diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c b/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
index 3164913674fb7f71b7460ad5d93868e719a06eb0..2ae5219f759dc07013a31f06c0fa708f3206128e 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
@@ -221,31 +221,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 					if (fd == fileno(stdin)) {
-						// break;
-						// unsigned char userCommand[CMD_MAX_LENGTH];
-						// read(fileno(stdin), (char *)userCommand, sizeof(userCommand));
-						// unsigned int cmdLen = strlen((char*) userCommand);
-						// // if the user simply hit enter then let them try again
-						// if((userCommand[0] != '\n') && (userCommand[0] != '\r'))
-						// {
-						// 	// remove newline and return line chars
-						// 	if((userCommand[cmdLen - 1] == '\n') || (userCommand[cmdLen - 1] == '\r'))
-						// 	userCommand[cmdLen - 1] = '\0';
-						// 	unsigned char *packet;
-						// 	formatCommand(userCommand, &packet);
-						// 	printf("received input from cli: '%s'\n", userCommand);
-						// 	// Write the command to the control_loop socket
-						// 	// int n = writeQuad(packet, ((packet[6] << 8) | packet[5]) + 8);
-						// 	// if(n < 0) {
-						// 	// 	printf("CLI: ERROR writing to socket\n");
-						// 	// }
-						// }
-						// printf("$microcart> ");
-						// memset(userCommand, 0, cmdLen);
 					} else if (fd == zyboSocket) {
 						// Read the response from the control loop
 						int available;
@@ -281,6 +257,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 					} else if (get_client_index(fd) > -1) {
+						printf("receiving from client\n");
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/commands.c b/groundStation/src/backend/commands.c
index cdbbbe8a1ea4b240d71f3dd0390ac60005e749d9..708a6ac98a154648d90b1e9ffbf7460d0ed15710 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/commands.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/commands.c
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&yawset
+				&setyaw
 			// yaw p constant subtype
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&yawp
+				&setyawp
 			// yaw d constant subtype
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&yawd
+				&setyawd
 			// roll setpoint subtype
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&rollset
+				&setroll
 			// roll p constant subtype
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&rollp
+				&setrollp
 			// roll d constant subtype
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&rolld
+				&setrolld
 			// pitch setpoint subtype
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&pitchset
+				&setpitch
 			// pitch p constant subtype
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&pitchp
+				&setpitchp
 			// pitch d constant subtype
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&pitchd
+				&setpitchd
 			// throttle setpoint subtype
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&throttleset
+				&setthrottle
 			// throttle p constant subtype
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&throttlep
+				&setthrottlep
 			// throttle i constant subtype
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&throttlei
+				&setthrottlei
 			// throttle d constant subtype
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&throttled
+				&getthrottled
@@ -204,44 +204,187 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// ID 
 				// Command text
-				"accelreq",
+				"getaccel",
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&accelreq
+				&getaccel
 			// gyroscope subtype
 				// ID 
 				// Command text
-				"gyroreq",
+				"getgyro",
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&gyroreq
+				&getgyro
 			// pitch angle subtype
 				// ID 
 				// Command text
-				"reqpitchangle",
+				"getpitchangle",
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&pitchanglereq
+				&getpitchangle
 			// roll angle subtype
 				// ID 
 				// Command text
-				"reqrollangle",
+				"getrollangle",
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&rollanglereq
+				&getrollangle
+			},
+			// get yaw setpoint subtype
+			{
+				// ID
+				0x04,
+				// Command text
+				"getyaw",
+				// Type of the command data
+				floatType,
+				// Function pointer
+				&setyaw
+			},
+			// get yaw p constant subtype
+			{
+				// ID
+				0x05,
+				// Command text
+				"getyawp",
+				// Type of the command data
+				floatType,
+				// Function pointer
+				&getyawp
+			},
+			// get yaw d constant subtype
+			{
+				// ID
+				0x06,
+				// Command text
+				"getyawd",
+				// Type of the command data
+				floatType,
+				// Function pointer
+				&getyawd
+			},
+			// get roll setpoint subtype
+			{
+				// ID
+				0x07,
+				// Command text
+				"getroll",
+				// Type of the command data
+				floatType,
+				// Function pointer
+				&getroll
+			},
+			// get roll p constant subtype
+			{
+				// ID
+				0x08,
+				// Command text
+				"getrollp",
+				// Type of the command data
+				floatType,
+				// Function pointer
+				&getrollp
+			},
+			// getroll d constant subtype
+			{
+				// ID
+				0x09,
+				// Command text
+				"getrolld",
+				// Type of the command data
+				floatType,
+				// Function pointer
+				&getrolld
+			},
+			// get pitch setpoint subtype
+			{
+				// ID
+				0x0A,
+				// Command text
+				"getpitch",
+				// Type of the command data
+				floatType,
+				// Function pointer
+				&getpitch
+			},
+			// get pitch p constant subtype
+			{
+				// ID
+				0x0B,
+				// Command text
+				"getpitchp",
+				// Type of the command data
+				floatType,
+				// Function pointer
+				&getpitchp
+			},
+			// get pitch d constant subtype
+			{
+				// ID
+				0x0C,
+				// Command text
+				"getpitchd",
+				// Type of the command data
+				floatType,
+				// Function pointer
+				&getpitchd
+			},
+			// get throttle setpoint subtype
+			{
+				// ID
+				0x0D,
+				// Command text
+				"getthrottle",
+				// Type of the command data
+				floatType,
+				// Function pointer
+				&getthrottle
+			},
+			// get throttle p constant subtype
+			{
+				// ID
+				0x0E,
+				// Command text
+				"getthrottlep",
+				// Type of the command data
+				floatType,
+				// Function pointer
+				&getthrottlep
+			},
+			// get throttle i constant subtype
+			{
+				// ID
+				0x0F,
+				// Command text
+				"getthrottlei",
+				// Type of the command data
+				floatType,
+				// Function pointer
+				&getthrottlei
+			},
+			// get throttle d constant subtype
+			{
+				// ID
+				0x10,
+				// Command text
+				"getthrottled",
+				// Type of the command data
+				floatType,
+				// Function pointer
+				&getthrottled
@@ -262,7 +405,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&accelresp
+				&respaccel
 			// gyroscope subtype
@@ -273,7 +416,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&gyroresp
+				&respgyro
 			// pitch angle subtype
@@ -284,7 +427,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&pitchangleresp
+				&resppitchangle
 			// roll angle subtype
@@ -295,7 +438,7 @@ struct MessageType MessageTypes[MAX_TYPE] =
 				// Type of the command data
 				// Function pointer
-				&rollangleresp
+				&resprollangle
@@ -412,7 +555,7 @@ int response(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs)
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
-int yawset(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs)
+int setyaw(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs)
 	float value;
@@ -422,203 +565,243 @@ int yawset(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs)
 	structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.yaw = value;
-	printf("function for yawset: %f\n", structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.yaw);
+	printf("function for setyaw: %f\n", structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.yaw);
 	return 0;
-int yawp(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int setyawp(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
 	float value;
 	memcpy(&value, ((float *)packet), dataLen);
 	structs->parameter_struct.yaw_angle_pid.Kp = value;
-	printf("function for yawp: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.yaw_angle_pid.Kp);
+	printf("function for setyawp: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.yaw_angle_pid.Kp);
 	return 0;
-int yawd(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int setyawd(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
 	float value;
 	memcpy(&value, ((float *)packet), dataLen);
 	structs->parameter_struct.yaw_angle_pid.Kd = value;
-	printf("function for yawd: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.yaw_angle_pid.Kd);
+	printf("function for setyawd: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.yaw_angle_pid.Kd);
 	return 0;
-int rollset(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,	 modular_structs_t *structs)
+int setroll(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,	 modular_structs_t *structs)
 	float value;
 	memcpy(&value, ((float *)packet), dataLen);
 	structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.roll = value;
-	printf("function for rollset: %f\n", structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.roll);
+	printf("function for setroll: %f\n", structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.roll);
 	return 0;
-int rollp(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int setrollp(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
 	float value;
 	memcpy(&value, ((float *)packet), dataLen);
 	structs->parameter_struct.local_y_pid.Kp = value;
-	printf("function for rollp: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.local_y_pid.Kp);
+	printf("function for setrollp: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.local_y_pid.Kp);
 	return 0;
-int rolld(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int setrolld(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
 	float value;
 	memcpy(&value, ((float *)packet), dataLen);
 	structs->parameter_struct.local_y_pid.Kd = value;
-	printf("function for rolld: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.local_y_pid.Kd);
+	printf("function for setrolld: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.local_y_pid.Kd);
 	return 0;
-int pitchset(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int setpitch(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
 	float value;
 	memcpy(&value, ((float *)packet), dataLen);
 	structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.pitch = value;
-	printf("function for pitchset: %f\n", structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.pitch);
+	printf("function for setpitch: %f\n", structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.pitch);
 	return 0;
-int pitchp(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,	modular_structs_t *structs)
+int setpitchp(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,	modular_structs_t *structs)
 	float value;
 	memcpy(&value, ((float *)packet), dataLen);
 	structs->parameter_struct.local_x_pid.Kp = value;
-	printf("function for pitchp: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.local_x_pid.Kp);
+	printf("function for setpitchp: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.local_x_pid.Kp);
 	return 0;
-int pitchd(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,	modular_structs_t *structs)
+int setpitchd(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,	modular_structs_t *structs)
 	float value;
 	memcpy(&value, ((float *)packet), dataLen);
 	structs->parameter_struct.local_x_pid.Kd = value;
-	printf("function for pitchd: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.local_x_pid.Kd);
+	printf("function for setpitchd: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.local_x_pid.Kd);
 	return 0;
 // ------------------------------------------------------------
 // These should be renamed to altitude!
-int throttleset(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,	 modular_structs_t *structs)
+int setthrottle(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,	 modular_structs_t *structs)
 	float value;
 	memcpy(&value, ((float *)packet), dataLen);
 	structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.alt_pos = value;
-	printf("function for throttleset: %f\n", structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.alt_pos);
+	printf("function for setthrottle: %f\n", structs->setpoint_struct.desiredQuadPosition.alt_pos);
 	return 0;
-int throttlep(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int setthrottlep(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
 	float value;
 	memcpy(&value, ((float *)packet), dataLen);
 	structs->parameter_struct.alt_pid.Kp = value;
-	printf("function for throttlep: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.alt_pid.Kp);
+	printf("function for setthrottlep: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.alt_pid.Kp);
 	return 0;
-int throttlei(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int setthrottlei(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
 	float value;
 	memcpy(&value, ((float *)packet), dataLen);
 	structs->parameter_struct.alt_pid.Ki = value;
-	printf("function for throttlei: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.alt_pid.Ki);
+	printf("function for setthrottlei: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.alt_pid.Ki);
 	return 0;
-int throttled(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int setthrottled(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
 	float value;
 	memcpy(&value, ((float *)packet), dataLen);
 	structs->parameter_struct.alt_pid.Kd = value;
-	printf("function for throttled: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.alt_pid.Kd);
+	printf("function for setthrottled: %f\n", structs->parameter_struct.alt_pid.Kd);
 	return 0;
+int getyaw(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs){
+	return 0;
+int getyawp(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs){
+	return 0;
+int getyawd(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs) {
+	return 0;
+int getroll(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs){
+	return 0;
+int getrollp(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs){
+	return 0;
+int getrolld(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs){
+	return 0;
+int getpitch(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs){
+	return 0;
+int getpitchp(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs){
+	return 0;
+int getpitchd(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs){
+	return 0;
+int getthrottle(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs){
+	return 0;
+int getthrottlep(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs){
+	return 0;
+int getthrottlei(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs){
+	return 0;
+int getthrottled(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs){
+	return 0;
 // These should be renamed to altitude!
 // ------------------------------------------------------------
-int accelreq(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int getaccel(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
-	printf("function for accelreq\n");
+	printf("function for getaccel\n");
 	return 0;
-int gyroresp(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int respgyro(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
-	printf("function for accelreq\n");
+	printf("function for respgyro\n");
 	return 0;
-int pitchangleresp(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,	modular_structs_t *structs)
+int resppitchangle(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,	modular_structs_t *structs)
-	printf("function for accelreq\n");
+	printf("function for resppitchangle\n");
 	return 0;
-int rollangleresp(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int resprollangle(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
-	printf("function for accelreq\n");
+	printf("function for resprollangle\n");
 	return 0;
-int gyroreq(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,	 modular_structs_t *structs)
+int getgyro(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,	 modular_structs_t *structs)
-	printf("function for accelreq\n");
+	printf("function for getgyro\n");
 	return 0;
-int pitchanglereq(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int getpitchangle(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
-	printf("function for accelreq\n");
+	printf("function for getpitchangle\n");
 	return 0;
-int rollanglereq(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int getrollangle(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
-	printf("function for accelreq\n");
+	printf("function for getrollangle\n");
 	return 0;
-int accelresp(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
+int respaccel(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen,  modular_structs_t *structs)
-	printf("function for accelreq\n");
+	printf("function for respaccel\n");
 	return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/commands.h b/groundStation/src/backend/commands.h
index 51c82bd705c6819b27c4ca27e7a74aed369344b7..3bb62fd8d84800ceb7710ad1a7a0c1b641029a19 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/commands.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/commands.h
@@ -44,27 +44,40 @@ int debug(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
 int update(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
 int logdata(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
 int response(unsigned char *packet, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int yawset(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int yawp(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int yawd(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int rollset(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int rollp(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int rolld(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int pitchset(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int pitchp(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int pitchd(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int throttleset(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int throttlep(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int throttlei(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int throttled(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int accelreq(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int gyroresp(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int pitchangleresp(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int rollangleresp(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int gyroreq(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int pitchanglereq(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int rollanglereq(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
-int accelresp(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int setyaw(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int setyawp(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int setyawd(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int setroll(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int setrollp(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int setrolld(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int setpitch(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int setpitchp(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int setpitchd(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int setthrottle(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int setthrottlep(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int setthrottlei(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int setthrottled(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getyaw(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getyawp(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getyawd(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getroll(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getrollp(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getrolld(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getpitch(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getpitchp(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getpitchd(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getthrottle(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getthrottlep(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getthrottlei(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getthrottled(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getaccel(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int respgyro(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int resppitchangle(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int resprollangle(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getgyro(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getpitchangle(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int getrollangle(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
+int respaccel(unsigned char *c, int dataLen, modular_structs_t *structs);
 float getFloat(unsigned char* str, int pos);
 int getInt(unsigned char* str, int pos);
diff --git a/groundStation/src/cli/cli.c b/groundStation/src/cli/cli.c
index 17d9f8c8a865f9ae6f3705226cc53af54e161a06..556c6d649d3c12eddb59aca052e7c2a7cceb656e 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/cli/cli.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/cli/cli.c
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <err.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
 #include "cli.h"
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	}else {
 		(*cli_functions[0]) (conn, argc-1, &argv[1]);
+	sleep(1);
     return 0;
diff --git a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.c b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.c
index 81e0c2eef2e8bf2ab84378fde6e6a6be39c46130..4fbe4f27992db4dd078e3e203a321529885a0f3f 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.c
@@ -43,14 +43,12 @@ struct backend_conn * ucart_backendConnect()
 		goto fail_final;
 	conn = malloc(sizeof(struct backend_conn));
 	if (conn == NULL) {
 		goto fail_sock;
 	conn->len = 0;
 	conn->buf = NULL;
 	conn->socket = fdopen(s, "rw");
@@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ char * ucart_backendGetline(struct backend_conn *conn)
 	return conn->buf;
-size_t ucart_backendWrite(struct backend_conn *conn, const char * line)
+int ucart_backendWrite(struct backend_conn *conn, const char * line)
 	return fputs(line, conn->socket);
diff --git a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.h b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.h
index 095c06b817cf21483c1cfa957106c20f65a4ebd3..c8ea7877190c29ff41f02f9aa92a3987c80e2de6 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.h
@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ void ucart_backendDisconnect(struct backend_conn * conn);
 char * ucart_backendGetline(struct backend_conn * conn);
 /* Write a line to the backend */
-size_t ucart_backendWrite(struct backend_conn * backend, const char * line);
+int ucart_backendWrite(struct backend_conn * backend, const char * line);
diff --git a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_getpid.c b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_getpid.c
index 8143f94006422f671e230d3213d4cd0bfb3ab74e..c1bb9b46444ad7e5dbd037c34747d51c6a040c94 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_getpid.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_getpid.c
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
 #include "frontend_getpid.h"
+#include "pid_common.h"
 /* Get a specified PID.
@@ -16,5 +21,32 @@
 int frontend_getpid(
 		struct backend_conn * conn, struct frontend_pid_data * pid_data) {
+	char line[10] = "getpid \0";
+	char pid_option[2];
+	switch (pid_data->pid) {
+		case PITCH :
+			strncpy(pid_option, "p\0", 2);
+			break;
+		case ROLL :
+			strncpy(pid_option, "i\0", 2);
+			break;
+		case YAW :
+			strncpy(pid_option, "d\0", 2);
+			break;
+		default :
+			return 1;
+	}
+	strncat(line, pid_option, 2);
+	int size;
+	if((size = ucart_backendWrite(conn, line)) < 0 ) {
+		printf("nope! %d \n", size);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	printf("we send size bytes\n");
 	return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file