diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/README.md b/quad/xsdk_workspace/README.md
index 7e1cd0af615127935c4e2cec8b727b0ca1d5ef66..83a1f07277af48ac235145531a7032ffa58c1b82 100644
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/README.md
+++ b/quad/xsdk_workspace/README.md
@@ -1 +1,21 @@
-# Branch for hardware/software designs for Quadcopter
+# XSDK Workspace
+This directory is reserved for XSDK projects.
+## Setup
+XSDK, being based on Ecplise, is rather fragile, so do yourself a favor
+and read this section so things get setup correctly.
+1. When you first open eclipse, select this directory, xsdk_workspace, as
+   your workspace (see what we did there?).
+2. When you get to your workbench, your project pane should be empty. To
+   add these projects, right-click on the project pane, and click on something
+   like "import projects".
+  1. Select "Import Existing Projects" (whereever that is)
+  2. And then select the xsd_workspace as the folder where you want to import
+     projects. Add them all.
+3. If things are going swimmingly, then you should be able to build everyhing
+   and be off on your merry embedded endeavors.
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