAM_ID,         // 09 - Responding with controller parameters. Example: PID constants
+	MAX_TYPE_ID           // 10 - Just used to keep track of the size
+ * Controller ID used to know which controller the message is referencing
+ */
+enum ControllerID{
+	ROLL_ID,              // 00 - Roll PID
+	PITCH_ID,             // 01 - Pitch PID
+	YAW_ID,               // 02 - Yaw PID
+	ROLL_RATE_ID,         // 03 - Roll rate PID
+	PITCH_RATE_ID,        // 04 - Pitch rate PID
+	YAW_RATE_ID,          // 05 - Yaw rate PID
+	LOCAL_X_ID,           // 06 - Local X PID
+	LOCAL_Y_ID,           // 07 - Local Y PID
+	ALT_ID,               // 08 - Altitude PID
+	MAX_CONTROLLER_ID,    // 09 - Just used to keep track of the size
+ * Enumeration of controller parameters
+ */
+enum ControlParamID{
+	KP_ID,                 // 00 - P constant
+	KI_ID,                 // 01 - I constant
+	KD_ID,                 // 02 - D constant
+	SP_ID,                 // 03 - Setpoint value
+	MAX_CONTROL_PARAM_ID,  // 04 - Just used to keep track of the size
+ * Message type struct used to keep track of the callback function
+ * pointers located in commands.c
+ */
 struct MessageType{
-	char ID;
-	struct MessageSubtype subtypes[MAX_SUBTYPE];
+	char cmdText[MAX_CMD_TEXT_LENGTH];
+	char cmdDataType;
+	command_cb * functionPtr;
 /* Defined in commands.c */
-extern struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE];
-/* Legacy functions - no idea what uses these. Please do not delete. */
-float getFloat(unsigned char* str, int pos);
-int getInt(unsigned char* str, int pos);
-/* end legacy crap */
+extern struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE_ID];
+int findCommand(char * cmdStr);
-#endif /* __COMMANDS_H */
\ No newline at end of file
+#endif /* __COMMANDS_H */
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/common/common.txt b/groundStation/src/backend/common/common.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cfc7835508714bcbc03e48f3af52c4b69e172a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/common/common.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+The common files are:
+ - packet.h
+ - packet.c
+ - setcontrol.h
+ - setcontrol.c
+ - bitwise.h
+ - controller.h
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/common/examples.c b/groundStation/src/backend/common/examples.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..036ddeb3c0443a88d42568cbcce6250f7e20ca83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/common/examples.c
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#include "packet.h"
+#include "setcontrol.h"
+#include "commands.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+/* This example is close to how the ground station will handle things. It
+ * shouldn't be too hard to adapt it to work on the quad side.
+ */
+static int next_msg_id = 0;
+int SendSetControl()
+	struct metadata m;
+	struct controller_message cm;
+	cm.id = ROLL_ID;        /* Roll controller */
+	cm.value_id = KI_ID;    /* I coefficient */
+	cm.value = 42.00f;      /* An appropriate value */
+	uint8_t data[64];
+	m.msg_id = next_msg_id++;
+	/* Fills in the rest of the metadata automatically */
+	if (EncodeSetcontrol(&m, data, 64, &cm) < 0) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	uint8_t packet[128];
+	ssize_t length;
+	if ((length = EncodePacket(packet, 128, &m, data)) < 0) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* Now you can send the packet
+	 * sendThePacket(packet, length);
+	 */
+	return 0;
+/* Process incoming packets */
+int receive_packet(uint8_t * packet, size_t length)
+	struct metadata m;
+	uint8_t data[128];
+	/* Will fail if checksum is bad, etc */
+	if (DecodePacket(&m, data, 128, packet, length) < 0) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* Let's pretend that the callbacks have signature
+	 * void cb(
+	 *     const struct metadata * m,
+	 *     const uint8_t * data);
+	 *
+	 * Call the callback.
+	 */
+	(*MessageTypes[m.msg_type].functionPtr)(&m, data);
+	return 0;
+/* An example of a setcontrol callback. Arguments
+ * aren't important, as long as we have access
+ * to the packet bytes and the length
+ */
+void cb_setcontrol(const struct metadata *m, const uint8_t *data)
+	struct controller_message cm;
+	DecodeSetcontrol(&cm, m, data);
+	/* cm now has populated controller ID, value ID, and value */
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/communication.c b/groundStation/src/backend/communication.c
index ca4e82632ce36c0b381eb3dd49c42777cdd84942..a6f14f29c36501907bee69b479b6541c2fe1fdf3 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/communication.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/communication.c
@@ -4,189 +4,20 @@
 #include <ctype.h>
 static int msgNum = 0;
-tokenList_t tokenize(char* cmd) {
-	int maxTokens = 16;
-	tokenList_t ret;
-	ret.numTokens = 0;
-	ret.tokens = malloc(sizeof(char*) * maxTokens);
-	ret.tokens[0] = NULL;
-	int i = 0;
-	char* token = strtok(cmd, " ");
-	while (token != NULL && i < maxTokens - 1) {
-		ret.tokens[i++] = token;
-		ret.tokens[i] = NULL;
-		ret.numTokens++;
-		token = strtok(NULL, " ");
-	}
-	return ret;
-int checkFloat(char *floatString, float *value) {
-	char *tmp;
-	*value = strtod(floatString, &tmp);
-	if(!(isspace(*tmp) || *tmp == 0)) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a valid floating-point number\n", floatString);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-int checkInt(char *intString, int *value) {
-	char *tmp;
-	long temp_long;
-	temp_long = strtol(intString, &tmp, 0); // base 10 number inputted
-	if(temp_long < INT_MIN || temp_long > INT_MAX ||  !(isspace(*tmp) || *tmp == 0)) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a valid integer number\n", intString);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	printf("temp: %ld\n\n", temp_long);
-	*value = (int) temp_long;
-	return 1;
 // Ground Station
 // Formatting commands from ground station CLI
-int formatCommand(char *command, unsigned char **formattedCommand) {
-	//fprintf(stderr, "length = %li , received '%s'\n", strlen(command), command);
-	char cmd[strlen(command)];
-	strncpy(cmd, command, strlen(command));
-	cmd[strlen(command)] = '\0';
+int formatCommand(char *command, unsigned char *formattedCommand) {
+	// fprintf(stderr, "length = %li , received '%s'\n", strlen(command), command);
+	char cmd[512];
+	strncpy(cmd, command, 512);
-	tokenList_t tokens = tokenize(cmd);
-	float floatValue = 0.0;
-	int intValue = 0;
-	int valid;
-	metadata_t metadata;
-	// ----------------------------------------------
-	if(tokens.numTokens > 0) {
-		for(int type = 0; type < MAX_TYPE; type++)
-		{
-			for(int subtype = 0; subtype < MAX_SUBTYPE; subtype++)
-			{
-				if(strcmp(tokens.tokens[0], MessageTypes[type].subtypes[subtype].cmdText) == 0)
-				{
-					printf("Sending\n\ttype: %d, \n\tsubtype: %d\n\tcommand: %s\n", type, subtype, MessageTypes[type].subtypes[subtype].cmdText);
-					// Make sure the second token is the right type
-					switch (MessageTypes[type].subtypes[subtype].cmdDataType)
-					{
-						// Validate the float input
-						case floatType:
-							metadata.begin_char = (char) BEGIN_CHAR;
-							metadata.msg_type = MessageTypes[type].ID;
-							metadata.msg_subtype = MessageTypes[type].subtypes[subtype].ID;
-							if(MessageTypes[type].ID == 0x01) {
-								valid = checkFloat(tokens.tokens[1], &floatValue);
-								if(!valid) {
-									return -1;
-								}
-								metadata.data_len = sizeof(floatValue);
-							} else {
-								metadata.data_len = 0;
-							}
-							metadata.msg_id = msgNum++;
-							formatPacket(&metadata, &floatValue, formattedCommand);
-							break;
-						// Validate the integer input
-						case intType:
-							metadata.begin_char = (char) BEGIN_CHAR;
-							metadata.msg_type = MessageTypes[type].ID;
-							metadata.msg_subtype = MessageTypes[type].subtypes[subtype].ID;
-							if(MessageTypes[type].ID == 0x01) {
-								valid = checkInt(tokens.tokens[1], &intValue);
-								if(!valid) {
-									return -1;
-								}
-								metadata.data_len = sizeof(intValue);
-							} else {
-								metadata.data_len = 0;
-							}
-							metadata.msg_id = msgNum++;
-							formatPacket(&metadata, &intValue, formattedCommand);
-							break;
-						// Validate the string input (doesn't need to happen)
-						case stringType:
-							metadata.begin_char = (char) BEGIN_CHAR;
-							metadata.msg_type = MessageTypes[type].ID;
-							metadata.msg_subtype = MessageTypes[type].subtypes[subtype].ID;
-							metadata.msg_id = msgNum++;
-							metadata.data_len = strlen(tokens.tokens[1]);
-							formatPacket(&metadata, &tokens.tokens[1], formattedCommand);
-							break;
-						default:
-							return -1;
-					}
-					return 0;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
+	char * cmdText = strtok(cmd, " ");
-	// Only gets here if the command does not exist
 	return -1;	
-// QUAD & Ground Station
-// Format the log data from log_message
-//int formatData(unsigned char *log_msg, unsigned char *formattedCommand)
-int formatPacket(metadata_t *metadata, void *data, unsigned char **formattedCommand)
-	*formattedCommand = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * metadata->data_len + 8);
-	//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//	   index||	   0	|	  1	   |	  2		 |	3 & 4 |		 5 & 6		 |	7+	|	end	   |
-	//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-	// msg param|| beg char | msg type | msg subtype | msg id | data len (bytes) | data | checksum |
-	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-	//	   bytes||	   1	|	  1	   |	  1		 |	  2	  |		   2		 | var	|	 1	   |
-	//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// Begin Char:
-	(*formattedCommand)[0] = metadata->begin_char;
-	// Msg type:
-	(*formattedCommand)[1] = metadata->msg_type;
-	// Msg subtype
-	(*formattedCommand)[2] = metadata->msg_subtype;
-	//Msg id (msgNum is 2 bytes)
-	(*formattedCommand)[3] = (metadata->msg_id & 0x000000ff);
-	(*formattedCommand)[4] = ((metadata->msg_id >> 8) & 0x000000ff);
-	// Data length and data - bytes 5&6 for len, 7+ for data
-	(*formattedCommand)[5] = metadata->data_len & 0x000000ff;
-	(*formattedCommand)[6] = (metadata->data_len >> 8) & 0x000000ff;
-	memcpy(&((*formattedCommand)[7]), data, metadata->data_len);
-	// Checksum
-	// receive data and calculate checksum
-	int i;
-	char data_checksum = 0;
-	for(i = 0; i < 7 + metadata->data_len; i++)
-	{
-		data_checksum ^= (*formattedCommand)[i];
-	}
-	(*formattedCommand)[7 + metadata->data_len] = data_checksum;
-	return 0;
 // returns the length of the data in bytes (datalen from packet) and fills data
 // and metadata with the packet information
@@ -196,36 +27,34 @@ int formatPacket(metadata_t *metadata, void *data, unsigned char **formattedComm
 //		data is an unallocated (char *) (pass it to this function as &data) 
 //		meta_data is a pointer to an instance of metadata_t
-int parse_packet(unsigned char * packet, unsigned char ** data, metadata_t * meta_data)
+int parse_packet(unsigned char * packet, unsigned char * data, metadata_t * meta_data)
 	//     index||     0    |     1    |      2      |  3 & 4 |      5 & 6       |  7+  |   end    |
-	// msg param|| beg char | msg type | msg subtype | msg id | data len (bytes) | data | checksum |
+	// msg param|| beg char |           msg type     | msg id | data len (bytes) | data | checksum |
 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
 	//     bytes||     1    |     1    |      1      |    2   |        2         | var  |    1     |
 	// first byte must be the begin char
 	if(packet[0] != 0xBE)
 		return -1;
 	// receive metadata
 	meta_data->begin_char = packet[0];
-	meta_data->msg_type = packet[1];
-	meta_data->msg_subtype = packet[2];
+	meta_data->msg_type = packet[2] << 8 | packet[1];
 	meta_data->msg_id = (packet[4] << 8) | (packet[3]);
 	meta_data->data_len = (packet[6] << 8) | (packet[5]);
 	unsigned char packet_checksum = packet[7+meta_data->data_len];
 	//fprintf(stderr, "datalen: %d\n", meta_data->data_len);
 	int i;
 	// receive data
-	*data = malloc(meta_data->data_len);
 	for(i = 0; i < meta_data->data_len; i++)
-		(*data)[i] = packet[7+i];
+		data[i] = packet[7+i];
 	// calculate checksum
@@ -243,30 +72,24 @@ int parse_packet(unsigned char * packet, unsigned char ** data, metadata_t * met
 	return 0;
-// QUAD & Ground Station
 // Process the command received
 int processCommand(unsigned char *packet, modular_structs_t *structs) {
 	int validPacket;
-	unsigned char *data;
+	unsigned char data[256];
 	metadata_t metadata;
 	// Validate the message is correctly formatted
-	validPacket = parse_packet(packet, &data, &metadata);
+	validPacket = parse_packet(packet, data, &metadata);
 	if(validPacket != 0) {
 		return -1;
 	if(metadata.data_len >= 0) {
-		/* Null check*/
-		if (MessageTypes[(unsigned char)metadata.msg_type].subtypes[
-				(unsigned char) metadata.msg_subtype].functionPtr) {
-			// Call the appropriate subtype function
-			(* (MessageTypes[(unsigned char)metadata.msg_type].subtypes[(unsigned char)metadata.msg_subtype].functionPtr))(data, metadata.data_len, structs);
-		}
+		(* (MessageTypes[(unsigned char)metadata.msg_type].functionPtr))();
 		return 0;
 	// Only gets here if there is an error
 	return -1;
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/communication.h b/groundStation/src/backend/communication.h
index 364814e3674b25a868e5e516e0bc626dd976b295..f3439f26605357edb7b6575cabfce8ffc6fdb36d 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/communication.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/communication.h
@@ -7,13 +7,10 @@
 #include <limits.h>
 #include "type_def.h"
-tokenList_t tokenize(char* cmd);
-int checkFloat(char *floatString, float *value);
-int checkInt(char *intString, int *value);
-int formatCommand(char *command, unsigned char **formattedCommand);
-int formatPacket(metadata_t *metadata, void *data, unsigned char **formattedCommand);
-int parse_packet(unsigned char * packet, unsigned char ** data, metadata_t * meta_data);
+int formatCommand(char *command, unsigned char *formattedCommand);
+int formatPacket(metadata_t *metadata, void *data, unsigned char *formattedCommand);
+int parse_packet(unsigned char * packet, unsigned char * data, metadata_t * meta_data);
 int processCommand(unsigned char *command, modular_structs_t *structs);
 int logData(unsigned char *log_msg, unsigned char *formattedCommand);
-#endif /* __COMMUNICATION_H */
\ No newline at end of file
+#endif /* __COMMUNICATION_H */
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/controller.h b/groundStation/src/backend/controller.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13d12353c464de6aeb89e7ea36340af2788770ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/controller.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#ifndef _controller_h
+#define _controller_h
+/* For now, the enums come from commands.h */
+#include "commands.h"
+#if 0
+enum ControllerID {
+	ROLL_ID,              // 00 - Roll PID
+	PITCH_ID,             // 01 - Pitch PID
+	YAW_ID,               // 02 - Yaw PID
+	ROLL_RATE_ID,         // 03 - Roll rate PID
+	PITCH_RATE_ID,        // 04 - Pitch rate PID
+	YAW_RATE_ID,          // 05 - Yaw rate PID
+	LOCAL_X_ID,           // 06 - Local X PID
+	LOCAL_Y_ID,           // 07 - Local Y PID
+	ALT_ID,               // 08 - Altitude PID
+enum ControllerValueID{
+    KP_ID,                 // 00 - P constant
+    KI_ID,                 // 01 - I constant
+    KD_ID,                 // 02 - D constant
+    SP_ID,                 // 03 - Setpoint value
+struct controller_message {
+	enum ControllerID id;
+	enum ControlParamID value_id;
+	float value;
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/getparam.c b/groundStation/src/backend/getparam.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98580741766e6187596c4519b6a8f3e2d1c0d3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/getparam.c
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#include "getparam.h"
+#include "commands.h"
+#include "bitwise.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+enum GetparamData {
+/* Creates data and metadata for a respcontrol packet
+ * Returns data size.
+ */
+ssize_t EncodeGetparam(
+        struct metadata * m,        /* data_len and msg_type will be populated*/
+        uint8_t * data,             /* Output buffer */
+        size_t data_size,           /* Max buffer size */
+        const struct controller_message * cm)       /* Message to encode */
+	m->msg_type = GETPARAM_ID;
+	m->data_len = GP_DATA_SIZE;
+	if (data_size < GP_DATA_SIZE) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	data[CTRL_ID] = cm->id;
+	data[CTRLVAL_ID] = cm->value_id;
+	return GP_DATA_SIZE;
+/* Decode a metadata and data to populate a controller.
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int DecodeGetparam(
+        struct controller_message * cm,     /* Decoded controller message */
+        const struct metadata * m,          /* Metadata to aid in decoding */
+        const uint8_t * data)               /* Data to decode */
+	if (m->data_len < GP_DATA_SIZE) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (m->msg_type != GETPARAM_ID) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	cm->id = data[CTRL_ID];
+	cm->value_id = data[CTRLVAL_ID];
+	return 0;
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/getparam.h b/groundStation/src/backend/getparam.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9d9096df464aae6e802e68f9a84236f99009c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/getparam.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#ifndef _getparam_h
+#define _getparam_h
+#include "packet.h"
+#include "controller.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+/* Creates data and metadata for a getcontrol packet.
+ * Returns data size.
+ */
+ssize_t EncodeGetparam(
+		struct metadata *m, /* Out */
+		uint8_t *data,      /* Out */
+		size_t data_size,   /* Data buffer max size */
+		const struct controller_message *cm); /* Value is not used; only IDs */
+/* Decode a metadata and data to populate a message
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ */
+int DecodeGetparam(
+		struct controller_message *cm, /* Out. Value is undefined */
+		const struct metadata *m,      /* In */
+		const uint8_t * data);         /* In */
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/logger.c b/groundStation/src/backend/logger.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 028cfeac16c173e59154a1c9c8321eeba29d0344..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/logger.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-/* Author: Kris Burney
- *
- * Logger file for holding functions pertaining to loging to a file.
- */
-#include "logger.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <err.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-static FILE * quadlog_file = NULL;
-static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-int createLogFile(int argc, char* argv)
-	if (quadlog_file != NULL) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)) {
-		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_lock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-	char log_file[300];
-	strcpy(log_file, "logs/");
-	if(argc >= 2)
-	{
-		strncat(log_file, argv, 294);
-		printf("Creating log file '%s'...\n",log_file);
-		quadlog_file = fopen(log_file, "a");
-	} else {
-		time_t rawtime;
-		char timestr [30];
-		time(&rawtime);
-		sprintf(timestr,"%s",ctime(&rawtime));
-		// Lets convert space to _ in
-		char *p = timestr;
-		size_t i = 0;
-		while(i < strlen(timestr))
-		{ 
-		    if (*p == ' ')
-		          *p = '_';
-			i++;
-			p++;
-		}
-		// timestr has a weird char at the end of it.
-		// we will not include it in our file name
-		strncat(log_file, timestr, strlen(timestr) -1 );
-		strcat(log_file, ".txt");
-		printf("Creating log file '%s'...\n",log_file);
-		quadlog_file = fopen(log_file, "a");
-	}
-	if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex)) {
-		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_unlock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-	return 0;
-int updateLogFile(const struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData * td)
-	int retval;
-	if (pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)) {
-		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_lock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-	retval = fprintf(quadlog_file, 
-			"FPS: %lf Pos (xyz): (%lf %lf %lf) Att (pry): (%lf %lf %lf)\n",
-		td->fps, td->x, td->y, td->z, td->pitch, td->roll, td->yaw);
-	if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex)) {
-		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_unlock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-	return retval;
-int writeStringToLog(const char * string)
-	int retval;
-	if (pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)) {
-		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_lock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-	retval = fprintf(quadlog_file, "%s", string);
-	if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex)) {
-		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_unlock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-	return retval;
-void closeLogFile(void)
-	if (pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)) {
-		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_lock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-	fclose(quadlog_file);
-	if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex)) {
-		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_unlock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/logger.h b/groundStation/src/backend/logger.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bbd068116482e4d693fdb519f27dffd7bc2fff7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/logger.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* Author: Kris Burney
- *
- * Logger header file for holding info pertaining to loging to a file.
- */
-#ifndef __LOGGER_H
-#define __LOGGER_H
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "vrpn_tracker.hpp"
-int createLogFile(int, char*);
-int writeStringToLog(const char*);
-int updateLogFile(const struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData* );
-void closeLogFile();
-#endif /* __LOGGER_H */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/packet.c b/groundStation/src/backend/packet.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ddbb536321603a819f7af2c6195636e8a1aba52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/packet.c
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#include "packet.h"
+#include "commands.h"
+#include "bitwise.h"
+#include <string.h>
+/* Combine metadata and data to form a wire-sendable packet.
+ * Returns the size of the encoded packet
+ */
+ssize_t EncodePacket(
+        uint8_t * packet,           /* Buffer to encode into */
+        size_t packet_size,         /* Max buffer size */
+        const struct metadata * m,  /* Metadata to encode */
+        const uint8_t * data)       /* Data to encode */
+	if (packet_size < (HDR_SIZE + CSUM_SIZE + m->data_len)) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	packet[BEGIN] = BEGIN_CHAR;
+	packet[MTYPE_L] = LSByte16(m->msg_type);
+	packet[MTYPE_H] = MSByte16(m->msg_type);
+	packet[ID_L] = LSByte16(m->msg_id);
+	packet[ID_H] = MSByte16(m->msg_id);
+	packet[DLEN_L] = LSByte16(m->data_len);
+	packet[DLEN_H] = MSByte16(m->data_len);
+	memcpy(&packet[HDR_SIZE], data, m->data_len);
+	packet[HDR_SIZE + m->data_len] = PacketChecksum(
+			packet, HDR_SIZE + m->data_len + CSUM_SIZE);
+	return m->data_len + HDR_SIZE + CSUM_SIZE;
+/* Break apart packet, populating metadata. Data is copied
+ * into the space pointed to by data.
+ * Returns the size of the data.
+ */
+ssize_t DecodePacket(
+        struct metadata * m,        /* Decoded metadata (includes data_len)*/
+        uint8_t * data,             /* Data is copied into this buffer */
+        size_t data_size,           /* Max buffer size */
+        const uint8_t * packet,     /* Packet to decode */
+        size_t packet_size)         /* Size of packet to decode */
+	uint8_t checkSum;
+	if (packet[BEGIN] != BEGIN_CHAR) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (packet_size < ((uint8_t) HDR_SIZE + CSUM_SIZE)) {
+		return -2;
+	}
+	m->msg_type = BytesTo16(packet[MTYPE_L], packet[MTYPE_H]);
+	m->msg_id = BytesTo16(packet[ID_L], packet[ID_H]);
+	m->data_len =  BytesTo16(packet[DLEN_L], packet[DLEN_H]);
+	if (packet_size < (HDR_SIZE + CSUM_SIZE + m->data_len)) {
+		return -3;
+	}
+	if (data_size < m->data_len) {
+		return -4;
+	}
+	checkSum = PacketChecksum(packet, HDR_SIZE + m->data_len + CSUM_SIZE);
+	if (checkSum != packet[HDR_SIZE + m->data_len]) {
+		return -5;
+	}
+	memcpy(data, &packet[HDR_SIZE], m->data_len);
+	return m->data_len;
+uint8_t PacketChecksum(const uint8_t * packet, size_t packet_size)
+	uint8_t checkSum = 0;
+	for(size_t i = 0; i < packet_size - CSUM_SIZE; i++){
+		checkSum ^= packet[i];
+	}	
+	return checkSum;
+size_t PacketSize(const struct metadata *m)
+	return m->data_len + HDR_SIZE + CSUM_SIZE;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/packet.h b/groundStation/src/backend/packet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87f8c5c7e73ef23bbd9bbc7befb3d5c897ad3b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/packet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#ifndef _packet_h
+#define _packet_h
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+enum PacketHeader {
+	ID_L,
+	ID_H,
+enum ChecksumFormat {
+struct metadata {
+	int msg_type;
+	int msg_id;
+	size_t data_len;
+/* Combine metadata and data to form a wire-sendable packet.
+ * Returns the size of the encoded packet 
+ */
+ssize_t EncodePacket(
+		uint8_t * packet,           /* Buffer to encode into */
+		size_t packet_size,         /* Max buffer size */
+		const struct metadata * m,  /* Metadata to encode */
+		const uint8_t * data);      /* Data to encode */
+/* Break apart packet, populating metadata. Data is copied
+ * into the space pointed to by data.
+ * Returns the size of the data.
+ */
+ssize_t DecodePacket(
+		struct metadata * m,        /* Decoded metadata (includes data_len)*/
+		uint8_t * data,             /* Data is copied into this buffer */
+		size_t data_size,           /* Max buffer size */
+		const uint8_t * packet,     /* Packet to decode */
+		size_t packet_size);        /* Size of packet to decode */
+/* Compute a checksum. Requires a packet and the entire packet length */
+uint8_t PacketChecksum(const uint8_t * packet, size_t);
+/* Compute the size of the entire packet */
+size_t PacketSize(const struct metadata *m);
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/responseparam.c b/groundStation/src/backend/responseparam.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6a8d44b268493b0501759327334ed58e5cb0685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/responseparam.c
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "responseparam.h"
+#include "commands.h"
+#include "bitwise.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+enum ResponseData {
+	VAL_1,
+	VAL_2,
+	VAL_3,
+	VAL_4,
+/* Creates data and metadata for a respcontrol packet
+ * Returns data size.
+ */
+ssize_t EncodeResponseParam(
+        struct metadata * m,        /* data_len and msg_type will be populated*/
+        uint8_t * data,             /* Output buffer */
+        size_t data_size,           /* Max buffer size */
+        const struct controller_message * cm)       /* Message to encode */
+	m->msg_type = RESPPARAM_ID;
+	m->data_len = RESP_DATA_SIZE;
+	if (data_size < RESP_DATA_SIZE) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	data[CTRL_ID] = cm->id;
+	data[CTRLVAL_ID] = cm->value_id;
+	data[VAL_1] = FloatByte1(cm->value);
+	data[VAL_2] = FloatByte2(cm->value);
+	data[VAL_3] = FloatByte3(cm->value);
+	data[VAL_4] = FloatByte4(cm->value);
+	return RESP_DATA_SIZE;
+/* Decode a metadata and data to populate a controller.
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int DecodeResponseParam(
+        struct controller_message * cm,     /* Decoded controller message */
+        const struct metadata * m,          /* Metadata to aid in decoding */
+        const uint8_t * data)               /* Data to decode */
+	if (m->data_len < RESP_DATA_SIZE) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (m->msg_type != RESPPARAM_ID) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	cm->id = data[CTRL_ID];
+	cm->value_id = data[CTRLVAL_ID];
+	cm->value = BytesToFloat(data[VAL_1], data[VAL_2],
+			data[VAL_3], data[VAL_4]);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/responseparam.h b/groundStation/src/backend/responseparam.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e3224477b46d8384e6f10b30f07e5571d089cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/responseparam.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#ifndef _responseparam_h
+#define _responseparam_h
+#include "packet.h"
+#include "controller.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+/* Creates data and metadata for a respcontrol packet.
+ * Returns data size.
+ */
+ssize_t EncodeResponseParam(
+		struct metadata *m, /* Out */
+		uint8_t *data,      /* Out */
+		size_t data_size,   /* Data buffer max size */
+		const struct controller_message *cm); /* In */
+/* Decode a metadata and data to populate a message
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ */
+int DecodeResponseParam(
+		struct controller_message *cm, /* Out */
+		const struct metadata *m,      /* In */
+		const uint8_t * data);         /* In */
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/setparam.c b/groundStation/src/backend/setparam.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c97ed01f4d16d92ae18434d3dbf5d8da9c11b94a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/setparam.c
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#include "setparam.h"
+#include "commands.h"
+#include "bitwise.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+enum SetparamData {
+	VAL_1,
+	VAL_2,
+	VAL_3,
+	VAL_4,
+/* Creates data and metadata for a setcontrol packet
+ * Returns data size.
+ */
+ssize_t EncodeSetparam(
+        struct metadata * m,        /* data_len and msg_type will be populated*/
+        uint8_t * data,             /* Output buffer */
+        size_t data_size,           /* Max buffer size */
+        const struct controller_message * cm)       /* Message to encode */
+	m->msg_type = SETPARAM_ID;
+	m->data_len = SP_DATA_SIZE;
+	if (data_size < SP_DATA_SIZE) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	data[CTRL_ID] = cm->id;
+	data[CTRLVAL_ID] = cm->value_id;
+	data[VAL_1] = FloatByte1(cm->value);
+	data[VAL_2] = FloatByte2(cm->value);
+	data[VAL_3] = FloatByte3(cm->value);
+	data[VAL_4] = FloatByte4(cm->value);
+	return SP_DATA_SIZE;
+/* Decode a metadata and data to populate a controller.
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int DecodeSetparam(
+        struct controller_message * cm,     /* Decoded controller message */
+        const struct metadata * m,          /* Metadata to aid in decoding */
+        const uint8_t * data)               /* Data to decode */
+	if (m->data_len < SP_DATA_SIZE) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (m->msg_type != SETPARAM_ID) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	cm->id = data[CTRL_ID];
+	cm->value_id = data[CTRLVAL_ID];
+	cm->value = BytesToFloat(data[VAL_1], data[VAL_2],
+			data[VAL_3], data[VAL_4]);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/setparam.h b/groundStation/src/backend/setparam.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..671d7aa240ef43c6bb82fc8eaa1b29826b70c36c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/setparam.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#ifndef _setparam_h
+#define _setparam_h
+#include "packet.h"
+#include "controller.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+/* Creates data and metadata for a setcontrol packet
+ * Returns data size.
+ */
+ssize_t EncodeSetparam(
+		struct metadata * m,        /* data_len and msg_type will be populated*/
+		uint8_t * data,             /* Output buffer */
+		size_t data_size,           /* Max buffer size */
+		const struct controller_message * cm);      /* Message to encode */
+/* Decode a metadata and data to populate a controller.
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int DecodeSetparam(
+		struct controller_message * cm,     /* Decoded controller message */
+		const struct metadata * m,          /* Metadata to aid in decoding */
+		const uint8_t * data);              /* Data to decode */
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/type_def.h b/groundStation/src/backend/type_def.h
index 2a2b8249a4c62cb035a38a6c4b6f3abfe96edd89..27b5d192e5538c326668b45785d0be62028e0ee8 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/type_def.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/type_def.h
@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ enum flight_mode{
 typedef struct {
 	char begin_char;
-	char msg_type;
-	char msg_subtype;
+	int msg_type;
 	int msg_id;
 	int data_len;
 } metadata_t;
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/update.c b/groundStation/src/backend/update.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db546e05a3891ff0f9f52bc2ecdfc658012ed65b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/update.c
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#include "update.h"
+#include "commands.h"
+#include "bitwise.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+enum UpdateData {
+	ID_1,
+	ID_2,
+	ID_3,
+	ID_4,
+	Y_1,
+	Y_2,
+	Y_3,
+	Y_4,
+	X_1,
+	X_2,
+	X_3,
+	X_4,
+	Z_1,
+	Z_2,
+	Z_3,
+	Z_4,
+	ROLL_1,
+	ROLL_2,
+	ROLL_3,
+	ROLL_4,
+	PITCH_1,
+	PITCH_2,
+	PITCH_3,
+	PITCH_4,
+	YAW_1,
+	YAW_2,
+	YAW_3,
+	YAW_4,
+/* Creates data and metadata for an update packet
+ * Returns data size.
+ */
+ssize_t EncodeUpdate(
+        struct metadata * m,        /* data_len and msg_type will be populated*/
+        uint8_t * data,             /* Output buffer */
+        size_t data_size,           /* Max buffer size */
+        const struct position_update * u)       /* Message to encode */
+	m->msg_type = UPDATE_ID;
+	m->data_len = UPDATE_SIZE;
+	if (data_size < UPDATE_SIZE) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	data[ID_1] = IntByte1(u->id);
+	data[ID_2] = IntByte2(u->id);
+	data[ID_3] = IntByte3(u->id);
+	data[ID_4] = IntByte4(u->id);
+	data[Y_1] = FloatByte1(u->y);
+	data[Y_2] = FloatByte2(u->y);
+	data[Y_3] = FloatByte3(u->y);
+	data[Y_4] = FloatByte4(u->y);
+	data[X_1] = FloatByte1(u->x);
+	data[X_2] = FloatByte2(u->x);
+	data[X_3] = FloatByte3(u->x);
+	data[X_4] = FloatByte4(u->x);
+	data[Z_1] = FloatByte1(u->z);
+	data[Z_2] = FloatByte2(u->z);
+	data[Z_3] = FloatByte3(u->z);
+	data[Z_4] = FloatByte4(u->z);
+	data[ROLL_1] = FloatByte1(u->roll);
+	data[ROLL_2] = FloatByte2(u->roll);
+	data[ROLL_3] = FloatByte3(u->roll);
+	data[ROLL_4] = FloatByte4(u->roll);
+	data[PITCH_1] = FloatByte1(u->pitch);
+	data[PITCH_2] = FloatByte2(u->pitch);
+	data[PITCH_3] = FloatByte3(u->pitch);
+	data[PITCH_4] = FloatByte4(u->pitch);
+	data[YAW_1] = FloatByte1(u->yaw);
+	data[YAW_2] = FloatByte2(u->yaw);
+	data[YAW_3] = FloatByte3(u->yaw);
+	data[YAW_4] = FloatByte4(u->yaw);
+	return UPDATE_SIZE;
+/* Decode a metadata and data to populate an update.
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int DecodeUpdate(
+        struct position_update * u,     /* Decoded controller message */
+        const struct metadata * m,          /* Metadata to aid in decoding */
+        const uint8_t * data)               /* Data to decode */
+	if (m->data_len < UPDATE_SIZE) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (m->msg_type != UPDATE_ID) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	u->id = BytesToInt(data[ID_1], data[ID_2], data[ID_3], data[ID_4]);
+	u->x = BytesToFloat(data[X_1], data[X_2], data[X_3], data[X_4]);
+	u->y = BytesToFloat(data[Y_1], data[Y_2], data[Y_3], data[Y_4]);
+	u->z = BytesToFloat(data[Z_1], data[Z_2], data[Z_3], data[Z_4]);
+	u->pitch = BytesToFloat(data[PITCH_1], data[PITCH_2], 
+			data[PITCH_3], data[PITCH_4]);
+	u->roll = BytesToFloat(data[ROLL_1], data[ROLL_2], 
+			data[ROLL_3], data[ROLL_4]);
+	u->yaw = BytesToFloat(data[YAW_1], data[YAW_2], 
+			data[YAW_3], data[YAW_4]);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/update.h b/groundStation/src/backend/update.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..783a861cacd013ce7ffad9558dabfffbb9c80481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/update.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#ifndef _update_h
+#define _update_h
+#include "packet.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+struct position_update {
+	uint32_t id;
+	float x;
+	float y;
+	float z;
+	float pitch;
+	float roll;
+	float yaw;
+/* Creates data and metadata for an update packet.
+ * Returns data size.
+ */
+ssize_t EncodeUpdate(
+		struct metadata *m, /* Out */
+		uint8_t *data,      /* Out */
+		size_t data_size,   /* Data buffer max size */
+		const struct position_update *u); /* In */
+/* Decode a metadata and data to populate an update
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ */
+int DecodeUpdate(
+		struct position_update *u, /* Out */
+		const struct metadata *m,      /* In */
+		const uint8_t * data);         /* In */
diff --git a/groundStation/src/cli/cli.c b/groundStation/src/cli/cli.c
index 8eed2381b6a8440635adbce3a5dcf78460f05cde..acec4dbc6352ca971b84289eb24cfc918da98bbd 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/cli/cli.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/cli/cli.c
@@ -76,8 +76,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 			needCommandHelp = 1;
-	printf("made it\n");
 	 * I the user has asked for help, and we have already found
diff --git a/groundStation/src/cli/cli_monitor.c b/groundStation/src/cli/cli_monitor.c
index 2703b62ee49144794c0b80f1671df727eb0281c0..b435b9117a7fb778047628c508f19c81ee73ee3e 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/cli/cli_monitor.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/cli/cli_monitor.c
@@ -9,11 +9,17 @@
 #include "cli_monitor.h"
 #include "frontend_tracker.h"
+#include "frontend_getpid.h"
+#include "pid_common.h"
+int rate = 10;
+static int pidcounter = 0;
+static int monitorcounter = 0;
 int cli_monitor(struct backend_conn * conn,	int argc, char **argv) {
 	int c, result;
 	int countFlag = 0;
-	int count, rate = 10;
+	int count;
 	int forever = 0;
 	static int needHelp = 0;
@@ -96,33 +102,50 @@ int cli_monitor(struct backend_conn * conn,	int argc, char **argv) {
 int monitor(struct backend_conn * conn) {
+	static struct frontend_pid_data pid_data[PID_NUM_PIDS] = {0};
 	/* Get tracker data */
 	struct frontend_tracker_data td;
 	if (frontend_track(conn, &td)) {
 		errx(1, "Error reading tracker data");
-	/* TODO: Get PID constants and status */
-	/* It might be a good idea to only read the pid constants
-	 * every few seconds, so count iterations and only do it if 
-	 * this is every (rate * 2 or 3) pass through the loop
-	 */
+	if (monitorcounter == 0) {
+		for(int i = 0; i < PID_NUM_PIDS; ++i) {
+			pid_data[i].controller = i;
+			if (frontend_getpid(conn, &pid_data[i])) {
+				errx(1, "Error reading pid values");
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if ((monitorcounter  % (rate * 5)) == 0) {
+			pid_data[pidcounter].controller = pidcounter;
+			if (frontend_getpid(conn, &pid_data[pidcounter])) {
+				errx(1, "Error reading pid values");
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	/* Print stuff on screen */
 	/* Assuming a tab width of 8 columns */
 	printf("STATUS: NA\n");
-	printf("CTRLR :\tP\tR\tY\tP_V\tR_V\tY_V\tH\tLAT\tLON\n");
-	printf("  P   :\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\n",
-			0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-	printf("  I   :\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\n",
-			0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-	printf("  D   :\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\n",
-			0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-	printf("PosAtt:\tH\tLAT\tLON\tP\tR\tY\n");
-	printf("      :\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\t%6.3lf\n",
+	printf("CTRLR :      P          R          Y          P_V        R_V        Y_V        H          LAT        LON\n");
+	printf("  P   :%10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf\n",
+			pid_data[0].p, pid_data[1].p, pid_data[2].p, pid_data[3].p, pid_data[4].p,
+		 	pid_data[5].p, pid_data[6].p, pid_data[7].p, pid_data[8].p);
+	printf("  I   :%10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf\n",
+			pid_data[0].i, pid_data[1].i, pid_data[2].i, pid_data[3].i, pid_data[4].i,
+		 	pid_data[5].i, pid_data[6].i, pid_data[7].i, pid_data[8].i);
+	printf("  D   :%10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf %10.3lf\n",
+			pid_data[0].d, pid_data[1].d, pid_data[2].d, pid_data[3].d, pid_data[4].d,
+		 	pid_data[5].d, pid_data[6].d, pid_data[7].d, pid_data[8].d);
+	printf("PosAtt:      H         LAT       LON       P         R         Y\n");
+	printf("      :%10.3lf%10.3lf%10.3lf%10.3lf%10.3lf%10.3lf\n",
 			td.height, td.lateral, td.longitudinal,
 			td.pitch, td.roll, td.yaw);
+	monitorcounter++;
+	pidcounter = ((pidcounter + 1)  % PID_NUM_PIDS);
 	return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_getpid.c b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_getpid.c
index 08827a528fdaec30b36910e5d91438100c12e4de..2fd33c31116bf135a3c1f78cf94b2353bdbb8820 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_getpid.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_getpid.c
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ int frontend_getpid(
 			strncpy(line, "getyawp\ngetyawi\ngetyawd\n", 24);
 		case PID_PITCH_RATE :
-			strncpy(line, "getpitchratep\ngetpitchratei\ngetpitchrated\n", 33);
+			strncpy(line, "getpitchratep\ngetpitchratei\ngetpitchrated\n", 42);
 		case PID_ROLL_RATE :
-			strncpy(line, "getrollratep\ngetrollratei\ngetrollrated\n", 30);
+			strncpy(line, "getrollratep\ngetrollratei\ngetrollrated\n", 39);
 		case PID_YAW_RATE :
-			strncpy(line, "getyawratep\ngetyawratei\ngetyawrated\n", 27);
+			strncpy(line, "getyawratep\ngetyawratei\ngetyawrated\n", 36);
 		case PID_HEIGHT :
 			strncpy(line, "getheightp\ngetheighti\ngetheightd\n", 33);
@@ -62,22 +62,30 @@ int frontend_getpid(
 	char * response;
-	for (;;) {
+	char tmpresponse[64];
+	char * cmdString;
+	size_t pendingResponses = 3;
+	float value;
+	while (pendingResponses) {
 		response = ucart_backendGetline(conn);
 		if (response == NULL) {
 			warnx("Line not returned from backend");
 			return 1;
-		printf("received : %s\n", response);
-		// if (strncmp(response, MAGIC, strlen(MAGIC)) == 0) {
-		// 	break;
-		// }
+		strncpy(tmpresponse, response, 64);
+		if (strncmp(tmpresponse, "get", 3) == 0) {
+			cmdString = strtok(tmpresponse, " ");
+			value = strtof(&response[strlen(cmdString)],NULL);
+			if(cmdString[strlen(cmdString)-1] == 'p') {
+				pid_data->p = value;
+			} else if(cmdString[strlen(cmdString)-1] == 'i') {
+				pid_data->i = value;
+			} else if(cmdString[strlen(cmdString)-1] == 'd') {
+				pid_data->d = value;
+			}
+			pendingResponses--;
+		}
-	// if (strncmp(response, MAGIC " ERROR", strlen(MAGIC " ERROR")) == 0) {
-	// 	warnx("Backend returned an error: %s", strstr(response, "ERROR"));
-	// 	return 1;
-	// }
 	return 0;
diff --git a/groundStation/src/frontend/pid_common.h b/groundStation/src/frontend/pid_common.h
index b89e3b1cddc85bb8820520e91ea4fa1858becd3a..87e61255fa45f995ff73b212ff076436497e9cca 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/frontend/pid_common.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/frontend/pid_common.h
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ enum pid_controller {
 	PID_HEIGHT, /* Z */
-	PID_LAT, /* X */
 	PID_LONG, /* Y */
+	PID_LAT, /* X */
diff --git a/quad/scripts/stress_tests.py b/quad/scripts/stress_tests.py
index 7b31502bf1ea436ce0757c5f9883fcad29fc7d15..801f1713fa9beadbe9c7ebb45322d0e6eadec0bd 100755
--- a/quad/scripts/stress_tests.py
+++ b/quad/scripts/stress_tests.py
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 import sys
+import random
 from time import sleep
 import serial
-def create_msg(main_type, subtype, msg_id, data):
+def create_msg(msg_type, msg_id, data):
     msg = bytes()
     msg += b'\xBE'
-    msg += main_type.to_bytes(1, 'little')
-    msg += subtype.to_bytes(1, 'little')
+    msg += msg_type.to_bytes(2, 'little')
     msg += msg_id.to_bytes(2, 'little')
     msg += len(data).to_bytes(2, 'little')
     msg += data
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def create_msg(main_type, subtype, msg_id, data):
 def create_test_packet(size=8):
     data = bytes((i % 256 for i in range(size)))
-    return create_msg(0, 1, 0, data)
+    return create_msg(1, 0, data)
 def read_packet(ser, raw=False):
     header = ser.read(7)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def read_packet(ser, raw=False):
 def query_received(ser):
     # Send request
-    query_msg = create_msg(0, 2, 0, b'')
+    query_msg = create_msg(2, 0, b'')
@@ -107,6 +107,13 @@ def test_bad_checksum(ser, cur_status, size=30):
     return check_test(ser, 0, 0, cur_status)
+def test_get_set(ser):
+	print("Checking Get/Set Commands")
+	for cntl_id in range(9):
+		for const_id in range(4):
+			to_set = random.random()
+			#set_packet = create_msg()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     with serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 921600, timeout=5) as ser:
diff --git a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/callbacks.c b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/callbacks.c
index 0440e414cf1233396589f8b1f1f011c3d38260d8..e34fe1db454a6be43edeb818e650d87c50705fdb 100644
--- a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/callbacks.c
+++ b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/callbacks.c
@@ -3,31 +3,49 @@
 #include "type_def.h"
 #include "uart.h"
+ * Static variables used to keep track of packet counts
+ */
+static int n_msg_received = 0;
+static size_t total_payload_received = 0;
+/* Misc. callbacks */
+  * Currently does nothing.
+  */
 int debug(modular_structs_t *structs)
 	return 0;
-static int n_msg_received = 0;
-static size_t total_payload_received = 0;
+  * counts the number of packet logs.
+  */
 int cb_packetlog(modular_structs_t* structs) {
 	n_msg_received += 1;
 	total_payload_received += uart_buff_data_length();
 	return 0;
+  * Handles a get packet logs request and sends a response
+  * with the packet log data.
+  */
 int cb_getpacketlogs(modular_structs_t* structs) {
 	char buf[255];
 	// Message logging number of messages received and size of payload received
 	int length = snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%d,%d", n_msg_received, total_payload_received);
-	send_data(MessageTypes[5].ID, MessageTypes[5].subtypes[1].ID, 0, buf, length >= sizeof(buf) ? 255 : length + 1);
+	send_data(LOG_ID, 0, buf, length >= sizeof(buf) ? 255 : length + 1);
 	return 0;
-/* Handles receiving new location updates */
+ * Handles receiving new location updates.
+ */
 int cb_update(modular_structs_t *structs)
 	//processUpdate(packet, &(structs->raw_sensor_struct.currentQuadPosition));
@@ -63,141 +81,150 @@ int cb_update(modular_structs_t *structs)
 	return 0;
-// This is called on the ground station to begin sending VRPN to the quad
+  * This is called on the ground station to begin sending VRPN to the quad.
+  */
 int cb_beginupdate(modular_structs_t *structs) {
 	structs->user_input_struct.receivedBeginUpdate = 1;
 	return 0;
-int cb_log(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	size_t length;
-	unsigned char *packet = uart_buff_get_raw(&length);
-	return 0;
-int cb_response(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	size_t length;
-	char *packet = uart_buff_get_raw(&length);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setyaw(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.yaw = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setyawp(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.yaw_angle_pid.Kp = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setyawd(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.yaw_angle_pid.Kd = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setroll(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.roll = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setrollp(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.roll_angle_pid.Kp = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
+/* Callbacks for configuration */
+  * Handles a command to set a controller parameter on the quad.
+  *
+  * NOTE:
+  * Expects the uart buff to have data in the following format:
+  * |--------------------------------------------------------|
+  * |  data index ||      0      |      1      |    2 - 5    |
+  * |--------------------------------------------------------|
+  * |   parameter ||  control ID | ctrl parmID |  param val  |
+  * |--------------------------------------------------------|
+  * |       bytes ||      1      |      1      |      4      |
+  * |--------------------------------------------------------|
+  * 
+  * Does not send anything in response.
+  */
+int cb_setparam(modular_structs_t *structs)
+	// Get some of the meta data
+	u16 data_len = uart_buff_data_length();
+	// Check if the data length is correct
+	if (data_len != 6)
+	{
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// Get the controller ID, parameter ID, parameter value
+	u8 controller_id = uart_buff_data_get_u8(0);
+	u8 param_id = uart_buff_data_get_u8(1);
+	float param_val = uart_buff_data_get_float(3);
+	// Check to make sure the IDs are in bounds
+	if (controller_id >= MAX_CONTROLLER_ID ||
+		param_id >= MAX_CONTROL_PARAM_ID)
+	{
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// Set the param_val into the controller by controller_id, param_id
+	switch(param_id)
+	{
+		case KP_ID:
+			structs->parameter_struct.pid_controllers[controller_id].Kp = param_val;
+			break;
+		case KI_ID:
+			structs->parameter_struct.pid_controllers[controller_id].Ki = param_val;
+			break;
+		case KD_ID:
+			structs->parameter_struct.pid_controllers[controller_id].Kd = param_val;
+			break;
+		case SP_ID:
+			structs->parameter_struct.pid_controllers[controller_id].setpoint = param_val;
+			break;
+	}
+	return 0;
+  * Handles a command to get a controller parameter from the quad.
+  *
+  * NOTE:
+  * Expects the uart buff to have data in the following format:
+  * |------------------------------------------|
+  * |  data index ||      0      |      1      |
+  * |------------------------------------------|
+  * |   parameter ||  control ID | ctrl parmID |
+  * |------------------------------------------|
+  * |       bytes ||      1      |      1      |
+  * |------------------------------------------|
+  *
+  * Sends a response of type RESPONSECONTROL_ID.
+  * The response will have a message ID equal to the one originally received.
+  * The data of the response will be in the following format:
+  * |--------------------------------------------------------|
+  * |  data index ||      0      |      1      |    2 - 5    |
+  * |--------------------------------------------------------|
+  * |   parameter ||  control ID | ctrl parmID |  param val  |
+  * |--------------------------------------------------------|
+  * |       bytes ||      1      |      1      |      4      |
+  * |--------------------------------------------------------|
+  */
+int cb_getparam(modular_structs_t* structs)
+	// Get some of the meta data
+	u16 data_len = uart_buff_data_length();
+	u16 msg_id = uart_buff_get_u16(3);
+	// Check if the data length is correct
+	if (data_len != 2)
+	{
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// Get the controller ID, parameter ID
+	u8 controller_id = uart_buff_data_get_u8(0);
+	u8 param_id = uart_buff_data_get_u8(1);
+	// Check to make sure the IDs are in bounds
+	if (controller_id >= MAX_CONTROLLER_ID ||
+		param_id >= MAX_CONTROL_PARAM_ID)
+	{
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// Make the variable to send
+	float param_val;
+	// Set the param_val equal to the parameter value stored in the controller by
+	// controller_id, param_id
+	switch(param_id)
+	{
+		case KP_ID:
+			param_val = structs->parameter_struct.pid_controllers[controller_id].Kp;
+			break;
+		case KI_ID:
+			param_val = structs->parameter_struct.pid_controllers[controller_id].Ki;
+			break;
+		case KD_ID:
+			param_val = structs->parameter_struct.pid_controllers[controller_id].Kd;
+			break;
+		case SP_ID:
+			param_val = structs->parameter_struct.pid_controllers[controller_id].setpoint;
+			break;
+	}
+	// Format the response data
+	char resp_data[6];
+	// Controller ID
+	resp_data[0] = controller_id;
+	// Parameter ID
+	resp_data[1] = param_id;
+	// Parameter value (4 byte float)
+	// TODO set a strict byte ordering for communication between the ground station and the quad
+	memcpy(&resp_data[2], &param_val, sizeof(param_val));
+	// Send the response
+	send_data(RESPPARAM_ID, msg_id, resp_data, sizeof(resp_data));
-int cb_setrolld(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.roll_angle_pid.Kd = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
 	return 0;
-int cb_setpitch(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.pitch = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setpitchp(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.pitch_angle_pid.Kp = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setpitchd(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.pitch_angle_pid.Kd = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-// rate functions to make Andy happy
-int cb_setyawratep(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.yaw_ang_vel_pid.Kp = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setyawrated(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.yaw_ang_vel_pid.Kd = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setrollratep(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.roll_ang_vel_pid.Kp = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setrollrated(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.roll_ang_vel_pid.Kd = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setpitchratep(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.pitch_ang_vel_pid.Kp = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setpitchrated(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.pitch_ang_vel_pid.Kd = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setheight(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.alt_pos = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-	return 0;
-int cb_setheightp(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.alt_pid.Kp = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-int cb_setheighti(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.alt_pid.Ki = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
-int cb_setheightd(modular_structs_t *structs)
-	structs->parameter_struct.alt_pid.Kd = uart_buff_data_get_float(0);
diff --git a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/callbacks.h b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/callbacks.h
index 6b6dee02a2e6020df1e0ee47a44c724a044cf1c0..7e67ddac5b59b5e824faf8a2a6bb736609242fca 100644
--- a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/callbacks.h
+++ b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/callbacks.h
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-#ifndef __callbacks_
+#ifndef __callbacks_h
 #define __callbacks_h
 /* Grab some stupid stuff from legacy code */
-#include "type_def.h"
+struct modular_structs;
 /* Make commands.c happy */
-typedef int (command_cb)(modular_structs_t *structs);
+typedef int (command_cb)(struct modular_structs *structs);
diff --git a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/cb_default.h b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/cb_default.h
index 99982e63f73c37f9fdd1175bdf94c1f4b268a6c9..aa308108b499e2cb8f4e723a59b81b02abe6d29c 100644
--- a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/cb_default.h
+++ b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/cb_default.h
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 #include "commands.h"
+#include "type_def.h"
 /* The cb_default used on the groundStation. This file MUST NOT BE INCLUDED
  * by anything except for commands.c */
diff --git a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/communication.c b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/communication.c
index 04a5705b1d5f6e0db4fefe8c7993ffe1cd8527cd..bba31571e0e5e6b26bf244f538d3719021d2b7d8 100644
--- a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/communication.c
+++ b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/communication.c
@@ -73,8 +73,7 @@ int process_packet(modular_structs_t *structs) {
 	metadata_t meta_data;
 	// parse metadata
 	meta_data.begin_char = uart_buff_get_u8(0);
-	meta_data.msg_type = uart_buff_get_u8(1);
-	meta_data.msg_subtype = uart_buff_get_u8(2);
+	meta_data.msg_type = uart_buff_get_u16(1);
 	meta_data.msg_id = uart_buff_get_u16(3);
 	meta_data.data_len = uart_buff_get_u16(5);
 	unsigned char packet_checksum = uart_buff_get_u8(7+meta_data.data_len);
@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ int process_packet(modular_structs_t *structs) {
 	// Call appropriate function for packet
-	(* (MessageTypes[meta_data.msg_type].subtypes[meta_data.msg_subtype].functionPtr))(structs);
+	(* (MessageTypes[meta_data.msg_type].functionPtr))(structs);
@@ -167,24 +166,23 @@ void uart_interrupt_handler(XUartPs *InstancePtr) {
-int send_data(u16 type_id, u16 subtype_id, u16 msg_id, char* data, size_t size) {
+int send_data(u16 type_id, u16 msg_id, char* data, size_t size) {
 	//	   index||	   0	|	  1	   |	  2		 |	3 & 4 |		 5 & 6		 |	7+	|	end	   |
-	// msg param|| beg char | msg type | msg subtype | msg id | data len (bytes) | data | checksum |
+	// msg param|| beg char |       msg type         | msg id | data len (bytes) | data | checksum |
 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-	//	   bytes||	   1	|	  1	   |	  1		 |	  2	  |		   2		 | var	|	 1	   |
+	//	   bytes||	   1	|	       2             |   2    |        2         | var	|	 1	   |
 	char formattedHeader[7];
 	// Begin Char:
 	formattedHeader[0] = BEGIN_CHAR;
-	// Msg type:
-	formattedHeader[1] = type_id;
-	// Msg subtype
-	formattedHeader[2] = subtype_id;
-	//Msg id 2 bytes
+	// Msg type 2 bytes:
+	formattedHeader[1] = type_id & 0x000000ff;
+	formattedHeader[2] = (type_id >> 8) & 0x000000ff;
+	// Msg id 2 bytes
 	formattedHeader[3] = msg_id & 0x000000ff;
 	formattedHeader[4] = (msg_id >> 8) & 0x000000ff;
 	// Data length and data - bytes 5&6 for len, 7+ for data
@@ -195,10 +193,6 @@ int send_data(u16 type_id, u16 subtype_id, u16 msg_id, char* data, size_t size)
 	unsigned char packet_checksum = 0;
 	int i;
-	// TODO: Look into uart0_sendBytes and see if it would be better to use
-	// Send header
-	//uart0_sendBytes(formattedHeader, 7);
 	for(i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
 		packet_checksum ^= formattedHeader[i];
diff --git a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/communication.h b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/communication.h
index 12516af08ece11266a401bc4f51d1c8a5f1a1f15..92c7c86d039af0362e3d5a40c84187f6ad9fd29a 100644
--- a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/communication.h
+++ b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/communication.h
@@ -16,6 +16,6 @@
 int initUartComms();
 void process_received(modular_structs_t *structs);
 void uart_interrupt_handler(XUartPs *InstancePtr);
-int send_data(u16 type_id, u16 subtype_id, u16 msg_id, char* data, size_t size);
+int send_data(u16 type_id, u16 msg_id, char* data, size_t size);
diff --git a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/control_algorithm.c b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/control_algorithm.c
index 2e79f58fb0ba983ca258cd543dc05e32740d038a..63ba756137739578a39f2609048a3728027266c7 100644
--- a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/control_algorithm.c
+++ b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/control_algorithm.c
@@ -16,42 +16,42 @@
 	// HUMAN Piloted (RC) PID DEFINITIONS //////
 	// RC PIDs for roll (2 loops: angle --> angular velocity)
-	parameter_struct->roll_angle_pid.dt = 0.005; parameter_struct->roll_ang_vel_pid.dt = 0.005; // 5 ms calculation period
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_ID].dt = 0.005; parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_RATE_ID].dt = 0.005; // 5 ms calculation period
 	// RC PIDs for pitch (2 loops: angle --> angular velocity)
-	parameter_struct->pitch_angle_pid.dt = 0.005; parameter_struct->pitch_ang_vel_pid.dt = 0.005; // 5 ms calculation period
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_ID].dt = 0.005; parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_RATE_ID].dt = 0.005; // 5 ms calculation period
 	// initialize Yaw PID_t and PID constants
 	// RC PID for yaw (1 loop angular velocity)
-	parameter_struct->yaw_ang_vel_pid.dt = 0.005; // 5 ms calculation period
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_RATE_ID].dt = 0.005; // 5 ms calculation period
 	// AUTOMATIC Pilot (Position) PID DEFINITIONS //////
 	// Local X PID using a translation from X camera system data to quad local X position (3 loops: local y position --> angle --> angular velocity)
-	parameter_struct->local_x_pid.dt = 0.100;
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID].dt = 0.100;
 	// Local Y PID using a translation from Y camera system data to quad local Y position(3 loops: local x position --> angle --> angular velocity)
-	parameter_struct->local_y_pid.dt = 0.100;
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID].dt = 0.100;
 	// CAM PIDs for yaw (2 loops angle --> angular velocity)
-	parameter_struct->yaw_angle_pid.dt = 0.100;
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_ID].dt = 0.100;
 	// CAM PID for altitude (1 loop altitude)
-	parameter_struct->alt_pid.dt = 0.100;
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ALT_ID].dt = 0.100;
 	// PID coeffiecients (Position)
-	setPIDCoeff(&(parameter_struct->local_y_pid), YPOS_KP, YPOS_KI, YPOS_KD);
-	setPIDCoeff(&(parameter_struct->local_x_pid), XPOS_KP, XPOS_KI, XPOS_KD);
-	setPIDCoeff(&(parameter_struct->alt_pid), ALT_ZPOS_KP, ALT_ZPOS_KI, ALT_ZPOS_KD);
+	setPIDCoeff(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID]), YPOS_KP, YPOS_KI, YPOS_KD);
+	setPIDCoeff(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID]), XPOS_KP, XPOS_KI, XPOS_KD);
+	setPIDCoeff(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ALT_ID]), ALT_ZPOS_KP, ALT_ZPOS_KI, ALT_ZPOS_KD);
 	// PID coefficients (Angle)
-	setPIDCoeff(&(parameter_struct->pitch_angle_pid), PITCH_ANGLE_KP, PITCH_ANGLE_KI, PITCH_ANGLE_KD);
-	setPIDCoeff(&(parameter_struct->roll_angle_pid), ROLL_ANGLE_KP, ROLL_ANGLE_KI, ROLL_ANGLE_KD);
-	setPIDCoeff(&(parameter_struct->yaw_angle_pid), YAW_ANGLE_KP, YAW_ANGLE_KI, YAW_ANGLE_KD);
+	setPIDCoeff(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_ID]), PITCH_ANGLE_KP, PITCH_ANGLE_KI, PITCH_ANGLE_KD);
+	setPIDCoeff(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_ID]), ROLL_ANGLE_KP, ROLL_ANGLE_KI, ROLL_ANGLE_KD);
+	setPIDCoeff(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_ID]), YAW_ANGLE_KP, YAW_ANGLE_KI, YAW_ANGLE_KD);
 	// PID coefficients (Angular Velocity)
 	return 0;
@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@
 	if((cur_fm_switch == AUTO_FLIGHT_MODE) && (user_defined_struct->engaging_auto == 2))
 		// zero out the accumulated error so the I terms don't cause wild things to happen
-		parameter_struct->alt_pid.acc_error = 0.0;
-		parameter_struct->local_x_pid.acc_error = 0.0;
-		parameter_struct->local_y_pid.acc_error = 0.0;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ALT_ID].acc_error = 0.0;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID].acc_error = 0.0;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID].acc_error = 0.0;
 		// make previous error equal to the current so the D term doesn't spike
-		parameter_struct->alt_pid.prev_error = 0.0;
-		parameter_struct->local_x_pid.prev_error = 0.0;
-		parameter_struct->local_y_pid.prev_error = 0.0;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ALT_ID].prev_error = 0.0;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID].prev_error = 0.0;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID].prev_error = 0.0;
 		setpoint_struct->desiredQuadPosition.alt_pos = sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.alt_pos;
 		setpoint_struct->desiredQuadPosition.x_pos = sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.x_pos;
@@ -135,26 +135,26 @@
-		parameter_struct->local_y_pid.current_point = sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.y_pos;
-		parameter_struct->local_y_pid.setpoint = setpoint_struct->desiredQuadPosition.y_pos;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID].current_point = sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.y_pos;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID].setpoint = setpoint_struct->desiredQuadPosition.y_pos;
-		parameter_struct->local_x_pid.current_point = sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.x_pos;
-		parameter_struct->local_x_pid.setpoint = setpoint_struct->desiredQuadPosition.x_pos;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID].current_point = sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.x_pos;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID].setpoint = setpoint_struct->desiredQuadPosition.x_pos;
-		parameter_struct->alt_pid.current_point = sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.alt_pos;
-		parameter_struct->alt_pid.setpoint = setpoint_struct->desiredQuadPosition.alt_pos;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ALT_ID].current_point = sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.alt_pos;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ALT_ID].setpoint = setpoint_struct->desiredQuadPosition.alt_pos;
 		//logging and PID computation
-		log_struct->local_y_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->local_y_pid));
-		log_struct->local_x_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->local_x_pid));
-		log_struct->altitude_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->alt_pid));
+		log_struct->local_y_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID]));
+		log_struct->local_x_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID]));
+		log_struct->altitude_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ALT_ID]));
 		// yaw angular position PID calculation
-		parameter_struct->yaw_angle_pid.current_point = sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.yaw;// in radians
-		parameter_struct->yaw_angle_pid.setpoint = setpoint_struct->desiredQuadPosition.yaw; // constant setpoint
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_ID].current_point = sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.yaw;// in radians
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_ID].setpoint = setpoint_struct->desiredQuadPosition.yaw; // constant setpoint
 		//logging and PID computation
-		log_struct->angle_yaw_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->yaw_angle_pid));
+		log_struct->angle_yaw_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_ID]));
@@ -165,37 +165,37 @@
 	//angle boundaries
-	if(parameter_struct->local_x_pid.pid_correction > ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE)
+	if(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID].pid_correction > ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE)
-		parameter_struct->local_x_pid.pid_correction = ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID].pid_correction = ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE;
-	if(parameter_struct->local_x_pid.pid_correction < -ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE)
+	if(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID].pid_correction < -ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE)
-		parameter_struct->local_x_pid.pid_correction = -ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID].pid_correction = -ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE;
-	if(parameter_struct->local_y_pid.pid_correction > ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE)
+	if(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID].pid_correction > ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE)
-		parameter_struct->local_y_pid.pid_correction = ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID].pid_correction = ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE;
-	if(parameter_struct->local_y_pid.pid_correction < -ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE)
+	if(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID].pid_correction < -ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE)
-		parameter_struct->local_y_pid.pid_correction = -ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE;
+		parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID].pid_correction = -ROLL_PITCH_MAX_ANGLE;
-	parameter_struct->pitch_angle_pid.current_point = sensor_struct->pitch_angle_filtered;
-	parameter_struct->pitch_angle_pid.setpoint =
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_ID].current_point = sensor_struct->pitch_angle_filtered;
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_ID].setpoint =
 			/*(user_defined_struct->flight_mode == AUTO_FLIGHT_MODE)?
-			(parameter_struct->local_x_pid.pid_correction) + pitch_trim :*/ user_input_struct->pitch_angle_manual_setpoint;
+			(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID].pid_correction) + pitch_trim :*/ user_input_struct->pitch_angle_manual_setpoint;
-	parameter_struct->roll_angle_pid.current_point = sensor_struct->roll_angle_filtered;
-	parameter_struct->roll_angle_pid.setpoint =
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_ID].current_point = sensor_struct->roll_angle_filtered;
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_ID].setpoint =
 			/*(user_defined_struct->flight_mode == AUTO_FLIGHT_MODE)?
-			(parameter_struct->local_y_pid.pid_correction) + roll_trim :*/ user_input_struct->roll_angle_manual_setpoint;
+			(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID].pid_correction) + roll_trim :*/ user_input_struct->roll_angle_manual_setpoint;
 	//logging and PID computation
-	log_struct->angle_pitch_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->pitch_angle_pid));
-	log_struct->angle_roll_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->roll_angle_pid));
+	log_struct->angle_pitch_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_ID]));
+	log_struct->angle_roll_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_ID]));
 	/* 				Angular Velocity Loop
@@ -205,25 +205,25 @@
 	// theta_dot is the angular velocity about the y-axis
 	// it is calculated from using the gimbal equations
-	parameter_struct->pitch_ang_vel_pid.current_point = sensor_struct->theta_dot;
-	parameter_struct->pitch_ang_vel_pid.setpoint = parameter_struct->pitch_angle_pid.pid_correction;
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_RATE_ID].current_point = sensor_struct->theta_dot;
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_RATE_ID].setpoint = parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_ID].pid_correction;
 	// phi_dot is the angular velocity about the x-axis
 	// it is calculated from using the gimbal equations
-	parameter_struct->roll_ang_vel_pid.current_point = sensor_struct->phi_dot;
-	parameter_struct->roll_ang_vel_pid.setpoint = parameter_struct->roll_angle_pid.pid_correction;
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_RATE_ID].current_point = sensor_struct->phi_dot;
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_RATE_ID].setpoint = parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_ID].pid_correction;
 	// Yaw angular velocity PID
 	// psi_dot is the angular velocity about the z-axis
 	// it is calculated from using the gimbal equations
-	parameter_struct->yaw_ang_vel_pid.current_point = sensor_struct->psi_dot;
-	parameter_struct->yaw_ang_vel_pid.setpoint = /*(user_defined_struct->flight_mode == AUTO_FLIGHT_MODE)?
-			parameter_struct->yaw_angle_pid.pid_correction :*/ user_input_struct->yaw_manual_setpoint; // no trim added because the controller already works well
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_RATE_ID].current_point = sensor_struct->psi_dot;
+	parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_RATE_ID].setpoint = /*(user_defined_struct->flight_mode == AUTO_FLIGHT_MODE)?
+			parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_ID].pid_correction :*/ user_input_struct->yaw_manual_setpoint; // no trim added because the controller already works well
 	//logging and PID computation
-	log_struct->ang_vel_pitch_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->pitch_ang_vel_pid));
-	log_struct->ang_vel_roll_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->roll_ang_vel_pid));
-	log_struct->ang_vel_yaw_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->yaw_ang_vel_pid));
+	log_struct->ang_vel_pitch_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_RATE_ID]));
+	log_struct->ang_vel_roll_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_RATE_ID]));
+	log_struct->ang_vel_yaw_PID_values = pid_computation(&(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_RATE_ID]));
 	//END PIDs///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@@ -240,43 +240,43 @@
 			raw_actuator_struct->controller_corrected_motor_commands[THROTTLE] =
-				((int)(parameter_struct->alt_pid.pid_correction)) + sensor_struct->trims.throttle;
+				((int)(parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ALT_ID].pid_correction)) + sensor_struct->trims.throttle;
 			raw_actuator_struct->controller_corrected_motor_commands[ROLL] =
-					parameter_struct->roll_ang_vel_pid.pid_correction; // + sensor_struct->trims.roll;
+					parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_RATE_ID].pid_correction; // + sensor_struct->trims.roll;
 			raw_actuator_struct->controller_corrected_motor_commands[PITCH] =
-					parameter_struct->pitch_ang_vel_pid.pid_correction; // + sensor_struct->trims.pitch;
+					parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_RATE_ID].pid_correction; // + sensor_struct->trims.pitch;
 			raw_actuator_struct->controller_corrected_motor_commands[YAW] =
-					parameter_struct->yaw_ang_vel_pid.pid_correction;// + sensor_struct->trims.yaw;
+					parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_RATE_ID].pid_correction;// + sensor_struct->trims.yaw;
 //			static int slow_down = 0;
 //			slow_down++;
 //			if(slow_down % 50 == 0)
 //			printf("X: %.3f\tY: %.3f\tZ: %.3f\tX_s: %.3f\tX_c: %.3f\tY_s: %.3f\tY_c: %.3f\tZ_s: %.3f\tZ_c: %.3f\t\n",
-//					parameter_struct->local_x_pid.pid_correction,
-//					parameter_struct->local_y_pid.pid_correction,
-//					parameter_struct->alt_pid.pid_correction,
-//					parameter_struct->local_x_pid.setpoint, parameter_struct->local_x_pid.current_point,
-//					parameter_struct->local_y_pid.setpoint, parameter_struct->local_y_pid.current_point,
-//					parameter_struct->alt_pid.setpoint, parameter_struct->alt_pid.current_point);
+//					parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID].pid_correction,
+//					parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID].pid_correction,
+//					parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ALT_ID].pid_correction,
+//					parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID].setpoint, parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID].current_point,
+//					parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID].setpoint, parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID].current_point,
+//					parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ALT_ID].setpoint, parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ALT_ID].current_point);
 			raw_actuator_struct->controller_corrected_motor_commands[ROLL] =
-					parameter_struct->roll_ang_vel_pid.pid_correction;
+					parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_RATE_ID].pid_correction;
 			raw_actuator_struct->controller_corrected_motor_commands[PITCH] =
-					parameter_struct->pitch_ang_vel_pid.pid_correction;
+					parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_RATE_ID].pid_correction;
 			raw_actuator_struct->controller_corrected_motor_commands[YAW] =
-					parameter_struct->yaw_ang_vel_pid.pid_correction;
+					parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_RATE_ID].pid_correction;
@@ -314,17 +314,17 @@
 	// here we are not actually duplicating the logging from the PID computation
 	// the PID computation logs PID_values struct where this logs the PID struct
 	// they contain different sets of data
-	log_struct->local_y_PID = parameter_struct->local_y_pid;
-	log_struct->local_x_PID = parameter_struct->local_x_pid;
-	log_struct->altitude_PID = parameter_struct->alt_pid;
+	log_struct->local_y_PID = parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_Y_ID];
+	log_struct->local_x_PID = parameter_struct->pid_controllers[LOCAL_X_ID];
+	log_struct->altitude_PID = parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ALT_ID];
-	log_struct->angle_roll_PID = parameter_struct->roll_angle_pid;
-	log_struct->angle_pitch_PID = parameter_struct->pitch_angle_pid;
-	log_struct->angle_yaw_PID = parameter_struct->yaw_angle_pid;
+	log_struct->angle_roll_PID = parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_ID];
+	log_struct->angle_pitch_PID = parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_ID];
+	log_struct->angle_yaw_PID = parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_ID];
-	log_struct->ang_vel_roll_PID = parameter_struct->roll_ang_vel_pid;
-	log_struct->ang_vel_pitch_PID = parameter_struct->pitch_ang_vel_pid;
-	log_struct->ang_vel_yaw_PID = parameter_struct->yaw_ang_vel_pid;
+	log_struct->ang_vel_roll_PID = parameter_struct->pid_controllers[ROLL_RATE_ID];
+	log_struct->ang_vel_pitch_PID = parameter_struct->pid_controllers[PITCH_RATE_ID];
+	log_struct->ang_vel_yaw_PID = parameter_struct->pid_controllers[YAW_RATE_ID];
 	last_fm_switch = cur_fm_switch;
diff --git a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/log_data.c b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/log_data.c
index f1e9e7a825a696486d3768708bc269841e745f4c..2ab248cdda53c460527bf294e95a0091e5a47151 100644
--- a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/log_data.c
+++ b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/log_data.c
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void printLogging(){
-	send_data(MessageTypes[5].ID, MessageTypes[5].subtypes[0].ID, 0, buf, strlen(buf) + 1);
+	send_data(LOG_ID, 0, buf, strlen(buf) + 1);
 	//uart0_sendBytes(buf, strlen(buf));
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ void printLogging(){
 	/* print & send log data */
 	for(i = 0; i < arrayIndex; i++){
 		char* logLine = format(logArray[i]);
-		send_data(MessageTypes[5].ID, MessageTypes[5].subtypes[0].ID, 0, logLine, strlen(logLine) + 1);
+		send_data(LOG_ID, 0, logLine, strlen(logLine) + 1);
diff --git a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/sensor.c b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/sensor.c
index 86d1aebd49388560cc7abb41199ce9ead2043383..9f24a3b76f52eef86538396a75cac32f72d8e733 100644
--- a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/sensor.c
+++ b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/sensor.c
@@ -38,12 +38,11 @@ int get_sensors(log_t* log_struct, user_input_t* user_input_struct, raw_sensor_t
 //		metadata_t metadata =
 //		{
-//			MessageTypes[5].ID,
-//			MessageTypes[5].subtypes[1].ID,
 //			0,
 //			(strlen(buf) + 1)
 //		};
-//		formatPacket(&metadata, buf, &responsePacket);
+//		formatPacket(&metadata, buf, MessageTypes[RESPONSE_TYPE_ID].functionPtr);
 //		// Send each byte of the packet individually
 //		int i;
diff --git a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/type_def.h b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/type_def.h
index a13879a48884a77414b50ed5dbb421566b32f1c9..c6f89b496581f5241b2bfa392d50f1fbda319fd5 100644
--- a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/type_def.h
+++ b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/type_def.h
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 #define TYPE_DEF_H_
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include "commands.h"
  * @brief
  *      The modes for autonomous and manual flight.
@@ -22,14 +24,13 @@ enum flight_mode{
 //     index||     0    |     1    |      2      |  3 & 4 |      5 & 6       |  7+  |   end    |
-// msg param|| beg char | msg type | msg subtype | msg id | data len (bytes) | data | checksum |
+// msg param|| beg char |       msg type         | msg id | data len (bytes) | data | checksum |
 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-//     bytes||     1    |     1    |      1      |    2   |        2         | var  |    1     |
+//     bytes||     1    |          2             |    2   |        2         | var  |    1     |
 typedef struct {
 	char begin_char;
-	char msg_type;
-	char msg_subtype;
+	uint16_t msg_type;
 	uint16_t msg_id;
 	uint16_t data_len;
 } metadata_t;
@@ -107,14 +108,14 @@ typedef struct {
 typedef struct PID_t {
-	double current_point;	// Current value of the system
-	double setpoint;		// Desired value of the system
+	float current_point;	// Current value of the system
+	float setpoint;		// Desired value of the system
 	float Kp;				// Proportional constant
 	float Ki;				// Integral constant
 	float Kd;				// Derivative constant
-	double prev_error;		// Previous error
-	double acc_error;		// Accumulated error
-	double pid_correction;	// Correction factor computed by the PID
+	float prev_error;		// Previous error
+	float acc_error;		// Accumulated error
+	float pid_correction;	// Correction factor computed by the PID
 	float dt; 				// sample period
 } PID_t;
@@ -286,13 +287,7 @@ typedef struct setpoint_t {
 typedef struct parameter_t {
-	PID_t roll_angle_pid, roll_ang_vel_pid;
-	PID_t pitch_angle_pid, pitch_ang_vel_pid;
-	PID_t yaw_ang_vel_pid;
-	PID_t local_x_pid;
-	PID_t local_y_pid;
-	PID_t yaw_angle_pid;
-	PID_t alt_pid;
+	PID_t pid_controllers[MAX_CONTROLLER_ID];
 } parameter_t;
@@ -329,7 +324,7 @@ typedef struct actuator_command_t {
  * @brief
  * 		Structures to be used throughout
-typedef struct {
+typedef struct modular_structs {
 	user_input_t user_input_struct;
 	log_t log_struct;
 	raw_sensor_t raw_sensor_struct;
@@ -339,7 +334,7 @@ typedef struct {
 	user_defined_t user_defined_struct;
 	raw_actuator_t raw_actuator_struct;
 	actuator_command_t actuator_command_struct;
+} modular_structs_t;
diff --git a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/uart.c b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/uart.c
index a31256e43d0afa9c1e30b5248ad558f04c0bbe8c..8328bed7b4f35388240e8c075b5e92cf4e7c4f70 100644
--- a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/uart.c
+++ b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/src/uart.c
@@ -298,8 +298,8 @@ void uart0_sendStr(char* str) {
 void uart0_sendMetaData(metadata_t md)
-	uart0_sendByte(md.msg_type);
-	uart0_sendByte(md.msg_subtype);
+	uart0_sendByte(md.msg_type & 0x00ff);
+	uart0_sendByte((md.msg_type >> 8) & 0x00ff);
 	uart0_sendByte(md.msg_id & 0x00ff);
 	uart0_sendByte((md.msg_id >> 8) & 0x00ff);
 	uart0_sendByte(md.data_len & 0x00ff);
diff --git a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/test/test_uart_buff.c b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/test/test_uart_buff.c
index 29b127bbd254176baa50543d5bb35d5226facc4d..72eb683edef7662107329a745685c7b26a4610be 100644
--- a/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/test/test_uart_buff.c
+++ b/quad/sw/modular_quad_pid/test/test_uart_buff.c
@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ int failed(char *msg) {
   return 1;
-void add_packet(unsigned char type, unsigned char subtype, unsigned short id, unsigned short length, unsigned char *data) {
+void add_packet(u16 type, unsigned short id, unsigned short length, unsigned char *data) {
-  uart_buff_add_u8(subtype);
+  uart_buff_add_u8(type >> 8);
   uart_buff_add_u8(id >> 8);