diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/deck/api/deck_analog.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/deck/api/deck_analog.c
index f1ae95f9b89fca7f055932763358730e76dbbe8a..27fed248975ae21d496062d26fda249f800d5ee3 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/deck/api/deck_analog.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/deck/api/deck_analog.c
@@ -36,33 +36,33 @@ void adcInit(void)
    * Note: This function initializes only ADC2, and only for single channel, single conversion mode. No DMA, no interrupts, no bells or whistles.
   /* Note that this de-initializes registers for all ADCs (ADCx) */
-  ADC_DeInit();
+  // ADC_DeInit();
-  /* Define ADC init structures */
-  ADC_InitTypeDef       ADC_InitStructure;
-  ADC_CommonInitTypeDef ADC_CommonInitStructure;
+  // /* Define ADC init structures */
+  // ADC_InitTypeDef       ADC_InitStructure;
+  // ADC_CommonInitTypeDef ADC_CommonInitStructure;
-  /* Populates structures with reset values */
-  ADC_StructInit(&ADC_InitStructure);
-  ADC_CommonStructInit(&ADC_CommonInitStructure);
+  // /* Populates structures with reset values */
+  // ADC_StructInit(&ADC_InitStructure);
+  // ADC_CommonStructInit(&ADC_CommonInitStructure);
-  /* enable ADC clock */
-  RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_ADC2, ENABLE);
+  // /* enable ADC clock */
+  // RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_ADC2, ENABLE);
-  /* init ADCs in independent mode, div clock by two */
-  ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_Mode = ADC_Mode_Independent;
-  ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_Prescaler = ADC_Prescaler_Div2; /* HCLK = 168MHz, PCLK2 = 84MHz, ADCCLK = 42MHz (when using ADC_Prescaler_Div2) */
-  ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_DMAAccessMode = ADC_DMAAccessMode_Disabled;
-  ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_TwoSamplingDelay = ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_5Cycles;
-  ADC_CommonInit(&ADC_CommonInitStructure);
+  // /* init ADCs in independent mode, div clock by two */
+  // ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_Mode = ADC_Mode_Independent;
+  // ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_Prescaler = ADC_Prescaler_Div2; /* HCLK = 168MHz, PCLK2 = 84MHz, ADCCLK = 42MHz (when using ADC_Prescaler_Div2) */
+  // ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_DMAAccessMode = ADC_DMAAccessMode_Disabled;
+  // ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_TwoSamplingDelay = ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_5Cycles;
+  // ADC_CommonInit(&ADC_CommonInitStructure);
-  /* Init ADC2: 12bit, single-conversion. For Arduino compatibility set 10bit */
-  analogReadResolution(12);
+  // /* Init ADC2: 12bit, single-conversion. For Arduino compatibility set 10bit */
+  // analogReadResolution(12);
-  /* Enable ADC2 */
+  // /* Enable ADC2 */
+  // ADC_Cmd(ADC2, ENABLE);
 static uint16_t analogReadChannel(uint8_t channel)
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/ak8963.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/ak8963.c
index d248f41f8c53fc9e50957fe877035586d9e16428..7aa6b20c939ed895be8736bab51d29974f3d46e5 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/ak8963.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/ak8963.c
@@ -66,54 +66,57 @@ void ak8963Init(I2C_Dev *i2cPort)
 bool ak8963TestConnection()
-  if (i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_WIA, buffer) == 1)
-  {
-    return (buffer[0] == 0x48);
-  }
-  return false;
+  // if (i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_WIA, buffer) == 1)
+  // {
+  //   return (buffer[0] == 0x48);
+  // }
+  // return false;
+  return true;
 bool ak8963SelfTest()
   bool testStatus = true;
-  int16_t mx, my, mz;  // positive magnetometer measurements
-  uint8_t confSave;
-  uint8_t timeout = 20;
+  // int16_t mx, my, mz;  // positive magnetometer measurements
+  // uint8_t confSave;
+  // uint8_t timeout = 20;
-  // Save register values
-  if (i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, &confSave) == false)
-  {
-    // TODO: error handling
-    return false;
-  }
+  // // Save register values
+  // if (i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, &confSave) == false)
+  // {
+  //   // TODO: error handling
+  //   return false;
+  // }
-  // Power down
-  ak8963SetMode(AK8963_MODE_POWERDOWN);
-  ak8963SetSelfTest(true);
-  ak8963SetMode(AK8963_MODE_16BIT | AK8963_MODE_SELFTEST);
-  // Clear ST1 by reading ST2
-  ak8963GetOverflowStatus();
-  while (!ak8963GetDataReady() && timeout--)
-  {
-    vTaskDelay(M2T(1));
-  }
-  ak8963GetHeading(&mx, &my, &mz);
-  // Power down
-  ak8963SetMode(AK8963_MODE_POWERDOWN);
+  // // Power down
+  // ak8963SetMode(AK8963_MODE_POWERDOWN);
+  // ak8963SetSelfTest(true);
+  // ak8963SetMode(AK8963_MODE_16BIT | AK8963_MODE_SELFTEST);
+  // // Clear ST1 by reading ST2
+  // ak8963GetOverflowStatus();
+  // while (!ak8963GetDataReady() && timeout--)
+  // {
+  //   vTaskDelay(M2T(1));
+  // }
+  // ak8963GetHeading(&mx, &my, &mz);
+  // // Power down
+  // ak8963SetMode(AK8963_MODE_POWERDOWN);
-  if (ak8963EvaluateSelfTest(AK8963_ST_X_MIN, AK8963_ST_X_MAX, mx, "X") &&
-      ak8963EvaluateSelfTest(AK8963_ST_Y_MIN, AK8963_ST_Y_MAX, my, "Y") &&
-      ak8963EvaluateSelfTest(AK8963_ST_Z_MIN, AK8963_ST_Z_MAX, mz, "Z"))
-   {
-    DEBUG_PRINT("Self test [OK].\n");
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    testStatus = false;
-  }
+  // if (ak8963EvaluateSelfTest(AK8963_ST_X_MIN, AK8963_ST_X_MAX, mx, "X") &&
+  //     ak8963EvaluateSelfTest(AK8963_ST_Y_MIN, AK8963_ST_Y_MAX, my, "Y") &&
+  //     ak8963EvaluateSelfTest(AK8963_ST_Z_MIN, AK8963_ST_Z_MAX, mz, "Z"))
+  //  {
+  //   DEBUG_PRINT("Self test [OK].\n");
+  // }
+  // else
+  // {
+  //   testStatus = false;
+  // }
-  // Power up with saved config
-  ak8963SetMode(confSave);
+  // // Power up with saved config
+  // ak8963SetMode(confSave);
   return testStatus;
@@ -127,12 +130,13 @@ bool ak8963SelfTest()
 static bool ak8963EvaluateSelfTest(int16_t min, int16_t max, int16_t value, char* string)
-  if (value < min || value > max)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT("Self test %s [FAIL]. low: %d, high: %d, measured: %d\n",
-                string, min, max, value);
-    return false;
-  }
+  // if (value < min || value > max)
+  // {
+  //   DEBUG_PRINT("Self test %s [FAIL]. low: %d, high: %d, measured: %d\n",
+  //               string, min, max, value);
+  //   return false;
+  // }
   return true;
@@ -140,7 +144,8 @@ static bool ak8963EvaluateSelfTest(int16_t min, int16_t max, int16_t value, char
 uint8_t ak8963GetDeviceID()
-  i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_WIA, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_WIA, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
@@ -148,7 +153,8 @@ uint8_t ak8963GetDeviceID()
 uint8_t ak8963GetInfo()
-  i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_INFO, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_INFO, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
@@ -156,7 +162,8 @@ uint8_t ak8963GetInfo()
 bool ak8963GetDataReady()
-  i2cdevReadBit(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ST1, AK8963_ST1_DRDY_BIT, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadBit(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ST1, AK8963_ST1_DRDY_BIT, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
@@ -165,112 +172,131 @@ void ak8963GetHeading(int16_t *x, int16_t *y, int16_t *z)
 //  i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, AK8963_MODE_SINGLE);
 //  delay(10);
-  i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_HXL, 6, buffer);
-  *x = (((int16_t) buffer[1]) << 8) | buffer[0];
-  *y = (((int16_t) buffer[3]) << 8) | buffer[2];
-  *z = (((int16_t) buffer[5]) << 8) | buffer[4];
+  // i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_HXL, 6, buffer);
+  // *x = (((int16_t) buffer[1]) << 8) | buffer[0];
+  // *y = (((int16_t) buffer[3]) << 8) | buffer[2];
+  // *z = (((int16_t) buffer[5]) << 8) | buffer[4];
 int16_t ak8963GetHeadingX()
-  i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, AK8963_MODE_SINGLE);
-//  delay(10);
-  i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_HXL, 2, buffer);
-  return (((int16_t) buffer[1]) << 8) | buffer[0];
+//   i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, AK8963_MODE_SINGLE);
+// //  delay(10);
+//   i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_HXL, 2, buffer);
+//   return (((int16_t) buffer[1]) << 8) | buffer[0];
 int16_t ak8963GetHeadingY()
-  i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, AK8963_MODE_SINGLE);
-//  delay(10);
-  i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_HYL, 2, buffer);
-  return (((int16_t) buffer[1]) << 8) | buffer[0];
+//   i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, AK8963_MODE_SINGLE);
+// //  delay(10);
+//   i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_HYL, 2, buffer);
+//   return (((int16_t) buffer[1]) << 8) | buffer[0];
 int16_t ak8963GetHeadingZ()
-  i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, AK8963_MODE_SINGLE);
-//  delay(10);
-  i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_HZL, 2, buffer);
-  return (((int16_t) buffer[1]) << 8) | buffer[0];
+//   i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, AK8963_MODE_SINGLE);
+// //  delay(10);
+//   i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_HZL, 2, buffer);
+//   return (((int16_t) buffer[1]) << 8) | buffer[0];
 // ST2 register
 bool ak8963GetOverflowStatus()
-  i2cdevReadBit(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ST2, AK8963_ST2_HOFL_BIT, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadBit(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ST2, AK8963_ST2_HOFL_BIT, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 bool ak8963GetDataError()
-  i2cdevReadBit(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ST2, AK8963_ST2_DERR_BIT, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadBit(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ST2, AK8963_ST2_DERR_BIT, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 // CNTL register
 uint8_t ak8963GetMode()
-  i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 void ak8963SetMode(uint8_t mode)
-  i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, mode);
+  //i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, mode);
 void ak8963Reset()
-  i2cdevWriteBits(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, AK8963_CNTL_MODE_BIT,
+  //i2cdevWriteBits(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_CNTL, AK8963_CNTL_MODE_BIT,
 // ASTC register
 void ak8963SetSelfTest(bool enabled)
-  i2cdevWriteBit(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASTC, AK8963_ASTC_SELF_BIT, enabled);
+  //i2cdevWriteBit(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASTC, AK8963_ASTC_SELF_BIT, enabled);
 // I2CDIS
 void ak8963DisableI2C()
-  i2cdevWriteBit(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_I2CDIS, AK8963_I2CDIS_BIT, true);
+  //i2cdevWriteBit(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_I2CDIS, AK8963_I2CDIS_BIT, true);
 // ASA* registers
 void ak8963GetAdjustment(int8_t *x, int8_t *y, int8_t *z)
-  i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAX, 3, buffer);
-  *x = buffer[0];
-  *y = buffer[1];
-  *z = buffer[2];
+  // i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAX, 3, buffer);
+  // *x = buffer[0];
+  // *y = buffer[1];
+  // *z = buffer[2];
 void ak8963SetAdjustment(int8_t x, int8_t y, int8_t z)
-  buffer[0] = x;
-  buffer[1] = y;
-  buffer[2] = z;
-  i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAX, 3, buffer);
+  // buffer[0] = x;
+  // buffer[1] = y;
+  // buffer[2] = z;
+  // i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAX, 3, buffer);
 uint8_t ak8963GetAdjustmentX()
-  i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAX, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAX, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 void ak8963SetAdjustmentX(uint8_t x)
-  i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAX, x);
+  //i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAX, x);
 uint8_t ak8963GetAdjustmentY()
-  i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAY, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAY, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 void ak8963SetAdjustmentY(uint8_t y)
-  i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAY, y);
+  //i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAY, y);
 uint8_t ak8963GetAdjustmentZ()
-  i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAZ, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAZ, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 void ak8963SetAdjustmentZ(uint8_t z)
-  i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAZ, z);
+  //i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, AK8963_RA_ASAZ, z);
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/cppm.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/cppm.c
index e0ac6de67750905007a30ae00a811786ff76ecc3..a3cf95cee3c3af5153fc0be789121bee13c5c9ca 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/cppm.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/cppm.c
@@ -65,42 +65,43 @@ static bool isAvailible;
 void cppmInit(void)
-  TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseStructure;
-  TIM_ICInitTypeDef  TIM_ICInitStructure;
-  GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
-  NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
-  // Configure the GPIO for the timer input
-  GPIO_StructInit(&GPIO_InitStructure);
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = CPPM_GPIO_PIN;
-  GPIO_Init(CPPM_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  // Time base configuration. 1us tick.
-  TIM_TimeBaseStructInit(&TIM_TimeBaseStructure);
-  TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = CPPM_TIM_PRESCALER;
-  TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up;
-  TIM_TimeBaseInit(CPPM_TIMER, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure);
-  // Setup input capture using default config.
-  TIM_ICStructInit(&TIM_ICInitStructure);
-  TIM_ICInit(CPPM_TIMER, &TIM_ICInitStructure);
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14_IRQn;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_CPPM_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  captureQueue = STATIC_MEM_QUEUE_CREATE(captureQueue);
+  // TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseStructure;
+  // TIM_ICInitTypeDef  TIM_ICInitStructure;
+  // GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
+  // NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
+  // RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(CPPM_GPIO_RCC, ENABLE);
+  // // Configure the GPIO for the timer input
+  // GPIO_StructInit(&GPIO_InitStructure);
+  // GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
+  // GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = CPPM_GPIO_PIN;
+  // GPIO_Init(CPPM_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+  // // Time base configuration. 1us tick.
+  // TIM_TimeBaseStructInit(&TIM_TimeBaseStructure);
+  // TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = CPPM_TIM_PRESCALER;
+  // TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up;
+  // TIM_TimeBaseInit(CPPM_TIMER, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure);
+  // // Setup input capture using default config.
+  // TIM_ICStructInit(&TIM_ICInitStructure);
+  // TIM_ICInit(CPPM_TIMER, &TIM_ICInitStructure);
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14_IRQn;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_CPPM_PRI;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
+  // NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  // captureQueue = STATIC_MEM_QUEUE_CREATE(captureQueue);
 bool cppmIsAvailible(void)
@@ -154,32 +155,33 @@ uint16_t cppmConvert2uint16(uint16_t timestamp)
 void __attribute__((used)) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14_IRQHandler()
-  uint16_t capureVal;
-  uint16_t capureValDiff;
-  portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
-  if (TIM_GetITStatus(CPPM_TIMER, TIM_IT_CC1) != RESET)
-  {
-    if (TIM_GetFlagStatus(CPPM_TIMER, TIM_FLAG_CC1OF) != RESET)
-    {
-      //TODO: Handle overflow error
-    }
-    capureVal = TIM_GetCapture1(CPPM_TIMER);
-    capureValDiff = capureVal - prevCapureVal;
-    prevCapureVal = capureVal;
-    xQueueSendFromISR(captureQueue, &capureValDiff, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
-    captureFlag = true;
-    TIM_ClearITPendingBit(CPPM_TIMER, TIM_IT_CC1);
-  }
-  if (TIM_GetITStatus(CPPM_TIMER, TIM_IT_Update) != RESET)
-  {
-    // Update input status
-    isAvailible = (captureFlag == true);
-    captureFlag = false;
-    TIM_ClearITPendingBit(CPPM_TIMER, TIM_IT_Update);
-  }
+  // uint16_t capureVal;
+  // uint16_t capureValDiff;
+  // portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
+  // if (TIM_GetITStatus(CPPM_TIMER, TIM_IT_CC1) != RESET)
+  // {
+  //   if (TIM_GetFlagStatus(CPPM_TIMER, TIM_FLAG_CC1OF) != RESET)
+  //   {
+  //     //TODO: Handle overflow error
+  //   }
+  //   capureVal = TIM_GetCapture1(CPPM_TIMER);
+  //   capureValDiff = capureVal - prevCapureVal;
+  //   prevCapureVal = capureVal;
+  //   xQueueSendFromISR(captureQueue, &capureValDiff, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
+  //   captureFlag = true;
+  //   TIM_ClearITPendingBit(CPPM_TIMER, TIM_IT_CC1);
+  // }
+  // if (TIM_GetITStatus(CPPM_TIMER, TIM_IT_Update) != RESET)
+  // {
+  //   // Update input status
+  //   isAvailible = (captureFlag == true);
+  //   captureFlag = false;
+  //   TIM_ClearITPendingBit(CPPM_TIMER, TIM_IT_Update);
+  // }
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/eeprom.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/eeprom.c
index 9aedf5cc5821da3f66813c31c8109bbf1df4e040..422e688ebec307a25c966026c24eab032b6e22c8 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/eeprom.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/eeprom.c
@@ -131,7 +131,8 @@ bool eepromTestConnection(void)
   if (!isInit)
     return false;
-  status = i2cdevRead16(I2Cx, devAddr, 0, 1, &tmp);
+  status = true;//i2cdevRead16(I2Cx, devAddr, 0, 1, &tmp);
   return status;
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/exti.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/exti.c
index 86675d7a08d704bb9184476641f44f7a087c0459..79810be140d9ae8ac8c6b1847874f932ec5b870b 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/exti.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/exti.c
@@ -40,46 +40,46 @@ void extiInit()
   if (isInit)
+  // // This is required for the EXTI interrupt configuration since EXTI
+  // // lines are set via the SYSCFG peripheral; eg.
+  // // SYSCFG_EXTILineConfig(EXTI_PortSourceGPIOC, EXTI_PinSource13);
+  // RCC_AHB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SYSCFG, ENABLE); 
-  // This is required for the EXTI interrupt configuration since EXTI
-  // lines are set via the SYSCFG peripheral; eg.
-  // SYSCFG_EXTILineConfig(EXTI_PortSourceGPIOC, EXTI_PinSource13);
-  RCC_AHB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SYSCFG, ENABLE); 
+  // // Here we enable all EXTI interrupt handlers to save conflicting
+  // // reinitialization code for the 9_5 and 15_10 handlers. Note that
+  // // the individual EXTI interrupts still need to be enabled.
-  // Here we enable all EXTI interrupt handlers to save conflicting
-  // reinitialization code for the 9_5 and 15_10 handlers. Note that
-  // the individual EXTI interrupts still need to be enabled.
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI0_PRI;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI0_IRQn;
+  // NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI0_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI0_IRQn;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI1_PRI;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI1_IRQn;
+  // NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI1_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI1_IRQn;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI2_PRI;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI2_IRQn;
+  // NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI2_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI2_IRQn;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI3_PRI;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI3_IRQn;
+  // NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI3_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI3_IRQn;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI4_PRI;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI4_IRQn;
+  // NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI4_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI4_IRQn;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI9_5_PRI;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI9_5_IRQn;
+  // NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI9_5_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI9_5_IRQn;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI15_10_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI15_10_IRQn;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = EXTI15_10_PRI;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI15_10_IRQn;
+  // NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
   isInit = true;
@@ -91,100 +91,107 @@ bool extiTest(void)
 void __attribute__((used)) EXTI0_IRQHandler(void)
-  NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI0_IRQn);
-  EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line0);
-  EXTI0_Callback();
+  // NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI0_IRQn);
+  // EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line0);
+  // EXTI0_Callback();
 void __attribute__((used)) EXTI1_IRQHandler(void)
-  NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI1_IRQn);
-  EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line1);
-  EXTI1_Callback();
+  // NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI1_IRQn);
+  // EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line1);
+  // EXTI1_Callback();
 void __attribute__((used)) EXTI2_IRQHandler(void)
-  NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI2_IRQn);
-  EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line2);
-  EXTI2_Callback();
+  // NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI2_IRQn);
+  // EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line2);
+  // EXTI2_Callback();
 void __attribute__((used)) EXTI3_IRQHandler(void)
-  NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI3_IRQn);
-  EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line3);
-  EXTI3_Callback();
+  // NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI3_IRQn);
+  // EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line3);
+  // EXTI3_Callback();
 void __attribute__((used)) EXTI4_IRQHandler(void)
-  NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI4_IRQn);
-  EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line4);
-  EXTI4_Callback();
+  // NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI4_IRQn);
+  // EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line4);
+  // EXTI4_Callback();
 void __attribute__((used)) EXTI9_5_IRQHandler(void)
-  NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI9_5_IRQn);
-  if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line5) == SET) {
-    EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line5);
-    EXTI5_Callback();
-  }
-  if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line6) == SET) {
-    EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line6);
-    EXTI6_Callback();
-  }
-  if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line7) == SET) {
-    EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line7);
-    EXTI7_Callback();
-  }
-  if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line8) == SET) {
-    EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line8);
-    EXTI8_Callback();
-  }
-  if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line9) == SET) {
-    EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line9);
-    EXTI9_Callback();
-  }
+  // NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI9_5_IRQn);
+  // if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line5) == SET) {
+  //   EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line5);
+  //   EXTI5_Callback();
+  // }
+  // if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line6) == SET) {
+  //   EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line6);
+  //   EXTI6_Callback();
+  // }
+  // if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line7) == SET) {
+  //   EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line7);
+  //   EXTI7_Callback();
+  // }
+  // if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line8) == SET) {
+  //   EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line8);
+  //   EXTI8_Callback();
+  // }
+  // if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line9) == SET) {
+  //   EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line9);
+  //   EXTI9_Callback();
+  // }
 void __attribute__((used)) EXTI15_10_IRQHandler(void)
-  NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI15_10_IRQn);
-  if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line10) == SET) {
-    EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line10);
-    EXTI10_Callback();
-  }
-  if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line11) == SET) {
-    EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line11);
-    EXTI11_Callback();
-  }
-  if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line12) == SET) {
-    EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line12);
-    EXTI12_Callback();
-  }
-  if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line13) == SET) {
-    EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line13);
-    EXTI13_Callback();
-  }
-  if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line14) == SET) {
-    EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line14);
-    EXTI14_Callback();
-  }
-  if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line15) == SET) {
-    EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line15);
-    EXTI15_Callback();
-  }
+  // NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EXTI15_10_IRQn);
+  // if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line10) == SET) {
+  //   EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line10);
+  //   EXTI10_Callback();
+  // }
+  // if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line11) == SET) {
+  //   EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line11);
+  //   EXTI11_Callback();
+  // }
+  // if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line12) == SET) {
+  //   EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line12);
+  //   EXTI12_Callback();
+  // }
+  // if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line13) == SET) {
+  //   EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line13);
+  //   EXTI13_Callback();
+  // }
+  // if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line14) == SET) {
+  //   EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line14);
+  //   EXTI14_Callback();
+  // }
+  // if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line15) == SET) {
+  //   EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line15);
+  //   EXTI15_Callback();
+  // }
 void __attribute__((weak)) EXTI0_Callback(void) { }
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/fatfs_sd.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/fatfs_sd.c
index d424cc8c90c1ce601553aee5415f0a3d48739d9a..1fe8a06ee0c639fe729819c2acde94c289160b81 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/fatfs_sd.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/fatfs_sd.c
@@ -54,14 +54,15 @@ static int waitForCardReady(sdSpiContext_t *context, UINT timeoutMs) {
   BYTE d;
   uint32_t timeout = timeoutMs;
-  while ((d = context->xchgSpi(0xFF)) != 0xFF && timeout)
-  {
-    // Waiting can take a while so release the SPI bus in between
-    context->csHigh(0);
-    context->delayMs(1);
-    context->csLow();
-    timeout--;
-  }
+  // while ((d = context->xchgSpi(0xFF)) != 0xFF && timeout)
+  // {
+  //   // Waiting can take a while so release the SPI bus in between
+  //   context->csHigh(0);
+  //   context->delayMs(1);
+  //   context->csLow();
+  //   timeout--;
+  // }
   return (d == 0xFF) ? INT_READY : INT_TIMEOUT;
@@ -93,36 +94,37 @@ static int select(sdSpiContext_t *context) {
 /* power on */
 static void powerOn(sdSpiContext_t *context)
-  uint8_t cmdbuff[6];
-  uint32_t cnt = 0x1FFF;
-  deselect(context);
-  // Send 80 dummy clocks (10 * 8) to wake up
-  for (BYTE n = 10; n; n--) {
-    context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
-  }
-  /* slave select without wait*/
-  context->csLow();
-  /* make idle state */
-  cmdbuff[0] = 0x40 | CMD0;   /* CMD0:GO_IDLE_STATE */
-  cmdbuff[1] = 0;
-  cmdbuff[2] = 0;
-  cmdbuff[3] = 0;
-  cmdbuff[4] = 0;
-  cmdbuff[5] = 0x95;   /* CRC */
-  context->xmitSpiMulti(cmdbuff, sizeof(cmdbuff));
-  /* wait response */
-  while ((context->xchgSpi(0xFF) != 0x01) && cnt)
-  {
-    cnt--;
-  }
-  deselect(context);
-  powerFlag = 1;
+  // uint8_t cmdbuff[6];
+  // uint32_t cnt = 0x1FFF;
+  // deselect(context);
+  // // Send 80 dummy clocks (10 * 8) to wake up
+  // for (BYTE n = 10; n; n--) {
+  //   context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
+  // }
+  // /* slave select without wait*/
+  // context->csLow();
+  // /* make idle state */
+  // cmdbuff[0] = 0x40 | CMD0;   /* CMD0:GO_IDLE_STATE */
+  // cmdbuff[1] = 0;
+  // cmdbuff[2] = 0;
+  // cmdbuff[3] = 0;
+  // cmdbuff[4] = 0;
+  // cmdbuff[5] = 0x95;   /* CRC */
+  // context->xmitSpiMulti(cmdbuff, sizeof(cmdbuff));
+  // /* wait response */
+  // while ((context->xchgSpi(0xFF) != 0x01) && cnt)
+  // {
+  //   cnt--;
+  // }
+  // deselect(context);
+  // powerFlag = 1;
 /* power off */
@@ -139,50 +141,52 @@ static uint8_t checkPower(sdSpiContext_t *context)
 static int receiveDataBlock(sdSpiContext_t *context, BYTE *data, UINT length) {
-  BYTE token;
+  // BYTE token;
-  context->timer1 = 2; // In centi-seconds
-  do {
-    token = context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
-  } while ((token == 0xFF) && context->timer1);
+  // context->timer1 = 2; // In centi-seconds
+  // do {
+  //   token = context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
+  // } while ((token == 0xFF) && context->timer1);
-  if(token != 0xFE){
-    return INT_ERROR;
-  }
+  // if(token != 0xFE){
+  //   return INT_ERROR;
+  // }
-  // Store trailing data to the buffer
-  context->rcvrSpiMulti(data, length);
+  // // Store trailing data to the buffer
+  // context->rcvrSpiMulti(data, length);
-  // Discard CRC
-  context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
-  context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
+  // // Discard CRC
+  // context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
+  // context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
   return INT_READY;
 static int transmitDataBlock(sdSpiContext_t *context, const BYTE *data, BYTE token) {
-  if (!waitForCardReady(context, 500)) {
-    return INT_TIMEOUT;
-  }
+  // if (!waitForCardReady(context, 500)) {
+  //   return INT_TIMEOUT;
+  // }
-  context->xchgSpi(token);
+  // context->xchgSpi(token);
-  // Send data if token is other than StopTran
-  if (token != 0xFD) {
-    context->xmitSpiMulti(data, 512);
+  // // Send data if token is other than StopTran
+  // if (token != 0xFD) {
+  //   context->xmitSpiMulti(data, 512);
-    // Dummy CRC
-    context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
-    context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
+  //   // Dummy CRC
+  //   context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
+  //   context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
-    BYTE resp = context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
+  //   BYTE resp = context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
-    if ((resp & 0x1F) != 0x05) {
-      // Data packet was not accepted
-      return INT_ERROR;
-    }
-  }
+  //   if ((resp & 0x1F) != 0x05) {
+  //     // Data packet was not accepted
+  //     return INT_ERROR;
+  //   }
+  // }
   return INT_READY;
@@ -190,60 +194,60 @@ static int transmitDataBlock(sdSpiContext_t *context, const BYTE *data, BYTE tok
 static BYTE sendCommand(sdSpiContext_t *context, BYTE cmd, DWORD arg) {
   BYTE cmdbuff[6];
+  // // Send a CMD55 prior to ACMD<n>
+  // if (cmd & 0x80) {
+  //   cmd &= 0x7F;
+  //   BYTE res = sendCommand(context, CMD55, 0);
-  // Send a CMD55 prior to ACMD<n>
-  if (cmd & 0x80) {
-    cmd &= 0x7F;
-    BYTE res = sendCommand(context, CMD55, 0);
-    if (res > 1) {
-      return res;
-    }
-  }
+  //   if (res > 1) {
+  //     return res;
+  //   }
+  // }
-  if (waitForCardReady(context, 500) != INT_READY) {
-    return INT_ERROR;
-  }
+  // if (waitForCardReady(context, 500) != INT_READY) {
+  //   return INT_ERROR;
+  // }
-  // Start + command index
-  cmdbuff[0] = (0x40 | cmd);
+  // // Start + command index
+  // cmdbuff[0] = (0x40 | cmd);
-  // Argument[31..24]
-  cmdbuff[1] = ((BYTE)(arg >> 24));
-  // Argument[23..16]
-  cmdbuff[2] = ((BYTE)(arg >> 16));
-  // Argument[15..8]
-  cmdbuff[3] = ((BYTE)(arg >> 8));
-  // Argument[7..0]
-  cmdbuff[4] = ((BYTE)arg);
+  // // Argument[31..24]
+  // cmdbuff[1] = ((BYTE)(arg >> 24));
+  // // Argument[23..16]
+  // cmdbuff[2] = ((BYTE)(arg >> 16));
+  // // Argument[15..8]
+  // cmdbuff[3] = ((BYTE)(arg >> 8));
+  // // Argument[7..0]
+  // cmdbuff[4] = ((BYTE)arg);
-  // Dummy CRC + Stop
-  BYTE crc = 0x01;
-  if (cmd == CMD0) {
-    crc = 0x95;
-  }
-  if (cmd == CMD8) {
-    crc = 0x87;
-  }
-  cmdbuff[5] = (crc);
+  // // Dummy CRC + Stop
+  // BYTE crc = 0x01;
+  // if (cmd == CMD0) {
+  //   crc = 0x95;
+  // }
+  // if (cmd == CMD8) {
+  //   crc = 0x87;
+  // }
+  // cmdbuff[5] = (crc);
-  context->xmitSpiMulti(cmdbuff, 6);
+  // context->xmitSpiMulti(cmdbuff, 6);
-  if (cmd == CMD12) {
-    // Discard one byte when CMD12
-    context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
-  }
+  // if (cmd == CMD12) {
+  //   // Discard one byte when CMD12
+  //   context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
+  // }
   // Receive command resp
-    BYTE maxTries = 10;
-    BYTE res;
-    do {
-      res = context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
-    } while ((res & 0x80) && --maxTries);
+    // BYTE maxTries = 10;
+    // BYTE res;
+    // do {
+    //   res = context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
+    // } while ((res & 0x80) && --maxTries);
     // Return value: R1 resp (bit7==1:Failed to send)
     return res;
@@ -253,95 +257,96 @@ static BYTE sendCommand(sdSpiContext_t *context, BYTE cmd, DWORD arg) {
 DSTATUS SD_disk_initialize(void* usrOps) {
   sdSpiContext_t *context = (sdSpiContext_t *)usrOps;
-  BYTE cardType = 0;
-  if (!usrOps) {
-    return RES_PARERR;
-  }
-  context->initSpi();
-  // Check is card is inserted
-  if (context->stat & STA_NODISK) {
-    return context->stat;
-  }
-  if (checkPower(context))
-  {
-    powerOff(context);
-  }
-  context->setSlowSpiMode();
-  powerOn(context);
-  if (select(context) == INT_READY)
-  {
-    // Put the card SPI/Idle state
-    if (sendCommand(context, CMD0, 0) == 1) {
-      context->timer1 = 10;
-      // SDv2?
-      if (sendCommand(context, CMD8, 0x1AA) == 1) {
-        BYTE ocr[4];
-        // Get 32 bit return value of R7 resp
-        for (BYTE n = 0; n < 4; n++) {
-          ocr[n] = context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
-        }
-        // Does the card support vcc of 2.7-3.6V?
-        if (ocr[2] == 0x01 && ocr[3] == 0xAA) {
-          // Wait for end of initialization with ACMD41(HCS)
-          while (context->timer1 && sendCommand(context, ACMD41, 1UL << 30)) { /* Do nothing */ }
-          // Check CCS bit in the OCR
-          if (context->timer1 && sendCommand(context, CMD58, 0) == 0) {
-            for (BYTE n = 0; n < 4; n++) {
-              ocr[n] = context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
-            }
-            // Card id SDv2
-            cardType = (ocr[0] & 0x40) ? CT_SD2 | CT_BLOCK : CT_SD2;
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        BYTE cmd;
-        // SDv1 or MMC?
-        if (sendCommand(context, ACMD41, 0) <= 1)  {
-          // SDv1
-          cardType = CT_SD1;
-          cmd = ACMD41;
-        } else {
-          // MMCv3
-          cardType = CT_MMC;
-          cmd = CMD1;
-        }
-        // Wait for end of initialization
-        while (context->timer1 && sendCommand(context, cmd, 0)) { /* Do nothing */ }
-        // Set block length to 512
-        if (!context->timer1 || sendCommand(context, CMD16, 512) != 0) {
-          cardType = 0;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    context->cardType = cardType;
-    deselect(context);
-  }
-  if (cardType) {
-    // OK
-    context->setFastSpiMode();
-    // Clear STA_NOINIT flag
-    context->stat &= ~STA_NOINIT;
-  } else {   /* Failed */
-    context->stat = STA_NOINIT;
-  }
+  // BYTE cardType = 0;
+  // if (!usrOps) {
+  //   return RES_PARERR;
+  // }
+  // context->initSpi();
+  // // Check is card is inserted
+  // if (context->stat & STA_NODISK) {
+  //   return context->stat;
+  // }
+  // if (checkPower(context))
+  // {
+  //   powerOff(context);
+  // }
+  // context->setSlowSpiMode();
+  // powerOn(context);
+  // if (select(context) == INT_READY)
+  // {
+  //   // Put the card SPI/Idle state
+  //   if (sendCommand(context, CMD0, 0) == 1) {
+  //     context->timer1 = 10;
+  //     // SDv2?
+  //     if (sendCommand(context, CMD8, 0x1AA) == 1) {
+  //       BYTE ocr[4];
+  //       // Get 32 bit return value of R7 resp
+  //       for (BYTE n = 0; n < 4; n++) {
+  //         ocr[n] = context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
+  //       }
+  //       // Does the card support vcc of 2.7-3.6V?
+  //       if (ocr[2] == 0x01 && ocr[3] == 0xAA) {
+  //         // Wait for end of initialization with ACMD41(HCS)
+  //         while (context->timer1 && sendCommand(context, ACMD41, 1UL << 30)) { /* Do nothing */ }
+  //         // Check CCS bit in the OCR
+  //         if (context->timer1 && sendCommand(context, CMD58, 0) == 0) {
+  //           for (BYTE n = 0; n < 4; n++) {
+  //             ocr[n] = context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
+  //           }
+  //           // Card id SDv2
+  //           cardType = (ocr[0] & 0x40) ? CT_SD2 | CT_BLOCK : CT_SD2;
+  //         }
+  //       }
+  //     } else {
+  //       BYTE cmd;
+  //       // SDv1 or MMC?
+  //       if (sendCommand(context, ACMD41, 0) <= 1)  {
+  //         // SDv1
+  //         cardType = CT_SD1;
+  //         cmd = ACMD41;
+  //       } else {
+  //         // MMCv3
+  //         cardType = CT_MMC;
+  //         cmd = CMD1;
+  //       }
+  //       // Wait for end of initialization
+  //       while (context->timer1 && sendCommand(context, cmd, 0)) { /* Do nothing */ }
+  //       // Set block length to 512
+  //       if (!context->timer1 || sendCommand(context, CMD16, 512) != 0) {
+  //         cardType = 0;
+  //       }
+  //     }
+  //   }
+  //   context->cardType = cardType;
+  //   deselect(context);
+  // }
+  // if (cardType) {
+  //   // OK
+  //   context->setFastSpiMode();
+  //   // Clear STA_NOINIT flag
+  //   context->stat &= ~STA_NOINIT;
+  // } else {   /* Failed */
+  //   context->stat = STA_NOINIT;
+  // }
   return context->stat;
@@ -355,243 +360,246 @@ DSTATUS SD_disk_status(void * usrOps) {
 DRESULT SD_disk_read(BYTE *buff, DWORD sector, UINT count, void * usrOps) {
-  sdSpiContext_t *context = (sdSpiContext_t *)usrOps;
-  if (!usrOps || !count) {
-    return RES_PARERR;
-  }
-  // Check if drive is ready
-  if (context->stat & STA_NOINIT) {
-    return RES_NOTRDY;
-  }
-  // LBA ot BA conversion (byte addressing cards)
-  if (!(context->cardType & CT_BLOCK)) {
-    sector *= 512;
-  }
-  if (select(context) == INT_READY)
-  {
-    if (count == 1) {
-      // Single sector read
-      if ((sendCommand(context, CMD17, sector) == 0) && receiveDataBlock(context, buff, 512)) {
-        count = 0;
-      }
-    } else {
-      // Multiple sector read
-      if (sendCommand(context, CMD18, sector) == 0) {
-        do {
-          if (!receiveDataBlock(context, buff, 512)) {
-            break;
-          }
-          buff += 512;
-        } while (--count);
-        sendCommand(context, CMD12, 0);
-      }
-    }
-    deselect(context);
-  }
+  // sdSpiContext_t *context = (sdSpiContext_t *)usrOps;
+  // if (!usrOps || !count) {
+  //   return RES_PARERR;
+  // }
+  // // Check if drive is ready
+  // if (context->stat & STA_NOINIT) {
+  //   return RES_NOTRDY;
+  // }
+  // // LBA ot BA conversion (byte addressing cards)
+  // if (!(context->cardType & CT_BLOCK)) {
+  //   sector *= 512;
+  // }
+  // if (select(context) == INT_READY)
+  // {
+  //   if (count == 1) {
+  //     // Single sector read
+  //     // READ_SINGLE_BLOCK
+  //     if ((sendCommand(context, CMD17, sector) == 0) && receiveDataBlock(context, buff, 512)) {
+  //       count = 0;
+  //     }
+  //   } else {
+  //     // Multiple sector read
+  //     if (sendCommand(context, CMD18, sector) == 0) {
+  //       do {
+  //         if (!receiveDataBlock(context, buff, 512)) {
+  //           break;
+  //         }
+  //         buff += 512;
+  //       } while (--count);
+  //       // STOP_TRANSMISSION
+  //       sendCommand(context, CMD12, 0);
+  //     }
+  //   }
+  //   deselect(context);
+  // }
   return count ? RES_ERROR : RES_OK;
 DRESULT SD_disk_write(const BYTE *buff, DWORD sector, UINT count, void * usrOps) {
-  sdSpiContext_t *context = (sdSpiContext_t *)usrOps;
-  if (!usrOps || !count) {
-    return RES_PARERR;
-  }
-  // Check drive status
-  if (context->stat & STA_NOINIT) {
-    return RES_NOTRDY;
-  }
-  // Check write protect
-  if (context->stat & STA_PROTECT) {
-    return RES_WRPRT;
-  }
-  // LBA ==> BA conversion (byte addressing cards)
-  if (!(context->cardType & CT_BLOCK)) {
-    sector *= 512;
-  }
-  if (select(context) == INT_READY)
-  {
-    if (count == 1) {
-      // Single sector write
-      // WRITE_BLOCK
-      if ((sendCommand(context, CMD24, sector) == 0) && transmitDataBlock(context, buff, 0xFE)) {
-        count = 0;
-      }
-    } else {
-      // Multiple sector write
-      // Set number of sectors
-      if (context->cardType & CT_SDC) sendCommand(context, ACMD23, count);
-      if (sendCommand(context, CMD25, sector) == 0) {
-        do {
-          if (!transmitDataBlock(context, buff, 0xFC)) {
-            break;
-          }
-          buff += 512;
-        } while (--count);
-        // STOP_TRAN
-        if (!transmitDataBlock(context, 0, 0xFD)) {
-          count = 1;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    deselect(context);
-  }
+  // sdSpiContext_t *context = (sdSpiContext_t *)usrOps;
+  // if (!usrOps || !count) {
+  //   return RES_PARERR;
+  // }
+  // // Check drive status
+  // if (context->stat & STA_NOINIT) {
+  //   return RES_NOTRDY;
+  // }
+  // // Check write protect
+  // if (context->stat & STA_PROTECT) {
+  //   return RES_WRPRT;
+  // }
+  // // LBA ==> BA conversion (byte addressing cards)
+  // if (!(context->cardType & CT_BLOCK)) {
+  //   sector *= 512;
+  // }
+  // if (select(context) == INT_READY)
+  // {
+  //   if (count == 1) {
+  //     // Single sector write
+  //     // WRITE_BLOCK
+  //     if ((sendCommand(context, CMD24, sector) == 0) && transmitDataBlock(context, buff, 0xFE)) {
+  //       count = 0;
+  //     }
+  //   } else {
+  //     // Multiple sector write
+  //     // Set number of sectors
+  //     if (context->cardType & CT_SDC) sendCommand(context, ACMD23, count);
+  //     if (sendCommand(context, CMD25, sector) == 0) {
+  //       do {
+  //         if (!transmitDataBlock(context, buff, 0xFC)) {
+  //           break;
+  //         }
+  //         buff += 512;
+  //       } while (--count);
+  //       // STOP_TRAN
+  //       if (!transmitDataBlock(context, 0, 0xFD)) {
+  //         count = 1;
+  //       }
+  //     }
+  //   }
+  //   deselect(context);
+  // }
   return count ? RES_ERROR : RES_OK;
 DRESULT SD_disk_ioctl(BYTE cmd, void* buff, void* usrOps) {
-  sdSpiContext_t *context = (sdSpiContext_t *)usrOps;
-  BYTE csd[16];
+  // sdSpiContext_t *context = (sdSpiContext_t *)usrOps;
+  // BYTE csd[16];
-  if (!usrOps) {
-    return RES_PARERR;
-  }
+  // if (!usrOps) {
+  //   return RES_PARERR;
+  // }
-  // Check if drive is ready
-  if (context->stat & STA_NOINIT) {
-    return RES_NOTRDY;
-  }
+  // // Check if drive is ready
+  // if (context->stat & STA_NOINIT) {
+  //   return RES_NOTRDY;
+  // }
-  if (select(context) == INT_READY)
-  {
-    switch (cmd) {
-      case CTRL_SYNC :
-        // Wait for end of internal write process of the drive
-        if (waitForCardReady(context, 500)) {
-          res = RES_OK;
-        }
-        break;
-      case GET_SECTOR_COUNT :
-        // Get drive capacity in unit of sector (DWORD)
-        if ((sendCommand(context, CMD9, 0) == 0) &&
-             receiveDataBlock(context, csd, 16))
-        {
-          if ((csd[0] >> 6) == 1)
-          {
-            // SDC ver 2.00
-            DWORD csize = csd[9] + ((WORD)csd[8] << 8) + ((DWORD)(csd[7] & 63) << 16) + 1;
-            *(DWORD*)buff = csize << 10;
-          } else {
-            // SDC ver 1.XX or MMC ver 3
-            BYTE n = (csd[5] & 15) + ((csd[10] & 128) >> 7) + ((csd[9] & 3) << 1) + 2;
-            DWORD csize = (csd[8] >> 6) + ((WORD)csd[7] << 2) + ((WORD)(csd[6] & 3) << 10) + 1;
-            *(DWORD*)buff = csize << (n - 9);
-          }
-          res = RES_OK;
-        }
-        break;
-      case GET_BLOCK_SIZE : /* Get erase block size in unit of sector (DWORD) */
-        if (context->cardType & CT_SD2)
-        {
-          // SDC ver 2.00
-          if (sendCommand(context, ACMD13, 0) == 0)
-          {
-            // Read SD status
-            context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
-            if (receiveDataBlock(context, csd, 16))
-            {
-              // Read partial block
-              for (BYTE n = 64 - 16; n; n--)
-              {
-                // Purge trailing data
-                context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
-              }
-              *(DWORD*)buff = 16UL << (csd[10] >> 4);
-              res = RES_OK;
-            }
-          }
-        } else {
-          // SDC ver 1.XX or MMC
-          if ((sendCommand(context, CMD9, 0) == 0) &&
-               receiveDataBlock(context, csd, 16))
-          {
-            // Read CSD
-            if (context->cardType & CT_SD1)
-            {
-              // SDC ver 1.XX
-              *(DWORD*)buff = (((csd[10] & 63) << 1) + ((WORD)(csd[11] & 128) >> 7) + 1) << ((csd[13] >> 6) - 1);
-            } else {
-              // MMC
-              *(DWORD*)buff = ((WORD)((csd[10] & 124) >> 2) + 1) * (((csd[11] & 3) << 3) + ((csd[11] & 224) >> 5) + 1);
-            }
-            res = RES_OK;
-          }
-        }
-        break;
-      case CTRL_TRIM :
-        // Erase a block of sectors (used when _USE_ERASE == 1)
-        // Check if the card is SDC
-        if (!(context->cardType & CT_SDC)) {
-          break;
-        }
-        // Get CSD
-        if (SD_disk_ioctl(MMC_GET_CSD, csd, context)) {
-          break;
-        }
-        // Check if sector erase can be applied to the card
-        if (!(csd[0] >> 6) && !(csd[10] & 0x40)) {
-          break;
-        }
-        // Load sector block
-        {
-          DWORD* dp = buff;
-          DWORD st = dp[0];
-          DWORD ed = dp[1];
-          if (!(context->cardType & CT_BLOCK)) {
-            st *= 512;
-            ed *= 512;
-          }
-          /* Erase sector block */
-          if (sendCommand(context, CMD32, st) == 0 &&
-              sendCommand(context, CMD33, ed) == 0 &&
-              sendCommand(context, CMD38, 0) == 0 &&
-              waitForCardReady(context, 30000)) {
-            // FatFs does not check result of this command
-            res = RES_OK;
-          }
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        res = RES_PARERR;
-    }
-    deselect(context);
-  }
+  // if (select(context) == INT_READY)
+  // {
+  //   switch (cmd) {
+  //     case CTRL_SYNC :
+  //       // Wait for end of internal write process of the drive
+  //       if (waitForCardReady(context, 500)) {
+  //         res = RES_OK;
+  //       }
+  //       break;
+  //     case GET_SECTOR_COUNT :
+  //       // Get drive capacity in unit of sector (DWORD)
+  //       if ((sendCommand(context, CMD9, 0) == 0) &&
+  //            receiveDataBlock(context, csd, 16))
+  //       {
+  //         if ((csd[0] >> 6) == 1)
+  //         {
+  //           // SDC ver 2.00
+  //           DWORD csize = csd[9] + ((WORD)csd[8] << 8) + ((DWORD)(csd[7] & 63) << 16) + 1;
+  //           *(DWORD*)buff = csize << 10;
+  //         } else {
+  //           // SDC ver 1.XX or MMC ver 3
+  //           BYTE n = (csd[5] & 15) + ((csd[10] & 128) >> 7) + ((csd[9] & 3) << 1) + 2;
+  //           DWORD csize = (csd[8] >> 6) + ((WORD)csd[7] << 2) + ((WORD)(csd[6] & 3) << 10) + 1;
+  //           *(DWORD*)buff = csize << (n - 9);
+  //         }
+  //         res = RES_OK;
+  //       }
+  //       break;
+  //     case GET_BLOCK_SIZE : /* Get erase block size in unit of sector (DWORD) */
+  //       if (context->cardType & CT_SD2)
+  //       {
+  //         // SDC ver 2.00
+  //         if (sendCommand(context, ACMD13, 0) == 0)
+  //         {
+  //           // Read SD status
+  //           context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
+  //           if (receiveDataBlock(context, csd, 16))
+  //           {
+  //             // Read partial block
+  //             for (BYTE n = 64 - 16; n; n--)
+  //             {
+  //               // Purge trailing data
+  //               context->xchgSpi(0xFF);
+  //             }
+  //             *(DWORD*)buff = 16UL << (csd[10] >> 4);
+  //             res = RES_OK;
+  //           }
+  //         }
+  //       } else {
+  //         // SDC ver 1.XX or MMC
+  //         if ((sendCommand(context, CMD9, 0) == 0) &&
+  //              receiveDataBlock(context, csd, 16))
+  //         {
+  //           // Read CSD
+  //           if (context->cardType & CT_SD1)
+  //           {
+  //             // SDC ver 1.XX
+  //             *(DWORD*)buff = (((csd[10] & 63) << 1) + ((WORD)(csd[11] & 128) >> 7) + 1) << ((csd[13] >> 6) - 1);
+  //           } else {
+  //             // MMC
+  //             *(DWORD*)buff = ((WORD)((csd[10] & 124) >> 2) + 1) * (((csd[11] & 3) << 3) + ((csd[11] & 224) >> 5) + 1);
+  //           }
+  //           res = RES_OK;
+  //         }
+  //       }
+  //       break;
+  //     case CTRL_TRIM :
+  //       // Erase a block of sectors (used when _USE_ERASE == 1)
+  //       // Check if the card is SDC
+  //       if (!(context->cardType & CT_SDC)) {
+  //         break;
+  //       }
+  //       // Get CSD
+  //       if (SD_disk_ioctl(MMC_GET_CSD, csd, context)) {
+  //         break;
+  //       }
+  //       // Check if sector erase can be applied to the card
+  //       if (!(csd[0] >> 6) && !(csd[10] & 0x40)) {
+  //         break;
+  //       }
+  //       // Load sector block
+  //       {
+  //         DWORD* dp = buff;
+  //         DWORD st = dp[0];
+  //         DWORD ed = dp[1];
+  //         if (!(context->cardType & CT_BLOCK)) {
+  //           st *= 512;
+  //           ed *= 512;
+  //         }
+  //         /* Erase sector block */
+  //         if (sendCommand(context, CMD32, st) == 0 &&
+  //             sendCommand(context, CMD33, ed) == 0 &&
+  //             sendCommand(context, CMD38, 0) == 0 &&
+  //             waitForCardReady(context, 30000)) {
+  //           // FatFs does not check result of this command
+  //           res = RES_OK;
+  //         }
+  //       }
+  //       break;
+  //     default:
+  //       res = RES_PARERR;
+  //   }
+  //   deselect(context);
+  // }
   return res;
@@ -601,29 +609,29 @@ DRESULT SD_disk_ioctl(BYTE cmd, void* buff, void* usrOps) {
 // Changed to 100ms to relax timers as all waits are 200ms or more --TA
 void SD_disk_timerproc (void* usrOps) {
   sdSpiContext_t *context = (sdSpiContext_t *)usrOps;
-  {
-    WORD n = context->timer1;
-    if (n) {
-      context->timer1 = --n;
-    }
-  }
-  {
-    WORD n = context->timer2;
-    if (n) {
-      context->timer2 = --n;
-    }
-  }
+  // {
+  //   WORD n = context->timer1;
+  //   if (n) {
+  //     context->timer1 = --n;
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // {
+  //   WORD n = context->timer2;
+  //   if (n) {
+  //     context->timer2 = --n;
+  //   }
+  // }
   BYTE s = context->stat;
-  // Write enabled
-  s &= ~STA_PROTECT;
+  // // Write enabled
+  // s &= ~STA_PROTECT;
-  // Card is in socket
-  s &= ~STA_NODISK;
+  // // Card is in socket
+  // s &= ~STA_NODISK;
   context->stat = s;
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/hmc5883l.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/hmc5883l.c
index a77e22720a740c4712cc6ca9dfecbca90dbf679d..da45f4a516aa91988cb5eb49f85859bf6da5d71d 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/hmc5883l.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/hmc5883l.c
@@ -57,18 +57,18 @@ void hmc5883lInit(I2C_Dev *i2cPort)
   if (isInit)
+  // I2Cx = i2cPort;
+  // devAddr = HMC5883L_ADDRESS;
-  I2Cx = i2cPort;
-  devAddr = HMC5883L_ADDRESS;
+  // // write CONFIG_A register
+  // i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A,
+  //     (HMC5883L_RATE_15 << (HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_BIT - HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_LENGTH + 1)) |
+  //     (HMC5883L_BIAS_NORMAL << (HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_BIT - HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_LENGTH + 1)));
-  // write CONFIG_A register
-  i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A,
-      (HMC5883L_RATE_15 << (HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_BIT - HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_LENGTH + 1)) |
-  // write CONFIG_B register
-  hmc5883lSetGain(HMC5883L_GAIN_660);
+  // // write CONFIG_B register
+  // hmc5883lSetGain(HMC5883L_GAIN_660);
   isInit = true;
@@ -79,10 +79,11 @@ void hmc5883lInit(I2C_Dev *i2cPort)
 bool hmc5883lTestConnection()
-  if (i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_ID_A, 3, buffer))
-  {
-    return (buffer[0] == 'H' && buffer[1] == '4' && buffer[2] == '3');
-  }
+  // if (i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_ID_A, 3, buffer))
+  // {
+  //   return (buffer[0] == 'H' && buffer[1] == '4' && buffer[2] == '3');
+  // }
   return false;
@@ -93,66 +94,67 @@ bool hmc5883lTestConnection()
 bool hmc5883lSelfTest()
   bool testStatus = true;
-  int16_t mxp, myp, mzp;  // positive magnetometer measurements
-  int16_t mxn, myn, mzn;  // negative magnetometer measurements
-  struct
-  {
-    uint8_t configA;
-    uint8_t configB;
-    uint8_t mode;
-  } regSave;
-  // Save register values
-  if (i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, sizeof(regSave), (uint8_t *)&regSave) == false)
-  {
-    // TODO: error handling
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Set gain (sensitivity)
-  hmc5883lSetGain(HMC5883L_ST_GAIN);
-  // Write CONFIG_A register and do positive test
-  i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A,
-      (HMC5883L_RATE_15 << (HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_BIT - HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_LENGTH + 1)) |
-  /* Perform test measurement & check results */
-  hmc5883lSetMode(HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE);
-  vTaskDelay(M2T(HMC5883L_ST_DELAY_MS));
-  hmc5883lGetHeading(&mxp, &myp, &mzp);
-  // Write CONFIG_A register and do negative test
-  i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A,
-      (HMC5883L_RATE_15 << (HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_BIT - HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_LENGTH + 1)) |
-  /* Perform test measurement & check results */
-  hmc5883lSetMode(HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE);
-  vTaskDelay(M2T(HMC5883L_ST_DELAY_MS));
-  hmc5883lGetHeading(&mxn, &myn, &mzn);
-  if (hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(HMC5883L_ST_X_MIN, HMC5883L_ST_X_MAX, mxp, "pos X") &&
-      hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(HMC5883L_ST_Y_MIN, HMC5883L_ST_Y_MAX, myp, "pos Y") &&
-      hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(HMC5883L_ST_Z_MIN, HMC5883L_ST_Z_MAX, mzp, "pos Z") &&
-      hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(-HMC5883L_ST_X_MAX, -HMC5883L_ST_X_MIN, mxn, "neg X") &&
-      hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(-HMC5883L_ST_Y_MAX, -HMC5883L_ST_Y_MIN, myn, "neg Y") &&
-      hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(-HMC5883L_ST_Z_MAX, -HMC5883L_ST_Z_MIN, mzn, "neg Z"))
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT("Self test [OK].\n");
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    testStatus = false;
-  }
-  // Restore registers
-  if (i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, sizeof(regSave), (uint8_t *)&regSave) == false)
-  {
-    // TODO: error handling
-    return false;
-  }
+  // int16_t mxp, myp, mzp;  // positive magnetometer measurements
+  // int16_t mxn, myn, mzn;  // negative magnetometer measurements
+  // struct
+  // {
+  //   uint8_t configA;
+  //   uint8_t configB;
+  //   uint8_t mode;
+  // } regSave;
+  // // Save register values
+  // if (i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, sizeof(regSave), (uint8_t *)&regSave) == false)
+  // {
+  //   // TODO: error handling
+  //   return false;
+  // }
+  // // Set gain (sensitivity)
+  // hmc5883lSetGain(HMC5883L_ST_GAIN);
+  // // Write CONFIG_A register and do positive test
+  // i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A,
+  //     (HMC5883L_RATE_15 << (HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_BIT - HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_LENGTH + 1)) |
+  //     (HMC5883L_BIAS_POSITIVE << (HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_BIT - HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_LENGTH + 1)));
+  // /* Perform test measurement & check results */
+  // hmc5883lSetMode(HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE);
+  // vTaskDelay(M2T(HMC5883L_ST_DELAY_MS));
+  // hmc5883lGetHeading(&mxp, &myp, &mzp);
+  // // Write CONFIG_A register and do negative test
+  // i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A,
+  //     (HMC5883L_RATE_15 << (HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_BIT - HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_LENGTH + 1)) |
+  //     (HMC5883L_BIAS_NEGATIVE << (HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_BIT - HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_LENGTH + 1)));
+  // /* Perform test measurement & check results */
+  // hmc5883lSetMode(HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE);
+  // vTaskDelay(M2T(HMC5883L_ST_DELAY_MS));
+  // hmc5883lGetHeading(&mxn, &myn, &mzn);
+  // if (hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(HMC5883L_ST_X_MIN, HMC5883L_ST_X_MAX, mxp, "pos X") &&
+  //     hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(HMC5883L_ST_Y_MIN, HMC5883L_ST_Y_MAX, myp, "pos Y") &&
+  //     hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(HMC5883L_ST_Z_MIN, HMC5883L_ST_Z_MAX, mzp, "pos Z") &&
+  //     hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(-HMC5883L_ST_X_MAX, -HMC5883L_ST_X_MIN, mxn, "neg X") &&
+  //     hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(-HMC5883L_ST_Y_MAX, -HMC5883L_ST_Y_MIN, myn, "neg Y") &&
+  //     hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(-HMC5883L_ST_Z_MAX, -HMC5883L_ST_Z_MIN, mzn, "neg Z"))
+  // {
+  //   DEBUG_PRINT("Self test [OK].\n");
+  // }
+  // else
+  // {
+  //   testStatus = false;
+  // }
+  // // Restore registers
+  // if (i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, sizeof(regSave), (uint8_t *)&regSave) == false)
+  // {
+  //   // TODO: error handling
+  //   return false;
+  // }
   return testStatus;
@@ -166,12 +168,13 @@ bool hmc5883lSelfTest()
 bool hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(int16_t min, int16_t max, int16_t value, char* string)
-  if (value < min || value > max)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT("Self test %s [FAIL]. low: %d, high: %d, measured: %d\n",
-                string, min, max, value);
-    return false;
-  }
+  // if (value < min || value > max)
+  // {
+  //   DEBUG_PRINT("Self test %s [FAIL]. low: %d, high: %d, measured: %d\n",
+  //               string, min, max, value);
+  //   return false;
+  // }
   return true;
@@ -186,7 +189,8 @@ bool hmc5883lEvaluateSelfTest(int16_t min, int16_t max, int16_t value, char* str
 uint8_t hmc5883lGetSampleAveraging()
-  i2cdevReadBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, HMC5883L_CRA_AVERAGE_BIT, HMC5883L_CRA_AVERAGE_LENGTH, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, HMC5883L_CRA_AVERAGE_BIT, HMC5883L_CRA_AVERAGE_LENGTH, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 /** Set number of samples averaged per measurement.
@@ -197,7 +201,8 @@ uint8_t hmc5883lGetSampleAveraging()
 void hmc5883lSetSampleAveraging(uint8_t averaging)
-  i2cdevWriteBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, HMC5883L_CRA_AVERAGE_BIT, HMC5883L_CRA_AVERAGE_LENGTH, averaging);
+  //i2cdevWriteBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, HMC5883L_CRA_AVERAGE_BIT, HMC5883L_CRA_AVERAGE_LENGTH, averaging);
 /** Get data output rate value.
  * The Table below shows all selectable output rates in continuous measurement
@@ -224,7 +229,8 @@ void hmc5883lSetSampleAveraging(uint8_t averaging)
 uint8_t hmc5883lGetDataRate()
-  i2cdevReadBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_BIT, HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_LENGTH, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_BIT, HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_LENGTH, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 /** Set data output rate value.
@@ -237,7 +243,8 @@ uint8_t hmc5883lGetDataRate()
 void hmc5883lSetDataRate(uint8_t rate)
-  i2cdevWriteBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_BIT, HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_LENGTH, rate);
+  //i2cdevWriteBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_BIT, HMC5883L_CRA_RATE_LENGTH, rate);
 /** Get measurement bias value.
  * @return Current bias value (0-2 for normal/positive/negative respectively)
@@ -248,7 +255,8 @@ void hmc5883lSetDataRate(uint8_t rate)
 uint8_t hmc5883lGetMeasurementBias()
-  i2cdevReadBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_BIT, HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_LENGTH, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_BIT, HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_LENGTH, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 /** Set measurement bias value.
@@ -260,7 +268,8 @@ uint8_t hmc5883lGetMeasurementBias()
 void hmc5883lSetMeasurementBias(uint8_t bias)
-  i2cdevWriteBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_BIT, HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_LENGTH, bias);
+  //i2cdevWriteBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_BIT, HMC5883L_CRA_BIAS_LENGTH, bias);
 // CONFIG_B register
@@ -290,7 +299,8 @@ void hmc5883lSetMeasurementBias(uint8_t bias)
 uint8_t hmc5883lGetGain()
-  i2cdevReadBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_B, HMC5883L_CRB_GAIN_BIT, HMC5883L_CRB_GAIN_LENGTH, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_B, HMC5883L_CRB_GAIN_BIT, HMC5883L_CRB_GAIN_LENGTH, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 /** Set magnetic field gain value.
@@ -305,7 +315,8 @@ void hmc5883lSetGain(uint8_t gain)
   // use this method to guarantee that bits 4-0 are set to zero, which is a
   // requirement specified in the datasheet; it's actually more efficient than
   // using the I2Cdev.writeBits method
-  i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_B, gain << (HMC5883L_CRB_GAIN_BIT - HMC5883L_CRB_GAIN_LENGTH + 1));
+  //i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_B, gain << (HMC5883L_CRB_GAIN_BIT - HMC5883L_CRB_GAIN_LENGTH + 1));
 // MODE register
@@ -334,7 +345,8 @@ void hmc5883lSetGain(uint8_t gain)
 uint8_t hmc5883lGetMode()
-  i2cdevReadBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_MODE, HMC5883L_MODEREG_BIT, HMC5883L_MODEREG_LENGTH, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadBits(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_MODE, HMC5883L_MODEREG_BIT, HMC5883L_MODEREG_LENGTH, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 /** Set measurement mode.
@@ -352,8 +364,9 @@ void hmc5883lSetMode(uint8_t newMode)
   // use this method to guarantee that bits 7-2 are set to zero, which is a
   // requirement specified in the datasheet; it's actually more efficient than
   // using the I2Cdev.writeBits method
-  i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_MODE, mode << (HMC5883L_MODEREG_BIT - HMC5883L_MODEREG_LENGTH + 1));
-  mode = newMode;// track to tell if we have to clear bit 7 after a read
+  // i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_MODE, mode << (HMC5883L_MODEREG_BIT - HMC5883L_MODEREG_LENGTH + 1));
+  // mode = newMode;// track to tell if we have to clear bit 7 after a read
 // DATA* registers
@@ -371,11 +384,12 @@ void hmc5883lSetMode(uint8_t newMode)
 void hmc5883lGetHeading(int16_t *x, int16_t *y, int16_t *z)
-  i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_DATAX_H, 6, buffer);
-  if (mode == HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE) i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_MODE, HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE << (HMC5883L_MODEREG_BIT - HMC5883L_MODEREG_LENGTH + 1));
-  *x = (((int16_t)buffer[0]) << 8) | buffer[1];
-  *y = (((int16_t)buffer[4]) << 8) | buffer[5];
-  *z = (((int16_t)buffer[2]) << 8) | buffer[3];
+  // i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_DATAX_H, 6, buffer);
+  // if (mode == HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE) i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_MODE, HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE << (HMC5883L_MODEREG_BIT - HMC5883L_MODEREG_LENGTH + 1));
+  // *x = (((int16_t)buffer[0]) << 8) | buffer[1];
+  // *y = (((int16_t)buffer[4]) << 8) | buffer[5];
+  // *z = (((int16_t)buffer[2]) << 8) | buffer[3];
 /** Get X-axis heading measurement.
  * @return 16-bit signed integer with X-axis heading
@@ -385,8 +399,9 @@ int16_t hmc5883lGetHeadingX()
   // each axis read requires that ALL axis registers be read, even if only
   // one is used; this was not done ineffiently in the code by accident
-  i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_DATAX_H, 6, buffer);
-  if (mode == HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE) i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_MODE, HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE << (HMC5883L_MODEREG_BIT - HMC5883L_MODEREG_LENGTH + 1));
+  // i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_DATAX_H, 6, buffer);
+  // if (mode == HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE) i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_MODE, HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE << (HMC5883L_MODEREG_BIT - HMC5883L_MODEREG_LENGTH + 1));
   return (((int16_t)buffer[0]) << 8) | buffer[1];
 /** Get Y-axis heading measurement.
@@ -397,8 +412,9 @@ int16_t hmc5883lGetHeadingY()
   // each axis read requires that ALL axis registers be read, even if only
   // one is used; this was not done ineffiently in the code by accident
-  i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_DATAX_H, 6, buffer);
-  if (mode == HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE) i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_MODE, HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE << (HMC5883L_MODEREG_BIT - HMC5883L_MODEREG_LENGTH + 1));
+  // i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_DATAX_H, 6, buffer);
+  // if (mode == HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE) i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_MODE, HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE << (HMC5883L_MODEREG_BIT - HMC5883L_MODEREG_LENGTH + 1));
   return (((int16_t)buffer[4]) << 8) | buffer[5];
 /** Get Z-axis heading measurement.
@@ -409,8 +425,9 @@ int16_t hmc5883lGetHeadingZ()
   // each axis read requires that ALL axis registers be read, even if only
   // one is used; this was not done ineffiently in the code by accident
-  i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_DATAX_H, 6, buffer);
-  if (mode == HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE) i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_MODE, HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE << (HMC5883L_MODEREG_BIT - HMC5883L_MODEREG_LENGTH + 1));
+  // i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_DATAX_H, 6, buffer);
+  // if (mode == HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE) i2cdevWriteByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_MODE, HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE << (HMC5883L_MODEREG_BIT - HMC5883L_MODEREG_LENGTH + 1));
   return (((int16_t)buffer[2]) << 8) | buffer[3];
@@ -429,7 +446,8 @@ int16_t hmc5883lGetHeadingZ()
 bool hmc5883lGetLockStatus()
-  i2cdevReadBit(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_STATUS, HMC5883L_STATUS_LOCK_BIT, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadBit(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_STATUS, HMC5883L_STATUS_LOCK_BIT, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 /** Get data ready status.
@@ -444,7 +462,8 @@ bool hmc5883lGetLockStatus()
 bool hmc5883lGetReadyStatus()
-  i2cdevReadBit(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_STATUS, HMC5883L_STATUS_READY_BIT, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadBit(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_STATUS, HMC5883L_STATUS_READY_BIT, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
@@ -455,7 +474,8 @@ bool hmc5883lGetReadyStatus()
 uint8_t hmc5883lGetIDA()
-  i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_ID_A, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_ID_A, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 /** Get identification byte B
@@ -463,7 +483,8 @@ uint8_t hmc5883lGetIDA()
 uint8_t hmc5883lGetIDB()
-  i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_ID_B, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_ID_B, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
 /** Get identification byte C
@@ -471,6 +492,7 @@ uint8_t hmc5883lGetIDB()
 uint8_t hmc5883lGetIDC()
-  i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_ID_C, buffer);
+  //i2cdevReadByte(I2Cx, devAddr, HMC5883L_RA_ID_C, buffer);
   return buffer[0];
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/i2c_drv.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/i2c_drv.c
index 79bd7ed9ec1a89d04117d7c84e130397c21a38d4..869a29ba6596f4492d22487988a831942ff5ba80 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/i2c_drv.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/i2c_drv.c
@@ -221,61 +221,62 @@ static void i2cNotifyClient(I2cDrv* i2c)
 static void i2cdrvTryToRestartBus(I2cDrv* i2c)
-  I2C_InitTypeDef I2C_InitStructure;
-  NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
-  GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
-  // Enable GPIOA clock
-  RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(i2c->def->gpioSDAPerif, ENABLE);
-  RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(i2c->def->gpioSCLPerif, ENABLE);
-  // Enable I2C_SENSORS clock
-  RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(i2c->def->i2cPerif, ENABLE);
-  // Configure I2C_SENSORS pins to unlock bus.
-  GPIO_StructInit(&GPIO_InitStructure);
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_OD;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = i2c->def->gpioSCLPin; // SCL
-  GPIO_Init(i2c->def->gpioSCLPort, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin =  i2c->def->gpioSDAPin; // SDA
-  GPIO_Init(i2c->def->gpioSDAPort, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  i2cdrvdevUnlockBus(i2c->def->gpioSCLPort, i2c->def->gpioSDAPort, i2c->def->gpioSCLPin, i2c->def->gpioSDAPin);
-  // Configure I2C_SENSORS pins for AF.
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = i2c->def->gpioSCLPin; // SCL
-  GPIO_Init(i2c->def->gpioSCLPort, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin =  i2c->def->gpioSDAPin; // SDA
-  GPIO_Init(i2c->def->gpioSDAPort, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-  //Map gpios to alternate functions
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(i2c->def->gpioSCLPort, i2c->def->gpioSCLPinSource, i2c->def->gpioAF);
-  GPIO_PinAFConfig(i2c->def->gpioSDAPort, i2c->def->gpioSDAPinSource, i2c->def->gpioAF);
-  // I2C_SENSORS configuration
-  I2C_DeInit(i2c->def->i2cPort);
-  I2C_InitStructure.I2C_Mode = I2C_Mode_I2C;
-  I2C_InitStructure.I2C_DutyCycle = I2C_DutyCycle_2;
-  I2C_InitStructure.I2C_OwnAddress1 = I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS7;
-  I2C_InitStructure.I2C_Ack = I2C_Ack_Enable;
-  I2C_InitStructure.I2C_AcknowledgedAddress = I2C_AcknowledgedAddress_7bit;
-  I2C_InitStructure.I2C_ClockSpeed = i2c->def->i2cClockSpeed;
-  I2C_Init(i2c->def->i2cPort, &I2C_InitStructure);
-  // Enable I2C_SENSORS error interrupts
-  I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_ERR, ENABLE);
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = i2c->def->i2cEVIRQn;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_HIGH_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = i2c->def->i2cERIRQn;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  i2cdrvDmaSetupBus(i2c);
+  // I2C_InitTypeDef I2C_InitStructure;
+  // NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
+  // GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
+  // // Enable GPIOA clock
+  // RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(i2c->def->gpioSDAPerif, ENABLE);
+  // RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(i2c->def->gpioSCLPerif, ENABLE);
+  // // Enable I2C_SENSORS clock
+  // RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(i2c->def->i2cPerif, ENABLE);
+  // // Configure I2C_SENSORS pins to unlock bus.
+  // GPIO_StructInit(&GPIO_InitStructure);
+  // GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT;
+  // GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
+  // GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_OD;
+  // GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = i2c->def->gpioSCLPin; // SCL
+  // GPIO_Init(i2c->def->gpioSCLPort, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+  // GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin =  i2c->def->gpioSDAPin; // SDA
+  // GPIO_Init(i2c->def->gpioSDAPort, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+  // i2cdrvdevUnlockBus(i2c->def->gpioSCLPort, i2c->def->gpioSDAPort, i2c->def->gpioSCLPin, i2c->def->gpioSDAPin);
+  // // Configure I2C_SENSORS pins for AF.
+  // GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
+  // GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = i2c->def->gpioSCLPin; // SCL
+  // GPIO_Init(i2c->def->gpioSCLPort, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+  // GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin =  i2c->def->gpioSDAPin; // SDA
+  // GPIO_Init(i2c->def->gpioSDAPort, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+  // //Map gpios to alternate functions
+  // GPIO_PinAFConfig(i2c->def->gpioSCLPort, i2c->def->gpioSCLPinSource, i2c->def->gpioAF);
+  // GPIO_PinAFConfig(i2c->def->gpioSDAPort, i2c->def->gpioSDAPinSource, i2c->def->gpioAF);
+  // // I2C_SENSORS configuration
+  // I2C_DeInit(i2c->def->i2cPort);
+  // I2C_InitStructure.I2C_Mode = I2C_Mode_I2C;
+  // I2C_InitStructure.I2C_DutyCycle = I2C_DutyCycle_2;
+  // I2C_InitStructure.I2C_OwnAddress1 = I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS7;
+  // I2C_InitStructure.I2C_Ack = I2C_Ack_Enable;
+  // I2C_InitStructure.I2C_AcknowledgedAddress = I2C_AcknowledgedAddress_7bit;
+  // I2C_InitStructure.I2C_ClockSpeed = i2c->def->i2cClockSpeed;
+  // I2C_Init(i2c->def->i2cPort, &I2C_InitStructure);
+  // // Enable I2C_SENSORS error interrupts
+  // I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_ERR, ENABLE);
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = i2c->def->i2cEVIRQn;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_HIGH_PRI;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
+  // NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = i2c->def->i2cERIRQn;
+  // NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  // i2cdrvDmaSetupBus(i2c);
 static void i2cdrvDmaSetupBus(I2cDrv* i2c)
@@ -401,26 +402,27 @@ bool i2cdrvMessageTransfer(I2cDrv* i2c, I2cMessage* message)
   bool status = false;
-  xSemaphoreTake(i2c->isBusFreeMutex, portMAX_DELAY); // Protect message data
-  // Copy message
-  memcpy((char*)&i2c->txMessage, (char*)message, sizeof(I2cMessage));
-  // We can now start the ISR sending this message.
-  i2cdrvStartTransfer(i2c);
-  // Wait for transaction to be done
-  if (xSemaphoreTake(i2c->isBusFreeSemaphore, I2C_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT) == pdTRUE)
-  {
-    if (i2c->txMessage.status == i2cAck)
-    {
-      status = true;
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    i2cdrvClearDMA(i2c);
-    i2cdrvTryToRestartBus(i2c);
-    //TODO: If bus is really hanged... fail safe
-  }
-  xSemaphoreGive(i2c->isBusFreeMutex);
+  // xSemaphoreTake(i2c->isBusFreeMutex, portMAX_DELAY); // Protect message data
+  // // Copy message
+  // memcpy((char*)&i2c->txMessage, (char*)message, sizeof(I2cMessage));
+  // // We can now start the ISR sending this message.
+  // i2cdrvStartTransfer(i2c);
+  // // Wait for transaction to be done
+  // if (xSemaphoreTake(i2c->isBusFreeSemaphore, I2C_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT) == pdTRUE)
+  // {
+  //   if (i2c->txMessage.status == i2cAck)
+  //   {
+  //     status = true;
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // else
+  // {
+  //   i2cdrvClearDMA(i2c);
+  //   i2cdrvTryToRestartBus(i2c);
+  //   //TODO: If bus is really hanged... fail safe
+  // }
+  // xSemaphoreGive(i2c->isBusFreeMutex);
   return status;
@@ -428,210 +430,214 @@ bool i2cdrvMessageTransfer(I2cDrv* i2c, I2cMessage* message)
 static void i2cdrvEventIsrHandler(I2cDrv* i2c)
-  uint16_t SR1;
-  uint16_t SR2;
-  // read the status register first
-  SR1 = i2c->def->i2cPort->SR1;
-  // Debug code
-  eventDebug[eventPos][0] = usecTimestamp();
-  eventDebug[eventPos][1] = SR1;
-  if (++eventPos == 1024)
-  {
-    eventPos = 0;
-  }
-  // Start bit event
-  if (SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB)
-  {
-    i2c->messageIndex = 0;
-    if(i2c->txMessage.direction == i2cWrite ||
-       i2c->txMessage.internalAddress != I2C_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS)
-    {
-      I2C_Send7bitAddress(i2c->def->i2cPort, i2c->txMessage.slaveAddress << 1, I2C_Direction_Transmitter);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      I2C_AcknowledgeConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, ENABLE);
-      I2C_Send7bitAddress(i2c->def->i2cPort, i2c->txMessage.slaveAddress << 1, I2C_Direction_Receiver);
-    }
-  }
-  // Address event
-  else if (SR1 & I2C_SR1_ADDR)
-  {
-    if(i2c->txMessage.direction == i2cWrite ||
-       i2c->txMessage.internalAddress != I2C_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS)
-    {
-      SR2 = i2c->def->i2cPort->SR2;                               // clear ADDR
-      // In write mode transmit is always empty so can send up to two bytes
-      if (i2c->txMessage.internalAddress != I2C_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS)
-      {
-        if (i2c->txMessage.isInternal16bit)
-        {
-          I2C_SendData(i2c->def->i2cPort, (i2c->txMessage.internalAddress & 0xFF00) >> 8);
-          I2C_SendData(i2c->def->i2cPort, (i2c->txMessage.internalAddress & 0x00FF));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          I2C_SendData(i2c->def->i2cPort, (i2c->txMessage.internalAddress & 0x00FF));
-        }
-        i2c->txMessage.internalAddress = I2C_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS;
-      }
-      I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_BUF, ENABLE);        // allow us to have an EV7
-    }
-    else // Reading, start DMA transfer
-    {
-      if(i2c->txMessage.messageLength == 1)
-      {
-        I2C_AcknowledgeConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, DISABLE);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        I2C_DMALastTransferCmd(i2c->def->i2cPort, ENABLE); // No repetitive start
-      }
-      // Disable buffer I2C interrupts
-      I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_EVT | I2C_IT_BUF, DISABLE);
-      // Enable the Transfer Complete interrupt
-      DMA_ITConfig(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, DMA_IT_TC | DMA_IT_TE, ENABLE);
-      I2C_DMACmd(i2c->def->i2cPort, ENABLE); // Enable before ADDR clear
-      // Workaround to enable DMA for Renode simulation.
-      // The I2C uses the DMA for reading, but the Renode implementation lacks some functionality
-      // and for a message to be read the DMA needs to be enabled manually.
-      // Without setting this bit the I2C reading fails.
-      // With added functionality it should be possible to remove.
-      DMA_Cmd(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, ENABLE); // Workaround
-      __DMB();                         // Make sure instructions (clear address) are in correct order
-      SR2 = i2c->def->i2cPort->SR2;    // clear ADDR
-    }
-  }
-  // Byte transfer finished
-  else if (SR1 & I2C_SR1_BTF)
-  {
-    SR2 = i2c->def->i2cPort->SR2;
-    if (SR2 & I2C_SR2_TRA) // In write mode?
-    {
-      if (i2c->txMessage.direction == i2cRead) // internal address read
-      {
-        /* Internal address written, switch to read */
-        i2c->def->i2cPort->CR1 = (I2C_CR1_START | I2C_CR1_PE); // Generate start
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        i2cNotifyClient(i2c);
-        // Are there any other messages to transact? If so stop else repeated start.
-        i2cTryNextMessage(i2c);
-      }
-    }
-    else // Reading. Shouldn't happen since we use DMA for reading.
-    {
-      ASSERT(1);
-      i2c->txMessage.buffer[i2c->messageIndex++] = I2C_ReceiveData(i2c->def->i2cPort);
-      if(i2c->messageIndex == i2c->txMessage.messageLength)
-      {
-        i2cNotifyClient(i2c);
-        // Are there any other messages to transact?
-        i2cTryNextMessage(i2c);
-      }
-    }
-    // A second BTF interrupt might occur if we don't wait for it to clear.
-    // TODO Implement better method.
-    while (i2c->def->i2cPort->CR1 & 0x0100) { ; }
-  }
-  // Byte received
-  else if (SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE) // Should not happen when we use DMA for reception.
-  {
-    i2c->txMessage.buffer[i2c->messageIndex++] = I2C_ReceiveData(i2c->def->i2cPort);
-    if(i2c->messageIndex == i2c->txMessage.messageLength)
-    {
-      I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_BUF, DISABLE);   // disable RXE to get BTF
-    }
-  }
-  // Byte ready to be transmitted
-  else if (SR1 & I2C_SR1_TXE)
-  {
-    if (i2c->txMessage.direction == i2cRead)
-    {
-      // Disable TXE to flush and get BTF to switch to read.
-      // Switch must be done in BTF or strange things happen.
-      I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_BUF, DISABLE);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      I2C_SendData(i2c->def->i2cPort, i2c->txMessage.buffer[i2c->messageIndex++]);
-      if(i2c->messageIndex == i2c->txMessage.messageLength)
-      {
-        // Disable TXE to allow the buffer to flush and get BTF
-        I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_BUF, DISABLE);
-      }
-    }
-  }
+//   uint16_t SR1;
+//   uint16_t SR2;
+//   // read the status register first
+//   SR1 = i2c->def->i2cPort->SR1;
+//   // Debug code
+//   eventDebug[eventPos][0] = usecTimestamp();
+//   eventDebug[eventPos][1] = SR1;
+//   if (++eventPos == 1024)
+//   {
+//     eventPos = 0;
+//   }
+// #endif
+//   // Start bit event
+//   if (SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB)
+//   {
+//     i2c->messageIndex = 0;
+//     if(i2c->txMessage.direction == i2cWrite ||
+//        i2c->txMessage.internalAddress != I2C_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS)
+//     {
+//       I2C_Send7bitAddress(i2c->def->i2cPort, i2c->txMessage.slaveAddress << 1, I2C_Direction_Transmitter);
+//     }
+//     else
+//     {
+//       I2C_AcknowledgeConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, ENABLE);
+//       I2C_Send7bitAddress(i2c->def->i2cPort, i2c->txMessage.slaveAddress << 1, I2C_Direction_Receiver);
+//     }
+//   }
+//   // Address event
+//   else if (SR1 & I2C_SR1_ADDR)
+//   {
+//     if(i2c->txMessage.direction == i2cWrite ||
+//        i2c->txMessage.internalAddress != I2C_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS)
+//     {
+//       SR2 = i2c->def->i2cPort->SR2;                               // clear ADDR
+//       // In write mode transmit is always empty so can send up to two bytes
+//       if (i2c->txMessage.internalAddress != I2C_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS)
+//       {
+//         if (i2c->txMessage.isInternal16bit)
+//         {
+//           I2C_SendData(i2c->def->i2cPort, (i2c->txMessage.internalAddress & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+//           I2C_SendData(i2c->def->i2cPort, (i2c->txMessage.internalAddress & 0x00FF));
+//         }
+//         else
+//         {
+//           I2C_SendData(i2c->def->i2cPort, (i2c->txMessage.internalAddress & 0x00FF));
+//         }
+//         i2c->txMessage.internalAddress = I2C_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS;
+//       }
+//       I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_BUF, ENABLE);        // allow us to have an EV7
+//     }
+//     else // Reading, start DMA transfer
+//     {
+//       if(i2c->txMessage.messageLength == 1)
+//       {
+//         I2C_AcknowledgeConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, DISABLE);
+//       }
+//       else
+//       {
+//         I2C_DMALastTransferCmd(i2c->def->i2cPort, ENABLE); // No repetitive start
+//       }
+//       // Disable buffer I2C interrupts
+//       I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_EVT | I2C_IT_BUF, DISABLE);
+//       // Enable the Transfer Complete interrupt
+//       DMA_ITConfig(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, DMA_IT_TC | DMA_IT_TE, ENABLE);
+//       I2C_DMACmd(i2c->def->i2cPort, ENABLE); // Enable before ADDR clear
+//       // Workaround to enable DMA for Renode simulation.
+//       // The I2C uses the DMA for reading, but the Renode implementation lacks some functionality
+//       // and for a message to be read the DMA needs to be enabled manually.
+//       // Without setting this bit the I2C reading fails.
+//       // With added functionality it should be possible to remove.
+//       DMA_Cmd(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, ENABLE); // Workaround
+//       __DMB();                         // Make sure instructions (clear address) are in correct order
+//       SR2 = i2c->def->i2cPort->SR2;    // clear ADDR
+//     }
+//   }
+//   // Byte transfer finished
+//   else if (SR1 & I2C_SR1_BTF)
+//   {
+//     SR2 = i2c->def->i2cPort->SR2;
+//     if (SR2 & I2C_SR2_TRA) // In write mode?
+//     {
+//       if (i2c->txMessage.direction == i2cRead) // internal address read
+//       {
+//         /* Internal address written, switch to read */
+//         i2c->def->i2cPort->CR1 = (I2C_CR1_START | I2C_CR1_PE); // Generate start
+//       }
+//       else
+//       {
+//         i2cNotifyClient(i2c);
+//         // Are there any other messages to transact? If so stop else repeated start.
+//         i2cTryNextMessage(i2c);
+//       }
+//     }
+//     else // Reading. Shouldn't happen since we use DMA for reading.
+//     {
+//       ASSERT(1);
+//       i2c->txMessage.buffer[i2c->messageIndex++] = I2C_ReceiveData(i2c->def->i2cPort);
+//       if(i2c->messageIndex == i2c->txMessage.messageLength)
+//       {
+//         i2cNotifyClient(i2c);
+//         // Are there any other messages to transact?
+//         i2cTryNextMessage(i2c);
+//       }
+//     }
+//     // A second BTF interrupt might occur if we don't wait for it to clear.
+//     // TODO Implement better method.
+//     while (i2c->def->i2cPort->CR1 & 0x0100) { ; }
+//   }
+//   // Byte received
+//   else if (SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE) // Should not happen when we use DMA for reception.
+//   {
+//     i2c->txMessage.buffer[i2c->messageIndex++] = I2C_ReceiveData(i2c->def->i2cPort);
+//     if(i2c->messageIndex == i2c->txMessage.messageLength)
+//     {
+//       I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_BUF, DISABLE);   // disable RXE to get BTF
+//     }
+//   }
+//   // Byte ready to be transmitted
+//   else if (SR1 & I2C_SR1_TXE)
+//   {
+//     if (i2c->txMessage.direction == i2cRead)
+//     {
+//       // Disable TXE to flush and get BTF to switch to read.
+//       // Switch must be done in BTF or strange things happen.
+//       I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_BUF, DISABLE);
+//     }
+//     else
+//     {
+//       I2C_SendData(i2c->def->i2cPort, i2c->txMessage.buffer[i2c->messageIndex++]);
+//       if(i2c->messageIndex == i2c->txMessage.messageLength)
+//       {
+//         // Disable TXE to allow the buffer to flush and get BTF
+//         I2C_ITConfig(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_IT_BUF, DISABLE);
+//       }
+//     }
+//   }
 static void i2cdrvErrorIsrHandler(I2cDrv* i2c)
-  if (I2C_GetFlagStatus(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_AF))
-  {
-    if(i2c->txMessage.nbrOfRetries-- > 0)
-    {
-      // Retry by generating start
-      i2c->def->i2cPort->CR1 = (I2C_CR1_START | I2C_CR1_PE);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      // Failed so notify client and try next message if any.
-      i2c->txMessage.status = i2cNack;
-      i2cNotifyClient(i2c);
-      i2cTryNextMessage(i2c);
-    }
-    I2C_ClearFlag(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_AF);
-  }
-  if (I2C_GetFlagStatus(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_BERR))
-  {
-      I2C_ClearFlag(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_BERR);
-  }
-  if (I2C_GetFlagStatus(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_OVR))
-  {
-      I2C_ClearFlag(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_OVR);
-  }
-  if (I2C_GetFlagStatus(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_ARLO))
-  {
-      I2C_ClearFlag(i2c->def->i2cPort,I2C_FLAG_ARLO);
-  }
+  // if (I2C_GetFlagStatus(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_AF))
+  // {
+  //   if(i2c->txMessage.nbrOfRetries-- > 0)
+  //   {
+  //     // Retry by generating start
+  //     i2c->def->i2cPort->CR1 = (I2C_CR1_START | I2C_CR1_PE);
+  //   }
+  //   else
+  //   {
+  //     // Failed so notify client and try next message if any.
+  //     i2c->txMessage.status = i2cNack;
+  //     i2cNotifyClient(i2c);
+  //     i2cTryNextMessage(i2c);
+  //   }
+  //   I2C_ClearFlag(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_AF);
+  // }
+  // if (I2C_GetFlagStatus(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_BERR))
+  // {
+  //     I2C_ClearFlag(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_BERR);
+  // }
+  // if (I2C_GetFlagStatus(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_OVR))
+  // {
+  //     I2C_ClearFlag(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_OVR);
+  // }
+  // if (I2C_GetFlagStatus(i2c->def->i2cPort, I2C_FLAG_ARLO))
+  // {
+  //     I2C_ClearFlag(i2c->def->i2cPort,I2C_FLAG_ARLO);
+  // }
 static void i2cdrvClearDMA(I2cDrv* i2c)
-  DMA_Cmd(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, DISABLE);
-  DMA_ClearITPendingBit(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, i2c->def->dmaRxTCFlag);
-  I2C_DMACmd(i2c->def->i2cPort, DISABLE);
-  I2C_DMALastTransferCmd(i2c->def->i2cPort, DISABLE);
-  DMA_ITConfig(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, DMA_IT_TC | DMA_IT_TE, DISABLE);
+  // DMA_Cmd(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, DISABLE);
+  // DMA_ClearITPendingBit(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, i2c->def->dmaRxTCFlag);
+  // I2C_DMACmd(i2c->def->i2cPort, DISABLE);
+  // I2C_DMALastTransferCmd(i2c->def->i2cPort, DISABLE);
+  // DMA_ITConfig(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, DMA_IT_TC | DMA_IT_TE, DISABLE);
 static void i2cdrvDmaIsrHandler(I2cDrv* i2c)
-  if (DMA_GetFlagStatus(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, i2c->def->dmaRxTCFlag)) // Tranasfer complete
-  {
-    i2cdrvClearDMA(i2c);
-    i2cNotifyClient(i2c);
-    // Are there any other messages to transact?
-    i2cTryNextMessage(i2c);
-  }
-  if (DMA_GetFlagStatus(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, i2c->def->dmaRxTEFlag)) // Transfer error
-  {
-    DMA_ClearITPendingBit(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, i2c->def->dmaRxTEFlag);
-    //TODO: Best thing we could do?
-    i2c->txMessage.status = i2cNack;
-    i2cNotifyClient(i2c);
-    i2cTryNextMessage(i2c);
-  }
+  // if (DMA_GetFlagStatus(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, i2c->def->dmaRxTCFlag)) // Tranasfer complete
+  // {
+  //   i2cdrvClearDMA(i2c);
+  //   i2cNotifyClient(i2c);
+  //   // Are there any other messages to transact?
+  //   i2cTryNextMessage(i2c);
+  // }
+  // if (DMA_GetFlagStatus(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, i2c->def->dmaRxTEFlag)) // Transfer error
+  // {
+  //   DMA_ClearITPendingBit(i2c->def->dmaRxStream, i2c->def->dmaRxTEFlag);
+  //   //TODO: Best thing we could do?
+  //   i2c->txMessage.status = i2cNack;
+  //   i2cNotifyClient(i2c);
+  //   i2cTryNextMessage(i2c);
+  // }
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/i2cdev.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/i2cdev.c
index 3fa753bf2b626f1ba4441ffb944e35c08028aef2..81dd6ab1af7965fe289c0677d191ccd29fc2fff4 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/i2cdev.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/i2cdev.c
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
 int i2cdevInit(I2C_Dev *dev)
-  i2cdrvInit(dev);
+  //i2cdrvInit(dev);
   return true;
@@ -57,9 +58,9 @@ bool i2cdevReadBit(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint8_t memAddress,
   uint8_t byte;
   bool status;
-  status = i2cdevReadReg8(dev, devAddress, memAddress, 1, &byte);
-  *data = byte & (1 << bitNum);
+  // status = i2cdevReadReg8(dev, devAddress, memAddress, 1, &byte);
+  // *data = byte & (1 << bitNum);
   return status;
@@ -68,15 +69,16 @@ bool i2cdevReadBits(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint8_t memAddress,
                     uint8_t bitStart, uint8_t length, uint8_t *data)
   bool status;
-  uint8_t byte;
-  if ((status = i2cdevReadByte(dev, devAddress, memAddress, &byte)) == true)
-  {
-      uint8_t mask = ((1 << length) - 1) << (bitStart - length + 1);
-      byte &= mask;
-      byte >>= (bitStart - length + 1);
-      *data = byte;
-  }
+  // uint8_t byte;
+  // if ((status = i2cdevReadByte(dev, devAddress, memAddress, &byte)) == true)
+  // {
+  //     uint8_t mask = ((1 << length) - 1) << (bitStart - length + 1);
+  //     byte &= mask;
+  //     byte >>= (bitStart - length + 1);
+  //     *data = byte;
+  // }
   return status;
@@ -84,7 +86,8 @@ bool i2cdevRead(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint16_t len, uint8_t *data)
   I2cMessage message;
-  i2cdrvCreateMessage(&message, devAddress, i2cRead, len, data);
+  //i2cdrvCreateMessage(&message, devAddress, i2cRead, len, data);
   return i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
@@ -93,9 +96,9 @@ bool i2cdevReadReg8(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint8_t memAddress,
                     uint16_t len, uint8_t *data)
   I2cMessage message;
-  i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(&message, devAddress, false, memAddress,
-                            i2cRead, len, data);
+  // i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(&message, devAddress, false, memAddress,
+  //                           i2cRead, len, data);
   return i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
@@ -103,10 +106,11 @@ bool i2cdevReadReg8(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint8_t memAddress,
 bool i2cdevReadReg16(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint16_t memAddress,
                      uint16_t len, uint8_t *data)
-  I2cMessage message;
+  // I2cMessage message;
-  i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(&message, devAddress, true, memAddress,
-                          i2cRead, len, data);
+  // i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(&message, devAddress, true, memAddress,
+  //                         i2cRead, len, data);
   return i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
@@ -121,8 +125,9 @@ bool i2cdevWriteBit(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint8_t memAddress,
                     uint8_t bitNum, uint8_t data)
     uint8_t byte;
-    i2cdevReadByte(dev, devAddress, memAddress, &byte);
-    byte = (data != 0) ? (byte | (1 << bitNum)) : (byte & ~(1 << bitNum));
+    // i2cdevReadByte(dev, devAddress, memAddress, &byte);
+    // byte = (data != 0) ? (byte | (1 << bitNum)) : (byte & ~(1 << bitNum));
     return i2cdevWriteByte(dev, devAddress, memAddress, byte);
@@ -130,17 +135,18 @@ bool i2cdevWriteBits(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint8_t memAddress,
                      uint8_t bitStart, uint8_t length, uint8_t data)
   bool status;
-  uint8_t byte;
-  if ((status = i2cdevReadByte(dev, devAddress, memAddress, &byte)) == true)
-  {
-      uint8_t mask = ((1 << length) - 1) << (bitStart - length + 1);
-      data <<= (bitStart - length + 1); // shift data into correct position
-      data &= mask; // zero all non-important bits in data
-      byte &= ~(mask); // zero all important bits in existing byte
-      byte |= data; // combine data with existing byte
-      status = i2cdevWriteByte(dev, devAddress, memAddress, byte);
-  }
+  // uint8_t byte;
+  // if ((status = i2cdevReadByte(dev, devAddress, memAddress, &byte)) == true)
+  // {
+  //     uint8_t mask = ((1 << length) - 1) << (bitStart - length + 1);
+  //     data <<= (bitStart - length + 1); // shift data into correct position
+  //     data &= mask; // zero all non-important bits in data
+  //     byte &= ~(mask); // zero all important bits in existing byte
+  //     byte |= data; // combine data with existing byte
+  //     status = i2cdevWriteByte(dev, devAddress, memAddress, byte);
+  // }
   return status;
@@ -149,7 +155,8 @@ bool i2cdevWrite(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint16_t len, const uint8_t *
   I2cMessage message;
-  i2cdrvCreateMessage(&message, devAddress, i2cWrite, len, data);
+  //i2cdrvCreateMessage(&message, devAddress, i2cWrite, len, data);
   return i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
@@ -159,8 +166,9 @@ bool i2cdevWriteReg8(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint8_t memAddress,
   I2cMessage message;
-  i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(&message, devAddress, false, memAddress,
-                             i2cWrite, len, data);
+  // i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(&message, devAddress, false, memAddress,
+  //                            i2cWrite, len, data);
   return i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
@@ -170,8 +178,9 @@ bool i2cdevWriteReg16(I2C_Dev *dev, uint8_t devAddress, uint16_t memAddress,
   I2cMessage message;
-  i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(&message, devAddress, true, memAddress,
-                             i2cWrite, len, data);
+  // i2cdrvCreateMessageIntAddr(&message, devAddress, true, memAddress,
+  //                            i2cWrite, len, data);
   return i2cdrvMessageTransfer(dev, &message);
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/i2croutines.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/i2croutines.c
index b0f8a2f520e82f68c5e5f240b8edd6a04fa7274a..d0171b93a614dd3cba2988b04006f1110afca826 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/i2croutines.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/i2croutines.c
@@ -66,111 +66,112 @@ ErrorStatus I2C_Master_BufferRead(I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx, uint8_t* pBuffer,
     uint32_t timeoutMs)
-  __IO uint32_t temp = 0;
-  __IO uint32_t Timeout = 0;
-  /* Enable I2C errors interrupts (used in all modes: Polling, DMA and Interrupts */
-  I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_ERR;
-  if (Mode == DMA) /* I2Cx Master Reception using DMA */
-  {
-    /* Configure I2Cx DMA channel */
-    I2C_DMAConfig(I2Cx, pBuffer, NumByteToRead, I2C_DIRECTION_RX);
-    /* Set Last bit to have a NACK on the last received byte */
-    I2Cx->CR2 |= CR2_LAST_Set;
-    /* Enable I2C DMA requests */
-    I2Cx->CR2 |= CR2_DMAEN_Set;
-    Timeout = 0xFFFF;
-    /* Send START condition */
-    I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_START_Set;
-    /* Wait until SB flag is set: EV5  */
-    while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x0001) != 0x0001)
-    {
-      if (Timeout-- == 0)
-        return ERROR;
-    }
-    Timeout = 0xFFFF;
-    /* Send slave address */
-    /* Set the address bit0 for read */
-    SlaveAddress |= OAR1_ADD0_Set;
-    I2Cx->DR = SlaveAddress;
-    /* Wait until ADDR is set: EV6 */
-    while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x0002) != 0x0002)
-    {
-      if (Timeout-- == 0)
-        return ERROR;
-    }
-    /* Clear ADDR flag by reading SR2 register */
-    temp = I2Cx->SR2;
-    if (I2Cx == I2C1)
-    {
-      /* Wait until DMA end of transfer */
-      //while (!DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA1_FLAG_TC7));
-      xSemaphoreTake(i2cdevDmaEventI2c1, M2T(timeoutMs));
-      /* Disable DMA Channel */
-      /* Clear the DMA Transfer Complete flag */
-      DMA_ClearFlag(DMA1_FLAG_TC7);
-    }
-    else /* I2Cx = I2C2*/
-    {
-      /* Wait until DMA end of transfer */
-      //while (!DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA1_FLAG_TC5))
-      xSemaphoreTake(i2cdevDmaEventI2c2, M2T(timeoutMs));
-      /* Disable DMA Channel */
-      /* Clear the DMA Transfer Complete flag */
-      DMA_ClearFlag(DMA1_FLAG_TC5);
-    }
-    /* Program the STOP */
-    I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
-    /* Make sure that the STOP bit is cleared by Hardware before CR1 write access */
-    while ((I2Cx->CR1 & 0x200) == 0x200)
-      ;
-  }
-  /* I2Cx Master Reception using Interrupts with highest priority in an application */
-  else
-  {
-    /* Enable EVT IT*/
-    I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_EVT;
-    /* Enable BUF IT */
-    I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_BUF;
-    SlaveAddress |= OAR1_ADD0_Set;
-    if (I2Cx== I2C1)
-    {
-      /* Set the I2C direction to reception */
-      I2CDirection1 = I2C_DIRECTION_RX;
-      Buffer_Rx1 = pBuffer;
-      Address1 = SlaveAddress;
-      NumbOfBytes1 = NumByteToRead;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      /* Set the I2C direction to reception */
-      I2CDirection2 = I2C_DIRECTION_RX;
-      Buffer_Rx2 = pBuffer;
-      Address2 = SlaveAddress;
-      NumbOfBytes2 = NumByteToRead;
-    }
-    /* Send START condition */
-    I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_START_Set;
-    Timeout = timeoutMs * I2CDEV_LOOPS_PER_MS;
-    /* Wait until the START condition is generated on the bus: START bit is cleared by hardware */
-    while ((I2Cx->CR1 & 0x100) == 0x100 && Timeout)
-    {
-      Timeout--;
-    }
-    /* Wait until BUSY flag is reset (until a STOP is generated) */
-    while ((I2Cx->SR2 & 0x0002) == 0x0002 && Timeout)
-    {
-      Timeout--;
-    }
-    /* Enable Acknowledgement to be ready for another reception */
-    I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_ACK_Set;
-    if (Timeout == 0)
-      return ERROR;
-  }
+  // __IO uint32_t temp = 0;
+  // __IO uint32_t Timeout = 0;
+  // /* Enable I2C errors interrupts (used in all modes: Polling, DMA and Interrupts */
+  // I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_ERR;
+  // if (Mode == DMA) /* I2Cx Master Reception using DMA */
+  // {
+  //   /* Configure I2Cx DMA channel */
+  //   I2C_DMAConfig(I2Cx, pBuffer, NumByteToRead, I2C_DIRECTION_RX);
+  //   /* Set Last bit to have a NACK on the last received byte */
+  //   I2Cx->CR2 |= CR2_LAST_Set;
+  //   /* Enable I2C DMA requests */
+  //   I2Cx->CR2 |= CR2_DMAEN_Set;
+  //   Timeout = 0xFFFF;
+  //   /* Send START condition */
+  //   I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_START_Set;
+  //   /* Wait until SB flag is set: EV5  */
+  //   while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x0001) != 0x0001)
+  //   {
+  //     if (Timeout-- == 0)
+  //       return ERROR;
+  //   }
+  //   Timeout = 0xFFFF;
+  //   /* Send slave address */
+  //   /* Set the address bit0 for read */
+  //   SlaveAddress |= OAR1_ADD0_Set;
+  //   I2Cx->DR = SlaveAddress;
+  //   /* Wait until ADDR is set: EV6 */
+  //   while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x0002) != 0x0002)
+  //   {
+  //     if (Timeout-- == 0)
+  //       return ERROR;
+  //   }
+  //   /* Clear ADDR flag by reading SR2 register */
+  //   temp = I2Cx->SR2;
+  //   if (I2Cx == I2C1)
+  //   {
+  //     /* Wait until DMA end of transfer */
+  //     //while (!DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA1_FLAG_TC7));
+  //     xSemaphoreTake(i2cdevDmaEventI2c1, M2T(timeoutMs));
+  //     /* Disable DMA Channel */
+  //     /* Clear the DMA Transfer Complete flag */
+  //     DMA_ClearFlag(DMA1_FLAG_TC7);
+  //   }
+  //   else /* I2Cx = I2C2*/
+  //   {
+  //     /* Wait until DMA end of transfer */
+  //     //while (!DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA1_FLAG_TC5))
+  //     xSemaphoreTake(i2cdevDmaEventI2c2, M2T(timeoutMs));
+  //     /* Disable DMA Channel */
+  //     /* Clear the DMA Transfer Complete flag */
+  //     DMA_ClearFlag(DMA1_FLAG_TC5);
+  //   }
+  //   /* Program the STOP */
+  //   I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
+  //   /* Make sure that the STOP bit is cleared by Hardware before CR1 write access */
+  //   while ((I2Cx->CR1 & 0x200) == 0x200)
+  //     ;
+  // }
+  // /* I2Cx Master Reception using Interrupts with highest priority in an application */
+  // else
+  // {
+  //   /* Enable EVT IT*/
+  //   I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_EVT;
+  //   /* Enable BUF IT */
+  //   I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_BUF;
+  //   SlaveAddress |= OAR1_ADD0_Set;
+  //   if (I2Cx== I2C1)
+  //   {
+  //     /* Set the I2C direction to reception */
+  //     I2CDirection1 = I2C_DIRECTION_RX;
+  //     Buffer_Rx1 = pBuffer;
+  //     Address1 = SlaveAddress;
+  //     NumbOfBytes1 = NumByteToRead;
+  //   }
+  //   else
+  //   {
+  //     /* Set the I2C direction to reception */
+  //     I2CDirection2 = I2C_DIRECTION_RX;
+  //     Buffer_Rx2 = pBuffer;
+  //     Address2 = SlaveAddress;
+  //     NumbOfBytes2 = NumByteToRead;
+  //   }
+  //   /* Send START condition */
+  //   I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_START_Set;
+  //   Timeout = timeoutMs * I2CDEV_LOOPS_PER_MS;
+  //   /* Wait until the START condition is generated on the bus: START bit is cleared by hardware */
+  //   while ((I2Cx->CR1 & 0x100) == 0x100 && Timeout)
+  //   {
+  //     Timeout--;
+  //   }
+  //   /* Wait until BUSY flag is reset (until a STOP is generated) */
+  //   while ((I2Cx->SR2 & 0x0002) == 0x0002 && Timeout)
+  //   {
+  //     Timeout--;
+  //   }
+  //   /* Enable Acknowledgement to be ready for another reception */
+  //   I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_ACK_Set;
+  //   if (Timeout == 0)
+  //     return ERROR;
+  // }
   return SUCCESS;
@@ -189,114 +190,114 @@ ErrorStatus I2C_Master_BufferWrite(I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx, uint8_t* pBuffer,
     uint32_t NumByteToWrite, I2C_ProgrammingModel Mode, uint8_t SlaveAddress,
     uint32_t timeoutMs)
-  __IO uint32_t temp = 0;
-  __IO uint32_t Timeout = 0;
-  /* Enable Error IT (used in all modes: DMA, Polling and Interrupts */
-  I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_ERR;
-  if (Mode == DMA) /* I2Cx Master Transmission using DMA */
-  {
-    Timeout = 0xFFFF;
-    /* Configure the DMA channel for I2Cx transmission */
-    I2C_DMAConfig(I2Cx, pBuffer, NumByteToWrite, I2C_DIRECTION_TX);
-    /* Enable the I2Cx DMA requests */
-    I2Cx->CR2 |= CR2_DMAEN_Set;
-    /* Send START condition */
-    I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_START_Set;
-    /* Wait until SB flag is set: EV5 */
-    while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x0001) != 0x0001)
-    {
-      if (Timeout-- == 0)
-        return ERROR;
-    }
-    Timeout = 0xFFFF;
-    /* Send slave address */
-    /* Reset the address bit0 for write */
-    SlaveAddress &= OAR1_ADD0_Reset;
-    I2Cx->DR = SlaveAddress;
-    /* Wait until ADDR is set: EV6 */
-    while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x0002) != 0x0002)
-    {
-      if (Timeout-- == 0)
-        return ERROR;
-    }
-    /* Clear ADDR flag by reading SR2 register */
-    temp = I2Cx->SR2;
-    if (I2Cx == I2C1)
-    {
-      /* Wait until DMA end of transfer */
-//            while (!DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA1_FLAG_TC6));
-      xSemaphoreTake(i2cdevDmaEventI2c1, M2T(5));
-      /* Disable the DMA1 Channel 6 */
-      /* Clear the DMA Transfer complete flag */
-      DMA_ClearFlag(DMA1_FLAG_TC6);
-    }
-    else /* I2Cx = I2C2 */
-    {
-      /* Wait until DMA end of transfer */
-      //while (!DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA1_FLAG_TC4))
-      xSemaphoreTake(i2cdevDmaEventI2c2, M2T(5));
-      /* Disable the DMA1 Channel 4 */
-      /* Clear the DMA Transfer complete flag */
-      DMA_ClearFlag(DMA1_FLAG_TC4);
-    }
-    /* EV8_2: Wait until BTF is set before programming the STOP */
-    while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x00004) != 0x000004)
-      ;
-    /* Program the STOP */
-    I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
-    /* Make sure that the STOP bit is cleared by Hardware */
-    while ((I2Cx->CR1 & 0x200) == 0x200)
-      ;
-  }
-  /* I2Cx Master Transmission using Interrupt with highest priority in the application */
-  else
-  {
-    /* Enable EVT IT*/
-    I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_EVT;
-    /* Enable BUF IT */
-    I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_BUF;
-    /* Set the I2C direction to Transmission */
-    SlaveAddress &= OAR1_ADD0_Reset;
-    if (I2Cx== I2C1)
-    {
-      /* Set the I2C direction to reception */
-      I2CDirection1 = I2C_DIRECTION_TX;
-      Buffer_Tx1 = pBuffer;
-      Address1 = SlaveAddress;
-      NumbOfBytes1 = NumByteToWrite;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      /* Set the I2C direction to reception */
-      I2CDirection2 = I2C_DIRECTION_TX;
-      Buffer_Tx2 = pBuffer;
-      Address2 = SlaveAddress;
-      NumbOfBytes2 = NumByteToWrite;
-    }
-    /* Send START condition */
-    I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_START_Set;
-    Timeout = timeoutMs * I2CDEV_LOOPS_PER_MS;
-    /* Wait until the START condition is generated on the bus: the START bit is cleared by hardware */
-    while ((I2Cx->CR1 & 0x100) == 0x100 && Timeout)
-    {
-      Timeout--;
-    }
-    /* Wait until BUSY flag is reset: a STOP has been generated on the bus signaling the end
-     of transmission */
-    while ((I2Cx->SR2 & 0x0002) == 0x0002 && Timeout)
-    {
-      Timeout--;
-    }
-    if (Timeout == 0)
-      return ERROR;
-  }
+//   __IO uint32_t temp = 0;
+//   __IO uint32_t Timeout = 0;
+//   /* Enable Error IT (used in all modes: DMA, Polling and Interrupts */
+//   I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_ERR;
+//   if (Mode == DMA) /* I2Cx Master Transmission using DMA */
+//   {
+//     Timeout = 0xFFFF;
+//     /* Configure the DMA channel for I2Cx transmission */
+//     I2C_DMAConfig(I2Cx, pBuffer, NumByteToWrite, I2C_DIRECTION_TX);
+//     /* Enable the I2Cx DMA requests */
+//     I2Cx->CR2 |= CR2_DMAEN_Set;
+//     /* Send START condition */
+//     I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_START_Set;
+//     /* Wait until SB flag is set: EV5 */
+//     while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x0001) != 0x0001)
+//     {
+//       if (Timeout-- == 0)
+//         return ERROR;
+//     }
+//     Timeout = 0xFFFF;
+//     /* Send slave address */
+//     /* Reset the address bit0 for write */
+//     SlaveAddress &= OAR1_ADD0_Reset;
+//     I2Cx->DR = SlaveAddress;
+//     /* Wait until ADDR is set: EV6 */
+//     while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x0002) != 0x0002)
+//     {
+//       if (Timeout-- == 0)
+//         return ERROR;
+//     }
+//     /* Clear ADDR flag by reading SR2 register */
+//     temp = I2Cx->SR2;
+//     if (I2Cx == I2C1)
+//     {
+//       /* Wait until DMA end of transfer */
+// //            while (!DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA1_FLAG_TC6));
+//       xSemaphoreTake(i2cdevDmaEventI2c1, M2T(5));
+//       /* Disable the DMA1 Channel 6 */
+//       /* Clear the DMA Transfer complete flag */
+//       DMA_ClearFlag(DMA1_FLAG_TC6);
+//     }
+//     else /* I2Cx = I2C2 */
+//     {
+//       /* Wait until DMA end of transfer */
+//       //while (!DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA1_FLAG_TC4))
+//       xSemaphoreTake(i2cdevDmaEventI2c2, M2T(5));
+//       /* Disable the DMA1 Channel 4 */
+//       /* Clear the DMA Transfer complete flag */
+//       DMA_ClearFlag(DMA1_FLAG_TC4);
+//     }
+//     /* EV8_2: Wait until BTF is set before programming the STOP */
+//     while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x00004) != 0x000004)
+//       ;
+//     /* Program the STOP */
+//     I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
+//     /* Make sure that the STOP bit is cleared by Hardware */
+//     while ((I2Cx->CR1 & 0x200) == 0x200)
+//       ;
+//   }
+//   /* I2Cx Master Transmission using Interrupt with highest priority in the application */
+//   else
+//   {
+//     /* Enable EVT IT*/
+//     I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_EVT;
+//     /* Enable BUF IT */
+//     I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_BUF;
+//     /* Set the I2C direction to Transmission */
+//     SlaveAddress &= OAR1_ADD0_Reset;
+//     if (I2Cx== I2C1)
+//     {
+//       /* Set the I2C direction to reception */
+//       I2CDirection1 = I2C_DIRECTION_TX;
+//       Buffer_Tx1 = pBuffer;
+//       Address1 = SlaveAddress;
+//       NumbOfBytes1 = NumByteToWrite;
+//     }
+//     else
+//     {
+//       /* Set the I2C direction to reception */
+//       I2CDirection2 = I2C_DIRECTION_TX;
+//       Buffer_Tx2 = pBuffer;
+//       Address2 = SlaveAddress;
+//       NumbOfBytes2 = NumByteToWrite;
+//     }
+//     /* Send START condition */
+//     I2Cx->CR1 |= CR1_START_Set;
+//     Timeout = timeoutMs * I2CDEV_LOOPS_PER_MS;
+//     /* Wait until the START condition is generated on the bus: the START bit is cleared by hardware */
+//     while ((I2Cx->CR1 & 0x100) == 0x100 && Timeout)
+//     {
+//       Timeout--;
+//     }
+//     /* Wait until BUSY flag is reset: a STOP has been generated on the bus signaling the end
+//      of transmission */
+//     while ((I2Cx->SR2 & 0x0002) == 0x0002 && Timeout)
+//     {
+//       Timeout--;
+//     }
+//     if (Timeout == 0)
+//       return ERROR;
+//   }
   return SUCCESS;
   temp++; //To avoid GCC warning!
@@ -311,21 +312,22 @@ ErrorStatus I2C_Master_BufferWrite(I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx, uint8_t* pBuffer,
 void I2C_Slave_BufferReadWrite(I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx, I2C_ProgrammingModel Mode)
-  /* Enable Event IT needed for ADDR and STOPF events ITs */
-  I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_EVT;
-  /* Enable Error IT */
-  I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_ERR;
-  if (Mode == DMA) /* I2Cx Slave Transmission using DMA */
-  {
-    /* Enable I2Cx DMA requests */
-    I2Cx->CR2 |= CR2_DMAEN_Set;
-  }
-  else /* I2Cx Slave Transmission using Interrupt with highest priority in the application */
-  {
-    /* Enable Buffer IT (TXE and RXNE ITs) */
-    I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_BUF;
-  }
+  // /* Enable Event IT needed for ADDR and STOPF events ITs */
+  // I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_EVT;
+  // /* Enable Error IT */
+  // I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_ERR;
+  // if (Mode == DMA) /* I2Cx Slave Transmission using DMA */
+  // {
+  //   /* Enable I2Cx DMA requests */
+  //   I2Cx->CR2 |= CR2_DMAEN_Set;
+  // }
+  // else /* I2Cx Slave Transmission using Interrupt with highest priority in the application */
+  // {
+  //   /* Enable Buffer IT (TXE and RXNE ITs) */
+  //   I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_IT_BUF;
+  // }
@@ -335,126 +337,127 @@ void I2C_Slave_BufferReadWrite(I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx, I2C_ProgrammingModel Mode)
 void I2C_LowLevel_Init(I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx)
-  GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
-  I2C_InitTypeDef I2C_InitStructure;
-  NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
-  /* GPIOB clock enable */
-  RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB, ENABLE);
-  /* Enable the DMA1 clock */
-  RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA1, ENABLE);
-  if (I2Cx == I2C1)
-  {
-    /* I2C1 clock enable */
-    RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, ENABLE);
-    /* I2C1 SDA and SCL configuration */
-    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_6;
-    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
-    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_OD;
-    GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_7;
-    GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-    /* Enable I2C1 reset state */
-    RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, ENABLE);
-    /* Release I2C1 from reset state */
-    RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, DISABLE);
-    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = I2C1_EV_IRQn;
-    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_I2C_HIGH_PRI;
-    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
-    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
-    NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = I2C1_ER_IRQn;
-    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_I2C_LOW_PRI;
-    NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  }
-  else /* I2Cx = I2C2 */
-  {
-    /* I2C2 clock enable */
-    RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C2, ENABLE);
-    /* I2C1 SDA and SCL configuration */
-    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_10;
-    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
-    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_OD;
-    GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_11;
-    GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
-    /* Enable I2C2 reset state */
-    RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C2, ENABLE);
-    /* Release I2C2 from reset state */
-    RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C2, DISABLE);
-    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = I2C2_EV_IRQn;
-    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_I2C_HIGH_PRI;
-    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
-    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
-    NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = I2C2_ER_IRQn;
-    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_I2C_LOW_PRI;
-    NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  }
-  /* I2C1 and I2C2 configuration */
-  I2C_InitStructure.I2C_Mode = I2C_Mode_I2C;
-  I2C_InitStructure.I2C_DutyCycle = I2C_DutyCycle_2;
-  I2C_InitStructure.I2C_OwnAddress1 = OwnAddress1;
-  I2C_InitStructure.I2C_Ack = I2C_Ack_Enable;
-  I2C_InitStructure.I2C_AcknowledgedAddress = I2C_AcknowledgedAddress_7bit;
-  I2C_InitStructure.I2C_ClockSpeed = ClockSpeed;
-  I2C_Init(I2C1, &I2C_InitStructure);
-  I2C_InitStructure.I2C_OwnAddress1 = OwnAddress2;
-  I2C_Init(I2C2, &I2C_InitStructure);
-  if (I2Cx == I2C1)
-  { /* I2C1 TX DMA Channel configuration */
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t) I2C1_DR_Address;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (uint32_t) 0; /* This parameter will be configured durig communication */
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralDST; /* This parameter will be configured durig communication */
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_BufferSize = 0xFFFF; /* This parameter will be configured durig communication */
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryInc = DMA_MemoryInc_Enable;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Byte;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Byte;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_Mode = DMA_Mode_Normal;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_Priority = DMA_Priority_VeryHigh;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_M2M = DMA_M2M_Disable;
-    DMA_Init(I2C1_DMA_CHANNEL_TX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
-    /* I2C1 RX DMA Channel configuration */
-    DMA_Init(I2C1_DMA_CHANNEL_RX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
-  }
-  else /* I2Cx = I2C2 */
-  {
-    /* I2C2 TX DMA Channel configuration */
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t) I2C2_DR_Address;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (uint32_t) 0; /* This parameter will be configured durig communication */
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralDST; /* This parameter will be configured durig communication */
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_BufferSize = 0xFFFF; /* This parameter will be configured durig communication */
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryInc = DMA_MemoryInc_Enable;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Byte;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Byte;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_Mode = DMA_Mode_Normal;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_Priority = DMA_Priority_VeryHigh;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_M2M = DMA_M2M_Disable;
-    DMA_Init(I2C2_DMA_CHANNEL_TX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
-    /* I2C2 RX DMA Channel configuration */
-    DMA_Init(I2C2_DMA_CHANNEL_RX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
-  }
+  // GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
+  // I2C_InitTypeDef I2C_InitStructure;
+  // NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
+  // /* GPIOB clock enable */
+  // RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB, ENABLE);
+  // /* Enable the DMA1 clock */
+  // RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA1, ENABLE);
+  // if (I2Cx == I2C1)
+  // {
+  //   /* I2C1 clock enable */
+  //   RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, ENABLE);
+  //   /* I2C1 SDA and SCL configuration */
+  //   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_6;
+  //   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
+  //   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_OD;
+  //   GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+  //   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_7;
+  //   GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+  //   /* Enable I2C1 reset state */
+  //   RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, ENABLE);
+  //   /* Release I2C1 from reset state */
+  //   RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, DISABLE);
+  //   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = I2C1_EV_IRQn;
+  //   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_I2C_HIGH_PRI;
+  //   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
+  //   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
+  //   NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  //   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = I2C1_ER_IRQn;
+  //   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_I2C_LOW_PRI;
+  //   NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  // }
+  // else /* I2Cx = I2C2 */
+  // {
+  //   /* I2C2 clock enable */
+  //   RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C2, ENABLE);
+  //   /* I2C1 SDA and SCL configuration */
+  //   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_10;
+  //   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
+  //   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_OD;
+  //   GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+  //   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_11;
+  //   GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+  //   /* Enable I2C2 reset state */
+  //   RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C2, ENABLE);
+  //   /* Release I2C2 from reset state */
+  //   RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C2, DISABLE);
+  //   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = I2C2_EV_IRQn;
+  //   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_I2C_HIGH_PRI;
+  //   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
+  //   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
+  //   NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  //   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = I2C2_ER_IRQn;
+  //   NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_I2C_LOW_PRI;
+  //   NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  // }
+  // /* I2C1 and I2C2 configuration */
+  // I2C_InitStructure.I2C_Mode = I2C_Mode_I2C;
+  // I2C_InitStructure.I2C_DutyCycle = I2C_DutyCycle_2;
+  // I2C_InitStructure.I2C_OwnAddress1 = OwnAddress1;
+  // I2C_InitStructure.I2C_Ack = I2C_Ack_Enable;
+  // I2C_InitStructure.I2C_AcknowledgedAddress = I2C_AcknowledgedAddress_7bit;
+  // I2C_InitStructure.I2C_ClockSpeed = ClockSpeed;
+  // I2C_Init(I2C1, &I2C_InitStructure);
+  // I2C_InitStructure.I2C_OwnAddress1 = OwnAddress2;
+  // I2C_Init(I2C2, &I2C_InitStructure);
+  // if (I2Cx == I2C1)
+  // { /* I2C1 TX DMA Channel configuration */
+  //   DMA_DeInit(I2C1_DMA_CHANNEL_TX);
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t) I2C1_DR_Address;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (uint32_t) 0; /* This parameter will be configured durig communication */
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralDST; /* This parameter will be configured durig communication */
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_BufferSize = 0xFFFF; /* This parameter will be configured durig communication */
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryInc = DMA_MemoryInc_Enable;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Byte;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Byte;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_Mode = DMA_Mode_Normal;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_Priority = DMA_Priority_VeryHigh;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_M2M = DMA_M2M_Disable;
+  //   DMA_Init(I2C1_DMA_CHANNEL_TX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
+  //   /* I2C1 RX DMA Channel configuration */
+  //   DMA_DeInit(I2C1_DMA_CHANNEL_RX);
+  //   DMA_Init(I2C1_DMA_CHANNEL_RX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
+  // }
+  // else /* I2Cx = I2C2 */
+  // {
+  //   /* I2C2 TX DMA Channel configuration */
+  //   DMA_DeInit(I2C2_DMA_CHANNEL_TX);
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t) I2C2_DR_Address;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (uint32_t) 0; /* This parameter will be configured durig communication */
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralDST; /* This parameter will be configured durig communication */
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_BufferSize = 0xFFFF; /* This parameter will be configured durig communication */
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryInc = DMA_MemoryInc_Enable;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Byte;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Byte;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_Mode = DMA_Mode_Normal;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_Priority = DMA_Priority_VeryHigh;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_M2M = DMA_M2M_Disable;
+  //   DMA_Init(I2C2_DMA_CHANNEL_TX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
+  //   /* I2C2 RX DMA Channel configuration */
+  //   DMA_DeInit(I2C2_DMA_CHANNEL_RX);
+  //   DMA_Init(I2C2_DMA_CHANNEL_RX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
+  // }
@@ -465,54 +468,55 @@ void I2C_LowLevel_Init(I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx)
 void I2C_DMAConfig(I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx, uint8_t* pBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize,
     uint32_t Direction)
-  /* Initialize the DMA with the new parameters */
-  if (Direction == I2C_DIRECTION_TX)
-  {
-    /* Configure the DMA Tx Channel with the buffer address and the buffer size */
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (uint32_t) pBuffer;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralDST;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_BufferSize = (uint32_t) BufferSize;
-    if (I2Cx == I2C1)
-    {
-      I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t) I2C1_DR_Address;
-      DMA_Init(I2C1_DMA_CHANNEL_TX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t) I2C2_DR_Address;
-      DMA_Init(I2C2_DMA_CHANNEL_TX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
-      DMA_ITConfig(DMA1_Channel4, DMA_IT_TC, ENABLE);
-    }
-  }
-  else /* Reception */
-  {
-    /* Configure the DMA Rx Channel with the buffer address and the buffer size */
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (uint32_t) pBuffer;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralSRC;
-    I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_BufferSize = (uint32_t) BufferSize;
-    if (I2Cx == I2C1)
-    {
-      I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t) I2C1_DR_Address;
-      DMA_Init(I2C1_DMA_CHANNEL_RX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t) I2C2_DR_Address;
-      DMA_Init(I2C2_DMA_CHANNEL_RX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
-    }
-  }
+  // /* Initialize the DMA with the new parameters */
+  // if (Direction == I2C_DIRECTION_TX)
+  // {
+  //   /* Configure the DMA Tx Channel with the buffer address and the buffer size */
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (uint32_t) pBuffer;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralDST;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_BufferSize = (uint32_t) BufferSize;
+  //   if (I2Cx == I2C1)
+  //   {
+  //     I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t) I2C1_DR_Address;
+  //     DMA_Init(I2C1_DMA_CHANNEL_TX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
+  //   }
+  //   else
+  //   {
+  //     I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t) I2C2_DR_Address;
+  //     DMA_Init(I2C2_DMA_CHANNEL_TX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
+  //     DMA_ITConfig(DMA1_Channel4, DMA_IT_TC, ENABLE);
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // else /* Reception */
+  // {
+  //   /* Configure the DMA Rx Channel with the buffer address and the buffer size */
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (uint32_t) pBuffer;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralSRC;
+  //   I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_BufferSize = (uint32_t) BufferSize;
+  //   if (I2Cx == I2C1)
+  //   {
+  //     I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t) I2C1_DR_Address;
+  //     DMA_Init(I2C1_DMA_CHANNEL_RX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
+  //   }
+  //   else
+  //   {
+  //     I2CDMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t) I2C2_DR_Address;
+  //     DMA_Init(I2C2_DMA_CHANNEL_RX, &I2CDMA_InitStructure);
+  //   }
+  // }
@@ -522,116 +526,116 @@ void I2C_DMAConfig(I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx, uint8_t* pBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize,
 void __attribute__((used)) I2C1_EV_IRQHandler(void)
-  __IO uint32_t SR1Register = 0;
-  __IO uint32_t SR2Register = 0;
-  /* Read the I2C SR1 and SR2 status registers */
-  SR1Register = I2C1->SR1;
-  SR2Register = I2C1->SR2;
-  /* If SB = 1, I2C master sent a START on the bus: EV5) */
-  if ((SR1Register & 0x0001) == 0x0001)
-  {
-    /* Send the slave address for transmssion or for reception (according to the configured value
-     in the write master write routine */
-    I2C1->DR = Address1;
-    SR1Register = 0;
-    SR2Register = 0;
-  }
-  /* If I2C is Master (MSL flag = 1) */
-  if ((SR2Register & 0x0001) == 0x0001)
-  {
-    /* If ADDR = 1, EV6 */
-    if ((SR1Register & 0x0002) == 0x0002)
-    {
-      /* Write the first data in case the Master is Transmitter */
-      if (I2CDirection1 == I2C_DIRECTION_TX)
-      {
-        /* Initialize the Transmit counter */
-        Tx_Idx1 = 0;
-        /* Write the first data in the data register */
-        I2C1->DR = Buffer_Tx1[Tx_Idx1++];
-        /* Decrement the number of bytes to be written */
-        NumbOfBytes1--;
-        /* If no further data to be sent, disable the I2C BUF IT
-         in order to not have a TxE  interrupt */
-        if (NumbOfBytes1 == 0)
-        {
-          I2C1->CR2 &= (uint16_t) ~I2C_IT_BUF;
-        }
-      }
-      /* Master Receiver */
-      else
-      {
-        /* Initialize Receive counter */
-        Rx_Idx1 = 0;
-        /* At this stage, ADDR is cleared because both SR1 and SR2 were read.*/
-        /* EV6_1: used for single byte reception. The ACK disable and the STOP
-         Programming should be done just after ADDR is cleared. */
-        if (NumbOfBytes1 == 1)
-        {
-          /* Clear ACK */
-          I2C1->CR1 &= CR1_ACK_Reset;
-          /* Program the STOP */
-          I2C1->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
-        }
-      }
-      SR1Register = 0;
-      SR2Register = 0;
-    }
-    /* Master transmits the remaing data: from data2 until the last one.  */
-    /* If TXE is set */
-    if ((SR1Register & 0x0084) == 0x0080)
-    {
-      /* If there is still data to write */
-      if (NumbOfBytes1 != 0)
-      {
-        /* Write the data in DR register */
-        I2C1->DR = Buffer_Tx1[Tx_Idx1++];
-        /* Decrment the number of data to be written */
-        NumbOfBytes1--;
-        /* If  no data remains to write, disable the BUF IT in order
-         to not have again a TxE interrupt. */
-        if (NumbOfBytes1 == 0)
-        {
-          /* Disable the BUF IT */
-          I2C1->CR2 &= (uint16_t) ~I2C_IT_BUF;
-        }
-      }
-      SR1Register = 0;
-      SR2Register = 0;
-    }
-    /* If BTF and TXE are set (EV8_2), program the STOP */
-    if ((SR1Register & 0x0084) == 0x0084)
-    {
-      /* Program the STOP */
-      I2C1->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
-      /* Disable EVT IT In order to not have again a BTF IT */
-      I2C1->CR2 &= (uint16_t) ~I2C_IT_EVT;
-      SR1Register = 0;
-      SR2Register = 0;
-    }
-    /* If RXNE is set */
-    if ((SR1Register & 0x0040) == 0x0040)
-    {
-      /* Read the data register */
-      Buffer_Rx1[Rx_Idx1++] = I2C1->DR;
-      /* Decrement the number of bytes to be read */
-      NumbOfBytes1--;
-      /* If it remains only one byte to read, disable ACK and program the STOP (EV7_1) */
-      if (NumbOfBytes1 == 1)
-      {
-        /* Clear ACK */
-        I2C1->CR1 &= CR1_ACK_Reset;
-        /* Program the STOP */
-        I2C1->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
-      }
-      SR1Register = 0;
-      SR2Register = 0;
-    }
-  }
+  // __IO uint32_t SR1Register = 0;
+  // __IO uint32_t SR2Register = 0;
+  // /* Read the I2C SR1 and SR2 status registers */
+  // SR1Register = I2C1->SR1;
+  // SR2Register = I2C1->SR2;
+  // /* If SB = 1, I2C master sent a START on the bus: EV5) */
+  // if ((SR1Register & 0x0001) == 0x0001)
+  // {
+  //   /* Send the slave address for transmssion or for reception (according to the configured value
+  //    in the write master write routine */
+  //   I2C1->DR = Address1;
+  //   SR1Register = 0;
+  //   SR2Register = 0;
+  // }
+  // /* If I2C is Master (MSL flag = 1) */
+  // if ((SR2Register & 0x0001) == 0x0001)
+  // {
+  //   /* If ADDR = 1, EV6 */
+  //   if ((SR1Register & 0x0002) == 0x0002)
+  //   {
+  //     /* Write the first data in case the Master is Transmitter */
+  //     if (I2CDirection1 == I2C_DIRECTION_TX)
+  //     {
+  //       /* Initialize the Transmit counter */
+  //       Tx_Idx1 = 0;
+  //       /* Write the first data in the data register */
+  //       I2C1->DR = Buffer_Tx1[Tx_Idx1++];
+  //       /* Decrement the number of bytes to be written */
+  //       NumbOfBytes1--;
+  //       /* If no further data to be sent, disable the I2C BUF IT
+  //        in order to not have a TxE  interrupt */
+  //       if (NumbOfBytes1 == 0)
+  //       {
+  //         I2C1->CR2 &= (uint16_t) ~I2C_IT_BUF;
+  //       }
+  //     }
+  //     /* Master Receiver */
+  //     else
+  //     {
+  //       /* Initialize Receive counter */
+  //       Rx_Idx1 = 0;
+  //       /* At this stage, ADDR is cleared because both SR1 and SR2 were read.*/
+  //       /* EV6_1: used for single byte reception. The ACK disable and the STOP
+  //        Programming should be done just after ADDR is cleared. */
+  //       if (NumbOfBytes1 == 1)
+  //       {
+  //         /* Clear ACK */
+  //         I2C1->CR1 &= CR1_ACK_Reset;
+  //         /* Program the STOP */
+  //         I2C1->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
+  //       }
+  //     }
+  //     SR1Register = 0;
+  //     SR2Register = 0;
+  //   }
+  //   /* Master transmits the remaing data: from data2 until the last one.  */
+  //   /* If TXE is set */
+  //   if ((SR1Register & 0x0084) == 0x0080)
+  //   {
+  //     /* If there is still data to write */
+  //     if (NumbOfBytes1 != 0)
+  //     {
+  //       /* Write the data in DR register */
+  //       I2C1->DR = Buffer_Tx1[Tx_Idx1++];
+  //       /* Decrment the number of data to be written */
+  //       NumbOfBytes1--;
+  //       /* If  no data remains to write, disable the BUF IT in order
+  //        to not have again a TxE interrupt. */
+  //       if (NumbOfBytes1 == 0)
+  //       {
+  //         /* Disable the BUF IT */
+  //         I2C1->CR2 &= (uint16_t) ~I2C_IT_BUF;
+  //       }
+  //     }
+  //     SR1Register = 0;
+  //     SR2Register = 0;
+  //   }
+  //   /* If BTF and TXE are set (EV8_2), program the STOP */
+  //   if ((SR1Register & 0x0084) == 0x0084)
+  //   {
+  //     /* Program the STOP */
+  //     I2C1->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
+  //     /* Disable EVT IT In order to not have again a BTF IT */
+  //     I2C1->CR2 &= (uint16_t) ~I2C_IT_EVT;
+  //     SR1Register = 0;
+  //     SR2Register = 0;
+  //   }
+  //   /* If RXNE is set */
+  //   if ((SR1Register & 0x0040) == 0x0040)
+  //   {
+  //     /* Read the data register */
+  //     Buffer_Rx1[Rx_Idx1++] = I2C1->DR;
+  //     /* Decrement the number of bytes to be read */
+  //     NumbOfBytes1--;
+  //     /* If it remains only one byte to read, disable ACK and program the STOP (EV7_1) */
+  //     if (NumbOfBytes1 == 1)
+  //     {
+  //       /* Clear ACK */
+  //       I2C1->CR1 &= CR1_ACK_Reset;
+  //       /* Program the STOP */
+  //       I2C1->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
+  //     }
+  //     SR1Register = 0;
+  //     SR2Register = 0;
+  //   }
+  // }
@@ -641,125 +645,128 @@ void __attribute__((used)) I2C1_EV_IRQHandler(void)
 void __attribute__((used)) I2C2_EV_IRQHandler(void)
-  __IO uint32_t SR1Register = 0;
-  __IO uint32_t SR2Register = 0;
-  /* Read the I2C SR1 and SR2 status registers */
-  SR1Register = I2C2->SR1;
-  SR2Register = I2C2->SR2;
-  /* If SB = 1, I2C master sent a START on the bus: EV5) */
-  if ((SR1Register & 0x0001) == 0x0001)
-  {
-    /* Send the slave address for transmssion or for reception (according to the configured value
-     in the write master write routine */
-    I2C2->DR = Address2;
-    SR1Register = 0;
-    SR2Register = 0;
-  }
-  /* If I2C is Master (MSL flag = 1) */
-  if ((SR2Register & 0x0001) == 0x0001)
-  {
-    /* If ADDR = 1, EV6 */
-    if ((SR1Register & 0x0002) == 0x0002)
-    {
-      /* Write the first data in case the Master is Transmitter */
-      if (I2CDirection2 == I2C_DIRECTION_TX)
-      {
-        /* Initialize the Transmit counter */
-        Tx_Idx2 = 0;
-        /* Write the first data in the data register */
-        I2C2->DR = Buffer_Tx2[Tx_Idx2++];
-        /* Decrement the number of bytes to be written */
-        NumbOfBytes2--;
-        /* If no further data to be sent, disable the I2C BUF IT
-         in order to not have a TxE  interrupt */
-        if (NumbOfBytes2 == 0)
-        {
-          I2C2->CR2 &= (uint16_t) ~I2C_IT_BUF;
-        }
-      }
-      /* Master Receiver */
-      else
-      {
-        /* Initialize Receive counter */
-        Rx_Idx2 = 0;
-        /* At this stage, ADDR is cleared because both SR1 and SR2 were read.*/
-        /* EV6_1: used for single byte reception. The ACK disable and the STOP
-         Programming should be done just after ADDR is cleared. */
-        if (NumbOfBytes2 == 1)
-        {
-          /* Clear ACK */
-          I2C2->CR1 &= CR1_ACK_Reset;
-          /* Program the STOP */
-          I2C2->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
-        }
-      }
-      SR1Register = 0;
-      SR2Register = 0;
-    }
-    /* Master transmits the remaing data: from data2 until the last one.  */
-    /* If TXE is set */
-    if ((SR1Register & 0x0084) == 0x0080)
-    {
-      /* If there is still data to write */
-      if (NumbOfBytes2 != 0)
-      {
-        /* Write the data in DR register */
-        I2C2->DR = Buffer_Tx2[Tx_Idx2++];
-        /* Decrment the number of data to be written */
-        NumbOfBytes2--;
-        /* If  no data remains to write, disable the BUF IT in order
-         to not have again a TxE interrupt. */
-        if (NumbOfBytes2 == 0)
-        {
-          /* Disable the BUF IT */
-          I2C2->CR2 &= (uint16_t) ~I2C_IT_BUF;
-        }
-      }
-      SR1Register = 0;
-      SR2Register = 0;
-    }
-    /* If BTF and TXE are set (EV8_2), program the STOP */
-    if ((SR1Register & 0x0084) == 0x0084)
-    {
-      /* Program the STOP */
-      I2C2->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
-      /* Disable EVT IT In order to not have again a BTF IT */
-      I2C2->CR2 &= (uint16_t) ~I2C_IT_EVT;
-      SR1Register = 0;
-      SR2Register = 0;
-    }
-    /* If RXNE is set */
-    if ((SR1Register & 0x0040) == 0x0040)
-    {
-      /* Read the data register */
-      Buffer_Rx2[Rx_Idx2++] = I2C2->DR;
-      /* Decrement the number of bytes to be read */
-      NumbOfBytes2--;
-      /* If it remains only one byte to read, disable ACK and program the STOP (EV7_1) */
-      if (NumbOfBytes2 == 1)
-      {
-        /* Clear ACK */
-        I2C2->CR1 &= CR1_ACK_Reset;
-        /* Program the STOP */
-        I2C2->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
-      }
-      SR1Register = 0;
-      SR2Register = 0;
-    }
-  }
+  // __IO uint32_t SR1Register = 0;
+  // __IO uint32_t SR2Register = 0;
+  // /* Read the I2C SR1 and SR2 status registers */
+  // SR1Register = I2C2->SR1;
+  // SR2Register = I2C2->SR2;
+  // /* If SB = 1, I2C master sent a START on the bus: EV5) */
+  // if ((SR1Register & 0x0001) == 0x0001)
+  // {
+  //   /* Send the slave address for transmssion or for reception (according to the configured value
+  //    in the write master write routine */
+  //   I2C2->DR = Address2;
+  //   SR1Register = 0;
+  //   SR2Register = 0;
+  // }
+  // /* If I2C is Master (MSL flag = 1) */
+  // if ((SR2Register & 0x0001) == 0x0001)
+  // {
+  //   /* If ADDR = 1, EV6 */
+  //   if ((SR1Register & 0x0002) == 0x0002)
+  //   {
+  //     /* Write the first data in case the Master is Transmitter */
+  //     if (I2CDirection2 == I2C_DIRECTION_TX)
+  //     {
+  //       /* Initialize the Transmit counter */
+  //       Tx_Idx2 = 0;
+  //       /* Write the first data in the data register */
+  //       I2C2->DR = Buffer_Tx2[Tx_Idx2++];
+  //       /* Decrement the number of bytes to be written */
+  //       NumbOfBytes2--;
+  //       /* If no further data to be sent, disable the I2C BUF IT
+  //        in order to not have a TxE  interrupt */
+  //       if (NumbOfBytes2 == 0)
+  //       {
+  //         I2C2->CR2 &= (uint16_t) ~I2C_IT_BUF;
+  //       }
+  //     }
+  //     /* Master Receiver */
+  //     else
+  //     {
+  //       /* Initialize Receive counter */
+  //       Rx_Idx2 = 0;
+  //       /* At this stage, ADDR is cleared because both SR1 and SR2 were read.*/
+  //       /* EV6_1: used for single byte reception. The ACK disable and the STOP
+  //        Programming should be done just after ADDR is cleared. */
+  //       if (NumbOfBytes2 == 1)
+  //       {
+  //         /* Clear ACK */
+  //         I2C2->CR1 &= CR1_ACK_Reset;
+  //         /* Program the STOP */
+  //         I2C2->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
+  //       }
+  //     }
+  //     SR1Register = 0;
+  //     SR2Register = 0;
+  //   }
+  //   /* Master transmits the remaing data: from data2 until the last one.  */
+  //   /* If TXE is set */
+  //   if ((SR1Register & 0x0084) == 0x0080)
+  //   {
+  //     /* If there is still data to write */
+  //     if (NumbOfBytes2 != 0)
+  //     {
+  //       /* Write the data in DR register */
+  //       I2C2->DR = Buffer_Tx2[Tx_Idx2++];
+  //       /* Decrment the number of data to be written */
+  //       NumbOfBytes2--;
+  //       /* If  no data remains to write, disable the BUF IT in order
+  //        to not have again a TxE interrupt. */
+  //       if (NumbOfBytes2 == 0)
+  //       {
+  //         /* Disable the BUF IT */
+  //         I2C2->CR2 &= (uint16_t) ~I2C_IT_BUF;
+  //       }
+  //     }
+  //     SR1Register = 0;
+  //     SR2Register = 0;
+  //   }
+  //   /* If BTF and TXE are set (EV8_2), program the STOP */
+  //   if ((SR1Register & 0x0084) == 0x0084)
+  //   {
+  //     /* Program the STOP */
+  //     I2C2->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
+  //     /* Disable EVT IT In order to not have again a BTF IT */
+  //     I2C2->CR2 &= (uint16_t) ~I2C_IT_EVT;
+  //     SR1Register = 0;
+  //     SR2Register = 0;
+  //   }
+  //   /* If RXNE is set */
+  //   if ((SR1Register & 0x0040) == 0x0040)
+  //   {
+  //     /* Read the data register */
+  //     Buffer_Rx2[Rx_Idx2++] = I2C2->DR;
+  //     /* Decrement the number of bytes to be read */
+  //     NumbOfBytes2--;
+  //     /* If it remains only one byte to read, disable ACK and program the STOP (EV7_1) */
+  //     if (NumbOfBytes2 == 1)
+  //     {
+  //       /* Clear ACK */
+  //       I2C2->CR1 &= CR1_ACK_Reset;
+  //       /* Program the STOP */
+  //       I2C2->CR1 |= CR1_STOP_Set;
+  //     }
+  //     SR1Register = 0;
+  //     SR2Register = 0;
+  //   }
+  // }
 void __attribute__((used)) I2C1_ER_IRQHandler(void)
-  i2cErrorInterruptHandler(I2C1);
+  //i2cErrorInterruptHandler(I2C1);
 void __attribute__((used)) I2C2_ER_IRQHandler(void)
-  i2cErrorInterruptHandler(I2C2);
+  //i2cErrorInterruptHandler(I2C2);
@@ -769,35 +776,35 @@ void __attribute__((used)) I2C2_ER_IRQHandler(void)
 void i2cErrorInterruptHandler(I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx)
-  __IO uint32_t SR1Register = 0;
-  /* Read the I2C status register */
-  SR1Register = I2Cx->SR1;
-  /* If AF = 1 */
-  if ((SR1Register & 0x0400) == 0x0400)
-  {
-    I2Cx->SR1 &= 0xFBFF;
-    SR1Register = 0;
-  }
-  /* If ARLO = 1 */
-  if ((SR1Register & 0x0200) == 0x0200)
-  {
-    I2Cx->SR1 &= 0xFBFF;
-    SR1Register = 0;
-  }
-  /* If BERR = 1 */
-  if ((SR1Register & 0x0100) == 0x0100)
-  {
-    I2Cx->SR1 &= 0xFEFF;
-    SR1Register = 0;
-  }
-  /* If OVR = 1 */
-  if ((SR1Register & 0x0800) == 0x0800)
-  {
-    I2Cx->SR1 &= 0xF7FF;
-    SR1Register = 0;
-  }
+  // __IO uint32_t SR1Register = 0;
+  // /* Read the I2C status register */
+  // SR1Register = I2Cx->SR1;
+  // /* If AF = 1 */
+  // if ((SR1Register & 0x0400) == 0x0400)
+  // {
+  //   I2Cx->SR1 &= 0xFBFF;
+  //   SR1Register = 0;
+  // }
+  // /* If ARLO = 1 */
+  // if ((SR1Register & 0x0200) == 0x0200)
+  // {
+  //   I2Cx->SR1 &= 0xFBFF;
+  //   SR1Register = 0;
+  // }
+  // /* If BERR = 1 */
+  // if ((SR1Register & 0x0100) == 0x0100)
+  // {
+  //   I2Cx->SR1 &= 0xFEFF;
+  //   SR1Register = 0;
+  // }
+  // /* If OVR = 1 */
+  // if ((SR1Register & 0x0800) == 0x0800)
+  // {
+  //   I2Cx->SR1 &= 0xF7FF;
+  //   SR1Register = 0;
+  // }
 /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/led.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/led.c
index ade1a68597595c6b6960ad18b5171b1e76ef92df..c538e7aab83c87f36d13864891328573cc838f89 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/led.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/led.c
@@ -63,85 +63,90 @@ static bool isInit = false;
 //Initialize the green led pin as output
 void ledInit()
-  int i;
+  // int i;
-  if(isInit)
-    return;
+  // if(isInit)
+  //   return;
-  GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
+  // GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
-  // Enable GPIO
+  // // Enable GPIO
-  for (i = 0; i < LED_NUM; i++)
-  {
-    //Initialize the LED pins as an output
-    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = led_pin[i];
-    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT;
-    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
-    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_25MHz;
-    GPIO_Init(led_port[i], &GPIO_InitStructure);
+  // for (i = 0; i < LED_NUM; i++)
+  // {
+  //   //Initialize the LED pins as an output
+  //   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = led_pin[i];
+  //   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT;
+  //   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
+  //   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_25MHz;
+  //   GPIO_Init(led_port[i], &GPIO_InitStructure);
-    //Turn off the LED:s
-    ledSet(i, 0);
-  }
+  //   //Turn off the LED:s
+  //   ledSet(i, 0);
+  // }
-  isInit = true;
+  // isInit = true;
 bool ledTest(void)
-  ledSet(LED_GREEN_L, 1);
-  ledSet(LED_GREEN_R, 1);
-  ledSet(LED_RED_L, 0);
-  ledSet(LED_RED_R, 0);
-  vTaskDelay(M2T(250));
-  ledSet(LED_GREEN_L, 0);
-  ledSet(LED_GREEN_R, 0);
-  ledSet(LED_RED_L, 1);
-  ledSet(LED_RED_R, 1);
-  vTaskDelay(M2T(250));
-  // LED test end
-  ledClearAll();
-  ledSet(LED_BLUE_L, 1);
+  // ledSet(LED_GREEN_L, 1);
+  // ledSet(LED_GREEN_R, 1);
+  // ledSet(LED_RED_L, 0);
+  // ledSet(LED_RED_R, 0);
+  // vTaskDelay(M2T(250));
+  // ledSet(LED_GREEN_L, 0);
+  // ledSet(LED_GREEN_R, 0);
+  // ledSet(LED_RED_L, 1);
+  // ledSet(LED_RED_R, 1);
+  // vTaskDelay(M2T(250));
+  // // LED test end
+  // ledClearAll();
+  // ledSet(LED_BLUE_L, 1);
   return isInit;
 void ledClearAll(void)
-  int i;
-  for (i = 0; i < LED_NUM; i++)
-  {
-    //Turn off the LED:s
-    ledSet(i, 0);
-  }
+  // int i;
+  // for (i = 0; i < LED_NUM; i++)
+  // {
+  //   //Turn off the LED:s
+  //   ledSet(i, 0);
+  // }
 void ledSetAll(void)
-  int i;
-  for (i = 0; i < LED_NUM; i++)
-  {
-    //Turn on the LED:s
-    ledSet(i, 1);
-  }
+  // int i;
+  // for (i = 0; i < LED_NUM; i++)
+  // {
+  //   //Turn on the LED:s
+  //   ledSet(i, 1);
+  // }
 void ledSet(led_t led, bool value)
-  if (led>LED_NUM)
-    return;
+  // if (led>LED_NUM)
+  //   return;
-  if (led_polarity[led]==LED_POL_NEG)
-    value = !value;
+  // if (led_polarity[led]==LED_POL_NEG)
+  //   value = !value;
-  if(value)
-    GPIO_SetBits(led_port[led], led_pin[led]);
-  else
-    GPIO_ResetBits(led_port[led], led_pin[led]); 
+  // if(value)
+  //   GPIO_SetBits(led_port[led], led_pin[led]);
+  // else
+  //   GPIO_ResetBits(led_port[led], led_pin[led]); 
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/lh_bootloader.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/lh_bootloader.c
index 8bf183247b54babb7effdb4a564fd252cc229f5c..1c3715cd4bbb1f3239d7ac066f0c864ac4bee8ba 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/lh_bootloader.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/lh_bootloader.c
@@ -60,11 +60,12 @@ static bool lhExchange(uint16_t writeLen, uint8_t* writeData, uint16_t readLen,
   bool status = false;
-  status = i2cdevWrite(I2C1_DEV, devAddr, writeLen, writeData);
-  if (status && readLen && readData)
-  {
-    status = i2cdevRead(I2C1_DEV, devAddr, readLen, readData);
-  }
+  // status = i2cdevWrite(I2C1_DEV, devAddr, writeLen, writeData);
+  // if (status && readLen && readData)
+  // {
+  //   status = i2cdevRead(I2C1_DEV, devAddr, readLen, readData);
+  // }
   return status;
@@ -110,27 +111,30 @@ bool lhblTest()
 static bool lhblFlashReadStatus(uint8_t* status)
-  lhblHeaderPrepare(1, 1, flashWriteBuf);
-  flashWriteBuf[5] = FLASH_CMD_READ_STATUS;
+  // lhblHeaderPrepare(1, 1, flashWriteBuf);
+  // flashWriteBuf[5] = FLASH_CMD_READ_STATUS;
   return lhExchange(5+1, flashWriteBuf, 1, status);
 static bool lhblFlashWriteEnable(void)
-  lhblHeaderPrepare(1, 0, flashWriteBuf);
-  flashWriteBuf[5] = FLASH_CMD_WRITE_EN;
+  // lhblHeaderPrepare(1, 0, flashWriteBuf);
+  // flashWriteBuf[5] = FLASH_CMD_WRITE_EN;
   return lhExchange(5 + 1, flashWriteBuf, 0, 0);
 static bool lhblFlashEraseBlock64k(uint32_t address)
-  lhblHeaderPrepare(4, 0, flashWriteBuf);
-  flashWriteBuf[5] = FLASH_CMD_ERASE_SECTOR;
-  flashWriteBuf[6] = (uint8_t)((address >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
-  flashWriteBuf[7] = (uint8_t)((address >> 8)  & 0x000000FF);
-  flashWriteBuf[8] = (uint8_t)((address >> 0)  & 0x000000FF);
+  // lhblHeaderPrepare(4, 0, flashWriteBuf);
+  // flashWriteBuf[5] = FLASH_CMD_ERASE_SECTOR;
+  // flashWriteBuf[6] = (uint8_t)((address >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[7] = (uint8_t)((address >> 8)  & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[8] = (uint8_t)((address >> 0)  & 0x000000FF);
   return lhExchange(5 + 4, flashWriteBuf, 0, 0);
@@ -138,33 +142,35 @@ static bool lhblFlashEraseBlock64k(uint32_t address)
 static bool lhblFlashWaitComplete(void)
   bool status;
-  uint8_t flashStatus;
+  // uint8_t flashStatus;
-  status = lhblFlashReadStatus(&flashStatus);
+  // status = lhblFlashReadStatus(&flashStatus);
-  while ((flashStatus & 0x01) != 0)
-  {
-    vTaskDelay(M2T(1));
-    status &= lhblFlashReadStatus(&flashStatus);
-  }
+  // while ((flashStatus & 0x01) != 0)
+  // {
+  //   vTaskDelay(M2T(1));
+  //   status &= lhblFlashReadStatus(&flashStatus);
+  // }
   return status;
 bool lhblFlashWritePage(uint32_t address, uint16_t length, const uint8_t *data)
-  ASSERT(address >= LH_FW_ADDR);
+  // ASSERT(address >= LH_FW_ADDR);
+  // ASSERT(length <= LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);
-  lhblFlashWriteEnable();
+  // lhblFlashWriteEnable();
-  lhblHeaderPrepare(4 + length, 0, flashWriteBuf);
-  flashWriteBuf[5] = FLASH_CMD_WRITE_PAGE;
-  flashWriteBuf[6] = (uint8_t)((address >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
-  flashWriteBuf[7] = (uint8_t)((address >> 8)  & 0x000000FF);
-  flashWriteBuf[8] = (uint8_t)((address >> 0)  & 0x000000FF);
+  // lhblHeaderPrepare(4 + length, 0, flashWriteBuf);
+  // flashWriteBuf[5] = FLASH_CMD_WRITE_PAGE;
+  // flashWriteBuf[6] = (uint8_t)((address >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[7] = (uint8_t)((address >> 8)  & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[8] = (uint8_t)((address >> 0)  & 0x000000FF);
-  memcpy(&flashWriteBuf[9], data, length);
+  // memcpy(&flashWriteBuf[9], data, length);
   return lhExchange(5 + 4 + length, flashWriteBuf, 0, 0);
@@ -191,19 +197,21 @@ bool lhblFlashGetProtocolVersion(void)
 bool lhblFlashRead(uint32_t address, uint16_t length, uint8_t *data)
-  lhblHeaderPrepare(4, length, flashWriteBuf);
-  flashWriteBuf[5] = FLASH_CMD_READ;
-  flashWriteBuf[6] = (uint8_t)((address >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
-  flashWriteBuf[7] = (uint8_t)((address >> 8)  & 0x000000FF);
-  flashWriteBuf[8] = (uint8_t)((address >> 0)  & 0x000000FF);
+  // lhblHeaderPrepare(4, length, flashWriteBuf);
+  // flashWriteBuf[5] = FLASH_CMD_READ;
+  // flashWriteBuf[6] = (uint8_t)((address >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[7] = (uint8_t)((address >> 8)  & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[8] = (uint8_t)((address >> 0)  & 0x000000FF);
   return lhExchange(5 + 4, flashWriteBuf, length, data);
 bool lhblFlashWakeup(void)
-  lhblHeaderPrepare(1, 0, flashWriteBuf);
-  flashWriteBuf[5] = FLASH_CMD_WAKEUP;
+  // lhblHeaderPrepare(1, 0, flashWriteBuf);
+  // flashWriteBuf[5] = FLASH_CMD_WAKEUP;
   return lhExchange(5 + 1, flashWriteBuf, 0, 0);
@@ -212,14 +220,15 @@ bool lhblFlashEraseFirmware(void)
   bool status;
   /* Erase first 64K */
-  lhblFlashWriteEnable();
-  status = lhblFlashEraseBlock64k(LH_FW_ADDR);
-  status &= lhblFlashWaitComplete();
-  /* Erase last 64K */
-  lhblFlashWriteEnable();
-  status &= lhblFlashEraseBlock64k(LH_FW_ADDR + 0x10000);
-  status &= lhblFlashWaitComplete();
+  // lhblFlashWriteEnable();
+  // status = lhblFlashEraseBlock64k(LH_FW_ADDR);
+  // status &= lhblFlashWaitComplete();
+  // /* Erase last 64K */
+  // lhblFlashWriteEnable();
+  // status &= lhblFlashEraseBlock64k(LH_FW_ADDR + 0x10000);
+  // status &= lhblFlashWaitComplete();
   return status;
@@ -227,44 +236,45 @@ bool lhblFlashEraseFirmware(void)
 bool lhblFlashWriteFW(uint8_t *data, uint32_t length)
   bool status = true;
-  int pageCount = 0;
-  int nbrPages = length / LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
-  int lastPageSize = length % LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
-  ASSERT(length <= LH_FW_SIZE);
-  for (pageCount = 0; pageCount < nbrPages && status; pageCount++)
-  {
-    status = lhblFlashWritePage(LH_FW_ADDR + pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
-                                LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
-                                &data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE]);
-    lhblFlashWaitComplete();
-    lhblFlashRead(LH_FW_ADDR + pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
-                  LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
-                  flashReadBuf);
-    if (verify(&data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE], flashReadBuf, LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) == false)
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  if (lastPageSize && status)
-  {
-    status = lhblFlashWritePage(LH_FW_ADDR + pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
-                                lastPageSize,
-                                &data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE]);
-    lhblFlashWaitComplete();
-    lhblFlashRead(LH_FW_ADDR + pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
-                  lastPageSize,
-                  flashReadBuf);
-    if (verify(&data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE], flashReadBuf, lastPageSize) == false)
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
+  // int pageCount = 0;
+  // int nbrPages = length / LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
+  // int lastPageSize = length % LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
+  // ASSERT(length <= LH_FW_SIZE);
+  // for (pageCount = 0; pageCount < nbrPages && status; pageCount++)
+  // {
+  //   status = lhblFlashWritePage(LH_FW_ADDR + pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
+  //                               LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
+  //                               &data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE]);
+  //   lhblFlashWaitComplete();
+  //   lhblFlashRead(LH_FW_ADDR + pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
+  //                 LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
+  //                 flashReadBuf);
+  //   if (verify(&data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE], flashReadBuf, LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) == false)
+  //   {
+  //     return false;
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // if (lastPageSize && status)
+  // {
+  //   status = lhblFlashWritePage(LH_FW_ADDR + pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
+  //                               lastPageSize,
+  //                               &data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE]);
+  //   lhblFlashWaitComplete();
+  //   lhblFlashRead(LH_FW_ADDR + pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
+  //                 lastPageSize,
+  //                 flashReadBuf);
+  //   if (verify(&data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE], flashReadBuf, lastPageSize) == false)
+  //   {
+  //     return false;
+  //   }
+  // }
   return status;
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/lh_flasher.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/lh_flasher.c
index 9f18fe76974e7335d609656048ba6609556d99fe..b13fdb0e25572875c115715a575c206d03ca0516 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/lh_flasher.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/lh_flasher.c
@@ -93,37 +93,39 @@ static uint32_t statusCode = 0;
 static bool lhExchange(uint16_t writeLen, uint8_t* writeData, uint16_t readLen, uint8_t* readData)
-  static uint8_t wbuffer[1024];
-  static uint8_t rbuffer[1024];
+  // static uint8_t wbuffer[1024];
+  // static uint8_t rbuffer[1024];
-  memcpy(wbuffer, writeData, writeLen);
+  // memcpy(wbuffer, writeData, writeLen);
-  spiBeginTransaction(SPI_BAUDRATE_2MHZ);
+  // spiBeginTransaction(SPI_BAUDRATE_2MHZ);
-  digitalWrite(LH_SPI_CS, 0);
+  // digitalWrite(LH_SPI_CS, 0);
-  spiExchange(writeLen+readLen, wbuffer, rbuffer);
+  // spiExchange(writeLen+readLen, wbuffer, rbuffer);
-  digitalWrite(LH_SPI_CS, 1);
+  // digitalWrite(LH_SPI_CS, 1);
-  spiEndTransaction();
+  // spiEndTransaction();
-  if (readLen > 0) {
-     memcpy(readData, &rbuffer[writeLen], readLen);
-  }
+  // if (readLen > 0) {
+  //    memcpy(readData, &rbuffer[writeLen], readLen);
+  // }
   return true;
 static bool verify(uint8_t *dataA, uint8_t *dataB, uint16_t length)
-  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
-  {
-    if (dataA[i] != dataB[i])
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
+  // for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+  // {
+  //   if (dataA[i] != dataB[i])
+  //   {
+  //     return false;
+  //   }
+  // }
   return true;
@@ -133,15 +135,16 @@ bool lhflashInit()
   if (isInit)
     return true;
-  spiBegin();
+  // spiBegin();
-  pinMode(LH_SPI_CS, INPUT);
+  // pinMode(LH_FPGA_RESET, OUTPUT);
+  // pinMode(LH_SPI_CS, INPUT);
-  digitalWrite(LH_FPGA_RESET, 1);
+  // digitalWrite(LH_FPGA_RESET, 1);
-  isInit = true;
+  // isInit = true;
   return true;
@@ -156,25 +159,27 @@ static bool flashReadStatus(uint8_t* status)
 static bool flashWriteEnable(void)
   bool status = true;
-  uint8_t flash_status = 0;
+  // uint8_t flash_status = 0;
-  do {
-    flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_WRITE_EN;
+  // do {
+  //   flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_WRITE_EN;
-    status &= lhExchange(1, flashWriteBuf, 0, 0);
+  //   status &= lhExchange(1, flashWriteBuf, 0, 0);
-    status &= flashReadStatus(&flash_status);
-  } while ((flash_status & 0x02) == 0);
+  //   status &= flashReadStatus(&flash_status);
+  // } while ((flash_status & 0x02) == 0);
   return status;
 static bool flashEraseBlock64k(uint32_t address)
-  flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_ERASE_SECTOR;
-  flashWriteBuf[1] = (uint8_t)((address >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
-  flashWriteBuf[2] = (uint8_t)((address >> 8)  & 0x000000FF);
-  flashWriteBuf[3] = (uint8_t)((address >> 0)  & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_ERASE_SECTOR;
+  // flashWriteBuf[1] = (uint8_t)((address >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[2] = (uint8_t)((address >> 8)  & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[3] = (uint8_t)((address >> 0)  & 0x000000FF);
   return lhExchange(4, flashWriteBuf, 0, 0);
@@ -182,61 +187,67 @@ static bool flashEraseBlock64k(uint32_t address)
 static bool flashWaitComplete(void)
   bool status;
-  uint8_t flashStatus;
+  // uint8_t flashStatus;
-  status = flashReadStatus(&flashStatus);
+  // status = flashReadStatus(&flashStatus);
-  while ((flashStatus & 0x01) != 0)
-  {
-    vTaskDelay(M2T(1));
-    status &= flashReadStatus(&flashStatus);
-  }
+  // while ((flashStatus & 0x01) != 0)
+  // {
+  //   vTaskDelay(M2T(1));
+  //   status &= flashReadStatus(&flashStatus);
+  // }
   return status;
 static bool flashWritePage(uint32_t address, uint16_t length, uint8_t *data)
+  // ASSERT(length <= LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);
-  flashWriteEnable();
+  // flashWriteEnable();
-  flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_WRITE_PAGE;
-  flashWriteBuf[1] = (uint8_t)((address >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
-  flashWriteBuf[2] = (uint8_t)((address >> 8)  & 0x000000FF);
-  flashWriteBuf[3] = (uint8_t)((address >> 0)  & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_WRITE_PAGE;
+  // flashWriteBuf[1] = (uint8_t)((address >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[2] = (uint8_t)((address >> 8)  & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[3] = (uint8_t)((address >> 0)  & 0x000000FF);
-  memcpy(&flashWriteBuf[4], data, length);
+  // memcpy(&flashWriteBuf[4], data, length);
   return lhExchange(4 + length, flashWriteBuf, 0, 0);
 static void fpgaHoldReset(void)
-  digitalWrite(LH_FPGA_RESET, 0);
-  pinMode(LH_SPI_CS, OUTPUT);
-  digitalWrite(LH_SPI_CS, 1);
+  // digitalWrite(LH_FPGA_RESET, 0);
+  // pinMode(LH_SPI_CS, OUTPUT);
+  // digitalWrite(LH_SPI_CS, 1);
 static void fpgaReleaseReset(void)
-  pinMode(LH_SPI_CS, INPUT);
-  digitalWrite(LH_FPGA_RESET, 1);
+  // pinMode(LH_SPI_CS, INPUT);
+  // digitalWrite(LH_FPGA_RESET, 1);
 static bool flashRead(uint32_t address, uint16_t length, uint8_t *data)
-  flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_READ;
-  flashWriteBuf[1] = (uint8_t)((address >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
-  flashWriteBuf[2] = (uint8_t)((address >> 8)  & 0x000000FF);
-  flashWriteBuf[3] = (uint8_t)((address >> 0)  & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_READ;
+  // flashWriteBuf[1] = (uint8_t)((address >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[2] = (uint8_t)((address >> 8)  & 0x000000FF);
+  // flashWriteBuf[3] = (uint8_t)((address >> 0)  & 0x000000FF);
   return lhExchange(4, flashWriteBuf, length, data);
 static bool flashWakeup(void)
-  flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_WAKEUP;
+  //flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_WAKEUP;
   return lhExchange(1, flashWriteBuf, 0, 0);
@@ -252,13 +263,15 @@ static bool flashReset()
   bool status = true;
-  flashWriteBuf[0] = 0x66;
+  // flashWriteBuf[0] = 0x66;
-  status &= lhExchange(1, flashWriteBuf, 0, 0);
+  // status &= lhExchange(1, flashWriteBuf, 0, 0);
-  flashWriteBuf[0] = 0x99;
+  // flashWriteBuf[0] = 0x99;
-  status &= lhExchange(1, flashWriteBuf, 0, 0);
+  // status &= lhExchange(1, flashWriteBuf, 0, 0);
   return status;
@@ -268,24 +281,26 @@ static bool flashErase(void)
   bool status = true;
   /* Disable write protection */
-  flashWriteEnable();
+  // flashWriteEnable();
-  flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_WRITE_STATUS;
-  flashWriteBuf[1] = 0;
+  // flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_WRITE_STATUS;
+  // flashWriteBuf[1] = 0;
-  lhExchange(2, flashWriteBuf, 0, NULL);
+  // lhExchange(2, flashWriteBuf, 0, NULL);
-  status &= flashWaitComplete();
+  // status &= flashWaitComplete();
-  /* Erase first 128K */
-  flashWriteEnable();
-  status = flashEraseBlock64k(0);
-  status &= flashWaitComplete();
+  // /* Erase first 128K */
+  // flashWriteEnable();
+  // status = flashEraseBlock64k(0);
+  // status &= flashWaitComplete();
-  flashWriteEnable();
-  status &= flashEraseBlock64k(0x10000);
-  status &= flashWaitComplete();
+  // flashWriteEnable();
+  // status &= flashEraseBlock64k(0x10000);
+  // status &= flashWaitComplete();
   // flashWriteEnable();
   // status = flashEraseBlock64k(0x20000);
   // status &= flashWaitComplete();
@@ -299,57 +314,59 @@ static bool flashErase(void)
 static void flashProtectBootloader()
-  flashWriteEnable();
+  // flashWriteEnable();
-  flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_WRITE_STATUS;
-  flashWriteBuf[1] = 0x28;
+  // flashWriteBuf[0] = FLASH_CMD_WRITE_STATUS;
+  // flashWriteBuf[1] = 0x28;
-  lhExchange(2, flashWriteBuf, 0, NULL);
+  // lhExchange(2, flashWriteBuf, 0, NULL);
-  flashWaitComplete();
+  // flashWaitComplete();
 static bool flashWriteFW(uint8_t *data, uint32_t length)
   bool status = true;
-  int pageCount = 0;
-  int nbrPages = length / LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
-  int lastPageSize = length % LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
-  for (pageCount = 0; pageCount < nbrPages && status; pageCount++)
-  {
-    status = flashWritePage(pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
-                                LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
-                                &data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE]);
-    flashWaitComplete();
-    flashRead(pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
-                  LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
-                  flashReadBuf);
-    if (verify(&data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE], flashReadBuf, LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) == false)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT("Verify fail page %d!\n", pageCount);
-      statusCode = 0x80000000 | pageCount;
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  if (lastPageSize && status)
-  {
-    status = flashWritePage(pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
-                                lastPageSize,
-                                &data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE]);
-    flashWaitComplete();
-    flashRead(pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
-                  lastPageSize,
-                  flashReadBuf);
-    if (verify(&data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE], flashReadBuf, lastPageSize) == false)
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
+  // int pageCount = 0;
+  // int nbrPages = length / LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
+  // int lastPageSize = length % LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
+  // for (pageCount = 0; pageCount < nbrPages && status; pageCount++)
+  // {
+  //   status = flashWritePage(pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
+  //                               LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
+  //                               &data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE]);
+  //   flashWaitComplete();
+  //   flashRead(pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
+  //                 LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
+  //                 flashReadBuf);
+  //   if (verify(&data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE], flashReadBuf, LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) == false)
+  //   {
+  //     DEBUG_PRINT("Verify fail page %d!\n", pageCount);
+  //     statusCode = 0x80000000 | pageCount;
+  //     return false;
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // if (lastPageSize && status)
+  // {
+  //   status = flashWritePage(pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
+  //                               lastPageSize,
+  //                               &data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE]);
+  //   flashWaitComplete();
+  //   flashRead(pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE,
+  //                 lastPageSize,
+  //                 flashReadBuf);
+  //   if (verify(&data[pageCount * LH_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE], flashReadBuf, lastPageSize) == false)
+  //   {
+  //     return false;
+  //   }
+  // }
   return status;
@@ -357,35 +374,35 @@ static bool flashWriteFW(uint8_t *data, uint32_t length)
 bool lhflashFlashBootloader()
   bool pass = true;
+  // fpgaHoldReset();
-  fpgaHoldReset();
-  vTaskDelay(M2T(10));
+  // vTaskDelay(M2T(10));
-  flashWakeup();
-  vTaskDelay(M2T(10));
+  // flashWakeup();
+  // vTaskDelay(M2T(10));
-  flashErase();
+  // flashErase();
-  pass &= flashWriteFW((uint8_t *)bootloader, bootloaderSize);
+  // pass &= flashWriteFW((uint8_t *)bootloader, bootloaderSize);
-  // Freeze here if the flashing is unsuccessful
-  if (pass == false) {
-    statusDone = true;
-    while(1) {
-      vTaskDelay(portMAX_DELAY);
-    }
-  }
+  // // Freeze here if the flashing is unsuccessful
+  // if (pass == false) {
+  //   statusDone = true;
+  //   while(1) {
+  //     vTaskDelay(portMAX_DELAY);
+  //   }
+  // }
-  flashProtectBootloader();
+  // flashProtectBootloader();
-  flashReset();
+  // flashReset();
-  fpgaReleaseReset();
+  // fpgaReleaseReset();
-  vTaskDelay(M2T(200));
+  // vTaskDelay(M2T(200));
-  statusDone = true;
+  // statusDone = true;
   return pass;
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/lps25h.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/lps25h.c
index f724fc6d669d40b47b5d02ff216fa22fcf91533a..4cb77a181f16f5cd821f50129f30ae0d25d22407 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/lps25h.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/lps25h.c
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ bool lps25hInit(I2C_Dev *i2cPort)
   if (isInit)
     return true;
+  // I2Cx = i2cPort;
+  // devAddr = LPS25H_I2C_ADDR;
-  I2Cx = i2cPort;
-  devAddr = LPS25H_I2C_ADDR;
-  vTaskDelay(M2T(5));
+  // vTaskDelay(M2T(5));
   isInit = true;
@@ -57,17 +57,18 @@ bool lps25hInit(I2C_Dev *i2cPort)
 bool lps25hTestConnection(void)
-  uint8_t id;
-  bool status;
+  // uint8_t id;
+  // bool status;
-  if (!isInit)
-	return false;
+  // if (!isInit)
+	// return false;
-  status = i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_WHO_AM_I, 1, &id);
+  // status = i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_WHO_AM_I, 1, &id);
-  if (status == true && id == LPS25H_WAI_ID)
-	  return true;
+  // if (status == true && id == LPS25H_WAI_ID)
+	//   return true;
   return false;
@@ -96,12 +97,13 @@ bool lps25hSelfTest(void)
 bool lps25hEvaluateSelfTest(float min, float max, float value, char* string)
-  if (value < min || value > max)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT("Self test %s [FAIL]. low: %0.2f, high: %0.2f, measured: %0.2f\n",
-                string, (double)min, (double)max, (double)value);
-    return false;
-  }
+  // if (value < min || value > max)
+  // {
+  //   DEBUG_PRINT("Self test %s [FAIL]. low: %0.2f, high: %0.2f, measured: %0.2f\n",
+  //               string, (double)min, (double)max, (double)value);
+  //   return false;
+  // }
   return true;
@@ -109,28 +111,28 @@ bool lps25hSetEnabled(bool enable)
   uint8_t enable_mask;
   bool status;
-	if (!isInit)
-	  return false;
-	if (enable)
-	{
-	  enable_mask = 0b11000110; // Power on, 25Hz, BDU, reset zero
-	  status = i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_CTRL_REG1, 1, &enable_mask);
-	  enable_mask = 0b00001111; // AVG-P 512, AVG-T 64
-	  status = i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_RES_CONF, 1, &enable_mask);
-	  // FIFO averaging. This requres temp reg to be read in different read as reg auto inc
-	  // wraps back to LPS25H_PRESS_OUT_L after LPS25H_PRESS_OUT_H is read.
-	  enable_mask = 0b11000011; // FIFO Mean mode, 4 moving average
-	  status = i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_FIFO_CTRL, 1, &enable_mask);
-	  enable_mask = 0b01000000; // FIFO Enable
-	  status = i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_CTRL_REG2, 1, &enable_mask);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	  enable_mask = 0x00; // Power off and default values
-	  status = i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_CTRL_REG1, 1, &enable_mask);
-	}
+	// if (!isInit)
+	//   return false;
+	// if (enable)
+	// {
+	//   enable_mask = 0b11000110; // Power on, 25Hz, BDU, reset zero
+	//   status = i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_CTRL_REG1, 1, &enable_mask);
+	//   enable_mask = 0b00001111; // AVG-P 512, AVG-T 64
+	//   status = i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_RES_CONF, 1, &enable_mask);
+	//   // FIFO averaging. This requres temp reg to be read in different read as reg auto inc
+	//   // wraps back to LPS25H_PRESS_OUT_L after LPS25H_PRESS_OUT_H is read.
+	//   enable_mask = 0b11000011; // FIFO Mean mode, 4 moving average
+	//   status = i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_FIFO_CTRL, 1, &enable_mask);
+	//   enable_mask = 0b01000000; // FIFO Enable
+	//   status = i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_CTRL_REG2, 1, &enable_mask);
+	// }
+	// else
+	// {
+	//   enable_mask = 0x00; // Power off and default values
+	//   status = i2cdevWriteReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_CTRL_REG1, 1, &enable_mask);
+	// }
 	return status;
@@ -142,17 +144,18 @@ bool lps25hGetData(float* pressure, float* temperature, float* asl)
   int16_t rawTemp;
   bool status;
-  status =  i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_PRESS_OUT_XL | LPS25H_ADDR_AUTO_INC, 3, data);
-  // If LPS25H moving avg filter is activated the temp must be read out in separate read.
-  status &= i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_TEMP_OUT_L | LPS25H_ADDR_AUTO_INC, 2, &data[3]);
+  // status =  i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_PRESS_OUT_XL | LPS25H_ADDR_AUTO_INC, 3, data);
+  // // If LPS25H moving avg filter is activated the temp must be read out in separate read.
+  // status &= i2cdevReadReg8(I2Cx, devAddr, LPS25H_TEMP_OUT_L | LPS25H_ADDR_AUTO_INC, 2, &data[3]);
-  rawPressure = ((uint32_t)data[2] << 16) | ((uint32_t)data[1] << 8) | data[0];
-  *pressure = (float)rawPressure / LPS25H_LSB_PER_MBAR;
+  // rawPressure = ((uint32_t)data[2] << 16) | ((uint32_t)data[1] << 8) | data[0];
+  // *pressure = (float)rawPressure / LPS25H_LSB_PER_MBAR;
-  rawTemp = ((int16_t)data[4] << 8) | data[3];
-  *temperature = LPS25H_TEMP_OFFSET + ((float)rawTemp / LPS25H_LSB_PER_CELSIUS);
+  // rawTemp = ((int16_t)data[4] << 8) | data[3];
+  // *temperature = LPS25H_TEMP_OFFSET + ((float)rawTemp / LPS25H_LSB_PER_CELSIUS);
-  *asl = lps25hPressureToAltitude(pressure);
+  // *asl = lps25hPressureToAltitude(pressure);
   return status;
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/maxsonar.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/maxsonar.c
index cebebe40eb111296788f402d0bd2ef0588cdba20..4286fbb6dc985bb635c32d0413e5577979596e20 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/maxsonar.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/drivers/src/maxsonar.c
@@ -55,37 +55,37 @@ LOG_GROUP_STOP(maxSonar)
 static uint32_t maxSonarGetAccuracyMB1040(uint32_t distance)
   /* Specify the accuracy of the measurement from the MB1040 (LV-MaxBotix-EZ4) sensor. */
-  if(distance <= IN2MM(6)) {
-    /**
-     * The datasheet for the MB1040 specifies that any distance below 6 inches is reported as 6 inches.
-     * Since all measurements are given in 1 inch steps, the actual distance can be anything
-     * from 7 (exclusive) to 0 (inclusive) inches.
-     *
-     * The accuracy is therefore set to 7(!) inches.
-     */
-    maxSonarAccuracy = IN2MM(7);
-  }
-  else if(distance >= IN2MM(20)) {
-    /**
-     * The datasheet for the MB1040 specifies that any distance between 6 and 20 inches may result in
-     * measurement inaccuracies up to 2 inches.
-     */
-    maxSonarAccuracy = IN2MM(2);
-  }
-  else if(distance > IN2MM(254)) {
-    /**
-     * The datasheet for the MB1040 specifies that maximum reported distance is 254 inches. If we for
-     * some reason should measure more than this, set the accuracy to 0.
-     */
-    maxSonarAccuracy = 0;
-  }
-  else {
-    /**
-     * Otherwise the accuracy is specified by the datasheet for the MB1040 to be 1 inch.
-     */
-    maxSonarAccuracy = IN2MM(1);
-  }
+  // if(distance <= IN2MM(6)) {
+  //   /**
+  //    * The datasheet for the MB1040 specifies that any distance below 6 inches is reported as 6 inches.
+  //    * Since all measurements are given in 1 inch steps, the actual distance can be anything
+  //    * from 7 (exclusive) to 0 (inclusive) inches.
+  //    *
+  //    * The accuracy is therefore set to 7(!) inches.
+  //    */
+  //   maxSonarAccuracy = IN2MM(7);
+  // }
+  // else if(distance >= IN2MM(20)) {
+  //   /**
+  //    * The datasheet for the MB1040 specifies that any distance between 6 and 20 inches may result in
+  //    * measurement inaccuracies up to 2 inches.
+  //    */
+  //   maxSonarAccuracy = IN2MM(2);
+  // }
+  // else if(distance > IN2MM(254)) {
+  //   /**
+  //    * The datasheet for the MB1040 specifies that maximum reported distance is 254 inches. If we for
+  //    * some reason should measure more than this, set the accuracy to 0.
+  //    */
+  //   maxSonarAccuracy = 0;
+  // }
+  // else {
+  //   /**
+  //    * Otherwise the accuracy is specified by the datasheet for the MB1040 to be 1 inch.
+  //    */
+  //   maxSonarAccuracy = IN2MM(1);
+  // }
   /* Report accuracy if the caller asked for this. */
   return maxSonarAccuracy;
@@ -121,12 +121,12 @@ static uint32_t maxSonarReadDistanceMB1040AN(const deckPin_t pin, uint32_t *accu
    * According to the datasheet for the MB1040, the sensor draws typically 2mA, so powering it with
    * the VCC pin on the deck port is safe.
+  // maxSonarDistance = (uint32_t) (IN2MM(analogRead(pin)) / 8);
-  maxSonarDistance = (uint32_t) (IN2MM(analogRead(pin)) / 8);
-  if(NULL != accuracy) {
-    *accuracy = maxSonarGetAccuracyMB1040(maxSonarDistance);
-  }
+  // if(NULL != accuracy) {
+  //   *accuracy = maxSonarGetAccuracyMB1040(maxSonarDistance);
+  // }
   return maxSonarDistance;
@@ -140,17 +140,18 @@ static uint32_t maxSonarReadDistanceMB1040AN(const deckPin_t pin, uint32_t *accu
 uint32_t maxSonarReadDistance(maxSonarSensor_t type, uint32_t *accuracy)
-  switch(type) {
-    case MAXSONAR_MB1040_AN: {
-      return maxSonarReadDistanceMB1040AN(MAXSONAR_DECK_GPIO, accuracy);
-    }
-  }
+  // switch(type) {
+  //   case MAXSONAR_MB1040_AN: {
+  //     return maxSonarReadDistanceMB1040AN(MAXSONAR_DECK_GPIO, accuracy);
+  //   }
+  // }
-  maxSonarDistance = 0;
-  maxSonarAccuracy = 0;
-  if(accuracy) {
-    *accuracy = maxSonarAccuracy;
-  }
+  // maxSonarDistance = 0;
+  // maxSonarAccuracy = 0;
+  // if(accuracy) {
+  //   *accuracy = maxSonarAccuracy;
+  // }
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/ledseq.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/ledseq.c
index 94b5dffabce3595bf0f68ec848f6a70d33094c08..ff5cd881ac71872fccefdfe17cf51f015b56b48b 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/ledseq.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/ledseq.c
@@ -192,37 +192,39 @@ static bool ledseqEnabled = false;
 static void lesdeqCmdTask(void* param);
 void ledseqInit() {
   if(isInit) {
-  ledInit();
-  /* Led sequence priority */
-  ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_testPassed);
-  ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_testFailed);
-  ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_lowbat);
-  ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_charged);
-  ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_charging);
-  ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_calibrated);
-  ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_alive);
-  ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_linkUp);
-  ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_linkDown);
-  //Initialise the sequences state
-  for(int i=0; i<LED_NUM; i++) {
-    activeSeq[i] = 0;
-  }
-  //Init the soft timers that runs the led sequences for each leds
-  for(int i=0; i<LED_NUM; i++) {
-    timer[i] = xTimerCreateStatic("ledseqTimer", M2T(1000), pdFALSE, (void*)i, runLedseq, &timerBuffer[i]);
-  }
-  ledseqMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
-  ledseqCmdQueue = xQueueCreate(10, sizeof(struct ledseqCmd_s));
+  // ledInit();
+  // /* Led sequence priority */
+  // ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_testPassed);
+  // ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_testFailed);
+  // ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_lowbat);
+  // ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_charged);
+  // ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_charging);
+  // ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_calibrated);
+  // ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_alive);
+  // ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_linkUp);
+  // ledseqRegisterSequence(&seq_linkDown);
+  // //Initialise the sequences state
+  // for(int i=0; i<LED_NUM; i++) {
+  //   activeSeq[i] = 0;
+  // }
+  // //Init the soft timers that runs the led sequences for each leds
+  // for(int i=0; i<LED_NUM; i++) {
+  //   timer[i] = xTimerCreateStatic("ledseqTimer", M2T(1000), pdFALSE, (void*)i, runLedseq, &timerBuffer[i]);
+  // }
+  // ledseqMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
+  // ledseqCmdQueue = xQueueCreate(10, sizeof(struct ledseqCmd_s));
   isInit = true;
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/pm_stm32f4.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/pm_stm32f4.c
index 2b2c744608eadbdbe79970bc7f73da180b363ab2..d522e268d29a14bdec7bbc8ade3d4817e56e6995 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/pm_stm32f4.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/pm_stm32f4.c
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ void pmInit(void)
   isInit = true;
-  pmSyslinkInfo.vBat = 3.7f;
-  pmSetBatteryVoltage(pmSyslinkInfo.vBat); //TODO remove
+  // pmSyslinkInfo.vBat = 3.7f;
+  // pmSetBatteryVoltage(pmSyslinkInfo.vBat); //TODO remove
 bool pmTest(void)
@@ -307,104 +307,105 @@ bool pmIsDischarging(void) {
 void pmTask(void *param)
-  PMStates pmStateOld = battery;
-  uint32_t tickCount;
-  vTaskSetApplicationTaskTag(0, (void*)TASK_PM_ID_NBR);
-  tickCount = xTaskGetTickCount();
-  batteryLowTimeStamp = tickCount;
-  batteryCriticalLowTimeStamp = tickCount;
-  pmSetChargeState(charge500mA);
-  systemWaitStart();
-  while(1)
-  {
-    vTaskDelay(100);
-    tickCount = xTaskGetTickCount();
-    extBatteryVoltage = pmMeasureExtBatteryVoltage();
-    extBatteryVoltageMV = (uint16_t)(extBatteryVoltage * 1000);
-    extBatteryCurrent = pmMeasureExtBatteryCurrent();
-    batteryLevel = pmBatteryChargeFromVoltage(pmGetBatteryVoltage()) * 10;
-    if (pmGetBatteryVoltage() > PM_BAT_LOW_VOLTAGE)
-    {
-      batteryLowTimeStamp = tickCount;
-    }
-    if (pmGetBatteryVoltage() > PM_BAT_CRITICAL_LOW_VOLTAGE)
-    {
-      batteryCriticalLowTimeStamp = tickCount;
-    }
-    pmState = pmUpdateState();
-    if (pmState != pmStateOld)
-    {
-      // Actions on state change
-      switch (pmState)
-      {
-        case charged:
-          ledseqStop(&seq_charging);
-          ledseqRunBlocking(&seq_charged);
-          soundSetEffect(SND_BAT_FULL);
-          break;
-        case charging:
-          ledseqStop(&seq_lowbat);
-          ledseqStop(&seq_charged);
-          ledseqRunBlocking(&seq_charging);
-          soundSetEffect(SND_USB_CONN);
-          break;
-        case lowPower:
-          ledseqRunBlocking(&seq_lowbat);
-          soundSetEffect(SND_BAT_LOW);
-          break;
-        case battery:
-          ledseqRunBlocking(&seq_charging);
-          ledseqRun(&seq_charged);
-          soundSetEffect(SND_USB_DISC);
-          break;
-        default:
-          break;
-      }
-      pmStateOld = pmState;
-    }
-    // Actions during state
-    switch (pmState)
-    {
-      case charged:
-        break;
-      case charging:
-        {
-          // Charge level between 0.0 and 1.0
-          float chargeLevel = pmBatteryChargeFromVoltage(pmGetBatteryVoltage()) / 10.0f;
-          ledseqSetChargeLevel(chargeLevel);
-        }
-        break;
-      case lowPower:
-        {
-          uint32_t batteryCriticalLowTime;
-          batteryCriticalLowTime = tickCount - batteryCriticalLowTimeStamp;
-          if (batteryCriticalLowTime > PM_BAT_CRITICAL_LOW_TIMEOUT)
-          {
-            pmSystemShutdown();
-          }
-        }
-        break;
-      case battery:
-        {
-          if ((commanderGetInactivityTime() > PM_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT))
-          {
-            pmSystemShutdown();
-          }
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        break;
-    }
-  }
+  // PMStates pmStateOld = battery;
+  // uint32_t tickCount;
+  // vTaskSetApplicationTaskTag(0, (void*)TASK_PM_ID_NBR);
+  // tickCount = xTaskGetTickCount();
+  // batteryLowTimeStamp = tickCount;
+  // batteryCriticalLowTimeStamp = tickCount;
+  // pmSetChargeState(charge500mA);
+  // systemWaitStart();
+  // while(1)
+  // {
+  //   vTaskDelay(100);
+  //   tickCount = xTaskGetTickCount();
+  //   extBatteryVoltage = pmMeasureExtBatteryVoltage();
+  //   extBatteryVoltageMV = (uint16_t)(extBatteryVoltage * 1000);
+  //   extBatteryCurrent = pmMeasureExtBatteryCurrent();
+  //   batteryLevel = pmBatteryChargeFromVoltage(pmGetBatteryVoltage()) * 10;
+  //   if (pmGetBatteryVoltage() > PM_BAT_LOW_VOLTAGE)
+  //   {
+  //     batteryLowTimeStamp = tickCount;
+  //   }
+  //   if (pmGetBatteryVoltage() > PM_BAT_CRITICAL_LOW_VOLTAGE)
+  //   {
+  //     batteryCriticalLowTimeStamp = tickCount;
+  //   }
+  //   pmState = pmUpdateState();
+  //   if (pmState != pmStateOld)
+  //   {
+  //     // Actions on state change
+  //     switch (pmState)
+  //     {
+  //       case charged:
+  //         ledseqStop(&seq_charging);
+  //         ledseqRunBlocking(&seq_charged);
+  //         soundSetEffect(SND_BAT_FULL);
+  //         break;
+  //       case charging:
+  //         ledseqStop(&seq_lowbat);
+  //         ledseqStop(&seq_charged);
+  //         ledseqRunBlocking(&seq_charging);
+  //         soundSetEffect(SND_USB_CONN);
+  //         break;
+  //       case lowPower:
+  //         ledseqRunBlocking(&seq_lowbat);
+  //         soundSetEffect(SND_BAT_LOW);
+  //         break;
+  //       case battery:
+  //         ledseqRunBlocking(&seq_charging);
+  //         ledseqRun(&seq_charged);
+  //         soundSetEffect(SND_USB_DISC);
+  //         break;
+  //       default:
+  //         break;
+  //     }
+  //     pmStateOld = pmState;
+  //   }
+  //   // Actions during state
+  //   switch (pmState)
+  //   {
+  //     case charged:
+  //       break;
+  //     case charging:
+  //       {
+  //         // Charge level between 0.0 and 1.0
+  //         float chargeLevel = pmBatteryChargeFromVoltage(pmGetBatteryVoltage()) / 10.0f;
+  //         ledseqSetChargeLevel(chargeLevel);
+  //       }
+  //       break;
+  //     case lowPower:
+  //       {
+  //         uint32_t batteryCriticalLowTime;
+  //         batteryCriticalLowTime = tickCount - batteryCriticalLowTimeStamp;
+  //         if (batteryCriticalLowTime > PM_BAT_CRITICAL_LOW_TIMEOUT)
+  //         {
+  //           pmSystemShutdown();
+  //         }
+  //       }
+  //       break;
+  //     case battery:
+  //       {
+  //         if ((commanderGetInactivityTime() > PM_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT))
+  //         {
+  //           pmSystemShutdown();
+  //         }
+  //       }
+  //       break;
+  //     default:
+  //       break;
+  //   }
+  // }
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/usb.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/usb.c
index 2a10496e6c31239e44bf70d3b8153b1086900914..1f300a9b313399342b02d2310aa664c997ae7fa6 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/usb.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/usb.c
@@ -402,16 +402,17 @@ void USBD_USR_DeviceDisconnected(void)
 void usbInit(void)
-  USBD_Init(&USB_OTG_dev,
-            USB_OTG_FS_CORE_ID,
-            &USR_desc,
-            &cf_usb_cb,
-            &USR_cb);
-  usbDataRx = STATIC_MEM_QUEUE_CREATE(usbDataRx);
-  usbDataTx = STATIC_MEM_QUEUE_CREATE(usbDataTx);
+  // USBD_Init(&USB_OTG_dev,
+  //           USB_OTG_FS_CORE_ID,
+  //           &USR_desc,
+  //           &cf_usb_cb,
+  //           &USR_cb);
+  // usbDataRx = STATIC_MEM_QUEUE_CREATE(usbDataRx);
+  // usbDataTx = STATIC_MEM_QUEUE_CREATE(usbDataTx);
   isInit = true;
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/usblink.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/usblink.c
index 05958a83ec80bd345e3950b56e5076881e3b1f31..225edc6ad14b0bd167b6814109abe01a96c9838f 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/usblink.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/usblink.c
@@ -69,15 +69,16 @@ static USBPacket usbIn;
 static CRTPPacket p;
 static void usblinkTask(void *param)
-  while(1)
-  {
-    // Fetch a USB packet off the queue
-    usbGetDataBlocking(&usbIn);
-    p.size = usbIn.size - 1;
-    memcpy(&p.raw, usbIn.data, usbIn.size);
-    // This queuing will copy a CRTP packet size from usbIn
-    xQueueSend(crtpPacketDelivery, &p, portMAX_DELAY);
-  }
+  // while(1)
+  // {
+  //   // Fetch a USB packet off the queue
+  //   usbGetDataBlocking(&usbIn);
+  //   p.size = usbIn.size - 1;
+  //   memcpy(&p.raw, usbIn.data, usbIn.size);
+  //   // This queuing will copy a CRTP packet size from usbIn
+  //   xQueueSend(crtpPacketDelivery, &p, portMAX_DELAY);
+  // }
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/usec_time.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/usec_time.c
index 6971d308ea23004b613150ce3fa78da7f947cf42..73643417242091b8fd800c843029bdc8a1c2a5c4 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/usec_time.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/hal/src/usec_time.c
@@ -36,39 +36,40 @@ static uint32_t usecTimerHighCount;
 void initUsecTimer(void)
-  if (isInit) {
-    return;
-  }
+  // if (isInit) {
+  //   return;
+  // }
-  usecTimerHighCount = 0;
+  // usecTimerHighCount = 0;
-  TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef  TIM_TimeBaseStructure;
-  NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
+  // TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef  TIM_TimeBaseStructure;
+  // NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
-  //Enable the Timer
-  RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM7, ENABLE);
+  // //Enable the Timer
+  // RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM7, ENABLE);
-  //Timer configuration
-  TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = 0xFFFF;
-  // APB1 clock is /4, but APB clock inputs to timers are doubled when
-  // the APB clock runs slower than /1, so APB1 timers see a /2 clock
-  TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = SystemCoreClock / (1000 * 1000) / 2;
-  TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_ClockDivision = TIM_CKD_DIV1;
-  TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up;
-  TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_RepetitionCounter = 0;
-  TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM7, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure);
+  // //Timer configuration
+  // TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = 0xFFFF;
+  // // APB1 clock is /4, but APB clock inputs to timers are doubled when
+  // // the APB clock runs slower than /1, so APB1 timers see a /2 clock
+  // TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = SystemCoreClock / (1000 * 1000) / 2;
+  // TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_ClockDivision = TIM_CKD_DIV1;
+  // TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up;
+  // TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_RepetitionCounter = 0;
+  // TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM7, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure);
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = TIM7_IRQn;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_TRACE_TIM_PRI;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
-  NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
-  NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = TIM7_IRQn;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = NVIC_TRACE_TIM_PRI;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
+  // NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
+  // NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);
-  TIM_ITConfig(TIM7, TIM_IT_Update, ENABLE);
+  // TIM_ITConfig(TIM7, TIM_IT_Update, ENABLE);
+  // TIM_Cmd(TIM7, ENABLE);
-  isInit = true;
+  // isInit = true;
 uint64_t usecTimestamp(void)
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/init/main.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/init/main.c
index 1faf554a5f99534664bd03022f6cec986397fe3c..97d331ab8d411775fc61a8328f321d681e087520 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/init/main.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/init/main.c
@@ -62,9 +62,10 @@ int main()
   //TODO: Move to platform launch failed
-  ledInit();
-  ledSet(0, 1);
-  ledSet(1, 1);
+  // ledInit();
+  // ledSet(0, 1);
+  // ledSet(1, 1);
   //Should never reach this point!
diff --git a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/platform/platform.c b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/platform/platform.c
index ac69b237e4b6a1f445b87814266770a29269ac14..cc8f668b4b0947c2866566157085578c36fbf99e 100644
--- a/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/platform/platform.c
+++ b/crazyflie_software/crazyflie-firmware-2021.06/src/platform/platform.c
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ int platformInit(void) {
   // }
   // platformInitHardware();
-  // return 0;
+  return 0;
 int platformParseDeviceTypeString(const char* deviceTypeString, char* deviceType) {
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ int platformParseDeviceTypeString(const char* deviceTypeString, char* deviceType
   // int length = end - start;
   // memcpy(deviceType, &deviceTypeString[start], length);
   // deviceType[length] = '\0';
-  // return 0;
+  return 0;
 int platformInitConfiguration(const platformConfig_t* configs, const int nrOfConfigs) {
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ int platformInitConfiguration(const platformConfig_t* configs, const int nrOfCon
 //     const platformConfig_t* config = &configs[i];
 //     if (strcmp(config->deviceType, deviceType) == 0) {
 //       active_config = config;
-//       return 0;
+       return 0;
 //     }
 //   }