diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 13bc283c77c88eead0b0297c5069e468205ce552..b10138c39575da2ca1ae9f16cbe95f1f56e4c3e2 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
+image: ruby:2.3
+  - apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y -qq libbluetooth-dev cmake
+  - build
+  - test
   stage: build
     - bash ci-build.sh
 # run tests using the binary built before
   stage: test
     - bash ci-test.sh
diff --git a/Readme.md b/Readme.md
index 2180f34478f1ff3b4eed8cc54932d586fcde29eb..c45a5060c8a0260f0ba1e5ec09634c5bebeef253 100644
--- a/Readme.md
+++ b/Readme.md
@@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
 [![build status](https://git.ece.iastate.edu/danc/MicroCART_17-18/badges/master/build.svg)](https://git.ece.iastate.edu/danc/MicroCART_17-18/commits/master)
-Repository for 2016-2017 MicroCART project.
+# MicroCART 
+_Microprocessor Controlled Aerial Robotics Team_
+**Project Statement**: "To create a modular platform for research in controls and embedded systems."
+Since 1998, MicroCART has been building aerial robots. Currently, we are
+building a quadcopter that can fly autonomously.
+MicroCART has 3 areas of development:
+- The quadcopter itself
+  - The quadcopter has been built from the ground up, incorporating a
+    Zybo board that provides the processor and a FPGA, an IMU sensor, motors,
+    props, a LiPo battery, a receiver for manual remote control, and a frame 
+    that holds it all together.
+- The ground station
+  - The ground station is responsible for issuing important data to the quad
+    (like position data from the camera system) and issuing commands to the quad
+    for things like configuration and path following directives.
+- The Controls Model
+  - The quadcopter processor is programmed to implement a PID controller. We use
+    a Simulink model to streamline the PID tuning process and to facilitate
+    effective characterization of the quad.
+## Sections
+[Ground Station](groundStation/README.md)  
+## Documentation
+[How to demo the quadcopter](documentation/how_to_demo.md)  
+[How to charge the LiPo batteries](documentation/how_to_charge_lipo.md)  
+# Stable Releases
+To browse stable releases from previous teams, view the [Tags](/../tags).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci-build.sh b/ci-build.sh
index 5b1ebeb80b37ddb5a1bb4c0db8818ead562cd0dc..36b584f4ad5f6e7e876ba7f0c8b41e68ebbc2c7e 100644
--- a/ci-build.sh
+++ b/ci-build.sh
@@ -4,4 +4,7 @@ set -e
 # Quad Libraries and Boot image
 (cd quad && make deep-clean && make)
-#(cd groundStation && make)
+# Ground station
+git submodule update --init --recursive
+(cd groundStation && make vrpn && make)
diff --git a/ci-test.sh b/ci-test.sh
index 2b8060ce46483f7f59862936c1f69ff30e6c68bc..67e6ed1c6afc9968d791978dbdf4cfca8f9711eb 100644
--- a/ci-test.sh
+++ b/ci-test.sh
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 set -e
-export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
 # Quad
-(cd quad && make deep-clean && make && make test)
+(cd quad && make test)
diff --git a/controls/README.md b/controls/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..456ed8fa19fc7eadf759c1bcef4e33d3bffdbb7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Controls
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/dataCollection/IMU_standstill/analyzeIMU_data.m b/controls/dataCollection/IMU_standstill/analyzeIMU_data.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9d4429866238289dbb2836e3913552c819c82b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controls/dataCollection/IMU_standstill/analyzeIMU_data.m
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+function analyzeIMU_data( fileName )
+%UNTITLED2 Summary of this function goes here
+%   Detailed explanation goes here
+    IMU_dataDirectory = 'C:\Users\Tara\Desktop\Project Documents\Current Project Documents\EE 492\Data\IMU Data';
+    IMU_dataFile = [IMU_dataDirectory , '\' , fileName];
+    IMU_data = readtable(IMU_dataFile);
+    g = 9.8;    %meters per second squared
+    %Set the column values of the table
+    timeCol = 1;
+    accelXCol = 2;
+    accelYCol = 3;
+    accelZCol = 4;
+    gyroXCol = 5;
+    gyroYCol = 6;
+    gyroZCol = 7;
+    %Pull the data columns into arrays
+    timeArray = IMU_data{:, timeCol};
+    accelXArray = IMU_data{:, accelXCol};
+    accelYArray = IMU_data{:, accelYCol};
+    accelZArray = IMU_data{:, accelZCol};
+    gyroXArray = IMU_data{:, gyroXCol};
+    gyroYArray = IMU_data{:, gyroYCol};
+    gyroZArray = IMU_data{:, gyroZCol};
+    %Get the mean and standard deviation of the accelerometer data and multiply
+    %by the g constant to get this value in meters per second
+    accelX_mean = mean(accelXArray) * g;
+    accelY_mean = mean(accelYArray) * g;
+    accelZ_mean = mean(accelZArray) * g
+    accelX_dev = std(accelXArray) * g;
+    accelY_dev = std(accelYArray) * g;
+    accelZ_dev = std(accelZArray) * g;
+    %Get mean and standard deviation of gyroscope data, which is in rad / sec
+    gyroX_mean = mean(gyroXArray);
+    gyroY_mean = mean(gyroYArray);
+    gyroZ_mean = mean(gyroZArray);
+    gyroX_dev = std(gyroXArray);
+    gyroY_dev = std(gyroYArray);
+    gyroZ_dev = std(gyroZArray);
+    %Calculate the variances from the standard deviations
+    accelX_var = accelX_dev ^ 2;
+    accelY_var = accelY_dev ^ 2;
+    accelZ_var = accelZ_dev ^ 2;
+    gyroX_var = gyroX_dev ^ 2;
+    gyroY_var = gyroY_dev ^ 2;
+    gyroZ_var = gyroZ_dev ^ 2;
+    %Print received data from accelerometer nicely to command prompt
+    disp( ' ' );
+    disp('Accelerometer data: ');
+    disp( [ 'X acceleration mean ( m / s^2 ): ' , num2str(accelX_mean) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Y acceleration mean ( m / s^2 ): ' , num2str(accelY_mean) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Z acceleration mean ( m / s^2 ): ' , num2str(accelZ_mean) ] );
+    disp( [ 'X acceleration standard deviation ( m / s^2 ): ' , num2str(accelX_dev) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Y acceleration standard deviation ( m / s^2 ): ' , num2str(accelY_dev) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Z acceleration standard deviation ( m / s^2 ): ' , num2str(accelZ_dev) ] );
+    disp( [ 'X acceleration variance ( (m/s^2) ^ 2 ): ', num2str(accelX_var) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Y acceleration variance ( (m/s^2) ^ 2 ): ', num2str(accelY_var) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Z acceleration variance ( (m/s^2) ^ 2 ): ', num2str(accelZ_var) ] );
+    disp( ' ' );
+    %Print received data from gyroscope nicely to command prompt
+    disp('Gyroscope data: ');
+    disp( [ 'Angular velocity about X mean ( rad / s ): ' , num2str(gyroX_mean) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Angular velocity about Y mean ( rad / s ): ' , num2str(gyroY_mean) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Angular velocity about Z mean ( rad / s ): ' , num2str(gyroZ_mean) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Angular velocity about X standard deviation ( rad / s ): ' , num2str(gyroX_dev) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Angular velocity about Y standard deviation ( rad / s ): ' , num2str(gyroY_dev) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Angular velocity about Z standard deviation ( rad / s ): ' , num2str(gyroZ_dev) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Angular velocity about X variance ( (rad/s) ^ 2 ): ', num2str(gyroX_var) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Angular velocity about Y variance ( (rad/s) ^ 2 ): ', num2str(gyroY_var) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Angular velocity about Z variance ( (rad/s) ^ 2 ): ', num2str(gyroZ_var) ] );
+    disp( ' ' );
+%     %Graph plots:
+%     figure();
+%     plot(timeArray, accelXArray * g);
+%     title('X Acceleration Data ( m / s^2 )');
+%     xlabel('Time (s)');
+%     figure();
+%     plot(timeArray, accelYArray * g);
+%     title('Y Acceleration Data ( m / s^2 )');
+%     xlabel('Time (s)');
+%     figure();
+%     plot(timeArray, accelZArray * g);
+%     title('Z Acceleration Data ( m / s^2 )');
+%     xlabel('Time (s)');
+%     figure();
+%     plot(timeArray, gyroXArray);
+%     title('Angular Velocity about X Data (rad/s)');
+%     xlabel('Time (s)');
+%     figure();
+%     plot(timeArray, gyroYArray);
+%     title('Angular Velocity about Y Data (rad/s)');
+%     xlabel('Time (s)');
+%     figure();
+%     plot(timeArray, gyroZArray);
+%     title('Angular Velocity about Z Data (rad/s)');
+%     xlabel('Time (s)');
+%     %Get the magnitude of the accelerometer data
+%     mag_accel = sqrt( accelXArray.^2 + accelYArray.^2 + accelZArray.^2 ) * g;
+%     mag_accel_mean = mean( mag_accel );
+%     mag_accel_dev = std( mag_accel );
+%     mag_accel_var = mag_accel_dev ^ 2;
+%     %Display these results and graph them
+%     disp( ['Magnitude of acceleration vector mean ( m / s^2 ): ' , num2str(mag_accel_mean) ] );
+%     disp( ['Magnitude of acceleration vector standard deviation ( m / s^2 ): ' , num2str(mag_accel_dev) ] );
+%     disp( ['Magnitude of acceleration vector variance ( ( m/s^2 )^2 ): ' , num2str(mag_accel_var) ] );
+%     figure();
+%     plot( timeArray, mag_accel, 'b' );
+%     hold on;
+%     plot( timeArray, ones(1, length(timeArray)) * g , 'r-' );
+%     title('Magnitude of Acceleration Vector with Respect to Nominal ( m / s^2 )');
+%     xlabel('Time (s)');
+%     legend( 'Accel Mag Measured' , 'Accel Mag Nominal' );
+%     %Also graph the percent error
+%     mag_accel_percentError = abs(mag_accel - g) / g * 100;
+%     figure();
+%     plot( timeArray, mag_accel_percentError);
+%     title('Magnitude of Acceleration Vector Percent Error from Nominal (%) ');
+%     xlabel('Time (s)');
+%     ylabel('Percent Error (%)');
+%     mag_accel_percentError_mean = mean( mag_accel_percentError );
+%     mag_accel_percentError_dev = std( mag_accel_percentError );
+%     disp(' ');
+%     disp( ['Percent error from nominal mean ( % ): ' , num2str(mag_accel_percentError_mean) ] );
+%     disp( ['Percent error from nominal standard deviation ( % ): ' , num2str(mag_accel_percentError_dev) ] );
+%     disp(' ');
+    %Following example given in MATLAB help
+    %Looking at the frequency response characterisitcs of the noise
+    timeArray_diff = diff( timeArray );
+    timeArray_diffMean = mean( timeArray_diff ); %seconds
+    fs = 1 / timeArray_diffMean;
+    %Get the fast fourier transform
+    accelX_fft = fft( accelXArray*g - accelX_mean );
+    accelY_fft = fft( accelYArray*g - accelY_mean );
+    accelZ_fft = fft( accelZArray*g - accelZ_mean );
+    gyroX_fft = fft( gyroXArray - gyroX_mean );
+    gyroY_fft = fft( gyroYArray - gyroY_mean );
+    gyroZ_fft = fft( gyroZArray - gyroZ_mean );
+    %Determine the length of our data and obtain only first half of FFT data
+    N = length(timeArray);
+    accelX_fft = accelX_fft( 1:N/2+1 );
+    accelY_fft = accelY_fft( 1:N/2+1 );
+    accelZ_fft = accelZ_fft( 1:N/2+1 );
+    gyroX_fft = gyroX_fft( 1:N/2+1 );
+    gyroY_fft = gyroY_fft( 1:N/2+1 );
+    gyroZ_fft = gyroZ_fft( 1:N/2+1 );
+    %Get the power spectral density of the signal
+    accelX_PSD = ( 1 / (2*pi*N) ) * abs( accelX_fft ) .^ 2;
+    accelY_PSD = ( 1 / (2*pi*N) ) * abs( accelY_fft ) .^ 2;
+    accelZ_PSD = ( 1 / (2*pi*N) ) * abs( accelZ_fft ) .^ 2;
+    gyroX_PSD = ( 1 / (2*pi*N) ) * abs( gyroX_fft ) .^ 2;
+    gyroY_PSD = ( 1 / (2*pi*N) ) * abs( gyroY_fft ) .^ 2;
+    gyroZ_PSD = ( 1 / (2*pi*N) ) * abs( gyroZ_fft ) .^ 2;
+    %Multiply everything but the first and last term by 2
+    accelX_PSD(2:end-1) = 2*accelX_PSD(2:end-1);
+    accelY_PSD(2:end-1) = 2*accelY_PSD(2:end-1);
+    accelZ_PSD(2:end-1) = 2*accelZ_PSD(2:end-1);
+    gyroX_PSD(2:end-1) = 2*gyroX_PSD(2:end-1);
+    gyroY_PSD(2:end-1) = 2*gyroY_PSD(2:end-1);
+    gyroZ_PSD(2:end-1) = 2*gyroZ_PSD(2:end-1);
+    %Get the frequency range vector
+    freq = 0:(2*pi)/N:pi;
+    %Show the plots of the power spectral density in the log domain
+    figure();
+    plot( freq/pi, 10*log10(accelX_PSD) );
+    %plot( freq/pi, accelX_PSD, '*' );
+    title('Periodogram of X Acceleration Data Using FFT');
+    xlabel('Normalized Frequency (\times\pi rad/sample)');
+    ylabel('Power Frequency (dB/rad/sample)');
+    %ylabel('Power Frequency');
+    figure();
+    plot( freq/pi, 10*log10(accelY_PSD) );
+    title('Periodogram of Y Acceleration Data Using FFT');
+    xlabel('Normalized Frequency (\times\pi rad/sample)');
+    ylabel('Power Frequency (dB/rad/sample)');
+    figure();
+    plot( freq/pi, 10*log10(accelZ_PSD) );
+    title('Periodogram of Z Acceleration Data Using FFT');
+    xlabel('Normalized Frequency (\times\pi rad/sample)');
+    ylabel('Power Frequency (dB/rad/sample)');
+    figure();
+    plot( freq/pi, 10*log10(gyroX_PSD) );
+    title('Periodogram of Angular Velocity about X Data Using FFT');
+    xlabel('Normalized Frequency (\times\pi rad/sample)');
+    ylabel('Power Frequency (dB/rad/sample)');
+    figure();
+    plot( freq/pi, 10*log10(gyroY_PSD) );
+    title('Periodogram of Angular Velocity about Y Using FFT');
+    xlabel('Normalized Frequency (\times\pi rad/sample)');
+    ylabel('Power Frequency (dB/rad/sample)');
+    figure();
+    plot( freq/pi, 10*log10(gyroZ_PSD) );
+    title('Periodogram of Angular Velocity about Z Using FFT');
+    xlabel('Normalized Frequency (\times\pi rad/sample)');
+    ylabel('Power Frequency (dB/rad/sample)');
+    %Estimate the average power spectral density, ignoring the first value
+    accelX_PSD_mean = mean( accelX_PSD(2:end) );
+    accelX_PSD_mean_dB = 10*log10( accelX_PSD_mean );
+    accelY_PSD_mean = mean( accelY_PSD(2:end) );
+    accelY_PSD_mean_dB = 10*log10( accelY_PSD_mean );
+    accelZ_PSD_mean = mean( accelZ_PSD(2:end) );
+    accelZ_PSD_mean_dB = 10*log10( accelZ_PSD_mean );
+    gyroX_PSD_mean = mean( gyroX_PSD(2:end) );
+    gyroX_PSD_mean_dB = 10*log10( gyroX_PSD_mean );
+    gyroY_PSD_mean = mean( gyroY_PSD(2:end) );
+    gyroY_PSD_mean_dB = 10*log10( gyroY_PSD_mean );
+    gyroZ_PSD_mean = mean( gyroZ_PSD(2:end) );
+    gyroZ_PSD_mean_dB = 10*log10( gyroZ_PSD_mean );
+    %Display the average power spectral densities in dB
+    disp( ' ' );
+    disp( [ 'Average PSD for X Acceleration Data Noise (dB): ' , num2str(accelX_PSD_mean_dB) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Average PSD for Y Acceleration Data Noise (dB): ' , num2str(accelY_PSD_mean_dB) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Average PSD for Z Acceleration Data Noise (dB): ' , num2str(accelZ_PSD_mean_dB) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Average PSD for Angular Velocity about X Data Noise (dB): ' , num2str(gyroX_PSD_mean_dB) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Average PSD for Angular Velocity about Y Data Noise (dB): ' , num2str(gyroY_PSD_mean_dB) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Average PSD for Angular Velocity about Z Data Noise (dB): ' , num2str(gyroZ_PSD_mean_dB) ] );
+    disp( ' ' );
+    disp( ' ' );
+    disp( [ 'Average PSD for X Acceleration Data Noise : ' , num2str(accelX_PSD_mean) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Average PSD for Y Acceleration Data Noise : ' , num2str(accelY_PSD_mean) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Average PSD for Z Acceleration Data Noise : ' , num2str(accelZ_PSD_mean) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Average PSD for Angular Velocity about X Data Noise : ' , num2str(gyroX_PSD_mean) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Average PSD for Angular Velocity about Y Data Noise : ' , num2str(gyroY_PSD_mean) ] );
+    disp( [ 'Average PSD for Angular Velocity about Z Data Noise : ' , num2str(gyroZ_PSD_mean) ] );
+    disp( ' ' );
diff --git a/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A.mdl b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A.mdl
index 1ce8804095f97383c65bf5506d2a66c794009662..dc185578f51fa469a8f1b8fb5900bf19a33b89bc 100644
--- a/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A.mdl
+++ b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A.mdl
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Model {
     NumRootInports	    0
     NumRootOutports	    0
     ParameterArgumentNames  ""
-    ComputedModelVersion    "1.351"
+    ComputedModelVersion    "1.2982"
     NumModelReferences	    0
     NumTestPointedSignals   0
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Model {
   MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite"
   FPTRunName		  "Run 1"
   MaxMDLFileLineLength	  120
+  InitFcn		  "clear mex\ndelete test_model_sfun.mexw64"
   Object {
     $PropName		    "BdWindowsInfo"
     $ObjectID		    1
@@ -43,48 +44,66 @@ Model {
 	$PropName		"ExplorerBarInfo"
 	$ObjectID		4
 	$ClassName		"Simulink.ExplorerBarInfo"
-	Visible			[1]
+	Visible			[0]
       Array {
 	Type			"Simulink.EditorInfo"
-	Dimension		2
+	Dimension		4
 	Object {
 	  $ObjectID		  5
 	  IsActive		  [0]
-	  ViewObjType		  "SimulinkSubsys"
-	  LoadSaveID		  "541"
-	  Extents		  [1755.0, 874.0]
-	  ZoomFactor		  [1.5]
-	  Offset		  [-408.3367559523798, 164.59047619047868]
+	  ViewObjType		  "SimulinkTopLevel"
+	  LoadSaveID		  "0"
+	  Extents		  [1755.0, 904.0]
+	  ZoomFactor		  [1.0]
+	  Offset		  [336.19666666666762, 144.20000000000005]
 	Object {
 	  $ObjectID		  6
 	  IsActive		  [1]
-	  ViewObjType		  "SimulinkTopLevel"
-	  LoadSaveID		  "0"
-	  Extents		  [1755.0, 874.0]
-	  ZoomFactor		  [1.5]
-	  Offset		  [661.09523809523807, 324.57142857142884]
+	  ViewObjType		  "SimulinkSubsys"
+	  LoadSaveID		  "573"
+	  Extents		  [1755.0, 904.0]
+	  ZoomFactor		  [0.8]
+	  Offset		  [-151.38571428571572, -12.602379760288613]
+	}
+	Object {
+	  $ObjectID		  7
+	  IsActive		  [0]
+	  ViewObjType		  "SimulinkSubsys"
+	  LoadSaveID		  "650"
+	  Extents		  [1755.0, 904.0]
+	  ZoomFactor		  [0.5]
+	  Offset		  [383.52935415893444, -40.361112608789426]
+	}
+	Object {
+	  $ObjectID		  8
+	  IsActive		  [0]
+	  ViewObjType		  "SimulinkSubsys"
+	  LoadSaveID		  "436"
+	  Extents		  [1755.0, 904.0]
+	  ZoomFactor		  [1.25]
+	  Offset		  [716.49880952381045, 116.5285714285709]
 	PropName		"EditorsInfo"
-  Created		  "Mon Oct 17 15:29:19 2016"
+  Created		  "Thu Nov 03 18:34:52 2016"
   Creator		  "Andy"
   UpdateHistory		  "UpdateHistoryNever"
   ModifiedByFormat	  "%<Auto>"
   LastModifiedBy	  "Andy"
   ModifiedDateFormat	  "%<Auto>"
-  LastModifiedDate	  "Mon Dec 05 22:25:03 2016"
-  RTWModifiedTimeStamp	  402877502
-  ModelVersionFormat	  "1.%<AutoIncrement:351>"
+  LastModifiedDate	  "Tue Apr 04 18:41:22 2017"
+  RTWModifiedTimeStamp	  413232081
+  ModelVersionFormat	  "1.%<AutoIncrement:2982>"
   ConfigurationManager	  "none"
-  SampleTimeColors	  off
+  SampleTimeColors	  on
   SampleTimeAnnotations	  off
   LibraryLinkDisplay	  "disabled"
   WideLines		  off
-  ShowLineDimensions	  off
+  ShowLineDimensions	  on
   ShowPortDataTypes	  off
   ShowDesignRanges	  off
   ShowLoopsOnError	  on
@@ -119,7 +138,7 @@ Model {
   TryForcingSFcnDF	  off
   Object {
     $PropName		    "DataLoggingOverride"
-    $ObjectID		    8
+    $ObjectID		    10
     $ClassName		    "Simulink.SimulationData.ModelLoggingInfo"
     model_		    "Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A"
     overrideMode_	    [0.0]
@@ -136,12 +155,6 @@ Model {
       PropName		      "logAsSpecifiedByModelsSSIDs_"
-  Object {
-    $PropName		    "InstrumentedSignals"
-    $ObjectID		    9
-    $ClassName		    "Simulink.HMI.InstrumentedSignals"
-    Persistence		    []
-  }
   RecordCoverage	  off
   CovPath		  "/"
   CovSaveName		  "covdata"
@@ -190,16 +203,16 @@ Model {
     Type		    "Handle"
     Dimension		    1
     Simulink.ConfigSet {
-      $ObjectID		      10
+      $ObjectID		      11
       Version		      "1.15.0"
       Array {
 	Type			"Handle"
 	Dimension		8
 	Simulink.SolverCC {
-	  $ObjectID		  11
+	  $ObjectID		  12
 	  Version		  "1.15.0"
 	  StartTime		  "0.0"
-	  StopTime		  "20"
+	  StopTime		  "runtime"
 	  AbsTol		  "auto"
 	  FixedStep		  "auto"
 	  InitialStep		  "auto"
@@ -231,7 +244,7 @@ Model {
 	  InsertRTBMode		  "Whenever possible"
 	Simulink.DataIOCC {
-	  $ObjectID		  12
+	  $ObjectID		  13
 	  Version		  "1.15.0"
 	  Decimation		  "1"
 	  ExternalInput		  "[t, u]"
@@ -264,7 +277,7 @@ Model {
 	  Refine		  "1"
 	Simulink.OptimizationCC {
-	  $ObjectID		  13
+	  $ObjectID		  14
 	  Version		  "1.15.0"
 	  Array {
 	    Type		    "Cell"
@@ -321,7 +334,7 @@ Model {
 	  AccelVerboseBuild	  off
 	Simulink.DebuggingCC {
-	  $ObjectID		  14
+	  $ObjectID		  15
 	  Version		  "1.15.0"
 	  RTPrefix		  "error"
 	  ConsistencyChecking	  "none"
@@ -331,7 +344,7 @@ Model {
 	  ReadBeforeWriteMsg	  "UseLocalSettings"
 	  WriteAfterWriteMsg	  "UseLocalSettings"
 	  WriteAfterReadMsg	  "UseLocalSettings"
-	  AlgebraicLoopMsg	  "warning"
+	  AlgebraicLoopMsg	  "error"
 	  ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
 	  SaveWithDisabledLinksMsg "warning"
 	  SaveWithParameterizedLinksMsg	"warning"
@@ -409,7 +422,7 @@ Model {
 	  IntegerSaturationMsg	  "warning"
 	Simulink.HardwareCC {
-	  $ObjectID		  15
+	  $ObjectID		  16
 	  Version		  "1.15.0"
 	  ProdBitPerChar	  8
 	  ProdBitPerShort	  16
@@ -449,9 +462,9 @@ Model {
 	  ProdEqTarget		  on
 	Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {
-	  $ObjectID		  16
+	  $ObjectID		  17
 	  Version		  "1.15.0"
-	  UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"
+	  UpdateModelReferenceTargets "Force"
 	  CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
 	  EnableParallelModelReferenceBuilds off
 	  ParallelModelReferenceErrorOnInvalidPool on
@@ -464,8 +477,12 @@ Model {
 	  SupportModelReferenceSimTargetCustomCode off
 	Simulink.SFSimCC {
-	  $ObjectID		  17
+	  $ObjectID		  18
 	  Version		  "1.15.0"
+	  SimCustomHeaderCode	  "#include \"complementary_filter.h\"\n#include \"aeb_mat.h\"\n#include \"angle_accel.h\""
+	  SimUserSources	  "complementary_filter.c\naeb_mat.c\nangle_accel.c"
+	  SimUserIncludeDirs	  "../../quad/src/computation_graph\n../../quad/src/quad_app\n../../quad/src/graph_blocks\n../.."
+	  "/quad/src/commands"
 	  SFSimEcho		  on
 	  SimCtrlC		  on
 	  SimIntegrity		  on
@@ -476,7 +493,7 @@ Model {
 	Simulink.RTWCC {
 	  $BackupClass		  "Simulink.RTWCC"
-	  $ObjectID		  18
+	  $ObjectID		  19
 	  Version		  "1.15.0"
 	  Array {
 	    Type		    "Cell"
@@ -514,7 +531,7 @@ Model {
 	  TLCAssert		  off
 	  RTWUseLocalCustomCode	  off
 	  RTWUseSimCustomCode	  off
-	  Toolchain		  "Automatically locate an installed toolchain"
+	  Toolchain		  "MinGW64 v4.x | gmake (64-bit Windows)"
 	  BuildConfiguration	  "Faster Builds"
 	  IncludeHyperlinkInReport off
 	  LaunchReport		  off
@@ -544,7 +561,7 @@ Model {
 	    Type		    "Handle"
 	    Dimension		    2
 	    Simulink.CodeAppCC {
-	      $ObjectID		      19
+	      $ObjectID		      20
 	      Version		      "1.15.0"
 	      Array {
 		Type			"Cell"
@@ -617,7 +634,7 @@ Model {
 	    Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
 	      $BackupClass	      "Simulink.TargetCC"
-	      $ObjectID		      20
+	      $ObjectID		      21
 	      Version		      "1.15.0"
 	      Array {
 		Type			"Cell"
@@ -707,17 +724,17 @@ Model {
       Name		      "Configuration"
       CurrentDlgPage	      "Solver"
-      ConfigPrmDlgPosition    [ 195, 142, 1085, 882 ]  
+      ConfigPrmDlgPosition    [ 510, 71, 1400, 811 ]  
     PropName		    "ConfigurationSets"
   Simulink.ConfigSet {
     $PropName		    "ActiveConfigurationSet"
-    $ObjectID		    10
+    $ObjectID		    11
   Object {
     $PropName		    "DataTransfer"
-    $ObjectID		    22
+    $ObjectID		    23
     $ClassName		    "Simulink.GlobalDataTransfer"
     DefaultTransitionBetweenSyncTasks "Ensure deterministic transfer (maximum delay)"
     DefaultTransitionBetweenAsyncTasks "Ensure data integrity only"
@@ -825,6 +842,74 @@ Model {
       DisplayOption	      "none"
       BusSelectionMode	      off
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      DiscreteFilter
+      NumeratorSource	      "Dialog"
+      Numerator		      "[1]"
+      DenominatorSource	      "Dialog"
+      Denominator	      "[1 0.5]"
+      InitialStatesSource     "Dialog"
+      InitialStates	      "0"
+      InputProcessing	      "Elements as channels (sample based)"
+      ExternalReset	      "None"
+      InitialDenominatorStates "0"
+      FilterStructure	      "Direct form II"
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      a0EqualsOne	      off
+      NumCoefMin	      "[]"
+      NumCoefMax	      "[]"
+      DenCoefMin	      "[]"
+      DenCoefMax	      "[]"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      StateDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Same as input"
+      MultiplicandDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+      NumCoefDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+      DenCoefDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+      NumProductDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+      DenProductDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+      NumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+      DenAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+      LockScale		      off
+      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+      StateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+      RTWStateStorageClass    "Auto"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      DiscreteIntegrator
+      IntegratorMethod	      "Integration: Forward Euler"
+      gainval		      "1.0"
+      ExternalReset	      "none"
+      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+      InitialCondition	      "0"
+      InitialConditionSetting "Output"
+      SampleTime	      "1"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+      LockScale		      off
+      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+      LimitOutput	      off
+      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+      ShowSaturationPort      off
+      ShowStatePort	      off
+      IgnoreLimit	      off
+      StateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+      RTWStateStorageClass    "Auto"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      FromWorkspace
+      VariableName	      "simulink_input"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: auto"
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      Interpolate	      on
+      ZeroCross		      off
+      OutputAfterFinalValue   "Extrapolation"
+    }
     Block {
       BlockType		      Gain
       Gain		      "1"
@@ -933,6 +1018,21 @@ Model {
       SFunctionModules	      "''"
       PortCounts	      "[]"
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      Saturate
+      UpperLimitSource	      "Dialog"
+      UpperLimit	      "0.5"
+      LowerLimitSource	      "Dialog"
+      LowerLimit	      "-0.5"
+      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+      ZeroCross		      on
+      SampleTime	      "-1"
+      OutMin		      "[]"
+      OutMax		      "[]"
+      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Same as input"
+      LockScale		      off
+      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+    }
     Block {
       BlockType		      Scope
       Floating		      off
@@ -997,6 +1097,26 @@ Model {
     Block {
       BlockType		      Terminator
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      ToWorkspace
+      VariableName	      "simulink_output"
+      MaxDataPoints	      "1000"
+      Decimation	      "1"
+      SaveFormat	      "Array"
+      Save2DSignal	      "Inherit from input (this choice will be removed - see release notes)"
+      FixptAsFi		      off
+      NumInputs		      "1"
+      SampleTime	      "0"
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      TransportDelay
+      DelayTime		      "1"
+      InitialOutput	      "0"
+      BufferSize	      "1024"
+      FixedBuffer	      off
+      TransDelayFeedthrough   off
+      PadeOrder		      "0"
+    }
     Block {
       BlockType		      ZeroOrderHold
       SampleTime	      "1"
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     Block {
       BlockType		      SubSystem
-      Name		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-      SID		      "541"
-      Ports		      [4, 6]
-      Position		      [1155, 479, 1350, 711]
-      ZOrder		      67
+      Name		      "     Sensors   "
+      SID		      "650"
+      Ports		      [6, 3]
+      Position		      [1300, 422, 1520, 658]
+      ZOrder		      73
+      ShowName		      off
       RequestExecContextInheritance off
       Variant		      off
       Object {
 	$PropName		"MaskObject"
-	$ObjectID		23
+	$ObjectID		24
 	$ClassName		"Simulink.Mask"
-	Display			"port_label('input', 1, 'Rotor 1 Duty Cycle', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, 'Rotor 2 Duty Cycle"
-	"', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 3, 'Rotor 3 Duty Cycle', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 4, 'Rotor 4"
-	" Duty Cycle', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '^{B}Omega', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 2, '\\T"
-	"heta', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 3, '^{B}v_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 4, '^{E}r_o', 't"
-	"exmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 5, '^{B}dv_o/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 6, '^{B}g', 'texmode'"
-	", 'on');\ndisp('Actuation', 'texmode', 'on'); "
+	Display			"port_label('input', 1, '^{B}Omega', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\Theta', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	"\nport_label('input', 3, '^{B}v_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 4, '^{E}r_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_labe"
+	"l('input', 5, '^{B}dv_o/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 6, '^{B}g', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output"
+	"', 1, '\\Theta_{filtered}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 2, 'd\\Theta_{gyro}/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_"
+	"label('output', 3, '^{E}r_o', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Sensors', 'texmode', 'on'); "
       System {
-	Name			"\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	Name			"     Sensors   "
 	Location		[-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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 	Block {
 	  BlockType		  Inport
-	  Name			  "Rotor 0 Duty Cycle"
-	  SID			  "542"
-	  Position		  [-225, 303, -195, 317]
-	  ZOrder		  -1
+	  Name			  "B_Omega"
+	  SID			  "651"
+	  Position		  [635, 568, 665, 582]
+	  ZOrder		  265
 	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
 	Block {
 	  BlockType		  Inport
-	  Name			  "Rotor 1 Duty Cycle"
-	  SID			  "543"
-	  Position		  [-225, 363, -195, 377]
-	  ZOrder		  2
+	  Name			  "euler_angles"
+	  SID			  "652"
+	  Position		  [830, 1338, 860, 1352]
+	  ZOrder		  266
 	  Port			  "2"
 	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
 	Block {
 	  BlockType		  Inport
-	  Name			  "Rotor 2 Duty Cycle"
-	  SID			  "544"
-	  Position		  [-225, 423, -195, 437]
-	  ZOrder		  1
+	  Name			  "B_vo"
+	  SID			  "653"
+	  Position		  [635, 503, 665, 517]
+	  ZOrder		  267
 	  Port			  "3"
 	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
 	Block {
 	  BlockType		  Inport
-	  Name			  "Rotor 3 Duty Cycle"
-	  SID			  "545"
-	  Position		  [-225, 483, -195, 497]
-	  ZOrder		  3
+	  Name			  "E_ro"
+	  SID			  "654"
+	  Position		  [985, 1313, 1015, 1327]
+	  ZOrder		  268
 	  Port			  "4"
 	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Inport
+	  Name			  "B_vo_dot"
+	  SID			  "655"
+	  Position		  [635, 438, 665, 452]
+	  ZOrder		  269
+	  Port			  "5"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Inport
+	  Name			  "B_g"
+	  SID			  "656"
+	  Position		  [635, 633, 665, 647]
+	  ZOrder		  273
+	  Port			  "6"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
 	Block {
 	  BlockType		  SubSystem
-	  Name			  "\n"
-	  SID			  "546"
-	  Ports			  [2, 1]
-	  Position		  [420, 280, 640, 520]
-	  ZOrder		  48
-	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
-	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
-	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  Name			  "3D Graphical Simulation"
+	  SID			  "698"
+	  Ports			  [2]
+	  Position		  [1265, 1425, 1415, 1485]
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+	  Commented		  "on"
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-	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
 	  Variant		  off
 	  Object {
 	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
-	    $ObjectID		    24
+	    $ObjectID		    25
 	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
-	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, 'Vb_{eff}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\omega', 'texmode', "
-	    "'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '\\alpha', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Motor System');\n"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input',1,'r_{o}','texmode','on')\nport_label('input',2,'\\Theta','texmode','on')"
 	  System {
-	    Name		    "\n"
-	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
+	    Name		    "3D Graphical Simulation"
+	    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Inport
-	      Name		      "Vb_eff"
-	      SID		      "546::1"
-	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
+	      Name		      "Displacement"
+	      SID		      "699"
+	      Position		      [110, 218, 140, 232]
 	      ZOrder		      -1
 	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Inport
-	      Name		      "angular_velocity"
-	      SID		      "546::24"
-	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
-	      ZOrder		      15
+	      Name		      "Euler Angles"
+	      SID		      "700"
+	      Position		      [125, 108, 155, 122]
+	      ZOrder		      -2
 	      Port		      "2"
 	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Demux
-	      Name		      " Demux "
-	      SID		      "546::32"
-	      Ports		      [1, 1]
-	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
-	      ZOrder		      17
-	      Outputs		      "1"
+	      BlockType		      BusCreator
+	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator"
+	      SID		      "701"
+	      Ports		      [3, 1]
+	      Position		      [600, 76, 610, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      -3
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+	      Inputs		      "3"
+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	      InheritFromInputs	      on
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      S-Function
-	      Name		      " SFunction "
-	      SID		      "546::31"
-	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 5"
-	      Ports		      [2, 2]
-	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 160]
-	      ZOrder		      16
-	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
-	      Parameters	      "If,Jreq,Kd,Kq,Kv,Rm"
-	      PortCounts	      "[2 2]"
-	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
-	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      BlockType		      BusCreator
+	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator1"
+	      SID		      "702"
+	      Ports		      [3, 1]
+	      Position		      [630, 191, 640, 269]
+	      ZOrder		      -4
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      Inputs		      "3"
+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	      InheritFromInputs	      on
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      BusCreator
+	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator2"
+	      SID		      "703"
+	      Ports		      [3, 1]
+	      Position		      [385, 75, 390, 155]
+	      ZOrder		      -5
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      Inputs		      "3"
+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	      InheritFromInputs	      on
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      BusSelector
+	      Name		      "Bus\nSelector"
+	      SID		      "704"
+	      Ports		      [1, 3]
+	      Position		      [500, 77, 505, 153]
+	      ZOrder		      -6
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      OutputSignals	      "phi,theta,psi"
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		1
+		Name			"<phi>"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
 	      Port {
 		PortNumber		2
-		Name			"angular_acceleration"
+		Name			"<theta>"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		3
+		Name			"<psi>"
 		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
 		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
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-	      BlockType		      Terminator
-	      Name		      " Terminator "
-	      SID		      "546::33"
-	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
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+	      Name		      "Demux"
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+	      Position		      [440, 183, 450, 267]
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+	      ShowName		      off
+	      Outputs		      "3"
+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Outport
-	      Name		      "angular_acceleration"
-	      SID		      "546::23"
-	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
-	      ZOrder		      14
-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      "Demux1"
+	      SID		      "706"
+	      Ports		      [1, 3]
+	      Position		      [290, 75, 295, 155]
+	      ZOrder		      -8
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      Outputs		      "3"
+	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		1
+		Name			"phi"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"theta"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		3
+		Name			"psi"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      1
-	      SrcBlock		      "Vb_eff"
-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      Points		      [120, 0]
-	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Gain
+	      Name		      "Gain"
+	      SID		      "707"
+	      Position		      [550, 240, 580, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      -10
+	      Gain		      "-1"
+	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Gain
+	      Name		      "Gain1"
+	      SID		      "708"
+	      Position		      [670, 208, 710, 252]
+	      ZOrder		      -11
+	      Gain		      "eye(3)*1"
+	      Multiplication	      "Matrix(K*u)"
+	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Gain
+	      Name		      "Gain2"
+	      SID		      "709"
+	      Position		      [550, 190, 580, 220]
+	      ZOrder		      -12
+	      Gain		      "-1"
+	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "MATLAB Function"
+	      SID		      "710"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [655, 92, 725, 138]
+	      ZOrder		      5
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+	      TreatAsAtomicUnit	      on
+	      RequestExecContextInheritance off
+	      SFBlockType	      "MATLAB Function"
+	      Variant		      off
+	      System {
+		Name			"MATLAB Function"
+		Location		[223, 338, 826, 833]
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+		}
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+		  BlockType		  Demux
+		  Name			  " Demux "
+		  SID			  "710::20"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
+		  Position		  [270, 230, 320, 270]
+		  ZOrder		  11
+		  Outputs		  "1"
+		}
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+		  BlockType		  S-Function
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+		  SID			  "710::19"
+		  Tag			  "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 11"
+		  Ports			  [1, 2]
+		  Position		  [180, 100, 230, 160]
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+		  PortCounts		  "[1 2]"
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+		    PortNumber		    2
+		    Name		    "y"
+		    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+		    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+		  }
+		}
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+		  Position		  [460, 241, 480, 259]
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+		}
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+		}
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+		}
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+		}
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+		  DstPort		  1
+		}
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+		  ZOrder		  4
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+		  DstBlock		  " Demux "
+		  DstPort		  1
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
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+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      RateTransition
+	      Name		      "Rate Transition1"
+	      SID		      "712"
+	      Position		      [735, 210, 770, 250]
+	      ZOrder		      -14
+	      OutPortSampleTime	      "0.06"
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Reference
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+	      Position		      [865, 76, 1055, 234]
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+	      SourceType	      "Virtual Reality Sink"
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+	      SampleTime	      "-1"
+	      ViewEnable	      on
+	      RemoteChange	      off
+	      RemoteView	      off
+	      FieldsWritten	      "Helicopter.rotation.4.1.1.double#Helicopter.translation.3.1.1.double"
+	      WorldFileName	      "quadrotor_world_ucart.wrl"
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+	      VideoDimensions	      "[]"
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+	    }
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+	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nCreator2"
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-	      DstPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nSelector"
+	      DstPort		      1
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-	      Name		      "angular_acceleration"
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-	      Labels		      [0, 0]
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-	      SrcPort		      2
-	      DstBlock		      "angular_acceleration"
-	      DstPort		      1
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+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [40, 0; 0, 40; 120, 0]
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-	      DstPort		      1
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-	  }
-	}
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-	  BlockType		  SubSystem
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-	  Position		  [55, 282, 290, 518]
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-	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
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-	    "y Cycle', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 3, 'Rotor 2 Duty Cycle', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', "
-	    "4, 'Rotor 3 Duty Cycle', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, 'Vb_{eff}', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('ESC Syst"
-	    "em');"
-	  }
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-	    }
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-	      BlockType		      Inport
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-	      BlockType		      Inport
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-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
-	    }
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-	      BlockType		      Inport
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-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
-	    }
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-	      BlockType		      Demux
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-	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
-	      ZOrder		      17
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-	    }
-	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      S-Function
-	      Name		      " SFunction "
-	      SID		      "547::35"
-	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 4"
-	      Ports		      [4, 2]
-	      Position		      [180, 102, 230, 203]
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-	      Parameters	      "Pmax,Pmin,Vb"
-	      PortCounts	      "[4 2]"
-	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
-	      EnableBusSupport	      on
-	      Port {
-		PortNumber		2
-		Name			"Vb_eff"
-		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
-		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
-	      }
-	    }
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-	      BlockType		      Terminator
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-	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
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-	      BlockType		      Outport
-	      Name		      "Vb_eff"
-	      SID		      "547::5"
-	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
-	      ZOrder		      -5
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-	      ZOrder		      3
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 	      SrcPort		      1
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-	      ZOrder		      4
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-	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
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-	      Name		      "Vb_eff"
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-	      ZOrder		      7
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-	  }
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-	    Display		    "port_label('output', 1, '^EF_g', 'texmode', 'on');\nfprintf('Gravity');\n"
-	  }
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-	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Ground
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-	      Position		      [20, 121, 40, 139]
-	      ZOrder		      21
-	    }
-	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      S-Function
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-		PortNumber		2
-		Name			"E_Fg"
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-	      }
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-	    "');\nport_label('output', 1, '^Er_o', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('L_{EB}', 'texmode', 'on');"
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-	  }
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-	  BlockType		  SubSystem
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-	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
-	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '\\alpha', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\omega', 'texmode', '"
-	    "on');\nport_label('input', 3, '^BF_g', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 4, '^B\\Omega', 'texmode', 'on');\n"
-	    "port_label('input', 5, '^Bv_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '^Bd\\Omega/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\npo"
-	    "rt_label('output', 2, '^Bdv_o/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Rotor System', 'texmode', 'on');"
-	  }
-	  System {
-	    Name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
-	    }
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-	      BlockType		      Inport
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-	      SID		      "550::28"
-	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
-	      ZOrder		      19
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-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
-	    }
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-	      BlockType		      Inport
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-	      Position		      [20, 171, 40, 189]
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-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
-	    }
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-	      BlockType		      Inport
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-	      SID		      "550::25"
-	      Position		      [20, 206, 40, 224]
-	      ZOrder		      16
-	      Port		      "4"
-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
-	    }
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-	      BlockType		      Inport
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-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
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-	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
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-	      PortCounts	      "[5 3]"
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+		PortNumber		1
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+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
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-		Name			"B_vo_dot"
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+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
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-	      BlockType		      Outport
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-	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
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+	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
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-	      Position		      [460, 136, 480, 154]
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-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
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+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
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+	      Position		      [655, 92, 725, 138]
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+		Name			"MATLAB Function"
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+		}
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+		  BlockType		  S-Function
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+		  Tag			  "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 3"
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+		  }
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-	  }
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-	  BlockType		  SubSystem
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-	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '^B\\Omega', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\Theta', 'texmode',"
-	    " 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, 'd\\Theta/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('A_{EB}', 'texmode', 'on');"
-	  }
-	  System {
-	    Name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator"
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+	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator"
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+	    }
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+	    "}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, 'd\\Theta_{Gyro}/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('A_{EB}', 'texmode',"
+	    " 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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-	      Name		      "euler_angles"
-	      SID		      "551::22"
+	      Name		      "euler_angles_filtered"
+	      SID		      "679::22"
 	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
 	      ZOrder		      13
 	      Port		      "2"
@@ -1917,7 +2281,7 @@ Model {
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Demux
 	      Name		      " Demux "
-	      SID		      "551::24"
+	      SID		      "679::24"
 	      Ports		      [1, 1]
 	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
 	      ZOrder		      15
@@ -1926,8 +2290,8 @@ Model {
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      S-Function
 	      Name		      " SFunction "
-	      SID		      "551::23"
-	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 7"
+	      SID		      "679::23"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 12"
 	      Ports		      [2, 2]
 	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 160]
 	      ZOrder		      14
@@ -1937,7 +2301,7 @@ Model {
 	      EnableBusSupport	      on
 	      Port {
 		PortNumber		2
-		Name			"euler_rates"
+		Name			"euler_rates_IMU"
 		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
 		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
@@ -1945,21 +2309,21 @@ Model {
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Terminator
 	      Name		      " Terminator "
-	      SID		      "551::25"
+	      SID		      "679::25"
 	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
 	      ZOrder		      16
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Outport
-	      Name		      "euler_rates"
-	      SID		      "551::5"
+	      Name		      "euler_rates_IMU"
+	      SID		      "679::5"
 	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
 	      ZOrder		      -5
 	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Line {
 	      ZOrder		      1
-	      SrcBlock		      "B_omega"
+	      SrcBlock		      "gyro_reading"
 	      SrcPort		      1
 	      Points		      [120, 0]
 	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
@@ -1967,18 +2331,18 @@ Model {
 	    Line {
 	      ZOrder		      2
-	      SrcBlock		      "euler_angles"
+	      SrcBlock		      "euler_angles_filtered"
 	      SrcPort		      1
 	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
 	      DstPort		      2
 	    Line {
-	      Name		      "euler_rates"
+	      Name		      "euler_rates_IMU"
 	      ZOrder		      3
 	      Labels		      [0, 0]
 	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
 	      SrcPort		      2
-	      DstBlock		      "euler_rates"
+	      DstBlock		      "euler_rates_IMU"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
@@ -1999,11 +2363,12 @@ Model {
 	Block {
 	  BlockType		  SubSystem
-	  Name			  "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-	  SID			  "552"
-	  Ports			  [2, 2]
-	  Position		  [600, 694, 770, 816]
-	  ZOrder		  97
+	  Name			  "Aeb_c\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
+	  SID			  "1335"
+	  Ports			  [2, 1]
+	  Position		  [1460, 969, 1640, 1091]
+	  ZOrder		  322
+	  ShowName		  off
 	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
 	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
 	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
@@ -2012,13 +2377,14 @@ Model {
 	  Variant		  off
 	  Object {
 	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
-	    $ObjectID		    30
+	    $ObjectID		    28
 	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
-	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '^EF_g', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\Theta', 'texmode', 'on"
-	    "');\nport_label('output', 1, '^BF_g', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('L_{BE}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, 'Gyroscope Reading', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\Theta_{IMU"
+	    "}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, 'd\\Theta_{Gyro}/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('A_{EB}', 'texmode',"
+	    " 'on');"
 	  System {
-	    Name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    Name		    "Aeb_c\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
 	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
 	    Open		    off
 	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
@@ -2032,55 +2398,48 @@ Model {
 	    TiledPageScale	    1
 	    ShowPageBoundaries	    off
 	    ZoomFactor		    "100"
-	    SIDHighWatermark	    "33"
+	    SIDHighWatermark	    "25"
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Inport
-	      Name		      "E_Fg"
-	      SID		      "552::24"
+	      Name		      "gyro_reading"
+	      SID		      "1335::1"
 	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
-	      ZOrder		      15
+	      ZOrder		      -1
 	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Inport
-	      Name		      "euler_angles"
-	      SID		      "552::28"
+	      Name		      "euler_angles_filtered"
+	      SID		      "1335::22"
 	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
-	      ZOrder		      19
+	      ZOrder		      13
 	      Port		      "2"
 	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Demux
 	      Name		      " Demux "
-	      SID		      "552::30"
+	      SID		      "1335::24"
 	      Ports		      [1, 1]
 	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
-	      ZOrder		      21
+	      ZOrder		      15
 	      Outputs		      "1"
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      S-Function
 	      Name		      " SFunction "
-	      SID		      "552::29"
-	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 8"
-	      Ports		      [2, 3]
-	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 180]
-	      ZOrder		      20
+	      SID		      "1335::23"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 16"
+	      Ports		      [2, 2]
+	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 160]
+	      ZOrder		      14
 	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
-	      Parameters	      "m"
-	      PortCounts	      "[2 3]"
+	      PortCounts	      "[2 2]"
 	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
 	      EnableBusSupport	      on
 	      Port {
 		PortNumber		2
-		Name			"B_Fg"
-		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
-		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
-	      }
-	      Port {
-		PortNumber		3
-		Name			"B_g"
+		Name			"euler_rates_IMU"
 		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
 		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
@@ -2088,68 +2447,51 @@ Model {
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Terminator
 	      Name		      " Terminator "
-	      SID		      "552::31"
+	      SID		      "1335::25"
 	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
-	      ZOrder		      22
+	      ZOrder		      16
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Outport
-	      Name		      "B_Fg"
-	      SID		      "552::26"
+	      Name		      "euler_rates_IMU"
+	      SID		      "1335::5"
 	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
-	      ZOrder		      17
-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
-	    }
-	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Outport
-	      Name		      "B_g"
-	      SID		      "552::32"
-	      Position		      [460, 136, 480, 154]
-	      ZOrder		      23
-	      Port		      "2"
+	      ZOrder		      -5
 	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      19
-	      SrcBlock		      "E_Fg"
+	      ZOrder		      1
+	      SrcBlock		      "gyro_reading"
 	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [120, 0]
 	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      20
-	      SrcBlock		      "euler_angles"
+	      ZOrder		      2
+	      SrcBlock		      "euler_angles_filtered"
 	      SrcPort		      1
 	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
 	      DstPort		      2
 	    Line {
-	      Name		      "B_Fg"
-	      ZOrder		      21
+	      Name		      "euler_rates_IMU"
+	      ZOrder		      3
 	      Labels		      [0, 0]
 	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
 	      SrcPort		      2
-	      DstBlock		      "B_Fg"
-	      DstPort		      1
-	    }
-	    Line {
-	      Name		      "B_g"
-	      ZOrder		      22
-	      Labels		      [0, 0]
-	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
-	      SrcPort		      3
-	      DstBlock		      "B_g"
+	      DstBlock		      "euler_rates_IMU"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      23
+	      ZOrder		      4
 	      SrcBlock		      " Demux "
 	      SrcPort		      1
 	      DstBlock		      " Terminator "
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      24
+	      ZOrder		      5
 	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
 	      SrcPort		      1
 	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
@@ -2158,1467 +2500,1307 @@ Model {
 	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Demux
-	  Name			  "Demux"
-	  SID			  "934"
-	  Ports			  [1, 4]
-	  Position		  [-60, 321, -55, 454]
-	  ZOrder		  105
-	  ShowName		  off
-	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Demux
-	  Name			  "Demux1"
-	  SID			  "954"
-	  Ports			  [1, 3]
-	  Position		  [1830, 526, 1835, 574]
-	  ZOrder		  107
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Calculate Pitch and Roll"
+	  SID			  "680"
+	  Ports			  [2, 2]
+	  Position		  [1485, 379, 1655, 521]
+	  ZOrder		  284
 	  ShowName		  off
-	  Outputs		  "3"
-	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    1
-	    Name		    "x position"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    29
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, 'Accelerometer Reading', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\phi_{a"
+	    "ccel}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '\\theta_{accel}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 2, "
+	    "'\\phi_{accel}', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Calculate Pitch and Roll', 'texmode', 'on');"
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    2
-	    Name		    "y position"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
-	  }
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    3
-	    Name		    "z position"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
-	  }
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Demux
-	  Name			  "Demux2"
-	  SID			  "955"
-	  Ports			  [1, 3]
-	  Position		  [1830, 301, 1835, 349]
-	  ZOrder		  109
-	  ShowName		  off
-	  Outputs		  "3"
-	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    1
-	    Name		    "Roll"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
-	  }
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    2
-	    Name		    "Pitch"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
-	  }
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    3
-	    Name		    "Yaw"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
-	  }
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Demux
-	  Name			  "Demux3"
-	  SID			  "957"
-	  Ports			  [1, 3]
-	  Position		  [1830, 406, 1835, 454]
-	  ZOrder		  117
-	  ShowName		  off
-	  Outputs		  "3"
-	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    1
-	    Name		    "Body x velocity"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
-	  }
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    2
-	    Name		    "Body y velocity"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
-	  }
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    3
-	    Name		    "Body z velocity"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
-	  }
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Demux
-	  Name			  "Demux4"
-	  SID			  "959"
-	  Ports			  [1, 3]
-	  Position		  [1830, 161, 1835, 209]
-	  ZOrder		  115
-	  ShowName		  off
-	  Outputs		  "3"
-	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    1
-	    Name		    "Body roll velocity"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
-	  }
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    2
-	    Name		    "Body pitch velocity"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
-	  }
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    3
-	    Name		    "Body yaw velocity"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Calculate Pitch and Roll"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
+	    Open		    off
+	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
+	    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+	    ScreenColor		    "white"
+	    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
+	    PaperPositionMode	    "auto"
+	    PaperType		    "usletter"
+	    PaperUnits		    "inches"
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+	    SIDHighWatermark	    "26"
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "accel_reading"
+	      SID		      "680::1"
+	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -1
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "accel_roll_prev"
+	      SID		      "680::23"
+	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      14
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "680::20"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      11
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "680::19"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 13"
+	      Ports		      [2, 3]
+	      Position		      [180, 105, 230, 185]
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      PortCounts	      "[2 3]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"accel_pitch"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		3
+		Name			"accel_roll"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Terminator
+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "680::21"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      12
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "accel_pitch"
+	      SID		      "680::5"
+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -5
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "accel_roll"
+	      SID		      "680::22"
+	      Position		      [460, 136, 480, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      13
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      1
+	      SrcBlock		      "accel_reading"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      2
+	      SrcBlock		      "accel_roll_prev"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "accel_pitch"
+	      ZOrder		      3
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "accel_pitch"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "accel_roll"
+	      ZOrder		      4
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      3
+	      DstBlock		      "accel_roll"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      5
+	      SrcBlock		      " Demux "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Terminator "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      6
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
 	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Demux
-	  Name			  "Demux5"
-	  SID			  "961"
-	  Ports			  [1, 3]
-	  Position		  [1830, 641, 1835, 689]
-	  ZOrder		  119
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Complimentary Filter"
+	  SID			  "1339"
+	  Ports			  [4, 1]
+	  Position		  [1880, 372, 2065, 713]
+	  ZOrder		  326
+	  ForegroundColor	  "red"
 	  ShowName		  off
-	  Outputs		  "3"
-	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    1
-	    Name		    "Body x acceleration"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
-	  }
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    2
-	    Name		    "Body y acceleration"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    30
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '\\theta_{accel}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\phi_{accel}'"
+	    ", 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 3, '\\Theta_{Gyro}', 'texmode', 'on');\n%port_label('input', 4, '\\Theta"
+	    "_{IMU}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '\\Theta_{IMU}', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Complementary Filte"
+	    "r', 'texmode', 'on');"
-	  Port {
-	    PortNumber		    3
-	    Name		    "Body z acceleration"
-	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Complimentary Filter"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
+	    Open		    off
+	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
+	    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+	    ScreenColor		    "white"
+	    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
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+	    SIDHighWatermark	    "35"
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "accel_pitch"
+	      SID		      "1339::1"
+	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -1
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "accel_roll"
+	      SID		      "1339::29"
+	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      20
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "euler_rates_gyro"
+	      SID		      "1339::22"
+	      Position		      [20, 171, 40, 189]
+	      ZOrder		      13
+	      Port		      "3"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "prev_euler_angles"
+	      SID		      "1339::35"
+	      Position		      [20, 206, 40, 224]
+	      ZOrder		      21
+	      Port		      "4"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "1339::20"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      11
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "1339::19"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 19"
+	      Ports		      [4, 2]
+	      Position		      [180, 147, 230, 248]
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      PortCounts	      "[4 2]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"euler_angles_IMU"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Terminator
+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "1339::21"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      12
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "euler_angles_IMU"
+	      SID		      "1339::5"
+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -5
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      7
+	      SrcBlock		      "accel_pitch"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      8
+	      SrcBlock		      "accel_roll"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      9
+	      SrcBlock		      "euler_rates_gyro"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      3
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      SrcBlock		      "prev_euler_angles"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [120, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      4
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "euler_angles_IMU"
+	      ZOrder		      11
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "euler_angles_IMU"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      12
+	      SrcBlock		      " Demux "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Terminator "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      13
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
 	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Integrator
-	  Name			  "Integrator"
-	  SID			  "553"
+	  BlockType		  Delay
+	  Name			  "Delay"
+	  SID			  "1341"
 	  Ports			  [1, 1]
-	  Position		  [730, 340, 760, 370]
-	  ZOrder		  49
+	  Position		  [1955, 728, 1990, 762]
+	  ZOrder		  328
+	  BlockMirror		  on
+	  InputPortMap		  "u0"
+	  DelayLength		  "1"
+	  InitialCondition	  "0"
 	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Integrator
-	  Name			  "Integrator1"
-	  SID			  "554"
+	  BlockType		  Delay
+	  Name			  "Delay1"
+	  SID			  "731"
 	  Ports			  [1, 1]
-	  Position		  [1225, 445, 1255, 475]
-	  ZOrder		  53
+	  Position		  [1555, 528, 1590, 562]
+	  ZOrder		  285
+	  BlockMirror		  on
+	  ForegroundColor	  "red"
+	  InputPortMap		  "u0"
+	  DelayLength		  "1"
+	  InitialCondition	  "0"
+	  SampleTime		  "Tq"
 	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Integrator
-	  Name			  "Integrator2"
-	  SID			  "555"
+	  BlockType		  Delay
+	  Name			  "Delay2"
+	  SID			  "772"
 	  Ports			  [1, 1]
-	  Position		  [1225, 325, 1255, 355]
-	  ZOrder		  54
+	  Position		  [695, 428, 730, 462]
+	  ZOrder		  304
+	  InputPortMap		  "u0"
+	  DelayLength		  "1"
+	  InitialCondition	  "0"
+	  SampleTime		  "Tq"
 	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Integrator
-	  Name			  "Integrator3"
-	  SID			  "556"
-	  Ports			  [1, 1]
-	  Position		  [1685, 590, 1715, 620]
-	  ZOrder		  98
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux"
+	  SID			  "1344"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [920, 1313, 925, 1377]
+	  ZOrder		  329
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
 	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Integrator
-	  Name			  "Integrator4"
-	  SID			  "557"
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux1"
+	  SID			  "1404"
+	  Ports			  [1, 2]
+	  Position		  [2285, 726, 2290, 764]
+	  ZOrder		  347
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "2"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux2"
+	  SID			  "1405"
+	  Ports			  [1, 2]
+	  Position		  [2285, 916, 2290, 954]
+	  ZOrder		  348
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "2"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Reference
+	  Name			  "First-Order\nHold"
+	  SID			  "734"
 	  Ports			  [1, 1]
-	  Position		  [1685, 365, 1715, 395]
-	  ZOrder		  77
-	  ContinuousStateAttributes "['phi' 'theta' 'psi']"
+	  Position		  [1790, 1435, 1825, 1465]
+	  ZOrder		  292
+	  ForegroundColor	  "yellow"
+	  LibraryVersion	  "1.388"
+	  DisableCoverage	  on
+	  SourceBlock		  "simulink/Discrete/First-Order\nHold"
+	  SourceType		  "First-Order Hold"
+	  ContentPreviewEnabled	  off
+	  Ts			  "5e-3"
 	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Scope
-	  Name			  "Scope"
-	  SID			  "558"
-	  Ports			  [1]
-	  Position		  [350, 279, 380, 311]
-	  ZOrder		  46
-	  NumInputPorts		  "1"
-	  Open			  off
-	  TimeRange		  auto
-	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
-	  ShowLegends		  off
-	  LimitDataPoints	  off
-	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
-	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
-	  SaveName		  ScopeData
-	  YMin			  10.94391
-	  YMax			  11.11734
-	  SampleInput		  off
-	  SampleTime		  -1
-	  ZoomMode		  on
-	  Grid			  on
-	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
-	  Decimation		  1
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    AxesTitles
-	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	  }
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
-	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
-	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
-	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
-	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
-	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
-	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
-	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
-	  }
-	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	  BlockType		  Reference
+	  Name			  "First-Order\nHold1"
+	  SID			  "735"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [1790, 1530, 1825, 1560]
+	  ZOrder		  296
+	  ForegroundColor	  "yellow"
+	  LibraryVersion	  "1.388"
+	  DisableCoverage	  on
+	  SourceBlock		  "simulink/Discrete/First-Order\nHold"
+	  SourceType		  "First-Order Hold"
+	  ContentPreviewEnabled	  off
+	  Ts			  "5e-3"
 	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Scope
-	  Name			  "Scope1"
-	  SID			  "559"
-	  Ports			  [1]
-	  Position		  [740, 229, 770, 261]
-	  ZOrder		  50
-	  NumInputPorts		  "1"
-	  Open			  off
-	  TimeRange		  auto
-	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
-	  ShowLegends		  off
-	  LimitDataPoints	  off
-	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
-	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
-	  SaveName		  ScopeData1
-	  YMin			  -1469.49513
-	  YMax			  13225.4562
-	  SampleInput		  off
-	  SampleTime		  -1
-	  ZoomMode		  on
-	  Grid			  on
-	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
-	  Decimation		  1
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    AxesTitles
-	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	  }
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
-	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
-	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
-	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
-	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
-	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
-	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
-	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
-	  }
-	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Scope
-	  Name			  "Scope10"
-	  SID			  "956"
-	  Ports			  [3]
-	  Position		  [1935, 303, 1975, 347]
-	  ZOrder		  108
-	  NumInputPorts		  "3"
-	  Open			  off
-	  TimeRange		  auto
-	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
-	  ShowLegends		  on
-	  LimitDataPoints	  off
-	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
-	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
-	  SaveName		  ScopeData1
-	  YMin			  -1.00000~-1.00000~-1.00000
-	  YMax			  1.00000~1.00000~1.00000
-	  SampleInput		  off
-	  SampleTime		  -1
-	  ZoomMode		  on
-	  Grid			  on
-	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
-	  Decimation		  1
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    AxesTitles
-	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	    axes2		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	    axes3		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	  }
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
-	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
-	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
-	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
-	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
-	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
-	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
-	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
-	  }
-	  Location		  [643 335 1366 766]
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Scope
-	  Name			  "Scope11"
-	  SID			  "960"
-	  Ports			  [3]
-	  Position		  [1935, 163, 1975, 207]
-	  ZOrder		  114
-	  NumInputPorts		  "3"
-	  Open			  off
-	  TimeRange		  auto
-	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
-	  ShowLegends		  on
-	  LimitDataPoints	  off
-	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
-	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
-	  SaveName		  ScopeData3
-	  YMin			  -1.00000~-1.00000~-1.00000
-	  YMax			  1.00000~1.00000~1.00000
-	  SampleInput		  off
-	  SampleTime		  -1
-	  ZoomMode		  on
-	  Grid			  on
-	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
-	  Decimation		  1
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    AxesTitles
-	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	    axes2		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	    axes3		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	  }
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
-	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
-	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
-	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
-	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
-	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
-	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
-	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
-	  }
-	  Location		  [643 335 1366 766]
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Scope
-	  Name			  "Scope2"
-	  SID			  "560"
-	  Ports			  [1]
-	  Position		  [890, 229, 920, 261]
-	  ZOrder		  51
-	  NumInputPorts		  "1"
-	  Open			  off
-	  TimeRange		  auto
-	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
-	  ShowLegends		  off
-	  LimitDataPoints	  off
-	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
-	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
-	  SaveName		  ScopeData2
-	  YMin			  -100.77485
-	  YMax			  906.97366
-	  SampleInput		  off
-	  SampleTime		  -1
-	  ZoomMode		  on
-	  Grid			  on
-	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
-	  Decimation		  1
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    AxesTitles
-	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	  }
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
-	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
-	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
-	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
-	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
-	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
-	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
-	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
-	  }
-	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Scope
-	  Name			  "Scope3"
-	  SID			  "958"
-	  Ports			  [3]
-	  Position		  [1935, 408, 1975, 452]
-	  ZOrder		  116
-	  NumInputPorts		  "3"
-	  Open			  off
-	  TimeRange		  auto
-	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
-	  ShowLegends		  on
-	  LimitDataPoints	  off
-	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
-	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
-	  SaveName		  ScopeData2
-	  YMin			  -1.00000~-71.40595~-81.80792
-	  YMax			  1.00000~93.1255~67.47699
-	  SampleInput		  off
-	  SampleTime		  -1
-	  ZoomMode		  on
-	  Grid			  on
-	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
-	  Decimation		  1
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    AxesTitles
-	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	    axes2		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	    axes3		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	  }
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
-	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
-	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
-	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
-	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
-	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
-	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
-	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
-	  }
-	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Scope
-	  Name			  "Scope4"
-	  SID			  "962"
-	  Ports			  [3]
-	  Position		  [1935, 643, 1975, 687]
-	  ZOrder		  118
-	  NumInputPorts		  "3"
-	  Open			  off
-	  TimeRange		  auto
-	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
-	  ShowLegends		  on
-	  LimitDataPoints	  off
-	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
-	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
-	  SaveName		  ScopeData4
-	  YMin			  -1019.9483~-1019.9483~-1019.9483
-	  YMax			  1049.2638~1049.2638~1049.2638
-	  SampleInput		  off
-	  SampleTime		  -1
-	  ZoomMode		  on
-	  Grid			  on
-	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
-	  Decimation		  1
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    AxesTitles
-	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	    axes2		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	    axes3		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	  }
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
-	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
-	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
-	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
-	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
-	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
-	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
-	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
-	  }
-	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Scope
-	  Name			  "Scope6"
-	  SID			  "564"
-	  Ports			  [3]
-	  Position		  [1935, 528, 1975, 572]
-	  ZOrder		  79
-	  NumInputPorts		  "3"
-	  Open			  off
-	  TimeRange		  auto
-	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
-	  ShowLegends		  on
-	  LimitDataPoints	  off
-	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
-	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
-	  SaveName		  ScopeData4
-	  YMin			  -1.00000~-1.00000~-980.09781
-	  YMax			  1.00000~1.00000~109.0196
-	  SampleInput		  off
-	  SampleTime		  -1
-	  ZoomMode		  on
-	  Grid			  on
-	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
-	  Decimation		  1
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    AxesTitles
-	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	    axes2		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	    axes3		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "IMU\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SID			  "658"
+	  Ports			  [4, 2]
+	  Position		  [765, 410, 960, 675]
+	  ZOrder		  272
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    31
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '^{B}dv_o/dt', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_label('input', 2, '^{B}v_o', 'texmode'"
+	    ", 'on')\nport_label('input', 3, '^{B}\\Omega', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_label('input', 4, '^{B}g', 'texmode', 'on')"
+	    "\nport_label('output', 1, 'Accelerometer Reading', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_label('output', 2, 'Gyroscope Reading',"
+	    " 'texmode', 'on')\ndisp('IMU', 'texmode', 'on');"
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
-	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
-	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
-	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
-	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
-	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
-	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
-	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
-	  }
-	  Location		  [643 335 1366 766]
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Scope
-	  Name			  "Scope7"
-	  SID			  "565"
-	  Ports			  [1]
-	  Position		  [535, 644, 565, 676]
-	  ZOrder		  99
-	  NumInputPorts		  "1"
-	  Open			  off
-	  TimeRange		  auto
-	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
-	  ShowLegends		  off
-	  LimitDataPoints	  off
-	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
-	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
-	  SaveName		  ScopeData1
-	  YMin			  -1.45924
-	  YMax			  13.13314
-	  SampleInput		  off
-	  SampleTime		  -1
-	  ZoomMode		  on
-	  Grid			  on
-	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
-	  Decimation		  1
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    AxesTitles
-	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
-	  }
-	  List {
-	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
-	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
-	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
-	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
-	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
-	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
-	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
-	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
-	  }
-	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  Scope
-	  Name			  "Scope8"
-	  SID			  "566"
-	  Ports			  [1]
-	  Position		  [820, 629, 850, 661]
-	  ZOrder		  100
-	  NumInputPorts		  "1"
-	  Open			  off
-	  TimeRange		  auto
-	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
-	  ShowLegends		  off
-	  LimitDataPoints	  off
-	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
-	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
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-	  Labels		  [0, 0]
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-	  SrcPort		  3
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-	  Labels		  [0, 0]
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-	  Name			  "Body x acceleration"
-	  ZOrder		  125
-	  Labels		  [0, 0]
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-	  SrcPort		  1
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-	  DstPort		  1
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-	  Name			  "Body z acceleration"
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-	  Labels		  [0, 0]
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-	  SrcPort		  3
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-	"\nport_label('input', 3, '^{B}v_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 4, '^{E}r_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_labe"
-	"l('input', 5, '^{B}dv_o/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 6, '^{B}g', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output"
-	"', 1, 'Euler Angles Filtered', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 2, 'Euler Rates', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_labe"
-	"l('output', 3, 'Current Position', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Sensors', 'texmode', 'on'); "
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-	  BlockType		  SubSystem
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-	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '\\theta_{accel}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\phi_{accel}'"
-	    ", 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 3, 'd\\Theta_{IMU}/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 4, '\\The"
-	    "ta_{IMU}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '\\Theta_{IMU}', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Complimentary Fil"
-	    "ter', 'texmode', 'on');"
-	  }
-	  System {
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-	      BlockType		      Inport
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-	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
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-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
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-	      ZOrder		      -5
-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
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+	      SID		      "673"
+	      Position		      [655, 335, 685, 365]
+	      ZOrder		      6
+	      Mean		      "zeros(3,1)"
+	      Variance		      "[ 2.2e-8 ; 1.1e-7 ; 2.4e-8 ]"
+	      Seed		      "[0,1,2]"
+	      SampleTime	      "Tq"
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      1
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-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
-	      DstPort		      1
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+	      BlockType		      Quantizer
+	      Name		      "gyroscope_qunatizer"
+	      SID		      "674"
+	      Position		      [1030, 280, 1060, 310]
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      ForegroundColor	      "red"
+	      QuantizationInterval    "1.1e-3"
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      2
-	      SrcBlock		      "accel_roll"
-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
-	      DstPort		      2
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      ZeroOrderHold
+	      Name		      "gyroscope_sampling"
+	      SID		      "675"
+	      Position		      [510, 280, 545, 310]
+	      ZOrder		      16
+	      SampleTime	      "Tq"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Constant
+	      Name		      "r_oc"
+	      SID		      "676"
+	      Position		      [30, 307, 95, 333]
+	      ZOrder		      28
+	      Value		      "zeros(3,1)"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "accelerometer"
+	      SID		      "677"
+	      Position		      [1135, 203, 1165, 217]
+	      ZOrder		      29
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+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Outport
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+	      Port		      "2"
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+	      DstBlock		      "Sum"
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+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      8
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+		ZOrder			87
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+		DstPort			2
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			35
+		Points			[0, 75]
+		DstBlock		"Discrete-Time\nIntegrator"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	    }
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+	      SrcPort		      1
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+		ZOrder			85
+		DstBlock		"Sum2"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			45
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+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	    }
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+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      13
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+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      14
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	    }
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+		Points			[0, 125]
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+	      }
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+		ZOrder			49
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+		DstPort			3
+	      }
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-	      Name		      "euler_angles_IMU"
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+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      30
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+	      DstBlock		      "gyroscope_sampling"
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-	      ZOrder		      6
-	      SrcBlock		      " Demux "
+	      ZOrder		      31
+	      SrcBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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-	      ZOrder		      7
-	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      ZOrder		      36
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+	      DstBlock		      "Scope"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      40
+	      SrcBlock		      "Discrete-Time\nIntegrator2"
+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      48
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      124
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+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      126
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Discrete Filter2"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      128
+	      SrcBlock		      "accelerometer_quantizer"
+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      130
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+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      127
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+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      129
+	      SrcBlock		      "Discrete Filter2"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Delay1"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      133
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+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "accelerometer_quantizer"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      134
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-	    ", 'on')\nport_label('input', 3, '^{B}\\Omega', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_label('input', 4, '^{B}g', 'texmode', 'on')"
-	    "\nport_label('output', 1, 'Accelerometer Reading', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_label('output', 2, 'Gyroscope Reading',"
-	    " 'texmode', 'on')\ndisp('IMU', 'texmode', 'on');"
-	  }
 	  System {
-	    Name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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-	      Position		      [110, 173, 140, 187]
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+	      SID		      "1389::1"
+	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -1
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-	      Position		      [110, 243, 140, 257]
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+	      SID		      "1389::23"
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-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
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-	      BlockType		      SubSystem
-	      Name		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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-		$PropName		"MaskObject"
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-		")\nport_label('input', 3, '^{B}\\Omega', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_label('input', 4, '^{B}g', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_la"
-		"bel('input', 5, 'r_{oc}', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_label('output', 1, 'Accelerometer Reading', 'texmode', 'on')\nport_"
-		"label('output', 2, 'Gyroscope Reading', 'texmode', 'on')\ndisp('Ideal IMU', 'texmode', 'on');"
-	      }
-	      System {
-		Name			"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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-		Block {
-		  BlockType		  Inport
-		  Name			  "B_Omega"
-		  SID			  "875::19"
-		  Position		  [20, 171, 40, 189]
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-		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
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-		  BlockType		  Inport
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-		  Position		  [270, 230, 320, 270]
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-		}
-		Block {
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-		  Tag			  "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 10"
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-		    PortNumber		    2
-		    Name		    "accelReading"
-		    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-		    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
-		  }
-		  Port {
-		    PortNumber		    3
-		    Name		    "gyroReading"
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-		    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
-		  }
-		}
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-		Block {
-		  BlockType		  Outport
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-		  ZOrder		  -5
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-		  BlockType		  Outport
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+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"euler_angles_IMU"
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-	      Position		      [570, 285, 590, 305]
-	      ZOrder		      11
-	      ShowName		      off
-	      IconShape		      "round"
-	      Inputs		      "|++"
-	      InputSameDT	      off
-	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      16
+	      SrcBlock		      "euler_rates_gyro"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      3
-	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Sum
-	      Name		      "Sum3"
-	      SID		      "881"
-	      Ports		      [2, 1]
-	      Position		      [570, 200, 590, 220]
-	      ZOrder		      12
-	      ShowName		      off
-	      IconShape		      "round"
-	      Inputs		      "++|"
-	      InputSameDT	      off
-	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "euler_angles_IMU"
+	      ZOrder		      17
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "euler_angles_IMU"
+	      DstPort		      1
-	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      RandomNumber
-	      Name		      "accelerometer_noise"
-	      SID		      "882"
-	      Position		      [630, 140, 660, 170]
-	      ZOrder		      2
-	      Mean		      "zeros(3,1)"
-	      Variance		      "[ 3e-7 ; 3.3e-7 ; 7.2e-7 ] "
-	      Seed		      "[0,1,2]"
-	      SampleTime	      "6.1e-3"
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      18
+	      SrcBlock		      " Demux "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Terminator "
+	      DstPort		      1
-	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Quantizer
-	      Name		      "accelerometer_quantizer"
-	      SID		      "883"
-	      Position		      [770, 195, 800, 225]
-	      ZOrder		      9
-	      QuantizationInterval    "2.4400e-04"
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      19
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "MATLAB Function1"
+	  SID			  "1407"
+	  Ports			  [1, 2]
+	  Position		  [1520, 196, 1625, 329]
+	  ZOrder		  350
+	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  Variant		  off
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "MATLAB Function1"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
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 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      ZeroOrderHold
-	      Name		      "accelerometer_sampling"
-	      SID		      "884"
-	      Position		      [495, 195, 530, 225]
-	      ZOrder		      15
-	      SampleTime	      "6.1e-3"
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "accel_reading"
+	      SID		      "1407::1"
+	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -1
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      RandomNumber
-	      Name		      "gyroscope_noise"
-	      SID		      "885"
-	      Position		      [630, 315, 660, 345]
-	      ZOrder		      6
-	      Mean		      "zeros(3,1)"
-	      Variance		      "[ 2.2e-8 ; 1.1e-7 ; 2.4e-8 ]"
-	      Seed		      "[0,1,2]"
-	      SampleTime	      "6.1e-3"
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "1407::20"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      11
+	      Outputs		      "1"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Quantizer
-	      Name		      "gyroscope_qunatizer"
-	      SID		      "886"
-	      Position		      [770, 280, 800, 310]
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "1407::19"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 18"
+	      Ports		      [1, 3]
+	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 180]
 	      ZOrder		      10
-	      QuantizationInterval    "1.1e-3"
-	    }
-	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      ZeroOrderHold
-	      Name		      "gyroscope_sampling"
-	      SID		      "887"
-	      Position		      [495, 280, 530, 310]
-	      ZOrder		      16
-	      SampleTime	      "6.1e-3"
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      PortCounts	      "[1 3]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"accel_pitch"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		3
+		Name			"accel_roll"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Constant
-	      Name		      "r_oc"
-	      SID		      "888"
-	      Position		      [30, 307, 95, 333]
-	      ZOrder		      28
-	      Value		      "zeros(3,1)"
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+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "1407::21"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      12
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Outport
-	      Name		      "accelerometer"
-	      SID		      "889"
-	      Position		      [885, 203, 915, 217]
-	      ZOrder		      29
+	      Name		      "accel_pitch"
+	      SID		      "1407::5"
+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -5
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 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Outport
-	      Name		      "gyroscope"
-	      SID		      "890"
-	      Position		      [885, 288, 915, 302]
-	      ZOrder		      21
+	      Name		      "accel_roll"
+	      SID		      "1407::22"
+	      Position		      [460, 136, 480, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      13
 	      Port		      "2"
 	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
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-	      ZOrder		      1
-	      SrcBlock		      "gyroscope_qunatizer"
+	      ZOrder		      9
+	      SrcBlock		      "accel_reading"
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-	      DstBlock		      "gyroscope"
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
 	      DstPort		      1
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-	      ZOrder		      2
-	      SrcBlock		      "accelerometer_quantizer"
+	      Name		      "accel_pitch"
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "accel_pitch"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "accel_roll"
+	      ZOrder		      11
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      3
+	      DstBlock		      "accel_roll"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      12
+	      SrcBlock		      " Demux "
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "accelerometer"
+	      DstBlock		      " Terminator "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      13
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Mux
+	  Name			  "Mux"
+	  SID			  "1345"
+	  Ports			  [2, 1]
+	  Position		  [2180, 536, 2185, 574]
+	  ZOrder		  330
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+	  Inputs		  "2"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "OptiTrack Camera System\n\n       "
+	  SID			  "681"
+	  Ports			  [2, 2]
+	  Position		  [1255, 1296, 1495, 1389]
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+	  Variant		  off
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+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    33
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '^{E}r_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\psi', 'texmode', 'on"
+	    "');\nport_label('output', 1, '^{E}r_o camera', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 2, '\\psi camera', 'texmod"
+	    "e', 'on');\ndisp('OptiTrack Camera System', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "OptiTrack Camera System\n\n       "
+	    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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+	      ZOrder		      -1
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "yaw"
+	      SID		      "683"
+	      Position		      [295, 338, 325, 352]
+	      ZOrder		      4
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      RandomNumber
+	      Name		      "E_ro_noise"
+	      SID		      "684"
+	      Position		      [545, 175, 575, 205]
+	      ZOrder		      30
+	      Mean		      "zeros(3,1)"
+	      Variance		      "[ 7.9664e-10 ; 1.1928e-10 ; 5.0636e-10 ] "
+	      Seed		      "[0,1,2]"
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Quantizer
+	      Name		      "E_ro_quantizer"
+	      SID		      "685"
+	      Position		      [685, 230, 715, 260]
+	      ZOrder		      34
+	      QuantizationInterval    "2.4400e-04"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      ZeroOrderHold
+	      Name		      "E_ro_sampling"
+	      SID		      "686"
+	      Position		      [410, 230, 445, 260]
+	      ZOrder		      38
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Ground
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+	      SID		      "687"
+	      Position		      [465, 180, 485, 200]
+	      ZOrder		      42
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Ground
+	      Name		      "Ground2"
+	      SID		      "688"
+	      Position		      [465, 390, 485, 410]
+	      ZOrder		      56
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum1"
+	      SID		      "689"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [605, 235, 625, 255]
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+	      IconShape		      "round"
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+	      InputSameDT	      off
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+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum3"
+	      SID		      "690"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [485, 235, 505, 255]
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+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum4"
+	      SID		      "691"
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+	      Position		      [605, 335, 625, 355]
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+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Sum
+	      Name		      "Sum6"
+	      SID		      "692"
+	      Ports		      [2, 1]
+	      Position		      [485, 335, 505, 355]
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+	      InputSameDT	      off
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      RandomNumber
+	      Name		      "yaw_noise"
+	      SID		      "693"
+	      Position		      [545, 365, 575, 395]
+	      ZOrder		      46
+	      Variance		      "1.0783e-9"
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Quantizer
+	      Name		      "yaw_quantizer"
+	      SID		      "694"
+	      Position		      [685, 330, 715, 360]
+	      ZOrder		      50
+	      QuantizationInterval    "1.1e-3"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      ZeroOrderHold
+	      Name		      "yaw_sampling"
+	      SID		      "695"
+	      Position		      [410, 330, 445, 360]
+	      ZOrder		      54
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
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+	      Position		      [800, 238, 830, 252]
+	      ZOrder		      43
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "yaw_camera"
+	      SID		      "697"
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+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      2
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+	      DstBlock		      "Sum1"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      3
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+	      DstBlock		      "Sum1"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      4
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "E_ro_quantizer"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      5
+	      SrcBlock		      "E_ro_sampling"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum3"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      6
+	      SrcBlock		      "Ground1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [5, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum3"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      8
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+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      9
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+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum4"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      SrcBlock		      "yaw_noise"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [35, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum4"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      11
+	      SrcBlock		      "yaw_sampling"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum6"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      12
+	      SrcBlock		      "Ground2"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [5, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Sum6"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      17
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+	      DstPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
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+	    Display		    "disp('Raw Accelerometer Data', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
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+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
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+		$PropName		"MaskObject"
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+		Display			"disp('Raw Accelerometer Data from Model', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	      }
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+	      "nt:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">1) Add </span><a href=\"m"
+	      "atlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'SubSystem')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-deco"
+	      "ration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Subsystem</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;"
+	      "\"> or </span><a href=\"matlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'ModelReference')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helveti"
+	      "ca'; font-size:10px; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Model</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'H"
+	      "elvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> blocks as valid variant choices.</span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-b"
+	      "ottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span st"
+	      "yle=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">2) You cannot connect blocks at this level. At simulation, co"
+	      "nnectivity is automatically </span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin"
+	      "-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; fo"
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+		$PropName		"MaskObject"
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+	      }
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+	      "<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-inde"
+	      "nt:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">1) Add </span><a href=\"m"
+	      "atlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'SubSystem')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-deco"
+	      "ration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Subsystem</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;"
+	      "\"> or </span><a href=\"matlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'ModelReference')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helveti"
+	      "ca'; font-size:10px; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Model</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'H"
+	      "elvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> blocks as valid variant choices.</span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-b"
+	      "ottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span st"
+	      "yle=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">2) You cannot connect blocks at this level. At simulation, co"
+	      "nnectivity is automatically </span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin"
+	      "-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; fo"
+	      "nt-size:10px;\">determined, based on the active variant and port name matching.</span></p></body></html>"
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+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  S-Function
+	  Name			  "Soft Real Time"
+	  SID			  "742"
+	  Ports			  []
+	  Position		  [2008, 1540, 2095, 1571]
+	  ZOrder		  288
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Commented		  "on"
+	  FunctionName		  "sfun_time"
+	  Parameters		  "x"
+	  SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	  EnableBusSupport	  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    40
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "color('red')\ndisp('Soft Real Time')\n"
+	    Object {
+	      $PropName		      "Parameters"
+	      $ObjectID		      41
+	      $ClassName	      "Simulink.MaskParameter"
+	      Type		      "edit"
+	      Name		      "x"
+	      Prompt		      "Time Scaling Factor"
+	      Value		      "1"
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  ToWorkspace
+	  Name			  "To Workspace4"
+	  SID			  "1420"
+	  Ports			  [1]
+	  Position		  [1925, 1230, 2050, 1260]
+	  ZOrder		  351
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  VariableName		  "position_model"
+	  MaxDataPoints		  "inf"
+	  SaveFormat		  "Structure With Time"
+	  Save2DSignal		  "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	  FixptAsFi		  on
+	  SampleTime		  "Tc"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  ToWorkspace
+	  Name			  "To Workspace5"
+	  SID			  "1256"
+	  Ports			  [1]
+	  Position		  [2360, 405, 2470, 435]
+	  ZOrder		  315
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+	  VariableName		  "angle_IMU_reading"
+	  MaxDataPoints		  "inf"
+	  SaveFormat		  "Structure With Time"
+	  Save2DSignal		  "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	  FixptAsFi		  on
+	  SampleTime		  "Tq"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  TransportDelay
+	  Name			  "Transport\nDelay"
+	  SID			  "933"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [1565, 1305, 1595, 1335]
+	  ZOrder		  310
+	  DelayTime		  "6e-3"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  TransportDelay
+	  Name			  "Transport\nDelay1"
+	  SID			  "935"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [1565, 1350, 1595, 1380]
+	  ZOrder		  312
+	  DelayTime		  "6e-3"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "euler_angles_filtered"
+	  SID			  "743"
+	  Position		  [2245, 548, 2275, 562]
+	  ZOrder		  262
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
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+	  SID			  "744"
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+	  Port			  "2"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
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+	  BlockType		  Outport
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+	  SID			  "745"
+	  Position		  [1925, 1313, 1955, 1327]
+	  ZOrder		  289
+	  Port			  "3"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  1
+	  SrcBlock		  "IMU\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Raw Accelerometer Data"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  4
+	  SrcBlock		  "IMU\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Raw Gyroscope Data"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  8
+	  SrcBlock		  "B_vo"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "IMU\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  9
+	  SrcBlock		  "B_Omega"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "IMU\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  10
+	  SrcBlock		  "B_g"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "IMU\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  DstPort		  4
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  11
+	  SrcBlock		  "Calculate Pitch and Roll"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  Points		  [102, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    553
+	    Points		    [0, -175]
+	    DstBlock		    "Scope3"
+	    DstPort		    2
+	  }
+	  Branch {
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+	    Points		    [0, 60]
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+	  }
+	  Branch {
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+	    Points		    [76, 0]
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      597
+	      Points		      [0, 520]
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+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      596
+	      Points		      [27, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      "Complimentary Filter"
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  16
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+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [25, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    552
+	    Points		    [0, -170]
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+	  }
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+	    }
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
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+	}
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+	  SrcPort		  1
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+	}
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+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    36
+	    DstBlock		    "OptiTrack Camera System\n\n       "
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  38
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+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
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+	}
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+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
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+	    ZOrder		    235
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+	  }
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+	    Points		    [0, 225]
+	    DstBlock		    "First-Order\nHold1"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  209
+	  SrcBlock		  "OptiTrack Camera System\n\n       "
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  Points		  [46, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    234
+	    Points		    [0, 85]
+	    DstBlock		    "First-Order\nHold"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    229
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+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
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+	  ZOrder		  226
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+	  SrcPort		  1
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+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  228
+	  SrcBlock		  "Transport\nDelay1"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Sample1"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
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+	    ZOrder		    708
+	    Points		    [0, -75]
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+	  }
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+	    ZOrder		    707
+	    DstBlock		    "current_position"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  295
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+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [100, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    414
+	    Points		    [83, 0; 0, -65; 48, 0]
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+	      ZOrder		      467
+	      Points		      [0, -150]
+	      DstBlock		      "MATLAB Function1"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      466
+	      DstBlock		      "Calculate Pitch and Roll"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    297
+	    Points		    [0, 35]
+	    DstBlock		    "Scope1"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  298
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+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [30, 0]
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+	    ZOrder		    413
+	    Points		    [66, 0]
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      6
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+		ZOrder			561
+		Points			[0, 390]
+		DstBlock		"Aeb_c\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			316
+		DstBlock		"Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      5
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    160
+	    Points		    [0, 50]
+	    DstBlock		    "euler_rates"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
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+	  ZOrder		  342
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+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [-179, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    562
+	    Points		    [0, -75]
+	    DstBlock		    "Complimentary Filter"
+	    DstPort		    4
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    565
+	    Points		    [0, 115; -374, 0; 0, 200]
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+	  }
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+	    DstPort		    2
+	  }
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+	}
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+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "OptiTrack Camera System\n\n       "
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
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+	  SrcPort		  1
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+	  DstBlock		  "Mux"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
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+	  SrcPort		  1
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+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  335
+	  SrcBlock		  "Complimentary Filter"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [54, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    665
+	    DstBlock		    "Mux"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
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+	    ZOrder		    546
+	    Points		    [0, -125]
+	    DstBlock		    "To Workspace5"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
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+	    ZOrder		    533
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+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      667
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      666
+	      DstBlock		      "Delay"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  407
+	  SrcBlock		  "Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [45, 0]
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+	    ZOrder		    560
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+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
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+	    Points		    [108, 0]
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      600
+	      Points		      [0, 435]
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+	      DstPort		      3
+	    }
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      599
+	      Points		      [2, 0; 0, -55]
+	      DstBlock		      "Complimentary Filter"
+	      DstPort		      3
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  557
+	  SrcBlock		  "Aeb_c\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [35, 0; 0, -95]
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope4"
+	  DstPort		  2
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+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
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+	  SrcPort		  1
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+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
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+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [118, 0; 0, -155]
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope5"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
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+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  Points		  [62, 0; 0, 80]
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope6"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
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+	  SrcPort		  2
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+	  DstBlock		  "Scope6"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
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+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope2"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
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+	  ZOrder		  614
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+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope3"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    Block {
+      BlockType		      SubSystem
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+      Variant		      off
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+	$PropName		"MaskObject"
+	$ObjectID		42
+	$ClassName		"Simulink.Mask"
+	Display			"port_label('input', 1, 'P', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '^{B}Omega', 'texmode', 'on');\npor"
+	"t_label('output', 2, '\\Theta', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 3, '^{B}v_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('"
+	"output', 4, '^{E}r_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 5, '^{B}dv_o/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('outpu"
+	"t', 6, '^{B}g', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Actuation', 'texmode', 'on'); "
+      }
+      System {
+	Name			"Actuation"
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+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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+	  Ports			  [2, 1]
+	  Position		  [1395, 303, 1630, 452]
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+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    43
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '^B\\Omega', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\Theta', 'texmode',"
+	    " 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, 'd\\Theta/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('A_{EB}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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+	      ZOrder		      -1
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+	    }
+	    Block {
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+	      SID		      "446::22"
+	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      13
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
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+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "446::24"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      15
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "446::23"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 7"
+	      Ports		      [2, 2]
+	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 160]
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+	      PortCounts	      "[2 2]"
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+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"euler_rates"
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+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
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+	      SID		      "446::25"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      16
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "euler_rates"
+	      SID		      "446::5"
+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -5
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      1
+	      SrcBlock		      "B_omega"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      Points		      [120, 0]
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      2
+	      SrcBlock		      "euler_angles"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      2
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "euler_rates"
+	      ZOrder		      3
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "euler_rates"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      4
+	      SrcBlock		      " Demux "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Terminator "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      5
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux1"
+	  SID			  "449"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [1830, 526, 1835, 574]
+	  ZOrder		  107
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    1
+	    Name		    "x position"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    2
+	    Name		    "y position"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    3
+	    Name		    "z position"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux2"
+	  SID			  "450"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [1830, 301, 1835, 349]
+	  ZOrder		  109
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    1
+	    Name		    "Roll"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    2
+	    Name		    "Pitch"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    3
+	    Name		    "Yaw"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux3"
+	  SID			  "451"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [1830, 406, 1835, 454]
+	  ZOrder		  117
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    1
+	    Name		    "Body x velocity"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    2
+	    Name		    "Body y velocity"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    3
+	    Name		    "Body z velocity"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux4"
+	  SID			  "452"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [1830, 161, 1835, 209]
+	  ZOrder		  115
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    1
+	    Name		    "Body roll velocity"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    2
+	    Name		    "Body pitch velocity"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    3
+	    Name		    "Body yaw velocity"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux5"
+	  SID			  "453"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [1830, 641, 1835, 689]
+	  ZOrder		  119
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    1
+	    Name		    "Body x acceleration"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    2
+	    Name		    "Body y acceleration"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	  Port {
+	    PortNumber		    3
+	    Name		    "Body z acceleration"
+	    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
+	    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "ESC System"
+	  SID			  "442"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [35, 282, 290, 518]
+	  ZOrder		  36
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    44
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, 'P', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, 'Vb_{eff}', 'texmode', 'on')"
+	    ";\ndisp('ESC System');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "ESC System"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
+	    Open		    off
+	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
+	    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+	    ScreenColor		    "white"
+	    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
+	    PaperPositionMode	    "auto"
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "P"
+	      SID		      "442::1"
+	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -1
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "442::36"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      17
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "442::35"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 4"
+	      Ports		      [1, 2]
+	      Position		      [180, 105, 230, 165]
+	      ZOrder		      16
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      Parameters	      "Pmax,Pmin,Vb"
+	      PortCounts	      "[1 2]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"Vb_eff"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Terminator
+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "442::37"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      18
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "Vb_eff"
+	      SID		      "442::5"
+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -5
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      34
+	      SrcBlock		      "P"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "Vb_eff"
+	      ZOrder		      35
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "Vb_eff"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      36
+	      SrcBlock		      " Demux "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Terminator "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      37
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Gravity\n\n"
+	  SID			  "443"
+	  Ports			  [0, 1]
+	  Position		  [335, 664, 485, 786]
+	  ZOrder		  96
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    45
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('output', 1, '^EF_g', 'texmode', 'on');\nfprintf('Gravity');\n"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Gravity\n\n"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
+	    Open		    off
+	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "443::28"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      19
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Ground
+	      Name		      " Ground "
+	      SID		      "443::30"
+	      Position		      [20, 121, 40, 139]
+	      ZOrder		      21
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "443::27"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 1"
+	      Ports		      [1, 2]
+	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 160]
+	      ZOrder		      18
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      Parameters	      "g,m"
+	      PortCounts	      "[1 2]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"E_Fg"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Terminator
+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "443::29"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      20
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "E_Fg"
+	      SID		      "443::5"
+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      -5
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      Name		      "E_Fg"
+	      ZOrder		      1
+	      Labels		      [0, 0]
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "E_Fg"
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      2
+	      SrcBlock		      " Ground "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      3
+	      SrcBlock		      " Demux "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Terminator "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      4
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Integrator
+	  Name			  "Integrator"
+	  SID			  "454"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [740, 340, 770, 370]
+	  ZOrder		  49
+	  InitialCondition	  "[omega0_o, omega1_o, omega2_o, omega3_o]"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Integrator
+	  Name			  "Integrator1"
+	  SID			  "455"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [1225, 445, 1255, 475]
+	  ZOrder		  53
+	  InitialCondition	  "[x_vel_o; y_vel_o; z_vel_o]"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Integrator
+	  Name			  "Integrator2"
+	  SID			  "456"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [1225, 325, 1255, 355]
+	  ZOrder		  54
+	  InitialCondition	  "[rollrate_o; pitchrate_o; yawrate_o]"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Integrator
+	  Name			  "Integrator3"
+	  SID			  "457"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [1685, 590, 1715, 620]
+	  ZOrder		  98
+	  InitialCondition	  "[x_o; y_o; z_o]"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Integrator
+	  Name			  "Integrator4"
+	  SID			  "458"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [1685, 365, 1715, 395]
+	  ZOrder		  77
+	  InitialCondition	  "[roll_o; pitch_o; yaw_o]"
+	  ContinuousStateAttributes "['phi' 'theta' 'psi']"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SID			  "444"
+	  Ports			  [2, 1]
+	  Position		  [1395, 499, 1630, 706]
+	  ZOrder		  75
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    46
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '^Bv_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\Theta', 'texmode', 'on"
+	    "');\nport_label('output', 1, '^Ev_o', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('L_{EB}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
+	    Open		    off
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+	      BlockType		      Inport
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+	      SID		      "444::24"
+	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      15
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "euler_angles"
+	      SID		      "444::28"
+	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      19
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "444::30"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      21
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "444::29"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 2"
+	      Ports		      [2, 2]
+	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 160]
+	      ZOrder		      20
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      PortCounts	      "[2 2]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"E_ro"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Terminator
+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "444::31"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      22
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "E_ro"
+	      SID		      "444::26"
+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      17
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      1
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+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      2
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+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      Name		      "E_ro"
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      4
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+	      SrcPort		      1
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      5
+	      SrcBlock		      " SFunction "
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      " Demux "
+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SID			  "447"
+	  Ports			  [2, 2]
+	  Position		  [600, 694, 770, 816]
+	  ZOrder		  97
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+	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
+	  Variant		  off
+	  Object {
+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+	    $ObjectID		    47
+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '^EF_g', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\Theta', 'texmode', 'on"
+	    "');\nport_label('output', 1, '^BF_g', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 2, '^Bg', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('"
+	    "L_{BE}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
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+	      BlockType		      Inport
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+	      SID		      "447::24"
+	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      15
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "euler_angles"
+	      SID		      "447::28"
+	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      19
+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "447::30"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      21
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "447::29"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 8"
+	      Ports		      [2, 3]
+	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 180]
+	      ZOrder		      20
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      Parameters	      "m"
+	      PortCounts	      "[2 3]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"B_Fg"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		3
+		Name			"B_g"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Terminator
+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "447::31"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      22
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "B_Fg"
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+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
+	      ZOrder		      17
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
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+	      ZOrder		      23
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+	    }
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+	    }
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+	      ZOrder		      6
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+	      DstPort		      1
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Motor System"
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+	  Position		  [420, 280, 640, 520]
+	  ZOrder		  48
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+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, 'Vb_{eff}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\omega', 'texmode', "
+	    "'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '\\alpha', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Motor System');\n"
+	  }
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+	    Name		    "Motor System"
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+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Inport
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+	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      20
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+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Demux
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "441::32"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      17
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "441::31"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 5"
+	      Ports		      [2, 2]
+	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 160]
+	      ZOrder		      16
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      Parameters	      "If,Jreq,Kd,Kq,Kv,Rm"
+	      PortCounts	      "[2 2]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
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+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"w_dot"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Terminator
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+	      SID		      "441::33"
+	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
+	      ZOrder		      18
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+	  }
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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+	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
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+	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '\\alpha', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '\\omega', 'texmode', '"
+	    "on');\nport_label('input', 3, '^BF_g', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 4, '^B\\Omega', 'texmode', 'on');\n"
+	    "port_label('input', 5, '^Bv_o', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '^Bd\\Omega/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\npo"
+	    "rt_label('output', 2, '^Bdv_o/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Rotor System', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
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+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Inport
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+	    }
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+	    }
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+	    }
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+	      SID		      "758::49"
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+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
+	      ZOrder		      22
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+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      S-Function
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+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 6"
+	      Ports		      [5, 3]
+	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 220]
+	      ZOrder		      21
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+	      Parameters	      "Jreq,Jxx,Jyy,Jzz,Kd,Kt,m,rhx,rhy,rhz"
+	      PortCounts	      "[5 3]"
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+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"B_omega_dot"
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+	      }
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+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope3"
+	  SID			  "464"
+	  Ports			  [3]
+	  Position		  [1935, 408, 1975, 452]
+	  ZOrder		  116
+	  NumInputPorts		  "3"
+	  Open			  off
+	  TimeRange		  auto
+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  on
+	  LimitDataPoints	  off
+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
+	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
+	  SaveName		  ScopeData2
+	  YMin			  -1.00000~-1.00000~-0.000000000000004
+	  YMax			  1.00000~1.00000~0.000000000000032
+	  SampleInput		  off
+	  SampleTime		  -1
+	  ZoomMode		  on
+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	    axes2		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	    axes3		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
+	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
+	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
+	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
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+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope4"
+	  SID			  "465"
+	  Ports			  [3]
+	  Position		  [1935, 643, 1975, 687]
+	  ZOrder		  118
+	  NumInputPorts		  "3"
+	  Open			  off
+	  TimeRange		  auto
+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  on
+	  LimitDataPoints	  off
+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
+	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
+	  SaveName		  ScopeData4
+	  YMin			  -1.00000~-1.00000~0.0000000000000004
+	  YMax			  1.00000~1.00000~0.0000000000000024
+	  SampleInput		  off
+	  SampleTime		  -1
+	  ZoomMode		  on
+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	    axes2		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	    axes3		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
+	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
+	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
+	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
+	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
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+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope5"
+	  SID			  "1050"
+	  Ports			  [1]
+	  Position		  [1335, 364, 1365, 396]
+	  ZOrder		  316
+	  NumInputPorts		  "1"
+	  Open			  off
+	  TimeRange		  auto
+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  off
+	  LimitDataPoints	  off
+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
+	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
+	  SaveName		  ScopeData3
+	  YMin			  -0.66996
+	  YMax			  5.80636
+	  SampleInput		  off
+	  SampleTime		  -1
+	  ZoomMode		  on
+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
+	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
+	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
+	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
+	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
+	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope6"
+	  SID			  "466"
+	  Ports			  [3]
+	  Position		  [1935, 528, 1975, 572]
+	  ZOrder		  79
+	  NumInputPorts		  "3"
+	  Open			  off
+	  TimeRange		  auto
+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  on
+	  LimitDataPoints	  off
+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
+	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
+	  SaveName		  ScopeData4
+	  YMin			  -1.00000~-1.00000~-0.00000000000004
+	  YMax			  1.00000~1.00000~0.00000000000032
+	  SampleInput		  off
+	  SampleTime		  -1
+	  ZoomMode		  on
+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	    axes2		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	    axes3		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
+	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
+	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
+	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
+	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
+	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope7"
+	  SID			  "467"
+	  Ports			  [1]
+	  Position		  [600, 639, 630, 671]
+	  ZOrder		  99
+	  NumInputPorts		  "1"
+	  Open			  off
+	  TimeRange		  auto
+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  off
+	  LimitDataPoints	  off
+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
+	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
+	  SaveName		  ScopeData1
+	  YMin			  -1.52545
+	  YMax			  13.7291
+	  SampleInput		  off
+	  SampleTime		  -1
+	  ZoomMode		  on
+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
+	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
+	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
+	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
+	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
+	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope8"
+	  SID			  "468"
+	  Ports			  [1]
+	  Position		  [820, 629, 850, 661]
+	  ZOrder		  100
+	  NumInputPorts		  "1"
+	  Open			  off
+	  TimeRange		  auto
+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  off
+	  LimitDataPoints	  off
+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
+	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
+	  SaveName		  ScopeData2
+	  YMin			  -14.59237
+	  YMax			  14.59237
+	  SampleInput		  off
+	  SampleTime		  -1
+	  ZoomMode		  on
+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
+	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
+	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
+	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
+	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
+	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Scope
+	  Name			  "Scope9"
+	  SID			  "469"
+	  Ports			  [1]
+	  Position		  [1225, 229, 1255, 261]
+	  ZOrder		  102
+	  NumInputPorts		  "1"
+	  Open			  off
+	  TimeRange		  auto
+	  TickLabels		  OneTimeTick
+	  ShowLegends		  off
+	  LimitDataPoints	  off
+	  MaxDataPoints		  5000
+	  SaveToWorkspace	  off
+	  SaveName		  ScopeData3
+	  YMin			  -1.00000
+	  YMax			  1.00000
+	  SampleInput		  off
+	  SampleTime		  -1
+	  ZoomMode		  on
+	  Grid			  on
+	  DataFormat		  StructureWithTime
+	  Decimation		  1
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    AxesTitles
+	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
+	  }
+	  List {
+	    ListType		    ScopeGraphics
+	    FigureColor		    "[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]"
+	    AxesColor		    "[0 0 0]"
+	    AxesTickColor	    "[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
+	    LineColors		    "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
+	    LineStyles		    "-|-|-|-|-|-"
+	    LineWidths		    "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
+	    MarkerStyles	    "none|none|none|none|none|none"
+	  }
+	  Location		  [1 76 1921 1039]
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "B_omega"
+	  SID			  "471"
+	  Position		  [1845, 238, 1875, 252]
+	  ZOrder		  61
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "euler_angles"
+	  SID			  "472"
+	  Position		  [1845, 373, 1875, 387]
+	  ZOrder		  91
+	  Port			  "2"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "B_vo"
+	  SID			  "473"
+	  Position		  [1845, 473, 1875, 487]
+	  ZOrder		  58
+	  Port			  "3"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "E_ro"
+	  SID			  "474"
+	  Position		  [1845, 598, 1875, 612]
+	  ZOrder		  88
+	  Port			  "4"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "B_vo_dot"
+	  SID			  "475"
+	  Position		  [1845, 718, 1875, 732]
+	  ZOrder		  103
+	  Port			  "5"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Outport
+	  Name			  "B_g"
+	  SID			  "476"
+	  Position		  [1845, 778, 1875, 792]
+	  ZOrder		  104
+	  Port			  "6"
+	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  1
+	  SrcBlock		  "ESC System"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [23, 0; 0, -60]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    2
+	    Points		    [0, -45]
+	    DstBlock		    "Scope"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    3
+	    DstBlock		    "Motor System"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  4
+	  SrcBlock		  "Motor System"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [40, 0; 0, -45]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    5
+	    DstBlock		    "Integrator"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    6
+	    Points		    [0, -45]
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      101
+	      DstBlock		      "Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
 	      DstPort		      1
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      3
-	      SrcBlock		      "accelerometer_noise"
-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      Points		      [35, 0]
-	      DstBlock		      "Sum1"
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      7
+	      Points		      [0, -65]
+	      DstBlock		      "Scope1"
 	      DstPort		      1
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      4
-	      SrcBlock		      "Sum"
-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "gyroscope_qunatizer"
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  103
+	  SrcBlock		  "Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [39, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    15
+	    Points		    [0, -95]
+	    DstBlock		    "Scope9"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    16
+	    DstBlock		    "Integrator2"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  22
+	  SrcBlock		  "Integrator2"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [55, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    105
+	    Points		    [0, 252; -416, 0; 0, -147]
+	    DstBlock		    "Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    DstPort		    4
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    23
+	    Points		    [0, -95; 454, 0]
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      24
+	      DstBlock		      "B_omega"
 	      DstPort		      1
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      5
-	      SrcBlock		      "Sum2"
-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "Sum"
+	    Branch {
+	      ZOrder		      25
+	      Points		      [0, -60]
+	      DstBlock		      "Demux4"
 	      DstPort		      1
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      6
-	      SrcBlock		      "Sum3"
-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "Sum1"
-	      DstPort		      2
-	    }
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      7
-	      SrcBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-	      SrcPort		      2
-	      DstBlock		      "gyroscope_sampling"
-	      DstPort		      1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    27
+	    DstBlock		    "Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  28
+	  SrcBlock		  "Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Integrator4"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  32
+	  SrcBlock		  "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Integrator3"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  33
+	  SrcBlock		  "Integrator3"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [64, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    34
+	    Points		    [0, -55]
+	    DstBlock		    "Demux1"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    35
+	    DstBlock		    "E_ro"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  36
+	  SrcBlock		  "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  Points		  [24, 0]
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    368
+	    Points		    [0, -80]
+	    DstBlock		    "Scope8"
+	    DstPort		    1
+	  }
+	  Branch {
+	    ZOrder		    107
+	    Points		    [82, 0; 0, -325]
+	    DstBlock		    "Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	    DstPort		    3
+	  }
+	}
+	Line {
+	  ZOrder		  39
+	  SrcBlock		  "Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "B_g"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "y position"
+	  ZOrder		  45
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux1"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope6"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "x position"
+	  ZOrder		  46
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux1"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope6"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "z position"
+	  ZOrder		  47
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux1"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope6"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Pitch"
+	  ZOrder		  57
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux2"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope10"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Roll"
+	  ZOrder		  58
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux2"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope10"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Yaw"
+	  ZOrder		  59
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux2"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope10"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body pitch velocity"
+	  ZOrder		  60
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux4"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope11"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body roll velocity"
+	  ZOrder		  61
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux4"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope11"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body yaw velocity"
+	  ZOrder		  62
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux4"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope11"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body y velocity"
+	  ZOrder		  63
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux3"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope3"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body x velocity"
+	  ZOrder		  64
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux3"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope3"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body z velocity"
+	  ZOrder		  65
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux3"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope3"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body y acceleration"
+	  ZOrder		  66
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux5"
+	  SrcPort		  2
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope4"
+	  DstPort		  2
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body x acceleration"
+	  ZOrder		  67
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux5"
+	  SrcPort		  1
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope4"
+	  DstPort		  1
+	}
+	Line {
+	  Name			  "Body z acceleration"
+	  ZOrder		  68
+	  Labels		  [0, 0]
+	  SrcBlock		  "Demux5"
+	  SrcPort		  3
+	  DstBlock		  "Scope4"
+	  DstPort		  3
+	}
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+		  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
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+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==1"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    55
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('^Er_{z,error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "z error"
+		    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
+		    Open		    off
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+		    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
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+		    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
+		    PaperPositionMode	    "auto"
+		    PaperType		    "usletter"
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+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    FromWorkspace
+		    Name		    "From\nWorkspace6"
+		    SID			    "999"
+		    Position		    [15, 18, 80, 42]
+		    ZOrder		    221
+		    VariableName	    "z_error"
+		    SampleTime		    "Tc"
+		    ZeroCross		    on
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "z_error"
+		    SID			    "1093"
+		    Position		    [145, 23, 175, 37]
+		    ZOrder		    172
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    ZOrder		    1
+		    SrcBlock		    "From\nWorkspace6"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "z_error"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Outport
+		  Name			  "z_error"
+		  SID			  "1184"
+		  Position		  [400, 123, 430, 137]
+		  ZOrder		  -2
+		  ForegroundColor	  "magenta"
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		}
+		Annotation {
+		  SID			  "1186"
+		  Name			  "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd\">\n<htm"
+		  "l><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\np, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n</st"
+		  "yle></head><body style=\" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10px; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n<p style=\""
+		  " margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-h"
+		  "eight:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">1) Add </span><a href=\"matlab://addvsscho"
+		  "iceddg_cb(gcs,'SubSystem')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-decoration: underline; c"
+		  "olor:#0000ff;\">Subsystem</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> or </span><a href=\""
+		  "matlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'ModelReference')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-d"
+		  "ecoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Model</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> "
+		  "blocks as valid variant choices.</span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margi"
+		  "n-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font"
+		  "-size:10px;\">2) You cannot connect blocks at this level. At simulation, connectivity is automatically </span></p>"
+		  "\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-inden"
+		  "t:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">determined, based on the acti"
+		  "ve variant and port name matching.</span></p></body></html>"
+		  Tag			  "VSSAddChoiceText"
+		  Position		  [71, 28, 448, 69]
+		  InternalMargins	  [0, 0, 0, 0]
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+		  HorizontalAlignment	  "left"
+		  Interpreter		  "rich"
+		  ZOrder		  -1
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Gain
+	      Name		      "Gain"
+	      SID		      "880"
+	      Position		      [935, -135, 965, -105]
+	      ZOrder		      149
+	      Gain		      "180/pi"
+	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Gain
+	      Name		      "Gain1"
+	      SID		      "1021"
+	      Position		      [930, 135, 960, 165]
+	      ZOrder		      242
+	      Gain		      "180/pi"
+	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Gain
+	      Name		      "Gain2"
+	      SID		      "980"
+	      Position		      [935, -395, 965, -365]
+	      ZOrder		      202
+	      Gain		      "180/pi"
+	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "Latitude Controller Input"
+	      SID		      "1127"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [675, -227, 740, -193]
+	      ZOrder		      287
+	      ForegroundColor	      "magenta"
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      RequestExecContextInheritance off
+	      Variant		      on
+	      Object {
+		$PropName		"MaskObject"
+		$ObjectID		56
+		$ClassName		"Simulink.Mask"
+		Display			"disp('^Er_{x,error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	      }
+	      System {
+		Name			"Latitude Controller Input"
+		Location		[-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
+		Open			off
+		ModelBrowserVisibility	off
+		ModelBrowserWidth	200
+		ScreenColor		"white"
+		PaperOrientation	"landscape"
+		PaperPositionMode	"auto"
+		PaperType		"usletter"
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+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Inport
+		  Name			  "x_error_model"
+		  SID			  "1226"
+		  Position		  [85, 158, 115, 172]
+		  ZOrder		  286
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "Feedback"
+		  SID			  "1227"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
+		  Position		  [185, 146, 255, 184]
+		  ZOrder		  285
+		  ShowName		  off
+		  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+		  Variant		  off
+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==0"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    57
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('Feedback', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "Feedback"
+		    Location		    [-7, -7, 1288, 688]
+		    Open		    off
+		    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
+		    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+		    ScreenColor		    "white"
+		    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
+		    PaperPositionMode	    "auto"
+		    PaperType		    "usletter"
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+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Inport
+		    Name		    "x_error_model"
+		    SID			    "1228"
+		    Position		    [105, 103, 135, 117]
+		    ZOrder		    2
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "x_error"
+		    SID			    "1229"
+		    Position		    [360, 103, 390, 117]
+		    ZOrder		    -2
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    ZOrder		    1
+		    SrcBlock		    "x_error_model"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "x_error"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "x error"
+		  SID			  "1059"
+		  Ports			  [0, 1]
+		  Position		  [185, 73, 255, 107]
+		  ZOrder		  278
+		  ShowName		  off
+		  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+		  Variant		  off
+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==1"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    58
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('^Er_{x,error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "x error"
+		    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
+		    Open		    off
+		    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
+		    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+		    ScreenColor		    "white"
+		    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
+		    PaperPositionMode	    "auto"
+		    PaperType		    "usletter"
+		    PaperUnits		    "inches"
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+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    FromWorkspace
+		    Name		    "From\nWorkspace"
+		    SID			    "947"
+		    Position		    [20, 18, 85, 42]
+		    ZOrder		    171
+		    VariableName	    "x_error"
+		    SampleTime		    "Tc"
+		    ZeroCross		    on
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "x_error"
+		    SID			    "1060"
+		    Position		    [230, 23, 260, 37]
+		    ZOrder		    172
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    ZOrder		    1
+		    SrcBlock		    "From\nWorkspace"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "x_error"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Outport
+		  Name			  "x_error"
+		  SID			  "1134"
+		  Position		  [405, 128, 435, 142]
+		  ZOrder		  -2
+		  ForegroundColor	  "magenta"
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		}
+		Annotation {
+		  SID			  "1136"
+		  Name			  "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd\">\n<htm"
+		  "l><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\np, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n</st"
+		  "yle></head><body style=\" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10px; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n<p style=\""
+		  " margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-h"
+		  "eight:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">1) Add </span><a href=\"matlab://addvsscho"
+		  "iceddg_cb(gcs,'SubSystem')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-decoration: underline; c"
+		  "olor:#0000ff;\">Subsystem</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> or </span><a href=\""
+		  "matlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'ModelReference')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-d"
+		  "ecoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Model</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> "
+		  "blocks as valid variant choices.</span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margi"
+		  "n-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font"
+		  "-size:10px;\">2) You cannot connect blocks at this level. At simulation, connectivity is automatically </span></p>"
+		  "\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-inden"
+		  "t:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">determined, based on the acti"
+		  "ve variant and port name matching.</span></p></body></html>"
+		  Tag			  "VSSAddChoiceText"
+		  Position		  [71, 28, 448, 69]
+		  InternalMargins	  [0, 0, 0, 0]
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+		  HorizontalAlignment	  "left"
+		  Interpreter		  "rich"
+		  ZOrder		  -1
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "Longitude Controller Input"
+	      SID		      "1147"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [670, -487, 735, -453]
+	      ZOrder		      289
+	      ForegroundColor	      "magenta"
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      RequestExecContextInheritance off
+	      Variant		      on
+	      Object {
+		$PropName		"MaskObject"
+		$ObjectID		59
+		$ClassName		"Simulink.Mask"
+		Display			"disp('^Er_{y,error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	      }
+	      System {
+		Name			"Longitude Controller Input"
+		Location		[-7, -7, 1288, 688]
+		Open			off
+		ModelBrowserVisibility	off
+		ModelBrowserWidth	200
+		ScreenColor		"white"
+		PaperOrientation	"landscape"
+		PaperPositionMode	"auto"
+		PaperType		"usletter"
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+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Inport
+		  Name			  "y_error_model"
+		  SID			  "1238"
+		  Position		  [85, 173, 115, 187]
+		  ZOrder		  288
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "Feedback"
+		  SID			  "1239"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
+		  Position		  [185, 161, 255, 199]
+		  ZOrder		  287
+		  ShowName		  off
+		  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+		  Variant		  off
+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==0"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    60
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('Feedback', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "Feedback"
+		    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
+		    Open		    off
+		    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
+		    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+		    ScreenColor		    "white"
+		    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
+		    PaperPositionMode	    "auto"
+		    PaperType		    "usletter"
+		    PaperUnits		    "inches"
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+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Inport
+		    Name		    "y_error_model"
+		    SID			    "1240"
+		    Position		    [105, 103, 135, 117]
+		    ZOrder		    2
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "y_error"
+		    SID			    "1241"
+		    Position		    [360, 103, 390, 117]
+		    ZOrder		    -2
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    ZOrder		    1
+		    SrcBlock		    "y_error_model"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "y_error"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "y error"
+		  SID			  "1078"
+		  Ports			  [0, 1]
+		  Position		  [185, 73, 255, 107]
+		  ZOrder		  279
+		  ShowName		  off
+		  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+		  Variant		  off
+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==1"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    61
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('^Er_{y,error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "y error"
+		    Location		    [-7, -7, 1288, 688]
+		    Open		    off
+		    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
+		    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
+		    ScreenColor		    "white"
+		    PaperOrientation	    "landscape"
+		    PaperPositionMode	    "auto"
+		    PaperType		    "usletter"
+		    PaperUnits		    "inches"
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+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    FromWorkspace
+		    Name		    "From\nWorkspace3"
+		    SID			    "977"
+		    Position		    [15, 18, 80, 42]
+		    ZOrder		    207
+		    VariableName	    "y_error"
+		    SampleTime		    "Tc"
+		    ZeroCross		    on
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "y_error"
+		    SID			    "1081"
+		    Position		    [145, 23, 175, 37]
+		    ZOrder		    172
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    ZOrder		    1
+		    SrcBlock		    "From\nWorkspace3"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "y_error"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Outport
+		  Name			  "y_error"
+		  SID			  "1154"
+		  Position		  [385, 123, 415, 137]
+		  ZOrder		  -2
+		  ForegroundColor	  "magenta"
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		}
+		Annotation {
+		  SID			  "1156"
+		  Name			  "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd\">\n<htm"
+		  "l><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\np, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n</st"
+		  "yle></head><body style=\" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10px; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n<p style=\""
+		  " margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-h"
+		  "eight:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">1) Add </span><a href=\"matlab://addvsscho"
+		  "iceddg_cb(gcs,'SubSystem')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-decoration: underline; c"
+		  "olor:#0000ff;\">Subsystem</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> or </span><a href=\""
+		  "matlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'ModelReference')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-d"
+		  "ecoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Model</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> "
+		  "blocks as valid variant choices.</span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margi"
+		  "n-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font"
+		  "-size:10px;\">2) You cannot connect blocks at this level. At simulation, connectivity is automatically </span></p>"
+		  "\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-inden"
+		  "t:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">determined, based on the acti"
+		  "ve variant and port name matching.</span></p></body></html>"
+		  Tag			  "VSSAddChoiceText"
+		  Position		  [71, 28, 448, 69]
+		  InternalMargins	  [0, 0, 0, 0]
+		  FixedHeight		  off
+		  FixedWidth		  off
+		  HorizontalAlignment	  "left"
+		  Interpreter		  "rich"
+		  ZOrder		  -1
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller1"
+	      SID		      "1355"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [1045, 41, 1085, 79]
+	      ZOrder		      313
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "P"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Discrete-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "Tq"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      on
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "29700"
+	      I			      "-77.7"
+	      D			      "2.32"
+	      N			      "1/0.0818"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      off
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller11"
+	      SID		      "1370"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [790, -229, 830, -191]
+	      ZOrder		      321
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "PID"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Discrete-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      on
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "-0.015"
+	      I			      "0"
+	      D			      "-0.25"
+	      N			      "3"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller17"
+	      SID		      "1352"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [790, -728, 830, -692]
+	      ZOrder		      310
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "PID"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Discrete-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      off
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "9804"
+	      I			      "817"
+	      D			      "7353"
+	      N			      "5.79502261645411"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller2"
+	      SID		      "1424"
 	      Ports		      [1, 1]
-	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
-	      ZOrder		      15
-	      Outputs		      "1"
+	      Position		      [1045, -488, 1085, -452]
+	      ZOrder		      326
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "PD"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Discrete-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "Tq"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      off
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "15"
+	      I			      "35.1207902652377"
+	      D			      "0.2"
+	      N			      "40.0107970227961"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      S-Function
-	      Name		      " SFunction "
-	      SID		      "892::23"
-	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 12"
-	      Ports		      [2, 2]
-	      Position		      [180, 100, 230, 160]
-	      ZOrder		      14
-	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
-	      PortCounts	      "[2 2]"
-	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
-	      EnableBusSupport	      on
-	      Port {
-		PortNumber		2
-		Name			"euler_rates_IMU"
-		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
-		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
-	      }
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller3"
+	      SID		      "1423"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [1295, -488, 1335, -452]
+	      ZOrder		      325
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "PD"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Discrete-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "Tq"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      off
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "4600"
+	      I			      "1575.82088970639"
+	      D			      "550"
+	      N			      "244.660686071579"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Terminator
-	      Name		      " Terminator "
-	      SID		      "892::25"
-	      Position		      [460, 241, 480, 259]
-	      ZOrder		      16
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller4"
+	      SID		      "1354"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [790, 42, 830, 78]
+	      ZOrder		      312
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "PD"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Discrete-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      off
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "2.6"
+	      I			      "2.36803176515497"
+	      D			      "0"
+	      N			      "3.83298618768959"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Outport
-	      Name		      "euler_rates_IMU"
-	      SID		      "892::5"
-	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
-	      ZOrder		      -5
-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller5"
+	      SID		      "1368"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [1045, -228, 1085, -192]
+	      ZOrder		      319
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "PD"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Discrete-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "Tq"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      off
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "15"
+	      I			      "35.1207902652377"
+	      D			      "0.2"
+	      N			      "40.0107970227961"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      1
-	      SrcBlock		      "gyro_reading"
-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      Points		      [120, 0]
-	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
-	      DstPort		      1
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller7"
+	      SID		      "1365"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [790, -488, 830, -452]
+	      ZOrder		      316
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "PID"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Discrete-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      on
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "0.015"
+	      I			      "0"
+	      D			      "0.25"
+	      N			      "3"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+	      IntegratorContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMin    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      2
-	      SrcBlock		      "euler_angles_IMU"
-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      " SFunction "
-	      DstPort		      2
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Reference
+	      Name		      "PID Controller9"
+	      SID		      "1367"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [1295, -228, 1335, -192]
+	      ZOrder		      318
+	      LibraryVersion	      "1.388"
+	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Continuous/PID Controller"
+	      SourceType	      "PID 1dof"
+	      ContentPreviewEnabled   off
+	      Controller	      "PD"
+	      TimeDomain	      "Discrete-time"
+	      SampleTime	      "Tq"
+	      IntegratorMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      FilterMethod	      "Forward Euler"
+	      Form		      "Parallel"
+	      UseFilter		      off
+	      ControllerParametersSource "internal"
+	      P			      "4600"
+	      I			      "1575.82088970639"
+	      D			      "550"
+	      N			      "244.660686071579"
+	      InitialConditionSource  "internal"
+	      InitialConditionForIntegrator "0"
+	      InitialConditionForFilter	"0"
+	      ExternalReset	      "none"
+	      IgnoreLimit	      off
+	      ZeroCross		      on
+	      LimitOutput	      off
+	      UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
+	      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
+	      LinearizeAsGain	      on
+	      AntiWindupMode	      "none"
+	      Kb		      "1"
+	      TrackingMode	      off
+	      Kt		      "1"
+	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
+	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      LockScale		      off
+	      PParamMin		      "[]"
+	      PParamMax		      "[]"
+	      PParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IParamMin		      "[]"
+	      IParamMax		      "[]"
+	      IParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DParamMin		      "[]"
+	      DParamMax		      "[]"
+	      DParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NParamMin		      "[]"
+	      NParamMax		      "[]"
+	      NParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KbParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KbParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtParamMin	      "[]"
+	      KtParamMax	      "[]"
+	      KtParamDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      POutMin		      "[]"
+	      POutMax		      "[]"
+	      POutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      PProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IOutMin		      "[]"
+	      IOutMax		      "[]"
+	      IOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DOutMin		      "[]"
+	      DOutMax		      "[]"
+	      DOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      DProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NOutMin		      "[]"
+	      NOutMax		      "[]"
+	      NOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NGainOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      NProdOutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KbOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KbOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KbOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      KtOutMin		      "[]"
+	      KtOutMax		      "[]"
+	      KtOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      IntegratorOutMin	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutMax	      "[]"
+	      IntegratorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      FilterOutMin	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutMax	      "[]"
+	      FilterOutDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumOutMin		      "[]"
+	      SumOutMax		      "[]"
+	      SumOutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI1OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI2OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3OutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumI3OutDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SumDOutDataTypeStr      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumAccumDataTypeStr     "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI1AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI2AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumI3AccumDataTypeStr   "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SumDAccumDataTypeStr    "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+	      SaturationOutMin	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutMax	      "[]"
+	      SaturationOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
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+	      IntegratorStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      IntegratorRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      FilterContinuousStateAttributes "''"
+	      FilterStateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+	      FilterRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"
+	      DifferentiatorICPrevScaledInput "0"
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+	      DifferentiatorOutMax    "[]"
+	      DifferentiatorOutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
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+		$PropName		"MaskObject"
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+	      }
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+		Name			"Pitch Controller Input"
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+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
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+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
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+		    }
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+		  Position		  [185, 73, 255, 107]
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+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    64
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('\\theta_{error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "pitch error"
+		    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
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+		  "l><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\np, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n</st"
+		  "yle></head><body style=\" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10px; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n<p style=\""
+		  " margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-h"
+		  "eight:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">1) Add </span><a href=\"matlab://addvsscho"
+		  "iceddg_cb(gcs,'SubSystem')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-decoration: underline; c"
+		  "olor:#0000ff;\">Subsystem</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> or </span><a href=\""
+		  "matlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'ModelReference')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-d"
+		  "ecoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Model</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> "
+		  "blocks as valid variant choices.</span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margi"
+		  "n-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font"
+		  "-size:10px;\">2) You cannot connect blocks at this level. At simulation, connectivity is automatically </span></p>"
+		  "\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-inden"
+		  "t:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">determined, based on the acti"
+		  "ve variant and port name matching.</span></p></body></html>"
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+		$PropName		"MaskObject"
+		$ObjectID		65
+		$ClassName		"Simulink.Mask"
+		Display			"disp('d\\theta/dt_{error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	      }
+	      System {
+		Name			"Pitch Rate Controller Input"
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+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "Feedback"
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+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==0"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    66
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('Feedback', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "Feedback"
+		    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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+		    BlockType		    Inport
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+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "pitchrate_error"
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+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
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+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+		  Position		  [185, 73, 255, 107]
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+		  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
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+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==1"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    67
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('d\\theta/dt_{error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "pitchrate error"
+		    Location		    [-7, -7, 1288, 688]
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+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "pitchrate_error"
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+		  Name			  "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd\">\n<htm"
+		  "l><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\np, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n</st"
+		  "yle></head><body style=\" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10px; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n<p style=\""
+		  " margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-h"
+		  "eight:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">1) Add </span><a href=\"matlab://addvsscho"
+		  "iceddg_cb(gcs,'SubSystem')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-decoration: underline; c"
+		  "olor:#0000ff;\">Subsystem</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> or </span><a href=\""
+		  "matlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'ModelReference')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-d"
+		  "ecoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Model</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> "
+		  "blocks as valid variant choices.</span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margi"
+		  "n-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font"
+		  "-size:10px;\">2) You cannot connect blocks at this level. At simulation, connectivity is automatically </span></p>"
+		  "\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-inden"
+		  "t:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">determined, based on the acti"
+		  "ve variant and port name matching.</span></p></body></html>"
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+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "Roll Controller Input"
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+		$PropName		"MaskObject"
+		$ObjectID		68
+		$ClassName		"Simulink.Mask"
+		Display			"disp('\\phi_{error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	      }
+	      System {
+		Name			"Roll Controller Input"
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+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
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+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
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+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('Feedback', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
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+		    Name		    "Feedback"
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+		    ZOrder		    2
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "roll_error"
+		    SID			    "1245"
+		    Position		    [360, 103, 390, 117]
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+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    ZOrder		    1
+		    SrcBlock		    "roll_error_model"
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+		    }
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "roll error"
+		  SID			  "1082"
+		  Ports			  [0, 1]
+		  Position		  [185, 73, 255, 107]
+		  ZOrder		  278
+		  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+		  Variant		  off
+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==1"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    70
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('\\phi_{error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "roll error"
+		    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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+		    VariableName	    "roll_error"
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+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "roll_error"
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+		Block {
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+		  "l><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\np, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n</st"
+		  "yle></head><body style=\" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10px; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n<p style=\""
+		  " margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-h"
+		  "eight:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">1) Add </span><a href=\"matlab://addvsscho"
+		  "iceddg_cb(gcs,'SubSystem')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-decoration: underline; c"
+		  "olor:#0000ff;\">Subsystem</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> or </span><a href=\""
+		  "matlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'ModelReference')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-d"
+		  "ecoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Model</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> "
+		  "blocks as valid variant choices.</span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margi"
+		  "n-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font"
+		  "-size:10px;\">2) You cannot connect blocks at this level. At simulation, connectivity is automatically </span></p>"
+		  "\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-inden"
+		  "t:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">determined, based on the acti"
+		  "ve variant and port name matching.</span></p></body></html>"
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+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "Roll Rate Controller Input"
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+	      Object {
+		$PropName		"MaskObject"
+		$ObjectID		71
+		$ClassName		"Simulink.Mask"
+		Display			"disp('d\\phi/dt_{error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	      }
+	      System {
+		Name			"Roll Rate Controller Input"
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+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "Feedback"
+		  SID			  "1247"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
+		  Position		  [185, 151, 255, 189]
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+		  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
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+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==0"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    72
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('Feedback', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "Feedback"
+		    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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+		    Position		    [105, 103, 135, 117]
+		    ZOrder		    2
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "rollrate_error"
+		    SID			    "1249"
+		    Position		    [360, 103, 390, 117]
+		    ZOrder		    -2
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
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+		    Line {
+		    ZOrder		    1
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+		    }
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "rollrate error"
+		  SID			  "1086"
+		  Ports			  [0, 1]
+		  Position		  [185, 73, 255, 107]
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+		  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+		  Variant		  off
+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==1"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    73
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('d\\phi/dt_{error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "rollrate error"
+		    Location		    [-7, -7, 1288, 688]
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+		    BlockType		    FromWorkspace
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+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "rollrate_error"
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+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    ZOrder		    1
+		    SrcBlock		    "From\nWorkspace5"
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+		    }
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+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  Outport
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+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
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+		  Name			  "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd\">\n<htm"
+		  "l><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\np, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n</st"
+		  "yle></head><body style=\" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10px; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n<p style=\""
+		  " margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-h"
+		  "eight:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">1) Add </span><a href=\"matlab://addvsscho"
+		  "iceddg_cb(gcs,'SubSystem')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-decoration: underline; c"
+		  "olor:#0000ff;\">Subsystem</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> or </span><a href=\""
+		  "matlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'ModelReference')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-d"
+		  "ecoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Model</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> "
+		  "blocks as valid variant choices.</span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margi"
+		  "n-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font"
+		  "-size:10px;\">2) You cannot connect blocks at this level. At simulation, connectivity is automatically </span></p>"
+		  "\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-inden"
+		  "t:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">determined, based on the acti"
+		  "ve variant and port name matching.</span></p></body></html>"
+		  Tag			  "VSSAddChoiceText"
+		  Position		  [71, 28, 448, 69]
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-	  }
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  SubSystem
-	  Name			  "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
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-	  Ports			  [2, 2]
-	  Position		  [1480, 484, 1875, 631]
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-	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
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-	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
-	    $ObjectID		    36
-	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
-	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, 'Accelerometer Reading', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, '\\theta"
-	    "_{accel}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 2, '\\phi_{accel}', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Calculate Pitch a"
-	    "nd Roll', 'texmode', 'on');"
-	  }
-	  System {
-	    Name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
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-	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
-	      ZOrder		      -1
-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	      BlockType		      Saturate
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+	      SID		      "932"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [1380, 45, 1410, 75]
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+	      UpperLimit	      "20000"
+	      LowerLimit	      "-20000"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Inport
-	      Name		      "accel_roll_prev"
-	      SID		      "908::23"
-	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
-	      ZOrder		      14
-	      Port		      "2"
-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
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+	      SID		      "1001"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [1390, -225, 1420, -195]
+	      ZOrder		      222
+	      InputPortMap	      "u0"
+	      UpperLimit	      "20000"
+	      LowerLimit	      "-20000"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Demux
-	      Name		      " Demux "
-	      SID		      "908::20"
+	      BlockType		      Saturate
+	      Name		      "Saturation2"
+	      SID		      "1002"
 	      Ports		      [1, 1]
-	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
-	      ZOrder		      11
-	      Outputs		      "1"
+	      Position		      [1390, -485, 1420, -455]
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+	      UpperLimit	      "20000"
+	      LowerLimit	      "-20000"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      S-Function
-	      Name		      " SFunction "
-	      SID		      "908::19"
-	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 13"
-	      Ports		      [2, 3]
-	      Position		      [180, 105, 230, 185]
-	      ZOrder		      10
-	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
-	      PortCounts	      "[2 3]"
-	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
-	      EnableBusSupport	      on
-	      Port {
-		PortNumber		2
-		Name			"accel_pitch"
-		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
-		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      BlockType		      Saturate
+	      Name		      "Saturation3"
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+	      LowerLimit	      "-20000"
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-		PortNumber		3
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+	      List {
+		ListType		AxesTitles
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-	      BlockType		      Outport
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-	    "');\nport_label('output', 1, '^{E}r_o camera', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 2, '\\psi camera', 'texmod"
-	    "e', 'on');\ndisp('OptiTrack Camera System', 'texmode', 'on');"
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-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "Sum4"
-	      DstPort		      1
-	    }
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      10
-	      SrcBlock		      "yaw_noise"
-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      Points		      [35, 0]
-	      DstBlock		      "Sum4"
-	      DstPort		      2
-	    }
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      11
-	      SrcBlock		      "yaw_sampling"
-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "Sum6"
-	      DstPort		      1
-	    }
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      12
-	      SrcBlock		      "Ground2"
-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      Points		      [5, 0]
-	      DstBlock		      "Sum6"
-	      DstPort		      2
-	    }
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      13
-	      SrcBlock		      "yaw"
-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "yaw_sampling"
-	      DstPort		      1
-	    }
-	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      14
-	      SrcBlock		      "E_ro"
-	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "E_ro_sampling"
-	      DstPort		      1
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	Block {
-	  BlockType		  SubSystem
-	  Name			  "3D Graphical Simulation"
-	  SID			  "911"
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-	  Position		  [2005, 1075, 2155, 1135]
-	  ZOrder		  287
-	  Commented		  "on"
-	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
-	  Variant		  off
-	  Object {
-	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
-	    $ObjectID		    38
-	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
-	    Display		    "port_label('input',1,'r_{o}','texmode','on')\nport_label('input',2,'\\Theta','texmode','on')"
-	  }
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-	    Name		    "3D Graphical Simulation"
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-	      BlockType		      Inport
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-	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
-	    }
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-	      BlockType		      BusCreator
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-	      Position		      [600, 76, 610, 154]
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-	      InheritFromInputs	      on
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+	      Save2DSignal	      "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	      FixptAsFi		      on
+	      SampleTime	      "-1"
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-	      BlockType		      BusCreator
-	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator1"
-	      SID		      "915"
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-	      Position		      [630, 191, 640, 269]
-	      ZOrder		      -4
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-	      Inputs		      "3"
-	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
-	      InheritFromInputs	      on
+	      VariableName	      "pitchrate_setpoint_model"
+	      MaxDataPoints	      "inf"
+	      SaveFormat	      "Structure With Time"
+	      Save2DSignal	      "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	      FixptAsFi		      on
+	      SampleTime	      "Tq"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      BusCreator
-	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator2"
-	      SID		      "916"
-	      Ports		      [3, 1]
-	      Position		      [385, 75, 390, 155]
-	      ZOrder		      -5
-	      ShowName		      off
-	      Inputs		      "3"
-	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
-	      InheritFromInputs	      on
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+	      Name		      "To Workspace10"
+	      SID		      "1029"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [650, 135, 770, 165]
+	      ZOrder		      249
+	      VariableName	      "yaw_value_model"
+	      MaxDataPoints	      "inf"
+	      SaveFormat	      "Structure With Time"
+	      Save2DSignal	      "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	      FixptAsFi		      on
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      BusSelector
-	      Name		      "Bus\nSelector"
-	      SID		      "917"
-	      Ports		      [1, 3]
-	      Position		      [500, 77, 505, 153]
-	      ZOrder		      -6
+	      BlockType		      ToWorkspace
+	      Name		      "To Workspace11"
+	      SID		      "1032"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [645, -390, 765, -360]
+	      ZOrder		      252
 	      ShowName		      off
-	      OutputSignals	      "phi,theta,psi"
-	      Port {
-		PortNumber		1
-		Name			"<phi>"
-		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
-		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
-	      }
-	      Port {
-		PortNumber		2
-		Name			"<theta>"
-		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
-		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
-	      }
-	      Port {
-		PortNumber		3
-		Name			"<psi>"
-		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
-		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
-	      }
+	      VariableName	      "y_position_model"
+	      MaxDataPoints	      "inf"
+	      SaveFormat	      "Structure With Time"
+	      Save2DSignal	      "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	      FixptAsFi		      on
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Demux
-	      Name		      "Demux"
-	      SID		      "918"
-	      Ports		      [1, 3]
-	      Position		      [440, 183, 450, 267]
-	      ZOrder		      -7
-	      BackgroundColor	      "black"
+	      BlockType		      ToWorkspace
+	      Name		      "To Workspace12"
+	      SID		      "1033"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [660, -640, 780, -610]
+	      ZOrder		      253
 	      ShowName		      off
-	      Outputs		      "3"
-	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	      VariableName	      "z_position_model"
+	      MaxDataPoints	      "inf"
+	      SaveFormat	      "Structure With Time"
+	      Save2DSignal	      "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	      FixptAsFi		      on
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Demux
-	      Name		      "Demux1"
-	      SID		      "919"
-	      Ports		      [1, 3]
-	      Position		      [290, 75, 295, 155]
-	      ZOrder		      -8
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+	      Name		      "To Workspace2"
+	      SID		      "952"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [1495, -290, 1605, -260]
+	      ZOrder		      176
+	      VariableName	      "x_command_model"
+	      MaxDataPoints	      "inf"
+	      SaveFormat	      "Structure With Time"
+	      Save2DSignal	      "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	      FixptAsFi		      on
+	      SampleTime	      "Tq"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      ToWorkspace
+	      Name		      "To Workspace3"
+	      SID		      "993"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [895, -545, 1005, -515]
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-	      Outputs		      "3"
-	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
-	      Port {
-		PortNumber		1
-		Name			"phi"
-		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
-		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
-	      }
-	      Port {
-		PortNumber		2
-		Name			"theta"
-		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
-		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
-	      }
-	      Port {
-		PortNumber		3
-		Name			"psi"
-		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
-		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
-	      }
+	      VariableName	      "roll_setpoint_model"
+	      MaxDataPoints	      "inf"
+	      SaveFormat	      "Structure With Time"
+	      Save2DSignal	      "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	      FixptAsFi		      on
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
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-	      BlockType		      Gain
-	      Name		      "Gain"
-	      SID		      "920"
-	      Position		      [550, 240, 580, 270]
-	      ZOrder		      -10
-	      Gain		      "-1"
-	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      BlockType		      ToWorkspace
+	      Name		      "To Workspace4"
+	      SID		      "994"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [1150, -545, 1275, -515]
+	      ZOrder		      210
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      VariableName	      "rollrate_setpoint_model"
+	      MaxDataPoints	      "inf"
+	      SaveFormat	      "Structure With Time"
+	      Save2DSignal	      "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	      FixptAsFi		      on
+	      SampleTime	      "Tq"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Gain
-	      Name		      "Gain1"
-	      SID		      "921"
-	      Position		      [670, 208, 710, 252]
-	      ZOrder		      -11
-	      Gain		      "eye(3)*1"
-	      Multiplication	      "Matrix(K*u)"
-	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      BlockType		      ToWorkspace
+	      Name		      "To Workspace5"
+	      SID		      "995"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [1500, -545, 1610, -515]
+	      ZOrder		      211
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+	      VariableName	      "y_command_model"
+	      MaxDataPoints	      "inf"
+	      SaveFormat	      "Structure With Time"
+	      Save2DSignal	      "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	      FixptAsFi		      on
+	      SampleTime	      "Tq"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Gain
-	      Name		      "Gain2"
-	      SID		      "922"
-	      Position		      [550, 190, 580, 220]
-	      ZOrder		      -12
-	      Gain		      "-1"
-	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      BlockType		      ToWorkspace
+	      Name		      "To Workspace6"
+	      SID		      "1000"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [1420, -805, 1530, -775]
+	      ZOrder		      327
+	      VariableName	      "z_command_model"
+	      MaxDataPoints	      "inf"
+	      SaveFormat	      "Structure With Time"
+	      Save2DSignal	      "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	      FixptAsFi		      on
+	      SampleTime	      "Tq"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      ToWorkspace
+	      Name		      "To Workspace7"
+	      SID		      "1025"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [870, -20, 990, 10]
+	      ZOrder		      243
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      VariableName	      "yawrate_setpoint_model"
+	      MaxDataPoints	      "inf"
+	      SaveFormat	      "Structure With Time"
+	      Save2DSignal	      "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	      FixptAsFi		      on
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      ToWorkspace
+	      Name		      "To Workspace8"
+	      SID		      "1026"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [1495, -20, 1605, 10]
+	      ZOrder		      247
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      VariableName	      "yaw_command_model"
+	      MaxDataPoints	      "inf"
+	      SaveFormat	      "Structure With Time"
+	      Save2DSignal	      "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	      FixptAsFi		      on
+	      SampleTime	      "Tq"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      ToWorkspace
+	      Name		      "To Workspace9"
+	      SID		      "1028"
+	      Ports		      [1]
+	      Position		      [650, -135, 770, -105]
+	      ZOrder		      248
+	      ShowName		      off
+	      VariableName	      "x_position_model"
+	      MaxDataPoints	      "inf"
+	      SaveFormat	      "Structure With Time"
+	      Save2DSignal	      "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+	      FixptAsFi		      on
+	      SampleTime	      "Tc"
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      SubSystem
-	      Name		      "MATLAB Function"
-	      SID		      "923"
+	      Name		      "Yaw Controller Input"
+	      SID		      "1187"
 	      Ports		      [1, 1]
-	      Position		      [655, 92, 725, 138]
-	      ZOrder		      5
-	      ErrorFcn		      "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
-	      PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
-	      TreatAsAtomicUnit	      on
+	      Position		      [675, 43, 740, 77]
+	      ZOrder		      293
+	      ForegroundColor	      "magenta"
+	      ShowName		      off
 	      RequestExecContextInheritance off
-	      SFBlockType	      "MATLAB Function"
-	      Variant		      off
+	      Variant		      on
+	      Object {
+		$PropName		"MaskObject"
+		$ObjectID		74
+		$ClassName		"Simulink.Mask"
+		Display			"disp('\\psi_{error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	      }
 	      System {
-		Name			"MATLAB Function"
-		Location		[223, 338, 826, 833]
+		Name			"Yaw Controller Input"
+		Location		[-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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-		  Position		  [20, 101, 40, 119]
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+		  SID			  "1216"
+		  Position		  [50, 158, 80, 172]
+		  ZOrder		  282
 		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
 		Block {
-		  BlockType		  Demux
-		  Name			  " Demux "
-		  SID			  "923::20"
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "Feedback"
+		  SID			  "1188"
 		  Ports			  [1, 1]
-		  Position		  [270, 230, 320, 270]
-		  ZOrder		  11
-		  Outputs		  "1"
+		  Position		  [185, 146, 255, 184]
+		  ZOrder		  276
+		  ShowName		  off
+		  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+		  Variant		  off
+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==0"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    75
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('Feedback', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "Feedback"
+		    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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+		    BlockType		    Inport
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+		    Position		    [105, 103, 135, 117]
+		    ZOrder		    2
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "yaw_error"
+		    SID			    "1190"
+		    Position		    [360, 103, 390, 117]
+		    ZOrder		    -2
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    ZOrder		    2
+		    SrcBlock		    "yaw_error_model"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "yaw_error"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		  }
 		Block {
-		  BlockType		  S-Function
-		  Name			  " SFunction "
-		  SID			  "923::19"
-		  Tag			  "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 11"
-		  Ports			  [1, 2]
-		  Position		  [180, 100, 230, 160]
-		  ZOrder		  10
-		  FunctionName		  "sf_sfun"
-		  PortCounts		  "[1 2]"
-		  SFunctionDeploymentMode off
-		  EnableBusSupport	  on
-		  Port {
-		    PortNumber		    2
-		    Name		    "y"
-		    RTWStorageClass	    "Auto"
-		    DataLoggingNameMode	    "SignalName"
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "yaw error"
+		  SID			  "1094"
+		  Ports			  [0, 1]
+		  Position		  [185, 73, 255, 107]
+		  ZOrder		  281
+		  ShowName		  off
+		  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+		  Variant		  off
+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==1"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    76
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('\\psi_{error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "yaw error"
+		    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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+		    BlockType		    FromWorkspace
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+		    Position		    [20, 18, 85, 42]
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+		    VariableName	    "yaw_error"
+		    SampleTime		    "Tc"
+		    ZeroCross		    on
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "yaw_error"
+		    SID			    "1097"
+		    Position		    [145, 23, 175, 37]
+		    ZOrder		    172
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    ZOrder		    1
+		    SrcBlock		    "From\nWorkspace7"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "yaw_error"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
 		Block {
-		  BlockType		  Terminator
-		  Name			  " Terminator "
-		  SID			  "923::21"
-		  Position		  [460, 241, 480, 259]
-		  ZOrder		  12
+		  BlockType		  Outport
+		  Name			  "yaw_error"
+		  SID			  "1194"
+		  Position		  [410, 123, 440, 137]
+		  ZOrder		  -2
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+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
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+		  Name			  "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd\">\n<htm"
+		  "l><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\np, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n</st"
+		  "yle></head><body style=\" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10px; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n<p style=\""
+		  " margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-h"
+		  "eight:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">1) Add </span><a href=\"matlab://addvsscho"
+		  "iceddg_cb(gcs,'SubSystem')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-decoration: underline; c"
+		  "olor:#0000ff;\">Subsystem</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> or </span><a href=\""
+		  "matlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'ModelReference')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-d"
+		  "ecoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Model</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> "
+		  "blocks as valid variant choices.</span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margi"
+		  "n-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font"
+		  "-size:10px;\">2) You cannot connect blocks at this level. At simulation, connectivity is automatically </span></p>"
+		  "\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-inden"
+		  "t:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">determined, based on the acti"
+		  "ve variant and port name matching.</span></p></body></html>"
+		  Tag			  "VSSAddChoiceText"
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+		  Interpreter		  "rich"
+		  ZOrder		  -1
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
+	      Name		      "Yaw Rate Controller Input"
+	      SID		      "1197"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [940, 43, 1005, 77]
+	      ZOrder		      294
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+	      RequestExecContextInheritance off
+	      Variant		      on
+	      Object {
+		$PropName		"MaskObject"
+		$ObjectID		77
+		$ClassName		"Simulink.Mask"
+		Display			"disp('d\\psi/dt_{error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	      }
+	      System {
+		Name			"Yaw Rate Controller Input"
+		Location		[-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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+		  BlockType		  Inport
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+		  Position		  [85, 158, 115, 172]
+		  ZOrder		  284
+		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "Feedback"
+		  SID			  "1222"
+		  Ports			  [1, 1]
+		  Position		  [185, 146, 255, 184]
+		  ZOrder		  283
+		  ShowName		  off
+		  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+		  Variant		  off
+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==0"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    78
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('Feedback', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "Feedback"
+		    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
+		    Open		    off
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+		    BlockType		    Inport
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+		    Position		    [105, 103, 135, 117]
+		    ZOrder		    2
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "yawrate_error"
+		    SID			    "1224"
+		    Position		    [360, 103, 390, 117]
+		    ZOrder		    -2
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    ZOrder		    1
+		    SrcBlock		    "yawrate_error_model"
+		    SrcPort		    1
+		    DstBlock		    "yawrate_error"
+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		  }
+		}
+		Block {
+		  BlockType		  SubSystem
+		  Name			  "yawrate error"
+		  SID			  "1098"
+		  Ports			  [0, 1]
+		  Position		  [185, 73, 255, 107]
+		  ZOrder		  282
+		  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+		  Variant		  off
+		  VariantControl	  "logAnalysisToggle==1"
+		  Object {
+		    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
+		    $ObjectID		    79
+		    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
+		    Display		    "disp('d\\psi/dt_{error}', 'texmode', 'on');"
+		  }
+		  System {
+		    Name		    "yawrate error"
+		    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
+		    Open		    off
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+		    SampleTime		    "Tq"
+		    ZeroCross		    on
+		    }
+		    Block {
+		    BlockType		    Outport
+		    Name		    "yawrate_error"
+		    SID			    "1101"
+		    Position		    [145, 23, 175, 37]
+		    ZOrder		    172
+		    IconDisplay		    "Port number"
+		    }
+		    Line {
+		    ZOrder		    1
+		    SrcBlock		    "From\nWorkspace8"
+		    SrcPort		    1
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+		    DstPort		    1
+		    }
+		  }
 		Block {
 		  BlockType		  Outport
-		  Name			  "y"
-		  SID			  "923::5"
-		  Position		  [460, 101, 480, 119]
-		  ZOrder		  -5
+		  Name			  "yawrate_error"
+		  SID			  "1204"
+		  Position		  [410, 83, 440, 97]
+		  ZOrder		  -2
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 		  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
-		Line {
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+		Annotation {
+		  SID			  "1206"
+		  Name			  "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd\">\n<htm"
+		  "l><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\np, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n</st"
+		  "yle></head><body style=\" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10px; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n<p style=\""
+		  " margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-h"
+		  "eight:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">1) Add </span><a href=\"matlab://addvsscho"
+		  "iceddg_cb(gcs,'SubSystem')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-decoration: underline; c"
+		  "olor:#0000ff;\">Subsystem</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> or </span><a href=\""
+		  "matlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'ModelReference')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-d"
+		  "ecoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Model</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> "
+		  "blocks as valid variant choices.</span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margi"
+		  "n-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font"
+		  "-size:10px;\">2) You cannot connect blocks at this level. At simulation, connectivity is automatically </span></p>"
+		  "\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-inden"
+		  "t:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">determined, based on the acti"
+		  "ve variant and port name matching.</span></p></body></html>"
+		  Tag			  "VSSAddChoiceText"
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+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "y_controlled"
+	      SID		      "636"
+	      Position		      [1505, -477, 1535, -463]
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+	      Port		      "2"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Outport
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+	      SID		      "637"
+	      Position		      [1500, -217, 1530, -203]
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+	      Port		      "3"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "yaw_controlled"
+	      SID		      "638"
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+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
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+		  Points		  [0, 60]
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+		DstPort			2
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
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+		DstBlock		"Sum4"
+		DstPort			1
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+		DstPort			1
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+		Points			[0, 45]
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+		Points			[0, -65]
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+		Points			[0, -65]
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+		DstPort			1
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+		DstPort			2
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      1764
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+	      SrcPort		      1
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+		DstBlock		"Sum9"
+		DstPort			1
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+	      DstPort		      1
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-	      BlockType		      RateTransition
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-	      OutPortSampleTime	      "0.06"
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-	      BlockType		      RateTransition
-	      Name		      "Rate Transition1"
-	      SID		      "925"
-	      Position		      [735, 210, 770, 250]
-	      ZOrder		      -14
-	      OutPortSampleTime	      "0.06"
+	    Line {
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+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			822
+		Points			[0, 25]
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+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			821
+		DstBlock		"Sum2"
+		DstPort			2
+	      }
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-	      BlockType		      Reference
-	      Name		      "VR Sink"
-	      SID		      "926"
-	      Ports		      [2]
-	      Position		      [865, 76, 1055, 234]
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-	      InstantiateOnLoad	      on
-	      SampleTime	      "-1"
-	      ViewEnable	      on
-	      RemoteChange	      off
-	      RemoteView	      off
-	      FieldsWritten	      "Helicopter.rotation.4.1.1.double#Helicopter.translation.3.1.1.double"
-	      WorldFileName	      "quadrotor_world_ucart.wrl"
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-	      VideoDimensions	      "[]"
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-	      ZOrder		      1
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+		ZOrder			1591
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+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum1"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Yaw Controller Input"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      2
-	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nCreator2"
+	      ZOrder		      1500
+	      SrcBlock		      "Yaw Controller Input"
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nSelector"
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller4"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      3
-	      SrcBlock		      "Demux"
+	      ZOrder		      1190
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum2"
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      Points		      [40, 0; 0, 40; 120, 0]
-	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator1"
-	      DstPort		      3
+	      DstBlock		      "Yaw Rate Controller Input"
+	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      4
-	      SrcBlock		      "Gain"
+	      ZOrder		      1608
+	      SrcBlock		      "Yaw Rate Controller Input"
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      Points		      [5, 0; 0, -25]
-	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator1"
-	      DstPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller1"
+	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      5
-	      SrcBlock		      "Gain2"
+	      ZOrder		      1194
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum5"
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator1"
+	      DstBlock		      "Latitude Controller Input"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      6
-	      SrcBlock		      "Rate Transition1"
+	      ZOrder		      1195
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum3"
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      Points		      [35, 0; 0, -35]
-	      DstBlock		      "VR Sink"
-	      DstPort		      2
+	      DstBlock		      "Pitch Controller Input"
+	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      7
-	      SrcBlock		      "Rate Transition"
+	      ZOrder		      1612
+	      SrcBlock		      "Pitch Controller Input"
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "VR Sink"
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller5"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      8
-	      SrcBlock		      "Demux"
-	      SrcPort		      3
-	      DstBlock		      "Gain"
+	      ZOrder		      1197
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum4"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Pitch Rate Controller Input"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      9
-	      SrcBlock		      "Demux"
-	      SrcPort		      2
-	      Points		      [80, 0]
-	      DstBlock		      "Gain2"
+	      ZOrder		      1610
+	      SrcBlock		      "Pitch Rate Controller Input"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller9"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      10
-	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nCreator1"
+	      ZOrder		      1199
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum11"
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "Gain1"
+	      DstBlock		      "Longitude Controller Input"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      Name		      "<phi>"
-	      ZOrder		      11
-	      Labels		      [0, 0]
-	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nSelector"
+	      ZOrder		      1617
+	      SrcBlock		      "Longitude Controller Input"
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      Points		      [0, -10; 45, 0; 0, 60]
-	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator"
-	      DstPort		      3
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller7"
+	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      Name		      "<psi>"
-	      ZOrder		      12
-	      Labels		      [0, 0]
-	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nSelector"
-	      SrcPort		      3
-	      Points		      [0, -10; 75, 0]
-	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator"
-	      DstPort		      2
+	      ZOrder		      1201
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum9"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Roll Controller Input"
+	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      Name		      "<theta>"
-	      ZOrder		      13
-	      Labels		      [0, 0]
-	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nSelector"
-	      SrcPort		      2
-	      Points		      [30, 0; 0, -25]
-	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator"
+	      ZOrder		      1765
+	      SrcBlock		      "Roll Controller Input"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller2"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      14
-	      SrcBlock		      "Gain1"
+	      ZOrder		      1204
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum10"
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "Rate Transition1"
+	      DstBlock		      "Roll Rate Controller Input"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      Name		      "psi"
-	      ZOrder		      15
-	      Labels		      [0, 0]
-	      SrcBlock		      "Demux1"
-	      SrcPort		      3
-	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator2"
-	      DstPort		      3
+	      ZOrder		      1502
+	      SrcBlock		      "Altitude Controller Input"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller17"
+	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      Name		      "theta"
-	      ZOrder		      16
-	      Labels		      [0, 0]
-	      SrcBlock		      "Demux1"
-	      SrcPort		      2
-	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator2"
-	      DstPort		      2
+	      ZOrder		      1210
+	      SrcBlock		      "Sum7"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "Altitude Controller Input"
+	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      Name		      "phi"
-	      ZOrder		      17
-	      Labels		      [0, 0]
-	      SrcBlock		      "Demux1"
+	      ZOrder		      1763
+	      SrcBlock		      "Roll Rate Controller Input"
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "Bus\nCreator2"
+	      DstBlock		      "PID Controller3"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      18
-	      SrcBlock		      "Euler Angles"
+	      ZOrder		      1762
+	      SrcBlock		      "PID Controller3"
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "Demux1"
+	      Points		      [16, 0]
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			1602
+		Points			[0, -60]
+		DstBlock		"To Workspace5"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	      Branch {
+		ZOrder			1601
+		DstBlock		"Saturation2"
+		DstPort			1
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Line {
+	      ZOrder		      1701
+	      SrcBlock		      "Saturation2"
+	      SrcPort		      1
+	      DstBlock		      "y_controlled"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      19
-	      SrcBlock		      "Bus\nCreator"
+	      ZOrder		      1716
+	      SrcBlock		      "Saturation1"
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "MATLAB Function"
+	      DstBlock		      "x_controlled"
 	      DstPort		      1
 	    Line {
-	      ZOrder		      20
-	      SrcBlock		      "MATLAB Function"
+	      ZOrder		      1768
+	      SrcBlock		      "Saturation"
 	      SrcPort		      1
-	      DstBlock		      "Rate Transition"
+	      DstBlock		      "yaw_controlled"
 	      DstPort		      1
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Reference
+	  Name			  "Counter\nFree-Running"
+	  SID			  "899"
+	  Ports			  [0, 1]
+	  Position		  [275, 955, 305, 985]
+	  ZOrder		  59
+	  LibraryVersion	  "1.388"
+	  SourceBlock		  "simulink/Sources/Counter\nFree-Running"
+	  SourceType		  "Counter Free-Running"
+	  ContentPreviewEnabled	  off
+	  NumBits		  "32"
+	  tsamp			  "Tc"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux"
+	  SID			  "586"
+	  Ports			  [1, 4]
+	  Position		  [300, 319, 305, 416]
+	  ZOrder		  13
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux1"
+	  SID			  "639"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [300, 494, 305, 566]
+	  ZOrder		  32
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux2"
+	  SID			  "588"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [285, 419, 290, 491]
+	  ZOrder		  15
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux3"
+	  SID			  "1422"
+	  Ports			  [1, 4]
+	  Position		  [1650, 511, 1655, 549]
+	  ZOrder		  321
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	}
+	Block {
+	  BlockType		  Demux
+	  Name			  "Demux4"
+	  SID			  "640"
+	  Ports			  [1, 3]
+	  Position		  [275, 569, 280, 641]
+	  ZOrder		  33
+	  ShowName		  off
+	  Outputs		  "3"
+	  DisplayOption		  "bar"
+	}
 	Block {
 	  BlockType		  SubSystem
-	  Name			  "3D Graphical Simulation1"
-	  SID			  "936"
-	  Ports			  [2]
-	  Position		  [2635, 815, 2785, 875]
-	  ZOrder		  290
+	  Name			  "MATLAB Function1"
+	  SID			  "887"
+	  Ports			  [15, 6]
+	  Position		  [390, 687, 530, 1013]
+	  ZOrder		  47
+	  Commented		  "on"
+	  ErrorFcn		  "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+	  PermitHierarchicalResolution "ParametersOnly"
+	  TreatAsAtomicUnit	  on
+	  SystemSampleTime	  "Tq"
 	  RequestExecContextInheritance	off
+	  SFBlockType		  "MATLAB Function"
 	  Variant		  off
 	  Object {
 	    $PropName		    "MaskObject"
-	    $ObjectID		    39
+	    $ObjectID		    80
 	    $ClassName		    "Simulink.Mask"
-	    Display		    "port_label('input',1, '\\Theta','texmode','on')\nport_label('input',2,'r_{o}','texmode','on')"
+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, '^{E}r_{x,setpoint}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, '^{E}r_{y,se"
+	    "tpoint}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 3, '^{E}r_{z,setpoint}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', "
+	    "4, '\\psi_{setpoint}', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 5, '^{E}r_x', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input'"
+	    ", 6, '^{E}r_y', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 7, '^{E}r_z', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 8, '\\"
+	    "phi', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 9, '\\theta', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 10, '\\psi', 't"
+	    "exmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 11, 'd\\phi/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 12, 'd\\theta/dt', '"
+	    "texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 13, 'd\\psi/dt', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 14, 'VRPN ID', 'tex"
+	    "mode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 15, '\\tau_c', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, 'u_T', 'texmode', 'o"
+	    "n');\nport_label('output', 2, 'u_A', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 3, 'u_E', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_la"
+	    "bel('output', 4, 'u_R', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 5, 'PID y out', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('ou"
+	    "tput', 6, 'PID roll out', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('C Controller', 'texmode', 'on');"
 	  System {
-	    Name		    "3D Graphical Simulation1"
-	    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
+	    Name		    "MATLAB Function1"
+	    Location		    [223, 338, 826, 833]
 	    Open		    off
 	    ModelBrowserVisibility  off
 	    ModelBrowserWidth	    200
@@ -5281,687 +12455,647 @@ Model {
 	    TiledPaperMargins	    [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000]
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-	    ZoomFactor		    "80"
+	    ZoomFactor		    "100"
+	    SIDHighWatermark	    "41"
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Inport
-	      Name		      "Euler Angles\n"
-	      SID		      "937"
-	      Position		      [180, 108, 210, 122]
+	      Name		      "set_x"
+	      SID		      "887::1"
+	      Position		      [20, 101, 40, 119]
 	      ZOrder		      -1
 	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Inport
-	      Name		      "Displacement"
-	      SID		      "938"
-	      Position		      [180, 218, 210, 232]
-	      ZOrder		      -2
+	      Name		      "set_y"
+	      SID		      "887::22"
+	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      13
 	      Port		      "2"
 	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      BusCreator
-	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator"
-	      SID		      "939"
-	      Ports		      [3, 1]
-	      Position		      [600, 76, 610, 154]
-	      ZOrder		      -3
-	      ShowName		      off
-	      Inputs		      "3"
-	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
-	      InheritFromInputs	      on
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "set_z"
+	      SID		      "887::23"
+	      Position		      [20, 171, 40, 189]
+	      ZOrder		      14
+	      Port		      "3"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      BusCreator
-	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator1"
-	      SID		      "940"
-	      Ports		      [3, 1]
-	      Position		      [630, 191, 640, 269]
-	      ZOrder		      -4
-	      ShowName		      off
-	      Inputs		      "3"
-	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
-	      InheritFromInputs	      on
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "set_yaw"
+	      SID		      "887::24"
+	      Position		      [20, 206, 40, 224]
+	      ZOrder		      15
+	      Port		      "4"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      BusCreator
-	      Name		      "Bus\nCreator2"
-	      SID		      "941"
-	      Ports		      [3, 1]
-	      Position		      [385, 75, 390, 155]
-	      ZOrder		      -5
-	      ShowName		      off
-	      Inputs		      "3"
-	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
-	      InheritFromInputs	      on
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "cur_x"
+	      SID		      "887::25"
+	      Position		      [20, 246, 40, 264]
+	      ZOrder		      16
+	      Port		      "5"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      BusSelector
-	      Name		      "Bus\nSelector"
-	      SID		      "942"
-	      Ports		      [1, 3]
-	      Position		      [500, 77, 505, 153]
-	      ZOrder		      -6
-	      ShowName		      off
-	      OutputSignals	      "phi,theta,psi"
-	      Port {
-		PortNumber		1
-		Name			"<phi>"
-		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
-		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
-	      }
-	      Port {
-		PortNumber		2
-		Name			"<theta>"
-		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
-		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
-	      }
-	      Port {
-		PortNumber		3
-		Name			"<psi>"
-		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
-		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
-	      }
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "cur_y"
+	      SID		      "887::26"
+	      Position		      [20, 281, 40, 299]
+	      ZOrder		      17
+	      Port		      "6"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Demux
-	      Name		      "Demux"
-	      SID		      "943"
-	      Ports		      [1, 3]
-	      Position		      [440, 183, 450, 267]
-	      ZOrder		      -7
-	      BackgroundColor	      "black"
-	      ShowName		      off
-	      Outputs		      "3"
-	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "cur_z"
+	      SID		      "887::27"
+	      Position		      [20, 316, 40, 334]
+	      ZOrder		      18
+	      Port		      "7"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "cur_phi"
+	      SID		      "887::28"
+	      Position		      [20, 351, 40, 369]
+	      ZOrder		      19
+	      Port		      "8"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "cur_theta"
+	      SID		      "887::29"
+	      Position		      [20, 386, 40, 404]
+	      ZOrder		      20
+	      Port		      "9"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "cur_psi"
+	      SID		      "887::30"
+	      Position		      [20, 426, 40, 444]
+	      ZOrder		      21
+	      Port		      "10"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "cur_phi_d"
+	      SID		      "887::31"
+	      Position		      [20, 461, 40, 479]
+	      ZOrder		      22
+	      Port		      "11"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "cur_theta_d"
+	      SID		      "887::32"
+	      Position		      [20, 496, 40, 514]
+	      ZOrder		      23
+	      Port		      "12"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "cur_psi_d"
+	      SID		      "887::33"
+	      Position		      [20, 531, 40, 549]
+	      ZOrder		      24
+	      Port		      "13"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "vrpn_id"
+	      SID		      "887::37"
+	      Position		      [20, 566, 40, 584]
+	      ZOrder		      28
+	      Port		      "14"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "Tc"
+	      SID		      "887::41"
+	      Position		      [20, 606, 40, 624]
+	      ZOrder		      31
+	      Port		      "15"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
 	    Block {
 	      BlockType		      Demux
-	      Name		      "Demux1"
-	      SID		      "944"
-	      Ports		      [1, 3]
-	      Position		      [290, 75, 295, 155]
-	      ZOrder		      -8
-	      ShowName		      off
-	      Outputs		      "3"
-	      DisplayOption	      "bar"
+	      Name		      " Demux "
+	      SID		      "887::20"
+	      Ports		      [1, 1]
+	      Position		      [270, 350, 320, 390]
+	      ZOrder		      11
+	      Outputs		      "1"
+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
+	      Name		      " SFunction "
+	      SID		      "887::19"
+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 15"
+	      Ports		      [15, 7]
+	      Position		      [180, 110, 230, 430]
+	      ZOrder		      10
+	      FunctionName	      "sf_sfun"
+	      PortCounts	      "[15 7]"
+	      SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+	      EnableBusSupport	      on
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"z_corr"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
 	      Port {
-		PortNumber		1
-		Name			"phi"
+		PortNumber		3
+		Name			"y_cor"
 		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
 		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
 	      Port {
-		PortNumber		2
-		Name			"theta"
+		PortNumber		4
+		Name			"x_corr"
 		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
 		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
 	      Port {
-		PortNumber		3
-		Name			"psi"
+		PortNumber		5
+		Name			"yaw_corr"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		6
+		Name			"pid_y_out"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		7
+		Name			"pid_roll_out"
 		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
 		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Gain
-	      Name		      "Gain"
-	      SID		      "945"
-	      Position		      [550, 240, 580, 270]
-	      ZOrder		      -10
-	      Gain		      "-1"
-	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      BlockType		      Terminator
+	      Name		      " Terminator "
+	      SID		      "887::21"
+	      Position		      [460, 361, 480, 379]
+	      ZOrder		      12
 	    Block {
-	      BlockType		      Gain
-	      Name		      "Gain1"
-	      SID		      "946"
-	      Position		      [670, 208, 710, 252]
-	      ZOrder		      -11
-	      Gain		      "eye(3)*1"
-	      Multiplication	      "Matrix(K*u)"
-	      ParamDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
-	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
+	      BlockType		      Outport
+	      Name		      "z_corr"
+	      SID		      "887::5"
+	      Position		      [460, 101, 480, 119]
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-	      OutDataTypeStr	      "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
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-		Name			"MATLAB Function"
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-		  Position		  [270, 230, 320, 270]
-		  ZOrder		  11
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-		}
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-		  BlockType		  S-Function
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-		  SID			  "948::19"
-		  Tag			  "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 3"
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-		  Position		  [180, 100, 230, 160]
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-		    PortNumber		    2
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-		  }
-		}
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-	      ZOrder		      22
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-	  BlockType		  Reference
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-	  BlockType		  Reference
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-	  SourceType		  "First-Order Hold"
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-	  BlockType		  Mux
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-	  ZOrder		  301
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+		$PropName		"MaskObject"
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+	      }
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+	      "\n<html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\np, li { white-space: pre-wrap"
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+	      "nt:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">1) Add </span><a href=\"m"
+	      "atlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'SubSystem')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px; text-deco"
+	      "ration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Subsystem</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;"
+	      "\"> or </span><a href=\"matlab://addvsschoiceddg_cb(gcs,'ModelReference')\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helveti"
+	      "ca'; font-size:10px; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\">Model</span></a><span style=\" font-family:'H"
+	      "elvetica'; font-size:10px;\"> blocks as valid variant choices.</span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-b"
+	      "ottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span st"
+	      "yle=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; font-size:10px;\">2) You cannot connect blocks at this level. At simulation, co"
+	      "nnectivity is automatically </span></p>\n<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin"
+	      "-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%;\"><span style=\" font-family:'Helvetica'; fo"
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@@ -5981,6 +13115,9 @@ Model {
 	  List {
 	    ListType		    AxesTitles
 	    axes1		    "%<SignalLabel>"
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+	    axes3		    "%<SignalLabel>"
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+	    Display		    "port_label('input', 1, 'u_T', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 2, 'u_A', 'texmode', 'on');\np"
+	    "ort_label('input', 3, 'u_E', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('input', 4, 'u_R', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('outp"
+	    "ut', 1, 'P', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Signal Mixer', 'texmode', 'on');"
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+	      Position		      [20, 136, 40, 154]
+	      ZOrder		      14
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+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
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+	      BlockType		      Inport
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+	      Port		      "3"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Inport
+	      Name		      "yaw_controlled"
+	      SID		      "647::24"
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+	      Port		      "4"
+	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Demux
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+	      Position		      [270, 230, 320, 270]
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+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      S-Function
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+	      Tag		      "Stateflow S-Function Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A 14"
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+	      Port {
+		PortNumber		2
+		Name			"P"
+		RTWStorageClass		"Auto"
+		DataLoggingNameMode	"SignalName"
+	      }
+	    }
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+	      BlockType		      Terminator
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-	  BlockType		  S-Function
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-	  Ports			  []
-	  Position		  [2033, 1185, 2120, 1216]
-	  ZOrder		  288
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+	}
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+	  SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+	}
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+	  BlockType		  Sum
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+	  SID			  "750"
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+	  Inputs		  "|++"
+	  InputSameDT		  off
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+	  BlockType		  Sum
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+	  SID			  "751"
+	  Ports			  [2, 1]
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+	  Inputs		  "|++"
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+	  SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+	}
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+	  BlockType		  SubSystem
+	  Name			  "Throttle Command Input"
+	  SID			  "1278"
+	  Ports			  [1, 1]
+	  Position		  [740, 337, 895, 383]
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-	      $ClassName	      "Simulink.MaskParameter"
-	      Type		      "edit"
-	      Name		      "x"
-	      Prompt		      "Time Scaling Factor"
-	      Value		      "1"
+	    Display		    "disp('Throttle Command', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	  }
+	  System {
+	    Name		    "Throttle Command Input"
+	    Location		    [-8, -8, 1928, 1048]
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+	    }
+	    Block {
+	      BlockType		      SubSystem
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+	      Object {
+		$PropName		"MaskObject"
+		$ObjectID		86
+		$ClassName		"Simulink.Mask"
+		Display			"disp('Throttle Command from Model', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	      }
+	      System {
+		Name			"Feedback"
+		Location		[-7, -7, 1288, 688]
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+		  ZOrder		  -2
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+		}
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+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    Block {
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+		$PropName		"MaskObject"
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+		Display			"disp('Throttle Command', 'texmode', 'on');"
+	      }
+	      System {
+		Name			"Throttle Command"
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-	"de', 'on');\nport_label('output', 1, 'Rotor 1 Duty Cycle', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 2, 'Rotor 2 Duty C"
-	"ycle', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 3, 'Rotor 3 Duty Cycle', 'texmode', 'on');\nport_label('output', 4, 'R"
-	"otor 4 Duty Cycle', 'texmode', 'on');\ndisp('Control System', 'texmode', 'on');"
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+    }
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+#Finite State Machines
+#   Stateflow 80000010
+Stateflow {
+  machine {
+    id			    1
+    name		    "Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A"
+    created		    "03-Nov-2016 18:34:53"
+    isLibrary		    0
+    sfVersion		    80000006
+    firstTarget		    197
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    2
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Gravity\n\n"
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+      name		      "gravity"
+    }
+    firstData		    4
+    firstTransition	    8
+    firstJunction	    7
+  }
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+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function E_Fg = gravity(m, g)\n\nE_Fg = [0; 0; m*g];\n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    4
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "E_Fg"
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+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
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+	size			"-1"
+      }
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+  }
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+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
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+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
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+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    9
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Gravity\n\n"
+    chart		    2
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    10
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
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+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
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+    eml {
+      name		      "linear_body_earth_conversion"
+    }
+    firstData		    12
+    firstTransition	    16
+    firstJunction	    15
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    11
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    10
+    treeNode		    [10 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    10
+    ssIdNumber		    1
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+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function E_ro  = linear_body_earth_conversion(B_vo, euler_angles)\n\neuler_rates = zeros(3,1);\nE"
+      "_ro = zeros(3,1);\n\nphi = euler_angles(1);\ntheta = euler_angles(2);\npsi = euler_angles(3);\n\nLeb = [cos(thet"
+      "a)*cos(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)-cos(phi)*sin(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)+sin(phi)*sin(psi); ..."
+      "\n       cos(theta)*sin(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)+cos(phi)*cos(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)-sin(p"
+      "hi)*cos(psi); ...\n           -sin(theta)    ,                sin(phi)*cos(theta)            ,                 c"
+      "os(phi)*cos(theta)           ];\n\nE_ro = Leb * B_vo;"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    12
+    ssIdNumber		    7
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+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
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+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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+  }
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+    id			    13
+    ssIdNumber		    11
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+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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+      }
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-    Line {
-      ZOrder		      180
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+    linkNode		    [10 12 14]
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+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
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+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
-    Line {
-      ZOrder		      187
-      SrcBlock		      "                  \n"
-      SrcPort		      3
-      DstBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-      DstPort		      3
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+      id		      15
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
-    Line {
-      ZOrder		      188
-      SrcBlock		      "                  \n"
-      SrcPort		      4
-      DstBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-      DstPort		      4
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    10
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    10
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
-    Line {
-      ZOrder		      227
-      SrcBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-      SrcPort		      1
-      DstBlock		      "        "
-      DstPort		      1
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+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [10 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    17
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    chart		    10
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    18
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /3D Graphical Simulation1/MATLAB Function"
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+    eml {
+      name		      "eigenaxis_ucart"
-    Line {
-      ZOrder		      229
-      SrcBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-      SrcPort		      2
-      DstBlock		      "        "
-      DstPort		      2
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+    firstTransition	    23
+    firstJunction	    22
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    19
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    18
+    treeNode		    [18 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    18
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function y = eigenaxis_ucart(u)\n\n\nif abs(u(1))< 0.0001\n    u(1) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nif abs(u(2)"
+      ")< 0.0001\n    u(2) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nif abs(u(3))< 0.0001\n    u(3) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nu = [ -u(1); -u(2); u(3) "
+      "];% [Pitch, Yaw, Roll] \n\nC11 = cos(u(2))*cos(u(3));\nC12 = cos(u(2))*sin(u(3));\nC13 = -sin(u(2));\nC21 = sin("
+      "u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))-cos(u(1))*sin(u(3));\nC22 = sin(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u(3))+cos(u(1))*cos(u(3));\nC23 = "
+      "sin(u(1))*cos(u(2));\nC31 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))+sin(u(1))*sin(u(3));\nC32 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u("
+      "3))-sin(u(1))*cos(u(3));\nC33 = cos(u(1))*cos(u(2));\n    \ntheta = acos(0.5*(C11+C22+C33-1));\n\ne = [C23-C32; "
+      "C31-C13; C12-C21]/(2*sin(theta));\n    \ny = [e; theta];\n\n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
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+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
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-      SrcBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
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+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
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-      ZOrder		      232
-      SrcBlock		      "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-      SrcPort		      6
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-      DstPort		      6
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+      id		      22
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+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
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-#Finite State Machines
-#   Stateflow 80000010
-Stateflow {
-  machine {
-    id			    1
-    name		    "Quadcopter_Model_R2015_A"
-    created		    "27-Oct-2016 22:17:19"
-    isLibrary		    0
-    sfVersion		    80000006
-    firstTarget		    139
+  instance {
+    id			    24
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /3D Graphical Simulation1/MATLAB Function"
+    chart		    18
   chart {
-    id			    2
+    id			    25
     machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n"
+    name		    "Actuation/ESC System"
     windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
     viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
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     type		    EML_CHART
-    chartFileNumber	    1
+    chartFileNumber	    4
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     eml {
-      name		      "gravity"
+      name		      "ESC"
-    firstData		    4
-    firstTransition	    8
-    firstJunction	    7
+    firstData		    27
+    firstTransition	    33
+    firstJunction	    32
   state {
-    id			    3
+    id			    26
     labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
     position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
     fontSize		    12
-    chart		    2
-    treeNode		    [2 0 0 0]
+    chart		    25
+    treeNode		    [25 0 0 0]
     superState		    SUBCHART
-    subviewer		    2
+    subviewer		    25
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     type		    FUNC_STATE
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
     eml {
       isEML		      1
-      script		      "function E_Fg = gravity(  m, g)\n\nE_Fg = [0; 0; m*g];\n"
+      script		      "function Vb_eff   = ESC(P, Pmin, Pmax, Vb)\n\nP1 = P(1);\nP2 = P(2);\nP3 = P(3);\nP4 = P(4);\n\n%"
+      " Define u_Pi for each of the rotors, limiting it to be greater than 0\n% u_P0 = (rotor_0_duty_cycle/100 - Pmin) "
+      "/ (Pmax - Pmin);\n% u_P1 = (rotor_1_duty_cycle/100 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\n% u_P2 = (rotor_2_duty_cycle/100 - "
+      "Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\n% u_P3 = (rotor_3_duty_cycle/100 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\nu_P0 = (P1 - Pmin) / (Pmax - "
+      "Pmin);\nu_P1 = (P2 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\nu_P2 = (P3 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\nu_P3 = (P4 - Pmin) / (Pmax - P"
+      "min);\n\n\n% Determine the effective battery voltage from each ESC\nVb_eff_0 = u_P0 * Vb;\nVb_eff_1 = u_P1 * Vb;"
+      "\nVb_eff_2 = u_P2 * Vb;\nVb_eff_3 = u_P3 * Vb;\n    \nVb_eff = [Vb_eff_0, Vb_eff_1, Vb_eff_2, Vb_eff_3];\n"
       editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
   data {
-    id			    4
+    id			    27
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "P"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [25 0 28]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    28
     ssIdNumber		    5
-    name		    "E_Fg"
+    name		    "Vb_eff"
     scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
-	size			"-1"
+	size			"1,4"
       type {
@@ -6716,12 +14497,12 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [2 0 5]
+    linkNode		    [25 27 29]
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-    id			    5
-    ssIdNumber		    6
-    name		    "m"
+    id			    29
+    ssIdNumber		    16
+    name		    "Pmin"
     scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
     paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 1
     machine		    1
@@ -6739,12 +14520,12 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [2 4 6]
+    linkNode		    [25 28 30]
   data {
-    id			    6
-    ssIdNumber		    7
-    name		    "g"
+    id			    30
+    ssIdNumber		    17
+    name		    "Pmax"
     scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -6761,19 +14542,42 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [2 5 0]
+    linkNode		    [25 29 31]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    31
+    ssIdNumber		    18
+    name		    "Vb"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 2
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [25 30 0]
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-    id			    7
+    id			    32
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+    chart		    25
+    subviewer		    25
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+    linkNode		    [25 0 0]
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+    id			    33
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     labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
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@@ -6781,75 +14585,96 @@ Stateflow {
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+      id		      32
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+    chart		    25
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+    subviewer		    25
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     slide {
       sticky		      BOTH_STICK
     executionOrder	    1
     ssIdNumber		    2
-    linkNode		    [2 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [25 0 0]
   instance {
-    id			    9
+    id			    34
     machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n"
-    chart		    2
+    name		    "Actuation/ESC System"
+    chart		    25
   chart {
-    id			    10
+    id			    35
     machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    name		    "Actuation/Motor System"
     windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
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-      name		      "linear_body_earth_conversion"
+      name		      "motor"
-    firstData		    12
-    firstTransition	    16
-    firstJunction	    15
+    firstData		    37
+    firstTransition	    47
+    firstJunction	    46
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-    id			    11
+    id			    36
     labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
     position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
     fontSize		    12
-    chart		    10
-    treeNode		    [10 0 0 0]
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+    treeNode		    [35 0 0 0]
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     type		    FUNC_STATE
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
     eml {
       isEML		      1
-      script		      "function E_ro  = linear_body_earth_conversion(B_vo, euler_angles)\n\neuler_rates = zeros(3,1);\nE"
-      "_ro = zeros(3,1);\n\nphi = euler_angles(1);\ntheta = euler_angles(2);\npsi = euler_angles(3);\n\nLeb = [cos(thet"
-      "a)*cos(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)-cos(phi)*sin(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)+sin(phi)*sin(psi); ..."
-      "\n       cos(theta)*sin(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)+cos(phi)*cos(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)-sin(p"
-      "hi)*cos(psi); ...\n           -sin(theta)    ,                sin(phi)*cos(theta)            ,                 c"
-      "os(phi)*cos(theta)           ];\n\nE_ro = Leb * B_vo;"
+      script		      "function w_dot = motor(Vb_eff, w, Rm, Kv, Kq, Kd, If, Jreq)\n\n% Define each motors effective bat"
+      "tery voltage\nVb_eff_0 = Vb_eff(1);\nVb_eff_1 = Vb_eff(2);\nVb_eff_2 = Vb_eff(3);\nVb_eff_3 = Vb_eff(4);\n\n% De"
+      "termine the angular velocity of each rotor from feedback\nw_0 = w(1);\nw_1 = w(2);\nw_2 = w(3);\nw_3 = w(4);\n\n"
+      "% Determine angular acceleration of each rotor\nw_0_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_0 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_0 - "
+      "1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_0^2;\nw_1_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_1 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_1 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)"
+      "*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_1^2;\nw_2_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_2 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_2 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/J"
+      "req) * w_2^2;\nw_3_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_3 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_3 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_3^"
+      "2;\n\nw_dot = [w_0_dot, w_1_dot, w_2_dot, w_3_dot];  "
       editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
   data {
-    id			    12
-    ssIdNumber		    7
-    name		    "B_vo"
+    id			    37
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "Vb_eff"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 0 38]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    38
+    ssIdNumber		    16
+    name		    "w"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -6866,13 +14691,127 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [10 0 13]
+    linkNode		    [35 37 39]
   data {
-    id			    13
+    id			    39
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "w_dot"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"1,4"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 38 40]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    40
+    ssIdNumber		    9
+    name		    "Rm"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 5
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 39 41]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    41
+    ssIdNumber		    10
+    name		    "Kv"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 4
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 40 42]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    42
     ssIdNumber		    11
-    name		    "euler_angles"
-    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    name		    "Kq"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 3
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 41 43]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    43
+    ssIdNumber		    12
+    name		    "Kd"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 2
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [35 42 44]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    44
+    ssIdNumber		    13
+    name		    "If"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -6888,13 +14827,14 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [10 12 14]
+    linkNode		    [35 43 45]
   data {
-    id			    14
-    ssIdNumber		    9
-    name		    "E_ro"
-    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    id			    45
+    ssIdNumber		    14
+    name		    "Jreq"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 1
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -6907,22 +14847,22 @@ Stateflow {
 	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [10 13 0]
+    linkNode		    [35 44 0]
   junction {
-    id			    15
+    id			    46
     position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
-    chart		    10
-    subviewer		    10
+    chart		    35
+    subviewer		    35
     ssIdNumber		    3
-    linkNode		    [10 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [35 0 0]
   transition {
-    id			    16
+    id			    47
     labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
     labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
     fontSize		    12
@@ -6930,77 +14870,99 @@ Stateflow {
       intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
     dst {
-      id		      15
+      id		      46
       intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
     midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
-    chart		    10
+    chart		    35
     dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
-    subviewer		    10
+    subviewer		    35
     drawStyle		    SMART
     slide {
       sticky		      BOTH_STICK
     executionOrder	    1
     ssIdNumber		    2
-    linkNode		    [10 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [35 0 0]
   instance {
-    id			    17
+    id			    48
     machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-    chart		    10
+    name		    "Actuation/Motor System"
+    chart		    35
   chart {
-    id			    18
+    id			    49
     machine		    1
-    name		    "        /3D Graphical Simulation1/MATLAB Function"
+    name		    "Actuation/Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
     windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
     viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
     screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
-    treeNode		    [0 19 0 0]
-    viewObj		    18
-    ssIdHighWaterMark	    5
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+    viewObj		    49
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    31
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     type		    EML_CHART
-    chartFileNumber	    3
+    chartFileNumber	    6
     disableImplicitCasting  1
     eml {
-      name		      "eigenaxis_ucart"
+      name		      "rotor"
-    firstData		    20
-    firstTransition	    23
-    firstJunction	    22
+    firstData		    51
+    firstTransition	    69
+    firstJunction	    68
   state {
-    id			    19
+    id			    50
     labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
     position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
     fontSize		    12
-    chart		    18
-    treeNode		    [18 0 0 0]
+    chart		    49
+    treeNode		    [49 0 0 0]
     superState		    SUBCHART
-    subviewer		    18
+    subviewer		    49
     ssIdNumber		    1
     type		    FUNC_STATE
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
     eml {
       isEML		      1
-      script		      "function y = eigenaxis_ucart(u)\n\n\nif abs(u(1))< 0.0001\n    u(1) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nif abs(u(2)"
-      ")< 0.0001\n    u(2) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nif abs(u(3))< 0.0001\n    u(3) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nu = [ -u(1); -u(2); u(3) "
-      "];% [Pitch, Yaw, Roll] \n\nC11 = cos(u(2))*cos(u(3));\nC12 = cos(u(2))*sin(u(3));\nC13 = -sin(u(2));\nC21 = sin("
-      "u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))-cos(u(1))*sin(u(3));\nC22 = sin(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u(3))+cos(u(1))*cos(u(3));\nC23 = "
-      "sin(u(1))*cos(u(2));\nC31 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))+sin(u(1))*sin(u(3));\nC32 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u("
-      "3))-sin(u(1))*cos(u(3));\nC33 = cos(u(1))*cos(u(2));\n    \ntheta = acos(0.5*(C11+C22+C33-1));\n\ne = [C23-C32; "
-      "C31-C13; C12-C21]/(2*sin(theta));\n    \ny = [e; theta];\n\n"
+      script		      "function [B_omega_dot, B_vo_dot]= rotor(w_dot, w, B_Fg, B_omega, B_vo, m, Kt, Kd, rhx, rhy, rhz, "
+      "Jreq, Jxx, Jyy, Jzz)\n\n% Create J vector\nJ = [Jxx,  0 ,  0 ; ...\n      0 , Jyy,  0 ; ...\n      0 ,  0 , Jzz;"
+      "];\n\n% Create r_hi vector\nrh_0 = [-rhx; rhy; -rhz];\nrh_1 = [rhx; rhy; -rhz];\nrh_2 = [-rhx; -rhy; -rhz];\nrh_"
+      "3 = [rhx; -rhy; -rhz];\n\n% Define vector from body frame origin to center of mass\nbr_oc = [0; 0; 0];\n\n% Defi"
+      "ne 3x3 Identity Matrix\nI = eye(3);\n\n% Create gamma vectors\ngamma_Ti = [0; 0; -1];\ngamma_omega_03 = [0; 0; 1"
+      "];  %Rotors 0 and 3 use this gamma_omega vector\ngamma_omega_12 = [0; 0; -1]; %Rotors 1 and 2 use this gamma_ome"
+      "ga vector\n\n% Define angular velocities for each rotor\nw_0 = w(1);\nw_1 = w(2);\nw_2 = w(3);\nw_3 = w(4);\n\n%"
+      " Define angular acceleration for each rotor\nw_0_dot = w_dot(1);\nw_1_dot = w_dot(2);\nw_2_dot = w_dot(3);\nw_3_"
+      "dot = w_dot(4);\n\n% Define the rotor force in the z-direction from each rotor\nB_Fr_0 = Kt * w_0 * w_0 * gamma_"
+      "Ti;\nB_Fr_1 = Kt * w_1 * w_1 * gamma_Ti;\nB_Fr_2 = Kt * w_2 * w_2 * gamma_Ti;\nB_Fr_3 = Kt * w_3 * w_3 * gamma_T"
+      "i;\n\n% Sum up the rotor forces in the z-direction from each vector to get the\n% total body force in the z-dire"
+      "ction\nB_Fr = B_Fr_0 + B_Fr_1 + B_Fr_2 + B_Fr_3;\n\n% Define the in-plane drag and induced torque produced by ea"
+      "ch rotor\n B_Q_d0 = -1 * Kd * w_0 * w_0 * gamma_omega_03;\n B_Q_d1 = -1 * Kd * w_1 * w_1 * gamma_omega_12;\n B_Q"
+      "_d2 = -1 * Kd * w_2 * w_2 * gamma_omega_12;\n B_Q_d3 = -1 * Kd * w_3 * w_3 * gamma_omega_03;\n\n% Sum up the tot"
+      "al in-plane drag and induced torque to get the total\n% in-plane drag and induced torque on the body\nB_Q_d = B_"
+      "Q_d0 + B_Q_d1 + B_Q_d2 + B_Q_d3;\n\n% Define the force lever arm torque created from the force produced by each\n"
+      "% rotor in the z-direction\nB_Q_F0 = cross( rh_0, B_Fr_0 );\nB_Q_F1 = cross( rh_1, B_Fr_1 );\nB_Q_F2 = cross( rh"
+      "_2, B_Fr_2 );\nB_Q_F3 = cross( rh_3, B_Fr_3 );\n\nB_Q_F = B_Q_F0 + B_Q_F1 + B_Q_F2 + B_Q_F3;\n\n%Define the chan"
+      "ge in angular momentum torque produced by each rotor \nB_Q_L0 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_0 * gamma_omega_0"
+      "3) + w_0_dot * gamma_omega_03 );\nB_Q_L1 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_1 * gamma_omega_12) + w_1_dot * gamma_"
+      "omega_12 ); \nB_Q_L2 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_2 * gamma_omega_12) + w_2_dot * gamma_omega_12 ); \nB_Q_L3"
+      " = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_3 * gamma_omega_03) + w_3_dot * gamma_omega_03 );\n\n% Sum up the total change"
+      " in angular momentum torque produced by each rotor\nB_Q_L = B_Q_L0 + B_Q_L1 + B_Q_L2 + B_Q_L3;\n\n% Define the t"
+      "otal rotor system torque as the sum of the in-plane drag and\n% induced torque, force lever arm torque, and chan"
+      "ge in angular momentum\n% torques\nB_Q = B_Q_d + B_Q_F + B_Q_L;\n\n% Define the body forces in the z-direction f"
+      "rom each vector to get the\n% total body force in the z-direction\nB_F = B_Fr + B_Fg; \n\n% Define the body fram"
+      "e linear velocities\nB_vo_dot = (m*I)^(-1) * ( B_F - cross( B_omega, m*(B_vo + cross(B_omega, br_oc)) ) );\n\n% "
+      "Define the body frame angular velocities\nB_omega_dot = J ^(-1) * ( B_Q - cross(B_omega, J * B_omega) - cross(br"
+      "_oc, B_F) );\n\n"
       editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
   data {
-    id			    20
-    ssIdNumber		    4
-    name		    "u"
-    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    id			    51
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "B_omega_dot"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7009,17 +14971,20 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
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     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
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+    linkNode		    [49 0 52]
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-    id			    21
-    ssIdNumber		    5
-    name		    "y"
-    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    id			    52
+    ssIdNumber		    10
+    name		    "w_dot"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7028,101 +14993,175 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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+	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
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+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
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-    id			    22
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+    id			    53
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+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
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+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
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+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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+      }
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+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 52 54]
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-    id			    23
-    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
-    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
-    fontSize		    12
-    src {
-      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+  data {
+    id			    54
+    ssIdNumber		    30
+    name		    "B_Fg"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
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-    dst {
-      id		      22
-      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 53 55]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    55
+    ssIdNumber		    8
+    name		    "B_omega"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
-    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
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-    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
-    subviewer		    18
-    drawStyle		    SMART
-    slide {
-      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 54 56]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    56
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "B_vo_dot"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
-    executionOrder	    1
-    ssIdNumber		    2
-    linkNode		    [18 0 0]
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 55 57]
-  instance {
-    id			    24
+  data {
+    id			    57
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "B_vo"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
-    name		    "        /3D Graphical Simulation1/MATLAB Function"
-    chart		    18
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
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+      }
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+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 56 58]
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-    id			    25
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+    name		    "m"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 6
     machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n"
-    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
-    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
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-    type		    EML_CHART
-    chartFileNumber	    4
-    disableImplicitCasting  1
-    eml {
-      name		      "ESC"
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
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+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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+      }
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+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
-    firstData		    27
-    firstTransition	    36
-    firstJunction	    35
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 57 59]
-  state {
-    id			    26
-    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
-    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
-    fontSize		    12
-    chart		    25
-    treeNode		    [25 0 0 0]
-    superState		    SUBCHART
-    subviewer		    25
-    ssIdNumber		    1
-    type		    FUNC_STATE
-    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
-    eml {
-      isEML		      1
-      script		      "function Vb_eff   = ESC(rotor_0_duty_cycle, rotor_1_duty_cycle, rotor_2_duty_cycle, rotor_3_duty_"
-      "cycle, Pmin, Pmax, Vb)\n\n% Define u_Pi for each of the rotors\nu_P0 = (rotor_0_duty_cycle/100 - Pmin) / (Pmax -"
-      " Pmin);\nu_P1 = (rotor_1_duty_cycle/100 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\nu_P2 = (rotor_2_duty_cycle/100 - Pmin) / (Pmax"
-      " - Pmin);\nu_P3 = (rotor_3_duty_cycle/100 - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin);\n\n% Determine the effective battery voltage "
-      "from each ESC\nVb_eff_0 = u_P0 * Vb;\nVb_eff_1 = u_P1 * Vb;\nVb_eff_2 = u_P2 * Vb;\nVb_eff_3 = u_P3 * Vb;\n\nVb_"
-      "eff = [Vb_eff_0, Vb_eff_1, Vb_eff_2, Vb_eff_3];\n"
-      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+  data {
+    id			    59
+    ssIdNumber		    14
+    name		    "Kt"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 5
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
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+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [49 58 60]
   data {
-    id			    27
-    ssIdNumber		    4
-    name		    "rotor_0_duty_cycle"
-    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    id			    60
+    ssIdNumber		    13
+    name		    "Kd"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 4
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7131,17 +15170,21 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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+	wordLength		"16"
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+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [25 0 28]
+    linkNode		    [49 59 61]
   data {
-    id			    28
-    ssIdNumber		    5
-    name		    "Vb_eff"
-    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
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+    ssIdNumber		    15
+    name		    "rhx"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 7
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7150,18 +15193,21 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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+	wordLength		"16"
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+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
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-    linkNode		    [25 27 29]
+    linkNode		    [49 60 62]
   data {
-    id			    29
-    ssIdNumber		    6
-    name		    "rotor_1_duty_cycle"
-    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    id			    62
+    ssIdNumber		    16
+    name		    "rhy"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 8
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7177,13 +15223,14 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [25 28 30]
+    linkNode		    [49 61 63]
   data {
-    id			    30
-    ssIdNumber		    7
-    name		    "rotor_2_duty_cycle"
-    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    id			    63
+    ssIdNumber		    17
+    name		    "rhz"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 9
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7199,13 +15246,13 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [25 29 31]
+    linkNode		    [49 62 64]
   data {
-    id			    31
-    ssIdNumber		    8
-    name		    "rotor_3_duty_cycle"
-    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    id			    64
+    ssIdNumber		    18
+    name		    "Jreq"
+    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7221,12 +15268,12 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [25 30 32]
+    linkNode		    [49 63 65]
   data {
-    id			    32
-    ssIdNumber		    16
-    name		    "Pmin"
+    id			    65
+    ssIdNumber		    19
+    name		    "Jxx"
     scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
     paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 1
     machine		    1
@@ -7244,13 +15291,14 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [25 31 33]
+    linkNode		    [49 64 66]
   data {
-    id			    33
-    ssIdNumber		    17
-    name		    "Pmax"
+    id			    66
+    ssIdNumber		    20
+    name		    "Jyy"
     scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 2
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7266,14 +15314,14 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [25 32 34]
+    linkNode		    [49 65 67]
   data {
-    id			    34
-    ssIdNumber		    18
-    name		    "Vb"
+    id			    67
+    ssIdNumber		    21
+    name		    "Jzz"
     scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 2
+    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 3
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7289,19 +15337,19 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [25 33 0]
+    linkNode		    [49 66 0]
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-    id			    35
+    id			    68
     position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
-    chart		    25
-    subviewer		    25
+    chart		    49
+    subviewer		    49
     ssIdNumber		    3
-    linkNode		    [25 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [49 0 0]
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-    id			    36
+    id			    69
     labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
     labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
     fontSize		    12
@@ -7309,97 +15357,73 @@ Stateflow {
       intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
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-      id		      35
+      id		      68
       intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
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-    chart		    25
+    chart		    49
     dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
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+    subviewer		    49
     drawStyle		    SMART
     slide {
       sticky		      BOTH_STICK
     executionOrder	    1
     ssIdNumber		    2
-    linkNode		    [25 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [49 0 0]
   instance {
-    id			    37
+    id			    70
     machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n"
-    chart		    25
+    name		    "Actuation/Rotor System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    chart		    49
   chart {
-    id			    38
+    id			    71
     machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n"
+    name		    "Actuation/Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
     windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
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-    chartFileNumber	    5
+    chartFileNumber	    7
     disableImplicitCasting  1
     eml {
-      name		      "motor"
+      name		      "angular_body_earth_conversion"
-    firstData		    40
-    firstTransition	    50
-    firstJunction	    49
+    firstData		    73
+    firstTransition	    77
+    firstJunction	    76
   state {
-    id			    39
+    id			    72
     labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
     position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
     fontSize		    12
-    chart		    38
-    treeNode		    [38 0 0 0]
+    chart		    71
+    treeNode		    [71 0 0 0]
     superState		    SUBCHART
-    subviewer		    38
+    subviewer		    71
     ssIdNumber		    1
     type		    FUNC_STATE
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
     eml {
       isEML		      1
-      script		      "function angular_acceleration  = motor(Vb_eff, angular_velocity, Rm, Kv, Kq, Kd, If, Jreq)\n\n% D"
-      "efine each motors effective battery voltage\nVb_eff_0 = Vb_eff(1);\nVb_eff_1 = Vb_eff(2);\nVb_eff_2 = Vb_eff(3);"
-      "\nVb_eff_3 = Vb_eff(4);\n\n% Determine the angular velocity of each rotor from feedback\nw_0 = angular_velocity("
-      "1);\nw_1 = angular_velocity(2);\nw_2 = angular_velocity(3);\nw_3 = angular_velocity(4);\n\n% Determine angular a"
-      "cceleration of each rotor\nw_0_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_0 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_0 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/"
-      "Jreq) * w_0^2;\nw_1_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_1 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_1 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_1"
-      "^2;\nw_2_dot = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_2 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_2 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_2^2;\nw_3_do"
-      "t = 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq) * Vb_eff_3 - 1/(Jreq*Rm*Kq*Kv) * w_3 - 1/(Jreq*Kq)*If - (Kd/Jreq) * w_3^2;\n\nangular_acceler"
-      "ation = [w_0_dot, w_1_dot, w_2_dot, w_3_dot];  "
+      script		      "function euler_rates = angular_body_earth_conversion(B_omega, euler_angles)\n\nphi = euler_angles"
+      "(1);\ntheta = euler_angles(2);\n\nAeb = [1,  sin(phi)*tan(theta), cos(phi)*tan(theta); ...\n       0,      cos(p"
+      "hi)       ,        -sin(phi)   ; ...\n       0,  sin(phi)/cos(theta), cos(phi)/cos(theta)];\n\n   \neuler_rates "
+      "= Aeb * B_omega;\n  "
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   data {
-    id			    40
+    id			    73
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-    name		    "Vb_eff"
-    scope		    INPUT_DATA
-    machine		    1
-    props {
-      array {
-	size			"-1"
-      }
-      type {
-	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
-      }
-      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-    }
-    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [38 0 41]
-  }
-  data {
-    id			    41
-    ssIdNumber		    8
-    name		    "angular_velocity"
+    name		    "B_omega"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -7409,43 +15433,37 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
-	isSigned		1
-	wordLength		"16"
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-      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [38 40 42]
+    linkNode		    [71 0 74]
   data {
-    id			    42
-    ssIdNumber		    7
-    name		    "angular_acceleration"
+    id			    74
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "euler_rates"
     scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
-	size			"1,4"
+	size			"-1"
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-	isSigned		1
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-    linkNode		    [38 41 43]
+    linkNode		    [71 73 75]
   data {
-    id			    43
-    ssIdNumber		    9
-    name		    "Rm"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 5
+    id			    75
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "euler_angles"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7461,14 +15479,96 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [38 42 44]
+    linkNode		    [71 74 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    76
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    71
+    subviewer		    71
+    ssIdNumber		    3
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+  }
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+    id			    77
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
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+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
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+      id		      76
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
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+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
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+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [71 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    78
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    chart		    71
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    79
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Actuation/Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 80 0 0]
+    viewObj		    79
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    13
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    8
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "linear_earth_body_conversion"
+    }
+    firstData		    81
+    firstTransition	    87
+    firstJunction	    86
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    80
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    79
+    treeNode		    [79 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    79
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function [B_Fg, B_g]  = linear_earth_body_conversion(E_Fg, euler_angles, m)\n\nphi = euler_angles"
+      "(1);\ntheta = euler_angles(2);\npsi = euler_angles(3);\n\nLbe = [             cos(theta)*cos(psi)              ,"
+      "          cos(theta)*sin(psi)                  ,     -sin(theta)    ; ...\n       sin(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)-c"
+      "os(phi)*sin(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)+cos(phi)*cos(psi), sin(phi)*cos(theta); ...\n       cos(phi)*sin("
+      "theta)*cos(psi)+sin(phi)*sin(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)-sin(phi)*cos(psi), cos(phi)*cos(theta)];\n\nB_Fg"
+      " = Lbe * E_Fg;\n\nB_g = B_Fg/m;"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
   data {
-    id			    44
-    ssIdNumber		    10
-    name		    "Kv"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 4
+    id			    81
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "E_Fg"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7484,18 +15584,17 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [38 43 45]
+    linkNode		    [79 0 82]
   data {
-    id			    45
+    id			    82
     ssIdNumber		    11
-    name		    "Kq"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 3
+    name		    "euler_angles"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
-	size			"-1"
+	size			"3"
       type {
@@ -7507,18 +15606,17 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [38 44 46]
+    linkNode		    [79 81 83]
   data {
-    id			    46
-    ssIdNumber		    12
-    name		    "Kd"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 2
+    id			    83
+    ssIdNumber		    9
+    name		    "B_Fg"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
-	size			"-1"
+	size			"3"
       type {
@@ -7527,16 +15625,16 @@ Stateflow {
 	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [38 45 47]
+    linkNode		    [79 82 84]
   data {
-    id			    47
-    ssIdNumber		    13
-    name		    "If"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    id			    84
+    ssIdNumber		    12
+    name		    "B_g"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7549,17 +15647,16 @@ Stateflow {
 	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [38 46 48]
+    linkNode		    [79 83 85]
   data {
-    id			    48
-    ssIdNumber		    14
-    name		    "Jreq"
+    id			    85
+    ssIdNumber		    13
+    name		    "m"
     scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 1
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7575,19 +15672,19 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [38 47 0]
+    linkNode		    [79 84 0]
   junction {
-    id			    49
+    id			    86
     position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
-    chart		    38
-    subviewer		    38
+    chart		    79
+    subviewer		    79
     ssIdNumber		    3
-    linkNode		    [38 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [79 0 0]
   transition {
-    id			    50
+    id			    87
     labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
     labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
     fontSize		    12
@@ -7595,100 +15692,73 @@ Stateflow {
       intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
     dst {
-      id		      49
+      id		      86
       intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
     midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
-    chart		    38
+    chart		    79
     dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
-    subviewer		    38
+    subviewer		    79
     drawStyle		    SMART
     slide {
       sticky		      BOTH_STICK
     executionOrder	    1
     ssIdNumber		    2
-    linkNode		    [38 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [79 0 0]
   instance {
-    id			    51
+    id			    88
     machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n"
-    chart		    38
+    name		    "Actuation/Lbe\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    chart		    79
   chart {
-    id			    52
+    id			    89
     machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    name		    "     Sensors   /IMU\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
     windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
     viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
     screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
-    treeNode		    [0 53 0 0]
-    viewObj		    52
-    ssIdHighWaterMark	    30
+    treeNode		    [0 90 0 0]
+    viewObj		    89
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    15
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
     type		    EML_CHART
-    chartFileNumber	    6
+    chartFileNumber	    10
     disableImplicitCasting  1
     eml {
-      name		      "rotor"
+      name		      "idealIMU"
-    firstData		    54
-    firstTransition	    72
-    firstJunction	    71
+    firstData		    91
+    firstTransition	    100
+    firstJunction	    99
   state {
-    id			    53
+    id			    90
     labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
     position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
     fontSize		    12
-    chart		    52
-    treeNode		    [52 0 0 0]
+    chart		    89
+    treeNode		    [89 0 0 0]
     superState		    SUBCHART
-    subviewer		    52
+    subviewer		    89
     ssIdNumber		    1
     type		    FUNC_STATE
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
     eml {
       isEML		      1
-      script		      "function [B_omega_dot, B_vo_dot]= rotor(angular_acceleration, angular_velocity, B_Fg, B_omega, B_"
-      "vo, m, Kt, Kd, rhx, rhy, rhz, Jreq, Jxx, Jyy, Jzz)\n\nB_vo_dot = zeros(3,1);\nB_omega_dot = zeros(3,1);\n\n% Cre"
-      "ate J vector\nJ = [Jxx,  0 ,  0 ; ...\n      0 , Jyy,  0 ; ...\n      0 ,  0 , Jzz;];\n\n% Create r_hi vector\nr"
-      "h_0 = [-rhx; rhy; rhz];\nrh_1 = [rhx; rhy; rhz];\nrh_2 = [-rhx; -rhy; rhz];\nrh_3 = [rhx; -rhy; rhz];\n\n% Defin"
-      "e vector from body frame origin to center of mass\nbr_oc = [0; 0; 0];\n\n% Define 3x3 Identity Matrix\nI = eye(3"
-      ");\n\n% Create gamma vectors\ngamma_Ti = [0; 0; -1];\ngamma_omega_03 = [0; 0; -1];  %Rotors 0 and 3 use this gam"
-      "ma_omega vector\ngamma_omega_12 = [0; 0; 1]; %Rotors 1 and 2 use this gamma_omega vector\n\n% Define angular vel"
-      "ocities for each rotor\nw_0 = angular_velocity(1);\nw_1 = angular_velocity(2);\nw_2 = angular_velocity(3);\nw_3 "
-      "= angular_velocity(4);\n\n% Define angular acceleration for each rotor\nw_0_dot = angular_acceleration(1);\nw_1_"
-      "dot = angular_acceleration(2);\nw_2_dot = angular_acceleration(3);\nw_3_dot = angular_acceleration(4);\n\n% Defi"
-      "ne the rotor force in the z-direction from each rotor\nB_Fr_0 = Kt * w_0 * w_0 * gamma_Ti;\nB_Fr_1 = Kt * w_1 * "
-      "w_1 * gamma_Ti;\nB_Fr_2 = Kt * w_2 * w_2 * gamma_Ti;\nB_Fr_3 = Kt * w_3 * w_3 * gamma_Ti;\n\n% Sum up the rotor "
-      "forces in the z-direction from each vector to get the\n% total body force in the z-direction\nB_Fr = B_Fr_0 + B_"
-      "Fr_1 + B_Fr_2 + B_Fr_3;\n\n% Define the in-plane drag and induced torque produced by each rotor\n B_Q_d0 = -1 * "
-      "Kd * w_0 * w_0 * gamma_omega_03;\n B_Q_d1 = -1 * Kd * w_1 * w_1 * gamma_omega_12;\n B_Q_d2 = -1 * Kd * w_2 * w_2"
-      " * gamma_omega_12;\n B_Q_d3 = -1 * Kd * w_3 * w_3 * gamma_omega_03;\n\n% Sum up the total in-plane drag and indu"
-      "ced torque to get the total\n% in-plane drag and induced torque on the body\nB_Q_d = B_Q_d0 + B_Q_d1 + B_Q_d2 + "
-      "B_Q_d3;\n\n% Define the force lever arm torque created from the force produced by each\n% rotor in the z-directi"
-      "on\nB_Q_F0 = cross( rh_0, B_Fr_0 );\nB_Q_F1 = cross( rh_1, B_Fr_1 );\nB_Q_F2 = cross( rh_2, B_Fr_2 );\nB_Q_F3 = "
-      "cross( rh_3, B_Fr_3 );\n\nB_Q_F = B_Q_F0 + B_Q_F1 + B_Q_F2 + B_Q_F3;\n\n%Define the change in angular momentum t"
-      "orque produced by each rotor \nB_Q_L0 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_0 * gamma_omega_03) + w_0_dot * gamma_ome"
-      "ga_03 );\nB_Q_L1 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_1 * gamma_omega_12) + w_1_dot * gamma_omega_12 ); \nB_Q_L2 = -"
-      "1 * Jreq * ( cross(B_omega, w_2 * gamma_omega_12) + w_2_dot * gamma_omega_12 ); \nB_Q_L3 = -1 * Jreq * ( cross(B"
-      "_omega, w_3 * gamma_omega_03) + w_3_dot * gamma_omega_03 );\n\n% Sum up the total change in angular momentum tor"
-      "que produced by each rotor\nB_Q_L = B_Q_L0 + B_Q_L1 + B_Q_L2 + B_Q_L3;\n\n% Define the total rotor system torque"
-      " as the sum of the in-plane drag and\n% induced torque, force lever arm torque, and change in angular momentum\n"
-      "% torques\nB_Q = B_Q_d + B_Q_F + B_Q_L;\n\n% Define the body forces in the z-direction from each vector to get t"
-      "he\n% total body force in the z-direction\nB_F = B_Fr + B_Fg; \n\n% Define the body frame linear velocities\nB_v"
-      "o_dot = (m*I)^(-1) * ( B_F - cross( B_omega, m*(B_vo + cross(B_omega, br_oc)) ) );\n\n% Define the body frame an"
-      "gular velocities\nB_omega_dot = J ^(-1) * ( B_Q - cross(B_omega, J * B_omega) - cross(br_oc, B_F) );\n\n"
+      script		      "function [accelReading,gyroReading] = idealIMU(B_vo_dot, B_vo, B_Omega, B_g, r_oc, g)\n%#codegen\n"
+      "\na = B_vo_dot + cross(B_Omega,B_vo); % body frame acceleration \n\naccelReading = (a - B_g)/g ; % accelerometer"
+      " reading (ideal)\n\ngyroReading = B_Omega ; % gyroscope reading (ideal) \n\nend\n\n"
       editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
   data {
-    id			    54
-    ssIdNumber		    6
-    name		    "B_omega_dot"
-    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    id			    91
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "B_vo_dot"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7697,19 +15767,16 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
-	isSigned		1
-	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 0 55]
+    linkNode		    [89 0 92]
   data {
-    id			    55
-    ssIdNumber		    10
-    name		    "angular_acceleration"
+    id			    92
+    ssIdNumber		    9
+    name		    "B_vo"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -7726,13 +15793,13 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 54 56]
+    linkNode		    [89 91 93]
   data {
-    id			    56
-    ssIdNumber		    11
-    name		    "angular_velocity"
-    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    id			    93
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "accelReading"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7741,19 +15808,17 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
-	isSigned		1
-	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 55 57]
+    linkNode		    [89 92 94]
   data {
-    id			    57
-    ssIdNumber		    30
-    name		    "B_Fg"
+    id			    94
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "B_Omega"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -7770,12 +15835,12 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 56 58]
+    linkNode		    [89 93 95]
   data {
-    id			    58
-    ssIdNumber		    8
-    name		    "B_omega"
+    id			    95
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "B_g"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -7792,12 +15857,12 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 57 59]
+    linkNode		    [89 94 96]
   data {
-    id			    59
-    ssIdNumber		    5
-    name		    "B_vo_dot"
+    id			    96
+    ssIdNumber		    8
+    name		    "gyroReading"
     scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -7807,17 +15872,19 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
       frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 58 60]
+    linkNode		    [89 95 97]
   data {
-    id			    60
-    ssIdNumber		    7
-    name		    "B_vo"
+    id			    97
+    ssIdNumber		    10
+    name		    "r_oc"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -7834,14 +15901,13 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 59 61]
+    linkNode		    [89 96 98]
   data {
-    id			    61
+    id			    98
     ssIdNumber		    12
-    name		    "m"
+    name		    "g"
     scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 6
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7857,14 +15923,116 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 60 62]
+    linkNode		    [89 97 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    99
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    89
+    subviewer		    89
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [89 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    100
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      99
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    89
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    89
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [89 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    101
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /IMU\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    chart		    89
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    102
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /3D Graphical Simulation/MATLAB Function"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 103 0 0]
+    viewObj		    102
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    5
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    11
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "eigenaxis_ucart"
+    }
+    firstData		    104
+    firstTransition	    107
+    firstJunction	    106
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    103
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    102
+    treeNode		    [102 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    102
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function y = eigenaxis_ucart(u)\n\n\nif abs(u(1))< 0.0001\n    u(1) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nif abs(u(2)"
+      ")< 0.0001\n    u(2) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nif abs(u(3))< 0.0001\n    u(3) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nu = [ -u(1); -u(2); u(3) "
+      "];% [Pitch, Yaw, Roll] \n\nC11 = cos(u(2))*cos(u(3));\nC12 = cos(u(2))*sin(u(3));\nC13 = -sin(u(2));\nC21 = sin("
+      "u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))-cos(u(1))*sin(u(3));\nC22 = sin(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u(3))+cos(u(1))*cos(u(3));\nC23 = "
+      "sin(u(1))*cos(u(2));\nC31 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))+sin(u(1))*sin(u(3));\nC32 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u("
+      "3))-sin(u(1))*cos(u(3));\nC33 = cos(u(1))*cos(u(2));\n    \ntheta = acos(0.5*(C11+C22+C33-1));\n\ne = [C23-C32; "
+      "C31-C13; C12-C21]/(2*sin(theta));\n    \ny = [e; theta];\n\n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    104
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "u"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [102 0 105]
   data {
-    id			    62
-    ssIdNumber		    14
-    name		    "Kt"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 5
+    id			    105
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "y"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7873,21 +16041,99 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
-	isSigned		1
-	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 61 63]
+    linkNode		    [102 104 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    106
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    102
+    subviewer		    102
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [102 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    107
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      106
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    102
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    102
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [102 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    108
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /3D Graphical Simulation/MATLAB Function"
+    chart		    102
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    109
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 110 0 0]
+    viewObj		    109
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    6
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    12
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "angular_body_earth_conversion"
+    }
+    firstData		    111
+    firstTransition	    115
+    firstJunction	    114
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    110
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    109
+    treeNode		    [109 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    109
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function euler_rates_IMU = angular_body_earth_conversion(gyro_reading, euler_angles_filtered)\n\n"
+      "phi = euler_angles_filtered(1);\ntheta = euler_angles_filtered(2);\n\nAeb = [1, sin(phi)*tan(theta), cos(phi)*ta"
+      "n(theta); ...\n       0,     cos(phi)       ,        -sin(phi)   ; ...\n       0,  sin(phi)/cos(theta), cos(phi)"
+      "/cos(theta)];\n\n   \neuler_rates_IMU = Aeb * gyro_reading;\n  "
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
   data {
-    id			    63
-    ssIdNumber		    13
-    name		    "Kd"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 4
+    id			    111
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "gyro_reading"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7896,44 +16142,37 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
-	isSigned		1
-	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 62 64]
+    linkNode		    [109 0 112]
   data {
-    id			    64
-    ssIdNumber		    15
-    name		    "rhx"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 7
+    id			    112
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "euler_rates_IMU"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
-	size			"-1"
+	size			"[3,1]"
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
-	isSigned		1
-	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 63 65]
+    linkNode		    [109 111 113]
   data {
-    id			    65
-    ssIdNumber		    16
-    name		    "rhy"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 8
+    id			    113
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "euler_angles_filtered"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7949,36 +16188,97 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 64 66]
+    linkNode		    [109 112 0]
-  data {
-    id			    66
-    ssIdNumber		    17
-    name		    "rhz"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 9
+  junction {
+    id			    114
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    109
+    subviewer		    109
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [109 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    115
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      114
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    109
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    109
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [109 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    116
     machine		    1
-    props {
-      array {
-	size			"-1"
-      }
-      type {
-	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
-	isSigned		1
-	wordLength		"16"
-      }
-      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Aeb\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    chart		    109
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    117
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Calculate Pitch and Roll"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 118 0 0]
+    viewObj		    117
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    10
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    13
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "getPitchAndRoll"
+    }
+    firstData		    119
+    firstTransition	    124
+    firstJunction	    123
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    118
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    117
+    treeNode		    [117 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    117
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function [accel_pitch, accel_roll] = getPitchAndRoll(accel_reading, accel_roll_prev)\n\nmag = nor"
+      "m(accel_reading);\n\n% x_accel = accel_reading(1)/mag;\n% y_accel = accel_reading(2)/mag;\n% z_accel = accel_rea"
+      "ding(3)/mag;\n\nx_accel = accel_reading(1);\ny_accel = accel_reading(2);\nz_accel = accel_reading(3);\n\naccel_p"
+      "itch = atan(x_accel/sqrt(y_accel^2 + z_accel^2));\n\n%accel_roll = atan2( -y_accel,(sign(-z_accel)*sqrt(z_accel^"
+      "2 + (1/100)*x_accel^2)) );\n\n%accel_roll = atan2( -y_accel,(sign(-z_accel)*sqrt(z_accel^2 + x_accel^2)) );\nacc"
+      "el_roll = atan( -y_accel/( sqrt(z_accel^2 + x_accel^2))  );\n\n% unwrapped_roll = unwrap([accel_roll_prev accel_"
+      "roll]);\n% accel_roll = unwrapped_roll(2);\n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
-    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 65 67]
   data {
-    id			    67
-    ssIdNumber		    18
-    name		    "Jreq"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    id			    119
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "accel_reading"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -7987,21 +16287,17 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
-	isSigned		1
-	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 66 68]
+    linkNode		    [117 0 120]
   data {
-    id			    68
-    ssIdNumber		    19
-    name		    "Jxx"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 1
+    id			    120
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "accel_pitch"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -8010,21 +16306,18 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
-	isSigned		1
-	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 67 69]
+    linkNode		    [117 119 121]
   data {
-    id			    69
-    ssIdNumber		    20
-    name		    "Jyy"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 2
+    id			    121
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "accel_roll"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -8037,17 +16330,16 @@ Stateflow {
 	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 68 70]
+    linkNode		    [117 120 122]
   data {
-    id			    70
-    ssIdNumber		    21
-    name		    "Jzz"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
-    paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 3
+    id			    122
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "accel_roll_prev"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -8063,19 +16355,19 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [52 69 0]
+    linkNode		    [117 121 0]
   junction {
-    id			    71
+    id			    123
     position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
-    chart		    52
-    subviewer		    52
+    chart		    117
+    subviewer		    117
     ssIdNumber		    3
-    linkNode		    [52 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [117 0 0]
   transition {
-    id			    72
+    id			    124
     labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
     labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
     fontSize		    12
@@ -8083,73 +16375,74 @@ Stateflow {
       intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
     dst {
-      id		      71
+      id		      123
       intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
     midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
-    chart		    52
+    chart		    117
     dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
-    subviewer		    52
+    subviewer		    117
     drawStyle		    SMART
     slide {
       sticky		      BOTH_STICK
     executionOrder	    1
     ssIdNumber		    2
-    linkNode		    [52 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [117 0 0]
   instance {
-    id			    73
+    id			    125
     machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-    chart		    52
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Calculate Pitch and Roll"
+    chart		    117
   chart {
-    id			    74
+    id			    126
     machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    name		    "Control System/Signal Mixer"
     windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
     viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
     screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
-    treeNode		    [0 75 0 0]
-    viewObj		    74
-    ssIdHighWaterMark	    6
+    treeNode		    [0 127 0 0]
+    viewObj		    126
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    11
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
     type		    EML_CHART
-    chartFileNumber	    7
+    chartFileNumber	    14
     disableImplicitCasting  1
     eml {
-      name		      "angular_body_earth_conversion"
+      name		      "signal_mixer"
-    firstData		    76
-    firstTransition	    80
-    firstJunction	    79
+    firstData		    128
+    firstTransition	    134
+    firstJunction	    133
   state {
-    id			    75
+    id			    127
     labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
     position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
     fontSize		    12
-    chart		    74
-    treeNode		    [74 0 0 0]
+    chart		    126
+    treeNode		    [126 0 0 0]
     superState		    SUBCHART
-    subviewer		    74
+    subviewer		    126
     ssIdNumber		    1
     type		    FUNC_STATE
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
     eml {
       isEML		      1
-      script		      "function euler_rates = angular_body_earth_conversion(B_omega, euler_angles)\n\neuler_rates = zero"
-      "s(3,1);\n\nphi = euler_angles(1);\ntheta = euler_angles(2);\n\nAeb = [1, sin(phi)*tan(theta), cos(phi)*tan(theta"
-      "); ...\n       0,     cos(phi)       ,        -sin(phi)   ; ...\n       0,  sin(phi)/cos(theta), cos(phi)/cos(th"
-      "eta)];\n\n   \neuler_rates = Aeb * B_omega;\n  "
+      script		      "function P  = signal_mixer(height_controlled, y_controlled, x_controlled, yaw_controlled)\n\ncont"
+      "roller_outputs = [ height_controlled; x_controlled; y_controlled; yaw_controlled ];\nsignal_mixer = [ 1, -1, -1,"
+      " -1; ... \n                 1,  1, -1,  1; ...\n                 1, -1,  1,  1; ...\n                 1,  1,  1,"
+      " -1 ];\n\n% signal_mixer = [ 1,  1, -1, -1; ... \n%                  1, -1, -1,  1; ...\n%                  1,  "
+      "1,  1,  1; ...\n%                  1, -1,  1, -1 ];\n             \nP = signal_mixer * controller_outputs;\n"
       editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
   data {
-    id			    76
+    id			    128
     ssIdNumber		    4
-    name		    "B_omega"
+    name		    "height_controlled"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -8163,12 +16456,34 @@ Stateflow {
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [74 0 77]
+    linkNode		    [126 0 129]
   data {
-    id			    77
+    id			    129
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "y_controlled"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [126 128 130]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    130
     ssIdNumber		    5
-    name		    "euler_rates"
+    name		    "P"
     scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -8183,12 +16498,34 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [74 76 78]
+    linkNode		    [126 129 131]
   data {
-    id			    78
+    id			    131
     ssIdNumber		    6
-    name		    "euler_angles"
+    name		    "x_controlled"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [126 130 132]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    132
+    ssIdNumber		    8
+    name		    "yaw_controlled"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -8205,19 +16542,19 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [74 77 0]
+    linkNode		    [126 131 0]
   junction {
-    id			    79
+    id			    133
     position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
-    chart		    74
-    subviewer		    74
+    chart		    126
+    subviewer		    126
     ssIdNumber		    3
-    linkNode		    [74 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [126 0 0]
   transition {
-    id			    80
+    id			    134
     labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
     labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
     fontSize		    12
@@ -8225,75 +16562,116 @@ Stateflow {
       intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
     dst {
-      id		      79
+      id		      133
       intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
     midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
-    chart		    74
+    chart		    126
     dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
-    subviewer		    74
+    subviewer		    126
     drawStyle		    SMART
     slide {
       sticky		      BOTH_STICK
     executionOrder	    1
     ssIdNumber		    2
-    linkNode		    [74 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [126 0 0]
   instance {
-    id			    81
+    id			    135
     machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-    chart		    74
+    name		    "Control System/Signal Mixer"
+    chart		    126
   chart {
-    id			    82
+    id			    136
     machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    name		    "Control System/MATLAB Function1"
     windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
     viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
     screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
-    treeNode		    [0 83 0 0]
-    viewObj		    82
-    ssIdHighWaterMark	    13
+    treeNode		    [0 137 0 0]
+    viewObj		    136
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    25
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
     type		    EML_CHART
-    chartFileNumber	    8
+    chartFileNumber	    15
     disableImplicitCasting  1
     eml {
-      name		      "linear_earth_body_conversion"
+      name		      "c_controller"
-    firstData		    84
-    firstTransition	    90
-    firstJunction	    89
+    firstData		    138
+    firstTransition	    160
+    firstJunction	    159
   state {
-    id			    83
+    id			    137
     labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
     position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
     fontSize		    12
-    chart		    82
-    treeNode		    [82 0 0 0]
+    chart		    136
+    treeNode		    [136 0 0 0]
     superState		    SUBCHART
-    subviewer		    82
+    subviewer		    136
     ssIdNumber		    1
     type		    FUNC_STATE
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
     eml {
       isEML		      1
-      script		      "function [B_Fg, B_g]  = linear_earth_body_conversion(E_Fg, euler_angles, m)\n\nphi = euler_angles"
-      "(1);\ntheta = euler_angles(2);\npsi = euler_angles(3);\n\nLbe = [             cos(theta)*cos(psi)              ,"
-      "          cos(theta)*sin(psi)                  ,     -sin(theta)    ; ...\n       sin(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi)-c"
-      "os(phi)*sin(psi), sin(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)+cos(phi)*cos(psi), sin(phi)*cos(theta); ...\n       cos(phi)*sin("
-      "theta)*cos(psi)+sin(phi)*sin(psi), cos(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi)-sin(phi)*cos(psi), cos(phi)*cos(theta)];\n\nB_Fg"
-      " = Lbe * E_Fg;\n\nB_g = B_Fg/m;"
+      script		      "function [z_corr, y_cor, x_corr, yaw_corr, pid_y_out, pid_roll_out] = c_controller(set_x, set_y, "
+      "set_z, set_yaw, ...\n    cur_x, cur_y, cur_z, ...\n    cur_phi, cur_theta, cur_psi, ...\n    cur_phi_d, cur_thet"
+      "a_d, cur_psi_d, vrpn_id, Tc)\n\nout_z = -1;\nout_y = -1;\nout_x = -1;\nout_yaw = -1;\nc_pid_y = -1;\nc_pid_roll "
+      "= -1;\n\ncoder.ceval('c_controller', vrpn_id, Tc, set_x, set_y, set_z, set_yaw, ...\n                    cur_x, "
+      "cur_y, cur_z, ...\n                    cur_phi, cur_theta, cur_psi, ...\n                    cur_phi_d, cur_thet"
+      "a_d, cur_psi_d, ...\n                    coder.wref(out_z), coder.wref(out_y), coder.wref(out_x), coder.wref(out"
+      "_yaw), ...\n                    coder.wref(c_pid_y), coder.wref(c_pid_roll));\n\nz_corr = out_z;\ny_cor = out_y;"
+      "\nx_corr = out_x;\npid_y_out = c_pid_y;\npid_roll_out = c_pid_roll;\nyaw_corr = out_yaw;\n"
       editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
   data {
-    id			    84
-    ssIdNumber		    7
-    name		    "E_Fg"
+    id			    138
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "set_x"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [136 0 139]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    139
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "z_corr"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [136 138 140]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    140
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "set_y"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -8310,17 +16688,17 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [82 0 85]
+    linkNode		    [136 139 141]
   data {
-    id			    85
-    ssIdNumber		    11
-    name		    "euler_angles"
+    id			    141
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "set_z"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
-	size			"3"
+	size			"-1"
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@@ -8332,17 +16710,17 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [82 84 86]
+    linkNode		    [136 140 142]
   data {
-    id			    86
-    ssIdNumber		    9
-    name		    "B_Fg"
-    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    id			    142
+    ssIdNumber		    8
+    name		    "set_yaw"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
-	size			"3"
+	size			"-1"
       type {
@@ -8351,16 +16729,16 @@ Stateflow {
 	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [82 85 87]
+    linkNode		    [136 141 143]
   data {
-    id			    87
-    ssIdNumber		    12
-    name		    "B_g"
-    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    id			    143
+    ssIdNumber		    9
+    name		    "cur_x"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -8373,16 +16751,16 @@ Stateflow {
 	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
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+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [82 86 88]
+    linkNode		    [136 142 144]
   data {
-    id			    88
-    ssIdNumber		    13
-    name		    "m"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    id			    144
+    ssIdNumber		    10
+    name		    "cur_y"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -8398,94 +16776,34 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [82 87 0]
-  }
-  junction {
-    id			    89
-    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
-    chart		    82
-    subviewer		    82
-    ssIdNumber		    3
-    linkNode		    [82 0 0]
-  }
-  transition {
-    id			    90
-    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
-    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
-    fontSize		    12
-    src {
-      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
-    }
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-      id		      89
-      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
-    }
-    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
-    chart		    82
-    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
-    subviewer		    82
-    drawStyle		    SMART
-    slide {
-      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
-    }
-    executionOrder	    1
-    ssIdNumber		    2
-    linkNode		    [82 0 0]
-  }
-  instance {
-    id			    91
-    machine		    1
-    name		    "\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-    chart		    82
+    linkNode		    [136 143 145]
-  chart {
-    id			    92
+  data {
+    id			    145
+    ssIdNumber		    11
+    name		    "cur_z"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
-    name		    "        /\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
-    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
-    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
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-    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
-    type		    EML_CHART
-    chartFileNumber	    9
-    disableImplicitCasting  1
-    eml {
-      name		      "complimentaryFilter"
-    }
-    firstData		    94
-    firstTransition	    100
-    firstJunction	    99
-  }
-  state {
-    id			    93
-    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
-    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
-    fontSize		    12
-    chart		    92
-    treeNode		    [92 0 0 0]
-    superState		    SUBCHART
-    subviewer		    92
-    ssIdNumber		    1
-    type		    FUNC_STATE
-    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
-    eml {
-      isEML		      1
-      script		      "function euler_angles_IMU  = complimentaryFilter(accel_pitch, accel_roll, euler_angles_gyro, prev"
-      "_euler_angles_IMU)\n\nLOOP_TIME = 6.1*10^-3;\n\nprev_phi = prev_euler_angles_IMU(1);\nprev_theta = prev_euler_an"
-      "gles_IMU(2);\n\nphi_dot_gyro = euler_angles_gyro(1);\ntheta_dot_gyro = euler_angles_gyro(2);\n\nphi = 0.98 * (pr"
-      "ev_phi + phi_dot_gyro * LOOP_TIME ) + 0.02 * accel_roll;\ntheta = 0.98 * (prev_theta + theta_dot_gyro * LOOP_TIM"
-      "E) + 0.02 * accel_pitch;\n\neuler_angles_IMU = [phi; theta];\n"
-      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
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+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
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+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [136 144 146]
   data {
-    id			    94
-    ssIdNumber		    4
-    name		    "accel_pitch"
+    id			    146
+    ssIdNumber		    12
+    name		    "cur_phi"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -8495,16 +16813,19 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [92 0 95]
+    linkNode		    [136 145 147]
   data {
-    id			    95
+    id			    147
     ssIdNumber		    13
-    name		    "accel_roll"
+    name		    "cur_theta"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -8521,32 +16842,34 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [92 94 96]
+    linkNode		    [136 146 148]
   data {
-    id			    96
-    ssIdNumber		    5
-    name		    "euler_angles_IMU"
-    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    id			    148
+    ssIdNumber		    14
+    name		    "cur_psi"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
-	size			"[2,1]"
+	size			"-1"
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
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       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
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+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [92 95 97]
+    linkNode		    [136 147 149]
   data {
-    id			    97
-    ssIdNumber		    6
-    name		    "euler_angles_gyro"
+    id			    149
+    ssIdNumber		    15
+    name		    "cur_phi_d"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -8563,12 +16886,12 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [92 96 98]
+    linkNode		    [136 148 150]
   data {
-    id			    98
-    ssIdNumber		    12
-    name		    "prev_euler_angles_IMU"
+    id			    150
+    ssIdNumber		    16
+    name		    "cur_theta_d"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -8585,93 +16908,79 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [92 97 0]
-  }
-  junction {
-    id			    99
-    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
-    chart		    92
-    subviewer		    92
-    ssIdNumber		    3
-    linkNode		    [92 0 0]
-  }
-  transition {
-    id			    100
-    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
-    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
-    fontSize		    12
-    src {
-      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
-    }
-    dst {
-      id		      99
-      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
-    }
-    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
-    chart		    92
-    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
-    subviewer		    92
-    drawStyle		    SMART
-    slide {
-      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
-    }
-    executionOrder	    1
-    ssIdNumber		    2
-    linkNode		    [92 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [136 149 151]
-  instance {
-    id			    101
+  data {
+    id			    151
+    ssIdNumber		    17
+    name		    "cur_psi_d"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
-    name		    "        /\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-    chart		    92
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [136 150 152]
-  chart {
-    id			    102
+  data {
+    id			    152
+    ssIdNumber		    18
+    name		    "y_cor"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
-    name		    "        /\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
-    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
-    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
-    treeNode		    [0 103 0 0]
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-    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
-    type		    EML_CHART
-    chartFileNumber	    10
-    disableImplicitCasting  1
-    eml {
-      name		      "idealIMU"
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
-    firstData		    104
-    firstTransition	    113
-    firstJunction	    112
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [136 151 153]
-  state {
-    id			    103
-    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
-    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
-    fontSize		    12
-    chart		    102
-    treeNode		    [102 0 0 0]
-    superState		    SUBCHART
-    subviewer		    102
-    ssIdNumber		    1
-    type		    FUNC_STATE
-    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
-    eml {
-      isEML		      1
-      script		      "function [accelReading,gyroReading] = idealIMU(B_vo_dot, B_vo, B_Omega, B_g, r_oc, g)\n%#codegen\n"
-      "\na = B_vo_dot + cross(B_Omega,B_vo) ; % body frame acceleration \n\naccelReading = (a - B_g)/g ; % acceleromete"
-      "r reading (ideal)\n\ngyroReading = B_Omega ; % gyroscope reading (ideal) \n\nend\n\n"
-      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+  data {
+    id			    153
+    ssIdNumber		    19
+    name		    "x_corr"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [136 152 154]
   data {
-    id			    104
-    ssIdNumber		    4
-    name		    "B_vo_dot"
-    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    id			    154
+    ssIdNumber		    20
+    name		    "yaw_corr"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -8680,16 +16989,19 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [102 0 105]
+    linkNode		    [136 153 155]
   data {
-    id			    105
-    ssIdNumber		    9
-    name		    "B_vo"
+    id			    155
+    ssIdNumber		    21
+    name		    "vrpn_id"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -8706,12 +17018,12 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [102 104 106]
+    linkNode		    [136 154 156]
   data {
-    id			    106
-    ssIdNumber		    5
-    name		    "accelReading"
+    id			    156
+    ssIdNumber		    22
+    name		    "pid_y_out"
     scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -8721,18 +17033,20 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
       frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [102 105 107]
+    linkNode		    [136 155 157]
   data {
-    id			    107
-    ssIdNumber		    6
-    name		    "B_Omega"
-    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    id			    157
+    ssIdNumber		    23
+    name		    "pid_roll_out"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -8745,15 +17059,15 @@ Stateflow {
 	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [102 106 108]
+    linkNode		    [136 156 158]
   data {
-    id			    108
-    ssIdNumber		    7
-    name		    "B_g"
+    id			    158
+    ssIdNumber		    25
+    name		    "Tc"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -8770,13 +17084,95 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [102 107 109]
+    linkNode		    [136 157 0]
+  }
+  junction {
+    id			    159
+    position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+    chart		    136
+    subviewer		    136
+    ssIdNumber		    3
+    linkNode		    [136 0 0]
+  }
+  transition {
+    id			    160
+    labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+    labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+    fontSize		    12
+    src {
+      intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+    }
+    dst {
+      id		      159
+      intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+    }
+    midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
+    chart		    136
+    dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+    subviewer		    136
+    drawStyle		    SMART
+    slide {
+      sticky		      BOTH_STICK
+    }
+    executionOrder	    1
+    ssIdNumber		    2
+    linkNode		    [136 0 0]
+  }
+  instance {
+    id			    161
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "Control System/MATLAB Function1"
+    chart		    136
+  }
+  chart {
+    id			    162
+    machine		    1
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Aeb_c\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
+    windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
+    viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+    screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+    treeNode		    [0 163 0 0]
+    viewObj		    162
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    6
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
+    type		    EML_CHART
+    chartFileNumber	    16
+    disableImplicitCasting  1
+    eml {
+      name		      "angular_body_earth_conversion"
+    }
+    firstData		    164
+    firstTransition	    168
+    firstJunction	    167
+  }
+  state {
+    id			    163
+    labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
+    position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
+    fontSize		    12
+    chart		    162
+    treeNode		    [162 0 0 0]
+    superState		    SUBCHART
+    subviewer		    162
+    ssIdNumber		    1
+    type		    FUNC_STATE
+    decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
+    eml {
+      isEML		      1
+      script		      "function euler_rates_IMU = angular_body_earth_conversion(gyro_reading, euler_angles_filtered)\n\n"
+      "phi = euler_angles_filtered(1);\ntheta = euler_angles_filtered(2);\npsi = NaN;\n\nphi_dot = -1;\ntheta_dot = -1;"
+      "\npsi_dot = -1;\n\np = gyro_reading(1);\nq = gyro_reading(2);\nr = gyro_reading(3);\n\ncoder.ceval( 'aeb_mat', p"
+      ", q, r, phi, theta, psi, coder.wref(phi_dot), ...\n    coder.wref(theta_dot), coder.wref(psi_dot) );\n\n   \neul"
+      "er_rates_IMU = [phi_dot; theta_dot; psi_dot];\n"
+      editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+    }
   data {
-    id			    109
-    ssIdNumber		    8
-    name		    "gyroReading"
-    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    id			    164
+    ssIdNumber		    4
+    name		    "gyro_reading"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -8785,42 +17181,37 @@ Stateflow {
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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-	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [102 108 110]
+    linkNode		    [162 0 165]
   data {
-    id			    110
-    ssIdNumber		    10
-    name		    "r_oc"
-    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    id			    165
+    ssIdNumber		    5
+    name		    "euler_rates_IMU"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
-	size			"-1"
+	size			"[3,1]"
       type {
 	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
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-	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
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+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [102 109 111]
+    linkNode		    [162 164 166]
   data {
-    id			    111
-    ssIdNumber		    12
-    name		    "g"
-    scope		    PARAMETER_DATA
+    id			    166
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "euler_angles_filtered"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -8836,19 +17227,19 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [102 110 0]
+    linkNode		    [162 165 0]
   junction {
-    id			    112
+    id			    167
     position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
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+    chart		    162
+    subviewer		    162
     ssIdNumber		    3
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+    linkNode		    [162 0 0]
   transition {
-    id			    113
+    id			    168
     labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
     labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
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@@ -8856,76 +17247,73 @@ Stateflow {
       intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
     dst {
-      id		      112
+      id		      167
       intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
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+    chart		    162
     dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
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+    subviewer		    162
     drawStyle		    SMART
     slide {
       sticky		      BOTH_STICK
     executionOrder	    1
     ssIdNumber		    2
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+    linkNode		    [162 0 0]
   instance {
-    id			    114
+    id			    169
     machine		    1
-    name		    "        /\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-    chart		    102
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Aeb_c\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
+    chart		    162
   chart {
-    id			    115
+    id			    170
     machine		    1
-    name		    "        /3D Graphical Simulation/MATLAB Function"
+    name		    "     Sensors   /MATLAB Function"
     windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
     viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
     screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
-    treeNode		    [0 116 0 0]
-    viewObj		    115
-    ssIdHighWaterMark	    5
+    treeNode		    [0 171 0 0]
+    viewObj		    170
+    ssIdHighWaterMark	    7
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_CHART
     type		    EML_CHART
-    chartFileNumber	    11
+    chartFileNumber	    17
     disableImplicitCasting  1
     eml {
-      name		      "eigenaxis_ucart"
+      name		      "complimentaryFilterC"
-    firstData		    117
-    firstTransition	    120
-    firstJunction	    119
+    firstData		    172
+    firstTransition	    177
+    firstJunction	    176
   state {
-    id			    116
+    id			    171
     labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
     position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
     fontSize		    12
-    chart		    115
-    treeNode		    [115 0 0 0]
+    chart		    170
+    treeNode		    [170 0 0 0]
     superState		    SUBCHART
-    subviewer		    115
+    subviewer		    170
     ssIdNumber		    1
     type		    FUNC_STATE
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
     eml {
       isEML		      1
-      script		      "function y = eigenaxis_ucart(u)\n\n\nif abs(u(1))< 0.0001\n    u(1) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nif abs(u(2)"
-      ")< 0.0001\n    u(2) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nif abs(u(3))< 0.0001\n    u(3) = 0.0001;\nend\n\nu = [ -u(1); -u(2); u(3) "
-      "];% [Pitch, Yaw, Roll] \n\nC11 = cos(u(2))*cos(u(3));\nC12 = cos(u(2))*sin(u(3));\nC13 = -sin(u(2));\nC21 = sin("
-      "u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))-cos(u(1))*sin(u(3));\nC22 = sin(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u(3))+cos(u(1))*cos(u(3));\nC23 = "
-      "sin(u(1))*cos(u(2));\nC31 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*cos(u(3))+sin(u(1))*sin(u(3));\nC32 = cos(u(1))*sin(u(2))*sin(u("
-      "3))-sin(u(1))*cos(u(3));\nC33 = cos(u(1))*cos(u(2));\n    \ntheta = acos(0.5*(C11+C22+C33-1));\n\ne = [C23-C32; "
-      "C31-C13; C12-C21]/(2*sin(theta));\n    \ny = [e; theta];\n\n"
+      script		      "function euler_angles_IMU  = complimentaryFilterC(accel_pitch, accel_roll, euler_rates_gyro)\n\ne"
+      "uler_x = euler_rates_gyro(1);\neuler_y = euler_rates_gyro(2);\n\nfiltered_pitch = -1;\nfiltered_roll = -1;\n\nco"
+      "der.ceval('compl_filter', accel_pitch, accel_roll, euler_x, euler_y, ...\n            coder.wref(filtered_pitch)"
+      ", coder.wref(filtered_roll));\n\neuler_angles_IMU = [filtered_roll; filtered_pitch];\n"
       editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
   data {
-    id			    117
+    id			    172
     ssIdNumber		    4
-    name		    "u"
+    name		    "accel_pitch"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -8939,12 +17327,12 @@ Stateflow {
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [115 0 118]
+    linkNode		    [170 0 173]
   data {
-    id			    118
+    id			    173
     ssIdNumber		    5
-    name		    "y"
+    name		    "euler_angles_IMU"
     scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -8959,19 +17347,63 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [115 117 0]
+    linkNode		    [170 172 174]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    174
+    ssIdNumber		    6
+    name		    "accel_roll"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [170 173 175]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    175
+    ssIdNumber		    7
+    name		    "euler_rates_gyro"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [170 174 0]
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-    id			    119
+    id			    176
     position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
-    chart		    115
-    subviewer		    115
+    chart		    170
+    subviewer		    170
     ssIdNumber		    3
-    linkNode		    [115 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [170 0 0]
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-    id			    120
+    id			    177
     labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
     labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
     fontSize		    12
@@ -8979,73 +17411,73 @@ Stateflow {
       intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
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-      id		      119
+      id		      176
       intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
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-    chart		    115
+    chart		    170
     dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
-    subviewer		    115
+    subviewer		    170
     drawStyle		    SMART
     slide {
       sticky		      BOTH_STICK
     executionOrder	    1
     ssIdNumber		    2
-    linkNode		    [115 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [170 0 0]
   instance {
-    id			    121
+    id			    178
     machine		    1
-    name		    "        /3D Graphical Simulation/MATLAB Function"
-    chart		    115
+    name		    "     Sensors   /MATLAB Function"
+    chart		    170
   chart {
-    id			    122
+    id			    179
     machine		    1
-    name		    "        /\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+    name		    "     Sensors   /MATLAB Function1"
     windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
     viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
     screen		    [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
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-    viewObj		    122
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-    chartFileNumber	    12
+    chartFileNumber	    18
     disableImplicitCasting  1
     eml {
-      name		      "angular_body_earth_conversion"
+      name		      "angle_IMU_C"
-    firstData		    124
-    firstTransition	    128
-    firstJunction	    127
+    firstData		    181
+    firstTransition	    185
+    firstJunction	    184
   state {
-    id			    123
+    id			    180
     labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
     position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
     fontSize		    12
-    chart		    122
-    treeNode		    [122 0 0 0]
+    chart		    179
+    treeNode		    [179 0 0 0]
     superState		    SUBCHART
-    subviewer		    122
+    subviewer		    179
     ssIdNumber		    1
     type		    FUNC_STATE
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
     eml {
       isEML		      1
-      script		      "function euler_rates_IMU = angular_body_earth_conversion(gyro_reading, euler_angles_IMU)\n\nphi ="
-      " euler_angles_IMU(1);\ntheta = euler_angles_IMU(2);\n\nAeb = [1, sin(phi)*tan(theta), cos(phi)*tan(theta); ...\n"
-      "       0,     cos(phi)       ,        -sin(phi)   ; ...\n       0,  sin(phi)/cos(theta), cos(phi)/cos(theta)];\n"
-      "\n   \neuler_rates_IMU = Aeb * gyro_reading;\n  "
+      script		      "function [accel_pitch, accel_roll]  = angle_IMU_C(accel_reading)\n\naccel_x = accel_reading(1);\n"
+      "accel_y = accel_reading(2);\naccel_z = accel_reading(3);\n\ncalculated_pitch = -1;\ncalculated_roll = -1;\n\ncod"
+      "er.ceval('angle_accel', accel_x, accel_y, accel_z, coder.wref(calculated_pitch), coder.wref(calculated_roll));\n"
+      "\naccel_pitch = calculated_pitch;\naccel_roll = calculated_roll;"
       editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
   data {
-    id			    124
+    id			    181
     ssIdNumber		    4
-    name		    "gyro_reading"
+    name		    "accel_reading"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -9059,17 +17491,17 @@ Stateflow {
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [122 0 125]
+    linkNode		    [179 0 182]
   data {
-    id			    125
+    id			    182
     ssIdNumber		    5
-    name		    "euler_rates_IMU"
+    name		    "accel_pitch"
     scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
-	size			"[3,1]"
+	size			"-1"
       type {
@@ -9079,13 +17511,13 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [122 124 126]
+    linkNode		    [179 181 183]
   data {
-    id			    126
+    id			    183
     ssIdNumber		    6
-    name		    "euler_angles_IMU"
-    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    name		    "accel_roll"
+    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -9098,22 +17530,22 @@ Stateflow {
 	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
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-    linkNode		    [122 125 0]
+    linkNode		    [179 182 0]
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-    id			    127
+    id			    184
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-    subviewer		    122
+    chart		    179
+    subviewer		    179
     ssIdNumber		    3
-    linkNode		    [122 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [179 0 0]
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-    id			    128
+    id			    185
     labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
     labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
     fontSize		    12
@@ -9121,75 +17553,76 @@ Stateflow {
       intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
     dst {
-      id		      127
+      id		      184
       intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
     midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
-    chart		    122
+    chart		    179
     dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
-    subviewer		    122
+    subviewer		    179
     drawStyle		    SMART
     slide {
       sticky		      BOTH_STICK
     executionOrder	    1
     ssIdNumber		    2
-    linkNode		    [122 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [179 0 0]
   instance {
-    id			    129
+    id			    186
     machine		    1
-    name		    "        /\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
-    chart		    122
+    name		    "     Sensors   /MATLAB Function1"
+    chart		    179
   chart {
-    id			    130
+    id			    187
     machine		    1
-    name		    "        /\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Complimentary Filter"
     windowPosition	    [422 539.941 189 413]
     viewLimits		    [0 156.75 0 153.75]
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     type		    EML_CHART
-    chartFileNumber	    13
+    chartFileNumber	    19
     disableImplicitCasting  1
     eml {
-      name		      "getPitchAndRoll"
+      name		      "complimentaryFilter"
-    firstData		    132
-    firstTransition	    137
-    firstJunction	    136
+    firstData		    189
+    firstTransition	    195
+    firstJunction	    194
   state {
-    id			    131
+    id			    188
     labelString		    "eML_blk_kernel()"
     position		    [18 64.5 118 66]
     fontSize		    12
-    chart		    130
-    treeNode		    [130 0 0 0]
+    chart		    187
+    treeNode		    [187 0 0 0]
     superState		    SUBCHART
-    subviewer		    130
+    subviewer		    187
     ssIdNumber		    1
     type		    FUNC_STATE
     decomposition	    CLUSTER_STATE
     eml {
       isEML		      1
-      script		      "function [accel_pitch, accel_roll] = getPitchAndRoll(accel_reading, accel_roll_prev)\n\nmag = nor"
-      "m(accel_reading);\n\nx_accel = accel_reading(1)/mag;\ny_accel = accel_reading(2)/mag;\nz_accel = accel_reading(3"
-      ")/mag;\n\naccel_pitch = atan(x_accel/sqrt(y_accel^2 + z_accel^2));\n%unwrapped_pitch = unwrap([accel_pitch_prev "
-      "accel_pitch]);\n%accel_pitch = unwrapped_pitch(2);\n\naccel_roll = atan2( -y_accel,(sign(-z_accel)*sqrt(z_accel^"
-      "2 + (1/100)*x_accel^2)) );\nunwrapped_roll = unwrap([accel_roll_prev accel_roll]);\naccel_roll = unwrapped_roll("
-      "2); \n"
+      script		      "%function euler_angles_IMU  = complimentaryFilter(accel_pitch, accel_roll, euler_angles_gyro, pre"
+      "v_euler_angles_IMU)\nfunction euler_angles_IMU  = complimentaryFilter(accel_pitch, accel_roll, euler_rates_gyro,"
+      " prev_euler_angles)\n\nk_gyro = 0.98; \nk_accel = 1-k_gyro; \n\nTs = 0.005; % 5 milliseconds\n\nprev_phi = prev_"
+      "euler_angles(1);\nprev_theta = prev_euler_angles(2);\n\nprev_phi_dot = euler_rates_gyro(1);\nprev_theta_dot = eu"
+      "ler_rates_gyro(2);\n\nintegrated_phi_gyro = Ts * prev_phi_dot + prev_phi;\nintegrated_theta_gyro = Ts * prev_the"
+      "ta_dot + prev_theta;\n\nphi = k_gyro * integrated_phi_gyro + k_accel * accel_roll;\ntheta = k_gyro * integrated_"
+      "theta_gyro + k_accel * accel_pitch;\n\neuler_angles_IMU = [phi; theta];\n"
       editorLayout	      "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
   data {
-    id			    132
+    id			    189
     ssIdNumber		    4
-    name		    "accel_reading"
+    name		    "accel_pitch"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -9203,17 +17636,39 @@ Stateflow {
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [130 0 133]
+    linkNode		    [187 0 190]
   data {
-    id			    133
+    id			    190
+    ssIdNumber		    13
+    name		    "accel_roll"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
+    machine		    1
+    props {
+      array {
+	size			"-1"
+      }
+      type {
+	primitive		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+	isSigned		1
+	wordLength		"16"
+      }
+      complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
+    }
+    dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+    linkNode		    [187 189 191]
+  }
+  data {
+    id			    191
     ssIdNumber		    5
-    name		    "accel_pitch"
+    name		    "euler_angles_IMU"
     scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
-	size			"-1"
+	size			"[2,1]"
       type {
@@ -9223,13 +17678,13 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [130 132 134]
+    linkNode		    [187 190 192]
   data {
-    id			    134
+    id			    192
     ssIdNumber		    6
-    name		    "accel_roll"
-    scope		    OUTPUT_DATA
+    name		    "euler_rates_gyro"
+    scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
       array {
@@ -9242,15 +17697,15 @@ Stateflow {
 	wordLength		"16"
       complexity	      SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
-      frame		      SF_FRAME_NO
+      frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [130 133 135]
+    linkNode		    [187 191 193]
   data {
-    id			    135
-    ssIdNumber		    7
-    name		    "accel_roll_prev"
+    id			    193
+    ssIdNumber		    17
+    name		    "prev_euler_angles"
     scope		    INPUT_DATA
     machine		    1
     props {
@@ -9267,19 +17722,19 @@ Stateflow {
       frame		      SF_FRAME_INHERITED
     dataType		    "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
-    linkNode		    [130 134 0]
+    linkNode		    [187 192 0]
   junction {
-    id			    136
+    id			    194
     position		    [23.5747 49.5747 7]
-    chart		    130
-    subviewer		    130
+    chart		    187
+    subviewer		    187
     ssIdNumber		    3
-    linkNode		    [130 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [187 0 0]
   transition {
-    id			    137
+    id			    195
     labelString		    "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
     labelPosition	    [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
     fontSize		    12
@@ -9287,29 +17742,29 @@ Stateflow {
       intersection	      [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
     dst {
-      id		      136
+      id		      194
       intersection	      [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
     midPoint		    [23.5747 24.9468]
-    chart		    130
+    chart		    187
     dataLimits		    [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
-    subviewer		    130
+    subviewer		    187
     drawStyle		    SMART
     slide {
       sticky		      BOTH_STICK
     executionOrder	    1
     ssIdNumber		    2
-    linkNode		    [130 0 0]
+    linkNode		    [187 0 0]
   instance {
-    id			    138
+    id			    196
     machine		    1
-    name		    "        /\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1"
-    chart		    130
+    name		    "     Sensors   /Complimentary Filter"
+    chart		    187
   target {
-    id			    139
+    id			    197
     machine		    1
     name		    "sfun"
     description		    "Default Simulink S-Function Target."
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/logAnalysis.m b/controls/model/logAnalysis.m
similarity index 78%
rename from controls/model/loggingAnalysis/logAnalysis.m
rename to controls/model/logAnalysis.m
index b240f0dcb7a3fb25ac8ffd1737bd60b3fc2bc6b7..c4f3a1f365deb000fe399bc2a851bd16989a20ff 100644
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/logAnalysis.m
+++ b/controls/model/logAnalysis.m
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ y_command_model_data = y_command_model.signals.values(indices_5ms);
 y_position_model_data = y_position_model.signals.values(indices_40ms);
 % Pull z control structure data
-z_command_model_data = z_command_model.signals.values(indices_40ms);
+z_command_model_data = z_command_model.signals.values(indices_5ms);
 z_position_model_data = z_position_model.signals.values(indices_40ms);
 % Pull yaw control structure data
@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ pitch_accel = reshape(pitch_accel, [length(pitch_accel) , 1] );
 roll_accel = angle_IMU_reading.signals.values(1, 1, indices_5ms);
 roll_accel = reshape(roll_accel, [length(roll_accel) , 1] );
 %% Plot x control structure
 % Plot lateral controller output
@@ -87,8 +85,8 @@ legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 % Plot longitude controller output
 figure(2); subplot(2, 2, 1);
-stairs(time, pitch_setpoint, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-stairs(time_model_40ms, pitch_setpoint_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
+stairs(time, roll_setpoint, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_40ms, roll_setpoint_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
 title('Longitude Controller Output ');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('\phi (rad)');
@@ -126,7 +124,7 @@ legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 % Plot z controller command
 figure(3); subplot(2, 1, 1);
 stairs(time, z_command, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-stairs(time_model_40ms, z_command_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
+stairs(time_model_5ms, z_command_model_data, '.-'); hold off;
 title('Z Command');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
@@ -171,7 +169,7 @@ ylabel('Value (rad)');
 legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 %% Plot PWM Commands
-figure(5); subplot(2, 2, 1);
+figure(5); ax1 = subplot(2, 2, 1);
 stairs(time, PWM0,'.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_5ms, PWM0_model, '.-'); hold off;
 title('PWM0 Value');
@@ -179,7 +177,7 @@ xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('PWM0 Command');
 legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
-subplot(2, 2, 2);
+ax2 = subplot(2, 2, 2);
 stairs(time, PWM1,'.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_5ms, PWM1_model, '.-'); hold off;
 title('PWM1 Value');
@@ -187,15 +185,15 @@ xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('PWM1 Command');
 legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
-subplot(2, 2, 3);
+ax3 = subplot(2, 2, 3);
 stairs(time, PWM2,'.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_5ms, PWM2_model, '.-'); hold off;
 title('PWM2 Value');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('PWM2 Command');
 legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
-subplot(2, 2, 4);
+ax4 = subplot(2, 2, 4);
 stairs(time, PWM3,'.-'); hold on; grid minor;
 stairs(time_model_5ms, PWM3_model, '.-'); hold off;
 title('PWM3 Value');
@@ -203,20 +201,52 @@ xlabel('Time (s)');
 ylabel('PWM3 Command');
 legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
+linkaxes([ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4], 'xy');
 %% Plot output of complimentary filter
-figure(6); subplot(2, 1, 1);
-stairs(time, pitch_measured_IMU, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-stairs(time_model_5ms, pitch_accel, '.-'); hold off;
+figure(8); subplot(2, 1, 1);
+stairs(time, pitch_measured_VRPN * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, pitch_measured_IMU * (180/pi), '.-');
+stairs(time_model_5ms, pitch_accel * (180/pi), '.-'); hold off;
 title('Pitch Complementary Filter Output');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
-ylabel('Pitch Angle (rad)');
-legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
+ylabel('Pitch Angle (degrees)');
+legend('VRPN','IMU', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
 subplot(2, 1, 2);
-stairs(time, roll_measured_IMU, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
-stairs(time_model_5ms, roll_accel, '.-'); hold off;
+stairs(time, roll_measured_VRPN * (180/pi), '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time, roll_measured_IMU * (180/pi), '.-');
+stairs(time_model_5ms, roll_accel * (180/pi), '.-'); hold off;
 title('Roll Complementary Filter Output');
 xlabel('Time (s)');
-ylabel('Roll Angle (rad)');
-legend('Log', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
+ylabel('Roll Angle (degrees)');
+legend('VRPN','IMU', 'Model', 'location', 'northwest');
+%% Plot VRPN Position
+figure(9); ax1 = subplot(3, 1, 1);
+stairs(time, x_position, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_40ms, x_position_model_data, '.-');
+title('X position');
+xlabel('Time (s)');
+ylabel('X position');
+legend('X position', 'X position model', 'X setpoint');
+ax2 = subplot(3, 1, 2);
+stairs(time, y_position, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_40ms, y_position_model_data, '.-');
+title('Y position');
+xlabel('Time (s)');
+ylabel('Y position');
+legend('Y position', 'Y position model', 'Y setpoint');
+ax3 = subplot(3, 1, 3);
+stairs(time, y_position, '.-'); hold on; grid minor;
+stairs(time_model_40ms, y_position_model_data, '.-');
+title('Z position');
+xlabel('Time (s)');
+ylabel('Z position');
+legend('Z position', 'Z position model', 'Y setpoint');
+linkaxes([ax1, ax2, ax3], 'x');
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/logFiles/Fri_Mar_24_18-08-27_2017.txt b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/logFiles/Fri_Mar_24_18-08-27_2017.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b1442f2a47f859729d548c1f014a9b93f7eb5f9d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/logFiles/Fri_Mar_24_18-08-27_2017.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7618 +0,0 @@
-# MicroCART On-board Quad Log
-# Sample size: 7625
-%Time	accel_x	accel_y	accel_z	gyro_x	gyro_y	gyro_z	RC Throttle_Constant	Altitude PID_Correction	X pos PID_Correction	Y pos PID_Correction	Pitch PID_Correction	Roll PID_Correction	Yaw PID_Correction	Pitch Rate PID_Correction	Roll Rate PID_Correction	Yaw Rate PID_Correction	Pitch_Constant	Roll_Constant	Yaw_Constant	VRPN X_Constant	VRPN Y_Constant	VRPN Alt_Constant	VRPN Pitch_Constant	VRPN Roll_Constant	X Setpoint_Constant	Y Setpoint_Constant	Alt Setpoint_Constant	Yaw Setpoint_Constant	Signal Mixer_PWM 0	Signal Mixer_PWM 1	Signal Mixer_PWM 2	Signal Mixer_PWM 3
-&s	G	G	G	rad/s	rad/s	rad/s	10ns_dutycycle	10ns_dutycycle	rad	rad	rad/s	rad/s	rad/s	10ns_dutycycle	10ns_dutycycle	10ns_dutycycle	rad	rad	rad	m	m	m	rad	rad	m	m	m	rad	10ns_dutycycle	10ns_dutycycle	10ns_dutycycle	10ns_dutycycle
-320.995331	-0.078562	-0.047885	-0.977697	-0.154634	-0.117230	-0.016725	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	1.281408	-0.737642	0.000000	-1192.809326	-1673.899048	7283.439453	-0.087808	0.051375	-1.537802	-0.114335	0.111210	-0.956657	-0.053366	0.051265	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103159.000000	115340.000000	114378.000000	100000.000000
-321.000336	-0.078318	-0.047396	-0.977697	-0.152505	-0.115101	-0.018854	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001115	0.000971	1.400389	-0.673326	0.001220	19819.894531	4442.185059	8741.731445	-0.088207	0.050577	-1.538271	-0.113965	0.110888	-0.956604	-0.054161	0.049815	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	131694.000000	100939.000000	123095.000000
-321.005341	-0.078318	-0.047152	-0.978430	-0.149313	-0.111909	-0.020982	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001115	0.000971	1.360409	-0.701642	0.001220	2025.578735	-6005.291016	9668.629883	-0.088581	0.049805	-1.538271	-0.113965	0.110888	-0.956604	-0.054161	0.049815	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101886.000000	125274.000000	109212.000000	100000.000000
-321.010345	-0.078562	-0.046908	-0.978430	-0.145056	-0.108716	-0.024175	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000687	0.000595	1.341478	-0.712552	0.002013	4238.185547	-4278.241211	11404.106445	-0.088937	0.049065	-1.538576	-0.113739	0.110692	-0.956535	-0.055397	0.048209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	127495.000000	110462.000000	100000.000000
-321.015350	-0.079051	-0.046908	-0.977941	-0.140799	-0.105523	-0.025239	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000687	0.000595	1.363234	-0.688423	0.002013	8797.487305	-333.912262	11867.555664	-0.089280	0.048363	-1.538576	-0.113739	0.110692	-0.956535	-0.055397	0.048209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	128573.000000	110311.000000	104171.000000
-321.020355	-0.079783	-0.046420	-0.977941	-0.136542	-0.101267	-0.026303	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000687	0.000595	1.367669	-0.679274	0.002013	6776.710449	-1958.714478	12331.004883	-0.089610	0.047685	-1.538576	-0.113739	0.110692	-0.956535	-0.055397	0.048209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	128641.000000	111170.000000	100061.000000
-321.025360	-0.079783	-0.046176	-0.977453	-0.131221	-0.097010	-0.027367	107635.000000	0.000000	0.000687	0.000595	1.371151	-0.671067	0.002013	6668.259277	-2165.942627	12794.454102	-0.089914	0.047043	-1.538576	-0.113739	0.110692	-0.956535	-0.055397	0.048209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129263.000000	111595.000000	100000.000000
-321.030365	-0.079539	-0.045688	-0.976477	-0.126964	-0.091688	-0.028432	107635.000000	0.000000	0.000687	0.000595	1.373746	-0.662818	0.002013	6441.307617	-2026.043579	13257.902344	-0.090182	0.046427	-1.538576	-0.113739	0.110692	-0.956535	-0.055397	0.048209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129360.000000	112425.000000	100000.000000
-321.035370	-0.080027	-0.045443	-0.976477	-0.121643	-0.085303	-0.028432	107635.000000	0.000000	0.000687	0.000595	1.376303	-0.655397	0.002013	6302.367676	-2224.360352	13257.902344	-0.090423	0.045843	-1.538576	-0.113739	0.110692	-0.956535	-0.055397	0.048209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129419.000000	112366.000000	100000.000000
-321.040375	-0.080516	-0.044711	-0.976477	-0.116322	-0.078918	-0.028432	107635.000000	0.000000	0.000687	0.000595	1.378489	-0.647894	0.002013	6242.277832	-2205.224854	13257.902344	-0.090638	0.045282	-1.538576	-0.113739	0.110692	-0.956535	-0.055397	0.048209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129340.000000	112445.000000	100000.000000
-321.045380	-0.081248	-0.044467	-0.977209	-0.111001	-0.072532	-0.028432	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000687	0.000595	1.380518	-0.641214	0.002013	6204.890625	-2289.588867	13257.902344	-0.090831	0.044753	-1.538576	-0.113739	0.110692	-0.956535	-0.055397	0.048209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129327.000000	112338.000000	100000.000000
-321.050385	-0.081492	-0.043734	-0.977941	-0.104615	-0.066147	-0.029496	107575.000000	0.000000	-0.005505	-0.004701	1.041192	-0.925937	-0.005109	-32919.265625	-35787.156250	10619.772461	-0.090993	0.044251	-1.535836	-0.115568	0.112254	-0.956451	-0.056563	0.046535	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156955.000000	118194.000000	118194.000000	100000.000000
-321.055389	-0.081980	-0.043002	-0.978918	-0.097166	-0.060826	-0.029496	107575.000000	0.000000	0.003149	0.002708	1.765935	-0.300952	0.006450	87507.875000	66964.289062	15653.780273	-0.091134	0.043779	-1.540282	-0.112447	0.109571	-0.956269	-0.058568	0.044307	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	123228.000000	123228.000000	151921.000000
-321.060394	-0.081492	-0.042514	-0.979650	-0.089716	-0.054441	-0.029496	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000593	0.000522	1.278982	-0.712242	0.007016	-48111.804688	-48906.558594	15899.974609	-0.091230	0.043342	-1.540500	-0.112260	0.109406	-0.956184	-0.058980	0.043508	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151675.000000	123474.000000	123474.000000	100000.000000
-321.065399	-0.080760	-0.042025	-0.979895	-0.081202	-0.049119	-0.029496	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000593	0.000522	1.380255	-0.620508	0.007016	17125.683594	6669.789551	15899.974609	-0.091283	0.042945	-1.540500	-0.112260	0.109406	-0.956184	-0.058980	0.043508	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	133930.000000	113019.000000	115470.000000
-321.070404	-0.080027	-0.041537	-0.979895	-0.072688	-0.043798	-0.029496	107645.000000	0.000000	0.000593	0.000522	1.378746	-0.616745	0.007016	5792.639648	-3025.010742	15899.974609	-0.091294	0.042589	-1.540500	-0.112260	0.109406	-0.956184	-0.058980	0.043508	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132362.000000	114727.000000	100000.000000
-321.075409	-0.079295	-0.041049	-0.980383	-0.064175	-0.038477	-0.029496	107645.000000	0.000000	0.000593	0.000522	1.376610	-0.613510	0.007016	5689.435059	-3107.465820	15899.974609	-0.091263	0.042271	-1.540500	-0.112260	0.109406	-0.956184	-0.058980	0.043508	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132341.000000	114748.000000	100000.000000
-321.080414	-0.079295	-0.040316	-0.980871	-0.054597	-0.034220	-0.029496	107645.000000	0.000000	0.000593	0.000522	1.374996	-0.610824	0.007016	5836.889160	-3316.419434	15899.974609	-0.091211	0.041990	-1.540500	-0.112260	0.109406	-0.956184	-0.058980	0.043508	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132698.000000	114391.000000	100000.000000
-321.085419	-0.079539	-0.040561	-0.982336	-0.046083	-0.029963	-0.029496	107645.000000	0.000000	0.000593	0.000522	1.373268	-0.609423	0.007016	5796.688477	-3373.630615	15899.974609	-0.091142	0.041761	-1.540500	-0.112260	0.109406	-0.956184	-0.058980	0.043508	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132715.000000	114374.000000	100000.000000
-321.090424	-0.079783	-0.040561	-0.983312	-0.035441	-0.025706	-0.028432	107577.000000	0.000000	0.000593	0.000522	1.371361	-0.609028	0.007016	5748.738281	-3765.195557	15436.525391	-0.091057	0.041587	-1.540500	-0.112260	0.109406	-0.956184	-0.058980	0.043508	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132527.000000	113499.000000	100000.000000
-321.095428	-0.080027	-0.041049	-0.983557	-0.026927	-0.022514	-0.028432	107577.000000	0.000000	0.000593	0.000522	1.369569	-0.609432	0.007016	5855.502441	-3660.125488	15436.525391	-0.090963	0.041468	-1.540500	-0.112260	0.109406	-0.956184	-0.058980	0.043508	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132529.000000	113497.000000	100000.000000
-321.100433	-0.080271	-0.041049	-0.984045	-0.017349	-0.018257	-0.027367	107577.000000	0.000000	0.000912	0.000782	1.384905	-0.595967	0.009235	7672.654297	-2234.236328	15939.494141	-0.090854	0.041397	-1.541353	-0.111679	0.108908	-0.955965	-0.058770	0.043098	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	133423.000000	113609.000000	100000.000000
-321.105438	-0.080027	-0.041293	-0.983312	-0.008835	-0.012936	-0.026303	107577.000000	0.000000	-0.000057	-0.000036	1.315702	-0.652958	0.008695	-2082.564941	-10165.589844	15240.918945	-0.090718	0.041375	-1.541146	-0.111743	0.108955	-0.955821	-0.059199	0.043112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104584.000000	130900.000000	114734.000000	100000.000000
-321.110443	-0.079783	-0.041537	-0.982580	-0.000321	-0.007615	-0.026303	107640.000000	0.000000	-0.000057	-0.000036	1.350925	-0.622528	0.008695	9537.147461	-452.354065	15240.918945	-0.090554	0.041400	-1.541146	-0.111743	0.108955	-0.955821	-0.059199	0.043112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132870.000000	112891.000000	101483.000000
-321.115448	-0.080027	-0.041537	-0.981848	0.007128	-0.001229	-0.025239	107640.000000	0.000000	-0.000057	-0.000036	1.347283	-0.624883	0.008695	5100.539062	-3985.324463	14777.469727	-0.090369	0.041461	-1.541146	-0.111743	0.108955	-0.955821	-0.059199	0.043112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	131503.000000	113331.000000	100000.000000
-321.120453	-0.080760	-0.041537	-0.982092	0.012450	0.005156	-0.024175	107640.000000	0.000000	-0.000057	-0.000036	1.343794	-0.627117	0.008695	5072.007812	-3772.759766	14314.020508	-0.090171	0.041546	-1.541146	-0.111743	0.108955	-0.955821	-0.059199	0.043112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130798.000000	113109.000000	100000.000000
-321.125458	-0.081492	-0.041537	-0.981848	0.018835	0.012606	-0.023110	107640.000000	0.000000	-0.000057	-0.000036	1.339882	-0.629994	0.008695	4856.269531	-4003.010010	13850.572266	-0.089956	0.041660	-1.541146	-0.111743	0.108955	-0.955821	-0.059199	0.043112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130349.000000	112631.000000	100000.000000
-321.130463	-0.082225	-0.042514	-0.981359	0.024156	0.020055	-0.022046	107640.000000	0.000000	-0.000057	-0.000036	1.335752	-0.634088	0.008695	4778.932129	-4063.176514	13387.123047	-0.089724	0.041817	-1.541146	-0.111743	0.108955	-0.955821	-0.059199	0.043112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129869.000000	112185.000000	100000.000000
-321.135468	-0.083201	-0.042514	-0.981604	0.028413	0.028569	-0.020982	107639.000000	0.000000	-0.001634	-0.001384	1.244619	-0.711497	0.006381	-5362.928223	-12383.245117	11916.224609	-0.089475	0.041991	-1.540256	-0.112298	0.109425	-0.955791	-0.060000	0.044327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113468.000000	126575.000000	112534.000000	100000.000000
-321.140472	-0.082713	-0.043246	-0.981848	0.033734	0.036019	-0.019918	107639.000000	0.000000	0.000327	0.000291	1.409421	-0.570162	0.007148	23619.498047	12177.623047	11786.567383	-0.089184	0.042202	-1.540551	-0.112008	0.109167	-0.955518	-0.059236	0.045511	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130867.000000	107983.000000	131649.000000
-321.145477	-0.081736	-0.044223	-0.981115	0.037991	0.044532	-0.018854	107639.000000	0.000000	0.000327	0.000291	1.323696	-0.642278	0.007148	-4480.038086	-11528.581055	11323.118164	-0.088840	0.042450	-1.540551	-0.112008	0.109167	-0.955518	-0.059236	0.045511	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112324.000000	126010.000000	111913.000000	100000.000000
-321.150482	-0.081248	-0.044467	-0.980871	0.042248	0.051982	-0.016725	107639.000000	0.000000	0.000233	0.000212	1.311233	-0.651418	0.007264	3602.981445	-4664.016602	10446.835938	-0.088456	0.042717	-1.540596	-0.111943	0.109107	-0.955416	-0.058527	0.046262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	126352.000000	109818.000000	100000.000000
-321.155487	-0.080760	-0.044711	-0.980383	0.046505	0.058367	-0.014597	107579.000000	0.000000	0.000233	0.000212	1.307459	-0.653374	0.007264	4628.827637	-3902.573486	9519.938477	-0.088040	0.043004	-1.540596	-0.111943	0.109107	-0.955416	-0.058527	0.046262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	125630.000000	108567.000000	100000.000000
-321.160492	-0.080516	-0.044467	-0.980871	0.051826	0.064753	-0.013532	107579.000000	0.000000	0.000233	0.000212	1.299654	-0.658473	0.007264	4120.237305	-4413.053711	9056.489258	-0.087596	0.043306	-1.540596	-0.111943	0.109107	-0.955416	-0.058527	0.046262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	125168.000000	108102.000000	100000.000000
-321.165497	-0.080027	-0.044467	-0.981359	0.057147	0.070074	-0.011404	107579.000000	0.000000	0.000233	0.000212	1.291481	-0.664019	0.007264	4134.383301	-4512.547852	8129.591309	-0.087124	0.043626	-1.540596	-0.111943	0.109107	-0.955416	-0.058527	0.046262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	124355.000000	107061.000000	100000.000000
-321.170502	-0.079051	-0.044711	-0.981359	0.062468	0.073266	-0.010340	107579.000000	0.000000	0.000233	0.000212	1.282989	-0.670150	0.007264	4279.593750	-4629.517090	7666.142090	-0.086626	0.043970	-1.540596	-0.111943	0.109107	-0.955416	-0.058527	0.046262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100262.000000	124154.000000	106336.000000	100000.000000
-321.175507	-0.078562	-0.044711	-0.981115	0.068854	0.076459	-0.008211	107579.000000	0.000000	0.000233	0.000212	1.274717	-0.676617	0.007264	4251.398438	-4842.422363	6739.244141	-0.086114	0.044338	-1.540596	-0.111943	0.109107	-0.955416	-0.058527	0.046262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101430.000000	123412.000000	105224.000000	100248.000000
-321.180511	-0.077830	-0.045199	-0.981848	0.075239	0.077523	-0.007147	107643.000000	0.000000	0.000233	0.000212	1.266440	-0.683938	0.007264	4441.915039	-4999.230469	6275.795410	-0.085591	0.044739	-1.540596	-0.111943	0.109107	-0.955416	-0.058527	0.046262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101924.000000	123359.000000	104477.000000	100809.000000
-321.185516	-0.078074	-0.044955	-0.981604	0.081624	0.078588	-0.006083	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001251	0.001087	1.315198	-0.642845	0.010047	10932.662109	483.753052	7024.147461	-0.085079	0.045158	-1.541666	-0.111142	0.108412	-0.955183	-0.055588	0.046339	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	125116.000000	104218.000000	112035.000000
-321.190521	-0.077586	-0.045688	-0.981848	0.086945	0.079652	-0.005019	107643.000000	0.000000	-0.002184	-0.001862	1.077629	-0.847980	0.007088	-21648.462891	-27441.652344	5272.097168	-0.084561	0.045609	-1.540528	-0.111883	0.109044	-0.955144	-0.055557	0.048142	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151461.000000	118708.000000	107121.000000	100000.000000
-321.195526	-0.077586	-0.046176	-0.982580	0.093331	0.078588	-0.005019	107643.000000	0.000000	-0.002184	-0.001862	1.208009	-0.738577	0.007088	19648.439453	7500.688965	5272.097168	-0.084058	0.046091	-1.540528	-0.111883	0.109044	-0.955144	-0.055557	0.048142	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	125062.000000	100767.000000	129520.000000
-321.200531	-0.077342	-0.047152	-0.982580	0.098652	0.078588	-0.005019	107654.000000	0.000000	-0.002184	-0.001862	1.200742	-0.747801	0.007088	4362.869629	-5493.018555	5272.097168	-0.083560	0.046609	-1.540528	-0.111883	0.109044	-0.955144	-0.055557	0.048142	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103512.000000	122781.000000	103070.000000	101251.000000
-321.205536	-0.077586	-0.047885	-0.981604	0.102909	0.077523	-0.006083	107654.000000	0.000000	-0.002184	-0.001862	1.194448	-0.757046	0.007088	4562.750977	-5440.351562	5735.545898	-0.083084	0.047155	-1.540528	-0.111883	0.109044	-0.955144	-0.055557	0.048142	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102796.000000	123392.000000	103386.000000	101040.000000
-321.210541	-0.077830	-0.047885	-0.980871	0.108230	0.076459	-0.006083	107654.000000	0.000000	-0.002184	-0.001862	1.188446	-0.766094	0.007088	4572.136230	-5602.240723	5735.545898	-0.082628	0.047715	-1.540528	-0.111883	0.109044	-0.955144	-0.055557	0.048142	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102948.000000	123563.000000	103215.000000	100888.000000
-321.215546	-0.077830	-0.047885	-0.980871	0.112487	0.074331	-0.008211	107654.000000	0.000000	-0.002184	-0.001862	1.182658	-0.775088	0.007088	4695.841309	-5539.830566	6662.443848	-0.082192	0.048287	-1.540528	-0.111883	0.109044	-0.955144	-0.055557	0.048142	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101835.000000	124552.000000	104080.000000	100147.000000
-321.220551	-0.078074	-0.048129	-0.981115	0.115679	0.073266	-0.010340	107579.000000	0.000000	0.000564	0.000485	1.328191	-0.655134	0.008402	21895.164062	9295.431641	8161.498535	-0.081773	0.048868	-1.541033	-0.111536	0.108747	-0.954889	-0.052316	0.048890	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	128340.000000	103140.000000	130608.000000
-321.225555	-0.078807	-0.048617	-0.980383	0.118872	0.071138	-0.012468	107579.000000	0.000000	-0.000046	-0.000042	1.180380	-0.787534	0.008246	-10916.140625	-19078.656250	9020.504883	-0.081388	0.049465	-1.540973	-0.111596	0.108800	-0.954640	-0.050403	0.051023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128553.000000	124762.000000	108436.000000	100000.000000
-321.230560	-0.079783	-0.049105	-0.980627	0.122065	0.067945	-0.015661	107579.000000	0.000000	-0.000046	-0.000042	1.201298	-0.776219	0.008246	7864.464844	-3239.098145	10410.851562	-0.081046	0.050076	-1.540973	-0.111596	0.108800	-0.954640	-0.050403	0.051023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129093.000000	106886.000000	101793.000000
-321.235565	-0.080027	-0.050082	-0.980627	0.124193	0.065817	-0.018854	107579.000000	0.000000	-0.000046	-0.000042	1.197330	-0.786449	0.008246	5002.743652	-5547.760254	11801.198242	-0.080725	0.050707	-1.540973	-0.111596	0.108800	-0.954640	-0.050403	0.051023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129930.000000	108829.000000	100000.000000
-321.240570	-0.080760	-0.051303	-0.980871	0.126322	0.062624	-0.020982	107579.000000	0.000000	-0.000046	-0.000042	1.194478	-0.797179	0.008246	5243.963379	-5661.986328	12728.096680	-0.080439	0.051361	-1.540973	-0.111596	0.108800	-0.954640	-0.050403	0.051023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	131213.000000	109401.000000	100000.000000
-321.245575	-0.081248	-0.052035	-0.980871	0.126322	0.059432	-0.023110	107645.000000	0.000000	-0.000046	-0.000042	1.191875	-0.807127	0.008246	5274.076172	-5387.762695	13654.994141	-0.080184	0.052017	-1.540973	-0.111596	0.108800	-0.954640	-0.050403	0.051023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	131961.000000	110638.000000	100000.000000
-321.250580	-0.081492	-0.052523	-0.981115	0.126322	0.056239	-0.025239	107645.000000	0.000000	-0.000046	-0.000042	1.189404	-0.816826	0.008246	5291.889648	-5404.918945	14581.891602	-0.079954	0.052671	-1.540973	-0.111596	0.108800	-0.954640	-0.050403	0.051023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132923.000000	111530.000000	100000.000000
-321.255585	-0.081736	-0.052279	-0.981115	0.126322	0.053046	-0.027367	107645.000000	0.000000	-0.000046	-0.000042	1.187299	-0.825686	0.008246	5337.179688	-5353.480469	15508.790039	-0.079748	0.053307	-1.540973	-0.111596	0.108800	-0.954640	-0.050403	0.051023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	133844.000000	112463.000000	100000.000000
-321.260590	-0.081980	-0.052523	-0.982092	0.125257	0.048789	-0.029496	107645.000000	0.000000	-0.000046	-0.000042	1.185729	-0.834509	0.008246	5525.360840	-5267.955566	16435.687500	-0.079570	0.053930	-1.540973	-0.111596	0.108800	-0.954640	-0.050403	0.051023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	134874.000000	113287.000000	100000.000000
-321.265594	-0.082713	-0.052523	-0.982580	0.123129	0.043468	-0.030560	107650.000000	0.000000	0.000039	0.000026	1.190086	-0.838842	0.008404	6338.661133	-4667.546875	16968.244141	-0.079435	0.054531	-1.541034	-0.111600	0.108809	-0.954434	-0.048955	0.053758	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	135624.000000	113612.000000	100000.000000
-321.270599	-0.083201	-0.052768	-0.983068	0.121001	0.038147	-0.032688	107650.000000	0.000000	-0.000659	-0.000572	1.148348	-0.882537	0.006795	1102.661987	-9186.791992	17194.355469	-0.079337	0.055114	-1.540415	-0.112064	0.109212	-0.954273	-0.048367	0.057335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	135133.000000	114554.000000	100000.000000
-321.275604	-0.083689	-0.052768	-0.984045	0.117808	0.031762	-0.034817	107650.000000	0.000000	-0.000659	-0.000572	1.177020	-0.865845	0.006795	9122.922852	-2338.311279	18121.253906	-0.079280	0.055670	-1.540415	-0.112064	0.109212	-0.954273	-0.048367	0.057335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	137232.000000	114310.000000	100000.000000
-321.280609	-0.084422	-0.053744	-0.985021	0.114615	0.025376	-0.035881	107650.000000	0.000000	-0.000659	-0.000572	1.178637	-0.873760	0.006795	6184.874512	-5065.723145	18584.701172	-0.079267	0.056218	-1.540415	-0.112064	0.109212	-0.954273	-0.048367	0.057335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	137485.000000	114984.000000	100000.000000
-321.285614	-0.085154	-0.054477	-0.986242	0.110358	0.018991	-0.038010	107650.000000	0.000000	-0.000659	-0.000572	1.180839	-0.881017	0.006795	6288.781250	-4890.230469	19511.599609	-0.079299	0.056748	-1.540415	-0.112064	0.109212	-0.954273	-0.048367	0.057335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	138340.000000	115982.000000	100000.000000
-321.290619	-0.086375	-0.054721	-0.987219	0.106101	0.011541	-0.039074	107644.000000	0.000000	-0.000659	-0.000572	1.184509	-0.887480	0.006795	6618.312500	-4813.065430	19975.048828	-0.079388	0.057251	-1.540415	-0.112064	0.109212	-0.954273	-0.048367	0.057335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139050.000000	116187.000000	100000.000000
-321.295624	-0.086863	-0.055453	-0.987707	0.099716	0.005156	-0.041202	107644.000000	0.000000	-0.000659	-0.000572	1.187920	-0.893587	0.006795	6517.901367	-4538.620605	20901.947266	-0.079515	0.057728	-1.540415	-0.112064	0.109212	-0.954273	-0.048367	0.057335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139602.000000	117489.000000	100000.000000
-321.300629	-0.087352	-0.055697	-0.988195	0.093331	-0.001229	-0.042266	107644.000000	0.000000	0.000303	0.000249	1.244795	-0.853619	0.007268	12687.531250	740.870361	21571.367188	-0.079679	0.058170	-1.540597	-0.111975	0.109140	-0.954142	-0.047684	0.058662	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	141162.000000	117268.000000	100000.000000
-321.305634	-0.088084	-0.055941	-0.987707	0.084817	-0.006550	-0.043331	107644.000000	0.000000	0.000562	0.000470	1.225104	-0.878433	0.009656	4085.591553	-6223.276367	23074.523438	-0.079882	0.058566	-1.541515	-0.111462	0.108712	-0.953794	-0.046975	0.061998	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	141027.000000	120409.000000	100000.000000
-321.310638	-0.088572	-0.056430	-0.986975	0.076303	-0.011872	-0.043331	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000775	0.000646	1.231259	-0.881437	0.010791	6980.233398	-3799.762207	23568.935547	-0.080117	0.058924	-1.541952	-0.111220	0.108511	-0.953697	-0.046711	0.063192	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	141994.000000	120434.000000	100000.000000
-321.315643	-0.088816	-0.056918	-0.987219	0.066725	-0.017193	-0.043331	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000775	0.000646	1.227712	-0.891387	0.010791	5921.655273	-4448.239258	23568.935547	-0.080378	0.059237	-1.541952	-0.111220	0.108511	-0.953697	-0.046711	0.063192	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	141584.000000	120845.000000	100000.000000
-321.320648	-0.089305	-0.057162	-0.987219	0.057147	-0.021450	-0.043331	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000775	0.000646	1.233016	-0.893436	0.010791	6821.862793	-3544.746582	23568.935547	-0.080664	0.059502	-1.541952	-0.111220	0.108511	-0.953697	-0.046711	0.063192	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	141581.000000	120848.000000	100000.000000
-321.325653	-0.089061	-0.057650	-0.986730	0.046505	-0.025706	-0.041202	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000775	0.000646	1.237947	-0.894787	0.010791	6822.998535	-3308.309082	22642.037109	-0.080961	0.059719	-1.541952	-0.111220	0.108511	-0.953697	-0.046711	0.063192	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	140419.000000	120156.000000	100000.000000
-321.330658	-0.088328	-0.057895	-0.986486	0.036927	-0.029963	-0.039074	107649.000000	0.000000	0.000775	0.000646	1.242477	-0.895478	0.010791	6819.411133	-3311.938965	21715.138672	-0.081260	0.059890	-1.541952	-0.111220	0.108511	-0.953697	-0.046711	0.063192	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139495.000000	119232.000000	100000.000000
-321.335663	-0.087840	-0.057895	-0.986486	0.027349	-0.034220	-0.036945	107649.000000	0.000000	0.000775	0.000646	1.247270	-0.895233	0.010791	6889.985840	-3163.776367	20788.240234	-0.081565	0.060010	-1.541952	-0.111220	0.108511	-0.953697	-0.046711	0.063192	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	138491.000000	118383.000000	100000.000000
-321.340668	-0.087107	-0.057895	-0.986242	0.016706	-0.038477	-0.033753	107649.000000	0.000000	0.000775	0.000646	1.251915	-0.893985	0.010791	6914.788086	-2881.533936	19397.894531	-0.081871	0.060074	-1.541952	-0.111220	0.108511	-0.953697	-0.046711	0.063192	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	136843.000000	117250.000000	100000.000000
-321.345673	-0.086863	-0.057162	-0.986486	0.008193	-0.043798	-0.030560	107649.000000	0.000000	0.000775	0.000646	1.257360	-0.891699	0.010791	7169.375977	-2951.682129	18007.546875	-0.082192	0.060079	-1.541952	-0.111220	0.108511	-0.953697	-0.046711	0.063192	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	135777.000000	115535.000000	100000.000000
-321.350677	-0.086863	-0.056430	-0.986975	-0.000321	-0.050184	-0.026303	107649.000000	0.000000	0.000775	0.000646	1.263572	-0.888552	0.010791	7428.375977	-2803.713867	16153.751953	-0.082539	0.060025	-1.541952	-0.111220	0.108511	-0.953697	-0.046711	0.063192	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	134034.000000	113570.000000	100000.000000
-321.355682	-0.087107	-0.055941	-0.987707	-0.008835	-0.056569	-0.023110	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000770	0.000655	1.270083	-0.884406	0.011771	7520.961426	-2635.333496	15190.059570	-0.082915	0.059920	-1.542329	-0.110981	0.108308	-0.953618	-0.046948	0.063800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132987.000000	112674.000000	100000.000000
-321.360687	-0.087107	-0.055453	-0.988195	-0.016285	-0.062954	-0.019918	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000686	0.000585	1.272655	-0.884470	0.014283	7128.731934	-3181.497070	14893.679688	-0.083314	0.059768	-1.543295	-0.110361	0.107781	-0.953426	-0.048610	0.063589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132844.000000	112224.000000	100000.000000
-321.365692	-0.087596	-0.054477	-0.987951	-0.022670	-0.068276	-0.018854	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000686	0.000585	1.283556	-0.876766	0.014283	8002.150879	-2379.707275	14430.230469	-0.083743	0.059568	-1.543295	-0.110361	0.107781	-0.953426	-0.048610	0.063589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132453.000000	111689.000000	100000.000000
-321.370697	-0.087596	-0.053500	-0.987951	-0.030119	-0.075725	-0.016725	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000686	0.000585	1.291554	-0.870867	0.014283	7988.030762	-2399.698975	13503.333008	-0.084199	0.059316	-1.543295	-0.110361	0.107781	-0.953426	-0.048610	0.063589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	131532.000000	110756.000000	100000.000000
-321.375702	-0.088328	-0.052768	-0.988684	-0.037569	-0.082110	-0.015661	107651.000000	0.000000	0.000686	0.000585	1.300381	-0.864480	0.014283	8032.166504	-2282.291504	13039.883789	-0.084692	0.059016	-1.543295	-0.110361	0.107781	-0.953426	-0.048610	0.063589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	131005.000000	110376.000000	100360.000000
-321.380707	-0.088328	-0.052279	-0.988928	-0.045019	-0.087432	-0.015661	107651.000000	0.000000	0.000686	0.000585	1.308643	-0.857760	0.014283	7915.437988	-2180.673828	13039.883789	-0.085201	0.058676	-1.543295	-0.110361	0.107781	-0.953426	-0.048610	0.063589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130786.000000	110594.000000	100345.000000
-321.385712	-0.089305	-0.052523	-0.989172	-0.052468	-0.092753	-0.015661	107651.000000	0.000000	0.000686	0.000585	1.318196	-0.851283	0.014283	8125.942383	-2143.193115	13039.883789	-0.085744	0.058310	-1.543295	-0.110361	0.107781	-0.953426	-0.048610	0.063589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130960.000000	110421.000000	100593.000000
-321.390717	-0.090037	-0.052279	-0.989416	-0.059918	-0.098074	-0.015661	107651.000000	0.000000	0.000367	0.000312	1.310418	-0.858930	0.015521	6208.895508	-3697.217773	13578.971680	-0.086318	0.057911	-1.543771	-0.110066	0.107531	-0.953260	-0.051172	0.061811	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	131136.000000	111323.000000	100000.000000
-321.395721	-0.091014	-0.052523	-0.988684	-0.067367	-0.102331	-0.016725	107651.000000	0.000000	-0.003256	-0.002815	1.134234	-1.012714	0.011534	-13216.267578	-20438.912109	12306.244141	-0.086921	0.057489	-1.542238	-0.111168	0.108484	-0.953252	-0.052706	0.061688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128999.000000	127179.000000	112734.000000	100000.000000
-321.400726	-0.091014	-0.052523	-0.987951	-0.074817	-0.106588	-0.017789	107577.000000	0.000000	0.000407	0.000346	1.490052	-0.706122	0.012022	46936.980469	31626.751953	12982.278320	-0.087533	0.057041	-1.542426	-0.111050	0.108383	-0.953218	-0.053920	0.061035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	120559.000000	120559.000000	154594.000000
-321.405731	-0.091014	-0.052279	-0.987463	-0.081202	-0.109780	-0.017789	107577.000000	0.000000	0.000407	0.000346	1.353044	-0.824302	0.012022	-7984.876465	-15710.771484	12982.278320	-0.088151	0.056565	-1.542426	-0.111050	0.108383	-0.953218	-0.053920	0.061035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118290.000000	128285.000000	112833.000000	100000.000000
-321.410736	-0.090770	-0.052279	-0.988195	-0.088652	-0.111909	-0.017789	107577.000000	0.000000	0.000407	0.000346	1.361856	-0.815655	0.012022	7982.323730	-1574.213379	12982.278320	-0.088760	0.056063	-1.542426	-0.111050	0.108383	-0.953218	-0.053920	0.061035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130115.000000	111002.000000	101002.000000
-321.415741	-0.090525	-0.051791	-0.987951	-0.093973	-0.115101	-0.016725	107577.000000	0.000000	0.000407	0.000346	1.370960	-0.806689	0.012022	8188.008301	-1707.577881	12518.829102	-0.089368	0.055534	-1.542426	-0.111050	0.108383	-0.953218	-0.053920	0.061035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129991.000000	110200.000000	101538.000000
-321.420746	-0.089793	-0.051791	-0.987463	-0.098230	-0.117230	-0.016725	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000407	0.000346	1.379237	-0.798230	0.012022	8027.825195	-1821.810913	12518.829102	-0.089961	0.054996	-1.542426	-0.111050	0.108383	-0.953218	-0.053920	0.061035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130015.000000	110316.000000	101334.000000
-321.425751	-0.088816	-0.051547	-0.987951	-0.102487	-0.119358	-0.015661	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000407	0.000346	1.386948	-0.789286	0.012022	8010.917480	-1707.814819	12055.379883	-0.090533	0.054442	-1.542426	-0.111050	0.108383	-0.953218	-0.053920	0.061035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129421.000000	109983.000000	101894.000000
-321.430756	-0.088328	-0.050570	-0.987707	-0.104615	-0.121487	-0.014597	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000407	0.000346	1.394972	-0.779927	0.012022	8092.302734	-1842.989990	11591.931641	-0.091094	0.053869	-1.542426	-0.111050	0.108383	-0.953218	-0.053920	0.061035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129174.000000	109303.000000	102304.000000
-321.435760	-0.088084	-0.049838	-0.988195	-0.105679	-0.125744	-0.013532	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000599	0.000512	1.414190	-0.761687	0.014127	9664.869141	-895.083740	12045.093750	-0.091660	0.053286	-1.543235	-0.110517	0.107929	-0.953067	-0.056261	0.055840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130252.000000	109132.000000	104371.000000
-321.440765	-0.088572	-0.048861	-0.988684	-0.105679	-0.128936	-0.012468	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000599	0.000512	1.415748	-0.759101	0.014127	7627.956543	-2721.336426	11581.645508	-0.092240	0.052695	-1.543235	-0.110517	0.107929	-0.953067	-0.056261	0.055840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129576.000000	108878.000000	100970.000000
-321.445770	-0.088816	-0.047641	-0.989660	-0.104615	-0.133193	-0.011404	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000599	0.000512	1.425146	-0.749746	0.014127	8669.740234	-2055.967285	11118.196289	-0.092832	0.052094	-1.543235	-0.110517	0.107929	-0.953067	-0.056261	0.055840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129489.000000	108038.000000	103141.000000
-321.450775	-0.089305	-0.047396	-0.990393	-0.103551	-0.137450	-0.011404	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000599	0.000512	1.434991	-0.741387	0.014127	8784.185547	-2131.774902	11118.196289	-0.093442	0.051506	-1.543235	-0.110517	0.107929	-0.953067	-0.056261	0.055840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129680.000000	107848.000000	103180.000000
-321.455780	-0.090281	-0.046420	-0.991125	-0.100358	-0.140643	-0.011404	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000599	0.000512	1.445334	-0.732954	0.014127	8784.067383	-2333.642334	11118.196289	-0.094073	0.050925	-1.543235	-0.110517	0.107929	-0.953067	-0.056261	0.055840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129881.000000	107646.000000	102978.000000
-321.460785	-0.091502	-0.045932	-0.991125	-0.098230	-0.144900	-0.012468	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000599	0.000512	1.456589	-0.724938	0.014127	9072.908203	-2235.331055	11581.645508	-0.094737	0.050356	-1.543235	-0.110517	0.107929	-0.953067	-0.056261	0.055840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130535.000000	107919.000000	102901.000000
-321.465790	-0.092723	-0.044955	-0.990881	-0.095037	-0.148092	-0.013532	107652.000000	0.000000	0.000599	0.000512	1.468040	-0.716858	0.014127	9044.267578	-2323.066406	12045.093750	-0.095428	0.049796	-1.543235	-0.110517	0.107929	-0.953067	-0.056261	0.055840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	131064.000000	108329.000000	102328.000000
-321.470795	-0.093211	-0.044223	-0.990881	-0.092909	-0.150221	-0.015661	107652.000000	0.000000	-0.000046	-0.000040	1.443279	-0.739244	0.013579	4841.074707	-5669.149414	12733.492188	-0.096125	0.049244	-1.543024	-0.110669	0.108061	-0.953089	-0.063015	0.052640	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130895.000000	109875.000000	100000.000000
-321.475800	-0.094187	-0.043002	-0.991369	-0.090780	-0.150221	-0.017789	107652.000000	0.000000	-0.000046	-0.000040	1.479754	-0.708750	0.013579	11508.554688	276.250061	13660.390625	-0.096826	0.048689	-1.543024	-0.110669	0.108061	-0.953089	-0.063015	0.052640	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132544.000000	110080.000000	105776.000000
-321.480804	-0.095652	-0.042270	-0.991369	-0.089716	-0.151285	-0.020982	107652.000000	0.000000	0.001185	0.001018	1.559022	-0.642402	0.014992	16700.423828	4636.097168	15666.085938	-0.097548	0.048137	-1.543568	-0.110296	0.107740	-0.953191	-0.065956	0.053755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	135382.000000	111253.000000	113322.000000
-321.485809	-0.096385	-0.042025	-0.991857	-0.087588	-0.150221	-0.024175	107585.000000	0.000000	0.001185	0.001018	1.520274	-0.677417	0.014992	3305.768311	-6798.219238	17056.431641	-0.098262	0.047603	-1.543568	-0.110296	0.107740	-0.953191	-0.065956	0.053755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	134745.000000	114537.000000	100000.000000
-321.490814	-0.096873	-0.041537	-0.992834	-0.086523	-0.148092	-0.027367	107585.000000	0.000000	0.001185	0.001018	1.530031	-0.669782	0.014992	8558.187500	-1960.482056	18446.779297	-0.098959	0.047076	-1.543568	-0.110296	0.107740	-0.953191	-0.065956	0.053755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	136550.000000	115513.000000	100000.000000
-321.495819	-0.097361	-0.041293	-0.993322	-0.085459	-0.145964	-0.029496	107585.000000	0.000000	0.001185	0.001018	1.539610	-0.662505	0.014992	8572.858398	-1971.301636	19373.677734	-0.099640	0.046560	-1.543568	-0.110296	0.107740	-0.953191	-0.065956	0.053755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	137502.000000	116414.000000	100000.000000
-321.500824	-0.097850	-0.041293	-0.993566	-0.083331	-0.143836	-0.031624	107585.000000	0.000000	0.001185	0.001018	1.548992	-0.655955	0.014992	8584.541016	-2147.940430	20300.576172	-0.100306	0.046066	-1.543568	-0.110296	0.107740	-0.953191	-0.065956	0.053755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	138618.000000	117153.000000	100000.000000
-321.505829	-0.097605	-0.041049	-0.993811	-0.081202	-0.140643	-0.033753	107585.000000	0.000000	0.001185	0.001018	1.557075	-0.649440	0.014992	8347.261719	-2131.519775	21227.474609	-0.100938	0.045588	-1.543568	-0.110296	0.107740	-0.953191	-0.065956	0.053755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139291.000000	118333.000000	100000.000000
-321.510834	-0.097850	-0.039828	-0.993566	-0.079074	-0.137450	-0.034817	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001185	0.001018	1.565282	-0.642069	0.014992	8383.879883	-2013.308105	21690.923828	-0.101546	0.045106	-1.543568	-0.110296	0.107740	-0.953191	-0.065956	0.053755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139739.000000	118944.000000	100000.000000
-321.515839	-0.098094	-0.038607	-0.992834	-0.076945	-0.133193	-0.035881	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001185	0.001018	1.572932	-0.634665	0.014992	8221.448242	-1985.379028	22154.371094	-0.102127	0.044622	-1.543568	-0.110296	0.107740	-0.953191	-0.065956	0.053755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	140012.000000	119598.000000	100000.000000
-321.520844	-0.098582	-0.037875	-0.994055	-0.073753	-0.128936	-0.035881	107651.000000	0.000000	0.000636	0.000541	1.550101	-0.654184	0.015772	4744.997070	-5167.201660	22494.101562	-0.102684	0.044146	-1.543868	-0.110106	0.107579	-0.953148	-0.066147	0.051351	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	140057.000000	120232.000000	100000.000000
-321.525848	-0.098826	-0.037387	-0.994787	-0.070560	-0.124679	-0.036945	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001470	0.001270	1.624697	-0.588711	0.020788	15781.426758	4464.609863	25141.572266	-0.103212	0.043687	-1.545797	-0.108732	0.106392	-0.953398	-0.072050	0.051529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	144109.000000	121475.000000	102755.000000
-321.530853	-0.100047	-0.037143	-0.994787	-0.067367	-0.119358	-0.038010	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001470	0.001270	1.598570	-0.612094	0.020788	4444.560547	-5427.884277	25605.021484	-0.103727	0.043247	-1.545797	-0.108732	0.106392	-0.953398	-0.072050	0.051529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	143128.000000	123383.000000	100000.000000
-321.535858	-0.100779	-0.036410	-0.994787	-0.063110	-0.115101	-0.039074	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001470	0.001270	1.605384	-0.606355	0.020788	8195.417969	-2335.976318	26068.470703	-0.104226	0.042823	-1.545797	-0.108732	0.106392	-0.953398	-0.072050	0.051529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	144250.000000	123188.000000	100000.000000
-321.540863	-0.101756	-0.035922	-0.995031	-0.058854	-0.110845	-0.040138	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001470	0.001270	1.612206	-0.601091	0.020788	8208.128906	-2383.551270	26531.919922	-0.104713	0.042419	-1.545797	-0.108732	0.106392	-0.953398	-0.072050	0.051529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	144774.000000	123591.000000	100000.000000
-321.545868	-0.102977	-0.035678	-0.995520	-0.055661	-0.106588	-0.041202	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001470	0.001270	1.619099	-0.596073	0.020788	8228.018555	-2285.234375	26995.369141	-0.105192	0.042034	-1.545797	-0.108732	0.106392	-0.953398	-0.072050	0.051529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145159.000000	124133.000000	100000.000000
-321.550873	-0.103709	-0.035678	-0.995520	-0.051404	-0.101267	-0.043331	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001470	0.001270	1.625110	-0.591925	0.020788	8017.133789	-2498.297363	27922.267578	-0.105650	0.041679	-1.545797	-0.108732	0.106392	-0.953398	-0.072050	0.051529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146088.000000	125057.000000	100000.000000
-321.555878	-0.105174	-0.035434	-0.995275	-0.048211	-0.095945	-0.045459	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001470	0.001270	1.631652	-0.587639	0.020788	8081.139160	-2361.205566	28849.164062	-0.106102	0.041343	-1.545797	-0.108732	0.106392	-0.953398	-0.072050	0.051529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146942.000000	126057.000000	100000.000000
-321.560883	-0.105906	-0.034945	-0.994543	-0.045019	-0.090624	-0.046523	107651.000000	0.000000	0.000772	0.000671	1.598983	-0.616274	0.021569	3594.989014	-6127.443848	29652.882812	-0.106535	0.041020	-1.546097	-0.108505	0.106195	-0.953483	-0.072938	0.051039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147026.000000	127581.000000	100000.000000
-321.565887	-0.106883	-0.034945	-0.994543	-0.042890	-0.084239	-0.048652	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001046	0.000910	1.647321	-0.575333	0.024780	12578.144531	1818.529907	31978.251953	-0.106947	0.040715	-1.547333	-0.107575	0.105384	-0.953751	-0.073576	0.048499	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148410.000000	126891.000000	100000.000000
-321.570892	-0.107615	-0.034701	-0.994543	-0.040762	-0.076789	-0.049716	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001868	0.001629	1.686074	-0.541408	0.026766	11551.104492	1193.250854	33306.617188	-0.107328	0.040422	-1.548096	-0.106990	0.104874	-0.953965	-0.075138	0.050105	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148008.000000	127293.000000	100000.000000
-321.575897	-0.108592	-0.034701	-0.994543	-0.038633	-0.069340	-0.051845	107582.000000	0.000000	0.001868	0.001629	1.657553	-0.566738	0.026766	3988.521484	-5448.605469	34233.515625	-0.107685	0.040146	-1.548096	-0.106990	0.104874	-0.953965	-0.075138	0.050105	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147019.000000	128144.000000	100000.000000
-321.580902	-0.109568	-0.034945	-0.993322	-0.037569	-0.061890	-0.052909	107582.000000	0.000000	0.001868	0.001629	1.661708	-0.563533	0.026766	7566.330566	-2183.959473	34696.964844	-0.108020	0.039888	-1.548096	-0.106990	0.104874	-0.953965	-0.075138	0.050105	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147332.000000	127831.000000	100000.000000
-321.585907	-0.110057	-0.035189	-0.992834	-0.036505	-0.054441	-0.053973	107582.000000	0.000000	0.001868	0.001629	1.664941	-0.560536	0.026766	7445.541504	-2198.025146	35160.414062	-0.108322	0.039645	-1.548096	-0.106990	0.104874	-0.953965	-0.075138	0.050105	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147225.000000	127938.000000	100000.000000
-321.590912	-0.110301	-0.035434	-0.991613	-0.036505	-0.045927	-0.055037	107582.000000	0.000000	0.001868	0.001629	1.667257	-0.557504	0.026766	7199.196777	-2063.193115	35623.863281	-0.108584	0.039414	-1.548096	-0.106990	0.104874	-0.953965	-0.075138	0.050105	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146844.000000	128319.000000	100000.000000
-321.595917	-0.110789	-0.035434	-0.990881	-0.037569	-0.038477	-0.055037	107650.000000	0.000000	0.001868	0.001629	1.669520	-0.554019	0.026766	7286.476562	-1875.535889	35623.863281	-0.108816	0.039182	-1.548096	-0.106990	0.104874	-0.953965	-0.075138	0.050105	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146812.000000	128487.000000	100000.000000
-321.600922	-0.110789	-0.035922	-0.990148	-0.037569	-0.029963	-0.053973	107650.000000	0.000000	0.001868	0.001629	1.670550	-0.551327	0.026766	6999.397949	-2067.212891	35160.414062	-0.109003	0.038964	-1.548096	-0.106990	0.104874	-0.953965	-0.075138	0.050105	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146716.000000	128583.000000	100000.000000
-321.605927	-0.110545	-0.036410	-0.989172	-0.038633	-0.021450	-0.052909	107650.000000	0.000000	0.001572	0.001379	1.654469	-0.562342	0.029879	5004.329102	-3503.421143	36052.378906	-0.109142	0.038756	-1.549294	-0.106032	0.104033	-0.954188	-0.074063	0.047469	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146157.000000	129142.000000	100000.000000
-321.610931	-0.111277	-0.036410	-0.988684	-0.039697	-0.014000	-0.051845	107650.000000	0.000000	0.001527	0.001356	1.664629	-0.550360	0.032525	8019.717285	-914.589050	36741.343750	-0.109258	0.038546	-1.550311	-0.105114	0.103216	-0.954571	-0.073569	0.046549	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146584.000000	128715.000000	100000.000000
-321.615936	-0.111277	-0.035678	-0.987707	-0.039697	-0.006550	-0.049716	107650.000000	0.000000	0.001527	0.001356	1.666178	-0.545691	0.032525	7045.752930	-1814.225586	35814.445312	-0.109338	0.038325	-1.550311	-0.105114	0.103216	-0.954571	-0.073569	0.046549	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146509.000000	128790.000000	100000.000000
-321.620941	-0.110789	-0.034945	-0.986730	-0.040762	-0.000165	-0.047588	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001517	0.001351	1.664620	-0.541750	0.033799	6784.580566	-1754.107666	35442.425781	-0.109378	0.038088	-1.550801	-0.104659	0.102809	-0.954777	-0.073083	0.045629	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146189.000000	129112.000000	100000.000000
-321.625946	-0.110057	-0.034701	-0.985754	-0.040762	0.005156	-0.045459	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001517	0.001351	1.663489	-0.537969	0.033799	6918.937500	-1871.487183	34515.527344	-0.109379	0.037850	-1.550801	-0.104659	0.102809	-0.954777	-0.073083	0.045629	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146441.000000	128860.000000	100000.000000
-321.630951	-0.109568	-0.034457	-0.985998	-0.041826	0.010477	-0.042266	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001517	0.001351	1.661539	-0.533999	0.033799	6795.428223	-1710.431274	33125.179688	-0.109344	0.037605	-1.550801	-0.104659	0.102809	-0.954777	-0.073083	0.045629	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146156.000000	129145.000000	100000.000000
-321.635956	-0.109324	-0.034213	-0.984533	-0.040762	0.014734	-0.040138	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001517	0.001351	1.659846	-0.530597	0.033799	6913.277832	-1996.163696	32198.283203	-0.109288	0.037365	-1.550801	-0.104659	0.102809	-0.954777	-0.073083	0.045629	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146560.000000	128741.000000	100000.000000
-321.640961	-0.109080	-0.033725	-0.984777	-0.039697	0.017927	-0.038010	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001517	0.001351	1.657935	-0.526929	0.033799	6982.805664	-1955.018188	31271.384766	-0.109213	0.037123	-1.550801	-0.104659	0.102809	-0.954777	-0.073083	0.045629	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146579.000000	128704.000000	100000.000000
-321.645966	-0.108836	-0.032992	-0.984533	-0.038633	0.020055	-0.035881	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001517	0.001351	1.656099	-0.522994	0.033799	7089.950684	-1912.344238	30344.486328	-0.109125	0.036876	-1.550801	-0.104659	0.102809	-0.954777	-0.073083	0.045629	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146644.000000	128639.000000	100000.000000
-321.650970	-0.108836	-0.032504	-0.984289	-0.036505	0.021119	-0.033753	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001517	0.001351	1.654641	-0.519536	0.033799	7236.845703	-2075.760254	29417.589844	-0.109034	0.036634	-1.550801	-0.104659	0.102809	-0.954777	-0.073083	0.045629	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146372.000000	127746.000000	100000.000000
-321.655975	-0.108836	-0.032016	-0.983068	-0.035441	0.022184	-0.032688	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001517	0.001351	1.653257	-0.515920	0.033799	7233.680176	-1929.625000	28954.140625	-0.108943	0.036391	-1.550801	-0.104659	0.102809	-0.954777	-0.073083	0.045629	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145759.000000	127432.000000	100000.000000
-321.660980	-0.108836	-0.030795	-0.983801	-0.034376	0.022184	-0.032688	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001517	0.001351	1.651908	-0.511459	0.033799	7348.354492	-1821.013062	28954.140625	-0.108852	0.036134	-1.550801	-0.104659	0.102809	-0.954777	-0.073083	0.045629	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145766.000000	127427.000000	100000.000000
-321.665985	-0.108836	-0.030307	-0.983557	-0.033312	0.022184	-0.032688	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001342	0.001211	1.641019	-0.515374	0.037409	6249.339844	-2764.977783	30525.917969	-0.108764	0.035878	-1.552190	-0.103131	0.101423	-0.955531	-0.071495	0.044814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146657.000000	128628.000000	100000.000000
-321.670990	-0.108836	-0.030063	-0.983068	-0.032248	0.022184	-0.032688	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001342	0.001211	1.646877	-0.506213	0.037409	8117.794434	-1289.913086	30525.917969	-0.108678	0.035627	-1.552190	-0.103131	0.101423	-0.955531	-0.071495	0.044814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147050.000000	128235.000000	100000.000000
-321.675995	-0.108592	-0.029818	-0.982824	-0.031184	0.021119	-0.032688	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001342	0.001211	1.645739	-0.502751	0.037409	7465.126465	-1905.567261	30525.917969	-0.108595	0.035381	-1.552190	-0.103131	0.101423	-0.955531	-0.071495	0.044814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147013.000000	128272.000000	100000.000000
-321.681000	-0.109080	-0.029574	-0.983312	-0.030119	0.018991	-0.033753	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001342	0.001211	1.645633	-0.499370	0.037409	7704.916504	-1903.877319	30989.367188	-0.108533	0.035141	-1.552190	-0.103131	0.101423	-0.955531	-0.071495	0.044814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147251.000000	128034.000000	100000.000000
-321.686005	-0.109568	-0.029574	-0.983068	-0.029055	0.017927	-0.033753	107657.000000	0.000000	0.001342	0.001211	1.645627	-0.496329	0.037409	7603.710938	-1932.061890	30989.367188	-0.108488	0.034912	-1.552190	-0.103131	0.101423	-0.955531	-0.071495	0.044814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147192.000000	128121.000000	100000.000000
-321.691010	-0.109568	-0.029086	-0.983068	-0.029055	0.015798	-0.034817	107657.000000	0.000000	0.001342	0.001211	1.645563	-0.492626	0.037409	7724.004395	-1725.229370	31452.816406	-0.108454	0.034677	-1.552190	-0.103131	0.101423	-0.955531	-0.071495	0.044814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147106.000000	128207.000000	100000.000000
-321.696014	-0.109324	-0.028598	-0.983557	-0.029055	0.012606	-0.034817	107657.000000	0.000000	0.001342	0.001211	1.645623	-0.488813	0.037409	7869.536621	-1695.627808	31452.816406	-0.108430	0.034437	-1.552190	-0.103131	0.101423	-0.955531	-0.071495	0.044814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147222.000000	128091.000000	100000.000000
-321.701019	-0.110057	-0.028109	-0.983801	-0.030119	0.010477	-0.033753	107657.000000	0.000000	0.001271	0.001156	1.642751	-0.487599	0.040347	7426.699219	-1853.896484	32268.925781	-0.108431	0.034187	-1.553320	-0.101729	0.100138	-0.956328	-0.070363	0.044200	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146937.000000	128376.000000	100000.000000
-321.706024	-0.109324	-0.027865	-0.983801	-0.031184	0.007285	-0.033753	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001271	0.001156	1.645670	-0.481387	0.040347	8208.568359	-1270.887939	32268.925781	-0.108434	0.033931	-1.553320	-0.101729	0.100138	-0.956328	-0.070363	0.044200	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147124.000000	128165.000000	100000.000000
-321.711029	-0.109080	-0.028842	-0.984289	-0.032248	0.004092	-0.032688	107645.000000	0.000000	0.000804	0.000761	1.620604	-0.500296	0.040433	5030.801758	-4115.162109	31843.134766	-0.108446	0.033694	-1.553353	-0.101528	0.099943	-0.956540	-0.069909	0.043935	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146790.000000	128499.000000	100000.000000
-321.716034	-0.109080	-0.028109	-0.983801	-0.033312	0.001963	-0.031624	107645.000000	0.000000	0.000804	0.000761	1.640068	-0.480100	0.040433	9909.587891	282.440857	31379.685547	-0.108470	0.033441	-1.553353	-0.101528	0.099943	-0.956540	-0.069909	0.043935	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147272.000000	128017.000000	100000.000000
-321.721039	-0.109080	-0.028842	-0.983557	-0.035441	-0.001229	-0.029496	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001169	0.001073	1.661353	-0.459636	0.041019	10339.312500	532.881165	30707.753906	-0.108510	0.033197	-1.553578	-0.101207	0.099645	-0.956754	-0.070667	0.043259	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147451.000000	127838.000000	100000.000000
-321.726044	-0.108348	-0.029086	-0.983801	-0.038633	-0.003358	-0.028432	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001169	0.001073	1.647077	-0.468086	0.041019	6256.280273	-2553.488037	30244.304688	-0.108545	0.032947	-1.553578	-0.101207	0.099645	-0.956754	-0.070667	0.043259	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146454.000000	128835.000000	100000.000000
-321.731049	-0.108592	-0.029086	-0.983801	-0.040762	-0.006550	-0.026303	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001169	0.001073	1.648707	-0.463970	0.041019	8144.424805	-1260.167847	29317.406250	-0.108599	0.032690	-1.553578	-0.101207	0.099645	-0.956754	-0.070667	0.043259	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146296.000000	127487.000000	100000.000000
-321.736053	-0.108592	-0.030063	-0.983557	-0.042890	-0.008679	-0.024175	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001169	0.001073	1.650087	-0.460855	0.041019	8016.111328	-1346.142944	28390.509766	-0.108664	0.032446	-1.553578	-0.101207	0.099645	-0.956754	-0.070667	0.043259	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145327.000000	126603.000000	100000.000000
-321.741058	-0.108348	-0.030307	-0.983068	-0.046083	-0.010807	-0.020982	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001169	0.001073	1.651381	-0.456806	0.041019	8022.379395	-1093.083740	27000.162109	-0.108735	0.032195	-1.553578	-0.101207	0.099645	-0.956754	-0.070667	0.043259	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	143690.000000	125459.000000	100000.000000
-321.746063	-0.107371	-0.030063	-0.981848	-0.048211	-0.012936	-0.018854	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001169	0.001073	1.652026	-0.452460	0.041019	7963.861816	-1147.643677	26073.263672	-0.108798	0.031934	-1.553578	-0.101207	0.099645	-0.956754	-0.070667	0.043259	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	142759.000000	124536.000000	100000.000000
-321.751068	-0.106395	-0.029818	-0.980627	-0.051404	-0.015064	-0.016725	107637.000000	0.000000	0.002146	0.001925	1.706289	-0.400830	0.042770	14118.764648	4420.819824	25908.972656	-0.108854	0.031657	-1.554252	-0.100563	0.099067	-0.957042	-0.072699	0.044496	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	143243.000000	123848.000000	100267.000000
-321.756073	-0.105662	-0.029086	-0.979895	-0.053532	-0.017193	-0.014597	107637.000000	0.000000	0.000897	0.000852	1.599195	-0.488621	0.042910	-4108.537598	-11422.417969	25042.812500	-0.108906	0.031360	-1.554305	-0.100121	0.098636	-0.957531	-0.073267	0.043711	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139993.000000	125365.000000	100000.000000
-321.761078	-0.105174	-0.027865	-0.979650	-0.055661	-0.019321	-0.012468	107637.000000	0.000000	0.000349	0.000382	1.619821	-0.465448	0.042249	10042.069336	897.030029	23828.285156	-0.108959	0.031032	-1.554051	-0.100080	0.098575	-0.957753	-0.073414	0.043011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	140610.000000	122320.000000	100000.000000
-321.766083	-0.104930	-0.027377	-0.979162	-0.057789	-0.020385	-0.011404	107637.000000	0.000000	0.000349	0.000382	1.642546	-0.440964	0.042249	10265.277344	1163.609253	23364.835938	-0.109012	0.030690	-1.554051	-0.100080	0.098575	-0.957753	-0.073414	0.043011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	140103.000000	121900.000000	100000.000000
-321.771088	-0.104197	-0.027621	-0.979406	-0.058854	-0.022514	-0.010340	107644.000000	0.000000	0.000349	0.000382	1.643028	-0.436166	0.042249	7948.442383	-1091.111572	22901.386719	-0.109059	0.030355	-1.554051	-0.100080	0.098575	-0.957753	-0.073414	0.043011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139584.000000	121505.000000	100000.000000
-321.776093	-0.103953	-0.026889	-0.978918	-0.059918	-0.024642	-0.009276	107644.000000	0.000000	0.000349	0.000382	1.644059	-0.430382	0.042249	8023.500488	-951.153503	22437.937500	-0.109113	0.030005	-1.554051	-0.100080	0.098575	-0.957753	-0.073414	0.043011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139056.000000	121107.000000	100000.000000
-321.781097	-0.103709	-0.026645	-0.978186	-0.060982	-0.026771	-0.009276	107644.000000	0.000000	0.000349	0.000382	1.645190	-0.424992	0.042249	8049.430664	-964.777832	22437.937500	-0.109172	0.029653	-1.554051	-0.100080	0.098575	-0.957753	-0.073414	0.043011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139096.000000	121067.000000	100000.000000
-321.786102	-0.103953	-0.026400	-0.977453	-0.060982	-0.028899	-0.009276	107644.000000	0.000000	0.000349	0.000382	1.646947	-0.419849	0.042249	8136.131836	-1085.262085	22437.937500	-0.109247	0.029304	-1.554051	-0.100080	0.098575	-0.957753	-0.073414	0.043011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139303.000000	120860.000000	100000.000000
-321.791107	-0.103953	-0.026400	-0.976721	-0.060982	-0.031028	-0.009276	107644.000000	0.000000	0.000349	0.000382	1.648653	-0.415014	0.042249	8148.069824	-1096.921021	22437.937500	-0.109333	0.028962	-1.554051	-0.100080	0.098575	-0.957753	-0.073414	0.043011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139326.000000	120836.000000	100000.000000
-321.796112	-0.103953	-0.026156	-0.977453	-0.060982	-0.033156	-0.009276	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000349	0.000382	1.650330	-0.409966	0.042249	8162.610840	-1050.157715	22437.937500	-0.109425	0.028621	-1.554051	-0.100080	0.098575	-0.957753	-0.073414	0.043011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139216.000000	120791.000000	100000.000000
-321.801117	-0.103709	-0.026645	-0.976721	-0.060982	-0.035285	-0.009276	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000349	0.000382	1.652007	-0.405803	0.042249	8180.054688	-1128.345947	22437.937500	-0.109523	0.028298	-1.554051	-0.100080	0.098575	-0.957753	-0.073414	0.043011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139312.000000	120695.000000	100000.000000
-321.806122	-0.103953	-0.027377	-0.976232	-0.059918	-0.036349	-0.008211	107566.000000	0.000000	0.001103	0.001033	1.695416	-0.366585	0.043089	12857.196289	2785.401611	22340.269531	-0.109631	0.028001	-1.554374	-0.099239	0.097774	-0.958302	-0.072802	0.039243	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139978.000000	119834.000000	100868.000000
-321.811127	-0.103465	-0.027621	-0.975988	-0.059918	-0.037413	-0.008211	107566.000000	0.000000	0.001161	0.001088	1.669789	-0.385795	0.043753	5151.712402	-3611.682373	22629.250000	-0.109732	0.027715	-1.554630	-0.098638	0.097204	-0.958692	-0.073370	0.037995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	138958.000000	121431.000000	100000.000000
-321.816132	-0.102977	-0.028354	-0.975256	-0.058854	-0.038477	-0.008211	107649.000000	0.000000	0.001161	0.001088	1.668668	-0.385127	0.043753	7846.650391	-1544.401001	22629.250000	-0.109828	0.027455	-1.554630	-0.098638	0.097204	-0.958692	-0.073370	0.037995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139669.000000	120887.000000	100000.000000
-321.821136	-0.102732	-0.028598	-0.974279	-0.058854	-0.039541	-0.007147	107649.000000	0.000000	0.001161	0.001088	1.670139	-0.381792	0.043753	8143.260254	-1118.826904	22165.800781	-0.109924	0.027206	-1.554630	-0.098638	0.097204	-0.958692	-0.073370	0.037995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139076.000000	120552.000000	100000.000000
-321.826141	-0.102488	-0.028109	-0.973547	-0.057789	-0.039541	-0.006083	107649.000000	0.000000	0.001161	0.001088	1.671302	-0.378057	0.043753	7997.790039	-1179.479370	21702.351562	-0.110015	0.026956	-1.554630	-0.098638	0.097204	-0.958692	-0.073370	0.037995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	138528.000000	120174.000000	100000.000000
-321.831146	-0.102488	-0.027865	-0.973303	-0.057789	-0.038477	-0.006083	107649.000000	0.000000	0.001161	0.001088	1.672314	-0.374324	0.043753	7863.906250	-1045.494019	21702.351562	-0.110100	0.026707	-1.554630	-0.098638	0.097204	-0.958692	-0.073370	0.037995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	138260.000000	120441.000000	100000.000000
-321.836151	-0.102732	-0.027865	-0.973059	-0.056725	-0.037413	-0.005019	107649.000000	0.000000	0.001161	0.001088	1.673517	-0.371120	0.043753	7885.563965	-1210.934814	21238.902344	-0.110184	0.026468	-1.554630	-0.098638	0.097204	-0.958692	-0.073370	0.037995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	137984.000000	119791.000000	100000.000000
-321.841156	-0.102732	-0.027865	-0.972326	-0.056725	-0.036349	-0.005019	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001161	0.001088	1.674478	-0.367812	0.043753	7858.485840	-1067.352905	21238.902344	-0.110262	0.026233	-1.554630	-0.098638	0.097204	-0.958692	-0.073370	0.037995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	137739.000000	119888.000000	100000.000000
-321.846161	-0.102488	-0.027621	-0.972082	-0.056725	-0.034220	-0.003954	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000693	0.000686	1.648979	-0.386354	0.043450	4704.913574	-3555.012939	20643.449219	-0.110324	0.025998	-1.554513	-0.098491	0.097050	-0.958895	-0.073913	0.037790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	136478.000000	119958.000000	100000.000000
-321.851166	-0.102244	-0.027865	-0.972082	-0.055661	-0.032092	-0.003954	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001360	0.001264	1.704422	-0.335765	0.044997	13850.138672	4157.029785	21317.240234	-0.110369	0.025778	-1.555108	-0.097427	0.096050	-0.959474	-0.075796	0.037880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	138585.000000	119199.000000	104264.000000
-321.856171	-0.102244	-0.027621	-0.970373	-0.055661	-0.029963	-0.002890	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001360	0.001264	1.678013	-0.355583	0.044997	4718.833496	-3558.785889	20853.792969	-0.110407	0.025558	-1.555108	-0.097427	0.096050	-0.959474	-0.075796	0.037880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	136706.000000	120151.000000	100000.000000
-321.861176	-0.102244	-0.027865	-0.968908	-0.055661	-0.027835	-0.002890	107638.000000	0.000000	0.001360	0.001264	1.678136	-0.352841	0.044997	7626.935547	-1065.414673	20853.792969	-0.110437	0.025347	-1.555108	-0.097427	0.096050	-0.959474	-0.075796	0.037880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	137184.000000	119799.000000	100000.000000
-321.866180	-0.102000	-0.027865	-0.968420	-0.054597	-0.025706	-0.001826	107638.000000	0.000000	0.001360	0.001264	1.677768	-0.350188	0.044997	7561.540039	-1185.097168	20390.343750	-0.110452	0.025146	-1.555108	-0.097427	0.096050	-0.959474	-0.075796	0.037880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	136774.000000	119281.000000	100000.000000
-321.871185	-0.101512	-0.028109	-0.968176	-0.053532	-0.023578	-0.000762	107638.000000	0.000000	0.001360	0.001264	1.676889	-0.347932	0.044997	7491.446289	-1223.124878	19926.894531	-0.110447	0.024959	-1.555108	-0.097427	0.096050	-0.959474	-0.075796	0.037880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	136279.000000	118850.000000	100000.000000
-321.876190	-0.101023	-0.029330	-0.968176	-0.052468	-0.021450	0.001367	107638.000000	0.000000	0.001360	0.001264	1.675706	-0.346930	0.044997	7442.805176	-1361.362915	18999.996094	-0.110421	0.024805	-1.555108	-0.097427	0.096050	-0.959474	-0.075796	0.037880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	135442.000000	117833.000000	100000.000000
-321.881195	-0.100535	-0.029818	-0.967443	-0.050340	-0.019321	0.003495	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001360	0.001264	1.674331	-0.345870	0.044997	7405.583008	-1476.946899	18073.097656	-0.110378	0.024673	-1.555108	-0.097427	0.096050	-0.959474	-0.075796	0.037880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	134598.000000	116833.000000	100000.000000
-321.886200	-0.100535	-0.029818	-0.966955	-0.048211	-0.018257	0.005624	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001360	0.001264	1.673513	-0.344568	0.044997	7575.135742	-1454.060181	17146.201172	-0.110332	0.024554	-1.555108	-0.097427	0.096050	-0.959474	-0.075796	0.037880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	133818.000000	115760.000000	100000.000000
-321.891205	-0.100047	-0.029574	-0.966711	-0.045019	-0.017193	0.007752	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001360	0.001264	1.672075	-0.343439	0.044997	7495.525391	-1599.681519	16219.302734	-0.110272	0.024446	-1.555108	-0.097427	0.096050	-0.959474	-0.075796	0.037880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132957.000000	114767.000000	100000.000000
-321.896210	-0.099559	-0.030063	-0.966467	-0.041826	-0.016128	0.009881	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001166	0.001097	1.659781	-0.352492	0.045537	6240.289062	-2775.547363	15527.665039	-0.110199	0.024366	-1.555316	-0.096845	0.095493	-0.959696	-0.075939	0.036591	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132186.000000	114154.000000	100000.000000
-321.901215	-0.098338	-0.029818	-0.966467	-0.037569	-0.015064	0.012009	107643.000000	0.000000	0.000328	0.000374	1.618829	-0.385306	0.043848	2896.016846	-5675.798828	13865.291016	-0.110097	0.024302	-1.554666	-0.096822	0.095420	-0.959927	-0.076222	0.035368	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130080.000000	112936.000000	100000.000000
-321.906219	-0.097117	-0.030063	-0.965979	-0.033312	-0.015064	0.015202	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000328	0.000374	1.649600	-0.356822	0.043848	11040.890625	1175.820557	12474.944336	-0.109974	0.024264	-1.554666	-0.096822	0.095420	-0.959927	-0.076222	0.035368	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129981.000000	110250.000000	107382.000000
-321.911224	-0.096385	-0.029574	-0.966223	-0.029055	-0.015064	0.016266	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000328	0.000374	1.647043	-0.356848	0.043848	7364.519531	-1978.763306	12011.495117	-0.109837	0.024236	-1.554666	-0.096822	0.095420	-0.959927	-0.076222	0.035368	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	128995.000000	110309.000000	101015.000000
-321.916229	-0.095408	-0.029086	-0.966955	-0.023734	-0.015064	0.018394	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000328	0.000374	1.643985	-0.357265	0.043848	7295.377441	-2165.228271	11084.596680	-0.109683	0.024224	-1.554666	-0.096822	0.095420	-0.959927	-0.076222	0.035368	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	128186.000000	109264.000000	101686.000000
-321.921234	-0.094432	-0.028842	-0.966711	-0.018413	-0.016128	0.019459	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000328	0.000374	1.641057	-0.358234	0.043848	7418.167969	-2254.754883	10621.148438	-0.109517	0.024233	-1.554666	-0.096822	0.095420	-0.959927	-0.076222	0.035368	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	127935.000000	108589.000000	102183.000000
-321.926239	-0.093455	-0.028354	-0.967443	-0.012028	-0.017193	0.020523	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000328	0.000374	1.637870	-0.359472	0.043848	7379.837891	-2436.506592	10157.699219	-0.109339	0.024261	-1.554666	-0.096822	0.095420	-0.959927	-0.076222	0.035368	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	127615.000000	107982.000000	102426.000000
-321.931244	-0.092967	-0.028109	-0.967932	-0.005642	-0.018257	0.020523	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000392	0.000422	1.638577	-0.358619	0.043174	7816.200195	-2232.058594	9864.129883	-0.109158	0.024316	-1.554407	-0.096785	0.095364	-0.960006	-0.076278	0.035232	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	127553.000000	107456.000000	103361.000000
-321.936249	-0.092723	-0.027865	-0.969641	0.000743	-0.020385	0.020523	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000009	0.000086	1.612563	-0.381210	0.039674	4885.279785	-4943.042480	8339.998047	-0.108983	0.024394	-1.553061	-0.097088	0.095559	-0.960158	-0.077257	0.034487	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	125809.000000	106152.000000	100000.000000
-321.941254	-0.091990	-0.028354	-0.971105	0.007128	-0.022514	0.020523	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000296	0.000326	1.640819	-0.357908	0.039024	10992.243164	180.904114	8057.091797	-0.108804	0.024512	-1.552811	-0.097082	0.095534	-0.960151	-0.077307	0.034539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	126509.000000	104886.000000	110757.000000
-321.946259	-0.091502	-0.028598	-0.972326	0.014578	-0.024642	0.019459	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000296	0.000326	1.626756	-0.371402	0.039024	6284.187988	-4078.433350	8520.541016	-0.108627	0.024668	-1.552811	-0.097082	0.095534	-0.960151	-0.077307	0.034539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	126524.000000	105798.000000	101326.000000
-321.951263	-0.091746	-0.028842	-0.972326	0.022028	-0.026771	0.019459	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000296	0.000326	1.625140	-0.375863	0.039024	7655.104004	-3139.964355	8520.541016	-0.108469	0.024863	-1.552811	-0.097082	0.095534	-0.960151	-0.077307	0.034539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	126962.000000	105372.000000	103641.000000
-321.956268	-0.091990	-0.029086	-0.973547	0.028413	-0.029963	0.018394	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000296	0.000326	1.623938	-0.380563	0.039024	7826.854492	-3100.154541	8983.989258	-0.108332	0.025091	-1.552811	-0.097082	0.095534	-0.960151	-0.077307	0.034539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	127557.000000	105703.000000	103389.000000
-321.961273	-0.092234	-0.030063	-0.974279	0.035863	-0.032092	0.017330	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000296	0.000326	1.622792	-0.386836	0.039024	7720.509766	-3453.536133	9447.438477	-0.108212	0.025370	-1.552811	-0.097082	0.095534	-0.960151	-0.077307	0.034539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	128268.000000	105920.000000	102466.000000
-321.966278	-0.092723	-0.030551	-0.975256	0.042248	-0.034220	0.015202	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000296	0.000326	1.622119	-0.393016	0.039024	7779.247070	-3384.225342	10374.335938	-0.108112	0.025686	-1.552811	-0.097082	0.095534	-0.960151	-0.077307	0.034539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	129184.000000	106857.000000	101667.000000
-321.971283	-0.093455	-0.032016	-0.975988	0.047569	-0.035285	0.013073	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000296	0.000326	1.621743	-0.400513	0.039024	7697.934082	-3470.605469	11301.234375	-0.108032	0.026051	-1.552811	-0.097082	0.095534	-0.960151	-0.077307	0.034539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130043.000000	107706.000000	100500.000000
-321.976288	-0.094676	-0.032992	-0.977453	0.052890	-0.036349	0.010945	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000296	0.000326	1.622112	-0.408132	0.039024	7786.491211	-3543.447021	12228.132812	-0.107981	0.026456	-1.552811	-0.097082	0.095534	-0.960151	-0.077307	0.034539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	131132.000000	108472.000000	100000.000000
-321.981293	-0.096629	-0.033969	-0.978430	0.057147	-0.037413	0.007752	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000424	0.000433	1.630785	-0.410157	0.038119	8744.473633	-2840.354492	13224.353516	-0.107974	0.026894	-1.552463	-0.096999	0.095426	-0.960107	-0.077084	0.034203	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	132383.000000	109213.000000	100253.000000
-321.986298	-0.097850	-0.035189	-0.979162	0.061404	-0.037413	0.004559	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000281	0.000293	1.618940	-0.430763	0.037194	6316.730957	-4997.779297	14211.532227	-0.107989	0.027370	-1.552107	-0.097011	0.095412	-0.960110	-0.077754	0.035832	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	133100.000000	110471.000000	100000.000000
-321.991302	-0.098582	-0.036166	-0.980383	0.063532	-0.037413	0.001367	107652.000000	0.000000	0.000758	0.000708	1.651727	-0.410704	0.037369	11375.140625	-209.977722	15678.139648	-0.108016	0.027868	-1.552174	-0.096853	0.095262	-0.960095	-0.077607	0.036597	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	134915.000000	111745.000000	103139.000000
-321.996307	-0.100535	-0.037143	-0.982092	0.065661	-0.036349	-0.002890	107652.000000	0.000000	0.000758	0.000708	1.634689	-0.435914	0.037369	5696.349609	-5313.260254	17531.935547	-0.108072	0.028387	-1.552174	-0.096853	0.095262	-0.960095	-0.077607	0.036597	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	136193.000000	114174.000000	100000.000000
-322.001312	-0.101268	-0.037631	-0.983068	0.066725	-0.035285	-0.007147	107652.000000	0.000000	0.000758	0.000708	1.635848	-0.444034	0.037369	7697.684570	-3359.329834	19385.730469	-0.108134	0.028911	-1.552174	-0.096853	0.095262	-0.960095	-0.077607	0.036597	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	138094.000000	115980.000000	100000.000000
-322.006317	-0.102000	-0.038119	-0.983557	0.066725	-0.033156	-0.010340	107652.000000	0.000000	0.000758	0.000708	1.636862	-0.451940	0.037369	7559.531250	-3255.237061	20776.078125	-0.108197	0.029437	-1.552174	-0.096853	0.095262	-0.960095	-0.077607	0.036597	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	139242.000000	117613.000000	100000.000000
-322.011322	-0.102488	-0.038607	-0.985266	0.065661	-0.031028	-0.014597	107652.000000	0.000000	0.000758	0.000708	1.637477	-0.459548	0.037369	7508.704590	-3135.417480	22629.875000	-0.108255	0.029957	-1.552174	-0.096853	0.095262	-0.960095	-0.077607	0.036597	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	140925.000000	119637.000000	100000.000000
-322.016327	-0.103221	-0.039340	-0.986486	0.064597	-0.028899	-0.018854	107645.000000	0.000000	0.000758	0.000708	1.638329	-0.467374	0.037369	7528.830078	-3190.623779	24483.669922	-0.108312	0.030478	-1.552174	-0.096853	0.095262	-0.960095	-0.077607	0.036597	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	142848.000000	121409.000000	100000.000000
-322.021332	-0.103953	-0.040072	-0.987463	0.062468	-0.026771	-0.022046	107645.000000	0.000000	0.000758	0.000708	1.639212	-0.474897	0.037369	7526.569336	-3064.967285	25874.017578	-0.108370	0.030994	-1.552174	-0.096853	0.095262	-0.960095	-0.077607	0.036597	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	144110.000000	122927.000000	100000.000000
-322.026337	-0.104197	-0.040805	-0.988684	0.060340	-0.024642	-0.024175	107645.000000	0.000000	0.000610	0.000573	1.631433	-0.489722	0.037428	6528.613770	-3926.411865	26826.830078	-0.108417	0.031503	-1.552197	-0.096745	0.095158	-0.960079	-0.077909	0.037541	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	144926.000000	124016.000000	100000.000000
-322.031342	-0.104441	-0.041049	-0.989172	0.058211	-0.023578	-0.027367	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001546	0.001398	1.689365	-0.445849	0.040737	14132.439453	2739.520508	29657.894531	-0.108463	0.031999	-1.553470	-0.095550	0.094078	-0.960086	-0.077880	0.039551	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148695.000000	125909.000000	100000.000000
-322.036346	-0.104441	-0.040805	-0.990148	0.055019	-0.021450	-0.029496	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001546	0.001398	1.651851	-0.484582	0.040737	3338.333984	-6390.067383	30584.792969	-0.108494	0.032464	-1.553470	-0.095550	0.094078	-0.960086	-0.077880	0.039551	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147379.000000	127922.000000	100000.000000
-322.041351	-0.105174	-0.040805	-0.990881	0.052890	-0.020385	-0.031624	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001182	0.001076	1.632670	-0.508169	0.041467	5377.944336	-4940.340332	31829.689453	-0.108532	0.032909	-1.553750	-0.095259	0.093813	-0.960125	-0.078266	0.040287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147969.000000	127332.000000	100000.000000
-322.046356	-0.105906	-0.040805	-0.991857	0.049697	-0.020385	-0.034817	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001182	0.001076	1.648419	-0.500702	0.041467	9408.490234	-1359.544189	33220.039062	-0.108581	0.033331	-1.553750	-0.095259	0.093813	-0.960125	-0.078266	0.040287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148419.000000	126882.000000	100000.000000
-322.051361	-0.107127	-0.041781	-0.992346	0.047569	-0.019321	-0.036945	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001182	0.001076	1.650069	-0.507103	0.041467	7743.621094	-3021.219971	34146.933594	-0.108647	0.033755	-1.553750	-0.095259	0.093813	-0.960125	-0.078266	0.040287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148415.000000	126886.000000	100000.000000
-322.056366	-0.108104	-0.042270	-0.993078	0.044376	-0.019321	-0.039074	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001182	0.001076	1.651939	-0.512689	0.041467	7893.498047	-2825.776611	35073.832031	-0.108729	0.034164	-1.553750	-0.095259	0.093813	-0.960125	-0.078266	0.040287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148370.000000	126931.000000	100000.000000
-322.061371	-0.109324	-0.042758	-0.993811	0.040119	-0.019321	-0.041202	107644.000000	0.000000	0.001182	0.001076	1.654298	-0.517792	0.041467	7958.059570	-2659.462402	36000.730469	-0.108831	0.034555	-1.553750	-0.095259	0.093813	-0.960125	-0.078266	0.040287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148261.000000	127026.000000	100000.000000
-322.066376	-0.110789	-0.042758	-0.993322	0.036927	-0.019321	-0.042266	107644.000000	0.000000	0.001182	0.001076	1.657367	-0.522407	0.041467	8050.199219	-2729.343994	36464.179688	-0.108962	0.034923	-1.553750	-0.095259	0.093813	-0.960125	-0.078266	0.040287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148423.000000	126864.000000	100000.000000
-322.071381	-0.111521	-0.043002	-0.993566	0.031606	-0.018257	-0.044395	107644.000000	0.000000	0.001182	0.001076	1.659636	-0.526404	0.041467	7850.835938	-2421.249023	37391.078125	-0.109098	0.035263	-1.553750	-0.095259	0.093813	-0.960125	-0.078266	0.040287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147916.000000	127371.000000	100000.000000
-322.076385	-0.112010	-0.043002	-0.992834	0.027349	-0.017193	-0.046523	107644.000000	0.000000	0.001182	0.001076	1.661840	-0.530082	0.041467	7848.801758	-2500.536377	38317.976562	-0.109237	0.035577	-1.553750	-0.095259	0.093813	-0.960125	-0.078266	0.040287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147993.000000	127294.000000	100000.000000
-322.081390	-0.112010	-0.043002	-0.992102	0.022028	-0.016128	-0.048652	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001182	0.001076	1.663551	-0.533116	0.041467	7797.694336	-2302.103760	39244.875000	-0.109369	0.035861	-1.553750	-0.095259	0.093813	-0.960125	-0.078266	0.040287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147738.000000	127539.000000	100000.000000
-322.086395	-0.112010	-0.042025	-0.991125	0.016706	-0.014000	-0.049716	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001608	0.001450	1.688339	-0.514061	0.046080	10322.307617	238.801300	41717.281250	-0.109490	0.036095	-1.555525	-0.093661	0.092374	-0.960377	-0.077934	0.040971	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147722.000000	127555.000000	100000.000000
-322.091400	-0.112010	-0.041293	-0.991369	0.010321	-0.012936	-0.051845	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001608	0.001450	1.672662	-0.529794	0.046080	5912.912109	-3512.369873	42644.179688	-0.109603	0.036279	-1.555525	-0.093661	0.092374	-0.960377	-0.077934	0.040971	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147064.000000	128213.000000	100000.000000
-322.096405	-0.112254	-0.041049	-0.991125	0.005000	-0.009743	-0.052909	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001608	0.001450	1.673653	-0.530691	0.046080	7501.514160	-1977.648560	43107.628906	-0.109703	0.036429	-1.555525	-0.093661	0.092374	-0.960377	-0.077934	0.040971	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147118.000000	128159.000000	100000.000000
-322.101410	-0.111766	-0.040805	-0.991125	-0.001385	-0.007615	-0.053973	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001608	0.001450	1.673922	-0.530822	0.046080	7530.645508	-1747.729126	43571.078125	-0.109780	0.036541	-1.555525	-0.093661	0.092374	-0.960377	-0.077934	0.040971	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146919.000000	128362.000000	100000.000000
-322.106415	-0.111766	-0.040805	-0.990637	-0.006706	-0.006550	-0.055037	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001608	0.001450	1.674762	-0.530993	0.046080	7709.370117	-1845.471436	44034.527344	-0.109852	0.036625	-1.555525	-0.093661	0.092374	-0.960377	-0.077934	0.040971	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147195.000000	128086.000000	100000.000000
-322.111420	-0.111033	-0.040561	-0.990881	-0.013092	-0.003358	-0.055037	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001608	0.001450	1.674066	-0.530166	0.046080	7288.595703	-1585.422485	44034.527344	-0.109891	0.036672	-1.555525	-0.093661	0.092374	-0.960377	-0.077934	0.040971	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146515.000000	128766.000000	100000.000000
-322.116425	-0.110301	-0.040561	-0.990393	-0.018413	-0.001229	-0.055037	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001608	0.001450	1.673298	-0.529398	0.046080	7384.346680	-1681.060913	44034.527344	-0.109906	0.036691	-1.555525	-0.093661	0.092374	-0.960377	-0.077934	0.040971	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146706.000000	128575.000000	100000.000000
-322.121429	-0.110057	-0.040561	-0.989416	-0.023734	0.000899	-0.055037	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001608	0.001450	1.672781	-0.528280	0.046080	7399.710449	-1612.877686	44034.527344	-0.109907	0.036685	-1.555525	-0.093661	0.092374	-0.960377	-0.077934	0.040971	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146653.000000	128628.000000	100000.000000
-322.126434	-0.109324	-0.040316	-0.988195	-0.029055	0.003028	-0.052909	107581.000000	0.000000	0.001863	0.001671	1.685626	-0.514380	0.047677	8918.534180	-118.574303	43802.882812	-0.109887	0.036648	-1.556139	-0.093155	0.091921	-0.960470	-0.078135	0.040983	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146618.000000	128543.000000	100000.000000
-322.131439	-0.109324	-0.039828	-0.986486	-0.034376	0.005156	-0.050780	107581.000000	0.000000	0.001461	0.001332	1.652702	-0.539328	0.051046	3723.755127	-4481.340332	44343.429688	-0.109860	0.036576	-1.557435	-0.091801	0.090685	-0.961097	-0.079316	0.041809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145786.000000	129375.000000	100000.000000
-322.136444	-0.109080	-0.039096	-0.986242	-0.038633	0.007285	-0.049716	107581.000000	0.000000	0.001461	0.001332	1.667601	-0.522804	0.051046	9041.612305	57.836365	43879.980469	-0.109820	0.036470	-1.557435	-0.091801	0.090685	-0.961097	-0.079316	0.041809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146564.000000	128597.000000	100000.000000
-322.141449	-0.108592	-0.037875	-0.985754	-0.042890	0.009413	-0.047588	107581.000000	0.000000	0.001461	0.001332	1.666016	-0.518781	0.051046	7212.020996	-1278.675049	42953.082031	-0.109762	0.036319	-1.557435	-0.091801	0.090685	-0.961097	-0.079316	0.041809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146071.000000	129090.000000	100000.000000
-322.146454	-0.108104	-0.036410	-0.984533	-0.047147	0.011541	-0.046523	107653.000000	0.000000	0.001461	0.001332	1.664261	-0.513934	0.051046	7175.568359	-1146.238037	42489.632812	-0.109687	0.036121	-1.557435	-0.091801	0.090685	-0.961097	-0.079316	0.041809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145974.000000	129331.000000	100000.000000
-322.151459	-0.107859	-0.035678	-0.984533	-0.050340	0.012606	-0.045459	107653.000000	0.000000	0.001461	0.001332	1.662689	-0.509481	0.051046	7300.479004	-1271.327148	42026.183594	-0.109605	0.035897	-1.557435	-0.091801	0.090685	-0.961097	-0.079316	0.041809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146224.000000	129081.000000	100000.000000
-322.156464	-0.106883	-0.034213	-0.983557	-0.052468	0.013670	-0.044395	107653.000000	0.000000	0.001461	0.001332	1.660313	-0.504167	0.051046	7196.233887	-1259.270752	41562.734375	-0.109502	0.035636	-1.557435	-0.091801	0.090685	-0.961097	-0.079316	0.041809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146108.000000	129197.000000	100000.000000
-322.161469	-0.105662	-0.032748	-0.981359	-0.055661	0.013670	-0.044395	107653.000000	0.000000	0.001461	0.001332	1.657800	-0.498149	0.051046	7286.583496	-1022.499695	41562.734375	-0.109381	0.035338	-1.557435	-0.091801	0.090685	-0.961097	-0.079316	0.041809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145962.000000	129343.000000	100000.000000
-322.166473	-0.104197	-0.030795	-0.979162	-0.057789	0.014734	-0.045459	107653.000000	0.000000	0.001319	0.001204	1.646635	-0.498417	0.051838	6162.157227	-1822.268066	42371.042969	-0.109232	0.034997	-1.557739	-0.091485	0.090396	-0.961215	-0.079072	0.041228	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145637.000000	129668.000000	100000.000000
-322.171478	-0.102732	-0.028842	-0.977209	-0.059918	0.015798	-0.046523	107634.000000	0.000000	0.001588	0.001445	1.663368	-0.472656	0.054845	9301.705078	1167.943115	44143.742188	-0.109056	0.034615	-1.558896	-0.090346	0.089358	-0.961611	-0.078290	0.038968	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145767.000000	129500.000000	100000.000000
-322.176483	-0.101268	-0.028109	-0.975012	-0.062046	0.016863	-0.047588	107634.000000	0.000000	0.001588	0.001445	1.648506	-0.475684	0.054845	5754.371582	-2001.617554	44607.191406	-0.108853	0.034217	-1.558896	-0.090346	0.089358	-0.961611	-0.078290	0.038968	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145389.000000	129878.000000	100000.000000
-322.181488	-0.100291	-0.027377	-0.973059	-0.063110	0.017927	-0.049716	107634.000000	0.000000	0.001921	0.001741	1.662877	-0.452845	0.056288	9029.890625	835.538025	46162.800781	-0.108634	0.033810	-1.559451	-0.089838	0.088898	-0.961747	-0.078026	0.038614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145828.000000	129439.000000	100000.000000
-322.186493	-0.098826	-0.026645	-0.971594	-0.064175	0.018991	-0.050780	107634.000000	0.000000	0.001921	0.001741	1.644713	-0.458014	0.056288	5364.080078	-2262.976807	46626.250000	-0.108386	0.033391	-1.559451	-0.089838	0.088898	-0.961747	-0.078026	0.038614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145261.000000	130006.000000	100000.000000
-322.191498	-0.097850	-0.025424	-0.969641	-0.064175	0.020055	-0.052909	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001921	0.001741	1.640103	-0.450941	0.056288	6828.219238	-1001.486206	47553.148438	-0.108122	0.032958	-1.559451	-0.089838	0.088898	-0.961747	-0.078026	0.038614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145470.000000	129811.000000	100000.000000
-322.196503	-0.096141	-0.024936	-0.968176	-0.064175	0.020055	-0.053973	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001921	0.001741	1.634678	-0.444448	0.056288	6830.792480	-1035.234131	48016.597656	-0.107832	0.032525	-1.559451	-0.089838	0.088898	-0.961747	-0.078026	0.038614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145507.000000	129774.000000	100000.000000
-322.201508	-0.094676	-0.024447	-0.966955	-0.063110	0.021119	-0.056101	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001921	0.001741	1.628829	-0.438261	0.056288	6635.276367	-1162.433105	48943.496094	-0.107514	0.032098	-1.559451	-0.089838	0.088898	-0.961747	-0.078026	0.038614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145438.000000	129843.000000	100000.000000
-322.206512	-0.093455	-0.024203	-0.965979	-0.060982	0.020055	-0.057166	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001921	0.001741	1.623429	-0.432676	0.056288	6898.828613	-1329.790771	49406.945312	-0.107185	0.031686	-1.559451	-0.089838	0.088898	-0.961747	-0.078026	0.038614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145869.000000	129412.000000	100000.000000
-322.211517	-0.093211	-0.024691	-0.965490	-0.057789	0.018991	-0.058230	107648.000000	0.000000	0.001921	0.001741	1.618912	-0.428400	0.056288	6979.903320	-1585.627319	49870.394531	-0.106863	0.031308	-1.559451	-0.089838	0.088898	-0.961747	-0.078026	0.038614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146213.000000	129082.000000	100000.000000
-322.216522	-0.093211	-0.025424	-0.965002	-0.053532	0.015798	-0.059294	107648.000000	0.000000	0.001921	0.001741	1.615353	-0.425173	0.056288	7317.626465	-1822.725342	50333.843750	-0.106565	0.030975	-1.559451	-0.089838	0.088898	-0.961747	-0.078026	0.038614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146788.000000	128507.000000	100000.000000
-322.221527	-0.093211	-0.026156	-0.964514	-0.048211	0.012606	-0.059294	107648.000000	0.000000	0.001732	0.001572	1.601688	-0.432117	0.057520	6158.294434	-3114.621094	50870.367188	-0.106289	0.030689	-1.559925	-0.089396	0.088497	-0.961877	-0.077931	0.037924	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146920.000000	128375.000000	100000.000000
-322.226532	-0.093211	-0.026645	-0.964025	-0.043954	0.008349	-0.060358	107648.000000	0.000000	0.002210	0.001986	1.632942	-0.400409	0.063010	11377.840820	1378.700195	53724.484375	-0.106040	0.030442	-1.562036	-0.087685	0.086965	-0.962047	-0.076513	0.036281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147647.000000	127648.000000	100000.000000
-322.231537	-0.092967	-0.027133	-0.964025	-0.038633	0.004092	-0.060358	107648.000000	0.000000	0.002210	0.001986	1.611226	-0.415480	0.063010	5473.076660	-3975.750000	53724.484375	-0.105812	0.030235	-1.562036	-0.087685	0.086965	-0.962047	-0.076513	0.036281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147096.000000	128199.000000	100000.000000
-322.236542	-0.093943	-0.027133	-0.964758	-0.034376	-0.000165	-0.061423	107572.000000	0.000000	0.002210	0.001986	1.610223	-0.413759	0.063010	7765.582031	-2024.035645	54187.933594	-0.105628	0.030054	-1.562036	-0.087685	0.086965	-0.962047	-0.076513	0.036281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147361.000000	127782.000000	100000.000000
-322.241547	-0.094676	-0.028109	-0.965246	-0.029055	-0.004422	-0.060358	107572.000000	0.000000	0.002210	0.001986	1.609595	-0.413729	0.063010	7823.439941	-2351.212158	53724.484375	-0.105483	0.029921	-1.562036	-0.087685	0.086965	-0.962047	-0.076513	0.036281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147746.000000	127397.000000	100000.000000
-322.246552	-0.095408	-0.028842	-0.966711	-0.024798	-0.008679	-0.060358	107572.000000	0.000000	0.002210	0.001986	1.609387	-0.413813	0.063010	7888.308105	-2266.758545	53724.484375	-0.105374	0.029826	-1.562036	-0.087685	0.086965	-0.962047	-0.076513	0.036281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147727.000000	127416.000000	100000.000000
-322.251556	-0.096873	-0.030063	-0.967443	-0.021606	-0.011872	-0.059294	107572.000000	0.000000	0.002210	0.001986	1.610298	-0.414675	0.063010	7913.340820	-2254.101562	53261.035156	-0.105311	0.029773	-1.562036	-0.087685	0.086965	-0.962047	-0.076513	0.036281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147739.000000	127404.000000	100000.000000
-322.256561	-0.098094	-0.031527	-0.968176	-0.018413	-0.016128	-0.059294	107641.000000	0.000000	0.002210	0.001986	1.611856	-0.416421	0.063010	8128.164062	-2374.011963	53261.035156	-0.105293	0.029766	-1.562036	-0.087685	0.086965	-0.962047	-0.076513	0.036281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148143.000000	127138.000000	100000.000000
-322.261566	-0.098582	-0.031771	-0.968176	-0.016285	-0.018257	-0.058230	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001982	0.001785	1.600204	-0.428187	0.064631	6397.634766	-3422.838623	53503.636719	-0.105297	0.029774	-1.562660	-0.087172	0.086504	-0.961959	-0.074642	0.034298	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147461.000000	127820.000000	100000.000000
-322.266571	-0.099070	-0.031527	-0.968176	-0.015220	-0.019321	-0.057166	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001840	0.001646	1.602400	-0.427882	0.069145	7818.400391	-1981.676147	55005.687500	-0.105316	0.029781	-1.564396	-0.085867	0.085343	-0.961913	-0.075115	0.034670	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147441.000000	127840.000000	100000.000000
-322.271576	-0.099803	-0.032016	-0.968176	-0.015220	-0.020385	-0.056101	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001421	0.001271	1.586409	-0.443569	0.070262	5749.913574	-3695.239746	55028.953125	-0.105354	0.029798	-1.564826	-0.085550	0.085061	-0.961880	-0.075549	0.034369	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147086.000000	128195.000000	100000.000000
-322.276581	-0.100291	-0.032504	-0.967443	-0.015220	-0.020385	-0.055037	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001421	0.001271	1.604350	-0.429357	0.070262	9446.493164	-342.365417	54565.503906	-0.105404	0.029824	-1.564826	-0.085550	0.085061	-0.961880	-0.075549	0.034369	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147429.000000	127852.000000	100000.000000
-322.281586	-0.100535	-0.032992	-0.967932	-0.015220	-0.019321	-0.053973	107647.000000	0.000000	0.001421	0.001271	1.604975	-0.430225	0.070262	7423.537598	-2004.481445	54102.054688	-0.105451	0.029859	-1.564826	-0.085550	0.085061	-0.961880	-0.075549	0.034369	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147075.000000	128218.000000	100000.000000
-322.286591	-0.100779	-0.032992	-0.967932	-0.015220	-0.018257	-0.052909	107647.000000	0.000000	0.001421	0.001271	1.605630	-0.430681	0.070262	7424.777344	-1961.213257	53638.609375	-0.105498	0.029893	-1.564826	-0.085550	0.085061	-0.961880	-0.075549	0.034369	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147032.000000	128261.000000	100000.000000
-322.291595	-0.101268	-0.033725	-0.967932	-0.015220	-0.018257	-0.051845	107647.000000	0.000000	0.001421	0.001271	1.606828	-0.431944	0.070262	7607.166016	-2055.911865	53175.160156	-0.105553	0.029941	-1.564826	-0.085550	0.085061	-0.961880	-0.075549	0.034369	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147310.000000	127983.000000	100000.000000
-322.296600	-0.101756	-0.033480	-0.969152	-0.015220	-0.018257	-0.050780	107647.000000	0.000000	0.001421	0.001271	1.608014	-0.432250	0.070262	7611.218750	-1951.905884	52711.710938	-0.105615	0.029981	-1.564826	-0.085550	0.085061	-0.961880	-0.075549	0.034369	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147210.000000	128083.000000	100000.000000
-322.301605	-0.102244	-0.033236	-0.970373	-0.014156	-0.018257	-0.049716	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001421	0.001271	1.609287	-0.432741	0.070262	7626.692871	-2096.495850	52248.261719	-0.105683	0.030019	-1.564826	-0.085550	0.085061	-0.961880	-0.075549	0.034369	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147298.000000	127851.000000	100000.000000
-322.306610	-0.102732	-0.032260	-0.972570	-0.013092	-0.019321	-0.048652	107575.000000	0.000000	0.003797	0.003375	1.741457	-0.316640	0.081820	22749.564453	11252.599609	56818.011719	-0.105761	0.030039	-1.569271	-0.082350	0.082226	-0.961683	-0.075802	0.034801	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149071.000000	126078.000000	111577.000000
-322.311615	-0.102977	-0.031771	-0.973791	-0.012028	-0.020385	-0.048652	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001668	0.001496	1.530917	-0.504082	0.083120	-15897.188477	-22990.871094	57383.957031	-0.105844	0.030054	-1.569771	-0.081969	0.081886	-0.961584	-0.076085	0.034409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116463.000000	144668.000000	130481.000000	100000.000000
-322.316620	-0.103709	-0.031771	-0.974768	-0.010963	-0.022514	-0.047588	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001668	0.001496	1.618470	-0.429371	0.083120	17409.537109	6173.231934	56920.507812	-0.105949	0.030072	-1.569771	-0.081969	0.081886	-0.961584	-0.076085	0.034409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148811.000000	126338.000000	101157.000000
-322.321625	-0.104441	-0.031283	-0.974768	-0.009899	-0.025706	-0.047588	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001603	0.001436	1.618036	-0.432694	0.084366	7864.586426	-2427.249512	57463.242188	-0.106083	0.030085	-1.570250	-0.081612	0.081568	-0.961496	-0.076445	0.034843	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147936.000000	127353.000000	100000.000000
-322.326630	-0.104930	-0.031039	-0.975744	-0.007771	-0.027835	-0.046523	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001603	0.001436	1.623503	-0.430696	0.084366	8431.430664	-1959.728638	56999.792969	-0.106232	0.030103	-1.570250	-0.081612	0.081568	-0.961496	-0.076445	0.034843	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148036.000000	127253.000000	100000.000000
-322.331635	-0.104930	-0.031039	-0.976721	-0.007771	-0.029963	-0.045459	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001603	0.001436	1.626043	-0.430874	0.084366	8130.969727	-1965.905396	56536.343750	-0.106387	0.030118	-1.570250	-0.081612	0.081568	-0.961496	-0.076445	0.034843	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147741.000000	127548.000000	100000.000000
-322.336639	-0.105174	-0.031283	-0.977453	-0.006706	-0.031028	-0.044395	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001603	0.001436	1.628673	-0.431599	0.084366	8040.854492	-2151.257812	56072.894531	-0.106547	0.030143	-1.570250	-0.081612	0.081568	-0.961496	-0.076445	0.034843	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147837.000000	127452.000000	100000.000000
-322.341644	-0.105418	-0.031039	-0.977453	-0.007771	-0.032092	-0.043331	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001603	0.001436	1.631470	-0.431354	0.084366	8076.922852	-1804.497192	55609.445312	-0.106715	0.030157	-1.570250	-0.081612	0.081568	-0.961496	-0.076445	0.034843	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147526.000000	127763.000000	100000.000000
-322.346649	-0.105418	-0.031527	-0.977941	-0.007771	-0.032092	-0.042266	107646.000000	0.000000	0.001603	0.001436	1.633747	-0.432041	0.084366	7913.181641	-2027.191406	55145.996094	-0.106878	0.030179	-1.570250	-0.081612	0.081568	-0.961496	-0.076445	0.034843	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147586.000000	127705.000000	100000.000000
-322.351654	-0.105418	-0.031527	-0.976965	-0.008835	-0.032092	-0.040138	107646.000000	0.000000	0.001603	0.001436	1.636149	-0.432039	0.084366	7938.101562	-1829.540894	54219.097656	-0.107041	0.030195	-1.570250	-0.081612	0.081568	-0.961496	-0.076445	0.034843	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147413.000000	127878.000000	100000.000000
-322.356659	-0.104930	-0.031039	-0.976232	-0.009899	-0.031028	-0.038010	107646.000000	0.000000	0.001603	0.001436	1.637683	-0.431399	0.084366	7727.736816	-1751.432373	53292.199219	-0.107187	0.030195	-1.570250	-0.081612	0.081568	-0.961496	-0.076445	0.034843	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147125.000000	128166.000000	100000.000000
-322.361664	-0.104441	-0.030307	-0.976477	-0.012028	-0.028899	-0.036945	107646.000000	0.000000	0.001544	0.001386	1.635333	-0.432721	0.085511	7162.949707	-1846.582397	53327.347656	-0.107309	0.030169	-1.570691	-0.081278	0.081269	-0.961397	-0.076198	0.034804	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146655.000000	128636.000000	100000.000000
-322.366669	-0.104441	-0.029330	-0.976477	-0.013092	-0.026771	-0.034817	107567.000000	0.000000	0.001057	0.000955	1.612033	-0.452570	0.086792	4742.584961	-4087.031982	52958.433594	-0.107419	0.030118	-1.571183	-0.080860	0.080891	-0.961151	-0.078547	0.036489	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146396.000000	128737.000000	100000.000000
-322.371674	-0.104197	-0.028109	-0.977209	-0.014156	-0.025706	-0.032688	107567.000000	0.000000	-0.003125	-0.002749	1.402520	-0.636609	0.082249	-16584.421875	-22982.447266	50052.945312	-0.107515	0.030036	-1.569436	-0.082079	0.081968	-0.961055	-0.078808	0.036415	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117133.000000	143965.000000	131168.000000	100000.000000
-322.376678	-0.104197	-0.027133	-0.977697	-0.015220	-0.023578	-0.031624	107567.000000	0.000000	-0.003125	-0.002749	1.570433	-0.485917	0.082249	25561.431641	14521.253906	49589.496094	-0.107599	0.029929	-1.569436	-0.082079	0.081968	-0.961055	-0.078808	0.036415	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148607.000000	126526.000000	117649.000000
-322.381683	-0.103953	-0.026400	-0.978186	-0.015220	-0.022514	-0.030560	107567.000000	0.000000	-0.003125	-0.002749	1.570986	-0.483574	0.082249	7273.855957	-1896.767578	49126.046875	-0.107669	0.029809	-1.569436	-0.082079	0.081968	-0.961055	-0.078808	0.036415	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146737.000000	128396.000000	100000.000000
-322.386688	-0.103709	-0.025912	-0.978186	-0.015220	-0.021450	-0.029496	107567.000000	0.000000	-0.003125	-0.002749	1.571420	-0.481329	0.082249	7257.930176	-1897.304321	48662.597656	-0.107728	0.029681	-1.569436	-0.082079	0.081968	-0.961055	-0.078808	0.036415	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146722.000000	128411.000000	100000.000000
-322.391693	-0.103953	-0.024691	-0.978430	-0.015220	-0.020385	-0.029496	107644.000000	0.000000	-0.003125	-0.002749	1.572203	-0.478177	0.082249	7295.027832	-1782.962036	48662.597656	-0.107786	0.029530	-1.569436	-0.082079	0.081968	-0.961055	-0.078808	0.036415	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146721.000000	128566.000000	100000.000000
-322.396698	-0.104197	-0.023471	-0.978430	-0.014156	-0.020385	-0.028432	107644.000000	0.000000	-0.003125	-0.002749	1.573284	-0.474976	0.082249	7449.760254	-1884.813354	48199.148438	-0.107847	0.029363	-1.569436	-0.082079	0.081968	-0.961055	-0.078808	0.036415	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146978.000000	128309.000000	100000.000000
-322.401703	-0.103709	-0.022494	-0.979650	-0.012028	-0.019321	-0.028432	107644.000000	0.000000	-0.003125	-0.002749	1.573168	-0.472100	0.082249	7195.651367	-2034.069336	48199.148438	-0.107889	0.029189	-1.569436	-0.082079	0.081968	-0.961055	-0.078808	0.036415	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146873.000000	128414.000000	100000.000000
-322.406708	-0.103465	-0.022250	-0.980139	-0.009899	-0.020385	-0.028432	107644.000000	0.000000	0.000737	0.000674	1.786095	-0.281701	0.082408	31844.154297	19455.324219	48268.390625	-0.107930	0.029023	-1.569497	-0.081976	0.081870	-0.960735	-0.077442	0.034524	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148188.000000	127099.000000	127099.000000
-322.411713	-0.102977	-0.022982	-0.979895	-0.007771	-0.020385	-0.027367	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001102	0.001000	1.651760	-0.399803	0.083393	-7081.993164	-15026.140625	48234.027344	-0.107961	0.028886	-1.569876	-0.081636	0.081561	-0.960515	-0.077600	0.034328	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145595.000000	129706.000000	100000.000000
-322.416718	-0.102977	-0.023471	-0.980139	-0.004578	-0.020385	-0.027367	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001102	0.001000	1.637581	-0.412297	0.083393	6067.557617	-3600.283203	48234.027344	-0.107991	0.028777	-1.569876	-0.081636	0.081561	-0.960515	-0.077600	0.034328	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147318.000000	127983.000000	100000.000000
-322.421722	-0.102732	-0.023471	-0.979895	-0.001385	-0.021450	-0.026303	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001102	0.001000	1.638048	-0.411618	0.083393	7802.065430	-2163.486816	47770.578125	-0.108021	0.028685	-1.569876	-0.081636	0.081561	-0.960515	-0.077600	0.034328	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147616.000000	127685.000000	100000.000000
-322.426727	-0.102977	-0.023715	-0.979650	0.001807	-0.021450	-0.025239	107651.000000	0.000000	0.001102	0.001000	1.638775	-0.411451	0.083393	7716.932129	-2233.724121	47307.128906	-0.108056	0.028615	-1.569876	-0.081636	0.081561	-0.960515	-0.077600	0.034328	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147601.000000	127700.000000	100000.000000
-322.431732	-0.103221	-0.023959	-0.979406	0.005000	-0.021450	-0.024175	107632.000000	0.000000	0.001102	0.001000	1.639571	-0.411590	0.083393	7728.242676	-2282.646240	46843.679688	-0.108096	0.028567	-1.569876	-0.081636	0.081561	-0.960515	-0.077600	0.034328	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147642.000000	127621.000000	100000.000000
-322.436737	-0.102977	-0.023959	-0.978918	0.007128	-0.021450	-0.022046	107632.000000	0.000000	0.001102	0.001000	1.639930	-0.411447	0.083393	7681.842285	-2143.677002	45916.781250	-0.108132	0.028530	-1.569876	-0.081636	0.081561	-0.960515	-0.077600	0.034328	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147457.000000	127806.000000	100000.000000
-322.441742	-0.102732	-0.023959	-0.978430	0.010321	-0.021450	-0.020982	107632.000000	0.000000	0.001102	0.001000	1.640220	-0.411767	0.083393	7675.531738	-2327.883545	45453.332031	-0.108163	0.028508	-1.569876	-0.081636	0.081561	-0.960515	-0.077600	0.034328	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147635.000000	127628.000000	100000.000000
-322.446747	-0.102488	-0.023959	-0.978186	0.013514	-0.020385	-0.019918	107632.000000	0.000000	0.001102	0.001000	1.640131	-0.412303	0.083393	7511.528809	-2368.781982	44989.882812	-0.108184	0.028502	-1.569876	-0.081636	0.081561	-0.960515	-0.077600	0.034328	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147512.000000	127751.000000	100000.000000
-322.451752	-0.102244	-0.023959	-0.977941	0.015642	-0.019321	-0.019918	107632.000000	0.000000	0.001102	0.001000	1.639895	-0.412801	0.083393	7489.455078	-2259.729492	44989.882812	-0.108195	0.028507	-1.569876	-0.081636	0.081561	-0.960515	-0.077600	0.034328	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147381.000000	127882.000000	100000.000000
-322.456757	-0.102244	-0.023227	-0.978186	0.017771	-0.018257	-0.019918	107571.000000	0.000000	0.000895	0.000812	1.628389	-0.422906	0.083733	6192.085449	-3372.505859	45137.949219	-0.108200	0.028507	-1.570007	-0.081519	0.081455	-0.960410	-0.077799	0.034577	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147135.000000	128006.000000	100000.000000
-322.461761	-0.102488	-0.022982	-0.978674	0.019899	-0.017193	-0.020982	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001207	0.001084	1.653762	-0.400802	0.085656	10359.790039	261.667297	46438.917969	-0.108204	0.028513	-1.570746	-0.080974	0.080970	-0.960028	-0.078179	0.034738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147669.000000	127472.000000	100000.000000
-322.466766	-0.102732	-0.022494	-0.979162	0.020963	-0.017193	-0.022046	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001207	0.001084	1.641561	-0.411507	0.085656	6288.769531	-3283.507568	46902.367188	-0.108211	0.028514	-1.570746	-0.080974	0.080970	-0.960028	-0.078179	0.034738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147143.000000	127998.000000	100000.000000
-322.471771	-0.103953	-0.021762	-0.979406	0.023092	-0.017193	-0.023110	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001207	0.001084	1.642982	-0.411305	0.085656	7793.064941	-2209.948486	47365.812500	-0.108242	0.028511	-1.570746	-0.080974	0.080970	-0.960028	-0.078179	0.034738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147574.000000	127567.000000	100000.000000
-322.476776	-0.104197	-0.021518	-0.980139	0.025220	-0.017193	-0.026303	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001207	0.001084	1.643576	-0.411644	0.085656	7704.795410	-2280.901855	48756.160156	-0.108276	0.028516	-1.570746	-0.080974	0.080970	-0.960028	-0.078179	0.034738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147628.000000	127657.000000	100000.000000
-322.481781	-0.105418	-0.021273	-0.980871	0.026285	-0.018257	-0.028432	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001207	0.001084	1.645578	-0.411760	0.085656	7990.843262	-2144.763428	49683.058594	-0.108336	0.028521	-1.570746	-0.080974	0.080970	-0.960028	-0.078179	0.034738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147778.000000	127507.000000	100000.000000
-322.486786	-0.105662	-0.020785	-0.981604	0.027349	-0.019321	-0.031624	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001207	0.001084	1.646869	-0.411651	0.085656	7923.413086	-2124.527344	51073.406250	-0.108404	0.028523	-1.570746	-0.080974	0.080970	-0.960028	-0.078179	0.034738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147690.000000	127595.000000	100000.000000
-322.491791	-0.106150	-0.020541	-0.982092	0.028413	-0.021450	-0.034817	107643.000000	0.000000	0.000935	0.000843	1.633882	-0.425002	0.086367	6420.523926	-3670.735107	52773.250000	-0.108489	0.028526	-1.571020	-0.080760	0.080778	-0.959849	-0.079763	0.037032	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147734.000000	127551.000000	100000.000000
-322.496796	-0.106150	-0.020541	-0.981848	0.027349	-0.022514	-0.038010	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001314	0.001170	1.667106	-0.397280	0.088186	11542.508789	1211.924561	54955.625000	-0.108578	0.028526	-1.571719	-0.080300	0.080375	-0.959583	-0.079817	0.037945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147973.000000	127312.000000	100000.000000
-322.501801	-0.106639	-0.020297	-0.981359	0.027349	-0.024642	-0.041202	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001314	0.001170	1.654308	-0.410181	0.088186	6549.993652	-3431.205566	56345.972656	-0.108686	0.028523	-1.571719	-0.080300	0.080375	-0.959583	-0.079817	0.037945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147626.000000	127663.000000	100000.000000
-322.506805	-0.106395	-0.020785	-0.981115	0.025220	-0.026771	-0.044395	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001314	0.001170	1.656113	-0.410214	0.088186	8173.704102	-1772.561768	57736.320312	-0.108797	0.028522	-1.571719	-0.080300	0.080375	-0.959583	-0.079817	0.037945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147591.000000	127698.000000	100000.000000
-322.511810	-0.105906	-0.021273	-0.981848	0.023092	-0.028899	-0.046523	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001314	0.001170	1.657586	-0.410213	0.088186	8153.886719	-1759.009033	58663.218750	-0.108904	0.028521	-1.571719	-0.080300	0.080375	-0.959583	-0.079817	0.037945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147557.000000	127732.000000	100000.000000
-322.516815	-0.105174	-0.021762	-0.982580	0.020963	-0.029963	-0.047588	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001314	0.001170	1.658462	-0.410185	0.088186	7980.104492	-1746.137817	59126.667969	-0.108999	0.028519	-1.571719	-0.080300	0.080375	-0.959583	-0.079817	0.037945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147371.000000	127918.000000	100000.000000
-322.521820	-0.104686	-0.022494	-0.982824	0.017771	-0.032092	-0.047588	107570.000000	0.000000	0.001314	0.001170	1.659774	-0.410118	0.088186	8160.882324	-1609.950806	59126.667969	-0.109091	0.028517	-1.571719	-0.080300	0.080375	-0.959583	-0.079817	0.037945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147340.000000	127799.000000	100000.000000
-322.526825	-0.103221	-0.022738	-0.983068	0.014578	-0.034220	-0.047588	107570.000000	0.000000	0.001314	0.001170	1.659982	-0.409500	0.088186	8050.262207	-1531.686768	59126.667969	-0.109162	0.028504	-1.571719	-0.080300	0.080375	-0.959583	-0.079817	0.037945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147151.000000	127988.000000	100000.000000
-322.531830	-0.102488	-0.023227	-0.984045	0.010321	-0.036349	-0.046523	107570.000000	0.000000	0.001314	0.001170	1.660627	-0.408665	0.088186	8110.941895	-1367.477783	58663.218750	-0.109225	0.028480	-1.571719	-0.080300	0.080375	-0.959583	-0.079817	0.037945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147048.000000	128091.000000	100000.000000
-322.536835	-0.101512	-0.023715	-0.984777	0.006064	-0.037413	-0.044395	107570.000000	0.000000	0.001314	0.001170	1.660644	-0.407640	0.088186	7930.051270	-1322.192871	57736.320312	-0.109272	0.028443	-1.571719	-0.080300	0.080375	-0.959583	-0.079817	0.037945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146822.000000	128317.000000	100000.000000
-322.541840	-0.101268	-0.023715	-0.985266	0.001807	-0.039541	-0.042266	107633.000000	0.000000	0.002053	0.001821	1.702167	-0.370101	0.090082	12812.581055	2885.851807	57635.332031	-0.109322	0.028385	-1.572449	-0.079808	0.079942	-0.959458	-0.080311	0.038159	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147559.000000	127706.000000	100000.000000
-322.546844	-0.101268	-0.024447	-0.985510	-0.003514	-0.039541	-0.039074	107633.000000	0.000000	0.001737	0.001546	1.655971	-0.409765	0.094031	2719.777588	-5644.904785	57964.421875	-0.109371	0.028316	-1.573967	-0.078786	0.079042	-0.959039	-0.081409	0.038800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145997.000000	129268.000000	100000.000000
-322.551849	-0.101268	-0.024691	-0.985021	-0.009899	-0.040606	-0.035881	107633.000000	0.000000	0.001737	0.001546	1.669643	-0.396250	0.094031	9487.459961	410.975677	56574.078125	-0.109426	0.028219	-1.573967	-0.078786	0.079042	-0.959039	-0.081409	0.038800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146709.000000	128556.000000	100000.000000
-322.556854	-0.101512	-0.025424	-0.985510	-0.016285	-0.040606	-0.032688	107633.000000	0.000000	0.001737	0.001546	1.670643	-0.393894	0.094031	7981.720215	-775.897278	55183.730469	-0.109484	0.028106	-1.573967	-0.078786	0.079042	-0.959039	-0.081409	0.038800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146390.000000	128875.000000	100000.000000
-322.561859	-0.102488	-0.026156	-0.985510	-0.022670	-0.040606	-0.029496	107633.000000	0.000000	0.001737	0.001546	1.672549	-0.391319	0.094031	8090.187012	-710.380432	53793.382812	-0.109561	0.027978	-1.573967	-0.078786	0.079042	-0.959039	-0.081409	0.038800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146433.000000	128832.000000	100000.000000
-322.566864	-0.103221	-0.026889	-0.986242	-0.029055	-0.040606	-0.025239	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000909	0.000806	1.628813	-0.429145	0.094516	2870.261963	-5297.396973	52150.824219	-0.109650	0.027832	-1.574154	-0.078683	0.078954	-0.958911	-0.081649	0.038793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145741.000000	129406.000000	100000.000000
-322.571869	-0.103709	-0.027133	-0.986242	-0.035441	-0.039541	-0.022046	107574.000000	0.000000	0.001101	0.000971	1.674031	-0.386931	0.096401	12737.348633	3726.882080	51581.523438	-0.109742	0.027661	-1.574879	-0.078315	0.078645	-0.958564	-0.082842	0.038528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146584.000000	128563.000000	100000.000000
-322.576874	-0.104197	-0.027377	-0.986975	-0.041826	-0.039541	-0.019918	107574.000000	0.000000	0.001101	0.000971	1.668097	-0.389611	0.096401	7202.682617	-1192.361450	50654.628906	-0.109841	0.027466	-1.574879	-0.078315	0.078645	-0.958564	-0.082842	0.038528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145969.000000	129178.000000	100000.000000
-322.581879	-0.103709	-0.026645	-0.987463	-0.047147	-0.039541	-0.016725	107574.000000	0.000000	0.001101	0.000971	1.668907	-0.384543	0.096401	7947.913574	-409.678925	49264.281250	-0.109928	0.027232	-1.574879	-0.078315	0.078645	-0.958564	-0.082842	0.038528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145931.000000	129216.000000	100000.000000
-322.586884	-0.103709	-0.026645	-0.987219	-0.052468	-0.039541	-0.013532	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001101	0.000971	1.670164	-0.379766	0.096401	8002.939453	-394.994049	47873.933594	-0.110014	0.026974	-1.574879	-0.078315	0.078645	-0.958564	-0.082842	0.038528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146039.000000	129244.000000	100000.000000
-322.591888	-0.103709	-0.026645	-0.986730	-0.056725	-0.038477	-0.010340	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001101	0.000971	1.671153	-0.374962	0.096401	7855.970703	-467.455811	46483.585938	-0.110095	0.026700	-1.574879	-0.078315	0.078645	-0.958564	-0.082842	0.038528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145965.000000	129318.000000	100000.000000
-322.596893	-0.102977	-0.026889	-0.986975	-0.060982	-0.038477	-0.008211	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001101	0.000971	1.671452	-0.370203	0.096401	7898.541016	-430.862885	45556.687500	-0.110159	0.026414	-1.574879	-0.078315	0.078645	-0.958564	-0.082842	0.038528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145971.000000	129312.000000	100000.000000
-322.601898	-0.102488	-0.026889	-0.986975	-0.065239	-0.037413	-0.005019	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001101	0.000971	1.671540	-0.364985	0.096401	7753.814941	-336.757904	44166.339844	-0.110207	0.026111	-1.574879	-0.078315	0.078645	-0.958564	-0.082842	0.038528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145732.000000	129551.000000	100000.000000
-322.606903	-0.101512	-0.026889	-0.987463	-0.067367	-0.037413	-0.001826	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001101	0.000971	1.671101	-0.360092	0.096401	7810.959961	-574.518494	42775.996094	-0.110234	0.025802	-1.574879	-0.078315	0.078645	-0.958564	-0.082842	0.038528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146027.000000	129256.000000	100000.000000
-322.611908	-0.100779	-0.026889	-0.987463	-0.070560	-0.036349	0.000303	107566.000000	0.000000	0.001101	0.000971	1.670398	-0.354870	0.096401	7656.742676	-382.532532	41849.097656	-0.110241	0.025482	-1.574879	-0.078315	0.078645	-0.958564	-0.082842	0.038528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145605.000000	129526.000000	100000.000000
-322.616913	-0.100291	-0.027133	-0.987707	-0.071624	-0.036349	0.002431	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000604	0.000530	1.642633	-0.374606	0.096230	4670.382812	-3446.784180	40847.421875	-0.110237	0.025167	-1.574813	-0.078576	0.078902	-0.958181	-0.084678	0.035334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145683.000000	129448.000000	100000.000000
-322.621918	-0.100291	-0.027133	-0.987707	-0.072688	-0.035285	0.004559	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000604	0.000530	1.662174	-0.352226	0.096230	9839.898438	1291.925781	39920.523438	-0.110229	0.024852	-1.574813	-0.078576	0.078902	-0.958181	-0.084678	0.035334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146113.000000	129018.000000	100000.000000
-322.626923	-0.100047	-0.027133	-0.988439	-0.073753	-0.034220	0.006688	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000604	0.000530	1.661437	-0.347472	0.096230	7601.978027	-619.384583	38993.628906	-0.110210	0.024536	-1.574813	-0.078576	0.078902	-0.958181	-0.084678	0.035334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145787.000000	129344.000000	100000.000000
-322.631927	-0.099803	-0.026889	-0.988928	-0.073753	-0.034220	0.008816	107652.000000	0.000000	0.000604	0.000530	1.660859	-0.342737	0.096230	7733.817871	-716.663818	38066.730469	-0.110185	0.024220	-1.574813	-0.078576	0.078902	-0.958181	-0.084678	0.035334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146102.000000	129201.000000	100000.000000
-322.636932	-0.100047	-0.027133	-0.988439	-0.073753	-0.032092	0.009881	107652.000000	0.000000	0.000604	0.000530	1.660272	-0.338600	0.096230	7486.323730	-763.350708	37603.281250	-0.110157	0.023915	-1.574813	-0.078576	0.078902	-0.958181	-0.084678	0.035334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145901.000000	129402.000000	100000.000000
-322.641937	-0.100535	-0.027133	-0.988684	-0.073753	-0.031028	0.010945	107652.000000	0.000000	0.000604	0.000530	1.660105	-0.334321	0.096230	7643.795898	-728.189453	37139.832031	-0.110133	0.023616	-1.574813	-0.078576	0.078902	-0.958181	-0.084678	0.035334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146023.000000	129280.000000	100000.000000
-322.646942	-0.100779	-0.027377	-0.988439	-0.072688	-0.029963	0.010945	107652.000000	0.000000	0.000604	0.000530	1.659782	-0.330721	0.096230	7620.287598	-908.127563	37139.832031	-0.110110	0.023333	-1.574813	-0.078576	0.078902	-0.958181	-0.084678	0.035334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146180.000000	129123.000000	100000.000000
-322.651947	-0.101023	-0.027865	-0.988439	-0.071624	-0.027835	0.010945	107645.000000	0.000000	-0.000215	-0.000207	1.614115	-0.368132	0.092582	2297.534668	-5594.473145	35551.585938	-0.110081	0.023070	-1.573410	-0.079913	0.080126	-0.957791	-0.084144	0.030727	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145537.000000	129752.000000	100000.000000
-322.656952	-0.101268	-0.028354	-0.989172	-0.070560	-0.025706	0.009881	107645.000000	0.000000	-0.000215	-0.000207	1.646076	-0.335847	0.092582	10970.513672	2212.595459	36015.035156	-0.110046	0.022828	-1.573410	-0.079913	0.080126	-0.957791	-0.084144	0.030727	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146402.000000	128887.000000	100000.000000
-322.661957	-0.101268	-0.028109	-0.990637	-0.068432	-0.024642	0.007752	107645.000000	0.000000	-0.000564	-0.000531	1.625934	-0.350615	0.091625	5260.893066	-3155.927979	36524.996094	-0.110004	0.022596	-1.573042	-0.080294	0.080478	-0.957722	-0.084201	0.029463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146061.000000	129228.000000	100000.000000
-322.666962	-0.101512	-0.028598	-0.991613	-0.066303	-0.022514	0.004559	107645.000000	0.000000	-0.000564	-0.000531	1.638860	-0.335618	0.091625	8829.625000	176.144867	37915.343750	-0.109954	0.022391	-1.573042	-0.080294	0.080478	-0.957722	-0.084201	0.029463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146298.000000	128991.000000	100000.000000
-322.671967	-0.102244	-0.029086	-0.992102	-0.064175	-0.021450	0.002431	107645.000000	0.000000	-0.000564	-0.000531	1.638615	-0.333918	0.091625	7492.315430	-1287.903931	38842.242188	-0.109913	0.022211	-1.573042	-0.080294	0.080478	-0.957722	-0.084201	0.029463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146425.000000	128864.000000	100000.000000
-322.676971	-0.102977	-0.030307	-0.993322	-0.060982	-0.020385	-0.001826	107572.000000	0.000000	-0.000564	-0.000531	1.638398	-0.333698	0.091625	7489.479004	-1581.449341	40696.039062	-0.109880	0.022075	-1.573042	-0.080294	0.080478	-0.957722	-0.084201	0.029463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146642.000000	128501.000000	100000.000000
-322.681976	-0.103709	-0.031283	-0.993811	-0.057789	-0.018257	-0.005019	107572.000000	0.000000	-0.000564	-0.000531	1.638082	-0.333829	0.091625	7350.423340	-1635.189331	42086.386719	-0.109850	0.021980	-1.573042	-0.080294	0.080478	-0.957722	-0.084201	0.029463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146557.000000	128586.000000	100000.000000
-322.686981	-0.104441	-0.032260	-0.994055	-0.054597	-0.016128	-0.009276	107572.000000	0.000000	-0.000564	-0.000531	1.637835	-0.334544	0.091625	7346.956055	-1717.403076	43940.179688	-0.109823	0.021923	-1.573042	-0.080294	0.080478	-0.957722	-0.084201	0.029463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146636.000000	128507.000000	100000.000000
-322.691986	-0.105174	-0.032992	-0.994299	-0.051404	-0.014000	-0.012468	107572.000000	0.000000	-0.000564	-0.000531	1.637645	-0.335502	0.091625	7342.682617	-1763.308716	45330.527344	-0.109801	0.021899	-1.573042	-0.080294	0.080478	-0.957722	-0.084201	0.029463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146677.000000	128466.000000	100000.000000
-322.696991	-0.105174	-0.033969	-0.994299	-0.048211	-0.011872	-0.016725	107630.000000	0.000000	-0.000564	-0.000531	1.636728	-0.337229	0.091625	7248.696289	-1870.450073	47184.324219	-0.109767	0.021913	-1.573042	-0.080294	0.080478	-0.957722	-0.084201	0.029463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146749.000000	128510.000000	100000.000000
-322.701996	-0.104930	-0.034457	-0.994787	-0.043954	-0.008679	-0.020982	107630.000000	0.000000	0.000418	0.000329	1.689038	-0.291910	0.091954	13210.208984	3374.537354	49181.460938	-0.109713	0.021959	-1.573169	-0.080348	0.080543	-0.957673	-0.084464	0.029110	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147465.000000	127794.000000	100000.000000
-322.707001	-0.104686	-0.034701	-0.995275	-0.039697	-0.006550	-0.025239	107630.000000	0.000000	0.000488	0.000387	1.651986	-0.325269	0.092844	3321.150391	-5449.832031	51422.769531	-0.109643	0.022033	-1.573511	-0.080585	0.080808	-0.957649	-0.084745	0.028260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146400.000000	128859.000000	100000.000000
-322.712006	-0.104197	-0.035189	-0.995275	-0.035441	-0.003358	-0.030560	107630.000000	0.000000	0.000488	0.000387	1.646759	-0.330459	0.092844	6664.715820	-2395.826660	53740.015625	-0.109548	0.022138	-1.573511	-0.080585	0.080808	-0.957649	-0.084745	0.028260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146690.000000	128569.000000	100000.000000
-322.717010	-0.103709	-0.034945	-0.995031	-0.030119	-0.001229	-0.034817	107630.000000	0.000000	0.000488	0.000387	1.644336	-0.333225	0.092844	7069.125977	-2283.622803	55593.812500	-0.109435	0.022264	-1.573511	-0.080585	0.080808	-0.957649	-0.084745	0.028260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146982.000000	128277.000000	100000.000000
-322.722015	-0.103465	-0.034701	-0.994787	-0.024798	0.001963	-0.039074	107639.000000	0.000000	0.000488	0.000387	1.641642	-0.336283	0.092844	6895.194336	-2354.216553	57447.605469	-0.109304	0.022412	-1.573511	-0.080585	0.080808	-0.957649	-0.084745	0.028260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146888.000000	128389.000000	100000.000000
-322.727020	-0.103709	-0.033969	-0.994787	-0.019477	0.004092	-0.044395	107639.000000	0.000000	0.000488	0.000387	1.639482	-0.339121	0.092844	7051.225586	-2367.510010	59764.851562	-0.109169	0.022571	-1.573511	-0.080585	0.080808	-0.957649	-0.084745	0.028260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147057.000000	128220.000000	100000.000000
-322.732025	-0.103221	-0.033725	-0.994543	-0.014156	0.006220	-0.050780	107639.000000	0.000000	0.000488	0.000387	1.636490	-0.342695	0.092844	6936.301758	-2489.350830	62545.546875	-0.109017	0.022752	-1.573511	-0.080585	0.080808	-0.957649	-0.084745	0.028260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147064.000000	128213.000000	100000.000000
-322.737030	-0.102732	-0.033236	-0.994299	-0.008835	0.009413	-0.056101	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001243	0.001045	1.674441	-0.310104	0.094297	11480.989258	1612.650757	65495.550781	-0.108842	0.022948	-1.574070	-0.080365	0.080635	-0.957660	-0.084803	0.027847	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147507.000000	127770.000000	100000.000000
-322.742035	-0.102732	-0.032992	-0.994299	-0.002450	0.011541	-0.062487	107581.000000	0.000000	0.001632	0.001379	1.662652	-0.322423	0.099805	6064.787598	-3528.530029	70674.742188	-0.108660	0.023171	-1.576188	-0.079485	0.079932	-0.957709	-0.084081	0.027516	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147174.000000	127987.000000	100000.000000
-322.747040	-0.102732	-0.032260	-0.993566	0.002872	0.013670	-0.068872	107581.000000	0.000000	0.001632	0.001379	1.644015	-0.339691	0.099805	5216.302734	-4059.576416	73455.437500	-0.108471	0.023404	-1.576188	-0.079485	0.079932	-0.957709	-0.084081	0.027516	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146856.000000	128305.000000	100000.000000
-322.752045	-0.102732	-0.032016	-0.993566	0.008193	0.015798	-0.075257	107581.000000	0.000000	0.001632	0.001379	1.640778	-0.344278	0.099805	6884.954590	-2710.835693	76236.132812	-0.108275	0.023657	-1.576188	-0.079485	0.079932	-0.957709	-0.084081	0.027516	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147176.000000	127985.000000	100000.000000
-322.757050	-0.103221	-0.032260	-0.993566	0.012450	0.017927	-0.081643	107581.000000	0.000000	0.001632	0.001379	1.637969	-0.349389	0.099805	6909.311523	-2694.457031	79016.820312	-0.108082	0.023933	-1.576188	-0.079485	0.079932	-0.957709	-0.084081	0.027516	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147184.000000	127977.000000	100000.000000
-322.762054	-0.103465	-0.032504	-0.993811	0.016706	0.020055	-0.088028	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001632	0.001379	1.634896	-0.354824	0.099805	6856.353027	-2774.739746	81797.515625	-0.107885	0.024234	-1.576188	-0.079485	0.079932	-0.957709	-0.084081	0.027516	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147273.000000	128010.000000	100000.000000
-322.767059	-0.104197	-0.032992	-0.993811	0.020963	0.022184	-0.093349	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001632	0.001379	1.632347	-0.360826	0.099805	6892.452637	-2884.327881	84114.765625	-0.107696	0.024561	-1.576188	-0.079485	0.079932	-0.957709	-0.084081	0.027516	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147418.000000	127865.000000	100000.000000
-322.772064	-0.104930	-0.033725	-0.993566	0.024156	0.024312	-0.098670	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001632	0.001379	1.629925	-0.367198	0.099805	6885.381348	-2851.904053	86432.007812	-0.107514	0.024915	-1.576188	-0.079485	0.079932	-0.957709	-0.084081	0.027516	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147379.000000	127904.000000	100000.000000
-322.777069	-0.104930	-0.033969	-0.992834	0.027349	0.026441	-0.103992	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001632	0.001379	1.626863	-0.373423	0.099805	6791.282715	-2879.081543	88749.250000	-0.107326	0.025286	-1.576188	-0.079485	0.079932	-0.957709	-0.084081	0.027516	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147312.000000	127971.000000	100000.000000
-322.782074	-0.105174	-0.034701	-0.992834	0.029477	0.028569	-0.108248	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001505	0.001252	1.616902	-0.387048	0.101764	5976.962402	-3648.204346	91456.218750	-0.107136	0.025676	-1.576942	-0.079185	0.079695	-0.957787	-0.083714	0.028183	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147267.000000	128016.000000	100000.000000
-322.787079	-0.105174	-0.034701	-0.992346	0.030541	0.030697	-0.111441	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001505	0.001252	1.618796	-0.387791	0.101764	7279.488770	-2123.042480	92846.570312	-0.106939	0.026066	-1.576942	-0.079185	0.079695	-0.957787	-0.083714	0.028183	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146977.000000	128172.000000	100000.000000
-322.792084	-0.104930	-0.034213	-0.992102	0.031606	0.032826	-0.114634	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001505	0.001252	1.615218	-0.393052	0.101764	6651.595703	-2648.917969	94236.914062	-0.106731	0.026445	-1.576942	-0.079185	0.079695	-0.957787	-0.083714	0.028183	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146875.000000	128274.000000	100000.000000
-322.797089	-0.104686	-0.034701	-0.992102	0.032670	0.034954	-0.117827	107575.000000	0.000000	0.002615	0.002222	1.672505	-0.345899	0.114092	13598.945312	3327.324463	100995.734375	-0.106511	0.026833	-1.581683	-0.076874	0.077786	-0.958141	-0.081180	0.030564	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147846.000000	127303.000000	100000.000000
-322.802094	-0.104441	-0.034945	-0.991613	0.032670	0.037083	-0.119955	107575.000000	0.000000	0.002615	0.002222	1.624234	-0.390417	0.114092	1759.140503	-6841.224609	101922.632812	-0.106281	0.027219	-1.581683	-0.076874	0.077786	-0.958141	-0.081180	0.030564	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146175.000000	128974.000000	100000.000000
-322.807098	-0.104686	-0.035678	-0.991613	0.032670	0.038147	-0.122083	107575.000000	0.000000	0.002615	0.002222	1.620983	-0.396647	0.114092	6806.605957	-2659.910645	102849.531250	-0.106054	0.027614	-1.581683	-0.076874	0.077786	-0.958141	-0.081180	0.030564	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147041.000000	128108.000000	100000.000000
-322.812103	-0.104930	-0.035189	-0.991125	0.031606	0.039211	-0.123148	107575.000000	0.000000	0.002615	0.002222	1.617853	-0.401344	0.114092	6800.522461	-2390.952393	103312.976562	-0.105833	0.027986	-1.581683	-0.076874	0.077786	-0.958141	-0.081180	0.030564	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146766.000000	128383.000000	100000.000000
-322.817108	-0.105418	-0.034701	-0.990148	0.030541	0.040276	-0.124212	107575.000000	0.000000	0.002615	0.002222	1.615115	-0.405750	0.114092	6826.251953	-2374.348145	103776.429688	-0.105622	0.028337	-1.581683	-0.076874	0.077786	-0.958141	-0.081180	0.030564	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146775.000000	128374.000000	100000.000000
-322.822113	-0.105906	-0.034457	-0.989904	0.028413	0.040276	-0.125276	107575.000000	0.000000	0.002615	0.002222	1.612728	-0.409813	0.114092	6970.824707	-2228.556152	104239.875000	-0.105425	0.028666	-1.581683	-0.076874	0.077786	-0.958141	-0.081180	0.030564	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146774.000000	128375.000000	100000.000000
-322.827118	-0.106395	-0.033969	-0.988684	0.026285	0.041340	-0.126340	107575.000000	0.000000	0.002752	0.002331	1.617919	-0.407321	0.124124	7706.061035	-1486.482422	109072.179688	-0.105239	0.028969	-1.585542	-0.074958	0.076201	-0.958499	-0.079181	0.031728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146767.000000	128382.000000	100000.000000
-322.832123	-0.106639	-0.033480	-0.987951	0.024156	0.042404	-0.127405	107648.000000	0.000000	0.002718	0.002290	1.608010	-0.417120	0.127654	5995.024902	-2873.416260	111072.718750	-0.105058	0.029247	-1.586899	-0.074280	0.075641	-0.958649	-0.078831	0.031939	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146516.000000	128779.000000	100000.000000
-322.837128	-0.107127	-0.033236	-0.987463	0.020963	0.043468	-0.127405	107648.000000	0.000000	0.002718	0.002290	1.607160	-0.418210	0.127654	6982.377930	-1789.009399	111072.718750	-0.104885	0.029499	-1.586899	-0.074280	0.075641	-0.958649	-0.078831	0.031939	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146419.000000	128876.000000	100000.000000
-322.842133	-0.107127	-0.033236	-0.986975	0.016706	0.043468	-0.128469	107648.000000	0.000000	0.002718	0.002290	1.604806	-0.420607	0.127654	6923.318848	-1807.066284	111536.164062	-0.104717	0.029726	-1.586899	-0.074280	0.075641	-0.958649	-0.078831	0.031939	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146378.000000	128917.000000	100000.000000
-322.847137	-0.107615	-0.032260	-0.985510	0.012450	0.044532	-0.128469	107648.000000	0.000000	0.002718	0.002290	1.602891	-0.421575	0.127654	6840.882324	-1634.886597	111536.164062	-0.104560	0.029908	-1.586899	-0.074280	0.075641	-0.958649	-0.078831	0.031939	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146123.000000	129172.000000	100000.000000
-322.852142	-0.107859	-0.031527	-0.984533	0.008193	0.044532	-0.129533	107651.000000	0.000000	0.002718	0.002290	1.601083	-0.422212	0.127654	6961.277344	-1581.790039	111999.617188	-0.104413	0.030052	-1.586899	-0.074280	0.075641	-0.958649	-0.078831	0.031939	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146194.000000	129107.000000	100000.000000
-322.857147	-0.107615	-0.031039	-0.983557	0.002872	0.045597	-0.129533	107651.000000	0.000000	0.002718	0.002290	1.598596	-0.422271	0.127654	6753.364746	-1377.063721	111999.617188	-0.104261	0.030159	-1.586899	-0.074280	0.075641	-0.958649	-0.078831	0.031939	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145781.000000	129520.000000	100000.000000
-322.862152	-0.107371	-0.029574	-0.982092	-0.002450	0.045597	-0.130597	107651.000000	0.000000	0.002718	0.002290	1.596380	-0.420758	0.127654	6889.949707	-1172.778931	112463.062500	-0.104110	0.030208	-1.586899	-0.074280	0.075641	-0.958649	-0.078831	0.031939	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145713.000000	129588.000000	100000.000000
-322.867157	-0.107371	-0.028354	-0.979895	-0.008835	0.045597	-0.130597	107651.000000	0.000000	0.002718	0.002290	1.594551	-0.418433	0.127654	6923.998535	-926.428589	112463.062500	-0.103967	0.030202	-1.586899	-0.074280	0.075641	-0.958649	-0.078831	0.031939	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145501.000000	129800.000000	100000.000000
-322.872162	-0.107127	-0.027377	-0.978918	-0.014156	0.045597	-0.130597	107651.000000	0.000000	0.003115	0.002640	1.614255	-0.396618	0.135385	9382.447266	1224.472656	115830.140625	-0.103824	0.030150	-1.589873	-0.072734	0.074353	-0.958942	-0.077178	0.032072	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145808.000000	129493.000000	100000.000000
-322.877167	-0.106883	-0.026400	-0.977453	-0.020541	0.045597	-0.130597	107651.000000	0.000000	0.003097	0.002624	1.595271	-0.407962	0.142906	5041.055664	-2327.423096	119105.156250	-0.103682	0.030050	-1.592765	-0.071218	0.073090	-0.959215	-0.075921	0.031859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145019.000000	130282.000000	100000.000000
-322.882172	-0.105906	-0.025424	-0.975500	-0.025863	0.044532	-0.129533	107651.000000	0.000000	0.000822	0.000613	1.468435	-0.514048	0.144004	-7279.356445	-13325.302734	119120.054688	-0.103533	0.029905	-1.593188	-0.071190	0.073103	-0.959359	-0.075457	0.031727	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	143696.000000	131605.000000	100000.000000
-322.887177	-0.105174	-0.024447	-0.974523	-0.031184	0.042404	-0.129533	107651.000000	0.000000	0.000822	0.000613	1.557196	-0.429110	0.144004	16961.835938	8094.053711	119120.054688	-0.103385	0.029718	-1.593188	-0.071190	0.073103	-0.959359	-0.075457	0.031727	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146518.000000	128783.000000	102706.000000
-322.892181	-0.104441	-0.022738	-0.974035	-0.036505	0.040276	-0.128469	107651.000000	0.000000	0.000822	0.000613	1.554974	-0.423143	0.144004	6957.399414	-537.320374	118656.609375	-0.103237	0.029474	-1.593188	-0.071190	0.073103	-0.959359	-0.075457	0.031727	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145145.000000	130156.000000	100000.000000
-322.897186	-0.103221	-0.021273	-0.973547	-0.040762	0.038147	-0.126340	107638.000000	0.000000	0.000822	0.000613	1.552216	-0.416906	0.144004	6895.460449	-576.122559	117729.710938	-0.103080	0.029183	-1.593188	-0.071190	0.073103	-0.959359	-0.075457	0.031727	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145109.000000	130166.000000	100000.000000
-322.902191	-0.102488	-0.019564	-0.972326	-0.045019	0.033890	-0.125276	107638.000000	0.000000	0.000822	0.000613	1.550517	-0.409791	0.144004	7257.740234	-427.555298	117266.257812	-0.102934	0.028841	-1.593188	-0.071190	0.073103	-0.959359	-0.075457	0.031727	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145323.000000	129952.000000	100000.000000
-322.907196	-0.101268	-0.018100	-0.971350	-0.048211	0.030697	-0.124212	107638.000000	0.000000	0.000822	0.000613	1.548125	-0.402531	0.144004	7068.187012	-480.318878	116802.812500	-0.102785	0.028461	-1.593188	-0.071190	0.073103	-0.959359	-0.075457	0.031727	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145186.000000	130089.000000	100000.000000
-322.912201	-0.100291	-0.015902	-0.970617	-0.050340	0.026441	-0.124212	107638.000000	0.000000	0.000822	0.000613	1.546203	-0.394215	0.144004	7247.655273	-433.469513	116802.812500	-0.102641	0.028034	-1.593188	-0.071190	0.073103	-0.959359	-0.075457	0.031727	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145319.000000	129956.000000	100000.000000
-322.917206	-0.100047	-0.013217	-0.969641	-0.052468	0.018991	-0.123148	107585.000000	0.000000	0.001831	0.001502	1.601539	-0.335731	0.150229	14183.333984	5361.727051	119050.195312	-0.102534	0.027549	-1.595582	-0.070298	0.072432	-0.959777	-0.075160	0.031237	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146406.000000	128763.000000	100000.000000
-322.922211	-0.099803	-0.012240	-0.969396	-0.053532	0.014734	-0.122083	107585.000000	0.000000	0.002874	0.002404	1.618027	-0.313605	0.153886	9656.172852	1353.568481	120179.039062	-0.102447	0.027048	-1.596988	-0.069595	0.071856	-0.959881	-0.075122	0.030921	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145887.000000	129282.000000	100000.000000
-322.927216	-0.099803	-0.010531	-0.968664	-0.054597	0.007285	-0.122083	107585.000000	0.000000	0.002874	0.002404	1.577197	-0.340474	0.153886	3551.232910	-4152.395508	120179.039062	-0.102399	0.026517	-1.596988	-0.069595	0.071856	-0.959881	-0.075122	0.030921	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145288.000000	129881.000000	100000.000000
-322.932220	-0.100291	-0.009311	-0.967932	-0.054597	0.000899	-0.122083	107585.000000	0.000000	0.002167	0.001783	1.540012	-0.365876	0.156632	3693.391357	-4224.943359	121374.781250	-0.102396	0.025972	-1.598045	-0.069131	0.071489	-0.959949	-0.074957	0.029961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145503.000000	129666.000000	100000.000000
-322.937225	-0.101023	-0.008578	-0.965979	-0.054597	-0.005486	-0.121019	107585.000000	0.000000	0.002167	0.001783	1.571049	-0.332631	0.156632	11366.806641	2376.517090	120911.328125	-0.102443	0.025423	-1.598045	-0.069131	0.071489	-0.959949	-0.074957	0.029961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146575.000000	128594.000000	100000.000000
-322.942230	-0.101512	-0.008334	-0.964758	-0.055661	-0.011872	-0.119955	107647.000000	0.000000	0.002167	0.001783	1.574150	-0.324418	0.156632	8338.773438	-216.241760	120447.882812	-0.102534	0.024874	-1.598045	-0.069131	0.071489	-0.959949	-0.074957	0.029961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146202.000000	129091.000000	100000.000000
-322.947235	-0.101268	-0.007846	-0.963293	-0.055661	-0.017193	-0.119955	107647.000000	0.000000	0.002167	0.001783	1.576765	-0.316255	0.156632	8204.847656	-301.132904	120447.882812	-0.102648	0.024326	-1.598045	-0.069131	0.071489	-0.959949	-0.074957	0.029961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146152.000000	129141.000000	100000.000000
-322.952240	-0.102000	-0.008090	-0.962561	-0.055661	-0.021450	-0.117827	107647.000000	0.000000	0.002167	0.001783	1.580439	-0.308873	0.156632	8240.701172	-353.136536	119520.984375	-0.102797	0.023794	-1.598045	-0.069131	0.071489	-0.959949	-0.074957	0.029961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146240.000000	129053.000000	100000.000000
-322.957245	-0.102732	-0.008090	-0.962072	-0.055661	-0.026771	-0.116762	107647.000000	0.000000	0.002167	0.001783	1.584861	-0.301454	0.156632	8484.814453	-314.869537	119057.531250	-0.102986	0.023271	-1.598045	-0.069131	0.071489	-0.959949	-0.074957	0.029961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146446.000000	128847.000000	100000.000000
-322.962250	-0.102977	-0.007602	-0.961340	-0.055661	-0.031028	-0.114634	107638.000000	0.000000	0.002167	0.001783	1.589031	-0.293597	0.156632	8378.966797	-230.526901	118130.640625	-0.103200	0.022749	-1.598045	-0.069131	0.071489	-0.959949	-0.074957	0.029961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146247.000000	129028.000000	100000.000000
-322.967255	-0.102977	-0.006869	-0.961340	-0.054597	-0.035285	-0.112505	107638.000000	0.000000	0.002167	0.001783	1.593175	-0.285736	0.156632	8414.556641	-315.892578	117203.742188	-0.103430	0.022226	-1.598045	-0.069131	0.071489	-0.959949	-0.074957	0.029961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146368.000000	128907.000000	100000.000000
-322.972260	-0.103465	-0.006869	-0.961584	-0.053532	-0.039541	-0.110377	107638.000000	0.000000	0.002706	0.002246	1.627718	-0.253213	0.160093	11935.726562	2540.570801	117784.367188	-0.103687	0.021718	-1.599376	-0.068491	0.070971	-0.959989	-0.075202	0.029756	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147033.000000	128242.000000	100000.000000
-322.977264	-0.103709	-0.006625	-0.962072	-0.052468	-0.044863	-0.108248	107638.000000	0.000000	0.002538	0.002103	1.602159	-0.272535	0.168865	5350.962402	-3253.897461	120677.515625	-0.103969	0.021219	-1.602750	-0.066969	0.069764	-0.960015	-0.076494	0.028394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146242.000000	129033.000000	100000.000000
-322.982269	-0.103953	-0.006137	-0.962316	-0.050340	-0.049119	-0.106120	107586.000000	0.000000	0.002538	0.002103	1.614231	-0.259824	0.168865	9446.864258	199.917450	119750.617188	-0.104272	0.020729	-1.602750	-0.066969	0.069764	-0.960015	-0.076494	0.028394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146832.000000	128339.000000	100000.000000
-322.987274	-0.103953	-0.005648	-0.962805	-0.047147	-0.054441	-0.103992	107586.000000	0.000000	0.002538	0.002103	1.619835	-0.253273	0.168865	8902.976562	-578.934448	118823.726562	-0.104594	0.020254	-1.602750	-0.066969	0.069764	-0.960015	-0.076494	0.028394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147067.000000	128104.000000	100000.000000
-322.992279	-0.104197	-0.005648	-0.962561	-0.045019	-0.058697	-0.101863	107586.000000	0.000000	0.002538	0.002103	1.625785	-0.247193	0.168865	8871.207031	-495.379913	117896.828125	-0.104936	0.019798	-1.602750	-0.066969	0.069764	-0.960015	-0.076494	0.028394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146952.000000	128219.000000	100000.000000
-322.997284	-0.105418	-0.006137	-0.963049	-0.042890	-0.062954	-0.099735	107586.000000	0.000000	0.002538	0.002103	1.633031	-0.241931	0.168865	9066.316406	-570.988403	116969.929688	-0.105317	0.019371	-1.602750	-0.066969	0.069764	-0.960015	-0.076494	0.028394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147223.000000	127948.000000	100000.000000
-323.002289	-0.107371	-0.006625	-0.964270	-0.040762	-0.067211	-0.096542	107586.000000	0.000000	0.002538	0.002103	1.641547	-0.237026	0.168865	9265.077148	-597.513489	115579.578125	-0.105748	0.018971	-1.602750	-0.066969	0.069764	-0.960015	-0.076494	0.028394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147448.000000	127723.000000	100000.000000
-323.007294	-0.109324	-0.006381	-0.964758	-0.038633	-0.071468	-0.094414	107647.000000	0.000000	0.002418	0.001992	1.644304	-0.237782	0.174601	8663.842773	-1233.324829	117150.382812	-0.106231	0.018583	-1.604956	-0.065979	0.068983	-0.959922	-0.077260	0.028454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147544.000000	127749.000000	100000.000000
-323.012299	-0.110301	-0.006869	-0.966223	-0.036505	-0.074661	-0.092285	107647.000000	0.000000	0.002453	0.002021	1.659471	-0.227442	0.180321	9996.188477	24.791845	118714.304688	-0.106737	0.018223	-1.607156	-0.064980	0.068192	-0.959747	-0.079030	0.028216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147618.000000	127675.000000	100000.000000
-323.017303	-0.111766	-0.007113	-0.966955	-0.034376	-0.076789	-0.090157	107647.000000	0.000000	0.002453	0.002021	1.667269	-0.224394	0.180321	9114.385742	-772.984253	117787.406250	-0.107272	0.017884	-1.607156	-0.064980	0.068192	-0.959747	-0.079030	0.028216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147534.000000	127759.000000	100000.000000
-323.022308	-0.113475	-0.007602	-0.967199	-0.032248	-0.078918	-0.088028	107647.000000	0.000000	0.001720	0.001373	1.636902	-0.256384	0.182407	4787.800293	-4782.527344	117769.023438	-0.107842	0.017572	-1.607958	-0.064691	0.067983	-0.959622	-0.079686	0.028166	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147217.000000	128076.000000	100000.000000
-323.027313	-0.113719	-0.007357	-0.967199	-0.031184	-0.079982	-0.086964	107640.000000	0.000000	0.001720	0.001373	1.674680	-0.226130	0.182407	12342.375000	2312.885742	117305.578125	-0.108410	0.017265	-1.607958	-0.064691	0.067983	-0.959622	-0.079686	0.028166	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147669.000000	127610.000000	100000.000000
-323.032318	-0.114207	-0.007846	-0.966711	-0.031184	-0.079982	-0.084836	107640.000000	0.000000	0.001839	0.001484	1.689760	-0.216318	0.184573	9798.898438	227.239410	117321.875000	-0.108978	0.016974	-1.608791	-0.064365	0.067739	-0.959481	-0.080883	0.028044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147211.000000	128068.000000	100000.000000
-323.037323	-0.115184	-0.007846	-0.966711	-0.031184	-0.079982	-0.083771	107640.000000	0.000000	0.001839	0.001484	1.694005	-0.216660	0.184573	8627.162109	-890.803955	116858.429688	-0.109556	0.016689	-1.608791	-0.064365	0.067739	-0.959481	-0.080883	0.028044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147157.000000	128122.000000	100000.000000
-323.042328	-0.115916	-0.008334	-0.966223	-0.030119	-0.078918	-0.081643	107640.000000	0.000000	0.001839	0.001484	1.702645	-0.213483	0.184573	9028.115234	-611.106384	115931.531250	-0.110133	0.016423	-1.608791	-0.064365	0.067739	-0.959481	-0.080883	0.028044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147279.000000	128000.000000	100000.000000
-323.047333	-0.116404	-0.009066	-0.966223	-0.030119	-0.077854	-0.079514	107640.000000	0.000000	0.001839	0.001484	1.710940	-0.210568	0.184573	9023.678711	-509.491943	115004.632812	-0.110703	0.016177	-1.608791	-0.064365	0.067739	-0.959481	-0.080883	0.028044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147173.000000	128106.000000	100000.000000
-323.052338	-0.116893	-0.009311	-0.965979	-0.030119	-0.075725	-0.078450	107649.000000	0.000000	0.001839	0.001484	1.718883	-0.207406	0.184573	8894.570312	-467.899933	114541.179688	-0.111262	0.015941	-1.608791	-0.064365	0.067739	-0.959481	-0.080883	0.028044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147011.000000	128286.000000	100000.000000
-323.057343	-0.116648	-0.009555	-0.965490	-0.030119	-0.074661	-0.076322	107649.000000	0.000000	0.001839	0.001484	1.726176	-0.204349	0.184573	8968.726562	-465.242462	113614.289062	-0.111801	0.015713	-1.608791	-0.064365	0.067739	-0.959481	-0.080883	0.028044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147082.000000	128215.000000	100000.000000
-323.062347	-0.116404	-0.009799	-0.966223	-0.027991	-0.073597	-0.075257	107649.000000	0.000000	0.000995	0.000764	1.686603	-0.241569	0.185530	3628.606689	-5309.061523	113567.640625	-0.112318	0.015505	-1.609159	-0.064321	0.067736	-0.959419	-0.082934	0.029545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146586.000000	128711.000000	100000.000000
-323.067352	-0.116893	-0.009555	-0.966223	-0.026927	-0.072532	-0.073129	107649.000000	0.000000	0.001890	0.001547	1.777037	-0.166802	0.189348	18334.787109	7460.638672	114303.492188	-0.112829	0.015301	-1.610628	-0.063722	0.067283	-0.959068	-0.083642	0.028052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148523.000000	126774.000000	103444.000000
-323.072357	-0.117625	-0.009555	-0.966223	-0.023734	-0.072532	-0.069936	107579.000000	0.000000	0.002558	0.002134	1.785889	-0.163798	0.192164	9522.079102	-665.039490	114139.390625	-0.113346	0.015114	-1.611711	-0.063165	0.066829	-0.958885	-0.084369	0.027697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147766.000000	127391.000000	100000.000000
-323.077362	-0.118113	-0.009555	-0.967687	-0.021606	-0.073597	-0.067808	107579.000000	0.000000	0.002558	0.002134	1.767025	-0.185153	0.192164	6509.704590	-3334.531494	113212.492188	-0.113864	0.014940	-1.611711	-0.063165	0.066829	-0.958885	-0.084369	0.027697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147423.000000	127734.000000	100000.000000
-323.082367	-0.117869	-0.009555	-0.968176	-0.018413	-0.074661	-0.064615	107579.000000	0.000000	0.002558	0.002134	1.774186	-0.183505	0.192164	9409.030273	-929.287842	111822.140625	-0.114370	0.014784	-1.611711	-0.063165	0.066829	-0.958885	-0.084369	0.027697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147917.000000	127240.000000	100000.000000
-323.087372	-0.117869	-0.010043	-0.968908	-0.014156	-0.075725	-0.062487	107579.000000	0.000000	0.002558	0.002134	1.781428	-0.182966	0.192164	9456.247070	-1185.231934	110895.242188	-0.114871	0.014661	-1.611711	-0.063165	0.066829	-0.958885	-0.084369	0.027697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148220.000000	126937.000000	100000.000000
-323.092377	-0.117869	-0.010043	-0.968908	-0.010963	-0.076789	-0.059294	107639.000000	0.000000	0.002558	0.002134	1.788683	-0.182019	0.192164	9495.900391	-1033.862671	109504.898438	-0.115366	0.014554	-1.611711	-0.063165	0.066829	-0.958885	-0.084369	0.027697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148168.000000	127109.000000	100000.000000
-323.097382	-0.117869	-0.010287	-0.969152	-0.007771	-0.076789	-0.056101	107639.000000	0.000000	0.002558	0.002134	1.795554	-0.181573	0.192164	9368.300781	-1101.451172	108114.546875	-0.115852	0.014468	-1.611711	-0.063165	0.066829	-0.958885	-0.084369	0.027697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148108.000000	127169.000000	100000.000000
-323.102386	-0.117381	-0.009799	-0.970129	-0.004578	-0.077854	-0.053973	107639.000000	0.000000	0.002558	0.002134	1.801921	-0.180620	0.192164	9464.054688	-1056.051147	107187.648438	-0.116321	0.014388	-1.611711	-0.063165	0.066829	-0.958885	-0.084369	0.027697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148159.000000	127118.000000	100000.000000
-323.107391	-0.117137	-0.009799	-0.970129	-0.001385	-0.077854	-0.050780	107639.000000	0.000000	0.002558	0.002134	1.808179	-0.180277	0.192164	9363.833008	-1136.311035	105797.304688	-0.116775	0.014323	-1.611711	-0.063165	0.066829	-0.958885	-0.084369	0.027697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148139.000000	127138.000000	100000.000000
-323.112396	-0.116648	-0.009555	-0.970129	0.001807	-0.077854	-0.047588	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001802	0.001476	1.772392	-0.216019	0.195538	4576.225586	-5283.072754	105876.429688	-0.117211	0.014269	-1.613009	-0.062643	0.066437	-0.958451	-0.085644	0.027669	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147498.000000	127779.000000	100000.000000
-323.117401	-0.116648	-0.010287	-0.970129	0.005000	-0.076789	-0.045459	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001434	0.001174	1.788196	-0.207255	0.197681	10199.670898	-363.810455	105882.875000	-0.117633	0.014246	-1.613833	-0.062372	0.066252	-0.958003	-0.087087	0.028057	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148134.000000	127007.000000	100000.000000
-323.122406	-0.116404	-0.010043	-0.970373	0.008193	-0.075725	-0.042266	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001799	0.001505	1.828233	-0.177090	0.199234	13044.312500	2114.105225	105168.617188	-0.118036	0.014232	-1.614430	-0.062076	0.066014	-0.957787	-0.087688	0.028197	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148501.000000	126640.000000	100000.000000
-323.127411	-0.116160	-0.009799	-0.970617	0.011385	-0.074661	-0.040138	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001799	0.001505	1.818670	-0.190662	0.199234	7540.539551	-2773.139893	104241.718750	-0.118421	0.014227	-1.614430	-0.062076	0.066014	-0.957787	-0.087688	0.028197	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147884.000000	127257.000000	100000.000000
-323.132416	-0.116160	-0.009311	-0.971350	0.013514	-0.073597	-0.038010	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001799	0.001505	1.823638	-0.190552	0.199234	9156.592773	-1160.765747	103314.820312	-0.118791	0.014222	-1.614430	-0.062076	0.066014	-0.957787	-0.087688	0.028197	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147888.000000	127253.000000	100000.000000
-323.137421	-0.115916	-0.008334	-0.971838	0.016706	-0.071468	-0.034817	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001799	0.001505	1.827883	-0.190140	0.199234	8969.737305	-1257.183838	101924.476562	-0.119137	0.014211	-1.614430	-0.062076	0.066014	-0.957787	-0.087688	0.028197	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147869.000000	127416.000000	100000.000000
-323.142426	-0.115672	-0.007602	-0.973303	0.018835	-0.070404	-0.033753	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001799	0.001505	1.831947	-0.189690	0.199234	9080.740234	-1143.770386	101461.023438	-0.119463	0.014195	-1.614430	-0.062076	0.066014	-0.957787	-0.087688	0.028197	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147867.000000	127418.000000	100000.000000
-323.147430	-0.115672	-0.006869	-0.974279	0.022028	-0.068276	-0.031624	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001799	0.001505	1.835781	-0.189427	0.199234	8946.167969	-1294.779419	100534.125000	-0.119769	0.014178	-1.614430	-0.062076	0.066014	-0.957787	-0.087688	0.028197	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147883.000000	127402.000000	100000.000000
-323.152435	-0.115916	-0.005893	-0.975256	0.025220	-0.067211	-0.030560	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001799	0.001505	1.839903	-0.188921	0.199234	9108.984375	-1280.540527	100070.679688	-0.120067	0.014156	-1.614430	-0.062076	0.066014	-0.957787	-0.087688	0.028197	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148032.000000	127253.000000	100000.000000
-323.157440	-0.115916	-0.005160	-0.976232	0.028413	-0.066147	-0.029496	107643.000000	0.000000	0.000556	0.000398	1.775299	-0.249465	0.199395	1249.931519	-8286.505859	99677.281250	-0.120352	0.014136	-1.614492	-0.062195	0.066145	-0.957551	-0.088337	0.028409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147179.000000	128106.000000	100000.000000
-323.162445	-0.115672	-0.004916	-0.977453	0.031606	-0.066147	-0.028432	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000708	0.000546	1.836882	-0.197380	0.199233	15525.409180	4322.774414	99143.242188	-0.120623	0.014125	-1.614430	-0.062658	0.066621	-0.956757	-0.088232	0.030479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148849.000000	126444.000000	100000.000000
-323.167450	-0.115916	-0.005404	-0.978430	0.034798	-0.065083	-0.027367	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000708	0.000546	1.834427	-0.204493	0.199233	8350.788086	-2233.936035	98679.789062	-0.120886	0.014140	-1.614430	-0.062658	0.066621	-0.956757	-0.088232	0.030479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148231.000000	127062.000000	100000.000000
-323.172455	-0.115672	-0.005648	-0.980383	0.039055	-0.065083	-0.025239	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000708	0.000546	1.837565	-0.206036	0.199233	9097.257812	-1765.128296	97752.890625	-0.121134	0.014178	-1.614430	-0.062658	0.066621	-0.956757	-0.088232	0.030479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148509.000000	126784.000000	100000.000000
-323.177460	-0.115672	-0.006625	-0.981848	0.042248	-0.064019	-0.023110	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000708	0.000546	1.840546	-0.208440	0.199233	8971.749023	-1768.731201	96825.992188	-0.121369	0.014250	-1.614430	-0.062658	0.066621	-0.956757	-0.088232	0.030479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148387.000000	126906.000000	100000.000000
-323.182465	-0.115916	-0.008090	-0.983068	0.045441	-0.062954	-0.020982	107635.000000	0.000000	0.000708	0.000546	1.843641	-0.211850	0.199233	8993.639648	-1909.565308	95899.093750	-0.121596	0.014364	-1.614430	-0.062658	0.066621	-0.956757	-0.088232	0.030479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148538.000000	126731.000000	100000.000000
-323.187469	-0.116404	-0.009799	-0.984533	0.047569	-0.062954	-0.018854	107635.000000	0.000000	0.000708	0.000546	1.847150	-0.215826	0.199233	9172.372070	-1882.766235	94972.203125	-0.121825	0.014520	-1.614430	-0.062658	0.066621	-0.956757	-0.088232	0.030479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148690.000000	126579.000000	100000.000000
-323.192474	-0.116648	-0.011508	-0.985021	0.049697	-0.060826	-0.015661	107635.000000	0.000000	0.000708	0.000546	1.849973	-0.220343	0.199233	8866.036133	-1972.982910	93581.851562	-0.122043	0.014715	-1.614430	-0.062658	0.066621	-0.956757	-0.088232	0.030479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148474.000000	126795.000000	100000.000000
-323.197479	-0.117137	-0.012484	-0.985510	0.050762	-0.058697	-0.013532	107635.000000	0.000000	0.000708	0.000546	1.852907	-0.224348	0.199233	8881.947266	-1822.864746	92654.953125	-0.122255	0.014930	-1.614430	-0.062658	0.066621	-0.956757	-0.088232	0.030479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148339.000000	126930.000000	100000.000000
-323.202484	-0.117869	-0.013461	-0.985754	0.051826	-0.056569	-0.010340	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001374	0.001113	1.892685	-0.197377	0.201233	13106.351562	1702.253296	92135.734375	-0.122466	0.015163	-1.615199	-0.062441	0.066485	-0.956194	-0.088324	0.030407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149045.000000	126236.000000	100000.000000
-323.207489	-0.118846	-0.013949	-0.985510	0.051826	-0.053376	-0.007147	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000302	0.000191	1.810270	-0.274491	0.200385	-840.321411	-9980.209961	90376.093750	-0.122678	0.015400	-1.614873	-0.062937	0.066963	-0.955885	-0.092021	0.032593	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146780.000000	128501.000000	100000.000000
-323.212494	-0.119822	-0.014926	-0.985754	0.050762	-0.048055	-0.003954	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000302	0.000191	1.855720	-0.241567	0.200385	13169.815430	2392.540771	88985.750000	-0.122878	0.015644	-1.614873	-0.062937	0.066963	-0.955885	-0.092021	0.032593	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148418.000000	126863.000000	100000.000000
-323.217499	-0.120799	-0.015414	-0.985510	0.049697	-0.043798	-0.000762	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000302	0.000191	1.858480	-0.245110	0.200385	8585.870117	-1628.719360	87595.398438	-0.123074	0.015886	-1.614873	-0.062937	0.066963	-0.955885	-0.092021	0.032593	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147855.000000	127426.000000	100000.000000
-323.222504	-0.121775	-0.016146	-0.985998	0.047569	-0.038477	0.002431	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000302	0.000191	1.860791	-0.248593	0.200385	8405.629883	-1511.244873	86205.054688	-0.123259	0.016125	-1.614873	-0.062937	0.066963	-0.955885	-0.092021	0.032593	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147557.000000	127724.000000	100000.000000
-323.227509	-0.122264	-0.016879	-0.985266	0.045441	-0.033156	0.004559	107649.000000	0.000000	0.000302	0.000191	1.862567	-0.252096	0.200385	8330.499023	-1519.813354	85278.156250	-0.123426	0.016363	-1.614873	-0.062937	0.066963	-0.955885	-0.092021	0.032593	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147499.000000	127798.000000	100000.000000
-323.232513	-0.122264	-0.018100	-0.985266	0.043312	-0.026771	0.006688	107649.000000	0.000000	0.000302	0.000191	1.863168	-0.256105	0.200385	8057.705078	-1584.056152	84351.257812	-0.123558	0.016609	-1.614873	-0.062937	0.066963	-0.955885	-0.092021	0.032593	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147290.000000	128007.000000	100000.000000
-323.237518	-0.121531	-0.018588	-0.985266	0.041184	-0.021450	0.008816	107649.000000	0.000000	0.000386	0.000264	1.867427	-0.255378	0.199748	8572.007812	-1050.188965	83146.992188	-0.123646	0.016848	-1.614628	-0.063375	0.067391	-0.955469	-0.092508	0.034222	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147271.000000	128026.000000	100000.000000
-323.242523	-0.120799	-0.019076	-0.985998	0.040119	-0.017193	0.010945	107649.000000	0.000000	0.000362	0.000255	1.861892	-0.262309	0.198873	7567.082520	-2036.248413	81839.195312	-0.123696	0.017085	-1.614291	-0.063829	0.067824	-0.955049	-0.092623	0.034954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147252.000000	128045.000000	100000.000000
-323.247528	-0.119822	-0.019320	-0.985998	0.040119	-0.012936	0.013073	107580.000000	0.000000	0.000362	0.000255	1.861352	-0.265437	0.198873	8094.331055	-1749.559326	80912.296875	-0.123705	0.017321	-1.614291	-0.063829	0.067824	-0.955049	-0.092623	0.034954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147423.000000	127736.000000	100000.000000
-323.252533	-0.119578	-0.019809	-0.986730	0.040119	-0.009743	0.015202	107580.000000	0.000000	0.000149	0.000062	1.848532	-0.279757	0.198380	6787.049805	-3046.248535	79770.656250	-0.123692	0.017561	-1.614102	-0.064079	0.068061	-0.954859	-0.092487	0.035187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147413.000000	127746.000000	100000.000000
-323.257538	-0.119090	-0.020541	-0.987951	0.041184	-0.007615	0.017330	107580.000000	0.000000	0.000149	0.000062	1.855608	-0.276387	0.198380	9114.774414	-1207.295288	78843.757812	-0.123655	0.017814	-1.614102	-0.064079	0.068061	-0.954859	-0.092487	0.035187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147902.000000	127257.000000	100000.000000
-323.262543	-0.118113	-0.020785	-0.988928	0.042248	-0.006550	0.018394	107580.000000	0.000000	0.000149	0.000062	1.853624	-0.280404	0.198380	8221.595703	-2042.925659	78380.304688	-0.123593	0.018071	-1.614102	-0.064079	0.068061	-0.954859	-0.092487	0.035187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147844.000000	127315.000000	100000.000000
-323.267548	-0.118113	-0.021029	-0.988684	0.044376	-0.005486	0.019459	107580.000000	0.000000	0.000149	0.000062	1.852506	-0.284790	0.198380	8306.866211	-2230.403809	77916.859375	-0.123527	0.018338	-1.614102	-0.064079	0.068061	-0.954859	-0.092487	0.035187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148117.000000	127042.000000	100000.000000
-323.272552	-0.118357	-0.021518	-0.989172	0.046505	-0.004422	0.020523	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000149	0.000062	1.851514	-0.289561	0.198380	8311.269531	-2304.567139	77453.406250	-0.123461	0.018618	-1.614102	-0.064079	0.068061	-0.954859	-0.092487	0.035187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148190.000000	126959.000000	100000.000000
-323.277557	-0.118113	-0.021518	-0.988928	0.049697	-0.004422	0.021587	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000149	0.000062	1.850370	-0.294294	0.198380	8406.243164	-2453.887207	76989.960938	-0.123393	0.018908	-1.614102	-0.064079	0.068061	-0.954859	-0.092487	0.035187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148435.000000	126714.000000	100000.000000
-323.282562	-0.118113	-0.021762	-0.989416	0.051826	-0.004422	0.021587	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000149	0.000062	1.849353	-0.299160	0.198380	8415.471680	-2383.598389	76989.960938	-0.123324	0.019208	-1.614102	-0.064079	0.068061	-0.954859	-0.092487	0.035187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148374.000000	126775.000000	100000.000000
-323.287567	-0.118357	-0.022738	-0.989660	0.053954	-0.004422	0.021587	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000149	0.000062	1.848636	-0.304968	0.198380	8445.211914	-2523.708740	76989.960938	-0.123261	0.019531	-1.614102	-0.064079	0.068061	-0.954859	-0.092487	0.035187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148543.000000	126606.000000	100000.000000
-323.292572	-0.118846	-0.023959	-0.990148	0.056083	-0.003358	0.020523	107643.000000	0.000000	-0.000086	-0.000128	1.835047	-0.321892	0.196307	6845.546387	-3833.569580	76550.562500	-0.123203	0.019884	-1.613304	-0.064828	0.068746	-0.954513	-0.092525	0.036160	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148322.000000	126963.000000	100000.000000
-323.297577	-0.119578	-0.025180	-0.991125	0.057147	-0.003358	0.019459	107643.000000	0.000000	0.000258	0.000163	1.863182	-0.304790	0.195209	11679.650391	98.523415	76535.664062	-0.123158	0.020259	-1.612882	-0.065345	0.069234	-0.954207	-0.092207	0.037013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149224.000000	126061.000000	100000.000000
-323.302582	-0.119822	-0.025912	-0.991369	0.057147	-0.002294	0.018394	107643.000000	0.000000	-0.000414	-0.000437	1.811801	-0.355450	0.194107	2578.208740	-7468.302734	76519.140625	-0.123113	0.020641	-1.612458	-0.065777	0.069632	-0.954063	-0.092167	0.037634	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147689.000000	127596.000000	100000.000000
-323.307587	-0.120555	-0.026889	-0.992102	0.057147	-0.001229	0.017330	107643.000000	0.000000	-0.000414	-0.000437	1.838449	-0.337879	0.194107	11275.516602	114.878769	76982.593750	-0.123076	0.021036	-1.612458	-0.065777	0.069632	-0.954063	-0.092167	0.037634	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148803.000000	126482.000000	100000.000000
-323.312592	-0.120311	-0.028354	-0.992102	0.056083	-0.000165	0.015202	107632.000000	0.000000	-0.000414	-0.000437	1.837366	-0.344762	0.194107	8216.628906	-2483.651367	77909.492188	-0.123029	0.021448	-1.612458	-0.065777	0.069632	-0.954063	-0.092167	0.037634	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148332.000000	126931.000000	100000.000000
-323.317596	-0.120555	-0.029818	-0.991613	0.055019	0.001963	0.014137	107632.000000	0.000000	-0.000414	-0.000437	1.836467	-0.351865	0.194107	8105.822754	-2535.684326	78372.937500	-0.122979	0.021877	-1.612458	-0.065777	0.069632	-0.954063	-0.092167	0.037634	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148273.000000	126990.000000	100000.000000
-323.322601	-0.119822	-0.030795	-0.990393	0.052890	0.005156	0.013073	107632.000000	0.000000	-0.000414	-0.000437	1.834262	-0.358406	0.194107	7820.327637	-2377.115967	78836.390625	-0.122902	0.022308	-1.612458	-0.065777	0.069632	-0.954063	-0.092167	0.037634	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147829.000000	127434.000000	100000.000000
-323.327606	-0.118846	-0.031283	-0.989660	0.049697	0.008349	0.013073	107632.000000	0.000000	-0.000414	-0.000437	1.831364	-0.364099	0.194107	7716.167969	-2178.491699	78836.390625	-0.122794	0.022725	-1.612458	-0.065777	0.069632	-0.954063	-0.092167	0.037634	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147526.000000	127737.000000	100000.000000
-323.332611	-0.117625	-0.031527	-0.989660	0.047569	0.011541	0.013073	107632.000000	0.000000	-0.000414	-0.000437	1.827660	-0.369594	0.194107	7595.667480	-2289.110840	78836.390625	-0.122648	0.023128	-1.612458	-0.065777	0.069632	-0.954063	-0.092167	0.037634	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147516.000000	127747.000000	100000.000000
-323.337616	-0.116404	-0.031771	-0.989660	0.044376	0.015798	0.013073	107578.000000	0.000000	0.000347	0.000241	1.865012	-0.337312	0.192268	12146.074219	2145.660156	78035.851562	-0.122459	0.023513	-1.611751	-0.066609	0.070413	-0.953753	-0.090667	0.038841	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147578.000000	127577.000000	100000.000000
-323.342621	-0.115184	-0.031527	-0.988684	0.042248	0.018991	0.014137	107578.000000	0.000000	0.000347	0.000241	1.829881	-0.368934	0.192268	4115.370117	-5135.097656	77572.406250	-0.122237	0.023874	-1.611751	-0.066609	0.070413	-0.953753	-0.090667	0.038841	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146828.000000	128327.000000	100000.000000
-323.347626	-0.114207	-0.031527	-0.988684	0.040119	0.023248	0.014137	107578.000000	0.000000	0.000347	0.000241	1.824575	-0.373383	0.192268	7234.431641	-2157.374512	77572.406250	-0.121979	0.024217	-1.611751	-0.066609	0.070413	-0.953753	-0.090667	0.038841	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146969.000000	128186.000000	100000.000000
-323.352631	-0.113475	-0.031527	-0.987951	0.039055	0.025376	0.014137	107578.000000	0.000000	0.000347	0.000241	1.819705	-0.377900	0.192268	7484.421875	-2297.608398	77572.406250	-0.121703	0.024550	-1.611751	-0.066609	0.070413	-0.953753	-0.090667	0.038841	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147360.000000	127795.000000	100000.000000
-323.357635	-0.112742	-0.032016	-0.988439	0.037991	0.026441	0.015202	107642.000000	0.000000	0.000347	0.000241	1.814720	-0.382719	0.192268	7560.839355	-2348.165771	77108.953125	-0.121411	0.024879	-1.611751	-0.066609	0.070413	-0.953753	-0.090667	0.038841	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147551.000000	127732.000000	100000.000000
-323.362640	-0.112742	-0.031771	-0.989172	0.037991	0.027505	0.015202	107642.000000	0.000000	0.000347	0.000241	1.810291	-0.387000	0.192268	7596.803711	-2425.586914	77108.953125	-0.121119	0.025196	-1.611751	-0.066609	0.070413	-0.953753	-0.090667	0.038841	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147664.000000	127619.000000	100000.000000
-323.367645	-0.112742	-0.031527	-0.989172	0.040119	0.027505	0.015202	107642.000000	0.000000	0.000347	0.000241	1.806225	-0.391714	0.192268	7735.012207	-2739.041016	77108.953125	-0.120832	0.025512	-1.611751	-0.066609	0.070413	-0.953753	-0.090667	0.038841	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148116.000000	127167.000000	100000.000000
-323.372650	-0.112498	-0.030307	-0.988928	0.041184	0.026441	0.014137	107642.000000	0.000000	0.000347	0.000241	1.802288	-0.395097	0.192268	7852.968750	-2495.970703	77572.406250	-0.120552	0.025804	-1.611751	-0.066609	0.070413	-0.953753	-0.090667	0.038841	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147990.000000	127293.000000	100000.000000
-323.377655	-0.112498	-0.029574	-0.988195	0.043312	0.025376	0.013073	107642.000000	0.000000	0.000474	0.000354	1.805721	-0.392812	0.189696	8683.999023	-1988.982788	76915.835938	-0.120284	0.026086	-1.610762	-0.067746	0.071477	-0.953500	-0.088631	0.040515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148314.000000	126969.000000	100000.000000
-323.382660	-0.112742	-0.029574	-0.987463	0.045441	0.023248	0.010945	107636.000000	0.000000	0.000474	0.000354	1.797866	-0.401891	0.189696	7533.578613	-3290.063232	77842.734375	-0.120039	0.026376	-1.610762	-0.067746	0.071477	-0.953500	-0.088631	0.040515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148459.000000	126812.000000	100000.000000
-323.387665	-0.112498	-0.029574	-0.986975	0.046505	0.022184	0.009881	107636.000000	0.000000	0.000474	0.000354	1.794525	-0.406250	0.189696	7902.468750	-2678.950439	78306.179688	-0.119799	0.026665	-1.610762	-0.067746	0.071477	-0.953500	-0.088631	0.040515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148217.000000	127054.000000	100000.000000
-323.392670	-0.112742	-0.030551	-0.986730	0.048633	0.021119	0.007752	107636.000000	0.000000	0.000474	0.000354	1.791766	-0.412006	0.189696	7958.571777	-2985.895020	79233.078125	-0.119575	0.026980	-1.610762	-0.067746	0.071477	-0.953500	-0.088631	0.040515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148580.000000	126691.000000	100000.000000
-323.397675	-0.112986	-0.031039	-0.986730	0.049697	0.020055	0.006688	107636.000000	0.000000	0.000474	0.000354	1.789195	-0.417250	0.189696	7972.373047	-2841.523193	79696.531250	-0.119365	0.027305	-1.610762	-0.067746	0.071477	-0.953500	-0.088631	0.040515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148449.000000	126822.000000	100000.000000
-323.402679	-0.112986	-0.032260	-0.986242	0.050762	0.020055	0.005624	107572.000000	0.000000	0.000474	0.000354	1.786328	-0.423451	0.189696	7809.593262	-2980.235596	80159.976562	-0.119160	0.027654	-1.610762	-0.067746	0.071477	-0.953500	-0.088631	0.040515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148361.000000	126782.000000	100000.000000
-323.407684	-0.112498	-0.032748	-0.986975	0.050762	0.020055	0.004559	107572.000000	0.000000	0.000474	0.000354	1.782844	-0.428850	0.189696	7725.757324	-2799.859375	80623.429688	-0.118948	0.028006	-1.610762	-0.067746	0.071477	-0.953500	-0.088631	0.040515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148097.000000	127046.000000	100000.000000
-323.412689	-0.113230	-0.033236	-0.986975	0.051826	0.020055	0.003495	107572.000000	0.000000	0.000374	0.000243	1.775179	-0.440651	0.189624	7230.745605	-3680.074707	81055.289062	-0.118755	0.028366	-1.610734	-0.067907	0.071641	-0.953448	-0.087831	0.040978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148482.000000	126661.000000	100000.000000
-323.417694	-0.112986	-0.032992	-0.986975	0.051826	0.020055	0.003495	107572.000000	0.000000	0.000580	0.000419	1.787591	-0.431325	0.189166	9495.535156	-1197.010620	80856.070312	-0.118560	0.028714	-1.610558	-0.068499	0.072235	-0.953308	-0.086987	0.042833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148264.000000	126879.000000	100000.000000
-323.422699	-0.113475	-0.033236	-0.987219	0.051826	0.021119	0.002431	107639.000000	0.000000	0.000580	0.000419	1.776835	-0.443488	0.189166	6776.507812	-3615.823486	81319.515625	-0.118373	0.029061	-1.610558	-0.068499	0.072235	-0.953308	-0.086987	0.042833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148031.000000	127246.000000	100000.000000
-323.427704	-0.114207	-0.033236	-0.987707	0.051826	0.021119	0.001367	107639.000000	0.000000	0.000580	0.000419	1.774973	-0.448320	0.189166	7863.005859	-2831.947754	81782.968750	-0.118204	0.029401	-1.610558	-0.068499	0.072235	-0.953308	-0.086987	0.042833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148333.000000	126944.000000	100000.000000
-323.432709	-0.114451	-0.033480	-0.987463	0.050762	0.022184	0.000303	107639.000000	0.000000	0.000580	0.000419	1.772617	-0.453069	0.189166	7675.935547	-2722.827148	82246.414062	-0.118037	0.029735	-1.610558	-0.068499	0.072235	-0.953308	-0.086987	0.042833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148037.000000	127240.000000	100000.000000
-323.437714	-0.114451	-0.032992	-0.987463	0.049697	0.023248	-0.000762	107639.000000	0.000000	0.000580	0.000419	1.770013	-0.456913	0.189166	7631.778320	-2636.021484	82709.867188	-0.117869	0.030047	-1.610558	-0.068499	0.072235	-0.953308	-0.086987	0.042833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147906.000000	127371.000000	100000.000000
-323.442719	-0.114939	-0.033725	-0.986730	0.048633	0.024312	-0.001826	107639.000000	0.000000	0.000580	0.000419	1.768005	-0.461837	0.189166	7683.215332	-2772.584473	83173.312500	-0.117710	0.030364	-1.610558	-0.068499	0.072235	-0.953308	-0.086987	0.042833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148094.000000	127183.000000	100000.000000
-323.447723	-0.115916	-0.033725	-0.986975	0.047569	0.025376	-0.001826	107635.000000	0.000000	0.000580	0.000419	1.766552	-0.465939	0.189166	7732.567871	-2696.169678	83173.312500	-0.117568	0.030669	-1.610558	-0.068499	0.072235	-0.953308	-0.086987	0.042833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148063.000000	127206.000000	100000.000000
-323.452728	-0.116404	-0.034213	-0.986242	0.045441	0.027505	-0.002890	107635.000000	0.000000	0.000580	0.000419	1.764626	-0.470201	0.189166	7544.916504	-2606.600586	83636.765625	-0.117430	0.030968	-1.610558	-0.068499	0.072235	-0.953308	-0.086987	0.042833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147786.000000	127483.000000	100000.000000
-323.457733	-0.117137	-0.034457	-0.986486	0.043312	0.028569	-0.003954	107635.000000	0.000000	-0.001103	-0.001051	1.670643	-0.554900	0.185218	-2897.446045	-11830.907227	82380.906250	-0.117303	0.031256	-1.609039	-0.069896	0.073505	-0.953144	-0.083788	0.044040	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146568.000000	128701.000000	100000.000000
-323.462738	-0.117625	-0.034457	-0.986242	0.042248	0.029633	-0.005019	107635.000000	0.000000	0.000452	0.000304	1.821912	-0.425402	0.185039	24760.423828	12204.919922	82766.203125	-0.117184	0.031534	-1.608970	-0.070257	0.073871	-0.953106	-0.083056	0.045108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	150190.000000	125079.000000	114600.000000
-323.467743	-0.117869	-0.034945	-0.986486	0.040119	0.030697	-0.006083	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000452	0.000304	1.758040	-0.483416	0.185039	805.583984	-8553.230469	83229.656250	-0.117066	0.031806	-1.608970	-0.070257	0.073871	-0.953106	-0.083056	0.045108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146999.000000	128282.000000	100000.000000
-323.472748	-0.117625	-0.035678	-0.986730	0.037991	0.030697	-0.006083	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000452	0.000304	1.756094	-0.487426	0.185039	7722.906738	-2623.745605	83229.656250	-0.116945	0.032077	-1.608970	-0.070257	0.073871	-0.953106	-0.083056	0.045108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147987.000000	127294.000000	100000.000000
-323.477753	-0.117137	-0.036654	-0.986975	0.035863	0.030697	-0.006083	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000452	0.000304	1.753835	-0.491688	0.185039	7678.059570	-2661.322998	83229.656250	-0.116815	0.032352	-1.608970	-0.070257	0.073871	-0.953106	-0.083056	0.045108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147980.000000	127301.000000	100000.000000
-323.482758	-0.117137	-0.037875	-0.987707	0.034798	0.030697	-0.005019	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000452	0.000304	1.751946	-0.496500	0.185039	7710.046387	-2856.059326	82766.203125	-0.116687	0.032639	-1.608970	-0.070257	0.073871	-0.953106	-0.083056	0.045108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148207.000000	127074.000000	100000.000000
-323.487762	-0.116648	-0.038119	-0.988684	0.033734	0.030697	-0.005019	107641.000000	0.000000	0.000452	0.000304	1.749499	-0.500434	0.185039	7637.358887	-2772.757080	82766.203125	-0.116549	0.032919	-1.608970	-0.070257	0.073871	-0.953106	-0.083056	0.045108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148051.000000	127230.000000	100000.000000
-323.492767	-0.115916	-0.038119	-0.988684	0.032670	0.029633	-0.003954	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000790	0.000606	1.765690	-0.487379	0.184566	9883.192383	-839.732239	82097.054688	-0.116405	0.033188	-1.608789	-0.070968	0.074586	-0.953181	-0.082349	0.047957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148369.000000	126924.000000	100000.000000
-323.497772	-0.115916	-0.038363	-0.987951	0.031606	0.027505	-0.002890	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000790	0.000606	1.750823	-0.503197	0.184566	6526.579590	-4082.323730	81633.609375	-0.116276	0.033451	-1.608789	-0.070968	0.074586	-0.953181	-0.082349	0.047957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148255.000000	127038.000000	100000.000000
-323.502777	-0.115672	-0.038363	-0.987951	0.030541	0.026441	-0.001826	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000790	0.000606	1.749056	-0.506538	0.184566	7846.778320	-2720.896729	81170.156250	-0.116150	0.033703	-1.608789	-0.070968	0.074586	-0.953181	-0.082349	0.047957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148214.000000	127079.000000	100000.000000
-323.507782	-0.115916	-0.037387	-0.987219	0.030541	0.024312	-0.001826	107647.000000	0.000000	0.000790	0.000606	1.748244	-0.508996	0.184566	8074.828125	-2752.227539	81170.156250	-0.116043	0.033932	-1.608789	-0.070968	0.074586	-0.953181	-0.082349	0.047957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148474.000000	126819.000000	100000.000000
-323.512787	-0.116404	-0.037631	-0.986975	0.029477	0.023248	-0.000762	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000790	0.000606	1.747627	-0.512125	0.184566	7981.369141	-2718.384277	80706.710938	-0.115955	0.034154	-1.608789	-0.070968	0.074586	-0.953181	-0.082349	0.047957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148274.000000	126875.000000	100000.000000
-323.517792	-0.116893	-0.037875	-0.986975	0.028413	0.021119	-0.000762	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000790	0.000606	1.747505	-0.515205	0.184566	8161.947754	-2722.303711	80706.710938	-0.115888	0.034372	-1.608789	-0.070968	0.074586	-0.953181	-0.082349	0.047957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148459.000000	126690.000000	100000.000000
-323.522797	-0.117381	-0.037631	-0.986242	0.027349	0.020055	-0.000762	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000790	0.000606	1.747497	-0.517707	0.184566	8062.416992	-2665.397949	80706.710938	-0.115839	0.034576	-1.608789	-0.070968	0.074586	-0.953181	-0.082349	0.047957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148302.000000	126847.000000	100000.000000
-323.527802	-0.117381	-0.036654	-0.985754	0.026285	0.020055	-0.000762	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000790	0.000606	1.746890	-0.519197	0.184566	7876.666992	-2555.975098	80706.710938	-0.115793	0.034752	-1.608789	-0.070968	0.074586	-0.953181	-0.082349	0.047957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148007.000000	127142.000000	100000.000000
-323.532806	-0.117381	-0.035922	-0.985021	0.023092	0.018991	-0.000762	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000340	0.000217	1.721883	-0.541424	0.183961	5200.669922	-4689.741211	80443.242188	-0.115754	0.034894	-1.608556	-0.071398	0.075004	-0.953239	-0.081931	0.048453	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147464.000000	127683.000000	100000.000000
-323.537811	-0.117381	-0.035434	-0.984533	0.019899	0.020055	-0.001826	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000466	0.000326	1.746043	-0.520449	0.183658	10479.074219	171.798889	80774.414062	-0.115712	0.035009	-1.608439	-0.071743	0.075348	-0.953286	-0.080803	0.048767	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147881.000000	127266.000000	100000.000000
-323.542816	-0.116404	-0.034945	-0.984533	0.016706	0.021119	-0.001826	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000486	0.000344	1.740169	-0.524022	0.183715	7144.744141	-2529.167725	80799.515625	-0.115647	0.035096	-1.608461	-0.071851	0.075463	-0.953331	-0.080780	0.048918	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147247.000000	127900.000000	100000.000000
-323.547821	-0.116160	-0.034457	-0.984045	0.013514	0.022184	-0.001826	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000486	0.000344	1.737961	-0.524576	0.183715	7532.725098	-2185.097168	80799.515625	-0.115573	0.035156	-1.608461	-0.071851	0.075463	-0.953331	-0.080780	0.048918	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147291.000000	127856.000000	100000.000000
-323.552826	-0.115184	-0.033725	-0.984045	0.010321	0.022184	-0.001826	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000486	0.000344	1.735869	-0.523744	0.183715	7652.903809	-2014.121948	80799.515625	-0.115482	0.035184	-1.608461	-0.071851	0.075463	-0.953331	-0.080780	0.048918	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147241.000000	127906.000000	100000.000000
-323.557831	-0.114207	-0.032992	-0.983801	0.007128	0.022184	-0.001826	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000486	0.000344	1.733557	-0.522482	0.183715	7618.104004	-1946.381226	80799.515625	-0.115373	0.035182	-1.608461	-0.071851	0.075463	-0.953331	-0.080780	0.048918	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147130.000000	128001.000000	100000.000000
-323.562836	-0.112742	-0.032260	-0.983312	0.005000	0.022184	-0.000762	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000486	0.000344	1.730508	-0.521056	0.183715	7523.060059	-2029.054199	80336.070312	-0.115239	0.035155	-1.608461	-0.071851	0.075463	-0.953331	-0.080780	0.048918	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147118.000000	128013.000000	100000.000000
-323.567841	-0.111766	-0.031771	-0.983068	0.001807	0.021119	-0.000762	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000486	0.000344	1.727882	-0.519285	0.183715	7679.409668	-1851.238770	80336.070312	-0.115094	0.035103	-1.608461	-0.071851	0.075463	-0.953331	-0.080780	0.048918	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147096.000000	128035.000000	100000.000000
-323.572845	-0.110789	-0.031039	-0.982336	-0.000321	0.020055	0.001367	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000486	0.000344	1.725183	-0.517137	0.183715	7663.804199	-1907.091431	79409.171875	-0.114939	0.035026	-1.608461	-0.071851	0.075463	-0.953331	-0.080780	0.048918	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147136.000000	127995.000000	100000.000000
-323.577850	-0.110057	-0.030795	-0.982824	-0.001385	0.017927	0.002431	107634.000000	0.000000	0.000410	0.000283	1.718580	-0.518847	0.183648	7331.070801	-2451.335205	78916.296875	-0.114782	0.034939	-1.608435	-0.071985	0.075598	-0.953370	-0.080584	0.048952	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147416.000000	127851.000000	100000.000000
-323.582855	-0.110057	-0.030551	-0.983801	-0.002450	0.015798	0.004559	107634.000000	0.000000	0.000833	0.000653	1.743117	-0.494151	0.183678	10877.625977	570.597717	78002.492188	-0.114637	0.034842	-1.608447	-0.072319	0.075946	-0.953557	-0.081070	0.047115	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147941.000000	127326.000000	100000.000000
-323.587860	-0.110301	-0.030795	-0.983557	-0.003514	0.012606	0.006688	107634.000000	0.000000	0.000833	0.000653	1.725394	-0.507556	0.183678	6281.205566	-3675.474121	77075.593750	-0.114516	0.034746	-1.608447	-0.072319	0.075946	-0.953557	-0.081070	0.047115	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147590.000000	127677.000000	100000.000000
-323.592865	-0.109812	-0.031039	-0.985266	-0.004578	0.009413	0.008816	107634.000000	0.000000	0.000833	0.000653	1.723844	-0.506086	0.183678	8066.966309	-2028.338745	76148.695312	-0.114400	0.034650	-1.608447	-0.072319	0.075946	-0.953557	-0.081070	0.047115	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147729.000000	127538.000000	100000.000000
-323.597870	-0.110057	-0.031039	-0.985754	-0.005642	0.006220	0.012009	107634.000000	0.000000	0.000833	0.000653	1.723329	-0.504344	0.183678	8193.171875	-1985.384399	74758.351562	-0.114306	0.034548	-1.608447	-0.072319	0.075946	-0.953557	-0.081070	0.047115	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147812.000000	127455.000000	100000.000000
-323.602875	-0.110301	-0.030551	-0.985998	-0.006706	0.004092	0.014137	107571.000000	0.000000	0.000833	0.000653	1.722859	-0.502028	0.183678	8088.665527	-1906.842285	73831.453125	-0.114229	0.034432	-1.608447	-0.072319	0.075946	-0.953557	-0.081070	0.047115	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147566.000000	127575.000000	100000.000000
-323.607880	-0.111033	-0.030307	-0.986486	-0.006706	0.000899	0.015202	107571.000000	0.000000	0.000833	0.000653	1.723408	-0.500094	0.183678	8335.026367	-2056.922852	73368.000000	-0.114183	0.034312	-1.608447	-0.072319	0.075946	-0.953557	-0.081070	0.047115	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147962.000000	127179.000000	100000.000000
-323.612885	-0.112010	-0.029574	-0.986486	-0.007771	-0.001229	0.017330	107571.000000	0.000000	0.000833	0.000653	1.724441	-0.497266	0.183678	8285.689453	-1823.706787	72441.109375	-0.114169	0.034174	-1.608447	-0.072319	0.075946	-0.953557	-0.081070	0.047115	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147680.000000	127461.000000	100000.000000
-323.617889	-0.112742	-0.028842	-0.987219	-0.008835	-0.004422	0.018394	107571.000000	0.000000	0.000833	0.000653	1.725825	-0.494189	0.183678	8462.293945	-1777.211182	71977.656250	-0.114183	0.034017	-1.608447	-0.072319	0.075946	-0.953557	-0.081070	0.047115	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147810.000000	127331.000000	100000.000000
-323.622894	-0.113475	-0.029330	-0.988928	-0.009899	-0.006550	0.018394	107642.000000	0.000000	0.000152	0.000061	1.689771	-0.524782	0.183276	4072.765137	-5615.311523	71802.726562	-0.114219	0.033867	-1.608292	-0.072537	0.076154	-0.953584	-0.081141	0.046892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147330.000000	127953.000000	100000.000000
-323.627899	-0.113719	-0.029330	-0.989904	-0.009899	-0.007615	0.018394	107642.000000	0.000000	0.000382	0.000256	1.730514	-0.488270	0.181775	12592.351562	1814.171143	71148.914062	-0.114261	0.033720	-1.607715	-0.073320	0.076895	-0.953753	-0.080867	0.046768	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148420.000000	126863.000000	100000.000000
-323.632904	-0.114207	-0.029574	-0.991857	-0.010963	-0.009743	0.018394	107642.000000	0.000000	-0.000890	-0.000856	1.652867	-0.555047	0.180212	-657.285400	-9729.788086	70468.507812	-0.114319	0.033574	-1.607114	-0.073880	0.077403	-0.953771	-0.079883	0.044972	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146714.000000	128569.000000	100000.000000
-323.637909	-0.114207	-0.029330	-0.993322	-0.010963	-0.010807	0.018394	107642.000000	0.000000	-0.000890	-0.000856	1.704621	-0.508253	0.180212	13698.582031	2857.755859	70468.507812	-0.114377	0.033425	-1.607114	-0.073880	0.077403	-0.953771	-0.079883	0.044972	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148482.000000	126801.000000	100000.000000
-323.642914	-0.114207	-0.028842	-0.994299	-0.010963	-0.011872	0.018394	107642.000000	0.000000	-0.000890	-0.000856	1.705593	-0.505618	0.180212	8124.279785	-1985.614014	70468.507812	-0.114437	0.033269	-1.607114	-0.073880	0.077403	-0.953771	-0.079883	0.044972	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147751.000000	127532.000000	100000.000000
-323.647919	-0.114207	-0.028598	-0.996252	-0.010963	-0.011872	0.017330	107642.000000	0.000000	-0.000890	-0.000856	1.706173	-0.503151	0.180212	7966.713379	-1992.811035	70931.953125	-0.114491	0.033110	-1.607114	-0.073880	0.077403	-0.953771	-0.079883	0.044972	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147601.000000	127682.000000	100000.000000
-323.652924	-0.114939	-0.029574	-0.997473	-0.010963	-0.011872	0.016266	107642.000000	0.000000	-0.000890	-0.000856	1.707555	-0.502009	0.180212	8061.425293	-2133.233398	71395.406250	-0.114555	0.032974	-1.607114	-0.073880	0.077403	-0.953771	-0.079883	0.044972	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147836.000000	127447.000000	100000.000000
-323.657928	-0.116404	-0.031039	-0.998449	-0.009899	-0.011872	0.015202	107642.000000	0.000000	-0.000890	-0.000856	1.709905	-0.502003	0.180212	8178.532227	-2380.065186	71858.851562	-0.114645	0.032875	-1.607114	-0.073880	0.077403	-0.953771	-0.079883	0.044972	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148200.000000	127083.000000	100000.000000
-323.662933	-0.117869	-0.032748	-0.999182	-0.008835	-0.011872	0.013073	107642.000000	0.000000	-0.000890	-0.000856	1.712622	-0.502816	0.180212	8231.471680	-2478.705811	72785.750000	-0.114759	0.032818	-1.607114	-0.073880	0.077403	-0.953771	-0.079883	0.044972	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148352.000000	126931.000000	100000.000000
-323.667938	-0.118846	-0.033480	-0.999670	-0.007771	-0.011872	0.012009	107577.000000	0.000000	0.000620	0.000463	1.798229	-0.430590	0.179560	17739.531250	5879.661133	72965.210938	-0.114890	0.032782	-1.606863	-0.074419	0.077931	-0.954108	-0.080065	0.045037	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149436.000000	125717.000000	101196.000000
-323.672943	-0.119822	-0.033236	-0.999670	-0.006706	-0.010807	0.010945	107577.000000	0.000000	0.001077	0.000870	1.765564	-0.460494	0.180239	4461.835449	-5493.206543	73724.125000	-0.115031	0.032747	-1.607124	-0.074323	0.077863	-0.954351	-0.081690	0.046394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147532.000000	127621.000000	100000.000000
-323.677948	-0.121043	-0.032992	-0.999914	-0.006706	-0.008679	0.008816	107577.000000	0.000000	0.001077	0.000870	1.749947	-0.476076	0.180239	6138.000000	-3872.792236	74651.023438	-0.115182	0.032710	-1.607124	-0.074323	0.077863	-0.954351	-0.081690	0.046394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147587.000000	127566.000000	100000.000000
-323.682953	-0.121775	-0.032260	-0.999914	-0.007771	-0.006550	0.006688	107577.000000	0.000000	0.001077	0.000870	1.752255	-0.474526	0.180239	8110.292969	-1859.574097	75577.921875	-0.115334	0.032654	-1.607124	-0.074323	0.077863	-0.954351	-0.081690	0.046394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147546.000000	127607.000000	100000.000000
-323.687958	-0.122508	-0.032016	-1.001379	-0.007771	-0.003358	0.003495	107635.000000	0.000000	0.001077	0.000870	1.754081	-0.473529	0.180239	7933.899902	-2032.825317	76968.265625	-0.115478	0.032595	-1.607124	-0.074323	0.077863	-0.954351	-0.081690	0.046394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147601.000000	127668.000000	100000.000000
-323.692963	-0.122752	-0.032016	-1.002111	-0.008835	-0.001229	0.001367	107635.000000	0.000000	0.001077	0.000870	1.755654	-0.472466	0.180239	8020.532227	-1898.792969	77895.164062	-0.115611	0.032533	-1.607124	-0.074323	0.077863	-0.954351	-0.081690	0.046394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147554.000000	127715.000000	100000.000000
-323.697968	-0.122996	-0.032748	-1.003088	-0.008835	0.003028	-0.001826	107635.000000	0.000000	0.001077	0.000870	1.756462	-0.472461	0.180239	7686.559082	-2132.207764	79285.507812	-0.115723	0.032488	-1.607124	-0.074323	0.077863	-0.954351	-0.081690	0.046394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147453.000000	127816.000000	100000.000000
-323.702972	-0.122996	-0.032748	-1.003088	-0.010963	0.006220	-0.003954	107635.000000	0.000000	0.001077	0.000870	1.757133	-0.471324	0.180239	7776.968750	-1758.577759	80212.406250	-0.115816	0.032435	-1.607124	-0.074323	0.077863	-0.954351	-0.081690	0.046394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147170.000000	128099.000000	100000.000000
-323.707977	-0.123240	-0.032992	-1.003332	-0.012028	0.010477	-0.006083	107635.000000	0.000000	0.001077	0.000870	1.757495	-0.470612	0.180239	7608.025391	-1914.134888	81139.304688	-0.115891	0.032383	-1.607124	-0.074323	0.077863	-0.954351	-0.081690	0.046394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147157.000000	128112.000000	100000.000000
-323.712982	-0.122752	-0.032504	-1.001867	-0.015220	0.014734	-0.008211	107567.000000	0.000000	0.000296	0.000177	1.714098	-0.506747	0.179505	2577.291016	-5883.205566	81746.718750	-0.115936	0.032309	-1.606842	-0.074776	0.078298	-0.954682	-0.080684	0.044334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146027.000000	129106.000000	100000.000000
-323.717987	-0.122020	-0.032504	-1.000891	-0.017349	0.020055	-0.010340	107567.000000	0.000000	0.000431	0.000330	1.751216	-0.469128	0.178576	11459.520508	2292.234863	82269.101562	-0.115943	0.032228	-1.606485	-0.075138	0.078629	-0.955144	-0.080990	0.043129	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146734.000000	128399.000000	100000.000000
-323.722992	-0.121775	-0.032748	-0.999914	-0.020541	0.026441	-0.011404	107567.000000	0.000000	0.000849	0.000689	1.767097	-0.453820	0.178861	9051.141602	41.133625	82856.453125	-0.115915	0.032138	-1.606594	-0.075116	0.078619	-0.955432	-0.080915	0.042757	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146577.000000	128556.000000	100000.000000
-323.727997	-0.121287	-0.033236	-0.998693	-0.023734	0.031762	-0.012468	107567.000000	0.000000	0.000849	0.000689	1.748158	-0.466684	0.178861	5227.886719	-3100.961182	83319.906250	-0.115855	0.032046	-1.606594	-0.075116	0.078619	-0.955432	-0.080915	0.042757	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145895.000000	129238.000000	100000.000000
-323.733002	-0.120066	-0.033725	-0.997717	-0.025863	0.037083	-0.012468	107643.000000	0.000000	0.000849	0.000689	1.744690	-0.465399	0.178861	6888.586426	-1646.526855	83319.906250	-0.115748	0.031956	-1.606594	-0.075116	0.078619	-0.955432	-0.080915	0.042757	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146178.000000	129107.000000	100000.000000
-323.738007	-0.119334	-0.033969	-0.996984	-0.027991	0.042404	-0.012468	107643.000000	0.000000	0.000849	0.000689	1.741071	-0.463861	0.178861	6830.845703	-1601.868042	83319.906250	-0.115605	0.031862	-1.606594	-0.075116	0.078619	-0.955432	-0.080915	0.042757	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146075.000000	129210.000000	100000.000000
-323.743011	-0.117869	-0.033725	-0.996008	-0.029055	0.046661	-0.012468	107643.000000	0.000000	0.000849	0.000689	1.736464	-0.462043	0.178861	6798.474609	-1674.778687	83319.906250	-0.115417	0.031761	-1.606594	-0.075116	0.078619	-0.955432	-0.080915	0.042757	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146116.000000	129169.000000	100000.000000
-323.748016	-0.116160	-0.032748	-0.995275	-0.030119	0.050918	-0.011404	107643.000000	0.000000	0.000849	0.000689	1.730949	-0.459275	0.178861	6653.627441	-1552.811523	82856.453125	-0.115179	0.031637	-1.606594	-0.075116	0.078619	-0.955432	-0.080915	0.042757	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145849.000000	129436.000000	100000.000000
-323.753021	-0.114207	-0.032016	-0.993811	-0.030119	0.053046	-0.010340	107562.000000	0.000000	0.000849	0.000689	1.725147	-0.456773	0.178861	6819.666016	-1687.477173	82393.007812	-0.114901	0.031502	-1.606594	-0.075116	0.078619	-0.955432	-0.080915	0.042757	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146069.000000	129054.000000	100000.000000
-323.758026	-0.112986	-0.031283	-0.992834	-0.030119	0.055175	-0.009276	107562.000000	0.000000	0.001402	0.001188	1.749927	-0.426633	0.179917	10286.541992	1490.158447	82389.414062	-0.114597	0.031354	-1.607000	-0.074895	0.078440	-0.956367	-0.078156	0.041282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146358.000000	128765.000000	100000.000000
-323.763031	-0.111521	-0.031039	-0.991125	-0.029055	0.057303	-0.009276	107562.000000	0.000000	0.001402	0.001188	1.721611	-0.444627	0.179917	4308.283203	-4007.173828	82389.414062	-0.114263	0.031211	-1.607000	-0.074895	0.078440	-0.956367	-0.078156	0.041282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145877.000000	129246.000000	100000.000000
-323.768036	-0.110545	-0.031039	-0.990393	-0.026927	0.057303	-0.008211	107562.000000	0.000000	0.001402	0.001188	1.715995	-0.443207	0.179917	7012.300293	-1992.848389	81925.968750	-0.113917	0.031081	-1.607000	-0.074895	0.078440	-0.956367	-0.078156	0.041282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146567.000000	128556.000000	100000.000000
-323.773041	-0.109812	-0.031039	-0.989416	-0.024798	0.058367	-0.007147	107562.000000	0.000000	0.001402	0.001188	1.710235	-0.441977	0.179917	6848.193359	-2017.852051	81462.515625	-0.113562	0.030964	-1.607000	-0.074895	0.078440	-0.956367	-0.078156	0.041282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146428.000000	128695.000000	100000.000000
-323.778046	-0.109080	-0.030551	-0.988195	-0.021606	0.057303	-0.007147	107570.000000	0.000000	0.001402	0.001188	1.704922	-0.440720	0.179917	7111.838379	-2140.802490	81462.515625	-0.113206	0.030857	-1.607000	-0.074895	0.078440	-0.956367	-0.078156	0.041282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146822.000000	128317.000000	100000.000000
-323.783051	-0.108348	-0.030063	-0.987219	-0.019477	0.056239	-0.007147	107570.000000	0.000000	0.001402	0.001188	1.699584	-0.439292	0.179917	7089.395996	-2008.133057	81462.515625	-0.112851	0.030752	-1.607000	-0.074895	0.078440	-0.956367	-0.078156	0.041282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146667.000000	128472.000000	100000.000000
-323.788055	-0.107615	-0.030063	-0.986242	-0.016285	0.055175	-0.007147	107570.000000	0.000000	0.001402	0.001188	1.694242	-0.438738	0.179917	7069.200195	-2233.442871	81462.515625	-0.112495	0.030666	-1.607000	-0.074895	0.078440	-0.956367	-0.078156	0.041282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146872.000000	128267.000000	100000.000000
-323.793060	-0.107127	-0.029818	-0.984777	-0.014156	0.054110	-0.006083	107570.000000	0.000000	0.001147	0.000977	1.675169	-0.449437	0.180325	5476.710449	-3412.818604	81176.828125	-0.112145	0.030588	-1.607157	-0.074777	0.078337	-0.956706	-0.076783	0.041036	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146459.000000	128680.000000	100000.000000
-323.798065	-0.105906	-0.030307	-0.983312	-0.010963	0.053046	-0.006083	107633.000000	0.000000	0.001125	0.000961	1.678473	-0.442318	0.180049	7957.233887	-1552.536743	81056.570312	-0.111787	0.030538	-1.607051	-0.074847	0.078395	-0.957736	-0.074257	0.040608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147142.000000	128123.000000	100000.000000
-323.803070	-0.105174	-0.030551	-0.982336	-0.008835	0.053046	-0.005019	107633.000000	0.000000	0.001125	0.000961	1.673650	-0.441790	0.180049	6924.530273	-2167.561035	80593.117188	-0.111422	0.030504	-1.607051	-0.074847	0.078395	-0.957736	-0.074257	0.040608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146725.000000	128540.000000	100000.000000
-323.808075	-0.103709	-0.030795	-0.981359	-0.007771	0.051982	-0.003954	107633.000000	0.000000	0.001125	0.000961	1.667375	-0.441885	0.180049	6857.842773	-2124.339355	80129.671875	-0.111043	0.030481	-1.607051	-0.074847	0.078395	-0.957736	-0.074257	0.040608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146615.000000	128650.000000	100000.000000
-323.813080	-0.103221	-0.031039	-0.980383	-0.006706	0.051982	-0.002890	107633.000000	0.000000	0.001125	0.000961	1.661688	-0.442128	0.180049	6779.282715	-2146.718018	79666.218750	-0.110664	0.030468	-1.607051	-0.074847	0.078395	-0.957736	-0.074257	0.040608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146559.000000	128706.000000	100000.000000
-323.818085	-0.102732	-0.031039	-0.978674	-0.004578	0.051982	-0.000762	107633.000000	0.000000	0.001125	0.000961	1.656093	-0.442529	0.180049	6763.791016	-2292.703369	78739.320312	-0.110287	0.030467	-1.607051	-0.074847	0.078395	-0.957736	-0.074257	0.040608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146689.000000	128576.000000	100000.000000
-323.823090	-0.102000	-0.030795	-0.977941	-0.003514	0.051982	0.000303	107568.000000	0.000000	0.001125	0.000961	1.650129	-0.442517	0.180049	6695.625488	-2135.132324	78275.875000	-0.109904	0.030465	-1.607051	-0.074847	0.078395	-0.957736	-0.074257	0.040608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146398.000000	128737.000000	100000.000000
-323.828094	-0.100779	-0.030307	-0.977209	-0.001385	0.051982	0.002431	107568.000000	0.000000	0.001681	0.001429	1.674118	-0.416747	0.181181	10100.118164	689.461121	77842.171875	-0.109506	0.030464	-1.607487	-0.074553	0.078143	-0.958121	-0.074275	0.041197	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146978.000000	128157.000000	100000.000000
-323.833099	-0.100047	-0.030551	-0.976965	-0.000321	0.051982	0.003495	107568.000000	0.000000	0.000952	0.000799	1.605501	-0.470596	0.180462	-400.233307	-8202.548828	77065.718750	-0.109102	0.030472	-1.607210	-0.074807	0.078373	-0.959146	-0.072561	0.040618	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145370.000000	129765.000000	100000.000000
-323.838104	-0.099559	-0.031039	-0.976965	0.001807	0.050918	0.005624	107568.000000	0.000000	0.000952	0.000799	1.628785	-0.446606	0.180462	9936.023438	341.617920	76138.820312	-0.108701	0.030500	-1.607210	-0.074807	0.078373	-0.959146	-0.072561	0.040618	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147162.000000	127973.000000	100000.000000
-323.843109	-0.098826	-0.031039	-0.975988	0.002872	0.050918	0.006688	107638.000000	0.000000	0.000952	0.000799	1.622521	-0.447281	0.180462	6540.460449	-2262.029785	75675.367188	-0.108296	0.030532	-1.607210	-0.074807	0.078373	-0.959146	-0.072561	0.040618	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146440.000000	128835.000000	100000.000000
-323.848114	-0.098826	-0.031039	-0.975256	0.003936	0.050918	0.008816	107638.000000	0.000000	0.000952	0.000799	1.616989	-0.447981	0.180462	6595.467285	-2272.831055	74748.468750	-0.107901	0.030568	-1.607210	-0.074807	0.078373	-0.959146	-0.072561	0.040618	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146506.000000	128769.000000	100000.000000
-323.853119	-0.099070	-0.031771	-0.974523	0.005000	0.050918	0.009881	107638.000000	0.000000	0.000952	0.000799	1.611856	-0.449588	0.180462	6615.838379	-2384.840820	74285.023438	-0.107520	0.030624	-1.607210	-0.074807	0.078373	-0.959146	-0.072561	0.040618	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146638.000000	128637.000000	100000.000000
-323.858124	-0.099314	-0.032260	-0.973059	0.006064	0.049854	0.010945	107638.000000	0.000000	0.000952	0.000799	1.607296	-0.451218	0.180462	6779.806641	-2399.866211	73821.578125	-0.107160	0.030694	-1.607210	-0.074807	0.078373	-0.959146	-0.072561	0.040618	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146817.000000	128458.000000	100000.000000
-323.863129	-0.100291	-0.033480	-0.972814	0.007128	0.048789	0.010945	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000952	0.000799	1.603696	-0.453857	0.180462	6873.747559	-2527.675049	73821.578125	-0.106833	0.030793	-1.607210	-0.074807	0.078373	-0.959146	-0.072561	0.040618	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146975.000000	128172.000000	100000.000000
-323.868134	-0.101268	-0.034213	-0.972814	0.008193	0.046661	0.012009	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000952	0.000799	1.600819	-0.456310	0.180462	7066.833984	-2523.433594	73358.125000	-0.106543	0.030909	-1.607210	-0.074807	0.078373	-0.959146	-0.072561	0.040618	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147164.000000	127983.000000	100000.000000
-323.873138	-0.102244	-0.034457	-0.973303	0.008193	0.045597	0.010945	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000663	0.000543	1.582192	-0.472284	0.179827	5137.134277	-3966.643555	73545.015625	-0.106282	0.031029	-1.606966	-0.075034	0.078578	-0.959799	-0.072428	0.040475	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146677.000000	128470.000000	100000.000000
-323.878143	-0.102977	-0.034945	-0.973547	0.008193	0.043468	0.010945	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000366	0.000284	1.575168	-0.478515	0.178507	6507.528320	-2923.996826	72969.882812	-0.106051	0.031155	-1.606458	-0.075456	0.078954	-0.960400	-0.071592	0.040231	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147005.000000	128142.000000	100000.000000
-323.883148	-0.104197	-0.035678	-0.973303	0.008193	0.041340	0.009881	107574.000000	0.000000	0.000165	0.000112	1.574751	-0.480233	0.177835	7241.925293	-2435.727539	73140.710938	-0.105861	0.031295	-1.606200	-0.075665	0.079138	-0.960681	-0.071221	0.040163	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147251.000000	127896.000000	100000.000000
-323.888153	-0.105418	-0.036654	-0.972814	0.007128	0.039211	0.008816	107636.000000	0.000000	0.000165	0.000112	1.582111	-0.476147	0.177835	8140.656250	-1656.689087	73604.156250	-0.105710	0.031448	-1.606200	-0.075665	0.079138	-0.960681	-0.071221	0.040163	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147433.000000	127838.000000	100000.000000
-323.893158	-0.106395	-0.036898	-0.972570	0.006064	0.037083	0.007752	107636.000000	0.000000	0.000165	0.000112	1.581701	-0.478294	0.177835	7294.183105	-2347.161865	74067.609375	-0.105593	0.031598	-1.606200	-0.075665	0.079138	-0.960681	-0.071221	0.040163	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147277.000000	127994.000000	100000.000000
-323.898163	-0.107859	-0.037387	-0.973791	0.003936	0.034954	0.006688	107636.000000	0.000000	0.000165	0.000112	1.582122	-0.480328	0.177835	7397.247070	-2217.177490	74531.054688	-0.105516	0.031744	-1.606200	-0.075665	0.079138	-0.960681	-0.071221	0.040163	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147250.000000	128021.000000	100000.000000
-323.903168	-0.108592	-0.038119	-0.974035	0.001807	0.032826	0.004559	107636.000000	0.000000	0.000165	0.000112	1.582383	-0.482655	0.177835	7390.710938	-2250.331787	75457.953125	-0.105464	0.031893	-1.606200	-0.075665	0.079138	-0.960681	-0.071221	0.040163	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147277.000000	127994.000000	100000.000000
-323.908173	-0.109324	-0.037631	-0.974768	-0.000321	0.029633	0.003495	107569.000000	0.000000	0.000165	0.000112	1.583246	-0.483598	0.177835	7592.646484	-2092.783203	75921.406250	-0.105442	0.032018	-1.606200	-0.075665	0.079138	-0.960681	-0.071221	0.040163	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147254.000000	127883.000000	100000.000000
-323.913177	-0.110057	-0.037631	-0.975500	-0.002450	0.025376	0.002431	107569.000000	0.000000	0.000165	0.000112	1.584803	-0.484763	0.177835	7812.611328	-2112.673828	76384.851562	-0.105455	0.032130	-1.606200	-0.075665	0.079138	-0.960681	-0.071221	0.040163	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147494.000000	127643.000000	100000.000000
-323.918182	-0.111277	-0.037631	-0.976232	-0.004578	0.022184	0.001367	107569.000000	0.000000	-0.000037	-0.000057	1.575935	-0.495009	0.176866	6523.096191	-3148.784180	76426.507812	-0.105506	0.032230	-1.605827	-0.075940	0.079378	-0.960983	-0.071079	0.039897	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147240.000000	127897.000000	100000.000000
-323.923187	-0.111766	-0.037387	-0.976477	-0.007771	0.016863	-0.000762	107569.000000	0.000000	0.001007	0.000852	1.644084	-0.438606	0.176156	15563.730469	4571.158691	77043.906250	-0.105590	0.032307	-1.605554	-0.076150	0.079562	-0.961781	-0.069489	0.039648	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148561.000000	126576.000000	100000.000000
-323.928192	-0.112986	-0.037631	-0.976721	-0.009899	0.012606	-0.002890	107569.000000	0.000000	0.001007	0.000852	1.605972	-0.475773	0.176156	3606.165527	-5996.558105	77970.804688	-0.105718	0.032379	-1.605554	-0.076150	0.079562	-0.961781	-0.069489	0.039648	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147171.000000	127966.000000	100000.000000
-323.933197	-0.113475	-0.037143	-0.976721	-0.013092	0.007285	-0.005019	107636.000000	0.000000	0.001007	0.000852	1.609703	-0.475426	0.176156	8366.541992	-1737.552612	78897.703125	-0.105879	0.032425	-1.605554	-0.076150	0.079562	-0.961781	-0.069489	0.039648	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147740.000000	127531.000000	100000.000000
-323.938202	-0.114451	-0.036898	-0.976477	-0.016285	0.003028	-0.007147	107636.000000	0.000000	0.001007	0.000852	1.614182	-0.475001	0.176156	8371.879883	-1712.266357	79824.601562	-0.106077	0.032451	-1.605554	-0.076150	0.079562	-0.961781	-0.069489	0.039648	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147720.000000	127551.000000	100000.000000
-323.943207	-0.115672	-0.036898	-0.976965	-0.019477	-0.002294	-0.009276	107636.000000	0.000000	0.001007	0.000852	1.619645	-0.474536	0.176156	8646.627930	-1691.131348	80751.500000	-0.106321	0.032461	-1.605554	-0.076150	0.079562	-0.961781	-0.069489	0.039648	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147973.000000	127298.000000	100000.000000
-323.948212	-0.116404	-0.036898	-0.977697	-0.022670	-0.007615	-0.012468	107636.000000	0.000000	0.001007	0.000852	1.625152	-0.473881	0.176156	8701.370117	-1652.409546	82141.843750	-0.106598	0.032456	-1.605554	-0.076150	0.079562	-0.961781	-0.069489	0.039648	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147989.000000	127282.000000	100000.000000
-323.953217	-0.117625	-0.036410	-0.977453	-0.026927	-0.012936	-0.014597	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001007	0.000852	1.631809	-0.472197	0.176156	8882.837891	-1395.012573	83068.742188	-0.106921	0.032422	-1.605554	-0.076150	0.079562	-0.961781	-0.069489	0.039648	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147916.000000	127361.000000	100000.000000
-323.958221	-0.117869	-0.036410	-0.978918	-0.032248	-0.017193	-0.016725	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001007	0.000852	1.637500	-0.470298	0.176156	8705.657227	-1221.010376	83995.640625	-0.107259	0.032363	-1.605554	-0.076150	0.079562	-0.961781	-0.069489	0.039648	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147565.000000	127712.000000	100000.000000
-323.963226	-0.118113	-0.035678	-0.979162	-0.036505	-0.021450	-0.018854	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001882	0.001636	1.691681	-0.424491	0.177632	14305.998047	3720.095215	85565.554688	-0.107615	0.032270	-1.606122	-0.075570	0.079030	-0.962821	-0.069273	0.038572	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148224.000000	127053.000000	100000.000000
-323.968231	-0.118602	-0.035189	-0.979650	-0.042890	-0.026771	-0.020982	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001882	0.001636	1.663539	-0.452309	0.177632	5266.105469	-4240.023438	86492.453125	-0.107999	0.032139	-1.606122	-0.075570	0.079030	-0.962821	-0.069273	0.038572	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147145.000000	128132.000000	100000.000000
-323.973236	-0.118602	-0.035189	-0.978918	-0.048211	-0.031028	-0.022046	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001980	0.001738	1.675510	-0.443504	0.178752	9634.424805	-265.069397	87443.703125	-0.108397	0.031986	-1.606552	-0.075178	0.078677	-0.963054	-0.069591	0.038211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147474.000000	127675.000000	100000.000000
-323.978241	-0.117869	-0.034945	-0.979650	-0.054597	-0.034220	-0.023110	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001980	0.001738	1.677063	-0.443472	0.178752	8393.814453	-1083.147217	87907.156250	-0.108786	0.031799	-1.606552	-0.075178	0.078677	-0.963054	-0.069591	0.038211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147051.000000	128098.000000	100000.000000
-323.983246	-0.117381	-0.034945	-0.979650	-0.060982	-0.037413	-0.023110	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001980	0.001738	1.682798	-0.439167	0.178752	8894.565430	-564.215942	87907.156250	-0.109174	0.031585	-1.606552	-0.075178	0.078677	-0.963054	-0.069591	0.038211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147033.000000	128116.000000	100000.000000
-323.988251	-0.117137	-0.034457	-0.980139	-0.067367	-0.039541	-0.023110	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001980	0.001738	1.688427	-0.433916	0.178752	8801.599609	-406.683075	87907.156250	-0.109558	0.031334	-1.606552	-0.075178	0.078677	-0.963054	-0.069591	0.038211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146783.000000	128366.000000	100000.000000
-323.993256	-0.116648	-0.034457	-0.980627	-0.073753	-0.042734	-0.022046	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001980	0.001738	1.694033	-0.428663	0.178752	8956.650391	-352.884003	87443.703125	-0.109939	0.031056	-1.606552	-0.075178	0.078677	-0.963054	-0.069591	0.038211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146884.000000	128265.000000	100000.000000
-323.998260	-0.115672	-0.034213	-0.981115	-0.080138	-0.044863	-0.019918	107572.000000	0.000000	0.001980	0.001738	1.698785	-0.422732	0.178752	8777.288086	-221.639633	86516.804688	-0.110303	0.030746	-1.606552	-0.075178	0.078677	-0.963054	-0.069591	0.038211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146570.000000	128573.000000	100000.000000
-324.003265	-0.114695	-0.033480	-0.981604	-0.086523	-0.046991	-0.018854	107572.000000	0.000000	0.001980	0.001738	1.703286	-0.415844	0.178752	8780.232422	-55.426365	86053.359375	-0.110649	0.030396	-1.606552	-0.075178	0.078677	-0.963054	-0.069591	0.038211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146407.000000	128736.000000	100000.000000
-324.008270	-0.113230	-0.032992	-0.981115	-0.092909	-0.048055	-0.016725	107572.000000	0.000000	0.002385	0.002100	1.729123	-0.388735	0.181263	11132.995117	2322.113281	86220.023438	-0.110966	0.030010	-1.607518	-0.074283	0.077866	-0.963606	-0.070301	0.036887	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146382.000000	128761.000000	100000.000000
-324.013275	-0.112742	-0.031771	-0.981115	-0.098230	-0.049119	-0.015661	107572.000000	0.000000	0.001499	0.001343	1.668405	-0.436701	0.181631	1341.339111	-6246.028809	85916.789062	-0.111272	0.029581	-1.607660	-0.074058	0.077651	-0.963885	-0.070783	0.035581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145159.000000	129984.000000	100000.000000
-324.018280	-0.112010	-0.031039	-0.980383	-0.103551	-0.050184	-0.013532	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001499	0.001343	1.707657	-0.398165	0.181631	12518.993164	3467.187988	84989.890625	-0.111565	0.029119	-1.607660	-0.074058	0.077651	-0.963885	-0.070783	0.035581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146696.000000	128593.000000	100000.000000
-324.023285	-0.110789	-0.030063	-0.980139	-0.108872	-0.051248	-0.011404	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001499	0.001343	1.710711	-0.389170	0.181631	8557.867188	284.729462	84062.992188	-0.111833	0.028619	-1.607660	-0.074058	0.077651	-0.963885	-0.070783	0.035581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145918.000000	129371.000000	100000.000000
-324.028290	-0.109324	-0.028842	-0.979650	-0.113129	-0.051248	-0.010340	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001499	0.001343	1.712892	-0.379707	0.181631	8354.893555	282.305756	83599.539062	-0.112068	0.028084	-1.607660	-0.074058	0.077651	-0.963885	-0.070783	0.035581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145717.000000	129572.000000	100000.000000
-324.033295	-0.108348	-0.027621	-0.978430	-0.117386	-0.051248	-0.009276	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001499	0.001343	1.715237	-0.369766	0.181631	8383.648438	400.272369	83136.093750	-0.112281	0.027514	-1.607660	-0.074058	0.077651	-0.963885	-0.070783	0.035581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145628.000000	129661.000000	100000.000000
-324.038300	-0.107127	-0.026400	-0.977209	-0.120579	-0.051248	-0.007147	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001499	0.001343	1.717018	-0.359593	0.181631	8329.835938	370.183441	82209.195312	-0.112469	0.026914	-1.607660	-0.074058	0.077651	-0.963885	-0.070783	0.035581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145604.000000	129685.000000	100000.000000
-324.043304	-0.106150	-0.025180	-0.975744	-0.122707	-0.051248	-0.007147	107637.000000	0.000000	0.001514	0.001366	1.719538	-0.348104	0.181941	8422.737305	460.442596	82344.171875	-0.112636	0.026292	-1.607779	-0.073831	0.077430	-0.964156	-0.071295	0.034588	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145599.000000	129674.000000	100000.000000
-324.048309	-0.105662	-0.023715	-0.974768	-0.124836	-0.051248	-0.006083	107637.000000	0.000000	0.002728	0.002449	1.787615	-0.278586	0.183499	15944.294922	7170.665039	82558.968750	-0.112792	0.025642	-1.608378	-0.073202	0.076851	-0.964450	-0.072642	0.033521	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146410.000000	128863.000000	100751.000000
-324.053314	-0.104930	-0.022982	-0.974523	-0.125900	-0.050184	-0.006083	107637.000000	0.000000	0.001737	0.001570	1.685657	-0.360110	0.183328	-3343.105713	-9924.396484	82484.734375	-0.112926	0.024985	-1.608312	-0.072774	0.076399	-0.965248	-0.075311	0.029176	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	144218.000000	131055.000000	100000.000000
-324.058319	-0.104197	-0.022006	-0.973547	-0.124836	-0.050184	-0.006083	107637.000000	0.000000	0.001737	0.001570	1.726467	-0.315040	0.183328	12659.871094	3963.809570	82484.734375	-0.113045	0.024327	-1.608312	-0.072774	0.076399	-0.965248	-0.075311	0.029176	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146333.000000	128940.000000	100000.000000
-324.063324	-0.103221	-0.021518	-0.973303	-0.124836	-0.049119	-0.005019	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001737	0.001570	1.726776	-0.305318	0.183328	8086.117676	238.762619	82021.281250	-0.113137	0.023671	-1.608312	-0.072774	0.076399	-0.965248	-0.075311	0.029176	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145418.000000	129723.000000	100000.000000
-324.068329	-0.102000	-0.020785	-0.972814	-0.122707	-0.049119	-0.005019	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001737	0.001570	1.726749	-0.295973	0.183328	8166.063477	-3.498842	82021.281250	-0.113203	0.023025	-1.608312	-0.072774	0.076399	-0.965248	-0.075311	0.029176	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145740.000000	129401.000000	100000.000000
-324.073334	-0.100291	-0.019809	-0.971594	-0.120579	-0.049119	-0.005019	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001737	0.001570	1.725904	-0.286493	0.183328	8072.167480	45.173161	82021.281250	-0.113236	0.022382	-1.608312	-0.072774	0.076399	-0.965248	-0.075311	0.029176	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145597.000000	129544.000000	100000.000000
-324.078339	-0.099070	-0.019809	-0.970861	-0.117386	-0.048055	-0.003954	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001737	0.001570	1.724798	-0.278406	0.183328	7916.510742	-202.576477	81557.835938	-0.113240	0.021768	-1.608312	-0.072774	0.076399	-0.965248	-0.075311	0.029176	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145690.000000	129451.000000	100000.000000
-324.083344	-0.098094	-0.020053	-0.970373	-0.113129	-0.048055	-0.002890	107570.000000	0.000000	0.001737	0.001570	1.723817	-0.271269	0.183328	8042.778809	-410.712402	81094.382812	-0.113225	0.021191	-1.608312	-0.072774	0.076399	-0.965248	-0.075311	0.029176	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146023.000000	129116.000000	100000.000000
-324.088348	-0.097850	-0.019564	-0.969641	-0.109936	-0.045927	-0.001826	107570.000000	0.000000	0.001791	0.001618	1.725840	-0.260865	0.183857	8138.464355	98.613358	80861.335938	-0.113196	0.020631	-1.608516	-0.072308	0.075940	-0.965776	-0.076806	0.027073	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145609.000000	129530.000000	100000.000000
-324.093353	-0.097605	-0.019076	-0.969152	-0.105679	-0.044863	-0.001826	107570.000000	0.000000	0.001343	0.001225	1.698140	-0.277270	0.183356	4855.008301	-3061.246094	80643.218750	-0.113159	0.020094	-1.608323	-0.072144	0.075748	-0.966157	-0.077742	0.024583	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145486.000000	129653.000000	100000.000000
-324.098358	-0.097361	-0.018588	-0.968664	-0.100358	-0.043798	-0.000762	107570.000000	0.000000	0.001343	0.001225	1.715032	-0.254930	0.183356	9831.023438	1160.271484	80179.773438	-0.113113	0.019583	-1.608323	-0.072144	0.075748	-0.966157	-0.077742	0.024583	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146240.000000	128899.000000	100000.000000
-324.103363	-0.097117	-0.018344	-0.968176	-0.096101	-0.041670	-0.000762	107570.000000	0.000000	0.001025	0.000943	1.696126	-0.264206	0.183041	5680.937012	-2261.312256	80042.234375	-0.113054	0.019098	-1.608202	-0.072092	0.075679	-0.966312	-0.077927	0.023407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145512.000000	129627.000000	100000.000000
-324.108368	-0.097605	-0.018344	-0.967932	-0.090780	-0.039541	-0.000762	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001025	0.000943	1.708022	-0.247632	0.183041	9112.855469	515.902100	80042.234375	-0.112997	0.018649	-1.608202	-0.072092	0.075679	-0.966312	-0.077927	0.023407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146167.000000	128974.000000	100000.000000
-324.113373	-0.097117	-0.018100	-0.967687	-0.085459	-0.038477	-0.000762	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001025	0.000943	1.706412	-0.242553	0.183041	7732.448242	-749.300171	80042.234375	-0.112925	0.018230	-1.608202	-0.072092	0.075679	-0.966312	-0.077927	0.023407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146052.000000	129089.000000	100000.000000
-324.118378	-0.096629	-0.017855	-0.967443	-0.080138	-0.036349	-0.001826	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001025	0.000943	1.704322	-0.237925	0.183041	7543.166016	-802.062561	80505.679688	-0.112836	0.017841	-1.608202	-0.072092	0.075679	-0.966312	-0.077927	0.023407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145916.000000	129225.000000	100000.000000
-324.123383	-0.097117	-0.017611	-0.967687	-0.073753	-0.034220	-0.002890	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001025	0.000943	1.703017	-0.233991	0.183041	7613.750488	-1006.590454	80969.125000	-0.112746	0.017487	-1.608202	-0.072092	0.075679	-0.966312	-0.077927	0.023407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146191.000000	128950.000000	100000.000000
-324.128387	-0.096385	-0.017611	-0.968908	-0.068432	-0.033156	-0.005019	107569.000000	0.000000	0.001025	0.000943	1.700522	-0.230541	0.183041	7583.557617	-951.448608	81896.023438	-0.112636	0.017167	-1.608202	-0.072092	0.075679	-0.966312	-0.077927	0.023407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146104.000000	129033.000000	100000.000000
-324.133392	-0.095896	-0.017123	-0.969396	-0.062046	-0.031028	-0.006083	107569.000000	0.000000	0.001025	0.000943	1.697810	-0.227279	0.183041	7420.503906	-1103.566650	82359.476562	-0.112507	0.016874	-1.608202	-0.072092	0.075679	-0.966312	-0.077927	0.023407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146093.000000	129044.000000	100000.000000
-324.138397	-0.095652	-0.017123	-0.969885	-0.055661	-0.028899	-0.008211	107569.000000	0.000000	0.001025	0.000943	1.695101	-0.224992	0.183041	7398.419434	-1229.469482	83286.375000	-0.112364	0.016620	-1.608202	-0.072092	0.075679	-0.966312	-0.077927	0.023407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146196.000000	128941.000000	100000.000000
-324.143402	-0.095164	-0.017123	-0.970373	-0.049276	-0.027835	-0.009276	107569.000000	0.000000	0.001025	0.000943	1.692214	-0.223202	0.183041	7477.860840	-1305.426270	83749.820312	-0.112207	0.016403	-1.608202	-0.072092	0.075679	-0.966312	-0.077927	0.023407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146352.000000	128785.000000	100000.000000
-324.148407	-0.095164	-0.017611	-0.971105	-0.043954	-0.025706	-0.010340	107569.000000	0.000000	0.002013	0.001801	1.743654	-0.175016	0.183101	13561.101562	4110.439941	84239.593750	-0.112041	0.016226	-1.608225	-0.071528	0.075097	-0.966904	-0.078721	0.021764	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147019.000000	128118.000000	100000.000000
-324.153412	-0.095408	-0.017611	-0.971350	-0.036505	-0.023578	-0.011404	107642.000000	0.000000	0.002013	0.001801	1.701550	-0.208892	0.183101	3072.013916	-5337.016113	84703.039062	-0.111873	0.016090	-1.608225	-0.071528	0.075097	-0.966904	-0.078721	0.021764	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146051.000000	129232.000000	100000.000000
-324.158417	-0.095652	-0.017367	-0.971838	-0.030119	-0.021450	-0.011404	107642.000000	0.000000	0.002013	0.001801	1.698858	-0.208434	0.183101	7383.333008	-1471.988525	84703.039062	-0.111701	0.015983	-1.608225	-0.071528	0.075097	-0.966904	-0.078721	0.021764	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146497.000000	128786.000000	100000.000000
-324.163422	-0.094676	-0.017611	-0.972326	-0.023734	-0.020385	-0.012468	107642.000000	0.000000	0.002013	0.001801	1.695036	-0.208961	0.183101	7353.706055	-1612.118896	85166.492188	-0.111507	0.015914	-1.608225	-0.071528	0.075097	-0.966904	-0.078721	0.021764	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146607.000000	128676.000000	100000.000000
-324.168427	-0.094676	-0.017367	-0.972570	-0.017349	-0.018257	-0.012468	107642.000000	0.000000	0.002013	0.001801	1.691736	-0.209450	0.183101	7268.935547	-1639.658325	85166.492188	-0.111306	0.015873	-1.608225	-0.071528	0.075097	-0.966904	-0.078721	0.021764	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146550.000000	128733.000000	100000.000000
-324.173431	-0.094432	-0.016635	-0.972570	-0.010963	-0.016128	-0.012468	107642.000000	0.000000	0.002013	0.001801	1.688095	-0.209777	0.183101	7204.872559	-1652.777588	85166.492188	-0.111094	0.015850	-1.608225	-0.071528	0.075097	-0.966904	-0.078721	0.021764	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146499.000000	128784.000000	100000.000000
-324.178436	-0.093943	-0.016391	-0.972814	-0.005642	-0.012936	-0.011404	107642.000000	0.000000	0.002013	0.001801	1.683715	-0.210568	0.183101	6971.925293	-1614.676392	84703.039062	-0.110859	0.015847	-1.608225	-0.071528	0.075097	-0.966904	-0.078721	0.021764	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146228.000000	129055.000000	100000.000000
-324.183441	-0.094432	-0.015658	-0.972326	-0.000321	-0.010807	-0.011404	107642.000000	0.000000	0.002013	0.001801	1.680486	-0.211144	0.183101	7190.904785	-1618.197632	84703.039062	-0.110630	0.015855	-1.608225	-0.071528	0.075097	-0.966904	-0.078721	0.021764	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146451.000000	128832.000000	100000.000000
-324.188446	-0.094920	-0.015414	-0.972082	0.005000	-0.007615	-0.011404	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001260	0.001140	1.635623	-0.248772	0.183115	2274.900391	-5889.877441	84708.976562	-0.110401	0.015884	-1.608230	-0.071403	0.074968	-0.967013	-0.078658	0.021590	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145806.000000	129477.000000	100000.000000
-324.193451	-0.094920	-0.014926	-0.972082	0.009257	-0.003358	-0.011404	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001952	0.001734	1.699467	-0.190669	0.183211	14384.892578	5000.985840	84751.093750	-0.110155	0.015924	-1.608268	-0.070954	0.074507	-0.967328	-0.078640	0.021958	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146954.000000	128187.000000	100000.000000
-324.198456	-0.095164	-0.014926	-0.971838	0.012450	-0.000165	-0.011404	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001952	0.001734	1.667795	-0.215838	0.183211	3839.096191	-4168.663574	84751.093750	-0.109904	0.015978	-1.608268	-0.070954	0.074507	-0.967328	-0.078640	0.021958	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145578.000000	129563.000000	100000.000000
-324.203461	-0.095652	-0.014438	-0.972082	0.015642	0.004092	-0.012468	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001952	0.001734	1.663671	-0.216929	0.183211	6712.308594	-1540.900513	85214.539062	-0.109646	0.016038	-1.608268	-0.070954	0.074507	-0.967328	-0.078640	0.021958	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145824.000000	129317.000000	100000.000000
-324.208466	-0.096141	-0.014193	-0.972814	0.018835	0.007285	-0.013532	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001952	0.001734	1.659691	-0.218357	0.183211	6812.214355	-1599.233032	85677.992188	-0.109386	0.016107	-1.608268	-0.070954	0.074507	-0.967328	-0.078640	0.021958	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145982.000000	129159.000000	100000.000000
-324.213470	-0.096385	-0.013705	-0.972814	0.020963	0.010477	-0.014597	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001952	0.001734	1.655491	-0.219372	0.183211	6754.184570	-1451.186157	86141.437500	-0.109121	0.016176	-1.608268	-0.070954	0.074507	-0.967328	-0.078640	0.021958	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145776.000000	129365.000000	100000.000000
-324.218475	-0.095896	-0.013217	-0.972814	0.023092	0.013670	-0.016725	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001952	0.001734	1.650387	-0.220413	0.183211	6616.658691	-1468.653320	87068.335938	-0.108835	0.016244	-1.608268	-0.070954	0.074507	-0.967328	-0.078640	0.021958	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145661.000000	129490.000000	100000.000000
-324.223480	-0.096141	-0.012729	-0.973303	0.025220	0.016863	-0.017789	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001952	0.001734	1.645770	-0.221417	0.183211	6634.266602	-1478.942017	87531.789062	-0.108543	0.016313	-1.608268	-0.070954	0.074507	-0.967328	-0.078640	0.021958	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145689.000000	129462.000000	100000.000000
-324.228485	-0.096385	-0.012484	-0.974279	0.026285	0.018991	-0.019918	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001672	0.001478	1.625897	-0.236478	0.183913	4977.848633	-2977.956299	88764.398438	-0.108250	0.016381	-1.608538	-0.070601	0.074173	-0.967456	-0.078019	0.022695	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145531.000000	129620.000000	100000.000000
-324.233490	-0.096141	-0.012484	-0.974523	0.027349	0.020055	-0.022046	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001826	0.001616	1.640878	-0.219984	0.184918	8986.000000	558.946594	90128.882812	-0.107951	0.016454	-1.608924	-0.070153	0.073755	-0.967539	-0.077247	0.023212	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146003.000000	129148.000000	100000.000000
-324.238495	-0.096141	-0.013217	-0.975012	0.028413	0.022184	-0.023110	107635.000000	0.000000	0.001826	0.001616	1.629933	-0.227635	0.184918	5958.249512	-2136.189453	90592.335938	-0.107647	0.016546	-1.608924	-0.070153	0.073755	-0.967539	-0.077247	0.023212	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145729.000000	129540.000000	100000.000000
-324.243500	-0.096629	-0.013949	-0.975012	0.028413	0.022184	-0.024175	107635.000000	0.000000	0.001428	0.001253	1.604383	-0.249701	0.185356	4468.698730	-3705.539795	91246.500000	-0.107359	0.016652	-1.609092	-0.069982	0.073597	-0.967551	-0.076826	0.023591	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145809.000000	129460.000000	100000.000000
-324.248505	-0.096629	-0.014438	-0.975256	0.029477	0.022184	-0.024175	107635.000000	0.000000	0.001428	0.001253	1.616246	-0.237501	0.185356	8637.394531	-3.416440	91246.500000	-0.107076	0.016771	-1.609092	-0.069982	0.073597	-0.967551	-0.076826	0.023591	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146275.000000	128994.000000	100000.000000
-324.253510	-0.097117	-0.015658	-0.975744	0.029477	0.022184	-0.023110	107635.000000	0.000000	0.001428	0.001253	1.612808	-0.240477	0.185356	6938.800781	-1569.084961	90783.054688	-0.106808	0.016911	-1.609092	-0.069982	0.073597	-0.967551	-0.076826	0.023591	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146142.000000	129127.000000	100000.000000
-324.258514	-0.097605	-0.016391	-0.976477	0.029477	0.021119	-0.022046	107635.000000	0.000000	0.001428	0.001253	1.609831	-0.243204	0.185356	7097.748535	-1554.119507	90319.601562	-0.106558	0.017063	-1.609092	-0.069982	0.073597	-0.967551	-0.076826	0.023591	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146286.000000	128983.000000	100000.000000
-324.263519	-0.098094	-0.017123	-0.978186	0.028413	0.020055	-0.019918	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001428	0.001253	1.607013	-0.245749	0.185356	7107.121094	-1424.021240	89392.703125	-0.106326	0.017219	-1.609092	-0.069982	0.073597	-0.967551	-0.076826	0.023591	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146107.000000	129044.000000	100000.000000
-324.268524	-0.098338	-0.017611	-0.978430	0.028413	0.018991	-0.017789	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001428	0.001253	1.604321	-0.248404	0.185356	7113.471680	-1565.370850	88465.812500	-0.106108	0.017381	-1.609092	-0.069982	0.073597	-0.967551	-0.076826	0.023591	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146254.000000	128897.000000	100000.000000
-324.273529	-0.098338	-0.018344	-0.979406	0.027349	0.016863	-0.014597	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001428	0.001253	1.601769	-0.251078	0.185356	7243.992188	-1457.800049	87075.460938	-0.105903	0.017548	-1.609092	-0.069982	0.073597	-0.967551	-0.076826	0.023591	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146277.000000	128874.000000	100000.000000
-324.278534	-0.098582	-0.019076	-0.979406	0.026285	0.014734	-0.012468	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001428	0.001253	1.599772	-0.253864	0.185356	7305.627441	-1477.910522	86148.562500	-0.105718	0.017720	-1.609092	-0.069982	0.073597	-0.967551	-0.076826	0.023591	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146359.000000	128792.000000	100000.000000
-324.283539	-0.098826	-0.019809	-0.978918	0.024156	0.013670	-0.010340	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001538	0.001348	1.603835	-0.251241	0.185927	7878.599121	-744.452881	85470.289062	-0.105547	0.017892	-1.609312	-0.069775	0.073409	-0.967551	-0.076202	0.024074	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146266.000000	129019.000000	100000.000000
-324.288544	-0.099070	-0.020297	-0.979406	0.022028	0.012606	-0.008211	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001762	0.001544	1.609967	-0.246553	0.186564	8139.247070	-485.729095	84820.898438	-0.105390	0.018058	-1.609557	-0.069443	0.073093	-0.967593	-0.075293	0.024790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146267.000000	129018.000000	100000.000000
-324.293549	-0.099559	-0.021029	-0.979406	0.019899	0.011541	-0.006083	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001762	0.001544	1.599620	-0.256877	0.186564	6284.299316	-2174.510498	83894.000000	-0.105250	0.018225	-1.609557	-0.069443	0.073093	-0.967593	-0.075293	0.024790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146101.000000	129184.000000	100000.000000
-324.298553	-0.099559	-0.021518	-0.978918	0.016706	0.011541	-0.003954	107643.000000	0.000000	0.001762	0.001544	1.597749	-0.258828	0.186564	7090.762207	-1130.906372	82967.101562	-0.105115	0.018381	-1.609557	-0.069443	0.073093	-0.967593	-0.075293	0.024790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145864.000000	129421.000000	100000.000000
-324.303558	-0.100047	-0.022006	-0.978674	0.013514	0.010477	-0.002890	107585.000000	0.000000	0.001762	0.001544	1.596729	-0.260665	0.186564	7301.647949	-1112.165771	82503.656250	-0.104998	0.018529	-1.609557	-0.069443	0.073093	-0.967593	-0.075293	0.024790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145998.000000	129171.000000	100000.000000
-324.308563	-0.100047	-0.022006	-0.978430	0.011385	0.010477	-0.001826	107585.000000	0.000000	0.001762	0.001544	1.595136	-0.262115	0.186564	7114.227051	-1183.498901	82040.203125	-0.104884	0.018662	-1.609557	-0.069443	0.073093	-0.967593	-0.075293	0.024790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145882.000000	129287.000000	100000.000000
-324.313568	-0.099559	-0.021029	-0.977941	0.009257	0.010477	-0.000762	107585.000000	0.000000	0.001762	0.001544	1.593071	-0.262287	0.186564	7052.940918	-1034.032959	81576.757812	-0.104764	0.018762	-1.609557	-0.069443	0.073093	-0.967593	-0.075293	0.024790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145671.000000	129498.000000	100000.000000
-324.318573	-0.099070	-0.020785	-0.977209	0.006064	0.010477	-0.001826	107585.000000	0.000000	0.001762	0.001544	1.590931	-0.262596	0.186564	7034.658691	-918.634277	82040.203125	-0.104637	0.018841	-1.609557	-0.069443	0.073093	-0.967593	-0.075293	0.024790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145538.000000	129631.000000	100000.000000
-324.323578	-0.099314	-0.020541	-0.976721	0.003936	0.010477	-0.002890	107585.000000	0.000000	0.001119	0.000983	1.554143	-0.293717	0.186624	3055.873779	-4557.087402	82529.703125	-0.104519	0.018903	-1.609580	-0.069380	0.073030	-0.967606	-0.075335	0.024894	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145197.000000	129972.000000	100000.000000
-324.328583	-0.098826	-0.020297	-0.976232	0.001807	0.010477	-0.003954	107579.000000	0.000000	0.001271	0.001112	1.586042	-0.264268	0.185507	10754.992188	2248.184082	82506.835938	-0.104394	0.018950	-1.609151	-0.069551	0.073157	-0.967627	-0.074921	0.024862	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146085.000000	129072.000000	100000.000000
-324.333588	-0.098582	-0.020053	-0.975256	-0.000321	0.010477	-0.005019	107579.000000	0.000000	0.001123	0.000983	1.569982	-0.276379	0.185598	5407.818359	-2367.540039	83009.835938	-0.104269	0.018981	-1.609186	-0.069487	0.073095	-0.967627	-0.074672	0.024619	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145354.000000	129803.000000	100000.000000
-324.338593	-0.098094	-0.020297	-0.974279	-0.002450	0.010477	-0.007147	107579.000000	0.000000	0.001123	0.000983	1.573686	-0.271424	0.185598	7598.068359	-458.449524	83936.734375	-0.104138	0.019007	-1.609186	-0.069487	0.073095	-0.967627	-0.074672	0.024619	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145635.000000	129522.000000	100000.000000
-324.343597	-0.097605	-0.019564	-0.973303	-0.003514	0.009413	-0.009276	107579.000000	0.000000	0.001123	0.000983	1.571707	-0.270766	0.185598	7086.016113	-1039.966309	84863.632812	-0.104007	0.019014	-1.609186	-0.069487	0.073095	-0.967627	-0.074672	0.024619	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145704.000000	129453.000000	100000.000000
-324.348602	-0.096629	-0.019076	-0.972570	-0.003514	0.009413	-0.011404	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001123	0.000983	1.568862	-0.270396	0.185598	6860.592773	-1186.951172	85790.531250	-0.103860	0.019013	-1.609186	-0.069487	0.073095	-0.967627	-0.074672	0.024619	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145686.000000	129591.000000	100000.000000
-324.353607	-0.095652	-0.018100	-0.971594	-0.003514	0.007285	-0.013532	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001123	0.000983	1.566397	-0.269360	0.185598	7134.822266	-1108.970947	86717.429688	-0.103708	0.018993	-1.609186	-0.069487	0.073095	-0.967627	-0.074672	0.024619	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145882.000000	129395.000000	100000.000000
-324.358612	-0.094187	-0.017367	-0.971350	-0.002450	0.005156	-0.015661	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001123	0.000983	1.563236	-0.268614	0.185598	7053.622559	-1259.300293	87644.328125	-0.103540	0.018965	-1.609186	-0.069487	0.073095	-0.967627	-0.074672	0.024619	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145951.000000	129326.000000	100000.000000
-324.363617	-0.092967	-0.016146	-0.970617	-0.001385	0.001963	-0.017789	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001123	0.000983	1.560463	-0.267212	0.185598	7215.311035	-1185.682861	88571.226562	-0.103367	0.018919	-1.609186	-0.069487	0.073095	-0.967627	-0.074672	0.024619	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146039.000000	129238.000000	100000.000000
-324.368622	-0.091746	-0.015658	-0.971105	0.000743	-0.001229	-0.019918	107639.000000	0.000000	0.001630	0.001413	1.585327	-0.243004	0.185987	10383.180664	1306.499634	89667.242188	-0.103188	0.018875	-1.609335	-0.069317	0.072936	-0.967555	-0.074340	0.024530	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146715.000000	128562.000000	100000.000000
-324.373627	-0.091014	-0.015170	-0.971350	0.003936	-0.005486	-0.022046	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001842	0.001580	1.574572	-0.250749	0.187150	6553.718750	-2374.206543	91100.570312	-0.103017	0.018839	-1.609782	-0.069017	0.072678	-0.967504	-0.074571	0.024721	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146498.000000	128643.000000	100000.000000
-324.378632	-0.090281	-0.015170	-0.972082	0.007128	-0.010807	-0.024175	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001842	0.001580	1.564224	-0.257858	0.187150	6692.406738	-2351.659912	92027.460938	-0.102860	0.018821	-1.609782	-0.069017	0.072678	-0.967504	-0.074571	0.024721	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146615.000000	128526.000000	100000.000000
-324.383636	-0.090037	-0.014926	-0.972570	0.010321	-0.015064	-0.025239	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001209	0.001002	1.528001	-0.289991	0.187723	3583.285889	-5265.676270	92740.484375	-0.102720	0.018813	-1.610003	-0.068930	0.072613	-0.967412	-0.074464	0.024950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146419.000000	128722.000000	100000.000000
-324.388641	-0.089793	-0.015170	-0.973059	0.012450	-0.020385	-0.027367	107571.000000	0.000000	0.001209	0.001002	1.552501	-0.267677	0.187723	10514.226562	930.941040	93667.382812	-0.102603	0.018823	-1.610003	-0.068930	0.072613	-0.967412	-0.074464	0.024950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147154.000000	127987.000000	100000.000000
-324.393646	-0.089793	-0.015414	-0.973059	0.015642	-0.024642	-0.028432	107640.000000	0.000000	0.001209	0.001002	1.552018	-0.268971	0.187723	7667.602051	-1802.613037	94130.828125	-0.102509	0.018853	-1.610003	-0.068930	0.072613	-0.967412	-0.074464	0.024950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147110.000000	128169.000000	100000.000000
-324.398651	-0.090037	-0.015414	-0.973059	0.016706	-0.028899	-0.030560	107640.000000	0.000000	0.001209	0.001002	1.552124	-0.269739	0.187723	7752.432129	-1519.066284	95057.726562	-0.102443	0.018889	-1.610003	-0.068930	0.072613	-0.967412	-0.074464	0.024950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146911.000000	128368.000000	100000.000000
-324.403656	-0.090770	-0.015902	-0.973303	0.017771	-0.032092	-0.031624	107640.000000	0.000000	0.001209	0.001002	1.552852	-0.271100	0.187723	7721.836426	-1595.465088	95521.171875	-0.102408	0.018940	-1.610003	-0.068930	0.072613	-0.967412	-0.074464	0.024950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146957.000000	128322.000000	100000.000000
-324.408661	-0.092234	-0.016635	-0.973791	0.017771	-0.034220	-0.033753	107640.000000	0.000000	0.001209	0.001002	1.554516	-0.272679	0.187723	7725.172363	-1509.711060	96448.070312	-0.102413	0.019005	-1.610003	-0.068930	0.072613	-0.967412	-0.074464	0.024950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146874.000000	128405.000000	100000.000000
-324.413666	-0.093211	-0.018344	-0.974035	0.016706	-0.035285	-0.034817	107565.000000	0.000000	0.001209	0.001002	1.555927	-0.275250	0.187723	7591.798340	-1508.650146	96911.523438	-0.102442	0.019100	-1.610003	-0.068930	0.072613	-0.967412	-0.074464	0.024950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146665.000000	128464.000000	100000.000000
-324.418671	-0.094432	-0.019809	-0.974035	0.014578	-0.036349	-0.035881	107565.000000	0.000000	0.001209	0.001002	1.557975	-0.277664	0.187723	7676.092773	-1375.729614	97374.968750	-0.102501	0.019213	-1.610003	-0.068930	0.072613	-0.967412	-0.074464	0.024950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146616.000000	128513.000000	100000.000000
-324.423676	-0.095896	-0.021029	-0.973059	0.012450	-0.035285	-0.036945	107565.000000	0.000000	0.001279	0.001073	1.564127	-0.276149	0.188305	7916.700195	-926.928101	98091.898438	-0.102584	0.019338	-1.610227	-0.068820	0.072526	-0.967326	-0.074937	0.024990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146408.000000	128721.000000	100000.000000
-324.428680	-0.096629	-0.021518	-0.973059	0.008193	-0.034220	-0.038010	107565.000000	0.000000	0.001921	0.001612	1.598258	-0.250553	0.190744	11145.356445	2092.307861	99617.734375	-0.102676	0.019451	-1.611165	-0.068400	0.072202	-0.967003	-0.075831	0.026343	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146618.000000	128511.000000	100000.000000
-324.433685	-0.096629	-0.022250	-0.973303	0.005000	-0.032092	-0.038010	107565.000000	0.000000	0.001208	0.000986	1.534087	-0.308079	0.191399	-85.654160	-7414.437012	99903.070312	-0.102755	0.019561	-1.611417	-0.068318	0.072147	-0.966880	-0.076059	0.026621	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	144893.000000	130236.000000	100000.000000
-324.438690	-0.096385	-0.022738	-0.973791	0.000743	-0.029963	-0.038010	107644.000000	0.000000	0.001208	0.000986	1.562776	-0.283942	0.191399	10247.693359	1813.065308	99903.070312	-0.102815	0.019658	-1.611417	-0.068318	0.072147	-0.966880	-0.076059	0.026621	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146078.000000	129209.000000	100000.000000
-324.443695	-0.095896	-0.023227	-0.974523	-0.003514	-0.027835	-0.036945	107644.000000	0.000000	0.001208	0.000986	1.562424	-0.284637	0.191399	7042.479980	-901.481018	99439.625000	-0.102853	0.019741	-1.611417	-0.068318	0.072147	-0.966880	-0.076059	0.026621	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145587.000000	129700.000000	100000.000000
-324.448700	-0.095652	-0.023715	-0.974279	-0.006706	-0.026771	-0.036945	107644.000000	0.000000	0.001208	0.000986	1.562413	-0.285484	0.191399	7191.981445	-1024.443726	99439.625000	-0.102880	0.019816	-1.611417	-0.068318	0.072147	-0.966880	-0.076059	0.026621	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145860.000000	129427.000000	100000.000000
-324.453705	-0.095164	-0.023959	-0.974523	-0.007771	-0.025706	-0.034817	107644.000000	0.000000	0.001208	0.000986	1.561944	-0.286458	0.191399	7134.604492	-1271.969482	98512.726562	-0.102892	0.019889	-1.611417	-0.068318	0.072147	-0.966880	-0.076059	0.026621	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146050.000000	129237.000000	100000.000000
-324.458710	-0.094187	-0.023959	-0.975012	-0.008835	-0.025706	-0.033753	107637.000000	0.000000	0.001208	0.000986	1.560962	-0.287142	0.191399	7190.624023	-1238.420044	98049.273438	-0.102882	0.019954	-1.611417	-0.068318	0.072147	-0.966880	-0.076059	0.026621	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146066.000000	129207.000000	100000.000000
-324.463715	-0.093211	-0.023715	-0.975744	-0.008835	-0.027835	-0.031624	107637.000000	0.000000	0.001208	0.000986	1.560243	-0.287701	0.191399	7460.240723	-1344.226318	97122.375000	-0.102862	0.020012	-1.611417	-0.068318	0.072147	-0.966880	-0.076059	0.026621	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146441.000000	128832.000000	100000.000000
-324.468719	-0.091990	-0.023471	-0.977941	-0.006706	-0.029963	-0.028432	107637.000000	0.000000	0.002102	0.001771	1.608126	-0.245486	0.194066	13034.219727	3309.313232	96893.351562	-0.102824	0.020072	-1.612442	-0.067749	0.071679	-0.966596	-0.076233	0.026048	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147361.000000	127912.000000	100000.000000
-324.473724	-0.091258	-0.022982	-0.978674	-0.004578	-0.032092	-0.026303	107637.000000	0.000000	0.001310	0.001077	1.527977	-0.315831	0.194839	-1402.529175	-9400.592773	96303.078125	-0.102781	0.020129	-1.612740	-0.067712	0.071677	-0.966274	-0.076308	0.026080	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145635.000000	129638.000000	100000.000000
-324.478729	-0.090525	-0.022494	-0.979162	-0.001385	-0.036349	-0.024175	107637.000000	0.000000	0.001310	0.001077	1.559355	-0.289115	0.194839	11258.516602	1262.894165	95376.179688	-0.102745	0.020189	-1.612740	-0.067712	0.071677	-0.966274	-0.076308	0.026080	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147632.000000	127641.000000	100000.000000
-324.483734	-0.090281	-0.022250	-0.979162	0.001807	-0.038477	-0.020982	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001310	0.001077	1.559166	-0.290459	0.194839	7562.458496	-1843.213257	93985.835938	-0.102715	0.020258	-1.612740	-0.067712	0.071677	-0.966274	-0.076308	0.026080	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147047.000000	128236.000000	100000.000000
-324.488739	-0.090281	-0.021762	-0.980139	0.005000	-0.041670	-0.019918	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001310	0.001077	1.559516	-0.291674	0.194839	7754.937988	-1849.409912	93522.382812	-0.102699	0.020330	-1.612740	-0.067712	0.071677	-0.966274	-0.076308	0.026080	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147246.000000	128037.000000	100000.000000
-324.493744	-0.091258	-0.021762	-0.980627	0.008193	-0.042734	-0.017789	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001310	0.001077	1.560634	-0.293462	0.194839	7615.515137	-1935.262451	92595.484375	-0.102708	0.020415	-1.612740	-0.067712	0.071677	-0.966274	-0.076308	0.026080	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147192.000000	128091.000000	100000.000000
-324.498749	-0.092234	-0.021762	-0.981115	0.010321	-0.043798	-0.016725	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001310	0.001077	1.562085	-0.295172	0.194839	7663.675781	-1827.404907	92132.039062	-0.102741	0.020508	-1.612740	-0.067712	0.071677	-0.966274	-0.076308	0.026080	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147133.000000	128150.000000	100000.000000
-324.503754	-0.092967	-0.022250	-0.980871	0.012450	-0.042734	-0.015661	107579.000000	0.000000	0.001310	0.001077	1.563101	-0.297555	0.194839	7381.509277	-1922.124023	91668.585938	-0.102784	0.020618	-1.612740	-0.067712	0.071677	-0.966274	-0.076308	0.026080	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146882.000000	128275.000000	100000.000000
-324.508759	-0.094676	-0.022250	-0.980871	0.013514	-0.041670	-0.015661	107579.000000	0.000000	0.001310	0.001077	1.565302	-0.299377	0.194839	7517.131348	-1756.780762	91668.585938	-0.102855	0.020732	-1.612740	-0.067712	0.071677	-0.966274	-0.076308	0.026080	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146852.000000	128305.000000	100000.000000
-324.513763	-0.095652	-0.022982	-0.981115	0.014578	-0.038477	-0.015661	107579.000000	0.000000	0.001310	0.001077	1.566485	-0.302051	0.194839	7161.779297	-1867.546875	91668.585938	-0.102928	0.020863	-1.612740	-0.067712	0.071677	-0.966274	-0.076308	0.026080	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146608.000000	128549.000000	100000.000000
-324.518768	-0.096385	-0.023715	-0.981115	0.015642	-0.035285	-0.016725	107579.000000	0.000000	0.001798	0.001465	1.594287	-0.283649	0.196925	10201.973633	529.659241	93040.554688	-0.102998	0.021013	-1.613542	-0.067738	0.071803	-0.965649	-0.077851	0.026563	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147251.000000	127906.000000	100000.000000
-324.523773	-0.097361	-0.024447	-0.981848	0.016706	-0.032092	-0.017789	107569.000000	0.000000	0.001798	0.001465	1.575883	-0.302364	0.196925	5022.056641	-3642.553711	93504.000000	-0.103070	0.021179	-1.613542	-0.067738	0.071803	-0.965649	-0.077851	0.026563	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146233.000000	128904.000000	100000.000000
-324.528778	-0.097850	-0.024691	-0.981848	0.016706	-0.027835	-0.019918	107569.000000	0.000000	0.001798	0.001465	1.576260	-0.305006	0.196925	6952.161621	-1770.328735	94430.898438	-0.103129	0.021348	-1.613542	-0.067738	0.071803	-0.965649	-0.077851	0.026563	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146291.000000	128846.000000	100000.000000
-324.533783	-0.098582	-0.024447	-0.982092	0.017771	-0.023578	-0.020982	107569.000000	0.000000	0.001798	0.001465	1.576711	-0.307390	0.196925	6942.812988	-1874.906982	94894.343750	-0.103180	0.021515	-1.613542	-0.067738	0.071803	-0.965649	-0.077851	0.026563	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146386.000000	128751.000000	100000.000000
-324.538788	-0.098826	-0.025180	-0.982092	0.017771	-0.019321	-0.023110	107569.000000	0.000000	0.001798	0.001465	1.576529	-0.310574	0.196925	6852.815918	-1860.460693	95821.242188	-0.103214	0.021693	-1.613542	-0.067738	0.071803	-0.965649	-0.077851	0.026563	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146282.000000	128855.000000	100000.000000
-324.543793	-0.099314	-0.025912	-0.982092	0.018835	-0.014000	-0.025239	107569.000000	0.000000	0.001798	0.001465	1.576090	-0.314217	0.196925	6681.092285	-2049.679443	96748.140625	-0.103230	0.021890	-1.613542	-0.067738	0.071803	-0.965649	-0.077851	0.026563	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146299.000000	128838.000000	100000.000000
-324.548798	-0.100291	-0.025668	-0.982824	0.019899	-0.009743	-0.026303	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001700	0.001366	1.570756	-0.322447	0.199390	6215.699707	-2596.714111	98284.773438	-0.103244	0.022082	-1.614490	-0.067585	0.071761	-0.965173	-0.078365	0.027321	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146453.000000	128828.000000	100000.000000
-324.553802	-0.101023	-0.025668	-0.982824	0.022028	-0.006550	-0.028432	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001700	0.001366	1.574814	-0.321768	0.199390	7369.409180	-1740.876831	99211.671875	-0.103256	0.022283	-1.614490	-0.067585	0.071761	-0.965173	-0.078365	0.027321	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146751.000000	128530.000000	100000.000000
-324.558807	-0.101512	-0.025668	-0.983312	0.024156	-0.003358	-0.030560	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001700	0.001366	1.574591	-0.325168	0.199390	6883.044922	-2214.809326	100138.570312	-0.103261	0.022490	-1.614490	-0.067585	0.071761	-0.965173	-0.078365	0.027321	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146738.000000	128543.000000	100000.000000
-324.563812	-0.102244	-0.025912	-0.984045	0.027349	-0.000165	-0.031624	107641.000000	0.000000	0.001700	0.001366	1.574513	-0.329189	0.199390	6883.810059	-2433.400879	100602.023438	-0.103263	0.022714	-1.614490	-0.067585	0.071761	-0.965173	-0.078365	0.027321	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146958.000000	128323.000000	100000.000000
-324.568817	-0.102977	-0.025912	-0.985266	0.031606	0.000899	-0.033753	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001700	0.001366	1.574908	-0.333471	0.199390	7166.861816	-2618.270996	101528.914062	-0.103271	0.022955	-1.614490	-0.067585	0.071761	-0.965173	-0.078365	0.027321	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147361.000000	127790.000000	100000.000000
-324.573822	-0.103709	-0.026645	-0.985754	0.035863	0.000899	-0.035881	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001700	0.001366	1.575763	-0.338821	0.199390	7338.349121	-2780.071533	102455.812500	-0.103293	0.023227	-1.614490	-0.067585	0.071761	-0.965173	-0.078365	0.027321	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147694.000000	127457.000000	100000.000000
-324.578827	-0.103709	-0.027133	-0.987463	0.040119	0.000899	-0.038010	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001700	0.001366	1.575850	-0.344304	0.199390	7254.396973	-2839.288574	103382.710938	-0.103310	0.023525	-1.614490	-0.067585	0.071761	-0.965173	-0.078365	0.027321	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147669.000000	127482.000000	100000.000000
-324.583832	-0.104686	-0.027377	-0.988684	0.044376	-0.000165	-0.039074	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000918	0.000688	1.534325	-0.387124	0.199941	2608.868164	-7162.290527	104086.007812	-0.103350	0.023843	-1.614702	-0.067608	0.071811	-0.965020	-0.078175	0.027682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147347.000000	127804.000000	100000.000000
-324.588837	-0.105906	-0.028109	-0.989172	0.048633	-0.000165	-0.041202	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001798	0.001443	1.615757	-0.324891	0.202783	16387.123047	4656.537109	106250.757812	-0.103411	0.024190	-1.615795	-0.067375	0.071704	-0.964602	-0.076632	0.029600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149306.000000	125845.000000	100000.000000
-324.593842	-0.107127	-0.028354	-0.988439	0.051826	-0.000165	-0.044395	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001798	0.001443	1.582838	-0.361165	0.202783	3662.252197	-6239.353516	107641.109375	-0.103496	0.024553	-1.615795	-0.067375	0.071704	-0.964602	-0.076632	0.029600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147543.000000	127740.000000	100000.000000
-324.598846	-0.108348	-0.028598	-0.988439	0.055019	-0.000165	-0.046523	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001798	0.001443	1.585352	-0.367398	0.202783	7569.779297	-2979.705322	108568.007812	-0.103604	0.024930	-1.615795	-0.067375	0.071704	-0.964602	-0.076632	0.029600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148191.000000	127092.000000	100000.000000
-324.603851	-0.109812	-0.029330	-0.989416	0.057147	-0.000165	-0.048652	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001798	0.001443	1.588320	-0.374050	0.202783	7633.454590	-2948.973633	109494.906250	-0.103737	0.025326	-1.615795	-0.067375	0.071704	-0.964602	-0.076632	0.029600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148224.000000	127059.000000	100000.000000
-324.608856	-0.111033	-0.029330	-0.990393	0.058211	0.000899	-0.050780	107642.000000	0.000000	0.001798	0.001443	1.591077	-0.379858	0.202783	7500.931152	-2770.857422	110421.804688	-0.103883	0.025719	-1.615795	-0.067375	0.071704	-0.964602	-0.076632	0.029600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147913.000000	127370.000000	100000.000000
-324.613861	-0.112010	-0.028842	-0.990393	0.059276	0.001963	-0.052909	107585.000000	0.000000	0.001798	0.001443	1.593877	-0.385128	0.202783	7513.630371	-2740.793701	111348.703125	-0.104041	0.026101	-1.615795	-0.067375	0.071704	-0.964602	-0.076632	0.029600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147839.000000	127330.000000	100000.000000
-324.618866	-0.112498	-0.028842	-0.990881	0.060340	0.004092	-0.055037	107585.000000	0.000000	0.000982	0.000723	1.551109	-0.430390	0.203524	2179.742920	-7351.233887	112598.187500	-0.104193	0.026481	-1.616080	-0.067378	0.071744	-0.964438	-0.076153	0.030183	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147115.000000	128054.000000	100000.000000
-324.623871	-0.112498	-0.029086	-0.990637	0.060340	0.007285	-0.056101	107585.000000	0.000000	0.002321	0.001891	1.658604	-0.342926	0.208235	19064.693359	7762.257324	115113.250000	-0.104327	0.026859	-1.617892	-0.066646	0.071209	-0.964118	-0.076030	0.032197	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148887.000000	126282.000000	104411.000000
-324.628876	-0.111766	-0.029086	-0.990393	0.059276	0.010477	-0.057166	107585.000000	0.000000	0.002321	0.001891	1.605281	-0.394650	0.208235	1121.915771	-7658.419922	115576.695312	-0.104428	0.027225	-1.617892	-0.066646	0.071209	-0.964118	-0.076030	0.032197	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146365.000000	128804.000000	100000.000000
-324.633881	-0.111033	-0.028598	-0.989416	0.058211	0.013670	-0.058230	107581.000000	0.000000	0.001701	0.001369	1.571009	-0.427685	0.209642	3044.195801	-5750.533203	116652.656250	-0.104499	0.027570	-1.618433	-0.066417	0.071038	-0.964032	-0.075465	0.032677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146375.000000	128786.000000	100000.000000
-324.638885	-0.109812	-0.027621	-0.988684	0.057147	0.017927	-0.059294	107581.000000	0.000000	0.001701	0.001369	1.594401	-0.410291	0.209642	9355.832031	-120.618095	117116.109375	-0.104524	0.027884	-1.618433	-0.066417	0.071038	-0.964032	-0.075465	0.032677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147057.000000	128104.000000	100000.000000
-324.643890	-0.108592	-0.027133	-0.987951	0.056083	0.022184	-0.059294	107581.000000	0.000000	0.001701	0.001369	1.592355	-0.413854	0.209642	6529.702637	-2436.500488	117116.109375	-0.104506	0.028177	-1.618433	-0.066417	0.071038	-0.964032	-0.075465	0.032677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146547.000000	128614.000000	100000.000000
-324.648895	-0.108348	-0.026645	-0.987463	0.053954	0.025376	-0.059294	107581.000000	0.000000	0.001701	0.001369	1.591024	-0.416829	0.209642	6704.567383	-2258.667969	117116.109375	-0.104468	0.028445	-1.618433	-0.066417	0.071038	-0.964032	-0.075465	0.032677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146544.000000	128617.000000	100000.000000
-324.653900	-0.107615	-0.025668	-0.987707	0.052890	0.028569	-0.058230	107581.000000	0.000000	0.001701	0.001369	1.588811	-0.419140	0.209642	6582.773926	-2308.439453	116652.656250	-0.104400	0.028681	-1.618433	-0.066417	0.071038	-0.964032	-0.075465	0.032677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146472.000000	128689.000000	100000.000000
-324.658905	-0.106639	-0.024447	-0.988195	0.050762	0.031762	-0.058230	107584.000000	0.000000	0.001701	0.001369	1.585878	-0.420489	0.209642	6475.375977	-2081.999512	116652.656250	-0.104298	0.028878	-1.618433	-0.066417	0.071038	-0.964032	-0.075465	0.032677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146141.000000	129026.000000	100000.000000
-324.663910	-0.105906	-0.023959	-0.987951	0.050762	0.032826	-0.057166	107584.000000	0.000000	0.001701	0.001369	1.583396	-0.422656	0.209642	6742.680664	-2415.989258	116189.210938	-0.104178	0.029060	-1.618433	-0.066417	0.071038	-0.964032	-0.075465	0.032677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146742.000000	128425.000000	100000.000000
-324.668915	-0.105418	-0.023227	-0.987463	0.050762	0.033890	-0.056101	107584.000000	0.000000	0.001701	0.001369	1.580973	-0.424360	0.209642	6733.146973	-2372.997803	115725.757812	-0.104047	0.029223	-1.618433	-0.066417	0.071038	-0.964032	-0.075465	0.032677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146690.000000	128477.000000	100000.000000
-324.673920	-0.104930	-0.022494	-0.987707	0.050762	0.033890	-0.055037	107584.000000	0.000000	0.001263	0.000999	1.554505	-0.446103	0.210491	4084.490967	-4676.333496	115632.273438	-0.103908	0.029368	-1.618760	-0.066449	0.071114	-0.963946	-0.074975	0.034349	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146344.000000	128823.000000	100000.000000
-324.678925	-0.104197	-0.022006	-0.988195	0.050762	0.032826	-0.052909	107574.000000	0.000000	0.001916	0.001568	1.605474	-0.401460	0.212860	12955.598633	2828.540039	115736.851562	-0.103762	0.029499	-1.619671	-0.066053	0.070817	-0.963825	-0.073748	0.035121	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147701.000000	127446.000000	100000.000000
-324.683929	-0.103953	-0.021518	-0.987707	0.051826	0.032826	-0.050780	107574.000000	0.000000	0.001916	0.001568	1.577112	-0.425716	0.212860	3985.118164	-4980.823242	114809.953125	-0.103616	0.029622	-1.619671	-0.066053	0.070817	-0.963825	-0.073748	0.035121	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146539.000000	128608.000000	100000.000000
-324.688934	-0.103221	-0.021273	-0.987707	0.050762	0.031762	-0.049716	107574.000000	0.000000	0.001916	0.001568	1.574561	-0.426836	0.212860	6933.360840	-2203.041748	114346.507812	-0.103463	0.029731	-1.619671	-0.066053	0.070817	-0.963825	-0.073748	0.035121	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146710.000000	128437.000000	100000.000000
-324.693939	-0.102488	-0.020785	-0.987707	0.050762	0.030697	-0.047588	107574.000000	0.000000	0.001916	0.001568	1.571930	-0.427758	0.212860	6917.446289	-2302.588867	113419.609375	-0.103303	0.029828	-1.619671	-0.066053	0.070817	-0.963825	-0.073748	0.035121	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146794.000000	128353.000000	100000.000000
-324.698944	-0.101756	-0.020053	-0.987951	0.050762	0.029633	-0.045459	107574.000000	0.000000	0.001916	0.001568	1.569188	-0.428224	0.212860	6897.355957	-2254.532715	112492.710938	-0.103138	0.029907	-1.619671	-0.066053	0.070817	-0.963825	-0.073748	0.035121	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146725.000000	128422.000000	100000.000000
-324.703949	-0.101023	-0.020053	-0.986975	0.049697	0.029633	-0.043331	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001916	0.001568	1.566206	-0.428994	0.212860	6740.331055	-2169.648438	111565.812500	-0.102963	0.029978	-1.619671	-0.066053	0.070817	-0.963825	-0.073748	0.035121	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146485.000000	128666.000000	100000.000000
-324.708954	-0.100291	-0.019809	-0.985998	0.048633	0.029633	-0.041202	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001643	0.001332	1.548072	-0.442347	0.214062	4990.498047	-3609.999268	111162.343750	-0.102780	0.030037	-1.620133	-0.065848	0.070662	-0.963801	-0.073173	0.035951	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146176.000000	128975.000000	100000.000000
-324.713959	-0.099314	-0.019564	-0.986242	0.046505	0.029633	-0.039074	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001819	0.001483	1.565040	-0.424546	0.216047	8929.042969	24.978809	111100.226562	-0.102580	0.030078	-1.620897	-0.065669	0.070575	-0.963713	-0.072150	0.037915	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146480.000000	128671.000000	100000.000000
-324.718964	-0.097850	-0.019076	-0.984533	0.045441	0.029633	-0.038010	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001819	0.001483	1.553804	-0.430325	0.216047	5775.644043	-2706.979248	110636.781250	-0.102358	0.030103	-1.620897	-0.065669	0.070575	-0.963713	-0.072150	0.037915	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146058.000000	129093.000000	100000.000000
-324.723969	-0.097117	-0.018100	-0.983557	0.043312	0.029633	-0.035881	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001475	0.001185	1.531123	-0.445377	0.217031	4412.996582	-3669.039062	110138.023438	-0.102129	0.030097	-1.621275	-0.065523	0.070472	-0.963671	-0.071430	0.038180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145657.000000	129492.000000	100000.000000
-324.728973	-0.096141	-0.017367	-0.982580	0.042248	0.030697	-0.034817	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001475	0.001185	1.540436	-0.432258	0.217031	7851.824707	-623.193787	109674.570312	-0.101881	0.030071	-1.621275	-0.065523	0.070472	-0.963671	-0.071430	0.038180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146050.000000	129099.000000	100000.000000
-324.733978	-0.095408	-0.016635	-0.982092	0.040119	0.030697	-0.033753	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001475	0.001185	1.536244	-0.430486	0.217031	6464.532715	-1735.866577	109211.125000	-0.101625	0.030020	-1.621275	-0.065523	0.070472	-0.963671	-0.071430	0.038180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145775.000000	129374.000000	100000.000000
-324.738983	-0.094676	-0.016391	-0.981604	0.037991	0.030697	-0.032688	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001475	0.001185	1.531929	-0.428908	0.217031	6431.250000	-1740.150024	108747.679688	-0.101360	0.029954	-1.621275	-0.065523	0.070472	-0.963671	-0.071430	0.038180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145746.000000	129403.000000	100000.000000
-324.743988	-0.093943	-0.016391	-0.981604	0.036927	0.029633	-0.031624	107573.000000	0.000000	0.001475	0.001185	1.527730	-0.427675	0.217031	6546.499023	-1884.649536	108284.226562	-0.101091	0.029884	-1.621275	-0.065523	0.070472	-0.963671	-0.071430	0.038180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146004.000000	129141.000000	100000.000000
-324.748993	-0.094187	-0.016879	-0.981848	0.034798	0.028569	-0.031624	107573.000000	0.000000	0.001475	0.001185	1.524522	-0.426662	0.217031	6645.630859	-1777.235352	108284.226562	-0.100837	0.029814	-1.621275	-0.065523	0.070472	-0.963671	-0.071430	0.038180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145995.000000	129150.000000	100000.000000
-324.753998	-0.094432	-0.017123	-0.982336	0.032670	0.027505	-0.030560	107573.000000	0.000000	0.001475	0.001185	1.521505	-0.425353	0.217031	6657.768555	-1728.946411	107820.781250	-0.100597	0.029740	-1.621275	-0.065523	0.070472	-0.963671	-0.071430	0.038180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145959.000000	129186.000000	100000.000000
-324.759003	-0.094187	-0.017123	-0.982092	0.031606	0.026441	-0.030560	107573.000000	0.000000	0.001475	0.001185	1.518218	-0.424036	0.217031	6617.742188	-1834.120972	107820.781250	-0.100363	0.029662	-1.621275	-0.065523	0.070472	-0.963671	-0.071430	0.038180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146024.000000	129121.000000	100000.000000
-324.764008	-0.093943	-0.017855	-0.982824	0.030541	0.024312	-0.030560	107573.000000	0.000000	0.001965	0.001596	1.542143	-0.400869	0.219073	9846.713867	679.872986	108710.257812	-0.100138	0.029595	-1.622061	-0.065524	0.070577	-0.963451	-0.068909	0.038833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146739.000000	128406.000000	100000.000000
-324.769012	-0.094187	-0.018344	-0.983312	0.028413	0.022184	-0.030560	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001965	0.001596	1.520205	-0.416334	0.219073	4714.026367	-3511.383789	108710.257812	-0.099932	0.029528	-1.622061	-0.065524	0.070577	-0.963451	-0.068909	0.038833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145800.000000	129349.000000	100000.000000
-324.774017	-0.094432	-0.018832	-0.983068	0.027349	0.020055	-0.029496	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001965	0.001596	1.518212	-0.415636	0.219073	6906.489258	-1843.991699	108246.812500	-0.099745	0.029467	-1.622061	-0.065524	0.070577	-0.963451	-0.068909	0.038833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146325.000000	128824.000000	100000.000000
-324.779022	-0.094187	-0.019809	-0.983312	0.025220	0.017927	-0.028432	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001965	0.001596	1.515908	-0.415269	0.219073	6871.369141	-1751.797729	107783.359375	-0.099568	0.029416	-1.622061	-0.065524	0.070577	-0.963451	-0.068909	0.038833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146198.000000	128951.000000	100000.000000
-324.784027	-0.093943	-0.021029	-0.983557	0.023092	0.016863	-0.028432	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001965	0.001596	1.513431	-0.415338	0.219073	6728.876465	-1790.393799	107783.359375	-0.099394	0.029380	-1.622061	-0.065524	0.070577	-0.963451	-0.068909	0.038833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146094.000000	129055.000000	100000.000000
-324.789032	-0.093943	-0.022006	-0.983068	0.020963	0.015798	-0.026303	107648.000000	0.000000	0.001965	0.001596	1.511365	-0.415307	0.219073	6769.492188	-1769.392212	106856.460938	-0.099230	0.029354	-1.622061	-0.065524	0.070577	-0.963451	-0.068909	0.038833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146186.000000	129109.000000	100000.000000
-324.794037	-0.093943	-0.022738	-0.982824	0.018835	0.014734	-0.025239	107648.000000	0.000000	0.001965	0.001596	1.509404	-0.415156	0.219073	6776.785156	-1745.688354	106393.015625	-0.099075	0.029332	-1.622061	-0.065524	0.070577	-0.963451	-0.068909	0.038833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146170.000000	129125.000000	100000.000000
-324.799042	-0.093943	-0.023715	-0.982580	0.014578	0.015798	-0.024175	107648.000000	0.000000	0.001965	0.001596	1.506994	-0.414764	0.219073	6477.527344	-1463.862427	105929.562500	-0.098918	0.029308	-1.622061	-0.065524	0.070577	-0.963451	-0.068909	0.038833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145589.000000	129706.000000	100000.000000
-324.804047	-0.094187	-0.024447	-0.981359	0.011385	0.016863	-0.022046	107648.000000	0.000000	0.001914	0.001532	1.502107	-0.417876	0.221256	6177.641602	-1965.704468	105953.296875	-0.098767	0.029284	-1.622900	-0.065605	0.070773	-0.963244	-0.067780	0.039726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145791.000000	129504.000000	100000.000000
-324.809052	-0.093943	-0.024691	-0.981115	0.007128	0.017927	-0.019918	107648.000000	0.000000	0.001914	0.001532	1.501557	-0.414066	0.221256	6647.148438	-1050.306396	105026.398438	-0.098610	0.029244	-1.622900	-0.065605	0.070773	-0.963244	-0.067780	0.039726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145345.000000	129950.000000	100000.000000
-324.814056	-0.093699	-0.024936	-0.980871	0.002872	0.018991	-0.017789	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001914	0.001532	1.498853	-0.412579	0.221256	6392.935547	-1279.309570	104099.500000	-0.098446	0.029188	-1.622900	-0.065605	0.070773	-0.963244	-0.067780	0.039726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145317.000000	129972.000000	100000.000000
-324.819061	-0.093699	-0.025180	-0.980139	-0.001385	0.021119	-0.014597	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001914	0.001532	1.496107	-0.410853	0.221256	6249.029785	-1225.779297	102709.148438	-0.098277	0.029115	-1.622900	-0.065605	0.070773	-0.963244	-0.067780	0.039726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145119.000000	130170.000000	100000.000000
-324.824066	-0.093455	-0.024936	-0.980139	-0.005642	0.023248	-0.012468	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001914	0.001532	1.492932	-0.408369	0.221256	6177.348145	-1111.260864	101782.250000	-0.098097	0.029017	-1.622900	-0.065605	0.070773	-0.963244	-0.067780	0.039726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	144933.000000	130356.000000	100000.000000
-324.829071	-0.092234	-0.024691	-0.979162	-0.008835	0.024312	-0.010340	107645.000000	0.000000	0.001914	0.001532	1.488897	-0.405848	0.221256	6176.455078	-1198.057739	100855.351562	-0.097892	0.028900	-1.622900	-0.065605	0.070773	-0.963244	-0.067780	0.039726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145019.000000	130270.000000	100000.000000
-324.834076	-0.091014	-0.024691	-0.978674	-0.010963	0.024312	-0.007147	107579.000000	0.000000	0.001914	0.001532	1.484769	-0.403580	0.221256	6264.143066	-1322.608521	99465.007812	-0.097668	0.028774	-1.622900	-0.065605	0.070773	-0.963244	-0.067780	0.039726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145165.000000	129992.000000	100000.000000
-324.839081	-0.090037	-0.025180	-0.977697	-0.013092	0.025376	-0.003954	107579.000000	0.000000	-0.000614	-0.000684	1.341430	-0.523594	0.220076	-9824.197266	-15310.547852	97560.679688	-0.097426	0.028649	-1.622446	-0.066155	0.071291	-0.963237	-0.067545	0.041054	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102713.000000	143065.000000	132092.000000	100000.000000
-324.844086	-0.088816	-0.024936	-0.977697	-0.013092	0.025376	-0.001826	107579.000000	0.000000	0.001046	0.000782	1.529053	-0.352310	0.220560	27547.226562	17273.322266	96844.742188	-0.097164	0.028520	-1.622633	-0.066358	0.071529	-0.963082	-0.066594	0.040171	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147852.000000	127305.000000	122399.000000
-324.849091	-0.088084	-0.025180	-0.977209	-0.013092	0.024312	0.001367	107579.000000	0.000000	0.001046	0.000782	1.458584	-0.409342	0.220560	-1033.815918	-8093.811523	95454.398438	-0.096899	0.028398	-1.622633	-0.066358	0.071529	-0.963082	-0.066594	0.040171	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	144638.000000	130519.000000	100000.000000
-324.854095	-0.086375	-0.024936	-0.976232	-0.012028	0.023248	0.004559	107638.000000	0.000000	0.001046	0.000782	1.453402	-0.407604	0.220560	6125.984375	-1745.487671	94064.054688	-0.096612	0.028277	-1.622633	-0.066358	0.071529	-0.963082	-0.066594	0.040171	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145509.000000	129766.000000	100000.000000
-324.859100	-0.085398	-0.024447	-0.976232	-0.009899	0.021119	0.007752	107638.000000	0.000000	0.001046	0.000782	1.448922	-0.405874	0.220560	6309.324219	-1865.315918	92673.703125	-0.096322	0.028158	-1.622633	-0.066358	0.071529	-0.963082	-0.066594	0.040171	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145812.000000	129463.000000	100000.000000
-324.864105	-0.083689	-0.023715	-0.976232	-0.006706	0.018991	0.010945	107638.000000	0.000000	0.001046	0.000782	1.443579	-0.404180	0.220560	6199.586914	-1993.128662	91283.359375	-0.096014	0.028040	-1.622633	-0.066358	0.071529	-0.963082	-0.066594	0.040171	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145830.000000	129445.000000	100000.000000
-324.869110	-0.082469	-0.023227	-0.975988	-0.002450	0.015798	0.013073	107638.000000	0.000000	0.001046	0.000782	1.438831	-0.403103	0.220560	6374.958496	-2192.739990	90356.460938	-0.095703	0.027935	-1.622633	-0.066358	0.071529	-0.963082	-0.066594	0.040171	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146205.000000	129070.000000	100000.000000
-324.874115	-0.081736	-0.022738	-0.976477	0.001807	0.012606	0.015202	107638.000000	0.000000	0.000491	0.000294	1.403991	-0.428979	0.220561	2920.607666	-5294.925293	89429.695312	-0.095399	0.027842	-1.622633	-0.066539	0.071720	-0.963022	-0.066088	0.039818	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145853.000000	129422.000000	100000.000000
-324.879120	-0.081736	-0.022006	-0.977209	0.007128	0.009413	0.017330	107579.000000	0.000000	0.000536	0.000318	1.425246	-0.407424	0.218684	9200.994141	-121.835587	87685.531250	-0.095116	0.027761	-1.621911	-0.067665	0.072806	-0.962798	-0.065659	0.039335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146901.000000	128256.000000	100000.000000
-324.884125	-0.082225	-0.022006	-0.977453	0.012450	0.006220	0.018394	107579.000000	0.000000	0.000536	0.000318	1.420907	-0.408652	0.218684	6381.476562	-2657.270020	87222.078125	-0.094864	0.027706	-1.621911	-0.067665	0.072806	-0.962798	-0.065659	0.039335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146617.000000	128540.000000	100000.000000
-324.889130	-0.082713	-0.022250	-0.977209	0.017771	0.003028	0.018394	107579.000000	0.000000	0.000536	0.000318	1.418829	-0.409615	0.218684	6635.207520	-2656.877930	87222.078125	-0.094643	0.027684	-1.621911	-0.067665	0.072806	-0.962798	-0.065659	0.039335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146871.000000	128286.000000	100000.000000
-324.894135	-0.083934	-0.022738	-0.977697	0.023092	-0.000165	0.018394	107579.000000	0.000000	0.000536	0.000318	1.417929	-0.411279	0.218684	6775.381348	-2766.187012	87222.078125	-0.094466	0.027699	-1.621911	-0.067665	0.072806	-0.962798	-0.065659	0.039335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147120.000000	128037.000000	100000.000000
-324.899139	-0.084910	-0.023471	-0.977453	0.028413	-0.002294	0.018394	107640.000000	0.000000	0.000536	0.000318	1.417149	-0.413738	0.218684	6677.755859	-2889.539062	87222.078125	-0.094322	0.027754	-1.621911	-0.067665	0.072806	-0.962798	-0.065659	0.039335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147207.000000	128072.000000	100000.000000
-324.904144	-0.086375	-0.023959	-0.977697	0.032670	-0.003358	0.017330	107640.000000	0.000000	0.000536	0.000318	1.417051	-0.416218	0.218684	6640.083008	-2805.634766	87685.531250	-0.094217	0.027839	-1.621911	-0.067665	0.072806	-0.962798	-0.065659	0.039335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147085.000000	128194.000000	100000.000000
-324.909149	-0.087840	-0.023959	-0.977941	0.036927	-0.003358	0.015202	107640.000000	0.000000	-0.000018	-0.000194	1.386706	-0.446741	0.218391	3057.046631	-6049.908691	88484.742188	-0.094142	0.027944	-1.621798	-0.068010	0.073153	-0.962691	-0.065556	0.039342	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146746.000000	128533.000000	100000.000000
-324.914154	-0.089061	-0.024447	-0.978430	0.040119	-0.003358	0.013073	107640.000000	0.000000	0.000155	-0.000052	1.418663	-0.421398	0.215967	10055.179688	312.589630	88356.273438	-0.094092	0.028074	-1.620866	-0.069502	0.074594	-0.962369	-0.066089	0.040488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147382.000000	127897.000000	100000.000000
-324.919159	-0.090281	-0.024936	-0.977697	0.043312	-0.002294	0.010945	107640.000000	0.000000	0.000155	-0.000052	1.412165	-0.430331	0.215967	5674.892578	-3512.082031	89283.171875	-0.094064	0.028227	-1.620866	-0.069502	0.074594	-0.962369	-0.066089	0.040488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146826.000000	128453.000000	100000.000000
-324.924164	-0.091502	-0.026156	-0.977209	0.045441	-0.000165	0.007752	107586.000000	0.000000	0.000155	-0.000052	1.412585	-0.434497	0.215967	6310.875000	-2899.855225	90673.515625	-0.094051	0.028415	-1.620866	-0.069502	0.074594	-0.962369	-0.066089	0.040488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146796.000000	128375.000000	100000.000000
-324.929169	-0.092723	-0.027377	-0.977209	0.047569	0.000899	0.005624	107586.000000	0.000000	0.000155	-0.000052	1.413462	-0.439094	0.215967	6477.207031	-2978.090820	91600.414062	-0.094058	0.028635	-1.620866	-0.069502	0.074594	-0.962369	-0.066089	0.040488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147041.000000	128130.000000	100000.000000
-324.934174	-0.093943	-0.028598	-0.977453	0.049697	0.003028	0.003495	107586.000000	0.000000	0.000155	-0.000052	1.414296	-0.444132	0.215967	6349.446777	-3059.618164	92527.312500	-0.094078	0.028886	-1.620866	-0.069502	0.074594	-0.962369	-0.066089	0.040488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146995.000000	128176.000000	100000.000000
-324.939178	-0.095408	-0.029574	-0.977941	0.051826	0.005156	0.001367	107586.000000	0.000000	0.000155	-0.000052	1.415560	-0.449327	0.215967	6392.840332	-3110.514648	93454.210938	-0.094116	0.029164	-1.620866	-0.069502	0.074594	-0.962369	-0.066089	0.040488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147089.000000	128082.000000	100000.000000
-324.944183	-0.096141	-0.030795	-0.978918	0.052890	0.006220	-0.000762	107579.000000	0.000000	0.000155	-0.000052	1.416484	-0.454851	0.215967	6471.779785	-3060.187012	94381.109375	-0.094160	0.029466	-1.620866	-0.069502	0.074594	-0.962369	-0.066089	0.040488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147110.000000	128047.000000	100000.000000
-324.949188	-0.097117	-0.031771	-0.979895	0.055019	0.007285	-0.002890	107579.000000	0.000000	-0.000336	-0.000479	1.390746	-0.484211	0.215385	3416.907959	-5942.785645	95054.257812	-0.094215	0.029792	-1.620642	-0.069945	0.075028	-0.962257	-0.065534	0.041732	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146938.000000	128219.000000	100000.000000
-324.954193	-0.098094	-0.032016	-0.981359	0.057147	0.008349	-0.005019	107579.000000	0.000000	-0.000055	-0.000237	1.427275	-0.459202	0.215144	10426.591797	140.598526	95876.546875	-0.094281	0.030128	-1.620549	-0.070294	0.075381	-0.962139	-0.065098	0.042393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147864.000000	127293.000000	100000.000000
-324.959198	-0.098582	-0.032748	-0.981359	0.059276	0.008349	-0.006083	107579.000000	0.000000	0.001003	0.000667	1.475600	-0.425279	0.216485	12062.995117	1267.068115	96923.757812	-0.094354	0.030482	-1.621065	-0.070505	0.075672	-0.961891	-0.064444	0.043802	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148374.000000	126783.000000	100000.000000
-324.964203	-0.099559	-0.033236	-0.980871	0.060340	0.009413	-0.007147	107646.000000	0.000000	0.001003	0.000667	1.435181	-0.467210	0.216485	1996.308472	-7155.253906	97387.210938	-0.094442	0.030846	-1.621065	-0.070505	0.075672	-0.961891	-0.064444	0.043802	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146797.000000	128494.000000	100000.000000
-324.969208	-0.100779	-0.034213	-0.980871	0.062468	0.009413	-0.008211	107646.000000	0.000000	0.001003	0.000667	1.437739	-0.473943	0.216485	6851.554688	-3441.915771	97850.656250	-0.094552	0.031232	-1.621065	-0.070505	0.075672	-0.961891	-0.064444	0.043802	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147939.000000	127352.000000	100000.000000
-324.974213	-0.102244	-0.034701	-0.981359	0.063532	0.009413	-0.009276	107646.000000	0.000000	0.001003	0.000667	1.440828	-0.480151	0.216485	6924.092285	-3300.512207	98314.109375	-0.094689	0.031626	-1.621065	-0.070505	0.075672	-0.961891	-0.064444	0.043802	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147870.000000	127421.000000	100000.000000
-324.979218	-0.102977	-0.035434	-0.981604	0.065661	0.009413	-0.009276	107646.000000	0.000000	0.001003	0.000667	1.443502	-0.487005	0.216485	6890.904785	-3529.952881	98314.109375	-0.094837	0.032038	-1.621065	-0.070505	0.075672	-0.961891	-0.064444	0.043802	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148066.000000	127225.000000	100000.000000
-324.984222	-0.103709	-0.036410	-0.982092	0.065661	0.009413	-0.010340	107646.000000	0.000000	0.001003	0.000667	1.446296	-0.493812	0.216485	6916.865723	-3322.064697	98777.554688	-0.094995	0.032460	-1.621065	-0.070505	0.075672	-0.961891	-0.064444	0.043802	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147884.000000	127407.000000	100000.000000
-324.989227	-0.104441	-0.036898	-0.982336	0.065661	0.009413	-0.010340	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000764	0.000472	1.436151	-0.510903	0.216179	5447.477051	-4531.380371	98644.203125	-0.095164	0.032884	-1.620947	-0.071386	0.076579	-0.961507	-0.063987	0.045548	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147554.000000	127597.000000	100000.000000
-324.994232	-0.105418	-0.037387	-0.982092	0.065661	0.009413	-0.010340	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000779	0.000480	1.449964	-0.509156	0.216924	8145.305664	-2452.097656	98968.812500	-0.095350	0.033310	-1.621234	-0.071453	0.076688	-0.961401	-0.063943	0.046180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148173.000000	126978.000000	100000.000000
-324.999237	-0.106150	-0.037875	-0.981359	0.064597	0.010477	-0.010340	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000779	0.000480	1.452568	-0.515660	0.216924	6802.948242	-3267.389648	98968.812500	-0.095543	0.033732	-1.621234	-0.071453	0.076688	-0.961401	-0.063943	0.046180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147646.000000	127505.000000	100000.000000
-325.004242	-0.107371	-0.038607	-0.980871	0.062468	0.010477	-0.011404	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000779	0.000480	1.456653	-0.521813	0.216924	7101.710449	-3130.256348	99432.265625	-0.095758	0.034151	-1.621234	-0.071453	0.076688	-0.961401	-0.063943	0.046180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147807.000000	127344.000000	100000.000000
-325.009247	-0.107371	-0.039340	-0.980871	0.060340	0.010477	-0.011404	107583.000000	0.000000	0.000779	0.000480	1.459633	-0.527877	0.216924	6993.786621	-3138.521484	99432.265625	-0.095969	0.034566	-1.621234	-0.071453	0.076688	-0.961401	-0.063943	0.046180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147715.000000	127450.000000	100000.000000
-325.014252	-0.107371	-0.039828	-0.981359	0.058211	0.011541	-0.011404	107583.000000	0.000000	0.000779	0.000480	1.462209	-0.533592	0.216924	6839.332520	-3116.632324	99432.265625	-0.096169	0.034972	-1.621234	-0.071453	0.076688	-0.961401	-0.063943	0.046180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147538.000000	127627.000000	100000.000000
-325.019257	-0.107615	-0.040316	-0.981848	0.055019	0.012606	-0.010340	107583.000000	0.000000	0.000779	0.000480	1.464919	-0.538862	0.216924	6861.594238	-2960.252197	98968.812500	-0.096363	0.035362	-1.621234	-0.071453	0.076688	-0.961401	-0.063943	0.046180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147404.000000	127761.000000	100000.000000
-325.024261	-0.108104	-0.040805	-0.981604	0.051826	0.012606	-0.010340	107583.000000	0.000000	0.000779	0.000480	1.468191	-0.543986	0.216924	7055.449707	-2953.112305	98968.812500	-0.096564	0.035740	-1.621234	-0.071453	0.076688	-0.961401	-0.063943	0.046180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147591.000000	127574.000000	100000.000000
-325.029266	-0.108348	-0.040805	-0.982092	0.048633	0.013670	-0.009276	107583.000000	0.000000	0.000779	0.000480	1.470919	-0.548319	0.216924	6886.280273	-2871.436523	98505.367188	-0.096760	0.036093	-1.621234	-0.071453	0.076688	-0.961401	-0.063943	0.046180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147340.000000	127825.000000	100000.000000
-325.034271	-0.108836	-0.041293	-0.980871	0.045441	0.013670	-0.009276	107575.000000	0.000000	0.000091	-0.000078	1.436500	-0.583632	0.216622	2760.455322	-6425.535645	98374.039062	-0.096965	0.036434	-1.621118	-0.071748	0.076982	-0.961302	-0.063757	0.046830	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146760.000000	128389.000000	100000.000000
-325.039276	-0.108348	-0.041049	-0.980139	0.041184	0.013670	-0.008211	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001027	0.000736	1.517874	-0.519929	0.216450	15866.927734	4891.536133	97835.406250	-0.097157	0.036743	-1.621052	-0.072371	0.077626	-0.960976	-0.063080	0.048226	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148550.000000	126599.000000	100000.000000
-325.044281	-0.108348	-0.040805	-0.978918	0.037991	0.013670	-0.007147	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001027	0.000736	1.483282	-0.555653	0.216450	2956.567627	-6307.770020	97371.960938	-0.097348	0.037026	-1.621052	-0.072371	0.077626	-0.960976	-0.063080	0.048226	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146839.000000	128310.000000	100000.000000
-325.049286	-0.108592	-0.040561	-0.978186	0.033734	0.012606	-0.007147	107575.000000	0.000000	0.001027	0.000736	1.486590	-0.558196	0.216450	7261.072266	-2534.450928	97371.960938	-0.097548	0.037278	-1.621052	-0.072371	0.077626	-0.960976	-0.063080	0.048226	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147370.000000	127779.000000	100000.000000
-325.054291	-0.109324	-0.040805	-0.977941	0.029477	0.011541	-0.006083	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001027	0.000736	1.490499	-0.560802	0.216450	7350.093262	-2533.750244	96908.507812	-0.097764	0.037508	-1.621052	-0.072371	0.077626	-0.960976	-0.063080	0.048226	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147459.000000	127692.000000	100000.000000
-325.059296	-0.109568	-0.040805	-0.978430	0.026285	0.009413	-0.006083	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001027	0.000736	1.494285	-0.563124	0.216450	7480.734375	-2615.572754	96908.507812	-0.097990	0.037718	-1.621052	-0.072371	0.077626	-0.960976	-0.063080	0.048226	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147672.000000	127479.000000	100000.000000
-325.064301	-0.110545	-0.040316	-0.979162	0.023092	0.007285	-0.006083	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001027	0.000736	1.498993	-0.564601	0.216450	7613.583496	-2514.679443	96908.507812	-0.098240	0.037898	-1.621052	-0.072371	0.077626	-0.960976	-0.063080	0.048226	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147704.000000	127447.000000	100000.000000
-325.069305	-0.111033	-0.040072	-0.979162	0.020963	0.003028	-0.006083	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000554	0.000349	1.478148	-0.587550	0.216518	4961.604492	-5088.602051	96938.335938	-0.098515	0.038058	-1.621078	-0.072509	0.077774	-0.960851	-0.062932	0.048761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147626.000000	127525.000000	100000.000000
-325.074310	-0.110789	-0.039828	-0.978430	0.017771	-0.001229	-0.005019	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001514	0.001180	1.554637	-0.527468	0.217527	16035.482422	4449.435059	96914.234375	-0.098803	0.038195	-1.621466	-0.072653	0.077979	-0.960507	-0.061900	0.048421	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149162.000000	125989.000000	100000.000000
-325.079315	-0.111277	-0.039584	-0.977941	0.016706	-0.006550	-0.005019	107576.000000	0.000000	0.001514	0.001180	1.522307	-0.562072	0.217527	4062.906250	-6350.353516	96914.234375	-0.099122	0.038320	-1.621466	-0.072653	0.077979	-0.960507	-0.061900	0.048421	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147989.000000	127162.000000	100000.000000
-325.084320	-0.111766	-0.040072	-0.977697	0.014578	-0.011872	-0.005019	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000230	0.000099	1.458174	-0.623240	0.217019	294.148102	-9427.018555	96693.007812	-0.099472	0.038441	-1.621271	-0.072899	0.078210	-0.960431	-0.062056	0.048700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147297.000000	127854.000000	100000.000000
-325.089325	-0.112498	-0.040805	-0.976965	0.013514	-0.017193	-0.003954	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000230	0.000099	1.516700	-0.582234	0.217019	14077.733398	1886.415161	96229.562500	-0.099857	0.038570	-1.621271	-0.072899	0.078210	-0.960431	-0.062056	0.048700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149767.000000	125384.000000	100000.000000
-325.094330	-0.112498	-0.040805	-0.976232	0.011385	-0.022514	-0.003954	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000230	0.000099	1.523575	-0.583493	0.217019	8453.035156	-2640.906250	96229.562500	-0.100262	0.038687	-1.621271	-0.072899	0.078210	-0.960431	-0.062056	0.048700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148669.000000	126482.000000	100000.000000
-325.099335	-0.112742	-0.041293	-0.975988	0.009257	-0.027835	-0.002890	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000230	0.000099	1.530949	-0.585076	0.217019	8566.318359	-2673.869629	95766.109375	-0.100690	0.038801	-1.621271	-0.072899	0.078210	-0.960431	-0.062056	0.048700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148816.000000	126335.000000	100000.000000
-325.104340	-0.112742	-0.040316	-0.975256	0.007128	-0.033156	-0.001826	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000230	0.000099	1.538453	-0.585002	0.217019	8639.852539	-2481.592773	95302.664062	-0.101138	0.038882	-1.621271	-0.072899	0.078210	-0.960431	-0.062056	0.048700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148697.000000	126454.000000	100000.000000
-325.109344	-0.112742	-0.039584	-0.974523	0.005000	-0.038477	0.000303	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000230	0.000099	1.546234	-0.584720	0.217019	8730.694336	-2447.649170	94375.765625	-0.101606	0.038936	-1.621271	-0.072899	0.078210	-0.960431	-0.062056	0.048700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148754.000000	126397.000000	100000.000000
-325.114349	-0.112742	-0.039584	-0.973791	0.002872	-0.042734	0.001367	107576.000000	0.000000	0.000230	0.000099	1.553983	-0.584906	0.217019	8665.257812	-2490.100830	93912.312500	-0.102087	0.038979	-1.621271	-0.072899	0.078210	-0.960431	-0.062056	0.048700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148731.000000	126420.000000	100000.000000
-325.119354	-0.112254	-0.039340	-0.973303	0.000743	-0.048055	0.002431	107572.000000	0.000000	0.000230	0.000099	1.561631	-0.584652	0.217019	8830.836914	-2430.846191	93448.867188	-0.102575	0.039005	-1.621271	-0.072899	0.078210	-0.960431	-0.062056	0.048700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148833.000000	126310.000000	100000.000000
-325.124359	-0.111521	-0.038852	-0.973303	-0.001385	-0.053376	0.004559	107572.000000	0.000000	0.001849	0.001506	1.658063	-0.506454	0.217238	19061.052734	6509.054199	92617.257812	-0.103066	0.039010	-1.621355	-0.073116	0.078449	-0.959942	-0.063843	0.048537	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	150123.000000	125020.000000	103142.000000
-325.129364	-0.111033	-0.038607	-0.974035	-0.003514	-0.057633	0.005624	107572.000000	0.000000	0.001849	0.001506	1.600687	-0.561896	0.217238	1787.427002	-8430.747070	92153.812500	-0.103556	0.038998	-1.621355	-0.073116	0.078449	-0.959942	-0.063843	0.048537	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147790.000000	127353.000000	100000.000000
-325.134369	-0.110789	-0.038363	-0.973547	-0.005642	-0.061890	0.006688	107572.000000	0.000000	0.000614	0.000468	1.540555	-0.617985	0.216936	1227.521729	-8750.033203	91559.031250	-0.104054	0.038971	-1.621239	-0.073233	0.078557	-0.959812	-0.064308	0.048666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147549.000000	127594.000000	100000.000000
-325.139374	-0.110789	-0.037387	-0.972814	-0.008835	-0.066147	0.007752	107572.000000	0.000000	0.000614	0.000468	1.598104	-0.574132	0.216936	14451.400391	2572.569336	91095.585938	-0.104565	0.038909	-1.621239	-0.073233	0.078557	-0.959812	-0.064308	0.048666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149450.000000	125693.000000	100000.000000
-325.144379	-0.110301	-0.036410	-0.971838	-0.012028	-0.069340	0.008816	107644.000000	0.000000	0.000614	0.000468	1.605657	-0.571329	0.216936	8886.830078	-1913.390747	90632.132812	-0.105074	0.038813	-1.621239	-0.073233	0.078557	-0.959812	-0.064308	0.048666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148444.000000	126843.000000	100000.000000
-325.149384	-0.110057	-0.035678	-0.971838	-0.016285	-0.072532	0.009881	107644.000000	0.000000	0.000614	0.000468	1.613329	-0.567998	0.216936	8949.847656	-1703.294434	90168.687500	-0.105583	0.038682	-1.621239	-0.073233	0.078557	-0.959812	-0.064308	0.048666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148297.000000	126990.000000	100000.000000
-325.154388	-0.110057	-0.034701	-0.972082	-0.020541	-0.075725	0.009881	107644.000000	0.000000	0.000614	0.000468	1.621243	-0.563933	0.216936	9027.574219	-1584.375977	90168.687500	-0.106097	0.038513	-1.621239	-0.073233	0.078557	-0.959812	-0.064308	0.048666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148255.000000	127032.000000	100000.000000
-325.159393	-0.110301	-0.034457	-0.971838	-0.024798	-0.077854	0.009881	107644.000000	0.000000	0.000614	0.000468	1.629271	-0.560174	0.216936	8969.717773	-1581.239136	90168.687500	-0.106617	0.038322	-1.621239	-0.073233	0.078557	-0.959812	-0.064308	0.048666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148194.000000	127093.000000	100000.000000
-325.164398	-0.110301	-0.034457	-0.972570	-0.029055	-0.079982	0.010945	107648.000000	0.000000	0.000614	0.000468	1.636992	-0.556312	0.216936	8981.031250	-1532.656250	89705.234375	-0.107136	0.038113	-1.621239	-0.073233	0.078557	-0.959812	-0.064308	0.048666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148161.000000	127134.000000	100000.000000
-325.169403	-0.109812	-0.034213	-0.971594	-0.033312	-0.081046	0.010945	107648.000000	0.000000	0.000614	0.000468	1.644066	-0.552022	0.216936	8830.560547	-1446.116089	89705.234375	-0.107642	0.037883	-1.621239	-0.073233	0.078557	-0.959812	-0.064308	0.048666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147924.000000	127371.000000	100000.000000
-325.174408	-0.109568	-0.033725	-0.971105	-0.036505	-0.082110	0.013073	107648.000000	0.000000	0.001383	0.001143	1.693484	-0.510261	0.215965	13718.612305	2763.690186	88355.328125	-0.108139	0.037631	-1.620865	-0.073520	0.078806	-0.959375	-0.067433	0.048026	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148602.000000	126693.000000	100000.000000
-325.179413	-0.108836	-0.032992	-0.971350	-0.040762	-0.083175	0.014137	107648.000000	0.000000	0.001072	0.000891	1.652006	-0.545556	0.216021	3538.013428	-5734.876465	87916.171875	-0.108617	0.037347	-1.620887	-0.073485	0.078772	-0.959195	-0.068076	0.047365	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146920.000000	128375.000000	100000.000000
-325.184418	-0.108592	-0.032504	-0.971838	-0.043954	-0.084239	0.015202	107578.000000	0.000000	0.001147	0.000958	1.675121	-0.526429	0.216142	10751.727539	234.777267	87505.500000	-0.109084	0.037043	-1.620933	-0.073426	0.078716	-0.959018	-0.069024	0.047021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148094.000000	127061.000000	100000.000000
-325.189423	-0.107859	-0.032260	-0.972082	-0.047147	-0.085303	0.017330	107578.000000	0.000000	0.001147	0.000958	1.678109	-0.523670	0.216142	8557.295898	-1537.517090	86578.601562	-0.109533	0.036723	-1.620933	-0.073426	0.078716	-0.959018	-0.069024	0.047021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147672.000000	127483.000000	100000.000000
-325.194427	-0.107127	-0.031283	-0.972082	-0.049276	-0.086367	0.018394	107578.000000	0.000000	0.001147	0.000958	1.683820	-0.517519	0.216142	8887.960938	-1243.406494	86115.156250	-0.109962	0.036378	-1.620933	-0.073426	0.078716	-0.959018	-0.069024	0.047021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147709.000000	127446.000000	100000.000000
-325.199432	-0.106639	-0.030795	-0.972814	-0.050340	-0.087432	0.020523	107578.000000	0.000000	0.001147	0.000958	1.689466	-0.511805	0.216142	8911.745117	-1377.242554	85188.257812	-0.110377	0.036024	-1.620933	-0.073426	0.078716	-0.959018	-0.069024	0.047021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147866.000000	127289.000000	100000.000000
-325.204437	-0.105906	-0.029330	-0.974035	-0.050340	-0.090624	0.022651	107578.000000	0.000000	0.001147	0.000958	1.695156	-0.505131	0.216142	9191.443359	-1358.079712	84261.359375	-0.110783	0.035645	-1.620933	-0.073426	0.078716	-0.959018	-0.069024	0.047021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148127.000000	127028.000000	100000.000000
-325.209442	-0.104686	-0.027865	-0.974768	-0.049276	-0.092753	0.024780	107650.000000	0.000000	0.001147	0.000958	1.699938	-0.498420	0.216142	9006.456055	-1445.088501	83334.460938	-0.111165	0.035247	-1.620933	-0.073426	0.078716	-0.959018	-0.069024	0.047021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148101.000000	127198.000000	100000.000000
-325.214447	-0.103709	-0.026400	-0.975988	-0.047147	-0.097010	0.026908	107650.000000	0.000000	0.001147	0.000958	1.705184	-0.491727	0.216142	9334.881836	-1543.126831	82407.562500	-0.111538	0.034836	-1.620933	-0.073426	0.078716	-0.959018	-0.069024	0.047021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148528.000000	126771.000000	100000.000000
-325.219452	-0.102488	-0.024447	-0.977697	-0.043954	-0.101267	0.027972	107650.000000	0.000000	0.001216	0.001029	1.713808	-0.480741	0.213961	9765.770508	-1152.280518	80994.429688	-0.111896	0.034408	-1.620094	-0.073892	0.079090	-0.958459	-0.072303	0.045354	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148568.000000	126731.000000	100000.000000
-325.224457	-0.101512	-0.023227	-0.979650	-0.039697	-0.105523	0.030101	107650.000000	0.000000	0.000501	0.000413	1.676530	-0.511132	0.213263	4566.582520	-5978.377930	79763.570312	-0.112245	0.033982	-1.619826	-0.074046	0.079215	-0.958265	-0.073628	0.044638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148194.000000	127105.000000	100000.000000
-325.229462	-0.100779	-0.022250	-0.981359	-0.035441	-0.109780	0.032229	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000501	0.000413	1.710129	-0.480544	0.213263	12534.088867	847.793030	78836.671875	-0.112589	0.033564	-1.619826	-0.074046	0.079215	-0.958265	-0.073628	0.044638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149252.000000	125879.000000	100000.000000
-325.234467	-0.100535	-0.021029	-0.982824	-0.030119	-0.114037	0.034358	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000501	0.000413	1.715647	-0.474708	0.213263	9491.328125	-1988.473145	77909.773438	-0.112940	0.033154	-1.619826	-0.074046	0.079215	-0.958265	-0.073628	0.044638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149045.000000	126086.000000	100000.000000
-325.239471	-0.099803	-0.020785	-0.984045	-0.025863	-0.117230	0.037550	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000501	0.000413	1.720462	-0.469757	0.213263	9333.824219	-1965.574707	76519.429688	-0.113283	0.032765	-1.619826	-0.074046	0.079215	-0.958265	-0.073628	0.044638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148865.000000	126266.000000	100000.000000
-325.244476	-0.099070	-0.020785	-0.985021	-0.020541	-0.120423	0.040743	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000501	0.000413	1.725191	-0.465673	0.213263	9360.921875	-2183.650635	75129.085938	-0.113618	0.032409	-1.619826	-0.074046	0.079215	-0.958265	-0.073628	0.044638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149110.000000	126021.000000	100000.000000
-325.249481	-0.097605	-0.020297	-0.985510	-0.015220	-0.121487	0.045000	107566.000000	0.000000	0.000501	0.000413	1.728500	-0.461465	0.213263	8990.803711	-2175.142578	73275.289062	-0.113922	0.032073	-1.619826	-0.074046	0.079215	-0.958265	-0.073628	0.044638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148731.000000	126400.000000	100000.000000
-325.254486	-0.096629	-0.020053	-0.985510	-0.010963	-0.121487	0.050321	107578.000000	0.000000	0.000501	0.000413	1.731689	-0.457506	0.213263	8875.258789	-2086.816895	70958.039062	-0.114201	0.031756	-1.619826	-0.074046	0.079215	-0.958265	-0.073628	0.044638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148540.000000	126615.000000	100000.000000
-325.259491	-0.095896	-0.019564	-0.986486	-0.006706	-0.120423	0.055642	107578.000000	0.000000	0.000506	0.000409	1.734657	-0.453731	0.212619	8742.701172	-2109.279541	68360.320312	-0.114453	0.031454	-1.619578	-0.074199	0.079341	-0.958057	-0.074809	0.044173	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148429.000000	126726.000000	100000.000000
-325.264496	-0.095652	-0.019320	-0.987219	-0.003514	-0.117230	0.060963	107578.000000	0.000000	0.000572	0.000459	1.740485	-0.447039	0.208449	8835.209961	-1655.499756	64226.992188	-0.114679	0.031165	-1.617974	-0.075306	0.080280	-0.957502	-0.078683	0.044155	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148068.000000	127087.000000	100000.000000
-325.269501	-0.096141	-0.019809	-0.987951	-0.000321	-0.114037	0.067349	107578.000000	0.000000	0.000572	0.000459	1.740610	-0.446193	0.208449	8194.086914	-2309.057617	61446.296875	-0.114895	0.030903	-1.617974	-0.075306	0.080280	-0.957502	-0.078683	0.044155	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148081.000000	127074.000000	100000.000000
-325.274506	-0.097605	-0.019809	-0.988195	0.002872	-0.109780	0.073734	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000572	0.000459	1.744092	-0.443199	0.208449	8442.551758	-2073.708496	58665.605469	-0.115114	0.030658	-1.617974	-0.075306	0.080280	-0.957502	-0.078683	0.044155	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148162.000000	127129.000000	100000.000000
-325.279510	-0.099070	-0.020785	-0.988195	0.005000	-0.104459	0.079055	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000572	0.000459	1.747364	-0.441271	0.208449	8293.130859	-2074.877197	56348.359375	-0.115334	0.030445	-1.617974	-0.075306	0.080280	-0.957502	-0.078683	0.044155	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148014.000000	127277.000000	100000.000000
-325.284515	-0.100779	-0.021518	-0.988439	0.008193	-0.099138	0.084376	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000572	0.000459	1.750869	-0.439792	0.208449	8310.229492	-2249.197266	54031.117188	-0.115557	0.030263	-1.617974	-0.075306	0.080280	-0.957502	-0.078683	0.044155	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148205.000000	127086.000000	100000.000000
-325.289520	-0.102977	-0.022006	-0.988439	0.010321	-0.093817	0.089697	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000572	0.000459	1.754995	-0.438195	0.208449	8373.087891	-2121.700439	51713.871094	-0.115794	0.030102	-1.617974	-0.075306	0.080280	-0.957502	-0.078683	0.044155	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148140.000000	127151.000000	100000.000000
-325.294525	-0.105418	-0.023471	-0.988928	0.014578	-0.087432	0.093954	107646.000000	0.000000	0.000572	0.000459	1.759230	-0.438556	0.208449	8258.174805	-2592.278809	49860.078125	-0.116044	0.029991	-1.617974	-0.075306	0.080280	-0.957502	-0.078683	0.044155	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148496.000000	126795.000000	100000.000000
-325.299530	-0.108348	-0.024936	-0.988928	0.017771	-0.082110	0.098211	107646.000000	0.000000	-0.000618	-0.000563	1.699038	-0.495550	0.200106	988.296082	-8980.493164	44373.035156	-0.116322	0.029925	-1.614765	-0.077575	0.082217	-0.956939	-0.080316	0.045079	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147614.000000	127677.000000	100000.000000
-325.304535	-0.111277	-0.026889	-0.990148	0.020963	-0.076789	0.101404	107646.000000	0.000000	-0.002030	-0.001766	1.674540	-0.522753	0.196492	4777.323730	-5843.223633	41409.023438	-0.116624	0.029912	-1.613376	-0.078553	0.083051	-0.956788	-0.080965	0.045547	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148266.000000	127025.000000	100000.000000
-325.309540	-0.113719	-0.029086	-0.990881	0.026285	-0.072532	0.105661	107646.000000	0.000000	-0.002030	-0.001766	1.736652	-0.478156	0.196492	14683.808594	1998.121338	39555.226562	-0.116947	0.029966	-1.613376	-0.078553	0.083051	-0.956788	-0.080965	0.045547	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	150331.000000	124960.000000	100000.000000
-325.314545	-0.116160	-0.030795	-0.992102	0.031606	-0.068276	0.108854	107646.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001829	1.737460	-0.485505	0.192678	7927.132812	-3771.831299	36503.882812	-0.117288	0.030077	-1.611909	-0.079558	0.083902	-0.956630	-0.081381	0.045793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149344.000000	125947.000000	100000.000000
-325.319550	-0.119090	-0.032992	-0.992834	0.035863	-0.064019	0.112046	107571.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001829	1.747872	-0.487948	0.192678	9011.421875	-3146.207520	35113.539062	-0.117659	0.030247	-1.611909	-0.079558	0.083902	-0.956630	-0.081381	0.045793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149728.000000	125413.000000	100000.000000
-325.324554	-0.121043	-0.034945	-0.992834	0.041184	-0.059762	0.115239	107571.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001829	1.754031	-0.493769	0.192678	8552.646484	-3685.986572	33723.191406	-0.118040	0.030477	-1.611909	-0.079558	0.083902	-0.956630	-0.081381	0.045793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149809.000000	125332.000000	100000.000000
-325.329559	-0.123240	-0.037143	-0.992346	0.046505	-0.054441	0.118432	107571.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001829	1.760386	-0.500700	0.192678	8461.909180	-3864.277588	32332.843750	-0.118434	0.030770	-1.611909	-0.079558	0.083902	-0.956630	-0.081381	0.045793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149897.000000	125244.000000	100000.000000
-325.334564	-0.125193	-0.038607	-0.992590	0.050762	-0.049119	0.121624	107571.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001829	1.766540	-0.507390	0.192678	8443.642578	-3771.181641	30942.496094	-0.118831	0.031105	-1.611909	-0.079558	0.083902	-0.956630	-0.081381	0.045793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149785.000000	125356.000000	100000.000000
-325.339569	-0.127391	-0.039340	-0.992834	0.053954	-0.042734	0.123753	107643.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001829	1.772734	-0.513599	0.192678	8330.060547	-3644.473633	30015.597656	-0.119233	0.031461	-1.611909	-0.079558	0.083902	-0.956630	-0.081381	0.045793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149617.000000	125668.000000	100000.000000
-325.344574	-0.129344	-0.040316	-0.991857	0.057147	-0.036349	0.125881	107643.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001829	1.778890	-0.520429	0.192678	8324.903320	-3759.168213	29088.699219	-0.119637	0.031845	-1.611909	-0.079558	0.083902	-0.956630	-0.081381	0.045793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148815.000000	124647.000000	100000.000000
-325.349579	-0.131053	-0.040805	-0.991857	0.060340	-0.028899	0.128010	107643.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001829	1.784389	-0.527053	0.192678	8126.674316	-3781.416504	28161.800781	-0.120031	0.032244	-1.611909	-0.079558	0.083902	-0.956630	-0.081381	0.045793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147712.000000	123896.000000	100000.000000
-325.354584	-0.132518	-0.040561	-0.991857	0.063532	-0.021450	0.128010	107643.000000	0.000000	-0.002239	-0.001926	1.783068	-0.538511	0.183907	7336.306152	-4380.316406	24342.158203	-0.120410	0.032646	-1.608535	-0.081870	0.085862	-0.956395	-0.082716	0.046609	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	143701.000000	120268.000000	100000.000000
-325.359589	-0.133738	-0.040072	-0.992102	0.065661	-0.015064	0.129074	107643.000000	0.000000	-0.001373	-0.001150	1.840161	-0.497531	0.176821	14109.737305	1681.287842	20792.787109	-0.120774	0.033038	-1.605810	-0.083590	0.087292	-0.956199	-0.083979	0.046757	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	140864.000000	116007.000000	102641.000000
-325.364594	-0.134715	-0.039828	-0.992590	0.067789	-0.007615	0.128010	107574.000000	0.000000	-0.001394	-0.001139	1.808485	-0.533666	0.173523	4051.936523	-6973.980469	19819.972656	-0.121113	0.033429	-1.604541	-0.084330	0.087895	-0.956147	-0.083724	0.047083	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	138419.000000	116368.000000	100000.000000
-325.369598	-0.135691	-0.039584	-0.991857	0.069918	-0.000165	0.125881	107574.000000	0.000000	-0.001394	-0.001139	1.813169	-0.539931	0.173523	8037.171387	-3728.182617	20746.871094	-0.121429	0.033818	-1.604541	-0.084330	0.087895	-0.956147	-0.083724	0.047083	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	140086.000000	116555.000000	100000.000000
-325.374603	-0.135936	-0.039828	-0.992102	0.070982	0.006220	0.124817	107574.000000	0.000000	-0.001394	-0.001139	1.816076	-0.545904	0.173523	7942.928223	-3611.535400	21210.320312	-0.121712	0.034210	-1.604541	-0.084330	0.087895	-0.956147	-0.083724	0.047083	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	140338.000000	117229.000000	100000.000000
-325.379608	-0.135691	-0.039584	-0.991125	0.072046	0.012606	0.121624	107574.000000	0.000000	-0.001394	-0.001139	1.818153	-0.551503	0.173523	7831.805176	-3600.913086	22600.667969	-0.121955	0.034597	-1.604541	-0.084330	0.087895	-0.956147	-0.083724	0.047083	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	141607.000000	118741.000000	100000.000000
-325.384613	-0.134959	-0.039584	-0.990148	0.073110	0.020055	0.120560	107636.000000	0.000000	-0.001394	-0.001139	1.818881	-0.557231	0.173523	7535.520020	-3646.439209	23064.117188	-0.122145	0.034982	-1.604541	-0.084330	0.087895	-0.956147	-0.083724	0.047083	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	141882.000000	119518.000000	100000.000000
-325.389618	-0.133738	-0.039828	-0.989416	0.074175	0.026441	0.118432	107636.000000	0.000000	-0.001394	-0.001139	1.818575	-0.563239	0.173523	7508.050781	-3709.802490	23991.015625	-0.122278	0.035372	-1.604541	-0.084330	0.087895	-0.956147	-0.083724	0.047083	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	142844.000000	120409.000000	100000.000000
-325.394623	-0.132029	-0.039828	-0.989172	0.075239	0.032826	0.117367	107636.000000	0.000000	-0.001394	-0.001139	1.816874	-0.568985	0.173523	7317.489258	-3712.232178	24454.464844	-0.122344	0.035760	-1.604541	-0.084330	0.087895	-0.956147	-0.083724	0.047083	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	143120.000000	121060.000000	100000.000000
-325.399628	-0.130320	-0.039584	-0.988439	0.076303	0.039211	0.117367	107636.000000	0.000000	-0.000778	-0.000587	1.848212	-0.544080	0.162693	11065.069336	-232.348145	19738.322266	-0.122345	0.036141	-1.600376	-0.086651	0.089765	-0.956077	-0.082739	0.048940	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	138671.000000	116076.000000	100000.000000
-325.404633	-0.127879	-0.039584	-0.987219	0.078432	0.045597	0.116303	107644.000000	0.000000	-0.000778	-0.000587	1.819370	-0.572110	0.162693	4285.952637	-6308.556152	20201.771484	-0.122270	0.036526	-1.600376	-0.086651	0.089765	-0.956077	-0.082739	0.048940	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	138440.000000	117251.000000	100000.000000
-325.409637	-0.125193	-0.039096	-0.986486	0.079496	0.051982	0.117367	107644.000000	0.000000	-0.000778	-0.000587	1.813789	-0.577222	0.162693	6788.479980	-3699.998047	19738.322266	-0.122114	0.036900	-1.600376	-0.086651	0.089765	-0.956077	-0.082739	0.048940	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	137870.000000	116893.000000	100000.000000
-325.414642	-0.122264	-0.038363	-0.985754	0.082688	0.057303	0.118432	107644.000000	0.000000	-0.000778	-0.000587	1.807096	-0.582472	0.162693	6728.070801	-3988.034668	19274.873047	-0.121878	0.037266	-1.600376	-0.086651	0.089765	-0.956077	-0.082739	0.048940	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	137634.000000	116202.000000	100000.000000
-325.419647	-0.119578	-0.037631	-0.985021	0.085881	0.061560	0.119496	107644.000000	0.000000	-0.000778	-0.000587	1.799852	-0.587634	0.162693	6731.494141	-4016.841797	18811.423828	-0.121575	0.037627	-1.600376	-0.086651	0.089765	-0.956077	-0.082739	0.048940	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	137203.000000	115707.000000	100000.000000
-325.424652	-0.117381	-0.037631	-0.984533	0.089074	0.065817	0.121624	107644.000000	0.000000	-0.000778	-0.000587	1.792176	-0.593474	0.162693	6629.123535	-4132.917969	17884.525391	-0.121215	0.037996	-1.600376	-0.086651	0.089765	-0.956077	-0.082739	0.048940	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	136290.000000	114766.000000	100000.000000
-325.429657	-0.115672	-0.037387	-0.983068	0.092266	0.070074	0.123753	107589.000000	0.000000	-0.000778	-0.000587	1.784370	-0.599192	0.162693	6559.408203	-4160.525879	16957.626953	-0.120812	0.038368	-1.600376	-0.086651	0.089765	-0.956077	-0.082739	0.048940	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	135266.000000	113826.000000	100000.000000
-325.434662	-0.113719	-0.037387	-0.982336	0.096523	0.073266	0.125881	107589.000000	0.000000	-0.000843	-0.000621	1.772284	-0.607385	0.159780	6135.487793	-4606.914062	14762.103516	-0.120364	0.038753	-1.599255	-0.087193	0.090184	-0.956050	-0.082010	0.049741	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	133093.000000	111608.000000	100000.000000
-325.439667	-0.112010	-0.037387	-0.981604	0.099716	0.076459	0.128010	107589.000000	0.000000	-0.000893	-0.000649	1.763273	-0.613697	0.147799	6417.482910	-4326.815918	8617.766602	-0.119877	0.039145	-1.594647	-0.089593	0.092087	-0.956067	-0.079152	0.051838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	126951.000000	105462.000000	101061.000000
-325.444672	-0.110545	-0.037631	-0.980627	0.103973	0.079652	0.130138	107589.000000	0.000000	-0.000893	-0.000649	1.756201	-0.619476	0.147799	6583.494141	-4431.371094	7690.868164	-0.119357	0.039556	-1.594647	-0.089593	0.092087	-0.956067	-0.079152	0.051838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	126294.000000	104265.000000	102050.000000
-325.449677	-0.109568	-0.037631	-0.979650	0.107166	0.082845	0.132267	107569.000000	0.000000	-0.000893	-0.000649	1.747201	-0.626033	0.147799	6315.349121	-4444.685547	6763.969727	-0.118816	0.039973	-1.594647	-0.089593	0.092087	-0.956067	-0.079152	0.051838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	125093.000000	103572.000000	102675.000000
-325.454681	-0.107615	-0.038363	-0.979162	0.110358	0.084973	0.134395	107569.000000	0.000000	-0.000893	-0.000649	1.737033	-0.633494	0.147799	6247.441895	-4593.146484	5837.071777	-0.118238	0.040413	-1.594647	-0.089593	0.092087	-0.956067	-0.079152	0.051838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100077.000000	124246.000000	102565.000000	103386.000000
-325.459686	-0.105906	-0.038852	-0.978430	0.112487	0.088166	0.136523	107569.000000	0.000000	-0.000893	-0.000649	1.726361	-0.640709	0.147799	6011.193848	-4492.061035	4910.173340	-0.117623	0.040864	-1.594647	-0.089593	0.092087	-0.956067	-0.079152	0.051838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101139.000000	122982.000000	101975.000000	104177.000000
-325.464691	-0.104686	-0.039584	-0.977941	0.115679	0.091358	0.137588	107569.000000	0.000000	-0.000893	-0.000649	1.715683	-0.648664	0.147799	5946.770996	-4741.805664	4446.724121	-0.116982	0.041336	-1.594647	-0.089593	0.092087	-0.956067	-0.079152	0.051838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101917.000000	122704.000000	101327.000000	104327.000000
-325.469696	-0.102732	-0.039828	-0.976965	0.116744	0.094551	0.138652	107569.000000	0.000000	-0.000102	0.000026	1.747382	-0.618753	0.145716	10738.092773	-210.813644	3076.111572	-0.116301	0.041810	-1.593846	-0.089876	0.092281	-0.956064	-0.077661	0.052183	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	121594.000000	100000.000000	115020.000000
-325.474701	-0.100535	-0.039828	-0.975988	0.118872	0.096679	0.139716	107639.000000	0.000000	-0.001341	-0.001036	1.635284	-0.711268	0.132219	-5482.337402	-14225.205078	-3264.794678	-0.115581	0.042286	-1.588655	-0.092684	0.094539	-0.956071	-0.074856	0.055300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130611.000000	113117.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000
-325.479706	-0.098582	-0.039828	-0.975500	0.119936	0.099872	0.139716	107639.000000	0.000000	-0.001341	-0.001036	1.671857	-0.675791	0.132219	10901.434570	123.582993	-3264.794678	-0.114822	0.042758	-1.588655	-0.092684	0.094539	-0.956071	-0.074856	0.055300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	115152.000000	100000.000000	121928.000000
-325.484711	-0.096385	-0.040561	-0.974768	0.122065	0.103065	0.139716	107639.000000	0.000000	-0.001341	-0.001036	1.658090	-0.683818	0.132219	5288.302246	-4823.786133	-3264.794678	-0.114019	0.043248	-1.588655	-0.092684	0.094539	-0.956071	-0.074856	0.055300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110439.000000	114486.000000	100000.000000	111368.000000
-325.489716	-0.094676	-0.041293	-0.975012	0.123129	0.105193	0.140780	107639.000000	0.000000	-0.001341	-0.001036	1.644456	-0.691721	0.132219	5347.514160	-4734.259277	-3728.243896	-0.113188	0.043747	-1.588655	-0.092684	0.094539	-0.956071	-0.074856	0.055300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110753.000000	113992.000000	100000.000000	111980.000000
-325.494720	-0.092479	-0.041781	-0.975256	0.124193	0.107322	0.140780	107645.000000	0.000000	-0.001341	-0.001036	1.629864	-0.699528	0.132219	5165.082031	-4764.527832	-3728.243896	-0.112318	0.044253	-1.588655	-0.092684	0.094539	-0.956071	-0.074856	0.055300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110972.000000	113846.000000	100000.000000	111773.000000
-325.499725	-0.090525	-0.042758	-0.975012	0.125257	0.108386	0.141845	107645.000000	0.000000	-0.001341	-0.001036	1.615355	-0.707953	0.132219	5219.776855	-4876.219238	-4191.692871	-0.111421	0.044773	-1.588655	-0.092684	0.094539	-0.956071	-0.074856	0.055300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111493.000000	113549.000000	100000.000000	112180.000000
-325.504730	-0.089305	-0.043002	-0.974523	0.126322	0.109450	0.141845	107645.000000	0.000000	-0.001341	-0.001036	1.601312	-0.715814	0.132219	5201.424805	-4855.200195	-4191.692871	-0.110514	0.045295	-1.588655	-0.092684	0.094539	-0.956071	-0.074856	0.055300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111490.000000	113509.000000	100000.000000	112182.000000
-325.509735	-0.087840	-0.043246	-0.974523	0.127386	0.110514	0.142909	107645.000000	0.000000	-0.001341	-0.001036	1.586806	-0.723632	0.132219	5078.505371	-4891.504883	-4655.142090	-0.109590	0.045816	-1.588655	-0.092684	0.094539	-0.956071	-0.074856	0.055300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112113.000000	112959.000000	100000.000000	112487.000000
-325.514740	-0.086863	-0.044223	-0.974035	0.128450	0.110514	0.143973	107577.000000	0.000000	-0.001516	-0.001184	1.563353	-0.740480	0.123750	4104.335938	-5966.713867	-8806.499023	-0.108667	0.046353	-1.585398	-0.094403	0.095915	-0.956041	-0.072253	0.057532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118245.000000	108841.000000	100000.000000	114521.000000
-325.519745	-0.086375	-0.045688	-0.974035	0.128450	0.110514	0.145037	107577.000000	0.000000	-0.001522	-0.001198	1.556648	-0.744404	0.115426	5914.940430	-4446.553223	-12895.092773	-0.107752	0.046909	-1.582196	-0.096110	0.097287	-0.955973	-0.069543	0.059528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119003.000000	105043.000000	100000.000000	121940.000000
-325.524750	-0.085887	-0.046908	-0.974768	0.129514	0.109450	0.146101	107577.000000	0.000000	-0.001522	-0.001198	1.543875	-0.753206	0.115426	5310.841797	-5145.416992	-13358.541992	-0.106851	0.047484	-1.582196	-0.096110	0.097287	-0.955973	-0.069543	0.059528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120770.000000	104674.000000	100000.000000	121100.000000
-325.529755	-0.085398	-0.048373	-0.974768	0.130579	0.107322	0.147166	107577.000000	0.000000	-0.001522	-0.001198	1.531397	-0.763132	0.115426	5412.837402	-5319.507324	-13821.991211	-0.105968	0.048082	-1.582196	-0.096110	0.097287	-0.955973	-0.069543	0.059528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121305.000000	104487.000000	100000.000000	121492.000000
-325.534760	-0.085643	-0.049105	-0.975500	0.131643	0.104129	0.147166	107577.000000	0.000000	-0.001522	-0.001198	1.520210	-0.772555	0.115426	5634.864258	-5312.387207	-13821.991211	-0.105123	0.048689	-1.582196	-0.096110	0.097287	-0.955973	-0.069543	0.059528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121076.000000	104702.000000	100000.000000	121721.000000
-325.539764	-0.085398	-0.049594	-0.975744	0.132707	0.099872	0.147166	107570.000000	0.000000	-0.001522	-0.001198	1.509329	-0.781844	0.115426	5755.046387	-5345.609863	-13821.991211	-0.104310	0.049299	-1.582196	-0.096110	0.097287	-0.955973	-0.069543	0.059528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120982.000000	104848.000000	100000.000000	121801.000000
-325.544769	-0.086131	-0.050570	-0.976965	0.134836	0.094551	0.147166	107570.000000	0.000000	-0.001522	-0.001198	1.500186	-0.791955	0.115426	6045.568848	-5609.243164	-13821.991211	-0.103553	0.049926	-1.582196	-0.096110	0.097287	-0.955973	-0.069543	0.059528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120955.000000	105402.000000	100000.000000	121828.000000
-325.549774	-0.087107	-0.052279	-0.977697	0.136964	0.088166	0.147166	107570.000000	0.000000	-0.003490	-0.002893	1.384206	-0.896342	0.109437	-6088.749023	-16465.265625	-16430.101562	-0.102861	0.050586	-1.579893	-0.097486	0.098424	-0.955932	-0.067772	0.060667	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146554.000000	101516.000000	100000.000000	101446.000000
-325.554779	-0.088572	-0.054477	-0.978430	0.140157	0.080716	0.146101	107570.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001748	1.532046	-0.778108	0.094357	23751.082031	8425.500000	-22533.701172	-0.102248	0.051293	-1.574093	-0.100961	0.101301	-0.955709	-0.065129	0.064039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	100361.000000	100000.000000	162280.000000
-325.559784	-0.091502	-0.056674	-0.979895	0.142285	0.072202	0.146101	107568.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001748	1.474246	-0.836681	0.094357	1030.136353	-11177.702148	-22533.701172	-0.101745	0.052040	-1.574093	-0.100961	0.101301	-0.955709	-0.065129	0.064039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140249.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	119954.000000
-325.564789	-0.094187	-0.058871	-0.982580	0.145478	0.062624	0.145037	107568.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001748	1.472537	-0.850237	0.094357	7350.834473	-6421.916992	-22070.251953	-0.101348	0.052830	-1.574093	-0.100961	0.101301	-0.955709	-0.065129	0.064039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128709.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	130567.000000
-325.569794	-0.097117	-0.061313	-0.985510	0.147606	0.050918	0.145037	107568.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001748	1.473114	-0.864308	0.094357	7892.786133	-6436.087402	-22070.251953	-0.101070	0.053660	-1.574093	-0.100961	0.101301	-0.955709	-0.065129	0.064039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128181.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	131094.000000
-325.574799	-0.099559	-0.063266	-0.987951	0.149735	0.040276	0.143973	107568.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001748	1.474543	-0.878448	0.094357	7924.841309	-6518.400879	-21606.802734	-0.100894	0.054521	-1.574093	-0.100961	0.101301	-0.955709	-0.065129	0.064039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127768.000000	100404.000000	100000.000000	130581.000000
-325.579803	-0.102488	-0.065219	-0.989660	0.151863	0.028569	0.142909	107568.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001748	1.478276	-0.893049	0.094357	8366.388672	-6646.163574	-21143.353516	-0.100834	0.055412	-1.574093	-0.100961	0.101301	-0.955709	-0.065129	0.064039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126991.000000	101437.000000	100000.000000	130431.000000
-325.584808	-0.105906	-0.067172	-0.990637	0.151863	0.017927	0.141845	107572.000000	0.000000	-0.002122	-0.001748	1.483942	-0.907540	0.094357	8536.791016	-6466.549316	-20679.904297	-0.100893	0.056324	-1.574093	-0.100961	0.101301	-0.955709	-0.065129	0.064039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126181.000000	101895.000000	100000.000000	130322.000000
-325.589813	-0.109812	-0.069369	-0.992102	0.150799	0.007285	0.140780	107572.000000	0.000000	-0.001226	-0.000997	1.540982	-0.880935	0.091520	14497.114258	-1703.596069	-21451.742188	-0.101078	0.057255	-1.573002	-0.101562	0.101789	-0.955649	-0.064433	0.065249	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116230.000000	102320.000000	100000.000000	141817.000000
-325.594818	-0.113230	-0.071566	-0.994055	0.147606	-0.002294	0.138652	107572.000000	0.000000	-0.002422	-0.002024	1.448066	-0.981833	0.082127	-2491.908691	-15938.737305	-24615.521484	-0.101369	0.058192	-1.569389	-0.103796	0.103651	-0.955502	-0.063358	0.068730	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150618.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	113756.000000
-325.599823	-0.116893	-0.073520	-0.995764	0.142285	-0.010807	0.137588	107572.000000	0.000000	-0.001830	-0.001524	1.538491	-0.926879	0.078705	18005.744141	1709.406860	-25642.056641	-0.101765	0.059122	-1.568073	-0.104583	0.104303	-0.955474	-0.063589	0.070355	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113498.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	152929.000000
-325.604828	-0.120066	-0.075229	-0.997473	0.135900	-0.017193	0.135459	107570.000000	0.000000	-0.001830	-0.001524	1.525263	-0.959805	0.078705	6342.919434	-7958.459961	-24715.158203	-0.102242	0.060033	-1.568073	-0.104583	0.104303	-0.955474	-0.063589	0.070355	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133900.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	130669.000000
-325.609833	-0.123240	-0.076205	-0.998449	0.127386	-0.022514	0.133331	107570.000000	0.000000	-0.001830	-0.001524	1.536626	-0.971180	0.078705	9006.500000	-5368.026855	-23788.259766	-0.102796	0.060903	-1.568073	-0.104583	0.104303	-0.955474	-0.063589	0.070355	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127719.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	134996.000000
-325.614838	-0.126658	-0.077182	-0.998449	0.116744	-0.025706	0.131202	107570.000000	0.000000	-0.001830	-0.001524	1.548862	-0.981471	0.078705	8939.589844	-5013.152344	-22861.361328	-0.103421	0.061722	-1.568073	-0.104583	0.104303	-0.955474	-0.063589	0.070355	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126504.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	134357.000000
-325.619843	-0.128611	-0.078158	-0.998693	0.102909	-0.026771	0.129074	107570.000000	0.000000	-0.001830	-0.001524	1.559899	-0.990193	0.078705	8629.242188	-4466.060059	-21934.462891	-0.104076	0.062477	-1.568073	-0.104583	0.104303	-0.955474	-0.063589	0.070355	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125341.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	133667.000000
-325.624847	-0.130809	-0.078891	-0.998693	0.088010	-0.026771	0.126945	107635.000000	0.000000	-0.001449	-0.001183	1.592306	-0.978705	0.075625	11011.048828	-2005.480469	-22349.076172	-0.104761	0.063158	-1.566888	-0.105241	0.104839	-0.955453	-0.063797	0.071779	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120978.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	138989.000000
-325.629852	-0.132273	-0.079135	-0.999182	0.072046	-0.025706	0.124817	107635.000000	0.000000	-0.001682	-0.001366	1.574979	-1.007808	0.067688	5340.935059	-6412.111816	-24878.333984	-0.105455	0.063752	-1.563836	-0.106952	0.106237	-0.955493	-0.064777	0.073723	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133584.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	131442.000000
-325.634857	-0.133006	-0.079135	-0.998693	0.053954	-0.022514	0.121624	107635.000000	0.000000	-0.000555	-0.000387	1.655885	-0.950176	0.065449	16265.752930	3707.340332	-24463.177734	-0.106134	0.064247	-1.562974	-0.107301	0.106499	-0.955590	-0.065754	0.073945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112125.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	152071.000000
-325.639862	-0.133250	-0.078646	-0.998205	0.036927	-0.018257	0.119496	107635.000000	0.000000	-0.000555	-0.000387	1.619428	-0.991128	0.065449	3056.531006	-7359.767090	-23536.279297	-0.106784	0.064640	-1.562974	-0.107301	0.106499	-0.955590	-0.065754	0.073945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135474.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	126868.000000
-325.644867	-0.132762	-0.078402	-0.997717	0.017771	-0.014000	0.117367	107635.000000	0.000000	-0.000391	-0.000225	1.635884	-0.982341	0.063221	8930.862305	-1527.947388	-23579.441406	-0.107392	0.064928	-1.562118	-0.107594	0.106707	-0.955695	-0.065878	0.073689	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123811.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	138617.000000
-325.649872	-0.131297	-0.078402	-0.996496	0.000743	-0.008679	0.116303	107570.000000	0.000000	-0.000391	-0.000225	1.634906	-0.988350	0.063221	6867.832520	-3338.302246	-23115.992188	-0.107935	0.065129	-1.562118	-0.107594	0.106707	-0.955695	-0.065878	0.073689	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127156.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	134215.000000
-325.654877	-0.129588	-0.077914	-0.995520	-0.016285	-0.005486	0.115239	107570.000000	0.000000	-0.000391	-0.000225	1.639886	-0.986131	0.063221	7765.271484	-2345.041992	-22652.542969	-0.108421	0.065235	-1.562118	-0.107594	0.106707	-0.955695	-0.065878	0.073689	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124802.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	135642.000000
-325.659882	-0.128123	-0.076693	-0.995031	-0.033312	-0.002294	0.116303	107570.000000	0.000000	-0.000391	-0.000225	1.644298	-0.981687	0.063221	7708.378906	-2001.536743	-23115.992188	-0.108855	0.065231	-1.562118	-0.107594	0.106707	-0.955695	-0.065878	0.073689	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124979.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	136392.000000
-325.664886	-0.126170	-0.075229	-0.994543	-0.048211	-0.000165	0.117367	107570.000000	0.000000	-0.000391	-0.000225	1.647736	-0.976031	0.063221	7724.387207	-2007.844238	-23579.441406	-0.109233	0.065125	-1.562118	-0.107594	0.106707	-0.955695	-0.065878	0.073689	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125432.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	136865.000000
-325.669891	-0.123729	-0.073031	-0.993322	-0.060982	0.000899	0.118432	107569.000000	0.000000	-0.000391	-0.000225	1.650254	-0.968798	0.063221	7746.797363	-1976.423828	-24042.890625	-0.109553	0.064917	-1.562118	-0.107594	0.106707	-0.955695	-0.065878	0.073689	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125841.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	137382.000000
-325.674896	-0.121043	-0.069857	-0.991613	-0.072688	-0.000165	0.119496	107569.000000	0.000000	-0.000391	-0.000225	1.652345	-0.959394	0.063221	7948.577637	-1757.121460	-24506.339844	-0.109824	0.064594	-1.562118	-0.107594	0.106707	-0.955695	-0.065878	0.073689	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125883.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	138266.000000
-325.679901	-0.118357	-0.066439	-0.990637	-0.083331	-0.003358	0.121624	107569.000000	0.000000	-0.000391	-0.000225	1.654227	-0.948325	0.063221	8182.982910	-1591.188477	-25433.238281	-0.110056	0.064158	-1.562118	-0.107594	0.106707	-0.955695	-0.065878	0.073689	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126410.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	139594.000000
-325.684906	-0.115184	-0.063266	-0.989660	-0.090780	-0.006550	0.122688	107569.000000	0.000000	0.000218	0.000323	1.688473	-0.906679	0.058772	11913.691406	1645.187256	-27834.246094	-0.110238	0.063632	-1.560406	-0.108029	0.106973	-0.955988	-0.065996	0.071430	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121844.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	148962.000000
-325.689911	-0.112742	-0.060092	-0.988195	-0.097166	-0.011872	0.124817	107569.000000	0.000000	-0.000579	-0.000338	1.621830	-0.952515	0.052006	771.037476	-8273.287109	-31707.501953	-0.110398	0.063023	-1.557804	-0.108985	0.107673	-0.956317	-0.066442	0.067549	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145071.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	130066.000000
-325.694916	-0.110789	-0.057895	-0.986975	-0.102487	-0.018257	0.125881	107573.000000	0.000000	-0.000902	-0.000624	1.637888	-0.929517	0.048796	10086.072266	-690.505676	-33568.882812	-0.110550	0.062357	-1.556569	-0.109440	0.108007	-0.956471	-0.067039	0.065877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128177.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	146968.000000
-325.699921	-0.110057	-0.055209	-0.986730	-0.104615	-0.026771	0.125881	107573.000000	0.000000	-0.000902	-0.000624	1.654432	-0.905328	0.048796	10488.775391	-789.489868	-33568.882812	-0.110727	0.061641	-1.556569	-0.109440	0.108007	-0.956471	-0.067039	0.065877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127873.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	147272.000000
-325.704926	-0.109568	-0.052768	-0.987219	-0.105679	-0.037413	0.125881	107573.000000	0.000000	-0.000902	-0.000624	1.659145	-0.892374	0.048796	9492.882812	-2077.143555	-33568.882812	-0.110941	0.060884	-1.556569	-0.109440	0.108007	-0.956471	-0.067039	0.065877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130157.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	144988.000000
-325.709930	-0.108836	-0.051303	-0.987951	-0.104615	-0.049119	0.124817	107573.000000	0.000000	-0.000902	-0.000624	1.664343	-0.880537	0.048796	9740.999023	-2384.407471	-33105.433594	-0.111191	0.060119	-1.556569	-0.109440	0.108007	-0.956471	-0.067039	0.065877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130216.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	144929.000000
-325.714935	-0.109324	-0.049350	-0.988684	-0.101423	-0.061890	0.123753	121110.000000	0.000000	-0.000902	-0.000624	1.671673	-0.868605	0.048796	10185.121094	-2567.967773	-32641.984375	-0.111506	0.059345	-1.556569	-0.109440	0.108007	-0.956471	-0.067039	0.065877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143492.000000	103863.000000	100000.000000	158727.000000
-325.719940	-0.109324	-0.048129	-0.988684	-0.098230	-0.075725	0.122688	121110.000000	0.000000	-0.000902	-0.000624	1.679744	-0.857411	0.048796	10483.814453	-2612.465820	-32178.535156	-0.111882	0.058579	-1.556569	-0.109440	0.108007	-0.956471	-0.067039	0.065877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143238.000000	104206.000000	100000.000000	158981.000000
-325.724945	-0.109568	-0.046908	-0.988928	-0.095037	-0.089560	0.120560	121110.000000	0.000000	-0.000902	-0.000624	1.688882	-0.846335	0.048796	10706.800781	-2589.117920	-31251.636719	-0.112322	0.057820	-1.556569	-0.109440	0.108007	-0.956471	-0.067039	0.065877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142992.000000	104405.000000	100000.000000	159227.000000
-325.729950	-0.109812	-0.046420	-0.988684	-0.090780	-0.102331	0.118432	121110.000000	0.000000	-0.001195	-0.000869	1.682540	-0.849967	0.040558	8917.421875	-4359.821289	-33912.496094	-0.112819	0.057090	-1.553401	-0.110790	0.109047	-0.956839	-0.068522	0.063009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146552.000000	104387.000000	100000.000000	155667.000000
-325.734955	-0.110789	-0.045932	-0.987219	-0.086523	-0.114037	0.116303	130501.000000	0.000000	-0.000379	-0.000193	1.750426	-0.793527	0.034710	17330.033203	2486.771240	-35532.023438	-0.113386	0.056387	-1.551152	-0.111588	0.109631	-0.957226	-0.071159	0.061116	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140684.000000	115344.000000	100000.000000	180317.000000
-325.739960	-0.111766	-0.046176	-0.986975	-0.083331	-0.124679	0.114175	130501.000000	0.000000	-0.000379	-0.000193	1.729577	-0.812028	0.034710	7407.196289	-5737.387207	-34605.125000	-0.114013	0.055720	-1.551152	-0.111588	0.109631	-0.957226	-0.071159	0.061116	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158831.000000	113645.000000	100000.000000	162170.000000
-325.744965	-0.111766	-0.046908	-0.986242	-0.080138	-0.133193	0.113110	130501.000000	0.000000	-0.000665	-0.000445	1.724879	-0.818383	0.032000	8966.698242	-4445.790039	-35321.757812	-0.114670	0.055098	-1.550110	-0.111951	0.109896	-0.957424	-0.072845	0.060304	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155980.000000	113913.000000	100000.000000	165021.000000
-325.749969	-0.111521	-0.046908	-0.985754	-0.076945	-0.140643	0.110982	130501.000000	0.000000	-0.000665	-0.000445	1.747212	-0.800581	0.032000	11958.940430	-1722.316772	-34394.859375	-0.115345	0.054506	-1.550110	-0.111951	0.109896	-0.957424	-0.072845	0.060304	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150264.000000	114182.000000	100000.000000	170737.000000
-325.754974	-0.111277	-0.047396	-0.984533	-0.073753	-0.147028	0.109918	130501.000000	0.000000	-0.000665	-0.000445	1.758168	-0.793836	0.032000	10670.712891	-2921.739746	-33931.414062	-0.116036	0.053952	-1.550110	-0.111951	0.109896	-0.957424	-0.072845	0.060304	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152752.000000	114093.000000	100000.000000	168249.000000
-325.759979	-0.111033	-0.046908	-0.984533	-0.071624	-0.151285	0.108854	137526.000000	0.000000	-0.000665	-0.000445	1.768612	-0.786196	0.032000	10448.275391	-2680.936768	-33467.964844	-0.116728	0.053411	-1.550110	-0.111951	0.109896	-0.957424	-0.072845	0.060304	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159758.000000	120655.000000	100000.000000	175293.000000
-325.764984	-0.110545	-0.047152	-0.985266	-0.069496	-0.155542	0.107789	137526.000000	0.000000	-0.000665	-0.000445	1.778716	-0.779499	0.032000	10477.007812	-2763.604492	-33004.515625	-0.117415	0.052896	-1.550110	-0.111951	0.109896	-0.957424	-0.072845	0.060304	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159812.000000	120766.000000	100000.000000	175239.000000
-325.769989	-0.110057	-0.046908	-0.985266	-0.067367	-0.157670	0.107789	137526.000000	0.000000	-0.000665	-0.000445	1.788291	-0.772623	0.032000	10238.277344	-2722.111816	-33004.515625	-0.118089	0.052396	-1.550110	-0.111951	0.109896	-0.957424	-0.072845	0.060304	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160009.000000	120486.000000	100000.000000	175042.000000
-325.774994	-0.110057	-0.046908	-0.985998	-0.065239	-0.159799	0.107789	137526.000000	0.000000	0.000514	0.000570	1.862946	-0.710385	0.030675	17747.425781	3641.782715	-33581.667969	-0.118757	0.051915	-1.549600	-0.111922	0.109823	-0.957675	-0.075072	0.060127	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146136.000000	121631.000000	100000.000000	188915.000000
-325.779999	-0.110057	-0.047152	-0.986730	-0.063110	-0.159799	0.107789	144866.000000	0.000000	0.001268	0.001218	1.866463	-0.709398	0.028790	9707.592773	-3098.455566	-34402.718750	-0.119411	0.051459	-1.548875	-0.111622	0.109468	-0.958097	-0.078245	0.059153	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168256.000000	127672.000000	102059.000000	181475.000000
-325.785004	-0.110301	-0.047641	-0.986975	-0.063110	-0.158735	0.107789	144866.000000	0.000000	-0.000891	-0.000613	1.726645	-0.830198	0.025507	-6818.147461	-16811.355469	-35832.367188	-0.120050	0.051020	-1.547612	-0.112060	0.109789	-0.958328	-0.080225	0.058246	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198495.000000	124859.000000	104872.000000	151236.000000
-325.790009	-0.110789	-0.047885	-0.987219	-0.063110	-0.157670	0.107789	144866.000000	0.000000	-0.000891	-0.000613	1.822048	-0.751109	0.025507	19479.859375	5531.574219	-35832.367188	-0.120681	0.050595	-1.547612	-0.112060	0.109789	-0.958328	-0.080225	0.058246	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149854.000000	128814.000000	100917.000000	199877.000000
-325.795013	-0.111033	-0.047152	-0.986975	-0.063110	-0.154478	0.107789	144866.000000	0.000000	-0.000891	-0.000613	1.830238	-0.744374	0.025507	9679.290039	-2393.166504	-35832.367188	-0.121288	0.050163	-1.547612	-0.112060	0.109789	-0.958328	-0.080225	0.058246	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167579.000000	126938.000000	102793.000000	182152.000000
-325.800018	-0.110545	-0.046664	-0.986975	-0.064175	-0.150221	0.106725	144866.000000	0.000000	-0.000891	-0.000613	1.836977	-0.737558	0.025507	9414.061523	-2231.034668	-35368.917969	-0.121852	0.049725	-1.547612	-0.112060	0.109789	-0.958328	-0.080225	0.058246	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167682.000000	126511.000000	103220.000000	182049.000000
-325.805023	-0.109812	-0.045443	-0.985998	-0.065239	-0.145964	0.105661	153061.000000	0.000000	-0.000891	-0.000613	1.842969	-0.729898	0.025507	9339.888672	-2098.141602	-34905.468750	-0.122371	0.049267	-1.547612	-0.112060	0.109789	-0.958328	-0.080225	0.058246	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175819.000000	134499.000000	111622.000000	190302.000000
-325.810028	-0.109080	-0.044467	-0.986730	-0.066303	-0.140643	0.103532	153061.000000	0.000000	-0.000891	-0.000613	1.847825	-0.722180	0.025507	9095.783203	-2051.442627	-33978.570312	-0.122837	0.048794	-1.547612	-0.112060	0.109789	-0.958328	-0.080225	0.058246	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176016.000000	134208.000000	111913.000000	190105.000000
-325.815033	-0.108104	-0.043979	-0.987463	-0.067367	-0.135322	0.099276	153061.000000	0.000000	-0.000891	-0.000613	1.851641	-0.714863	0.025507	8974.555664	-2056.846680	-32124.773438	-0.123246	0.048317	-1.547612	-0.112060	0.109789	-0.958328	-0.080225	0.058246	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176143.000000	134092.000000	112029.000000	189978.000000
-325.820038	-0.107615	-0.042758	-0.987707	-0.067367	-0.130001	0.095019	153061.000000	0.000000	-0.000891	-0.000613	1.855256	-0.706992	0.025507	8944.595703	-2076.806641	-30270.976562	-0.123608	0.047827	-1.547612	-0.112060	0.109789	-0.958328	-0.080225	0.058246	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176193.000000	134082.000000	112039.000000	189928.000000
-325.825043	-0.106395	-0.042270	-0.987463	-0.067367	-0.125744	0.089697	161318.000000	0.000000	-0.000725	-0.000475	1.866886	-0.692212	0.022461	9976.808594	-1249.205078	-29279.994141	-0.123917	0.047340	-1.546441	-0.112441	0.110063	-0.958548	-0.081246	0.057652	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181870.000000	143264.000000	120811.000000	199325.000000
-325.830048	-0.104930	-0.041537	-0.988439	-0.066303	-0.121487	0.083312	161318.000000	0.000000	0.000469	0.000534	1.927261	-0.635154	0.015113	15594.666016	3540.219727	-29699.408203	-0.124167	0.046856	-1.543614	-0.113157	0.110530	-0.959334	-0.086294	0.055143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171882.000000	143673.000000	119564.000000	200000.000000
-325.835052	-0.103465	-0.040561	-0.988195	-0.064175	-0.116166	0.076927	161318.000000	0.000000	0.000469	0.000534	1.879867	-0.668468	0.015113	3385.403809	-6676.857910	-26918.712891	-0.124354	0.046376	-1.543614	-0.113157	0.110530	-0.959334	-0.086294	0.055143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191528.000000	144461.000000	124337.000000	184945.000000
-325.840057	-0.101268	-0.040072	-0.988195	-0.062046	-0.112973	0.069477	161318.000000	0.000000	0.000469	0.000534	1.879100	-0.662088	0.015113	8728.245117	-2292.775391	-23674.572266	-0.124477	0.045912	-1.543614	-0.113157	0.110530	-0.959334	-0.086294	0.055143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178557.000000	148664.000000	126622.000000	191428.000000
-325.845062	-0.099314	-0.039096	-0.988195	-0.058854	-0.108716	0.062028	169585.000000	0.000000	0.000469	0.000534	1.877413	-0.655660	0.015113	8482.613281	-2389.546387	-20430.427734	-0.124536	0.045457	-1.543614	-0.113157	0.110530	-0.959334	-0.086294	0.055143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183922.000000	160026.000000	138282.000000	196108.000000
-325.850067	-0.097361	-0.038852	-0.988195	-0.055661	-0.105523	0.054578	169585.000000	0.000000	0.000469	0.000534	1.875119	-0.650181	0.015113	8507.654297	-2483.352295	-17186.287109	-0.124536	0.045027	-1.543614	-0.113157	0.110530	-0.959334	-0.086294	0.055143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180746.000000	163389.000000	141407.000000	192795.000000
-325.855072	-0.095408	-0.038852	-0.987707	-0.052468	-0.103395	0.047128	169585.000000	0.000000	0.000469	0.000534	1.872362	-0.645334	0.015113	8551.294922	-2545.361572	-13942.143555	-0.124487	0.044625	-1.543614	-0.113157	0.110530	-0.959334	-0.086294	0.055143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177521.000000	166739.000000	144546.000000	189533.000000
-325.860077	-0.092967	-0.038607	-0.985754	-0.048211	-0.100202	0.039679	169585.000000	0.000000	-0.000428	-0.000234	1.818916	-0.683208	0.012558	2600.118408	-7553.533203	-11810.460938	-0.124376	0.044254	-1.542632	-0.113434	0.110721	-0.959588	-0.086866	0.053753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186348.000000	167928.000000	147620.000000	176442.000000
-325.865082	-0.091014	-0.037875	-0.984289	-0.043954	-0.098074	0.032229	169585.000000	0.000000	0.001443	0.001346	1.953408	-0.561074	0.009478	23993.931641	10585.227539	-9907.558594	-0.124218	0.043903	-1.541447	-0.113176	0.110377	-0.960409	-0.089409	0.052573	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144913.000000	173086.000000	146268.000000	200000.000000
-325.870087	-0.089305	-0.037631	-0.983557	-0.039697	-0.094881	0.024780	174889.000000	0.000000	0.001443	0.001346	1.873651	-0.620555	0.009478	-67.393845	-9681.810547	-6663.415527	-0.124013	0.043579	-1.541447	-0.113176	0.110377	-0.960409	-0.089409	0.052573	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191301.000000	177840.000000	158611.000000	171803.000000
-325.875092	-0.088572	-0.037875	-0.983312	-0.036505	-0.091688	0.018394	174889.000000	0.000000	0.001443	0.001346	1.869079	-0.617413	0.009478	8165.644043	-2677.760498	-3882.722412	-0.123781	0.043287	-1.541447	-0.113176	0.110377	-0.960409	-0.089409	0.052573	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173283.000000	181849.000000	160162.000000	184259.000000
-325.880096	-0.088572	-0.038363	-0.983068	-0.033312	-0.087432	0.010945	174889.000000	0.000000	0.001443	0.001346	1.864649	-0.615007	0.009478	8024.310547	-2762.193115	-638.579163	-0.123532	0.043030	-1.541447	-0.113176	0.110377	-0.960409	-0.089409	0.052573	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170265.000000	185036.000000	163463.000000	180789.000000
-325.885101	-0.089061	-0.039584	-0.983557	-0.030119	-0.084239	0.004559	174889.000000	0.000000	0.001443	0.001346	1.860736	-0.613845	0.009478	8165.568359	-2908.483643	2142.114502	-0.123279	0.042823	-1.541447	-0.113176	0.110377	-0.960409	-0.089409	0.052573	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167489.000000	188105.000000	165957.000000	178003.000000
-325.890106	-0.090281	-0.040805	-0.982580	-0.027991	-0.081046	-0.002890	179221.000000	0.000000	0.001443	0.001346	1.857726	-0.613173	0.009478	8236.414062	-2851.982666	5386.257324	-0.123041	0.042660	-1.541447	-0.113176	0.110377	-0.960409	-0.089409	0.052573	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168450.000000	195695.000000	173518.000000	179219.000000
-325.895111	-0.091258	-0.041781	-0.982336	-0.025863	-0.077854	-0.009276	179221.000000	0.000000	0.001443	0.001346	1.854584	-0.612779	0.009478	8192.649414	-2890.539307	8166.951172	-0.122810	0.042534	-1.541447	-0.113176	0.110377	-0.960409	-0.089409	0.052573	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165751.000000	198471.000000	176304.000000	176356.000000
-325.900116	-0.092479	-0.043490	-0.983312	-0.023734	-0.074661	-0.016725	179221.000000	0.000000	0.001443	0.001346	1.851680	-0.613694	0.009478	8190.744141	-3048.403809	11411.093750	-0.122590	0.042459	-1.541447	-0.113176	0.110377	-0.960409	-0.089409	0.052573	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162667.000000	200000.000000	179392.000000	172952.000000
-325.905121	-0.094432	-0.044711	-0.983801	-0.022670	-0.071468	-0.023110	179221.000000	0.000000	0.002940	0.002595	1.932087	-0.545836	0.012298	17706.587891	4937.736816	15419.650391	-0.122395	0.042419	-1.542532	-0.111393	0.108729	-0.961573	-0.092562	0.051837	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141157.000000	200000.000000	181871.000000	186445.000000
-325.910126	-0.096873	-0.046908	-0.985266	-0.020541	-0.069340	-0.030560	179221.000000	0.000000	0.002940	0.002595	1.871407	-0.598351	0.012298	2021.229004	-8666.205078	18663.792969	-0.122239	0.042437	-1.542532	-0.111393	0.108729	-0.961573	-0.092562	0.051837	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167202.000000	200000.000000	187197.000000	153912.000000
-325.915131	-0.099070	-0.049594	-0.986975	-0.020541	-0.067211	-0.035881	183283.000000	0.000000	0.002940	0.002595	1.870816	-0.601643	0.012298	8615.946289	-3035.061523	20981.037109	-0.122114	0.042510	-1.542532	-0.111393	0.108729	-0.961573	-0.092562	0.051837	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156721.000000	200000.000000	192613.000000	167882.000000
-325.920135	-0.101023	-0.052523	-0.988439	-0.019477	-0.067211	-0.040138	183283.000000	0.000000	0.002940	0.002595	1.871003	-0.606226	0.012298	8936.348633	-3320.074219	22834.833984	-0.122027	0.042646	-1.542532	-0.111393	0.108729	-0.961573	-0.092562	0.051837	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154831.000000	200000.000000	193861.000000	166064.000000
-325.925140	-0.103221	-0.055453	-0.990637	-0.018413	-0.066147	-0.043331	183283.000000	0.000000	0.002940	0.002595	1.871611	-0.611598	0.012298	8863.506836	-3436.292969	24225.181641	-0.121974	0.042843	-1.542532	-0.111393	0.108729	-0.961573	-0.092562	0.051837	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153630.000000	200000.000000	195208.000000	164485.000000
-325.930145	-0.105418	-0.057650	-0.992102	-0.017349	-0.067211	-0.045459	183283.000000	0.000000	0.002940	0.002595	1.873366	-0.617004	0.012298	9236.624023	-3469.890869	25152.078125	-0.121968	0.043084	-1.542532	-0.111393	0.108729	-0.961573	-0.092562	0.051837	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152364.000000	200000.000000	195728.000000	163897.000000
-325.935150	-0.107371	-0.060336	-0.993322	-0.017349	-0.067211	-0.045459	186492.000000	0.000000	0.002940	0.002595	1.875251	-0.623217	0.012298	9142.565430	-3470.159668	25152.078125	-0.121998	0.043373	-1.542532	-0.111393	0.108729	-0.961573	-0.092562	0.051837	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155667.000000	200000.000000	199031.000000	167012.000000
-325.940155	-0.109324	-0.062289	-0.994299	-0.017349	-0.067211	-0.044395	186492.000000	0.000000	0.002769	0.002421	1.868299	-0.638820	0.016311	8138.860352	-4574.740723	26436.279297	-0.122063	0.043693	-1.544075	-0.109860	0.107357	-0.962452	-0.094353	0.052980	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156491.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163619.000000
-325.945160	-0.111521	-0.064486	-0.995764	-0.017349	-0.067211	-0.043331	186492.000000	0.000000	0.002688	0.002347	1.873748	-0.642642	0.018682	9527.673828	-3296.641602	27005.115234	-0.122168	0.044047	-1.544987	-0.109120	0.106708	-0.962786	-0.094984	0.053143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153255.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165717.000000
-325.950165	-0.113475	-0.066195	-0.997229	-0.018413	-0.067211	-0.041202	186492.000000	0.000000	0.002688	0.002347	1.880419	-0.645994	0.018682	9692.679688	-3138.459961	26078.216797	-0.122306	0.044420	-1.544987	-0.109120	0.106708	-0.962786	-0.094984	0.053143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153859.000000	200000.000000	199739.000000	166968.000000
-325.955170	-0.115184	-0.067904	-0.997473	-0.020541	-0.065083	-0.038010	186492.000000	0.000000	0.002688	0.002347	1.883611	-0.652320	0.018682	9080.958984	-3367.783203	24687.869141	-0.122464	0.044806	-1.544987	-0.109120	0.106708	-0.962786	-0.094984	0.053143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156090.000000	200000.000000	198731.000000	167517.000000
-325.960175	-0.116404	-0.069613	-0.997473	-0.023734	-0.061890	-0.034817	189398.000000	0.000000	0.002688	0.002347	1.886297	-0.658570	0.018682	8905.993164	-3256.360352	23297.523438	-0.122628	0.045200	-1.544987	-0.109120	0.106708	-0.962786	-0.094984	0.053143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160450.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171750.000000
-325.965179	-0.117869	-0.070834	-0.997717	-0.026927	-0.057633	-0.032688	189398.000000	0.000000	0.002688	0.002347	1.889000	-0.664415	0.018682	8783.619141	-3224.117188	22370.625000	-0.122797	0.045593	-1.544987	-0.109120	0.106708	-0.962786	-0.094984	0.053143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161467.000000	200000.000000	199760.000000	172586.000000
-325.970184	-0.119334	-0.071322	-0.996740	-0.031184	-0.052312	-0.030560	189398.000000	0.000000	0.002688	0.002347	1.891641	-0.669249	0.018682	8647.526367	-2998.523926	21443.726562	-0.122967	0.045967	-1.544987	-0.109120	0.106708	-0.962786	-0.094984	0.053143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162305.000000	200000.000000	199195.000000	173603.000000
-325.975189	-0.120066	-0.070834	-0.996008	-0.035441	-0.045927	-0.029496	189398.000000	0.000000	0.002688	0.002347	1.893196	-0.672771	0.018682	8388.848633	-2850.925781	20980.279297	-0.123120	0.046303	-1.544987	-0.109120	0.106708	-0.962786	-0.094984	0.053143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162879.000000	200000.000000	199138.000000	173955.000000
-325.980194	-0.120066	-0.070346	-0.994787	-0.039697	-0.038477	-0.028432	191631.000000	0.000000	0.001506	0.001325	1.828501	-0.732001	0.019462	655.282654	-9229.215820	20856.830078	-0.123236	0.046602	-1.545287	-0.108693	0.106315	-0.963489	-0.096324	0.052490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179348.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	162200.000000
-325.985199	-0.119822	-0.069857	-0.992590	-0.042890	-0.031028	-0.027367	191631.000000	0.000000	0.001198	0.001061	1.858456	-0.708530	0.019429	11166.294922	-130.093567	20378.939453	-0.123313	0.046873	-1.545274	-0.108474	0.106100	-0.964282	-0.097418	0.051223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160215.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	182288.000000
-325.990204	-0.119090	-0.069857	-0.990637	-0.047147	-0.023578	-0.027367	191631.000000	0.000000	0.001198	0.001061	1.869306	-0.700740	0.019429	9081.139648	-1681.925415	20378.939453	-0.123343	0.047119	-1.545274	-0.108474	0.106100	-0.964282	-0.097418	0.051223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163852.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	178651.000000
-325.995209	-0.118113	-0.069857	-0.988684	-0.049276	-0.015064	-0.028432	191631.000000	0.000000	0.001198	0.001061	1.866601	-0.703776	0.019429	7422.043457	-3110.531250	20842.386719	-0.123316	0.047354	-1.545274	-0.108474	0.106100	-0.964282	-0.097418	0.051223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166477.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	175100.000000
-326.000214	-0.116893	-0.069369	-0.986730	-0.051404	-0.006550	-0.028432	192018.000000	0.000000	0.001198	0.001061	1.862845	-0.706074	0.019429	7250.165039	-3030.053711	20842.386719	-0.123227	0.047566	-1.545274	-0.108474	0.106100	-0.964282	-0.097418	0.051223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166955.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	175395.000000
-326.005219	-0.115916	-0.068637	-0.985754	-0.052468	0.000899	-0.029496	192018.000000	0.000000	0.001198	0.001061	1.858657	-0.708042	0.019429	7265.788086	-3115.100098	21305.835938	-0.123087	0.047757	-1.545274	-0.108474	0.106100	-0.964282	-0.097418	0.051223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166561.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	174862.000000
-326.010223	-0.115184	-0.068637	-0.984045	-0.052468	0.006220	-0.029496	192018.000000	0.000000	0.001198	0.001061	1.854686	-0.710813	0.019429	7481.038574	-3333.126709	21305.835938	-0.122913	0.047945	-1.545274	-0.108474	0.106100	-0.964282	-0.097418	0.051223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166564.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	174860.000000
-326.015228	-0.114207	-0.068148	-0.982092	-0.051404	0.012606	-0.029496	192018.000000	0.000000	0.001487	0.001317	1.865614	-0.699265	0.020247	9023.305664	-1827.387329	21662.169922	-0.122696	0.048128	-1.545589	-0.108140	0.105799	-0.964715	-0.097496	0.050912	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163159.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	177551.000000
-326.020233	-0.113230	-0.067172	-0.980627	-0.049276	0.017927	-0.030560	192018.000000	0.000000	0.001673	0.001472	1.858947	-0.703102	0.021346	7150.493164	-3663.527588	22604.103516	-0.122441	0.048301	-1.546012	-0.107613	0.105319	-0.965602	-0.096153	0.050126	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165926.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	172900.000000
-326.025238	-0.112498	-0.065951	-0.979650	-0.046083	0.022184	-0.031624	192034.000000	0.000000	0.001804	0.001581	1.853320	-0.705356	0.022656	7336.459961	-3631.606689	23637.955078	-0.122157	0.048463	-1.546515	-0.107178	0.104934	-0.966038	-0.095830	0.049112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164691.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	172100.000000
-326.030243	-0.111033	-0.065463	-0.978674	-0.041826	0.025376	-0.032688	192034.000000	0.000000	0.001804	0.001581	1.841779	-0.712679	0.022656	6735.348633	-4359.216309	24101.404297	-0.121837	0.048635	-1.546515	-0.107178	0.104934	-0.966038	-0.095830	0.049112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165556.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	170308.000000
-326.035248	-0.108836	-0.064975	-0.976477	-0.037569	0.028569	-0.032688	192034.000000	0.000000	0.001810	0.001576	1.834634	-0.716121	0.024085	7171.302246	-3967.852783	24723.500000	-0.121467	0.048818	-1.547065	-0.106744	0.104552	-0.966476	-0.095069	0.048673	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164107.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	170513.000000
-326.040253	-0.105174	-0.064975	-0.974035	-0.032248	0.031762	-0.032688	192034.000000	0.000000	0.001810	0.001576	1.824623	-0.720093	0.024085	6795.253418	-4185.862793	24723.500000	-0.121021	0.049026	-1.547065	-0.106744	0.104552	-0.966476	-0.095069	0.048673	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164701.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	169919.000000
-326.045258	-0.100779	-0.064242	-0.970129	-0.026927	0.034954	-0.031624	191956.000000	0.000000	0.001810	0.001576	1.813133	-0.723885	0.024085	6565.213379	-4208.071289	24260.050781	-0.120488	0.049247	-1.547065	-0.106744	0.104552	-0.966476	-0.095069	0.048673	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165338.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	170053.000000
-326.050262	-0.095408	-0.063754	-0.966467	-0.020541	0.039211	-0.029496	191956.000000	0.000000	0.001810	0.001576	1.798992	-0.728353	0.024085	6071.973633	-4449.362305	23333.154297	-0.119843	0.049489	-1.547065	-0.106744	0.104552	-0.966476	-0.095069	0.048673	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	170245.000000
-326.055267	-0.088328	-0.063510	-0.962805	-0.013092	0.044532	-0.025239	191956.000000	0.000000	0.001810	0.001576	1.781059	-0.733614	0.024085	5431.104980	-4712.032227	21479.357422	-0.119047	0.049760	-1.547065	-0.106744	0.104552	-0.966476	-0.095069	0.048673	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169757.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171195.000000
-326.060272	-0.080760	-0.063510	-0.960363	-0.005642	0.049854	-0.018854	191956.000000	0.000000	0.001810	0.001576	1.760327	-0.739408	0.024085	5003.555176	-4831.445801	18698.664062	-0.118092	0.050063	-1.547065	-0.106744	0.104552	-0.966476	-0.095069	0.048673	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173085.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	173429.000000
-326.065277	-0.073191	-0.063510	-0.957189	0.002872	0.056239	-0.010340	191956.000000	0.000000	0.001810	0.001576	1.737125	-0.745907	0.024085	4478.686035	-5095.226074	14991.072266	-0.116975	0.050401	-1.547065	-0.106744	0.104552	-0.966476	-0.095069	0.048673	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177581.000000	200000.000000	197373.000000	176348.000000
-326.070282	-0.065867	-0.062777	-0.955725	0.011385	0.061560	0.001367	192018.000000	0.000000	0.001671	0.001461	1.704437	-0.758200	0.025286	3377.094238	-5828.374512	10416.564453	-0.115708	0.050755	-1.547527	-0.106357	0.104212	-0.966895	-0.093665	0.048294	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184052.000000	200000.000000	193229.000000	179150.000000
-326.075287	-0.059275	-0.061068	-0.955969	0.022028	0.065817	0.013073	192018.000000	0.000000	0.001332	0.001129	1.665231	-0.777288	0.025570	2578.365967	-6945.850586	5441.992188	-0.114311	0.051112	-1.547636	-0.106324	0.104187	-0.968044	-0.091796	0.049806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190943.000000	200000.000000	187935.000000	182208.000000
-326.080292	-0.053904	-0.058139	-0.958898	0.032670	0.066881	0.024780	192018.000000	0.000000	0.001332	0.001129	1.652906	-0.767967	0.025570	5823.130859	-3828.241943	344.054077	-0.112825	0.051443	-1.547636	-0.106324	0.104187	-0.968044	-0.091796	0.049806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189679.000000	200000.000000	182710.000000	193668.000000
-326.085297	-0.049754	-0.055453	-0.962805	0.045441	0.065817	0.036486	192018.000000	0.000000	0.001332	0.001129	1.627748	-0.772362	0.025570	4535.605957	-5649.391113	-4753.884766	-0.111286	0.051764	-1.547636	-0.106324	0.104187	-0.968044	-0.091796	0.049806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197885.000000	197449.000000	177079.000000	195658.000000
-326.090302	-0.047068	-0.053256	-0.965979	0.059276	0.062624	0.047128	192027.000000	0.000000	0.001332	0.001129	1.604149	-0.777564	0.025570	4847.222656	-5942.638672	-9388.375000	-0.109738	0.052092	-1.547636	-0.106324	0.104187	-0.968044	-0.091796	0.049806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	193428.000000	171848.000000	200000.000000
-326.095306	-0.045115	-0.052035	-0.967443	0.072046	0.058367	0.055642	192027.000000	0.000000	0.001332	0.001129	1.581602	-0.783871	0.025570	4995.373047	-6035.382324	-13095.966797	-0.108202	0.052445	-1.547636	-0.106324	0.104187	-0.968044	-0.091796	0.049806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	189961.000000	167900.000000	200000.000000
-326.100311	-0.044383	-0.051547	-0.968908	0.083753	0.054110	0.063092	192027.000000	0.000000	0.001332	0.001129	1.560619	-0.791110	0.025570	5090.811035	-6107.471191	-16340.109375	-0.106704	0.052834	-1.547636	-0.106324	0.104187	-0.968044	-0.091796	0.049806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	186885.000000	164488.000000	200000.000000
-326.105316	-0.045848	-0.051059	-0.970373	0.093331	0.049854	0.068413	192027.000000	0.000000	0.001332	0.001129	1.542589	-0.798326	0.025570	5351.828613	-5948.659668	-18657.355469	-0.105286	0.053248	-1.547636	-0.106324	0.104187	-0.968044	-0.091796	0.049806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	184670.000000	162069.000000	200000.000000
-326.110321	-0.048289	-0.051791	-0.971105	0.100780	0.049854	0.071606	191954.000000	0.000000	0.001916	0.001602	1.557780	-0.780783	0.028993	8606.849609	-2945.342285	-18557.044922	-0.103948	0.053703	-1.548953	-0.105658	0.103640	-0.968603	-0.089896	0.051531	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	184949.000000	161844.000000	200000.000000
-326.115326	-0.052928	-0.052768	-0.971350	0.105037	0.050918	0.072670	191954.000000	0.000000	-0.005828	-0.005146	1.094979	-1.179254	0.014693	-46202.117188	-50190.109375	-25247.810547	-0.102726	0.054189	-1.543453	-0.110109	0.107552	-0.969044	-0.088582	0.053514	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	166706.000000	166706.000000	157201.000000
-326.120331	-0.057811	-0.055697	-0.971350	0.107166	0.054110	0.072670	191954.000000	0.000000	-0.005828	-0.005146	1.392264	-0.920089	0.014693	38492.695312	23537.388672	-25247.810547	-0.101613	0.054736	-1.543453	-0.110109	0.107552	-0.969044	-0.088582	0.053514	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163664.000000	173168.000000	160243.000000	200000.000000
-326.125336	-0.063182	-0.058871	-0.970861	0.106101	0.060496	0.070541	191954.000000	0.000000	-0.005828	-0.005146	1.381117	-0.931060	0.014693	4146.688965	-5860.445312	-24320.912109	-0.100601	0.055333	-1.543453	-0.110109	0.107552	-0.969044	-0.088582	0.053514	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	177640.000000	157625.000000	200000.000000
-326.130341	-0.068309	-0.061801	-0.969641	0.102909	0.070074	0.066285	191954.000000	0.000000	-0.005828	-0.005146	1.370277	-0.941982	0.014693	3735.913818	-5656.461426	-22467.115234	-0.099667	0.055966	-1.543453	-0.110109	0.107552	-0.969044	-0.088582	0.053514	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	178879.000000	160094.000000	200000.000000
-326.135345	-0.073436	-0.064730	-0.968664	0.098652	0.081780	0.062028	192021.000000	0.000000	-0.005828	-0.005146	1.359942	-0.953093	0.014693	3455.876221	-5591.604004	-20613.318359	-0.098801	0.056628	-1.543453	-0.110109	0.107552	-0.969044	-0.088582	0.053514	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	180455.000000	162360.000000	200000.000000
-326.140350	-0.077586	-0.067416	-0.967687	0.093331	0.094551	0.056706	192021.000000	0.000000	-0.005828	-0.005146	1.349133	-0.964079	0.014693	3178.420898	-5487.057617	-18296.074219	-0.097974	0.057310	-1.543453	-0.110109	0.107552	-0.969044	-0.088582	0.053514	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	182390.000000	165059.000000	200000.000000
-326.145355	-0.081004	-0.070102	-0.967443	0.088010	0.108386	0.051385	192021.000000	0.000000	-0.005828	-0.005146	1.337702	-0.975274	0.014693	2876.662842	-5536.937012	-15978.829102	-0.097165	0.058009	-1.543453	-0.110109	0.107552	-0.969044	-0.088582	0.053514	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	184455.000000	167628.000000	200000.000000
-326.150360	-0.084422	-0.072787	-0.967199	0.083753	0.123285	0.045000	192021.000000	0.000000	0.002689	0.002174	1.794492	-0.584560	0.018992	56276.105469	40355.148438	-11326.040039	-0.096367	0.058731	-1.545106	-0.109369	0.106960	-0.969257	-0.088280	0.055471	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143347.000000	180694.000000	180694.000000	200000.000000
-326.155365	-0.087840	-0.075229	-0.966223	0.080560	0.136056	0.039679	192015.000000	0.000000	-0.001800	-0.001727	1.196502	-1.103813	0.013119	-62278.742188	-62191.988281	-11566.426758	-0.095593	0.059476	-1.542847	-0.112379	0.109711	-0.969858	-0.084203	0.058376	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	180448.000000	180448.000000	143581.000000
-326.160370	-0.091258	-0.077426	-0.966223	0.078432	0.148827	0.034358	192015.000000	0.000000	-0.001800	-0.001727	1.365522	-0.960210	0.013119	22777.316406	11246.288086	-9249.181641	-0.094841	0.060243	-1.542847	-0.112379	0.109711	-0.969858	-0.084203	0.058376	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167240.000000	194296.000000	171234.000000	200000.000000
-326.165375	-0.094432	-0.080111	-0.966223	0.079496	0.159469	0.029037	192015.000000	0.000000	-0.002235	-0.002089	1.331692	-0.994184	0.011612	502.245697	-8791.637695	-7587.912109	-0.094114	0.061057	-1.542268	-0.113261	0.110522	-0.970039	-0.081631	0.058822	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	193720.000000	175133.000000	191313.000000
-326.170380	-0.097850	-0.081576	-0.966955	0.082688	0.169047	0.025844	192015.000000	0.000000	-0.002235	-0.002089	1.340143	-0.993493	0.011612	5263.165527	-5225.496094	-6197.565430	-0.093422	0.061899	-1.542268	-0.113261	0.110522	-0.970039	-0.081631	0.058822	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198174.000000	196306.000000	175328.000000	198250.000000
-326.175385	-0.101023	-0.082797	-0.967199	0.088010	0.175432	0.020523	192015.000000	0.000000	-0.002235	-0.002089	1.332248	-1.008080	0.011612	3751.140381	-7231.003906	-3880.320557	-0.092776	0.062777	-1.542268	-0.113261	0.110522	-0.970039	-0.081631	0.058822	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199375.000000	199116.000000	177152.000000	192415.000000
-326.180389	-0.104441	-0.084506	-0.966955	0.095459	0.179689	0.016266	192028.000000	0.000000	-0.002235	-0.002089	1.325891	-1.024298	0.011612	4105.421875	-7753.248535	-2026.524902	-0.092190	0.063710	-1.542268	-0.113261	0.110522	-0.970039	-0.081631	0.058822	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197702.000000	200000.000000	178142.000000	190406.000000
-326.185394	-0.108348	-0.085238	-0.966467	0.103973	0.182882	0.010945	192028.000000	0.000000	-0.002235	-0.002089	1.321236	-1.040523	0.011612	4373.356445	-7985.383301	290.720093	-0.091679	0.064684	-1.542268	-0.113261	0.110522	-0.970039	-0.081631	0.058822	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195349.000000	200000.000000	179959.000000	188125.000000
-326.190399	-0.112498	-0.086215	-0.966955	0.113551	0.183946	0.005624	192028.000000	0.000000	-0.002235	-0.002089	1.318330	-1.057765	0.011612	4781.584961	-8337.076172	2607.964844	-0.091255	0.065705	-1.542268	-0.113261	0.110522	-0.970039	-0.081631	0.058822	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192975.000000	200000.000000	181517.000000	185864.000000
-326.195404	-0.117381	-0.086947	-0.965246	0.122065	0.185010	-0.000762	192028.000000	0.000000	-0.001600	-0.001548	1.352679	-1.045613	0.010967	9031.131836	-4971.345215	5107.506836	-0.090935	0.066768	-1.542020	-0.113927	0.111149	-0.970169	-0.078897	0.059480	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182860.000000	200000.000000	183133.000000	190980.000000
-326.200409	-0.122508	-0.087680	-0.964270	0.131643	0.185010	-0.009276	191975.000000	0.000000	-0.000636	-0.000730	1.381487	-1.040699	0.011195	8671.414062	-5905.598633	8914.574219	-0.090726	0.067876	-1.542107	-0.114871	0.112073	-0.970431	-0.074836	0.061230	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180294.000000	200000.000000	186312.000000	185826.000000
-326.205414	-0.127146	-0.087680	-0.964025	0.140157	0.183946	-0.018854	191975.000000	0.000000	-0.002075	-0.001950	1.266272	-1.158335	0.009928	-7572.772461	-19844.005859	12533.569336	-0.090617	0.069007	-1.541620	-0.115687	0.112826	-0.970549	-0.072441	0.062428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	192237.000000	152024.000000
-326.210419	-0.131297	-0.086947	-0.962561	0.147606	0.181818	-0.029496	191975.000000	0.000000	-0.002075	-0.001950	1.327532	-1.126825	0.009928	12240.208008	-3216.812744	17168.058594	-0.090606	0.070143	-1.541620	-0.115687	0.112826	-0.970549	-0.072441	0.062428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165783.000000	200000.000000	193686.000000	183830.000000
-326.215424	-0.134715	-0.085971	-0.961584	0.155056	0.179689	-0.042266	191975.000000	0.000000	-0.002075	-0.001950	1.331687	-1.143890	0.009928	5990.079590	-8670.641602	22729.447266	-0.090674	0.071280	-1.541620	-0.115687	0.112826	-0.970549	-0.072441	0.062428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171926.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166564.000000
-326.220428	-0.136912	-0.084994	-0.961340	0.162505	0.175432	-0.056101	191961.000000	0.000000	-0.002075	-0.001950	1.336003	-1.160934	0.009928	6281.274902	-8781.036133	28754.283203	-0.090802	0.072416	-1.541620	-0.115687	0.112826	-0.970549	-0.072441	0.062428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165706.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	160706.000000
-326.225433	-0.138865	-0.082797	-0.960607	0.169955	0.171175	-0.072065	191961.000000	0.000000	-0.002075	-0.001950	1.340926	-1.176708	0.009928	6390.264160	-8748.166016	35706.019531	-0.090984	0.073529	-1.541620	-0.115687	0.112826	-0.970549	-0.072441	0.062428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164318.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159603.000000
-326.230438	-0.138377	-0.079867	-0.962072	0.176340	0.165854	-0.086964	191961.000000	0.000000	-0.002075	-0.001950	1.343838	-1.190853	0.009928	6324.006348	-8546.608398	42194.304688	-0.091170	0.074596	-1.541620	-0.115687	0.112826	-0.970549	-0.072441	0.062428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164183.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159738.000000
-326.235443	-0.137400	-0.075229	-0.964514	0.184854	0.159469	-0.101863	191961.000000	0.000000	-0.002075	-0.001950	1.346407	-1.202940	0.009928	6444.667969	-8649.440430	48682.589844	-0.091351	0.075592	-1.541620	-0.115687	0.112826	-0.970549	-0.072441	0.062428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164165.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159756.000000
-326.240448	-0.136180	-0.070590	-0.966711	0.193368	0.156276	-0.114634	191961.000000	0.000000	0.000105	-0.000098	1.467712	-1.112167	0.011483	19721.847656	3039.432617	54921.550781	-0.091509	0.076517	-1.542218	-0.115776	0.112961	-0.970669	-0.070364	0.064506	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139199.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	184722.000000
-326.245453	-0.136180	-0.064242	-0.970129	0.202946	0.155212	-0.126340	192029.000000	0.000000	0.001871	0.001437	1.479390	-1.110255	0.018607	7492.302246	-6883.679688	63121.871094	-0.091657	0.077343	-1.544958	-0.115075	0.112506	-0.970886	-0.063793	0.070928	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161420.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	162637.000000
-326.250458	-0.136668	-0.056674	-0.973547	0.214652	0.155212	-0.134854	192029.000000	0.000000	0.001871	0.001437	1.410716	-1.177755	0.018607	-1775.817261	-15114.320312	66829.468750	-0.091799	0.078055	-1.544958	-0.115075	0.112506	-0.970886	-0.063793	0.070928	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178919.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	145138.000000
-326.255463	-0.139354	-0.048373	-0.982336	0.230616	0.161597	-0.141239	192029.000000	0.000000	-0.003856	-0.003422	1.097617	-1.449500	0.014597	-30823.531250	-39363.785156	67863.453125	-0.091934	0.078657	-1.543416	-0.116481	0.113746	-0.970922	-0.061252	0.072784	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	102029.000000
-326.260468	-0.140330	-0.040316	-0.991125	0.247643	0.172239	-0.143368	192029.000000	0.000000	-0.003856	-0.003422	1.325304	-1.258912	0.014597	29169.443359	12153.883789	68790.351562	-0.092009	0.079161	-1.543416	-0.116481	0.113746	-0.970922	-0.061252	0.072784	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120705.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-326.265472	-0.139842	-0.034945	-0.992102	0.265735	0.188203	-0.144432	192031.000000	0.000000	-0.003856	-0.003422	1.321380	-1.264856	0.014597	3025.510986	-9684.184570	69253.804688	-0.091992	0.079636	-1.543416	-0.116481	0.113746	-0.970922	-0.061252	0.072784	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168689.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155372.000000
-326.270477	-0.139598	-0.033969	-0.993811	0.287020	0.207359	-0.142304	192031.000000	0.000000	-0.003856	-0.003422	1.315510	-1.275967	0.014597	2345.176758	-10752.512695	68326.906250	-0.091873	0.080183	-1.543416	-0.116481	0.113746	-0.970922	-0.061252	0.072784	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170438.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	153623.000000
-326.275482	-0.138377	-0.033969	-0.995764	0.302983	0.228643	-0.141239	192031.000000	0.000000	-0.003856	-0.003422	1.306525	-1.287737	0.014597	1629.307495	-10367.304688	67863.453125	-0.091624	0.080795	-1.543416	-0.116481	0.113746	-0.970922	-0.061252	0.072784	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170768.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	153293.000000
-326.280487	-0.134959	-0.035678	-0.997473	0.320011	0.250992	-0.140175	192031.000000	0.000000	-0.003856	-0.003422	1.293078	-1.302582	0.014597	857.645264	-10968.604492	67400.007812	-0.091197	0.081510	-1.543416	-0.116481	0.113746	-0.970922	-0.061252	0.072784	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172141.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	151920.000000
-326.285492	-0.131297	-0.037631	-0.998205	0.331717	0.271212	-0.141239	192031.000000	0.000000	0.001822	0.001443	1.589787	-1.050299	0.017413	36466.996094	20095.585938	69089.835938	-0.090606	0.082307	-1.544499	-0.115996	0.113365	-0.970985	-0.059345	0.075501	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111935.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-326.290497	-0.126414	-0.040561	-1.000646	0.343424	0.290369	-0.143368	192036.000000	0.000000	0.003205	0.002679	1.419757	-1.194096	0.024211	-15611.153320	-24174.507812	72977.265625	-0.089829	0.083201	-1.547114	-0.114383	0.112015	-0.971286	-0.052273	0.083582	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	122250.000000
-326.295502	-0.122020	-0.043734	-1.002844	0.348745	0.306332	-0.146561	192036.000000	0.000000	-0.006092	-0.005188	0.832970	-1.693427	0.015981	-63853.511719	-64883.562500	70783.632812	-0.088895	0.084165	-1.543948	-0.116534	0.113843	-0.971439	-0.048985	0.087472	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	102036.000000
-326.300507	-0.115916	-0.047152	-1.003088	0.355130	0.320167	-0.150818	192036.000000	0.000000	-0.006092	-0.005188	1.181262	-1.397736	0.015981	40736.648438	23747.751953	72637.429688	-0.087790	0.085209	-1.543948	-0.116534	0.113843	-0.971439	-0.048985	0.087472	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108288.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-326.305511	-0.111277	-0.050570	-1.006018	0.356194	0.330809	-0.156139	192036.000000	0.000000	0.009048	0.007678	1.989978	-0.708720	0.026985	95385.242188	70745.843750	79746.812500	-0.086554	0.086305	-1.548181	-0.113653	0.111393	-0.971616	-0.045438	0.091013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102036.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-326.310516	-0.105662	-0.053744	-1.008947	0.356194	0.338259	-0.160396	192016.000000	0.000000	0.009048	0.007678	1.358874	-1.241749	0.026985	-65518.062500	-65960.312500	81600.609375	-0.085187	0.087439	-1.548181	-0.113653	0.111393	-0.971616	-0.045438	0.091013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	102016.000000
-326.315521	-0.098826	-0.053988	-1.006018	0.350873	0.340387	-0.163588	192016.000000	0.000000	0.009048	0.007678	1.332131	-1.256562	0.026985	1387.467651	-8437.950195	82990.945312	-0.083707	0.088533	-1.548181	-0.113653	0.111393	-0.971616	-0.045438	0.091013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169066.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154965.000000
-326.320526	-0.092723	-0.053988	-0.998937	0.340231	0.334002	-0.163588	192016.000000	0.000000	0.009048	0.007678	1.307342	-1.269288	0.026985	2453.407959	-7632.913086	82990.945312	-0.082179	0.089560	-1.548181	-0.113653	0.111393	-0.971616	-0.045438	0.091013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167195.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156836.000000
-326.325531	-0.091990	-0.057162	-0.997961	0.325332	0.321231	-0.160396	192016.000000	0.000000	0.009048	0.007678	1.288859	-1.282982	0.026985	3822.889648	-7265.726562	81600.609375	-0.080733	0.090556	-1.548181	-0.113653	0.111393	-0.971616	-0.045438	0.091013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165458.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158573.000000
-326.330536	-0.090770	-0.058139	-1.001867	0.306176	0.305268	-0.155074	191956.000000	0.000000	0.009048	0.007678	1.271404	-1.292350	0.026985	4280.245605	-6276.948730	79283.359375	-0.079363	0.091450	-1.548181	-0.113653	0.111393	-0.971616	-0.045438	0.091013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163952.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159959.000000
-326.335541	-0.090281	-0.055697	-1.002844	0.283827	0.285047	-0.145496	191956.000000	0.000000	0.009048	0.007678	1.257385	-1.295827	0.026985	5154.699219	-5191.406738	75112.320312	-0.078112	0.092164	-1.548181	-0.113653	0.111393	-0.971616	-0.045438	0.091013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161992.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161919.000000
-326.340546	-0.089061	-0.050326	-0.997473	0.259350	0.261634	-0.133790	191956.000000	0.000000	0.003009	0.002575	0.913703	-1.573985	0.030009	-32216.029297	-36326.976562	71331.054688	-0.076991	0.092638	-1.549343	-0.112789	0.110649	-0.971855	-0.040429	0.094299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	101956.000000
-326.345551	-0.089793	-0.046176	-0.998693	0.233809	0.236093	-0.117827	191956.000000	0.000000	0.004173	0.003550	1.211569	-1.311059	0.040817	40047.757812	24612.232422	69086.015625	-0.076037	0.092888	-1.553500	-0.109863	0.108146	-0.972669	-0.029880	0.102054	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107343.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-326.350555	-0.092234	-0.042270	-1.005285	0.207203	0.210552	-0.100799	191956.000000	0.000000	0.004173	0.003550	1.161039	-1.341450	0.040817	1624.560669	-7539.965332	61670.832031	-0.075271	0.092913	-1.553500	-0.109863	0.108146	-0.972669	-0.029880	0.102054	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167871.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156040.000000
-326.355560	-0.093943	-0.040072	-1.007971	0.178469	0.183946	-0.083771	191940.000000	0.000000	0.004173	0.003550	1.159547	-1.331230	0.040817	7249.173828	-2661.440430	54255.648438	-0.074687	0.092746	-1.553500	-0.109863	0.108146	-0.972669	-0.029880	0.102054	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157352.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166527.000000
-326.360565	-0.094920	-0.036410	-1.006262	0.149735	0.157340	-0.067808	191940.000000	0.000000	0.004173	0.003550	1.160212	-1.316966	0.040817	7611.821289	-2018.831421	47303.914062	-0.074274	0.092364	-1.553500	-0.109863	0.108146	-0.972669	-0.029880	0.102054	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156347.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	167532.000000
-326.365570	-0.095896	-0.034701	-1.008947	0.123129	0.130735	-0.052909	191940.000000	0.000000	0.004173	0.003550	1.162779	-1.302281	0.040817	7955.116699	-2016.766602	40815.628906	-0.074021	0.091820	-1.553500	-0.109863	0.108146	-0.972669	-0.029880	0.102054	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156001.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	167878.000000
-326.370575	-0.095408	-0.033236	-1.017492	0.096523	0.105193	-0.040138	191940.000000	0.000000	0.004173	0.003550	1.165047	-1.285448	0.040817	7933.129883	-1580.741821	35254.242188	-0.073878	0.091118	-1.553500	-0.109863	0.108146	-0.972669	-0.029880	0.102054	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155587.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	168292.000000
-326.375580	-0.094187	-0.032504	-1.022619	0.072046	0.082845	-0.028432	192021.000000	0.000000	0.004173	0.003550	1.167540	-1.267944	0.040817	7721.105469	-1547.844482	30156.300781	-0.073819	0.090289	-1.553500	-0.109863	0.108146	-0.972669	-0.029880	0.102054	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155847.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	168194.000000
-326.380585	-0.092479	-0.032016	-1.024084	0.049697	0.061560	-0.019918	192021.000000	0.000000	0.004173	0.003550	1.170689	-1.249704	0.040817	7788.551758	-1514.259644	26448.708984	-0.073834	0.089355	-1.553500	-0.109863	0.108146	-0.972669	-0.029880	0.102054	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159297.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171846.000000
-326.385590	-0.091014	-0.033236	-1.028479	0.029477	0.042404	-0.013532	192021.000000	0.000000	0.001953	0.001645	1.052106	-1.337081	0.042764	-6287.942383	-13670.488281	24515.925781	-0.073908	0.088359	-1.554249	-0.109368	0.107726	-0.972947	-0.028011	0.103370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187463.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	147546.000000
-326.390594	-0.089549	-0.035189	-1.033605	0.011385	0.026441	-0.009276	192021.000000	0.000000	0.001186	0.001000	1.102150	-1.279501	0.042312	12206.204102	2382.461426	22465.472656	-0.074025	0.087328	-1.554076	-0.109438	0.107779	-0.974049	-0.027478	0.103081	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154966.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	184144.000000
-326.395599	-0.087352	-0.038119	-1.035803	-0.005642	0.013670	-0.008211	192021.000000	0.000000	-0.000365	-0.000317	1.050058	-1.310254	0.041190	443.749512	-7510.303223	21513.144531	-0.074155	0.086290	-1.553644	-0.109714	0.108012	-0.974502	-0.028384	0.102539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177574.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163441.000000
-326.400604	-0.084178	-0.041293	-1.036291	-0.020541	0.001963	-0.009276	192047.000000	0.000000	-0.000365	-0.000317	1.113622	-1.242513	0.041190	13390.114258	3465.633301	21976.593750	-0.074278	0.085260	-1.553644	-0.109714	0.108012	-0.974502	-0.028384	0.102539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153214.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	186926.000000
-326.405609	-0.081736	-0.046176	-1.038244	-0.035441	-0.007615	-0.011404	192047.000000	0.000000	-0.000365	-0.000317	1.115109	-1.229323	0.041190	6381.156250	-2403.231934	22903.492188	-0.074395	0.084272	-1.553644	-0.109714	0.108012	-0.974502	-0.028384	0.102539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165165.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	173121.000000
-326.410614	-0.078807	-0.051303	-1.040441	-0.050340	-0.015064	-0.016725	192047.000000	0.000000	-0.000365	-0.000317	1.115337	-1.216987	0.041190	6044.056641	-2371.934082	25220.738281	-0.074484	0.083329	-1.553644	-0.109714	0.108012	-0.974502	-0.028384	0.102539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163154.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	170498.000000
-326.415619	-0.076609	-0.056674	-1.038977	-0.064175	-0.022514	-0.023110	192047.000000	0.000000	-0.000365	-0.000317	1.116220	-1.206029	0.041190	6154.430176	-2526.349121	28001.431641	-0.074565	0.082444	-1.553644	-0.109714	0.108012	-0.974502	-0.028384	0.102539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160417.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	167673.000000
-326.420624	-0.073680	-0.062533	-1.036535	-0.078010	-0.027835	-0.029496	192032.000000	0.000000	-0.000365	-0.000317	1.115712	-1.196463	0.041190	5789.615723	-2571.299805	30782.125000	-0.074614	0.081626	-1.553644	-0.109714	0.108012	-0.974502	-0.028384	0.102539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158813.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165250.000000
-326.425629	-0.072215	-0.068881	-1.036535	-0.091845	-0.033156	-0.038010	192032.000000	0.000000	-0.000365	-0.000317	1.116077	-1.188250	0.041190	5911.646973	-2619.194092	34489.714844	-0.074657	0.080882	-1.553644	-0.109714	0.108012	-0.974502	-0.028384	0.102539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158739.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165324.000000
-326.430634	-0.070750	-0.074496	-1.036779	-0.104615	-0.037413	-0.047588	192032.000000	0.000000	0.001716	0.001468	1.230450	-1.082411	0.042283	18876.294922	8543.931641	39136.675781	-0.074687	0.080202	-1.554064	-0.109258	0.107601	-0.976176	-0.029402	0.099058	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134611.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	189452.000000
-326.435638	-0.068797	-0.079867	-1.035803	-0.116322	-0.040606	-0.057166	192032.000000	0.000000	0.002282	0.001969	1.177407	-1.119536	0.044221	121.465073	-7409.667480	44151.984375	-0.074692	0.079585	-1.554810	-0.108658	0.107077	-0.976856	-0.029986	0.097518	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169320.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154743.000000
-326.440643	-0.066844	-0.084750	-1.033605	-0.126964	-0.041670	-0.067808	192034.000000	0.000000	0.002282	0.001969	1.152984	-1.133709	0.044221	2927.008057	-5019.282227	48786.472656	-0.074662	0.079030	-1.554810	-0.108658	0.107077	-0.976856	-0.029986	0.097518	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164126.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159941.000000
-326.445648	-0.065379	-0.088168	-1.034338	-0.135478	-0.040606	-0.078450	192034.000000	0.000000	0.003255	0.002786	1.203983	-1.082549	0.047522	11215.725586	2204.993164	54858.574219	-0.074595	0.078512	-1.556080	-0.107738	0.106284	-0.977591	-0.031157	0.095468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148613.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	175454.000000
-326.450653	-0.063426	-0.092074	-1.035803	-0.140799	-0.037413	-0.090157	192034.000000	0.000000	0.003255	0.002786	1.160856	-1.110793	0.047522	418.911469	-6982.440918	59956.515625	-0.074470	0.078056	-1.556080	-0.107738	0.106284	-0.977591	-0.031157	0.095468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168597.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155470.000000
-326.455658	-0.062693	-0.095736	-1.036535	-0.143992	-0.033156	-0.101863	192034.000000	0.000000	0.003255	0.002786	1.156895	-1.107593	0.047522	4570.680176	-3729.651123	65054.453125	-0.074306	0.077666	-1.556080	-0.107738	0.106284	-0.977591	-0.031157	0.095468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161192.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	162875.000000
-326.460663	-0.061961	-0.099154	-1.037268	-0.143992	-0.026771	-0.113570	192034.000000	0.000000	0.003255	0.002786	1.151841	-1.105907	0.047522	4163.703125	-4239.511719	70152.390625	-0.074096	0.077351	-1.556080	-0.107738	0.106284	-0.977591	-0.031157	0.095468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162109.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161958.000000
-326.465668	-0.061717	-0.102084	-1.038977	-0.140799	-0.020385	-0.126340	191983.000000	0.000000	0.003255	0.002786	1.146561	-1.105534	0.047522	4085.320557	-4747.746094	75713.773438	-0.073847	0.077116	-1.556080	-0.107738	0.106284	-0.977591	-0.031157	0.095468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162645.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161320.000000
-326.470673	-0.060984	-0.104525	-1.039221	-0.135478	-0.011872	-0.138047	191983.000000	0.000000	0.003255	0.002786	1.139776	-1.106440	0.047522	3615.320068	-5151.136230	80811.718750	-0.073542	0.076961	-1.556080	-0.107738	0.106284	-0.977591	-0.031157	0.095468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163518.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	160447.000000
-326.475677	-0.059764	-0.106234	-1.037023	-0.129092	-0.003358	-0.149753	191983.000000	0.000000	0.003255	0.002786	1.131857	-1.108246	0.047522	3415.198486	-5404.847168	85909.656250	-0.073176	0.076881	-1.556080	-0.107738	0.106284	-0.977591	-0.031157	0.095468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163972.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159993.000000
-326.480682	-0.059031	-0.107699	-1.033605	-0.121643	0.007285	-0.161460	191983.000000	0.000000	0.002833	0.002410	1.099878	-1.131927	0.050429	339.377472	-8070.315430	92273.523438	-0.072751	0.076878	-1.557198	-0.106962	0.105620	-0.978439	-0.032337	0.093163	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169713.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154252.000000
-326.485687	-0.058055	-0.107943	-1.029211	-0.115257	0.016863	-0.173166	192034.000000	0.000000	0.004861	0.004140	1.218790	-1.024403	0.063627	17550.886719	6938.795898	103118.539062	-0.072270	0.076924	-1.562273	-0.103453	0.102615	-0.981147	-0.032134	0.090873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137544.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	186523.000000
-326.490692	-0.056834	-0.108920	-1.024572	-0.108872	0.027505	-0.183809	192034.000000	0.000000	0.004861	0.004140	1.126883	-1.097644	0.063627	-6218.865723	-13303.768555	107753.031250	-0.071723	0.077031	-1.562273	-0.103453	0.102615	-0.981147	-0.032134	0.090873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181556.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	142511.000000
-326.495697	-0.056590	-0.108676	-1.018957	-0.103551	0.038147	-0.194451	192034.000000	0.000000	0.004910	0.004205	1.118943	-1.097537	0.068944	2928.510254	-5145.625977	114703.140625	-0.071132	0.077172	-1.564319	-0.102010	0.101375	-0.982187	-0.030525	0.089692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164251.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159816.000000
-326.500702	-0.056346	-0.108187	-1.013098	-0.097166	0.046661	-0.202965	192034.000000	0.000000	0.004910	0.004205	1.106395	-1.104076	0.068944	2558.914795	-6052.917480	118410.726562	-0.070509	0.077346	-1.564319	-0.102010	0.101375	-0.982187	-0.030525	0.089692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165528.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158539.000000
-326.505707	-0.055613	-0.107455	-1.008459	-0.091845	0.055175	-0.211478	192034.000000	0.000000	0.004910	0.004205	1.094757	-1.107794	0.068944	2566.225830	-5667.299805	122118.320312	-0.069845	0.077540	-1.564319	-0.102010	0.101375	-0.982187	-0.030525	0.089692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165135.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158932.000000
-326.510712	-0.054148	-0.105258	-1.003820	-0.086523	0.062624	-0.218928	192030.000000	0.000000	0.004910	0.004205	1.082052	-1.110185	0.068944	2473.252441	-5556.855957	125362.468750	-0.069131	0.077725	-1.564319	-0.102010	0.101375	-0.982187	-0.030525	0.089692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165113.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158946.000000
-326.515717	-0.052928	-0.103061	-0.998937	-0.080138	0.070074	-0.224249	192030.000000	0.000000	0.004910	0.004205	1.068966	-1.112694	0.068944	2336.907227	-5727.757812	127679.710938	-0.068373	0.077905	-1.564319	-0.102010	0.101375	-0.982187	-0.030525	0.089692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165420.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158639.000000
-326.520721	-0.051951	-0.099643	-0.995275	-0.070560	0.075395	-0.228506	192030.000000	0.000000	0.004910	0.004205	1.056069	-1.114488	0.068944	2507.921631	-6052.398926	129533.507812	-0.067588	0.078068	-1.564319	-0.102010	0.101375	-0.982187	-0.030525	0.089692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165574.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158485.000000
-326.525726	-0.051219	-0.095736	-0.993322	-0.059918	0.079652	-0.232763	192030.000000	0.000000	0.004833	0.004098	1.039021	-1.121463	0.074531	2070.475342	-6820.275879	133820.359375	-0.066784	0.078207	-1.566467	-0.100600	0.100176	-0.983208	-0.029478	0.088477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166779.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	157280.000000
-326.530731	-0.050730	-0.092562	-0.991613	-0.046083	0.084973	-0.234891	192037.000000	0.000000	0.007298	0.006234	1.164513	-1.002118	0.090340	18179.445312	7203.703125	141631.625000	-0.065961	0.078351	-1.572548	-0.096445	0.096616	-0.985312	-0.027497	0.088061	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136653.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	187420.000000
-326.535736	-0.049998	-0.089145	-0.989172	-0.031184	0.090294	-0.234891	192037.000000	0.000000	0.005572	0.004749	0.957537	-1.171607	0.096655	-19358.699219	-25524.628906	144381.593750	-0.065116	0.078500	-1.574976	-0.094818	0.095225	-0.986373	-0.024642	0.087931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	117153.000000
-326.540741	-0.049266	-0.086215	-0.987219	-0.015220	0.095615	-0.234891	192037.000000	0.000000	0.005572	0.004749	1.012684	-1.115500	0.096655	9698.192383	-646.327759	144381.593750	-0.064250	0.078668	-1.574976	-0.094818	0.095225	-0.986373	-0.024642	0.087931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152985.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171088.000000
-326.545746	-0.048289	-0.083041	-0.985998	0.001807	0.103065	-0.233827	192037.000000	0.000000	0.005572	0.004749	0.997652	-1.118952	0.096655	1643.195679	-7407.347656	143918.140625	-0.063346	0.078853	-1.574976	-0.094818	0.095225	-0.986373	-0.024642	0.087931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167801.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156272.000000
-326.550751	-0.047068	-0.079867	-0.984533	0.019899	0.111579	-0.230634	192032.000000	0.000000	0.005572	0.004749	0.981600	-1.122902	0.096655	1300.926147	-7680.524902	142527.796875	-0.062398	0.079059	-1.574976	-0.094818	0.095225	-0.986373	-0.024642	0.087931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168411.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155652.000000
-326.555756	-0.045604	-0.076205	-0.981604	0.037991	0.120092	-0.227442	192032.000000	0.000000	0.005572	0.004749	0.964716	-1.126721	0.096655	1092.587891	-7766.924316	141137.453125	-0.061400	0.079278	-1.574976	-0.094818	0.095225	-0.986373	-0.024642	0.087931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168706.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155357.000000
-326.560760	-0.045359	-0.072787	-0.980139	0.055019	0.130735	-0.222121	192032.000000	0.000000	0.005572	0.004749	0.947913	-1.130519	0.096655	741.249329	-7743.388672	138820.203125	-0.060370	0.079507	-1.574976	-0.094818	0.095225	-0.986373	-0.024642	0.087931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169034.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155029.000000
-326.565765	-0.045604	-0.070102	-0.978674	0.070982	0.139248	-0.216799	192032.000000	0.000000	0.005572	0.004749	0.931758	-1.134965	0.096655	933.057007	-7791.511719	136502.953125	-0.059326	0.079754	-1.574976	-0.094818	0.095225	-0.986373	-0.024642	0.087931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168890.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155173.000000
-326.570770	-0.045848	-0.068637	-0.977697	0.084817	0.147762	-0.210414	192032.000000	0.000000	0.004463	0.003806	0.854428	-1.192252	0.101476	-6188.335938	-13694.735352	135821.796875	-0.058271	0.080033	-1.576831	-0.093568	0.094155	-0.987420	-0.023656	0.087264	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181915.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	142148.000000
-326.575775	-0.046336	-0.067172	-0.975256	0.098652	0.155212	-0.204029	191961.000000	0.000000	0.005381	0.004583	0.933381	-1.117801	0.116237	11441.793945	1069.348633	139469.390625	-0.057214	0.080344	-1.582508	-0.089761	0.090897	-0.990462	-0.017987	0.091130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149449.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	174472.000000
-326.580780	-0.046580	-0.067172	-0.973059	0.110358	0.161597	-0.197643	191961.000000	0.000000	0.005381	0.004583	0.880789	-1.156361	0.116237	-3176.602295	-11353.991211	136688.703125	-0.056157	0.080707	-1.582508	-0.089761	0.090897	-0.990462	-0.017987	0.091130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176491.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	147430.000000
-326.585785	-0.046824	-0.067172	-0.970617	0.118872	0.166918	-0.191258	191961.000000	0.000000	0.005381	0.004583	0.865191	-1.163729	0.116237	911.859436	-7646.209961	133908.015625	-0.055104	0.081104	-1.582508	-0.089761	0.090897	-0.990462	-0.017987	0.091130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168695.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155226.000000
-326.590790	-0.047068	-0.067416	-0.967199	0.126322	0.171175	-0.184873	191961.000000	0.000000	0.005381	0.004583	0.849999	-1.171655	0.116237	984.045288	-7661.353516	131127.312500	-0.054063	0.081538	-1.582508	-0.089761	0.090897	-0.990462	-0.017987	0.091130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168638.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155283.000000
-326.595795	-0.047312	-0.067660	-0.962561	0.130579	0.174368	-0.179552	191957.000000	0.000000	0.005381	0.004583	0.835293	-1.179335	0.116237	1071.776123	-7338.377930	128810.070312	-0.053038	0.081993	-1.582508	-0.089761	0.090897	-0.990462	-0.017987	0.091130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168223.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155690.000000
-326.600800	-0.047801	-0.068393	-0.957434	0.132707	0.176496	-0.174230	191957.000000	0.000000	0.005381	0.004583	0.821415	-1.187349	0.116237	1206.305786	-7187.738281	126492.820312	-0.052040	0.082469	-1.582508	-0.089761	0.090897	-0.990462	-0.017987	0.091130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167938.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155975.000000
-326.605804	-0.048289	-0.068881	-0.952795	0.133771	0.177561	-0.168909	191957.000000	0.000000	0.005381	0.004583	0.808181	-1.195079	0.116237	1328.621948	-7079.675293	124175.578125	-0.051074	0.082956	-1.582508	-0.089761	0.090897	-0.990462	-0.017987	0.091130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167708.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156205.000000
-326.610809	-0.048777	-0.069369	-0.947668	0.132707	0.178625	-0.164652	191957.000000	0.000000	0.004260	0.003619	0.733778	-1.255430	0.126637	-5744.348145	-12904.403320	126850.851562	-0.050139	0.083444	-1.586508	-0.087118	0.088639	-0.993469	-0.011109	0.096006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180605.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	143308.000000
-326.615814	-0.049021	-0.069369	-0.944006	0.130579	0.179689	-0.159331	191957.000000	0.000000	0.002898	0.002462	0.690991	-1.286924	0.129361	-2470.731934	-9749.990234	125719.765625	-0.049228	0.083916	-1.587556	-0.086426	0.088048	-0.994355	-0.008380	0.097804	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174177.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	149736.000000
-326.620819	-0.049266	-0.069369	-0.940588	0.128450	0.179689	-0.155074	192024.000000	0.000000	0.002898	0.002462	0.733378	-1.246842	0.129361	7207.668457	-1685.109619	123865.968750	-0.048346	0.084371	-1.587556	-0.086426	0.088048	-0.994355	-0.008380	0.097804	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156501.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	167546.000000
-326.625824	-0.049510	-0.069613	-0.939123	0.125257	0.179689	-0.149753	192024.000000	0.000000	0.002854	0.002425	0.719194	-1.254670	0.132016	922.145569	-6857.356445	122704.914062	-0.047490	0.084807	-1.588577	-0.085753	0.087473	-0.995176	-0.005592	0.098900	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167959.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156088.000000
-326.630829	-0.048777	-0.070102	-0.937170	0.124193	0.180753	-0.144432	192024.000000	0.000000	0.002854	0.002425	0.708121	-1.259591	0.132016	1091.328491	-6789.494141	120387.671875	-0.046634	0.085241	-1.588577	-0.085753	0.087473	-0.995176	-0.005592	0.098900	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167722.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156325.000000
-326.635834	-0.048289	-0.071322	-0.933020	0.123129	0.181818	-0.140175	192024.000000	0.000000	0.002854	0.002425	0.695700	-1.267043	0.132016	881.055603	-7097.139160	118533.875000	-0.045786	0.085692	-1.588577	-0.085753	0.087473	-0.995176	-0.005592	0.098900	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168240.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155807.000000
-326.640839	-0.047801	-0.072787	-0.930334	0.122065	0.182882	-0.135918	192027.000000	0.000000	0.002854	0.002425	0.683291	-1.274904	0.132016	820.432190	-7173.348633	116680.078125	-0.044944	0.086163	-1.588577	-0.085753	0.087473	-0.995176	-0.005592	0.098900	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168379.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155674.000000
-326.645844	-0.047068	-0.075473	-0.928625	0.119936	0.182882	-0.132726	192027.000000	0.000000	0.002854	0.002425	0.670868	-1.284126	0.132016	878.795837	-7238.667969	115289.726562	-0.044106	0.086673	-1.588577	-0.085753	0.087473	-0.995176	-0.005592	0.098900	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168386.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155667.000000
-326.650848	-0.045359	-0.079135	-0.926184	0.118872	0.182882	-0.129533	192027.000000	0.000000	0.002854	0.002425	0.657382	-1.295419	0.132016	699.763306	-7630.492676	113899.382812	-0.043251	0.087250	-1.588577	-0.085753	0.087473	-0.995176	-0.005592	0.098900	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168957.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155096.000000
-326.655853	-0.043650	-0.082797	-0.923254	0.116744	0.182882	-0.127405	192027.000000	0.000000	0.002854	0.002425	0.643656	-1.307432	0.132016	610.341797	-7638.108398	112972.484375	-0.042379	0.087887	-1.588577	-0.085753	0.087473	-0.995176	-0.005592	0.098900	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169054.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154999.000000
-326.660858	-0.042430	-0.086947	-0.920812	0.114615	0.181818	-0.125276	191956.000000	0.000000	0.002700	0.002288	0.622036	-1.328359	0.134493	-235.268402	-8704.657227	113124.437500	-0.041507	0.088595	-1.589530	-0.085135	0.086946	-0.995976	-0.003903	0.099377	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170895.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	153016.000000
-326.665863	-0.040965	-0.090609	-0.918615	0.111423	0.181818	-0.124212	191956.000000	0.000000	0.003690	0.003167	0.668898	-1.288089	0.141562	7393.369141	-1658.810303	115739.351562	-0.040622	0.089356	-1.592249	-0.083139	0.085206	-0.998016	0.001682	0.102039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156221.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	167690.000000
-326.670868	-0.040232	-0.093539	-0.916662	0.106101	0.180753	-0.124212	191956.000000	0.000000	0.003690	0.003167	0.616481	-1.336059	0.141562	-3642.234131	-11323.442383	115739.351562	-0.039745	0.090142	-1.592249	-0.083139	0.085206	-0.998016	0.001682	0.102039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176921.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	146990.000000
-326.675873	-0.039012	-0.096713	-0.914465	0.100780	0.179689	-0.124212	191956.000000	0.000000	0.002138	0.001841	0.517885	-1.422483	0.143006	-9168.441406	-15924.686523	116367.929688	-0.038866	0.090960	-1.592804	-0.082721	0.084840	-0.998549	0.004474	0.103765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187049.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	136862.000000
-326.680878	-0.037303	-0.100619	-0.913000	0.094395	0.178625	-0.125276	191956.000000	0.000000	0.002138	0.001841	0.565952	-1.383932	0.143006	7183.978027	-1859.368164	116831.375000	-0.037973	0.091817	-1.592804	-0.082721	0.084840	-0.998549	0.004474	0.103765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156631.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	167280.000000
-326.685883	-0.035350	-0.104037	-0.911535	0.086945	0.176496	-0.126340	191963.000000	0.000000	0.002138	0.001841	0.551770	-1.398103	0.143006	400.827789	-7570.181641	117294.820312	-0.037065	0.092699	-1.592804	-0.082721	0.084840	-0.998549	0.004474	0.103765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169132.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154793.000000
-326.690887	-0.033885	-0.107211	-0.910559	0.079496	0.173304	-0.126340	191963.000000	0.000000	0.002138	0.001841	0.538258	-1.412241	0.143006	544.217102	-7597.478516	117294.820312	-0.036160	0.093597	-1.592804	-0.082721	0.084840	-0.998549	0.004474	0.103765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169016.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154909.000000
-326.695892	-0.032420	-0.111117	-0.910314	0.073110	0.167983	-0.126340	191963.000000	0.000000	0.002138	0.001841	0.525306	-1.427671	0.143006	804.617432	-7898.119629	117294.820312	-0.035266	0.094531	-1.592804	-0.082721	0.084840	-0.998549	0.004474	0.103765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169056.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154869.000000
-326.700897	-0.030711	-0.114047	-0.909582	0.065661	0.161597	-0.124212	191963.000000	0.000000	0.002138	0.001841	0.512585	-1.442201	0.143006	917.814880	-7714.674805	116367.929688	-0.034384	0.095474	-1.592804	-0.082721	0.084840	-0.998549	0.004474	0.103765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168759.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155166.000000
-326.705902	-0.029490	-0.116244	-0.908850	0.059276	0.153083	-0.122083	191951.000000	0.000000	0.003594	0.003098	0.581206	-1.387198	0.146253	10450.824219	96.270660	116855.156250	-0.033536	0.096416	-1.594053	-0.081823	0.084059	-0.999009	0.006831	0.105232	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151403.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	172498.000000
-326.710907	-0.028270	-0.117709	-0.909338	0.053954	0.144570	-0.118891	191951.000000	0.000000	0.003693	0.003192	0.517554	-1.445540	0.151677	-4347.059082	-12727.636719	117827.000000	-0.032720	0.097342	-1.596139	-0.080253	0.082683	-0.999723	0.009460	0.105065	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179025.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	144876.000000
-326.715912	-0.027781	-0.119174	-0.910070	0.049697	0.132863	-0.115698	191951.000000	0.000000	0.003101	0.002652	0.472253	-1.492300	0.154433	-2132.738037	-11766.692383	117636.570312	-0.031967	0.098259	-1.597199	-0.079532	0.082061	-0.999983	0.010893	0.104991	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175850.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	148051.000000
-326.720917	-0.027293	-0.120395	-0.911047	0.046505	0.120092	-0.112505	191951.000000	0.000000	0.003101	0.002652	0.488332	-1.483858	0.154433	4866.150391	-5760.409180	116246.226562	-0.031282	0.099164	-1.597199	-0.079532	0.082061	-0.999983	0.010893	0.104991	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162845.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161056.000000
-326.725922	-0.027537	-0.121371	-0.913488	0.046505	0.107322	-0.108248	191951.000000	0.000000	0.003101	0.002652	0.482519	-1.497167	0.154433	2490.917480	-8564.289062	114392.429688	-0.030678	0.100064	-1.597199	-0.079532	0.082061	-0.999983	0.010893	0.104991	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168024.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155877.000000
-326.730927	-0.028270	-0.121859	-0.915686	0.047569	0.093487	-0.105056	192027.000000	0.000000	0.003101	0.002652	0.478684	-1.510165	0.154433	2871.513916	-8711.750977	113002.085938	-0.030169	0.100955	-1.597199	-0.079532	0.082061	-0.999983	0.010893	0.104991	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167867.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156186.000000
-326.735931	-0.028758	-0.122104	-0.917639	0.050762	0.080716	-0.101863	192027.000000	0.000000	0.003101	0.002652	0.475604	-1.523361	0.154433	2881.991211	-9043.026367	111611.734375	-0.029742	0.101843	-1.597199	-0.079532	0.082061	-0.999983	0.010893	0.104991	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168188.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155865.000000
-326.740936	-0.028758	-0.123324	-0.920080	0.056083	0.065817	-0.098670	192027.000000	0.000000	0.003101	0.002652	0.473644	-1.538165	0.154433	3298.776123	-9546.456055	110221.390625	-0.029397	0.102758	-1.597199	-0.079532	0.082061	-0.999983	0.010893	0.104991	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168274.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155779.000000
-326.745941	-0.028758	-0.124545	-0.922766	0.062468	0.053046	-0.096542	192027.000000	0.000000	0.003101	0.002652	0.472198	-1.553600	0.154433	3173.572510	-9833.667969	109294.492188	-0.029119	0.103704	-1.597199	-0.079532	0.082061	-0.999983	0.010893	0.104991	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168687.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155366.000000
-326.750946	-0.028270	-0.125766	-0.925695	0.069918	0.039211	-0.094414	192026.000000	0.000000	0.002671	0.002290	0.447792	-1.589615	0.156570	716.842590	-12413.954102	109298.382812	-0.028903	0.104685	-1.598021	-0.078958	0.081564	-1.000173	0.012239	0.105246	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173723.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	150328.000000
-326.755951	-0.028514	-0.127475	-0.929602	0.079496	0.025376	-0.093349	192026.000000	0.000000	0.003241	0.002749	0.497114	-1.567482	0.162293	9114.473633	-6195.566406	111327.101562	-0.028761	0.105718	-1.600222	-0.077526	0.080340	-1.000345	0.013958	0.106702	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159107.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164944.000000
-326.760956	-0.028514	-0.128939	-0.935217	0.090138	0.010477	-0.092285	192026.000000	0.000000	0.003241	0.002749	0.476168	-1.603863	0.162293	1477.321777	-12962.895508	110863.648438	-0.028691	0.106797	-1.600222	-0.077526	0.080340	-1.000345	0.013958	0.106702	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173511.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	150540.000000
-326.765961	-0.028270	-0.129672	-0.941076	0.101845	-0.005486	-0.091221	192026.000000	0.000000	0.002008	0.001693	0.411189	-1.680016	0.163743	-3472.816650	-17857.312500	111031.609375	-0.028691	0.107910	-1.600780	-0.077183	0.080051	-1.000322	0.013778	0.107951	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183356.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	140695.000000
-326.770966	-0.028025	-0.130893	-0.947668	0.113551	-0.022514	-0.090157	191737.000000	0.000000	0.002008	0.001693	0.464552	-1.656779	0.163743	9980.291992	-6875.584473	110568.164062	-0.028765	0.109066	-1.600780	-0.077183	0.080051	-1.000322	0.013778	0.107951	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158632.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164841.000000
-326.775970	-0.027781	-0.131869	-0.955236	0.126322	-0.039541	-0.089092	191737.000000	0.000000	0.002008	0.001693	0.469613	-1.676211	0.163743	4770.872559	-11832.626953	110104.710938	-0.028911	0.110259	-1.600780	-0.077183	0.080051	-1.000322	0.013778	0.107951	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168798.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154675.000000
-326.780975	-0.028025	-0.131869	-0.962805	0.139092	-0.056569	-0.085900	191737.000000	0.000000	0.002008	0.001693	0.476298	-1.695068	0.163743	5059.092773	-11915.478516	108714.367188	-0.029138	0.111470	-1.600780	-0.077183	0.080051	-1.000322	0.013778	0.107951	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168593.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154880.000000
-326.785980	-0.029246	-0.132357	-0.969641	0.151863	-0.073597	-0.082707	191737.000000	0.000000	0.002008	0.001693	0.485238	-1.714832	0.163743	5426.501953	-12164.839844	107324.023438	-0.029467	0.112710	-1.600780	-0.077183	0.080051	-1.000322	0.013778	0.107951	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168475.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154998.000000
-326.790985	-0.030467	-0.132602	-0.976232	0.163570	-0.088496	-0.078450	191737.000000	0.000000	0.002008	0.001693	0.495030	-1.734479	0.163743	5399.747070	-12179.291992	105470.226562	-0.029883	0.113969	-1.600780	-0.077183	0.080051	-1.000322	0.013778	0.107951	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168516.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154957.000000
-326.795990	-0.031932	-0.132357	-0.983312	0.175276	-0.102331	-0.073129	190611.000000	0.000000	0.002820	0.002391	0.550681	-1.715403	0.166223	10644.208008	-7886.754395	104233.179688	-0.030387	0.115235	-1.601734	-0.076572	0.079531	-1.000256	0.013244	0.108985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157853.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163368.000000
-326.800995	-0.033641	-0.131137	-0.991369	0.185918	-0.114037	-0.067808	190611.000000	0.000000	0.002600	0.002183	0.517998	-1.772691	0.169677	600.915833	-16478.910156	103419.953125	-0.030969	0.116483	-1.603062	-0.075791	0.078878	-1.000117	0.011186	0.112940	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176488.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	144733.000000
-326.806000	-0.035594	-0.130160	-0.999670	0.195496	-0.122551	-0.062487	190611.000000	0.000000	0.001909	0.001591	0.501159	-1.814604	0.171086	1953.625244	-14908.230469	101716.171875	-0.031616	0.117711	-1.603604	-0.075491	0.078631	-1.000084	0.009543	0.115392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173565.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	147656.000000
-326.811005	-0.037303	-0.127963	-1.008459	0.205074	-0.127872	-0.059294	190611.000000	0.000000	0.001909	0.001591	0.540797	-1.806967	0.171086	8019.368164	-9468.812500	100325.820312	-0.032306	0.118896	-1.603604	-0.075491	0.078631	-1.000084	0.009543	0.115392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162060.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159161.000000
-326.816010	-0.039012	-0.124545	-1.017492	0.214652	-0.130001	-0.056101	189862.000000	0.000000	0.000984	0.000796	0.501663	-1.864818	0.171289	-1163.303467	-16979.871094	99023.882812	-0.033020	0.120016	-1.603682	-0.075500	0.078649	-1.000091	0.009014	0.118542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178005.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	141718.000000
-326.821014	-0.040721	-0.120639	-1.026525	0.225295	-0.128936	-0.053973	189862.000000	0.000000	0.000984	0.000796	0.549820	-1.846196	0.171289	8300.424805	-8651.350586	98096.984375	-0.033743	0.121069	-1.603682	-0.075500	0.078649	-1.000091	0.009014	0.118542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160212.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159511.000000
-326.826019	-0.042430	-0.116732	-1.034826	0.235937	-0.124679	-0.053973	189862.000000	0.000000	0.000984	0.000796	0.560188	-1.858590	0.171289	3822.388428	-12167.856445	98096.984375	-0.034458	0.122060	-1.603682	-0.075500	0.078649	-1.000091	0.009014	0.118542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168207.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	151516.000000
-326.831024	-0.043895	-0.112826	-1.043127	0.247643	-0.118294	-0.056101	189862.000000	0.000000	0.000984	0.000796	0.569520	-1.870506	0.171289	3487.926758	-12340.894531	99023.882812	-0.035147	0.122998	-1.603682	-0.075500	0.078649	-1.000091	0.009014	0.118542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168714.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	151009.000000
-326.836029	-0.045359	-0.109652	-1.051428	0.258286	-0.110845	-0.058230	189862.000000	0.000000	0.000984	0.000796	0.578196	-1.882220	0.171289	3304.398438	-12304.489258	99950.781250	-0.035806	0.123893	-1.603682	-0.075500	0.078649	-1.000091	0.009014	0.118542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168862.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	150861.000000
-326.841034	-0.046336	-0.107211	-1.059729	0.269992	-0.102331	-0.061423	188902.000000	0.000000	0.000984	0.000796	0.585607	-1.894451	0.171289	3043.231201	-12588.578125	101341.132812	-0.036420	0.124766	-1.603682	-0.075500	0.078649	-1.000091	0.009014	0.118542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168447.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	149356.000000
-326.846039	-0.047312	-0.105746	-1.068762	0.282763	-0.092753	-0.065679	188902.000000	0.000000	0.000984	0.000796	0.592024	-1.907650	0.171289	2802.442627	-12931.372070	103194.921875	-0.036983	0.125641	-1.603682	-0.075500	0.078649	-1.000091	0.009014	0.118542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169030.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	148773.000000
-326.851044	-0.047068	-0.104525	-1.077551	0.295534	-0.084239	-0.069936	188902.000000	0.000000	0.000984	0.000796	0.596781	-1.921190	0.171289	2719.604980	-13089.987305	105048.718750	-0.037479	0.126523	-1.603682	-0.075500	0.078649	-1.000091	0.009014	0.118542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169272.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	148531.000000
-326.856049	-0.046824	-0.103305	-1.086096	0.307240	-0.076789	-0.074193	188902.000000	0.000000	0.003209	0.002718	0.723225	-1.828941	0.175996	16764.226562	-970.329224	108952.507812	-0.037915	0.127409	-1.605492	-0.074318	0.077638	-1.000929	0.005886	0.131340	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143108.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	174695.000000
-326.861053	-0.047068	-0.101352	-1.094641	0.318947	-0.070404	-0.077386	188204.000000	0.000000	0.003209	0.002718	0.638385	-1.918531	0.175996	-6770.332031	-21430.517578	110342.851562	-0.038306	0.128285	-1.605492	-0.074318	0.077638	-1.000929	0.005886	0.131340	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186404.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	130003.000000
-326.866058	-0.047312	-0.099887	-1.104406	0.329589	-0.064019	-0.079514	188204.000000	0.000000	0.002602	0.002238	0.608524	-1.957684	0.177885	-891.835571	-15996.731445	112092.156250	-0.038654	0.129154	-1.606219	-0.073798	0.077184	-1.001356	0.007150	0.135813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175092.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	141315.000000
-326.871063	-0.047068	-0.098666	-1.112707	0.339167	-0.058697	-0.082707	188204.000000	0.000000	0.002602	0.002238	0.635471	-1.951221	0.177885	5571.491211	-10878.339844	113482.500000	-0.038957	0.130017	-1.606219	-0.073798	0.077184	-1.001356	0.007150	0.135813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163510.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	152897.000000
-326.876068	-0.047557	-0.097445	-1.121496	0.346616	-0.053376	-0.084836	188204.000000	0.000000	0.002602	0.002238	0.638274	-1.963307	0.177885	2904.754150	-12774.189453	114409.398438	-0.039227	0.130865	-1.606219	-0.073798	0.077184	-1.001356	0.007150	0.135813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168073.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	148334.000000
-326.881073	-0.048289	-0.094760	-1.133459	0.354066	-0.046991	-0.086964	187269.000000	0.000000	0.002602	0.002238	0.640467	-1.973545	0.177885	2701.232422	-12651.891602	115336.296875	-0.039464	0.131667	-1.606219	-0.073798	0.077184	-1.001356	0.007150	0.135813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167219.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	147318.000000
-326.886078	-0.050730	-0.091830	-1.144689	0.359387	-0.040606	-0.089092	187269.000000	0.000000	0.002602	0.002238	0.643846	-1.982463	0.177885	2817.919678	-12338.102539	116263.195312	-0.039698	0.132413	-1.606219	-0.073798	0.077184	-1.001356	0.007150	0.135813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166789.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	147748.000000
-326.891083	-0.052684	-0.088656	-1.153479	0.363644	-0.034220	-0.090157	187269.000000	0.000000	0.002602	0.002238	0.646827	-1.990311	0.177885	2758.492676	-12159.181641	116726.640625	-0.039922	0.133099	-1.606219	-0.073798	0.077184	-1.001356	0.007150	0.135813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166669.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	147868.000000
-326.896088	-0.054148	-0.084262	-1.162512	0.363644	-0.027835	-0.091221	187269.000000	0.000000	0.002602	0.002238	0.649189	-1.995043	0.177885	2671.845703	-11370.386719	117190.093750	-0.040128	0.133683	-1.606219	-0.073798	0.077184	-1.001356	0.007150	0.135813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165967.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	148570.000000
-326.901093	-0.055125	-0.080355	-1.171301	0.361516	-0.022514	-0.092285	187269.000000	0.000000	0.002602	0.002238	0.651121	-1.998357	0.177885	2725.999512	-10985.812500	117653.539062	-0.040313	0.134168	-1.606219	-0.073798	0.077184	-1.001356	0.007150	0.135813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165528.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	149009.000000
-326.906097	-0.056834	-0.075717	-1.181311	0.356194	-0.018257	-0.092285	186556.000000	0.000000	0.004535	0.003948	0.759948	-1.904710	0.181895	15077.887695	481.940094	119400.109375	-0.040494	0.134528	-1.607761	-0.072640	0.076166	-1.001993	0.007314	0.139437	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140996.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	172115.000000
-326.911102	-0.058299	-0.072543	-1.190588	0.349809	-0.014000	-0.091221	186556.000000	0.000000	0.003913	0.003386	0.650846	-2.003799	0.188406	-9408.711914	-21021.935547	121771.804688	-0.040669	0.134786	-1.610265	-0.070692	0.074440	-1.004912	0.008491	0.153268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186986.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	126125.000000
-326.916107	-0.060008	-0.070102	-1.200598	0.341295	-0.011872	-0.090157	186556.000000	0.000000	0.003913	0.003386	0.678734	-1.979824	0.188406	6009.166504	-7104.776367	121308.351562	-0.040851	0.134946	-1.610265	-0.070692	0.074440	-1.004912	0.008491	0.153268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157651.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155460.000000
-326.921112	-0.060740	-0.069857	-1.212561	0.331717	-0.010807	-0.089092	186556.000000	0.000000	0.003913	0.003386	0.681139	-1.978595	0.188406	3330.471924	-9438.919922	120844.906250	-0.041027	0.135040	-1.610265	-0.070692	0.074440	-1.004912	0.008491	0.153268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162664.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	150447.000000
-326.926117	-0.061229	-0.069857	-1.224523	0.321075	-0.009743	-0.086964	185619.000000	0.000000	0.003913	0.003386	0.683279	-1.976418	0.188406	3306.137451	-9158.887695	119918.007812	-0.041194	0.135069	-1.610265	-0.070692	0.074440	-1.004912	0.008491	0.153268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161471.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	149766.000000
-326.931122	-0.060984	-0.067660	-1.234045	0.308304	-0.009743	-0.085900	185619.000000	0.000000	0.003913	0.003386	0.685005	-1.970942	0.188406	3385.684814	-8478.238281	119454.554688	-0.041347	0.134991	-1.610265	-0.070692	0.074440	-1.004912	0.008491	0.153268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160711.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	150526.000000
-326.936127	-0.058543	-0.063754	-1.242102	0.293405	-0.010807	-0.084836	185619.000000	0.000000	0.003913	0.003386	0.684959	-1.962000	0.188406	3312.491211	-7753.450684	118991.109375	-0.041457	0.134771	-1.610265	-0.070692	0.074440	-1.004912	0.008491	0.153268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160059.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	151178.000000
-326.941132	-0.055369	-0.058139	-1.251135	0.274249	-0.012936	-0.083771	185619.000000	0.000000	0.003913	0.003386	0.683963	-1.948460	0.188406	3330.227783	-6629.290039	118527.656250	-0.041519	0.134365	-1.610265	-0.070692	0.074440	-1.004912	0.008491	0.153268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158918.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	152319.000000
-326.946136	-0.052439	-0.052523	-1.262365	0.252965	-0.018257	-0.082707	184698.000000	0.000000	0.003913	0.003386	0.683328	-1.931751	0.188406	3742.582275	-5872.091797	118064.210938	-0.041553	0.133766	-1.610265	-0.070692	0.074440	-1.004912	0.008491	0.153268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156827.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	152568.000000
-326.951141	-0.050242	-0.048861	-1.275061	0.228487	-0.026771	-0.080579	184698.000000	0.000000	0.010932	0.009393	1.069791	-1.582892	0.231370	48474.199219	32718.195312	135847.203125	-0.041586	0.132993	-1.626790	-0.059556	0.064825	-1.011765	0.002102	0.170956	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-326.956146	-0.049754	-0.047152	-1.289221	0.202946	-0.039541	-0.078450	184698.000000	0.000000	-0.022833	-0.019419	-1.064345	-3.387741	0.198416	-237971.000000	-212162.718750	120569.820312	-0.041667	0.132076	-1.614116	-0.067548	0.071621	-1.014497	0.008297	0.167260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-326.961151	-0.049754	-0.046908	-1.303381	0.175276	-0.055505	-0.075257	184698.000000	0.000000	-0.022833	-0.019419	0.290778	-2.214869	0.198416	152352.109375	121012.218750	119179.476562	-0.041817	0.131029	-1.614116	-0.067548	0.071621	-1.014497	0.008297	0.167260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-326.966156	-0.049266	-0.046420	-1.319006	0.146542	-0.073597	-0.071001	184698.000000	0.000000	-0.022833	-0.019419	0.296973	-2.191667	0.198416	4375.630859	-5044.003418	117325.679688	-0.042039	0.129846	-1.614116	-0.067548	0.071621	-1.014497	0.008297	0.167260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155366.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154029.000000
-326.971161	-0.048533	-0.044223	-1.335363	0.115679	-0.092753	-0.065679	183765.000000	0.000000	-0.022833	-0.019419	0.304288	-2.164600	0.198416	4737.617676	-4118.321777	115008.429688	-0.042334	0.128494	-1.614116	-0.067548	0.071621	-1.014497	0.008297	0.167260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153145.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154384.000000
-326.976166	-0.047312	-0.039828	-1.351477	0.083753	-0.114037	-0.059294	183765.000000	0.000000	-0.022833	-0.019419	0.312858	-2.133175	0.198416	5246.475586	-3231.958496	112227.734375	-0.042704	0.126939	-1.614116	-0.067548	0.071621	-1.014497	0.008297	0.167260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151750.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155779.000000
-326.981171	-0.046092	-0.033480	-1.369543	0.049697	-0.134257	-0.052909	183765.000000	0.000000	-0.022833	-0.019419	0.322176	-2.096825	0.198416	5347.488770	-2132.478271	109447.046875	-0.043142	0.125147	-1.614116	-0.067548	0.071621	-1.014497	0.008297	0.167260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150549.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156980.000000
-326.986176	-0.044627	-0.024936	-1.388098	0.015642	-0.154478	-0.045459	183765.000000	0.000000	0.002542	0.002348	1.727515	-0.858768	0.199028	165405.968750	135854.078125	106469.070312	-0.043646	0.123093	-1.614351	-0.067085	0.071164	-1.017262	0.013632	0.164010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-326.991180	-0.043406	-0.016879	-1.407629	-0.018413	-0.172570	-0.039074	182832.000000	0.000000	-0.012216	-0.010530	-0.087890	-2.392823	0.163224	-197235.875000	-175856.281250	88096.664062	-0.044205	0.120793	-1.600580	-0.076205	0.079009	-1.024543	0.001520	0.175437	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-326.996185	-0.043162	-0.009066	-1.427160	-0.052468	-0.187469	-0.032688	182832.000000	0.000000	-0.001937	-0.001538	1.078764	-1.336084	0.158292	135743.578125	114034.773438	83168.125000	-0.044819	0.118259	-1.598683	-0.077186	0.079805	-1.027958	0.006285	0.159471	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-327.001190	-0.043650	-0.000766	-1.448645	-0.083331	-0.198111	-0.027367	182832.000000	0.000000	-0.001937	-0.001538	0.679216	-1.645644	0.158292	-38726.855469	-37831.062500	80850.875000	-0.045473	0.115507	-1.598683	-0.077186	0.079805	-1.027958	0.006285	0.159471	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-327.006195	-0.044383	0.008023	-1.470373	-0.113129	-0.204496	-0.023110	182832.000000	0.000000	0.038133	0.032897	2.893466	0.300614	0.206317	258422.796875	219182.515625	99910.968750	-0.046150	0.112544	-1.617154	-0.064873	0.069176	-1.032542	0.002581	0.163653	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-327.011200	-0.045115	0.018277	-1.490148	-0.141863	-0.205561	-0.023110	182832.000000	0.000000	0.038133	0.032897	1.301130	-1.019802	0.206317	-168039.109375	-146066.765625	99910.968750	-0.046821	0.109363	-1.617154	-0.064873	0.069176	-1.032542	0.002581	0.163653	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-327.016205	-0.044871	0.029996	-1.506750	-0.170597	-0.203432	-0.025239	181442.000000	0.000000	0.038133	0.032897	1.309312	-0.959465	0.206317	7624.336914	6165.065430	100837.867188	-0.047457	0.105952	-1.617154	-0.064873	0.069176	-1.032542	0.002581	0.163653	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137652.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165231.000000
-327.021210	-0.043895	0.041715	-1.522863	-0.199331	-0.198111	-0.030560	181442.000000	0.000000	0.038133	0.032897	1.315571	-0.896149	0.206317	7066.006348	6916.137207	103155.117188	-0.048034	0.102321	-1.617154	-0.064873	0.069176	-1.032542	0.002581	0.163653	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137459.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165424.000000
-327.026215	-0.041941	0.051480	-1.543127	-0.228065	-0.191726	-0.036945	181442.000000	0.000000	0.038133	0.032897	1.319939	-0.831439	0.206317	6731.885254	7499.226562	105935.804688	-0.048533	0.098503	-1.617154	-0.064873	0.069176	-1.032542	0.002581	0.163653	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137210.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165673.000000
-327.031219	-0.040477	0.058805	-1.567541	-0.255735	-0.188533	-0.046523	181442.000000	0.000000	0.038133	0.032897	1.324326	-0.766470	0.206317	7090.414551	7836.794922	110106.851562	-0.048976	0.094545	-1.617154	-0.064873	0.069176	-1.032542	0.002581	0.163653	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136514.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166369.000000
-327.036224	-0.040721	0.061246	-1.593664	-0.280212	-0.188533	-0.055037	180209.000000	0.000000	0.038133	0.032897	1.330032	-0.703960	0.206317	7612.862793	7615.543457	113814.437500	-0.049401	0.090530	-1.617154	-0.064873	0.069176	-1.032542	0.002581	0.163653	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134980.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165437.000000
-327.041229	-0.041697	0.059537	-1.619299	-0.302561	-0.192790	-0.063551	180209.000000	0.000000	0.000995	0.000801	-0.704840	-2.408835	0.206455	-225633.859375	-194692.796875	117582.093750	-0.049841	0.086521	-1.617207	-0.064939	0.069247	-1.037532	0.001530	0.163830	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-327.046234	-0.042918	0.053922	-1.641760	-0.322781	-0.202368	-0.069936	180209.000000	0.000000	0.004818	0.004046	0.999407	-0.890274	0.219071	193973.546875	166587.828125	125857.062500	-0.050325	0.082573	-1.622060	-0.062269	0.067019	-1.055884	-0.004680	0.152029	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-327.051239	-0.044871	0.044400	-1.664709	-0.338745	-0.214074	-0.073129	180209.000000	0.000000	0.004818	0.004046	0.857311	-0.967711	0.219071	-9408.722656	-9652.630859	127247.406250	-0.050874	0.078750	-1.622060	-0.062269	0.067019	-1.055884	-0.004680	0.152029	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169270.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	131147.000000
-327.056244	-0.047068	0.035855	-1.691076	-0.349387	-0.226845	-0.072065	178786.000000	0.000000	0.004708	0.003994	0.863385	-0.920573	0.224185	7087.211426	3725.871094	129011.039062	-0.051493	0.075061	-1.624027	-0.061118	0.066043	-1.063206	-0.005221	0.145713	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137972.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159599.000000
-327.061249	-0.050242	0.029020	-1.715734	-0.354708	-0.240680	-0.068872	178786.000000	0.000000	0.004708	0.003994	0.881878	-0.870469	0.224185	8718.327148	3721.837646	127620.687500	-0.052200	0.071505	-1.624027	-0.061118	0.066043	-1.063206	-0.005221	0.145713	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136345.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161226.000000
-327.066254	-0.055125	0.021451	-1.735510	-0.355772	-0.252387	-0.062487	178786.000000	0.000000	0.004708	0.003994	0.897780	-0.825682	0.224185	8326.571289	2880.020264	124840.000000	-0.053003	0.068104	-1.624027	-0.061118	0.066043	-1.063206	-0.005221	0.145713	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137579.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159992.000000
-327.071259	-0.062449	0.012662	-1.752355	-0.354708	-0.260900	-0.052909	178786.000000	0.000000	0.004708	0.003994	0.915733	-0.784214	0.224185	8323.275391	2467.789795	120668.960938	-0.053914	0.064878	-1.624027	-0.061118	0.066043	-1.063206	-0.005221	0.145713	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137994.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159577.000000
-327.076263	-0.070506	0.003385	-1.767736	-0.350451	-0.266221	-0.043331	178786.000000	0.000000	0.004708	0.003994	0.934714	-0.746220	0.224185	8196.938477	1889.766479	116497.914062	-0.054921	0.061841	-1.624027	-0.061118	0.066043	-1.063206	-0.005221	0.145713	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138699.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158872.000000
-327.081268	-0.077586	-0.005893	-1.780432	-0.347259	-0.267286	-0.030560	177255.000000	0.000000	0.004708	0.003994	0.953322	-0.710423	0.224185	7777.878906	1914.558228	110936.531250	-0.055992	0.058980	-1.624027	-0.061118	0.066043	-1.063206	-0.005221	0.145713	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137562.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156947.000000
-327.086273	-0.084422	-0.011264	-1.790930	-0.344066	-0.265157	-0.016725	177255.000000	0.000000	0.004708	0.003994	0.971801	-0.674589	0.224185	7487.819336	2068.689453	104911.695312	-0.057107	0.056249	-1.624027	-0.061118	0.066043	-1.063206	-0.005221	0.145713	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137698.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156811.000000
-327.091278	-0.090037	-0.017123	-1.798498	-0.341938	-0.261965	-0.002890	177255.000000	0.000000	0.002436	0.001860	0.864942	-0.757894	0.230235	-6917.024902	-11307.314453	101521.421875	-0.058246	0.053643	-1.626354	-0.060867	0.066030	-1.090200	-0.015118	0.138642	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165479.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	129030.000000
-327.096283	-0.094676	-0.024691	-1.806799	-0.337681	-0.253451	0.010945	177255.000000	0.000000	0.002516	0.001912	0.976502	-0.638894	0.233821	16988.347656	11231.123047	97057.968750	-0.059372	0.051188	-1.627733	-0.060453	0.065750	-1.100793	-0.017982	0.133271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119035.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	175474.000000
-327.101288	-0.098582	-0.031283	-1.816076	-0.333424	-0.242809	0.023715	175828.000000	0.000000	0.002516	0.001912	0.988332	-0.611710	0.233821	5793.874023	1240.795898	91496.585938	-0.060463	0.048871	-1.627733	-0.060453	0.065750	-1.100793	-0.017982	0.133271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138793.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	152862.000000
-327.106293	-0.102732	-0.040072	-1.828283	-0.321717	-0.226845	0.034358	175828.000000	0.000000	0.002516	0.001912	1.001427	-0.587601	0.233821	5334.636719	140.737793	86862.093750	-0.061495	0.046747	-1.627733	-0.060453	0.065750	-1.100793	-0.017982	0.133271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140352.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	151303.000000
-327.111298	-0.107371	-0.050570	-1.844396	-0.302561	-0.206625	0.043936	175828.000000	0.000000	0.002516	0.001912	1.012645	-0.569086	0.233821	4618.714355	-1296.544312	82691.054688	-0.062450	0.044866	-1.627733	-0.060453	0.065750	-1.100793	-0.017982	0.133271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142505.000000	200000.000000	199912.000000	149150.000000
-327.116302	-0.112986	-0.063021	-1.857092	-0.278084	-0.182148	0.051385	175828.000000	0.000000	0.002516	0.001912	1.022257	-0.556518	0.233821	3905.758057	-2590.316406	79446.906250	-0.063319	0.043269	-1.627733	-0.060453	0.065750	-1.100793	-0.017982	0.133271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144512.000000	200000.000000	199331.000000	147143.000000
-327.121307	-0.119090	-0.075717	-1.863195	-0.250414	-0.154478	0.057771	175828.000000	0.000000	0.002516	0.001912	1.030290	-0.548978	0.233821	3290.792236	-3586.739258	76666.218750	-0.064097	0.041971	-1.627733	-0.060453	0.065750	-1.100793	-0.017982	0.133271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146123.000000	200000.000000	198950.000000	145532.000000
-327.126312	-0.125682	-0.091830	-1.864416	-0.223809	-0.124679	0.066285	174419.000000	0.000000	0.002516	0.001912	1.036952	-0.547346	0.233821	2799.538574	-4234.274902	72958.625000	-0.064784	0.040997	-1.627733	-0.060453	0.065750	-1.100793	-0.017982	0.133271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145853.000000	200000.000000	197385.000000	142984.000000
-327.131317	-0.133006	-0.111361	-1.863684	-0.199331	-0.093817	0.074798	174419.000000	0.000000	0.002516	0.001912	1.042547	-0.551692	0.233821	2448.923340	-4790.212402	69251.031250	-0.065385	0.040369	-1.627733	-0.060453	0.065750	-1.100793	-0.017982	0.133271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146760.000000	200000.000000	197179.000000	142077.000000
-327.136322	-0.142039	-0.130404	-1.860021	-0.178047	-0.057633	0.085441	174419.000000	0.000000	-0.000650	-0.000821	0.872582	-0.710032	0.223623	-18388.343750	-22197.861328	60175.476562	-0.065897	0.040058	-1.623810	-0.064797	0.069775	-1.152236	-0.028397	0.121357	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185005.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	103832.000000
-327.141327	-0.153270	-0.148715	-1.853918	-0.164212	-0.022514	0.098211	174419.000000	0.000000	-0.000650	-0.000821	1.003773	-0.610863	0.223623	15284.662109	7328.377441	54614.089844	-0.066353	0.040015	-1.623810	-0.064797	0.069775	-1.152236	-0.028397	0.121357	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121805.000000	200000.000000	196462.000000	167032.000000
-327.146332	-0.165477	-0.166293	-1.845617	-0.153570	0.013670	0.112046	173248.000000	0.000000	-0.000650	-0.000821	1.008036	-0.623558	0.223623	1064.212280	-4728.055664	48589.253906	-0.066762	0.040216	-1.623810	-0.064797	0.069775	-1.152236	-0.028397	0.121357	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146911.000000	200000.000000	197455.000000	139584.000000
-327.151337	-0.176219	-0.183627	-1.835607	-0.152505	0.048789	0.128010	173248.000000	0.000000	-0.000650	-0.000821	1.011234	-0.637025	0.223623	917.237854	-3826.531250	41637.515625	-0.067118	0.040606	-1.623810	-0.064797	0.069775	-1.152236	-0.028397	0.121357	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146157.000000	200000.000000	198504.000000	140338.000000
-327.156342	-0.185740	-0.200229	-1.822424	-0.155698	0.086037	0.146101	173248.000000	0.000000	-0.000650	-0.000821	1.012661	-0.651804	0.223623	323.745239	-3556.134033	33758.886719	-0.067403	0.041159	-1.623810	-0.064797	0.069775	-1.152236	-0.028397	0.121357	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146480.000000	200000.000000	199368.000000	140015.000000
-327.161346	-0.194285	-0.216098	-1.806066	-0.166340	0.122221	0.166322	173248.000000	0.000000	-0.000650	-0.000821	1.013105	-0.666701	0.223623	168.258041	-2769.471924	24953.353516	-0.067618	0.041832	-1.623810	-0.064797	0.069775	-1.152236	-0.028397	0.121357	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150895.000000	200000.000000	195263.000000	145693.000000
-327.166351	-0.199168	-0.229037	-1.787756	-0.176983	0.159469	0.189735	171933.000000	0.000000	-0.000650	-0.000821	1.010371	-0.681778	0.223623	-482.109741	-2809.653564	14757.479492	-0.067724	0.042596	-1.623810	-0.064797	0.069775	-1.152236	-0.028397	0.121357	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160467.000000	189018.000000	184362.000000	153883.000000
-327.171356	-0.202098	-0.238559	-1.770910	-0.191882	0.192460	0.217405	171933.000000	0.000000	-0.001384	-0.001281	0.965825	-0.720194	0.211540	-4968.127930	-5016.102539	-2554.037109	-0.067725	0.043389	-1.619163	-0.068276	0.072820	-1.199995	-0.020857	0.121632	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184471.000000	169426.000000	169330.000000	164502.000000
-327.176361	-0.197459	-0.246615	-1.752600	-0.205717	0.223322	0.248267	171933.000000	0.000000	-0.011547	-0.009670	0.426782	-1.176218	0.192560	-61728.640625	-53085.648438	-24259.224609	-0.067552	0.044206	-1.611863	-0.072492	0.076351	-1.217742	-0.023080	0.117646	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	147673.000000	147673.000000	136192.000000
-327.181366	-0.187937	-0.255160	-1.735266	-0.216359	0.245671	0.282322	171933.000000	0.000000	-0.011547	-0.009670	0.820384	-0.855503	0.192560	43465.167969	33494.683594	-39089.589844	-0.067194	0.045067	-1.611863	-0.072492	0.076351	-1.217742	-0.023080	0.117646	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141933.000000	141933.000000	141933.000000	200000.000000
-327.186371	-0.184764	-0.271273	-1.714514	-0.221680	0.258442	0.319570	171933.000000	0.000000	-0.011547	-0.009670	0.811714	-0.877337	0.192560	187.560959	-4831.698242	-55310.304688	-0.066776	0.046091	-1.611863	-0.072492	0.076351	-1.217742	-0.023080	0.117646	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	146952.000000	136913.000000	197288.000000
-327.191376	-0.185496	-0.286166	-1.688391	-0.224873	0.261634	0.355754	170534.000000	0.000000	-0.011547	-0.009670	0.807638	-0.902066	0.192560	1712.258667	-5483.625000	-71067.562500	-0.066398	0.047285	-1.611863	-0.072492	0.076351	-1.217742	-0.023080	0.117646	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	147729.000000	133338.000000	196762.000000
-327.196381	-0.185496	-0.298373	-1.660559	-0.221680	0.256313	0.390873	170534.000000	0.000000	-0.011547	-0.009670	0.806148	-0.929707	0.192560	2950.538574	-6648.005859	-86361.375000	-0.066095	0.048655	-1.611863	-0.072492	0.076351	-1.217742	-0.023080	0.117646	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	150132.000000	130935.000000	196836.000000
-327.201385	-0.182811	-0.311557	-1.632971	-0.215295	0.246735	0.425993	170534.000000	0.000000	-0.011547	-0.009670	0.805158	-0.961632	0.192560	3513.239014	-7646.424316	-101655.195312	-0.065858	0.050233	-1.611863	-0.072492	0.076351	-1.217742	-0.023080	0.117646	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	151693.000000	129374.000000	196400.000000
-327.206390	-0.178904	-0.322543	-1.604895	-0.205717	0.232900	0.461112	170534.000000	0.000000	-0.011547	-0.009670	0.805504	-0.996286	0.192560	4193.593262	-8501.167969	-116949.007812	-0.065691	0.052010	-1.611863	-0.072492	0.076351	-1.217742	-0.023080	0.117646	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	153228.000000	127839.000000	196226.000000
-327.211395	-0.173289	-0.334750	-1.575598	-0.190818	0.211616	0.495167	169397.000000	0.000000	-0.002082	-0.001769	1.328192	-0.602033	0.188126	64949.312500	39820.621094	-133710.187500	-0.065611	0.054034	-1.610158	-0.073547	0.077243	-1.236458	-0.024077	0.107560	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139397.000000	139397.000000	139397.000000	200000.000000
-327.216400	-0.171336	-0.347689	-1.539709	-0.178047	0.187139	0.529223	169397.000000	0.000000	-0.004413	-0.003407	0.828818	-1.053023	0.152731	-49276.523438	-55028.300781	-163954.375000	-0.065686	0.056323	-1.596545	-0.079899	0.082287	-1.295076	-0.010444	0.107796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	139397.000000	139397.000000	139397.000000
-327.221405	-0.171824	-0.363070	-1.502844	-0.168469	0.160533	0.562214	169397.000000	0.000000	-0.004413	-0.003407	0.933896	-1.037549	0.152731	18036.847656	-3349.442871	-178321.296875	-0.065955	0.058898	-1.596545	-0.079899	0.082287	-1.295076	-0.010444	0.107796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184709.000000	160783.000000	118010.000000	200000.000000
-327.226410	-0.174754	-0.376498	-1.463781	-0.163148	0.130735	0.592012	169397.000000	0.000000	-0.004413	-0.003407	0.951397	-1.090158	0.152731	8975.940430	-10634.041016	-191297.875000	-0.066469	0.061728	-1.596545	-0.079899	0.082287	-1.295076	-0.010444	0.107796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159006.000000	119787.000000	197738.000000
-327.231415	-0.178172	-0.385775	-1.426672	-0.162083	0.102001	0.619682	169397.000000	0.000000	-0.004413	-0.003407	0.972553	-1.142557	0.152731	9491.296875	-10389.943359	-203347.531250	-0.067228	0.064738	-1.596545	-0.079899	0.082287	-1.295076	-0.010444	0.107796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159278.000000	119515.000000	198498.000000
-327.236420	-0.182322	-0.388461	-1.392248	-0.163148	0.072202	0.646288	168191.000000	0.000000	-0.004413	-0.003407	0.998118	-1.192032	0.152731	10346.809570	-10055.943359	-214933.781250	-0.068244	0.067827	-1.596545	-0.079899	0.082287	-1.295076	-0.010444	0.107796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197900.000000	158593.000000	117788.000000	198481.000000
-327.241425	-0.187693	-0.384311	-1.355871	-0.166340	0.044532	0.670765	168191.000000	0.000000	-0.004413	-0.003407	1.028300	-1.237710	0.152731	10886.430664	-9599.836914	-225593.093750	-0.069533	0.070904	-1.596545	-0.079899	0.082287	-1.295076	-0.010444	0.107796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196904.000000	158677.000000	117704.000000	199477.000000
-327.246429	-0.194285	-0.373568	-1.318029	-0.172726	0.020055	0.692049	168191.000000	0.000000	-0.004413	-0.003407	1.063072	-1.277790	0.152731	11312.743164	-8788.230469	-234862.062500	-0.071102	0.073871	-1.596545	-0.079899	0.082287	-1.295076	-0.010444	0.107796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195666.000000	158291.000000	118090.000000	200000.000000
-327.251434	-0.198436	-0.357699	-1.279211	-0.182304	0.000899	0.709077	168191.000000	0.000000	-0.008154	-0.006504	0.893381	-1.482033	0.118104	-12450.097656	-27387.613281	-257356.718750	-0.072898	0.076645	-1.583226	-0.086251	0.087398	-1.337041	-0.010888	0.104095	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	153128.000000	123253.000000	158353.000000
-327.256439	-0.196482	-0.339877	-1.240881	-0.195074	-0.011872	0.722912	166434.000000	0.000000	-0.009371	-0.007394	1.008828	-1.435634	0.077351	18793.527344	799.468140	-281128.968750	-0.074800	0.079182	-1.567552	-0.093344	0.093046	-1.380408	-0.013705	0.099927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176841.000000	154428.000000	118439.000000	200000.000000
-327.261444	-0.190379	-0.325473	-1.206945	-0.206781	-0.016128	0.734618	166434.000000	0.000000	-0.009371	-0.007394	1.085384	-1.427370	0.077351	13954.532227	-3418.342529	-286226.906250	-0.076690	0.081523	-1.567552	-0.093344	0.093046	-1.380408	-0.013705	0.099927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185897.000000	153806.000000	119061.000000	200000.000000
-327.266449	-0.183055	-0.317172	-1.177648	-0.219552	-0.016128	0.745260	166434.000000	0.000000	-0.009371	-0.007394	1.109974	-1.455596	0.077351	7883.905273	-7385.236816	-290861.406250	-0.078513	0.083739	-1.567552	-0.093344	0.093046	-1.380408	-0.013705	0.099927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195935.000000	151703.000000	121164.000000	196932.000000
-327.271454	-0.176951	-0.314242	-1.149816	-0.231258	-0.011872	0.753774	166434.000000	0.000000	-0.009371	-0.007394	1.133037	-1.486818	0.077351	7334.848633	-7921.834473	-294569.000000	-0.080257	0.085918	-1.567552	-0.093344	0.093046	-1.380408	-0.013705	0.099927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197020.000000	151690.000000	121177.000000	195847.000000
-327.276459	-0.170359	-0.315707	-1.122229	-0.241900	-0.011872	0.759095	163685.000000	0.000000	-0.009371	-0.007394	1.155349	-1.521974	0.077351	7823.017578	-8584.300781	-296886.218750	-0.081931	0.088142	-1.567552	-0.093344	0.093046	-1.380408	-0.013705	0.099927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194446.000000	150092.000000	117277.000000	192923.000000
-327.281464	-0.165721	-0.322055	-1.094152	-0.250414	-0.016128	0.762288	163685.000000	0.000000	-0.009371	-0.007394	1.179384	-1.563267	0.077351	8610.214844	-9643.436523	-298276.562500	-0.083586	0.090511	-1.567552	-0.093344	0.093046	-1.380408	-0.013705	0.099927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194718.000000	151938.000000	115431.000000	192651.000000
-327.286469	-0.159861	-0.332064	-1.069494	-0.258928	-0.024642	0.761224	163685.000000	0.000000	-0.009371	-0.007394	1.202387	-1.609806	0.077351	9109.791992	-10395.144531	-297813.125000	-0.085207	0.093079	-1.567552	-0.093344	0.093046	-1.380408	-0.013705	0.099927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194970.000000	153189.000000	114180.000000	192399.000000
-327.291473	-0.153758	-0.344271	-1.043859	-0.266378	-0.040606	0.756967	163685.000000	0.000000	-0.009371	-0.007394	1.226547	-1.662549	0.077351	10241.669922	-11403.683594	-295959.343750	-0.086826	0.095906	-1.567552	-0.093344	0.093046	-1.380408	-0.013705	0.099927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194847.000000	155330.000000	112039.000000	192522.000000
-327.296478	-0.146189	-0.356723	-1.018713	-0.272763	-0.060826	0.752710	163685.000000	0.000000	-0.006722	-0.004956	1.395779	-1.585944	-0.002682	27531.812500	3084.738281	-328958.093750	-0.088432	0.099007	-1.536770	-0.105038	0.101989	-1.468669	-0.017958	0.084874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163068.000000	158132.000000	109237.000000	200000.000000
-327.301483	-0.138621	-0.368197	-0.994299	-0.278084	-0.086367	0.747389	160766.000000	0.000000	-0.006722	-0.004956	1.314437	-1.744612	-0.002682	308.032379	-23607.425781	-326640.843750	-0.090047	0.102375	-1.536770	-0.105038	0.101989	-1.468669	-0.017958	0.084874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	154681.000000	106850.000000	167466.000000
-327.306488	-0.132762	-0.376498	-0.968664	-0.281277	-0.117230	0.744196	160766.000000	0.000000	-0.006722	-0.004956	1.342500	-1.808056	-0.002682	13193.960938	-13648.279297	-325250.500000	-0.091732	0.105978	-1.536770	-0.105038	0.101989	-1.468669	-0.017958	0.084874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191220.000000	157608.000000	103923.000000	190311.000000
-327.311493	-0.129100	-0.381625	-0.940344	-0.284469	-0.149157	0.742068	160766.000000	0.000000	-0.006722	-0.004956	1.374543	-1.873271	-0.002682	14042.911133	-14128.166992	-324323.593750	-0.093539	0.109784	-1.536770	-0.105038	0.101989	-1.468669	-0.017958	0.084874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190851.000000	158937.000000	102594.000000	190680.000000
-327.316498	-0.127146	-0.382846	-0.908605	-0.284469	-0.181083	0.742068	160766.000000	0.000000	-0.006722	-0.004956	1.410853	-1.940269	-0.002682	14825.909180	-14983.463867	-324323.593750	-0.095514	0.113770	-1.536770	-0.105038	0.101989	-1.468669	-0.017958	0.084874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190923.000000	160575.000000	100956.000000	190608.000000
-327.321503	-0.127635	-0.380893	-0.873937	-0.285534	-0.211946	0.743132	157223.000000	0.000000	-0.006722	-0.004956	1.452700	-2.008116	-0.002682	15652.271484	-15267.039062	-324787.062500	-0.097712	0.117903	-1.536770	-0.105038	0.101989	-1.468669	-0.017958	0.084874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186837.000000	158142.000000	100000.000000	187608.000000
-327.326508	-0.128123	-0.375033	-0.836096	-0.286598	-0.238552	0.744196	157223.000000	0.000000	-0.006722	-0.004956	1.497601	-2.076121	-0.002682	15848.843750	-15592.355469	-325250.500000	-0.100126	0.122145	-1.536770	-0.105038	0.101989	-1.468669	-0.017958	0.084874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186966.000000	158664.000000	100000.000000	187479.000000
-327.331512	-0.130076	-0.367709	-0.795812	-0.288726	-0.261965	0.746325	157223.000000	0.000000	-0.006891	-0.005078	1.538253	-2.152457	-0.021627	15326.744141	-16734.470703	-334427.718750	-0.102790	0.126495	-1.529483	-0.107528	0.103854	-1.490743	-0.019341	0.082331	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188630.000000	159284.000000	100000.000000	185815.000000
-327.336517	-0.130564	-0.358432	-0.753576	-0.292983	-0.277928	0.748453	157223.000000	0.000000	-0.005745	-0.004172	1.658928	-2.168010	-0.075950	23936.724609	-9867.409180	-359011.062500	-0.105652	0.130936	-1.508590	-0.114699	0.109266	-1.556368	-0.028506	0.073511	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173153.000000	161027.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-327.341522	-0.129344	-0.347201	-0.712805	-0.297240	-0.287506	0.750582	157223.000000	0.000000	-0.005745	-0.004172	1.663498	-2.273795	-0.075950	10530.366211	-20255.761719	-359937.937500	-0.108651	0.135432	-1.508590	-0.114699	0.109266	-1.556368	-0.028506	0.073511	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196948.000000	158009.000000	100000.000000	177497.000000
-327.346527	-0.125926	-0.335482	-0.672033	-0.304690	-0.287506	0.752710	154164.000000	0.000000	-0.005745	-0.004172	1.710951	-2.343835	-0.075950	14410.574219	-16262.219727	-360864.843750	-0.111695	0.139974	-1.508590	-0.114699	0.109266	-1.556368	-0.028506	0.073511	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186015.000000	154836.000000	100000.000000	182312.000000
-327.351532	-0.121043	-0.323520	-0.631018	-0.313203	-0.280056	0.753774	154164.000000	0.000000	-0.006854	-0.005075	1.694455	-2.465064	-0.095195	6449.856934	-22292.322266	-369709.000000	-0.114717	0.144580	-1.501188	-0.117129	0.111093	-1.577855	-0.034664	0.069209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	152906.000000	100000.000000	168321.000000
-327.356537	-0.115672	-0.310336	-0.591223	-0.323846	-0.265157	0.753774	154164.000000	0.000000	-0.006854	-0.005075	1.780421	-2.499665	-0.095195	17223.896484	-12643.124023	-369709.000000	-0.117672	0.149215	-1.501188	-0.117129	0.111093	-1.577855	-0.034664	0.069209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179583.000000	154031.000000	100000.000000	188744.000000
-327.361542	-0.109568	-0.298129	-0.550695	-0.336616	-0.242809	0.753774	154164.000000	0.000000	-0.006854	-0.005075	1.818274	-2.573689	-0.095195	11185.702148	-17025.777344	-369709.000000	-0.120509	0.153932	-1.501188	-0.117129	0.111093	-1.577855	-0.034664	0.069209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190004.000000	152375.000000	100000.000000	178323.000000
-327.366547	-0.102000	-0.286898	-0.511389	-0.353644	-0.215139	0.752710	151101.000000	0.000000	-0.006854	-0.005075	1.850113	-2.650421	-0.095195	9958.625977	-17129.982422	-369245.562500	-0.123151	0.158757	-1.501188	-0.117129	0.111093	-1.577855	-0.034664	0.069209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188272.000000	148189.000000	100000.000000	173929.000000
-327.371552	-0.092967	-0.275424	-0.476721	-0.372800	-0.183212	0.751646	151101.000000	0.000000	-0.006854	-0.005075	1.873780	-2.725891	-0.095195	8553.971680	-17016.275391	-368782.093750	-0.125503	0.163639	-1.501188	-0.117129	0.111093	-1.577855	-0.034664	0.069209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189563.000000	146671.000000	100000.000000	172638.000000
-327.376556	-0.086375	-0.262973	-0.445715	-0.395149	-0.150221	0.747389	151101.000000	0.000000	-0.006854	-0.005075	1.896363	-2.797406	-0.095195	8269.648438	-16457.621094	-366928.312500	-0.127624	0.168489	-1.501188	-0.117129	0.111093	-1.577855	-0.034664	0.069209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189288.000000	145828.000000	100000.000000	172913.000000
-327.381561	-0.079295	-0.249545	-0.417150	-0.419626	-0.117230	0.742068	151101.000000	0.000000	-0.006854	-0.005075	1.913721	-2.864789	-0.095195	7623.039551	-15966.456055	-364611.062500	-0.129482	0.173241	-1.501188	-0.117129	0.111093	-1.577855	-0.034664	0.069209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189444.000000	144690.000000	100000.000000	172757.000000
-327.386566	-0.074412	-0.234408	-0.391271	-0.445167	-0.085303	0.733554	148249.000000	0.000000	-0.007641	-0.005725	1.888316	-2.960132	-0.160959	2774.655762	-19243.933594	-389542.343750	-0.131158	0.177781	-1.475894	-0.126025	0.117928	-1.639017	-0.050355	0.048789	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194718.000000	140267.000000	100000.000000	161779.000000
-327.391571	-0.070750	-0.220004	-0.366857	-0.473902	-0.057633	0.722912	148249.000000	0.000000	-0.008594	-0.006535	1.886117	-3.034185	-0.183474	5657.060059	-16760.341797	-394712.937500	-0.132718	0.182093	-1.467235	-0.128975	0.120196	-1.658415	-0.049971	0.042336	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189352.000000	140666.000000	100000.000000	167145.000000
-327.396576	-0.068797	-0.208529	-0.343664	-0.503700	-0.034220	0.708013	148249.000000	0.000000	-0.008594	-0.006535	1.945939	-3.058794	-0.183474	13112.028320	-11182.872070	-388224.687500	-0.134247	0.186264	-1.467235	-0.128975	0.120196	-1.658415	-0.049971	0.042336	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176319.000000	142543.000000	100000.000000	180178.000000
-327.401581	-0.064402	-0.201937	-0.320227	-0.536691	-0.014000	0.687792	148249.000000	0.000000	-0.008594	-0.006535	1.960505	-3.126905	-0.183474	8461.102539	-15776.659180	-379419.125000	-0.135624	0.190537	-1.467235	-0.128975	0.120196	-1.658415	-0.049971	0.042336	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185564.000000	142486.000000	100000.000000	170933.000000
-327.406586	-0.060008	-0.199252	-0.299963	-0.569682	0.005156	0.663315	148249.000000	0.000000	-0.008594	-0.006535	1.970385	-3.203953	-0.183474	8019.795898	-16962.876953	-368759.781250	-0.136805	0.195044	-1.467235	-0.128975	0.120196	-1.658415	-0.049971	0.042336	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187192.000000	143231.000000	100000.000000	169305.000000
-327.411591	-0.052195	-0.197543	-0.288732	-0.599480	0.024312	0.634581	145080.000000	0.000000	-0.008594	-0.006535	1.962309	-3.275971	-0.183474	5920.439453	-16954.162109	-356246.687500	-0.137517	0.199633	-1.467235	-0.128975	0.120196	-1.658415	-0.049971	0.042336	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186113.000000	137954.000000	100000.000000	164046.000000
-327.416595	-0.043650	-0.197299	-0.278479	-0.628214	0.042404	0.603718	145080.000000	0.000000	-0.008594	-0.006535	1.943573	-3.352834	-0.183474	4696.002930	-17825.355469	-342806.656250	-0.137694	0.204367	-1.467235	-0.128975	0.120196	-1.658415	-0.049971	0.042336	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188209.000000	137601.000000	100000.000000	161950.000000
-327.421600	-0.031199	-0.197787	-0.267004	-0.653756	0.061560	0.570727	145080.000000	0.000000	-0.001742	-0.001092	2.279732	-3.139525	-0.193099	45059.976562	14828.501953	-332631.125000	-0.137084	0.209373	-1.463533	-0.129637	0.120647	-1.677325	-0.043736	0.045577	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130251.000000	130251.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-327.426605	-0.018992	-0.200229	-0.259191	-0.675040	0.077523	0.538801	145080.000000	0.000000	-0.001207	-0.000614	1.982253	-3.420202	-0.226686	-25703.187500	-41149.492188	-333354.281250	-0.135678	0.214639	-1.450615	-0.132003	0.122301	-1.728655	-0.048424	0.021439	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	119376.000000	110783.000000	119376.000000
-327.431610	-0.005076	-0.206088	-0.256506	-0.695260	0.090294	0.506874	142336.000000	0.000000	-0.001207	-0.000614	1.890152	-3.530632	-0.226686	-3251.873291	-22961.792969	-319450.812500	-0.133370	0.220128	-1.450615	-0.132003	0.122301	-1.728655	-0.048424	0.021439	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198549.000000	132045.000000	100000.000000	146122.000000
-327.436615	0.009572	-0.213412	-0.254553	-0.710160	0.099872	0.474947	142336.000000	0.000000	-0.001207	-0.000614	1.805759	-3.627069	-0.226686	-2487.665283	-22385.144531	-305547.343750	-0.130157	0.225874	-1.450615	-0.132003	0.122301	-1.728655	-0.048424	0.021439	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197208.000000	132233.000000	100000.000000	147463.000000
-327.441620	0.024953	-0.219516	-0.251623	-0.722930	0.107322	0.443020	142336.000000	0.000000	-0.001207	-0.000614	1.707647	-3.724186	-0.226686	-4245.602539	-23080.236328	-291643.875000	-0.126036	0.231818	-1.450615	-0.132003	0.122301	-1.728655	-0.048424	0.021439	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199661.000000	131170.000000	100000.000000	145010.000000
-327.446625	0.037648	-0.221713	-0.251135	-0.731444	0.108386	0.414286	142336.000000	0.000000	-0.001207	-0.000614	1.607987	-3.809083	-0.226686	-4177.101562	-22555.927734	-279130.750000	-0.121226	0.237686	-1.450615	-0.132003	0.122301	-1.728655	-0.048424	0.021439	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199069.000000	130714.000000	100000.000000	145602.000000
-327.451630	0.048146	-0.219760	-0.253820	-0.737829	0.105193	0.385552	142336.000000	0.000000	-0.001207	-0.000614	1.507260	-3.876256	-0.226686	-4274.957031	-21120.765625	-266617.625000	-0.115897	0.243174	-1.450615	-0.132003	0.122301	-1.728655	-0.048424	0.021439	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197731.000000	129181.000000	100000.000000	146940.000000
-327.456635	0.057668	-0.213900	-0.259191	-0.739958	0.096679	0.360011	139401.000000	0.000000	-0.001207	-0.000614	1.404086	-3.923986	-0.226686	-4394.454102	-19660.589844	-255494.859375	-0.110145	0.248033	-1.450615	-0.132003	0.122301	-1.728655	-0.048424	0.021439	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193456.000000	124667.000000	100000.000000	145345.000000
-327.461639	0.066457	-0.203891	-0.265295	-0.736765	0.084973	0.335534	139401.000000	0.000000	-0.001207	-0.000614	1.297334	-3.952524	-0.226686	-4873.949707	-18281.496094	-244835.531250	-0.104021	0.252085	-1.450615	-0.132003	0.122301	-1.728655	-0.048424	0.021439	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192556.000000	122808.000000	100000.000000	146245.000000
-327.466644	0.074514	-0.191439	-0.271643	-0.728251	0.067945	0.312121	139401.000000	0.000000	0.001107	0.001133	1.315756	-3.868369	-0.244230	9637.894531	-6127.351562	-242279.468750	-0.097588	0.255249	-1.443867	-0.132050	0.122207	-1.773064	-0.037946	-0.005589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165890.000000	125166.000000	100000.000000	172911.000000
-327.471649	0.080373	-0.178256	-0.275793	-0.715481	0.048789	0.290836	139401.000000	0.000000	0.002311	0.001979	1.182416	-3.894710	-0.243856	-7340.619629	-18925.060547	-232847.593750	-0.090964	0.257603	-1.444011	-0.131352	0.121629	-1.786350	-0.038020	-0.015767	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195666.000000	120985.000000	100000.000000	143135.000000
-327.476654	0.083303	-0.163119	-0.277502	-0.700582	0.025376	0.270616	136537.000000	0.000000	-0.002408	-0.001913	0.773102	-4.133507	-0.251312	-38992.546875	-43686.824219	-227289.281250	-0.084298	0.259152	-1.441143	-0.132223	0.122345	-1.798901	-0.040496	-0.022532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	106537.000000	106537.000000	106537.000000
-327.481659	0.085256	-0.147006	-0.274572	-0.683554	-0.000165	0.250396	136537.000000	0.000000	-0.002408	-0.001913	0.859155	-3.961019	-0.251312	16223.327148	2017.465698	-218483.734375	-0.077583	0.259972	-1.441143	-0.132223	0.122345	-1.798901	-0.040496	-0.022532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148296.000000	120742.000000	100000.000000	184777.000000
-327.486664	0.085988	-0.128451	-0.267004	-0.668655	-0.026771	0.231239	136537.000000	0.000000	-0.002408	-0.001913	0.754697	-3.929846	-0.251312	-4965.553223	-13212.115234	-210141.656250	-0.070801	0.260000	-1.441143	-0.132223	0.122345	-1.798901	-0.040496	-0.022532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184714.000000	114783.000000	100000.000000	148359.000000
-327.491669	0.085500	-0.106723	-0.258947	-0.653756	-0.054441	0.214212	136537.000000	0.000000	-0.002408	-0.001913	0.651233	-3.873103	-0.251312	-5087.895996	-10208.038086	-202726.484375	-0.063987	0.258989	-1.441143	-0.132223	0.122345	-1.798901	-0.040496	-0.022532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181832.000000	111657.000000	101416.000000	151241.000000
-327.496674	0.083547	-0.083529	-0.250402	-0.640985	-0.079982	0.197184	134458.000000	0.000000	-0.002408	-0.001913	0.550681	-3.790033	-0.251312	-5346.863281	-6755.774414	-195311.296875	-0.057203	0.256743	-1.441143	-0.132223	0.122345	-1.798901	-0.040496	-0.022532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176560.000000	105866.000000	103049.000000	152355.000000
-327.501678	0.080373	-0.061801	-0.240393	-0.629278	-0.104459	0.182285	134458.000000	0.000000	-0.002408	-0.001913	0.454355	-3.688573	-0.251312	-5329.660645	-4203.761230	-188823.000000	-0.050518	0.253265	-1.441143	-0.132223	0.122345	-1.798901	-0.040496	-0.022532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173991.000000	103332.000000	105583.000000	154924.000000
-327.506683	0.075246	-0.043002	-0.231604	-0.619700	-0.124679	0.167386	134458.000000	0.000000	-0.004252	-0.003444	0.268532	-3.656770	-0.261240	-16400.205078	-11526.818359	-186658.093750	-0.044121	0.248625	-1.437325	-0.133700	0.123565	-1.810591	-0.043289	-0.029866	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192385.000000	100000.000000	109331.000000	136530.000000
-327.511688	0.070852	-0.026889	-0.223059	-0.611187	-0.140643	0.153551	134458.000000	0.000000	-0.000975	-0.000800	0.440708	-3.321942	-0.267936	23361.220703	23410.832031	-183549.234375	-0.037983	0.242919	-1.434749	-0.134772	0.124498	-1.832315	-0.045532	-0.041735	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117685.000000	104408.000000	104507.000000	200000.000000
-327.516693	0.067678	-0.013949	-0.214025	-0.602673	-0.150221	0.140780	134458.000000	0.000000	0.003003	0.002434	0.444365	-3.115605	-0.262531	4190.348633	10192.322266	-175633.890625	-0.031991	0.236329	-1.436828	-0.133830	0.123756	-1.841982	-0.046783	-0.049747	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150075.000000	100000.000000	110459.000000	178840.000000
-327.521698	0.064992	-0.003207	-0.208898	-0.593095	-0.155542	0.130138	131996.000000	0.000000	0.003003	0.002434	0.207038	-3.104027	-0.262531	-23842.564453	-11330.368164	-170999.406250	-0.026210	0.228974	-1.436828	-0.133830	0.123756	-1.841982	-0.046783	-0.049747	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197168.000000	100000.000000	114508.000000	126823.000000
-327.526703	0.062063	0.004605	-0.203283	-0.582453	-0.155542	0.119496	131996.000000	0.000000	0.003003	0.002434	0.131733	-2.964921	-0.262531	-6958.705078	3166.031982	-166364.921875	-0.020636	0.221096	-1.436828	-0.133830	0.123756	-1.841982	-0.046783	-0.049747	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165788.000000	100000.000000	112120.000000	158203.000000
-327.531708	0.060354	0.008023	-0.199133	-0.571810	-0.149157	0.112046	131996.000000	0.000000	0.003003	0.002434	0.054369	-2.839866	-0.262531	-8272.552734	2147.261475	-163120.781250	-0.015176	0.213093	-1.436828	-0.133830	0.123756	-1.841982	-0.046783	-0.049747	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168121.000000	100000.000000	112415.000000	155870.000000
-327.536713	0.057668	0.008023	-0.194982	-0.561168	-0.140643	0.106725	131996.000000	0.000000	0.003003	0.002434	-0.016845	-2.730616	-0.262531	-8197.146484	863.062683	-160803.531250	-0.009910	0.205286	-1.436828	-0.133830	0.123756	-1.841982	-0.046783	-0.049747	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169330.000000	100000.000000	111056.000000	154661.000000
-327.541718	0.054738	0.003873	-0.191564	-0.549462	-0.128936	0.103532	130234.000000	0.000000	0.003003	0.002434	-0.083500	-2.647352	-0.262531	-8407.286133	-1782.135498	-159413.187500	-0.004869	0.198094	-1.436828	-0.133830	0.123756	-1.841982	-0.046783	-0.049747	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170423.000000	100000.000000	106859.000000	150044.000000
-327.546722	0.052297	-0.001010	-0.188635	-0.540948	-0.117230	0.101404	130234.000000	0.000000	0.003003	0.002434	-0.148320	-2.576830	-0.262531	-8557.580078	-2546.829590	-158486.281250	-0.000024	0.191582	-1.436828	-0.133830	0.123756	-1.841982	-0.046783	-0.049747	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171338.000000	100000.000000	106244.000000	149129.000000
-327.551727	0.045461	-0.008578	-0.183264	-0.529241	-0.103395	0.100340	130234.000000	0.000000	-0.004288	-0.003551	-0.590128	-2.862888	-0.269590	-52339.589844	-43475.792969	-161096.875000	0.004243	0.186064	-1.434113	-0.135311	0.125004	-1.850837	-0.053630	-0.051300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100234.000000	100234.000000	100234.000000
-327.556732	0.034963	-0.018832	-0.173742	-0.517535	-0.083175	0.099276	130234.000000	0.000000	0.000930	0.000772	-0.026563	-2.378959	-0.269901	60004.441406	43361.105469	-160768.812500	0.007617	0.181925	-1.433994	-0.135464	0.125213	-1.872567	-0.058174	-0.068884	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100234.000000	100234.000000	100234.000000	200000.000000
-327.561737	0.026418	-0.025424	-0.167883	-0.511149	-0.069340	0.100340	130234.000000	0.000000	0.000930	0.000772	-0.238393	-2.542939	-0.269901	-25590.873047	-28078.875000	-161232.265625	0.010128	0.178754	-1.433994	-0.135464	0.125213	-1.872567	-0.058174	-0.068884	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	102722.000000	100000.000000	106564.000000
-327.566742	0.015676	-0.032992	-0.158850	-0.503700	-0.050184	0.100340	128217.000000	0.000000	-0.001858	-0.001572	-0.367893	-2.690657	-0.272124	-17807.164062	-27121.664062	-162200.296875	0.011523	0.176790	-1.433139	-0.136130	0.125797	-1.878141	-0.056589	-0.073403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	107531.000000	100000.000000	113288.000000
-327.571747	0.006398	-0.038119	-0.146154	-0.499443	-0.026771	0.102468	128217.000000	0.000000	-0.001858	-0.001572	-0.222626	-2.627015	-0.272124	12497.678711	-3257.013672	-163127.187500	0.011921	0.175910	-1.433139	-0.136130	0.125797	-1.878141	-0.056589	-0.073403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148976.000000	113971.000000	100000.000000	167457.000000
-327.576752	-0.001902	-0.039828	-0.132971	-0.495186	0.000899	0.105661	128217.000000	0.000000	-0.001858	-0.001572	-0.173758	-2.655651	-0.272124	1527.507080	-13554.925781	-164517.546875	0.011322	0.175790	-1.433139	-0.136130	0.125797	-1.878141	-0.056589	-0.073403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170244.000000	113299.000000	100000.000000	146189.000000
-327.581757	-0.008982	-0.038119	-0.119299	-0.495186	0.033890	0.109918	128217.000000	0.000000	-0.001858	-0.001572	-0.110326	-2.673204	-0.272124	2683.710938	-11948.983398	-166371.343750	0.009733	0.176022	-1.433139	-0.136130	0.125797	-1.878141	-0.056589	-0.073403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167482.000000	112849.000000	100000.000000	148951.000000
-327.586761	-0.015574	-0.034213	-0.106115	-0.496250	0.073266	0.114175	126679.000000	0.000000	-0.001858	-0.001572	-0.024567	-2.676524	-0.272124	4651.089844	-10277.284180	-168225.125000	0.007019	0.176251	-1.433139	-0.136130	0.125797	-1.878141	-0.056589	-0.073403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162305.000000	111607.000000	100000.000000	151052.000000
-327.591766	-0.021678	-0.029086	-0.092443	-0.500507	0.119028	0.119496	126679.000000	0.000000	-0.001858	-0.001572	0.090640	-2.665776	-0.272124	7505.338379	-8310.423828	-170542.375000	0.002949	0.176223	-1.433139	-0.136130	0.125797	-1.878141	-0.056589	-0.073403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157484.000000	112494.000000	100000.000000	155873.000000
-327.596771	-0.026561	-0.022006	-0.079504	-0.507957	0.171175	0.123753	126679.000000	0.000000	-0.001858	-0.001572	0.234169	-2.618693	-0.272124	10339.765625	-3711.914307	-172396.171875	-0.002621	0.175346	-1.433139	-0.136130	0.125797	-1.878141	-0.056589	-0.073403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150051.000000	110730.000000	100000.000000	163306.000000
-327.601776	-0.031199	-0.012729	-0.068029	-0.518599	0.227579	0.128010	126679.000000	0.000000	0.001066	0.000877	0.580660	-2.371637	-0.272551	33521.003906	19811.451172	-174436.234375	-0.010049	0.172664	-1.432974	-0.136130	0.125887	-1.889826	-0.055285	-0.089706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106867.000000	106867.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-327.606781	-0.034129	-0.001742	-0.058020	-0.532434	0.288240	0.132267	125705.000000	0.000000	-0.000206	-0.000196	0.599841	-2.330360	-0.273860	-3127.613770	-2210.534180	-176860.171875	-0.019198	0.167109	-1.432471	-0.136244	0.126010	-1.891860	-0.049500	-0.093283	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161043.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	150366.000000
-327.611786	-0.034373	0.008268	-0.052893	-0.549462	0.349965	0.136523	125705.000000	0.000000	-0.000206	-0.000196	0.804558	-2.033398	-0.273860	17813.947266	27698.890625	-178713.968750	-0.028650	0.158449	-1.432471	-0.136244	0.126010	-1.891860	-0.049500	-0.093283	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110192.000000	100000.000000	105589.000000	200000.000000
-327.616791	-0.031932	0.015104	-0.051184	-0.569682	0.411690	0.142909	125705.000000	0.000000	-0.003472	-0.002917	0.705049	-1.930162	-0.280467	-16379.231445	7316.514648	-184371.625000	-0.036979	0.147552	-1.429930	-0.137440	0.127034	-1.893004	-0.047047	-0.101956	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164767.000000	100000.000000	119400.000000	146642.000000
-327.621796	-0.025096	0.018277	-0.056799	-0.589902	0.472351	0.149294	125705.000000	0.000000	-0.003472	-0.002917	0.779746	-1.618827	-0.280467	2957.330811	31723.429688	-187152.328125	-0.042019	0.135945	-1.429930	-0.137440	0.127034	-1.893004	-0.047047	-0.101956	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122747.000000	100000.000000	122747.000000	188662.000000
-327.626801	-0.017527	0.019010	-0.068273	-0.610122	0.528755	0.156744	125705.000000	0.000000	-0.003472	-0.002917	0.663145	-1.476736	-0.280467	-18404.666016	13860.706055	-190396.468750	-0.043564	0.124920	-1.429930	-0.137440	0.127034	-1.893004	-0.047047	-0.101956	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160248.000000	100000.000000	127970.000000	151161.000000
-327.631805	-0.010447	0.017545	-0.086096	-0.627150	0.578774	0.166322	124832.000000	0.000000	-0.003472	-0.002917	0.534421	-1.388861	-0.280467	-19857.851562	8030.868652	-194567.515625	-0.042346	0.115304	-1.429930	-0.137440	0.127034	-1.893004	-0.047047	-0.101956	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166658.000000	100000.000000	122720.000000	143005.000000
-327.636810	-0.004344	0.015104	-0.106848	-0.642049	0.621343	0.175900	124832.000000	0.000000	-0.003472	-0.002917	0.419885	-1.316367	-0.280467	-18201.333984	6507.475098	-198738.546875	-0.039377	0.106994	-1.429930	-0.137440	0.127034	-1.893004	-0.047047	-0.101956	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166525.000000	100000.000000	119540.000000	143138.000000
-327.641815	0.001271	0.013883	-0.130041	-0.652691	0.653269	0.184414	124832.000000	0.000000	-0.003472	-0.002917	0.314831	-1.235423	-0.280467	-16621.710938	7391.883789	-202446.140625	-0.035308	0.099479	-1.429930	-0.137440	0.127034	-1.893004	-0.047047	-0.101956	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164061.000000	100000.000000	118845.000000	145602.000000
-327.646820	0.006154	0.014615	-0.156164	-0.661205	0.670297	0.193992	124832.000000	0.000000	-0.003472	-0.002917	0.221016	-1.143304	-0.280467	-14257.010742	8849.806641	-206617.187500	-0.030644	0.092339	-1.429930	-0.137440	0.127034	-1.893004	-0.047047	-0.101956	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160239.000000	100000.000000	117938.000000	149424.000000
-327.651825	0.011281	0.017789	-0.183264	-0.666526	0.673490	0.201441	123409.000000	0.000000	-0.003472	-0.002917	0.130836	-1.039253	-0.280467	-12765.150391	10313.984375	-209861.328125	-0.025611	0.085255	-1.429930	-0.137440	0.127034	-1.893004	-0.047047	-0.101956	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155860.000000	100000.000000	116488.000000	150957.000000
-327.656830	0.015676	0.022428	-0.209387	-0.668655	0.660719	0.207827	123409.000000	0.000000	-0.003472	-0.002917	0.049552	-0.929769	-0.280467	-10344.809570	11071.365234	-212642.015625	-0.020473	0.078111	-1.429930	-0.137440	0.127034	-1.893004	-0.047047	-0.101956	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152682.000000	100000.000000	114825.000000	154135.000000
-327.661835	0.019582	0.029264	-0.236242	-0.664398	0.630921	0.213148	123409.000000	0.000000	-0.003472	-0.002917	-0.022809	-0.813931	-0.280467	-7687.094238	11581.118164	-214959.265625	-0.015420	0.070809	-1.429930	-0.137440	0.127034	-1.893004	-0.047047	-0.101956	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149514.000000	100000.000000	112677.000000	157303.000000
-327.666840	0.023244	0.037564	-0.259436	-0.655884	0.585159	0.215276	123409.000000	0.000000	0.003267	0.002719	0.282304	-0.382766	-0.279654	37187.585938	47729.390625	-215531.984375	-0.010556	0.063293	-1.430243	-0.135128	0.125227	-1.888282	-0.016989	-0.133370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-327.671844	0.024953	0.045621	-0.274816	-0.643113	0.528755	0.215276	123409.000000	0.000000	0.003267	0.002719	-0.041065	-0.484794	-0.279654	-31975.578125	-11894.501953	-215531.984375	-0.006038	0.055585	-1.430243	-0.135128	0.125227	-1.888282	-0.016989	-0.133370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195303.000000	100000.000000	111514.000000	111514.000000
-327.676849	0.025197	0.055143	-0.281896	-0.628214	0.462773	0.212083	122238.000000	0.000000	0.003267	0.002719	-0.084647	-0.350554	-0.279654	-55.146072	14399.502930	-214141.640625	-0.001960	0.047539	-1.430243	-0.135128	0.125227	-1.888282	-0.016989	-0.133370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137893.000000	100000.000000	106692.000000	166582.000000
-327.681854	0.024465	0.066861	-0.282629	-0.611187	0.394663	0.204634	122238.000000	0.000000	0.003267	0.002719	-0.119797	-0.200630	-0.279654	1257.733521	16501.314453	-210897.500000	0.001644	0.038960	-1.430243	-0.135128	0.125227	-1.888282	-0.016989	-0.133370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134478.000000	100000.000000	107481.000000	169997.000000
-327.686859	0.023244	0.078092	-0.279699	-0.592031	0.329745	0.195056	122238.000000	0.000000	0.003267	0.002719	-0.148452	-0.042872	-0.279654	1787.628784	17766.162109	-206726.453125	0.004787	0.029853	-1.430243	-0.135128	0.125227	-1.888282	-0.016989	-0.133370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132684.000000	100000.000000	108216.000000	171791.000000
-327.691864	0.020314	0.092008	-0.273840	-0.571810	0.272277	0.182285	122238.000000	0.000000	0.003267	0.002719	-0.166629	0.135231	-0.279654	2301.339600	20612.603516	-201165.062500	0.007403	0.019991	-1.430243	-0.135128	0.125227	-1.888282	-0.016989	-0.133370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129324.000000	100000.000000	110549.000000	175151.000000
-327.696869	0.014699	0.112271	-0.267004	-0.551590	0.224387	0.164193	120820.000000	0.000000	0.004114	0.003447	-0.122678	0.388359	-0.269339	8501.990234	29933.359375	-188794.625000	0.009352	0.008944	-1.434210	-0.131750	0.122502	-1.872204	-0.010063	-0.153738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112384.000000	100000.000000	112251.000000	189255.000000
-327.701874	0.005910	0.140104	-0.258703	-0.531370	0.186074	0.140780	120820.000000	0.000000	0.004114	0.003447	-0.140195	0.616007	-0.269339	786.099121	28090.412109	-178598.750000	0.010473	-0.003757	-1.434210	-0.131750	0.122502	-1.872204	-0.010063	-0.153738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121943.000000	100000.000000	118124.000000	179696.000000
-327.706879	-0.003123	0.169400	-0.249914	-0.512214	0.155212	0.107789	120820.000000	0.000000	-0.022409	-0.018944	-1.572746	-0.334409	-0.304855	-162072.609375	-105792.437500	-179698.421875	0.010819	-0.018101	-1.420550	-0.139248	0.128859	-1.866288	-0.005467	-0.163404	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000
-327.711884	-0.008250	0.194059	-0.245520	-0.493058	0.127542	0.067349	120820.000000	0.000000	-0.022409	-0.018944	-0.492231	0.835477	-0.304855	119024.898438	132666.265625	-162087.359375	0.010707	-0.033523	-1.420550	-0.139248	0.128859	-1.866288	-0.005467	-0.163404	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-327.716888	-0.008250	0.210660	-0.250402	-0.471773	0.100936	0.019459	119604.000000	0.000000	-0.022409	-0.018944	-0.484598	1.077874	-0.304855	1072.062012	31445.951172	-141232.156250	0.010486	-0.049147	-1.420550	-0.139248	0.128859	-1.866288	-0.005467	-0.163404	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118531.000000	100000.000000	118531.000000	180676.000000
-327.721893	-0.005320	0.219693	-0.257971	-0.448360	0.072202	-0.033753	119604.000000	0.000000	-0.022409	-0.018944	-0.483611	1.295689	-0.304855	711.933411	29402.556641	-118059.703125	0.010308	-0.064470	-1.420550	-0.139248	0.128859	-1.866288	-0.005467	-0.163404	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119489.000000	100000.000000	118294.000000	179718.000000
-327.726898	-0.002391	0.225064	-0.267736	-0.419626	0.041340	-0.091221	119604.000000	0.000000	-0.022409	-0.018944	-0.481427	1.494134	-0.304855	1229.681152	27467.722656	-93033.460938	0.010138	-0.079222	-1.420550	-0.139248	0.128859	-1.866288	-0.005467	-0.163404	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120906.000000	100000.000000	115842.000000	178301.000000
-327.731903	0.003469	0.227994	-0.277014	-0.386635	0.005156	-0.149753	119604.000000	0.000000	-0.022409	-0.018944	-0.485878	1.678908	-0.304855	1230.390625	26190.937500	-67543.765625	0.010096	-0.093312	-1.420550	-0.139248	0.128859	-1.866288	-0.005467	-0.163404	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122182.000000	100000.000000	114564.000000	177025.000000
-327.736908	0.009328	0.230191	-0.287756	-0.346194	-0.033156	-0.209350	119604.000000	0.000000	0.003240	0.002691	0.920124	3.038028	-0.299148	163196.203125	160564.171875	-39105.074219	0.010143	-0.106642	-1.422745	-0.137467	0.127425	-1.852868	-0.006013	-0.172706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-327.741913	0.015432	0.232633	-0.299475	-0.300433	-0.073597	-0.266818	118514.000000	0.000000	0.025959	0.022047	1.139640	3.394518	-0.261750	34170.371094	51170.093750	2206.925293	0.010255	-0.119191	-1.437128	-0.128894	0.120161	-1.845317	-0.014612	-0.170155	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	120720.000000	120720.000000	176307.000000
-327.746918	0.022512	0.234830	-0.308020	-0.247221	-0.112973	-0.320029	118514.000000	0.000000	0.008239	0.007058	-0.750832	1.945696	-0.251560	-206473.312500	-155070.187500	29817.060547	0.010475	-0.131036	-1.441048	-0.126240	0.117905	-1.836935	-0.015500	-0.173856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148696.000000	148331.000000	148331.000000	100000.000000
-327.751923	0.030080	0.236783	-0.311682	-0.189753	-0.149157	-0.366855	118514.000000	0.000000	0.008239	0.007058	-0.053583	2.691413	-0.251560	81085.062500	88930.453125	50208.824219	0.010840	-0.142312	-1.441048	-0.126240	0.117905	-1.836935	-0.015500	-0.173856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148514.000000	148514.000000	148514.000000
-327.756927	0.037648	0.235807	-0.313391	-0.124836	-0.181083	-0.406232	118514.000000	0.000000	0.013525	0.011663	0.222156	3.077563	-0.232615	35684.593750	50052.425781	75606.476562	0.011376	-0.152930	-1.448334	-0.121846	0.114133	-1.827950	-0.020948	-0.173938	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148514.000000	148514.000000	148514.000000
-327.761932	0.043508	0.231168	-0.310461	-0.058854	-0.206625	-0.439223	117377.000000	0.000000	0.013525	0.011663	-0.005264	3.016533	-0.232615	-21271.484375	181.091202	89973.398438	0.012058	-0.162890	-1.448334	-0.121846	0.114133	-1.827950	-0.020948	-0.173938	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108467.000000	125924.000000	168829.000000	100000.000000
-327.766937	0.046926	0.221646	-0.305578	0.008193	-0.225781	-0.463700	117377.000000	0.000000	0.013525	0.011663	-0.020414	3.122326	-0.232615	1385.165405	18585.427734	100632.718750	0.012829	-0.172057	-1.448334	-0.121846	0.114133	-1.827950	-0.020948	-0.173938	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130176.000000	164577.000000	107347.000000
-327.771942	0.048146	0.209195	-0.299719	0.074175	-0.237487	-0.481792	117377.000000	0.000000	0.013525	0.011663	-0.034185	3.211643	-0.232615	708.145996	16998.117188	108511.351562	0.013641	-0.180348	-1.448334	-0.121846	0.114133	-1.827950	-0.020948	-0.173938	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	131087.000000	163666.000000	105083.000000
-327.776947	0.046682	0.194059	-0.295568	0.140157	-0.242809	-0.494562	117377.000000	0.000000	0.013525	0.011663	-0.042818	3.278432	-0.232615	555.757751	14524.929688	114072.742188	0.014388	-0.187590	-1.448334	-0.121846	0.114133	-1.827950	-0.020948	-0.173938	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	133407.000000	161346.000000	102457.000000
-327.781952	0.041311	0.178189	-0.296789	0.205074	-0.243873	-0.502012	117377.000000	0.000000	0.013525	0.011663	-0.037943	3.318984	-0.232615	1600.415894	11644.179688	117316.875000	0.014843	-0.193594	-1.448334	-0.121846	0.114133	-1.827950	-0.020948	-0.173938	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	137333.000000	157420.000000	100621.000000
-327.786957	0.033742	0.164762	-0.301672	0.272121	-0.241744	-0.506269	116652.000000	0.000000	0.013525	0.011663	-0.020852	3.341272	-0.232615	2661.384033	9196.742188	119170.671875	0.014862	-0.198367	-1.448334	-0.121846	0.114133	-1.827950	-0.020948	-0.173938	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	140116.000000	153187.000000	100000.000000
-327.791962	0.024221	0.155240	-0.310217	0.340231	-0.237487	-0.507333	116652.000000	0.000000	0.002463	0.002185	-0.598896	2.830174	-0.231352	-65690.000000	-52233.707031	120184.289062	0.014328	-0.202020	-1.448820	-0.121143	0.113523	-1.818384	-0.025400	-0.170671	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146652.000000	146652.000000	146652.000000	100000.000000
-327.796967	0.013479	0.150113	-0.318762	0.410470	-0.233230	-0.507333	116652.000000	0.000000	0.009859	0.008614	0.291426	3.569160	-0.199038	99841.578125	88062.742188	134256.187500	0.013187	-0.204795	-1.461248	-0.112677	0.106156	-1.785710	-0.029448	-0.159857	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146652.000000	146652.000000	146652.000000
-327.801971	0.002248	0.148648	-0.327551	0.480709	-0.228974	-0.503076	116652.000000	0.000000	0.009859	0.008614	0.045714	3.316429	-0.199038	-26221.986328	-22468.140625	132402.390625	0.011448	-0.206892	-1.461248	-0.112677	0.106156	-1.785710	-0.029448	-0.159857	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135342.000000	142898.000000	150405.000000	100000.000000
-327.806976	-0.008982	0.149869	-0.339758	0.550948	-0.224717	-0.497755	115621.000000	0.000000	0.025371	0.022318	0.955078	4.068108	-0.162657	104949.046875	91107.335938	145928.437500	0.009156	-0.208384	-1.475241	-0.104421	0.098908	-1.774008	-0.038361	-0.145337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	145621.000000	145621.000000	145621.000000
-327.811981	-0.020945	0.151334	-0.353430	0.620122	-0.222588	-0.490305	115621.000000	0.000000	0.025371	0.022318	0.399179	3.509495	-0.162657	-58498.355469	-55737.933594	142684.296875	0.006320	-0.209274	-1.475241	-0.104421	0.098908	-1.774008	-0.038361	-0.145337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145621.000000	145621.000000	145621.000000	100000.000000
-327.816986	-0.032908	0.152311	-0.367346	0.689297	-0.219396	-0.481792	115621.000000	0.000000	0.025371	0.022318	0.468335	3.489365	-0.162657	10416.644531	3060.756104	138976.703125	0.002999	-0.209556	-1.475241	-0.104421	0.098908	-1.774008	-0.038361	-0.145337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	152976.000000	138265.000000	100000.000000
-327.821991	-0.044139	0.150846	-0.383459	0.756343	-0.219396	-0.474342	115621.000000	0.000000	0.025371	0.022318	0.540656	3.453832	-0.162657	11448.288086	1129.177734	135732.578125	-0.000731	-0.209114	-1.475241	-0.104421	0.098908	-1.774008	-0.038361	-0.145337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	155940.000000	135301.000000	100000.000000
-327.826996	-0.054393	0.146451	-0.400305	0.821261	-0.220460	-0.467957	113994.000000	0.000000	0.025371	0.022318	0.614600	3.402540	-0.162657	12088.938477	-904.011658	132951.875000	-0.004788	-0.207861	-1.475241	-0.104421	0.098908	-1.774008	-0.038361	-0.145337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	156986.000000	131001.000000	100000.000000
-327.832001	-0.061473	0.139859	-0.416174	0.880858	-0.226845	-0.461571	113994.000000	0.000000	0.025371	0.022318	0.685590	3.339107	-0.162657	12705.040039	-2219.916504	130171.179688	-0.009029	-0.205795	-1.475241	-0.104421	0.098908	-1.774008	-0.038361	-0.145337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	158918.000000	129069.000000	100000.000000
-327.837006	-0.063914	0.131314	-0.429357	0.935133	-0.238552	-0.457314	113994.000000	0.000000	-0.003906	-0.003337	-0.860060	1.854818	-0.173064	-171525.234375	-164943.875000	123785.617188	-0.013279	-0.202953	-1.471239	-0.105918	0.100206	-1.761009	-0.037934	-0.139368	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143994.000000	143994.000000	143994.000000	100000.000000
-327.842010	-0.062449	0.121549	-0.441564	0.983023	-0.254515	-0.453058	113994.000000	0.000000	0.006725	0.006026	0.951386	3.312127	-0.163933	206481.781250	165687.937500	125907.898438	-0.017394	-0.199371	-1.474750	-0.102166	0.096855	-1.733957	-0.038692	-0.116954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	143994.000000	143994.000000	143994.000000
-327.847015	-0.059031	0.112760	-0.455236	1.024528	-0.274735	-0.447736	113994.000000	0.000000	0.010737	0.009620	0.797421	3.046243	-0.152490	-9774.152344	-24499.353516	128573.765625	-0.021305	-0.195146	-1.479151	-0.098817	0.093866	-1.719683	-0.040753	-0.104813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118267.000000	158719.000000	129268.000000	100000.000000
-327.852020	-0.054637	0.105924	-0.470129	1.060712	-0.298148	-0.440287	112562.000000	0.000000	0.010737	0.009620	0.683204	2.810991	-0.152490	-5472.135742	-21800.664062	125329.632812	-0.024989	-0.190409	-1.479151	-0.098817	0.093866	-1.719683	-0.040753	-0.104813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109834.000000	158890.000000	126233.000000	100000.000000
-327.857025	-0.052195	0.102018	-0.487707	1.094767	-0.321561	-0.431773	112562.000000	0.000000	0.010737	0.009620	0.730315	2.719036	-0.152490	12593.135742	-6383.992188	121622.039062	-0.028525	-0.185291	-1.479151	-0.098817	0.093866	-1.719683	-0.040753	-0.104813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	161539.000000	123584.000000	100000.000000
-327.862030	-0.052195	0.101285	-0.507482	1.126694	-0.343910	-0.420067	112562.000000	0.000000	0.010737	0.009620	0.780069	2.629065	-0.152490	13098.426758	-6492.492188	116524.101562	-0.032001	-0.179933	-1.479151	-0.098817	0.093866	-1.719683	-0.040753	-0.104813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	162152.000000	122971.000000	100000.000000
-327.867035	-0.054637	0.101773	-0.528967	1.159685	-0.364130	-0.407296	112562.000000	0.000000	0.010737	0.009620	0.833247	2.537909	-0.152490	13578.559570	-7310.862305	110962.710938	-0.035496	-0.174379	-1.479151	-0.098817	0.093866	-1.719683	-0.040753	-0.104813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	163451.000000	121672.000000	100000.000000
-327.872040	-0.057078	0.100797	-0.549719	1.192676	-0.382222	-0.392397	111146.000000	0.000000	0.010737	0.009620	0.886197	2.442097	-0.152490	13647.761719	-8418.078125	104474.429688	-0.039000	-0.168599	-1.479151	-0.098817	0.093866	-1.719683	-0.040753	-0.104813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	163211.000000	119080.000000	100000.000000
-327.877045	-0.061717	0.098355	-0.567541	1.226731	-0.397121	-0.376433	111146.000000	0.000000	0.010737	0.009620	0.943096	2.341647	-0.152490	14059.639648	-9661.115234	97522.695312	-0.042584	-0.162567	-1.479151	-0.098817	0.093866	-1.719683	-0.040753	-0.104813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	164866.000000	117425.000000	100000.000000
-327.882050	-0.068309	0.093961	-0.581945	1.257594	-0.409892	-0.359406	111146.000000	0.000000	-0.003207	-0.002731	0.237820	1.557506	-0.163958	-73165.703125	-88234.921875	85113.726562	-0.046307	-0.156271	-1.474741	-0.100110	0.094989	-1.704837	-0.037834	-0.093784	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141146.000000	141146.000000	141146.000000	100000.000000
-327.887054	-0.075633	0.087857	-0.593176	1.285263	-0.422663	-0.344507	111146.000000	0.000000	0.006378	0.005752	1.387673	2.408330	-0.156604	136190.640625	95694.984375	81827.835938	-0.050199	-0.149702	-1.477569	-0.095396	0.090730	-1.658074	-0.049895	-0.048589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	141146.000000	141146.000000	141146.000000
-327.892059	-0.081004	0.081021	-0.603186	1.307612	-0.432241	-0.329607	111146.000000	0.000000	0.006378	0.005752	1.067421	1.956738	-0.156604	-27262.013672	-49126.640625	75339.562500	-0.054178	-0.142881	-1.477569	-0.095396	0.090730	-1.658074	-0.049895	-0.048589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138408.000000	143883.000000	138408.000000	100000.000000
-327.897064	-0.083689	0.073697	-0.612463	1.323575	-0.440754	-0.314708	110200.000000	0.000000	0.006378	0.005752	1.126719	1.842486	-0.156604	14668.111328	-11933.916992	68851.273438	-0.058149	-0.135843	-1.477569	-0.095396	0.090730	-1.658074	-0.049895	-0.048589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	166802.000000	113597.000000	100000.000000
-327.902069	-0.083689	0.066129	-0.623937	1.334218	-0.445011	-0.299809	110200.000000	0.000000	0.006378	0.005752	1.179570	1.726321	-0.156604	13753.746094	-12142.331055	62362.988281	-0.061998	-0.128613	-1.477569	-0.095396	0.090730	-1.658074	-0.049895	-0.048589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	166096.000000	114303.000000	100000.000000
-327.907074	-0.082469	0.056363	-0.639562	1.341667	-0.443947	-0.283846	110200.000000	0.000000	0.006378	0.005752	1.226432	1.604546	-0.156604	12720.505859	-13002.575195	55411.257812	-0.065649	-0.121141	-1.477569	-0.095396	0.090730	-1.658074	-0.049895	-0.048589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	165923.000000	114476.000000	100000.000000
-327.912079	-0.079539	0.043912	-0.657629	1.344860	-0.439690	-0.266818	110200.000000	0.000000	0.006378	0.005752	1.266621	1.476728	-0.156604	11799.936523	-13798.890625	47996.070312	-0.069036	-0.113381	-1.477569	-0.095396	0.090730	-1.658074	-0.049895	-0.048589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	165798.000000	114601.000000	100000.000000
-327.917084	-0.074900	0.027555	-0.676916	1.344860	-0.433305	-0.249790	108785.000000	0.000000	0.005777	0.005266	1.266974	1.313879	-0.154220	7158.021973	-18048.708984	41619.109375	-0.072106	-0.105262	-1.478486	-0.093727	0.089217	-1.641866	-0.053204	-0.031009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	163991.000000	113578.000000	100000.000000
-327.922089	-0.068553	0.008756	-0.700354	1.341667	-0.429048	-0.233827	108785.000000	0.000000	0.007307	0.006637	1.402008	1.265955	-0.147159	22802.582031	-5266.728516	37742.097656	-0.074827	-0.096763	-1.481202	-0.089718	0.085578	-1.608351	-0.059935	-0.000880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	166854.000000	110715.000000	100000.000000
-327.927094	-0.061473	-0.010043	-0.725988	1.334218	-0.427984	-0.218928	108785.000000	0.000000	-0.001731	-0.001476	0.866181	0.620185	-0.156800	-53081.238281	-73471.687500	27055.562500	-0.077212	-0.087946	-1.477494	-0.090568	0.086328	-1.591308	-0.063271	0.010528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141729.000000	135840.000000	135840.000000	100000.000000
-327.932098	-0.053904	-0.026889	-0.752111	1.321447	-0.434369	-0.205093	108785.000000	0.000000	-0.001731	-0.001476	1.247409	0.801517	-0.156800	50365.031250	18955.251953	21030.722656	-0.079307	-0.078935	-1.477494	-0.090568	0.086328	-1.591308	-0.063271	0.010528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	140860.000000	118770.000000	136709.000000
-327.937103	-0.046824	-0.041293	-0.778479	1.303355	-0.448204	-0.192322	107861.000000	0.000000	0.014728	0.013370	2.171854	1.478584	-0.140868	115221.820312	77242.953125	22407.431641	-0.081185	-0.069849	-1.483622	-0.085956	0.082149	-1.573918	-0.066748	0.025495	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	130268.000000	130268.000000	145453.000000
-327.942108	-0.042674	-0.054965	-0.805822	1.281006	-0.470553	-0.181680	107861.000000	0.000000	0.014728	0.013370	1.537391	0.748165	-0.140868	-58069.136719	-80307.593750	17772.941406	-0.082980	-0.060753	-1.483622	-0.085956	0.082149	-1.573918	-0.066748	0.025495	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150088.000000	125633.000000	125633.000000	100000.000000
-327.947113	-0.042430	-0.069613	-0.829992	1.251208	-0.502480	-0.175295	107861.000000	0.000000	0.014728	0.013370	1.568384	0.612669	-0.140868	16444.423828	-14559.431641	14992.246094	-0.084849	-0.051674	-1.483622	-0.085956	0.082149	-1.573918	-0.066748	0.025495	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	153857.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000
-327.952118	-0.045848	-0.084506	-0.851477	1.213960	-0.540792	-0.172102	107861.000000	0.000000	0.014728	0.013370	1.607157	0.479715	-0.140868	18358.167969	-13903.022461	13601.898438	-0.086913	-0.042656	-1.483622	-0.085956	0.082149	-1.573918	-0.066748	0.025495	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	153724.000000	100000.000000	100000.000000
-327.957123	-0.049021	-0.096713	-0.872473	1.171391	-0.584425	-0.172102	107861.000000	0.000000	0.014728	0.013370	1.649736	0.353093	-0.140868	19756.724609	-13006.377930	13601.898438	-0.089189	-0.033793	-1.483622	-0.085956	0.082149	-1.573918	-0.066748	0.025495	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	154226.000000	100000.000000	101009.000000
-327.962128	-0.051951	-0.107211	-0.893469	1.122437	-0.629122	-0.174230	107863.000000	0.000000	0.014728	0.013370	1.695139	0.232969	-0.140868	20598.712891	-11917.078125	14528.796875	-0.091669	-0.025164	-1.483622	-0.085956	0.082149	-1.573918	-0.066748	0.025495	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	154907.000000	100000.000000	102015.000000
-327.967133	-0.054148	-0.116000	-0.913977	1.069226	-0.670627	-0.175295	107863.000000	0.000000	0.014728	0.013370	1.741590	0.119640	-0.140868	20767.521484	-10978.332031	14992.246094	-0.094318	-0.016827	-1.483622	-0.085956	0.082149	-1.573918	-0.066748	0.025495	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	154601.000000	100000.000000	102659.000000
-327.972137	-0.055125	-0.126010	-0.929602	1.013886	-0.707875	-0.177423	107863.000000	0.000000	0.014728	0.013370	1.788082	0.009063	-0.140868	20689.007812	-10695.847656	15919.144531	-0.097090	-0.008754	-1.483622	-0.085956	0.082149	-1.573918	-0.066748	0.025495	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	155167.000000	100000.000000	101937.000000
-327.977142	-0.054148	-0.138217	-0.943762	0.954289	-0.737673	-0.178487	107863.000000	0.000000	0.006684	0.006063	1.389833	-0.500917	-0.130995	-30726.820312	-56216.371094	20681.800781	-0.099906	-0.000915	-1.487419	-0.080214	0.076894	-1.503412	-0.089703	0.073854	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147181.000000	128544.000000	128544.000000	100000.000000
-327.982147	-0.053172	-0.151645	-0.959875	0.892564	-0.760022	-0.181680	107795.000000	0.000000	0.006684	0.006063	1.753987	-0.313840	-0.130995	54062.734375	21807.875000	22072.148438	-0.102727	0.006697	-1.487419	-0.080214	0.076894	-1.503412	-0.089703	0.073854	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	138059.000000	121675.000000	137530.000000
-327.987152	-0.053172	-0.164340	-0.980139	0.831903	-0.774921	-0.185937	107795.000000	0.000000	0.006083	0.005596	1.762467	-0.439764	-0.125225	14242.667969	-13025.814453	26438.628906	-0.105534	0.014055	-1.489638	-0.078522	0.075343	-1.485791	-0.097329	0.082254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	161502.000000	106965.000000	100000.000000
-327.992157	-0.057078	-0.175082	-0.999182	0.772307	-0.783435	-0.192322	107795.000000	0.000000	0.006083	0.005596	1.830428	-0.515837	-0.125225	20432.640625	-7737.035645	29219.324219	-0.108374	0.021129	-1.489638	-0.078522	0.075343	-1.485791	-0.097329	0.082254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	165184.000000	108844.000000	100000.000000
-327.997162	-0.065379	-0.185336	-1.019201	0.719095	-0.784499	-0.202965	107795.000000	0.000000	0.006083	0.005596	1.877241	-0.607419	-0.125225	17508.443359	-10321.106445	33853.808594	-0.111291	0.027939	-1.489638	-0.078522	0.075343	-1.485791	-0.097329	0.082254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	165624.000000	109965.000000	100000.000000
-328.002167	-0.077586	-0.195102	-1.038000	0.669077	-0.781307	-0.217864	107795.000000	0.000000	0.006083	0.005596	1.927731	-0.695720	-0.125225	17662.152344	-10487.476562	40342.097656	-0.114331	0.034497	-1.489638	-0.078522	0.075343	-1.485791	-0.097329	0.082254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	165944.000000	109645.000000	100000.000000
-328.007172	-0.090525	-0.204135	-1.057043	0.626508	-0.771729	-0.239148	107796.000000	0.000000	0.006083	0.005596	1.978387	-0.781693	-0.125225	17167.375000	-11250.189453	49611.074219	-0.117462	0.040829	-1.489638	-0.078522	0.075343	-1.485791	-0.097329	0.082254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	166213.000000	109378.000000	100000.000000
-328.012177	-0.103709	-0.213412	-1.072912	0.588196	-0.758958	-0.263625	107796.000000	0.000000	0.006083	0.005596	2.029442	-0.866435	-0.125225	17036.169922	-11796.587891	60270.398438	-0.120668	0.046975	-1.489638	-0.078522	0.075343	-1.485791	-0.097329	0.082254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	166628.000000	108963.000000	100000.000000
-328.017181	-0.116893	-0.224887	-1.087805	0.556269	-0.740866	-0.294488	107796.000000	0.000000	0.006083	0.005596	2.079603	-0.952645	-0.125225	16500.376953	-12909.764648	73710.414062	-0.123911	0.053013	-1.489638	-0.078522	0.075343	-1.485791	-0.097329	0.082254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	167206.000000	108385.000000	100000.000000
-328.022186	-0.129832	-0.238070	-1.104406	0.530727	-0.720646	-0.328543	107796.000000	0.000000	0.005557	0.005120	2.099834	-1.066386	-0.119720	12975.336914	-17044.822266	90938.343750	-0.127164	0.058996	-1.491755	-0.077012	0.073957	-1.468209	-0.106817	0.089828	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	167816.000000	107775.000000	100000.000000
-328.027191	-0.142771	-0.251010	-1.123449	0.511571	-0.697233	-0.367920	107786.000000	0.000000	0.007680	0.007027	2.285113	-1.030265	-0.095230	31516.949219	-1014.427246	118750.695312	-0.130394	0.064942	-1.501175	-0.071394	0.068790	-1.416226	-0.128933	0.105676	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	168800.000000	106771.000000	106771.000000
-328.032196	-0.154002	-0.260287	-1.147131	0.501993	-0.668499	-0.411553	107786.000000	0.000000	0.007680	0.007027	2.243469	-1.191921	-0.095230	5656.607422	-24513.898438	137752.093750	-0.133529	0.070820	-1.501175	-0.071394	0.068790	-1.416226	-0.128933	0.105676	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	167956.000000	107615.000000	100000.000000
-328.037201	-0.161326	-0.267855	-1.174963	0.503058	-0.635508	-0.456250	107786.000000	0.000000	0.011579	0.010695	2.494167	-1.075259	-0.078929	38334.695312	5450.455566	164315.671875	-0.136469	0.076641	-1.507444	-0.067925	0.065590	-1.399323	-0.133924	0.110557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	162335.000000	113236.000000	113236.000000
-328.042206	-0.165477	-0.275912	-1.204260	0.514764	-0.596131	-0.500948	107786.000000	0.000000	0.011579	0.010695	2.366923	-1.309275	-0.078929	-4690.859863	-35409.277344	183780.515625	-0.139128	0.082463	-1.507444	-0.067925	0.065590	-1.399323	-0.133924	0.110557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112476.000000	163095.000000	112476.000000	100000.000000
-328.047211	-0.167918	-0.285678	-1.235998	0.538177	-0.553562	-0.545645	107905.000000	0.000000	0.011579	0.010695	2.388903	-1.400714	-0.078929	11271.411133	-21547.548828	203245.390625	-0.141461	0.088359	-1.507444	-0.067925	0.065590	-1.399323	-0.133924	0.110557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	170723.000000	105086.000000	100000.000000
-328.052216	-0.169383	-0.296664	-1.267492	0.571168	-0.508865	-0.588214	107905.000000	0.000000	0.011579	0.010695	2.404958	-1.496634	-0.078929	10254.195312	-23686.343750	221783.328125	-0.143450	0.094391	-1.507444	-0.067925	0.065590	-1.399323	-0.133924	0.110557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	171845.000000	103964.000000	100000.000000
-328.057220	-0.172068	-0.308139	-1.300695	0.609480	-0.463103	-0.627591	107905.000000	0.000000	0.011579	0.010695	2.416790	-1.595606	-0.078929	9516.727539	-25238.634766	238930.953125	-0.145112	0.100578	-1.507444	-0.067925	0.065590	-1.399323	-0.133924	0.110557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	172660.000000	103149.000000	100000.000000
-328.062225	-0.176219	-0.317904	-1.335363	0.652049	-0.417342	-0.664838	107905.000000	0.000000	0.011579	0.010695	2.425109	-1.695969	-0.078929	8958.196289	-26517.146484	255151.671875	-0.146471	0.106902	-1.507444	-0.067925	0.065590	-1.399323	-0.133924	0.110557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	173380.000000	102429.000000	100000.000000
-328.067230	-0.181590	-0.324008	-1.372473	0.695682	-0.372644	-0.697829	107905.000000	0.000000	0.013603	0.012574	2.541584	-1.691764	-0.041055	21297.853516	-15317.595703	286012.187500	-0.147554	0.113303	-1.522011	-0.060036	0.058286	-1.366418	-0.140895	0.123531	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	174520.000000	101289.000000	100000.000000
-328.072235	-0.187937	-0.325473	-1.411047	0.742508	-0.325818	-0.728692	108299.000000	0.000000	0.012527	0.011642	2.402947	-1.915360	-0.023051	-7840.428223	-41960.781250	307292.750000	-0.148368	0.119726	-1.528936	-0.056310	0.054826	-1.350572	-0.142584	0.133579	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116139.000000	160458.000000	116139.000000	100000.000000
-328.077240	-0.196482	-0.323275	-1.451574	0.788270	-0.277928	-0.756362	108299.000000	0.000000	0.018996	0.017691	2.800415	-1.639934	0.005297	52598.500000	14083.238281	331687.062500	-0.148937	0.126115	-1.539839	-0.050459	0.049378	-1.335209	-0.141162	0.144818	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	154215.000000	122382.000000	122382.000000
-328.082245	-0.206004	-0.320590	-1.495031	0.832968	-0.225781	-0.782968	108299.000000	0.000000	0.018996	0.017691	2.536315	-1.974928	0.005297	-22067.603516	-54665.656250	343273.281250	-0.149252	0.132454	-1.539839	-0.050459	0.049378	-1.335209	-0.141162	0.144818	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130366.000000	146231.000000	130366.000000	100000.000000
-328.087250	-0.213816	-0.317660	-1.536047	0.874472	-0.171505	-0.806381	108299.000000	0.000000	0.018996	0.017691	2.525691	-2.066974	0.005297	5269.600098	-28218.265625	353469.156250	-0.149288	0.138737	-1.539839	-0.050459	0.049378	-1.335209	-0.141162	0.144818	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101247.000000	171786.000000	104811.000000	100000.000000
-328.092255	-0.220408	-0.315219	-1.575354	0.912784	-0.115101	-0.825537	113054.000000	0.000000	0.018996	0.017691	2.509974	-2.158074	0.005297	4145.218750	-28355.654297	361811.250000	-0.149028	0.144964	-1.539839	-0.050459	0.049378	-1.335209	-0.141162	0.144818	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107264.000000	175554.000000	110553.000000	100000.000000
-328.097260	-0.224803	-0.314242	-1.619299	0.944711	-0.055505	-0.841500	113054.000000	0.000000	0.018996	0.017691	2.487469	-2.247166	0.005297	2670.141602	-27989.361328	368762.968750	-0.148430	0.151113	-1.539839	-0.050459	0.049378	-1.335209	-0.141162	0.144818	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108373.000000	173713.000000	112394.000000	100000.000000
-328.102264	-0.227244	-0.316684	-1.660803	0.972381	0.005156	-0.853206	113054.000000	0.000000	0.018996	0.017691	2.459094	-2.336533	0.005297	1497.997925	-28089.908203	373860.906250	-0.147479	0.157209	-1.539839	-0.050459	0.049378	-1.335209	-0.141162	0.144818	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109645.000000	172641.000000	113466.000000	100000.000000
-328.107269	-0.225535	-0.322787	-1.696936	0.995794	0.065817	-0.859592	113054.000000	0.000000	0.018996	0.017691	2.423922	-2.426820	0.005297	309.933899	-28246.023438	376641.593750	-0.146148	0.163284	-1.539839	-0.050459	0.049378	-1.335209	-0.141162	0.144818	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110990.000000	171609.000000	114498.000000	100000.000000
-328.112274	-0.222361	-0.330600	-1.731359	1.012822	0.122221	-0.861720	113054.000000	0.000000	0.018996	0.017691	2.384176	-2.516107	0.005297	-167.315903	-27922.957031	377568.500000	-0.144457	0.169326	-1.539839	-0.050459	0.049378	-1.335209	-0.141162	0.144818	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111144.000000	170809.000000	115298.000000	100000.000000
-328.117279	-0.217234	-0.340121	-1.766027	1.024528	0.174368	-0.858528	119401.000000	0.000000	0.017629	0.016404	2.264638	-2.674946	0.057259	-9262.493164	-35770.105469	398806.906250	-0.142420	0.175322	-1.559824	-0.040098	0.039720	-1.306478	-0.137578	0.169122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128663.000000	170138.000000	128663.000000	100000.000000
-328.122284	-0.211863	-0.347934	-1.795812	1.028785	0.219065	-0.847885	119401.000000	0.000000	0.006817	0.006291	1.678423	-3.264122	0.074958	-62659.593750	-84998.929688	401879.875000	-0.140095	0.181220	-1.566632	-0.036982	0.036837	-1.280843	-0.129300	0.190446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149401.000000	149401.000000	149401.000000	100000.000000
-328.127289	-0.206248	-0.354037	-1.822668	1.028785	0.255249	-0.830858	119401.000000	0.000000	0.019267	0.018040	2.747803	-2.294935	0.102760	125071.859375	91278.898438	406572.031250	-0.137541	0.186985	-1.577325	-0.031141	0.031366	-1.269832	-0.115956	0.212472	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149401.000000	149401.000000	149401.000000
-328.132294	-0.201854	-0.357455	-1.846105	1.023464	0.279726	-0.806381	119401.000000	0.000000	0.019267	0.018040	2.203982	-2.841138	0.102760	-53636.148438	-77250.468750	395912.687500	-0.134847	0.192568	-1.577325	-0.031141	0.031366	-1.269832	-0.115956	0.212472	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149401.000000	149401.000000	149401.000000	100000.000000
-328.137299	-0.198924	-0.360385	-1.865393	1.009629	0.291433	-0.773390	123409.000000	0.000000	0.019267	0.018040	2.161150	-2.912713	0.102760	2603.781250	-24391.615234	381545.781250	-0.132109	0.197929	-1.577325	-0.031141	0.031366	-1.269832	-0.115956	0.212472	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115196.000000	180404.000000	126413.000000	100000.000000
-328.142303	-0.197459	-0.364047	-1.881018	0.988344	0.290369	-0.731885	123409.000000	0.000000	0.019267	0.018040	2.122769	-2.979836	0.102760	4325.924805	-23293.832031	363471.281250	-0.129419	0.203049	-1.577325	-0.031141	0.031366	-1.269832	-0.115956	0.212472	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112376.000000	181028.000000	125789.000000	100000.000000
-328.147308	-0.196238	-0.369174	-1.893957	0.960675	0.274405	-0.680802	123409.000000	0.000000	0.019267	0.018040	2.089985	-3.042824	0.102760	6502.088379	-22299.507812	341225.718750	-0.126868	0.207917	-1.577325	-0.031141	0.031366	-1.269832	-0.115956	0.212472	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109206.000000	182210.000000	124607.000000	100000.000000
-328.152313	-0.196238	-0.375521	-1.904943	0.926619	0.243543	-0.621205	123409.000000	0.000000	0.019267	0.018040	2.064483	-3.101377	0.102760	8965.744141	-21222.455078	315272.562500	-0.124548	0.212523	-1.577325	-0.031141	0.031366	-1.269832	-0.115956	0.212472	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105665.000000	183597.000000	123220.000000	100000.000000
-328.157318	-0.196482	-0.381137	-1.915686	0.889371	0.198845	-0.555223	127014.000000	0.000000	0.005047	0.004585	1.264666	-3.894815	0.110992	-78127.179688	-105154.937500	290123.500000	-0.122535	0.216847	-1.580491	-0.030046	0.030386	-1.259128	-0.112961	0.216607	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157014.000000	157014.000000	157014.000000	100000.000000
-328.162323	-0.195994	-0.389437	-1.925207	0.851059	0.140313	-0.483920	127014.000000	0.000000	0.008595	0.007850	2.018444	-3.228392	0.136897	97957.843750	58724.382812	270353.593750	-0.120892	0.220921	-1.590454	-0.025873	0.026583	-1.241328	-0.101773	0.234801	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	157014.000000	157014.000000	157014.000000
-328.167328	-0.194285	-0.401156	-1.931311	0.810619	0.069010	-0.410489	127014.000000	0.000000	0.003201	0.002732	1.578355	-3.689740	0.143655	-33607.285156	-66982.992188	241318.468750	-0.119666	0.224781	-1.593054	-0.025420	0.026245	-1.233957	-0.098632	0.243674	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157014.000000	157014.000000	157014.000000	100000.000000
-328.172333	-0.190623	-0.414340	-1.937170	0.772307	-0.015064	-0.334929	127014.000000	0.000000	0.003201	0.002732	1.800743	-3.533023	0.143655	42056.847656	1644.463013	208413.593750	-0.118898	0.228460	-1.593054	-0.025420	0.026245	-1.233957	-0.098632	0.243674	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	185369.000000	128658.000000	128658.000000
-328.177338	-0.184520	-0.426303	-1.941320	0.732930	-0.109780	-0.260433	127014.000000	0.000000	-0.000807	-0.001081	1.595093	-3.787565	0.145205	-4355.482422	-44453.046875	176647.312500	-0.118606	0.231951	-1.593650	-0.026300	0.027174	-1.227627	-0.099759	0.250118	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131369.000000	182658.000000	131369.000000	100000.000000
-328.182343	-0.176463	-0.435824	-1.943518	0.695682	-0.215139	-0.187001	130022.000000	0.000000	-0.000807	-0.001081	1.778577	-3.676966	0.145205	40937.386719	-3854.305908	144669.328125	-0.118817	0.235251	-1.593650	-0.026300	0.027174	-1.227627	-0.099759	0.250118	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	193876.000000	126167.000000	126167.000000
-328.187347	-0.168162	-0.442172	-1.941809	0.657370	-0.329011	-0.114634	130022.000000	0.000000	-0.000807	-0.001081	1.811152	-3.714835	0.145205	25950.787109	-20063.345703	113154.804688	-0.119563	0.238340	-1.593650	-0.026300	0.027174	-1.227627	-0.099759	0.250118	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	114007.000000	105909.000000
-328.192352	-0.159129	-0.446566	-1.936437	0.616930	-0.451397	-0.045459	130022.000000	0.000000	-0.000807	-0.001081	1.853057	-3.748815	0.145205	28665.218750	-19372.054688	83030.617188	-0.120867	0.241204	-1.593650	-0.026300	0.027174	-1.227627	-0.099759	0.250118	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	111984.000000	109315.000000
-328.197357	-0.150096	-0.447787	-1.927648	0.574361	-0.580168	0.021587	130022.000000	0.000000	-0.000807	-0.001081	1.904469	-3.777963	0.145205	31241.505859	-18545.013672	53833.332031	-0.122751	0.243817	-1.593650	-0.026300	0.027174	-1.227627	-0.099759	0.250118	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	111476.000000	111476.000000
-328.202362	-0.141062	-0.445102	-1.914709	0.527535	-0.713196	0.085441	132331.000000	0.000000	-0.000807	-0.001081	1.965048	-3.801034	0.145205	33608.230469	-17299.384766	26026.394531	-0.125222	0.246137	-1.593650	-0.026300	0.027174	-1.227627	-0.099759	0.250118	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	111058.000000	119005.000000
-328.207367	-0.133494	-0.438998	-1.899328	0.476452	-0.852610	0.145037	132331.000000	0.000000	-0.000807	-0.001081	2.036114	-3.817491	0.145205	36431.675781	-15944.888672	73.255081	-0.128312	0.248123	-1.593650	-0.026300	0.027174	-1.227627	-0.099759	0.250118	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118202.000000	178349.000000	100000.000000	146312.000000
-328.212372	-0.128123	-0.430941	-1.881750	0.422176	-0.992023	0.199313	132331.000000	0.000000	-0.002116	-0.002357	2.044739	-3.897933	0.145613	30246.818359	-22749.681641	-23385.289062	-0.132025	0.249755	-1.593807	-0.027611	0.028524	-1.222324	-0.102784	0.257190	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148465.000000	161695.000000	100000.000000	162966.000000
-328.217377	-0.125437	-0.422152	-1.861730	0.364708	-1.130373	0.248267	132331.000000	0.000000	-0.005409	-0.005672	2.006315	-4.033647	0.137388	25416.083984	-28835.980469	-48285.492188	-0.136367	0.251023	-1.590643	-0.035762	0.036677	-1.212173	-0.134692	0.270408	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165750.000000	156583.000000	100000.000000	158911.000000
-328.222382	-0.125926	-0.413363	-1.839025	0.304047	-1.264465	0.290836	132331.000000	0.000000	-0.005409	-0.005672	2.237335	-3.900100	0.137388	56262.660156	2019.483887	-66823.453125	-0.141330	0.251926	-1.590643	-0.035762	0.036677	-1.212173	-0.134692	0.270408	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130311.000000	130311.000000	100000.000000	194350.000000
-328.227386	-0.129100	-0.403354	-1.814855	0.243387	-1.390044	0.327020	134723.000000	0.000000	-0.008280	-0.008481	2.186575	-4.048043	0.135598	24679.199219	-29337.724609	-83360.187500	-0.146889	0.252465	-1.589955	-0.039073	0.040012	-1.210611	-0.152035	0.274526	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169381.000000	158739.000000	100000.000000	160064.000000
-328.232391	-0.134471	-0.393832	-1.788732	0.180597	-1.507109	0.353625	134723.000000	0.000000	-0.008280	-0.008481	2.415333	-3.924260	0.135598	56068.535156	1632.362671	-94946.406250	-0.153003	0.252648	-1.589955	-0.039073	0.040012	-1.210611	-0.152035	0.274526	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133090.000000	133090.000000	100000.000000	196355.000000
-328.237396	-0.141307	-0.384555	-1.763342	0.119936	-1.611403	0.373846	134723.000000	0.000000	-0.008280	-0.008481	2.534239	-3.908521	0.135598	43612.121094	-10130.241211	-103751.945312	-0.159612	0.252495	-1.589955	-0.039073	0.040012	-1.210611	-0.152035	0.274526	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144853.000000	144853.000000	100000.000000	184592.000000
-328.242401	-0.149607	-0.374789	-1.737951	0.062468	-1.700798	0.383424	134723.000000	0.000000	-0.008280	-0.008481	2.656477	-3.888875	0.135598	43313.828125	-9697.059570	-107922.984375	-0.166641	0.252026	-1.589955	-0.039073	0.040012	-1.210611	-0.152035	0.274526	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144420.000000	144420.000000	100000.000000	185025.000000
-328.247406	-0.158885	-0.363803	-1.711096	0.009257	-1.775293	0.382360	137567.000000	0.000000	-0.008280	-0.008481	2.780852	-3.865660	0.135598	42825.300781	-9421.052734	-107459.539062	-0.174015	0.251263	-1.589955	-0.039073	0.040012	-1.210611	-0.152035	0.274526	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146988.000000	146988.000000	100000.000000	188145.000000
-328.252411	-0.168406	-0.352084	-1.683264	-0.039697	-1.832762	0.372781	137567.000000	0.000000	-0.008280	-0.008481	2.905465	-3.839292	0.135598	41816.746094	-9196.016602	-103288.492188	-0.181643	0.250229	-1.589955	-0.039073	0.040012	-1.210611	-0.152035	0.274526	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146763.000000	146763.000000	100000.000000	188370.000000
-328.257416	-0.178904	-0.339633	-1.655432	-0.083331	-1.873202	0.353625	137567.000000	0.000000	-0.007295	-0.007708	3.083630	-3.767754	0.137183	46838.386719	-4284.586426	-94256.421875	-0.189446	0.248949	-1.590564	-0.042042	0.043076	-1.209777	-0.171382	0.276480	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141851.000000	141851.000000	100000.000000	193282.000000
-328.262421	-0.190623	-0.325961	-1.626623	-0.123771	-1.897679	0.327020	137567.000000	0.000000	-0.010519	-0.010836	2.989897	-3.938551	0.134040	14867.761719	-31881.384766	-84038.703125	-0.197355	0.247434	-1.589356	-0.050403	0.051516	-1.210182	-0.212228	0.279909	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182699.000000	152434.000000	100000.000000	152434.000000
-328.267426	-0.202342	-0.311801	-1.594396	-0.162083	-1.906193	0.294029	140738.000000	0.000000	-0.000230	-0.001806	3.805043	-3.282288	0.150631	116838.132812	62019.722656	-62447.007812	-0.205299	0.245702	-1.595737	-0.050974	0.052567	-1.211204	-0.237450	0.276544	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110738.000000	110738.000000	110738.000000	200000.000000
-328.272430	-0.213816	-0.298129	-1.560705	-0.198267	-1.903000	0.255717	140738.000000	0.000000	-0.000230	-0.001806	3.511644	-3.606725	0.150631	-7704.746582	-47374.097656	-45762.851562	-0.213221	0.243776	-1.595737	-0.050974	0.052567	-1.211204	-0.237450	0.276544	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	133033.000000	100000.000000	133033.000000
-328.277435	-0.225779	-0.287143	-1.526281	-0.235515	-1.888101	0.215276	140738.000000	0.000000	-0.000230	-0.001806	3.627011	-3.568919	0.150631	36416.628906	-7081.017578	-28151.783203	-0.221081	0.241688	-1.595737	-0.050974	0.052567	-1.211204	-0.237450	0.276544	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145970.000000	149667.000000	100000.000000	191808.000000
-328.282440	-0.237498	-0.278598	-1.491369	-0.273827	-1.864688	0.173771	140738.000000	0.000000	-0.000230	-0.001806	3.739594	-3.530253	0.150631	35584.429688	-6515.325195	-10077.279297	-0.228844	0.239466	-1.595737	-0.050974	0.052567	-1.211204	-0.237450	0.276544	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127330.000000	167176.000000	100000.000000	174299.000000
-328.287445	-0.247996	-0.272006	-1.455236	-0.311075	-1.832762	0.131202	140738.000000	0.000000	-0.000230	-0.001806	3.848344	-3.491569	0.150631	34580.222656	-6281.075195	8460.680664	-0.236467	0.237147	-1.595737	-0.050974	0.052567	-1.211204	-0.237450	0.276544	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108558.000000	185479.000000	112917.000000	155996.000000
-328.292450	-0.257518	-0.268100	-1.420080	-0.349387	-1.792321	0.088633	143327.000000	0.000000	-0.000230	-0.001806	3.952606	-3.453069	0.150631	33444.292969	-5831.018066	26998.640625	-0.243906	0.234761	-1.595737	-0.050974	0.052567	-1.211204	-0.237450	0.276544	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	134494.000000	140497.000000
-328.297455	-0.268016	-0.266146	-1.386633	-0.386635	-1.745495	0.048193	143327.000000	0.000000	-0.000230	-0.001806	4.053790	-3.415047	0.150631	32653.714844	-5654.285156	44609.703125	-0.251156	0.232334	-1.595737	-0.050974	0.052567	-1.211204	-0.237450	0.276544	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	137672.000000	137672.000000
-328.302460	-0.277781	-0.263949	-1.353918	-0.423883	-1.690155	0.007752	143327.000000	0.000000	-0.006276	-0.007443	3.817480	-3.686264	0.159535	-6739.997070	-40738.406250	66098.312500	-0.258177	0.229863	-1.599161	-0.053550	0.055483	-1.212812	-0.257467	0.274375	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150066.000000	196587.000000	150066.000000	100000.000000
-328.307465	-0.287791	-0.262484	-1.320715	-0.457938	-1.627366	-0.030560	143327.000000	0.000000	-0.002254	-0.004269	4.372533	-3.248292	0.202315	81726.929688	39066.531250	101412.460938	-0.264958	0.227376	-1.615615	-0.058266	0.061909	-1.220245	-0.305592	0.268002	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	173327.000000	173327.000000	173327.000000
-328.312469	-0.297801	-0.260775	-1.289221	-0.490929	-1.557127	-0.066744	145892.000000	0.000000	-0.002254	-0.004269	4.298877	-3.336725	0.202315	11115.530273	-19186.810547	117169.726562	-0.271475	0.224867	-1.615615	-0.058266	0.061909	-1.220245	-0.305592	0.268002	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123963.000000	200000.000000	145589.000000	107820.000000
-328.317474	-0.306834	-0.259555	-1.258703	-0.521792	-1.479439	-0.101863	145892.000000	0.000000	-0.002400	-0.004774	4.372050	-3.326495	0.218476	26420.304688	-8383.311523	139501.250000	-0.277691	0.222352	-1.621831	-0.059521	0.063895	-1.223219	-0.323411	0.265242	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	141088.000000	133928.000000
-328.322479	-0.314891	-0.257357	-1.229406	-0.549462	-1.395365	-0.132726	145892.000000	0.000000	-0.002400	-0.004774	4.453054	-3.267877	0.218476	26565.222656	-3016.812500	152941.265625	-0.283578	0.219824	-1.621831	-0.059521	0.063895	-1.223219	-0.323411	0.265242	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	146309.000000	139440.000000
-328.327484	-0.323191	-0.255648	-1.201818	-0.575003	-1.305970	-0.162524	145892.000000	0.000000	-0.002400	-0.004774	4.522642	-3.229871	0.218476	24633.666016	-5224.888672	165917.828125	-0.289124	0.217294	-1.621831	-0.059521	0.063895	-1.223219	-0.323411	0.265242	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	146033.000000	135300.000000
-328.332489	-0.330271	-0.253939	-1.175695	-0.598416	-1.213382	-0.188065	145892.000000	0.000000	-0.002400	-0.004774	4.586016	-3.191929	0.218476	23464.365234	-5182.552734	177040.609375	-0.294310	0.214765	-1.621831	-0.059521	0.063895	-1.223219	-0.323411	0.265242	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	147245.000000	134173.000000
-328.337494	-0.335398	-0.252719	-1.151037	-0.618636	-1.117602	-0.211478	149348.000000	0.000000	-0.002400	-0.004774	4.642075	-3.154962	0.218476	22126.898438	-5378.939941	187236.484375	-0.299101	0.212253	-1.621831	-0.059521	0.063895	-1.223219	-0.323411	0.265242	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102600.000000	200000.000000	151842.000000	136095.000000
-328.342499	-0.338328	-0.253939	-1.127355	-0.636728	-1.019693	-0.231699	149348.000000	0.000000	-0.002400	-0.004774	4.690312	-3.120719	0.218476	20804.384766	-5671.852539	196042.015625	-0.303462	0.209804	-1.621831	-0.059521	0.063895	-1.223219	-0.323411	0.265242	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104215.000000	200000.000000	152871.000000	134480.000000
-328.347504	-0.340037	-0.256869	-1.104406	-0.654820	-0.919656	-0.248726	149348.000000	0.000000	-0.002947	-0.005544	4.701015	-3.131033	0.248352	16030.209961	-10535.245117	216467.656250	-0.307374	0.207440	-1.633322	-0.062730	0.068652	-1.230223	-0.343499	0.257387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113853.000000	200000.000000	152782.000000	124842.000000
-328.352509	-0.340770	-0.261264	-1.083410	-0.670783	-0.818555	-0.265754	149348.000000	0.000000	-0.002265	-0.005281	4.793350	-3.056723	0.265379	24850.873047	-1049.233276	231297.656250	-0.310820	0.205192	-1.639870	-0.063919	0.070774	-1.234070	-0.348663	0.250869	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153447.000000	143149.000000
-328.357513	-0.341746	-0.264682	-1.063879	-0.687811	-0.716389	-0.281717	154058.000000	0.000000	-0.003173	-0.006057	4.742441	-3.081019	0.280039	8279.158203	-11807.889648	244633.828125	-0.313804	0.203033	-1.645509	-0.065405	0.073144	-1.237903	-0.355674	0.249287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127586.000000	200000.000000	163970.000000	120529.000000
-328.362518	-0.343455	-0.265658	-1.046545	-0.704838	-0.613159	-0.296616	154058.000000	0.000000	-0.003173	-0.006057	4.798790	-3.019583	0.280039	19740.185547	-2020.339966	251122.109375	-0.316338	0.200909	-1.645509	-0.065405	0.073144	-1.237903	-0.355674	0.249287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106338.000000	200000.000000	162297.000000	141777.000000
-328.367523	-0.346873	-0.264193	-1.030187	-0.725059	-0.509929	-0.311516	154058.000000	0.000000	-0.006445	-0.009016	4.634336	-3.148929	0.290531	-5769.937012	-23148.751953	262179.156250	-0.318461	0.198758	-1.649544	-0.067970	0.076484	-1.241928	-0.356648	0.241345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152976.000000	200000.000000	166679.000000	100000.000000
-328.372528	-0.352244	-0.260775	-1.013830	-0.748472	-0.407763	-0.326415	154058.000000	0.000000	-0.006445	-0.009016	4.777348	-2.994009	0.290531	28342.837891	9279.315430	268667.437500	-0.320227	0.196528	-1.649544	-0.067970	0.076484	-1.241928	-0.356648	0.241345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	164994.000000	161680.000000
-328.377533	-0.359080	-0.256137	-0.996740	-0.776142	-0.304534	-0.339185	159856.000000	0.000000	-0.006445	-0.009016	4.786411	-2.953764	0.290531	13064.166992	-2549.447266	274228.812500	-0.321676	0.194175	-1.649544	-0.067970	0.076484	-1.241928	-0.356648	0.241345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119341.000000	200000.000000	174242.000000	140370.000000
-328.382538	-0.361277	-0.248324	-0.980139	-0.811261	-0.199175	-0.353020	159856.000000	0.000000	-0.006445	-0.009016	4.786424	-2.906894	0.290531	11350.353516	-624.680298	280253.656250	-0.322730	0.191611	-1.649544	-0.067970	0.076484	-1.241928	-0.356648	0.241345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119130.000000	200000.000000	177880.000000	140581.000000
-328.387543	-0.370066	-0.243930	-0.966223	-0.846380	-0.095945	-0.366855	159856.000000	0.000000	-0.006445	-0.009016	4.786950	-2.859288	0.290531	11168.422852	-163.273529	286278.500000	-0.323506	0.188881	-1.649544	-0.067970	0.076484	-1.241928	-0.356648	0.241345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118850.000000	200000.000000	178524.000000	140861.000000
-328.392548	-0.379100	-0.238314	-0.945715	-0.892142	0.012606	-0.380690	159856.000000	0.000000	-0.006445	-0.009016	4.785255	-2.806538	0.290531	9831.972656	2025.821289	292303.343750	-0.324040	0.185936	-1.649544	-0.067970	0.076484	-1.241928	-0.356648	0.241345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117998.000000	197662.000000	182049.000000	141713.000000
-328.397552	-0.386180	-0.230990	-0.932775	-0.935775	0.119028	-0.394525	159856.000000	0.000000	-0.006445	-0.009016	4.776605	-2.748054	0.290531	8771.976562	2891.897461	298328.156250	-0.324270	0.182731	-1.649544	-0.067970	0.076484	-1.241928	-0.356648	0.241345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118192.000000	195736.000000	183975.000000	141519.000000
-328.402557	-0.394236	-0.224154	-0.918371	-0.984730	0.225451	-0.408360	166760.000000	0.000000	-0.005289	-0.008123	4.829076	-2.636052	0.302315	15244.365234	10102.079102	309484.718750	-0.324237	0.179256	-1.654077	-0.070139	0.079511	-1.246055	-0.358032	0.235570	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111413.000000	200000.000000	191617.000000	162106.000000
-328.407562	-0.402781	-0.216830	-0.904455	-1.032620	0.334002	-0.422195	166760.000000	0.000000	-0.003276	-0.006600	4.878878	-2.520810	0.339908	14446.629883	11091.664062	331880.625000	-0.323945	0.175507	-1.668535	-0.075667	0.087917	-1.258797	-0.345085	0.211337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111221.000000	200000.000000	193405.000000	162298.000000
-328.412567	-0.410594	-0.208529	-0.890051	-1.081574	0.437232	-0.436030	166760.000000	0.000000	-0.003276	-0.006600	4.781474	-2.509549	0.339908	-2077.442627	52.281071	337905.468750	-0.323426	0.171469	-1.668535	-0.075667	0.087917	-1.258797	-0.345085	0.211337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138785.000000	194630.000000	198889.000000	134734.000000
-328.417572	-0.415477	-0.202670	-0.873937	-1.127336	0.539397	-0.448801	166760.000000	0.000000	-0.003276	-0.006600	4.759631	-2.437292	0.339908	5777.633789	6951.172852	343466.843750	-0.322651	0.167218	-1.668535	-0.075667	0.087917	-1.258797	-0.345085	0.211337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124031.000000	195586.000000	197933.000000	149488.000000
-328.422577	-0.418895	-0.196078	-0.861975	-1.170969	0.639435	-0.461571	166791.000000	0.000000	-0.003276	-0.006600	4.731793	-2.361118	0.339908	4764.153809	7698.838379	349028.250000	-0.321581	0.162741	-1.668535	-0.075667	0.087917	-1.258797	-0.345085	0.211337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124328.000000	193856.000000	199725.000000	149253.000000
-328.427582	-0.419871	-0.189242	-0.846838	-1.210346	0.736279	-0.475406	166791.000000	0.000000	-0.003276	-0.006600	4.699934	-2.283635	0.339908	4081.166260	7912.258301	355053.062500	-0.320224	0.158076	-1.668535	-0.075667	0.087917	-1.258797	-0.345085	0.211337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124797.000000	192959.000000	200000.000000	148784.000000
-328.432587	-0.419627	-0.181918	-0.830236	-1.247594	0.830995	-0.489241	166791.000000	0.000000	-0.003276	-0.006600	4.664446	-2.203911	0.339908	3317.162598	8462.718750	361077.906250	-0.318591	0.153234	-1.668535	-0.075667	0.087917	-1.258797	-0.345085	0.211337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125011.000000	191645.000000	200000.000000	148570.000000
-328.437592	-0.418650	-0.173861	-0.813635	-1.280585	0.922519	-0.505205	166791.000000	0.000000	-0.003276	-0.006600	4.625519	-2.122204	0.339908	2689.892090	8740.283203	368029.625000	-0.316696	0.148227	-1.668535	-0.075667	0.087917	-1.258797	-0.345085	0.211337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125360.000000	190740.000000	200000.000000	148221.000000
-328.442596	-0.416697	-0.162875	-0.795324	-1.310383	1.009785	-0.521168	166791.000000	0.000000	-0.003276	-0.006600	4.584589	-2.035913	0.339908	2348.084717	9427.201172	374981.375000	-0.314573	0.143017	-1.668535	-0.075667	0.087917	-1.258797	-0.345085	0.211337	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125015.000000	189711.000000	200000.000000	148566.000000
-328.447601	-0.416209	-0.150912	-0.776770	-1.338053	1.097052	-0.540324	173366.000000	0.000000	-0.004221	-0.007343	4.490666	-1.986883	0.360293	-4312.132812	5449.000977	392200.875000	-0.312266	0.137593	-1.676376	-0.079574	0.093636	-1.267439	-0.325803	0.187081	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142229.000000	193604.000000	200000.000000	144502.000000
-328.452606	-0.414500	-0.139926	-0.758703	-1.361466	1.182190	-0.559480	173366.000000	0.000000	-0.002824	-0.006084	4.559924	-1.797107	0.381318	13791.383789	21437.521484	409698.656250	-0.309764	0.131997	-1.684462	-0.082522	0.098469	-1.275794	-0.303507	0.159935	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108137.000000	195719.000000	200000.000000	178594.000000
-328.457611	-0.413768	-0.129428	-0.741857	-1.380622	1.266263	-0.579700	173366.000000	0.000000	-0.002824	-0.006084	4.457072	-1.755410	0.381318	-5875.885742	4967.106445	418504.187500	-0.307090	0.126253	-1.684462	-0.082522	0.098469	-1.275794	-0.303507	0.159935	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144274.000000	192523.000000	200000.000000	142457.000000
-328.462616	-0.412791	-0.121127	-0.727209	-1.393392	1.349273	-0.600985	173366.000000	0.000000	-0.002824	-0.006084	4.406431	-1.665289	0.381318	-632.684937	10062.823242	427773.187500	-0.304225	0.120438	-1.684462	-0.082522	0.098469	-1.275794	-0.303507	0.159935	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133935.000000	192670.000000	200000.000000	152796.000000
-328.467621	-0.412059	-0.112338	-0.713049	-1.399778	1.430154	-0.622269	174744.000000	0.000000	-0.002824	-0.006084	4.354040	-1.574919	0.381318	-1204.286865	9833.177734	437042.156250	-0.301188	0.114565	-1.684462	-0.082522	0.098469	-1.275794	-0.303507	0.159935	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136115.000000	193706.000000	200000.000000	153372.000000
-328.472626	-0.412059	-0.104525	-0.699133	-1.397649	1.508907	-0.645682	174744.000000	0.000000	-0.002824	-0.006084	4.300689	-1.487168	0.381318	-1683.347168	9002.975586	447238.031250	-0.298009	0.108699	-1.684462	-0.082522	0.098469	-1.275794	-0.303507	0.159935	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137424.000000	194057.000000	200000.000000	152063.000000
-328.477631	-0.411570	-0.098422	-0.683996	-1.389136	1.586595	-0.669095	174744.000000	0.000000	-0.002824	-0.006084	4.246100	-1.403507	0.381318	-2310.945312	8196.731445	457433.937500	-0.294705	0.102911	-1.684462	-0.082522	0.098469	-1.275794	-0.303507	0.159935	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138858.000000	194236.000000	200000.000000	150629.000000
-328.482635	-0.411326	-0.093539	-0.669104	-1.373172	1.661091	-0.692508	174744.000000	0.000000	0.002261	-0.001987	4.470593	-1.099127	0.413550	29416.732422	32973.742188	481666.343750	-0.291300	0.097263	-1.696859	-0.082087	0.100550	-1.283663	-0.271677	0.131086	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-328.487640	-0.410105	-0.088900	-0.652990	-1.352952	1.734523	-0.715921	176658.000000	0.000000	0.003127	-0.000972	4.258808	-1.131541	0.443306	-19749.542969	-4768.981445	504820.281250	-0.287804	0.091781	-1.708304	-0.081087	0.101941	-1.290661	-0.237842	0.102021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171176.000000	191677.000000	200000.000000	122139.000000
-328.492645	-0.408885	-0.084262	-0.638830	-1.326346	1.806890	-0.737206	176658.000000	0.000000	0.003127	-0.000972	4.166181	-1.099930	0.443306	-7292.971680	1592.048584	514089.281250	-0.284208	0.086483	-1.708304	-0.081087	0.101941	-1.290661	-0.237842	0.102021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152358.000000	197772.000000	200000.000000	140957.000000
-328.497650	-0.407420	-0.080355	-0.625402	-1.295484	1.878193	-0.758490	176658.000000	0.000000	0.003127	-0.000972	4.106325	-1.032208	0.443306	-4172.322266	5263.967773	523358.250000	-0.280503	0.081397	-1.708304	-0.081087	0.101941	-1.290661	-0.237842	0.102021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145566.000000	197221.000000	200000.000000	147749.000000
-328.502655	-0.405223	-0.077670	-0.613195	-1.262493	1.947368	-0.778711	176658.000000	0.000000	0.003127	-0.000972	4.044009	-0.969525	0.443306	-4816.537109	4613.109863	532163.750000	-0.276676	0.076560	-1.708304	-0.081087	0.101941	-1.290661	-0.237842	0.102021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146861.000000	197228.000000	200000.000000	146454.000000
-328.507660	-0.402781	-0.075717	-0.603674	-1.225245	2.011221	-0.796802	176658.000000	0.000000	0.003127	-0.000972	3.979027	-0.911925	0.443306	-5117.241699	3679.580811	540042.437500	-0.272712	0.071995	-1.708304	-0.081087	0.101941	-1.290661	-0.237842	0.102021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148095.000000	197861.000000	200000.000000	145220.000000
-328.512665	-0.399607	-0.072787	-0.597326	-1.185869	2.070818	-0.813830	179118.000000	0.000000	0.003127	-0.000972	3.909931	-0.856683	0.443306	-5693.416016	3259.164795	547457.625000	-0.268572	0.067670	-1.708304	-0.081087	0.101941	-1.290661	-0.237842	0.102021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151552.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	146683.000000
-328.517670	-0.394480	-0.067904	-0.595373	-1.143299	2.124029	-0.826601	179118.000000	0.000000	0.003127	-0.000972	3.834124	-0.801829	0.443306	-6319.875488	2921.508057	553019.000000	-0.264183	0.063527	-1.708304	-0.081087	0.101941	-1.290661	-0.237842	0.102021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152516.000000	199876.000000	200000.000000	145719.000000
-328.522675	-0.387400	-0.063754	-0.593176	-1.099666	2.169791	-0.837243	179118.000000	0.000000	0.011582	0.005257	4.219410	-0.408314	0.470826	46761.007812	41651.843750	569637.750000	-0.259542	0.059586	-1.718888	-0.077598	0.100406	-1.293694	-0.216555	0.089230	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-328.527679	-0.381297	-0.061801	-0.590979	-1.053905	2.209167	-0.846821	179118.000000	0.000000	0.009847	0.004858	3.705454	-0.634739	0.528722	-53959.296875	-28000.394531	599021.437500	-0.254704	0.055910	-1.741156	-0.070118	0.097225	-1.300951	-0.150868	0.054044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-328.532684	-0.376658	-0.060092	-0.588781	-1.008143	2.240030	-0.854271	181630.000000	0.000000	0.009847	0.004858	3.695765	-0.577955	0.528722	2237.433838	3190.773438	602265.625000	-0.249748	0.052494	-1.741156	-0.070118	0.097225	-1.300951	-0.150868	0.054044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146201.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	157058.000000
-328.537689	-0.372020	-0.057406	-0.586096	-0.962381	2.266635	-0.860656	181630.000000	0.000000	0.009847	0.004858	3.616609	-0.539067	0.528722	-5419.225586	1191.450928	605046.312500	-0.244705	0.049303	-1.741156	-0.070118	0.097225	-1.300951	-0.150868	0.054044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155857.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	147402.000000
-328.542694	-0.367869	-0.054721	-0.583898	-0.918748	2.290048	-0.864913	181630.000000	0.000000	0.009847	0.004858	3.537281	-0.502382	0.528722	-5559.700684	1151.288818	606900.062500	-0.239594	0.046315	-1.741156	-0.070118	0.097225	-1.300951	-0.150868	0.054044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156038.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	147221.000000
-328.547699	-0.360789	-0.051059	-0.580236	-0.876179	2.311333	-0.867041	181630.000000	0.000000	0.009847	0.004858	3.454860	-0.466769	0.528722	-6142.807617	1118.394531	607827.000000	-0.234379	0.043494	-1.741156	-0.070118	0.097225	-1.300951	-0.150868	0.054044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156654.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	146605.000000
-328.552704	-0.353221	-0.048617	-0.576330	-0.835738	2.331553	-0.864913	181630.000000	0.000000	0.009847	0.004858	3.370675	-0.434513	0.528722	-6702.314453	945.521667	606900.062500	-0.229056	0.040857	-1.741156	-0.070118	0.097225	-1.300951	-0.150868	0.054044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157386.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	145873.000000
-328.557709	-0.347361	-0.048617	-0.574133	-0.797426	2.349645	-0.860656	183404.000000	0.000000	0.011692	0.006854	3.387475	-0.297939	0.548996	4631.898926	13102.214844	613875.375000	-0.223645	0.038451	-1.748954	-0.066650	0.095184	-1.302473	-0.129962	0.045857	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135669.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171138.000000
-328.562714	-0.343455	-0.048861	-0.571447	-0.762307	2.365608	-0.854271	183404.000000	0.000000	0.013597	0.008539	3.336303	-0.260725	0.590911	-2918.239014	2537.626221	629347.812500	-0.218217	0.036259	-1.765075	-0.058903	0.090354	-1.304729	-0.080233	0.030244	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153784.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	153023.000000
-328.567719	-0.341502	-0.051059	-0.571936	-0.729316	2.379443	-0.845757	183404.000000	0.000000	0.014632	0.009697	3.235017	-0.245171	0.612269	-8722.532227	309.716461	634940.937500	-0.212777	0.034313	-1.773290	-0.054517	0.087405	-1.305155	-0.056462	0.023088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161816.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	144991.000000
-328.572723	-0.340525	-0.053256	-0.577795	-0.697389	2.386893	-0.835115	183404.000000	0.000000	0.014632	0.009697	3.110075	-0.274516	0.612269	-11230.583984	-4791.944824	630306.437500	-0.207301	0.032591	-1.773290	-0.054517	0.087405	-1.305155	-0.056462	0.023088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169426.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	137381.000000
-328.577728	-0.341990	-0.055209	-0.588293	-0.662269	2.389021	-0.820215	183988.000000	0.000000	0.014632	0.009697	3.027239	-0.260146	0.612269	-6406.619141	-431.795868	623818.125000	-0.201813	0.031076	-1.773290	-0.054517	0.087405	-1.305155	-0.056462	0.023088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160826.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	147149.000000
-328.582733	-0.346629	-0.055209	-0.599523	-0.626086	2.380508	-0.803188	183988.000000	0.000000	0.014632	0.009697	2.951178	-0.245442	0.612269	-4802.125488	-610.897888	616402.937500	-0.196439	0.029708	-1.773290	-0.054517	0.087405	-1.305155	-0.056462	0.023088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159401.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	148574.000000
-328.587738	-0.352977	-0.053500	-0.609533	-0.587774	2.364544	-0.782968	183988.000000	0.000000	0.014632	0.009697	2.882144	-0.230647	0.612269	-3454.451904	-943.069519	607597.437500	-0.191275	0.028444	-1.773290	-0.054517	0.087405	-1.305155	-0.056462	0.023088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158385.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	149590.000000
-328.592743	-0.359324	-0.049594	-0.619055	-0.550526	2.341131	-0.758490	183988.000000	0.000000	0.014632	0.009697	2.818516	-0.213703	0.612269	-2225.912598	-683.123901	596938.125000	-0.186363	0.027216	-1.773290	-0.054517	0.087405	-1.305155	-0.056462	0.023088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156897.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	151078.000000
-328.597748	-0.362986	-0.044955	-0.626867	-0.514342	2.310269	-0.730820	184097.000000	0.000000	0.014632	0.009697	2.758140	-0.196316	0.612269	-1184.962280	-603.878723	584888.437500	-0.181693	0.026007	-1.773290	-0.054517	0.087405	-1.305155	-0.056462	0.023088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155885.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	152308.000000
-328.602753	-0.364695	-0.039828	-0.635900	-0.478158	2.273021	-0.696765	184097.000000	0.000000	0.014632	0.009697	2.699438	-0.178426	0.612269	-397.499939	-632.770691	570058.062500	-0.177229	0.024803	-1.773290	-0.054517	0.087405	-1.305155	-0.056462	0.023088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155127.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	153066.000000
-328.607758	-0.365184	-0.034945	-0.645422	-0.443039	2.230452	-0.659517	184097.000000	0.000000	0.017397	0.012891	2.795184	0.014754	0.689016	17806.275391	19485.560547	587259.187500	-0.172959	0.023607	-1.802808	-0.035981	0.073604	-1.302929	0.043372	-0.002378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116805.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	191388.000000
-328.612762	-0.364695	-0.030795	-0.654943	-0.411112	2.182562	-0.616948	184097.000000	0.000000	0.017397	0.012891	2.631326	-0.095745	0.689016	-10686.990234	-14209.872070	568721.250000	-0.168885	0.022425	-1.802808	-0.035981	0.073604	-1.302929	0.043372	-0.002378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178993.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	129200.000000
-328.617767	-0.362498	-0.025424	-0.663977	-0.382378	2.126158	-0.571187	184097.000000	0.000000	0.017397	0.012891	2.581346	-0.076288	0.689016	2800.241699	388.017120	548792.937500	-0.165013	0.021211	-1.802808	-0.035981	0.073604	-1.302929	0.043372	-0.002378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150908.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	157285.000000
-328.622772	-0.357127	-0.019076	-0.674230	-0.354708	2.062304	-0.523296	184423.000000	0.000000	0.017397	0.012891	2.531459	-0.054888	0.689016	3693.746094	689.677551	527937.750000	-0.161290	0.019940	-1.802808	-0.035981	0.073604	-1.302929	0.043372	-0.002378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150039.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158806.000000
-328.627777	-0.348582	-0.012240	-0.686926	-0.329167	1.988873	-0.472214	184423.000000	0.000000	0.017397	0.012891	2.480863	-0.031528	0.689016	4774.563477	1129.221558	505692.187500	-0.157663	0.018590	-1.802808	-0.035981	0.073604	-1.302929	0.043372	-0.002378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148519.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	160326.000000
-328.632782	-0.339061	-0.006381	-0.699377	-0.303625	1.909056	-0.419002	184423.000000	0.000000	0.017397	0.012891	2.432444	-0.008675	0.689016	5860.753418	1061.140991	482519.718750	-0.154145	0.017193	-1.802808	-0.035981	0.073604	-1.302929	0.043372	-0.002378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147501.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161344.000000
-328.637787	-0.330027	-0.002475	-0.712805	-0.278084	1.820725	-0.363663	184423.000000	0.000000	0.017397	0.012891	2.388106	0.011938	0.689016	7447.206543	792.167603	458420.375000	-0.150780	0.015802	-1.802808	-0.035981	0.073604	-1.302929	0.043372	-0.002378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146183.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	162662.000000
-328.642792	-0.321727	-0.001986	-0.726721	-0.252543	1.723880	-0.307259	185615.000000	0.000000	0.014223	0.012077	2.174766	-0.017195	0.720847	-10735.338867	-4929.103027	447719.468750	-0.147627	0.014507	-1.815050	-0.024854	0.063729	-1.297883	0.100061	-0.018341	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171279.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	139950.000000
-328.647797	-0.314646	-0.002230	-0.743078	-0.224873	1.619586	-0.248726	185615.000000	0.000000	0.010451	0.010233	2.060991	-0.073356	0.724771	987.994324	-8520.807617	423938.406250	-0.144729	0.013334	-1.816560	-0.022028	0.060736	-1.295670	0.115924	-0.023240	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163147.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	148082.000000
-328.652802	-0.307566	-0.004184	-0.763098	-0.194010	1.506778	-0.189130	185615.000000	0.000000	0.010451	0.010233	2.183095	0.008203	0.724771	28941.021484	6504.612305	397985.281250	-0.142099	0.012339	-1.816560	-0.022028	0.060736	-1.295670	0.115924	-0.023240	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120169.000000	200000.000000	193178.000000	191060.000000
-328.657806	-0.301951	-0.007602	-0.785070	-0.156762	1.386521	-0.126340	185615.000000	0.000000	0.008896	0.009526	2.076148	-0.028797	0.725254	4635.813965	-7575.358398	370852.187500	-0.139797	0.011581	-1.816745	-0.019734	0.057994	-1.293252	0.127839	-0.026697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158554.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	152675.000000
-328.662811	-0.299021	-0.011264	-0.808264	-0.114193	1.256685	-0.060358	185615.000000	0.000000	0.008896	0.009526	2.127401	-0.003424	0.725254	23917.140625	-1381.301514	342118.375000	-0.137924	0.011082	-1.816745	-0.019734	0.057994	-1.293252	0.127839	-0.026697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133079.000000	200000.000000	190316.000000	178150.000000
-328.667816	-0.298289	-0.012973	-0.830725	-0.065239	1.116208	0.005624	187416.000000	0.000000	0.008896	0.009526	2.128857	-0.009070	0.725254	20264.615234	-5745.216309	313384.531250	-0.136588	0.010823	-1.816745	-0.019734	0.057994	-1.293252	0.127839	-0.026697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142896.000000	200000.000000	191406.000000	171935.000000
-328.672821	-0.295115	-0.013461	-0.856604	-0.008835	0.967216	0.073734	187416.000000	0.000000	0.008896	0.009526	2.136405	-0.018391	0.725254	22590.685547	-7270.893066	283723.812500	-0.135754	0.010803	-1.816745	-0.019734	0.057994	-1.293252	0.127839	-0.026697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142096.000000	200000.000000	187554.000000	172735.000000
-328.677826	-0.286326	-0.012973	-0.882482	0.055019	0.808646	0.142909	187416.000000	0.000000	0.008896	0.009526	2.147915	-0.031907	0.725254	24862.029297	-8907.105469	253599.625000	-0.135357	0.011035	-1.816745	-0.019734	0.057994	-1.293252	0.127839	-0.026697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141461.000000	200000.000000	183646.000000	173370.000000
-328.682831	-0.278758	-0.006869	-0.900793	0.118872	0.646884	0.212083	187416.000000	0.000000	0.008896	0.009526	2.171247	-0.042511	0.725254	27364.320312	-8929.326172	223475.437500	-0.135493	0.011396	-1.816745	-0.019734	0.057994	-1.293252	0.127839	-0.026697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138981.000000	200000.000000	181122.000000	175850.000000
-328.687836	-0.268992	0.002164	-0.920812	0.185918	0.478736	0.280194	188787.000000	0.000000	0.008896	0.009526	2.201210	-0.052664	0.725254	29706.738281	-9586.053711	193814.703125	-0.136136	0.011844	-1.816745	-0.019734	0.057994	-1.293252	0.127839	-0.026697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138666.000000	200000.000000	179494.000000	178907.000000
-328.692841	-0.259959	0.015592	-0.945471	0.254029	0.306332	0.345112	188787.000000	0.000000	0.010243	0.010588	2.313454	-0.001451	0.727442	40537.839844	-3033.505127	166497.093750	-0.137298	0.012300	-1.817587	-0.017006	0.054915	-1.290614	0.136756	-0.026710	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131820.000000	200000.000000	185753.000000	185753.000000
-328.697845	-0.251170	0.031461	-0.972326	0.324268	0.132863	0.405772	188787.000000	0.000000	0.002924	0.006154	1.903084	-0.293734	0.689852	-17905.646484	-42704.347656	123710.804688	-0.138979	0.012741	-1.803129	-0.017348	0.051184	-1.282456	0.145788	-0.019869	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	110881.000000
-328.702850	-0.242137	0.046354	-0.998937	0.395571	-0.041670	0.462176	188787.000000	0.000000	0.002924	0.006154	2.249763	-0.124455	0.689852	67850.906250	8380.981445	99148.007812	-0.141183	0.013207	-1.803129	-0.017348	0.051184	-1.282456	0.145788	-0.019869	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120406.000000	200000.000000	197167.000000	197167.000000
-328.707855	-0.233348	0.054166	-1.019445	0.465810	-0.215139	0.514323	189898.000000	0.000000	0.002924	0.006154	2.313276	-0.140334	0.689852	37688.328125	-12257.482422	76439.015625	-0.143942	0.013835	-1.803129	-0.017348	0.051184	-1.282456	0.145788	-0.019869	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142155.000000	200000.000000	177640.000000	177640.000000
-328.712860	-0.222605	0.055875	-1.040197	0.533920	-0.381158	0.563278	189898.000000	0.000000	0.002924	0.006154	2.381037	-0.164394	0.689852	38416.730469	-13348.983398	55120.343750	-0.147180	0.014730	-1.803129	-0.017348	0.051184	-1.282456	0.145788	-0.019869	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143246.000000	200000.000000	176549.000000	176549.000000
-328.717865	-0.211619	0.055631	-1.063879	0.602031	-0.542920	0.611168	189898.000000	0.000000	0.002924	0.006154	2.454079	-0.194257	0.689852	39604.359375	-14435.627930	34265.148438	-0.150863	0.015923	-1.803129	-0.017348	0.051184	-1.282456	0.145788	-0.019869	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144333.000000	200000.000000	175462.000000	175462.000000
-328.722870	-0.200877	0.054654	-1.086584	0.665884	-0.688719	0.655865	189898.000000	0.000000	0.002924	0.006154	2.530101	-0.227736	0.689852	39197.183594	-14813.018555	14800.298828	-0.154924	0.017400	-1.803129	-0.017348	0.051184	-1.282456	0.145788	-0.019869	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159910.000000	200000.000000	159885.000000	190284.000000
-328.727875	-0.191355	0.053678	-1.110510	0.727609	-0.823876	0.698435	189898.000000	0.000000	-0.001294	0.003165	2.378164	-0.428894	0.671673	12884.204102	-34225.406250	-11653.919922	-0.159332	0.019143	-1.796138	-0.018461	0.050602	-1.279752	0.140680	-0.010946	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	135359.000000	184436.000000
-328.732880	-0.182322	0.053922	-1.133215	0.784013	-0.949454	0.738875	190404.000000	0.000000	-0.002619	0.002326	2.557426	-0.393208	0.628064	49650.722656	-7693.285156	-48255.882812	-0.164055	0.021097	-1.779365	-0.021948	0.050345	-1.274845	0.120604	0.010044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198097.000000	198097.000000	122710.000000	200000.000000
-328.737885	-0.173045	0.053678	-1.156164	0.834032	-1.063326	0.776123	190404.000000	0.000000	-0.005756	-0.000041	2.522798	-0.529252	0.601519	25209.531250	-26729.871094	-76036.351562	-0.169034	0.023234	-1.769155	-0.024522	0.050832	-1.272624	0.105877	0.022500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	108464.000000	200000.000000
-328.742889	-0.163035	0.055143	-1.181311	0.875537	-1.167621	0.812307	190404.000000	0.000000	-0.005756	-0.000041	2.733647	-0.472644	0.601519	52597.796875	-4540.905762	-91793.609375	-0.174208	0.025480	-1.769155	-0.024522	0.050832	-1.272624	0.105877	0.022500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194944.000000	194944.000000	125863.000000	200000.000000
-328.747894	-0.151805	0.057828	-1.206457	0.909592	-1.262337	0.846362	190404.000000	0.000000	-0.005756	-0.000041	2.818630	-0.509101	0.601519	38531.433594	-14279.302734	-106623.984375	-0.179516	0.027777	-1.769155	-0.024522	0.050832	-1.272624	0.105877	0.022500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	116124.000000	200000.000000
-328.752899	-0.141307	0.062467	-1.232580	0.934069	-1.346411	0.878289	190400.000000	0.000000	-0.005756	-0.000041	2.903680	-0.542054	0.601519	38146.574219	-13104.913086	-120527.445312	-0.184922	0.030046	-1.769155	-0.024522	0.050832	-1.272624	0.105877	0.022500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	117295.000000	200000.000000
-328.757904	-0.133006	0.069303	-1.262365	0.948968	-1.421970	0.907023	190400.000000	0.000000	-0.005756	-0.000041	2.989841	-0.570514	0.601519	38076.578125	-11757.194336	-133040.593750	-0.190421	0.032214	-1.769155	-0.024522	0.050832	-1.272624	0.105877	0.022500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	118642.000000	200000.000000
-328.762909	-0.125926	0.077115	-1.295568	0.956418	-1.489017	0.931500	190400.000000	0.000000	-0.005756	-0.000041	3.076152	-0.595241	0.601519	37862.257812	-10675.629883	-143699.921875	-0.195990	0.034240	-1.769155	-0.024522	0.050832	-1.272624	0.105877	0.022500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	119724.000000	200000.000000
-328.767914	-0.119334	0.086881	-1.331213	0.957482	-1.546485	0.954913	190400.000000	0.000000	-0.005756	-0.000041	3.161477	-0.615023	0.601519	37357.550781	-9525.748047	-153895.781250	-0.201591	0.036074	-1.769155	-0.024522	0.050832	-1.272624	0.105877	0.022500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199925.000000	199925.000000	120874.000000	200000.000000
-328.772919	-0.112986	0.096891	-1.368078	0.953225	-1.594375	0.975133	190400.000000	0.000000	-0.005756	-0.000041	3.245156	-0.630977	0.601519	36728.695312	-8573.493164	-162701.312500	-0.207186	0.037697	-1.769155	-0.024522	0.050832	-1.272624	0.105877	0.022500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198973.000000	198973.000000	121826.000000	200000.000000
-328.777924	-0.106883	0.103238	-1.407385	0.944711	-1.631623	0.993225	190397.000000	0.000000	-0.002679	0.002241	3.495479	-0.520720	0.499155	55204.878906	6318.636230	-215157.843750	-0.212730	0.039154	-1.729784	-0.033034	0.051803	-1.266371	0.035011	0.075685	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184078.000000	184078.000000	136715.000000	200000.000000
-328.782928	-0.101023	0.103238	-1.447912	0.931940	-1.658229	1.009188	190397.000000	0.000000	-0.002679	0.002241	3.450486	-0.628813	0.499155	21478.261719	-17660.724609	-222109.562500	-0.218181	0.040520	-1.729784	-0.033034	0.051803	-1.266371	0.035011	0.075685	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	199535.000000	121258.000000	200000.000000
-328.787933	-0.096629	0.097623	-1.487463	0.914913	-1.675256	1.024088	190397.000000	0.000000	-0.002590	0.001809	3.530999	-0.670934	0.476067	34673.988281	-10054.036133	-238651.828125	-0.223521	0.041848	-1.720904	-0.034505	0.051672	-1.265751	0.016037	0.086557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	120342.000000	200000.000000
-328.792938	-0.092967	0.087857	-1.526770	0.894693	-1.683770	1.036858	190397.000000	0.000000	-0.002590	0.001809	3.600043	-0.673459	0.476067	32833.375000	-5267.890137	-244213.234375	-0.228724	0.043174	-1.720904	-0.034505	0.051672	-1.265751	0.016037	0.086557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195664.000000	195664.000000	125129.000000	200000.000000
-328.797943	-0.091502	0.074918	-1.565100	0.871280	-1.682706	1.048565	190430.000000	0.000000	-0.002590	0.001809	3.669937	-0.694138	0.476067	32190.521484	-6900.292969	-249311.171875	-0.233778	0.044514	-1.720904	-0.034505	0.051672	-1.265751	0.016037	0.086557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197330.000000	197330.000000	123529.000000	200000.000000
-328.802948	-0.092723	0.059537	-1.602453	0.845738	-1.674192	1.058143	190430.000000	0.000000	-0.002590	0.001809	3.737747	-0.715727	0.476067	31414.859375	-6748.105957	-253482.187500	-0.238688	0.045881	-1.720904	-0.034505	0.051672	-1.265751	0.016037	0.086557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197178.000000	197178.000000	123681.000000	200000.000000
-328.807953	-0.096385	0.042936	-1.638586	0.818068	-1.656100	1.065592	190430.000000	0.000000	-0.002590	0.001809	3.802641	-0.737519	0.476067	30256.357422	-6509.409180	-256726.359375	-0.243438	0.047271	-1.720904	-0.034505	0.051672	-1.265751	0.016037	0.086557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196939.000000	196939.000000	123920.000000	200000.000000
-328.812958	-0.102732	0.024625	-1.672277	0.787206	-1.631623	1.070913	190430.000000	0.000000	-0.002590	0.001809	3.865392	-0.759508	0.476067	29494.703125	-6139.152832	-259043.562500	-0.248033	0.048682	-1.720904	-0.034505	0.051672	-1.265751	0.016037	0.086557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197074.000000	196063.000000	124796.000000	200000.000000
-328.817963	-0.111033	0.006559	-1.704504	0.754215	-1.596503	1.073042	191388.000000	0.000000	-0.003627	0.000863	3.867296	-0.832823	0.423503	21481.310547	-11734.245117	-282861.343750	-0.252446	0.050095	-1.700687	-0.038520	0.052386	-1.266358	-0.021318	0.105353	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	194603.000000	128172.000000	200000.000000
-328.822968	-0.119578	-0.011264	-1.736486	0.719095	-1.552870	1.074106	191388.000000	0.000000	-0.002405	0.001599	4.029984	-0.774658	0.399545	38771.878906	3385.879639	-293757.812500	-0.256639	0.051489	-1.691473	-0.039905	0.052323	-1.267838	-0.040461	0.113290	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188002.000000	188002.000000	134773.000000	200000.000000
-328.827972	-0.128123	-0.027621	-1.768957	0.681848	-1.500723	1.073042	191388.000000	0.000000	-0.002001	0.001802	4.051832	-0.811144	0.375816	22210.148438	-6783.957031	-303627.843750	-0.260569	0.052834	-1.682346	-0.041150	0.052195	-1.270072	-0.055306	0.119300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	190382.000000	132393.000000	200000.000000
-328.832977	-0.137156	-0.042758	-1.801184	0.641407	-1.443255	1.069849	191388.000000	0.000000	-0.002001	0.001802	4.079217	-0.834984	0.375816	22095.583984	-4966.032227	-302237.500000	-0.264219	0.054098	-1.682346	-0.041150	0.052195	-1.270072	-0.055306	0.119300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	188449.000000	134326.000000	200000.000000
-328.837982	-0.144236	-0.057406	-1.835852	0.599902	-1.379401	1.063464	191388.000000	0.000000	-0.002001	0.001802	4.115638	-0.848917	0.375816	22260.824219	-3632.964355	-299456.812500	-0.267536	0.055271	-1.682346	-0.041150	0.052195	-1.270072	-0.055306	0.119300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	187281.000000	135494.000000	200000.000000
-328.842987	-0.150096	-0.071566	-1.867834	0.554140	-1.314484	1.053886	191966.000000	0.000000	-0.002001	0.001802	4.146377	-0.860210	0.375816	21361.781250	-2715.877930	-295285.781250	-0.270507	0.056329	-1.682346	-0.041150	0.052195	-1.270072	-0.055306	0.119300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	186043.000000	137888.000000	200000.000000
-328.847992	-0.154002	-0.085238	-1.901037	0.505186	-1.243181	1.040051	191966.000000	0.000000	-0.002001	0.001802	4.169242	-0.868855	0.375816	19571.093750	-1888.324585	-289260.937500	-0.273083	0.057255	-1.682346	-0.041150	0.052195	-1.270072	-0.055306	0.119300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	183425.000000	140506.000000	200000.000000
-328.852997	-0.158396	-0.099154	-1.935705	0.453039	-1.168685	1.024088	191966.000000	0.000000	-0.002001	0.001802	4.185871	-0.874908	0.375816	18268.166016	-1040.273071	-282309.187500	-0.275259	0.058039	-1.682346	-0.041150	0.052195	-1.270072	-0.055306	0.119300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	181274.000000	142657.000000	200000.000000
-328.858002	-0.160594	-0.114291	-1.966467	0.397699	-1.092061	1.003867	191966.000000	0.000000	-0.002001	0.001802	4.195172	-0.879093	0.375816	16918.648438	-248.482666	-273503.656250	-0.277010	0.058686	-1.682346	-0.041150	0.052195	-1.270072	-0.055306	0.119300	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	179133.000000	144798.000000	200000.000000
-328.863007	-0.162303	-0.132357	-1.994055	0.339167	-1.012244	0.982583	191978.000000	0.000000	-0.001051	0.002200	4.249743	-0.860301	0.303009	21429.199219	2984.734619	-295940.593750	-0.278327	0.059211	-1.654344	-0.045160	0.052479	-1.282301	-0.093480	0.132956	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197564.000000	180422.000000	143533.000000	200000.000000
-328.868011	-0.163279	-0.153109	-2.022131	0.278506	-0.933491	0.959170	191978.000000	0.000000	-0.000323	0.002438	4.247913	-0.865362	0.281636	14973.949219	851.704590	-295052.562500	-0.279213	0.059635	-1.646123	-0.045824	0.052140	-1.288455	-0.103128	0.133502	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	176100.000000	147855.000000	200000.000000
-328.873016	-0.164256	-0.174105	-2.049963	0.216781	-0.854738	0.936821	191978.000000	0.000000	-0.000323	0.002438	4.208936	-0.875355	0.281636	10347.787109	664.483276	-285320.125000	-0.279679	0.059952	-1.646123	-0.045824	0.052140	-1.288455	-0.103128	0.133502	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	171661.000000	152294.000000	200000.000000
-328.878021	-0.163279	-0.191928	-2.074133	0.152927	-0.779178	0.914472	191978.000000	0.000000	-0.001415	0.001340	4.133186	-0.932491	0.258409	5959.460449	-4254.328125	-285702.281250	-0.279731	0.060123	-1.637190	-0.046849	0.052169	-1.295742	-0.109513	0.133613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	172191.000000	151764.000000	200000.000000
-328.883026	-0.161082	-0.205844	-2.097082	0.090138	-0.707875	0.895316	191978.000000	0.000000	-0.001415	0.001340	4.155979	-0.881301	0.258409	17039.652344	8064.081055	-277360.187500	-0.279390	0.060115	-1.637190	-0.046849	0.052169	-1.295742	-0.109513	0.133613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196874.000000	170953.000000	153002.000000	200000.000000
-328.888031	-0.157908	-0.216830	-2.118078	0.027349	-0.641893	0.879353	192036.000000	0.000000	-0.001415	0.001340	4.130685	-0.869880	0.258409	11915.601562	4034.325195	-270408.437500	-0.278681	0.059901	-1.637190	-0.046849	0.052169	-1.295742	-0.109513	0.133613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	169917.000000	154154.000000	200000.000000
-328.893036	-0.154002	-0.224398	-2.137854	-0.035441	-0.580168	0.866582	192036.000000	0.000000	-0.001415	0.001340	4.101223	-0.853684	0.258409	11505.853516	4922.640137	-264847.062500	-0.277631	0.059451	-1.637190	-0.046849	0.052169	-1.295742	-0.109513	0.133613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	168619.000000	155452.000000	200000.000000
-328.898041	-0.149363	-0.230990	-2.152990	-0.096101	-0.523764	0.858068	192036.000000	0.000000	-0.001415	0.001340	4.068293	-0.834254	0.258409	11298.599609	5412.801758	-261139.468750	-0.276268	0.058771	-1.637190	-0.046849	0.052169	-1.295742	-0.109513	0.133613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	167921.000000	156150.000000	200000.000000
-328.903046	-0.144236	-0.237582	-2.162512	-0.156762	-0.472681	0.852747	192036.000000	0.000000	-0.001415	0.001340	4.032435	-0.811736	0.258409	11162.003906	6134.891602	-258822.250000	-0.274625	0.057867	-1.637190	-0.046849	0.052169	-1.295742	-0.109513	0.133613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	167063.000000	157008.000000	200000.000000
-328.908051	-0.138865	-0.244662	-2.167395	-0.217423	-0.424791	0.849555	191979.000000	0.000000	0.001681	0.003728	4.163822	-0.655166	0.240787	30290.367188	21877.035156	-265106.125000	-0.272723	0.056750	-1.630412	-0.046843	0.051406	-1.304152	-0.116187	0.131633	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170101.000000	170101.000000	153856.000000	200000.000000
-328.913055	-0.133250	-0.252475	-2.168859	-0.277020	-0.381158	0.848490	191979.000000	0.000000	0.000013	0.001968	3.907020	-0.820017	0.199488	-13309.024414	-14071.101562	-282627.625000	-0.270589	0.055439	-1.614528	-0.048365	0.051421	-1.324841	-0.123940	0.124022	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162741.000000	161216.000000	194598.000000
-328.918060	-0.127879	-0.262240	-2.161535	-0.337681	-0.340717	0.849555	191979.000000	0.000000	-0.001213	0.000549	3.862906	-0.798620	0.179266	10039.408203	6902.419434	-291897.218750	-0.268249	0.053957	-1.606750	-0.049313	0.051718	-1.337002	-0.127439	0.117293	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	165115.000000	158842.000000	200000.000000
-328.923065	-0.124949	-0.272494	-2.146154	-0.398342	-0.301341	0.851683	191979.000000	0.000000	-0.001213	0.000549	3.867467	-0.711271	0.179266	15348.328125	14835.069336	-292824.125000	-0.265738	0.052323	-1.606750	-0.049313	0.051718	-1.337002	-0.127439	0.117293	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191795.000000	162492.000000	161465.000000	200000.000000
-328.928070	-0.122996	-0.283236	-2.123693	-0.461131	-0.265157	0.855940	192046.000000	0.000000	0.001180	0.002456	3.953760	-0.573801	0.163689	24916.906250	21501.500000	-301461.593750	-0.263087	0.050542	-1.600759	-0.049464	0.051383	-1.350454	-0.129849	0.111778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175627.000000	165461.000000	158630.000000	200000.000000
-328.933075	-0.122752	-0.293490	-2.093176	-0.524984	-0.231102	0.860197	192046.000000	0.000000	0.001180	0.002456	3.812421	-0.615620	0.163689	-685.507324	2005.840942	-303315.375000	-0.260330	0.048620	-1.600759	-0.049464	0.051383	-1.350454	-0.129849	0.111778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159354.000000	164737.000000	200000.000000
-328.938080	-0.122996	-0.303012	-2.057043	-0.587774	-0.198111	0.865518	192046.000000	0.000000	0.001180	0.002456	3.765993	-0.579769	0.163689	9500.537109	10885.063477	-305632.656250	-0.257481	0.046571	-1.600759	-0.049464	0.051383	-1.350454	-0.129849	0.111778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	160661.000000	163430.000000	200000.000000
-328.943085	-0.124705	-0.311312	-2.014074	-0.649499	-0.168313	0.872968	192046.000000	0.000000	0.001180	0.002456	3.720255	-0.542437	0.163689	9581.776367	11384.389648	-308876.781250	-0.254577	0.044401	-1.600759	-0.049464	0.051383	-1.350454	-0.129849	0.111778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	160243.000000	163848.000000	200000.000000
-328.948090	-0.126658	-0.319125	-1.964270	-0.708031	-0.140643	0.880417	192046.000000	0.000000	0.001180	0.002456	3.674680	-0.505048	0.163689	9495.090820	11482.976562	-312120.906250	-0.251637	0.042144	-1.600759	-0.049464	0.051383	-1.350454	-0.129849	0.111778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	160058.000000	164033.000000	200000.000000
-328.953094	-0.129100	-0.328646	-1.908361	-0.763371	-0.117230	0.886802	192040.000000	0.000000	0.001180	0.002456	3.630388	-0.469294	0.163689	9794.492188	11369.126953	-314901.593750	-0.248693	0.039852	-1.600759	-0.049464	0.051383	-1.350454	-0.129849	0.111778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	160465.000000	163614.000000	200000.000000
-328.958099	-0.133982	-0.340854	-1.846594	-0.814454	-0.095945	0.893188	192040.000000	0.000000	0.001180	0.002456	3.588352	-0.437018	0.163689	9983.908203	10903.801758	-317682.312500	-0.245788	0.037599	-1.600759	-0.049464	0.051383	-1.350454	-0.129849	0.111778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	161120.000000	162959.000000	200000.000000
-328.963104	-0.137889	-0.355258	-1.778723	-0.863408	-0.078918	0.898509	192040.000000	0.000000	-0.004207	-0.002523	3.251718	-0.682545	0.140614	-23574.015625	-20786.632812	-330048.000000	-0.242942	0.035446	-1.591884	-0.051403	0.052701	-1.365006	-0.132031	0.102799	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159252.000000	164827.000000	177679.000000
-328.968109	-0.137889	-0.368441	-1.705725	-0.909170	-0.064019	0.902766	192040.000000	0.000000	-0.003370	-0.002219	3.472460	-0.441941	0.075464	38906.003906	33643.160156	-360273.312500	-0.240130	0.033429	-1.566826	-0.057621	0.057400	-1.414381	-0.136465	0.069422	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162040.000000	162040.000000	162040.000000	200000.000000
-328.973114	-0.138133	-0.377963	-1.633703	-0.950675	-0.050184	0.907023	192033.000000	0.000000	-0.003370	-0.002219	3.399386	-0.431220	0.075464	6309.913086	8133.171875	-362127.093750	-0.237366	0.031547	-1.566826	-0.057621	0.057400	-1.414381	-0.136465	0.069422	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	160209.000000	163856.000000	200000.000000
-328.978119	-0.138377	-0.384311	-1.560217	-0.990051	-0.038477	0.911280	192033.000000	0.000000	-0.003370	-0.002219	3.361494	-0.410227	0.075464	10186.195312	9305.160156	-363980.875000	-0.234666	0.029796	-1.566826	-0.057621	0.057400	-1.414381	-0.136465	0.069422	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162914.000000	161151.000000	200000.000000
-328.983124	-0.138865	-0.386996	-1.486486	-1.021978	-0.028899	0.914472	192033.000000	0.000000	-0.003370	-0.002219	3.325661	-0.392082	0.075464	10437.795898	8403.237305	-365371.250000	-0.232051	0.028193	-1.566826	-0.057621	0.057400	-1.414381	-0.136465	0.069422	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	164067.000000	159998.000000	200000.000000
-328.988129	-0.140330	-0.386264	-1.415686	-1.048583	-0.021450	0.915537	192033.000000	0.000000	-0.003370	-0.002219	3.292615	-0.375856	0.075464	10791.955078	7804.112305	-365834.656250	-0.229549	0.026732	-1.566826	-0.057621	0.057400	-1.414381	-0.136465	0.069422	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	165020.000000	159045.000000	200000.000000
-328.993134	-0.141062	-0.383578	-1.347326	-1.067739	-0.014000	0.916601	192033.000000	0.000000	-0.003370	-0.002219	3.260988	-0.362832	0.075464	10768.166016	6780.983398	-366298.125000	-0.227153	0.025433	-1.566826	-0.057621	0.057400	-1.414381	-0.136465	0.069422	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	166020.000000	158045.000000	200000.000000
-328.998138	-0.139842	-0.380648	-1.281652	-1.080510	-0.006550	0.914472	191979.000000	0.000000	-0.003370	-0.002219	3.229594	-0.354347	0.075464	10615.188477	5677.473633	-365371.250000	-0.224841	0.024334	-1.566826	-0.057621	0.057400	-1.414381	-0.136465	0.069422	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	166916.000000	157041.000000	200000.000000
-329.003143	-0.136424	-0.378451	-1.217199	-1.083703	0.001963	0.912344	191979.000000	0.000000	-0.008275	-0.006818	2.927815	-0.605647	0.049668	-20659.535156	-25081.775391	-375677.968750	-0.222576	0.023506	-1.556905	-0.060870	0.060115	-1.432221	-0.138500	0.055838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	166401.000000	157556.000000	176237.000000
-329.008148	-0.130320	-0.375521	-1.157873	-1.078382	0.013670	0.909151	191979.000000	0.000000	-0.005081	-0.004207	3.264724	-0.282158	-0.015584	50712.828125	38647.070312	-402703.531250	-0.220295	0.022976	-1.531808	-0.068650	0.066677	-1.487445	-0.140406	0.014599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161979.000000	161979.000000	161979.000000	200000.000000
-329.013153	-0.123973	-0.366977	-1.099523	-1.067739	0.027505	0.903830	191979.000000	0.000000	-0.005081	-0.004207	3.101307	-0.392282	-0.015584	-5350.443848	-10171.862305	-400386.281250	-0.217987	0.022695	-1.531808	-0.068650	0.066677	-1.487445	-0.140406	0.014599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	166800.000000	157157.000000	200000.000000
-329.018158	-0.115428	-0.358432	-1.041906	-1.051776	0.045597	0.897445	192039.000000	0.000000	-0.007878	-0.006792	2.908072	-0.545890	-0.038610	-10069.332031	-16318.310547	-407633.125000	-0.215591	0.022699	-1.522952	-0.071713	0.069338	-1.505926	-0.141284	0.000277	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	168287.000000	155790.000000	195651.000000
-329.023163	-0.104930	-0.350131	-0.986242	-1.031556	0.062624	0.887867	192039.000000	0.000000	-0.007878	-0.006792	2.977063	-0.460084	-0.038610	19120.160156	9840.274414	-403462.093750	-0.213070	0.023022	-1.522952	-0.071713	0.069338	-1.505926	-0.141284	0.000277	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193078.000000	171318.000000	152759.000000	200000.000000
-329.028168	-0.092479	-0.341098	-0.931555	-1.010271	0.081780	0.876160	192039.000000	0.000000	-0.007878	-0.006792	2.929186	-0.482644	-0.038610	5727.391602	-2393.845947	-398364.156250	-0.210366	0.023666	-1.522952	-0.071713	0.069338	-1.505926	-0.141284	0.000277	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	170160.000000	153917.000000	200000.000000
-329.033173	-0.078074	-0.330844	-0.877600	-0.987922	0.102001	0.863389	192039.000000	0.000000	-0.007878	-0.006792	2.875314	-0.509845	-0.038610	4608.624023	-3250.211182	-392802.750000	-0.207420	0.024630	-1.522952	-0.071713	0.069338	-1.505926	-0.141284	0.000277	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	169897.000000	154180.000000	200000.000000
-329.038177	-0.063914	-0.317660	-0.824865	-0.966638	0.123285	0.847426	192033.000000	0.000000	-0.007878	-0.006792	2.816793	-0.538684	-0.038610	3613.357178	-3543.917236	-385851.031250	-0.204213	0.025855	-1.522952	-0.071713	0.069338	-1.505926	-0.141284	0.000277	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	169190.000000	154875.000000	200000.000000
-329.043182	-0.048533	-0.303012	-0.775305	-0.945353	0.143505	0.829334	192033.000000	0.000000	-0.007878	-0.006792	2.751615	-0.568962	-0.038610	2607.172607	-3938.220703	-377972.375000	-0.200696	0.027296	-1.522952	-0.071713	0.069338	-1.505926	-0.141284	0.000277	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	168578.000000	155487.000000	200000.000000
-329.048187	-0.033152	-0.286166	-0.728918	-0.926197	0.163726	0.810178	192033.000000	0.000000	-0.006411	-0.005529	2.760624	-0.528586	-0.058812	10713.092773	4162.324219	-378427.937500	-0.196834	0.028873	-1.515182	-0.074275	0.071568	-1.524276	-0.139654	-0.013619	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	168583.000000	155482.000000	200000.000000
-329.053192	-0.018260	-0.267855	-0.684240	-0.908106	0.181818	0.788894	192033.000000	0.000000	-0.005371	-0.004717	2.681548	-0.562383	-0.096011	814.470032	-4115.239746	-385358.468750	-0.192615	0.030528	-1.500874	-0.079111	0.075824	-1.560264	-0.136311	-0.035859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	166962.000000	157103.000000	200000.000000
-329.058197	-0.004832	-0.248324	-0.642980	-0.891078	0.197781	0.766545	192033.000000	0.000000	-0.006110	-0.005406	2.516954	-0.657545	-0.113961	-9185.078125	-11261.584961	-383442.687500	-0.188049	0.032182	-1.493971	-0.081537	0.077983	-1.577563	-0.133317	-0.045005	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	164109.000000	159956.000000	200000.000000
-329.063202	0.007375	-0.227816	-0.605627	-0.875115	0.210552	0.744196	191976.000000	0.000000	-0.006110	-0.005406	2.459490	-0.649704	-0.113961	2622.362549	143.743622	-373710.250000	-0.183145	0.033744	-1.493971	-0.081537	0.077983	-1.577563	-0.133317	-0.045005	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	164454.000000	159497.000000	200000.000000
-329.068207	0.020314	-0.205844	-0.570471	-0.860215	0.219065	0.720783	191976.000000	0.000000	-0.008713	-0.007781	2.221731	-0.793106	-0.135753	-17866.916016	-17097.484375	-373004.312500	-0.177859	0.035114	-1.485589	-0.084816	0.080918	-1.594268	-0.132954	-0.054452	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	161206.000000	162745.000000	187011.000000
-329.073212	0.031545	-0.183627	-0.539465	-0.843188	0.225451	0.697370	191976.000000	0.000000	-0.008713	-0.007781	2.226663	-0.703604	-0.135753	9045.774414	8611.115234	-362808.406250	-0.172211	0.036208	-1.485589	-0.084816	0.080918	-1.594268	-0.132954	-0.054452	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162410.000000	161541.000000	200000.000000
-329.078217	0.040822	-0.161898	-0.513098	-0.827224	0.227579	0.672893	191976.000000	0.000000	-0.008713	-0.007781	2.125054	-0.700318	-0.135753	-2680.520020	-810.522888	-352149.093750	-0.166257	0.036944	-1.485589	-0.084816	0.080918	-1.594268	-0.132954	-0.054452	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	160106.000000	163845.000000	200000.000000
-329.083221	0.048635	-0.142855	-0.485754	-0.809133	0.226515	0.648416	192041.000000	0.000000	-0.008713	-0.007781	2.020437	-0.695589	-0.135753	-3136.466309	-947.245667	-341489.781250	-0.160025	0.037394	-1.485589	-0.084816	0.080918	-1.594268	-0.132954	-0.054452	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159851.000000	164230.000000	200000.000000
-329.088226	0.053518	-0.130160	-0.464514	-0.794233	0.223322	0.629260	192041.000000	0.000000	-0.008713	-0.007781	1.918396	-0.693264	-0.135753	-3071.636963	-918.130676	-333147.687500	-0.153636	0.037678	-1.485589	-0.084816	0.080918	-1.594268	-0.132954	-0.054452	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159887.000000	164194.000000	200000.000000
-329.093231	0.057912	-0.115756	-0.439123	-0.775077	0.218001	0.603718	192041.000000	0.000000	-0.008713	-0.007781	1.812828	-0.687130	-0.135753	-3686.487305	-1027.360474	-322024.906250	-0.147070	0.037774	-1.485589	-0.084816	0.080918	-1.594268	-0.132954	-0.054452	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159381.000000	164700.000000	200000.000000
-329.098236	0.061574	-0.103549	-0.415930	-0.755921	0.211616	0.579241	192041.000000	0.000000	-0.008713	-0.007781	1.705629	-0.680142	-0.135753	-4212.693848	-989.347656	-311365.593750	-0.140346	0.037716	-1.485589	-0.084816	0.080918	-1.594268	-0.132954	-0.054452	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158817.000000	165264.000000	200000.000000
-329.103241	0.062551	-0.091586	-0.394445	-0.735701	0.205230	0.553700	192041.000000	0.000000	-0.005235	-0.004696	1.793175	-0.499605	-0.150052	17632.974609	18713.818359	-306469.875000	-0.133571	0.037475	-1.480089	-0.086925	0.082816	-1.610520	-0.129278	-0.062865	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185694.000000	160960.000000	163121.000000	200000.000000
-329.108246	0.061574	-0.081088	-0.375158	-0.714417	0.198845	0.529223	192044.000000	0.000000	-0.003933	-0.003630	1.626635	-0.551866	-0.187758	-11042.214844	-7339.047852	-312230.875000	-0.126841	0.037073	-1.465587	-0.093222	0.088509	-1.655227	-0.122984	-0.089242	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158340.000000	165747.000000	200000.000000
-329.113251	0.059377	-0.069857	-0.357824	-0.692068	0.192460	0.503681	192044.000000	0.000000	-0.003933	-0.003630	1.479795	-0.574936	-0.187758	-9522.019531	-4455.274902	-301108.093750	-0.120224	0.036426	-1.465587	-0.093222	0.088509	-1.655227	-0.122984	-0.089242	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	156977.000000	167110.000000	200000.000000
-329.118256	0.056203	-0.059604	-0.340734	-0.668655	0.189267	0.477076	192044.000000	0.000000	-0.004373	-0.003955	1.364525	-0.570610	-0.197130	-6917.429199	-1647.723511	-293603.218750	-0.113756	0.035551	-1.461982	-0.095004	0.090125	-1.668802	-0.121992	-0.096797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	156774.000000	167313.000000	200000.000000
-329.123260	0.053518	-0.050082	-0.324133	-0.646306	0.187139	0.450470	192044.000000	0.000000	-0.004373	-0.003955	1.291687	-0.531592	-0.197130	-2693.968994	2360.661133	-282017.000000	-0.107408	0.034442	-1.461982	-0.095004	0.090125	-1.668802	-0.121992	-0.096797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	156989.000000	167098.000000	200000.000000
-329.128265	0.051320	-0.040561	-0.307043	-0.625022	0.188203	0.423864	192044.000000	0.000000	-0.004373	-0.003955	1.200064	-0.499592	-0.197130	-5537.034180	1755.163086	-270430.750000	-0.101125	0.033053	-1.461982	-0.095004	0.090125	-1.668802	-0.121992	-0.096797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	154751.000000	169336.000000	200000.000000
-329.133270	0.049367	-0.031283	-0.289709	-0.606930	0.192460	0.396194	192044.000000	0.000000	-0.004373	-0.003955	1.107203	-0.460800	-0.197130	-6470.843262	2948.246582	-258381.093750	-0.094867	0.031338	-1.461982	-0.095004	0.090125	-1.668802	-0.121992	-0.096797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	152624.000000	171463.000000	200000.000000
-329.138275	0.048635	-0.021518	-0.271643	-0.590966	0.199909	0.368525	192044.000000	0.000000	-0.004373	-0.003955	1.008119	-0.411609	-0.197130	-7996.253906	4478.703125	-246331.421875	-0.088514	0.029196	-1.461982	-0.095004	0.090125	-1.668802	-0.121992	-0.096797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	149569.000000	174518.000000	200000.000000
-329.143280	0.048391	-0.011020	-0.255773	-0.577131	0.209487	0.341919	192044.000000	0.000000	-0.004373	-0.003955	0.905600	-0.347800	-0.197130	-9123.591797	6549.812500	-234745.187500	-0.082030	0.026477	-1.461982	-0.095004	0.090125	-1.668802	-0.121992	-0.096797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	146370.000000	177717.000000	200000.000000
-329.148285	0.048635	0.001187	-0.242346	-0.566489	0.221194	0.315313	189086.000000	0.000000	-0.003357	-0.003048	0.855329	-0.212395	-0.204619	-3899.151123	15350.004883	-226419.953125	-0.075386	0.022946	-1.459102	-0.096441	0.091431	-1.681607	-0.119442	-0.102832	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	139836.000000	178335.000000	200000.000000
-329.153290	0.048879	0.014371	-0.229406	-0.556911	0.233965	0.289772	189086.000000	0.000000	-0.001581	-0.001485	0.803537	-0.055371	-0.213584	-4478.988281	18519.691406	-219201.453125	-0.068574	0.018424	-1.455654	-0.098566	0.093369	-1.705060	-0.116392	-0.113607	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	136087.000000	182084.000000	200000.000000
-329.158295	0.049367	0.028043	-0.219885	-0.549462	0.245671	0.265295	189086.000000	0.000000	0.007046	0.006268	1.098002	0.437213	-0.202939	35017.910156	57892.824219	-203906.421875	-0.061640	0.012796	-1.459748	-0.096535	0.091571	-1.715534	-0.114945	-0.120114	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159086.000000	159086.000000	159086.000000	200000.000000
-329.163300	0.049367	0.041227	-0.212805	-0.540948	0.255249	0.242946	189086.000000	0.000000	0.007046	0.006268	0.648259	0.271184	-0.202939	-48707.351562	-15460.086914	-194174.000000	-0.054693	0.006084	-1.459748	-0.096535	0.091571	-1.715534	-0.114945	-0.120114	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	144546.000000	173625.000000	173625.000000
-329.168304	0.049367	0.052701	-0.207434	-0.532434	0.262699	0.220597	189086.000000	0.000000	0.007046	0.006268	0.546162	0.422720	-0.202939	-10743.785156	20122.957031	-184441.562500	-0.047784	-0.001553	-1.459748	-0.096535	0.091571	-1.715534	-0.114945	-0.120114	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	128219.000000	189952.000000	200000.000000
-329.173309	0.049611	0.062711	-0.201818	-0.521792	0.268020	0.200377	186889.000000	0.000000	0.007046	0.006268	0.444026	0.581086	-0.202939	-11006.006836	21316.400391	-175636.031250	-0.040901	-0.009988	-1.459748	-0.096535	0.091571	-1.715534	-0.114945	-0.120114	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	124566.000000	189211.000000	200000.000000
-329.178314	0.049855	0.071256	-0.196447	-0.510085	0.272277	0.182285	186889.000000	0.000000	0.007046	0.006268	0.342822	0.744089	-0.202939	-11271.561523	22405.138672	-167757.406250	-0.034056	-0.019086	-1.459748	-0.096535	0.091571	-1.715534	-0.114945	-0.120114	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	123212.000000	190565.000000	200000.000000
-329.183319	0.050588	0.078092	-0.191076	-0.497314	0.275469	0.165257	186889.000000	0.000000	0.007046	0.006268	0.239704	0.908591	-0.202939	-11853.922852	23150.921875	-160342.218750	-0.027202	-0.028694	-1.459748	-0.096535	0.091571	-1.715534	-0.114945	-0.120114	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	121884.000000	191893.000000	200000.000000
-329.188324	0.051076	0.084439	-0.186682	-0.482415	0.276534	0.149294	186889.000000	0.000000	0.007046	0.006268	0.139502	1.076327	-0.202939	-11765.238281	23975.556641	-153390.484375	-0.020396	-0.038732	-1.459748	-0.096535	0.091571	-1.715534	-0.114945	-0.120114	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	121148.000000	192629.000000	200000.000000
-329.193329	0.052297	0.089078	-0.182287	-0.466452	0.277598	0.135459	184428.000000	0.000000	0.000693	0.000552	-0.313734	0.927466	-0.204115	-52673.125000	-11711.418945	-147877.609375	-0.013557	-0.049039	-1.459296	-0.097160	0.092165	-1.734051	-0.107572	-0.131787	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	136139.000000	172716.000000	172716.000000
-329.198334	0.053518	0.092008	-0.177648	-0.448360	0.277598	0.122688	184428.000000	0.000000	0.000164	0.000086	-0.194047	1.291803	-0.206154	10990.744141	46076.542969	-143204.218750	-0.006670	-0.059470	-1.458512	-0.098130	0.093062	-1.749346	-0.102324	-0.141863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173437.000000	135418.000000	173437.000000	200000.000000
-329.203339	0.055715	0.092252	-0.173986	-0.429204	0.277598	0.110982	184428.000000	0.000000	0.000164	0.000086	-0.284492	1.458025	-0.206154	-12530.663086	24851.998047	-138106.281250	0.000368	-0.069740	-1.458512	-0.098130	0.093062	-1.749346	-0.102324	-0.141863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	117045.000000	191810.000000	200000.000000
-329.208344	0.058889	0.091031	-0.172033	-0.407920	0.278662	0.099276	184428.000000	0.000000	0.000164	0.000086	-0.402549	1.591059	-0.206154	-16231.649414	21482.861328	-133008.343750	0.007634	-0.079628	-1.458512	-0.098130	0.093062	-1.749346	-0.102324	-0.141863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	116713.000000	192142.000000	200000.000000
-329.213348	0.061086	0.088834	-0.169836	-0.384507	0.278662	0.087569	184428.000000	0.000000	0.000164	0.000086	-0.519692	1.714617	-0.206154	-16553.035156	20667.505859	-127910.406250	0.015047	-0.089065	-1.458512	-0.098130	0.093062	-1.749346	-0.102324	-0.141863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	117207.000000	191648.000000	200000.000000
-329.218353	0.061574	0.087613	-0.166662	-0.358965	0.279726	0.074798	182294.000000	0.000000	0.000164	0.000086	-0.631165	1.839669	-0.206154	-16564.158203	21055.503906	-122349.015625	0.022466	-0.098202	-1.458512	-0.098130	0.093062	-1.749346	-0.102324	-0.141863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	114674.000000	189913.000000	200000.000000
-329.223358	0.060598	0.086637	-0.164709	-0.333424	0.278662	0.060963	182294.000000	0.000000	0.000164	0.000086	-0.732351	1.960266	-0.206154	-15659.740234	21002.843750	-116324.179688	0.029701	-0.107040	-1.458512	-0.098130	0.093062	-1.749346	-0.102324	-0.141863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	115631.000000	188956.000000	200000.000000
-329.228363	0.059133	0.086148	-0.163000	-0.306818	0.277598	0.043936	182294.000000	0.000000	0.003039	0.002640	-0.669244	2.219268	-0.198043	2700.649658	37173.468750	-105376.984375	0.036691	-0.115624	-1.461631	-0.097410	0.092446	-1.766261	-0.092570	-0.153895	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179593.000000	124994.000000	179593.000000	200000.000000
-329.233368	0.056936	0.086393	-0.161779	-0.281277	0.276534	0.024780	182294.000000	0.000000	0.003039	0.002640	-0.870240	2.235831	-0.198043	-27258.878906	10591.433594	-97034.898438	0.043337	-0.124024	-1.461631	-0.097410	0.092446	-1.766261	-0.092570	-0.153895	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	114443.000000	190144.000000	195626.000000
-329.238373	0.054494	0.086637	-0.160803	-0.253607	0.274405	0.004559	180440.000000	0.000000	0.005644	0.005062	-0.805962	2.484278	-0.188740	2332.014648	36870.042969	-84177.976562	0.049607	-0.132229	-1.465209	-0.095851	0.091053	-1.770403	-0.094739	-0.154017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178107.000000	122772.000000	178107.000000	200000.000000
-329.243378	0.051320	0.088102	-0.159826	-0.227001	0.271212	-0.016725	180440.000000	0.000000	0.005644	0.005062	-0.978207	2.507338	-0.188740	-24335.634766	12188.056641	-74909.000000	0.055404	-0.140377	-1.465209	-0.095851	0.091053	-1.770403	-0.094739	-0.154017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	113916.000000	186963.000000	198292.000000
-329.248383	0.047414	0.089811	-0.159826	-0.199331	0.269084	-0.039074	180440.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.000154	-1.353611	2.338702	-0.189268	-48508.277344	-9909.993164	-65406.699219	0.060637	-0.148450	-1.465006	-0.096227	0.091398	-1.773349	-0.088218	-0.159620	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	130349.000000	170530.000000	170530.000000
-329.253387	0.042775	0.092740	-0.159826	-0.172726	0.264827	-0.061423	180440.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.000154	-1.163672	2.671199	-0.189268	14781.879883	46716.640625	-55674.269531	0.065213	-0.156575	-1.465006	-0.096227	0.091398	-1.773349	-0.088218	-0.159620	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165658.000000	135221.000000	165658.000000	200000.000000
-329.258392	0.037648	0.096646	-0.161047	-0.145056	0.259506	-0.083771	178569.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.000154	-1.192096	2.796956	-0.189268	-9217.676758	24318.500000	-45941.843750	0.069058	-0.164771	-1.465006	-0.096227	0.091398	-1.773349	-0.088218	-0.159620	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193468.000000	115032.000000	182105.000000	200000.000000
-329.263397	0.033010	0.100797	-0.163244	-0.118450	0.254185	-0.102927	178569.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.000154	-1.212828	2.921150	-0.189268	-8442.755859	24712.548828	-37599.761719	0.072231	-0.172990	-1.465006	-0.096227	0.091398	-1.773349	-0.088218	-0.159620	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192299.000000	115413.000000	181724.000000	200000.000000
-329.268402	0.028615	0.105436	-0.165197	-0.091845	0.247800	-0.119955	178569.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.000154	-1.226199	3.047533	-0.189268	-7548.497559	25412.289062	-30184.580078	0.074782	-0.181265	-1.465006	-0.096227	0.091398	-1.773349	-0.088218	-0.159620	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190705.000000	115608.000000	181529.000000	200000.000000
-329.273407	0.025197	0.110318	-0.168371	-0.064175	0.239286	-0.134854	178569.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.000154	-1.235811	3.170451	-0.189268	-6906.166504	25352.369141	-23696.294922	0.076811	-0.189518	-1.465006	-0.096227	0.091398	-1.773349	-0.088218	-0.159620	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183819.000000	122614.000000	187131.000000	200000.000000
-329.278412	0.022512	0.115201	-0.171301	-0.037569	0.230772	-0.146561	178569.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.000154	-1.243287	3.292760	-0.189268	-6666.561523	25842.742188	-18598.353516	0.078423	-0.197744	-1.465006	-0.096227	0.091398	-1.773349	-0.088218	-0.159620	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177991.000000	127461.000000	192479.000000	200000.000000
-329.283417	0.020803	0.120572	-0.173986	-0.009899	0.223322	-0.155074	176923.000000	0.000000	0.001363	0.001226	-1.167038	3.491958	-0.185685	2809.365234	34972.789062	-13330.320312	0.079738	-0.205967	-1.466384	-0.096095	0.091283	-1.775788	-0.084712	-0.158772	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157443.000000	136402.000000	190783.000000	200000.000000
-329.288422	0.019826	0.125699	-0.176428	0.015642	0.214809	-0.161460	176923.000000	0.000000	0.010480	0.009354	-0.734704	4.006050	-0.141004	44115.738281	72085.687500	8908.159180	0.080837	-0.214172	-1.483569	-0.088086	0.084091	-1.778468	-0.086563	-0.149758	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108014.000000	185831.000000	185831.000000	200000.000000
-329.293427	0.019582	0.129605	-0.178137	0.041184	0.206295	-0.164652	176923.000000	0.000000	0.010480	0.009354	-1.108851	3.799345	-0.141004	-46261.281250	-8254.412109	10298.500977	0.081810	-0.222290	-1.483569	-0.088086	0.084091	-1.778468	-0.086563	-0.149758	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	165475.000000	200000.000000	128370.000000
-329.298431	0.019094	0.133756	-0.180822	0.065661	0.197781	-0.166781	176923.000000	0.000000	0.003771	0.003400	-1.484154	3.587149	-0.135152	-48075.539062	-9830.019531	13773.851562	0.082633	-0.230290	-1.485820	-0.087196	0.083293	-1.777686	-0.082977	-0.147264	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	170526.000000	200000.000000	123319.000000
-329.303436	0.019094	0.138150	-0.183752	0.088010	0.189267	-0.167845	175238.000000	0.000000	0.003771	0.003400	-1.222521	3.939157	-0.135152	23215.878906	53970.613281	14237.300781	0.083353	-0.238179	-1.485820	-0.087196	0.083293	-1.777686	-0.082977	-0.147264	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107784.000000	182691.000000	196259.000000	200000.000000
-329.308441	0.019094	0.142301	-0.186926	0.109294	0.179689	-0.167845	175238.000000	0.000000	0.003771	0.003400	-1.227638	4.049711	-0.135152	-5983.136719	27941.527344	14237.300781	0.083969	-0.245927	-1.485820	-0.087196	0.083293	-1.777686	-0.082977	-0.147264	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139042.000000	155550.000000	200000.000000	182959.000000
-329.313446	0.018361	0.147672	-0.190832	0.129514	0.171175	-0.167845	175238.000000	0.000000	0.003771	0.003400	-1.227893	4.160967	-0.135152	-5527.578613	28554.677734	14237.300781	0.084422	-0.253585	-1.485820	-0.087196	0.083293	-1.777686	-0.082977	-0.147264	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137973.000000	155393.000000	200000.000000	184027.000000
-329.318451	0.018117	0.154264	-0.195715	0.148670	0.163726	-0.167845	175238.000000	0.000000	0.003771	0.003400	-1.228113	4.272245	-0.135152	-5607.565918	29097.771484	14237.300781	0.084756	-0.261178	-1.485820	-0.087196	0.083293	-1.777686	-0.082977	-0.147264	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137510.000000	154769.000000	200000.000000	184490.000000
-329.323456	0.017873	0.160855	-0.201574	0.166762	0.156276	-0.168909	175238.000000	0.000000	0.003771	0.003400	-1.226602	4.379718	-0.135152	-5375.971191	29207.564453	14700.750000	0.084971	-0.268654	-1.485820	-0.087196	0.083293	-1.777686	-0.082977	-0.147264	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136705.000000	155355.000000	200000.000000	184368.000000
-329.328461	0.017141	0.168180	-0.207922	0.183790	0.149891	-0.168909	173973.000000	0.000000	0.001345	0.001208	-1.355232	4.366111	-0.132841	-20367.779297	15869.616211	15706.849609	0.085040	-0.276034	-1.486709	-0.087116	0.083227	-1.776155	-0.081246	-0.146185	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162764.000000	153442.000000	200000.000000	153767.000000
-329.333466	0.016408	0.174283	-0.214758	0.200818	0.143505	-0.169974	173973.000000	0.000000	-0.001892	-0.001743	-1.429787	4.391502	-0.140883	-14732.754883	20196.789062	12668.386719	0.084974	-0.283220	-1.483616	-0.089554	0.085432	-1.770609	-0.076517	-0.145826	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155840.000000	151711.000000	200000.000000	166768.000000
-329.338470	0.016164	0.178678	-0.221594	0.217845	0.139248	-0.171038	173973.000000	0.000000	0.015806	0.014255	-0.321947	5.481068	-0.116231	120160.148438	142142.843750	23867.435547	0.084830	-0.290118	-1.493098	-0.084666	0.081028	-1.767003	-0.078832	-0.139044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	197840.000000	197840.000000	200000.000000
-329.343475	0.017141	0.182340	-0.229162	0.233809	0.134992	-0.172102	173973.000000	0.000000	0.015806	0.014255	-1.027960	4.925807	-0.116231	-82511.890625	-41226.347656	24330.884766	0.084696	-0.296669	-1.493098	-0.084666	0.081028	-1.767003	-0.078832	-0.139044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	198303.000000	198303.000000	100000.000000
-329.348480	0.018117	0.184293	-0.236242	0.249772	0.130735	-0.173166	172816.000000	0.000000	0.004160	0.003755	-1.667056	4.424611	-0.109894	-78074.218750	-37660.601562	27553.751953	0.084574	-0.302818	-1.495535	-0.083666	0.080129	-1.762528	-0.078904	-0.136761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-329.353485	0.019582	0.185514	-0.243566	0.263607	0.127542	-0.173166	172816.000000	0.000000	0.004160	0.003755	-1.202346	4.913342	-0.109894	45341.523438	73616.921875	27553.751953	0.084504	-0.308541	-1.495535	-0.083666	0.080129	-1.762528	-0.078904	-0.136761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-329.358490	0.021535	0.186979	-0.250402	0.277442	0.124349	-0.174230	172816.000000	0.000000	0.004160	0.003755	-1.205571	4.978409	-0.109894	-6121.198730	27257.707031	28017.201172	0.084511	-0.313888	-1.495535	-0.083666	0.080129	-1.762528	-0.078904	-0.136761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123662.000000	167454.000000	200000.000000	165935.000000
-329.363495	0.023977	0.188932	-0.256018	0.289148	0.121157	-0.173166	172816.000000	0.000000	0.004160	0.003755	-1.211700	5.042979	-0.109894	-6453.996582	27680.328125	27553.751953	0.084628	-0.318950	-1.495535	-0.083666	0.080129	-1.762528	-0.078904	-0.136761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124035.000000	166235.000000	200000.000000	166488.000000
-329.368500	0.026906	0.191617	-0.261145	0.298726	0.116900	-0.173166	171461.000000	0.000000	0.004160	0.003755	-1.220389	5.107272	-0.109894	-6638.793945	28135.564453	27553.751953	0.084871	-0.323800	-1.495535	-0.083666	0.080129	-1.762528	-0.078904	-0.136761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122410.000000	164240.000000	200000.000000	165404.000000
-329.373505	0.030324	0.194547	-0.266516	0.306176	0.113707	-0.171038	171461.000000	0.000000	0.004160	0.003755	-1.232508	5.169322	-0.109894	-7174.073242	28374.140625	26626.853516	0.085268	-0.328456	-1.495535	-0.083666	0.080129	-1.762528	-0.078904	-0.136761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123634.000000	162539.000000	200000.000000	166034.000000
-329.378510	0.034230	0.196988	-0.270910	0.312561	0.109450	-0.168909	171461.000000	0.000000	0.004160	0.003755	-1.248091	5.229461	-0.109894	-7490.114746	28528.242188	25699.955078	0.085840	-0.332935	-1.495535	-0.083666	0.080129	-1.762528	-0.078904	-0.136761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124722.000000	161142.000000	200000.000000	166799.000000
-329.383514	0.038381	0.198697	-0.277014	0.317882	0.105193	-0.164652	171461.000000	0.000000	0.004160	0.003755	-1.266396	5.282274	-0.109894	-7853.966309	28058.238281	23846.158203	0.086589	-0.337153	-1.495535	-0.083666	0.080129	-1.762528	-0.078904	-0.136761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127410.000000	159394.000000	200000.000000	167819.000000
-329.388519	0.041799	0.199186	-0.284338	0.324268	0.100936	-0.161460	171461.000000	0.000000	0.000044	-0.000058	-1.510536	5.116605	-0.125163	-33789.417969	3126.296143	15806.299805	0.087459	-0.341021	-1.489662	-0.087874	0.083918	-1.737506	-0.068859	-0.128345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182528.000000	154141.000000	200000.000000	128780.000000
-329.393524	0.043264	0.197721	-0.293371	0.332781	0.096679	-0.156139	170288.000000	0.000000	0.000044	-0.000058	-1.359342	5.300652	-0.125163	10395.142578	42153.117188	13489.054688	0.088334	-0.344408	-1.489662	-0.087874	0.083918	-1.737506	-0.068859	-0.128345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116403.000000	164172.000000	200000.000000	197194.000000
-329.398529	0.043020	0.193814	-0.302893	0.344488	0.090294	-0.151882	170288.000000	0.000000	0.000044	-0.000058	-1.367232	5.318786	-0.125163	-6870.073242	23588.474609	11635.257812	0.089114	-0.347200	-1.489662	-0.087874	0.083918	-1.737506	-0.068859	-0.128345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141934.000000	151464.000000	200000.000000	175371.000000
-329.403534	0.039357	0.187467	-0.312902	0.360451	0.083909	-0.147625	170288.000000	0.000000	0.000044	-0.000058	-1.363975	5.321977	-0.125163	-5600.009277	21418.703125	9781.460938	0.089622	-0.349289	-1.489662	-0.087874	0.083918	-1.737506	-0.068859	-0.128345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144687.000000	153050.000000	200000.000000	176325.000000
-329.408539	0.031789	0.178678	-0.322912	0.379607	0.075395	-0.144432	170288.000000	0.000000	0.000044	-0.000058	-1.345372	5.309482	-0.125163	-3553.964600	19197.130859	8391.113281	0.089653	-0.350581	-1.489662	-0.087874	0.083918	-1.737506	-0.068859	-0.128345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146253.000000	155928.000000	200000.000000	177540.000000
-329.413544	0.022023	0.168912	-0.333166	0.401956	0.066881	-0.143368	168981.000000	0.000000	0.000044	-0.000058	-1.313961	5.282819	-0.125163	-1961.879272	17062.886719	7927.664551	0.089105	-0.351035	-1.489662	-0.087874	0.083918	-1.737506	-0.068859	-0.128345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145952.000000	157883.000000	195933.000000	176154.000000
-329.418549	0.010061	0.158414	-0.342199	0.428562	0.058367	-0.143368	168981.000000	0.000000	0.000044	-0.000058	-1.268721	5.243448	-0.125163	-192.828003	14892.508789	7927.664551	0.087883	-0.350649	-1.489662	-0.087874	0.083918	-1.737506	-0.068859	-0.128345	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146353.000000	161823.000000	191994.000000	175753.000000
-329.423553	-0.003611	0.146939	-0.352941	0.457296	0.049854	-0.145496	168981.000000	0.000000	0.003404	0.003010	-1.024979	5.356154	-0.116530	22792.820312	31768.003906	12614.412109	0.085921	-0.349351	-1.492983	-0.086987	0.083115	-1.711774	-0.066025	-0.114812	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103573.000000	174388.000000	188802.000000	200000.000000
-329.428558	-0.017039	0.135709	-0.363439	0.489223	0.042404	-0.148689	168981.000000	0.000000	-0.011751	-0.010472	-1.925292	4.424293	-0.135430	-107227.148438	-87873.078125	5774.150879	0.083270	-0.347171	-1.485713	-0.091254	0.086926	-1.701874	-0.063980	-0.111612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	174755.000000	174755.000000	103206.000000
-329.433563	-0.028758	0.124234	-0.373205	0.521149	0.037083	-0.154010	168981.000000	0.000000	0.000705	0.000670	-0.563778	5.496923	-0.134332	147557.859375	137343.078125	8569.340820	0.080059	-0.344147	-1.486135	-0.091369	0.087023	-1.691487	-0.062532	-0.103892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100411.000000	177550.000000	177550.000000	200000.000000
-329.438568	-0.038523	0.112027	-0.384436	0.554140	0.031762	-0.160396	167339.000000	0.000000	0.000705	0.000670	-0.990253	4.958295	-0.134332	-51018.914062	-42606.363281	11350.036133	0.076421	-0.340256	-1.486135	-0.091369	0.087023	-1.691487	-0.062532	-0.103892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	178689.000000	178689.000000	100000.000000
-329.443573	-0.045604	0.099088	-0.397131	0.588196	0.027505	-0.169974	167339.000000	0.000000	0.000705	0.000670	-0.921359	4.851882	-0.134332	3680.229980	4164.465332	15521.072266	0.072523	-0.335492	-1.486135	-0.091369	0.087023	-1.691487	-0.062532	-0.103892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143973.000000	182375.000000	183344.000000	159662.000000
-329.448578	-0.049754	0.085416	-0.411779	0.622251	0.022184	-0.181680	167339.000000	0.000000	0.000705	0.000670	-0.857542	4.732623	-0.134332	3555.357178	2049.896240	20619.011719	0.068527	-0.329857	-1.486135	-0.091369	0.087023	-1.691487	-0.062532	-0.103892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141114.000000	189463.000000	186452.000000	152325.000000
-329.453583	-0.050242	0.070523	-0.427160	0.656306	0.016863	-0.195515	167339.000000	0.000000	0.000705	0.000670	-0.802152	4.600525	-0.134332	2908.088623	-126.048378	26643.851562	0.064613	-0.323357	-1.486135	-0.091369	0.087023	-1.691487	-0.062532	-0.103892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137913.000000	197016.000000	190948.000000	143477.000000
-329.458588	-0.046824	0.055875	-0.442297	0.689297	0.009413	-0.212543	165758.000000	0.000000	0.000705	0.000670	-0.756695	4.460036	-0.134332	2293.292480	-1729.774658	34059.031250	0.060941	-0.316076	-1.486135	-0.091369	0.087023	-1.691487	-0.062532	-0.103892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135194.000000	199781.000000	191734.000000	136321.000000
-329.463593	-0.040232	0.041227	-0.457678	0.720160	-0.000165	-0.230634	165758.000000	0.000000	0.000705	0.000670	-0.721124	4.311519	-0.134332	1648.011108	-3203.646240	41937.667969	0.057623	-0.308079	-1.486135	-0.091369	0.087023	-1.691487	-0.062532	-0.103892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137313.000000	200000.000000	190906.000000	134202.000000
-329.468597	-0.032420	0.027311	-0.475500	0.748894	-0.009743	-0.250855	165758.000000	0.000000	0.000705	0.000670	-0.692645	4.157194	-0.134332	1044.064575	-4454.340820	50743.199219	0.054693	-0.299459	-1.486135	-0.091369	0.087023	-1.691487	-0.062532	-0.103892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139168.000000	200000.000000	190259.000000	132347.000000
-329.473602	-0.025340	0.014615	-0.494543	0.774435	-0.021450	-0.274268	165758.000000	0.000000	0.004145	0.003682	-0.476902	4.165724	-0.123771	22914.406250	13729.431641	65538.328125	0.052079	-0.290332	-1.490197	-0.089710	0.085522	-1.657259	-0.062494	-0.078852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	186573.000000	172401.000000
-329.478607	-0.019969	0.003385	-0.515051	0.797848	-0.032092	-0.297681	164351.000000	0.000000	0.003591	0.003237	-0.618332	3.862544	-0.118661	-17077.570312	-21813.250000	77959.531250	0.049694	-0.280816	-1.492163	-0.088876	0.084775	-1.644981	-0.062678	-0.068861	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173241.000000	199086.000000	189615.000000	100000.000000
-329.483612	-0.016551	-0.005648	-0.536047	0.818068	-0.043798	-0.323222	164351.000000	0.000000	0.007843	0.006991	-0.333681	3.930330	-0.105582	31252.781250	19546.541016	94778.093750	0.047437	-0.271052	-1.497193	-0.086637	0.082787	-1.632263	-0.061660	-0.060666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	183897.000000	183897.000000
-329.488617	-0.015818	-0.012484	-0.557531	0.834032	-0.055505	-0.350892	164351.000000	0.000000	0.007843	0.006991	-0.470826	3.627311	-0.105582	-15703.146484	-22224.949219	106827.765625	0.045198	-0.261170	-1.497193	-0.086637	0.082787	-1.632263	-0.061660	-0.060666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172279.000000	200000.000000	187829.000000	100000.000000
-329.493622	-0.015818	-0.017123	-0.578771	0.846802	-0.067211	-0.378562	164351.000000	0.000000	0.007843	0.006991	-0.436747	3.478717	-0.105582	3334.466553	-5636.212402	118877.437500	0.042951	-0.251282	-1.497193	-0.086637	0.082787	-1.632263	-0.061660	-0.060666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136652.000000	200000.000000	185380.000000	132049.000000
-329.498627	-0.016307	-0.020053	-0.602209	0.855316	-0.075725	-0.406232	164351.000000	0.000000	0.007843	0.006991	-0.402639	3.334985	-0.105582	3182.755371	-5333.899414	130927.117188	0.040696	-0.241477	-1.497193	-0.086637	0.082787	-1.632263	-0.061660	-0.060666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136502.000000	200000.000000	185834.000000	132199.000000
-329.503632	-0.017283	-0.020785	-0.623205	0.858509	-0.082110	-0.433902	163467.000000	0.000000	0.007843	0.006991	-0.368115	3.197842	-0.105582	3182.641846	-4669.766113	142976.781250	0.038428	-0.231853	-1.497193	-0.086637	0.082787	-1.632263	-0.061660	-0.060666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134954.000000	200000.000000	185614.000000	131979.000000
-329.508636	-0.018748	-0.020785	-0.641027	0.855316	-0.085303	-0.461571	163467.000000	0.000000	0.007843	0.006991	-0.333424	3.065986	-0.105582	3024.159424	-3978.283447	155026.468750	0.036149	-0.222456	-1.497193	-0.086637	0.082787	-1.632263	-0.061660	-0.060666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134421.000000	200000.000000	186464.000000	132512.000000
-329.513641	-0.019236	-0.019564	-0.656408	0.845738	-0.084239	-0.489241	163467.000000	0.000000	0.007843	0.006991	-0.301390	2.940843	-0.105582	2406.355225	-3069.512207	167076.125000	0.033908	-0.213347	-1.497193	-0.086637	0.082787	-1.632263	-0.061660	-0.060666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134130.000000	198942.000000	187991.000000	132803.000000
-329.518646	-0.019236	-0.017123	-0.672766	0.829775	-0.079982	-0.516911	163467.000000	0.000000	0.007319	0.006449	-0.300482	2.793429	-0.075696	-1382.611328	-5423.899414	192140.187500	0.031739	-0.204585	-1.508688	-0.081933	0.078636	-1.591743	-0.062505	-0.029277	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140273.000000	197508.000000	189425.000000	126660.000000
-329.523651	-0.017771	-0.013461	-0.688879	0.809555	-0.072532	-0.544581	162756.000000	0.000000	0.007658	0.006778	-0.235431	2.723391	-0.062435	5584.351074	3325.861084	209964.734375	0.029698	-0.196215	-1.513788	-0.079791	0.076751	-1.577603	-0.061902	-0.018910	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123845.000000	195014.000000	190497.000000	141666.000000
-329.528656	-0.016062	-0.011752	-0.705969	0.785077	-0.062954	-0.570122	162756.000000	0.000000	0.007658	0.006778	-0.226321	2.603601	-0.062435	-802.932861	-2114.986328	221087.515625	0.027801	-0.188189	-1.513788	-0.079791	0.076751	-1.577603	-0.061902	-0.018910	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135673.000000	194068.000000	191443.000000	129838.000000
-329.533661	-0.015574	-0.012973	-0.723059	0.760600	-0.053376	-0.592471	162756.000000	0.000000	0.007658	0.006778	-0.203882	2.497099	-0.062435	722.052551	-1032.985962	230819.937500	0.026015	-0.180417	-1.513788	-0.079791	0.076751	-1.577603	-0.061902	-0.018910	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133066.000000	194511.000000	191000.000000	132445.000000
-329.538666	-0.015574	-0.018344	-0.739172	0.736123	-0.043798	-0.612691	162756.000000	0.000000	0.010132	0.008944	-0.046320	2.507097	-0.044319	16260.109375	11937.178711	247514.984375	0.024323	-0.172780	-1.520756	-0.076839	0.074157	-1.563402	-0.061074	-0.011761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104558.000000	197078.000000	188433.000000	160953.000000
-329.543671	-0.017283	-0.025668	-0.756994	0.711646	-0.036349	-0.628655	162756.000000	0.000000	0.010132	0.008944	-0.122246	2.310801	-0.044319	-9562.800781	-11536.374023	254466.750000	0.022675	-0.165231	-1.520756	-0.076839	0.074157	-1.563402	-0.061074	-0.011761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153855.000000	194729.000000	190782.000000	111656.000000
-329.548676	-0.019480	-0.033725	-0.773352	0.688233	-0.028899	-0.642490	161502.000000	0.000000	0.010132	0.008944	-0.099373	2.201361	-0.044319	1371.738892	-2498.794922	260491.562500	0.021060	-0.157752	-1.520756	-0.076839	0.074157	-1.563402	-0.061074	-0.011761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132629.000000	195372.000000	187631.000000	130374.000000
-329.553680	-0.022166	-0.042025	-0.790930	0.666948	-0.023578	-0.654196	161502.000000	0.000000	0.010132	0.008944	-0.076022	2.092486	-0.044319	1741.219238	-3073.579834	265589.500000	0.019462	-0.150332	-1.520756	-0.076839	0.074157	-1.563402	-0.061074	-0.011761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132834.000000	196316.000000	186687.000000	130169.000000
-329.558685	-0.025828	-0.050814	-0.808264	0.648857	-0.017193	-0.662710	161502.000000	0.000000	0.010132	0.008944	-0.052152	1.983352	-0.044319	1761.837524	-3871.996826	269297.093750	0.017865	-0.142952	-1.520756	-0.076839	0.074157	-1.563402	-0.061074	-0.011761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133612.000000	197135.000000	185868.000000	129391.000000
-329.563690	-0.029490	-0.062045	-0.826086	0.632893	-0.009743	-0.669095	161502.000000	0.000000	0.010132	0.008944	-0.028927	1.871450	-0.044319	1646.324951	-4851.687012	272077.812500	0.016281	-0.135550	-1.520756	-0.076839	0.074157	-1.563402	-0.061074	-0.011761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134707.000000	198000.000000	185003.000000	128296.000000
-329.568695	-0.034129	-0.075473	-0.843420	0.621187	-0.001229	-0.674416	160179.000000	0.000000	0.010132	0.008944	-0.005148	1.755790	-0.044319	1660.502563	-6211.164062	274395.031250	0.014697	-0.128064	-1.520756	-0.076839	0.074157	-1.563402	-0.061074	-0.011761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134729.000000	198050.000000	182307.000000	125628.000000
-329.573700	-0.039988	-0.090854	-0.859045	0.613737	0.009413	-0.678673	160179.000000	0.000000	0.011694	0.010216	0.105272	1.705725	0.012388	11412.108398	337.401215	300943.468750	0.013099	-0.120438	-1.542566	-0.067988	0.066440	-1.519608	-0.062977	0.006017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118429.000000	200000.000000	179104.000000	141928.000000
-329.578705	-0.044871	-0.105746	-0.874426	0.608416	0.021119	-0.681866	160179.000000	0.000000	0.008731	0.007556	-0.097164	1.387386	0.029447	-24090.396484	-30834.994141	309762.437500	0.011520	-0.112686	-1.549127	-0.065561	0.064359	-1.504749	-0.061450	0.011763	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184269.000000	196088.000000	184269.000000	100000.000000
-329.583710	-0.048777	-0.119174	-0.890295	0.607352	0.034954	-0.685059	160179.000000	0.000000	0.008731	0.007556	0.041891	1.372035	0.029447	13800.642578	1946.591919	311152.781250	0.009998	-0.104837	-1.549127	-0.065561	0.064359	-1.504749	-0.061450	0.011763	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114431.000000	200000.000000	178324.000000	145926.000000
-329.588715	-0.051463	-0.131137	-0.906652	0.609480	0.048789	-0.688251	158657.000000	0.000000	0.008731	0.007556	0.060045	1.250485	0.029447	526.636230	-10650.465820	312543.125000	0.008560	-0.096918	-1.549127	-0.065561	0.064359	-1.504749	-0.061450	0.011763	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138780.000000	199834.000000	177479.000000	118533.000000
-329.593719	-0.053660	-0.143344	-0.922277	0.613737	0.063688	-0.691444	158657.000000	0.000000	0.008731	0.007556	0.076083	1.127439	0.029447	182.201996	-11634.740234	313933.468750	0.007223	-0.088921	-1.549127	-0.065561	0.064359	-1.504749	-0.061450	0.011763	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140109.000000	200000.000000	176840.000000	117204.000000
-329.598724	-0.056834	-0.157504	-0.935461	0.621187	0.077523	-0.692508	158657.000000	0.000000	0.008731	0.007556	0.092134	1.000209	0.029447	310.958862	-13065.368164	314396.906250	0.005959	-0.080793	-1.549127	-0.065561	0.064359	-1.504749	-0.061450	0.011763	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141411.000000	200000.000000	175280.000000	115902.000000
-329.603729	-0.059520	-0.173373	-0.947668	0.628636	0.087101	-0.694637	158657.000000	0.000000	0.008731	0.007556	0.107713	0.869443	0.029447	754.796204	-14092.910156	315323.812500	0.004756	-0.072504	-1.549127	-0.065561	0.064359	-1.504749	-0.061450	0.011763	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141995.000000	200000.000000	173809.000000	115318.000000
-329.608734	-0.061961	-0.188510	-0.961096	0.636086	0.091358	-0.694637	158657.000000	0.000000	0.010262	0.008845	0.207489	0.808901	0.066206	11037.078125	-6681.186035	331331.656250	0.003598	-0.064087	-1.563265	-0.060222	0.059795	-1.474743	-0.059405	0.025710	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124301.000000	200000.000000	170938.000000	133012.000000
-329.613739	-0.064646	-0.201205	-0.976477	0.643535	0.089230	-0.694637	158146.000000	0.000000	0.009728	0.008274	0.133779	0.596383	0.102042	-7665.863281	-24403.648438	346937.562500	0.002449	-0.055607	-1.577048	-0.055293	0.055657	-1.444937	-0.054343	0.041689	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160215.000000	200000.000000	171408.000000	100000.000000
-329.618744	-0.067332	-0.211703	-0.992102	0.652049	0.081780	-0.692508	158146.000000	0.000000	0.009728	0.008274	0.173130	0.491109	0.102042	5566.126465	-13251.935547	346010.625000	0.001286	-0.047112	-1.577048	-0.055293	0.055657	-1.444937	-0.054343	0.041689	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135831.000000	200000.000000	169327.000000	120460.000000
-329.623749	-0.071238	-0.220736	-1.008215	0.661627	0.069010	-0.689316	158146.000000	0.000000	0.007377	0.006185	0.064732	0.249574	0.116911	-10534.430664	-29506.847656	351095.687500	0.000061	-0.038630	-1.582767	-0.053381	0.054087	-1.430027	-0.051845	0.047765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168187.000000	200000.000000	169173.000000	100000.000000
-329.628754	-0.077098	-0.229770	-1.024328	0.673334	0.051982	-0.683995	158146.000000	0.000000	0.007377	0.006185	0.183561	0.206254	0.116911	15546.541016	-8200.267578	348778.437500	-0.001281	-0.030157	-1.582767	-0.053381	0.054087	-1.430027	-0.051845	0.047765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120799.000000	200000.000000	164399.000000	135492.000000
-329.633759	-0.086863	-0.237582	-1.040686	0.686104	0.033890	-0.678673	158145.000000	0.000000	0.007377	0.006185	0.214157	0.080782	0.116911	6183.797852	-17988.167969	346461.187500	-0.002814	-0.021713	-1.582767	-0.053381	0.054087	-1.430027	-0.051845	0.047765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139949.000000	200000.000000	163973.000000	116340.000000
-329.638763	-0.098094	-0.245639	-1.057043	0.698875	0.016863	-0.671224	158145.000000	0.000000	0.007377	0.006185	0.248304	-0.044366	0.116911	6692.666992	-18586.933594	343217.062500	-0.004549	-0.013296	-1.582767	-0.053381	0.054087	-1.430027	-0.051845	0.047765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140039.000000	200000.000000	162865.000000	116250.000000
-329.643768	-0.110789	-0.253451	-1.073645	0.713774	0.001963	-0.664838	158145.000000	0.000000	0.007377	0.006185	0.285836	-0.169256	0.116911	7072.155762	-19435.664062	340436.375000	-0.006494	-0.004905	-1.582767	-0.053381	0.054087	-1.430027	-0.051845	0.047765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140508.000000	200000.000000	161637.000000	115781.000000
-329.648773	-0.124949	-0.261996	-1.089270	0.729738	-0.008679	-0.658453	158145.000000	0.000000	0.007377	0.006185	0.326278	-0.294825	0.116911	7157.740723	-20275.261719	337655.656250	-0.008644	0.003483	-1.582767	-0.053381	0.054087	-1.430027	-0.051845	0.047765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141262.000000	200000.000000	160711.000000	115027.000000
-329.653778	-0.139109	-0.270053	-1.102453	0.745701	-0.012936	-0.652068	158145.000000	0.000000	0.007377	0.006185	0.367792	-0.420313	0.116911	6784.146484	-20917.130859	334874.968750	-0.010962	0.011864	-1.582767	-0.053381	0.054087	-1.430027	-0.051845	0.047765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142277.000000	200000.000000	160443.000000	114012.000000
-329.658783	-0.153025	-0.277865	-1.115637	0.759536	-0.011872	-0.648875	158223.000000	0.000000	0.007377	0.006185	0.409692	-0.544836	0.116911	6430.227051	-21216.414062	333484.656250	-0.013410	0.020223	-1.582767	-0.053381	0.054087	-1.430027	-0.051845	0.047765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143009.000000	200000.000000	160576.000000	113436.000000
-329.663788	-0.164256	-0.283725	-1.128820	0.772307	-0.003358	-0.648875	158223.000000	0.000000	0.006482	0.005343	0.399345	-0.713218	0.140608	-221.436798	-26752.242188	343804.250000	-0.015898	0.028522	-1.591882	-0.050670	0.051947	-1.400565	-0.057741	0.055415	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155196.000000	200000.000000	161692.000000	101249.000000
-329.668793	-0.172557	-0.287631	-1.141760	0.782949	0.011541	-0.653132	158223.000000	0.000000	0.007126	0.005672	0.505507	-0.780542	0.170431	12307.142578	-15764.989258	358645.281250	-0.018342	0.036723	-1.603352	-0.047566	0.049616	-1.372077	-0.050148	0.084788	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131680.000000	200000.000000	160150.000000	124765.000000
-329.673798	-0.176951	-0.289584	-1.154455	0.790398	0.032826	-0.661646	158223.000000	0.000000	0.013398	0.011307	0.853618	-0.599080	0.195176	39712.261719	12742.110352	373128.718750	-0.020647	0.044784	-1.612869	-0.043699	0.046381	-1.357893	-0.045660	0.092011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	170965.000000	170965.000000
-329.678802	-0.178172	-0.291537	-1.166906	0.795720	0.058367	-0.671224	158146.000000	0.000000	0.013398	0.011307	0.625875	-0.937347	0.195176	-25239.621094	-45751.683594	377299.718750	-0.022742	0.052699	-1.612869	-0.043699	0.046381	-1.357893	-0.045660	0.092011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183385.000000	192906.000000	183385.000000	100000.000000
-329.683807	-0.176707	-0.295443	-1.176672	0.798912	0.088166	-0.680802	158146.000000	0.000000	0.013398	0.011307	0.642749	-1.050025	0.195176	1129.997314	-21245.718750	381470.781250	-0.024573	0.060504	-1.612869	-0.043699	0.046381	-1.357893	-0.045660	0.092011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148261.000000	200000.000000	165770.000000	108030.000000
-329.688812	-0.173289	-0.302279	-1.185217	0.799977	0.119028	-0.690380	158146.000000	0.000000	0.013398	0.011307	0.654027	-1.163382	0.195176	307.483307	-21612.843750	385641.812500	-0.026109	0.068241	-1.612869	-0.043699	0.046381	-1.357893	-0.045660	0.092011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149451.000000	200000.000000	166225.000000	106840.000000
-329.693817	-0.168650	-0.310824	-1.194494	0.797848	0.150955	-0.698894	158146.000000	0.000000	0.013398	0.011307	0.659808	-1.276171	0.195176	-534.684875	-21710.619141	389349.406250	-0.027331	0.075918	-1.612869	-0.043699	0.046381	-1.357893	-0.045660	0.092011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150391.000000	200000.000000	166970.000000	105900.000000
-329.698822	-0.162791	-0.320590	-1.204016	0.794655	0.180753	-0.705279	158146.000000	0.000000	0.013398	0.011307	0.660751	-1.388640	0.195176	-964.889465	-22058.781250	392130.093750	-0.028237	0.083547	-1.612869	-0.043699	0.046381	-1.357893	-0.045660	0.092011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151169.000000	200000.000000	167052.000000	105122.000000
-329.703827	-0.156443	-0.331576	-1.213537	0.789334	0.208423	-0.709536	158146.000000	0.000000	0.013398	0.011307	0.657587	-1.500732	0.195176	-1324.215210	-22274.466797	393983.906250	-0.028839	0.091134	-1.612869	-0.043699	0.046381	-1.357893	-0.045660	0.092011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151744.000000	200000.000000	167195.000000	104547.000000
-329.708832	-0.149852	-0.342562	-1.222082	0.781885	0.233965	-0.710600	158146.000000	0.000000	0.005426	0.004342	0.212511	-1.994631	0.205671	-51845.851562	-66259.921875	399017.718750	-0.029153	0.098668	-1.616906	-0.042496	0.045473	-1.344234	-0.045167	0.103184	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188146.000000	188146.000000	188146.000000	100000.000000
-329.713837	-0.142771	-0.350375	-1.228186	0.772307	0.255249	-0.709536	158146.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.009987	0.870365	-1.513159	0.255814	72824.117188	43480.710938	420390.437500	-0.029209	0.106100	-1.636191	-0.034167	0.038483	-1.304591	-0.030063	0.125477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	188146.000000	188146.000000	188146.000000
-329.718842	-0.134227	-0.352328	-1.235021	0.759536	0.274405	-0.705279	158146.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.009987	0.603344	-1.838930	0.255814	-29953.707031	-46369.242188	418536.656250	-0.029004	0.113325	-1.636191	-0.034167	0.038483	-1.304591	-0.030063	0.125477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188099.000000	188192.000000	188099.000000	100000.000000
-329.723846	-0.123973	-0.346469	-1.243322	0.745701	0.291433	-0.699958	158137.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.009987	0.585575	-1.929067	0.255814	-2473.107178	-20693.730469	416219.406250	-0.028531	0.120218	-1.636191	-0.034167	0.038483	-1.304591	-0.030063	0.125477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151303.000000	200000.000000	169916.000000	104970.000000
-329.728851	-0.113230	-0.334262	-1.252600	0.731866	0.304203	-0.694637	158137.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.009987	0.565050	-2.009211	0.255814	-2461.811035	-19901.472656	413902.156250	-0.027815	0.126687	-1.636191	-0.034167	0.038483	-1.304591	-0.030063	0.125477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150500.000000	200000.000000	170697.000000	105773.000000
-329.733856	-0.104441	-0.318148	-1.263342	0.719095	0.313781	-0.690380	158137.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.009987	0.543689	-2.080243	0.255814	-2344.455566	-19283.191406	412048.375000	-0.026905	0.132684	-1.636191	-0.034167	0.038483	-1.304591	-0.030063	0.125477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149764.000000	200000.000000	171198.000000	106509.000000
-329.738861	-0.098094	-0.301303	-1.274816	0.709517	0.318038	-0.687187	158137.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.009987	0.523203	-2.144914	0.255814	-1776.864136	-19188.212891	410658.000000	-0.025871	0.138222	-1.636191	-0.034167	0.038483	-1.304591	-0.030063	0.125477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149102.000000	200000.000000	170725.000000	107171.000000
-329.743866	-0.094432	-0.287875	-1.286291	0.704196	0.319103	-0.686123	158134.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.009987	0.504084	-2.207239	0.255814	-1368.300659	-19660.544922	410194.562500	-0.024771	0.143382	-1.636191	-0.034167	0.038483	-1.304591	-0.030063	0.125477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149162.000000	200000.000000	169841.000000	107105.000000
-329.748871	-0.093943	-0.277621	-1.298010	0.704196	0.316974	-0.685059	158134.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.009987	0.487574	-2.268392	0.255814	-796.542358	-20397.960938	409731.125000	-0.023671	0.148246	-1.636191	-0.034167	0.038483	-1.304591	-0.030063	0.125477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149328.000000	200000.000000	168532.000000	106939.000000
-329.753876	-0.097117	-0.270541	-1.309729	0.712710	0.314846	-0.683995	158134.000000	0.000000	0.009681	0.008201	0.359465	-2.428595	0.282896	-13647.145508	-33001.503906	421061.593750	-0.022626	0.152911	-1.646608	-0.029559	0.034634	-1.279805	-0.019690	0.140877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171781.000000	200000.000000	171781.000000	100000.000000
-329.758881	-0.102977	-0.266879	-1.322912	0.728673	0.311653	-0.681866	158134.000000	0.000000	0.010117	0.008515	0.456431	-2.403731	0.311327	11679.021484	-13430.316406	432515.656250	-0.021677	0.157464	-1.657543	-0.024715	0.030621	-1.256413	-0.010672	0.155034	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129885.000000	200000.000000	163024.000000	126382.000000
-329.763885	-0.112010	-0.266391	-1.336096	0.752086	0.308460	-0.677609	158134.000000	0.000000	0.010315	0.008685	0.443403	-2.473738	0.326792	-460.686035	-25110.916016	437396.531250	-0.020870	0.161990	-1.663491	-0.021991	0.028356	-1.245230	-0.005075	0.163025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153705.000000	200000.000000	163483.000000	102562.000000
-329.768890	-0.122020	-0.266391	-1.349279	0.781885	0.306332	-0.671224	158137.000000	0.000000	0.010315	0.008685	0.431473	-2.549132	0.326792	-502.045868	-26889.216797	434615.843750	-0.020210	0.166529	-1.663491	-0.021991	0.028356	-1.245230	-0.005075	0.163025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155528.000000	200000.000000	161749.000000	100745.000000
-329.773895	-0.130564	-0.266391	-1.363684	0.818068	0.305268	-0.662710	158137.000000	0.000000	0.010315	0.008685	0.427933	-2.619511	0.326792	291.929749	-27530.001953	430908.250000	-0.019665	0.171109	-1.663491	-0.021991	0.028356	-1.245230	-0.005075	0.163025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155375.000000	200000.000000	160315.000000	100898.000000
-329.778900	-0.135691	-0.263705	-1.379309	0.857445	0.303139	-0.649939	158137.000000	0.000000	0.010315	0.008685	0.423669	-2.689188	0.326792	319.627380	-28305.666016	425346.843750	-0.019192	0.175708	-1.663491	-0.021991	0.028356	-1.245230	-0.005075	0.163025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156123.000000	200000.000000	159511.000000	100150.000000
-329.783905	-0.137645	-0.258334	-1.397375	0.901078	0.301011	-0.632912	158137.000000	0.000000	0.010315	0.008685	0.417980	-2.758015	0.326792	146.650406	-29197.457031	417931.656250	-0.018744	0.180303	-1.663491	-0.021991	0.028356	-1.245230	-0.005075	0.163025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157187.000000	200000.000000	158792.000000	100000.000000
-329.788910	-0.136424	-0.250521	-1.418127	0.946840	0.295690	-0.613756	158037.000000	0.000000	0.010315	0.008685	0.411068	-2.825393	0.326792	355.826263	-29792.693359	409589.593750	-0.018293	0.184870	-1.663491	-0.021991	0.028356	-1.245230	-0.005075	0.163025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157473.000000	200000.000000	157888.000000	100000.000000
-329.793915	-0.133006	-0.241488	-1.440588	0.994730	0.287176	-0.590343	158037.000000	0.000000	0.010315	0.008685	0.403525	-2.892072	0.326792	641.939270	-30476.851562	399393.718750	-0.017827	0.189404	-1.663491	-0.021991	0.028356	-1.245230	-0.005075	0.163025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157395.000000	200000.000000	157395.000000	100000.000000
-329.798920	-0.128611	-0.230990	-1.465002	1.041556	0.273341	-0.564801	158037.000000	0.000000	0.008075	0.006710	0.273473	-3.065577	0.338508	-12778.237305	-43119.496094	393373.125000	-0.017364	0.193882	-1.667997	-0.020026	0.026759	-1.234426	-0.000340	0.169427	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170815.000000	200000.000000	170815.000000	100000.000000
-329.803925	-0.122752	-0.219760	-1.492590	1.089446	0.256313	-0.538196	158037.000000	0.000000	0.009537	0.008052	0.436401	-2.976676	0.369961	20615.587891	-14194.754883	395484.093750	-0.016899	0.198299	-1.680094	-0.014293	0.022014	-1.204948	0.013152	0.205599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121616.000000	200000.000000	153226.000000	134457.000000
-329.808929	-0.115428	-0.207553	-1.522863	1.135208	0.235029	-0.510526	157806.000000	0.000000	0.009537	0.008052	0.371171	-3.092220	0.369961	-4205.787598	-37182.750000	383434.406250	-0.016438	0.202637	-1.680094	-0.014293	0.022014	-1.204948	0.013152	0.205599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162011.000000	200000.000000	162011.000000	100000.000000
-329.813934	-0.108592	-0.194857	-1.555334	1.182034	0.212680	-0.480727	157806.000000	0.000000	0.009537	0.008052	0.365373	-3.153157	0.369961	2522.281250	-31791.042969	370457.843750	-0.015997	0.206900	-1.680094	-0.014293	0.022014	-1.204948	0.013152	0.205599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155283.000000	200000.000000	155283.000000	100328.000000
-329.818939	-0.102488	-0.185336	-1.589758	1.227795	0.188203	-0.450929	157806.000000	0.000000	0.004630	0.003758	0.091312	-3.451317	0.375219	-27888.998047	-59340.210938	359771.000000	-0.015599	0.211128	-1.682117	-0.013512	0.021431	-1.196152	0.016354	0.218169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185694.000000	189917.000000	185694.000000	100000.000000
-329.823944	-0.098094	-0.179721	-1.624914	1.272493	0.162661	-0.420067	157806.000000	0.000000	0.004630	0.003758	0.285593	-3.343820	0.375219	24741.166016	-14328.419922	346330.968750	-0.015274	0.215370	-1.682117	-0.013512	0.021431	-1.196152	0.016354	0.218169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117393.000000	200000.000000	148736.000000	138218.000000
-329.828949	-0.095408	-0.178500	-1.661047	1.315062	0.138184	-0.390268	157806.000000	0.000000	0.004630	0.003758	0.285645	-3.410732	0.375219	3376.021729	-33779.121094	333354.406250	-0.015040	0.219672	-1.682117	-0.013512	0.021431	-1.196152	0.016354	0.218169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154429.000000	200000.000000	154429.000000	101182.000000
-329.833954	-0.093699	-0.179721	-1.697912	1.355502	0.112643	-0.359406	155479.000000	0.000000	0.004630	0.003758	0.288049	-3.479598	0.375219	3879.537109	-34260.429688	319914.375000	-0.014912	0.224053	-1.682117	-0.013512	0.021431	-1.196152	0.016354	0.218169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151599.000000	200000.000000	151599.000000	100000.000000
-329.838959	-0.092723	-0.182162	-1.734533	1.392750	0.090294	-0.328543	155479.000000	0.000000	0.004630	0.003758	0.291739	-3.549534	0.375219	3789.764160	-34520.042969	306474.343750	-0.014887	0.228511	-1.682117	-0.013512	0.021431	-1.196152	0.016354	0.218169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151689.000000	200000.000000	151689.000000	100000.000000
-329.843964	-0.091258	-0.185580	-1.769934	1.426805	0.069010	-0.298745	155479.000000	0.000000	0.004630	0.003758	0.296365	-3.620404	0.375219	3894.915527	-34754.320312	293497.781250	-0.014953	0.233041	-1.682117	-0.013512	0.021431	-1.196152	0.016354	0.218169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151584.000000	200000.000000	151584.000000	100000.000000
-329.848969	-0.089061	-0.190707	-1.804113	1.454475	0.051982	-0.270011	155479.000000	0.000000	0.004630	0.003758	0.300797	-3.691687	0.375219	3504.207031	-34552.839844	280984.656250	-0.015081	0.237633	-1.682117	-0.013512	0.021431	-1.196152	0.016354	0.218169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151974.000000	200000.000000	151974.000000	100000.000000
-329.853973	-0.085154	-0.198764	-1.836584	1.476824	0.038147	-0.242341	154596.000000	0.000000	0.004925	0.004036	0.320600	-3.748895	0.383747	4998.653809	-32787.734375	272648.531250	-0.015240	0.242288	-1.685396	-0.012286	0.020534	-1.180771	0.023627	0.250183	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149597.000000	200000.000000	149597.000000	100000.000000
-329.858978	-0.081248	-0.210971	-1.868811	1.492787	0.025376	-0.217864	154596.000000	0.000000	0.002653	0.002047	0.187545	-3.943363	0.385474	-12479.953125	-48144.503906	262741.562500	-0.015421	0.247022	-1.686061	-0.012579	0.020965	-1.168651	0.025204	0.281541	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167075.000000	200000.000000	167075.000000	100000.000000
-329.863983	-0.075389	-0.225863	-1.899084	1.500237	0.015798	-0.197643	154596.000000	0.000000	0.001372	0.000877	0.209901	-4.002524	0.386129	4404.846680	-32638.376953	254221.375000	-0.015589	0.251814	-1.686313	-0.012892	0.021347	-1.163789	0.026910	0.294378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150191.000000	200000.000000	150191.000000	100000.000000
-329.868988	-0.068553	-0.242465	-1.923742	1.500237	0.005156	-0.180616	154596.000000	0.000000	0.001372	0.000877	0.262667	-4.029976	0.386129	8158.030762	-28458.191406	246806.187500	-0.015739	0.256649	-1.686313	-0.012892	0.021347	-1.163789	0.026910	0.294378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144896.000000	200000.000000	147979.000000	104295.000000
-329.873993	-0.062449	-0.261264	-1.948400	1.490659	-0.005486	-0.168909	154596.000000	0.000000	0.001372	0.000877	0.264159	-4.103301	0.386129	2574.891113	-32742.876953	241708.250000	-0.015875	0.261499	-1.686313	-0.012892	0.021347	-1.163789	0.026910	0.294378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152021.000000	200000.000000	152021.000000	100000.000000
-329.878998	-0.057811	-0.282016	-1.971350	1.472567	-0.016128	-0.159331	154052.000000	0.000000	0.001372	0.000877	0.266267	-4.175501	0.386129	2701.312744	-31931.871094	237537.203125	-0.016013	0.266339	-1.686313	-0.012892	0.021347	-1.163789	0.026910	0.294378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151350.000000	200000.000000	151350.000000	100000.000000
-329.884003	-0.053660	-0.305697	-1.990637	1.447026	-0.029963	-0.152946	154052.000000	0.000000	0.001372	0.000877	0.269399	-4.247206	0.386129	3243.059570	-31270.439453	234756.515625	-0.016169	0.271163	-1.686313	-0.012892	0.021347	-1.163789	0.026910	0.294378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150808.000000	200000.000000	150808.000000	100000.000000
-329.889008	-0.051219	-0.330844	-2.007483	1.412970	-0.045927	-0.147625	154052.000000	0.000000	0.001372	0.000877	0.274292	-4.317138	0.386129	3766.725342	-30304.130859	232439.265625	-0.016372	0.275943	-1.686313	-0.012892	0.021347	-1.163789	0.026910	0.294378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150285.000000	200000.000000	150285.000000	100000.000000
-329.894012	-0.050242	-0.355502	-2.021887	1.370402	-0.064019	-0.142304	154052.000000	0.000000	0.001372	0.000877	0.281227	-4.383926	0.386129	4339.942871	-29132.929688	230122.015625	-0.016646	0.280634	-1.686313	-0.012892	0.021347	-1.163789	0.026910	0.294378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148844.000000	200000.000000	150579.000000	100000.000000
-329.899017	-0.050242	-0.378451	-2.034094	1.318254	-0.085303	-0.136983	153544.000000	0.000000	-0.000024	-0.000411	0.213784	-4.516787	0.381768	-3699.576416	-35716.179688	225905.687500	-0.017015	0.285174	-1.684636	-0.014959	0.023404	-1.157420	0.028731	0.325036	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157243.000000	200000.000000	157243.000000	100000.000000
-329.904022	-0.050242	-0.398471	-2.043371	1.257594	-0.107652	-0.129533	153544.000000	0.000000	0.000453	-0.000123	0.306936	-4.505736	0.382542	14607.075195	-18626.150391	222998.578125	-0.017485	0.289498	-1.684933	-0.015567	0.024108	-1.155956	0.029335	0.339848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127563.000000	200000.000000	150310.000000	119524.000000
-329.909027	-0.049998	-0.416049	-2.048986	1.185226	-0.132129	-0.122083	153544.000000	0.000000	0.001399	0.000632	0.352873	-4.524859	0.385215	9973.461914	-20411.888672	220918.453125	-0.018063	0.293537	-1.685961	-0.015861	0.024560	-1.155595	0.028989	0.351015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133982.000000	200000.000000	153158.000000	113105.000000
-329.914032	-0.049021	-0.429721	-2.051916	1.101152	-0.158735	-0.113570	153544.000000	0.000000	0.001399	0.000632	0.329875	-4.595280	0.385215	2644.379883	-24702.314453	217210.859375	-0.018753	0.297206	-1.685961	-0.015861	0.024560	-1.155595	0.028989	0.351015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145601.000000	200000.000000	156197.000000	101486.000000
-329.919037	-0.046336	-0.440707	-2.051428	1.006436	-0.184276	-0.106120	153617.000000	0.000000	0.001399	0.000632	0.345056	-4.626471	0.385215	6912.550293	-18926.498047	213966.718750	-0.019531	0.300440	-1.685961	-0.015861	0.024560	-1.155595	0.028989	0.351015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135630.000000	200000.000000	157777.000000	111603.000000
-329.924042	-0.042430	-0.449252	-2.047277	0.898950	-0.210882	-0.097606	153617.000000	0.000000	0.001399	0.000632	0.361240	-4.647348	0.385215	7336.695312	-15989.641602	210259.125000	-0.020391	0.303173	-1.685961	-0.015861	0.024560	-1.155595	0.028989	0.351015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132269.000000	200000.000000	160290.000000	114964.000000
-329.929047	-0.038279	-0.455111	-2.039221	0.781885	-0.236423	-0.089092	153617.000000	0.000000	0.001399	0.000632	0.378218	-4.657714	0.385215	7503.611328	-13287.618164	206551.531250	-0.021325	0.305348	-1.685961	-0.015861	0.024560	-1.155595	0.028989	0.351015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129401.000000	200000.000000	162825.000000	117832.000000
-329.934052	-0.032664	-0.458529	-2.027258	0.655242	-0.261965	-0.081643	153617.000000	0.000000	0.001399	0.000632	0.395419	-4.657037	0.385215	7723.712891	-10436.892578	203307.390625	-0.022317	0.306917	-1.685961	-0.015861	0.024560	-1.155595	0.028989	0.351015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126330.000000	200000.000000	165456.000000	120903.000000
-329.939056	-0.028514	-0.461459	-2.012854	0.522214	-0.287506	-0.075257	153617.000000	0.000000	0.001399	0.000632	0.414129	-4.646274	0.385215	8093.282227	-7964.404785	200526.703125	-0.023379	0.307863	-1.685961	-0.015861	0.024560	-1.155595	0.028989	0.351015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123488.000000	199674.000000	167559.000000	123745.000000
-329.944061	-0.026805	-0.466098	-1.995764	0.383864	-0.314112	-0.068872	153550.000000	0.000000	-0.006525	-0.005960	-0.000265	-4.989110	0.373873	-41196.011719	-47200.175781	192806.750000	-0.024538	0.308194	-1.681599	-0.018783	0.027197	-1.156179	0.032629	0.355749	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183550.000000	183550.000000	183550.000000	100000.000000
-329.949066	-0.028514	-0.472445	-1.973791	0.243387	-0.340717	-0.064615	153550.000000	0.000000	0.004488	0.002898	0.946388	-4.211371	0.396228	112936.398438	80471.585938	200687.984375	-0.025824	0.307941	-1.690197	-0.018175	0.027640	-1.165538	0.019360	0.373280	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	183550.000000	183550.000000	183550.000000
-329.954071	-0.032664	-0.481234	-1.948645	0.102909	-0.369451	-0.059294	153550.000000	0.000000	0.004488	0.002898	0.534219	-4.532133	0.396228	-38004.132812	-41144.503906	198370.734375	-0.027271	0.307150	-1.690197	-0.018175	0.027640	-1.165538	0.019360	0.373280	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183550.000000	183550.000000	183550.000000	100000.000000
-329.959076	-0.038768	-0.491000	-1.921057	-0.037569	-0.398185	-0.055037	153550.000000	0.000000	0.004488	0.002898	0.565698	-4.492275	0.396228	11054.629883	-662.694885	196516.953125	-0.028895	0.305849	-1.690197	-0.018175	0.027640	-1.165538	0.019360	0.373280	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113158.000000	195267.000000	171832.000000	133941.000000
-329.964081	-0.047557	-0.499545	-1.891760	-0.174854	-0.426920	-0.048652	153545.000000	0.000000	0.004488	0.002898	0.601469	-4.445987	0.396228	11823.305664	537.760315	193736.250000	-0.030727	0.304062	-1.690197	-0.018175	0.027640	-1.165538	0.019360	0.373280	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111183.000000	194830.000000	172259.000000	135906.000000
-329.969086	-0.057811	-0.508578	-1.861486	-0.306818	-0.456718	-0.040138	153545.000000	0.000000	0.004488	0.002898	0.641579	-4.394993	0.396228	12738.974609	1311.705933	190028.656250	-0.032789	0.301835	-1.690197	-0.018175	0.027640	-1.165538	0.019360	0.373280	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109494.000000	194972.000000	172117.000000	137595.000000
-329.974091	-0.068553	-0.517611	-1.829748	-0.433461	-0.488645	-0.030560	153545.000000	0.000000	0.004488	0.002898	0.686017	-4.339801	0.396228	13800.306641	2024.641602	185857.625000	-0.035096	0.299211	-1.690197	-0.018175	0.027640	-1.165538	0.019360	0.373280	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107720.000000	195320.000000	171769.000000	139369.000000
-329.979095	-0.079051	-0.526645	-1.796789	-0.552654	-0.520571	-0.016725	153545.000000	0.000000	0.004488	0.002898	0.734309	-4.281558	0.396228	14592.981445	2357.292725	179832.781250	-0.037652	0.296244	-1.690197	-0.018175	0.027640	-1.165538	0.019360	0.373280	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106594.000000	195780.000000	171309.000000	140495.000000
-329.984100	-0.089061	-0.535189	-1.763342	-0.664398	-0.555691	0.000303	153545.000000	0.000000	0.004202	0.002366	0.771347	-4.249885	0.421198	14038.494141	-723.676575	183291.406250	-0.040471	0.292979	-1.699801	-0.017873	0.028612	-1.184059	0.006178	0.356852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110230.000000	198307.000000	168782.000000	136859.000000
-329.989105	-0.096873	-0.541781	-1.728918	-0.768692	-0.591874	0.020523	153553.000000	0.000000	0.001083	-0.000470	0.667151	-4.320886	0.427930	-1686.902710	-12679.382812	177417.656250	-0.043537	0.289446	-1.702390	-0.018266	0.029413	-1.191967	0.000910	0.347676	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137919.000000	194545.000000	172560.000000	109186.000000
-329.994110	-0.102000	-0.544467	-1.694006	-0.866601	-0.629122	0.042872	153553.000000	0.000000	0.001199	-0.000348	0.856585	-4.133153	0.434526	31759.365234	16381.912109	170557.765625	-0.046827	0.285647	-1.704927	-0.018621	0.030170	-1.200684	-0.008012	0.334671	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	197171.000000	169934.000000	169934.000000
-329.999115	-0.104197	-0.543002	-1.658361	-0.958124	-0.667435	0.068413	153553.000000	0.000000	0.001199	-0.000348	0.912267	-4.066459	0.434526	17603.861328	3102.059570	159434.984375	-0.050316	0.281584	-1.704927	-0.018621	0.030170	-1.200684	-0.008012	0.334671	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102847.000000	198054.000000	169051.000000	144258.000000
-330.004120	-0.103465	-0.538607	-1.621984	-1.044326	-0.705747	0.093954	153553.000000	0.000000	0.001199	-0.000348	0.973639	-3.991203	0.434526	18688.246094	4201.301758	148312.218750	-0.053970	0.277260	-1.704927	-0.018621	0.030170	-1.200684	-0.008012	0.334671	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100663.000000	198039.000000	169066.000000	146442.000000
-330.009125	-0.099803	-0.530795	-1.587316	-1.124143	-0.745123	0.120560	153622.000000	0.000000	0.001199	-0.000348	1.035729	-3.911732	0.434526	19348.810547	4691.687012	136725.984375	-0.057756	0.272670	-1.704927	-0.018621	0.030170	-1.200684	-0.008012	0.334671	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	198279.000000	168964.000000	147662.000000
-330.014130	-0.094187	-0.521273	-1.551184	-1.198639	-0.784499	0.145037	153622.000000	0.000000	0.001199	-0.000348	1.098186	-3.829385	0.434526	19859.703125	5147.837402	126066.664062	-0.061645	0.267835	-1.704927	-0.018621	0.030170	-1.200684	-0.008012	0.334671	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	198333.000000	168910.000000	148629.000000
-330.019135	-0.086131	-0.510775	-1.515051	-1.266750	-0.826004	0.169514	153622.000000	0.000000	0.001199	-0.000348	1.160825	-3.744769	0.434526	20592.990234	5397.692871	115407.335938	-0.065612	0.262780	-1.704927	-0.018621	0.030170	-1.200684	-0.008012	0.334671	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	198817.000000	168426.000000	149612.000000
-330.024139	-0.076609	-0.499301	-1.478430	-1.328475	-0.867509	0.191863	153622.000000	0.000000	0.001199	-0.000348	1.223185	-3.658307	0.434526	21037.722656	5576.815430	105674.906250	-0.069632	0.257531	-1.704927	-0.018621	0.030170	-1.200684	-0.008012	0.334671	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199082.000000	168161.000000	150236.000000
-330.029144	-0.065867	-0.488559	-1.442297	-1.382750	-0.912206	0.212083	153554.000000	0.000000	0.001199	-0.000348	1.285743	-3.571616	0.434526	21903.941406	5431.334473	96869.375000	-0.073693	0.252138	-1.704927	-0.018621	0.030170	-1.200684	-0.008012	0.334671	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	167081.000000	150889.000000
-330.034149	-0.054637	-0.478793	-1.406652	-1.428512	-0.957968	0.231239	153554.000000	0.000000	-0.000688	-0.002058	1.244583	-3.579838	0.438691	10637.768555	-5768.410645	90340.945312	-0.077784	0.246655	-1.706529	-0.019601	0.031492	-1.209938	-0.017667	0.322391	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118684.000000	199960.000000	167147.000000	128423.000000
-330.039154	-0.044871	-0.470736	-1.371740	-1.465760	-1.006922	0.249331	153554.000000	0.000000	0.000198	-0.001371	1.433237	-3.390024	0.448091	37351.234375	16115.219727	86555.679688	-0.081932	0.241146	-1.710144	-0.023278	0.036136	-1.241136	-0.052095	0.275364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	197438.000000	169669.000000	169669.000000
-330.044159	-0.035350	-0.463412	-1.336340	-1.494494	-1.060134	0.264230	153554.000000	0.000000	-0.000090	-0.001918	1.447969	-3.366725	0.454626	19008.048828	-2890.946777	82913.468750	-0.086149	0.235670	-1.712658	-0.024040	0.037384	-1.252298	-0.066000	0.259728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107436.000000	200000.000000	161655.000000	139671.000000
-330.049164	-0.026805	-0.453891	-1.300939	-1.513650	-1.117602	0.278065	153554.000000	0.000000	-0.000090	-0.001918	1.527938	-3.265539	0.454626	27281.441406	5173.720215	76888.632812	-0.090460	0.230245	-1.712658	-0.024040	0.037384	-1.252298	-0.066000	0.259728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161446.000000	156009.000000
-330.054169	-0.018992	-0.443148	-1.265051	-1.525356	-1.178263	0.288708	153548.000000	0.000000	-0.000090	-0.001918	1.598611	-3.188311	0.454626	27214.570312	2129.312012	72254.140625	-0.094881	0.224896	-1.712658	-0.024040	0.037384	-1.252298	-0.066000	0.259728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	158462.000000	152891.000000
-330.059174	-0.011180	-0.431186	-1.230139	-1.528549	-1.241052	0.298286	153548.000000	0.000000	-0.000090	-0.001918	1.670959	-3.113267	0.454626	28254.462891	1312.821533	68083.109375	-0.099411	0.219641	-1.712658	-0.024040	0.037384	-1.252298	-0.066000	0.259728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156606.000000	153115.000000
-330.064178	-0.004588	-0.417270	-1.195959	-1.524292	-1.309163	0.305735	153548.000000	0.000000	-0.000090	-0.001918	1.746815	-3.039802	0.454626	29887.419922	638.485291	64838.957031	-0.104085	0.214483	-1.712658	-0.024040	0.037384	-1.252298	-0.066000	0.259728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154299.000000	154073.000000
-330.069183	0.001027	-0.403598	-1.162023	-1.512586	-1.378337	0.311056	153548.000000	0.000000	-0.000090	-0.001918	1.825383	-2.969780	0.454626	30982.375000	-290.872528	62521.714844	-0.108913	0.209459	-1.712658	-0.024040	0.037384	-1.252298	-0.066000	0.259728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153257.000000	153257.000000
-330.074188	0.005666	-0.390414	-1.127600	-1.492365	-1.451769	0.316378	153607.000000	0.000000	-0.000090	-0.001918	1.907827	-2.904397	0.454626	32593.609375	-1529.403320	60204.476562	-0.113923	0.204617	-1.712658	-0.024040	0.037384	-1.252298	-0.066000	0.259728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	152077.000000	152077.000000
-330.079193	0.009084	-0.379916	-1.092932	-1.465760	-1.525200	0.319570	153607.000000	0.000000	-0.000090	-0.001918	1.993599	-2.845731	0.454626	33691.796875	-2822.663574	58814.121094	-0.119127	0.200028	-1.712658	-0.024040	0.037384	-1.252298	-0.066000	0.259728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150784.000000	150784.000000
-330.084198	0.012014	-0.371859	-1.058508	-1.433833	-1.600760	0.323827	153607.000000	0.000000	-0.006020	-0.007009	1.756925	-3.074232	0.452539	-2270.062988	-36181.488281	56051.273438	-0.124536	0.195756	-1.711855	-0.026766	0.040316	-1.263711	-0.081280	0.243108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155877.000000	200000.000000	155877.000000	100000.000000
-330.089203	0.014455	-0.365268	-1.023107	-1.396585	-1.676320	0.327020	153607.000000	0.000000	-0.001888	-0.004091	2.313684	-2.666571	0.465584	87881.234375	34887.175781	60342.007812	-0.130151	0.191856	-1.716872	-0.032430	0.047541	-1.298441	-0.135271	0.201093	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	183607.000000	183607.000000	183607.000000
-330.094208	0.016408	-0.360629	-0.988684	-1.355080	-1.750816	0.331277	153607.000000	0.000000	-0.006162	-0.008206	2.008923	-2.974123	0.468329	-8024.180664	-45828.496094	59683.546875	-0.135971	0.188376	-1.717928	-0.035164	0.050822	-1.309915	-0.156615	0.189487	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161631.000000	200000.000000	161631.000000	100000.000000
-330.099213	0.016164	-0.357943	-0.956457	-1.309319	-1.825312	0.334469	153552.000000	0.000000	-0.006162	-0.008206	2.280356	-2.782913	0.468329	56923.011719	9214.479492	58293.191406	-0.142031	0.185360	-1.717928	-0.035164	0.050822	-1.309915	-0.156615	0.189487	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162766.000000	162766.000000
-330.104218	0.012746	-0.357455	-0.925695	-1.260364	-1.898744	0.338726	153552.000000	0.000000	-0.006162	-0.008206	2.387550	-2.765813	0.468329	39577.843750	-10427.706055	56439.394531	-0.148388	0.182856	-1.717928	-0.035164	0.050822	-1.309915	-0.156615	0.189487	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103979.000000	200000.000000	143124.000000	143124.000000
-330.109222	0.005666	-0.359652	-0.895910	-1.209281	-1.970047	0.344047	153552.000000	0.000000	-0.006162	-0.008206	2.502748	-2.759506	0.468329	41081.753906	-12054.416992	54122.156250	-0.155105	0.180921	-1.717928	-0.035164	0.050822	-1.309915	-0.156615	0.189487	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105606.000000	200000.000000	141497.000000	141497.000000
-330.114227	-0.002879	-0.363070	-0.865393	-1.158199	-2.039221	0.350433	153552.000000	0.000000	-0.006162	-0.008206	2.624612	-2.763548	0.468329	42459.531250	-13445.841797	51341.460938	-0.162207	0.179587	-1.717928	-0.035164	0.050822	-1.309915	-0.156615	0.189487	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106997.000000	200000.000000	140106.000000	140106.000000
-330.119232	-0.012645	-0.364047	-0.836340	-1.108180	-2.104139	0.357882	153719.000000	0.000000	-0.006162	-0.008206	2.752775	-2.773188	0.468329	43572.210938	-14218.914062	48097.324219	-0.169702	0.178792	-1.717928	-0.035164	0.050822	-1.309915	-0.156615	0.189487	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107937.000000	200000.000000	139500.000000	139500.000000
-330.124237	-0.021678	-0.363070	-0.808508	-1.060290	-2.163736	0.367460	153719.000000	0.000000	-0.006162	-0.008206	2.884877	-2.787644	0.468329	44301.996094	-14801.124023	43926.273438	-0.177555	0.178477	-1.717928	-0.035164	0.050822	-1.309915	-0.156615	0.189487	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108520.000000	200000.000000	138917.000000	138917.000000
-330.129242	-0.029979	-0.358920	-0.782141	-1.014528	-2.215883	0.378103	153719.000000	0.000000	-0.006162	-0.008206	3.019778	-2.804363	0.468329	44651.125000	-15103.391602	39291.781250	-0.185719	0.178552	-1.717928	-0.035164	0.050822	-1.309915	-0.156615	0.189487	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108822.000000	200000.000000	138615.000000	138615.000000
-330.134247	-0.036814	-0.350863	-0.756262	-0.973023	-2.259516	0.389809	153719.000000	0.000000	-0.005812	-0.008316	3.174995	-2.826765	0.475833	46854.773438	-15551.383789	37461.582031	-0.194131	0.178904	-1.720814	-0.040915	0.057875	-1.332397	-0.199677	0.171048	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109270.000000	200000.000000	138167.000000	138167.000000
-330.139252	-0.041941	-0.340121	-0.731359	-0.935775	-2.296764	0.403644	153829.000000	0.000000	-0.008198	-0.010614	3.165772	-2.964325	0.478736	28209.173828	-28552.513672	32700.917969	-0.202718	0.179443	-1.721931	-0.048189	0.066378	-1.353815	-0.247150	0.159174	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124172.000000	200000.000000	127067.000000	123485.000000
-330.144257	-0.045115	-0.328402	-0.708166	-0.902784	-2.325498	0.416415	153829.000000	0.000000	-0.008198	-0.010614	3.395126	-2.887152	0.478736	54693.191406	-4269.963867	27139.529297	-0.211399	0.180103	-1.721931	-0.048189	0.066378	-1.353815	-0.247150	0.159174	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100959.000000	200000.000000	146698.000000	152419.000000
-330.149261	-0.045848	-0.316928	-0.686682	-0.872986	-2.348911	0.429185	153829.000000	0.000000	-0.008198	-0.010614	3.525717	-2.901903	0.478736	43956.937500	-14231.513672	21578.138672	-0.220087	0.180852	-1.721931	-0.048189	0.066378	-1.353815	-0.247150	0.159174	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116482.000000	200000.000000	131175.000000	148019.000000
-330.154266	-0.044627	-0.305697	-0.666418	-0.847445	-2.364874	0.441956	153829.000000	0.000000	-0.008198	-0.010614	3.651601	-2.916147	0.478736	43272.734375	-13890.716797	16016.749023	-0.228694	0.181655	-1.721931	-0.048189	0.066378	-1.353815	-0.247150	0.159174	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121702.000000	200000.000000	125955.000000	153921.000000
-330.159271	-0.042186	-0.295932	-0.647375	-0.825096	-2.375517	0.453663	153829.000000	0.000000	-0.008198	-0.010614	3.772882	-2.931436	0.478736	42788.429688	-13827.646484	10918.815430	-0.237159	0.182517	-1.721931	-0.048189	0.066378	-1.353815	-0.247150	0.159174	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126737.000000	200000.000000	120920.000000	159082.000000
-330.164276	-0.038768	-0.287143	-0.629309	-0.804876	-2.379774	0.463241	154048.000000	0.000000	-0.008198	-0.010614	3.888617	-2.947729	0.478736	42028.460938	-13871.947266	6747.779297	-0.245420	0.183440	-1.721931	-0.048189	0.066378	-1.353815	-0.247150	0.159174	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131172.000000	200000.000000	116923.000000	163428.000000
-330.169281	-0.035105	-0.278842	-0.612219	-0.786784	-2.378709	0.472819	154048.000000	0.000000	-0.008198	-0.010614	3.999401	-2.964243	0.478736	41403.671875	-13821.422852	2576.730469	-0.253442	0.184412	-1.721931	-0.048189	0.066378	-1.353815	-0.247150	0.159174	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135292.000000	200000.000000	112803.000000	167649.000000
-330.174286	-0.031687	-0.270541	-0.594885	-0.769756	-2.370195	0.479204	154048.000000	0.000000	-0.009991	-0.012236	4.006334	-3.070515	0.473709	29158.154297	-24141.013672	-2392.980469	-0.261194	0.185430	-1.719997	-0.061560	0.081270	-1.383294	-0.324792	0.141925	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151423.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000	161458.000000
-330.179291	-0.028758	-0.264682	-0.577062	-0.756986	-2.355296	0.484525	154048.000000	0.000000	-0.015598	-0.016808	3.870310	-3.277796	0.466563	12042.904297	-35791.761719	-7822.056152	-0.268661	0.186547	-1.717249	-0.067283	0.087238	-1.392217	-0.351166	0.135931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179827.000000	188268.000000	104183.000000	143912.000000
-330.184296	-0.027781	-0.258334	-0.559729	-0.746343	-2.335076	0.487718	155401.000000	0.000000	-0.014596	-0.016274	4.247962	-3.086251	0.462157	69583.703125	9127.829102	-11131.207031	-0.275880	0.187734	-1.715554	-0.072646	0.092999	-1.400757	-0.377910	0.129893	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127404.000000	165141.000000	123397.000000	200000.000000
-330.189301	-0.029246	-0.252230	-0.543859	-0.738894	-2.307406	0.487718	155401.000000	0.000000	-0.014596	-0.016274	4.305005	-3.127753	0.462157	33646.816406	-16371.267578	-11131.207031	-0.282895	0.188964	-1.715554	-0.072646	0.092999	-1.400757	-0.377910	0.129893	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152903.000000	190641.000000	100000.000000	180160.000000
-330.194305	-0.032176	-0.244418	-0.529699	-0.736765	-2.274415	0.484525	155401.000000	0.000000	-0.014596	-0.016274	4.400631	-3.143018	0.462157	37592.355469	-12981.332031	-9740.853516	-0.289736	0.190136	-1.715554	-0.072646	0.092999	-1.400757	-0.377910	0.129893	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148123.000000	188641.000000	102678.000000	182160.000000
-330.199310	-0.035350	-0.235141	-0.517980	-0.737829	-2.236103	0.478140	155401.000000	0.000000	-0.014596	-0.016274	4.492927	-3.152083	0.462157	36889.367188	-11985.346680	-6960.158691	-0.296389	0.191153	-1.715554	-0.072646	0.092999	-1.400757	-0.377910	0.129893	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144346.000000	190426.000000	106455.000000	180375.000000
-330.204315	-0.039744	-0.223910	-0.506750	-0.743151	-2.192470	0.468562	155401.000000	0.000000	-0.014596	-0.016274	4.583893	-3.153612	0.462157	36375.785156	-10671.126953	-2789.122559	-0.302882	0.191921	-1.715554	-0.072646	0.092999	-1.400757	-0.377910	0.129893	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138861.000000	193283.000000	111940.000000	177518.000000
-330.209320	-0.044139	-0.210971	-0.497473	-0.752729	-2.144580	0.454727	158479.000000	0.000000	-0.014596	-0.016274	4.671639	-3.145376	0.462157	35737.097656	-9047.380859	3235.709961	-0.309199	0.192329	-1.715554	-0.072646	0.092999	-1.400757	-0.377910	0.129893	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134290.000000	200000.000000	122667.000000	176195.000000
-330.214325	-0.047801	-0.197543	-0.491125	-0.766564	-2.092432	0.436635	158479.000000	0.000000	-0.014596	-0.016274	4.754131	-3.127224	0.462157	34830.734375	-7341.928711	11114.351562	-0.315293	0.192296	-1.715554	-0.072646	0.092999	-1.400757	-0.377910	0.129893	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124706.000000	200000.000000	132251.000000	170022.000000
-330.219330	-0.050975	-0.183871	-0.484777	-0.784655	-2.034964	0.417479	158479.000000	0.000000	-0.014596	-0.016274	4.831324	-3.100465	0.462157	33754.160156	-5720.055664	19456.423828	-0.321128	0.191785	-1.715554	-0.072646	0.092999	-1.400757	-0.377910	0.129893	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114742.000000	200000.000000	142215.000000	163302.000000
-330.224335	-0.053172	-0.169223	-0.479162	-0.804876	-1.971111	0.394066	158479.000000	0.000000	-0.015269	-0.016813	4.864277	-3.092889	0.456984	28045.162109	-7468.535156	27399.310547	-0.326644	0.190737	-1.713565	-0.078206	0.098911	-1.408754	-0.401387	0.122643	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110503.000000	200000.000000	150364.000000	151656.000000
-330.229340	-0.055369	-0.154818	-0.474523	-0.829353	-1.903000	0.368525	160769.000000	0.000000	-0.012902	-0.015102	5.085471	-2.930421	0.447982	48979.453125	10890.819336	34602.296875	-0.331822	0.189123	-1.710103	-0.094023	0.116153	-1.429360	-0.462698	0.101799	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	171659.000000	171659.000000
-330.234344	-0.057811	-0.139926	-0.471838	-0.853830	-1.830633	0.338726	160769.000000	0.000000	-0.019559	-0.020339	4.683278	-3.229081	0.438474	-22216.826172	-41074.214844	43437.976562	-0.336650	0.186900	-1.706445	-0.100900	0.123119	-1.434892	-0.481959	0.089539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182985.000000	198552.000000	182985.000000	100000.000000
-330.239349	-0.060252	-0.124057	-0.470129	-0.880436	-1.754009	0.305735	160769.000000	0.000000	-0.019559	-0.020339	5.001586	-2.949665	0.438474	57650.304688	24130.562500	57804.894531	-0.341110	0.184010	-1.706445	-0.100900	0.123119	-1.434892	-0.481959	0.089539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196638.000000	184899.000000	184899.000000
-330.244354	-0.065135	-0.108187	-0.468420	-0.907041	-1.673128	0.268487	160769.000000	0.000000	-0.019559	-0.020339	5.052834	-2.869745	0.438474	27681.134766	2684.577148	74025.609375	-0.345285	0.180454	-1.706445	-0.100900	0.123119	-1.434892	-0.481959	0.089539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100403.000000	200000.000000	165772.000000	161134.000000
-330.249359	-0.071971	-0.094027	-0.467687	-0.933647	-1.587990	0.228047	162957.000000	0.000000	-0.019559	-0.020339	5.102895	-2.783414	0.438474	26920.390625	3911.662354	91636.679688	-0.349231	0.176300	-1.706445	-0.100900	0.123119	-1.434892	-0.481959	0.089539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102124.000000	200000.000000	169948.000000	163789.000000
-330.254364	-0.079783	-0.080111	-0.466711	-0.959188	-1.498595	0.184414	162957.000000	0.000000	-0.019559	-0.020339	5.150971	-2.689467	0.438474	26044.728516	5179.166992	110638.085938	-0.352975	0.171569	-1.706445	-0.100900	0.123119	-1.434892	-0.481959	0.089539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101733.000000	200000.000000	172091.000000	164180.000000
-330.259369	-0.088816	-0.068148	-0.465734	-0.982601	-1.404943	0.136523	162957.000000	0.000000	-0.019559	-0.020339	5.197533	-2.592562	0.438474	25192.453125	5826.549316	131493.281250	-0.356545	0.166367	-1.706445	-0.100900	0.123119	-1.434892	-0.481959	0.089539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101937.000000	200000.000000	173591.000000	163976.000000
-330.264374	-0.098582	-0.057650	-0.464270	-1.002822	-1.305970	0.087569	162957.000000	0.000000	-0.019559	-0.020339	5.242136	-2.493314	0.438474	24143.044922	6279.962891	152811.937500	-0.359952	0.160779	-1.706445	-0.100900	0.123119	-1.434892	-0.481959	0.089539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102533.000000	200000.000000	175093.000000	163380.000000
-330.269379	-0.109080	-0.047885	-0.462561	-1.021978	-1.203804	0.037550	162957.000000	0.000000	-0.007733	-0.011622	5.935565	-1.911409	0.446347	97854.085938	61998.925781	178022.937500	-0.363215	0.154849	-1.709474	-0.103820	0.127159	-1.440271	-0.497107	0.084797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	192957.000000	192957.000000	192957.000000
-330.274384	-0.121043	-0.037143	-0.460363	-1.036877	-1.097382	-0.012468	164473.000000	0.000000	-0.008612	-0.012626	5.458046	-2.206775	0.462919	-34052.886719	-36220.550781	207021.437500	-0.366383	0.148565	-1.715847	-0.115035	0.141536	-1.452977	-0.528556	0.057070	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194473.000000	194473.000000	194473.000000	100000.000000
-330.279388	-0.134227	-0.026400	-0.459387	-1.049648	-0.988831	-0.063551	164473.000000	0.000000	-0.008612	-0.012626	5.536826	-2.053818	0.462919	26744.427734	13603.588867	229267.000000	-0.369479	0.141944	-1.715847	-0.115035	0.141536	-1.452977	-0.528556	0.057070	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	181332.000000	174821.000000
-330.284393	-0.148143	-0.015414	-0.460363	-1.059226	-0.879215	-0.114634	164473.000000	0.000000	-0.008612	-0.012626	5.579105	-1.936832	0.462919	22304.271484	9879.487305	251512.546875	-0.372500	0.135002	-1.715847	-0.115035	0.141536	-1.452977	-0.528556	0.057070	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102289.000000	200000.000000	182048.000000	166656.000000
-330.289398	-0.163035	-0.006137	-0.461584	-1.063483	-0.767472	-0.165717	164473.000000	0.000000	-0.008612	-0.012626	5.620996	-1.821275	0.462919	21706.158203	9688.426758	273758.093750	-0.375459	0.127852	-1.715847	-0.115035	0.141536	-1.452977	-0.528556	0.057070	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103078.000000	200000.000000	182455.000000	165867.000000
-330.294403	-0.179393	0.002652	-0.462561	-1.064547	-0.654664	-0.217864	165795.000000	0.000000	-0.008612	-0.012626	5.664178	-1.705587	0.462919	21410.910156	9888.782227	296467.093750	-0.378396	0.120548	-1.715847	-0.115035	0.141536	-1.452977	-0.528556	0.057070	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104495.000000	200000.000000	184272.000000	167094.000000
-330.299408	-0.196971	0.010709	-0.464025	-1.059226	-0.540792	-0.268947	165795.000000	0.000000	-0.008612	-0.012626	5.707964	-1.591775	0.462919	21037.964844	9479.563477	318712.656250	-0.381328	0.113167	-1.715847	-0.115035	0.141536	-1.452977	-0.528556	0.057070	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105277.000000	200000.000000	184236.000000	166312.000000
-330.304413	-0.214061	0.019498	-0.466467	-1.050712	-0.426920	-0.320029	165795.000000	0.000000	-0.008612	-0.012626	5.748734	-1.477068	0.462919	20369.943359	9715.268555	340958.187500	-0.384201	0.105713	-1.715847	-0.115035	0.141536	-1.452977	-0.528556	0.057070	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105709.000000	200000.000000	185140.000000	165880.000000
-330.309418	-0.231150	0.027799	-0.469885	-1.035813	-0.311983	-0.370048	165795.000000	0.000000	-0.008612	-0.012626	5.786414	-1.365023	0.462919	19557.830078	9167.420898	362740.312500	-0.386976	0.098255	-1.715847	-0.115035	0.141536	-1.452977	-0.528556	0.057070	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107069.000000	200000.000000	185404.000000	164520.000000
-330.314423	-0.246775	0.036344	-0.474279	-1.016657	-0.194918	-0.419002	165795.000000	0.000000	-0.000490	-0.007413	6.263968	-0.967779	0.528838	69348.757812	41797.847656	412765.437500	-0.389557	0.090820	-1.741201	-0.120216	0.154465	-1.463325	-0.540376	0.028162	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	195795.000000	195795.000000	195795.000000
-330.319427	-0.261424	0.042691	-0.478430	-0.993244	-0.077854	-0.466893	166514.000000	0.000000	-0.000490	-0.007413	5.965212	-1.072215	0.528838	-17923.876953	-14421.029297	433620.656250	-0.391907	0.083522	-1.741201	-0.120216	0.154465	-1.463325	-0.540376	0.028162	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168858.000000	193011.000000	200000.000000	104169.000000
-330.324432	-0.275828	0.047574	-0.483557	-0.964510	0.038147	-0.511590	166514.000000	0.000000	0.001571	-0.006826	6.099629	-0.942616	0.551691	29907.904297	11191.408203	463037.468750	-0.394000	0.076445	-1.749990	-0.119955	0.156756	-1.465106	-0.533780	0.021149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	177797.000000	177613.000000
-330.329437	-0.289988	0.050992	-0.488439	-0.932583	0.154148	-0.555223	166514.000000	0.000000	0.001571	-0.006826	6.034001	-0.875901	0.551691	7076.089844	4085.950684	482038.843750	-0.395826	0.069658	-1.749990	-0.119955	0.156756	-1.465106	-0.533780	0.021149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125351.000000	199504.000000	193523.000000	147676.000000
-330.334442	-0.304637	0.054654	-0.493811	-0.897463	0.269084	-0.594600	166514.000000	0.000000	0.001571	-0.006826	6.047075	-0.790170	0.551691	15376.152344	6059.753906	499186.468750	-0.397392	0.063165	-1.749990	-0.119955	0.156756	-1.465106	-0.533780	0.021149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115078.000000	200000.000000	187197.000000	157949.000000
-330.339447	-0.318064	0.058316	-0.499670	-0.859151	0.384020	-0.630783	166737.000000	0.000000	0.001571	-0.006826	6.053448	-0.709368	0.551691	14139.769531	5361.914551	514943.750000	-0.398647	0.056973	-1.749990	-0.119955	0.156756	-1.465106	-0.533780	0.021149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117235.000000	200000.000000	187959.000000	156238.000000
-330.344452	-0.330760	0.061979	-0.506506	-0.819775	0.497893	-0.662710	166737.000000	0.000000	0.001571	-0.006826	6.053162	-0.632998	0.551691	13001.833984	4926.899902	528847.187500	-0.399554	0.051081	-1.749990	-0.119955	0.156756	-1.465106	-0.533780	0.021149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118808.000000	200000.000000	188662.000000	154665.000000
-330.349457	-0.343455	0.065152	-0.513830	-0.778270	0.611765	-0.691444	166737.000000	0.000000	0.001571	-0.006826	6.047214	-0.562200	0.551691	11828.111328	4214.838867	541360.312500	-0.400106	0.045508	-1.749990	-0.119955	0.156756	-1.465106	-0.533780	0.021149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120694.000000	200000.000000	189123.000000	152779.000000
-330.354462	-0.356883	0.067838	-0.521887	-0.734637	0.724573	-0.718050	166737.000000	0.000000	0.001571	-0.006826	6.036565	-0.497425	0.551691	10860.435547	3415.821533	552946.562500	-0.400314	0.040278	-1.749990	-0.119955	0.156756	-1.465106	-0.533780	0.021149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122460.000000	200000.000000	189292.000000	151013.000000
-330.359467	-0.371043	0.069303	-0.529943	-0.689939	0.838445	-0.740399	166897.000000	0.000000	0.005640	-0.003981	6.245219	-0.283084	0.626353	35290.910156	20521.136719	595192.875000	-0.400191	0.035420	-1.778707	-0.116888	0.162157	-1.468067	-0.509842	0.011186	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	187418.000000	187418.000000
-330.364471	-0.385203	0.071256	-0.538244	-0.644178	0.951253	-0.759555	166897.000000	0.000000	0.008918	-0.002251	6.242716	-0.248096	0.657088	11661.568359	637.368164	616919.437500	-0.399736	0.030913	-1.790528	-0.114206	0.162891	-1.468642	-0.498393	0.010107	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124598.000000	200000.000000	185872.000000	149195.000000
-330.369476	-0.399119	0.072232	-0.546301	-0.597352	1.064061	-0.776582	166897.000000	0.000000	0.008918	-0.002251	6.086427	-0.270145	0.657088	-6485.964355	-6068.112305	624334.625000	-0.398947	0.026779	-1.790528	-0.114206	0.162891	-1.468642	-0.498393	0.010107	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149451.000000	196479.000000	197314.000000	124342.000000
-330.374481	-0.412303	0.072721	-0.553869	-0.550526	1.177933	-0.790417	166897.000000	0.000000	0.011076	-0.000927	6.174052	-0.155594	0.690056	20096.144531	9263.441406	644716.500000	-0.397809	0.023014	-1.803208	-0.110822	0.163181	-1.468829	-0.483653	0.014437	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107537.000000	200000.000000	186064.000000	166256.000000
-330.379486	-0.424266	0.073209	-0.562170	-0.503700	1.290741	-0.801059	166897.000000	0.000000	0.011076	-0.000927	6.049546	-0.171475	0.690056	-4203.546387	-5366.695312	649351.000000	-0.396286	0.019601	-1.803208	-0.110822	0.163181	-1.468829	-0.483653	0.014437	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146467.000000	198060.000000	195733.000000	127326.000000
-330.384491	-0.433787	0.072721	-0.569250	-0.457938	1.403548	-0.807445	166729.000000	0.000000	0.011076	-0.000927	6.003933	-0.139520	0.690056	3742.461182	-53.452217	652131.687500	-0.394349	0.016539	-1.803208	-0.110822	0.163181	-1.468829	-0.483653	0.014437	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133039.000000	200000.000000	192933.000000	140418.000000
-330.389496	-0.439402	0.071012	-0.576330	-0.415369	1.515292	-0.811702	166729.000000	0.000000	0.011076	-0.000927	5.948147	-0.112631	0.690056	1966.463745	-331.850525	653985.500000	-0.391926	0.013823	-1.803208	-0.110822	0.163181	-1.468829	-0.483653	0.014437	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135094.000000	199027.000000	194430.000000	138363.000000
-330.394501	-0.440379	0.068814	-0.583654	-0.375993	1.623843	-0.814894	166729.000000	0.000000	0.011076	-0.000927	5.880615	-0.089756	0.690056	215.958710	-498.083771	655375.875000	-0.388936	0.011432	-1.803208	-0.110822	0.163181	-1.468829	-0.483653	0.014437	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137011.000000	197443.000000	196014.000000	136446.000000
-330.399506	-0.437937	0.066129	-0.590490	-0.339809	1.729202	-0.815958	166729.000000	0.000000	0.011076	-0.000927	5.802464	-0.070486	0.690056	-1445.035400	-621.301270	655839.312500	-0.385341	0.009343	-1.803208	-0.110822	0.163181	-1.468829	-0.483653	0.014437	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138795.000000	195905.000000	197552.000000	134662.000000
-330.404510	-0.432078	0.063199	-0.596838	-0.307882	1.829239	-0.818087	166756.000000	0.000000	0.011076	-0.000927	5.713603	-0.054254	0.690056	-2902.486084	-559.031494	656766.187500	-0.381109	0.007528	-1.803208	-0.110822	0.163181	-1.468829	-0.483653	0.014437	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140217.000000	194412.000000	199099.000000	133294.000000
-330.409515	-0.424998	0.059293	-0.604406	-0.279148	1.923955	-0.821280	166756.000000	0.000000	0.011076	-0.000927	5.614934	-0.042373	0.690056	-4285.212402	-763.840698	658156.562500	-0.376238	0.005992	-1.803208	-0.110822	0.163181	-1.468829	-0.483653	0.014437	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141805.000000	193234.000000	200000.000000	131706.000000
-330.414520	-0.416453	0.056119	-0.613195	-0.253607	2.011221	-0.825537	166756.000000	0.000000	0.000765	-0.006951	4.939523	-0.363632	0.706233	-70390.867188	-38639.011719	667055.187500	-0.370723	0.004693	-1.809430	-0.110875	0.165467	-1.468861	-0.467124	0.008344	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196756.000000	196756.000000	196756.000000	100000.000000
-330.419525	-0.407176	0.052945	-0.621740	-0.230194	2.092103	-0.832986	166756.000000	0.000000	0.008097	-0.001996	5.638663	0.156952	0.775187	84295.484375	56447.855469	700327.375000	-0.364598	0.003617	-1.835951	-0.105524	0.168753	-1.467961	-0.402834	0.018899	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196756.000000	196756.000000	196756.000000
-330.424530	-0.396678	0.050016	-0.630529	-0.209974	2.165534	-0.841500	166756.000000	0.000000	0.005555	-0.003588	5.081206	-0.123151	0.795331	-55957.949219	-32622.933594	712807.250000	-0.357878	0.002734	-1.843698	-0.104014	0.169894	-1.467126	-0.377915	0.018793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196756.000000	196756.000000	196756.000000	100000.000000
-330.429535	-0.385447	0.048062	-0.638830	-0.190818	2.232580	-0.851078	166850.000000	0.000000	0.005555	-0.003588	5.051213	-0.054820	0.795331	2295.692383	6032.642090	716978.312500	-0.350598	0.002007	-1.843698	-0.104014	0.169894	-1.467126	-0.377915	0.018793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128521.000000	193113.000000	200000.000000	145178.000000
-330.434540	-0.373729	0.045377	-0.647619	-0.174854	2.293241	-0.863849	166850.000000	0.000000	0.005555	-0.003588	4.912598	-0.052618	0.795331	-9862.588867	-950.799866	722539.687500	-0.342783	0.001437	-1.843698	-0.104014	0.169894	-1.467126	-0.377915	0.018793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147663.000000	187938.000000	200000.000000	126036.000000
-330.439545	-0.362498	0.042203	-0.654943	-0.159955	2.348581	-0.877684	166850.000000	0.000000	0.005555	-0.003588	4.769709	-0.052846	0.795331	-10659.248047	-1170.716553	728564.500000	-0.334501	0.001028	-1.843698	-0.104014	0.169894	-1.467126	-0.377915	0.018793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148679.000000	187361.000000	200000.000000	125020.000000
-330.444550	-0.351023	0.039029	-0.663000	-0.148248	2.398599	-0.893647	166850.000000	0.000000	0.005555	-0.003588	4.620941	-0.054466	0.795331	-11634.939453	-1033.850342	735516.250000	-0.325773	0.000759	-1.843698	-0.104014	0.169894	-1.467126	-0.377915	0.018793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149518.000000	186248.000000	200000.000000	124181.000000
-330.449554	-0.338816	0.036588	-0.671301	-0.137606	2.444361	-0.909610	167952.000000	0.000000	0.005555	-0.003588	4.466074	-0.056453	0.795331	-12764.861328	-1015.688477	742468.000000	-0.316611	0.000600	-1.843698	-0.104014	0.169894	-1.467126	-0.377915	0.018793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151732.000000	186202.000000	200000.000000	124171.000000
-330.454559	-0.326609	0.034635	-0.680334	-0.129092	2.484802	-0.925574	167952.000000	0.000000	0.005555	-0.003588	4.306084	-0.058531	0.795331	-13660.725586	-839.976013	749419.687500	-0.307037	0.000522	-1.843698	-0.104014	0.169894	-1.467126	-0.377915	0.018793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152452.000000	185131.000000	200000.000000	123451.000000
-330.459564	-0.314891	0.032682	-0.688146	-0.120579	2.523114	-0.942601	167952.000000	0.000000	0.005555	-0.003588	4.142516	-0.061552	0.795331	-14748.708008	-996.845825	756834.875000	-0.297100	0.000520	-1.843698	-0.104014	0.169894	-1.467126	-0.377915	0.018793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153697.000000	184200.000000	200000.000000	122206.000000
-330.464569	-0.304881	0.030729	-0.695471	-0.112065	2.558233	-0.959629	167952.000000	0.000000	0.010879	0.000035	4.270235	0.133802	0.886952	18059.134766	21679.259766	804149.062500	-0.286874	0.000590	-1.878937	-0.094559	0.172417	-1.461695	-0.271895	0.014966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	194331.000000	200000.000000	177690.000000
-330.469574	-0.296336	0.028531	-0.702795	-0.104615	2.590160	-0.975592	169363.000000	0.000000	0.010879	0.000035	3.891087	-0.015797	0.886952	-39224.906250	-16863.236328	811100.812500	-0.276414	0.000726	-1.878937	-0.094559	0.172417	-1.461695	-0.271895	0.014966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186226.000000	186226.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-330.474579	-0.287547	0.028531	-0.708654	-0.098230	2.619958	-0.992620	169363.000000	0.000000	0.010879	0.000035	3.722658	-0.017825	0.886952	-16723.835938	-555.270569	818516.000000	-0.265743	0.000862	-1.878937	-0.094559	0.172417	-1.461695	-0.271895	0.014966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156642.000000	183194.000000	200000.000000	122083.000000
-330.479584	-0.279002	0.029752	-0.713537	-0.093973	2.648692	-1.008583	169363.000000	0.000000	0.010879	0.000035	3.552529	-0.017258	0.886952	-17708.548828	-52.821922	825467.687500	-0.254889	0.000950	-1.878937	-0.094559	0.172417	-1.461695	-0.271895	0.014966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157124.000000	181707.000000	200000.000000	121601.000000
-330.484589	-0.269236	0.030484	-0.719396	-0.089716	2.677427	-1.025611	169363.000000	0.000000	0.010879	0.000035	3.377805	-0.016722	0.886952	-19149.763672	-73.441513	832882.875000	-0.243818	0.001005	-1.878937	-0.094559	0.172417	-1.461695	-0.271895	0.014966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158586.000000	180286.000000	200000.000000	120139.000000
-330.489594	-0.258494	0.029752	-0.725988	-0.087588	2.706161	-1.040510	169363.000000	0.000000	0.010879	0.000035	3.198532	-0.016977	0.886952	-20606.617188	62.800579	839371.187500	-0.232507	0.001049	-1.878937	-0.094559	0.172417	-1.461695	-0.271895	0.014966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159906.000000	178693.000000	200000.000000	118819.000000
-330.494598	-0.247752	0.027066	-0.732580	-0.085459	2.735959	-1.055409	170273.000000	0.000000	0.010879	0.000035	3.015785	-0.019719	0.886952	-22083.425781	-233.200897	845859.500000	-0.220958	0.001131	-1.878937	-0.094559	0.172417	-1.461695	-0.271895	0.014966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162589.000000	178422.000000	200000.000000	117956.000000
-330.499603	-0.237010	0.022916	-0.737951	-0.084395	2.766822	-1.069244	170273.000000	0.000000	0.010879	0.000035	2.830099	-0.024487	0.886952	-23519.757812	-365.718384	851884.312500	-0.209183	0.001278	-1.878937	-0.094559	0.172417	-1.461695	-0.271895	0.014966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164158.000000	177118.000000	200000.000000	116387.000000
-330.504608	-0.227244	0.017545	-0.743566	-0.083331	2.797684	-1.082015	170273.000000	0.000000	0.015172	0.002248	2.878580	0.090000	0.996372	2309.378662	13268.915039	905095.875000	-0.197208	0.001515	-1.921022	-0.079687	0.171982	-1.452429	-0.160588	0.014889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124694.000000	189313.000000	200000.000000	155851.000000
-330.509613	-0.219432	0.011930	-0.750891	-0.083331	2.828547	-1.094786	170273.000000	0.000000	0.015172	0.002248	2.518634	-0.006830	0.996372	-44397.398438	-10295.164062	910657.250000	-0.185076	0.001839	-1.921022	-0.079687	0.171982	-1.452429	-0.160588	0.014889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180568.000000	180568.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-330.514618	-0.213328	0.006803	-0.758459	-0.084395	2.859409	-1.105428	171225.000000	0.000000	0.015172	0.002248	2.330461	-0.015114	0.996372	-26517.455078	-475.127411	915291.750000	-0.172832	0.002225	-1.921022	-0.079687	0.171982	-1.452429	-0.160588	0.014889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168217.000000	175182.000000	200000.000000	114232.000000
-330.519623	-0.208201	0.002164	-0.766271	-0.086523	2.889207	-1.116070	171225.000000	0.000000	0.015172	0.002248	2.142348	-0.023106	0.996372	-27396.181641	-353.044067	919926.250000	-0.160506	0.002652	-1.921022	-0.079687	0.171982	-1.452429	-0.160588	0.014889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168974.000000	174181.000000	200000.000000	113475.000000
-330.524628	-0.205516	-0.002230	-0.774572	-0.088652	2.919006	-1.122455	171225.000000	0.000000	0.015172	0.002248	1.956372	-0.030947	0.996372	-28158.589844	-362.793671	922706.937500	-0.148162	0.003104	-1.921022	-0.079687	0.171982	-1.452429	-0.160588	0.014889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169746.000000	173429.000000	200000.000000	112703.000000
-330.529633	-0.206004	-0.006869	-0.784094	-0.091845	2.945611	-1.125648	171225.000000	0.000000	0.015172	0.002248	1.774802	-0.038909	0.996372	-28280.458984	-281.066376	924097.250000	-0.135884	0.003578	-1.921022	-0.079687	0.171982	-1.452429	-0.160588	0.014889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169786.000000	173225.000000	200000.000000	112663.000000
-330.534637	-0.210398	-0.012240	-0.795080	-0.095037	2.971153	-1.125648	171225.000000	0.000000	0.015172	0.002248	1.598969	-0.047859	0.996372	-28454.332031	-416.039734	924097.250000	-0.123755	0.004086	-1.921022	-0.079687	0.171982	-1.452429	-0.160588	0.014889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170095.000000	173186.000000	200000.000000	112354.000000
-330.539642	-0.217967	-0.018344	-0.806311	-0.099294	2.995630	-1.121391	172035.000000	0.000000	0.016370	0.002556	1.495309	-0.040743	1.082036	-20990.943359	1519.889526	959548.562500	-0.111853	0.004633	-1.953969	-0.066663	0.170652	-1.442983	-0.067974	0.010572	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161506.000000	179524.000000	200000.000000	122563.000000
-330.544647	-0.227488	-0.023715	-0.819738	-0.103551	3.016915	-1.112877	172035.000000	0.000000	0.013374	0.000607	1.118667	-0.169209	1.107683	-52486.367188	-13959.524414	967009.687500	-0.100213	0.005195	-1.963834	-0.062756	0.170388	-1.439425	-0.037237	0.009137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185994.000000	185994.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-330.549652	-0.238719	-0.027865	-0.833898	-0.109936	3.038199	-1.101171	172035.000000	0.000000	0.013374	0.000607	1.079643	-0.098208	1.107683	-15640.598633	8563.004883	961911.750000	-0.088862	0.005730	-1.963834	-0.062756	0.170388	-1.439425	-0.037237	0.009137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149112.000000	177831.000000	200000.000000	134957.000000
-330.554657	-0.251170	-0.031039	-0.847814	-0.117386	3.058419	-1.087336	172035.000000	0.000000	0.013374	0.000607	0.926348	-0.103175	1.107683	-28886.582031	338.369568	955886.937500	-0.077818	0.006209	-1.963834	-0.062756	0.170388	-1.439425	-0.037237	0.009137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170583.000000	172810.000000	200000.000000	113486.000000
-330.559662	-0.261912	-0.031527	-0.861242	-0.125900	3.080768	-1.068180	173094.000000	0.000000	0.013374	0.000607	0.774635	-0.103808	1.107683	-29747.341797	968.150940	947544.812500	-0.067029	0.006568	-1.963834	-0.062756	0.170388	-1.439425	-0.037237	0.009137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171873.000000	172378.000000	200000.000000	114314.000000
-330.564667	-0.270701	-0.030795	-0.874670	-0.136542	3.105245	-1.045831	173094.000000	0.000000	0.013374	0.000607	0.623416	-0.100921	1.107683	-30735.320312	1651.500488	937812.375000	-0.056432	0.006778	-1.963834	-0.062756	0.170388	-1.439425	-0.037237	0.009137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171442.000000	171442.000000	200000.000000	114745.000000
-330.569672	-0.276316	-0.029818	-0.888098	-0.147184	3.131851	-1.020290	173094.000000	0.000000	0.013374	0.000607	0.470605	-0.095889	1.107683	-31969.601562	1959.372559	926689.625000	-0.045948	0.006838	-1.963834	-0.062756	0.170388	-1.439425	-0.037237	0.009137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171134.000000	171134.000000	200000.000000	115053.000000
-330.574677	-0.278758	-0.028842	-0.901281	-0.158891	3.159521	-0.990492	173094.000000	0.000000	0.013374	0.000607	0.315613	-0.088737	1.107683	-33166.808594	2396.309326	913713.062500	-0.035504	0.006752	-1.963834	-0.062756	0.170388	-1.439425	-0.037237	0.009137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170697.000000	170697.000000	200000.000000	115490.000000
-330.579681	-0.278514	-0.028598	-0.913488	-0.171661	3.186126	-0.959629	174180.000000	0.000000	0.013374	0.000607	0.158941	-0.080385	1.107683	-34077.488281	2742.526855	900273.062500	-0.025060	0.006538	-1.963834	-0.062756	0.170388	-1.439425	-0.037237	0.009137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171437.000000	171437.000000	200000.000000	116922.000000
-330.584686	-0.275340	-0.029574	-0.925939	-0.184432	3.210604	-0.925574	174180.000000	0.000000	0.016873	0.004204	0.192045	0.125965	1.202897	-12936.864258	25521.396484	926906.562500	-0.014570	0.006226	-2.000454	-0.046328	0.167390	-1.424237	0.089882	-0.007243	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131595.000000	165721.000000	200000.000000	156764.000000
-330.589691	-0.270701	-0.031527	-0.938635	-0.196139	3.230824	-0.891519	174180.000000	0.000000	0.016873	0.004204	-0.108065	-0.009515	1.202897	-50581.058594	-12751.151367	912076.187500	-0.004027	0.005848	-2.000454	-0.046328	0.167390	-1.424237	0.089882	-0.007243	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186931.000000	186931.000000	200000.000000	101428.000000
-330.594696	-0.265330	-0.032992	-0.950354	-0.207845	3.244659	-0.855335	174180.000000	0.000000	0.016873	0.004204	-0.267577	0.000138	1.202897	-35216.832031	3305.285645	896318.937500	0.006541	0.005397	-2.000454	-0.046328	0.167390	-1.424237	0.089882	-0.007243	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170874.000000	170874.000000	200000.000000	117485.000000
-330.599701	-0.260203	-0.034213	-0.962316	-0.219552	3.249980	-0.818087	174180.000000	0.000000	0.016873	0.004204	-0.424752	0.010908	1.202897	-34771.246094	3531.597656	880098.187500	0.017085	0.004873	-2.000454	-0.046328	0.167390	-1.424237	0.089882	-0.007243	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170648.000000	170648.000000	200000.000000	117711.000000
-330.604706	-0.255809	-0.037387	-0.975012	-0.229130	3.245723	-0.779775	175507.000000	0.000000	0.016873	0.004204	-0.578266	0.019835	1.202897	-34001.988281	3179.907959	863414.062500	0.027544	0.004330	-2.000454	-0.046328	0.167390	-1.424237	0.089882	-0.007243	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172327.000000	172327.000000	200000.000000	118686.000000
-330.609711	-0.253611	-0.040561	-0.986975	-0.236579	3.234017	-0.740399	175507.000000	0.000000	0.016873	0.004204	-0.725933	0.028289	1.202897	-33165.453125	2967.177246	846266.437500	0.037835	0.003781	-2.000454	-0.046328	0.167390	-1.424237	0.089882	-0.007243	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172539.000000	172539.000000	200000.000000	118474.000000
-330.614716	-0.252146	-0.043979	-0.999182	-0.242965	3.212732	-0.697829	175507.000000	0.000000	0.016873	0.004204	-0.867884	0.036085	1.202897	-32038.873047	2842.932373	827728.500000	0.047901	0.003240	-2.000454	-0.046328	0.167390	-1.424237	0.089882	-0.007243	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172664.000000	172664.000000	200000.000000	118349.000000
-330.619720	-0.250926	-0.046908	-1.010656	-0.245093	3.185062	-0.651004	175507.000000	0.000000	0.014589	0.004953	-1.129991	0.084039	1.255704	-45627.074219	7020.881348	830332.875000	0.057704	0.002724	-2.020765	-0.035581	0.163740	-1.411896	0.189445	-0.026905	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168486.000000	168486.000000	200000.000000	122527.000000
-330.624725	-0.249949	-0.048617	-1.022619	-0.246157	3.148879	-0.602049	177254.000000	0.000000	0.019996	0.008685	-0.871825	0.266477	1.280457	13870.351562	22535.314453	819793.812500	0.067204	0.002218	-2.030285	-0.029636	0.160829	-1.407577	0.221723	-0.032149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110848.000000	198589.000000	200000.000000	183659.000000
-330.629730	-0.249217	-0.049594	-1.032385	-0.244029	3.114823	-0.559480	177254.000000	0.000000	0.019996	0.008685	-1.213907	0.123937	1.280457	-53781.636719	-14214.571289	801255.812500	0.076403	0.001728	-2.030285	-0.029636	0.160829	-1.407577	0.221723	-0.032149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191468.000000	191468.000000	200000.000000	103039.000000
-330.634735	-0.247264	-0.048861	-1.043615	-0.239772	3.065869	-0.504140	177254.000000	0.000000	0.019996	0.008685	-1.333107	0.131114	1.280457	-27959.177734	2027.112427	777156.500000	0.085260	0.001241	-2.030285	-0.029636	0.160829	-1.407577	0.221723	-0.032149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173186.000000	177267.000000	200000.000000	121321.000000
-330.639740	-0.243602	-0.047152	-1.053381	-0.233387	3.010529	-0.446672	177254.000000	0.000000	0.019996	0.008685	-1.447109	0.138203	1.280457	-26955.382812	1786.701416	752130.250000	0.093774	0.000759	-2.030285	-0.029636	0.160829	-1.407577	0.221723	-0.032149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172422.000000	178511.000000	200000.000000	122085.000000
-330.644745	-0.236766	-0.045688	-1.063391	-0.223809	2.947740	-0.387076	177254.000000	0.000000	0.019996	0.008685	-1.557344	0.143712	1.280457	-25941.386719	1243.089966	726177.125000	0.101969	0.000307	-2.030285	-0.029636	0.160829	-1.407577	0.221723	-0.032149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171952.000000	180069.000000	200000.000000	122555.000000
-330.649750	-0.228221	-0.044467	-1.073889	-0.209974	2.877501	-0.324286	179000.000000	0.000000	0.019996	0.008685	-1.662985	0.147003	1.280457	-24778.914062	482.793732	698833.625000	0.109851	-0.000081	-2.030285	-0.029636	0.160829	-1.407577	0.221723	-0.032149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173296.000000	183738.000000	200000.000000	124703.000000
-330.654755	-0.218455	-0.043002	-1.083654	-0.194010	2.799813	-0.259369	179000.000000	0.000000	0.019996	0.008685	-1.763073	0.148653	1.280457	-23452.212891	2.302975	670563.250000	0.117403	-0.000393	-2.030285	-0.029636	0.160829	-1.407577	0.221723	-0.032149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172449.000000	185545.000000	200000.000000	125550.000000
-330.659760	-0.206492	-0.041537	-1.092932	-0.175918	2.712546	-0.192322	179000.000000	0.000000	0.019996	0.008685	-1.857897	0.148254	1.280457	-21855.052734	-541.946289	641365.937500	0.124620	-0.000613	-2.030285	-0.029636	0.160829	-1.407577	0.221723	-0.032149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171396.000000	187686.000000	200000.000000	126603.000000
-330.664764	-0.194285	-0.040072	-1.100744	-0.155698	2.617830	-0.125276	179000.000000	0.000000	0.018187	0.008827	-2.045356	0.153419	1.301137	-31648.275391	-233.501755	621174.437500	0.131468	-0.000725	-2.038239	-0.024322	0.157884	-1.403675	0.255543	-0.040104	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179233.000000	179233.000000	200000.000000	118766.000000
-330.669769	-0.181102	-0.037875	-1.106115	-0.136542	2.515664	-0.057166	180318.000000	0.000000	0.009917	0.006565	-2.509000	0.019884	1.315713	-62860.156250	-16069.688477	597861.250000	0.137926	-0.000742	-2.043845	-0.018543	0.152766	-1.391295	0.330084	-0.054688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196387.000000	196387.000000	200000.000000	104248.000000
-330.674774	-0.166453	-0.034945	-1.110998	-0.117386	2.404985	0.008816	180318.000000	0.000000	0.009917	0.006565	-2.253209	0.105975	1.315713	18867.882812	8387.353516	569127.437500	0.143984	-0.000676	-2.043845	-0.018543	0.152766	-1.391295	0.330084	-0.054688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123062.000000	200000.000000	199837.000000	177573.000000
-330.679779	-0.151561	-0.031527	-1.115393	-0.100358	2.288984	0.074798	180318.000000	0.000000	0.009917	0.006565	-2.321164	0.101271	1.315713	-15923.791992	-1462.016846	540393.625000	0.149625	-0.000542	-2.043845	-0.018543	0.152766	-1.391295	0.330084	-0.054688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167703.000000	195856.000000	200000.000000	132932.000000
-330.684784	-0.136424	-0.029086	-1.120520	-0.085459	2.168727	0.138652	180318.000000	0.000000	0.009917	0.006565	-2.382442	0.095137	1.315713	-14450.167969	-1482.009399	512586.656250	0.154841	-0.000334	-2.043845	-0.018543	0.152766	-1.391295	0.330084	-0.054688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166250.000000	197349.000000	200000.000000	134385.000000
-330.689789	-0.121287	-0.026645	-1.123693	-0.072688	2.044212	0.201441	181296.000000	0.000000	0.009917	0.006565	-2.436374	0.088343	1.315713	-12849.793945	-1410.552856	485243.187500	0.159616	-0.000058	-2.043845	-0.018543	0.152766	-1.391295	0.330084	-0.054688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165556.000000	199856.000000	200000.000000	137035.000000
-330.694794	-0.106395	-0.024936	-1.125158	-0.063110	1.915441	0.261038	181296.000000	0.000000	0.009917	0.006565	-2.482570	0.080719	1.315713	-11151.183594	-1229.831299	459290.031250	0.163928	0.000281	-2.043845	-0.018543	0.152766	-1.391295	0.330084	-0.054688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163677.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	138914.000000
-330.699799	-0.092234	-0.022982	-1.127111	-0.055661	1.784541	0.319570	181296.000000	0.000000	0.009917	0.006565	-2.521080	0.072965	1.315713	-9647.034180	-1079.994873	433800.343750	0.167764	0.000668	-2.043845	-0.018543	0.152766	-1.391295	0.330084	-0.054688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162023.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	140568.000000
-330.704803	-0.078318	-0.020053	-1.128088	-0.051404	1.651513	0.375974	181296.000000	0.000000	0.008037	0.008487	-2.655467	0.172019	1.310155	-19961.453125	11451.209961	406816.906250	0.171117	0.001070	-2.041707	-0.014717	0.145824	-1.380187	0.385475	-0.072192	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159806.000000	179883.000000	200000.000000	142785.000000
-330.709808	-0.063426	-0.016146	-1.127600	-0.050340	1.518485	0.430250	181296.000000	0.000000	-0.019947	-0.004578	-4.144038	-0.628202	1.270546	-175097.750000	-90764.320312	365932.093750	0.174012	0.001454	-2.026473	-0.022130	0.147398	-1.376531	0.399122	-0.067075	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-330.714813	-0.048045	-0.009555	-1.126379	-0.052468	1.385457	0.481333	181743.000000	0.000000	0.016020	0.013167	-1.066785	0.868744	1.280894	341709.500000	169069.843750	348193.062500	0.176467	0.001754	-2.030453	-0.017579	0.143078	-1.372556	0.409848	-0.065879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-330.719818	-0.032908	-0.002963	-1.125402	-0.057789	1.252429	0.531351	181743.000000	0.000000	0.016020	0.013167	-2.517821	0.160173	1.280894	-162266.093750	-76323.906250	326410.968750	0.178488	0.001954	-2.030453	-0.017579	0.143078	-1.372556	0.409848	-0.065879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-330.724823	-0.018260	0.004117	-1.124670	-0.065239	1.120464	0.578177	181743.000000	0.000000	0.016020	0.013167	-2.524584	0.163734	1.280894	-3000.562256	2263.969727	306019.218750	0.180081	0.002036	-2.030453	-0.017579	0.143078	-1.372556	0.409848	-0.065879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152479.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	151006.000000
-330.729828	-0.004100	0.010465	-1.122961	-0.073753	0.988501	0.621810	181743.000000	0.000000	0.016020	0.013167	-2.524952	0.168733	1.280894	-1692.182129	2601.295410	287017.812500	0.181245	0.002004	-2.030453	-0.017579	0.143078	-1.372556	0.409848	-0.065879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150833.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	152652.000000
-330.734833	0.009572	0.016080	-1.121740	-0.083331	0.857601	0.663315	182325.000000	0.000000	0.016020	0.013167	-2.519241	0.175035	1.280894	-512.321777	2934.575684	268943.312500	0.181988	0.001866	-2.030453	-0.017579	0.143078	-1.372556	0.409848	-0.065879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149902.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154747.000000
-330.739838	0.023000	0.021207	-1.121008	-0.093973	0.727765	0.702691	182325.000000	0.000000	0.016020	0.013167	-2.507755	0.182781	1.280894	655.848633	3294.935059	251795.687500	0.182320	0.001625	-2.030453	-0.017579	0.143078	-1.372556	0.409848	-0.065879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148374.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156275.000000
-330.744843	0.036672	0.026090	-1.119055	-0.104615	0.598994	0.738875	182325.000000	0.000000	0.016020	0.013167	-2.491111	0.191984	1.280894	1777.954956	3546.917969	236038.421875	0.182258	0.001282	-2.030453	-0.017579	0.143078	-1.372556	0.409848	-0.065879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	157649.000000
-330.749847	0.049611	0.030240	-1.116369	-0.116322	0.472351	0.773995	182325.000000	0.000000	0.016020	0.013167	-2.469015	0.202316	1.280894	2824.467529	3888.984619	220744.593750	0.181812	0.000845	-2.030453	-0.017579	0.143078	-1.372556	0.409848	-0.065879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145611.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159038.000000
-330.754852	0.061330	0.033170	-1.114416	-0.126964	0.345708	0.805921	182325.000000	0.000000	-0.016450	-0.001727	-4.225684	-0.606247	1.243950	-200259.609375	-89940.906250	190752.718750	0.180966	0.000338	-2.016244	-0.023821	0.143719	-1.369376	0.422714	-0.056818	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-330.759857	0.071828	0.034635	-1.113195	-0.137606	0.221194	0.835720	183376.000000	0.000000	-0.009150	0.003424	-2.491216	0.282615	1.147005	191929.203125	100838.882812	135558.687500	0.179717	-0.000214	-1.978958	-0.036902	0.141881	-1.360019	0.426448	-0.045025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-330.764862	0.081105	0.034391	-1.111730	-0.148248	0.096679	0.864454	183376.000000	0.000000	-0.009150	0.003424	-2.741532	0.085883	1.147005	-26888.423828	-19384.580078	123045.570312	0.178054	-0.000784	-1.978958	-0.036902	0.141881	-1.360019	0.426448	-0.045025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199649.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	107102.000000
-330.769867	0.088186	0.033414	-1.110510	-0.158891	-0.026771	0.891059	183376.000000	0.000000	-0.009150	0.003424	-2.692328	0.094832	1.147005	6722.762207	3321.298584	111459.359375	0.175949	-0.001361	-1.978958	-0.036902	0.141881	-1.360019	0.426448	-0.045025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143331.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163420.000000
-330.774872	0.093801	0.031949	-1.108801	-0.169533	-0.148092	0.915537	183376.000000	0.000000	-0.009150	0.003424	-2.636186	0.103650	1.147005	8068.005859	3396.331055	100800.031250	0.173397	-0.001941	-1.978958	-0.036902	0.141881	-1.360019	0.426448	-0.045025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141911.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164840.000000
-330.779877	0.096975	0.029508	-1.106848	-0.179111	-0.269414	0.937885	184087.000000	0.000000	-0.009150	0.003424	-2.571471	0.111503	1.147005	9866.427734	3253.545410	91067.593750	0.170365	-0.002505	-1.978958	-0.036902	0.141881	-1.360019	0.426448	-0.045025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140967.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	167206.000000
-330.784882	0.098928	0.026578	-1.106604	-0.188689	-0.387543	0.958106	184087.000000	0.000000	-0.009150	0.003424	-2.499588	0.118867	1.147005	11177.534180	3277.622314	82262.070312	0.166852	-0.003049	-1.978958	-0.036902	0.141881	-1.360019	0.426448	-0.045025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139631.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	168542.000000
-330.789886	0.100637	0.023893	-1.107580	-0.198267	-0.502480	0.977262	184087.000000	0.000000	-0.009150	0.003424	-2.421543	0.126375	1.147005	12391.826172	3372.038574	73919.968750	0.162879	-0.003582	-1.978958	-0.036902	0.141881	-1.360019	0.426448	-0.045025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138323.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	169850.000000
-330.794891	0.102346	0.020475	-1.109777	-0.205717	-0.613159	0.993225	184087.000000	0.000000	-0.001919	0.008328	-1.940522	0.402361	1.042015	58955.078125	33962.562500	21247.121094	0.158472	-0.004084	-1.938577	-0.045774	0.133953	-1.349511	0.404186	-0.038474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102839.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-330.799896	0.103811	0.017301	-1.112707	-0.212102	-0.717453	1.008124	184691.000000	0.000000	-0.001919	0.008328	-2.141612	0.212334	1.042015	-17194.373047	-18240.060547	14758.819336	0.153666	-0.004560	-1.938577	-0.045774	0.133953	-1.349511	0.404186	-0.038474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	198404.000000	134497.000000
-330.804901	0.106496	0.013883	-1.115881	-0.215295	-0.814298	1.020895	184691.000000	0.000000	-0.001919	0.008328	-2.051194	0.217178	1.042015	14905.039062	2873.207520	9197.456055	0.148527	-0.004994	-1.938577	-0.045774	0.133953	-1.349511	0.404186	-0.038474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157715.000000	200000.000000	181856.000000	193271.000000
-330.809906	0.109182	0.011197	-1.119787	-0.216359	-0.904757	1.031537	184691.000000	0.000000	-0.001919	0.008328	-1.957770	0.221811	1.042015	15375.150391	2642.030518	4562.951172	0.143091	-0.005393	-1.938577	-0.045774	0.133953	-1.349511	0.404186	-0.038474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162110.000000	200000.000000	176520.000000	198145.000000
-330.814911	0.111379	0.009244	-1.122717	-0.214230	-0.985638	1.041115	184691.000000	0.000000	-0.001919	0.008328	-1.862383	0.226009	1.042015	15348.723633	2252.693359	391.928467	0.137403	-0.005761	-1.938577	-0.045774	0.133953	-1.349511	0.404186	-0.038474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166697.000000	198178.000000	171986.000000	200000.000000
-330.819916	0.114064	0.007535	-1.123205	-0.211038	-1.060134	1.047500	184691.000000	0.000000	-0.001919	0.008328	-1.765907	0.229950	1.042015	15552.822266	2110.803955	-2388.753418	0.131512	-0.006099	-1.938577	-0.045774	0.133953	-1.349511	0.404186	-0.038474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169416.000000	195744.000000	168860.000000	200000.000000
-330.824921	0.116750	0.005582	-1.123205	-0.205717	-1.125051	1.053886	185355.000000	0.000000	-0.001919	0.008328	-1.669233	0.232768	1.042015	15264.811523	1741.825317	-5169.487305	0.125469	-0.006397	-1.938577	-0.045774	0.133953	-1.349511	0.404186	-0.038474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173517.000000	193708.000000	166662.000000	200000.000000
-330.829926	0.119191	0.003141	-1.124182	-0.200396	-1.183584	1.057079	185355.000000	0.000000	-0.001919	0.008328	-1.571824	0.234712	1.042015	15360.772461	1630.182007	-6559.828125	0.119304	-0.006648	-1.938577	-0.045774	0.133953	-1.349511	0.404186	-0.038474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174923.000000	192525.000000	165064.000000	200000.000000
-330.834930	0.121389	-0.000521	-1.126135	-0.194010	-1.237859	1.060271	185355.000000	0.000000	-0.010039	0.003439	-1.919990	-0.034241	1.006087	-35452.859375	-29540.197266	-23596.275391	0.113032	-0.006829	-1.924758	-0.049753	0.132924	-1.347222	0.392045	-0.035886	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	161298.000000	162218.000000	149411.000000
-330.839935	0.122854	-0.005404	-1.127600	-0.187625	-1.287878	1.062400	185355.000000	0.000000	-0.007408	0.005457	-1.351278	0.270047	0.895703	67741.476562	34861.414062	-72593.078125	0.106665	-0.006921	-1.882303	-0.060762	0.129233	-1.340952	0.344035	-0.026895	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155355.000000	155355.000000	155355.000000	200000.000000
-330.844940	0.122365	-0.011264	-1.128576	-0.181239	-1.335768	1.065592	186117.000000	0.000000	-0.000310	0.009845	-0.964258	0.426266	0.869586	49529.972656	19269.671875	-85356.828125	0.100180	-0.006909	-1.872258	-0.061442	0.126103	-1.339080	0.330862	-0.024613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166847.000000	166847.000000	145386.000000	200000.000000
-330.849945	0.120412	-0.017855	-1.130041	-0.175918	-1.381530	1.067721	186117.000000	0.000000	-0.000310	0.009845	-1.143539	0.244666	0.869586	-13586.478516	-18618.437500	-86283.687500	0.093563	-0.006788	-1.872258	-0.061442	0.126103	-1.339080	0.330862	-0.024613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	161148.000000	151085.000000	183912.000000
-330.854950	0.116994	-0.024447	-1.131506	-0.171661	-1.424099	1.069849	186117.000000	0.000000	-0.000310	0.009845	-1.036614	0.237368	0.869586	18220.212891	611.001587	-87210.593750	0.086807	-0.006567	-1.872258	-0.061442	0.126103	-1.339080	0.330862	-0.024613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197285.000000	173726.000000	138507.000000	200000.000000
-330.859955	0.112600	-0.030307	-1.133947	-0.169533	-1.464540	1.074106	186117.000000	0.000000	-0.000310	0.009845	-0.927270	0.230001	0.869586	18941.093750	793.779907	-89064.421875	0.079905	-0.006273	-1.872258	-0.061442	0.126103	-1.339080	0.330862	-0.024613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196382.000000	174264.000000	137969.000000	200000.000000
-330.864960	0.106740	-0.035189	-1.137121	-0.168469	-1.501787	1.078363	186117.000000	0.000000	-0.000310	0.009845	-0.815290	0.222933	0.869586	19566.462891	906.287109	-90918.187500	0.072850	-0.005930	-1.872258	-0.061442	0.126103	-1.339080	0.330862	-0.024613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195644.000000	174777.000000	137456.000000	200000.000000
-330.869965	0.099660	-0.040316	-1.141760	-0.170597	-1.535843	1.083684	187143.000000	0.000000	-0.000310	0.009845	-0.700780	0.215922	0.869586	20180.130859	1241.008667	-93235.445312	0.065637	-0.005554	-1.872258	-0.061442	0.126103	-1.339080	0.330862	-0.024613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195721.000000	176082.000000	138203.000000	200000.000000
-330.874969	0.091604	-0.044467	-1.145666	-0.175918	-1.566705	1.090070	187143.000000	0.000000	-0.000310	0.009845	-0.584098	0.210291	0.869586	20746.720703	1742.553711	-96016.125000	0.058271	-0.005177	-1.872258	-0.061442	0.126103	-1.339080	0.330862	-0.024613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194653.000000	176147.000000	138138.000000	200000.000000
-330.879974	0.083791	-0.048129	-1.148840	-0.184432	-1.595439	1.097519	187143.000000	0.000000	0.007799	0.015220	-0.020248	0.501606	0.854247	72417.125000	36130.316406	-105940.312500	0.050769	-0.004826	-1.866358	-0.059430	0.121206	-1.337255	0.315124	-0.025509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157143.000000	157143.000000	157143.000000	200000.000000
-330.884979	0.076711	-0.051791	-1.152746	-0.196139	-1.620981	1.107097	187143.000000	0.000000	-0.000906	0.009912	-0.704880	-0.008114	0.755340	-68256.968750	-53894.710938	-153183.171875	0.043161	-0.004518	-1.828317	-0.063913	0.113294	-1.332991	0.262134	-0.011856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	157143.000000	157143.000000	157143.000000
-330.889984	0.069143	-0.053988	-1.156164	-0.212102	-1.643329	1.116675	187765.000000	0.000000	-0.000906	0.009912	-0.237599	0.204343	0.755340	60304.093750	27031.884766	-157354.187500	0.035461	-0.004297	-1.828317	-0.063913	0.113294	-1.332991	0.262134	-0.011856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160733.000000	160733.000000	154796.000000	200000.000000
-330.894989	0.061330	-0.056430	-1.159582	-0.229130	-1.663550	1.126253	187765.000000	0.000000	-0.000906	0.009912	-0.117477	0.205944	0.755340	22543.437500	4049.611084	-161525.265625	0.027676	-0.004166	-1.828317	-0.063913	0.113294	-1.332991	0.262134	-0.011856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191171.000000	176258.000000	139271.000000	200000.000000
-330.899994	0.052785	-0.058871	-1.163244	-0.249350	-1.681642	1.136895	187765.000000	0.000000	-0.000906	0.009912	0.003871	0.209723	0.755340	23085.587891	4750.620117	-166159.718750	0.019808	-0.004140	-1.828317	-0.063913	0.113294	-1.332991	0.262134	-0.011856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189928.000000	176099.000000	139430.000000	200000.000000
-330.904999	0.042043	-0.063266	-1.167395	-0.269570	-1.698669	1.147538	187765.000000	0.000000	-0.000906	0.009912	0.128095	0.213225	0.755340	23934.619141	4829.226562	-170794.234375	0.011828	-0.004184	-1.828317	-0.063913	0.113294	-1.332991	0.262134	-0.011856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189001.000000	176870.000000	138659.000000	200000.000000
-330.910004	0.030324	-0.068881	-1.170812	-0.289790	-1.714633	1.160308	188567.000000	0.000000	-0.000906	0.009912	0.254407	0.216634	0.755340	24701.541016	4927.746582	-176355.640625	0.003727	-0.004279	-1.828317	-0.063913	0.113294	-1.332991	0.262134	-0.011856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188937.000000	178340.000000	138793.000000	200000.000000
-330.915009	0.018361	-0.074252	-1.174230	-0.311075	-1.730596	1.175208	188567.000000	0.000000	-0.000906	0.009912	0.382532	0.221378	0.755340	25563.796875	5311.317383	-182843.921875	-0.004494	-0.004433	-1.828317	-0.063913	0.113294	-1.332991	0.262134	-0.011856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187691.000000	178819.000000	138314.000000	200000.000000
-330.920013	0.008352	-0.077914	-1.176672	-0.333424	-1.745495	1.191171	188567.000000	0.000000	-0.000906	0.009912	0.510099	0.228907	0.755340	26043.861328	5872.588379	-189795.625000	-0.012791	-0.004683	-1.828317	-0.063913	0.113294	-1.332991	0.262134	-0.011856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186650.000000	178738.000000	138395.000000	200000.000000
-330.925018	-0.000437	-0.080844	-1.179602	-0.355772	-1.759330	1.209263	188567.000000	0.000000	-0.000906	0.009912	0.637279	0.238620	0.755340	26529.916016	6259.555176	-197674.296875	-0.021139	-0.005041	-1.828317	-0.063913	0.113294	-1.332991	0.262134	-0.011856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185777.000000	178837.000000	138296.000000	200000.000000
-330.930023	-0.007029	-0.083041	-1.183752	-0.377057	-1.773165	1.227355	188567.000000	0.000000	0.004388	0.013702	1.054111	0.458808	0.630413	60359.863281	30396.357422	-259956.265625	-0.029496	-0.005516	-1.780268	-0.064096	0.098887	-1.329551	0.189311	-0.012669	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158567.000000	158567.000000	158567.000000	200000.000000
-330.935028	-0.012400	-0.085238	-1.188146	-0.397277	-1.787000	1.246511	189283.000000	0.000000	0.001319	0.011422	0.798291	0.195153	0.594931	-14715.419922	-24041.898438	-283750.093750	-0.037841	-0.006102	-1.766621	-0.064222	0.095385	-1.329063	0.171560	-0.014780	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	168609.000000	149956.000000	180525.000000
-330.940033	-0.017039	-0.087436	-1.192785	-0.414305	-1.801899	1.264603	189283.000000	0.000000	0.001319	0.011422	1.045019	0.300385	0.594931	41863.289062	16730.787109	-291628.718750	-0.046164	-0.006785	-1.766621	-0.064222	0.095385	-1.329063	0.171560	-0.014780	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172552.000000	172552.000000	146013.000000	200000.000000
-330.945038	-0.021434	-0.089389	-1.197668	-0.430268	-1.817862	1.281630	189283.000000	0.000000	0.001319	0.011422	1.168704	0.315815	0.594931	29093.460938	6883.847168	-299043.906250	-0.054465	-0.007562	-1.766621	-0.064222	0.095385	-1.329063	0.171560	-0.014780	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183305.000000	181492.000000	137073.000000	200000.000000
-330.950043	-0.024363	-0.090365	-1.201086	-0.443039	-1.833826	1.296529	189283.000000	0.000000	0.001319	0.011422	1.290721	0.332545	0.594931	29544.669922	6811.513184	-305532.187500	-0.062722	-0.008431	-1.766621	-0.064222	0.095385	-1.329063	0.171560	-0.014780	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182926.000000	182016.000000	136549.000000	200000.000000
-330.955048	-0.027537	-0.091098	-1.203771	-0.454745	-1.849789	1.310364	190051.000000	0.000000	0.001319	0.011422	1.412289	0.350494	0.594931	30127.886719	6964.873535	-311557.031250	-0.070936	-0.009389	-1.766621	-0.064222	0.095385	-1.329063	0.171560	-0.014780	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183086.000000	183086.000000	137015.000000	200000.000000
-330.960052	-0.031199	-0.091586	-1.205969	-0.462195	-1.865753	1.322071	190051.000000	0.000000	0.001319	0.011422	1.533689	0.368749	0.594931	30741.419922	6648.687500	-316654.968750	-0.079118	-0.010418	-1.766621	-0.064222	0.095385	-1.329063	0.171560	-0.014780	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183402.000000	183402.000000	136699.000000	200000.000000
-330.965057	-0.037059	-0.090609	-1.208166	-0.468580	-1.880652	1.332713	190051.000000	0.000000	0.001319	0.011422	1.656295	0.389061	0.594931	31389.476562	6880.691895	-321289.468750	-0.087298	-0.011536	-1.766621	-0.064222	0.095385	-1.329063	0.171560	-0.014780	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183170.000000	183170.000000	136931.000000	200000.000000
-330.970062	-0.044383	-0.091586	-1.209631	-0.471773	-1.897679	1.341227	190051.000000	0.000000	0.005288	0.014074	1.998982	0.553731	0.529326	57477.457031	23174.781250	-353566.562500	-0.095509	-0.012692	-1.741389	-0.062480	0.087150	-1.328836	0.135795	-0.020124	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166876.000000	166876.000000	153225.000000	200000.000000
-330.975067	-0.053416	-0.092074	-1.211096	-0.473902	-1.915771	1.349741	190051.000000	0.000000	0.004668	0.012956	1.932878	0.405939	0.458102	12424.543945	-11969.245117	-388290.625000	-0.103784	-0.013890	-1.713995	-0.061167	0.079736	-1.329254	0.092935	-0.023783	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	184444.000000	135657.000000	200000.000000
-330.980072	-0.063182	-0.092074	-1.212805	-0.473902	-1.933863	1.356126	190323.000000	0.000000	0.004668	0.012956	2.085834	0.470764	0.458102	37298.300781	11473.367188	-391071.281250	-0.112133	-0.015128	-1.713995	-0.061167	0.079736	-1.329254	0.092935	-0.023783	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178849.000000	178849.000000	141796.000000	200000.000000
-330.985077	-0.073924	-0.092562	-1.213781	-0.471773	-1.953019	1.361447	190323.000000	0.000000	0.005810	0.013340	2.278950	0.511580	0.424201	42807.656250	8777.315430	-408151.906250	-0.120575	-0.016387	-1.700956	-0.059821	0.075695	-1.329855	0.072278	-0.024772	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181545.000000	181545.000000	139100.000000	200000.000000
-330.990082	-0.085154	-0.092807	-1.214514	-0.468580	-1.970047	1.367832	190323.000000	0.000000	0.005810	0.013340	2.364800	0.516236	0.424201	31252.378906	4691.042480	-410932.593750	-0.129105	-0.017666	-1.700956	-0.059821	0.075695	-1.329855	0.072278	-0.024772	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185631.000000	185631.000000	135014.000000	200000.000000
-330.995087	-0.096385	-0.091586	-1.214270	-0.465388	-1.987074	1.373154	190323.000000	0.000000	0.005810	0.013340	2.497526	0.537820	0.424201	37098.664062	6637.446777	-413249.843750	-0.137721	-0.018988	-1.700956	-0.059821	0.075695	-1.329855	0.072278	-0.024772	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183685.000000	183685.000000	136960.000000	200000.000000
-331.000092	-0.106395	-0.088656	-1.214270	-0.460067	-2.001973	1.377410	190451.000000	0.000000	0.005810	0.013340	2.629810	0.561074	0.424201	37489.964844	6669.018555	-415103.625000	-0.146394	-0.020373	-1.700956	-0.059821	0.075695	-1.329855	0.072278	-0.024772	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183781.000000	183781.000000	137120.000000	200000.000000
-331.005096	-0.116160	-0.084018	-1.215246	-0.454745	-2.013680	1.382732	190451.000000	0.000000	0.005810	0.013340	2.761613	0.586850	0.424201	37749.199219	7040.897461	-417420.875000	-0.155096	-0.021849	-1.700956	-0.059821	0.075695	-1.329855	0.072278	-0.024772	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183410.000000	183410.000000	137491.000000	200000.000000
-331.010101	-0.124705	-0.079867	-1.216467	-0.448360	-2.023258	1.385924	190451.000000	0.000000	0.005810	0.013340	2.892166	0.613189	0.424201	38019.207031	7077.195312	-418811.218750	-0.163800	-0.023401	-1.700956	-0.059821	0.075695	-1.329855	0.072278	-0.024772	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183373.000000	183373.000000	137528.000000	200000.000000
-331.015106	-0.132762	-0.077182	-1.218176	-0.439846	-2.030708	1.388053	190451.000000	0.000000	0.005810	0.013340	3.021588	0.638702	0.424201	38290.425781	6830.479980	-419738.125000	-0.172483	-0.024994	-1.700956	-0.059821	0.075695	-1.329855	0.072278	-0.024772	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183620.000000	183620.000000	137281.000000	200000.000000
-331.020111	-0.141062	-0.076937	-1.219396	-0.431332	-2.034964	1.390181	190438.000000	0.000000	0.005810	0.013340	3.150028	0.662572	0.424201	38444.691406	6720.827148	-420665.031250	-0.181132	-0.026586	-1.700956	-0.059821	0.075695	-1.329855	0.072278	-0.024772	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183717.000000	183717.000000	137158.000000	200000.000000
-331.025116	-0.149607	-0.078158	-1.219396	-0.420690	-2.037093	1.390181	190438.000000	0.000000	0.005396	0.012716	3.255090	0.650090	0.388152	36130.207031	2382.922119	-436363.781250	-0.189748	-0.028142	-1.687091	-0.058619	0.071881	-1.330656	0.051227	-0.028172	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188055.000000	188055.000000	132820.000000	200000.000000
-331.030121	-0.157664	-0.079379	-1.218664	-0.408984	-2.036029	1.389117	190438.000000	0.000000	0.007357	0.013181	3.505502	0.721647	0.274190	52908.386719	11781.842773	-485528.437500	-0.198305	-0.029655	-1.643259	-0.055030	0.061509	-1.334246	-0.012194	-0.037545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178656.000000	178656.000000	142219.000000	200000.000000
-331.035126	-0.164500	-0.079623	-1.215734	-0.396213	-2.032836	1.386989	190438.000000	0.000000	0.007357	0.013181	3.551030	0.723800	0.274190	30340.771484	3984.596191	-484601.531250	-0.206782	-0.031133	-1.643259	-0.055030	0.061509	-1.334246	-0.012194	-0.037545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186453.000000	186453.000000	134422.000000	200000.000000
-331.040131	-0.171092	-0.078891	-1.212072	-0.384507	-2.026451	1.384860	190438.000000	0.000000	0.007357	0.013181	3.672844	0.745139	0.274190	38911.437500	6255.740234	-483674.625000	-0.215161	-0.032596	-1.643259	-0.055030	0.061509	-1.334246	-0.012194	-0.037545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184182.000000	184182.000000	136693.000000	200000.000000
-331.045135	-0.176707	-0.078646	-1.207922	-0.371736	-2.019001	1.380603	190437.000000	0.000000	0.007357	0.013181	3.792329	0.765405	0.274190	39051.042969	6054.949707	-481820.843750	-0.223428	-0.034028	-1.643259	-0.055030	0.061509	-1.334246	-0.012194	-0.037545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184382.000000	184382.000000	136491.000000	200000.000000
-331.050140	-0.182566	-0.078891	-1.204992	-0.358965	-2.012616	1.375282	190437.000000	0.000000	0.007357	0.013181	3.910614	0.784751	0.274190	39550.863281	5984.126465	-479503.593750	-0.231591	-0.035421	-1.643259	-0.055030	0.061509	-1.334246	-0.012194	-0.037545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184452.000000	184452.000000	136421.000000	200000.000000
-331.055145	-0.187693	-0.078158	-1.200598	-0.345130	-2.006230	1.371025	190437.000000	0.000000	0.007357	0.013181	4.027038	0.804078	0.274190	39852.492188	5890.252441	-477649.781250	-0.239645	-0.036786	-1.643259	-0.055030	0.061509	-1.334246	-0.012194	-0.037545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184546.000000	184546.000000	136327.000000	200000.000000
-331.060150	-0.192576	-0.076205	-1.195715	-0.331295	-2.001973	1.365704	190437.000000	0.000000	0.007357	0.013181	4.142431	0.823975	0.274190	40484.304688	5980.800781	-475332.531250	-0.247600	-0.038141	-1.643259	-0.055030	0.061509	-1.334246	-0.012194	-0.037545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184456.000000	184456.000000	136417.000000	200000.000000
-331.065155	-0.196727	-0.072787	-1.189855	-0.319589	-1.999845	1.359319	190428.000000	0.000000	0.007357	0.013181	4.256582	0.845473	0.274190	41097.121094	6435.885742	-472551.843750	-0.255461	-0.039516	-1.643259	-0.055030	0.061509	-1.334246	-0.012194	-0.037545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183992.000000	183992.000000	136863.000000	200000.000000
-331.070160	-0.199656	-0.069125	-1.184729	-0.307882	-1.999845	1.353997	190428.000000	0.000000	0.010036	0.013209	4.516130	0.869129	0.120351	58512.375000	6728.143555	-537228.250000	-0.263219	-0.040919	-1.584091	-0.048106	0.048830	-1.342132	-0.093321	-0.048869	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183699.000000	183699.000000	137156.000000	200000.000000
-331.075165	-0.201365	-0.064730	-1.180090	-0.296176	-2.000909	1.347612	190428.000000	0.000000	0.010878	0.012689	4.565245	0.862480	0.086575	35721.773438	3311.578613	-549156.500000	-0.270859	-0.042359	-1.571100	-0.045148	0.045162	-1.344587	-0.110643	-0.052252	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187116.000000	187116.000000	133739.000000	200000.000000
-331.080170	-0.202830	-0.061557	-1.174963	-0.285534	-2.005166	1.342291	190428.000000	0.000000	0.010878	0.012689	4.640582	0.906098	0.086575	39322.316406	9107.317383	-546839.250000	-0.278398	-0.043821	-1.571100	-0.045148	0.045162	-1.344587	-0.110643	-0.052252	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181320.000000	181320.000000	139535.000000	200000.000000
-331.085175	-0.204539	-0.059359	-1.169836	-0.275956	-2.010487	1.336970	190428.000000	0.000000	0.010878	0.012689	4.748687	0.928595	0.086575	43564.109375	6961.504883	-544522.000000	-0.285847	-0.045293	-1.571100	-0.045148	0.045162	-1.344587	-0.110643	-0.052252	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183466.000000	183466.000000	137389.000000	200000.000000
-331.090179	-0.206492	-0.057650	-1.163977	-0.267442	-2.017937	1.331649	191037.000000	0.000000	0.010878	0.012689	4.856416	0.951005	0.086575	44289.050781	7133.172852	-542204.750000	-0.293221	-0.046771	-1.571100	-0.045148	0.045162	-1.344587	-0.110643	-0.052252	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183903.000000	183903.000000	138170.000000	200000.000000
-331.095184	-0.207957	-0.055697	-1.158850	-0.258928	-2.025386	1.327392	191037.000000	0.000000	0.010878	0.012689	4.962613	0.973852	0.086575	44643.429688	7247.052246	-540351.000000	-0.300515	-0.048261	-1.571100	-0.045148	0.045162	-1.344587	-0.110643	-0.052252	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183789.000000	183789.000000	138284.000000	200000.000000
-331.100189	-0.208689	-0.053744	-1.152258	-0.251478	-2.032836	1.322071	191037.000000	0.000000	0.010878	0.012689	5.067336	0.997017	0.086575	44994.906250	7471.144043	-538033.750000	-0.307725	-0.049767	-1.571100	-0.045148	0.045162	-1.344587	-0.110643	-0.052252	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183565.000000	183565.000000	138508.000000	200000.000000
-331.105194	-0.208689	-0.050326	-1.146154	-0.245093	-2.040286	1.317814	191037.000000	0.000000	0.010878	0.012689	5.170091	1.022130	0.086575	45285.386719	7888.364258	-536180.000000	-0.314837	-0.051318	-1.571100	-0.045148	0.045162	-1.344587	-0.110643	-0.052252	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183148.000000	183148.000000	138925.000000	200000.000000
-331.110199	-0.207469	-0.045199	-1.139807	-0.238708	-2.046671	1.314621	191362.000000	0.000000	0.011185	0.011097	5.286937	0.962062	-0.024295	47284.601562	-1783.408569	-583071.062500	-0.321828	-0.052945	-1.528458	-0.038018	0.037268	-1.352799	-0.169765	-0.061141	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193145.000000	193145.000000	129578.000000	200000.000000
-331.115204	-0.205760	-0.038852	-1.131018	-0.231258	-2.053056	1.310364	191362.000000	0.000000	0.010851	0.009702	5.354607	0.978262	-0.057838	42218.066406	6525.973145	-595824.875000	-0.328698	-0.054661	-1.515556	-0.035122	0.034651	-1.355895	-0.187320	-0.065557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184836.000000	184836.000000	137887.000000	200000.000000
-331.120209	-0.204051	-0.030795	-1.123449	-0.223809	-2.059442	1.306107	191362.000000	0.000000	0.010851	0.009702	5.464299	1.066240	-0.057838	47372.582031	14788.782227	-593971.125000	-0.335447	-0.056494	-1.515556	-0.035122	0.034651	-1.355895	-0.187320	-0.065557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176573.000000	176573.000000	146150.000000	200000.000000
-331.125214	-0.202586	-0.021029	-1.114660	-0.216359	-2.066891	1.300786	191362.000000	0.000000	0.009255	0.007396	5.471877	0.974903	-0.093865	36330.777344	-5382.318848	-607342.625000	-0.342088	-0.058472	-1.501700	-0.032770	0.032813	-1.358996	-0.207087	-0.071042	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196744.000000	196744.000000	125979.000000	200000.000000
-331.130219	-0.200877	-0.013705	-1.105627	-0.206781	-2.074341	1.295465	191261.000000	0.000000	0.009255	0.007396	5.629317	1.101798	-0.093865	53567.410156	18919.193359	-605025.375000	-0.348621	-0.060542	-1.501700	-0.032770	0.032813	-1.358996	-0.207087	-0.071042	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172341.000000	172341.000000	150180.000000	200000.000000
-331.135223	-0.200145	-0.008822	-1.095617	-0.198267	-2.083919	1.289080	191261.000000	0.000000	0.009255	0.007396	5.723074	1.135617	-0.093865	47274.464844	8918.304688	-602244.687500	-0.355076	-0.062661	-1.501700	-0.032770	0.032813	-1.358996	-0.207087	-0.071042	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182342.000000	182342.000000	140179.000000	200000.000000
-331.140228	-0.199900	-0.006625	-1.084631	-0.184432	-2.093497	1.281630	191261.000000	0.000000	0.009255	0.007396	5.816432	1.165990	-0.093865	47704.031250	8030.395508	-599000.500000	-0.361468	-0.064755	-1.501700	-0.032770	0.032813	-1.358996	-0.207087	-0.071042	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183230.000000	183230.000000	139291.000000	200000.000000
-331.145233	-0.201854	-0.006381	-1.075598	-0.170597	-2.104139	1.273116	191261.000000	0.000000	0.009255	0.007396	5.911076	1.193964	-0.093865	48446.937500	7831.641602	-595292.937500	-0.367838	-0.066787	-1.501700	-0.032770	0.032813	-1.358996	-0.207087	-0.071042	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183429.000000	183429.000000	139092.000000	200000.000000
-331.150238	-0.203318	-0.008090	-1.065588	-0.151441	-2.115846	1.264603	191261.000000	0.000000	0.009255	0.007396	6.005475	1.217641	-0.093865	49024.976562	6794.897461	-591585.312500	-0.374187	-0.068695	-1.501700	-0.032770	0.032813	-1.358996	-0.207087	-0.071042	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184466.000000	184466.000000	138055.000000	200000.000000
-331.155243	-0.204539	-0.011508	-1.056066	-0.129092	-2.129680	1.256089	191262.000000	0.000000	0.009255	0.007396	6.099924	1.236949	-0.093865	49762.675781	5949.414551	-587877.750000	-0.380521	-0.070433	-1.501700	-0.032770	0.032813	-1.358996	-0.207087	-0.071042	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185312.000000	185312.000000	137211.000000	200000.000000
-331.160248	-0.206248	-0.017855	-1.048498	-0.100358	-2.146708	1.248639	191262.000000	0.000000	0.009255	0.007396	6.195230	1.249235	-0.093865	50724.652344	4399.621094	-584633.625000	-0.386861	-0.071921	-1.501700	-0.032770	0.032813	-1.358996	-0.207087	-0.071042	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186862.000000	186862.000000	135661.000000	200000.000000
-331.165253	-0.208201	-0.026400	-1.043371	-0.068432	-2.167993	1.244382	191262.000000	0.000000	0.010061	0.005381	6.335898	1.144441	-0.247821	56925.546875	-9454.062500	-649824.875000	-0.393224	-0.073111	-1.442486	-0.026354	0.031027	-1.372218	-0.288948	-0.085371	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	121807.000000	200000.000000
-331.170258	-0.210154	-0.035189	-1.036779	-0.032248	-2.191406	1.241190	191262.000000	0.000000	0.010061	0.005381	6.401283	1.225417	-0.247821	49290.238281	10710.463867	-648434.500000	-0.399626	-0.073985	-1.442486	-0.026354	0.031027	-1.372218	-0.288948	-0.085371	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180551.000000	180551.000000	141972.000000	200000.000000
-331.175262	-0.211375	-0.043246	-1.029943	0.005000	-2.215883	1.239061	191040.000000	0.000000	0.010221	0.004765	6.507951	1.188030	-0.279205	54549.878906	-2764.650879	-661174.687500	-0.406062	-0.074556	-1.430415	-0.023729	0.030082	-1.375569	-0.305979	-0.085148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193804.000000	193804.000000	128275.000000	200000.000000
-331.180267	-0.211863	-0.048861	-1.024084	0.042248	-2.240360	1.239061	191040.000000	0.000000	0.010221	0.004765	6.599075	1.207633	-0.279205	53372.460938	3420.544189	-661174.687500	-0.412515	-0.074880	-1.430415	-0.023729	0.030082	-1.375569	-0.305979	-0.085148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187619.000000	187619.000000	134460.000000	200000.000000
-331.185272	-0.211619	-0.051059	-1.019689	0.078432	-2.262709	1.239061	191040.000000	0.000000	0.010221	0.004765	6.695326	1.203031	-0.279205	54247.699219	688.630920	-661174.687500	-0.418959	-0.075032	-1.430415	-0.023729	0.030082	-1.375569	-0.305979	-0.085148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190351.000000	190351.000000	131728.000000	200000.000000
-331.190277	-0.210398	-0.050570	-1.015539	0.112487	-2.279736	1.237997	191040.000000	0.000000	0.010221	0.004765	6.789065	1.199238	-0.279205	53895.941406	837.349854	-660711.312500	-0.425349	-0.075073	-1.430415	-0.023729	0.030082	-1.375569	-0.305979	-0.085148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190202.000000	190202.000000	131877.000000	200000.000000
-331.195282	-0.208445	-0.047885	-1.010656	0.144414	-2.293571	1.237997	191040.000000	0.000000	0.010221	0.004765	6.880573	1.196815	-0.279205	53786.511719	1063.397827	-660711.312500	-0.431660	-0.075059	-1.430415	-0.023729	0.030082	-1.375569	-0.305979	-0.085148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189976.000000	189976.000000	132103.000000	200000.000000
-331.200287	-0.205760	-0.044711	-1.006506	0.173148	-2.301021	1.236933	190923.000000	0.000000	0.010221	0.004765	6.968501	1.194892	-0.279205	53127.125000	1329.015991	-660247.812500	-0.437849	-0.075014	-1.430415	-0.023729	0.030082	-1.375569	-0.305979	-0.085148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189593.000000	189593.000000	132252.000000	200000.000000
-331.205292	-0.201609	-0.040561	-1.000891	0.197625	-2.302085	1.233740	190923.000000	0.000000	0.010221	0.004765	7.051699	1.194256	-0.279205	52294.324219	1822.667236	-658857.437500	-0.443862	-0.074970	-1.430415	-0.023729	0.030082	-1.375569	-0.305979	-0.085148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189100.000000	189100.000000	132745.000000	200000.000000
-331.210297	-0.195994	-0.036410	-0.994055	0.218909	-2.296764	1.229483	190923.000000	0.000000	0.006878	-0.000720	6.945669	0.892559	-0.392529	30269.044922	-32422.080078	-706354.000000	-0.449649	-0.074937	-1.386829	-0.021222	0.034112	-1.385505	-0.372982	-0.089801	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	100923.000000	200000.000000
-331.215302	-0.189158	-0.032260	-0.986730	0.235937	-2.283993	1.223098	190923.000000	0.000000	0.002673	-0.005935	6.919572	0.826121	-0.432601	38062.683594	-6462.730957	-721023.625000	-0.455158	-0.074930	-1.371417	-0.021129	0.036703	-1.388858	-0.393949	-0.090425	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197385.000000	197385.000000	124460.000000	200000.000000
-331.220306	-0.180613	-0.029086	-0.979162	0.247643	-2.264837	1.215648	190921.000000	0.000000	0.002673	-0.005935	7.151628	1.035940	-0.432601	66725.312500	25409.826172	-717779.500000	-0.460326	-0.074949	-1.371417	-0.021129	0.036703	-1.388858	-0.393949	-0.090425	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165511.000000	165511.000000	156330.000000	200000.000000
-331.225311	-0.170604	-0.026156	-0.970617	0.256157	-2.239296	1.203942	190921.000000	0.000000	0.002673	-0.005935	7.207597	1.037419	-0.432601	46801.445312	2820.327148	-712681.562500	-0.465102	-0.074989	-1.371417	-0.021129	0.036703	-1.388858	-0.393949	-0.090425	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188100.000000	188100.000000	133741.000000	200000.000000
-331.230316	-0.159617	-0.023959	-0.960852	0.261478	-2.208433	1.190107	190921.000000	0.000000	0.002673	-0.005935	7.255584	1.038692	-0.432601	45417.808594	3129.977295	-706656.687500	-0.469447	-0.075042	-1.371417	-0.021129	0.036703	-1.388858	-0.393949	-0.090425	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187791.000000	187791.000000	134050.000000	200000.000000
-331.235321	-0.147898	-0.022250	-0.950109	0.263607	-2.171185	1.173079	190921.000000	0.000000	0.002673	-0.005935	7.295182	1.039772	-0.432601	43803.683594	3455.036865	-699241.500000	-0.473328	-0.075099	-1.371417	-0.021129	0.036703	-1.388858	-0.393949	-0.090425	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187465.000000	187465.000000	134376.000000	200000.000000
-331.240326	-0.135691	-0.019320	-0.938635	0.264671	-2.127552	1.152859	190915.000000	0.000000	0.002673	-0.005935	7.325859	1.041869	-0.432601	42061.058594	3688.640625	-690436.000000	-0.476708	-0.075180	-1.371417	-0.021129	0.036703	-1.388858	-0.393949	-0.090425	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187226.000000	187226.000000	134603.000000	200000.000000
-331.245331	-0.122996	-0.016879	-0.925451	0.265735	-2.078598	1.128382	190915.000000	0.000000	0.002673	-0.005935	7.347580	1.042838	-0.432601	40366.031250	3564.229736	-679776.687500	-0.479561	-0.075255	-1.371417	-0.021129	0.036703	-1.388858	-0.393949	-0.090425	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187350.000000	187350.000000	134479.000000	200000.000000
-331.250336	-0.111521	-0.016635	-0.914465	0.267864	-2.024322	1.101776	190915.000000	0.000000	0.002673	-0.005935	7.361317	1.040325	-0.432601	38716.375000	3042.954834	-668190.437500	-0.481886	-0.075265	-1.371417	-0.021129	0.036703	-1.388858	-0.393949	-0.090425	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187872.000000	187872.000000	133957.000000	200000.000000
-331.255341	-0.100779	-0.019320	-0.903479	0.269992	-1.966854	1.071978	190915.000000	0.000000	0.001212	-0.008966	7.287083	0.865875	-0.555875	28083.828125	-16678.626953	-708897.125000	-0.483686	-0.075131	-1.324004	-0.024270	0.048779	-1.398292	-0.453870	-0.098686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	116152.000000	200000.000000
-331.260345	-0.091014	-0.024203	-0.892980	0.275313	-1.905129	1.040051	190915.000000	0.000000	0.000213	-0.009881	7.289284	0.922780	-0.592106	35749.230469	8650.277344	-710771.937500	-0.484973	-0.074778	-1.310068	-0.024980	0.052608	-1.401249	-0.472325	-0.102051	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182264.000000	182264.000000	139565.000000	200000.000000
-331.265350	-0.082957	-0.030551	-0.884191	0.282763	-1.841275	1.007060	190808.000000	0.000000	0.000213	-0.009881	7.321899	0.939362	-0.592106	38715.777344	4024.525391	-696405.000000	-0.485775	-0.074158	-1.310068	-0.024980	0.052608	-1.401249	-0.472325	-0.102051	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186783.000000	186783.000000	134832.000000	200000.000000
-331.270355	-0.076121	-0.036898	-0.874426	0.290212	-1.774229	0.973005	190808.000000	0.000000	0.000213	-0.009881	7.308493	0.914970	-0.592106	32934.234375	-627.335205	-681574.625000	-0.486115	-0.073263	-1.310068	-0.024980	0.052608	-1.401249	-0.472325	-0.102051	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191435.000000	191435.000000	130180.000000	200000.000000
-331.275360	-0.068553	-0.041049	-0.864416	0.295534	-1.703990	0.937885	190808.000000	0.000000	0.000213	-0.009881	7.286817	0.889476	-0.592106	31251.115234	-656.093079	-666280.812500	-0.485968	-0.072149	-1.310068	-0.024980	0.052608	-1.401249	-0.472325	-0.102051	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191464.000000	191464.000000	130151.000000	200000.000000
-331.280365	-0.061717	-0.042270	-0.854406	0.299791	-1.630559	0.901702	190808.000000	0.000000	0.000213	-0.009881	7.258318	0.864439	-0.592106	29681.007812	-623.763123	-650523.562500	-0.485342	-0.070884	-1.310068	-0.024980	0.052608	-1.401249	-0.472325	-0.102051	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191750.000000	191112.000000	130503.000000	200000.000000
-331.285370	-0.055369	-0.039096	-0.847082	0.301919	-1.551806	0.863389	190822.000000	0.000000	0.000213	-0.009881	7.222032	0.843155	-0.592106	27710.394531	-84.562569	-633839.375000	-0.484227	-0.069576	-1.310068	-0.024980	0.052608	-1.401249	-0.472325	-0.102051	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193196.000000	188616.000000	133027.000000	200000.000000
-331.290375	-0.050730	-0.032260	-0.841711	0.299791	-1.468796	0.822949	190822.000000	0.000000	-0.006966	-0.018571	6.785046	0.349116	-0.639394	-19208.908203	-53861.667969	-636821.250000	-0.482648	-0.068331	-1.291881	-0.028070	0.059302	-1.403684	-0.492925	-0.101020	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	171613.000000	150030.000000	171613.000000
-331.295380	-0.045115	-0.022250	-0.834387	0.294469	-1.382594	0.781444	190822.000000	0.000000	0.004782	-0.005522	7.667175	1.403554	-0.718554	129145.898438	121628.726562	-653219.062500	-0.480575	-0.067233	-1.261435	-0.027630	0.067673	-1.410406	-0.529314	-0.106239	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160822.000000	160822.000000	160822.000000	200000.000000
-331.300385	-0.038279	-0.011996	-0.827062	0.285956	-1.291071	0.738875	190822.000000	0.000000	0.004782	-0.005522	7.136541	0.874508	-0.718554	-29642.919922	-54528.378906	-634681.125000	-0.477960	-0.066303	-1.261435	-0.027630	0.067673	-1.410406	-0.529314	-0.106239	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	161179.000000	160464.000000	161179.000000
-331.305389	-0.030955	-0.003451	-0.820715	0.272121	-1.197419	0.696306	190822.000000	0.000000	0.005787	-0.002945	7.121766	1.010609	-0.736421	26343.638672	19886.781250	-623923.875000	-0.474784	-0.065524	-1.254563	-0.026480	0.069110	-1.412044	-0.537740	-0.106745	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174591.000000	167278.000000	154365.000000	200000.000000
-331.310394	-0.024852	0.003141	-0.816320	0.255093	-1.098446	0.653737	190818.000000	0.000000	0.005787	-0.002945	7.003810	0.902443	-0.736421	13417.697266	-7043.393555	-605385.937500	-0.471060	-0.064865	-1.254563	-0.026480	0.069110	-1.412044	-0.537740	-0.106745	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	181279.000000	140356.000000	200000.000000
-331.315399	-0.019725	0.007291	-0.811682	0.234873	-0.997344	0.611168	190818.000000	0.000000	0.005787	-0.002945	6.918975	0.896633	-0.736421	15970.331055	4628.541504	-586848.000000	-0.466809	-0.064280	-1.254563	-0.026480	0.069110	-1.412044	-0.537740	-0.106745	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	172159.000000	149476.000000	200000.000000
-331.320404	-0.015574	0.010465	-0.806555	0.213588	-0.894115	0.569663	190818.000000	0.000000	0.005787	-0.002945	6.827377	0.891044	-0.736421	14091.978516	4842.472168	-568773.437500	-0.462053	-0.063753	-1.254563	-0.026480	0.069110	-1.412044	-0.537740	-0.106745	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	170067.000000	151568.000000	200000.000000
-331.325409	-0.013133	0.012418	-0.802404	0.190175	-0.789820	0.528158	190818.000000	0.000000	0.005787	-0.002945	6.730775	0.885264	-0.736421	12500.636719	5136.624023	-550698.937500	-0.456837	-0.063265	-1.254563	-0.026480	0.069110	-1.412044	-0.537740	-0.106745	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	168182.000000	153453.000000	200000.000000
-331.330414	-0.012156	0.014615	-0.799719	0.165698	-0.684462	0.487718	188965.000000	0.000000	0.005787	-0.002945	6.629420	0.880863	-0.736421	10909.943359	5497.666992	-533087.875000	-0.451201	-0.062829	-1.254563	-0.026480	0.069110	-1.412044	-0.537740	-0.106745	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	164377.000000	153552.000000	200000.000000
-331.335419	-0.011912	0.016568	-0.797277	0.141221	-0.579104	0.448342	188965.000000	0.000000	0.005787	-0.002945	6.523257	0.877143	-0.736421	9412.861328	5667.687988	-515940.281250	-0.445171	-0.062445	-1.254563	-0.026480	0.069110	-1.412044	-0.537740	-0.106745	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162710.000000	155219.000000	200000.000000
-331.340424	-0.011912	0.017301	-0.795080	0.117808	-0.475874	0.410029	188965.000000	0.000000	0.005787	-0.002945	6.412407	0.872448	-0.736421	8146.712402	5529.494629	-499256.125000	-0.438770	-0.062080	-1.254563	-0.026480	0.069110	-1.412044	-0.537740	-0.106745	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	161582.000000	156347.000000	200000.000000
-331.345428	-0.013377	0.017545	-0.794104	0.093331	-0.372644	0.373846	188965.000000	0.000000	0.009815	0.001242	6.519859	1.098202	-0.786034	32169.677734	32136.824219	-505104.218750	-0.432041	-0.061735	-1.235481	-0.020720	0.072162	-1.415792	-0.552245	-0.110883	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158965.000000	158965.000000	158965.000000	200000.000000
-331.350433	-0.016551	0.017545	-0.792883	0.070982	-0.271543	0.339790	187643.000000	0.000000	0.009815	0.001242	6.243079	0.926176	-0.786034	-11583.079102	-12524.062500	-490273.843750	-0.425043	-0.061399	-1.235481	-0.020720	0.072162	-1.415792	-0.552245	-0.110883	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158583.000000	156702.000000	193535.000000
-331.355438	-0.020457	0.016568	-0.791906	0.048633	-0.172570	0.306800	187643.000000	0.000000	0.008707	0.002724	6.064267	1.002142	-0.790970	-1854.620850	15196.493164	-478056.531250	-0.417811	-0.061054	-1.233582	-0.018639	0.071698	-1.415986	-0.550211	-0.113625	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	140591.000000	174694.000000	200000.000000
-331.360443	-0.023875	0.016812	-0.791174	0.026285	-0.074661	0.275937	187643.000000	0.000000	0.008707	0.002724	5.986958	0.939288	-0.790970	8613.333008	-254.846466	-464616.500000	-0.410340	-0.060738	-1.233582	-0.018639	0.071698	-1.415986	-0.550211	-0.113625	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	166511.000000	148774.000000	200000.000000
-331.365448	-0.026072	0.018033	-0.791418	0.005000	0.022184	0.246139	187643.000000	0.000000	0.008707	0.002724	5.860616	0.937467	-0.790970	2311.176514	6429.864746	-451639.937500	-0.402610	-0.060475	-1.233582	-0.018639	0.071698	-1.415986	-0.550211	-0.113625	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	153524.000000	161761.000000	200000.000000
-331.370453	-0.027537	0.020475	-0.792150	-0.016285	0.116900	0.219533	187643.000000	0.000000	0.008707	0.002724	5.730133	0.938603	-0.790970	1053.873169	6858.187988	-440053.718750	-0.394616	-0.060304	-1.233582	-0.018639	0.071698	-1.415986	-0.550211	-0.113625	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	151838.000000	163447.000000	200000.000000
-331.375458	-0.027293	0.024137	-0.792883	-0.037569	0.210552	0.195056	186543.000000	0.000000	0.008707	0.002724	5.593896	0.943110	-0.790970	-514.198242	7347.143555	-429394.375000	-0.386323	-0.060262	-1.233582	-0.018639	0.071698	-1.415986	-0.550211	-0.113625	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	148681.000000	164404.000000	200000.000000
-331.380463	-0.025828	0.027555	-0.793859	-0.057789	0.302075	0.170579	186543.000000	0.000000	0.008707	0.002724	5.452330	0.948906	-0.790970	-1938.460938	7491.431152	-418735.062500	-0.377719	-0.060337	-1.233582	-0.018639	0.071698	-1.415986	-0.550211	-0.113625	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	147113.000000	165972.000000	200000.000000
-331.385468	-0.023631	0.030240	-0.795568	-0.079074	0.391470	0.147166	186543.000000	0.000000	0.008707	0.002724	5.305933	0.955822	-0.790970	-3320.122803	7861.337402	-408539.187500	-0.368799	-0.060517	-1.233582	-0.018639	0.071698	-1.415986	-0.550211	-0.113625	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	145361.000000	167724.000000	200000.000000
-331.390472	-0.021678	0.032437	-0.797521	-0.099294	0.477672	0.123753	186543.000000	0.000000	0.010651	0.004818	5.263258	1.078519	-0.800004	7842.835938	21132.560547	-402277.687500	-0.359592	-0.060785	-1.230108	-0.012611	0.069723	-1.414942	-0.536756	-0.118184	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187567.000000	143253.000000	169832.000000	200000.000000
-331.395477	-0.018992	0.033414	-0.799719	-0.118450	0.559618	0.099276	185336.000000	0.000000	0.009515	0.005688	4.969629	1.049481	-0.798536	-21010.693359	4285.899414	-390979.125000	-0.350107	-0.061105	-1.230672	-0.010306	0.068289	-1.414075	-0.528670	-0.119617	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	130039.000000	180632.000000	198611.000000
-331.400482	-0.016795	0.032193	-0.803137	-0.135478	0.637306	0.074798	185336.000000	0.000000	0.009515	0.005688	4.859608	1.018788	-0.798536	-1217.116333	3806.950439	-380319.781250	-0.340382	-0.061412	-1.230672	-0.010306	0.068289	-1.414075	-0.528670	-0.119617	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	150311.000000	160360.000000	200000.000000
-331.405487	-0.015330	0.029996	-0.808264	-0.151441	0.709673	0.050321	185336.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.005399	4.664076	1.005294	-0.796896	-11266.872070	5592.542480	-368946.031250	-0.330466	-0.061680	-1.231303	-0.008250	0.066959	-1.412870	-0.519262	-0.121387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	138476.000000	172195.000000	200000.000000
-331.410492	-0.015086	0.025846	-0.814123	-0.164212	0.776720	0.025844	185336.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.005399	4.536607	1.015462	-0.796896	-4092.740967	7948.740723	-358286.718750	-0.320419	-0.061849	-1.231303	-0.008250	0.066959	-1.412870	-0.519262	-0.121387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143294.000000	167377.000000	200000.000000
-331.415497	-0.015818	0.023648	-0.818762	-0.173790	0.837380	0.002431	185336.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.005399	4.381893	1.014874	-0.796896	-7377.022949	6456.362793	-348090.843750	-0.310299	-0.061961	-1.231303	-0.008250	0.066959	-1.412870	-0.519262	-0.121387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	141502.000000	169169.000000	200000.000000
-331.420502	-0.016795	0.023404	-0.822180	-0.182304	0.893784	-0.020982	184475.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.005399	4.227659	1.016087	-0.796896	-7825.016602	6582.146973	-337894.968750	-0.300135	-0.062064	-1.231303	-0.008250	0.066959	-1.412870	-0.519262	-0.121387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	140067.000000	168882.000000	200000.000000
-331.425507	-0.018504	0.024137	-0.826330	-0.187625	0.945931	-0.043331	184475.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.005399	4.074850	1.017860	-0.796896	-8147.665527	6325.432129	-328162.531250	-0.289966	-0.062172	-1.231303	-0.008250	0.066959	-1.412870	-0.519262	-0.121387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	140001.000000	168948.000000	200000.000000
-331.430511	-0.019969	0.026822	-0.831945	-0.191882	0.992757	-0.064615	184475.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.005399	3.923056	1.022192	-0.796896	-8360.009766	6529.177734	-318893.562500	-0.279809	-0.062329	-1.231303	-0.008250	0.066959	-1.412870	-0.519262	-0.121387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	139585.000000	169364.000000	200000.000000
-331.435516	-0.021434	0.030729	-0.836828	-0.195074	1.035326	-0.085900	184475.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.005399	3.772547	1.028665	-0.796896	-8638.958008	6691.977539	-309624.562500	-0.269685	-0.062561	-1.231303	-0.008250	0.066959	-1.412870	-0.519262	-0.121387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	139144.000000	169805.000000	200000.000000
-331.440521	-0.021922	0.033902	-0.841467	-0.196139	1.073639	-0.106120	183256.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.005399	3.622350	1.034836	-0.796896	-9003.572266	6458.047363	-300819.031250	-0.259592	-0.062842	-1.231303	-0.008250	0.066959	-1.412870	-0.519262	-0.121387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	137794.000000	168717.000000	200000.000000
-331.445526	-0.022166	0.038297	-0.845861	-0.195074	1.107694	-0.126340	183256.000000	0.000000	0.016042	0.014538	3.871460	1.545340	-0.750111	36359.812500	64021.824219	-271639.531250	-0.249543	-0.063191	-1.249297	0.005155	0.052731	-1.405786	-0.470844	-0.135360	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153256.000000	153256.000000	153256.000000	200000.000000
-331.450531	-0.021434	0.043180	-0.850500	-0.194010	1.137492	-0.147625	183256.000000	0.000000	0.016042	0.014538	3.433575	1.189451	-0.750111	-40862.601562	-32885.265625	-262370.531250	-0.239537	-0.063619	-1.249297	0.005155	0.052731	-1.405786	-0.470844	-0.135360	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	153256.000000	153256.000000	153256.000000
-331.455536	-0.020457	0.048795	-0.855383	-0.191882	1.164098	-0.168909	183256.000000	0.000000	0.016042	0.014538	3.286292	1.200788	-0.750111	-9358.020508	7418.836426	-253101.562500	-0.229581	-0.064136	-1.249297	0.005155	0.052731	-1.405786	-0.470844	-0.135360	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	136479.000000	170032.000000	200000.000000
-331.460541	-0.018748	0.054410	-0.860754	-0.188689	1.186446	-0.191258	182059.000000	0.000000	0.016042	0.014538	3.139965	1.213030	-0.750111	-9560.683594	7443.013672	-243369.140625	-0.219681	-0.064734	-1.249297	0.005155	0.052731	-1.405786	-0.470844	-0.135360	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	135055.000000	169062.000000	200000.000000
-331.465546	-0.017039	0.059781	-0.866613	-0.184432	1.205603	-0.213607	182059.000000	0.000000	0.016042	0.014538	2.995288	1.225816	-0.750111	-9781.866211	7424.954590	-233636.703125	-0.209849	-0.065402	-1.249297	0.005155	0.052731	-1.405786	-0.470844	-0.135360	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	134852.000000	169265.000000	200000.000000
-331.470551	-0.014842	0.063199	-0.873693	-0.179111	1.220502	-0.235956	182059.000000	0.000000	0.016042	0.014538	2.852134	1.236765	-0.750111	-9873.353516	7131.835449	-223904.281250	-0.200097	-0.066087	-1.249297	0.005155	0.052731	-1.405786	-0.470844	-0.135360	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	135053.000000	169064.000000	200000.000000
-331.475555	-0.013621	0.066129	-0.880285	-0.172726	1.231144	-0.259369	182059.000000	0.000000	0.016042	0.014538	2.712519	1.247116	-0.750111	-9707.394531	6967.352051	-213708.406250	-0.190466	-0.066773	-1.249297	0.005155	0.052731	-1.405786	-0.470844	-0.135360	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	135384.000000	168733.000000	200000.000000
-331.480560	-0.011668	0.069547	-0.888342	-0.164212	1.239658	-0.282781	182059.000000	0.000000	0.016042	0.014538	2.574269	1.257456	-0.750111	-9998.353516	6740.425293	-203512.531250	-0.180947	-0.067461	-1.249297	0.005155	0.052731	-1.405786	-0.470844	-0.135360	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	135320.000000	168797.000000	200000.000000
-331.485565	-0.009715	0.074918	-0.896643	-0.154634	1.242850	-0.306194	181228.000000	0.000000	0.014270	0.014751	2.341609	1.281613	-0.694675	-20879.177734	8209.819336	-169175.515625	-0.171567	-0.068187	-1.270619	0.015945	0.038524	-1.394890	-0.417508	-0.135388	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122139.000000	180316.000000	198558.000000
-331.490570	-0.007518	0.080533	-0.906652	-0.143992	1.241786	-0.329607	181228.000000	0.000000	0.014270	0.014751	2.280094	1.286005	-0.694675	-1870.653076	5890.679199	-158979.640625	-0.162338	-0.068950	-1.270619	0.015945	0.038524	-1.394890	-0.417508	-0.135388	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143466.000000	158989.000000	200000.000000
-331.495575	-0.006785	0.085660	-0.917395	-0.132285	1.237529	-0.353020	181228.000000	0.000000	0.014270	0.014751	2.152487	1.298411	-0.694675	-9354.273438	6658.187500	-148783.765625	-0.153306	-0.069730	-1.270619	0.015945	0.038524	-1.394890	-0.417508	-0.135388	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	135215.000000	167240.000000	200000.000000
-331.500580	-0.006785	0.090299	-0.926428	-0.119514	1.227951	-0.375369	181228.000000	0.000000	0.014270	0.014751	2.029942	1.310432	-0.694675	-8732.272461	6495.253906	-139051.343750	-0.144509	-0.070516	-1.270619	0.015945	0.038524	-1.394890	-0.417508	-0.135388	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	136000.000000	166455.000000	200000.000000
-331.505585	-0.008738	0.094938	-0.935949	-0.106744	1.214116	-0.397718	180199.000000	0.000000	0.008179	0.010523	1.579145	1.090002	-0.681358	-46377.035156	-20141.960938	-123519.718750	-0.136006	-0.071307	-1.275741	0.017657	0.035645	-1.391819	-0.406119	-0.134972	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	140340.000000	160057.000000	160057.000000
-331.510590	-0.011180	0.098844	-0.944006	-0.093973	1.197089	-0.419002	180199.000000	0.000000	0.008179	0.010523	1.712376	1.270520	-0.681358	18892.107422	24721.517578	-114250.750000	-0.127815	-0.072090	-1.275741	0.017657	0.035645	-1.391819	-0.406119	-0.134972	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166585.000000	144369.000000	156028.000000	200000.000000
-331.515594	-0.014598	0.101285	-0.952062	-0.082267	1.176868	-0.438158	180199.000000	0.000000	0.008179	0.010523	1.608239	1.280565	-0.681358	-7244.674805	6086.346191	-105908.664062	-0.119965	-0.072842	-1.275741	0.017657	0.035645	-1.391819	-0.406119	-0.134972	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	136867.000000	163530.000000	200000.000000
-331.520599	-0.017527	0.103238	-0.960119	-0.072688	1.153455	-0.458379	180199.000000	0.000000	0.008179	0.010523	1.509118	1.290169	-0.681358	-6690.158691	6271.920410	-97103.140625	-0.112454	-0.073564	-1.275741	0.017657	0.035645	-1.391819	-0.406119	-0.134972	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	137236.000000	163161.000000	200000.000000
-331.525604	-0.020945	0.104215	-0.968908	-0.064175	1.128978	-0.476471	180199.000000	0.000000	0.008179	0.010523	1.415432	1.298519	-0.681358	-6292.250977	6250.394043	-89224.500000	-0.105288	-0.074241	-1.275741	0.017657	0.035645	-1.391819	-0.406119	-0.134972	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	137656.000000	162741.000000	200000.000000
-331.530609	-0.023631	0.104703	-0.977453	-0.057789	1.103437	-0.494562	179040.000000	0.000000	0.011798	0.015363	1.524924	1.572469	-0.624638	16786.605469	36919.625000	-56645.539062	-0.098448	-0.074875	-1.297556	0.024170	0.023870	-1.381795	-0.369581	-0.126846	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162253.000000	135826.000000	162253.000000	200000.000000
-331.535614	-0.025584	0.104947	-0.984777	-0.052468	1.077896	-0.511590	179040.000000	0.000000	0.009559	0.014549	1.171342	1.341561	-0.603617	-35640.210938	-19562.312500	-40075.980469	-0.091914	-0.075471	-1.305641	0.026294	0.019733	-1.378259	-0.360774	-0.123960	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	138602.000000	159477.000000	159477.000000
-331.540619	-0.027781	0.105436	-0.992834	-0.048211	1.053418	-0.529682	179040.000000	0.000000	0.009559	0.014549	1.179260	1.381505	-0.603617	4140.906250	10500.671875	-32197.363281	-0.085679	-0.076039	-1.305641	0.026294	0.019733	-1.378259	-0.360774	-0.123960	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194398.000000	142680.000000	155399.000000	200000.000000
-331.545624	-0.029246	0.105191	-1.000158	-0.043954	1.027877	-0.548838	179040.000000	0.000000	0.005615	0.009983	0.884485	1.136720	-0.587262	-30263.486328	-21952.525391	-16732.796875	-0.079727	-0.076565	-1.311932	0.027098	0.017132	-1.374622	-0.354036	-0.122585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	154259.000000	170354.000000	143820.000000
-331.550629	-0.029490	0.104703	-1.007482	-0.040762	1.003400	-0.569058	177583.000000	0.000000	0.005615	0.009983	0.966552	1.324969	-0.587262	11545.733398	26630.419922	-7927.270020	-0.074024	-0.077052	-1.311932	0.027098	0.017132	-1.374622	-0.354036	-0.122585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147334.000000	154571.000000	184740.000000	200000.000000
-331.555634	-0.029246	0.102750	-1.014318	-0.037569	0.979987	-0.589278	177583.000000	0.000000	0.005615	0.009983	0.893600	1.328635	-0.587262	-5844.467285	6336.566406	878.257202	-0.068550	-0.077472	-1.311932	0.027098	0.017132	-1.374622	-0.354036	-0.122585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176212.000000	166280.000000	190642.000000	177196.000000
-331.560638	-0.029002	0.099820	-1.020666	-0.034376	0.956574	-0.611627	177583.000000	0.000000	0.005615	0.009983	0.823894	1.330407	-0.587262	-5700.587891	6121.760254	10610.696289	-0.063301	-0.077810	-1.311932	0.027098	0.017132	-1.374622	-0.354036	-0.122585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166551.000000	176371.000000	200000.000000	167393.000000
-331.565643	-0.028270	0.095426	-1.026281	-0.031184	0.935289	-0.633976	177583.000000	0.000000	0.005615	0.009983	0.756251	1.329612	-0.587262	-5920.983398	5821.285156	20343.109375	-0.058254	-0.078041	-1.311932	0.027098	0.017132	-1.374622	-0.354036	-0.122585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157339.000000	186183.000000	200000.000000	157140.000000
-331.570648	-0.027781	0.090055	-1.031652	-0.027991	0.916133	-0.657389	176533.000000	0.000000	0.005615	0.009983	0.691120	1.326379	-0.587262	-6090.204590	5523.556152	30539.001953	-0.053400	-0.078151	-1.311932	0.027098	0.017132	-1.374622	-0.354036	-0.122585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147099.000000	194919.000000	200000.000000	145966.000000
-331.575653	-0.027537	0.084928	-1.037756	-0.023734	0.899106	-0.682930	176533.000000	0.000000	0.005615	0.009983	0.628356	1.321406	-0.587262	-6274.439453	5172.663574	41661.757812	-0.048728	-0.078140	-1.311932	0.027098	0.017132	-1.374622	-0.354036	-0.122585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147634.000000	195085.000000	200000.000000	145431.000000
-331.580658	-0.028514	0.081021	-1.042883	-0.019477	0.885271	-0.709536	176533.000000	0.000000	0.005615	0.009983	0.568585	1.316188	-0.587262	-6507.722168	5102.231445	53247.992188	-0.044244	-0.078037	-1.311932	0.027098	0.017132	-1.374622	-0.354036	-0.122585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147938.000000	194923.000000	200000.000000	145127.000000
-331.585663	-0.029734	0.077848	-1.048498	-0.015220	0.874628	-0.736142	176533.000000	0.000000	0.008149	0.013523	0.650091	1.505138	-0.544404	9099.322266	27301.814453	83497.960938	-0.039931	-0.077858	-1.328416	0.029637	0.010158	-1.367542	-0.337638	-0.116410	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110131.000000	188330.000000	200000.000000	182934.000000
-331.590668	-0.031443	0.074918	-1.054113	-0.009899	0.868243	-0.764876	176533.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.012961	0.431203	1.325883	-0.498497	-25376.281250	-14150.691406	116002.687500	-0.035776	-0.077606	-1.346072	0.031403	0.003632	-1.360275	-0.322850	-0.111161	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186059.000000	195307.000000	200000.000000	107006.000000
-331.595673	-0.034129	0.071988	-1.058752	-0.004578	0.862922	-0.793610	175617.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.012961	0.422805	1.340724	-0.498497	-2362.859619	7235.125000	128515.804688	-0.031788	-0.077282	-1.346072	0.031403	0.003632	-1.360275	-0.322850	-0.111161	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140744.000000	196019.000000	200000.000000	150489.000000
-331.600677	-0.037791	0.069059	-1.062902	0.000743	0.860793	-0.822344	175617.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.012961	0.372109	1.332164	-0.498497	-7588.304688	4598.316895	141028.921875	-0.027966	-0.076892	-1.346072	0.031403	0.003632	-1.360275	-0.322850	-0.111161	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148606.000000	193430.000000	200000.000000	142627.000000
-331.605682	-0.042430	0.065396	-1.065588	0.005000	0.858665	-0.851078	175617.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.012961	0.324734	1.322336	-0.498497	-7431.157227	4511.045898	153542.046875	-0.024324	-0.076429	-1.346072	0.031403	0.003632	-1.360275	-0.322850	-0.111161	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148537.000000	193674.000000	200000.000000	142696.000000
-331.610687	-0.047557	0.061002	-1.066809	0.007128	0.857601	-0.878748	175617.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.012961	0.280091	1.311449	-0.498497	-7448.312500	4568.704590	165591.718750	-0.020865	-0.075894	-1.346072	0.031403	0.003632	-1.360275	-0.322850	-0.111161	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148496.000000	193599.000000	200000.000000	142737.000000
-331.615692	-0.053660	0.056363	-1.067785	0.007128	0.856537	-0.906418	174672.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.012961	0.238946	1.299914	-0.498497	-7248.065918	4678.457520	177641.375000	-0.017601	-0.075296	-1.346072	0.031403	0.003632	-1.360275	-0.322850	-0.111161	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147241.000000	192745.000000	200000.000000	142102.000000
-331.620697	-0.060008	0.050992	-1.068029	0.006064	0.855472	-0.933023	174672.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.012961	0.200753	1.287072	-0.498497	-7094.214844	4597.568359	189227.609375	-0.014532	-0.074627	-1.346072	0.031403	0.003632	-1.360275	-0.322850	-0.111161	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147168.000000	192980.000000	200000.000000	142175.000000
-331.625702	-0.066600	0.045865	-1.066809	0.001807	0.854408	-0.958565	174672.000000	0.000000	0.007811	0.015070	0.208512	1.390403	-0.470004	-2000.891113	18217.560547	212758.593750	-0.011661	-0.073911	-1.357031	0.032902	-0.000570	-1.356629	-0.316206	-0.108133	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128455.000000	184453.000000	200000.000000	160888.000000
-331.630707	-0.073191	0.040494	-1.065588	-0.003514	0.852280	-0.984106	174672.000000	0.000000	0.007955	0.014453	0.153052	1.258869	-0.384768	-9080.583984	-8070.954102	260999.625000	-0.008988	-0.073148	-1.389814	0.035275	-0.010821	-1.346260	-0.295514	-0.098666	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161823.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127520.000000
-331.635712	-0.078807	0.035855	-1.063635	-0.009899	0.850151	-1.008583	174672.000000	0.000000	0.006654	0.013991	0.045363	1.245167	-0.352333	-15309.043945	4968.799316	285783.750000	-0.006492	-0.072358	-1.402289	0.036366	-0.014590	-1.342755	-0.284876	-0.094007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155012.000000	184394.000000	200000.000000	134331.000000
-331.640717	-0.083934	0.031461	-1.060949	-0.018413	0.848023	-1.033061	173867.000000	0.000000	0.006654	0.013991	0.069019	1.251208	-0.352333	-747.688599	7440.977539	296443.093750	-0.004161	-0.071558	-1.402289	0.036366	-0.014590	-1.342755	-0.284876	-0.094007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137173.000000	195678.000000	200000.000000	150560.000000
-331.645721	-0.088084	0.027066	-1.058996	-0.026927	0.846959	-1.057538	173867.000000	0.000000	0.006654	0.013991	0.041593	1.238538	-0.352333	-6603.943848	5364.045410	307102.375000	-0.001967	-0.070745	-1.402289	0.036366	-0.014590	-1.342755	-0.284876	-0.094007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145106.000000	191899.000000	200000.000000	142627.000000
-331.650726	-0.091990	0.023893	-1.056311	-0.035441	0.846959	-1.080951	173867.000000	0.000000	0.006654	0.013991	0.015550	1.226964	-0.352333	-6688.034180	5470.556641	317298.312500	0.000102	-0.069944	-1.402289	0.036366	-0.014590	-1.342755	-0.284876	-0.094007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145084.000000	191708.000000	200000.000000	142649.000000
-331.655731	-0.095652	0.021939	-1.053625	-0.043954	0.848023	-1.104364	173867.000000	0.000000	0.006654	0.013991	-0.009267	1.216778	-0.352333	-6789.349609	5615.547852	327494.156250	0.002058	-0.069176	-1.402289	0.036366	-0.014590	-1.342755	-0.284876	-0.094007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145040.000000	191462.000000	200000.000000	142693.000000
-331.660736	-0.100047	0.021451	-1.051184	-0.051404	0.849087	-1.127777	172705.000000	0.000000	0.006654	0.013991	-0.031760	1.208269	-0.352333	-6642.167969	5677.922852	337690.031250	0.003890	-0.068462	-1.402289	0.036366	-0.014590	-1.342755	-0.284876	-0.094007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143669.000000	190384.000000	200000.000000	141740.000000
-331.665741	-0.103953	0.022428	-1.048254	-0.059918	0.852280	-1.151190	172705.000000	0.000000	0.006654	0.013991	-0.053527	1.202329	-0.352333	-6911.224609	6089.392090	347885.906250	0.005617	-0.067835	-1.402289	0.036366	-0.014590	-1.342755	-0.284876	-0.094007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143526.000000	189704.000000	200000.000000	141883.000000
-331.670746	-0.107859	0.023648	-1.045324	-0.066303	0.856537	-1.173538	172705.000000	0.000000	0.007059	0.014505	-0.051882	1.225572	-0.317469	-4465.820801	9200.400391	372801.218750	0.007248	-0.067288	-1.415698	0.037584	-0.018509	-1.339467	-0.279349	-0.092062	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137970.000000	189038.000000	200000.000000	147439.000000
-331.675751	-0.110789	0.024625	-1.043127	-0.071624	0.860793	-1.194823	172705.000000	0.000000	0.006992	0.012897	-0.092058	1.112010	-0.217029	-9268.873047	-6456.985352	425809.750000	0.008804	-0.066807	-1.454329	0.038871	-0.026902	-1.329524	-0.259782	-0.084919	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158430.000000	199893.000000	200000.000000	126979.000000
-331.680756	-0.112742	0.024625	-1.041418	-0.074817	0.868243	-1.215043	171464.000000	0.000000	0.006992	0.012897	-0.110577	1.171113	-0.217029	-7357.893066	12581.063477	434615.250000	0.010321	-0.066362	-1.454329	0.038871	-0.026902	-1.329524	-0.259782	-0.084919	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136240.000000	181525.000000	200000.000000	146687.000000
-331.685760	-0.114207	0.023648	-1.040441	-0.075881	0.875693	-1.234199	171464.000000	0.000000	0.007924	0.014430	-0.080571	1.249104	-0.176046	-1918.639160	14787.575195	460804.375000	0.011810	-0.065924	-1.470091	0.040358	-0.030730	-1.326323	-0.249579	-0.082584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128595.000000	184757.000000	200000.000000	154332.000000
-331.690765	-0.116404	0.021451	-1.039465	-0.074817	0.885271	-1.253355	171464.000000	0.000000	0.007924	0.014430	-0.138495	1.179692	-0.176046	-12133.009766	-1980.191406	469146.468750	0.013269	-0.065458	-1.470091	0.040358	-0.030730	-1.326323	-0.249579	-0.082584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155577.000000	191311.000000	200000.000000	127350.000000
-331.695770	-0.119090	0.017545	-1.038977	-0.069496	0.894849	-1.270383	171464.000000	0.000000	0.007924	0.014430	-0.158368	1.168264	-0.176046	-8083.140625	3852.036865	476561.656250	0.014691	-0.064911	-1.470091	0.040358	-0.030730	-1.326323	-0.249579	-0.082584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145695.000000	189528.000000	200000.000000	137232.000000
-331.700775	-0.122020	0.013395	-1.038488	-0.063110	0.904427	-1.287410	171464.000000	0.000000	0.007924	0.014430	-0.177485	1.155158	-0.176046	-8131.953125	3460.871094	483976.843750	0.016073	-0.064275	-1.470091	0.040358	-0.030730	-1.326323	-0.249579	-0.082584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146135.000000	189871.000000	200000.000000	136792.000000
-331.705780	-0.125437	0.009244	-1.038488	-0.054597	0.914005	-1.303374	170390.000000	0.000000	0.007924	0.014430	-0.195650	1.140225	-0.176046	-8154.940430	2918.111572	490928.531250	0.017408	-0.063541	-1.470091	0.040358	-0.030730	-1.326323	-0.249579	-0.082584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145626.000000	189316.000000	200000.000000	135153.000000
-331.710785	-0.127879	0.005582	-1.038488	-0.045019	0.923583	-1.318273	170390.000000	0.000000	0.007924	0.014430	-0.214216	1.124138	-0.176046	-8329.097656	2555.492188	497416.812500	0.018717	-0.062715	-1.470091	0.040358	-0.030730	-1.326323	-0.249579	-0.082584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146163.000000	189505.000000	200000.000000	134616.000000
-331.715790	-0.130320	0.001676	-1.038244	-0.035441	0.932097	-1.331044	170390.000000	0.000000	0.007924	0.014430	-0.232240	1.106525	-0.176046	-8273.931641	2263.217529	502978.218750	0.019996	-0.061794	-1.470091	0.040358	-0.030730	-1.326323	-0.249579	-0.082584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146400.000000	189852.000000	200000.000000	134379.000000
-331.720795	-0.132518	-0.001742	-1.039221	-0.025863	0.940610	-1.341686	170390.000000	0.000000	0.007924	0.014430	-0.250322	1.088082	-0.176046	-8402.703125	2043.021606	507612.718750	0.021255	-0.060788	-1.470091	0.040358	-0.030730	-1.326323	-0.249579	-0.082584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146749.000000	189944.000000	200000.000000	134030.000000
-331.725800	-0.134471	-0.005648	-1.038732	-0.017349	0.949124	-1.352328	169080.000000	0.000000	0.007909	0.011609	-0.269042	0.913126	-0.027050	-8598.107422	-15893.347656	577132.000000	0.022497	-0.059697	-1.527398	0.041646	-0.038809	-1.313801	-0.219855	-0.069403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163571.000000	200000.000000	191784.000000	114588.000000
-331.730804	-0.135691	-0.009311	-1.039465	-0.009899	0.956574	-1.360842	169080.000000	0.000000	0.007909	0.011609	-0.286817	1.005424	-0.027050	-8493.160156	14000.017578	580839.562500	0.023734	-0.058530	-1.527398	0.041646	-0.038809	-1.313801	-0.219855	-0.069403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133573.000000	176586.000000	200000.000000	144586.000000
-331.735809	-0.137156	-0.012729	-1.038977	-0.003514	0.964023	-1.367227	169080.000000	0.000000	0.006157	0.009588	-0.401145	0.873302	0.015067	-19669.949219	-11196.349609	601961.562500	0.024960	-0.057299	-1.543597	0.042528	-0.040966	-1.310767	-0.209921	-0.066800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169946.000000	190606.000000	200000.000000	108213.000000
-331.740814	-0.137400	-0.015414	-1.039953	0.001807	0.971473	-1.373613	169080.000000	0.000000	0.006157	0.009588	-0.350367	0.933256	0.015067	-1316.251465	10291.886719	604742.250000	0.026202	-0.056025	-1.543597	0.042528	-0.040966	-1.310767	-0.209921	-0.066800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130104.000000	187471.000000	200000.000000	148055.000000
-331.745819	-0.136912	-0.018344	-1.040686	0.006064	0.981051	-1.377870	169080.000000	0.000000	0.006157	0.009588	-0.371256	0.911844	0.015067	-9570.688477	1344.172363	606596.062500	0.027486	-0.054709	-1.543597	0.042528	-0.040966	-1.310767	-0.209921	-0.066800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147306.000000	188165.000000	200000.000000	130853.000000
-331.750824	-0.136180	-0.021029	-1.041662	0.010321	0.991693	-1.382127	167823.000000	0.000000	0.006157	0.009588	-0.393306	0.890133	0.015067	-9965.711914	1191.834595	608449.875000	0.028820	-0.053357	-1.543597	0.042528	-0.040966	-1.310767	-0.209921	-0.066800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146596.000000	186665.000000	200000.000000	129049.000000
-331.755829	-0.135691	-0.023227	-1.043127	0.012450	1.004464	-1.386383	167823.000000	0.000000	0.006157	0.009588	-0.416464	0.869048	0.015067	-10486.782227	1387.787231	610303.625000	0.030212	-0.051991	-1.543597	0.042528	-0.040966	-1.310767	-0.209921	-0.066800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146921.000000	185948.000000	200000.000000	128724.000000
-331.760834	-0.134227	-0.025180	-1.044104	0.015642	1.018299	-1.390640	167823.000000	0.000000	0.006157	0.009588	-0.441655	0.847741	0.015067	-11006.904297	1133.819458	612157.437500	0.031682	-0.050609	-1.543597	0.042528	-0.040966	-1.310767	-0.209921	-0.066800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147696.000000	185682.000000	200000.000000	127949.000000
-331.765839	-0.132029	-0.027621	-1.045324	0.017771	1.035326	-1.394897	167823.000000	0.000000	0.006157	0.009588	-0.469595	0.826049	0.015067	-11867.161133	1098.909058	614011.250000	0.033259	-0.049210	-1.543597	0.042528	-0.040966	-1.310767	-0.209921	-0.066800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148591.000000	184856.000000	200000.000000	127054.000000
-331.770844	-0.129588	-0.030795	-1.046789	0.019899	1.054482	-1.399154	166289.000000	0.000000	0.006157	0.009588	-0.499891	0.803405	0.015067	-12587.587891	880.187073	615865.062500	0.034957	-0.047781	-1.543597	0.042528	-0.040966	-1.310767	-0.209921	-0.066800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147996.000000	182821.000000	200000.000000	124581.000000
-331.775848	-0.126414	-0.034945	-1.048010	0.022028	1.073639	-1.403411	166289.000000	0.000000	0.004173	0.005195	-0.641688	0.537815	0.123677	-25588.347656	-27064.556641	665016.312500	0.036786	-0.046305	-1.585370	0.040873	-0.041352	-1.301984	-0.183488	-0.057650	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188941.000000	197765.000000	194812.000000	100000.000000
-331.780853	-0.122996	-0.039584	-1.048742	0.022028	1.092795	-1.405540	166289.000000	0.000000	0.003940	0.004357	-0.609959	0.642765	0.164014	-6450.164551	14395.276367	683509.062500	0.038750	-0.044784	-1.600884	0.041018	-0.041757	-1.299213	-0.172403	-0.054370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128343.000000	175443.000000	200000.000000	144234.000000
-331.785858	-0.118357	-0.043490	-1.050207	0.020963	1.113015	-1.406604	166289.000000	0.000000	0.003940	0.004357	-0.638906	0.652175	0.164014	-13466.111328	4055.448730	683972.500000	0.040873	-0.043239	-1.600884	0.041018	-0.041757	-1.299213	-0.172403	-0.054370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145699.000000	178767.000000	200000.000000	126878.000000
-331.790863	-0.113475	-0.046420	-1.051916	0.019899	1.131107	-1.407668	164662.000000	0.000000	0.003940	0.004357	-0.679174	0.628853	0.164014	-14744.329102	353.867889	684436.000000	0.043149	-0.041692	-1.600884	0.041018	-0.041757	-1.299213	-0.172403	-0.054370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149052.000000	179563.000000	200000.000000	120271.000000
-331.795868	-0.108348	-0.049838	-1.052648	0.016706	1.149199	-1.407668	164662.000000	0.000000	0.003940	0.004357	-0.721688	0.605551	0.164014	-15270.112305	497.498291	684436.000000	0.045578	-0.040143	-1.600884	0.041018	-0.041757	-1.299213	-0.172403	-0.054370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149434.000000	178894.000000	200000.000000	119889.000000
-331.800873	-0.102732	-0.052523	-1.053381	0.014578	1.166226	-1.406604	164662.000000	0.000000	0.003940	0.004357	-0.766542	0.582744	0.164014	-15694.892578	339.789154	683972.500000	0.048160	-0.038601	-1.600884	0.041018	-0.041757	-1.299213	-0.172403	-0.054370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150017.000000	178627.000000	200000.000000	119306.000000
-331.805878	-0.098094	-0.055941	-1.053869	0.010321	1.183254	-1.406604	164662.000000	0.000000	0.003940	0.004357	-0.812477	0.559926	0.164014	-16103.541992	487.287384	683972.500000	0.050873	-0.037066	-1.600884	0.041018	-0.041757	-1.299213	-0.172403	-0.054370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150278.000000	178071.000000	200000.000000	119045.000000
-331.810883	-0.094432	-0.060092	-1.054113	0.007128	1.200281	-1.407668	164662.000000	0.000000	0.004526	0.002705	-0.826944	0.445368	0.277788	-12788.225586	-10229.330078	733982.250000	0.053696	-0.035517	-1.644643	0.039688	-0.039633	-1.291196	-0.137820	-0.046418	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157679.000000	192103.000000	197220.000000	111644.000000
-331.815887	-0.091990	-0.063266	-1.054602	0.003936	1.216245	-1.408732	163495.000000	0.000000	0.004526	0.002705	-0.897107	0.488590	0.277788	-19191.583984	7332.930176	734445.687500	0.056598	-0.033976	-1.644643	0.039688	-0.039633	-1.291196	-0.137820	-0.046418	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145353.000000	166970.000000	200000.000000	121636.000000
-331.820892	-0.091014	-0.065707	-1.054846	0.001807	1.234337	-1.411925	163495.000000	0.000000	0.004526	0.002705	-0.943897	0.466377	0.277788	-17155.433594	-71.844040	735836.062500	0.059558	-0.032451	-1.644643	0.039688	-0.039633	-1.291196	-0.137820	-0.046418	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150722.000000	176411.000000	200000.000000	116267.000000
-331.825897	-0.091014	-0.068148	-1.053869	0.000743	1.252429	-1.415118	163495.000000	0.000000	0.001231	-0.001452	-1.171660	0.215542	0.314732	-38184.070312	-26475.738281	753314.687500	0.062559	-0.030937	-1.658852	0.038935	-0.038115	-1.288564	-0.126319	-0.045669	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189970.000000	189970.000000	197019.000000	100000.000000
-331.830902	-0.091258	-0.069125	-1.052404	-0.000321	1.270520	-1.419374	163495.000000	0.000000	0.001231	-0.001452	-1.086658	0.361106	0.314732	-3485.810791	17785.324219	755168.500000	0.065591	-0.029461	-1.658852	0.038935	-0.038115	-1.288564	-0.126319	-0.045669	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119195.000000	172223.000000	200000.000000	147794.000000
-331.835907	-0.091990	-0.068881	-1.050207	-0.001385	1.288612	-1.422567	162719.000000	0.000000	0.001231	-0.001452	-1.133281	0.342211	0.314732	-18256.449219	-380.118774	756558.812500	0.068644	-0.028044	-1.658852	0.038935	-0.038115	-1.288564	-0.126319	-0.045669	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151355.000000	174842.000000	200000.000000	114082.000000
-331.840912	-0.093455	-0.067904	-1.048498	-0.001385	1.306704	-1.425760	162719.000000	0.000000	0.001231	-0.001452	-1.179445	0.324662	0.314732	-18501.611328	-429.767944	757949.187500	0.071704	-0.026694	-1.658852	0.038935	-0.038115	-1.288564	-0.126319	-0.045669	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151650.000000	174647.000000	200000.000000	113787.000000
-331.845917	-0.094676	-0.066439	-1.045812	-0.003514	1.324796	-1.427888	162719.000000	0.000000	0.001231	-0.001452	-1.225840	0.309058	0.314732	-18823.669922	-43.953815	758876.062500	0.074773	-0.025429	-1.658852	0.038935	-0.038115	-1.288564	-0.126319	-0.045669	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151586.000000	173939.000000	200000.000000	113851.000000
-331.850922	-0.094920	-0.066439	-1.043615	-0.004578	1.341823	-1.430017	162719.000000	0.000000	0.001231	-0.001452	-1.273109	0.292848	0.314732	-19098.441406	-297.204620	759802.937500	0.077864	-0.024214	-1.658852	0.038935	-0.038115	-1.288564	-0.126319	-0.045669	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152114.000000	173917.000000	200000.000000	113323.000000
-331.855927	-0.095164	-0.066439	-1.042639	-0.006706	1.356723	-1.430017	162719.000000	0.000000	0.003578	-0.000636	-1.191161	0.322544	0.392084	-4347.885742	5013.843750	793488.500000	0.080969	-0.023054	-1.688603	0.038199	-0.035068	-1.283590	-0.100019	-0.041963	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132053.000000	183357.000000	200000.000000	133384.000000
-331.860931	-0.095652	-0.067416	-1.042150	-0.007771	1.370558	-1.428952	162291.000000	0.000000	0.003218	-0.002553	-1.351594	0.168812	0.467629	-31683.753906	-15974.479492	825923.250000	0.084078	-0.021925	-1.717659	0.037222	-0.030777	-1.278729	-0.072499	-0.040849	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178265.000000	178265.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-331.865936	-0.096385	-0.069125	-1.041906	-0.007771	1.383328	-1.426824	162291.000000	0.000000	0.003218	-0.002553	-1.383549	0.229123	0.467629	-17645.398438	7721.315918	824996.312500	0.087182	-0.020807	-1.717659	0.037222	-0.030777	-1.278729	-0.072499	-0.040849	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142215.000000	166924.000000	200000.000000	122366.000000
-331.870941	-0.096873	-0.070346	-1.043859	-0.005642	1.393970	-1.423631	162291.000000	0.000000	0.003218	-0.002553	-1.429700	0.212995	0.467629	-19233.726562	-1001.728882	823606.000000	0.090278	-0.019701	-1.717659	0.037222	-0.030777	-1.278729	-0.072499	-0.040849	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152526.000000	174059.000000	200000.000000	112055.000000
-331.875946	-0.097605	-0.070834	-1.046301	-0.000321	1.403548	-1.419374	162291.000000	0.000000	0.003218	-0.002553	-1.475252	0.196934	0.467629	-19304.357422	-1443.621948	821752.187500	0.093358	-0.018605	-1.717659	0.037222	-0.030777	-1.278729	-0.072499	-0.040849	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153038.000000	174430.000000	200000.000000	111543.000000
-331.880951	-0.097361	-0.069369	-1.048010	0.007128	1.409934	-1.416182	161697.000000	0.000000	0.003218	-0.002553	-1.520639	0.182421	0.467629	-19173.308594	-1608.619141	820361.875000	0.096424	-0.017543	-1.717659	0.037222	-0.030777	-1.278729	-0.072499	-0.040849	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152478.000000	174132.000000	200000.000000	110915.000000
-331.885956	-0.096385	-0.067904	-1.048498	0.014578	1.414191	-1.411925	161697.000000	0.000000	0.003218	-0.002553	-1.565878	0.168265	0.467629	-19150.626953	-1668.666382	818508.062500	0.099475	-0.016514	-1.717659	0.037222	-0.030777	-1.278729	-0.072499	-0.040849	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152516.000000	174215.000000	200000.000000	110877.000000
-331.890961	-0.095408	-0.066439	-1.049475	0.024156	1.417383	-1.406604	161697.000000	0.000000	0.003218	-0.002553	-1.610678	0.153971	0.467629	-19206.183594	-2027.751221	816190.812500	0.102509	-0.015505	-1.717659	0.037222	-0.030777	-1.278729	-0.072499	-0.040849	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152930.000000	174518.000000	200000.000000	110463.000000
-331.895966	-0.094187	-0.065463	-1.049963	0.033734	1.418448	-1.400218	161697.000000	0.000000	0.006977	-0.001858	-1.448092	0.177569	0.620887	4577.778809	2203.465332	880151.062500	0.105518	-0.014507	-1.776604	0.037032	-0.020942	-1.269694	-0.014326	-0.040813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124915.000000	194071.000000	189322.000000	138478.000000
-331.900970	-0.093455	-0.063998	-1.050451	0.043312	1.418448	-1.392769	160876.000000	0.000000	0.006977	-0.001858	-1.641449	0.135780	0.620887	-35340.597656	-5223.786621	876906.875000	0.108488	-0.013526	-1.776604	0.037032	-0.020942	-1.269694	-0.014326	-0.040813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166099.000000	166099.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-331.905975	-0.093211	-0.062045	-1.050695	0.052890	1.415255	-1.385319	160876.000000	0.000000	0.006977	-0.001858	-1.682594	0.122502	0.620887	-18423.158203	-2192.943359	873662.812500	0.111397	-0.012570	-1.776604	0.037032	-0.020942	-1.269694	-0.014326	-0.040813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151492.000000	174645.000000	200000.000000	110259.000000
-331.910980	-0.093943	-0.059115	-1.051428	0.062468	1.410998	-1.375741	160876.000000	0.000000	0.006977	-0.001858	-1.721565	0.110520	0.620887	-18226.832031	-2149.705322	869491.750000	0.114221	-0.011658	-1.776604	0.037032	-0.020942	-1.269694	-0.014326	-0.040813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151252.000000	174798.000000	200000.000000	110499.000000
-331.915985	-0.094920	-0.056430	-1.052160	0.072046	1.403548	-1.366163	160876.000000	0.000000	0.006977	-0.001858	-1.758227	0.098825	0.620887	-17756.228516	-2215.821777	865320.687500	0.116941	-0.010782	-1.776604	0.037032	-0.020942	-1.269694	-0.014326	-0.040813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150848.000000	175335.000000	200000.000000	110903.000000
-331.920990	-0.095896	-0.052768	-1.052893	0.081624	1.393970	-1.356585	160876.000000	0.000000	0.006977	-0.001858	-1.792853	0.088591	0.620887	-17413.585938	-2146.473145	861149.687500	0.119549	-0.009959	-1.776604	0.037032	-0.020942	-1.269694	-0.014326	-0.040813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150436.000000	175608.000000	200000.000000	111315.000000
-331.925995	-0.096385	-0.050082	-1.054357	0.091202	1.382264	-1.344879	159634.000000	0.000000	0.006977	-0.001858	-1.825852	0.077974	0.620887	-17099.041016	-2281.897949	856051.750000	0.122045	-0.009167	-1.776604	0.037032	-0.020942	-1.269694	-0.014326	-0.040813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149014.000000	174816.000000	200000.000000	110253.000000
-331.931000	-0.097605	-0.049105	-1.057043	0.100780	1.369493	-1.334236	159634.000000	0.000000	0.006977	-0.001858	-1.856469	0.066079	0.620887	-16801.771484	-2520.646973	851417.250000	0.124418	-0.008375	-1.776604	0.037032	-0.020942	-1.269694	-0.014326	-0.040813	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148956.000000	175352.000000	200000.000000	110311.000000
-331.936005	-0.100047	-0.047885	-1.060949	0.111423	1.354594	-1.322530	159634.000000	0.000000	0.002875	-0.006468	-2.109169	-0.199412	0.656408	-42086.074219	-31798.455078	861787.937500	0.126635	-0.007581	-1.790266	0.036827	-0.017844	-1.267644	0.002250	-0.038459	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189634.000000	189634.000000	189634.000000	100000.000000
-331.941010	-0.102977	-0.047396	-1.064855	0.123129	1.337566	-1.311888	159634.000000	0.000000	0.005749	-0.005586	-1.811014	0.020342	0.760731	20172.744141	22403.240234	902584.062500	0.128684	-0.006765	-1.830391	0.036629	-0.007785	-1.261633	0.040134	-0.042099	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	187403.000000	191864.000000	172209.000000
-331.946014	-0.105662	-0.046176	-1.069006	0.135900	1.318411	-1.301245	157424.000000	0.000000	0.005749	-0.005586	-1.947242	-0.027926	0.760731	-27894.859375	-7465.113770	897949.625000	0.130561	-0.005935	-1.830391	0.036629	-0.007785	-1.261633	0.040134	-0.042099	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162783.000000	166994.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-331.951019	-0.107371	-0.044955	-1.074377	0.149735	1.297126	-1.291667	157424.000000	0.000000	0.005749	-0.005586	-1.966708	-0.041413	0.760731	-14813.654297	-3883.463379	893778.562500	0.132280	-0.005087	-1.830391	0.036629	-0.007785	-1.261633	0.040134	-0.042099	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146121.000000	176493.000000	198354.000000	108726.000000
-331.956024	-0.105906	-0.039828	-1.080480	0.163570	1.274777	-1.279961	157424.000000	0.000000	0.005749	-0.005586	-1.986907	-0.051360	0.760731	-14767.295898	-3604.161865	888680.625000	0.133898	-0.004289	-1.830391	0.036629	-0.007785	-1.261633	0.040134	-0.042099	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145795.000000	176260.000000	198587.000000	109052.000000
-331.961029	-0.104441	-0.030795	-1.086096	0.178469	1.248172	-1.269319	157424.000000	0.000000	0.005749	-0.005586	-2.004497	-0.057025	0.760731	-13970.774414	-3344.935791	884046.125000	0.135394	-0.003606	-1.830391	0.036629	-0.007785	-1.261633	0.040134	-0.042099	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144739.000000	176798.000000	198049.000000	110108.000000
-331.966034	-0.100535	-0.022250	-1.091223	0.193368	1.219437	-1.259741	157424.000000	0.000000	0.005749	-0.005586	-2.022165	-0.061696	0.760731	-13694.367188	-3325.603271	879875.062500	0.136803	-0.003024	-1.830391	0.036629	-0.007785	-1.261633	0.040134	-0.042099	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144443.000000	177055.000000	197792.000000	110404.000000
-331.971039	-0.095896	-0.017611	-1.093908	0.205074	1.188575	-1.249098	155293.000000	0.000000	0.005749	-0.005586	-2.038560	-0.068181	0.760731	-13253.977539	-3257.256348	875240.562500	0.138126	-0.002483	-1.830391	0.036629	-0.007785	-1.261633	0.040134	-0.042099	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141804.000000	175296.000000	195289.000000	108781.000000
-331.976044	-0.092723	-0.012484	-1.094641	0.216781	1.154520	-1.239520	155293.000000	0.000000	0.007336	-0.005936	-1.963936	-0.092910	0.887749	-2394.982910	-5430.787109	926383.312500	0.139318	-0.001990	-1.879244	0.036801	0.007022	-1.254822	0.091054	-0.035452	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133118.000000	188328.000000	182257.000000	117467.000000
-331.981049	-0.088572	-0.011752	-1.095129	0.225295	1.119400	-1.229942	155293.000000	0.000000	0.007336	-0.005936	-2.038782	-0.087298	0.887749	-18896.640625	-1757.109131	922212.250000	0.140392	-0.001479	-1.879244	0.036801	0.007022	-1.254822	0.091054	-0.035452	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145946.000000	168153.000000	200000.000000	104639.000000
-331.986053	-0.084666	-0.010775	-1.095861	0.232744	1.083217	-1.219300	155293.000000	0.000000	0.008369	-0.006219	-1.991322	-0.111074	0.924444	-4945.750488	-5014.944336	933557.562500	0.141343	-0.000958	-1.893357	0.038412	0.009904	-1.253354	0.100787	-0.033509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135253.000000	185362.000000	185223.000000	115332.000000
-331.991058	-0.081980	-0.010287	-1.097570	0.239130	1.045969	-1.208658	152955.000000	0.000000	0.008369	-0.006219	-2.038748	-0.108313	0.924444	-15309.111328	-1996.890137	928923.000000	0.142146	-0.000423	-1.893357	0.038412	0.009904	-1.253354	0.100787	-0.033509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140261.000000	169642.000000	196267.000000	105648.000000
-331.996063	-0.081004	-0.011264	-1.098059	0.244451	1.008721	-1.195887	152955.000000	0.000000	0.008369	-0.006219	-2.041053	-0.118396	0.924444	-10185.991211	-3363.166992	923361.687500	0.142771	0.000149	-1.893357	0.038412	0.009904	-1.253354	0.100787	-0.033509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136504.000000	176132.000000	189777.000000	109405.000000
-332.001068	-0.081736	-0.012973	-1.100012	0.248708	0.971473	-1.183116	152955.000000	0.000000	0.008369	-0.006219	-2.039311	-0.129489	0.924444	-9561.559570	-3427.865234	917800.250000	0.143195	0.000766	-1.893357	0.038412	0.009904	-1.253354	0.100787	-0.033509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135944.000000	176821.000000	189088.000000	109965.000000
-332.006073	-0.082713	-0.014682	-1.099768	0.252965	0.934225	-1.170346	152955.000000	0.000000	0.008369	-0.006219	-2.034412	-0.141308	0.924444	-9021.456055	-3581.375977	912238.875000	0.143413	0.001431	-1.893357	0.038412	0.009904	-1.253354	0.100787	-0.033509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135557.000000	177514.000000	188395.000000	110352.000000
-332.011078	-0.084422	-0.015170	-1.100500	0.257221	0.899106	-1.155447	150755.000000	0.000000	0.008369	-0.006219	-2.026549	-0.152696	0.924444	-8731.811523	-3605.818115	905750.625000	0.143430	0.002121	-1.893357	0.038412	0.009904	-1.253354	0.100787	-0.033509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133092.000000	175629.000000	185880.000000	108417.000000
-332.016083	-0.085643	-0.014682	-1.101721	0.259350	0.865050	-1.138419	150755.000000	0.000000	0.008369	-0.006219	-2.016680	-0.163038	0.924444	-8426.249023	-3314.224854	898335.437500	0.143262	0.002811	-1.893357	0.038412	0.009904	-1.253354	0.100787	-0.033509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132495.000000	175642.000000	185867.000000	109014.000000
-332.021088	-0.087107	-0.012240	-1.100744	0.260414	0.834188	-1.120327	150755.000000	0.000000	0.008369	-0.006219	-2.004647	-0.171272	0.924444	-8341.128906	-3008.313477	890456.750000	0.142921	0.003462	-1.893357	0.038412	0.009904	-1.253354	0.100787	-0.033509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132104.000000	175422.000000	186087.000000	109405.000000
-332.026093	-0.088572	-0.010043	-1.099035	0.258286	0.804389	-1.100107	150755.000000	0.000000	0.008717	-0.006546	-1.971410	-0.196450	1.040393	-5837.528809	-4626.190918	932144.625000	0.142416	0.004067	-1.937953	0.040273	0.025210	-1.248722	0.132999	-0.030216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131218.000000	179543.000000	181966.000000	110291.000000
-332.031097	-0.090037	-0.007846	-1.097814	0.254029	0.775655	-1.078822	150755.000000	0.000000	0.008717	-0.006546	-1.969136	-0.189454	1.040393	-9216.477539	-802.752380	922875.687500	0.141755	0.004617	-1.937953	0.040273	0.025210	-1.248722	0.132999	-0.030216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130774.000000	172341.000000	189168.000000	110735.000000
-332.036102	-0.091502	-0.005160	-1.097326	0.246579	0.749050	-1.055409	148362.000000	0.000000	0.008717	-0.006546	-1.951405	-0.193524	1.040393	-7547.014648	-1652.876953	912679.812500	0.140951	0.005092	-1.937953	0.040273	0.025210	-1.248722	0.132999	-0.030216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127561.000000	172467.000000	184256.000000	109162.000000
-332.041107	-0.092723	-0.002475	-1.096838	0.237001	0.724573	-1.030932	148362.000000	0.000000	0.008717	-0.006546	-1.932485	-0.196030	1.040393	-7450.749023	-1214.346436	902020.437500	0.140023	0.005482	-1.937953	0.040273	0.025210	-1.248722	0.132999	-0.030216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127027.000000	172125.000000	184598.000000	109696.000000
-332.046112	-0.093943	0.000699	-1.094641	0.224230	0.700095	-1.005391	148362.000000	0.000000	0.008717	-0.006546	-1.911653	-0.196081	1.040393	-7032.006348	-534.802917	890897.687500	0.138969	0.005767	-1.937953	0.040273	0.025210	-1.248722	0.132999	-0.030216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125928.000000	171864.000000	184859.000000	110795.000000
-332.051117	-0.094432	0.003873	-1.093420	0.210396	0.678811	-0.977721	148362.000000	0.000000	0.008717	-0.006546	-1.890710	-0.194467	1.040393	-7176.542480	-163.617416	878848.000000	0.137822	0.005945	-1.937953	0.040273	0.025210	-1.248722	0.132999	-0.030216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125702.000000	171349.000000	185374.000000	111021.000000
-332.056122	-0.095164	0.006314	-1.092932	0.195496	0.658591	-0.950051	145789.000000	0.000000	0.008717	-0.006546	-1.868542	-0.191815	1.040393	-6963.973633	148.235107	866798.375000	0.136585	0.006026	-1.937953	0.040273	0.025210	-1.248722	0.132999	-0.030216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122604.000000	168676.000000	182901.000000	108973.000000
-332.061127	-0.096873	0.008756	-1.092443	0.180597	0.640499	-0.922381	145789.000000	0.000000	0.005713	-0.009057	-2.009822	-0.325877	1.067856	-25736.787109	-15432.551758	866708.625000	0.135251	0.006012	-1.948516	0.040981	0.028945	-1.247982	0.136838	-0.030049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156958.000000	165484.000000	186093.000000	100000.000000
-332.066132	-0.099314	0.011686	-1.091711	0.164634	0.624535	-0.895775	145789.000000	0.000000	0.007715	-0.007403	-1.754306	-0.128438	1.140439	18908.128906	22116.818359	886730.625000	0.133819	0.005891	-1.976432	0.042545	0.040170	-1.245911	0.158388	-0.030248	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	172580.000000	178997.000000	156813.000000
-332.071136	-0.102000	0.015104	-1.090246	0.149735	0.611765	-0.871298	145789.000000	0.000000	0.007715	-0.007403	-1.808107	-0.186637	1.140439	-15642.941406	-6308.378906	876071.250000	0.132301	0.005658	-1.976432	0.042545	0.040170	-1.245911	0.158388	-0.030248	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137740.000000	166454.000000	185123.000000	100000.000000
-332.076141	-0.104930	0.019742	-1.088049	0.134836	0.603251	-0.846821	145789.000000	0.000000	0.007715	-0.007403	-1.781488	-0.175933	1.140439	-7106.702637	1385.656860	865411.937500	0.130713	0.005295	-1.976432	0.042545	0.040170	-1.245911	0.158388	-0.030248	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121510.000000	167296.000000	184281.000000	110067.000000
-332.081146	-0.106150	0.025113	-1.085852	0.121001	0.598994	-0.825537	144315.000000	0.000000	0.007715	-0.007403	-1.756728	-0.162814	1.140439	-7645.717285	1658.185181	856142.937500	0.129108	0.004792	-1.976432	0.042545	0.040170	-1.245911	0.158388	-0.030248	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120302.000000	165011.000000	183618.000000	108327.000000
-332.086151	-0.105662	0.031217	-1.084631	0.106101	0.601122	-0.804252	144315.000000	0.000000	0.007715	-0.007403	-1.735236	-0.146719	1.140439	-8618.195312	2245.039062	846874.000000	0.127550	0.004133	-1.976432	0.042545	0.040170	-1.245911	0.158388	-0.030248	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120688.000000	163451.000000	185178.000000	107941.000000
-332.091156	-0.103709	0.037320	-1.083898	0.091202	0.607508	-0.786160	144315.000000	0.000000	0.007715	-0.007403	-1.717047	-0.128320	1.140439	-9395.009766	2651.522461	838995.312500	0.126087	0.003320	-1.976432	0.042545	0.040170	-1.245911	0.158388	-0.030248	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121058.000000	162268.000000	186361.000000	107571.000000
-332.096161	-0.100779	0.041959	-1.083654	0.077367	0.618150	-0.768068	144315.000000	0.000000	0.007715	-0.007403	-1.702317	-0.109501	1.140439	-10224.697266	2730.858398	831116.750000	0.124754	0.002386	-1.976432	0.042545	0.040170	-1.245911	0.158388	-0.030248	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121808.000000	161359.000000	187270.000000	106821.000000
-332.101166	-0.097117	0.046354	-1.083654	0.063532	0.631985	-0.752105	143869.000000	0.000000	0.007715	-0.007403	-1.690978	-0.089139	1.140439	-10960.138672	3058.698730	824165.000000	0.123579	0.001337	-1.976432	0.042545	0.040170	-1.245911	0.158388	-0.030248	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121770.000000	159850.000000	187887.000000	105967.000000
-332.106171	-0.092967	0.050992	-1.084143	0.049697	0.647948	-0.738270	143869.000000	0.000000	0.001843	-0.011305	-2.005883	-0.281405	1.158493	-48595.832031	-21146.583984	826002.250000	0.122579	0.000168	-1.983376	0.041953	0.044579	-1.245333	0.158860	-0.030933	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165015.000000	165015.000000	182722.000000	100000.000000
-332.111176	-0.087840	0.055875	-1.085363	0.035863	0.664976	-0.724435	143869.000000	0.000000	0.007730	-0.006732	-1.443104	0.150305	1.218657	50311.460938	49516.816406	846177.875000	0.121775	-0.001122	-2.006516	0.043471	0.054929	-1.243979	0.178141	-0.028800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	173869.000000	173869.000000	173869.000000
-332.116180	-0.082469	0.059537	-1.086584	0.022028	0.683068	-0.712729	143869.000000	0.000000	0.007730	-0.006732	-1.677468	-0.007759	1.218657	-38617.484375	-15995.886719	841079.937500	0.121171	-0.002512	-2.006516	0.043471	0.054929	-1.243979	0.178141	-0.028800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159864.000000	159864.000000	187873.000000	100000.000000
-332.121185	-0.076609	0.061246	-1.088049	0.009257	0.701160	-0.703151	143866.000000	0.000000	0.007730	-0.006732	-1.679689	0.016255	1.218657	-13185.469727	4076.920410	836908.937500	0.120772	-0.003958	-2.006516	0.043471	0.054929	-1.243979	0.178141	-0.028800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122974.000000	156603.000000	191128.000000	104757.000000
-332.126190	-0.070750	0.060270	-1.088293	-0.003514	0.720316	-0.692508	143866.000000	0.000000	0.007730	-0.006732	-1.684945	0.038449	1.218657	-13748.434570	4037.521484	832274.375000	0.120578	-0.005414	-2.006516	0.043471	0.054929	-1.243979	0.178141	-0.028800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123576.000000	156080.000000	191651.000000	104155.000000
-332.131195	-0.064891	0.057340	-1.089270	-0.016285	0.738407	-0.681866	143866.000000	0.000000	0.007730	-0.006732	-1.692800	0.058803	1.218657	-14036.504883	3987.681641	827639.937500	0.120579	-0.006843	-2.006516	0.043471	0.054929	-1.243979	0.178141	-0.028800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123914.000000	155841.000000	191890.000000	103817.000000
-332.136200	-0.060252	0.054166	-1.088537	-0.027991	0.757564	-0.671224	143866.000000	0.000000	0.007730	-0.006732	-1.702351	0.078371	1.218657	-14472.152344	3928.096680	823005.437500	0.120754	-0.008238	-2.006516	0.043471	0.054929	-1.243979	0.178141	-0.028800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124410.000000	155465.000000	192266.000000	103321.000000
-332.141205	-0.056102	0.050992	-1.088293	-0.038633	0.776720	-0.660582	143866.000000	0.000000	0.007730	-0.006732	-1.713868	0.097182	1.218657	-14829.423828	3863.262939	818370.937500	0.121091	-0.009595	-2.006516	0.043471	0.054929	-1.243979	0.178141	-0.028800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124832.000000	155173.000000	192558.000000	102899.000000
-332.146210	-0.052928	0.050016	-1.088781	-0.048211	0.796940	-0.649939	143857.000000	0.000000	0.002558	-0.011896	-2.011412	-0.166593	1.238286	-47858.453125	-28494.992188	822284.375000	0.121574	-0.010948	-2.014066	0.043106	0.059462	-1.243570	0.187451	-0.024091	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172351.000000	172351.000000	175362.000000	100000.000000
-332.151215	-0.050242	0.050260	-1.088781	-0.054597	0.818224	-0.640361	143857.000000	0.000000	0.009618	-0.004043	-1.431315	0.492348	1.291451	51096.867188	75672.531250	841265.500000	0.122198	-0.012308	-2.034513	0.046420	0.066957	-1.243628	0.202813	-0.038983	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	173857.000000	173857.000000	173857.000000
-332.156219	-0.047557	0.051236	-1.087072	-0.060982	0.838445	-0.630783	143857.000000	0.000000	0.001794	-0.008759	-2.160350	-0.059478	1.302168	-96179.570312	-59967.542969	841761.625000	0.122952	-0.013687	-2.038635	0.045782	0.070392	-1.243529	0.217909	-0.042584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173857.000000	173857.000000	173857.000000	100000.000000
-332.161224	-0.045359	0.052701	-1.086096	-0.065239	0.859729	-0.623334	143857.000000	0.000000	0.001794	-0.008759	-1.865714	0.150883	1.302168	17519.615234	24592.769531	838517.500000	0.123832	-0.015087	-2.038635	0.045782	0.070392	-1.243529	0.217909	-0.042584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	166783.000000	180930.000000	155969.000000
-332.166229	-0.042918	0.053922	-1.086828	-0.068432	0.877821	-0.616948	143857.000000	0.000000	0.001794	-0.008759	-1.885094	0.172387	1.302168	-16829.693359	3823.260254	835736.750000	0.124823	-0.016496	-2.038635	0.045782	0.070392	-1.243529	0.217909	-0.042584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126863.000000	153204.000000	194509.000000	100850.000000
-332.171234	-0.040965	0.054654	-1.087316	-0.070560	0.890592	-0.613756	143857.000000	0.000000	0.001794	-0.008759	-1.904050	0.193377	1.302168	-16344.588867	3756.624512	834346.437500	0.125889	-0.017902	-2.038635	0.045782	0.070392	-1.243529	0.217909	-0.042584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126444.000000	153755.000000	193958.000000	101269.000000
-332.176239	-0.038035	0.056119	-1.086340	-0.071624	0.903362	-0.610563	143857.000000	0.000000	0.001794	-0.008759	-1.925048	0.214863	1.302168	-16723.699219	3797.348145	832956.062500	0.127046	-0.019315	-2.038635	0.045782	0.070392	-1.243529	0.217909	-0.042584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126783.000000	153335.000000	194378.000000	100930.000000
-332.181244	-0.033885	0.058072	-1.084631	-0.071624	0.911876	-0.608434	143857.000000	0.000000	0.001794	-0.008759	-1.947340	0.236754	1.302168	-16539.681641	3825.676514	832029.187500	0.128293	-0.020741	-2.038635	0.045782	0.070392	-1.243529	0.217909	-0.042584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126571.000000	153491.000000	194222.000000	101142.000000
-332.186249	-0.029490	0.059781	-1.084143	-0.070560	0.916133	-0.605242	143857.000000	0.000000	0.001794	-0.008759	-1.970030	0.258201	1.302168	-16239.360352	3753.478760	830638.812500	0.129613	-0.022168	-2.038635	0.045782	0.070392	-1.243529	0.217909	-0.042584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126342.000000	153864.000000	193849.000000	101371.000000
-332.191254	-0.025584	0.060758	-1.084143	-0.070560	0.917197	-0.602049	144134.000000	0.000000	0.001794	-0.008759	-1.992390	0.279190	1.302168	-15959.798828	3916.674561	829248.500000	0.130979	-0.023588	-2.038635	0.045782	0.070392	-1.243529	0.217909	-0.042584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126177.000000	154257.000000	194010.000000	102090.000000
-332.196259	-0.020945	0.061246	-1.083898	-0.069496	0.912941	-0.596728	144134.000000	0.000000	0.011520	-0.002189	-1.479978	0.660439	1.368412	45803.437500	45161.312500	855779.062500	0.132378	-0.024984	-2.064114	0.050831	0.078933	-1.244835	0.249849	-0.056990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	174134.000000	174134.000000	174134.000000
-332.201263	-0.017771	0.060758	-1.082922	-0.068432	0.904427	-0.590343	144134.000000	0.000000	0.011520	-0.002189	-1.889007	0.416511	1.368412	-56888.777344	-24707.611328	852998.375000	0.133763	-0.026341	-2.064114	0.050831	0.078933	-1.244835	0.249849	-0.056990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168841.000000	168841.000000	179426.000000	100000.000000
-332.206268	-0.014109	0.059537	-1.083898	-0.066303	0.890592	-0.581829	144134.000000	0.000000	0.011520	-0.002189	-1.908085	0.433461	1.368412	-13450.493164	3928.626953	849290.812500	0.135117	-0.027636	-2.064114	0.050831	0.078933	-1.244835	0.249849	-0.056990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123655.000000	156754.000000	191513.000000	104612.000000
-332.211273	-0.009959	0.057340	-1.084875	-0.063110	0.871436	-0.571187	144124.000000	0.000000	0.011520	-0.002189	-1.925823	0.448182	1.368412	-12711.449219	3619.556396	844656.312500	0.136424	-0.028845	-2.064114	0.050831	0.078933	-1.244835	0.249849	-0.056990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123215.000000	157792.000000	190455.000000	105032.000000
-332.216278	-0.005564	0.055143	-1.086340	-0.058854	0.845894	-0.557352	144124.000000	0.000000	0.011520	-0.002189	-1.941479	0.461262	1.368412	-11734.897461	3362.644287	838631.500000	0.137659	-0.029962	-2.064114	0.050831	0.078933	-1.244835	0.249849	-0.056990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122496.000000	159026.000000	189221.000000	105751.000000
-332.221283	-0.000926	0.052457	-1.087072	-0.053532	0.815032	-0.542453	144124.000000	0.000000	0.011520	-0.002189	-1.954969	0.472252	1.368412	-10831.840820	3041.934570	832143.187500	0.138803	-0.030974	-2.064114	0.050831	0.078933	-1.244835	0.249849	-0.056990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121913.000000	160250.000000	187997.000000	106334.000000
-332.226288	0.003713	0.051236	-1.087561	-0.046083	0.777784	-0.524361	144124.000000	0.000000	0.011520	-0.002189	-1.965513	0.482544	1.368412	-9682.882812	2744.256836	824264.562500	0.139826	-0.031898	-2.064114	0.050831	0.078933	-1.244835	0.249849	-0.056990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121062.000000	161696.000000	186551.000000	107185.000000
-332.231293	0.008596	0.050260	-1.087561	-0.039697	0.735215	-0.505205	144136.000000	0.000000	0.010263	-0.002052	-2.042310	0.499649	1.411537	-16540.960938	3659.964355	834702.562500	0.140710	-0.032743	-2.080700	0.054593	0.084194	-1.245937	0.280227	-0.061591	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127016.000000	153935.000000	194336.000000	101255.000000
-332.236298	0.012990	0.050016	-1.088537	-0.032248	0.688389	-0.484984	144136.000000	0.000000	0.009191	-0.002366	-2.055153	0.485635	1.426622	-8882.925781	21.714270	832466.500000	0.141428	-0.033516	-2.086503	0.056360	0.085423	-1.246677	0.286674	-0.062623	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122997.000000	165231.000000	183040.000000	105274.000000
-332.241302	0.017141	0.050504	-1.088781	-0.024798	0.636242	-0.462636	144136.000000	0.000000	0.009191	-0.002366	-2.012534	0.506611	1.426622	-1764.261108	3931.730225	822734.062500	0.141955	-0.034232	-2.086503	0.056360	0.085423	-1.246677	0.286674	-0.062623	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111968.000000	168440.000000	179831.000000	116303.000000
-332.246307	0.021047	0.051969	-1.089270	-0.019477	0.579838	-0.440287	144136.000000	0.000000	0.006675	-0.003199	-2.147047	0.469885	1.437877	-21132.261719	-2372.251465	817902.812500	0.142269	-0.034918	-2.090831	0.057280	0.086924	-1.247592	0.286789	-0.066811	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137640.000000	155375.000000	192896.000000	100000.000000
-332.251312	0.024709	0.054166	-1.089514	-0.014156	0.519177	-0.415810	144136.000000	0.000000	0.006675	-0.003199	-2.038297	0.512552	1.437877	6863.433105	6529.299805	807243.500000	0.142349	-0.035587	-2.090831	0.057280	0.086924	-1.247592	0.286789	-0.066811	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100743.000000	174470.000000	173801.000000	127528.000000
-332.256317	0.028127	0.057828	-1.089514	-0.010963	0.457452	-0.391333	144244.000000	0.000000	0.006675	-0.003199	-2.026375	0.523662	1.437877	-3327.727539	3329.778320	796584.187500	0.142190	-0.036275	-2.090831	0.057280	0.086924	-1.247592	0.286789	-0.066811	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114241.000000	167586.000000	180901.000000	114246.000000
-332.261322	0.031789	0.061734	-1.090002	-0.009899	0.393598	-0.364727	144244.000000	0.000000	0.006675	-0.003199	-2.010822	0.535718	1.437877	-2329.034180	3718.511719	784997.937500	0.141792	-0.036995	-2.090831	0.057280	0.086924	-1.247592	0.286789	-0.066811	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112854.000000	168196.000000	180291.000000	115633.000000
-332.266327	0.034963	0.065152	-1.090002	-0.012028	0.328681	-0.338121	144244.000000	0.000000	0.006675	-0.003199	-1.991179	0.548581	1.437877	-1373.405518	4227.225586	773411.750000	0.141145	-0.037753	-2.090831	0.057280	0.086924	-1.247592	0.286789	-0.066811	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111390.000000	168643.000000	179844.000000	117097.000000
-332.271332	0.037404	0.067838	-1.090979	-0.016285	0.262699	-0.310451	144244.000000	0.000000	0.006675	-0.003199	-1.967042	0.561682	1.437877	-347.703949	4567.179688	761362.062500	0.140235	-0.038542	-2.090831	0.057280	0.086924	-1.247592	0.286789	-0.066811	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110024.000000	169329.000000	179158.000000	118463.000000
-332.276337	0.039357	0.070279	-1.091711	-0.022670	0.197781	-0.282781	144426.000000	0.000000	0.006675	-0.003199	-1.939067	0.575549	1.437877	384.634430	4978.704590	749312.375000	0.139065	-0.039368	-2.090831	0.057280	0.086924	-1.247592	0.286789	-0.066811	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109062.000000	169831.000000	179020.000000	119789.000000
-332.281342	0.040822	0.072721	-1.092687	-0.030119	0.131799	-0.254047	144426.000000	0.000000	0.006675	-0.003199	-1.906699	0.590149	1.437877	1437.008301	5277.659180	736799.250000	0.137626	-0.040234	-2.090831	0.057280	0.086924	-1.247592	0.286789	-0.066811	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107711.000000	170585.000000	178266.000000	121140.000000
-332.286346	0.042287	0.074430	-1.093664	-0.039697	0.066881	-0.225313	144426.000000	0.000000	0.006610	-0.001774	-1.874456	0.683527	1.458216	1755.407104	14649.736328	733143.437500	0.135928	-0.041136	-2.098654	0.055507	0.094623	-1.251748	0.301520	-0.069600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	161531.000000	187320.000000	130831.000000
-332.291351	0.043996	0.076871	-1.094641	-0.049276	0.000899	-0.195515	144426.000000	0.000000	0.006610	-0.001774	-1.832429	0.642716	1.458216	3443.005371	-251.045013	720166.875000	0.133975	-0.042087	-2.098654	0.055507	0.094623	-1.251748	0.301520	-0.069600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111234.000000	178120.000000	170731.000000	117617.000000
-332.296356	0.045705	0.078824	-1.095861	-0.060982	-0.062954	-0.164652	144426.000000	0.000000	0.008318	-0.001474	-1.696125	0.676113	1.470512	14495.912109	8350.005859	712081.562500	0.131785	-0.043086	-2.103383	0.056971	0.095506	-1.253012	0.294928	-0.071913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	180571.000000	168280.000000	137271.000000
-332.301361	0.047902	0.081510	-1.096594	-0.071624	-0.127872	-0.133790	144526.000000	0.000000	0.008318	-0.001474	-1.718970	0.682193	1.470512	-2692.907227	5306.291992	698641.500000	0.129366	-0.044141	-2.103383	0.056971	0.095506	-1.253012	0.294928	-0.071913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111912.000000	166526.000000	182525.000000	117139.000000
-332.306366	0.050100	0.085416	-1.097326	-0.082267	-0.190661	-0.102927	144526.000000	0.000000	0.008318	-0.001474	-1.670909	0.702286	1.470512	5379.555664	6988.501465	685201.500000	0.126732	-0.045274	-2.103383	0.056971	0.095506	-1.253012	0.294928	-0.071913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102157.000000	172917.000000	176134.000000	126894.000000
-332.311371	0.051809	0.089811	-1.095861	-0.095037	-0.251322	-0.072065	144526.000000	0.000000	0.008318	-0.001474	-1.620072	0.724729	1.470512	5963.549805	7642.816895	671761.500000	0.123892	-0.046506	-2.103383	0.056971	0.095506	-1.253012	0.294928	-0.071913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100919.000000	172846.000000	176205.000000	128132.000000
-332.316376	0.052785	0.094693	-1.093420	-0.106744	-0.310919	-0.042266	144526.000000	0.000000	0.008318	-0.001474	-1.565979	0.748923	1.470512	6727.577637	7883.624512	658784.937500	0.120844	-0.047842	-2.103383	0.056971	0.095506	-1.253012	0.294928	-0.071913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	173369.000000	175682.000000	129137.000000
-332.321381	0.053273	0.097623	-1.092199	-0.120579	-0.367323	-0.013532	145984.000000	0.000000	0.008318	-0.001474	-1.509310	0.773183	1.470512	7179.936523	8300.037109	646271.812500	0.117596	-0.049254	-2.103383	0.056971	0.095506	-1.253012	0.294928	-0.071913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100504.000000	174863.000000	177104.000000	131463.000000
-332.326385	0.052785	0.100309	-1.091223	-0.133349	-0.421598	0.013073	145984.000000	0.000000	0.008318	-0.001474	-1.449456	0.798087	1.470512	7821.062012	8427.186523	634685.562500	0.114146	-0.050735	-2.103383	0.056971	0.095506	-1.253012	0.294928	-0.071913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	175377.000000	176590.000000	132232.000000
-332.331390	0.051320	0.102506	-1.089758	-0.148248	-0.472681	0.038615	145984.000000	0.000000	-0.001420	-0.004856	-1.922149	0.638213	1.463814	-53026.097656	-12323.121094	620646.000000	0.110495	-0.052285	-2.100807	0.052536	0.100107	-1.255942	0.287531	-0.074971	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158307.000000	158307.000000	193660.000000	100000.000000
-332.336395	0.049123	0.103238	-1.087072	-0.162083	-0.521636	0.062028	145984.000000	0.000000	-0.004222	-0.005618	-1.621189	0.757063	1.449359	33417.187500	18817.525391	604155.187500	0.106647	-0.053877	-2.095248	0.046285	0.105165	-1.259285	0.265804	-0.075482	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	187166.000000	164801.000000	164801.000000
-332.341400	0.045705	0.102018	-1.085119	-0.174854	-0.567397	0.083312	149070.000000	0.000000	-0.004222	-0.005618	-1.440344	0.811474	1.449359	20901.230469	11924.125977	594886.187500	0.102597	-0.055470	-2.095248	0.046285	0.105165	-1.259285	0.265804	-0.075482	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	188047.000000	170092.000000	151895.000000
-332.346405	0.041066	0.099088	-1.082922	-0.186561	-0.612095	0.103532	149070.000000	0.000000	-0.004222	-0.005618	-1.367790	0.833522	1.449359	9416.325195	8403.904297	586080.687500	0.098332	-0.057030	-2.095248	0.046285	0.105165	-1.259285	0.265804	-0.075482	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101249.000000	180082.000000	178057.000000	136890.000000
-332.351410	0.035695	0.094938	-1.079992	-0.199331	-0.653600	0.121624	149070.000000	0.000000	-0.004222	-0.005618	-1.292361	0.854329	1.449359	9919.291992	8538.974609	578202.062500	0.093859	-0.058542	-2.095248	0.046285	0.105165	-1.259285	0.265804	-0.075482	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100611.000000	180450.000000	177689.000000	137528.000000
-332.356415	0.029592	0.091764	-1.077062	-0.209974	-0.696169	0.138652	149070.000000	0.000000	-0.004222	-0.005618	-1.212966	0.874957	1.449359	11033.391602	8428.973633	570786.875000	0.089162	-0.060017	-2.095248	0.046285	0.105165	-1.259285	0.265804	-0.075482	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	181674.000000	176465.000000	138532.000000
-332.361420	0.024221	0.089322	-1.075598	-0.221680	-0.736609	0.154615	149070.000000	0.000000	-0.004222	-0.005618	-1.131706	0.896037	1.449359	11564.301758	8746.595703	563835.125000	0.084269	-0.061473	-2.095248	0.046285	0.105165	-1.259285	0.265804	-0.075482	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	181887.000000	176252.000000	139380.000000
-332.366425	0.019582	0.088102	-1.072668	-0.232322	-0.778114	0.170579	150888.000000	0.000000	-0.004222	-0.005618	-1.048195	0.917976	1.449359	12503.858398	8873.903320	556883.375000	0.079192	-0.062931	-2.095248	0.046285	0.105165	-1.259285	0.265804	-0.075482	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	184517.000000	177258.000000	142265.000000
-332.371429	0.015432	0.088346	-1.070227	-0.244029	-0.818555	0.184414	150888.000000	0.000000	-0.004222	-0.005618	-0.962859	0.941781	1.449359	13168.818359	9360.203125	550858.562500	0.073948	-0.064424	-2.095248	0.046285	0.105165	-1.259285	0.265804	-0.075482	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	184696.000000	177079.000000	143417.000000
-332.376434	0.011525	0.089078	-1.066320	-0.255735	-0.860059	0.197184	150888.000000	0.000000	-0.000221	-0.002124	-0.655150	1.158940	1.422765	39348.425781	31677.615234	533716.062500	0.068540	-0.065964	-2.085019	0.035628	0.112972	-1.267112	0.227114	-0.081190	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	180888.000000	180888.000000	180888.000000
-332.381439	0.008596	0.090787	-1.063391	-0.269570	-0.899436	0.208891	150888.000000	0.000000	-0.000221	-0.002124	-0.726721	1.046418	1.422765	-2745.435791	-4797.704590	528618.125000	0.062999	-0.067579	-2.085019	0.035628	0.112972	-1.267112	0.227114	-0.081190	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128431.000000	182940.000000	178835.000000	113344.000000
-332.386444	0.005422	0.093473	-1.060217	-0.283405	-0.939876	0.219533	152013.000000	0.000000	-0.001513	-0.003018	-0.706915	1.026621	1.419182	7696.088379	5370.624512	522423.093750	0.057317	-0.069288	-2.083641	0.033920	0.114276	-1.269133	0.218739	-0.080867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108946.000000	184338.000000	179687.000000	135079.000000
-332.391449	0.003469	0.096891	-1.056311	-0.298304	-0.979253	0.229111	152013.000000	0.000000	-0.001513	-0.003018	-0.563984	1.094259	1.419182	21955.964844	15481.164062	518252.031250	0.051525	-0.071111	-2.083641	0.033920	0.114276	-1.269133	0.218739	-0.080867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	188487.000000	175538.000000	159450.000000
-332.396454	0.001271	0.100553	-1.051672	-0.314268	-1.016500	0.237625	152013.000000	0.000000	-0.001513	-0.003018	-0.471497	1.128417	1.419182	16772.140625	12147.595703	514544.437500	0.045631	-0.073057	-2.083641	0.033920	0.114276	-1.269133	0.218739	-0.080867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	186637.000000	177388.000000	150932.000000
-332.401459	-0.000926	0.103482	-1.048010	-0.330231	-1.053748	0.246139	152013.000000	0.000000	-0.001513	-0.003018	-0.377597	1.163518	1.419182	17530.796875	12486.055664	510836.843750	0.039637	-0.075111	-2.083641	0.033920	0.114276	-1.269133	0.218739	-0.080867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	187057.000000	176968.000000	152029.000000
-332.406464	-0.003855	0.105436	-1.042883	-0.345130	-1.090996	0.253588	152013.000000	0.000000	-0.001513	-0.003018	-0.281522	1.199041	1.419182	18383.240234	12647.391602	507592.718750	0.033531	-0.077251	-2.083641	0.033920	0.114276	-1.269133	0.218739	-0.080867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	187748.000000	176277.000000	153043.000000
-332.411469	-0.007762	0.106412	-1.038488	-0.357901	-1.128244	0.259974	152627.000000	0.000000	-0.001513	-0.003018	-0.182843	1.234158	1.419182	19297.845703	12590.051758	504812.000000	0.027297	-0.079445	-2.083641	0.033920	0.114276	-1.269133	0.218739	-0.080867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	189334.000000	175919.000000	154514.000000
-332.416473	-0.012400	0.106656	-1.034338	-0.368543	-1.166556	0.266359	152627.000000	0.000000	-0.001513	-0.003018	-0.081289	1.268724	1.419182	20371.292969	12502.337891	502031.312500	0.020916	-0.081670	-2.083641	0.033920	0.114276	-1.269133	0.218739	-0.080867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	190495.000000	174758.000000	155500.000000
-332.421478	-0.018504	0.105436	-1.030187	-0.377057	-1.205933	0.273809	152627.000000	0.000000	-0.003135	-0.002286	-0.065057	1.341917	1.388417	11362.554688	16891.441406	485389.875000	0.014358	-0.083886	-2.071808	0.024517	0.119258	-1.275506	0.189764	-0.084313	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	177098.000000	188155.000000	150880.000000
-332.426483	-0.024852	0.103727	-1.025549	-0.382378	-1.246373	0.281258	152627.000000	0.000000	-0.006459	-0.004137	-0.074459	1.242363	1.377191	8803.677734	-2887.669434	477256.687500	0.007616	-0.086071	-2.067490	0.021219	0.120901	-1.277730	0.174217	-0.086677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116710.000000	194318.000000	170935.000000	128543.000000
-332.431488	-0.030955	0.101529	-1.020666	-0.384507	-1.284685	0.288708	152953.000000	0.000000	-0.006459	-0.004137	0.168713	1.346163	1.377191	37636.468750	19608.625000	474012.562500	0.000708	-0.088202	-2.067490	0.021219	0.120901	-1.277730	0.174217	-0.086677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	193344.000000	172561.000000	172561.000000
-332.436493	-0.037059	0.099820	-1.016271	-0.383442	-1.326190	0.298286	152953.000000	0.000000	-0.006459	-0.004137	0.282139	1.374846	1.377191	24433.906250	11124.964844	469841.500000	-0.006379	-0.090273	-2.067490	0.021219	0.120901	-1.277730	0.174217	-0.086677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196261.000000	169644.000000	158511.000000
-332.441498	-0.043650	0.098111	-1.012609	-0.380250	-1.367695	0.307864	152953.000000	0.000000	-0.006459	-0.004137	0.398584	1.402113	1.377191	25492.380859	10845.969727	465670.468750	-0.013650	-0.092275	-2.067490	0.021219	0.120901	-1.277730	0.174217	-0.086677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	197599.000000	168306.000000	159291.000000
-332.446503	-0.050486	0.096891	-1.009436	-0.372800	-1.409200	0.318506	152953.000000	0.000000	-0.006459	-0.004137	0.517845	1.427820	1.377191	26541.628906	10290.325195	461036.000000	-0.021106	-0.094198	-2.067490	0.021219	0.120901	-1.277730	0.174217	-0.086677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199204.000000	166701.000000	159784.000000
-332.451508	-0.057078	0.094938	-1.005773	-0.364286	-1.451769	0.330212	153393.000000	0.000000	-0.006459	-0.004137	0.639748	1.451493	1.377191	27705.669922	10019.419922	455938.031250	-0.028746	-0.096027	-2.067490	0.021219	0.120901	-1.277730	0.174217	-0.086677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	165706.000000	161118.000000
-332.456512	-0.062937	0.092008	-1.001867	-0.352580	-1.493274	0.341919	153393.000000	0.000000	-0.006459	-0.004137	0.763179	1.472045	1.377191	28515.304688	9365.931641	450840.093750	-0.036546	-0.097731	-2.067490	0.021219	0.120901	-1.277730	0.174217	-0.086677	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	164243.000000	161274.000000
-332.461517	-0.068553	0.088590	-0.997717	-0.339809	-1.535843	0.354690	153393.000000	0.000000	-0.009071	-0.005297	0.745315	1.426366	1.362502	13209.832031	1697.488159	438882.281250	-0.044505	-0.099299	-2.061841	0.017069	0.122921	-1.279993	0.160988	-0.089401	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108485.000000	194905.000000	171880.000000	138300.000000
-332.466522	-0.074168	0.085416	-0.993566	-0.327038	-1.576283	0.367460	153393.000000	0.000000	-0.004017	-0.001550	1.255039	1.695340	1.324094	73518.046875	37474.003906	416594.843750	-0.052609	-0.100741	-2.047069	0.006990	0.127044	-1.286799	0.108159	-0.098977	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	183393.000000	183393.000000	183393.000000
-332.471527	-0.079051	0.083463	-0.989416	-0.314268	-1.614595	0.380231	153393.000000	0.000000	-0.004017	-0.001550	1.181071	1.561719	1.324094	8939.452148	-7467.068848	411033.468750	-0.060833	-0.102084	-2.047069	0.006990	0.127044	-1.286799	0.108159	-0.098977	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121920.000000	199799.000000	166986.000000	124865.000000
-332.476532	-0.083201	0.082730	-0.985266	-0.301497	-1.649715	0.393002	153649.000000	0.000000	-0.006909	-0.003194	1.150166	1.487602	1.310760	13342.874023	-1324.007935	399665.468750	-0.069144	-0.103357	-2.041940	0.003624	0.128335	-1.288918	0.095683	-0.093721	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111630.000000	198315.000000	168982.000000	135667.000000
-332.481537	-0.086619	0.082975	-0.981115	-0.289790	-1.681642	0.404708	153649.000000	0.000000	-0.006909	-0.003194	1.393559	1.570071	1.310760	44418.933594	16336.188477	394567.531250	-0.077511	-0.104587	-2.041940	0.003624	0.128335	-1.288918	0.095683	-0.093721	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	197312.000000	169985.000000	169985.000000
-332.486542	-0.090770	0.082730	-0.977697	-0.278084	-1.711440	0.416415	153649.000000	0.000000	-0.006909	-0.003194	1.522253	1.585673	1.310760	32305.630859	9001.680664	389469.593750	-0.085934	-0.105765	-2.041940	0.003624	0.128335	-1.288918	0.095683	-0.093721	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162650.000000	162650.000000
-332.491547	-0.094920	0.081998	-0.974768	-0.267442	-1.736981	0.425993	153649.000000	0.000000	-0.006909	-0.003194	1.650681	1.600291	1.310760	32513.191406	9028.714844	385298.562500	-0.094397	-0.106887	-2.041940	0.003624	0.128335	-1.288918	0.095683	-0.093721	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162677.000000	162677.000000
-332.496552	-0.099559	0.080289	-0.972570	-0.255735	-1.759330	0.435571	154315.000000	0.000000	-0.006909	-0.003194	1.779271	1.612740	1.310760	32874.210938	8676.665039	381127.500000	-0.102889	-0.107930	-2.041940	0.003624	0.128335	-1.288918	0.095683	-0.093721	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162991.000000	162991.000000
-332.501556	-0.104930	0.077848	-0.970617	-0.242965	-1.777422	0.443020	154315.000000	0.000000	-0.006909	-0.003194	1.908022	1.622933	1.310760	33099.230469	8299.615234	377883.375000	-0.111407	-0.108874	-2.041940	0.003624	0.128335	-1.288918	0.095683	-0.093721	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162614.000000	162614.000000
-332.506561	-0.110545	0.074918	-0.968176	-0.230194	-1.792321	0.450470	154315.000000	0.000000	-0.006909	-0.003194	2.036632	1.631272	1.310760	33392.859375	8075.452148	374639.218750	-0.119940	-0.109711	-2.041940	0.003624	0.128335	-1.288918	0.095683	-0.093721	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162390.000000	162390.000000
-332.511566	-0.116648	0.072232	-0.965246	-0.216359	-1.802963	0.456855	154315.000000	0.000000	-0.007502	-0.002708	2.132393	1.664830	1.277107	29802.382812	10822.137695	357203.281250	-0.128479	-0.110446	-2.028997	-0.004378	0.131187	-1.293212	0.059402	-0.093928	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	165334.000000	164939.000000
-332.516571	-0.123484	0.069059	-0.963049	-0.201460	-1.810413	0.462176	154315.000000	0.000000	-0.006777	-0.001860	2.324374	1.696558	1.243621	40948.640625	10581.380859	340303.656250	-0.137024	-0.111062	-2.016118	-0.011829	0.133451	-1.297399	0.021243	-0.093373	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	164896.000000	164896.000000
-332.521576	-0.131785	0.064908	-0.962316	-0.186561	-1.814670	0.467498	155298.000000	0.000000	-0.006777	-0.001860	2.424486	1.664295	1.243621	30976.009766	3328.136719	337986.406250	-0.145586	-0.111540	-2.016118	-0.011829	0.133451	-1.297399	0.021243	-0.093373	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	158626.000000	158626.000000
-332.526581	-0.142283	0.058561	-0.961096	-0.169533	-1.816798	0.472819	155298.000000	0.000000	-0.007226	-0.001869	2.531118	1.660490	1.227313	31959.316406	6127.496094	328567.343750	-0.154201	-0.111827	-2.009845	-0.015212	0.134269	-1.299415	0.001036	-0.094456	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161425.000000	161425.000000
-332.531586	-0.153025	0.051480	-0.957922	-0.153570	-1.813606	0.477076	155298.000000	0.000000	-0.007226	-0.001869	2.680422	1.654427	1.227313	36738.339844	5894.789551	326713.562500	-0.162855	-0.111919	-2.009845	-0.015212	0.134269	-1.299415	0.001036	-0.094456	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161192.000000	161192.000000
-332.536591	-0.163035	0.045133	-0.954504	-0.138670	-1.808284	0.482397	155298.000000	0.000000	-0.007226	-0.001869	2.810985	1.646438	1.227313	35019.777344	5694.796875	324396.312500	-0.171522	-0.111841	-2.009845	-0.015212	0.134269	-1.299415	0.001036	-0.094456	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	160992.000000	160992.000000
-332.541595	-0.171580	0.040738	-0.950598	-0.125900	-1.796578	0.488782	156354.000000	0.000000	-0.007226	-0.001869	2.938515	1.638905	1.227313	34516.855469	5885.619629	321615.625000	-0.180144	-0.111647	-2.009845	-0.015212	0.134269	-1.299415	0.001036	-0.094456	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162239.000000	162239.000000
-332.546600	-0.178660	0.038785	-0.947180	-0.115257	-1.781679	0.494103	156354.000000	0.000000	-0.007226	-0.001869	3.062901	1.633023	1.227313	34323.812500	6225.098145	319298.375000	-0.188676	-0.111399	-2.009845	-0.015212	0.134269	-1.299415	0.001036	-0.094456	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162579.000000	162579.000000
-332.551605	-0.184275	0.040006	-0.943029	-0.107808	-1.760394	0.500489	156354.000000	0.000000	-0.007226	-0.001869	3.182832	1.630924	1.227313	33585.656250	6948.274902	316517.687500	-0.197062	-0.111180	-2.009845	-0.015212	0.134269	-1.299415	0.001036	-0.094456	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	163302.000000	163302.000000
-332.556610	-0.188426	0.042691	-0.938146	-0.101423	-1.735917	0.505810	156354.000000	0.000000	-0.007226	-0.001869	3.298447	1.631181	1.227313	33179.175781	7296.112793	314200.437500	-0.205263	-0.111026	-2.009845	-0.015212	0.134269	-1.299415	0.001036	-0.094456	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	163650.000000	163650.000000
-332.561615	-0.191111	0.047086	-0.933752	-0.098230	-1.706119	0.510067	157806.000000	0.000000	-0.007226	-0.001869	3.408342	1.635067	1.227313	32333.609375	8049.457520	312346.656250	-0.213225	-0.110985	-2.009845	-0.015212	0.134269	-1.299415	0.001036	-0.094456	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	165855.000000	165855.000000
-332.566620	-0.193309	0.050748	-0.928869	-0.096101	-1.676320	0.514323	157806.000000	0.000000	-0.002948	0.001764	3.749738	1.839790	1.155763	59228.855469	31186.037109	279334.125000	-0.220944	-0.111044	-1.982326	-0.028538	0.136383	-1.306939	-0.067832	-0.092685	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	187806.000000	187806.000000	187806.000000
-332.571625	-0.195506	0.053189	-0.923742	-0.095037	-1.642265	0.516452	157806.000000	0.000000	-0.002948	0.001764	3.680449	1.699591	1.155763	13121.113281	-7277.504883	278407.218750	-0.228410	-0.111180	-1.982326	-0.028538	0.136383	-1.306939	-0.067832	-0.092685	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121962.000000	200000.000000	167407.000000	133649.000000
-332.576630	-0.198191	0.052945	-0.919104	-0.095037	-1.606081	0.519645	157806.000000	0.000000	-0.002948	0.001764	3.778605	1.702890	1.155763	31583.769531	8633.218750	277016.875000	-0.235625	-0.111339	-1.982326	-0.028538	0.136383	-1.306939	-0.067832	-0.092685	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	166439.000000	166439.000000
-332.581635	-0.201609	0.050016	-0.915930	-0.092909	-1.569898	0.521773	157806.000000	0.000000	-0.002948	0.001764	3.873835	1.702574	1.155763	31533.679688	7990.504395	276089.968750	-0.242603	-0.111449	-1.982326	-0.028538	0.136383	-1.306939	-0.067832	-0.092685	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	165796.000000	165796.000000
-332.586639	-0.205516	0.046354	-0.912512	-0.088652	-1.531586	0.523902	158970.000000	0.000000	-0.002948	0.001764	3.965876	1.700063	1.155763	31196.179688	7483.895508	275163.093750	-0.249351	-0.111483	-1.982326	-0.028538	0.136383	-1.306939	-0.067832	-0.092685	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	166453.000000	166453.000000
-332.591644	-0.209178	0.041959	-0.908850	-0.082267	-1.493274	0.527094	158970.000000	0.000000	-0.002948	0.001764	4.054502	1.695058	1.155763	31053.224609	6923.013672	273772.750000	-0.255870	-0.111417	-1.982326	-0.028538	0.136383	-1.306939	-0.067832	-0.092685	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	165893.000000	165893.000000
-332.596649	-0.211619	0.038053	-0.904455	-0.074817	-1.453897	0.529223	158970.000000	0.000000	-0.002948	0.001764	4.138533	1.688839	1.155763	30636.171875	6609.534180	272845.843750	-0.262138	-0.111255	-1.982326	-0.028538	0.136383	-1.306939	-0.067832	-0.092685	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	165579.000000	165579.000000
-332.601654	-0.214305	0.034635	-0.901525	-0.064175	-1.412392	0.532415	158970.000000	0.000000	-0.002973	0.002310	4.217063	1.710941	1.123548	29967.468750	9425.901367	257426.250000	-0.268149	-0.110994	-1.969935	-0.033256	0.135837	-1.310493	-0.094457	-0.094554	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	168428.000000	168363.000000
-332.606659	-0.216746	0.031949	-0.898352	-0.053532	-1.368759	0.536672	159848.000000	0.000000	-0.002310	0.003566	4.329992	1.749737	1.089436	33835.234375	11391.303711	240717.703125	-0.273894	-0.110650	-1.956816	-0.037495	0.134466	-1.313538	-0.122640	-0.099496	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	171239.000000	171239.000000
-332.611664	-0.218455	0.030240	-0.895666	-0.041826	-1.324062	0.539865	159848.000000	0.000000	-0.002310	0.003566	4.374116	1.690599	1.089436	26148.558594	179.336075	239327.359375	-0.279357	-0.110238	-1.956816	-0.037495	0.134466	-1.313538	-0.122640	-0.099496	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103520.000000	200000.000000	163878.000000	156175.000000
-332.616669	-0.220164	0.029996	-0.892736	-0.030119	-1.278300	0.543058	159848.000000	0.000000	-0.003912	0.002519	4.352481	1.624816	1.071696	18489.474609	-909.433594	230211.484375	-0.284537	-0.109790	-1.949992	-0.039657	0.133823	-1.315003	-0.133135	-0.099454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112267.000000	200000.000000	170449.000000	147428.000000
-332.621674	-0.222850	0.029752	-0.890051	-0.018413	-1.232538	0.545186	159848.000000	0.000000	-0.003912	0.002519	4.480223	1.657871	1.071696	35292.882812	10058.291016	229284.562500	-0.289463	-0.109303	-1.949992	-0.039657	0.133823	-1.315003	-0.133135	-0.099454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	169906.000000	169906.000000
-332.626678	-0.226268	0.029264	-0.886877	-0.006706	-1.184648	0.547314	159848.000000	0.000000	-0.003912	0.002519	4.540802	1.648133	1.071696	27732.302734	5254.367676	228357.687500	-0.294147	-0.108772	-1.949992	-0.039657	0.133823	-1.315003	-0.133135	-0.099454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	167370.000000	162834.000000
-332.631683	-0.229441	0.029020	-0.883459	0.002872	-1.135694	0.549443	160722.000000	0.000000	-0.003912	0.002519	4.597550	1.638590	1.071696	27229.878906	5421.847168	227430.765625	-0.298585	-0.108212	-1.949992	-0.039657	0.133823	-1.315003	-0.133135	-0.099454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	168913.000000	163373.000000
-332.636688	-0.231883	0.029264	-0.880041	0.010321	-1.086739	0.551571	160722.000000	0.000000	-0.003912	0.002519	4.650050	1.629763	1.071696	26779.111328	5659.676270	226503.890625	-0.302767	-0.107645	-1.949992	-0.039657	0.133823	-1.315003	-0.133135	-0.099454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	169602.000000	163160.000000
-332.641693	-0.233836	0.031217	-0.876867	0.016706	-1.034592	0.554764	160722.000000	0.000000	-0.003912	0.002519	4.697467	1.623186	1.071696	25847.410156	5964.566895	225113.515625	-0.306671	-0.107113	-1.949992	-0.039657	0.133823	-1.315003	-0.133135	-0.099454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	170839.000000	162533.000000
-332.646698	-0.235057	0.034635	-0.874182	0.018835	-0.980317	0.559021	160722.000000	0.000000	-0.003912	0.002519	4.739387	1.620043	1.071696	24952.044922	6785.855469	223259.718750	-0.310272	-0.106668	-1.949992	-0.039657	0.133823	-1.315003	-0.133135	-0.099454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	172555.000000	162459.000000
-332.651703	-0.235545	0.037809	-0.871252	0.019899	-0.926041	0.564342	161827.000000	0.000000	-0.003241	0.003561	4.813151	1.675490	1.053495	28543.113281	13595.519531	213016.390625	-0.313562	-0.106312	-1.942992	-0.041586	0.132837	-1.316306	-0.142639	-0.099958	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	176879.000000	173965.000000
-332.656708	-0.236766	0.040494	-0.868078	0.017771	-0.869637	0.570727	161827.000000	0.000000	0.002958	0.007878	5.160087	1.870877	1.008156	59682.535156	30242.240234	190491.343750	-0.316552	-0.106046	-1.925554	-0.044059	0.127493	-1.319896	-0.163414	-0.101131	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	191827.000000	191827.000000	191827.000000
-332.661713	-0.238230	0.041715	-0.864172	0.013514	-0.814298	0.577113	161827.000000	0.000000	0.002958	0.007878	4.941802	1.698020	1.008156	-3608.714600	-10789.863281	187710.671875	-0.319265	-0.105849	-1.925554	-0.044059	0.127493	-1.319896	-0.163414	-0.101131	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146225.000000	199008.000000	184645.000000	117428.000000
-332.666718	-0.240184	0.041471	-0.859533	0.008193	-0.757894	0.585627	161827.000000	0.000000	-0.001745	0.005332	4.709461	1.557388	0.989151	-6599.344238	-7751.936523	175726.703125	-0.321714	-0.105694	-1.918244	-0.045472	0.125951	-1.320961	-0.171435	-0.100599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146178.000000	192979.000000	190674.000000	117475.000000
-332.671722	-0.243113	0.039273	-0.855383	0.000743	-0.702554	0.596269	163025.000000	0.000000	-0.001745	0.005332	4.921320	1.657418	0.989151	43080.050781	19438.771484	171092.203125	-0.323929	-0.105549	-1.918244	-0.045472	0.125951	-1.320961	-0.171435	-0.100599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	182463.000000	182463.000000
-332.676727	-0.246287	0.036344	-0.851965	-0.008835	-0.647214	0.607975	163025.000000	0.000000	-0.001745	0.005332	4.941950	1.655450	0.989151	21893.609375	8492.500000	165994.265625	-0.325915	-0.105408	-1.918244	-0.045472	0.125951	-1.320961	-0.171435	-0.100599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102638.000000	200000.000000	179623.000000	163411.000000
-332.681732	-0.248484	0.033658	-0.846594	-0.018413	-0.591874	0.622874	163025.000000	0.000000	-0.001745	0.005332	4.958844	1.654172	0.989151	21305.902344	8606.431641	159506.000000	-0.327666	-0.105282	-1.918244	-0.045472	0.125951	-1.320961	-0.171435	-0.100599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103112.000000	200000.000000	180325.000000	162937.000000
-332.686737	-0.250193	0.029264	-0.840979	-0.027991	-0.538663	0.637774	163025.000000	0.000000	-0.001745	0.005332	4.972604	1.650918	0.989151	21013.095703	8418.501953	153017.687500	-0.329190	-0.105131	-1.918244	-0.045472	0.125951	-1.320961	-0.171435	-0.100599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103593.000000	200000.000000	180430.000000	162456.000000
-332.691742	-0.252391	0.023893	-0.834875	-0.039697	-0.485452	0.652673	163025.000000	0.000000	-0.001745	0.005332	4.984045	1.646607	0.989151	20566.796875	8570.202148	146529.421875	-0.330506	-0.104943	-1.918244	-0.045472	0.125951	-1.320961	-0.171435	-0.100599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103888.000000	200000.000000	181028.000000	162161.000000
-332.696747	-0.252635	0.021207	-0.828283	-0.052468	-0.433305	0.667572	163827.000000	0.000000	-0.001745	0.005332	4.990722	1.645379	0.989151	19950.781250	9079.297852	140041.140625	-0.331585	-0.104784	-1.918244	-0.045472	0.125951	-1.320961	-0.171435	-0.100599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104796.000000	200000.000000	182955.000000	162857.000000
-332.701752	-0.252879	0.019742	-0.824133	-0.065239	-0.383286	0.681407	163827.000000	0.000000	0.002811	0.008575	5.244273	1.824184	0.957227	48266.371094	29756.210938	120114.062500	-0.332425	-0.104678	-1.905966	-0.046234	0.121366	-1.322582	-0.175289	-0.105915	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	194070.000000	193583.000000	193583.000000
-332.706757	-0.251414	0.020719	-0.821447	-0.078010	-0.333268	0.695242	163827.000000	0.000000	0.001562	0.008326	4.990598	1.685122	0.918030	-8903.068359	-5775.995605	97019.804688	-0.332983	-0.104678	-1.890890	-0.047816	0.116991	-1.323834	-0.179216	-0.109614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148506.000000	190699.000000	196954.000000	119147.000000
-332.711761	-0.250193	0.021939	-0.818273	-0.088652	-0.282185	0.709077	163827.000000	0.000000	0.001562	0.008326	5.033876	1.700516	0.918030	23595.679688	11092.896484	90994.984375	-0.333269	-0.104777	-1.890890	-0.047816	0.116991	-1.323834	-0.179216	-0.109614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	181324.000000	168515.000000
-332.716766	-0.248240	0.024869	-0.816564	-0.097166	-0.228974	0.723976	164158.000000	0.000000	0.001822	0.008781	5.035632	1.733966	0.899598	18559.306641	13037.476562	76479.882812	-0.333249	-0.105003	-1.883801	-0.048031	0.114356	-1.324229	-0.178539	-0.112616	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102561.000000	199679.000000	188636.000000	165754.000000
-332.721771	-0.247020	0.028043	-0.815832	-0.102487	-0.172570	0.739939	164158.000000	0.000000	0.001822	0.008781	5.008077	1.725416	0.899598	14599.222656	8053.307129	69528.156250	-0.332922	-0.105342	-1.883801	-0.048031	0.114356	-1.324229	-0.178539	-0.112616	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111505.000000	200000.000000	187612.000000	156810.000000
-332.726776	-0.245311	0.032682	-0.815588	-0.104615	-0.111909	0.756967	164158.000000	0.000000	0.001822	0.008781	4.984631	1.737617	0.899598	14194.110352	10050.125977	62112.968750	-0.332257	-0.105811	-1.883801	-0.048031	0.114356	-1.324229	-0.178539	-0.112616	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109913.000000	198301.000000	190014.000000	158402.000000
-332.731781	-0.245066	0.036832	-0.815100	-0.102487	-0.045927	0.773995	164158.000000	0.000000	0.001822	0.008781	4.956954	1.749728	0.899598	12714.903320	9617.911133	54697.781250	-0.331271	-0.106372	-1.883801	-0.048031	0.114356	-1.324229	-0.178539	-0.112616	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111825.000000	197254.000000	191061.000000	156490.000000
-332.736786	-0.244334	0.040982	-0.813879	-0.097166	0.025376	0.791022	164158.000000	0.000000	0.001822	0.008781	4.922998	1.762152	0.899598	10952.881836	9333.935547	47282.593750	-0.329936	-0.107006	-1.883801	-0.048031	0.114356	-1.324229	-0.178539	-0.112616	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113871.000000	195776.000000	192539.000000	154444.000000
-332.741791	-0.244822	0.043668	-0.813635	-0.088652	0.100936	0.808050	164237.000000	0.000000	0.001822	0.008781	4.884219	1.772653	0.899598	9430.898438	8780.504883	39867.433594	-0.328260	-0.107658	-1.883801	-0.048031	0.114356	-1.324229	-0.178539	-0.112616	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116025.000000	194887.000000	193586.000000	152448.000000
-332.746796	-0.245311	0.045377	-0.812658	-0.076945	0.180753	0.826142	164237.000000	0.000000	0.001822	0.008781	4.839804	1.781274	0.899598	7771.495605	8208.578125	31988.791016	-0.326234	-0.108289	-1.883801	-0.048031	0.114356	-1.324229	-0.178539	-0.112616	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118256.000000	193799.000000	194674.000000	150217.000000
-332.751801	-0.245799	0.046598	-0.811926	-0.064175	0.264827	0.842105	164237.000000	0.000000	0.001822	0.008781	4.789356	1.788334	0.899598	6021.380859	7893.576172	25037.060547	-0.323843	-0.108876	-1.883801	-0.048031	0.114356	-1.324229	-0.178539	-0.112616	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125284.000000	187401.000000	191146.000000	153114.000000
-332.756805	-0.245555	0.047086	-0.810949	-0.049276	0.351029	0.858068	164237.000000	0.000000	-0.002565	0.006262	4.491294	1.654672	0.873568	-23206.966797	-8497.027344	6749.634277	-0.321069	-0.109391	-1.873789	-0.049701	0.112570	-1.324646	-0.181067	-0.112314	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189191.000000	156276.000000	185696.000000	125783.000000
-332.761810	-0.245799	0.047818	-0.810461	-0.033312	0.439360	0.872968	164152.000000	0.000000	0.004763	0.011140	5.007265	2.027227	0.810289	68033.992188	48687.867188	-27295.326172	-0.317919	-0.109831	-1.849451	-0.050334	0.104308	-1.324593	-0.165927	-0.120364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131447.000000	136856.000000	136856.000000	200000.000000
-332.766815	-0.244578	0.048551	-0.810705	-0.018413	0.529819	0.887867	164152.000000	0.000000	0.004763	0.011140	4.644115	1.834863	0.810289	-30951.265625	-14264.692383	-33783.601562	-0.314353	-0.110200	-1.849451	-0.050334	0.104308	-1.324593	-0.165927	-0.120364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	118416.000000	149887.000000	149887.000000
-332.771820	-0.242625	0.050016	-0.810461	-0.004578	0.622407	0.901702	164152.000000	0.000000	0.004763	0.011140	4.566871	1.837636	0.810289	-529.520752	7257.771973	-39808.445312	-0.310354	-0.110519	-1.849451	-0.050334	0.104308	-1.324593	-0.165927	-0.120364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187423.000000	126364.000000	141939.000000	200000.000000
-332.776825	-0.238475	0.054166	-0.809729	0.008193	0.716059	0.915537	164152.000000	0.000000	0.004763	0.011140	4.480722	1.843447	0.810289	-2452.668945	7676.915039	-45833.265625	-0.305880	-0.110856	-1.849451	-0.050334	0.104308	-1.324593	-0.165927	-0.120364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188927.000000	124022.000000	144281.000000	199376.000000
-332.781830	-0.233348	0.061734	-0.809973	0.016706	0.813968	0.928307	164163.000000	0.000000	0.004763	0.011140	4.385152	1.854801	0.810289	-4846.719727	8767.628906	-51394.656250	-0.300887	-0.111308	-1.849451	-0.050334	0.104308	-1.324593	-0.165927	-0.120364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190242.000000	120548.000000	147777.000000	198083.000000
-332.786835	-0.227488	0.070279	-0.810949	0.022028	0.912941	0.940014	164163.000000	0.000000	0.004763	0.011140	4.280873	1.869590	0.810289	-6856.307129	9539.814453	-56492.617188	-0.295361	-0.111906	-1.849451	-0.050334	0.104308	-1.324593	-0.165927	-0.120364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191479.000000	117766.000000	150559.000000	196846.000000
-332.791840	-0.221873	0.080289	-0.812414	0.025220	1.014042	0.949592	164163.000000	0.000000	0.005181	0.011760	4.191695	1.922555	0.792437	-6305.110840	14200.524414	-68437.765625	-0.289301	-0.112684	-1.842585	-0.049426	0.100748	-1.324249	-0.157289	-0.126752	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186267.000000	113657.000000	154668.000000	200000.000000
-332.796844	-0.217723	0.090299	-0.814367	0.026285	1.117272	0.958106	164163.000000	0.000000	0.004937	0.011986	4.043036	1.931739	0.716383	-14238.210938	9657.882812	-105265.257812	-0.282740	-0.113641	-1.813334	-0.049910	0.091831	-1.322620	-0.117868	-0.129684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198743.000000	110266.000000	158059.000000	189582.000000
-332.801849	-0.214793	0.099576	-0.817297	0.027349	1.219437	0.964491	164163.000000	0.000000	0.004937	0.011986	3.928828	1.945271	0.716383	-11328.462891	10193.285156	-108045.968750	-0.275714	-0.114748	-1.813334	-0.049910	0.091831	-1.322620	-0.117868	-0.129684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195298.000000	112641.000000	155684.000000	193027.000000
-332.806854	-0.212840	0.106656	-0.820227	0.027349	1.322667	0.968748	164150.000000	0.000000	0.009663	0.015805	4.059314	2.176919	0.700086	15585.553711	35359.160156	-116996.718750	-0.268252	-0.115948	-1.807066	-0.047519	0.086993	-1.321676	-0.101103	-0.130936	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148564.000000	119735.000000	148564.000000	200000.000000
-332.811859	-0.211619	0.110563	-0.822668	0.028413	1.422705	0.970876	164150.000000	0.000000	0.009663	0.015805	3.737077	2.042706	0.700086	-35785.488281	-5608.777832	-117923.609375	-0.260401	-0.117156	-1.807066	-0.047519	0.086993	-1.321676	-0.101103	-0.130936	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	109758.000000	158541.000000	158541.000000
-332.816864	-0.211619	0.110074	-0.825598	0.030541	1.520613	0.970876	164150.000000	0.000000	0.009663	0.015805	3.600589	2.055065	0.700086	-16205.428711	10437.709961	-117923.609375	-0.252210	-0.118259	-1.807066	-0.047519	0.086993	-1.321676	-0.101103	-0.130936	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199917.000000	107506.000000	160793.000000	188382.000000
-332.821869	-0.212352	0.104947	-0.830969	0.034798	1.613201	0.970876	164150.000000	0.000000	0.009663	0.015805	3.461158	2.059165	0.700086	-17011.265625	9294.872070	-117923.609375	-0.243718	-0.119136	-1.807066	-0.047519	0.086993	-1.321676	-0.101103	-0.130936	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	107843.000000	160456.000000	186433.000000
-332.826874	-0.213572	0.095670	-0.836096	0.041184	1.698339	0.970876	164270.000000	0.000000	0.009663	0.015805	3.320404	2.054495	0.700086	-17376.642578	8045.543945	-117923.609375	-0.234983	-0.119689	-1.807066	-0.047519	0.086993	-1.321676	-0.101103	-0.130936	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	108847.000000	159692.000000	184938.000000
-332.831879	-0.214549	0.085904	-0.840979	0.051826	1.774963	0.970876	164270.000000	0.000000	0.009663	0.015805	3.178374	2.043823	0.700086	-17586.611328	6819.610840	-117923.609375	-0.226047	-0.119896	-1.807066	-0.047519	0.086993	-1.321676	-0.101103	-0.130936	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	109863.000000	158676.000000	183503.000000
-332.836884	-0.213816	0.075650	-0.847082	0.065661	1.840945	0.973005	164270.000000	0.000000	0.009663	0.015805	3.033938	2.027184	0.700086	-17649.025391	5672.249023	-118850.515625	-0.216922	-0.119745	-1.807066	-0.047519	0.086993	-1.321676	-0.101103	-0.130936	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	110948.000000	157591.000000	182293.000000
-332.841888	-0.211375	0.066617	-0.852697	0.082688	1.893092	0.977262	164270.000000	0.000000	0.009663	0.015805	2.888611	2.006705	0.700086	-17134.039062	4726.315918	-120704.312500	-0.207644	-0.119262	-1.807066	-0.047519	0.086993	-1.321676	-0.101103	-0.130936	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	112409.000000	156130.000000	181862.000000
-332.846893	-0.206980	0.059049	-0.858801	0.101845	1.934597	0.984711	164270.000000	0.000000	0.013302	0.018088	2.941512	2.108791	0.621752	5884.839844	18350.648438	-158061.625000	-0.198220	-0.118485	-1.776937	-0.039244	0.068685	-1.316915	-0.014999	-0.141761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170034.000000	121804.000000	146735.000000	200000.000000
-332.851898	-0.200633	0.053678	-0.864660	0.122065	1.962267	0.993225	164877.000000	0.000000	0.013302	0.018088	2.648285	1.992648	0.621752	-32128.851562	-6389.297363	-161769.218750	-0.188680	-0.117467	-1.776937	-0.039244	0.068685	-1.316915	-0.014999	-0.141761	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	111266.000000	158487.000000	158487.000000
-332.856903	-0.193553	0.049771	-0.871008	0.143349	1.978230	1.002803	164877.000000	0.000000	0.007220	0.014096	2.166731	1.746591	0.597124	-53848.878906	-22026.810547	-176665.078125	-0.179069	-0.116245	-1.767465	-0.037719	0.064530	-1.315235	0.005335	-0.140343	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	126903.000000	142850.000000	142850.000000
-332.861908	-0.184520	0.048062	-0.876867	0.164634	1.983552	1.014510	164877.000000	0.000000	0.007220	0.014096	2.262426	1.879773	0.597124	11220.063477	20193.451172	-181763.015625	-0.169395	-0.114875	-1.767465	-0.037719	0.064530	-1.315235	0.005335	-0.140343	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163463.000000	125903.000000	143850.000000	200000.000000
-332.866913	-0.174021	0.047818	-0.882482	0.183790	1.979295	1.026216	164877.000000	0.000000	0.007220	0.014096	2.115076	1.853642	0.597124	-15109.361328	2701.789062	-186860.937500	-0.159680	-0.113403	-1.767465	-0.037719	0.064530	-1.315235	0.005335	-0.140343	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	117065.000000	152688.000000	182469.000000
-332.871918	-0.163279	0.048795	-0.889807	0.201882	1.966524	1.038987	166314.000000	0.000000	0.007220	0.014096	1.968865	1.827773	0.597124	-14661.827148	2645.293457	-192422.312500	-0.149957	-0.111862	-1.767465	-0.037719	0.064530	-1.315235	0.005335	-0.140343	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	119006.000000	153621.000000	184297.000000
-332.876923	-0.151072	0.049283	-0.897863	0.217845	1.945239	1.051757	166314.000000	0.000000	0.007220	0.014096	1.823122	1.800834	0.597124	-14246.734375	2564.376709	-197983.718750	-0.140235	-0.110252	-1.767465	-0.037719	0.064530	-1.315235	0.005335	-0.140343	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	119502.000000	153125.000000	184631.000000
-332.881927	-0.138377	0.049039	-0.907385	0.231680	1.916505	1.064528	166314.000000	0.000000	0.007220	0.014096	1.678839	1.772456	0.597124	-13801.048828	2445.131348	-203545.093750	-0.130543	-0.108565	-1.767465	-0.037719	0.064530	-1.315235	0.005335	-0.140343	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	120067.000000	152560.000000	184958.000000
-332.886932	-0.125437	0.047574	-0.916174	0.244451	1.882450	1.077299	166314.000000	0.000000	0.007220	0.014096	1.536474	1.741849	0.597124	-13500.794922	2118.392334	-209106.500000	-0.120904	-0.106782	-1.767465	-0.037719	0.064530	-1.315235	0.005335	-0.140343	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	120694.000000	151933.000000	184931.000000
-332.891937	-0.111521	0.045865	-0.924719	0.255093	1.842009	1.090070	167346.000000	0.000000	0.014148	0.018995	1.776686	1.979542	0.533845	30558.978516	32898.042969	-242224.796875	-0.111336	-0.104908	-1.743127	-0.029347	0.049269	-1.310616	0.072799	-0.139703	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137346.000000	137346.000000	137346.000000	200000.000000
-332.896942	-0.096873	0.044889	-0.932287	0.262543	1.795184	1.103904	167346.000000	0.000000	0.010113	0.016044	1.139359	1.590165	0.509212	-67945.992188	-37526.386719	-258976.875000	-0.101860	-0.102979	-1.733652	-0.026915	0.044567	-1.308828	0.092837	-0.138432	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	137346.000000	137346.000000	137346.000000
-332.901947	-0.081248	0.044400	-0.940588	0.267864	1.744101	1.116675	167346.000000	0.000000	0.010113	0.016044	1.163694	1.677236	0.509212	5622.754883	15471.938477	-264538.250000	-0.092477	-0.101013	-1.733652	-0.026915	0.044567	-1.308828	0.092837	-0.138432	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176251.000000	127496.000000	147195.000000	200000.000000
-332.906952	-0.064891	0.045377	-0.947668	0.269992	1.688761	1.129446	167346.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.012871	0.842557	1.473855	0.479333	-33118.535156	-17059.246094	-283111.062500	-0.083199	-0.099057	-1.722161	-0.025619	0.040942	-1.306915	0.108378	-0.137533	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	124405.000000	150286.000000	150286.000000
-332.911957	-0.047801	0.047574	-0.954016	0.268928	1.629164	1.142217	167346.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.012871	0.844990	1.574151	0.479333	3213.340576	17149.228516	-288672.406250	-0.074034	-0.097152	-1.722161	-0.025619	0.040942	-1.306915	0.108378	-0.137533	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176983.000000	123410.000000	151281.000000	200000.000000
-332.916962	-0.030223	0.048551	-0.961340	0.265735	1.564247	1.153923	168204.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.012871	0.714758	1.547260	0.479333	-11090.764648	3288.769531	-293770.343750	-0.065003	-0.095277	-1.722161	-0.025619	0.040942	-1.306915	0.108378	-0.137533	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	123824.000000	152583.000000	190402.000000
-332.921967	-0.012889	0.049283	-0.967687	0.260414	1.496136	1.165630	168204.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.012871	0.587786	1.521069	0.479333	-10650.602539	3504.238525	-298868.343750	-0.056124	-0.093438	-1.722161	-0.025619	0.040942	-1.306915	0.108378	-0.137533	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	124049.000000	152358.000000	191057.000000
-332.926971	0.004934	0.049283	-0.973059	0.252965	1.424833	1.176272	168204.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.012871	0.463551	1.495062	0.479333	-10242.041992	3673.090576	-303502.781250	-0.047408	-0.091627	-1.722161	-0.025619	0.040942	-1.306915	0.108378	-0.137533	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	124288.000000	152119.000000	191635.000000
-332.931976	0.022756	0.049283	-0.978918	0.244451	1.350337	1.185850	168204.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.012871	0.342708	1.469639	0.479333	-9731.320312	3776.595459	-307673.875000	-0.038873	-0.089848	-1.722161	-0.025619	0.040942	-1.306915	0.108378	-0.137533	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	124696.000000	151711.000000	192249.000000
-332.936981	0.039846	0.048062	-0.985510	0.234873	1.272649	1.195428	168748.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.012871	0.226337	1.443492	0.479333	-9067.276367	3737.405762	-311844.875000	-0.030550	-0.088079	-1.722161	-0.025619	0.040942	-1.306915	0.108378	-0.137533	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	125943.000000	151552.000000	193418.000000
-332.941986	0.055959	0.045865	-0.992834	0.224230	1.192832	1.205006	168748.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.012871	0.114896	1.416653	0.479333	-8435.728516	3704.208740	-316015.906250	-0.022470	-0.086304	-1.722161	-0.025619	0.040942	-1.306915	0.108378	-0.137533	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	126608.000000	150887.000000	194016.000000
-332.946991	0.071096	0.043912	-0.999670	0.213588	1.108758	1.214584	168748.000000	0.000000	0.012745	0.017483	0.340166	1.643637	0.458460	30478.683594	32706.664062	-329276.968750	-0.014674	-0.084529	-1.714132	-0.022335	0.035807	-1.305045	0.128650	-0.134578	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138748.000000	138748.000000	138748.000000	200000.000000
-332.951996	0.085500	0.042447	-1.005529	0.202946	1.023620	1.222034	168748.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.015381	-0.054580	1.317661	0.374054	-39002.980469	-29545.146484	-369278.156250	-0.007180	-0.082766	-1.681669	-0.016591	0.024576	-1.299471	0.160303	-0.130187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	138293.000000	139202.000000	139202.000000
-332.957001	0.099172	0.041471	-1.011389	0.192304	0.935289	1.229483	168748.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.015381	-0.109717	1.376429	0.374054	-1157.222290	13079.064453	-372522.312500	-0.000016	-0.081024	-1.681669	-0.016591	0.024576	-1.299471	0.160303	-0.130187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186826.000000	124511.000000	152984.000000	200000.000000
-332.962006	0.111867	0.041471	-1.016760	0.180597	0.844830	1.234804	169488.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.015381	-0.197587	1.352863	0.374054	-4510.346680	4088.437988	-374839.562500	0.006792	-0.079329	-1.681669	-0.016591	0.024576	-1.299471	0.160303	-0.130187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199909.000000	130889.000000	148086.000000	199066.000000
-332.967010	0.123098	0.042203	-1.021887	0.169955	0.753307	1.239061	169488.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.015381	-0.278502	1.330516	0.374054	-3579.895996	4051.513916	-376693.343750	0.013214	-0.077690	-1.681669	-0.016591	0.024576	-1.299471	0.160303	-0.130187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199016.000000	131856.000000	147119.000000	199959.000000
-332.972015	0.133107	0.043180	-1.026770	0.158248	0.661783	1.242254	169488.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.015381	-0.352649	1.309579	0.374054	-2755.685791	4281.210449	-378083.687500	0.019233	-0.076117	-1.681669	-0.016591	0.024576	-1.299471	0.160303	-0.130187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197962.000000	132451.000000	146524.000000	200000.000000
-332.977020	0.141652	0.044400	-1.030676	0.145478	0.569196	1.242254	169488.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.015381	-0.419337	1.290258	0.374054	-1699.435669	4545.696289	-378083.687500	0.024822	-0.074622	-1.681669	-0.016591	0.024576	-1.299471	0.160303	-0.130187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196641.000000	133242.000000	145733.000000	200000.000000
-332.982025	0.148732	0.047086	-1.033850	0.132707	0.476608	1.241190	170022.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.015381	-0.478552	1.273706	0.374054	-724.249146	4832.901367	-377620.250000	0.029964	-0.073233	-1.681669	-0.016591	0.024576	-1.299471	0.160303	-0.130187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195913.000000	134464.000000	145579.000000	200000.000000
-332.987030	0.155080	0.050748	-1.036047	0.117808	0.384020	1.239061	170022.000000	0.000000	0.011766	0.015381	-0.530878	1.260403	0.374054	218.527328	5431.386230	-376693.343750	0.034655	-0.071982	-1.681669	-0.016591	0.024576	-1.299471	0.160303	-0.130187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194372.000000	134809.000000	145234.000000	200000.000000
-332.992035	0.160939	0.054898	-1.038977	0.102909	0.291433	1.233740	170022.000000	0.000000	0.005117	0.009337	-0.941844	0.917295	0.340324	-40680.792969	-32342.308594	-389064.812500	0.038891	-0.070876	-1.668695	-0.015885	0.022226	-1.297663	0.174124	-0.125750	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	140022.000000	140022.000000	140022.000000
-332.997040	0.166799	0.060025	-1.042639	0.088010	0.199909	1.228419	170022.000000	0.000000	0.010932	0.011984	-0.395489	1.296827	0.214808	67399.734375	48930.660156	-441407.375000	0.042685	-0.069931	-1.620420	-0.011519	0.013322	-1.291384	0.185473	-0.114834	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140022.000000	140022.000000	140022.000000	200000.000000
-333.002045	0.171193	0.064176	-1.046057	0.073110	0.108386	1.220969	170720.000000	0.000000	0.010932	0.011984	-0.659549	1.184692	0.214808	-22503.873047	-5578.477051	-438163.250000	0.046017	-0.069130	-1.620420	-0.011519	0.013322	-1.291384	0.185473	-0.114834	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	123794.000000	157645.000000	172637.000000
-333.007050	0.173879	0.067350	-1.049963	0.060340	0.015798	1.213520	170720.000000	0.000000	0.010932	0.011984	-0.682634	1.178921	0.214808	4429.470215	5915.121094	-434919.093750	0.048861	-0.068443	-1.620420	-0.011519	0.013322	-1.291384	0.185473	-0.114834	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190375.000000	139234.000000	142205.000000	200000.000000
-333.012054	0.175832	0.067594	-1.053381	0.049697	-0.076789	1.205006	170720.000000	0.000000	0.010932	0.011984	-0.698288	1.171342	0.214808	5600.425781	5496.492676	-431211.500000	0.051213	-0.067805	-1.620420	-0.011519	0.013322	-1.291384	0.185473	-0.114834	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189623.000000	140823.000000	140616.000000	200000.000000
-333.017059	0.176809	0.067350	-1.057287	0.041184	-0.168313	1.197556	170720.000000	0.000000	0.010932	0.011984	-0.706366	1.163513	0.214808	6700.256348	5237.919922	-427967.375000	0.053071	-0.067199	-1.620420	-0.011519	0.013322	-1.291384	0.185473	-0.114834	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188781.000000	142182.000000	139257.000000	200000.000000
-333.022064	0.177053	0.067105	-1.060705	0.034798	-0.260900	1.187978	170720.000000	0.000000	0.010932	0.011984	-0.706614	1.155785	0.214808	8105.023926	5008.886230	-423796.312500	0.054426	-0.066618	-1.620420	-0.011519	0.013322	-1.291384	0.185473	-0.114834	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187606.000000	143816.000000	137623.000000	200000.000000
-333.027069	0.177297	0.067350	-1.064123	0.028413	-0.351360	1.179464	171499.000000	0.000000	0.008202	0.009568	-0.850504	1.016174	0.186765	-8171.067383	-10105.216797	-432300.812500	0.055300	-0.066073	-1.609634	-0.009819	0.010955	-1.290130	0.189481	-0.114998	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143433.000000	139564.000000	183222.000000
-333.032074	0.177297	0.067838	-1.066564	0.023092	-0.441819	1.169886	171499.000000	0.000000	0.006923	0.007091	-0.798750	0.970626	0.124087	13995.304688	-64.575684	-455424.718750	0.055699	-0.065567	-1.585527	-0.008316	0.008547	-1.287738	0.181241	-0.111126	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187568.000000	155558.000000	127439.000000	200000.000000
-333.037079	0.176809	0.068570	-1.069494	0.018835	-0.529085	1.158180	171499.000000	0.000000	0.006284	0.006273	-0.763484	1.019287	0.094298	12394.878906	10420.728516	-463299.312500	0.055639	-0.065101	-1.574070	-0.007271	0.007300	-1.286778	0.173335	-0.109683	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178683.000000	143473.000000	139524.000000	200000.000000
-333.042084	0.175832	0.069547	-1.071203	0.013514	-0.614223	1.146474	171499.000000	0.000000	0.006284	0.006273	-0.712582	1.047963	0.094298	14506.006836	8496.716797	-458201.375000	0.055135	-0.064689	-1.574070	-0.007271	0.007300	-1.286778	0.173335	-0.109683	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178496.000000	147508.000000	135489.000000	200000.000000
-333.047089	0.174367	0.070279	-1.073400	0.008193	-0.697233	1.131574	171988.000000	0.000000	0.004034	0.003569	-0.804779	0.895900	0.061537	-1504.930420	-12051.787109	-465979.781250	0.054194	-0.064328	-1.561470	-0.006980	0.006958	-1.285903	0.164373	-0.107206	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	152534.000000	131441.000000	188431.000000
-333.052094	0.173146	0.070768	-1.075842	0.002872	-0.777050	1.116675	171988.000000	0.000000	0.004034	0.003569	-0.678285	1.001237	0.061537	23144.000000	16762.443359	-459491.437500	0.052846	-0.064015	-1.561470	-0.006980	0.006958	-1.285903	0.164373	-0.107206	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162081.000000	148369.000000	135606.000000	200000.000000
-333.057098	0.170705	0.071500	-1.077062	-0.002450	-0.854738	1.098583	171988.000000	0.000000	0.004034	0.003569	-0.635588	0.999612	0.061537	14245.146484	5015.986816	-451612.843750	0.051089	-0.063758	-1.561470	-0.006980	0.006958	-1.285903	0.164373	-0.107206	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182726.000000	151217.000000	132758.000000	200000.000000
-333.062103	0.168264	0.072232	-1.077307	-0.008835	-0.928170	1.079427	171988.000000	0.000000	0.004034	0.003569	-0.588534	0.999250	0.061537	14810.432617	5299.428711	-443270.750000	0.048956	-0.063564	-1.561470	-0.006980	0.006958	-1.285903	0.164373	-0.107206	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181878.000000	151499.000000	132476.000000	200000.000000
-333.067108	0.165578	0.073209	-1.077062	-0.015220	-1.000537	1.058143	171988.000000	0.000000	0.004034	0.003569	-0.536347	1.000180	0.061537	15830.857422	5475.227051	-434001.781250	0.046455	-0.063440	-1.561470	-0.006980	0.006958	-1.285903	0.164373	-0.107206	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180681.000000	152343.000000	131632.000000	200000.000000
-333.072113	0.161916	0.074186	-1.076574	-0.019477	-1.070776	1.035794	172547.000000	0.000000	0.004034	0.003569	-0.478693	1.001638	0.061537	16786.175781	5325.510254	-424269.343750	0.043589	-0.063376	-1.561470	-0.006980	0.006958	-1.285903	0.164373	-0.107206	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180435.000000	154007.000000	131086.000000	200000.000000
-333.077118	0.157033	0.072965	-1.076574	-0.023734	-1.137822	1.012381	172547.000000	0.000000	0.004034	0.003569	-0.415563	1.001801	0.061537	17638.867188	5203.555176	-414073.468750	0.040356	-0.063333	-1.561470	-0.006980	0.006958	-1.285903	0.164373	-0.107206	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179704.000000	154982.000000	130111.000000	200000.000000
-333.082123	0.149953	0.068570	-1.076330	-0.023734	-1.205933	0.987904	172547.000000	0.000000	0.004707	0.003750	-0.307840	1.007996	0.030169	23469.029297	5427.323242	-417074.375000	0.036720	-0.063233	-1.549405	-0.006469	0.006560	-1.285198	0.155206	-0.106089	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173650.000000	160588.000000	124505.000000	200000.000000
-333.087128	0.140920	0.061490	-1.076330	-0.022670	-1.272979	0.963427	172547.000000	0.000000	0.008584	0.005609	-0.043599	1.095448	-0.057090	42089.515625	14644.070312	-444414.562500	0.032657	-0.063023	-1.515844	-0.004219	0.005508	-1.283704	0.116253	-0.100153	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157902.000000	157902.000000	127191.000000	200000.000000
-333.092133	0.131154	0.053189	-1.076574	-0.019477	-1.338961	0.940014	173439.000000	0.000000	0.008584	0.005609	-0.114127	1.010320	-0.057090	5134.375000	-4974.388184	-434218.687500	0.028165	-0.062675	-1.515844	-0.004219	0.005508	-1.283704	0.116253	-0.100153	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	153547.000000	133330.000000	200000.000000
-333.097137	0.121389	0.046598	-1.076330	-0.016285	-1.401750	0.918729	173439.000000	0.000000	0.008584	0.005609	-0.024578	0.999377	-0.057090	23085.490234	3117.738525	-424949.687500	0.023270	-0.062222	-1.515844	-0.004219	0.005508	-1.283704	0.116253	-0.100153	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177235.000000	163406.000000	123471.000000	200000.000000
-333.102142	0.113088	0.042936	-1.076330	-0.012028	-1.462411	0.898509	173439.000000	0.000000	0.008584	0.005609	0.068602	0.989697	-0.057090	23958.361328	3075.498291	-416144.187500	0.018016	-0.061717	-1.515844	-0.004219	0.005508	-1.283704	0.116253	-0.100153	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176405.000000	164321.000000	122556.000000	200000.000000
-333.107147	0.106252	0.041715	-1.077062	-0.008835	-1.518815	0.881481	173439.000000	0.000000	0.008584	0.005609	0.164205	0.982043	-0.057090	24455.958984	3365.409912	-408729.000000	0.012456	-0.061211	-1.515844	-0.004219	0.005508	-1.283704	0.116253	-0.100153	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175617.000000	164529.000000	122348.000000	200000.000000
-333.112152	0.101125	0.043180	-1.077307	-0.006706	-1.572026	0.867646	174206.000000	0.000000	0.008584	0.005609	0.261373	0.977422	-0.057090	24968.757812	3784.800293	-402704.156250	0.006646	-0.060758	-1.515844	-0.004219	0.005508	-1.283704	0.116253	-0.100153	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175452.000000	165389.000000	123022.000000	200000.000000
-333.117157	0.096242	0.045377	-1.079016	-0.004578	-1.620981	0.855940	174206.000000	0.000000	0.008584	0.005609	0.360716	0.974259	-0.057090	25421.980469	3920.876221	-397606.218750	0.000614	-0.060372	-1.515844	-0.004219	0.005508	-1.283704	0.116253	-0.100153	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174863.000000	165707.000000	122704.000000	200000.000000
-333.122162	0.091848	0.048062	-1.079992	-0.003514	-1.665678	0.846362	174206.000000	0.000000	0.010062	0.005974	0.542676	0.992919	-0.133880	35080.785156	6518.389160	-426875.625000	-0.005603	-0.060065	-1.486309	-0.000563	0.004127	-1.282976	0.067672	-0.092457	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167687.000000	167687.000000	120724.000000	200000.000000
-333.127167	0.088186	0.049283	-1.078771	-0.002450	-1.707183	0.837848	174206.000000	0.000000	0.007342	0.003748	0.435377	0.854263	-0.158063	2621.295654	-11422.293945	-433699.406250	-0.011968	-0.059811	-1.477008	0.000784	0.003748	-1.282960	0.048832	-0.090845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158249.000000	130162.000000	195405.000000
-333.132172	0.085012	0.049771	-1.078039	-0.002450	-1.744431	0.831463	174206.000000	0.000000	0.007342	0.003748	0.645975	0.941876	-0.158063	38248.019531	13977.484375	-430918.718750	-0.018449	-0.059602	-1.477008	0.000784	0.003748	-1.282960	0.048832	-0.090845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160228.000000	160228.000000	128183.000000	200000.000000
-333.137177	0.082082	0.050748	-1.076574	-0.002450	-1.778486	0.826142	174773.000000	0.000000	0.007342	0.003748	0.748216	0.941648	-0.158063	26609.466797	4317.871582	-428601.468750	-0.025021	-0.059445	-1.477008	0.000784	0.003748	-1.282960	0.048832	-0.090845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173845.000000	167064.000000	122481.000000	200000.000000
-333.142181	0.078664	0.050748	-1.075354	-0.001385	-1.808284	0.821885	174773.000000	0.000000	0.007342	0.003748	0.851074	0.940887	-0.158063	26819.355469	4133.732910	-426747.687500	-0.031671	-0.059318	-1.477008	0.000784	0.003748	-1.282960	0.048832	-0.090845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173819.000000	167458.000000	122087.000000	200000.000000
-333.147186	0.074514	0.049283	-1.074133	-0.000321	-1.835954	0.816564	174773.000000	0.000000	0.007342	0.003748	0.955199	0.939037	-0.158063	27330.919922	4000.547852	-424430.437500	-0.038400	-0.059191	-1.477008	0.000784	0.003748	-1.282960	0.048832	-0.090845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173441.000000	168103.000000	121442.000000	200000.000000
-333.152191	0.069143	0.044645	-1.072424	0.002872	-1.861496	0.812307	174773.000000	0.000000	0.007342	0.003748	1.061055	0.933424	-0.158063	27891.746094	3312.329590	-422576.625000	-0.045219	-0.058997	-1.477008	0.000784	0.003748	-1.282960	0.048832	-0.090845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173568.000000	169352.000000	120193.000000	200000.000000
-333.157196	0.064016	0.038541	-1.070715	0.009257	-1.884909	0.808050	175500.000000	0.000000	0.007342	0.003748	1.167369	0.924500	-0.158063	28304.714844	2526.744141	-420722.843750	-0.052111	-0.058694	-1.477008	0.000784	0.003748	-1.282960	0.048832	-0.090845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174668.000000	171277.000000	119722.000000	200000.000000
-333.162201	0.059377	0.031705	-1.068762	0.018835	-1.906193	0.803793	175500.000000	0.000000	0.007342	0.003748	1.273664	0.912426	-0.158063	28655.416016	1729.768677	-418869.031250	-0.059056	-0.058253	-1.477008	0.000784	0.003748	-1.282960	0.048832	-0.090845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175114.000000	172425.000000	118574.000000	200000.000000
-333.167206	0.055715	0.025602	-1.065344	0.030541	-1.925349	0.799536	175500.000000	0.000000	0.010174	0.004804	1.534803	0.956672	-0.229183	46736.859375	7838.082031	-447986.625000	-0.066024	-0.057682	-1.449654	0.004442	0.003578	-1.283115	-0.006781	-0.079693	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167661.000000	167661.000000	123338.000000	200000.000000
-333.172211	0.052541	0.020230	-1.062170	0.045441	-1.943441	0.794215	175500.000000	0.000000	0.006050	0.001042	1.299873	0.691782	-0.254270	-8923.455078	-27791.238281	-456594.375000	-0.073002	-0.056980	-1.440005	0.005332	0.004104	-1.283289	-0.026059	-0.081500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	164367.000000	126632.000000	168785.000000
-333.177216	0.049611	0.015836	-1.059729	0.063532	-1.958340	0.788894	175500.000000	0.000000	0.006050	0.001042	1.568919	0.824672	-0.254270	47446.964844	16123.985352	-454277.125000	-0.079970	-0.056150	-1.440005	0.005332	0.004104	-1.283289	-0.026059	-0.081500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159376.000000	159376.000000	131623.000000	200000.000000
-333.182220	0.045461	0.010709	-1.057775	0.084817	-1.973239	0.783573	176105.000000	0.000000	0.006050	0.001042	1.674280	0.803672	-0.254270	30001.910156	-1342.708374	-451959.875000	-0.086954	-0.055164	-1.440005	0.005332	0.004104	-1.283289	-0.026059	-0.081500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177447.000000	177447.000000	114762.000000	200000.000000
-333.187225	0.039846	0.004117	-1.056799	0.107166	-1.984946	0.777187	176105.000000	0.000000	0.006050	0.001042	1.780624	0.778620	-0.254270	30301.976562	-2123.308594	-449179.187500	-0.093966	-0.053992	-1.440005	0.005332	0.004104	-1.283289	-0.026059	-0.081500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178228.000000	178228.000000	113981.000000	200000.000000
-333.192230	0.033254	-0.002719	-1.055578	0.129514	-1.992395	0.770802	176105.000000	0.000000	0.006050	0.001042	1.887288	0.750666	-0.254270	30393.980469	-2673.822510	-446398.468750	-0.101005	-0.052631	-1.440005	0.005332	0.004104	-1.283289	-0.026059	-0.081500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178778.000000	178778.000000	113431.000000	200000.000000
-333.197235	0.027150	-0.009311	-1.052404	0.151863	-1.994524	0.765481	176105.000000	0.000000	0.006050	0.001042	1.992375	0.720296	-0.254270	30128.804688	-3181.928467	-444081.250000	-0.108036	-0.051089	-1.440005	0.005332	0.004104	-1.283289	-0.026059	-0.081500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179286.000000	179286.000000	112923.000000	200000.000000
-333.202240	0.021535	-0.013461	-1.049719	0.171019	-1.990267	0.759095	176526.000000	0.000000	0.008414	0.001732	2.225176	0.728697	-0.327936	44525.792969	1382.490967	-473380.312500	-0.115016	-0.049429	-1.411672	0.007152	0.006986	-1.284127	-0.084288	-0.073772	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175143.000000	175143.000000	117908.000000	200000.000000
-333.207245	0.016408	-0.015658	-1.048742	0.188047	-1.979625	0.752710	176526.000000	0.000000	0.003282	-0.002955	1.948506	0.414677	-0.354325	-13522.278320	-35358.234375	-482091.500000	-0.121913	-0.047701	-1.401523	0.007107	0.008824	-1.284406	-0.104945	-0.072278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	163003.000000	130048.000000	163003.000000
-333.212250	0.010549	-0.016146	-1.048010	0.202946	-1.961533	0.745260	176526.000000	0.000000	0.003282	-0.002955	2.251260	0.574760	-0.354325	50685.437500	17677.365234	-478847.375000	-0.128702	-0.045948	-1.401523	0.007107	0.008824	-1.284406	-0.104945	-0.072278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158848.000000	158848.000000	134203.000000	200000.000000
-333.217255	0.004934	-0.016146	-1.046545	0.213588	-1.935991	0.734618	176526.000000	0.000000	0.003282	-0.002955	2.345160	0.548520	-0.354325	27211.220703	-2515.536377	-474212.875000	-0.135346	-0.044195	-1.401523	0.007107	0.008824	-1.284406	-0.104945	-0.072278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181830.000000	176252.000000	116799.000000	200000.000000
-333.222260	0.000051	-0.016146	-1.045568	0.221038	-1.906193	0.722912	177280.000000	0.000000	0.003282	-0.002955	2.435205	0.523044	-0.354325	26594.896484	-2231.079102	-469114.937500	-0.141817	-0.042458	-1.401523	0.007107	0.008824	-1.284406	-0.104945	-0.072278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182916.000000	176105.000000	118454.000000	200000.000000
-333.227264	-0.004100	-0.016391	-1.045080	0.227423	-1.873202	0.711205	177280.000000	0.000000	0.003282	-0.002955	2.521140	0.497705	-0.354325	26035.500000	-2244.965820	-464017.000000	-0.148085	-0.040733	-1.401523	0.007107	0.008824	-1.284406	-0.104945	-0.072278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183489.000000	175560.000000	118999.000000	200000.000000
-333.232269	-0.007273	-0.015658	-1.044348	0.231680	-1.834890	0.697370	177280.000000	0.000000	0.003282	-0.002955	2.601816	0.473961	-0.354325	25066.974609	-1964.456543	-457992.156250	-0.154111	-0.039047	-1.401523	0.007107	0.008824	-1.284406	-0.104945	-0.072278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184177.000000	174311.000000	120248.000000	200000.000000
-333.237274	-0.010691	-0.015170	-1.041906	0.234873	-1.794449	0.683535	177280.000000	0.000000	0.003282	-0.002955	2.678800	0.450651	-0.354325	24595.156250	-1921.526367	-451967.343750	-0.159892	-0.037397	-1.401523	0.007107	0.008824	-1.284406	-0.104945	-0.072278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184606.000000	173796.000000	120763.000000	200000.000000
-333.242279	-0.013621	-0.014193	-1.037512	0.235937	-1.752945	0.668636	177280.000000	0.000000	0.003282	-0.002955	2.751627	0.428758	-0.354325	24165.103516	-1637.294067	-445479.031250	-0.165421	-0.035799	-1.401523	0.007107	0.008824	-1.284406	-0.104945	-0.072278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184752.000000	173082.000000	121477.000000	200000.000000
-333.247284	-0.017039	-0.012973	-1.033850	0.237001	-1.712504	0.653737	177679.000000	0.000000	0.006412	-0.000390	2.993823	0.548801	-0.399456	43833.273438	14516.695312	-458644.375000	-0.170717	-0.034255	-1.384165	0.008022	0.011451	-1.285211	-0.140499	-0.065891	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163162.000000	163162.000000	132195.000000	200000.000000
-333.252289	-0.021189	-0.012729	-1.030920	0.237001	-1.670999	0.638838	177679.000000	0.000000	0.007306	0.000359	2.985192	0.466346	-0.439265	15905.770508	-8011.384277	-469492.062500	-0.175793	-0.032749	-1.368854	0.009509	0.013565	-1.286081	-0.172427	-0.059726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199784.000000	171596.000000	123761.000000	200000.000000
-333.257294	-0.026561	-0.014438	-1.026281	0.237001	-1.631623	0.623939	177679.000000	0.000000	0.007306	0.000359	3.015651	0.413672	-0.439265	20396.949219	-4979.137695	-463003.781250	-0.180688	-0.031241	-1.368854	0.009509	0.013565	-1.286081	-0.172427	-0.059726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192261.000000	173055.000000	122302.000000	200000.000000
-333.262299	-0.031687	-0.015902	-1.020666	0.235937	-1.591182	0.609040	177679.000000	0.000000	0.007306	0.000359	3.078877	0.391338	-0.439265	23987.718750	-1623.931763	-456515.531250	-0.185398	-0.029737	-1.368854	0.009509	0.013565	-1.286081	-0.172427	-0.059726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185315.000000	173290.000000	122067.000000	200000.000000
-333.267303	-0.036326	-0.017611	-1.016516	0.233809	-1.551806	0.594140	178568.000000	0.000000	0.007306	0.000359	3.139272	0.369036	-0.439265	23890.042969	-1596.179565	-450027.218750	-0.189921	-0.028239	-1.368854	0.009509	0.013565	-1.286081	-0.172427	-0.059726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186274.000000	174054.000000	123081.000000	200000.000000
-333.272308	-0.039744	-0.019564	-1.012365	0.230616	-1.509237	0.580305	178568.000000	0.000000	0.007306	0.000359	3.194907	0.346780	-0.439265	23075.728516	-1561.793091	-444002.375000	-0.194222	-0.026744	-1.368854	0.009509	0.013565	-1.286081	-0.172427	-0.059726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187054.000000	173205.000000	123930.000000	200000.000000
-333.277313	-0.042674	-0.019809	-1.008703	0.225295	-1.464540	0.566471	178568.000000	0.000000	0.007306	0.000359	3.246301	0.326926	-0.439265	22406.314453	-1130.728638	-437977.562500	-0.198284	-0.025296	-1.368854	0.009509	0.013565	-1.286081	-0.172427	-0.059726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187292.000000	172105.000000	125030.000000	200000.000000
-333.282318	-0.044383	-0.018832	-1.005773	0.218909	-1.418778	0.553700	178568.000000	0.000000	0.006165	-0.000066	3.229973	0.285988	-0.456711	14555.816406	-3491.467041	-440013.593750	-0.202083	-0.023924	-1.362144	0.010402	0.014417	-1.286587	-0.185404	-0.058542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197503.000000	166615.000000	130520.000000	200000.000000
-333.287323	-0.045359	-0.016635	-1.002111	0.212524	-1.370888	0.539865	178568.000000	0.000000	0.009060	0.001543	3.476298	0.376119	-0.506289	44116.132812	11365.110352	-455579.156250	-0.205601	-0.022647	-1.343075	0.012693	0.017406	-1.287876	-0.224978	-0.053448	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167202.000000	167202.000000	129933.000000	200000.000000
-333.292328	-0.045848	-0.014193	-0.999426	0.204010	-1.319805	0.526030	179001.000000	0.000000	0.009060	0.001543	3.396637	0.298595	-0.506289	7319.527344	-7153.096680	-449554.312500	-0.208815	-0.021479	-1.343075	0.012693	0.017406	-1.287876	-0.224978	-0.053448	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	163473.000000	134528.000000	200000.000000
-333.297333	-0.045848	-0.011996	-0.995520	0.195496	-1.266594	0.511131	179001.000000	0.000000	0.009060	0.001543	3.427438	0.286509	-0.506289	19128.380859	25.904177	-443066.031250	-0.211712	-0.020409	-1.343075	0.012693	0.017406	-1.287876	-0.224978	-0.053448	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189846.000000	168103.000000	129898.000000	200000.000000
-333.302338	-0.045359	-0.011020	-0.991125	0.185918	-1.212318	0.494103	179001.000000	0.000000	0.009060	0.001543	3.453023	0.274558	-0.506289	18305.937500	146.844528	-435650.843750	-0.214285	-0.019414	-1.343075	0.012693	0.017406	-1.287876	-0.224978	-0.053448	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190548.000000	167160.000000	130841.000000	200000.000000
-333.307343	-0.044139	-0.009066	-0.988684	0.176340	-1.155914	0.478140	179001.000000	0.000000	0.009060	0.001543	3.472574	0.264752	-0.506289	17238.779297	381.634277	-428699.093750	-0.216511	-0.018512	-1.343075	0.012693	0.017406	-1.287876	-0.224978	-0.053448	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191380.000000	165858.000000	132143.000000	200000.000000
-333.312347	-0.042674	-0.007357	-0.985510	0.166762	-1.097382	0.460048	179358.000000	0.000000	0.009060	0.001543	3.486484	0.255785	-0.506289	16179.371094	476.633850	-420820.468750	-0.218383	-0.017693	-1.343075	0.012693	0.017406	-1.287876	-0.224978	-0.053448	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192701.000000	165060.000000	133655.000000	200000.000000
-333.317352	-0.039500	-0.004428	-0.981359	0.156120	-1.038849	0.441956	179358.000000	0.000000	0.009060	0.001543	3.493574	0.249570	-0.506289	15192.717773	916.682434	-412941.843750	-0.219873	-0.016984	-1.343075	0.012693	0.017406	-1.287876	-0.224978	-0.053448	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193248.000000	163634.000000	135081.000000	200000.000000
-333.322357	-0.036570	-0.001986	-0.977453	0.145478	-0.979253	0.421736	179358.000000	0.000000	0.009060	0.001543	3.495293	0.244184	-0.506289	14218.890625	1032.014160	-404136.312500	-0.220988	-0.016371	-1.343075	0.012693	0.017406	-1.287876	-0.224978	-0.053448	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194107.000000	162544.000000	136171.000000	200000.000000
-333.327362	-0.033885	-0.001010	-0.974523	0.135900	-0.920720	0.402580	179358.000000	0.000000	0.010850	0.002973	3.590714	0.316859	-0.559923	24808.751953	9876.634766	-419150.625000	-0.221744	-0.015817	-1.322447	0.015874	0.020829	-1.289312	-0.260178	-0.047991	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174672.000000	164290.000000	134425.000000	200000.000000
-333.332367	-0.032176	-0.001010	-0.972570	0.126322	-0.863252	0.382360	179988.000000	0.000000	0.010850	0.002973	3.512441	0.253320	-0.559923	5202.591309	-5349.081543	-410345.093750	-0.222172	-0.015298	-1.322447	0.015874	0.020829	-1.289312	-0.260178	-0.047991	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	160539.000000	139436.000000	200000.000000
-333.337372	-0.029979	-0.001254	-0.969396	0.118872	-0.805784	0.361075	179988.000000	0.000000	0.008503	0.003640	3.371641	0.283164	-0.566253	-2584.662598	4856.382812	-403832.843750	-0.222269	-0.014797	-1.320012	0.017504	0.020420	-1.289565	-0.266901	-0.049819	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142546.000000	157429.000000	200000.000000
-333.342377	-0.027781	-0.001498	-0.964514	0.111423	-0.748316	0.339790	179988.000000	0.000000	0.008503	0.003640	3.449099	0.249902	-0.566253	21506.597656	-2201.868652	-394563.843750	-0.222042	-0.014312	-1.320012	0.017504	0.020420	-1.289565	-0.266901	-0.049819	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190683.000000	173696.000000	126279.000000	200000.000000
-333.347382	-0.025340	-0.001254	-0.959875	0.103973	-0.690848	0.317442	179988.000000	0.000000	0.008503	0.003640	3.427947	0.243992	-0.566253	10299.914062	813.462891	-384831.437500	-0.221492	-0.013852	-1.320012	0.017504	0.020420	-1.289565	-0.266901	-0.049819	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198874.000000	159474.000000	140501.000000	200000.000000
-333.352386	-0.022898	0.000211	-0.955969	0.097588	-0.634444	0.294029	179988.000000	0.000000	0.008503	0.003640	3.402585	0.239464	-0.566253	9579.681641	856.866760	-374635.531250	-0.220631	-0.013436	-1.320012	0.017504	0.020420	-1.289565	-0.266901	-0.049819	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199551.000000	158710.000000	141265.000000	200000.000000
-333.357391	-0.020701	0.002652	-0.952062	0.090138	-0.576975	0.270616	180738.000000	0.000000	0.008503	0.003640	3.372817	0.236947	-0.566253	8576.910156	1217.718384	-364439.687500	-0.219464	-0.013087	-1.320012	0.017504	0.020420	-1.289565	-0.266901	-0.049819	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158097.000000	143378.000000	200000.000000
-333.362396	-0.018260	0.005338	-0.947668	0.083753	-0.519507	0.245074	180738.000000	0.000000	0.008503	0.003640	3.338494	0.235265	-0.566253	7653.881348	1214.050781	-353316.906250	-0.217990	-0.012803	-1.320012	0.017504	0.020420	-1.289565	-0.266901	-0.049819	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	157177.000000	144298.000000	200000.000000
-333.367401	-0.016795	0.007779	-0.943762	0.077367	-0.462039	0.218469	180738.000000	0.000000	0.008503	0.003640	3.301019	0.234158	-0.566253	6870.417969	1301.676147	-341730.656250	-0.216237	-0.012576	-1.320012	0.017504	0.020420	-1.289565	-0.266901	-0.049819	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	156306.000000	145169.000000	200000.000000
-333.372406	-0.015818	0.009244	-0.940100	0.072046	-0.403507	0.190799	180738.000000	0.000000	0.010275	0.004152	3.357336	0.260544	-0.588565	17056.341797	4353.455078	-339397.531250	-0.214215	-0.012379	-1.311430	0.020828	0.020790	-1.289857	-0.277355	-0.047154	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189328.000000	163440.000000	138035.000000	200000.000000
-333.377411	-0.014109	0.011197	-0.935217	0.066725	-0.343910	0.162065	181729.000000	0.000000	0.010656	0.007506	3.261453	0.423736	-0.587504	-511.227081	20171.320312	-326422.406250	-0.211908	-0.012221	-1.311838	0.023143	0.019102	-1.289835	-0.280517	-0.049130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192068.000000	131046.000000	172411.000000	200000.000000
-333.382416	-0.011668	0.014615	-0.931066	0.061404	-0.283249	0.132267	181729.000000	0.000000	0.010656	0.007506	3.195075	0.291048	-0.587504	2028.782471	-12951.178711	-313445.843750	-0.209301	-0.012132	-1.311838	0.023143	0.019102	-1.289835	-0.280517	-0.049130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	166708.000000	136749.000000	200000.000000
-333.387421	-0.009471	0.019254	-0.928137	0.056083	-0.221524	0.101404	181729.000000	0.000000	0.010656	0.007506	3.139776	0.294891	-0.587504	2594.390625	2106.167236	-300005.812500	-0.206399	-0.012138	-1.311838	0.023143	0.019102	-1.289835	-0.280517	-0.049130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	152217.000000	151240.000000	200000.000000
-333.392426	-0.005809	0.025113	-0.924230	0.050762	-0.156606	0.069477	181729.000000	0.000000	0.010656	0.007506	3.077733	0.301537	-0.587504	917.910522	2469.421631	-286102.343750	-0.203160	-0.012263	-1.311838	0.023143	0.019102	-1.289835	-0.280517	-0.049130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	150177.000000	153280.000000	200000.000000
-333.397430	-0.002391	0.031217	-0.920324	0.045441	-0.091688	0.036486	181729.000000	0.000000	0.010656	0.007506	3.011269	0.310182	-0.587504	-172.657959	2753.446045	-271735.406250	-0.199596	-0.012511	-1.311838	0.023143	0.019102	-1.289835	-0.280517	-0.049130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	148802.000000	154655.000000	200000.000000
-333.402435	0.002004	0.037076	-0.916906	0.042248	-0.025706	0.004559	182760.000000	0.000000	0.010656	0.007506	2.938794	0.319826	-0.587504	-1587.477295	2688.285645	-257831.953125	-0.195686	-0.012867	-1.311838	0.023143	0.019102	-1.289835	-0.280517	-0.049130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	148484.000000	157035.000000	200000.000000
-333.407440	0.006154	0.041471	-0.913977	0.039055	0.040276	-0.028432	182760.000000	0.000000	0.010656	0.007506	2.861780	0.329238	-0.587504	-2744.265137	2720.864502	-243465.031250	-0.191442	-0.013297	-1.311838	0.023143	0.019102	-1.289835	-0.280517	-0.049130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	147294.000000	158225.000000	200000.000000
-333.412445	0.010305	0.044156	-0.912512	0.037991	0.107322	-0.061423	182760.000000	0.000000	0.010656	0.007506	2.779835	0.337072	-0.587504	-4088.887695	2354.133545	-229098.109375	-0.186866	-0.013752	-1.311838	0.023143	0.019102	-1.289835	-0.280517	-0.049130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	146316.000000	159203.000000	200000.000000
-333.417450	0.014211	0.045621	-0.911047	0.039055	0.173304	-0.093349	182760.000000	0.000000	0.008863	0.005316	2.595272	0.222899	-0.589094	-16407.902344	-11825.363281	-215887.062500	-0.181974	-0.014197	-1.311227	0.024850	0.018150	-1.289677	-0.275933	-0.048790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	148177.000000	157342.000000	184526.000000
-333.422455	0.017873	0.046842	-0.909826	0.041184	0.238221	-0.124212	183750.000000	0.000000	0.013915	0.010344	2.854939	0.592700	-0.580277	33450.785156	42964.777344	-198607.421875	-0.176783	-0.014625	-1.314618	0.031590	0.012495	-1.288435	-0.274686	-0.046498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153750.000000	153750.000000	153750.000000	200000.000000
-333.427460	0.021535	0.047574	-0.908850	0.046505	0.301011	-0.154010	183750.000000	0.000000	0.012426	0.011344	2.477671	0.450769	-0.572523	-38374.386719	-14331.579102	-182254.062500	-0.171310	-0.015011	-1.317600	0.034432	0.009580	-1.287825	-0.269941	-0.046025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	138081.000000	169418.000000	169418.000000
-333.432465	0.025441	0.048795	-0.908361	0.051826	0.364864	-0.182744	183750.000000	0.000000	0.012426	0.011344	2.439318	0.415073	-0.572523	-1695.703613	-2839.157471	-169740.937500	-0.165549	-0.015370	-1.317600	0.034432	0.009580	-1.287825	-0.269941	-0.046025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	154893.000000	152606.000000	200000.000000
-333.437469	0.028371	0.049283	-0.907873	0.060340	0.426589	-0.211478	183750.000000	0.000000	0.011399	0.010125	2.282709	0.350286	-0.566300	-15469.054688	-6726.175781	-154517.671875	-0.159540	-0.015673	-1.319994	0.036916	0.007085	-1.287084	-0.262927	-0.043743	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	145007.000000	162492.000000	191554.000000
-333.442474	0.031057	0.048307	-0.908605	0.069918	0.487250	-0.239148	184803.000000	0.000000	0.011399	0.010125	2.220817	0.398555	-0.566300	-5500.995117	5766.042480	-142468.000000	-0.153297	-0.015884	-1.319994	0.036916	0.007085	-1.287084	-0.262927	-0.043743	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143535.000000	166070.000000	200000.000000
-333.447479	0.033498	0.046354	-0.910559	0.079496	0.546847	-0.265754	184803.000000	0.000000	0.011399	0.010125	2.115239	0.395697	-0.566300	-10947.282227	87.155304	-130881.773438	-0.146837	-0.015985	-1.319994	0.036916	0.007085	-1.287084	-0.262927	-0.043743	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143768.000000	165837.000000	200000.000000
-333.452484	0.035695	0.043424	-0.912756	0.092266	0.606444	-0.292360	184803.000000	0.000000	0.011399	0.010125	2.006955	0.389395	-0.566300	-12017.213867	-730.422607	-119295.539062	-0.140170	-0.015944	-1.319994	0.036916	0.007085	-1.287084	-0.262927	-0.043743	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143516.000000	166089.000000	200000.000000
-333.457489	0.038625	0.039273	-0.915197	0.107166	0.666040	-0.318965	184803.000000	0.000000	0.011399	0.010125	1.894924	0.379199	-0.566300	-13218.556641	-1507.927612	-107709.320312	-0.133284	-0.015729	-1.319994	0.036916	0.007085	-1.287084	-0.262927	-0.043743	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143092.000000	166513.000000	200000.000000
-333.462494	0.041555	0.035367	-0.918371	0.122065	0.726701	-0.344507	184803.000000	0.000000	0.011399	0.010125	1.779604	0.367030	-0.566300	-14506.858398	-1849.531616	-96586.546875	-0.126179	-0.015351	-1.319994	0.036916	0.007085	-1.287084	-0.262927	-0.043743	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142145.000000	167460.000000	198446.000000
-333.467499	0.045461	0.031949	-0.920812	0.138028	0.789490	-0.372176	185719.000000	0.000000	0.011399	0.010125	1.659477	0.353007	-0.566300	-16110.776367	-2308.196045	-84536.875000	-0.118828	-0.014821	-1.319994	0.036916	0.007085	-1.287084	-0.262927	-0.043743	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	141916.000000	169521.000000	197300.000000
-333.472504	0.048635	0.028775	-0.924963	0.155056	0.853344	-0.398782	185719.000000	0.000000	0.013472	0.013307	1.650600	0.511997	-0.555632	-4329.768066	17251.556641	-68304.828125	-0.111248	-0.014145	-1.324097	0.040073	0.003550	-1.286201	-0.256142	-0.042514	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	134137.000000	177300.000000	200000.000000
-333.477509	0.051076	0.025602	-0.928869	0.173148	0.919326	-0.427516	185719.000000	0.000000	0.017072	0.016529	1.639853	0.543721	-0.517843	-5122.466797	3203.521484	-39335.484375	-0.103448	-0.013323	-1.338631	0.049606	-0.007919	-1.282927	-0.226378	-0.036398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	147393.000000	164044.000000	200000.000000
-333.482513	0.054250	0.023160	-0.932531	0.191239	0.987436	-0.456250	185719.000000	0.000000	0.017072	0.016529	1.365661	0.395713	-0.517843	-35905.859375	-17326.707031	-26822.365234	-0.095408	-0.012376	-1.338631	0.049606	-0.007919	-1.282927	-0.226378	-0.036398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	146223.000000	171569.000000	165214.000000
-333.487518	0.057912	0.021207	-0.936437	0.209331	1.056611	-0.486049	186340.000000	0.000000	0.017072	0.016529	1.231229	0.375525	-0.517843	-21584.537109	-3444.697998	-13845.788086	-0.087115	-0.011320	-1.338631	0.049606	-0.007919	-1.282927	-0.226378	-0.036398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	154354.000000	190634.000000	175156.000000
-333.492523	0.062551	0.019742	-0.940588	0.227423	1.128978	-0.516911	186340.000000	0.000000	0.017072	0.016529	1.091295	0.354558	-0.517843	-23521.857422	-3710.718506	-405.756165	-0.078541	-0.010171	-1.338631	0.049606	-0.007919	-1.282927	-0.226378	-0.036398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	166123.000000	200000.000000	159513.000000
-333.497528	0.068410	0.018277	-0.944006	0.245515	1.202410	-0.546709	186340.000000	0.000000	0.017072	0.016529	0.945715	0.332524	-0.517843	-25262.371094	-4011.859375	12570.793945	-0.069657	-0.008935	-1.338631	0.049606	-0.007919	-1.282927	-0.226378	-0.036398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	177660.000000	200000.000000	144494.000000
-333.502533	0.075490	0.016812	-0.947180	0.261478	1.279034	-0.577572	186340.000000	0.000000	0.017072	0.016529	0.793554	0.310038	-0.517843	-27389.605469	-4004.354248	26010.826172	-0.060429	-0.007627	-1.338631	0.049606	-0.007919	-1.282927	-0.226378	-0.036398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191723.000000	188965.000000	200000.000000	128935.000000
-333.507538	0.082326	0.014371	-0.949865	0.277442	1.355658	-0.609499	186340.000000	0.000000	0.017072	0.016529	0.636875	0.285640	-0.517843	-28959.501953	-4400.276367	39914.289062	-0.050870	-0.006232	-1.338631	0.049606	-0.007919	-1.282927	-0.226378	-0.036398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189699.000000	191780.000000	200000.000000	122980.000000
-333.512543	0.089895	0.010709	-0.953283	0.292341	1.433347	-0.642490	186938.000000	0.000000	0.014607	0.016273	0.339043	0.245018	-0.502143	-46324.523438	-6322.592773	61118.203125	-0.040965	-0.004735	-1.344670	0.053071	-0.012360	-1.281577	-0.213154	-0.032802	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193260.000000	193260.000000	200000.000000	120615.000000
-333.517548	0.098928	0.006070	-0.956213	0.306176	1.509971	-0.675481	186938.000000	0.000000	0.018563	0.019914	0.486583	0.427002	-0.447719	3090.021729	19044.833984	99185.554688	-0.030698	-0.003129	-1.365602	0.063831	-0.026890	-1.277125	-0.169668	-0.020822	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134803.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	179072.000000
-333.522552	0.107473	-0.000033	-0.960119	0.320011	1.585531	-0.708472	186938.000000	0.000000	0.018563	0.019914	0.155833	0.250005	-0.447719	-51252.812500	-21305.208984	113552.476562	-0.020094	-0.001389	-1.365602	0.063831	-0.026890	-1.277125	-0.169668	-0.020822	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	105632.000000
-333.527557	0.116506	-0.006869	-0.963537	0.333846	1.658963	-0.740399	186938.000000	0.000000	0.017179	0.021195	-0.097547	0.286691	-0.424207	-44014.769531	2295.775146	137695.265625	-0.009158	0.000490	-1.374645	0.068072	-0.032864	-1.275490	-0.148814	-0.015871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184642.000000	184642.000000	200000.000000	129233.000000
-333.532562	0.125295	-0.015170	-0.966711	0.347681	1.728137	-0.771261	187497.000000	0.000000	0.017179	0.021195	-0.222625	0.198400	-0.424207	-30332.761719	-11916.023438	151135.265625	0.002076	0.002530	-1.374645	0.068072	-0.032864	-1.275490	-0.148814	-0.015871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199413.000000	199413.000000	200000.000000	115580.000000
-333.537567	0.134328	-0.023471	-0.969885	0.361516	1.794119	-0.798931	187497.000000	0.000000	0.017179	0.021195	-0.406580	0.159413	-0.424207	-37605.316406	-6737.760742	163184.937500	0.013591	0.004723	-1.374645	0.068072	-0.032864	-1.275490	-0.148814	-0.015871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194234.000000	194234.000000	200000.000000	120759.000000
-333.542572	0.142385	-0.032748	-0.972570	0.375351	1.854780	-0.825537	187497.000000	0.000000	0.017179	0.021195	-0.591961	0.117483	-0.424207	-38308.800781	-7317.937988	174771.171875	0.025336	0.007080	-1.374645	0.068072	-0.032864	-1.275490	-0.148814	-0.015871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194814.000000	194814.000000	200000.000000	120179.000000
-333.547577	0.150930	-0.040561	-0.974523	0.390250	1.910120	-0.850014	187497.000000	0.000000	0.017179	0.021195	-0.779758	0.074842	-0.424207	-39107.765625	-7777.766602	185430.484375	0.037292	0.009569	-1.374645	0.068072	-0.032864	-1.275490	-0.148814	-0.015871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195274.000000	195274.000000	200000.000000	119719.000000
-333.552582	0.159230	-0.047152	-0.975500	0.403020	1.961203	-0.871298	187670.000000	0.000000	0.017179	0.021195	-0.969229	0.032436	-0.424207	-39935.589844	-7772.890625	194699.468750	0.049431	0.012151	-1.374645	0.068072	-0.032864	-1.275490	-0.148814	-0.015871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195442.000000	195442.000000	200000.000000	119897.000000
-333.557587	0.167531	-0.053012	-0.976965	0.415791	2.008029	-0.890454	187670.000000	0.000000	0.017179	0.021195	-1.159995	-0.010248	-0.424207	-40702.906250	-8058.630859	203041.546875	0.061727	0.014804	-1.374645	0.068072	-0.032864	-1.275490	-0.148814	-0.015871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195728.000000	195728.000000	200000.000000	119611.000000
-333.562592	0.175344	-0.057162	-0.978430	0.426433	2.049533	-0.907482	187670.000000	0.000000	0.018710	0.023213	-1.266788	0.059610	-0.398394	-31561.246094	4823.829590	221697.812500	0.074145	0.017482	-1.384573	0.072797	-0.039476	-1.273919	-0.130356	-0.014807	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182846.000000	182846.000000	200000.000000	132493.000000
-333.567596	0.182180	-0.059604	-0.979406	0.434947	2.087846	-0.922381	187670.000000	0.000000	0.019359	0.022922	-1.483154	-0.076018	-0.323711	-44435.621094	-18202.863281	260708.750000	0.086643	0.020136	-1.413297	0.083965	-0.056501	-1.268515	-0.062294	0.001754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	109467.000000
-333.572601	0.188039	-0.061068	-0.979162	0.441332	2.120836	-0.934088	187670.000000	0.000000	0.019359	0.022922	-1.698812	-0.101425	-0.323711	-44910.800781	-5992.491699	265806.687500	0.099184	0.022741	-1.413297	0.083965	-0.056501	-1.268515	-0.062294	0.001754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193662.000000	193662.000000	200000.000000	121677.000000
-333.577606	0.193654	-0.062045	-0.979406	0.445589	2.149571	-0.944730	187767.000000	0.000000	0.019359	0.022922	-1.887566	-0.136604	-0.323711	-42485.000000	-7014.332520	270441.156250	0.111737	0.025275	-1.413297	0.083965	-0.056501	-1.268515	-0.062294	0.001754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194781.000000	194781.000000	200000.000000	120752.000000
-333.582611	0.199270	-0.062533	-0.980383	0.446654	2.174048	-0.954308	187767.000000	0.000000	0.019359	0.022922	-2.075151	-0.169339	-0.323711	-42863.835938	-6549.968262	274612.218750	0.124277	0.027713	-1.413297	0.083965	-0.056501	-1.268515	-0.062294	0.001754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194316.000000	194316.000000	200000.000000	121217.000000
-333.587616	0.203908	-0.063510	-0.981359	0.445589	2.194268	-0.960693	187767.000000	0.000000	0.019359	0.022922	-2.260294	-0.200782	-0.323711	-43071.898438	-6313.625977	277392.906250	0.136763	0.030058	-1.413297	0.083965	-0.056501	-1.268515	-0.062294	0.001754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194080.000000	194080.000000	200000.000000	121453.000000
-333.592621	0.208547	-0.065463	-0.982580	0.441332	2.210232	-0.964950	187767.000000	0.000000	0.019359	0.022922	-2.443420	-0.231182	-0.323711	-43297.828125	-5968.177246	279246.687500	0.149173	0.032316	-1.413297	0.083965	-0.056501	-1.268515	-0.062294	0.001754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193735.000000	193735.000000	200000.000000	121798.000000
-333.597626	0.212697	-0.068148	-0.984045	0.436011	2.223002	-0.967079	187767.000000	0.000000	0.019359	0.022922	-2.623962	-0.260962	-0.323711	-43556.191406	-5895.999023	280173.593750	0.161479	0.034499	-1.413297	0.083965	-0.056501	-1.268515	-0.062294	0.001754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193662.000000	193662.000000	200000.000000	121871.000000
-333.602631	0.217092	-0.072055	-0.986975	0.429626	2.230452	-0.966014	187767.000000	0.000000	0.019359	0.022922	-2.801501	-0.290773	-0.323711	-43487.578125	-5889.644531	279710.156250	0.173659	0.036629	-1.413297	0.083965	-0.056501	-1.268515	-0.062294	0.001754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193656.000000	193656.000000	200000.000000	121877.000000
-333.607635	0.220998	-0.076937	-0.990881	0.423241	2.233644	-0.961757	187767.000000	0.000000	0.013531	0.018165	-3.295738	-0.582627	-0.300209	-80141.453125	-36022.300781	288091.187500	0.185675	0.038727	-1.422337	0.086886	-0.061314	-1.266647	-0.040090	0.002965	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-333.612640	0.225393	-0.081820	-0.995520	0.416855	2.230452	-0.956436	187767.000000	0.000000	0.016854	0.020821	-3.049991	-0.276067	-0.222545	3087.765869	31229.683594	319595.031250	0.197504	0.040795	-1.452207	0.095317	-0.075894	-1.260675	0.032483	0.012152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124679.000000	190854.000000	200000.000000	190854.000000
-333.617645	0.230031	-0.086459	-0.999426	0.409406	2.223002	-0.947922	187767.000000	0.000000	0.016854	0.020821	-3.349506	-0.411393	-0.222545	-57754.277344	-17839.287109	315887.437500	0.209138	0.042828	-1.452207	0.095317	-0.075894	-1.260675	0.032483	0.012152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	109927.000000
-333.622650	0.235891	-0.089877	-1.004064	0.401956	2.210232	-0.937280	187764.000000	0.000000	0.016854	0.020821	-3.513047	-0.438774	-0.222545	-42905.242188	-6058.869141	311252.968750	0.220573	0.044805	-1.452207	0.095317	-0.075894	-1.260675	0.032483	0.012152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193822.000000	193822.000000	200000.000000	121705.000000
-333.627655	0.242727	-0.091586	-1.008947	0.394507	2.192140	-0.925574	187764.000000	0.000000	0.016854	0.020821	-3.673232	-0.463668	-0.222545	-42607.769531	-5866.131348	306155.031250	0.231801	0.046694	-1.452207	0.095317	-0.075894	-1.260675	0.032483	0.012152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193630.000000	193630.000000	200000.000000	121897.000000
-333.632660	0.250295	-0.092807	-1.014074	0.385993	2.168727	-0.911739	187764.000000	0.000000	0.016854	0.020821	-3.829686	-0.486736	-0.222545	-42224.265625	-5615.232422	300130.187500	0.242811	0.048488	-1.452207	0.095317	-0.075894	-1.260675	0.032483	0.012152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193379.000000	193379.000000	200000.000000	122148.000000
-333.637665	0.258107	-0.093539	-1.019689	0.376415	2.139993	-0.897904	187764.000000	0.000000	0.016854	0.020821	-3.981730	-0.507719	-0.222545	-41718.582031	-5321.027344	294105.343750	0.253585	0.050174	-1.452207	0.095317	-0.075894	-1.260675	0.032483	0.012152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193085.000000	193085.000000	200000.000000	122442.000000
-333.642670	0.265676	-0.094760	-1.023596	0.366837	2.104873	-0.883005	187975.000000	0.000000	0.010171	0.013774	-4.496225	-0.915523	-0.179941	-83075.289062	-49686.199219	306170.375000	0.264093	0.051770	-1.468594	0.097618	-0.081608	-1.256554	0.076428	0.014731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-333.647675	0.272512	-0.095248	-1.027746	0.357259	2.063368	-0.867041	187975.000000	0.000000	0.007116	0.010115	-4.537726	-0.853424	-0.142337	-30364.689453	2313.705322	315594.156250	0.274293	0.053266	-1.483057	0.097866	-0.084839	-1.252565	0.122657	0.016064	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185661.000000	185661.000000	200000.000000	130288.000000
-333.652679	0.278127	-0.096713	-1.032629	0.345552	2.014414	-0.850014	187975.000000	0.000000	0.007116	0.010115	-4.548511	-0.724763	-0.142337	-25992.451172	10510.810547	308178.968750	0.284130	0.054676	-1.483057	0.097866	-0.084839	-1.252565	0.122657	0.016064	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173456.000000	181471.000000	200000.000000	142493.000000
-333.657684	0.282033	-0.098910	-1.036047	0.334910	1.959074	-0.832986	187975.000000	0.000000	0.007116	0.010115	-4.673240	-0.742527	-0.142337	-38139.910156	-5739.405273	300763.781250	0.293550	0.056024	-1.483057	0.097866	-0.084839	-1.252565	0.122657	0.016064	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193714.000000	193714.000000	200000.000000	122235.000000
-333.662689	0.284230	-0.100619	-1.039221	0.323203	1.896285	-0.814894	188970.000000	0.000000	0.007116	0.010115	-4.788581	-0.758896	-0.142337	-36528.839844	-5490.272949	292885.187500	0.302499	0.057302	-1.483057	0.097866	-0.084839	-1.252565	0.122657	0.016064	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194460.000000	194460.000000	200000.000000	123479.000000
-333.667694	0.286184	-0.102328	-1.042395	0.309369	1.827110	-0.796802	188970.000000	0.000000	0.007116	0.010115	-4.895355	-0.773845	-0.142337	-35057.609375	-5105.349121	285006.531250	0.310949	0.058503	-1.483057	0.097866	-0.084839	-1.252565	0.122657	0.016064	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194075.000000	194075.000000	200000.000000	123864.000000
-333.672699	0.287648	-0.102572	-1.045080	0.295534	1.750486	-0.777646	188970.000000	0.000000	0.007116	0.010115	-4.992824	-0.786508	-0.142337	-33311.160156	-4848.506348	276664.468750	0.318866	0.059607	-1.483057	0.097866	-0.084839	-1.252565	0.122657	0.016064	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193818.000000	193818.000000	200000.000000	124121.000000
-333.677704	0.288869	-0.102816	-1.048010	0.281699	1.668541	-0.757426	188970.000000	0.000000	0.007116	0.010115	-5.081077	-0.798021	-0.142337	-31741.976562	-4711.302734	267858.906250	0.326228	0.060619	-1.483057	0.097866	-0.084839	-1.252565	0.122657	0.016064	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193681.000000	193681.000000	200000.000000	124258.000000
-333.682709	0.289602	-0.104770	-1.052160	0.267864	1.580210	-0.736142	188970.000000	0.000000	0.007116	0.010115	-5.159065	-0.810066	-0.142337	-29863.412109	-4761.727051	258589.953125	0.333000	0.061574	-1.483057	0.097866	-0.084839	-1.252565	0.122657	0.016064	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193595.000000	193868.000000	200000.000000	124344.000000
-333.687714	0.291799	-0.108676	-1.057531	0.255093	1.484430	-0.713793	189734.000000	0.000000	0.005931	0.008930	-5.292973	-0.888765	-0.102603	-35368.441406	-12510.902344	266160.843750	0.339176	0.062515	-1.498339	0.097315	-0.087242	-1.248770	0.156885	0.017377	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	117223.000000
-333.692719	0.293996	-0.113314	-1.063879	0.244451	1.381200	-0.690380	189734.000000	0.000000	0.001139	0.003025	-5.567251	-1.180800	-0.073467	-50770.613281	-37496.984375	268653.250000	0.344725	0.063466	-1.509545	0.093593	-0.085710	-1.245420	0.188670	0.016481	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-333.697723	0.297170	-0.115512	-1.069006	0.234873	1.270520	-0.665903	189734.000000	0.000000	0.000858	0.003835	-5.439835	-0.913128	-0.054382	-4687.574707	25204.431641	266304.843750	0.349646	0.064395	-1.516885	0.092242	-0.085606	-1.243859	0.200456	0.016498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139217.000000	189841.000000	200000.000000	180250.000000
-333.702728	0.301076	-0.115023	-1.072180	0.226359	1.152391	-0.640361	189734.000000	0.000000	0.000858	0.003835	-5.467771	-0.956264	-0.054382	-20533.531250	-9247.706055	255182.062500	0.353937	0.065266	-1.516885	0.092242	-0.085606	-1.243859	0.200456	0.016498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189515.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	129952.000000
-333.707733	0.304982	-0.112338	-1.074133	0.219974	1.053418	-0.619077	190263.000000	0.000000	0.000858	0.003835	-5.503802	-0.964562	-0.054382	-23240.968750	-5659.251465	245913.078125	0.357712	0.066049	-1.516885	0.092242	-0.085606	-1.243859	0.200456	0.016498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189163.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	131362.000000
-333.712738	0.309865	-0.106723	-1.077551	0.210396	0.925711	-0.594600	190263.000000	0.000000	0.000858	0.003835	-5.525483	-0.968026	-0.054382	-18017.251953	-4748.467773	235253.750000	0.360852	0.066683	-1.516885	0.092242	-0.085606	-1.243859	0.200456	0.016498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183028.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	137497.000000
-333.717743	0.314016	-0.100131	-1.081701	0.199753	0.793747	-0.572251	190263.000000	0.000000	0.000858	0.003835	-5.536279	-0.968026	-0.054382	-15794.990234	-4201.542480	225521.312500	0.363332	0.067143	-1.516885	0.092242	-0.085606	-1.243859	0.200456	0.016498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180259.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	140266.000000
-333.722748	0.316701	-0.094027	-1.084631	0.188047	0.656462	-0.552031	190263.000000	0.000000	0.000858	0.003835	-5.535393	-0.965834	-0.054382	-13289.840820	-3779.692627	216715.781250	0.365120	0.067438	-1.516885	0.092242	-0.085606	-1.243859	0.200456	0.016498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177332.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	143193.000000
-333.727753	0.318166	-0.086947	-1.087561	0.175276	0.515984	-0.533939	190263.000000	0.000000	0.002105	0.005322	-5.454269	-0.878306	-0.032109	-3091.860596	6184.250000	218536.812500	0.366192	0.067547	-1.525452	0.091309	-0.085993	-1.242426	0.208708	0.018077	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157170.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163355.000000
-333.732758	0.317434	-0.080355	-1.089758	0.160377	0.374442	-0.517975	190171.000000	0.000000	-0.007412	-0.007192	-6.002933	-1.617306	-0.019949	-74101.335938	-87796.617188	216880.671875	0.366525	0.067472	-1.530129	0.081962	-0.077691	-1.240321	0.217913	0.018117	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100171.000000
-333.737762	0.315480	-0.073275	-1.091223	0.142285	0.231836	-0.505205	190171.000000	0.000000	0.000126	0.002828	-5.171859	-0.553469	0.003041	82204.937500	115764.132812	221330.609375	0.366112	0.067189	-1.538971	0.080416	-0.077283	-1.239528	0.215681	0.017938	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100171.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-333.742767	0.312551	-0.064975	-1.091711	0.122065	0.089230	-0.494562	190171.000000	0.000000	0.000126	0.002828	-5.426241	-0.936913	0.003041	-37661.554688	-44809.894531	216696.125000	0.364956	0.066671	-1.538971	0.080416	-0.077283	-1.239528	0.215681	0.017938	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100171.000000
-333.747772	0.308645	-0.055453	-1.091467	0.096523	-0.050184	-0.486049	190171.000000	0.000000	-0.013255	-0.012948	-6.104809	-1.781210	0.006481	-87134.625000	-98664.781250	214486.750000	0.363075	0.065873	-1.540294	0.074437	-0.071642	-1.238846	0.209671	0.021957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100171.000000
-333.752777	0.304982	-0.044223	-1.089025	0.067789	-0.186405	-0.479663	190161.000000	0.000000	-0.013255	-0.012948	-5.504112	-1.120861	0.006481	56567.160156	70301.109375	211706.062500	0.360514	0.064755	-1.540294	0.074437	-0.071642	-1.238846	0.209671	0.021957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100161.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-333.757782	0.300100	-0.031771	-1.086584	0.035863	-0.319433	-0.477535	190161.000000	0.000000	-0.013255	-0.012948	-5.428709	-1.084472	0.006481	-584.440491	2358.127686	210779.156250	0.357280	0.063281	-1.540294	0.074437	-0.071642	-1.238846	0.209671	0.021957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158387.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161934.000000
-333.762787	0.294973	-0.020053	-1.084143	0.001807	-0.447140	-0.477535	190161.000000	0.000000	-0.013255	-0.012948	-5.345075	-1.043159	0.006481	707.705505	3480.339355	210779.156250	0.353407	0.061457	-1.540294	0.074437	-0.071642	-1.238846	0.209671	0.021957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155972.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164349.000000
-333.767792	0.288869	-0.011508	-1.081945	-0.034376	-0.571654	-0.480727	190161.000000	0.000000	-0.013255	-0.012948	-5.252365	-0.999331	0.006481	2353.909912	4359.050293	212169.515625	0.348904	0.059334	-1.540294	0.074437	-0.071642	-1.238846	0.209671	0.021957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153448.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166873.000000
-333.772797	0.281789	-0.006381	-1.079748	-0.069496	-0.691912	-0.486049	190001.000000	0.000000	-0.013255	-0.012948	-5.151042	-0.954940	0.006481	3852.143555	4669.591309	214486.750000	0.343787	0.056982	-1.540294	0.074437	-0.071642	-1.238846	0.209671	0.021957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151479.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	168522.000000
-333.777802	0.273244	-0.003939	-1.077795	-0.103551	-0.810041	-0.493498	190001.000000	0.000000	-0.013255	-0.012948	-5.040219	-0.910288	0.006481	5715.737793	4943.312500	217730.890625	0.338051	0.054460	-1.540294	0.074437	-0.071642	-1.238846	0.209671	0.021957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149341.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	170660.000000
-333.782806	0.264455	-0.004428	-1.076086	-0.135478	-0.921784	-0.502012	190001.000000	0.000000	-0.013255	-0.012948	-4.922127	-0.866867	0.006481	6870.264648	4920.543945	221438.484375	0.331731	0.051837	-1.540294	0.074437	-0.071642	-1.238846	0.209671	0.021957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148210.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171791.000000
-333.787811	0.254689	-0.005893	-1.075109	-0.165276	-1.029271	-0.512654	190001.000000	0.000000	-0.006479	-0.006018	-4.423287	-0.442557	0.031613	51056.820312	48656.484375	237017.390625	0.324840	0.049142	-1.549960	0.065836	-0.064221	-1.238062	0.193931	0.019709	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100001.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-333.792816	0.244924	-0.007602	-1.072912	-0.190818	-1.132501	-0.524361	190001.000000	0.000000	-0.005674	-0.005364	-4.517172	-0.640981	0.063155	-14542.008789	-21080.207031	255851.281250	0.317413	0.046405	-1.562092	0.057840	-0.057294	-1.237772	0.168345	0.014574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195623.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	124378.000000
-333.797821	0.234670	-0.009066	-1.070959	-0.215295	-1.230410	-0.537131	189844.000000	0.000000	-0.011130	-0.010834	-4.709952	-0.924793	0.075205	-26439.601562	-31784.865234	266660.187500	0.309478	0.043632	-1.566727	0.052669	-0.052446	-1.237766	0.151518	0.015453	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	103404.000000
-333.802826	0.225148	-0.010287	-1.069494	-0.238708	-1.321933	-0.550966	189844.000000	0.000000	-0.011130	-0.010834	-4.347465	-0.662603	0.075205	36003.726562	29453.808594	272685.031250	0.301082	0.040824	-1.566727	0.052669	-0.052446	-1.237766	0.151518	0.015453	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100390.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-333.807831	0.214895	-0.011752	-1.068762	-0.259992	-1.406007	-0.565866	189844.000000	0.000000	-0.011130	-0.010834	-4.197849	-0.619628	0.075205	12853.138672	5411.485840	279173.312500	0.292255	0.038001	-1.566727	0.052669	-0.052446	-1.237766	0.151518	0.015453	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141579.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	178108.000000
-333.812836	0.204885	-0.012484	-1.067785	-0.280212	-1.481567	-0.581829	189844.000000	0.000000	-0.011130	-0.010834	-4.044763	-0.576115	0.075205	13350.310547	5646.653320	286125.062500	0.283052	0.035156	-1.566727	0.052669	-0.052446	-1.237766	0.151518	0.015453	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140847.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	178840.000000
-333.817841	0.194875	-0.012729	-1.067541	-0.299369	-1.547549	-0.598857	189842.000000	0.000000	-0.011130	-0.010834	-3.888828	-0.532214	0.075205	13631.276367	5862.412109	293540.250000	0.273524	0.032289	-1.566727	0.052669	-0.052446	-1.237766	0.151518	0.015453	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140348.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	179335.000000
-333.822845	0.183889	-0.012973	-1.066076	-0.316396	-1.602889	-0.616948	189842.000000	0.000000	-0.011130	-0.010834	-3.730417	-0.488708	0.075205	13721.226562	5864.740723	301418.843750	0.263715	0.029414	-1.566727	0.052669	-0.052446	-1.237766	0.151518	0.015453	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140256.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	179427.000000
-333.827850	0.171682	-0.012729	-1.063635	-0.331295	-1.646522	-0.636104	189842.000000	0.000000	-0.011130	-0.010834	-3.570101	-0.445271	0.075205	13581.443359	5891.409180	309760.937500	0.253667	0.026533	-1.566727	0.052669	-0.052446	-1.237766	0.151518	0.015453	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140369.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	179314.000000
-333.832855	0.158498	-0.012484	-1.061437	-0.344066	-1.679513	-0.657389	189842.000000	0.000000	-0.007153	-0.006722	-3.189504	-0.176241	0.093597	38530.488281	31757.691406	327039.468750	0.243414	0.023656	-1.573801	0.048840	-0.048982	-1.237891	0.134100	0.011024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-333.837860	0.144582	-0.011752	-1.057775	-0.355772	-1.699733	-0.678673	189842.000000	0.000000	-0.004202	-0.005667	-3.024249	-0.239793	0.149903	14301.385742	-5167.193848	360828.562500	0.233011	0.020784	-1.595457	0.036695	-0.037269	-1.238657	0.075731	0.005152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150707.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	168976.000000
-333.842865	0.129934	-0.011020	-1.052648	-0.366415	-1.711440	-0.701022	189829.000000	0.000000	-0.004202	-0.005667	-2.979743	-0.239478	0.149903	346.759399	1788.738159	370561.000000	0.222491	0.017924	-1.595457	0.036695	-0.037269	-1.238657	0.075731	0.005152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157693.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161964.000000
-333.847870	0.114064	-0.011264	-1.047277	-0.373864	-1.714633	-0.723371	189829.000000	0.000000	-0.004202	-0.005667	-2.816436	-0.199167	0.149903	13239.294922	6055.139160	380293.437500	0.211870	0.015110	-1.595457	0.036695	-0.037269	-1.238657	0.075731	0.005152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140534.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	179123.000000
-333.852875	0.097219	-0.012240	-1.041418	-0.379185	-1.711440	-0.746784	189829.000000	0.000000	-0.004202	-0.005667	-2.652261	-0.160930	0.149903	13376.708008	5794.424316	390489.312500	0.201163	0.012369	-1.595457	0.036695	-0.037269	-1.238657	0.075731	0.005152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140657.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	179000.000000
-333.857880	0.081105	-0.013705	-1.034582	-0.382378	-1.700798	-0.770197	189829.000000	0.000000	-0.004202	-0.005667	-2.489467	-0.124919	0.149903	13102.134766	5494.938965	400685.156250	0.190414	0.009721	-1.595457	0.036695	-0.037269	-1.238657	0.075731	0.005152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141231.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	178426.000000
-333.862885	0.065969	-0.015902	-1.027258	-0.382378	-1.684834	-0.792546	189724.000000	0.000000	-0.004202	-0.005667	-2.328345	-0.092031	0.149903	13000.925781	4951.865234	410417.593750	0.179668	0.007196	-1.595457	0.036695	-0.037269	-1.238657	0.075731	0.005152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141771.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	177676.000000
-333.867889	0.050832	-0.019320	-1.020910	-0.378121	-1.664614	-0.815958	189724.000000	0.000000	-0.004202	-0.005667	-2.168094	-0.063381	0.149903	13081.248047	4129.958496	420613.468750	0.168938	0.004840	-1.595457	0.036695	-0.037269	-1.238657	0.075731	0.005152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142512.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	176935.000000
-333.872894	0.034475	-0.025180	-1.016027	-0.368543	-1.640137	-0.836179	189724.000000	0.000000	-0.004202	-0.005667	-2.007638	-0.041378	0.149903	13261.109375	2871.150879	429419.000000	0.158218	0.002726	-1.595457	0.036695	-0.037269	-1.238657	0.075731	0.005152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143591.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	175856.000000
-333.877899	0.016896	-0.033480	-1.010656	-0.354708	-1.612467	-0.856399	189724.000000	0.000000	-0.000215	-0.003571	-1.627510	0.088578	0.241469	38685.683594	14807.371094	478099.656250	0.147495	0.000922	-1.630674	0.023519	-0.022999	-1.240165	0.004988	-0.003302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114916.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-333.882904	-0.000193	-0.040316	-1.004064	-0.337681	-1.579476	-0.874491	188775.000000	0.000000	-0.000215	-0.003571	-1.627743	0.015585	0.241469	-3875.207275	-8273.285156	485978.281250	0.136802	-0.000587	-1.630674	0.023519	-0.022999	-1.240165	0.004988	-0.003302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170923.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	146626.000000
-333.887909	-0.016062	-0.045443	-0.996496	-0.317460	-1.542228	-0.890454	188775.000000	0.000000	-0.000215	-0.003571	-1.471304	0.023064	0.241469	13432.101562	165.457657	492930.000000	0.126182	-0.001821	-1.630674	0.023519	-0.022999	-1.240165	0.004988	-0.003302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145177.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	172372.000000
-333.892914	-0.029979	-0.047885	-0.989172	-0.296176	-1.501787	-0.903225	188775.000000	0.000000	-0.000215	-0.003571	-1.318700	0.029195	0.241469	13175.239258	-169.612625	498491.406250	0.115683	-0.002829	-1.630674	0.023519	-0.022999	-1.240165	0.004988	-0.003302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145769.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171780.000000
-333.897919	-0.042186	-0.045932	-0.982824	-0.275956	-1.456026	-0.912803	188775.000000	0.000000	-0.000215	-0.003571	-1.171005	0.037293	0.241469	12519.232422	108.043823	502662.437500	0.105363	-0.003710	-1.630674	0.023519	-0.022999	-1.240165	0.004988	-0.003302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146147.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171402.000000
-333.902924	-0.052684	-0.041293	-0.974768	-0.257864	-1.408136	-0.920253	188775.000000	0.000000	-0.000215	-0.003571	-1.028027	0.047098	0.241469	12204.042969	491.698212	505906.593750	0.095257	-0.004529	-1.630674	0.023519	-0.022999	-1.240165	0.004988	-0.003302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146079.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171470.000000
-333.907928	-0.062205	-0.035922	-0.968176	-0.240836	-1.358117	-0.925574	187030.000000	0.000000	-0.000215	-0.003571	-0.889645	0.057275	0.241469	11870.995117	618.000122	508223.843750	0.085392	-0.005309	-1.630674	0.023519	-0.022999	-1.240165	0.004988	-0.003302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144541.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	169518.000000
-333.912933	-0.070506	-0.030551	-0.961096	-0.225937	-1.305970	-0.927702	187030.000000	0.000000	-0.003559	-0.006145	-0.940245	-0.074003	0.267551	-9615.334961	-15374.102539	520508.968750	0.075794	-0.006063	-1.640706	0.021020	-0.019866	-1.240579	-0.009853	-0.003533	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182019.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	132040.000000
-333.917938	-0.077342	-0.026400	-0.953283	-0.214230	-1.252759	-0.928766	187030.000000	0.000000	-0.001180	-0.005771	-0.548008	0.058893	0.336323	40519.769531	14581.819336	550920.937500	0.066491	-0.006783	-1.667156	0.012203	-0.008424	-1.241533	-0.049009	-0.005002	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112448.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-333.922943	-0.083445	-0.022982	-0.945471	-0.205717	-1.198483	-0.928766	187030.000000	0.000000	-0.001180	-0.005771	-0.520464	0.053060	0.336323	179.661926	-387.085419	550920.937500	0.057496	-0.007472	-1.667156	0.012203	-0.008424	-1.241533	-0.049009	-0.005002	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157237.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156822.000000
-333.927948	-0.088328	-0.019564	-0.938391	-0.198267	-1.145272	-0.926638	185610.000000	0.000000	-0.001074	-0.005439	-0.397362	0.080427	0.364317	11125.269531	3472.020264	562185.125000	0.048821	-0.008138	-1.677924	0.010581	-0.005594	-1.241798	-0.058248	-0.003548	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141012.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	170207.000000
-333.932953	-0.092479	-0.016146	-0.931555	-0.194010	-1.090996	-0.922381	185610.000000	0.000000	-0.001074	-0.005439	-0.289884	0.076897	0.364317	9535.043945	389.885193	560331.312500	0.040482	-0.008800	-1.677924	0.010581	-0.005594	-1.241798	-0.058248	-0.003548	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145685.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165534.000000
-333.937958	-0.095164	-0.013461	-0.925695	-0.189753	-1.035657	-0.918124	185610.000000	0.000000	-0.001074	-0.005439	-0.184867	0.085899	0.364317	9377.030273	1789.896118	558477.500000	0.032508	-0.009445	-1.677924	0.010581	-0.005594	-1.241798	-0.058248	-0.003548	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144443.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166776.000000
-333.942963	-0.097850	-0.010531	-0.920080	-0.186561	-0.981381	-0.911739	185610.000000	0.000000	-0.001074	-0.005439	-0.084659	0.095383	0.364317	9176.544922	1988.866943	555696.812500	0.024887	-0.010087	-1.677924	0.010581	-0.005594	-1.241798	-0.058248	-0.003548	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144444.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166775.000000
-333.947968	-0.099314	-0.008578	-0.915197	-0.183368	-0.927106	-0.905353	185610.000000	0.000000	-0.001074	-0.005439	0.009142	0.103812	0.364317	8653.633789	1896.909790	552916.125000	0.017640	-0.010707	-1.677924	0.010581	-0.005594	-1.241798	-0.058248	-0.003548	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145059.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166160.000000
-333.952972	-0.100779	-0.005648	-0.909582	-0.178047	-0.872830	-0.898968	184410.000000	0.000000	-0.001074	-0.005439	0.097873	0.112673	0.364317	8254.537109	1726.637939	550135.375000	0.010755	-0.011319	-1.677924	0.010581	-0.005594	-1.241798	-0.058248	-0.003548	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144428.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164391.000000
-333.957977	-0.102488	-0.004672	-0.905187	-0.171661	-0.818555	-0.892583	184410.000000	0.000000	-0.001074	-0.005439	0.181694	0.118942	0.364317	7849.932129	1323.987305	547354.750000	0.004224	-0.011878	-1.677924	0.010581	-0.005594	-1.241798	-0.058248	-0.003548	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145236.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163583.000000
-333.962982	-0.105662	-0.004184	-0.900305	-0.162083	-0.764279	-0.885133	184410.000000	0.000000	-0.005377	-0.009739	0.025900	-0.113279	0.385080	-19463.572266	-26362.832031	553152.250000	-0.001995	-0.012361	-1.685909	0.007538	-0.001351	-1.241974	-0.067712	-0.004301	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	108583.000000
-333.967987	-0.109812	-0.006381	-0.895666	-0.150377	-0.710004	-0.877684	184410.000000	0.000000	0.000534	-0.005941	0.600529	0.266833	0.454399	63244.445312	42427.585938	580095.375000	-0.007928	-0.012701	-1.712571	0.000556	0.010034	-1.242066	-0.086400	-0.002394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-333.972992	-0.114207	-0.009799	-0.892004	-0.135478	-0.656792	-0.869170	184261.000000	0.000000	0.000534	-0.005941	0.438235	0.110124	0.454399	-18658.970703	-17739.507812	576387.812500	-0.013590	-0.012860	-1.712571	0.000556	0.010034	-1.242066	-0.086400	-0.002394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190659.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	117862.000000
-333.977997	-0.117625	-0.011752	-0.888098	-0.119514	-0.602517	-0.859592	184261.000000	0.000000	-0.004242	-0.009995	0.244464	-0.118597	0.475555	-23378.167969	-26900.335938	581429.750000	-0.018959	-0.012869	-1.720707	-0.002065	0.014288	-1.241852	-0.092191	-0.002595	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	103982.000000
-333.983002	-0.119822	-0.012484	-0.884924	-0.100358	-0.549305	-0.847885	184261.000000	0.000000	-0.004242	-0.009995	0.498878	0.036341	0.475555	26945.154297	15558.828125	576331.812500	-0.024017	-0.012746	-1.720707	-0.002065	0.014288	-1.241852	-0.092191	-0.002595	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111757.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	196764.000000
-333.988007	-0.121531	-0.012973	-0.882727	-0.079074	-0.495030	-0.836179	184261.000000	0.000000	-0.004242	-0.009995	0.556946	0.027180	0.475555	5256.012207	-2858.869141	571233.875000	-0.028752	-0.012490	-1.720707	-0.002065	0.014288	-1.241852	-0.092191	-0.002595	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151863.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156658.000000
-333.993011	-0.122752	-0.012729	-0.882482	-0.055661	-0.440754	-0.824472	184083.000000	0.000000	-0.004242	-0.009995	0.609575	0.016629	0.475555	4650.522461	-3402.781738	566135.937500	-0.033151	-0.012112	-1.720707	-0.002065	0.014288	-1.241852	-0.092191	-0.002595	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152835.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155330.000000
-333.998016	-0.123973	-0.012973	-0.882238	-0.030119	-0.385415	-0.812766	184083.000000	0.000000	-0.004242	-0.009995	0.657214	0.003316	0.475555	3949.279541	-4118.465332	561038.000000	-0.037217	-0.011594	-1.720707	-0.002065	0.014288	-1.241852	-0.092191	-0.002595	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154252.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	153913.000000
-334.003021	-0.125193	-0.012729	-0.881506	-0.003514	-0.330075	-0.802124	184083.000000	0.000000	-0.004242	-0.009995	0.700294	-0.011540	0.475555	3391.702393	-4595.928223	556403.500000	-0.040958	-0.010948	-1.720707	-0.002065	0.014288	-1.241852	-0.092191	-0.002595	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155287.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	152878.000000
-334.008026	-0.126170	-0.012240	-0.881018	0.024156	-0.274735	-0.792546	184083.000000	0.000000	-0.003920	-0.009892	0.756182	-0.022427	0.496240	4802.471680	-4453.798828	561240.375000	-0.044372	-0.010177	-1.728663	-0.004568	0.018488	-1.241575	-0.095320	-0.000889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153734.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154431.000000
-334.013031	-0.127391	-0.011996	-0.881506	0.052890	-0.219396	-0.782968	184083.000000	0.000000	-0.001417	-0.008562	0.914680	0.027816	0.538707	16559.634766	2249.702148	575563.000000	-0.047469	-0.009275	-1.744997	-0.009161	0.026803	-1.240667	-0.098615	0.002149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135273.000000	200000.000000	199773.000000	172892.000000
-334.018036	-0.128611	-0.011264	-0.881994	0.079496	-0.164056	-0.773390	184180.000000	0.000000	-0.004698	-0.011303	0.663577	-0.195410	0.557232	-29888.154297	-28735.109375	579459.000000	-0.050255	-0.008267	-1.752122	-0.011890	0.031412	-1.240084	-0.098316	0.004850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-334.023041	-0.130076	-0.011020	-0.881750	0.107166	-0.108716	-0.763811	184180.000000	0.000000	-0.004698	-0.011303	0.820148	-0.107441	0.557232	15403.843750	5643.137207	575287.937500	-0.052743	-0.007141	-1.752122	-0.011890	0.031412	-1.240084	-0.098316	0.004850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133133.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	175226.000000
-334.028046	-0.132029	-0.010775	-0.881750	0.131643	-0.054441	-0.755298	184180.000000	0.000000	-0.004858	-0.011708	0.833450	-0.152045	0.575442	-421.062286	-8900.934570	579510.500000	-0.054954	-0.005916	-1.759125	-0.014660	0.036133	-1.239413	-0.096199	0.009329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163501.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	144858.000000
-334.033051	-0.134471	-0.010287	-0.882482	0.156120	-0.001229	-0.746784	184180.000000	0.000000	-0.004858	-0.011708	0.858808	-0.159198	0.575442	893.620422	-4928.326172	575802.937500	-0.056906	-0.004601	-1.759125	-0.014660	0.036133	-1.239413	-0.096199	0.009329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158214.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	150145.000000
-334.038055	-0.136668	-0.010531	-0.882727	0.177405	0.049854	-0.738270	184187.000000	0.000000	-0.004858	-0.011708	0.874536	-0.183779	0.575442	-93.958542	-6704.709473	572095.312500	-0.058612	-0.003197	-1.759125	-0.014660	0.036133	-1.239413	-0.096199	0.009329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160985.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	147388.000000
-334.043060	-0.138377	-0.011508	-0.883215	0.197625	0.099872	-0.729756	184187.000000	0.000000	-0.004858	-0.011708	0.886466	-0.210139	0.575442	-569.798035	-6997.393555	568387.750000	-0.060070	-0.001697	-1.759125	-0.014660	0.036133	-1.239413	-0.096199	0.009329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161754.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	146619.000000
-334.048065	-0.139598	-0.013217	-0.884436	0.216781	0.148827	-0.721242	184187.000000	0.000000	-0.004858	-0.011708	0.894477	-0.238379	0.575442	-1071.916870	-7305.286621	564680.125000	-0.061276	-0.000093	-1.759125	-0.014660	0.036133	-1.239413	-0.096199	0.009329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162564.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	145809.000000
-334.053070	-0.140818	-0.016146	-0.886633	0.233809	0.196717	-0.712729	184187.000000	0.000000	-0.004858	-0.011708	0.899064	-0.268907	0.575442	-1530.670044	-7541.537109	560972.562500	-0.062236	0.001629	-1.759125	-0.014660	0.036133	-1.239413	-0.096199	0.009329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163259.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	145114.000000
-334.058075	-0.141307	-0.018832	-0.889807	0.250836	0.243543	-0.704215	184187.000000	0.000000	-0.004858	-0.011708	0.899434	-0.300675	0.575442	-2091.030518	-7902.226074	557264.937500	-0.062941	0.003459	-1.759125	-0.014660	0.036133	-1.239413	-0.096199	0.009329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164180.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	144193.000000
-334.063080	-0.141307	-0.022494	-0.893469	0.267864	0.289304	-0.696765	184157.000000	0.000000	-0.004858	-0.011708	0.895845	-0.335056	0.575442	-2636.302002	-8426.219727	554020.812500	-0.063388	0.005416	-1.759125	-0.014660	0.036133	-1.239413	-0.096199	0.009329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165219.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	143094.000000
-334.068085	-0.140574	-0.025668	-0.896887	0.283827	0.334002	-0.689316	184157.000000	0.000000	0.000916	-0.008198	1.205560	-0.177271	0.642871	33149.480469	13473.138672	580140.625000	-0.063573	0.007478	-1.785060	-0.025675	0.055292	-1.235829	-0.080061	0.023396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110683.000000	200000.000000	197630.000000	197630.000000
-334.073090	-0.139354	-0.028354	-0.900793	0.297662	0.378699	-0.681866	184157.000000	0.000000	0.000916	-0.008198	0.962699	-0.352988	0.642871	-28938.730469	-23839.488281	576896.500000	-0.063489	0.009621	-1.785060	-0.025675	0.055292	-1.235829	-0.080061	0.023396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	101378.000000
-334.078094	-0.136424	-0.030551	-0.905432	0.311497	0.423397	-0.675481	184157.000000	0.000000	0.000916	-0.008198	0.944768	-0.388841	0.642871	-4489.496582	-8686.123047	574115.812500	-0.063101	0.011831	-1.785060	-0.025675	0.055292	-1.235829	-0.080061	0.023396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167332.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	140981.000000
-334.083099	-0.133738	-0.032260	-0.909582	0.323203	0.468094	-0.670160	184140.000000	0.000000	0.000916	-0.008198	0.923011	-0.424431	0.642871	-5214.381836	-8639.703125	571798.562500	-0.062424	0.014086	-1.785060	-0.025675	0.055292	-1.235829	-0.080061	0.023396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167994.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	140285.000000
-334.088104	-0.130076	-0.033969	-0.913488	0.332781	0.512792	-0.665903	184140.000000	0.000000	0.000916	-0.008198	0.896160	-0.460031	0.642871	-6103.733398	-8614.500000	569944.750000	-0.061443	0.016374	-1.785060	-0.025675	0.055292	-1.235829	-0.080061	0.023396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168858.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	139421.000000
-334.093109	-0.126170	-0.035189	-0.918371	0.341295	0.556425	-0.661646	184140.000000	0.000000	0.000916	-0.008198	0.864972	-0.495101	0.642871	-6807.718750	-8639.811523	568090.937500	-0.060163	0.018675	-1.785060	-0.025675	0.055292	-1.235829	-0.080061	0.023396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169587.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	138692.000000
-334.098114	-0.121775	-0.036166	-0.923986	0.347681	0.601122	-0.657389	184140.000000	0.000000	0.000916	-0.008198	0.828705	-0.529407	0.642871	-7855.682129	-8508.850586	566237.187500	-0.058572	0.020972	-1.785060	-0.025675	0.055292	-1.235829	-0.080061	0.023396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170504.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	137775.000000
-334.103119	-0.117137	-0.038119	-0.929357	0.351938	0.644756	-0.653132	184086.000000	0.000000	0.000916	-0.008198	0.788230	-0.564180	0.642871	-8588.203125	-8505.666992	564383.375000	-0.056679	0.023275	-1.785060	-0.025675	0.055292	-1.235829	-0.080061	0.023396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171179.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	136992.000000
-334.108124	-0.112498	-0.039828	-0.934484	0.356194	0.689453	-0.648875	184086.000000	0.000000	0.001351	-0.008433	0.767330	-0.611580	0.706952	-6854.653320	-10131.745117	590435.687500	-0.054486	0.025577	-1.809706	-0.035925	0.074390	-1.231105	-0.049280	0.039000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171072.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	137099.000000
-334.113129	-0.107615	-0.041049	-0.939367	0.358323	0.734151	-0.644618	184086.000000	0.000000	0.001351	-0.008433	0.700712	-0.635509	0.706952	-12393.622070	-7436.834473	588581.875000	-0.051997	0.027857	-1.809706	-0.035925	0.074390	-1.231105	-0.049280	0.039000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173916.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	134255.000000
-334.118134	-0.102244	-0.041537	-0.943762	0.359387	0.778848	-0.640361	184086.000000	0.000000	-0.005170	-0.013216	0.288414	-0.930362	0.721356	-52505.308594	-38470.753906	593000.750000	-0.049210	0.030094	-1.815246	-0.038683	0.079400	-1.229748	-0.040032	0.042335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-334.123138	-0.096629	-0.040316	-0.949133	0.359387	0.823546	-0.637169	184086.000000	0.000000	-0.005170	-0.013216	0.490945	-0.767991	0.721356	15828.249023	12671.311523	591610.375000	-0.046125	0.032246	-1.815246	-0.038683	0.079400	-1.229748	-0.040032	0.042335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125586.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	182585.000000
-334.128143	-0.091990	-0.037875	-0.953039	0.359387	0.868243	-0.632912	184076.000000	0.000000	-0.005170	-0.013216	0.429965	-0.794333	0.721356	-13638.346680	-8204.156250	589756.625000	-0.042772	0.034290	-1.815246	-0.038683	0.079400	-1.229748	-0.040032	0.042335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175918.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	132233.000000
-334.133148	-0.087596	-0.035678	-0.957434	0.358323	0.911876	-0.630783	184076.000000	0.000000	-0.005170	-0.013216	0.365803	-0.819164	0.721356	-14364.595703	-8029.642090	588829.687500	-0.039167	0.036228	-1.815246	-0.038683	0.079400	-1.229748	-0.040032	0.042335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176470.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	131681.000000
-334.138153	-0.082957	-0.032504	-0.961096	0.357259	0.955510	-0.627591	184076.000000	0.000000	-0.005170	-0.013216	0.298023	-0.841415	0.721356	-15275.048828	-7843.626953	587439.375000	-0.035312	0.038042	-1.815246	-0.038683	0.079400	-1.229748	-0.040032	0.042335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177194.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	130957.000000
-334.143158	-0.079539	-0.029574	-0.965734	0.355130	0.997014	-0.624398	184076.000000	0.000000	-0.005170	-0.013216	0.228703	-0.861894	0.721356	-15720.044922	-7615.971191	586049.000000	-0.031249	0.039734	-1.815246	-0.038683	0.079400	-1.229748	-0.040032	0.042335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177412.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	130739.000000
-334.148163	-0.076609	-0.028109	-0.970373	0.353002	1.036391	-0.621205	184100.000000	0.000000	-0.005170	-0.013216	0.157656	-0.882333	0.721356	-16183.874023	-7695.943848	584658.687500	-0.027001	0.041336	-1.815246	-0.038683	0.079400	-1.229748	-0.040032	0.042335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177979.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	130220.000000
-334.153168	-0.073924	-0.027133	-0.975256	0.349809	1.075767	-0.619077	184100.000000	0.000000	-0.001189	-0.010641	0.303244	-0.760190	0.762129	8125.011719	8675.370117	601487.687500	-0.022580	0.042855	-1.830928	-0.046804	0.094306	-1.225790	-0.004458	0.053078	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137299.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	170900.000000
-334.158173	-0.071727	-0.026889	-0.980871	0.345552	1.110886	-0.616948	184100.000000	0.000000	-0.005869	-0.013970	-0.187333	-1.065014	0.774172	-63775.382812	-39537.656250	605804.937500	-0.018017	0.044301	-1.835560	-0.049741	0.099468	-1.224417	0.008620	0.054966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-334.163177	-0.070018	-0.027133	-0.987219	0.340231	1.144942	-0.614820	184100.000000	0.000000	-0.005869	-0.013970	-0.075359	-0.949922	0.774172	2956.048096	7308.013672	604878.062500	-0.013333	0.045681	-1.835560	-0.049741	0.099468	-1.224417	0.008620	0.054966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143835.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164364.000000
-334.168182	-0.067820	-0.027377	-0.992590	0.333846	1.175804	-0.613756	184100.000000	0.000000	-0.004723	-0.013222	-0.088810	-0.925616	0.787473	-10689.832031	-2418.757080	610207.000000	-0.008535	0.046990	-1.840676	-0.052286	0.104355	-1.223094	0.023907	0.056937	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167208.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	140991.000000
-334.173187	-0.065623	-0.027865	-0.997961	0.326396	1.204538	-0.612691	183972.000000	0.000000	-0.004723	-0.013222	-0.212071	-0.971385	0.787473	-23229.142578	-10183.264648	609743.562500	-0.003638	0.048231	-1.840676	-0.052286	0.104355	-1.223094	0.023907	0.056937	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187384.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	120559.000000
-334.178192	-0.063670	-0.028354	-1.003820	0.318947	1.231144	-0.610563	183972.000000	0.000000	-0.004723	-0.013222	-0.290014	-0.986242	0.787473	-18493.046875	-6818.336426	608816.687500	0.001340	0.049403	-1.840676	-0.052286	0.104355	-1.223094	0.023907	0.056937	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179283.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128660.000000
-334.183197	-0.061961	-0.029818	-1.010656	0.311497	1.255621	-0.609499	183972.000000	0.000000	-0.004723	-0.013222	-0.368292	-1.001176	0.787473	-18768.589844	-6861.268066	608353.187500	0.006385	0.050527	-1.840676	-0.052286	0.104355	-1.223094	0.023907	0.056937	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179601.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128342.000000
-334.188202	-0.060496	-0.032260	-1.017736	0.305112	1.277970	-0.608434	183972.000000	0.000000	-0.004723	-0.013222	-0.446592	-1.016745	0.787473	-19002.144531	-7090.553711	607889.750000	0.011476	0.051628	-1.840676	-0.052286	0.104355	-1.223094	0.023907	0.056937	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180064.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127879.000000
-334.193207	-0.059275	-0.036654	-1.025061	0.299791	1.297126	-0.606306	182638.000000	0.000000	-0.004723	-0.013222	-0.524459	-1.034339	0.787473	-19047.601562	-7486.536621	606962.875000	0.016595	0.052748	-1.840676	-0.052286	0.104355	-1.223094	0.023907	0.056937	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179172.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	126103.000000
-334.198212	-0.058543	-0.041781	-1.033117	0.296598	1.312025	-0.603113	182638.000000	0.000000	-0.004723	-0.013222	-0.601029	-1.053471	0.787473	-18857.556641	-7962.916504	605572.562500	0.021711	0.053911	-1.840676	-0.052286	0.104355	-1.223094	0.023907	0.056937	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179458.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	125817.000000
-334.203217	-0.058787	-0.047152	-1.042639	0.296598	1.322667	-0.597792	182638.000000	0.000000	-0.006445	-0.014476	-0.770135	-1.143164	0.798152	-29391.355469	-16485.140625	607905.687500	0.026783	0.055133	-1.844783	-0.055390	0.109634	-1.221825	0.035081	0.056911	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198514.000000	199731.000000	200000.000000	106761.000000
-334.208221	-0.058543	-0.051547	-1.051184	0.296598	1.329053	-0.591407	182638.000000	0.000000	-0.001220	-0.011193	-0.487038	-0.932972	0.834843	22072.173828	17455.849609	621103.125000	0.031801	0.056395	-1.858895	-0.063329	0.124638	-1.218089	0.080456	0.060302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113109.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	192166.000000
-334.213226	-0.058055	-0.055453	-1.058020	0.297662	1.331181	-0.582893	181955.000000	0.000000	-0.001220	-0.011193	-0.767196	-1.085167	0.834843	-40697.843750	-23216.154297	617395.562500	0.036745	0.057692	-1.858895	-0.063329	0.124638	-1.218089	0.080456	0.060302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-334.218231	-0.057322	-0.058871	-1.063635	0.298726	1.329053	-0.572251	181955.000000	0.000000	-0.001623	-0.011456	-0.858623	-1.120620	0.851143	-19882.240234	-10544.277344	619859.750000	0.041601	0.059018	-1.865165	-0.064780	0.128814	-1.217003	0.096096	0.062412	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182381.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	121528.000000
-334.223236	-0.056590	-0.062777	-1.070227	0.298726	1.324796	-0.561609	181955.000000	0.000000	-0.001623	-0.011456	-0.909962	-1.131640	0.851143	-15457.855469	-7791.710938	615225.312500	0.046358	0.060373	-1.865165	-0.064780	0.128814	-1.217003	0.096096	0.062412	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175204.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128705.000000
-334.228241	-0.055857	-0.066195	-1.077795	0.297662	1.316282	-0.550966	181955.000000	0.000000	-0.001623	-0.011456	-0.974958	-1.152748	0.851143	-16751.576172	-8876.173828	610590.812500	0.050999	0.061743	-1.865165	-0.064780	0.128814	-1.217003	0.096096	0.062412	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177582.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	126327.000000
-334.233246	-0.054637	-0.069125	-1.084631	0.296598	1.305640	-0.539260	181955.000000	0.000000	-0.001623	-0.011456	-1.038189	-1.173622	0.851143	-16565.191406	-8941.642578	605492.875000	0.055524	0.063118	-1.865165	-0.064780	0.128814	-1.217003	0.096096	0.062412	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177461.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	126448.000000
-334.238251	-0.052439	-0.072299	-1.091223	0.293405	1.292869	-0.526489	181955.000000	0.000000	-0.001623	-0.011456	-1.100154	-1.194297	0.851143	-16418.216797	-8766.158203	599931.437500	0.059942	0.064495	-1.865165	-0.064780	0.128814	-1.217003	0.096096	0.062412	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177139.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	126770.000000
-334.243256	-0.049266	-0.075229	-1.097814	0.288084	1.279034	-0.514783	181955.000000	0.000000	-0.001623	-0.011456	-1.161326	-1.214166	0.851143	-16430.658203	-8509.941406	594833.500000	0.064268	0.065857	-1.865165	-0.064780	0.128814	-1.217003	0.096096	0.062412	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176895.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127014.000000
-334.248260	-0.045848	-0.077182	-1.104650	0.282763	1.263071	-0.502012	181955.000000	0.000000	-0.001623	-0.011456	-1.220790	-1.232879	0.851143	-16208.852539	-8444.488281	589272.125000	0.068495	0.067188	-1.865165	-0.064780	0.128814	-1.217003	0.096096	0.062412	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176608.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127301.000000
-334.253265	-0.040965	-0.078646	-1.110266	0.275313	1.247107	-0.488177	181955.000000	0.000000	-0.006120	-0.014413	-1.527466	-1.412825	0.860877	-44728.710938	-26732.416016	587486.187500	0.072649	0.068472	-1.868908	-0.067717	0.133950	-1.215947	0.109750	0.064112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-334.258270	-0.036814	-0.080355	-1.115148	0.266800	1.230080	-0.475406	182001.000000	0.000000	-0.001688	-0.011363	-1.161312	-1.143599	0.889521	31132.753906	24051.291016	594398.750000	0.076713	0.069709	-1.879925	-0.075955	0.148751	-1.213614	0.149451	0.067108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-334.263275	-0.032664	-0.082309	-1.119055	0.256157	1.213052	-0.461571	182001.000000	0.000000	-0.001688	-0.011363	-1.394487	-1.281376	0.889521	-35761.394531	-21051.908203	588373.875000	0.080686	0.070896	-1.879925	-0.075955	0.148751	-1.213614	0.149451	0.067108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100949.000000
-334.268280	-0.028758	-0.084506	-1.122473	0.244451	1.194960	-0.447736	182001.000000	0.000000	-0.001688	-0.011363	-1.448622	-1.296532	0.889521	-16123.659180	-7467.841797	582349.062500	0.084560	0.072036	-1.879925	-0.075955	0.148751	-1.213614	0.149451	0.067108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175592.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128409.000000
-334.273285	-0.025096	-0.087191	-1.124426	0.231680	1.175804	-0.433902	182001.000000	0.000000	-0.001688	-0.011363	-1.500785	-1.311336	0.889521	-15941.571289	-7321.345703	576324.187500	0.088326	0.073133	-1.879925	-0.075955	0.148751	-1.213614	0.149451	0.067108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175263.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128738.000000
-334.278290	-0.021434	-0.091098	-1.126135	0.216781	1.157712	-0.420067	182001.000000	0.000000	-0.001688	-0.011363	-1.551703	-1.326218	0.889521	-16072.772461	-7096.008301	570299.375000	0.091990	0.074202	-1.879925	-0.075955	0.148751	-1.213614	0.149451	0.067108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175169.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128832.000000
-334.283295	-0.018504	-0.096957	-1.128820	0.201882	1.138556	-0.404103	181995.000000	0.000000	-0.001688	-0.011363	-1.600169	-1.342582	0.889521	-15820.986328	-7265.588379	563347.625000	0.095537	0.075277	-1.879925	-0.075955	0.148751	-1.213614	0.149451	0.067108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175081.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128908.000000
-334.288300	-0.015818	-0.103793	-1.131506	0.185918	1.118336	-0.388140	181995.000000	0.000000	-0.001688	-0.011363	-1.646447	-1.359690	0.889521	-15583.200195	-7235.632324	556395.875000	0.098957	0.076370	-1.879925	-0.075955	0.148751	-1.213614	0.149451	0.067108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174813.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	129176.000000
-334.293304	-0.012889	-0.111117	-1.133947	0.169955	1.095987	-0.371112	181995.000000	0.000000	-0.001688	-0.011363	-1.690595	-1.377565	0.889521	-15215.191406	-7328.806641	548980.750000	0.102247	0.077490	-1.879925	-0.075955	0.148751	-1.213614	0.149451	0.067108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174538.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	129451.000000
-334.298309	-0.009227	-0.116732	-1.136633	0.156120	1.071510	-0.350892	181995.000000	0.000000	-0.000895	-0.010364	-1.689328	-1.339915	0.914780	-9869.121094	-1220.667847	551174.937500	0.105411	0.078618	-1.889640	-0.088297	0.168522	-1.212535	0.196510	0.068683	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163084.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	140905.000000
-334.303314	-0.004588	-0.121615	-1.139074	0.143349	1.043840	-0.328543	181969.000000	0.000000	-0.000895	-0.010364	-1.761690	-1.396881	0.914780	-17819.671875	-11944.528320	541442.500000	0.108450	0.079748	-1.889640	-0.088297	0.168522	-1.212535	0.196510	0.068683	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181733.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	122204.000000
-334.308319	0.001271	-0.125277	-1.141760	0.131643	1.014042	-0.305130	181969.000000	0.000000	-0.003896	-0.011951	-1.966156	-1.500330	0.923557	-32914.644531	-17594.796875	535068.812500	0.111377	0.080865	-1.893016	-0.090380	0.172641	-1.212544	0.203405	0.071809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199563.000000	199563.000000	200000.000000	104374.000000
-334.313324	0.006887	-0.129184	-1.143713	0.121001	0.981051	-0.280653	181969.000000	0.000000	-0.003896	-0.011951	-1.882870	-1.453567	0.923557	-388.634369	-930.917236	524409.500000	0.114174	0.081980	-1.893016	-0.090380	0.172641	-1.212544	0.203405	0.071809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153288.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	150649.000000
-334.318329	0.012258	-0.133090	-1.144689	0.112487	0.943803	-0.255112	181969.000000	0.000000	-0.003896	-0.011951	-1.916320	-1.470948	0.923557	-12738.929688	-8259.060547	513286.750000	0.116816	0.083107	-1.893016	-0.090380	0.172641	-1.212544	0.203405	0.071809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172966.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	130971.000000
-334.323334	0.016652	-0.136752	-1.145422	0.102909	0.904427	-0.229570	181846.000000	0.000000	-0.003896	-0.011951	-1.946124	-1.488023	0.923557	-12059.711914	-8142.690430	502163.968750	0.119279	0.084238	-1.893016	-0.090380	0.172641	-1.212544	0.203405	0.071809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172048.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	131643.000000
-334.328339	0.020070	-0.138949	-1.145422	0.094395	0.862922	-0.204029	181846.000000	0.000000	-0.003896	-0.011951	-1.971964	-1.504145	0.923557	-11318.114258	-8189.858887	491041.187500	0.121540	0.085353	-1.893016	-0.090380	0.172641	-1.212544	0.203405	0.071809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171353.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	132338.000000
-334.333344	0.023244	-0.139437	-1.144934	0.083753	0.818224	-0.179552	181846.000000	0.000000	-0.003896	-0.011951	-1.993905	-1.517918	0.923557	-10433.502930	-7711.918457	480381.875000	0.123584	0.086414	-1.893016	-0.090380	0.172641	-1.212544	0.203405	0.071809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169991.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	133700.000000
-334.338348	0.025197	-0.139193	-1.143957	0.072046	0.772463	-0.154010	181846.000000	0.000000	-0.003896	-0.011951	-2.011341	-1.530082	0.923557	-9690.973633	-7420.126953	469259.093750	0.125387	0.087407	-1.893016	-0.090380	0.172641	-1.212544	0.203405	0.071809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168957.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	134734.000000
-334.343353	0.025930	-0.137484	-1.142492	0.058211	0.724573	-0.129533	181846.000000	0.000000	-0.003901	-0.011194	-2.024002	-1.497750	0.929796	-8769.791016	-2081.119385	461316.375000	0.126923	0.088298	-1.895415	-0.100473	0.186675	-1.213858	0.227867	0.070739	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162696.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	140995.000000
-334.348358	0.025686	-0.135043	-1.141027	0.043312	0.675618	-0.106120	180320.000000	0.000000	-0.008214	-0.013571	-2.268448	-1.665609	0.930464	-35038.167969	-24679.830078	451411.656250	0.128177	0.089071	-1.895672	-0.103928	0.191238	-1.214615	0.234199	0.070181	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-334.353363	0.024465	-0.132113	-1.137854	0.026285	0.625600	-0.083771	180320.000000	0.000000	-0.008214	-0.013571	-2.098354	-1.574894	0.930464	11672.519531	4481.482910	441679.218750	0.129131	0.089713	-1.895672	-0.103928	0.191238	-1.214615	0.234199	0.070181	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134165.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166474.000000
-334.358368	0.023244	-0.128695	-1.135412	0.008193	0.576645	-0.063551	180320.000000	0.000000	-0.013235	-0.015991	-2.372954	-1.709558	0.923250	-38379.304688	-20719.451172	429731.906250	0.129799	0.090208	-1.892898	-0.109032	0.196580	-1.215631	0.237327	0.071510	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-334.363373	0.021779	-0.125033	-1.132727	-0.012028	0.526627	-0.043331	180320.000000	0.000000	-0.013235	-0.015991	-2.166204	-1.611573	0.923250	15846.268555	5639.488770	420926.375000	0.130175	0.090546	-1.892898	-0.109032	0.196580	-1.215631	0.237327	0.071510	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128834.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171805.000000
-334.368378	0.020070	-0.120883	-1.129553	-0.033312	0.476608	-0.024175	179925.000000	0.000000	-0.013235	-0.015991	-2.155954	-1.607402	0.923250	-5482.920410	-4441.806152	412584.281250	0.130262	0.090716	-1.892898	-0.109032	0.196580	-1.215631	0.237327	0.071510	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159849.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	140000.000000
-334.373383	0.018605	-0.117221	-1.126623	-0.054597	0.427654	-0.005019	179925.000000	0.000000	-0.013235	-0.015991	-2.142194	-1.601317	0.923250	-4925.371582	-4105.564941	404242.187500	0.130075	0.090729	-1.892898	-0.109032	0.196580	-1.215631	0.237327	0.071510	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158955.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	140894.000000
-334.378387	0.016652	-0.113803	-1.123937	-0.076945	0.378699	0.012009	179925.000000	0.000000	-0.013235	-0.015991	-2.124188	-1.592878	0.923250	-4150.621094	-3587.918213	396827.031250	0.129612	0.090585	-1.892898	-0.109032	0.196580	-1.215631	0.237327	0.071510	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157663.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	142186.000000
-334.383392	0.015188	-0.110385	-1.121008	-0.099294	0.330809	0.026908	179925.000000	0.000000	-0.013235	-0.015991	-2.103148	-1.582183	0.923250	-3616.942627	-3187.939453	390338.718750	0.128893	0.090285	-1.892898	-0.109032	0.196580	-1.215631	0.237327	0.071510	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156729.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	143120.000000
-334.388397	0.013967	-0.107455	-1.118566	-0.122707	0.282919	0.041807	179925.000000	0.000000	-0.013235	-0.015991	-2.078775	-1.569447	0.923250	-2918.005127	-2680.243896	383850.437500	0.127926	0.089836	-1.892898	-0.109032	0.196580	-1.215631	0.237327	0.071510	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155523.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	144326.000000
-334.393402	0.012502	-0.103549	-1.114904	-0.145056	0.236093	0.053514	180006.000000	0.000000	-0.013235	-0.015991	-2.051105	-1.553942	0.923250	-2329.869141	-2318.569092	378752.500000	0.126720	0.089227	-1.892898	-0.109032	0.196580	-1.215631	0.237327	0.071510	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154654.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	145357.000000
-334.398407	0.010305	-0.099398	-1.111486	-0.168469	0.191396	0.065220	180006.000000	0.000000	-0.003147	-0.009095	-1.465138	-1.156402	0.913000	61739.144531	41751.027344	369191.218750	0.125276	0.088452	-1.888956	-0.123680	0.213648	-1.220588	0.243619	0.063525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-334.403412	0.007619	-0.095492	-1.108068	-0.190818	0.147762	0.073734	180006.000000	0.000000	-0.003147	-0.009095	-1.834008	-1.411978	0.913000	-44884.941406	-31267.195312	365483.656250	0.123597	0.087520	-1.888956	-0.123680	0.213648	-1.220588	0.243619	0.063525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-334.408417	0.004445	-0.090854	-1.103674	-0.215295	0.104129	0.081184	180006.000000	0.000000	-0.003147	-0.009095	-1.795680	-1.388295	0.913000	274.817200	-99.249588	362239.500000	0.121679	0.086412	-1.888956	-0.123680	0.213648	-1.220588	0.243619	0.063525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149830.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	150181.000000
-334.413422	0.000051	-0.086947	-1.100256	-0.238708	0.061560	0.087569	180005.000000	0.000000	-0.003147	-0.009095	-1.753102	-1.363020	0.913000	1016.816101	182.731705	359458.812500	0.119510	0.085147	-1.888956	-0.123680	0.213648	-1.220588	0.243619	0.063525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148805.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	151204.000000
-334.418427	-0.004100	-0.082553	-1.095373	-0.264249	0.020055	0.093954	180005.000000	0.000000	-0.003147	-0.009095	-1.707555	-1.334577	0.913000	1624.840698	1012.434875	356678.125000	0.117104	0.083709	-1.888956	-0.123680	0.213648	-1.220588	0.243619	0.063525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147367.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	152642.000000
-334.423431	-0.008250	-0.078891	-1.090734	-0.288726	-0.021450	0.098211	180005.000000	0.000000	-0.003147	-0.009095	-1.658712	-1.304633	0.913000	2402.898682	1310.797485	354824.312500	0.114466	0.082119	-1.888956	-0.123680	0.213648	-1.220588	0.243619	0.063525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146291.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	153718.000000
-334.428436	-0.012400	-0.074496	-1.086828	-0.315332	-0.062954	0.102468	180005.000000	0.000000	-0.003147	-0.009095	-1.606620	-1.271174	0.913000	3190.658691	2207.543701	352970.531250	0.111600	0.080354	-1.888956	-0.123680	0.213648	-1.220588	0.243619	0.063525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144606.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155403.000000
-334.433441	-0.015086	-0.069857	-1.082922	-0.340873	-0.103395	0.106725	179995.000000	0.000000	-0.003799	-0.008832	-1.588959	-1.220839	0.913322	-444.918549	4295.307617	351256.687500	0.108543	0.078418	-1.889079	-0.128728	0.220187	-1.223819	0.242905	0.057101	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146144.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	153845.000000
-334.438446	-0.017039	-0.065219	-1.078283	-0.365351	-0.142771	0.108854	179995.000000	0.000000	-0.005375	-0.008971	-1.594413	-1.200951	0.906685	-2947.616455	1034.371216	347439.593750	0.105317	0.076319	-1.886527	-0.134765	0.226744	-1.227316	0.238354	0.049748	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151908.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	148081.000000
-334.443451	-0.018260	-0.061313	-1.074133	-0.390892	-0.182148	0.112046	179995.000000	0.000000	-0.005375	-0.008971	-1.474648	-1.155544	0.906685	11553.033203	4283.786133	346049.250000	0.101939	0.074067	-1.886527	-0.134765	0.226744	-1.227316	0.238354	0.049748	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134158.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165831.000000
-334.448456	-0.018748	-0.057895	-1.071447	-0.413241	-0.222588	0.113110	179995.000000	0.000000	-0.003599	-0.007605	-1.318659	-1.039673	0.907475	16556.652344	12316.494141	345929.843750	0.098422	0.071688	-1.886830	-0.136517	0.229121	-1.229105	0.234740	0.044275	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121121.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	178868.000000
-334.453461	-0.018748	-0.054965	-1.068762	-0.435589	-0.261965	0.115239	179995.000000	0.000000	-0.003599	-0.007605	-1.330149	-1.052223	0.907475	-1846.754883	-1758.790649	345002.937500	0.094782	0.069194	-1.886830	-0.136517	0.229121	-1.229105	0.234740	0.044275	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153600.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	146389.000000
-334.458466	-0.018992	-0.052279	-1.065100	-0.456874	-0.301341	0.116303	179921.000000	0.000000	-0.003599	-0.007605	-1.268693	-1.009120	0.907475	6639.555176	4540.907227	344539.500000	0.091017	0.066596	-1.886830	-0.136517	0.229121	-1.229105	0.234740	0.044275	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138740.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161101.000000
-334.463470	-0.019480	-0.048861	-1.061193	-0.476030	-0.339653	0.117367	179921.000000	0.000000	-0.003599	-0.007605	-1.205530	-0.964395	0.907475	7176.995117	4779.019043	344076.031250	0.087131	0.063893	-1.886830	-0.136517	0.229121	-1.229105	0.234740	0.044275	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137964.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161877.000000
-334.468475	-0.020457	-0.045688	-1.056311	-0.496250	-0.377965	0.118432	179921.000000	0.000000	-0.003599	-0.007605	-1.140145	-0.918204	0.907475	7898.361328	5362.811035	343612.593750	0.083116	0.061088	-1.886830	-0.136517	0.229121	-1.229105	0.234740	0.044275	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136659.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163182.000000
-334.473480	-0.021678	-0.042514	-1.050939	-0.514342	-0.415213	0.118432	179921.000000	0.000000	-0.003599	-0.007605	-1.073007	-0.871125	0.907475	8451.956055	5524.624512	343612.593750	0.078974	0.058191	-1.886830	-0.136517	0.229121	-1.229105	0.234740	0.044275	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135944.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163897.000000
-334.478485	-0.022898	-0.040072	-1.045812	-0.533498	-0.452461	0.119496	179989.000000	0.000000	-0.003599	-0.007605	-1.004079	-0.823250	0.907475	9137.293945	6037.709473	343149.156250	0.074709	0.055214	-1.886830	-0.136517	0.229121	-1.229105	0.234740	0.044275	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134813.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165164.000000
-334.483490	-0.024607	-0.038363	-1.041174	-0.551590	-0.488645	0.119496	179989.000000	0.000000	-0.003599	-0.007605	-0.933217	-0.775253	0.907475	9725.332031	6237.920410	343149.156250	0.070319	0.052176	-1.886830	-0.136517	0.229121	-1.229105	0.234740	0.044275	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134025.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165952.000000
-334.488495	-0.026561	-0.036410	-1.035803	-0.569682	-0.523764	0.121624	179989.000000	0.000000	-0.005037	-0.007591	-0.939626	-0.725451	0.897547	1243.843384	6748.851074	337899.031250	0.065805	0.049075	-1.883012	-0.142250	0.234664	-1.233020	0.225320	0.038744	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141996.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	157981.000000
-334.493500	-0.028758	-0.034945	-1.030920	-0.586709	-0.558883	0.123753	179989.000000	0.000000	-0.002784	-0.005754	-0.683652	-0.575846	0.891694	31433.595703	18372.238281	334423.125000	0.061165	0.045926	-1.880761	-0.146437	0.238931	-1.237077	0.209924	0.026580	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101616.000000	200000.000000	198361.000000	198361.000000
-334.498505	-0.031199	-0.033969	-1.026037	-0.602673	-0.592939	0.126945	179989.000000	0.000000	-0.000524	-0.004125	-0.573117	-0.510667	0.893481	15989.672852	9345.312500	333810.781250	0.056402	0.042745	-1.881448	-0.147111	0.240086	-1.239158	0.207502	0.021113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124654.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	175323.000000
-334.503510	-0.033152	-0.032748	-1.021643	-0.617572	-0.626994	0.132267	179922.000000	0.000000	-0.000524	-0.004125	-0.585860	-0.526401	0.893481	2532.663574	327.554871	331493.531250	0.051527	0.039532	-1.881448	-0.147111	0.240086	-1.239158	0.207502	0.021113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147061.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	152782.000000
-334.508514	-0.034373	-0.030063	-1.016516	-0.632471	-0.661049	0.138652	179922.000000	0.000000	-0.000524	-0.004125	-0.507449	-0.474965	0.893481	13072.876953	8018.498047	328712.843750	0.046556	0.036261	-1.881448	-0.147111	0.240086	-1.239158	0.207502	0.021113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128830.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171013.000000
-334.513519	-0.035105	-0.026156	-1.011877	-0.646306	-0.691912	0.146101	179922.000000	0.000000	-0.000524	-0.004125	-0.429095	-0.421624	0.893481	13217.933594	8419.940430	325468.687500	0.041516	0.032911	-1.881448	-0.147111	0.240086	-1.239158	0.207502	0.021113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128284.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171559.000000
-334.518524	-0.035594	-0.021762	-1.006262	-0.660141	-0.722774	0.153551	179922.000000	0.000000	-0.000524	-0.004125	-0.350020	-0.366635	0.893481	13803.047852	8917.765625	322224.562500	0.036413	0.029476	-1.881448	-0.147111	0.240086	-1.239158	0.207502	0.021113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127201.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	172642.000000
-334.523529	-0.036082	-0.018344	-1.000402	-0.673976	-0.752573	0.162065	179988.000000	0.000000	-0.000524	-0.004125	-0.270344	-0.311456	0.893481	14255.631836	9256.081055	318516.968750	0.031253	0.025974	-1.881448	-0.147111	0.240086	-1.239158	0.207502	0.021113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126476.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	173499.000000
-334.528534	-0.035838	-0.015658	-0.995275	-0.686747	-0.780242	0.170579	179988.000000	0.000000	-0.000524	-0.004125	-0.191299	-0.256369	0.893481	14443.062500	9441.110352	314809.375000	0.026063	0.022425	-1.881448	-0.147111	0.240086	-1.239158	0.207502	0.021113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126103.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	173872.000000
-334.533539	-0.035838	-0.013949	-0.990637	-0.698453	-0.805784	0.179092	179988.000000	0.000000	-0.000524	-0.004125	-0.112184	-0.201948	0.893481	14700.479492	9556.415039	311101.781250	0.020851	0.018856	-1.881448	-0.147111	0.240086	-1.239158	0.207502	0.021113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125731.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	174244.000000
-334.538544	-0.035838	-0.013461	-0.986242	-0.708031	-0.831325	0.188670	179988.000000	0.000000	0.001675	-0.001676	0.088184	-0.014437	0.875578	29074.808594	24865.990234	299134.343750	0.015617	0.015299	-1.874562	-0.154660	0.246378	-1.247293	0.166441	-0.004747	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-334.543549	-0.036326	-0.013705	-0.981115	-0.715481	-0.853674	0.197184	179989.000000	0.000000	0.001675	-0.001676	0.079623	-0.061076	0.875578	5809.213379	-1298.859375	295426.750000	0.010365	0.011779	-1.874562	-0.154660	0.246378	-1.247293	0.166441	-0.004747	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145478.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154499.000000
-334.548553	-0.037303	-0.013705	-0.975744	-0.720802	-0.876023	0.205698	179989.000000	0.000000	-0.003392	-0.003807	-0.118813	-0.127756	0.870145	-15878.684570	-4018.713867	289353.312500	0.005088	0.008301	-1.872473	-0.156242	0.247386	-1.249338	0.161829	-0.011630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169886.000000	198129.000000	200000.000000	130091.000000
-334.553558	-0.038523	-0.013705	-0.971838	-0.722930	-0.896243	0.213148	179989.000000	0.000000	-0.003392	-0.003807	0.163990	0.006588	0.870145	38196.238281	18361.755859	286109.187500	-0.000208	0.004878	-1.872473	-0.156242	0.247386	-1.249338	0.161829	-0.011630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101627.000000	200000.000000	198350.000000	198350.000000
-334.558563	-0.040477	-0.013705	-0.967443	-0.720802	-0.915399	0.221661	179989.000000	0.000000	-0.003392	-0.003807	0.245002	0.053818	0.870145	16351.918945	8522.488281	282401.593750	-0.005533	0.001530	-1.872473	-0.156242	0.247386	-1.249338	0.161829	-0.011630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125114.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	174863.000000
-334.563568	-0.042918	-0.014926	-0.963781	-0.714417	-0.934555	0.230175	179989.000000	0.000000	-0.003392	-0.003807	0.326937	0.097517	0.870145	16918.525391	7837.702637	278694.000000	-0.010895	-0.001700	-1.872473	-0.156242	0.247386	-1.249338	0.161829	-0.011630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125232.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	174745.000000
-334.568573	-0.046824	-0.016146	-0.958898	-0.705903	-0.953711	0.238689	179997.000000	0.000000	-0.003392	-0.003807	0.411149	0.138996	0.870145	17644.214844	7511.259277	274986.406250	-0.016326	-0.004802	-1.872473	-0.156242	0.247386	-1.249338	0.161829	-0.011630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124841.000000	200000.000000	199864.000000	175152.000000
-334.573578	-0.050486	-0.016391	-0.953771	-0.694196	-0.970739	0.248267	179997.000000	0.000000	-0.003392	-0.003807	0.495504	0.178988	0.870145	17894.652344	7127.414062	270815.343750	-0.021808	-0.007786	-1.872473	-0.156242	0.247386	-1.249338	0.161829	-0.011630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124974.000000	200000.000000	199229.000000	175019.000000
-334.578583	-0.052684	-0.015902	-0.948645	-0.680361	-0.988831	0.258909	179997.000000	0.000000	-0.004344	-0.004546	0.526879	0.176988	0.863870	12412.532227	2202.280762	263448.312500	-0.027318	-0.010658	-1.870059	-0.158131	0.248632	-1.251246	0.149866	-0.016878	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135382.000000	200000.000000	199786.000000	164611.000000
-334.583588	-0.055125	-0.014926	-0.942785	-0.664398	-1.003730	0.270616	179997.000000	0.000000	-0.002192	-0.002612	0.766835	0.350074	0.849633	36167.437500	21943.164062	252150.187500	-0.032845	-0.013423	-1.864583	-0.161757	0.250642	-1.254961	0.128369	-0.029191	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-334.588593	-0.056346	-0.013461	-0.937414	-0.648435	-1.018629	0.282322	179930.000000	0.000000	-0.006186	-0.004622	0.543595	0.198514	0.839153	-15722.139648	-14524.249023	242488.625000	-0.038363	-0.016095	-1.860553	-0.164228	0.251893	-1.256814	0.115747	-0.036628	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180176.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	119683.000000
-334.593597	-0.056834	-0.011508	-0.932775	-0.630343	-1.031400	0.295093	179930.000000	0.000000	-0.006186	-0.004622	0.784060	0.313965	0.839153	36195.941406	15049.111328	236927.234375	-0.043845	-0.018675	-1.860553	-0.164228	0.251893	-1.256814	0.115747	-0.036628	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104880.000000	200000.000000	194979.000000	194979.000000
-334.598602	-0.057322	-0.008822	-0.929602	-0.611187	-1.043106	0.307864	179930.000000	0.000000	-0.006186	-0.004622	0.863935	0.348441	0.839153	18842.355469	6098.812500	231365.843750	-0.049284	-0.021178	-1.860553	-0.164228	0.251893	-1.256814	0.115747	-0.036628	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124988.000000	200000.000000	197186.000000	174871.000000
-334.603607	-0.056834	-0.005404	-0.925451	-0.590966	-1.054813	0.319570	179930.000000	0.000000	-0.006186	-0.004622	0.942132	0.382471	0.839153	19071.269531	5996.264160	226267.906250	-0.054661	-0.023618	-1.860553	-0.164228	0.251893	-1.256814	0.115747	-0.036628	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124862.000000	200000.000000	196854.000000	174997.000000
-334.608612	-0.056102	-0.002230	-0.919592	-0.571810	-1.065455	0.331277	179930.000000	0.000000	-0.006186	-0.004622	1.019002	0.415675	0.839153	19211.109375	6087.017578	221169.968750	-0.059969	-0.025996	-1.860553	-0.164228	0.251893	-1.256814	0.115747	-0.036628	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124631.000000	200000.000000	196805.000000	175228.000000
-334.613617	-0.055125	0.000699	-0.914709	-0.551590	-1.075033	0.341919	179999.000000	0.000000	-0.006186	-0.004622	1.094255	0.447507	0.839153	19306.390625	5872.606445	216535.484375	-0.065198	-0.028304	-1.860553	-0.164228	0.251893	-1.256814	0.115747	-0.036628	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124820.000000	200000.000000	196565.000000	175177.000000
-334.618622	-0.053416	0.004361	-0.911535	-0.530306	-1.082482	0.351497	179999.000000	0.000000	-0.006186	-0.004622	1.166816	0.479004	0.839153	19144.417969	5765.833008	212364.453125	-0.070320	-0.030555	-1.860553	-0.164228	0.251893	-1.256814	0.115747	-0.036628	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125088.000000	200000.000000	196620.000000	174909.000000
-334.623627	-0.052684	0.008268	-0.908117	-0.509021	-1.087804	0.360011	179999.000000	0.000000	-0.002716	-0.002218	1.429297	0.642223	0.832434	41025.128906	20902.236328	205730.875000	-0.075349	-0.032757	-1.857969	-0.165536	0.252337	-1.258464	0.105854	-0.038850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-334.628632	-0.052684	0.011441	-0.904943	-0.486672	-1.093125	0.366396	179999.000000	0.000000	-0.003287	-0.002166	1.330401	0.578177	0.811356	859.099487	-4601.335938	193771.109375	-0.080302	-0.034888	-1.849862	-0.169801	0.253988	-1.261588	0.082730	-0.045665	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153741.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	146256.000000
-334.633636	-0.053904	0.013395	-0.901525	-0.463259	-1.096317	0.371717	179924.000000	0.000000	0.000599	0.000066	1.638094	0.725217	0.808330	46761.992188	19060.498047	190135.968750	-0.085197	-0.036920	-1.848698	-0.169979	0.253660	-1.262912	0.071778	-0.053522	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100863.000000	200000.000000	198984.000000	198984.000000
-334.638641	-0.056834	0.014127	-0.899328	-0.437718	-1.098446	0.377038	179924.000000	0.000000	0.000599	0.000066	1.554763	0.659001	0.808330	3276.041748	-5044.266113	187818.734375	-0.090068	-0.038815	-1.848698	-0.169979	0.253660	-1.262912	0.071778	-0.053522	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151692.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	148155.000000
-334.643646	-0.061961	0.012906	-0.898596	-0.410048	-1.100574	0.381295	179924.000000	0.000000	0.000599	0.000066	1.629068	0.677106	0.808330	20962.406250	3948.987549	185964.937500	-0.094961	-0.040523	-1.848698	-0.169979	0.253660	-1.262912	0.071778	-0.053522	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125012.000000	200000.000000	192910.000000	174835.000000
-334.648651	-0.069285	0.010221	-0.897131	-0.379185	-1.102703	0.384488	179924.000000	0.000000	0.000599	0.000066	1.706477	0.689952	0.808330	21669.607422	2936.518311	184574.593750	-0.099926	-0.041998	-1.848698	-0.169979	0.253660	-1.262912	0.071778	-0.053522	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125317.000000	200000.000000	191190.000000	174530.000000
-334.653656	-0.077098	0.007291	-0.896154	-0.347259	-1.102703	0.388745	179908.000000	0.000000	0.000599	0.000066	1.784921	0.699025	0.808330	21908.369141	2300.044189	182720.796875	-0.104965	-0.043236	-1.848698	-0.169979	0.253660	-1.262912	0.071778	-0.053522	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125699.000000	200000.000000	190299.000000	174116.000000
-334.658661	-0.084910	0.005094	-0.895178	-0.313203	-1.100574	0.393002	179908.000000	0.000000	0.000599	0.000066	1.863811	0.705124	0.808330	22076.675781	1610.327637	180867.000000	-0.110064	-0.044247	-1.848698	-0.169979	0.253660	-1.262912	0.071778	-0.053522	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126220.000000	200000.000000	189441.000000	173595.000000
-334.663666	-0.091990	0.004361	-0.893713	-0.280212	-1.095253	0.396194	179908.000000	0.000000	-0.001521	-0.000420	1.825300	0.683449	0.772253	8614.894531	-1577.974487	163765.750000	-0.115191	-0.045073	-1.834822	-0.176463	0.255549	-1.266558	0.036222	-0.058939	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142871.000000	200000.000000	199715.000000	156944.000000
-334.668671	-0.098338	0.004605	-0.892492	-0.247221	-1.084611	0.400451	179908.000000	0.000000	-0.004611	-0.001824	1.816369	0.629305	0.760220	11192.284180	-5549.035156	156672.250000	-0.120305	-0.045741	-1.830194	-0.178334	0.255835	-1.267642	0.024965	-0.059077	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144264.000000	200000.000000	193166.000000	155551.000000
-334.673676	-0.103465	0.006559	-0.892248	-0.215295	-1.069712	0.404708	179908.000000	0.000000	-0.004611	-0.001824	2.013101	0.689283	0.760220	34174.589844	7245.428223	154818.453125	-0.125355	-0.046296	-1.830194	-0.178334	0.255835	-1.267642	0.024965	-0.059077	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112662.000000	200000.000000	187153.000000	187153.000000
-334.678680	-0.106639	0.009977	-0.892492	-0.184432	-1.050556	0.408965	179974.000000	0.000000	-0.004976	-0.001969	2.061774	0.685622	0.747547	17562.205078	206.162750	147445.671875	-0.130278	-0.046779	-1.825320	-0.180315	0.256166	-1.268606	0.014029	-0.057842	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132205.000000	200000.000000	192617.000000	167742.000000
-334.683685	-0.108836	0.013883	-0.892492	-0.156762	-1.026079	0.411094	179974.000000	0.000000	-0.004976	-0.001969	2.140777	0.696127	0.747547	20562.978516	2035.997559	146518.781250	-0.135029	-0.047215	-1.825320	-0.180315	0.256166	-1.268606	0.014029	-0.057842	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127375.000000	200000.000000	191447.000000	172572.000000
-334.688690	-0.109568	0.018766	-0.893225	-0.131221	-0.999473	0.413222	179974.000000	0.000000	-0.004976	-0.001969	2.200342	0.701902	0.747547	18343.291016	1658.845581	145591.875000	-0.139568	-0.047637	-1.825320	-0.180315	0.256166	-1.268606	0.014029	-0.057842	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129971.000000	200000.000000	193289.000000	169976.000000
-334.693695	-0.109324	0.023648	-0.893469	-0.109936	-0.968610	0.413222	179974.000000	0.000000	-0.004976	-0.001969	2.254715	0.708524	0.747547	17412.449219	2152.710938	145591.875000	-0.143857	-0.048065	-1.825320	-0.180315	0.256166	-1.268606	0.014029	-0.057842	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130408.000000	200000.000000	194714.000000	169539.000000
-334.698700	-0.108836	0.029264	-0.893713	-0.090780	-0.935619	0.412158	179924.000000	0.000000	-0.004976	-0.001969	2.304762	0.716603	0.747547	16781.093750	2496.034424	146055.343750	-0.147886	-0.048522	-1.825320	-0.180315	0.256166	-1.268606	0.014029	-0.057842	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130646.000000	200000.000000	195638.000000	169201.000000
-334.703705	-0.108592	0.034635	-0.894689	-0.074817	-0.900500	0.408965	179924.000000	0.000000	-0.004976	-0.001969	2.350832	0.725499	0.747547	16160.293945	2904.368164	147445.671875	-0.151654	-0.049017	-1.825320	-0.180315	0.256166	-1.268606	0.014029	-0.057842	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130859.000000	200000.000000	196668.000000	168988.000000
-334.708710	-0.109080	0.038785	-0.895422	-0.062046	-0.865380	0.404708	179924.000000	0.000000	-0.004976	-0.001969	2.394208	0.734190	0.747547	15901.875000	3214.074219	149299.468750	-0.155183	-0.049535	-1.825320	-0.180315	0.256166	-1.268606	0.014029	-0.057842	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130808.000000	200000.000000	197236.000000	169039.000000
-334.713715	-0.110301	0.043180	-0.896643	-0.051404	-0.830261	0.399387	179924.000000	0.000000	-0.004976	-0.001969	2.435081	0.743943	0.747547	15653.179688	3560.766357	151616.734375	-0.158492	-0.050089	-1.825320	-0.180315	0.256166	-1.268606	0.014029	-0.057842	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130710.000000	200000.000000	197831.000000	169137.000000
-334.718719	-0.112498	0.046109	-0.897131	-0.043954	-0.795142	0.393002	179924.000000	0.000000	0.002769	0.003449	2.900077	1.051170	0.700733	64275.039062	38006.523438	134011.015625	-0.161610	-0.050660	-1.807315	-0.185624	0.255036	-1.271269	-0.017508	-0.055797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-334.723724	-0.115672	0.049039	-0.896887	-0.037569	-0.758958	0.386616	179977.000000	0.000000	0.002769	0.003449	2.627825	0.844284	0.700733	-18335.113281	-19393.947266	136791.703125	-0.164559	-0.051254	-1.807315	-0.185624	0.255036	-1.271269	-0.017508	-0.055797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187706.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	112247.000000
-334.728729	-0.119090	0.051725	-0.897863	-0.033312	-0.723839	0.380231	179977.000000	0.000000	0.002769	0.003449	2.663318	0.854548	0.700733	15621.916016	4744.695801	139572.390625	-0.167349	-0.051872	-1.807315	-0.185624	0.255036	-1.271269	-0.017508	-0.055797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129610.000000	200000.000000	199099.000000	170343.000000
-334.733734	-0.123484	0.053189	-0.899816	-0.030119	-0.687655	0.373846	179977.000000	0.000000	0.002769	0.003449	2.697323	0.863844	0.700733	15331.301758	4783.341309	142353.078125	-0.169996	-0.052491	-1.807315	-0.185624	0.255036	-1.271269	-0.017508	-0.055797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129862.000000	200000.000000	199429.000000	170091.000000
-334.738739	-0.127635	0.054898	-0.902502	-0.026927	-0.651471	0.368525	179977.000000	0.000000	0.002769	0.003449	2.728885	0.873398	0.700733	15041.506836	4840.910645	144670.343750	-0.172495	-0.053115	-1.807315	-0.185624	0.255036	-1.271269	-0.017508	-0.055797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130094.000000	200000.000000	199776.000000	169859.000000
-334.743744	-0.132029	0.056607	-0.904455	-0.023734	-0.616352	0.364268	179934.000000	0.000000	0.002769	0.003449	2.759045	0.883081	0.700733	14981.523438	4885.064453	146524.140625	-0.174861	-0.053745	-1.807315	-0.185624	0.255036	-1.271269	-0.017508	-0.055797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130067.000000	200000.000000	199837.000000	169800.000000
-334.748749	-0.135936	0.057584	-0.905432	-0.019477	-0.582296	0.360011	179934.000000	0.000000	0.002769	0.003449	2.787213	0.891730	0.700733	14852.408203	4674.494141	148377.937500	-0.177094	-0.054360	-1.807315	-0.185624	0.255036	-1.271269	-0.017508	-0.055797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130407.000000	200000.000000	199756.000000	169460.000000
-334.753754	-0.139109	0.058316	-0.906408	-0.015220	-0.548241	0.356818	179934.000000	0.000000	0.002769	0.003449	2.812641	0.899917	0.700733	14511.439453	4641.769531	149768.265625	-0.179180	-0.054956	-1.807315	-0.185624	0.255036	-1.271269	-0.017508	-0.055797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130780.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	169087.000000
-334.758759	-0.141795	0.058805	-0.907873	-0.010963	-0.515250	0.353625	179934.000000	0.000000	0.002769	0.003449	2.835646	0.907495	0.700733	14316.064453	4590.047852	151158.625000	-0.181115	-0.055528	-1.807315	-0.185624	0.255036	-1.271269	-0.017508	-0.055797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131027.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	168840.000000
-334.763763	-0.143748	0.059049	-0.909338	-0.005642	-0.483323	0.351497	179984.000000	0.000000	0.000521	0.002689	2.732372	0.872423	0.678676	-73.945869	-402.417511	142480.062500	-0.182892	-0.056065	-1.798831	-0.187150	0.253398	-1.272217	-0.031187	-0.055000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150460.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	149507.000000
-334.768768	-0.145701	0.059781	-0.910559	-0.001385	-0.451397	0.348304	179984.000000	0.000000	0.004138	0.005211	3.039283	1.048444	0.649689	46293.375000	23715.789062	131246.921875	-0.184514	-0.056583	-1.787682	-0.187754	0.249639	-1.273063	-0.043036	-0.054725	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-334.773773	-0.147166	0.060025	-0.911291	0.003936	-0.420534	0.345112	179984.000000	0.000000	0.004138	0.005211	2.910483	0.953559	0.649689	-2233.220703	-6650.023926	132637.265625	-0.185982	-0.057068	-1.787682	-0.187754	0.249639	-1.273063	-0.043036	-0.054725	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158867.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	141100.000000
-334.778778	-0.146922	0.060758	-0.912268	0.009257	-0.389672	0.341919	179984.000000	0.000000	0.001252	0.003737	2.763393	0.878571	0.640610	-5062.865723	-4831.673340	130073.937500	-0.187260	-0.057530	-1.784190	-0.187618	0.248098	-1.273195	-0.045265	-0.053390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159878.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	140089.000000
-334.783783	-0.147410	0.061734	-0.913488	0.014578	-0.359873	0.339790	179984.000000	0.000000	0.001252	0.003737	2.888874	0.943455	0.640610	25465.167969	10822.203125	131000.835938	-0.188373	-0.057974	-1.784190	-0.187618	0.248098	-1.273195	-0.045265	-0.053390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113696.000000	200000.000000	195341.000000	186271.000000
-334.788788	-0.147898	0.062955	-0.914465	0.019899	-0.330075	0.336598	179921.000000	0.000000	0.001252	0.003737	2.896704	0.949429	0.640610	12427.576172	4347.582031	132391.187500	-0.189325	-0.058406	-1.784190	-0.187618	0.248098	-1.273195	-0.045265	-0.053390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133145.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166696.000000
-334.793793	-0.146922	0.064664	-0.915441	0.025220	-0.301341	0.334469	179921.000000	0.000000	0.001252	0.003737	2.900845	0.955857	0.640610	12025.956055	4402.634277	133318.078125	-0.190092	-0.058837	-1.784190	-0.187618	0.248098	-1.273195	-0.045265	-0.053390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133492.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166349.000000
-334.798798	-0.145457	0.066617	-0.916174	0.030541	-0.274735	0.333405	179921.000000	0.000000	0.001252	0.003737	2.902457	0.962623	0.640610	11866.908203	4446.472168	133781.531250	-0.190680	-0.059274	-1.784190	-0.187618	0.248098	-1.273195	-0.045265	-0.053390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133607.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166234.000000
-334.803802	-0.143748	0.068570	-0.917395	0.036927	-0.249194	0.332341	179921.000000	0.000000	0.001252	0.003737	2.901480	0.969120	0.640610	11577.185547	4300.337402	134244.968750	-0.191089	-0.059710	-1.784190	-0.187618	0.248098	-1.273195	-0.045265	-0.053390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134043.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165798.000000
-334.808807	-0.141795	0.070279	-0.917395	0.044376	-0.224717	0.332341	179990.000000	0.000000	0.002644	0.004843	2.974783	1.035974	0.632746	20086.425781	11093.234375	130820.265625	-0.191328	-0.060136	-1.781165	-0.187020	0.246196	-1.273201	-0.047723	-0.053378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118810.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	181169.000000
-334.813812	-0.139109	0.071256	-0.919592	0.050762	-0.202368	0.334469	179990.000000	0.000000	0.004091	0.005921	2.992358	1.056280	0.614551	14170.769531	6156.052734	121969.960938	-0.191387	-0.060543	-1.774167	-0.186157	0.242477	-1.273233	-0.051964	-0.053193	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129663.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	170316.000000
-334.818817	-0.136180	0.071988	-0.920812	0.059276	-0.182148	0.336598	179990.000000	0.000000	0.004091	0.005921	2.926189	1.017396	0.614551	4799.335938	-804.296326	121043.062500	-0.191278	-0.060915	-1.774167	-0.186157	0.242477	-1.273233	-0.051964	-0.053193	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145994.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	153985.000000
-334.823822	-0.133006	0.071988	-0.923010	0.068854	-0.165120	0.339790	179990.000000	0.000000	0.002553	0.005319	2.831414	0.986852	0.605149	1490.676880	-188.892975	115558.140625	-0.191013	-0.061231	-1.770551	-0.185594	0.240441	-1.273146	-0.051743	-0.053711	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148688.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	151291.000000
-334.828827	-0.129832	0.071256	-0.924963	0.078432	-0.151285	0.344047	179990.000000	0.000000	0.002553	0.005319	2.881370	1.011889	0.605149	17921.947266	5993.660645	113704.343750	-0.190610	-0.061479	-1.770551	-0.185594	0.240441	-1.273146	-0.051743	-0.053711	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126074.000000	200000.000000	198061.000000	173905.000000
-334.833832	-0.126414	0.069547	-0.927648	0.090138	-0.141707	0.349369	179999.000000	0.000000	0.002553	0.005319	2.868711	1.010197	0.605149	11402.828125	2759.092285	111387.101562	-0.190088	-0.061629	-1.770551	-0.185594	0.240441	-1.273146	-0.051743	-0.053711	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135837.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164160.000000
-334.838837	-0.122752	0.067594	-0.930334	0.100780	-0.135322	0.354690	179999.000000	0.000000	0.002553	0.005319	2.854982	1.007147	0.605149	11543.731445	2663.720703	109069.851562	-0.189458	-0.061682	-1.770551	-0.185594	0.240441	-1.273146	-0.051743	-0.053711	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135791.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164206.000000
-334.843842	-0.119334	0.065396	-0.933264	0.112487	-0.132129	0.360011	179999.000000	0.000000	0.002553	0.005319	2.840903	1.002172	0.605149	11776.764648	2258.279297	106752.609375	-0.188744	-0.061630	-1.770551	-0.185594	0.240441	-1.273146	-0.051743	-0.053711	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135963.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164034.000000
-334.848846	-0.115428	0.064176	-0.935217	0.123129	-0.132129	0.366396	179999.000000	0.000000	0.002553	0.005319	2.826089	0.997304	0.605149	11978.939453	2315.786621	103971.914062	-0.187955	-0.061504	-1.770551	-0.185594	0.240441	-1.273146	-0.051743	-0.053711	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135704.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164293.000000
-334.853851	-0.111766	0.063199	-0.938146	0.132707	-0.133193	0.370653	180002.000000	0.000000	0.004941	0.006821	2.942006	1.074387	0.586993	27008.785156	11754.282227	94211.585938	-0.187102	-0.061312	-1.763568	-0.184175	0.236168	-1.272885	-0.052201	-0.051319	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111238.000000	200000.000000	194747.000000	188765.000000
-334.858856	-0.109080	0.062467	-0.941076	0.140157	-0.136386	0.374910	180002.000000	0.000000	0.003372	0.005991	2.745744	0.963076	0.563559	-7971.395508	-9272.974609	82152.773438	-0.186218	-0.061071	-1.754555	-0.183801	0.232477	-1.272420	-0.054470	-0.049279	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167246.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	132757.000000
-334.863861	-0.106395	0.062711	-0.944494	0.145478	-0.139579	0.379167	180002.000000	0.000000	0.003372	0.005991	2.793463	0.991658	0.563559	19090.054688	6450.104004	80298.976562	-0.185301	-0.060811	-1.754555	-0.183801	0.232477	-1.272420	-0.054470	-0.049279	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124461.000000	200000.000000	197362.000000	175542.000000
-334.868866	-0.103953	0.062711	-0.947912	0.150799	-0.142771	0.381295	180002.000000	0.000000	0.002008	0.005164	2.703383	0.940938	0.552499	3538.542725	-2527.431396	74555.781250	-0.184360	-0.060527	-1.750301	-0.183427	0.230536	-1.272149	-0.055365	-0.048099	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148990.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	151013.000000
-334.873871	-0.101756	0.062955	-0.951818	0.153992	-0.144900	0.382360	179997.000000	0.000000	0.002008	0.005164	2.742407	0.969143	0.552499	17806.580078	6499.926758	74092.328125	-0.183394	-0.060232	-1.750301	-0.183427	0.230536	-1.272149	-0.055365	-0.048099	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125690.000000	200000.000000	198690.000000	174303.000000
-334.878876	-0.100047	0.063199	-0.954748	0.157184	-0.147028	0.383424	179997.000000	0.000000	0.002008	0.005164	2.727265	0.964207	0.552499	11790.747070	2818.524170	73628.882812	-0.182416	-0.059927	-1.750301	-0.183427	0.230536	-1.272149	-0.055365	-0.048099	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135387.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164606.000000
-334.883881	-0.098582	0.063443	-0.957922	0.160377	-0.148092	0.382360	179997.000000	0.000000	0.002008	0.005164	2.711969	0.959010	0.552499	11591.453125	2751.279297	74092.328125	-0.181427	-0.059611	-1.750301	-0.183427	0.230536	-1.272149	-0.055365	-0.048099	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135654.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164339.000000
-334.888885	-0.096629	0.063932	-0.961340	0.163570	-0.147028	0.381295	179997.000000	0.000000	0.002008	0.005164	2.695374	0.953909	0.552499	11133.355469	2723.552002	74555.781250	-0.180405	-0.059289	-1.750301	-0.183427	0.230536	-1.272149	-0.055365	-0.048099	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136140.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163853.000000
-334.893890	-0.093943	0.064420	-0.964270	0.167827	-0.145964	0.380231	179997.000000	0.000000	0.002008	0.005164	2.677583	0.948465	0.552499	10914.990234	2524.267578	75019.226562	-0.179339	-0.058956	-1.750301	-0.183427	0.230536	-1.272149	-0.055365	-0.048099	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136557.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163436.000000
-334.898895	-0.091258	0.064908	-0.966955	0.172083	-0.143836	0.378103	179932.000000	0.000000	0.002323	0.005296	2.676259	0.950041	0.541906	12592.805664	3283.869629	71333.234375	-0.178225	-0.058610	-1.746227	-0.182949	0.228559	-1.271842	-0.056737	-0.045574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134055.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165808.000000
-334.903900	-0.089305	0.065396	-0.969152	0.177405	-0.141707	0.375974	179932.000000	0.000000	0.004707	0.006792	2.776329	1.021017	0.521283	24192.292969	11099.731445	63279.070312	-0.177079	-0.058249	-1.738295	-0.181692	0.224391	-1.271290	-0.059367	-0.043435	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114639.000000	200000.000000	196839.000000	185224.000000
-334.908905	-0.086619	0.066617	-0.972082	0.183790	-0.138514	0.372781	179932.000000	0.000000	0.002366	0.005269	2.532253	0.871555	0.510542	-14903.190430	-13972.606445	59991.750000	-0.175883	-0.057880	-1.734164	-0.181206	0.222450	-1.271026	-0.059768	-0.040148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178807.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	121056.000000
-334.913910	-0.084178	0.068082	-0.975012	0.191239	-0.134257	0.370653	179932.000000	0.000000	0.002366	0.005269	2.605138	0.926514	0.510542	20147.298828	8606.173828	60918.648438	-0.174635	-0.057503	-1.734164	-0.181206	0.222450	-1.271026	-0.059768	-0.040148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121178.000000	200000.000000	198390.000000	178685.000000
-334.918915	-0.083445	0.070035	-0.976232	0.199753	-0.130001	0.367460	179987.000000	0.000000	0.003568	0.006019	2.651867	0.962021	0.501369	17466.685547	6474.535156	58314.417969	-0.173376	-0.057125	-1.730636	-0.180324	0.220268	-1.270646	-0.061117	-0.038886	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126045.000000	200000.000000	198994.000000	173928.000000
-334.923920	-0.082713	0.070768	-0.977209	0.208267	-0.123615	0.365332	179987.000000	0.000000	0.003568	0.006019	2.583758	0.924969	0.501369	4262.755371	-1713.443115	59241.316406	-0.172096	-0.056721	-1.730636	-0.180324	0.220268	-1.270646	-0.061117	-0.038886	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147437.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	152536.000000
-334.928925	-0.082957	0.070035	-0.978186	0.216781	-0.117230	0.363203	179987.000000	0.000000	0.003568	0.006019	2.564500	0.915918	0.501369	9516.321289	1284.724365	60168.214844	-0.170814	-0.056263	-1.730636	-0.180324	0.220268	-1.270646	-0.061117	-0.038886	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139185.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	160788.000000
-334.933929	-0.082469	0.068082	-0.979162	0.225295	-0.109780	0.361075	179987.000000	0.000000	0.003568	0.006019	2.544140	0.904756	0.501369	9150.257812	961.996887	61095.113281	-0.169512	-0.055727	-1.730636	-0.180324	0.220268	-1.270646	-0.061117	-0.038886	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139874.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	160099.000000
-334.938934	-0.082469	0.065885	-0.979650	0.233809	-0.101267	0.357882	179987.000000	0.000000	0.003568	0.006019	2.523819	0.892222	0.501369	8904.884766	714.338684	62485.468750	-0.168196	-0.055109	-1.730636	-0.180324	0.220268	-1.270646	-0.061117	-0.038886	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140367.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159606.000000
-334.943939	-0.081248	0.063932	-0.980383	0.241258	-0.091688	0.354690	179922.000000	0.000000	0.003568	0.006019	2.501622	0.879104	0.501369	8434.672852	672.208435	63875.808594	-0.166835	-0.054422	-1.730636	-0.180324	0.220268	-1.270646	-0.061117	-0.038886	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140815.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159028.000000
-334.948944	-0.080027	0.061734	-0.981604	0.248708	-0.081046	0.351497	179922.000000	0.000000	0.003568	0.006019	2.478517	0.864700	0.501369	8063.216797	430.563477	65266.160156	-0.165425	-0.053659	-1.730636	-0.180324	0.220268	-1.270646	-0.061117	-0.038886	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141428.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158415.000000
-334.953949	-0.078318	0.059537	-0.982824	0.255093	-0.070404	0.347240	179922.000000	0.000000	0.003202	0.005721	2.434060	0.833120	0.491758	5462.029297	-1515.593262	62934.671875	-0.163958	-0.052829	-1.726939	-0.179566	0.218193	-1.270312	-0.061105	-0.036917	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145975.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	153868.000000
-334.958954	-0.076365	0.057096	-0.984533	0.260414	-0.058697	0.342983	179922.000000	0.000000	0.007162	0.008044	2.640726	0.956618	0.462804	33854.332031	16196.790039	52179.679688	-0.162423	-0.051931	-1.715803	-0.177171	0.211932	-1.269399	-0.062790	-0.030035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103725.000000	200000.000000	196118.000000	196118.000000
-334.963959	-0.074900	0.054410	-0.985266	0.264671	-0.045927	0.336598	179993.000000	0.000000	0.007162	0.008044	2.456113	0.846627	0.462804	-10194.184570	-9885.280273	54960.371094	-0.160828	-0.050967	-1.715803	-0.177171	0.211932	-1.269399	-0.062790	-0.030035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170072.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	129913.000000
-334.968964	-0.074168	0.052213	-0.986486	0.268928	-0.033156	0.330212	179993.000000	0.000000	0.007162	0.008044	2.429789	0.829116	0.462804	7030.925293	183.453949	57741.066406	-0.159190	-0.049948	-1.715803	-0.177171	0.211932	-1.269399	-0.062790	-0.030035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142778.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	157207.000000
-334.973969	-0.073436	0.049039	-0.987219	0.271056	-0.020385	0.323827	179993.000000	0.000000	0.007162	0.008044	2.402903	0.810362	0.462804	6786.599121	184.628342	60521.761719	-0.157510	-0.048865	-1.715803	-0.177171	0.211932	-1.269399	-0.062790	-0.030035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143021.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156964.000000
-334.978973	-0.073436	0.046109	-0.987707	0.272121	-0.007615	0.316378	179993.000000	0.000000	0.007162	0.008044	2.376276	0.791262	0.462804	6633.882812	170.819839	63765.914062	-0.155804	-0.047731	-1.715803	-0.177171	0.211932	-1.269399	-0.062790	-0.030035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143188.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156797.000000
-334.983978	-0.073924	0.042447	-0.987951	0.273185	0.006220	0.306800	179928.000000	0.000000	0.007162	0.008044	2.349577	0.770555	0.462804	6321.634277	-106.478600	67936.953125	-0.154078	-0.046529	-1.715803	-0.177171	0.211932	-1.269399	-0.062790	-0.030035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143712.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156143.000000
-334.988983	-0.074656	0.038541	-0.988684	0.272121	0.021119	0.298286	179928.000000	0.000000	0.007162	0.008044	2.322556	0.749246	0.462804	5977.196289	-31.181078	71644.539062	-0.152332	-0.045268	-1.715803	-0.177171	0.211932	-1.269399	-0.062790	-0.030035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143981.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	155874.000000
-334.993988	-0.075633	0.034635	-0.988928	0.269992	0.036019	0.288708	179928.000000	0.000000	0.004402	0.006334	2.143839	0.633376	0.454863	-11593.249023	-10835.068359	72357.125000	-0.150570	-0.043953	-1.712749	-0.176028	0.209693	-1.269114	-0.061963	-0.027648	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172356.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127499.000000
-334.998993	-0.077586	0.030484	-0.990148	0.267864	0.049854	0.278065	179928.000000	0.000000	0.008165	0.008540	2.435109	0.800085	0.429961	41477.792969	21012.904297	66147.500000	-0.148818	-0.042580	-1.703171	-0.172679	0.203041	-1.268197	-0.058997	-0.019743	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-335.003998	-0.079051	0.025357	-0.990393	0.265735	0.063688	0.268487	179928.000000	0.000000	0.008165	0.008540	2.258417	0.687142	0.429961	-10853.792969	-10246.213867	70318.539062	-0.147066	-0.041131	-1.703171	-0.172679	0.203041	-1.268197	-0.058997	-0.019743	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171028.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128827.000000
-335.009003	-0.080760	0.020719	-0.991613	0.262543	0.076459	0.258909	179993.000000	0.000000	0.005847	0.007081	2.105172	0.581939	0.424230	-8922.399414	-9747.392578	71994.039062	-0.145323	-0.039623	-1.700967	-0.171078	0.200595	-1.267898	-0.057269	-0.017852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168662.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	131323.000000
-335.014008	-0.081980	0.015836	-0.993078	0.258286	0.088166	0.250396	179993.000000	0.000000	0.005847	0.007081	2.171876	0.614583	0.424230	15633.582031	5697.222656	75701.632812	-0.143583	-0.038060	-1.700967	-0.171078	0.200595	-1.267898	-0.057269	-0.017852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128662.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171323.000000
-335.019012	-0.083689	0.011441	-0.994055	0.256157	0.097744	0.242946	179993.000000	0.000000	0.005847	0.007081	2.147096	0.588144	0.424230	5649.207520	-1145.952637	78945.773438	-0.141867	-0.036442	-1.700967	-0.171078	0.200595	-1.267898	-0.057269	-0.017852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145489.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154496.000000
-335.024017	-0.085154	0.008268	-0.996008	0.251900	0.107322	0.236561	179993.000000	0.000000	0.005847	0.007081	2.122252	0.562916	0.424230	5482.918457	-875.696106	81726.468750	-0.140168	-0.034807	-1.700967	-0.171078	0.200595	-1.267898	-0.057269	-0.017852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145385.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154600.000000
-335.029022	-0.086131	0.005338	-0.997229	0.247643	0.114771	0.231239	179925.000000	0.000000	0.005847	0.007081	2.097737	0.537790	0.424230	5606.978516	-959.981079	84043.710938	-0.138486	-0.033160	-1.700967	-0.171078	0.200595	-1.267898	-0.057269	-0.017852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145278.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154571.000000
-335.034027	-0.086131	0.003629	-0.998449	0.242322	0.121157	0.229111	179925.000000	0.000000	0.005847	0.007081	2.072636	0.514270	0.424230	5513.973633	-750.475708	84970.609375	-0.136807	-0.031535	-1.700967	-0.171078	0.200595	-1.267898	-0.057269	-0.017852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145161.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154688.000000
-335.039032	-0.085398	0.002652	-0.999670	0.235937	0.126478	0.226983	179925.000000	0.000000	0.005310	0.006979	2.017529	0.486551	0.416871	2053.139404	-1193.485474	82692.812500	-0.135120	-0.029952	-1.698137	-0.169662	0.198193	-1.267584	-0.055834	-0.017804	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149065.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	150784.000000
-335.044037	-0.084422	0.002896	-1.000646	0.228487	0.130735	0.228047	179925.000000	0.000000	0.008358	0.008675	2.180955	0.564085	0.406091	26932.574219	10888.218750	77534.679688	-0.133427	-0.028440	-1.693990	-0.166091	0.193026	-1.267079	-0.050625	-0.012407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112104.000000	200000.000000	193880.000000	187745.000000
-335.049042	-0.083689	0.001920	-1.001623	0.219974	0.132863	0.229111	179925.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.007894	1.961133	0.433458	0.401613	-15999.645508	-12447.719727	75121.250000	-0.131743	-0.026979	-1.692268	-0.164127	0.190356	-1.266876	-0.048121	-0.010638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178372.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	121477.000000
-335.054047	-0.083445	0.000699	-1.004309	0.211460	0.132863	0.232304	179990.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.007894	1.990390	0.445367	0.401613	11761.682617	3321.542236	73730.906250	-0.130084	-0.025565	-1.692268	-0.164127	0.190356	-1.266876	-0.048121	-0.010638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134906.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165073.000000
-335.059052	-0.082957	-0.000033	-1.006750	0.202946	0.130735	0.236561	179990.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.007894	1.967216	0.427265	0.401613	6133.666992	-22.329546	71877.109375	-0.128457	-0.024208	-1.692268	-0.164127	0.190356	-1.266876	-0.048121	-0.010638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143878.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156101.000000
-335.064056	-0.081980	-0.000766	-1.008215	0.193368	0.127542	0.241882	179990.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.007894	1.944312	0.410274	0.401613	6189.833984	182.674484	69559.867188	-0.126856	-0.022912	-1.692268	-0.164127	0.190356	-1.266876	-0.048121	-0.010638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143617.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156362.000000
-335.069061	-0.079783	-0.000277	-1.009680	0.183790	0.122221	0.248267	179990.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.007894	1.921035	0.395495	0.401613	6299.688477	401.851776	66779.171875	-0.125270	-0.021701	-1.692268	-0.164127	0.190356	-1.266876	-0.048121	-0.010638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143288.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	156691.000000
-335.074066	-0.076854	0.001432	-1.010168	0.173148	0.115836	0.253588	179927.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.007894	1.897542	0.383470	0.401613	6314.804199	815.397949	64461.921875	-0.123688	-0.020601	-1.692268	-0.164127	0.190356	-1.266876	-0.048121	-0.010638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142796.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	157057.000000
-335.079071	-0.073680	0.002896	-1.011145	0.161441	0.108386	0.259974	179927.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.007894	1.874093	0.373044	0.401613	6363.059082	1114.111572	61681.226562	-0.122112	-0.019612	-1.692268	-0.164127	0.190356	-1.266876	-0.048121	-0.010638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142449.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	157404.000000
-335.084076	-0.070994	0.005094	-1.012609	0.149735	0.100936	0.265295	179927.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.007894	1.851211	0.364898	0.401613	6354.325195	1381.299438	59363.988281	-0.120549	-0.018745	-1.692268	-0.164127	0.190356	-1.266876	-0.048121	-0.010638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142191.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	157662.000000
-335.089081	-0.068309	0.006559	-1.012854	0.136964	0.092423	0.268487	179927.000000	0.000000	0.007030	0.007894	1.828910	0.357868	0.401613	6471.831055	1647.367432	57973.636719	-0.119007	-0.017986	-1.692268	-0.164127	0.190356	-1.266876	-0.048121	-0.010638	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141807.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158046.000000
-335.094086	-0.066600	0.008268	-1.012609	0.123129	0.082845	0.271680	180010.000000	0.000000	0.005161	0.006955	1.705489	0.301256	0.393345	-5053.562988	-3884.213623	52982.445312	-0.117511	-0.017344	-1.689088	-0.162793	0.188009	-1.266655	-0.047729	-0.009795	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158947.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	141072.000000
-335.099091	-0.065623	0.008023	-1.011633	0.108230	0.073266	0.272744	180010.000000	0.000000	0.011159	0.010203	2.090880	0.512155	0.363643	52710.312500	26685.960938	39584.667969	-0.116074	-0.016782	-1.677664	-0.157095	0.178732	-1.266108	-0.042552	-0.005968	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-335.104095	-0.066111	0.007535	-1.011877	0.093331	0.062624	0.272744	180010.000000	0.000000	0.011159	0.010203	1.834483	0.377868	0.363643	-18871.662109	-11818.563477	39584.667969	-0.114728	-0.016293	-1.677664	-0.157095	0.178732	-1.266108	-0.042552	-0.005968	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180700.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	119319.000000
-335.109100	-0.066111	0.007779	-1.010900	0.079496	0.050918	0.272744	180010.000000	0.000000	0.005088	0.006598	1.485240	0.176781	0.355636	-30516.326172	-20141.951172	36097.871094	-0.113468	-0.015884	-1.674585	-0.155818	0.176559	-1.266013	-0.041131	-0.005268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-335.114105	-0.066111	0.008023	-1.010412	0.066725	0.039211	0.270616	180010.000000	0.000000	0.005088	0.006598	1.713688	0.318789	0.355636	34109.031250	18178.351562	37024.757812	-0.112292	-0.015549	-1.674585	-0.155818	0.176559	-1.266013	-0.041131	-0.005268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101831.000000	200000.000000	198188.000000	198188.000000
-335.119110	-0.066111	0.008023	-1.010168	0.053954	0.027505	0.268487	179997.000000	0.000000	0.005088	0.006598	1.700541	0.317424	0.355636	7537.499023	2466.276367	37951.656250	-0.111198	-0.015280	-1.674585	-0.155818	0.176559	-1.266013	-0.041131	-0.005268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139993.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	160000.000000
-335.124115	-0.066844	0.008268	-1.008459	0.044376	0.014734	0.266359	179997.000000	0.000000	0.005088	0.006598	1.689726	0.316412	0.355636	7920.053711	2193.303467	38878.554688	-0.110205	-0.015066	-1.674585	-0.155818	0.176559	-1.266013	-0.041131	-0.005268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139883.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	160110.000000
-335.129120	-0.068064	0.007047	-1.007482	0.036927	0.001963	0.262102	179997.000000	0.000000	0.005088	0.006598	1.680796	0.313931	0.355636	8145.034668	1820.684082	40732.351562	-0.109321	-0.014865	-1.674585	-0.155818	0.176559	-1.266013	-0.041131	-0.005268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140031.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159962.000000
-335.134125	-0.069773	0.005094	-1.007238	0.031606	-0.011872	0.259974	179997.000000	0.000000	0.005088	0.006598	1.674142	0.310332	0.355636	8545.271484	1471.432617	41659.250000	-0.108557	-0.014654	-1.674585	-0.155818	0.176559	-1.266013	-0.041131	-0.005268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139980.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	160013.000000
-335.139130	-0.070262	0.003141	-1.007238	0.028413	-0.026771	0.256781	179987.000000	0.000000	0.005743	0.007023	1.704067	0.329340	0.348543	12890.562500	3825.363525	39960.441406	-0.107892	-0.014421	-1.671857	-0.154329	0.174256	-1.265959	-0.041335	-0.006473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133271.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166702.000000
-335.144135	-0.070994	0.001187	-1.007238	0.028413	-0.041670	0.254652	179987.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.007397	1.727679	0.327455	0.331843	12373.486328	1168.373047	33614.917969	-0.107328	-0.014153	-1.665434	-0.151969	0.170142	-1.266004	-0.044105	-0.005881	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136445.000000	200000.000000	198781.000000	163528.000000
-335.149139	-0.070994	0.000455	-1.006506	0.029477	-0.057633	0.252524	179987.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.007397	1.684811	0.307585	0.331843	5056.376953	-1023.014587	34541.816406	-0.106854	-0.013868	-1.665434	-0.151969	0.170142	-1.266004	-0.044105	-0.005881	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145953.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154020.000000
-335.154144	-0.069773	0.000943	-1.005773	0.033734	-0.073597	0.251460	179987.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.007397	1.681293	0.302958	0.331843	9440.931641	261.514069	35005.257812	-0.106446	-0.013577	-1.665434	-0.151969	0.170142	-1.266004	-0.044105	-0.005881	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140284.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159689.000000
-335.159149	-0.067820	0.001676	-1.005285	0.037991	-0.089560	0.251460	179987.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.007397	1.677851	0.298539	0.331843	9506.857422	244.606430	35005.257812	-0.106087	-0.013284	-1.665434	-0.151969	0.170142	-1.266004	-0.044105	-0.005881	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140235.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159738.000000
-335.164154	-0.064891	0.002896	-1.004797	0.042248	-0.104459	0.252524	179919.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.007397	1.673730	0.294676	0.331843	9364.744141	268.296204	34541.816406	-0.105750	-0.013002	-1.665434	-0.151969	0.170142	-1.266004	-0.044105	-0.005881	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140285.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159552.000000
-335.169159	-0.061961	0.004850	-1.003820	0.047569	-0.117230	0.253588	179919.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.007397	1.669374	0.291461	0.331843	9143.914062	183.121765	34078.359375	-0.105427	-0.012738	-1.665434	-0.151969	0.170142	-1.266004	-0.044105	-0.005881	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140591.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159246.000000
-335.174164	-0.058299	0.007047	-1.002600	0.050762	-0.130001	0.254652	179919.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.007397	1.664418	0.289356	0.331843	9113.592773	515.080444	33614.917969	-0.105101	-0.012507	-1.665434	-0.151969	0.170142	-1.266004	-0.044105	-0.005881	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140290.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159547.000000
-335.179169	-0.055369	0.008023	-1.000646	0.053954	-0.141707	0.254652	179919.000000	0.000000	0.006728	0.007397	1.659978	0.286363	0.331843	9086.687500	388.864288	33614.917969	-0.104784	-0.012285	-1.665434	-0.151969	0.170142	-1.266004	-0.044105	-0.005881	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140443.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159394.000000
-335.184174	-0.052928	0.008023	-0.999182	0.057147	-0.152349	0.253588	178802.000000	0.000000	0.011579	0.010119	1.922597	0.432065	0.305728	39591.492188	17394.447266	22705.814453	-0.104478	-0.012052	-1.655389	-0.145894	0.161261	-1.266203	-0.047884	-0.005156	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108701.000000	200000.000000	188902.000000	200000.000000
-335.189178	-0.051463	0.007535	-0.997961	0.059276	-0.161927	0.251460	178802.000000	0.000000	0.007075	0.007538	1.477767	0.176864	0.301371	-40315.996094	-27754.001953	21735.242188	-0.104197	-0.011801	-1.653713	-0.144012	0.158861	-1.266261	-0.049824	-0.005446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	198291.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-335.194183	-0.050975	0.005582	-0.997473	0.061404	-0.172570	0.248267	178802.000000	0.000000	0.007075	0.007538	1.656367	0.273761	0.301371	29221.437500	11397.177734	23125.589844	-0.103966	-0.011504	-1.653713	-0.144012	0.158861	-1.266261	-0.049824	-0.005446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115057.000000	200000.000000	184103.000000	196295.000000
-335.199188	-0.049998	0.002652	-0.996008	0.064597	-0.183212	0.244010	178802.000000	0.000000	0.007075	0.007538	1.655061	0.265418	0.301371	9482.683594	-344.611359	24979.386719	-0.103774	-0.011137	-1.653713	-0.144012	0.158861	-1.266261	-0.049824	-0.005446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144684.000000	200000.000000	193954.000000	162960.000000
-335.204193	-0.049510	0.000455	-0.994787	0.066725	-0.193854	0.237625	176937.000000	0.000000	0.007075	0.007538	1.654835	0.257121	0.301371	9649.227539	-270.548553	27760.080078	-0.103631	-0.010718	-1.653713	-0.144012	0.158861	-1.266261	-0.049824	-0.005446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139798.000000	200000.000000	194777.000000	158555.000000
-335.209198	-0.049021	-0.001986	-0.994055	0.070982	-0.204496	0.231239	176937.000000	0.000000	0.007075	0.007538	1.655252	0.247275	0.301371	9770.921875	-739.752563	30540.775391	-0.103534	-0.010235	-1.653713	-0.144012	0.158861	-1.266261	-0.049824	-0.005446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137905.000000	200000.000000	196426.000000	155968.000000
-335.214203	-0.048777	-0.003695	-0.994055	0.074175	-0.216203	0.222726	176937.000000	0.000000	0.007075	0.007538	1.656845	0.237565	0.301371	10078.313477	-667.117981	34248.367188	-0.103492	-0.009707	-1.653713	-0.144012	0.158861	-1.266261	-0.049824	-0.005446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137525.000000	200000.000000	196191.000000	156348.000000
-335.219208	-0.048777	-0.004672	-0.994055	0.078432	-0.227909	0.214212	176937.000000	0.000000	0.006528	0.006888	1.629414	0.192012	0.284953	6814.765137	-4954.394043	30806.357422	-0.103510	-0.009145	-1.647399	-0.141880	0.155226	-1.266455	-0.053789	-0.004205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145076.000000	200000.000000	195167.000000	148797.000000
-335.224213	-0.049998	-0.006625	-0.994299	0.081624	-0.238552	0.204634	176937.000000	0.000000	0.006324	0.006834	1.644575	0.203940	0.279850	11499.591797	1523.082764	32755.179688	-0.103605	-0.008534	-1.645436	-0.140265	0.153087	-1.266551	-0.055731	-0.002582	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133914.000000	200000.000000	196960.000000	159959.000000
-335.229218	-0.052439	-0.009555	-0.993811	0.084817	-0.249194	0.193992	176277.000000	0.000000	0.006324	0.006834	1.659687	0.193212	0.279850	11612.694336	-1032.001709	37389.671875	-0.103800	-0.007855	-1.645436	-0.140265	0.153087	-1.266551	-0.055731	-0.002582	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135696.000000	200000.000000	193632.000000	156857.000000
-335.234222	-0.054393	-0.011508	-0.992834	0.088010	-0.259836	0.184414	176277.000000	0.000000	0.006324	0.006834	1.667543	0.180490	0.279850	10899.877930	-1324.487671	41560.714844	-0.104085	-0.007131	-1.645436	-0.140265	0.153087	-1.266551	-0.055731	-0.002582	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136701.000000	200000.000000	194052.000000	155852.000000
-335.239227	-0.056590	-0.013217	-0.992834	0.089074	-0.267286	0.172707	176277.000000	0.000000	0.006324	0.006834	1.675997	0.167922	0.279850	10687.817383	-1136.278809	46658.648438	-0.104446	-0.006375	-1.645436	-0.140265	0.153087	-1.266551	-0.055731	-0.002582	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136725.000000	200000.000000	194452.000000	155828.000000
-335.244232	-0.057322	-0.013217	-0.992346	0.090138	-0.273671	0.165257	176277.000000	0.000000	0.006324	0.006834	1.683625	0.156927	0.279850	10544.453125	-1018.729431	49902.792969	-0.104848	-0.005626	-1.645436	-0.140265	0.153087	-1.266551	-0.055731	-0.002582	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136751.000000	200000.000000	194713.000000	155802.000000
-335.249237	-0.057566	-0.012729	-0.992102	0.089074	-0.278992	0.154615	175613.000000	0.000000	0.006324	0.006834	1.690973	0.147045	0.279850	10454.862305	-702.961060	54537.285156	-0.105273	-0.004901	-1.645436	-0.140265	0.153087	-1.266551	-0.055731	-0.002582	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135861.000000	200000.000000	194455.000000	155364.000000
-335.254242	-0.057811	-0.011264	-0.992590	0.086945	-0.283249	0.143973	175613.000000	0.000000	0.006324	0.006834	1.698319	0.138881	0.279850	10390.965820	-424.678650	59171.777344	-0.105716	-0.004225	-1.645436	-0.140265	0.153087	-1.266551	-0.055731	-0.002582	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135646.000000	200000.000000	194797.000000	155579.000000
-335.259247	-0.058299	-0.009311	-0.992102	0.084817	-0.285378	0.134395	175613.000000	0.000000	0.006324	0.006834	1.705659	0.131959	0.279850	10199.977539	-310.253235	63342.812500	-0.106172	-0.003608	-1.645436	-0.140265	0.153087	-1.266551	-0.055731	-0.002582	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135723.000000	200000.000000	195102.000000	155502.000000
-335.264252	-0.059031	-0.008090	-0.991125	0.080560	-0.285378	0.124817	175613.000000	0.000000	0.007603	0.007399	1.783221	0.156668	0.268046	18043.919922	3535.046387	62373.621094	-0.106635	-0.003044	-1.640896	-0.137457	0.149167	-1.266772	-0.062411	-0.000056	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124034.000000	200000.000000	191104.000000	167191.000000
-335.269257	-0.059275	-0.006869	-0.990393	0.075239	-0.284313	0.116303	175613.000000	0.000000	0.011577	0.009811	1.957078	0.261435	0.261318	29310.048828	12961.372070	63150.917969	-0.107090	-0.002537	-1.638308	-0.131231	0.142020	-1.267153	-0.070662	0.001848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103341.000000	200000.000000	189264.000000	187884.000000
-335.274261	-0.059520	-0.005893	-0.990393	0.068854	-0.282185	0.106725	174898.000000	0.000000	0.011577	0.009811	1.804227	0.160465	0.261318	-7443.460449	-9978.773438	67321.960938	-0.107530	-0.002087	-1.638308	-0.131231	0.142020	-1.267153	-0.070662	0.001848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162320.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127475.000000
-335.279266	-0.060008	-0.005404	-0.989904	0.062468	-0.277928	0.099276	174898.000000	0.000000	0.011577	0.009811	1.809794	0.156255	0.261318	9747.612305	670.679871	70566.101562	-0.107952	-0.001683	-1.638308	-0.131231	0.142020	-1.267153	-0.070662	0.001848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134479.000000	200000.000000	195821.000000	155316.000000
-335.284271	-0.060740	-0.004916	-0.990148	0.055019	-0.272607	0.090762	174898.000000	0.000000	0.011577	0.009811	1.815031	0.152948	0.261318	9593.814453	905.976196	74273.695312	-0.108354	-0.001329	-1.638308	-0.131231	0.142020	-1.267153	-0.070662	0.001848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134398.000000	200000.000000	196210.000000	155397.000000
-335.289276	-0.061717	-0.005160	-0.989416	0.047569	-0.265157	0.083312	174898.000000	0.000000	0.011577	0.009811	1.819751	0.149549	0.261318	9290.477539	914.499756	77517.835938	-0.108732	-0.001010	-1.638308	-0.131231	0.142020	-1.267153	-0.070662	0.001848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134693.000000	200000.000000	196522.000000	155102.000000
-335.294281	-0.062449	-0.004916	-0.989172	0.040119	-0.257708	0.076927	174347.000000	0.000000	0.011577	0.009811	1.823836	0.147207	0.261318	9205.094727	1054.213379	80298.531250	-0.109081	-0.000735	-1.638308	-0.131231	0.142020	-1.267153	-0.070662	0.001848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134087.000000	200000.000000	196196.000000	154606.000000
-335.299286	-0.062937	-0.004672	-0.989172	0.032670	-0.248130	0.071606	174347.000000	0.000000	0.008615	0.008152	1.663734	0.054251	0.260817	-9866.413086	-9304.577148	82397.656250	-0.109386	-0.000504	-1.638116	-0.128909	0.139508	-1.267273	-0.072008	0.004144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163517.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	125176.000000
-335.304291	-0.062205	-0.004428	-0.988684	0.024156	-0.237487	0.067349	174347.000000	0.000000	0.009978	0.008780	1.857765	0.154390	0.258607	29802.849609	12546.054688	83289.085938	-0.109619	-0.000323	-1.637266	-0.124643	0.134805	-1.267516	-0.077064	0.004052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101998.000000	200000.000000	187090.000000	186695.000000
-335.309296	-0.061473	-0.002963	-0.988195	0.015642	-0.225781	0.064156	174347.000000	0.000000	0.009978	0.008780	1.802573	0.130582	0.258607	1974.538940	-1152.960571	84679.429688	-0.109776	-0.000214	-1.637266	-0.124643	0.134805	-1.267516	-0.077064	0.004052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143525.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	145168.000000
-335.314301	-0.060008	-0.001010	-0.988928	0.008193	-0.215139	0.062028	173697.000000	0.000000	0.009978	0.008780	1.800214	0.133192	0.258607	7840.984863	1681.197632	85606.328125	-0.109847	-0.000183	-1.637266	-0.124643	0.134805	-1.267516	-0.077064	0.004052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134174.000000	200000.000000	197537.000000	153219.000000
-335.319305	-0.059031	-0.000033	-0.989172	0.000743	-0.204496	0.059899	173697.000000	0.000000	0.009978	0.008780	1.797225	0.135787	0.258607	7708.844238	1725.817505	86533.226562	-0.109844	-0.000207	-1.637266	-0.124643	0.134805	-1.267516	-0.077064	0.004052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134262.000000	200000.000000	197713.000000	153131.000000
-335.324310	-0.058543	0.000699	-0.989416	-0.006706	-0.193854	0.058835	173697.000000	0.000000	0.009978	0.008780	1.793774	0.138915	0.258607	7593.440430	1832.989990	86996.671875	-0.109780	-0.000282	-1.637266	-0.124643	0.134805	-1.267516	-0.077064	0.004052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134270.000000	200000.000000	197936.000000	153123.000000
-335.329315	-0.058787	0.001187	-0.989416	-0.013092	-0.185340	0.057771	173697.000000	0.000000	0.009978	0.008780	1.790839	0.142184	0.258607	7831.321777	1775.945068	87460.125000	-0.109679	-0.000396	-1.637266	-0.124643	0.134805	-1.267516	-0.077064	0.004052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134089.000000	200000.000000	197641.000000	153304.000000
-335.334320	-0.058299	0.001187	-0.987951	-0.019477	-0.178955	0.057771	173697.000000	0.000000	0.009978	0.008780	1.787286	0.145486	0.258607	7951.921875	1824.108887	87460.125000	-0.109542	-0.000539	-1.637266	-0.124643	0.134805	-1.267516	-0.077064	0.004052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133920.000000	200000.000000	197569.000000	153473.000000
-335.339325	-0.057322	0.001187	-0.986730	-0.024798	-0.172570	0.056706	173143.000000	0.000000	0.009978	0.008780	1.782645	0.148874	0.258607	7781.574219	1756.463135	87923.570312	-0.109357	-0.000704	-1.637266	-0.124643	0.134805	-1.267516	-0.077064	0.004052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133604.000000	200000.000000	197117.000000	152681.000000
-335.344330	-0.055857	0.002164	-0.986730	-0.030119	-0.168313	0.054578	173143.000000	0.000000	0.006903	0.006879	1.608258	0.049135	0.255414	-11470.814453	-10017.294922	87460.234375	-0.109126	-0.000911	-1.636038	-0.122921	0.132751	-1.267627	-0.080022	0.004658	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164631.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	121654.000000
-335.349335	-0.054393	0.003385	-0.986730	-0.034376	-0.164056	0.052450	173143.000000	0.000000	0.013759	0.010764	2.102159	0.344020	0.253413	64263.898438	34633.171875	87515.468750	-0.108849	-0.001158	-1.635268	-0.114526	0.123686	-1.268185	-0.086670	0.002543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-335.354340	-0.053172	0.003873	-0.985754	-0.037569	-0.159799	0.049257	173143.000000	0.000000	0.013759	0.010764	1.821732	0.193450	0.253413	-22187.667969	-15142.399414	88905.812500	-0.108532	-0.001424	-1.635268	-0.114526	0.123686	-1.268185	-0.086670	0.002543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180473.000000	196097.000000	200000.000000	105812.000000
-335.359344	-0.051707	0.003873	-0.984777	-0.039697	-0.155542	0.046064	172454.000000	0.000000	0.013759	0.010764	1.814615	0.197628	0.253413	7812.091309	1785.151245	90296.164062	-0.108173	-0.001693	-1.635268	-0.114526	0.123686	-1.268185	-0.086670	0.002543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132856.000000	200000.000000	196427.000000	152051.000000
-335.364349	-0.050486	0.002896	-0.984777	-0.040762	-0.151285	0.040743	172454.000000	0.000000	0.013759	0.010764	1.807112	0.200411	0.253413	7715.602051	1532.464478	92613.406250	-0.107775	-0.001940	-1.635268	-0.114526	0.123686	-1.268185	-0.086670	0.002543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133205.000000	200000.000000	196270.000000	151702.000000
-335.369354	-0.049021	0.002652	-0.985021	-0.040762	-0.147028	0.036486	172454.000000	0.000000	0.013759	0.010764	1.798778	0.203437	0.253413	7566.004883	1456.070801	94467.203125	-0.107335	-0.002174	-1.635268	-0.114526	0.123686	-1.268185	-0.086670	0.002543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133431.000000	200000.000000	196344.000000	151476.000000
-335.374359	-0.047557	0.002408	-0.985754	-0.038633	-0.142771	0.030101	172454.000000	0.000000	0.013759	0.010764	1.789846	0.205657	0.253413	7439.851074	1133.805542	97247.898438	-0.106852	-0.002385	-1.635268	-0.114526	0.123686	-1.268185	-0.086670	0.002543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133880.000000	200000.000000	196147.000000	151027.000000
-335.379364	-0.045359	0.002896	-0.986730	-0.034376	-0.138514	0.023715	172454.000000	0.000000	0.009449	0.008193	1.542492	0.066458	0.251089	-19933.576172	-15310.059570	99016.687500	-0.106312	-0.002577	-1.634374	-0.110751	0.119524	-1.268363	-0.087986	0.001580	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177697.000000	197830.000000	200000.000000	107210.000000
-335.384369	-0.043406	0.003141	-0.986486	-0.030119	-0.134257	0.017330	171792.000000	0.000000	0.006451	0.006183	1.539193	0.060280	0.248687	6867.099121	-731.468201	100751.328125	-0.105723	-0.002746	-1.633451	-0.109249	0.117776	-1.268461	-0.090280	0.001271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135656.000000	200000.000000	194193.000000	147927.000000
-335.389374	-0.041209	0.003385	-0.986975	-0.025863	-0.128936	0.009881	171792.000000	0.000000	0.006911	0.006440	1.672307	0.156103	0.247477	22337.283203	10905.312500	103468.390625	-0.105075	-0.002892	-1.632985	-0.107601	0.115951	-1.268528	-0.090673	0.000458	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108549.000000	200000.000000	190360.000000	175034.000000
-335.394379	-0.039012	0.003629	-0.986730	-0.020541	-0.123615	0.001367	171792.000000	0.000000	0.006911	0.006440	1.641020	0.146423	0.247477	4092.098633	-881.471130	107175.984375	-0.104370	-0.003009	-1.632985	-0.107601	0.115951	-1.268528	-0.090673	0.000458	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138581.000000	200000.000000	196818.000000	145002.000000
-335.399384	-0.036814	0.003629	-0.986730	-0.015220	-0.118294	-0.006083	171792.000000	0.000000	0.006911	0.006440	1.627344	0.146408	0.247477	5941.052734	156.780746	110420.132812	-0.103608	-0.003094	-1.632985	-0.107601	0.115951	-1.268528	-0.090673	0.000458	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135694.000000	200000.000000	196007.000000	147889.000000
-335.404388	-0.035350	0.002652	-0.987463	-0.010963	-0.111909	-0.014597	170809.000000	0.000000	0.006911	0.006440	1.613384	0.145115	0.247477	5699.289551	107.693871	114127.718750	-0.102801	-0.003132	-1.632985	-0.107601	0.115951	-1.268528	-0.090673	0.000458	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135002.000000	200000.000000	195217.000000	146615.000000
-335.409393	-0.033641	0.001432	-0.988195	-0.006706	-0.105523	-0.023110	170809.000000	0.000000	0.006911	0.006440	1.598515	0.142906	0.247477	5501.440430	-22.725286	117835.312500	-0.101943	-0.003120	-1.632985	-0.107601	0.115951	-1.268528	-0.090673	0.000458	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135330.000000	200000.000000	195284.000000	146287.000000
-335.414398	-0.032664	-0.000277	-0.988439	-0.002450	-0.098074	-0.031624	170809.000000	0.000000	0.006911	0.006440	1.583495	0.139457	0.247477	5264.668457	-194.589996	121542.906250	-0.101046	-0.003048	-1.632985	-0.107601	0.115951	-1.268528	-0.090673	0.000458	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135738.000000	200000.000000	195349.000000	145879.000000
-335.419403	-0.031687	-0.001742	-0.988684	0.000743	-0.089560	-0.039074	170809.000000	0.000000	0.006911	0.006440	1.567645	0.135774	0.247477	4944.082520	-134.813812	124787.046875	-0.100105	-0.002929	-1.632985	-0.107601	0.115951	-1.268528	-0.090673	0.000458	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135999.000000	200000.000000	195730.000000	145618.000000
-335.424408	-0.030955	-0.004184	-0.989660	0.002872	-0.081046	-0.047588	169636.000000	0.000000	0.006911	0.006440	1.551433	0.130614	0.247477	4790.745605	-213.848953	128494.640625	-0.099126	-0.002748	-1.632985	-0.107601	0.115951	-1.268528	-0.090673	0.000458	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135059.000000	200000.000000	194631.000000	144212.000000
-335.429413	-0.030955	-0.006625	-0.990393	0.003936	-0.071468	-0.055037	169636.000000	0.000000	0.006911	0.006440	1.535224	0.124924	0.247477	4555.303223	-186.078171	131738.781250	-0.098120	-0.002514	-1.632985	-0.107601	0.115951	-1.268528	-0.090673	0.000458	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135266.000000	200000.000000	194894.000000	144005.000000
-335.434418	-0.031199	-0.009799	-0.990637	0.006064	-0.062954	-0.062487	169636.000000	0.000000	0.011785	0.009207	1.787168	0.269515	0.252170	35277.171875	16876.425781	137026.703125	-0.097096	-0.002206	-1.634790	-0.101610	0.109876	-1.268874	-0.093744	0.000321	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	186512.000000	186512.000000
-335.439423	-0.031443	-0.012973	-0.992346	0.007128	-0.053376	-0.067808	169636.000000	0.000000	0.009733	0.007908	1.462835	0.079284	0.256146	-29748.324219	-20706.367188	141075.546875	-0.096050	-0.001833	-1.636319	-0.097778	0.106039	-1.269061	-0.093301	0.002660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190090.000000	190594.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-335.444427	-0.032176	-0.014926	-0.992590	0.007128	-0.043798	-0.073129	169636.000000	0.000000	0.009733	0.007908	1.528594	0.123764	0.256146	13410.455078	5427.353027	143392.781250	-0.094993	-0.001427	-1.636319	-0.097778	0.106039	-1.269061	-0.093301	0.002660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120798.000000	200000.000000	191652.000000	158473.000000
-335.449432	-0.032908	-0.016635	-0.992834	0.007128	-0.033156	-0.077386	168607.000000	0.000000	0.009733	0.007908	1.511808	0.116132	0.256146	4090.304932	-337.898956	145246.578125	-0.093918	-0.000992	-1.636319	-0.097778	0.106039	-1.269061	-0.093301	0.002660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134854.000000	200000.000000	194178.000000	142359.000000
-335.454437	-0.033641	-0.018344	-0.993078	0.006064	-0.022514	-0.080579	168607.000000	0.000000	0.009733	0.007908	1.494809	0.108437	0.256146	3940.420166	-258.127747	146636.921875	-0.092828	-0.000536	-1.636319	-0.097778	0.106039	-1.269061	-0.093301	0.002660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134924.000000	200000.000000	194408.000000	142289.000000
-335.459442	-0.034129	-0.019564	-0.993322	0.003936	-0.010807	-0.082707	168607.000000	0.000000	0.009733	0.007908	1.477016	0.101299	0.256146	3600.318359	-103.052513	147563.828125	-0.091711	-0.000075	-1.636319	-0.097778	0.106039	-1.269061	-0.093301	0.002660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135109.000000	200000.000000	194903.000000	142104.000000
-335.464447	-0.035838	-0.021273	-0.994055	0.000743	0.000899	-0.085900	168607.000000	0.000000	0.009733	0.007908	1.460179	0.093817	0.256146	3573.572266	-43.572983	148954.171875	-0.090593	0.000397	-1.636319	-0.097778	0.106039	-1.269061	-0.093301	0.002660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135077.000000	200000.000000	194989.000000	142136.000000
-335.469452	-0.038279	-0.022738	-0.994787	-0.002450	0.013670	-0.088028	167856.000000	0.000000	0.003717	0.003548	1.113080	-0.153247	0.252062	-34512.625000	-27508.750000	148102.375000	-0.089483	0.000873	-1.634748	-0.097248	0.105232	-1.269113	-0.094305	0.003249	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195364.000000	195364.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-335.474457	-0.040232	-0.024691	-0.994787	-0.007771	0.026441	-0.090157	167856.000000	0.000000	0.011590	0.009093	1.769794	0.318641	0.265098	78824.945312	53973.492188	154706.171875	-0.088372	0.001353	-1.639762	-0.092236	0.100659	-1.269353	-0.093041	0.003390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	197856.000000	197856.000000	197856.000000
-335.479462	-0.042186	-0.026400	-0.994299	-0.013092	0.040276	-0.092285	167856.000000	0.000000	0.007128	0.006016	1.192631	-0.079434	0.267596	-59682.929688	-43490.777344	156720.953125	-0.087254	0.001832	-1.640723	-0.090603	0.099061	-1.269462	-0.093414	0.002615	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197856.000000	197856.000000	197856.000000	100000.000000
-335.484467	-0.044139	-0.027621	-0.994299	-0.018413	0.054110	-0.093349	167856.000000	0.000000	0.007128	0.006016	1.353917	0.037032	0.267596	22192.220703	13646.211914	157184.406250	-0.086130	0.002300	-1.640723	-0.090603	0.099061	-1.269462	-0.093414	0.002615	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102017.000000	200000.000000	189309.000000	173694.000000
-335.489471	-0.045359	-0.028842	-0.994787	-0.024798	0.069010	-0.095478	167856.000000	0.000000	0.007128	0.006016	1.335582	0.030898	0.267596	2171.852783	283.824738	158111.312500	-0.084979	0.002752	-1.640723	-0.090603	0.099061	-1.269462	-0.093414	0.002615	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135400.000000	199744.000000	195967.000000	140311.000000
-335.494476	-0.046580	-0.029330	-0.995031	-0.031184	0.084973	-0.096542	166644.000000	0.000000	0.007128	0.006016	1.316600	0.025815	0.267596	1823.041992	405.492493	158574.750000	-0.083797	0.003173	-1.640723	-0.090603	0.099061	-1.269462	-0.093414	0.002615	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134415.000000	198061.000000	195226.000000	138872.000000
-335.499481	-0.047557	-0.030063	-0.995031	-0.038633	0.099872	-0.097606	166644.000000	0.000000	0.007128	0.006016	1.297214	0.021173	0.267596	1737.931396	583.794617	159038.203125	-0.082584	0.003563	-1.640723	-0.090603	0.099061	-1.269462	-0.093414	0.002615	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134322.000000	197798.000000	195489.000000	138965.000000
-335.504486	-0.048533	-0.030551	-0.996008	-0.045019	0.114771	-0.098670	166644.000000	0.000000	0.007128	0.006016	1.277358	0.016971	0.267596	1526.429565	525.217468	159501.656250	-0.081342	0.003924	-1.640723	-0.090603	0.099061	-1.269462	-0.093414	0.002615	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134592.000000	197645.000000	195642.000000	138695.000000
-335.509491	-0.049754	-0.030795	-0.996740	-0.052468	0.129670	-0.099735	166644.000000	0.000000	0.007128	0.006016	1.257362	0.013738	0.267596	1350.378418	768.205017	159965.093750	-0.080074	0.004245	-1.640723	-0.090603	0.099061	-1.269462	-0.093414	0.002615	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134525.000000	197226.000000	196061.000000	138762.000000
-335.514496	-0.050486	-0.030307	-0.996740	-0.059918	0.143505	-0.100799	165322.000000	0.000000	0.007128	0.006016	1.236813	0.011837	0.267596	1248.497437	940.168030	160428.546875	-0.078779	0.004513	-1.640723	-0.090603	0.099061	-1.269462	-0.093414	0.002615	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133133.000000	195630.000000	195013.000000	137510.000000
-335.519501	-0.051219	-0.028598	-0.996008	-0.067367	0.157340	-0.101863	165322.000000	0.000000	0.007128	0.006016	1.215919	0.011995	0.267596	1050.881470	1201.514160	160892.000000	-0.077457	0.004705	-1.640723	-0.090603	0.099061	-1.269462	-0.093414	0.002615	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133069.000000	195171.000000	195472.000000	137574.000000
-335.524506	-0.051463	-0.027133	-0.995764	-0.075881	0.171175	-0.101863	165322.000000	0.000000	0.010618	0.007836	1.385729	0.113236	0.274909	22703.099609	12914.117188	164076.593750	-0.076097	0.004821	-1.643536	-0.086029	0.094593	-1.269745	-0.088226	0.000492	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	185533.000000	170939.000000
-335.529510	-0.051463	-0.025180	-0.994787	-0.084395	0.183946	-0.102927	165322.000000	0.000000	0.008923	0.006854	1.130970	-0.010601	0.281408	-25060.273438	-12341.087891	167370.187500	-0.074704	0.004854	-1.646035	-0.082894	0.091607	-1.270054	-0.082910	0.000122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172723.000000	182602.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-335.534515	-0.052195	-0.022738	-0.994299	-0.092909	0.196717	-0.103992	163796.000000	0.000000	0.008923	0.006854	1.176768	0.033189	0.281408	8140.608887	6332.350586	167833.625000	-0.073292	0.004796	-1.646035	-0.082894	0.091607	-1.270054	-0.082910	0.000122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119323.000000	195604.000000	191987.000000	148268.000000
-335.539520	-0.053172	-0.020541	-0.993322	-0.101423	0.209487	-0.106120	163796.000000	0.000000	0.008923	0.006854	1.154836	0.038697	0.281408	532.754700	2186.277100	168760.531250	-0.071866	0.004654	-1.646035	-0.082894	0.091607	-1.270054	-0.082910	0.000122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131076.000000	192142.000000	195449.000000	136515.000000
-335.544525	-0.054637	-0.018588	-0.992102	-0.109936	0.221194	-0.108248	163796.000000	0.000000	0.008923	0.006854	1.133555	0.045104	0.281408	569.681396	2353.888672	169687.421875	-0.070443	0.004434	-1.646035	-0.082894	0.091607	-1.270054	-0.082910	0.000122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130872.000000	192011.000000	195580.000000	136719.000000
-335.549530	-0.057078	-0.016146	-0.990637	-0.117386	0.232900	-0.110377	163796.000000	0.000000	0.008923	0.006854	1.113403	0.052849	0.281408	547.346924	2453.790283	170614.328125	-0.069041	0.004133	-1.646035	-0.082894	0.091607	-1.270054	-0.082910	0.000122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130794.000000	191889.000000	195702.000000	136797.000000
-335.554535	-0.059764	-0.014682	-0.989416	-0.124836	0.243543	-0.112505	163796.000000	0.000000	0.008923	0.006854	1.094106	0.060646	0.281408	620.617981	2529.660156	171541.218750	-0.067670	0.003772	-1.646035	-0.082894	0.091607	-1.270054	-0.082910	0.000122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130645.000000	191886.000000	195705.000000	136946.000000
-335.559540	-0.062937	-0.012240	-0.988439	-0.131221	0.254185	-0.115698	163025.000000	0.000000	0.008923	0.006854	1.075781	0.070059	0.281408	594.121399	2663.001221	172931.562500	-0.066340	0.003339	-1.646035	-0.082894	0.091607	-1.270054	-0.082910	0.000122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129767.000000	190956.000000	195093.000000	136282.000000
-335.564545	-0.065867	-0.009066	-0.986975	-0.136542	0.263763	-0.117827	163025.000000	0.000000	0.010931	0.007946	1.168504	0.141091	0.292874	13305.942383	9674.276367	178851.843750	-0.065052	0.002824	-1.650445	-0.078135	0.087147	-1.270838	-0.085751	-0.009856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110044.000000	196656.000000	189393.000000	156005.000000
-335.569550	-0.069529	-0.006137	-0.984777	-0.140799	0.272277	-0.119955	163025.000000	0.000000	0.010931	0.007946	1.072245	0.108956	0.292874	-7842.764160	-1917.102173	179778.750000	-0.063824	0.002240	-1.650445	-0.078135	0.087147	-1.270838	-0.085751	-0.009856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142784.000000	187099.000000	198950.000000	123265.000000
-335.574554	-0.073680	-0.004184	-0.982336	-0.143992	0.278662	-0.123148	163025.000000	0.000000	0.003030	0.002495	0.623769	-0.179711	0.290261	-48437.277344	-31560.210938	180031.125000	-0.062678	0.001613	-1.649440	-0.077933	0.086786	-1.270563	-0.072805	-0.006396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193025.000000	193025.000000	193025.000000	100000.000000
-335.579559	-0.077830	-0.003207	-0.980627	-0.146120	0.285047	-0.124212	162299.000000	0.000000	0.003030	0.002495	0.926901	0.048706	0.290261	35581.546875	26246.123047	180494.578125	-0.061610	0.000968	-1.649440	-0.077933	0.086786	-1.270563	-0.072805	-0.006396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196052.000000	188545.000000	188545.000000
-335.584564	-0.081736	-0.002230	-0.979162	-0.148248	0.289304	-0.125276	162299.000000	0.000000	0.003030	0.002495	0.915420	0.059353	0.290261	1149.665649	2359.687744	180958.015625	-0.060625	0.000305	-1.649440	-0.077933	0.086786	-1.270563	-0.072805	-0.006396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128789.000000	191088.000000	193509.000000	135808.000000
-335.589569	-0.085643	-0.000766	-0.977941	-0.148248	0.293561	-0.125276	162299.000000	0.000000	0.003030	0.002495	0.905073	0.070236	0.290261	1207.232544	2201.667725	180958.015625	-0.059720	-0.000375	-1.649440	-0.077933	0.086786	-1.270563	-0.072805	-0.006396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128890.000000	191304.000000	193293.000000	135707.000000
-335.594574	-0.088328	0.000211	-0.976965	-0.149313	0.295690	-0.125276	162299.000000	0.000000	0.003030	0.002495	0.895042	0.081096	0.290261	1419.981201	2371.020752	180958.015625	-0.058880	-0.001067	-1.649440	-0.077933	0.086786	-1.270563	-0.072805	-0.006396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128507.000000	191347.000000	193250.000000	136090.000000
-335.599579	-0.090770	0.002164	-0.975500	-0.148248	0.297818	-0.123148	161279.000000	0.000000	0.003030	0.002495	0.885688	0.092680	0.290261	1441.580078	2264.916992	180031.125000	-0.058099	-0.001781	-1.649440	-0.077933	0.086786	-1.270563	-0.072805	-0.006396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127572.000000	190455.000000	192102.000000	134985.000000
-335.604584	-0.092234	0.004605	-0.974523	-0.148248	0.297818	-0.118891	161279.000000	0.000000	0.003030	0.002495	0.876589	0.105437	0.290261	1661.960815	2569.683105	178177.328125	-0.057365	-0.002532	-1.649440	-0.077933	0.086786	-1.270563	-0.072805	-0.006396	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127047.000000	190371.000000	192186.000000	135510.000000
-335.609589	-0.092723	0.007535	-0.973547	-0.146120	0.296754	-0.114634	161279.000000	0.000000	0.004972	0.004015	0.974132	0.202286	0.291024	13958.390625	12017.783203	176655.968750	-0.056663	-0.003319	-1.649734	-0.077089	0.085922	-1.270721	-0.070722	-0.007600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105302.000000	193219.000000	189338.000000	157255.000000
-335.614594	-0.093455	0.010465	-0.973303	-0.145056	0.294625	-0.109313	161279.000000	0.000000	0.009050	0.006764	1.112432	0.306706	0.300337	19205.871094	13445.007812	178394.437500	-0.056002	-0.004147	-1.653316	-0.073969	0.083088	-1.270951	-0.064309	-0.010786	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	197039.000000	185518.000000	163929.000000
-335.619598	-0.094432	0.012906	-0.972570	-0.143992	0.291433	-0.102927	161279.000000	0.000000	0.009186	0.006964	0.949708	0.221872	0.309096	-14513.280273	-7762.038574	179427.718750	-0.055392	-0.005006	-1.656685	-0.070793	0.080152	-1.271179	-0.059252	-0.014335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153554.000000	184527.000000	198030.000000	109003.000000
-335.624603	-0.096141	0.014615	-0.972326	-0.141863	0.287176	-0.095478	159415.000000	0.000000	0.009186	0.006964	0.938852	0.227278	0.309096	2272.075195	2058.362549	176183.578125	-0.054849	-0.005874	-1.656685	-0.070793	0.080152	-1.271179	-0.059252	-0.014335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125084.000000	189628.000000	189201.000000	133745.000000
-335.629608	-0.097850	0.016812	-0.971350	-0.139735	0.282919	-0.088028	159415.000000	0.000000	0.009186	0.006964	0.934492	0.241380	0.309096	2985.915527	3069.708496	172939.437500	-0.054376	-0.006762	-1.656685	-0.070793	0.080152	-1.271179	-0.059252	-0.014335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123359.000000	189331.000000	189498.000000	135470.000000
-335.634613	-0.099803	0.019010	-0.971105	-0.137606	0.277598	-0.079514	159415.000000	0.000000	0.009186	0.006964	0.931572	0.255755	0.309096	3272.304199	3156.291992	169231.843750	-0.053978	-0.007668	-1.656685	-0.070793	0.080152	-1.271179	-0.059252	-0.014335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122986.000000	189531.000000	189298.000000	135843.000000
-335.639618	-0.101023	0.022184	-0.970617	-0.135478	0.272277	-0.069936	159415.000000	0.000000	0.009186	0.006964	0.928886	0.271515	0.309096	3310.138428	3371.037354	165060.796875	-0.053640	-0.008615	-1.656685	-0.070793	0.080152	-1.271179	-0.059252	-0.014335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122733.000000	189354.000000	189475.000000	136096.000000
-335.644623	-0.101512	0.025357	-0.969885	-0.133349	0.266956	-0.059294	157369.000000	0.000000	0.009186	0.006964	0.926240	0.287846	0.309096	3326.854248	3499.157227	160426.312500	-0.053346	-0.009600	-1.656685	-0.070793	0.080152	-1.271179	-0.059252	-0.014335	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120542.000000	187196.000000	187541.000000	134195.000000
-335.649628	-0.102488	0.029508	-0.968420	-0.131221	0.260570	-0.048652	157369.000000	0.000000	0.006003	0.004931	0.750104	0.194051	0.311031	-16413.210938	-9051.083008	156634.734375	-0.053112	-0.010643	-1.657429	-0.069644	0.079019	-1.271225	-0.056458	-0.016394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152833.000000	180006.000000	194731.000000	101904.000000
-335.654633	-0.104197	0.032682	-0.967932	-0.130157	0.255249	-0.036945	157369.000000	0.000000	0.009533	0.007322	1.071576	0.424778	0.320072	39687.988281	27805.527344	155473.734375	-0.052944	-0.011729	-1.660906	-0.066288	0.075892	-1.271357	-0.050566	-0.017947	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	189563.000000	185174.000000	185174.000000
-335.659637	-0.107127	0.034635	-0.966711	-0.128028	0.249928	-0.025239	157369.000000	0.000000	0.005406	0.004552	0.706028	0.193809	0.320434	-37511.066406	-24150.082031	150533.578125	-0.052868	-0.012827	-1.661045	-0.065361	0.074907	-1.271351	-0.047799	-0.019031	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181519.000000	181519.000000	193218.000000	100000.000000
-335.664642	-0.110789	0.035855	-0.966223	-0.126964	0.244607	-0.013532	157369.000000	0.000000	0.005406	0.004552	0.875549	0.321080	0.320434	22127.310547	15938.258789	145435.640625	-0.052894	-0.013925	-1.661045	-0.065361	0.074907	-1.271351	-0.047799	-0.019031	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	193558.000000	181179.000000	165434.000000
-335.669647	-0.115184	0.036344	-0.965002	-0.126964	0.238221	-0.000762	155792.000000	0.000000	0.004761	0.004031	0.847242	0.308482	0.319736	390.992279	617.827332	139570.156250	-0.053043	-0.015016	-1.660777	-0.064654	0.074101	-1.271351	-0.045313	-0.020569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124783.000000	185565.000000	186018.000000	126800.000000
-335.674652	-0.120311	0.036344	-0.964514	-0.126964	0.231836	0.012009	155792.000000	0.000000	0.004761	0.004031	0.882575	0.344632	0.319736	7580.659668	6144.189941	134008.765625	-0.053325	-0.016088	-1.660777	-0.064654	0.074101	-1.271351	-0.045313	-0.020569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112067.000000	187228.000000	184355.000000	139516.000000
-335.679657	-0.124949	0.036344	-0.963781	-0.126964	0.225451	0.024780	155792.000000	0.000000	0.004761	0.004031	0.893467	0.359717	0.319736	4972.604980	3897.510742	128447.382812	-0.053728	-0.017141	-1.660777	-0.064654	0.074101	-1.271351	-0.045313	-0.020569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116921.000000	186867.000000	184716.000000	134662.000000
-335.684662	-0.128855	0.036100	-0.964270	-0.128028	0.219065	0.037550	155792.000000	0.000000	0.004761	0.004031	0.905035	0.374520	0.319736	5129.475586	4056.324219	122885.992188	-0.054232	-0.018177	-1.660777	-0.064654	0.074101	-1.271351	-0.045313	-0.020569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116606.000000	186865.000000	184718.000000	134977.000000
-335.689667	-0.132518	0.036100	-0.964758	-0.128028	0.212680	0.050321	154850.000000	0.000000	0.004761	0.004031	0.917723	0.389063	0.319736	5340.935547	3978.083984	117324.609375	-0.054829	-0.019194	-1.660777	-0.064654	0.074101	-1.271351	-0.045313	-0.020569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115530.000000	186212.000000	183487.000000	134169.000000
-335.694672	-0.136424	0.035855	-0.965246	-0.129092	0.206295	0.063092	154850.000000	0.000000	0.004761	0.004031	0.931952	0.403369	0.319736	5605.132324	4139.638184	111763.218750	-0.055522	-0.020194	-1.660777	-0.064654	0.074101	-1.271351	-0.045313	-0.020569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115105.000000	186315.000000	183384.000000	134594.000000
-335.699677	-0.140818	0.036344	-0.965002	-0.129092	0.200974	0.075863	154850.000000	0.000000	0.004761	0.004031	0.947854	0.418003	0.319736	5769.179688	4125.738281	106201.835938	-0.056315	-0.021188	-1.660777	-0.064654	0.074101	-1.271351	-0.045313	-0.020569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114955.000000	186493.000000	183206.000000	134744.000000
-335.704681	-0.144969	0.036344	-0.964025	-0.130157	0.195652	0.087569	154850.000000	0.000000	0.004761	0.004031	0.965015	0.432306	0.319736	6011.116699	4277.098145	101103.890625	-0.057204	-0.022170	-1.660777	-0.064654	0.074101	-1.271351	-0.045313	-0.020569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114561.000000	186584.000000	183115.000000	135138.000000
-335.709686	-0.149363	0.036588	-0.964270	-0.131221	0.189267	0.098211	154156.000000	0.000000	0.010021	0.007035	1.273051	0.611825	0.309672	39557.953125	23274.255859	92086.921875	-0.058193	-0.023146	-1.656906	-0.062446	0.071156	-1.271381	-0.039550	-0.028684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	190881.000000	177430.000000	177430.000000
-335.714691	-0.153514	0.036588	-0.963293	-0.132285	0.183946	0.107789	154156.000000	0.000000	0.010021	0.007035	1.082637	0.505765	0.309672	-16218.033203	-8609.898438	87915.875000	-0.059273	-0.024111	-1.656906	-0.062446	0.071156	-1.271381	-0.039550	-0.028684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148983.000000	176547.000000	191764.000000	100000.000000
-335.719696	-0.157420	0.036588	-0.962561	-0.134414	0.177561	0.116303	154156.000000	0.000000	0.010021	0.007035	1.103777	0.519922	0.309672	7287.079590	4800.591309	84208.289062	-0.060444	-0.025070	-1.656906	-0.062446	0.071156	-1.271381	-0.039550	-0.028684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112068.000000	186642.000000	181669.000000	136243.000000
-335.724701	-0.162059	0.035855	-0.962072	-0.136542	0.171175	0.123753	154156.000000	0.000000	0.010021	0.007035	1.126938	0.533149	0.309672	7645.403809	4768.965820	80964.140625	-0.061716	-0.026008	-1.656906	-0.062446	0.071156	-1.271381	-0.039550	-0.028684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111741.000000	187032.000000	181279.000000	136570.000000
-335.729706	-0.166941	0.034635	-0.961828	-0.138670	0.162661	0.130138	154156.000000	0.000000	0.010021	0.007035	1.152319	0.545512	0.309672	8279.346680	4740.749512	78183.445312	-0.063103	-0.026915	-1.656906	-0.062446	0.071156	-1.271381	-0.039550	-0.028684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111135.000000	187694.000000	180617.000000	137176.000000
-335.734711	-0.171824	0.033414	-0.961096	-0.140799	0.154148	0.136523	154060.000000	0.000000	0.010021	0.007035	1.179379	0.557473	0.309672	8627.610352	4761.193359	75402.750000	-0.064604	-0.027792	-1.656906	-0.062446	0.071156	-1.271381	-0.039550	-0.028684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110671.000000	187926.000000	180193.000000	137448.000000
-335.739716	-0.175975	0.032682	-0.961584	-0.141863	0.145634	0.141845	154060.000000	0.000000	0.010021	0.007035	1.206964	0.569230	0.309672	8851.378906	4680.799316	73085.515625	-0.066197	-0.028644	-1.656906	-0.062446	0.071156	-1.271381	-0.039550	-0.028684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110527.000000	188230.000000	179889.000000	137592.000000
-335.744720	-0.179393	0.032682	-0.961584	-0.142927	0.134992	0.148230	154060.000000	0.000000	0.010021	0.007035	1.235671	0.581508	0.309672	9389.859375	4799.466797	70304.820312	-0.067877	-0.029486	-1.656906	-0.062446	0.071156	-1.271381	-0.039550	-0.028684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109870.000000	188650.000000	179469.000000	138249.000000
-335.749725	-0.182566	0.033170	-0.961828	-0.141863	0.125414	0.154615	154060.000000	0.000000	0.010442	0.007672	1.288098	0.628670	0.294498	12166.098633	8613.257812	60916.179688	-0.069633	-0.030320	-1.651070	-0.059745	0.067448	-1.271041	-0.032475	-0.035059	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103280.000000	187612.000000	180507.000000	144839.000000
-335.754730	-0.185740	0.034635	-0.962316	-0.139735	0.114771	0.161001	153510.000000	0.000000	0.010442	0.007672	1.301845	0.616000	0.294498	8142.272949	1849.122314	58135.484375	-0.071465	-0.031159	-1.651070	-0.059745	0.067448	-1.271041	-0.032475	-0.035059	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113518.000000	189803.000000	177216.000000	133501.000000
-335.759735	-0.188182	0.035611	-0.963293	-0.135478	0.105193	0.168450	153510.000000	0.000000	0.005509	0.005380	1.061039	0.501779	0.290129	-21027.939453	-10095.978516	52988.738281	-0.073350	-0.031983	-1.649390	-0.058820	0.066233	-1.271011	-0.031743	-0.036925	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154633.000000	172578.000000	194441.000000	100000.000000
-335.764740	-0.190867	0.037320	-0.964514	-0.130157	0.094551	0.175900	153510.000000	0.000000	0.005509	0.005380	1.289917	0.605501	0.290129	31835.298828	14203.815430	49744.593750	-0.075297	-0.032802	-1.649390	-0.058820	0.066233	-1.271011	-0.031743	-0.036925	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199306.000000	167713.000000	167713.000000
-335.769745	-0.193797	0.038053	-0.964514	-0.123771	0.083909	0.183349	153510.000000	0.000000	0.005509	0.005380	1.322942	0.616211	0.290129	10501.130859	3879.426758	46500.457031	-0.077313	-0.033593	-1.649390	-0.058820	0.066233	-1.271011	-0.031743	-0.036925	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109129.000000	190131.000000	176888.000000	137890.000000
-335.774750	-0.196727	0.039029	-0.964514	-0.117386	0.074331	0.190799	153510.000000	0.000000	0.005509	0.005380	1.356640	0.626803	0.290129	10657.056641	3885.884766	43256.312500	-0.079392	-0.034361	-1.649390	-0.058820	0.066233	-1.271011	-0.031743	-0.036925	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108967.000000	190281.000000	176738.000000	138052.000000
-335.779755	-0.198924	0.040250	-0.965002	-0.109936	0.065817	0.197184	152962.000000	0.000000	0.005509	0.005380	1.390017	0.637033	0.290129	10697.385742	3741.691162	40475.617188	-0.081511	-0.035105	-1.649390	-0.058820	0.066233	-1.271011	-0.031743	-0.036925	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108522.000000	189917.000000	176006.000000	137401.000000
-335.784760	-0.200389	0.043424	-0.965002	-0.101423	0.056239	0.204634	152962.000000	0.000000	0.005509	0.005380	1.423529	0.648886	0.290129	11028.552734	3818.747559	37231.472656	-0.083661	-0.035861	-1.649390	-0.058820	0.066233	-1.271011	-0.031743	-0.036925	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108114.000000	190171.000000	175752.000000	137809.000000
-335.789764	-0.201121	0.046354	-0.965246	-0.093973	0.048789	0.212083	152962.000000	0.000000	0.006403	0.005715	1.505167	0.679326	0.276249	16494.992188	6085.121094	27942.632812	-0.085815	-0.036631	-1.644051	-0.057658	0.064309	-1.270787	-0.030983	-0.040026	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102439.000000	191314.000000	170494.000000	147599.000000
-335.794769	-0.201609	0.049283	-0.965246	-0.086523	0.041340	0.218469	152962.000000	0.000000	0.007255	0.007060	1.548601	0.752140	0.272873	12528.371094	11045.064453	23691.802734	-0.087970	-0.037412	-1.642753	-0.056167	0.062554	-1.270677	-0.030106	-0.041117	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105696.000000	178137.000000	175170.000000	152843.000000
-335.799774	-0.201121	0.051969	-0.965490	-0.080138	0.034954	0.225918	152892.000000	0.000000	0.006638	0.006603	1.511564	0.685613	0.267940	3422.168213	-4494.733887	18299.404297	-0.090100	-0.038207	-1.640855	-0.054888	0.060961	-1.270535	-0.029684	-0.040762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135665.000000	179108.000000	163274.000000	133520.000000
-335.804779	-0.201365	0.053922	-0.965734	-0.073753	0.029633	0.232304	152892.000000	0.000000	0.006638	0.006603	1.567349	0.715682	0.267940	13793.760742	6236.030273	15518.709961	-0.092214	-0.038999	-1.640855	-0.054888	0.060961	-1.270535	-0.029684	-0.040762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117343.000000	175968.000000	160852.000000	157403.000000
-335.809784	-0.202098	0.056119	-0.966467	-0.068432	0.024312	0.239753	152892.000000	0.000000	0.006638	0.006603	1.598631	0.727961	0.267940	11266.583008	4428.502441	12274.565430	-0.094321	-0.039798	-1.640855	-0.054888	0.060961	-1.270535	-0.029684	-0.040762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124922.000000	172004.000000	158328.000000	156312.000000
-335.814789	-0.202342	0.058561	-0.966223	-0.063110	0.018991	0.247203	152892.000000	0.000000	0.006638	0.006603	1.629507	0.740689	0.267940	11388.436523	4511.899902	9030.421875	-0.096415	-0.040611	-1.640855	-0.054888	0.060961	-1.270535	-0.029684	-0.040762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127961.000000	168798.000000	155045.000000	159761.000000
-335.819794	-0.202586	0.060514	-0.966223	-0.057789	0.014734	0.254652	152965.000000	0.000000	0.006638	0.006603	1.659858	0.753053	0.267940	11372.948242	4504.301758	5786.284180	-0.098489	-0.041426	-1.640855	-0.054888	0.060961	-1.270535	-0.029684	-0.040762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131301.000000	165619.000000	151882.000000	163055.000000
-335.824799	-0.202586	0.062955	-0.965490	-0.052468	0.009413	0.264230	152965.000000	0.000000	0.006638	0.006603	1.690096	0.766122	0.267940	11641.041992	4617.435547	1615.235352	-0.100548	-0.042257	-1.640855	-0.054888	0.060961	-1.270535	-0.029684	-0.040762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135091.000000	161603.000000	147556.000000	167608.000000
-335.829803	-0.202830	0.064664	-0.965734	-0.047147	0.005156	0.273809	152965.000000	0.000000	0.006638	0.006603	1.719889	0.778529	0.267940	11632.532227	4577.398926	-2555.800537	-0.102586	-0.043087	-1.640855	-0.054888	0.060961	-1.270535	-0.029684	-0.040762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139310.000000	157464.000000	143354.000000	171730.000000
-335.834808	-0.202830	0.066861	-0.965734	-0.040762	-0.000165	0.284451	152965.000000	0.000000	0.006638	0.006603	1.749421	0.791230	0.267940	11880.465820	4521.629395	-7190.291992	-0.104606	-0.043922	-1.640855	-0.054888	0.060961	-1.270535	-0.029684	-0.040762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143753.000000	153133.000000	138415.000000	176557.000000
-335.839813	-0.202830	0.068326	-0.965490	-0.034376	-0.005486	0.295093	152965.000000	0.000000	0.006638	0.006603	1.778772	0.803216	0.267940	12019.957031	4468.725098	-11824.783203	-0.106609	-0.044746	-1.640855	-0.054888	0.060961	-1.270535	-0.029684	-0.040762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148301.000000	148691.000000	133588.000000	181278.000000
-335.844818	-0.203074	0.069303	-0.965490	-0.026927	-0.009743	0.306800	152961.000000	0.000000	0.009839	0.008423	1.983775	0.914362	0.244136	32179.546875	15731.936523	-27288.892578	-0.108593	-0.045547	-1.631700	-0.051730	0.056570	-1.270111	-0.030822	-0.043972	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134517.000000	139940.000000	111404.000000	200000.000000
-335.849823	-0.204295	0.069059	-0.965002	-0.020541	-0.014000	0.317442	152961.000000	0.000000	0.008748	0.008172	1.825821	0.837375	0.227368	-8436.679688	-5220.835449	-39225.367188	-0.110581	-0.046305	-1.625251	-0.049107	0.053134	-1.269834	-0.031321	-0.045873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196618.000000	119745.000000	126176.000000	169303.000000
-335.854828	-0.206004	0.068082	-0.965490	-0.012028	-0.018257	0.329148	152961.000000	0.000000	0.008748	0.008172	1.899753	0.855048	0.227368	17420.144531	4995.641113	-44323.300781	-0.112578	-0.046994	-1.625251	-0.049107	0.053134	-1.269834	-0.031321	-0.045873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160545.000000	135385.000000	110536.000000	200000.000000
-335.859833	-0.208201	0.067105	-0.966223	-0.003514	-0.022514	0.341919	152961.000000	0.000000	0.008748	0.008172	1.930672	0.861739	0.227368	12852.468750	3779.716553	-49884.691406	-0.114593	-0.047617	-1.625251	-0.049107	0.053134	-1.269834	-0.031321	-0.045873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166328.000000	132033.000000	113888.000000	199593.000000
-335.864838	-0.210154	0.066617	-0.966223	0.005000	-0.026771	0.354690	153110.000000	0.000000	0.008748	0.008172	1.961728	0.868123	0.227368	13030.008789	3736.207520	-55446.082031	-0.116623	-0.048186	-1.625251	-0.049107	0.053134	-1.269834	-0.031321	-0.045873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166343.000000	132403.000000	113816.000000	199876.000000
-335.869843	-0.211375	0.066861	-0.966467	0.014578	-0.031028	0.369589	153110.000000	0.000000	0.008748	0.008172	1.992105	0.874360	0.227368	13114.606445	3587.576660	-61934.371094	-0.118651	-0.048713	-1.625251	-0.049107	0.053134	-1.269834	-0.031321	-0.045873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166407.000000	132637.000000	113582.000000	199812.000000
-335.874847	-0.211375	0.067838	-0.966467	0.024156	-0.034220	0.384488	153110.000000	0.000000	0.008748	0.008172	2.020914	0.880880	0.227368	12973.065430	3604.623535	-68422.648438	-0.120650	-0.049215	-1.625251	-0.049107	0.053134	-1.269834	-0.031321	-0.045873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166532.000000	132478.000000	113741.000000	199687.000000
-335.879852	-0.211131	0.069303	-0.967443	0.031606	-0.037413	0.400451	153110.000000	0.000000	0.008488	0.008020	2.034456	0.879814	0.206446	11370.651367	2965.413818	-84485.304688	-0.122610	-0.049712	-1.617204	-0.046685	0.049837	-1.269539	-0.030257	-0.043717	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168773.000000	131515.000000	114704.000000	197446.000000
-335.884857	-0.209422	0.071012	-0.967932	0.037991	-0.038477	0.416415	153110.000000	0.000000	0.006876	0.007249	1.981502	0.851255	0.195083	3585.207031	-102.035179	-96385.734375	-0.124496	-0.050216	-1.612833	-0.045379	0.048096	-1.269392	-0.032011	-0.044882	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179626.000000	126797.000000	119422.000000	186593.000000
-335.889862	-0.206980	0.073209	-0.967932	0.043312	-0.039541	0.432378	154165.000000	0.000000	0.006568	0.006970	2.052569	0.875551	0.182395	17556.517578	5915.045410	-108862.515625	-0.126294	-0.050742	-1.607954	-0.044183	0.046458	-1.269205	-0.032031	-0.044985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160693.000000	135806.000000	112523.000000	200000.000000
-335.894867	-0.204295	0.074674	-0.968176	0.045441	-0.039541	0.448342	154165.000000	0.000000	0.006568	0.006970	2.086616	0.895856	0.182395	13524.729492	5910.951660	-115814.257812	-0.127998	-0.051291	-1.607954	-0.044183	0.046458	-1.269205	-0.032031	-0.044985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164729.000000	131778.000000	116551.000000	200000.000000
-335.899872	-0.201609	0.075895	-0.967932	0.046505	-0.038477	0.464305	154165.000000	0.000000	0.006568	0.006970	2.106827	0.905371	0.182395	11973.740234	4880.041016	-122765.984375	-0.129604	-0.051863	-1.607954	-0.044183	0.046458	-1.269205	-0.032031	-0.044985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167311.000000	131258.000000	117071.000000	200000.000000
-335.904877	-0.198680	0.076383	-0.967932	0.045441	-0.036349	0.478140	154165.000000	0.000000	0.006568	0.006970	2.125129	0.914889	0.182395	11721.222656	5163.078613	-128790.820312	-0.131106	-0.052452	-1.607954	-0.044183	0.046458	-1.269205	-0.032031	-0.044985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167280.000000	130723.000000	117606.000000	200000.000000
-335.909882	-0.195018	0.077604	-0.968176	0.043312	-0.035285	0.491975	157484.000000	0.000000	0.006568	0.006970	2.141380	0.925733	0.182395	11682.435547	5485.537109	-134815.671875	-0.132493	-0.053078	-1.607954	-0.044183	0.046458	-1.269205	-0.032031	-0.044985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170316.000000	133680.000000	121287.000000	200000.000000
-335.914886	-0.192088	0.078336	-0.968420	0.040119	-0.033156	0.505810	157484.000000	0.000000	0.006568	0.006970	2.156552	0.936811	0.182395	11506.887695	5693.897949	-140840.484375	-0.133777	-0.053734	-1.607954	-0.044183	0.046458	-1.269205	-0.032031	-0.044985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170283.000000	133296.000000	121671.000000	200000.000000
-335.919891	-0.189402	0.078336	-0.969396	0.037991	-0.029963	0.518580	157484.000000	0.000000	0.006568	0.006970	2.170142	0.947107	0.182395	11263.793945	5548.032227	-146401.875000	-0.134959	-0.054399	-1.607954	-0.044183	0.046458	-1.269205	-0.032031	-0.044985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170672.000000	133199.000000	121768.000000	200000.000000
-335.924896	-0.186717	0.077848	-0.970373	0.034798	-0.027835	0.531351	157484.000000	0.000000	0.006568	0.006970	2.182588	0.957258	0.182395	11302.407227	5710.510742	-151963.265625	-0.136044	-0.055067	-1.607954	-0.044183	0.046458	-1.269205	-0.032031	-0.044985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170471.000000	133075.000000	121892.000000	200000.000000
-335.929901	-0.183787	0.076627	-0.971350	0.032670	-0.025706	0.544122	161282.000000	0.000000	0.006568	0.006970	2.193443	0.966355	0.182395	11167.657227	5529.309082	-157524.656250	-0.137031	-0.055718	-1.607954	-0.044183	0.046458	-1.269205	-0.032031	-0.044985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174585.000000	136920.000000	125643.000000	200000.000000
-335.934906	-0.181590	0.074918	-0.972814	0.032670	-0.023578	0.555828	161282.000000	0.000000	0.010635	0.009264	2.427248	1.100142	0.140262	36747.976562	19621.105469	-180970.875000	-0.137934	-0.056331	-1.591748	-0.040450	0.041500	-1.268803	-0.031169	-0.042861	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141660.000000	141660.000000	120903.000000	200000.000000
-335.939911	-0.180125	0.072232	-0.974768	0.033734	-0.021450	0.567535	161282.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.008082	2.173692	0.949127	0.108632	-18016.412109	-12511.255859	-199842.859375	-0.138769	-0.056880	-1.579583	-0.037926	0.038295	-1.268412	-0.031637	-0.044178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	125776.000000	136787.000000	160754.000000
-335.944916	-0.178904	0.069303	-0.975500	0.034798	-0.020385	0.579241	161282.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.008082	2.256554	1.001031	0.108632	19468.125000	10034.777344	-204940.781250	-0.139550	-0.057364	-1.579583	-0.037926	0.038295	-1.268412	-0.031637	-0.044178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161779.000000	140715.000000	121848.000000	200000.000000
-335.949921	-0.177684	0.066373	-0.976721	0.037991	-0.019321	0.590948	161282.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.008082	2.265348	1.004154	0.108632	11359.382812	4436.749023	-210038.718750	-0.140279	-0.057773	-1.579583	-0.037926	0.038295	-1.268412	-0.031637	-0.044178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175485.000000	138204.000000	124359.000000	200000.000000
-335.954926	-0.175975	0.064176	-0.978430	0.041184	-0.020385	0.601590	164570.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.008082	2.273365	1.006977	0.108632	11549.778320	4402.013672	-214673.203125	-0.140954	-0.058121	-1.579583	-0.037926	0.038295	-1.268412	-0.031637	-0.044178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178618.000000	141717.000000	127422.000000	200000.000000
-335.959930	-0.173777	0.061979	-0.979406	0.045441	-0.021450	0.612232	164570.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.008082	2.280269	1.008734	0.108632	11464.047852	4156.268066	-219307.703125	-0.141571	-0.058406	-1.579583	-0.037926	0.038295	-1.268412	-0.031637	-0.044178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178949.000000	141877.000000	127262.000000	200000.000000
-335.964935	-0.171580	0.061002	-0.981359	0.049697	-0.023578	0.622874	164570.000000	0.000000	0.008803	0.008082	2.286453	1.010891	0.108632	11540.219727	4190.561523	-223942.187500	-0.142132	-0.058653	-1.579583	-0.037926	0.038295	-1.268412	-0.031637	-0.044178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178839.000000	141919.000000	127220.000000	200000.000000
-335.969940	-0.168406	0.059293	-0.983068	0.055019	-0.026771	0.633517	164570.000000	0.000000	0.007396	0.007299	2.213823	0.968408	0.092913	2671.641602	-1054.790649	-235422.046875	-0.142625	-0.058843	-1.573537	-0.036496	0.036599	-1.268200	-0.030745	-0.044257	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192953.000000	138296.000000	130843.000000	196186.000000
-335.974945	-0.166209	0.057584	-0.983312	0.059276	-0.029963	0.642031	167077.000000	0.000000	0.009463	0.008322	2.388819	1.055988	0.059650	30719.283203	13746.803711	-253614.968750	-0.143078	-0.058981	-1.560744	-0.033586	0.033295	-1.267887	-0.030634	-0.044229	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153330.000000	153330.000000	120823.000000	200000.000000
-335.979950	-0.164012	0.056119	-0.984289	0.062468	-0.034220	0.649480	167077.000000	0.000000	0.006924	0.006425	2.171366	0.910565	0.041037	-13296.425781	-12440.030273	-264964.718750	-0.143493	-0.059078	-1.553585	-0.032336	0.031917	-1.267755	-0.031750	-0.044507	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	136220.000000	137933.000000	171340.000000
-335.984955	-0.162547	0.053922	-0.985266	0.065661	-0.039541	0.656930	167077.000000	0.000000	0.006924	0.006425	2.278189	0.984833	0.041037	22992.398438	12043.362305	-268208.875000	-0.143892	-0.059120	-1.553585	-0.032336	0.031917	-1.267755	-0.031750	-0.044507	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162041.000000	148026.000000	126127.000000	200000.000000
-335.989960	-0.161326	0.050504	-0.985998	0.067789	-0.045927	0.663315	167077.000000	0.000000	0.006268	0.005605	2.247837	0.936325	0.020849	7916.083008	-1572.459106	-279780.968750	-0.144286	-0.059088	-1.545821	-0.031313	0.030819	-1.267699	-0.029683	-0.042120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190733.000000	146565.000000	127588.000000	200000.000000
-335.994965	-0.160838	0.046842	-0.987707	0.069918	-0.053376	0.669700	167077.000000	0.000000	0.006268	0.005605	2.280664	0.964308	0.020849	15165.251953	6957.056641	-282561.687500	-0.144692	-0.058977	-1.545821	-0.031313	0.030819	-1.267699	-0.029683	-0.042120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174954.000000	145285.000000	128868.000000	200000.000000
-335.999969	-0.161326	0.044156	-0.988928	0.070982	-0.061890	0.677150	168846.000000	0.000000	0.006268	0.005605	2.288843	0.959864	0.020849	12648.806641	3483.124756	-285805.812500	-0.145137	-0.058816	-1.545821	-0.031313	0.030819	-1.267699	-0.029683	-0.042120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182714.000000	148011.000000	129680.000000	200000.000000
-336.004974	-0.161814	0.041471	-0.988439	0.073110	-0.071468	0.683535	168846.000000	0.000000	0.006268	0.005605	2.298159	0.954481	0.020849	12977.868164	3228.404785	-288586.531250	-0.145629	-0.058601	-1.545821	-0.031313	0.030819	-1.267699	-0.029683	-0.042120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182639.000000	148595.000000	129096.000000	200000.000000
-336.009979	-0.162791	0.038785	-0.988684	0.074175	-0.083175	0.690985	168846.000000	0.000000	0.006268	0.005605	2.309111	0.948656	0.020849	13495.934570	3265.147949	-291830.656250	-0.146187	-0.058338	-1.545821	-0.031313	0.030819	-1.267699	-0.029683	-0.042120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182084.000000	149076.000000	128615.000000	200000.000000
-336.014984	-0.164256	0.036832	-0.988684	0.074175	-0.093817	0.698435	168846.000000	0.000000	0.006268	0.005605	2.321253	0.943285	0.020849	13614.572266	3407.255371	-295074.812500	-0.146813	-0.058050	-1.545821	-0.031313	0.030819	-1.267699	-0.029683	-0.042120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181824.000000	149053.000000	128638.000000	200000.000000
-336.019989	-0.166453	0.034879	-0.988195	0.074175	-0.106588	0.706948	170491.000000	0.000000	0.006268	0.005605	2.335792	0.937627	0.020849	14237.836914	3349.833496	-298782.406250	-0.147533	-0.057737	-1.545821	-0.031313	0.030819	-1.267699	-0.029683	-0.042120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182903.000000	151379.000000	129602.000000	200000.000000
-336.024994	-0.168650	0.032437	-0.987951	0.074175	-0.118294	0.715462	170491.000000	0.000000	0.007724	0.006798	2.431372	0.996684	0.002555	23527.535156	10738.464844	-310456.875000	-0.148338	-0.057391	-1.538784	-0.029812	0.029333	-1.267534	-0.031252	-0.043360	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166225.000000	153280.000000	127701.000000	200000.000000
-336.029999	-0.171580	0.029752	-0.987951	0.074175	-0.132129	0.725040	170491.000000	0.000000	0.011666	0.008616	2.607937	1.041776	-0.054652	33539.941406	9409.103516	-339540.531250	-0.149252	-0.057009	-1.516781	-0.025360	0.025348	-1.267236	-0.032600	-0.041087	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161081.000000	161081.000000	119900.000000	200000.000000
-336.035004	-0.174754	0.026090	-0.988195	0.074175	-0.145964	0.736747	170491.000000	0.000000	0.011666	0.008616	2.470022	0.960414	-0.054652	-1609.801392	-4869.547852	-344638.500000	-0.150275	-0.056573	-1.516781	-0.025360	0.025348	-1.267236	-0.032600	-0.041087	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143750.000000	137231.000000	194011.000000
-336.040009	-0.176463	0.023893	-0.987951	0.074175	-0.158735	0.748453	170491.000000	0.000000	0.007311	0.005457	2.249996	0.779002	-0.075813	-11708.791992	-16705.140625	-358951.531250	-0.151373	-0.056115	-1.508643	-0.024030	0.024336	-1.267141	-0.035494	-0.041675	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	145487.000000	135494.000000	172077.000000
-336.045013	-0.176951	0.021695	-0.987219	0.073110	-0.171505	0.761224	172431.000000	0.000000	0.007311	0.005457	2.443430	0.897602	-0.075813	34702.113281	16950.521484	-364512.937500	-0.152522	-0.055643	-1.508643	-0.024030	0.024336	-1.267141	-0.035494	-0.041675	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155480.000000	155480.000000	129381.000000	200000.000000
-336.050018	-0.176219	0.020719	-0.986975	0.070982	-0.183212	0.775059	172431.000000	0.000000	0.007311	0.005457	2.461702	0.891385	-0.075813	15462.945312	3324.260498	-370537.750000	-0.153690	-0.055186	-1.508643	-0.024030	0.024336	-1.267141	-0.035494	-0.041675	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183643.000000	154569.000000	130292.000000	200000.000000
-336.055023	-0.175730	0.019498	-0.986975	0.067789	-0.193854	0.789958	172431.000000	0.000000	0.007311	0.005457	2.480152	0.885455	-0.075813	15499.334961	3460.324219	-377026.031250	-0.154874	-0.054746	-1.508643	-0.024030	0.024336	-1.267141	-0.035494	-0.041675	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183471.000000	154470.000000	130391.000000	200000.000000
-336.060028	-0.174510	0.017301	-0.988195	0.063532	-0.203432	0.803793	172431.000000	0.000000	0.007311	0.005457	2.497548	0.878920	-0.075813	15390.402344	3500.306641	-383050.875000	-0.156052	-0.054307	-1.508643	-0.024030	0.024336	-1.267141	-0.035494	-0.041675	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183540.000000	154321.000000	130540.000000	200000.000000
-336.065033	-0.173777	0.014859	-0.988928	0.058211	-0.210882	0.817628	174094.000000	0.000000	0.007311	0.005457	2.514898	0.872435	-0.075813	15265.444336	3617.414795	-389075.718750	-0.157225	-0.053870	-1.508643	-0.024030	0.024336	-1.267141	-0.035494	-0.041675	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185211.000000	155742.000000	132445.000000	200000.000000
-336.070038	-0.172557	0.012174	-0.990393	0.051826	-0.218331	0.831463	174094.000000	0.000000	0.007311	0.005457	2.531508	0.865996	-0.075813	15294.825195	3739.323730	-395100.562500	-0.158379	-0.053435	-1.508643	-0.024030	0.024336	-1.267141	-0.035494	-0.041675	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185059.000000	155649.000000	132538.000000	200000.000000
-336.075043	-0.171336	0.009488	-0.990881	0.044376	-0.223652	0.845298	174094.000000	0.000000	0.008273	0.006158	2.600373	0.898434	-0.095602	21147.693359	8314.536133	-409742.812500	-0.159509	-0.053008	-1.501032	-0.022388	0.023098	-1.267105	-0.036006	-0.040655	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174631.000000	156927.000000	131260.000000	200000.000000
-336.080048	-0.169871	0.007291	-0.991369	0.035863	-0.227909	0.860197	174094.000000	0.000000	0.011629	0.007190	2.761553	0.922005	-0.161545	31942.251953	7604.183105	-444948.281250	-0.160605	-0.052604	-1.475669	-0.018124	0.020649	-1.266944	-0.041030	-0.041165	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166489.000000	166489.000000	121698.000000	200000.000000
-336.085052	-0.168162	0.004850	-0.991613	0.027349	-0.230038	0.875096	175281.000000	0.000000	0.011629	0.007190	2.641147	0.875676	-0.161545	202.163162	-255.699860	-451436.562500	-0.161653	-0.052218	-1.475669	-0.018124	0.020649	-1.266944	-0.041030	-0.041165	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	145738.000000	144823.000000	200000.000000
-336.090057	-0.166941	0.002164	-0.992102	0.018835	-0.232166	0.891059	175281.000000	0.000000	0.011629	0.007190	2.654752	0.870626	-0.161545	15009.862305	4299.084473	-458388.312500	-0.162663	-0.051845	-1.475669	-0.018124	0.020649	-1.266944	-0.041030	-0.041165	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185972.000000	155991.000000	134570.000000	200000.000000
-336.095062	-0.164988	-0.000033	-0.992102	0.011385	-0.232166	0.905959	175281.000000	0.000000	0.011629	0.007190	2.666564	0.865960	-0.161545	14632.892578	4237.072266	-464876.593750	-0.163612	-0.051489	-1.475669	-0.018124	0.020649	-1.266944	-0.041030	-0.041165	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186411.000000	155676.000000	134885.000000	200000.000000
-336.100067	-0.162791	-0.002230	-0.992346	0.003936	-0.230038	0.921922	175281.000000	0.000000	0.011629	0.007190	2.676632	0.861550	-0.161545	14243.911133	4279.326660	-471828.343750	-0.164485	-0.051150	-1.475669	-0.018124	0.020649	-1.266944	-0.041030	-0.041165	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186757.000000	155245.000000	135316.000000	200000.000000
-336.105072	-0.160594	-0.004428	-0.992346	-0.002450	-0.226845	0.936821	175281.000000	0.000000	0.011629	0.007190	2.685418	0.857047	-0.161545	14011.391602	4160.695312	-478316.593750	-0.165280	-0.050822	-1.475669	-0.018124	0.020649	-1.266944	-0.041030	-0.041165	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187108.000000	155131.000000	135430.000000	200000.000000
-336.110077	-0.157908	-0.006381	-0.992346	-0.008835	-0.222588	0.951720	176633.000000	0.000000	0.011629	0.007190	2.692297	0.852929	-0.161545	13696.841797	4213.402832	-484804.906250	-0.165983	-0.050508	-1.475669	-0.018124	0.020649	-1.266944	-0.041030	-0.041165	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188722.000000	156116.000000	137149.000000	200000.000000
-336.115082	-0.154246	-0.007602	-0.992834	-0.015220	-0.217267	0.965555	176633.000000	0.000000	0.011629	0.007190	2.696483	0.849738	-0.161545	13278.415039	4330.051270	-490829.718750	-0.166570	-0.050222	-1.475669	-0.018124	0.020649	-1.266944	-0.041030	-0.041165	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189024.000000	155581.000000	137684.000000	200000.000000
-336.120087	-0.149607	-0.007846	-0.993078	-0.020541	-0.210882	0.979390	176633.000000	0.000000	0.011629	0.007190	2.697761	0.847704	-0.161545	12818.117188	4355.379395	-496854.562500	-0.167021	-0.049977	-1.475669	-0.018124	0.020649	-1.266944	-0.041030	-0.041165	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189459.000000	155095.000000	138170.000000	200000.000000
-336.125092	-0.144969	-0.008334	-0.992102	-0.025863	-0.202368	0.991097	176633.000000	0.000000	0.011886	0.005226	2.710901	0.737794	-0.266708	13909.841797	-7989.570801	-547748.562500	-0.167330	-0.049764	-1.435222	-0.014819	0.021512	-1.266938	-0.049152	-0.045416	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	168532.000000	124733.000000	200000.000000
-336.130096	-0.139842	-0.009066	-0.991369	-0.031184	-0.193854	1.002803	178294.000000	0.000000	0.004988	-0.000199	2.317717	0.516259	-0.295041	-32624.697266	-21260.542969	-565185.312500	-0.167490	-0.049578	-1.424324	-0.014318	0.022402	-1.267004	-0.049747	-0.047023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	139554.000000	157033.000000	157033.000000
-336.135101	-0.134959	-0.009799	-0.989904	-0.035441	-0.183212	1.012381	178294.000000	0.000000	0.004988	-0.000199	2.587790	0.731417	-0.295041	41272.609375	27653.484375	-569356.312500	-0.167502	-0.049409	-1.424324	-0.014318	0.022402	-1.267004	-0.049747	-0.047023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150640.000000	150640.000000	145947.000000	200000.000000
-336.140106	-0.130809	-0.011264	-0.987951	-0.039697	-0.172570	1.020895	178294.000000	0.000000	0.004988	-0.000199	2.580764	0.728945	-0.295041	10722.590820	3732.076904	-573063.937500	-0.167382	-0.049242	-1.424324	-0.014318	0.022402	-1.267004	-0.049747	-0.047023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193839.000000	155284.000000	141303.000000	200000.000000
-336.145111	-0.127391	-0.012973	-0.987219	-0.043954	-0.161927	1.029409	178294.000000	0.000000	0.004988	-0.000199	2.572529	0.726192	-0.295041	10502.784180	3707.958252	-576771.500000	-0.167145	-0.049070	-1.424324	-0.014318	0.022402	-1.267004	-0.049747	-0.047023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194083.000000	155088.000000	141499.000000	200000.000000
-336.150116	-0.123484	-0.013705	-0.985754	-0.046083	-0.150221	1.035794	178294.000000	0.000000	0.004988	-0.000199	2.561959	0.723720	-0.295041	10026.159180	3503.340332	-579552.187500	-0.166781	-0.048900	-1.424324	-0.014318	0.022402	-1.267004	-0.049747	-0.047023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194764.000000	154816.000000	141771.000000	200000.000000
-336.155121	-0.119090	-0.013217	-0.984777	-0.047147	-0.138514	1.042179	180102.000000	0.000000	0.004988	-0.000199	2.549008	0.722321	-0.295041	9650.763672	3502.712402	-582332.875000	-0.166280	-0.048751	-1.424324	-0.014318	0.022402	-1.267004	-0.049747	-0.047023	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196948.000000	156250.000000	143953.000000	200000.000000
-336.160126	-0.113963	-0.012729	-0.984045	-0.046083	-0.125744	1.047500	180102.000000	0.000000	0.009179	0.001404	2.763497	0.808718	-0.379634	35470.695312	13314.911133	-621488.750000	-0.165626	-0.048611	-1.391788	-0.012630	0.025702	-1.267188	-0.053363	-0.052253	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166787.000000	166787.000000	133416.000000	200000.000000
-336.165131	-0.108836	-0.012973	-0.983801	-0.043954	-0.114037	1.052822	180102.000000	0.000000	0.009179	0.001404	2.578006	0.741829	-0.379634	-9299.636719	-3974.198975	-623806.000000	-0.164824	-0.048458	-1.391788	-0.012630	0.025702	-1.267188	-0.053363	-0.052253	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	144776.000000	155427.000000	196828.000000
-336.170135	-0.103709	-0.013949	-0.983801	-0.039697	-0.101267	1.057079	180102.000000	0.000000	0.005797	-0.000941	2.371722	0.608410	-0.406225	-12715.528320	-12160.117188	-637239.562500	-0.163873	-0.048266	-1.381561	-0.011875	0.026820	-1.267161	-0.052905	-0.052911	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	149546.000000	150657.000000	185226.000000
-336.175140	-0.099070	-0.015414	-0.984045	-0.034376	-0.089560	1.060271	182287.000000	0.000000	0.005797	-0.000941	2.485488	0.696319	-0.406225	23067.298828	12442.227539	-638629.875000	-0.162790	-0.048020	-1.381561	-0.011875	0.026820	-1.267161	-0.052905	-0.052911	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176777.000000	162912.000000	141661.000000	200000.000000
-336.180145	-0.093943	-0.015902	-0.984289	-0.027991	-0.077854	1.062400	182287.000000	0.000000	0.005797	-0.000941	2.461622	0.690373	-0.406225	7770.201660	1948.593994	-639556.750000	-0.161568	-0.047732	-1.381561	-0.011875	0.026820	-1.267161	-0.052905	-0.052911	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158108.000000	146465.000000	200000.000000
-336.185150	-0.088328	-0.015414	-0.984045	-0.019477	-0.065083	1.062400	182287.000000	0.000000	0.005797	-0.000941	2.435090	0.684225	-0.406225	7179.187500	1624.909058	-639556.750000	-0.160197	-0.047411	-1.381561	-0.011875	0.026820	-1.267161	-0.052905	-0.052911	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	157841.000000	146732.000000	200000.000000
-336.190155	-0.082225	-0.013949	-0.983801	-0.009899	-0.054441	1.062400	182287.000000	0.000000	0.005797	-0.000941	2.406514	0.678376	-0.406225	7008.189453	1469.754028	-639556.750000	-0.158680	-0.047072	-1.381561	-0.011875	0.026820	-1.267161	-0.052905	-0.052911	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	157825.000000	146748.000000	200000.000000
-336.195160	-0.075877	-0.011508	-0.984045	-0.000321	-0.042734	1.060271	184203.000000	0.000000	0.005797	-0.000941	2.375324	0.673215	-0.406225	6405.380859	1477.259766	-638629.875000	-0.157010	-0.046731	-1.381561	-0.011875	0.026820	-1.267161	-0.052905	-0.052911	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159131.000000	149274.000000	200000.000000
-336.200165	-0.070750	-0.009311	-0.983312	0.008193	-0.031028	1.056014	184203.000000	0.000000	0.005797	-0.000941	2.343474	0.667925	-0.406225	6132.417480	1516.677612	-636776.062500	-0.155217	-0.046387	-1.381561	-0.011875	0.026820	-1.267161	-0.052905	-0.052911	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158818.000000	149587.000000	200000.000000
-336.205170	-0.066355	-0.008090	-0.983068	0.016706	-0.019321	1.050693	184203.000000	0.000000	0.005797	-0.000941	2.310697	0.661445	-0.406225	5826.897949	1317.168335	-634458.812500	-0.153316	-0.046019	-1.381561	-0.011875	0.026820	-1.267161	-0.052905	-0.052911	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158712.000000	149693.000000	200000.000000
-336.210175	-0.062693	-0.006869	-0.983068	0.024156	-0.008679	1.044308	184203.000000	0.000000	0.005797	-0.000941	2.277517	0.654844	-0.406225	5697.952637	1356.230469	-631678.125000	-0.151330	-0.045631	-1.381561	-0.011875	0.026820	-1.267161	-0.052905	-0.052911	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158544.000000	149861.000000	200000.000000
-336.215179	-0.058787	-0.005404	-0.983312	0.031606	0.000899	1.034730	184203.000000	0.000000	0.007716	-0.000550	2.348705	0.669625	-0.459742	17575.603516	3741.146729	-650812.625000	-0.149262	-0.045226	-1.360978	-0.010436	0.029535	-1.267272	-0.052651	-0.056045	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192886.000000	168037.000000	140368.000000	200000.000000
-336.220184	-0.053660	-0.002963	-0.982824	0.037991	0.010477	1.025152	185366.000000	0.000000	0.008127	-0.002038	2.257790	0.566499	-0.544025	-712.094910	-9610.237305	-683345.125000	-0.147090	-0.044830	-1.328561	-0.009889	0.036158	-1.267357	-0.047623	-0.055727	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	164264.000000	146467.000000	200000.000000
-336.225189	-0.048533	-0.000521	-0.983068	0.044376	0.018991	1.013445	185366.000000	0.000000	0.008127	-0.002038	2.203382	0.620427	-0.544025	3129.466553	7877.419922	-678247.187500	-0.144819	-0.044440	-1.328561	-0.009889	0.036158	-1.267357	-0.047623	-0.055727	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	150618.000000	160113.000000	200000.000000
-336.230194	-0.041941	0.002408	-0.984045	0.048633	0.026441	1.001739	185366.000000	0.000000	0.006471	-0.002096	2.071625	0.612845	-0.566943	-5898.628418	1293.609619	-683129.687500	-0.142427	-0.044076	-1.319746	-0.008929	0.037610	-1.267397	-0.046291	-0.055547	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	148173.000000	162558.000000	200000.000000
-336.235199	-0.035350	0.005094	-0.985754	0.052890	0.033890	0.986840	185366.000000	0.000000	0.006471	-0.002096	2.095413	0.610700	-0.566943	11279.512695	1861.984009	-676641.437500	-0.139916	-0.043731	-1.319746	-0.008929	0.037610	-1.267397	-0.046291	-0.055547	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	164783.000000	145948.000000	200000.000000
-336.240204	-0.028514	0.006803	-0.988195	0.058211	0.040276	0.970876	186350.000000	0.000000	0.006471	-0.002096	2.051377	0.605056	-0.566943	3706.878418	1309.812622	-669689.687500	-0.137289	-0.043377	-1.319746	-0.008929	0.037610	-1.267397	-0.046291	-0.055547	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158747.000000	153952.000000	200000.000000
-336.245209	-0.021922	0.007535	-0.990148	0.062468	0.045597	0.952784	186350.000000	0.000000	0.006471	-0.002096	2.006357	0.598409	-0.566943	3484.248779	1266.391602	-661811.062500	-0.134560	-0.042998	-1.319746	-0.008929	0.037610	-1.267397	-0.046291	-0.055547	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158567.000000	154132.000000	200000.000000
-336.250214	-0.015574	0.008512	-0.992102	0.067789	0.049854	0.932564	186350.000000	0.000000	0.006471	-0.002096	1.960529	0.591330	-0.566943	3281.871582	1044.740479	-653005.500000	-0.131742	-0.042594	-1.319746	-0.008929	0.037610	-1.267397	-0.046291	-0.055547	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158587.000000	154112.000000	200000.000000
-336.255219	-0.009227	0.009000	-0.993811	0.072046	0.051982	0.911280	186350.000000	0.000000	0.006471	-0.002096	1.914079	0.583613	-0.566943	3224.157471	1036.698608	-643736.500000	-0.128848	-0.042160	-1.319746	-0.008929	0.037610	-1.267397	-0.046291	-0.055547	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158537.000000	154162.000000	200000.000000
-336.260223	-0.002391	0.009732	-0.994787	0.077367	0.053046	0.888931	186350.000000	0.000000	0.007322	-0.002797	1.913134	0.536916	-0.615817	8335.567383	-3605.807861	-655287.437500	-0.125876	-0.041696	-1.300949	-0.007800	0.041716	-1.267359	-0.043663	-0.058227	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	168291.000000	144408.000000	200000.000000
-336.265228	0.005178	0.010953	-0.995764	0.081624	0.051982	0.863389	187045.000000	0.000000	0.006220	-0.003228	1.769559	0.533399	-0.638039	-7769.101562	1223.309082	-653842.187500	-0.122823	-0.041216	-1.292402	-0.006937	0.043518	-1.267431	-0.043205	-0.059468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	148052.000000	166037.000000	200000.000000
-336.270233	0.012502	0.012906	-0.997229	0.085881	0.049854	0.837848	187045.000000	0.000000	0.006220	-0.003228	1.764074	0.543370	-0.638039	7516.317383	2732.804199	-642719.375000	-0.119703	-0.040735	-1.292402	-0.006937	0.043518	-1.267431	-0.043205	-0.059468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	161828.000000	152261.000000	200000.000000
-336.275238	0.018850	0.014859	-0.997717	0.091202	0.045597	0.809114	187045.000000	0.000000	0.006220	-0.003228	1.715281	0.535754	-0.638039	2783.491699	622.446533	-630206.250000	-0.116546	-0.040246	-1.292402	-0.006937	0.043518	-1.267431	-0.043205	-0.059468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159206.000000	154883.000000	200000.000000
-336.280243	0.024221	0.015592	-0.998693	0.096523	0.038147	0.780380	187045.000000	0.000000	0.006220	-0.003228	1.667935	0.526728	-0.638039	3110.270996	401.351074	-617693.187500	-0.113390	-0.039727	-1.292402	-0.006937	0.043518	-1.267431	-0.043205	-0.059468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159753.000000	154336.000000	200000.000000
-336.285248	0.028859	0.015592	-1.000402	0.103973	0.028569	0.749517	187783.000000	0.000000	0.006220	-0.003228	1.622028	0.515865	-0.638039	3335.219482	-118.864540	-604253.125000	-0.110259	-0.039152	-1.292402	-0.006937	0.043518	-1.267431	-0.043205	-0.059468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	161237.000000	154328.000000	200000.000000
-336.290253	0.033498	0.015104	-1.002600	0.112487	0.014734	0.718655	187783.000000	0.000000	0.006220	-0.003228	1.577669	0.503458	-0.638039	3833.217041	-501.955048	-590813.125000	-0.107176	-0.038508	-1.292402	-0.006937	0.043518	-1.267431	-0.043205	-0.059468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162118.000000	153447.000000	200000.000000
-336.295258	0.038137	0.014615	-1.004064	0.122065	-0.003358	0.688856	187783.000000	0.000000	0.006220	-0.003228	1.535075	0.489915	-0.638039	4382.163086	-850.682312	-577836.562500	-0.104160	-0.037793	-1.292402	-0.006937	0.043518	-1.267431	-0.043205	-0.059468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	163015.000000	152550.000000	200000.000000
-336.300262	0.043020	0.014371	-1.005529	0.132707	-0.024642	0.659058	187783.000000	0.000000	0.006220	-0.003228	1.494070	0.475443	-0.638039	4817.678223	-1184.833618	-564860.000000	-0.101220	-0.037011	-1.292402	-0.006937	0.043518	-1.267431	-0.043205	-0.059468	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	163785.000000	151780.000000	200000.000000
-336.305267	0.048635	0.014615	-1.006994	0.144414	-0.049119	0.629260	188531.000000	0.000000	0.013431	0.001516	1.850666	0.721130	-0.710678	50640.269531	28380.400391	-583516.312500	-0.098357	-0.036166	-1.264464	-0.002079	0.048963	-1.267634	-0.041470	-0.056695	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160150.000000	160150.000000	156911.000000	200000.000000
-336.310272	0.054006	0.014615	-1.008703	0.155056	-0.077854	0.601590	188531.000000	0.000000	0.007339	-0.001846	1.190017	0.330817	-0.726629	-63650.589844	-43278.906250	-578412.687500	-0.095595	-0.035264	-1.258329	-0.000878	0.050273	-1.267657	-0.039854	-0.054350	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158531.000000	158531.000000	158531.000000
-336.315277	0.059377	0.015348	-1.010412	0.165698	-0.108716	0.573920	188531.000000	0.000000	0.007339	-0.001846	1.398185	0.449437	-0.726629	33214.503906	13177.990234	-566363.000000	-0.092943	-0.034322	-1.258329	-0.000878	0.050273	-1.267657	-0.039854	-0.054350	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175353.000000	175353.000000	141708.000000	200000.000000
-336.320282	0.063527	0.014127	-1.012609	0.174212	-0.142771	0.547314	188531.000000	0.000000	0.009857	0.001245	1.504945	0.601557	-0.737971	23063.025391	17756.205078	-559716.000000	-0.090438	-0.033312	-1.253967	0.001152	0.050552	-1.267814	-0.042526	-0.054082	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177711.000000	163837.000000	153224.000000	200000.000000
-336.325287	0.067678	0.012906	-1.014562	0.182726	-0.180019	0.520709	188531.000000	0.000000	0.009857	0.001245	1.375553	0.459294	-0.737971	-2976.122559	-15306.629883	-548129.812500	-0.088095	-0.032238	-1.253967	0.001152	0.050552	-1.267814	-0.042526	-0.054082	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	170861.000000	146200.000000	200000.000000
-336.330292	0.072316	0.011686	-1.017004	0.189111	-0.218331	0.494103	188891.000000	0.000000	0.009857	0.001245	1.348860	0.440345	-0.737971	8486.604492	-1629.933716	-536543.625000	-0.085905	-0.031112	-1.253967	0.001152	0.050552	-1.267814	-0.042526	-0.054082	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	169007.000000	148774.000000	200000.000000
-336.335297	0.076711	0.010221	-1.020422	0.193368	-0.257708	0.468562	188891.000000	0.000000	0.009857	0.001245	1.324942	0.421063	-0.737971	8979.942383	-1540.859863	-525420.812500	-0.083877	-0.029943	-1.253967	0.001152	0.050552	-1.267814	-0.042526	-0.054082	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	169411.000000	148370.000000	200000.000000
-336.340302	0.081838	0.009732	-1.021643	0.194432	-0.296020	0.443020	188891.000000	0.000000	0.009857	0.001245	1.302049	0.403161	-0.737971	9046.580078	-1125.355225	-514298.031250	-0.081986	-0.028767	-1.253967	0.001152	0.050552	-1.267814	-0.042526	-0.054082	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	169062.000000	148719.000000	200000.000000
-336.345306	0.087209	0.010221	-1.022131	0.193368	-0.333268	0.418543	188891.000000	0.000000	0.009857	0.001245	1.280407	0.386858	-0.737971	9139.218750	-785.821960	-503638.718750	-0.080218	-0.027615	-1.253967	0.001152	0.050552	-1.267814	-0.042526	-0.054082	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	168816.000000	148965.000000	200000.000000
-336.350311	0.092336	0.011441	-1.022375	0.189111	-0.369451	0.393002	189003.000000	0.000000	0.009857	0.001245	1.260482	0.372556	-0.737971	9285.421875	-260.657349	-492515.937500	-0.078570	-0.026518	-1.253967	0.001152	0.050552	-1.267814	-0.042526	-0.054082	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	168549.000000	149456.000000	200000.000000
-336.355316	0.097219	0.013150	-1.023596	0.182726	-0.402442	0.367460	189003.000000	0.000000	0.012839	0.002535	1.405652	0.431058	-0.772298	27907.125000	8277.090820	-496342.125000	-0.077029	-0.025493	-1.240764	0.006054	0.052425	-1.268232	-0.051870	-0.046222	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182818.000000	178633.000000	139372.000000	200000.000000
-336.360321	0.102834	0.013883	-1.024572	0.174212	-0.433305	0.339790	189003.000000	0.000000	0.009249	0.001364	1.070333	0.303172	-0.780930	-26560.154297	-12532.558594	-488051.500000	-0.075569	-0.024532	-1.237444	0.007843	0.052656	-1.268446	-0.054853	-0.043601	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	144975.000000	173030.000000	179910.000000
-336.365326	0.107961	0.013395	-1.025061	0.163570	-0.462039	0.312121	189003.000000	0.000000	0.009249	0.001364	1.196210	0.338265	-0.780930	24628.367188	5832.551758	-476001.812500	-0.074185	-0.023619	-1.237444	0.007843	0.052656	-1.268446	-0.054853	-0.043601	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188542.000000	177798.000000	140207.000000	200000.000000
-336.370331	0.112600	0.011930	-1.025793	0.153992	-0.487580	0.282322	189003.000000	0.000000	0.009249	0.001364	1.179298	0.325870	-0.780930	8616.549805	480.888397	-463025.250000	-0.072872	-0.022730	-1.237444	0.007843	0.052656	-1.268446	-0.054853	-0.043601	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	167138.000000	150867.000000	200000.000000
-336.375336	0.116994	0.009488	-1.025793	0.142285	-0.509929	0.250396	189173.000000	0.000000	0.009249	0.001364	1.162636	0.313330	-0.780930	8319.226562	695.138000	-449121.781250	-0.071614	-0.021856	-1.237444	0.007843	0.052656	-1.268446	-0.054853	-0.043601	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	166797.000000	151548.000000	200000.000000
-336.380341	0.121389	0.006314	-1.026281	0.131643	-0.529085	0.217405	189173.000000	0.000000	0.009249	0.001364	1.145977	0.299929	-0.780930	7979.913574	470.695801	-434754.843750	-0.070396	-0.020976	-1.237444	0.007843	0.052656	-1.268446	-0.054853	-0.043601	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	166682.000000	151663.000000	200000.000000
-336.385345	0.125783	0.003873	-1.025793	0.121001	-0.542920	0.182285	189173.000000	0.000000	0.009249	0.001364	1.128324	0.287226	-0.780930	7267.751465	537.999084	-419461.031250	-0.069190	-0.020106	-1.237444	0.007843	0.052656	-1.268446	-0.054853	-0.043601	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	165902.000000	152443.000000	200000.000000
-336.390350	0.130178	0.001920	-1.025793	0.110358	-0.553562	0.145037	189173.000000	0.000000	0.009249	0.001364	1.110065	0.275150	-0.780930	6815.244141	600.393677	-403240.343750	-0.067980	-0.019253	-1.237444	0.007843	0.052656	-1.268446	-0.054853	-0.043601	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	165387.000000	152958.000000	200000.000000
-336.395355	0.133840	-0.000277	-1.024084	0.100780	-0.559948	0.105661	189109.000000	0.000000	0.009249	0.001364	1.091114	0.262759	-0.780930	6213.194336	435.763031	-386092.718750	-0.066756	-0.018407	-1.237444	0.007843	0.052656	-1.268446	-0.054853	-0.043601	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	164886.000000	153331.000000	200000.000000
-336.400360	0.135793	-0.001498	-1.023352	0.091202	-0.562076	0.065220	189109.000000	0.000000	0.009249	0.001364	1.072732	0.251511	-0.780930	5732.900391	553.821106	-368481.656250	-0.065531	-0.017588	-1.237444	0.007843	0.052656	-1.268446	-0.054853	-0.043601	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	164288.000000	153929.000000	200000.000000
-336.405365	0.137014	-0.003207	-1.022863	0.081624	-0.559948	0.023715	189109.000000	0.000000	0.016779	0.007453	1.468009	0.574922	-0.797695	52557.707031	38883.320312	-357707.781250	-0.064300	-0.016784	-1.230996	0.016629	0.050239	-1.269348	-0.080203	-0.038079	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159109.000000	159109.000000	159109.000000	200000.000000
-336.410370	0.136770	-0.005648	-1.021887	0.073110	-0.552498	-0.017789	189109.000000	0.000000	0.015452	0.011339	1.075122	0.532880	-0.791623	-36541.175781	-1572.464111	-336989.125000	-0.063061	-0.015978	-1.233331	0.020419	0.047175	-1.269567	-0.084954	-0.035372	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	130681.000000	187536.000000	187536.000000
-336.415375	0.136281	-0.008822	-1.020422	0.065661	-0.540792	-0.058230	189174.000000	0.000000	0.015452	0.011339	1.108308	0.364211	-0.791623	9948.070312	-16357.225586	-319378.062500	-0.061800	-0.015150	-1.233331	0.020419	0.047175	-1.269567	-0.084954	-0.035372	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	185479.000000	132868.000000	200000.000000
-336.420380	0.134328	-0.011508	-1.019689	0.060340	-0.523764	-0.098670	189174.000000	0.000000	0.012159	0.007448	0.907229	0.136664	-0.789981	-17404.269531	-24088.810547	-301051.906250	-0.060518	-0.014300	-1.233963	0.023095	0.045417	-1.269792	-0.091111	-0.034049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	165858.000000	152489.000000	177680.000000
-336.425385	0.132131	-0.014193	-1.019689	0.056083	-0.502480	-0.136983	189174.000000	0.000000	0.012159	0.007448	1.017863	0.278088	-0.789981	16818.050781	17039.660156	-284367.750000	-0.059203	-0.013425	-1.233963	0.023095	0.045417	-1.269792	-0.091111	-0.034049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185316.000000	158952.000000	159395.000000	200000.000000
-336.430389	0.130178	-0.016391	-1.019445	0.051826	-0.475874	-0.174230	189174.000000	0.000000	0.012159	0.007448	0.994563	0.264146	-0.789981	1276.570312	-88.285622	-268147.031250	-0.057823	-0.012534	-1.233963	0.023095	0.045417	-1.269792	-0.091111	-0.034049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	160538.000000	157809.000000	200000.000000
-336.435394	0.128225	-0.018100	-1.018225	0.048633	-0.443947	-0.209350	189174.000000	0.000000	0.012159	0.007448	0.968770	0.250278	-0.789981	151.815750	-246.244278	-252853.218750	-0.056351	-0.011635	-1.233963	0.023095	0.045417	-1.269792	-0.091111	-0.034049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159572.000000	158775.000000	200000.000000
-336.440399	0.127248	-0.018100	-1.017004	0.044376	-0.407763	-0.243405	189007.000000	0.000000	0.012159	0.007448	0.939481	0.238446	-0.789981	-1001.684143	59.832775	-238022.843750	-0.054747	-0.010765	-1.233963	0.023095	0.045417	-1.269792	-0.091111	-0.034049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	157945.000000	160068.000000	200000.000000
-336.445404	0.125783	-0.017611	-1.016027	0.039055	-0.366259	-0.274268	189007.000000	0.000000	0.012159	0.007448	0.907469	0.227934	-0.789981	-2224.470703	298.078125	-224582.828125	-0.052999	-0.009942	-1.233963	0.023095	0.045417	-1.269792	-0.091111	-0.034049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	156484.000000	161529.000000	200000.000000
-336.450409	0.125051	-0.015658	-1.014562	0.033734	-0.321561	-0.303002	189007.000000	0.000000	0.014028	0.009949	0.974502	0.357184	-0.785424	8417.751953	16284.711914	-210085.453125	-0.051078	-0.009193	-1.235715	0.026375	0.042839	-1.270128	-0.095760	-0.033633	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194304.000000	151140.000000	166873.000000	200000.000000
-336.455414	0.124563	-0.012973	-1.013342	0.026285	-0.271543	-0.330672	189007.000000	0.000000	0.013666	0.009027	0.839994	0.200742	-0.779357	-15176.671875	-15580.018555	-195393.375000	-0.048956	-0.008544	-1.238049	0.031251	0.039136	-1.270373	-0.104790	-0.033517	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159410.000000	158603.000000	188250.000000
-336.460419	0.124074	-0.010531	-1.011145	0.016706	-0.220460	-0.355149	189080.000000	0.000000	0.019374	0.018576	1.125332	0.758678	-0.763491	31948.345703	65814.640625	-177824.843750	-0.046631	-0.008000	-1.244151	0.036259	0.033731	-1.270648	-0.105269	-0.033366	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159080.000000	159080.000000	159080.000000	200000.000000
-336.465424	0.122854	-0.008822	-1.010412	0.008193	-0.166184	-0.377498	189080.000000	0.000000	0.019374	0.018576	0.851345	0.373368	-0.763491	-31413.769531	-39751.203125	-168092.421875	-0.044108	-0.007540	-1.244151	0.036259	0.033731	-1.270648	-0.105269	-0.033366	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159080.000000	159080.000000	159080.000000
-336.470428	0.120412	-0.007357	-1.009680	-0.001385	-0.110845	-0.396654	189080.000000	0.000000	0.019374	0.018576	0.803876	0.371159	-0.763491	-7096.770996	2523.947510	-159750.328125	-0.041410	-0.007166	-1.244151	0.036259	0.033731	-1.270648	-0.105269	-0.033366	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	149459.000000	168700.000000	200000.000000
-336.475433	0.117238	-0.005160	-1.007482	-0.012028	-0.054441	-0.414745	189080.000000	0.000000	0.019374	0.018576	0.754298	0.371267	-0.763491	-7933.119629	2945.224365	-151871.703125	-0.038546	-0.006896	-1.244151	0.036259	0.033731	-1.270648	-0.105269	-0.033366	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	148201.000000	169958.000000	200000.000000
-336.480438	0.112844	-0.003939	-1.005041	-0.021606	0.001963	-0.429645	189080.000000	0.000000	0.019374	0.018576	0.703726	0.371564	-0.763491	-8534.521484	2894.413818	-145383.421875	-0.035544	-0.006705	-1.244151	0.036259	0.033731	-1.270648	-0.105269	-0.033366	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	147651.000000	170508.000000	200000.000000
-336.485443	0.108205	-0.002963	-1.003820	-0.031184	0.060496	-0.442415	189000.000000	0.000000	0.019374	0.018576	0.651092	0.372767	-0.763491	-9506.693359	3043.620117	-139822.031250	-0.032403	-0.006588	-1.244151	0.036259	0.033731	-1.270648	-0.105269	-0.033366	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	146449.000000	171550.000000	200000.000000
-336.490448	0.103566	-0.001986	-1.002355	-0.038633	0.117964	-0.451993	189000.000000	0.000000	0.019374	0.018576	0.596794	0.374494	-0.763491	-10089.182617	2909.508057	-135650.984375	-0.029133	-0.006534	-1.244151	0.036259	0.033731	-1.270648	-0.105269	-0.033366	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	146001.000000	171998.000000	200000.000000
-336.495453	0.098928	-0.000277	-1.000646	-0.046083	0.175432	-0.459443	189000.000000	0.000000	0.019391	0.019340	0.541616	0.419967	-0.746176	-10704.178711	7964.226562	-124866.359375	-0.025734	-0.006558	-1.250811	0.041245	0.028101	-1.270906	-0.107734	-0.033759	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	140331.000000	177668.000000	200000.000000
-336.500458	0.094777	0.002652	-0.998205	-0.052468	0.230772	-0.464764	189000.000000	0.000000	0.021803	0.020047	0.615734	0.433970	-0.701026	3836.023193	4479.857422	-102887.250000	-0.022210	-0.006678	-1.268176	0.054196	0.013148	-1.271619	-0.098367	-0.031543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158356.000000	159643.000000	200000.000000
-336.505463	0.091604	0.006314	-0.996252	-0.056725	0.285047	-0.466893	189176.000000	0.000000	0.021803	0.020047	0.458955	0.412954	-0.701026	-22406.798828	317.737640	-101960.351562	-0.018550	-0.006897	-1.268176	0.054196	0.013148	-1.271619	-0.098367	-0.031543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	136451.000000	181900.000000	197086.000000
-336.510468	0.088674	0.010465	-0.994543	-0.059918	0.338259	-0.467957	189176.000000	0.000000	0.021803	0.020047	0.396812	0.421908	-0.701026	-12414.472656	3551.978027	-101496.898438	-0.014758	-0.007220	-1.268176	0.054196	0.013148	-1.271619	-0.098367	-0.031543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143209.000000	175142.000000	200000.000000
-336.515472	0.085256	0.012906	-0.992834	-0.062046	0.389342	-0.469021	189176.000000	0.000000	0.021803	0.020047	0.333974	0.430157	-0.701026	-12781.014648	3405.260986	-101033.453125	-0.010858	-0.007605	-1.268176	0.054196	0.013148	-1.271619	-0.098367	-0.031543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142989.000000	175362.000000	200000.000000
-336.520477	0.081105	0.014371	-0.991857	-0.062046	0.437232	-0.469021	189176.000000	0.000000	0.021803	0.020047	0.271381	0.437635	-0.701026	-12911.202148	3120.818604	-101033.453125	-0.006884	-0.008020	-1.268176	0.054196	0.013148	-1.271619	-0.098367	-0.031543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143143.000000	175208.000000	200000.000000
-336.525482	0.077443	0.015348	-0.990148	-0.060982	0.484058	-0.467957	189000.000000	0.000000	0.021803	0.020047	0.207452	0.444747	-0.701026	-13450.581055	2991.295898	-101496.898438	-0.002831	-0.008452	-1.268176	0.054196	0.013148	-1.271619	-0.098367	-0.031543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142558.000000	175441.000000	200000.000000
-336.530487	0.074270	0.016080	-0.988195	-0.057789	0.528755	-0.467957	189000.000000	0.000000	0.017736	0.017178	-0.081158	0.293517	-0.673874	-39454.687500	-15363.657227	-89672.859375	0.001298	-0.008884	-1.278619	0.061440	0.004382	-1.271941	-0.086319	-0.032549	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	144363.000000	173636.000000	173636.000000
-336.535492	0.070607	0.017301	-0.985754	-0.053532	0.571324	-0.467957	189000.000000	0.000000	0.015842	0.016693	-0.087636	0.388306	-0.659324	-8424.235352	11987.008789	-83336.757812	0.005483	-0.009322	-1.284215	0.065115	-0.000219	-1.272112	-0.079843	-0.033498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	138588.000000	179411.000000	200000.000000
-336.540497	0.066945	0.018033	-0.984777	-0.049276	0.612829	-0.469021	189000.000000	0.000000	0.015842	0.016693	-0.077200	0.414042	-0.659324	-6590.366211	4492.946777	-82873.312500	0.009713	-0.009755	-1.284215	0.065115	-0.000219	-1.272112	-0.079843	-0.033498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	147916.000000	170083.000000	200000.000000
-336.545502	0.063039	0.017789	-0.983557	-0.043954	0.651141	-0.470085	189000.000000	0.000000	0.015842	0.016693	-0.142012	0.418934	-0.659324	-14989.866211	2082.066650	-82409.859375	0.013967	-0.010159	-1.284215	0.065115	-0.000219	-1.272112	-0.079843	-0.033498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	141928.000000	176071.000000	200000.000000
-336.550507	0.059377	0.017789	-0.983312	-0.036505	0.688389	-0.471149	188905.000000	0.000000	0.015842	0.016693	-0.207068	0.423103	-0.659324	-15370.286133	1753.435425	-81946.414062	0.018244	-0.010529	-1.284215	0.065115	-0.000219	-1.272112	-0.079843	-0.033498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	141781.000000	176028.000000	200000.000000
-336.555511	0.055471	0.018033	-0.984045	-0.026927	0.722444	-0.472214	188905.000000	0.000000	0.015842	0.016693	-0.271248	0.426480	-0.659324	-15372.604492	1403.795898	-81482.960938	0.022522	-0.010859	-1.284215	0.065115	-0.000219	-1.272112	-0.079843	-0.033498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142128.000000	175681.000000	200000.000000
-336.560516	0.051320	0.019254	-0.983801	-0.015220	0.755435	-0.472214	188905.000000	0.000000	0.015842	0.016693	-0.334952	0.429843	-0.659324	-15647.871094	1129.959473	-81482.960938	0.026791	-0.011160	-1.284215	0.065115	-0.000219	-1.272112	-0.079843	-0.033498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142127.000000	175682.000000	200000.000000
-336.565521	0.048146	0.021451	-0.982824	-0.001385	0.785233	-0.473278	188905.000000	0.000000	0.015842	0.016693	-0.398801	0.433347	-0.659324	-15743.647461	863.775513	-81019.515625	0.031057	-0.011443	-1.284215	0.065115	-0.000219	-1.272112	-0.079843	-0.033498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142297.000000	175512.000000	200000.000000
-336.570526	0.044973	0.024381	-0.982336	0.013514	0.811839	-0.473278	188899.000000	0.000000	0.015842	0.016693	-0.461712	0.437112	-0.659324	-15701.238281	724.249329	-81019.515625	0.035304	-0.011717	-1.284215	0.065115	-0.000219	-1.272112	-0.079843	-0.033498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142473.000000	175324.000000	200000.000000
-336.575531	0.040822	0.027799	-0.982092	0.029477	0.837380	-0.474342	188899.000000	0.000000	0.020844	0.019040	-0.247924	0.570111	-0.606983	15706.370117	15355.751953	-57762.246094	0.039505	-0.011988	-1.304347	0.077679	-0.016517	-1.272629	-0.048356	-0.035235	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187836.000000	159249.000000	158548.000000	200000.000000
-336.580536	0.036428	0.030973	-0.982580	0.047569	0.859729	-0.475406	188899.000000	0.000000	0.013505	0.014609	-0.910910	0.235537	-0.594433	-83501.640625	-37913.070312	-51833.820312	0.043642	-0.012239	-1.309173	0.080491	-0.020318	-1.272661	-0.039492	-0.035788	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158899.000000	158899.000000	158899.000000
-336.585541	0.032033	0.033414	-0.982092	0.065661	0.879950	-0.476471	188899.000000	0.000000	0.013505	0.014609	-0.675485	0.414668	-0.594433	16508.103516	19312.640625	-51370.367188	0.047706	-0.012456	-1.309173	0.080491	-0.020318	-1.272661	-0.039492	-0.035788	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183078.000000	156094.000000	161703.000000	200000.000000
-336.590546	0.027150	0.034879	-0.981604	0.083753	0.896977	-0.478599	188899.000000	0.000000	0.013505	0.014609	-0.731076	0.415045	-0.594433	-15473.913086	-423.925385	-50443.468750	0.051671	-0.012621	-1.309173	0.080491	-0.020318	-1.272661	-0.039492	-0.035788	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143849.000000	173948.000000	200000.000000
-336.595551	0.023488	0.035855	-0.981359	0.101845	0.910812	-0.479663	188861.000000	0.000000	0.013505	0.014609	-0.785816	0.414113	-0.594433	-15344.679688	-655.388306	-49980.027344	0.055551	-0.012724	-1.309173	0.080491	-0.020318	-1.272661	-0.039492	-0.035788	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	144171.000000	173550.000000	200000.000000
-336.600555	0.020070	0.036588	-0.981359	0.119936	0.923583	-0.479663	188861.000000	0.000000	0.013505	0.014609	-0.839345	0.412010	-0.594433	-15399.545898	-876.963623	-49980.027344	0.059346	-0.012761	-1.309173	0.080491	-0.020318	-1.272661	-0.039492	-0.035788	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	144338.000000	173383.000000	200000.000000
-336.605560	0.018117	0.038541	-0.981604	0.135900	0.933161	-0.479663	188861.000000	0.000000	0.013505	0.014609	-0.892477	0.410900	-0.594433	-15293.287109	-612.313660	-49980.027344	0.063072	-0.012767	-1.309173	0.080491	-0.020318	-1.272661	-0.039492	-0.035788	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	144180.000000	173541.000000	200000.000000
-336.610565	0.017629	0.041715	-0.981359	0.150799	0.940610	-0.476471	188861.000000	0.000000	0.011655	0.012171	-1.047453	0.276939	-0.584586	-27008.273438	-15791.083008	-47082.226562	0.066749	-0.012774	-1.312961	0.082673	-0.023290	-1.272749	-0.030669	-0.034134	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	147643.000000	170078.000000	176061.000000
-336.615570	0.017873	0.044400	-0.981359	0.163570	0.944867	-0.473278	188528.000000	0.000000	0.015500	0.015802	-0.814589	0.574154	-0.559883	17043.191406	33165.007812	-37714.843750	0.070379	-0.012780	-1.322462	0.088096	-0.030744	-1.272842	-0.012157	-0.033701	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171484.000000	145571.000000	171484.000000	200000.000000
-336.620575	0.019338	0.047574	-0.980871	0.173148	0.945931	-0.467957	188528.000000	0.000000	0.015500	0.015802	-1.020766	0.430411	-0.559883	-31834.281250	-15675.150391	-40032.085938	0.073973	-0.012810	-1.322462	0.088096	-0.030744	-1.272842	-0.012157	-0.033701	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	144203.000000	172852.000000	172852.000000
-336.625580	0.021535	0.049039	-0.981359	0.178469	0.944867	-0.461571	188528.000000	0.000000	0.015500	0.015802	-1.072871	0.431358	-0.559883	-14894.929688	682.302490	-42812.781250	0.077533	-0.012850	-1.322462	0.088096	-0.030744	-1.272842	-0.012157	-0.033701	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142950.000000	174105.000000	200000.000000
-336.630585	0.023732	0.049283	-0.981604	0.182726	0.941675	-0.454122	188528.000000	0.000000	0.015500	0.015802	-1.123971	0.431318	-0.559883	-14770.675781	670.849792	-46056.929688	0.081051	-0.012878	-1.322462	0.088096	-0.030744	-1.272842	-0.012157	-0.033701	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143086.000000	173969.000000	200000.000000
-336.635590	0.025686	0.047086	-0.981604	0.182726	0.934225	-0.445608	188421.000000	0.000000	0.015500	0.015802	-1.173082	0.429505	-0.559883	-14275.486328	935.888794	-49764.523438	0.084503	-0.012865	-1.322462	0.088096	-0.030744	-1.272842	-0.012157	-0.033701	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143209.000000	173632.000000	200000.000000
-336.640594	0.028127	0.043668	-0.982580	0.181661	0.923583	-0.434966	188421.000000	0.000000	0.015500	0.015802	-1.220958	0.425920	-0.559883	-13958.954102	846.387085	-54399.003906	0.087884	-0.012791	-1.322462	0.088096	-0.030744	-1.272842	-0.012157	-0.033701	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143615.000000	173226.000000	200000.000000
-336.645599	0.030568	0.039762	-0.983312	0.177405	0.907619	-0.424323	188421.000000	0.000000	0.015500	0.015802	-1.266410	0.421786	-0.559883	-13242.975586	1137.674561	-59033.492188	0.091170	-0.012661	-1.322462	0.088096	-0.030744	-1.272842	-0.012157	-0.033701	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	144040.000000	172801.000000	200000.000000
-336.650604	0.033742	0.036344	-0.984045	0.173148	0.888463	-0.412617	188421.000000	0.000000	0.015500	0.015802	-1.310492	0.417379	-0.559883	-12855.916992	1106.951416	-64131.441406	0.094361	-0.012487	-1.322462	0.088096	-0.030744	-1.272842	-0.012157	-0.033701	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	144458.000000	172383.000000	200000.000000
-336.655609	0.037404	0.033658	-0.983068	0.166762	0.865050	-0.400911	188421.000000	0.000000	0.019322	0.017824	-1.142591	0.524954	-0.513009	11800.914062	14178.283203	-48816.644531	0.097449	-0.012295	-1.340490	0.098009	-0.044707	-1.272873	0.027598	-0.027909	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192441.000000	156043.000000	160798.000000	200000.000000
-336.660614	0.040090	0.032682	-0.983068	0.160377	0.839509	-0.388140	184515.000000	0.000000	0.012309	0.013586	-1.720122	0.209032	-0.501728	-72468.835938	-33811.628906	-49465.371094	0.100407	-0.012118	-1.344829	0.100310	-0.048019	-1.272822	0.038330	-0.027407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	154515.000000	154515.000000	154515.000000
-336.665619	0.042775	0.032437	-0.984289	0.152927	0.811839	-0.374305	184515.000000	0.000000	0.012309	0.013586	-1.476360	0.377643	-0.501728	19319.873047	20392.626953	-55490.203125	0.103224	-0.011974	-1.344829	0.100310	-0.048019	-1.272822	0.038330	-0.027407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174802.000000	153442.000000	155587.000000	200000.000000
-336.670624	0.045461	0.032926	-0.985021	0.144414	0.782041	-0.361534	184515.000000	0.000000	0.012309	0.013586	-1.510498	0.378373	-0.501728	-11022.870117	2092.605469	-61051.589844	0.105893	-0.011882	-1.344829	0.100310	-0.048019	-1.272822	0.038330	-0.027407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	141399.000000	167630.000000	200000.000000
-336.675629	0.047414	0.032926	-0.986242	0.138028	0.749050	-0.348763	184515.000000	0.000000	0.012309	0.013586	-1.540871	0.378664	-0.501728	-10245.844727	1841.060059	-66612.984375	0.108387	-0.011821	-1.344829	0.100310	-0.048019	-1.272822	0.038330	-0.027407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142428.000000	166601.000000	200000.000000
-336.680634	0.048391	0.033170	-0.987463	0.130579	0.714995	-0.334929	182335.000000	0.000000	0.012309	0.013586	-1.567424	0.379869	-0.501728	-9674.168945	2098.401123	-72637.812500	0.110683	-0.011799	-1.344829	0.100310	-0.048019	-1.272822	0.038330	-0.027407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	140562.000000	164107.000000	200000.000000
-336.685638	0.050100	0.032437	-0.988195	0.124193	0.679875	-0.321094	182335.000000	0.000000	0.012309	0.013586	-1.591781	0.380220	-0.501728	-9266.276367	1918.438965	-78662.648438	0.112796	-0.011789	-1.344829	0.100310	-0.048019	-1.272822	0.038330	-0.027407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	141150.000000	163519.000000	200000.000000
-336.690643	0.051809	0.031705	-0.988928	0.117808	0.642627	-0.308323	182335.000000	0.000000	0.011773	0.011312	-1.642459	0.255664	-0.486433	-11988.402344	-12362.094727	-77563.179688	0.114718	-0.011791	-1.350712	0.103055	-0.052233	-1.272759	0.053125	-0.026261	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	152708.000000	151961.000000	187984.000000
-336.695648	0.053762	0.031217	-0.989416	0.113551	0.603251	-0.294488	182335.000000	0.000000	0.009244	0.009726	-1.778384	0.259759	-0.478988	-21573.697266	1591.147583	-80345.937500	0.116448	-0.011799	-1.353576	0.104308	-0.054222	-1.272726	0.058519	-0.025639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	129170.000000	175499.000000	192352.000000
-336.700653	0.056936	0.030973	-0.990393	0.108230	0.562810	-0.281717	182335.000000	0.000000	0.007713	0.007743	-1.778089	0.215102	-0.473544	-6289.083496	-3833.601074	-83536.625000	0.118009	-0.011822	-1.355669	0.105042	-0.055540	-1.272724	0.063960	-0.024962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	149879.000000	154790.000000	200000.000000
-336.705658	0.061330	0.030729	-0.990393	0.101845	0.521306	-0.268947	180422.000000	0.000000	0.007713	0.007743	-1.732288	0.295852	-0.473544	-766.698181	10473.457031	-89098.015625	0.119425	-0.011865	-1.355669	0.105042	-0.055540	-1.272724	0.063960	-0.024962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	139181.000000	161662.000000	200000.000000
-336.710663	0.066457	0.030973	-0.991369	0.096523	0.477672	-0.257240	180422.000000	0.000000	0.007713	0.007743	-1.745821	0.297830	-0.473544	-6917.641602	1728.749268	-94195.960938	0.120700	-0.011933	-1.355669	0.105042	-0.055540	-1.272724	0.063960	-0.024962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	141775.000000	159068.000000	200000.000000
-336.715668	0.071584	0.030973	-0.991857	0.090138	0.431911	-0.246598	180422.000000	0.000000	0.007713	0.007743	-1.756880	0.300183	-0.473544	-6252.741699	1927.050171	-98830.445312	0.121829	-0.012024	-1.355669	0.105042	-0.055540	-1.272724	0.063960	-0.024962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142242.000000	158601.000000	200000.000000
-336.720673	0.077199	0.030729	-0.992834	0.084817	0.385085	-0.238084	180422.000000	0.000000	0.007713	0.007743	-1.766078	0.302357	-0.473544	-5757.936523	1824.779297	-102538.039062	0.122817	-0.012131	-1.355669	0.105042	-0.055540	-1.272724	0.063960	-0.024962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142839.000000	158004.000000	200000.000000
-336.725677	0.081594	0.029508	-0.995031	0.078432	0.336130	-0.231699	178127.000000	0.000000	0.007713	0.007743	-1.771274	0.303961	-0.473544	-4882.531250	1915.974243	-105318.726562	0.123630	-0.012237	-1.355669	0.105042	-0.055540	-1.272724	0.063960	-0.024962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	141328.000000	154925.000000	200000.000000
-336.730682	0.085256	0.029752	-0.996740	0.074175	0.285047	-0.227442	178127.000000	0.000000	0.007713	0.007743	-1.772673	0.306682	-0.473544	-4002.472168	1836.805542	-107172.523438	0.124247	-0.012364	-1.355669	0.105042	-0.055540	-1.272724	0.063960	-0.024962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142287.000000	153966.000000	200000.000000
-336.735687	0.086965	0.030240	-0.998693	0.069918	0.231836	-0.224249	178127.000000	0.000000	0.007713	0.007743	-1.768591	0.309972	-0.473544	-2902.171143	1934.014404	-108562.875000	0.124621	-0.012516	-1.355669	0.105042	-0.055540	-1.272724	0.063960	-0.024962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	143290.000000	152963.000000	200000.000000
-336.740692	0.087453	0.031461	-1.001623	0.066725	0.176496	-0.222121	178127.000000	0.000000	0.007713	0.007743	-1.759127	0.314113	-0.473544	-1778.327393	1944.343262	-109489.773438	0.124721	-0.012702	-1.355669	0.105042	-0.055540	-1.272724	0.063960	-0.024962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	144404.000000	151849.000000	200000.000000
-336.745697	0.085012	0.032682	-1.003576	0.064597	0.119028	-0.221056	176301.000000	0.000000	0.013731	0.011021	-1.411237	0.498757	-0.453076	37541.269531	22538.035156	-101039.914062	0.124486	-0.012917	-1.363542	0.107029	-0.059907	-1.272717	0.074000	-0.022725	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153762.000000	153762.000000	138839.000000	200000.000000
-336.750702	0.081594	0.034635	-1.006994	0.064597	0.059432	-0.219992	176301.000000	0.000000	0.007679	0.008398	-1.961274	0.228361	-0.446051	-63222.156250	-28978.335938	-98444.031250	0.123890	-0.013163	-1.366244	0.107731	-0.061409	-1.272735	0.072362	-0.022473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	145279.000000	147322.000000	147322.000000
-336.755707	0.076467	0.035367	-1.011389	0.065661	-0.002294	-0.217864	176301.000000	0.000000	0.007679	0.008398	-1.688450	0.336884	-0.446051	29036.746094	13065.708984	-99370.929688	0.122895	-0.013408	-1.366244	0.107731	-0.061409	-1.272735	0.072362	-0.022473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164198.000000	162272.000000	130329.000000	200000.000000
-336.760712	0.070363	0.035611	-1.015783	0.066725	-0.066147	-0.215735	176301.000000	0.000000	0.007679	0.008398	-1.650480	0.339959	-0.446051	3910.403320	1477.988647	-100297.828125	0.121481	-0.013642	-1.366244	0.107731	-0.061409	-1.272735	0.072362	-0.022473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	148733.000000	143868.000000	200000.000000
-336.765717	0.064016	0.034146	-1.020422	0.069918	-0.132129	-0.211478	176301.000000	0.000000	0.007679	0.008398	-1.605899	0.340366	-0.446051	5380.183594	937.780090	-102151.625000	0.119642	-0.013820	-1.366244	0.107731	-0.061409	-1.272735	0.072362	-0.022473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199983.000000	150743.000000	141858.000000	200000.000000
-336.770721	0.057912	0.032682	-1.025549	0.074175	-0.199175	-0.206157	174774.000000	0.000000	0.007679	0.008398	-1.555427	0.339639	-0.446051	6683.070312	673.128052	-104468.867188	0.117387	-0.013936	-1.366244	0.107731	-0.061409	-1.272735	0.072362	-0.022473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197417.000000	150783.000000	138764.000000	200000.000000
-336.775726	0.052297	0.032437	-1.029699	0.077367	-0.267286	-0.199772	174774.000000	0.000000	0.007679	0.008398	-1.499512	0.339641	-0.446051	7969.104004	855.621216	-107249.562500	0.114729	-0.014020	-1.366244	0.107731	-0.061409	-1.272735	0.072362	-0.022473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195949.000000	151887.000000	137660.000000	200000.000000
-336.780731	0.047658	0.032437	-1.032629	0.078432	-0.336460	-0.194451	174774.000000	0.000000	0.010513	0.008982	-1.283033	0.372200	-0.430741	27055.117188	4814.370605	-102899.601562	0.111694	-0.014090	-1.372132	0.108151	-0.063829	-1.273105	0.063555	-0.018138	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172904.000000	167014.000000	122533.000000	200000.000000
-336.785736	0.043264	0.032193	-1.035559	0.077367	-0.405635	-0.188065	174774.000000	0.000000	0.010513	0.008982	-1.330744	0.349381	-0.430741	-1895.464233	-1140.792603	-105680.296875	0.108294	-0.014150	-1.372132	0.108151	-0.063829	-1.273105	0.063555	-0.018138	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	144019.000000	145528.000000	200000.000000
-336.790741	0.039846	0.032682	-1.038488	0.072046	-0.473745	-0.182744	173750.000000	0.000000	0.010513	0.008982	-1.261397	0.351723	-0.430741	11491.103516	2129.094482	-107997.539062	0.104560	-0.014236	-1.372132	0.108151	-0.063829	-1.273105	0.063555	-0.018138	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190129.000000	153112.000000	134387.000000	200000.000000
-336.795746	0.037404	0.033902	-1.041174	0.066725	-0.526957	-0.178487	173750.000000	0.000000	0.010513	0.008982	-1.192481	0.355237	-0.430741	10367.148438	2298.622803	-109851.335938	0.100591	-0.014363	-1.372132	0.108151	-0.063829	-1.273105	0.063555	-0.018138	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191084.000000	151818.000000	135681.000000	200000.000000
-336.800751	0.034719	0.034879	-1.043127	0.056083	-0.592939	-0.175295	173750.000000	0.000000	0.010513	0.008982	-1.116636	0.360536	-0.430741	13188.840820	3153.604248	-111241.687500	0.096326	-0.014552	-1.372132	0.108151	-0.063829	-1.273105	0.063555	-0.018138	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187407.000000	153785.000000	133714.000000	200000.000000
-336.805756	0.032277	0.036832	-1.045568	0.043312	-0.656792	-0.172102	173750.000000	0.000000	0.010513	0.008982	-1.037500	0.368258	-0.430741	13971.294922	3748.115234	-112632.031250	0.091785	-0.014829	-1.372132	0.108151	-0.063829	-1.273105	0.063555	-0.018138	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186030.000000	153973.000000	133526.000000	200000.000000
-336.810760	0.029592	0.039273	-1.047766	0.029477	-0.717453	-0.168909	172546.000000	0.000000	0.010513	0.008982	-0.955141	0.378018	-0.430741	14632.591797	4197.693848	-114022.382812	0.086985	-0.015208	-1.372132	0.108151	-0.063829	-1.273105	0.063555	-0.018138	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183715.000000	152980.000000	132111.000000	200000.000000
-336.815765	0.026906	0.042203	-1.049719	0.013514	-0.773857	-0.167845	172546.000000	0.000000	0.010513	0.008982	-0.870334	0.390325	-0.430741	15083.179688	4841.868164	-114485.828125	0.081952	-0.015708	-1.372132	0.108151	-0.063829	-1.273105	0.063555	-0.018138	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182620.000000	152787.000000	132304.000000	200000.000000
-336.820770	0.024221	0.045621	-1.050939	-0.003514	-0.827068	-0.167845	172546.000000	0.000000	0.010513	0.008982	-0.783169	0.405141	-0.430741	15637.157227	5381.187988	-114485.828125	0.076707	-0.016341	-1.372132	0.108151	-0.063829	-1.273105	0.063555	-0.018138	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181527.000000	152801.000000	132290.000000	200000.000000
-336.825775	0.021291	0.048062	-1.052160	-0.019477	-0.876023	-0.168909	172546.000000	0.000000	0.011126	0.008310	-0.660257	0.383577	-0.417465	19890.292969	1238.183594	-108240.882812	0.071270	-0.017081	-1.377238	0.106498	-0.064352	-1.274450	0.031116	-0.013559	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181417.000000	161198.000000	123893.000000	200000.000000
-336.830780	0.017873	0.049283	-1.054357	-0.033312	-0.921784	-0.172102	172546.000000	0.000000	0.007760	0.009419	-0.778280	0.486423	-0.407886	-7285.472656	15220.624023	-102679.015625	0.065650	-0.017891	-1.380923	0.107218	-0.066162	-1.274967	0.018267	-0.013626	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194610.000000	120039.000000	165052.000000	200000.000000
-336.835785	0.013234	0.048551	-1.055334	-0.046083	-0.965418	-0.174230	171495.000000	0.000000	0.007760	0.009419	-0.548931	0.455736	-0.407886	31931.820312	338.264893	-101752.117188	0.059841	-0.018729	-1.380923	0.107218	-0.066162	-1.274967	0.018267	-0.013626	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171156.000000	171156.000000	111833.000000	200000.000000
-336.840790	0.007131	0.045377	-1.056066	-0.056725	-1.006922	-0.176359	171495.000000	0.000000	0.004332	0.004480	-0.639064	0.195094	-0.404166	-3654.771729	-26330.599609	-99205.257812	0.053828	-0.019538	-1.382353	0.106795	-0.066322	-1.275547	0.005915	-0.012840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	164170.000000	118819.000000	171509.000000
-336.845795	0.000539	0.040494	-1.055822	-0.065239	-1.045235	-0.178487	171495.000000	0.000000	0.004332	0.004480	-0.401196	0.400813	-0.404166	33330.214844	25700.087891	-98278.359375	0.047622	-0.020275	-1.382353	0.106795	-0.066322	-1.275547	0.005915	-0.012840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145794.000000	145794.000000	137195.000000	200000.000000
-336.850800	-0.005564	0.036588	-1.054357	-0.074817	-1.081418	-0.179552	171495.000000	0.000000	0.004332	0.004480	-0.298780	0.409364	-0.404166	18840.078125	4220.648926	-97814.906250	0.041246	-0.020967	-1.382353	0.106795	-0.066322	-1.275547	0.005915	-0.012840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178434.000000	156114.000000	126875.000000	200000.000000
-336.855804	-0.011180	0.033170	-1.052404	-0.083331	-1.114409	-0.180616	170578.000000	0.000000	0.004332	0.004480	-0.195354	0.417502	-0.404166	19227.521484	4134.715820	-97351.460938	0.034729	-0.021618	-1.382353	0.106795	-0.066322	-1.275547	0.005915	-0.012840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177215.000000	155670.000000	125485.000000	200000.000000
-336.860809	-0.015574	0.030240	-1.050695	-0.092909	-1.145272	-0.181680	170578.000000	0.000000	0.004332	0.004480	-0.091793	0.425845	-0.404166	19626.677734	4356.825684	-96888.007812	0.028106	-0.022243	-1.382353	0.106795	-0.066322	-1.275547	0.005915	-0.012840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176594.000000	155847.000000	125308.000000	200000.000000
-336.865814	-0.019236	0.028287	-1.049719	-0.103551	-1.172942	-0.182744	170578.000000	0.000000	0.004332	0.004480	0.011596	0.435104	-0.404166	19862.490234	4666.511719	-96424.562500	0.021410	-0.022866	-1.382353	0.106795	-0.066322	-1.275547	0.005915	-0.012840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176048.000000	155773.000000	125382.000000	200000.000000
-336.870819	-0.022410	0.025846	-1.048742	-0.115257	-1.198483	-0.183809	170578.000000	0.000000	0.005747	0.006666	0.192749	0.564333	-0.397603	29131.419922	18625.894531	-93103.031250	0.014662	-0.023483	-1.384878	0.106839	-0.067203	-1.276199	-0.005610	-0.012512	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152820.000000	151083.000000	130072.000000	200000.000000
-336.875824	-0.024852	0.022916	-1.047033	-0.128028	-1.220832	-0.187001	170578.000000	0.000000	0.005740	0.004780	0.238200	0.381881	-0.391954	14168.013672	-16315.593750	-89252.773438	0.007891	-0.024089	-1.387050	0.105392	-0.066801	-1.277702	-0.032176	-0.012149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	171061.000000	110094.000000	198430.000000
-336.880829	-0.027293	0.019742	-1.045812	-0.141863	-1.242116	-0.189130	169365.000000	0.000000	0.005740	0.004780	0.340997	0.465876	-0.391954	20928.593750	13554.750000	-88325.875000	0.001103	-0.024686	-1.387050	0.105392	-0.066801	-1.277702	-0.032176	-0.012149	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164881.000000	146738.000000	131991.000000	200000.000000
-336.885834	-0.029490	0.016812	-1.043859	-0.154634	-1.260208	-0.193387	169365.000000	0.000000	0.005388	0.006145	0.423338	0.549337	-0.385921	18787.455078	13819.474609	-83844.796875	-0.005682	-0.025274	-1.389371	0.105317	-0.067500	-1.278468	-0.044210	-0.011551	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166758.000000	144332.000000	134397.000000	200000.000000
-336.890839	-0.031932	0.014127	-1.041906	-0.168469	-1.275107	-0.197643	169365.000000	0.000000	0.005388	0.006145	0.538415	0.503546	-0.385921	22633.986328	-422.450165	-81991.000000	-0.012455	-0.025860	-1.389371	0.105317	-0.067500	-1.278468	-0.044210	-0.011551	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177153.000000	162421.000000	116308.000000	200000.000000
-336.895844	-0.033641	0.012418	-1.039221	-0.180175	-1.287878	-0.202965	169365.000000	0.000000	0.005388	0.006145	0.637948	0.512772	-0.385921	21207.166016	5489.223145	-79673.757812	-0.019189	-0.026455	-1.389371	0.105317	-0.067500	-1.278468	-0.044210	-0.011551	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172668.000000	155082.000000	123647.000000	200000.000000
-336.900848	-0.036570	0.011197	-1.035314	-0.189753	-1.298520	-0.207221	168268.000000	0.000000	0.005388	0.006145	0.737731	0.522046	-0.385921	21508.722656	5347.112305	-77819.968750	-0.025902	-0.027056	-1.389371	0.105317	-0.067500	-1.278468	-0.044210	-0.011551	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171412.000000	154429.000000	122106.000000	200000.000000
-336.905853	-0.040232	0.010465	-1.031164	-0.197203	-1.307034	-0.213607	168268.000000	0.000000	0.005388	0.006145	0.837458	0.531323	-0.385921	21766.429688	5190.402832	-75039.273438	-0.032596	-0.027662	-1.389371	0.105317	-0.067500	-1.278468	-0.044210	-0.011551	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171311.000000	154844.000000	121691.000000	200000.000000
-336.910858	-0.043895	0.008756	-1.026281	-0.203588	-1.314484	-0.217864	168268.000000	0.000000	0.005388	0.006145	0.936709	0.539335	-0.385921	22087.785156	5000.608398	-73185.476562	-0.039270	-0.028248	-1.389371	0.105317	-0.067500	-1.278468	-0.044210	-0.011551	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171179.000000	155355.000000	121180.000000	200000.000000
-336.915863	-0.047557	0.007291	-1.020666	-0.206781	-1.319805	-0.223185	168268.000000	0.000000	0.006688	0.006331	1.106609	0.556648	-0.375766	30431.955078	5766.849609	-66446.062500	-0.045912	-0.028803	-1.393276	0.104481	-0.068095	-1.280116	-0.069577	-0.010863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162501.000000	162501.000000	114034.000000	200000.000000
-336.920868	-0.050975	0.003629	-1.016760	-0.207845	-1.324062	-0.226378	167217.000000	0.000000	0.006974	0.006839	1.167815	0.580892	-0.363853	18662.121094	6411.564941	-59867.832031	-0.052515	-0.029275	-1.397858	0.103828	-0.069008	-1.281944	-0.099388	-0.016187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172143.000000	149467.000000	124966.000000	200000.000000
-336.925873	-0.055125	-0.001254	-1.013830	-0.205717	-1.329383	-0.229570	167217.000000	0.000000	0.006974	0.006839	1.254279	0.560904	-0.363853	21977.201172	1094.687622	-58477.484375	-0.059097	-0.029624	-1.397858	0.103828	-0.069008	-1.281944	-0.099388	-0.016187	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174145.000000	158099.000000	116334.000000	200000.000000
-336.930878	-0.058787	-0.005648	-1.009436	-0.200396	-1.332576	-0.230634	167217.000000	0.000000	0.001993	0.002045	1.077000	0.295578	-0.361482	-8057.788574	-27477.888672	-56981.480469	-0.065642	-0.029847	-1.398770	0.102624	-0.068328	-1.282833	-0.113363	-0.016068	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	156637.000000	117796.000000	161681.000000
-336.935883	-0.060740	-0.009066	-1.004797	-0.195074	-1.335768	-0.231699	167217.000000	0.000000	0.001993	0.002045	1.370432	0.484817	-0.361482	45070.738281	23354.447266	-56518.031250	-0.072114	-0.029964	-1.398770	0.102624	-0.068328	-1.282833	-0.113363	-0.016068	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143862.000000	143862.000000	130571.000000	200000.000000
-336.940887	-0.061473	-0.010775	-0.999182	-0.189753	-1.338961	-0.231699	167217.000000	0.000000	0.001993	0.002045	1.462459	0.482758	-0.361482	23356.441406	2282.043457	-56518.031250	-0.078495	-0.030012	-1.398770	0.102624	-0.068328	-1.282833	-0.113363	-0.016068	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171578.000000	158291.000000	116142.000000	200000.000000
-336.945892	-0.061717	-0.011264	-0.993811	-0.184432	-1.341089	-0.231699	166309.000000	0.000000	0.001993	0.002045	1.552345	0.481048	-0.361482	23429.443359	2287.957031	-56518.031250	-0.084769	-0.030015	-1.398770	0.102624	-0.068328	-1.282833	-0.113363	-0.016068	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170591.000000	157450.000000	115167.000000	200000.000000
-336.950897	-0.061229	-0.009799	-0.988684	-0.180175	-1.342154	-0.232763	166309.000000	0.000000	0.001993	0.002045	1.639689	0.481173	-0.361482	23437.511719	2587.849365	-56054.582031	-0.090921	-0.030020	-1.398770	0.102624	-0.068328	-1.282833	-0.113363	-0.016068	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170283.000000	157158.000000	115459.000000	200000.000000
-336.955902	-0.060496	-0.006137	-0.982824	-0.178047	-1.341089	-0.234891	166309.000000	0.000000	0.001993	0.002045	1.724526	0.484318	-0.361482	23313.078125	3158.656006	-55127.683594	-0.096938	-0.030081	-1.398770	0.102624	-0.068328	-1.282833	-0.113363	-0.016068	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169837.000000	156463.000000	116154.000000	200000.000000
-336.960907	-0.060740	-0.001010	-0.977453	-0.176983	-1.338961	-0.238084	166309.000000	0.000000	0.004389	0.005588	1.940031	0.685019	-0.354693	38545.406250	25916.453125	-50780.863281	-0.102836	-0.030232	-1.401381	0.102217	-0.068823	-1.283841	-0.131498	-0.019395	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140392.000000	140392.000000	132225.000000	200000.000000
-336.965912	-0.060740	0.003873	-0.971838	-0.179111	-1.336832	-0.242341	164993.000000	0.000000	0.004814	0.004367	1.949421	0.483959	-0.346292	15915.362305	-18827.875000	-45268.582031	-0.108612	-0.030483	-1.404612	0.100118	-0.068062	-1.285540	-0.149430	-0.014941	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197905.000000	169736.000000	100249.000000	192080.000000
-336.970917	-0.061961	0.008023	-0.965734	-0.181239	-1.331511	-0.246598	164993.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.006936	2.040917	0.682372	-0.337238	24988.654297	26023.257812	-39471.910156	-0.114282	-0.030817	-1.408095	0.100025	-0.069000	-1.286540	-0.164756	-0.018010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143981.000000	133958.000000	136027.000000	200000.000000
-336.975922	-0.064646	0.011686	-0.959387	-0.185496	-1.326190	-0.252983	164993.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.006936	2.101684	0.589204	-0.337238	21866.070312	-6214.548340	-36691.210938	-0.119877	-0.031234	-1.408095	0.100025	-0.069000	-1.286540	-0.164756	-0.018010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179341.000000	163073.000000	106912.000000	200000.000000
-336.980927	-0.068064	0.015348	-0.953283	-0.189753	-1.317676	-0.260433	164993.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.006936	2.181663	0.599886	-0.337238	23954.978516	5274.878906	-33447.074219	-0.125401	-0.031731	-1.408095	0.100025	-0.069000	-1.286540	-0.164756	-0.018010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165763.000000	153673.000000	116312.000000	200000.000000
-336.985931	-0.072215	0.018521	-0.947180	-0.194010	-1.309163	-0.267882	164993.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.006936	2.261534	0.611154	-0.337238	24271.316406	5410.873535	-30202.935547	-0.130870	-0.032298	-1.408095	0.100025	-0.069000	-1.286540	-0.164756	-0.018010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165310.000000	153853.000000	116132.000000	200000.000000
-336.990936	-0.077586	0.019498	-0.942785	-0.196139	-1.300649	-0.275332	163882.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.006936	2.341979	0.620241	-0.337238	24665.376953	4988.507324	-26958.785156	-0.136311	-0.032875	-1.408095	0.100025	-0.069000	-1.286540	-0.164756	-0.018010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161186.000000	156600.000000	117246.000000	200000.000000
-336.995941	-0.082957	0.018033	-0.938879	-0.197203	-1.291071	-0.281717	163882.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.006936	2.421735	0.626358	-0.337238	24795.433594	4577.993652	-24178.089844	-0.141717	-0.033406	-1.408095	0.100025	-0.069000	-1.286540	-0.164756	-0.018010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158686.000000	159921.000000	119486.000000	200000.000000
-337.000946	-0.088084	0.015836	-0.935461	-0.195074	-1.280429	-0.288103	163882.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.006936	2.500449	0.630073	-0.337238	24876.876953	3970.093262	-21397.394531	-0.147081	-0.033860	-1.408095	0.100025	-0.069000	-1.286540	-0.164756	-0.018010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156432.000000	163391.000000	121577.000000	200000.000000
-337.005951	-0.092723	0.013395	-0.932043	-0.190818	-1.268722	-0.294488	163882.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.006936	2.577737	0.631815	-0.337238	24904.826172	3507.668457	-18616.712891	-0.152387	-0.034221	-1.408095	0.100025	-0.069000	-1.286540	-0.164756	-0.018010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154086.000000	166662.000000	123868.000000	200000.000000
-337.010956	-0.096141	0.011197	-0.927893	-0.186561	-1.254887	-0.298745	163238.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.006936	2.652324	0.632625	-0.337238	24653.269531	3389.154053	-16762.916016	-0.157602	-0.034499	-1.408095	0.100025	-0.069000	-1.286540	-0.164756	-0.018010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151958.000000	167739.000000	125210.000000	200000.000000
-337.015961	-0.099070	0.010221	-0.923742	-0.181239	-1.241052	-0.303002	163238.000000	0.000000	0.008297	0.007826	2.888857	0.682345	-0.313868	43469.843750	8851.508789	-4732.179688	-0.162721	-0.034715	-1.417083	0.097956	-0.069825	-1.288944	-0.203237	-0.018691	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129118.000000	179654.000000	137357.000000	200000.000000
-337.020966	-0.102000	0.009244	-0.919836	-0.176983	-1.227217	-0.306194	163238.000000	0.000000	0.005359	0.005982	2.679625	0.545579	-0.297376	-6556.064453	-12182.515625	3840.301270	-0.167740	-0.034876	-1.423426	0.096217	-0.070084	-1.290036	-0.229483	-0.020154	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178136.000000	172704.000000	161451.000000	140659.000000
-337.025970	-0.105418	0.008756	-0.916418	-0.173790	-1.211254	-0.310451	163238.000000	0.000000	0.005359	0.005982	2.867139	0.619569	-0.297376	37623.578125	11434.079102	5694.097656	-0.172662	-0.034998	-1.423426	0.096217	-0.070084	-1.290036	-0.229483	-0.020154	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116109.000000	187498.000000	150366.000000	198977.000000
-337.030975	-0.109080	0.008756	-0.912756	-0.171661	-1.196355	-0.314708	162510.000000	0.000000	0.005359	0.005982	2.936454	0.620141	-0.297376	24994.240234	3471.075439	7547.894531	-0.177503	-0.035097	-1.423426	0.096217	-0.070084	-1.290036	-0.229483	-0.020154	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126496.000000	191581.000000	148534.000000	183427.000000
-337.035980	-0.112498	0.008756	-0.908361	-0.170597	-1.179327	-0.320029	162510.000000	0.000000	0.005359	0.005982	3.003911	0.620627	-0.297376	24787.970703	3576.083252	9865.133789	-0.182249	-0.035178	-1.423426	0.096217	-0.070084	-1.290036	-0.229483	-0.020154	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124280.000000	193587.000000	151163.000000	181008.000000
-337.040985	-0.115916	0.009488	-0.903967	-0.170597	-1.161235	-0.324286	162510.000000	0.000000	0.005359	0.005982	3.069808	0.622073	-0.297376	24719.330078	3805.256836	11718.930664	-0.186900	-0.035263	-1.423426	0.096217	-0.070084	-1.290036	-0.229483	-0.020154	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122266.000000	195143.000000	153314.000000	179315.000000
-337.045990	-0.119822	0.010709	-0.899572	-0.171661	-1.143143	-0.328543	162510.000000	0.000000	0.005359	0.005982	3.134992	0.624457	-0.297376	24857.402344	4041.378906	13572.726562	-0.191467	-0.035368	-1.423426	0.096217	-0.070084	-1.290036	-0.229483	-0.020154	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120038.000000	196898.000000	155266.000000	177836.000000
-337.050995	-0.123729	0.011441	-0.896154	-0.172726	-1.123987	-0.332800	162510.000000	0.000000	0.005000	0.005712	3.178893	0.611688	-0.280013	22514.152344	2321.265381	22987.523438	-0.195945	-0.035482	-1.430104	0.094244	-0.070150	-1.290777	-0.251582	-0.019311	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114687.000000	200000.000000	165304.000000	164357.000000
-337.056000	-0.127879	0.012662	-0.893225	-0.174854	-1.103767	-0.337057	161711.000000	0.000000	0.001144	0.002560	3.043608	0.452171	-0.272725	1979.173950	-14421.526367	28015.244141	-0.200336	-0.035620	-1.432907	0.092781	-0.069614	-1.291015	-0.262531	-0.018856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146138.000000	200000.000000	173325.000000	121253.000000
-337.061005	-0.132518	0.013150	-0.890539	-0.175918	-1.083547	-0.341314	161711.000000	0.000000	0.004816	0.007422	3.461361	0.847816	-0.259052	64617.738281	48329.718750	35823.574219	-0.204651	-0.035761	-1.438166	0.092541	-0.070690	-1.291131	-0.272129	-0.018659	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	191711.000000	191711.000000	191711.000000
-337.066010	-0.138377	0.011930	-0.887854	-0.175918	-1.064391	-0.347699	161711.000000	0.000000	0.004816	0.007422	3.377018	0.653131	-0.259052	9050.107422	-17593.158203	38604.269531	-0.208925	-0.035859	-1.438166	0.092541	-0.070690	-1.291131	-0.272129	-0.018659	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140254.000000	200000.000000	165067.000000	123167.000000
-337.071014	-0.145213	0.010221	-0.886389	-0.172726	-1.044170	-0.351956	161711.000000	0.000000	0.004816	0.007422	3.439583	0.650893	-0.259052	25281.261719	3191.535645	40458.066406	-0.213171	-0.035890	-1.438166	0.092541	-0.070690	-1.291131	-0.272129	-0.018659	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103238.000000	200000.000000	169621.000000	160183.000000
-337.076019	-0.152537	0.008023	-0.884436	-0.167405	-1.023950	-0.357277	161383.000000	0.000000	0.000352	0.001691	3.256945	0.331274	-0.252031	-2617.808594	-33442.382812	45832.613281	-0.217401	-0.035831	-1.440867	0.090817	-0.069857	-1.291142	-0.281870	-0.017738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164000.000000	200000.000000	164000.000000	100000.000000
-337.081024	-0.159617	0.006559	-0.881994	-0.161019	-1.001601	-0.362598	161383.000000	0.000000	0.000352	0.001691	3.497395	0.555432	-0.252031	44676.890625	27241.091797	48149.867188	-0.221604	-0.035697	-1.440867	0.090817	-0.069857	-1.291142	-0.281870	-0.017738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	194141.000000	188624.000000	188624.000000
-337.086029	-0.166697	0.006314	-0.879797	-0.153570	-0.979253	-0.366855	161383.000000	0.000000	0.000352	0.001691	3.558863	0.550559	-0.252031	25176.755859	1884.104980	50003.660156	-0.225778	-0.035510	-1.440867	0.090817	-0.069857	-1.291142	-0.281870	-0.017738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104322.000000	200000.000000	168090.000000	158443.000000
-337.091034	-0.173533	0.006559	-0.877600	-0.145056	-0.955840	-0.372176	161383.000000	0.000000	0.000352	0.001691	3.619372	0.545196	-0.252031	25124.917969	1649.298340	52320.902344	-0.229914	-0.035277	-1.440867	0.090817	-0.069857	-1.291142	-0.281870	-0.017738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104608.000000	200000.000000	167907.000000	158157.000000
-337.096039	-0.179881	0.007047	-0.876379	-0.135478	-0.930298	-0.377498	161383.000000	0.000000	0.000352	0.001691	3.677957	0.539170	-0.252031	24831.365234	1387.668701	54638.140625	-0.233988	-0.034998	-1.440867	0.090817	-0.069857	-1.291142	-0.281870	-0.017738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105163.000000	200000.000000	167939.000000	157602.000000
-337.101044	-0.186717	0.007047	-0.876135	-0.125900	-0.903693	-0.383883	161382.000000	0.000000	0.000352	0.001691	3.735723	0.531812	-0.252031	24767.578125	1163.222778	57418.835938	-0.238000	-0.034661	-1.440867	0.090817	-0.069857	-1.291142	-0.281870	-0.017738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105451.000000	200000.000000	167777.000000	157312.000000
-337.106049	-0.192576	0.007047	-0.875158	-0.116322	-0.876023	-0.390268	161382.000000	0.000000	0.002808	0.005130	3.926386	0.712775	-0.239826	40013.097656	22658.634766	65514.421875	-0.241930	-0.034268	-1.445561	0.089913	-0.070166	-1.291106	-0.293510	-0.019575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	198723.000000	184040.000000	184040.000000
-337.111053	-0.197947	0.007047	-0.873937	-0.106744	-0.846224	-0.397718	161382.000000	0.000000	0.004303	0.005256	3.963770	0.573126	-0.218505	22960.099609	-13280.952148	78043.734375	-0.245758	-0.033817	-1.453761	0.087475	-0.069871	-1.290569	-0.309316	-0.016808	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121702.000000	200000.000000	155140.000000	141061.000000
-337.116058	-0.202830	0.007291	-0.872961	-0.097166	-0.815362	-0.405167	161382.000000	0.000000	0.000490	0.002089	3.745391	0.384413	-0.209336	-6426.210449	-19588.099609	85280.554688	-0.249471	-0.033316	-1.457288	0.085812	-0.069165	-1.290212	-0.317836	-0.014633	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157396.000000	200000.000000	178220.000000	105367.000000
-337.121063	-0.206980	0.007779	-0.872473	-0.089716	-0.783435	-0.413681	161315.000000	0.000000	0.000490	0.002089	3.945965	0.501566	-0.209336	40299.082031	14782.449219	88988.148438	-0.253046	-0.032779	-1.457288	0.085812	-0.069165	-1.290212	-0.317836	-0.014633	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	176097.000000	176097.000000
-337.126068	-0.210643	0.008512	-0.872229	-0.082267	-0.751508	-0.422195	161315.000000	0.000000	0.000490	0.002089	3.991508	0.491894	-0.209336	23315.044922	758.493225	92695.742188	-0.256473	-0.032213	-1.457288	0.085812	-0.069165	-1.290212	-0.317836	-0.014633	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107241.000000	200000.000000	168758.000000	155388.000000
-337.131073	-0.214305	0.009488	-0.871496	-0.076945	-0.718517	-0.430709	161315.000000	0.000000	0.000490	0.002089	4.034850	0.482684	-0.209336	23003.671875	976.521240	96403.335938	-0.259754	-0.031634	-1.457288	0.085812	-0.069165	-1.290212	-0.317836	-0.014633	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107334.000000	200000.000000	169287.000000	155295.000000
-337.136078	-0.218211	0.010465	-0.872229	-0.072688	-0.685526	-0.439223	161315.000000	0.000000	0.000490	0.002089	4.076001	0.473557	-0.209336	22800.236328	1041.108032	100110.921875	-0.262889	-0.031046	-1.457288	0.085812	-0.069165	-1.290212	-0.317836	-0.014633	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107473.000000	200000.000000	169555.000000	155156.000000
-337.141083	-0.221629	0.011197	-0.872473	-0.068432	-0.653600	-0.448801	161317.000000	0.000000	0.000490	0.002089	4.114957	0.463952	-0.209336	22708.242188	924.794739	104281.960938	-0.265876	-0.030445	-1.457288	0.085812	-0.069165	-1.290212	-0.317836	-0.014633	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107683.000000	200000.000000	169533.000000	154950.000000
-337.146088	-0.226023	0.011441	-0.872717	-0.064175	-0.621673	-0.456250	161317.000000	0.000000	0.000490	0.002089	4.152998	0.453701	-0.209336	22635.884766	786.959717	107526.101562	-0.268741	-0.029821	-1.457288	0.085812	-0.069165	-1.290212	-0.317836	-0.014633	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107894.000000	200000.000000	169468.000000	154739.000000
-337.151093	-0.230662	0.010953	-0.872961	-0.060982	-0.589746	-0.463700	161317.000000	0.000000	0.000490	0.002089	4.189597	0.442534	-0.209336	22498.683594	737.301331	110770.250000	-0.271490	-0.029164	-1.457288	0.085812	-0.069165	-1.290212	-0.317836	-0.014633	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108081.000000	200000.000000	169555.000000	154552.000000
-337.156097	-0.236521	0.010465	-0.873693	-0.056725	-0.558883	-0.471149	161317.000000	0.000000	0.002773	0.005084	4.351661	0.595317	-0.195689	37017.703125	19333.933594	119957.445312	-0.274152	-0.028469	-1.462537	0.084911	-0.069453	-1.289769	-0.325781	-0.014261	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	180650.000000	180650.000000
-337.161102	-0.243846	0.009488	-0.873937	-0.052468	-0.528021	-0.477535	161317.000000	0.000000	0.008949	0.007922	4.637093	0.618599	-0.146430	51751.023438	5178.809082	144189.359375	-0.276765	-0.027729	-1.481482	0.079651	-0.068324	-1.287020	-0.348379	-0.007097	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	166495.000000	166495.000000
-337.166107	-0.250437	0.007535	-0.874182	-0.048211	-0.497158	-0.481792	161391.000000	0.000000	0.008949	0.007922	4.425699	0.490555	-0.146430	-3997.784912	-12071.847656	146043.156250	-0.279311	-0.026925	-1.481482	0.079651	-0.068324	-1.287020	-0.348379	-0.007097	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147460.000000	199465.000000	183316.000000	115321.000000
-337.171112	-0.255809	0.006314	-0.874914	-0.045019	-0.465232	-0.486049	161391.000000	0.000000	0.003873	0.006261	4.179310	0.384950	-0.129081	-9237.518555	-9985.119141	155452.421875	-0.281757	-0.026080	-1.488155	0.079140	-0.069001	-1.286097	-0.352080	-0.005169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150613.000000	192138.000000	190643.000000	112168.000000
-337.176117	-0.260691	0.006070	-0.876379	-0.039697	-0.433305	-0.489241	161391.000000	0.000000	0.003873	0.006261	4.412733	0.437168	-0.129081	44447.457031	7350.226074	156842.765625	-0.284090	-0.025208	-1.488155	0.079140	-0.069001	-1.286097	-0.352080	-0.005169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	168741.000000	168741.000000
-337.181122	-0.264842	0.006070	-0.877600	-0.035441	-0.399250	-0.491370	161391.000000	0.000000	0.003873	0.006261	4.440240	0.423286	-0.129081	21541.462891	115.228218	157769.671875	-0.286287	-0.024322	-1.488155	0.079140	-0.069001	-1.286097	-0.352080	-0.005169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109734.000000	200000.000000	169964.000000	153047.000000
-337.186127	-0.268504	0.006314	-0.879797	-0.030119	-0.365194	-0.494562	161325.000000	0.000000	0.003873	0.006261	4.464942	0.409139	-0.129081	21190.214844	-120.027267	159160.015625	-0.288334	-0.023420	-1.488155	0.079140	-0.069001	-1.286097	-0.352080	-0.005169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110254.000000	200000.000000	170014.000000	152395.000000
-337.191132	-0.271678	0.007291	-0.881750	-0.025863	-0.330075	-0.497755	161325.000000	0.000000	0.003873	0.006261	4.486765	0.395953	-0.129081	20695.144531	21.984005	160550.359375	-0.290219	-0.022524	-1.488155	0.079140	-0.069001	-1.286097	-0.352080	-0.005169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110607.000000	200000.000000	170651.000000	152042.000000
-337.196136	-0.273875	0.007291	-0.882971	-0.021606	-0.296020	-0.500948	161325.000000	0.000000	0.003873	0.006261	4.505764	0.381723	-0.129081	20432.404297	-177.752579	161940.703125	-0.291935	-0.021614	-1.488155	0.079140	-0.069001	-1.286097	-0.352080	-0.005169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111070.000000	200000.000000	170714.000000	151579.000000
-337.201141	-0.275340	0.005826	-0.884924	-0.017349	-0.260900	-0.505205	161325.000000	0.000000	0.001864	0.003684	4.410612	0.223767	-0.114850	7164.775879	-16727.193359	169991.453125	-0.293462	-0.020656	-1.493628	0.077961	-0.068816	-1.285151	-0.353875	-0.001581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140887.000000	200000.000000	167433.000000	121762.000000
-337.206146	-0.276561	0.003385	-0.887609	-0.013092	-0.226845	-0.508397	161325.000000	0.000000	0.003910	0.004494	4.615788	0.353478	-0.087609	41091.824219	15480.609375	183244.984375	-0.294797	-0.019634	-1.504106	0.075305	-0.067960	-1.283157	-0.358304	0.002205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	176805.000000	176805.000000
-337.211151	-0.277537	0.001187	-0.889562	-0.008835	-0.193854	-0.512654	161320.000000	0.000000	0.003910	0.004494	4.543941	0.302484	-0.087609	10266.281250	-4643.015625	185098.781250	-0.295949	-0.018553	-1.504106	0.075305	-0.067960	-1.283157	-0.358304	0.002205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125696.000000	200000.000000	176410.000000	136943.000000
-337.216156	-0.278270	-0.000766	-0.892004	-0.004578	-0.160863	-0.515847	161320.000000	0.000000	0.003910	0.004494	4.550899	0.283503	-0.087609	18811.683594	-1230.004761	186489.125000	-0.296913	-0.017422	-1.504106	0.075305	-0.067960	-1.283157	-0.358304	0.002205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113738.000000	200000.000000	171278.000000	148901.000000
-337.221161	-0.278270	-0.002230	-0.894689	-0.000321	-0.128936	-0.517975	161320.000000	0.000000	0.003910	0.004494	4.554611	0.264529	-0.087609	18441.955078	-1336.067993	187416.015625	-0.297681	-0.016254	-1.504106	0.075305	-0.067960	-1.283157	-0.358304	0.002205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114214.000000	200000.000000	171541.000000	148425.000000
-337.226166	-0.277781	-0.003695	-0.897863	0.005000	-0.099138	-0.520104	161320.000000	0.000000	0.003910	0.004494	4.555463	0.244810	-0.087609	18228.261719	-1650.260986	188342.921875	-0.298256	-0.015046	-1.504106	0.075305	-0.067960	-1.283157	-0.358304	0.002205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114741.000000	200000.000000	171441.000000	147898.000000
-337.231171	-0.277293	-0.005160	-0.900549	0.009257	-0.070404	-0.522232	161322.000000	0.000000	0.003910	0.004494	4.554071	0.224863	-0.087609	17960.056641	-1669.519287	189269.812500	-0.298648	-0.013805	-1.504106	0.075305	-0.067960	-1.283157	-0.358304	0.002205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115031.000000	200000.000000	171692.000000	147612.000000
-337.236176	-0.276561	-0.007846	-0.903723	0.015642	-0.042734	-0.524361	161322.000000	0.000000	0.003910	0.004494	4.549994	0.202506	-0.087609	17635.853516	-2300.775635	190196.718750	-0.298860	-0.012496	-1.504106	0.075305	-0.067960	-1.283157	-0.358304	0.002205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115986.000000	200000.000000	171385.000000	146657.000000
-337.241180	-0.277293	-0.010531	-0.907141	0.022028	-0.016128	-0.526489	161322.000000	0.000000	0.003910	0.004494	4.545227	0.179266	-0.087609	17532.580078	-2534.246094	191123.609375	-0.298927	-0.011121	-1.504106	0.075305	-0.067960	-1.283157	-0.358304	0.002205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116323.000000	200000.000000	171255.000000	146320.000000
-337.246185	-0.277537	-0.013705	-0.910314	0.029477	0.008349	-0.528618	161322.000000	0.000000	0.008310	0.006625	4.780523	0.271484	-0.032645	45137.414062	10435.872070	215986.218750	-0.298854	-0.009668	-1.525246	0.069201	-0.064978	-1.278560	-0.357403	0.013419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	171757.000000	171757.000000
-337.251190	-0.278025	-0.017123	-0.912756	0.037991	0.032826	-0.531810	161306.000000	0.000000	0.001311	0.002469	4.211533	-0.068960	-0.016751	-46046.234375	-38869.617188	224298.187500	-0.298654	-0.008126	-1.531359	0.067879	-0.064402	-1.277279	-0.355920	0.014980	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191306.000000	191306.000000	191306.000000	100000.000000
-337.256195	-0.278758	-0.020541	-0.915930	0.045441	0.057303	-0.536067	161306.000000	0.000000	0.001311	0.002469	4.481582	0.069628	-0.016751	47353.730469	14530.740234	226151.984375	-0.298328	-0.006502	-1.531359	0.067879	-0.064402	-1.277279	-0.355920	0.014980	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	175836.000000	175836.000000
-337.261200	-0.279246	-0.024203	-0.920324	0.053954	0.080716	-0.540324	161306.000000	0.000000	0.001311	0.002469	4.469566	0.040373	-0.016751	16292.344727	-4216.251953	228005.781250	-0.297873	-0.004789	-1.531359	0.067879	-0.064402	-1.277279	-0.355920	0.014980	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119229.000000	200000.000000	170797.000000	143382.000000
-337.266205	-0.279246	-0.027865	-0.924719	0.061404	0.104129	-0.544581	161306.000000	0.000000	0.001311	0.002469	4.455202	0.010235	-0.016751	15861.137695	-4368.296387	229859.578125	-0.297281	-0.002995	-1.531359	0.067879	-0.064402	-1.277279	-0.355920	0.014980	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119813.000000	200000.000000	171076.000000	142798.000000
-337.271210	-0.278270	-0.030551	-0.928869	0.069918	0.127542	-0.549902	161306.000000	0.000000	0.001311	0.002469	4.437955	-0.020254	-0.016751	15356.166016	-4704.251465	232176.828125	-0.296537	-0.001137	-1.531359	0.067879	-0.064402	-1.277279	-0.355920	0.014980	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120654.000000	200000.000000	171245.000000	141957.000000
-337.276215	-0.276316	-0.032748	-0.933020	0.076303	0.150955	-0.555223	161420.000000	0.000000	0.001311	0.002469	4.417544	-0.050469	-0.016751	14807.666992	-4607.596680	234494.046875	-0.295624	0.000765	-1.531359	0.067879	-0.064402	-1.277279	-0.355920	0.014980	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121219.000000	200000.000000	172004.000000	141620.000000
-337.281219	-0.273631	-0.035189	-0.937902	0.082688	0.174368	-0.560544	161420.000000	0.000000	0.000365	0.001339	4.341801	-0.143616	-0.001355	8267.360352	-11985.246094	243515.750000	-0.294529	0.002712	-1.537280	0.066247	-0.063451	-1.276056	-0.354609	0.017779	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135137.000000	200000.000000	171167.000000	127702.000000
-337.286224	-0.270457	-0.037387	-0.942785	0.088010	0.195652	-0.565866	161420.000000	0.000000	0.000288	-0.000317	4.349077	-0.220488	0.020994	17565.462891	-10456.730469	255565.468750	-0.293255	0.004691	-1.545876	0.061269	-0.059425	-1.273514	-0.349745	0.025801	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124311.000000	200000.000000	163397.000000	138528.000000
-337.291229	-0.267039	-0.039096	-0.947424	0.092266	0.215873	-0.572251	161420.000000	0.000000	0.002548	0.003471	4.447895	0.023289	0.041130	28109.501953	26019.451172	267115.031250	-0.291808	0.006689	-1.553621	0.060388	-0.059201	-1.272281	-0.346811	0.028945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	193510.000000	189329.000000	185548.000000
-337.296234	-0.263865	-0.040805	-0.951818	0.095459	0.235029	-0.578636	161420.000000	0.000000	0.002548	0.003471	4.327187	-0.158774	0.041130	3445.067139	-21539.494141	269895.750000	-0.290205	0.008699	-1.553621	0.060388	-0.059201	-1.272281	-0.346811	0.028945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149514.000000	200000.000000	166435.000000	113325.000000
-337.301239	-0.261424	-0.042514	-0.956457	0.096523	0.252056	-0.586086	161420.000000	0.000000	0.002548	0.003471	4.295982	-0.188990	0.041130	13298.664062	-4752.747559	273139.875000	-0.288472	0.010710	-1.553621	0.060388	-0.059201	-1.272281	-0.346811	0.028945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122874.000000	200000.000000	173368.000000	139965.000000
-337.306244	-0.258982	-0.043734	-0.960607	0.097588	0.269084	-0.593535	161420.000000	0.000000	0.002548	0.003471	4.263136	-0.218659	0.041130	12888.688477	-4834.083496	276384.031250	-0.286614	0.012712	-1.553621	0.060388	-0.059201	-1.272281	-0.346811	0.028945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123365.000000	200000.000000	173697.000000	139474.000000
-337.311249	-0.256785	-0.044467	-0.965490	0.096523	0.286112	-0.600985	161420.000000	0.000000	0.002548	0.003471	4.228641	-0.247013	0.041130	12470.327148	-4580.912598	279628.156250	-0.284635	0.014683	-1.553621	0.060388	-0.059201	-1.272281	-0.346811	0.028945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123530.000000	200000.000000	174368.000000	139309.000000
-337.316254	-0.256541	-0.044711	-0.970617	0.095459	0.302075	-0.610563	161420.000000	0.000000	0.002548	0.003471	4.194782	-0.274504	0.041130	12428.213867	-4607.606934	283799.218750	-0.282581	0.016617	-1.553621	0.060388	-0.059201	-1.272281	-0.346811	0.028945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123599.000000	200000.000000	174384.000000	139240.000000
-337.321259	-0.256053	-0.044955	-0.974523	0.094395	0.319103	-0.620141	161420.000000	0.000000	0.002548	0.003471	4.159672	-0.301499	0.041130	11933.851562	-4672.433594	287970.250000	-0.280448	0.018514	-1.553621	0.060388	-0.059201	-1.272281	-0.346811	0.028945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124158.000000	200000.000000	174813.000000	138681.000000
-337.326263	-0.256785	-0.046176	-0.978674	0.091202	0.337194	-0.630783	161420.000000	0.000000	0.002548	0.003471	4.124395	-0.328498	0.041130	11552.872070	-4548.254883	292604.750000	-0.278256	0.020385	-1.553621	0.060388	-0.059201	-1.272281	-0.346811	0.028945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124415.000000	200000.000000	175318.000000	138424.000000
-337.331268	-0.258006	-0.047396	-0.982336	0.088010	0.355286	-0.642490	161420.000000	0.000000	0.002548	0.003471	4.088925	-0.355191	0.041130	11285.309570	-4622.741699	297702.687500	-0.276016	0.022230	-1.553621	0.060388	-0.059201	-1.272281	-0.346811	0.028945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124757.000000	200000.000000	175511.000000	138082.000000
-337.336273	-0.259471	-0.048861	-0.986242	0.082688	0.375507	-0.655260	161420.000000	0.000000	0.006626	0.003819	4.276655	-0.362138	0.104758	36363.945312	-2224.916504	330972.843750	-0.273724	0.024047	-1.578093	0.052145	-0.052499	-1.267312	-0.329057	0.044380	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103644.000000	200000.000000	159195.000000	159195.000000
-337.341278	-0.260447	-0.050326	-0.990148	0.076303	0.395727	-0.668031	161424.000000	0.000000	-0.002614	-0.003037	3.567614	-0.778398	0.119047	-65611.984375	-49008.824219	342756.687500	-0.271369	0.025828	-1.583589	0.049592	-0.050144	-1.266104	-0.327662	0.048202	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191424.000000	191424.000000	191424.000000	100000.000000
-337.346283	-0.261668	-0.052035	-0.993566	0.068854	0.414883	-0.680802	161424.000000	0.000000	-0.002614	-0.003037	3.899198	-0.529014	0.119047	50388.007812	25495.839844	348318.093750	-0.268967	0.027574	-1.583589	0.049592	-0.050144	-1.266104	-0.327662	0.048202	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	195928.000000	186919.000000	186919.000000
-337.351288	-0.262156	-0.053500	-0.996496	0.059276	0.434039	-0.693573	161424.000000	0.000000	-0.001768	-0.002242	3.906473	-0.508766	0.136503	14666.616211	667.217224	361481.375000	-0.266505	0.029271	-1.590303	0.047329	-0.048063	-1.265087	-0.319664	0.051319	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116090.000000	200000.000000	177424.000000	146757.000000
-337.356293	-0.262645	-0.055697	-1.000158	0.048633	0.452131	-0.705279	161424.000000	0.000000	-0.001768	-0.002242	3.832601	-0.563694	0.136503	5438.106934	-7686.126953	366579.312500	-0.263987	0.030926	-1.590303	0.047329	-0.048063	-1.265087	-0.319664	0.051319	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133672.000000	200000.000000	178299.000000	129175.000000
-337.361298	-0.263133	-0.058627	-1.003820	0.037991	0.469158	-0.715921	161435.000000	0.000000	-0.001768	-0.002242	3.792087	-0.586891	0.136503	8958.410156	-4254.923340	371213.781250	-0.261419	0.032551	-1.590303	0.047329	-0.048063	-1.265087	-0.319664	0.051319	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126731.000000	200000.000000	178221.000000	136138.000000
-337.366302	-0.263377	-0.062289	-1.006750	0.026285	0.485122	-0.725499	161435.000000	0.000000	-0.001768	-0.002242	3.751110	-0.610087	0.136503	8762.620117	-4190.709473	375384.812500	-0.258806	0.034155	-1.590303	0.047329	-0.048063	-1.265087	-0.319664	0.051319	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126863.000000	200000.000000	178481.000000	136006.000000
-337.371307	-0.263621	-0.066195	-1.010168	0.014578	0.498957	-0.734013	161435.000000	0.000000	-0.001768	-0.002242	3.709956	-0.633093	0.136503	8724.260742	-4221.732910	379092.406250	-0.256158	0.035740	-1.590303	0.047329	-0.048063	-1.265087	-0.319664	0.051319	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126932.000000	200000.000000	178489.000000	135937.000000
-337.376312	-0.262889	-0.070834	-1.013098	0.002872	0.511727	-0.740399	161435.000000	0.000000	-0.001768	-0.002242	3.667737	-0.656455	0.136503	8471.242188	-4314.497559	381873.125000	-0.253464	0.037317	-1.590303	0.047329	-0.048063	-1.265087	-0.319664	0.051319	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127278.000000	200000.000000	178649.000000	135591.000000
-337.381317	-0.263133	-0.075961	-1.016516	-0.008835	0.523434	-0.744655	161435.000000	0.000000	0.002152	0.000437	3.841590	-0.532683	0.176305	33092.500000	12487.018555	401059.687500	-0.250747	0.038892	-1.605611	0.043714	-0.044634	-1.262839	-0.312580	0.053393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	173922.000000	173922.000000
-337.386322	-0.263377	-0.079135	-1.021154	-0.019477	0.534076	-0.747848	161418.000000	0.000000	0.000266	-0.000822	3.539165	-0.730540	0.198484	-20600.294922	-23856.373047	412108.531250	-0.248007	0.040429	-1.614141	0.042151	-0.043045	-1.261961	-0.303835	0.054555	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175874.000000	194674.000000	188161.000000	100000.000000
-337.391327	-0.264598	-0.080844	-1.022863	-0.030119	0.544718	-0.749977	161418.000000	0.000000	-0.006742	-0.008329	3.188684	-1.112548	0.208548	-27545.439453	-45812.968750	417418.156250	-0.245278	0.041903	-1.618012	0.038268	-0.038973	-1.261015	-0.299842	0.055196	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188963.000000	193872.000000	188963.000000	100000.000000
-337.396332	-0.265574	-0.082797	-1.023840	-0.040762	0.553232	-0.749977	161418.000000	0.000000	-0.006742	-0.008329	3.429090	-0.831302	0.208548	38726.882812	28458.369141	417418.156250	-0.242569	0.043318	-1.618012	0.038268	-0.038973	-1.261015	-0.299842	0.055196	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	192959.000000	189876.000000	189876.000000
-337.401337	-0.267039	-0.083529	-1.026281	-0.051404	0.561746	-0.747848	161418.000000	0.000000	-0.006742	-0.008329	3.389710	-0.847859	0.208548	7742.467285	-4314.134277	416491.281250	-0.239883	0.044649	-1.618012	0.038268	-0.038973	-1.261015	-0.299842	0.055196	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127989.000000	200000.000000	179361.000000	134846.000000
-337.406342	-0.268748	-0.084506	-1.029211	-0.060982	0.569196	-0.745720	161412.000000	0.000000	-0.006742	-0.008329	3.351061	-0.863742	0.208548	7727.789062	-4385.923828	415564.375000	-0.237227	0.045905	-1.618012	0.038268	-0.038973	-1.261015	-0.299842	0.055196	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128070.000000	200000.000000	179298.000000	134753.000000
-337.411346	-0.270945	-0.084750	-1.030676	-0.070560	0.577709	-0.742527	161412.000000	0.000000	-0.006742	-0.008329	3.313446	-0.877886	0.208548	7512.200684	-4215.751953	414174.031250	-0.234611	0.047076	-1.618012	0.038268	-0.038973	-1.261015	-0.299842	0.055196	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128115.000000	200000.000000	179684.000000	134708.000000
-337.416351	-0.272898	-0.084994	-1.032141	-0.079074	0.586223	-0.738270	161412.000000	0.000000	-0.006742	-0.008329	3.276177	-0.891082	0.208548	7339.711426	-4250.043945	412320.218750	-0.232031	0.048167	-1.618012	0.038268	-0.038973	-1.261015	-0.299842	0.055196	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128322.000000	200000.000000	179822.000000	134501.000000
-337.421356	-0.275340	-0.084750	-1.033605	-0.087588	0.594737	-0.734013	161412.000000	0.000000	-0.006742	-0.008329	3.239913	-0.902682	0.208548	7244.276855	-4088.750000	410466.437500	-0.229496	0.049172	-1.618012	0.038268	-0.038973	-1.261015	-0.299842	0.055196	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128256.000000	200000.000000	180078.000000	134567.000000
-337.426361	-0.278025	-0.083041	-1.036535	-0.095037	0.604315	-0.728692	161412.000000	0.000000	-0.006742	-0.008329	3.203891	-0.911702	0.208548	6943.985352	-3929.330322	408149.187500	-0.226997	0.050067	-1.618012	0.038268	-0.038973	-1.261015	-0.299842	0.055196	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128397.000000	200000.000000	180538.000000	134426.000000
-337.431366	-0.279979	-0.080844	-1.037756	-0.102487	0.614957	-0.724435	161413.000000	0.000000	-0.006742	-0.008329	3.167827	-0.918933	0.208548	6607.622559	-3731.622803	406295.375000	-0.224523	0.050849	-1.618012	0.038268	-0.038973	-1.261015	-0.299842	0.055196	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128537.000000	200000.000000	181073.000000	134288.000000
-337.436371	-0.281199	-0.077670	-1.039953	-0.109936	0.624535	-0.720178	161413.000000	0.000000	0.006329	0.001282	3.850205	-0.395163	0.291627	88816.453125	57098.644531	440620.812500	-0.222064	0.051502	-1.649966	0.029825	-0.029110	-1.258409	-0.272616	0.059915	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	191413.000000	191413.000000	191413.000000
-337.441376	-0.282664	-0.074496	-1.041906	-0.116322	0.635178	-0.714857	161413.000000	0.000000	-0.001779	-0.004640	2.845613	-1.108155	0.312672	-101463.132812	-82258.015625	447468.500000	-0.219618	0.052034	-1.658060	0.027645	-0.026326	-1.257954	-0.263591	0.057704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191413.000000	191413.000000	191413.000000	100000.000000
-337.446381	-0.283885	-0.072055	-1.043127	-0.123771	0.644756	-0.708472	161413.000000	0.000000	-0.001779	-0.004640	3.134140	-0.873266	0.312672	42123.332031	23198.871094	444687.781250	-0.217191	0.052455	-1.658060	0.027645	-0.026326	-1.257954	-0.263591	0.057704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	198214.000000	184611.000000	184611.000000
-337.451385	-0.285838	-0.068881	-1.044348	-0.131221	0.654334	-0.702086	161420.000000	0.000000	-0.001779	-0.004640	3.099483	-0.872900	0.312672	6383.800293	-2552.310059	441907.093750	-0.214796	0.052754	-1.658060	0.027645	-0.026326	-1.257954	-0.263591	0.057704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127588.000000	200000.000000	182483.000000	135251.000000
-337.456390	-0.289256	-0.066684	-1.045324	-0.138670	0.662847	-0.695701	161420.000000	0.000000	-0.001779	-0.004640	3.067048	-0.871854	0.312672	6556.734375	-2438.490479	439126.406250	-0.212464	0.052953	-1.658060	0.027645	-0.026326	-1.257954	-0.263591	0.057704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127301.000000	200000.000000	182424.000000	135538.000000
-337.461395	-0.293162	-0.064975	-1.047033	-0.145056	0.670297	-0.689316	161420.000000	0.000000	-0.001779	-0.004640	3.036059	-0.870171	0.312672	6655.954102	-2448.458496	436345.718750	-0.210205	0.053067	-1.658060	0.027645	-0.026326	-1.257954	-0.263591	0.057704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127212.000000	200000.000000	182315.000000	135627.000000
-337.466400	-0.297312	-0.062777	-1.047033	-0.151441	0.677747	-0.683995	161420.000000	0.000000	-0.001779	-0.004640	3.006775	-0.867006	0.312672	6674.414551	-2241.425537	434028.468750	-0.208029	0.053093	-1.658060	0.027645	-0.026326	-1.257954	-0.263591	0.057704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126987.000000	200000.000000	182504.000000	135852.000000
-337.471405	-0.301463	-0.061068	-1.046057	-0.157827	0.685196	-0.677609	161429.000000	0.000000	0.001175	-0.004089	3.141314	-0.832830	0.363468	25272.349609	1354.966797	453368.468750	-0.205941	0.053040	-1.677597	0.018906	-0.015368	-1.257298	-0.241728	0.057774	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104801.000000	200000.000000	167511.000000	158056.000000
-337.476410	-0.305613	-0.060092	-1.046057	-0.162083	0.693710	-0.672288	161429.000000	0.000000	0.001175	-0.004089	2.996037	-0.851238	0.363468	-6319.419434	-4726.144043	451051.218750	-0.203928	0.052936	-1.677597	0.018906	-0.015368	-1.257298	-0.241728	0.057774	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142474.000000	189835.000000	193022.000000	120383.000000
-337.481415	-0.310252	-0.060092	-1.047277	-0.165276	0.705417	-0.669095	161429.000000	0.000000	-0.003116	-0.006992	2.733205	-1.007844	0.382315	-20859.361328	-20744.558594	457868.000000	-0.201974	0.052806	-1.684846	0.016332	-0.011867	-1.257308	-0.234743	0.057075	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173032.000000	191314.000000	191543.000000	100000.000000
-337.486420	-0.315379	-0.060336	-1.047766	-0.167405	0.718187	-0.665903	161429.000000	0.000000	-0.003116	-0.006992	2.879007	-0.888974	0.382315	24567.302734	9985.308594	456477.656250	-0.200085	0.052661	-1.684846	0.016332	-0.011867	-1.257308	-0.234743	0.057075	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	176847.000000	165981.000000
-337.491425	-0.319773	-0.061313	-1.047766	-0.166340	0.733086	-0.664838	161429.000000	0.000000	-0.004409	-0.008316	2.781860	-0.960501	0.397917	-2895.775391	-11634.957031	462808.687500	-0.198238	0.052532	-1.690847	0.013340	-0.007943	-1.257361	-0.227483	0.055481	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145959.000000	200000.000000	182689.000000	116898.000000
-337.496429	-0.324656	-0.062289	-1.048010	-0.164212	0.751178	-0.663774	161421.000000	0.000000	-0.004409	-0.008316	2.807658	-0.906811	0.397917	10307.117188	2253.492188	462345.218750	-0.196423	0.052424	-1.690847	0.013340	-0.007943	-1.257361	-0.227483	0.055481	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118860.000000	199474.000000	183367.000000	143981.000000
-337.501434	-0.328807	-0.062289	-1.048742	-0.159955	0.773527	-0.664838	161421.000000	0.000000	-0.004409	-0.008316	2.780167	-0.906037	0.397917	3750.428955	-3814.887695	462808.687500	-0.194604	0.052332	-1.690847	0.013340	-0.007943	-1.257361	-0.227483	0.055481	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131485.000000	198986.000000	183855.000000	131356.000000
-337.506439	-0.333445	-0.062289	-1.048742	-0.153570	0.798004	-0.665903	161421.000000	0.000000	-0.004409	-0.008316	2.752704	-0.906072	0.397917	3280.482910	-4167.431152	463272.156250	-0.192781	0.052266	-1.690847	0.013340	-0.007943	-1.257361	-0.227483	0.055481	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132307.000000	198868.000000	183973.000000	130534.000000
-337.511444	-0.337352	-0.061313	-1.049230	-0.146120	0.825674	-0.669095	161421.000000	0.000000	-0.004409	-0.008316	2.723468	-0.905868	0.397917	2472.639160	-4291.583496	464662.468750	-0.190924	0.052214	-1.690847	0.013340	-0.007943	-1.257361	-0.227483	0.055481	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133239.000000	198185.000000	184656.000000	129602.000000
-337.516449	-0.340770	-0.059848	-1.050695	-0.138670	0.855472	-0.672288	161413.000000	0.000000	-0.004409	-0.008316	2.692445	-0.905327	0.397917	1761.137207	-4286.456543	466052.812500	-0.189010	0.052166	-1.690847	0.013340	-0.007943	-1.257361	-0.227483	0.055481	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133938.000000	197460.000000	185365.000000	128887.000000
-337.521454	-0.342967	-0.057406	-1.050695	-0.130157	0.887399	-0.676545	161413.000000	0.000000	-0.004409	-0.008316	2.659310	-0.904301	0.397917	995.379150	-4384.467285	467906.625000	-0.187015	0.052113	-1.690847	0.013340	-0.007943	-1.257361	-0.227483	0.055481	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134802.000000	196792.000000	186033.000000	128023.000000
-337.526459	-0.344676	-0.054965	-1.051428	-0.121643	0.921454	-0.679738	161413.000000	0.000000	-0.006841	-0.010655	2.490040	-1.031694	0.408880	-15141.372070	-19130.070312	474071.000000	-0.184918	0.052052	-1.695063	0.009554	-0.003261	-1.257518	-0.219256	0.055576	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165684.000000	195401.000000	187424.000000	100000.000000
-337.531464	-0.345652	-0.052768	-1.051916	-0.113129	0.955510	-0.683995	161413.000000	0.000000	0.002856	-0.003798	3.083040	-0.560118	0.463451	71258.367188	48870.582031	499689.500000	-0.182710	0.051990	-1.716052	0.002665	0.007138	-1.258828	-0.191018	0.052289	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	191413.000000	191413.000000	191413.000000
-337.536469	-0.345164	-0.050082	-1.052648	-0.105679	0.989565	-0.687187	161413.000000	0.000000	0.002856	-0.003798	2.654660	-0.832462	0.463451	-43188.078125	-34108.265625	501079.843750	-0.180367	0.051910	-1.716052	0.002665	0.007138	-1.258828	-0.191018	0.052289	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191413.000000	191413.000000	191413.000000	100000.000000
-337.541473	-0.344432	-0.047885	-1.053381	-0.098230	1.023620	-0.689316	161416.000000	0.000000	0.002856	-0.003798	2.612023	-0.830779	0.463451	-1126.147461	-4003.713623	502006.750000	-0.177888	0.051822	-1.716052	0.002665	0.007138	-1.258828	-0.191018	0.052289	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136545.000000	194293.000000	188538.000000	126286.000000
-337.546478	-0.342479	-0.047152	-1.054113	-0.090780	1.056611	-0.691444	161416.000000	0.000000	0.002856	-0.003798	2.566647	-0.830415	0.463451	-1672.562866	-4181.585449	502933.625000	-0.175260	0.051751	-1.716052	0.002665	0.007138	-1.258828	-0.191018	0.052289	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137270.000000	193925.000000	188906.000000	125561.000000
-337.551483	-0.339793	-0.047641	-1.054602	-0.085459	1.086409	-0.692508	161416.000000	0.000000	0.002856	-0.003798	2.519406	-0.830880	0.463451	-1880.785400	-4065.291992	503397.093750	-0.172490	0.051708	-1.716052	0.002665	0.007138	-1.258828	-0.191018	0.052289	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137362.000000	193600.000000	189231.000000	125469.000000
-337.556488	-0.335887	-0.048617	-1.054357	-0.081202	1.114079	-0.691444	161416.000000	0.000000	0.002856	-0.003798	2.469806	-0.831856	0.463451	-2259.920410	-4028.485840	502933.625000	-0.169573	0.051695	-1.716052	0.002665	0.007138	-1.258828	-0.191018	0.052289	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137704.000000	193184.000000	189647.000000	125127.000000
-337.561493	-0.331736	-0.049838	-1.054602	-0.076945	1.139621	-0.690380	161426.000000	0.000000	0.002856	-0.003798	2.418381	-0.833450	0.463451	-2580.583252	-4123.246094	502470.187500	-0.166517	0.051714	-1.716052	0.002665	0.007138	-1.258828	-0.191018	0.052289	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138129.000000	192968.000000	189883.000000	124722.000000
-337.566498	-0.327830	-0.051303	-1.054602	-0.074817	1.163033	-0.687187	161426.000000	0.000000	0.002856	-0.003798	2.365909	-0.835063	0.463451	-2810.869141	-3908.515869	501079.843750	-0.163340	0.051757	-1.716052	0.002665	0.007138	-1.258828	-0.191018	0.052289	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138145.000000	192523.000000	190328.000000	124706.000000
-337.571503	-0.324168	-0.052279	-1.054357	-0.074817	1.184318	-0.683995	161426.000000	0.000000	0.002856	-0.003798	2.312632	-0.835953	0.463451	-3008.245361	-3599.059570	499689.500000	-0.160061	0.051805	-1.716052	0.002665	0.007138	-1.258828	-0.191018	0.052289	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138033.000000	192016.000000	190835.000000	124818.000000
-337.576508	-0.320750	-0.053256	-1.053869	-0.074817	1.203474	-0.680802	161426.000000	0.000000	0.005778	-0.002199	2.419472	-0.748936	0.526125	15234.967773	6467.052734	525592.625000	-0.156697	0.051857	-1.740157	-0.006031	0.020858	-1.262411	-0.143297	0.055272	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109723.000000	200000.000000	182658.000000	153128.000000
-337.581512	-0.317820	-0.053256	-1.053381	-0.076945	1.222630	-0.676545	161417.000000	0.000000	-0.002923	-0.007985	1.769680	-1.130492	0.539152	-71038.375000	-46566.617188	529411.500000	-0.153259	0.051884	-1.745168	-0.008426	0.024517	-1.263452	-0.128973	0.053002	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191417.000000	191417.000000	191417.000000	100000.000000
-337.586517	-0.315135	-0.052279	-1.052893	-0.079074	1.240722	-0.671224	161417.000000	0.000000	-0.002923	-0.007985	2.062598	-0.897167	0.539152	33999.324219	22126.343750	527094.250000	-0.149759	0.051868	-1.745168	-0.008426	0.024517	-1.263452	-0.128973	0.053002	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199290.000000	183543.000000	183543.000000
-337.591522	-0.311961	-0.050326	-1.051184	-0.083331	1.258814	-0.666967	161417.000000	0.000000	0.001058	-0.004804	2.225500	-0.718282	0.558292	20369.564453	17216.767578	533575.812500	-0.146196	0.051784	-1.752529	-0.009491	0.027103	-1.264759	-0.116283	0.054724	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	194569.000000	188264.000000	169003.000000
-337.596527	-0.308787	-0.047396	-1.049475	-0.086523	1.275841	-0.662710	161417.000000	0.000000	0.001058	-0.004804	2.009792	-0.839817	0.558292	-22219.640625	-16480.214844	531722.000000	-0.142577	0.051620	-1.752529	-0.009491	0.027103	-1.264759	-0.116283	0.054724	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170116.000000	185677.000000	197156.000000	100000.000000
-337.601532	-0.305369	-0.044955	-1.048010	-0.090780	1.293933	-0.659517	161417.000000	0.000000	0.001058	-0.004804	1.951792	-0.833297	0.558292	-5340.544434	-2230.628662	530331.687500	-0.138890	0.051382	-1.752529	-0.009491	0.027103	-1.264759	-0.116283	0.054724	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138988.000000	188307.000000	194526.000000	123845.000000
-337.606537	-0.301951	-0.042270	-1.047033	-0.096101	1.312025	-0.655260	161419.000000	0.000000	0.001058	-0.004804	1.892765	-0.825148	0.558292	-5808.266113	-1872.460205	528477.875000	-0.135135	0.051061	-1.752529	-0.009491	0.027103	-1.264759	-0.116283	0.054724	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139099.000000	187483.000000	195354.000000	123738.000000
-337.611542	-0.297801	-0.041293	-1.046301	-0.099294	1.330117	-0.651004	161419.000000	0.000000	0.001058	-0.004804	1.832000	-0.818132	0.558292	-6362.202637	-2184.115967	526624.062500	-0.131300	0.050700	-1.752529	-0.009491	0.027103	-1.264759	-0.116283	0.054724	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139965.000000	187240.000000	195597.000000	122872.000000
-337.616547	-0.293650	-0.041537	-1.044592	-0.103551	1.346080	-0.645682	161419.000000	0.000000	0.001058	-0.004804	1.770944	-0.811505	0.558292	-6514.327148	-2059.936279	524306.812500	-0.127400	0.050317	-1.752529	-0.009491	0.027103	-1.264759	-0.116283	0.054724	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139993.000000	186964.000000	195873.000000	122844.000000
-337.621552	-0.290232	-0.042514	-1.044104	-0.105679	1.359915	-0.639297	161419.000000	0.000000	0.004876	-0.002620	1.919896	-0.685681	0.602040	17432.791016	11401.153320	540577.375000	-0.123455	0.049935	-1.769355	-0.014171	0.035941	-1.268939	-0.073461	0.050607	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102585.000000	197450.000000	185387.000000	160252.000000
-337.626556	-0.286570	-0.043490	-1.041662	-0.107808	1.371622	-0.632912	161604.000000	0.000000	0.004876	-0.002620	1.706485	-0.767443	0.602040	-23217.572266	-11792.242188	537796.687500	-0.119482	0.049555	-1.769355	-0.014171	0.035941	-1.268939	-0.073461	0.050607	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166613.000000	180178.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-337.631561	-0.281932	-0.044955	-1.038732	-0.111001	1.381200	-0.624398	161604.000000	0.000000	0.004876	-0.002620	1.645062	-0.762081	0.602040	-6594.745605	-2054.134521	534089.125000	-0.115476	0.049182	-1.769355	-0.014171	0.035941	-1.268939	-0.073461	0.050607	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140252.000000	187063.000000	196144.000000	122955.000000
-337.636566	-0.276805	-0.045688	-1.035559	-0.113129	1.388649	-0.615884	161604.000000	0.000000	0.000770	-0.005108	1.357475	-0.893207	0.617802	-32584.458984	-17772.439453	537245.625000	-0.111438	0.048806	-1.775418	-0.015306	0.038573	-1.270406	-0.057604	0.048660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179376.000000	179376.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-337.641571	-0.270945	-0.046420	-1.033605	-0.116322	1.392906	-0.607370	161604.000000	0.000000	0.000770	-0.005108	1.459250	-0.787684	0.617802	11027.904297	8865.679688	533538.062500	-0.107367	0.048424	-1.775418	-0.015306	0.038573	-1.270406	-0.057604	0.048660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111710.000000	193766.000000	189441.000000	151497.000000
-337.646576	-0.265086	-0.046664	-1.029943	-0.119514	1.396099	-0.596728	161604.000000	0.000000	0.000770	-0.005108	1.397090	-0.781088	0.617802	-7181.361328	-1966.843750	528903.562500	-0.103275	0.048026	-1.775418	-0.015306	0.038573	-1.270406	-0.057604	0.048660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140752.000000	186389.000000	196818.000000	122455.000000
-337.651581	-0.259471	-0.047641	-1.026770	-0.121643	1.398227	-0.586086	161534.000000	0.000000	0.000770	-0.005108	1.335008	-0.775321	0.617802	-7351.137695	-2138.838135	524269.093750	-0.099171	0.047631	-1.775418	-0.015306	0.038573	-1.270406	-0.057604	0.048660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141023.000000	186321.000000	196746.000000	122044.000000
-337.656586	-0.253855	-0.047641	-1.023596	-0.124836	1.399292	-0.575444	161534.000000	0.000000	0.000770	-0.005108	1.273001	-0.768336	0.617802	-7516.081055	-1840.974976	519634.562500	-0.095059	0.047218	-1.775418	-0.015306	0.038573	-1.270406	-0.057604	0.048660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140891.000000	185858.000000	197209.000000	122176.000000
-337.661591	-0.248484	-0.048129	-1.021154	-0.126964	1.400356	-0.563737	161534.000000	0.000000	0.000770	-0.005108	1.210915	-0.761836	0.617802	-7815.114746	-1971.702637	514536.625000	-0.090939	0.046798	-1.775418	-0.015306	0.038573	-1.270406	-0.057604	0.048660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141320.000000	185690.000000	197377.000000	121747.000000
-337.666595	-0.243846	-0.047641	-1.017248	-0.130157	1.401420	-0.554159	161534.000000	0.000000	0.003598	-0.003037	1.305271	-0.640230	0.645791	9815.638672	11376.113281	522554.218750	-0.086832	0.046353	-1.786183	-0.017468	0.043546	-1.273675	-0.029097	0.043159	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110342.000000	189973.000000	193094.000000	152725.000000
-337.671600	-0.238963	-0.046908	-1.013098	-0.132285	1.403548	-0.543517	161532.000000	0.000000	0.002138	-0.003773	1.050539	-0.755420	0.664316	-29872.791016	-15300.797852	525987.000000	-0.082728	0.045882	-1.793308	-0.020579	0.048960	-1.277249	0.001752	0.039560	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176705.000000	176960.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-337.676605	-0.234080	-0.045443	-1.009924	-0.134414	1.406741	-0.533939	161532.000000	0.000000	0.002138	-0.003773	1.046925	-0.716792	0.664316	-2403.710693	1803.392090	521815.968750	-0.078617	0.045372	-1.793308	-0.020579	0.048960	-1.277249	0.001752	0.039560	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132132.000000	187324.000000	195739.000000	130931.000000
-337.681610	-0.228953	-0.043490	-1.006262	-0.135478	1.410998	-0.525425	161532.000000	0.000000	0.001338	-0.003976	0.940343	-0.718055	0.675990	-14354.878906	-2701.647949	523192.312500	-0.074490	0.044821	-1.797798	-0.021498	0.051155	-1.279024	0.015577	0.037268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148588.000000	179878.000000	200000.000000	114475.000000
-337.686615	-0.223094	-0.041537	-1.001867	-0.135478	1.417383	-0.516911	161532.000000	0.000000	0.001338	-0.003976	0.908403	-0.699746	0.675990	-6556.308105	-582.052856	519484.750000	-0.070326	0.044235	-1.797798	-0.021498	0.051155	-1.279024	0.015577	0.037268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138670.000000	185557.000000	197506.000000	124393.000000
-337.691620	-0.216990	-0.039828	-0.998205	-0.135478	1.424833	-0.509462	161712.000000	0.000000	0.001338	-0.003976	0.843087	-0.689335	0.675990	-10676.958008	-1403.026001	516240.562500	-0.066109	0.043620	-1.797798	-0.021498	0.051155	-1.279024	0.015577	0.037268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143791.000000	182438.000000	200000.000000	119632.000000
-337.696625	-0.210643	-0.038607	-0.993811	-0.136542	1.432283	-0.503076	161712.000000	0.000000	0.001338	-0.003976	0.776924	-0.678798	0.675990	-11108.849609	-1218.766113	513459.906250	-0.061839	0.042981	-1.797798	-0.021498	0.051155	-1.279024	0.015577	0.037268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144039.000000	181821.000000	200000.000000	119384.000000
-337.701630	-0.204051	-0.037143	-0.990148	-0.136542	1.440796	-0.496691	161712.000000	0.000000	0.001338	-0.003976	0.709256	-0.667920	0.675990	-11741.716797	-1248.255371	510679.187500	-0.057503	0.042318	-1.797798	-0.021498	0.051155	-1.279024	0.015577	0.037268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144701.000000	181218.000000	200000.000000	118722.000000
-337.706635	-0.197459	-0.036654	-0.986730	-0.136542	1.448246	-0.491370	161712.000000	0.000000	0.001338	-0.003976	0.640827	-0.657782	0.675990	-12057.464844	-1282.915161	508361.937500	-0.053106	0.041652	-1.797798	-0.021498	0.051155	-1.279024	0.015577	0.037268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145052.000000	180937.000000	200000.000000	118371.000000
-337.711639	-0.190623	-0.036166	-0.983312	-0.136542	1.455696	-0.487113	161712.000000	0.000000	0.002039	-0.003226	0.609765	-0.606334	0.687645	-8125.790039	3495.929199	511583.468750	-0.048642	0.040982	-1.802280	-0.022182	0.053092	-1.280738	0.030907	0.034326	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136341.000000	180090.000000	200000.000000	127082.000000
-337.716644	-0.183543	-0.035434	-0.979650	-0.136542	1.462081	-0.482856	163243.000000	0.000000	0.004738	-0.001265	0.659590	-0.518043	0.708191	1084.981079	7953.250488	518677.000000	-0.044113	0.040305	-1.810183	-0.023548	0.056766	-1.284290	0.059671	0.028576	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124204.000000	186374.000000	200000.000000	142281.000000
-337.721649	-0.175975	-0.034945	-0.976721	-0.135478	1.468466	-0.479663	163243.000000	0.000000	0.005497	0.000039	0.521221	-0.514720	0.722095	-20273.941406	-1496.177124	523341.875000	-0.039506	0.039629	-1.815531	-0.023078	0.057594	-1.286052	0.075833	0.024791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155013.000000	174465.000000	200000.000000	111472.000000
-337.726654	-0.169139	-0.033236	-0.974279	-0.135478	1.473787	-0.476471	163243.000000	0.000000	0.005497	0.000039	0.418520	-0.555157	0.722095	-16731.953125	-6376.755859	521951.531250	-0.034841	0.038926	-1.815531	-0.023078	0.057594	-1.286052	0.075833	0.024791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156351.000000	182887.000000	200000.000000	110134.000000
-337.731659	-0.162791	-0.032260	-0.971838	-0.134414	1.479109	-0.472214	163243.000000	0.000000	0.005497	0.000039	0.345896	-0.544145	0.722095	-13785.012695	-790.728210	520097.750000	-0.030128	0.038214	-1.815531	-0.023078	0.057594	-1.286052	0.075833	0.024791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147818.000000	180248.000000	200000.000000	118667.000000
-337.736664	-0.157664	-0.031283	-0.969152	-0.133349	1.484430	-0.469021	164984.000000	0.000000	0.005497	0.000039	0.273863	-0.533023	0.722095	-14074.146484	-732.681213	518707.375000	-0.025390	0.037494	-1.815531	-0.023078	0.057594	-1.286052	0.075833	0.024791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149790.000000	181642.000000	200000.000000	120177.000000
-337.741669	-0.152781	-0.030551	-0.966711	-0.132285	1.489751	-0.465828	164984.000000	0.000000	0.005497	0.000039	0.201715	-0.522050	0.722095	-14443.211914	-703.370361	517317.031250	-0.020632	0.036770	-1.815531	-0.023078	0.057594	-1.286052	0.075833	0.024791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150130.000000	181244.000000	200000.000000	119837.000000
-337.746674	-0.148631	-0.029574	-0.963781	-0.130157	1.494008	-0.461571	164984.000000	0.000000	0.005497	0.000039	0.130458	-0.511051	0.722095	-14575.522461	-776.684814	515463.250000	-0.015877	0.036044	-1.815531	-0.023078	0.057594	-1.286052	0.075833	0.024791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150336.000000	181185.000000	200000.000000	119631.000000
-337.751678	-0.143992	-0.028354	-0.961340	-0.129092	1.499329	-0.457314	164984.000000	0.000000	0.005497	0.000039	0.058283	-0.499438	0.722095	-15149.947266	-543.703369	513609.437500	-0.011106	0.035305	-1.815531	-0.023078	0.057594	-1.286052	0.075833	0.024791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150677.000000	180377.000000	200000.000000	119290.000000
-337.756683	-0.139842	-0.026645	-0.958410	-0.126964	1.504650	-0.453058	164984.000000	0.000000	0.005497	0.000039	-0.013505	-0.487387	0.722095	-15462.111328	-566.872192	511755.656250	-0.006331	0.034549	-1.815531	-0.023078	0.057594	-1.286052	0.075833	0.024791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151012.000000	180088.000000	200000.000000	118955.000000
-337.761688	-0.135203	-0.025424	-0.955480	-0.125900	1.511035	-0.447736	166678.000000	0.000000	0.005497	0.000039	-0.086210	-0.475355	0.722095	-16043.755859	-401.557648	509438.406250	-0.001536	0.033780	-1.815531	-0.023078	0.057594	-1.286052	0.075833	0.024791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153123.000000	181035.000000	200000.000000	120232.000000
-337.766693	-0.130076	-0.025180	-0.952551	-0.122707	1.517421	-0.443480	166678.000000	0.000000	0.012417	0.004566	0.220686	-0.215942	0.763533	27077.974609	27744.113281	525629.875000	0.003289	0.033029	-1.831468	-0.022868	0.061672	-1.292556	0.137959	0.011871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196011.000000	197344.000000	191500.000000
-337.771698	-0.124705	-0.025180	-0.950109	-0.119514	1.522742	-0.437094	166678.000000	0.000000	0.002529	-0.001356	-0.673736	-0.712601	0.769356	-109036.015625	-57689.890625	525384.937500	0.008145	0.032302	-1.833708	-0.023388	0.062940	-1.293666	0.148695	0.005222	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196678.000000	196678.000000	196678.000000	100000.000000
-337.776703	-0.119090	-0.025180	-0.947424	-0.114193	1.526999	-0.430709	166678.000000	0.000000	0.002529	-0.001356	-0.352920	-0.466729	0.769356	26159.957031	24828.287109	522604.281250	0.013032	0.031608	-1.833708	-0.023388	0.062940	-1.293666	0.148695	0.005222	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	198009.000000	195346.000000	187666.000000
-337.781708	-0.112498	-0.025668	-0.944494	-0.107808	1.530191	-0.424323	167946.000000	0.000000	0.002529	-0.001356	-0.428720	-0.459001	0.769356	-17696.660156	-1467.818237	519823.562500	0.017964	0.030963	-1.833708	-0.023388	0.062940	-1.293666	0.148695	0.005222	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157110.000000	181717.000000	200000.000000	118781.000000
-337.786713	-0.105662	-0.026889	-0.941564	-0.100358	1.532320	-0.415810	167946.000000	0.000000	0.002529	-0.001356	-0.505150	-0.453112	0.769356	-18012.083984	-1794.307861	516115.968750	0.022940	0.030387	-1.833708	-0.023388	0.062940	-1.293666	0.148695	0.005222	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157752.000000	181728.000000	200000.000000	118139.000000
-337.791718	-0.098338	-0.028109	-0.939123	-0.091845	1.531256	-0.407296	167946.000000	0.000000	0.002529	-0.001356	-0.582107	-0.448477	0.769356	-18066.429688	-2067.023682	512408.375000	0.027958	0.029884	-1.833708	-0.023388	0.062940	-1.293666	0.148695	0.005222	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158079.000000	181946.000000	200000.000000	117812.000000
-337.796722	-0.091258	-0.029330	-0.936682	-0.082267	1.529127	-0.398782	167946.000000	0.000000	0.002529	-0.001356	-0.659112	-0.445166	0.769356	-18298.986328	-2358.469482	508700.781250	0.033009	0.029457	-1.833708	-0.023388	0.062940	-1.293666	0.148695	0.005222	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158603.000000	182005.000000	200000.000000	117288.000000
-337.801727	-0.083445	-0.030063	-0.934729	-0.072688	1.524870	-0.389204	168968.000000	0.000000	0.011783	0.005675	-0.228158	-0.055745	0.797206	39790.136719	41843.960938	516657.875000	0.038096	0.029097	-1.844419	-0.020117	0.061950	-1.296809	0.182106	0.003163	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	198968.000000	198968.000000	198968.000000
-337.806732	-0.075389	-0.030795	-0.932043	-0.064175	1.518485	-0.379626	168968.000000	0.000000	0.006279	0.002365	-0.978809	-0.516769	0.805461	-93323.992188	-53710.425781	516081.468750	0.043216	0.028796	-1.847594	-0.019410	0.061983	-1.298025	0.196183	0.000744	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198968.000000	198968.000000	198968.000000	100000.000000
-337.811737	-0.067820	-0.031527	-0.929602	-0.054597	1.511035	-0.368984	168968.000000	0.000000	0.006279	0.002365	-0.836452	-0.383467	0.805461	5673.681152	12091.478516	511447.000000	0.048352	0.028560	-1.847594	-0.019410	0.061983	-1.298025	0.196183	0.000744	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121202.000000	192550.000000	200000.000000	156733.000000
-337.816742	-0.060740	-0.031283	-0.927404	-0.046083	1.502522	-0.358342	168968.000000	0.000000	0.007296	0.003383	-0.857689	-0.326052	0.814346	-12256.036133	4089.086182	510681.968750	0.053490	0.028361	-1.851012	-0.018372	0.061680	-1.299143	0.210675	-0.001974	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147134.000000	182622.000000	200000.000000	130801.000000
-337.821747	-0.053660	-0.030063	-0.925207	-0.039697	1.492943	-0.347699	168968.000000	0.000000	0.007296	0.003383	-0.975302	-0.364040	0.814346	-23232.978516	-6371.143555	506047.468750	0.058626	0.028167	-1.851012	-0.018372	0.061680	-1.299143	0.210675	-0.001974	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168572.000000	182106.000000	200000.000000	109363.000000
-337.826752	-0.046580	-0.028109	-0.922766	-0.033312	1.482301	-0.335993	169750.000000	0.000000	0.007296	0.003383	-1.051957	-0.360612	0.814346	-18916.085938	-1830.693604	500949.531250	0.063755	0.027964	-1.851012	-0.018372	0.061680	-1.299143	0.210675	-0.001974	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160496.000000	182664.000000	200000.000000	119003.000000
-337.831757	-0.039744	-0.025424	-0.919592	-0.030119	1.470595	-0.325351	169750.000000	0.000000	0.007296	0.003383	-1.127959	-0.355336	0.814346	-19022.976562	-1266.926392	496315.031250	0.068867	0.027721	-1.851012	-0.018372	0.061680	-1.299143	0.210675	-0.001974	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160039.000000	181993.000000	200000.000000	119460.000000
-337.836761	-0.033396	-0.022982	-0.917883	-0.026927	1.458888	-0.313644	169750.000000	0.000000	0.007296	0.003383	-1.203255	-0.349766	0.814346	-19237.957031	-1223.702148	491217.093750	0.073953	0.027442	-1.851012	-0.018372	0.061680	-1.299143	0.210675	-0.001974	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160211.000000	181735.000000	200000.000000	119288.000000
-337.841766	-0.027537	-0.021273	-0.915441	-0.025863	1.445053	-0.301938	169750.000000	0.000000	0.007296	0.003383	-1.277050	-0.344053	0.814346	-19114.597656	-952.490234	486119.156250	0.078995	0.027136	-1.851012	-0.018372	0.061680	-1.299143	0.210675	-0.001974	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159817.000000	181587.000000	200000.000000	119682.000000
-337.846771	-0.022410	-0.020297	-0.912512	-0.024798	1.431218	-0.289167	170513.000000	0.000000	0.007296	0.003383	-1.349347	-0.338888	0.814346	-19218.843750	-993.869568	480557.781250	0.083975	0.026819	-1.851012	-0.018372	0.061680	-1.299143	0.210675	-0.001974	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160725.000000	182288.000000	200000.000000	120300.000000
-337.851776	-0.017283	-0.019564	-0.910070	-0.024798	1.415255	-0.276396	170513.000000	0.000000	0.016113	0.009751	-0.935501	0.016584	0.843863	36446.585938	39276.593750	487850.281250	0.088888	0.026493	-1.862364	-0.013547	0.058965	-1.303082	0.278795	-0.011308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-337.856781	-0.010936	-0.019564	-0.907629	-0.024798	1.398227	-0.262561	170513.000000	0.000000	0.016113	0.009751	-1.359237	-0.233588	0.843863	-57404.312500	-28468.355469	481825.437500	0.093755	0.026174	-1.862364	-0.013547	0.058965	-1.303082	0.278795	-0.011308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198981.000000	198981.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-337.861786	-0.004100	-0.019320	-0.905187	-0.023734	1.380136	-0.247662	170513.000000	0.000000	0.016113	0.009751	-1.430158	-0.229267	0.843863	-18736.306641	-587.347290	475337.156250	0.098584	0.025863	-1.862364	-0.013547	0.058965	-1.303082	0.278795	-0.011308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159836.000000	182364.000000	200000.000000	121189.000000
-337.866791	0.003225	-0.020297	-0.903967	-0.022670	1.360979	-0.231699	170513.000000	0.000000	0.016113	0.009751	-1.500896	-0.226580	0.843863	-18836.316406	-759.583923	468385.406250	0.103382	0.025589	-1.862364	-0.013547	0.058965	-1.303082	0.278795	-0.011308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160108.000000	182436.000000	200000.000000	120917.000000
-337.871796	0.010793	-0.021029	-0.902746	-0.021606	1.338631	-0.214671	171221.000000	0.000000	0.016113	0.009751	-1.570661	-0.224166	0.843863	-18596.494141	-783.302795	460970.218750	0.108140	0.025345	-1.862364	-0.013547	0.058965	-1.303082	0.278795	-0.011308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160600.000000	183407.000000	200000.000000	121841.000000
-337.876801	0.019338	-0.022006	-0.901281	-0.019477	1.314154	-0.197643	171221.000000	0.000000	0.016113	0.009751	-1.640517	-0.222818	0.843863	-18581.199219	-1021.149719	453555.062500	0.112871	0.025144	-1.862364	-0.013547	0.058965	-1.303082	0.278795	-0.011308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160823.000000	183660.000000	200000.000000	121618.000000
-337.881805	0.027883	-0.021762	-0.899328	-0.017349	1.287548	-0.179552	171221.000000	0.000000	0.009653	0.006398	-2.064634	-0.405015	0.852292	-59128.769531	-22051.033203	449347.437500	0.117565	0.024957	-1.865606	-0.011759	0.057678	-1.303833	0.290863	-0.012551	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193272.000000	193272.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-337.886810	0.037648	-0.021029	-0.897375	-0.016285	1.259878	-0.161460	171221.000000	0.000000	0.008602	0.005992	-1.933794	-0.290514	0.854031	2741.729736	11214.069336	442226.031250	0.122244	0.024771	-1.866275	-0.010735	0.056548	-1.304811	0.314761	-0.017614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127265.000000	192748.000000	200000.000000	155176.000000
-337.891815	0.047170	-0.019564	-0.894689	-0.016285	1.229015	-0.143368	171812.000000	0.000000	0.008602	0.005992	-1.960220	-0.270337	0.854031	-14182.656250	1050.014648	434347.406250	0.126893	0.024565	-1.866275	-0.010735	0.056548	-1.304811	0.314761	-0.017614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154944.000000	186579.000000	200000.000000	128679.000000
-337.896820	0.056936	-0.017611	-0.893469	-0.017349	1.198153	-0.125276	171812.000000	0.000000	0.008602	0.005992	-2.028451	-0.265241	0.854031	-18951.283203	-463.028625	426468.750000	0.131514	0.024322	-1.866275	-0.010735	0.056548	-1.304811	0.314761	-0.017614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161226.000000	183323.000000	200000.000000	122397.000000
-337.901825	0.064992	-0.015902	-0.893469	-0.020541	1.164098	-0.107184	171812.000000	0.000000	0.008602	0.005992	-2.093258	-0.259378	0.854031	-18365.177734	-102.864807	418590.125000	0.136053	0.024039	-1.866275	-0.010735	0.056548	-1.304811	0.314761	-0.017614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160280.000000	183549.000000	200000.000000	123343.000000
-337.906830	0.072316	-0.014682	-0.892492	-0.023734	1.128978	-0.089092	171812.000000	0.000000	0.008602	0.005992	-2.155827	-0.253616	0.854031	-18128.351562	-72.842735	410711.500000	0.140492	0.023728	-1.866275	-0.010735	0.056548	-1.304811	0.314761	-0.017614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160013.000000	183756.000000	200000.000000	123610.000000
-337.911835	0.078908	-0.013949	-0.891760	-0.029055	1.092795	-0.069936	171937.000000	0.000000	0.008602	0.005992	-2.215794	-0.247574	0.854031	-17834.666016	244.218521	402369.406250	0.144811	0.023392	-1.866275	-0.010735	0.056548	-1.304811	0.314761	-0.017614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159527.000000	183858.000000	200000.000000	124346.000000
-337.916840	0.085744	-0.013949	-0.891027	-0.035441	1.053418	-0.050780	171937.000000	0.000000	0.008602	0.005992	-2.273509	-0.241836	0.854031	-17320.630859	383.974640	394027.343750	0.149000	0.023044	-1.866275	-0.010735	0.056548	-1.304811	0.314761	-0.017614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158873.000000	184232.000000	200000.000000	125000.000000
-337.921844	0.092824	-0.013949	-0.890051	-0.041826	1.012978	-0.031624	171937.000000	0.000000	0.008602	0.005992	-2.329523	-0.235967	0.854031	-17087.937500	454.315155	385685.250000	0.153066	0.022683	-1.866275	-0.010735	0.056548	-1.304811	0.314761	-0.017614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158570.000000	184394.000000	200000.000000	125303.000000
-337.926849	0.098928	-0.014193	-0.889562	-0.050340	0.971473	-0.012468	171937.000000	0.000000	0.007298	0.005695	-2.453982	-0.245990	0.856042	-24878.375000	-1065.869507	378218.875000	0.156982	0.022307	-1.867049	-0.009746	0.055508	-1.305266	0.324769	-0.016894	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167881.000000	178124.000000	200000.000000	115992.000000
-337.931854	0.105275	-0.014682	-0.889318	-0.058854	0.926775	0.007752	171937.000000	0.000000	0.018320	0.013503	-1.845813	0.201265	0.873969	59032.652344	51311.019531	377220.281250	0.160739	0.021922	-1.873944	-0.002316	0.048070	-1.305791	0.360667	-0.023990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-337.936859	0.112111	-0.015170	-0.888830	-0.066303	0.882078	0.026908	172543.000000	0.000000	0.018320	0.013503	-2.335012	-0.104954	0.873969	-63674.218750	-33029.328125	368878.187500	0.164354	0.021534	-1.873944	-0.002316	0.048070	-1.305791	0.360667	-0.023990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-337.941864	0.119191	-0.015658	-0.888830	-0.074817	0.836316	0.047128	172543.000000	0.000000	0.018320	0.013503	-2.381419	-0.098735	0.873969	-14872.487305	1509.931396	360072.656250	0.167826	0.021139	-1.873944	-0.002316	0.048070	-1.305791	0.360667	-0.023990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155905.000000	186160.000000	200000.000000	129180.000000
-337.946869	0.126760	-0.015902	-0.889074	-0.082267	0.787362	0.067349	172543.000000	0.000000	0.018320	0.013503	-2.425528	-0.092427	0.873969	-14246.568359	1465.988525	351267.125000	0.171153	0.020737	-1.873944	-0.002316	0.048070	-1.305791	0.360667	-0.023990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155323.000000	186830.000000	200000.000000	129762.000000
-337.951874	0.134328	-0.016391	-0.889562	-0.088652	0.737343	0.088633	172543.000000	0.000000	0.018320	0.013503	-2.467260	-0.086684	0.873969	-13829.974609	1342.684204	341998.156250	0.174332	0.020340	-1.873944	-0.002316	0.048070	-1.305791	0.360667	-0.023990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155030.000000	187370.000000	200000.000000	130055.000000
-337.956879	0.141896	-0.015902	-0.890295	-0.095037	0.686260	0.108854	173349.000000	0.000000	0.018320	0.013503	-2.506572	-0.079796	0.873969	-13392.818359	1529.548462	333192.625000	0.177358	0.019926	-1.873944	-0.002316	0.048070	-1.305791	0.360667	-0.023990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155212.000000	188426.000000	200000.000000	131485.000000
-337.961884	0.148000	-0.015902	-0.891027	-0.101423	0.633049	0.128010	173349.000000	0.000000	0.018320	0.013503	-2.541409	-0.073249	0.873969	-12582.155273	1551.639893	324850.531250	0.180192	0.019506	-1.873944	-0.002316	0.048070	-1.305791	0.360667	-0.023990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154379.000000	189215.000000	200000.000000	132318.000000
-337.966888	0.153127	-0.015658	-0.891271	-0.107808	0.576645	0.149294	173349.000000	0.000000	0.007452	0.007132	-3.169176	-0.416772	0.860829	-80055.578125	-38491.554688	309859.062500	0.182803	0.019077	-1.868890	-0.002166	0.046294	-1.305703	0.377159	-0.018432	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-337.971893	0.157521	-0.015902	-0.892248	-0.114193	0.519177	0.169514	173349.000000	0.000000	0.007173	0.007237	-2.775743	-0.149862	0.844835	34422.746094	29886.375000	294088.562500	0.185170	0.018649	-1.862738	-0.002209	0.044471	-1.305123	0.384459	-0.020354	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-337.976898	0.161184	-0.015658	-0.893713	-0.120579	0.458516	0.190799	173349.000000	0.000000	0.007173	0.007237	-2.785113	-0.147195	0.844835	-9280.989258	872.946533	284819.593750	0.187264	0.018213	-1.862738	-0.002209	0.044471	-1.305123	0.384459	-0.020354	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151757.000000	193195.000000	200000.000000	134940.000000
-337.981903	0.165090	-0.013949	-0.895422	-0.126964	0.397855	0.212083	173974.000000	0.000000	0.007173	0.007237	-2.802082	-0.138434	0.844835	-9915.581055	1612.679321	275550.593750	0.189096	0.017736	-1.862738	-0.002209	0.044471	-1.305123	0.384459	-0.020354	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152276.000000	192445.000000	200000.000000	135671.000000
-337.986908	0.169240	-0.011508	-0.896398	-0.133349	0.335066	0.234432	173974.000000	0.000000	0.007173	0.007237	-2.815259	-0.128312	0.844835	-9036.213867	1838.253906	265818.187500	0.190668	0.017206	-1.862738	-0.002209	0.044471	-1.305123	0.384459	-0.020354	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151171.000000	193099.000000	200000.000000	136776.000000
-337.991913	0.174123	-0.008578	-0.897131	-0.140799	0.271212	0.256781	173974.000000	0.000000	0.007173	0.007237	-2.825446	-0.116580	0.844835	-8343.724609	2220.541260	256085.750000	0.191996	0.016607	-1.862738	-0.002209	0.044471	-1.305123	0.384459	-0.020354	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150097.000000	193409.000000	200000.000000	137850.000000
-337.996918	0.179494	-0.005893	-0.896887	-0.148248	0.207359	0.279130	173974.000000	0.000000	0.007173	0.007237	-2.833042	-0.104209	0.844835	-7800.018066	2382.004883	246353.328125	0.193100	0.015946	-1.862738	-0.002209	0.044471	-1.305123	0.384459	-0.020354	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149392.000000	193791.000000	200000.000000	138555.000000
-338.001923	0.185109	-0.003695	-0.897375	-0.155698	0.142441	0.302543	174666.000000	0.000000	0.007173	0.007237	-2.837339	-0.091625	0.844835	-7040.040039	2497.891602	236157.453125	0.193981	0.015236	-1.862738	-0.002209	0.044471	-1.305123	0.384459	-0.020354	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149208.000000	195128.000000	200000.000000	140123.000000
-338.006927	0.191213	-0.001010	-0.898596	-0.163148	0.077523	0.324891	174666.000000	0.000000	0.007173	0.007237	-2.838917	-0.077733	0.844835	-6449.681641	2740.082764	226425.015625	0.194650	0.014468	-1.862738	-0.002209	0.044471	-1.305123	0.384459	-0.020354	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148375.000000	195476.000000	200000.000000	140956.000000
-338.011932	0.198293	0.001432	-0.900305	-0.170597	0.009413	0.347240	174666.000000	0.000000	0.007173	0.007237	-2.837680	-0.063321	0.844835	-5471.401367	2897.240234	216692.593750	0.195114	0.013647	-1.862738	-0.002209	0.044471	-1.305123	0.384459	-0.020354	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147240.000000	196297.000000	200000.000000	142091.000000
-338.016937	0.205617	0.002896	-0.902502	-0.175918	-0.060826	0.370653	174666.000000	0.000000	0.007674	0.007795	-2.805586	-0.019327	0.829055	-1373.795410	6142.795410	199624.890625	0.195369	0.012807	-1.856669	-0.001928	0.042303	-1.304274	0.390348	-0.022125	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139896.000000	197149.000000	200000.000000	149435.000000
-338.021942	0.212209	0.004361	-0.904455	-0.181239	-0.133193	0.394066	175092.000000	0.000000	0.007554	0.007990	-2.823382	-0.017271	0.810799	-6374.408203	1565.413574	181478.750000	0.195393	0.011950	-1.849647	-0.001737	0.040032	-1.303216	0.389085	-0.022267	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149900.000000	197152.000000	200000.000000	140283.000000
-338.026947	0.218313	0.005094	-0.908117	-0.185496	-0.208753	0.417479	175092.000000	0.000000	0.007554	0.007990	-2.804557	-0.012391	0.810799	-1562.476562	1800.954346	171282.859375	0.195156	0.011095	-1.849647	-0.001737	0.040032	-1.303216	0.389085	-0.022267	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144853.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	145330.000000
-338.031952	0.222707	0.005094	-0.911291	-0.187625	-0.286442	0.440892	175092.000000	0.000000	0.007554	0.007990	-2.784488	-0.001146	0.810799	-742.000061	2328.346436	161087.000000	0.194619	0.010269	-1.849647	-0.001737	0.040032	-1.303216	0.389085	-0.022267	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143505.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	146678.000000
-338.036957	0.225637	0.004850	-0.914709	-0.189753	-0.367323	0.463241	175092.000000	0.000000	0.007554	0.007990	-2.757628	0.009511	0.810799	851.314758	2322.382080	151354.578125	0.193739	0.009474	-1.849647	-0.001737	0.040032	-1.303216	0.389085	-0.022267	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141918.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	148265.000000
-338.041962	0.227346	0.004605	-0.917395	-0.191882	-0.449268	0.486654	175092.000000	0.000000	0.007554	0.007990	-2.724541	0.019727	0.810799	2182.256348	2330.802490	141158.687500	0.192498	0.008710	-1.849647	-0.001737	0.040032	-1.303216	0.389085	-0.022267	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140578.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	149605.000000
-338.046967	0.227834	0.003629	-0.920324	-0.192946	-0.531214	0.509002	175286.000000	0.000000	0.007554	0.007990	-2.684999	0.028492	0.810799	3453.578613	2099.632568	131426.250000	0.190877	0.007996	-1.849647	-0.001737	0.040032	-1.303216	0.389085	-0.022267	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139732.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	150839.000000
-338.051971	0.226857	0.002896	-0.922277	-0.195074	-0.613159	0.531351	175286.000000	0.000000	0.010135	0.009513	-2.496818	0.120942	0.750822	21037.226562	11853.087891	95575.335938	0.188857	0.007317	-1.826579	-0.005309	0.038202	-1.300794	0.368845	-0.020647	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112395.000000	200000.000000	196101.000000	178176.000000
-338.056976	0.224904	0.003141	-0.924475	-0.197203	-0.692976	0.553700	175286.000000	0.000000	0.010135	0.009513	-2.547701	0.069497	0.750822	-5350.332031	-4195.754883	85842.898438	0.186436	0.006652	-1.826579	-0.005309	0.038202	-1.300794	0.368845	-0.020647	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154832.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	135739.000000
-338.061981	0.222219	0.003873	-0.927404	-0.199331	-0.769600	0.574984	175286.000000	0.000000	0.010135	0.009513	-2.489647	0.079443	0.750822	6896.433105	2609.920654	76573.914062	0.183619	0.005988	-1.826579	-0.005309	0.038202	-1.300794	0.368845	-0.020647	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135779.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	154792.000000
-338.066986	0.219045	0.005094	-0.931066	-0.202524	-0.843032	0.594140	175603.000000	0.000000	-0.000764	0.002288	-3.025531	-0.306830	0.731223	-60888.906250	-42601.738281	59696.863281	0.180418	0.005305	-1.819041	-0.007034	0.038392	-1.300213	0.358199	-0.020825	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-338.071991	0.215627	0.006314	-0.933996	-0.205717	-0.913271	0.613296	175603.000000	0.000000	-0.000764	0.002288	-2.521802	-0.006644	0.731223	55712.046875	34274.078125	51354.792969	0.176855	0.004603	-1.819041	-0.007034	0.038392	-1.300213	0.358199	-0.020825	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-338.076996	0.211965	0.007047	-0.938146	-0.209974	-0.979253	0.631388	175603.000000	0.000000	-0.000764	0.002288	-2.449430	0.004794	0.731223	8450.027344	2713.606689	43476.152344	0.172947	0.003884	-1.819041	-0.007034	0.038392	-1.300213	0.358199	-0.020825	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134439.000000	200000.000000	199866.000000	156766.000000
-338.082001	0.207570	0.007047	-0.941564	-0.213166	-1.042042	0.646288	175603.000000	0.000000	-0.000764	0.002288	-2.372572	0.015582	0.731223	9237.707031	2589.845703	36987.851562	0.168708	0.003165	-1.819041	-0.007034	0.038392	-1.300213	0.358199	-0.020825	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133775.000000	200000.000000	198955.000000	157430.000000
-338.087006	0.203420	0.007779	-0.945715	-0.216359	-1.100574	0.660122	175603.000000	0.000000	-0.000764	0.002288	-2.292342	0.027333	0.731223	9775.625977	2764.171143	30963.029297	0.164166	0.002429	-1.819041	-0.007034	0.038392	-1.300213	0.358199	-0.020825	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133063.000000	200000.000000	198591.000000	158142.000000
-338.092010	0.199270	0.008512	-0.949133	-0.219552	-1.155914	0.671829	176049.000000	0.000000	-0.000764	0.002288	-2.208995	0.039513	0.731223	10405.241211	2881.929443	25865.095703	0.159348	0.001672	-1.819041	-0.007034	0.038392	-1.300213	0.358199	-0.020825	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136896.000000	200000.000000	194390.000000	163471.000000
-338.097015	0.195363	0.008268	-0.953039	-0.221680	-1.206997	0.681407	176049.000000	0.000000	0.004719	0.005591	-1.821662	0.232336	0.671742	45378.968750	23524.601562	-4208.904297	0.154282	0.000917	-1.796164	-0.012261	0.039188	-1.297968	0.320688	-0.024123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126733.000000	178315.000000	165364.000000	200000.000000
-338.102020	0.190236	0.006070	-0.956457	-0.222744	-1.250630	0.688856	176049.000000	0.000000	0.004719	0.005591	-1.952455	0.109166	0.671742	-12813.997070	-11902.125000	-7453.041992	0.148991	0.000207	-1.796164	-0.012261	0.039188	-1.297968	0.320688	-0.024123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	167684.000000	169507.000000	158785.000000
-338.107025	0.184133	0.002408	-0.960363	-0.222744	-1.292135	0.694178	176049.000000	0.000000	0.004719	0.005591	-1.860237	0.115657	0.671742	12090.365234	2270.299316	-9770.293945	0.143465	-0.000428	-1.796164	-0.012261	0.039188	-1.297968	0.320688	-0.024123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171458.000000	176098.000000	156458.000000	200000.000000
-338.112030	0.178029	-0.001498	-0.963293	-0.221680	-1.330447	0.698435	176690.000000	0.000000	0.004719	0.005591	-1.765896	0.120658	0.671742	12585.848633	2007.740356	-11624.090820	0.137731	-0.000980	-1.796164	-0.012261	0.039188	-1.297968	0.320688	-0.024123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173720.000000	175644.000000	154487.000000	200000.000000
-338.117035	0.171926	-0.005160	-0.965002	-0.219552	-1.364502	0.700563	176690.000000	0.000000	0.004719	0.005591	-1.670043	0.124649	0.671742	12881.523438	1788.121460	-12550.976562	0.131819	-0.001455	-1.796164	-0.012261	0.039188	-1.297968	0.320688	-0.024123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174571.000000	175232.000000	153045.000000	200000.000000
-338.122040	0.166311	-0.007602	-0.966955	-0.216359	-1.394301	0.701627	176690.000000	0.000000	0.004719	0.005591	-1.573334	0.128726	0.671742	13089.437500	1684.743896	-13014.431641	0.125761	-0.001874	-1.796164	-0.012261	0.039188	-1.297968	0.320688	-0.024123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174930.000000	175080.000000	152270.000000	200000.000000
-338.127045	0.159475	-0.010775	-0.968664	-0.212102	-1.418778	0.700563	176690.000000	0.000000	0.004719	0.005591	-1.474699	0.131041	0.671742	13279.693359	1364.854980	-12550.976562	0.119560	-0.002221	-1.796164	-0.012261	0.039188	-1.297968	0.320688	-0.024123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174596.000000	176053.000000	152224.000000	200000.000000
-338.132050	0.153127	-0.013217	-0.970617	-0.206781	-1.440062	0.698435	177138.000000	0.000000	0.008378	0.007973	-1.174288	0.263918	0.593619	36594.976562	16190.745117	-45645.082031	0.113247	-0.002508	-1.766117	-0.018004	0.039445	-1.295029	0.260683	-0.021375	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160947.000000	160947.000000	133328.000000	200000.000000
-338.137054	0.146779	-0.015658	-0.972326	-0.201460	-1.458154	0.695242	177138.000000	0.000000	0.008378	0.007973	-1.220687	0.169812	0.593619	-2020.216187	-9224.747070	-44254.742188	0.106839	-0.002737	-1.766117	-0.018004	0.039445	-1.295029	0.260683	-0.021375	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	154342.000000	139933.000000	195893.000000
-338.142059	0.140920	-0.017611	-0.973303	-0.195074	-1.473053	0.692049	177138.000000	0.000000	-0.001013	0.001905	-1.637328	-0.163192	0.571186	-44929.640625	-37171.257812	-52633.558594	0.100366	-0.002914	-1.757488	-0.019752	0.039759	-1.294394	0.246088	-0.019181	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	147138.000000	147138.000000	147138.000000
-338.147064	0.136281	-0.018588	-0.974035	-0.187625	-1.484760	0.687792	177138.000000	0.000000	-0.001013	0.001905	-1.163497	0.080098	0.571186	54865.593750	27163.585938	-50779.761719	0.093870	-0.003056	-1.757488	-0.019752	0.039759	-1.294394	0.246088	-0.019181	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149974.000000	149974.000000	144301.000000	200000.000000
-338.152069	0.131643	-0.018344	-0.974523	-0.179111	-1.495402	0.682471	177138.000000	0.000000	-0.001013	0.001905	-1.065144	0.081396	0.571186	13963.949219	405.004395	-48462.535156	0.087357	-0.003183	-1.757488	-0.019752	0.039759	-1.294394	0.246088	-0.019181	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192769.000000	160696.000000	133579.000000	200000.000000
-338.157074	0.126271	-0.016146	-0.975744	-0.171661	-1.502852	0.676086	177144.000000	0.000000	-0.001013	0.001905	-0.966502	0.084978	0.571186	14132.565430	755.223511	-45681.824219	0.080827	-0.003340	-1.757488	-0.019752	0.039759	-1.294394	0.246088	-0.019181	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192256.000000	160521.000000	133766.000000	200000.000000
-338.162079	0.120656	-0.014682	-0.975744	-0.163148	-1.510301	0.669700	177144.000000	0.000000	-0.001013	0.001905	-0.867524	0.087836	0.571186	14659.105469	532.602905	-42901.144531	0.074278	-0.003507	-1.757488	-0.019752	0.039759	-1.294394	0.246088	-0.019181	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191952.000000	161270.000000	133017.000000	200000.000000
-338.167084	0.114553	-0.013949	-0.976477	-0.154634	-1.516687	0.660122	177144.000000	0.000000	-0.001013	0.001905	-0.767923	0.090057	0.571186	15098.189453	433.726471	-38730.093750	0.067705	-0.003668	-1.757488	-0.019752	0.039759	-1.294394	0.246088	-0.019181	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191612.000000	161808.000000	132479.000000	200000.000000
-338.172089	0.107717	-0.015414	-0.978430	-0.146120	-1.522008	0.650544	177144.000000	0.000000	-0.001013	0.001905	-0.667292	0.089744	0.571186	15581.712891	114.337067	-34559.046875	0.061094	-0.003780	-1.757488	-0.019752	0.039759	-1.294394	0.246088	-0.019181	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191447.000000	162611.000000	131676.000000	200000.000000
-338.177094	0.100637	-0.017611	-0.979406	-0.136542	-1.525200	0.639902	177132.000000	0.000000	-0.001013	0.001905	-0.566570	0.087611	0.571186	15835.735352	-256.562531	-29924.568359	0.054456	-0.003822	-1.757488	-0.019752	0.039759	-1.294394	0.246088	-0.019181	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191477.000000	163299.000000	131115.000000	200000.000000
-338.182098	0.092824	-0.019564	-0.980383	-0.125900	-1.528393	0.629260	177132.000000	0.000000	-0.001013	0.001905	-0.464631	0.084470	0.571186	16453.210938	-547.809143	-25290.089844	0.047774	-0.003796	-1.757488	-0.019752	0.039759	-1.294394	0.246088	-0.019181	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186516.000000	168842.000000	134840.000000	200000.000000
-338.187103	0.085012	-0.022494	-0.981848	-0.116322	-1.528393	0.617553	177132.000000	0.000000	0.008048	0.008136	0.135305	0.422156	0.519072	73619.539062	38554.355469	-42886.871094	0.041065	-0.003688	-1.737445	-0.021554	0.038059	-1.292142	0.198769	-0.014249	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147132.000000	147132.000000	147132.000000	200000.000000
-338.192108	0.077932	-0.026645	-0.984533	-0.104615	-1.525200	0.604783	177132.000000	0.000000	0.006916	0.007698	-0.188725	0.140987	0.487697	-29832.324219	-31073.582031	-50988.300781	0.034357	-0.003464	-1.725378	-0.021636	0.036056	-1.290616	0.168879	-0.011660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	147299.000000	146964.000000	147299.000000
-338.197113	0.072316	-0.030307	-0.988439	-0.093973	-1.519879	0.592012	177132.000000	0.000000	0.006916	0.007698	-0.045019	0.149804	0.487697	22000.613281	920.633911	-45426.910156	0.027690	-0.003144	-1.725378	-0.021636	0.036056	-1.290616	0.168879	-0.011660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184210.000000	168211.000000	126052.000000	200000.000000
-338.202118	0.068166	-0.033725	-0.992102	-0.082267	-1.515622	0.578177	177014.000000	0.000000	0.006916	0.007698	0.051455	0.139710	0.487697	17348.470703	-1375.941040	-39402.062500	0.021086	-0.002727	-1.725378	-0.021636	0.036056	-1.290616	0.168879	-0.011660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191041.000000	165738.000000	128289.000000	200000.000000
-338.207123	0.065725	-0.037143	-0.994543	-0.070560	-1.508173	0.563278	177014.000000	0.000000	0.006916	0.007698	0.144189	0.128207	0.487697	16978.298828	-1637.714233	-32913.789062	0.014598	-0.002215	-1.725378	-0.021636	0.036056	-1.290616	0.168879	-0.011660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191673.000000	165630.000000	128397.000000	200000.000000
-338.212128	0.065480	-0.039340	-0.998449	-0.059918	-1.498595	0.548379	177014.000000	0.000000	0.006916	0.007698	0.232440	0.117020	0.487697	16613.355469	-1586.389404	-26425.488281	0.008275	-0.001639	-1.725378	-0.021636	0.036056	-1.290616	0.168879	-0.011660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188412.000000	168788.000000	132388.000000	200000.000000
-338.217133	0.066457	-0.040805	-1.002355	-0.050340	-1.487952	0.532415	177014.000000	0.000000	0.006916	0.007698	0.316777	0.105979	0.487697	16404.984375	-1548.093506	-19473.757812	0.002143	-0.001019	-1.725378	-0.021636	0.036056	-1.290616	0.168879	-0.011660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181630.000000	175493.000000	139587.000000	200000.000000
-338.222137	0.067922	-0.040316	-1.006506	-0.040762	-1.476246	0.516452	177014.000000	0.000000	0.011984	0.011287	0.676338	0.293712	0.449285	48150.531250	21127.832031	-29249.953125	-0.003787	-0.000394	-1.710603	-0.019560	0.031329	-1.288248	0.123636	-0.006010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155136.000000	156636.000000	138891.000000	200000.000000
-338.227142	0.069143	-0.039340	-1.010412	-0.032248	-1.464540	0.500489	177014.000000	0.000000	0.011984	0.011287	0.552011	0.141287	0.449285	-5681.559082	-16898.005859	-22298.222656	-0.009524	0.000223	-1.710603	-0.019560	0.031329	-1.288248	0.123636	-0.006010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	165932.000000	143499.000000	176732.000000
-338.232147	0.070607	-0.038363	-1.013342	-0.025863	-1.452833	0.484525	177014.000000	0.000000	0.007944	0.009055	0.405179	0.010215	0.438283	-8885.422852	-14948.261719	-20137.667969	-0.015066	0.000824	-1.706372	-0.018336	0.029318	-1.287461	0.107993	-0.005130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162939.000000	150813.000000	173317.000000
-338.237152	0.071340	-0.038363	-1.016760	-0.018413	-1.441127	0.469626	177014.000000	0.000000	0.007944	0.009055	0.640131	0.089870	0.438283	34121.019531	8437.462891	-13649.378906	-0.020431	0.001435	-1.706372	-0.018336	0.029318	-1.287461	0.107993	-0.005130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152225.000000	184927.000000	141802.000000	200000.000000
-338.242157	0.070852	-0.038607	-1.021398	-0.014156	-1.430484	0.456855	176913.000000	0.000000	0.007944	0.009055	0.712781	0.080754	0.438283	16677.091797	-1033.786133	-8088.002441	-0.025653	0.002045	-1.706372	-0.018336	0.029318	-1.287461	0.107993	-0.005130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169357.000000	186535.000000	151114.000000	200000.000000
-338.247162	0.069631	-0.040561	-1.025793	-0.007771	-1.420906	0.445149	176913.000000	0.000000	0.007944	0.009055	0.784495	0.069193	0.438283	16977.136719	-1619.323364	-2990.055176	-0.030756	0.002699	-1.706372	-0.018336	0.029318	-1.287461	0.107993	-0.005130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164545.000000	192519.000000	155326.000000	195260.000000
-338.252167	0.067678	-0.042270	-1.030432	-0.003514	-1.412392	0.435571	176913.000000	0.000000	0.007944	0.009055	0.855605	0.057848	0.438283	17315.560547	-1433.186279	1180.980713	-0.035759	0.003381	-1.706372	-0.018336	0.029318	-1.287461	0.107993	-0.005130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159849.000000	196842.000000	159345.000000	191614.000000
-338.257172	0.065725	-0.043246	-1.033605	0.000743	-1.402814	0.428121	176913.000000	0.000000	0.007944	0.009055	0.924901	0.046815	0.438283	17275.125000	-1469.640015	4425.131348	-0.040657	0.004077	-1.706372	-0.018336	0.029318	-1.287461	0.107993	-0.005130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156682.000000	200000.000000	162593.000000	188293.000000
-338.262177	0.064016	-0.043490	-1.038000	0.001807	-1.395365	0.422800	176913.000000	0.000000	0.007944	0.009055	0.993184	0.037276	0.438283	17676.419922	-1002.738342	6742.370605	-0.045462	0.004757	-1.706372	-0.018336	0.029318	-1.287461	0.107993	-0.005130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153496.000000	200000.000000	164976.000000	186844.000000
-338.267181	0.063527	-0.042270	-1.042883	0.002872	-1.385787	0.418543	176920.000000	0.000000	0.007944	0.009055	1.058282	0.029510	0.438283	17347.464844	-848.403259	8596.166992	-0.050139	0.005393	-1.706372	-0.018336	0.029318	-1.287461	0.107993	-0.005130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151824.000000	200000.000000	167320.000000	184822.000000
-338.272186	0.063283	-0.040072	-1.048254	0.000743	-1.377273	0.414286	176920.000000	0.000000	0.007944	0.009055	1.121664	0.024222	0.438283	17528.199219	-239.444412	10449.963867	-0.054694	0.005952	-1.706372	-0.018336	0.029318	-1.287461	0.107993	-0.005130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149181.000000	200000.000000	169602.000000	183758.000000
-338.277191	0.064504	-0.037387	-1.052160	-0.002450	-1.367695	0.411094	176920.000000	0.000000	0.011358	0.011258	1.369136	0.141820	0.417925	38747.253906	13945.341797	2975.046387	-0.059092	0.006422	-1.698542	-0.015537	0.025068	-1.286082	0.081477	-0.002909	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129999.000000	195949.000000	163840.000000	200000.000000
-338.282196	0.066457	-0.034945	-1.056066	-0.007771	-1.357053	0.407901	176920.000000	0.000000	0.014642	0.013229	1.469739	0.160150	0.390620	22894.978516	3373.026855	-7525.446289	-0.063319	0.006800	-1.688040	-0.010976	0.018629	-1.284235	0.039320	0.003584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158177.000000	188916.000000	149872.000000	200000.000000
-338.287201	0.069143	-0.032992	-1.060949	-0.014156	-1.347475	0.404708	176935.000000	0.000000	0.014642	0.013229	1.392174	0.080381	0.390620	3020.500977	-7634.111816	-6135.104980	-0.067370	0.007092	-1.688040	-0.010976	0.018629	-1.284235	0.039320	0.003584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187683.000000	181454.000000	160145.000000	178456.000000
-338.292206	0.071828	-0.031527	-1.065588	-0.021606	-1.336832	0.400451	176935.000000	0.000000	0.014642	0.013229	1.443192	0.080339	0.390620	17227.656250	1283.499268	-4281.308594	-0.071244	0.007305	-1.688040	-0.010976	0.018629	-1.284235	0.039320	0.003584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162705.000000	188597.000000	156709.000000	199727.000000
-338.297211	0.074514	-0.030795	-1.069006	-0.031184	-1.326190	0.397259	176935.000000	0.000000	0.014642	0.013229	1.491674	0.081162	0.390620	17122.923828	1660.437866	-2890.954590	-0.074943	0.007445	-1.688040	-0.010976	0.018629	-1.284235	0.039320	0.003584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161042.000000	189506.000000	158581.000000	198609.000000
-338.302216	0.077199	-0.029330	-1.071691	-0.040762	-1.315548	0.391938	176935.000000	0.000000	0.014642	0.013229	1.537629	0.083654	0.390620	17008.248047	1899.697632	-573.715271	-0.078468	0.007501	-1.688040	-0.010976	0.018629	-1.284235	0.039320	0.003584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158600.000000	191469.000000	161252.000000	196416.000000
-338.307220	0.078908	-0.027865	-1.074133	-0.051404	-1.303841	0.385552	176935.000000	0.000000	0.014642	0.013229	1.581945	0.087537	0.390620	16860.236328	2236.265625	2206.979736	-0.081838	0.007472	-1.688040	-0.010976	0.018629	-1.284235	0.039320	0.003584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155631.000000	193765.000000	164518.000000	193824.000000
-338.312225	0.079152	-0.025912	-1.075598	-0.063110	-1.293199	0.379167	176740.000000	0.000000	0.014642	0.013229	1.625761	0.093336	0.390620	17074.863281	2644.551025	4987.674316	-0.085086	0.007345	-1.688040	-0.010976	0.018629	-1.284235	0.039320	0.003584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152032.000000	196157.000000	167297.000000	191471.000000
-338.317230	0.078664	-0.023227	-1.077307	-0.074817	-1.282557	0.370653	176740.000000	0.000000	0.014642	0.013229	1.668623	0.101165	0.390620	17118.101562	2957.523682	8695.267578	-0.088227	0.007110	-1.688040	-0.010976	0.018629	-1.284235	0.039320	0.003584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147969.000000	199595.000000	171274.000000	188120.000000
-338.322235	0.076711	-0.019809	-1.077307	-0.086523	-1.270850	0.362139	176740.000000	0.000000	0.014642	0.013229	1.711068	0.111173	0.390620	17096.769531	3296.985840	12402.861328	-0.091283	0.006758	-1.688040	-0.010976	0.018629	-1.284235	0.039320	0.003584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143943.000000	200000.000000	175343.000000	184730.000000
-338.327240	0.072805	-0.017123	-1.078039	-0.098230	-1.260208	0.352561	176740.000000	0.000000	0.016877	0.014215	1.877536	0.176248	0.351926	31567.539062	9705.241211	-276.721466	-0.094298	0.006303	-1.673158	-0.005838	0.011302	-1.282899	-0.012093	0.006473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137311.000000	196758.000000	156168.000000	200000.000000
-338.332245	0.067434	-0.015658	-1.076818	-0.107808	-1.248502	0.342983	176734.000000	0.000000	0.016877	0.014215	1.832240	0.147245	0.351926	7903.723145	-962.702515	3894.314453	-0.097292	0.005784	-1.673158	-0.005838	0.011302	-1.282899	-0.012093	0.006473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165898.000000	189494.000000	171761.000000	179780.000000
-338.337250	0.060354	-0.015902	-1.075354	-0.116322	-1.238924	0.333405	176734.000000	0.000000	0.016877	0.014215	1.878335	0.156525	0.351926	18354.560547	3211.701904	8065.363281	-0.100307	0.005237	-1.673158	-0.005838	0.011302	-1.282899	-0.012093	0.006473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147102.000000	199942.000000	169656.000000	190234.000000
-338.342255	0.054006	-0.016146	-1.074621	-0.121643	-1.231474	0.325956	176734.000000	0.000000	0.016877	0.014215	1.924619	0.165378	0.351926	18788.138672	2878.813965	11309.500977	-0.103342	0.004679	-1.673158	-0.005838	0.011302	-1.282899	-0.012093	0.006473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143757.000000	200000.000000	172134.000000	187091.000000
-338.347260	0.046926	-0.016391	-1.073400	-0.126964	-1.222960	0.318506	176734.000000	0.000000	0.016877	0.014215	1.971623	0.174379	0.351926	18927.304688	2960.961670	14553.651367	-0.106403	0.004109	-1.673158	-0.005838	0.011302	-1.282899	-0.012093	0.006473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140292.000000	200000.000000	175321.000000	184068.000000
-338.352264	0.041066	-0.015658	-1.070715	-0.131221	-1.216575	0.312121	176739.000000	0.000000	0.016877	0.014215	2.018291	0.184252	0.351926	19309.691406	3004.791992	17334.345703	-0.109478	0.003515	-1.673158	-0.005838	0.011302	-1.282899	-0.012093	0.006473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137090.000000	200000.000000	177768.000000	181719.000000
-338.357269	0.036672	-0.014926	-1.068029	-0.134414	-1.212318	0.305735	176739.000000	0.000000	0.016877	0.014215	2.064246	0.194169	0.351926	19657.169922	2953.059570	20115.027344	-0.112550	0.002902	-1.673158	-0.005838	0.011302	-1.282899	-0.012093	0.006473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134013.000000	200000.000000	180149.000000	179234.000000
-338.362274	0.034230	-0.014193	-1.065832	-0.135478	-1.209125	0.301478	176739.000000	0.000000	0.016877	0.014215	2.108472	0.203836	0.351926	19772.822266	2740.733643	21968.824219	-0.115589	0.002281	-1.673158	-0.005838	0.011302	-1.282899	-0.012093	0.006473	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132256.000000	200000.000000	181675.000000	177283.000000
-338.367279	0.033010	-0.013705	-1.063391	-0.136542	-1.208061	0.296157	176739.000000	0.000000	0.007508	0.007796	1.636377	-0.139625	0.341724	-38942.281250	-37662.750000	19843.257812	-0.118582	0.001657	-1.669234	-0.004835	0.009814	-1.282733	-0.025236	0.004634	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	196582.000000	196582.000000	100000.000000
-338.372284	0.032766	-0.013949	-1.060705	-0.135478	-1.209125	0.291900	176739.000000	0.000000	0.019548	0.016044	2.715038	0.578787	0.334351	136773.453125	82162.328125	18486.550781	-0.121522	0.001053	-1.666398	0.003615	0.000324	-1.282824	-0.078892	0.004407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	195225.000000	195225.000000	200000.000000
-338.377289	0.032521	-0.014193	-1.058020	-0.134414	-1.211254	0.287643	176622.000000	0.000000	0.019548	0.016044	2.275177	0.256925	0.334351	-32093.822266	-33707.558594	20340.347656	-0.124416	0.000470	-1.666398	0.003615	0.000324	-1.282824	-0.078892	0.004407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	196962.000000	196962.000000	100000.000000
-338.382294	0.032277	-0.013949	-1.055822	-0.131221	-1.214447	0.283387	176622.000000	0.000000	0.019548	0.016044	2.316403	0.264502	0.334351	21126.117188	2302.406738	22194.144531	-0.127270	-0.000092	-1.666398	0.003615	0.000324	-1.282824	-0.078892	0.004407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130999.000000	200000.000000	179992.000000	177856.000000
-338.387299	0.032521	-0.014193	-1.052648	-0.126964	-1.219768	0.279130	176622.000000	0.000000	0.019548	0.016044	2.357115	0.270965	0.334351	21515.244141	2073.029785	24047.941406	-0.130086	-0.000618	-1.666398	0.003615	0.000324	-1.282824	-0.078892	0.004407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128985.000000	200000.000000	181227.000000	176162.000000
-338.392303	0.032033	-0.013461	-1.048986	-0.121643	-1.225089	0.273809	176622.000000	0.000000	0.019548	0.016044	2.398047	0.277610	0.334351	21752.228516	1982.217529	26365.179688	-0.132879	-0.001121	-1.666398	0.003615	0.000324	-1.282824	-0.078892	0.004407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126522.000000	200000.000000	183217.000000	173991.000000
-338.397308	0.030568	-0.012240	-1.045080	-0.116322	-1.229346	0.267423	176622.000000	0.000000	0.019548	0.016044	2.439387	0.284408	0.334351	21889.832031	2005.703735	29145.875000	-0.135661	-0.001611	-1.666398	0.003615	0.000324	-1.282824	-0.078892	0.004407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123580.000000	200000.000000	185883.000000	171371.000000
-338.402313	0.027883	-0.010043	-1.041174	-0.109936	-1.234667	0.261038	176622.000000	0.000000	0.019548	0.016044	2.482176	0.291758	0.334351	22387.507812	1953.875732	31926.570312	-0.138462	-0.002101	-1.666398	0.003615	0.000324	-1.282824	-0.078892	0.004407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122280.000000	200000.000000	186188.000000	170963.000000
-338.407318	0.023977	-0.008334	-1.037023	-0.103551	-1.237859	0.253588	176622.000000	0.000000	0.019548	0.016044	2.525971	0.298560	0.334351	22480.134766	1895.472046	35170.707031	-0.141296	-0.002581	-1.666398	0.003615	0.000324	-1.282824	-0.078892	0.004407	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122246.000000	200000.000000	186037.000000	170997.000000
-338.412323	0.019338	-0.006869	-1.033361	-0.098230	-1.239988	0.246139	176622.000000	0.000000	0.009453	0.007431	2.015701	-0.168303	0.292458	-40897.011719	-52241.800781	20171.027344	-0.144171	-0.003052	-1.650285	0.002714	0.000025	-1.283683	-0.112489	-0.001408	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	196793.000000	196793.000000	100000.000000
-338.417328	0.013967	-0.005404	-1.029943	-0.092909	-1.239988	0.239753	176622.000000	0.000000	0.003494	0.003217	2.137241	-0.049020	0.280821	28899.232422	12732.693359	17884.240234	-0.147091	-0.003515	-1.645810	0.002338	0.000118	-1.283997	-0.125186	-0.001573	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117105.000000	200000.000000	178339.000000	200000.000000
-338.422333	0.010061	-0.002963	-1.026770	-0.087588	-1.237859	0.233368	176694.000000	0.000000	0.010722	0.009872	2.817108	0.492985	0.282946	93174.375000	61682.246094	21590.455078	-0.150018	-0.003989	-1.646627	0.004359	-0.001996	-1.284259	-0.135742	-0.001718	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	198284.000000	198284.000000	200000.000000
-338.427338	0.007619	0.000943	-1.024328	-0.083331	-1.232538	0.226983	176694.000000	0.000000	0.010722	0.009872	2.569901	0.236450	0.282946	-10275.818359	-27204.580078	24371.150391	-0.152906	-0.004508	-1.646627	0.004359	-0.001996	-1.284259	-0.135742	-0.001718	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189803.000000	200000.000000	184136.000000	114842.000000
-338.432343	0.006154	0.004605	-1.022375	-0.080138	-1.226153	0.221661	176694.000000	0.000000	0.010722	0.009872	2.609862	0.246733	0.282946	21337.539062	2283.231689	26688.396484	-0.155733	-0.005072	-1.646627	0.004359	-0.001996	-1.284259	-0.135742	-0.001718	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126384.000000	200000.000000	184328.000000	173626.000000
-338.437347	0.006154	0.006803	-1.019201	-0.076945	-1.216575	0.215276	176694.000000	0.000000	0.010722	0.009872	2.646531	0.256039	0.282946	20749.054688	2203.833252	29469.089844	-0.158456	-0.005652	-1.646627	0.004359	-0.001996	-1.284259	-0.135742	-0.001718	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124272.000000	200000.000000	187617.000000	170177.000000
-338.442352	0.007375	0.009244	-1.017492	-0.074817	-1.205933	0.208891	176690.000000	0.000000	0.010722	0.009872	2.680155	0.266092	0.282946	20403.048828	2439.615479	32249.779297	-0.161047	-0.006256	-1.646627	0.004359	-0.001996	-1.284259	-0.135742	-0.001718	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123847.000000	200000.000000	188726.000000	169532.000000
-338.447357	0.008840	0.011197	-1.014807	-0.072688	-1.193162	0.200377	176690.000000	0.000000	0.010722	0.009872	2.711106	0.275872	0.282946	19958.673828	2444.711426	35957.371094	-0.163495	-0.006873	-1.646627	0.004359	-0.001996	-1.284259	-0.135742	-0.001718	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124286.000000	200000.000000	189176.000000	169093.000000
-338.452362	0.011037	0.011930	-1.011145	-0.070560	-1.178263	0.191863	176690.000000	0.000000	0.010722	0.009872	2.738668	0.284511	0.282946	19410.240234	2349.132812	39664.964844	-0.165776	-0.007479	-1.646627	0.004359	-0.001996	-1.284259	-0.135742	-0.001718	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124930.000000	200000.000000	189628.000000	168449.000000
-338.457367	0.012746	0.012174	-1.007238	-0.068432	-1.162299	0.182285	176690.000000	0.000000	0.010722	0.009872	2.764147	0.292399	0.282946	19107.937500	2293.158691	43836.007812	-0.167898	-0.008064	-1.646627	0.004359	-0.001996	-1.284259	-0.135742	-0.001718	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125288.000000	200000.000000	189875.000000	168091.000000
-338.462372	0.013967	0.011441	-1.003332	-0.066303	-1.145272	0.171643	176631.000000	0.000000	0.010722	0.009872	2.787612	0.298845	0.282946	18799.169922	2154.472656	48470.492188	-0.169867	-0.008606	-1.646627	0.004359	-0.001996	-1.284259	-0.135742	-0.001718	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125677.000000	200000.000000	189986.000000	167584.000000
-338.467377	0.013234	0.009977	-1.000158	-0.062046	-1.128244	0.159936	176631.000000	0.000000	0.010026	0.007350	2.772948	0.164551	0.259595	14460.831055	-14192.104492	43399.320312	-0.171729	-0.009080	-1.637646	0.003959	-0.002131	-1.285091	-0.172642	-0.003152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146362.000000	200000.000000	177978.000000	146899.000000
-338.472382	0.011037	0.007535	-0.996984	-0.056725	-1.112281	0.148230	176631.000000	0.000000	0.007842	0.005965	2.704545	0.191307	0.251439	8279.020508	3498.245605	44945.542969	-0.173518	-0.009462	-1.634509	0.004148	-0.002512	-1.285613	-0.194551	-0.003306	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134853.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158408.000000
-338.477386	0.007619	0.004850	-0.994299	-0.050340	-1.095253	0.137588	176631.000000	0.000000	0.007842	0.005965	2.815942	0.246921	0.251439	28369.939453	6781.467773	49580.027344	-0.175255	-0.009744	-1.634509	0.004148	-0.002512	-1.285613	-0.194551	-0.003306	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111479.000000	200000.000000	185042.000000	181782.000000
-338.482391	0.003713	0.001676	-0.991369	-0.041826	-1.077161	0.126945	176631.000000	0.000000	0.007842	0.005965	2.839543	0.244612	0.251439	18622.785156	127.416588	54214.519531	-0.176948	-0.009907	-1.634509	0.004148	-0.002512	-1.285613	-0.194551	-0.003306	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127880.000000	200000.000000	188135.000000	165381.000000
-338.487396	-0.000682	-0.001010	-0.988684	-0.034376	-1.059070	0.116303	176687.000000	0.000000	0.007842	0.005965	2.863142	0.241445	0.251439	18647.726562	101.348885	58849.011719	-0.178608	-0.009968	-1.634509	0.004148	-0.002512	-1.285613	-0.194551	-0.003306	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127937.000000	200000.000000	188140.000000	165436.000000
-338.492401	-0.004832	-0.002719	-0.985998	-0.025863	-1.039914	0.107789	176687.000000	0.000000	0.007842	0.005965	2.885711	0.237728	0.251439	18433.181641	-132.280014	62556.601562	-0.180226	-0.009945	-1.634509	0.004148	-0.002512	-1.285613	-0.194551	-0.003306	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128386.000000	200000.000000	188121.000000	164987.000000
-338.497406	-0.008738	-0.003207	-0.983312	-0.020541	-1.019693	0.098211	176687.000000	0.000000	0.007842	0.005965	2.907160	0.234989	0.251439	18198.626953	289.206451	66727.640625	-0.181793	-0.009878	-1.634509	0.004148	-0.002512	-1.285613	-0.194551	-0.003306	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128199.000000	200000.000000	188777.000000	165174.000000
-338.502411	-0.011668	-0.002719	-0.980627	-0.015220	-0.999473	0.089697	176687.000000	0.000000	0.007842	0.005965	2.926825	0.232779	0.251439	17999.847656	312.612823	70435.234375	-0.183290	-0.009790	-1.634509	0.004148	-0.002512	-1.285613	-0.194551	-0.003306	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128374.000000	200000.000000	188999.000000	164999.000000
-338.507416	-0.014842	-0.002475	-0.977209	-0.012028	-0.978188	0.080119	176525.000000	0.000000	0.007842	0.005965	2.945540	0.230498	0.251439	17766.599609	513.757507	74606.273438	-0.184719	-0.009684	-1.634509	0.004148	-0.002512	-1.285613	-0.194551	-0.003306	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128244.000000	200000.000000	189272.000000	164805.000000
-338.512421	-0.017283	-0.001742	-0.974035	-0.009899	-0.955840	0.069477	176525.000000	0.000000	0.013169	0.009002	3.255136	0.395720	0.245175	50955.148438	19798.972656	76513.062500	-0.186061	-0.009575	-1.632100	0.003898	-0.002378	-1.286278	-0.230979	-0.001178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	196323.000000	196323.000000
-338.517426	-0.019480	-0.001986	-0.971594	-0.010963	-0.934555	0.058835	176525.000000	0.000000	0.013169	0.009002	3.057618	0.272269	0.245175	-5694.732910	-12154.211914	81147.554688	-0.187319	-0.009459	-1.632100	0.003898	-0.002378	-1.286278	-0.230979	-0.001178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164373.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128676.000000
-338.522430	-0.020945	-0.002963	-0.969396	-0.012028	-0.911142	0.048193	176525.000000	0.000000	0.013169	0.009002	3.070532	0.269293	0.245175	17161.343750	1083.847534	85782.046875	-0.188469	-0.009320	-1.632100	0.003898	-0.002378	-1.286278	-0.230979	-0.001178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128279.000000	200000.000000	190447.000000	164770.000000
-338.527435	-0.022410	-0.004184	-0.967199	-0.014156	-0.887729	0.037550	176525.000000	0.000000	0.013169	0.009002	3.081950	0.265999	0.245175	16941.533203	1160.583008	90416.539062	-0.189512	-0.009160	-1.632100	0.003898	-0.002378	-1.286278	-0.230979	-0.001178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128422.000000	200000.000000	190744.000000	164627.000000
-338.532440	-0.024119	-0.004672	-0.964758	-0.018413	-0.864316	0.025844	175377.000000	0.000000	0.013169	0.009002	3.092189	0.263735	0.245175	16751.365234	1516.979370	95514.476562	-0.190458	-0.009002	-1.632100	0.003898	-0.002378	-1.286278	-0.230979	-0.001178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127108.000000	200000.000000	190142.000000	163645.000000
-338.537445	-0.025340	-0.004672	-0.962805	-0.021606	-0.839839	0.013073	175377.000000	0.000000	0.013169	0.009002	3.100211	0.261715	0.245175	16314.938477	1432.250366	101075.859375	-0.191291	-0.008850	-1.632100	0.003898	-0.002378	-1.286278	-0.230979	-0.001178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127629.000000	200000.000000	190494.000000	163124.000000
-338.542450	-0.027537	-0.004916	-0.960607	-0.023734	-0.815362	0.000303	175377.000000	0.000000	0.013169	0.009002	3.107806	0.259210	0.245175	16190.309570	1260.137695	106637.250000	-0.192035	-0.008694	-1.632100	0.003898	-0.002378	-1.286278	-0.230979	-0.001178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127926.000000	200000.000000	190446.000000	162827.000000
-338.547455	-0.029734	-0.006137	-0.958410	-0.025863	-0.790885	-0.013532	175377.000000	0.000000	0.013169	0.009002	3.114175	0.255464	0.245175	15972.108398	1116.239746	112662.085938	-0.192692	-0.008513	-1.632100	0.003898	-0.002378	-1.286278	-0.230979	-0.001178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128288.000000	200000.000000	190521.000000	162465.000000
-338.552460	-0.031932	-0.008334	-0.955969	-0.025863	-0.766407	-0.027367	174399.000000	0.000000	0.013169	0.009002	3.119352	0.249652	0.245175	15752.277344	628.205261	118686.921875	-0.193264	-0.008275	-1.632100	0.003898	-0.002378	-1.286278	-0.230979	-0.001178	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128018.000000	200000.000000	189274.000000	160779.000000
-338.557465	-0.034373	-0.010531	-0.952795	-0.025863	-0.740866	-0.041202	174399.000000	0.000000	0.012121	0.007749	3.065761	0.174119	0.247718	8809.457031	-7385.347656	125818.820312	-0.193753	-0.007982	-1.633078	0.002252	-0.000579	-1.286063	-0.263715	0.003444	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142974.000000	200000.000000	188204.000000	145823.000000
-338.562469	-0.036814	-0.014438	-0.951330	-0.023734	-0.715325	-0.056101	174399.000000	0.000000	0.012121	0.007749	3.110484	0.214236	0.247718	19707.861328	5271.711914	132307.109375	-0.194160	-0.007587	-1.633078	0.002252	-0.000579	-1.286063	-0.263715	0.003444	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119419.000000	200000.000000	189962.000000	169378.000000
-338.567474	-0.039256	-0.019076	-0.949865	-0.020541	-0.690848	-0.069936	174399.000000	0.000000	0.012121	0.007749	3.112450	0.201732	0.247718	15019.919922	-703.414734	138331.937500	-0.194491	-0.007072	-1.633078	0.002252	-0.000579	-1.286063	-0.263715	0.003444	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130082.000000	200000.000000	188675.000000	158715.000000
-338.572479	-0.041209	-0.022494	-0.947668	-0.016285	-0.665306	-0.084836	173848.000000	0.000000	0.012121	0.007749	3.112561	0.188596	0.247718	14581.936523	-970.064392	144820.234375	-0.194735	-0.006459	-1.633078	0.002252	-0.000579	-1.286063	-0.263715	0.003444	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130236.000000	200000.000000	188295.000000	157459.000000
-338.577484	-0.043162	-0.024203	-0.945227	-0.012028	-0.639765	-0.098670	173848.000000	0.000000	0.012121	0.007749	3.111457	0.176104	0.247718	14325.770508	-976.216431	150845.062500	-0.194891	-0.005786	-1.633078	0.002252	-0.000579	-1.286063	-0.263715	0.003444	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130498.000000	200000.000000	188546.000000	157197.000000
-338.582489	-0.044383	-0.023471	-0.942297	-0.008835	-0.614223	-0.113570	173848.000000	0.000000	0.012121	0.007749	3.108336	0.165827	0.247718	13972.162109	-677.576843	157333.343750	-0.194949	-0.005109	-1.633078	0.002252	-0.000579	-1.286063	-0.263715	0.003444	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130553.000000	200000.000000	189198.000000	157142.000000
-338.587494	-0.045359	-0.021273	-0.939855	-0.007771	-0.587618	-0.129533	173848.000000	0.000000	0.012121	0.007749	3.103239	0.157755	0.247718	13492.074219	-243.194977	164285.078125	-0.194898	-0.004471	-1.633078	0.002252	-0.000579	-1.286063	-0.263715	0.003444	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130599.000000	200000.000000	190112.000000	157096.000000
-338.592499	-0.046092	-0.018832	-0.937658	-0.007771	-0.561012	-0.144432	173848.000000	0.000000	0.008036	0.004485	2.871646	-0.028590	0.255815	-12605.970703	-20589.660156	174299.718750	-0.194734	-0.003881	-1.636192	-0.000147	0.002153	-1.285190	-0.281105	0.006106	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177043.000000	200000.000000	195864.000000	110652.000000
-338.597504	-0.047068	-0.017367	-0.935461	-0.008835	-0.534406	-0.161460	173346.000000	0.000000	0.002662	0.000995	2.731343	-0.097184	0.261484	-3333.847168	-7833.162109	184183.453125	-0.194467	-0.003322	-1.638372	-0.000798	0.002985	-1.284756	-0.284841	0.007414	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154513.000000	200000.000000	198846.000000	132178.000000
-338.602509	-0.049266	-0.016146	-0.933264	-0.012028	-0.507801	-0.177423	173346.000000	0.000000	0.000595	-0.001070	2.824427	-0.077539	0.265030	22639.503906	2210.322754	192679.281250	-0.194124	-0.002799	-1.639736	-0.002134	0.004499	-1.284305	-0.287215	0.006011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118496.000000	200000.000000	182916.000000	168195.000000
-338.607513	-0.051463	-0.013949	-0.931311	-0.014156	-0.480131	-0.195515	173346.000000	0.000000	0.000595	-0.001070	2.897544	-0.000055	0.265030	20535.416016	8820.391602	200557.921875	-0.193701	-0.002326	-1.639736	-0.002134	0.004499	-1.284305	-0.287215	0.006011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113990.000000	200000.000000	191630.000000	172701.000000
-338.612518	-0.053904	-0.011264	-0.929357	-0.016285	-0.452461	-0.213607	173346.000000	0.000000	0.000595	-0.001070	2.887206	-0.003862	0.265030	11182.428711	-127.424942	208436.546875	-0.193206	-0.001913	-1.639736	-0.002134	0.004499	-1.284305	-0.287215	0.006011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132290.000000	200000.000000	192036.000000	154401.000000
-338.617523	-0.056346	-0.008578	-0.927648	-0.017349	-0.423727	-0.230634	172539.000000	0.000000	0.000595	-0.001070	2.875591	-0.007041	0.265030	10740.290039	-185.096344	215851.734375	-0.192634	-0.001555	-1.639736	-0.002134	0.004499	-1.284305	-0.287215	0.006011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131983.000000	200000.000000	191613.000000	153094.000000
-338.622528	-0.059031	-0.005404	-0.926428	-0.017349	-0.393929	-0.248726	172539.000000	0.000000	0.000595	-0.001070	2.862838	-0.009198	0.265030	10301.357422	-199.735474	223730.359375	-0.191987	-0.001255	-1.639736	-0.002134	0.004499	-1.284305	-0.287215	0.006011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132437.000000	200000.000000	192037.000000	152640.000000
-338.627533	-0.061473	-0.000766	-0.925207	-0.015220	-0.364130	-0.266818	172539.000000	0.000000	0.000595	-0.001070	2.848801	-0.009354	0.265030	9959.539062	-224.198349	231609.000000	-0.191261	-0.001035	-1.639736	-0.002134	0.004499	-1.284305	-0.287215	0.006011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132803.000000	200000.000000	192355.000000	152274.000000
-338.632538	-0.063670	0.003629	-0.923986	-0.013092	-0.334332	-0.284910	172539.000000	0.000000	0.000595	-0.001070	2.833362	-0.008676	0.265030	9597.321289	-139.202652	239487.625000	-0.190452	-0.000886	-1.639736	-0.002134	0.004499	-1.284305	-0.287215	0.006011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133080.000000	200000.000000	192802.000000	151997.000000
-338.637543	-0.066111	0.007779	-0.923254	-0.009899	-0.303469	-0.304066	172539.000000	0.000000	0.000595	-0.001070	2.816744	-0.007599	0.265030	9132.232422	-222.048691	247829.718750	-0.189561	-0.000798	-1.639736	-0.002134	0.004499	-1.284305	-0.287215	0.006011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133628.000000	200000.000000	193184.000000	151449.000000
-338.642548	-0.068553	0.010709	-0.923010	-0.004578	-0.273671	-0.322158	171986.000000	0.000000	0.003085	0.001165	2.936147	0.115224	0.273631	24617.683594	13471.189453	259454.015625	-0.188595	-0.000733	-1.643044	-0.002639	0.005266	-1.283650	-0.291852	0.006709	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103897.000000	200000.000000	190839.000000	180074.000000
-338.647552	-0.071971	0.011197	-0.922766	0.001807	-0.244937	-0.339185	171986.000000	0.000000	0.007133	0.002965	3.042072	0.122017	0.296759	23607.896484	597.697754	276941.000000	-0.187582	-0.000634	-1.651940	-0.005920	0.009472	-1.281214	-0.301884	0.012395	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117780.000000	200000.000000	178975.000000	166191.000000
-338.652557	-0.076365	0.010709	-0.923254	0.010321	-0.216203	-0.355149	171986.000000	0.000000	0.003981	0.001302	2.690178	-0.046356	0.311808	-28483.035156	-19710.486328	290446.281250	-0.186542	-0.000472	-1.657728	-0.006113	0.010172	-1.280344	-0.299574	0.013046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190179.000000	193213.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-338.657562	-0.081004	0.009488	-0.924963	0.019899	-0.189597	-0.370048	171986.000000	0.000000	0.003981	0.001302	2.799901	0.013151	0.311808	22891.005859	5459.035645	296934.562500	-0.185488	-0.000227	-1.657728	-0.006113	0.010172	-1.280344	-0.299574	0.013046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113635.000000	200000.000000	184554.000000	170336.000000
-338.662567	-0.087352	0.008268	-0.926428	0.031606	-0.164056	-0.383883	171117.000000	0.000000	0.003981	0.001302	2.785671	0.004531	0.311808	9195.577148	-2359.549561	302959.406250	-0.184463	0.000108	-1.657728	-0.006113	0.010172	-1.280344	-0.299574	0.013046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134280.000000	200000.000000	189561.000000	147953.000000
-338.667572	-0.094920	0.007535	-0.926672	0.045441	-0.138514	-0.396654	171117.000000	0.000000	0.003981	0.001302	2.773373	-0.005262	0.311808	9234.044922	-2831.322021	308520.781250	-0.183494	0.000529	-1.657728	-0.006113	0.010172	-1.280344	-0.299574	0.013046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134714.000000	200000.000000	189051.000000	147519.000000
-338.672577	-0.102977	0.008268	-0.927404	0.059276	-0.112973	-0.408360	171117.000000	0.000000	0.003981	0.001302	2.762329	-0.014484	0.311808	9203.555664	-2874.560303	313618.718750	-0.182588	0.001004	-1.657728	-0.006113	0.010172	-1.280344	-0.299574	0.013046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134788.000000	200000.000000	189038.000000	147445.000000
-338.677582	-0.111521	0.008756	-0.928869	0.074175	-0.087432	-0.417938	171117.000000	0.000000	0.003981	0.001302	2.752594	-0.024920	0.311808	9185.287109	-3241.525146	317789.781250	-0.181753	0.001538	-1.657728	-0.006113	0.010172	-1.280344	-0.299574	0.013046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135173.000000	200000.000000	188690.000000	147060.000000
-338.682587	-0.120555	0.009488	-0.930578	0.090138	-0.061890	-0.426452	170501.000000	0.000000	0.003981	0.001302	2.744303	-0.036152	0.311808	9188.337891	-3571.304932	321497.375000	-0.180994	0.002131	-1.657728	-0.006113	0.010172	-1.280344	-0.299574	0.013046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134883.000000	200000.000000	187741.000000	146118.000000
-338.687592	-0.130320	0.010709	-0.933264	0.105037	-0.035285	-0.433902	170501.000000	0.000000	0.003981	0.001302	2.737414	-0.047311	0.311808	9071.507812	-3566.073730	324741.500000	-0.180318	0.002766	-1.657728	-0.006113	0.010172	-1.280344	-0.299574	0.013046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134995.000000	200000.000000	187863.000000	146006.000000
-338.692596	-0.139354	0.011197	-0.935461	0.118872	-0.009743	-0.439223	170501.000000	0.000000	0.003697	-0.000008	2.715472	-0.131561	0.333306	7314.984863	-11936.940430	336420.593750	-0.179711	0.003449	-1.665996	-0.008626	0.013676	-1.278172	-0.300607	0.017117	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145122.000000	200000.000000	181249.000000	135879.000000
-338.697601	-0.148143	0.011686	-0.937170	0.131643	0.014734	-0.444544	170501.000000	0.000000	0.003615	-0.000448	2.716995	-0.115932	0.357650	9906.354492	-824.608337	349339.281250	-0.179172	0.004175	-1.675359	-0.011175	0.017440	-1.275746	-0.298473	0.024059	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131419.000000	200000.000000	189770.000000	149582.000000
-338.702606	-0.157908	0.012662	-0.939123	0.143349	0.039211	-0.448801	170501.000000	0.000000	0.000666	-0.002671	2.554741	-0.232904	0.371113	-8960.764648	-15879.748047	357056.218750	-0.178718	0.004926	-1.680538	-0.012446	0.019423	-1.274379	-0.297173	0.026729	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165341.000000	200000.000000	193582.000000	115660.000000
-338.707611	-0.168650	0.012662	-0.940344	0.152927	0.061560	-0.450929	169597.000000	0.000000	0.000666	-0.002671	2.672181	-0.157124	0.371113	22464.693359	5853.048828	357983.125000	-0.178380	0.005711	-1.680538	-0.012446	0.019423	-1.274379	-0.297173	0.026729	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111279.000000	200000.000000	182985.000000	167914.000000
-338.712616	-0.180369	0.011686	-0.942785	0.160377	0.083909	-0.453058	169597.000000	0.000000	-0.000025	-0.003467	2.636072	-0.215041	0.383897	5310.925293	-8915.750977	364477.031250	-0.178169	0.006540	-1.685454	-0.013942	0.021662	-1.273134	-0.294070	0.030599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143201.000000	200000.000000	185370.000000	135992.000000
-338.717621	-0.192576	0.010221	-0.945715	0.165698	0.105193	-0.454122	169597.000000	0.000000	-0.000025	-0.003467	2.667981	-0.197919	0.383897	12957.295898	-374.768219	364940.468750	-0.178093	0.007409	-1.685454	-0.013942	0.021662	-1.273134	-0.294070	0.030599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127014.000000	200000.000000	186264.000000	152179.000000
-338.722626	-0.205516	0.007047	-0.948400	0.171019	0.125414	-0.455186	169597.000000	0.000000	-0.000025	-0.003467	2.675136	-0.215132	0.383897	10291.812500	-4254.579102	365403.937500	-0.178168	0.008355	-1.685454	-0.013942	0.021662	-1.273134	-0.294070	0.030599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133559.000000	200000.000000	185050.000000	145634.000000
-338.727631	-0.218699	0.003141	-0.950598	0.173148	0.147762	-0.454122	169153.000000	0.000000	-0.000025	-0.003467	2.684038	-0.233241	0.383897	10188.317383	-4094.688477	364940.468750	-0.178384	0.009372	-1.685454	-0.013942	0.021662	-1.273134	-0.294070	0.030599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133059.000000	200000.000000	184869.000000	145246.000000
-338.732635	-0.232127	-0.000766	-0.953771	0.176340	0.170111	-0.454122	169153.000000	0.000000	-0.000025	-0.003467	2.694774	-0.252642	0.383897	10336.333984	-4458.064941	364940.468750	-0.178737	0.010464	-1.685454	-0.013942	0.021662	-1.273134	-0.294070	0.030599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133274.000000	200000.000000	184358.000000	145031.000000
-338.737640	-0.245555	-0.005648	-0.957189	0.179533	0.194588	-0.453058	169153.000000	0.000000	-0.000025	-0.003467	2.706550	-0.274089	0.383897	10158.411133	-4795.974121	364477.031250	-0.179207	0.011649	-1.685454	-0.013942	0.021662	-1.273134	-0.294070	0.030599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133790.000000	200000.000000	184198.000000	144515.000000
-338.742645	-0.258494	-0.010287	-0.961340	0.182726	0.221194	-0.453058	169153.000000	0.000000	-0.000025	-0.003467	2.718472	-0.296525	0.383897	9872.919922	-5022.544922	364477.031250	-0.179766	0.012918	-1.685454	-0.013942	0.021662	-1.273134	-0.294070	0.030599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134302.000000	200000.000000	184257.000000	144003.000000
-338.747650	-0.271434	-0.015414	-0.965734	0.185918	0.248864	-0.451993	169153.000000	0.000000	-0.000646	-0.004192	2.696939	-0.360428	0.396117	5851.012207	-9890.732422	369335.093750	-0.180402	0.014278	-1.690154	-0.015637	0.024131	-1.271830	-0.291930	0.035684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143192.000000	200000.000000	183411.000000	135113.000000
-338.752655	-0.282420	-0.019564	-0.969885	0.189111	0.277598	-0.450929	168170.000000	0.000000	0.004891	-0.001033	3.037400	-0.181897	0.432460	46971.394531	17572.802734	384698.468750	-0.181068	0.015706	-1.704133	-0.021041	0.032092	-1.267833	-0.282120	0.043944	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	185742.000000	185742.000000
-338.757660	-0.292430	-0.022982	-0.975256	0.191239	0.309525	-0.450929	168170.000000	0.000000	0.004891	-0.001033	2.825218	-0.332190	0.432460	-15269.037109	-19167.359375	384698.468750	-0.181719	0.017181	-1.704133	-0.021041	0.032092	-1.267833	-0.282120	0.043944	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172606.000000	200000.000000	194271.000000	103733.000000
-338.762665	-0.300730	-0.025668	-0.980627	0.193368	0.344644	-0.451993	168170.000000	0.000000	0.004891	-0.001033	2.831480	-0.356041	0.432460	8266.308594	-5383.962891	385161.937500	-0.182307	0.018688	-1.704133	-0.021041	0.032092	-1.267833	-0.282120	0.043944	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135287.000000	200000.000000	184519.000000	141052.000000
-338.767670	-0.308055	-0.027621	-0.985998	0.195496	0.384020	-0.454122	168170.000000	0.000000	0.004891	-0.001033	2.834633	-0.379551	0.432460	7289.072754	-5464.793945	386088.812500	-0.182792	0.020210	-1.704133	-0.021041	0.032092	-1.267833	-0.282120	0.043944	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136345.000000	200000.000000	185416.000000	139994.000000
-338.772675	-0.313914	-0.028109	-0.990393	0.198689	0.427654	-0.458379	167620.000000	0.000000	0.004891	-0.001033	2.833909	-0.402128	0.432460	6191.406250	-5597.307617	387942.625000	-0.183131	0.021729	-1.704133	-0.021041	0.032092	-1.267833	-0.282120	0.043944	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137025.000000	200000.000000	185831.000000	138214.000000
-338.777679	-0.318553	-0.029086	-0.994787	0.201882	0.474480	-0.463700	167620.000000	0.000000	0.004891	-0.001033	2.829069	-0.425180	0.432460	5148.997559	-5770.911621	390259.875000	-0.183290	0.023252	-1.704133	-0.021041	0.032092	-1.267833	-0.282120	0.043944	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138241.000000	200000.000000	186700.000000	136998.000000
-338.782684	-0.323436	-0.029574	-0.999670	0.207203	0.524498	-0.470085	167620.000000	0.000000	0.004891	-0.001033	2.820848	-0.448365	0.432460	4159.461426	-6149.931152	393040.562500	-0.183256	0.024781	-1.704133	-0.021041	0.032092	-1.267833	-0.282120	0.043944	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139610.000000	200000.000000	187310.000000	135629.000000
-338.787689	-0.328807	-0.030551	-1.003820	0.212524	0.577709	-0.477535	167620.000000	0.000000	-0.000501	-0.004623	2.513296	-0.669538	0.445373	-30764.421875	-28961.880859	401908.000000	-0.183030	0.026326	-1.709099	-0.022656	0.034655	-1.266593	-0.277192	0.047013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196581.000000	196581.000000	198658.000000	100000.000000
-338.792694	-0.332957	-0.032992	-1.007971	0.217845	0.631985	-0.484984	166629.000000	0.000000	0.004582	-0.001573	2.993078	-0.383853	0.477095	57648.089844	28059.810547	418966.093750	-0.182587	0.027914	-1.721300	-0.028287	0.043014	-1.263357	-0.260539	0.055658	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	198569.000000	194688.000000	194688.000000
-338.797699	-0.337840	-0.037143	-1.011877	0.223166	0.687325	-0.492434	166629.000000	0.000000	0.004582	-0.001573	2.772002	-0.533573	0.477095	-20804.085938	-20528.675781	422210.250000	-0.181941	0.029574	-1.721300	-0.028287	0.043014	-1.263357	-0.260539	0.055658	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177961.000000	196353.000000	196904.000000	100000.000000
-338.802704	-0.342967	-0.042270	-1.015295	0.228487	0.742664	-0.497755	166629.000000	0.000000	0.004582	-0.001573	2.751668	-0.563200	0.477095	920.638184	-7484.543457	424527.500000	-0.181101	0.031320	-1.721300	-0.028287	0.043014	-1.263357	-0.260539	0.055658	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143192.000000	200000.000000	188223.000000	130065.000000
-338.807709	-0.348338	-0.048129	-1.017980	0.230616	0.798004	-0.502012	166629.000000	0.000000	0.004582	-0.001573	2.729062	-0.593797	0.477095	312.225250	-7390.607910	426381.281250	-0.180079	0.033146	-1.721300	-0.028287	0.043014	-1.263357	-0.260539	0.055658	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143707.000000	200000.000000	188926.000000	129550.000000
-338.812714	-0.354197	-0.054232	-1.020178	0.230616	0.852280	-0.505205	166629.000000	0.000000	0.004582	-0.001573	2.704790	-0.625059	0.477095	-115.189148	-7373.626465	427771.625000	-0.178895	0.035042	-1.721300	-0.028287	0.043014	-1.263357	-0.260539	0.055658	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144117.000000	200000.000000	189370.000000	129140.000000
-338.817719	-0.358836	-0.059359	-1.022863	0.226359	0.907619	-0.505205	165324.000000	0.000000	0.004582	-0.001573	2.676630	-0.654922	0.477095	-1043.863892	-6869.430664	427771.625000	-0.177521	0.036964	-1.721300	-0.028287	0.043014	-1.263357	-0.260539	0.055658	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143237.000000	200000.000000	189498.000000	127410.000000
-338.822723	-0.362254	-0.062777	-1.025061	0.216781	0.961895	-0.503076	165324.000000	0.000000	0.004582	-0.001573	2.645153	-0.681863	0.477095	-1686.020996	-6042.891113	426844.750000	-0.175950	0.038852	-1.721300	-0.028287	0.043014	-1.263357	-0.260539	0.055658	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143052.000000	199680.000000	190967.000000	127595.000000
-338.827728	-0.364207	-0.064975	-1.025793	0.200818	1.019363	-0.498819	165324.000000	0.000000	0.001657	-0.003210	2.448378	-0.795308	0.492933	-21382.103516	-15300.837891	431888.406250	-0.174154	0.040652	-1.727391	-0.029153	0.045056	-1.262435	-0.250868	0.057661	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172006.000000	189242.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-338.832733	-0.364695	-0.065707	-1.027014	0.179533	1.077896	-0.493498	165324.000000	0.000000	0.006451	-0.000138	2.788064	-0.580263	0.528517	38781.261719	22490.757812	445067.062500	-0.172104	0.042311	-1.741077	-0.032872	0.051867	-1.260607	-0.218286	0.066266	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	187814.000000	187814.000000
-338.837738	-0.362986	-0.065707	-1.026770	0.155056	1.139621	-0.486049	164337.000000	0.000000	0.006451	-0.000138	2.549615	-0.718761	0.528517	-26519.878906	-16556.800781	441822.906250	-0.169763	0.043803	-1.741077	-0.032872	0.051867	-1.260607	-0.218286	0.066266	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177413.000000	184373.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-338.842743	-0.360789	-0.065219	-1.027258	0.126322	1.203474	-0.478599	164337.000000	0.000000	-0.002208	-0.005880	2.021424	-1.046156	0.533999	-61336.308594	-38232.953125	440966.343750	-0.167114	0.045100	-1.743186	-0.035000	0.054753	-1.260176	-0.204489	0.068387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194337.000000	194337.000000	194337.000000	100000.000000
-338.847748	-0.357859	-0.064486	-1.026281	0.095459	1.269456	-0.470085	164337.000000	0.000000	-0.002208	-0.005880	2.310575	-0.824753	0.533999	29327.945312	23505.152344	437258.750000	-0.164149	0.046192	-1.743186	-0.035000	0.054753	-1.260176	-0.204489	0.068387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	188514.000000	187170.000000
-338.852753	-0.353709	-0.063266	-1.025793	0.065661	1.336502	-0.461571	164337.000000	0.000000	-0.002208	-0.005880	2.247520	-0.829859	0.533999	-10114.723633	-1404.392456	433551.156250	-0.160847	0.047079	-1.743186	-0.035000	0.054753	-1.260176	-0.204489	0.068387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145856.000000	185626.000000	200000.000000	122817.000000
-338.857758	-0.348338	-0.062289	-1.025549	0.035863	1.404613	-0.451993	164337.000000	0.000000	-0.002208	-0.005880	2.178300	-0.832311	0.533999	-11544.382812	-986.035706	429380.093750	-0.157187	0.047769	-1.743186	-0.035000	0.054753	-1.260176	-0.204489	0.068387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146867.000000	183778.000000	200000.000000	121806.000000
-338.862762	-0.341746	-0.063266	-1.024572	0.009257	1.472723	-0.443480	163065.000000	0.000000	-0.002208	-0.005880	2.103031	-0.834958	0.533999	-12865.989258	-1249.070068	425672.531250	-0.153156	0.048318	-1.743186	-0.035000	0.054753	-1.260176	-0.204489	0.068387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147180.000000	181448.000000	200000.000000	118949.000000
-338.867767	-0.334666	-0.065463	-1.022863	-0.014156	1.540834	-0.434966	163065.000000	0.000000	-0.002208	-0.005880	2.022372	-0.837816	0.533999	-14143.065430	-1528.617432	421964.937500	-0.148757	0.048770	-1.743186	-0.035000	0.054753	-1.260176	-0.204489	0.068387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148736.000000	180450.000000	200000.000000	117393.000000
-338.872772	-0.326609	-0.066928	-1.020910	-0.032248	1.606816	-0.425388	163065.000000	0.000000	-0.002208	-0.005880	1.936350	-0.840006	0.533999	-15201.252930	-1966.829224	417793.875000	-0.143995	0.049138	-1.743186	-0.035000	0.054753	-1.260176	-0.204489	0.068387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150233.000000	179830.000000	200000.000000	115896.000000
-338.877777	-0.318064	-0.069125	-1.019201	-0.045019	1.669605	-0.417938	163065.000000	0.000000	-0.002208	-0.005880	1.845385	-0.843315	0.533999	-16097.600586	-2631.781738	414549.750000	-0.138877	0.049466	-1.743186	-0.035000	0.054753	-1.260176	-0.204489	0.068387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151794.000000	179599.000000	200000.000000	114335.000000
-338.882782	-0.308543	-0.070346	-1.017736	-0.052468	1.729202	-0.411553	162635.000000	0.000000	-0.000615	-0.004430	1.836886	-0.766801	0.540969	-6992.232422	5946.375000	414804.093750	-0.133408	0.049764	-1.745867	-0.036591	0.057144	-1.259923	-0.191211	0.068266	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133680.000000	179696.000000	200000.000000	131589.000000
-338.887787	-0.297801	-0.071811	-1.016271	-0.054597	1.784541	-0.406232	162635.000000	0.000000	0.006177	0.000326	2.045554	-0.567902	0.561148	18060.058594	19742.972656	421274.500000	-0.127591	0.050064	-1.753628	-0.040503	0.063342	-1.259500	-0.138857	0.063152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	190952.000000	194317.000000	170438.000000
-338.892792	-0.285594	-0.071811	-1.014318	-0.051404	1.836688	-0.400911	162635.000000	0.000000	0.006177	0.000326	1.667484	-0.762648	0.561148	-48083.273438	-25036.289062	418957.250000	-0.121425	0.050365	-1.753628	-0.040503	0.063342	-1.259500	-0.138857	0.063152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187671.000000	187671.000000	197598.000000	100000.000000
-338.897797	-0.273143	-0.070346	-1.012365	-0.042890	1.882450	-0.397718	162635.000000	0.000000	0.006177	0.000326	1.557509	-0.767255	0.561148	-18618.921875	-4774.810547	417566.906250	-0.114941	0.050668	-1.753628	-0.040503	0.063342	-1.259500	-0.138857	0.063152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156028.000000	178790.000000	200000.000000	109241.000000
-338.902802	-0.260203	-0.068881	-1.010168	-0.031184	1.922891	-0.395589	162301.000000	0.000000	0.006177	0.000326	1.443979	-0.772784	0.561148	-19132.976562	-5306.522949	416640.000000	-0.108161	0.050989	-1.753628	-0.040503	0.063342	-1.259500	-0.138857	0.063152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156740.000000	178474.000000	200000.000000	107861.000000
-338.907806	-0.247264	-0.065951	-1.008215	-0.017349	1.955882	-0.394525	162301.000000	0.000000	0.006177	0.000326	1.328158	-0.777586	0.561148	-19250.275391	-5546.372559	416176.531250	-0.101124	0.051310	-1.753628	-0.040503	0.063342	-1.259500	-0.138857	0.063152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157097.000000	178597.000000	200000.000000	107504.000000
-338.912811	-0.233836	-0.061801	-1.005285	-0.001385	1.982487	-0.394525	162301.000000	0.000000	0.006177	0.000326	1.210141	-0.781727	0.561148	-19458.115234	-5800.550781	416176.531250	-0.093862	0.051619	-1.753628	-0.040503	0.063342	-1.259500	-0.138857	0.063152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157559.000000	178643.000000	200000.000000	107042.000000
-338.917816	-0.220896	-0.056918	-1.002111	0.016706	2.000579	-0.395589	162301.000000	0.000000	0.006177	0.000326	1.091582	-0.785466	0.561148	-19207.033203	-6090.427734	416640.000000	-0.086423	0.051911	-1.753628	-0.040503	0.063342	-1.259500	-0.138857	0.063152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157598.000000	179184.000000	200000.000000	107003.000000
-338.922821	-0.207957	-0.052523	-0.999670	0.034798	2.012285	-0.395589	162301.000000	0.000000	0.006177	0.000326	0.972037	-0.789373	0.561148	-19217.007812	-6210.111328	416640.000000	-0.078840	0.052195	-1.753628	-0.040503	0.063342	-1.259500	-0.138857	0.063152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157728.000000	179294.000000	200000.000000	106873.000000
-338.927826	-0.195994	-0.048617	-0.997229	0.052890	2.014414	-0.396654	162304.000000	0.000000	0.001528	-0.002226	0.598313	-0.933957	0.568494	-47849.546875	-22430.224609	420302.468750	-0.071179	0.052479	-1.756453	-0.041358	0.064961	-1.259524	-0.120674	0.062028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184734.000000	184734.000000	199873.000000	100000.000000
-338.932831	-0.184275	-0.045688	-0.996008	0.070982	2.009093	-0.396654	162304.000000	0.000000	0.011225	0.004292	1.200103	-0.478762	0.597682	63034.179688	45533.308594	433013.437500	-0.063474	0.052780	-1.767679	-0.043808	0.070399	-1.259783	-0.031047	0.056753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	192304.000000	192304.000000	192304.000000
-338.937836	-0.172557	-0.044467	-0.993566	0.089074	1.995258	-0.395589	162304.000000	0.000000	0.011225	0.004292	0.696934	-0.746706	0.597682	-59777.531250	-35296.007812	432549.968750	-0.055771	0.053133	-1.767679	-0.043808	0.070399	-1.259783	-0.031047	0.056753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192304.000000	192304.000000	192304.000000	100000.000000
-338.942841	-0.161570	-0.044467	-0.991857	0.105037	1.973973	-0.393461	162304.000000	0.000000	0.011225	0.004292	0.584076	-0.755450	0.597682	-16462.550781	-6674.936035	431623.093750	-0.048117	0.053548	-1.767679	-0.043808	0.070399	-1.259783	-0.031047	0.056753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155441.000000	182516.000000	200000.000000	109166.000000
-338.947845	-0.151072	-0.046176	-0.990637	0.121001	1.946304	-0.390268	162262.000000	0.000000	0.011225	0.004292	0.473984	-0.766908	0.597682	-15835.515625	-7099.550293	430232.718750	-0.040548	0.054059	-1.767679	-0.043808	0.070399	-1.259783	-0.031047	0.056753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155197.000000	183526.000000	200000.000000	109326.000000
-338.952850	-0.140818	-0.048617	-0.988684	0.133771	1.912248	-0.384947	162262.000000	0.000000	0.011225	0.004292	0.367141	-0.779670	0.597682	-15110.988281	-7009.271484	427915.500000	-0.033101	0.054662	-1.767679	-0.043808	0.070399	-1.259783	-0.031047	0.056753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154382.000000	184160.000000	200000.000000	110141.000000
-338.957855	-0.130320	-0.050326	-0.985998	0.144414	1.872872	-0.379626	162262.000000	0.000000	0.011225	0.004292	0.263184	-0.792426	0.597682	-14505.523438	-6882.254883	425598.250000	-0.025796	0.055333	-1.767679	-0.043808	0.070399	-1.259783	-0.031047	0.056753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153649.000000	184638.000000	199885.000000	110874.000000
-338.962860	-0.120066	-0.050570	-0.985510	0.151863	1.828174	-0.372176	162262.000000	0.000000	0.011225	0.004292	0.162543	-0.803538	0.597682	-13813.295898	-6435.768555	422354.093750	-0.018652	0.056023	-1.767679	-0.043808	0.070399	-1.259783	-0.031047	0.056753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152511.000000	184884.000000	199639.000000	112012.000000
-338.967865	-0.110301	-0.050082	-0.984777	0.156120	1.780284	-0.365791	162262.000000	0.000000	0.011225	0.004292	0.065541	-0.813293	0.597682	-13287.988281	-5999.986816	419573.406250	-0.011694	0.056702	-1.767679	-0.043808	0.070399	-1.259783	-0.031047	0.056753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151549.000000	184973.000000	199550.000000	112974.000000
-338.972870	-0.100291	-0.049838	-0.984533	0.157184	1.729202	-0.357277	162257.000000	0.000000	0.010603	0.003922	-0.062534	-0.842689	0.619240	-16707.710938	-7948.687012	425253.562500	-0.004925	0.057359	-1.775971	-0.047040	0.076224	-1.259874	0.046299	0.058508	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156913.000000	183497.000000	200000.000000	107600.000000
-338.977875	-0.090770	-0.051059	-0.984777	0.156120	1.674926	-0.349828	162257.000000	0.000000	0.010603	0.003922	-0.127649	-0.837630	0.619240	-9483.687500	-3898.062500	422009.406250	0.001633	0.058015	-1.775971	-0.047040	0.076224	-1.259874	0.046299	0.058508	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145638.000000	186671.000000	197842.000000	118875.000000
-338.982880	-0.081736	-0.053988	-0.985510	0.152927	1.617458	-0.340250	162257.000000	0.000000	0.001438	-0.001967	-0.717284	-1.172478	0.623997	-69254.804688	-42564.343750	419910.093750	0.007959	0.058693	-1.777800	-0.047896	0.077695	-1.259927	0.062334	0.059016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192257.000000	192257.000000	192257.000000	100000.000000
-338.987885	-0.073680	-0.058627	-0.987219	0.149735	1.557861	-0.329607	162257.000000	0.000000	0.001438	-0.001967	-0.431674	-0.950261	0.623997	28805.783203	19725.169922	415275.625000	0.014031	0.059427	-1.777800	-0.047896	0.077695	-1.259927	0.062334	0.059016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	183176.000000	180787.000000
-338.992889	-0.066111	-0.064242	-0.989416	0.145478	1.495072	-0.317901	162254.000000	0.000000	0.001438	-0.001967	-0.507600	-0.965055	0.623997	-10656.746094	-6267.087891	410177.656250	0.019827	0.060230	-1.777800	-0.047896	0.077695	-1.259927	0.062334	0.059016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149177.000000	187864.000000	196643.000000	115330.000000
-338.997894	-0.059275	-0.070102	-0.992346	0.142285	1.429090	-0.303002	162254.000000	0.000000	0.001438	-0.001967	-0.577994	-0.981335	0.623997	-9717.790039	-6607.684082	403689.375000	0.025323	0.061110	-1.777800	-0.047896	0.077695	-1.259927	0.062334	0.059016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148579.000000	189143.000000	195364.000000	115928.000000
-339.002899	-0.052928	-0.075961	-0.995764	0.136964	1.360979	-0.288103	162254.000000	0.000000	0.001438	-0.001967	-0.643081	-0.998083	0.623997	-8886.171875	-6477.639160	397201.093750	0.030502	0.062054	-1.777800	-0.047896	0.077695	-1.259927	0.062334	0.059016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147617.000000	189845.000000	194662.000000	116890.000000
-339.007904	-0.046580	-0.080111	-0.998693	0.131643	1.290741	-0.271075	162254.000000	0.000000	0.001438	-0.001967	-0.703092	-1.013926	0.623997	-8047.098633	-6426.494141	389785.906250	0.035361	0.063029	-1.777800	-0.047896	0.077695	-1.259927	0.062334	0.059016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146727.000000	190633.000000	193874.000000	117780.000000
-339.012909	-0.040232	-0.084018	-1.001867	0.124193	1.219437	-0.252983	162258.000000	0.000000	0.001438	-0.001967	-0.758292	-1.029363	0.623997	-7326.845703	-6184.714355	381907.281250	0.039897	0.064019	-1.777800	-0.047896	0.077695	-1.259927	0.062334	0.059016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145769.000000	191115.000000	193400.000000	118746.000000
-339.017914	-0.033885	-0.086947	-1.003820	0.115679	1.146006	-0.233827	162258.000000	0.000000	0.001438	-0.001967	-0.808333	-1.043807	0.623997	-6418.090820	-5985.666016	373565.187500	0.044107	0.065001	-1.777800	-0.047896	0.077695	-1.259927	0.062334	0.059016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144661.000000	191825.000000	192690.000000	119854.000000
-339.022919	-0.027781	-0.089389	-1.006018	0.105037	1.070446	-0.214671	162258.000000	0.000000	0.001438	-0.001967	-0.852954	-1.057053	0.623997	-5445.681641	-5631.958984	365223.125000	0.047979	0.065957	-1.777800	-0.047896	0.077695	-1.259927	0.062334	0.059016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143335.000000	192444.000000	192071.000000	121180.000000
-339.027924	-0.022898	-0.093051	-1.008459	0.091202	0.994886	-0.194451	162258.000000	0.000000	0.005828	0.001036	-0.650131	-0.905285	0.637180	23042.783203	13625.258789	362158.468750	0.051496	0.066894	-1.782871	-0.048682	0.079910	-1.259579	0.095486	0.051706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	182840.000000	168926.000000
-339.032928	-0.018992	-0.097445	-1.010900	0.076303	0.917197	-0.175295	162258.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.000181	-0.885632	-1.085973	0.641770	-25645.464844	-23576.011719	355815.343750	0.054636	0.067823	-1.784636	-0.053321	0.085946	-1.260027	0.118858	0.058645	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181479.000000	190188.000000	194327.000000	100000.000000
-339.037933	-0.017039	-0.101352	-1.015051	0.062468	0.838445	-0.155074	162154.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.000181	-0.889604	-1.064869	0.641770	273.628204	-1344.004272	347009.812500	0.057361	0.068737	-1.784636	-0.053321	0.085946	-1.260027	0.118858	0.058645	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133224.000000	193771.000000	190536.000000	131083.000000
-339.042938	-0.016062	-0.104525	-1.018469	0.044376	0.760756	-0.135918	162154.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.000181	-0.907382	-1.075875	0.641770	-1085.912842	-4373.937988	338667.750000	0.059666	0.069601	-1.784636	-0.053321	0.085946	-1.260027	0.118858	0.058645	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137613.000000	195442.000000	188865.000000	126694.000000
-339.047943	-0.015818	-0.105990	-1.021887	0.027349	0.685196	-0.115698	162154.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.000181	-0.919069	-1.084688	0.641770	-356.455078	-4212.122559	329862.218750	0.061555	0.070390	-1.784636	-0.053321	0.085946	-1.260027	0.118858	0.058645	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136722.000000	196009.000000	188298.000000	127585.000000
-339.052948	-0.016795	-0.106234	-1.025305	0.007128	0.610700	-0.096542	162154.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.000181	-0.923962	-1.090291	0.641770	593.822876	-3440.865967	321520.125000	0.063018	0.071066	-1.784636	-0.053321	0.085946	-1.260027	0.118858	0.058645	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135001.000000	196188.000000	188119.000000	129306.000000
-339.057953	-0.018504	-0.105014	-1.028479	-0.015220	0.539397	-0.077386	162138.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.000181	-0.923001	-1.092241	0.641770	1218.905640	-2711.346436	313178.031250	0.064064	0.071593	-1.784636	-0.053321	0.085946	-1.260027	0.118858	0.058645	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133630.000000	196068.000000	188207.000000	130645.000000
-339.062958	-0.021189	-0.101107	-1.032385	-0.040762	0.471287	-0.060358	162138.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.000181	-0.916128	-1.088338	0.641770	1862.689209	-1581.239990	305762.875000	0.064700	0.071905	-1.784636	-0.053321	0.085946	-1.260027	0.118858	0.058645	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131856.000000	195581.000000	188694.000000	132419.000000
-339.067963	-0.024363	-0.095492	-1.034094	-0.069496	0.406369	-0.044395	162138.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.000181	-0.903872	-1.079026	0.641770	2458.642822	-460.484802	298811.125000	0.064939	0.071962	-1.784636	-0.053321	0.085946	-1.260027	0.118858	0.058645	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130139.000000	195057.000000	189218.000000	134136.000000
-339.072968	-0.028514	-0.089145	-1.034826	-0.103551	0.345708	-0.030560	162138.000000	0.000000	0.005319	0.000181	-0.886237	-1.064042	0.641770	2942.172607	973.936279	292786.281250	0.064792	0.071732	-1.784636	-0.053321	0.085946	-1.260027	0.118858	0.058645	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128221.000000	194106.000000	190169.000000	136054.000000
-339.077972	-0.032664	-0.084262	-1.034094	-0.140799	0.288240	-0.016725	162138.000000	0.000000	0.008546	0.002541	-0.686630	-0.916071	0.644803	23782.560547	16799.593750	288082.437500	0.064282	0.071233	-1.785803	-0.059121	0.093299	-1.260731	0.134770	0.054112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199120.000000	185155.000000	172720.000000
-339.082977	-0.037303	-0.080844	-1.033850	-0.183368	0.233965	-0.005019	161703.000000	0.000000	0.008546	0.002541	-0.788813	-0.988587	0.644803	-9972.538086	-6996.779297	282984.500000	0.063423	0.070473	-1.785803	-0.059121	0.093299	-1.260731	0.134770	0.054112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148672.000000	188727.000000	194678.000000	114733.000000
-339.087982	-0.041453	-0.078646	-1.032873	-0.228065	0.182882	0.004559	161703.000000	0.000000	0.008546	0.002541	-0.758516	-0.963814	0.644803	4617.811523	4254.208496	278813.468750	0.062247	0.069470	-1.785803	-0.059121	0.093299	-1.260731	0.134770	0.054112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122830.000000	192066.000000	191339.000000	140575.000000
-339.092987	-0.045115	-0.075961	-1.031164	-0.274891	0.138184	0.012009	161703.000000	0.000000	0.008546	0.002541	-0.726051	-0.934591	0.644803	4508.982422	5327.447754	275569.312500	0.060802	0.068209	-1.785803	-0.059121	0.093299	-1.260731	0.134770	0.054112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121866.000000	190884.000000	192521.000000	141539.000000
-339.097992	-0.047068	-0.072787	-1.028479	-0.322781	0.098808	0.015202	161703.000000	0.000000	0.008546	0.002541	-0.693106	-0.900981	0.644803	4309.418945	6301.646973	274178.968750	0.059152	0.066681	-1.785803	-0.059121	0.093299	-1.260731	0.134770	0.054112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121091.000000	189710.000000	193695.000000	142314.000000
-339.102997	-0.047801	-0.068881	-1.026281	-0.368543	0.066881	0.015202	160174.000000	0.000000	0.008546	0.002541	-0.660688	-0.863359	0.644803	3728.247803	6892.476562	274178.968750	0.057362	0.064885	-1.785803	-0.059121	0.093299	-1.260731	0.134770	0.054112	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119553.000000	187009.000000	193338.000000	140794.000000
-339.108002	-0.047801	-0.064486	-1.024572	-0.412176	0.043468	0.010945	160174.000000	0.000000	-0.002167	-0.004439	-1.218626	-1.205836	0.642691	-64591.648438	-36517.113281	275112.937500	0.055493	0.062827	-1.784991	-0.061116	0.095506	-1.261074	0.134734	0.052899	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190174.000000	190174.000000	190174.000000	100000.000000
-339.113007	-0.047801	-0.060092	-1.022131	-0.451553	0.028569	0.002431	160174.000000	0.000000	0.006175	0.001562	-0.301554	-0.552801	0.642581	100957.257812	75669.031250	278772.593750	0.053590	0.060531	-1.784948	-0.064752	0.099957	-1.262402	0.130706	0.038699	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	190174.000000	190174.000000	190174.000000
-339.118011	-0.047312	-0.055209	-1.019201	-0.485608	0.021119	-0.009276	160174.000000	0.000000	0.006175	0.001562	-0.607190	-0.746417	0.642581	-35677.625000	-18744.402344	283870.531250	0.051697	0.058019	-1.784948	-0.064752	0.099957	-1.262402	0.130706	0.038699	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178918.000000	178918.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.123016	-0.047068	-0.050570	-1.014807	-0.514342	0.023248	-0.024175	158957.000000	0.000000	-0.000760	-0.002456	-0.963075	-0.919744	0.639451	-43910.722656	-17766.814453	288995.843750	0.049858	0.055327	-1.783744	-0.066254	0.101474	-1.262927	0.128670	0.033125	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176723.000000	176723.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.128021	-0.046092	-0.045932	-1.009191	-0.535627	0.032826	-0.042266	158957.000000	0.000000	-0.000760	-0.002456	-0.663764	-0.710956	0.639451	28659.990234	24496.394531	296874.468750	0.048121	0.052494	-1.783744	-0.066254	0.101474	-1.262927	0.128670	0.033125	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	193120.000000	184793.000000	182113.000000
-339.133026	-0.045359	-0.040805	-1.003820	-0.551590	0.050918	-0.061423	158957.000000	0.000000	-0.000760	-0.002456	-0.645267	-0.661719	0.639451	-3157.907471	6662.541992	305216.562500	0.046522	0.049538	-1.783744	-0.066254	0.101474	-1.262927	0.128670	0.033125	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125452.000000	179136.000000	198777.000000	132461.000000
-339.138031	-0.044871	-0.036410	-0.997961	-0.559040	0.074331	-0.083771	158957.000000	0.000000	0.005108	0.002034	-0.307150	-0.366952	0.644444	32848.835938	34114.175781	317123.156250	0.045077	0.046517	-1.785665	-0.065803	0.101494	-1.263469	0.129571	0.025001	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	188957.000000	188957.000000	188957.000000
-339.143036	-0.045604	-0.031283	-0.989904	-0.561168	0.103065	-0.107184	158957.000000	0.000000	0.005108	0.002034	-0.528463	-0.498305	0.644444	-30399.224609	-13919.909180	327319.031250	0.043785	0.043445	-1.785665	-0.065803	0.101494	-1.263469	0.129571	0.025001	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172876.000000	172876.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.148041	-0.046824	-0.025424	-0.981604	-0.556911	0.136056	-0.130597	158416.000000	0.000000	0.005108	0.002034	-0.517750	-0.450260	0.644444	-5457.669922	5306.407227	337514.906250	0.042650	0.040337	-1.785665	-0.065803	0.101494	-1.263469	0.129571	0.025001	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128567.000000	177651.000000	199180.000000	128264.000000
-339.153046	-0.049021	-0.019564	-0.973791	-0.547333	0.171175	-0.154010	158416.000000	0.000000	0.005108	0.002034	-0.508701	-0.403037	0.644444	-5993.947754	4803.053711	347710.781250	0.041660	0.037218	-1.785665	-0.065803	0.101494	-1.263469	0.129571	0.025001	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129606.000000	177618.000000	199213.000000	127225.000000
-339.158051	-0.052195	-0.014193	-0.966955	-0.533498	0.209487	-0.177423	158416.000000	0.000000	0.005108	0.002034	-0.501357	-0.357252	0.644444	-6675.783691	4324.500977	357906.656250	0.040807	0.034117	-1.785665	-0.065803	0.101494	-1.263469	0.129571	0.025001	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130767.000000	177415.000000	199416.000000	126064.000000
-339.163055	-0.055857	-0.009799	-0.961096	-0.513278	0.248864	-0.198708	158416.000000	0.000000	0.005108	0.002034	-0.495615	-0.314491	0.644444	-7123.624023	3393.418701	367175.656250	0.040082	0.031085	-1.785665	-0.065803	0.101494	-1.263469	0.129571	0.025001	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132146.000000	177898.000000	198933.000000	124685.000000
-339.168060	-0.059764	-0.006137	-0.955480	-0.488801	0.289304	-0.217864	158193.000000	0.000000	0.004509	0.001564	-0.524515	-0.300485	0.648605	-11369.490234	-285.348480	377329.625000	0.039481	0.028155	-1.787265	-0.065553	0.101670	-1.263955	0.129931	0.018151	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139847.000000	177108.000000	199277.000000	116538.000000
-339.173065	-0.063670	-0.001742	-0.950842	-0.459002	0.330809	-0.235956	158193.000000	0.000000	0.013839	0.008167	0.014459	0.119271	0.672191	53244.554688	45538.242188	395479.812500	0.039008	0.025334	-1.796337	-0.061601	0.099529	-1.265321	0.136583	-0.000331	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	188193.000000	188193.000000	188193.000000
-339.178070	-0.066844	0.002896	-0.946691	-0.424947	0.373378	-0.250855	158193.000000	0.000000	0.013839	0.008167	-0.359432	-0.109222	0.672191	-49163.238281	-27416.494141	401968.125000	0.038679	0.022637	-1.796337	-0.061601	0.099529	-1.265321	0.136583	-0.000331	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185609.000000	185609.000000	190776.000000	100000.000000
-339.183075	-0.069285	0.007535	-0.942297	-0.386635	0.415947	-0.262561	158193.000000	0.000000	0.013839	0.008167	-0.363031	-0.076545	0.672191	-8659.746094	806.842468	407066.031250	0.038505	0.020082	-1.796337	-0.061601	0.099529	-1.265321	0.136583	-0.000331	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136045.000000	178726.000000	197659.000000	120340.000000
-339.188080	-0.070018	0.012174	-0.938391	-0.347259	0.458516	-0.271075	158193.000000	0.000000	0.013839	0.008167	-0.370773	-0.046101	0.672191	-9346.680664	403.206116	410773.625000	0.038519	0.017670	-1.796337	-0.061601	0.099529	-1.265321	0.136583	-0.000331	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137136.000000	178443.000000	197942.000000	119249.000000
-339.193085	-0.069773	0.016324	-0.935705	-0.305754	0.502149	-0.278525	158137.000000	0.000000	0.013839	0.008167	-0.382652	-0.018773	0.672191	-10174.083008	-238.759750	414017.781250	0.038746	0.015419	-1.796337	-0.061601	0.099529	-1.265321	0.136583	-0.000331	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138549.000000	178201.000000	198072.000000	117724.000000
-339.198090	-0.068797	0.019986	-0.933264	-0.263185	0.544718	-0.282781	158137.000000	0.000000	0.013839	0.008167	-0.398064	0.005462	0.672191	-10712.078125	-780.096741	415871.562500	0.039191	0.013341	-1.796337	-0.061601	0.099529	-1.265321	0.136583	-0.000331	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139629.000000	178205.000000	198068.000000	116644.000000
-339.203094	-0.065867	0.024381	-0.931311	-0.219552	0.588352	-0.284910	158137.000000	0.000000	0.013839	0.008167	-0.419143	0.027872	0.672191	-11749.978516	-1195.549805	416798.468750	0.039898	0.011423	-1.796337	-0.061601	0.099529	-1.265321	0.136583	-0.000331	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141082.000000	177582.000000	198691.000000	115191.000000
-339.208099	-0.062449	0.028287	-0.930090	-0.176983	0.630921	-0.284910	158137.000000	0.000000	0.013839	0.008167	-0.444227	0.047774	0.672191	-12384.558594	-1458.425049	416798.468750	0.040868	0.009666	-1.796337	-0.061601	0.099529	-1.265321	0.136583	-0.000331	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141979.000000	177210.000000	199063.000000	114294.000000
-339.213104	-0.057078	0.031949	-0.928625	-0.134414	0.674554	-0.283846	158195.000000	0.000000	0.013839	0.008167	-0.475564	0.065182	0.672191	-13534.006836	-1848.521729	416335.031250	0.042144	0.008071	-1.796337	-0.061601	0.099529	-1.265321	0.136583	-0.000331	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143577.000000	176509.000000	199880.000000	112812.000000
-339.218109	-0.050975	0.035611	-0.927160	-0.092909	0.717123	-0.280653	158195.000000	0.000000	0.013524	0.008926	-0.529075	0.122359	0.691230	-16297.031250	2713.490723	423235.750000	0.043729	0.006631	-1.803659	-0.057202	0.096329	-1.265871	0.148784	-0.009060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141778.000000	169184.000000	200000.000000	114611.000000
-339.223114	-0.044383	0.038785	-0.926916	-0.053532	0.759692	-0.276396	158195.000000	0.000000	0.015825	0.010976	-0.431193	0.218017	0.710740	603.927124	7437.687988	429878.062500	0.045632	0.005342	-1.811163	-0.051435	0.091504	-1.265967	0.169982	-0.014089	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120153.000000	181361.000000	195028.000000	136236.000000
-339.228119	-0.037059	0.042203	-0.926184	-0.015220	0.801197	-0.272139	158195.000000	0.000000	0.015825	0.010976	-0.569328	0.147817	0.710740	-26056.945312	-11181.623047	428024.250000	0.047854	0.004191	-1.811163	-0.051435	0.091504	-1.265967	0.169982	-0.014089	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165433.000000	173319.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.233124	-0.029979	0.044645	-0.926428	0.020963	0.840573	-0.266818	158128.000000	0.000000	0.015825	0.010976	-0.619151	0.157062	0.710740	-16522.738281	-2336.034424	425707.031250	0.050377	0.003185	-1.811163	-0.051435	0.091504	-1.265967	0.169982	-0.014089	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146986.000000	173941.000000	200000.000000	109269.000000
-339.238129	-0.022898	0.045377	-0.927404	0.056083	0.877821	-0.261497	158128.000000	0.000000	0.015825	0.010976	-0.672572	0.162520	0.710740	-17103.330078	-2772.502686	423389.781250	0.053183	0.002355	-1.811163	-0.051435	0.091504	-1.265967	0.169982	-0.014089	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148003.000000	173797.000000	200000.000000	108252.000000
-339.243134	-0.016551	0.043424	-0.930090	0.089074	0.911876	-0.254047	158128.000000	0.000000	0.015825	0.010976	-0.728280	0.162808	0.710740	-17414.753906	-3256.717529	420145.625000	0.056236	0.001746	-1.811163	-0.051435	0.091504	-1.265967	0.169982	-0.014089	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148799.000000	173969.000000	200000.000000	107456.000000
-339.248138	-0.010691	0.038297	-0.933264	0.123129	0.940610	-0.245534	158128.000000	0.000000	0.015825	0.010976	-0.785386	0.155984	0.710740	-17378.238281	-4343.786133	416438.031250	0.059496	0.001427	-1.811163	-0.051435	0.091504	-1.265967	0.169982	-0.014089	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149850.000000	175093.000000	200000.000000	106405.000000
-339.253143	-0.004588	0.031461	-0.936437	0.155056	0.966152	-0.234891	158128.000000	0.000000	0.015825	0.010976	-0.844752	0.143692	0.710740	-17666.281250	-4914.325684	411803.562500	0.062946	0.001419	-1.811163	-0.051435	0.091504	-1.265967	0.169982	-0.014089	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150708.000000	175376.000000	200000.000000	105547.000000
-339.258148	0.002004	0.026090	-0.940100	0.185918	0.985308	-0.222121	158311.000000	0.000000	0.015825	0.010976	-0.905592	0.129070	0.710740	-17494.115234	-5262.845703	406242.156250	0.066561	0.001679	-1.811163	-0.051435	0.091504	-1.265967	0.169982	-0.014089	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151067.000000	176079.000000	200000.000000	105554.000000
-339.263153	0.009816	0.021207	-0.943029	0.213588	1.001271	-0.207221	158311.000000	0.000000	0.015241	0.011392	-1.001342	0.135013	0.727596	-21495.621094	-2750.480469	407094.312500	0.070347	0.002175	-1.817646	-0.046013	0.086758	-1.265698	0.187982	-0.012342	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152557.000000	169565.000000	200000.000000	104064.000000
-339.268158	0.018117	0.017057	-0.946447	0.238065	1.011914	-0.192322	158311.000000	0.000000	0.014129	0.011089	-1.104280	0.083227	0.738448	-22223.294922	-9097.770508	405331.906250	0.074286	0.002873	-1.821820	-0.041383	0.082261	-1.265047	0.212017	-0.009704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159632.000000	175185.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.273163	0.026174	0.013883	-0.950354	0.258286	1.018299	-0.176359	158311.000000	0.000000	0.014129	0.011089	-1.125533	0.076317	0.738448	-12900.638672	-3820.199707	398380.156250	0.078345	0.003726	-1.821820	-0.041383	0.082261	-1.265047	0.212017	-0.009704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145031.000000	179230.000000	197391.000000	111590.000000
-339.278168	0.034963	0.011197	-0.954748	0.274249	1.020427	-0.160396	158247.000000	0.000000	0.014129	0.011089	-1.192526	0.056818	0.738448	-17779.970703	-4899.487793	391428.437500	0.082515	0.004701	-1.821820	-0.041383	0.082261	-1.265047	0.212017	-0.009704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150926.000000	175366.000000	200000.000000	105567.000000
-339.283173	0.043508	0.008512	-0.958654	0.284891	1.017235	-0.143368	158247.000000	0.000000	0.014129	0.011089	-1.259274	0.037036	0.738448	-17460.169922	-4485.489258	384013.250000	0.086761	0.005770	-1.821820	-0.041383	0.082261	-1.265047	0.212017	-0.009704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150192.000000	175272.000000	200000.000000	106301.000000
-339.288177	0.051320	0.005338	-0.962805	0.291277	1.010849	-0.126340	158247.000000	0.000000	0.014129	0.011089	-1.325281	0.016527	0.738448	-17301.906250	-4221.050293	376598.062500	0.091050	0.006921	-1.821820	-0.041383	0.082261	-1.265047	0.212017	-0.009704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149769.000000	175166.000000	200000.000000	106724.000000
-339.293182	0.058889	0.001187	-0.965734	0.292341	0.999143	-0.109313	158247.000000	0.000000	0.014129	0.011089	-1.390155	-0.004793	0.738448	-16836.898438	-3828.116211	369182.875000	0.095348	0.008145	-1.821820	-0.041383	0.082261	-1.265047	0.212017	-0.009704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148912.000000	175238.000000	200000.000000	107581.000000
-339.298187	0.066213	-0.003451	-0.969396	0.290212	0.983179	-0.090157	158247.000000	0.000000	0.014129	0.011089	-1.453615	-0.026895	0.738448	-16431.804688	-3654.883057	360840.812500	0.099628	0.009437	-1.821820	-0.041383	0.082261	-1.265047	0.212017	-0.009704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148333.000000	175470.000000	200000.000000	108160.000000
-339.303192	0.072805	-0.007357	-0.972814	0.281699	0.961895	-0.071001	158532.000000	0.000000	0.008859	0.008046	-1.804236	-0.214700	0.738968	-48936.695312	-21997.632812	352725.343750	0.103848	0.010750	-1.822020	-0.039819	0.080385	-1.264665	0.223368	-0.008177	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180529.000000	180529.000000	196534.000000	100000.000000
-339.308197	0.079641	-0.010287	-0.975500	0.271056	0.938482	-0.050780	158532.000000	0.000000	0.016056	0.013089	-1.257611	0.165096	0.742608	52577.074219	42443.679688	345504.968750	0.108003	0.012053	-1.823420	-0.034125	0.073732	-1.263439	0.256262	0.004554	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	188532.000000	188532.000000	188532.000000
-339.313202	0.086232	-0.011996	-0.977453	0.255093	0.909748	-0.031624	158532.000000	0.000000	0.016056	0.013089	-1.602485	-0.052793	0.742608	-46317.730469	-23619.261719	337162.875000	0.112063	0.013296	-1.823420	-0.034125	0.073732	-1.263439	0.256262	0.004554	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182151.000000	182151.000000	194912.000000	100000.000000
-339.318207	0.092824	-0.012973	-0.979162	0.238065	0.878885	-0.010340	158532.000000	0.000000	0.016056	0.013089	-1.657715	-0.067185	0.742608	-14347.812500	-1114.371948	327893.906250	0.116021	0.014461	-1.823420	-0.034125	0.073732	-1.263439	0.256262	0.004554	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143994.000000	175298.000000	200000.000000	113069.000000
-339.323212	0.099172	-0.014926	-0.982092	0.217845	0.844830	0.009881	158639.000000	0.000000	0.016056	0.013089	-1.710196	-0.080714	0.742608	-13779.138672	-637.623779	319088.375000	0.119853	0.015555	-1.823420	-0.034125	0.073732	-1.263439	0.256262	0.004554	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143055.000000	175497.000000	200000.000000	114222.000000
-339.328217	0.105275	-0.016879	-0.985266	0.197625	0.807582	0.031165	158639.000000	0.000000	0.016056	0.013089	-1.759714	-0.093295	0.742608	-13158.742188	-498.227631	309819.375000	0.123541	0.016579	-1.823420	-0.034125	0.073732	-1.263439	0.256262	0.004554	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142295.000000	175978.000000	200000.000000	114982.000000
-339.333221	0.110891	-0.019076	-0.987219	0.176340	0.767142	0.052450	158639.000000	0.000000	0.016056	0.013089	-1.805911	-0.104939	0.742608	-12468.923828	-233.813782	300550.406250	0.127062	0.017536	-1.823420	-0.034125	0.073732	-1.263439	0.256262	0.004554	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141341.000000	176403.000000	200000.000000	115936.000000
-339.338226	0.116018	-0.021762	-0.988195	0.153992	0.724573	0.074798	158639.000000	0.000000	0.005423	0.006233	-2.433412	-0.492984	0.735784	-78843.507812	-43186.601562	287846.093750	0.130403	0.018432	-1.820796	-0.033739	0.072501	-1.263165	0.262664	0.008004	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188639.000000	188639.000000	188639.000000	100000.000000
-339.343231	0.121145	-0.024203	-0.988439	0.131643	0.678811	0.098211	160766.000000	0.000000	0.015339	0.013200	-1.502591	0.154266	0.730099	97346.671875	73730.515625	275174.406250	0.133551	0.019266	-1.818609	-0.028866	0.065868	-1.261976	0.292853	0.005580	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	190766.000000	190766.000000	190766.000000
-339.348236	0.125295	-0.026645	-0.987463	0.108230	0.630921	0.121624	160766.000000	0.000000	0.015339	0.013200	-1.934454	-0.133241	0.730099	-54020.871094	-30149.580078	264978.531250	0.136484	0.020034	-1.818609	-0.028866	0.065868	-1.261976	0.292853	0.005580	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190766.000000	190766.000000	190766.000000	100000.000000
-339.353241	0.129201	-0.028109	-0.988195	0.085881	0.579838	0.145037	160766.000000	0.000000	0.008790	0.009070	-2.325539	-0.367543	0.727099	-50749.992188	-25391.242188	253476.218750	0.139181	0.020724	-1.817455	-0.027393	0.063737	-1.261453	0.291515	0.008961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186157.000000	186157.000000	195374.000000	100000.000000
-339.358246	0.132619	-0.029330	-0.988439	0.062468	0.525562	0.168450	160766.000000	0.000000	0.008790	0.009070	-2.090098	-0.207963	0.727099	19823.980469	18877.177734	243280.343750	0.141622	0.021327	-1.817455	-0.027393	0.063737	-1.261453	0.291515	0.008961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	191712.000000	189819.000000	169467.000000
-339.363251	0.135549	-0.029330	-0.987219	0.040119	0.468094	0.191863	160766.000000	0.000000	0.008790	0.009070	-2.111765	-0.211331	0.727099	-7930.802734	930.370422	233084.468750	0.143792	0.021827	-1.817455	-0.027393	0.063737	-1.261453	0.291515	0.008961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137766.000000	181904.000000	199627.000000	123765.000000
-339.368256	0.137990	-0.027865	-0.985021	0.016706	0.409562	0.215276	163892.000000	0.000000	0.008790	0.009070	-2.128993	-0.211401	0.727099	-7135.611816	1517.415527	222888.593750	0.145683	0.022191	-1.817455	-0.027393	0.063737	-1.261453	0.291515	0.008961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139510.000000	185238.000000	200000.000000	128273.000000
-339.373260	0.140432	-0.026400	-0.983068	-0.007771	0.348901	0.238689	163892.000000	0.000000	0.008790	0.009070	-2.141746	-0.209296	0.727099	-6188.162109	1996.471558	212692.718750	0.147289	0.022418	-1.817455	-0.027393	0.063737	-1.261453	0.291515	0.008961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138083.000000	185707.000000	200000.000000	129700.000000
-339.378265	0.143605	-0.023471	-0.980383	-0.032248	0.286112	0.262102	163892.000000	0.000000	0.008790	0.009070	-2.150924	-0.203659	0.727099	-5314.306152	2523.420898	202496.828125	0.148625	0.022480	-1.817455	-0.027393	0.063737	-1.261453	0.291515	0.008961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136682.000000	186054.000000	200000.000000	131101.000000
-339.383270	0.145559	-0.020541	-0.978186	-0.057789	0.222258	0.284451	163892.000000	0.000000	0.008790	0.009070	-2.154654	-0.195379	0.727099	-4321.542969	3086.620361	192764.406250	0.149664	0.022375	-1.817455	-0.027393	0.063737	-1.261453	0.291515	0.008961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135126.000000	186483.000000	200000.000000	132657.000000
-339.388275	0.147268	-0.019320	-0.976477	-0.082267	0.158405	0.305735	166525.000000	0.000000	0.008790	0.009070	-2.153936	-0.186884	0.727099	-3535.347900	3145.021973	183495.421875	0.150406	0.022144	-1.817455	-0.027393	0.063737	-1.261453	0.291515	0.008961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136915.000000	189844.000000	200000.000000	136134.000000
-339.393280	0.148488	-0.018588	-0.975256	-0.107808	0.094551	0.327020	166525.000000	0.000000	0.003877	0.005814	-2.418635	-0.355909	0.715220	-33644.781250	-16918.189453	169053.546875	0.150847	0.021794	-1.812886	-0.027558	0.062697	-1.261198	0.296106	0.012748	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183443.000000	183443.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.398285	0.149221	-0.017367	-0.974768	-0.131221	0.030697	0.347240	166525.000000	0.000000	0.012882	0.011915	-1.716792	0.121519	0.691895	76154.484375	56233.078125	150090.125000	0.150981	0.021327	-1.803915	-0.025235	0.057496	-1.260242	0.295568	0.008093	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196525.000000	196525.000000	196525.000000
-339.403290	0.150197	-0.016146	-0.973059	-0.152505	-0.032092	0.367460	166525.000000	0.000000	0.006385	0.007822	-2.420345	-0.334778	0.682912	-81441.765625	-48670.664062	137372.875000	0.150828	0.020754	-1.800460	-0.024582	0.055824	-1.260064	0.296119	0.010095	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196525.000000	196525.000000	196525.000000	100000.000000
-339.408295	0.151418	-0.014682	-0.972082	-0.172726	-0.092753	0.386616	166525.000000	0.000000	0.006385	0.007822	-2.143548	-0.156772	0.682912	27671.843750	21869.593750	129030.812500	0.150408	0.020077	-1.800460	-0.024582	0.055824	-1.260064	0.296119	0.010095	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	190722.000000	186066.000000
-339.413300	0.152395	-0.012729	-0.970617	-0.190818	-0.153414	0.405772	169158.000000	0.000000	0.004883	0.006721	-2.205215	-0.201503	0.671341	-9548.933594	-2978.298340	115649.859375	0.149723	0.019298	-1.796010	-0.024431	0.054525	-1.259619	0.295747	0.004020	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151685.000000	192587.000000	200000.000000	126630.000000
-339.418304	0.153859	-0.011752	-0.969885	-0.206781	-0.211946	0.423864	169158.000000	0.000000	0.004883	0.006721	-2.121622	-0.141921	0.671341	6843.078613	8604.962891	107771.226562	0.148796	0.018448	-1.796010	-0.024431	0.054525	-1.259619	0.295747	0.004020	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123709.000000	197396.000000	200000.000000	154606.000000
-339.423309	0.155568	-0.012729	-0.968420	-0.220616	-0.270478	0.439828	169158.000000	0.000000	0.004883	0.006721	-2.095127	-0.127990	0.671341	955.892456	3479.108643	100819.484375	0.147640	0.017577	-1.796010	-0.024431	0.054525	-1.259619	0.295747	0.004020	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134722.000000	196634.000000	200000.000000	143593.000000
-339.428314	0.157766	-0.014926	-0.968420	-0.231258	-0.325818	0.454727	169158.000000	0.000000	0.004883	0.006721	-2.066602	-0.115895	0.671341	1213.854736	3030.755615	94331.195312	0.146280	0.016723	-1.796010	-0.024431	0.054525	-1.259619	0.295747	0.004020	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134913.000000	197341.000000	200000.000000	143402.000000
-339.433319	0.160695	-0.017611	-0.967687	-0.239772	-0.381158	0.468562	170069.000000	0.000000	0.004883	0.006721	-2.036197	-0.105104	0.671341	1814.888306	2742.160889	88306.367188	0.144739	0.015906	-1.796010	-0.024431	0.054525	-1.259619	0.295747	0.004020	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135511.000000	199141.000000	200000.000000	144626.000000
-339.438324	0.164602	-0.019564	-0.967199	-0.245093	-0.434369	0.480268	170069.000000	0.000000	0.004883	0.006721	-2.004883	-0.094741	0.671341	2069.754395	2416.208740	83208.429688	0.143048	0.015124	-1.796010	-0.024431	0.054525	-1.259619	0.295747	0.004020	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135583.000000	199722.000000	200000.000000	144554.000000
-339.443329	0.168508	-0.020785	-0.966223	-0.247221	-0.484388	0.489846	170069.000000	0.000000	0.004997	0.006784	-1.966187	-0.081370	0.659799	2938.360596	2467.154053	74010.929688	0.141229	0.014374	-1.791570	-0.024245	0.053213	-1.259384	0.290270	0.002754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134663.000000	200000.000000	199597.000000	145474.000000
-339.448334	0.172414	-0.021762	-0.965490	-0.247221	-0.532278	0.497296	170069.000000	0.000000	0.007031	0.008135	-1.825228	-0.000269	0.631561	14817.598633	10053.606445	58469.812500	0.139294	0.013659	-1.780710	-0.024578	0.051033	-1.258856	0.279133	0.001253	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115197.000000	200000.000000	195305.000000	164940.000000
-339.453339	0.175588	-0.022250	-0.965490	-0.246157	-0.575911	0.502617	170081.000000	0.000000	0.003131	0.005422	-2.085913	-0.194301	0.616138	-30812.232422	-21213.542969	49436.242188	0.137249	0.012973	-1.774778	-0.025013	0.050192	-1.258601	0.272328	-0.000575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191294.000000	191294.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.458344	0.178029	-0.024447	-0.965490	-0.241900	-0.617416	0.505810	170081.000000	0.000000	0.003131	0.005422	-1.893136	-0.079711	0.616138	19897.529297	12880.282227	48045.902344	0.135092	0.012363	-1.774778	-0.025013	0.050192	-1.258601	0.272328	-0.000575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107303.000000	200000.000000	193063.000000	172858.000000
-339.463348	0.180227	-0.027377	-0.965002	-0.236579	-0.655728	0.506874	170081.000000	0.000000	0.003131	0.005422	-1.855410	-0.075687	0.616138	2844.075195	597.454468	47582.445312	0.132837	0.011846	-1.774778	-0.025013	0.050192	-1.258601	0.272328	-0.000575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136639.000000	200000.000000	197834.000000	143522.000000
-339.468353	0.181447	-0.030307	-0.965246	-0.228065	-0.690848	0.507938	170081.000000	0.000000	0.003131	0.005422	-1.815926	-0.073782	0.616138	3027.679443	-16.954151	47118.988281	0.130479	0.011435	-1.774778	-0.025013	0.050192	-1.258601	0.272328	-0.000575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137070.000000	200000.000000	197036.000000	143091.000000
-339.473358	0.181936	-0.033236	-0.965734	-0.218487	-0.724903	0.507938	170081.000000	0.000000	0.003131	0.005422	-1.774441	-0.073584	0.616138	3478.167969	-364.880951	47118.988281	0.128010	0.011133	-1.774778	-0.025013	0.050192	-1.258601	0.272328	-0.000575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136967.000000	200000.000000	196237.000000	143194.000000
-339.478363	0.182424	-0.035189	-0.965734	-0.208909	-0.755765	0.507938	170082.000000	0.000000	0.003131	0.005422	-1.732363	-0.073802	0.616138	3527.936523	-455.645966	47118.988281	0.125449	0.010917	-1.774778	-0.025013	0.050192	-1.258601	0.272328	-0.000575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137009.000000	200000.000000	196098.000000	143154.000000
-339.483368	0.182668	-0.036166	-0.965490	-0.199331	-0.784499	0.506874	170082.000000	0.000000	0.003131	0.005422	-1.689365	-0.074092	0.616138	3724.993652	-508.918396	47582.445312	0.122804	0.010766	-1.774778	-0.025013	0.050192	-1.258601	0.272328	-0.000575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136865.000000	200000.000000	195848.000000	143298.000000
-339.488373	0.182668	-0.034945	-0.965246	-0.190818	-0.810041	0.504745	170082.000000	0.000000	0.003131	0.005422	-1.645812	-0.072488	0.616138	3752.857666	-215.388397	48509.332031	0.120089	0.010626	-1.774778	-0.025013	0.050192	-1.258601	0.272328	-0.000575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136544.000000	200000.000000	196113.000000	143619.000000
-339.493378	0.182912	-0.032748	-0.966223	-0.183368	-0.833454	0.502617	170082.000000	0.000000	0.002436	0.004966	-1.640131	-0.094694	0.598938	-511.006134	-2853.616699	41945.832031	0.117317	0.010473	-1.768162	-0.025678	0.049508	-1.258324	0.264213	-0.001621	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143446.000000	200000.000000	197739.000000	136717.000000
-339.498383	0.183645	-0.031527	-0.967443	-0.178047	-0.854738	0.499424	170031.000000	0.000000	0.011188	0.010668	-1.087412	0.239655	0.561047	62044.738281	38100.042969	26835.544922	0.114505	0.010314	-1.753589	-0.025145	0.045793	-1.257445	0.237386	-0.002776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196866.000000	196866.000000	200000.000000
-339.503387	0.184133	-0.030307	-0.967932	-0.173790	-0.871766	0.496232	170031.000000	0.000000	0.011188	0.010668	-1.394134	0.014580	0.561047	-34256.425781	-24349.960938	28225.884766	0.111675	0.010145	-1.753589	-0.025145	0.045793	-1.257445	0.237386	-0.002776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196155.000000	192606.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.508392	0.185109	-0.029818	-0.967932	-0.171661	-0.885601	0.493039	170031.000000	0.000000	0.011188	0.010668	-1.352192	0.017367	0.561047	3987.911133	941.989441	29616.240234	0.108854	0.009972	-1.753589	-0.025145	0.045793	-1.257445	0.237386	-0.002776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135484.000000	200000.000000	196601.000000	145344.000000
-339.513397	0.186330	-0.030551	-0.968176	-0.171661	-0.897307	0.488782	170031.000000	0.000000	0.011188	0.010668	-1.311144	0.019471	0.561047	3898.127197	1110.618042	31470.035156	0.106056	0.009808	-1.753589	-0.025145	0.045793	-1.257445	0.237386	-0.002776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135022.000000	200000.000000	197243.000000	145039.000000
-339.518402	0.187551	-0.031771	-0.969152	-0.171661	-0.906885	0.485589	170031.000000	0.000000	0.011188	0.010668	-1.270799	0.020898	0.561047	3815.390625	1042.638306	32860.375000	0.103288	0.009663	-1.753589	-0.025145	0.045793	-1.257445	0.237386	-0.002776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135172.000000	200000.000000	197258.000000	144889.000000
-339.523407	0.189016	-0.032504	-0.969152	-0.172726	-0.915399	0.482397	170073.000000	0.000000	0.011188	0.010668	-1.231642	0.022848	0.561047	3786.937500	1231.134888	34250.730469	0.100562	0.009521	-1.753589	-0.025145	0.045793	-1.257445	0.237386	-0.002776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135054.000000	200000.000000	197517.000000	145091.000000
-339.528412	0.190236	-0.033236	-0.969885	-0.173790	-0.923913	0.478140	170073.000000	0.000000	0.003686	0.005579	-1.605217	-0.255071	0.546055	-43282.691406	-30821.863281	29575.677734	0.097872	0.009384	-1.747823	-0.025398	0.044929	-1.257300	0.225719	0.000436	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	199648.000000	199648.000000	100000.000000
-339.533417	0.190969	-0.034457	-0.971105	-0.173790	-0.931362	0.474947	170073.000000	0.000000	0.011375	0.010621	-0.843530	0.226727	0.507967	84992.085938	54829.562500	14379.679688	0.095210	0.009265	-1.733174	-0.024710	0.041348	-1.256448	0.195569	0.002426	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	184452.000000	184452.000000	200000.000000
-339.538422	0.191701	-0.037143	-0.970861	-0.173790	-0.939876	0.470690	170073.000000	0.000000	0.011375	0.010621	-1.112583	0.024222	0.507967	-29448.048828	-21360.251953	16233.476562	0.092574	0.009194	-1.733174	-0.024710	0.041348	-1.256448	0.195569	0.002426	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	178218.000000	194394.000000	103031.000000
-339.543427	0.192189	-0.040561	-0.972326	-0.171661	-0.948390	0.467498	169929.000000	0.000000	0.005411	0.006624	-1.401827	-0.198503	0.496045	-32959.902344	-24852.425781	12431.902344	0.089953	0.009196	-1.728588	-0.024396	0.040163	-1.256176	0.186181	0.001861	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	177213.000000	187508.000000	102644.000000
-339.548431	0.192678	-0.044711	-0.973303	-0.167405	-0.956904	0.463241	169929.000000	0.000000	0.005411	0.006624	-1.124855	-0.043917	0.496045	30618.312500	17097.679688	14285.699219	0.087348	0.009293	-1.728588	-0.024396	0.040163	-1.256176	0.186181	0.001861	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108545.000000	197117.000000	171312.000000	200000.000000
-339.553436	0.193166	-0.048861	-0.975012	-0.161019	-0.964353	0.460048	169929.000000	0.000000	0.005411	0.006624	-1.086743	-0.051079	0.496045	4446.740234	-983.964233	15676.040039	0.084759	0.009493	-1.728588	-0.024396	0.040163	-1.256176	0.186181	0.001861	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150790.000000	191035.000000	180174.000000	157715.000000
-339.558441	0.193410	-0.052523	-0.976477	-0.151441	-0.971803	0.457920	169929.000000	0.000000	0.005411	0.006624	-1.048684	-0.060044	0.496045	4651.285645	-1618.867798	16602.937500	0.082186	0.009802	-1.728588	-0.024396	0.040163	-1.256176	0.186181	0.001861	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150293.000000	192802.000000	180261.000000	156358.000000
-339.563446	0.194875	-0.055941	-0.977697	-0.140799	-0.977124	0.454727	169960.000000	0.000000	0.005411	0.006624	-1.012695	-0.070481	0.496045	4378.736328	-1994.277954	17993.279297	0.079659	0.010217	-1.728588	-0.024396	0.040163	-1.256176	0.186181	0.001861	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149582.000000	194326.000000	181580.000000	154351.000000
-339.568451	0.196584	-0.058139	-0.978430	-0.129092	-0.981381	0.450470	169960.000000	0.000000	0.005411	0.006624	-0.978048	-0.081341	0.496045	4293.018066	-2261.685547	19847.076172	0.077192	0.010716	-1.728588	-0.024396	0.040163	-1.256176	0.186181	0.001861	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148081.000000	196361.000000	183252.000000	152144.000000
-339.573456	0.198781	-0.059115	-0.979162	-0.115257	-0.982445	0.446213	169960.000000	0.000000	0.005411	0.006624	-0.945613	-0.092610	0.496045	3852.885986	-2656.114990	21700.873047	0.074807	0.011284	-1.728588	-0.024396	0.040163	-1.256176	0.186181	0.001861	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147062.000000	198169.000000	185151.000000	149455.000000
-339.578461	0.201467	-0.059115	-0.979406	-0.102487	-0.982445	0.440892	169960.000000	0.000000	0.005411	0.006624	-0.915258	-0.103494	0.496045	3646.736328	-2605.629883	24018.125000	0.072522	0.011895	-1.728588	-0.024396	0.040163	-1.256176	0.186181	0.001861	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144900.000000	200000.000000	187725.000000	146982.000000
-339.583466	0.204641	-0.058627	-0.980627	-0.088652	-0.981381	0.434507	169960.000000	0.000000	0.009029	0.008921	-0.687956	0.011661	0.474108	26225.929688	11602.190430	17245.595703	0.070343	0.012542	-1.720151	-0.023450	0.037624	-1.255643	0.166336	0.001289	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114886.000000	200000.000000	172581.000000	190542.000000
-339.588470	0.208059	-0.057895	-0.981115	-0.074817	-0.979253	0.427057	169922.000000	0.000000	0.009624	0.009236	-0.773663	-0.074301	0.454803	-8712.244141	-10970.875977	12082.848633	0.068282	0.013221	-1.712726	-0.022127	0.034907	-1.255134	0.148552	-0.000809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177522.000000	184263.000000	179746.000000	138156.000000
-339.593475	0.211477	-0.056430	-0.981848	-0.062046	-0.976060	0.419607	169922.000000	0.000000	0.006030	0.006639	-0.970806	-0.240554	0.445040	-22003.974609	-20505.906250	11075.559570	0.066341	0.013911	-1.708971	-0.021625	0.033753	-1.254854	0.139193	0.000278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	179499.000000	182495.000000	116336.000000
-339.598480	0.215383	-0.054232	-0.982336	-0.051404	-0.971803	0.411094	169922.000000	0.000000	0.006030	0.006639	-0.805283	-0.146299	0.445040	18498.210938	8757.214844	14783.153320	0.064534	0.014588	-1.708971	-0.021625	0.033753	-1.254854	0.139193	0.000278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127883.000000	194446.000000	174964.000000	182394.000000
-339.603485	0.219045	-0.050814	-0.981848	-0.040762	-0.968610	0.402580	169922.000000	0.000000	0.006030	0.006639	-0.785039	-0.154476	0.445040	2719.341064	-2592.423340	18490.746094	0.062851	0.015229	-1.708971	-0.021625	0.033753	-1.254854	0.139193	0.000278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151304.000000	193724.000000	183100.000000	151558.000000
-339.608490	0.222219	-0.046908	-0.982336	-0.033312	-0.963289	0.394066	169969.000000	0.000000	0.006030	0.006639	-0.766359	-0.160742	0.445040	2374.677734	-2094.275879	22198.339844	0.061288	0.015809	-1.708971	-0.021625	0.033753	-1.254854	0.139193	0.000278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147490.000000	196636.000000	187698.000000	148051.000000
-339.613495	0.224904	-0.042758	-0.981848	-0.026927	-0.959032	0.384488	169969.000000	0.000000	0.006030	0.006639	-0.748777	-0.165670	0.445040	2432.441895	-1882.161011	26369.388672	0.059831	0.016320	-1.708971	-0.021625	0.033753	-1.254854	0.139193	0.000278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143049.000000	200000.000000	192023.000000	144149.000000
-339.618500	0.227346	-0.038852	-0.980627	-0.021606	-0.953711	0.374910	169969.000000	0.000000	0.006030	0.006639	-0.732929	-0.169679	0.445040	2173.269531	-1707.213989	30540.423828	0.058484	0.016765	-1.708971	-0.021625	0.033753	-1.254854	0.139193	0.000278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139502.000000	200000.000000	196088.000000	140435.000000
-339.623505	0.228566	-0.036654	-0.980627	-0.018413	-0.949454	0.364268	169969.000000	0.000000	0.006030	0.006639	-0.716672	-0.174008	0.445040	2390.493652	-1542.986206	35174.914062	0.057208	0.017167	-1.708971	-0.021625	0.033753	-1.254854	0.139193	0.000278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139121.000000	200000.000000	196035.000000	140816.000000
-339.628510	0.228811	-0.035922	-0.980871	-0.016285	-0.946262	0.353625	169969.000000	0.000000	0.004665	0.005367	-0.775030	-0.248970	0.433502	-5980.114746	-9546.928711	34784.710938	0.055977	0.017552	-1.704533	-0.021579	0.033026	-1.254571	0.129669	0.002645	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155496.000000	200000.000000	196402.000000	124441.000000
-339.633514	0.228322	-0.037143	-0.981115	-0.015220	-0.944133	0.342983	170087.000000	0.000000	0.011523	0.009577	-0.326264	0.026632	0.405944	51952.699219	30379.625000	27418.070312	0.054770	0.017953	-1.693934	-0.020885	0.030718	-1.253818	0.100383	0.006224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	197505.000000	197505.000000	200000.000000
-339.638519	0.227346	-0.038119	-0.980383	-0.014156	-0.943069	0.332341	170087.000000	0.000000	0.011523	0.009577	-0.583133	-0.148374	0.405944	-26705.638672	-19977.353516	32052.562500	0.053578	0.018366	-1.693934	-0.020885	0.030718	-1.253818	0.100383	0.006224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186769.000000	193358.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.643524	0.225881	-0.038852	-0.978918	-0.016285	-0.943069	0.321699	170087.000000	0.000000	0.011523	0.009577	-0.565364	-0.154160	0.405944	3691.236816	-1036.394775	36687.054688	0.052387	0.018772	-1.693934	-0.020885	0.030718	-1.253818	0.100383	0.006224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137432.000000	200000.000000	195359.000000	142741.000000
-339.648529	0.225148	-0.039096	-0.979406	-0.018413	-0.944133	0.309992	170087.000000	0.000000	0.011523	0.009577	-0.547652	-0.159213	0.405944	3888.419678	-969.254761	41785.000000	0.051199	0.019159	-1.693934	-0.020885	0.030718	-1.253818	0.100383	0.006224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137167.000000	200000.000000	195229.000000	143006.000000
-339.653534	0.224416	-0.039584	-0.978918	-0.021606	-0.945197	0.298286	170025.000000	0.000000	0.011523	0.009577	-0.530216	-0.164033	0.405944	3943.028564	-834.131470	46882.933594	0.050018	0.019528	-1.693934	-0.020885	0.030718	-1.253818	0.100383	0.006224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136916.000000	200000.000000	195247.000000	143133.000000
-339.658539	0.223684	-0.040072	-0.978918	-0.025863	-0.945197	0.285515	170025.000000	0.000000	0.011523	0.009577	-0.513054	-0.168291	0.405944	3874.922119	-655.341003	52444.324219	0.048847	0.019874	-1.693934	-0.020885	0.030718	-1.253818	0.100383	0.006224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136805.000000	200000.000000	195494.000000	143244.000000
-339.663544	0.222951	-0.041049	-0.979406	-0.031184	-0.945197	0.270616	170025.000000	0.000000	0.011523	0.009577	-0.495924	-0.172434	0.405944	3950.231689	-520.138733	58932.601562	0.047684	0.020201	-1.693934	-0.020885	0.030718	-1.253818	0.100383	0.006224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136594.000000	200000.000000	195554.000000	143455.000000
-339.668549	0.222219	-0.041781	-0.979895	-0.036505	-0.944133	0.254652	170025.000000	0.000000	0.011523	0.009577	-0.479203	-0.176041	0.405944	3860.287109	-453.436646	65884.343750	0.046534	0.020504	-1.693934	-0.020885	0.030718	-1.253818	0.100383	0.006224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136618.000000	200000.000000	195711.000000	143431.000000
-339.673553	0.220754	-0.042270	-0.980383	-0.042890	-0.940940	0.237625	170075.000000	0.000000	0.011523	0.009577	-0.462470	-0.178773	0.405944	3689.804932	-223.328232	73299.523438	0.045394	0.020775	-1.693934	-0.020885	0.030718	-1.253818	0.100383	0.006224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136608.000000	200000.000000	196161.000000	143541.000000
-339.678558	0.219533	-0.042270	-0.981604	-0.049276	-0.937748	0.219533	170075.000000	0.000000	0.018308	0.013435	-0.072886	0.031659	0.380327	46464.335938	24212.611328	70022.656250	0.044265	0.021002	-1.684081	-0.018979	0.027295	-1.252573	0.053528	0.010029	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	194287.000000	194287.000000
-339.683563	0.217580	-0.041293	-0.982092	-0.055661	-0.932427	0.200377	170075.000000	0.000000	0.018308	0.013435	-0.327832	-0.122685	0.380327	-25836.722656	-16577.257812	78364.734375	0.043146	0.021169	-1.684081	-0.018979	0.027295	-1.252573	0.053528	0.010029	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182488.000000	190815.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.688568	0.215383	-0.039828	-0.981359	-0.060982	-0.926041	0.179092	170075.000000	0.000000	0.018308	0.013435	-0.311955	-0.121721	0.380327	3868.484863	411.694794	87633.718750	0.042043	0.021273	-1.684081	-0.018979	0.027295	-1.252573	0.053528	0.010029	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135794.000000	200000.000000	196618.000000	144355.000000
-339.693573	0.212209	-0.038852	-0.981848	-0.066303	-0.918592	0.157808	170075.000000	0.000000	0.018308	0.013435	-0.295260	-0.120384	0.380327	3883.907471	483.394073	96902.695312	0.040938	0.021324	-1.684081	-0.018979	0.027295	-1.252573	0.053528	0.010029	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135707.000000	200000.000000	196674.000000	144442.000000
-339.698578	0.207814	-0.038607	-0.983068	-0.070560	-0.911142	0.135459	170075.000000	0.000000	0.018308	0.013435	-0.277053	-0.119383	0.380327	4099.604492	353.556976	106635.117188	0.039803	0.021343	-1.684081	-0.018979	0.027295	-1.252573	0.053528	0.010029	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135621.000000	200000.000000	196328.000000	144528.000000
-339.703583	0.202443	-0.038852	-0.982580	-0.073753	-0.901564	0.114175	170075.000000	0.000000	0.018308	0.013435	-0.258333	-0.118858	0.380327	3964.112549	201.259567	115904.101562	0.038637	0.021347	-1.684081	-0.018979	0.027295	-1.252573	0.053528	0.010029	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135909.000000	200000.000000	196312.000000	144240.000000
-339.708588	0.196340	-0.037631	-0.982580	-0.076945	-0.891986	0.092890	170075.000000	0.000000	0.018308	0.013435	-0.238325	-0.116525	0.380327	4153.929199	425.631866	125173.078125	0.037426	0.021308	-1.684081	-0.018979	0.027295	-1.252573	0.053528	0.010029	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135495.000000	200000.000000	196346.000000	144654.000000
-339.713593	0.189504	-0.036410	-0.982580	-0.078010	-0.882408	0.072670	170075.000000	0.000000	0.018308	0.013435	-0.216793	-0.114177	0.380327	4376.225098	208.821671	133978.609375	0.036153	0.021237	-1.684081	-0.018979	0.027295	-1.252573	0.053528	0.010029	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135489.000000	200000.000000	195907.000000	144660.000000
-339.718597	0.182180	-0.035434	-0.982824	-0.078010	-0.870702	0.054578	170078.000000	0.000000	0.003147	0.002715	-1.028019	-0.701378	0.373329	-91210.109375	-67433.796875	138809.781250	0.034821	0.021145	-1.681390	-0.019455	0.027485	-1.252334	0.043056	0.009704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.723602	0.174855	-0.035434	-0.983312	-0.075881	-0.860059	0.036486	170078.000000	0.000000	0.012368	0.008943	0.108741	0.070512	0.373905	128279.906250	85313.335938	146938.937500	0.033423	0.021062	-1.681611	-0.018002	0.025920	-1.251370	0.013909	0.009503	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-339.728607	0.166311	-0.036166	-0.983068	-0.071624	-0.848353	0.020523	170078.000000	0.000000	0.012368	0.008943	-0.234524	-0.179220	0.373905	-36207.605469	-28422.546875	153890.671875	0.031944	0.021015	-1.681611	-0.018002	0.025920	-1.251370	0.013909	0.009503	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198500.000000	198500.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.733612	0.157033	-0.036898	-0.983557	-0.065239	-0.838775	0.006688	170078.000000	0.000000	0.003697	0.002580	-0.683169	-0.530872	0.371923	-49668.613281	-41510.281250	159052.484375	0.030358	0.021014	-1.680849	-0.018303	0.026164	-1.251052	0.006109	0.009765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.738617	0.148244	-0.037631	-0.983557	-0.057789	-0.829197	-0.006083	170078.000000	0.000000	0.003697	0.002580	-0.307509	-0.279220	0.371923	42652.722656	25833.025391	164613.859375	0.028678	0.021063	-1.680849	-0.018303	0.026164	-1.251052	0.006109	0.009765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	195911.000000	195911.000000
-339.743622	0.140676	-0.036898	-0.983557	-0.048211	-0.820683	-0.017789	170071.000000	0.000000	0.003697	0.002580	-0.278237	-0.281643	0.371923	4777.769043	-2393.437256	169711.796875	0.026923	0.021143	-1.680849	-0.018303	0.026164	-1.251052	0.006109	0.009765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137686.000000	200000.000000	192899.000000	142455.000000
-339.748627	0.133596	-0.036166	-0.983557	-0.037569	-0.813233	-0.027367	170071.000000	0.000000	0.003697	0.002580	-0.248156	-0.284799	0.371923	5087.779297	-2654.488525	173882.843750	0.025100	0.021259	-1.680849	-0.018303	0.026164	-1.251052	0.006109	0.009765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137637.000000	200000.000000	192328.000000	142504.000000
-339.753632	0.127248	-0.033969	-0.983557	-0.027991	-0.806848	-0.036945	170071.000000	0.000000	0.003697	0.002580	-0.217635	-0.286544	0.371923	5364.239258	-2434.350586	178053.890625	0.023220	0.021374	-1.680849	-0.018303	0.026164	-1.251052	0.006109	0.009765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137141.000000	200000.000000	192272.000000	143000.000000
-339.758636	0.122121	-0.031527	-0.981848	-0.018413	-0.800463	-0.046523	170071.000000	0.000000	0.003697	0.002580	-0.187877	-0.288080	0.371923	5387.888672	-2462.548340	182224.921875	0.021311	0.021487	-1.680849	-0.018303	0.026164	-1.251052	0.006109	0.009765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137145.000000	200000.000000	192220.000000	142996.000000
-339.763641	0.116994	-0.029330	-0.980871	-0.009899	-0.794077	-0.055037	170024.000000	0.000000	0.003697	0.002580	-0.157597	-0.289530	0.371923	5555.163086	-2381.818359	185932.515625	0.019372	0.021594	-1.680849	-0.018303	0.026164	-1.251052	0.006109	0.009765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136850.000000	200000.000000	192087.000000	143197.000000
-339.768646	0.112355	-0.026889	-0.979406	-0.001385	-0.787692	-0.064615	170024.000000	0.000000	0.003697	0.002580	-0.127492	-0.290657	0.371923	5645.050781	-2390.708252	190103.562500	0.017414	0.021693	-1.680849	-0.018303	0.026164	-1.251052	0.006109	0.009765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136769.000000	200000.000000	191988.000000	143278.000000
-339.773651	0.108205	-0.025180	-0.978430	0.006064	-0.782371	-0.074193	170024.000000	0.000000	0.003697	0.002580	-0.097300	-0.292174	0.371923	5885.956055	-2357.864746	194274.593750	0.015442	0.021793	-1.680849	-0.018303	0.026164	-1.251052	0.006109	0.009765	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136495.000000	200000.000000	191780.000000	143552.000000
-339.778656	0.104055	-0.023959	-0.977941	0.012450	-0.777050	-0.084836	170024.000000	0.000000	0.017788	0.011694	0.707936	0.207199	0.383288	94786.437500	55102.859375	203858.328125	0.013453	0.021898	-1.685220	-0.017462	0.025820	-1.249243	-0.031838	0.014587	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-339.783661	0.099904	-0.023227	-0.977453	0.019899	-0.771729	-0.094414	170018.000000	0.000000	0.017788	0.011694	0.175235	-0.159918	0.383288	-54802.765625	-42013.007812	208029.375000	0.011449	0.022022	-1.685220	-0.017462	0.025820	-1.249243	-0.031838	0.014587	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.788666	0.096242	-0.021518	-0.977453	0.026285	-0.766407	-0.105056	170018.000000	0.000000	0.017788	0.011694	0.205671	-0.161500	0.383288	7233.054688	-1739.919067	212663.859375	0.009438	0.022142	-1.685220	-0.017462	0.025820	-1.249243	-0.031838	0.014587	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134524.000000	200000.000000	191045.000000	145511.000000
-339.793671	0.092092	-0.018832	-0.977941	0.033734	-0.762151	-0.116762	170018.000000	0.000000	0.017788	0.011694	0.237077	-0.162200	0.383288	7581.646973	-1797.372437	217761.796875	0.007404	0.022242	-1.685220	-0.017462	0.025820	-1.249243	-0.031838	0.014587	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134233.000000	200000.000000	190638.000000	145802.000000
-339.798676	0.088186	-0.015902	-0.977697	0.040119	-0.757894	-0.128469	170018.000000	0.000000	0.017788	0.011694	0.268450	-0.162089	0.383288	7702.778809	-1620.105103	222859.734375	0.005355	0.022312	-1.685220	-0.017462	0.025820	-1.249243	-0.031838	0.014587	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133935.000000	200000.000000	190695.000000	146100.000000
-339.803680	0.084035	-0.012973	-0.978186	0.047569	-0.755765	-0.141239	170018.000000	0.000000	0.017788	0.011694	0.300959	-0.161856	0.383288	8201.540039	-1756.843994	228421.125000	0.003273	0.022359	-1.685220	-0.017462	0.025820	-1.249243	-0.031838	0.014587	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133573.000000	200000.000000	190059.000000	146462.000000
-339.808685	0.080129	-0.010043	-0.979162	0.055019	-0.753637	-0.155074	170062.000000	0.000000	0.017788	0.011694	0.333682	-0.161306	0.383288	8365.696289	-1753.722534	234445.968750	0.001164	0.022384	-1.685220	-0.017462	0.025820	-1.249243	-0.031838	0.014587	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133450.000000	200000.000000	189942.000000	146673.000000
-339.813690	0.075734	-0.007357	-0.981359	0.062468	-0.753637	-0.167845	170062.000000	0.000000	0.017788	0.011694	0.368010	-0.160723	0.383288	8934.060547	-1781.659912	240007.343750	-0.000994	0.022391	-1.685220	-0.017462	0.025820	-1.249243	-0.031838	0.014587	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132909.000000	200000.000000	189346.000000	147214.000000
-339.818695	0.072316	-0.004916	-0.983312	0.069918	-0.754701	-0.181680	170062.000000	0.000000	0.017788	0.011694	0.402175	-0.160202	0.383288	9195.319336	-1820.404419	246032.187500	-0.003184	0.022386	-1.685220	-0.017462	0.025820	-1.249243	-0.031838	0.014587	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132687.000000	200000.000000	189046.000000	147436.000000
-339.823700	0.068898	-0.002719	-0.985021	0.075239	-0.756830	-0.196579	170062.000000	0.000000	0.012105	0.006986	0.124498	-0.418165	0.388551	-26250.134766	-31225.191406	254812.343750	-0.005411	0.022366	-1.687244	-0.020117	0.029058	-1.247200	-0.067778	0.021490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196312.000000	200000.000000	196312.000000	100000.000000
-339.828705	0.066701	-0.000521	-0.987463	0.080560	-0.758958	-0.212543	170027.000000	0.000000	0.012105	0.006986	0.385825	-0.228721	0.388551	34240.304688	18826.812500	261764.078125	-0.007649	0.022330	-1.687244	-0.020117	0.029058	-1.247200	-0.067778	0.021490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	188853.000000	188853.000000
-339.833710	0.064992	0.001432	-0.989172	0.084817	-0.761086	-0.229570	170027.000000	0.000000	0.012105	0.006986	0.419453	-0.227381	0.388551	9362.150391	-1756.788696	269179.250000	-0.009889	0.022279	-1.687244	-0.020117	0.029058	-1.247200	-0.067778	0.021490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132421.000000	200000.000000	188908.000000	147632.000000
-339.838715	0.063039	0.003385	-0.991369	0.089074	-0.762151	-0.247662	170027.000000	0.000000	0.012105	0.006986	0.453083	-0.225865	0.388551	9404.892578	-1750.095215	277057.875000	-0.012129	0.022215	-1.687244	-0.020117	0.029058	-1.247200	-0.067778	0.021490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132372.000000	200000.000000	188872.000000	147681.000000
-339.843719	0.061818	0.004605	-0.994543	0.093331	-0.762151	-0.267882	170027.000000	0.000000	0.012105	0.006986	0.485674	-0.225009	0.388551	9323.536133	-1838.332764	285863.406250	-0.014351	0.022153	-1.687244	-0.020117	0.029058	-1.247200	-0.067778	0.021490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132541.000000	200000.000000	188865.000000	147512.000000
-339.848724	0.059377	0.005338	-0.996984	0.097588	-0.762151	-0.289167	170027.000000	0.000000	0.012105	0.006986	0.519286	-0.224748	0.388551	9590.409180	-1922.146851	295132.406250	-0.016578	0.022103	-1.687244	-0.020117	0.029058	-1.247200	-0.067778	0.021490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132358.000000	200000.000000	188514.000000	147695.000000
-339.853729	0.057180	0.005582	-0.999914	0.101845	-0.761086	-0.310451	170021.000000	0.000000	0.012105	0.006986	0.552432	-0.225227	0.388551	9569.782227	-2025.221680	304401.375000	-0.018800	0.022075	-1.687244	-0.020117	0.029058	-1.247200	-0.067778	0.021490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132476.000000	200000.000000	188425.000000	147565.000000
-339.858734	0.054738	0.005826	-1.002844	0.106101	-0.760022	-0.332800	170021.000000	0.000000	0.012105	0.006986	0.585757	-0.226048	0.388551	9737.868164	-2086.244629	314133.812500	-0.021022	0.022070	-1.687244	-0.020117	0.029058	-1.247200	-0.067778	0.021490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132369.000000	200000.000000	188196.000000	147672.000000
-339.863739	0.052541	0.007047	-1.005285	0.110358	-0.757894	-0.354085	170021.000000	0.000000	0.012105	0.006986	0.618488	-0.226134	0.388551	9696.290039	-2025.395630	323402.781250	-0.023233	0.022068	-1.687244	-0.020117	0.029058	-1.247200	-0.067778	0.021490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132350.000000	200000.000000	188299.000000	147691.000000
-339.868744	0.051076	0.008756	-1.007238	0.111423	-0.754701	-0.376433	170021.000000	0.000000	0.010392	0.006542	0.555935	-0.249331	0.409731	-1192.954834	-4324.521484	342358.843750	-0.025417	0.022044	-1.695390	-0.018383	0.028259	-1.246402	-0.076640	0.023030	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145538.000000	200000.000000	196889.000000	134503.000000
-339.873749	0.048879	0.010221	-1.008459	0.111423	-0.750444	-0.398782	170029.000000	0.000000	0.012909	0.007490	0.794177	-0.177930	0.445611	32833.339844	6520.003418	367716.187500	-0.027575	0.021999	-1.709190	-0.016483	0.028176	-1.244739	-0.098056	0.032390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103508.000000	200000.000000	176549.000000	176549.000000
-339.878754	0.046926	0.012906	-1.010412	0.108230	-0.745123	-0.420067	170029.000000	0.000000	0.012909	0.007490	0.724197	-0.211828	0.445611	-1520.913818	-4848.591797	376985.156250	-0.029701	0.021893	-1.709190	-0.016483	0.028176	-1.244739	-0.098056	0.032390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146398.000000	200000.000000	196701.000000	133659.000000
-339.883759	0.045705	0.016568	-1.012121	0.100780	-0.738738	-0.442415	170029.000000	0.000000	0.012909	0.007490	0.753332	-0.204829	0.445611	9364.973633	182.976288	386717.593750	-0.031778	0.021689	-1.709190	-0.016483	0.028176	-1.244739	-0.098056	0.032390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130481.000000	200000.000000	190847.000000	149576.000000
-339.888763	0.044973	0.019986	-1.013830	0.093331	-0.732352	-0.459443	170029.000000	0.000000	0.012909	0.007490	0.781280	-0.196711	0.445611	9333.663086	377.527710	394132.781250	-0.033796	0.021393	-1.709190	-0.016483	0.028176	-1.244739	-0.098056	0.032390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130317.000000	200000.000000	191072.000000	149740.000000
-339.893768	0.043508	0.023160	-1.014318	0.081624	-0.722774	-0.481792	170042.000000	0.000000	0.012909	0.007490	0.808275	-0.186472	0.445611	8957.829102	1179.804565	403865.187500	-0.035755	0.020991	-1.709190	-0.016483	0.028176	-1.244739	-0.098056	0.032390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129904.000000	200000.000000	192263.000000	150179.000000
-339.898773	0.042775	0.026090	-1.015051	0.065661	-0.713196	-0.503076	170042.000000	0.000000	0.012909	0.007490	0.833682	-0.173899	0.445611	8856.122070	2035.726440	413134.187500	-0.037641	0.020471	-1.709190	-0.016483	0.028176	-1.244739	-0.098056	0.032390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129150.000000	200000.000000	193221.000000	150933.000000
-339.903778	0.042287	0.027066	-1.015539	0.047569	-0.701490	-0.524361	170042.000000	0.000000	0.012909	0.007490	0.857254	-0.161217	0.445611	8475.013672	2423.419189	422403.156250	-0.039442	0.019862	-1.709190	-0.016483	0.028176	-1.244739	-0.098056	0.032390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129143.000000	200000.000000	193990.000000	150940.000000
-339.908783	0.041311	0.027311	-1.015539	0.026285	-0.687655	-0.545645	170042.000000	0.000000	0.013004	0.006921	0.884792	-0.178476	0.489010	8739.964844	-499.289398	450571.687500	-0.041157	0.019164	-1.725882	-0.014532	0.028667	-1.243273	-0.119724	0.038855	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131801.000000	200000.000000	190802.000000	148282.000000
-339.913788	0.041066	0.026334	-1.015051	0.003936	-0.673820	-0.566930	170042.000000	0.000000	0.013004	0.006921	0.901335	-0.141554	0.489010	7543.508789	5849.226074	459840.625000	-0.042774	0.018399	-1.725882	-0.014532	0.028667	-1.243273	-0.119724	0.038855	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126649.000000	200000.000000	198347.000000	153434.000000
-339.918793	0.040090	0.024625	-1.014318	-0.019477	-0.658921	-0.588214	170081.000000	0.000000	0.013004	0.006921	0.920856	-0.126931	0.489010	7775.138184	3687.973389	469109.625000	-0.044305	0.017576	-1.725882	-0.014532	0.028667	-1.243273	-0.119724	0.038855	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128617.000000	200000.000000	195993.000000	151544.000000
-339.923798	0.039602	0.022184	-1.013342	-0.043954	-0.642957	-0.608434	170081.000000	0.000000	0.013004	0.006921	0.938358	-0.111999	0.489010	7443.291504	4020.251221	477915.156250	-0.045737	0.016706	-1.725882	-0.014532	0.028667	-1.243273	-0.119724	0.038855	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128617.000000	200000.000000	196657.000000	151544.000000
-339.928802	0.038625	0.018766	-1.011633	-0.066303	-0.626994	-0.628655	170081.000000	0.000000	0.013004	0.006921	0.954996	-0.098035	0.489010	7351.348145	3846.916260	486720.687500	-0.047081	0.015820	-1.725882	-0.014532	0.028667	-1.243273	-0.119724	0.038855	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128882.000000	200000.000000	196576.000000	151279.000000
-339.933807	0.038381	0.015836	-1.009924	-0.086523	-0.611031	-0.648875	170081.000000	0.000000	0.013004	0.006921	0.969631	-0.083893	0.489010	7124.987305	3790.352051	495526.218750	-0.048324	0.014918	-1.725882	-0.014532	0.028667	-1.243273	-0.119724	0.038855	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129165.000000	200000.000000	196746.000000	150996.000000
-339.938812	0.037648	0.012906	-1.008459	-0.105679	-0.594003	-0.666967	170085.000000	0.000000	0.013004	0.006921	0.983148	-0.069808	0.489010	6868.792480	3820.133301	503404.843750	-0.049474	0.014006	-1.725882	-0.014532	0.028667	-1.243273	-0.119724	0.038855	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129396.000000	200000.000000	197036.000000	150773.000000
-339.943817	0.037160	0.009488	-1.006750	-0.120579	-0.578040	-0.685059	170085.000000	0.000000	0.013004	0.006921	0.995389	-0.057263	0.489010	6828.573242	3308.875244	511283.468750	-0.050533	0.013115	-1.725882	-0.014532	0.028667	-1.243273	-0.119724	0.038855	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129947.000000	200000.000000	196565.000000	150222.000000
-339.948822	0.036428	0.005826	-1.005285	-0.133349	-0.563140	-0.702086	170085.000000	0.000000	0.007486	0.003033	0.703520	-0.259663	0.506358	-27904.421875	-21431.941406	526253.312500	-0.051513	0.012259	-1.732555	-0.013604	0.028756	-1.242739	-0.123340	0.039696	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189421.000000	193612.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.953827	0.035939	0.003141	-1.003576	-0.142927	-0.547177	-0.718050	170085.000000	0.000000	0.017118	0.008386	1.463676	0.201335	0.585036	91078.398438	53326.335938	567467.937500	-0.052406	0.011434	-1.762816	-0.009913	0.030214	-1.240923	-0.146917	0.042733	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-339.958832	0.034230	0.000455	-1.002111	-0.149313	-0.533342	-0.732949	170085.000000	0.000000	0.017118	0.008386	1.089134	-0.002846	0.585036	-35249.566406	-21079.414062	573956.187500	-0.053247	0.010654	-1.762816	-0.009913	0.030214	-1.240923	-0.146917	0.042733	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191164.000000	191164.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.963837	0.031057	-0.001742	-1.001867	-0.153570	-0.520571	-0.746784	170076.000000	0.000000	0.017118	0.008386	1.100978	0.006368	0.585036	7357.247070	2217.146484	579981.062500	-0.054075	0.009920	-1.762816	-0.009913	0.030214	-1.240923	-0.146917	0.042733	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130501.000000	200000.000000	194935.000000	149650.000000
-339.968842	0.027639	-0.003207	-1.000402	-0.154634	-0.508865	-0.757426	170076.000000	0.000000	0.017118	0.008386	1.113170	0.014935	0.585036	7514.760742	1839.072266	584615.500000	-0.054898	0.009230	-1.762816	-0.009913	0.030214	-1.240923	-0.146917	0.042733	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130722.000000	200000.000000	194400.000000	149429.000000
-339.973846	0.023488	-0.003695	-0.999426	-0.152505	-0.498223	-0.767004	170076.000000	0.000000	0.017118	0.008386	1.126402	0.023107	0.585036	7758.013184	1472.320312	588786.562500	-0.055738	0.008579	-1.762816	-0.009913	0.030214	-1.240923	-0.146917	0.042733	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130845.000000	200000.000000	193790.000000	149306.000000
-339.978851	0.019094	-0.004672	-0.998693	-0.149313	-0.489709	-0.774454	170076.000000	0.000000	0.017118	0.008386	1.140694	0.029927	0.585036	8135.340332	1223.374756	592030.687500	-0.056608	0.007982	-1.762816	-0.009913	0.030214	-1.240923	-0.146917	0.042733	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130717.000000	200000.000000	193164.000000	149434.000000
-339.983856	0.014211	-0.003695	-0.997229	-0.143992	-0.481195	-0.780839	170080.000000	0.000000	0.017118	0.008386	1.155962	0.037583	0.585036	8273.657227	1092.092529	594811.437500	-0.057519	0.007409	-1.762816	-0.009913	0.030214	-1.240923	-0.146917	0.042733	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130714.000000	200000.000000	192898.000000	149445.000000
-339.988861	0.009816	-0.003451	-0.996984	-0.138670	-0.473745	-0.784032	170080.000000	0.000000	0.013773	0.004801	0.987654	-0.152974	0.652424	-12607.026367	-21608.130859	625547.625000	-0.058465	0.006873	-1.788734	-0.007347	0.032798	-1.239446	-0.157899	0.042234	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174295.000000	200000.000000	191078.000000	105864.000000
-339.993866	0.005422	-0.001742	-0.996252	-0.132285	-0.466296	-0.786160	170080.000000	0.000000	0.006399	-0.000870	0.731950	-0.314142	0.674588	-23429.103516	-19263.685547	636126.562500	-0.059445	0.006348	-1.797258	-0.006821	0.034165	-1.238874	-0.163632	0.044076	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182772.000000	195914.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-339.998871	0.001516	-0.000277	-0.995764	-0.124836	-0.457782	-0.788289	170080.000000	0.000000	0.006399	-0.000870	1.042650	-0.080651	0.674588	40129.160156	25057.800781	637053.437500	-0.060445	0.005846	-1.797258	-0.006821	0.034165	-1.238874	-0.163632	0.044076	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	195137.000000	195137.000000
-340.003876	-0.001658	0.001187	-0.995764	-0.118450	-0.449268	-0.788289	170296.000000	0.000000	0.006399	-0.000870	1.057870	-0.073979	0.674588	7670.168945	236.114288	637053.437500	-0.061449	0.005359	-1.797258	-0.006821	0.034165	-1.238874	-0.163632	0.044076	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132389.000000	200000.000000	192861.000000	148202.000000
-340.008881	-0.005076	0.002652	-0.997229	-0.111001	-0.437562	-0.787224	170296.000000	0.000000	0.006399	-0.000870	1.072543	-0.067800	0.674588	7272.699219	59.044956	636590.000000	-0.062447	0.004893	-1.797258	-0.006821	0.034165	-1.238874	-0.163632	0.044076	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132964.000000	200000.000000	193082.000000	147627.000000
-340.013885	-0.008250	0.003385	-0.997473	-0.103551	-0.425855	-0.786160	170296.000000	0.000000	0.006399	-0.000870	1.086830	-0.062709	0.674588	7242.128906	-71.492920	636126.562500	-0.063431	0.004461	-1.797258	-0.006821	0.034165	-1.238874	-0.163632	0.044076	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133125.000000	200000.000000	192982.000000	147466.000000
-340.018890	-0.010936	0.003629	-0.998449	-0.097166	-0.412020	-0.782968	170296.000000	0.000000	0.006399	-0.000870	1.099848	-0.058316	0.674588	6864.758789	-40.398823	634736.187500	-0.064384	0.004067	-1.797258	-0.006821	0.034165	-1.238874	-0.163632	0.044076	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133471.000000	200000.000000	193390.000000	147120.000000
-340.023895	-0.013621	0.004361	-0.999670	-0.089716	-0.396057	-0.780839	170296.000000	0.000000	0.006399	-0.000870	1.111803	-0.054209	0.674588	6495.321777	-204.308151	633809.312500	-0.065294	0.003706	-1.797258	-0.006821	0.034165	-1.238874	-0.163632	0.044076	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134004.000000	200000.000000	193596.000000	146587.000000
-340.028900	-0.016062	0.005094	-1.001379	-0.083331	-0.377965	-0.778711	170290.000000	0.000000	0.008739	-0.000185	1.251008	-0.012596	0.718487	20810.462891	4198.933594	651999.500000	-0.066148	0.003372	-1.814143	-0.006357	0.037793	-1.237718	-0.171475	0.046600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115280.000000	200000.000000	183678.000000	165299.000000
-340.033905	-0.018016	0.006559	-1.002111	-0.078010	-0.357745	-0.777646	170290.000000	0.000000	0.006793	-0.002645	1.059029	-0.170601	0.759487	-16815.435547	-18384.611328	669390.937500	-0.066925	0.003044	-1.829912	-0.007190	0.043013	-1.236567	-0.175797	0.047502	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175490.000000	200000.000000	198720.000000	105089.000000
-340.038910	-0.019725	0.007535	-1.004064	-0.072688	-0.335396	-0.776582	170290.000000	0.000000	0.006793	-0.002645	1.143535	-0.068199	0.759487	13637.627930	10695.227539	668927.437500	-0.067612	0.002732	-1.829912	-0.007190	0.043013	-1.236567	-0.175797	0.047502	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115957.000000	200000.000000	197347.000000	164622.000000
-340.043915	-0.021189	0.008512	-1.005041	-0.067367	-0.311983	-0.777646	170290.000000	0.000000	0.006793	-0.002645	1.148417	-0.064401	0.759487	4680.308594	-153.770721	669390.937500	-0.068200	0.002436	-1.829912	-0.007190	0.043013	-1.236567	-0.175797	0.047502	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135763.000000	200000.000000	195455.000000	144816.000000
-340.048920	-0.023631	0.008268	-1.006262	-0.062046	-0.286442	-0.778711	171904.000000	0.000000	0.006793	-0.002645	1.152410	-0.062142	0.759487	4249.300293	-337.218414	669854.375000	-0.068701	0.002180	-1.829912	-0.007190	0.043013	-1.236567	-0.175797	0.047502	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137991.000000	200000.000000	197317.000000	145816.000000
-340.053925	-0.026561	0.006070	-1.007971	-0.055661	-0.258772	-0.780839	171904.000000	0.000000	0.006793	-0.002645	1.155111	-0.062857	0.759487	3758.374268	-813.815979	670781.250000	-0.069114	0.002007	-1.829912	-0.007190	0.043013	-1.236567	-0.175797	0.047502	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138959.000000	200000.000000	197331.000000	144848.000000
-340.058929	-0.029734	0.003141	-1.009436	-0.049276	-0.231102	-0.784032	171904.000000	0.000000	0.006793	-0.002645	1.156842	-0.065515	0.759487	3532.396729	-1069.038574	672171.625000	-0.069446	0.001929	-1.829912	-0.007190	0.043013	-1.236567	-0.175797	0.047502	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139440.000000	200000.000000	197302.000000	144367.000000
-340.063934	-0.032664	0.000211	-1.010168	-0.042890	-0.203432	-0.787224	171904.000000	0.000000	0.006416	-0.003825	1.136440	-0.134352	0.801634	877.635498	-8691.877930	691916.187500	-0.069693	0.001945	-1.846123	-0.008270	0.048964	-1.235432	-0.180351	0.049498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149718.000000	200000.000000	192334.000000	134089.000000
-340.068939	-0.036082	-0.001498	-1.010900	-0.036505	-0.173634	-0.791481	171904.000000	0.000000	0.005711	-0.005304	1.111881	-0.172431	0.843957	-63.601601	-5514.375000	712200.875000	-0.069856	0.002028	-1.862401	-0.009811	0.055837	-1.234272	-0.181318	0.053612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147481.000000	200000.000000	196453.000000	136326.000000
-340.073944	-0.039256	-0.002719	-1.012121	-0.029055	-0.143836	-0.795738	173424.000000	0.000000	0.005711	-0.005304	1.137657	-0.117884	0.843957	5452.649414	4770.024414	714054.687500	-0.069932	0.002171	-1.862401	-0.009811	0.055837	-1.234272	-0.181318	0.053612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133201.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	153646.000000
-340.078949	-0.042430	-0.003207	-1.013342	-0.023734	-0.112973	-0.799995	173424.000000	0.000000	0.005711	-0.005304	1.133740	-0.121937	0.843957	1910.670410	-1482.518555	715908.437500	-0.069915	0.002350	-1.862401	-0.009811	0.055837	-1.234272	-0.181318	0.053612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142995.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	143852.000000
-340.083954	-0.044627	-0.003451	-1.014074	-0.017349	-0.081046	-0.804252	173424.000000	0.000000	0.005711	-0.005304	1.127210	-0.126473	0.843957	1329.445312	-1702.849731	717762.250000	-0.069784	0.002562	-1.862401	-0.009811	0.055837	-1.234272	-0.181318	0.053612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143797.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	143050.000000
-340.088959	-0.046580	-0.003939	-1.015295	-0.013092	-0.049119	-0.808509	173424.000000	0.000000	0.005711	-0.005304	1.118793	-0.131143	0.843957	936.279663	-1524.581299	719616.062500	-0.069536	0.002801	-1.862401	-0.009811	0.055837	-1.234272	-0.181318	0.053612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144012.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	142835.000000
-340.093964	-0.048533	-0.004428	-1.017004	-0.010963	-0.016128	-0.811702	174191.000000	0.000000	0.005711	-0.005304	1.108420	-0.135565	0.843957	404.789185	-1293.456787	721006.375000	-0.069167	0.003055	-1.862401	-0.009811	0.055837	-1.234272	-0.181318	0.053612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145079.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	143302.000000
-340.098969	-0.050242	-0.006137	-1.019201	-0.008835	0.015798	-0.814894	174191.000000	0.000000	0.005711	-0.005304	1.096352	-0.141482	0.843957	133.033783	-1494.825317	722396.750000	-0.068679	0.003348	-1.862401	-0.009811	0.055837	-1.234272	-0.181318	0.053612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145552.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	142829.000000
-340.103973	-0.051219	-0.008334	-1.020666	-0.007771	0.048789	-0.817023	174191.000000	0.000000	0.005711	-0.005304	1.081580	-0.148120	0.843957	-501.936188	-1492.682983	723323.625000	-0.068056	0.003681	-1.862401	-0.009811	0.055837	-1.234272	-0.181318	0.053612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146185.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	142196.000000
-340.108978	-0.051707	-0.010043	-1.022863	-0.008835	0.080716	-0.820215	174191.000000	0.000000	0.005711	-0.005304	1.064639	-0.154202	0.843957	-848.391541	-1220.534180	724714.000000	-0.067295	0.004034	-1.862401	-0.009811	0.055837	-1.234272	-0.181318	0.053612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146259.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	142122.000000
-340.113983	-0.051707	-0.010531	-1.023107	-0.009899	0.112643	-0.822344	174529.000000	0.000000	0.005711	-0.005304	1.045358	-0.159212	0.843957	-1340.078003	-1120.609253	725640.875000	-0.066390	0.004382	-1.862401	-0.009811	0.055837	-1.234272	-0.181318	0.053612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146989.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	142068.000000
-340.118988	-0.051219	-0.010531	-1.024328	-0.013092	0.144570	-0.824472	174529.000000	0.000000	0.005251	-0.006528	0.998176	-0.230272	0.886475	-4771.864746	-8461.459961	745083.312500	-0.065335	0.004704	-1.878754	-0.011648	0.063452	-1.233226	-0.179894	0.058047	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157762.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	131295.000000
-340.123993	-0.050975	-0.010287	-1.024816	-0.018413	0.175432	-0.826601	174529.000000	0.000000	0.007891	-0.006181	1.138465	-0.164874	0.951422	16462.041016	7102.297852	774293.187500	-0.064143	0.004985	-1.903733	-0.014961	0.076428	-1.231803	-0.172769	0.061755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120964.000000	200000.000000	195169.000000	168093.000000
-340.128998	-0.051219	-0.010531	-1.025549	-0.023734	0.206295	-0.830858	174529.000000	0.000000	0.007891	-0.006181	1.008139	-0.181262	0.951422	-14035.150391	-1941.537842	776147.000000	-0.062827	0.005236	-1.903733	-0.014961	0.076428	-1.231803	-0.172769	0.061755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160505.000000	192435.000000	200000.000000	128552.000000
-340.134003	-0.051463	-0.011264	-1.026770	-0.030119	0.237157	-0.835115	174529.000000	0.000000	0.007891	-0.006181	0.981655	-0.183563	0.951422	-2880.922119	-256.804169	778000.750000	-0.061388	0.005460	-1.903733	-0.014961	0.076428	-1.231803	-0.172769	0.061755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147666.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	141391.000000
-340.139008	-0.052195	-0.012240	-1.027258	-0.036505	0.268020	-0.839372	174781.000000	0.000000	0.007891	-0.006181	0.954034	-0.185735	0.951422	-3275.010742	-223.096039	779854.562500	-0.059839	0.005662	-1.903733	-0.014961	0.076428	-1.231803	-0.172769	0.061755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148279.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	141282.000000
-340.144012	-0.053416	-0.013461	-1.027014	-0.042890	0.298882	-0.844693	174781.000000	0.000000	0.007891	-0.006181	0.925449	-0.187864	0.951422	-3654.353271	-198.951736	782171.812500	-0.058193	0.005848	-1.903733	-0.014961	0.076428	-1.231803	-0.172769	0.061755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148634.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	140927.000000
-340.149017	-0.053660	-0.015414	-1.026281	-0.049276	0.329745	-0.850014	174781.000000	0.000000	0.007891	-0.006181	0.894499	-0.190531	0.951422	-4198.838867	-240.865280	784489.062500	-0.056433	0.006031	-1.903733	-0.014961	0.076428	-1.231803	-0.172769	0.061755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149220.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	140341.000000
-340.154022	-0.054637	-0.016879	-1.024572	-0.055661	0.359543	-0.855335	174781.000000	0.000000	0.000321	-0.012169	0.446781	-0.521892	0.972475	-52115.015625	-37884.804688	795974.437500	-0.054582	0.006203	-1.911830	-0.016424	0.081331	-1.231367	-0.169302	0.062526	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.159027	-0.055613	-0.018832	-1.023596	-0.062046	0.388277	-0.861720	174779.000000	0.000000	0.004088	-0.010377	0.924250	-0.186368	1.016522	51806.574219	37023.054688	817937.000000	-0.052647	0.006372	-1.928772	-0.018983	0.091240	-1.230599	-0.158561	0.065060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-340.164032	-0.056590	-0.020785	-1.021398	-0.067367	0.415947	-0.868106	174779.000000	0.000000	0.004088	-0.010377	0.740381	-0.260706	1.016522	-21767.494141	-8478.201172	820717.750000	-0.050634	0.006545	-1.928772	-0.018983	0.091240	-1.230599	-0.158561	0.065060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175024.000000	191489.000000	200000.000000	114533.000000
-340.169037	-0.058055	-0.022982	-1.019445	-0.072688	0.443617	-0.875555	174779.000000	0.000000	0.004088	-0.010377	0.706588	-0.263699	1.016522	-5548.610352	-622.661377	823961.875000	-0.048557	0.006724	-1.928772	-0.018983	0.091240	-1.230599	-0.158561	0.065060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150950.000000	199853.000000	200000.000000	138607.000000
-340.174042	-0.060252	-0.026400	-1.018225	-0.076945	0.469158	-0.883005	174779.000000	0.000000	0.004088	-0.010377	0.673199	-0.268363	1.016522	-5541.194824	-925.215942	827206.000000	-0.046438	0.006940	-1.928772	-0.018983	0.091240	-1.230599	-0.158561	0.065060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151245.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	138312.000000
-340.179047	-0.062449	-0.031039	-1.017980	-0.079074	0.492571	-0.889390	174779.000000	0.000000	0.004088	-0.010377	0.639752	-0.275358	1.016522	-5575.057129	-1438.017212	829986.687500	-0.044290	0.007224	-1.928772	-0.018983	0.091240	-1.230599	-0.158561	0.065060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151792.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	137765.000000
-340.184052	-0.064891	-0.034945	-1.017004	-0.080138	0.513856	-0.893647	174783.000000	0.000000	0.004088	-0.010377	0.606755	-0.282788	1.016522	-5541.180664	-1632.185669	831840.500000	-0.042127	0.007565	-1.928772	-0.018983	0.091240	-1.230599	-0.158561	0.065060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151956.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	137609.000000
-340.189056	-0.067088	-0.038607	-1.017004	-0.076945	0.533012	-0.897904	174783.000000	0.000000	0.004088	-0.010377	0.573796	-0.291863	1.016522	-5542.829590	-2337.464844	833694.312500	-0.039955	0.007979	-1.928772	-0.018983	0.091240	-1.230599	-0.158561	0.065060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152663.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	136902.000000
-340.194061	-0.069285	-0.040561	-1.016027	-0.072688	0.550040	-0.902161	174783.000000	0.000000	0.001753	-0.012551	0.412929	-0.419964	1.040138	-20191.265625	-16151.038086	845832.437500	-0.037785	0.008435	-1.937855	-0.019954	0.096197	-1.230187	-0.151933	0.063234	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181125.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	108440.000000
-340.199066	-0.070994	-0.042025	-1.016027	-0.066303	0.564939	-0.904289	174783.000000	0.000000	0.009886	-0.008868	0.921023	-0.139672	1.129081	55867.789062	29780.175781	885491.937500	-0.035617	0.008933	-1.972063	-0.025911	0.119032	-1.229116	-0.125194	0.066006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-340.204071	-0.071971	-0.042514	-1.015295	-0.057789	0.578774	-0.905353	174843.000000	0.000000	0.009886	-0.008868	0.562952	-0.296167	1.129081	-40966.070312	-19240.216797	885955.375000	-0.033442	0.009463	-1.972063	-0.025911	0.119032	-1.229116	-0.125194	0.066006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194083.000000	194083.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.209076	-0.073436	-0.042270	-1.014074	-0.047147	0.591544	-0.906418	174843.000000	0.000000	0.009886	-0.008868	0.530821	-0.305669	1.129081	-5216.600586	-3404.179932	886418.812500	-0.031276	0.010021	-1.972063	-0.025911	0.119032	-1.229116	-0.125194	0.066006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153463.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	136222.000000
-340.214081	-0.075145	-0.041781	-1.013342	-0.036505	0.603251	-0.907482	174843.000000	0.000000	0.009886	-0.008868	0.499322	-0.315277	1.129081	-5228.742676	-3509.010010	886882.250000	-0.029128	0.010602	-1.972063	-0.025911	0.119032	-1.229116	-0.125194	0.066006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153580.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	136105.000000
-340.219086	-0.077342	-0.041293	-1.013586	-0.023734	0.616022	-0.906418	174843.000000	0.000000	0.009886	-0.008868	0.468236	-0.325712	1.129081	-5502.114258	-3940.710449	886418.812500	-0.027001	0.011214	-1.972063	-0.025911	0.119032	-1.229116	-0.125194	0.066006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154285.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	135400.000000
-340.224091	-0.079539	-0.039340	-1.012365	-0.010963	0.628792	-0.904289	174855.000000	0.000000	0.009886	-0.008868	0.437560	-0.335061	1.129081	-5656.978027	-3923.078369	885491.937500	-0.024896	0.011829	-1.972063	-0.025911	0.119032	-1.229116	-0.125194	0.066006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154435.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	135274.000000
-340.229095	-0.082225	-0.037631	-1.011389	0.002872	0.641563	-0.902161	174855.000000	0.000000	0.009886	-0.008868	0.407705	-0.344996	1.129081	-5762.680664	-4213.854980	884565.000000	-0.022822	0.012457	-1.972063	-0.025911	0.119032	-1.229116	-0.125194	0.066006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154831.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	134878.000000
-340.234100	-0.084910	-0.036654	-1.011877	0.016706	0.655398	-0.898968	174855.000000	0.000000	0.009886	-0.008868	0.377869	-0.355847	1.129081	-6078.522949	-4428.089844	883174.687500	-0.020772	0.013111	-1.972063	-0.025911	0.119032	-1.229116	-0.125194	0.066006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155361.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	134348.000000
-340.239105	-0.087107	-0.034457	-1.012365	0.029477	0.670297	-0.893647	174855.000000	0.000000	0.000671	-0.015931	-0.159163	-0.753856	1.152417	-64515.710938	-48780.097656	891020.062500	-0.018730	0.013762	-1.981039	-0.027210	0.124972	-1.228825	-0.117881	0.067155	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.244110	-0.088572	-0.032260	-1.013098	0.042248	0.685196	-0.889390	174855.000000	0.000000	0.006207	-0.013181	0.482712	-0.329751	1.217873	68008.328125	43517.566406	917671.000000	-0.016680	0.014408	-2.006214	-0.032032	0.143936	-1.228278	-0.093744	0.071030	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-340.249115	-0.089305	-0.030551	-1.014318	0.052890	0.701160	-0.883005	174855.000000	0.000000	0.006207	-0.013181	0.229122	-0.449166	1.217873	-31816.308594	-16612.884766	914890.312500	-0.014603	0.015051	-2.006214	-0.032032	0.143936	-1.228278	-0.093744	0.071030	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191467.000000	191467.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.254120	-0.089061	-0.030307	-1.016027	0.063532	0.717123	-0.876619	174855.000000	0.000000	0.006207	-0.013181	0.195410	-0.460128	1.217873	-7863.096680	-4784.872070	912109.625000	-0.012480	0.015717	-2.006214	-0.032032	0.143936	-1.228278	-0.093744	0.071030	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157502.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	132207.000000
-340.259125	-0.088084	-0.030795	-1.017736	0.073110	0.734151	-0.870234	174855.000000	0.000000	-0.002563	-0.019077	-0.322315	-0.796167	1.236220	-63670.828125	-42008.898438	917318.562500	-0.010292	0.016416	-2.013271	-0.034376	0.150794	-1.228125	-0.089622	0.073655	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.264130	-0.086375	-0.032992	-1.019445	0.080560	0.751178	-0.863849	174855.000000	0.000000	-0.002563	-0.019077	-0.008737	-0.573878	1.236220	29111.974609	20612.458984	914537.875000	-0.008024	0.017171	-2.013271	-0.034376	0.150794	-1.228125	-0.089622	0.073655	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	196355.000000	194579.000000
-340.269135	-0.084178	-0.035922	-1.021887	0.088010	0.768206	-0.857463	174854.000000	0.000000	-0.002563	-0.019077	-0.047564	-0.588895	1.236220	-9894.102539	-5584.090332	911757.187500	-0.005669	0.017992	-2.013271	-0.034376	0.150794	-1.228125	-0.089622	0.073655	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160332.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	129375.000000
-340.274139	-0.081980	-0.039584	-1.024572	0.095459	0.785233	-0.853206	174854.000000	0.000000	-0.002563	-0.019077	-0.087643	-0.605598	1.236220	-10294.465820	-5880.670410	909903.375000	-0.003228	0.018893	-2.013271	-0.034376	0.150794	-1.228125	-0.089622	0.073655	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161029.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128678.000000
-340.279144	-0.080516	-0.042758	-1.026281	0.100780	0.802261	-0.848949	174854.000000	0.000000	-0.002563	-0.019077	-0.128066	-0.622324	1.236220	-10596.516602	-5750.392578	908049.562500	-0.000717	0.019853	-2.013271	-0.034376	0.150794	-1.228125	-0.089622	0.073655	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161200.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128507.000000
-340.284149	-0.078562	-0.046420	-1.028723	0.105037	0.819289	-0.844693	174854.000000	0.000000	0.000115	-0.018447	-0.022742	-0.605386	1.258953	5837.231934	-1873.382812	916095.625000	0.001871	0.020873	-2.022014	-0.035821	0.157408	-1.228060	-0.077365	0.073847	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140890.000000	200000.000000	197143.000000	148817.000000
-340.289154	-0.077586	-0.049594	-1.031164	0.110358	0.835252	-0.841500	174854.000000	0.000000	0.003632	-0.016359	0.021829	-0.534051	1.313139	-595.471802	4295.776367	938302.062500	0.004512	0.021947	-2.042855	-0.043087	0.179002	-1.227844	-0.050028	0.081019	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141153.000000	199962.000000	200000.000000	148554.000000
-340.294159	-0.077830	-0.053256	-1.033850	0.113551	0.851215	-0.838307	175110.000000	0.000000	0.003632	-0.016359	-0.160045	-0.636506	1.313139	-26405.212891	-15066.826172	936911.750000	0.007183	0.023073	-2.042855	-0.043087	0.179002	-1.227844	-0.050028	0.081019	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186582.000000	193771.000000	200000.000000	103637.000000
-340.299164	-0.078807	-0.057162	-1.036535	0.117808	0.867179	-0.835115	175110.000000	0.000000	0.003632	-0.016359	-0.200899	-0.656695	1.313139	-11160.628906	-6250.738770	935521.375000	0.009868	0.024259	-2.042855	-0.043087	0.179002	-1.227844	-0.050028	0.081019	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162521.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127698.000000
-340.304169	-0.079539	-0.060580	-1.038977	0.119936	0.881014	-0.830858	175110.000000	0.000000	0.003632	-0.016359	-0.241625	-0.676632	1.313139	-11163.382812	-6090.354492	933667.562500	0.012561	0.025484	-2.042855	-0.043087	0.179002	-1.227844	-0.050028	0.081019	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162363.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127856.000000
-340.309174	-0.080516	-0.063510	-1.040930	0.122065	0.894849	-0.827665	175110.000000	0.000000	0.003632	-0.016359	-0.282182	-0.696613	1.313139	-11395.086914	-6197.070801	932277.250000	0.015257	0.026738	-2.042855	-0.043087	0.179002	-1.227844	-0.050028	0.081019	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162702.000000	199911.000000	200000.000000	127517.000000
-340.314178	-0.080760	-0.065219	-1.042639	0.124193	0.907619	-0.823408	175186.000000	0.000000	0.003632	-0.016359	-0.323233	-0.715741	1.313139	-11579.892578	-6200.916016	930423.437500	0.017965	0.027998	-2.042855	-0.043087	0.179002	-1.227844	-0.050028	0.081019	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162966.000000	199807.000000	200000.000000	127405.000000
-340.319183	-0.080516	-0.066684	-1.044836	0.125257	0.918262	-0.820215	175186.000000	0.000000	0.003632	-0.016359	-0.364418	-0.734371	1.313139	-11599.070312	-6119.747559	929033.062500	0.020682	0.029253	-2.042855	-0.043087	0.179002	-1.227844	-0.050028	0.081019	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162904.000000	199706.000000	200000.000000	127467.000000
-340.324188	-0.079783	-0.067416	-1.046057	0.125257	0.929968	-0.817023	175186.000000	0.000000	0.003632	-0.016359	-0.406458	-0.751948	1.313139	-12057.274414	-5967.884277	927642.750000	0.023423	0.030486	-2.042855	-0.043087	0.179002	-1.227844	-0.050028	0.081019	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163211.000000	199096.000000	200000.000000	127160.000000
-340.329193	-0.079051	-0.068393	-1.048254	0.125257	0.940610	-0.813830	175186.000000	0.000000	0.003632	-0.016359	-0.448601	-0.769398	1.313139	-12194.443359	-6034.200684	926252.375000	0.026183	0.031699	-2.042855	-0.043087	0.179002	-1.227844	-0.050028	0.081019	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163414.000000	199025.000000	200000.000000	126957.000000
-340.334198	-0.078318	-0.070102	-1.049475	0.124193	0.951253	-0.811702	176154.000000	0.000000	0.001226	-0.018712	-0.623212	-0.916487	1.351168	-27612.244141	-20843.386719	941886.562500	0.028960	0.032904	-2.057482	-0.047313	0.193427	-1.228063	-0.031027	0.083141	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194609.000000	199385.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.339203	-0.076365	-0.072055	-1.050207	0.123129	0.960831	-0.809573	176154.000000	0.000000	0.003672	-0.017611	-0.436067	-0.779772	1.403237	13098.786133	10996.361328	963634.625000	0.031770	0.034106	-2.077508	-0.054389	0.215694	-1.228848	0.003817	0.086981	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122058.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	170249.000000
-340.344208	-0.074656	-0.074252	-1.051184	0.119936	0.970409	-0.807445	176154.000000	0.000000	0.003672	-0.017611	-0.577581	-0.841296	1.403237	-23734.273438	-10835.608398	962707.687500	0.034609	0.035298	-2.077508	-0.054389	0.215694	-1.228848	0.003817	0.086981	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180723.000000	193255.000000	200000.000000	111584.000000
-340.349213	-0.072947	-0.076205	-1.051184	0.116744	0.978922	-0.805316	176154.000000	0.000000	0.003672	-0.017611	-0.621353	-0.858484	1.403237	-13110.362305	-6024.894531	961780.812500	0.037470	0.036477	-2.077508	-0.054389	0.215694	-1.228848	0.003817	0.086981	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165289.000000	199068.000000	200000.000000	127018.000000
-340.354218	-0.070750	-0.077914	-1.051672	0.113551	0.987436	-0.803188	176154.000000	0.000000	0.003672	-0.017611	-0.665960	-0.875209	1.403237	-13446.512695	-6036.242188	960853.875000	0.040361	0.037639	-2.077508	-0.054389	0.215694	-1.228848	0.003817	0.086981	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165636.000000	198743.000000	200000.000000	126671.000000
-340.359222	-0.068553	-0.078646	-1.051428	0.108230	0.995950	-0.801059	176419.000000	0.000000	0.003672	-0.017611	-0.710901	-0.890161	1.403237	-13730.441406	-5651.814453	959927.000000	0.043281	0.038756	-2.077508	-0.054389	0.215694	-1.228848	0.003817	0.086981	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165801.000000	198340.000000	200000.000000	127036.000000
-340.364227	-0.066844	-0.079379	-1.050695	0.102909	1.003400	-0.797867	176419.000000	0.000000	0.003672	-0.017611	-0.755450	-0.904523	1.403237	-13808.268555	-5628.260742	958536.687500	0.046215	0.039829	-2.077508	-0.054389	0.215694	-1.228848	0.003817	0.086981	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165855.000000	198238.000000	200000.000000	126982.000000
-340.369232	-0.065379	-0.079135	-1.049475	0.095459	1.009785	-0.795738	176419.000000	0.000000	0.003672	-0.017611	-0.799557	-0.916732	1.403237	-13876.038086	-5179.541504	957609.750000	0.049150	0.040832	-2.077508	-0.054389	0.215694	-1.228848	0.003817	0.086981	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165474.000000	197722.000000	200000.000000	127363.000000
-340.374237	-0.064158	-0.078646	-1.048254	0.086945	1.016170	-0.793610	176419.000000	0.000000	0.003672	-0.017611	-0.843481	-0.927407	1.403237	-14086.174805	-4903.679199	956682.875000	0.052084	0.041755	-2.077508	-0.054389	0.215694	-1.228848	0.003817	0.086981	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165408.000000	197236.000000	200000.000000	127429.000000
-340.379242	-0.063182	-0.077914	-1.046545	0.077367	1.020427	-0.792546	176637.000000	0.000000	0.003672	-0.017611	-0.886490	-0.936469	1.403237	-13968.940430	-4606.879395	956219.437500	0.054999	0.042591	-2.077508	-0.054389	0.215694	-1.228848	0.003817	0.086981	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165212.000000	197274.000000	200000.000000	128061.000000
-340.384247	-0.062937	-0.077426	-1.045080	0.065661	1.024684	-0.790417	176637.000000	0.000000	-0.001010	-0.021143	-1.185897	-1.138227	1.422683	-43558.425781	-26435.136719	963760.812500	0.057883	0.043336	-2.084987	-0.056112	0.222873	-1.229299	0.015206	0.086512	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.389252	-0.063670	-0.077426	-1.042639	0.053954	1.028941	-0.790417	176637.000000	0.000000	0.003792	-0.018062	-0.775096	-0.834393	1.471811	36403.429688	30609.105469	985155.062500	0.060716	0.044002	-2.103883	-0.062956	0.245114	-1.230807	0.049568	0.088470	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-340.394257	-0.065379	-0.079135	-1.040930	0.042248	1.032134	-0.791481	176637.000000	0.000000	0.003792	-0.018062	-1.005608	-0.965030	1.471811	-35070.855469	-17710.626953	985618.500000	0.063476	0.044622	-2.103883	-0.062956	0.245114	-1.230807	0.049568	0.088470	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194347.000000	194347.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.399261	-0.068064	-0.080600	-1.040197	0.030541	1.033198	-0.791481	176637.000000	0.000000	0.003792	-0.018062	-1.041524	-0.971523	1.471811	-13609.906250	-4036.205078	985618.500000	0.066136	0.045190	-2.103883	-0.062956	0.245114	-1.230807	0.049568	0.088470	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164283.000000	197063.000000	200000.000000	128990.000000
-340.404266	-0.071482	-0.081332	-1.038244	0.020963	1.034262	-0.791481	176640.000000	0.000000	0.003792	-0.018062	-1.075181	-0.977230	1.471811	-13521.213867	-4166.001465	985618.500000	0.068683	0.045708	-2.103883	-0.062956	0.245114	-1.230807	0.049568	0.088470	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164327.000000	197284.000000	200000.000000	128952.000000
-340.409271	-0.074168	-0.080111	-1.036047	0.011385	1.033198	-0.790417	176640.000000	0.000000	0.003792	-0.018062	-1.107391	-0.980235	1.471811	-13271.391602	-3838.717529	985155.062500	0.071120	0.046138	-2.103883	-0.062956	0.245114	-1.230807	0.049568	0.088470	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163750.000000	197207.000000	200000.000000	129529.000000
-340.414276	-0.076609	-0.077426	-1.034582	0.003936	1.031070	-0.788289	176640.000000	0.000000	0.003792	-0.018062	-1.138063	-0.981047	1.471811	-13116.535156	-3801.059326	984228.187500	0.073451	0.046466	-2.103883	-0.062956	0.245114	-1.230807	0.049568	0.088470	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163557.000000	197324.000000	200000.000000	129722.000000
-340.419281	-0.078074	-0.073764	-1.033361	-0.002450	1.028941	-0.787224	176640.000000	0.000000	0.003792	-0.018062	-1.168275	-0.979666	1.471811	-13195.153320	-3641.311523	983764.750000	0.075695	0.046680	-2.103883	-0.062956	0.245114	-1.230807	0.049568	0.088470	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163476.000000	197086.000000	200000.000000	129803.000000
-340.424286	-0.078318	-0.069857	-1.031408	-0.006706	1.025748	-0.784032	176646.000000	0.000000	0.003792	-0.018062	-1.198178	-0.977116	1.471811	-13167.042969	-3715.360840	982374.375000	0.077871	0.046789	-2.103883	-0.062956	0.245114	-1.230807	0.049568	0.088470	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163528.000000	197194.000000	200000.000000	129763.000000
-340.429291	-0.077830	-0.065951	-1.029699	-0.008835	1.022556	-0.781903	176646.000000	0.000000	-0.020936	-0.029989	-2.587611	-1.629418	1.462851	-169032.265625	-78945.226562	977545.687500	0.079994	0.046805	-2.100437	-0.071247	0.255076	-1.231266	0.066012	0.081145	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.434296	-0.076609	-0.063754	-1.027746	-0.009899	1.018299	-0.780839	176646.000000	0.000000	0.015909	-0.012683	0.397572	-0.198314	1.569664	325851.593750	156608.843750	1023597.125000	0.082074	0.046768	-2.141519	-0.068513	0.279535	-1.234362	0.098006	0.074434	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-340.439301	-0.074412	-0.063510	-1.026037	-0.008835	1.014042	-0.778711	176646.000000	0.000000	0.015909	-0.012683	-1.105551	-0.889559	1.569664	-174592.453125	-80190.156250	1022670.187500	0.084130	0.046728	-2.141519	-0.068513	0.279535	-1.234362	0.098006	0.074434	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.444305	-0.071727	-0.065219	-1.024084	-0.004578	1.007657	-0.775518	176633.000000	0.000000	0.015909	-0.012683	-1.135086	-0.891772	1.569664	-12402.583984	-4792.679199	1021279.875000	0.086163	0.046739	-2.141519	-0.068513	0.279535	-1.234362	0.098006	0.074434	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163828.000000	199023.000000	200000.000000	129437.000000
-340.449310	-0.068309	-0.067660	-1.022619	0.002872	0.998079	-0.773390	176633.000000	0.000000	0.015909	-0.012683	-1.164326	-0.896293	1.569664	-12108.974609	-5452.387695	1020353.000000	0.088173	0.046830	-2.141519	-0.068513	0.279535	-1.234362	0.098006	0.074434	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164194.000000	199976.000000	200000.000000	129071.000000
-340.454315	-0.064158	-0.070834	-1.022131	0.012450	0.987436	-0.769133	176633.000000	0.000000	0.015909	-0.012683	-1.193781	-0.903272	1.569664	-12102.192383	-6032.823730	1018499.187500	0.090170	0.047022	-2.141519	-0.068513	0.279535	-1.234362	0.098006	0.074434	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164768.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128497.000000
-340.459320	-0.060252	-0.073764	-1.022131	0.025220	0.972537	-0.764876	176633.000000	0.000000	0.015909	-0.012683	-1.221707	-0.912239	1.569664	-11525.953125	-6702.557617	1016645.375000	0.092131	0.047325	-2.141519	-0.068513	0.279535	-1.234362	0.098006	0.074434	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164861.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128404.000000
-340.464325	-0.055857	-0.076449	-1.020910	0.039055	0.954445	-0.759555	176633.000000	0.000000	0.015909	-0.012683	-1.248718	-0.922905	1.569664	-11115.222656	-7118.948242	1014328.125000	0.094047	0.047740	-2.141519	-0.068513	0.279535	-1.234362	0.098006	0.074434	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164867.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128398.000000
-340.469330	-0.052439	-0.078891	-1.019201	0.055019	0.933161	-0.755298	176638.000000	0.000000	-0.001170	-0.021932	-2.212288	-1.444004	1.586126	-118079.015625	-65948.781250	1019643.125000	0.095887	0.048269	-2.147850	-0.070222	0.286647	-1.235610	0.114609	0.078251	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.474335	-0.048289	-0.080355	-1.017248	0.069918	0.910812	-0.749977	176638.000000	0.000000	0.006853	-0.016995	-1.112267	-0.815633	1.637818	114105.187500	63381.417969	1039836.625000	0.097661	0.048889	-2.167732	-0.073868	0.306792	-1.238204	0.144054	0.077938	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-340.479340	-0.043895	-0.082064	-1.016271	0.084817	0.886335	-0.744655	176638.000000	0.000000	0.000505	-0.021034	-1.804827	-1.249463	1.654987	-85839.101562	-55478.214844	1044996.187500	0.099365	0.049601	-2.174335	-0.074996	0.313465	-1.239110	0.153779	0.077789	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.484344	-0.039500	-0.082309	-1.015783	0.098652	0.860793	-0.739334	176638.000000	0.000000	0.000505	-0.021034	-1.572627	-1.101710	1.654987	17146.523438	9203.491211	1042678.937500	0.100997	0.050368	-2.174335	-0.074996	0.313465	-1.239110	0.153779	0.077789	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120287.000000	200000.000000	198694.000000	172988.000000
-340.489349	-0.034861	-0.083285	-1.015783	0.112487	0.834188	-0.734013	176524.000000	0.000000	0.000505	-0.021034	-1.593223	-1.116989	1.654987	-10505.351562	-8856.824219	1040361.687500	0.102558	0.051204	-2.174335	-0.074996	0.313465	-1.239110	0.153779	0.077789	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165886.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127161.000000
-340.494354	-0.029979	-0.083773	-1.015783	0.124193	0.807582	-0.728692	176524.000000	0.000000	0.000505	-0.021034	-1.613078	-1.132142	1.654987	-10392.590820	-8733.185547	1038044.437500	0.104054	0.052087	-2.174335	-0.074996	0.313465	-1.239110	0.153779	0.077789	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165649.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127398.000000
-340.499359	-0.025340	-0.084262	-1.016027	0.133771	0.780977	-0.722307	176524.000000	0.000000	0.000505	-0.021034	-1.631832	-1.147395	1.654987	-10235.541992	-8623.592773	1035263.750000	0.105484	0.053007	-2.174335	-0.074996	0.313465	-1.239110	0.153779	0.077789	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165383.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127664.000000
-340.504364	-0.019969	-0.084750	-1.015783	0.143349	0.754371	-0.716986	176524.000000	0.000000	0.000505	-0.021034	-1.650387	-1.163192	1.654987	-10176.497070	-8800.836914	1032946.500000	0.106861	0.053963	-2.174335	-0.074996	0.313465	-1.239110	0.153779	0.077789	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165501.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127546.000000
-340.509369	-0.015330	-0.086459	-1.015295	0.149735	0.726701	-0.711664	176524.000000	0.000000	0.000505	-0.021034	-1.667171	-1.179971	1.654987	-9814.653320	-8664.161133	1030629.250000	0.108167	0.054964	-2.174335	-0.074996	0.313465	-1.239110	0.153779	0.077789	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165002.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128045.000000
-340.514374	-0.011180	-0.089145	-1.015051	0.156120	0.701160	-0.705279	176599.000000	0.000000	0.000505	-0.021034	-1.683052	-1.198438	1.654987	-9905.195312	-8963.679688	1027848.562500	0.109406	0.056027	-2.174335	-0.074996	0.313465	-1.239110	0.153779	0.077789	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165467.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127730.000000
-340.519379	-0.007762	-0.092562	-1.015051	0.160377	0.674554	-0.699958	176599.000000	0.000000	0.000505	-0.021034	-1.696917	-1.217956	1.654987	-9507.806641	-8954.580078	1025531.312500	0.110559	0.057156	-2.174335	-0.074996	0.313465	-1.239110	0.153779	0.077789	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165061.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128136.000000
-340.524384	-0.004588	-0.096225	-1.013830	0.163570	0.649013	-0.692508	176599.000000	0.000000	0.000505	-0.021034	-1.709580	-1.238556	1.654987	-9433.423828	-9065.903320	1022287.125000	0.111628	0.058351	-2.174335	-0.074996	0.313465	-1.239110	0.153779	0.077789	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165098.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	128099.000000
-340.529388	-0.001658	-0.099398	-1.012365	0.164634	0.623471	-0.685059	176599.000000	0.000000	0.003239	-0.018996	-1.570526	-1.147002	1.686515	8005.762207	3916.361816	1032773.187500	0.112610	0.059593	-2.186461	-0.077605	0.326651	-1.241040	0.172514	0.077809	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134676.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158521.000000
-340.534393	0.000539	-0.101840	-1.010900	0.165698	0.598994	-0.677609	176591.000000	0.000000	0.007641	-0.016663	-1.447319	-1.120560	1.735969	6825.824219	-3126.293457	1051065.000000	0.113497	0.060866	-2.205482	-0.080382	0.345781	-1.244108	0.192851	0.081004	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142891.000000	200000.000000	196638.000000	150290.000000
-340.539398	0.002248	-0.103305	-1.009924	0.163570	0.574517	-0.670160	176591.000000	0.000000	0.007641	-0.016663	-1.631021	-1.232705	1.735969	-27653.285156	-18519.810547	1047820.812500	0.114282	0.062135	-2.205482	-0.080382	0.345781	-1.244108	0.192851	0.081004	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192764.000000	197457.000000	200000.000000	100417.000000
-340.544403	0.003957	-0.103305	-1.008459	0.159313	0.550040	-0.662710	176591.000000	0.000000	0.007641	-0.016663	-1.637301	-1.249428	1.735969	-8060.803711	-7851.001465	1044576.687500	0.114967	0.063362	-2.205482	-0.080382	0.345781	-1.244108	0.192851	0.081004	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162502.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	130679.000000
-340.549408	0.004934	-0.102084	-1.007238	0.153992	0.527691	-0.655260	176591.000000	0.000000	0.007641	-0.016663	-1.641935	-1.263962	1.735969	-8032.035645	-7535.767578	1041332.562500	0.115550	0.064518	-2.205482	-0.080382	0.345781	-1.244108	0.192851	0.081004	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162158.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	131023.000000
-340.554413	0.002980	-0.101596	-1.005529	0.147606	0.505342	-0.647811	176531.000000	0.000000	0.007641	-0.016663	-1.641994	-1.278079	1.735969	-7426.861816	-7408.275391	1038088.437500	0.115975	0.065616	-2.205482	-0.080382	0.345781	-1.244108	0.192851	0.081004	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161366.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	131695.000000
-340.559418	-0.000437	-0.103549	-1.004309	0.141221	0.484058	-0.639297	176531.000000	0.000000	0.007641	-0.016663	-1.638485	-1.294039	1.735969	-7037.503418	-7655.047852	1034380.812500	0.116220	0.066704	-2.205482	-0.080382	0.345781	-1.244108	0.192851	0.081004	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161223.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	131838.000000
-340.564423	-0.004588	-0.106234	-1.002355	0.134836	0.462773	-0.631848	176531.000000	0.000000	0.007641	-0.016663	-1.631683	-1.310748	1.735969	-6546.182617	-7784.858887	1031136.687500	0.116274	0.067800	-2.205482	-0.080382	0.345781	-1.244108	0.192851	0.081004	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160862.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	132199.000000
-340.569427	-0.008006	-0.108187	-1.000646	0.127386	0.441489	-0.622269	176531.000000	0.000000	0.007641	-0.016663	-1.622976	-1.326549	1.735969	-6198.872070	-7606.353516	1026965.625000	0.116155	0.068884	-2.205482	-0.080382	0.345781	-1.244108	0.192851	0.081004	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160336.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	132725.000000
-340.574432	-0.009959	-0.108676	-0.999426	0.121001	0.420204	-0.611627	176531.000000	0.000000	0.005452	-0.017809	-1.733743	-1.403888	1.769569	-19747.232422	-14816.290039	1036963.187500	0.115896	0.069933	-2.218405	-0.081481	0.357832	-1.246363	0.202302	0.080856	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181094.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	111967.000000
-340.579437	-0.011668	-0.109652	-0.997961	0.114615	0.398920	-0.597792	176533.000000	0.000000	0.004689	-0.017793	-1.676934	-1.371769	1.799968	-962.049561	-2603.538818	1044176.687500	0.115501	0.070961	-2.230097	-0.083076	0.369736	-1.248596	0.212855	0.083488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150098.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	142967.000000
-340.584442	-0.012400	-0.110873	-0.996496	0.108230	0.377635	-0.583957	176533.000000	0.000000	0.004689	-0.017793	-1.634254	-1.386911	1.799968	-2221.456543	-7840.477539	1038151.812500	0.114993	0.071972	-2.230097	-0.083076	0.369736	-1.248596	0.212855	0.083488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156594.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	136471.000000
-340.589447	-0.012645	-0.113070	-0.993078	0.100780	0.355286	-0.566930	176533.000000	0.000000	0.004689	-0.017793	-1.620696	-1.402347	1.799968	-5141.323242	-7792.540039	1030736.625000	0.114377	0.072988	-2.230097	-0.083076	0.369736	-1.248596	0.212855	0.083488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159466.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	133599.000000
-340.594452	-0.012400	-0.115023	-0.991857	0.093331	0.332938	-0.549902	176533.000000	0.000000	0.004689	-0.017793	-1.606195	-1.417331	1.799968	-4868.190430	-7777.554688	1023321.500000	0.113665	0.073999	-2.230097	-0.083076	0.369736	-1.248596	0.212855	0.083488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159178.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	133887.000000
-340.599457	-0.012156	-0.117953	-0.992102	0.086945	0.308460	-0.530746	176597.000000	0.000000	0.004689	-0.017793	-1.589761	-1.433487	1.799968	-4233.450195	-8068.331543	1014979.375000	0.112849	0.075029	-2.230097	-0.083076	0.369736	-1.248596	0.212855	0.083488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158898.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	134295.000000
-340.604462	-0.012889	-0.123324	-0.991369	0.079496	0.282919	-0.509462	176597.000000	0.000000	0.004689	-0.017793	-1.570452	-1.452466	1.799968	-3593.896729	-8314.685547	1005710.375000	0.111904	0.076122	-2.230097	-0.083076	0.369736	-1.248596	0.212855	0.083488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158505.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	134688.000000
-340.609467	-0.013865	-0.129184	-0.989660	0.073110	0.256313	-0.487113	176597.000000	0.000000	0.000842	-0.019629	-1.760289	-1.574257	1.813896	-27224.576172	-20267.484375	1002043.437500	0.110822	0.077297	-2.235454	-0.084049	0.375609	-1.249782	0.216773	0.080800	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194089.000000	199639.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.614471	-0.014109	-0.133090	-0.987951	0.067789	0.228643	-0.464764	176597.000000	0.000000	0.006595	-0.015390	-1.267064	-1.287989	1.850154	50395.226562	25825.453125	1008100.312500	0.109616	0.078518	-2.249399	-0.087778	0.392607	-1.253110	0.226724	0.081472	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-340.619476	-0.013377	-0.133578	-0.986242	0.061404	0.199909	-0.441351	176597.000000	0.000000	0.006595	-0.015390	-1.473047	-1.474278	1.850154	-27185.187500	-26845.716797	997904.500000	0.108302	0.079712	-2.249399	-0.087778	0.392607	-1.253110	0.226724	0.081472	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.624481	-0.013133	-0.132846	-0.985266	0.056083	0.171175	-0.416874	176708.000000	0.000000	0.001657	-0.017877	-1.718421	-1.626326	1.863399	-32513.003906	-23872.511719	993013.375000	0.106871	0.080859	-2.254494	-0.088459	0.397776	-1.254372	0.227676	0.082271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.629486	-0.013377	-0.132113	-0.984045	0.049697	0.143505	-0.394525	176708.000000	0.000000	0.001657	-0.017877	-1.493010	-1.541231	1.863399	20299.816406	2740.533203	983281.000000	0.105321	0.081954	-2.254494	-0.088459	0.397776	-1.254372	0.227676	0.082271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123667.000000	200000.000000	189148.000000	169748.000000
-340.634491	-0.014354	-0.130160	-0.981848	0.043312	0.115836	-0.372176	176708.000000	0.000000	0.001657	-0.017877	-1.462538	-1.553636	1.863399	-867.447327	-8007.845703	973548.562500	0.103640	0.082975	-2.254494	-0.088459	0.397776	-1.254372	0.227676	0.082271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155583.000000	200000.000000	199567.000000	137832.000000
-340.639496	-0.016062	-0.126986	-0.980139	0.035863	0.089230	-0.349828	176708.000000	0.000000	0.001657	-0.017877	-1.429669	-1.563314	1.863399	-446.110260	-7601.329102	963816.125000	0.101820	0.083894	-2.254494	-0.088459	0.397776	-1.254372	0.227676	0.082271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154755.000000	200000.000000	199552.000000	138660.000000
-340.644501	-0.018748	-0.125033	-0.978918	0.028413	0.063688	-0.328543	176597.000000	0.000000	0.001657	-0.017877	-1.394098	-1.572785	1.863399	15.205495	-7587.774902	954547.125000	0.099850	0.084734	-2.254494	-0.088459	0.397776	-1.254372	0.227676	0.082271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154169.000000	200000.000000	198994.000000	139024.000000
-340.649506	-0.021922	-0.122592	-0.976477	0.019899	0.038147	-0.306194	176597.000000	0.000000	0.001657	-0.017877	-1.355831	-1.580513	1.863399	603.849609	-7275.541016	944814.687500	0.097721	0.085486	-2.254494	-0.088459	0.397776	-1.254372	0.227676	0.082271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153268.000000	200000.000000	198717.000000	139925.000000
-340.654510	-0.026805	-0.120883	-0.973547	0.011385	0.014734	-0.283846	176597.000000	0.000000	0.001657	-0.017877	-1.313927	-1.587879	1.863399	1071.554077	-7230.324219	935082.312500	0.095411	0.086167	-2.254494	-0.088459	0.397776	-1.254372	0.227676	0.082271	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152755.000000	200000.000000	198295.000000	140438.000000
-340.659515	-0.031687	-0.119418	-0.970373	0.001807	-0.009743	-0.260433	176597.000000	0.000000	0.002287	-0.015270	-1.234535	-1.450910	1.879454	5789.361816	9434.454102	931877.812500	0.092917	0.086778	-2.260669	-0.096374	0.414242	-1.257610	0.232018	0.079723	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131373.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161820.000000
-340.664520	-0.037791	-0.118441	-0.968664	-0.006706	-0.032092	-0.237020	176701.000000	0.000000	0.000582	-0.016909	-1.305343	-1.651283	1.889960	-11185.405273	-28661.126953	926257.062500	0.090229	0.087332	-2.264709	-0.097369	0.418972	-1.258730	0.230077	0.082167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186547.000000	200000.000000	189225.000000	106854.000000
-340.669525	-0.043162	-0.116488	-0.965246	-0.016285	-0.054441	-0.212543	176701.000000	0.000000	0.000582	-0.016909	-1.187063	-1.589851	1.889960	10252.977539	569.550964	915597.687500	0.087362	0.087809	-2.264709	-0.097369	0.418972	-1.258730	0.230077	0.082167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135878.000000	200000.000000	197017.000000	157523.000000
-340.674530	-0.047312	-0.114535	-0.961096	-0.024798	-0.074661	-0.188065	176701.000000	0.000000	0.000582	-0.016909	-1.136308	-1.593228	1.889960	2920.500977	-6649.944336	904938.375000	0.084354	0.088218	-2.264709	-0.097369	0.418972	-1.258730	0.230077	0.082167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150430.000000	200000.000000	197130.000000	142971.000000
-340.679535	-0.050730	-0.112582	-0.957678	-0.032248	-0.094881	-0.162524	176701.000000	0.000000	0.000582	-0.016909	-1.084396	-1.595821	1.889960	3379.702393	-6658.464844	893815.625000	0.081222	0.088562	-2.264709	-0.097369	0.418972	-1.258730	0.230077	0.082167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149979.000000	200000.000000	196662.000000	143422.000000
-340.684540	-0.054637	-0.112582	-0.956213	-0.038633	-0.114037	-0.136983	176701.000000	0.000000	0.000582	-0.016909	-1.030576	-1.599720	1.889960	3809.653809	-6907.576172	882692.812500	0.077967	0.088883	-2.264709	-0.097369	0.418972	-1.258730	0.230077	0.082167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149798.000000	200000.000000	195983.000000	143603.000000
-340.689545	-0.057811	-0.112338	-0.954748	-0.041826	-0.133193	-0.109313	176699.000000	0.000000	0.000582	-0.016909	-0.975818	-1.603890	1.889960	4252.873535	-7292.954590	870643.187500	0.074604	0.089192	-2.264709	-0.097369	0.418972	-1.258730	0.230077	0.082167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149739.000000	200000.000000	195153.000000	143658.000000
-340.694550	-0.060252	-0.112582	-0.953527	-0.042890	-0.151285	-0.081643	176699.000000	0.000000	0.000582	-0.016909	-0.920710	-1.608950	1.889960	4509.411621	-7643.239746	858593.500000	0.071155	0.089509	-2.264709	-0.097369	0.418972	-1.258730	0.230077	0.082167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149832.000000	200000.000000	194546.000000	143565.000000
-340.699554	-0.062449	-0.111850	-0.952551	-0.042890	-0.168313	-0.052909	176699.000000	0.000000	-0.006685	-0.018439	-1.264534	-1.697369	1.891397	-40975.914062	-17332.750000	846706.375000	0.067633	0.089818	-2.265262	-0.100769	0.424181	-1.259788	0.228114	0.080151	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194031.000000	194031.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.704559	-0.064891	-0.111117	-0.951086	-0.040762	-0.185340	-0.023110	176699.000000	0.000000	-0.000890	-0.014091	-0.598173	-1.401892	1.891302	73243.718750	25994.251953	833688.500000	0.064032	0.090129	-2.265226	-0.111637	0.438953	-1.262670	0.222234	0.077426	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-340.709564	-0.067088	-0.109652	-0.949621	-0.037569	-0.201304	0.005624	176707.000000	0.000000	-0.008565	-0.017142	-1.194204	-1.747736	1.889463	-68349.265625	-46245.441406	820374.187500	0.060365	0.090432	-2.264518	-0.115590	0.443622	-1.263544	0.217993	0.077712	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.714569	-0.069529	-0.108920	-0.948400	-0.032248	-0.216203	0.035422	176707.000000	0.000000	-0.008565	-0.017142	-0.828727	-1.631143	1.889463	39007.039062	4880.048828	807397.625000	0.056633	0.090751	-2.264518	-0.115590	0.443622	-1.263544	0.217993	0.077712	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111826.000000	200000.000000	181587.000000	181587.000000
-340.719574	-0.072459	-0.109164	-0.947180	-0.026927	-0.230038	0.064156	176707.000000	0.000000	-0.008565	-0.017142	-0.768967	-1.637819	1.889463	5613.133301	-8729.292969	794884.500000	0.052832	0.091104	-2.264518	-0.115590	0.443622	-1.263544	0.217993	0.077712	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149823.000000	200000.000000	192364.000000	143590.000000
-340.724579	-0.075633	-0.110629	-0.944982	-0.021606	-0.241744	0.092890	176707.000000	0.000000	-0.008565	-0.017142	-0.708456	-1.646443	1.889463	5793.816895	-9007.571289	782371.375000	0.048967	0.091518	-2.264518	-0.115590	0.443622	-1.263544	0.217993	0.077712	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149920.000000	200000.000000	191905.000000	143493.000000
-340.729584	-0.078807	-0.112094	-0.942297	-0.014156	-0.252387	0.120560	176707.000000	0.000000	-0.008565	-0.017142	-0.647308	-1.656481	1.889463	6077.198242	-9477.608398	770321.687500	0.045044	0.092001	-2.264518	-0.115590	0.443622	-1.263544	0.217993	0.077712	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150107.000000	200000.000000	191152.000000	143306.000000
-340.734589	-0.080760	-0.113803	-0.940832	-0.007771	-0.260900	0.149294	176685.000000	0.000000	-0.008565	-0.017142	-0.587404	-1.667294	1.889463	6020.940918	-9524.854492	757808.562500	0.041102	0.092549	-2.264518	-0.115590	0.443622	-1.263544	0.217993	0.077712	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150188.000000	200000.000000	191139.000000	143181.000000
-340.739594	-0.083201	-0.114779	-0.938635	-0.000321	-0.269414	0.175900	176685.000000	0.000000	-0.008565	-0.017142	-0.526624	-1.678470	1.889463	6436.120605	-9767.448242	746222.312500	0.037131	0.093151	-2.264518	-0.115590	0.443622	-1.263544	0.217993	0.077712	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150016.000000	200000.000000	190481.000000	143353.000000
-340.744598	-0.084422	-0.115268	-0.937170	0.006064	-0.276864	0.202505	176685.000000	0.000000	-0.008565	-0.017142	-0.467154	-1.689409	1.889463	6484.350586	-9704.504883	734636.125000	0.033161	0.093788	-2.264518	-0.115590	0.443622	-1.263544	0.217993	0.077712	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149905.000000	200000.000000	190496.000000	143464.000000
-340.749603	-0.086375	-0.115756	-0.934973	0.012450	-0.282185	0.226983	176685.000000	0.000000	-0.008565	-0.017142	-0.407438	-1.700845	1.889463	6575.088867	-9840.708008	723976.812500	0.029188	0.094459	-2.264518	-0.115590	0.443622	-1.263544	0.217993	0.077712	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149950.000000	200000.000000	190269.000000	143419.000000
-340.754608	-0.087840	-0.117953	-0.933264	0.019899	-0.286442	0.249331	176623.000000	0.000000	-0.008565	-0.017142	-0.348614	-1.714897	1.889463	6650.072266	-10344.326172	714244.375000	0.025229	0.095202	-2.264518	-0.115590	0.443622	-1.263544	0.217993	0.077712	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150317.000000	200000.000000	189628.000000	142928.000000
-340.759613	-0.088572	-0.120150	-0.931311	0.027349	-0.289634	0.271680	176623.000000	0.000000	-0.004361	-0.013516	-0.059907	-1.530579	1.874681	33152.957031	12281.312500	698074.750000	0.021304	0.096017	-2.258833	-0.129657	0.457440	-1.265699	0.207775	0.076774	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104341.000000	200000.000000	188904.000000	188904.000000
-340.764618	-0.089061	-0.122348	-0.930334	0.035863	-0.291763	0.290836	176623.000000	0.000000	-0.011046	-0.016054	-0.539236	-1.831252	1.868849	-53609.429688	-42585.710938	687193.250000	0.017425	0.096903	-2.256590	-0.134342	0.461644	-1.266285	0.204414	0.079521	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.769623	-0.089061	-0.125766	-0.930334	0.045441	-0.291763	0.309992	176623.000000	0.000000	-0.014431	-0.016570	-0.403668	-1.776838	1.858911	14391.711914	-3452.458740	674523.062500	0.013614	0.097887	-2.252767	-0.140126	0.465993	-1.266809	0.202251	0.082056	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135683.000000	200000.000000	188778.000000	157562.000000
-340.774628	-0.089305	-0.129672	-0.930822	0.057147	-0.290699	0.327020	176703.000000	0.000000	-0.014431	-0.016570	-0.214916	-1.777238	1.858911	20990.167969	-9769.650391	667107.875000	0.009872	0.098985	-2.252767	-0.140126	0.465993	-1.266809	0.202251	0.082056	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135482.000000	200000.000000	175943.000000	157923.000000
-340.779633	-0.088328	-0.133090	-0.931311	0.069918	-0.287506	0.344047	176703.000000	0.000000	-0.014431	-0.016570	-0.164471	-1.799561	1.858911	5761.597168	-12458.274414	659692.687500	0.006233	0.100190	-2.252767	-0.140126	0.465993	-1.266809	0.202251	0.082056	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153399.000000	200000.000000	188483.000000	140006.000000
-340.784637	-0.086863	-0.135043	-0.932043	0.084817	-0.284313	0.358947	176703.000000	0.000000	-0.014431	-0.016570	-0.116047	-1.822189	1.858911	5747.443359	-12898.594727	653204.437500	0.002707	0.101477	-2.252767	-0.140126	0.465993	-1.266809	0.202251	0.082056	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153854.000000	200000.000000	188056.000000	139551.000000
-340.789642	-0.085398	-0.136996	-0.932775	0.101845	-0.278992	0.374910	176703.000000	0.000000	-0.014431	-0.016570	-0.069702	-1.846521	1.858911	5473.588867	-13510.276367	646252.687500	-0.000701	0.102856	-2.252767	-0.140126	0.465993	-1.266809	0.202251	0.082056	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154739.000000	200000.000000	187719.000000	138666.000000
-340.794647	-0.083934	-0.138705	-0.933508	0.121001	-0.271543	0.388745	176703.000000	0.000000	-0.014431	-0.016570	-0.025617	-1.872394	1.858911	5159.518555	-14120.753906	640227.812500	-0.003981	0.104329	-2.252767	-0.140126	0.465993	-1.266809	0.202251	0.082056	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155664.000000	200000.000000	187422.000000	137741.000000
-340.799652	-0.082957	-0.140170	-0.934973	0.141221	-0.261965	0.403644	176697.000000	0.000000	-0.014431	-0.016570	0.016667	-1.899434	1.858911	4877.978027	-14583.649414	633739.562500	-0.007135	0.105893	-2.252767	-0.140126	0.465993	-1.266809	0.202251	0.082056	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156402.000000	200000.000000	187235.000000	136991.000000
-340.804657	-0.083201	-0.142611	-0.936682	0.162505	-0.251322	0.417479	176697.000000	0.000000	-0.012521	-0.015548	0.163325	-1.872883	1.850988	16863.066406	-8783.641602	624264.500000	-0.010185	0.107568	-2.249720	-0.145248	0.469974	-1.267277	0.197549	0.082967	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138617.000000	200000.000000	181050.000000	154776.000000
-340.809662	-0.084910	-0.145297	-0.938146	0.185918	-0.239616	0.431314	176697.000000	0.000000	-0.008408	-0.011794	0.354663	-1.739318	1.816221	22485.294922	3255.806641	603099.312500	-0.013160	0.109369	-2.236348	-0.162845	0.481495	-1.268222	0.186438	0.089794	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120955.000000	200000.000000	187467.000000	172438.000000
-340.814667	-0.087352	-0.147250	-0.938635	0.208267	-0.226845	0.445149	176697.000000	0.000000	-0.008408	-0.011794	0.231499	-1.922213	1.816221	-12838.466797	-32368.019531	597074.500000	-0.016074	0.111274	-2.236348	-0.162845	0.481495	-1.268222	0.186438	0.089794	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189535.000000	200000.000000	189535.000000	103858.000000
-340.819672	-0.089549	-0.149936	-0.939855	0.230616	-0.213010	0.458984	176631.000000	0.000000	-0.008408	-0.011794	0.271272	-1.957133	1.816221	5079.728516	-16360.698242	591049.625000	-0.018917	0.113295	-2.236348	-0.162845	0.481495	-1.268222	0.186438	0.089794	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157911.000000	200000.000000	185190.000000	135350.000000
-340.824677	-0.091990	-0.152865	-0.941564	0.252965	-0.199175	0.471754	176631.000000	0.000000	-0.008408	-0.011794	0.310267	-1.993821	1.816221	5110.522949	-16827.941406	585488.250000	-0.021692	0.115431	-2.236348	-0.162845	0.481495	-1.268222	0.186438	0.089794	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158348.000000	200000.000000	184692.000000	134913.000000
-340.829681	-0.094432	-0.157504	-0.943762	0.275313	-0.185340	0.485589	176631.000000	0.000000	-0.008408	-0.011794	0.348292	-2.033916	1.816221	5115.042480	-17489.964844	579463.375000	-0.024402	0.117714	-2.236348	-0.162845	0.481495	-1.268222	0.186438	0.089794	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159005.000000	200000.000000	184025.000000	134256.000000
-340.834686	-0.095896	-0.162387	-0.945715	0.295534	-0.171505	0.499424	176631.000000	0.000000	-0.008408	-0.011794	0.384327	-2.075763	1.816221	4997.931152	-17732.564453	573438.562500	-0.027029	0.120136	-2.236348	-0.162845	0.481495	-1.268222	0.186438	0.089794	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159365.000000	200000.000000	183900.000000	133896.000000
-340.839691	-0.096385	-0.167514	-0.947912	0.314690	-0.156606	0.514323	176631.000000	0.000000	-0.013535	-0.016131	0.135968	-2.357895	1.807855	-27601.027344	-45422.312500	563307.062500	-0.029549	0.122691	-2.233130	-0.168188	0.485581	-1.268646	0.178581	0.088499	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.844696	-0.096385	-0.171420	-0.949377	0.330653	-0.142771	0.529223	176691.000000	0.000000	-0.009585	-0.010238	0.590055	-1.903926	1.764632	51779.320312	37882.289062	537996.062500	-0.031961	0.125339	-2.216506	-0.186587	0.495225	-1.268845	0.174010	0.100405	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-340.849701	-0.095896	-0.174838	-0.950842	0.344488	-0.128936	0.545186	176691.000000	0.000000	-0.017759	-0.010705	0.012630	-2.208832	1.744851	-64361.375000	-46792.773438	522429.968750	-0.034261	0.128058	-2.208898	-0.193210	0.497430	-1.268599	0.178704	0.111440	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.854706	-0.094920	-0.177035	-0.953283	0.355130	-0.115101	0.560085	176691.000000	0.000000	-0.017759	-0.010705	0.367211	-2.232295	1.744851	39685.800781	-15652.248047	515941.687500	-0.036437	0.130801	-2.208898	-0.193210	0.497430	-1.268599	0.178704	0.111440	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132343.000000	200000.000000	161038.000000	161038.000000
-340.859711	-0.092967	-0.178256	-0.955236	0.362580	-0.101267	0.574984	176691.000000	0.000000	-0.017759	-0.010705	0.392270	-2.272957	1.744851	3504.420898	-17413.640625	509453.375000	-0.038476	0.133536	-2.208898	-0.193210	0.497430	-1.268599	0.178704	0.111440	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160600.000000	200000.000000	185772.000000	132781.000000
-340.864716	-0.091258	-0.179721	-0.955969	0.366837	-0.088496	0.589884	176631.000000	0.000000	-0.017759	-0.010705	0.416127	-2.313152	1.744851	3540.515625	-17216.705078	502965.125000	-0.040392	0.136255	-2.208898	-0.193210	0.497430	-1.268599	0.178704	0.111440	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160307.000000	200000.000000	185873.000000	132954.000000
-340.869720	-0.089061	-0.181430	-0.955725	0.367901	-0.076789	0.603718	176631.000000	0.000000	-0.017759	-0.010705	0.438085	-2.352760	1.744851	3495.593750	-16987.117188	496940.250000	-0.042185	0.138953	-2.208898	-0.193210	0.497430	-1.268599	0.178704	0.111440	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160122.000000	200000.000000	186148.000000	133139.000000
-340.874725	-0.086619	-0.182895	-0.955725	0.364708	-0.065083	0.617553	176631.000000	0.000000	-0.017759	-0.010705	0.458062	-2.390617	1.744851	3315.906738	-16486.113281	490915.437500	-0.043852	0.141604	-2.208898	-0.193210	0.497430	-1.268599	0.178704	0.111440	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159801.000000	200000.000000	186828.000000	133460.000000
-340.879730	-0.083689	-0.184848	-0.955480	0.360451	-0.053376	0.630324	176631.000000	0.000000	-0.017759	-0.010705	0.475731	-2.428144	1.744851	3089.493652	-16485.785156	485354.062500	-0.045386	0.144214	-2.208898	-0.193210	0.497430	-1.268599	0.178704	0.111440	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160027.000000	200000.000000	187055.000000	133234.000000
-340.884735	-0.081492	-0.186557	-0.955725	0.351938	-0.042734	0.642031	176593.000000	0.000000	-0.017759	-0.010705	0.492581	-2.463595	1.744851	3144.960205	-15913.328125	480256.093750	-0.046808	0.146757	-2.208898	-0.193210	0.497430	-1.268599	0.178704	0.111440	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159361.000000	200000.000000	187534.000000	133824.000000
-340.889740	-0.079051	-0.188998	-0.954748	0.342360	-0.033156	0.652673	176593.000000	0.000000	-0.017759	-0.010705	0.507946	-2.498922	1.744851	3125.437500	-15901.172852	475621.625000	-0.048121	0.149248	-2.208898	-0.193210	0.497430	-1.268599	0.178704	0.111440	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159368.000000	200000.000000	187566.000000	133817.000000
-340.894745	-0.076365	-0.193393	-0.953527	0.331717	-0.023578	0.662251	176593.000000	0.000000	-0.014798	-0.011411	0.684311	-2.574330	1.730381	21599.136719	-20490.564453	465149.156250	-0.049322	0.151725	-2.203333	-0.198817	0.499852	-1.268540	0.177327	0.115174	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145484.000000	200000.000000	164503.000000	147701.000000
-340.899750	-0.072947	-0.199252	-0.952551	0.321075	-0.015064	0.671829	176593.000000	0.000000	-0.011487	-0.007864	0.759344	-2.389013	1.671030	10876.499023	9080.474609	435132.125000	-0.050403	0.154217	-2.180506	-0.218598	0.506775	-1.268215	0.175233	0.129078	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126636.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166549.000000
-340.904755	-0.070750	-0.206088	-0.951086	0.309369	-0.007615	0.679278	176593.000000	0.000000	-0.018060	-0.010116	0.276859	-2.693715	1.649708	-52562.683594	-46030.824219	422602.812500	-0.051395	0.156739	-2.172305	-0.225157	0.508707	-1.268126	0.174345	0.133744	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.909760	-0.068309	-0.213168	-0.950354	0.298726	0.000899	0.685664	176599.000000	0.000000	-0.018060	-0.010116	0.549113	-2.643633	1.649708	31527.437500	-6856.481445	419822.125000	-0.052287	0.159300	-2.172305	-0.225157	0.508707	-1.268126	0.174345	0.133744	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123455.000000	200000.000000	169742.000000	169742.000000
-340.914764	-0.066355	-0.220492	-0.950598	0.288084	0.008349	0.690985	176599.000000	0.000000	-0.018060	-0.010116	0.557896	-2.684110	1.649708	2674.459717	-16952.660156	417504.875000	-0.053096	0.161898	-2.172305	-0.225157	0.508707	-1.268126	0.174345	0.133744	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160877.000000	200000.000000	186971.000000	132320.000000
-340.919769	-0.063426	-0.227572	-0.949621	0.278506	0.015798	0.696306	176599.000000	0.000000	-0.018060	-0.010116	0.564534	-2.725460	1.649708	2434.956787	-17311.769531	415187.656250	-0.053805	0.164540	-2.172305	-0.225157	0.508707	-1.268126	0.174345	0.133744	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161475.000000	200000.000000	186852.000000	131722.000000
-340.924774	-0.060740	-0.231967	-0.949133	0.271056	0.022184	0.700563	176599.000000	0.000000	-0.018060	-0.010116	0.570320	-2.764942	1.649708	2455.510986	-17487.728516	413333.843750	-0.054426	0.167179	-2.172305	-0.225157	0.508707	-1.268126	0.174345	0.133744	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161631.000000	200000.000000	186655.000000	131566.000000
-340.929779	-0.056346	-0.235873	-0.949133	0.264671	0.029633	0.704820	176478.000000	0.000000	-0.018060	-0.010116	0.572666	-2.804044	1.649708	1936.791992	-17713.462891	411480.062500	-0.054920	0.169809	-2.172305	-0.225157	0.508707	-1.268126	0.174345	0.133744	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162254.000000	200000.000000	186827.000000	130701.000000
-340.934784	-0.051707	-0.239535	-0.948400	0.258286	0.036019	0.709077	176478.000000	0.000000	-0.018060	-0.010116	0.573318	-2.842975	1.649708	1841.190430	-17844.414062	409626.250000	-0.055292	0.172430	-2.172305	-0.225157	0.508707	-1.268126	0.174345	0.133744	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162481.000000	200000.000000	186792.000000	130474.000000
-340.939789	-0.046580	-0.243197	-0.947180	0.254029	0.041340	0.713334	176478.000000	0.000000	-0.018060	-0.010116	0.572025	-2.882511	1.649708	1713.906982	-18307.214844	407772.468750	-0.055538	0.175055	-2.172305	-0.225157	0.508707	-1.268126	0.174345	0.133744	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163071.000000	200000.000000	186456.000000	129884.000000
-340.944794	-0.041697	-0.246615	-0.945959	0.251900	0.044532	0.718655	176478.000000	0.000000	-0.012459	-0.006792	0.877909	-2.739685	1.610753	37122.957031	2180.556152	388491.062500	-0.055678	0.177689	-2.157322	-0.236605	0.511399	-1.267706	0.173862	0.139996	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114297.000000	200000.000000	178658.000000	178658.000000
-340.949799	-0.037059	-0.250033	-0.945471	0.250836	0.046661	0.723976	176478.000000	0.000000	-0.011513	-0.005251	0.702838	-2.827949	1.570667	-16469.638672	-23752.480469	368717.031250	-0.055724	0.180335	-2.141904	-0.247307	0.513020	-1.267196	0.172538	0.146025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186700.000000	200000.000000	199195.000000	106255.000000
-340.954803	-0.033152	-0.253695	-0.943518	0.250836	0.046661	0.731426	176306.000000	0.000000	-0.011513	-0.005251	0.662175	-2.930836	1.570667	-1640.697388	-25951.044922	365472.906250	-0.055706	0.183009	-2.141904	-0.247307	0.513020	-1.267196	0.172538	0.146025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173897.000000	200000.000000	181995.000000	118714.000000
-340.959808	-0.030223	-0.257357	-0.941076	0.251900	0.044532	0.738875	176306.000000	0.000000	-0.011513	-0.005251	0.660137	-2.972911	1.570667	2841.658447	-19577.503906	362228.750000	-0.055656	0.185719	-2.141904	-0.247307	0.513020	-1.267196	0.172538	0.146025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163041.000000	200000.000000	183886.000000	129570.000000
-340.964813	-0.028025	-0.262484	-0.938879	0.255093	0.040276	0.748453	176306.000000	0.000000	-0.011513	-0.005251	0.659128	-3.017576	1.570667	3203.957031	-20316.513672	358057.718750	-0.055601	0.188502	-2.141904	-0.247307	0.513020	-1.267196	0.172538	0.146025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163418.000000	200000.000000	182785.000000	129193.000000
-340.969818	-0.027293	-0.268832	-0.937414	0.259350	0.032826	0.759095	176306.000000	0.000000	-0.011513	-0.005251	0.660597	-3.064630	1.570667	3868.323486	-20932.310547	353423.218750	-0.055588	0.191382	-2.141904	-0.247307	0.513020	-1.267196	0.172538	0.146025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163369.000000	200000.000000	181505.000000	129242.000000
-340.974823	-0.027537	-0.274936	-0.935461	0.265735	0.023248	0.771866	176151.000000	0.000000	-0.011513	-0.005251	0.664466	-3.113445	1.570667	4428.252930	-21613.826172	347861.843750	-0.055649	0.194364	-2.141904	-0.247307	0.513020	-1.267196	0.172538	0.146025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163336.000000	200000.000000	180108.000000	128965.000000
-340.979828	-0.028025	-0.280307	-0.933264	0.273185	0.010477	0.785701	176151.000000	0.000000	-0.011513	-0.005251	0.670590	-3.163234	1.570667	5114.049805	-22101.302734	341837.000000	-0.055804	0.197437	-2.141904	-0.247307	0.513020	-1.267196	0.172538	0.146025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163138.000000	200000.000000	178935.000000	129163.000000
-340.984833	-0.027781	-0.284457	-0.930090	0.279570	-0.003358	0.800600	176151.000000	0.000000	-0.012056	-0.004961	0.647757	-3.197068	1.552670	2005.692139	-20414.810547	327511.562500	-0.056045	0.200578	-2.134983	-0.251726	0.513192	-1.266863	0.171861	0.149413	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164560.000000	200000.000000	183730.000000	127741.000000
-340.989838	-0.027537	-0.286898	-0.927404	0.285956	-0.018257	0.816564	176151.000000	0.000000	-0.003635	0.000608	1.141099	-2.951094	1.465896	61217.285156	11453.772461	282771.312500	-0.056377	0.203747	-2.101608	-0.270791	0.512691	-1.265532	0.170266	0.162358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104697.000000	200000.000000	187604.000000	187604.000000
-340.994843	-0.026805	-0.288119	-0.925939	0.291277	-0.033156	0.832527	176196.000000	0.000000	-0.003635	0.000608	0.813676	-3.220837	1.465896	-30468.417969	-46400.710938	275819.531250	-0.056787	0.206907	-2.101608	-0.270791	0.512691	-1.265532	0.170266	0.162358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-340.999847	-0.026072	-0.288852	-0.924963	0.296598	-0.046991	0.848490	176196.000000	0.000000	-0.003635	0.000608	0.823790	-3.267052	1.465896	6638.919434	-22059.525391	268867.812500	-0.057269	0.210046	-2.101608	-0.270791	0.512691	-1.265532	0.170266	0.162358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161616.000000	200000.000000	177497.000000	130775.000000
-341.004852	-0.024852	-0.289340	-0.924963	0.299791	-0.059762	0.864454	176196.000000	0.000000	-0.003635	0.000608	0.834061	-3.311784	1.465896	6645.144531	-21882.761719	261916.078125	-0.057806	0.213142	-2.101608	-0.270791	0.512691	-1.265532	0.170266	0.162358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161433.000000	200000.000000	177668.000000	130958.000000
-341.009857	-0.023631	-0.287875	-0.926184	0.301919	-0.071468	0.879353	176196.000000	0.000000	-0.003635	0.000608	0.844755	-3.353107	1.465896	6677.678711	-21590.882812	255427.812500	-0.058392	0.216144	-2.101608	-0.270791	0.512691	-1.265532	0.170266	0.162358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161109.000000	200000.000000	177927.000000	131282.000000
-341.014862	-0.021922	-0.286166	-0.927404	0.301919	-0.079982	0.893188	176196.000000	0.000000	-0.003635	0.000608	0.854661	-3.392296	1.465896	6324.744141	-21302.513672	249402.953125	-0.058997	0.219041	-2.101608	-0.270791	0.512691	-1.265532	0.170266	0.162358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161173.000000	200000.000000	178568.000000	131218.000000
-341.019867	-0.020457	-0.283480	-0.928381	0.300855	-0.087432	0.904894	176198.000000	0.000000	-0.003635	0.000608	0.864732	-3.428765	1.465896	6306.467285	-21049.171875	244305.031250	-0.059621	0.221810	-2.101608	-0.270791	0.512691	-1.265532	0.170266	0.162358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160940.000000	200000.000000	178842.000000	131455.000000
-341.024872	-0.019725	-0.280551	-0.930090	0.296598	-0.092753	0.914472	176198.000000	0.000000	-0.003635	0.000608	0.875166	-3.462120	1.465896	6184.795410	-20489.609375	240133.984375	-0.060264	0.224431	-2.101608	-0.270791	0.512691	-1.265532	0.170266	0.162358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160502.000000	200000.000000	179523.000000	131893.000000
-341.029877	-0.019725	-0.278598	-0.930822	0.291277	-0.094881	0.922986	176198.000000	0.000000	-0.014358	-0.003052	0.296206	-3.695763	1.440252	-61627.179688	-43445.718750	225259.140625	-0.060925	0.226925	-2.091745	-0.275851	0.512218	-1.265110	0.167381	0.167288	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-341.034882	-0.021189	-0.277377	-0.930090	0.283827	-0.095945	0.928307	176198.000000	0.000000	-0.005416	0.002213	1.228702	-3.291215	1.366603	108764.492188	28865.382812	190869.281250	-0.061625	0.229309	-2.063418	-0.288364	0.508616	-1.263644	0.160605	0.178376	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-341.039886	-0.023143	-0.276889	-0.929846	0.274249	-0.095945	0.931500	176159.000000	0.000000	-0.011072	0.000183	0.572842	-3.643268	1.341441	-69039.281250	-55677.734375	178521.140625	-0.062366	0.231586	-2.053741	-0.292241	0.507077	-1.263088	0.156939	0.183007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-341.044891	-0.026316	-0.276645	-0.928869	0.262543	-0.094881	0.932564	176159.000000	0.000000	-0.011072	0.000183	0.813248	-3.590430	1.341441	30494.451172	-10626.573242	178057.703125	-0.063163	0.233757	-2.053741	-0.292241	0.507077	-1.263088	0.156939	0.183007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126785.000000	200000.000000	165532.000000	165532.000000
-341.049896	-0.029002	-0.276156	-0.927648	0.249772	-0.091688	0.932564	176159.000000	0.000000	-0.011072	0.000183	0.827105	-3.616813	1.341441	5398.994629	-19283.054688	178057.703125	-0.063995	0.235816	-2.053741	-0.292241	0.507077	-1.263088	0.156939	0.183007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160043.000000	200000.000000	181476.000000	132274.000000
-341.054901	-0.032420	-0.275424	-0.927404	0.237001	-0.088496	0.932564	176159.000000	0.000000	-0.011072	0.000183	0.842220	-3.641031	1.341441	5592.304688	-19097.683594	178057.703125	-0.064875	0.237753	-2.053741	-0.292241	0.507077	-1.263088	0.156939	0.183007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159664.000000	200000.000000	181469.000000	132653.000000
-341.059906	-0.035105	-0.275424	-0.926428	0.224230	-0.085303	0.931500	176159.000000	0.000000	-0.011072	0.000183	0.857098	-3.664609	1.341441	5619.814941	-19077.021484	178521.140625	-0.065785	0.239591	-2.053741	-0.292241	0.507077	-1.263088	0.156939	0.183007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159616.000000	200000.000000	181462.000000	132701.000000
-341.064911	-0.037059	-0.275424	-0.924963	0.212524	-0.081046	0.930436	176050.000000	0.000000	-0.011072	0.000183	0.871281	-3.687247	1.341441	5472.353516	-19141.130859	178984.593750	-0.066705	0.241339	-2.053741	-0.292241	0.507077	-1.263088	0.156939	0.183007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159718.000000	200000.000000	181436.000000	132381.000000
-341.069916	-0.038035	-0.277133	-0.924230	0.202946	-0.077854	0.929371	176050.000000	0.000000	-0.011072	0.000183	0.884700	-3.710846	1.341441	5552.435547	-19545.464844	179448.046875	-0.067618	0.243039	-2.053741	-0.292241	0.507077	-1.263088	0.156939	0.183007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160043.000000	200000.000000	180952.000000	132056.000000
-341.074921	-0.038768	-0.280062	-0.925207	0.195496	-0.074661	0.929371	176050.000000	0.000000	-0.011072	0.000183	0.897713	-3.735111	1.341441	5552.940430	-19930.095703	179448.046875	-0.068519	0.244717	-2.053741	-0.292241	0.507077	-1.263088	0.156939	0.183007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160427.000000	200000.000000	180566.000000	131672.000000
-341.079926	-0.039256	-0.284213	-0.925695	0.192304	-0.072532	0.930436	176050.000000	0.000000	-0.011072	0.000183	0.910630	-3.761672	1.341441	5708.816895	-20757.757812	178984.593750	-0.069409	0.246420	-2.053741	-0.292241	0.507077	-1.263088	0.156939	0.183007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161098.000000	200000.000000	179583.000000	131001.000000
-341.084930	-0.038768	-0.288852	-0.926916	0.193368	-0.070404	0.931500	174783.000000	0.000000	-0.011216	0.000748	0.914362	-3.758949	1.314897	4706.218262	-17998.244141	166961.656250	-0.070267	0.248175	-2.043531	-0.296144	0.505352	-1.262522	0.153225	0.187811	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158075.000000	200000.000000	182078.000000	131490.000000
-341.089935	-0.037791	-0.293490	-0.928625	0.197625	-0.067211	0.933628	174783.000000	0.000000	-0.008270	0.002677	1.092512	-3.705182	1.291021	24576.177734	-12507.892578	155637.421875	-0.071081	0.249991	-2.034348	-0.299046	0.502989	-1.261954	0.152658	0.190074	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132714.000000	200000.000000	167698.000000	156851.000000
-341.094940	-0.036326	-0.297885	-0.931066	0.205074	-0.062954	0.934693	174783.000000	0.000000	-0.000539	0.006985	1.408699	-3.576418	1.219574	41068.277344	-4055.654053	124060.187500	-0.071835	0.251874	-2.006869	-0.306303	0.494590	-1.259920	0.144426	0.198096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118838.000000	200000.000000	170727.000000	170727.000000
-341.099945	-0.035105	-0.301303	-0.933508	0.214652	-0.056569	0.936821	174783.000000	0.000000	-0.000539	0.006985	1.107475	-3.779997	1.219574	-28468.978516	-41813.304688	123133.296875	-0.072527	0.253814	-2.006869	-0.306303	0.494590	-1.259920	0.144426	0.198096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-341.104950	-0.033885	-0.303988	-0.935461	0.227423	-0.045927	0.937885	173095.000000	0.000000	-0.000539	0.006985	1.113383	-3.812375	1.219574	4812.285156	-23547.435547	122669.843750	-0.073137	0.255813	-2.006869	-0.306303	0.494590	-1.259920	0.144426	0.198096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161830.000000	200000.000000	174735.000000	124359.000000
-341.109955	-0.031932	-0.305453	-0.937658	0.242322	-0.032092	0.938950	173095.000000	0.000000	-0.000539	0.006985	1.116544	-3.844777	1.219574	4110.070801	-24001.656250	122206.390625	-0.073639	0.257857	-2.006869	-0.306303	0.494590	-1.259920	0.144426	0.198096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162986.000000	200000.000000	174983.000000	123203.000000
-341.114960	-0.030223	-0.306430	-0.939367	0.258286	-0.015064	0.938950	173095.000000	0.000000	-0.000539	0.006985	1.117603	-3.877749	1.219574	3454.419922	-24406.535156	122206.390625	-0.074022	0.259942	-2.006869	-0.306303	0.494590	-1.259920	0.144426	0.198096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164047.000000	200000.000000	175234.000000	122142.000000
-341.119965	-0.027537	-0.306918	-0.939611	0.274249	0.005156	0.937885	173095.000000	0.000000	-0.000539	0.006985	1.115108	-3.911334	1.219574	2608.168457	-24701.814453	122669.843750	-0.074256	0.262069	-2.006869	-0.306303	0.494590	-1.259920	0.144426	0.198096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165188.000000	200000.000000	175785.000000	121001.000000
-341.124969	-0.024119	-0.306430	-0.940832	0.290212	0.027505	0.936821	173095.000000	0.000000	-0.000539	0.006985	1.109159	-3.944161	1.219574	1864.100830	-24842.878906	123133.296875	-0.074318	0.264213	-2.006869	-0.306303	0.494590	-1.259920	0.144426	0.198096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166073.000000	200000.000000	176388.000000	120116.000000
-341.129974	-0.020457	-0.305453	-0.942053	0.306176	0.053046	0.935757	171930.000000	0.000000	-0.000539	0.006985	1.099738	-3.976726	1.219574	970.361755	-25037.375000	123596.726562	-0.074192	0.266365	-2.006869	-0.306303	0.494590	-1.259920	0.144426	0.198096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165997.000000	200000.000000	175922.000000	117862.000000
-341.134979	-0.016795	-0.304721	-0.942297	0.321075	0.079652	0.934693	171930.000000	0.000000	-0.007132	0.004865	0.724926	-4.126284	1.193432	-41170.003906	-38540.875000	112676.031250	-0.073876	0.268530	-1.996814	-0.308771	0.491542	-1.259192	0.141147	0.201307	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-341.139984	-0.012889	-0.303744	-0.941320	0.335974	0.106257	0.933628	171930.000000	0.000000	0.002866	0.010392	1.523126	-3.771014	1.123234	91359.078125	18533.675781	82569.257812	-0.073371	0.270711	-1.969815	-0.312472	0.479845	-1.256929	0.138785	0.211589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	190463.000000	190463.000000
-341.144989	-0.008982	-0.303256	-0.939855	0.350873	0.132863	0.932564	171930.000000	0.000000	0.002866	0.010392	1.105583	-4.026368	1.123234	-44362.304688	-49851.335938	83032.710938	-0.072681	0.272922	-1.969815	-0.312472	0.479845	-1.256929	0.138785	0.211589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-341.149994	-0.005320	-0.303744	-0.938879	0.363644	0.158405	0.929371	171016.000000	0.000000	0.002866	0.010392	1.085606	-4.061514	1.123234	-739.957153	-25624.464844	84423.054688	-0.071815	0.275170	-1.969815	-0.312472	0.479845	-1.256929	0.138785	0.211589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167380.000000	200000.000000	176131.000000	114651.000000
-341.154999	-0.003123	-0.305209	-0.936437	0.375351	0.181818	0.926179	171016.000000	0.000000	0.002866	0.010392	1.065393	-4.098465	1.123234	-732.407349	-25929.695312	85813.390625	-0.070818	0.277476	-1.969815	-0.312472	0.479845	-1.256929	0.138785	0.211589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167678.000000	200000.000000	175818.000000	114353.000000
-341.160004	-0.001414	-0.307895	-0.933264	0.384929	0.200974	0.921922	171016.000000	0.000000	0.002866	0.010392	1.044922	-4.137300	1.123234	-475.927795	-26126.542969	87667.187500	-0.069721	0.279859	-1.969815	-0.312472	0.479845	-1.256929	0.138785	0.211589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167618.000000	200000.000000	175365.000000	114413.000000
-341.165009	-0.000193	-0.311557	-0.930822	0.394507	0.218001	0.916601	171016.000000	0.000000	0.002866	0.010392	1.024115	-4.178046	1.123234	-452.056091	-26567.195312	89984.437500	-0.068545	0.282333	-1.969815	-0.312472	0.479845	-1.256929	0.138785	0.211589	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168035.000000	200000.000000	174900.000000	113996.000000
-341.170013	0.000295	-0.315951	-0.930090	0.401956	0.231836	0.911280	171016.000000	0.000000	-0.005847	0.007773	0.524739	-4.363741	1.093775	-55094.589844	-43163.953125	79472.906250	-0.067321	0.284890	-1.958484	-0.314477	0.475894	-1.256154	0.139170	0.215868	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-341.175018	-0.000682	-0.321811	-0.929602	0.409406	0.241414	0.905959	170408.000000	0.000000	0.003482	0.012517	1.367975	-4.042430	1.012707	96847.921875	14032.509766	46487.023438	-0.066101	0.287554	-1.927305	-0.317426	0.462229	-1.253796	0.141526	0.230794	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	184440.000000	184440.000000
-341.180023	-0.002146	-0.326449	-0.928869	0.416855	0.248864	0.900637	170408.000000	0.000000	0.003482	0.012517	0.977976	-4.276683	1.012707	-40347.941406	-48166.914062	48804.273438	-0.064904	0.290303	-1.927305	-0.317426	0.462229	-1.253796	0.141526	0.230794	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-341.185028	-0.004100	-0.330600	-0.927648	0.423241	0.252056	0.897445	170408.000000	0.000000	0.002038	0.012174	0.883734	-4.340620	0.991320	-7807.800781	-29646.101562	40880.972656	-0.063765	0.293121	-1.919079	-0.316784	0.456894	-1.252972	0.142689	0.236144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177861.000000	200000.000000	178569.000000	102954.000000
-341.190033	-0.005320	-0.333529	-0.926428	0.427498	0.250992	0.895316	170408.000000	0.000000	0.002038	0.012174	0.927828	-4.371108	0.991320	8078.792969	-25893.984375	41807.882812	-0.062688	0.295975	-1.919079	-0.316784	0.456894	-1.252972	0.142689	0.236144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158223.000000	200000.000000	166435.000000	122592.000000
-341.195038	-0.006541	-0.335482	-0.926184	0.429626	0.247800	0.894252	169587.000000	0.000000	0.002038	0.012174	0.915672	-4.413791	0.991320	2086.648682	-27206.962891	42271.312500	-0.061684	0.298826	-1.919079	-0.316784	0.456894	-1.252972	0.142689	0.236144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164707.000000	200000.000000	170293.000000	114466.000000
-341.200043	-0.007518	-0.336459	-0.926428	0.429626	0.241414	0.895316	169587.000000	0.000000	0.002038	0.012174	0.905230	-4.454623	0.991320	2607.477051	-26958.199219	41807.882812	-0.060764	0.301642	-1.919079	-0.316784	0.456894	-1.252972	0.142689	0.236144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163937.000000	200000.000000	170021.000000	115236.000000
-341.205048	-0.007273	-0.336703	-0.927893	0.427498	0.233965	0.897445	169587.000000	0.000000	0.002038	0.012174	0.894957	-4.493121	0.991320	2730.047119	-26633.853516	40880.972656	-0.059908	0.304390	-1.919079	-0.316784	0.456894	-1.252972	0.142689	0.236144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163490.000000	200000.000000	170223.000000	115683.000000
-341.210052	-0.005809	-0.337680	-0.929113	0.423241	0.224387	0.900637	169587.000000	0.000000	0.002038	0.012174	0.884823	-4.530950	0.991320	2976.891357	-26480.789062	39490.628906	-0.059101	0.307076	-1.919079	-0.316784	0.456894	-1.252972	0.142689	0.236144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163090.000000	200000.000000	170129.000000	116083.000000
-341.215057	-0.004344	-0.339145	-0.930822	0.416855	0.214809	0.903830	169082.000000	0.000000	0.002038	0.012174	0.875360	-4.567656	0.991320	3051.162842	-26262.675781	38100.289062	-0.058342	0.309697	-1.919079	-0.316784	0.456894	-1.252972	0.142689	0.236144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162293.000000	200000.000000	169768.000000	115870.000000
-341.220062	-0.002879	-0.340365	-0.932531	0.408341	0.206295	0.908087	169082.000000	0.000000	0.010626	0.017104	1.338587	-4.331512	0.888601	57079.347656	5098.199707	-8485.937500	-0.057627	0.312239	-1.879571	-0.315338	0.434759	-1.249646	0.145666	0.255820	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142469.000000	185497.000000	135694.000000	200000.000000
-341.225067	-0.000926	-0.341586	-0.934973	0.397699	0.197781	0.913408	169082.000000	0.000000	0.010626	0.017104	0.986344	-4.561584	0.888601	-34167.781250	-46940.234375	-10803.189453	-0.056946	0.314686	-1.879571	-0.315338	0.434759	-1.249646	0.145666	0.255820	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158278.000000	158278.000000	119885.000000
-341.230072	0.000539	-0.343051	-0.938391	0.385993	0.190331	0.918729	169082.000000	0.000000	0.010626	0.017104	0.978226	-4.592802	0.888601	3550.885254	-25047.869141	-13120.442383	-0.056303	0.317034	-1.879571	-0.315338	0.434759	-1.249646	0.145666	0.255820	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	184560.000000	127362.000000	160705.000000
-341.235077	0.002004	-0.344271	-0.941076	0.373222	0.183946	0.924050	169082.000000	0.000000	0.010626	0.017104	0.970355	-4.622355	0.888601	3454.155762	-24824.953125	-15437.667969	-0.055692	0.319278	-1.879571	-0.315338	0.434759	-1.249646	0.145666	0.255820	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	181923.000000	125365.000000	163148.000000
-341.240082	0.002492	-0.346225	-0.943029	0.360451	0.178625	0.930436	168432.000000	0.000000	0.010626	0.017104	0.963805	-4.651476	0.888601	3476.710449	-24852.781250	-18218.376953	-0.055129	0.321440	-1.879571	-0.315338	0.434759	-1.249646	0.145666	0.255820	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	178543.000000	121884.000000	165274.000000
-341.245087	0.002004	-0.349154	-0.944982	0.345552	0.174368	0.936821	168432.000000	0.000000	0.010626	0.017104	0.958697	-4.679855	0.888601	3514.256836	-24598.994141	-20999.058594	-0.054626	0.323528	-1.879571	-0.315338	0.434759	-1.249646	0.145666	0.255820	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	175546.000000	119319.000000	168346.000000
-341.250092	0.000783	-0.352328	-0.946691	0.329589	0.170111	0.943206	168432.000000	0.000000	0.010626	0.017104	0.955213	-4.707240	0.888601	3696.503662	-24425.302734	-23779.765625	-0.054197	0.325545	-1.879571	-0.315338	0.434759	-1.249646	0.145666	0.255820	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	172774.000000	116530.000000	171482.000000
-341.255096	-0.000682	-0.355746	-0.947180	0.312561	0.165854	0.948528	168432.000000	0.000000	0.009884	0.017920	0.912108	-4.689147	0.811166	-838.862305	-19146.126953	-59818.207031	-0.053844	0.327498	-1.849789	-0.311878	0.416234	-1.247201	0.144009	0.266848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	156739.000000	120124.000000	178447.000000
-341.260101	-0.001902	-0.358920	-0.948400	0.293405	0.161597	0.954913	167658.000000	0.000000	0.009884	0.017920	0.940324	-4.746571	0.811166	7152.759766	-27391.656250	-62598.914062	-0.053560	0.329370	-1.849789	-0.311878	0.416234	-1.247201	0.144009	0.266848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	172202.000000	103113.000000	177419.000000
-341.265106	-0.002879	-0.362338	-0.948889	0.274249	0.155212	0.960234	167658.000000	0.000000	0.009884	0.017920	0.940010	-4.770728	0.811166	4277.628418	-23756.806641	-64916.164062	-0.053348	0.331170	-1.849789	-0.311878	0.416234	-1.247201	0.144009	0.266848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	165692.000000	109623.000000	178178.000000
-341.270111	-0.003855	-0.366000	-0.950354	0.254029	0.147762	0.965555	167658.000000	0.000000	0.009884	0.017920	0.940940	-4.793454	0.811166	4569.974121	-23493.884766	-67233.390625	-0.053211	0.332893	-1.849789	-0.311878	0.416234	-1.247201	0.144009	0.266848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	165721.000000	109594.000000	178734.000000
-341.275116	-0.004588	-0.369174	-0.952795	0.232744	0.139248	0.969812	167658.000000	0.000000	0.009884	0.017920	0.942796	-4.813924	0.811166	4836.596191	-23125.138672	-69087.187500	-0.053145	0.334518	-1.849789	-0.311878	0.416234	-1.247201	0.144009	0.266848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	165619.000000	109696.000000	179369.000000
-341.280121	-0.004588	-0.371859	-0.954016	0.212524	0.129670	0.975133	167658.000000	0.000000	0.009884	0.017920	0.945198	-4.833269	0.811166	5068.756348	-23114.451172	-71404.437500	-0.053141	0.336051	-1.849789	-0.311878	0.416234	-1.247201	0.144009	0.266848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	165841.000000	109474.000000	179612.000000
-341.285126	-0.004344	-0.373812	-0.956213	0.191239	0.120092	0.978326	166639.000000	0.000000	0.009884	0.017920	0.947972	-4.849955	0.811166	5166.605469	-22683.734375	-72794.781250	-0.053188	0.337469	-1.849789	-0.311878	0.416234	-1.247201	0.144009	0.266848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	164489.000000	108788.000000	179121.000000
-341.290131	-0.003855	-0.374789	-0.956945	0.169955	0.110514	0.981519	166639.000000	0.000000	0.009884	0.017920	0.951202	-4.864614	0.811166	5275.494629	-22430.451172	-74185.148438	-0.053281	0.338767	-1.849789	-0.311878	0.416234	-1.247201	0.144009	0.266848	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	164344.000000	108933.000000	179484.000000
-341.295135	-0.002635	-0.376010	-0.957922	0.148670	0.100936	0.984711	166639.000000	0.000000	0.008214	0.017708	0.862385	-4.889427	0.759597	-5210.073730	-23563.220703	-98032.945312	-0.053404	0.339950	-1.829954	-0.308619	0.403254	-1.245715	0.141051	0.273489	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	154992.000000	118285.000000	167865.000000
-341.300140	-0.001902	-0.377963	-0.958654	0.127386	0.090294	0.986840	166639.000000	0.000000	0.009973	0.019198	1.030066	-4.811341	0.708533	23930.660156	-11791.796875	-121197.015625	-0.053569	0.341035	-1.810314	-0.304218	0.389400	-1.244405	0.138964	0.277700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184500.000000	172361.000000	100916.000000	200000.000000
-341.305145	-0.000437	-0.380404	-0.959875	0.106101	0.079652	0.987904	165252.000000	0.000000	0.009973	0.019198	0.963510	-4.882211	0.708533	-2082.304199	-28398.429688	-121660.468750	-0.053757	0.342029	-1.810314	-0.304218	0.389400	-1.244405	0.138964	0.277700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	161568.000000	108935.000000	164771.000000
-341.310150	0.001027	-0.383578	-0.960119	0.084817	0.069010	0.987904	165252.000000	0.000000	0.009973	0.019198	0.967523	-4.893345	0.708533	5744.843750	-21783.277344	-121660.468750	-0.053968	0.342954	-1.810314	-0.304218	0.389400	-1.244405	0.138964	0.277700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162780.000000	107723.000000	179213.000000
-341.315155	0.002980	-0.386264	-0.960607	0.062468	0.058367	0.987904	165252.000000	0.000000	0.009973	0.019198	0.971324	-4.902633	0.708533	5787.781250	-21403.353516	-121660.468750	-0.054190	0.343796	-1.810314	-0.304218	0.389400	-1.244405	0.138964	0.277700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162443.000000	108060.000000	179636.000000
-341.320160	0.004934	-0.388217	-0.960607	0.042248	0.048789	0.985775	165252.000000	0.000000	0.009973	0.019198	0.974793	-4.910830	0.708533	5694.203125	-21462.169922	-120733.554688	-0.054414	0.344558	-1.810314	-0.304218	0.389400	-1.244405	0.138964	0.277700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162408.000000	108095.000000	179484.000000
-341.325165	0.007375	-0.389682	-0.961096	0.020963	0.040276	0.983647	163676.000000	0.000000	0.009973	0.019198	0.977477	-4.916940	0.708533	5542.584961	-21045.384766	-119806.671875	-0.054626	0.345222	-1.810314	-0.304218	0.389400	-1.244405	0.138964	0.277700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	160263.000000	107088.000000	178173.000000
-341.330170	0.008596	-0.390170	-0.962316	0.000743	0.031762	0.980454	163676.000000	0.000000	0.010734	0.019853	1.023013	-4.884757	0.656331	10502.930664	-16711.259766	-141149.406250	-0.054848	0.345775	-1.790236	-0.299347	0.375234	-1.243223	0.134687	0.279752	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199884.000000	160890.000000	106461.000000	187467.000000
-341.335175	0.010549	-0.390414	-0.963293	-0.018413	0.023248	0.976197	163676.000000	0.000000	0.012266	0.020735	1.079754	-4.864809	0.605841	12035.056641	-17993.695312	-161282.687500	-0.055063	0.346221	-1.770818	-0.293501	0.360609	-1.242242	0.127774	0.281873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199634.000000	163704.000000	103647.000000	187717.000000
-341.340179	0.012990	-0.390414	-0.963537	-0.037569	0.016863	0.973005	163676.000000	0.000000	0.011510	0.020303	0.978809	-4.924813	0.583985	-5972.401855	-26972.816406	-169410.328125	-0.055253	0.346562	-1.762411	-0.289814	0.353051	-1.241841	0.126471	0.281704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	154676.000000	112675.000000	160730.000000
-341.345184	0.014943	-0.390414	-0.963537	-0.056725	0.009413	0.969812	163676.000000	0.000000	0.011510	0.020303	1.011272	-4.907138	0.583985	8997.195312	-18262.158203	-168019.968750	-0.055431	0.346803	-1.762411	-0.289814	0.353051	-1.241841	0.126471	0.281704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	160935.000000	106416.000000	184411.000000
-341.350189	0.016896	-0.389926	-0.963049	-0.074817	0.001963	0.966619	162810.000000	0.000000	0.011510	0.020303	1.013337	-4.905355	0.583985	5698.501465	-20035.136719	-166629.625000	-0.055599	0.346946	-1.762411	-0.289814	0.353051	-1.241841	0.126471	0.281704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158543.000000	107076.000000	178473.000000
-341.355194	0.018117	-0.389193	-0.962805	-0.093973	-0.005486	0.962362	162810.000000	0.000000	0.011510	0.020303	1.015900	-4.901607	0.583985	5799.262695	-19596.558594	-164775.828125	-0.055768	0.346982	-1.762411	-0.289814	0.353051	-1.241841	0.126471	0.281704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158205.000000	107414.000000	179012.000000
-341.360199	0.018850	-0.388461	-0.960852	-0.112065	-0.014000	0.959170	162810.000000	0.000000	0.011510	0.020303	1.019301	-4.897325	0.583985	6063.251465	-19552.097656	-163385.484375	-0.055952	0.346930	-1.762411	-0.289814	0.353051	-1.241841	0.126471	0.281704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158425.000000	107194.000000	179321.000000
-341.365204	0.020314	-0.387240	-0.961096	-0.131221	-0.022514	0.954913	162810.000000	0.000000	0.011510	0.020303	1.022061	-4.890190	0.583985	6044.660156	-19000.441406	-161531.687500	-0.056136	0.346762	-1.762411	-0.289814	0.353051	-1.241841	0.126471	0.281704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	157855.000000	107764.000000	179854.000000
-341.370209	0.021047	-0.386752	-0.959875	-0.149313	-0.032092	0.951720	161829.000000	0.000000	0.011510	0.020303	1.025912	-4.883030	0.583985	6343.437988	-18998.560547	-160141.359375	-0.056340	0.346510	-1.762411	-0.289814	0.353051	-1.241841	0.126471	0.281704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	157170.000000	106487.000000	179173.000000
-341.375214	0.020803	-0.386996	-0.959875	-0.167405	-0.042734	0.948528	161829.000000	0.000000	0.011510	0.020303	1.031355	-4.874946	0.583985	6709.510742	-18776.404297	-158750.984375	-0.056588	0.346180	-1.762411	-0.289814	0.353051	-1.241841	0.126471	0.281704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	157314.000000	106343.000000	179762.000000
-341.380219	0.019826	-0.387240	-0.959387	-0.184432	-0.054441	0.946399	161829.000000	0.000000	0.011510	0.020303	1.038519	-4.866237	0.583985	7102.504883	-18706.447266	-157824.093750	-0.056898	0.345781	-1.762411	-0.289814	0.353051	-1.241841	0.126471	0.281704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	157637.000000	106020.000000	180225.000000
-341.385223	0.018605	-0.387973	-0.959143	-0.200396	-0.065083	0.945335	161829.000000	0.000000	0.011006	0.020718	1.018937	-4.834383	0.559167	4003.600586	-16058.507812	-168168.328125	-0.057271	0.345327	-1.752866	-0.286310	0.345389	-1.241570	0.122048	0.278107	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	151891.000000	111766.000000	179774.000000
-341.390228	0.017141	-0.386996	-0.959143	-0.215295	-0.076789	0.945335	161829.000000	0.000000	0.018311	0.023413	1.450303	-4.691502	0.489332	55743.093750	-3241.694092	-198580.234375	-0.057717	0.344792	-1.726006	-0.274792	0.322511	-1.240752	0.112992	0.276535	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165070.000000	165070.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-341.395233	0.016164	-0.384555	-0.959387	-0.229130	-0.088496	0.946399	160847.000000	0.000000	0.018311	0.023413	1.168413	-4.785524	0.489332	-23926.523438	-29776.462891	-199043.687500	-0.058226	0.344153	-1.726006	-0.274792	0.322511	-1.240752	0.112992	0.276535	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	136696.000000	124997.000000	137144.000000
-341.400238	0.015188	-0.380893	-0.959875	-0.242965	-0.101267	0.948528	160847.000000	0.000000	0.018311	0.023413	1.179802	-4.769016	0.489332	8549.381836	-17483.427734	-199970.578125	-0.058804	0.343387	-1.726006	-0.274792	0.322511	-1.240752	0.112992	0.276535	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199781.000000	156879.000000	104814.000000	181912.000000
-341.405243	0.014699	-0.375521	-0.960363	-0.255735	-0.112973	0.950656	160847.000000	0.000000	0.018311	0.023413	1.191312	-4.749316	0.489332	8552.551758	-17100.128906	-200897.484375	-0.059433	0.342473	-1.726006	-0.274792	0.322511	-1.240752	0.112992	0.276535	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199394.000000	156499.000000	105194.000000	182299.000000
-341.410248	0.014455	-0.369418	-0.961096	-0.267442	-0.124679	0.953849	160847.000000	0.000000	0.018311	0.023413	1.203347	-4.726956	0.489332	8719.353516	-16768.025391	-202287.828125	-0.060109	0.341401	-1.726006	-0.274792	0.322511	-1.240752	0.112992	0.276535	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198895.000000	156334.000000	105359.000000	182798.000000
-341.415253	0.013723	-0.364291	-0.961584	-0.279148	-0.135322	0.957041	159666.000000	0.000000	0.018311	0.023413	1.216256	-4.703446	0.489332	8806.859375	-16479.496094	-203678.156250	-0.060836	0.340194	-1.726006	-0.274792	0.322511	-1.240752	0.112992	0.276535	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197338.000000	154952.000000	104379.000000	181993.000000
-341.420258	0.013723	-0.359164	-0.961584	-0.290855	-0.145964	0.960234	159666.000000	0.000000	0.018311	0.023413	1.229043	-4.678208	0.489332	8901.298828	-16119.565430	-205068.531250	-0.061597	0.338857	-1.726006	-0.274792	0.322511	-1.240752	0.112992	0.276535	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196884.000000	154686.000000	104645.000000	182447.000000
-341.425262	0.013479	-0.355258	-0.962561	-0.300433	-0.154478	0.963427	159666.000000	0.000000	0.018311	0.023413	1.242000	-4.652578	0.489332	8785.065430	-16147.708008	-206458.875000	-0.062386	0.337419	-1.726006	-0.274792	0.322511	-1.240752	0.112992	0.276535	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197028.000000	154598.000000	104733.000000	182303.000000
-341.430267	0.014211	-0.348910	-0.963781	-0.313203	-0.165120	0.967684	159666.000000	0.000000	0.020127	0.024050	1.354833	-4.587064	0.424292	20571.341797	-11050.152344	-236636.390625	-0.063195	0.335819	-1.700991	-0.261633	0.299316	-1.240503	0.101190	0.267833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180144.000000	161287.000000	100000.000000	199187.000000
-341.435272	0.013967	-0.344760	-0.965246	-0.323846	-0.174698	0.969812	158540.000000	0.000000	0.016320	0.022428	1.086587	-4.671718	0.374690	-22640.199219	-28138.275391	-259163.781250	-0.064033	0.334109	-1.681913	-0.253432	0.284256	-1.240429	0.089878	0.263329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	134038.000000	123041.000000	137761.000000
-341.440277	0.013723	-0.341586	-0.965490	-0.331295	-0.181083	0.970876	158540.000000	0.000000	0.016320	0.022428	1.252068	-4.577598	0.374690	25490.216797	-8364.764648	-259627.234375	-0.064884	0.332334	-1.681913	-0.253432	0.284256	-1.240429	0.089878	0.263329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171414.000000	162394.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-341.445282	0.012746	-0.338168	-0.966711	-0.339809	-0.188533	0.971941	158540.000000	0.000000	0.016320	0.022428	1.266521	-4.546546	0.374690	9101.625977	-15000.457031	-260090.687500	-0.065765	0.330478	-1.681913	-0.253432	0.284256	-1.240429	0.089878	0.263329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194438.000000	152642.000000	104437.000000	182641.000000
-341.450287	0.010549	-0.334994	-0.967687	-0.349387	-0.195983	0.973005	158540.000000	0.000000	0.016320	0.022428	1.282694	-4.514418	0.374690	9399.359375	-14573.389648	-260554.140625	-0.066701	0.328544	-1.681913	-0.253432	0.284256	-1.240429	0.089878	0.263329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193714.000000	152512.000000	104567.000000	183365.000000
-341.455292	0.007863	-0.332309	-0.968176	-0.356837	-0.202368	0.973005	158540.000000	0.000000	0.016320	0.022428	1.299755	-4.482441	0.374690	9487.785156	-14642.606445	-260554.140625	-0.067691	0.326557	-1.681913	-0.253432	0.284256	-1.240429	0.089878	0.263329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193694.000000	152670.000000	104409.000000	183385.000000
-341.460297	0.005422	-0.329867	-0.967932	-0.365351	-0.207689	0.971941	157658.000000	0.000000	0.016320	0.022428	1.316926	-4.449932	0.374690	9486.867188	-14277.371094	-260090.687500	-0.068723	0.324520	-1.681913	-0.253432	0.284256	-1.240429	0.089878	0.263329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192448.000000	151422.000000	103893.000000	182867.000000
-341.465302	0.002492	-0.327182	-0.965979	-0.372800	-0.213010	0.970876	157658.000000	0.000000	0.016320	0.022428	1.335236	-4.417344	0.374690	9720.346680	-14202.539062	-259627.234375	-0.069807	0.322446	-1.681913	-0.253432	0.284256	-1.240429	0.089878	0.263329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192140.000000	151580.000000	103735.000000	183175.000000
-341.470306	-0.000682	-0.325473	-0.964025	-0.380250	-0.218331	0.969812	157658.000000	0.000000	0.021005	0.023869	1.612111	-4.306022	0.307771	39449.250000	-4998.923828	-288305.562500	-0.070946	0.320354	-1.656175	-0.239684	0.261758	-1.240572	0.074048	0.251400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162656.000000	162656.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-341.475311	-0.003855	-0.323764	-0.962805	-0.387699	-0.222588	0.967684	157658.000000	0.000000	0.021005	0.023869	1.444487	-4.330969	0.307771	-10294.727539	-20063.017578	-287378.687500	-0.072132	0.318238	-1.656175	-0.239684	0.261758	-1.240572	0.074048	0.251400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	137426.000000	117889.000000	157300.000000
-341.480316	-0.006297	-0.321811	-0.960363	-0.395149	-0.227909	0.965555	157225.000000	0.000000	0.021005	0.023869	1.464339	-4.298165	0.307771	10552.305664	-13527.732422	-286451.781250	-0.073356	0.316104	-1.656175	-0.239684	0.261758	-1.240572	0.074048	0.251400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190200.000000	151305.000000	103144.000000	184249.000000
-341.485321	-0.008250	-0.319857	-0.958898	-0.402598	-0.233230	0.963427	157225.000000	0.000000	0.021005	0.023869	1.484186	-4.264740	0.307771	10667.484375	-13271.431641	-285524.906250	-0.074607	0.313943	-1.656175	-0.239684	0.261758	-1.240572	0.074048	0.251400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189828.000000	151163.000000	103286.000000	184621.000000
-341.490326	-0.010203	-0.318393	-0.957678	-0.410048	-0.238552	0.962362	157225.000000	0.000000	0.021005	0.023869	1.504500	-4.231348	0.307771	10836.778320	-13087.251953	-285061.437500	-0.075886	0.311765	-1.656175	-0.239684	0.261758	-1.240572	0.074048	0.251400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189475.000000	151149.000000	103300.000000	184974.000000
-341.495331	-0.012645	-0.317416	-0.957189	-0.416433	-0.243873	0.961298	157225.000000	0.000000	0.021005	0.023869	1.525733	-4.198235	0.307771	11059.955078	-13053.163086	-284597.968750	-0.077202	0.309579	-1.656175	-0.239684	0.261758	-1.240572	0.074048	0.251400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189218.000000	151338.000000	103111.000000	185231.000000
-341.500336	-0.014598	-0.317904	-0.956213	-0.421754	-0.249194	0.960234	157225.000000	0.000000	0.021005	0.023869	1.546937	-4.166984	0.307771	11179.361328	-13205.891602	-284134.562500	-0.078545	0.307421	-1.656175	-0.239684	0.261758	-1.240572	0.074048	0.251400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189251.000000	151610.000000	102839.000000	185198.000000
-341.505341	-0.017527	-0.317904	-0.955236	-0.427076	-0.253451	0.959170	157007.000000	0.000000	0.015075	0.021310	1.243342	-4.276266	0.284539	-26028.787109	-29137.404297	-293788.125000	-0.079929	0.305280	-1.647240	-0.235069	0.254340	-1.240768	0.069441	0.249018	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	130115.000000	123898.000000	131840.000000
-341.510345	-0.019725	-0.319369	-0.955969	-0.431332	-0.257708	0.959170	157007.000000	0.000000	0.025092	0.024806	2.053361	-3.951801	0.196348	100165.468750	19950.728516	-332193.750000	-0.081340	0.303179	-1.613320	-0.215770	0.225365	-1.241394	0.049754	0.233697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137056.000000	137056.000000	116957.000000	200000.000000
-341.515350	-0.021434	-0.321078	-0.957434	-0.432397	-0.259836	0.959170	157007.000000	0.000000	0.025092	0.024806	1.674382	-4.062981	0.196348	-32539.519531	-28808.558594	-332193.750000	-0.082757	0.301130	-1.613320	-0.215770	0.225365	-1.241394	0.049754	0.233697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	125815.000000	128198.000000	128198.000000
-341.520355	-0.022654	-0.322299	-0.959631	-0.433461	-0.260900	0.958106	157007.000000	0.000000	0.025092	0.024806	1.695074	-4.034396	0.196348	11389.639648	-13304.166992	-331730.281250	-0.084164	0.299121	-1.613320	-0.215770	0.225365	-1.241394	0.049754	0.233697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188921.000000	151700.000000	102313.000000	185092.000000
-341.525360	-0.024119	-0.323520	-0.961096	-0.431332	-0.259836	0.957041	157114.000000	0.000000	0.025092	0.024806	1.715360	-4.007449	0.196348	11199.453125	-13721.186523	-331266.843750	-0.085555	0.297170	-1.613320	-0.215770	0.225365	-1.241394	0.049754	0.233697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189635.000000	152034.000000	102193.000000	184592.000000
-341.530365	-0.025584	-0.324496	-0.963049	-0.428140	-0.256643	0.957041	157114.000000	0.000000	0.025092	0.024806	1.734973	-3.981140	0.196348	10966.951172	-13802.035156	-331266.843750	-0.086924	0.295273	-1.613320	-0.215770	0.225365	-1.241394	0.049754	0.233697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189949.000000	151882.000000	102345.000000	184278.000000
-341.535370	-0.026805	-0.323764	-0.963781	-0.422819	-0.251322	0.955977	157114.000000	0.000000	0.025092	0.024806	1.753423	-3.954837	0.196348	10665.422852	-13940.223633	-330803.406250	-0.088255	0.293414	-1.613320	-0.215770	0.225365	-1.241394	0.049754	0.233697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190388.000000	151719.000000	102508.000000	183839.000000
-341.540375	-0.027781	-0.321322	-0.964025	-0.418562	-0.244937	0.954913	157114.000000	0.000000	0.025092	0.024806	1.770843	-3.927211	0.196348	10485.996094	-13570.170898	-330339.937500	-0.089540	0.291561	-1.613320	-0.215770	0.225365	-1.241394	0.049754	0.233697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190198.000000	151170.000000	103057.000000	184029.000000
-341.545380	-0.029246	-0.318393	-0.964270	-0.413241	-0.237487	0.952784	156995.000000	0.000000	0.025092	0.024806	1.787797	-3.899451	0.196348	10361.372070	-13569.363281	-329413.031250	-0.090783	0.289708	-1.613320	-0.215770	0.225365	-1.241394	0.049754	0.233697	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190202.000000	150925.000000	103064.000000	183787.000000
-341.550385	-0.031199	-0.314486	-0.963293	-0.407920	-0.227909	0.951720	156995.000000	0.000000	0.019724	0.022007	1.509127	-4.024963	0.153679	-23704.222656	-31024.216797	-347531.000000	-0.091986	0.287844	-1.596909	-0.205747	0.211282	-1.241756	0.038258	0.224043	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	133290.000000	120699.000000	133290.000000
-341.555389	-0.032908	-0.310336	-0.961828	-0.403663	-0.217267	0.949592	156995.000000	0.000000	0.019560	0.021542	1.730121	-3.909704	0.108279	32087.427734	-3922.520020	-366374.750000	-0.093140	0.285964	-1.579448	-0.195926	0.197639	-1.242297	0.028537	0.215657	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160917.000000	160917.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-341.560394	-0.035105	-0.305697	-0.960852	-0.400470	-0.204496	0.947463	156995.000000	0.000000	0.019560	0.021542	1.751268	-3.861003	0.108279	9917.469727	-10914.510742	-365447.875000	-0.094245	0.284048	-1.579448	-0.195926	0.197639	-1.242297	0.028537	0.215657	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187992.000000	147826.000000	106163.000000	185997.000000
-341.565399	-0.037303	-0.300814	-0.958654	-0.399406	-0.190661	0.945335	156995.000000	0.000000	0.017413	0.020332	1.646922	-3.896461	0.087298	-4541.846191	-20102.265625	-373658.062500	-0.095298	0.282090	-1.571378	-0.190747	0.190858	-1.242587	0.024498	0.211474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	142555.000000	111434.000000	162350.000000
-341.570404	-0.039012	-0.295687	-0.957189	-0.398342	-0.176827	0.942142	156928.000000	0.000000	0.017413	0.020332	1.745136	-3.815974	0.087298	18119.060547	-6988.054199	-372267.718750	-0.096289	0.280083	-1.571378	-0.190747	0.190858	-1.242587	0.024498	0.211474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175796.000000	152035.000000	101820.000000	198059.000000
-341.575409	-0.040477	-0.291293	-0.955969	-0.397277	-0.161927	0.940014	156928.000000	0.000000	0.017413	0.020332	1.756139	-3.783802	0.087298	8394.688477	-12157.520508	-371340.812500	-0.097209	0.278037	-1.571378	-0.190747	0.190858	-1.242587	0.024498	0.211474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190690.000000	147480.000000	106375.000000	183165.000000
-341.580414	-0.041941	-0.287387	-0.954016	-0.397277	-0.145964	0.937885	156928.000000	0.000000	0.017413	0.020332	1.765913	-3.751561	0.087298	8114.082031	-11884.607422	-370413.906250	-0.098056	0.275964	-1.571378	-0.190747	0.190858	-1.242587	0.024498	0.211474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190698.000000	146926.000000	106929.000000	183157.000000
-341.585419	-0.043895	-0.284213	-0.951818	-0.398342	-0.131065	0.936821	156928.000000	0.000000	0.017413	0.020332	1.775562	-3.719460	0.087298	8193.232422	-11630.478516	-369950.468750	-0.098848	0.273872	-1.571378	-0.190747	0.190858	-1.242587	0.024498	0.211474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190365.000000	146751.000000	107104.000000	183490.000000
-341.590424	-0.045359	-0.282016	-0.950109	-0.397277	-0.116166	0.935757	156882.000000	0.000000	0.017413	0.020332	1.783865	-3.688567	0.087298	8014.876465	-11860.124023	-369487.031250	-0.099574	0.271789	-1.571378	-0.190747	0.190858	-1.242587	0.024498	0.211474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190727.000000	146756.000000	107007.000000	183036.000000
-341.595428	-0.046580	-0.279330	-0.947424	-0.397277	-0.101267	0.935757	156882.000000	0.000000	0.016749	0.019750	1.754579	-3.689295	0.064412	3677.443359	-15223.286133	-379453.281250	-0.100235	0.269706	-1.562575	-0.185813	0.184302	-1.242890	0.020480	0.208066	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198427.000000	145782.000000	107981.000000	175336.000000
-341.600433	-0.047312	-0.277133	-0.944982	-0.395149	-0.088496	0.936821	156882.000000	0.000000	0.017163	0.019605	1.810392	-3.643748	0.042515	13467.666992	-10169.453125	-389452.375000	-0.100832	0.267640	-1.554154	-0.180765	0.177826	-1.243181	0.017329	0.203499	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183583.000000	150519.000000	103244.000000	190180.000000
-341.605438	-0.048045	-0.275424	-0.943273	-0.393020	-0.075725	0.938950	156882.000000	0.000000	0.021483	0.021182	2.036907	-3.521415	0.002599	33225.203125	-1170.779541	-407761.968750	-0.101367	0.265597	-1.538801	-0.169904	0.164735	-1.243752	0.012802	0.195258	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158052.000000	158052.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-341.610443	-0.048533	-0.273471	-0.941809	-0.387699	-0.065083	0.941078	156882.000000	0.000000	0.021483	0.021182	1.869162	-3.555598	0.002599	-10717.132812	-18916.068359	-408688.875000	-0.101847	0.263585	-1.538801	-0.169904	0.164735	-1.243752	0.012802	0.195258	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	135080.000000	118683.000000	157248.000000
-341.615448	-0.049021	-0.271518	-0.941564	-0.381314	-0.055505	0.944271	155795.000000	0.000000	0.021483	0.021182	1.873678	-3.527033	0.002599	8317.541992	-12031.512695	-410079.218750	-0.102279	0.261602	-1.538801	-0.169904	0.164735	-1.243752	0.012802	0.195258	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189508.000000	146144.000000	105445.000000	182081.000000
-341.620453	-0.049754	-0.269809	-0.941076	-0.373864	-0.048055	0.948528	155795.000000	0.000000	0.021483	0.021182	1.878412	-3.499501	0.002599	8563.200195	-12169.212891	-411933.000000	-0.102679	0.259660	-1.538801	-0.169904	0.164735	-1.243752	0.012802	0.195258	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189401.000000	146527.000000	105062.000000	182188.000000
-341.625458	-0.051219	-0.267611	-0.940832	-0.365351	-0.041670	0.953849	155795.000000	0.000000	0.021483	0.021182	1.883892	-3.472176	0.002599	8757.921875	-12222.666992	-414250.250000	-0.103069	0.257751	-1.538801	-0.169904	0.164735	-1.243752	0.012802	0.195258	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189259.000000	146775.000000	104814.000000	182330.000000
-341.630463	-0.052684	-0.266146	-0.940588	-0.355772	-0.036349	0.958106	155795.000000	0.000000	0.021483	0.021182	1.889447	-3.446411	0.002599	8884.461914	-12436.994141	-416104.062500	-0.103454	0.255894	-1.538801	-0.169904	0.164735	-1.243752	0.012802	0.195258	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189347.000000	147116.000000	104473.000000	182242.000000
-341.635468	-0.054148	-0.264193	-0.940832	-0.345130	-0.031028	0.961298	154415.000000	0.000000	0.021483	0.021182	1.894831	-3.421016	0.002599	8865.790039	-12526.957031	-417494.406250	-0.103832	0.254081	-1.538801	-0.169904	0.164735	-1.243752	0.012802	0.195258	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188076.000000	145807.000000	103022.000000	180753.000000
-341.640472	-0.054881	-0.261752	-0.941809	-0.335552	-0.026771	0.964491	154415.000000	0.000000	0.021483	0.021182	1.899542	-3.395230	0.002599	8911.000000	-12292.375977	-418884.750000	-0.104192	0.252294	-1.538801	-0.169904	0.164735	-1.243752	0.012802	0.195258	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187796.000000	145618.000000	103211.000000	181033.000000
-341.645477	-0.055125	-0.258090	-0.943029	-0.323846	-0.023578	0.967684	154415.000000	0.000000	0.016848	0.018526	1.648889	-3.515064	-0.020872	-20218.537109	-29143.259766	-430496.312500	-0.104531	0.250518	-1.529774	-0.165038	0.158712	-1.244036	0.009807	0.190590	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	133339.000000	115490.000000	135053.000000
-341.650482	-0.054148	-0.253451	-0.944494	-0.313203	-0.020385	0.969812	154415.000000	0.000000	0.022522	0.019969	2.148686	-3.302024	-0.095704	64582.339844	8506.236328	-464010.750000	-0.104822	0.248727	-1.500993	-0.150991	0.141794	-1.244702	0.004148	0.180116	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145908.000000	145908.000000	102921.000000	200000.000000
-341.655487	-0.051707	-0.248812	-0.946447	-0.301497	-0.017193	0.970876	153641.000000	0.000000	0.015638	0.016109	1.543338	-3.544552	-0.121988	-59734.203125	-42872.605469	-475920.593750	-0.105035	0.246925	-1.490883	-0.146619	0.136686	-1.244913	0.002004	0.176860	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	123641.000000	123641.000000	123641.000000
-341.660492	-0.049510	-0.243930	-0.948400	-0.289790	-0.016128	0.971941	153641.000000	0.000000	0.015638	0.016109	1.818383	-3.362404	-0.121988	38564.550781	4607.067871	-476384.031250	-0.105185	0.245109	-1.490883	-0.146619	0.136686	-1.244913	0.002004	0.176860	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149033.000000	149033.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-341.665497	-0.046824	-0.238314	-0.950598	-0.279148	-0.016128	0.973005	153641.000000	0.000000	0.015638	0.016109	1.817041	-3.333282	-0.121988	8285.005859	-12017.156250	-476847.500000	-0.105271	0.243259	-1.490883	-0.146619	0.136686	-1.244913	0.002004	0.176860	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187373.000000	143943.000000	103338.000000	179908.000000
-341.670502	-0.044139	-0.233187	-0.952062	-0.267442	-0.016128	0.974069	153641.000000	0.000000	0.015638	0.016109	1.814810	-3.304720	-0.121988	8176.988281	-12118.014648	-477310.937500	-0.105292	0.241395	-1.490883	-0.146619	0.136686	-1.244913	0.002004	0.176860	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187582.000000	143936.000000	103345.000000	179699.000000
-341.675507	-0.042186	-0.229525	-0.953527	-0.256799	-0.019321	0.973005	153641.000000	0.000000	0.015638	0.016109	1.813187	-3.277349	-0.121988	8602.183594	-12055.160156	-476847.500000	-0.105278	0.239541	-1.490883	-0.146619	0.136686	-1.244913	0.002004	0.176860	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187093.000000	144298.000000	102983.000000	180188.000000
-341.680511	-0.040477	-0.226352	-0.954016	-0.246157	-0.022514	0.973005	153284.000000	0.000000	0.015638	0.016109	1.811445	-3.250897	-0.121988	8595.720703	-12083.113281	-476847.500000	-0.105236	0.237712	-1.490883	-0.146619	0.136686	-1.244913	0.002004	0.176860	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186771.000000	143962.000000	102605.000000	179796.000000
-341.685516	-0.038523	-0.224154	-0.955236	-0.238708	-0.028899	0.971941	153284.000000	0.000000	0.015638	0.016109	1.809788	-3.224863	-0.121988	8977.995117	-11692.411133	-476384.031250	-0.105176	0.235908	-1.490883	-0.146619	0.136686	-1.244913	0.002004	0.176860	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185998.000000	143954.000000	102613.000000	180569.000000
-341.690521	-0.037059	-0.222934	-0.955725	-0.231258	-0.036349	0.970876	153284.000000	0.000000	0.015638	0.016109	1.808728	-3.200444	-0.121988	9190.060547	-11791.968750	-475920.593750	-0.105112	0.234153	-1.490883	-0.146619	0.136686	-1.244913	0.002004	0.176860	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185885.000000	144266.000000	102301.000000	180682.000000
-341.695526	-0.036082	-0.223422	-0.955969	-0.227001	-0.045927	0.969812	153284.000000	0.000000	0.020498	0.017827	2.075946	-3.083315	-0.165578	40196.003906	-728.047974	-494439.531250	-0.105067	0.232463	-1.474118	-0.136737	0.126209	-1.245244	-0.001934	0.170634	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154012.000000	154012.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-341.700531	-0.036082	-0.223666	-0.956213	-0.224873	-0.057633	0.968748	152850.000000	0.000000	0.018683	0.015716	1.783821	-3.245442	-0.217579	-22362.962891	-31955.517578	-516621.593750	-0.105069	0.230824	-1.454117	-0.128150	0.117227	-1.245510	-0.005088	0.165215	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	130487.000000	115212.000000	130487.000000
-341.705536	-0.036570	-0.223422	-0.956701	-0.224873	-0.070404	0.967684	152850.000000	0.000000	0.018683	0.015716	1.859784	-3.137968	-0.217579	18637.597656	-1580.500977	-516158.125000	-0.105133	0.229212	-1.454117	-0.128150	0.117227	-1.245510	-0.005088	0.165215	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165792.000000	143068.000000	102631.000000	199907.000000
-341.710541	-0.037791	-0.223666	-0.957189	-0.225937	-0.084239	0.967684	152850.000000	0.000000	0.018683	0.015716	1.865240	-3.115465	-0.217579	11089.144531	-10699.953125	-516158.125000	-0.105278	0.227630	-1.454117	-0.128150	0.117227	-1.245510	-0.005088	0.165215	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182460.000000	144639.000000	101060.000000	183239.000000
-341.715546	-0.039500	-0.223178	-0.957922	-0.230194	-0.099138	0.967684	152850.000000	0.000000	0.018683	0.015716	1.872678	-3.091641	-0.217579	11526.476562	-10075.024414	-516158.125000	-0.105519	0.226047	-1.454117	-0.128150	0.117227	-1.245510	-0.005088	0.165215	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181398.000000	144451.000000	101248.000000	184301.000000
-341.720551	-0.042186	-0.222689	-0.959631	-0.234451	-0.114037	0.968748	152850.000000	0.000000	0.018683	0.015716	1.882537	-3.067483	-0.217579	11906.604492	-9907.499023	-516621.593750	-0.105874	0.224456	-1.454117	-0.128150	0.117227	-1.245510	-0.005088	0.165215	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180850.000000	144664.000000	101035.000000	184849.000000
-341.725555	-0.045359	-0.221469	-0.961096	-0.239772	-0.126808	0.968748	152627.000000	0.000000	0.018683	0.015716	1.893906	-3.042183	-0.217579	11949.521484	-9524.125977	-516621.593750	-0.106339	0.222839	-1.454117	-0.128150	0.117227	-1.245510	-0.005088	0.165215	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180201.000000	144100.000000	101153.000000	185052.000000
-341.730560	-0.048533	-0.218539	-0.961828	-0.244029	-0.139579	0.967684	152627.000000	0.000000	0.017192	0.014897	1.824744	-3.060206	-0.239515	2834.110107	-14468.355469	-525710.687500	-0.106910	0.221171	-1.445681	-0.123375	0.112644	-1.245721	-0.008010	0.162945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194261.000000	139929.000000	105324.000000	170992.000000
-341.735565	-0.051463	-0.215854	-0.963293	-0.247221	-0.149157	0.967684	152627.000000	0.000000	0.020999	0.014598	2.107040	-3.016405	-0.315524	42471.796875	-7571.000000	-558811.125000	-0.107568	0.219459	-1.416446	-0.111433	0.101692	-1.246091	-0.018099	0.153992	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160197.000000	160197.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-341.740570	-0.054148	-0.212680	-0.964270	-0.248286	-0.156606	0.968748	152627.000000	0.000000	0.020999	0.014598	1.968500	-2.976496	-0.315524	-4638.705566	-8044.564453	-559274.625000	-0.108295	0.217706	-1.416446	-0.111433	0.101692	-1.246091	-0.018099	0.153992	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195310.000000	126032.000000	119221.000000	169943.000000
-341.745575	-0.055613	-0.208773	-0.966955	-0.246157	-0.160863	0.968748	152621.000000	0.000000	0.016037	0.012123	1.707964	-3.083702	-0.337158	-19582.859375	-25074.666016	-568695.812500	-0.109048	0.215905	-1.408126	-0.107125	0.098106	-1.246197	-0.021534	0.149906	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	128112.000000	117129.000000	137963.000000
-341.750580	-0.056102	-0.205111	-0.970373	-0.241900	-0.161927	0.970876	152621.000000	0.000000	0.016037	0.012123	1.917185	-2.955845	-0.337158	32686.056641	1106.392578	-569622.687500	-0.109792	0.214071	-1.408126	-0.107125	0.098106	-1.246197	-0.021534	0.149906	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151514.000000	151514.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-341.755585	-0.056102	-0.201693	-0.973791	-0.234451	-0.160863	0.971941	152621.000000	0.000000	0.014441	0.010370	1.838933	-3.024054	-0.362233	477.846771	-21151.285156	-581005.875000	-0.110506	0.212223	-1.398481	-0.103368	0.095120	-1.246360	-0.024417	0.147804	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	144250.000000	100991.000000	161947.000000
-341.760590	-0.055125	-0.198764	-0.976477	-0.224873	-0.158735	0.973005	152621.000000	0.000000	0.014441	0.010370	1.910517	-2.926853	-0.362233	17155.527344	-2794.384766	-581469.312500	-0.111166	0.210387	-1.398481	-0.103368	0.095120	-1.246360	-0.024417	0.147804	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168259.000000	142570.000000	102671.000000	196982.000000
-341.765594	-0.052928	-0.197299	-0.978674	-0.214230	-0.155542	0.974069	152634.000000	0.000000	0.014441	0.010370	1.915934	-2.901930	-0.362233	9773.449219	-10793.177734	-581932.750000	-0.111745	0.208599	-1.398481	-0.103368	0.095120	-1.246360	-0.024417	0.147804	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183653.000000	143200.000000	102067.000000	181614.000000
-341.770599	-0.049998	-0.195834	-0.980627	-0.202524	-0.152349	0.976197	152634.000000	0.000000	0.014441	0.010370	1.919505	-2.878013	-0.362233	9572.120117	-10964.597656	-582859.687500	-0.112231	0.206863	-1.398481	-0.103368	0.095120	-1.246360	-0.024417	0.147804	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184026.000000	143170.000000	102097.000000	181241.000000
-341.775604	-0.046336	-0.194613	-0.983068	-0.191882	-0.150221	0.976197	152634.000000	0.000000	0.014441	0.010370	1.921137	-2.854806	-0.362233	9473.680664	-10867.932617	-582859.687500	-0.112614	0.205179	-1.398481	-0.103368	0.095120	-1.246360	-0.024417	0.147804	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184028.000000	142975.000000	102292.000000	181239.000000
-341.780609	-0.041941	-0.194125	-0.984045	-0.180175	-0.148092	0.976197	152634.000000	0.000000	0.014441	0.010370	1.920627	-2.833734	-0.362233	9225.998047	-11176.542969	-582859.687500	-0.112883	0.203571	-1.398481	-0.103368	0.095120	-1.246360	-0.024417	0.147804	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184584.000000	143036.000000	102231.000000	180683.000000
-341.785614	-0.038035	-0.195102	-0.985021	-0.170597	-0.149157	0.975133	152634.000000	0.000000	0.014713	0.010115	1.934843	-2.828787	-0.386204	11266.524414	-12736.932617	-592835.000000	-0.113065	0.202058	-1.389262	-0.099540	0.092233	-1.246445	-0.028803	0.143917	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184104.000000	146637.000000	100000.000000	181163.000000
-341.790619	-0.035105	-0.195590	-0.986975	-0.161019	-0.150221	0.974069	152623.000000	0.000000	0.020184	0.011031	2.223837	-2.749908	-0.459879	42814.281250	-4288.759766	-624455.625000	-0.113181	0.200623	-1.360925	-0.088762	0.085108	-1.247018	-0.036190	0.138381	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156911.000000	156911.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-341.795624	-0.033152	-0.196078	-0.986975	-0.153570	-0.153414	0.970876	152623.000000	0.000000	0.020184	0.011031	2.004894	-2.769200	-0.459879	-13794.809570	-14972.363281	-623065.312500	-0.113262	0.199265	-1.360925	-0.088762	0.085108	-1.247018	-0.036190	0.138381	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	123800.000000	121445.000000	153855.000000
-341.800629	-0.033152	-0.196322	-0.985021	-0.149313	-0.157670	0.967684	152623.000000	0.000000	0.020184	0.011031	2.006696	-2.752234	-0.459879	10622.330078	-10575.897461	-621674.937500	-0.113353	0.197969	-1.360925	-0.088762	0.085108	-1.247018	-0.036190	0.138381	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182576.000000	143821.000000	101424.000000	182669.000000
-341.805634	-0.034861	-0.196322	-0.984289	-0.146120	-0.164056	0.963427	152623.000000	0.000000	0.020184	0.011031	2.011003	-2.735349	-0.459879	11180.858398	-10404.936523	-619821.187500	-0.113497	0.196719	-1.360925	-0.088762	0.085108	-1.247018	-0.036190	0.138381	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181847.000000	144208.000000	101037.000000	183398.000000
-341.810638	-0.037791	-0.195590	-0.984777	-0.146120	-0.171505	0.960234	152193.000000	0.000000	0.020184	0.011031	2.017699	-2.717155	-0.459879	11625.739258	-9826.250000	-618430.812500	-0.113724	0.195479	-1.360925	-0.088762	0.085108	-1.247018	-0.036190	0.138381	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180393.000000	143644.000000	100741.000000	183992.000000
-341.815643	-0.041453	-0.193881	-0.985266	-0.147184	-0.177891	0.957041	152193.000000	0.000000	0.020184	0.011031	2.026070	-2.697731	-0.459879	11760.789062	-9479.751953	-617040.437500	-0.114042	0.194224	-1.360925	-0.088762	0.085108	-1.247018	-0.036190	0.138381	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179911.000000	143433.000000	100952.000000	184474.000000
-341.820648	-0.045115	-0.191195	-0.984533	-0.150377	-0.184276	0.953849	152193.000000	0.000000	0.020184	0.011031	2.035761	-2.676706	-0.459879	11979.838867	-8958.205078	-615650.125000	-0.114449	0.192930	-1.360925	-0.088762	0.085108	-1.247018	-0.036190	0.138381	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179171.000000	143131.000000	101254.000000	185214.000000
-341.825653	-0.049266	-0.187777	-0.984289	-0.154634	-0.187469	0.952784	152193.000000	0.000000	0.020184	0.011031	2.046482	-2.653828	-0.459879	11806.065430	-8512.690430	-615186.687500	-0.114940	0.191572	-1.360925	-0.088762	0.085108	-1.247018	-0.036190	0.138381	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178899.000000	142511.000000	101874.000000	185486.000000
-341.830658	-0.052928	-0.183139	-0.984289	-0.158891	-0.189597	0.951720	152193.000000	0.000000	0.020184	0.011031	2.057544	-2.628681	-0.459879	11787.245117	-8127.841309	-614723.250000	-0.115498	0.190127	-1.360925	-0.088762	0.085108	-1.247018	-0.036190	0.138381	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178533.000000	142108.000000	102277.000000	185852.000000
-341.835663	-0.056346	-0.178012	-0.983557	-0.164212	-0.189597	0.950656	148954.000000	0.000000	0.016352	0.007999	1.858055	-2.768307	-0.508496	-12515.808594	-26746.478516	-635431.500000	-0.116108	0.188584	-1.342226	-0.082195	0.081635	-1.247456	-0.042719	0.133846	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	133184.000000	104723.000000	139691.000000
-341.840668	-0.059275	-0.173129	-0.982580	-0.170597	-0.187469	0.950656	148954.000000	0.000000	0.018515	0.007328	2.141089	-2.655536	-0.580404	41598.609375	1671.199463	-666745.937500	-0.116749	0.186945	-1.314569	-0.073328	0.078325	-1.248197	-0.052463	0.128211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147282.000000	147282.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-341.845673	-0.061961	-0.168246	-0.982092	-0.176983	-0.183212	0.949592	148954.000000	0.000000	0.018515	0.007328	2.064957	-2.598769	-0.580404	1502.317139	-4196.196777	-666282.500000	-0.117403	0.185208	-1.314569	-0.073328	0.078325	-1.248197	-0.052463	0.128211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181647.000000	124652.000000	113255.000000	176260.000000
-341.850677	-0.063914	-0.165561	-0.980871	-0.183368	-0.176827	0.948528	148954.000000	0.000000	0.018515	0.007328	2.074156	-2.570008	-0.580404	10663.933594	-7113.958496	-665819.062500	-0.118047	0.183422	-1.314569	-0.073328	0.078325	-1.248197	-0.052463	0.128211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175404.000000	136731.000000	101176.000000	182503.000000
-341.855682	-0.065867	-0.164584	-0.980139	-0.188689	-0.169377	0.947463	147408.000000	0.000000	0.018515	0.007328	2.082841	-2.542609	-0.580404	10496.112305	-7229.584961	-665355.625000	-0.118672	0.181625	-1.314569	-0.073328	0.078325	-1.248197	-0.052463	0.128211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174141.000000	135133.000000	100000.000000	180674.000000
-341.860687	-0.068309	-0.164828	-0.978674	-0.194010	-0.160863	0.946399	147408.000000	0.000000	0.018515	0.007328	2.091590	-2.516515	-0.580404	10387.136719	-7228.466309	-664892.187500	-0.119287	0.179844	-1.314569	-0.073328	0.078325	-1.248197	-0.052463	0.128211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174249.000000	135023.000000	100000.000000	180566.000000
-341.865692	-0.070506	-0.166537	-0.977697	-0.197203	-0.152349	0.945335	147408.000000	0.000000	0.018515	0.007328	2.099874	-2.492721	-0.580404	10334.888672	-7592.053711	-664428.687500	-0.119884	0.178116	-1.314569	-0.073328	0.078325	-1.248197	-0.052463	0.128211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174665.000000	135334.000000	100000.000000	180150.000000
-341.870697	-0.071727	-0.168734	-0.975988	-0.199331	-0.143836	0.944271	147408.000000	0.000000	0.018515	0.007328	2.106899	-2.470642	-0.580404	10189.736328	-7786.309082	-663965.250000	-0.120446	0.176458	-1.314569	-0.073328	0.078325	-1.248197	-0.052463	0.128211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175004.000000	135384.000000	100000.000000	179811.000000
-341.875702	-0.072459	-0.170932	-0.974523	-0.200396	-0.136386	0.943206	146379.000000	0.000000	0.018515	0.007328	2.113177	-2.449805	-0.580404	10219.180664	-7939.186035	-663501.812500	-0.120969	0.174873	-1.314569	-0.073328	0.078325	-1.248197	-0.052463	0.128211	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174099.000000	134537.000000	100000.000000	178658.000000
-341.880707	-0.073924	-0.174105	-0.972082	-0.199331	-0.128936	0.942142	146379.000000	0.000000	0.012070	0.003757	1.765335	-2.628222	-0.603916	-30360.625000	-30911.833984	-673277.500000	-0.121470	0.173394	-1.305526	-0.070528	0.077632	-1.248484	-0.055942	0.124352	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	116379.000000	116379.000000	116379.000000
-341.885712	-0.075877	-0.177035	-0.969396	-0.196139	-0.123615	0.943206	146379.000000	0.000000	0.017188	0.004343	2.312162	-2.436949	-0.676762	70758.328125	10377.037109	-705464.062500	-0.121971	0.172023	-1.277508	-0.063155	0.077332	-1.249296	-0.062865	0.116994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136001.000000	136001.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-341.890717	-0.078807	-0.178988	-0.966711	-0.194010	-0.119358	0.944271	146379.000000	0.000000	0.017188	0.004343	2.116487	-2.444357	-0.676762	-11698.897461	-11400.267578	-705927.500000	-0.122501	0.170735	-1.277508	-0.063155	0.077332	-1.249296	-0.062865	0.116994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199478.000000	116080.000000	116677.000000	153279.000000
-341.895721	-0.081492	-0.178988	-0.963293	-0.190818	-0.115101	0.945335	146379.000000	0.000000	0.017188	0.004343	2.125728	-2.427757	-0.676762	10855.968750	-8815.402344	-706390.937500	-0.123053	0.169496	-1.277508	-0.063155	0.077332	-1.249296	-0.062865	0.116994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174338.000000	136050.000000	100000.000000	178419.000000
-341.900726	-0.084666	-0.177523	-0.958898	-0.187625	-0.111909	0.946399	146060.000000	0.000000	0.017188	0.004343	2.136297	-2.410412	-0.676762	11152.906250	-8668.667969	-706854.375000	-0.123648	0.168280	-1.277508	-0.063155	0.077332	-1.249296	-0.062865	0.116994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173575.000000	135881.000000	100000.000000	178544.000000
-341.905731	-0.087840	-0.174594	-0.954504	-0.184432	-0.107652	0.946399	146060.000000	0.000000	0.017188	0.004343	2.147170	-2.391766	-0.676762	11099.568359	-8454.523438	-706854.375000	-0.124277	0.167056	-1.277508	-0.063155	0.077332	-1.249296	-0.062865	0.116994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173414.000000	135614.000000	100000.000000	178705.000000
-341.910736	-0.091014	-0.171420	-0.951818	-0.182304	-0.104459	0.947463	146060.000000	0.000000	0.017188	0.004343	2.158720	-2.372061	-0.676762	11329.765625	-8139.937500	-707317.812500	-0.124945	0.165808	-1.277508	-0.063155	0.077332	-1.249296	-0.062865	0.116994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172870.000000	135529.000000	100000.000000	179249.000000
-341.915741	-0.094676	-0.167514	-0.949377	-0.178047	-0.100202	0.947463	146060.000000	0.000000	0.017188	0.004343	2.171041	-2.351702	-0.676762	11334.489258	-8228.270508	-707317.812500	-0.125655	0.164530	-1.277508	-0.063155	0.077332	-1.249296	-0.062865	0.116994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172953.000000	135622.000000	100000.000000	179166.000000
-341.920746	-0.097117	-0.163119	-0.947180	-0.173790	-0.097010	0.948528	146054.000000	0.000000	0.017188	0.004343	2.182883	-2.330297	-0.676762	11438.508789	-8034.335938	-707781.250000	-0.126387	0.163211	-1.277508	-0.063155	0.077332	-1.249296	-0.062865	0.116994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172649.000000	135526.000000	100000.000000	179458.000000
-341.925751	-0.099070	-0.158480	-0.944494	-0.168469	-0.092753	0.948528	146054.000000	0.000000	0.013643	0.001733	1.999255	-2.451938	-0.723133	-11035.805664	-24464.234375	-727974.500000	-0.127125	0.161855	-1.259674	-0.058642	0.078080	-1.249749	-0.068995	0.108624	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	129482.000000	102625.000000	140553.000000
-341.930756	-0.099559	-0.153109	-0.942297	-0.162083	-0.089560	0.947463	146054.000000	0.000000	0.012900	0.000181	2.110123	-2.409935	-0.770165	21958.021484	-6423.752441	-747992.812500	-0.127843	0.160450	-1.241584	-0.054667	0.079848	-1.250191	-0.071532	0.103756	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160519.000000	144435.000000	100000.000000	191588.000000
-341.935760	-0.099070	-0.148715	-0.940344	-0.154634	-0.086367	0.947463	146054.000000	0.000000	0.012900	0.000181	2.148352	-2.325539	-0.770165	14132.200195	-1525.449829	-747992.812500	-0.128519	0.159023	-1.241584	-0.054667	0.079848	-1.250191	-0.071532	0.103756	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163447.000000	131711.000000	100396.000000	188660.000000
-341.940765	-0.097361	-0.144809	-0.939855	-0.146120	-0.083175	0.947463	146054.000000	0.000000	0.012900	0.000181	2.154730	-2.303468	-0.770165	10644.562500	-8433.032227	-747992.812500	-0.129128	0.157583	-1.241584	-0.054667	0.079848	-1.250191	-0.071532	0.103756	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173842.000000	135131.000000	100000.000000	178265.000000
-341.945770	-0.096141	-0.142855	-0.939367	-0.136542	-0.081046	0.946399	146205.000000	0.000000	0.012900	0.000181	2.160907	-2.283782	-0.770165	10758.215820	-8765.917969	-747529.312500	-0.129682	0.156178	-1.241584	-0.054667	0.079848	-1.250191	-0.071532	0.103756	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174212.000000	135729.000000	100000.000000	178197.000000
-341.950775	-0.094432	-0.141879	-0.940344	-0.126964	-0.081046	0.946399	146205.000000	0.000000	0.012900	0.000181	2.166217	-2.265435	-0.770165	10921.203125	-8872.822266	-747529.312500	-0.130182	0.154823	-1.241584	-0.054667	0.079848	-1.250191	-0.071532	0.103756	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174156.000000	135999.000000	100000.000000	178253.000000
-341.955780	-0.092723	-0.141146	-0.940344	-0.116322	-0.083175	0.946399	146205.000000	0.000000	0.012900	0.000181	2.171450	-2.248534	-0.770165	11180.791016	-9119.958008	-747529.312500	-0.130641	0.153530	-1.241584	-0.054667	0.079848	-1.250191	-0.071532	0.103756	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174144.000000	136505.000000	100000.000000	178265.000000
-341.960785	-0.091258	-0.140658	-0.939611	-0.105679	-0.087432	0.946399	146205.000000	0.000000	0.012900	0.000181	2.177048	-2.232919	-0.770165	11500.152344	-9238.470703	-747529.312500	-0.131076	0.152306	-1.241584	-0.054667	0.079848	-1.250191	-0.071532	0.103756	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173943.000000	136943.000000	100000.000000	178466.000000
-341.965790	-0.089305	-0.140414	-0.939367	-0.096101	-0.093817	0.946399	146279.000000	0.000000	0.017127	-0.000542	2.414714	-2.257960	-0.869671	38374.214844	-13751.100586	-790862.187500	-0.131488	0.151148	-1.203313	-0.049266	0.087355	-1.250598	-0.079150	0.095574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160030.000000	160030.000000	100000.000000	192527.000000
-341.970795	-0.088572	-0.138949	-0.939611	-0.087588	-0.101267	0.947463	146279.000000	0.000000	0.008368	-0.004727	1.770694	-2.443520	-0.893025	-61383.816406	-32176.910156	-801495.750000	-0.131908	0.150022	-1.194331	-0.047818	0.089434	-1.250567	-0.079926	0.093543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	116279.000000	116279.000000	116279.000000
-341.975800	-0.088084	-0.136752	-0.939367	-0.080138	-0.109780	0.948528	146279.000000	0.000000	0.008368	-0.004727	2.128295	-2.259986	-0.893025	50551.699219	9334.255859	-801959.187500	-0.132347	0.148908	-1.194331	-0.047818	0.089434	-1.250567	-0.079926	0.093543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136944.000000	136944.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-341.980804	-0.088572	-0.134311	-0.940588	-0.074817	-0.119358	0.950656	146279.000000	0.000000	0.008368	-0.004727	2.137233	-2.242800	-0.893025	12416.294922	-8668.145508	-802886.062500	-0.132829	0.147785	-1.194331	-0.047818	0.089434	-1.250567	-0.079926	0.093543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172530.000000	137363.000000	100000.000000	180027.000000
-341.985809	-0.089793	-0.132602	-0.941809	-0.070560	-0.127872	0.952784	146205.000000	0.000000	0.008368	-0.004727	2.147305	-2.226018	-0.893025	12509.416992	-8537.872070	-803812.937500	-0.133363	0.146664	-1.194331	-0.047818	0.089434	-1.250567	-0.079926	0.093543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172233.000000	137252.000000	100000.000000	180176.000000
-341.990814	-0.090770	-0.131381	-0.942785	-0.068432	-0.137450	0.955977	146205.000000	0.000000	0.008368	-0.004727	2.158157	-2.209234	-0.893025	12806.162109	-8236.172852	-805203.312500	-0.133949	0.145543	-1.194331	-0.047818	0.089434	-1.250567	-0.079926	0.093543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171635.000000	137247.000000	100000.000000	180774.000000
-341.995819	-0.092234	-0.129672	-0.944250	-0.067367	-0.144900	0.960234	146205.000000	0.000000	0.008368	-0.004727	2.169710	-2.191470	-0.893025	12736.698242	-7934.731445	-807057.125000	-0.134585	0.144405	-1.194331	-0.047818	0.089434	-1.250567	-0.079926	0.093543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171403.000000	136876.000000	100000.000000	181006.000000
-342.000824	-0.093943	-0.128207	-0.945959	-0.066303	-0.153414	0.963427	146205.000000	0.000000	0.008368	-0.004727	2.182434	-2.173740	-0.893025	13080.557617	-7861.310547	-808447.437500	-0.135278	0.143255	-1.194331	-0.047818	0.089434	-1.250567	-0.079926	0.093543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170985.000000	137146.000000	100000.000000	181424.000000
-342.005829	-0.095164	-0.127475	-0.948400	-0.067367	-0.160863	0.967684	146205.000000	0.000000	0.008368	-0.004727	2.195079	-2.155943	-0.893025	13046.882812	-7533.592773	-810301.250000	-0.136013	0.142095	-1.194331	-0.047818	0.089434	-1.250567	-0.079926	0.093543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170691.000000	136785.000000	100000.000000	181718.000000
-342.010834	-0.095164	-0.126498	-0.951086	-0.068432	-0.167248	0.973005	145992.000000	0.000000	0.008368	-0.004727	2.206618	-2.137661	-0.893025	12890.626953	-7391.201172	-812618.500000	-0.136757	0.140919	-1.194331	-0.047818	0.089434	-1.250567	-0.079926	0.093543	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170492.000000	136273.000000	100000.000000	181491.000000
-342.015839	-0.093699	-0.126010	-0.953771	-0.069496	-0.172570	0.978326	145992.000000	0.000000	0.006690	-0.006542	2.124072	-2.219542	-0.917530	2073.300537	-18776.474609	-825607.375000	-0.137475	0.139738	-1.184905	-0.046936	0.092105	-1.250547	-0.082777	0.091654	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192695.000000	136841.000000	100000.000000	159288.000000
-342.020844	-0.091258	-0.124789	-0.956213	-0.072688	-0.177891	0.982583	145992.000000	0.000000	0.014746	-0.004975	2.642369	-2.041473	-1.016035	70548.140625	10874.446289	-870358.062500	-0.138147	0.138527	-1.147019	-0.044852	0.105178	-1.250013	-0.089934	0.082288	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135117.000000	135117.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-342.025848	-0.088084	-0.124789	-0.959875	-0.075881	-0.182148	0.987904	145992.000000	0.000000	0.014746	-0.004975	2.326644	-2.085600	-1.016035	-22714.164062	-13746.666016	-872675.312500	-0.138751	0.137310	-1.147019	-0.044852	0.105178	-1.250013	-0.089934	0.082288	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	107024.000000	124959.000000	139531.000000
-342.030853	-0.084422	-0.124789	-0.963293	-0.080138	-0.186405	0.991097	146280.000000	0.000000	0.014746	-0.004975	2.331533	-2.066819	-1.016035	12588.295898	-6605.083008	-874065.687500	-0.139280	0.136083	-1.147019	-0.044852	0.105178	-1.250013	-0.089934	0.082288	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170296.000000	135473.000000	100000.000000	182263.000000
-342.035858	-0.081004	-0.124545	-0.965734	-0.083331	-0.188533	0.994289	146280.000000	0.000000	0.014746	-0.004975	2.335199	-2.048064	-1.016035	12246.289062	-6624.482422	-875456.000000	-0.139731	0.134850	-1.147019	-0.044852	0.105178	-1.250013	-0.089934	0.082288	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170658.000000	135150.000000	100000.000000	181901.000000
-342.040863	-0.077830	-0.125033	-0.968908	-0.085459	-0.190661	0.996418	146280.000000	0.000000	0.014746	-0.004975	2.337949	-2.030272	-1.016035	12168.063477	-6755.753906	-876382.937500	-0.140109	0.133630	-1.147019	-0.044852	0.105178	-1.250013	-0.089934	0.082288	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170867.000000	135203.000000	100000.000000	181692.000000
-342.045868	-0.075145	-0.125766	-0.971838	-0.087588	-0.191726	0.997482	146280.000000	0.000000	0.014746	-0.004975	2.339950	-2.013011	-1.016035	11982.726562	-6724.887207	-876846.375000	-0.140421	0.132428	-1.147019	-0.044852	0.105178	-1.250013	-0.089934	0.082288	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171022.000000	134987.000000	100000.000000	181537.000000
-342.050873	-0.073680	-0.126986	-0.974523	-0.087588	-0.192790	0.999610	146280.000000	0.000000	0.014746	-0.004975	2.342441	-1.997126	-1.016035	12053.049805	-7036.897949	-877773.250000	-0.140693	0.131266	-1.147019	-0.044852	0.105178	-1.250013	-0.089934	0.082288	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171263.000000	135369.000000	100000.000000	181296.000000
-342.055878	-0.074168	-0.129184	-0.976965	-0.086523	-0.192790	1.000675	146279.000000	0.000000	0.014746	-0.004975	2.346285	-1.983195	-1.016035	12102.393555	-7309.958008	-878236.687500	-0.140960	0.130167	-1.147019	-0.044852	0.105178	-1.250013	-0.089934	0.082288	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171486.000000	135691.000000	100000.000000	181071.000000
-342.060883	-0.076121	-0.131381	-0.977941	-0.083331	-0.192790	1.001739	146279.000000	0.000000	0.006436	-0.010469	1.894892	-2.273008	-1.067815	-40030.000000	-42290.250000	-901249.125000	-0.141255	0.129145	-1.127104	-0.045303	0.113712	-1.249580	-0.095226	0.077636	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	116279.000000	116279.000000	116279.000000
-342.065887	-0.078807	-0.133822	-0.978674	-0.080138	-0.193854	1.003867	146279.000000	0.000000	0.004801	-0.012629	2.144355	-2.161100	-1.121276	38302.750000	2381.541504	-925457.250000	-0.141598	0.128202	-1.106542	-0.046833	0.123586	-1.249269	-0.101864	0.072338	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143897.000000	143897.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-342.070892	-0.082225	-0.136020	-0.978674	-0.074817	-0.194918	1.005996	146279.000000	0.000000	0.001236	-0.014462	2.022329	-2.166098	-1.147295	-3101.208008	-10754.591797	-937715.000000	-0.142005	0.127344	-1.096534	-0.047769	0.128713	-1.249016	-0.105279	0.070253	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190134.000000	123932.000000	108625.000000	162423.000000
-342.075897	-0.085398	-0.139682	-0.977697	-0.070560	-0.197047	1.009188	145886.000000	0.000000	0.001236	-0.014462	2.174532	-2.085895	-1.147295	27879.013672	-919.803833	-939105.312500	-0.142476	0.126594	-1.096534	-0.047769	0.128713	-1.249016	-0.105279	0.070253	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148926.000000	144684.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-342.080902	-0.088816	-0.140902	-0.977209	-0.065239	-0.198111	1.014510	145886.000000	0.000000	0.001236	-0.014462	2.185159	-2.077950	-1.147295	12248.563477	-8969.918945	-941422.562500	-0.143012	0.125905	-1.096534	-0.047769	0.128713	-1.249016	-0.105279	0.070253	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172607.000000	137104.000000	100000.000000	179164.000000
-342.085907	-0.091990	-0.141391	-0.977941	-0.062046	-0.200239	1.019831	145886.000000	0.000000	0.001236	-0.014462	2.196601	-2.069255	-1.147295	12517.576172	-8628.178711	-943739.812500	-0.143610	0.125246	-1.096534	-0.047769	0.128713	-1.249016	-0.105279	0.070253	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171996.000000	137031.000000	100000.000000	179775.000000
-342.090912	-0.093699	-0.140902	-0.976477	-0.058854	-0.203432	1.027280	145886.000000	0.000000	0.001236	-0.014462	2.207873	-2.060180	-1.147295	12682.769531	-8559.237305	-946983.937500	-0.144250	0.124601	-1.096534	-0.047769	0.128713	-1.249016	-0.105279	0.070253	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171762.000000	137128.000000	100000.000000	180009.000000
-342.095917	-0.093455	-0.140170	-0.975744	-0.056725	-0.206625	1.034730	142235.000000	0.000000	0.001236	-0.014462	2.217513	-2.050653	-1.147295	12562.395508	-8358.277344	-950228.125000	-0.144891	0.123959	-1.096534	-0.047769	0.128713	-1.249016	-0.105279	0.070253	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168030.000000	133155.000000	100000.000000	176439.000000
-342.100922	-0.091746	-0.137973	-0.976477	-0.056725	-0.209818	1.042179	142235.000000	0.000000	0.001236	-0.014462	2.225412	-2.038765	-1.147295	12421.911133	-7810.030762	-953472.187500	-0.145500	0.123276	-1.096534	-0.047769	0.128713	-1.249016	-0.105279	0.070253	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167623.000000	132466.000000	100000.000000	176846.000000
-342.105927	-0.088328	-0.134311	-0.978918	-0.057789	-0.211946	1.048565	142235.000000	0.000000	0.001236	-0.014462	2.230509	-2.024218	-1.147295	12029.917969	-7328.714355	-956252.937500	-0.146036	0.122515	-1.096534	-0.047769	0.128713	-1.249016	-0.105279	0.070253	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167533.000000	131593.000000	100000.000000	176936.000000
-342.110931	-0.084666	-0.130893	-0.979650	-0.059918	-0.214074	1.054950	142235.000000	0.000000	0.001236	-0.014462	2.234474	-2.008842	-1.147295	11933.369141	-7040.310547	-959033.625000	-0.146498	0.121682	-1.096534	-0.047769	0.128713	-1.249016	-0.105279	0.070253	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167341.000000	131208.000000	100000.000000	177128.000000
-342.115936	-0.081248	-0.128939	-0.980139	-0.060982	-0.216203	1.061335	142235.000000	0.000000	0.001236	-0.014462	2.237646	-1.994413	-1.147295	11870.496094	-7190.225098	-961814.312500	-0.146891	0.120813	-1.096534	-0.047769	0.128713	-1.249016	-0.105279	0.070253	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167554.000000	131295.000000	100000.000000	176915.000000
-342.120941	-0.078807	-0.127230	-0.981359	-0.062046	-0.217267	1.066657	138943.000000	0.000000	0.005187	-0.014820	2.457811	-1.999378	-1.230017	36630.812500	-9340.602539	-1000155.312500	-0.147230	0.119914	-1.064718	-0.052652	0.146548	-1.248466	-0.114588	0.063700	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148283.000000	148283.000000	100000.000000	189602.000000
-342.125946	-0.076609	-0.126010	-0.983801	-0.063110	-0.217267	1.070913	138943.000000	0.000000	0.000860	-0.017298	2.063864	-2.106598	-1.283592	-32823.570312	-21072.478516	-1025339.812500	-0.147513	0.118993	-1.044113	-0.056723	0.159173	-1.248111	-0.121229	0.060397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100015.000000	117870.000000	117870.000000
-342.130951	-0.076121	-0.124301	-0.985510	-0.062046	-0.217267	1.074106	138943.000000	0.000000	0.000860	-0.017298	2.239996	-1.992673	-1.283592	30670.185547	3528.798096	-1026730.187500	-0.147775	0.118053	-1.044113	-0.056723	0.159173	-1.248111	-0.121229	0.060397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135414.000000	135414.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-342.135956	-0.075633	-0.122104	-0.986486	-0.060982	-0.216203	1.078363	138943.000000	0.000000	0.000860	-0.017298	2.242628	-1.977096	-1.283592	11482.966797	-7218.321289	-1028584.000000	-0.148013	0.117086	-1.044113	-0.056723	0.159173	-1.248111	-0.121229	0.060397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164678.000000	127644.000000	100000.000000	173207.000000
-342.140961	-0.076609	-0.120150	-0.986975	-0.058854	-0.215139	1.081556	136361.000000	0.000000	0.000860	-0.017298	2.246538	-1.961801	-1.283592	11636.584961	-7305.825195	-1029974.312500	-0.148258	0.116104	-1.044113	-0.056723	0.159173	-1.248111	-0.121229	0.060397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162030.000000	125303.000000	100000.000000	170691.000000
-342.145966	-0.078074	-0.116732	-0.987219	-0.055661	-0.214074	1.084748	136361.000000	0.000000	0.000860	-0.017298	2.251098	-1.945014	-1.283592	11724.226562	-7196.279297	-1031364.687500	-0.148518	0.115085	-1.044113	-0.056723	0.159173	-1.248111	-0.121229	0.060397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161833.000000	125281.000000	100000.000000	170888.000000
-342.150970	-0.080516	-0.112582	-0.986975	-0.052468	-0.211946	1.087941	136361.000000	0.000000	0.000860	-0.017298	2.256710	-1.926943	-1.283592	11738.781250	-6986.561035	-1032755.000000	-0.148810	0.114016	-1.044113	-0.056723	0.159173	-1.248111	-0.121229	0.060397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161608.000000	125086.000000	100000.000000	171113.000000
-342.155975	-0.083445	-0.108187	-0.985510	-0.050340	-0.209818	1.090070	136361.000000	0.000000	0.000860	-0.017298	2.263354	-1.907779	-1.283592	11873.191406	-6671.117676	-1033681.937500	-0.149143	0.112889	-1.044113	-0.056723	0.159173	-1.248111	-0.121229	0.060397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161158.000000	124905.000000	100000.000000	171563.000000
-342.160980	-0.086863	-0.104770	-0.984289	-0.048211	-0.206625	1.091134	136361.000000	0.000000	0.000860	-0.017298	2.270755	-1.888877	-1.283592	11858.585938	-6622.690430	-1034145.375000	-0.149520	0.111727	-1.044113	-0.056723	0.159173	-1.248111	-0.121229	0.060397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161125.000000	124842.000000	100000.000000	171596.000000
-342.165985	-0.090770	-0.101107	-0.982580	-0.045019	-0.202368	1.091134	135217.000000	0.000000	0.000995	-0.019349	2.286469	-1.982326	-1.370199	12708.490234	-19537.998047	-1071861.250000	-0.149944	0.110529	-1.010802	-0.065619	0.181002	-1.247525	-0.128559	0.051829	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172046.000000	137463.000000	100000.000000	158387.000000
-342.170990	-0.093943	-0.098178	-0.981115	-0.042890	-0.197047	1.091134	135217.000000	0.000000	-0.006826	-0.023269	1.858846	-2.096492	-1.399620	-38147.738281	-22233.802734	-1084673.625000	-0.150395	0.109307	-0.999486	-0.069139	0.188761	-1.247340	-0.130647	0.048612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	112983.000000	112983.000000
-342.175995	-0.096141	-0.095248	-0.980627	-0.038633	-0.189597	1.089005	135217.000000	0.000000	-0.006826	-0.023269	2.177936	-1.920630	-1.399620	45157.355469	10211.885742	-1083746.750000	-0.150839	0.108070	-0.999486	-0.069139	0.188761	-1.247340	-0.130647	0.048612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125005.000000	125005.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-342.181000	-0.097850	-0.092318	-0.978918	-0.034376	-0.180019	1.086877	135217.000000	0.000000	-0.006826	-0.023269	2.183228	-1.901400	-1.399620	10399.774414	-6942.003906	-1082819.750000	-0.151258	0.106821	-0.999486	-0.069139	0.188761	-1.247340	-0.130647	0.048612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161759.000000	122558.000000	100000.000000	168674.000000
-342.186005	-0.099803	-0.089633	-0.976965	-0.030119	-0.169377	1.083684	134995.000000	0.000000	-0.006826	-0.023269	2.188161	-1.882329	-1.399620	10216.855469	-6891.265137	-1081429.500000	-0.151652	0.105566	-0.999486	-0.069139	0.188761	-1.247340	-0.130647	0.048612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161669.000000	122103.000000	100000.000000	168320.000000
-342.191010	-0.101268	-0.087436	-0.975256	-0.023734	-0.156606	1.080492	134995.000000	0.000000	-0.006826	-0.023269	2.191613	-1.864260	-1.399620	9777.148438	-7181.711914	-1080039.125000	-0.152002	0.104324	-0.999486	-0.069139	0.188761	-1.247340	-0.130647	0.048612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162399.000000	121953.000000	100000.000000	167590.000000
-342.196014	-0.102977	-0.084994	-0.973303	-0.017349	-0.140643	1.077299	134995.000000	0.000000	-0.006826	-0.023269	2.193901	-1.846125	-1.399620	9235.233398	-7120.366211	-1078648.750000	-0.152297	0.103092	-0.999486	-0.069139	0.188761	-1.247340	-0.130647	0.048612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162880.000000	121350.000000	100000.000000	167109.000000
-342.201019	-0.105418	-0.084506	-0.970617	-0.008835	-0.124679	1.074106	134995.000000	0.000000	-0.007286	-0.023572	2.171065	-1.847620	-1.428701	6294.198242	-9558.996094	-1089922.250000	-0.152557	0.101919	-0.988301	-0.072794	0.196580	-1.247131	-0.134355	0.046085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168259.000000	120848.000000	100000.000000	161730.000000
-342.206024	-0.108104	-0.084506	-0.967932	-0.000321	-0.106588	1.070913	134942.000000	0.000000	-0.001962	-0.022153	2.483866	-1.743612	-1.515143	44327.601562	2483.176758	-1126175.750000	-0.152776	0.100816	-0.955054	-0.084384	0.220578	-1.246508	-0.142533	0.039884	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132458.000000	132458.000000	100000.000000	197425.000000
-342.211029	-0.110545	-0.085482	-0.964758	0.009257	-0.087432	1.068785	134942.000000	0.000000	-0.006906	-0.022991	1.999693	-1.835046	-1.540815	-45754.382812	-19592.929688	-1136428.750000	-0.152946	0.099805	-0.945180	-0.087839	0.228043	-1.246415	-0.139940	0.038140	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	115349.000000	115349.000000
-342.216034	-0.112986	-0.087191	-0.962316	0.020963	-0.067211	1.066657	134942.000000	0.000000	-0.006906	-0.022991	2.197088	-1.792707	-1.540815	29897.199219	-4974.707031	-1135501.875000	-0.153064	0.098910	-0.945180	-0.087839	0.228043	-1.246415	-0.139940	0.038140	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140019.000000	139813.000000	100000.000000	189864.000000
-342.221039	-0.115184	-0.088900	-0.960363	0.031606	-0.046991	1.066657	134942.000000	0.000000	-0.006906	-0.022991	2.195756	-1.785104	-1.540815	7946.830566	-8691.011719	-1135501.875000	-0.153126	0.098120	-0.945180	-0.087839	0.228043	-1.246415	-0.139940	0.038140	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165686.000000	121579.000000	100000.000000	164197.000000
-342.226044	-0.116404	-0.092318	-0.958410	0.044376	-0.025706	1.067721	134942.000000	0.000000	-0.006906	-0.022991	2.192298	-1.781465	-1.540815	7482.253418	-9402.924805	-1135965.375000	-0.153108	0.097480	-0.945180	-0.087839	0.228043	-1.246415	-0.139940	0.038140	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166862.000000	121827.000000	100000.000000	163021.000000
-342.231049	-0.117137	-0.095980	-0.956945	0.057147	-0.003358	1.070913	134897.000000	0.000000	-0.006906	-0.022991	2.186926	-1.780072	-1.540815	7027.299316	-9702.317383	-1137355.625000	-0.152997	0.096989	-0.945180	-0.087839	0.228043	-1.246415	-0.139940	0.038140	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167572.000000	121626.000000	100000.000000	162221.000000
-342.236053	-0.116893	-0.099398	-0.956457	0.069918	0.017927	1.076235	134897.000000	0.000000	-0.006906	-0.022991	2.179417	-1.780334	-1.540815	6776.827637	-9944.198242	-1139672.875000	-0.152780	0.096637	-0.945180	-0.087839	0.228043	-1.246415	-0.139940	0.038140	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168064.000000	121618.000000	100000.000000	161729.000000
-342.241058	-0.115672	-0.102084	-0.955969	0.084817	0.039211	1.082620	134897.000000	0.000000	-0.006906	-0.022991	2.169404	-1.782276	-1.540815	6357.500000	-10440.340820	-1142453.625000	-0.152440	0.096416	-0.945180	-0.087839	0.228043	-1.246415	-0.139940	0.038140	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168979.000000	121694.000000	100000.000000	160814.000000
-342.246063	-0.113719	-0.103793	-0.955969	0.100780	0.061560	1.091134	134897.000000	0.000000	-0.006906	-0.022991	2.156610	-1.785128	-1.540815	5773.127441	-10744.042969	-1146161.250000	-0.151960	0.096307	-0.945180	-0.087839	0.228043	-1.246415	-0.139940	0.038140	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169867.000000	121414.000000	100000.000000	159926.000000
-342.251068	-0.111033	-0.105258	-0.955725	0.115679	0.084973	1.099648	134909.000000	0.000000	-0.006906	-0.022991	2.140828	-1.789057	-1.540815	5147.126953	-10832.052734	-1149868.750000	-0.151324	0.096300	-0.945180	-0.087839	0.228043	-1.246415	-0.139940	0.038140	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170593.000000	120888.000000	100000.000000	159224.000000
-342.256073	-0.107371	-0.105746	-0.954504	0.130579	0.108386	1.109226	134909.000000	0.000000	-0.000308	-0.022058	2.484775	-1.742141	-1.650037	46176.105469	-5094.049316	-1201603.500000	-0.150518	0.096374	-0.903172	-0.104767	0.260592	-1.245314	-0.140091	0.039954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140003.000000	140003.000000	100000.000000	189814.000000
-342.261078	-0.104197	-0.105990	-0.953527	0.145478	0.132863	1.119868	134909.000000	0.000000	-0.012511	-0.028021	1.528990	-2.112484	-1.679358	-101363.625000	-52746.320312	-1219006.875000	-0.149551	0.096522	-0.891895	-0.109980	0.269521	-1.244953	-0.141161	0.037844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	104909.000000	104909.000000	104909.000000
-342.266083	-0.101023	-0.106967	-0.952551	0.159313	0.158405	1.130510	134909.000000	0.000000	-0.012511	-0.028021	1.993474	-1.880916	-1.679358	56715.363281	14560.712891	-1223641.375000	-0.148422	0.096755	-0.891895	-0.109980	0.269521	-1.244953	-0.141161	0.037844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120348.000000	120348.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-342.271088	-0.097850	-0.108432	-0.951818	0.173148	0.185010	1.141152	134909.000000	0.000000	-0.012511	-0.028021	1.967451	-1.889492	-1.679358	2412.461914	-11952.324219	-1228275.875000	-0.147127	0.097079	-0.891895	-0.109980	0.269521	-1.244953	-0.141161	0.037844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174448.000000	119273.000000	100000.000000	155369.000000
-342.276093	-0.094187	-0.110141	-0.949621	0.185918	0.210552	1.152859	135004.000000	0.000000	-0.012511	-0.028021	1.939067	-1.899570	-1.679358	2021.745605	-12105.604492	-1233373.750000	-0.145669	0.097499	-0.891895	-0.109980	0.269521	-1.244953	-0.141161	0.037844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175087.000000	119131.000000	100000.000000	154920.000000
-342.281097	-0.090037	-0.111850	-0.948400	0.198689	0.236093	1.164565	135004.000000	0.000000	-0.012511	-0.028021	1.907769	-1.910911	-1.679358	1439.794556	-12355.424805	-1238471.750000	-0.144039	0.098010	-0.891895	-0.109980	0.269521	-1.244953	-0.141161	0.037844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175919.000000	118799.000000	100000.000000	154088.000000
-342.286102	-0.085154	-0.113559	-0.948889	0.210396	0.259506	1.176272	135004.000000	0.000000	-0.012511	-0.028021	1.873665	-1.923098	-1.679358	1100.876709	-12441.268555	-1243569.625000	-0.142234	0.098604	-0.891895	-0.109980	0.269521	-1.244953	-0.141161	0.037844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176344.000000	118546.000000	100000.000000	153663.000000
-342.291107	-0.079539	-0.115023	-0.947668	0.223166	0.282919	1.189043	135004.000000	0.000000	-0.012511	-0.028021	1.836508	-1.936702	-1.679358	486.474548	-12835.485352	-1249131.000000	-0.140246	0.099283	-0.891895	-0.109980	0.269521	-1.244953	-0.141161	0.037844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177353.000000	118325.000000	100000.000000	152654.000000
-342.296112	-0.072703	-0.115268	-0.947424	0.234873	0.303139	1.200749	134940.000000	0.000000	-0.012511	-0.028021	1.796174	-1.949822	-1.679358	209.572083	-12779.424805	-1254229.000000	-0.138066	0.100015	-0.891895	-0.109980	0.269521	-1.244953	-0.141161	0.037844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177509.000000	117928.000000	100000.000000	152370.000000
-342.301117	-0.065135	-0.114047	-0.948645	0.245515	0.322295	1.211391	134940.000000	0.000000	-0.010758	-0.027649	1.848893	-1.941224	-1.739011	10712.866211	-10283.747070	-1284841.000000	-0.135687	0.100763	-0.868951	-0.121165	0.287698	-1.244249	-0.137389	0.036146	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164510.000000	125936.000000	100000.000000	165369.000000
-342.306122	-0.057566	-0.112094	-0.951086	0.256157	0.338259	1.219905	134940.000000	0.000000	-0.017398	-0.033598	1.368045	-2.294374	-1.813926	-49890.386719	-51733.515625	-1321172.625000	-0.133126	0.101510	-0.840138	-0.136621	0.309609	-1.243309	-0.132124	0.035619	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	104940.000000	104940.000000	104940.000000
-342.311127	-0.050242	-0.109652	-0.952551	0.265735	0.351029	1.227355	134940.000000	0.000000	-0.017398	-0.033598	1.586491	-2.067125	-1.813926	28298.359375	13202.991211	-1324416.750000	-0.130408	0.102247	-0.840138	-0.136621	0.309609	-1.243309	-0.132124	0.035619	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123438.000000	120035.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-342.316132	-0.042918	-0.106723	-0.954260	0.275313	0.362736	1.233740	134899.000000	0.000000	-0.012111	-0.024982	1.828260	-1.603280	-1.837478	32043.244141	41317.921875	-1337454.250000	-0.127542	0.102964	-0.831079	-0.141541	0.317276	-1.242754	-0.125761	0.038003	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104899.000000	104899.000000	104899.000000	200000.000000
-342.321136	-0.035350	-0.104037	-0.956213	0.284891	0.371250	1.236933	134899.000000	0.000000	-0.012111	-0.024982	1.566337	-1.957997	-1.837478	-24238.775391	-50373.757812	-1338844.500000	-0.124539	0.103670	-0.831079	-0.141541	0.317276	-1.242754	-0.125761	0.038003	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	110660.000000	100000.000000	110660.000000
-342.326141	-0.029246	-0.101596	-0.957922	0.293405	0.378699	1.239061	134899.000000	0.000000	-0.012111	-0.024982	1.515875	-1.968088	-1.837478	-1136.676758	-12448.611328	-1339771.500000	-0.121437	0.104367	-0.831079	-0.141541	0.317276	-1.242754	-0.125761	0.038003	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178484.000000	116210.000000	100000.000000	151313.000000
-342.331146	-0.024119	-0.099398	-0.959143	0.301919	0.385085	1.239061	134899.000000	0.000000	-0.012111	-0.024982	1.465413	-1.978500	-1.837478	-1281.235596	-12570.958008	-1339771.500000	-0.118264	0.105063	-0.831079	-0.141541	0.317276	-1.242754	-0.125761	0.038003	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178751.000000	116188.000000	100000.000000	151046.000000
-342.336151	-0.019236	-0.097934	-0.959387	0.309369	0.390406	1.236933	134899.000000	0.000000	-0.012111	-0.024982	1.414477	-1.989653	-1.837478	-1476.384399	-12621.316406	-1338844.500000	-0.115031	0.105772	-0.831079	-0.141541	0.317276	-1.242754	-0.125761	0.038003	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178996.000000	116043.000000	100000.000000	150801.000000
-342.341156	-0.014842	-0.096225	-0.961096	0.316818	0.394663	1.232676	135007.000000	0.000000	-0.012111	-0.024982	1.363487	-2.000629	-1.837478	-1618.140259	-12686.259766	-1336990.750000	-0.111751	0.106487	-0.831079	-0.141541	0.317276	-1.242754	-0.125761	0.038003	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179311.000000	116075.000000	100000.000000	150702.000000
-342.346161	-0.010691	-0.094760	-0.962072	0.323203	0.399984	1.227355	135007.000000	0.000000	-0.012111	-0.024982	1.311836	-2.011802	-1.837478	-2069.886475	-12671.645508	-1334673.500000	-0.108427	0.107210	-0.831079	-0.141541	0.317276	-1.242754	-0.125761	0.038003	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179748.000000	115608.000000	100000.000000	150265.000000
-342.351166	-0.007762	-0.094271	-0.963293	0.330653	0.404241	1.220969	135007.000000	0.000000	-0.012115	-0.029777	1.260986	-2.288146	-1.976987	-2118.227783	-43251.304688	-1392646.125000	-0.105090	0.107967	-0.777422	-0.172823	0.357908	-1.240562	-0.114161	0.039454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197125.000000	132888.000000	100000.000000	132888.000000
-342.356171	-0.005320	-0.093783	-0.964270	0.337038	0.408498	1.213520	135007.000000	0.000000	-0.012115	-0.029777	1.210871	-2.109337	-1.976987	-2287.674072	7705.650391	-1389402.000000	-0.101748	0.108752	-0.777422	-0.172823	0.357908	-1.240562	-0.114161	0.039454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159589.000000	100000.000000	115000.000000	170424.000000
-342.361176	-0.004344	-0.094271	-0.965490	0.343424	0.412754	1.205006	134898.000000	0.000000	-0.012115	-0.029777	1.162180	-2.123744	-1.976987	-2374.567627	-13635.210938	-1385694.375000	-0.098432	0.109585	-0.777422	-0.172823	0.357908	-1.240562	-0.114161	0.039454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180907.000000	116158.000000	100000.000000	148888.000000
-342.366180	-0.003367	-0.096225	-0.966467	0.349809	0.417011	1.195428	134898.000000	0.000000	-0.012115	-0.029777	1.113836	-2.140496	-1.976987	-2578.348145	-13999.468750	-1381523.375000	-0.095142	0.110496	-0.777422	-0.172823	0.357908	-1.240562	-0.114161	0.039454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181475.000000	116319.000000	100000.000000	148320.000000
-342.371185	-0.001902	-0.098422	-0.967443	0.357259	0.420204	1.185850	134898.000000	0.000000	-0.012115	-0.029777	1.065601	-2.158857	-1.976987	-2685.950684	-14412.145508	-1377352.375000	-0.091872	0.111492	-0.777422	-0.172823	0.357908	-1.240562	-0.114161	0.039454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181996.000000	116624.000000	100000.000000	147799.000000
-342.376190	0.001516	-0.099887	-0.970129	0.363644	0.422332	1.177336	134898.000000	0.000000	-0.012115	-0.029777	1.015791	-2.177046	-1.976987	-2981.103027	-14389.316406	-1373644.750000	-0.088588	0.112547	-0.777422	-0.172823	0.357908	-1.240562	-0.114161	0.039454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182268.000000	116306.000000	100000.000000	147527.000000
-342.381195	0.007375	-0.100131	-0.973547	0.372158	0.424461	1.168822	134898.000000	0.000000	-0.012115	-0.029777	0.963086	-2.195159	-1.976987	-3551.619629	-14737.440430	-1369937.125000	-0.085242	0.113644	-0.777422	-0.172823	0.357908	-1.240562	-0.114161	0.039454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183187.000000	116083.000000	100000.000000	146608.000000
-342.386200	0.014699	-0.099887	-0.977453	0.379607	0.426589	1.159244	135167.000000	0.000000	-0.012115	-0.029777	0.907898	-2.212988	-1.976987	-4088.162354	-14705.464844	-1365766.000000	-0.081804	0.114765	-0.777422	-0.172823	0.357908	-1.240562	-0.114161	0.039454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183960.000000	115784.000000	100000.000000	146373.000000
-342.391205	0.023244	-0.099154	-0.981604	0.387057	0.427654	1.147538	135167.000000	0.000000	-0.012115	-0.029777	0.850371	-2.230649	-1.976987	-4499.329590	-14802.974609	-1360668.125000	-0.078259	0.115902	-0.777422	-0.172823	0.357908	-1.240562	-0.114161	0.039454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184469.000000	115470.000000	100000.000000	145864.000000
-342.396210	0.031789	-0.098422	-0.986242	0.394507	0.427654	1.134767	135167.000000	0.000000	-0.012115	-0.029777	0.791714	-2.248518	-1.976987	-4774.968750	-14941.849609	-1355106.750000	-0.074614	0.117054	-0.777422	-0.172823	0.357908	-1.240562	-0.114161	0.039454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184883.000000	115333.000000	100000.000000	145450.000000
-342.401215	0.040578	-0.097201	-0.989904	0.400892	0.426589	1.119868	135167.000000	0.000000	-0.024228	-0.033659	0.065634	-2.479366	-2.013972	-81380.289062	-39334.515625	-1364724.750000	-0.070870	0.118208	-0.763197	-0.181580	0.368205	-1.239914	-0.108792	0.039798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	105167.000000	105167.000000	105167.000000
-342.406219	0.049123	-0.096225	-0.994055	0.406213	0.426589	1.100712	135274.000000	0.000000	-0.011836	-0.025921	1.169816	-1.916183	-2.137581	124830.289062	50657.292969	-1410211.750000	-0.067030	0.119365	-0.715655	-0.211668	0.402654	-1.236984	-0.089342	0.046406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105274.000000	105274.000000	105274.000000	200000.000000
-342.411224	0.056691	-0.095004	-0.996496	0.409406	0.424461	1.078363	135274.000000	0.000000	-0.011836	-0.025921	0.612996	-2.242451	-2.137581	-60124.375000	-48424.777344	-1400479.375000	-0.063121	0.120514	-0.715655	-0.211668	0.402654	-1.236984	-0.089342	0.046406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	105274.000000	105274.000000	105274.000000
-342.416229	0.064016	-0.093783	-0.999914	0.411534	0.423397	1.052822	135274.000000	0.000000	-0.011836	-0.025921	0.550684	-2.258878	-2.137581	-6149.084961	-14324.195312	-1389356.625000	-0.059146	0.121648	-0.715655	-0.211668	0.402654	-1.236984	-0.089342	0.046406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185747.000000	113449.000000	100000.000000	144800.000000
-342.421234	0.070607	-0.093051	-1.002844	0.412598	0.420204	1.024088	135274.000000	0.000000	-0.011836	-0.025921	0.488705	-2.275427	-2.137581	-6148.803711	-14301.580078	-1376843.500000	-0.055127	0.122773	-0.715655	-0.211668	0.402654	-1.236984	-0.089342	0.046406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185724.000000	113426.000000	100000.000000	144823.000000
-342.426239	0.075979	-0.092318	-1.006262	0.411534	0.418076	0.990032	135340.000000	0.000000	-0.011836	-0.025921	0.427059	-2.291277	-2.137581	-6502.988770	-14058.706055	-1362013.125000	-0.051084	0.123880	-0.715655	-0.211668	0.402654	-1.236984	-0.089342	0.046406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185901.000000	112895.000000	100000.000000	144778.000000
-342.431244	0.081838	-0.091830	-1.010168	0.410470	0.415947	0.953849	135340.000000	0.000000	-0.011836	-0.025921	0.364528	-2.307045	-2.137581	-6878.140625	-14117.338867	-1346255.875000	-0.047007	0.124972	-0.715655	-0.211668	0.402654	-1.236984	-0.089342	0.046406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186335.000000	112579.000000	100000.000000	144344.000000
-342.436249	0.088186	-0.091342	-1.013586	0.408341	0.413819	0.914472	135340.000000	0.000000	-0.011836	-0.025921	0.300870	-2.322333	-2.137581	-7285.064941	-14008.042969	-1329108.250000	-0.042884	0.126044	-0.715655	-0.211668	0.402654	-1.236984	-0.089342	0.046406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186633.000000	112062.000000	100000.000000	144046.000000
-342.441254	0.094289	-0.091830	-1.016516	0.405149	0.411690	0.871903	135340.000000	0.000000	-0.011836	-0.025921	0.236716	-2.338118	-2.137581	-7624.976562	-14003.600586	-1310570.250000	-0.038719	0.127110	-0.715655	-0.211668	0.402654	-1.236984	-0.089342	0.046406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186968.000000	111718.000000	100000.000000	143711.000000
-342.446259	0.098928	-0.093051	-1.019201	0.401956	0.409562	0.826142	135340.000000	0.000000	-0.011836	-0.025921	0.173426	-2.354589	-2.137581	-7811.300781	-14140.111328	-1290642.000000	-0.034539	0.128185	-0.715655	-0.211668	0.402654	-1.236984	-0.089342	0.046406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187291.000000	111668.000000	100000.000000	143388.000000
-342.451263	0.103322	-0.094760	-1.022863	0.398763	0.407433	0.779316	135258.000000	0.000000	-0.012010	-0.022472	0.100709	-2.181850	-2.214487	-9172.542969	7473.865234	-1303741.000000	-0.030351	0.129275	-0.686076	-0.231053	0.423609	-1.234687	-0.078275	0.055150	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166956.000000	100000.000000	121904.000000	163559.000000
-342.456268	0.108693	-0.096469	-1.026525	0.395571	0.405305	0.730361	135258.000000	0.000000	-0.012864	-0.020392	-0.003692	-2.222362	-2.259128	-13129.128906	-16146.833008	-1301862.875000	-0.026135	0.130376	-0.668906	-0.242395	0.435349	-1.233140	-0.067905	0.062123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194533.000000	108275.000000	102240.000000	135982.000000
-342.461273	0.114064	-0.097689	-1.029699	0.392378	0.403176	0.679278	135258.000000	0.000000	-0.012864	-0.020392	-0.034417	-2.322165	-2.259128	-5157.889648	-23111.916016	-1279617.375000	-0.021889	0.131479	-0.668906	-0.242395	0.435349	-1.233140	-0.067905	0.062123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193527.000000	123212.000000	100000.000000	136988.000000
-342.466278	0.119924	-0.099643	-1.032385	0.388121	0.401048	0.628196	135258.000000	0.000000	-0.012864	-0.020392	-0.100242	-2.339208	-2.259128	-9309.777344	-13951.593750	-1257371.875000	-0.017604	0.132591	-0.668906	-0.242395	0.435349	-1.233140	-0.067905	0.062123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188519.000000	109899.000000	100616.000000	141996.000000
-342.471283	0.127492	-0.100863	-1.035314	0.383864	0.397855	0.574984	135270.000000	0.000000	-0.012864	-0.020392	-0.168173	-2.355444	-2.259128	-9722.111328	-13917.974609	-1234199.375000	-0.013252	0.133695	-0.668906	-0.242395	0.435349	-1.233140	-0.067905	0.062123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188910.000000	109465.000000	101074.000000	141629.000000
-342.476288	0.136770	-0.101596	-1.037512	0.378543	0.395727	0.520709	135270.000000	0.000000	-0.012864	-0.020392	-0.239203	-2.370703	-2.259128	-10496.855469	-13739.248047	-1210563.500000	-0.008796	0.134775	-0.668906	-0.242395	0.435349	-1.233140	-0.067905	0.062123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189506.000000	108512.000000	102027.000000	141033.000000
-342.481293	0.146535	-0.102572	-1.039953	0.373222	0.392534	0.464305	135270.000000	0.000000	-0.012864	-0.020392	-0.311921	-2.385738	-2.259128	-10885.203125	-13759.314453	-1186000.625000	-0.004233	0.135834	-0.668906	-0.242395	0.435349	-1.233140	-0.067905	0.062123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189914.000000	108144.000000	102395.000000	140625.000000
-342.486298	0.157277	-0.103793	-1.042395	0.366837	0.390406	0.405772	135270.000000	0.000000	-0.012864	-0.020392	-0.387448	-2.400296	-2.259128	-11648.784180	-13627.500977	-1160511.000000	0.000459	0.136869	-0.668906	-0.242395	0.435349	-1.233140	-0.067905	0.062123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190546.000000	107248.000000	103291.000000	139993.000000
-342.491302	0.168752	-0.104770	-1.045080	0.358323	0.387213	0.346176	135270.000000	0.000000	-0.012007	-0.018112	-0.418044	-2.288146	-2.276250	-6717.257324	1094.062012	-1142014.125000	0.005285	0.137862	-0.662321	-0.246745	0.440083	-1.232414	-0.063582	0.065478	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170893.000000	100000.000000	113081.000000	159646.000000
-342.496307	0.179006	-0.106234	-1.047277	0.348745	0.385085	0.284451	135264.000000	0.000000	0.000626	-0.011176	0.163532	-2.010699	-2.302415	63162.621094	20706.679688	-1126528.250000	0.010226	0.138816	-0.652257	-0.253102	0.449209	-1.230631	-0.055888	0.072094	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114557.000000	114557.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-342.501312	0.188527	-0.108432	-1.048498	0.337038	0.382956	0.220597	135264.000000	0.000000	-0.002036	-0.010060	-0.567733	-2.239048	-2.307074	-84546.117188	-35671.257812	-1100750.250000	0.015271	0.139735	-0.650465	-0.254087	0.451193	-1.230133	-0.051364	0.075678	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	105264.000000	105264.000000	105264.000000
-342.506317	0.197072	-0.110385	-1.050207	0.323203	0.379763	0.154615	135264.000000	0.000000	-0.002036	-0.010060	-0.541252	-2.294423	-2.307074	-973.851990	-16608.646484	-1072016.375000	0.020393	0.140598	-0.650465	-0.254087	0.451193	-1.230133	-0.051364	0.075678	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182846.000000	120898.000000	100000.000000	147681.000000
-342.511322	0.204885	-0.112826	-1.052160	0.309369	0.376571	0.088633	135264.000000	0.000000	-0.002036	-0.010060	-0.621472	-2.304750	-2.307074	-13060.604492	-11639.217773	-1043282.562500	0.025577	0.141414	-0.650465	-0.254087	0.451193	-1.230133	-0.051364	0.075678	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189963.000000	103842.000000	106685.000000	140564.000000
-342.516327	0.211477	-0.115023	-1.052648	0.292341	0.371250	0.021587	135486.000000	0.000000	-0.002036	-0.010060	-0.701078	-2.313276	-2.307074	-13100.811523	-11051.039062	-1014085.250000	0.030795	0.142163	-0.650465	-0.254087	0.451193	-1.230133	-0.051364	0.075678	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189637.000000	103436.000000	107535.000000	141334.000000
-342.521332	0.216848	-0.118197	-1.054357	0.274249	0.365929	-0.045459	135486.000000	0.000000	-0.002036	-0.010060	-0.779671	-2.321260	-2.307074	-13326.454102	-10827.919922	-984887.937500	0.036018	0.142852	-0.650465	-0.254087	0.451193	-1.230133	-0.051364	0.075678	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189640.000000	102987.000000	107984.000000	141331.000000
-342.526337	0.220510	-0.122836	-1.055822	0.256157	0.357415	-0.112505	135486.000000	0.000000	-0.002036	-0.010060	-0.855813	-2.329754	-2.307074	-13016.974609	-10839.825195	-955690.687500	0.041202	0.143508	-0.650465	-0.254087	0.451193	-1.230133	-0.051364	0.075678	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189342.000000	103308.000000	107663.000000	141629.000000
-342.531342	0.222463	-0.129184	-1.057043	0.238065	0.347837	-0.178487	135486.000000	0.000000	-0.002036	-0.010060	-0.929413	-2.339357	-2.307074	-12916.352539	-10922.561523	-926956.875000	0.046309	0.144160	-0.650465	-0.254087	0.451193	-1.230133	-0.051364	0.075678	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189324.000000	103492.000000	107479.000000	141647.000000
-342.536346	0.222707	-0.136264	-1.058264	0.221038	0.335066	-0.243405	139421.000000	0.000000	-0.002036	-0.010060	-0.999322	-2.349777	-2.307074	-12420.862305	-11099.131836	-898686.437500	0.051295	0.144823	-0.650465	-0.254087	0.451193	-1.230133	-0.051364	0.075678	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192940.000000	108099.000000	110742.000000	145901.000000
-342.541351	0.221242	-0.143344	-1.058752	0.205074	0.319103	-0.305130	139421.000000	0.000000	0.007159	-0.004475	-0.559492	-2.053522	-2.301038	46075.726562	23940.662109	-869177.812500	0.056116	0.145503	-0.652787	-0.251949	0.452064	-1.229204	-0.042936	0.079668	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115480.000000	115480.000000	103361.000000	200000.000000
-342.546356	0.218313	-0.150180	-1.058508	0.190175	0.301011	-0.365791	139421.000000	0.000000	0.011543	-0.000633	-0.747681	-2.076648	-2.285158	-23527.203125	-11331.999023	-835845.875000	0.060743	0.146199	-0.658895	-0.246929	0.450369	-1.228460	-0.034086	0.082762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	121616.000000	134561.000000
-342.551361	0.214895	-0.158236	-1.058264	0.176340	0.279726	-0.423259	139421.000000	0.000000	0.011543	-0.000633	-0.980355	-2.243031	-2.285158	-29039.912109	-27902.607422	-810819.625000	0.065151	0.146936	-0.658895	-0.246929	0.450369	-1.228460	-0.034086	0.082762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	108283.000000	110558.000000	112478.000000
-342.556366	0.211721	-0.164828	-1.058752	0.163570	0.257378	-0.477535	139421.000000	0.000000	0.011543	-0.000633	-1.034458	-2.254983	-2.285158	-9434.004883	-11035.365234	-787183.687500	0.069340	0.147690	-0.658895	-0.246929	0.450369	-1.228460	-0.034086	0.082762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189890.000000	111022.000000	107819.000000	148951.000000
-342.561371	0.209523	-0.170932	-1.058508	0.152927	0.232900	-0.528618	141450.000000	0.000000	0.011543	-0.000633	-1.085971	-2.267267	-2.285158	-9039.597656	-11313.363281	-764938.125000	0.073323	0.148462	-0.658895	-0.246929	0.450369	-1.228460	-0.034086	0.082762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191802.000000	113723.000000	109176.000000	151097.000000
-342.566376	0.208059	-0.176791	-1.058508	0.143349	0.207359	-0.576508	141450.000000	0.000000	0.011543	-0.000633	-1.134913	-2.279742	-2.285158	-8747.532227	-11464.783203	-744082.937500	0.077110	0.149250	-0.658895	-0.246929	0.450369	-1.228460	-0.034086	0.082762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191662.000000	114167.000000	108732.000000	151237.000000
-342.571381	0.206594	-0.182406	-1.059484	0.134836	0.180753	-0.622269	141450.000000	0.000000	0.011543	-0.000633	-1.180600	-2.292283	-2.285158	-8360.307617	-11607.539062	-724154.625000	0.080695	0.150051	-0.658895	-0.246929	0.450369	-1.228460	-0.034086	0.082762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191417.000000	114697.000000	108202.000000	151482.000000
-342.576385	0.205861	-0.187777	-1.058264	0.126322	0.152019	-0.664838	141450.000000	0.000000	0.011543	-0.000633	-1.223942	-2.305091	-2.285158	-7935.637695	-11656.761719	-705616.687500	0.084090	0.150866	-0.658895	-0.246929	0.450369	-1.228460	-0.034086	0.082762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191042.000000	115171.000000	107728.000000	151857.000000
-342.581390	0.206105	-0.193393	-1.058020	0.118872	0.123285	-0.706343	143690.000000	0.000000	0.011543	-0.000633	-1.265409	-2.318401	-2.285158	-7788.359863	-11855.905273	-687542.187500	0.087312	0.151701	-0.658895	-0.246929	0.450369	-1.228460	-0.034086	0.082762	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193334.000000	117757.000000	109622.000000	154045.000000
-342.586395	0.208059	-0.199008	-1.057287	0.109294	0.094551	-0.745720	143690.000000	0.000000	0.020429	0.006638	-0.817558	-1.931627	-2.247616	48207.695312	34193.019531	-654046.000000	0.090397	0.152545	-0.673334	-0.236085	0.443869	-1.227957	-0.029426	0.087299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113690.000000	113690.000000	113690.000000	200000.000000
-342.591400	0.211232	-0.203158	-1.057287	0.099716	0.065817	-0.784032	143690.000000	0.000000	0.025323	0.011159	-0.943754	-1.985263	-2.184906	-15360.540039	-14435.373047	-610052.812500	0.093367	0.153368	-0.697453	-0.218175	0.430687	-1.227789	-0.021532	0.089260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	112764.000000	114615.000000	143894.000000
-342.596405	0.214895	-0.206576	-1.056799	0.088010	0.037083	-0.821280	143690.000000	0.000000	0.025323	0.011159	-1.178299	-2.175981	-2.184906	-28220.849609	-30097.722656	-593832.125000	0.096234	0.154148	-0.697453	-0.218175	0.430687	-1.227789	-0.021532	0.089260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	115469.000000	111910.000000	115469.000000
-342.601410	0.218068	-0.210238	-1.056311	0.075239	0.009413	-0.857463	143690.000000	0.000000	0.025323	0.011159	-1.215517	-2.185275	-2.184906	-6684.585938	-10016.083008	-578074.875000	0.098995	0.154883	-0.697453	-0.218175	0.430687	-1.227789	-0.021532	0.089260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190390.000000	117021.000000	110358.000000	156989.000000
-342.606415	0.220754	-0.215365	-1.055822	0.060340	-0.018257	-0.894711	146377.000000	0.000000	0.025323	0.011159	-1.250779	-2.194773	-2.184906	-6504.381836	-9779.569336	-561854.187500	0.101645	0.155591	-0.697453	-0.218175	0.430687	-1.227789	-0.021532	0.089260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192660.000000	119652.000000	113101.000000	160093.000000
-342.611420	0.221486	-0.219760	-1.054357	0.044376	-0.044863	-0.929831	146377.000000	0.000000	0.025323	0.011159	-1.282988	-2.203165	-2.184906	-6311.563965	-9506.162109	-546560.312500	0.104158	0.156258	-0.697453	-0.218175	0.430687	-1.227789	-0.021532	0.089260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192194.000000	119571.000000	113182.000000	160559.000000
-342.616425	0.222219	-0.223178	-1.053137	0.026285	-0.071468	-0.963886	146377.000000	0.000000	0.025323	0.011159	-1.313243	-2.209427	-2.184906	-6113.326660	-8983.598633	-531729.937500	0.106535	0.156858	-0.697453	-0.218175	0.430687	-1.227789	-0.021532	0.089260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191473.000000	119247.000000	113506.000000	161280.000000
-342.621429	0.222463	-0.225863	-1.051428	0.007128	-0.097010	-0.996877	146377.000000	0.000000	0.025323	0.011159	-1.341497	-2.213878	-2.184906	-6023.012207	-8599.699219	-517363.031250	0.108778	0.157374	-0.697453	-0.218175	0.430687	-1.227789	-0.021532	0.089260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190999.000000	118953.000000	113800.000000	161754.000000
-342.626434	0.223195	-0.226840	-1.050695	-0.013092	-0.122551	-1.027739	149333.000000	0.000000	0.025323	0.011159	-1.368138	-2.215058	-2.184906	-5850.522461	-8035.408203	-503923.031250	0.110893	0.157771	-0.697453	-0.218175	0.430687	-1.227789	-0.021532	0.089260	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193218.000000	121517.000000	117148.000000	165447.000000
-342.631439	0.224904	-0.226596	-1.050207	-0.035441	-0.147028	-1.056473	149333.000000	0.000000	0.031060	0.018534	-1.078688	-1.807291	-2.099946	30232.542969	39143.300781	-454411.437500	0.112904	0.158019	-0.730130	-0.194865	0.410389	-1.228072	-0.022284	0.092983	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119333.000000	119333.000000	119333.000000	200000.000000
-342.636444	0.226857	-0.225619	-1.048254	-0.058854	-0.169377	-1.084143	149333.000000	0.000000	0.026803	0.020491	-1.567727	-1.989488	-2.069000	-57747.824219	-26340.146484	-428885.093750	0.114832	0.158107	-0.742033	-0.186564	0.402401	-1.228275	-0.024227	0.092270	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	115673.000000	122992.000000	122992.000000
-342.641449	0.228811	-0.224643	-1.047521	-0.082267	-0.191726	-1.110749	149333.000000	0.000000	0.026803	0.020491	-1.421652	-2.060262	-2.069000	12861.543945	-14306.452148	-417298.875000	0.116673	0.158035	-0.742033	-0.186564	0.402401	-1.228275	-0.024227	0.092270	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180777.000000	146500.000000	100000.000000	177888.000000
-342.646454	0.231740	-0.223178	-1.047277	-0.105679	-0.213010	-1.136290	153101.000000	0.000000	0.026803	0.020491	-1.445626	-2.049959	-2.069000	-5965.766113	-5236.417480	-406176.093750	0.118448	0.157795	-0.742033	-0.186564	0.402401	-1.228275	-0.024227	0.092270	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194303.000000	122371.000000	123830.000000	171898.000000
-342.651459	0.233693	-0.222445	-1.045812	-0.130157	-0.232166	-1.161832	153101.000000	0.000000	0.026803	0.020491	-1.468457	-2.038048	-2.069000	-6091.009277	-4775.149902	-395053.343750	0.120153	0.157404	-0.742033	-0.186564	0.402401	-1.228275	-0.024227	0.092270	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193967.000000	121785.000000	124416.000000	172234.000000
-342.656464	0.235891	-0.221713	-1.043859	-0.154634	-0.250258	-1.187373	153101.000000	0.000000	0.026803	0.020491	-1.490925	-2.024132	-2.069000	-6188.354004	-4377.302246	-383930.562500	0.121802	0.156866	-0.742033	-0.186564	0.402401	-1.228275	-0.024227	0.092270	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193666.000000	121289.000000	124912.000000	172535.000000
-342.661469	0.238576	-0.220492	-1.041906	-0.179111	-0.266221	-1.211850	153101.000000	0.000000	0.026803	0.020491	-1.513545	-2.007690	-2.069000	-6469.656250	-3912.219482	-373271.250000	0.123413	0.156176	-0.742033	-0.186564	0.402401	-1.228275	-0.024227	0.092270	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193482.000000	120543.000000	125658.000000	172719.000000
-342.666473	0.240041	-0.218783	-1.039465	-0.202524	-0.280056	-1.237392	153101.000000	0.000000	0.026803	0.020491	-1.535139	-1.989059	-2.069000	-6626.489746	-3595.011230	-362148.468750	0.124977	0.155336	-0.742033	-0.186564	0.402401	-1.228275	-0.024227	0.092270	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193322.000000	120069.000000	126132.000000	172879.000000
-342.671478	0.241506	-0.217318	-1.036779	-0.225937	-0.291763	-1.261869	156009.000000	0.000000	0.026803	0.020491	-1.556595	-1.968657	-2.069000	-6890.261230	-3198.863037	-351489.125000	0.126504	0.154354	-0.742033	-0.186564	0.402401	-1.228275	-0.024227	0.092270	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196098.000000	122317.000000	129700.000000	175919.000000
-342.676483	0.242482	-0.216342	-1.033850	-0.247221	-0.302405	-1.285282	156009.000000	0.000000	0.034641	0.026653	-1.146339	-1.608636	-1.967482	42398.210938	35664.386719	-297084.593750	0.127991	0.153253	-0.781078	-0.160175	0.374440	-1.229317	-0.026198	0.090163	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126009.000000	126009.000000	126009.000000	200000.000000
-342.681488	0.242238	-0.216098	-1.030920	-0.266378	-0.309855	-1.308695	156009.000000	0.000000	0.028831	0.027565	-1.798834	-1.783402	-1.932531	-77775.992188	-24088.623047	-271668.062500	0.129431	0.152063	-0.794520	-0.151372	0.364276	-1.229619	-0.032643	0.091728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	120097.000000	131920.000000	131920.000000
-342.686493	0.240529	-0.216830	-1.027746	-0.284469	-0.317304	-1.331044	156009.000000	0.000000	0.028831	0.027565	-1.584021	-1.798533	-1.932531	18612.269531	-6639.104004	-261935.625000	0.130795	0.150809	-0.794520	-0.151372	0.364276	-1.229619	-0.032643	0.091728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174035.000000	151260.000000	100757.000000	197982.000000
-342.691498	0.237844	-0.218539	-1.024816	-0.298304	-0.323690	-1.352328	158030.000000	0.000000	0.028831	0.027565	-1.599584	-1.778519	-1.932531	-6878.212402	-3087.036377	-252666.656250	0.132070	0.149533	-0.794520	-0.151372	0.364276	-1.229619	-0.032643	0.091728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197995.000000	124238.000000	131821.000000	178064.000000
-342.696503	0.233449	-0.221469	-1.021643	-0.310011	-0.331139	-1.371484	158030.000000	0.000000	0.028831	0.027565	-1.611783	-1.760230	-1.932531	-6413.285645	-3372.850586	-244324.562500	0.133220	0.148273	-0.794520	-0.151372	0.364276	-1.229619	-0.032643	0.091728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197816.000000	124989.000000	131070.000000	178243.000000
-342.701508	0.227346	-0.224154	-1.018957	-0.318525	-0.338589	-1.390640	158030.000000	0.000000	0.028831	0.027565	-1.620384	-1.742806	-1.932531	-6022.781738	-3699.711670	-235982.468750	0.134212	0.147040	-0.794520	-0.151372	0.364276	-1.229619	-0.032643	0.091728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197752.000000	125706.000000	130353.000000	178307.000000
-342.706512	0.220754	-0.226352	-1.016516	-0.324910	-0.348167	-1.406604	158030.000000	0.000000	0.028831	0.027565	-1.625544	-1.725976	-1.932531	-5390.181641	-3892.273438	-229030.765625	0.135027	0.145837	-0.794520	-0.151372	0.364276	-1.229619	-0.032643	0.091728	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197312.000000	126532.000000	129527.000000	178747.000000
-342.711517	0.213674	-0.227816	-1.013342	-0.329167	-0.359873	-1.420439	158030.000000	0.000000	0.038896	0.034707	-1.073861	-1.317056	-1.781851	58663.703125	40887.027344	-157388.000000	0.135651	0.144666	-0.852474	-0.115374	0.318429	-1.231567	-0.038755	0.081823	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128030.000000	128030.000000	128030.000000	200000.000000
-342.716522	0.206838	-0.229281	-1.011877	-0.330231	-0.371580	-1.432145	158474.000000	0.000000	0.038896	0.034707	-1.475095	-1.587431	-1.781851	-47907.003906	-35395.414062	-152290.078125	0.136083	0.143539	-0.852474	-0.115374	0.318429	-1.231567	-0.038755	0.081823	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	128474.000000	128474.000000	128474.000000
-342.721527	0.199758	-0.229525	-1.010656	-0.331295	-0.386479	-1.440659	158474.000000	0.000000	0.030530	0.036032	-1.929967	-1.498900	-1.741231	-55477.714844	4480.506348	-130892.992188	0.136305	0.142435	-0.868097	-0.106231	0.305728	-1.232110	-0.039434	0.080446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	162954.000000	162954.000000
-342.726532	0.193654	-0.229525	-1.010412	-0.330231	-0.401378	-1.448109	158474.000000	0.000000	0.030530	0.036032	-1.588242	-1.536716	-1.741231	33761.207031	-9825.786133	-127648.828125	0.136334	0.141356	-0.868097	-0.106231	0.305728	-1.232110	-0.039434	0.080446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168299.000000	168299.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-342.731537	0.188039	-0.229037	-1.010168	-0.328103	-0.416277	-1.452365	158474.000000	0.000000	0.030530	0.036032	-1.578694	-1.521829	-1.741231	-2658.960693	-4088.242676	-125795.062500	0.136182	0.140300	-0.868097	-0.106231	0.305728	-1.232110	-0.039434	0.080446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195221.000000	129903.000000	127044.000000	181726.000000
-342.736542	0.183645	-0.228549	-1.009191	-0.327038	-0.432241	-1.455558	158526.000000	0.000000	0.030530	0.036032	-1.567686	-1.507216	-1.741231	-2257.423828	-3939.114014	-124404.718750	0.135871	0.139267	-0.868097	-0.106231	0.305728	-1.232110	-0.039434	0.080446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194722.000000	130207.000000	126844.000000	182329.000000
-342.741547	0.180471	-0.227084	-1.009436	-0.325974	-0.449268	-1.457687	158526.000000	0.000000	0.030530	0.036032	-1.555224	-1.491688	-1.741231	-1844.857422	-3771.874512	-123477.804688	0.135419	0.138233	-0.868097	-0.106231	0.305728	-1.232110	-0.039434	0.080446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194142.000000	130453.000000	126598.000000	182909.000000
-342.746552	0.177785	-0.226107	-1.009924	-0.327038	-0.465232	-1.459815	158526.000000	0.000000	0.030530	0.036032	-1.541511	-1.476069	-1.741231	-1687.745239	-3451.046631	-122550.898438	0.134840	0.137197	-0.868097	-0.106231	0.305728	-1.232110	-0.039434	0.080446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193664.000000	130289.000000	126762.000000	183387.000000
-342.751556	0.176320	-0.223666	-1.010412	-0.329167	-0.480131	-1.461944	158526.000000	0.000000	0.030530	0.036032	-1.527643	-1.458644	-1.741231	-1655.503906	-3045.673584	-121623.984375	0.134167	0.136127	-0.868097	-0.106231	0.305728	-1.232110	-0.039434	0.080446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193227.000000	129916.000000	127135.000000	183824.000000
-342.756561	0.175344	-0.220980	-1.009924	-0.334488	-0.495030	-1.465136	158533.000000	0.000000	0.030530	0.036032	-1.513167	-1.439830	-1.741231	-1453.402222	-2430.711182	-120233.648438	0.133414	0.135007	-0.868097	-0.106231	0.305728	-1.232110	-0.039434	0.080446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192417.000000	129510.000000	127555.000000	184648.000000
-342.761566	0.174611	-0.217074	-1.009191	-0.340873	-0.506736	-1.469393	158533.000000	0.000000	0.030530	0.036032	-1.498786	-1.418827	-1.741231	-1695.000854	-1947.113525	-118379.875000	0.132605	0.133810	-0.868097	-0.106231	0.305728	-1.232110	-0.039434	0.080446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192175.000000	128785.000000	128280.000000	184890.000000
-342.766571	0.174611	-0.212924	-1.006994	-0.350451	-0.517379	-1.476843	158533.000000	0.000000	0.030657	0.037720	-1.478017	-1.302999	-1.699208	-965.069580	9407.398438	-96835.804688	0.131767	0.132522	-0.884260	-0.097091	0.292528	-1.232363	-0.045852	0.081392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180090.000000	118160.000000	138905.000000	196975.000000
-342.771576	0.173635	-0.209262	-1.005041	-0.361094	-0.524828	-1.486421	158533.000000	0.000000	0.035664	0.038752	-1.193428	-1.289630	-1.542816	29035.865234	-1631.058350	-24558.955078	0.130895	0.131146	-0.944411	-0.066401	0.242667	-1.234400	-0.060514	0.078007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155687.000000	164640.000000	103307.000000	200000.000000
-342.776581	0.171926	-0.206576	-1.003820	-0.374929	-0.528021	-1.499191	158533.000000	0.000000	0.035664	0.038752	-1.379045	-1.305515	-1.542816	-23973.380859	-4506.031738	-18997.539062	0.129996	0.129684	-0.944411	-0.066401	0.242667	-1.234400	-0.060514	0.078007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	120068.000000	159002.000000	149051.000000
-342.781586	0.169484	-0.205844	-1.003088	-0.388763	-0.530149	-1.513026	158470.000000	0.000000	0.035664	0.038752	-1.363453	-1.280846	-1.542816	-1884.649536	130.058243	-12972.746094	0.129059	0.128172	-0.944411	-0.066401	0.242667	-1.234400	-0.060514	0.078007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173197.000000	143482.000000	147511.000000	169688.000000
-342.786591	0.165334	-0.206820	-1.001867	-0.401534	-0.529085	-1.530054	158470.000000	0.000000	0.035664	0.038752	-1.346494	-1.257657	-1.542816	-2012.108154	16.630287	-5557.560059	0.128069	0.126651	-0.944411	-0.066401	0.242667	-1.234400	-0.060514	0.078007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166023.000000	150883.000000	154941.000000	162032.000000
-342.791595	0.159719	-0.209018	-1.000646	-0.414305	-0.525892	-1.549210	158470.000000	0.000000	0.035664	0.038752	-1.327818	-1.235589	-1.542816	-1986.296265	52.809574	2784.537842	0.127010	0.125144	-0.944411	-0.066401	0.242667	-1.234400	-0.060514	0.078007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157618.000000	159215.000000	163293.000000	153751.000000
-342.796600	0.152883	-0.211459	-0.998449	-0.424947	-0.522700	-1.569430	158470.000000	0.000000	0.035664	0.038752	-1.307046	-1.214813	-1.542816	-1675.021118	-178.736923	11590.065430	0.125861	0.123670	-0.944411	-0.066401	0.242667	-1.234400	-0.060514	0.078007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148733.000000	168563.000000	171556.000000	145026.000000
-342.801605	0.144582	-0.214389	-0.996496	-0.433461	-0.518443	-1.589651	159738.000000	0.000000	0.035664	0.038752	-1.283687	-1.195641	-1.542816	-1419.731567	-461.805481	20395.591797	0.124601	0.122249	-0.944411	-0.066401	0.242667	-1.234400	-0.060514	0.078007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141223.000000	179175.000000	181091.000000	137460.000000
-342.806610	0.135305	-0.217807	-0.994055	-0.439846	-0.514186	-1.608807	159738.000000	0.000000	0.035664	0.038752	-1.257724	-1.178537	-1.542816	-1033.625732	-815.186646	28737.689453	0.123213	0.120905	-0.944411	-0.066401	0.242667	-1.234400	-0.060514	0.078007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132849.000000	188257.000000	188694.000000	129151.000000
-342.811615	0.125295	-0.221225	-0.991857	-0.444103	-0.509929	-1.627963	159738.000000	0.000000	0.029119	0.039715	-1.588999	-1.110204	-1.458037	-41857.468750	4917.618164	73999.085938	0.121683	0.119647	-0.977018	-0.051595	0.216242	-1.235423	-0.069319	0.071705	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154820.000000	154820.000000	200000.000000	104655.000000
-342.816620	0.114797	-0.223910	-0.990148	-0.446232	-0.506736	-1.644990	159738.000000	0.000000	0.028652	0.041421	-1.321466	-1.040468	-1.368013	25318.033203	5168.522949	120618.015625	0.119998	0.118470	-1.011643	-0.037250	0.188948	-1.236238	-0.079472	0.064539	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	169588.000000	160224.000000
-342.821625	0.104055	-0.226840	-0.988928	-0.445167	-0.504608	-1.658825	159738.000000	0.000000	0.026671	0.042928	-1.377344	-1.013808	-1.319355	-10392.665039	198.642654	147832.453125	0.118147	0.117396	-1.030357	-0.029780	0.174595	-1.236694	-0.083500	0.064000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139932.000000	179146.000000	200000.000000	119543.000000
-342.826630	0.094045	-0.229525	-0.987463	-0.443039	-0.502480	-1.671596	160829.000000	0.000000	0.026671	0.042928	-1.262208	-1.063570	-1.319355	8931.109375	-8560.155273	153393.859375	0.116148	0.116423	-1.030357	-0.029780	0.174595	-1.236694	-0.083500	0.064000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130458.000000	200000.000000	173337.000000	131199.000000
-342.831635	0.085256	-0.231479	-0.985021	-0.438782	-0.500351	-1.681174	160829.000000	0.000000	0.026671	0.042928	-1.225551	-1.054739	-1.319355	461.458435	-2330.345459	157564.890625	0.114027	0.115556	-1.030357	-0.029780	0.174595	-1.236694	-0.083500	0.064000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132697.000000	193620.000000	188037.000000	128960.000000
-342.836639	0.077932	-0.232455	-0.984045	-0.433461	-0.499287	-1.687559	160829.000000	0.000000	0.026671	0.042928	-1.188308	-1.046355	-1.319355	809.284729	-2482.404297	160345.578125	0.111808	0.114773	-1.030357	-0.029780	0.174595	-1.236694	-0.083500	0.064000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132502.000000	194120.000000	187537.000000	129155.000000
-342.841644	0.071584	-0.233187	-0.981848	-0.427076	-0.498223	-1.692880	160829.000000	0.000000	0.026671	0.042928	-1.150831	-1.039503	-1.319355	1001.820312	-2765.887451	162662.828125	0.109512	0.114079	-1.030357	-0.029780	0.174595	-1.236694	-0.083500	0.064000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132593.000000	194596.000000	187061.000000	129064.000000
-342.846649	0.067189	-0.232943	-0.980139	-0.420690	-0.497158	-1.693945	161706.000000	0.000000	0.026671	0.042928	-1.114271	-1.032888	-1.319355	1064.343384	-2790.843018	163126.296875	0.107178	0.113453	-1.030357	-0.029780	0.174595	-1.236694	-0.083500	0.064000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133432.000000	195561.000000	187850.000000	129979.000000
-342.851654	0.063283	-0.230990	-0.979406	-0.414305	-0.496094	-1.693945	161706.000000	0.000000	0.026671	0.042928	-1.077648	-1.025211	-1.319355	1234.725464	-2668.192627	163126.296875	0.104814	0.112859	-1.030357	-0.029780	0.174595	-1.236694	-0.083500	0.064000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133139.000000	195608.000000	187803.000000	130272.000000
-342.856659	0.059621	-0.227816	-0.977941	-0.408984	-0.495030	-1.691816	161706.000000	0.000000	0.026671	0.042928	-1.040887	-1.016620	-1.319355	1414.136353	-2435.589844	162199.390625	0.102427	0.112271	-1.030357	-0.029780	0.174595	-1.236694	-0.083500	0.064000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132727.000000	195555.000000	187856.000000	130684.000000
-342.861664	0.056203	-0.224643	-0.976232	-0.403663	-0.492902	-1.689688	161706.000000	0.000000	0.026671	0.042928	-1.004347	-1.008161	-1.319355	1431.062378	-2435.661865	161272.484375	0.100026	0.111689	-1.030357	-0.029780	0.174595	-1.236694	-0.083500	0.064000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132710.000000	195572.000000	187839.000000	130701.000000
-342.866669	0.052297	-0.221713	-0.973791	-0.399406	-0.490773	-1.685431	162634.000000	0.000000	0.025733	0.040073	-1.018610	-1.156955	-1.228022	-4230.308105	-20313.597656	199192.453125	0.097602	0.111118	-1.065485	-0.017589	0.148596	-1.237638	-0.090292	0.060512	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157177.000000	200000.000000	176550.000000	108090.000000
-342.871674	0.048146	-0.219760	-0.971594	-0.395149	-0.487580	-1.681174	162634.000000	0.000000	0.023219	0.038312	-1.081667	-1.132629	-1.136462	-10017.390625	-1185.705078	237211.296875	0.095155	0.110574	-1.100701	-0.007185	0.124017	-1.238466	-0.097999	0.060109	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143837.000000	183802.000000	200000.000000	121430.000000
-342.876678	0.043508	-0.218783	-0.968664	-0.393020	-0.483323	-1.675853	162634.000000	0.000000	0.023219	0.038312	-0.942906	-1.056227	-1.136462	12675.416016	5116.125977	234894.046875	0.092679	0.110070	-1.100701	-0.007185	0.124017	-1.238466	-0.097999	0.060109	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114842.000000	200000.000000	185074.000000	150425.000000
-342.881683	0.038137	-0.219027	-0.966711	-0.389828	-0.478002	-1.670532	162634.000000	0.000000	0.023219	0.038312	-0.903669	-1.052186	-1.136462	1771.194214	-2953.555420	232576.796875	0.090165	0.109630	-1.100701	-0.007185	0.124017	-1.238466	-0.097999	0.060109	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133816.000000	197358.000000	187909.000000	131451.000000
-342.886688	0.032521	-0.219516	-0.964025	-0.388763	-0.472681	-1.664146	162634.000000	0.000000	0.023219	0.038312	-0.863629	-1.048938	-1.136462	2019.174805	-2796.751953	229796.109375	0.087609	0.109251	-1.100701	-0.007185	0.124017	-1.238466	-0.097999	0.060109	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133411.000000	197449.000000	187818.000000	131856.000000
-342.891693	0.027150	-0.220004	-0.961340	-0.388763	-0.466296	-1.657761	163453.000000	0.000000	0.023219	0.038312	-0.823553	-1.046260	-1.136462	2061.174805	-2729.987305	227015.437500	0.085021	0.108927	-1.100701	-0.007185	0.124017	-1.238466	-0.097999	0.060109	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134121.000000	198244.000000	188661.000000	132784.000000
-342.896698	0.023000	-0.219760	-0.958898	-0.389828	-0.460975	-1.651376	163453.000000	0.000000	0.023219	0.038312	-0.784110	-1.043189	-1.136462	2265.436279	-2550.802979	224234.750000	0.082422	0.108635	-1.100701	-0.007185	0.124017	-1.238466	-0.097999	0.060109	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133738.000000	198269.000000	188636.000000	133167.000000
-342.901703	0.018850	-0.219516	-0.956701	-0.393020	-0.456718	-1.643926	163453.000000	0.000000	0.023219	0.038312	-0.744180	-1.039950	-1.136462	2600.136230	-2268.692871	220990.593750	0.079806	0.108364	-1.100701	-0.007185	0.124017	-1.238466	-0.097999	0.060109	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133121.000000	198321.000000	188584.000000	133784.000000
-342.906708	0.015920	-0.219027	-0.954016	-0.398342	-0.453525	-1.636477	163453.000000	0.000000	0.023219	0.038312	-0.705096	-1.036266	-1.136462	2789.212646	-1944.261108	217746.468750	0.077192	0.108100	-1.100701	-0.007185	0.124017	-1.238466	-0.097999	0.060109	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132608.000000	198186.000000	188719.000000	134297.000000
-342.911713	0.012502	-0.218295	-0.951330	-0.405791	-0.452461	-1.630091	163933.000000	0.000000	0.024201	0.034931	-0.610963	-1.217671	-0.960475	9504.380859	-22862.085938	291604.375000	0.074562	0.107827	-1.168388	0.006615	0.082385	-1.239976	-0.113132	0.059739	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147290.000000	200000.000000	161566.000000	120575.000000
-342.916718	0.009084	-0.217562	-0.948156	-0.414305	-0.453525	-1.621577	163933.000000	0.000000	0.012344	0.029380	-1.261124	-1.382985	-0.915685	-75087.046875	-21696.978516	307401.812500	0.071902	0.107542	-1.185615	0.009108	0.073056	-1.240223	-0.115116	0.055555	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185629.000000	185629.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-342.921722	0.005422	-0.217074	-0.944738	-0.424947	-0.456718	-1.614128	163933.000000	0.000000	0.012344	0.029380	-0.744757	-1.155882	-0.915685	55803.722656	22779.193359	304157.718750	0.069199	0.107241	-1.185615	0.009108	0.073056	-1.240223	-0.115116	0.055555	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	186712.000000	186712.000000
-342.926727	0.001760	-0.216098	-0.940832	-0.436654	-0.463103	-1.607742	163933.000000	0.000000	0.012344	0.029380	-0.701012	-1.149779	-0.915685	4417.795898	-1322.123779	301377.031250	0.066438	0.106911	-1.185615	0.009108	0.073056	-1.240223	-0.115116	0.055555	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130837.000000	199672.000000	188193.000000	137028.000000
-342.931732	-0.002391	-0.214633	-0.937658	-0.449424	-0.471617	-1.602421	163933.000000	0.000000	0.012344	0.029380	-0.655314	-1.142245	-0.915685	5115.905762	-954.325317	299059.781250	0.063599	0.106534	-1.185615	0.009108	0.073056	-1.240223	-0.115116	0.055555	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129771.000000	200000.000000	187862.000000	138094.000000
-342.936737	-0.006053	-0.213656	-0.933020	-0.463259	-0.481195	-1.598164	163936.000000	0.000000	0.012344	0.029380	-0.608769	-1.134716	-0.915685	5585.495605	-739.191895	297205.937500	0.060689	0.106123	-1.185615	0.009108	0.073056	-1.240223	-0.115116	0.055555	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129089.000000	200000.000000	187611.000000	138782.000000
-342.941742	-0.010447	-0.212436	-0.928381	-0.478158	-0.491837	-1.593907	163936.000000	0.000000	0.012344	0.029380	-0.560053	-1.126118	-0.915685	6212.924805	-396.903534	295352.187500	0.057686	0.105668	-1.185615	0.009108	0.073056	-1.240223	-0.115116	0.055555	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128119.000000	200000.000000	187326.000000	139752.000000
-342.946747	-0.015574	-0.210971	-0.924963	-0.491993	-0.503544	-1.591779	163936.000000	0.000000	0.012344	0.029380	-0.508924	-1.116616	-0.915685	6884.409668	-307.254639	294425.281250	0.054572	0.105164	-1.185615	0.009108	0.073056	-1.240223	-0.115116	0.055555	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127358.000000	200000.000000	186744.000000	140513.000000
-342.951752	-0.020945	-0.209506	-0.921545	-0.505828	-0.516315	-1.589651	163936.000000	0.000000	0.011293	0.028056	-0.513408	-1.179301	-0.870562	924.519714	-8469.382812	313148.625000	0.051339	0.104613	-1.202970	0.011237	0.064213	-1.240364	-0.121639	0.055379	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141480.000000	200000.000000	184542.000000	126391.000000
-342.956757	-0.027293	-0.208041	-0.917883	-0.517535	-0.529085	-1.587522	163935.000000	0.000000	0.013295	0.024469	-0.305153	-1.313398	-0.742771	25333.253906	-17118.558594	367872.218750	0.047965	0.104028	-1.252120	0.013530	0.043243	-1.240601	-0.133963	0.051882	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125720.000000	200000.000000	151483.000000	142149.000000
-342.961761	-0.034129	-0.206088	-0.914953	-0.528177	-0.542920	-1.587522	163935.000000	0.000000	0.003743	0.017849	-0.851495	-1.523017	-0.702090	-59983.578125	-26459.275391	385587.750000	0.044440	0.103402	-1.267767	0.013128	0.037936	-1.240484	-0.139666	0.048919	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190394.000000	190394.000000	197475.000000	100000.000000
-342.966766	-0.040477	-0.204623	-0.912023	-0.534562	-0.554627	-1.589651	163935.000000	0.000000	0.003743	0.017849	-0.409537	-1.248348	-0.702090	50550.628906	27620.150391	386514.656250	0.040786	0.102767	-1.267767	0.013128	0.037936	-1.240484	-0.139666	0.048919	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196314.000000	191555.000000	191555.000000
-342.971771	-0.049266	-0.202670	-0.907629	-0.540948	-0.568462	-1.592843	163935.000000	0.000000	0.003743	0.017849	-0.344230	-1.238132	-0.702090	9733.567383	-1381.539795	387905.000000	0.036941	0.102119	-1.267767	0.013128	0.037936	-1.240484	-0.139666	0.048919	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125582.000000	200000.000000	182819.000000	142287.000000
-342.976776	-0.059031	-0.201449	-0.904211	-0.545205	-0.583361	-1.596036	163939.000000	0.000000	0.003743	0.017849	-0.274799	-1.228982	-0.702090	10693.845703	-1670.978394	389295.343750	0.032882	0.101481	-1.267767	0.013128	0.037936	-1.240484	-0.139666	0.048919	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124916.000000	200000.000000	181574.000000	142961.000000
-342.981781	-0.069773	-0.200961	-0.901770	-0.547333	-0.598260	-1.600293	163939.000000	0.000000	0.003743	0.017849	-0.201323	-1.221138	-0.702090	11543.249023	-2002.991089	391149.156250	0.028594	0.100875	-1.267767	0.013128	0.037936	-1.240484	-0.139666	0.048919	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124398.000000	200000.000000	180392.000000	143479.000000
-342.986786	-0.081004	-0.200717	-0.899084	-0.547333	-0.614223	-1.603485	163939.000000	0.000000	0.003743	0.017849	-0.123697	-1.214752	-0.702090	12547.138672	-2367.854492	392539.500000	0.024064	0.100318	-1.267767	0.013128	0.037936	-1.240484	-0.139666	0.048919	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123759.000000	200000.000000	179024.000000	144118.000000
-342.991791	-0.092234	-0.200717	-0.896398	-0.544140	-0.629122	-1.606678	163939.000000	0.000000	0.003743	0.017849	-0.042971	-1.210276	-0.702090	13210.932617	-2923.196289	393929.843750	0.019302	0.099831	-1.267767	0.013128	0.037936	-1.240484	-0.139666	0.048919	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123651.000000	200000.000000	177804.000000	144226.000000
-342.996796	-0.103221	-0.201205	-0.893713	-0.538819	-0.645086	-1.608807	163939.000000	0.000000	0.003743	0.017849	0.041010	-1.208015	-0.702090	14145.467773	-3414.711914	394856.750000	0.014311	0.099436	-1.267767	0.013128	0.037936	-1.240484	-0.139666	0.048919	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123208.000000	200000.000000	176378.000000	144669.000000
-343.001801	-0.113475	-0.200961	-0.891516	-0.531370	-0.661049	-1.609871	164998.000000	0.000000	0.003743	0.017849	0.127272	-1.206726	-0.702090	14866.554688	-3784.027832	395320.187500	0.009113	0.099126	-1.267767	0.013128	0.037936	-1.240484	-0.139666	0.048919	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123915.000000	200000.000000	176347.000000	146080.000000
-343.006805	-0.122020	-0.199740	-0.889074	-0.523920	-0.677013	-1.610935	164998.000000	0.000000	0.006619	0.018182	0.372398	-1.187209	-0.614648	33501.242188	-1725.851074	433862.937500	0.003745	0.098877	-1.301398	0.012221	0.027761	-1.239990	-0.152899	0.043492	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106723.000000	200000.000000	163272.000000	163272.000000
-343.011810	-0.129344	-0.198520	-0.886877	-0.515406	-0.694040	-1.610935	164998.000000	0.000000	0.005024	0.014949	0.258278	-1.378587	-0.526849	-6295.233398	-25949.917969	472097.843750	-0.001763	0.098702	-1.335167	0.010262	0.019828	-1.239173	-0.165462	0.042069	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167243.000000	200000.000000	175343.000000	102752.000000
-343.016815	-0.135691	-0.196811	-0.884924	-0.505828	-0.710004	-1.610935	164998.000000	0.000000	0.005024	0.014949	0.410910	-1.250183	-0.526849	23694.296875	9641.623047	472097.843750	-0.007385	0.098591	-1.335167	0.010262	0.019828	-1.239173	-0.165462	0.042069	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101662.000000	200000.000000	180945.000000	168333.000000
-343.021820	-0.140818	-0.195102	-0.881750	-0.496250	-0.724903	-1.611999	167109.000000	0.000000	0.005024	0.014949	0.499788	-1.252354	-0.526849	17044.541016	-4770.041504	472561.281250	-0.013089	0.098549	-1.335167	0.010262	0.019828	-1.239173	-0.165462	0.042069	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124834.000000	200000.000000	175294.000000	149383.000000
-343.026825	-0.145945	-0.193393	-0.880529	-0.486672	-0.739802	-1.613063	167109.000000	0.000000	0.005024	0.014949	0.589457	-1.255033	-0.526849	17612.511719	-4882.181641	473024.687500	-0.018868	0.098568	-1.335167	0.010262	0.019828	-1.239173	-0.165462	0.042069	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124378.000000	200000.000000	174614.000000	149839.000000
-343.031830	-0.151316	-0.192416	-0.880041	-0.476030	-0.753637	-1.614128	167109.000000	0.000000	0.005024	0.014949	0.679977	-1.259532	-0.526849	18069.027344	-5269.016602	473488.187500	-0.024717	0.098663	-1.335167	0.010262	0.019828	-1.239173	-0.165462	0.042069	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124308.000000	200000.000000	173770.000000	149909.000000
-343.036835	-0.156932	-0.192660	-0.879309	-0.464323	-0.765343	-1.617320	167109.000000	0.000000	0.005024	0.014949	0.771085	-1.266917	-0.526849	18372.695312	-5791.124023	474878.531250	-0.030627	0.098867	-1.335167	0.010262	0.019828	-1.239173	-0.165462	0.042069	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124527.000000	200000.000000	172945.000000	149690.000000
-343.041840	-0.162547	-0.193393	-0.879309	-0.452617	-0.775986	-1.621577	167109.000000	0.000000	0.009020	0.011865	1.082213	-1.445778	-0.348805	43928.257812	-25522.511719	554266.875000	-0.036588	0.099184	-1.403646	0.003647	0.010522	-1.236341	-0.192745	0.040170	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132631.000000	200000.000000	141586.000000	141586.000000
-343.046844	-0.169383	-0.194857	-0.880285	-0.438782	-0.783435	-1.625834	168633.000000	0.000000	0.009020	0.011865	1.014828	-1.334557	-0.348805	1681.795166	6587.593750	556120.687500	-0.042603	0.099635	-1.403646	0.003647	0.010522	-1.236341	-0.192745	0.040170	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130363.000000	193727.000000	200000.000000	146902.000000
-343.051849	-0.176951	-0.195834	-0.880529	-0.424947	-0.789820	-1.631155	168633.000000	0.000000	-0.004281	0.002247	0.377139	-1.877025	-0.308647	-64061.531250	-67860.617188	575926.062500	-0.048681	0.100209	-1.419091	0.000626	0.010559	-1.235392	-0.200598	0.042025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198633.000000	198633.000000	198633.000000	100000.000000
-343.056854	-0.184275	-0.196078	-0.879309	-0.408984	-0.793013	-1.638605	168633.000000	0.000000	-0.004281	0.002247	1.002835	-1.507770	-0.308647	77424.773438	33799.894531	579170.187500	-0.054806	0.100906	-1.419091	0.000626	0.010559	-1.235392	-0.200598	0.042025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	198633.000000	198633.000000	198633.000000
-343.061859	-0.192332	-0.196078	-0.879797	-0.393020	-0.795142	-1.646055	168633.000000	0.000000	-0.004281	0.002247	1.097313	-1.524140	-0.308647	19327.816406	-8758.433594	582414.375000	-0.060980	0.101711	-1.419091	0.000626	0.010559	-1.235392	-0.200598	0.042025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128063.000000	200000.000000	170546.000000	149202.000000
-343.066864	-0.200145	-0.195834	-0.880529	-0.375993	-0.795142	-1.654568	169798.000000	0.000000	-0.002739	0.003055	1.276300	-1.497608	-0.264883	29213.175781	-4114.160645	605180.187500	-0.067181	0.102622	-1.435924	-0.001871	0.010329	-1.234288	-0.210912	0.044393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114698.000000	200000.000000	166470.000000	164897.000000
-343.071869	-0.207957	-0.195346	-0.880529	-0.357901	-0.794077	-1.663082	169798.000000	0.000000	-0.002739	0.003055	1.308942	-1.549523	-0.264883	13146.812500	-13180.639648	608887.812500	-0.073405	0.103641	-1.435924	-0.001871	0.010329	-1.234288	-0.210912	0.044393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139831.000000	200000.000000	173470.000000	139764.000000
-343.076874	-0.216990	-0.196566	-0.880285	-0.340873	-0.791949	-1.673724	169798.000000	0.000000	-0.002739	0.003055	1.404553	-1.572361	-0.264883	20384.908203	-10049.210938	613522.312500	-0.079671	0.104797	-1.435924	-0.001871	0.010329	-1.234288	-0.210912	0.044393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129462.000000	200000.000000	169363.000000	150133.000000
-343.081879	-0.226023	-0.199740	-0.880773	-0.323846	-0.788756	-1.684367	169798.000000	0.000000	-0.002739	0.003055	1.499978	-1.599197	-0.264883	20669.718750	-10689.719727	618156.750000	-0.085964	0.106126	-1.435924	-0.001871	0.010329	-1.234288	-0.210912	0.044393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129818.000000	200000.000000	168438.000000	149777.000000
-343.086884	-0.235057	-0.202914	-0.881018	-0.307882	-0.785564	-1.696073	170788.000000	0.000000	-0.002739	0.003055	1.595693	-1.628289	-0.264883	21129.169922	-11028.916016	623254.687500	-0.092279	0.107621	-1.435924	-0.001871	0.010329	-1.234288	-0.210912	0.044393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130687.000000	200000.000000	168629.000000	150888.000000
-343.091888	-0.243846	-0.206332	-0.879553	-0.295112	-0.782371	-1.708844	170788.000000	0.000000	-0.002739	0.003055	1.691737	-1.659576	-0.264883	21592.486328	-11121.975586	628816.125000	-0.098619	0.109278	-1.435924	-0.001871	0.010329	-1.234288	-0.210912	0.044393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130317.000000	200000.000000	168073.000000	151258.000000
-343.096893	-0.251658	-0.208773	-0.879309	-0.283405	-0.779178	-1.721614	170788.000000	0.000000	-0.000527	0.004411	1.908185	-1.616949	-0.216742	35810.527344	-2734.407471	655341.937500	-0.104955	0.111062	-1.454439	-0.003623	0.009653	-1.233264	-0.216233	0.046070	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113522.000000	200000.000000	168053.000000	168053.000000
-343.101898	-0.259227	-0.210482	-0.878576	-0.273827	-0.774921	-1.734385	170788.000000	0.000000	0.004138	0.002288	2.170553	-1.820310	-0.076066	41930.128906	-30527.689453	722165.062500	-0.111277	0.112950	-1.508546	-0.010271	0.011454	-1.229434	-0.239303	0.056463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140788.000000	200000.000000	140788.000000	140788.000000
-343.106903	-0.266307	-0.211703	-0.878332	-0.267442	-0.770664	-1.747156	170788.000000	0.000000	0.004138	0.002288	2.077387	-1.767838	-0.076066	2388.818604	-1834.290649	727726.437500	-0.117573	0.114913	-1.508546	-0.010271	0.011454	-1.229434	-0.239303	0.056463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140233.000000	200000.000000	196564.000000	141342.000000
-343.111908	-0.273387	-0.212680	-0.878088	-0.264249	-0.766407	-1.758862	171013.000000	0.000000	0.004138	0.002288	2.170347	-1.800125	-0.076066	23262.433594	-10966.277344	732824.375000	-0.123841	0.116927	-1.508546	-0.010271	0.011454	-1.229434	-0.239303	0.056463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128716.000000	200000.000000	166784.000000	153309.000000
-343.116913	-0.279734	-0.212924	-0.879064	-0.262121	-0.761086	-1.770569	171013.000000	0.000000	0.004138	0.002288	2.261434	-1.831802	-0.076066	23336.027344	-10938.396484	737922.312500	-0.130056	0.118968	-1.508546	-0.010271	0.011454	-1.229434	-0.239303	0.056463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128615.000000	200000.000000	166738.000000	153410.000000
-343.121918	-0.284861	-0.212924	-0.878820	-0.263185	-0.754701	-1.780147	171013.000000	0.000000	0.004138	0.002288	2.350546	-1.863023	-0.076066	23382.253906	-10675.861328	742093.375000	-0.136195	0.121019	-1.508546	-0.010271	0.011454	-1.229434	-0.239303	0.056463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128306.000000	200000.000000	166954.000000	153719.000000
-343.126923	-0.289988	-0.212191	-0.878088	-0.266378	-0.747251	-1.789725	171013.000000	0.000000	0.004138	0.002288	2.438534	-1.893107	-0.076066	23512.070312	-10440.388672	746264.375000	-0.142260	0.123058	-1.508546	-0.010271	0.011454	-1.229434	-0.239303	0.056463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127941.000000	200000.000000	167060.000000	154084.000000
-343.131927	-0.295115	-0.211459	-0.878332	-0.271699	-0.738738	-1.799303	170991.000000	0.000000	0.004138	0.002288	2.524825	-1.922174	-0.076066	23564.384766	-10203.240234	750435.437500	-0.148241	0.125070	-1.508546	-0.010271	0.011454	-1.229434	-0.239303	0.056463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127629.000000	200000.000000	167223.000000	154352.000000
-343.136932	-0.300486	-0.210238	-0.878088	-0.278084	-0.728095	-1.808881	170991.000000	0.000000	0.004138	0.002288	2.609860	-1.950118	-0.076066	23534.576172	-10061.824219	754606.500000	-0.154137	0.127041	-1.508546	-0.010271	0.011454	-1.229434	-0.239303	0.056463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127518.000000	200000.000000	167394.000000	154463.000000
-343.141937	-0.305857	-0.208773	-0.877844	-0.284469	-0.715325	-1.818459	170991.000000	0.000000	0.004138	0.002288	2.693161	-1.977197	-0.076066	23434.289062	-10061.875000	758777.500000	-0.159939	0.128967	-1.508546	-0.010271	0.011454	-1.229434	-0.239303	0.056463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127618.000000	200000.000000	167494.000000	154363.000000
-343.146942	-0.312937	-0.208529	-0.878088	-0.290855	-0.699361	-1.828037	170991.000000	0.000000	-0.002426	-0.002194	2.414954	-2.251179	-0.028523	-18020.011719	-38441.359375	783652.375000	-0.165663	0.130868	-1.526831	-0.012615	0.012966	-1.228079	-0.243225	0.058947	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189011.000000	200000.000000	189011.000000	100000.000000
-343.151947	-0.320018	-0.208529	-0.878332	-0.298304	-0.681269	-1.837615	170991.000000	0.000000	0.009330	-0.000226	3.404837	-1.990834	0.176306	125650.445312	21659.886719	877022.562500	-0.171299	0.132744	-1.605612	-0.018543	0.019754	-1.222046	-0.268196	0.074927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	192650.000000	192650.000000
-343.156952	-0.327342	-0.208285	-0.878820	-0.305754	-0.661049	-1.846129	171021.000000	0.000000	0.009330	-0.000226	3.014204	-2.095915	0.176306	-28278.724609	-18971.951172	880730.187500	-0.176841	0.134588	-1.605612	-0.018543	0.019754	-1.222046	-0.268196	0.074927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188271.000000	191714.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-343.161957	-0.334178	-0.206820	-0.879797	-0.313203	-0.638700	-1.852514	171021.000000	0.000000	0.009330	-0.000226	3.091161	-2.120212	0.176306	23161.857422	-10164.744141	883510.875000	-0.182271	0.136370	-1.605612	-0.018543	0.019754	-1.222046	-0.268196	0.074927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128023.000000	200000.000000	167694.000000	154018.000000
-343.166962	-0.341502	-0.204867	-0.880529	-0.320653	-0.615287	-1.857835	171021.000000	0.000000	0.009330	-0.000226	3.166988	-2.143046	0.176306	23161.734375	-10074.593750	885828.125000	-0.187599	0.138082	-1.605612	-0.018543	0.019754	-1.222046	-0.268196	0.074927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127933.000000	200000.000000	167784.000000	154108.000000
-343.171967	-0.348826	-0.202670	-0.881506	-0.328103	-0.591874	-1.861028	171021.000000	0.000000	0.009330	-0.000226	3.241384	-2.164421	0.176306	23238.863281	-9978.277344	887218.437500	-0.192827	0.139715	-1.605612	-0.018543	0.019754	-1.222046	-0.268196	0.074927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127760.000000	200000.000000	167803.000000	154281.000000
-343.176971	-0.356150	-0.201449	-0.882482	-0.334488	-0.568462	-1.862092	170995.000000	0.000000	0.009330	-0.000226	3.314363	-2.185923	0.176306	23311.101562	-10178.782227	887681.875000	-0.197956	0.141294	-1.605612	-0.018543	0.019754	-1.222046	-0.268196	0.074927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127862.000000	200000.000000	167505.000000	154127.000000
-343.181976	-0.363719	-0.199984	-0.882971	-0.340873	-0.546113	-1.859964	170995.000000	0.000000	0.009330	-0.000226	3.386829	-2.206265	0.176306	23602.183594	-10115.371094	886755.000000	-0.203003	0.142812	-1.605612	-0.018543	0.019754	-1.222046	-0.268196	0.074927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127508.000000	200000.000000	167277.000000	154481.000000
-343.186981	-0.370799	-0.198764	-0.883947	-0.347259	-0.525892	-1.855707	170995.000000	0.000000	0.009330	-0.000226	3.458069	-2.225817	0.176306	23936.132812	-10089.135742	884901.187500	-0.207970	0.144272	-1.605612	-0.018543	0.019754	-1.222046	-0.268196	0.074927	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127148.000000	200000.000000	166969.000000	154841.000000
-343.191986	-0.377635	-0.197543	-0.884924	-0.353644	-0.505672	-1.849322	170995.000000	0.000000	0.003878	-0.004973	3.228221	-2.505447	0.277512	-10320.595703	-39943.179688	926193.312500	-0.212853	0.145671	-1.644537	-0.021010	0.025101	-1.218867	-0.274018	0.083077	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181315.000000	200000.000000	181315.000000	100674.000000
-343.196991	-0.383982	-0.196811	-0.885412	-0.357901	-0.487580	-1.839743	171007.000000	0.000000	0.006009	-0.005587	3.632455	-2.368136	0.384831	61410.878906	6319.177734	968757.562500	-0.217661	0.147030	-1.685813	-0.022053	0.030805	-1.215616	-0.274676	0.089122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104687.000000	200000.000000	177326.000000	177326.000000
-343.201996	-0.389842	-0.195834	-0.886877	-0.361094	-0.470553	-1.828037	171007.000000	0.000000	0.006009	-0.005587	3.614820	-2.361488	0.384831	14981.288086	-8119.759277	963659.625000	-0.222385	0.148344	-1.685813	-0.022053	0.030805	-1.215616	-0.274676	0.089122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134145.000000	200000.000000	177905.000000	147868.000000
-343.207001	-0.394725	-0.195102	-0.889074	-0.364286	-0.453525	-1.815266	171007.000000	0.000000	0.006009	-0.005587	3.679903	-2.378820	0.384831	24297.736328	-10821.619141	958098.250000	-0.227005	0.149614	-1.685813	-0.022053	0.030805	-1.215616	-0.274676	0.089122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127530.000000	200000.000000	165887.000000	154483.000000
-343.212006	-0.399119	-0.193881	-0.890051	-0.364286	-0.436498	-1.802496	171007.000000	0.000000	0.006009	-0.005587	3.743604	-2.396085	0.384831	24360.556641	-11244.606445	952536.875000	-0.231523	0.150852	-1.685813	-0.022053	0.030805	-1.215616	-0.274676	0.089122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127891.000000	200000.000000	165401.000000	154122.000000
-343.217010	-0.402537	-0.192416	-0.892004	-0.363222	-0.419470	-1.788661	171007.000000	0.000000	0.006009	-0.005587	3.804554	-2.412663	0.384831	24259.978516	-11367.358398	946512.062500	-0.235916	0.152054	-1.685813	-0.022053	0.030805	-1.215616	-0.274676	0.089122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128114.000000	200000.000000	165379.000000	153899.000000
-343.222015	-0.405467	-0.190951	-0.893957	-0.361094	-0.401378	-1.774826	171011.000000	0.000000	0.006009	-0.005587	3.863017	-2.428966	0.384831	24055.269531	-11538.833008	940487.187500	-0.240175	0.153224	-1.685813	-0.022053	0.030805	-1.215616	-0.274676	0.089122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128494.000000	200000.000000	165416.000000	153527.000000
-343.227020	-0.407908	-0.189242	-0.895910	-0.356837	-0.382222	-1.763119	171011.000000	0.000000	0.006009	-0.005587	3.918773	-2.445216	0.384831	23809.003906	-11861.463867	935389.250000	-0.244285	0.154371	-1.685813	-0.022053	0.030805	-1.215616	-0.274676	0.089122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129063.000000	200000.000000	165340.000000	152958.000000
-343.232025	-0.409861	-0.186801	-0.897863	-0.350451	-0.362002	-1.750349	171011.000000	0.000000	0.006009	-0.005587	3.971825	-2.460786	0.384831	23545.671875	-12121.667969	929827.875000	-0.248240	0.155488	-1.685813	-0.022053	0.030805	-1.215616	-0.274676	0.089122	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129586.000000	200000.000000	165343.000000	152435.000000
-343.237030	-0.410838	-0.184359	-0.900305	-0.344066	-0.339653	-1.738642	171011.000000	0.000000	-0.002729	-0.012544	3.540480	-2.858381	0.425221	-32037.728516	-55985.910156	942319.125000	-0.252008	0.156575	-1.701348	-0.024445	0.035659	-1.213594	-0.272980	0.078057	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-343.242035	-0.412303	-0.182406	-0.902502	-0.335552	-0.317304	-1.726936	171126.000000	0.000000	0.013971	-0.006271	4.855328	-2.250958	0.627012	165940.531250	57055.945312	1025097.000000	-0.255604	0.157650	-1.778960	-0.024170	0.049984	-1.207663	-0.287111	0.100797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-343.247040	-0.414012	-0.180697	-0.904943	-0.325974	-0.292827	-1.716293	171126.000000	0.000000	0.013971	-0.006271	4.231629	-2.517739	0.627012	-50458.347656	-40469.355469	1020462.500000	-0.259023	0.158722	-1.778960	-0.024170	0.049984	-1.207663	-0.287111	0.100797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-343.252045	-0.416209	-0.179477	-0.907141	-0.316396	-0.268350	-1.705651	171126.000000	0.000000	0.013971	-0.006271	4.273916	-2.534039	0.627012	22852.691406	-13046.652344	1015828.062500	-0.262279	0.159797	-1.778960	-0.024170	0.049984	-1.207663	-0.287111	0.100797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131319.000000	200000.000000	165226.000000	150932.000000
-343.257050	-0.419383	-0.177279	-0.909094	-0.305754	-0.243873	-1.695009	171126.000000	0.000000	0.013971	-0.006271	4.315079	-2.549510	0.627012	22805.929688	-13192.532227	1011193.562500	-0.265395	0.160861	-1.778960	-0.024170	0.049984	-1.207663	-0.287111	0.100797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131512.000000	200000.000000	165127.000000	150739.000000
-343.262054	-0.422801	-0.175326	-0.911047	-0.295112	-0.218331	-1.684367	171126.000000	0.000000	0.013971	-0.006271	4.354236	-2.564956	0.627012	22530.869141	-13309.948242	1006559.000000	-0.268373	0.161915	-1.778960	-0.024170	0.049984	-1.207663	-0.287111	0.100797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131905.000000	200000.000000	165285.000000	150346.000000
-343.267059	-0.426463	-0.174105	-0.912268	-0.283405	-0.193854	-1.672660	171133.000000	0.000000	0.013971	-0.006271	4.392300	-2.581295	0.627012	22590.287109	-13653.975586	1001461.062500	-0.271231	0.162979	-1.778960	-0.024170	0.049984	-1.207663	-0.287111	0.100797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132196.000000	200000.000000	164888.000000	150069.000000
-343.272064	-0.429637	-0.173373	-0.914465	-0.273827	-0.169377	-1.659889	171133.000000	0.000000	0.013971	-0.006271	4.427782	-2.597428	0.627012	22356.955078	-13515.671875	995899.750000	-0.273955	0.164046	-1.778960	-0.024170	0.049984	-1.207663	-0.287111	0.100797	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132291.000000	200000.000000	165260.000000	149974.000000
-343.277069	-0.433299	-0.172641	-0.916906	-0.264249	-0.144900	-1.647119	171133.000000	0.000000	0.010876	-0.009969	4.291610	-2.816750	0.763255	2743.617676	-36910.457031	1049669.375000	-0.276553	0.165114	-1.831361	-0.023972	0.063344	-1.203167	-0.289353	0.109816	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168389.000000	200000.000000	168389.000000	113876.000000
-343.282074	-0.436717	-0.172396	-0.919348	-0.254671	-0.120423	-1.634348	171133.000000	0.000000	0.004813	-0.012754	4.113896	-2.838499	0.805785	-2754.214111	-15330.182617	1062629.250000	-0.279024	0.166189	-1.847719	-0.023858	0.068108	-1.201756	-0.288108	0.113759	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159217.000000	200000.000000	188557.000000	123048.000000
-343.287079	-0.439158	-0.171664	-0.921789	-0.246157	-0.095945	-1.622642	171671.000000	0.000000	0.004813	-0.012754	4.385554	-2.743008	0.805785	47793.828125	-1921.854370	1057531.375000	-0.281352	0.167260	-1.847719	-0.023858	0.068108	-1.201756	-0.288108	0.113759	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113592.000000	200000.000000	169749.000000	169749.000000
-343.292084	-0.440623	-0.170932	-0.924719	-0.237643	-0.071468	-1.608807	171671.000000	0.000000	0.004813	-0.012754	4.411733	-2.758548	0.805785	20809.912109	-14241.001953	1051506.500000	-0.283521	0.168321	-1.847719	-0.023858	0.068108	-1.201756	-0.288108	0.113759	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135102.000000	200000.000000	166620.000000	148239.000000
-343.297089	-0.441844	-0.170687	-0.927648	-0.231258	-0.045927	-1.596036	171671.000000	0.000000	0.004813	-0.012754	4.435114	-2.773887	0.805785	20375.179688	-14084.830078	1045945.062500	-0.285523	0.169372	-1.847719	-0.023858	0.068108	-1.201756	-0.288108	0.113759	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135380.000000	200000.000000	167210.000000	147961.000000
-343.302094	-0.442332	-0.170199	-0.930334	-0.223809	-0.019321	-1.582201	171671.000000	0.000000	0.004813	-0.012754	4.455415	-2.789007	0.805785	19890.417969	-14282.066406	1039920.312500	-0.287348	0.170411	-1.847719	-0.023858	0.068108	-1.201756	-0.288108	0.113759	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136062.000000	200000.000000	167498.000000	147279.000000
-343.307098	-0.442576	-0.170443	-0.933752	-0.217423	0.007285	-1.568366	173246.000000	0.000000	0.004813	-0.012754	4.472602	-2.804249	0.805785	19504.839844	-14277.458008	1033895.437500	-0.288989	0.171443	-1.847719	-0.023858	0.068108	-1.201756	-0.288108	0.113759	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138018.000000	200000.000000	169463.000000	148473.000000
-343.312103	-0.442576	-0.171176	-0.937414	-0.212102	0.033890	-1.554531	173246.000000	0.000000	0.004813	-0.012754	4.486888	-2.819495	0.805785	19129.212891	-14255.535156	1027870.625000	-0.290441	0.172472	-1.847719	-0.023858	0.068108	-1.201756	-0.288108	0.113759	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138372.000000	200000.000000	169861.000000	148119.000000
-343.317108	-0.441844	-0.172885	-0.940344	-0.206781	0.060496	-1.540696	173246.000000	0.000000	0.004813	-0.012754	4.498136	-2.835746	0.805785	18724.455078	-14465.231445	1021845.750000	-0.291702	0.173515	-1.847719	-0.023858	0.068108	-1.201756	-0.288108	0.113759	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138986.000000	200000.000000	170056.000000	147505.000000
-343.322113	-0.441600	-0.174838	-0.943273	-0.200396	0.087101	-1.526861	173246.000000	0.000000	0.004813	-0.012754	4.507200	-2.852593	0.805785	18403.306641	-14755.158203	1015820.937500	-0.292783	0.174580	-1.847719	-0.023858	0.068108	-1.201756	-0.288108	0.113759	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139597.000000	200000.000000	170087.000000	146894.000000
-343.327118	-0.441111	-0.176547	-0.946691	-0.195074	0.112643	-1.511962	173246.000000	0.000000	0.015655	-0.010386	5.109909	-2.738764	0.970758	86463.140625	232.563293	1081174.875000	-0.293688	0.175652	-1.911170	-0.021465	0.087206	-1.196701	-0.277921	0.126130	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113013.000000	200000.000000	173478.000000	173478.000000
-343.332123	-0.439891	-0.178012	-0.949377	-0.188689	0.138184	-1.497063	174329.000000	0.000000	0.009067	-0.012140	4.317662	-2.946542	1.012496	-70713.187500	-36239.421875	1092862.750000	-0.294412	0.176734	-1.927223	-0.019955	0.091649	-1.195586	-0.274036	0.128131	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-343.337128	-0.438914	-0.179232	-0.952307	-0.182304	0.162661	-1.481099	174329.000000	0.000000	0.009067	-0.012140	4.582772	-2.892619	1.012496	46791.542969	-7240.324219	1085911.000000	-0.294968	0.177816	-1.927223	-0.019955	0.091649	-1.195586	-0.274036	0.128131	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121569.000000	200000.000000	167088.000000	167088.000000
-343.342133	-0.437937	-0.179721	-0.955236	-0.175918	0.187139	-1.465136	174329.000000	0.000000	0.009067	-0.012140	4.582175	-2.908044	1.012496	17460.121094	-14965.966797	1078959.250000	-0.295362	0.178884	-1.927223	-0.019955	0.091649	-1.195586	-0.274036	0.128131	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141834.000000	200000.000000	171902.000000	146823.000000
-343.347137	-0.436961	-0.179721	-0.957434	-0.168469	0.212680	-1.448109	174329.000000	0.000000	0.009067	-0.012140	4.579452	-2.922991	1.012496	16979.267578	-15133.490234	1071544.125000	-0.295599	0.179932	-1.927223	-0.019955	0.091649	-1.195586	-0.274036	0.128131	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142483.000000	200000.000000	172216.000000	146174.000000
-343.352142	-0.435496	-0.179965	-0.961584	-0.162083	0.237157	-1.432145	175220.000000	0.000000	0.009067	-0.012140	4.573525	-2.937387	1.012496	16604.250000	-15051.468750	1064592.375000	-0.295663	0.180956	-1.927223	-0.019955	0.091649	-1.195586	-0.274036	0.128131	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143667.000000	200000.000000	173564.000000	146772.000000
-343.357147	-0.434275	-0.179965	-0.964758	-0.154634	0.260570	-1.415118	175220.000000	0.000000	0.009067	-0.012140	4.566219	-2.951483	1.012496	16428.267578	-15234.495117	1057177.125000	-0.295577	0.181957	-1.927223	-0.019955	0.091649	-1.195586	-0.274036	0.128131	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144026.000000	200000.000000	173557.000000	146413.000000
-343.362152	-0.433055	-0.180941	-0.968420	-0.147184	0.283983	-1.398090	175220.000000	0.000000	0.009067	-0.012140	4.556581	-2.966103	1.012496	16019.812500	-15393.743164	1049762.000000	-0.295339	0.182951	-1.927223	-0.019955	0.091649	-1.195586	-0.274036	0.128131	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144593.000000	200000.000000	173806.000000	145846.000000
-343.367157	-0.431346	-0.181918	-0.971350	-0.139735	0.306332	-1.382127	175220.000000	0.000000	0.009067	-0.012140	4.544929	-2.980811	1.012496	15758.862305	-15505.262695	1042810.250000	-0.294954	0.183941	-1.927223	-0.019955	0.091649	-1.195586	-0.274036	0.128131	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144966.000000	200000.000000	173955.000000	145473.000000
-343.372162	-0.429393	-0.182162	-0.975012	-0.132285	0.327616	-1.365099	175220.000000	0.000000	0.016768	-0.011288	4.954554	-2.947617	1.155047	63984.269531	-10119.780273	1097473.125000	-0.294423	0.184910	-1.982050	-0.016234	0.111469	-1.192144	-0.253012	0.140324	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125339.000000	200000.000000	165100.000000	165100.000000
-343.377167	-0.427684	-0.183383	-0.978674	-0.124836	0.348901	-1.349136	176310.000000	0.000000	0.016768	-0.011288	4.630945	-2.996110	1.155047	-18225.708984	-19359.164062	1090521.375000	-0.293752	0.185877	-1.982050	-0.016234	0.111469	-1.192144	-0.253012	0.140324	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183894.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	108725.000000
-343.382172	-0.426707	-0.184848	-0.982092	-0.117386	0.368057	-1.334236	176310.000000	0.000000	0.007789	-0.014125	4.120874	-3.166799	1.188177	-40928.710938	-33614.621094	1098460.750000	-0.292966	0.186846	-1.994793	-0.015177	0.116449	-1.191555	-0.247684	0.143518	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-343.387177	-0.426463	-0.187045	-0.984777	-0.111001	0.387213	-1.319337	176310.000000	0.000000	0.007789	-0.014125	4.462893	-3.068495	1.188177	54248.808594	-3497.488037	1091972.500000	-0.292085	0.187827	-1.994793	-0.015177	0.116449	-1.191555	-0.247684	0.143518	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119807.000000	200000.000000	172812.000000	172812.000000
-343.392181	-0.426707	-0.190219	-0.988684	-0.104615	0.404241	-1.304438	176310.000000	0.000000	0.007789	-0.014125	4.445047	-3.084546	1.188177	14753.220703	-16174.716797	1085484.250000	-0.291120	0.188832	-1.994793	-0.015177	0.116449	-1.191555	-0.247684	0.143518	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147731.000000	200000.000000	175382.000000	144888.000000
-343.397186	-0.426463	-0.193637	-0.992590	-0.098230	0.419140	-1.289539	176752.000000	0.000000	0.007789	-0.014125	4.426137	-3.101201	1.188177	14714.709961	-16347.035156	1078995.875000	-0.290075	0.189866	-1.994793	-0.015177	0.116449	-1.191555	-0.247684	0.143518	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148384.000000	200000.000000	175690.000000	145119.000000
-343.402191	-0.425486	-0.195834	-0.997229	-0.092909	0.432975	-1.273576	176752.000000	0.000000	0.007789	-0.014125	4.405594	-3.116590	1.188177	14493.910156	-16186.227539	1072044.125000	-0.288941	0.190897	-1.994793	-0.015177	0.116449	-1.191555	-0.247684	0.143518	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148444.000000	200000.000000	176071.000000	145059.000000
-343.407196	-0.423777	-0.197299	-1.000891	-0.088652	0.444681	-1.257612	176752.000000	0.000000	0.007789	-0.014125	4.384166	-3.131157	1.188177	14478.251953	-16065.254883	1065092.375000	-0.287726	0.191912	-1.994793	-0.015177	0.116449	-1.191555	-0.247684	0.143518	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148339.000000	200000.000000	176208.000000	145164.000000
-343.412201	-0.422068	-0.198031	-1.004064	-0.085459	0.455323	-1.241649	176752.000000	0.000000	0.007789	-0.014125	4.362168	-3.144567	1.188177	14382.514648	-15897.442383	1058140.750000	-0.286443	0.192894	-1.994793	-0.015177	0.116449	-1.191555	-0.247684	0.143518	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148266.000000	200000.000000	176472.000000	145237.000000
-343.417206	-0.419383	-0.198275	-1.006506	-0.083331	0.463837	-1.225685	176921.000000	0.000000	0.007789	-0.014125	4.339215	-3.156962	1.188177	14366.826172	-15735.696289	1051189.000000	-0.285092	0.193834	-1.994793	-0.015177	0.116449	-1.191555	-0.247684	0.143518	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148289.000000	200000.000000	176818.000000	145552.000000
-343.422211	-0.417186	-0.197543	-1.010168	-0.084395	0.470223	-1.209722	176921.000000	0.000000	0.007789	-0.014125	4.315993	-3.166747	1.188177	14434.969727	-15137.660156	1044237.250000	-0.283688	0.194695	-1.994793	-0.015177	0.116449	-1.191555	-0.247684	0.143518	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147623.000000	200000.000000	177348.000000	146218.000000
-343.427216	-0.414500	-0.196566	-1.013342	-0.086523	0.475544	-1.194823	176921.000000	0.000000	0.014138	-0.012526	4.641129	-3.087189	1.280167	54327.375000	-4821.158691	1077808.500000	-0.282231	0.195474	-2.030174	-0.011985	0.131355	-1.190342	-0.229454	0.152327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121742.000000	200000.000000	172099.000000	172099.000000
-343.432220	-0.411814	-0.195102	-1.015539	-0.090780	0.479801	-1.179924	176921.000000	0.000000	0.006704	-0.014866	3.954507	-3.286165	1.306817	-59997.921875	-36113.566406	1082925.625000	-0.280736	0.196156	-2.040423	-0.011313	0.136482	-1.190151	-0.222755	0.154001	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-343.437225	-0.409617	-0.193393	-1.017492	-0.097166	0.481929	-1.166089	176921.000000	0.000000	0.009974	-0.013010	4.408271	-3.094898	1.336590	67731.203125	7947.799316	1089866.375000	-0.279223	0.196731	-2.051875	-0.009561	0.140967	-1.190079	-0.216094	0.156467	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108973.000000	200000.000000	184868.000000	184868.000000
-343.442230	-0.407176	-0.191684	-1.018469	-0.105679	0.484058	-1.153318	177042.000000	0.000000	0.009974	-0.013010	4.253904	-3.171637	1.336590	130.217667	-21606.642578	1084305.125000	-0.277695	0.197195	-2.051875	-0.009561	0.140967	-1.190079	-0.216094	0.156467	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168518.000000	200000.000000	185305.000000	125565.000000
-343.447235	-0.404734	-0.189486	-1.018713	-0.116322	0.486186	-1.139483	177042.000000	0.000000	0.009974	-0.013010	4.230483	-3.171640	1.336590	14414.410156	-12884.646484	1078280.250000	-0.276157	0.197532	-2.051875	-0.009561	0.140967	-1.190079	-0.216094	0.156467	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145512.000000	200000.000000	179742.000000	148571.000000
-343.452240	-0.403025	-0.187045	-1.019201	-0.128028	0.488314	-1.126712	177042.000000	0.000000	0.009974	-0.013010	4.207539	-3.169364	1.336590	14351.604492	-12452.674805	1072718.875000	-0.274621	0.197736	-2.051875	-0.009561	0.140967	-1.190079	-0.216094	0.156467	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145143.000000	200000.000000	180237.000000	148940.000000
-343.457245	-0.401316	-0.183627	-1.018957	-0.139735	0.490443	-1.115006	177042.000000	0.000000	0.009974	-0.013010	4.184924	-3.164486	1.336590	14273.903320	-12090.345703	1067620.875000	-0.273093	0.197796	-2.051875	-0.009561	0.140967	-1.190079	-0.216094	0.156467	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144858.000000	200000.000000	180677.000000	149225.000000
-343.462250	-0.399363	-0.180941	-1.018957	-0.152505	0.493636	-1.103299	177478.000000	0.000000	0.009974	-0.013010	4.161810	-3.158006	1.336590	13981.019531	-11708.511719	1062522.875000	-0.271562	0.197722	-2.051875	-0.009561	0.140967	-1.190079	-0.216094	0.156467	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145205.000000	200000.000000	181788.000000	149750.000000
-343.467255	-0.397166	-0.178744	-1.019201	-0.165276	0.496828	-1.093721	177478.000000	0.000000	0.010673	-0.013648	4.176606	-3.185352	1.387154	18202.865234	-15495.054688	1080371.375000	-0.270019	0.197527	-2.071322	-0.007715	0.150855	-1.190354	-0.201655	0.159323	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144770.000000	200000.000000	173780.000000	150185.000000
-343.472260	-0.394969	-0.177768	-1.019445	-0.176983	0.500021	-1.084143	177478.000000	0.000000	0.012900	-0.012370	4.247389	-3.081691	1.439488	24669.792969	-676.219238	1098990.750000	-0.268465	0.197242	-2.091451	-0.004424	0.159798	-1.191061	-0.188985	0.160088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123484.000000	200000.000000	182131.000000	171471.000000
-343.477264	-0.392527	-0.176791	-1.020666	-0.185496	0.505342	-1.074565	177478.000000	0.000000	0.012900	-0.012370	4.133251	-3.124334	1.439488	3553.184814	-17271.402344	1094819.750000	-0.266878	0.196881	-2.091451	-0.004424	0.159798	-1.191061	-0.188985	0.160088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161196.000000	200000.000000	186653.000000	133759.000000
-343.482269	-0.390086	-0.175082	-1.021643	-0.191882	0.509599	-1.066051	177478.000000	0.000000	0.012900	-0.012370	4.108114	-3.114816	1.439488	13321.160156	-11696.833008	1091112.125000	-0.265268	0.196445	-2.091451	-0.004424	0.159798	-1.191061	-0.188985	0.160088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145853.000000	200000.000000	182460.000000	149102.000000
-343.487274	-0.387889	-0.172641	-1.022863	-0.196139	0.514920	-1.056473	177948.000000	0.000000	0.012900	-0.012370	4.082613	-3.103981	1.439488	13022.273438	-11716.583984	1086941.125000	-0.263633	0.195932	-2.091451	-0.004424	0.159798	-1.191061	-0.188985	0.160088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146642.000000	200000.000000	183209.000000	149253.000000
-343.492279	-0.386180	-0.168734	-1.023352	-0.197203	0.521306	-1.046896	177948.000000	0.000000	0.012900	-0.012370	4.057293	-3.091550	1.439488	12779.381836	-11830.160156	1082770.125000	-0.261983	0.195332	-2.091451	-0.004424	0.159798	-1.191061	-0.188985	0.160088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146998.000000	200000.000000	183338.000000	148897.000000
-343.497284	-0.383982	-0.164096	-1.024572	-0.198267	0.526627	-1.037317	177948.000000	0.000000	0.012900	-0.012370	4.031402	-3.077150	1.439488	12689.940430	-11542.499023	1078599.000000	-0.260313	0.194634	-2.091451	-0.004424	0.159798	-1.191061	-0.188985	0.160088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146800.000000	200000.000000	183715.000000	149095.000000
-343.502289	-0.381541	-0.159945	-1.025061	-0.197203	0.531948	-1.027739	177948.000000	0.000000	0.012900	-0.012370	4.005252	-3.062546	1.439488	12516.100586	-11691.550781	1074428.000000	-0.258622	0.193861	-2.091451	-0.004424	0.159798	-1.191061	-0.188985	0.160088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147123.000000	200000.000000	183740.000000	148772.000000
-343.507294	-0.379344	-0.155795	-1.025061	-0.196139	0.536205	-1.018161	178583.000000	0.000000	0.012900	-0.012370	3.979457	-3.046985	1.439488	12534.622070	-11519.842773	1070257.000000	-0.256924	0.193015	-2.091451	-0.004424	0.159798	-1.191061	-0.188985	0.160088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147568.000000	200000.000000	184528.000000	149597.000000
-343.512299	-0.377146	-0.152133	-1.025061	-0.196139	0.540462	-1.008583	178583.000000	0.000000	0.016331	-0.011277	4.142204	-2.970483	1.512415	33994.914062	-4350.124023	1097844.250000	-0.255218	0.192103	-2.119500	0.000691	0.172802	-1.192939	-0.168302	0.159684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122933.000000	200000.000000	174232.000000	174232.000000
-343.517303	-0.374949	-0.149447	-1.024816	-0.195074	0.544718	-0.999005	178583.000000	0.000000	0.009293	-0.013260	3.592057	-3.107223	1.534435	-46942.332031	-28548.218750	1103262.375000	-0.253505	0.191148	-2.127969	0.002150	0.177186	-1.193790	-0.160659	0.157250	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-343.522308	-0.372264	-0.146518	-1.024572	-0.197203	0.547911	-0.989427	178583.000000	0.000000	0.011186	-0.012305	3.951363	-2.957708	1.558143	54820.503906	3979.104980	1109415.875000	-0.251782	0.190132	-2.137087	0.004228	0.181230	-1.194701	-0.152509	0.158531	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114603.000000	200000.000000	182562.000000	182562.000000
-343.527313	-0.369578	-0.143588	-1.023596	-0.199331	0.550040	-0.979849	179003.000000	0.000000	0.011186	-0.012305	3.849781	-2.977500	1.558143	3775.239502	-14721.855469	1105244.750000	-0.250059	0.189058	-2.137087	0.004228	0.181230	-1.194701	-0.152509	0.158531	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159949.000000	200000.000000	190505.000000	138056.000000
-343.532318	-0.365916	-0.141879	-1.022619	-0.202524	0.553232	-0.969207	179003.000000	0.000000	0.011186	-0.012305	3.822739	-2.959154	1.558143	11714.650391	-10311.709961	1100610.250000	-0.248314	0.187943	-2.137087	0.004228	0.181230	-1.194701	-0.152509	0.158531	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147600.000000	200000.000000	186976.000000	150405.000000
-343.537323	-0.361766	-0.140902	-1.022863	-0.207845	0.555361	-0.959629	179003.000000	0.000000	0.011186	-0.012305	3.794693	-2.940367	1.558143	11582.336914	-9918.270508	1096439.250000	-0.246536	0.186791	-2.137087	0.004228	0.181230	-1.194701	-0.152509	0.158531	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147338.000000	200000.000000	187502.000000	150667.000000
-343.542328	-0.357127	-0.139926	-1.023107	-0.214230	0.555361	-0.950051	179003.000000	0.000000	0.011186	-0.012305	3.766264	-2.920818	1.558143	11643.589844	-9597.999023	1092268.250000	-0.244725	0.185598	-2.137087	0.004228	0.181230	-1.194701	-0.152509	0.158531	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146957.000000	200000.000000	187761.000000	151048.000000
-343.547333	-0.352244	-0.140170	-1.023107	-0.220616	0.554296	-0.938344	179003.000000	0.000000	0.011186	-0.012305	3.737542	-2.901835	1.558143	11601.781250	-9544.278320	1087170.250000	-0.242886	0.184385	-2.137087	0.004228	0.181230	-1.194701	-0.152509	0.158531	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146945.000000	200000.000000	187856.000000	151060.000000
-343.552338	-0.347361	-0.140414	-1.022131	-0.228065	0.552168	-0.927702	179383.000000	0.000000	0.011186	-0.012305	3.708993	-2.882478	1.558143	11615.775391	-9262.161133	1082535.750000	-0.241029	0.183151	-2.137087	0.004228	0.181230	-1.194701	-0.152509	0.158531	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147029.000000	200000.000000	188505.000000	151736.000000
-343.557343	-0.342234	-0.141879	-1.022375	-0.236579	0.546847	-0.917060	179383.000000	0.000000	0.011186	-0.012305	3.680311	-2.863690	1.558143	11845.233398	-9082.693359	1077901.250000	-0.239157	0.181911	-2.137087	0.004228	0.181230	-1.194701	-0.152509	0.158531	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146620.000000	200000.000000	188455.000000	152145.000000
-343.562347	-0.336619	-0.143832	-1.022131	-0.244029	0.540462	-0.907482	179383.000000	0.000000	0.011186	-0.012305	3.651310	-2.845766	1.558143	11823.236328	-9177.990234	1073730.250000	-0.237269	0.180684	-2.137087	0.004228	0.181230	-1.194701	-0.152509	0.158531	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146737.000000	200000.000000	188381.000000	152028.000000
-343.567352	-0.331736	-0.146273	-1.021154	-0.252543	0.533012	-0.896840	179383.000000	0.000000	0.020427	-0.009753	4.131388	-2.687923	1.644695	70159.109375	7089.200195	1106787.375000	-0.235386	0.179473	-2.170377	0.011969	0.197169	-1.199450	-0.124587	0.153044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112293.000000	200000.000000	186472.000000	186472.000000
-343.572357	-0.327098	-0.148227	-1.020910	-0.259992	0.525562	-0.887262	179489.000000	0.000000	0.011836	-0.011560	3.261562	-2.871786	1.665905	-82237.882812	-31411.972656	1111852.875000	-0.233508	0.178273	-2.178534	0.014209	0.200863	-1.200773	-0.119328	0.153015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-343.577362	-0.322459	-0.149447	-1.021154	-0.267442	0.518113	-0.877684	179489.000000	0.000000	0.011836	-0.011560	3.577018	-2.781341	1.665905	49576.355469	-799.821289	1107681.875000	-0.231632	0.177070	-2.178534	0.014209	0.200863	-1.200773	-0.119328	0.153015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120288.000000	200000.000000	178689.000000	178689.000000
-343.582367	-0.317820	-0.150180	-1.020910	-0.273827	0.510663	-0.867041	179489.000000	0.000000	0.011836	-0.011560	3.549208	-2.762918	1.665905	11738.513672	-8722.011719	1103047.375000	-0.229762	0.175860	-2.178534	0.014209	0.200863	-1.200773	-0.119328	0.153015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146472.000000	200000.000000	189028.000000	152505.000000
-343.587372	-0.312449	-0.149936	-1.020910	-0.280212	0.504278	-0.858528	179489.000000	0.000000	0.011836	-0.011560	3.520336	-2.743541	1.665905	11401.377930	-8498.580078	1099339.750000	-0.227877	0.174627	-2.178534	0.014209	0.200863	-1.200773	-0.119328	0.153015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146586.000000	200000.000000	189589.000000	152391.000000
-343.592377	-0.306834	-0.149203	-1.020910	-0.285534	0.500021	-0.850014	179489.000000	0.000000	0.011836	-0.011560	3.490477	-2.723630	1.665905	10940.376953	-8440.268555	1095632.250000	-0.225964	0.173369	-2.178534	0.014209	0.200863	-1.200773	-0.119328	0.153015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146988.000000	200000.000000	190108.000000	151989.000000
-343.597382	-0.301463	-0.147982	-1.020666	-0.289790	0.496828	-0.843628	179491.000000	0.000000	0.011836	-0.011560	3.460112	-2.703299	1.665905	10643.353516	-8398.531250	1092851.500000	-0.224020	0.172084	-2.178534	0.014209	0.200863	-1.200773	-0.119328	0.153015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147246.000000	200000.000000	190449.000000	151735.000000
-343.602386	-0.295848	-0.146762	-1.019689	-0.292983	0.495764	-0.837243	179491.000000	0.000000	0.011836	-0.011560	3.428725	-2.682958	1.665905	10157.428711	-8406.241211	1090070.875000	-0.222035	0.170780	-2.178534	0.014209	0.200863	-1.200773	-0.119328	0.153015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147739.000000	200000.000000	190927.000000	151242.000000
-343.607391	-0.290721	-0.144809	-1.018469	-0.295112	0.495764	-0.831922	179491.000000	0.000000	0.011836	-0.011560	3.396995	-2.661944	1.665905	9856.820312	-8342.774414	1087753.625000	-0.220015	0.169450	-2.178534	0.014209	0.200863	-1.200773	-0.119328	0.153015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147976.000000	200000.000000	191291.000000	151005.000000
-343.612396	-0.285594	-0.142855	-1.017492	-0.297240	0.497893	-0.827665	179491.000000	0.000000	0.011836	-0.011560	3.364067	-2.640560	1.665905	9329.688477	-8193.908203	1085899.750000	-0.217947	0.168093	-2.178534	0.014209	0.200863	-1.200773	-0.119328	0.153015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148355.000000	200000.000000	191967.000000	150626.000000
-343.617401	-0.280711	-0.141391	-1.016516	-0.298304	0.501085	-0.824472	179484.000000	0.000000	0.021153	-0.008996	3.842701	-2.478609	1.743817	67659.593750	7898.623535	1118438.750000	-0.215831	0.166726	-2.208501	0.022634	0.215377	-1.207141	-0.095512	0.142798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111585.000000	200000.000000	187382.000000	187382.000000
-343.622406	-0.276072	-0.140658	-1.014807	-0.298304	0.504278	-0.821280	179484.000000	0.000000	0.021153	-0.008996	3.436093	-2.561206	1.743817	-31573.712891	-19491.347656	1117048.375000	-0.213673	0.165369	-2.208501	0.022634	0.215377	-1.207141	-0.095512	0.142798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198975.000000	198975.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-343.627411	-0.271189	-0.140414	-1.014074	-0.296176	0.509599	-0.818087	179484.000000	0.000000	0.021153	-0.008996	3.400398	-2.542307	1.743817	8787.602539	-8488.208984	1115658.125000	-0.211454	0.164038	-2.208501	0.022634	0.215377	-1.207141	-0.095512	0.142798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149184.000000	200000.000000	192208.000000	149783.000000
-343.632416	-0.266795	-0.141146	-1.013830	-0.294047	0.513856	-0.814894	179484.000000	0.000000	0.021153	-0.008996	3.364448	-2.524701	1.743817	8691.825195	-8559.162109	1114267.750000	-0.209187	0.162750	-2.208501	0.022634	0.215377	-1.207141	-0.095512	0.142798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149351.000000	200000.000000	192233.000000	149616.000000
-343.637421	-0.262645	-0.141391	-1.013098	-0.290855	0.519177	-0.811702	179493.000000	0.000000	0.021153	-0.008996	3.327924	-2.507511	1.743817	8318.162109	-8657.210938	1112877.375000	-0.206875	0.161501	-2.208501	0.022634	0.215377	-1.207141	-0.095512	0.142798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149832.000000	200000.000000	192517.000000	149153.000000
-343.642426	-0.258738	-0.142123	-1.011633	-0.285534	0.523434	-0.808509	179493.000000	0.000000	0.021153	-0.008996	3.291413	-2.492040	1.743817	8250.015625	-9033.888672	1111487.000000	-0.204529	0.160312	-2.208501	0.022634	0.215377	-1.207141	-0.095512	0.142798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150276.000000	200000.000000	192209.000000	148709.000000
-343.647430	-0.255320	-0.142123	-1.010168	-0.280212	0.528755	-0.805316	179493.000000	0.000000	0.021153	-0.008996	3.254660	-2.476603	1.743817	7912.827148	-8991.055664	1110096.750000	-0.202154	0.159166	-2.208501	0.022634	0.215377	-1.207141	-0.095512	0.142798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150571.000000	200000.000000	192589.000000	148414.000000
-343.652435	-0.252635	-0.141879	-1.008703	-0.274891	0.534076	-0.801059	179493.000000	0.000000	0.015743	-0.009964	2.920868	-2.514656	1.782086	-26308.294922	-15072.179688	1124907.875000	-0.199766	0.158056	-2.223219	0.027443	0.222055	-1.210736	-0.083599	0.137583	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190873.000000	198256.000000	200000.000000	108112.000000
-343.657440	-0.248973	-0.141146	-1.007971	-0.269570	0.539397	-0.795738	179493.000000	0.000000	0.014598	-0.010204	3.036497	-2.473895	1.815999	23615.726562	-6243.044434	1137359.375000	-0.197344	0.156972	-2.236263	0.031438	0.228817	-1.214508	-0.070610	0.134206	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132120.000000	200000.000000	179634.000000	166865.000000
-343.662445	-0.245311	-0.139437	-1.006506	-0.263185	0.546847	-0.790417	179490.000000	0.000000	0.013946	-0.010073	3.007830	-2.441443	1.835408	7349.309570	-7153.840332	1143494.125000	-0.194881	0.155900	-2.243728	0.034272	0.231853	-1.216522	-0.063773	0.132046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149294.000000	200000.000000	194986.000000	149685.000000
-343.667450	-0.241648	-0.137484	-1.005529	-0.258928	0.553232	-0.785096	179490.000000	0.000000	0.013946	-0.010073	2.994985	-2.430390	1.835408	9117.493164	-9241.421875	1141177.000000	-0.192382	0.154823	-2.243728	0.034272	0.231853	-1.216522	-0.063773	0.132046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149613.000000	200000.000000	191131.000000	149366.000000
-343.672455	-0.237986	-0.135775	-1.003820	-0.254671	0.561746	-0.779775	179490.000000	0.000000	0.013946	-0.010073	2.955106	-2.414343	1.835408	5688.366699	-8638.113281	1138859.750000	-0.189839	0.153748	-2.243728	0.034272	0.231853	-1.216522	-0.063773	0.132046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152439.000000	200000.000000	195163.000000	146540.000000
-343.677460	-0.234568	-0.134066	-1.002600	-0.250414	0.570260	-0.773390	179490.000000	0.000000	0.013946	-0.010073	2.914780	-2.398186	1.835408	5414.576172	-8571.286133	1136079.000000	-0.187257	0.152673	-2.243728	0.034272	0.231853	-1.216522	-0.063773	0.132046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152646.000000	200000.000000	195504.000000	146333.000000
-343.682465	-0.230906	-0.131625	-1.000891	-0.248286	0.580902	-0.768068	179479.000000	0.000000	0.013946	-0.010073	2.873158	-2.380781	1.835408	4797.620117	-8129.676758	1133761.750000	-0.184622	0.151574	-2.243728	0.034272	0.231853	-1.216522	-0.063773	0.132046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152811.000000	200000.000000	196551.000000	146146.000000
-343.687469	-0.227244	-0.127963	-0.999426	-0.247221	0.594737	-0.762747	179479.000000	0.000000	0.013946	-0.010073	2.829933	-2.361406	1.835408	4006.600098	-7711.478516	1131444.500000	-0.181920	0.150423	-2.243728	0.034272	0.231853	-1.216522	-0.063773	0.132046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153183.000000	200000.000000	197760.000000	145774.000000
-343.692474	-0.224314	-0.123568	-0.997961	-0.248286	0.608572	-0.757426	179479.000000	0.000000	0.013946	-0.010073	2.786515	-2.339918	1.835408	3723.186768	-7141.771973	1129127.250000	-0.179165	0.149195	-2.243728	0.034272	0.231853	-1.216522	-0.063773	0.132046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152897.000000	200000.000000	198614.000000	146060.000000
-343.697479	-0.221629	-0.119418	-0.996984	-0.249350	0.626664	-0.753169	179479.000000	0.000000	0.013946	-0.010073	2.741328	-2.317553	1.835408	2769.609863	-6937.603516	1127273.500000	-0.176340	0.147895	-2.243728	0.034272	0.231853	-1.216522	-0.063773	0.132046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153646.000000	200000.000000	199771.000000	145311.000000
-343.702484	-0.219187	-0.115756	-0.996252	-0.251478	0.645820	-0.748912	179479.000000	0.000000	0.013946	-0.010073	2.695063	-2.294367	1.835408	2233.010986	-6613.750000	1125419.625000	-0.173444	0.146529	-2.243728	0.034272	0.231853	-1.216522	-0.063773	0.132046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153859.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	145098.000000
-343.707489	-0.216502	-0.112094	-0.996496	-0.253607	0.667104	-0.744655	179487.000000	0.000000	0.011691	-0.010581	2.522825	-2.298046	1.851650	-12742.599609	-9574.956055	1130639.125000	-0.170460	0.145094	-2.249975	0.036341	0.235041	-1.218577	-0.057970	0.129896	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171804.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	127169.000000
-343.712494	-0.213816	-0.109408	-0.995764	-0.255735	0.690517	-0.741463	179487.000000	0.000000	0.023540	-0.007175	3.214488	-2.066452	1.922416	85088.421875	17369.923828	1160066.125000	-0.167382	0.143613	-2.277193	0.047256	0.246345	-1.227051	-0.026924	0.120116	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102117.000000	200000.000000	196856.000000	196856.000000
-343.717499	-0.212107	-0.108432	-0.996496	-0.257864	0.713930	-0.736142	179487.000000	0.000000	0.023540	-0.007175	2.690232	-2.179515	1.922416	-51128.507812	-21037.511719	1157748.875000	-0.164225	0.142116	-2.277193	0.047256	0.246345	-1.227051	-0.026924	0.120116	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-343.722504	-0.209666	-0.108676	-0.996252	-0.257864	0.737343	-0.729756	179487.000000	0.000000	0.023540	-0.007175	2.638079	-2.158129	1.922416	434.476501	-6389.690430	1154968.125000	-0.160980	0.140639	-2.277193	0.047256	0.246345	-1.227051	-0.026924	0.120116	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155442.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	143531.000000
-343.727509	-0.208201	-0.107943	-0.996496	-0.257864	0.760756	-0.722307	179481.000000	0.000000	0.023540	-0.007175	2.585684	-2.135848	1.922416	59.109680	-6188.864746	1151724.000000	-0.157668	0.139159	-2.277193	0.047256	0.246345	-1.227051	-0.026924	0.120116	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155610.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	143351.000000
-343.732513	-0.206492	-0.108187	-0.996008	-0.257864	0.782041	-0.714857	179481.000000	0.000000	0.023540	-0.007175	2.532786	-2.114690	1.922416	-103.483070	-6214.934570	1148479.875000	-0.154297	0.137698	-2.277193	0.047256	0.246345	-1.227051	-0.026924	0.120116	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155799.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	143162.000000
-343.737518	-0.205027	-0.107455	-0.995275	-0.258928	0.801197	-0.704215	179481.000000	0.000000	0.023540	-0.007175	2.480079	-2.092372	1.922416	-178.817429	-5862.800781	1143845.375000	-0.150888	0.136230	-2.277193	0.047256	0.246345	-1.227051	-0.026924	0.120116	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155522.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	143439.000000
-343.742523	-0.203318	-0.106967	-0.995031	-0.261056	0.817160	-0.692508	179481.000000	0.000000	0.023540	-0.007175	2.427343	-2.069870	1.922416	-147.162460	-5612.272461	1138747.500000	-0.147449	0.134753	-2.277193	0.047256	0.246345	-1.227051	-0.026924	0.120116	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155240.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	143721.000000
-343.747528	-0.202098	-0.106479	-0.992834	-0.265313	0.830995	-0.680802	179478.000000	0.000000	0.023540	-0.007175	2.375691	-2.046909	1.922416	-94.977425	-5202.623047	1133649.500000	-0.144009	0.133262	-2.277193	0.047256	0.246345	-1.227051	-0.026924	0.120116	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154775.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	144180.000000
-343.752533	-0.200389	-0.106234	-0.991857	-0.270634	0.841637	-0.666967	179478.000000	0.000000	0.016869	-0.008284	1.957355	-2.084553	1.955175	-42045.878906	-11898.785156	1141890.375000	-0.140571	0.131753	-2.289792	0.052513	0.251565	-1.231361	-0.011061	0.113788	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191376.000000	191376.000000	200000.000000	107579.000000
-343.757538	-0.198924	-0.106723	-0.991613	-0.277020	0.849087	-0.653132	179478.000000	0.000000	0.015891	-0.008284	2.119737	-2.017046	1.984519	22884.132812	122.442833	1148644.125000	-0.137151	0.130234	-2.301078	0.057061	0.256723	-1.235845	0.009011	0.106731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126471.000000	200000.000000	186716.000000	172484.000000
-343.762543	-0.196971	-0.107211	-0.991857	-0.284469	0.854408	-0.638233	179478.000000	0.000000	0.015891	-0.008284	2.108518	-1.993451	1.984519	3949.860596	-4447.143066	1142155.875000	-0.133749	0.128701	-2.301078	0.057061	0.256723	-1.235845	0.009011	0.106731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149975.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	148980.000000
-343.767548	-0.194041	-0.108432	-0.992346	-0.294047	0.856537	-0.622269	179478.000000	0.000000	0.015891	-0.008284	2.058182	-1.969860	1.984519	-242.368668	-4060.809814	1135204.125000	-0.130359	0.127157	-2.301078	0.057061	0.256723	-1.235845	0.009011	0.106731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153781.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	145174.000000
-343.772552	-0.191600	-0.108432	-0.991613	-0.302561	0.856537	-0.606306	179485.000000	0.000000	0.015891	-0.008284	2.009353	-1.945258	1.984519	-66.114136	-3915.161865	1128252.375000	-0.127005	0.125586	-2.301078	0.057061	0.256723	-1.235845	0.009011	0.106731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153466.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	145503.000000
-343.777557	-0.188426	-0.108187	-0.992834	-0.312139	0.854408	-0.589278	179485.000000	0.000000	0.015891	-0.008284	1.960475	-1.919538	1.984519	-52.497066	-3512.822021	1120837.250000	-0.123678	0.123976	-2.301078	0.057061	0.256723	-1.235845	0.009011	0.106731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153050.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	145919.000000
-343.782562	-0.185252	-0.107211	-0.994787	-0.322781	0.851215	-0.571187	179485.000000	0.000000	0.015891	-0.008284	1.912168	-1.892117	1.984519	-81.195648	-3032.788574	1112958.500000	-0.120380	0.122307	-2.301078	0.057061	0.256723	-1.235845	0.009011	0.106731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152598.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	146371.000000
-343.787567	-0.182078	-0.105746	-0.996740	-0.332360	0.844830	-0.552031	179485.000000	0.000000	0.015891	-0.008284	1.865152	-1.863648	1.984519	224.977188	-2859.563477	1104616.500000	-0.117126	0.120576	-2.301078	0.057061	0.256723	-1.235845	0.009011	0.106731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152119.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	146850.000000
-343.792572	-0.178416	-0.103793	-0.998449	-0.341938	0.838445	-0.531810	179331.000000	0.000000	0.015891	-0.008284	1.818326	-1.833828	1.984519	59.961052	-2529.866699	1095811.000000	-0.113909	0.118774	-2.301078	0.057061	0.256723	-1.235845	0.009011	0.106731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151800.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	146861.000000
-343.797577	-0.174510	-0.102084	-1.000891	-0.352580	0.828867	-0.509462	179331.000000	0.000000	0.021135	-0.006205	2.060916	-1.688576	2.032989	33400.312500	10999.421875	1107186.375000	-0.110736	0.116902	-2.319721	0.064292	0.266219	-1.244974	0.049039	0.088572	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108331.000000	200000.000000	190330.000000	190330.000000
-343.802582	-0.171092	-0.100375	-1.002111	-0.363222	0.819289	-0.487113	179331.000000	0.000000	0.012361	-0.007496	1.324258	-1.811028	2.045529	-77639.984375	-18956.591797	1102915.000000	-0.107621	0.114964	-2.324544	0.066420	0.268200	-1.247219	0.055623	0.085714	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198287.000000	198287.000000	200000.000000	100374.000000
-343.807587	-0.167674	-0.098910	-1.003088	-0.373864	0.806518	-0.462636	179331.000000	0.000000	0.012361	-0.007496	1.632408	-1.727012	2.045529	39086.253906	4183.791016	1092255.625000	-0.104578	0.112965	-2.324544	0.066420	0.268200	-1.247219	0.055623	0.085714	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115147.000000	200000.000000	183514.000000	183514.000000
-343.812592	-0.163768	-0.096957	-1.004553	-0.384507	0.791619	-0.438158	179331.000000	0.000000	0.012361	-0.007496	1.590671	-1.693291	2.045529	724.654175	-1142.424927	1081596.375000	-0.101606	0.110899	-2.324544	0.066420	0.268200	-1.247219	0.055623	0.085714	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149748.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	148913.000000
-343.817596	-0.160594	-0.094516	-1.006018	-0.395149	0.775655	-0.413681	179330.000000	0.000000	0.012361	-0.007496	1.550980	-1.658136	2.045529	957.517578	-774.025513	1070937.000000	-0.098722	0.108757	-2.324544	0.066420	0.268200	-1.247219	0.055623	0.085714	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149146.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	149513.000000
-343.822601	-0.157176	-0.093539	-1.007727	-0.404727	0.755435	-0.388140	179330.000000	0.000000	0.012361	-0.007496	1.513361	-1.623791	2.045529	1573.404175	-778.103088	1059814.250000	-0.095942	0.106574	-2.324544	0.066420	0.268200	-1.247219	0.055623	0.085714	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148534.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	150125.000000
-343.827606	-0.155223	-0.093783	-1.009191	-0.415369	0.734151	-0.361534	179330.000000	0.000000	0.012361	-0.007496	1.479040	-1.589922	2.045529	1993.059448	-508.619995	1048228.000000	-0.093295	0.104371	-2.324544	0.066420	0.268200	-1.247219	0.055623	0.085714	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147845.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	150814.000000
-343.832611	-0.153758	-0.094271	-1.010168	-0.427076	0.709673	-0.334929	179330.000000	0.000000	0.012361	-0.007496	1.448014	-1.555829	2.045529	2676.303711	-156.397751	1036641.812500	-0.090807	0.102149	-2.324544	0.066420	0.268200	-1.247219	0.055623	0.085714	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146810.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	151849.000000
-343.837616	-0.152537	-0.094027	-1.011389	-0.438782	0.684132	-0.308323	179442.000000	0.000000	0.012361	-0.007496	1.419693	-1.520710	2.045529	3077.803955	172.971680	1025055.562500	-0.088482	0.099895	-2.324544	0.066420	0.268200	-1.247219	0.055623	0.085714	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146191.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	152692.000000
-343.842621	-0.150584	-0.092318	-1.012854	-0.450489	0.657526	-0.281717	179442.000000	0.000000	0.018167	-0.005490	1.712270	-1.373314	2.074852	39947.929688	13249.201172	1026238.750000	-0.086308	0.097580	-2.335822	0.069491	0.276453	-1.256692	0.084306	0.062307	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106192.000000	200000.000000	192691.000000	192691.000000
-343.847626	-0.149363	-0.089877	-1.014074	-0.464323	0.628792	-0.255112	179442.000000	0.000000	0.018167	-0.005490	1.457045	-1.414277	2.074852	-21099.089844	-7353.251465	1014652.562500	-0.084306	0.095184	-2.335822	0.069491	0.276453	-1.256692	0.084306	0.062307	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177894.000000	195696.000000	200000.000000	120989.000000
-343.852631	-0.147410	-0.086215	-1.016027	-0.479223	0.600058	-0.227442	179442.000000	0.000000	0.005121	-0.007495	0.718032	-1.482514	2.077664	-77572.382812	-10481.104492	1003827.375000	-0.082458	0.092677	-2.336903	0.069185	0.278377	-1.259141	0.088479	0.058806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189923.000000	189923.000000	200000.000000	108960.000000
-343.857635	-0.145457	-0.082309	-1.017736	-0.494122	0.570260	-0.200836	179453.000000	0.000000	0.005121	-0.007495	1.220558	-1.358621	2.077664	61523.652344	11284.312500	992241.125000	-0.080764	0.090059	-2.336903	0.069185	0.278377	-1.259141	0.088479	0.058806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108168.000000	200000.000000	190737.000000	190737.000000
-343.862640	-0.142527	-0.078158	-1.019201	-0.510085	0.539397	-0.173166	179453.000000	0.000000	0.005121	-0.007495	1.202816	-1.312852	2.077664	4494.421387	3095.106445	980191.437500	-0.079210	0.087323	-2.336903	0.069185	0.278377	-1.259141	0.088479	0.058806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141863.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	157042.000000
-343.867645	-0.139598	-0.074496	-1.019934	-0.526049	0.508535	-0.145496	179453.000000	0.000000	0.005121	-0.007495	1.187082	-1.266044	2.077664	4784.818848	3498.101318	968141.750000	-0.077794	0.084481	-2.336903	0.069185	0.278377	-1.259141	0.088479	0.058806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141170.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	157735.000000
-343.872650	-0.136668	-0.072055	-1.019934	-0.543076	0.477672	-0.118891	179453.000000	0.000000	0.005121	-0.007495	1.173296	-1.218886	2.077664	5077.541992	3948.930420	956555.562500	-0.076513	0.081558	-2.336903	0.069185	0.278377	-1.259141	0.088479	0.058806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140426.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158479.000000
-343.877655	-0.133006	-0.069369	-1.019934	-0.561168	0.444681	-0.091221	179453.000000	0.000000	0.005121	-0.007495	1.161180	-1.170034	2.077664	5591.226562	4560.044434	944505.875000	-0.075361	0.078543	-2.336903	0.069185	0.278377	-1.259141	0.088479	0.058806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139301.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159604.000000
-343.882660	-0.129100	-0.066684	-1.019689	-0.579260	0.411690	-0.063551	179330.000000	0.000000	0.005121	-0.007495	1.150603	-1.119954	2.077664	5864.028320	5010.224121	932456.187500	-0.074332	0.075440	-2.336903	0.069185	0.278377	-1.259141	0.088479	0.058806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138455.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	160204.000000
-343.887665	-0.124949	-0.063510	-1.018713	-0.597352	0.379763	-0.038010	179330.000000	0.000000	0.005121	-0.007495	1.141156	-1.068215	2.077664	5974.203613	5512.345703	921333.437500	-0.073411	0.072243	-2.336903	0.069185	0.278377	-1.259141	0.088479	0.058806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137843.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	160816.000000
-343.892670	-0.120799	-0.061068	-1.017492	-0.614379	0.346772	-0.011404	179330.000000	0.000000	0.005121	-0.007495	1.133516	-1.016224	2.077664	6406.539062	5740.576172	909747.187500	-0.072602	0.068972	-2.336903	0.069185	0.278377	-1.259141	0.088479	0.058806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137182.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161477.000000
-343.897675	-0.116648	-0.057650	-1.016271	-0.631407	0.313781	0.013073	179330.000000	0.000000	0.007615	-0.006514	1.264509	-0.908246	2.081311	22404.369141	12471.666016	900676.000000	-0.071902	0.065611	-2.338306	0.068045	0.282048	-1.264140	0.096203	0.045318	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114453.000000	200000.000000	199397.000000	184206.000000
-343.902679	-0.112498	-0.054965	-1.015539	-0.647370	0.281855	0.036486	179440.000000	0.000000	0.007571	-0.005701	1.157227	-0.848590	2.074195	-4259.133301	7389.184082	887381.375000	-0.071301	0.062181	-2.335569	0.063045	0.287412	-1.271890	0.102003	0.023545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146309.000000	197791.000000	200000.000000	152570.000000
-343.907684	-0.108836	-0.051791	-1.015051	-0.662269	0.249928	0.059899	179440.000000	0.000000	0.007571	-0.005701	1.155739	-0.825641	2.074195	7513.738281	3410.066650	877185.500000	-0.070804	0.058678	-2.335569	0.063045	0.287412	-1.271890	0.102003	0.023545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138516.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	160363.000000
-343.912689	-0.104686	-0.049105	-1.013586	-0.675040	0.219065	0.082248	179440.000000	0.000000	0.007571	-0.005701	1.153152	-0.770358	2.074195	7405.811523	7044.440430	867453.062500	-0.070395	0.055126	-2.335569	0.063045	0.287412	-1.271890	0.102003	0.023545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134989.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163890.000000
-343.917694	-0.101268	-0.047641	-1.012121	-0.687811	0.190331	0.103532	179440.000000	0.000000	0.007571	-0.005701	1.151931	-0.715700	2.074195	7448.583496	7285.966309	858184.062500	-0.070076	0.051548	-2.335569	0.063045	0.287412	-1.271890	0.102003	0.023545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134705.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164174.000000
-343.922699	-0.097850	-0.047152	-1.010900	-0.697389	0.162661	0.122688	179440.000000	0.000000	0.007571	-0.005701	1.151553	-0.662629	2.074195	7549.768555	7048.511719	849842.000000	-0.069837	0.047982	-2.335569	0.063045	0.287412	-1.271890	0.102003	0.023545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134841.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164038.000000
-343.927704	-0.094920	-0.046908	-1.009924	-0.705903	0.137120	0.140780	179220.000000	0.000000	0.007571	-0.005701	1.152159	-0.610256	2.074195	7544.349121	7134.866211	841963.375000	-0.069674	0.044435	-2.335569	0.063045	0.287412	-1.271890	0.102003	0.023545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134540.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163899.000000
-343.932709	-0.092479	-0.045199	-1.009191	-0.711224	0.114771	0.157808	179220.000000	0.000000	0.007571	-0.005701	1.153425	-0.557439	2.074195	7374.349609	7099.996582	834548.187500	-0.069579	0.040896	-2.335569	0.063045	0.287412	-1.271890	0.102003	0.023545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134745.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163694.000000
-343.937714	-0.090770	-0.041781	-1.007727	-0.714417	0.094551	0.172707	179220.000000	0.000000	0.007571	-0.005701	1.155865	-0.503498	2.074195	7373.690430	7252.434082	828059.875000	-0.069554	0.037341	-2.335569	0.063045	0.287412	-1.271890	0.102003	0.023545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134593.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163846.000000
-343.942719	-0.089061	-0.038363	-1.006750	-0.715481	0.077523	0.186542	179220.000000	0.000000	0.007571	-0.005701	1.158332	-0.449895	2.074195	7115.307617	7232.714844	822035.062500	-0.069580	0.033781	-2.335569	0.063045	0.287412	-1.271890	0.102003	0.023545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134871.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163568.000000
-343.947723	-0.087840	-0.034457	-1.005041	-0.714417	0.063688	0.198248	179262.000000	0.000000	0.001798	-0.006432	0.843824	-0.436520	2.072392	-29472.203125	2631.906006	816151.812500	-0.069652	0.030218	-2.334875	0.061660	0.288921	-1.274576	0.103793	0.016606	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176102.000000	177157.000000	200000.000000	122421.000000
-343.952728	-0.086619	-0.030307	-1.003332	-0.713352	0.050918	0.209955	179262.000000	0.000000	0.005506	-0.004847	1.281683	-0.266171	2.056081	55210.894531	20670.931641	803951.000000	-0.069762	0.026646	-2.328602	0.054669	0.293289	-1.282555	0.101984	-0.006776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	199932.000000	199932.000000
-343.957733	-0.085398	-0.026156	-1.000646	-0.710160	0.041340	0.219533	179262.000000	0.000000	0.005506	-0.004847	1.136339	-0.276161	2.056081	-9891.264648	546.907410	799779.937500	-0.069895	0.023077	-2.328602	0.054669	0.293289	-1.282555	0.101984	-0.006776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158606.000000	198823.000000	200000.000000	139917.000000
-343.962738	-0.084178	-0.023227	-0.998937	-0.708031	0.032826	0.228047	179262.000000	0.000000	0.005506	-0.004847	1.139155	-0.223804	2.056081	6334.915527	7750.426270	796072.375000	-0.070043	0.019530	-2.328602	0.054669	0.293289	-1.282555	0.101984	-0.006776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135176.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163347.000000
-343.967743	-0.083201	-0.020297	-0.996740	-0.705903	0.025376	0.235496	179252.000000	0.000000	0.005506	-0.004847	1.142179	-0.171759	2.056081	6288.852539	7945.635742	792828.250000	-0.070206	0.016004	-2.328602	0.054669	0.293289	-1.282555	0.101984	-0.006776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135017.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163486.000000
-343.972748	-0.082469	-0.017367	-0.994299	-0.703774	0.018991	0.244010	179252.000000	0.000000	0.005506	-0.004847	1.145396	-0.119976	2.056081	6237.336914	8145.291992	789120.625000	-0.070382	0.012498	-2.328602	0.054669	0.293289	-1.282555	0.101984	-0.006776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134869.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163634.000000
-343.977753	-0.080760	-0.013949	-0.993322	-0.702710	0.013670	0.251460	179252.000000	0.000000	0.005506	-0.004847	1.147296	-0.067628	2.056081	6008.699219	8560.388672	785876.500000	-0.070546	0.008996	-2.328602	0.054669	0.293289	-1.282555	0.101984	-0.006776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134682.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163821.000000
-343.982758	-0.078807	-0.010287	-0.991613	-0.701646	0.010477	0.257845	179252.000000	0.000000	0.003717	-0.004394	1.049846	0.009784	2.047685	-5583.054688	11667.407227	779439.312500	-0.070681	0.005494	-2.325373	0.051054	0.295365	-1.287878	0.097351	-0.020360	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143167.000000	192001.000000	200000.000000	155336.000000
-343.987762	-0.076609	-0.005893	-0.989172	-0.701646	0.007285	0.265295	179252.000000	0.000000	0.000231	-0.004637	0.929995	0.032027	2.031079	-8582.813477	5820.710938	768963.562500	-0.070784	0.001971	-2.318986	0.045164	0.297569	-1.293262	0.097054	-0.034950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152014.000000	194848.000000	200000.000000	146489.000000
-343.992767	-0.074656	-0.001986	-0.986975	-0.702710	0.006220	0.271680	179310.000000	0.000000	0.000231	-0.004637	1.068885	0.095432	2.031079	20277.083984	10760.164062	766182.875000	-0.070851	-0.001567	-2.318986	0.045164	0.297569	-1.293262	0.097054	-0.034950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118272.000000	200000.000000	199793.000000	180347.000000
-343.997772	-0.072703	0.002164	-0.985754	-0.704838	0.006220	0.277001	179310.000000	0.000000	-0.000859	-0.004283	1.007549	0.169359	2.024914	-2138.163330	12384.090820	761180.937500	-0.070874	-0.005131	-2.316615	0.042977	0.298302	-1.296032	0.098461	-0.040653	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139064.000000	194787.000000	200000.000000	159555.000000
-344.002777	-0.070506	0.005338	-0.984289	-0.706967	0.007285	0.282322	179310.000000	0.000000	-0.000859	-0.004283	1.048566	0.208973	2.024914	9182.912109	8803.169922	758863.687500	-0.070843	-0.008700	-2.316615	0.042977	0.298302	-1.296032	0.098461	-0.040653	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131323.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	167296.000000
-344.007782	-0.068797	0.007535	-0.983312	-0.710160	0.010477	0.287643	179310.000000	0.000000	-0.000859	-0.004283	1.045178	0.262005	2.024914	4036.015869	10654.124023	756546.500000	-0.070760	-0.012260	-2.316615	0.042977	0.298302	-1.296032	0.098461	-0.040653	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134619.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164000.000000
-344.012787	-0.067088	0.009977	-0.981604	-0.712288	0.014734	0.292965	179312.000000	0.000000	-0.000859	-0.004283	1.040802	0.314902	2.024914	3770.755127	10775.479492	754229.250000	-0.070620	-0.015811	-2.316615	0.042977	0.298302	-1.296032	0.098461	-0.040653	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134765.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163858.000000
-344.017792	-0.065379	0.012662	-0.978430	-0.715481	0.020055	0.298286	179312.000000	0.000000	-0.000859	-0.004283	1.035443	0.368257	2.024914	3496.440918	11202.974609	751912.000000	-0.070420	-0.019364	-2.316615	0.042977	0.298302	-1.296032	0.098461	-0.040653	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134612.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164011.000000
-344.022797	-0.063670	0.016324	-0.974523	-0.718673	0.026441	0.303607	179312.000000	0.000000	-0.000859	-0.004283	1.029006	0.422762	2.024914	3201.872803	11594.753906	749594.750000	-0.070158	-0.022938	-2.316615	0.042977	0.298302	-1.296032	0.098461	-0.040653	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134515.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	164108.000000
-344.027802	-0.061961	0.019742	-0.970129	-0.722930	0.032826	0.307864	179312.000000	0.000000	0.005757	-0.002302	1.385494	0.586535	2.005458	44718.128906	24499.470703	739268.312500	-0.069835	-0.026535	-2.309132	0.036415	0.299914	-1.303968	0.095793	-0.060069	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-344.032806	-0.060008	0.023404	-0.965246	-0.726123	0.040276	0.313185	179312.000000	0.000000	-0.004493	-0.004334	0.548583	0.450784	1.994980	-90522.851562	-9164.692383	732388.125000	-0.069441	-0.030154	-2.305102	0.033061	0.300646	-1.306644	0.098522	-0.068659	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188476.000000	188476.000000	200000.000000	110147.000000
-344.037811	-0.058543	0.027311	-0.959875	-0.728251	0.047725	0.317442	179333.000000	0.000000	-0.004493	-0.004334	0.949389	0.587567	1.994980	47408.238281	21329.925781	730534.312500	-0.068990	-0.033796	-2.305102	0.033061	0.300646	-1.306644	0.098522	-0.068659	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-344.042816	-0.056590	0.030729	-0.954504	-0.731444	0.055175	0.322763	179333.000000	0.000000	-0.004493	-0.004334	0.938873	0.643215	1.994980	2089.563721	12793.370117	728217.062500	-0.068470	-0.037457	-2.305102	0.033061	0.300646	-1.306644	0.098522	-0.068659	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134450.000000	198629.000000	200000.000000	164215.000000
-344.047821	-0.053660	0.033902	-0.948889	-0.733573	0.062624	0.328084	179333.000000	0.000000	-0.004493	-0.004334	0.926266	0.698601	1.994980	1767.393433	12912.001953	725899.812500	-0.067863	-0.041126	-2.305102	0.033061	0.300646	-1.306644	0.098522	-0.068659	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134653.000000	198188.000000	200000.000000	164012.000000
-344.052826	-0.050975	0.036588	-0.942785	-0.734637	0.070074	0.334469	179333.000000	0.000000	-0.004493	-0.004334	0.912699	0.753328	1.994980	1565.176880	12979.248047	723119.125000	-0.067174	-0.044790	-2.305102	0.033061	0.300646	-1.306644	0.098522	-0.068659	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134788.000000	197918.000000	200000.000000	163877.000000
-344.057831	-0.047557	0.038785	-0.935949	-0.734637	0.075395	0.341919	179362.000000	0.000000	-0.004493	-0.004334	0.897706	0.807209	1.994980	1548.946655	13017.091797	719875.000000	-0.066401	-0.048434	-2.305102	0.033061	0.300646	-1.306644	0.098522	-0.068659	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134795.000000	197893.000000	200000.000000	163928.000000
-344.062836	-0.043162	0.040982	-0.929113	-0.733573	0.080716	0.350433	179362.000000	0.000000	-0.004493	-0.004334	0.880301	0.860586	1.994980	1179.210938	13085.132812	716167.437500	-0.065522	-0.052054	-2.305102	0.033061	0.300646	-1.306644	0.098522	-0.068659	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135097.000000	197456.000000	200000.000000	163626.000000
-344.067841	-0.038279	0.042936	-0.922766	-0.731444	0.084973	0.358947	179362.000000	0.000000	-0.004493	-0.004334	0.861025	0.913063	1.994980	982.329590	13100.954102	712459.812500	-0.064532	-0.055642	-2.305102	0.033061	0.300646	-1.306644	0.098522	-0.068659	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135278.000000	197243.000000	200000.000000	163445.000000
-344.072845	-0.032908	0.045133	-0.915441	-0.728251	0.088166	0.367460	179362.000000	0.000000	0.004409	-0.001408	1.329332	1.126032	1.968526	56851.417969	31595.837891	697232.125000	-0.063428	-0.059198	-2.294927	0.025276	0.301286	-1.314114	0.099690	-0.090631	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-344.077850	-0.027537	0.046109	-0.908117	-0.722930	0.090294	0.377038	179359.000000	0.000000	-0.002558	-0.002349	0.567709	1.006946	1.959079	-81782.968750	-5721.888184	688946.812500	-0.062214	-0.062688	-2.291293	0.022614	0.301346	-1.316446	0.098727	-0.096080	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185080.000000	185080.000000	200000.000000	113637.000000
-344.082855	-0.021678	0.048062	-0.900793	-0.716545	0.092423	0.385552	179359.000000	0.000000	0.003965	-0.000445	1.180120	1.198968	1.956931	72107.656250	29223.248047	684303.875000	-0.060879	-0.066128	-2.290467	0.022126	0.300772	-1.318742	0.100062	-0.104113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-344.087860	-0.015818	0.050504	-0.893469	-0.709095	0.093487	0.394066	179359.000000	0.000000	0.003965	-0.000445	0.892991	1.172094	1.956931	-28010.845703	4879.405273	680596.250000	-0.059430	-0.069526	-2.290467	0.022126	0.300772	-1.318742	0.100062	-0.104113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172490.000000	176468.000000	200000.000000	126227.000000
-344.092865	-0.010936	0.051725	-0.887121	-0.700582	0.095615	0.403644	179359.000000	0.000000	0.003965	-0.000445	0.865839	1.218985	1.956931	323.497345	13049.730469	676425.250000	-0.057883	-0.072850	-2.290467	0.022126	0.300772	-1.318742	0.100062	-0.104113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135985.000000	196632.000000	200000.000000	162732.000000
-344.097870	-0.007029	0.052701	-0.880773	-0.689939	0.096679	0.412158	179359.000000	0.000000	0.003965	-0.000445	0.838749	1.263958	1.956931	317.759125	12762.785156	672717.625000	-0.056265	-0.076085	-2.290467	0.022126	0.300772	-1.318742	0.100062	-0.104113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136278.000000	196913.000000	200000.000000	162439.000000
-344.102875	-0.003123	0.053434	-0.874670	-0.679297	0.098808	0.420672	179363.000000	0.000000	0.003965	-0.000445	0.810317	1.307377	1.956931	-87.293770	12742.808594	669010.062500	-0.054571	-0.079227	-2.290467	0.022126	0.300772	-1.318742	0.100062	-0.104113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136707.000000	196532.000000	200000.000000	162018.000000
-344.107880	0.000783	0.054898	-0.868811	-0.667591	0.100936	0.429185	179363.000000	0.000000	0.003965	-0.000445	0.780764	1.350126	1.956931	-356.444122	12694.781250	665302.437500	-0.052802	-0.082290	-2.290467	0.022126	0.300772	-1.318742	0.100062	-0.104113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137024.000000	196311.000000	200000.000000	161701.000000
-344.112885	0.003957	0.057096	-0.862463	-0.653756	0.104129	0.437699	179363.000000	0.000000	0.003965	-0.000445	0.750734	1.392176	1.956931	-678.594116	12513.624023	661594.875000	-0.050969	-0.085281	-2.290467	0.022126	0.300772	-1.318742	0.100062	-0.104113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137527.000000	196170.000000	200000.000000	161198.000000
-344.117889	0.006887	0.059781	-0.856359	-0.639921	0.106257	0.445149	179363.000000	0.000000	0.003965	-0.000445	0.720385	1.433862	1.956931	-746.157104	12601.873047	658350.750000	-0.049084	-0.088215	-2.290467	0.022126	0.300772	-1.318742	0.100062	-0.104113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137507.000000	196014.000000	200000.000000	161218.000000
-344.122894	0.009084	0.061979	-0.851232	-0.625022	0.108386	0.452598	179370.000000	0.000000	-0.007966	-0.003398	0.034210	1.311369	1.941024	-76024.281250	-6199.778320	648179.437500	-0.047165	-0.091075	-2.284349	0.017682	0.301177	-1.320987	0.103615	-0.113727	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185569.000000	185569.000000	200000.000000	113170.000000
-344.127899	0.010793	0.063932	-0.846105	-0.610122	0.109450	0.458984	179370.000000	0.000000	0.003455	-0.000517	1.109462	1.626475	1.908277	122713.453125	43297.906250	631138.437500	-0.045229	-0.093856	-2.271755	0.009106	0.300819	-1.326472	0.103196	-0.132332	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-344.132904	0.011525	0.066861	-0.841467	-0.594159	0.110514	0.465369	179370.000000	0.000000	-0.006726	-0.002582	0.064288	1.436164	1.893261	-115252.875000	-13341.631836	621818.187500	-0.043298	-0.096577	-2.265979	0.005133	0.300947	-1.328225	0.107170	-0.138707	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192711.000000	192711.000000	200000.000000	106028.000000
-344.137909	0.012746	0.070035	-0.836584	-0.577131	0.111579	0.470690	179370.000000	0.000000	-0.006726	-0.002582	0.442097	1.556452	1.893261	42945.746094	21168.619141	619500.937500	-0.041361	-0.099242	-2.265979	0.005133	0.300947	-1.328225	0.107170	-0.138707	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-344.142914	0.013479	0.073209	-0.832189	-0.561168	0.112643	0.476011	179370.000000	0.000000	-0.006726	-0.002582	0.413377	1.593651	1.893261	-1891.566284	12247.159180	617183.687500	-0.039431	-0.101857	-2.265979	0.005133	0.300947	-1.328225	0.107170	-0.138707	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139014.000000	195231.000000	200000.000000	159725.000000
-344.147919	0.013479	0.077115	-0.828283	-0.544140	0.112643	0.480268	179330.000000	0.000000	-0.006726	-0.002582	0.386024	1.630799	1.893261	-1750.034302	12217.095703	615329.937500	-0.037530	-0.104433	-2.265979	0.005133	0.300947	-1.328225	0.107170	-0.138707	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138862.000000	195362.000000	200000.000000	159797.000000
-344.152924	0.013723	0.080777	-0.825354	-0.527113	0.113707	0.483461	179330.000000	0.000000	-0.006726	-0.002582	0.358517	1.667010	1.893261	-2015.415771	12202.326172	613939.562500	-0.035647	-0.106966	-2.265979	0.005133	0.300947	-1.328225	0.107170	-0.138707	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139143.000000	195112.000000	200000.000000	159516.000000
-344.157928	0.013967	0.084684	-0.823400	-0.511149	0.114771	0.485589	179330.000000	0.000000	-0.006726	-0.002582	0.331320	1.703103	1.893261	-2111.467285	12398.879883	613012.687500	-0.033783	-0.109464	-2.265979	0.005133	0.300947	-1.328225	0.107170	-0.138707	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139042.000000	194819.000000	200000.000000	159617.000000
-344.162933	0.014211	0.088346	-0.819982	-0.493058	0.115836	0.486654	179330.000000	0.000000	-0.006726	-0.002582	0.304379	1.738032	1.893261	-2212.624512	12114.754883	612549.187500	-0.031938	-0.111915	-2.265979	0.005133	0.300947	-1.328225	0.107170	-0.138707	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139427.000000	195002.000000	200000.000000	159232.000000
-344.167938	0.014455	0.090787	-0.817541	-0.476030	0.117964	0.486654	179330.000000	0.000000	-0.006726	-0.002582	0.277480	1.770880	1.893261	-2457.994629	12075.267578	612549.187500	-0.030106	-0.114296	-2.265979	0.005133	0.300947	-1.328225	0.107170	-0.138707	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139712.000000	194796.000000	200000.000000	158947.000000
-344.172943	0.015188	0.093961	-0.816564	-0.456874	0.121157	0.485589	179330.000000	0.000000	0.005819	0.000435	0.939728	1.968849	1.842285	76232.593750	30819.898438	590813.937500	-0.028273	-0.116610	-2.246373	-0.007404	0.299991	-1.332949	0.114764	-0.157392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-344.177948	0.016408	0.096891	-0.815588	-0.436654	0.124349	0.484525	179330.000000	0.000000	0.005819	0.000435	0.409846	1.878688	1.842285	-57313.265625	-1488.952637	591277.375000	-0.026427	-0.118846	-2.246373	-0.007404	0.299991	-1.332949	0.114764	-0.157392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180818.000000	180818.000000	200000.000000	117841.000000
-344.182953	0.017629	0.099576	-0.813879	-0.414305	0.130735	0.482397	179330.000000	0.000000	0.005819	0.000435	0.380588	1.907351	1.842285	-2769.868408	11373.952148	592204.312500	-0.024552	-0.120995	-2.246373	-0.007404	0.299991	-1.332949	0.114764	-0.157392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140725.000000	195186.000000	200000.000000	157934.000000
-344.187958	0.019094	0.102506	-0.812414	-0.390892	0.137120	0.479204	179432.000000	0.000000	0.001373	0.000444	0.106188	1.935270	1.835982	-31016.351562	11195.784180	590849.812500	-0.022643	-0.123056	-2.243949	-0.008611	0.299113	-1.333654	0.112923	-0.160047	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168236.000000	168236.000000	200000.000000	130627.000000
-344.192963	0.020803	0.105680	-0.811437	-0.367479	0.146698	0.476011	179432.000000	0.000000	0.001373	0.000444	0.252413	1.961373	1.835982	15511.500000	11008.520508	592240.125000	-0.020682	-0.125036	-2.243949	-0.008611	0.299113	-1.333654	0.112923	-0.160047	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122911.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	175952.000000
-344.197968	0.023000	0.107633	-0.809973	-0.343002	0.157340	0.471754	179432.000000	0.000000	0.001373	0.000444	0.219209	1.984874	1.835982	-4536.536133	10600.952148	594093.937500	-0.018652	-0.126903	-2.243949	-0.008611	0.299113	-1.333654	0.112923	-0.160047	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143367.000000	194294.000000	200000.000000	155496.000000
-344.202972	0.025686	0.109098	-0.809729	-0.317460	0.169047	0.465369	179432.000000	0.000000	0.001373	0.000444	0.184239	2.005642	1.835982	-5062.487793	10161.336914	596874.625000	-0.016540	-0.128639	-2.243949	-0.008611	0.299113	-1.333654	0.112923	-0.160047	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144333.000000	194208.000000	200000.000000	154530.000000
-344.207977	0.029104	0.110807	-0.809729	-0.290855	0.182882	0.458984	179432.000000	0.000000	0.001373	0.000444	0.146610	2.024564	1.835982	-5825.600586	9806.063477	599655.312500	-0.014319	-0.130245	-2.243949	-0.008611	0.299113	-1.333654	0.112923	-0.160047	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145451.000000	193800.000000	200000.000000	153412.000000
-344.212982	0.032521	0.112027	-0.808752	-0.264249	0.198845	0.450470	179318.000000	0.000000	0.001373	0.000444	0.106956	2.041203	1.835982	-6538.223633	9509.137695	603362.937500	-0.011983	-0.131716	-2.243949	-0.008611	0.299113	-1.333654	0.112923	-0.160047	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146347.000000	193270.000000	200000.000000	152288.000000
-344.217987	0.035695	0.114225	-0.807775	-0.238708	0.216937	0.440892	179318.000000	0.000000	-0.005138	-0.001126	-0.292528	1.971182	1.821768	-48258.535156	-342.080200	601344.062500	-0.009531	-0.133082	-2.238482	-0.011974	0.298757	-1.334277	0.112658	-0.165229	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179660.000000	179660.000000	200000.000000	118975.000000
-344.222992	0.038625	0.116178	-0.807531	-0.214230	0.237157	0.430250	179318.000000	0.000000	0.001141	0.000109	0.269936	2.116624	1.800483	59773.824219	24022.716797	596709.312500	-0.006962	-0.134344	-2.230295	-0.016749	0.297633	-1.334915	0.119406	-0.167755	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-344.227997	0.040822	0.118375	-0.807531	-0.190818	0.259506	0.419607	179318.000000	0.000000	-0.006337	-0.001096	-0.436729	2.014810	1.784306	-83362.203125	-3623.542480	594298.937500	-0.004287	-0.135513	-2.224073	-0.020472	0.297268	-1.335087	0.120973	-0.169100	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182941.000000	182941.000000	200000.000000	115694.000000
-344.233002	0.042287	0.120572	-0.807043	-0.169533	0.282919	0.407901	179360.000000	0.000000	-0.006337	-0.001096	-0.182808	2.076213	1.784306	23203.402344	14741.722656	599396.875000	-0.001522	-0.136603	-2.224073	-0.020472	0.297268	-1.335087	0.120973	-0.169100	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111414.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	187305.000000
-344.238007	0.043508	0.122281	-0.806311	-0.150377	0.308460	0.395130	179360.000000	0.000000	-0.006337	-0.001096	-0.229383	2.088338	1.784306	-10403.715820	9524.946289	604958.250000	0.001336	-0.137617	-2.224073	-0.020472	0.297268	-1.335087	0.120973	-0.169100	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150238.000000	189431.000000	200000.000000	148481.000000
-344.243011	0.044729	0.123502	-0.805822	-0.133349	0.336130	0.383424	179360.000000	0.000000	-0.006337	-0.001096	-0.277826	2.099284	1.784306	-11193.198242	9601.402344	610056.187500	0.004296	-0.138553	-2.224073	-0.020472	0.297268	-1.335087	0.120973	-0.169100	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150951.000000	188565.000000	200000.000000	147768.000000
-344.248016	0.045217	0.123258	-0.806066	-0.118450	0.364864	0.370653	179360.000000	0.000000	-0.006337	-0.001096	-0.326884	2.107654	1.784306	-11735.750000	9522.116211	615617.562500	0.007340	-0.139386	-2.224073	-0.020472	0.297268	-1.335087	0.120973	-0.169100	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151573.000000	188102.000000	200000.000000	147146.000000
-344.253021	0.045217	0.123502	-0.807531	-0.105679	0.394663	0.358947	179360.000000	0.000000	-0.006337	-0.001096	-0.376678	2.115591	1.784306	-12301.572266	9686.212891	620715.500000	0.010459	-0.140136	-2.224073	-0.020472	0.297268	-1.335087	0.120973	-0.169100	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151975.000000	187372.000000	200000.000000	146744.000000
-344.258026	0.045217	0.124479	-0.808020	-0.095037	0.426589	0.347240	179359.000000	0.000000	-0.006337	-0.001096	-0.428125	2.124137	1.784306	-13099.186523	9977.819336	625813.437500	0.013663	-0.140837	-2.224073	-0.020472	0.297268	-1.335087	0.120973	-0.169100	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152480.000000	186281.000000	200000.000000	146237.000000
-344.263031	0.045705	0.124723	-0.809729	-0.087588	0.458516	0.336598	179359.000000	0.000000	0.008890	0.002461	0.355913	2.327212	1.766967	82227.226562	32618.208984	622897.187500	0.016962	-0.141483	-2.217404	-0.023235	0.293841	-1.334093	0.134626	-0.171184	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-344.268036	0.045705	0.125455	-0.810949	-0.081202	0.490443	0.325956	179359.000000	0.000000	0.004839	0.002660	-0.529634	2.203780	1.763829	-105574.164062	-3763.281250	626164.937500	0.020341	-0.142095	-2.216197	-0.023223	0.292243	-1.333580	0.142651	-0.171298	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183122.000000	183122.000000	200000.000000	115595.000000
-344.273041	0.045461	0.125455	-0.811193	-0.075881	0.521306	0.316378	179359.000000	0.000000	0.006863	0.003311	-0.310874	2.238465	1.763286	16832.433594	13874.722656	630099.750000	0.023790	-0.142666	-2.215989	-0.022540	0.290434	-1.332725	0.151572	-0.173305	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118651.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	180066.000000
-344.278046	0.044729	0.125211	-0.811437	-0.072688	0.552168	0.306800	179357.000000	0.000000	0.006863	0.003311	-0.446660	2.219016	1.763286	-22918.580078	8052.237305	634270.812500	0.027295	-0.143200	-2.215989	-0.022540	0.290434	-1.332725	0.151572	-0.173305	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164223.000000	178386.000000	200000.000000	134490.000000
-344.283051	0.044973	0.125943	-0.812170	-0.071624	0.580902	0.298286	179357.000000	0.000000	0.006863	0.003311	-0.503026	2.226852	1.763286	-14343.340820	11317.618164	637978.437500	0.030870	-0.143731	-2.215989	-0.022540	0.290434	-1.332725	0.151572	-0.173305	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152382.000000	183696.000000	200000.000000	146331.000000
-344.288055	0.045461	0.125699	-0.814123	-0.070560	0.608572	0.290836	179357.000000	0.000000	0.006863	0.003311	-0.560348	2.233112	1.763286	-14722.406250	11168.218750	641222.562500	0.034512	-0.144231	-2.215989	-0.022540	0.290434	-1.332725	0.151572	-0.173305	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152911.000000	183466.000000	200000.000000	145802.000000
-344.293060	0.045705	0.125699	-0.815588	-0.071624	0.633049	0.284451	179357.000000	0.000000	0.006863	0.003311	-0.617498	2.239947	1.763286	-14727.875000	11501.793945	644003.250000	0.038199	-0.144719	-2.215989	-0.022540	0.290434	-1.332725	0.151572	-0.173305	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152583.000000	183127.000000	200000.000000	146130.000000
-344.298065	0.046193	0.125455	-0.816809	-0.072688	0.655398	0.280194	179379.000000	0.000000	0.006863	0.003311	-0.675140	2.246335	1.763286	-14916.011719	11486.860352	645857.062500	0.041929	-0.145189	-2.215989	-0.022540	0.290434	-1.332725	0.151572	-0.173305	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152808.000000	182976.000000	200000.000000	145949.000000
-344.303070	0.046438	0.124967	-0.818518	-0.073753	0.675618	0.275937	179379.000000	0.000000	0.006863	0.003311	-0.732443	2.252082	1.763286	-15001.152344	11447.843750	647710.812500	0.045684	-0.145636	-2.215989	-0.022540	0.290434	-1.332725	0.151572	-0.173305	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152932.000000	182930.000000	200000.000000	145825.000000
-344.308075	0.046926	0.123746	-0.819738	-0.073753	0.695839	0.273809	179379.000000	0.000000	0.006863	0.003311	-0.790524	2.256336	1.763286	-15448.719727	11186.208984	648637.750000	0.049470	-0.146039	-2.215989	-0.022540	0.290434	-1.332725	0.151572	-0.173305	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153641.000000	182744.000000	200000.000000	145116.000000
-344.313080	0.047902	0.123014	-0.821691	-0.073753	0.717123	0.272744	179379.000000	0.000000	0.006863	0.003311	-0.849966	2.260463	1.763286	-16084.958984	11191.210938	649101.187500	0.053305	-0.146407	-2.215989	-0.022540	0.290434	-1.332725	0.151572	-0.173305	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154272.000000	182102.000000	200000.000000	144485.000000
-344.318085	0.049123	0.123746	-0.823400	-0.073753	0.738407	0.273809	179379.000000	0.000000	0.003235	0.002736	-1.109933	2.234415	1.757892	-39427.664062	7753.437500	646288.625000	0.057194	-0.146775	-2.213914	-0.023066	0.288822	-1.331824	0.158505	-0.175045	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171625.000000	171625.000000	200000.000000	127132.000000
-344.323090	0.050832	0.124723	-0.826330	-0.073753	0.761820	0.274873	179363.000000	0.000000	0.015976	0.005732	-0.326594	2.427880	1.746011	78568.382812	32784.355469	640651.062500	0.061156	-0.147147	-2.209344	-0.021997	0.280752	-1.326285	0.190619	-0.179763	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-344.328094	0.052785	0.126188	-0.828283	-0.071624	0.787362	0.278065	179363.000000	0.000000	0.015976	0.005732	-0.900545	2.313966	1.746011	-73682.132812	-1785.792480	639260.750000	0.065209	-0.147525	-2.209344	-0.021997	0.280752	-1.326285	0.190619	-0.179763	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181148.000000	181148.000000	200000.000000	117577.000000
-344.333099	0.055227	0.127896	-0.830969	-0.070560	0.812903	0.282322	179363.000000	0.000000	0.015976	0.005732	-0.966818	2.320403	1.746011	-18282.322266	11589.174805	637406.937500	0.069361	-0.147917	-2.209344	-0.021997	0.280752	-1.326285	0.190619	-0.179763	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156056.000000	179491.000000	200000.000000	142669.000000
-344.338104	0.058889	0.129850	-0.832922	-0.067367	0.840573	0.288708	179363.000000	0.000000	0.015976	0.005732	-1.036754	2.326853	1.746011	-19367.966797	11371.528320	634626.250000	0.073653	-0.148319	-2.209344	-0.021997	0.280752	-1.326285	0.190619	-0.179763	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157359.000000	178623.000000	200000.000000	141366.000000
-344.343109	0.064016	0.132291	-0.835363	-0.065239	0.868243	0.296157	179320.000000	0.000000	0.015976	0.005732	-1.110478	2.334192	1.746011	-20251.056641	11610.367188	631382.125000	0.078115	-0.148745	-2.209344	-0.021997	0.280752	-1.326285	0.190619	-0.179763	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157960.000000	177458.000000	200000.000000	140679.000000
-344.348114	0.070119	0.134000	-0.837561	-0.062046	0.895913	0.304671	179320.000000	0.000000	0.015976	0.005732	-1.187846	2.340614	1.746011	-21137.064453	11407.349609	627674.500000	0.082766	-0.149172	-2.209344	-0.021997	0.280752	-1.326285	0.190619	-0.179763	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159049.000000	176775.000000	200000.000000	139590.000000
-344.353119	0.075979	0.135709	-0.839270	-0.058854	0.920390	0.315313	179320.000000	0.000000	0.015976	0.005732	-1.266793	2.347049	1.746011	-21433.193359	11423.722656	623040.000000	0.087584	-0.149599	-2.209344	-0.021997	0.280752	-1.326285	0.190619	-0.179763	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159329.000000	176463.000000	200000.000000	139310.000000
-344.358124	0.083303	0.136441	-0.840734	-0.054597	0.942739	0.327020	179320.000000	0.000000	0.012311	0.006631	-1.550944	2.401366	1.746166	-45172.496094	16801.806641	618009.812500	0.092591	-0.149998	-2.209404	-0.019342	0.275419	-1.322651	0.208418	-0.183673	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162518.000000	162518.000000	200000.000000	136121.000000
-344.363129	0.091848	0.136686	-0.841467	-0.051404	0.959766	0.340855	179320.000000	0.000000	0.006790	0.005106	-1.793457	2.285685	1.732507	-41202.835938	-2320.239502	606036.937500	0.097788	-0.150364	-2.204151	-0.020364	0.271135	-1.318515	0.230111	-0.183363	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181640.000000	181640.000000	200000.000000	116999.000000
-344.368134	0.100637	0.136686	-0.841711	-0.048211	0.972537	0.356818	179439.000000	0.000000	0.006790	0.005106	-1.660180	2.350017	1.732507	1139.941406	17754.457031	599085.187500	0.103157	-0.150691	-2.204151	-0.020364	0.271135	-1.318515	0.230111	-0.183363	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130544.000000	192824.000000	200000.000000	168333.000000
-344.373138	0.108693	0.135953	-0.841955	-0.046083	0.979987	0.372781	179439.000000	0.000000	0.006790	0.005106	-1.747679	2.352107	1.732507	-22987.484375	11027.397461	592133.500000	0.108653	-0.150966	-2.204151	-0.020364	0.271135	-1.318515	0.230111	-0.183363	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161399.000000	175424.000000	200000.000000	137478.000000
-344.378143	0.116018	0.134732	-0.843176	-0.042890	0.982115	0.389809	179439.000000	0.000000	0.002188	0.004939	-2.087522	2.343107	1.723270	-51722.066406	9635.029297	580695.500000	0.114227	-0.151170	-2.200598	-0.021254	0.268877	-1.316299	0.239470	-0.184490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169803.000000	169803.000000	200000.000000	129074.000000
-344.383148	0.122121	0.133756	-0.845617	-0.039697	0.979987	0.406837	179439.000000	0.000000	0.002188	0.004939	-1.988426	2.348995	1.723270	-2524.486572	11284.294922	573280.312500	0.119826	-0.151304	-2.200598	-0.021254	0.268877	-1.316299	0.239470	-0.184490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140679.000000	195630.000000	200000.000000	158198.000000
-344.388153	0.128225	0.133268	-0.848303	-0.036505	0.974666	0.424929	179320.000000	0.000000	0.002188	0.004939	-2.072767	2.347697	1.723270	-22706.908203	10473.553711	565401.687500	0.125431	-0.151378	-2.200598	-0.021254	0.268877	-1.316299	0.239470	-0.184490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161553.000000	176139.000000	200000.000000	137086.000000
-344.393158	0.133840	0.132779	-0.850988	-0.031184	0.967216	0.443020	179320.000000	0.000000	0.002188	0.004939	-2.155963	2.344936	1.723270	-22695.462891	10041.485352	557523.062500	0.131020	-0.151381	-2.200598	-0.021254	0.268877	-1.316299	0.239470	-0.184490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161973.000000	176583.000000	200000.000000	136666.000000
-344.398163	0.138234	0.132779	-0.855139	-0.025863	0.957638	0.460048	179320.000000	0.000000	0.002188	0.004939	-2.236454	2.341537	1.723270	-22490.062500	9931.157227	550107.875000	0.136549	-0.151322	-2.200598	-0.021254	0.268877	-1.316299	0.239470	-0.184490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161878.000000	176898.000000	200000.000000	136761.000000
-344.403168	0.141896	0.132291	-0.858557	-0.018413	0.946996	0.478140	179320.000000	0.000000	0.002188	0.004939	-2.315059	2.336156	1.723270	-22478.437500	9420.285156	542229.250000	0.141998	-0.151181	-2.200598	-0.021254	0.268877	-1.316299	0.239470	-0.184490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162378.000000	177421.000000	200000.000000	136261.000000
-344.408173	0.146047	0.131803	-0.861730	-0.010963	0.936353	0.496232	179432.000000	0.000000	0.003634	0.005175	-2.313685	2.342587	1.716346	-13628.888672	10714.313477	531335.250000	0.147382	-0.150959	-2.197935	-0.021662	0.266550	-1.314057	0.258033	-0.189421	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152346.000000	185088.000000	200000.000000	146517.000000
-344.413177	0.151418	0.132535	-0.864904	-0.002450	0.923583	0.513259	179432.000000	0.000000	0.007733	0.005545	-2.224045	2.347009	1.683379	-3216.114014	10357.546875	509563.937500	0.152715	-0.150680	-2.185255	-0.025670	0.260318	-1.305996	0.284728	-0.191806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142290.000000	195858.000000	200000.000000	156573.000000
-344.418182	0.157766	0.133756	-0.868566	0.007128	0.910812	0.531351	179432.000000	0.000000	0.007733	0.005545	-2.466332	2.324995	1.683379	-40771.660156	7188.346680	501685.312500	0.158018	-0.150346	-2.185255	-0.025670	0.260318	-1.305996	0.284728	-0.191806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172243.000000	172243.000000	200000.000000	126620.000000
-344.423187	0.165090	0.135221	-0.872961	0.018835	0.896977	0.549443	179432.000000	0.000000	0.007733	0.005545	-2.544885	2.316489	1.683379	-22950.056641	8346.368164	493806.687500	0.163303	-0.149948	-2.185255	-0.025670	0.260318	-1.305996	0.284728	-0.191806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164035.000000	178135.000000	200000.000000	134828.000000
-344.428192	0.173146	0.136930	-0.878088	0.031606	0.879950	0.568599	179432.000000	0.000000	0.007733	0.005545	-2.622962	2.306803	1.683379	-22827.521484	7996.170410	485464.593750	0.168566	-0.149483	-2.185255	-0.025670	0.260318	-1.305996	0.284728	-0.191806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164263.000000	178608.000000	200000.000000	134600.000000
-344.433197	0.181447	0.138395	-0.883947	0.046505	0.861858	0.587755	179434.000000	0.000000	0.007733	0.005545	-2.700449	2.295075	1.683379	-22917.464844	7415.607910	477122.500000	0.173803	-0.148931	-2.185255	-0.025670	0.260318	-1.305996	0.284728	-0.191806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164935.000000	179100.000000	200000.000000	133932.000000
-344.438202	0.189504	0.138883	-0.889562	0.061404	0.839509	0.606911	179434.000000	0.000000	0.007733	0.005545	-2.776090	2.280935	1.683379	-22491.523438	7016.752441	468780.437500	0.178987	-0.148273	-2.185255	-0.025670	0.260318	-1.305996	0.284728	-0.191806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164908.000000	179925.000000	200000.000000	133959.000000
-344.443207	0.197072	0.138639	-0.894445	0.077367	0.815032	0.625003	179434.000000	0.000000	0.007733	0.005545	-2.849884	2.264287	1.683379	-22281.259766	6474.097168	460901.781250	0.184099	-0.147491	-2.185255	-0.025670	0.260318	-1.305996	0.284728	-0.191806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165241.000000	180678.000000	200000.000000	133626.000000
-344.448212	0.203908	0.137662	-0.900305	0.093331	0.787362	0.643095	179434.000000	0.000000	0.007733	0.005545	-2.920632	2.244866	1.683379	-21793.478516	6006.238770	453023.187500	0.189103	-0.146569	-2.185255	-0.025670	0.260318	-1.305996	0.284728	-0.191806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165221.000000	181634.000000	200000.000000	133646.000000
-344.453217	0.210256	0.136197	-0.905920	0.107166	0.757564	0.660122	179434.000000	0.000000	-0.002333	0.004577	-3.542167	2.170384	1.667357	-84843.835938	-220.145355	438630.343750	0.193979	-0.145512	-2.179093	-0.028038	0.258227	-1.303331	0.287960	-0.198018	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179654.000000	179654.000000	200000.000000	119213.000000
-344.458221	0.216604	0.135221	-0.912512	0.119936	0.724573	0.676086	179434.000000	0.000000	0.004948	0.005038	-2.804281	2.211953	1.621090	68529.898438	12789.820312	411530.437500	0.198707	-0.144335	-2.161298	-0.034720	0.252574	-1.294488	0.315956	-0.190955	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106644.000000	200000.000000	192223.000000	192223.000000
-344.463226	0.221486	0.134732	-0.919348	0.129514	0.690517	0.692049	179434.000000	0.000000	-0.004661	0.002996	-3.684578	2.058552	1.601866	-113174.890625	-9046.932617	396207.062500	0.203251	-0.143066	-2.153904	-0.037817	0.251041	-1.291525	0.323755	-0.187498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188480.000000	188480.000000	200000.000000	110387.000000
-344.468231	0.225881	0.133756	-0.925695	0.136964	0.654334	0.705884	179434.000000	0.000000	-0.004661	0.002996	-3.357446	2.116428	1.601866	21494.574219	14650.161133	390182.218750	0.207593	-0.141711	-2.153904	-0.037817	0.251041	-1.291525	0.323755	-0.187498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113289.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	185578.000000
-344.473236	0.228811	0.131559	-0.931799	0.143349	0.616022	0.719719	179434.000000	0.000000	-0.004661	0.002996	-3.409595	2.090472	1.601866	-20039.306641	5400.708008	384157.375000	0.211699	-0.140253	-2.153904	-0.037817	0.251041	-1.291525	0.323755	-0.187498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164072.000000	183993.000000	200000.000000	134795.000000
-344.478241	0.231740	0.128385	-0.938146	0.146542	0.577709	0.730361	179434.000000	0.000000	-0.004661	0.002996	-3.458256	2.063050	1.601866	-19703.283203	5449.631348	379522.875000	0.215570	-0.138695	-2.153904	-0.037817	0.251041	-1.291525	0.323755	-0.187498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163687.000000	184281.000000	200000.000000	135180.000000
-344.483246	0.233693	0.125211	-0.944982	0.147606	0.538333	0.741004	179434.000000	0.000000	-0.004661	0.002996	-3.502113	2.034818	1.601866	-19078.751953	5459.846680	374888.375000	0.219183	-0.137048	-2.153904	-0.037817	0.251041	-1.291525	0.323755	-0.187498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163052.000000	184895.000000	200000.000000	135815.000000
-344.488251	0.235646	0.123258	-0.953283	0.147606	0.500021	0.748453	179434.000000	0.000000	-0.004661	0.002996	-3.542079	2.007071	1.601866	-18775.562500	5502.644531	371644.250000	0.222537	-0.135346	-2.153904	-0.037817	0.251041	-1.291525	0.323755	-0.187498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162706.000000	185155.000000	200000.000000	136161.000000
-344.493256	0.237355	0.120816	-0.960363	0.145478	0.461709	0.755903	179434.000000	0.000000	-0.004661	0.002996	-3.578497	1.978843	1.601866	-18376.609375	5563.697754	368400.093750	0.225638	-0.133594	-2.153904	-0.037817	0.251041	-1.291525	0.323755	-0.187498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162246.000000	185493.000000	200000.000000	136621.000000
-344.498260	0.238576	0.118375	-0.966955	0.142285	0.423397	0.761224	179420.000000	0.000000	-0.004661	0.002996	-3.610903	1.950510	1.601866	-17908.263672	5552.920898	366082.843750	0.228482	-0.131806	-2.153904	-0.037817	0.251041	-1.291525	0.323755	-0.187498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161775.000000	185958.000000	200000.000000	137064.000000
-344.503265	0.240529	0.116910	-0.973303	0.138028	0.385085	0.764417	179420.000000	0.000000	-0.000279	0.003918	-3.399514	1.973904	1.565161	10046.952148	11485.375977	348708.281250	0.231089	-0.130009	-2.139787	-0.043362	0.247714	-1.285507	0.336779	-0.183227	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127887.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	170952.000000
-344.508270	0.243215	0.115689	-0.979895	0.132707	0.346772	0.765481	179420.000000	0.000000	0.000912	0.004707	-3.536105	1.953705	1.530228	-28667.599609	6740.708496	333032.125000	0.233473	-0.128216	-2.126351	-0.048069	0.243891	-1.279824	0.344985	-0.172961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171346.000000	174011.000000	200000.000000	127493.000000
-344.513275	0.246145	0.114469	-0.985510	0.127386	0.315910	0.765481	179420.000000	0.000000	0.000912	0.004707	-3.609919	1.895846	1.530228	-22782.435547	2356.961670	333032.125000	0.235682	-0.126434	-2.126351	-0.048069	0.243891	-1.279824	0.344985	-0.172961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169845.000000	184280.000000	200000.000000	128994.000000
-344.518280	0.249318	0.112760	-0.991125	0.122065	0.276534	0.762288	179314.000000	0.000000	0.000912	0.004707	-3.631562	1.869330	1.530228	-16027.377930	5706.855469	334422.500000	0.237683	-0.124656	-2.126351	-0.048069	0.243891	-1.279824	0.344985	-0.172961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159634.000000	187579.000000	200000.000000	138993.000000
-344.523285	0.252004	0.112516	-0.997473	0.115679	0.236093	0.758031	179314.000000	0.000000	0.000912	0.004707	-3.649219	1.844772	1.530228	-15367.215820	5955.621094	336276.281250	0.239459	-0.122916	-2.126351	-0.048069	0.243891	-1.279824	0.344985	-0.172961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158725.000000	187991.000000	200000.000000	139902.000000
-344.528290	0.253713	0.112516	-1.004797	0.111423	0.193524	0.750582	179314.000000	0.000000	0.000912	0.004707	-3.661813	1.820611	1.530228	-14438.596680	5673.659668	339520.437500	0.240979	-0.121211	-2.126351	-0.048069	0.243891	-1.279824	0.344985	-0.172961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158078.000000	189201.000000	200000.000000	140549.000000
-344.533295	0.254201	0.111783	-1.011633	0.107166	0.148827	0.739939	179314.000000	0.000000	0.000912	0.004707	-3.669096	1.796532	1.530228	-13448.494141	5591.584473	344154.906250	0.242218	-0.119534	-2.126351	-0.048069	0.243891	-1.279824	0.344985	-0.172961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157170.000000	190273.000000	200000.000000	141457.000000
-344.538300	0.253469	0.109342	-1.018713	0.102909	0.100936	0.728233	179314.000000	0.000000	0.000912	0.004707	-3.670338	1.771204	1.530228	-12217.655273	5356.831055	349252.843750	0.243140	-0.117853	-2.126351	-0.048069	0.243891	-1.279824	0.344985	-0.172961	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156174.000000	191739.000000	200000.000000	142453.000000
-344.543304	0.252736	0.106168	-1.026281	0.099716	0.053046	0.715462	179310.000000	0.000000	0.000139	0.005364	-3.709581	1.781082	1.515750	-16357.038086	9171.778320	348509.312500	0.243753	-0.116154	-2.120782	-0.049511	0.241610	-1.277044	0.347489	-0.168996	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156495.000000	183781.000000	200000.000000	142124.000000
-344.548309	0.252492	0.102018	-1.035070	0.097588	0.003028	0.701627	179310.000000	0.000000	0.003709	0.005292	-3.474488	1.723056	1.456645	15353.084961	1330.807495	328795.343750	0.244054	-0.114412	-2.098050	-0.057147	0.235854	-1.269006	0.352701	-0.161824	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132626.000000	200000.000000	195287.000000	165993.000000
-344.553314	0.255910	0.097135	-1.045568	0.096523	-0.045927	0.689921	179310.000000	0.000000	0.003709	0.005292	-3.608600	1.696342	1.456645	-25751.890625	4538.882324	333893.281250	0.244116	-0.112608	-2.098050	-0.057147	0.235854	-1.269006	0.352701	-0.161824	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170523.000000	179019.000000	200000.000000	128096.000000
-344.558319	0.262258	0.092740	-1.056066	0.094395	-0.095945	0.678214	179310.000000	0.000000	0.003709	0.005292	-3.599192	1.666752	1.456645	-9580.549805	4213.256348	338991.187500	0.243990	-0.110757	-2.098050	-0.057147	0.235854	-1.269006	0.352701	-0.161824	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154677.000000	195516.000000	200000.000000	143942.000000
-344.563324	0.271535	0.087613	-1.067053	0.093331	-0.145964	0.667572	179314.000000	0.000000	0.003709	0.005292	-3.589838	1.635505	1.456645	-9313.480469	3775.230713	343625.718750	0.243729	-0.108843	-2.098050	-0.057147	0.235854	-1.269006	0.352701	-0.161824	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154852.000000	196225.000000	200000.000000	143775.000000
-344.568329	0.283986	0.083463	-1.077551	0.091202	-0.195983	0.659058	179314.000000	0.000000	0.003709	0.005292	-3.581625	1.604629	1.456645	-9171.107422	3800.806885	347333.312500	0.243389	-0.106890	-2.098050	-0.057147	0.235854	-1.269006	0.352701	-0.161824	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154684.000000	196342.000000	200000.000000	143943.000000
-344.573334	0.298879	0.082730	-1.088537	0.086945	-0.246001	0.649480	179314.000000	0.000000	0.003709	0.005292	-3.574172	1.577226	1.456645	-8990.167969	4310.255859	351504.312500	0.243007	-0.104971	-2.098050	-0.057147	0.235854	-1.269006	0.352701	-0.161824	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153993.000000	196013.000000	200000.000000	144634.000000
-344.578339	0.314016	0.083951	-1.099523	0.080560	-0.294956	0.639902	179314.000000	0.000000	0.003709	0.005292	-3.566320	1.552805	1.456645	-8802.125000	4789.132324	355675.375000	0.242586	-0.103132	-2.098050	-0.057147	0.235854	-1.269006	0.352701	-0.161824	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153326.000000	195722.000000	200000.000000	145301.000000
-344.583344	0.328664	0.085172	-1.110266	0.073110	-0.343910	0.630324	179314.000000	0.000000	0.009113	0.007072	-3.260161	1.627658	1.382106	25632.130859	16200.651367	327386.125000	0.242115	-0.101376	-2.069381	-0.064647	0.226587	-1.260167	0.343765	-0.146717	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107481.000000	200000.000000	199882.000000	191146.000000
-344.588348	0.341848	0.086148	-1.121252	0.062468	-0.392864	0.620746	179415.000000	0.000000	0.009113	0.007072	-3.464901	1.535313	1.382106	-31260.888672	-2208.600586	331557.156250	0.241567	-0.099713	-2.069381	-0.064647	0.226587	-1.260167	0.343765	-0.146717	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181623.000000	181623.000000	200000.000000	117206.000000
-344.593353	0.353566	0.087613	-1.132727	0.051826	-0.441819	0.611168	179415.000000	0.000000	0.009113	0.007072	-3.450859	1.515898	1.382106	-6914.739258	5770.076660	335728.218750	0.240913	-0.098152	-2.069381	-0.064647	0.226587	-1.260167	0.343765	-0.146717	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150559.000000	196730.000000	200000.000000	148270.000000
-344.598358	0.362844	0.090055	-1.143469	0.037991	-0.490773	0.601590	179415.000000	0.000000	0.009113	0.007072	-3.433246	1.499740	1.382106	-6215.914062	6468.547852	339899.250000	0.240117	-0.096722	-2.069381	-0.064647	0.226587	-1.260167	0.343765	-0.146717	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149162.000000	196730.000000	200000.000000	149667.000000
-344.603363	0.369680	0.093717	-1.154211	0.022028	-0.537599	0.593076	179415.000000	0.000000	0.009113	0.007072	-3.412063	1.487087	1.382106	-5743.037109	7103.354492	343606.843750	0.239154	-0.095452	-2.069381	-0.064647	0.226587	-1.260167	0.343765	-0.146717	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148054.000000	196568.000000	200000.000000	150775.000000
-344.608368	0.374074	0.098111	-1.167395	0.005000	-0.585489	0.584562	179319.000000	0.000000	0.009113	0.007072	-3.385431	1.477463	1.382106	-4685.639648	7587.435059	347314.437500	0.237968	-0.094354	-2.069381	-0.064647	0.226587	-1.260167	0.343765	-0.146717	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146417.000000	197045.000000	200000.000000	152220.000000
-344.613373	0.376760	0.102994	-1.181066	-0.012028	-0.631251	0.576049	179319.000000	0.000000	0.009113	0.007072	-3.354755	1.470636	1.382106	-4123.356934	7941.860840	351022.031250	0.236548	-0.093431	-2.069381	-0.064647	0.226587	-1.260167	0.343765	-0.146717	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145500.000000	197253.000000	200000.000000	153137.000000
-344.618378	0.378469	0.108121	-1.194982	-0.030119	-0.674884	0.569663	179319.000000	0.000000	0.009113	0.007072	-3.320625	1.466591	1.382106	-3619.826416	8429.438477	353802.718750	0.234895	-0.092686	-2.069381	-0.064647	0.226587	-1.260167	0.343765	-0.146717	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144509.000000	197269.000000	200000.000000	154128.000000
-344.623383	0.379201	0.112760	-1.209143	-0.048211	-0.719582	0.565406	179319.000000	0.000000	0.009113	0.007072	-3.282243	1.464424	1.382106	-2653.119141	8709.124023	355656.531250	0.232995	-0.092105	-2.069381	-0.064647	0.226587	-1.260167	0.343765	-0.146717	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143262.000000	197956.000000	200000.000000	155375.000000
-344.628387	0.378713	0.116666	-1.223059	-0.064175	-0.763215	0.561149	179322.000000	0.000000	0.004911	0.007577	-3.470948	1.491155	1.350033	-28407.119141	11849.041992	343542.875000	0.230842	-0.091663	-2.057045	-0.066519	0.221047	-1.256917	0.331829	-0.141006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165880.000000	169065.000000	200000.000000	132763.000000
-344.633392	0.377248	0.120572	-1.236975	-0.079074	-0.805784	0.559021	179322.000000	0.000000	0.006456	0.006788	-3.171726	1.428037	1.293426	26698.619141	1630.742188	319818.562500	0.228437	-0.091351	-2.035273	-0.071217	0.214072	-1.254220	0.309359	-0.138913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120992.000000	200000.000000	184254.000000	177651.000000
-344.638397	0.376027	0.126676	-1.250158	-0.093973	-0.848353	0.557957	179322.000000	0.000000	0.006456	0.006788	-3.184272	1.463661	1.293426	-7443.978516	12720.485352	320282.031250	0.225792	-0.091198	-2.035273	-0.071217	0.214072	-1.254220	0.309359	-0.138913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144045.000000	189157.000000	200000.000000	154598.000000
-344.643402	0.374807	0.134244	-1.262365	-0.106744	-0.890922	0.556893	179322.000000	0.000000	0.006456	0.006788	-3.131976	1.470631	1.293426	122.088600	9426.432617	320745.468750	0.222917	-0.091213	-2.035273	-0.071217	0.214072	-1.254220	0.309359	-0.138913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139773.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158870.000000
-344.648407	0.372854	0.142057	-1.276525	-0.118450	-0.932427	0.554764	179322.000000	0.000000	0.006456	0.006788	-3.075837	1.479722	1.293426	878.999268	9638.902344	321672.375000	0.219806	-0.091389	-2.035273	-0.071217	0.214072	-1.254220	0.309359	-0.138913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138804.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	159839.000000
-344.653412	0.370412	0.147184	-1.290197	-0.128028	-0.973931	0.553700	179355.000000	0.000000	0.006456	0.006788	-3.016334	1.488219	1.293426	1713.610962	9422.620117	322135.812500	0.216462	-0.091672	-2.035273	-0.071217	0.214072	-1.254220	0.309359	-0.138913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138218.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	160491.000000
-344.658417	0.367482	0.151090	-1.303137	-0.137606	-1.015436	0.552636	179355.000000	0.000000	0.006456	0.006788	-2.953510	1.497270	1.293426	2558.758545	9569.216797	322599.281250	0.212887	-0.092042	-2.035273	-0.071217	0.214072	-1.254220	0.309359	-0.138913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137227.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161482.000000
-344.663422	0.364553	0.154996	-1.313635	-0.145056	-1.054813	0.552636	179355.000000	0.000000	0.006456	0.006788	-2.888705	1.507126	1.293426	3021.774902	9503.233398	322599.281250	0.209109	-0.092491	-2.035273	-0.071217	0.214072	-1.254220	0.309359	-0.138913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136829.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	161880.000000
-344.668427	0.362600	0.159391	-1.323156	-0.151441	-1.093125	0.552636	179355.000000	0.000000	0.003220	0.006245	-3.000352	1.488367	1.255758	-16838.539062	6182.348633	306195.562500	0.205156	-0.093019	-2.020785	-0.074145	0.209523	-1.254206	0.289567	-0.137205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160011.000000	186334.000000	200000.000000	138698.000000
-344.673431	0.361623	0.164273	-1.331457	-0.155698	-1.129308	0.551571	179432.000000	0.000000	0.001652	0.006551	-2.889923	1.539080	1.239800	8022.133301	13840.229492	299710.000000	0.201058	-0.093625	-2.014648	-0.074960	0.207008	-1.254571	0.285983	-0.128212	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127569.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171294.000000
-344.678436	0.361867	0.170133	-1.339758	-0.159955	-1.163364	0.549443	179432.000000	0.000000	0.001652	0.006551	-2.759537	1.540912	1.239800	10738.889648	8493.466797	300636.875000	0.196847	-0.094321	-2.014648	-0.074960	0.207008	-1.254571	0.285983	-0.128212	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130199.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	168664.000000
-344.683441	0.362844	0.175748	-1.345617	-0.159955	-1.195290	0.545186	179432.000000	0.000000	0.001652	0.006551	-2.691864	1.555188	1.239800	4067.385254	9459.362305	302490.687500	0.192554	-0.095087	-2.014648	-0.074960	0.207008	-1.254571	0.285983	-0.128212	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135905.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	162958.000000
-344.688446	0.363576	0.182828	-1.349279	-0.158891	-1.224025	0.538801	179432.000000	0.000000	0.001652	0.006551	-2.624082	1.571597	1.239800	4172.211426	9647.487305	305271.375000	0.188199	-0.095942	-2.014648	-0.074960	0.207008	-1.254571	0.285983	-0.128212	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135612.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163251.000000
-344.693451	0.365041	0.188199	-1.351721	-0.154634	-1.251694	0.529223	179432.000000	0.000000	0.001652	0.006551	-2.556499	1.587304	1.239800	4471.557617	9272.000000	309442.406250	0.183803	-0.096850	-2.014648	-0.074960	0.207008	-1.254571	0.285983	-0.128212	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135688.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163175.000000
-344.698456	0.364797	0.191861	-1.353918	-0.146120	-1.278300	0.518580	179433.000000	0.000000	0.001652	0.006551	-2.487417	1.601375	1.239800	4959.514160	8649.454102	314076.906250	0.179350	-0.097766	-2.014648	-0.074960	0.207008	-1.254571	0.285983	-0.128212	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135824.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163041.000000
-344.703461	0.360158	0.188932	-1.359289	-0.132285	-1.309163	0.506874	179433.000000	0.000000	0.001652	0.006551	-2.412635	1.608870	1.239800	6540.222656	7312.186523	319174.843750	0.174752	-0.098568	-2.014648	-0.074960	0.207008	-1.254571	0.285983	-0.128212	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135580.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	163285.000000
-344.708466	0.351613	0.179654	-1.362951	-0.114193	-1.337897	0.496232	179433.000000	0.000000	0.001838	0.004818	-2.323761	1.513721	1.199420	8396.833008	-4963.033691	306224.312500	0.169978	-0.099154	-1.999117	-0.078768	0.203457	-1.256779	0.257327	-0.123584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145999.000000	200000.000000	196073.000000	152866.000000
-344.713470	0.341604	0.171109	-1.361730	-0.096101	-1.366631	0.487718	179433.000000	0.000000	0.003581	0.003896	-2.154055	1.530444	1.131935	18197.474609	7331.590332	280543.625000	0.165027	-0.099546	-1.973161	-0.086139	0.199537	-1.263876	0.218930	-0.123557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123903.000000	200000.000000	198567.000000	174962.000000
-344.718475	0.331594	0.165738	-1.357824	-0.079074	-1.394301	0.480268	179417.000000	0.000000	0.003581	0.003896	-2.140660	1.565596	1.131935	1082.125244	9558.399414	283787.781250	0.159916	-0.099800	-1.973161	-0.086139	0.199537	-1.263876	0.218930	-0.123557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138776.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	160057.000000
-344.723480	0.320363	0.162809	-1.353918	-0.066303	-1.421970	0.476011	179417.000000	0.000000	0.003581	0.003896	-2.054334	1.564916	1.131935	9625.583008	6024.554199	285641.593750	0.154629	-0.099972	-1.973161	-0.086139	0.199537	-1.263876	0.218930	-0.123557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133766.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165067.000000
-344.728485	0.308889	0.161832	-1.350500	-0.056725	-1.446448	0.471754	179417.000000	0.000000	0.003581	0.003896	-1.966023	1.565472	1.131935	10011.747070	6470.052734	287495.375000	0.149179	-0.100108	-1.973161	-0.086139	0.199537	-1.263876	0.218930	-0.123557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132935.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	165898.000000
-344.733490	0.297170	0.161344	-1.346350	-0.051404	-1.468796	0.469626	179417.000000	0.000000	0.003581	0.003896	-1.875909	1.567054	1.131935	10493.224609	7033.859375	288422.281250	0.143576	-0.100235	-1.973161	-0.086139	0.199537	-1.263876	0.218930	-0.123557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131889.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	166944.000000
-344.738495	0.285207	0.160855	-1.339758	-0.051404	-1.489017	0.466433	179355.000000	0.000000	0.003581	0.003896	-1.784354	1.570254	1.131935	10931.815430	7811.392090	289812.625000	0.137837	-0.100386	-1.973161	-0.086139	0.199537	-1.263876	0.218930	-0.123557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130611.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	168098.000000
-344.743500	0.273977	0.158902	-1.331945	-0.056725	-1.506044	0.463241	179355.000000	0.000000	0.003581	0.003896	-1.692450	1.574171	1.131935	11120.201172	8517.958008	291202.968750	0.131992	-0.100566	-1.973161	-0.086139	0.199537	-1.263876	0.218930	-0.123557	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129716.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	168993.000000
-344.748505	0.264211	0.156949	-1.322180	-0.068432	-1.518815	0.460048	179355.000000	0.000000	0.004815	0.005158	-1.533753	1.649796	1.102103	18789.019531	17508.371094	279602.281250	0.126090	-0.100811	-1.961688	-0.087875	0.195824	-1.270823	0.189422	-0.115520	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113057.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	185652.000000
-344.753510	0.254689	0.154752	-1.311926	-0.086523	-1.525200	0.455791	179355.000000	0.000000	0.004980	0.004817	-1.484204	1.589251	1.073558	6338.908691	3040.575195	269025.343750	0.120164	-0.101147	-1.950709	-0.089487	0.192369	-1.279053	0.156602	-0.110147	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139975.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	158734.000000
-344.758514	0.244680	0.152311	-1.300451	-0.111001	-1.526265	0.451534	179355.000000	0.000000	0.004980	0.004817	-1.401787	1.614534	1.073558	9751.764648	13408.952148	270879.156250	0.114236	-0.101603	-1.950709	-0.089487	0.192369	-1.279053	0.156602	-0.110147	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126194.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	172515.000000
-344.763519	0.234182	0.149869	-1.287268	-0.139735	-1.522008	0.446213	179322.000000	0.000000	0.004980	0.004817	-1.313886	1.629147	1.073558	10154.581055	12903.040039	273196.375000	0.108326	-0.102201	-1.950709	-0.089487	0.192369	-1.279053	0.156602	-0.110147	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126264.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	172379.000000
-344.768524	0.223195	0.146451	-1.272131	-0.171661	-1.512430	0.438763	179322.000000	0.000000	0.004980	0.004817	-1.227373	1.645988	1.073558	9770.719727	13723.547852	276440.531250	0.102455	-0.102942	-1.950709	-0.089487	0.192369	-1.279053	0.156602	-0.110147	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125827.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	172816.000000
-344.773529	0.212453	0.142789	-1.255529	-0.206781	-1.498595	0.430250	179322.000000	0.000000	0.004980	0.004817	-1.142766	1.665574	1.073558	9418.655273	14628.060547	280148.125000	0.096647	-0.103836	-1.950709	-0.089487	0.192369	-1.279053	0.156602	-0.110147	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125275.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	173368.000000
-344.778534	0.201955	0.135953	-1.238195	-0.240836	-1.479439	0.420672	179322.000000	0.000000	0.004980	0.004817	-1.060617	1.684287	1.073558	8853.052734	14657.663086	284319.156250	0.090929	-0.104827	-1.950709	-0.089487	0.192369	-1.279053	0.156602	-0.110147	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125811.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	172832.000000
-344.783539	0.189260	0.124723	-1.222082	-0.271699	-1.458154	0.411094	179438.000000	0.000000	0.004980	0.004817	-0.978076	1.699352	1.073558	8943.819336	14116.910156	288490.187500	0.085270	-0.105822	-1.950709	-0.089487	0.192369	-1.279053	0.156602	-0.110147	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126377.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	172498.000000
-344.788544	0.175588	0.110074	-1.203283	-0.299369	-1.432613	0.401516	179438.000000	0.000000	0.004980	0.004817	-0.896728	1.710486	1.073558	8601.406250	13512.019531	292661.250000	0.079675	-0.106748	-1.950709	-0.089487	0.192369	-1.279053	0.156602	-0.110147	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127324.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171551.000000
-344.793549	0.161672	0.096402	-1.182531	-0.325974	-1.403879	0.393002	179438.000000	0.000000	0.004980	0.004817	-0.816821	1.720932	1.073558	8328.340820	13490.634766	296368.843750	0.074155	-0.107611	-1.950709	-0.089487	0.192369	-1.279053	0.156602	-0.110147	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127619.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	171256.000000
-344.798553	0.147512	0.084928	-1.161779	-0.349387	-1.370888	0.385552	179438.000000	0.000000	-0.001772	0.002829	-1.109687	1.621965	1.053948	-34628.437500	760.641418	291073.000000	0.068713	-0.108426	-1.943166	-0.091363	0.191166	-1.283813	0.145074	-0.111242	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178677.000000	178677.000000	200000.000000	120198.000000
-344.803558	0.133596	0.075406	-1.139807	-0.371736	-1.333640	0.378103	179438.000000	0.000000	0.008841	0.005179	-0.179881	1.841466	1.012246	103449.390625	36773.515625	276156.593750	0.063368	-0.109217	-1.927127	-0.093381	0.186117	-1.299028	0.101389	-0.115709	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-344.808563	0.120900	0.068082	-1.118811	-0.394085	-1.290007	0.371717	179325.000000	0.000000	0.008841	0.005179	-0.531686	1.759768	1.012246	-39992.480469	3381.883301	278937.281250	0.058163	-0.110014	-1.927127	-0.093381	0.186117	-1.299028	0.101389	-0.115709	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175943.000000	175943.000000	200000.000000	122706.000000
-344.813568	0.109182	0.061734	-1.097814	-0.416433	-1.241052	0.366396	179325.000000	0.000000	0.008841	0.005179	-0.463073	1.772766	1.012246	5740.255371	13956.975586	281254.531250	0.053129	-0.110830	-1.927127	-0.093381	0.186117	-1.299028	0.101389	-0.115709	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129627.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	169022.000000
-344.818573	0.097951	0.055631	-1.076330	-0.437718	-1.187841	0.361075	179325.000000	0.000000	0.008841	0.005179	-0.398143	1.785758	1.012246	4921.093262	13996.856445	283571.781250	0.048288	-0.111660	-1.927127	-0.093381	0.186117	-1.299028	0.101389	-0.115709	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130407.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	168242.000000
-344.823578	0.088430	0.050992	-1.054602	-0.461131	-1.129308	0.354690	179325.000000	0.000000	0.008841	0.005179	-0.338664	1.800791	1.012246	3741.067871	14632.221680	286352.468750	0.043686	-0.112537	-1.927127	-0.093381	0.186117	-1.299028	0.101389	-0.115709	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130951.000000	198433.000000	200000.000000	167698.000000
-344.828583	0.080861	0.046842	-1.032629	-0.484544	-1.066519	0.349369	179314.000000	0.000000	0.008841	0.005179	-0.285422	1.816771	1.012246	2543.307861	14917.569336	288669.718750	0.039371	-0.113465	-1.927127	-0.093381	0.186117	-1.299028	0.101389	-0.115709	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131853.000000	196939.000000	200000.000000	166774.000000
-344.833588	0.075246	0.044645	-1.010412	-0.510085	-0.998409	0.342983	179314.000000	0.000000	0.008841	0.005179	-0.239438	1.835950	1.012246	1057.822266	15709.959961	291450.406250	0.035397	-0.114489	-1.927127	-0.093381	0.186117	-1.299028	0.101389	-0.115709	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132546.000000	194661.000000	200000.000000	166081.000000
-344.838593	0.070852	0.043424	-0.988195	-0.535627	-0.926041	0.336598	179314.000000	0.000000	0.007197	0.005930	-0.290856	1.898759	0.988412	-10689.085938	20912.898438	283852.125000	0.031798	-0.115624	-1.917960	-0.093479	0.182007	-1.309908	0.076839	-0.123632	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139090.000000	177712.000000	200000.000000	159537.000000
-344.843597	0.066701	0.043424	-0.965979	-0.562232	-0.849417	0.330212	179314.000000	0.000000	0.008102	0.006706	-0.142870	1.936010	0.965461	11096.804688	18513.267578	276638.093750	0.028590	-0.116898	-1.909133	-0.092981	0.177422	-1.320732	0.056415	-0.132044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119703.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	178924.000000
-344.848602	0.061818	0.044889	-0.943273	-0.587774	-0.769600	0.322763	179330.000000	0.000000	0.008102	0.006706	-0.151905	1.932948	0.965461	-6928.385254	14067.101562	279882.218750	0.025764	-0.118332	-1.909133	-0.092981	0.177422	-1.320732	0.056415	-0.132044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142191.000000	188334.000000	200000.000000	156468.000000
-344.853607	0.057180	0.046842	-0.919836	-0.612251	-0.687655	0.314249	179330.000000	0.000000	0.008102	0.006706	-0.130731	1.963585	0.965461	-4120.424805	17908.947266	283589.812500	0.023323	-0.119933	-1.909133	-0.092981	0.177422	-1.320732	0.056415	-0.132044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135541.000000	187300.000000	200000.000000	163118.000000
-344.858612	0.052297	0.049039	-0.894934	-0.634600	-0.604645	0.305735	179330.000000	0.000000	0.008102	0.006706	-0.114823	1.996476	0.965461	-5125.007324	18176.890625	287297.406250	0.021259	-0.121695	-1.909133	-0.092981	0.177422	-1.320732	0.056415	-0.132044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136278.000000	186028.000000	200000.000000	162381.000000
-344.863617	0.046682	0.049771	-0.872961	-0.654820	-0.520571	0.296157	179330.000000	0.000000	0.008102	0.006706	-0.103051	2.029181	0.965461	-6029.384766	18165.929688	291468.468750	0.019544	-0.123571	-1.909133	-0.092981	0.177422	-1.320732	0.056415	-0.132044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137193.000000	185134.000000	200000.000000	161466.000000
-344.868622	0.038869	0.049283	-0.850256	-0.669719	-0.435433	0.286579	179330.000000	0.000000	0.008102	0.006706	-0.093343	2.060605	0.965461	-6720.386230	17652.925781	295639.500000	0.018120	-0.125507	-1.909133	-0.092981	0.177422	-1.320732	0.056415	-0.132044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138397.000000	184956.000000	200000.000000	160262.000000
-344.873627	0.029592	0.047574	-0.827551	-0.681426	-0.349231	0.277001	179326.000000	0.000000	0.008102	0.006706	-0.085545	2.090400	0.965461	-7408.075195	17313.744141	299810.531250	0.016943	-0.127457	-1.909133	-0.092981	0.177422	-1.320732	0.056415	-0.132044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139420.000000	184604.000000	200000.000000	159231.000000
-344.878632	0.020314	0.045621	-0.804357	-0.688875	-0.263029	0.267423	179326.000000	0.000000	0.010489	0.008585	0.050718	2.222165	0.946785	6947.675781	28698.279297	295848.406250	0.015996	-0.129393	-1.901950	-0.090913	0.171638	-1.331308	0.044550	-0.144329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113680.000000	187575.000000	200000.000000	184971.000000
-344.883636	0.011525	0.043668	-0.782873	-0.693132	-0.175762	0.258909	179326.000000	0.000000	0.016686	0.010949	0.297501	2.304260	0.927194	19716.851562	23282.927734	291024.687500	0.015279	-0.131295	-1.894415	-0.085222	0.161155	-1.345907	0.038205	-0.167844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106326.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	192325.000000
-344.888641	0.002980	0.042203	-0.762854	-0.693132	-0.086367	0.251460	179326.000000	0.000000	0.016686	0.010949	0.047812	2.235798	0.927194	-36667.136719	5945.260742	294268.812500	0.014793	-0.133152	-1.894415	-0.085222	0.161155	-1.345907	0.038205	-0.167844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173380.000000	173380.000000	200000.000000	125271.000000
-344.893646	-0.004344	0.040982	-0.743566	-0.688875	0.004092	0.246139	179329.000000	0.000000	0.016686	0.010949	0.041165	2.260348	0.927194	-10506.894531	15797.769531	296586.062500	0.014561	-0.134950	-1.894415	-0.085222	0.161155	-1.345907	0.038205	-0.167844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144038.000000	183024.000000	200000.000000	154619.000000
-344.898651	-0.009715	0.040738	-0.725012	-0.679297	0.096679	0.240818	179329.000000	0.000000	0.016686	0.010949	0.028040	2.284008	0.927194	-11939.479492	15179.577148	298903.312500	0.014631	-0.136687	-1.894415	-0.085222	0.161155	-1.345907	0.038205	-0.167844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146088.000000	182209.000000	200000.000000	152569.000000
-344.903656	-0.013377	0.041471	-0.706457	-0.667591	0.190331	0.236561	179329.000000	0.000000	0.016686	0.010949	0.008189	2.307812	0.927194	-13318.148438	15017.141602	300757.093750	0.015042	-0.138383	-1.894415	-0.085222	0.161155	-1.345907	0.038205	-0.167844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147630.000000	180993.000000	200000.000000	151027.000000
-344.908661	-0.015086	0.043912	-0.687902	-0.650563	0.283983	0.232304	179329.000000	0.000000	0.016686	0.010949	-0.019192	2.332468	0.927194	-14702.898438	14560.685547	302610.906250	0.015840	-0.140065	-1.894415	-0.085222	0.161155	-1.345907	0.038205	-0.167844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149471.000000	180065.000000	200000.000000	149186.000000
-344.913666	-0.014842	0.048062	-0.671057	-0.629278	0.377635	0.229111	179329.000000	0.000000	0.016686	0.010949	-0.055045	2.358663	0.927194	-16230.108398	14284.500977	304001.250000	0.017071	-0.141765	-1.894415	-0.085222	0.161155	-1.345907	0.038205	-0.167844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151274.000000	178814.000000	200000.000000	147383.000000
-344.918671	-0.013133	0.054898	-0.655187	-0.605865	0.469158	0.225918	179427.000000	0.000000	0.016686	0.010949	-0.098840	2.389297	0.927194	-17491.937500	14571.752930	305391.593750	0.018764	-0.143558	-1.894415	-0.085222	0.161155	-1.345907	0.038205	-0.167844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152347.000000	177363.000000	200000.000000	146506.000000
-344.923676	-0.010691	0.062955	-0.641027	-0.578196	0.559618	0.222726	179427.000000	0.000000	0.012946	0.012626	-0.355773	2.514732	0.924234	-42408.656250	24977.263672	305492.656250	0.020928	-0.145466	-1.893276	-0.082241	0.156853	-1.350213	0.040715	-0.174944	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154449.000000	154449.000000	200000.000000	144404.000000
-344.928680	-0.007273	0.070768	-0.627355	-0.547333	0.646884	0.218469	179427.000000	0.000000	0.020837	0.014632	0.168767	2.592036	0.914347	45881.578125	19547.611328	303041.062500	0.023572	-0.147473	-1.889474	-0.072599	0.142948	-1.361232	0.057123	-0.195113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	198974.000000	198974.000000
-344.933685	-0.003611	0.078092	-0.615881	-0.515406	0.730958	0.214212	179427.000000	0.000000	0.020837	0.014632	-0.212066	2.546352	0.914347	-55457.191406	5550.313477	304894.843750	0.026682	-0.149561	-1.889474	-0.072599	0.142948	-1.361232	0.057123	-0.195113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173876.000000	173876.000000	200000.000000	124977.000000
-344.938690	-0.000682	0.085172	-0.605383	-0.482415	0.809711	0.209955	179319.000000	0.000000	0.016259	0.015738	-0.533038	2.642350	0.913791	-50128.800781	21301.974609	306506.625000	0.030205	-0.151718	-1.889260	-0.068583	0.137703	-1.364105	0.067735	-0.201144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158017.000000	158017.000000	200000.000000	140620.000000
-344.943695	0.002492	0.090543	-0.594396	-0.448360	0.882078	0.204634	179319.000000	0.000000	0.016259	0.015738	-0.423874	2.631522	0.913791	-1961.366211	9232.266602	308823.875000	0.034109	-0.153895	-1.889260	-0.068583	0.137703	-1.364105	0.067735	-0.201144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142048.000000	198125.000000	200000.000000	156589.000000
-344.948700	0.004445	0.094693	-0.586096	-0.414305	0.949124	0.199313	179319.000000	0.000000	0.016259	0.015738	-0.499503	2.662599	0.913791	-22351.687500	13826.239258	311141.125000	0.038324	-0.156043	-1.889260	-0.068583	0.137703	-1.364105	0.067735	-0.201144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157844.000000	173141.000000	200000.000000	140793.000000
-344.953705	0.006643	0.098111	-0.578527	-0.381314	1.010849	0.196120	179319.000000	0.000000	0.016259	0.015738	-0.578616	2.692234	0.913791	-22800.679688	13769.210938	312531.468750	0.042827	-0.158143	-1.889260	-0.068583	0.137703	-1.364105	0.067735	-0.201144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158350.000000	172749.000000	200000.000000	140287.000000
-344.958710	0.008107	0.099820	-0.571447	-0.348323	1.068317	0.192927	179435.000000	0.000000	0.016259	0.015738	-0.659312	2.718095	0.913791	-23142.148438	13321.408203	313921.812500	0.047570	-0.160141	-1.889260	-0.068583	0.137703	-1.364105	0.067735	-0.201144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159255.000000	172971.000000	200000.000000	139614.000000
-344.963715	0.008596	0.101041	-0.566076	-0.317460	1.119400	0.191863	179435.000000	0.000000	0.016259	0.015738	-0.739880	2.741733	0.913791	-23028.425781	13277.868164	314385.250000	0.052484	-0.162024	-1.889260	-0.068583	0.137703	-1.364105	0.067735	-0.201144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159185.000000	173128.000000	200000.000000	139684.000000
-344.968719	0.009328	0.101773	-0.561193	-0.287662	1.166226	0.191863	179435.000000	0.000000	0.022609	0.018239	-0.473063	2.900535	0.919857	16648.630859	28850.482422	317026.843750	0.057555	-0.163781	-1.891593	-0.058770	0.125929	-1.368551	0.091477	-0.212252	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103935.000000	197233.000000	200000.000000	194934.000000
-344.973724	0.011281	0.102750	-0.556799	-0.259992	1.208795	0.193992	179435.000000	0.000000	0.023001	0.018646	-0.791249	2.843400	0.926718	-48867.414062	4950.860840	319087.625000	0.062804	-0.165431	-1.894232	-0.048800	0.114002	-1.371184	0.120524	-0.219585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174484.000000	174484.000000	200000.000000	124385.000000
-344.978729	0.013723	0.103971	-0.554113	-0.232322	1.247107	0.197184	179435.000000	0.000000	0.023001	0.018646	-0.895041	2.845942	0.926718	-25479.064453	11397.067383	317697.250000	0.068223	-0.166973	-1.894232	-0.048800	0.114002	-1.371184	0.120524	-0.219585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163516.000000	172558.000000	200000.000000	135353.000000
-344.983734	0.016164	0.105191	-0.552648	-0.205717	1.280098	0.201441	179438.000000	0.000000	0.023001	0.018646	-0.984155	2.863129	0.926718	-23841.822266	13081.041016	315843.468750	0.073785	-0.168407	-1.894232	-0.048800	0.114002	-1.371184	0.120524	-0.219585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160198.000000	172515.000000	200000.000000	138677.000000
-344.988739	0.018850	0.106412	-0.552893	-0.179111	1.308832	0.207827	179438.000000	0.000000	0.023001	0.018646	-1.074599	2.878140	0.926718	-24068.046875	12788.432617	313062.781250	0.079475	-0.169722	-1.894232	-0.048800	0.114002	-1.371184	0.120524	-0.219585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160717.000000	172581.000000	200000.000000	138158.000000
-344.993744	0.022512	0.107877	-0.553381	-0.152505	1.332245	0.214212	179438.000000	0.000000	0.023001	0.018646	-1.167272	2.891841	0.926718	-24262.214844	12585.050781	310282.062500	0.085298	-0.170928	-1.894232	-0.048800	0.114002	-1.371184	0.120524	-0.219585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161115.000000	172590.000000	200000.000000	137760.000000
-344.998749	0.026662	0.109098	-0.553625	-0.125900	1.351401	0.222726	179438.000000	0.000000	0.023001	0.018646	-1.261721	2.903548	0.926718	-24511.898438	12297.283203	306574.500000	0.091250	-0.172018	-1.894232	-0.048800	0.114002	-1.371184	0.120524	-0.219585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161652.000000	172628.000000	200000.000000	137223.000000
-345.003754	0.032033	0.110563	-0.554602	-0.099294	1.366301	0.232304	179319.000000	0.000000	0.023001	0.018646	-1.359154	2.913729	0.926718	-24888.636719	12053.877930	302403.437500	0.097350	-0.172996	-1.894232	-0.048800	0.114002	-1.371184	0.120524	-0.219585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162153.000000	172376.000000	200000.000000	136484.000000
-345.008759	0.037160	0.111295	-0.555334	-0.072688	1.375879	0.241882	179319.000000	0.000000	0.023001	0.018646	-1.456733	2.920986	0.926718	-24814.998047	11642.964844	298232.406250	0.103560	-0.173839	-1.894232	-0.048800	0.114002	-1.371184	0.120524	-0.219585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162491.000000	172861.000000	200000.000000	136146.000000
-345.013763	0.043020	0.112271	-0.556066	-0.045019	1.381200	0.252524	179319.000000	0.000000	0.015261	0.016033	-1.981774	2.782681	0.922529	-73797.828125	-5246.104004	291773.593750	0.109884	-0.174551	-1.892620	-0.045237	0.108803	-1.371992	0.134189	-0.219612	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184565.000000	184565.000000	200000.000000	114072.000000
-345.018768	0.048879	0.113004	-0.556555	-0.018413	1.381200	0.264230	179319.000000	0.000000	0.026506	0.019724	-1.153468	3.093621	0.927723	79436.039062	45585.843750	288937.562500	0.116294	-0.175130	-1.894618	-0.030604	0.090589	-1.371435	0.176953	-0.230067	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-345.023773	0.054006	0.112760	-0.557775	0.009257	1.376943	0.275937	179319.000000	0.000000	0.018805	0.018654	-2.124831	2.886243	0.928297	-122447.320312	-12610.839844	284089.718750	0.122743	-0.175535	-1.894839	-0.025958	0.084638	-1.370414	0.190910	-0.228299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191929.000000	191929.000000	200000.000000	106708.000000
-345.028778	0.059133	0.112271	-0.559240	0.036927	1.365236	0.289772	179427.000000	0.000000	0.018805	0.018654	-1.913642	2.924987	0.928297	9425.834961	14502.818359	278064.906250	0.129192	-0.175756	-1.894839	-0.025958	0.084638	-1.370414	0.190910	-0.228299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125498.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	173355.000000
-345.033783	0.063283	0.111539	-0.561193	0.064597	1.348209	0.304671	179427.000000	0.000000	0.018805	0.018654	-2.007004	2.917644	0.928297	-23827.433594	9274.141602	271576.625000	0.135579	-0.175784	-1.894839	-0.025958	0.084638	-1.370414	0.190910	-0.228299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163980.000000	176325.000000	200000.000000	134873.000000
-345.038788	0.066213	0.110563	-0.565100	0.092266	1.324796	0.320634	179427.000000	0.000000	0.018805	0.018654	-2.095096	2.906357	0.928297	-22843.349609	8661.277344	264624.875000	0.141826	-0.175598	-1.894839	-0.025958	0.084638	-1.370414	0.190910	-0.228299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163609.000000	177922.000000	200000.000000	135244.000000
-345.043793	0.069143	0.108854	-0.568518	0.121001	1.297126	0.337662	179427.000000	0.000000	0.018805	0.018654	-2.180224	2.890538	0.928297	-22313.689453	7840.958496	257209.687500	0.147917	-0.175175	-1.894839	-0.025958	0.084638	-1.370414	0.190910	-0.228299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163899.000000	179272.000000	200000.000000	134954.000000
-345.048798	0.072805	0.106900	-0.573156	0.149735	1.263071	0.357882	179218.000000	0.000000	0.018805	0.018654	-2.262665	2.870322	0.928297	-21538.662109	7132.308594	248404.171875	0.153846	-0.174500	-1.894839	-0.025958	0.084638	-1.370414	0.190910	-0.228299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163624.000000	180547.000000	200000.000000	134811.000000
-345.053802	0.076955	0.104703	-0.578771	0.180597	1.224759	0.379167	179218.000000	0.000000	0.018805	0.018654	-2.342314	2.845153	0.928297	-20954.673828	6094.721191	239135.187500	0.159605	-0.173552	-1.894839	-0.025958	0.084638	-1.370414	0.190910	-0.228299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164077.000000	182168.000000	200000.000000	134358.000000
-345.058807	0.081350	0.102506	-0.586096	0.212524	1.181125	0.402580	179218.000000	0.000000	0.018805	0.018654	-2.418211	2.815227	0.928297	-20104.541016	5171.349121	228939.296875	0.165174	-0.172318	-1.894839	-0.025958	0.084638	-1.370414	0.190910	-0.228299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164151.000000	183942.000000	200000.000000	134284.000000
-345.063812	0.085988	0.100064	-0.592932	0.246579	1.133235	0.428121	179218.000000	0.000000	0.018805	0.018654	-2.490772	2.780384	0.928297	-19383.677734	4078.249023	217816.531250	0.170543	-0.170787	-1.894839	-0.025958	0.084638	-1.370414	0.190910	-0.228299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164523.000000	185756.000000	200000.000000	133912.000000
-345.068817	0.091359	0.098355	-0.601232	0.282763	1.080024	0.454727	179152.000000	0.000000	0.021395	0.018576	-2.417504	2.737362	0.925662	-2181.469727	2582.025391	205082.609375	0.175705	-0.168969	-1.893825	-0.017395	0.073173	-1.367224	0.219001	-0.222505	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148751.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	149552.000000
-345.073822	0.097951	0.098600	-0.610021	0.320011	1.023620	0.481333	179152.000000	0.000000	0.021685	0.018864	-2.572139	2.716505	0.923411	-27341.638672	4634.885742	192516.203125	0.180678	-0.166923	-1.892960	-0.008733	0.061634	-1.362401	0.242638	-0.220790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171858.000000	177175.000000	200000.000000	126445.000000
-345.078827	0.106008	0.100064	-0.619543	0.359387	0.962959	0.509002	179152.000000	0.000000	0.021685	0.018864	-2.648957	2.663149	0.923411	-18391.388672	400.762726	180466.531250	0.185481	-0.164674	-1.892960	-0.008733	0.061634	-1.362401	0.242638	-0.220790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167142.000000	190359.000000	200000.000000	131161.000000
-345.083832	0.114309	0.102750	-0.629553	0.399828	0.900170	0.536672	179152.000000	0.000000	0.021685	0.018864	-2.711009	2.619999	0.923411	-16530.343750	1021.511475	168416.859375	0.190102	-0.162254	-1.892960	-0.008733	0.061634	-1.362401	0.242638	-0.220790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164660.000000	191600.000000	200000.000000	133643.000000
-345.088837	0.121633	0.105680	-0.640051	0.441332	0.837380	0.564342	179152.000000	0.000000	0.021685	0.018864	-2.768323	2.574353	0.923411	-15984.169922	229.220505	156367.203125	0.194504	-0.159664	-1.892960	-0.008733	0.061634	-1.362401	0.242638	-0.220790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164906.000000	192938.000000	200000.000000	133397.000000
-345.093842	0.127980	0.109342	-0.650793	0.482837	0.772463	0.592012	179114.000000	0.000000	0.021685	0.018864	-2.819968	2.527356	0.923411	-15065.702148	-326.544769	144317.500000	0.198645	-0.156925	-1.892960	-0.008733	0.061634	-1.362401	0.242638	-0.220790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164506.000000	194374.000000	200000.000000	133721.000000
-345.098846	0.132863	0.112760	-0.663244	0.526471	0.706481	0.617553	179114.000000	0.000000	0.021685	0.018864	-2.864461	2.476917	0.923411	-14063.510742	-1371.829834	133194.750000	0.202466	-0.154017	-1.892960	-0.008733	0.061634	-1.362401	0.242638	-0.220790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164549.000000	196422.000000	200000.000000	133678.000000
-345.103851	0.137014	0.114957	-0.676672	0.569040	0.639435	0.643095	179114.000000	0.000000	0.009846	0.013146	-3.553582	2.107770	0.907989	-87688.812500	-38192.484375	115356.046875	0.205938	-0.150906	-1.887028	-0.007173	0.057656	-1.359618	0.260169	-0.221197	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-345.108856	0.140920	0.116910	-0.690588	0.613737	0.572388	0.668636	179114.000000	0.000000	0.017868	0.014375	-2.671779	2.345368	0.865428	89408.562500	29176.130859	85698.843750	0.209057	-0.147578	-1.870659	-0.001688	0.045502	-1.349164	0.284649	-0.199949	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000
-345.113861	0.145559	0.117398	-0.704260	0.656306	0.504278	0.694178	179145.000000	0.000000	0.009556	0.012490	-3.478075	2.129429	0.849153	-99486.757812	-21648.132812	67488.687500	0.211843	-0.144009	-1.864399	-0.000263	0.041824	-1.345141	0.288893	-0.191861	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-345.118866	0.150930	0.115934	-0.719396	0.698875	0.435103	0.718655	179145.000000	0.000000	0.009556	0.012490	-3.169803	2.135175	0.849153	24919.949219	2558.093994	56829.367188	0.214308	-0.140148	-1.864399	-0.000263	0.041824	-1.345141	0.288893	-0.191861	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121666.000000	200000.000000	186783.000000	176623.000000
-345.123871	0.156789	0.113004	-0.735021	0.739316	0.365929	0.744196	179145.000000	0.000000	0.009556	0.012490	-3.189787	2.060072	0.849153	-10947.442383	-6629.308105	45706.585938	0.216463	-0.135974	-1.864399	-0.000263	0.041824	-1.345141	0.288893	-0.191861	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166721.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	131568.000000
-345.128876	0.164113	0.109342	-0.753088	0.779756	0.295690	0.767609	179145.000000	0.000000	0.007961	0.011224	-3.293840	1.909897	0.830180	-20229.972656	-15760.696289	27248.390625	0.218328	-0.131474	-1.857102	0.000624	0.038586	-1.340938	0.292475	-0.182859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187887.000000	200000.000000	200000.000000	115905.000000
-345.133881	0.171926	0.103727	-0.773107	0.817004	0.224387	0.789958	179145.000000	0.000000	0.007961	0.011224	-3.241843	1.873816	0.830180	-2386.960938	-3201.625488	17515.951172	0.219898	-0.126624	-1.857102	0.000624	0.038586	-1.340938	0.292475	-0.182859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167217.000000	197475.000000	195846.000000	156040.000000
-345.138885	0.179738	0.098111	-0.793615	0.852124	0.153083	0.810178	179001.000000	0.000000	0.007961	0.011224	-3.248878	1.783503	0.830180	-8582.474609	-9507.648438	8710.424805	0.221168	-0.121455	-1.857102	0.000624	0.038586	-1.340938	0.292475	-0.182859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188380.000000	188636.000000	186786.000000	152200.000000
-345.143890	0.187551	0.094693	-0.814123	0.881922	0.079652	0.829334	179001.000000	0.000000	0.007961	0.011224	-3.250661	1.693727	0.830180	-7441.194336	-9413.635742	368.352875	0.222124	-0.116063	-1.857102	0.000624	0.038586	-1.340938	0.292475	-0.182859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195487.000000	181341.000000	177396.000000	161777.000000
-345.148895	0.195852	0.092984	-0.835363	0.907463	0.007285	0.847426	179001.000000	0.000000	0.007961	0.011224	-3.248322	1.604611	0.830180	-6761.425781	-9400.370117	-7510.289062	0.222777	-0.110522	-1.857102	0.000624	0.038586	-1.340938	0.292475	-0.182859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	174129.000000	168851.000000	170349.000000
-345.153900	0.204152	0.091764	-0.857336	0.926619	-0.065083	0.864454	179001.000000	0.000000	0.007961	0.011224	-3.241176	1.516087	0.830180	-5867.042969	-9128.520508	-14925.475586	0.223121	-0.104882	-1.857102	0.000624	0.038586	-1.340938	0.292475	-0.182859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	167337.000000	160814.000000	178930.000000
-345.158905	0.211721	0.089322	-0.881018	0.939390	-0.137450	0.880417	179024.000000	0.000000	0.009084	0.009715	-3.166384	1.343735	0.783030	2247.966309	-18495.384766	-42410.332031	0.223134	-0.099155	-1.838967	0.000754	0.033450	-1.332207	0.294733	-0.159062	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	169767.000000	128280.000000	192776.000000
-345.163910	0.218557	0.085660	-0.905676	0.947904	-0.210882	0.894252	179024.000000	0.000000	0.005896	0.007006	-3.367238	1.164698	0.723814	-28530.048828	-19625.058594	-74222.187500	0.222792	-0.093346	-1.816192	-0.001230	0.030159	-1.323285	0.294595	-0.129994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	140119.000000	157928.000000	160868.000000
-345.168915	0.225393	0.080777	-0.931311	0.951097	-0.284313	0.905959	179024.000000	0.000000	0.005896	0.007006	-3.215086	1.182071	0.723814	11322.688477	2621.624268	-79320.125000	0.222095	-0.087468	-1.816192	-0.001230	0.030159	-1.323285	0.294595	-0.129994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195079.000000	157725.000000	140322.000000	200000.000000
-345.173920	0.231740	0.075650	-0.958166	0.952161	-0.359873	0.916601	179024.000000	0.000000	0.005896	0.007006	-3.183877	1.091022	0.723814	-1250.553589	-9489.645508	-83954.601562	0.221020	-0.081537	-1.816192	-0.001230	0.030159	-1.323285	0.294595	-0.129994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	157263.000000	140784.000000	198283.000000
-345.178925	0.236867	0.070768	-0.984777	0.950032	-0.434369	0.925115	178877.000000	0.000000	0.005896	0.007006	-3.146358	1.001150	0.723814	-158.415283	-9412.785156	-87662.195312	0.219556	-0.075590	-1.816192	-0.001230	0.030159	-1.323285	0.294595	-0.129994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158131.000000	139622.000000	199305.000000
-345.183929	0.240285	0.065885	-1.010900	0.944711	-0.507801	0.933628	178877.000000	0.000000	0.005896	0.007006	-3.102091	0.912539	0.723814	1010.484863	-9308.003906	-91369.789062	0.217686	-0.069654	-1.816192	-0.001230	0.030159	-1.323285	0.294595	-0.129994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159195.000000	138558.000000	200000.000000
-345.188934	0.242238	0.061490	-1.036779	0.937262	-0.579104	0.940014	178877.000000	0.000000	0.005896	0.007006	-3.051374	0.825824	0.723814	2044.410645	-9228.303711	-94150.492188	0.215404	-0.063760	-1.816192	-0.001230	0.030159	-1.323285	0.294595	-0.129994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	160149.000000	137604.000000	200000.000000
-345.193939	0.242238	0.056852	-1.063879	0.926619	-0.648278	0.945335	178877.000000	0.000000	0.005896	0.007006	-2.993459	0.740805	0.723814	3186.453857	-9032.958984	-96467.718750	0.212691	-0.057928	-1.816192	-0.001230	0.030159	-1.323285	0.294595	-0.129994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	161096.000000	136657.000000	200000.000000
-345.198944	0.240773	0.051236	-1.089514	0.914913	-0.714260	0.949592	178877.000000	0.000000	0.005896	0.007006	-2.929584	0.656586	0.723814	4088.126221	-9161.501953	-98321.515625	0.209557	-0.052155	-1.816192	-0.001230	0.030159	-1.323285	0.294595	-0.129994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162126.000000	135627.000000	200000.000000
-345.203949	0.238576	0.045377	-1.114904	0.900014	-0.778114	0.951720	178871.000000	0.000000	0.005896	0.007006	-2.860036	0.574418	0.723814	5091.429688	-8894.384766	-99248.429688	0.206013	-0.046462	-1.816192	-0.001230	0.030159	-1.323285	0.294595	-0.129994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162856.000000	134885.000000	200000.000000
-345.208954	0.235158	0.039518	-1.139318	0.881922	-0.838775	0.951720	178871.000000	0.000000	0.012696	0.006667	-2.411113	0.476179	0.602129	48799.109375	-10679.041992	-152239.953125	0.202070	-0.040875	-1.769390	-0.005638	0.025288	-1.306239	0.264739	-0.077512	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189550.000000	189550.000000	108191.000000	200000.000000
-345.213959	0.232473	0.033902	-1.163977	0.860637	-0.896243	0.949592	178871.000000	0.000000	0.002647	0.005195	-3.156731	0.332271	0.572506	-86064.554688	-15913.680664	-164213.218750	0.197771	-0.035420	-1.757996	-0.006494	0.024137	-1.302462	0.258637	-0.063613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	134784.000000	162957.000000	162957.000000
-345.218964	0.229787	0.030240	-1.187902	0.835096	-0.951583	0.946399	178871.000000	0.000000	0.002647	0.005195	-2.672147	0.319773	0.572506	51453.273438	-936.280151	-162822.875000	0.193138	-0.030156	-1.757996	-0.006494	0.024137	-1.302462	0.258637	-0.063613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179807.000000	179807.000000	117934.000000	200000.000000
-345.223969	0.228078	0.027066	-1.212072	0.805298	-1.002666	0.938950	178774.000000	0.000000	0.002647	0.005195	-2.586973	0.253115	0.572506	7694.451660	-6592.975098	-159578.750000	0.188220	-0.025115	-1.757996	-0.006494	0.024137	-1.302462	0.258637	-0.063613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	163061.000000	134486.000000	200000.000000
-345.228973	0.227102	0.024625	-1.236242	0.772307	-1.049492	0.928307	178774.000000	0.000000	0.002647	0.005195	-2.499874	0.191424	0.572506	8054.086914	-5827.761719	-154944.234375	0.183060	-0.020328	-1.757996	-0.006494	0.024137	-1.302462	0.258637	-0.063613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162655.000000	134892.000000	200000.000000
-345.233978	0.225881	0.021451	-1.261145	0.738251	-1.093125	0.914472	178774.000000	0.000000	0.002647	0.005195	-2.410202	0.133190	0.572506	8599.154297	-5441.862793	-148919.421875	0.177677	-0.015787	-1.757996	-0.006494	0.024137	-1.302462	0.258637	-0.063613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162815.000000	134732.000000	200000.000000
-345.238983	0.224904	0.018033	-1.285070	0.702068	-1.130373	0.898509	178774.000000	0.000000	0.002647	0.005195	-2.319766	0.079003	0.572506	8568.451172	-4845.741699	-141967.687500	0.172117	-0.011500	-1.757996	-0.006494	0.024137	-1.302462	0.258637	-0.063613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162188.000000	135359.000000	200000.000000
-345.243988	0.223684	0.015104	-1.307775	0.664820	-1.162299	0.880417	178774.000000	0.000000	0.002647	0.005195	-2.228535	0.029236	0.572506	8637.190430	-4300.222656	-134089.046875	0.166415	-0.007477	-1.757996	-0.006494	0.024137	-1.302462	0.258637	-0.063613	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	161711.000000	135836.000000	200000.000000
-345.248993	0.221242	0.011930	-1.330480	0.626508	-1.189969	0.861261	177722.000000	0.000000	0.006301	0.007842	-1.934829	0.128878	0.549350	31910.875000	12879.742188	-135830.921875	0.160581	-0.003717	-1.749090	-0.006136	0.022115	-1.298955	0.250077	-0.054237	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164842.000000	164842.000000	130601.000000	200000.000000
-345.253998	0.219533	0.009732	-1.351965	0.587131	-1.211254	0.838912	177722.000000	0.000000	0.012832	0.007878	-1.629899	-0.015973	0.473124	33943.449219	-14371.751953	-159293.703125	0.154667	-0.000237	-1.719772	-0.005760	0.016985	-1.290620	0.215647	-0.026965	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192093.000000	192093.000000	103350.000000	200000.000000
-345.259003	0.217824	0.007535	-1.372229	0.546691	-1.228281	0.815499	177722.000000	0.000000	0.012832	0.007878	-1.799545	-0.054199	0.473124	-19409.111328	-2520.650635	-149097.828125	0.148702	0.002963	-1.719772	-0.005760	0.016985	-1.290620	0.215647	-0.026965	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	130833.000000	164610.000000	185792.000000
-345.264008	0.215627	0.006559	-1.390783	0.504122	-1.237859	0.789958	177722.000000	0.000000	0.012832	0.007878	-1.709420	-0.085497	0.473124	8796.041016	-1472.632690	-137975.046875	0.142726	0.005858	-1.719772	-0.005760	0.016985	-1.290620	0.215647	-0.026965	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	157990.000000	137453.000000	200000.000000
-345.269012	0.212941	0.005094	-1.408361	0.460489	-1.241052	0.763352	174766.000000	0.000000	0.012832	0.007878	-1.620774	-0.112723	0.473124	8351.435547	-832.753723	-126388.812500	0.136767	0.008459	-1.719772	-0.005760	0.016985	-1.290620	0.215647	-0.026965	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197247.000000	153950.000000	135581.000000	200000.000000
-345.274017	0.209279	0.002896	-1.424475	0.415791	-1.237859	0.734618	174766.000000	0.000000	0.012832	0.007878	-1.533739	-0.136130	0.473124	7857.933105	-197.846298	-113875.695312	0.130851	0.010777	-1.719772	-0.005760	0.016985	-1.290620	0.215647	-0.026965	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197105.000000	152821.000000	136710.000000	200000.000000
-345.279022	0.204152	-0.000033	-1.440588	0.371094	-1.227217	0.704820	174766.000000	0.000000	0.012832	0.007878	-1.448404	-0.156201	0.473124	7195.494629	282.348846	-100899.117188	0.124997	0.012827	-1.719772	-0.005760	0.016985	-1.290620	0.215647	-0.026965	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197288.000000	151679.000000	137852.000000	200000.000000
-345.284027	0.198781	-0.003939	-1.455725	0.326396	-1.208061	0.673957	174766.000000	0.000000	0.012832	0.007878	-1.366347	-0.173343	0.473124	6188.206543	731.090454	-87459.109375	0.119247	0.014629	-1.719772	-0.005760	0.016985	-1.290620	0.215647	-0.026965	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197846.000000	150223.000000	139308.000000	200000.000000
-345.289032	0.193654	-0.008090	-1.469396	0.282763	-1.181455	0.642031	173341.000000	0.000000	0.012832	0.007878	-1.288261	-0.187568	0.473124	5169.259766	1070.063721	-73555.648438	0.113646	0.016199	-1.719772	-0.005760	0.016985	-1.290620	0.215647	-0.026965	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197101.000000	147440.000000	139241.000000	200000.000000
-345.294037	0.187551	-0.011996	-1.480871	0.239130	-1.146336	0.609040	173341.000000	0.000000	0.012832	0.007878	-1.214183	-0.198449	0.473124	3971.590088	1588.408325	-59188.730469	0.108226	0.017538	-1.719772	-0.005760	0.016985	-1.290620	0.215647	-0.026965	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197781.000000	145724.000000	140957.000000	200000.000000
-345.299042	0.181447	-0.016146	-1.490393	0.194432	-1.102703	0.576049	173341.000000	0.000000	0.008897	0.009347	-1.361587	-0.125402	0.452800	-22196.464844	11475.458984	-53672.062500	0.103030	0.018652	-1.711956	-0.004549	0.014503	-1.288797	0.201407	-0.020679	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	109669.000000	177012.000000	192619.000000
-345.304047	0.175588	-0.019809	-1.498205	0.149735	-1.051620	0.543058	173341.000000	0.000000	0.018292	0.011827	-0.624256	-0.052091	0.401304	77422.929688	12047.367188	-61731.019531	0.098099	0.019541	-1.692149	0.001150	0.005624	-1.286133	0.165365	-0.006299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161293.000000	161293.000000	125388.000000	200000.000000
-345.309052	0.169240	-0.021518	-1.503088	0.102909	-0.992023	0.509002	173341.000000	0.000000	0.018292	0.011827	-0.942498	-0.150589	0.401304	-41317.777344	-6847.689941	-46900.675781	0.093468	0.020175	-1.692149	0.001150	0.005624	-1.286133	0.165365	-0.006299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	120188.000000	166493.000000	166493.000000
-345.314056	0.163869	-0.021762	-1.505773	0.053954	-0.927106	0.476011	171808.000000	0.000000	0.018292	0.011827	-0.891630	-0.144934	0.401304	-1381.668701	5089.752930	-32533.744141	0.089176	0.020534	-1.692149	0.001150	0.005624	-1.286133	0.165365	-0.006299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198099.000000	135336.000000	148279.000000	200000.000000
-345.319061	0.159719	-0.020785	-1.504064	0.002872	-0.855802	0.443020	171808.000000	0.000000	0.018292	0.011827	-0.848453	-0.134159	0.401304	-3058.847900	6171.294922	-18166.826172	0.085269	0.020598	-1.692149	0.001150	0.005624	-1.286133	0.165365	-0.006299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186862.000000	144411.000000	162871.000000	193087.000000
-345.324066	0.156545	-0.019809	-1.499670	-0.051404	-0.781307	0.412158	171808.000000	0.000000	0.018292	0.011827	-0.812426	-0.118636	0.401304	-4373.007324	7365.511230	-4726.807617	0.081773	0.020363	-1.692149	0.001150	0.005624	-1.286133	0.165365	-0.006299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173542.000000	155342.000000	178819.000000	179527.000000
-345.329071	0.153859	-0.018832	-1.494543	-0.108872	-0.704682	0.382360	171808.000000	0.000000	0.014576	0.013754	-0.987442	0.007763	0.389858	-28970.042969	20753.828125	3265.283447	0.078698	0.019821	-1.687747	0.004208	0.001740	-1.286168	0.152550	-0.003775	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176758.000000	125349.000000	200000.000000	160326.000000
-345.334076	0.151906	-0.017611	-1.486975	-0.167405	-0.626994	0.353625	170503.000000	0.000000	0.025965	0.018445	-0.190185	0.213653	0.371506	81130.203125	30827.644531	7786.713379	0.076052	0.018971	-1.680689	0.017299	-0.013436	-1.289790	0.136403	-0.008203	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102716.000000	178289.000000	178289.000000	200000.000000
-345.339081	0.151174	-0.016146	-1.477697	-0.228065	-0.549305	0.328084	170503.000000	0.000000	0.025965	0.018445	-0.630083	0.055972	0.371506	-57283.296875	-9361.416016	18909.480469	0.073847	0.017810	-1.680689	0.017299	-0.013436	-1.289790	0.136403	-0.008203	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190954.000000	168773.000000	200000.000000	112232.000000
-345.344086	0.150197	-0.014438	-1.465246	-0.290855	-0.472681	0.305735	170503.000000	0.000000	0.019349	0.018021	-0.984351	0.067450	0.366092	-49742.363281	9815.998047	26284.306641	0.072070	0.016332	-1.678606	0.021854	-0.018635	-1.291960	0.133721	-0.011706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164402.000000	156971.000000	200000.000000	124034.000000
-345.349091	0.149709	-0.012484	-1.451818	-0.353644	-0.397121	0.286579	170503.000000	0.000000	0.019349	0.018021	-0.716295	0.123750	0.366092	19702.111328	15293.297852	34626.390625	0.070715	0.014542	-1.678606	0.021854	-0.018635	-1.291960	0.133721	-0.011706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105507.000000	200000.000000	196094.000000	175498.000000
-345.354095	0.149221	-0.009799	-1.436437	-0.416433	-0.321561	0.269552	170503.000000	0.000000	0.019349	0.018021	-0.718843	0.167893	0.366092	-10415.986328	14445.677734	42041.578125	0.069776	0.012438	-1.678606	0.021854	-0.018635	-1.291960	0.133721	-0.011706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136473.000000	175641.000000	200000.000000	144532.000000
-345.359100	0.148977	-0.007113	-1.419348	-0.478158	-0.249194	0.255717	169078.000000	0.000000	0.019349	0.018021	-0.726660	0.216061	0.366092	-11013.046875	15276.887695	48066.410156	0.069235	0.010031	-1.678606	0.021854	-0.018635	-1.291960	0.133721	-0.011706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134814.000000	172788.000000	200000.000000	143341.000000
-345.364105	0.148732	-0.003939	-1.400061	-0.538819	-0.178955	0.245074	169078.000000	0.000000	0.019349	0.018021	-0.739646	0.268477	0.366092	-11730.335938	16147.023438	52700.902344	0.069077	0.007328	-1.678606	0.021854	-0.018635	-1.291960	0.133721	-0.011706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134661.000000	171200.000000	200000.000000	143494.000000
-345.369110	0.147512	-0.000521	-1.379553	-0.596287	-0.110845	0.237625	169078.000000	0.000000	0.019349	0.018021	-0.756766	0.324337	0.366092	-12342.783203	16695.955078	55945.046875	0.069274	0.004346	-1.678606	0.021854	-0.018635	-1.291960	0.133721	-0.011706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134724.000000	170039.000000	200000.000000	143431.000000
-345.374115	0.146291	0.003141	-1.357336	-0.650563	-0.044863	0.232304	169078.000000	0.000000	0.019349	0.018021	-0.778410	0.383431	0.366092	-13009.341797	17222.019531	58262.292969	0.069811	0.001103	-1.678606	0.021854	-0.018635	-1.291960	0.133721	-0.011706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134865.000000	168846.000000	200000.000000	143290.000000
-345.379120	0.145070	0.005826	-1.334143	-0.701646	0.018991	0.231239	167721.000000	0.000000	0.019349	0.018021	-0.804328	0.444505	0.366092	-13658.182617	17604.593750	58725.742188	0.070673	-0.002366	-1.678606	0.021854	-0.018635	-1.291960	0.133721	-0.011706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133774.000000	166458.000000	200000.000000	141667.000000
-345.384125	0.144338	0.008512	-1.309240	-0.746343	0.080716	0.231239	167721.000000	0.000000	0.019157	0.017882	-0.845318	0.499406	0.359058	-15553.836914	16681.984375	55662.496094	0.071854	-0.006026	-1.675901	0.026321	-0.023761	-1.294624	0.131657	-0.017284	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136592.000000	165485.000000	200000.000000	138849.000000
-345.389130	0.143605	0.010465	-1.282873	-0.786784	0.139248	0.233368	167721.000000	0.000000	0.028799	0.020997	-0.341780	0.739738	0.349275	46718.265625	37894.597656	50475.128906	0.073336	-0.009842	-1.672138	0.041815	-0.041012	-1.304713	0.133749	-0.041825	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	197721.000000	197721.000000	197721.000000
-345.394135	0.143361	0.011441	-1.256262	-0.820839	0.195652	0.237625	167721.000000	0.000000	0.024508	0.022952	-1.001683	0.785814	0.350934	-84269.953125	16201.453125	49343.847656	0.075112	-0.013765	-1.672776	0.047952	-0.047703	-1.308575	0.137057	-0.053957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151519.000000	151519.000000	200000.000000	123922.000000
-345.399139	0.143117	0.012418	-1.228430	-0.850637	0.249928	0.244010	165358.000000	0.000000	0.024508	0.022952	-0.872267	0.771063	0.350934	3100.053223	9114.394531	46563.152344	0.077171	-0.017772	-1.672776	0.047952	-0.047703	-1.308575	0.137057	-0.053957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123143.000000	189343.000000	200000.000000	147572.000000
-345.404144	0.143361	0.013395	-1.199865	-0.875115	0.301011	0.250396	165358.000000	0.000000	0.024508	0.022952	-0.918167	0.834273	0.350934	-16272.100586	17504.917969	43782.464844	0.079503	-0.021835	-1.672776	0.047952	-0.047703	-1.308575	0.137057	-0.053957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134125.000000	161580.000000	200000.000000	136590.000000
-345.409149	0.143850	0.013883	-1.170568	-0.894271	0.348901	0.258909	165358.000000	0.000000	0.024508	0.022952	-0.967495	0.896382	0.350934	-16745.169922	17172.570312	40074.871094	0.082096	-0.025919	-1.672776	0.047952	-0.047703	-1.308575	0.137057	-0.053957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134930.000000	161440.000000	200000.000000	135785.000000
-345.414154	0.144582	0.015104	-1.142004	-0.908106	0.394663	0.267423	165358.000000	0.000000	0.024508	0.022952	-1.020223	0.958060	0.350934	-17337.960938	16887.492188	36367.281250	0.084940	-0.030011	-1.672776	0.047952	-0.047703	-1.308575	0.137057	-0.053957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135808.000000	161132.000000	200000.000000	134907.000000
-345.419159	0.145559	0.015836	-1.113195	-0.917684	0.438296	0.275937	165358.000000	0.000000	0.024508	0.022952	-1.076359	1.018276	0.350934	-17937.712891	16579.660156	32659.685547	0.088030	-0.034082	-1.672776	0.047952	-0.047703	-1.308575	0.137057	-0.053957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136716.000000	160840.000000	200000.000000	133999.000000
-345.424164	0.146047	0.016568	-1.084143	-0.923005	0.477672	0.284451	163345.000000	0.000000	0.024508	0.022952	-1.134547	1.077090	0.350934	-18143.960938	16252.481445	28952.093750	0.091335	-0.038112	-1.672776	0.047952	-0.047703	-1.308575	0.137057	-0.053957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136284.000000	157900.000000	200000.000000	132501.000000
-345.429169	0.146779	0.016812	-1.055578	-0.924069	0.514920	0.292965	163345.000000	0.000000	0.024508	0.022952	-1.195578	1.133718	0.350934	-18674.593750	15809.445312	25244.500000	0.094848	-0.042072	-1.672776	0.047952	-0.047703	-1.308575	0.137057	-0.053957	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140965.000000	154105.000000	200000.000000	135235.000000
-345.434174	0.147268	0.017057	-1.027258	-0.920876	0.548975	0.302543	163345.000000	0.000000	0.024209	0.019515	-1.275065	0.999248	0.338207	-20875.310547	-6304.266113	15531.141602	0.098549	-0.045943	-1.667881	0.057478	-0.058346	-1.316938	0.146319	-0.077189	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174993.000000	164305.000000	193447.000000	120634.000000
-345.439178	0.147268	0.016812	-1.000402	-0.912362	0.579838	0.311056	163345.000000	0.000000	0.022937	0.018039	-1.397352	1.106821	0.320985	-25934.732422	20180.347656	4323.827148	0.102410	-0.049692	-1.661258	0.066058	-0.067898	-1.325576	0.155334	-0.095097	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164775.000000	121553.000000	200000.000000	153266.000000
-345.444183	0.146535	0.017057	-0.974035	-0.901720	0.609636	0.319570	162518.000000	0.000000	0.020205	0.018356	-1.562278	1.232813	0.313827	-31401.937500	22502.261719	-2501.001709	0.106411	-0.053319	-1.658504	0.070638	-0.072922	-1.329837	0.160295	-0.106943	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172516.000000	107514.000000	200000.000000	157521.000000
-345.449188	0.145559	0.017545	-0.947180	-0.886821	0.636242	0.327020	162518.000000	0.000000	0.020205	0.018356	-1.519668	1.267220	0.313827	-8157.454590	12053.582031	-5745.139160	0.110532	-0.056812	-1.658504	0.070638	-0.072922	-1.329837	0.160295	-0.106943	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164367.000000	136561.000000	176983.000000	172159.000000
-345.454193	0.144094	0.019010	-0.920568	-0.867665	0.661783	0.334469	162518.000000	0.000000	0.020205	0.018356	-1.587264	1.312481	0.313827	-20586.574219	12899.150391	-8989.290039	0.114757	-0.060176	-1.658504	0.070638	-0.072922	-1.329837	0.160295	-0.106943	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179194.000000	120042.000000	187014.000000	163819.000000
-345.459198	0.142629	0.021451	-0.895178	-0.846380	0.685196	0.340855	162518.000000	0.000000	0.020205	0.018356	-1.655671	1.356663	0.313827	-20864.175781	12651.673828	-11769.984375	0.119075	-0.063426	-1.658504	0.070638	-0.072922	-1.329837	0.160295	-0.106943	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182500.000000	117232.000000	184263.000000	166075.000000
-345.464203	0.141652	0.024381	-0.870275	-0.822968	0.706481	0.346176	162518.000000	0.000000	0.020205	0.018356	-1.725419	1.399481	0.313827	-21198.306641	12357.386719	-14087.223633	0.123482	-0.066567	-1.658504	0.070638	-0.072922	-1.329837	0.160295	-0.106943	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185446.000000	114875.000000	181986.000000	167764.000000
-345.469208	0.140920	0.026578	-0.846838	-0.796362	0.725637	0.350433	162135.000000	0.000000	0.020205	0.018356	-1.796046	1.439243	0.313827	-21471.951172	11730.405273	-15941.020508	0.127972	-0.069575	-1.658504	0.070638	-0.072922	-1.329837	0.160295	-0.106943	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187817.000000	112991.000000	179396.000000	168334.000000
-345.474213	0.141164	0.028043	-0.823400	-0.767628	0.743729	0.354690	162135.000000	0.000000	0.020205	0.018356	-1.869011	1.475780	0.313827	-22030.857422	11177.603516	-17794.816406	0.132564	-0.072427	-1.658504	0.070638	-0.072922	-1.329837	0.160295	-0.106943	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190783.000000	111131.000000	177548.000000	169076.000000
-345.479218	0.141652	0.029264	-0.801672	-0.736765	0.758628	0.356818	162135.000000	0.000000	0.020205	0.018356	-1.942708	1.509361	0.313827	-22169.703125	10631.241211	-18721.714844	0.137243	-0.075111	-1.658504	0.070638	-0.072922	-1.329837	0.160295	-0.106943	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192395.000000	110612.000000	176214.000000	169318.000000
-345.484222	0.142385	0.029752	-0.779455	-0.704838	0.771398	0.358947	162135.000000	0.000000	0.022742	0.020957	-1.878278	1.682500	0.310962	-6507.178223	26511.953125	-20896.453125	0.142012	-0.077611	-1.657402	0.076034	-0.078780	-1.333854	0.169046	-0.115132	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163026.000000	108219.000000	174257.000000	200000.000000
-345.489227	0.143361	0.030729	-0.758947	-0.670783	0.782041	0.361075	162137.000000	0.000000	0.028111	0.019725	-1.760499	1.538424	0.290909	84.609306	-9424.266602	-30556.064453	0.146861	-0.079932	-1.649690	0.089953	-0.093805	-1.345156	0.193207	-0.140052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	141645.000000	122628.000000	182797.000000
-345.494232	0.143850	0.031949	-0.739660	-0.635664	0.789490	0.362139	162137.000000	0.000000	0.028111	0.019725	-2.050703	1.613012	0.290909	-45793.617188	14683.696289	-31019.507812	0.151762	-0.082081	-1.649690	0.089953	-0.093805	-1.345156	0.193207	-0.140052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	176820.000000	176820.000000
-345.499237	0.144826	0.033902	-0.720373	-0.600544	0.794811	0.363203	162137.000000	0.000000	0.022947	0.020948	-2.411248	1.704406	0.287261	-54977.128906	16790.558594	-33071.476562	0.156719	-0.084083	-1.648287	0.095314	-0.099549	-1.348269	0.203269	-0.143753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	178927.000000	178927.000000
-345.504242	0.145559	0.035611	-0.702062	-0.565425	0.796940	0.363203	162137.000000	0.000000	0.022947	0.020948	-2.281024	1.677397	0.287261	-70.938049	3484.231934	-33071.476562	0.161710	-0.085937	-1.648287	0.095314	-0.099549	-1.348269	0.203269	-0.143753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188723.000000	128581.000000	135692.000000	195550.000000
-345.509247	0.146291	0.037076	-0.685461	-0.529241	0.796940	0.363203	162156.000000	0.000000	0.022947	0.020948	-2.356910	1.696614	0.287261	-22853.470703	8372.963867	-33071.476562	0.166719	-0.087634	-1.648287	0.095314	-0.099549	-1.348269	0.203269	-0.143753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100929.000000	163382.000000	177675.000000
-345.514252	0.147268	0.038785	-0.670324	-0.494122	0.793747	0.363203	162156.000000	0.000000	0.022947	0.020948	-2.432354	1.714351	0.287261	-22786.082031	8247.221680	-33071.476562	0.171734	-0.089191	-1.648287	0.095314	-0.099549	-1.348269	0.203269	-0.143753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	101122.000000	163189.000000	177617.000000
-345.519257	0.148000	0.041471	-0.654699	-0.459002	0.789490	0.363203	162156.000000	0.000000	0.022947	0.020948	-2.507621	1.731951	0.287261	-22974.775391	8152.008301	-33071.476562	0.176750	-0.090644	-1.648287	0.095314	-0.099549	-1.348269	0.203269	-0.143753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	101029.000000	163282.000000	177333.000000
-345.524261	0.148977	0.044156	-0.640051	-0.424947	0.783105	0.362139	162156.000000	0.000000	0.022947	0.020948	-2.582621	1.748559	0.287261	-23026.931641	8079.794922	-32608.021484	0.181762	-0.092002	-1.648287	0.095314	-0.099549	-1.348269	0.203269	-0.143753	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	101049.000000	163262.000000	177208.000000
-345.529266	0.149221	0.047818	-0.626379	-0.389828	0.775655	0.362139	162156.000000	0.000000	0.028846	0.020212	-2.331615	1.724853	0.269316	14125.318359	3259.276611	-40422.773438	0.186741	-0.093295	-1.641385	0.109608	-0.114682	-1.355996	0.225225	-0.157408	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174771.000000	143022.000000	121289.000000	200000.000000
-345.534271	0.149221	0.051725	-0.613439	-0.355772	0.766077	0.362139	161924.000000	0.000000	0.020821	0.018305	-3.080527	1.666195	0.262806	-98988.617188	-893.361084	-43257.644531	0.191666	-0.094540	-1.638881	0.114158	-0.119439	-1.357788	0.233610	-0.158735	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	102817.000000	161030.000000	161030.000000
-345.539276	0.149709	0.055631	-0.601721	-0.321717	0.756499	0.361075	161924.000000	0.000000	0.020821	0.018305	-2.831153	1.758747	0.262806	11970.164062	16002.241211	-42794.199219	0.196549	-0.095742	-1.638881	0.114158	-0.119439	-1.357788	0.233610	-0.158735	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163951.000000	127891.000000	135956.000000	200000.000000
-345.544281	0.149465	0.058805	-0.590979	-0.287662	0.744793	0.361075	161924.000000	0.000000	0.020821	0.018305	-2.900036	1.773228	0.262806	-23053.134766	7327.811523	-42794.199219	0.201352	-0.096879	-1.638881	0.114158	-0.119439	-1.357788	0.233610	-0.158735	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	101543.000000	162304.000000	176198.000000
-345.549286	0.149953	0.061002	-0.580969	-0.253607	0.732022	0.361075	161924.000000	0.000000	0.020821	0.018305	-2.968663	1.785116	0.262806	-23164.898438	6940.645508	-42794.199219	0.206093	-0.097922	-1.638881	0.114158	-0.119439	-1.357788	0.233610	-0.158735	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	101818.000000	162029.000000	175699.000000
-345.554291	0.150197	0.062223	-0.572180	-0.219552	0.718187	0.362139	160287.000000	0.000000	0.020821	0.018305	-3.035359	1.793787	0.262806	-23078.693359	6470.255371	-43257.644531	0.210754	-0.098839	-1.638881	0.114158	-0.119439	-1.357788	0.233610	-0.158735	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100738.000000	159835.000000	173678.000000
-345.559296	0.150441	0.062711	-0.563879	-0.184432	0.702224	0.363203	160287.000000	0.000000	0.020821	0.018305	-3.100284	1.799036	0.262806	-22875.101562	5839.507812	-43721.097656	0.215324	-0.099600	-1.638881	0.114158	-0.119439	-1.357788	0.233610	-0.158735	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	101572.000000	159001.000000	173251.000000
-345.564301	0.150197	0.062711	-0.557287	-0.150377	0.684132	0.366396	160287.000000	0.000000	0.020821	0.018305	-3.161835	1.801111	0.262806	-22470.046875	5460.455078	-45111.441406	0.219767	-0.100192	-1.638881	0.114158	-0.119439	-1.357788	0.233610	-0.158735	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	102356.000000	158217.000000	173277.000000
-345.569305	0.149709	0.062467	-0.551916	-0.116322	0.663912	0.369589	160287.000000	0.000000	0.021250	0.018755	-3.196440	1.824920	0.257769	-19339.275391	7803.039551	-48695.398438	0.224056	-0.100605	-1.636943	0.118824	-0.124317	-1.359333	0.240051	-0.162706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	103144.000000	157429.000000	178750.000000
-345.574310	0.149221	0.061734	-0.547521	-0.082267	0.639435	0.373846	160287.000000	0.000000	0.028480	0.019347	-2.870583	1.834721	0.236493	22375.167969	6151.235352	-59814.519531	0.228168	-0.100819	-1.628760	0.132306	-0.138126	-1.361101	0.262167	-0.165402	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161760.000000	146510.000000	114063.000000	200000.000000
-345.579315	0.148488	0.061246	-0.544104	-0.049276	0.612829	0.380231	159123.000000	0.000000	0.028480	0.019347	-3.210267	1.804038	0.236493	-52011.089844	1523.892212	-62595.214844	0.232077	-0.100847	-1.628760	0.132306	-0.138126	-1.361101	0.262167	-0.165402	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	160646.000000	160646.000000
-345.584320	0.147512	0.061490	-0.540197	-0.018413	0.581966	0.387681	159123.000000	0.000000	0.028480	0.019347	-3.256668	1.796412	0.236493	-19366.255859	4116.141113	-65839.351562	0.235764	-0.100729	-1.628760	0.132306	-0.138126	-1.361101	0.262167	-0.165402	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	105640.000000	152605.000000	173872.000000
-345.589325	0.145803	0.062955	-0.538000	0.011385	0.547911	0.397259	159123.000000	0.000000	0.019738	0.016631	-3.777549	1.639635	0.228767	-73426.507812	-13025.082031	-73374.625000	0.239176	-0.100507	-1.625789	0.136372	-0.142199	-1.360857	0.266348	-0.165128	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	112148.000000	146097.000000	146097.000000
-345.594330	0.144338	0.064664	-0.536779	0.037991	0.508535	0.407901	159123.000000	0.000000	0.019738	0.016631	-3.462843	1.740353	0.228767	20665.175781	15979.980469	-78009.117188	0.242291	-0.100203	-1.625789	0.136372	-0.142199	-1.360857	0.266348	-0.165128	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152477.000000	133808.000000	124437.000000	200000.000000
-345.599335	0.143361	0.066861	-0.536779	0.062468	0.464902	0.420672	158129.000000	0.000000	0.019738	0.016631	-3.492767	1.732409	0.228767	-16697.914062	4116.804688	-83570.507812	0.245100	-0.099837	-1.625789	0.136372	-0.142199	-1.360857	0.266348	-0.165128	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	107314.000000	148943.000000	175547.000000
-345.604340	0.142141	0.069059	-0.537268	0.083753	0.417011	0.434507	158129.000000	0.000000	0.019738	0.016631	-3.516611	1.724274	0.228767	-15450.589844	4311.562500	-89595.335938	0.247577	-0.099424	-1.625789	0.136372	-0.142199	-1.360857	0.266348	-0.165128	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199268.000000	108366.000000	147891.000000	176989.000000
-345.609344	0.140432	0.070768	-0.541174	0.101845	0.364864	0.450470	158129.000000	0.000000	0.019738	0.016631	-3.532176	1.714431	0.228767	-13903.239258	4345.683105	-96547.085938	0.249660	-0.098944	-1.625789	0.136372	-0.142199	-1.360857	0.266348	-0.165128	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197686.000000	109880.000000	146377.000000	178571.000000
-345.614349	0.138723	0.072965	-0.545324	0.116744	0.308460	0.467498	158129.000000	0.000000	0.019738	0.016631	-3.541080	1.705288	0.228767	-12483.852539	4663.200195	-103962.257812	0.251338	-0.098428	-1.625789	0.136372	-0.142199	-1.360857	0.266348	-0.165128	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195949.000000	110981.000000	145276.000000	180308.000000
-345.619354	0.136770	0.073941	-0.550695	0.129514	0.249928	0.486654	156817.000000	0.000000	0.019738	0.016631	-3.542945	1.693428	0.228767	-11216.388672	4485.646484	-112304.343750	0.252592	-0.097838	-1.625789	0.136372	-0.142199	-1.360857	0.266348	-0.165128	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193547.000000	111114.000000	142519.000000	180086.000000
-345.624359	0.134084	0.074918	-0.558264	0.140157	0.187139	0.509002	156817.000000	0.000000	0.017947	0.014276	-3.634084	1.550901	0.217170	-20694.728516	-10352.420898	-127087.117188	0.253370	-0.097171	-1.621329	0.139820	-0.145466	-1.360232	0.272808	-0.160392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	116474.000000	137159.000000	155769.000000
-345.629364	0.131154	0.075895	-0.567053	0.147606	0.121157	0.532415	156817.000000	0.000000	0.023948	0.013250	-3.217028	1.575089	0.174977	37757.253906	8406.918945	-155657.328125	0.253654	-0.096440	-1.605100	0.148413	-0.152841	-1.355713	0.282395	-0.152223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148410.000000	148410.000000	105223.000000	200000.000000
-345.634369	0.127736	0.077115	-0.577062	0.152927	0.053046	0.557957	156817.000000	0.000000	0.023948	0.013250	-3.432880	1.602320	0.174977	-32283.574219	9076.817383	-166780.109375	0.253423	-0.095658	-1.605100	0.148413	-0.152841	-1.355713	0.282395	-0.152223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	165893.000000	165893.000000
-345.639374	0.124074	0.077359	-0.589270	0.156120	-0.018257	0.585627	156817.000000	0.000000	0.023948	0.013250	-3.399949	1.586029	0.174977	-4094.615723	4435.207520	-178829.781250	0.252656	-0.094792	-1.605100	0.148413	-0.152841	-1.355713	0.282395	-0.152223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186476.000000	118287.000000	135346.000000	187157.000000
-345.644379	0.120412	0.075162	-0.603186	0.158248	-0.092753	0.615425	155903.000000	0.000000	0.023948	0.013250	-3.358652	1.564213	0.174977	-2291.065430	3834.590088	-191806.359375	0.251347	-0.093766	-1.605100	0.148413	-0.152841	-1.355713	0.282395	-0.152223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184359.000000	119777.000000	132028.000000	187446.000000
-345.649384	0.116994	0.071012	-0.621008	0.162505	-0.169377	0.647352	155903.000000	0.000000	0.023948	0.013250	-3.308950	1.535684	0.174977	-551.725281	2711.596436	-205709.812500	0.249491	-0.092501	-1.605100	0.148413	-0.152841	-1.355713	0.282395	-0.152223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183743.000000	122639.000000	129166.000000	188062.000000
-345.654388	0.113332	0.066617	-0.639318	0.165698	-0.247065	0.681407	155903.000000	0.000000	0.023948	0.013250	-3.251368	1.504155	0.174977	1054.063721	2339.060547	-220540.187500	0.247094	-0.091007	-1.605100	0.148413	-0.152841	-1.355713	0.282395	-0.152223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182509.000000	124618.000000	127187.000000	189296.000000
-345.659393	0.109426	0.063688	-0.658117	0.168891	-0.327947	0.716526	155903.000000	0.000000	0.023948	0.013250	-3.185362	1.472385	0.174977	3007.032715	2151.778076	-235834.015625	0.244151	-0.089344	-1.605100	0.148413	-0.152841	-1.355713	0.282395	-0.152223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180744.000000	126758.000000	125047.000000	191061.000000
-345.664398	0.104787	0.061979	-0.676672	0.171019	-0.408828	0.753774	154692.000000	0.000000	0.023948	0.013250	-3.111186	1.440977	0.174977	4622.001465	2153.480957	-252054.734375	0.240662	-0.087563	-1.605100	0.148413	-0.152841	-1.355713	0.282395	-0.152223	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177916.000000	127160.000000	122223.000000	191467.000000
-345.669403	0.100393	0.061246	-0.696936	0.173148	-0.490773	0.791022	154692.000000	0.000000	0.025966	0.010912	-2.918671	1.281094	0.107632	19010.210938	-12717.529297	-297602.968750	0.236642	-0.085698	-1.579198	0.157239	-0.158520	-1.344694	0.271998	-0.137064	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178399.000000	156419.000000	100000.000000	190984.000000
-345.674408	0.095510	0.060758	-0.718420	0.173148	-0.572718	0.830398	154692.000000	0.000000	0.000507	-0.010096	-4.309928	0.188184	0.066550	-161157.812500	-120102.898438	-332640.906250	0.232094	-0.083773	-1.563398	0.154785	-0.153609	-1.341190	0.268611	-0.132327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	124692.000000	124692.000000	124692.000000
-345.679413	0.090383	0.060025	-0.741613	0.172083	-0.655728	0.868711	154692.000000	0.000000	0.000507	-0.010096	-3.194981	0.996168	0.066550	120041.992188	92750.523438	-349325.062500	0.227023	-0.081790	-1.563398	0.154785	-0.153609	-1.341190	0.268611	-0.132327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124692.000000	124692.000000	124692.000000	200000.000000
-345.684418	0.085500	0.059293	-0.764807	0.169955	-0.739802	0.908087	154692.000000	0.000000	0.000507	-0.010096	-3.091416	0.964114	0.066550	9814.551758	362.562134	-366472.656250	0.221452	-0.079766	-1.563398	0.154785	-0.153609	-1.341190	0.268611	-0.132327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174514.000000	134143.000000	115240.000000	194869.000000
-345.689423	0.082326	0.058316	-0.789465	0.166762	-0.826004	0.948528	154040.000000	0.000000	0.000507	-0.010096	-2.983047	0.931668	0.066550	11471.945312	301.980682	-384083.718750	0.215430	-0.077704	-1.563398	0.154785	-0.153609	-1.341190	0.268611	-0.132327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172266.000000	135209.000000	112870.000000	195813.000000
-345.694427	0.080617	0.056119	-0.815588	0.163570	-0.915399	0.988968	154040.000000	0.000000	0.000507	-0.010096	-2.869736	0.897424	0.066550	13298.719727	-38.504036	-401694.812500	0.208990	-0.075582	-1.563398	0.154785	-0.153609	-1.341190	0.268611	-0.132327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170779.000000	137377.000000	110702.000000	197300.000000
-345.699432	0.081838	0.053434	-0.844152	0.160377	-1.005858	1.028345	154040.000000	0.000000	0.000507	-0.010096	-2.754077	0.862178	0.066550	14622.139648	-296.119049	-418842.437500	0.202203	-0.073397	-1.563398	0.154785	-0.153609	-1.341190	0.268611	-0.132327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169713.000000	138958.000000	109121.000000	198366.000000
-345.704437	0.085012	0.052457	-0.873693	0.159313	-1.097382	1.065592	154040.000000	0.000000	0.000507	-0.010096	-2.635633	0.828337	0.066550	16011.169922	-526.542175	-435063.125000	0.195114	-0.071193	-1.563398	0.154785	-0.153609	-1.341190	0.268611	-0.132327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168555.000000	140577.000000	107502.000000	199524.000000
-345.709442	0.089406	0.052701	-0.903723	0.160377	-1.189969	1.100712	153607.000000	0.000000	0.006950	-0.002181	-2.159980	1.230566	0.036524	57957.132812	48989.308594	-463432.718750	0.187740	-0.068995	-1.551849	0.154476	-0.151343	-1.337519	0.264640	-0.130168	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123607.000000	123607.000000	123607.000000	200000.000000
-345.714447	0.094533	0.053434	-0.934729	0.163570	-1.281493	1.132639	153607.000000	0.000000	0.011539	0.003301	-2.040200	1.183755	0.013365	19744.019531	-805.377075	-487421.062500	0.180114	-0.066815	-1.542942	0.155686	-0.150902	-1.333831	0.249383	-0.121331	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164668.000000	144156.000000	103057.000000	200000.000000
-345.719452	0.098195	0.054166	-0.967443	0.168891	-1.371952	1.161373	153607.000000	0.000000	0.008076	-0.006457	-2.283978	0.396048	-0.056450	-21053.730469	-86153.226562	-530337.625000	0.172202	-0.064648	-1.516090	0.153232	-0.143116	-1.326144	0.224974	-0.112044	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	132553.000000	114660.000000	132553.000000
-345.724457	0.100393	0.053922	-1.001135	0.178469	-1.460283	1.186914	153607.000000	0.000000	-0.000953	-0.015020	-2.506623	0.281782	-0.099611	-19581.783203	-13142.187500	-560256.000000	0.163986	-0.062460	-1.499490	0.150296	-0.136632	-1.322278	0.209074	-0.106049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	117167.000000	130046.000000	150883.000000
-345.729462	0.100393	0.053678	-1.036291	0.190175	-1.545421	1.209263	153091.000000	0.000000	-0.000953	-0.015020	-2.004437	0.590183	-0.099611	62468.367188	34463.386719	-569988.437500	0.155445	-0.060252	-1.499490	0.150296	-0.136632	-1.322278	0.209074	-0.106049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123091.000000	123091.000000	123091.000000	200000.000000
-345.734467	0.099660	0.053434	-1.071203	0.206139	-1.625238	1.229483	153091.000000	0.000000	-0.000953	-0.015020	-1.859626	0.555275	-0.099611	23625.875000	-3988.748779	-578793.937500	0.146601	-0.058011	-1.499490	0.150296	-0.136632	-1.322278	0.209074	-0.106049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163453.000000	150705.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.739471	0.099660	0.053189	-1.105139	0.224230	-1.699733	1.246511	153091.000000	0.000000	-0.000953	-0.015020	-1.713001	0.519871	-0.099611	24252.546875	-4522.216309	-586209.125000	0.137502	-0.055738	-1.499490	0.150296	-0.136632	-1.322278	0.209074	-0.106049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163360.000000	151865.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.744476	0.100393	0.053189	-1.138830	0.244451	-1.766780	1.260346	153091.000000	0.000000	-0.000953	-0.015020	-1.565664	0.484116	-0.099611	24497.849609	-5052.352539	-592234.000000	0.128205	-0.053434	-1.499490	0.150296	-0.136632	-1.322278	0.209074	-0.106049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163645.000000	152641.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.749481	0.102834	0.053189	-1.173010	0.265735	-1.826376	1.270988	153091.000000	0.000000	-0.000953	-0.015020	-1.419187	0.447990	-0.099611	24532.146484	-5474.285645	-596868.437500	0.118781	-0.051102	-1.499490	0.150296	-0.136632	-1.322278	0.209074	-0.106049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164033.000000	153097.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.754486	0.106252	0.053434	-1.206701	0.285956	-1.877459	1.277373	152622.000000	0.000000	-0.000953	-0.015020	-1.274090	0.412325	-0.099611	24346.669922	-5563.545898	-599649.187500	0.109289	-0.048758	-1.499490	0.150296	-0.136632	-1.322278	0.209074	-0.106049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163838.000000	152532.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.759491	0.109914	0.055143	-1.239904	0.305112	-1.920028	1.279502	152622.000000	0.000000	-0.000953	-0.015020	-1.130496	0.378337	-0.099611	24101.539062	-5506.766602	-600576.000000	0.099774	-0.046435	-1.499490	0.150296	-0.136632	-1.322278	0.209074	-0.106049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164027.000000	152230.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.764496	0.114797	0.057828	-1.272375	0.321075	-1.956212	1.277373	152622.000000	0.000000	0.002299	-0.016066	-0.810499	0.288961	-0.186305	44434.500000	-11730.415039	-637402.750000	0.090288	-0.044166	-1.466146	0.144048	-0.122613	-1.315024	0.174959	-0.095406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164352.000000	164352.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.769501	0.119924	0.061490	-1.304113	0.332781	-1.986010	1.270988	152622.000000	0.000000	0.003468	-0.015693	-0.737394	0.322181	-0.268085	17058.484375	2316.861572	-670235.437500	0.080864	-0.041987	-1.434692	0.138615	-0.108963	-1.308836	0.135126	-0.079795	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163246.000000	137363.000000	107880.000000	200000.000000
-345.774506	0.124563	0.064420	-1.335607	0.340231	-2.009423	1.261410	152073.000000	0.000000	0.001342	-0.014977	-0.764178	0.319324	-0.306312	5357.461426	-1229.474487	-682711.375000	0.071522	-0.039905	-1.419989	0.136501	-0.102652	-1.306396	0.117146	-0.073424	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177945.000000	128659.000000	115486.000000	186200.000000
-345.779510	0.127736	0.066129	-1.366369	0.343424	-2.027515	1.247575	152073.000000	0.000000	0.001342	-0.014977	-0.543813	0.264793	-0.306312	33044.839844	-6708.735840	-676686.500000	0.062267	-0.037921	-1.419989	0.136501	-0.102652	-1.306396	0.117146	-0.073424	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158781.000000	158781.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.784515	0.129689	0.066617	-1.396154	0.342360	-2.041350	1.231612	152073.000000	0.000000	0.001342	-0.014977	-0.409918	0.240400	-0.306312	23748.306641	-3034.182861	-669734.812500	0.053102	-0.036034	-1.419989	0.136501	-0.102652	-1.306396	0.117146	-0.073424	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161358.000000	148855.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.789520	0.128713	0.067350	-1.424475	0.340231	-2.051992	1.213520	152073.000000	0.000000	0.001342	-0.014977	-0.276052	0.217832	-0.306312	24058.873047	-2810.542480	-661856.125000	0.044002	-0.034251	-1.419989	0.136501	-0.102652	-1.306396	0.117146	-0.073424	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160824.000000	148942.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.794525	0.127248	0.065396	-1.450109	0.334910	-2.059442	1.193299	152073.000000	0.000000	0.001342	-0.014977	-0.143957	0.195562	-0.306312	24158.062500	-2504.924316	-653050.625000	0.034984	-0.032550	-1.419989	0.136501	-0.102652	-1.306396	0.117146	-0.073424	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160419.000000	148735.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.799530	0.124318	0.064420	-1.473303	0.326396	-2.063699	1.172015	151998.000000	0.000000	0.001342	-0.014977	-0.012981	0.176024	-0.306312	24302.958984	-1903.951904	-643781.625000	0.026042	-0.030957	-1.419989	0.136501	-0.102652	-1.306396	0.117146	-0.073424	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159598.000000	148204.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.804535	0.120168	0.064176	-1.496008	0.316818	-2.065827	1.148602	151998.000000	0.000000	0.001342	-0.014977	0.117030	0.158753	-0.306312	24570.664062	-1572.966675	-633585.750000	0.017175	-0.029485	-1.419989	0.136501	-0.102652	-1.306396	0.117146	-0.073424	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159000.000000	148141.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.809540	0.114553	0.064176	-1.515783	0.304047	-2.065827	1.124125	151998.000000	0.000000	-0.000895	-0.018256	0.123138	-0.036129	-0.346532	10740.836914	-21589.078125	-640441.500000	0.008379	-0.028149	-1.404520	0.133651	-0.095281	-1.304389	0.097110	-0.067698	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192846.000000	154327.000000	100000.000000	171149.000000
-345.814545	0.107961	0.063443	-1.531408	0.287020	-2.061570	1.099648	151998.000000	0.000000	0.011881	-0.010579	1.042313	0.504982	-0.440982	114878.679688	62373.414062	-670913.375000	-0.000332	-0.026958	-1.368193	0.130022	-0.079532	-1.301422	0.034991	-0.048479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121998.000000	121998.000000	121998.000000	200000.000000
-345.819550	0.100148	0.062467	-1.544348	0.265735	-2.055185	1.075170	152121.000000	0.000000	0.011881	-0.010579	0.657588	0.188871	-0.440982	-30526.175781	-32771.625000	-660254.062500	-0.008960	-0.025924	-1.368193	0.130022	-0.079532	-1.301422	0.034991	-0.048479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122121.000000	122121.000000	122121.000000
-345.824554	0.092580	0.061002	-1.555578	0.241258	-2.046671	1.050693	152121.000000	0.000000	0.011881	-0.010579	0.781505	0.182339	-0.440982	25701.453125	1702.615234	-649594.687500	-0.017486	-0.025055	-1.368193	0.130022	-0.079532	-1.301422	0.034991	-0.048479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154716.000000	146119.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.829559	0.085500	0.059293	-1.564855	0.211460	-2.037093	1.026216	152121.000000	0.000000	0.011881	-0.010579	0.903251	0.179244	-0.440982	25859.107422	2787.990967	-638935.375000	-0.025902	-0.024366	-1.368193	0.130022	-0.079532	-1.301422	0.034991	-0.048479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153473.000000	145192.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.834564	0.079396	0.057096	-1.570227	0.178469	-2.025386	1.002803	152121.000000	0.000000	0.011881	-0.010579	1.021897	0.179159	-0.440982	25776.070312	3621.422119	-628739.562500	-0.034180	-0.023863	-1.368193	0.130022	-0.079532	-1.301422	0.034991	-0.048479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152723.000000	144275.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.839569	0.072805	0.053678	-1.572912	0.143349	-2.013680	0.979390	152105.000000	0.000000	0.011881	-0.010579	1.138786	0.181316	-0.440982	26066.806641	4273.423340	-618543.625000	-0.042326	-0.023537	-1.368193	0.130022	-0.079532	-1.301422	0.034991	-0.048479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151764.000000	143898.000000	100311.000000	200000.000000
-345.844574	0.064992	0.049039	-1.573645	0.106101	-2.001973	0.957041	152105.000000	0.000000	0.011881	-0.010579	1.254553	0.185569	-0.440982	26422.140625	4928.768066	-608811.187500	-0.050355	-0.023377	-1.368193	0.130022	-0.079532	-1.301422	0.034991	-0.048479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150754.000000	143598.000000	100611.000000	200000.000000
-345.849579	0.056691	0.043180	-1.572424	0.067789	-1.991331	0.935757	152105.000000	0.000000	0.011881	-0.010579	1.369220	0.191495	-0.440982	26896.693359	5433.277344	-599542.250000	-0.058278	-0.023368	-1.368193	0.130022	-0.079532	-1.301422	0.034991	-0.048479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149775.000000	143568.000000	100641.000000	200000.000000
-345.854584	0.048146	0.038297	-1.568029	0.026285	-1.981753	0.916601	152105.000000	0.000000	0.009645	-0.009328	1.359772	0.269826	-0.495073	13278.541992	14299.642578	-614755.750000	-0.066104	-0.023535	-1.347389	0.128741	-0.070458	-1.302384	-0.004841	-0.041500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154526.000000	121083.000000	123126.000000	200000.000000
-345.859589	0.040090	0.035367	-1.559729	-0.016285	-1.973239	0.899573	152105.000000	0.000000	0.010882	-0.007563	1.629319	0.330464	-0.541883	45273.964844	12943.247070	-627725.375000	-0.073834	-0.023905	-1.329385	0.128273	-0.062628	-1.305649	-0.044138	-0.036310	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139161.000000	139161.000000	105048.000000	200000.000000
-345.864594	0.032277	0.032193	-1.550451	-0.060982	-1.964725	0.884674	152010.000000	0.000000	0.010882	-0.007563	1.690371	0.276667	-0.541883	22590.320312	552.619019	-621237.062500	-0.081466	-0.024478	-1.329385	0.128273	-0.062628	-1.305649	-0.044138	-0.036310	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158867.000000	144047.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-345.869598	0.025686	0.028531	-1.537756	-0.106744	-1.957276	0.871903	152010.000000	0.000000	0.010882	-0.007563	1.798908	0.296215	-0.541883	28393.669922	9034.809570	-615675.687500	-0.088990	-0.025251	-1.329385	0.128273	-0.062628	-1.305649	-0.044138	-0.036310	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144581.000000	141368.000000	102651.000000	200000.000000
-345.874603	0.019582	0.024625	-1.521887	-0.153570	-1.949826	0.859133	152010.000000	0.000000	0.010882	-0.007563	1.905550	0.318567	-0.541883	28643.708984	9779.857422	-610114.312500	-0.096400	-0.026219	-1.329385	0.128273	-0.062628	-1.305649	-0.044138	-0.036310	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143586.000000	140873.000000	103146.000000	200000.000000
-345.879608	0.014455	0.019742	-1.503820	-0.200396	-1.942377	0.848490	152010.000000	0.000000	0.010882	-0.007563	2.009999	0.342892	-0.541883	28846.597656	10322.643555	-605479.812500	-0.103688	-0.027366	-1.329385	0.128273	-0.062628	-1.305649	-0.044138	-0.036310	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142840.000000	140533.000000	103486.000000	200000.000000
-345.884613	0.011037	0.015104	-1.483557	-0.246157	-1.933863	0.837848	152179.000000	0.000000	0.010882	-0.007563	2.111213	0.369466	-0.541883	28800.242188	10785.600586	-600845.312500	-0.110830	-0.028683	-1.329385	0.128273	-0.062628	-1.305649	-0.044138	-0.036310	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142593.000000	140193.000000	104164.000000	200000.000000
-345.889618	0.009084	0.011686	-1.460852	-0.290855	-1.924285	0.828270	152179.000000	0.000000	0.008187	-0.006425	2.060800	0.461508	-0.562194	11734.974609	18496.179688	-605519.187500	-0.117801	-0.030177	-1.321573	0.128460	-0.059368	-1.308159	-0.061157	-0.037840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151947.000000	115417.000000	128940.000000	200000.000000
-345.894623	0.007863	0.008512	-1.437658	-0.333424	-1.911514	0.817628	152179.000000	0.000000	0.012691	-0.009722	2.510216	0.266098	-0.632966	68351.820312	-14048.000000	-631704.750000	-0.124581	-0.031834	-1.294353	0.125563	-0.044894	-1.318643	-0.115612	-0.042010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166227.000000	166227.000000	100000.000000	198130.000000
-345.899628	0.007375	0.005582	-1.412268	-0.374929	-1.895551	0.808050	152179.000000	0.000000	0.012691	-0.009722	2.420042	0.431366	-0.632966	8181.289551	26444.939453	-627533.687500	-0.131146	-0.033647	-1.294353	0.125563	-0.044894	-1.318643	-0.115612	-0.042010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147552.000000	103915.000000	140442.000000	200000.000000
-345.904633	0.007375	0.002164	-1.386389	-0.413241	-1.878523	0.797408	152002.000000	0.000000	0.012691	-0.009722	2.506276	0.465548	-0.632966	27779.750000	12013.586914	-622899.250000	-0.137488	-0.035587	-1.294353	0.125563	-0.044894	-1.318643	-0.115612	-0.042010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142208.000000	137768.000000	106235.000000	200000.000000
-345.909637	0.007131	-0.000766	-1.358557	-0.450489	-1.858303	0.786765	152002.000000	0.000000	0.012691	-0.009722	2.588722	0.501427	-0.632966	27298.298828	12419.574219	-618264.750000	-0.143600	-0.037651	-1.294353	0.125563	-0.044894	-1.318643	-0.115612	-0.042010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142284.000000	136880.000000	107123.000000	200000.000000
-345.914642	0.007863	-0.001498	-1.329748	-0.486672	-1.837018	0.776123	152002.000000	0.000000	0.012691	-0.009722	2.666844	0.540376	-0.632966	26967.447266	12985.669922	-613630.250000	-0.149465	-0.039859	-1.294353	0.125563	-0.044894	-1.318643	-0.115612	-0.042010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142048.000000	135983.000000	108020.000000	200000.000000
-345.919647	0.009328	-0.001498	-1.300207	-0.519663	-1.814670	0.764417	152002.000000	0.000000	0.012691	-0.009722	2.740588	0.580959	-0.632966	26605.378906	13152.764648	-608532.312500	-0.155071	-0.042204	-1.294353	0.125563	-0.044894	-1.318643	-0.115612	-0.042010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142243.000000	135454.000000	108549.000000	200000.000000
-345.924652	0.012014	-0.000521	-1.269934	-0.551590	-1.791257	0.753774	152002.000000	0.000000	0.012691	-0.009722	2.809238	0.623930	-0.632966	26137.339844	13644.435547	-603897.812500	-0.160396	-0.044690	-1.294353	0.125563	-0.044894	-1.318643	-0.115612	-0.042010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142220.000000	134494.000000	109509.000000	200000.000000
-345.929657	0.014943	0.001187	-1.239416	-0.581388	-1.768908	0.741004	152066.000000	0.000000	0.012691	-0.009722	2.873975	0.668831	-0.632966	26019.078125	13966.300781	-598336.437500	-0.165445	-0.047314	-1.294353	0.125563	-0.044894	-1.318643	-0.115612	-0.042010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142080.000000	134118.000000	110013.000000	200000.000000
-345.934662	0.018117	0.003873	-1.208654	-0.609058	-1.745495	0.728233	152066.000000	0.000000	0.012691	-0.009722	2.934271	0.715981	-0.632966	25582.396484	14322.162109	-592775.062500	-0.170215	-0.050080	-1.294353	0.125563	-0.044894	-1.318643	-0.115612	-0.042010	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142161.000000	133326.000000	110805.000000	200000.000000
-345.939667	0.021779	0.006314	-1.177404	-0.635664	-1.724211	0.715462	152066.000000	0.000000	-0.000028	-0.018253	2.291222	0.295582	-0.662165	-54576.410156	-39016.230469	-599928.937500	-0.174706	-0.052977	-1.283123	0.123031	-0.037794	-1.322887	-0.135489	-0.051029	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122066.000000	122066.000000	122066.000000
-345.944672	0.024953	0.008512	-1.146154	-0.659077	-1.703990	0.700563	152066.000000	0.000000	0.011098	-0.010740	3.464520	1.099088	-0.725227	150562.906250	99012.265625	-620903.062500	-0.178936	-0.055980	-1.258868	0.118576	-0.022595	-1.337112	-0.190740	-0.072686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122066.000000	122066.000000	122066.000000	200000.000000
-345.949677	0.028615	0.011197	-1.114172	-0.679297	-1.685898	0.686728	152060.000000	0.000000	0.011098	-0.010740	3.068839	0.849206	-0.725227	-23624.978516	-18221.552734	-614878.250000	-0.182907	-0.059083	-1.258868	0.118576	-0.022595	-1.337112	-0.190740	-0.072686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	116656.000000	127463.000000	140213.000000
-345.954681	0.031789	0.014615	-1.082434	-0.698453	-1.669935	0.670765	152060.000000	0.000000	0.011098	-0.010740	3.115289	0.901567	-0.725227	25364.250000	15223.832031	-607926.500000	-0.186639	-0.062291	-1.258868	0.118576	-0.022595	-1.337112	-0.190740	-0.072686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141471.000000	132200.000000	111919.000000	200000.000000
-345.959686	0.034719	0.018033	-1.051184	-0.713352	-1.657164	0.654801	152060.000000	0.000000	0.011098	-0.010740	3.159316	0.954410	-0.725227	25592.564453	15120.298828	-600974.750000	-0.190154	-0.065586	-1.258868	0.118576	-0.022595	-1.337112	-0.190740	-0.072686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141347.000000	132532.000000	111587.000000	200000.000000
-345.964691	0.036916	0.021207	-1.020666	-0.725059	-1.646522	0.636709	152060.000000	0.000000	0.011098	-0.010740	3.201509	1.007381	-0.725227	25770.177734	15080.879883	-593096.125000	-0.193477	-0.068945	-1.258868	0.118576	-0.022595	-1.337112	-0.190740	-0.072686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141208.000000	132749.000000	111370.000000	200000.000000
-345.969696	0.037893	0.023404	-0.991613	-0.732508	-1.639073	0.618618	152060.000000	0.000000	0.011098	-0.010740	3.243119	1.059175	-0.725227	26214.277344	14755.951172	-585217.500000	-0.196651	-0.072329	-1.258868	0.118576	-0.022595	-1.337112	-0.190740	-0.072686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141089.000000	133518.000000	110601.000000	200000.000000
-345.974701	0.038137	0.025113	-0.963049	-0.734637	-1.632687	0.600526	151953.000000	0.000000	0.011184	-0.009017	3.288399	1.204154	-0.776374	26913.626953	25093.843750	-599612.375000	-0.199696	-0.075705	-1.239196	0.114237	-0.009299	-1.352130	-0.234231	-0.103088	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129945.000000	123772.000000	120133.000000	200000.000000
-345.979706	0.037648	0.027066	-0.934484	-0.731444	-1.626302	0.581370	151953.000000	0.000000	-0.000741	-0.015235	2.668899	0.842484	-0.796560	-49061.937500	-32878.835938	-600060.625000	-0.202631	-0.079052	-1.231433	0.111513	-0.003371	-1.356858	-0.250271	-0.113052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	121953.000000	121953.000000	121953.000000
-345.984711	0.036672	0.029752	-0.907385	-0.723995	-1.620981	0.562214	151953.000000	0.000000	-0.000741	-0.015235	3.184699	1.139601	-0.796560	78236.312500	40423.281250	-591718.562500	-0.205474	-0.082368	-1.231433	0.111513	-0.003371	-1.356858	-0.250271	-0.113052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121953.000000	121953.000000	121953.000000	200000.000000
-345.989716	0.035695	0.033658	-0.881262	-0.711224	-1.613531	0.541993	151953.000000	0.000000	-0.000741	-0.015235	3.221963	1.187864	-0.796560	25521.623047	12638.342773	-582913.000000	-0.208220	-0.085658	-1.231433	0.111513	-0.003371	-1.356858	-0.250271	-0.113052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143793.000000	134836.000000	109069.000000	200000.000000
-345.994720	0.034475	0.039029	-0.856115	-0.695260	-1.603953	0.521773	152010.000000	0.000000	-0.000741	-0.015235	3.257695	1.237016	-0.796560	25239.320312	12537.750000	-574107.500000	-0.210866	-0.088944	-1.231433	0.111513	-0.003371	-1.356858	-0.250271	-0.113052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144232.000000	134711.000000	109308.000000	200000.000000
-345.999725	0.033986	0.045133	-0.831701	-0.673976	-1.593311	0.500489	152010.000000	0.000000	-0.000741	-0.015235	3.290915	1.285970	-0.796560	24950.058594	12058.205078	-564838.500000	-0.213395	-0.092224	-1.231433	0.111513	-0.003371	-1.356858	-0.250271	-0.113052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145001.000000	134901.000000	109118.000000	200000.000000
-346.004730	0.033498	0.051969	-0.808264	-0.650563	-1.579476	0.479204	152010.000000	0.000000	-0.000741	-0.015235	3.321701	1.335671	-0.796560	24409.218750	12027.219727	-555569.562500	-0.215793	-0.095513	-1.231433	0.111513	-0.003371	-1.356858	-0.250271	-0.113052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145573.000000	134391.000000	109628.000000	200000.000000
-346.009735	0.033986	0.059293	-0.786779	-0.622893	-1.565641	0.456855	152010.000000	0.000000	-0.000741	-0.015235	3.349468	1.385350	-0.796560	24141.453125	11657.916016	-545837.125000	-0.218043	-0.098808	-1.231433	0.111513	-0.003371	-1.356858	-0.250271	-0.113052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146210.000000	134493.000000	109526.000000	200000.000000
-346.014740	0.034475	0.065641	-0.766271	-0.593095	-1.549678	0.434507	152005.000000	0.000000	0.001238	-0.011619	3.483347	1.632435	-0.812644	36120.003906	34134.214844	-543109.062500	-0.220134	-0.102081	-1.225246	0.109456	0.001330	-1.361438	-0.265390	-0.122853	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122005.000000	122005.000000	122005.000000	200000.000000
-346.019745	0.034475	0.071256	-0.746740	-0.561168	-1.532650	0.411094	152005.000000	0.000000	0.006924	-0.012550	3.740300	1.483357	-0.865488	50636.812500	-10497.769531	-555925.937500	-0.222081	-0.105311	-1.204921	0.100957	0.017800	-1.373372	-0.315893	-0.144509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162502.000000	162502.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-346.024750	0.034230	0.076627	-0.728430	-0.526049	-1.513494	0.387681	152005.000000	0.000000	0.006924	-0.012550	3.534197	1.565673	-0.865488	-1549.218384	14811.480469	-545730.000000	-0.223884	-0.108480	-1.204921	0.100957	0.017800	-1.373372	-0.315893	-0.144509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168742.000000	105644.000000	138365.000000	195267.000000
-346.029755	0.033986	0.081510	-0.711828	-0.489865	-1.493274	0.363203	152005.000000	0.000000	0.006924	-0.012550	3.553313	1.609012	-0.865488	23092.878906	10441.609375	-535070.687500	-0.225542	-0.111573	-1.204921	0.100957	0.017800	-1.373372	-0.315893	-0.144509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148470.000000	134656.000000	109353.000000	200000.000000
-346.034760	0.032766	0.085660	-0.696936	-0.450489	-1.471989	0.338726	152005.000000	0.000000	0.006924	-0.012550	3.571811	1.649367	-0.865488	22895.103516	9766.952148	-524411.375000	-0.227085	-0.114556	-1.204921	0.100957	0.017800	-1.373372	-0.315893	-0.144509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149342.000000	135133.000000	108876.000000	200000.000000
-346.039764	0.031545	0.088834	-0.683020	-0.407920	-1.450705	0.314249	152075.000000	0.000000	0.006924	-0.012550	3.588851	1.685913	-0.865488	22715.224609	8969.346680	-513752.031250	-0.228516	-0.117390	-1.204921	0.100957	0.017800	-1.373372	-0.315893	-0.144509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150390.000000	135820.000000	108329.000000	200000.000000
-346.044769	0.029348	0.091275	-0.670080	-0.363222	-1.427292	0.289772	152075.000000	0.000000	0.006924	-0.012550	3.605525	1.718665	-0.865488	22409.986328	8263.240234	-503092.718750	-0.229861	-0.120046	-1.204921	0.100957	0.017800	-1.373372	-0.315893	-0.144509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151401.000000	136221.000000	107928.000000	200000.000000
-346.049774	0.027395	0.092740	-0.657141	-0.317460	-1.404943	0.265295	152075.000000	0.000000	0.001283	-0.010085	3.310712	1.882814	-0.878690	-13188.822266	23141.177734	-498182.625000	-0.231119	-0.122498	-1.199844	0.098960	0.021889	-1.376684	-0.328077	-0.147498	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172122.000000	100000.000000	158404.000000	192027.000000
-346.054779	0.024465	0.092740	-0.645910	-0.268506	-1.381530	0.240818	152075.000000	0.000000	0.009364	-0.007410	3.996629	1.953529	-0.913373	97585.820312	12614.140625	-502626.687500	-0.232324	-0.124685	-1.186504	0.092958	0.033016	-1.384496	-0.368583	-0.157913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139460.000000	139460.000000	104689.000000	200000.000000
-346.059784	0.021779	0.092496	-0.637854	-0.229130	-1.363438	0.221661	152183.000000	0.000000	0.009364	-0.007410	3.689895	1.866880	-0.913373	-12471.209961	-4215.655273	-494284.593750	-0.233498	-0.126645	-1.186504	0.092958	0.033016	-1.384496	-0.368583	-0.157913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198869.000000	113927.000000	130438.000000	165496.000000
-346.064789	0.019094	0.092740	-0.627600	-0.180175	-1.340025	0.198248	152183.000000	0.000000	-0.000064	-0.010264	3.186219	1.725613	-0.925792	-37135.820312	-12149.355469	-489497.000000	-0.234620	-0.128354	-1.181728	0.090546	0.037092	-1.386253	-0.382297	-0.160152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	104332.000000	140033.000000	140033.000000
-346.069794	0.016652	0.093473	-0.617590	-0.131221	-1.315548	0.175900	152183.000000	0.000000	-0.000064	-0.010264	3.576616	1.852791	-0.925792	62739.015625	17727.648438	-479764.593750	-0.235680	-0.129835	-1.181728	0.090546	0.037092	-1.386253	-0.382297	-0.160152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134455.000000	134455.000000	109910.000000	200000.000000
-346.074799	0.015188	0.093961	-0.607092	-0.084395	-1.290007	0.153551	152183.000000	0.000000	-0.000064	-0.010264	3.587293	1.863018	-0.925792	20801.189453	4933.873535	-470032.156250	-0.236645	-0.131098	-1.181728	0.090546	0.037092	-1.386253	-0.382297	-0.160152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156447.000000	138050.000000	106315.000000	200000.000000
-346.079803	0.012990	0.093961	-0.600012	-0.039697	-1.263401	0.131202	152183.000000	0.000000	-0.000064	-0.010264	3.597939	1.869025	-0.925792	20607.308594	4525.839355	-460299.718750	-0.237540	-0.132126	-1.181728	0.090546	0.037092	-1.386253	-0.382297	-0.160152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157049.000000	138264.000000	106101.000000	200000.000000
-346.084808	0.010793	0.093229	-0.593908	0.002872	-1.235731	0.108854	152293.000000	0.000000	-0.000064	-0.010264	3.607481	1.870726	-0.925792	20285.398438	4098.378418	-450567.312500	-0.238365	-0.132904	-1.181728	0.090546	0.037092	-1.386253	-0.382297	-0.160152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157909.000000	138480.000000	106105.000000	200000.000000
-346.089813	0.008107	0.092252	-0.587561	0.044376	-1.206997	0.087569	152293.000000	0.000000	-0.000064	-0.010264	3.616721	1.868900	-0.925792	20045.675781	3628.374512	-441298.312500	-0.239132	-0.133437	-1.181728	0.090546	0.037092	-1.386253	-0.382297	-0.160152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158618.000000	138710.000000	105875.000000	200000.000000
-346.094818	0.005422	0.091764	-0.582434	0.083753	-1.177199	0.065220	152293.000000	0.000000	-0.000064	-0.010264	3.625075	1.864663	-0.925792	19732.488281	3396.678467	-431565.906250	-0.239843	-0.133747	-1.181728	0.090546	0.037092	-1.386253	-0.382297	-0.160152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159163.000000	138628.000000	105957.000000	200000.000000
-346.099823	0.002248	0.090543	-0.577795	0.121001	-1.146336	0.043936	152293.000000	0.000000	-0.000064	-0.010264	3.633334	1.856441	-0.925792	19501.150391	2983.322266	-422296.906250	-0.240509	-0.133823	-1.181728	0.090546	0.037092	-1.386253	-0.382297	-0.160152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159808.000000	138810.000000	105775.000000	200000.000000
-346.104828	-0.000926	0.089811	-0.574133	0.158248	-1.114409	0.021587	152232.000000	0.000000	0.003771	-0.004180	3.851710	2.179942	-0.932161	43345.292969	40775.003906	-415338.062500	-0.241131	-0.133679	-1.179278	0.089416	0.039131	-1.387573	-0.394470	-0.160347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122232.000000	122232.000000	122232.000000	200000.000000
-346.109833	-0.004344	0.089566	-0.570227	0.192304	-1.080354	0.000303	152232.000000	0.000000	0.012341	-0.001346	4.176426	2.080400	-0.947250	56141.199219	-6004.515625	-412640.062500	-0.241707	-0.133353	-1.173475	0.086398	0.044059	-1.389010	-0.425157	-0.152109	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158236.000000	158236.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-346.114838	-0.007762	0.088834	-0.566564	0.226359	-1.044170	-0.020982	152232.000000	0.000000	0.012341	-0.001346	3.839489	1.951308	-0.947250	-18562.062500	-10004.276367	-403371.093750	-0.242230	-0.132829	-1.173475	0.086398	0.044059	-1.389010	-0.425157	-0.152109	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	113674.000000	130789.000000	153665.000000
-346.119843	-0.011180	0.087857	-0.564123	0.258286	-1.006922	-0.042266	152232.000000	0.000000	0.005025	-0.001004	3.442007	1.951312	-0.950118	-27336.099609	4277.840820	-395351.156250	-0.242697	-0.132106	-1.172372	0.085697	0.045012	-1.388453	-0.435898	-0.150427	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	153845.000000	159173.000000
-346.124847	-0.015086	0.087369	-0.562414	0.289148	-0.967546	-0.064615	152405.000000	0.000000	0.005025	-0.001004	3.738896	1.916977	-0.950118	49964.636719	319.088776	-385618.718750	-0.243117	-0.131205	-1.172372	0.085697	0.045012	-1.388453	-0.435898	-0.150427	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152085.000000	152085.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-346.129852	-0.019236	0.086393	-0.562414	0.318947	-0.924977	-0.086964	152405.000000	0.000000	0.005025	-0.001004	3.742174	1.892610	-0.950118	17148.599609	1283.073120	-375886.312500	-0.243481	-0.130106	-1.172372	0.085697	0.045012	-1.388453	-0.435898	-0.150427	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163973.000000	138270.000000	106539.000000	200000.000000
-346.134857	-0.023387	0.084928	-0.561926	0.347681	-0.881344	-0.108248	152405.000000	0.000000	0.005025	-0.001004	3.744401	1.865035	-0.950118	16725.546875	788.326477	-366617.312500	-0.243787	-0.128806	-1.172372	0.085697	0.045012	-1.388453	-0.435898	-0.150427	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164891.000000	138342.000000	106467.000000	199918.000000
-346.139862	-0.028025	0.083219	-0.563146	0.376415	-0.835582	-0.129533	152405.000000	0.000000	0.005025	-0.001004	3.745979	1.833664	-0.950118	16215.961914	93.033684	-357348.343750	-0.244038	-0.127290	-1.172372	0.085697	0.045012	-1.388453	-0.435898	-0.150427	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166096.000000	138527.000000	106282.000000	198713.000000
-346.144867	-0.031687	0.082486	-0.564367	0.403020	-0.788756	-0.150818	152405.000000	0.000000	0.005025	-0.001004	3.744605	1.801725	-0.950118	15552.556641	-4.497984	-348079.343750	-0.244195	-0.125607	-1.172372	0.085697	0.045012	-1.388453	-0.435898	-0.150427	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166856.000000	137962.000000	106847.000000	197953.000000
-346.149872	-0.035105	0.082975	-0.567297	0.428562	-0.740866	-0.172102	152392.000000	0.000000	0.016263	0.005617	4.358827	2.133631	-0.944063	85730.140625	41529.906250	-336173.781250	-0.244243	-0.123798	-1.174700	0.086539	0.043014	-1.384383	-0.457575	-0.132151	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122392.000000	122392.000000	122392.000000	200000.000000
-346.154877	-0.038768	0.085172	-0.571936	0.453039	-0.690848	-0.192322	152392.000000	0.000000	0.016263	0.005617	3.903796	1.838090	-0.944063	-34397.800781	-28816.625000	-327368.250000	-0.244174	-0.121922	-1.174700	0.086539	0.043014	-1.384383	-0.457575	-0.132151	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	121208.000000	123575.000000	123575.000000
-346.159882	-0.041209	0.087369	-0.576330	0.474323	-0.639765	-0.214671	152392.000000	0.000000	0.016263	0.005617	3.893846	1.807118	-0.944063	14143.617188	384.849182	-317635.843750	-0.243943	-0.119995	-1.174700	0.086539	0.043014	-1.384383	-0.457575	-0.132151	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167863.000000	136150.000000	108633.000000	196920.000000
-346.164886	-0.043406	0.091275	-0.580969	0.494544	-0.589746	-0.235956	152392.000000	0.000000	0.016263	0.005617	3.881234	1.778863	-0.944063	13678.589844	576.692749	-308366.843750	-0.243545	-0.118080	-1.174700	0.086539	0.043014	-1.384383	-0.457575	-0.132151	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168136.000000	135493.000000	109290.000000	196647.000000
-346.169891	-0.045359	0.094205	-0.587561	0.511571	-0.540792	-0.258304	152628.000000	0.000000	0.016263	0.005617	3.865878	1.749138	-0.944063	13197.897461	551.027100	-298634.406250	-0.242977	-0.116146	-1.174700	0.086539	0.043014	-1.384383	-0.457575	-0.132151	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168879.000000	135274.000000	109981.000000	196376.000000
-346.174896	-0.045848	0.096402	-0.595617	0.525406	-0.491837	-0.279589	152628.000000	0.000000	0.016263	0.005617	3.845176	1.718332	-0.944063	12289.566406	577.904236	-289365.437500	-0.242188	-0.114180	-1.174700	0.086539	0.043014	-1.384383	-0.457575	-0.132151	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169760.000000	134339.000000	110916.000000	195495.000000
-346.179901	-0.046336	0.097135	-0.603430	0.537113	-0.443947	-0.300873	152628.000000	0.000000	0.008501	0.005483	3.394980	1.677702	-0.940225	-37108.480469	-508.007874	-278424.812500	-0.241187	-0.112146	-1.176177	0.086984	0.041823	-1.382080	-0.463976	-0.126597	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	152119.000000	152119.000000
-346.184906	-0.048045	0.096158	-0.612707	0.546691	-0.398185	-0.322158	152628.000000	0.000000	0.018759	0.010455	4.245483	1.919575	-0.919292	109847.015625	31857.574219	-260039.781250	-0.240026	-0.109995	-1.184228	0.090205	0.035127	-1.372738	-0.474111	-0.103979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122628.000000	122628.000000	122628.000000	200000.000000
-346.189911	-0.051463	0.093473	-0.622961	0.554140	-0.352424	-0.342378	152628.000000	0.000000	0.018759	0.010455	3.812004	1.679772	-0.919292	-33539.062500	-22009.060547	-251234.265625	-0.238757	-0.107685	-1.184228	0.090205	0.035127	-1.372738	-0.474111	-0.103979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	114637.000000	130618.000000	130618.000000
-346.194916	-0.056102	0.089322	-0.634191	0.558397	-0.306662	-0.361534	152621.000000	0.000000	0.010180	0.009759	3.317240	1.596791	-0.910699	-42764.046875	-4815.737793	-239150.406250	-0.237415	-0.105193	-1.187533	0.091182	0.032559	-1.368926	-0.482105	-0.100484	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	147805.000000	147805.000000
-346.199921	-0.061961	0.086637	-0.645178	0.559462	-0.258772	-0.380690	152621.000000	0.000000	0.010180	0.009759	3.637334	1.581020	-0.910699	47852.523438	2848.036865	-230808.328125	-0.236022	-0.102587	-1.187533	0.091182	0.032559	-1.368926	-0.482105	-0.100484	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149772.000000	149772.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-346.204926	-0.069285	0.086637	-0.656164	0.559462	-0.209818	-0.398782	152621.000000	0.000000	0.010180	0.009759	3.615442	1.540846	-0.910699	9806.218750	96.998344	-222929.703125	-0.234611	-0.099962	-1.187533	0.091182	0.032559	-1.368926	-0.482105	-0.100484	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172717.000000	132330.000000	112911.000000	192524.000000
-346.209930	-0.077098	0.086881	-0.668127	0.556269	-0.157670	-0.416874	152621.000000	0.000000	0.010180	0.009759	3.592655	1.501528	-0.910699	9012.065430	375.996521	-215051.062500	-0.233170	-0.097338	-1.187533	0.091182	0.032559	-1.368926	-0.482105	-0.100484	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173232.000000	131257.000000	113984.000000	192009.000000
-346.214935	-0.085154	0.086637	-0.680822	0.552012	-0.103395	-0.436030	152617.000000	0.000000	0.010180	0.009759	3.568749	1.461621	-0.910699	8295.275391	264.285675	-206708.984375	-0.231688	-0.094703	-1.187533	0.091182	0.032559	-1.368926	-0.482105	-0.100484	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174057.000000	130647.000000	114586.000000	191176.000000
-346.219940	-0.093699	0.084439	-0.694982	0.545627	-0.046991	-0.455186	152617.000000	0.000000	0.010180	0.009759	3.543756	1.418983	-0.910699	7567.427734	31.214079	-198366.906250	-0.230155	-0.092012	-1.187533	0.091182	0.032559	-1.368926	-0.482105	-0.100484	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175018.000000	130153.000000	115080.000000	190215.000000
-346.224945	-0.103465	0.080289	-0.709875	0.538177	0.011541	-0.475406	152617.000000	0.000000	0.010180	0.009759	3.518775	1.372943	-0.910699	6950.398438	-403.251038	-189561.375000	-0.228586	-0.089218	-1.187533	0.091182	0.032559	-1.368926	-0.482105	-0.100484	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176069.000000	129970.000000	115263.000000	189164.000000
-346.229950	-0.113475	0.074918	-0.724279	0.528599	0.070074	-0.495627	152617.000000	0.000000	0.010180	0.009759	3.493227	1.324724	-0.910699	6501.376465	-586.694336	-180755.843750	-0.226981	-0.086309	-1.187533	0.091182	0.032559	-1.368926	-0.482105	-0.100484	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176702.000000	129705.000000	115528.000000	188531.000000
-346.234955	-0.122996	0.069303	-0.739172	0.517957	0.128606	-0.514783	152613.000000	0.000000	0.010797	0.009271	3.499680	1.248446	-0.903187	9780.538086	-3856.755859	-169142.375000	-0.225314	-0.083295	-1.190422	0.092355	0.030168	-1.364588	-0.481278	-0.084881	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176689.000000	136250.000000	108975.000000	188536.000000
-346.239960	-0.132029	0.064420	-0.754797	0.505186	0.186074	-0.532875	152613.000000	0.000000	0.021939	0.017228	4.058244	1.656714	-0.860196	72910.445312	51592.792969	-142541.968750	-0.223567	-0.080217	-1.206957	0.098538	0.017009	-1.349980	-0.474542	-0.058863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122613.000000	122613.000000	122613.000000	200000.000000
-346.244965	-0.140330	0.060270	-0.771887	0.491351	0.242478	-0.548838	152613.000000	0.000000	0.021939	0.017228	3.580625	1.290617	-0.860196	-43363.527344	-35056.773438	-135590.234375	-0.221713	-0.077106	-1.206957	0.098538	0.017009	-1.349980	-0.474542	-0.058863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122613.000000	122613.000000	122613.000000
-346.249969	-0.148143	0.056363	-0.788488	0.475388	0.297818	-0.562673	152613.000000	0.000000	0.021939	0.017228	3.546333	1.243731	-0.860196	5087.560059	134.267288	-129565.421875	-0.219741	-0.073991	-1.206957	0.098538	0.017009	-1.349980	-0.474542	-0.058863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177391.000000	127566.000000	117659.000000	187834.000000
-346.254974	-0.155467	0.052701	-0.805578	0.457296	0.351029	-0.576508	152613.000000	0.000000	0.021939	0.017228	3.509891	1.198027	-0.860196	4672.884766	371.235779	-123540.578125	-0.217644	-0.070894	-1.206957	0.098538	0.017009	-1.349980	-0.474542	-0.058863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177568.000000	126914.000000	118311.000000	187657.000000
-346.259979	-0.162791	0.049527	-0.823156	0.440268	0.405305	-0.589278	152621.000000	0.000000	0.021939	0.017228	3.471013	1.153298	-0.860196	3857.374023	233.460709	-117979.187500	-0.215412	-0.067830	-1.206957	0.098538	0.017009	-1.349980	-0.474542	-0.058863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178530.000000	126244.000000	118997.000000	186711.000000
-346.264984	-0.169383	0.046109	-0.841955	0.425369	0.460645	-0.600985	152621.000000	0.000000	0.021939	0.017228	3.428487	1.108409	-0.860196	2889.010010	-156.323105	-112881.250000	-0.213016	-0.064785	-1.206957	0.098538	0.017009	-1.349980	-0.474542	-0.058863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179888.000000	125666.000000	119575.000000	185353.000000
-346.269989	-0.175975	0.041471	-0.860510	0.410470	0.517049	-0.612691	152621.000000	0.000000	0.021939	0.017228	3.383273	1.062604	-0.860196	2008.959961	-399.105621	-107783.320312	-0.210451	-0.061737	-1.206957	0.098538	0.017009	-1.349980	-0.474542	-0.058863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181011.000000	125029.000000	120212.000000	184230.000000
-346.274994	-0.182566	0.036100	-0.879309	0.399828	0.575581	-0.625462	152621.000000	0.000000	0.028873	0.023782	3.716202	1.375395	-0.777074	44618.339844	40051.035156	-66024.070312	-0.207706	-0.058655	-1.238927	0.110151	-0.007571	-1.328006	-0.444130	-0.030495	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122621.000000	122621.000000	122621.000000	200000.000000
-346.279999	-0.190135	0.029752	-0.899084	0.390250	0.636242	-0.637169	152636.000000	0.000000	0.028873	0.023782	3.388221	1.064219	-0.777074	-30082.882812	-30068.894531	-60926.132812	-0.204788	-0.055521	-1.238927	0.110151	-0.007571	-1.328006	-0.444130	-0.030495	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122636.000000	122636.000000	122636.000000
-346.285004	-0.198680	0.023160	-0.918371	0.383864	0.699031	-0.648875	152636.000000	0.000000	0.013989	0.019077	2.517124	0.754981	-0.756986	-94323.257812	-31593.306641	-47079.937500	-0.201707	-0.052323	-1.246653	0.112278	-0.013010	-1.322266	-0.436051	-0.025783	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122636.000000	122636.000000	122636.000000
-346.290009	-0.207713	0.016568	-0.937170	0.379607	0.765013	-0.659517	152636.000000	0.000000	0.013989	0.019077	3.056831	0.891617	-0.756986	62631.289062	17847.277344	-42445.460938	-0.198459	-0.049060	-1.246653	0.112278	-0.013010	-1.322266	-0.436051	-0.025783	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134788.000000	134788.000000	110483.000000	200000.000000
-346.295013	-0.216746	0.011197	-0.955480	0.377479	0.832059	-0.669095	152636.000000	0.000000	0.013989	0.019077	2.998613	0.840500	-0.756986	-3807.411133	-3256.700195	-38274.410156	-0.195038	-0.045758	-1.246653	0.112278	-0.013010	-1.322266	-0.436051	-0.025783	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189700.000000	122085.000000	123186.000000	175571.000000
-346.300018	-0.225535	0.005826	-0.975256	0.376415	0.900170	-0.677609	152636.000000	0.000000	0.013989	0.019077	2.936818	0.788922	-0.756986	-4915.271973	-3656.755127	-34566.816406	-0.191426	-0.042419	-1.246653	0.112278	-0.013010	-1.322266	-0.436051	-0.025783	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191208.000000	121377.000000	123894.000000	174063.000000
-346.305023	-0.234568	0.000943	-0.996008	0.378543	0.968280	-0.683995	152626.000000	0.000000	0.013989	0.019077	2.872139	0.736938	-0.756986	-5843.243164	-4301.437988	-31786.134766	-0.187623	-0.039045	-1.246653	0.112278	-0.013010	-1.322266	-0.436051	-0.025783	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192770.000000	121084.000000	124167.000000	172481.000000
-346.310028	-0.243846	-0.004428	-1.016271	0.381736	1.033198	-0.688251	152626.000000	0.000000	0.013989	0.019077	2.805796	0.684093	-0.756986	-6278.923340	-4770.821777	-29932.337891	-0.183652	-0.035631	-1.246653	0.112278	-0.013010	-1.322266	-0.436051	-0.025783	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193608.000000	121185.000000	124201.000000	171508.000000
-346.315033	-0.252635	-0.009555	-1.038000	0.388121	1.095987	-0.690380	152626.000000	0.000000	0.013989	0.019077	2.736621	0.630495	-0.756986	-6966.257812	-5481.961426	-29005.427734	-0.179506	-0.032174	-1.246653	0.112278	-0.013010	-1.322266	-0.436051	-0.025783	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194079.000000	122136.000000	125104.000000	169183.000000
-346.320038	-0.261180	-0.014193	-1.059484	0.395571	1.153455	-0.688251	152626.000000	0.000000	0.013989	0.019077	2.666052	0.576998	-0.756986	-7123.340332	-5868.117188	-29932.337891	-0.175208	-0.028687	-1.246653	0.112278	-0.013010	-1.322266	-0.436051	-0.025783	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195549.000000	121438.000000	123948.000000	169566.000000
-346.325043	-0.270213	-0.019076	-1.081213	0.403020	1.206667	-0.683995	152633.000000	0.000000	0.013989	0.019077	2.594764	0.523186	-0.756986	-7306.925293	-6184.666504	-31786.134766	-0.170785	-0.025172	-1.246653	0.112278	-0.013010	-1.322266	-0.436051	-0.025783	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196124.000000	121510.000000	123755.000000	169141.000000
-346.330048	-0.278270	-0.023227	-1.101721	0.411534	1.253493	-0.676545	152633.000000	0.000000	0.024930	0.020167	3.124223	0.529705	-0.679335	61673.789062	324.151917	-1215.117676	-0.166258	-0.021644	-1.276519	0.118347	-0.032206	-1.299847	-0.384707	0.001449	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123523.000000	181093.000000	121742.000000	184172.000000
-346.335052	-0.285105	-0.025424	-1.121252	0.418984	1.293933	-0.665903	152633.000000	0.000000	0.008793	0.013137	1.726679	0.048372	-0.662968	-156124.468750	-55449.332031	1278.000854	-0.161640	-0.018147	-1.282814	0.118702	-0.035548	-1.294689	-0.369635	0.008208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	153911.000000	153911.000000	100000.000000
-346.340057	-0.290477	-0.026156	-1.141516	0.423241	1.330117	-0.654196	152633.000000	0.000000	0.008793	0.013137	2.297447	0.281015	-0.662968	63230.519531	24458.199219	-3819.959229	-0.156929	-0.014724	-1.282814	0.118702	-0.035548	-1.294689	-0.369635	0.008208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101994.000000	154354.000000	143271.000000	200000.000000
-346.345062	-0.295359	-0.025912	-1.163000	0.425369	1.359915	-0.640361	152622.000000	0.000000	0.008793	0.013137	2.222733	0.235168	-0.662968	-7522.890625	-6150.104980	-9844.778320	-0.152144	-0.011400	-1.282814	0.118702	-0.035548	-1.294689	-0.369635	0.008208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176139.000000	141404.000000	144150.000000	148793.000000
-346.350067	-0.299021	-0.026400	-1.184240	0.424305	1.386521	-0.627591	152622.000000	0.000000	0.008793	0.013137	2.146910	0.190807	-0.662968	-7764.837402	-5834.835938	-15406.168945	-0.147285	-0.008176	-1.282814	0.118702	-0.035548	-1.294689	-0.369635	0.008208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181627.000000	135285.000000	139145.000000	154428.000000
-346.355072	-0.302195	-0.027133	-1.205480	0.420048	1.409934	-0.613756	152622.000000	0.000000	0.008793	0.013137	2.070597	0.148490	-0.662968	-7926.404785	-5434.128906	-21431.013672	-0.142364	-0.005062	-1.282814	0.118702	-0.035548	-1.294689	-0.369635	0.008208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187413.000000	128698.000000	133683.000000	160692.000000
-346.360077	-0.305369	-0.028598	-1.226721	0.411534	1.431218	-0.599921	152622.000000	0.000000	0.008793	0.013137	1.994095	0.108179	-0.662968	-8163.012207	-4891.693848	-27455.859375	-0.137395	-0.002065	-1.282814	0.118702	-0.035548	-1.294689	-0.369635	0.008208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193132.000000	121894.000000	128437.000000	167023.000000
-346.365082	-0.307811	-0.030551	-1.246740	0.400892	1.451439	-0.586086	152622.000000	0.000000	0.008793	0.013137	1.916946	0.069600	-0.662968	-8565.027344	-4595.774414	-33480.679688	-0.132377	0.000817	-1.282814	0.118702	-0.035548	-1.294689	-0.369635	0.008208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195782.000000	118652.000000	126591.000000	169461.000000
-346.370087	-0.309520	-0.033725	-1.267248	0.388121	1.470595	-0.574379	152608.000000	0.000000	0.008793	0.013137	1.838830	0.032105	-0.662968	-9001.666992	-4356.278809	-38578.613281	-0.127308	0.003594	-1.282814	0.118702	-0.035548	-1.294689	-0.369635	0.008208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195965.000000	117962.000000	127253.000000	169250.000000
-346.375092	-0.310496	-0.036898	-1.288244	0.373222	1.488687	-0.561609	152608.000000	0.000000	0.008793	0.013137	1.759755	-0.003291	-0.662968	-9439.308594	-3986.158936	-44140.003906	-0.122184	0.006257	-1.282814	0.118702	-0.035548	-1.294689	-0.369635	0.008208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196033.000000	117154.000000	128061.000000	169182.000000
-346.380096	-0.310740	-0.039584	-1.308264	0.357259	1.506778	-0.550966	152608.000000	0.000000	0.018411	0.012206	2.208411	-0.087726	-0.607601	50570.613281	-9575.782227	-24663.072266	-0.117000	0.008798	-1.304109	0.116002	-0.043816	-1.276281	-0.310898	0.028327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156846.000000	167520.000000	100000.000000	197695.000000
-346.385101	-0.309764	-0.041049	-1.326574	0.339167	1.523806	-0.541388	152608.000000	0.000000	0.018411	0.012206	1.742663	-0.080474	-0.607601	-52077.367188	856.386414	-28834.095703	-0.111753	0.011191	-1.304109	0.116002	-0.043816	-1.276281	-0.310898	0.028327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	154630.000000	152298.000000
-346.390106	-0.306590	-0.042514	-1.344396	0.318947	1.538705	-0.532875	152627.000000	0.000000	0.018411	0.012206	1.659701	-0.107929	-0.607601	-10203.855469	-2759.148193	-32541.687500	-0.106429	0.013431	-1.304109	0.116002	-0.043816	-1.276281	-0.310898	0.028327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195590.000000	115182.000000	130071.000000	169663.000000
-346.395111	-0.303904	-0.045443	-1.361242	0.297662	1.553604	-0.526489	152627.000000	0.000000	0.018411	0.012206	1.576360	-0.134210	-0.607601	-10697.445312	-2535.985107	-35322.394531	-0.101041	0.015537	-1.304109	0.116002	-0.043816	-1.276281	-0.310898	0.028327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195860.000000	114465.000000	130788.000000	169393.000000
-346.400116	-0.300242	-0.048129	-1.377111	0.275313	1.568503	-0.522232	152627.000000	0.000000	0.018411	0.012206	1.491691	-0.158234	-0.607601	-11301.376953	-2178.612305	-37176.191406	-0.095583	0.017506	-1.304109	0.116002	-0.043816	-1.276281	-0.310898	0.028327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196106.000000	113504.000000	131749.000000	169147.000000
-346.405121	-0.296092	-0.050814	-1.391760	0.254029	1.584467	-0.521168	152627.000000	0.000000	0.018411	0.012206	1.405713	-0.180730	-0.607601	-12031.380859	-2133.083984	-37639.648438	-0.090051	0.019347	-1.304109	0.116002	-0.043816	-1.276281	-0.310898	0.028327	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196791.000000	112728.000000	132525.000000	168462.000000
-346.410126	-0.291453	-0.052768	-1.405432	0.232744	1.602559	-0.523296	152627.000000	0.000000	0.007127	0.007142	0.697584	-0.479408	-0.583358	-84015.273438	-33776.937500	-26155.574219	-0.084433	0.021054	-1.313433	0.112807	-0.045771	-1.269293	-0.278824	0.036354	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	126471.000000	126471.000000	118782.000000
-346.415131	-0.287547	-0.055209	-1.419104	0.213588	1.621715	-0.527553	152623.000000	0.000000	0.006583	0.006943	1.030340	-0.307180	-0.557079	31761.923828	18648.326172	-12857.696289	-0.078737	0.022647	-1.323541	0.109269	-0.047564	-1.264179	-0.244651	0.040523	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116832.000000	151116.000000	128413.000000	200000.000000
-346.420135	-0.283885	-0.058139	-1.430822	0.197625	1.641935	-0.533939	152623.000000	0.000000	0.006583	0.006943	0.962739	-0.318284	-0.557079	-12780.757812	-1838.849121	-10077.014648	-0.072971	0.024151	-1.323541	0.109269	-0.047564	-1.264179	-0.244651	0.040523	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177319.000000	131604.000000	153487.000000	148080.000000
-346.425140	-0.280467	-0.060092	-1.441564	0.182726	1.663220	-0.543517	152623.000000	0.000000	-0.000506	0.002174	0.482724	-0.597927	-0.547394	-60551.160156	-32701.222656	-1688.418213	-0.067136	0.025562	-1.327266	0.106570	-0.047182	-1.262246	-0.227816	0.043261	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	150934.000000	150934.000000	100000.000000
-346.430145	-0.277293	-0.061068	-1.451330	0.168891	1.683440	-0.554159	152623.000000	0.000000	-0.000506	0.002174	0.675691	-0.422918	-0.547394	14362.679688	18046.312500	2946.086426	-0.061249	0.026873	-1.327266	0.106570	-0.047182	-1.262246	-0.227816	0.043261	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117267.000000	151885.000000	159252.000000	182085.000000
-346.435150	-0.274119	-0.060824	-1.458654	0.156120	1.703660	-0.566930	152407.000000	0.000000	0.003525	0.008250	0.806477	-0.102523	-0.530214	8032.741699	35451.218750	15989.084961	-0.055315	0.028077	-1.333873	0.105217	-0.048815	-1.260898	-0.208408	0.043398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	146428.000000	190363.000000	174450.000000
-346.440155	-0.270701	-0.058871	-1.465246	0.143349	1.722816	-0.579700	152407.000000	0.000000	0.003525	0.008250	0.553999	-0.356509	-0.530214	-35250.347656	-28827.822266	21550.474609	-0.049339	0.029152	-1.333873	0.105217	-0.048815	-1.260898	-0.208408	0.043398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189684.000000	172785.000000	175129.000000	100000.000000
-346.445160	-0.267039	-0.055941	-1.469641	0.130579	1.741972	-0.593535	152407.000000	0.000000	0.003525	0.008250	0.462250	-0.365044	-0.530214	-18081.353516	-1814.065063	27575.320312	-0.043325	0.030089	-1.333873	0.105217	-0.048815	-1.260898	-0.208408	0.043398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144727.000000	163715.000000	196249.000000	104936.000000
-346.450165	-0.262889	-0.052279	-1.472814	0.116744	1.759000	-0.606306	152407.000000	0.000000	0.003525	0.008250	0.370418	-0.370829	-0.530214	-18357.333984	-1357.705078	33136.710938	-0.037280	0.030875	-1.333873	0.105217	-0.048815	-1.260898	-0.208408	0.043398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142122.000000	165407.000000	199406.000000	102691.000000
-346.455170	-0.259715	-0.047885	-1.475256	0.101845	1.774963	-0.620141	152618.000000	0.000000	0.003525	0.008250	0.279283	-0.373695	-0.530214	-18656.220703	-864.389404	39161.554688	-0.031228	0.031499	-1.333873	0.105217	-0.048815	-1.260898	-0.208408	0.043398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142138.000000	164826.000000	200000.000000	103097.000000
-346.460175	-0.256053	-0.043490	-1.476721	0.084817	1.788798	-0.632912	152618.000000	0.000000	0.003525	0.008250	0.188404	-0.373713	-0.530214	-18875.685547	-238.890640	44722.917969	-0.025174	0.031954	-1.333873	0.105217	-0.048815	-1.260898	-0.208408	0.043398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141732.000000	163981.000000	200000.000000	103503.000000
-346.465179	-0.251902	-0.039096	-1.477697	0.067789	1.800505	-0.643554	152618.000000	0.000000	0.003525	0.008250	0.097826	-0.371333	-0.530214	-19079.123047	113.985214	49357.425781	-0.019124	0.032241	-1.333873	0.105217	-0.048815	-1.260898	-0.208408	0.043398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141583.000000	163424.000000	200000.000000	103652.000000
-346.470184	-0.246531	-0.034945	-1.477453	0.049697	1.810083	-0.654196	152618.000000	0.000000	0.009308	0.006292	0.325118	-0.474193	-0.488758	17108.076172	-11730.661133	72044.875000	-0.013075	0.032362	-1.349818	0.098433	-0.049813	-1.259778	-0.154003	0.044639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117240.000000	200000.000000	153779.000000	127995.000000
-346.475189	-0.239451	-0.031771	-1.477209	0.030541	1.815404	-0.661646	152618.000000	0.000000	0.004743	0.010023	-0.247774	-0.183996	-0.467227	-73068.609375	33028.355469	84665.578125	-0.007028	0.032327	-1.358099	0.097517	-0.052015	-1.260376	-0.133529	0.045009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122618.000000	122618.000000	200000.000000	122618.000000
-346.480194	-0.231150	-0.030551	-1.476477	0.010321	1.818596	-0.666967	152411.000000	0.000000	0.004743	0.010023	-0.156153	-0.325424	-0.467227	639.336731	-14871.928711	86982.804688	-0.000977	0.032161	-1.358099	0.097517	-0.052015	-1.260376	-0.133529	0.045009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136643.000000	197922.000000	166899.000000	108178.000000
-346.485199	-0.222361	-0.032016	-1.476232	-0.010963	1.818596	-0.672288	152411.000000	0.000000	0.004743	0.010023	-0.246654	-0.317489	-0.467227	-19451.222656	1802.823853	89300.054688	0.005070	0.031896	-1.358099	0.097517	-0.052015	-1.260376	-0.133529	0.045009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140059.000000	161156.000000	200000.000000	104762.000000
-346.490204	-0.212840	-0.035678	-1.475500	-0.033312	1.815404	-0.675481	152411.000000	0.000000	0.004743	0.010023	-0.336694	-0.309508	-0.467227	-19449.009766	2064.458252	90690.398438	0.011104	0.031558	-1.358099	0.097517	-0.052015	-1.260376	-0.133529	0.045009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139795.000000	160897.000000	200000.000000	105026.000000
-346.495209	-0.202586	-0.040561	-1.474768	-0.056725	1.811147	-0.678673	152411.000000	0.000000	0.004743	0.010023	-0.426827	-0.301126	-0.467227	-19737.355469	2371.786133	92080.742188	0.017131	0.031160	-1.358099	0.097517	-0.052015	-1.260376	-0.133529	0.045009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139776.000000	160301.000000	200000.000000	105045.000000
-346.500214	-0.191844	-0.045443	-1.472570	-0.081202	1.805826	-0.681866	152402.000000	0.000000	0.004743	0.010023	-0.516807	-0.291651	-0.467227	-19992.822266	2765.246094	93471.109375	0.023151	0.030698	-1.358099	0.097517	-0.052015	-1.260376	-0.133529	0.045009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139629.000000	159643.000000	200000.000000	105174.000000
-346.505219	-0.181346	-0.050326	-1.468908	-0.106744	1.799440	-0.685059	152402.000000	0.000000	0.004743	0.010023	-0.606103	-0.281041	-0.467227	-20182.068359	3173.272461	94861.445312	0.029152	0.030169	-1.358099	0.097517	-0.052015	-1.260376	-0.133529	0.045009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139410.000000	159046.000000	200000.000000	105393.000000
-346.510223	-0.170115	-0.055453	-1.465246	-0.134414	1.793055	-0.688251	152402.000000	0.000000	0.004743	0.010023	-0.695728	-0.269122	-0.467227	-20601.017578	3733.404785	96251.789062	0.035146	0.029568	-1.358099	0.097517	-0.052015	-1.260376	-0.133529	0.045009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139269.000000	158067.000000	200000.000000	105534.000000
-346.515228	-0.159861	-0.058871	-1.460607	-0.163148	1.787734	-0.692508	152402.000000	0.000000	0.002511	0.006517	-0.907507	-0.447417	-0.449726	-35099.375000	-17752.839844	105726.921875	0.041125	0.028867	-1.364830	0.095863	-0.053041	-1.261566	-0.115019	0.043111	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170154.000000	170154.000000	194649.000000	100000.000000
-346.520233	-0.150340	-0.062045	-1.454504	-0.194010	1.781349	-0.696765	152402.000000	0.000000	0.009124	0.005825	-0.542451	-0.328759	-0.402391	30160.849609	15824.215820	128194.015625	0.047070	0.028057	-1.383036	0.088943	-0.053444	-1.267861	-0.060885	0.035370	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196577.000000	168226.000000	168226.000000
-346.525238	-0.142039	-0.064486	-1.447180	-0.227001	1.773899	-0.702086	152397.000000	0.000000	0.000895	0.004225	-1.345611	-0.369912	-0.385065	-101842.921875	-1554.892822	138056.343750	0.052962	0.027119	-1.389700	0.086789	-0.053697	-1.270877	-0.043416	0.032682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153951.000000	153951.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-346.530243	-0.133738	-0.065707	-1.438879	-0.262121	1.767514	-0.706343	152397.000000	0.000000	0.000895	0.004225	-1.102330	-0.283509	-0.385065	14251.041016	13263.719727	139910.140625	0.058806	0.026029	-1.389700	0.086789	-0.053697	-1.270877	-0.043416	0.032682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	183384.000000	181409.000000	149911.000000
-346.535248	-0.125682	-0.065463	-1.429602	-0.298304	1.760064	-0.711664	152397.000000	0.000000	0.000895	0.004225	-1.186885	-0.257613	-0.385065	-22034.208984	7013.232422	142227.359375	0.064594	0.024766	-1.389700	0.086789	-0.053697	-1.270877	-0.043416	0.032682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137417.000000	153349.000000	200000.000000	107376.000000
-346.540253	-0.118113	-0.063754	-1.418615	-0.334488	1.751550	-0.715921	152397.000000	0.000000	0.000895	0.004225	-1.269864	-0.228240	-0.385065	-22088.021484	7698.541504	144081.156250	0.070311	0.023313	-1.389700	0.086789	-0.053697	-1.270877	-0.043416	0.032682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136786.000000	152610.000000	200000.000000	108007.000000
-346.545258	-0.111033	-0.061801	-1.405920	-0.371736	1.740908	-0.720178	152333.000000	0.000000	0.000895	0.004225	-1.350949	-0.195765	-0.385065	-21968.150391	8475.865234	145934.953125	0.075944	0.021666	-1.389700	0.086789	-0.053697	-1.270877	-0.043416	0.032682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135825.000000	151888.000000	200000.000000	108840.000000
-346.550262	-0.103709	-0.059848	-1.392004	-0.408984	1.729202	-0.725499	152333.000000	0.000000	0.000895	0.004225	-1.430703	-0.160580	-0.385065	-22017.810547	9107.076172	148252.203125	0.081490	0.019829	-1.389700	0.086789	-0.053697	-1.270877	-0.043416	0.032682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135243.000000	151208.000000	200000.000000	109422.000000
-346.555267	-0.096873	-0.057406	-1.376867	-0.444103	1.715367	-0.729756	152333.000000	0.000000	0.000895	0.004225	-1.508285	-0.122954	-0.385065	-21838.080078	9476.078125	150106.000000	0.086935	0.017808	-1.389700	0.086789	-0.053697	-1.270877	-0.043416	0.032682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134695.000000	151018.000000	200000.000000	109970.000000
-346.560272	-0.090770	-0.055697	-1.360266	-0.479223	1.698339	-0.732949	152333.000000	0.000000	0.000895	0.004225	-1.582977	-0.083401	-0.385065	-21434.671875	10031.553711	151496.343750	0.092253	0.015619	-1.389700	0.086789	-0.053697	-1.270877	-0.043416	0.032682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133736.000000	150866.000000	200000.000000	110929.000000
-346.565277	-0.084910	-0.054232	-1.343420	-0.512214	1.679183	-0.737206	152230.000000	0.000000	0.013688	0.006612	-0.951807	0.089018	-0.312956	59404.742188	25351.652344	184752.093750	0.097433	0.013279	-1.417434	0.077987	-0.053875	-1.287064	0.024839	0.008024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	186878.000000	177581.000000	177581.000000
-346.570282	-0.079783	-0.053256	-1.326086	-0.542012	1.655770	-0.740399	152230.000000	0.000000	0.013688	0.006612	-1.531889	0.035549	-0.312956	-75872.296875	54.098934	186142.453125	0.102447	0.010813	-1.417434	0.077987	-0.053875	-1.287064	0.024839	0.008024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152175.000000	152175.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-346.575287	-0.075633	-0.053500	-1.308264	-0.569682	1.628100	-0.742527	152230.000000	0.000000	0.013688	0.006612	-1.596190	0.077613	-0.312956	-18860.369141	10646.762695	187069.343750	0.107263	0.008256	-1.417434	0.077987	-0.053875	-1.287064	0.024839	0.008024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130443.000000	152722.000000	200000.000000	114016.000000
-346.580292	-0.071482	-0.055697	-1.289221	-0.593095	1.594045	-0.743591	152230.000000	0.000000	0.013688	0.006612	-1.656092	0.118063	-0.312956	-17792.660156	10293.380859	187532.796875	0.111854	0.005660	-1.417434	0.077987	-0.053875	-1.287064	0.024839	0.008024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129729.000000	154143.000000	200000.000000	114730.000000
-346.585297	-0.067332	-0.059115	-1.269445	-0.613315	1.555733	-0.743591	152230.000000	0.000000	0.013688	0.006612	-1.711725	0.156948	-0.312956	-16934.802734	10042.175781	187532.796875	0.116205	0.003065	-1.417434	0.077987	-0.053875	-1.287064	0.024839	0.008024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129122.000000	155253.000000	200000.000000	115337.000000
-346.590302	-0.063182	-0.061801	-1.250158	-0.628214	1.511035	-0.741463	152225.000000	0.000000	0.013688	0.006612	-1.762387	0.194822	-0.312956	-15713.654297	9588.773438	186605.890625	0.120291	0.000490	-1.417434	0.077987	-0.053875	-1.287064	0.024839	0.008024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128349.000000	156922.000000	200000.000000	116100.000000
-346.595306	-0.058543	-0.062289	-1.229650	-0.639921	1.459952	-0.737206	152225.000000	0.000000	0.013688	0.006612	-1.808106	0.233247	-0.312956	-14443.254883	9528.837891	184752.093750	0.124093	-0.002082	-1.417434	0.077987	-0.053875	-1.287064	0.024839	0.008024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127139.000000	158252.000000	200000.000000	117310.000000
-346.600311	-0.053660	-0.062289	-1.208898	-0.648435	1.403548	-0.731885	152225.000000	0.000000	0.013688	0.006612	-1.848782	0.271041	-0.312956	-13231.318359	9321.400391	182434.859375	0.127598	-0.004640	-1.417434	0.077987	-0.053875	-1.287064	0.024839	0.008024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126134.000000	159672.000000	200000.000000	118315.000000
-346.605316	-0.048045	-0.061068	-1.188146	-0.653756	1.341823	-0.725499	152225.000000	0.000000	0.000937	0.003556	-2.585810	0.140755	-0.293441	-92320.726562	-10085.942383	188152.828125	0.130799	-0.007186	-1.424940	0.075894	-0.053898	-1.291925	0.038068	-0.000101	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162310.000000	162310.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-346.610321	-0.042674	-0.058627	-1.167395	-0.655884	1.274777	-0.718050	152218.000000	0.000000	0.009594	0.005033	-1.630161	0.381841	-0.234087	99088.765625	31516.480469	210756.296875	0.133677	-0.009723	-1.447768	0.069619	-0.053410	-1.307894	0.078607	-0.027664	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182218.000000	182218.000000	182218.000000
-346.615326	-0.036814	-0.056430	-1.146643	-0.655884	1.201346	-0.710600	152218.000000	0.000000	0.009594	0.005033	-2.000916	0.359562	-0.234087	-47422.953125	2221.279297	207512.156250	0.136217	-0.012237	-1.447768	0.069619	-0.053410	-1.307894	0.078607	-0.027664	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149996.000000	149996.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-346.620331	-0.031443	-0.053012	-1.126135	-0.654820	1.123657	-0.701022	152218.000000	0.000000	0.009594	0.005033	-2.019417	0.396782	-0.234087	-7950.077148	8812.961914	203341.109375	0.138401	-0.014742	-1.447768	0.069619	-0.053410	-1.307894	0.078607	-0.027664	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121355.000000	165454.000000	198981.000000	123080.000000
-346.625336	-0.027049	-0.049350	-1.106359	-0.651627	1.039583	-0.690380	152218.000000	0.000000	0.009594	0.005033	-2.030481	0.433532	-0.234087	-6094.401367	8681.563477	198706.640625	0.140190	-0.017232	-1.447768	0.069619	-0.053410	-1.307894	0.078607	-0.027664	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119630.000000	167442.000000	196993.000000	124805.000000
-346.630341	-0.022166	-0.045688	-1.087072	-0.647370	0.952317	-0.679738	152218.000000	0.000000	0.009594	0.005033	-2.035861	0.469802	-0.234087	-4741.706055	8659.052734	194072.125000	0.141589	-0.019702	-1.447768	0.069619	-0.053410	-1.307894	0.078607	-0.027664	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118300.000000	168817.000000	195618.000000	126135.000000
-346.635345	-0.017771	-0.042025	-1.068762	-0.643113	0.858665	-0.668031	152232.000000	0.000000	0.009594	0.005033	-2.033798	0.505798	-0.234087	-2780.968750	8774.798828	188974.203125	0.142569	-0.022153	-1.447768	0.069619	-0.053410	-1.307894	0.078607	-0.027664	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116238.000000	170676.000000	193787.000000	128225.000000
-346.640350	-0.012645	-0.037875	-1.050451	-0.637792	0.761820	-0.655260	152232.000000	0.000000	0.000471	0.001985	-2.527603	0.374130	-0.214693	-58779.550781	-10407.877930	191858.421875	0.143139	-0.024589	-1.455227	0.067407	-0.052910	-1.313465	0.091387	-0.036528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162639.000000	162639.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-346.645355	-0.007762	-0.033480	-1.031408	-0.631407	0.660719	-0.643554	152232.000000	0.000000	0.007966	0.002145	-1.735992	0.540473	-0.160185	87134.296875	22978.992188	210497.375000	0.143286	-0.027009	-1.476192	0.059601	-0.049543	-1.330753	0.106103	-0.059895	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	189253.000000	175210.000000	175210.000000
-346.650360	-0.003367	-0.029818	-1.013342	-0.623957	0.555361	-0.629719	152232.000000	0.000000	0.007966	0.002145	-2.013596	0.568478	-0.160185	-30760.433594	7745.770508	204472.531250	0.142991	-0.029394	-1.476192	0.059601	-0.049543	-1.330753	0.106103	-0.059895	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144486.000000	144486.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-346.655365	0.000051	-0.026156	-0.996252	-0.616508	0.445745	-0.616948	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.001312	-0.000967	-2.493569	0.431332	-0.142293	-54252.113281	-11082.188477	206702.671875	0.142227	-0.031747	-1.483073	0.056843	-0.048077	-1.336587	0.110400	-0.068035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163312.000000	163312.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-346.660370	0.002004	-0.022494	-0.978918	-0.609058	0.334002	-0.604178	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.001312	-0.000967	-2.083715	0.589379	-0.142293	46242.847656	22075.123047	201141.281250	0.140966	-0.034069	-1.483073	0.056843	-0.048077	-1.336587	0.110400	-0.068035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	190154.000000	174305.000000	174305.000000
-346.665375	0.003225	-0.018588	-0.960852	-0.601609	0.219065	-0.590343	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.001312	-0.000967	-2.036427	0.622793	-0.142293	7462.206055	8487.231445	195116.468750	0.139188	-0.036366	-1.483073	0.056843	-0.048077	-1.336587	0.110400	-0.068035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106280.000000	181204.000000	183255.000000	138179.000000
-346.670380	0.003469	-0.015414	-0.944006	-0.593095	0.099872	-0.576508	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.001312	-0.000967	-1.979730	0.654776	-0.142293	9774.069336	8320.729492	189091.625000	0.136865	-0.038617	-1.483073	0.056843	-0.048077	-1.336587	0.110400	-0.068035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104135.000000	183683.000000	180776.000000	140324.000000
-346.675385	0.002004	-0.014926	-0.928381	-0.584581	-0.022514	-0.561609	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.001312	-0.000967	-1.912603	0.682963	-0.142293	12143.659180	7993.995605	182603.343750	0.133954	-0.040767	-1.483073	0.056843	-0.048077	-1.336587	0.110400	-0.068035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102095.000000	186382.000000	178083.000000	142370.000000
-346.680389	0.000051	-0.014926	-0.913000	-0.575003	-0.147028	-0.544581	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.001312	-0.000967	-1.836161	0.708716	-0.142293	14326.396484	7683.644043	175188.156250	0.130447	-0.042799	-1.483073	0.056843	-0.048077	-1.336587	0.110400	-0.068035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100222.000000	188875.000000	175590.000000	144243.000000
-346.685394	-0.003123	-0.015414	-0.897131	-0.564361	-0.273671	-0.525425	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.001312	-0.000967	-1.749332	0.731758	-0.142293	16689.121094	7325.841309	166846.062500	0.126318	-0.044695	-1.483073	0.056843	-0.048077	-1.336587	0.110400	-0.068035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	191596.000000	172869.000000	146247.000000
-346.690399	-0.005809	-0.014682	-0.881262	-0.554783	-0.402442	-0.504140	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.001312	-0.000967	-1.653859	0.754604	-0.142293	18900.449219	7482.082520	157577.109375	0.121579	-0.046490	-1.483073	0.056843	-0.048077	-1.336587	0.110400	-0.068035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	193651.000000	170814.000000	148615.000000
-346.695404	-0.008738	-0.013217	-0.865881	-0.545205	-0.530149	-0.482856	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.001312	-0.000967	-1.549780	0.776955	-0.142293	20796.029297	7486.372070	148308.109375	0.116240	-0.048202	-1.483073	0.056843	-0.048077	-1.336587	0.110400	-0.068035	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	195542.000000	168923.000000	150515.000000
-346.700409	-0.010447	-0.010287	-0.850744	-0.536691	-0.656792	-0.459443	152234.000000	0.000000	-0.001953	-0.001995	-1.474416	0.743779	-0.125572	18455.208984	1305.185059	145393.984375	0.110345	-0.049871	-1.489505	0.053883	-0.046275	-1.342245	0.108005	-0.073339	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102473.000000	199384.000000	165083.000000	141994.000000
-346.705414	-0.012156	-0.006625	-0.835119	-0.529241	-0.781307	-0.437094	152234.000000	0.000000	0.003333	-0.004221	-1.040273	0.686709	-0.089233	60236.566406	-1500.899292	151486.765625	0.103915	-0.051525	-1.503481	0.041639	-0.036666	-1.358822	0.088650	-0.089216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150733.000000	150733.000000
-346.710419	-0.013377	-0.002230	-0.819982	-0.522856	-0.901564	-0.413681	152234.000000	0.000000	-0.006399	-0.007667	-1.663218	0.611658	-0.078106	-58777.117188	-3735.718750	146136.203125	0.096993	-0.053191	-1.507761	0.037274	-0.033035	-1.364025	0.075516	-0.093885	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155969.000000	155969.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-346.715424	-0.013865	0.002652	-0.804113	-0.517535	-1.017565	-0.392397	152234.000000	0.000000	-0.006399	-0.007667	-1.145760	0.776335	-0.078106	69062.898438	23473.955078	136867.218750	0.089625	-0.054891	-1.507761	0.037274	-0.033035	-1.364025	0.075516	-0.093885	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	188760.000000	175707.000000	175707.000000
-346.720428	-0.014598	0.007047	-0.788244	-0.513278	-1.129308	-0.371112	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.006399	-0.007667	-1.012028	0.803640	-0.078106	27530.978516	8592.147461	127598.234375	0.081835	-0.056624	-1.507761	0.037274	-0.033035	-1.364025	0.075516	-0.093885	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	163294.000000	158356.000000
-346.725433	-0.015086	0.010465	-0.772619	-0.510085	-1.237859	-0.350892	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.006399	-0.007667	-0.873591	0.830652	-0.078106	28833.398438	8786.366211	118792.710938	0.073652	-0.058375	-1.507761	0.037274	-0.033035	-1.364025	0.075516	-0.093885	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162185.000000	159852.000000
-346.730438	-0.016795	0.011930	-0.758703	-0.507957	-1.341089	-0.331736	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.006399	-0.007667	-0.729374	0.855652	-0.078106	30022.187500	8787.552734	110450.625000	0.065079	-0.060104	-1.507761	0.037274	-0.033035	-1.364025	0.075516	-0.093885	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161020.000000	161020.000000
-346.735443	-0.018992	0.012662	-0.744543	-0.506893	-1.440062	-0.313644	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.006399	-0.007667	-0.580045	0.879748	-0.078106	31258.351562	8911.011719	102571.992188	0.056129	-0.061799	-1.507761	0.037274	-0.033035	-1.364025	0.075516	-0.093885	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161144.000000	161144.000000
-346.740448	-0.020945	0.012662	-0.729895	-0.506893	-1.534778	-0.296616	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.006399	-0.007667	-0.426832	0.902752	-0.078106	32357.943359	9013.731445	95156.812500	0.046833	-0.063450	-1.507761	0.037274	-0.033035	-1.364025	0.075516	-0.093885	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161246.000000	161246.000000
-346.745453	-0.023143	0.014127	-0.715490	-0.510085	-1.624173	-0.279589	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.006399	-0.007667	-0.269776	0.928368	-0.078106	33328.972656	9784.637695	87741.632812	0.037218	-0.065116	-1.507761	0.037274	-0.033035	-1.364025	0.075516	-0.093885	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162014.000000	162014.000000
-346.750458	-0.025096	0.016568	-0.701574	-0.514342	-1.709311	-0.263625	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.005230	-0.010411	-0.045383	0.805367	-0.066409	41688.859375	-6985.953125	85883.960938	0.027313	-0.066835	-1.512260	0.026477	-0.023321	-1.373850	0.048401	-0.100779	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	145244.000000	145244.000000
-346.755463	-0.027049	0.019010	-0.687414	-0.521792	-1.789128	-0.248726	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.006673	-0.015735	-0.008574	0.652097	-0.076636	21014.302734	-10633.984375	74941.796875	0.017149	-0.068626	-1.508326	0.004719	-0.002650	-1.386204	-0.010588	-0.109404	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111849.000000	200000.000000	150581.000000	132610.000000
-346.760468	-0.029246	0.019498	-0.675695	-0.528177	-1.863624	-0.234891	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.006673	-0.015735	0.214549	0.892442	-0.076636	42284.578125	33664.320312	68916.960938	0.006748	-0.070428	-1.508326	0.004719	-0.002650	-1.386204	-0.010588	-0.109404	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182230.000000	182230.000000	182230.000000
-346.765472	-0.032420	0.019498	-0.664465	-0.536691	-1.931735	-0.222121	152228.000000	0.000000	-0.006673	-0.015735	0.383283	0.919975	-0.076636	36691.503906	10664.237305	63355.574219	-0.003884	-0.072239	-1.508326	0.004719	-0.002650	-1.386204	-0.010588	-0.109404	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162892.000000	162892.000000
-346.770477	-0.035350	0.019986	-0.653967	-0.544140	-1.994524	-0.210414	152228.000000	0.000000	-0.006673	-0.015735	0.553532	0.948261	-0.076636	37345.019531	10794.360352	58257.632812	-0.014712	-0.074070	-1.508326	0.004719	-0.002650	-1.386204	-0.010588	-0.109404	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	163022.000000	163022.000000
-346.775482	-0.037791	0.021451	-0.642492	-0.552654	-2.049864	-0.199772	152228.000000	0.000000	-0.006673	-0.015735	0.723952	0.978984	-0.076636	37583.226562	11359.888672	53623.140625	-0.025685	-0.075961	-1.508326	0.004719	-0.002650	-1.386204	-0.010588	-0.109404	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	163587.000000	163587.000000
-346.780487	-0.039988	0.023404	-0.631506	-0.560104	-2.096689	-0.190194	152228.000000	0.000000	-0.006673	-0.015735	0.893819	1.011266	-0.076636	37583.046875	11596.983398	49452.105469	-0.036755	-0.077923	-1.508326	0.004719	-0.002650	-1.386204	-0.010588	-0.109404	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	163824.000000	163824.000000
-346.785492	-0.042186	0.024625	-0.621008	-0.566489	-2.136066	-0.182744	152235.000000	0.000000	-0.006673	-0.015735	1.063133	1.043125	-0.076636	37667.664062	11610.354492	46207.960938	-0.047882	-0.079929	-1.508326	0.004719	-0.002650	-1.386204	-0.010588	-0.109404	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	163845.000000	163845.000000
-346.790497	-0.043406	0.026090	-0.610266	-0.572874	-2.166928	-0.178487	152235.000000	0.000000	-0.008846	-0.010843	1.109979	1.345242	-0.069320	23619.939453	42751.710938	47540.101562	-0.058999	-0.081989	-1.511140	-0.000279	0.001871	-1.389971	-0.034080	-0.107793	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	175854.000000	188615.000000	175854.000000
-346.795502	-0.043895	0.027311	-0.600500	-0.577131	-2.190341	-0.175295	152235.000000	0.000000	-0.005784	-0.014672	1.528193	0.971928	-0.071814	65664.781250	-33454.273438	45063.882812	-0.070048	-0.084086	-1.510181	-0.020796	0.021153	-1.398107	-0.104443	-0.123503	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122235.000000	200000.000000	122235.000000	122235.000000
-346.800507	-0.043406	0.029020	-0.590734	-0.581388	-2.206305	-0.176359	152235.000000	0.000000	-0.005784	-0.014672	1.564051	1.159453	-0.071814	23041.720703	29095.433594	45527.332031	-0.080962	-0.086237	-1.510181	-0.020796	0.021153	-1.398107	-0.104443	-0.123503	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	176181.000000	188288.000000	174372.000000
-346.805511	-0.043162	0.031217	-0.581701	-0.582453	-2.213754	-0.179552	152235.000000	0.000000	-0.016384	-0.018512	1.135754	0.983562	-0.075617	-30866.871094	-12019.618164	45261.410156	-0.091709	-0.088441	-1.508718	-0.028171	0.028103	-1.399953	-0.128264	-0.126867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164254.000000	164254.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-346.810516	-0.042674	0.032926	-0.572668	-0.582453	-2.214818	-0.187001	152225.000000	0.000000	-0.016384	-0.018512	1.709764	1.171884	-0.075617	81285.851562	28777.087891	48505.554688	-0.102255	-0.090677	-1.508718	-0.028171	0.028103	-1.399953	-0.128264	-0.126867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	183447.000000	181002.000000	181002.000000
-346.815521	-0.043406	0.035123	-0.564123	-0.579260	-2.209497	-0.197643	152225.000000	0.000000	-0.016384	-0.018512	1.857813	1.207159	-0.075617	34403.445312	11745.111328	53140.042969	-0.112617	-0.092945	-1.508718	-0.028171	0.028103	-1.399953	-0.128264	-0.126867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	163970.000000	163970.000000
-346.820526	-0.045604	0.036344	-0.555578	-0.573939	-2.198855	-0.211478	152225.000000	0.000000	-0.016384	-0.018512	2.004920	1.240373	-0.075617	34342.441406	11412.839844	59164.875000	-0.122828	-0.095198	-1.508718	-0.028171	0.028103	-1.399953	-0.128264	-0.126867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	163637.000000	163637.000000
-346.825531	-0.048289	0.037076	-0.548254	-0.566489	-2.182892	-0.228506	152225.000000	0.000000	-0.016384	-0.018512	2.149522	1.271590	-0.075617	34073.753906	11068.531250	66580.062500	-0.132883	-0.097404	-1.508718	-0.028171	0.028103	-1.399953	-0.128264	-0.126867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	163293.000000	163293.000000
-346.830536	-0.051463	0.037809	-0.541662	-0.555847	-2.162672	-0.246598	152240.000000	0.000000	-0.016384	-0.018512	2.291838	1.301098	-0.075617	33918.582031	10616.822266	74458.695312	-0.142782	-0.099545	-1.508718	-0.028171	0.028103	-1.399953	-0.128264	-0.126867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162856.000000	162856.000000
-346.835541	-0.054881	0.039029	-0.536535	-0.540948	-2.137130	-0.265754	152240.000000	0.000000	-0.016384	-0.018512	2.431039	1.329247	-0.075617	33511.160156	10059.823242	82800.773438	-0.152513	-0.101613	-1.508718	-0.028171	0.028103	-1.399953	-0.128264	-0.126867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162299.000000	162299.000000
-346.840546	-0.057322	0.040738	-0.530676	-0.522856	-2.106267	-0.284910	152240.000000	0.000000	-0.012278	-0.017652	2.790548	1.403880	-0.084033	58662.011719	15079.938477	87477.757812	-0.162022	-0.103615	-1.505481	-0.043004	0.042021	-1.402228	-0.175556	-0.133397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	197160.000000	167319.000000	167319.000000
-346.845551	-0.060740	0.044156	-0.525549	-0.502636	-2.071148	-0.305130	152240.000000	0.000000	-0.009345	-0.014788	2.919073	1.556089	-0.080104	33225.542969	23983.169922	97994.218750	-0.171328	-0.105601	-1.506992	-0.055759	0.053914	-1.402620	-0.217703	-0.138486	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	188256.000000	176223.000000	176223.000000
-346.850555	-0.065135	0.048062	-0.521154	-0.480287	-2.031772	-0.325351	152240.000000	0.000000	-0.009345	-0.014788	2.931306	1.470769	-0.080104	19845.535156	-2864.027100	106799.765625	-0.180450	-0.107575	-1.506992	-0.055759	0.053914	-1.402620	-0.217703	-0.138486	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105258.000000	200000.000000	159530.000000	139221.000000
-346.855560	-0.070750	0.052945	-0.518225	-0.455810	-1.989203	-0.345571	152224.000000	0.000000	-0.009345	-0.014788	3.059591	1.500909	-0.080104	32651.345703	9623.674805	115605.289062	-0.189415	-0.109559	-1.506992	-0.055759	0.053914	-1.402620	-0.217703	-0.138486	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161847.000000	161847.000000
-346.860565	-0.077830	0.058805	-0.515295	-0.430268	-1.941313	-0.366855	152224.000000	0.000000	-0.009345	-0.014788	3.187470	1.532750	-0.080104	32387.683594	9722.578125	124874.273438	-0.198262	-0.111581	-1.506992	-0.055759	0.053914	-1.402620	-0.217703	-0.138486	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161946.000000	161946.000000
-346.865570	-0.084422	0.065152	-0.513342	-0.404727	-1.890230	-0.389204	152224.000000	0.000000	-0.009345	-0.014788	3.311551	1.565742	-0.080104	31954.716797	9883.451172	134606.703125	-0.206951	-0.113652	-1.506992	-0.055759	0.053914	-1.402620	-0.217703	-0.138486	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162107.000000	162107.000000
-346.870575	-0.090525	0.071744	-0.513342	-0.378121	-1.834890	-0.412617	152224.000000	0.000000	-0.009345	-0.014788	3.430633	1.598878	-0.080104	31230.259766	9812.225586	144802.562500	-0.215436	-0.115760	-1.506992	-0.055759	0.053914	-1.402620	-0.217703	-0.138486	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162036.000000	162036.000000
-346.875580	-0.096629	0.078336	-0.514562	-0.350451	-1.776358	-0.436030	152226.000000	0.000000	-0.009345	-0.014788	3.545467	1.631621	-0.080104	30671.070312	9675.273438	154998.453125	-0.223695	-0.117889	-1.506992	-0.055759	0.053914	-1.402620	-0.217703	-0.138486	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161901.000000	161901.000000
-346.880585	-0.102000	0.083707	-0.517248	-0.321717	-1.710376	-0.460507	152226.000000	0.000000	-0.009345	-0.014788	3.653078	1.661032	-0.080104	29249.263672	9195.101562	165657.765625	-0.231658	-0.119971	-1.506992	-0.055759	0.053914	-1.402620	-0.217703	-0.138486	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162171.000000	160670.000000
-346.885590	-0.106883	0.087125	-0.520910	-0.290855	-1.640137	-0.487113	152226.000000	0.000000	-0.013491	-0.015660	3.526174	1.636600	-0.076831	2087.979004	2786.344482	178669.734375	-0.239286	-0.121913	-1.508251	-0.062003	0.059758	-1.402115	-0.237360	-0.141176	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117351.000000	181527.000000	182924.000000	127100.000000
-346.890594	-0.112010	0.091275	-0.525549	-0.257864	-1.564577	-0.514783	152226.000000	0.000000	-0.002632	-0.011874	4.383918	1.901318	-0.056541	113368.914062	35412.066406	199554.968750	-0.246559	-0.123721	-1.516055	-0.078547	0.075471	-1.397716	-0.289234	-0.141570	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182226.000000	182226.000000	182226.000000
-346.895599	-0.117137	0.095182	-0.530432	-0.222744	-1.483696	-0.544581	152226.000000	0.000000	-0.007827	-0.011086	3.752448	1.811557	-0.043241	-54240.980469	-4373.617188	218323.578125	-0.253456	-0.125367	-1.521170	-0.082801	0.079692	-1.395384	-0.303782	-0.141013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156599.000000	156599.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-346.900604	-0.122264	0.099088	-0.536291	-0.184432	-1.398558	-0.576508	152222.000000	0.000000	-0.007827	-0.011086	4.041656	1.794335	-0.043241	47463.636719	2996.008057	232227.031250	-0.259953	-0.126824	-1.521170	-0.082801	0.079692	-1.395384	-0.303782	-0.141013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155218.000000	155218.000000
-346.905609	-0.126170	0.102750	-0.542150	-0.145056	-1.308098	-0.609499	152222.000000	0.000000	-0.007827	-0.011086	4.113731	1.804954	-0.043241	22918.998047	5808.027344	246593.953125	-0.265988	-0.128076	-1.521170	-0.082801	0.079692	-1.395384	-0.303782	-0.141013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199332.000000	165111.000000	150949.000000
-346.910614	-0.131297	0.105436	-0.548254	-0.103551	-1.214447	-0.643554	152222.000000	0.000000	-0.007827	-0.011086	4.180690	1.809778	-0.043241	21881.953125	4767.241699	261424.328125	-0.271594	-0.129075	-1.521170	-0.082801	0.079692	-1.395384	-0.303782	-0.141013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199336.000000	165107.000000	148871.000000
-346.915619	-0.136912	0.107877	-0.554846	-0.059918	-1.116538	-0.677609	152222.000000	0.000000	-0.007827	-0.011086	4.241113	1.809569	-0.043241	20523.388672	3778.845947	276254.687500	-0.276770	-0.129798	-1.521170	-0.082801	0.079692	-1.395384	-0.303782	-0.141013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	198966.000000	165477.000000	146524.000000
-346.920624	-0.141795	0.111539	-0.562170	-0.014156	-1.015436	-0.710600	152294.000000	0.000000	-0.007827	-0.011086	4.292677	1.806881	-0.043241	18970.449219	3049.436523	290621.625000	-0.281472	-0.130274	-1.521170	-0.082801	0.079692	-1.395384	-0.303782	-0.141013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100274.000000	198215.000000	166372.000000	144313.000000
-346.925629	-0.145701	0.115201	-0.569006	0.031606	-0.912206	-0.743591	152294.000000	0.000000	-0.007827	-0.011086	4.335347	1.800818	-0.043241	17478.439453	2438.807617	304988.531250	-0.285667	-0.130510	-1.521170	-0.082801	0.079692	-1.395384	-0.303782	-0.141013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102376.000000	197333.000000	167254.000000	142211.000000
-346.930634	-0.149363	0.118375	-0.577307	0.079496	-0.807912	-0.775518	152294.000000	0.000000	-0.007827	-0.011086	4.369527	1.789377	-0.043241	16106.782227	1341.648193	318892.000000	-0.289339	-0.130474	-1.521170	-0.082801	0.079692	-1.395384	-0.303782	-0.141013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104845.000000	197059.000000	167528.000000	139742.000000
-346.935638	-0.152781	0.122037	-0.585363	0.127386	-0.703618	-0.805316	152294.000000	0.000000	-0.007827	-0.011086	4.395850	1.775200	-0.043241	14882.402344	753.966919	331868.562500	-0.292488	-0.130190	-1.521170	-0.082801	0.079692	-1.395384	-0.303782	-0.141013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106657.000000	196422.000000	168165.000000	137930.000000
-346.940643	-0.155223	0.124967	-0.593420	0.175276	-0.598260	-0.832986	152220.000000	0.000000	0.002771	-0.007922	4.995565	1.930388	0.006036	80089.164062	19871.527344	365377.562500	-0.295088	-0.129642	-1.540123	-0.093723	0.091224	-1.386117	-0.334978	-0.131879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	192348.000000	172091.000000	172091.000000
-346.945648	-0.157176	0.127408	-0.601965	0.224230	-0.492902	-0.859592	152220.000000	0.000000	0.001498	-0.007081	4.510111	1.826577	0.050301	-41949.519531	-9426.716797	396239.906250	-0.297129	-0.128815	-1.557148	-0.098828	0.097554	-1.378310	-0.344942	-0.119867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161646.000000	161646.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-346.950653	-0.159617	0.129361	-0.612463	0.274249	-0.388607	-0.885133	152220.000000	0.000000	0.001498	-0.007081	4.561729	1.763824	0.050301	16979.478516	-5547.853027	407362.687500	-0.298626	-0.127684	-1.557148	-0.098828	0.097554	-1.378310	-0.344942	-0.119867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110788.000000	200000.000000	159692.000000	133651.000000
-346.955658	-0.162059	0.129605	-0.623937	0.324268	-0.285378	-0.909610	152220.000000	0.000000	0.001498	-0.007081	4.554828	1.727578	0.050301	10155.343750	-3030.062500	418022.000000	-0.299589	-0.126202	-1.557148	-0.098828	0.097554	-1.378310	-0.344942	-0.119867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115094.000000	195405.000000	169034.000000	129345.000000
-346.960663	-0.164988	0.128629	-0.636145	0.374286	-0.181083	-0.931959	152220.000000	0.000000	0.001498	-0.007081	4.540633	1.684652	0.050301	8688.693359	-4194.180664	427754.406250	-0.300032	-0.124344	-1.557148	-0.098828	0.097554	-1.378310	-0.344942	-0.119867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117725.000000	195102.000000	169337.000000	126714.000000
-346.965668	-0.168406	0.126676	-0.648840	0.425369	-0.078918	-0.954308	152220.000000	0.000000	0.001498	-0.007081	4.520301	1.634829	0.050301	7684.375000	-5533.910645	437486.843750	-0.299984	-0.122087	-1.557148	-0.098828	0.097554	-1.378310	-0.344942	-0.119867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120069.000000	195438.000000	169001.000000	124370.000000
-346.970673	-0.172068	0.124234	-0.663244	0.475388	0.023248	-0.974528	152220.000000	0.000000	0.001498	-0.007081	4.492662	1.579092	0.050301	6283.740234	-6553.746582	446292.375000	-0.299446	-0.119432	-1.557148	-0.098828	0.097554	-1.378310	-0.344942	-0.119867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122490.000000	195057.000000	169382.000000	121949.000000
-346.975677	-0.175486	0.121305	-0.677893	0.524342	0.123285	-0.993684	152220.000000	0.000000	0.001498	-0.007081	4.458161	1.517939	0.050301	5144.105469	-7538.869141	454634.468750	-0.298428	-0.116389	-1.557148	-0.098828	0.097554	-1.378310	-0.344942	-0.119867	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124614.000000	194902.000000	169537.000000	119825.000000
-346.980682	-0.178660	0.117887	-0.692541	0.571168	0.225451	-1.010712	152220.000000	0.000000	0.004913	-0.005030	4.603617	1.564657	0.106557	24899.621094	4558.197754	486548.062500	-0.296918	-0.112975	-1.578785	-0.101630	0.102468	-1.369274	-0.339693	-0.099208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161878.000000	151677.000000
-346.985687	-0.181346	0.112516	-0.708410	0.615866	0.325488	-1.025611	152226.000000	0.000000	0.005633	-0.005259	4.456854	1.397204	0.165462	-8132.834473	-19733.070312	518688.625000	-0.294913	-0.109167	-1.601441	-0.103930	0.107484	-1.359255	-0.332400	-0.077840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150091.000000	193826.000000	170625.000000	100000.000000
-346.990692	-0.184275	0.106900	-0.725256	0.657370	0.426589	-1.038382	152226.000000	0.000000	0.005633	-0.005259	4.370897	1.329116	0.165462	-2424.468018	-8960.373047	524250.031250	-0.292416	-0.104993	-1.601441	-0.103930	0.107484	-1.359255	-0.332400	-0.077840	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133610.000000	188761.000000	175690.000000	110841.000000
-346.995697	-0.185252	0.101285	-0.743566	0.696747	0.527691	-1.050088	152226.000000	0.000000	-0.002804	-0.009986	3.839627	0.988144	0.188031	-54298.082031	-40481.089844	539176.000000	-0.289375	-0.100483	-1.610121	-0.106392	0.111181	-1.354089	-0.326726	-0.068889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182226.000000	182226.000000	182226.000000	100000.000000
-347.000702	-0.185984	0.096158	-0.762365	0.731866	0.628792	-1.059666	152226.000000	0.000000	-0.002804	-0.009986	4.101521	1.094117	0.188031	33654.562500	9457.125977	543347.062500	-0.285792	-0.095694	-1.610121	-0.106392	0.111181	-1.354089	-0.326726	-0.068889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161683.000000	161683.000000
-347.005707	-0.185984	0.089811	-0.781408	0.765921	0.730958	-1.067116	152225.000000	0.000000	-0.002804	-0.009986	4.017236	1.006739	0.188031	-5384.379883	-12244.634766	546591.187500	-0.281653	-0.090622	-1.610121	-0.106392	0.111181	-1.354089	-0.326726	-0.068889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139854.000000	189085.000000	175364.000000	104595.000000
-347.010712	-0.185984	0.081266	-0.800939	0.796784	0.833124	-1.072437	152225.000000	0.000000	-0.002804	-0.009986	3.925198	0.914288	0.188031	-7130.399414	-13018.545898	548908.437500	-0.276969	-0.085252	-1.610121	-0.106392	0.111181	-1.354089	-0.326726	-0.068889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142373.000000	188113.000000	176336.000000	102076.000000
-347.015717	-0.186473	0.070279	-0.821203	0.824454	0.935289	-1.076694	152225.000000	0.000000	-0.002804	-0.009986	3.826111	0.816292	0.188031	-8831.100586	-13855.260742	550762.250000	-0.271761	-0.079565	-1.610121	-0.106392	0.111181	-1.354089	-0.326726	-0.068889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144911.000000	187249.000000	177200.000000	100000.000000
-347.020721	-0.187449	0.057340	-0.841955	0.852124	1.038519	-1.079886	152225.000000	0.000000	-0.002804	-0.009986	3.719969	0.712463	0.188031	-10687.035156	-15101.465820	552152.562500	-0.266043	-0.073541	-1.610121	-0.106392	0.111181	-1.354089	-0.326726	-0.068889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148013.000000	186639.000000	177810.000000	100000.000000
-347.025726	-0.188426	0.044889	-0.862463	0.877665	1.141749	-1.083079	152225.000000	0.000000	-0.002804	-0.009986	3.606794	0.606270	0.188031	-12455.827148	-15733.416992	553542.875000	-0.259827	-0.067229	-1.610121	-0.106392	0.111181	-1.354089	-0.326726	-0.068889	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150414.000000	185502.000000	178947.000000	100000.000000
-347.030731	-0.188914	0.033170	-0.883459	0.901078	1.246043	-1.085208	152225.000000	0.000000	0.010497	-0.005327	4.217020	0.754773	0.279962	69296.687500	13081.367188	594503.937500	-0.253104	-0.060681	-1.645479	-0.109361	0.119694	-1.337437	-0.287962	-0.029462	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199143.000000	165306.000000	165306.000000
-347.035736	-0.189158	0.021695	-0.904455	0.924491	1.350337	-1.086272	152225.000000	0.000000	0.001346	-0.008531	3.053603	0.282766	0.310368	-131585.281250	-57437.195312	608208.500000	-0.245881	-0.053928	-1.657174	-0.110420	0.122848	-1.331795	-0.271695	-0.016852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182225.000000	182225.000000	182225.000000	100000.000000
-347.040741	-0.188914	0.009977	-0.925695	0.945775	1.455696	-1.088400	152225.000000	0.000000	0.001346	-0.008531	3.283429	0.299542	0.310368	22096.357422	-3468.514893	609135.375000	-0.238153	-0.046992	-1.657174	-0.110420	0.122848	-1.331795	-0.271695	-0.016852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103597.000000	200000.000000	156660.000000	140852.000000
-347.045746	-0.188426	-0.002230	-0.947668	0.965996	1.559990	-1.089465	152225.000000	0.000000	0.001346	-0.008531	3.140241	0.186351	0.310368	-19948.462891	-18258.732422	609598.875000	-0.229929	-0.039890	-1.657174	-0.110420	0.122848	-1.331795	-0.271695	-0.016852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160432.000000	180535.000000	183914.000000	100000.000000
-347.050751	-0.187205	-0.013705	-0.972082	0.986216	1.661091	-1.089465	152229.000000	0.000000	0.001346	-0.008531	2.989850	0.072635	0.310368	-21546.410156	-18932.501953	609598.875000	-0.221214	-0.032657	-1.657174	-0.110420	0.122848	-1.331795	-0.271695	-0.016852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162707.000000	179615.000000	184842.000000	100000.000000
-347.055756	-0.185740	-0.024691	-0.996984	1.006436	1.759000	-1.088400	152229.000000	0.000000	0.001346	-0.008531	2.833353	-0.041473	0.310368	-23031.359375	-19590.578125	609135.375000	-0.212028	-0.025321	-1.657174	-0.110420	0.122848	-1.331795	-0.271695	-0.016852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164850.000000	178788.000000	185669.000000	100000.000000
-347.060760	-0.183299	-0.036410	-1.022863	1.026657	1.850523	-1.085208	152229.000000	0.000000	0.001346	-0.008531	2.671124	-0.156884	0.310368	-24126.865234	-20357.789062	607745.062500	-0.202398	-0.017887	-1.657174	-0.110420	0.122848	-1.331795	-0.271695	-0.016852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166713.000000	178459.000000	185998.000000	100000.000000
-347.065765	-0.180613	-0.048129	-1.049719	1.044748	1.935661	-1.079886	152229.000000	0.000000	0.001346	-0.008531	2.504350	-0.272204	0.310368	-25083.265625	-20727.380859	605427.812500	-0.192362	-0.010384	-1.657174	-0.110420	0.122848	-1.331795	-0.271695	-0.016852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168039.000000	177873.000000	186584.000000	100000.000000
-347.070770	-0.177928	-0.060092	-1.076818	1.062840	2.011221	-1.070308	152229.000000	0.000000	0.001739	-0.008659	2.356447	-0.394915	0.341426	-22983.121094	-22187.767578	614782.187500	-0.181981	-0.002825	-1.669119	-0.111344	0.126028	-1.326205	-0.251882	-0.004686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167399.000000	181433.000000	183024.000000	100000.000000
-347.075775	-0.175486	-0.071078	-1.103430	1.077739	2.078268	-1.059666	152234.000000	0.000000	0.007710	-0.009344	2.497735	-0.541494	0.419021	10092.948242	-25203.943359	643938.625000	-0.171317	0.004747	-1.698964	-0.116986	0.138272	-1.309766	-0.183537	0.029963	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137344.000000	200000.000000	146937.000000	107123.000000
-347.080780	-0.174021	-0.081820	-1.130529	1.090510	2.135736	-1.044767	152234.000000	0.000000	0.007710	-0.009344	2.087561	-0.626845	0.419021	-51641.742188	-18688.986328	637450.375000	-0.160444	0.012303	-1.698964	-0.116986	0.138272	-1.309766	-0.183537	0.029963	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170922.000000	170922.000000	193545.000000	100000.000000
-347.085785	-0.172801	-0.092807	-1.158605	1.101152	2.183626	-1.028804	152234.000000	0.000000	-0.001894	-0.012585	1.388201	-0.916824	0.443302	-85823.570312	-42337.746094	641072.625000	-0.149421	0.019831	-1.708302	-0.119081	0.142676	-1.304522	-0.160139	0.043536	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182234.000000	182234.000000	182234.000000	100000.000000
-347.090790	-0.171824	-0.102572	-1.184729	1.106474	2.220874	-1.009648	152234.000000	0.000000	-0.001894	-0.012585	1.602534	-0.895830	0.443302	16627.195312	-7487.249512	632730.625000	-0.138320	0.027280	-1.708302	-0.119081	0.142676	-1.304522	-0.160139	0.043536	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113094.000000	200000.000000	158119.000000	131373.000000
-347.095795	-0.172312	-0.109652	-1.211096	1.108602	2.249608	-0.989427	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.001894	-0.012585	1.435701	-0.999901	0.443302	-25247.705078	-21376.380859	623925.062500	-0.127213	0.034590	-1.708302	-0.119081	0.142676	-1.304522	-0.160139	0.043536	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168857.000000	178361.000000	186104.000000	100000.000000
-347.100800	-0.173289	-0.114535	-1.237463	1.105409	2.269828	-0.968143	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.001894	-0.012585	1.271852	-1.098689	0.443302	-24834.244141	-20652.318359	614656.125000	-0.116158	0.041701	-1.708302	-0.119081	0.142676	-1.304522	-0.160139	0.043536	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167719.000000	178051.000000	186414.000000	100000.000000
-347.105804	-0.173777	-0.118930	-1.264074	1.096895	2.281535	-0.946858	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.001894	-0.012585	1.110771	-1.193049	0.443302	-24384.560547	-19973.007812	605387.125000	-0.105188	0.048589	-1.708302	-0.119081	0.142676	-1.304522	-0.160139	0.043536	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166590.000000	177821.000000	186644.000000	100000.000000
-347.110809	-0.174266	-0.124789	-1.291174	1.085189	2.284727	-0.923445	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.001894	-0.012585	0.953430	-1.284775	0.443302	-23775.638672	-19700.529297	595191.250000	-0.094349	0.055267	-1.708302	-0.119081	0.142676	-1.304522	-0.160139	0.043536	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165709.000000	178157.000000	186308.000000	100000.000000
-347.115814	-0.174998	-0.131137	-1.319738	1.070290	2.279406	-0.900032	152226.000000	0.000000	-0.001894	-0.012585	0.800513	-1.373166	0.443302	-23031.892578	-19320.759766	584995.375000	-0.083685	0.061730	-1.708302	-0.119081	0.142676	-1.304522	-0.160139	0.043536	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164578.000000	178514.000000	185937.000000	100000.000000
-347.120819	-0.174754	-0.138217	-1.348547	1.053262	2.263443	-0.875555	152226.000000	0.000000	-0.001894	-0.012585	0.652371	-1.458730	0.443302	-21944.773438	-19091.058594	574336.000000	-0.073237	0.067986	-1.708302	-0.119081	0.142676	-1.304522	-0.160139	0.043536	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163261.000000	179372.000000	185079.000000	100000.000000
-347.125824	-0.173045	-0.144320	-1.376379	1.034106	2.236837	-0.847885	152226.000000	0.000000	-0.005139	-0.015232	0.330946	-1.685752	0.462483	-41184.328125	-35367.468750	570639.125000	-0.063038	0.074019	-1.715680	-0.122242	0.147936	-1.299552	-0.133663	0.053766	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182226.000000	182226.000000	182226.000000	100000.000000
-347.130829	-0.170604	-0.149936	-1.402502	1.013886	2.196397	-0.818087	152226.000000	0.000000	0.003154	-0.014074	0.780815	-1.594355	0.517181	47400.851562	275.089630	581482.312500	-0.053151	0.079825	-1.736717	-0.132208	0.164498	-1.286572	-0.055291	0.084978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	152501.000000	152501.000000
-347.135834	-0.168406	-0.154574	-1.429113	0.989409	2.143185	-0.788289	152226.000000	0.000000	0.003154	-0.014074	0.321617	-1.713868	0.517181	-53019.910156	-22884.832031	568505.750000	-0.043640	0.085379	-1.736717	-0.132208	0.164498	-1.286572	-0.055291	0.084978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175110.000000	175110.000000	189341.000000	100000.000000
-347.140839	-0.165721	-0.157992	-1.453771	0.962803	2.076139	-0.758490	152237.000000	0.000000	0.003154	-0.014074	0.203033	-1.782503	0.517181	-14283.191406	-17249.824219	555529.125000	-0.034567	0.090666	-1.736717	-0.132208	0.164498	-1.286572	-0.055291	0.084978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153770.000000	185203.000000	179270.000000	100000.000000
-347.145844	-0.161814	-0.159945	-1.476965	0.931940	1.996322	-0.729756	152237.000000	0.000000	0.003154	-0.014074	0.093482	-1.845586	0.517181	-12023.161133	-16320.206055	543016.000000	-0.025978	0.095658	-1.736717	-0.132208	0.164498	-1.286572	-0.055291	0.084978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150580.000000	186534.000000	177939.000000	100000.000000
-347.150848	-0.157420	-0.161410	-1.497229	0.896821	1.903735	-0.701022	152237.000000	0.000000	0.003154	-0.014074	-0.005867	-1.903566	0.517181	-9527.607422	-15395.410156	530502.937500	-0.017924	0.100343	-1.736717	-0.132208	0.164498	-1.286572	-0.055291	0.084978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147160.000000	188104.000000	176369.000000	100000.000000
-347.155853	-0.151805	-0.161898	-1.515783	0.857445	1.799440	-0.674416	152237.000000	0.000000	0.003154	-0.014074	-0.095128	-1.955800	0.517181	-7061.702637	-14354.960938	518916.687500	-0.010445	0.104699	-1.736717	-0.132208	0.164498	-1.286572	-0.055291	0.084978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143653.000000	189530.000000	174943.000000	100820.000000
-347.160858	-0.145457	-0.161166	-1.532629	0.811683	1.686633	-0.648875	152233.000000	0.000000	0.003154	-0.014074	-0.174405	-2.001249	0.517181	-4873.875488	-12905.137695	507793.906250	-0.003563	0.108694	-1.736717	-0.132208	0.164498	-1.286572	-0.055291	0.084978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140012.000000	190264.000000	174201.000000	104453.000000
-347.165863	-0.138865	-0.159213	-1.547521	0.761664	1.565311	-0.624398	152233.000000	0.000000	0.001543	-0.017595	-0.331499	-2.233604	0.549525	-12658.657227	-33827.167969	511219.843750	0.002688	0.112304	-1.749157	-0.153163	0.192161	-1.276015	0.023647	0.115009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164891.000000	199574.000000	164891.000000	100000.000000
-347.170868	-0.131297	-0.157260	-1.560949	0.705260	1.435475	-0.602049	152233.000000	0.000000	0.001543	-0.017595	-0.325046	-2.124781	0.549525	6887.340820	5149.448730	501487.406250	0.008287	0.115510	-1.749157	-0.153163	0.192161	-1.276015	0.023647	0.115009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110196.000000	183970.000000	180495.000000	134269.000000
-347.175873	-0.123240	-0.155795	-1.570959	0.643535	1.298190	-0.580765	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.010433	-0.020559	-1.030469	-2.313382	0.560701	-73182.023438	-27552.585938	497085.468750	0.013213	0.118308	-1.753456	-0.157909	0.198937	-1.275010	0.034625	0.125992	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179785.000000	179785.000000	184680.000000	100000.000000
-347.180878	-0.115184	-0.154574	-1.577795	0.577553	1.151327	-0.559480	152233.000000	0.000000	-0.010433	-0.020559	-0.586341	-2.214182	0.560701	56989.773438	5320.790039	487816.500000	0.017426	0.120694	-1.753456	-0.157909	0.198937	-1.275010	0.034625	0.125992	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	157553.000000	157553.000000
-347.185883	-0.107127	-0.154330	-1.582189	0.507315	0.999143	-0.540324	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.010433	-0.020559	-0.609597	-2.227530	0.560701	6776.217285	-6324.783203	479474.437500	0.020913	0.122672	-1.753456	-0.157909	0.198937	-1.275010	0.034625	0.125992	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121778.000000	195331.000000	169128.000000	122681.000000
-347.190887	-0.099314	-0.154574	-1.585119	0.433883	0.838445	-0.521168	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.010433	-0.020559	-0.620174	-2.234852	0.560701	9797.021484	-5006.979004	471132.312500	0.023640	0.124243	-1.753456	-0.157909	0.198937	-1.275010	0.034625	0.125992	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117439.000000	197034.000000	167425.000000	127020.000000
-347.195892	-0.091746	-0.156039	-1.584631	0.358323	0.671361	-0.502012	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.010433	-0.020559	-0.618136	-2.237088	0.560701	12664.295898	-3876.585938	462790.250000	0.025587	0.125426	-1.753456	-0.157909	0.198937	-1.275010	0.034625	0.125992	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113442.000000	198770.000000	165689.000000	131017.000000
-347.200897	-0.085154	-0.158725	-1.581701	0.281699	0.500021	-0.481792	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.010433	-0.020559	-0.603268	-2.234733	0.560701	15399.603516	-2891.257324	453984.718750	0.026732	0.126244	-1.753456	-0.157909	0.198937	-1.275010	0.034625	0.125992	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109721.000000	200000.000000	163939.000000	134738.000000
-347.205902	-0.079051	-0.162387	-1.577062	0.204010	0.324424	-0.462636	152232.000000	0.000000	-0.010433	-0.020559	-0.575741	-2.227878	0.560701	18193.984375	-1890.656006	445642.656250	0.027064	0.126714	-1.753456	-0.157909	0.198937	-1.275010	0.034625	0.125992	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105928.000000	200000.000000	162147.000000	138535.000000
-347.210907	-0.073191	-0.166049	-1.568273	0.128450	0.147762	-0.443480	152232.000000	0.000000	-0.008995	-0.021372	-0.457231	-2.261881	0.572295	29672.927734	-6426.080078	442349.562500	0.026589	0.126861	-1.757915	-0.169297	0.213604	-1.274958	0.050224	0.126726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	146132.000000	145478.000000
-347.215912	-0.068064	-0.169467	-1.555578	0.051826	-0.028899	-0.425388	152232.000000	0.000000	-0.012793	-0.022916	-0.672332	-2.299033	0.581126	-7186.471680	-6473.735352	438316.750000	0.025311	0.126690	-1.761312	-0.174743	0.221053	-1.275761	0.050554	0.128208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135892.000000	181519.000000	182944.000000	108571.000000
-347.220917	-0.064891	-0.172641	-1.541662	-0.022670	-0.204496	-0.408360	152232.000000	0.000000	-0.012793	-0.022916	-0.456982	-2.218256	0.581126	41825.492188	6973.422852	430901.562500	0.023227	0.126220	-1.761312	-0.174743	0.221053	-1.275761	0.050554	0.128208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	159205.000000	159205.000000
-347.225922	-0.063182	-0.176059	-1.524816	-0.095037	-0.375837	-0.392397	152210.000000	0.000000	-0.012793	-0.022916	-0.382340	-2.196202	0.581126	27017.375000	716.959167	423949.843750	0.020354	0.125477	-1.761312	-0.174743	0.221053	-1.275761	0.050554	0.128208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155909.000000	149944.000000
-347.230927	-0.064402	-0.181186	-1.505285	-0.166340	-0.542920	-0.377498	152210.000000	0.000000	-0.012793	-0.022916	-0.295692	-2.172270	0.581126	29036.488281	1244.295166	417461.531250	0.016689	0.124502	-1.761312	-0.174743	0.221053	-1.275761	0.050554	0.128208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154417.000000	152490.000000
-347.235931	-0.067576	-0.185824	-1.483557	-0.236579	-0.704682	-0.364727	152210.000000	0.000000	-0.012793	-0.022916	-0.197957	-2.145462	0.581126	30864.253906	1890.121582	411900.156250	0.012247	0.123305	-1.761312	-0.174743	0.221053	-1.275761	0.050554	0.128208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154100.000000	154100.000000
-347.240936	-0.071971	-0.189730	-1.459387	-0.304690	-0.860059	-0.354085	152210.000000	0.000000	-0.012793	-0.022916	-0.090076	-2.116090	0.581126	32488.689453	2386.346436	407265.687500	0.007054	0.121900	-1.761312	-0.174743	0.221053	-1.275761	0.050554	0.128208	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154596.000000	154596.000000
-347.245941	-0.077342	-0.192660	-1.433264	-0.371736	-1.006922	-0.344507	152210.000000	0.000000	-0.009337	-0.021516	0.216933	-2.006837	0.596673	55535.730469	11863.657227	409864.687500	0.001150	0.120293	-1.767291	-0.179015	0.227998	-1.277023	0.044949	0.126358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	164073.000000	164073.000000
-347.250946	-0.082469	-0.194369	-1.406896	-0.436654	-1.145272	-0.337057	152229.000000	0.000000	-0.002292	-0.021130	0.590667	-2.006497	0.636092	64303.289062	-44.414684	423786.718750	-0.005407	0.118485	-1.782452	-0.193457	0.250233	-1.284753	0.012325	0.113409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	152184.000000	152184.000000
-347.255951	-0.087596	-0.195102	-1.379797	-0.499443	-1.272979	-0.331736	152229.000000	0.000000	-0.002292	-0.021130	0.439926	-1.984185	0.636092	5346.096191	2529.556641	421469.468750	-0.012557	0.116484	-1.782452	-0.193457	0.250233	-1.284753	0.012325	0.113409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114353.000000	185045.000000	179412.000000	130104.000000
-347.260956	-0.092479	-0.195346	-1.350988	-0.557975	-1.390044	-0.328543	152229.000000	0.000000	-0.002292	-0.021130	0.576376	-1.944922	0.636092	36921.054688	4373.196777	420079.125000	-0.020239	0.114315	-1.782452	-0.193457	0.250233	-1.284753	0.012325	0.113409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156602.000000	156602.000000
-347.265961	-0.096873	-0.196078	-1.320227	-0.614379	-1.496466	-0.327479	152229.000000	0.000000	-0.002292	-0.021130	0.717252	-1.904792	0.636092	37380.460938	4680.708984	419615.687500	-0.028387	0.112008	-1.782452	-0.193457	0.250233	-1.284753	0.012325	0.113409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156909.000000	156909.000000
-347.270966	-0.101512	-0.197299	-1.288732	-0.665462	-1.592247	-0.330672	152111.000000	0.000000	-0.002292	-0.021130	0.862143	-1.864968	0.636092	37758.742188	4480.058105	421006.031250	-0.036947	0.109606	-1.782452	-0.193457	0.250233	-1.284753	0.012325	0.113409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156591.000000	156591.000000
-347.275970	-0.105174	-0.199008	-1.256262	-0.713352	-1.676320	-0.335993	152111.000000	0.000000	-0.002292	-0.021130	1.009112	-1.825557	0.636092	37757.484375	4483.097656	423323.281250	-0.045846	0.107142	-1.782452	-0.193457	0.250233	-1.284753	0.012325	0.113409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156594.000000	156594.000000
-347.280975	-0.108592	-0.201449	-1.222814	-0.755921	-1.749752	-0.344507	152111.000000	0.000000	-0.002292	-0.021130	1.157972	-1.787915	0.636092	37817.847656	4072.519775	427030.875000	-0.055024	0.104666	-1.782452	-0.193457	0.250233	-1.284753	0.012325	0.113409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156183.000000	156183.000000
-347.285980	-0.111766	-0.202914	-1.189367	-0.793169	-1.812541	-0.357277	152111.000000	0.000000	-0.002292	-0.021130	1.307843	-1.751156	0.636092	37737.121094	3730.782227	432592.250000	-0.064425	0.102196	-1.782452	-0.193457	0.250233	-1.284753	0.012325	0.113409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155841.000000	155841.000000
-347.290985	-0.115184	-0.204379	-1.156896	-0.822968	-1.864688	-0.372176	152111.000000	0.000000	-0.012669	-0.024923	0.887775	-1.925354	0.647924	-27793.833984	-20948.609375	444233.312500	-0.073998	0.099776	-1.787003	-0.198738	0.258158	-1.288100	-0.004336	0.109321	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170853.000000	175265.000000	188956.000000	100000.000000
-347.295990	-0.119822	-0.206088	-1.124914	-0.847445	-1.908322	-0.391333	152118.000000	0.000000	0.003336	-0.021053	2.334796	-1.529322	0.712130	183457.484375	43110.152344	480535.906250	-0.083721	0.097441	-1.811698	-0.215917	0.288276	-1.304288	-0.089248	0.080362	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182118.000000	182118.000000	182118.000000
-347.300995	-0.126170	-0.208529	-1.092932	-0.864472	-1.943441	-0.412617	152118.000000	0.000000	0.003336	-0.021053	1.848443	-1.656845	0.712130	-32183.064453	-15796.971680	489804.875000	-0.093587	0.095249	-1.811698	-0.215917	0.288276	-1.304288	-0.089248	0.080362	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167914.000000	167914.000000	196321.000000	100000.000000
-347.306000	-0.133494	-0.210971	-1.061193	-0.875115	-1.971111	-0.434966	152118.000000	0.000000	0.003336	-0.021053	2.003650	-1.633778	0.712130	38392.304688	216.626907	499537.312500	-0.103586	0.093235	-1.811698	-0.215917	0.288276	-1.304288	-0.089248	0.080362	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	152334.000000	152334.000000
-347.311005	-0.141062	-0.212191	-1.029943	-0.880436	-1.990267	-0.458379	152118.000000	0.000000	0.003336	-0.021053	2.159173	-1.613887	0.712130	38294.484375	-601.604370	509733.187500	-0.113686	0.091408	-1.811698	-0.215917	0.288276	-1.304288	-0.089248	0.080362	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151516.000000	151516.000000
-347.316010	-0.149363	-0.211215	-0.999670	-0.881500	-2.001973	-0.480727	152195.000000	0.000000	0.003336	-0.021053	2.315458	-1.595700	0.712130	38331.824219	-1168.562134	519465.625000	-0.123873	0.089749	-1.811698	-0.215917	0.288276	-1.304288	-0.089248	0.080362	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151026.000000	151026.000000
-347.321014	-0.157176	-0.207797	-0.970129	-0.879371	-2.006230	-0.502012	152195.000000	0.000000	0.003336	-0.021053	2.471135	-1.578275	0.712130	38181.531250	-1533.044556	528734.625000	-0.134112	0.088226	-1.811698	-0.215917	0.288276	-1.304288	-0.089248	0.080362	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150661.000000	150661.000000
-347.326019	-0.164744	-0.202426	-0.941564	-0.874050	-2.003038	-0.522232	152195.000000	0.000000	0.003336	-0.021053	2.625935	-1.561408	0.712130	37963.394531	-1892.241577	537540.125000	-0.144374	0.086811	-1.811698	-0.215917	0.288276	-1.304288	-0.089248	0.080362	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150302.000000	150302.000000
-347.331024	-0.172312	-0.194613	-0.913488	-0.867665	-1.992395	-0.541388	152195.000000	0.000000	-0.006836	-0.023042	2.220540	-1.652809	0.732465	-26366.267578	-14363.828125	554737.500000	-0.154635	0.085457	-1.819519	-0.219149	0.295382	-1.308536	-0.110747	0.073411	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162925.000000	170192.000000	194197.000000	100000.000000
-347.336029	-0.177928	-0.184604	-0.887609	-0.860215	-1.976432	-0.558416	152182.000000	0.000000	0.002500	-0.020954	3.291299	-1.438527	0.791879	140212.656250	20082.156250	588026.437500	-0.164837	0.084108	-1.842371	-0.228216	0.316343	-1.321045	-0.174229	0.054388	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	192099.000000	172264.000000	172264.000000
-347.341034	-0.183055	-0.173617	-0.861975	-0.852766	-1.954083	-0.574379	152182.000000	0.000000	0.002500	-0.020954	3.066325	-1.500534	0.791879	-4100.653809	-10616.904297	594978.187500	-0.174954	0.082737	-1.842371	-0.228216	0.316343	-1.321045	-0.174229	0.054388	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136899.000000	188698.000000	175665.000000	107464.000000
-347.346039	-0.187937	-0.162143	-0.837561	-0.846380	-1.926413	-0.589278	152182.000000	0.000000	0.002500	-0.020954	3.212192	-1.477116	0.791879	36634.019531	-1028.518066	601466.500000	-0.184964	0.081314	-1.842371	-0.228216	0.316343	-1.321045	-0.174229	0.054388	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151153.000000	151153.000000
-347.351044	-0.192820	-0.150912	-0.814611	-0.837867	-1.893422	-0.602049	152182.000000	0.000000	0.002500	-0.020954	3.355493	-1.452920	0.791879	36274.242188	-1104.850098	607027.875000	-0.194849	0.079839	-1.842371	-0.228216	0.316343	-1.321045	-0.174229	0.054388	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151077.000000	151077.000000
-347.356049	-0.198436	-0.140170	-0.793127	-0.830417	-1.856175	-0.614820	152182.000000	0.000000	0.002500	-0.020954	3.497097	-1.427466	0.791879	36099.597656	-766.781372	612589.250000	-0.204613	0.078304	-1.842371	-0.228216	0.316343	-1.321045	-0.174229	0.054388	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151415.000000	151415.000000
-347.361053	-0.204295	-0.129428	-0.770666	-0.820839	-1.812541	-0.626526	152195.000000	0.000000	0.002500	-0.020954	3.636710	-1.401349	0.791879	35620.203125	-851.818787	617687.187500	-0.214252	0.076712	-1.842371	-0.228216	0.316343	-1.321045	-0.174229	0.054388	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151343.000000	151343.000000
-347.366058	-0.210398	-0.118441	-0.748937	-0.810197	-1.767844	-0.638233	152195.000000	0.000000	0.002500	-0.020954	3.775233	-1.373674	0.791879	35814.824219	-719.106201	622785.125000	-0.223781	0.075051	-1.842371	-0.228216	0.316343	-1.321045	-0.174229	0.054388	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151475.000000	151475.000000
-347.371063	-0.216746	-0.107943	-0.727941	-0.797426	-1.716761	-0.649939	152195.000000	0.000000	0.002500	-0.020954	3.911401	-1.345513	0.791879	35245.140625	-828.977051	627883.062500	-0.233187	0.073331	-1.842371	-0.228216	0.316343	-1.321045	-0.174229	0.054388	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151366.000000	151366.000000
-347.376068	-0.224070	-0.098910	-0.707678	-0.781463	-1.660357	-0.660582	152195.000000	0.000000	-0.000315	-0.021064	3.891520	-1.324713	0.832101	17150.669922	-1967.117920	650033.500000	-0.242481	0.071592	-1.857841	-0.233130	0.329559	-1.328466	-0.211553	0.045124	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107011.000000	200000.000000	163077.000000	137378.000000
-347.381073	-0.232371	-0.091586	-0.688146	-0.762307	-1.599696	-0.671224	152127.000000	0.000000	0.001704	-0.020021	4.249138	-1.238518	0.875116	59556.839844	5180.808105	673400.125000	-0.251677	0.069883	-1.874385	-0.236656	0.341940	-1.334900	-0.244795	0.036334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	157307.000000	157307.000000
-347.386078	-0.241893	-0.086459	-0.668859	-0.739958	-1.535843	-0.681866	152127.000000	0.000000	0.001704	-0.020021	4.302762	-1.259868	0.875116	25732.755859	-7196.527832	678034.625000	-0.260808	0.068270	-1.874385	-0.236656	0.341940	-1.334900	-0.244795	0.036334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103590.000000	200000.000000	149197.000000	140663.000000
-347.391083	-0.252391	-0.082797	-0.649816	-0.714417	-1.467732	-0.691444	152127.000000	0.000000	0.001704	-0.020021	4.437253	-1.243560	0.875116	34461.820312	-3449.406494	682205.625000	-0.269894	0.066800	-1.874385	-0.236656	0.341940	-1.334900	-0.244795	0.036334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	148677.000000	148677.000000
-347.396088	-0.262889	-0.079135	-0.633459	-0.685682	-1.398558	-0.698894	152127.000000	0.000000	0.001704	-0.020021	4.570284	-1.229334	0.875116	34478.117188	-4095.996582	685449.812500	-0.278921	0.065473	-1.874385	-0.236656	0.341940	-1.334900	-0.244795	0.036334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	148031.000000	148031.000000
-347.401093	-0.273143	-0.075473	-0.618078	-0.653756	-1.327254	-0.706343	152127.000000	0.000000	0.001704	-0.020021	4.701746	-1.217627	0.875116	34348.183594	-4817.131348	688693.937500	-0.287876	0.064294	-1.874385	-0.236656	0.341940	-1.334900	-0.244795	0.036334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	147309.000000	147309.000000
-347.406097	-0.282420	-0.070346	-0.604895	-0.619700	-1.253823	-0.711664	152116.000000	0.000000	0.001704	-0.020021	4.829565	-1.205567	0.875116	33963.867188	-5113.416504	691011.187500	-0.296712	0.063218	-1.874385	-0.236656	0.341940	-1.334900	-0.244795	0.036334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	147002.000000	147002.000000
-347.411102	-0.289744	-0.064730	-0.592443	-0.583517	-1.178263	-0.714857	152116.000000	0.000000	0.001704	-0.020021	4.952352	-1.194314	0.875116	33393.750000	-5551.003906	692401.562500	-0.305371	0.062231	-1.874385	-0.236656	0.341940	-1.334900	-0.244795	0.036334	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	146564.000000	146564.000000
-347.416107	-0.294871	-0.058871	-0.581213	-0.546269	-1.100574	-0.719114	152116.000000	0.000000	0.012808	-0.016670	5.678930	-0.999724	0.963617	102534.984375	15214.852539	732795.687500	-0.313778	0.061325	-1.908424	-0.240557	0.364400	-1.344072	-0.292585	0.025031	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196901.000000	167330.000000	167330.000000
-347.421112	-0.297312	-0.053256	-0.571691	-0.507957	-1.019693	-0.722307	152116.000000	0.000000	0.012808	-0.016670	5.341552	-1.124785	0.963617	-16728.314453	-20801.335938	734186.000000	-0.321831	0.060504	-1.908424	-0.240557	0.364400	-1.344072	-0.292585	0.025031	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159645.000000	186189.000000	178042.000000	100000.000000
-347.426117	-0.298045	-0.048617	-0.563635	-0.468580	-0.936684	-0.725499	152186.000000	0.000000	0.001210	-0.017957	4.801363	-1.189403	0.985018	-42129.484375	-14750.527344	744896.062500	-0.329460	0.059795	-1.916655	-0.240987	0.369421	-1.345517	-0.301756	0.024417	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166936.000000	166936.000000	197435.000000	100000.000000
-347.431122	-0.297801	-0.045199	-0.557043	-0.428140	-0.851546	-0.729756	152186.000000	0.000000	0.001210	-0.017957	5.353491	-1.135515	0.985018	79891.609375	-1775.265869	746749.875000	-0.336616	0.059236	-1.916655	-0.240987	0.369421	-1.345517	-0.301756	0.024417	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150410.000000	150410.000000
-347.436127	-0.297801	-0.042270	-0.552160	-0.388763	-0.764279	-0.735077	152186.000000	0.000000	0.001210	-0.017957	5.433702	-1.135428	0.985018	27734.869141	-7754.828125	749067.125000	-0.343278	0.058827	-1.916655	-0.240987	0.369421	-1.345517	-0.301756	0.024417	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102205.000000	200000.000000	146696.000000	142166.000000
-347.441132	-0.298289	-0.039096	-0.548986	-0.348323	-0.674884	-0.741463	152186.000000	0.000000	0.001210	-0.017957	5.505840	-1.137043	0.985018	26533.419922	-8253.315430	751847.812500	-0.349434	0.058559	-1.916655	-0.240987	0.369421	-1.345517	-0.301756	0.024417	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103905.000000	200000.000000	147399.000000	140466.000000
-347.446136	-0.298533	-0.034457	-0.545080	-0.307882	-0.584425	-0.748912	152115.000000	0.000000	0.001210	-0.017957	5.570915	-1.138063	0.985018	25523.472656	-8377.633789	755091.937500	-0.355095	0.058383	-1.916655	-0.240987	0.369421	-1.345517	-0.301756	0.024417	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104969.000000	200000.000000	148213.000000	139260.000000
-347.451141	-0.299754	-0.029086	-0.541906	-0.269570	-0.491837	-0.756362	152115.000000	0.000000	0.001210	-0.017957	5.629490	-1.138189	0.985018	24417.419922	-8223.013672	758336.125000	-0.360276	0.058257	-1.916655	-0.240987	0.369421	-1.345517	-0.301756	0.024417	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105920.000000	200000.000000	149474.000000	138309.000000
-347.456146	-0.301463	-0.022738	-0.539953	-0.233387	-0.398185	-0.763811	152115.000000	0.000000	0.001210	-0.017957	5.680798	-1.136444	0.985018	23307.367188	-7940.769531	761580.250000	-0.364977	0.058134	-1.916655	-0.240987	0.369421	-1.345517	-0.301756	0.024417	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106748.000000	200000.000000	150866.000000	137481.000000
-347.461151	-0.304148	-0.016635	-0.538244	-0.200396	-0.303469	-0.771261	152115.000000	0.000000	0.010963	-0.014949	6.262691	-0.968691	1.046741	83772.343750	11283.774414	791703.750000	-0.369226	0.058002	-1.940395	-0.241301	0.383190	-1.347580	-0.317487	0.031359	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	163398.000000	163398.000000
-347.466156	-0.307078	-0.011020	-0.536535	-0.169533	-0.206625	-0.778711	152115.000000	0.000000	0.010963	-0.014949	5.911785	-1.086717	1.046741	-21088.214844	-20590.312500	794947.875000	-0.373026	0.057865	-1.940395	-0.241301	0.383190	-1.347580	-0.317487	0.031359	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163793.000000	181617.000000	182612.000000	100000.000000
-347.471161	-0.310496	-0.005160	-0.535559	-0.141863	-0.108716	-0.786160	152181.000000	0.000000	0.010963	-0.014949	5.944385	-1.082950	1.046741	20663.251953	-6957.195801	798192.000000	-0.376382	0.057697	-1.940395	-0.241301	0.383190	-1.347580	-0.317487	0.031359	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108474.000000	200000.000000	154560.000000	135887.000000
-347.476166	-0.313426	-0.000766	-0.535070	-0.116322	-0.009743	-0.792546	152181.000000	0.000000	0.010963	-0.014949	5.969295	-1.080582	1.046741	19359.896484	-6983.694336	800972.750000	-0.379276	0.057531	-1.940395	-0.241301	0.383190	-1.347580	-0.317487	0.031359	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109804.000000	200000.000000	155837.000000	134557.000000
-347.481171	-0.316355	0.002408	-0.535803	-0.092909	0.092423	-0.799995	152181.000000	0.000000	0.010963	-0.014949	5.985757	-1.079862	1.046741	17685.687500	-7035.245605	804216.875000	-0.381680	0.057398	-1.940395	-0.241301	0.383190	-1.347580	-0.317487	0.031359	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111530.000000	200000.000000	157460.000000	132831.000000
-347.486176	-0.318553	0.003629	-0.538244	-0.070560	0.194588	-0.806381	152181.000000	0.000000	0.010963	-0.014949	5.992744	-1.082561	1.046741	16206.114258	-7409.321777	806997.562500	-0.383555	0.057350	-1.940395	-0.241301	0.383190	-1.347580	-0.317487	0.031359	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113384.000000	200000.000000	158565.000000	130977.000000
-347.491180	-0.319773	0.003141	-0.541906	-0.048211	0.299947	-0.812766	152192.000000	0.000000	0.010963	-0.014949	5.988949	-1.089314	1.046741	14167.315430	-7988.964844	809778.250000	-0.384849	0.057438	-1.940395	-0.241301	0.383190	-1.347580	-0.317487	0.031359	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116013.000000	200000.000000	160035.000000	128370.000000
-347.496185	-0.321238	0.001187	-0.546301	-0.026927	0.405305	-0.821280	152192.000000	0.000000	0.009338	-0.014163	5.887392	-1.057072	1.091491	2465.980469	-3533.831299	832973.312500	-0.385569	0.057702	-1.957606	-0.239673	0.391103	-1.347194	-0.315898	0.036114	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123259.000000	188191.000000	176192.000000	121124.000000
-347.501190	-0.321482	-0.000277	-0.553137	-0.005642	0.511727	-0.828729	152192.000000	0.000000	0.009615	-0.013395	5.943214	-1.058571	1.133224	19420.990234	-7348.613770	854391.500000	-0.385649	0.058116	-1.973657	-0.237870	0.398412	-1.345487	-0.305593	0.042085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110119.000000	200000.000000	155422.000000	134264.000000
-347.506195	-0.320018	-0.001010	-0.560461	0.016706	0.618150	-0.836179	152192.000000	0.000000	0.011632	-0.011752	6.006879	-1.012032	1.162296	20086.779297	-2072.355225	870295.687500	-0.385049	0.058657	-1.984838	-0.234849	0.401187	-1.344196	-0.289655	0.042045	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104177.000000	200000.000000	160032.000000	140206.000000
-347.511200	-0.317088	-0.000277	-0.568762	0.039055	0.724573	-0.843628	152192.000000	0.000000	0.011632	-0.011752	5.877778	-1.089974	1.162296	-2192.559326	-16221.180664	873539.875000	-0.383732	0.059272	-1.984838	-0.234849	0.401187	-1.344196	-0.289655	0.042045	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140605.000000	196220.000000	168163.000000	103778.000000
-347.516205	-0.312937	0.001432	-0.579016	0.060340	0.828867	-0.851078	152181.000000	0.000000	0.011632	-0.011752	5.816752	-1.101162	1.162296	4766.422852	-8913.458008	876784.000000	-0.381664	0.059923	-1.984838	-0.234849	0.401187	-1.344196	-0.289655	0.042045	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126328.000000	195860.000000	168501.000000	118033.000000
-347.521210	-0.308299	0.003629	-0.589025	0.081624	0.931032	-0.858528	152181.000000	0.000000	0.011632	-0.011752	5.745630	-1.111902	1.162296	3093.091309	-9011.424805	880028.125000	-0.378867	0.060592	-1.984838	-0.234849	0.401187	-1.344196	-0.289655	0.042045	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128099.000000	194285.000000	170076.000000	116262.000000
-347.526215	-0.303172	0.003141	-0.600012	0.101845	1.031070	-0.867041	152181.000000	0.000000	0.011632	-0.011752	5.663758	-1.127021	1.162296	1312.286865	-9537.777344	883735.750000	-0.375343	0.061353	-1.984838	-0.234849	0.401187	-1.344196	-0.289655	0.042045	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130406.000000	193031.000000	171330.000000	113955.000000
-347.531219	-0.298533	0.000943	-0.611730	0.124193	1.128978	-0.874491	152181.000000	0.000000	0.011632	-0.011752	5.572989	-1.146391	1.162296	-307.861023	-10432.872070	886979.875000	-0.371131	0.062259	-1.984838	-0.234849	0.401187	-1.344196	-0.289655	0.042045	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132921.000000	192306.000000	172055.000000	111440.000000
-347.536224	-0.296336	-0.002475	-0.624426	0.146542	1.222630	-0.881940	152185.000000	0.000000	0.011632	-0.011752	5.476923	-1.169471	1.162296	-1295.179810	-11049.777344	890224.000000	-0.366321	0.063338	-1.984838	-0.234849	0.401187	-1.344196	-0.289655	0.042045	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134529.000000	191939.000000	172430.000000	109840.000000
-347.541229	-0.295359	-0.007113	-0.638586	0.172083	1.314154	-0.889390	152185.000000	0.000000	0.011632	-0.011752	5.374191	-1.197355	1.162296	-2687.590576	-12175.060547	893468.187500	-0.360954	0.064629	-1.984838	-0.234849	0.401187	-1.344196	-0.289655	0.042045	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137047.000000	191672.000000	172697.000000	107322.000000
-347.546234	-0.295359	-0.011020	-0.653723	0.198689	1.403548	-0.894711	152185.000000	0.000000	0.011632	-0.011752	5.265411	-1.226691	1.162296	-4030.301270	-12709.091797	895785.437500	-0.355074	0.066101	-1.984838	-0.234849	0.401187	-1.344196	-0.289655	0.042045	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138924.000000	190863.000000	173506.000000	105445.000000
-347.551239	-0.296824	-0.014193	-0.670324	0.226359	1.492943	-0.897904	152185.000000	0.000000	0.021362	-0.009046	5.685943	-1.108327	1.247597	55698.347656	3832.749756	934322.875000	-0.348715	0.067725	-2.017647	-0.227411	0.412078	-1.335676	-0.233297	0.056281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156017.000000	156017.000000
-347.556244	-0.299510	-0.017123	-0.687170	0.254029	1.580210	-0.900032	152121.000000	0.000000	0.021362	-0.009046	5.178204	-1.248199	1.247597	-48873.671875	-25332.500000	935249.812500	-0.341932	0.069483	-2.017647	-0.227411	0.412078	-1.335676	-0.233297	0.056281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177453.000000	177453.000000	186788.000000	100000.000000
-347.561249	-0.301707	-0.019809	-0.705480	0.280634	1.667476	-0.900032	152121.000000	0.000000	0.021362	-0.009046	5.052454	-1.280575	1.247597	-7851.630859	-13666.872070	935249.812500	-0.334712	0.071349	-2.017647	-0.227411	0.412078	-1.335676	-0.233297	0.056281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143639.000000	187936.000000	176305.000000	100602.000000
-347.566254	-0.303660	-0.021029	-0.723791	0.305112	1.754743	-0.896840	152121.000000	0.000000	0.021362	-0.009046	4.920727	-1.311298	1.247597	-9516.108398	-13505.146484	933859.437500	-0.327067	0.073266	-2.017647	-0.227411	0.412078	-1.335676	-0.233297	0.056281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145142.000000	186110.000000	178131.000000	100000.000000
-347.571259	-0.305125	-0.021273	-0.742834	0.326396	1.838817	-0.892583	152121.000000	0.000000	0.021362	-0.009046	4.783344	-1.340282	1.247597	-10810.539062	-13195.118164	932005.687500	-0.319009	0.075186	-2.017647	-0.227411	0.412078	-1.335676	-0.233297	0.056281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146126.000000	184505.000000	179736.000000	100000.000000
-347.576263	-0.305613	-0.021518	-0.763830	0.345552	1.920762	-0.886197	152121.000000	0.000000	0.021362	-0.009046	4.638968	-1.368521	1.247597	-12381.619141	-13096.094727	929224.937500	-0.310523	0.077096	-2.017647	-0.227411	0.412078	-1.335676	-0.233297	0.056281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147598.000000	182835.000000	181406.000000	100000.000000
-347.581268	-0.304148	-0.023227	-0.786291	0.362580	1.997386	-0.878748	152190.000000	0.000000	0.021362	-0.009046	4.487524	-1.397847	1.247597	-13622.938477	-13194.776367	925980.812500	-0.301598	0.079019	-2.017647	-0.227411	0.412078	-1.335676	-0.233297	0.056281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149007.000000	181761.000000	182618.000000	100000.000000
-347.586273	-0.301219	-0.027621	-0.810949	0.377479	2.069754	-0.869170	152190.000000	0.000000	0.009065	-0.010759	3.652796	-1.524032	1.268395	-92478.445312	-24263.130859	930866.812500	-0.292227	0.080999	-2.025646	-0.225290	0.414446	-1.332894	-0.215545	0.060166	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176453.000000	176453.000000	187926.000000	100000.000000
-347.591278	-0.297557	-0.033969	-0.836828	0.393442	2.135736	-0.857463	152190.000000	0.000000	0.016087	-0.009208	4.367156	-1.405386	1.320594	81571.843750	3018.243164	948500.187500	-0.282437	0.083077	-2.045722	-0.220685	0.421632	-1.323543	-0.150076	0.074550	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155208.000000	155208.000000
-347.596283	-0.293650	-0.043002	-0.863195	0.408341	2.194268	-0.844693	152190.000000	0.000000	0.006579	-0.010497	3.396391	-1.577253	1.335710	-107647.742188	-29669.890625	949521.500000	-0.272276	0.085298	-2.051536	-0.219418	0.423855	-1.320091	-0.122717	0.076798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181859.000000	181859.000000	182520.000000	100000.000000
-347.601288	-0.290965	-0.050814	-0.885168	0.422176	2.236837	-0.831922	152194.000000	0.000000	0.006579	-0.010497	3.612306	-1.564863	1.335710	25387.677734	-9299.240234	943960.125000	-0.261900	0.087625	-2.051536	-0.219418	0.423855	-1.320091	-0.122717	0.076798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106105.000000	200000.000000	147507.000000	138282.000000
-347.606293	-0.286570	-0.060580	-0.913488	0.439204	2.281535	-0.815958	152194.000000	0.000000	0.006579	-0.010497	3.440947	-1.607638	1.335710	-18423.494141	-15991.136719	937008.375000	-0.251238	0.090095	-2.051536	-0.219418	0.423855	-1.320091	-0.122717	0.076798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156608.000000	179761.000000	184626.000000	100000.000000
-347.611298	-0.282664	-0.067172	-0.941809	0.456232	2.319847	-0.797867	152194.000000	0.000000	0.006579	-0.010497	3.268763	-1.648306	1.335710	-18780.308594	-16024.805664	929129.812500	-0.240353	0.092631	-2.051536	-0.219418	0.423855	-1.320091	-0.122717	0.076798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156999.000000	179438.000000	184949.000000	100000.000000
-347.616302	-0.278514	-0.071322	-0.972082	0.474323	2.350709	-0.777646	152194.000000	0.000000	0.006579	-0.010497	3.095525	-1.687104	1.335710	-19020.408203	-16199.163086	920324.250000	-0.229289	0.095180	-2.051536	-0.219418	0.423855	-1.320091	-0.122717	0.076798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157413.000000	179372.000000	185015.000000	100000.000000
-347.621307	-0.275340	-0.073520	-1.001379	0.493480	2.375186	-0.757426	152194.000000	0.000000	0.006579	-0.010497	2.923547	-1.724429	1.335710	-19083.208984	-16414.138672	911518.687500	-0.218115	0.097713	-2.051536	-0.219418	0.423855	-1.320091	-0.122717	0.076798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157691.000000	179524.000000	184863.000000	100000.000000
-347.626312	-0.273387	-0.076205	-1.029943	0.511571	2.391150	-0.736142	152115.000000	0.000000	0.006579	-0.010497	2.754401	-1.761900	1.335710	-18687.070312	-16568.591797	902249.750000	-0.206913	0.100236	-2.051536	-0.219418	0.423855	-1.320091	-0.122717	0.076798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157370.000000	179996.000000	184233.000000	100000.000000
-347.631317	-0.273387	-0.081576	-1.058020	0.528599	2.399664	-0.712729	152115.000000	0.000000	0.006579	-0.010497	2.589368	-1.801714	1.335710	-18209.900391	-16969.525391	892053.875000	-0.195764	0.102795	-2.051536	-0.219418	0.423855	-1.320091	-0.122717	0.076798	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157294.000000	180874.000000	183355.000000	100000.000000
-347.636322	-0.273631	-0.090609	-1.086340	0.543498	2.400728	-0.688251	152115.000000	0.000000	0.009213	-0.009893	2.572449	-1.811798	1.359967	-1187.440674	-13581.415039	891958.187500	-0.184715	0.105444	-2.060866	-0.218037	0.428408	-1.313305	-0.069017	0.086912	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136883.000000	194508.000000	169721.000000	107346.000000
-347.641327	-0.274363	-0.101840	-1.113928	0.555205	2.393278	-0.659517	152115.000000	0.000000	0.009471	-0.009483	2.324323	-1.858926	1.383627	-26780.960938	-17574.251953	889748.437500	-0.173825	0.108197	-2.069966	-0.216493	0.432623	-1.306649	-0.011831	0.096052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166470.000000	172908.000000	191321.000000	100000.000000
-347.646332	-0.273143	-0.114291	-1.140295	0.563718	2.377315	-0.628655	152184.000000	0.000000	0.009471	-0.009483	2.160280	-1.922444	1.383627	-17280.644531	-19356.666016	876308.437500	-0.163110	0.111057	-2.069966	-0.216493	0.432623	-1.306649	-0.011831	0.096052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158821.000000	184260.000000	180107.000000	100000.000000
-347.651337	-0.270701	-0.126498	-1.163977	0.565847	2.356030	-0.592471	152184.000000	0.000000	0.009471	-0.009483	2.010399	-1.968996	1.383627	-15729.834961	-17013.009766	860551.187500	-0.152592	0.113983	-2.069966	-0.216493	0.432623	-1.306649	-0.011831	0.096052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154926.000000	183467.000000	180900.000000	100000.000000
-347.656342	-0.266062	-0.137240	-1.187414	0.562654	2.327296	-0.552031	152184.000000	0.000000	0.009471	-0.009483	1.863864	-2.013567	1.383627	-15084.740234	-16400.384766	842940.125000	-0.142278	0.116921	-2.069966	-0.216493	0.432623	-1.306649	-0.011831	0.096052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153669.000000	183499.000000	180868.000000	100000.000000
-347.661346	-0.259227	-0.146029	-1.208898	0.550948	2.293241	-0.508397	152184.000000	0.000000	0.009471	-0.009483	1.720581	-2.054445	1.383627	-14644.459961	-15192.331055	823938.750000	-0.132172	0.119802	-2.069966	-0.216493	0.432623	-1.306649	-0.011831	0.096052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152020.000000	182731.000000	181636.000000	100000.000000
-347.666351	-0.250193	-0.153842	-1.228430	0.533920	2.253865	-0.461571	152194.000000	0.000000	0.009471	-0.009483	1.580590	-2.092487	1.383627	-14160.212891	-14392.142578	803546.937500	-0.122277	0.122588	-2.069966	-0.216493	0.432623	-1.306649	-0.011831	0.096052	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150746.000000	182425.000000	181962.000000	100000.000000
-347.671356	-0.239451	-0.160922	-1.246496	0.508379	2.210232	-0.410489	152194.000000	0.000000	0.004505	-0.010001	1.170932	-2.154961	1.393923	-45027.480469	-16312.378906	785785.000000	-0.112598	0.125233	-2.073926	-0.215930	0.434611	-1.303685	0.013008	0.098146	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168506.000000	168506.000000	195881.000000	100000.000000
-347.676361	-0.226268	-0.166781	-1.261877	0.476452	2.163406	-0.358342	152194.000000	0.000000	0.007206	-0.009640	1.384114	-2.144214	1.397894	25004.681641	-7362.778320	764805.562500	-0.103123	0.127699	-2.075453	-0.220136	0.441687	-1.296315	0.080243	0.110684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104552.000000	200000.000000	149826.000000	139835.000000
-347.681366	-0.212596	-0.171908	-1.275305	0.437076	2.113387	-0.303002	152194.000000	0.000000	0.007206	-0.009640	1.146203	-2.183693	1.397894	-25108.896484	-12066.814453	740706.187500	-0.093871	0.129947	-2.075453	-0.220136	0.441687	-1.296315	0.080243	0.110684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159369.000000	169151.000000	195236.000000	100000.000000
-347.686371	-0.198436	-0.174838	-1.285803	0.392378	2.061240	-0.247662	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.002384	-0.010015	0.492966	-2.223668	1.396134	-73307.507812	-11514.526367	715840.187500	-0.084852	0.131933	-2.074776	-0.221836	0.443624	-1.294505	0.100798	0.111287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163708.000000	163708.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-347.691376	-0.182811	-0.175814	-1.294348	0.341295	2.009093	-0.191258	152117.000000	0.000000	-0.002384	-0.010015	0.753035	-2.221443	1.396134	28552.156250	-5927.095215	691277.437500	-0.076050	0.133610	-2.074776	-0.221836	0.443624	-1.294505	0.100798	0.111287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	147637.000000	144742.000000
-347.696381	-0.167430	-0.175814	-1.300939	0.285956	1.955882	-0.134854	152117.000000	0.000000	-0.002384	-0.010015	0.633544	-2.228450	1.396134	-13370.562500	-6251.782715	666714.625000	-0.067476	0.134957	-2.074776	-0.221836	0.443624	-1.294505	0.100798	0.111287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141739.000000	174998.000000	189235.000000	102494.000000
-347.701385	-0.153514	-0.175326	-1.305822	0.226359	1.902670	-0.078450	152117.000000	0.000000	-0.002384	-0.010015	0.518719	-2.229723	1.396134	-13140.987305	-4884.958496	642151.812500	-0.059152	0.135960	-2.074776	-0.221836	0.443624	-1.294505	0.100798	0.111287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140142.000000	173860.000000	190373.000000	104091.000000
-347.706390	-0.140574	-0.173373	-1.308264	0.163570	1.849459	-0.024175	152117.000000	0.000000	-0.002384	-0.010015	0.408440	-2.224651	1.396134	-12904.969727	-3522.546875	618515.937500	-0.051095	0.136597	-2.074776	-0.221836	0.443624	-1.294505	0.100798	0.111287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138544.000000	172734.000000	191499.000000	105689.000000
-347.711395	-0.128367	-0.170687	-1.308996	0.098652	1.796248	0.031165	152185.000000	0.000000	-0.002384	-0.010015	0.302588	-2.213679	1.396134	-12658.917969	-2292.180176	594416.562500	-0.043309	0.136861	-2.074776	-0.221836	0.443624	-1.294505	0.100798	0.111287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137136.000000	171818.000000	192551.000000	107233.000000
-347.716400	-0.117381	-0.167758	-1.307043	0.032670	1.744101	0.085441	152185.000000	0.000000	-0.002384	-0.010015	0.201404	-2.197492	1.396134	-12488.362305	-1223.766479	570780.687500	-0.035808	0.136758	-2.074776	-0.221836	0.443624	-1.294505	0.100798	0.111287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135897.000000	170920.000000	193449.000000	108472.000000
-347.721405	-0.107127	-0.164096	-1.303381	-0.035441	1.691954	0.139716	152185.000000	0.000000	-0.002384	-0.010015	0.104817	-2.175359	1.396134	-12187.195312	79.207458	547144.812500	-0.028596	0.136281	-2.074776	-0.221836	0.443624	-1.294505	0.100798	0.111287	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134292.000000	169918.000000	194451.000000	110077.000000
-347.726410	-0.099314	-0.160922	-1.297521	-0.104615	1.638742	0.191863	152185.000000	0.000000	-0.004497	-0.010314	-0.101649	-2.164917	1.391007	-24857.115234	-723.114441	522203.312500	-0.021709	0.135445	-2.072804	-0.224226	0.445644	-1.293100	0.119448	0.110890	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147765.000000	158050.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-347.731415	-0.093455	-0.159213	-1.291174	-0.173790	1.584467	0.242946	152185.000000	0.000000	-0.001473	-0.010229	0.065162	-2.117840	1.351935	17320.945312	3839.933594	482942.593750	-0.015174	0.134283	-2.057777	-0.236811	0.452989	-1.290773	0.168637	0.105387	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101024.000000	195666.000000	168703.000000	143345.000000
-347.736420	-0.089061	-0.158725	-1.283850	-0.242965	1.529127	0.291900	152191.000000	0.000000	-0.010453	-0.010780	-0.627257	-2.117756	1.337173	-79970.085938	-1008.645386	455195.125000	-0.009009	0.132824	-2.052099	-0.241098	0.455106	-1.290710	0.180724	0.100303	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153199.000000	153199.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-347.741425	-0.086131	-0.157016	-1.275793	-0.310011	1.473787	0.339790	152191.000000	0.000000	-0.010453	-0.010780	-0.339595	-2.057512	1.337173	29373.582031	5957.834961	434339.906250	-0.003227	0.131068	-2.052099	-0.241098	0.455106	-1.290710	0.180724	0.100303	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	158775.000000	157522.000000
-347.746429	-0.083201	-0.153598	-1.267492	-0.375993	1.416319	0.386616	152191.000000	0.000000	-0.010453	-0.010780	-0.405231	-2.014089	1.337173	-9277.217773	4494.508301	413948.156250	0.002172	0.129001	-2.052099	-0.241098	0.455106	-1.290710	0.180724	0.100303	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126973.000000	168419.000000	195962.000000	117408.000000
-347.751434	-0.081248	-0.148715	-1.257971	-0.437718	1.359915	0.432378	152191.000000	0.000000	-0.010453	-0.010780	-0.465049	-1.966374	1.337173	-8770.215820	5001.750977	394019.843750	0.007186	0.126631	-2.052099	-0.241098	0.455106	-1.290710	0.180724	0.100303	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125959.000000	168419.000000	195962.000000	118422.000000
-347.756439	-0.081004	-0.143344	-1.247473	-0.497314	1.303511	0.476011	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.010453	-0.010780	-0.518155	-1.914650	1.337173	-8017.003906	5720.621582	375018.437500	0.011797	0.123966	-2.052099	-0.241098	0.455106	-1.290710	0.180724	0.100303	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124414.000000	168380.000000	195855.000000	119821.000000
-347.761444	-0.081980	-0.137484	-1.236242	-0.553718	1.249236	0.518580	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.010453	-0.010780	-0.565250	-1.859287	1.337173	-7557.133301	6283.871094	356480.500000	0.016008	0.121022	-2.052099	-0.241098	0.455106	-1.290710	0.180724	0.100303	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123391.000000	168276.000000	195959.000000	120844.000000
-347.766449	-0.084178	-0.132846	-1.224279	-0.604801	1.194960	0.559021	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.010453	-0.010780	-0.605755	-1.802534	1.337173	-6768.851074	6349.984375	338869.406250	0.019805	0.117849	-2.052099	-0.241098	0.455106	-1.290710	0.180724	0.100303	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122536.000000	168999.000000	195236.000000	121699.000000
-347.771454	-0.087840	-0.129184	-1.212072	-0.651627	1.141749	0.599462	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.011587	-0.010706	-0.701912	-1.740480	1.320411	-13203.928711	6965.640625	313959.218750	0.023182	0.114487	-2.045652	-0.245737	0.457182	-1.290954	0.191314	0.095156	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128356.000000	161948.000000	200000.000000	115879.000000
-347.776459	-0.091258	-0.125521	-1.199865	-0.693132	1.090666	0.638838	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.002539	-0.007999	-0.187772	-1.535387	1.268095	56281.308594	23246.033203	274029.000000	0.026161	0.110965	-2.025531	-0.258994	0.462005	-1.292988	0.217125	0.072988	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	188947.000000	175440.000000	175440.000000
-347.781464	-0.093943	-0.122348	-1.186682	-0.730380	1.040648	0.677150	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.002539	-0.007999	-0.573824	-1.583779	1.268095	-44382.933594	-5151.265137	257344.828125	0.028767	0.107316	-2.025531	-0.258994	0.462005	-1.292988	0.217125	0.072988	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157345.000000	157345.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-347.786469	-0.095896	-0.119174	-1.173986	-0.763371	0.991693	0.715462	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.014487	-0.009424	-1.250920	-1.601561	1.244804	-79397.781250	-2182.990723	230517.593750	0.031027	0.103560	-2.016572	-0.264502	0.463611	-1.294039	0.224531	0.064324	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154376.000000	154376.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-347.791473	-0.096629	-0.116488	-1.160314	-0.792105	0.945931	0.751646	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.014487	-0.009424	-0.790325	-1.484115	1.244804	47690.250000	12890.095703	214760.328125	0.032984	0.099729	-2.016572	-0.264502	0.463611	-1.294039	0.224531	0.064324	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199303.000000	165084.000000	165084.000000
-347.796478	-0.096385	-0.114291	-1.146887	-0.817646	0.901234	0.788894	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.014487	-0.009424	-0.804580	-1.423874	1.244804	-4499.395508	6643.687012	198539.625000	0.034667	0.095847	-2.016572	-0.264502	0.463611	-1.294039	0.224531	0.064324	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120049.000000	171050.000000	193337.000000	124338.000000
-347.801483	-0.095164	-0.111850	-1.132727	-0.837867	0.858665	0.824013	152116.000000	0.000000	-0.014487	-0.009424	-0.816575	-1.364138	1.244804	-4344.341309	6370.828613	183245.796875	0.036108	0.091938	-2.016572	-0.264502	0.463611	-1.294039	0.224531	0.064324	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120089.000000	171400.000000	192831.000000	124142.000000
-347.806488	-0.092967	-0.108676	-1.118566	-0.855959	0.817160	0.858068	152116.000000	0.000000	-0.014487	-0.009424	-0.826547	-1.303823	1.244804	-4093.811523	6561.064941	168415.453125	0.037338	0.087999	-2.016572	-0.264502	0.463611	-1.294039	0.224531	0.064324	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119648.000000	171461.000000	192770.000000	124583.000000
-347.811493	-0.090525	-0.105258	-1.105139	-0.869793	0.777784	0.891059	152116.000000	0.000000	-0.014487	-0.009424	-0.834560	-1.243841	1.244804	-3968.232422	6396.039551	154048.531250	0.038378	0.084043	-2.016572	-0.264502	0.463611	-1.294039	0.224531	0.064324	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119688.000000	171751.000000	192480.000000	124543.000000
-347.816498	-0.088084	-0.100863	-1.091711	-0.880436	0.740536	0.922986	152116.000000	0.000000	-0.014487	-0.009424	-0.840621	-1.183432	1.244804	-3844.124268	6418.728027	140145.046875	0.039245	0.080068	-2.016572	-0.264502	0.463611	-1.294039	0.224531	0.064324	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119541.000000	171853.000000	192378.000000	124690.000000
-347.821503	-0.085398	-0.096225	-1.078039	-0.886821	0.705417	0.952784	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.014487	-0.009424	-0.845212	-1.123547	1.244804	-3776.044189	6197.896973	127168.492188	0.039958	0.076088	-2.016572	-0.264502	0.463611	-1.294039	0.224531	0.064324	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119770.000000	172218.000000	192165.000000	124613.000000
-347.826508	-0.082957	-0.090854	-1.063635	-0.891078	0.672426	0.982583	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.014060	-0.008687	-0.824544	-1.022821	1.221400	-986.002502	10937.411133	104000.265625	0.040528	0.072099	-2.007571	-0.269838	0.464958	-1.295183	0.229688	0.054672	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112240.000000	170268.000000	194115.000000	132143.000000
-347.831512	-0.080516	-0.085727	-1.050695	-0.892142	0.641563	1.012381	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.006706	-0.006340	-0.438891	-0.863821	1.141242	40828.339844	17730.289062	56116.453125	0.040973	0.068117	-1.976741	-0.286774	0.467874	-1.299057	0.245441	0.027528	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	194461.000000	169922.000000	169922.000000
-347.836517	-0.078318	-0.080111	-1.037512	-0.887885	0.613893	1.040051	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.019431	-0.007770	-1.433198	-0.977697	1.106893	-115704.195312	-13402.494141	29108.349609	0.041306	0.064156	-1.963530	-0.293775	0.468884	-1.300506	0.248253	0.022752	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166486.000000	164702.000000	197897.000000	100000.000000
-347.841522	-0.075633	-0.074496	-1.025061	-0.881500	0.586223	1.067721	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.019431	-0.007770	-0.924083	-0.862606	1.106893	52075.257812	12039.725586	17058.710938	0.041543	0.060222	-1.963530	-0.293775	0.468884	-1.300506	0.248253	0.022752	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	187210.000000	151290.000000	177173.000000
-347.846527	-0.072947	-0.067416	-1.013098	-0.870858	0.560682	1.093262	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.019431	-0.007770	-0.923167	-0.804430	1.106893	-3916.509033	5532.253906	5935.931641	0.041698	0.056304	-1.963530	-0.293775	0.468884	-1.300506	0.248253	0.022752	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144635.000000	148674.000000	167571.000000	147866.000000
-347.851532	-0.070994	-0.060824	-1.001867	-0.858087	0.536205	1.118804	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.019431	-0.007770	-0.920762	-0.747331	1.106893	-3746.143066	5383.599121	-5186.848145	0.041768	0.052416	-1.963530	-0.293775	0.468884	-1.300506	0.248253	0.022752	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155736.000000	137870.000000	156129.000000	159011.000000
-347.856537	-0.069529	-0.054965	-0.991125	-0.843188	0.512792	1.142217	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.019431	-0.007770	-0.917048	-0.691811	1.106893	-3594.471436	5162.832520	-15382.716797	0.041751	0.048579	-1.963530	-0.293775	0.468884	-1.300506	0.248253	0.022752	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166001.000000	128046.000000	145561.000000	169138.000000
-347.861542	-0.069041	-0.049350	-0.981359	-0.827224	0.490443	1.163501	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.019431	-0.007770	-0.911482	-0.637322	1.106893	-3379.463379	5109.666992	-24651.724609	0.041637	0.044797	-1.963530	-0.293775	0.468884	-1.300506	0.248253	0.022752	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175108.000000	119046.000000	136024.000000	178568.000000
-347.866547	-0.069773	-0.044467	-0.972570	-0.809133	0.469158	1.182657	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.019431	-0.007770	-0.903613	-0.584784	1.106893	-3109.161865	4819.580566	-32993.769531	0.041411	0.041092	-1.963530	-0.293775	0.468884	-1.300506	0.248253	0.022752	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180485.000000	114267.000000	130124.000000	183906.000000
-347.871552	-0.071238	-0.040561	-0.964758	-0.789977	0.450002	1.200749	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.012183	-0.005038	-0.495489	-0.384275	1.043493	42632.691406	21807.011719	-68481.875000	0.041073	0.037483	-1.939145	-0.305655	0.469469	-1.303070	0.255795	0.008769	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130388.000000	130388.000000	114003.000000	200000.000000
-347.876556	-0.073924	-0.036166	-0.956945	-0.769756	0.430846	1.218841	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.012120	-0.003768	-0.769217	-0.374418	0.976514	-33512.015625	679.067444	-105528.609375	0.040597	0.033962	-1.913384	-0.317363	0.469186	-1.305277	0.263885	-0.000204	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	152875.000000	152875.000000
-347.881561	-0.076854	-0.032748	-0.949133	-0.748472	0.413819	1.236933	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.012120	-0.003768	-0.757468	-0.378370	0.976514	-2223.726074	-1072.432251	-113407.226562	0.039991	0.030551	-1.913384	-0.317363	0.469186	-1.305277	0.263885	-0.000204	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185492.000000	121044.000000	123347.000000	178899.000000
-347.886566	-0.079295	-0.030307	-0.942297	-0.727187	0.398920	1.255025	152132.000000	0.000000	-0.012120	-0.003768	-0.742562	-0.334083	0.976514	-1973.546753	4337.572266	-121285.890625	0.039280	0.027264	-1.913384	-0.317363	0.469186	-1.305277	0.263885	-0.000204	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179767.000000	115820.000000	128443.000000	184496.000000
-347.891571	-0.080516	-0.027621	-0.935705	-0.705903	0.384020	1.272052	152132.000000	0.000000	-0.012120	-0.003768	-0.727578	-0.291158	0.976514	-1827.493530	4287.323730	-128701.078125	0.038490	0.024094	-1.913384	-0.317363	0.469186	-1.305277	0.263885	-0.000204	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179672.000000	116017.000000	128246.000000	184591.000000
-347.896576	-0.081004	-0.023959	-0.930090	-0.683554	0.372314	1.289080	152132.000000	0.000000	-0.012120	-0.003768	-0.713280	-0.248881	0.976514	-2134.364746	4190.781738	-136116.265625	0.037656	0.021019	-1.913384	-0.317363	0.469186	-1.305277	0.263885	-0.000204	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180075.000000	115806.000000	128457.000000	184188.000000
-347.901581	-0.080271	-0.018588	-0.926672	-0.662269	0.360607	1.303979	152132.000000	0.000000	-0.012120	-0.003768	-0.700017	-0.205485	0.976514	-2133.357666	4532.476562	-142604.546875	0.036808	0.017994	-1.913384	-0.317363	0.469186	-1.305277	0.263885	-0.000204	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179732.000000	115466.000000	128797.000000	184531.000000
-347.906586	-0.078074	-0.012240	-0.923254	-0.638856	0.351029	1.317814	152132.000000	0.000000	-0.012120	-0.003768	-0.688887	-0.162126	0.976514	-2506.672119	4386.167480	-148629.390625	0.035989	0.015006	-1.913384	-0.317363	0.469186	-1.305277	0.263885	-0.000204	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180252.000000	115239.000000	129024.000000	184011.000000
-347.911591	-0.075145	-0.005404	-0.920080	-0.616508	0.342516	1.329520	152197.000000	0.000000	-0.012120	-0.003768	-0.679355	-0.118338	0.976514	-2715.968262	4649.344727	-153727.312500	0.035220	0.012037	-1.913384	-0.317363	0.469186	-1.305277	0.263885	-0.000204	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180263.000000	114831.000000	129562.000000	184130.000000
-347.916595	-0.071727	0.001187	-0.917639	-0.594159	0.332938	1.339098	152197.000000	0.000000	-0.016235	-0.003288	-0.897220	-0.048622	0.941467	-28561.080078	7717.827637	-173160.718750	0.034508	0.009089	-1.899904	-0.323142	0.468685	-1.306279	0.266793	-0.005562	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	158475.000000	161353.000000
-347.921600	-0.069041	0.008023	-0.915441	-0.571810	0.324424	1.345484	152197.000000	0.000000	-0.006775	-0.000233	-0.204399	0.143488	0.833137	74683.312500	21956.671875	-223116.734375	0.033843	0.006158	-1.858239	-0.339209	0.465266	-1.308653	0.273895	-0.014942	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130240.000000	130240.000000	114153.000000	200000.000000
-347.926605	-0.068064	0.013883	-0.912756	-0.549462	0.315910	1.350805	152197.000000	0.000000	-0.006775	-0.000233	-0.573087	0.063329	0.833137	-43700.617188	-8454.805664	-225433.984375	0.033185	0.003263	-1.858239	-0.339209	0.465266	-1.308653	0.273895	-0.014942	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100651.000000	143742.000000	143742.000000
-347.931610	-0.071482	0.018766	-0.911291	-0.528177	0.307396	1.353997	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.006775	-0.000233	-0.558499	0.103951	0.833137	-1442.911621	5034.033691	-226824.328125	0.032441	0.000419	-1.858239	-0.339209	0.465266	-1.308653	0.273895	-0.014942	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178596.000000	115711.000000	128664.000000	185779.000000
-347.936615	-0.076121	0.023160	-0.911047	-0.505828	0.297818	1.356126	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.006775	-0.000233	-0.541043	0.143006	0.833137	-886.143860	4821.623535	-227751.234375	0.031583	-0.002360	-1.858239	-0.339209	0.465266	-1.308653	0.273895	-0.014942	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178252.000000	116480.000000	127895.000000	186123.000000
-347.941620	-0.080516	0.026578	-0.910070	-0.484544	0.288240	1.357190	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.006775	-0.000233	-0.522188	0.180335	0.833137	-601.644287	4822.673340	-228214.671875	0.030616	-0.005060	-1.858239	-0.339209	0.465266	-1.308653	0.273895	-0.014942	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177966.000000	116763.000000	127612.000000	186409.000000
-347.946625	-0.086375	0.028287	-0.909826	-0.464323	0.278662	1.358254	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.006775	-0.000233	-0.500111	0.214806	0.833137	-101.733192	4690.917480	-228678.140625	0.029511	-0.007650	-1.858239	-0.339209	0.465266	-1.308653	0.273895	-0.014942	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177598.000000	117395.000000	126980.000000	186777.000000
-347.951630	-0.091746	0.029020	-0.908605	-0.444103	0.269084	1.361447	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.006775	-0.000233	-0.476530	0.246648	0.833137	216.986786	4455.536133	-230068.484375	0.028279	-0.010112	-1.858239	-0.339209	0.465266	-1.308653	0.273895	-0.014942	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177515.000000	117949.000000	126426.000000	186860.000000
-347.956635	-0.096873	0.029264	-0.907629	-0.426011	0.260570	1.366768	152134.000000	0.000000	0.001825	0.004480	0.021035	0.535871	0.694581	54544.550781	34237.214844	-292724.187500	0.026933	-0.012450	-1.804948	-0.354426	0.455268	-1.309994	0.286365	-0.023209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122134.000000	122134.000000	122134.000000	200000.000000
-347.961639	-0.101023	0.029752	-0.910070	-0.406855	0.250992	1.373154	152134.000000	0.000000	0.001825	0.004480	-0.297748	0.375684	0.694581	-36523.148438	-16120.143555	-295504.875000	0.025498	-0.014664	-1.804948	-0.354426	0.455268	-1.309994	0.286365	-0.023209	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	108254.000000	136013.000000	136013.000000
-347.966644	-0.104441	0.029508	-0.911291	-0.390892	0.242478	1.381667	152134.000000	0.000000	-0.016458	0.003096	-1.277714	0.326214	0.647173	-113809.898438	-3896.186768	-319857.625000	0.023995	-0.016758	-1.786714	-0.360083	0.452702	-1.310199	0.287616	-0.020731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	148237.000000	148237.000000
-347.971649	-0.104686	0.030240	-0.912756	-0.374929	0.233965	1.392310	152134.000000	0.000000	-0.016458	0.003096	-0.524244	0.407640	0.647173	80296.898438	10797.883789	-324492.125000	0.022494	-0.018755	-1.786714	-0.360083	0.452702	-1.310199	0.287616	-0.020731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141336.000000	141336.000000	102931.000000	200000.000000
-347.976654	-0.102488	0.030240	-0.913977	-0.360029	0.221194	1.404016	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.016458	0.003096	-0.503514	0.431845	0.647173	350.023438	4665.817383	-329590.062500	0.021025	-0.020648	-1.786714	-0.360083	0.452702	-1.310199	0.287616	-0.020731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177162.000000	117862.000000	126493.000000	187193.000000
-347.981659	-0.097850	0.029752	-0.915441	-0.346194	0.210552	1.417851	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.016458	0.003096	-0.486691	0.454281	0.647173	-186.806976	4628.096680	-335614.906250	0.019651	-0.022432	-1.786714	-0.360083	0.452702	-1.310199	0.287616	-0.020731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177736.000000	117363.000000	126992.000000	186619.000000
-347.986664	-0.090281	0.028775	-0.916906	-0.334488	0.196717	1.432750	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.016458	0.003096	-0.473819	0.475183	0.647173	-147.813171	4735.681152	-342103.187500	0.018418	-0.024110	-1.786714	-0.360083	0.452702	-1.310199	0.287616	-0.020731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177590.000000	117294.000000	127061.000000	186765.000000
-347.991669	-0.080760	0.028287	-0.918371	-0.323846	0.182882	1.447649	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.016458	0.003096	-0.465156	0.495436	0.647173	-507.179901	4825.404297	-348591.468750	0.017363	-0.025698	-1.786714	-0.360083	0.452702	-1.310199	0.287616	-0.020731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177859.000000	116845.000000	127510.000000	186496.000000
-347.996674	-0.069529	0.028531	-0.921545	-0.315332	0.169047	1.462548	152179.000000	0.000000	-0.016458	0.003096	-0.461128	0.515770	0.647173	-934.734192	5122.782227	-355079.718750	0.016523	-0.027223	-1.786714	-0.360083	0.452702	-1.310199	0.287616	-0.020731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177990.000000	116121.000000	128236.000000	186367.000000
-348.001678	-0.059275	0.028287	-0.923986	-0.307882	0.153083	1.477448	152179.000000	0.000000	-0.016458	0.003096	-0.458214	0.534870	0.647173	-736.314087	5157.680176	-361568.000000	0.015859	-0.028680	-1.786714	-0.360083	0.452702	-1.310199	0.287616	-0.020731	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177757.000000	116285.000000	128072.000000	186600.000000
-348.006683	-0.048533	0.028043	-0.925451	-0.303625	0.138184	1.490218	152179.000000	0.000000	0.000604	0.008800	0.479640	0.867431	0.532569	106331.750000	41485.847656	-417037.187500	0.015381	-0.030084	-1.742636	-0.368225	0.440470	-1.309630	0.294508	-0.021071	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122179.000000	122179.000000	122179.000000	200000.000000
-348.011688	-0.038768	0.028043	-0.927404	-0.300433	0.123285	1.500861	152179.000000	0.000000	-0.011850	0.008591	-0.888930	0.646710	0.483275	-153500.546875	-20263.818359	-443138.437500	0.015064	-0.031446	-1.723676	-0.372276	0.436143	-1.309360	0.291571	-0.019237	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	112442.000000	131915.000000	131915.000000
-348.016693	-0.030223	0.027066	-0.927404	-0.300433	0.110514	1.510439	152179.000000	0.000000	-0.003634	0.011226	0.057839	0.817781	0.446000	105264.960938	23954.068359	-463541.750000	0.014885	-0.032762	-1.709340	-0.373577	0.430959	-1.308830	0.293543	-0.019421	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128224.000000	128224.000000	116133.000000	200000.000000
-348.021698	-0.022654	0.026578	-0.927648	-0.302561	0.098808	1.517888	152182.000000	0.000000	-0.003634	0.011226	-0.274598	0.730758	0.446000	-36983.996094	-4581.377930	-466785.875000	0.014827	-0.034052	-1.709340	-0.373577	0.430959	-1.308830	0.293543	-0.019421	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	147600.000000	147600.000000
-348.026703	-0.015818	0.026090	-0.928869	-0.306818	0.088166	1.524274	152182.000000	0.000000	-0.003634	0.011226	-0.279631	0.749222	0.446000	-1075.079102	7356.080566	-469566.593750	0.014877	-0.035326	-1.709340	-0.373577	0.430959	-1.308830	0.293543	-0.019421	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175900.000000	113750.000000	130613.000000	188463.000000
-348.031708	-0.009227	0.025602	-0.929846	-0.311075	0.078588	1.530659	152182.000000	0.000000	-0.003634	0.011226	-0.286131	0.767425	0.446000	-1339.194946	7430.734863	-472347.281250	0.015031	-0.036584	-1.709340	-0.373577	0.430959	-1.308830	0.293543	-0.019421	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176090.000000	113412.000000	130951.000000	188273.000000
-348.036713	-0.002635	0.024381	-0.930090	-0.317460	0.071138	1.535980	152182.000000	0.000000	-0.003634	0.011226	-0.294629	0.785091	0.446000	-1797.858765	7716.374023	-474664.531250	0.015298	-0.037819	-1.709340	-0.373577	0.430959	-1.308830	0.293543	-0.019421	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176263.000000	112667.000000	131696.000000	188100.000000
-348.041718	0.004201	0.022428	-0.930578	-0.324910	0.063688	1.541301	152113.000000	0.000000	-0.003634	0.011226	-0.304970	0.801822	0.446000	-2013.811279	7841.715820	-476981.781250	0.015679	-0.039022	-1.709340	-0.373577	0.430959	-1.308830	0.293543	-0.019421	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176285.000000	112257.000000	131968.000000	187940.000000
-348.046722	0.011770	0.020719	-0.930334	-0.332360	0.057303	1.546622	152113.000000	0.000000	-0.003634	0.011226	-0.318059	0.818356	0.446000	-2463.751953	7930.402832	-479299.031250	0.016195	-0.040198	-1.709340	-0.373577	0.430959	-1.308830	0.293543	-0.019421	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176646.000000	111718.000000	132507.000000	187579.000000
-348.051727	0.019094	0.019254	-0.931555	-0.339809	0.050918	1.551943	152113.000000	0.000000	-0.005746	0.011705	-0.448832	0.861023	0.402765	-15976.041992	11034.485352	-500444.218750	0.016836	-0.041350	-1.692711	-0.375569	0.425637	-1.308268	0.297413	-0.020788	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187054.000000	100000.000000	149123.000000	177171.000000
-348.056732	0.025686	0.017301	-0.933020	-0.348323	0.044532	1.556200	152113.000000	0.000000	0.005983	0.014635	0.265220	1.018708	0.280434	80247.445312	24566.554688	-555570.750000	0.017583	-0.042472	-1.645661	-0.378028	0.407869	-1.306149	0.297571	-0.019891	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127546.000000	127546.000000	116679.000000	200000.000000
-348.061737	0.031057	0.013639	-0.935217	-0.356837	0.037083	1.559393	152113.000000	0.000000	0.005983	0.014635	-0.218995	0.914728	0.280434	-53611.687500	-4649.963379	-556961.062500	0.018402	-0.043529	-1.645661	-0.378028	0.407869	-1.306149	0.297571	-0.019891	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	147463.000000	147463.000000
-348.066742	0.035207	0.008756	-0.936437	-0.366415	0.029633	1.561522	152183.000000	0.000000	0.001978	0.015697	-0.453917	0.984267	0.243553	-27241.277344	14914.218750	-573948.750000	0.019263	-0.044501	-1.631476	-0.377426	0.401328	-1.305353	0.293744	-0.020027	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194510.000000	100000.000000	164338.000000	169855.000000
-348.071747	0.038869	0.002896	-0.937902	-0.378121	0.020055	1.563650	152183.000000	0.000000	0.001978	0.015697	-0.307792	0.951215	0.243553	15615.887695	3767.453613	-574875.562500	0.020145	-0.045378	-1.631476	-0.377426	0.401328	-1.305353	0.293744	-0.020027	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162799.000000	134031.000000	110334.000000	200000.000000
-348.076752	0.041066	-0.001986	-0.939123	-0.389828	0.010477	1.565778	152183.000000	0.000000	0.001978	0.015697	-0.320378	0.960477	0.243553	-1852.727661	8517.017578	-575802.500000	0.021016	-0.046185	-1.631476	-0.377426	0.401328	-1.305353	0.293744	-0.020027	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175518.000000	111813.000000	132552.000000	188847.000000
-348.081757	0.043996	-0.006137	-0.940588	-0.402598	0.000899	1.566843	152183.000000	0.000000	0.001978	0.015697	-0.333599	0.969900	0.243553	-1939.372803	8754.274414	-576266.000000	0.021889	-0.046943	-1.631476	-0.377426	0.401328	-1.305353	0.293744	-0.020027	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175368.000000	111489.000000	132876.000000	188997.000000
-348.086761	0.046682	-0.008578	-0.943273	-0.416433	-0.008679	1.567907	152189.000000	0.000000	0.001978	0.015697	-0.346468	0.980979	0.243553	-1915.634644	9167.525391	-576729.375000	0.022759	-0.047695	-1.631476	-0.377426	0.401328	-1.305353	0.293744	-0.020027	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174937.000000	111105.000000	133272.000000	189440.000000
-348.091766	0.048635	-0.011508	-0.945715	-0.431332	-0.019321	1.570035	152189.000000	0.000000	0.001978	0.015697	-0.358155	0.991700	0.243553	-1673.500122	9363.000977	-577656.312500	0.023603	-0.048438	-1.631476	-0.377426	0.401328	-1.305353	0.293744	-0.020027	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174499.000000	111152.000000	133225.000000	189878.000000
-348.096771	0.050100	-0.014926	-0.947912	-0.445167	-0.029963	1.573228	152189.000000	0.000000	0.001978	0.015697	-0.368948	1.001440	0.243553	-1575.938232	9246.606445	-579046.687500	0.024414	-0.049155	-1.631476	-0.377426	0.401328	-1.305353	0.293744	-0.020027	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174518.000000	111366.000000	133011.000000	189859.000000
-348.101776	0.050344	-0.019320	-0.950598	-0.457938	-0.040606	1.575356	152189.000000	0.000000	0.001978	0.015697	-0.377795	1.009461	0.243553	-1353.712280	9036.221680	-579973.562500	0.025164	-0.049822	-1.631476	-0.377426	0.401328	-1.305353	0.293744	-0.020027	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174506.000000	111799.000000	132578.000000	189871.000000
-348.106781	0.050344	-0.025180	-0.952551	-0.469645	-0.052312	1.579613	152113.000000	0.000000	0.005552	0.016926	-0.188753	1.082421	0.161885	21445.947266	16449.150391	-617392.312500	0.025846	-0.050405	-1.600065	-0.376577	0.387826	-1.303645	0.296882	-0.022489	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144217.000000	127109.000000	117116.000000	200000.000000
-348.111786	0.050344	-0.031039	-0.956701	-0.480287	-0.064019	1.582806	152113.000000	0.000000	0.006199	0.017707	-0.302495	1.080257	0.076281	-12316.438477	8110.742676	-656061.500000	0.026458	-0.050903	-1.567140	-0.375293	0.373925	-1.301626	0.295961	-0.024581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186318.000000	101685.000000	142540.000000	177907.000000
-348.116791	0.051076	-0.036898	-0.960363	-0.487736	-0.075725	1.585999	152113.000000	0.000000	0.006199	0.017707	-0.334544	1.051127	0.076281	-3427.324219	4694.817871	-657451.875000	0.027015	-0.051302	-1.567140	-0.375293	0.373925	-1.301626	0.295961	-0.024581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180845.000000	113990.000000	130235.000000	183380.000000
-348.121796	0.053762	-0.042270	-0.963049	-0.493058	-0.086367	1.589191	152113.000000	0.000000	0.006199	0.017707	-0.342524	1.051864	0.076281	-885.636780	7772.740234	-658842.187500	0.027566	-0.051607	-1.567140	-0.375293	0.373925	-1.301626	0.295961	-0.024581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175225.000000	113454.000000	130771.000000	189000.000000
-348.126801	0.057912	-0.046420	-0.965734	-0.496250	-0.097010	1.591320	152113.000000	0.000000	0.006199	0.017707	-0.351997	1.052134	0.076281	-1044.323853	7503.323242	-659769.125000	0.028139	-0.051833	-1.567140	-0.375293	0.373925	-1.301626	0.295961	-0.024581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175654.000000	113565.000000	130660.000000	188571.000000
-348.131805	0.062551	-0.049594	-0.968908	-0.497314	-0.105523	1.593448	152121.000000	0.000000	0.006199	0.017707	-0.362805	1.051899	0.076281	-1435.791992	7217.623535	-660696.000000	0.028752	-0.051993	-1.567140	-0.375293	0.373925	-1.301626	0.295961	-0.024581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176339.000000	113467.000000	130774.000000	187902.000000
-348.136810	0.067434	-0.052035	-0.971838	-0.498379	-0.112973	1.593448	152121.000000	0.000000	0.006199	0.017707	-0.374661	1.051584	0.076281	-1688.306641	7212.140137	-660696.000000	0.029413	-0.052104	-1.567140	-0.375293	0.373925	-1.301626	0.295961	-0.024581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176597.000000	113220.000000	131021.000000	187644.000000
-348.141815	0.071340	-0.054965	-0.975012	-0.497314	-0.118294	1.592384	152121.000000	0.000000	0.006199	0.017707	-0.386574	1.049478	0.076281	-1958.842896	6766.692383	-660232.562500	0.030111	-0.052146	-1.567140	-0.375293	0.373925	-1.301626	0.295961	-0.024581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177313.000000	113395.000000	130846.000000	186928.000000
-348.146820	0.074025	-0.058871	-0.976477	-0.496250	-0.122551	1.588127	152121.000000	0.000000	0.002439	0.017997	-0.604675	1.061177	0.031116	-25731.255859	8333.581055	-678047.375000	0.030825	-0.052099	-1.549769	-0.374539	0.366776	-1.300481	0.292119	-0.023603	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199518.000000	100000.000000	156185.000000	164723.000000
-348.151825	0.075490	-0.064242	-0.978674	-0.494122	-0.125744	1.583870	152120.000000	0.000000	0.014816	0.020183	0.215810	1.162460	-0.091129	92139.500000	18522.898438	-729428.875000	0.031533	-0.051933	-1.502752	-0.368119	0.344219	-1.297189	0.284606	-0.024745	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133597.000000	133597.000000	110642.000000	200000.000000
-348.156830	0.076467	-0.070102	-0.979895	-0.490929	-0.130001	1.578549	152120.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.019964	-0.645880	1.053163	-0.132021	-96653.015625	-5266.149902	-744919.125000	0.032222	-0.051632	-1.487024	-0.365443	0.336558	-1.295993	0.282152	-0.026859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	146853.000000	146853.000000
-348.161835	0.076955	-0.074496	-0.981115	-0.486672	-0.133193	1.573228	152120.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.019964	-0.394980	1.051536	-0.132021	26734.837891	6428.809570	-742601.812500	0.032884	-0.051224	-1.487024	-0.365443	0.336558	-1.295993	0.282152	-0.026859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148956.000000	142426.000000	101813.000000	200000.000000
-348.166840	0.077199	-0.077670	-0.982336	-0.480287	-0.138514	1.567907	152120.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.019964	-0.402655	1.040498	-0.132021	-1473.850952	5079.788086	-740284.562500	0.033506	-0.050727	-1.487024	-0.365443	0.336558	-1.295993	0.282152	-0.026859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178514.000000	115566.000000	128673.000000	185725.000000
-348.171844	0.076711	-0.081088	-0.983801	-0.473902	-0.144900	1.562586	152120.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.019964	-0.408599	1.027989	-0.132021	-1164.533691	4831.219238	-737967.312500	0.034066	-0.050138	-1.487024	-0.365443	0.336558	-1.295993	0.282152	-0.026859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178453.000000	116124.000000	128115.000000	185786.000000
-348.176849	0.074514	-0.084018	-0.985021	-0.466452	-0.153414	1.557265	152118.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.019964	-0.411215	1.014461	-0.132021	-537.397583	4505.508789	-735650.062500	0.034520	-0.049464	-1.487024	-0.365443	0.336558	-1.295993	0.282152	-0.026859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178149.000000	117075.000000	127160.000000	186086.000000
-348.181854	0.071828	-0.087436	-0.985266	-0.459002	-0.162992	1.553008	152118.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.019964	-0.411603	0.999151	-0.132021	-133.122040	4205.023926	-733796.312500	0.034858	-0.048695	-1.487024	-0.365443	0.336558	-1.295993	0.282152	-0.026859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178046.000000	117779.000000	126456.000000	186189.000000
-348.186859	0.069875	-0.090609	-0.985021	-0.451553	-0.173634	1.548751	152118.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.019964	-0.410891	0.982807	-0.132021	157.097031	3981.811279	-731942.500000	0.035091	-0.047839	-1.487024	-0.365443	0.336558	-1.295993	0.282152	-0.026859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177979.000000	118293.000000	125942.000000	186256.000000
-348.191864	0.068898	-0.092074	-0.985266	-0.443039	-0.185340	1.545558	152118.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.019964	-0.409464	0.966939	-0.132021	413.125061	3804.879639	-730552.125000	0.035234	-0.046928	-1.487024	-0.365443	0.336558	-1.295993	0.282152	-0.026859	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177899.000000	118726.000000	125509.000000	186336.000000
-348.196869	0.068898	-0.094027	-0.985754	-0.434525	-0.199175	1.544494	152115.000000	0.000000	0.008400	0.019973	-0.402809	0.950317	-0.174159	1316.286987	3606.468750	-748439.062500	0.035299	-0.045953	-1.470817	-0.362748	0.328929	-1.294809	0.282158	-0.025428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177192.000000	119824.000000	124405.000000	187037.000000
-348.201874	0.068898	-0.095492	-0.987463	-0.426011	-0.214074	1.543430	152115.000000	0.000000	0.018675	0.020965	0.162559	0.987176	-0.295924	65536.390625	9617.359375	-801001.625000	0.035279	-0.044931	-1.423985	-0.352592	0.306066	-1.291346	0.277555	-0.028452	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142497.000000	142497.000000	101732.000000	200000.000000
-348.206879	0.068654	-0.098178	-0.989172	-0.416433	-0.230038	1.542365	152115.000000	0.000000	0.007935	0.019533	-0.833362	0.849231	-0.345184	-110527.468750	-10398.969727	-821990.250000	0.035165	-0.043831	-1.405038	-0.350108	0.298728	-1.290187	0.275478	-0.026879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	102513.000000	141716.000000	141716.000000
-348.211884	0.068166	-0.101107	-0.991125	-0.405791	-0.247065	1.542365	152115.000000	0.000000	0.007935	0.019533	-0.396605	0.885382	-0.345184	49208.371094	8744.228516	-821990.250000	0.034950	-0.042648	-1.405038	-0.350108	0.298728	-1.290187	0.275478	-0.026879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143370.000000	143370.000000	100859.000000	200000.000000
-348.216888	0.067678	-0.103549	-0.993322	-0.395149	-0.264093	1.543430	152195.000000	0.000000	0.007935	0.019533	-0.387830	0.863681	-0.345184	2268.592773	2233.622070	-822453.687500	0.034633	-0.041393	-1.405038	-0.350108	0.298728	-1.290187	0.275478	-0.026879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177692.000000	122229.000000	122160.000000	186697.000000
-348.221893	0.067922	-0.105258	-0.994543	-0.384507	-0.282185	1.544494	152195.000000	0.000000	0.007935	0.019533	-0.378202	0.841788	-0.345184	2606.250977	2063.478516	-822917.125000	0.034228	-0.040081	-1.405038	-0.350108	0.298728	-1.290187	0.275478	-0.026879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177525.000000	122737.000000	121652.000000	186864.000000
-348.226898	0.068410	-0.105502	-0.996496	-0.373864	-0.297084	1.547687	152195.000000	0.000000	0.007935	0.019533	-0.368438	0.820767	-0.345184	2384.194580	2013.022583	-824307.500000	0.033756	-0.038746	-1.405038	-0.350108	0.298728	-1.290187	0.275478	-0.026879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177797.000000	122566.000000	121823.000000	186592.000000
-348.231903	0.068898	-0.104770	-0.997717	-0.365351	-0.310919	1.549815	152195.000000	0.000000	0.007935	0.019533	-0.358049	0.801053	-0.345184	2446.761963	2261.687744	-825234.375000	0.033224	-0.037416	-1.405038	-0.350108	0.298728	-1.290187	0.275478	-0.026879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177486.000000	122380.000000	122009.000000	186903.000000
-348.236908	0.068410	-0.105746	-0.998937	-0.357901	-0.321561	1.554072	152195.000000	0.000000	0.007935	0.019533	-0.346635	0.779819	-0.345184	2309.856445	2079.508545	-827088.187500	0.032629	-0.036063	-1.405038	-0.350108	0.298728	-1.290187	0.275478	-0.026879	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177805.000000	122425.000000	121964.000000	186584.000000
-348.241913	0.066945	-0.107211	-1.000158	-0.352580	-0.329011	1.557265	152127.000000	0.000000	0.016397	0.019827	0.131239	0.774495	-0.426807	55492.093750	4013.902832	-864023.625000	0.031969	-0.034688	-1.373645	-0.342241	0.284212	-1.287835	0.268720	-0.029007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148113.000000	148113.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-348.246918	0.064504	-0.109408	-1.001867	-0.348323	-0.333268	1.562586	152127.000000	0.000000	0.018391	0.019212	-0.083885	0.706708	-0.503505	-22043.570312	-3070.097656	-899741.000000	0.031241	-0.033283	-1.344146	-0.333121	0.270234	-1.285679	0.259694	-0.029949	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	103153.000000	141100.000000	157013.000000
-348.251923	0.061574	-0.111361	-1.004064	-0.345130	-0.335396	1.568971	152127.000000	0.000000	0.018391	0.019212	-0.149069	0.709286	-0.503505	-6077.654785	4782.667969	-902521.687500	0.030447	-0.031862	-1.344146	-0.333121	0.270234	-1.285679	0.259694	-0.029949	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183421.000000	111266.000000	132987.000000	180832.000000
-348.256927	0.058400	-0.112826	-1.005773	-0.341938	-0.335396	1.576421	152127.000000	0.000000	0.008588	0.016999	-0.673030	0.565823	-0.555787	-59177.289062	-11953.237305	-928533.875000	0.029594	-0.030434	-1.324037	-0.330506	0.263907	-1.284430	0.259779	-0.026505	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	104080.000000	140173.000000	140173.000000
-348.261932	0.055471	-0.115023	-1.007238	-0.339809	-0.333268	1.585999	152197.000000	0.000000	0.008588	0.016999	-0.265879	0.632027	-0.555787	44844.632812	11515.978516	-932704.875000	0.028699	-0.028988	-1.324037	-0.330506	0.263907	-1.284430	0.259779	-0.026505	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140681.000000	140681.000000	103712.000000	200000.000000
-348.266937	0.053029	-0.116977	-1.007971	-0.338745	-0.329011	1.595577	152197.000000	0.000000	0.008588	0.016999	-0.251345	0.609941	-0.555787	1487.356934	1818.477539	-936876.000000	0.027784	-0.027536	-1.324037	-0.330506	0.263907	-1.284430	0.259779	-0.026505	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178891.000000	121865.000000	122528.000000	185502.000000
-348.271942	0.050588	-0.120639	-1.009191	-0.336616	-0.322625	1.607283	152197.000000	0.000000	0.008588	0.016999	-0.237083	0.585667	-0.555787	1259.697144	1338.737793	-941973.937500	0.026859	-0.026038	-1.324037	-0.330506	0.263907	-1.284430	0.259779	-0.026505	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179598.000000	122117.000000	122276.000000	184795.000000
-348.276947	0.047414	-0.125033	-1.011389	-0.334488	-0.315176	1.620054	152197.000000	0.000000	0.008588	0.016999	-0.222111	0.560148	-0.555787	1255.420410	1074.776367	-947535.250000	0.025914	-0.024485	-1.324037	-0.330506	0.263907	-1.284430	0.259779	-0.026505	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179866.000000	122377.000000	122016.000000	184527.000000
-348.281952	0.044973	-0.129916	-1.012854	-0.331295	-0.307726	1.633889	152197.000000	0.000000	0.008588	0.016999	-0.207662	0.533014	-0.555787	1229.951416	641.205078	-953560.125000	0.024964	-0.022862	-1.324037	-0.330506	0.263907	-1.284430	0.259779	-0.026505	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180325.000000	122785.000000	121608.000000	184068.000000
-348.286957	0.043508	-0.134066	-1.014807	-0.327038	-0.300277	1.649852	152188.000000	0.000000	0.008588	0.016999	-0.194157	0.505460	-0.555787	1153.908203	331.733978	-960511.875000	0.024028	-0.021181	-1.324037	-0.330506	0.263907	-1.284430	0.259779	-0.026505	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180702.000000	123010.000000	121365.000000	183673.000000
-348.291962	0.043752	-0.138461	-1.016516	-0.322781	-0.293891	1.666880	152188.000000	0.000000	0.008588	0.016999	-0.182366	0.476827	-0.555787	1107.443970	61.716499	-967927.000000	0.023133	-0.019437	-1.324037	-0.330506	0.263907	-1.284430	0.259779	-0.026505	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181018.000000	123233.000000	121142.000000	183357.000000
-348.296967	0.046682	-0.141635	-1.018469	-0.317460	-0.287506	1.683907	152188.000000	0.000000	0.016486	0.017742	0.260313	0.489287	-0.591630	50493.066406	4495.978516	-990951.062500	0.022329	-0.017652	-1.310252	-0.325281	0.257362	-1.283345	0.255531	-0.026509	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147692.000000	147692.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-348.301971	0.051809	-0.143588	-1.019445	-0.313203	-0.281121	1.701999	152188.000000	0.000000	0.019729	0.015824	0.127560	0.326503	-0.733145	-13419.208008	-15424.451172	-1060456.500000	0.021657	-0.015853	-1.255823	-0.314447	0.240481	-1.280025	0.246329	-0.028262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	124193.000000	120182.000000	153344.000000
-348.306976	0.057424	-0.145053	-1.020910	-0.308947	-0.273671	1.720091	152121.000000	0.000000	0.011908	0.013193	-0.429878	0.231279	-0.780561	-62831.308594	-8453.479492	-1088984.125000	0.021129	-0.014049	-1.237586	-0.310814	0.235558	-1.278983	0.243293	-0.027698	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100574.000000	143667.000000	143667.000000
-348.311981	0.063283	-0.146518	-1.022131	-0.305754	-0.267286	1.737119	152121.000000	0.000000	0.011908	0.013193	-0.116930	0.309397	-0.780561	34400.093750	11068.190430	-1096399.375000	0.020740	-0.012244	-1.237586	-0.310814	0.235558	-1.278983	0.243293	-0.027698	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141052.000000	141052.000000	103189.000000	200000.000000
-348.316986	0.067434	-0.148471	-1.023596	-0.303625	-0.259836	1.753082	152121.000000	0.000000	0.011908	0.013193	-0.117021	0.282043	-0.780561	-172.263275	-547.728516	-1103351.125000	0.020459	-0.010434	-1.237586	-0.310814	0.235558	-1.278983	0.243293	-0.027698	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182840.000000	122496.000000	121745.000000	181401.000000
-348.321991	0.071584	-0.150180	-1.025061	-0.301497	-0.253451	1.767981	152121.000000	0.000000	0.011908	0.013193	-0.118289	0.254839	-0.780561	-219.760925	-666.097107	-1109839.375000	0.020278	-0.008623	-1.237586	-0.310814	0.235558	-1.278983	0.243293	-0.027698	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183006.000000	122567.000000	121674.000000	181235.000000
-348.326996	0.074514	-0.151156	-1.025549	-0.300433	-0.246001	1.781816	152184.000000	0.000000	0.011908	0.013193	-0.119991	0.228479	-0.780561	-426.616455	-582.523193	-1115864.250000	0.020177	-0.006827	-1.237586	-0.310814	0.235558	-1.278983	0.243293	-0.027698	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183193.000000	122339.000000	122028.000000	181174.000000
-348.332001	0.077443	-0.151156	-1.026281	-0.300433	-0.238552	1.794587	152184.000000	0.000000	0.011908	0.013193	-0.122790	0.203638	-0.780561	-594.389343	-412.720825	-1121425.625000	0.020154	-0.005069	-1.237586	-0.310814	0.235558	-1.278983	0.243293	-0.027698	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183191.000000	122002.000000	122365.000000	181176.000000
-348.337006	0.080373	-0.150668	-1.026037	-0.301497	-0.230038	1.807358	152184.000000	0.000000	0.011908	0.013193	-0.127052	0.179939	-0.780561	-931.036011	-274.150330	-1126987.000000	0.020215	-0.003360	-1.237586	-0.310814	0.235558	-1.278983	0.243293	-0.027698	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183389.000000	121527.000000	122840.000000	180978.000000
-348.342010	0.082570	-0.149447	-1.025061	-0.303625	-0.220460	1.819064	152184.000000	0.000000	0.019039	0.011124	0.260048	0.043998	-0.925521	43729.496094	-13117.364258	-1195212.000000	0.020351	-0.001714	-1.181832	-0.300816	0.223595	-1.276025	0.234412	-0.025646	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165301.000000	165301.000000	100000.000000	199066.000000
-348.347015	0.084279	-0.149691	-1.025305	-0.306818	-0.211946	1.828642	152184.000000	0.000000	0.008920	0.007303	-0.586668	-0.105619	-0.977310	-95761.476562	-15174.721680	-1221935.875000	0.020544	-0.000111	-1.161913	-0.298236	0.220706	-1.275071	0.231644	-0.024830	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	107358.000000	137009.000000	137009.000000
-348.352020	0.084523	-0.151889	-1.024572	-0.311075	-0.202368	1.839284	152189.000000	0.000000	0.008920	0.007303	-0.186822	0.023450	-0.977310	42983.882812	16198.734375	-1226570.375000	0.020771	0.001485	-1.161913	-0.298236	0.220706	-1.275071	0.231644	-0.024830	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135990.000000	135990.000000	108387.000000	200000.000000
-348.357025	0.083791	-0.153842	-1.024572	-0.315332	-0.192790	1.847798	152189.000000	0.000000	0.008920	0.007303	-0.190962	0.000197	-0.977310	-1499.943481	-637.291809	-1230278.000000	0.021011	0.003069	-1.161913	-0.298236	0.220706	-1.275071	0.231644	-0.024830	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184326.000000	121326.000000	123051.000000	180051.000000
-348.362030	0.084279	-0.154574	-1.024572	-0.319589	-0.184276	1.855248	152189.000000	0.000000	0.008920	0.007303	-0.196304	-0.021590	-0.977310	-1578.925659	-556.707642	-1233522.125000	0.021282	0.004617	-1.161913	-0.298236	0.220706	-1.275071	0.231644	-0.024830	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184324.000000	121166.000000	123211.000000	180053.000000
-348.367035	0.084768	-0.155307	-1.024084	-0.322781	-0.174698	1.862697	152189.000000	0.000000	0.008920	0.007303	-0.202427	-0.043259	-0.977310	-1853.966797	-745.829285	-1236766.250000	0.021591	0.006136	-1.161913	-0.298236	0.220706	-1.275071	0.231644	-0.024830	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184788.000000	121080.000000	123297.000000	179589.000000
-348.372040	0.086965	-0.156039	-1.025061	-0.324910	-0.166184	1.870147	152178.000000	0.000000	0.008920	0.007303	-0.210464	-0.064590	-0.977310	-2023.481812	-913.938843	-1240010.375000	0.021962	0.007629	-1.161913	-0.298236	0.220706	-1.275071	0.231644	-0.024830	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185115.000000	121068.000000	123287.000000	179240.000000
-348.377045	0.089895	-0.157748	-1.026525	-0.324910	-0.158735	1.877596	152178.000000	0.000000	0.008920	0.007303	-0.219788	-0.087086	-0.977310	-2125.251465	-1379.544678	-1243254.500000	0.022401	0.009124	-1.161913	-0.298236	0.220706	-1.275071	0.231644	-0.024830	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185682.000000	121432.000000	122923.000000	178673.000000
-348.382050	0.094045	-0.159457	-1.027014	-0.323846	-0.151285	1.883982	152178.000000	0.000000	0.012981	0.005459	-0.008125	-0.211442	-1.077226	23113.031250	-13273.727539	-1289546.625000	0.022932	0.010629	-1.123484	-0.293032	0.216377	-1.273338	0.226570	-0.024158	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172338.000000	158564.000000	100000.000000	192017.000000
-348.387054	0.098684	-0.161410	-1.028723	-0.319589	-0.143836	1.889303	152178.000000	0.000000	0.011536	0.002111	-0.263217	-0.345875	-1.178442	-29417.160156	-15370.637695	-1335941.625000	0.023560	0.012161	-1.084555	-0.288822	0.214294	-1.271760	0.224586	-0.025173	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	108131.000000	136224.000000	137390.000000
-348.392059	0.103322	-0.163119	-1.030920	-0.313203	-0.137450	1.893560	152178.000000	0.000000	0.011536	0.002111	-0.219705	-0.236694	-1.178442	3703.949463	11654.907227	-1337795.375000	0.024276	0.013724	-1.084555	-0.288822	0.214294	-1.271760	0.224586	-0.025173	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166819.000000	114227.000000	130128.000000	197536.000000
-348.397064	0.107961	-0.164340	-1.032629	-0.305754	-0.131065	1.895688	152131.000000	0.000000	0.007389	-0.000558	-0.463212	-0.408480	-1.226595	-29005.130859	-20180.576172	-1359691.750000	0.025078	0.015316	-1.066034	-0.286800	0.214053	-1.270957	0.223076	-0.024397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	113306.000000	130955.000000	132945.000000
-348.402069	0.112844	-0.164828	-1.033361	-0.297240	-0.125744	1.896753	152131.000000	0.000000	0.007389	-0.000558	-0.314163	-0.326891	-1.226595	14937.005859	7898.705566	-1360155.250000	0.025966	0.016930	-1.066034	-0.286800	0.214053	-1.270957	0.223076	-0.024397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159295.000000	129169.000000	115092.000000	200000.000000
-348.407074	0.116750	-0.165805	-1.034826	-0.287662	-0.119358	1.895688	152131.000000	0.000000	0.007389	-0.000558	-0.331282	-0.353060	-1.226595	-3559.208984	-4231.444824	-1359691.750000	0.026923	0.018580	-1.066034	-0.286800	0.214053	-1.270957	0.223076	-0.024397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189921.000000	122803.000000	121458.000000	174340.000000
-348.412079	0.119680	-0.166781	-1.035803	-0.278084	-0.114037	1.892496	152131.000000	0.000000	0.007389	-0.000558	-0.348098	-0.379834	-1.226595	-3510.855225	-4465.230957	-1358301.375000	0.027925	0.020267	-1.066034	-0.286800	0.214053	-1.270957	0.223076	-0.024397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190107.000000	123085.000000	121176.000000	174154.000000
-348.417084	0.121145	-0.168246	-1.036535	-0.267442	-0.108716	1.888239	152104.000000	0.000000	0.007389	-0.000558	-0.364024	-0.407986	-1.226595	-3510.672607	-4912.175293	-1356447.625000	0.028943	0.022006	-1.066034	-0.286800	0.214053	-1.270957	0.223076	-0.024397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190526.000000	123505.000000	120702.000000	173681.000000
-348.422089	0.121389	-0.170443	-1.038244	-0.257864	-0.104459	1.883982	152104.000000	0.000000	0.007389	-0.000558	-0.378492	-0.437213	-1.226595	-3319.820312	-5092.609375	-1354593.875000	0.029947	0.023802	-1.066034	-0.286800	0.214053	-1.270957	0.223076	-0.024397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190516.000000	123876.000000	120331.000000	173691.000000
-348.427094	0.119924	-0.172885	-1.039953	-0.247221	-0.101267	1.878661	152104.000000	0.000000	0.007389	-0.000558	-0.390652	-0.467723	-1.226595	-3019.330078	-5539.305176	-1352276.625000	0.030898	0.025663	-1.066034	-0.286800	0.214053	-1.270957	0.223076	-0.024397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190662.000000	124623.000000	119584.000000	173545.000000
-348.432098	0.118703	-0.175082	-1.041174	-0.236579	-0.100202	1.873340	152104.000000	0.000000	0.007389	-0.000558	-0.401815	-0.498957	-1.226595	-2731.908203	-5811.471680	-1349959.375000	0.031792	0.027584	-1.066034	-0.286800	0.214053	-1.270957	0.223076	-0.024397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190647.000000	125183.000000	119024.000000	173560.000000
-348.437103	0.117238	-0.177523	-1.041906	-0.227001	-0.100202	1.868019	152177.000000	0.000000	0.007389	-0.000558	-0.411701	-0.531068	-1.226595	-2520.048828	-5983.580078	-1347642.125000	0.032623	0.029565	-1.066034	-0.286800	0.214053	-1.270957	0.223076	-0.024397	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190680.000000	125640.000000	118713.000000	173673.000000
-348.442108	0.116750	-0.180453	-1.042395	-0.218487	-0.101267	1.862697	152177.000000	0.000000	0.014544	-0.004846	-0.027991	-0.799902	-1.441202	42645.222656	-33170.542969	-1438782.250000	0.033402	0.031607	-0.983493	-0.284811	0.219709	-1.268726	0.226505	-0.022887	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182177.000000	182177.000000	100000.000000	182177.000000
-348.447113	0.118459	-0.183139	-1.042150	-0.212102	-0.103395	1.858440	152177.000000	0.000000	0.014544	-0.004846	-0.325079	-0.661694	-1.441202	-33458.765625	12429.443359	-1436928.500000	0.034170	0.033697	-0.983493	-0.284811	0.219709	-1.268726	0.226505	-0.022887	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199747.000000	100000.000000	164606.000000	164606.000000
-348.452118	0.121877	-0.185824	-1.042883	-0.207845	-0.105523	1.855248	152177.000000	0.000000	0.014544	-0.004846	-0.337509	-0.694739	-1.441202	-2199.899414	-6341.275879	-1435538.125000	0.034954	0.035817	-0.983493	-0.284811	0.219709	-1.268726	0.226505	-0.022887	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190718.000000	126318.000000	118035.000000	173635.000000
-348.457123	0.127492	-0.188754	-1.043859	-0.206781	-0.108716	1.850991	152177.000000	0.000000	0.014544	-0.004846	-0.352101	-0.727526	-1.441202	-2372.992188	-6117.564941	-1433684.375000	0.035790	0.037956	-0.983493	-0.284811	0.219709	-1.268726	0.226505	-0.022887	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190667.000000	125921.000000	118432.000000	173686.000000
-348.462128	0.134572	-0.192172	-1.044104	-0.207845	-0.110845	1.847798	152187.000000	0.000000	0.014544	-0.004846	-0.369232	-0.760598	-1.441202	-2838.167725	-6062.095215	-1432294.000000	0.036709	0.040112	-0.983493	-0.284811	0.219709	-1.268726	0.226505	-0.022887	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191087.000000	125410.000000	118963.000000	173286.000000
-348.467133	0.144094	-0.195834	-1.046057	-0.211038	-0.114037	1.845670	152187.000000	0.000000	0.014544	-0.004846	-0.389442	-0.793246	-1.441202	-3137.954590	-5916.940430	-1431367.125000	0.037745	0.042274	-0.983493	-0.284811	0.219709	-1.268726	0.226505	-0.022887	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191241.000000	124965.000000	119408.000000	173132.000000
-348.472137	0.155813	-0.199740	-1.047277	-0.217423	-0.118294	1.842477	152187.000000	0.000000	0.014544	-0.004846	-0.413250	-0.825438	-1.441202	-3506.554688	-5634.554199	-1429976.750000	0.038931	0.044432	-0.983493	-0.284811	0.219709	-1.268726	0.226505	-0.022887	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191328.000000	124314.000000	120059.000000	173045.000000
-348.477142	0.169240	-0.202914	-1.048254	-0.223809	-0.121487	1.839284	152187.000000	0.000000	0.014544	-0.004846	-0.441139	-0.856861	-1.441202	-4185.920410	-5664.985840	-1428586.375000	0.040301	0.046572	-0.983493	-0.284811	0.219709	-1.268726	0.226505	-0.022887	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192037.000000	123666.000000	120707.000000	172336.000000
-348.482147	0.183645	-0.204867	-1.050207	-0.232322	-0.126808	1.835027	152116.000000	0.000000	0.004199	-0.008812	-1.040581	-1.104125	-1.485518	-69530.507812	-30262.388672	-1446031.250000	0.041855	0.048660	-0.966448	-0.283861	0.222175	-1.268160	0.227090	-0.018748	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122116.000000	122116.000000	122116.000000
-348.487152	0.197805	-0.206820	-1.052160	-0.241900	-0.133193	1.829706	152116.000000	0.000000	0.011468	-0.012823	-0.259927	-1.194308	-1.674385	85956.726562	-13244.059570	-1525961.875000	0.043578	0.050692	-0.893807	-0.285861	0.238036	-1.266961	0.222540	-0.010639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165360.000000	165360.000000	100000.000000	198871.000000
-348.492157	0.210256	-0.208041	-1.053869	-0.251478	-0.140643	1.823321	152116.000000	0.000000	0.011468	-0.012823	-0.583556	-1.060818	-1.674385	-36810.207031	12011.400391	-1523181.125000	0.045431	0.052657	-0.893807	-0.285861	0.238036	-1.266961	0.222540	-0.010639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	164127.000000	164127.000000
-348.497162	0.220510	-0.209506	-1.055090	-0.261056	-0.150221	1.813743	152116.000000	0.000000	0.011468	-0.012823	-0.615704	-1.087163	-1.674385	-4623.479980	-5644.084961	-1519010.125000	0.047363	0.054566	-0.893807	-0.285861	0.238036	-1.266961	0.222540	-0.010639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192383.000000	123136.000000	121095.000000	171848.000000
-348.502167	0.229299	-0.209262	-1.055822	-0.270634	-0.161927	1.803101	152116.000000	0.000000	0.011468	-0.012823	-0.647081	-1.111154	-1.674385	-4394.519043	-5451.182617	-1514375.625000	0.049339	0.056391	-0.893807	-0.285861	0.238036	-1.266961	0.222540	-0.010639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191961.000000	123172.000000	121059.000000	172270.000000
-348.507172	0.235158	-0.208285	-1.056799	-0.279148	-0.175762	1.791394	152177.000000	0.000000	0.011468	-0.012823	-0.675678	-1.133630	-1.674385	-3922.806396	-5465.826172	-1509277.750000	0.051296	0.058126	-0.893807	-0.285861	0.238036	-1.266961	0.222540	-0.010639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191565.000000	123720.000000	120633.000000	172788.000000
-348.512177	0.239064	-0.205844	-1.057043	-0.287662	-0.193854	1.777559	152177.000000	0.000000	0.011468	-0.012823	-0.701251	-1.153593	-1.674385	-3156.637695	-5242.171875	-1503252.875000	0.053184	0.059752	-0.893807	-0.285861	0.238036	-1.266961	0.222540	-0.010639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190575.000000	124262.000000	120091.000000	173778.000000
-348.517181	0.240285	-0.203402	-1.057531	-0.295112	-0.215139	1.762660	152177.000000	0.000000	0.011468	-0.012823	-0.722423	-1.172308	-1.674385	-2321.185547	-5273.799316	-1496764.625000	0.054942	0.061274	-0.893807	-0.285861	0.238036	-1.266961	0.222540	-0.010639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189771.000000	125129.000000	119224.000000	174582.000000
-348.522186	0.239309	-0.201449	-1.058508	-0.301497	-0.239616	1.747761	152177.000000	0.000000	0.011468	-0.012823	-0.738729	-1.190278	-1.674385	-1397.405518	-5362.217285	-1490276.250000	0.056518	0.062707	-0.893807	-0.285861	0.238036	-1.266961	0.222540	-0.010639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188936.000000	126141.000000	118212.000000	175417.000000
-348.527191	0.236379	-0.199008	-1.058264	-0.308947	-0.266221	1.731798	152110.000000	0.000000	-0.004477	-0.017606	-1.627244	-1.469471	-1.723589	-101051.773438	-35224.285156	-1504752.000000	0.057875	0.064044	-0.874883	-0.287779	0.243323	-1.266857	0.222898	-0.010680	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122110.000000	122110.000000	122110.000000
-348.532196	0.233693	-0.195834	-1.057531	-0.315332	-0.293891	1.713706	152110.000000	0.000000	0.000837	-0.019575	-0.706115	-1.400796	-1.865438	102450.828125	3261.930908	-1558645.375000	0.059022	0.065276	-0.820326	-0.295822	0.261336	-1.267475	0.216963	-0.019227	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148848.000000	148848.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-348.537201	0.231984	-0.192172	-1.057043	-0.321717	-0.322625	1.695614	152110.000000	0.000000	0.002915	-0.017829	-0.810875	-1.238153	-1.887726	-10607.155273	14373.820312	-1560472.875000	0.059975	0.066392	-0.811753	-0.295232	0.266576	-1.267909	0.211511	-0.019378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178343.000000	100000.000000	147090.000000	185876.000000
-348.542206	0.231008	-0.188510	-1.057043	-0.329167	-0.350295	1.676458	152110.000000	0.000000	0.002915	-0.017829	-0.898795	-1.317977	-1.887726	-9147.936523	-12506.529297	-1552130.750000	0.060755	0.067386	-0.811753	-0.295232	0.266576	-1.267909	0.211511	-0.019378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	125468.000000	118751.000000	160455.000000
-348.547211	0.231252	-0.184848	-1.057287	-0.337681	-0.375837	1.657302	152109.000000	0.000000	0.002915	-0.017829	-0.903001	-1.325835	-1.887726	-78.999268	-4473.387207	-1543788.625000	0.061399	0.068252	-0.811753	-0.295232	0.266576	-1.267909	0.211511	-0.019378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186661.000000	126503.000000	117714.000000	177556.000000
-348.552216	0.231984	-0.182162	-1.058508	-0.345130	-0.400314	1.634953	152109.000000	0.000000	0.002915	-0.017829	-0.905960	-1.332864	-1.887726	40.029057	-4497.339355	-1534056.250000	0.061921	0.069009	-0.811753	-0.295232	0.266576	-1.267909	0.211511	-0.019378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186566.000000	126646.000000	117571.000000	177651.000000
-348.557220	0.232961	-0.181186	-1.059729	-0.352580	-0.424791	1.612604	152109.000000	0.000000	0.002915	-0.017829	-0.907459	-1.340008	-1.887726	306.373627	-4508.648438	-1524323.875000	0.062328	0.069690	-0.811753	-0.295232	0.266576	-1.267909	0.211511	-0.019378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186311.000000	126924.000000	117293.000000	177906.000000
-348.562225	0.234670	-0.179965	-1.060705	-0.361094	-0.449268	1.588127	152109.000000	0.000000	0.002915	-0.017829	-0.908211	-1.345484	-1.887726	497.579468	-4194.153320	-1513664.500000	0.062637	0.070285	-0.811753	-0.295232	0.266576	-1.267909	0.211511	-0.019378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185805.000000	126800.000000	117417.000000	178412.000000
-348.567230	0.237355	-0.178012	-1.061926	-0.368543	-0.471617	1.562586	152109.000000	0.000000	0.002915	-0.017829	-0.909170	-1.349198	-1.887726	339.196625	-4100.199219	-1502541.750000	0.062880	0.070785	-0.811753	-0.295232	0.266576	-1.267909	0.211511	-0.019378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185870.000000	126548.000000	117669.000000	178347.000000
-348.572235	0.240285	-0.175082	-1.062170	-0.374929	-0.493966	1.537044	152186.000000	0.000000	0.002915	-0.017829	-0.909718	-1.351037	-1.887726	484.625092	-3990.291016	-1491419.000000	0.063066	0.071182	-0.811753	-0.295232	0.266576	-1.267909	0.211511	-0.019378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185691.000000	126660.000000	117711.000000	178680.000000
-348.577240	0.243215	-0.171176	-1.062658	-0.382378	-0.515250	1.509374	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.008028	-0.021912	-1.511542	-1.574589	-1.929876	-68416.750000	-29245.845703	-1497724.750000	0.063204	0.071453	-0.795542	-0.298271	0.273142	-1.268348	0.207875	-0.021108	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	121431.000000	122940.000000	122940.000000
-348.582245	0.246389	-0.166293	-1.062170	-0.388763	-0.536535	1.479576	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.007837	-0.022218	-1.063499	-1.424902	-1.968375	49181.394531	12394.827148	-1501513.750000	0.063304	0.071591	-0.780734	-0.301229	0.279774	-1.268958	0.201512	-0.020734	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139791.000000	139791.000000	104580.000000	200000.000000
-348.587250	0.249318	-0.160922	-1.061437	-0.396213	-0.556755	1.449778	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.004720	-0.024077	-0.899406	-1.508969	-2.097941	18690.132812	-13543.238281	-1544960.625000	0.063372	0.071585	-0.730901	-0.314436	0.301583	-1.271186	0.180713	-0.021499	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177039.000000	154419.000000	100000.000000	187332.000000
-348.592255	0.252248	-0.155307	-1.060217	-0.402598	-0.574847	1.417851	152113.000000	0.000000	-0.004720	-0.024077	-1.024087	-1.426854	-2.097941	-13788.984375	5021.456055	-1531057.125000	0.063421	0.071438	-0.730901	-0.314436	0.301583	-1.271186	0.180713	-0.021499	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190880.000000	103302.000000	140923.000000	173345.000000
-348.597260	0.255178	-0.149936	-1.058752	-0.410048	-0.591874	1.384860	152113.000000	0.000000	-0.004720	-0.024077	-1.024247	-1.417028	-2.097941	-133.799301	-2732.158691	-1516690.250000	0.063460	0.071153	-0.730901	-0.314436	0.301583	-1.271186	0.180713	-0.021499	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184978.000000	124711.000000	119514.000000	179247.000000
-348.602264	0.258352	-0.144809	-1.056311	-0.417498	-0.606774	1.350805	152113.000000	0.000000	-0.004720	-0.024077	-1.025360	-1.405602	-2.097941	-409.329987	-2469.284424	-1501859.875000	0.063508	0.070738	-0.730901	-0.314436	0.301583	-1.271186	0.180713	-0.021499	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184991.000000	124172.000000	120053.000000	179234.000000
-348.607269	0.261525	-0.139926	-1.053625	-0.423883	-0.620609	1.314621	152113.000000	0.000000	-0.004720	-0.024077	-1.026994	-1.392862	-2.097941	-527.874390	-2354.437744	-1486102.625000	0.063573	0.070204	-0.730901	-0.314436	0.301583	-1.271186	0.180713	-0.021499	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184995.000000	123939.000000	120286.000000	179230.000000
-348.612274	0.264211	-0.135531	-1.050695	-0.430268	-0.631251	1.276309	152113.000000	0.000000	-0.004720	-0.024077	-1.029406	-1.378974	-2.097941	-926.566711	-2134.865967	-1469418.375000	0.063665	0.069563	-0.730901	-0.314436	0.301583	-1.271186	0.180713	-0.021499	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185174.000000	123321.000000	120904.000000	179051.000000
-348.617279	0.265432	-0.132113	-1.047766	-0.434525	-0.641893	1.236933	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.004720	-0.024077	-1.030814	-1.365178	-2.097941	-773.384949	-2295.566162	-1452270.750000	0.063756	0.068846	-0.730901	-0.314436	0.301583	-1.271186	0.180713	-0.021499	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185260.000000	123714.000000	120669.000000	179123.000000
-348.622284	0.265432	-0.130893	-1.045568	-0.436654	-0.650407	1.196492	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.006454	-0.023862	-1.126710	-1.341237	-2.165247	-11801.176758	-1294.006104	-1463970.250000	0.063833	0.068104	-0.705014	-0.321757	0.315694	-1.273156	0.164322	-0.023690	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195287.000000	111684.000000	132699.000000	169096.000000
-348.627289	0.264211	-0.131381	-1.043859	-0.435589	-0.657857	1.154987	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.009214	-0.024554	-1.208341	-1.377810	-2.235657	-10688.908203	-8472.639648	-1476558.000000	0.063875	0.067382	-0.677933	-0.330813	0.330108	-1.275366	0.152031	-0.031106	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	119975.000000	124408.000000	163030.000000
-348.632294	0.262502	-0.133090	-1.041662	-0.430268	-0.666370	1.114547	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.009214	-0.024554	-1.096024	-1.342915	-2.235657	11309.625977	-946.393005	-1458947.000000	0.063869	0.066725	-0.677933	-0.330813	0.330108	-1.275366	0.152031	-0.031106	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171828.000000	134448.000000	109935.000000	192555.000000
-348.637299	0.260061	-0.134066	-1.039953	-0.421754	-0.674884	1.074106	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.009214	-0.024554	-1.092552	-1.336649	-2.235657	-603.286865	-4455.627441	-1441335.875000	0.063802	0.066133	-0.677933	-0.330813	0.330108	-1.275366	0.152031	-0.031106	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187248.000000	126042.000000	118337.000000	177131.000000
-348.642303	0.258352	-0.135287	-1.038000	-0.408984	-0.683398	1.035794	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.009214	-0.024554	-1.088920	-1.332715	-2.235657	-529.973694	-5220.820801	-1424651.750000	0.063687	0.065631	-0.677933	-0.330813	0.330108	-1.275366	0.152031	-0.031106	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187940.000000	126880.000000	117499.000000	176439.000000
-348.647308	0.256398	-0.136508	-1.036535	-0.391956	-0.694040	0.996418	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.009214	-0.024554	-1.083711	-1.331112	-2.235657	-49.139030	-6016.520508	-1407504.125000	0.063509	0.065237	-0.677933	-0.330813	0.330108	-1.275366	0.152031	-0.031106	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188255.000000	128157.000000	116222.000000	176124.000000
-348.652313	0.253957	-0.138217	-1.035314	-0.370672	-0.706811	0.959170	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.009214	-0.024554	-1.076368	-1.332644	-2.235657	512.114624	-6934.375000	-1391283.375000	0.063246	0.064979	-0.677933	-0.330813	0.330108	-1.275366	0.152031	-0.031106	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188612.000000	129636.000000	114743.000000	175767.000000
-348.657318	0.251027	-0.139193	-1.034094	-0.346194	-0.719582	0.920858	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.009214	-0.024554	-1.067354	-1.336157	-2.235657	796.114563	-7632.178711	-1374599.250000	0.062891	0.064855	-0.677933	-0.330813	0.330108	-1.275366	0.152031	-0.031106	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189026.000000	130618.000000	113761.000000	175353.000000
-348.662323	0.249318	-0.138217	-1.032385	-0.320653	-0.733416	0.883610	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.009214	-0.024554	-1.058067	-1.339853	-2.235657	1048.989502	-7903.049316	-1358378.500000	0.062463	0.064831	-0.677933	-0.330813	0.330108	-1.275366	0.152031	-0.031106	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189044.000000	131142.000000	113237.000000	175335.000000
-348.667328	0.248098	-0.136264	-1.030920	-0.295112	-0.745123	0.846362	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.000431	-0.023053	-0.565940	-1.261405	-2.304946	56223.761719	1372.421265	-1372331.500000	0.061984	0.064888	-0.651284	-0.339262	0.350067	-1.279318	0.128550	-0.039796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150817.000000	150817.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-348.672333	0.247365	-0.133822	-1.029943	-0.269570	-0.755765	0.809114	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.007501	-0.023118	-1.296524	-1.329565	-2.325316	-81649.453125	-15178.988281	-1364981.500000	0.061467	0.065013	-0.643449	-0.341887	0.356596	-1.280865	0.120896	-0.040608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	107368.000000	137011.000000	137011.000000
-348.677338	0.246633	-0.130893	-1.030920	-0.246157	-0.764279	0.771866	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.007501	-0.023118	-1.004101	-1.331192	-2.325316	31986.607422	-7744.514648	-1348760.875000	0.060914	0.065181	-0.643449	-0.341887	0.356596	-1.280865	0.120896	-0.040608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159934.000000	159934.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-348.682343	0.246633	-0.127230	-1.030676	-0.222744	-0.770664	0.734618	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.007501	-0.023118	-0.995480	-1.335391	-2.325316	615.945801	-8154.258789	-1332540.125000	0.060354	0.065379	-0.643449	-0.341887	0.356596	-1.280865	0.120896	-0.040608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189716.000000	130948.000000	113407.000000	174639.000000
-348.687347	0.246633	-0.123324	-1.030920	-0.201460	-0.773857	0.697370	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.007501	-0.023118	-0.987522	-1.339143	-2.325316	243.179764	-7986.305664	-1316319.375000	0.059803	0.065592	-0.643449	-0.341887	0.356596	-1.280865	0.120896	-0.040608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189921.000000	130407.000000	113948.000000	174434.000000
-348.692352	0.247609	-0.119662	-1.032873	-0.181239	-0.775986	0.659058	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.007501	-0.023118	-0.980544	-1.342833	-2.325316	60.386936	-7972.383301	-1299635.250000	0.059275	0.065813	-0.643449	-0.341887	0.356596	-1.280865	0.120896	-0.040608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190089.000000	130210.000000	114145.000000	174266.000000
-348.697357	0.249807	-0.116488	-1.034826	-0.163148	-0.774921	0.619682	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.007501	-0.023118	-0.975973	-1.346557	-2.325316	-539.331604	-7842.439453	-1282487.625000	0.058808	0.066042	-0.643449	-0.341887	0.356596	-1.280865	0.120896	-0.040608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190559.000000	129481.000000	114874.000000	173796.000000
-348.702362	0.252736	-0.113803	-1.036047	-0.146120	-0.771729	0.580305	152181.000000	0.000000	-0.007501	-0.023118	-0.973708	-1.350686	-2.325316	-1031.086670	-7867.348145	-1265340.000000	0.058427	0.066284	-0.643449	-0.341887	0.356596	-1.280865	0.120896	-0.040608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191079.000000	129017.000000	115344.000000	173282.000000
-348.707367	0.257375	-0.110385	-1.038977	-0.130157	-0.766407	0.537736	152181.000000	0.000000	0.004988	-0.022001	-0.287832	-1.292282	-2.388979	77032.562500	-679.111694	-1274526.250000	0.058166	0.066515	-0.618963	-0.350638	0.381261	-1.287187	0.090108	-0.043205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152860.000000	152860.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-348.712372	0.262502	-0.108432	-1.041418	-0.115257	-0.760022	0.494103	152181.000000	0.000000	0.004988	-0.022001	-0.790587	-1.341115	-2.388979	-56123.582031	-12646.735352	-1255524.875000	0.058037	0.066758	-0.618963	-0.350638	0.381261	-1.287187	0.090108	-0.043205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	104827.000000	139534.000000	139534.000000
-348.717377	0.268361	-0.106723	-1.044348	-0.100358	-0.751508	0.447277	152181.000000	0.000000	-0.003882	-0.021205	-1.284715	-1.301864	-2.399489	-57721.250000	-2849.203613	-1239710.000000	0.058060	0.067017	-0.614921	-0.351998	0.386992	-1.288893	0.083677	-0.042474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	149331.000000	149331.000000
-348.722382	0.274221	-0.105746	-1.047033	-0.086523	-0.741930	0.397259	152181.000000	0.000000	-0.003882	-0.021205	-0.938910	-1.338842	-2.399489	36064.074219	-11347.929688	-1217927.875000	0.058238	0.067299	-0.614921	-0.351998	0.386992	-1.288893	0.083677	-0.042474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163528.000000	163528.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-348.727386	0.281057	-0.104525	-1.048742	-0.071624	-0.732352	0.344047	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.003882	-0.021205	-0.951163	-1.344410	-2.399489	-3406.985840	-8105.302246	-1194755.375000	0.058590	0.067606	-0.614921	-0.351998	0.386992	-1.288893	0.083677	-0.042474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193706.000000	126892.000000	117495.000000	170681.000000
-348.732391	0.288137	-0.103061	-1.049475	-0.056725	-0.722774	0.285515	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.003882	-0.021205	-0.966405	-1.350083	-2.399489	-3849.860840	-8211.493164	-1169265.750000	0.059123	0.067932	-0.614921	-0.351998	0.386992	-1.288893	0.083677	-0.042474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194255.000000	126555.000000	117832.000000	170132.000000
-348.737396	0.294729	-0.102084	-1.049230	-0.042890	-0.712132	0.223790	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.003882	-0.021205	-0.984266	-1.356282	-2.399489	-4385.934082	-8244.372070	-1142385.750000	0.059836	0.068281	-0.614921	-0.351998	0.386992	-1.288893	0.083677	-0.042474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194824.000000	126052.000000	118335.000000	169563.000000
-348.742401	0.300832	-0.102084	-1.048254	-0.030119	-0.701490	0.157808	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.003882	-0.021205	-1.004395	-1.363497	-2.399489	-4776.826172	-8331.093750	-1113651.875000	0.060720	0.068667	-0.614921	-0.351998	0.386992	-1.288893	0.083677	-0.042474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195301.000000	125748.000000	118639.000000	169086.000000
-348.747406	0.304982	-0.103061	-1.047277	-0.017349	-0.692976	0.087569	152123.000000	0.000000	-0.003882	-0.021205	-1.024557	-1.372142	-2.399489	-4679.001465	-8587.334961	-1083064.250000	0.061730	0.069104	-0.614921	-0.351998	0.386992	-1.288893	0.083677	-0.042474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195389.000000	126031.000000	118214.000000	168856.000000
-348.752411	0.308400	-0.105502	-1.046301	-0.006706	-0.686591	0.015202	152123.000000	0.000000	-0.003882	-0.021205	-1.045103	-1.382336	-2.399489	-4610.371094	-8618.944336	-1051549.750000	0.062838	0.069608	-0.614921	-0.351998	0.386992	-1.288893	0.083677	-0.042474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195352.000000	126131.000000	118114.000000	168893.000000
-348.757416	0.309621	-0.108432	-1.044104	0.001807	-0.680205	-0.058230	152123.000000	0.000000	-0.003882	-0.021205	-1.065313	-1.393481	-2.399489	-4695.800293	-8579.996094	-1019571.687500	0.064011	0.070177	-0.614921	-0.351998	0.386992	-1.288893	0.083677	-0.042474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195398.000000	126007.000000	118238.000000	168847.000000
-348.762421	0.308889	-0.112826	-1.042150	0.007128	-0.675948	-0.132726	152123.000000	0.000000	0.012619	-0.018567	-0.176641	-1.261058	-2.406372	99543.531250	8141.957031	-990127.562500	0.065203	0.070821	-0.612274	-0.350453	0.406423	-1.296244	0.056624	-0.035546	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143981.000000	143981.000000	100264.000000	200000.000000
-348.767426	0.308645	-0.118441	-1.040441	0.011385	-0.672756	-0.206157	152186.000000	0.000000	0.007476	-0.015393	-1.138083	-1.206565	-2.398060	-108207.921875	-78.732643	-954529.687500	0.066413	0.071553	-0.615471	-0.348039	0.410090	-1.298332	0.048616	-0.037600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	152107.000000	152107.000000
-348.772430	0.308645	-0.123324	-1.040441	0.014578	-0.670627	-0.276396	152186.000000	0.000000	0.007476	-0.015393	-0.951100	-1.348060	-2.398060	19035.769531	-22177.478516	-923942.062500	0.067632	0.072351	-0.615471	-0.348039	0.410090	-1.298332	0.048616	-0.037600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185327.000000	163399.000000	100000.000000	179044.000000
-348.777435	0.311818	-0.126254	-1.040441	0.016706	-0.669563	-0.342378	152186.000000	0.000000	0.007476	-0.015393	-0.972652	-1.361233	-2.398060	-3880.986572	-8020.994629	-895208.187500	0.068911	0.073171	-0.615471	-0.348039	0.410090	-1.298332	0.048616	-0.037600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194087.000000	126326.000000	118045.000000	170284.000000
-348.782440	0.317434	-0.126986	-1.042395	0.018835	-0.670627	-0.405167	152186.000000	0.000000	0.007476	-0.015393	-0.996278	-1.372216	-2.398060	-3978.802734	-7840.499023	-867864.687500	0.070271	0.073967	-0.615471	-0.348039	0.410090	-1.298332	0.048616	-0.037600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194005.000000	126047.000000	118324.000000	170366.000000
-348.787445	0.325246	-0.127475	-1.044104	0.019899	-0.672756	-0.462636	152186.000000	0.000000	0.007476	-0.015393	-1.022807	-1.382329	-2.398060	-4293.221191	-7679.258301	-842838.500000	0.071742	0.074729	-0.615471	-0.348039	0.410090	-1.298332	0.048616	-0.037600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194158.000000	125572.000000	118799.000000	170213.000000
-348.792450	0.335744	-0.127230	-1.045080	0.019899	-0.677013	-0.517975	152200.000000	0.000000	0.007476	-0.015393	-1.053035	-1.390929	-2.398060	-4585.395508	-7435.468262	-818739.125000	0.073361	0.075440	-0.615471	-0.348039	0.410090	-1.298332	0.048616	-0.037600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194220.000000	125050.000000	119349.000000	170179.000000
-348.797455	0.346730	-0.126254	-1.046057	0.017771	-0.682334	-0.571187	152200.000000	0.000000	0.007476	-0.015393	-1.085427	-1.397466	-2.398060	-4830.834473	-6994.802246	-795566.687500	0.075128	0.076076	-0.615471	-0.348039	0.410090	-1.298332	0.048616	-0.037600	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194025.000000	124363.000000	120036.000000	170374.000000
-348.802460	0.358449	-0.123568	-1.045812	0.013514	-0.689783	-0.624398	152200.000000	0.000000	0.010785	-0.013676	-0.938399	-1.306327	-2.385694	15842.066406	4418.054199	-767009.125000	0.077048	0.076598	-0.620227	-0.344536	0.413165	-1.300356	0.040779	-0.035684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161939.000000	133624.000000	110775.000000	200000.000000
-348.807465	0.370900	-0.119418	-1.044348	0.006064	-0.698297	-0.676545	152200.000000	0.000000	0.023224	-0.009804	-0.424598	-1.161528	-2.328461	58690.671875	11369.806641	-719376.562500	0.079132	0.076967	-0.642240	-0.329238	0.418549	-1.306825	0.020310	-0.032466	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140830.000000	140830.000000	103569.000000	200000.000000
-348.812469	0.382375	-0.112826	-1.042883	-0.003514	-0.710004	-0.729756	152183.000000	0.000000	0.023224	-0.009804	-0.960325	-1.310587	-2.328461	-58770.718750	-21349.396484	-696204.125000	0.081346	0.077131	-0.642240	-0.329238	0.418549	-1.306825	0.020310	-0.032466	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	113532.000000	130833.000000	130833.000000
-348.817474	0.393117	-0.104525	-1.038977	-0.017349	-0.722774	-0.785096	152183.000000	0.000000	0.018340	-0.006432	-1.269054	-1.113841	-2.306633	-35061.765625	18115.439453	-662598.875000	0.083685	0.077045	-0.650635	-0.323315	0.419169	-1.309089	0.013831	-0.032431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194067.000000	100000.000000	170298.000000	170298.000000
-348.822479	0.400930	-0.095736	-1.034582	-0.034376	-0.738738	-0.841500	152183.000000	0.000000	0.018340	-0.006432	-1.112070	-1.232561	-2.306633	17299.304688	-16693.316406	-638036.062500	0.086083	0.076689	-0.650635	-0.323315	0.419169	-1.309089	0.013831	-0.032431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181577.000000	156175.000000	100000.000000	182788.000000
-348.827484	0.405813	-0.085727	-1.031164	-0.052468	-0.754701	-0.900032	152183.000000	0.000000	0.018340	-0.006432	-1.148278	-1.211019	-2.306633	-4036.502686	-971.431274	-612546.375000	0.088486	0.076038	-0.650635	-0.323315	0.419169	-1.309089	0.013831	-0.032431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187190.000000	119117.000000	125248.000000	177175.000000
-348.832489	0.406057	-0.078891	-1.029943	-0.071624	-0.772793	-0.957501	152183.000000	0.000000	0.018340	-0.006432	-1.178745	-1.188121	-2.306633	-3228.298096	-510.862152	-587520.125000	0.090787	0.075148	-0.650635	-0.323315	0.419169	-1.309089	0.013831	-0.032431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185922.000000	119465.000000	124900.000000	178443.000000
-348.837494	0.403859	-0.076937	-1.025793	-0.093973	-0.794077	-1.014969	152203.000000	0.000000	0.018340	-0.006432	-1.205456	-1.166060	-2.306633	-2489.130859	-47.424580	-562493.875000	0.092947	0.074100	-0.650635	-0.323315	0.419169	-1.309089	0.013831	-0.032431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184739.000000	119761.000000	124644.000000	179666.000000
-348.842499	0.400197	-0.077914	-1.019201	-0.115257	-0.816426	-1.072437	152203.000000	0.000000	0.018340	-0.006432	-1.229215	-1.145157	-2.306633	-2053.898193	-98.769760	-537467.625000	0.094949	0.072957	-0.650635	-0.323315	0.419169	-1.309089	0.013831	-0.032431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184355.000000	120247.000000	124158.000000	180050.000000
-348.847504	0.396779	-0.079623	-1.015295	-0.138670	-0.843032	-1.129905	152203.000000	0.000000	0.018340	-0.006432	-1.248858	-1.122913	-2.306633	-1101.247437	492.663971	-512441.375000	0.096763	0.071722	-0.650635	-0.323315	0.419169	-1.309089	0.013831	-0.032431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182811.000000	120609.000000	123796.000000	181594.000000
-348.852509	0.391408	-0.081576	-1.012121	-0.162083	-0.873894	-1.187373	152203.000000	0.000000	0.018340	-0.006432	-1.262531	-1.099641	-2.306633	102.396675	820.555115	-487415.156250	0.098330	0.070400	-0.650635	-0.323315	0.419169	-1.309089	0.013831	-0.032431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181280.000000	121484.000000	122921.000000	183125.000000
-348.857513	0.385549	-0.083285	-1.009191	-0.187625	-0.905821	-1.244841	152118.000000	0.000000	0.022717	-0.002962	-1.031140	-0.883580	-2.279108	28376.900391	23364.246094	-450402.437500	0.099639	0.068980	-0.661222	-0.315966	0.418630	-1.311327	0.004721	-0.030796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130376.000000	127130.000000	117105.000000	200000.000000
-348.862518	0.378713	-0.083773	-1.004309	-0.214230	-0.942005	-1.301245	152118.000000	0.000000	0.034135	0.002257	-0.582623	-0.707508	-2.186006	54948.867188	20016.621094	-385295.562500	0.100669	0.067440	-0.697030	-0.290254	0.411915	-1.318183	-0.020021	-0.032236	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132101.000000	132101.000000	112134.000000	200000.000000
-348.867523	0.371877	-0.082797	-0.999670	-0.241900	-0.980317	-1.358714	152118.000000	0.000000	0.034135	0.002257	-1.038764	-0.884872	-2.186006	-46211.656250	-19417.505859	-360269.343750	0.101410	0.065751	-0.697030	-0.290254	0.411915	-1.318183	-0.020021	-0.032236	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	111535.000000	132700.000000	132700.000000
-348.872528	0.364309	-0.081820	-0.996008	-0.272763	-1.017565	-1.416182	152118.000000	0.000000	0.034135	0.002257	-1.033427	-0.850667	-2.186006	4609.552246	4496.253906	-335243.093750	0.101852	0.063901	-0.697030	-0.290254	0.411915	-1.318183	-0.020021	-0.032236	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173012.000000	122231.000000	122004.000000	191223.000000
-348.877533	0.356008	-0.080355	-0.992834	-0.305754	-1.055877	-1.473650	152130.000000	0.000000	0.034135	0.002257	-1.022578	-0.813222	-2.186006	5558.681152	5410.508301	-310216.843750	0.101976	0.061874	-0.697030	-0.290254	0.411915	-1.318183	-0.020021	-0.032236	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171160.000000	122278.000000	121981.000000	193099.000000
-348.882538	0.346486	-0.079135	-0.989416	-0.339809	-1.093125	-1.532182	152130.000000	0.000000	0.034135	0.002257	-1.006275	-0.773435	-2.186006	6287.815430	6124.704102	-284727.187500	0.101770	0.059677	-0.697030	-0.290254	0.411915	-1.318183	-0.020021	-0.032236	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169717.000000	122293.000000	121966.000000	194542.000000
-348.887543	0.338186	-0.078891	-0.987707	-0.373864	-1.129308	-1.590715	152130.000000	0.000000	0.034135	0.002257	-0.986033	-0.732281	-2.186006	6863.331055	6620.960938	-259237.453125	0.101252	0.057330	-0.697030	-0.290254	0.411915	-1.318183	-0.020021	-0.032236	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168645.000000	122372.000000	121887.000000	195614.000000
-348.892548	0.329885	-0.078646	-0.985510	-0.407920	-1.161235	-1.648183	152130.000000	0.000000	0.034135	0.002257	-0.962597	-0.689297	-2.186006	7002.435059	7178.236328	-234211.218750	0.100449	0.054843	-0.697030	-0.290254	0.411915	-1.318183	-0.020021	-0.032236	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167949.000000	121954.000000	122305.000000	196310.000000
-348.897552	0.321340	-0.076937	-0.983801	-0.441975	-1.191033	-1.704587	152130.000000	0.000000	0.035050	0.010468	-0.884767	-0.191494	-2.144886	13243.218750	59633.242188	-191741.671875	0.099365	0.052190	-0.712845	-0.278974	0.406948	-1.320399	-0.031996	-0.031617	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138886.000000	105373.000000	138886.000000	200000.000000
-348.902557	0.312307	-0.074740	-0.982824	-0.476030	-1.216575	-1.762055	152186.000000	0.000000	0.045754	0.016951	-0.301647	-0.114209	-2.012481	71134.671875	13906.916016	-109055.406250	0.098009	0.049369	-0.763771	-0.242317	0.385844	-1.326775	-0.070523	-0.035289	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138279.000000	138279.000000	106092.000000	200000.000000
-348.907562	0.304006	-0.073031	-0.984045	-0.506893	-1.235731	-1.818459	152186.000000	0.000000	0.048307	0.029153	-0.555866	0.347450	-1.955589	-22719.197266	58085.691406	-59717.289062	0.096416	0.046408	-0.785652	-0.226875	0.374800	-1.328856	-0.084234	-0.036676	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174905.000000	100000.000000	174905.000000	189466.000000
-348.912567	0.296438	-0.072543	-0.986975	-0.535627	-1.250630	-1.873799	152186.000000	0.000000	0.048307	0.029153	-0.622367	-0.090397	-1.955589	-2783.950684	-42936.390625	-35617.957031	0.094611	0.043345	-0.785652	-0.226875	0.374800	-1.328856	-0.084234	-0.036676	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	149402.000000	100000.000000	149402.000000
-348.917572	0.290090	-0.072543	-0.990393	-0.560104	-1.259144	-1.928074	152186.000000	0.000000	0.048307	0.029153	-0.586517	-0.040754	-1.955589	7972.115234	10538.967773	-11982.058594	0.092646	0.040214	-0.785652	-0.226875	0.374800	-1.328856	-0.084234	-0.036676	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145656.000000	137637.000000	142770.000000	182679.000000
-348.922577	0.284719	-0.071811	-0.993322	-0.581388	-1.261272	-1.982350	152119.000000	0.000000	0.048307	0.029153	-0.551222	0.009579	-1.955589	7381.174316	10593.247070	11653.841797	0.090575	0.037023	-0.785652	-0.226875	0.374800	-1.328856	-0.084234	-0.036676	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122490.000000	160560.000000	166984.000000	158439.000000
-348.927582	0.279104	-0.070346	-0.996740	-0.600544	-1.258080	-2.036625	152119.000000	0.000000	0.048307	0.029153	-0.515408	0.060876	-1.955589	7003.252930	10789.262695	35289.792969	0.088418	0.033769	-0.785652	-0.226875	0.374800	-1.328856	-0.084234	-0.036676	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104326.000000	178332.000000	185905.000000	139911.000000
-348.932587	0.273000	-0.068393	-1.000158	-0.615444	-1.247437	-2.091965	152119.000000	0.000000	0.048307	0.029153	-0.479814	0.112306	-1.955589	6274.623535	10640.938477	59389.070312	0.086202	0.030467	-0.785652	-0.226875	0.374800	-1.328856	-0.084234	-0.036676	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105203.000000	177752.000000	186485.000000	139034.000000
-348.937592	0.264455	-0.065707	-1.001135	-0.629278	-1.232538	-2.151562	152119.000000	0.000000	0.048307	0.029153	-0.442657	0.164682	-1.955589	6080.864746	10932.580078	85342.273438	0.083914	0.027113	-0.785652	-0.226875	0.374800	-1.328856	-0.084234	-0.036676	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105105.000000	177267.000000	186970.000000	139132.000000
-348.942596	0.252980	-0.063754	-1.000158	-0.639921	-1.211254	-2.215415	152119.000000	0.000000	0.053097	0.032093	-0.140181	0.377634	-1.798179	35845.578125	29266.197266	181698.015625	0.081540	0.023742	-0.846194	-0.183727	0.339180	-1.334293	-0.125388	-0.043990	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182852.000000	181385.000000	181385.000000
-348.947601	0.237111	-0.062289	-0.996984	-0.651627	-1.184648	-2.283526	152130.000000	0.000000	0.054958	0.045561	-0.186408	1.051779	-1.732852	-3418.024170	83264.226562	239807.265625	0.079032	0.020362	-0.871320	-0.166368	0.322919	-1.335711	-0.142564	-0.053991	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	148711.000000	200000.000000	148711.000000
-348.952606	0.218557	-0.063754	-0.993566	-0.661205	-1.153786	-2.355893	152130.000000	0.000000	0.054958	0.045561	-0.213853	0.560551	-1.732852	-2087.601807	-47340.148438	271321.718750	0.076354	0.017042	-0.871320	-0.166368	0.322919	-1.335711	-0.142564	-0.053991	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154217.000000	200000.000000	154217.000000	100000.000000
-348.957611	0.199025	-0.066684	-0.988684	-0.669719	-1.117602	-2.431453	152130.000000	0.000000	0.062251	0.055655	0.236108	1.159965	-1.657735	51724.410156	75261.843750	336938.781250	0.073516	0.013820	-0.900211	-0.146675	0.303388	-1.337924	-0.151361	-0.047238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182130.000000	182130.000000	182130.000000
-348.962616	0.180715	-0.067904	-0.983801	-0.677169	-1.076097	-2.509141	152130.000000	0.000000	0.062251	0.055655	-0.006806	0.800788	-1.657735	-26361.144531	-31883.748047	370770.531250	0.070567	0.010669	-0.900211	-0.146675	0.303388	-1.337924	-0.151361	-0.047238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178491.000000	185768.000000	178491.000000	100000.000000
-348.967621	0.165334	-0.067416	-0.979162	-0.683554	-1.031400	-2.585766	152127.000000	0.000000	0.062251	0.055655	0.039849	0.845669	-1.657735	5143.111328	12672.648438	404138.843750	0.067574	0.007562	-0.900211	-0.146675	0.303388	-1.337924	-0.151361	-0.047238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104311.000000	174597.000000	189656.000000	139942.000000
-348.972626	0.151906	-0.065219	-0.974768	-0.687811	-0.980317	-2.662390	152127.000000	0.000000	0.062251	0.055655	0.083595	0.891187	-1.657735	4087.085693	12737.492188	437507.218750	0.064602	0.004474	-0.900211	-0.146675	0.303388	-1.337924	-0.151361	-0.047238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105302.000000	173476.000000	190777.000000	138951.000000
-348.977631	0.140432	-0.062777	-0.969396	-0.691004	-0.927106	-2.736886	152127.000000	0.000000	0.062251	0.055655	0.124452	0.936269	-1.657735	3478.431885	12794.634766	469948.656250	0.061698	0.001409	-0.900211	-0.146675	0.303388	-1.337924	-0.151361	-0.047238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105853.000000	172810.000000	191443.000000	138400.000000
-348.982635	0.130666	-0.060824	-0.965734	-0.689939	-0.869637	-2.808189	152127.000000	0.000000	0.062251	0.055655	0.161872	0.979431	-1.657735	2540.591553	12308.018555	500999.750000	0.058905	-0.001605	-0.900211	-0.146675	0.303388	-1.337924	-0.151361	-0.047238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107278.000000	172359.000000	191894.000000	136975.000000
-348.987640	0.122854	-0.059604	-0.964025	-0.685682	-0.812169	-2.875235	152123.000000	0.000000	0.062251	0.055655	0.195993	1.020272	-1.657735	2070.315674	11870.043945	530197.000000	0.056253	-0.004540	-0.900211	-0.146675	0.303388	-1.337924	-0.151361	-0.047238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108182.000000	172323.000000	191922.000000	136063.000000
-348.992645	0.117482	-0.058383	-0.961828	-0.677169	-0.755765	-2.936960	152123.000000	0.000000	0.062251	0.055655	0.225687	1.058776	-1.657735	1577.151611	11283.543945	557077.062500	0.053785	-0.007374	-0.900211	-0.146675	0.303388	-1.337924	-0.151361	-0.047238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109262.000000	172416.000000	191829.000000	134983.000000
-348.997650	0.115041	-0.055941	-0.958410	-0.664398	-0.701490	-2.995492	152123.000000	0.000000	0.075055	0.065230	0.954072	1.622655	-1.352093	81752.796875	71130.242188	715667.375000	0.051549	-0.010114	-1.017766	-0.067076	0.214032	-1.344363	-0.188513	-0.046016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182123.000000	182123.000000	182123.000000
-349.002655	0.113576	-0.053256	-0.956457	-0.648435	-0.650407	-3.050832	152123.000000	0.000000	0.075055	0.065230	0.463113	1.275401	-1.352093	-54478.585938	-31088.300781	739766.750000	0.049539	-0.012755	-1.017766	-0.067076	0.214032	-1.344363	-0.188513	-0.046016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182123.000000	182123.000000	182123.000000	100000.000000
-349.007660	0.112111	-0.053256	-0.954016	-0.628214	-0.603581	-3.102979	152123.000000	0.000000	0.075055	0.065230	0.482114	1.305532	-1.352093	1934.736084	9984.989258	762475.812500	0.047731	-0.015224	-1.017766	-0.067076	0.214032	-1.344363	-0.188513	-0.046016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110203.000000	174072.000000	190173.000000	134042.000000
-349.012665	0.108693	-0.055941	-0.952551	-0.604801	-0.561012	-3.151934	152186.000000	0.000000	0.075055	0.065230	0.501736	1.329459	-1.352093	2365.513428	8954.124023	783794.375000	0.046060	-0.017455	-1.017766	-0.067076	0.214032	-1.344363	-0.188513	-0.046016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110866.000000	175597.000000	188774.000000	133505.000000
-349.017670	0.103566	-0.060092	-0.949621	-0.578196	-0.524828	-3.198760	152186.000000	0.000000	0.075055	0.065230	0.522829	1.347453	-1.352093	3159.874756	7911.114258	804186.125000	0.044461	-0.019404	-1.017766	-0.067076	0.214032	-1.344363	-0.188513	-0.046016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111115.000000	177434.000000	186937.000000	133256.000000
-349.022675	0.095998	-0.065219	-0.945471	-0.550526	-0.492902	-3.244521	152186.000000	0.000000	0.075055	0.065230	0.546575	1.359993	-1.352093	3882.108643	7124.707520	824114.500000	0.042867	-0.021049	-1.017766	-0.067076	0.214032	-1.344363	-0.188513	-0.046016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111179.000000	178943.000000	185428.000000	133192.000000
-349.027679	0.086721	-0.070590	-0.942541	-0.519663	-0.465232	-3.288155	152186.000000	0.000000	0.075055	0.065230	0.573364	1.367145	-1.352093	4680.610840	6072.269531	843115.875000	0.041220	-0.022376	-1.017766	-0.067076	0.214032	-1.344363	-0.188513	-0.046016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111433.000000	180794.000000	183577.000000	132938.000000
-349.032684	0.078176	-0.076693	-0.939855	-0.487736	-0.441819	-3.330724	152125.000000	0.000000	0.078958	0.085040	0.815632	2.457841	-1.087995	29848.693359	129967.687500	976663.500000	0.039519	-0.023368	-1.119342	-0.000823	0.128547	-1.348232	-0.203249	-0.037008	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	181973.000000	182276.000000	181973.000000
-349.037689	0.070363	-0.083285	-0.936193	-0.455810	-0.421598	-3.371164	152125.000000	0.000000	0.075723	0.096293	0.509835	2.280502	-0.992645	-31562.876953	-10423.049805	1035797.437500	0.037771	-0.024017	-1.156015	0.022509	0.096502	-1.349428	-0.205933	-0.033379	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162548.000000	162548.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-349.042694	0.064748	-0.088168	-0.933752	-0.423883	-0.404571	-3.407348	152125.000000	0.000000	0.075723	0.096293	0.666083	1.823790	-0.992645	20233.060547	-43389.371094	1051554.625000	0.036011	-0.024365	-1.156015	0.022509	0.096502	-1.349428	-0.205933	-0.033379	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131891.000000	200000.000000	131891.000000	112358.000000
-349.047699	0.059133	-0.090854	-0.930822	-0.393020	-0.389672	-3.441403	152125.000000	0.000000	0.074769	0.097844	0.640974	1.900836	-0.897282	341.888031	15629.890625	1107913.875000	0.034233	-0.024468	-1.192693	0.045406	0.064104	-1.350426	-0.210259	-0.025967	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106153.000000	166836.000000	197413.000000	138096.000000
-349.052704	0.054250	-0.091342	-0.928381	-0.364286	-0.375837	-3.470137	152125.000000	0.000000	0.074769	0.097844	0.705958	1.830230	-0.897282	10600.382812	-828.317017	1120426.875000	0.032452	-0.024387	-1.192693	0.045406	0.064104	-1.350426	-0.210259	-0.025967	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112352.000000	193553.000000	170696.000000	131897.000000
-349.057709	0.048879	-0.090121	-0.925451	-0.339809	-0.365194	-3.495679	152176.000000	0.000000	0.072618	0.097660	0.615818	1.812021	-0.802717	-6568.945312	5204.784180	1172731.125000	0.030646	-0.024181	-1.229064	0.067473	0.031928	-1.351333	-0.214780	-0.018462	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123540.000000	170402.000000	193949.000000	120811.000000
-349.062714	0.044484	-0.086459	-0.923010	-0.317460	-0.356681	-3.515899	152176.000000	0.000000	0.072618	0.097660	0.729581	1.812971	-0.802717	16569.562500	7447.034668	1181536.625000	0.028827	-0.023915	-1.229064	0.067473	0.031928	-1.351333	-0.214780	-0.018462	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	191298.000000	173053.000000	146192.000000
-349.067719	0.039846	-0.081332	-0.921057	-0.298304	-0.351360	-3.531862	152176.000000	0.000000	0.072618	0.097660	0.758645	1.808336	-0.802717	7716.735840	7074.695801	1188488.375000	0.026976	-0.023637	-1.229064	0.067473	0.031928	-1.351333	-0.214780	-0.018462	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107384.000000	182818.000000	181533.000000	136967.000000
-349.072723	0.034230	-0.076205	-0.919104	-0.282341	-0.348167	-3.542505	152176.000000	0.000000	0.072618	0.097660	0.789882	1.804348	-0.802717	8318.617188	7404.874512	1193122.875000	0.025062	-0.023362	-1.229064	0.067473	0.031928	-1.351333	-0.214780	-0.018462	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106452.000000	183089.000000	181262.000000	137899.000000
-349.077728	0.028371	-0.070834	-0.914953	-0.268506	-0.349231	-3.548890	152188.000000	0.000000	0.072618	0.097660	0.823365	1.801001	-0.802717	9192.661133	7630.540039	1195903.500000	0.023061	-0.023101	-1.229064	0.067473	0.031928	-1.351333	-0.214780	-0.018462	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105364.000000	183750.000000	180625.000000	139011.000000
-349.082733	0.021779	-0.064730	-0.910559	-0.258928	-0.351360	-3.551018	152188.000000	0.000000	0.072618	0.097660	0.859266	1.799784	-0.802717	9751.226562	8282.859375	1196830.375000	0.020953	-0.022890	-1.229064	0.067473	0.031928	-1.351333	-0.214780	-0.018462	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104153.000000	183656.000000	180719.000000	140222.000000
-349.087738	0.013967	-0.055453	-0.907385	-0.253607	-0.355616	-3.549954	152188.000000	0.000000	0.073513	0.100859	0.948019	1.980212	-0.705497	16223.754883	29529.619141	1238704.375000	0.018700	-0.022818	-1.266457	0.089723	-0.001146	-1.352044	-0.221287	-0.006021	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	168882.000000	195493.000000	167941.000000
-349.092743	0.004445	-0.045199	-0.903234	-0.252543	-0.360938	-3.545697	152188.000000	0.000000	0.074722	0.100102	1.022882	1.819356	-0.511409	15182.230469	-8273.381836	1321371.625000	0.016259	-0.022924	-1.341106	0.132121	-0.066161	-1.353455	-0.223764	0.008545	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115279.000000	200000.000000	158732.000000	129096.000000
-349.097748	-0.005076	-0.034701	-0.899572	-0.255735	-0.367323	-3.539312	152124.000000	0.000000	0.068805	0.098603	0.696538	1.779739	-0.414069	-30287.572266	5358.138672	1360980.875000	0.013624	-0.023229	-1.378544	0.152480	-0.097992	-1.353938	-0.225990	0.017120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146765.000000	146765.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-349.102753	-0.013865	-0.026156	-0.897131	-0.259992	-0.374772	-3.529734	152124.000000	0.000000	0.068805	0.098603	0.982773	1.852890	-0.414069	38537.039062	18230.708984	1356809.875000	0.010804	-0.023692	-1.378544	0.152480	-0.097992	-1.353938	-0.225990	0.017120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	193893.000000	170354.000000	170354.000000
-349.107758	-0.019969	-0.020541	-0.896154	-0.267442	-0.382222	-3.515899	152124.000000	0.000000	0.068805	0.098603	1.031834	1.865457	-0.414069	12718.405273	12012.302734	1350785.000000	0.007861	-0.024256	-1.378544	0.152480	-0.097992	-1.353938	-0.225990	0.017120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182830.000000	181417.000000	146854.000000
-349.112762	-0.023875	-0.016391	-0.895422	-0.275956	-0.389672	-3.496743	152124.000000	0.000000	0.068805	0.098603	1.079973	1.877853	-0.414069	12872.692383	12206.620117	1342442.875000	0.004845	-0.024892	-1.378544	0.152480	-0.097992	-1.353938	-0.225990	0.017120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182790.000000	181457.000000	147203.000000
-349.117767	-0.026316	-0.013461	-0.895178	-0.283405	-0.396057	-3.472266	152124.000000	0.000000	0.068805	0.098603	1.127051	1.889428	-0.414069	12884.866211	12086.881836	1331783.625000	0.001796	-0.025565	-1.378544	0.152480	-0.097992	-1.353938	-0.225990	0.017120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182921.000000	181326.000000	147095.000000
-349.122772	-0.028270	-0.012484	-0.894445	-0.291919	-0.401378	-3.442467	152187.000000	0.000000	0.068805	0.098603	1.173717	1.899405	-0.414069	12961.716797	12113.358398	1318807.000000	-0.001270	-0.026236	-1.378544	0.152480	-0.097992	-1.353938	-0.225990	0.017120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	183035.000000	181338.000000	147262.000000
-349.127777	-0.029490	-0.014682	-0.892980	-0.300433	-0.406699	-3.410541	152187.000000	0.000000	0.068805	0.098603	1.219719	1.905462	-0.414069	13125.921875	11749.536133	1304903.625000	-0.004336	-0.026834	-1.378544	0.152480	-0.097992	-1.353938	-0.225990	0.017120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	183563.000000	180810.000000	147062.000000
-349.132782	-0.029979	-0.020053	-0.891516	-0.310011	-0.410956	-3.374357	152187.000000	0.000000	0.068805	0.098603	1.264423	1.906940	-0.414069	13091.442383	11413.884766	1289146.375000	-0.007378	-0.027296	-1.378544	0.152480	-0.097992	-1.353938	-0.225990	0.017120	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	183864.000000	180509.000000	146692.000000
-349.137787	-0.029734	-0.026889	-0.889807	-0.319589	-0.414149	-3.339237	152187.000000	0.000000	0.072880	0.088785	1.531584	1.364954	-0.044458	38677.371094	-50792.593750	1434810.500000	-0.010375	-0.027592	-1.520702	0.222940	-0.210021	-1.354610	-0.239979	0.048110	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122187.000000	200000.000000	122187.000000	122187.000000
-349.142792	-0.030223	-0.032016	-0.888342	-0.328103	-0.415213	-3.310503	152180.000000	0.000000	0.072880	0.088785	1.411277	1.754932	-0.044458	-4709.601562	53398.546875	1422297.375000	-0.013329	-0.027761	-1.520702	0.222940	-0.210021	-1.354610	-0.239979	0.048110	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	147470.000000	200000.000000	147470.000000
-349.147797	-0.033152	-0.037631	-0.887854	-0.338745	-0.413085	-3.277512	152180.000000	0.000000	0.053904	0.076548	0.411892	1.077854	0.043220	-106327.523438	-66762.203125	1446112.250000	-0.016279	-0.027806	-1.554425	0.237893	-0.233811	-1.354443	-0.244398	0.054693	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182180.000000	182180.000000	182180.000000	100000.000000
-349.152802	-0.038768	-0.040805	-0.888098	-0.349387	-0.406699	-3.247714	152180.000000	0.000000	0.053904	0.076548	1.216666	1.564269	0.043220	95255.101562	63457.199219	1433135.750000	-0.019260	-0.027787	-1.554425	0.237893	-0.233811	-1.354443	-0.244398	0.054693	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182180.000000	182180.000000	182180.000000
-349.157806	-0.046336	-0.041537	-0.889318	-0.360029	-0.393929	-3.223237	152180.000000	0.000000	0.053904	0.076548	1.263729	1.563584	0.043220	11395.831055	9943.522461	1422476.375000	-0.022284	-0.027761	-1.554425	0.237893	-0.233811	-1.354443	-0.244398	0.054693	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100840.000000	183632.000000	180727.000000	143519.000000
-349.162811	-0.053416	-0.041293	-0.889318	-0.368543	-0.374772	-3.201952	152180.000000	0.000000	0.053904	0.076548	1.309140	1.563343	0.043220	10632.860352	9796.323242	1413207.375000	-0.025309	-0.027738	-1.554425	0.237893	-0.233811	-1.354443	-0.244398	0.054693	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101750.000000	183016.000000	181343.000000	142609.000000
-349.167816	-0.059275	-0.040561	-0.889807	-0.377057	-0.349231	-3.183861	152123.000000	0.000000	0.053904	0.076548	1.351322	1.563777	0.043220	9652.317383	9911.722656	1405328.875000	-0.028276	-0.027728	-1.554425	0.237893	-0.233811	-1.354443	-0.244398	0.054693	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102558.000000	181863.000000	182382.000000	141687.000000
-349.172821	-0.062449	-0.041293	-0.890539	-0.384507	-0.319433	-3.166833	152123.000000	0.000000	0.053904	0.076548	1.388234	1.562394	0.043220	8637.427734	9622.809570	1397913.625000	-0.031105	-0.027696	-1.554425	0.237893	-0.233811	-1.354443	-0.244398	0.054693	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103862.000000	181137.000000	183108.000000	140383.000000
-349.177826	-0.062693	-0.043979	-0.891027	-0.390892	-0.286442	-3.149805	152123.000000	0.000000	0.053904	0.076548	1.418759	1.558129	0.043220	7572.803711	9198.564453	1390498.500000	-0.033717	-0.027596	-1.554425	0.237893	-0.233811	-1.354443	-0.244398	0.054693	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105351.000000	180497.000000	183748.000000	138894.000000
-349.182831	-0.060740	-0.045688	-0.888830	-0.398342	-0.252387	-3.132778	152123.000000	0.000000	0.056141	0.066951	1.566508	1.026731	0.296083	20868.191406	-51055.914062	1493200.500000	-0.036066	-0.027455	-1.651680	0.276824	-0.294603	-1.353301	-0.249758	0.072443	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131254.000000	200000.000000	131254.000000	112991.000000
-349.187836	-0.058299	-0.045932	-0.884191	-0.407920	-0.216203	-3.115750	152111.000000	0.000000	0.042848	0.056031	0.766141	0.808241	0.375710	-87464.937500	-17376.804688	1520461.000000	-0.038138	-0.027320	-1.682305	0.287829	-0.311153	-1.352715	-0.250673	0.077238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169487.000000	169487.000000	194734.000000	100000.000000
-349.192841	-0.056346	-0.045443	-0.880041	-0.419626	-0.182148	-3.098722	152111.000000	0.000000	0.042848	0.056031	1.314967	1.244898	0.375710	63488.890625	56957.066406	1513045.875000	-0.039960	-0.027222	-1.682305	0.287829	-0.311153	-1.352715	-0.250673	0.077238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182111.000000	182111.000000	182111.000000
-349.197845	-0.054881	-0.043490	-0.875646	-0.435589	-0.150221	-3.082759	152111.000000	0.000000	0.042848	0.056031	1.330019	1.248639	0.375710	4953.579590	9914.026367	1506094.125000	-0.041559	-0.027219	-1.682305	0.287829	-0.311153	-1.352715	-0.250673	0.077238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107243.000000	177150.000000	187071.000000	136978.000000
-349.202850	-0.053904	-0.042025	-0.873449	-0.452617	-0.119358	-3.067860	152111.000000	0.000000	0.042848	0.056031	1.342767	1.253696	0.375710	4733.546875	10277.925781	1499605.750000	-0.042953	-0.027309	-1.682305	0.287829	-0.311153	-1.352715	-0.250673	0.077238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107099.000000	176566.000000	187655.000000	137122.000000
-349.207855	-0.053660	-0.041781	-0.872229	-0.471773	-0.090624	-3.054025	152114.000000	0.000000	0.042848	0.056031	1.354165	1.259338	0.375710	4739.422852	10690.354492	1493581.000000	-0.044174	-0.027477	-1.682305	0.287829	-0.311153	-1.352715	-0.250673	0.077238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106684.000000	176163.000000	188064.000000	137543.000000
-349.212860	-0.054148	-0.043734	-0.871008	-0.490929	-0.062954	-3.042319	152114.000000	0.000000	0.042848	0.056031	1.364434	1.263451	0.375710	4652.733887	10628.661133	1488483.125000	-0.045249	-0.027674	-1.682305	0.287829	-0.311153	-1.352715	-0.250673	0.077238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106832.000000	176138.000000	188089.000000	137395.000000
-349.217865	-0.055857	-0.046420	-0.870275	-0.509021	-0.034220	-3.032740	152114.000000	0.000000	0.042848	0.056031	1.373918	1.266873	0.375710	4360.780762	10534.706055	1484312.000000	-0.046203	-0.027880	-1.682305	0.287829	-0.311153	-1.352715	-0.250673	0.077238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107218.000000	175940.000000	188287.000000	137009.000000
-349.222870	-0.058787	-0.050082	-0.870520	-0.526049	-0.005486	-3.024227	152114.000000	0.000000	0.042848	0.056031	1.383187	1.269061	0.375710	4247.539062	10370.392578	1480604.375000	-0.047065	-0.028069	-1.682305	0.287829	-0.311153	-1.352715	-0.250673	0.077238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107496.000000	175991.000000	188236.000000	136731.000000
-349.227875	-0.062937	-0.052768	-0.871252	-0.542012	0.026441	-3.017841	152114.000000	0.000000	0.043660	0.049641	1.436429	0.920724	0.532356	8829.710938	-29817.933594	1546040.000000	-0.047849	-0.028261	-1.742554	0.307619	-0.339649	-1.351140	-0.246922	0.085199	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143102.000000	200000.000000	143466.000000	101125.000000
-349.232880	-0.068553	-0.054232	-0.871984	-0.553718	0.059432	-3.014649	152191.000000	0.000000	0.043337	0.045219	1.395323	0.936569	0.697291	-2002.311890	9884.825195	1616475.625000	-0.048585	-0.028464	-1.805991	0.326972	-0.364913	-1.349010	-0.237384	0.089682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114308.000000	170303.000000	194078.000000	130073.000000
-349.237885	-0.074168	-0.056186	-0.873693	-0.563296	0.093487	-3.014649	152191.000000	0.000000	0.043337	0.045219	1.416273	1.115879	0.697291	4643.759766	28493.535156	1616475.625000	-0.049266	-0.028657	-1.805991	0.326972	-0.364913	-1.349010	-0.237384	0.089682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	158341.000000	200000.000000	155328.000000
-349.242889	-0.079295	-0.059604	-0.876623	-0.568618	0.129670	-3.017841	152191.000000	0.000000	0.043337	0.045219	1.422209	1.115405	0.697291	2619.834961	8279.515625	1617866.000000	-0.049869	-0.028789	-1.805991	0.326972	-0.364913	-1.349010	-0.237384	0.089682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111291.000000	176531.000000	187850.000000	133090.000000
-349.247894	-0.083689	-0.063266	-0.880529	-0.569682	0.166918	-3.021034	152191.000000	0.000000	0.043337	0.045219	1.425656	1.112805	0.697291	2073.584473	7570.581055	1619256.250000	-0.050370	-0.028838	-1.805991	0.326972	-0.364913	-1.349010	-0.237384	0.089682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112546.000000	176694.000000	187687.000000	131835.000000
-349.252899	-0.086619	-0.068881	-0.883215	-0.566489	0.205230	-3.025291	152124.000000	0.000000	0.043337	0.045219	1.425618	1.105479	0.697291	1396.948608	6534.500977	1621110.125000	-0.050734	-0.028740	-1.805991	0.326972	-0.364913	-1.349010	-0.237384	0.089682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114192.000000	176986.000000	187261.000000	130055.000000
-349.257904	-0.087596	-0.074496	-0.886389	-0.560104	0.241414	-3.028484	152124.000000	0.000000	0.043337	0.045219	1.421636	1.095465	0.697291	1012.485962	5812.313477	1622500.500000	-0.050927	-0.028487	-1.805991	0.326972	-0.364913	-1.349010	-0.237384	0.089682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115299.000000	177324.000000	186923.000000	128948.000000
-349.262909	-0.087107	-0.079623	-0.888098	-0.552654	0.277598	-3.029548	152124.000000	0.000000	0.043337	0.045219	1.413505	1.083648	0.697291	352.556458	5408.553223	1622963.875000	-0.050918	-0.028088	-1.805991	0.326972	-0.364913	-1.349010	-0.237384	0.089682	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116362.000000	177068.000000	187179.000000	127885.000000
-349.267914	-0.084666	-0.081576	-0.890539	-0.543076	0.310589	-3.029548	152124.000000	0.000000	0.042512	0.033766	1.355561	0.443602	0.934148	-5191.947266	-66891.367188	1726110.250000	-0.050683	-0.027610	-1.897089	0.350903	-0.390799	-1.344990	-0.224015	0.098091	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157315.000000	200000.000000	157315.000000	100000.000000
-349.272919	-0.081492	-0.082797	-0.892004	-0.534562	0.339323	-3.027419	152124.000000	0.000000	0.032316	0.025668	0.812445	0.446228	1.013496	-60702.062500	3864.302490	1759737.625000	-0.050231	-0.027080	-1.927608	0.358016	-0.396768	-1.343450	-0.216782	0.101015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148259.000000	148259.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-349.277924	-0.076609	-0.084018	-0.894445	-0.523920	0.363800	-3.022098	152132.000000	0.000000	0.032316	0.025668	1.200556	0.758964	1.013496	43832.808594	39118.234375	1757420.500000	-0.049546	-0.026494	-1.927608	0.358016	-0.396768	-1.343450	-0.216782	0.101015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182132.000000	182132.000000	182132.000000
-349.282928	-0.070750	-0.086215	-0.897375	-0.514342	0.385085	-3.013584	152132.000000	0.000000	0.032316	0.025668	1.177339	0.746513	1.013496	-1248.770142	3377.731934	1753712.750000	-0.048626	-0.025841	-1.927608	0.358016	-0.396768	-1.343450	-0.216782	0.101015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120003.000000	177505.000000	186758.000000	124260.000000
-349.287933	-0.063914	-0.087924	-0.901525	-0.504764	0.402112	-3.001878	152132.000000	0.000000	0.032316	0.025668	1.150686	0.734115	1.013496	-1359.493774	3282.383057	1748614.875000	-0.047472	-0.025140	-1.927608	0.358016	-0.396768	-1.343450	-0.216782	0.101015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120209.000000	177490.000000	186773.000000	124054.000000
-349.292938	-0.056834	-0.090121	-0.904943	-0.494122	0.415947	-2.986979	152132.000000	0.000000	0.032316	0.025668	1.121419	0.720342	1.013496	-1494.207886	2902.037109	1742126.625000	-0.046100	-0.024380	-1.927608	0.358016	-0.396768	-1.343450	-0.216782	0.101015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120724.000000	177735.000000	186528.000000	123539.000000
-349.297943	-0.049510	-0.091586	-0.909094	-0.484544	0.427654	-2.969951	152187.000000	0.000000	0.032316	0.025668	1.089370	0.707211	1.013496	-1767.224731	2984.989502	1734711.375000	-0.044520	-0.023589	-1.927608	0.358016	-0.396768	-1.343450	-0.216782	0.101015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120969.000000	177434.000000	186939.000000	123404.000000
-349.302948	-0.043162	-0.092318	-0.913244	-0.472837	0.439360	-2.951859	152187.000000	0.000000	0.032316	0.025668	1.055643	0.694130	1.013496	-2160.767822	2642.562988	1726832.750000	-0.042758	-0.022776	-1.927608	0.358016	-0.396768	-1.343450	-0.216782	0.101015	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121705.000000	177383.000000	186990.000000	122668.000000
-349.307953	-0.038279	-0.091342	-0.917150	-0.461131	0.450002	-2.933768	152187.000000	0.000000	0.032207	0.022705	1.015485	0.520008	1.095030	-2984.612793	-15919.740234	1754461.000000	-0.040855	-0.021980	-1.958967	0.365050	-0.401716	-1.341868	-0.206090	0.101205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141091.000000	195122.000000	169251.000000	103282.000000
-349.312958	-0.034617	-0.090121	-0.921789	-0.449424	0.461709	-2.917804	152187.000000	0.000000	0.036974	0.014442	1.247067	0.173535	1.330322	27789.224609	-36518.378906	1849974.000000	-0.038837	-0.021209	-2.049464	0.382747	-0.407793	-1.336383	-0.180318	0.110412	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124397.000000	200000.000000	124397.000000	119976.000000
-349.317963	-0.030955	-0.088412	-0.926916	-0.436654	0.472351	-2.901841	152175.000000	0.000000	0.036974	0.014442	1.020304	0.494126	1.330322	-23583.511719	38128.238281	1843022.250000	-0.036711	-0.020470	-2.049464	0.382747	-0.407793	-1.336383	-0.180318	0.110412	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115758.000000	128591.000000	200000.000000	128591.000000
-349.322968	-0.027049	-0.086703	-0.932775	-0.423883	0.484058	-2.886942	152175.000000	0.000000	0.036974	0.014442	0.982147	0.484840	1.330322	-3192.632812	1754.466675	1836534.000000	-0.034472	-0.019764	-2.049464	0.382747	-0.407793	-1.336383	-0.180318	0.110412	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123613.000000	177227.000000	187122.000000	120736.000000
-349.327972	-0.022166	-0.085238	-0.937902	-0.411112	0.493636	-2.870978	152175.000000	0.000000	0.036974	0.014442	0.941939	0.475724	1.330322	-3413.174561	1672.339233	1829582.250000	-0.032113	-0.019084	-2.049464	0.382747	-0.407793	-1.336383	-0.180318	0.110412	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123915.000000	177089.000000	187260.000000	120434.000000
-349.332977	-0.016795	-0.083041	-0.942785	-0.399406	0.503214	-2.853951	152175.000000	0.000000	0.036974	0.014442	0.899574	0.468173	1.330322	-3888.187744	1873.429810	1822167.000000	-0.029626	-0.018453	-2.049464	0.382747	-0.407793	-1.336383	-0.180318	0.110412	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124189.000000	176413.000000	187936.000000	120160.000000
-349.337982	-0.011180	-0.081820	-0.946936	-0.389828	0.510663	-2.835859	152175.000000	0.000000	0.036974	0.014442	0.855846	0.460700	1.330322	-4039.512695	2037.563354	1814288.500000	-0.027022	-0.017858	-2.049464	0.382747	-0.407793	-1.336383	-0.180318	0.110412	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124176.000000	176097.000000	188252.000000	120173.000000
-349.342987	-0.004832	-0.082064	-0.951818	-0.381314	0.517049	-2.816703	152121.000000	0.000000	0.025454	0.004853	0.176594	-0.074770	1.406350	-76956.070312	-58404.179688	1839055.000000	-0.024295	-0.017275	-2.078706	0.387402	-0.406748	-1.334418	-0.172999	0.112714	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182121.000000	182121.000000	182121.000000	100000.000000
-349.347992	0.000783	-0.085971	-0.956701	-0.372800	0.520241	-2.794354	152121.000000	0.000000	0.029793	-0.002782	0.830037	-0.123322	1.619890	72924.000000	-5127.196289	1922314.875000	-0.021480	-0.016631	-2.160836	0.397545	-0.395630	-1.328035	-0.148341	0.121450	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	146993.000000	146993.000000
-349.352997	0.006398	-0.092562	-0.962561	-0.364286	0.521306	-2.772005	152121.000000	0.000000	0.029793	-0.002782	0.610143	0.166106	1.619890	-23887.001953	33328.042969	1912582.375000	-0.018589	-0.015874	-2.160836	0.397545	-0.395630	-1.328035	-0.148341	0.121450	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116008.000000	128233.000000	200000.000000	128233.000000
-349.358002	0.010305	-0.102328	-0.967199	-0.354708	0.520241	-2.746464	152121.000000	0.000000	0.029793	-0.002782	0.565193	0.144814	1.619890	-4618.769531	-1096.532104	1901459.750000	-0.015669	-0.014936	-2.160836	0.397545	-0.395630	-1.328035	-0.148341	0.121450	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127836.000000	178598.000000	185643.000000	116405.000000
-349.363007	0.012502	-0.113070	-0.971838	-0.345130	0.517049	-2.720922	152188.000000	0.000000	0.029793	-0.002782	0.522267	0.120021	1.619890	-4344.879395	-1639.576050	1890337.000000	-0.012765	-0.013803	-2.160836	0.397545	-0.395630	-1.328035	-0.148341	0.121450	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128172.000000	179482.000000	184893.000000	116203.000000
-349.368011	0.012746	-0.124301	-0.975988	-0.334488	0.512792	-2.695381	152188.000000	0.000000	0.029793	-0.002782	0.481925	0.091701	1.619890	-4109.728027	-2323.682861	1879214.125000	-0.009920	-0.012464	-2.160836	0.397545	-0.395630	-1.328035	-0.148341	0.121450	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128621.000000	180401.000000	183974.000000	115754.000000
-349.373016	0.011525	-0.134311	-0.980139	-0.324910	0.508535	-2.669840	152188.000000	0.000000	0.029793	-0.002782	0.443894	0.062196	1.619890	-4011.074707	-2516.772949	1868091.375000	-0.007159	-0.010954	-2.160836	0.397545	-0.395630	-1.328035	-0.148341	0.121450	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128715.000000	180693.000000	183682.000000	115660.000000
-349.378021	0.009084	-0.142611	-0.983557	-0.315332	0.502149	-2.646427	152188.000000	0.000000	0.029793	-0.002782	0.408839	0.032070	1.619890	-3581.600586	-2767.628662	1857895.500000	-0.004514	-0.009308	-2.160836	0.397545	-0.395630	-1.328035	-0.148341	0.121450	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128537.000000	181374.000000	183001.000000	115838.000000
-349.383026	0.006154	-0.149936	-0.986975	-0.306818	0.495764	-2.623013	152188.000000	0.000000	0.029793	-0.002782	0.375827	0.001366	1.619890	-3479.471680	-2894.576660	1847699.625000	-0.001990	-0.007553	-2.160836	0.397545	-0.395630	-1.328035	-0.148341	0.121450	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128562.000000	181603.000000	182772.000000	115813.000000
-349.388031	0.002004	-0.154818	-0.991369	-0.300433	0.488314	-2.601729	152189.000000	0.000000	0.019202	-0.010744	-0.236293	-0.465306	1.689251	-69820.312500	-52773.937500	1868636.000000	0.000387	-0.005751	-2.187514	0.400035	-0.389455	-1.325932	-0.136799	0.120022	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182189.000000	182189.000000	182189.000000	100000.000000
-349.393036	-0.001902	-0.156527	-0.995031	-0.297240	0.479801	-2.579380	152189.000000	0.000000	0.019202	-0.010744	0.159407	-0.172426	1.689251	42971.929688	32427.070312	1858903.625000	0.002621	-0.003977	-2.187514	0.400035	-0.389455	-1.325932	-0.136799	0.120022	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182189.000000	182189.000000	182189.000000
-349.398041	-0.006541	-0.155795	-0.997717	-0.296176	0.469158	-2.558096	152189.000000	0.000000	0.019202	-0.010744	0.135016	-0.194582	1.689251	-3048.869873	-2085.937744	1849634.625000	0.004689	-0.002284	-2.187514	0.400035	-0.389455	-1.325932	-0.136799	0.120022	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127323.000000	181226.000000	183151.000000	117054.000000
-349.403046	-0.011668	-0.153354	-1.000402	-0.299369	0.457452	-2.536811	152189.000000	0.000000	0.025115	-0.015884	0.438883	-0.495375	1.885401	34613.867188	-33624.515625	1925785.000000	0.006579	-0.000722	-2.262956	0.405229	-0.365540	-1.319225	-0.113081	0.126905	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122189.000000	200000.000000	122189.000000	122189.000000
-349.408051	-0.017039	-0.149447	-1.002355	-0.304690	0.442553	-2.515527	152191.000000	0.000000	0.025115	-0.015884	0.184971	-0.304368	1.885401	-27465.810547	21588.878906	1916516.000000	0.008271	0.000677	-2.262956	0.405229	-0.365540	-1.319225	-0.113081	0.126905	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128067.000000	133136.000000	200000.000000	116314.000000
-349.413055	-0.022410	-0.145541	-1.002844	-0.313203	0.424461	-2.493178	152191.000000	0.000000	0.025115	-0.015884	0.171202	-0.316143	1.885401	-689.671570	-372.051636	1906783.625000	0.009753	0.001909	-2.262956	0.405229	-0.365540	-1.319225	-0.113081	0.126905	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123252.000000	181873.000000	182508.000000	121129.000000
-349.418060	-0.026561	-0.142367	-1.002111	-0.323846	0.404241	-2.470829	152191.000000	0.000000	0.025115	-0.015884	0.159780	-0.326148	1.885401	-157.097717	59.395218	1897051.125000	0.011038	0.002987	-2.262956	0.405229	-0.365540	-1.319225	-0.113081	0.126905	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122288.000000	181974.000000	182407.000000	122093.000000
-349.423065	-0.028270	-0.139926	-1.001867	-0.336616	0.379763	-2.446352	152191.000000	0.000000	0.025115	-0.015884	0.149704	-0.334336	1.885401	525.485901	514.516418	1886391.875000	0.012155	0.003919	-2.262956	0.405229	-0.365540	-1.319225	-0.113081	0.126905	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121150.000000	182201.000000	182180.000000	123231.000000
-349.428070	-0.028270	-0.139682	-1.001379	-0.350451	0.351029	-2.418682	152190.000000	0.000000	0.025115	-0.015884	0.141345	-0.342735	1.885401	1276.301514	633.383118	1874342.250000	0.013120	0.004750	-2.262956	0.405229	-0.365540	-1.319225	-0.113081	0.126905	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120280.000000	182832.000000	181547.000000	124099.000000
-349.433075	-0.027537	-0.140414	-1.001135	-0.363222	0.320167	-2.386755	152190.000000	0.000000	0.028373	-0.023226	0.314117	-0.754936	2.136892	22367.476562	-45730.441406	1969958.125000	0.013937	0.005507	-2.359683	0.410855	-0.324182	-1.310524	-0.083501	0.128016	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129822.000000	200000.000000	129822.000000	114557.000000
-349.438080	-0.027049	-0.142367	-1.001135	-0.374929	0.286112	-2.350572	152190.000000	0.000000	0.015581	-0.028512	-0.522682	-0.760966	2.197171	-91986.984375	-1151.693604	1980451.000000	0.014590	0.006223	-2.382867	0.412052	-0.312448	-1.308403	-0.077359	0.126760	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153341.000000	153341.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-349.443085	-0.028270	-0.143588	-1.001379	-0.385571	0.249928	-2.310131	152190.000000	0.000000	0.015581	-0.028512	-0.009604	-0.557730	2.197171	59200.851562	22725.275391	1962839.875000	0.015035	0.006891	-2.382867	0.412052	-0.312448	-1.308403	-0.077359	0.126760	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	189464.000000	174915.000000	174915.000000
-349.448090	-0.030955	-0.143588	-1.000891	-0.394085	0.212680	-2.264369	152190.000000	0.000000	0.015581	-0.028512	-0.003148	-0.564687	2.197171	3812.643066	-613.582581	1942911.500000	0.015241	0.007503	-2.382867	0.412052	-0.312448	-1.308403	-0.077359	0.126760	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118990.000000	186616.000000	177763.000000	125389.000000
-349.453094	-0.035105	-0.142855	-1.000891	-0.400470	0.176496	-2.215415	152192.000000	0.000000	0.015581	-0.028512	0.007976	-0.570739	2.197171	4426.612793	-746.581116	1921593.000000	0.015189	0.008058	-2.382867	0.412052	-0.312448	-1.308403	-0.077359	0.126760	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118511.000000	187365.000000	177018.000000	125872.000000
-349.458099	-0.039500	-0.141879	-1.000891	-0.402598	0.142441	-2.161140	152192.000000	0.000000	0.015581	-0.028512	0.022459	-0.577087	2.197171	4786.237793	-1266.618896	1897957.000000	0.014887	0.008577	-2.382867	0.412052	-0.312448	-1.308403	-0.077359	0.126760	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118672.000000	188244.000000	176139.000000	125711.000000
-349.463104	-0.045115	-0.141635	-1.002600	-0.402598	0.111579	-2.103672	152192.000000	0.000000	0.015581	-0.028512	0.040816	-0.584149	2.197171	5087.527344	-1611.801880	1872930.875000	0.014334	0.009083	-2.382867	0.412052	-0.312448	-1.308403	-0.077359	0.126760	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118716.000000	188891.000000	175492.000000	125667.000000
-349.468109	-0.052195	-0.140902	-1.005285	-0.398342	0.083909	-2.040882	152192.000000	0.000000	0.015581	-0.028512	0.063357	-0.591641	2.197171	5427.601074	-2181.348145	1845587.250000	0.013522	0.009587	-2.382867	0.412052	-0.312448	-1.308403	-0.077359	0.126760	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118945.000000	189800.000000	174583.000000	125438.000000
-349.473114	-0.060252	-0.139926	-1.007238	-0.390892	0.059432	-1.975964	152111.000000	0.000000	0.015581	-0.028512	0.089720	-0.599936	2.197171	5730.574707	-2693.123291	1817316.875000	0.012452	0.010104	-2.382867	0.412052	-0.312448	-1.308403	-0.077359	0.126760	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119073.000000	190534.000000	173687.000000	125148.000000
-349.478119	-0.068553	-0.138217	-1.008947	-0.379185	0.039211	-1.907854	152111.000000	0.000000	0.026337	-0.030587	0.710181	-0.723016	2.410256	73533.226562	-16402.242188	1880450.625000	0.011146	0.010644	-2.464823	0.414608	-0.262301	-1.300057	-0.069389	0.117085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108513.000000	200000.000000	135708.000000	135708.000000
-349.483124	-0.076854	-0.136996	-1.009924	-0.364286	0.022184	-1.836551	152111.000000	0.000000	0.026337	-0.030587	0.311646	-0.650901	2.410256	-40617.480469	4972.759277	1849399.500000	0.009622	0.011234	-2.464823	0.414608	-0.262301	-1.300057	-0.069389	0.117085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147138.000000	147138.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-349.488129	-0.085643	-0.136996	-1.012121	-0.346194	0.010477	-1.765248	152111.000000	0.000000	0.026337	-0.030587	0.345132	-0.664501	2.410256	6508.608398	-4948.832520	1818348.375000	0.007905	0.011910	-2.464823	0.414608	-0.262301	-1.300057	-0.069389	0.117085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120551.000000	193568.000000	170653.000000	123670.000000
-349.493134	-0.094676	-0.138705	-1.015051	-0.324910	0.005156	-1.691816	152111.000000	0.000000	0.026337	-0.030587	0.379689	-0.681891	2.410256	6107.646484	-5894.642090	1786370.500000	0.006028	0.012718	-2.464823	0.414608	-0.262301	-1.300057	-0.069389	0.117085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121897.000000	194113.000000	170108.000000	122324.000000
-349.498138	-0.103465	-0.141635	-1.017248	-0.300433	0.005156	-1.619449	152134.000000	0.000000	0.026337	-0.030587	0.414731	-0.703351	2.410256	5737.182129	-6904.457031	1754856.000000	0.004025	0.013696	-2.464823	0.414608	-0.262301	-1.300057	-0.069389	0.117085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123301.000000	194775.000000	169492.000000	120966.000000
-349.503143	-0.112498	-0.146518	-1.018225	-0.274891	0.010477	-1.546017	152134.000000	0.000000	0.026337	-0.030587	0.450350	-0.729641	2.410256	5354.756836	-7791.087891	1722878.000000	0.001922	0.014885	-2.464823	0.414608	-0.262301	-1.300057	-0.069389	0.117085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124570.000000	195279.000000	168988.000000	119697.000000
-349.508148	-0.121775	-0.150668	-1.018469	-0.246157	0.022184	-1.473650	152134.000000	0.000000	0.026337	-0.030587	0.485919	-0.758994	2.410256	4757.113770	-8746.067383	1691363.375000	-0.000255	0.016284	-2.464823	0.414608	-0.262301	-1.300057	-0.069389	0.117085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126122.000000	195637.000000	168630.000000	118145.000000
-349.513153	-0.131053	-0.156039	-1.018713	-0.215295	0.038147	-1.401283	152134.000000	0.000000	0.017972	-0.031961	0.061272	-0.868623	2.524369	-48351.105469	-18456.337891	1709542.625000	-0.002481	0.017920	-2.508713	0.412237	-0.224193	-1.294172	-0.066072	0.114082	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170590.000000	170590.000000	193677.000000	100000.000000
-349.518158	-0.141795	-0.163607	-1.020422	-0.182304	0.059432	-1.328915	152124.000000	0.000000	0.007726	-0.032038	-0.131770	-0.857674	2.555290	-24446.044922	-5530.295898	1691493.750000	-0.004750	0.019834	-2.520606	0.410796	-0.211770	-1.292339	-0.066369	0.113158	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152100.000000	163208.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-349.523163	-0.153514	-0.175326	-1.022375	-0.147184	0.081780	-1.256548	152124.000000	0.000000	0.007726	-0.032038	0.314768	-0.902970	2.555290	47723.238281	-12320.538086	1659979.250000	-0.007071	0.022105	-2.520606	0.410796	-0.211770	-1.292339	-0.066369	0.113158	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104444.000000	200000.000000	139803.000000	139803.000000
-349.528168	-0.166209	-0.187777	-1.024328	-0.108872	0.104129	-1.182052	152124.000000	0.000000	0.007726	-0.032038	0.353152	-0.957629	2.555290	2909.016602	-14129.048828	1627537.875000	-0.009457	0.024751	-2.520606	0.410796	-0.211770	-1.292339	-0.066369	0.113158	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133344.000000	199162.000000	165085.000000	110903.000000
-349.533173	-0.179881	-0.197787	-1.026037	-0.070560	0.124349	-1.107556	152124.000000	0.000000	0.007726	-0.032038	0.393921	-1.014752	2.555290	3499.479736	-14836.982422	1595096.375000	-0.011933	0.027714	-2.520606	0.410796	-0.211770	-1.292339	-0.066369	0.113158	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133461.000000	200000.000000	163787.000000	110786.000000
-349.538177	-0.193309	-0.205111	-1.026525	-0.032248	0.144570	-1.033061	152188.000000	0.000000	0.007726	-0.032038	0.435913	-1.073638	2.555290	3734.171387	-15477.925781	1562655.000000	-0.014498	0.030939	-2.520606	0.410796	-0.211770	-1.292339	-0.066369	0.113158	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133931.000000	200000.000000	162975.000000	110444.000000
-349.543182	-0.206736	-0.209506	-1.026525	0.003936	0.161597	-0.957501	152188.000000	0.000000	0.007726	-0.032038	0.480148	-1.132572	2.555290	4456.884277	-15686.639648	1529750.125000	-0.017168	0.034357	-2.520606	0.410796	-0.211770	-1.292339	-0.066369	0.113158	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133417.000000	200000.000000	162044.000000	110958.000000
-349.548187	-0.218699	-0.213900	-1.027502	0.036927	0.176496	-0.881940	152188.000000	0.000000	0.007726	-0.032038	0.524771	-1.193064	2.555290	4871.046387	-15939.061523	1496845.250000	-0.019920	0.037942	-2.520606	0.410796	-0.211770	-1.292339	-0.066369	0.113158	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133256.000000	200000.000000	161377.000000	111119.000000
-349.553192	-0.228953	-0.218783	-1.028479	0.066725	0.186074	-0.803188	152188.000000	0.000000	0.007726	-0.032038	0.570261	-1.255397	2.555290	5716.819336	-16214.162109	1462550.000000	-0.022749	0.041682	-2.520606	0.410796	-0.211770	-1.292339	-0.066369	0.113158	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132685.000000	200000.000000	160257.000000	111690.000000
-349.558197	-0.237498	-0.223910	-1.030432	0.093331	0.193524	-0.722307	152188.000000	0.000000	0.016616	-0.028701	1.104422	-1.135471	2.632073	62116.808594	4610.652832	1460765.375000	-0.025630	0.045559	-2.550138	0.400260	-0.165819	-1.285619	-0.052899	0.121299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156798.000000	156798.000000
-349.563202	-0.243846	-0.227328	-1.029943	0.114615	0.196717	-0.637169	152121.000000	0.000000	0.016616	-0.028701	0.794565	-1.331682	2.632073	-31671.669922	-30567.882812	1423689.375000	-0.028555	0.049520	-2.550138	0.400260	-0.165819	-1.285619	-0.052899	0.121299	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182121.000000	182121.000000	182121.000000	100000.000000
-349.568207	-0.248484	-0.229770	-1.028234	0.132707	0.196717	-0.547774	152121.000000	0.000000	0.000514	-0.026606	-0.044736	-1.278793	2.640136	-93396.890625	-2666.737793	1388270.625000	-0.031521	0.053533	-2.553238	0.396469	-0.155478	-1.284091	-0.049618	0.123172	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154787.000000	154787.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-349.573212	-0.250193	-0.232699	-1.023596	0.144414	0.191396	-0.455186	152121.000000	0.000000	0.000514	-0.026606	0.645087	-1.424928	2.640136	78522.351562	-24574.613281	1347950.625000	-0.034513	0.057586	-2.553238	0.396469	-0.155478	-1.284091	-0.049618	0.123172	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116695.000000	200000.000000	127546.000000	127546.000000
-349.578217	-0.252391	-0.235141	-1.020422	0.155056	0.186074	-0.360470	152121.000000	0.000000	0.000514	-0.026606	0.691927	-1.486626	2.640136	8063.432617	-15507.580078	1306703.625000	-0.037541	0.061654	-2.553238	0.396469	-0.155478	-1.284091	-0.049618	0.123172	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129565.000000	200000.000000	158549.000000	114676.000000
-349.583221	-0.255809	-0.238314	-1.021887	0.161441	0.176496	-0.263625	152190.000000	0.000000	0.000514	-0.026606	0.740689	-1.546862	2.640136	9011.411133	-15185.061523	1264529.750000	-0.040630	0.065709	-2.553238	0.396469	-0.155478	-1.284091	-0.049618	0.123172	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128363.000000	200000.000000	157993.000000	116016.000000
-349.588226	-0.259715	-0.241977	-1.023840	0.171019	0.166918	-0.166781	152190.000000	0.000000	0.000514	-0.026606	0.790795	-1.607913	2.640136	9432.500977	-15949.110352	1222356.000000	-0.043788	0.069768	-2.553238	0.396469	-0.155478	-1.284091	-0.049618	0.123172	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128706.000000	200000.000000	156808.000000	115673.000000
-349.593231	-0.264354	-0.247592	-1.027746	0.182726	0.155212	-0.067808	152190.000000	0.000000	0.000514	-0.026606	0.842838	-1.670871	2.640136	10172.665039	-16736.412109	1179255.250000	-0.047031	0.073865	-2.553238	0.396469	-0.155478	-1.284091	-0.049618	0.123172	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128753.000000	200000.000000	155280.000000	115626.000000
-349.598236	-0.269969	-0.257357	-1.034582	0.200818	0.145634	0.032229	152190.000000	0.000000	0.000514	-0.026606	0.895689	-1.739165	2.640136	10314.746094	-18422.572266	1135691.000000	-0.050350	0.078086	-2.553238	0.396469	-0.155478	-1.284091	-0.049618	0.123172	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130297.000000	200000.000000	153452.000000	114082.000000
-349.603241	-0.272166	-0.267855	-1.042639	0.222102	0.139248	0.135459	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.001537	-0.024715	0.832558	-1.706350	2.642159	-3050.358887	-7603.056641	1091617.875000	-0.053667	0.082450	-2.554017	0.392008	-0.145812	-1.282734	-0.047229	0.126431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132843.000000	186742.000000	177637.000000	111536.000000
-349.608246	-0.273143	-0.272982	-1.050451	0.245515	0.139248	0.242946	152169.000000	0.000000	0.003262	-0.021224	1.225887	-1.658301	2.621351	48247.464844	-6048.655762	1035747.812500	-0.056942	0.086865	-2.546014	0.375103	-0.119804	-1.279100	-0.044690	0.132221	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	146120.000000	146120.000000
-349.613251	-0.272410	-0.272982	-1.057043	0.269992	0.146698	0.351497	152169.000000	0.000000	0.003262	-0.021224	1.078175	-1.862493	2.621351	-12776.145508	-34952.980469	988476.062500	-0.060127	0.091251	-2.546014	0.375103	-0.119804	-1.279100	-0.044690	0.132221	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164945.000000	199392.000000	164945.000000	100000.000000
-349.618256	-0.271189	-0.269809	-1.063146	0.293405	0.161597	0.458984	152169.000000	0.000000	-0.009645	-0.019697	0.409522	-1.839406	2.604859	-74020.210938	-9846.786133	934485.687500	-0.063189	0.095548	-2.539670	0.368043	-0.111972	-1.278086	-0.042690	0.137466	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162015.000000	162015.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-349.623260	-0.271189	-0.265902	-1.069250	0.313625	0.181818	0.566471	152169.000000	0.000000	-0.009645	-0.019697	0.964845	-1.958333	2.604859	62439.710938	-25751.068359	887677.375000	-0.066129	0.099725	-2.539670	0.368043	-0.111972	-1.278086	-0.042690	0.137466	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117920.000000	200000.000000	126417.000000	126417.000000
-349.628265	-0.271434	-0.263705	-1.073400	0.331717	0.208423	0.671829	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.009645	-0.019697	1.001488	-2.015891	2.604859	4751.701172	-19117.091797	841795.937500	-0.068934	0.103809	-2.539670	0.368043	-0.111972	-1.278086	-0.042690	0.137466	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136483.000000	200000.000000	158249.000000	107752.000000
-349.633270	-0.271434	-0.264437	-1.075842	0.345552	0.239286	0.775059	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.009645	-0.019697	1.035258	-2.074045	2.604859	3981.233643	-19045.830078	796841.375000	-0.071588	0.107836	-2.539670	0.368043	-0.111972	-1.278086	-0.042690	0.137466	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137182.000000	200000.000000	159090.000000	107053.000000
-349.638275	-0.270213	-0.267123	-1.075842	0.355130	0.270148	0.877224	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.009645	-0.019697	1.066444	-2.132602	2.604859	3698.471436	-18936.900391	752350.250000	-0.074084	0.111830	-2.539670	0.368043	-0.111972	-1.278086	-0.042690	0.137466	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137356.000000	200000.000000	159482.000000	106879.000000
-349.643280	-0.269725	-0.269564	-1.072668	0.359387	0.302075	0.977262	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.009645	-0.019697	1.096687	-2.189590	2.604859	3470.059082	-18460.832031	708786.062500	-0.076450	0.115770	-2.539670	0.368043	-0.111972	-1.278086	-0.042690	0.137466	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137108.000000	200000.000000	160187.000000	107127.000000
-349.648285	-0.269969	-0.269564	-1.067297	0.357259	0.332938	1.074106	152126.000000	0.000000	-0.011135	-0.016612	1.044845	-2.072592	2.547285	-5819.113770	1921.274780	641539.875000	-0.078718	0.119593	-2.517527	0.350211	-0.098189	-1.276494	-0.041083	0.141805	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126023.000000	174385.000000	189866.000000	118228.000000
-349.653290	-0.271678	-0.266146	-1.060217	0.349809	0.360607	1.166694	152126.000000	0.000000	-0.020022	-0.016135	0.647433	-2.216410	2.510383	-45420.925781	-26799.089844	585149.750000	-0.080943	0.123223	-2.503334	0.339818	-0.091639	-1.275847	-0.038439	0.144676	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178925.000000	178925.000000	185326.000000	100000.000000
-349.658295	-0.275584	-0.260287	-1.054113	0.337038	0.382956	1.255025	152126.000000	0.000000	-0.022214	-0.015959	0.916772	-2.265625	2.470302	29613.687500	-15979.601562	529229.125000	-0.083189	0.126586	-2.487918	0.328742	-0.085177	-1.275452	-0.036018	0.146586	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108491.000000	200000.000000	136532.000000	135760.000000
-349.663300	-0.280467	-0.253939	-1.045812	0.320011	0.397855	1.338034	152126.000000	0.000000	-0.022214	-0.015959	1.042645	-2.307594	2.470302	15168.218750	-14829.377930	493080.093750	-0.085517	0.129668	-2.487918	0.328742	-0.085177	-1.275452	-0.036018	0.146586	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121787.000000	200000.000000	152128.000000	122464.000000
-349.668304	-0.285838	-0.254184	-1.037268	0.300855	0.404241	1.417851	152126.000000	0.000000	-0.022214	-0.015959	1.084467	-2.344315	2.470302	7025.543945	-14099.176758	458321.406250	-0.087971	0.132576	-2.487918	0.328742	-0.085177	-1.275452	-0.036018	0.146586	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129199.000000	200000.000000	161001.000000	115052.000000
-349.673309	-0.290477	-0.261508	-1.030187	0.282763	0.402112	1.496604	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.022214	-0.015959	1.128882	-2.385425	2.470302	8460.816406	-14804.683594	424026.218750	-0.090563	0.135439	-2.487918	0.328742	-0.085177	-1.275452	-0.036018	0.146586	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128533.000000	200000.000000	158924.000000	115846.000000
-349.678314	-0.296092	-0.272250	-1.022619	0.263607	0.392534	1.576421	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.022214	-0.015959	1.178201	-2.428859	2.470302	10090.239258	-15054.831055	389267.531250	-0.093345	0.138310	-2.487918	0.328742	-0.085177	-1.275452	-0.036018	0.146586	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127154.000000	200000.000000	157044.000000	117225.000000
-349.683319	-0.299998	-0.283725	-1.013586	0.244451	0.376571	1.658366	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.022214	-0.015959	1.230749	-2.473443	2.470302	11462.483398	-15298.214844	353581.937500	-0.096324	0.141210	-2.487918	0.328742	-0.085177	-1.275452	-0.036018	0.146586	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126025.000000	200000.000000	155429.000000	118354.000000
-349.688324	-0.300730	-0.293979	-1.005529	0.226359	0.356351	1.742440	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.022214	-0.015959	1.284137	-2.517345	2.470302	12361.412109	-15459.025391	316969.500000	-0.099461	0.144116	-2.487918	0.328742	-0.085177	-1.275452	-0.036018	0.146586	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125287.000000	200000.000000	154369.000000	119092.000000
-349.693329	-0.299510	-0.301059	-1.000646	0.209331	0.331873	1.830771	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.026498	-0.015571	1.103074	-2.536336	2.422531	-13670.012695	-12846.000000	257699.875000	-0.102733	0.146963	-2.469544	0.316293	-0.078873	-1.275208	-0.032540	0.147227	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148703.000000	181362.000000	183011.000000	100000.000000
-349.698334	-0.297312	-0.303988	-0.998449	0.193368	0.304203	1.920166	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.020733	-0.015702	1.647409	-2.593925	2.270001	69074.140625	-17398.574219	152346.546875	-0.106132	0.149667	-2.410879	0.276473	-0.059118	-1.274709	-0.028353	0.146963	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109585.000000	200000.000000	134788.000000	134788.000000
-349.703339	-0.292918	-0.302768	-0.996740	0.177405	0.274405	2.011689	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.020733	-0.015702	1.473428	-2.617331	2.270001	-10338.210938	-13674.027344	112489.929688	-0.109632	0.152155	-2.410879	0.276473	-0.059118	-1.274709	-0.028353	0.146963	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146199.000000	185522.000000	178851.000000	100000.000000
-349.708344	-0.292186	-0.300814	-0.996008	0.164634	0.243543	2.103212	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.037351	-0.017839	0.621291	-2.759833	2.206241	-88566.429688	-27717.351562	44866.902344	-0.113297	0.154419	-2.386356	0.260672	-0.052186	-1.274740	-0.029582	0.146774	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179904.000000	179904.000000	184469.000000	100000.000000
-349.713348	-0.293162	-0.300326	-0.996984	0.155056	0.209487	2.193671	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.037351	-0.017839	1.351557	-2.697767	2.206241	89295.234375	-5245.327148	5473.771484	-0.117160	0.156490	-2.386356	0.260672	-0.052186	-1.274740	-0.029582	0.146774	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121958.000000	192906.000000	122415.000000	171467.000000
-349.718353	-0.297068	-0.300814	-0.998937	0.147606	0.177561	2.282002	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.037351	-0.017839	1.421942	-2.719267	2.206241	16973.876953	-14732.525391	-32992.500000	-0.121248	0.158388	-2.386356	0.260672	-0.052186	-1.274740	-0.029582	0.146774	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179954.000000	153902.000000	100000.000000	184437.000000
-349.723358	-0.300975	-0.301791	-1.001623	0.146542	0.145634	2.367140	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.037351	-0.017839	1.495087	-2.740154	2.206241	17763.138672	-15458.886719	-70068.429688	-0.125551	0.160147	-2.386356	0.260672	-0.052186	-1.274740	-0.029582	0.146774	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179891.000000	155418.000000	100000.000000	184500.000000
-349.728363	-0.305613	-0.304721	-1.002355	0.147606	0.115836	2.448021	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.037351	-0.017839	1.571462	-2.761820	2.206241	18370.253906	-15882.674805	-105290.546875	-0.130070	0.161821	-2.386356	0.260672	-0.052186	-1.274740	-0.029582	0.146774	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179708.000000	156448.000000	100000.000000	184683.000000
-349.733368	-0.310252	-0.307650	-1.003576	0.153992	0.092423	2.521453	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.037351	-0.017839	1.648694	-2.783502	2.206241	18225.357422	-16598.564453	-137268.484375	-0.134761	0.163432	-2.386356	0.260672	-0.052186	-1.274740	-0.029582	0.146774	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180569.000000	157019.000000	100000.000000	183822.000000
-349.738373	-0.317332	-0.314730	-1.003576	0.163570	0.071138	2.588499	152135.000000	0.000000	-0.037351	-0.017839	1.729805	-2.809219	2.206241	18891.121094	-17556.529297	-166465.859375	-0.139646	0.165072	-2.386356	0.260672	-0.052186	-1.274740	-0.029582	0.146774	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180800.000000	158582.000000	100000.000000	183469.000000
-349.743378	-0.322947	-0.323031	-1.005041	0.178469	0.055175	2.648096	152135.000000	0.000000	-0.037351	-0.017839	1.809941	-2.837488	2.206241	18638.687500	-18619.996094	-192418.953125	-0.144657	0.166778	-2.386356	0.260672	-0.052186	-1.274740	-0.029582	0.146774	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182116.000000	159393.000000	100000.000000	182153.000000
-349.748383	-0.327098	-0.333529	-1.009436	0.196561	0.045597	2.699179	152135.000000	0.000000	-0.037351	-0.017839	1.887423	-2.868952	2.206241	18047.017578	-19551.466797	-214664.515625	-0.149709	0.168591	-2.386356	0.260672	-0.052186	-1.274740	-0.029582	0.146774	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183639.000000	159733.000000	100000.000000	180630.000000
-349.753387	-0.327586	-0.343783	-1.010412	0.217845	0.042404	2.742812	152135.000000	0.000000	-0.030484	-0.020115	2.338643	-3.028957	1.919991	60538.078125	-34873.082031	-358322.125000	-0.154722	0.170543	-2.276260	0.190242	-0.020000	-1.274996	-0.045328	0.142771	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182135.000000	182135.000000	100000.000000	182135.000000
-349.758392	-0.326609	-0.352816	-1.011877	0.239130	0.045597	2.780060	152200.000000	0.000000	-0.030484	-0.020115	2.133804	-2.973604	1.919991	-13268.588867	-11032.620117	-374542.843750	-0.159637	0.172611	-2.276260	0.190242	-0.020000	-1.274996	-0.045328	0.142771	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	119964.000000	124435.000000	157898.000000
-349.763397	-0.322947	-0.355990	-1.012121	0.261478	0.053046	2.810922	152200.000000	0.000000	-0.030484	-0.020115	2.199300	-3.006544	1.919991	16255.384766	-21112.193359	-387982.875000	-0.164402	0.174715	-2.276260	0.190242	-0.020000	-1.274996	-0.045328	0.142771	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187056.000000	159567.000000	100000.000000	177343.000000
-349.768402	-0.318553	-0.353305	-1.013342	0.281699	0.066881	2.833271	152200.000000	0.000000	-0.030484	-0.020115	2.260280	-3.034065	1.919991	15273.547852	-20501.980469	-397715.250000	-0.168976	0.176745	-2.276260	0.190242	-0.020000	-1.274996	-0.045328	0.142771	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187428.000000	157975.000000	100000.000000	176971.000000
-349.773407	-0.312937	-0.344027	-1.014074	0.299791	0.087101	2.849235	152200.000000	0.000000	-0.030484	-0.020115	2.316134	-3.054386	1.919991	14171.685547	-19652.927734	-404667.062500	-0.173319	0.178590	-2.276260	0.190242	-0.020000	-1.274996	-0.045328	0.142771	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187681.000000	156024.000000	100000.000000	176718.000000
-349.778412	-0.309764	-0.337191	-1.015051	0.315754	0.109450	2.857748	152200.000000	0.000000	-0.030484	-0.020115	2.369714	-3.073977	1.919991	13831.224609	-19502.195312	-408374.625000	-0.177451	0.180289	-2.276260	0.190242	-0.020000	-1.274996	-0.045328	0.142771	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187870.000000	155533.000000	100000.000000	176529.000000
-349.783417	-0.306102	-0.332553	-1.014074	0.327460	0.136056	2.862005	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.030484	-0.020115	2.418781	-3.093333	1.919991	12970.836914	-19151.826172	-410228.437500	-0.181347	0.181876	-2.276260	0.190242	-0.020000	-1.274996	-0.045328	0.142771	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188368.000000	154310.000000	100000.000000	176007.000000
-349.788422	-0.304148	-0.327182	-1.012121	0.332781	0.164790	2.862005	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.030484	-0.020115	2.465642	-3.109149	1.919991	12577.439453	-18157.484375	-410228.437500	-0.185033	0.183318	-2.276260	0.190242	-0.020000	-1.274996	-0.045328	0.142771	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187768.000000	152922.000000	100000.000000	176607.000000
-349.793427	-0.303416	-0.320346	-1.009191	0.333846	0.194588	2.858813	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.030484	-0.020115	2.510553	-3.120813	1.919991	12315.200195	-17290.988281	-408838.093750	-0.188531	0.184578	-2.276260	0.190242	-0.020000	-1.274996	-0.045328	0.142771	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187163.000000	151794.000000	100000.000000	177212.000000
-349.798431	-0.304637	-0.313510	-1.003088	0.328525	0.226515	2.853491	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.031566	-0.026092	2.495312	-3.457787	1.532532	5250.031738	-53884.289062	-575251.312500	-0.191879	0.185647	-2.127237	0.095285	0.029837	-1.277511	-0.058137	0.142581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	157438.000000	100000.000000	157438.000000
-349.803436	-0.308299	-0.308139	-1.002844	0.321075	0.256313	2.844978	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.031566	-0.026092	2.581641	-3.223729	1.532532	16912.404297	10249.147461	-571543.750000	-0.195097	0.186513	-2.127237	0.095285	0.029837	-1.277511	-0.058137	0.142581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154960.000000	128785.000000	115458.000000	200000.000000
-349.808441	-0.312205	-0.304232	-1.001867	0.310433	0.280791	2.836464	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.031566	-0.026092	2.624490	-3.226726	1.532532	12801.178711	-15430.299805	-567836.125000	-0.198216	0.187198	-2.127237	0.095285	0.029837	-1.277511	-0.058137	0.142581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184751.000000	150353.000000	100000.000000	179492.000000
-349.813446	-0.316600	-0.301059	-1.000891	0.299791	0.305268	2.826886	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.031566	-0.026092	2.666188	-3.227987	1.532532	12753.689453	-15196.253906	-563665.062500	-0.201243	0.187719	-2.127237	0.095285	0.029837	-1.277511	-0.058137	0.142581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184564.000000	150071.000000	100000.000000	179679.000000
-349.818451	-0.320018	-0.300326	-1.002355	0.292341	0.322295	2.816243	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.031566	-0.026092	2.706557	-3.229837	1.532532	13534.098633	-15586.275391	-559030.562500	-0.204179	0.188131	-2.127237	0.095285	0.029837	-1.277511	-0.058137	0.142581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184174.000000	151242.000000	100000.000000	180069.000000
-349.823456	-0.323191	-0.299105	-1.001379	0.285956	0.340387	2.805601	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.031566	-0.026092	2.745774	-3.230725	1.532532	13387.666016	-15572.220703	-554396.062500	-0.207026	0.188447	-2.127237	0.095285	0.029837	-1.277511	-0.058137	0.142581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184306.000000	151081.000000	100000.000000	179937.000000
-349.828461	-0.323680	-0.297396	-1.008703	0.284891	0.358479	2.794959	152127.000000	0.000000	-0.031566	-0.026092	2.778809	-3.229387	1.532532	12776.571289	-15901.583984	-549761.687500	-0.209698	0.188653	-2.127237	0.095285	0.029837	-1.277511	-0.058137	0.142581	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185252.000000	150805.000000	100000.000000	179001.000000
-349.833466	-0.323436	-0.290561	-1.011145	0.288084	0.376571	2.782188	152127.000000	0.000000	-0.049811	-0.030749	1.807129	-3.480363	1.453527	-102250.710938	-45282.285156	-578605.187500	-0.212214	0.188710	-2.096851	0.076241	0.040614	-1.278169	-0.060468	0.144204	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122127.000000	122127.000000	122127.000000
-349.838470	-0.324168	-0.281039	-1.014562	0.296598	0.404241	2.767289	152127.000000	0.000000	-0.037363	-0.029195	3.248504	-3.200335	1.232483	168528.968750	13768.751953	-668377.250000	-0.214542	0.188598	-2.011834	0.023405	0.071968	-1.280965	-0.061573	0.138746	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138358.000000	138358.000000	105895.000000	200000.000000
-349.843475	-0.326854	-0.271029	-1.019934	0.308304	0.434039	2.749197	152127.000000	0.000000	-0.037363	-0.029195	2.776059	-3.251790	1.232483	-44451.449219	-23321.384766	-660498.625000	-0.216695	0.188324	-2.011834	0.023405	0.071968	-1.280965	-0.061573	0.138746	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	115448.000000	128805.000000	128805.000000
-349.848480	-0.330027	-0.256625	-1.019689	0.325332	0.470223	2.727913	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.046168	-0.031025	2.315106	-3.338184	1.157927	-46176.625000	-28224.021484	-683697.187500	-0.218683	0.187865	-1.983158	0.005922	0.082627	-1.282004	-0.061234	0.138093	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	120346.000000	123897.000000	123897.000000
-349.853485	-0.335398	-0.238314	-1.018957	0.341295	0.512792	2.703436	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.046168	-0.031025	2.688619	-3.244325	1.157927	46398.027344	-7928.734863	-673037.937500	-0.220518	0.187156	-1.983158	0.005922	0.082627	-1.282004	-0.061234	0.138093	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160050.000000	160050.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-349.858490	-0.341990	-0.217318	-1.015051	0.361516	0.556425	2.677894	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.046168	-0.031025	2.709662	-3.219235	1.157927	7421.026367	-15936.079102	-661915.062500	-0.222235	0.186183	-1.983158	0.005922	0.082627	-1.282004	-0.061234	0.138093	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190637.000000	145479.000000	100000.000000	173606.000000
-349.863495	-0.348094	-0.198031	-1.012121	0.379607	0.603251	2.649160	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.046168	-0.031025	2.726986	-3.191526	1.157927	6524.532715	-15369.523438	-649402.000000	-0.223799	0.184972	-1.983158	0.005922	0.082627	-1.282004	-0.061234	0.138093	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190966.000000	144016.000000	100227.000000	173277.000000
-349.868500	-0.351756	-0.180697	-1.007727	0.396635	0.651141	2.621490	152184.000000	0.000000	-0.046168	-0.031025	2.739722	-3.162444	1.157927	5742.100098	-15046.241211	-637352.312500	-0.225167	0.183562	-1.983158	0.005922	0.082627	-1.282004	-0.061234	0.138093	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191488.000000	142972.000000	101395.000000	172879.000000
-349.873505	-0.353953	-0.165316	-0.999914	0.412598	0.697967	2.595949	152184.000000	0.000000	-0.046168	-0.031025	2.749622	-3.132741	1.157927	5377.340332	-14797.868164	-626229.500000	-0.226343	0.181997	-1.983158	0.005922	0.082627	-1.282004	-0.061234	0.138093	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191604.000000	142359.000000	102008.000000	172763.000000
-349.878510	-0.355662	-0.150180	-0.992102	0.424305	0.742664	2.571472	152184.000000	0.000000	-0.046168	-0.031025	2.756890	-3.099887	1.157927	5149.858398	-13885.925781	-615570.250000	-0.227330	0.180261	-1.983158	0.005922	0.082627	-1.282004	-0.061234	0.138093	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190920.000000	141219.000000	103148.000000	173447.000000
-349.883514	-0.358104	-0.137729	-0.987951	0.434947	0.782041	2.549123	152184.000000	0.000000	-0.046168	-0.031025	2.762298	-3.066495	1.157927	5373.436035	-13604.683594	-605837.750000	-0.228146	0.178392	-1.983158	0.005922	0.082627	-1.282004	-0.061234	0.138093	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	190415.000000	141162.000000	103205.000000	173952.000000
-349.888519	-0.360789	-0.130893	-0.985510	0.442397	0.813968	2.526774	152184.000000	0.000000	-0.027877	-0.026755	3.772445	-2.801304	0.883313	121191.695312	13424.886719	-715694.500000	-0.228817	0.176480	-1.877537	-0.056292	0.120904	-1.287308	-0.045442	0.142426	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138759.000000	138759.000000	105608.000000	200000.000000
-349.893524	-0.363230	-0.128695	-0.981604	0.445589	0.839509	2.507618	152127.000000	0.000000	-0.027877	-0.026755	3.045080	-2.944878	0.883313	-72641.000000	-31734.007812	-707352.375000	-0.229381	0.174595	-1.877537	-0.056292	0.120904	-1.287308	-0.045442	0.142426	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122127.000000	122127.000000	122127.000000
-349.898529	-0.364451	-0.129916	-0.976965	0.443461	0.856537	2.490590	152127.000000	0.000000	-0.038038	-0.026251	2.490357	-2.892653	0.817141	-55351.820312	-9369.630859	-728753.562500	-0.229863	0.172778	-1.852087	-0.070683	0.129736	-1.288652	-0.036679	0.143686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	101496.000000	142757.000000	142757.000000
-349.903534	-0.366893	-0.129916	-0.970129	0.434947	0.870371	2.478884	152127.000000	0.000000	-0.038038	-0.026251	2.902740	-2.886249	0.817141	53171.605469	-13637.213867	-723655.687500	-0.230324	0.170974	-1.852087	-0.070683	0.129736	-1.288652	-0.036679	0.143686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165764.000000	165764.000000	100000.000000	198489.000000
-349.908539	-0.363475	-0.137729	-0.976477	0.424305	0.873564	2.473563	152127.000000	0.000000	-0.038038	-0.026251	2.900753	-2.865805	0.817141	8755.590820	-11716.470703	-721338.437500	-0.230624	0.169291	-1.852087	-0.070683	0.129736	-1.288652	-0.036679	0.143686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185087.000000	142599.000000	101654.000000	179166.000000
-349.913544	-0.359324	-0.143832	-0.977941	0.407277	0.871436	2.476756	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.038038	-0.026251	2.899568	-2.843796	0.817141	9433.127930	-10661.708008	-722728.812500	-0.230820	0.167666	-1.852087	-0.070683	0.129736	-1.288652	-0.036679	0.143686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183416.000000	142282.000000	102093.000000	180959.000000
-349.918549	-0.359812	-0.139682	-0.978674	0.384929	0.868243	2.484205	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.038038	-0.026251	2.902753	-2.810245	0.817141	10060.029297	-8551.303711	-725972.875000	-0.231020	0.165874	-1.852087	-0.070683	0.129736	-1.288652	-0.036679	0.143686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180679.000000	140799.000000	103576.000000	183696.000000
-349.923553	-0.359568	-0.134799	-0.981848	0.357259	0.852280	2.491655	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.038038	-0.026251	2.907745	-2.772036	0.817141	11759.307617	-7150.974609	-729217.000000	-0.231257	0.163877	-1.852087	-0.070683	0.129736	-1.288652	-0.036679	0.143686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177579.000000	141098.000000	103277.000000	186796.000000
-349.928558	-0.358104	-0.131869	-0.983557	0.323203	0.835252	2.502297	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.038038	-0.026251	2.912735	-2.731302	0.817141	11977.353516	-5827.203125	-733851.562500	-0.231520	0.161683	-1.852087	-0.070683	0.129736	-1.288652	-0.036679	0.143686	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176037.000000	139992.000000	104383.000000	188338.000000
-349.933563	-0.354197	-0.126010	-0.988684	0.281699	0.813968	2.514004	152188.000000	0.000000	-0.037795	-0.025792	2.929033	-2.657211	0.749861	13861.740234	-808.567383	-768248.687500	-0.231765	0.159200	-1.826210	-0.084923	0.138371	-1.289993	-0.030489	0.146544	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169134.000000	136858.000000	107517.000000	195241.000000
-349.938568	-0.350291	-0.121371	-0.992102	0.239130	0.788426	2.527838	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.027125	-0.023136	3.510230	-2.477812	0.548793	79234.859375	11908.856445	-861834.562500	-0.232019	0.156453	-1.748876	-0.125327	0.162300	-1.294308	-0.015901	0.147726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140283.000000	140283.000000	104100.000000	200000.000000
-349.943573	-0.347117	-0.120395	-0.998205	0.194432	0.767142	2.540609	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.027125	-0.023136	3.086283	-2.531497	0.548793	-33607.089844	-13527.564453	-867395.937500	-0.232254	0.153500	-1.748876	-0.125327	0.162300	-1.294308	-0.015901	0.147726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	105719.000000	138664.000000	138664.000000
-349.948578	-0.344920	-0.122348	-1.005529	0.148670	0.743729	2.554444	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.027125	-0.023136	3.089601	-2.478646	0.548793	13730.184570	-1242.575562	-873420.812500	-0.232484	0.150392	-1.748876	-0.125327	0.162300	-1.294308	-0.015901	0.147726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169704.000000	137164.000000	107219.000000	194679.000000
-349.953583	-0.343699	-0.125521	-1.007727	0.105037	0.721380	2.568279	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.027125	-0.023136	3.095076	-2.425955	0.548793	13978.398438	-1051.094116	-879445.625000	-0.232751	0.147174	-1.748876	-0.125327	0.162300	-1.294308	-0.015901	0.147726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169264.000000	137221.000000	107162.000000	195119.000000
-349.958588	-0.341990	-0.129672	-1.011633	0.062468	0.704352	2.584242	152132.000000	0.000000	-0.027125	-0.023136	3.098569	-2.372597	0.548793	13269.809570	-653.543213	-886397.375000	-0.233009	0.143863	-1.748876	-0.125327	0.162300	-1.294308	-0.015901	0.147726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169515.000000	136055.000000	108208.000000	194748.000000
-349.963593	-0.340037	-0.133334	-1.016027	0.024156	0.689453	2.601270	152132.000000	0.000000	-0.027125	-0.023136	3.100964	-2.318447	0.548793	12994.549805	-609.227295	-893812.562500	-0.233240	0.140470	-1.748876	-0.125327	0.162300	-1.294308	-0.015901	0.147726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169746.000000	135735.000000	108528.000000	194517.000000
-349.968597	-0.337107	-0.137484	-1.019934	-0.012028	0.679875	2.620426	152132.000000	0.000000	-0.027125	-0.023136	3.100774	-2.264134	0.548793	12168.369141	-409.087555	-902154.562500	-0.233405	0.137016	-1.748876	-0.125327	0.162300	-1.294308	-0.015901	0.147726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170372.000000	134709.000000	109554.000000	193891.000000
-349.973602	-0.331736	-0.141879	-1.022375	-0.045019	0.673490	2.642775	152132.000000	0.000000	-0.027125	-0.023136	3.096956	-2.210137	0.548793	11430.244141	-394.649933	-911887.062500	-0.233455	0.133521	-1.748876	-0.125327	0.162300	-1.294308	-0.015901	0.147726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171096.000000	133956.000000	110307.000000	193167.000000
-349.978607	-0.325877	-0.147494	-1.021887	-0.073753	0.671361	2.665123	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.021407	-0.020708	3.405139	-2.024932	0.268834	46696.023438	14548.492188	-1043535.937500	-0.233378	0.130039	-1.641199	-0.176510	0.191063	-1.300542	-0.005599	0.132431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137641.000000	137641.000000	106738.000000	200000.000000
-349.983612	-0.319285	-0.152621	-1.022131	-0.101423	0.670297	2.689601	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.021407	-0.020708	3.167306	-2.070124	0.268834	-14547.971680	-10982.703125	-1054195.375000	-0.233155	0.126564	-1.641199	-0.176510	0.191063	-1.300542	-0.005599	0.132431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	118624.000000	125755.000000	156659.000000
-349.988617	-0.310984	-0.156283	-1.021643	-0.128028	0.671361	2.713014	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.021407	-0.020708	3.154038	-2.017508	0.268834	9844.442383	19.311417	-1064391.125000	-0.232752	0.123080	-1.641199	-0.176510	0.191063	-1.300542	-0.005599	0.132431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172326.000000	132015.000000	112364.000000	192053.000000
-349.993622	-0.301219	-0.157016	-1.017492	-0.153570	0.671361	2.736427	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.021407	-0.020708	3.138202	-1.962865	0.268834	9605.889648	495.744812	-1074587.000000	-0.232170	0.119553	-1.641199	-0.176510	0.191063	-1.300542	-0.005599	0.132431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172088.000000	131300.000000	113079.000000	192291.000000
-349.998627	-0.290232	-0.156039	-1.014562	-0.179111	0.670297	2.758775	152190.000000	0.000000	-0.021407	-0.020708	3.118464	-1.905963	0.268834	9208.196289	1121.612549	-1084319.500000	-0.231389	0.115952	-1.641199	-0.176510	0.191063	-1.300542	-0.005599	0.132431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171860.000000	130276.000000	114103.000000	192519.000000
-350.003632	-0.277781	-0.153354	-1.011389	-0.203588	0.667104	2.782188	152185.000000	0.000000	-0.021407	-0.020708	3.095016	-1.846792	0.268834	8941.231445	1638.944458	-1094515.250000	-0.230394	0.112258	-1.641199	-0.176510	0.191063	-1.300542	-0.005599	0.132431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171604.000000	129487.000000	114882.000000	192765.000000
-350.008636	-0.265574	-0.148227	-1.008703	-0.228065	0.661783	2.806665	152185.000000	0.000000	-0.021407	-0.020708	3.069159	-1.783804	0.268834	8815.883789	2460.875244	-1105174.625000	-0.229200	0.108426	-1.641199	-0.176510	0.191063	-1.300542	-0.005599	0.132431	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170908.000000	128540.000000	115829.000000	193461.000000
-350.013641	-0.253123	-0.139926	-1.006506	-0.252543	0.654334	2.832207	152185.000000	0.000000	-0.032333	-0.019570	2.439820	-1.653010	0.198025	-60167.261719	10630.820312	-1147133.750000	-0.227812	0.104399	-1.613965	-0.188409	0.197327	-1.302324	-0.002113	0.128845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	162815.000000	162815.000000
-350.018646	-0.242625	-0.131869	-1.004553	-0.272763	0.641563	2.857748	152185.000000	0.000000	-0.023263	-0.017489	3.347157	-1.514597	-0.023100	113617.156250	11730.291992	-1254551.750000	-0.226289	0.100206	-1.528917	-0.223442	0.214781	-1.308029	0.006161	0.113305	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140454.000000	140454.000000	103915.000000	200000.000000
-350.023651	-0.233836	-0.126254	-1.002111	-0.292983	0.625600	2.883290	152129.000000	0.000000	-0.023263	-0.017489	2.956700	-1.528620	-0.023100	-30454.798828	-5002.467773	-1265674.500000	-0.224676	0.095899	-1.528917	-0.223442	0.214781	-1.308029	0.006161	0.113305	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	147126.000000	147126.000000
-350.028656	-0.227977	-0.121127	-0.997961	-0.310011	0.606444	2.908831	152129.000000	0.000000	-0.034776	-0.019088	2.298692	-1.547314	-0.104019	-62461.250000	-5874.886719	-1312036.125000	-0.223048	0.091509	-1.497794	-0.235913	0.220762	-1.310013	0.009709	0.111282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	146254.000000	146254.000000
-350.033661	-0.223338	-0.115756	-0.991125	-0.328103	0.587287	2.935437	152129.000000	0.000000	-0.034776	-0.019088	2.735616	-1.412654	-0.104019	60031.007812	11807.103516	-1323622.375000	-0.221439	0.087029	-1.497794	-0.235913	0.220762	-1.310013	0.009709	0.111282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140321.000000	140321.000000	103936.000000	200000.000000
-350.038666	-0.219187	-0.109652	-0.985754	-0.345130	0.568131	2.963107	152129.000000	0.000000	-0.034776	-0.019088	2.712488	-1.339860	-0.104019	9427.379883	5300.604980	-1335672.000000	-0.219849	0.082448	-1.497794	-0.235913	0.220762	-1.310013	0.009709	0.111282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167401.000000	126255.000000	118002.000000	196856.000000
-350.043671	-0.216258	-0.101840	-0.981359	-0.363222	0.547911	2.992905	152129.000000	0.000000	-0.034776	-0.019088	2.690876	-1.263193	-0.104019	9704.532227	6281.565918	-1348648.625000	-0.218299	0.077723	-1.497794	-0.235913	0.220762	-1.310013	0.009709	0.111282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166142.000000	125551.000000	118706.000000	198115.000000
-350.048676	-0.213816	-0.093783	-0.978918	-0.380250	0.529819	3.022703	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.034776	-0.019088	2.669110	-1.184187	-0.104019	9436.793945	6861.334473	-1361625.125000	-0.216776	0.072849	-1.497794	-0.235913	0.220762	-1.310013	0.009709	0.111282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165887.000000	124761.000000	119610.000000	198484.000000
-350.053680	-0.210154	-0.084018	-0.976232	-0.397277	0.511727	3.054630	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.034776	-0.019088	2.646322	-1.101120	-0.104019	9302.692383	7768.391113	-1375528.625000	-0.215254	0.067794	-1.497794	-0.235913	0.220762	-1.310013	0.009709	0.111282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165114.000000	123720.000000	120651.000000	199257.000000
-350.058685	-0.207225	-0.076205	-0.975744	-0.412176	0.492571	3.085493	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.034776	-0.019088	2.623792	-1.018058	-0.104019	9432.615234	7984.259766	-1388968.750000	-0.213738	0.062608	-1.497794	-0.235913	0.220762	-1.310013	0.009709	0.111282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164769.000000	123634.000000	120737.000000	199602.000000
-350.063690	-0.203074	-0.071811	-0.978430	-0.424947	0.471287	3.115291	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.034776	-0.019088	2.599600	-0.937323	-0.104019	9470.630859	7924.676270	-1401945.250000	-0.212195	0.057368	-1.497794	-0.235913	0.220762	-1.310013	0.009709	0.111282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164790.000000	123731.000000	120640.000000	199581.000000
-350.068695	-0.198191	-0.070102	-0.980139	-0.433461	0.445745	3.142961	152183.000000	0.000000	-0.027598	-0.015995	2.970059	-0.690099	-0.261445	55154.390625	26939.363281	-1482550.750000	-0.210633	0.052155	-1.437246	-0.258809	0.230888	-1.314203	0.011058	0.097417	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125243.000000	125243.000000	119122.000000	200000.000000
-350.073700	-0.193309	-0.069613	-0.981604	-0.440911	0.417011	3.169566	152183.000000	0.000000	-0.029560	-0.015543	2.551611	-0.713978	-0.430848	-33032.179688	-3062.628174	-1567908.625000	-0.209068	0.046999	-1.372091	-0.282761	0.240607	-1.318141	0.013121	0.086699	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	149120.000000	149120.000000
-350.078705	-0.188914	-0.070346	-0.980383	-0.444103	0.384020	3.192979	152183.000000	0.000000	-0.032690	-0.013801	2.436511	-0.564908	-0.516425	413.065063	16186.458008	-1615371.500000	-0.207540	0.041953	-1.339177	-0.294237	0.244701	-1.320104	0.012960	0.079159	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165583.000000	106409.000000	137956.000000	198782.000000
-350.083710	-0.184520	-0.070590	-0.979162	-0.446232	0.345708	3.216392	152183.000000	0.000000	-0.032690	-0.013801	2.542098	-0.564480	-0.516425	25926.007812	-262.872498	-1625567.375000	-0.206073	0.037009	-1.339177	-0.294237	0.244701	-1.320104	0.012960	0.079159	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156519.000000	148371.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.088715	-0.179148	-0.068881	-0.977209	-0.445167	0.304203	3.237677	152126.000000	0.000000	-0.032690	-0.013801	2.523393	-0.494670	-0.516425	12715.217773	7331.364746	-1634836.375000	-0.204666	0.032144	-1.339177	-0.294237	0.244701	-1.320104	0.012960	0.079159	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162079.000000	127509.000000	116742.000000	200000.000000
-350.093719	-0.172801	-0.066684	-0.978674	-0.438782	0.257378	3.258961	152126.000000	0.000000	-0.032690	-0.013801	2.505224	-0.426554	-0.516425	13491.143555	6843.920898	-1644105.375000	-0.203313	0.027368	-1.339177	-0.294237	0.244701	-1.320104	0.012960	0.079159	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161790.000000	128773.000000	115478.000000	200000.000000
-350.098724	-0.166209	-0.063021	-0.976721	-0.429204	0.207359	3.280246	152126.000000	0.000000	-0.032690	-0.013801	2.489070	-0.359097	-0.516425	14219.432617	6686.574219	-1653374.250000	-0.202034	0.022668	-1.339177	-0.294237	0.244701	-1.320104	0.012960	0.079159	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161219.000000	129658.000000	114593.000000	200000.000000
-350.103729	-0.161082	-0.059115	-0.974279	-0.414305	0.157340	3.300466	152126.000000	0.000000	-0.032690	-0.013801	2.475625	-0.293832	-0.516425	14685.618164	6092.247559	-1662179.750000	-0.200861	0.018062	-1.339177	-0.294237	0.244701	-1.320104	0.012960	0.079159	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161348.000000	130719.000000	113532.000000	200000.000000
-350.108734	-0.159129	-0.054965	-0.968420	-0.397277	0.103065	3.321751	152126.000000	0.000000	-0.032690	-0.013801	2.468891	-0.230180	-0.516425	16110.273438	5895.250977	-1671448.875000	-0.199884	0.013556	-1.339177	-0.294237	0.244701	-1.320104	0.012960	0.079159	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160120.000000	132341.000000	111910.000000	200000.000000
-350.113739	-0.162059	-0.049838	-0.960363	-0.378121	0.048789	3.343035	152201.000000	0.000000	-0.028718	-0.011784	2.689144	-0.056279	-0.693848	42331.730469	18495.576172	-1757981.750000	-0.199209	0.009134	-1.270937	-0.317258	0.251784	-1.324052	0.010051	0.066032	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133705.000000	133705.000000	110696.000000	200000.000000
-350.118744	-0.167674	-0.042270	-0.954992	-0.357901	-0.007615	3.364320	152201.000000	0.000000	-0.026268	-0.008216	2.674305	0.124055	-0.868731	16907.083984	19822.521484	-1843408.875000	-0.198885	0.004739	-1.203674	-0.338418	0.256432	-1.328036	0.005769	0.055992	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145471.000000	119285.000000	125116.000000	200000.000000
-350.123749	-0.172312	-0.033969	-0.950842	-0.331295	-0.068276	3.384540	152201.000000	0.000000	-0.026268	-0.008216	2.590301	0.045379	-0.868731	9662.717773	-9843.674805	-1852214.500000	-0.198904	0.000379	-1.203674	-0.338418	0.256432	-1.328036	0.005769	0.055992	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182381.000000	141707.000000	102694.000000	182020.000000
-350.128754	-0.170604	-0.027865	-0.946447	-0.301497	-0.131065	3.405824	152201.000000	0.000000	-0.033245	-0.006994	2.218888	0.173142	-0.964436	-23125.275391	12955.153320	-1903161.250000	-0.199140	-0.003892	-1.166865	-0.349791	0.258182	-1.330043	0.001021	0.051948	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192371.000000	100000.000000	158281.000000	172030.000000
-350.133759	-0.165232	-0.025424	-0.937902	-0.269570	-0.190661	3.431366	152125.000000	0.000000	-0.033245	-0.006994	2.508916	0.179171	-0.964436	50869.128906	-783.959839	-1914284.000000	-0.199513	-0.007996	-1.166865	-0.349791	0.258182	-1.330043	0.001021	0.051948	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152908.000000	152908.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.138763	-0.157664	-0.025424	-0.925451	-0.236579	-0.247065	3.461164	152125.000000	0.000000	-0.033245	-0.006994	2.519234	0.228949	-0.964436	20062.951172	3987.673584	-1927260.625000	-0.199971	-0.011886	-1.166865	-0.349791	0.258182	-1.330043	0.001021	0.051948	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158074.000000	138200.000000	106049.000000	200000.000000
-350.143768	-0.150828	-0.028598	-0.912512	-0.197203	-0.297084	3.493091	152125.000000	0.000000	-0.033245	-0.006994	2.529917	0.270476	-0.964436	19678.720703	2387.756348	-1941164.000000	-0.200499	-0.015471	-1.166865	-0.349791	0.258182	-1.330043	0.001021	0.051948	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160058.000000	139415.000000	104834.000000	200000.000000
-350.148773	-0.147410	-0.034457	-0.898352	-0.168469	-0.336460	3.525018	152125.000000	0.000000	-0.033245	-0.006994	2.543028	0.307295	-0.964436	19016.962891	3077.448242	-1955067.500000	-0.201121	-0.018747	-1.166865	-0.349791	0.258182	-1.330043	0.001021	0.051948	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160030.000000	138064.000000	106185.000000	200000.000000
-350.153778	-0.148631	-0.040072	-0.889318	-0.134414	-0.369451	3.552688	152125.000000	0.000000	-0.033245	-0.006994	2.560512	0.338639	-0.964436	19027.785156	1877.935547	-1967117.250000	-0.201892	-0.021700	-1.166865	-0.349791	0.258182	-1.330043	0.001021	0.051948	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161219.000000	139274.000000	104975.000000	200000.000000
-350.158783	-0.150584	-0.044955	-0.888098	-0.104615	-0.399250	3.573972	152183.000000	0.000000	-0.033245	-0.006994	2.578842	0.367681	-0.964436	18991.214844	2089.423828	-1976386.250000	-0.202786	-0.024375	-1.166865	-0.349791	0.258182	-1.330043	0.001021	0.051948	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161102.000000	139084.000000	105281.000000	200000.000000
-350.163788	-0.152049	-0.049838	-0.891516	-0.069496	-0.423727	3.589936	152183.000000	0.000000	-0.033245	-0.006994	2.596180	0.391564	-0.964436	18489.468750	885.311035	-1983337.875000	-0.203751	-0.026755	-1.166865	-0.349791	0.258182	-1.330043	0.001021	0.051948	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162808.000000	139787.000000	104578.000000	200000.000000
-350.168793	-0.153270	-0.051791	-0.896643	-0.031184	-0.448204	3.600578	152183.000000	0.000000	-0.015931	0.000075	3.566185	0.802628	-1.334707	127815.421875	44821.859375	-2149218.000000	-0.204780	-0.028892	-1.024453	-0.388961	0.257568	-1.337078	-0.029568	0.040011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122183.000000	122183.000000	122183.000000	200000.000000
-350.173798	-0.156199	-0.053500	-0.896398	0.011385	-0.472681	3.606963	152183.000000	0.000000	-0.015931	0.000075	2.896196	0.537679	-1.334707	-55481.019531	-31392.464844	-2151998.750000	-0.205934	-0.030769	-1.024453	-0.388961	0.257568	-1.337078	-0.029568	0.040011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122183.000000	122183.000000	122183.000000
-350.178802	-0.160594	-0.053500	-0.898352	0.056083	-0.495030	3.609092	152193.000000	0.000000	-0.015931	0.000075	2.921217	0.553275	-1.334707	20923.359375	-912.780029	-2152925.500000	-0.207229	-0.032417	-1.024453	-0.388961	0.257568	-1.337078	-0.029568	0.040011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162182.000000	144029.000000	100356.000000	200000.000000
-350.183807	-0.166697	-0.052523	-0.897375	0.101845	-0.520571	3.606963	152193.000000	0.000000	-0.015931	0.000075	2.951945	0.566314	-1.334707	22160.642578	-1461.553711	-2151998.750000	-0.208729	-0.033853	-1.024453	-0.388961	0.257568	-1.337078	-0.029568	0.040011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161493.000000	145815.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.188812	-0.172557	-0.049594	-0.893713	0.147606	-0.543984	3.601642	152193.000000	0.000000	-0.015931	0.000075	2.985540	0.578594	-1.334707	22504.212891	-1698.947754	-2149681.500000	-0.210431	-0.035120	-1.024453	-0.388961	0.257568	-1.337078	-0.029568	0.040011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161387.000000	146396.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.193817	-0.177928	-0.045932	-0.889074	0.190175	-0.568462	3.594193	152193.000000	0.000000	-0.015931	0.000075	3.022119	0.590320	-1.334707	23230.207031	-1550.654053	-2146437.250000	-0.212334	-0.036255	-1.024453	-0.388961	0.257568	-1.337078	-0.029568	0.040011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160513.000000	146973.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.198822	-0.181590	-0.042758	-0.884924	0.232744	-0.591874	3.585679	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.015931	0.000075	3.059238	0.599771	-1.334707	23452.238281	-1954.011597	-2142729.750000	-0.214392	-0.037252	-1.024453	-0.388961	0.257568	-1.337078	-0.029568	0.040011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160697.000000	147602.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.203827	-0.183787	-0.040316	-0.884436	0.274249	-0.614223	3.577165	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.011987	0.008355	3.312604	1.062386	-1.707873	48379.886719	49929.027344	-2301528.500000	-0.216553	-0.038110	-0.880927	-0.422127	0.246107	-1.342479	-0.055490	0.033880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122196.000000	122196.000000	122196.000000	200000.000000
-350.208832	-0.185984	-0.040805	-0.882727	0.314690	-0.636572	3.569715	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.011987	0.008355	3.193263	0.733505	-1.707873	6952.439941	-38682.523438	-2298284.250000	-0.218823	-0.038774	-0.880927	-0.422127	0.246107	-1.342479	-0.055490	0.033880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	159148.000000	100000.000000	159148.000000
-350.213837	-0.189158	-0.045443	-0.879309	0.355130	-0.654664	3.563330	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.019176	0.010017	2.838460	0.819386	-1.792543	-20955.115234	7132.001953	-2332375.500000	-0.221208	-0.039158	-0.848362	-0.428402	0.242259	-1.343482	-0.068685	0.041216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196019.000000	100000.000000	150283.000000	168372.000000
-350.218842	-0.191111	-0.053256	-0.878820	0.395571	-0.669563	3.556945	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.019176	0.010017	3.165086	0.739923	-1.792543	55192.152344	-11600.090820	-2329594.750000	-0.223656	-0.039200	-0.848362	-0.428402	0.242259	-1.343482	-0.068685	0.041216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163796.000000	163796.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.223846	-0.192576	-0.064242	-0.877600	0.437076	-0.680205	3.550559	152193.000000	0.000000	-0.019176	0.010017	3.203879	0.717985	-1.792543	23302.498047	-5683.741211	-2326814.000000	-0.226142	-0.038831	-0.848362	-0.428402	0.242259	-1.343482	-0.068685	0.041216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164574.000000	151179.000000	100000.000000	199811.000000
-350.228851	-0.194529	-0.075229	-0.876135	0.478580	-0.685526	3.544174	152193.000000	0.000000	-0.019176	0.010017	3.242768	0.690332	-1.792543	22931.294922	-6630.298340	-2324033.250000	-0.228657	-0.038060	-0.848362	-0.428402	0.242259	-1.343482	-0.068685	0.041216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165892.000000	151754.000000	100000.000000	198493.000000
-350.233856	-0.196727	-0.086459	-0.876623	0.522214	-0.686591	3.536724	152193.000000	0.000000	-0.019176	0.010017	3.281044	0.656374	-1.792543	22576.814453	-7914.449219	-2320789.250000	-0.231181	-0.036882	-0.848362	-0.428402	0.242259	-1.343482	-0.068685	0.041216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167530.000000	152684.000000	100000.000000	196855.000000
-350.238861	-0.198924	-0.094516	-0.878820	0.567975	-0.684462	3.529275	152193.000000	0.000000	-0.019176	0.010017	3.318578	0.620270	-1.792543	22307.037109	-8761.019531	-2317545.000000	-0.233700	-0.035369	-0.848362	-0.428402	0.242259	-1.343482	-0.068685	0.041216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168646.000000	153261.000000	100000.000000	195739.000000
-350.243866	-0.201365	-0.102084	-0.878576	0.612673	-0.681269	3.521825	152124.000000	0.000000	-0.019176	0.010017	3.356977	0.580108	-1.792543	22447.115234	-9480.680664	-2314301.000000	-0.236230	-0.033538	-0.848362	-0.428402	0.242259	-1.343482	-0.068685	0.041216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169157.000000	154051.000000	100000.000000	195090.000000
-350.248871	-0.204783	-0.106234	-0.875402	0.658435	-0.677013	3.516504	152124.000000	0.000000	-0.019176	0.010017	3.397560	0.539130	-1.792543	22737.281250	-10086.376953	-2311983.750000	-0.238808	-0.031461	-0.848362	-0.428402	0.242259	-1.343482	-0.068685	0.041216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169473.000000	154947.000000	100000.000000	194774.000000
-350.253876	-0.208689	-0.109408	-0.871740	0.703132	-0.671691	3.511183	152124.000000	0.000000	-0.019176	0.010017	3.439512	0.496161	-1.792543	22939.283203	-10591.486328	-2309666.500000	-0.241446	-0.029169	-0.848362	-0.428402	0.242259	-1.343482	-0.068685	0.041216	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169776.000000	155654.000000	100000.000000	194471.000000
-350.258881	-0.211619	-0.111117	-0.869543	0.745701	-0.665306	3.507990	152124.000000	0.000000	-0.006773	0.016594	4.162726	0.814541	-2.156829	101044.445312	30649.777344	-2466915.500000	-0.244112	-0.026716	-0.708252	-0.453808	0.220267	-1.347141	-0.100915	0.051205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122124.000000	122124.000000	122124.000000	200000.000000
-350.263885	-0.213816	-0.113559	-0.866369	0.787206	-0.659985	3.506926	152124.000000	0.000000	-0.017657	0.017859	3.109699	0.574988	-2.246320	-99031.273438	-31880.115234	-2505423.750000	-0.246804	-0.024093	-0.673832	-0.459410	0.213943	-1.348000	-0.109066	0.052575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122124.000000	122124.000000	122124.000000
-350.268890	-0.216990	-0.116732	-0.861486	0.827646	-0.654664	3.505862	152191.000000	0.000000	-0.017657	0.017859	3.588421	0.475077	-2.246320	71581.921875	-17057.429688	-2504960.250000	-0.249554	-0.021289	-0.673832	-0.459410	0.213943	-1.348000	-0.109066	0.052575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169248.000000	169248.000000	100000.000000	195133.000000
-350.273895	-0.224070	-0.121371	-0.855871	0.865959	-0.649343	3.505862	152191.000000	0.000000	-0.017657	0.017859	3.637796	0.422179	-2.246320	24565.775391	-12072.530273	-2504960.250000	-0.252451	-0.018288	-0.673832	-0.459410	0.213943	-1.348000	-0.109066	0.052575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169697.000000	158829.000000	100000.000000	194684.000000
-350.278900	-0.231395	-0.126986	-0.851232	0.900014	-0.644022	3.504797	152191.000000	0.000000	-0.017657	0.017859	3.689409	0.366711	-2.246320	25024.798828	-12298.754883	-2504496.750000	-0.255497	-0.015097	-0.673832	-0.459410	0.213943	-1.348000	-0.109066	0.052575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169464.000000	159514.000000	100000.000000	194917.000000
-350.283905	-0.238475	-0.133090	-0.846105	0.931940	-0.639765	3.500540	152191.000000	0.000000	-0.017657	0.017859	3.743431	0.308409	-2.246320	25634.716797	-12789.490234	-2502643.000000	-0.258695	-0.011715	-0.673832	-0.459410	0.213943	-1.348000	-0.109066	0.052575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169345.000000	160615.000000	100000.000000	195036.000000
-350.288910	-0.245799	-0.137973	-0.844396	0.961739	-0.635508	3.495219	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.017657	0.017859	3.798967	0.250188	-2.246320	26037.087891	-12951.347656	-2500325.750000	-0.262030	-0.008197	-0.673832	-0.459410	0.213943	-1.348000	-0.109066	0.052575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169032.000000	161106.000000	100000.000000	195203.000000
-350.293915	-0.253123	-0.139926	-0.846594	0.987280	-0.634444	3.488834	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.017657	0.017859	3.856187	0.195587	-2.246320	26831.566406	-12453.915039	-2497545.250000	-0.265496	-0.004646	-0.673832	-0.459410	0.213943	-1.348000	-0.109066	0.052575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167740.000000	161403.000000	100000.000000	196495.000000
-350.298920	-0.260203	-0.140414	-0.847814	1.011757	-0.635508	3.480320	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.017657	0.017859	3.915881	0.142373	-2.246320	27617.130859	-12541.750000	-2493837.500000	-0.269103	-0.001096	-0.673832	-0.459410	0.213943	-1.348000	-0.109066	0.052575	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167042.000000	162276.000000	100000.000000	197193.000000
-350.303925	-0.267771	-0.140658	-0.850500	1.034106	-0.641893	3.470742	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.009121	0.022140	4.448244	0.325788	-2.518851	82653.218750	14451.868164	-2608348.000000	-0.272872	0.002431	-0.569013	-0.476030	0.191867	-1.349213	-0.129677	0.070965	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137666.000000	137666.000000	106569.000000	200000.000000
-350.308929	-0.274607	-0.140902	-0.854406	1.054326	-0.650407	3.459036	152184.000000	0.000000	-0.016669	0.023000	3.756464	0.150939	-2.608174	-54857.675781	-25604.628906	-2642148.500000	-0.276786	0.005922	-0.534658	-0.481182	0.183977	-1.349451	-0.138770	0.077225	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	117788.000000	126579.000000	126579.000000
-350.313934	-0.281687	-0.141391	-0.859045	1.073483	-0.662113	3.447329	152184.000000	0.000000	-0.018370	0.027592	4.031906	0.318882	-2.704890	53166.230469	12888.847656	-2679168.750000	-0.280854	0.009374	-0.497459	-0.486866	0.174602	-1.349583	-0.149598	0.082791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139295.000000	139295.000000	105072.000000	200000.000000
-350.318939	-0.288768	-0.143100	-0.862219	1.090510	-0.678077	3.434559	152184.000000	0.000000	-0.018370	0.027592	4.170747	0.084522	-2.704890	39329.703125	-32274.574219	-2673607.250000	-0.285100	0.012806	-0.497459	-0.486866	0.174602	-1.349583	-0.149598	0.082791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182184.000000	182184.000000	100000.000000	182184.000000
-350.323944	-0.297068	-0.146762	-0.861975	1.105409	-0.691912	3.422852	152184.000000	0.000000	-0.018370	0.027592	4.245873	0.032062	-2.704890	32497.498047	-12345.451172	-2668509.250000	-0.289554	0.016256	-0.497459	-0.486866	0.174602	-1.349583	-0.149598	0.082791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164529.000000	164529.000000	100000.000000	199838.000000
-350.328949	-0.306590	-0.149936	-0.860998	1.114987	-0.704682	3.413274	152184.000000	0.000000	-0.018370	0.027592	4.325223	-0.018312	-2.704890	33268.816406	-11806.577148	-2664338.250000	-0.294236	0.019681	-0.497459	-0.486866	0.174602	-1.349583	-0.149598	0.082791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163990.000000	163990.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.333954	-0.315379	-0.152133	-0.855627	1.119244	-0.714260	3.403696	152189.000000	0.000000	-0.018370	0.027592	4.407773	-0.066353	-2.704890	33691.386719	-11204.249023	-2660167.250000	-0.299142	0.023046	-0.497459	-0.486866	0.174602	-1.349583	-0.149598	0.082791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163393.000000	163393.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.338959	-0.324168	-0.153354	-0.851232	1.118180	-0.719582	3.395182	152189.000000	0.000000	-0.018370	0.027592	4.491936	-0.110512	-2.704890	33812.300781	-10390.460938	-2656459.500000	-0.304241	0.026296	-0.497459	-0.486866	0.174602	-1.349583	-0.149598	0.082791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162579.000000	162579.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.343964	-0.331004	-0.152621	-0.848547	1.110730	-0.719582	3.387733	152189.000000	0.000000	-0.018370	0.027592	4.574494	-0.148611	-2.704890	33432.382812	-9163.757812	-2653215.500000	-0.309450	0.029352	-0.497459	-0.486866	0.174602	-1.349583	-0.149598	0.082791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161352.000000	161352.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.348969	-0.336131	-0.150424	-0.849523	1.100088	-0.715325	3.382411	152189.000000	0.000000	-0.018370	0.027592	4.653922	-0.180538	-2.704890	32963.945312	-8231.240234	-2650898.250000	-0.314683	0.032155	-0.497459	-0.486866	0.174602	-1.349583	-0.149598	0.082791	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160420.000000	160420.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.353973	-0.338816	-0.145785	-0.853186	1.084125	-0.707875	3.378155	152119.000000	0.000000	-0.015382	0.023523	4.893188	-0.427991	-2.789856	51254.597656	-32409.488281	-2686045.250000	-0.319852	0.034625	-0.464780	-0.491525	0.166622	-1.349700	-0.156875	0.086846	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182119.000000	182119.000000	100000.000000	182119.000000
-350.358978	-0.340281	-0.142367	-0.858557	1.067097	-0.698297	3.372833	152119.000000	0.000000	-0.008104	0.029552	5.244968	0.046000	-3.060618	64966.136719	49293.429688	-2801639.500000	-0.324902	0.036789	-0.360641	-0.506445	0.137911	-1.349568	-0.185840	0.100954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122119.000000	122119.000000	122119.000000	200000.000000
-350.363983	-0.341258	-0.141391	-0.866369	1.049005	-0.689783	3.367512	152119.000000	0.000000	-0.008104	0.029552	5.021602	-0.213330	-3.060618	775.762024	-32332.341797	-2799322.250000	-0.329806	0.038695	-0.360641	-0.506445	0.137911	-1.349568	-0.185840	0.100954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	152894.000000	100000.000000	152894.000000
-350.368988	-0.341258	-0.142855	-0.875158	1.030913	-0.680205	3.361127	152119.000000	0.000000	-0.008104	0.029552	5.085089	-0.230991	-3.060618	32449.166016	-5757.344238	-2796541.500000	-0.334526	0.040401	-0.360641	-0.506445	0.137911	-1.349568	-0.185840	0.100954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157876.000000	157876.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.373993	-0.341502	-0.144320	-0.883703	1.012822	-0.672756	3.351549	152119.000000	0.000000	-0.008104	0.029552	5.146805	-0.246365	-3.060618	32738.072266	-5493.378906	-2792370.500000	-0.339080	0.041922	-0.360641	-0.506445	0.137911	-1.349568	-0.185840	0.100954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157612.000000	157612.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.378998	-0.340281	-0.147738	-0.888586	0.993666	-0.667435	3.340907	152198.000000	0.000000	-0.008104	0.029552	5.206441	-0.262000	-3.060618	32992.109375	-5388.920898	-2787736.000000	-0.343478	0.043312	-0.360641	-0.506445	0.137911	-1.349568	-0.185840	0.100954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157586.000000	157586.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.384003	-0.340281	-0.151889	-0.889807	0.972381	-0.662113	3.329200	152198.000000	0.000000	-0.008104	0.029552	5.266475	-0.276863	-3.060618	33287.500000	-5040.339844	-2782638.000000	-0.347767	0.044594	-0.360641	-0.506445	0.137911	-1.349568	-0.185840	0.100954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157238.000000	157238.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.389008	-0.340037	-0.156283	-0.890539	0.951097	-0.657857	3.318558	152198.000000	0.000000	-0.008104	0.029552	5.325104	-0.290608	-3.060618	33501.363281	-4882.742188	-2778003.500000	-0.351953	0.045775	-0.360641	-0.506445	0.137911	-1.349568	-0.185840	0.100954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157080.000000	157080.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.394012	-0.340525	-0.161898	-0.890539	0.927684	-0.652535	3.308980	152198.000000	0.000000	-0.003466	0.032597	5.637918	-0.136372	-3.409045	62746.726562	14638.921875	-2925565.500000	-0.356048	0.046875	-0.226630	-0.525311	0.096944	-1.348543	-0.221863	0.106073	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137559.000000	137559.000000	106836.000000	200000.000000
-350.399017	-0.344187	-0.167514	-0.889807	0.903206	-0.645086	3.301530	152198.000000	0.000000	-0.003466	0.032597	5.512033	-0.269676	-3.409045	13658.878906	-17363.851562	-2922321.250000	-0.360108	0.047884	-0.226630	-0.525311	0.096944	-1.348543	-0.221863	0.106073	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185902.000000	153220.000000	100000.000000	178493.000000
-350.404022	-0.350535	-0.173129	-0.891516	0.877665	-0.637636	3.297273	152198.000000	0.000000	-0.003466	0.032597	5.572920	-0.278685	-3.409045	34444.425781	-3501.339355	-2920467.500000	-0.364169	0.048782	-0.226630	-0.525311	0.096944	-1.348543	-0.221863	0.106073	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155699.000000	155699.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.409027	-0.358836	-0.176303	-0.891027	0.853188	-0.629122	3.295145	152198.000000	0.000000	-0.015524	0.033752	4.973505	-0.220223	-3.494828	-41073.378906	4181.983887	-2956897.250000	-0.368279	0.049527	-0.193637	-0.529805	0.085958	-1.348197	-0.230112	0.104190	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	156379.000000	156379.000000
-350.414032	-0.365672	-0.174594	-0.897131	0.831903	-0.618480	3.296209	152198.000000	0.000000	-0.015524	0.033752	5.515339	-0.263237	-3.494828	86623.250000	-7426.927246	-2957360.750000	-0.372353	0.050011	-0.193637	-0.529805	0.085958	-1.348197	-0.230112	0.104190	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159624.000000	159624.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.419037	-0.375682	-0.169223	-0.901525	0.813811	-0.608902	3.298338	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.015524	0.033752	5.578793	-0.253318	-3.494828	34387.429688	-1828.875122	-2958287.750000	-0.376470	0.050182	-0.193637	-0.529805	0.085958	-1.348197	-0.230112	0.104190	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154022.000000	154022.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.424042	-0.383738	-0.163852	-0.903479	0.797848	-0.592939	3.302595	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.015524	0.033752	5.639771	-0.239918	-3.494828	33620.113281	-1545.057373	-2960141.500000	-0.380572	0.050063	-0.193637	-0.529805	0.085958	-1.348197	-0.230112	0.104190	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153739.000000	153739.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.429047	-0.392039	-0.155307	-0.906408	0.787206	-0.579104	3.307916	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.015524	0.033752	5.700873	-0.220202	-3.494828	34085.132812	-1295.915283	-2962458.750000	-0.384667	0.049618	-0.193637	-0.529805	0.085958	-1.348197	-0.230112	0.104190	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153489.000000	153489.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.434052	-0.399119	-0.148959	-0.905187	0.777628	-0.564205	3.314301	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.015524	0.033752	5.761604	-0.199236	-3.494828	34138.191406	-1135.052124	-2965239.500000	-0.388749	0.048913	-0.193637	-0.529805	0.085958	-1.348197	-0.230112	0.104190	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153329.000000	153329.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.439056	-0.404734	-0.142123	-0.906408	0.769114	-0.546113	3.320686	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.015524	0.033752	5.818532	-0.174106	-3.494828	33547.617188	-639.526062	-2968020.000000	-0.392753	0.047944	-0.193637	-0.529805	0.085958	-1.348197	-0.230112	0.104190	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152833.000000	152833.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.444061	-0.412547	-0.137729	-0.902014	0.762729	-0.530149	3.323879	152181.000000	0.000000	-0.015517	0.036064	5.879496	-0.022432	-3.582084	34432.464844	13767.838867	-3007408.750000	-0.396767	0.046792	-0.160077	-0.534268	0.074260	-1.347864	-0.239064	0.101293	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138413.000000	138413.000000	105948.000000	200000.000000
-350.449066	-0.420115	-0.136020	-0.896887	0.754215	-0.512058	3.324943	152181.000000	0.000000	-0.006951	0.040980	6.410152	0.179821	-3.848885	88201.742188	20532.851562	-3124058.750000	-0.400776	0.045511	-0.057461	-0.547172	0.035677	-1.346986	-0.264145	0.091729	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131648.000000	131648.000000	112713.000000	200000.000000
-350.454071	-0.424754	-0.136508	-0.892248	0.742508	-0.491837	3.322815	152181.000000	0.000000	-0.014636	0.043787	5.700921	0.161841	-3.940140	-51720.910156	-3360.815430	-3162871.500000	-0.404706	0.044138	-0.022363	-0.551242	0.021671	-1.346783	-0.269629	0.088090	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	148820.000000	148820.000000
-350.459076	-0.424266	-0.138705	-0.885656	0.730802	-0.471617	3.318558	152181.000000	0.000000	-0.014636	0.043787	6.058557	0.072354	-3.940140	67139.695312	-11581.339844	-3161017.750000	-0.408480	0.042726	-0.022363	-0.551242	0.021671	-1.346783	-0.269629	0.088090	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163762.000000	163762.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.464081	-0.423777	-0.141146	-0.880529	0.714839	-0.447140	3.313237	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.014636	0.043787	6.104850	0.096412	-3.940140	32537.968750	1555.795410	-3158700.500000	-0.412067	0.041262	-0.022363	-0.551242	0.021671	-1.346783	-0.269629	0.088090	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150640.000000	150640.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.469086	-0.422801	-0.143344	-0.879309	0.697811	-0.423727	3.307916	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.014636	0.043787	6.146464	0.122058	-3.940140	32224.189453	2043.763794	-3156383.250000	-0.415431	0.039731	-0.022363	-0.551242	0.021671	-1.346783	-0.269629	0.088090	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150152.000000	150152.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.474091	-0.422557	-0.145541	-0.879797	0.677591	-0.400314	3.302595	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.014636	0.043787	6.184870	0.149560	-3.940140	31940.355469	2818.375732	-3154066.000000	-0.418577	0.038117	-0.022363	-0.551242	0.021671	-1.346783	-0.269629	0.088090	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149377.000000	149377.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.479095	-0.423289	-0.148227	-0.883703	0.655242	-0.376901	3.297273	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.014636	0.043787	6.219495	0.178596	-3.940140	31576.271484	3457.584961	-3151748.750000	-0.421494	0.036416	-0.022363	-0.551242	0.021671	-1.346783	-0.269629	0.088090	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148738.000000	148738.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.484100	-0.423289	-0.151400	-0.887609	0.632893	-0.356681	3.291952	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.014636	0.043787	6.250972	0.208029	-3.940140	31632.935547	3739.287354	-3149431.500000	-0.424187	0.034643	-0.022363	-0.551242	0.021671	-1.346783	-0.269629	0.088090	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148456.000000	148456.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.489105	-0.423777	-0.153109	-0.891271	0.610544	-0.337525	3.288760	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.014636	0.043787	6.280322	0.240077	-3.940140	31562.943359	4277.119629	-3148041.250000	-0.426680	0.032771	-0.022363	-0.551242	0.021671	-1.346783	-0.269629	0.088090	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147914.000000	147914.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.494110	-0.424998	-0.154574	-0.896398	0.588196	-0.320497	3.286631	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.005761	0.045941	6.795440	0.392445	-4.206722	87501.445312	18310.644531	-3263205.250000	-0.428986	0.030794	0.080168	-0.562593	-0.020990	-1.346081	-0.288228	0.075572	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133881.000000	133881.000000	110502.000000	200000.000000
-350.499115	-0.426219	-0.155307	-0.899816	0.564783	-0.304534	3.286631	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.012485	0.047362	6.096490	0.420643	-4.295652	-49164.296875	5011.967773	-3301932.750000	-0.431129	0.028697	0.114372	-0.565857	-0.035896	-1.345797	-0.292709	0.068347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	157203.000000	157203.000000
-350.504120	-0.427439	-0.154330	-0.903234	0.541370	-0.288570	3.286631	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.012485	0.047362	6.388692	0.403403	-4.295652	61089.453125	44.078468	-3301932.750000	-0.433112	0.026452	0.114372	-0.565857	-0.035896	-1.345797	-0.292709	0.068347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152147.000000	152147.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.509125	-0.429881	-0.151400	-0.906408	0.519021	-0.274735	3.289824	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.012485	0.047362	6.411757	0.447087	-4.295652	31772.707031	6929.785645	-3303323.000000	-0.434973	0.024025	0.114372	-0.565857	-0.035896	-1.345797	-0.292709	0.068347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145266.000000	145266.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.514130	-0.431346	-0.147250	-0.908850	0.495608	-0.260900	3.294081	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.012485	0.047362	6.432421	0.494675	-4.295652	31540.343750	7804.277832	-3305177.000000	-0.436703	0.021395	0.114372	-0.565857	-0.035896	-1.345797	-0.292709	0.068347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144391.000000	144391.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.519135	-0.432322	-0.142123	-0.911047	0.473259	-0.248130	3.300466	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.012485	0.047362	6.451057	0.545955	-4.295652	31461.205078	8430.357422	-3307957.500000	-0.438299	0.018550	0.114372	-0.565857	-0.035896	-1.345797	-0.292709	0.068347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143765.000000	143765.000000	100626.000000	200000.000000
-350.524139	-0.433787	-0.137484	-0.911291	0.453039	-0.236423	3.308980	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.012485	0.047362	6.469257	0.598988	-4.295652	31560.164062	8725.981445	-3311665.250000	-0.439792	0.015516	0.114372	-0.565857	-0.035896	-1.345797	-0.292709	0.068347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143470.000000	143470.000000	100921.000000	200000.000000
-350.529144	-0.433787	-0.134066	-0.912756	0.431754	-0.226845	3.316430	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.012485	0.047362	6.484311	0.653438	-4.295652	31473.394531	9347.181641	-3314909.500000	-0.441150	0.012320	0.114372	-0.565857	-0.035896	-1.345797	-0.292709	0.068347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142844.000000	142844.000000	101539.000000	200000.000000
-350.534149	-0.433055	-0.131625	-0.912756	0.410470	-0.218331	3.323879	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.011815	0.046807	6.534359	0.678205	-4.381999	35629.359375	6295.219238	-3355756.000000	-0.442379	0.008990	0.147583	-0.568876	-0.050540	-1.345628	-0.296976	0.061055	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145896.000000	145896.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.539154	-0.431834	-0.129916	-0.911535	0.390250	-0.213010	3.330265	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.001573	0.051629	7.082879	1.021132	-4.649569	93289.007812	42832.246094	-3475058.000000	-0.443493	0.005557	0.250494	-0.575638	-0.097661	-1.345282	-0.311597	0.041033	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122192.000000	122192.000000	122192.000000	200000.000000
-350.544159	-0.429881	-0.127475	-0.911047	0.370029	-0.207689	3.334521	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.001573	0.051629	6.682797	0.885836	-4.649569	-12880.255859	-10280.470703	-3476911.500000	-0.444475	0.002015	0.250494	-0.575638	-0.097661	-1.345282	-0.311597	0.041033	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	119592.000000	124791.000000	159031.000000
-350.549164	-0.427195	-0.125033	-0.911291	0.350873	-0.204496	3.336650	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.001573	0.051629	6.689809	0.944193	-4.649569	32133.785156	11252.241211	-3477838.500000	-0.445317	-0.001622	0.250494	-0.575638	-0.097661	-1.345282	-0.311597	0.041033	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140939.000000	140939.000000	103444.000000	200000.000000
-350.554169	-0.425486	-0.124057	-0.908361	0.333846	-0.200239	3.338778	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.001573	0.051629	6.696794	1.001239	-4.649569	32026.263672	11214.826172	-3478765.500000	-0.446056	-0.005305	0.250494	-0.575638	-0.097661	-1.345282	-0.311597	0.041033	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140972.000000	140972.000000	103401.000000	200000.000000
-350.559174	-0.425242	-0.123568	-0.904943	0.316818	-0.197047	3.339843	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.001573	0.051629	6.704235	1.058156	-4.649569	32213.097656	11540.918945	-3479229.000000	-0.446728	-0.009018	0.250494	-0.575638	-0.097661	-1.345282	-0.311597	0.041033	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140646.000000	140646.000000	103727.000000	200000.000000
-350.564178	-0.426463	-0.123324	-0.901525	0.302983	-0.192790	3.339843	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.001573	0.051629	6.711887	1.114240	-4.649569	32134.810547	11419.717773	-3479229.000000	-0.447357	-0.012738	0.250494	-0.575638	-0.097661	-1.345282	-0.311597	0.041033	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140767.000000	140767.000000	103606.000000	200000.000000
-350.569183	-0.428660	-0.121859	-0.898352	0.290212	-0.187469	3.339843	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.001573	0.051629	6.719574	1.171490	-4.649569	32032.605469	11753.052734	-3479229.000000	-0.447954	-0.016484	0.250494	-0.575638	-0.097661	-1.345282	-0.311597	0.041033	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140433.000000	140433.000000	103940.000000	200000.000000
-350.574188	-0.432566	-0.118197	-0.896643	0.279570	-0.182148	3.339843	152110.000000	0.000000	0.008020	0.055435	7.255433	1.440423	-5.020163	92548.640625	36080.984375	-3640615.250000	-0.448540	-0.020294	0.393030	-0.577091	-0.163561	-1.344970	-0.318284	-0.000419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122110.000000	122110.000000	122110.000000	200000.000000
-350.579193	-0.436473	-0.113803	-0.894445	0.271056	-0.177891	3.340907	152110.000000	0.000000	0.008020	0.055435	6.880589	1.349089	-5.020163	-9215.373047	-4147.680664	-3641078.750000	-0.449125	-0.024171	0.393030	-0.577091	-0.163561	-1.344970	-0.318284	-0.000419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195473.000000	117042.000000	127177.000000	168746.000000
-350.584198	-0.440867	-0.107943	-0.893957	0.264671	-0.172570	3.340907	152110.000000	0.000000	0.008020	0.055435	6.888713	1.411956	-5.020163	32790.078125	12892.266602	-3641078.750000	-0.449699	-0.028133	0.393030	-0.577091	-0.163561	-1.344970	-0.318284	-0.000419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139217.000000	139217.000000	105002.000000	200000.000000
-350.589203	-0.443797	-0.099887	-0.891760	0.261478	-0.166184	3.341971	152110.000000	0.000000	0.008020	0.055435	6.895778	1.477373	-5.020163	32559.718750	13138.653320	-3641542.250000	-0.450244	-0.032204	0.393030	-0.577091	-0.163561	-1.344970	-0.318284	-0.000419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138971.000000	138971.000000	105248.000000	200000.000000
-350.594208	-0.444041	-0.090121	-0.891027	0.260414	-0.158735	3.341971	152110.000000	0.000000	0.008020	0.055435	6.898780	1.545524	-5.020163	31975.609375	13522.125977	-3641542.250000	-0.450695	-0.036404	0.393030	-0.577091	-0.163561	-1.344970	-0.318284	-0.000419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138587.000000	138587.000000	105632.000000	200000.000000
-350.599213	-0.441600	-0.080600	-0.889074	0.262543	-0.150221	3.341971	152181.000000	0.000000	0.008020	0.055435	6.897958	1.613970	-5.020163	31394.892578	13510.051758	-3641542.250000	-0.451009	-0.040703	0.393030	-0.577091	-0.163561	-1.344970	-0.318284	-0.000419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138670.000000	138670.000000	105691.000000	200000.000000
-350.604218	-0.438670	-0.071566	-0.887121	0.265735	-0.140643	3.339843	152181.000000	0.000000	0.008020	0.055435	6.894303	1.682638	-5.020163	30905.628906	13717.088867	-3640615.250000	-0.451170	-0.045078	0.393030	-0.577091	-0.163561	-1.344970	-0.318284	-0.000419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138463.000000	138463.000000	105898.000000	200000.000000
-350.609222	-0.434275	-0.063266	-0.883215	0.269992	-0.130001	3.336650	152181.000000	0.000000	0.008020	0.055435	6.887611	1.750802	-5.020163	30375.058594	13838.766602	-3639225.000000	-0.451165	-0.049500	0.393030	-0.577091	-0.163561	-1.344970	-0.318284	-0.000419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138342.000000	138342.000000	106019.000000	200000.000000
-350.614227	-0.430125	-0.055453	-0.879553	0.274249	-0.119358	3.331329	152181.000000	0.000000	0.000705	0.053566	6.476384	1.715883	-5.114234	-16056.015625	2323.053711	-3677873.500000	-0.450999	-0.053949	0.429211	-0.575878	-0.179799	-1.344931	-0.317398	-0.011660	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195913.000000	103801.000000	140560.000000	168448.000000
-350.619232	-0.424998	-0.046908	-0.875891	0.278506	-0.107652	3.324943	152128.000000	0.000000	0.011965	0.050986	7.375626	1.717616	-5.386478	132032.468750	6342.270996	-3793650.000000	-0.450651	-0.058436	0.533921	-0.568994	-0.224243	-1.344759	-0.320084	-0.042266	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145785.000000	145785.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.624237	-0.421336	-0.039096	-0.879797	0.285956	-0.098074	3.316430	152128.000000	0.000000	0.011965	0.050986	6.908581	1.888460	-5.386478	-20176.871094	25337.753906	-3789942.500000	-0.450094	-0.062930	0.533921	-0.568994	-0.224243	-1.344759	-0.320084	-0.042266	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176967.000000	100000.000000	167642.000000	187288.000000
-350.629242	-0.419383	-0.031039	-0.886389	0.296598	-0.090624	3.305787	152128.000000	0.000000	0.011965	0.050986	6.889983	1.955202	-5.386478	29246.623047	13798.102539	-3785308.000000	-0.449350	-0.067413	0.533921	-0.568994	-0.224243	-1.344759	-0.320084	-0.042266	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139083.000000	137576.000000	106679.000000	200000.000000
-350.634247	-0.418406	-0.022250	-0.890051	0.308304	-0.083175	3.294081	152128.000000	0.000000	0.011965	0.050986	6.871250	2.021802	-5.386478	29111.468750	13917.921875	-3780210.000000	-0.448468	-0.071883	0.533921	-0.568994	-0.224243	-1.344759	-0.320084	-0.042266	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139098.000000	137321.000000	106934.000000	200000.000000
-350.639252	-0.416941	-0.014193	-0.894934	0.323203	-0.079982	3.279182	152187.000000	0.000000	0.011965	0.050986	6.850748	2.085992	-5.386478	29275.914062	13528.698242	-3773721.750000	-0.447454	-0.076302	0.533921	-0.568994	-0.224243	-1.344759	-0.320084	-0.042266	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139382.000000	137934.000000	106439.000000	200000.000000
-350.644257	-0.418406	-0.007602	-0.898352	0.340231	-0.078918	3.261090	152187.000000	0.000000	0.011965	0.050986	6.832747	2.146625	-5.386478	29696.968750	13104.989258	-3765843.000000	-0.446390	-0.080617	0.533921	-0.568994	-0.224243	-1.344759	-0.320084	-0.042266	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139385.000000	138778.000000	105595.000000	200000.000000
-350.649261	-0.418895	-0.003207	-0.903234	0.360451	-0.075725	3.241934	152187.000000	0.000000	0.011965	0.050986	6.811942	2.202307	-5.386478	29044.064453	12372.599609	-3757501.000000	-0.445237	-0.084768	0.533921	-0.568994	-0.224243	-1.344759	-0.320084	-0.042266	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140770.000000	138858.000000	105515.000000	200000.000000
-350.654266	-0.420604	-0.000277	-0.905187	0.380672	-0.073597	3.220649	152187.000000	0.000000	0.013298	0.046936	6.866325	2.030983	-5.570058	37670.468750	-13474.206055	-3828177.250000	-0.444055	-0.088721	0.604528	-0.560923	-0.251215	-1.344503	-0.318767	-0.060810	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165661.000000	165661.000000	100000.000000	198712.000000
-350.659271	-0.422068	0.001676	-0.906408	0.404085	-0.068276	3.198301	152187.000000	0.000000	0.016352	0.041033	6.961129	1.914858	-5.745593	42176.425781	-8396.562500	-3894886.750000	-0.442834	-0.092442	0.672042	-0.550886	-0.273997	-1.344214	-0.315307	-0.078773	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160583.000000	160583.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.664276	-0.422557	0.003873	-0.908361	0.425369	-0.059762	3.173823	152119.000000	0.000000	0.016352	0.041033	6.816705	2.194734	-5.745593	14815.283203	36572.683594	-3884227.500000	-0.441541	-0.095945	0.672042	-0.550886	-0.273997	-1.344214	-0.315307	-0.078773	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137303.000000	106934.000000	137303.000000	200000.000000
-350.669281	-0.418895	0.006070	-0.911047	0.447718	-0.051248	3.147218	152119.000000	0.000000	0.016352	0.041033	6.789258	2.234844	-5.745593	27511.380859	10174.147461	-3872641.250000	-0.440102	-0.099221	0.672042	-0.550886	-0.273997	-1.344214	-0.315307	-0.078773	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144433.000000	139456.000000	104781.000000	200000.000000
-350.674286	-0.412303	0.007291	-0.913488	0.466874	-0.040606	3.117419	152119.000000	0.000000	0.016352	0.041033	6.756728	2.271104	-5.745593	26520.695312	10180.118164	-3859664.500000	-0.438464	-0.102264	0.672042	-0.550886	-0.273997	-1.344214	-0.315307	-0.078773	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145418.000000	138459.000000	105778.000000	200000.000000
-350.679291	-0.405711	0.008512	-0.917883	0.480709	-0.029963	3.092942	152119.000000	0.000000	0.016352	0.041033	6.720657	2.305970	-5.745593	25915.517578	10709.176758	-3849005.250000	-0.436616	-0.105110	0.672042	-0.550886	-0.273997	-1.344214	-0.315307	-0.078773	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145494.000000	137325.000000	106912.000000	200000.000000
-350.684296	-0.397410	0.008023	-0.924963	0.495608	-0.017193	3.058887	152117.000000	0.000000	0.016352	0.041033	6.678740	2.334553	-5.745593	24786.814453	9964.114258	-3834175.000000	-0.434511	-0.107699	0.672042	-0.550886	-0.273997	-1.344214	-0.315307	-0.078773	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147366.000000	136939.000000	107294.000000	200000.000000
-350.689301	-0.389842	0.006803	-0.931066	0.504122	-0.002294	3.023767	152117.000000	0.000000	0.016352	0.041033	6.634174	2.360132	-5.745593	23987.943359	10414.477539	-3818881.000000	-0.432169	-0.110048	0.672042	-0.550886	-0.273997	-1.344214	-0.315307	-0.078773	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147714.000000	135690.000000	108543.000000	200000.000000
-350.694305	-0.383250	0.005338	-0.938391	0.509443	0.013670	2.985455	152117.000000	0.000000	0.016352	0.041033	6.586919	2.382400	-5.745593	23285.693359	10478.917969	-3802196.750000	-0.429607	-0.112161	0.672042	-0.550886	-0.273997	-1.344214	-0.315307	-0.078773	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148352.000000	134923.000000	109310.000000	200000.000000
-350.699310	-0.377879	0.004361	-0.945959	0.509443	0.029633	2.943951	152117.000000	0.000000	0.013951	0.035834	6.406120	2.116940	-5.829683	7696.623047	-21794.402344	-3820742.000000	-0.426856	-0.114069	0.704384	-0.545381	-0.283780	-1.344119	-0.312633	-0.085632	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196214.000000	151608.000000	100000.000000	168019.000000
-350.704315	-0.372752	0.003385	-0.954016	0.506250	0.045597	2.900317	152117.000000	0.000000	0.013951	0.035834	6.451123	2.342883	-5.829683	32658.425781	33643.339844	-3801740.750000	-0.423928	-0.115784	0.704384	-0.545381	-0.283780	-1.344119	-0.312633	-0.085632	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122117.000000	122117.000000	122117.000000	200000.000000
-350.709320	-0.367869	0.001920	-0.961340	0.498801	0.062624	2.852427	152170.000000	0.000000	0.029701	0.030879	7.264301	2.085870	-6.153752	120669.265625	-20140.494141	-3922010.750000	-0.420838	-0.117313	0.829026	-0.518398	-0.313359	-1.344085	-0.300153	-0.106985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172310.000000	172310.000000	100000.000000	192029.000000
-350.714325	-0.362498	-0.000033	-0.967687	0.489223	0.081780	2.801344	152170.000000	0.000000	0.029701	0.030879	6.579190	2.296442	-6.153752	-47550.281250	32519.998047	-3899765.250000	-0.417585	-0.118651	0.829026	-0.518398	-0.313359	-1.344085	-0.300153	-0.106985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182170.000000	100000.000000	182170.000000	182170.000000
-350.719330	-0.357371	-0.002230	-0.972814	0.476452	0.103065	2.746005	152170.000000	0.000000	0.029701	0.030879	6.522029	2.306297	-6.153752	20901.632812	10905.163086	-3875665.750000	-0.414179	-0.119803	0.829026	-0.518398	-0.313359	-1.344085	-0.300153	-0.106985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150363.000000	132166.000000	112173.000000	200000.000000
-350.724335	-0.352000	-0.003939	-0.977209	0.463681	0.125414	2.686408	152170.000000	0.000000	0.029701	0.030879	6.462837	2.313556	-6.153752	20184.425781	10712.282227	-3849712.750000	-0.410626	-0.120773	0.829026	-0.518398	-0.313359	-1.344085	-0.300153	-0.106985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151273.000000	131642.000000	112697.000000	200000.000000
-350.729340	-0.346629	-0.006869	-0.978430	0.448782	0.150955	2.622555	152109.000000	0.000000	0.029701	0.030879	6.402207	2.317099	-6.153752	19280.708984	10622.089844	-3821905.750000	-0.406940	-0.121542	0.829026	-0.518398	-0.313359	-1.344085	-0.300153	-0.106985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152206.000000	130767.000000	113450.000000	200000.000000
-350.734344	-0.340770	-0.011020	-0.979895	0.432819	0.178625	2.554444	152109.000000	0.000000	0.029701	0.030879	6.338863	2.316363	-6.153752	18329.605469	10338.571289	-3792245.000000	-0.403107	-0.122089	0.829026	-0.518398	-0.313359	-1.344085	-0.300153	-0.106985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153440.000000	130100.000000	114117.000000	200000.000000
-350.739349	-0.335154	-0.017123	-0.981115	0.415791	0.209487	2.481012	152109.000000	0.000000	0.029701	0.030879	6.273287	2.310151	-6.153752	17289.494141	9903.379883	-3760267.000000	-0.399127	-0.122373	0.829026	-0.518398	-0.313359	-1.344085	-0.300153	-0.106985	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154916.000000	129495.000000	114722.000000	200000.000000
-350.744354	-0.329295	-0.023471	-0.981115	0.398763	0.241414	2.404388	152109.000000	0.000000	0.023051	0.020742	5.840182	1.742354	-6.295382	-25378.742188	-54379.945312	-3788575.750000	-0.395006	-0.122390	0.883499	-0.504280	-0.322050	-1.344279	-0.289114	-0.115940	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	126730.000000	117487.000000	126730.000000
-350.749359	-0.324168	-0.030307	-0.981604	0.381736	0.274405	2.323507	152181.000000	0.000000	0.025887	0.015947	6.193139	1.869003	-6.433816	62408.320312	22639.578125	-3813639.250000	-0.390757	-0.122130	0.936743	-0.488405	-0.327461	-1.344622	-0.281627	-0.122912	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129541.000000	129541.000000	114820.000000	200000.000000
-350.754364	-0.318797	-0.036166	-0.983068	0.364708	0.307396	2.239433	152181.000000	0.000000	0.025887	0.015947	6.008805	2.042713	-6.433816	2330.370850	28691.531250	-3777026.750000	-0.386376	-0.121612	0.936743	-0.488405	-0.327461	-1.344622	-0.281627	-0.122912	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151159.000000	100000.000000	148542.000000	200000.000000
-350.759369	-0.313182	-0.041049	-0.986486	0.349809	0.338259	2.153231	152181.000000	0.000000	0.025887	0.015947	5.935931	2.021643	-6.433816	14342.855469	7011.989746	-3739487.250000	-0.381866	-0.120853	0.936743	-0.488405	-0.327461	-1.344622	-0.281627	-0.122912	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160826.000000	129511.000000	114850.000000	200000.000000
-350.764374	-0.307811	-0.045199	-0.989660	0.335974	0.368057	2.065964	152181.000000	0.000000	0.025887	0.015947	5.862021	1.997801	-6.433816	13868.846680	6543.959961	-3701484.500000	-0.377241	-0.119867	0.936743	-0.488405	-0.327461	-1.344622	-0.281627	-0.122912	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161768.000000	129505.000000	114856.000000	200000.000000
-350.769379	-0.304637	-0.045199	-0.990148	0.324268	0.394663	1.977634	152181.000000	0.000000	0.025887	0.015947	5.790635	1.974692	-6.433816	14046.704102	6338.175293	-3663018.250000	-0.372580	-0.118730	0.936743	-0.488405	-0.327461	-1.344622	-0.281627	-0.122912	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161796.000000	129889.000000	114472.000000	200000.000000
-350.774384	-0.299998	-0.042514	-0.990393	0.314690	0.419140	1.887174	152114.000000	0.000000	0.025887	0.015947	5.718021	1.951791	-6.433816	13699.103516	6065.780273	-3623625.000000	-0.367870	-0.117487	0.936743	-0.488405	-0.327461	-1.344622	-0.281627	-0.122912	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162349.000000	129747.000000	114480.000000	200000.000000
-350.779388	-0.294139	-0.038363	-0.990393	0.306176	0.441489	1.794587	152114.000000	0.000000	0.025887	0.015947	5.644190	1.928733	-6.433816	13356.830078	5864.549805	-3583305.000000	-0.363102	-0.116163	0.936743	-0.488405	-0.327461	-1.344622	-0.281627	-0.122912	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162892.000000	129606.000000	114621.000000	200000.000000
-350.784393	-0.287303	-0.033969	-0.990393	0.299791	0.464902	1.700935	152114.000000	0.000000	0.018554	0.011980	5.165061	1.686268	-6.491325	-33636.792969	-19580.626953	-3567565.500000	-0.358254	-0.114758	0.958862	-0.481659	-0.329037	-1.344869	-0.274845	-0.127359	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	111694.000000	132533.000000	132533.000000
-350.789398	-0.281687	-0.031039	-0.989660	0.295534	0.486186	1.605155	152114.000000	0.000000	0.020161	0.011373	5.471596	1.783947	-6.617661	54304.203125	18057.441406	-3580871.500000	-0.353364	-0.113235	1.007452	-0.467619	-0.331757	-1.345989	-0.253305	-0.134724	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134056.000000	134056.000000	110171.000000	200000.000000
-350.794403	-0.276316	-0.029818	-0.989660	0.292341	0.506406	1.509374	152183.000000	0.000000	0.020161	0.011373	5.331980	1.777280	-6.617661	4619.138672	6448.668457	-3539161.250000	-0.348438	-0.111565	1.007452	-0.467619	-0.331757	-1.345989	-0.253305	-0.134724	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171115.000000	120353.000000	124012.000000	193250.000000
-350.799408	-0.271434	-0.030795	-0.990148	0.291277	0.525562	1.411466	152183.000000	0.000000	0.020161	0.011373	5.256777	1.741485	-6.617661	11386.230469	2851.237793	-3496523.750000	-0.343488	-0.109700	1.007452	-0.467619	-0.331757	-1.345989	-0.253305	-0.134724	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167945.000000	130717.000000	113648.000000	196420.000000
-350.804413	-0.266307	-0.033725	-0.990148	0.291277	0.542590	1.312493	152183.000000	0.000000	0.020161	0.011373	5.181682	1.700829	-6.617661	11210.291016	2013.667114	-3453423.000000	-0.338522	-0.107603	1.007452	-0.467619	-0.331757	-1.345989	-0.253305	-0.134724	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168959.000000	131379.000000	112986.000000	195406.000000
-350.809418	-0.259959	-0.037875	-0.990148	0.292341	0.556425	1.212456	152183.000000	0.000000	0.020161	0.011373	5.105922	1.655574	-6.617661	11076.292969	1177.702148	-3409859.000000	-0.333533	-0.105256	1.007452	-0.467619	-0.331757	-1.345989	-0.253305	-0.134724	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	169929.000000	132081.000000	112284.000000	194436.000000
-350.814423	-0.253855	-0.041293	-0.989904	0.294469	0.569196	1.112418	152183.000000	0.000000	0.020161	0.011373	5.030391	1.607632	-6.617661	10812.132812	535.048401	-3366294.750000	-0.328531	-0.102677	1.007452	-0.467619	-0.331757	-1.345989	-0.253305	-0.134724	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170835.000000	132460.000000	111905.000000	193530.000000
-350.819427	-0.247996	-0.046176	-0.990393	0.296598	0.578774	1.011317	152223.000000	0.000000	0.005161	0.009641	4.130760	1.459926	-6.644571	-83633.859375	-11123.879883	-3333986.000000	-0.323532	-0.099848	1.017803	-0.465407	-0.332521	-1.346405	-0.247348	-0.136872	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	103346.000000	141099.000000	141099.000000
-350.824432	-0.241648	-0.052035	-0.990393	0.299791	0.586223	0.910215	152223.000000	0.000000	0.003135	0.011086	4.544375	1.551698	-6.675673	62867.812500	15498.582031	-3303502.500000	-0.318537	-0.096754	1.029765	-0.464841	-0.334503	-1.347543	-0.227630	-0.140051	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136724.000000	136724.000000	107721.000000	200000.000000
-350.829437	-0.235057	-0.059359	-0.990148	0.302983	0.590480	0.810178	152223.000000	0.000000	0.000835	0.009712	4.424678	1.356534	-6.692910	4007.863037	-16964.152344	-3267444.750000	-0.313556	-0.093379	1.036395	-0.464065	-0.335263	-1.348052	-0.219927	-0.139224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195179.000000	143195.000000	101250.000000	169266.000000
-350.834442	-0.228221	-0.066928	-0.990148	0.307240	0.593673	0.709077	152223.000000	0.000000	0.000835	0.009712	4.442474	1.345417	-6.692910	19310.185547	3085.097412	-3223417.250000	-0.308584	-0.089725	1.036395	-0.464065	-0.335263	-1.348052	-0.219927	-0.139224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159827.000000	138448.000000	105997.000000	200000.000000
-350.839447	-0.221141	-0.073520	-0.990637	0.311497	0.593673	0.607975	152193.000000	0.000000	0.000835	0.009712	4.368754	1.276847	-6.692910	9257.828125	-3568.645752	-3179389.500000	-0.303628	-0.085820	1.036395	-0.464065	-0.335263	-1.348052	-0.219927	-0.139224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176503.000000	135019.000000	109366.000000	187882.000000
-350.844452	-0.214061	-0.079379	-0.990637	0.315754	0.590480	0.506874	152193.000000	0.000000	0.000835	0.009712	4.296069	1.205930	-6.692910	9404.548828	-4171.048828	-3135361.750000	-0.298702	-0.081691	1.036395	-0.464065	-0.335263	-1.348052	-0.219927	-0.139224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176959.000000	135768.000000	108617.000000	187426.000000
-350.849457	-0.208201	-0.083041	-0.991125	0.320011	0.585159	0.406837	152193.000000	0.000000	0.000835	0.009712	4.225351	1.134683	-6.692910	9554.108398	-4554.655273	-3091797.750000	-0.293833	-0.077392	1.036395	-0.464065	-0.335263	-1.348052	-0.219927	-0.139224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177193.000000	136301.000000	108084.000000	187192.000000
-350.854462	-0.202098	-0.084994	-0.993811	0.324268	0.575581	0.304671	152193.000000	0.000000	0.000835	0.009712	4.155711	1.063256	-6.692910	9864.442383	-4922.516602	-3047306.500000	-0.289026	-0.072967	1.036395	-0.464065	-0.335263	-1.348052	-0.219927	-0.139224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177251.000000	136979.000000	107406.000000	187134.000000
-350.859467	-0.196482	-0.084994	-0.997473	0.330653	0.562810	0.202505	152230.000000	0.000000	0.000835	0.009712	4.087930	0.992003	-6.692910	10166.806641	-5494.631348	-3002815.500000	-0.284298	-0.068453	1.036395	-0.464065	-0.335263	-1.348052	-0.219927	-0.139224	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177557.000000	137891.000000	106568.000000	186902.000000
-350.864471	-0.189646	-0.082553	-1.001623	0.337038	0.548975	0.098211	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.001736	0.010037	3.878697	0.940089	-6.704788	-6168.415039	-3636.328613	-2962570.250000	-0.279624	-0.063902	1.040963	-0.464140	-0.336119	-1.348726	-0.218901	-0.143716	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192034.000000	119697.000000	124762.000000	172425.000000
-350.869476	-0.182811	-0.078646	-1.005041	0.345552	0.533012	-0.007147	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.003112	0.013254	3.839187	1.034890	-6.695514	12619.282227	12658.710938	-2912650.000000	-0.275014	-0.059336	1.037396	-0.473029	-0.340257	-1.349884	-0.191471	-0.130899	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156952.000000	122190.000000	122269.000000	200000.000000
-350.874481	-0.175730	-0.074008	-1.008459	0.355130	0.515984	-0.114634	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.014134	0.011866	3.222294	0.761155	-6.685832	-53509.750000	-29284.207031	-2861625.250000	-0.270464	-0.054764	1.033672	-0.477159	-0.341680	-1.350443	-0.187024	-0.125167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	121514.000000	122945.000000	122945.000000
-350.879486	-0.168650	-0.070346	-1.014074	0.364708	0.498957	-0.223185	152230.000000	0.000000	-0.014134	0.011866	3.597337	0.747097	-6.685832	57363.105469	-839.895935	-2814353.500000	-0.265961	-0.050175	1.033672	-0.477159	-0.341680	-1.350443	-0.187024	-0.125167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153069.000000	153069.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.884491	-0.162303	-0.067660	-1.018225	0.375351	0.481929	-0.332800	152296.000000	0.000000	-0.014134	0.011866	3.533145	0.676023	-6.685832	8849.530273	-7602.150391	-2766618.250000	-0.261518	-0.045544	1.033672	-0.477159	-0.341680	-1.350443	-0.187024	-0.125167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181048.000000	138747.000000	105844.000000	183543.000000
-350.889496	-0.156199	-0.067660	-1.021887	0.384929	0.465966	-0.445608	152296.000000	0.000000	-0.014134	0.011866	3.469626	0.601804	-6.685832	8587.804688	-8216.346680	-2717492.750000	-0.257133	-0.040828	1.033672	-0.477159	-0.341680	-1.350443	-0.187024	-0.125167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181924.000000	139100.000000	105491.000000	182667.000000
-350.894501	-0.150340	-0.069369	-1.025793	0.396635	0.447874	-0.558416	152296.000000	0.000000	-0.014134	0.011866	3.407416	0.524289	-6.685832	8762.788086	-9223.237305	-2668367.000000	-0.252812	-0.035988	1.033672	-0.477159	-0.341680	-1.350443	-0.187024	-0.125167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182756.000000	140282.000000	104309.000000	181835.000000
-350.899506	-0.145213	-0.072787	-1.029943	0.407277	0.429782	-0.673352	152296.000000	0.000000	-0.014134	0.011866	3.346577	0.443695	-6.685832	8717.053711	-9864.494141	-2618314.500000	-0.248564	-0.031003	1.033672	-0.477159	-0.341680	-1.350443	-0.187024	-0.125167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183443.000000	140877.000000	103714.000000	181148.000000
-350.904510	-0.140818	-0.077182	-1.033361	0.417920	0.409562	-0.788289	152228.000000	0.000000	-0.014134	0.011866	3.287872	0.360279	-6.685832	9007.696289	-10609.460938	-2568262.000000	-0.244407	-0.025861	1.033672	-0.477159	-0.341680	-1.350443	-0.187024	-0.125167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183829.000000	141845.000000	102610.000000	180626.000000
-350.909515	-0.138621	-0.081820	-1.036779	0.427498	0.387213	-0.904289	152228.000000	0.000000	-0.014134	0.011866	3.233005	0.274950	-6.685832	9514.303711	-11139.347656	-2517746.000000	-0.240387	-0.020570	1.033672	-0.477159	-0.341680	-1.350443	-0.187024	-0.125167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	183853.000000	142881.000000	101574.000000	180602.000000
-350.914520	-0.139109	-0.087924	-1.041418	0.437076	0.361672	-1.018161	152228.000000	0.000000	-0.015781	0.014225	3.092559	0.316284	-6.612175	-72.263298	2936.092285	-2436081.250000	-0.236556	-0.015114	1.005343	-0.498227	-0.346559	-1.352164	-0.177455	-0.105301	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179364.000000	119219.000000	125236.000000	185091.000000
-350.919525	-0.141551	-0.094027	-1.045812	0.445589	0.334002	-1.132033	152228.000000	0.000000	-0.032127	0.011894	2.214664	0.003603	-6.571527	-84836.414062	-37350.496094	-2368790.750000	-0.232951	-0.009507	0.989709	-0.508188	-0.347944	-1.352790	-0.174597	-0.097989	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122228.000000	122228.000000	122228.000000
-350.924530	-0.144969	-0.099154	-1.049719	0.454103	0.304203	-1.245906	152228.000000	0.000000	-0.032127	0.011894	2.827644	0.005713	-6.571527	82285.257812	-2766.636230	-2319201.750000	-0.229592	-0.003773	0.989709	-0.508188	-0.347944	-1.352790	-0.174597	-0.097989	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154994.000000	154994.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-350.929535	-0.149852	-0.102816	-1.054602	0.463681	0.273341	-1.358714	152125.000000	0.000000	-0.028742	0.010314	2.977854	-0.172491	-6.535926	32354.689453	-23578.310547	-2254572.500000	-0.226495	0.002057	0.976016	-0.516969	-0.348792	-1.353478	-0.174223	-0.088103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175703.000000	175703.000000	100000.000000	188546.000000
-350.934540	-0.154979	-0.105014	-1.058264	0.472195	0.243543	-1.471521	152125.000000	0.000000	-0.028742	0.010314	2.809907	-0.200155	-6.535926	-3385.018066	-7070.798828	-2205447.000000	-0.223651	0.007950	0.976016	-0.516969	-0.348792	-1.353478	-0.174223	-0.088103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192580.000000	125810.000000	118439.000000	171669.000000
-350.939545	-0.159373	-0.106479	-1.060217	0.480709	0.214809	-1.582201	152125.000000	0.000000	-0.028742	0.010314	2.779665	-0.291115	-6.535926	11632.473633	-14490.309570	-2157248.250000	-0.221033	0.013889	0.976016	-0.516969	-0.348792	-1.353478	-0.174223	-0.088103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	184982.000000	148247.000000	100000.000000	179267.000000
-350.944550	-0.162303	-0.107211	-1.061193	0.488158	0.187139	-1.690752	152125.000000	0.000000	-0.028742	0.010314	2.750598	-0.381611	-6.535926	11638.387695	-14770.683594	-2109976.500000	-0.218600	0.019854	0.976016	-0.516969	-0.348792	-1.353478	-0.174223	-0.088103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185257.000000	148534.000000	100000.000000	178992.000000
-350.949554	-0.163035	-0.107699	-1.060949	0.493480	0.161597	-1.796110	152235.000000	0.000000	-0.028742	0.010314	2.721156	-0.471571	-6.535926	11345.074219	-14915.912109	-2064095.000000	-0.216296	0.025828	0.976016	-0.516969	-0.348792	-1.353478	-0.174223	-0.088103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	185805.000000	148495.000000	100000.000000	178664.000000
-350.954559	-0.162547	-0.109408	-1.060217	0.497736	0.137120	-1.898276	152235.000000	0.000000	-0.028742	0.010314	2.691713	-0.562420	-6.535926	11205.075195	-15334.263672	-2019603.875000	-0.214084	0.031824	0.976016	-0.516969	-0.348792	-1.353478	-0.174223	-0.088103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	186364.000000	148774.000000	100000.000000	178105.000000
-350.959564	-0.161814	-0.111605	-1.058508	0.500929	0.112643	-1.997249	152235.000000	0.000000	-0.034288	0.008967	2.358140	-0.727736	-6.490268	-23664.509766	-24184.089844	-1956620.125000	-0.211957	0.037843	0.958456	-0.527540	-0.349180	-1.354171	-0.175160	-0.078338	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122754.000000	121715.000000	134386.000000
-350.964569	-0.161326	-0.116244	-1.055334	0.501993	0.088166	-2.093029	152235.000000	0.000000	-0.033388	0.005081	2.602204	-0.980893	-6.308129	41098.207031	-34780.019531	-1835591.750000	-0.209914	0.043918	0.888402	-0.564964	-0.344667	-1.357041	-0.173357	-0.048898	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182235.000000	182235.000000	100000.000000	182235.000000
-350.969574	-0.160838	-0.122592	-1.051916	0.501993	0.062624	-2.186681	152297.000000	0.000000	-0.033388	0.005081	2.540059	-0.920980	-6.308129	7371.407715	42.177792	-1794808.250000	-0.207952	0.050073	0.888402	-0.564964	-0.344667	-1.357041	-0.173357	-0.048898	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174883.000000	129626.000000	114967.000000	189710.000000
-350.974579	-0.159373	-0.130404	-1.049230	0.498801	0.036019	-2.275012	152297.000000	0.000000	-0.033388	0.005081	2.513927	-1.017826	-6.308129	11450.566406	-17274.228516	-1756342.000000	-0.206051	0.056310	0.888402	-0.564964	-0.344667	-1.357041	-0.173357	-0.048898	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188120.000000	151021.000000	100000.000000	176473.000000
-350.979584	-0.158396	-0.138949	-1.046057	0.494544	0.009413	-2.361214	152297.000000	0.000000	-0.033388	0.005081	2.488855	-1.116194	-6.308129	11574.036133	-17757.458984	-1718802.625000	-0.204212	0.062635	0.888402	-0.564964	-0.344667	-1.357041	-0.173357	-0.048898	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188480.000000	151628.000000	100000.000000	176113.000000
-350.984589	-0.157420	-0.148471	-1.042395	0.489223	-0.017193	-2.443160	152297.000000	0.000000	-0.033388	0.005081	2.464414	-1.216320	-6.308129	11653.383789	-18269.876953	-1683117.000000	-0.202431	0.069055	0.888402	-0.564964	-0.344667	-1.357041	-0.173357	-0.048898	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	188913.000000	152220.000000	100000.000000	175680.000000
-350.989594	-0.155955	-0.159457	-1.038000	0.482837	-0.043798	-2.521912	152297.000000	0.000000	-0.033388	0.005081	2.440037	-1.318945	-6.308129	11670.672852	-18870.388672	-1648821.875000	-0.200692	0.075590	0.888402	-0.564964	-0.344667	-1.357041	-0.173357	-0.048898	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189496.000000	152838.000000	100000.000000	175097.000000
-350.994598	-0.156199	-0.169467	-1.033605	0.475388	-0.071468	-2.597472	152127.000000	0.000000	-0.033388	0.005081	2.418001	-1.421694	-6.308129	12071.020508	-19205.292969	-1615917.000000	-0.199027	0.082211	0.888402	-0.564964	-0.344667	-1.357041	-0.173357	-0.048898	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189261.000000	153403.000000	100000.000000	174992.000000
-350.999603	-0.158641	-0.178012	-1.029455	0.467938	-0.099138	-2.669840	152127.000000	0.000000	-0.033388	0.005081	2.398977	-1.523905	-6.308129	12442.023438	-19582.062500	-1584402.375000	-0.197470	0.088885	0.888402	-0.564964	-0.344667	-1.357041	-0.173357	-0.048898	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	189267.000000	154151.000000	100000.000000	174986.000000
-351.004608	-0.162059	-0.185824	-1.025061	0.459424	-0.125744	-2.740078	152127.000000	0.000000	-0.031401	-0.008786	2.491210	-2.388225	-6.010718	25105.083984	-107200.265625	-1424298.125000	-0.196028	0.095591	0.774013	-0.615860	-0.319329	-1.361572	-0.180659	-0.002898	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	187021.000000	177232.000000	100000.000000	177232.000000
-351.009613	-0.165721	-0.193393	-1.020422	0.450911	-0.153414	-2.808189	152127.000000	0.000000	-0.031401	-0.008786	2.396763	-1.935833	-6.010718	4388.153320	39700.414062	-1394637.375000	-0.194707	0.102323	0.774013	-0.615860	-0.319329	-1.361572	-0.180659	-0.002898	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147738.000000	100000.000000	147738.000000	200000.000000
-351.014618	-0.170604	-0.199008	-1.017736	0.443461	-0.180019	-2.874171	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.039538	-0.024775	1.936538	-2.915230	-5.928495	-37942.832031	-122321.515625	-1330097.125000	-0.193513	0.109043	0.742389	-0.627655	-0.308651	-1.362790	-0.182403	0.008931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	122196.000000	122196.000000	122196.000000
-351.019623	-0.176219	-0.202914	-1.014318	0.436011	-0.206625	-2.938024	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.039538	-0.024775	2.251563	-2.374318	-5.928495	48871.984375	47368.218750	-1302290.250000	-0.192457	0.115718	0.742389	-0.627655	-0.308651	-1.362790	-0.182403	0.008931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122196.000000	122196.000000	122196.000000	200000.000000
-351.024628	-0.181834	-0.205600	-1.010168	0.427498	-0.232166	-3.000814	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.039538	-0.024775	2.242913	-2.470734	-5.928495	13242.695312	-22997.285156	-1274946.750000	-0.191531	0.122326	0.742389	-0.627655	-0.308651	-1.362790	-0.182403	0.008931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	191950.000000	158435.000000	100000.000000	172441.000000
-351.029633	-0.186229	-0.208041	-1.006506	0.420048	-0.258772	-3.062539	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.039538	-0.024775	2.234906	-2.566231	-5.928495	13515.911133	-23418.230469	-1248066.625000	-0.190713	0.128868	0.742389	-0.627655	-0.308651	-1.362790	-0.182403	0.008931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192098.000000	159130.000000	100000.000000	172293.000000
-351.034637	-0.189646	-0.212191	-1.001867	0.413663	-0.282185	-3.122135	152196.000000	0.000000	-0.039538	-0.024775	2.226553	-2.663055	-5.928495	13196.199219	-24097.210938	-1222113.500000	-0.189966	0.135387	0.742389	-0.627655	-0.308651	-1.362790	-0.182403	0.008931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193097.000000	159489.000000	100000.000000	171294.000000
-351.039642	-0.191600	-0.218783	-0.997229	0.406213	-0.304534	-3.179604	152231.000000	0.000000	-0.039538	-0.024775	2.217183	-2.761799	-5.928495	13026.972656	-24611.189453	-1197087.250000	-0.189252	0.141923	0.742389	-0.627655	-0.308651	-1.362790	-0.182403	0.008931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	193815.000000	159869.000000	100000.000000	170646.000000
-351.044647	-0.193064	-0.226352	-0.992346	0.399828	-0.324754	-3.236007	152231.000000	0.000000	-0.039538	-0.024775	2.207024	-2.862141	-5.928495	12752.397461	-25336.125000	-1172524.500000	-0.188548	0.148501	0.742389	-0.627655	-0.308651	-1.362790	-0.182403	0.008931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	194814.000000	160319.000000	100000.000000	169647.000000
-351.049652	-0.195506	-0.234652	-0.989416	0.393442	-0.342846	-3.291347	152231.000000	0.000000	-0.039538	-0.024775	2.196836	-2.963278	-5.928495	12551.722656	-25859.421875	-1148425.125000	-0.187851	0.155123	0.742389	-0.627655	-0.308651	-1.362790	-0.182403	0.008931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	195538.000000	160642.000000	100000.000000	168923.000000
-351.054657	-0.198680	-0.243686	-0.986486	0.385993	-0.357745	-3.345623	152231.000000	0.000000	-0.039538	-0.024775	2.186409	-3.065382	-5.928495	12194.849609	-26284.236328	-1124789.250000	-0.187155	0.161796	0.742389	-0.627655	-0.308651	-1.362790	-0.182403	0.008931	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	196320.000000	160710.000000	100000.000000	168141.000000
-351.059662	-0.202586	-0.253451	-0.983801	0.379607	-0.371580	-3.398834	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.033780	-0.033066	2.492745	-3.624887	-5.754605	48380.597656	-79239.437500	-1025891.250000	-0.186462	0.168534	0.675508	-0.649518	-0.281374	-1.365276	-0.186046	0.034180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182186.000000	182186.000000	100000.000000	182186.000000
-351.064667	-0.205027	-0.263461	-0.979895	0.372158	-0.384351	-3.449917	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.028617	-0.044192	2.534484	-4.009924	-5.574852	19420.240234	-61675.593750	-925366.812500	-0.185741	0.175339	0.606372	-0.667720	-0.246999	-1.367890	-0.187946	0.058904	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	192765.000000	171606.000000	100000.000000	171606.000000
-351.069672	-0.206004	-0.274203	-0.978186	0.364708	-0.394993	-3.498871	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.028617	-0.044192	2.312944	-3.670825	-5.574852	-10732.934570	19541.619141	-904048.125000	-0.184942	0.182211	0.606372	-0.667720	-0.246999	-1.367890	-0.187946	0.058904	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173377.000000	100000.000000	152460.000000	190994.000000
-351.074677	-0.205760	-0.284945	-0.976721	0.356194	-0.403507	-3.545697	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.028617	-0.044192	2.294729	-3.776983	-5.574852	11345.008789	-29751.345703	-883656.375000	-0.184030	0.189139	0.606372	-0.667720	-0.246999	-1.367890	-0.187946	0.058904	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	163282.000000	100000.000000	163779.000000
-351.079681	-0.204539	-0.295932	-0.974035	0.346616	-0.410956	-3.588266	152119.000000	0.000000	-0.028617	-0.044192	2.273831	-3.883890	-5.574852	10871.203125	-30162.156250	-865118.500000	-0.182987	0.196121	0.606372	-0.667720	-0.246999	-1.367890	-0.187946	0.058904	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	162990.000000	100000.000000	162990.000000
-351.084686	-0.204295	-0.307406	-0.969641	0.335974	-0.419470	-3.627643	152119.000000	0.000000	-0.028617	-0.044192	2.252645	-3.991918	-5.574852	10898.422852	-30616.500000	-847970.812500	-0.181843	0.203164	0.606372	-0.667720	-0.246999	-1.367890	-0.187946	0.058904	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	163017.000000	100000.000000	163017.000000
-351.089691	-0.206492	-0.319125	-0.964514	0.323203	-0.429048	-3.663826	152119.000000	0.000000	-0.028617	-0.044192	2.232945	-4.100258	-5.574852	11132.164062	-30856.294922	-832213.562500	-0.180652	0.210255	0.606372	-0.667720	-0.246999	-1.367890	-0.187946	0.058904	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	163251.000000	100000.000000	163251.000000
-351.094696	-0.209178	-0.329135	-0.960363	0.306176	-0.440754	-3.697881	152119.000000	0.000000	-0.028617	-0.044192	2.213496	-4.205914	-5.574852	11358.200195	-30500.847656	-817383.187500	-0.179433	0.217334	0.606372	-0.667720	-0.246999	-1.367890	-0.187946	0.058904	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	163477.000000	100000.000000	163477.000000
-351.099701	-0.210643	-0.338900	-0.961828	0.287020	-0.456718	-3.729808	152119.000000	0.000000	-0.028617	-0.044192	2.192367	-4.308655	-5.574852	11617.662109	-30332.613281	-803479.687500	-0.178162	0.224349	0.606372	-0.667720	-0.246999	-1.367890	-0.187946	0.058904	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	163736.000000	100000.000000	163736.000000
-351.104706	-0.212596	-0.347201	-0.960852	0.266800	-0.475874	-3.757478	152191.000000	0.000000	-0.007998	-0.064260	3.306313	-5.512685	-5.067061	141989.531250	-156752.687500	-570297.312500	-0.176879	0.231281	0.411068	-0.695393	-0.125560	-1.374684	-0.191380	0.125892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182191.000000	182191.000000	100000.000000	182191.000000
-351.109711	-0.215281	-0.349887	-0.956213	0.243387	-0.497158	-3.784084	152191.000000	0.000000	-0.007998	-0.064260	2.464474	-4.804373	-5.067061	-76601.375000	57237.949219	-558711.000000	-0.175629	0.238033	0.411068	-0.695393	-0.125560	-1.374684	-0.191380	0.125892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182191.000000	100000.000000	182191.000000	182191.000000
-351.114716	-0.216258	-0.348666	-0.949865	0.217845	-0.520571	-3.807497	152191.000000	0.000000	-0.007998	-0.064260	2.447252	-4.892163	-5.067061	14332.612305	-30350.712891	-548515.125000	-0.174406	0.244539	0.411068	-0.695393	-0.125560	-1.374684	-0.191380	0.125892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	197858.000000	166523.000000	100000.000000	166523.000000
-351.119720	-0.216014	-0.348422	-0.936682	0.186983	-0.539727	-3.828781	152191.000000	0.000000	-0.007998	-0.064260	2.429721	-4.978498	-5.067061	13838.168945	-29860.673828	-539246.250000	-0.173199	0.250841	0.411068	-0.695393	-0.125560	-1.374684	-0.191380	0.125892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198213.000000	165889.000000	100000.000000	166168.000000
-351.124725	-0.216014	-0.351352	-0.923986	0.151863	-0.551434	-3.846873	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.007998	-0.064260	2.410741	-5.063753	-5.067061	12826.300781	-29504.615234	-531367.562500	-0.171975	0.256975	0.411068	-0.695393	-0.125560	-1.374684	-0.191380	0.125892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198796.000000	164448.000000	100000.000000	165439.000000
-351.129730	-0.215770	-0.356967	-0.910314	0.113551	-0.558883	-3.862836	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.007998	-0.064260	2.390454	-5.148935	-5.067061	12155.341797	-29361.021484	-524415.875000	-0.170717	0.262984	0.411068	-0.695393	-0.125560	-1.374684	-0.191380	0.125892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199323.000000	163634.000000	100000.000000	164912.000000
-351.134735	-0.216746	-0.364535	-0.900061	0.069918	-0.557819	-3.875607	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.007998	-0.064260	2.368162	-5.231438	-5.067061	10891.347656	-28660.158203	-518854.406250	-0.169396	0.268854	0.411068	-0.695393	-0.125560	-1.374684	-0.191380	0.125892	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	199886.000000	161669.000000	100000.000000	164349.000000
-351.139740	-0.220896	-0.373324	-0.892004	0.024156	-0.552498	-3.885185	152118.000000	0.000000	-0.008588	-0.078312	2.314610	-6.083988	-4.965288	6715.248535	-116808.679688	-470363.093750	-0.168052	0.274577	0.371925	-0.696490	-0.098069	-1.376393	-0.184302	0.145823	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	158833.000000	100000.000000	158833.000000
-351.144745	-0.226023	-0.381137	-0.884191	-0.023734	-0.545049	-3.894763	152118.000000	0.000000	0.006261	-0.085054	3.133972	-5.968926	-4.638195	106198.148438	-9430.417969	-323749.375000	-0.166697	0.280122	0.246119	-0.691786	-0.008144	-1.379973	-0.192621	0.168839	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161548.000000	161548.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-351.149750	-0.229686	-0.387240	-0.880773	-0.072688	-0.535471	-3.903277	152191.000000	0.000000	0.006261	-0.085054	2.516601	-5.769164	-4.638195	-54897.304688	1144.130127	-320041.843750	-0.165283	0.285424	0.246119	-0.691786	-0.008144	-1.379973	-0.192621	0.168839	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	100000.000000	153335.000000	153335.000000
-351.154755	-0.231883	-0.391146	-0.880773	-0.121643	-0.528021	-3.911791	152191.000000	0.000000	0.007680	-0.080397	2.568742	-5.575920	-4.538010	19159.185547	1541.505127	-272705.781250	-0.163784	0.290422	0.207587	-0.687487	0.019457	-1.381279	-0.188835	0.174574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161490.000000	139808.000000	104573.000000	200000.000000
-351.159760	-0.231150	-0.393100	-0.879064	-0.170597	-0.517379	-3.919240	152191.000000	0.000000	0.007680	-0.080397	2.482031	-5.819674	-4.538010	3092.747559	-47405.082031	-269461.625000	-0.162149	0.295103	0.207587	-0.687487	0.019457	-1.381279	-0.188835	0.174574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	155283.000000	100000.000000	155283.000000
-351.164764	-0.226756	-0.393588	-0.877844	-0.216359	-0.504608	-3.924562	152191.000000	0.000000	0.007680	-0.080397	2.446146	-5.872082	-4.538010	8223.517578	-26747.201172	-267144.437500	-0.160307	0.299461	0.207587	-0.687487	0.019457	-1.381279	-0.188835	0.174574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	157161.000000	100000.000000	163667.000000
-351.169769	-0.219187	-0.391391	-0.876623	-0.259992	-0.487580	-3.927754	152184.000000	0.000000	0.007680	-0.080397	2.403613	-5.917792	-4.538010	6750.374512	-26254.242188	-265754.093750	-0.158194	0.303461	0.207587	-0.687487	0.019457	-1.381279	-0.188835	0.174574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	155188.000000	100000.000000	162680.000000
-351.174774	-0.209666	-0.389193	-0.876135	-0.302561	-0.467360	-3.928818	152184.000000	0.000000	0.007680	-0.080397	2.354707	-5.958276	-4.538010	5379.171875	-25786.951172	-265290.593750	-0.155768	0.307105	0.207587	-0.687487	0.019457	-1.381279	-0.188835	0.174574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	153350.000000	100000.000000	161776.000000
-351.179779	-0.199412	-0.387484	-0.876867	-0.344066	-0.446076	-3.927754	152184.000000	0.000000	0.007680	-0.080397	2.300524	-5.993661	-4.538010	4336.281250	-25315.267578	-265754.093750	-0.153018	0.310399	0.207587	-0.687487	0.019457	-1.381279	-0.188835	0.174574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	151835.000000	100000.000000	161205.000000
-351.184784	-0.190379	-0.387973	-0.877111	-0.384507	-0.423727	-3.925626	152184.000000	0.000000	0.007680	-0.080397	2.243256	-6.026404	-4.538010	3513.737305	-25106.349609	-266680.937500	-0.149977	0.313391	0.207587	-0.687487	0.019457	-1.381279	-0.188835	0.174574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	150804.000000	100000.000000	160591.000000
-351.189789	-0.183055	-0.389437	-0.878088	-0.426011	-0.401378	-3.922433	152178.000000	0.000000	0.007680	-0.080397	2.184015	-6.054829	-4.538010	2919.779053	-24454.031250	-268071.281250	-0.146689	0.316082	0.207587	-0.687487	0.019457	-1.381279	-0.188835	0.174574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	149551.000000	100000.000000	160643.000000
-351.194794	-0.176463	-0.391146	-0.879064	-0.465388	-0.381158	-3.918176	152178.000000	0.000000	0.007680	-0.080397	2.123055	-6.079548	-4.538010	2593.047852	-24213.519531	-269925.125000	-0.143188	0.318490	0.207587	-0.687487	0.019457	-1.381279	-0.188835	0.174574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	148984.000000	100000.000000	160557.000000
-351.199799	-0.170604	-0.392855	-0.879064	-0.503700	-0.363066	-3.911791	152178.000000	0.000000	0.026759	-0.075865	3.110267	-5.851577	-4.127208	122538.031250	4679.234863	-93809.789062	-0.139518	0.320625	0.049586	-0.658788	0.125816	-1.386014	-0.169493	0.191790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147498.000000	147498.000000	100000.000000	200000.000000
-351.204803	-0.166453	-0.394076	-0.879064	-0.539883	-0.348167	-3.904341	152178.000000	0.000000	0.024537	-0.072348	2.164122	-5.856508	-4.024156	-94116.093750	-21020.001953	-52176.882812	-0.135737	0.322490	0.009951	-0.649043	0.150080	-1.387059	-0.165604	0.194361	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	113198.000000	131157.000000	131157.000000
-351.209808	-0.163035	-0.395053	-0.880773	-0.573939	-0.336460	-3.896892	152178.000000	0.000000	0.024537	-0.072348	2.191976	-6.010005	-4.024156	13406.268555	-38139.316406	-55421.046875	-0.131879	0.324080	0.009951	-0.649043	0.150080	-1.387059	-0.165604	0.194361	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	198771.000000	165584.000000	100000.000000	165584.000000
-351.214813	-0.158885	-0.397006	-0.881994	-0.603737	-0.327947	-3.888378	152115.000000	0.000000	0.024537	-0.072348	2.130340	-6.021430	-4.024156	3593.204346	-22900.736328	-59128.585938	-0.127953	0.325444	0.009951	-0.649043	0.150080	-1.387059	-0.165604	0.194361	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	148608.000000	100000.000000	162807.000000
-351.219818	-0.154002	-0.399936	-0.883703	-0.629278	-0.321561	-3.879864	152115.000000	0.000000	0.024537	-0.072348	2.067560	-6.031635	-4.024156	3384.860107	-23164.445312	-62836.230469	-0.123955	0.326622	0.009951	-0.649043	0.150080	-1.387059	-0.165604	0.194361	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	148664.000000	100000.000000	162335.000000
-351.224823	-0.149119	-0.402621	-0.883947	-0.649499	-0.318369	-3.871350	152115.000000	0.000000	0.024537	-0.072348	2.005087	-6.041086	-4.024156	3467.568115	-23617.177734	-66543.773438	-0.119912	0.327650	0.009951	-0.649043	0.150080	-1.387059	-0.165604	0.194361	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	149199.000000	100000.000000	161965.000000
-351.229828	-0.145701	-0.404330	-0.883947	-0.666526	-0.317304	-3.863901	152115.000000	0.000000	0.024537	-0.072348	1.944317	-6.048351	-4.024156	3604.378662	-23682.906250	-69787.937500	-0.115867	0.328530	0.009951	-0.649043	0.150080	-1.387059	-0.165604	0.194361	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	149402.000000	100000.000000	162036.000000
-351.234833	-0.142527	-0.406771	-0.884436	-0.679297	-0.319433	-3.857515	152202.000000	0.000000	0.024537	-0.072348	1.884542	-6.055289	-4.024156	3799.638916	-24088.238281	-72568.617188	-0.111838	0.329296	0.009951	-0.649043	0.150080	-1.387059	-0.165604	0.194361	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	150089.000000	100000.000000	161913.000000
-351.239838	-0.140086	-0.411166	-0.884191	-0.691004	-0.323690	-3.853258	152202.000000	0.000000	0.024537	-0.072348	1.826261	-6.063305	-4.024156	3949.594727	-24306.818359	-74422.445312	-0.107848	0.329999	0.009951	-0.649043	0.150080	-1.387059	-0.165604	0.194361	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	200000.000000	150458.000000	100000.000000	161844.000000
-351.244843	-0.137400	-0.414828	-0.883215	-0.701646	-0.330075	-3.850066	152202.000000	0.000000	0.027978	-0.071893	1.958106	-6.045435	-3.917160	25724.896484	-21446.302734	-29218.269531	-0.103904	0.330640	-0.031202	-0.638197	0.174072	-1.388069	-0.162444	0.195948	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177141.000000	170154.000000	100000.000000	185698.000000
-351.249847	-0.134715	-0.416781	-0.882971	-0.712288	-0.337525	-3.850066	152202.000000	0.000000	0.039498	-0.058551	2.397286	-5.334363	-3.610669	61689.683594	58095.332031	104252.585938	-0.100006	0.331185	-0.149083	-0.601216	0.233842	-1.391068	-0.150997	0.199850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182202.000000	182202.000000	182202.000000
-351.254852	-0.132762	-0.416781	-0.883947	-0.721866	-0.346038	-3.852194	152202.000000	0.000000	0.039498	-0.058551	1.881650	-5.868633	-3.610669	-45513.757812	-81368.203125	105179.445312	-0.096170	0.331595	-0.149083	-0.601216	0.233842	-1.391068	-0.150997	0.199850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182202.000000	182202.000000	182202.000000	100000.000000
-351.259857	-0.132273	-0.416049	-0.884680	-0.731444	-0.354552	-3.855387	152129.000000	0.000000	0.039498	-0.058551	1.829214	-5.866937	-3.610669	5215.770020	-22383.701172	106569.890625	-0.092427	0.331863	-0.149083	-0.601216	0.233842	-1.391068	-0.150997	0.199850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139296.000000	200000.000000	154529.000000	104961.000000
-351.264862	-0.131297	-0.414828	-0.884436	-0.739958	-0.363066	-3.860708	152129.000000	0.000000	0.039498	-0.058551	1.777646	-5.863675	-3.610669	5113.267578	-22274.230469	108887.093750	-0.088768	0.331999	-0.149083	-0.601216	0.233842	-1.391068	-0.150997	0.199850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139289.000000	200000.000000	154741.000000	104968.000000
-351.269867	-0.129588	-0.415072	-0.883459	-0.748472	-0.370516	-3.864965	152129.000000	0.000000	0.039498	-0.058551	1.726386	-5.860487	-3.610669	4828.478516	-22228.628906	110740.914062	-0.085174	0.332040	-0.149083	-0.601216	0.233842	-1.391068	-0.150997	0.199850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139529.000000	200000.000000	155071.000000	104728.000000
-351.274872	-0.127635	-0.415805	-0.881994	-0.755921	-0.376901	-3.870286	152129.000000	0.000000	0.039498	-0.058551	1.675535	-5.857081	-3.610669	4552.017090	-22271.720703	113058.117188	-0.081636	0.332007	-0.149083	-0.601216	0.233842	-1.391068	-0.150997	0.199850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139848.000000	200000.000000	155305.000000	104409.000000
-351.279877	-0.126170	-0.416781	-0.879064	-0.761242	-0.380094	-3.875607	152182.000000	0.000000	0.036933	-0.050178	1.484407	-5.393754	-3.509870	-12087.973633	30221.257812	159271.265625	-0.078152	0.331930	-0.187852	-0.587622	0.250211	-1.391955	-0.147760	0.200458	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104269.000000	140094.000000	200000.000000	140094.000000
-351.284882	-0.125926	-0.417025	-0.876379	-0.765499	-0.381158	-3.878800	152182.000000	0.000000	0.043763	-0.043197	1.914229	-5.340545	-3.303028	57937.308594	-14726.500977	250737.156250	-0.074740	0.331799	-0.267406	-0.558310	0.278673	-1.393685	-0.142448	0.203225	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106908.000000	200000.000000	137455.000000	137455.000000
-351.289886	-0.125926	-0.416293	-0.873693	-0.768692	-0.379029	-3.881993	152182.000000	0.000000	0.042131	-0.034758	1.503646	-5.150018	-3.202214	-36719.796875	1146.498779	296029.843750	-0.071391	0.331601	-0.306181	-0.543191	0.289698	-1.394494	-0.137074	0.203232	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151035.000000	151035.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-351.294891	-0.126170	-0.414096	-0.871496	-0.770820	-0.374772	-3.883057	152182.000000	0.000000	0.044804	-0.030776	1.669071	-5.260551	-3.098140	27123.101562	-32572.474609	341815.562500	-0.068104	0.331311	-0.346209	-0.527253	0.299345	-1.395272	-0.132855	0.203394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125058.000000	200000.000000	125058.000000	119305.000000
-351.299896	-0.128367	-0.411898	-0.869299	-0.770820	-0.369451	-3.880928	152124.000000	0.000000	0.044804	-0.030776	1.518517	-5.410922	-3.098140	-8454.754883	-37878.703125	340888.687500	-0.064919	0.330940	-0.346209	-0.527253	0.299345	-1.395272	-0.132855	0.203394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160578.000000	200000.000000	160578.000000	100000.000000
-351.304901	-0.132518	-0.411166	-0.867834	-0.770820	-0.362002	-3.877736	152124.000000	0.000000	0.044804	-0.030776	1.477923	-5.402059	-3.098140	3180.974609	-20329.140625	339498.343750	-0.061865	0.330509	-0.346209	-0.527253	0.299345	-1.395272	-0.132855	0.203394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139272.000000	200000.000000	158613.000000	104975.000000
-351.309906	-0.137889	-0.410189	-0.867102	-0.769756	-0.354552	-3.873479	152124.000000	0.000000	0.044804	-0.030776	1.440615	-5.392097	-3.098140	3335.425537	-20284.160156	337644.531250	-0.058966	0.330015	-0.346209	-0.527253	0.299345	-1.395272	-0.132855	0.203394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139072.000000	200000.000000	158504.000000	105175.000000
-351.314911	-0.143260	-0.408969	-0.867346	-0.768692	-0.348167	-3.868158	152124.000000	0.000000	0.044804	-0.030776	1.405710	-5.380635	-3.098140	3527.743652	-20071.650391	335327.312500	-0.056223	0.329447	-0.346209	-0.527253	0.299345	-1.395272	-0.132855	0.203394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138667.000000	200000.000000	158524.000000	105580.000000
-351.319916	-0.149119	-0.406039	-0.867102	-0.766564	-0.340717	-3.862836	152124.000000	0.000000	0.044804	-0.030776	1.373570	-5.367067	-3.098140	3531.726318	-19904.310547	333010.031250	-0.053644	0.328787	-0.346209	-0.527253	0.299345	-1.395272	-0.132855	0.203394	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138496.000000	200000.000000	158687.000000	105751.000000
-351.324921	-0.152781	-0.401889	-0.865637	-0.766564	-0.332203	-3.859644	152110.000000	0.000000	0.043567	-0.023245	1.273031	-4.937285	-2.999642	-4599.774902	28043.503906	374513.718750	-0.051175	0.328018	-0.384093	-0.511799	0.306443	-1.395903	-0.130055	0.200788	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	149466.000000	200000.000000	145553.000000
-351.329926	-0.156443	-0.396029	-0.864416	-0.767628	-0.322625	-3.857515	152110.000000	0.000000	0.050725	-0.016897	1.685117	-4.869883	-2.789198	53493.761719	-11342.110352	465230.718750	-0.048818	0.327109	-0.465033	-0.478536	0.316938	-1.397184	-0.121352	0.202899	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103452.000000	200000.000000	140767.000000	140767.000000
-351.334930	-0.158641	-0.389437	-0.864904	-0.769756	-0.313047	-3.855387	152110.000000	0.000000	0.044967	-0.008298	1.051093	-4.627983	-2.691495	-64492.839844	9084.567383	506851.687500	-0.046537	0.326030	-0.502611	-0.462848	0.318983	-1.397654	-0.114543	0.200017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143025.000000	143025.000000	200000.000000	101194.000000
-351.339935	-0.160350	-0.382113	-0.865881	-0.771885	-0.302405	-3.855387	152110.000000	0.000000	0.044967	-0.008298	1.250324	-4.945621	-2.691495	27879.054688	-53891.421875	506851.687500	-0.044314	0.324770	-0.502611	-0.462848	0.318983	-1.397654	-0.114543	0.200017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124230.000000	200000.000000	124230.000000	119989.000000
-351.344940	-0.160350	-0.375766	-0.866613	-0.775077	-0.290699	-3.857515	152182.000000	0.000000	0.044967	-0.008298	1.217885	-4.917972	-2.691495	2085.361816	-15665.996094	507778.562500	-0.042107	0.323350	-0.502611	-0.462848	0.318983	-1.397654	-0.114543	0.200017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135762.000000	199933.000000	164430.000000	108601.000000
-351.349945	-0.159861	-0.369662	-0.867590	-0.778270	-0.277928	-3.858580	152182.000000	0.000000	0.044967	-0.008298	1.185032	-4.888279	-2.691495	1712.986938	-15290.086914	508242.031250	-0.039905	0.321778	-0.502611	-0.462848	0.318983	-1.397654	-0.114543	0.200017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135759.000000	199185.000000	165178.000000	108604.000000
-351.354950	-0.159129	-0.365512	-0.866857	-0.780398	-0.265157	-3.860708	152182.000000	0.000000	0.044967	-0.008298	1.152174	-4.859586	-2.691495	1502.565308	-15375.303711	509168.906250	-0.037706	0.320113	-0.502611	-0.462848	0.318983	-1.397654	-0.114543	0.200017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136054.000000	199059.000000	165304.000000	108309.000000
-351.359955	-0.157664	-0.362826	-0.866369	-0.780398	-0.252387	-3.863901	152182.000000	0.000000	0.044967	-0.008298	1.118371	-4.831687	-2.691495	1184.493896	-15568.278320	510559.250000	-0.035493	0.318395	-0.502611	-0.462848	0.318983	-1.397654	-0.114543	0.200017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136565.000000	198934.000000	165429.000000	107798.000000
-351.364960	-0.156932	-0.360385	-0.865637	-0.779334	-0.242809	-3.868158	152182.000000	0.000000	0.044967	-0.008298	1.086033	-4.803662	-2.691495	1502.791870	-15546.812500	512413.062500	-0.033295	0.316636	-0.502611	-0.462848	0.318983	-1.397654	-0.114543	0.200017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136226.000000	199231.000000	165132.000000	108137.000000
-351.369965	-0.154979	-0.359408	-0.863195	-0.776142	-0.231102	-3.873479	152186.000000	0.000000	0.044967	-0.008298	1.052051	-4.778018	-2.691495	878.794861	-15939.920898	514730.250000	-0.031078	0.314890	-0.502611	-0.462848	0.318983	-1.397654	-0.114543	0.200017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137247.000000	199004.000000	165367.000000	107124.000000
-351.374969	-0.150584	-0.357699	-0.863684	-0.770820	-0.220460	-3.879864	152186.000000	0.000000	0.053367	0.001634	1.476658	-4.205139	-2.390378	53324.714844	46608.523438	648641.187500	-0.028788	0.313134	-0.618425	-0.414325	0.317096	-1.399073	-0.097550	0.196344	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182186.000000	182186.000000	182186.000000
-351.379974	-0.144480	-0.356234	-0.860998	-0.762307	-0.211946	-3.886249	152186.000000	0.000000	0.048946	0.007741	0.858443	-4.242146	-2.284796	-63988.871094	-21012.533203	697400.812500	-0.026409	0.311414	-0.659034	-0.397627	0.313814	-1.399359	-0.097207	0.195536	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173198.000000	173198.000000	191173.000000	100000.000000
-351.384979	-0.139109	-0.352328	-0.859777	-0.752729	-0.202368	-3.890506	152186.000000	0.000000	0.044894	0.011816	0.772507	-4.235243	-2.188950	-6019.981445	-16313.715820	740993.687500	-0.023955	0.309672	-0.695898	-0.382351	0.309194	-1.399707	-0.091305	0.194234	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144519.000000	192479.000000	171892.000000	100000.000000
-351.389984	-0.134227	-0.349643	-0.857092	-0.739958	-0.194918	-3.893699	152127.000000	0.000000	0.044894	0.011816	0.894993	-4.373524	-2.188950	17665.093750	-33326.832031	742384.000000	-0.021450	0.307957	-0.695898	-0.382351	0.309194	-1.399707	-0.091305	0.194234	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134461.000000	200000.000000	134461.000000	109792.000000
-351.394989	-0.131541	-0.345004	-0.853918	-0.727187	-0.187469	-3.894763	152127.000000	0.000000	0.044894	0.011816	0.857539	-4.347041	-2.188950	-130.427246	-15143.578125	742847.500000	-0.018947	0.306228	-0.695898	-0.382351	0.309194	-1.399707	-0.091305	0.194234	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137401.000000	197140.000000	167113.000000	106852.000000
-351.399994	-0.128123	-0.341098	-0.852941	-0.713352	-0.182148	-3.891571	152127.000000	0.000000	0.044894	0.011816	0.819780	-4.320525	-2.188950	-128.001617	-15198.603516	741457.125000	-0.016441	0.304488	-0.695898	-0.382351	0.309194	-1.399707	-0.091305	0.194234	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137453.000000	197197.000000	167056.000000	106800.000000
-351.404999	-0.126414	-0.336459	-0.851721	-0.697389	-0.177891	-3.887314	152127.000000	0.000000	0.044894	0.011816	0.784405	-4.293592	-2.188950	68.703590	-15336.356445	739603.312500	-0.013974	0.302733	-0.695898	-0.382351	0.309194	-1.399707	-0.091305	0.194234	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137394.000000	197532.000000	166721.000000	106859.000000
-351.410004	-0.123484	-0.333041	-0.851232	-0.679297	-0.173634	-3.878800	152181.000000	0.000000	0.044894	0.011816	0.748308	-4.268143	-2.188950	-196.139633	-15699.715820	735895.812500	-0.011524	0.300994	-0.695898	-0.382351	0.309194	-1.399707	-0.091305	0.194234	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138076.000000	197684.000000	166677.000000	106285.000000
-351.415009	-0.119090	-0.328158	-0.853674	-0.658013	-0.169377	-3.866029	152181.000000	0.000000	0.044894	0.011816	0.710663	-4.240987	-2.188950	-559.184692	-15836.144531	730334.312500	-0.009058	0.299236	-0.695898	-0.382351	0.309194	-1.399707	-0.091305	0.194234	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138576.000000	197457.000000	166904.000000	105785.000000
-351.420013	-0.114695	-0.325229	-0.854406	-0.635664	-0.167248	-3.851130	152181.000000	0.000000	0.044894	0.011816	0.673646	-4.216724	-2.188950	-436.198700	-16262.347656	723846.125000	-0.006591	0.297516	-0.695898	-0.382351	0.309194	-1.399707	-0.091305	0.194234	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138879.000000	198007.000000	166354.000000	105482.000000
-351.425018	-0.109324	-0.321811	-0.853430	-0.611187	-0.164056	-3.831974	152181.000000	0.000000	0.049161	0.015648	0.870359	-3.983051	-2.084155	26037.000000	7491.785156	761140.312500	-0.004108	0.295847	-0.736204	-0.365732	0.303322	-1.399871	-0.086870	0.194511	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	163635.000000	155709.000000
-351.430023	-0.103221	-0.322299	-0.850500	-0.587774	-0.164056	-3.810689	152181.000000	0.000000	0.053702	0.023952	0.911330	-3.662414	-1.779939	9451.792969	18538.216797	884351.437500	-0.001609	0.294320	-0.853210	-0.318166	0.279566	-1.399811	-0.067135	0.192709	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	173094.000000	191267.000000	150171.000000
-351.435028	-0.097605	-0.323031	-0.847326	-0.561168	-0.165120	-3.788341	152197.000000	0.000000	0.039639	0.024360	-0.081069	-3.957882	-1.692467	-108616.625000	-51038.839844	912711.125000	0.000891	0.292952	-0.886853	-0.305018	0.270947	-1.399679	-0.058569	0.189129	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182197.000000	182197.000000	182197.000000	100000.000000
-351.440033	-0.091258	-0.326449	-0.846105	-0.538819	-0.168313	-3.764928	152197.000000	0.000000	0.039639	0.024360	0.442869	-3.963423	-1.692467	60772.656250	-18819.857422	902515.250000	0.003407	0.291762	-0.886853	-0.305018	0.270947	-1.399679	-0.058569	0.189129	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111016.000000	200000.000000	133377.000000	133377.000000
-351.445038	-0.088084	-0.328402	-0.843908	-0.514342	-0.172570	-3.741515	152197.000000	0.000000	0.039639	0.024360	0.408356	-3.954328	-1.692467	-655.223083	-17515.595703	892319.375000	0.005864	0.290731	-0.886853	-0.305018	0.270947	-1.399679	-0.058569	0.189129	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140367.000000	199057.000000	165336.000000	104026.000000
-351.450043	-0.086375	-0.329379	-0.840979	-0.493058	-0.176827	-3.718102	152197.000000	0.000000	0.039639	0.024360	0.376338	-3.945817	-1.692467	-508.603394	-17287.505859	882123.562500	0.008233	0.289826	-0.886853	-0.305018	0.270947	-1.399679	-0.058569	0.189129	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139993.000000	198975.000000	165418.000000	104400.000000
-351.455048	-0.086131	-0.332797	-0.839025	-0.468580	-0.181083	-3.694689	152125.000000	0.000000	0.039639	0.024360	0.346932	-3.942286	-1.692467	-336.397858	-18282.257812	871927.687500	0.010491	0.289104	-0.886853	-0.305018	0.270947	-1.399679	-0.058569	0.189129	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140743.000000	200000.000000	164179.000000	103506.000000
-351.460052	-0.085643	-0.334018	-0.839025	-0.448360	-0.183212	-3.669147	152125.000000	0.000000	0.039639	0.024360	0.318117	-3.936979	-1.692467	-628.245300	-17687.367188	860804.937500	0.012657	0.288483	-0.886853	-0.305018	0.270947	-1.399679	-0.058569	0.189129	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140440.000000	199184.000000	165065.000000	103809.000000
-351.465057	-0.086863	-0.332553	-0.840002	-0.426011	-0.181083	-3.642542	152125.000000	0.000000	0.039639	0.024360	0.291527	-3.930223	-1.692467	-983.699768	-17833.968750	849218.625000	0.014716	0.287908	-0.886853	-0.305018	0.270947	-1.399679	-0.058569	0.189129	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140942.000000	198975.000000	165274.000000	103307.000000
-351.470062	-0.087596	-0.327426	-0.839514	-0.406855	-0.180019	-3.613808	152125.000000	0.000000	0.039639	0.024360	0.266540	-3.919925	-1.692467	-810.291321	-17134.068359	836705.562500	0.016668	0.287302	-0.886853	-0.305018	0.270947	-1.399679	-0.058569	0.189129	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140069.000000	198448.000000	165801.000000	104180.000000
-351.475067	-0.090525	-0.319857	-0.838049	-0.386635	-0.175762	-3.584009	152125.000000	0.000000	0.042523	0.027345	0.403805	-3.743056	-1.599365	17290.990234	1784.923218	864272.875000	0.018475	0.286630	-0.922661	-0.290975	0.261378	-1.399511	-0.052237	0.187683	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103049.000000	197631.000000	166618.000000	141200.000000
-351.480072	-0.093211	-0.307895	-0.840246	-0.371736	-0.173634	-3.552083	152196.000000	0.000000	0.047698	0.032075	0.553938	-3.580678	-1.320412	19620.828125	1455.098877	971847.937500	0.020136	0.285747	-1.029951	-0.250355	0.230176	-1.398086	-0.037050	0.189307	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101120.000000	200000.000000	164030.000000	143271.000000
-351.485077	-0.096629	-0.296420	-0.840002	-0.358965	-0.173634	-3.519092	152196.000000	0.000000	0.047698	0.032075	0.331952	-3.746305	-1.320412	-22083.025391	-35197.695312	957481.000000	0.021618	0.284678	-1.029951	-0.250355	0.230176	-1.398086	-0.037050	0.189307	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174279.000000	190112.000000	174279.000000	100000.000000
-351.490082	-0.097117	-0.283969	-0.840734	-0.349387	-0.175762	-3.486101	152196.000000	0.000000	0.047698	0.032075	0.316433	-3.718038	-1.320412	791.710510	-13440.785156	943114.125000	0.022978	0.283386	-1.029951	-0.250355	0.230176	-1.398086	-0.037050	0.189307	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134845.000000	196428.000000	167963.000000	109546.000000
-351.495087	-0.094920	-0.275180	-0.843664	-0.344066	-0.181083	-3.453110	152196.000000	0.000000	0.047698	0.032075	0.299881	-3.689146	-1.320412	977.611328	-12795.600586	928747.125000	0.024268	0.281922	-1.029951	-0.250355	0.230176	-1.398086	-0.037050	0.189307	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134013.000000	195969.000000	168422.000000	110378.000000
-351.500092	-0.091502	-0.267367	-0.845861	-0.337681	-0.186405	-3.420119	152185.000000	0.000000	0.047698	0.032075	0.282979	-3.659674	-1.320412	885.741272	-12742.683594	914380.250000	0.025513	0.280321	-1.029951	-0.250355	0.230176	-1.398086	-0.037050	0.189307	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134041.000000	195813.000000	168556.000000	110328.000000
-351.505096	-0.084422	-0.262973	-0.848547	-0.334488	-0.192790	-3.386063	152185.000000	0.000000	0.047698	0.032075	0.262463	-3.631479	-1.320412	540.456177	-12416.993164	899549.875000	0.026792	0.278644	-1.029951	-0.250355	0.230176	-1.398086	-0.037050	0.189307	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134061.000000	195142.000000	169227.000000	110308.000000
-351.510101	-0.076121	-0.261996	-0.850500	-0.330231	-0.200239	-3.352008	152185.000000	0.000000	0.047698	0.032075	0.240309	-3.606823	-1.320412	409.265625	-12828.958008	884719.500000	0.028125	0.276976	-1.029951	-0.250355	0.230176	-1.398086	-0.037050	0.189307	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134604.000000	195423.000000	168946.000000	109765.000000
-351.515106	-0.067088	-0.262973	-0.849768	-0.328103	-0.207689	-3.319017	152185.000000	0.000000	0.042296	0.031783	-0.080510	-3.600941	-1.062669	-33871.785156	-14642.311523	982594.562500	0.029526	0.275365	-1.129083	-0.215642	0.199708	-1.395693	-0.026441	0.190976	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166827.000000	166827.000000	197542.000000	100000.000000
-351.520111	-0.058299	-0.266146	-0.848791	-0.325974	-0.214074	-3.286026	152126.000000	0.000000	0.034459	0.029780	-0.320197	-3.680983	-0.978613	-26141.109375	-24468.179688	1004832.312500	0.030997	0.273857	-1.161412	-0.204713	0.189682	-1.394731	-0.022029	0.190362	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172735.000000	180453.000000	183798.000000	100000.000000
-351.525116	-0.051219	-0.269564	-0.847814	-0.324910	-0.221524	-3.256228	152126.000000	0.000000	0.033008	0.028965	-0.110392	-3.628489	-0.896298	24399.740234	-9541.406250	1027702.062500	0.032498	0.272448	-1.193071	-0.194319	0.179974	-1.393675	-0.017573	0.190028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107267.000000	200000.000000	148184.000000	136984.000000
-351.530121	-0.046336	-0.272738	-0.846594	-0.323846	-0.226845	-3.229622	152126.000000	0.000000	0.033008	0.028965	-0.074723	-3.579812	-0.896298	5206.811035	-9742.140625	1016115.875000	0.033996	0.271130	-1.193071	-0.194319	0.179974	-1.393675	-0.017573	0.190028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126661.000000	197074.000000	167177.000000	117590.000000
-351.535126	-0.041453	-0.275912	-0.846105	-0.323846	-0.234295	-3.206209	152126.000000	0.000000	0.033008	0.028965	-0.096849	-3.564407	-0.896298	-981.557068	-13212.738281	1005920.000000	0.035488	0.269892	-1.193071	-0.194319	0.179974	-1.393675	-0.017573	0.190028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136320.000000	194357.000000	169894.000000	107931.000000
-351.540131	-0.037791	-0.278842	-0.847082	-0.322781	-0.238552	-3.185989	152126.000000	0.000000	0.033008	0.028965	-0.118589	-3.549507	-0.896298	-1370.455322	-13321.630859	997114.437500	0.036968	0.268721	-1.193071	-0.194319	0.179974	-1.393675	-0.017573	0.190028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136818.000000	194077.000000	170174.000000	107433.000000
-351.545135	-0.034373	-0.281283	-0.846838	-0.322781	-0.243873	-3.170026	152193.000000	0.000000	0.033008	0.028965	-0.139883	-3.535113	-0.896298	-1278.038452	-13193.957031	990162.750000	0.038432	0.267607	-1.193071	-0.194319	0.179974	-1.393675	-0.017573	0.190028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136664.000000	194108.000000	170277.000000	107721.000000
-351.550140	-0.031443	-0.284213	-0.846594	-0.319589	-0.247065	-3.157255	152193.000000	0.000000	0.033008	0.028965	-0.161188	-3.522932	-0.896298	-1596.517334	-13747.030273	984601.375000	0.039884	0.266576	-1.193071	-0.194319	0.179974	-1.393675	-0.017573	0.190028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137536.000000	194343.000000	170042.000000	106849.000000
-351.555145	-0.027537	-0.283725	-0.847570	-0.318525	-0.248130	-3.145548	152193.000000	0.000000	0.033008	0.028965	-0.184211	-3.506893	-0.896298	-2120.978027	-13019.615234	979503.375000	0.041358	0.265535	-1.193071	-0.194319	0.179974	-1.393675	-0.017573	0.190028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137333.000000	193091.000000	171294.000000	107052.000000
-351.560150	-0.024363	-0.282748	-0.845861	-0.316396	-0.248130	-3.135970	152193.000000	0.000000	0.033008	0.028965	-0.207014	-3.491401	-0.896298	-2318.154053	-13135.647461	975332.375000	0.042845	0.264495	-1.193071	-0.194319	0.179974	-1.393675	-0.017573	0.190028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137646.000000	193010.000000	171375.000000	106739.000000
-351.565155	-0.021678	-0.280062	-0.842443	-0.314268	-0.249194	-3.126392	152188.000000	0.000000	0.032170	0.028400	-0.275155	-3.505633	-0.814841	-7494.881836	-16479.230469	1006634.562500	0.044328	0.263434	-1.224401	-0.184254	0.170501	-1.392448	-0.013415	0.189928	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146162.000000	191172.000000	173203.000000	100000.000000
-351.570160	-0.021189	-0.274936	-0.840002	-0.313203	-0.248130	-3.115750	152188.000000	0.000000	0.036968	0.028949	0.002450	-3.432242	-0.572072	31559.988281	-6394.826660	1107720.750000	0.045764	0.262286	-1.317774	-0.155725	0.143673	-1.388283	-0.003182	0.186631	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	145793.000000	145793.000000
-351.575165	-0.020945	-0.270785	-0.838293	-0.315332	-0.250258	-3.102979	152188.000000	0.000000	0.030490	0.026208	-0.563355	-3.583002	-0.490393	-63419.929688	-31374.125000	1137729.000000	0.047133	0.261054	-1.349189	-0.146408	0.135107	-1.386693	0.000777	0.186406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182188.000000	182188.000000	182188.000000	100000.000000
-351.580170	-0.023143	-0.266146	-0.835363	-0.316396	-0.250258	-3.089144	152188.000000	0.000000	0.030490	0.026208	-0.318517	-3.450624	-0.490393	26607.449219	255.237869	1131704.125000	0.048386	0.259744	-1.349189	-0.146408	0.135107	-1.386693	0.000777	0.186406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155835.000000	149050.000000
-351.585175	-0.027537	-0.261508	-0.834631	-0.317460	-0.251322	-3.075310	152188.000000	0.000000	0.030490	0.026208	-0.328007	-3.425938	-0.490393	-1279.417969	-11467.000000	1125679.250000	0.049469	0.258342	-1.349189	-0.146408	0.135107	-1.386693	0.000777	0.186406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134934.000000	192375.000000	172000.000000	109441.000000
-351.590179	-0.034129	-0.253695	-0.834143	-0.317460	-0.248130	-3.060410	152193.000000	0.000000	0.030490	0.026208	-0.333310	-3.396450	-0.490393	-1326.174805	-10920.370117	1119191.000000	0.050353	0.256786	-1.349189	-0.146408	0.135107	-1.386693	0.000777	0.186406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134439.000000	191787.000000	172598.000000	109946.000000
-351.595184	-0.040965	-0.248080	-0.834631	-0.315332	-0.242809	-3.046575	152193.000000	0.000000	0.030490	0.026208	-0.336100	-3.367795	-0.490393	-1321.147095	-11123.989258	1113166.125000	0.051047	0.255134	-1.349189	-0.146408	0.135107	-1.386693	0.000777	0.186406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134638.000000	191995.000000	172390.000000	109747.000000
-351.600189	-0.046824	-0.245883	-0.833410	-0.311075	-0.235359	-3.033805	152193.000000	0.000000	0.030490	0.026208	-0.337999	-3.343247	-0.490393	-1500.079468	-11716.796875	1107604.750000	0.051586	0.253485	-1.349189	-0.146408	0.135107	-1.386693	0.000777	0.186406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135409.000000	192409.000000	171976.000000	108976.000000
-351.605194	-0.049754	-0.247836	-0.832434	-0.302561	-0.224717	-3.021034	152193.000000	0.000000	0.030490	0.026208	-0.342353	-3.325047	-0.490393	-2190.030029	-12838.384766	1102043.375000	0.052058	0.251956	-1.349189	-0.146408	0.135107	-1.386693	0.000777	0.186406	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137221.000000	192841.000000	171544.000000	107164.000000
-351.610199	-0.049510	-0.253939	-0.833898	-0.292983	-0.213010	-3.008263	152118.000000	0.000000	0.028883	0.024391	-0.438776	-3.412988	-0.409989	-12927.986328	-25074.869141	1131496.750000	0.052547	0.250625	-1.380114	-0.137669	0.127186	-1.385006	0.004110	0.184274	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160120.000000	194264.000000	169971.000000	100000.000000
-351.615204	-0.045848	-0.262973	-0.833410	-0.278084	-0.199175	-2.995492	152118.000000	0.000000	0.034614	0.024498	-0.072669	-3.330868	-0.172042	39316.304688	-6651.433105	1229556.375000	0.053143	0.249593	-1.471632	-0.112141	0.105378	-1.379113	0.010761	0.176618	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	145466.000000	145466.000000
-351.620209	-0.041453	-0.272006	-0.830236	-0.262121	-0.185340	-2.982722	152118.000000	0.000000	0.034614	0.024498	-0.317538	-3.336965	-0.172042	-29054.167969	-16570.009766	1223995.000000	0.053863	0.248875	-1.471632	-0.112141	0.105378	-1.379113	0.010761	0.176618	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167742.000000	169633.000000	194602.000000	100000.000000
-351.625214	-0.035350	-0.279574	-0.824621	-0.244029	-0.171505	-2.968887	152118.000000	0.000000	0.025530	0.018647	-0.836642	-3.664641	-0.098190	-61659.433594	-53754.046875	1250131.250000	0.054745	0.248462	-1.500036	-0.104685	0.099510	-1.376940	0.014615	0.175706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182118.000000	182118.000000	182118.000000	100000.000000
-351.630219	-0.030467	-0.281283	-0.822180	-0.225937	-0.156606	-2.956116	152203.000000	0.000000	0.025530	0.018647	-0.494494	-3.432472	-0.098190	34428.632812	8788.968750	1244569.875000	0.055768	0.248193	-1.500036	-0.104685	0.099510	-1.376940	0.014615	0.175706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	160991.000000	160991.000000
-351.635223	-0.026316	-0.279330	-0.819006	-0.208909	-0.142771	-2.942281	152203.000000	0.000000	0.025530	0.018647	-0.516317	-3.431795	-0.098190	-5639.107422	-16623.095703	1238545.000000	0.056909	0.247986	-1.500036	-0.104685	0.099510	-1.376940	0.014615	0.175706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144465.000000	193186.000000	171219.000000	100000.000000
-351.640228	-0.022898	-0.275668	-0.813635	-0.194010	-0.130001	-2.928446	152203.000000	0.000000	0.025530	0.018647	-0.538569	-3.430113	-0.098190	-5730.330566	-16339.353516	1232520.125000	0.058144	0.247804	-1.500036	-0.104685	0.099510	-1.376940	0.014615	0.175706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144272.000000	192812.000000	171593.000000	100133.000000
-351.645233	-0.019236	-0.269320	-0.810217	-0.181239	-0.118294	-2.912483	152203.000000	0.000000	0.025530	0.018647	-0.562126	-3.424069	-0.098190	-5919.084473	-15656.692383	1225568.500000	0.059470	0.247563	-1.500036	-0.104685	0.099510	-1.376940	0.014615	0.175706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143778.000000	191940.000000	172465.000000	100627.000000
-351.650238	-0.018748	-0.264437	-0.808752	-0.171661	-0.106588	-2.895455	152203.000000	0.000000	0.025530	0.018647	-0.582834	-3.417205	-0.098190	-5755.549316	-15227.895508	1218153.250000	0.060811	0.247262	-1.500036	-0.104685	0.099510	-1.376940	0.014615	0.175706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143186.000000	191675.000000	172730.000000	101219.000000
-351.655243	-0.017771	-0.262973	-0.804846	-0.165276	-0.097010	-2.875235	152185.000000	0.000000	0.025530	0.018647	-0.603559	-3.413853	-0.098190	-5662.875000	-15277.118164	1209347.750000	0.062163	0.246982	-1.500036	-0.104685	0.099510	-1.376940	0.014615	0.175706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143124.000000	191799.000000	172570.000000	101245.000000
-351.660248	-0.017771	-0.264193	-0.801184	-0.159955	-0.085303	-2.851822	152185.000000	0.000000	0.025530	0.018647	-0.623594	-3.413776	-0.098190	-5966.278320	-15544.178711	1199151.875000	0.063511	0.246778	-1.500036	-0.104685	0.099510	-1.376940	0.014615	0.175706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143695.000000	191762.000000	172607.000000	100674.000000
-351.665253	-0.016307	-0.265902	-0.802648	-0.156762	-0.073597	-2.826281	152185.000000	0.000000	0.025530	0.018647	-0.645509	-3.412771	-0.098190	-6327.738281	-15218.254883	1188029.000000	0.064889	0.246610	-1.500036	-0.104685	0.099510	-1.376940	0.014615	0.175706	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143730.000000	191075.000000	173294.000000	100639.000000
-351.670258	-0.015330	-0.272250	-0.801916	-0.155698	-0.060826	-2.797547	152185.000000	0.000000	0.033768	0.018246	-0.214374	-3.440384	0.192502	45295.390625	-18262.769531	1302106.500000	0.066288	0.246591	-1.611841	-0.076524	0.080435	-1.366709	0.032759	0.175688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110447.000000	200000.000000	133922.000000	133922.000000
-351.675262	-0.014842	-0.277621	-0.802160	-0.153570	-0.046991	-2.766684	152183.000000	0.000000	0.033768	0.018246	-0.565430	-3.430734	0.192502	-42506.730469	-14247.910156	1288666.500000	0.067700	0.246692	-1.611841	-0.076524	0.080435	-1.366709	0.032759	0.175688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166430.000000	166430.000000	197935.000000	100000.000000
-351.680267	-0.016307	-0.284457	-0.806555	-0.152505	-0.032092	-2.734757	152183.000000	0.000000	0.033768	0.018246	-0.585180	-3.438479	0.192502	-6354.109375	-16084.045898	1274763.000000	0.069086	0.246907	-1.611841	-0.076524	0.080435	-1.366709	0.032759	0.175688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144621.000000	191912.000000	172453.000000	100000.000000
-351.685272	-0.016307	-0.291781	-0.810949	-0.150377	-0.014000	-2.701766	152183.000000	0.000000	0.033768	0.018246	-0.607313	-3.448665	0.192502	-7152.161133	-16526.253906	1260396.000000	0.070496	0.247248	-1.611841	-0.076524	0.080435	-1.366709	0.032759	0.175688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145861.000000	191557.000000	172808.000000	100000.000000
-351.690277	-0.016307	-0.299594	-0.815100	-0.147184	0.006220	-2.668775	152183.000000	0.000000	0.033768	0.018246	-0.630423	-3.461504	0.192502	-7693.001953	-17008.589844	1246029.125000	0.071942	0.247729	-1.611841	-0.076524	0.080435	-1.366709	0.032759	0.175688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146884.000000	191498.000000	172867.000000	100000.000000
-351.695282	-0.016795	-0.308627	-0.814611	-0.146120	0.027505	-2.634720	152183.000000	0.000000	0.033768	0.018246	-0.653615	-3.479132	0.192502	-8023.604492	-17387.146484	1231198.750000	0.073415	0.248400	-1.611841	-0.076524	0.080435	-1.366709	0.032759	0.175688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147593.000000	191546.000000	172819.000000	100000.000000
-351.700287	-0.015818	-0.316195	-0.817297	-0.143992	0.053046	-2.601729	152113.000000	0.000000	0.033768	0.018246	-0.680391	-3.496476	0.192502	-9126.469727	-17562.644531	1216831.875000	0.074973	0.249204	-1.611841	-0.076524	0.080435	-1.366709	0.032759	0.175688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148802.000000	190549.000000	173676.000000	100000.000000
-351.705292	-0.016795	-0.321811	-0.822180	-0.143992	0.077523	-2.568738	152113.000000	0.000000	0.033768	0.018246	-0.705727	-3.511683	0.192502	-9080.236328	-17163.396484	1202464.875000	0.076567	0.250064	-1.611841	-0.076524	0.080435	-1.366709	0.032759	0.175688	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148356.000000	190196.000000	174029.000000	100000.000000
-351.710297	-0.018260	-0.325473	-0.824377	-0.145056	0.106257	-2.537876	152113.000000	0.000000	0.030460	0.011719	-0.914037	-3.885207	0.455321	-30757.773438	-58158.894531	1303477.250000	0.078207	0.250956	-1.712925	-0.053254	0.070277	-1.354134	0.054843	0.170546	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182113.000000	182113.000000	182113.000000	100000.000000
-351.715302	-0.020701	-0.324984	-0.828039	-0.148248	0.136056	-2.508077	152113.000000	0.000000	0.017726	0.004104	-1.508218	-4.051968	0.513306	-76187.664062	-35946.070312	1315752.000000	0.079876	0.251768	-1.735227	-0.048683	0.069409	-1.350672	0.059035	0.169240	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182113.000000	182113.000000	182113.000000	100000.000000
-351.720306	-0.023631	-0.321566	-0.830725	-0.152505	0.167983	-2.479343	152170.000000	0.000000	0.017726	0.004104	-1.025562	-3.752082	0.513306	44070.093750	16884.316406	1303239.000000	0.081573	0.252443	-1.735227	-0.048683	0.069409	-1.350672	0.059035	0.169240	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	195285.000000	169054.000000	169054.000000
-351.725311	-0.026072	-0.317172	-0.833898	-0.161019	0.200974	-2.448481	152170.000000	0.000000	0.017726	0.004104	-1.053154	-3.752446	0.513306	-12430.406250	-15624.449219	1289798.875000	0.083309	0.252941	-1.735227	-0.048683	0.069409	-1.350672	0.059035	0.169240	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150224.000000	185364.000000	178975.000000	100000.000000
-351.730316	-0.029246	-0.312045	-0.835363	-0.173790	0.232900	-2.415490	152170.000000	0.000000	0.017726	0.004104	-1.079746	-3.749163	0.513306	-12473.944336	-14681.110352	1275432.000000	0.085055	0.253243	-1.735227	-0.048683	0.069409	-1.350672	0.059035	0.169240	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149325.000000	184377.000000	179962.000000	100000.000000
-351.735321	-0.030467	-0.308627	-0.833654	-0.191882	0.263763	-2.381434	152170.000000	0.000000	0.017726	0.004104	-1.108330	-3.745108	0.513306	-12849.408203	-13909.175781	1260601.625000	0.086844	0.253389	-1.735227	-0.048683	0.069409	-1.350672	0.059035	0.169240	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148928.000000	183229.000000	181110.000000	100000.000000
-351.740326	-0.030223	-0.306674	-0.836096	-0.212102	0.294625	-2.343122	152182.000000	0.000000	0.017726	0.004104	-1.139124	-3.738350	0.513306	-13376.114258	-13253.769531	1243917.500000	0.088706	0.253372	-1.735227	-0.048683	0.069409	-1.350672	0.059035	0.169240	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148811.000000	182059.000000	182304.000000	100000.000000
-351.745331	-0.028514	-0.305697	-0.840979	-0.237643	0.324424	-2.302682	152182.000000	0.000000	0.017726	0.004104	-1.172336	-3.728056	0.513306	-13813.468750	-12115.534180	1226306.375000	0.090663	0.253173	-1.735227	-0.048683	0.069409	-1.350672	0.059035	0.169240	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148111.000000	180484.000000	183879.000000	100000.000000
-351.750336	-0.027049	-0.304721	-0.844641	-0.262121	0.355286	-2.260113	152182.000000	0.000000	0.017726	0.004104	-1.206527	-3.716106	0.513306	-14337.399414	-11882.985352	1207768.500000	0.092709	0.252810	-1.735227	-0.048683	0.069409	-1.350672	0.059035	0.169240	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148402.000000	179727.000000	184636.000000	100000.000000
-351.755341	-0.024119	-0.306918	-0.845373	-0.289790	0.385085	-2.216479	152182.000000	0.000000	0.021516	0.004385	-1.034834	-3.690501	0.628888	9070.509766	-9785.386719	1239100.625000	0.094864	0.252362	-1.779682	-0.039130	0.068085	-1.343486	0.074861	0.163530	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122896.000000	200000.000000	163326.000000	121467.000000
-351.760345	-0.020457	-0.309604	-0.847326	-0.315332	0.415947	-2.171782	152182.000000	0.000000	0.020652	0.002511	-1.273223	-3.794017	0.736369	-37376.027344	-24575.707031	1266441.625000	0.097146	0.251841	-1.821020	-0.030249	0.068013	-1.335900	0.090757	0.156113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176757.000000	176757.000000	187606.000000	100000.000000
-351.765350	-0.019725	-0.312533	-0.851721	-0.344066	0.445745	-2.128149	152114.000000	0.000000	0.016140	-0.000215	-1.524030	-3.855601	0.785873	-39915.117188	-19765.066406	1268998.250000	0.099484	0.251218	-1.840060	-0.026322	0.068592	-1.331860	0.097517	0.150030	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171879.000000	171879.000000	192348.000000	100000.000000
-351.770355	-0.020701	-0.313998	-0.853186	-0.372800	0.476608	-2.085580	152114.000000	0.000000	0.016140	-0.000215	-1.379847	-3.731312	0.785873	3922.986084	1379.935303	1250460.125000	0.101842	0.250487	-1.840060	-0.026322	0.068592	-1.331860	0.097517	0.150030	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116811.000000	184657.000000	179570.000000	127416.000000
-351.775360	-0.021922	-0.311557	-0.857336	-0.399406	0.508535	-2.043011	152114.000000	0.000000	0.016140	-0.000215	-1.416360	-3.709598	0.785873	-16381.371094	-9912.698242	1231922.250000	0.104221	0.249561	-1.840060	-0.026322	0.068592	-1.331860	0.097517	0.150030	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148408.000000	175645.000000	188582.000000	100000.000000
-351.780365	-0.026561	-0.306430	-0.863439	-0.427076	0.541526	-2.001506	152114.000000	0.000000	0.016140	-0.000215	-1.449408	-3.681042	0.785873	-16419.636719	-8785.910156	1213847.750000	0.106553	0.248368	-1.840060	-0.026322	0.068592	-1.331860	0.097517	0.150030	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147319.000000	174480.000000	189747.000000	100000.000000
-351.785370	-0.029979	-0.302523	-0.867590	-0.453681	0.575581	-1.960001	152187.000000	0.000000	0.016140	-0.000215	-1.483348	-3.651423	0.785873	-16949.091797	-8526.116211	1195773.250000	0.108865	0.246962	-1.840060	-0.026322	0.068592	-1.331860	0.097517	0.150030	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147662.000000	173764.000000	190609.000000	100000.000000
-351.790375	-0.032664	-0.296664	-0.872717	-0.479223	0.610700	-1.918496	152187.000000	0.000000	0.016140	-0.000215	-1.518181	-3.616635	0.785873	-17486.035156	-7797.197266	1177698.750000	0.111180	0.245307	-1.840060	-0.026322	0.068592	-1.331860	0.097517	0.150030	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147470.000000	172498.000000	191875.000000	100000.000000
-351.795380	-0.034373	-0.290561	-0.878820	-0.505828	0.644756	-1.875927	152187.000000	0.000000	0.016140	-0.000215	-1.553887	-3.577576	0.785873	-17784.421875	-6909.866211	1159160.750000	0.113513	0.243393	-1.840060	-0.026322	0.068592	-1.331860	0.097517	0.150030	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146881.000000	171312.000000	193061.000000	100000.000000
-351.800385	-0.035105	-0.284945	-0.883703	-0.531370	0.678811	-1.830166	152187.000000	0.000000	0.016140	-0.000215	-1.590657	-3.536446	0.785873	-18227.271484	-6492.442871	1139232.500000	0.115879	0.241253	-1.840060	-0.026322	0.068592	-1.331860	0.097517	0.150030	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146906.000000	170452.000000	193921.000000	100000.000000
-351.805389	-0.032176	-0.281039	-0.887365	-0.555847	0.710738	-1.785468	152187.000000	0.000000	0.019711	0.000544	-1.435290	-3.453207	0.881288	3701.353516	-1483.723999	1161319.000000	0.118344	0.238941	-1.876759	-0.018200	0.069819	-1.323760	0.117167	0.135168	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119969.000000	187372.000000	177001.000000	124404.000000
-351.810394	-0.026805	-0.279574	-0.888830	-0.581388	0.739472	-1.737578	152200.000000	0.000000	0.019012	-0.000633	-1.660644	-3.507706	0.969072	-38979.074219	-16645.216797	1178691.750000	0.120940	0.236523	-1.910522	-0.010627	0.071815	-1.315282	0.135182	0.119995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168845.000000	168845.000000	195554.000000	100000.000000
-351.815399	-0.018260	-0.281527	-0.890295	-0.605865	0.765013	-1.687559	152200.000000	0.000000	0.019012	-0.000633	-1.681410	-3.422829	0.969072	-16346.429688	-931.476624	1156909.625000	0.123713	0.234077	-1.910522	-0.010627	0.071815	-1.315282	0.135182	0.119995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139477.000000	166785.000000	197614.000000	104922.000000
-351.820404	-0.008738	-0.286166	-0.890539	-0.629278	0.786298	-1.634348	152200.000000	0.000000	0.019012	-0.000633	-1.732515	-3.388358	0.969072	-19546.144531	-6327.079590	1133737.250000	0.126659	0.231671	-1.910522	-0.010627	0.071815	-1.315282	0.135182	0.119995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148073.000000	168980.000000	195419.000000	100000.000000
-351.825409	0.001027	-0.293002	-0.892004	-0.650563	0.803325	-1.580073	152200.000000	0.000000	0.019012	-0.000633	-1.785142	-3.357007	0.969072	-19565.949219	-6662.021973	1110101.250000	0.129759	0.229351	-1.910522	-0.010627	0.071815	-1.315282	0.135182	0.119995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148427.000000	169296.000000	195103.000000	100000.000000
-351.830414	0.007619	-0.301059	-0.894445	-0.669719	0.817160	-1.523669	152124.000000	0.000000	0.019012	-0.000633	-1.835232	-3.328417	0.969072	-19229.919922	-6980.023438	1085538.500000	0.132924	0.227144	-1.910522	-0.010627	0.071815	-1.315282	0.135182	0.119995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148333.000000	169874.000000	194373.000000	100000.000000
-351.835419	0.013479	-0.309115	-0.899084	-0.684618	0.828867	-1.466200	152124.000000	0.000000	0.019012	-0.000633	-1.884752	-3.301714	0.969072	-19214.873047	-7464.274902	1060512.250000	0.136126	0.225053	-1.910522	-0.010627	0.071815	-1.315282	0.135182	0.119995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148803.000000	170373.000000	193874.000000	100000.000000
-351.840424	0.020803	-0.317660	-0.906652	-0.695260	0.841637	-1.407668	152124.000000	0.000000	0.019012	-0.000633	-1.936619	-3.277200	0.969072	-19887.277344	-8011.291504	1035022.562500	0.139398	0.223087	-1.910522	-0.010627	0.071815	-1.315282	0.135182	0.119995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150022.000000	170248.000000	193999.000000	100000.000000
-351.845428	0.024953	-0.324740	-0.912512	-0.700582	0.854408	-1.348071	152124.000000	0.000000	0.022106	-0.000968	-1.815707	-3.273326	1.106184	-391.688019	-10823.488281	1068779.250000	0.142672	0.221253	-1.963257	0.000266	0.078484	-1.297519	0.174334	0.081485	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133339.000000	192555.000000	171692.000000	110908.000000
-351.850433	0.026418	-0.330355	-0.915441	-0.703774	0.872500	-1.286346	152182.000000	0.000000	0.022106	-0.000968	-1.986964	-3.239838	1.106184	-33973.625000	-7632.658691	1041899.250000	0.145918	0.219553	-1.963257	0.000266	0.078484	-1.297519	0.174334	0.081485	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159814.000000	159814.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-351.855438	0.024709	-0.331088	-0.918127	-0.702710	0.892720	-1.223557	152182.000000	0.000000	0.008688	-0.005864	-2.769000	-3.487035	1.129981	-105056.796875	-40105.695312	1024918.687500	0.149083	0.217916	-1.972410	0.001562	0.080886	-1.293044	0.182223	0.073039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182182.000000	182182.000000	182182.000000	100000.000000
-351.860443	0.023977	-0.327914	-0.923010	-0.701646	0.915069	-1.161832	152182.000000	0.000000	0.008688	-0.005864	-2.277408	-3.265306	1.129981	36910.765625	12470.613281	998038.687500	0.152202	0.216254	-1.972410	0.001562	0.080886	-1.293044	0.182223	0.073039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199711.000000	164652.000000	164652.000000
-351.865448	0.024221	-0.321078	-0.932531	-0.696325	0.938482	-1.100107	152182.000000	0.000000	0.008688	-0.005864	-2.323020	-3.234717	1.129981	-22592.681641	-8898.265625	971158.625000	0.155299	0.214489	-1.972410	0.001562	0.080886	-1.293044	0.182223	0.073039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153672.000000	168487.000000	195876.000000	100000.000000
-351.870453	0.027150	-0.312777	-0.941564	-0.689939	0.955510	-1.040510	152182.000000	0.000000	0.004254	-0.008132	-2.613585	-3.326442	1.145520	-50239.410156	-22915.828125	951972.312500	0.158402	0.212605	-1.978386	0.001380	0.084029	-1.288556	0.194170	0.062572	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175097.000000	175097.000000	189266.000000	100000.000000
-351.875458	0.030813	-0.303988	-0.949377	-0.679297	0.968280	-0.983042	152187.000000	0.000000	0.004254	-0.008132	-2.483028	-3.202203	1.145520	-2924.720947	885.368408	926946.062500	0.161509	0.210625	-1.978386	0.001380	0.084029	-1.288556	0.194170	0.062572	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124226.000000	178376.000000	185997.000000	120147.000000
-351.880463	0.036916	-0.293734	-0.955725	-0.666526	0.971473	-0.928766	152187.000000	0.000000	0.004254	-0.008132	-2.530189	-3.166803	1.145520	-21644.386719	-9013.028320	903310.125000	0.164625	0.208542	-1.978386	0.001380	0.084029	-1.288556	0.194170	0.062572	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152844.000000	169555.000000	194818.000000	100000.000000
-351.885468	0.044240	-0.281039	-0.959631	-0.651627	0.968280	-0.875555	152187.000000	0.000000	0.004254	-0.008132	-2.577342	-3.128750	1.145520	-21143.554688	-8848.874023	880137.687500	0.167749	0.206334	-1.978386	0.001380	0.084029	-1.288556	0.194170	0.062572	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152179.000000	169892.000000	194481.000000	100000.000000
-351.890472	0.051809	-0.267855	-0.963049	-0.634600	0.956574	-0.824472	152187.000000	0.000000	0.004254	-0.008132	-2.622789	-3.089077	1.145520	-20175.070312	-8800.629883	857892.125000	0.170848	0.204008	-1.978386	0.001380	0.084029	-1.288556	0.194170	0.062572	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151162.000000	170812.000000	193561.000000	100000.000000
-351.895477	0.057912	-0.253207	-0.962072	-0.616508	0.939546	-0.775518	152177.000000	0.000000	0.004254	-0.008132	-2.665304	-3.047647	1.145520	-19384.757812	-8617.069336	836573.500000	0.173874	0.201562	-1.978386	0.001380	0.084029	-1.288556	0.194170	0.062572	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150178.000000	171409.000000	192944.000000	100000.000000
-351.900482	0.061574	-0.237338	-0.962072	-0.598416	0.920390	-0.730820	152177.000000	0.000000	0.013406	-0.003189	-2.200619	-2.730935	1.190288	38844.605469	23025.519531	836604.500000	0.176775	0.198968	-1.995605	0.005027	0.087578	-1.279210	0.212914	0.044872	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	189151.000000	175202.000000	175202.000000
-351.905487	0.062063	-0.219027	-0.960607	-0.579260	0.898041	-0.688251	152177.000000	0.000000	0.012267	-0.003364	-2.661884	-2.889183	1.227015	-64646.828125	-30136.205078	834060.062500	0.179479	0.196189	-2.009730	0.007879	0.091209	-1.269920	0.234637	0.031430	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182177.000000	182177.000000	182177.000000	100000.000000
-351.910492	0.060109	-0.197787	-0.957189	-0.559040	0.877821	-0.651004	152177.000000	0.000000	0.012267	-0.003364	-2.644593	-2.827678	1.227015	-12077.715820	-5895.305664	817839.375000	0.181960	0.193177	-2.009730	0.007879	0.091209	-1.269920	0.234637	0.031430	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140150.000000	175994.000000	188359.000000	104203.000000
-351.915497	0.055959	-0.167025	-0.950598	-0.540948	0.860793	-0.620141	152177.000000	0.000000	0.012267	-0.003364	-2.668734	-2.758851	1.227015	-17018.080078	-4622.583496	804399.312500	0.184202	0.189735	-2.009730	0.007879	0.091209	-1.269920	0.234637	0.031430	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143817.000000	169781.000000	194572.000000	100536.000000
-351.920502	0.054494	-0.134799	-0.943273	-0.519663	0.850151	-0.595664	152110.000000	0.000000	0.012267	-0.003364	-2.694571	-2.682296	1.227015	-17976.837891	-3869.635986	793740.000000	0.186303	0.185840	-2.009730	0.007879	0.091209	-1.269920	0.234637	0.031430	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143956.000000	168002.000000	196217.000000	100263.000000
-351.925507	0.061086	-0.113070	-0.935461	-0.501571	0.841637	-0.577572	152110.000000	0.000000	0.012267	-0.003364	-2.728572	-2.609578	1.227015	-19225.476562	-3690.370605	785861.375000	0.188450	0.181685	-2.009730	0.007879	0.091209	-1.269920	0.234637	0.031430	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145025.000000	166574.000000	197645.000000	100000.000000
-351.930511	0.069631	-0.105014	-0.925451	-0.480287	0.839509	-0.561609	152110.000000	0.000000	0.012267	-0.003364	-2.767472	-2.549798	1.227015	-20635.335938	-5286.874512	778909.625000	0.190718	0.177575	-2.009730	0.007879	0.091209	-1.269920	0.234637	0.031430	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148032.000000	166761.000000	197458.000000	100000.000000
-351.935516	0.079396	-0.100619	-0.915930	-0.459002	0.838445	-0.544581	152110.000000	0.000000	0.012267	-0.003364	-2.809926	-2.494798	1.227015	-21333.535156	-5657.457520	771494.437500	0.193140	0.173587	-2.009730	0.007879	0.091209	-1.269920	0.234637	0.031430	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149100.000000	166433.000000	197786.000000	100000.000000
-351.940521	0.088186	-0.098178	-0.902746	-0.436654	0.839509	-0.526489	152176.000000	0.000000	0.012267	-0.003364	-2.854547	-2.444565	1.227015	-22016.046875	-6170.355957	763615.812500	0.195712	0.169773	-2.009730	0.007879	0.091209	-1.269920	0.234637	0.031430	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150362.000000	166330.000000	198021.000000	100000.000000
-351.945526	0.095998	-0.095248	-0.888342	-0.418562	0.840573	-0.505205	152176.000000	0.000000	0.012267	-0.003364	-2.900482	-2.395317	1.227015	-22376.697266	-5667.276855	754346.812500	0.198418	0.166104	-2.009730	0.007879	0.091209	-1.269920	0.234637	0.031430	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150219.000000	165466.000000	198885.000000	100000.000000
-351.950531	0.103322	-0.089389	-0.879553	-0.395149	0.840573	-0.482856	152176.000000	0.000000	-0.000436	-0.009203	-3.645429	-2.666230	1.229409	-102546.976562	-42809.933594	745656.937500	0.201232	0.162524	-2.010651	0.006103	0.094656	-1.265295	0.243418	0.025282	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182176.000000	182176.000000	182176.000000	100000.000000
-351.955536	0.109426	-0.079867	-0.878332	-0.371736	0.838445	-0.456250	152176.000000	0.000000	0.017446	-0.001560	-2.199144	-1.958399	1.285853	145288.828125	67957.265625	758651.187500	0.204094	0.158937	-2.032361	0.010389	0.101685	-1.246434	0.271106	0.004873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182176.000000	182176.000000	182176.000000
-351.960541	0.120900	-0.071811	-0.890295	-0.335552	0.829931	-0.426452	152179.000000	0.000000	0.017446	-0.001560	-2.962296	-2.213771	1.285853	-100421.203125	-40698.093750	745674.625000	0.207051	0.155414	-2.032361	0.010389	0.101685	-1.246434	0.271106	0.004873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182179.000000	182179.000000	182179.000000	100000.000000
-351.965546	0.126760	-0.058871	-0.893957	-0.299369	0.816096	-0.395589	152179.000000	0.000000	0.017446	-0.001560	-3.004740	-2.159633	1.285853	-20722.246094	-6582.638184	732234.625000	0.209972	0.151869	-2.032361	0.010389	0.101685	-1.246434	0.271106	0.004873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149483.000000	168039.000000	196318.000000	100000.000000
-351.970551	0.127004	-0.040072	-0.900549	-0.251478	0.796940	-0.364727	152179.000000	0.000000	0.017446	-0.001560	-3.038090	-2.101266	1.285853	-19202.103516	-7356.833008	718794.625000	0.212704	0.148229	-2.032361	0.010389	0.101685	-1.246434	0.271106	0.004873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148737.000000	170333.000000	194024.000000	100000.000000
-351.975555	0.125051	-0.020297	-0.908361	-0.201460	0.760756	-0.337057	152179.000000	0.000000	0.017446	-0.001560	-3.061579	-2.041000	1.285853	-16186.938477	-7335.126953	706744.937500	0.215117	0.144485	-2.032361	0.010389	0.101685	-1.246434	0.271106	0.004873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145701.000000	173327.000000	191030.000000	100000.000000
-351.980560	0.128957	-0.003695	-0.916418	-0.143992	0.725637	-0.310451	152179.000000	0.000000	0.017446	-0.001560	-3.087811	-1.985413	1.285853	-16564.402344	-8677.353516	695158.687500	0.217349	0.140753	-2.032361	0.010389	0.101685	-1.246434	0.271106	0.004873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147420.000000	174291.000000	190066.000000	100000.000000
-351.985565	0.129689	0.008023	-0.930578	-0.081202	0.680939	-0.284910	152125.000000	0.000000	0.017446	-0.001560	-3.104272	-1.937502	1.285853	-14306.644531	-10175.280273	684035.937500	0.219272	0.137167	-2.032361	0.010389	0.101685	-1.246434	0.271106	0.004873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146606.000000	177993.000000	186256.000000	100000.000000
-351.990570	0.121877	0.014127	-0.940588	-0.010963	0.625600	-0.261497	152125.000000	0.000000	0.017446	-0.001560	-3.104616	-1.900309	1.285853	-11111.817383	-12324.567383	673840.062500	0.220676	0.133883	-2.032361	0.010389	0.101685	-1.246434	0.271106	0.004873	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145561.000000	183337.000000	180912.000000	100000.000000
-351.995575	0.112600	0.014371	-0.953039	0.064597	0.566003	-0.240212	152125.000000	0.000000	0.013276	-0.003575	-3.324196	-1.986358	1.313324	-35486.132812	-27204.310547	676534.125000	0.221522	0.131043	-2.042926	0.009108	0.111211	-1.225951	0.300534	-0.007098	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179329.000000	179329.000000	184920.000000	100000.000000
-352.000580	0.100637	0.010709	-0.966467	0.142285	0.498957	-0.217864	152125.000000	0.000000	0.013276	-0.003575	-3.135144	-1.892230	1.313324	11448.419922	-7550.812500	666801.687500	0.221730	0.128733	-2.042926	0.009108	0.111211	-1.225951	0.300534	-0.007098	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118227.000000	200000.000000	163125.000000	126022.000000
-352.005585	0.082814	0.002408	-0.974035	0.223166	0.424461	-0.194451	152202.000000	0.000000	0.013276	-0.003575	-3.096433	-1.892097	1.313324	-3748.428223	-18608.933594	656605.812500	0.221178	0.127050	-2.042926	0.009108	0.111211	-1.225951	0.300534	-0.007098	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144559.000000	197062.000000	167341.000000	100000.000000
-352.010590	0.066457	-0.009555	-0.976721	0.300855	0.351029	-0.168909	152202.000000	0.000000	0.013276	-0.003575	-3.049619	-1.904033	1.313324	-2421.263428	-19997.185547	645483.062500	0.219925	0.126043	-2.042926	0.009108	0.111211	-1.225951	0.300534	-0.007098	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144620.000000	199777.000000	164626.000000	100000.000000
-352.015594	0.049855	-0.020297	-0.982092	0.377479	0.275469	-0.139111	152202.000000	0.000000	0.013276	-0.003575	-2.991982	-1.923863	1.313324	-381.542816	-21194.042969	632506.437500	0.217965	0.125672	-2.042926	0.009108	0.111211	-1.225951	0.300534	-0.007098	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143777.000000	200000.000000	161389.000000	100626.000000
-352.020599	0.036184	-0.027865	-0.984289	0.445589	0.200974	-0.108248	152202.000000	0.000000	0.013276	-0.003575	-2.928432	-1.946810	1.313324	783.696655	-21017.333984	619066.437500	0.215384	0.125819	-2.042926	0.009108	0.111211	-1.225951	0.300534	-0.007098	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142435.000000	200000.000000	160400.000000	101968.000000
-352.025604	0.026418	-0.030795	-0.985266	0.506250	0.132863	-0.078450	152202.000000	0.000000	0.013276	-0.003575	-2.862414	-1.969752	1.313324	970.019470	-20582.296875	606089.875000	0.212307	0.126344	-2.042926	0.009108	0.111211	-1.225951	0.300534	-0.007098	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141814.000000	200000.000000	160649.000000	102589.000000
-352.030609	0.021291	-0.029574	-0.988439	0.557333	0.063688	-0.050780	152125.000000	0.000000	0.013276	-0.003575	-2.794418	-1.990492	1.313324	1935.416626	-19617.326172	594040.187500	0.208833	0.127102	-2.042926	0.009108	0.111211	-1.225951	0.300534	-0.007098	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139806.000000	200000.000000	160572.000000	104443.000000
-352.035614	0.021047	-0.024691	-0.993078	0.600966	-0.001229	-0.027367	152125.000000	0.000000	0.003304	-0.006346	-3.275899	-2.160499	1.318902	-60867.167969	-36193.750000	586273.312500	0.205091	0.127975	-2.045072	0.008561	0.113612	-1.220854	0.304815	-0.002204	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182125.000000	182125.000000	182125.000000	100000.000000
-352.040619	0.023977	-0.019564	-1.003332	0.638214	-0.062954	-0.008211	152125.000000	0.000000	0.004018	-0.007487	-2.771757	-2.129341	1.313824	49760.019531	-13400.384766	575720.062500	0.201166	0.128917	-2.043119	0.001516	0.123587	-1.205424	0.307812	0.021807	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105525.000000	200000.000000	138724.000000	138724.000000
-352.045624	0.028371	-0.017367	-1.010900	0.668013	-0.125744	0.007752	152125.000000	0.000000	0.004018	-0.007487	-2.732972	-2.102758	1.313824	-824.541931	-13099.119141	568768.375000	0.197087	0.129948	-2.043119	0.001516	0.123587	-1.205424	0.307812	0.021807	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136048.000000	194399.000000	169850.000000	108201.000000
-352.050629	0.034230	-0.019809	-1.019445	0.691426	-0.184276	0.020523	152117.000000	0.000000	0.004018	-0.007487	-2.666248	-2.126149	1.313824	2355.684814	-18107.162109	563207.000000	0.192908	0.131123	-2.043119	0.001516	0.123587	-1.205424	0.307812	0.021807	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137868.000000	200000.000000	161654.000000	106365.000000
-352.055634	0.040578	-0.022006	-1.029943	0.707389	-0.246001	0.030101	152117.000000	0.000000	0.004018	-0.007487	-2.597714	-2.148976	1.313824	3504.887207	-17404.587891	559035.937500	0.188622	0.132393	-2.043119	0.001516	0.123587	-1.205424	0.307812	0.021807	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136016.000000	200000.000000	161207.000000	108217.000000
-352.060638	0.047658	-0.022494	-1.038732	0.719095	-0.305598	0.037550	152117.000000	0.000000	0.004018	-0.007487	-2.529069	-2.170056	1.313824	3872.916016	-16895.082031	555791.812500	0.184257	0.133700	-2.043119	0.001516	0.123587	-1.205424	0.307812	0.021807	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135139.000000	200000.000000	161349.000000	109094.000000
-352.065643	0.054982	-0.018344	-1.045324	0.723352	-0.363066	0.041807	152117.000000	0.000000	0.004018	-0.007487	-2.460265	-2.184662	1.313824	4237.289062	-15450.971680	553938.000000	0.179832	0.134916	-2.043119	0.001516	0.123587	-1.205424	0.307812	0.021807	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133330.000000	200000.000000	162428.000000	110903.000000
-352.070648	0.061330	-0.011996	-1.051184	0.723352	-0.419470	0.045000	152202.000000	0.000000	0.004018	-0.007487	-2.389876	-2.194592	1.313824	4877.842773	-14514.501953	552547.625000	0.175334	0.135981	-2.043119	0.001516	0.123587	-1.205424	0.307812	0.021807	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131838.000000	200000.000000	162809.000000	112565.000000
-352.075653	0.067189	-0.005160	-1.057043	0.718031	-0.472681	0.045000	152202.000000	0.000000	0.004018	-0.007487	-2.318862	-2.200438	1.313824	5166.805176	-13482.610352	552547.625000	0.170771	0.136861	-2.043119	0.001516	0.123587	-1.205424	0.307812	0.021807	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130517.000000	200000.000000	163552.000000	113886.000000
-352.080658	0.072072	-0.001986	-1.060705	0.708453	-0.520571	0.042872	152202.000000	0.000000	-0.002345	-0.008273	-2.597374	-2.249625	1.310454	-34911.570312	-17962.449219	552006.812500	0.166156	0.137610	-2.041822	-0.000871	0.126565	-1.200241	0.305788	0.028673	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170164.000000	170164.000000	194239.000000	100000.000000
-352.085663	0.078420	-0.002230	-1.060949	0.692490	-0.565269	0.038615	152202.000000	0.000000	-0.002345	-0.008273	-2.273581	-2.224100	1.310454	32659.564453	-8854.339844	553860.625000	0.161537	0.138262	-2.041822	-0.000871	0.126565	-1.200241	0.305788	0.028673	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101056.000000	200000.000000	143347.000000	143347.000000
-352.090668	0.088186	-0.009799	-1.059484	0.671205	-0.604645	0.034358	152202.000000	0.000000	0.006110	-0.005479	-1.744319	-2.081246	1.290075	57282.746094	5386.760742	546839.562500	0.157009	0.138932	-2.033984	-0.011418	0.138077	-1.179965	0.282348	0.065263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	157588.000000	157588.000000
-352.095673	0.102834	-0.022982	-1.060705	0.645664	-0.639765	0.027972	152123.000000	0.000000	0.006110	-0.005479	-2.025253	-2.208529	1.290075	-33402.023438	-24316.371094	549620.250000	0.152676	0.139703	-2.033984	-0.011418	0.138077	-1.179965	0.282348	0.065263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176439.000000	176439.000000	187806.000000	100000.000000
-352.100677	0.120412	-0.040072	-1.063635	0.617994	-0.671691	0.019459	152123.000000	0.000000	0.006110	-0.005479	-1.974465	-2.228709	1.290075	3104.000732	-12271.167969	553327.875000	0.148602	0.140630	-2.033984	-0.011418	0.138077	-1.179965	0.282348	0.065263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131290.000000	197498.000000	166747.000000	112955.000000
-352.105682	0.139699	-0.055941	-1.068762	0.589260	-0.699361	0.008816	152123.000000	0.000000	0.006110	-0.005479	-1.929739	-2.249205	1.290075	2302.254150	-12150.967773	557962.375000	0.144826	0.141677	-2.033984	-0.011418	0.138077	-1.179965	0.282348	0.065263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131971.000000	196576.000000	167669.000000	112274.000000
-352.110687	0.157521	-0.068637	-1.073400	0.562654	-0.722774	-0.000762	152123.000000	0.000000	0.006110	-0.005479	-1.888564	-2.268627	1.290075	1739.180420	-12233.986328	562133.375000	0.141331	0.142791	-2.033984	-0.011418	0.138077	-1.179965	0.282348	0.065263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132617.000000	196096.000000	168149.000000	111628.000000
-352.115692	0.172414	-0.078646	-1.077307	0.537113	-0.742995	-0.011404	152131.000000	0.000000	0.006110	-0.005479	-1.849172	-2.286446	1.290075	1466.325684	-12139.268555	566767.875000	0.138073	0.143926	-2.033984	-0.011418	0.138077	-1.179965	0.282348	0.065263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132803.000000	195736.000000	168525.000000	111458.000000
-352.120697	0.182912	-0.086947	-1.081701	0.514764	-0.758958	-0.020982	152131.000000	0.000000	0.006110	-0.005479	-1.809600	-2.303667	1.290075	1273.504395	-12400.946289	570938.937500	0.134984	0.145064	-2.033984	-0.011418	0.138077	-1.179965	0.282348	0.065263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133258.000000	195805.000000	168456.000000	111003.000000
-352.125702	0.187551	-0.094027	-1.084387	0.492415	-0.771729	-0.029496	152131.000000	0.000000	0.006110	-0.005479	-1.767642	-2.319927	1.290075	1436.511841	-12267.250000	574646.500000	0.131975	0.146188	-2.033984	-0.011418	0.138077	-1.179965	0.282348	0.065263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132961.000000	195834.000000	168427.000000	111300.000000
-352.130707	0.188771	-0.100619	-1.085607	0.471131	-0.780242	-0.036945	152131.000000	0.000000	0.008258	-0.003217	-1.606677	-2.211582	1.295268	14833.613281	1913.026001	580152.312500	0.129007	0.147297	-2.035982	-0.014036	0.143473	-1.166013	0.257236	0.083914	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105384.000000	195051.000000	169210.000000	138877.000000
-352.135712	0.186330	-0.105258	-1.088293	0.450911	-0.786628	-0.044395	152131.000000	0.000000	0.006490	-0.003258	-1.744258	-2.318480	1.301552	-18830.839844	-22269.853516	586133.187500	0.126020	0.148361	-2.038399	-0.014877	0.146473	-1.157406	0.241280	0.094322	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163231.000000	185570.000000	178691.000000	100000.000000
-352.140717	0.181936	-0.107211	-1.091711	0.432819	-0.790885	-0.049716	152191.000000	0.000000	0.006490	-0.003258	-1.626275	-2.328313	1.301552	9598.212891	-11793.099609	588450.437500	0.122989	0.149344	-2.038399	-0.014877	0.146473	-1.157406	0.241280	0.094322	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124385.000000	200000.000000	160799.000000	119996.000000
-352.145721	0.176809	-0.106723	-1.093908	0.415791	-0.790885	-0.052909	152191.000000	0.000000	0.006490	-0.003258	-1.578966	-2.336782	1.301552	1576.762695	-11720.804688	589840.750000	0.119924	0.150212	-2.038399	-0.014877	0.146473	-1.157406	0.241280	0.094322	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132335.000000	195488.000000	168893.000000	112046.000000
-352.150726	0.170705	-0.104281	-1.095129	0.398763	-0.789820	-0.055037	152191.000000	0.000000	0.006490	-0.003258	-1.530682	-2.341886	1.301552	1785.141235	-11295.625977	590767.687500	0.116817	0.150937	-2.038399	-0.014877	0.146473	-1.157406	0.241280	0.094322	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131701.000000	195271.000000	169110.000000	112680.000000
-352.155731	0.164113	-0.101107	-1.095861	0.381736	-0.787692	-0.055037	152191.000000	0.000000	0.006490	-0.003258	-1.481582	-2.344420	1.301552	1972.943848	-10946.706055	590767.687500	0.113665	0.151509	-2.038399	-0.014877	0.146473	-1.157406	0.241280	0.094322	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131164.000000	195110.000000	169271.000000	113217.000000
-352.160736	0.155324	-0.098666	-1.097326	0.363644	-0.785564	-0.052909	152119.000000	0.000000	0.006490	-0.003258	-1.429497	-2.345299	1.301552	2530.953125	-10568.445312	589840.750000	0.110425	0.151942	-2.038399	-0.014877	0.146473	-1.157406	0.241280	0.094322	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130156.000000	195218.000000	169019.000000	114081.000000
-352.165741	0.145559	-0.096713	-1.098303	0.344488	-0.782371	-0.051845	152119.000000	0.000000	0.006490	-0.003258	-1.375618	-2.344444	1.301552	2844.259766	-10168.742188	589377.312500	0.107089	0.152241	-2.038399	-0.014877	0.146473	-1.157406	0.241280	0.094322	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129443.000000	195132.000000	169105.000000	114794.000000
-352.170746	0.135793	-0.094516	-1.098791	0.325332	-0.779178	-0.048652	152119.000000	0.000000	0.006490	-0.003258	-1.320364	-2.341591	1.301552	3235.049072	-9847.823242	587987.000000	0.103659	0.152407	-2.038399	-0.014877	0.146473	-1.157406	0.241280	0.094322	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128731.000000	195201.000000	169036.000000	115506.000000
-352.175751	0.126516	-0.093051	-1.099523	0.305112	-0.777050	-0.044395	152119.000000	0.000000	0.006490	-0.003258	-1.263886	-2.337307	1.301552	3736.554199	-9460.743164	586133.187500	0.100137	0.152449	-2.038399	-0.014877	0.146473	-1.157406	0.241280	0.094322	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127843.000000	195316.000000	168921.000000	116394.000000
-352.180756	0.118215	-0.093539	-1.100744	0.284891	-0.773857	-0.039074	152187.000000	0.000000	0.013498	-0.000970	-0.821925	-2.207423	1.316354	48024.128906	5040.202148	590261.750000	0.096546	0.152406	-2.044092	-0.015570	0.151672	-1.141551	0.210868	0.109078	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	157227.000000	157227.000000
-352.185760	0.111135	-0.093783	-1.102453	0.263607	-0.770664	-0.033753	152187.000000	0.000000	0.003926	-0.003396	-1.571975	-2.426428	1.319391	-86509.625000	-34114.695312	589267.000000	0.092908	0.152267	-2.045260	-0.015800	0.152890	-1.137882	0.202863	0.111777	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182187.000000	182187.000000	182187.000000	100000.000000
-352.190765	0.104543	-0.093539	-1.102697	0.242322	-0.766407	-0.027367	152187.000000	0.000000	0.003926	-0.003396	-1.133072	-2.321870	1.319391	46105.363281	2041.875977	586486.312500	0.089241	0.152029	-2.045260	-0.015800	0.152890	-1.137882	0.202863	0.111777	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154228.000000	154228.000000
-352.195770	0.100393	-0.092807	-1.102453	0.222102	-0.762151	-0.019918	152187.000000	0.000000	0.003926	-0.003396	-1.078852	-2.312783	1.319391	4036.922852	-8437.968750	583242.187500	0.085588	0.151691	-2.045260	-0.015800	0.152890	-1.137882	0.202863	0.111777	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126588.000000	194661.000000	169712.000000	117785.000000
-352.200775	0.095510	-0.092562	-1.103674	0.204010	-0.757894	-0.013532	152187.000000	0.000000	0.003926	-0.003396	-1.024017	-2.303199	1.319391	4337.165527	-8490.000977	580461.500000	0.081934	0.151271	-2.045260	-0.015800	0.152890	-1.137882	0.202863	0.111777	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126339.000000	195014.000000	169359.000000	118034.000000
-352.205780	0.090627	-0.093783	-1.106848	0.188047	-0.753637	-0.005019	152134.000000	0.000000	0.003926	-0.003396	-0.968925	-2.294362	1.319391	4599.278320	-8692.161133	576753.875000	0.078275	0.150804	-2.045260	-0.015800	0.152890	-1.137882	0.202863	0.111777	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126226.000000	195425.000000	168842.000000	118041.000000
-352.210785	0.084768	-0.097201	-1.111975	0.178469	-0.748316	0.002431	152134.000000	0.000000	0.003926	-0.003396	-0.912998	-2.288556	1.319391	4806.940430	-9656.749023	573509.750000	0.074597	0.150359	-2.045260	-0.015800	0.152890	-1.137882	0.202863	0.111777	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126983.000000	196597.000000	167670.000000	117284.000000
-352.215790	0.078420	-0.102084	-1.116369	0.174212	-0.741930	0.009881	152134.000000	0.000000	0.003926	-0.003396	-0.856720	-2.285926	1.319391	4958.968750	-10559.239258	570265.625000	0.070899	0.149988	-2.045260	-0.015800	0.152890	-1.137882	0.202863	0.111777	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127734.000000	197652.000000	166615.000000	116533.000000
-352.220795	0.072805	-0.107211	-1.119543	0.174212	-0.735545	0.016266	152134.000000	0.000000	0.003926	-0.003396	-0.801044	-2.285748	1.319391	5119.630371	-11296.201172	567484.937500	0.067198	0.149715	-2.045260	-0.015800	0.152890	-1.137882	0.202863	0.111777	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128310.000000	198549.000000	165718.000000	115957.000000
-352.225800	0.066457	-0.112338	-1.122717	0.177405	-0.725967	0.022651	152204.000000	0.000000	0.003926	-0.003396	-0.745479	-2.287770	1.319391	4966.754395	-11913.225586	564704.187500	0.063495	0.149553	-2.045260	-0.015800	0.152890	-1.137882	0.202863	0.111777	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129150.000000	199083.000000	165324.000000	115257.000000
-352.230804	0.060109	-0.116000	-1.126867	0.186983	-0.711068	0.029037	152204.000000	0.000000	0.012039	-0.001078	-0.245260	-2.164018	1.322945	55506.546875	1739.558472	563471.125000	0.059818	0.149503	-2.046627	-0.018433	0.158080	-1.124467	0.177687	0.121028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153943.000000	153943.000000
-352.235809	0.056936	-0.117221	-1.129064	0.193368	-0.699361	0.031165	152204.000000	0.000000	0.012039	-0.001078	-0.518371	-2.258855	1.322945	-30491.027344	-22412.509766	562544.250000	0.056211	0.149506	-2.046627	-0.018433	0.158080	-1.124467	0.177687	0.121028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174616.000000	174616.000000	189791.000000	100000.000000
-352.240814	0.054494	-0.117221	-1.131506	0.201882	-0.682334	0.033294	152204.000000	0.000000	0.012039	-0.001078	-0.470217	-2.261105	1.322945	4398.238281	-12513.251953	561617.312500	0.052713	0.149549	-2.046627	-0.018433	0.158080	-1.124467	0.177687	0.121028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130319.000000	199115.000000	165292.000000	114088.000000
-352.245819	0.053029	-0.116488	-1.133703	0.208267	-0.663178	0.032229	152204.000000	0.000000	0.012039	-0.001078	-0.425235	-2.262588	1.322945	3934.838867	-12231.273438	562080.812500	0.049351	0.149607	-2.046627	-0.018433	0.158080	-1.124467	0.177687	0.121028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130500.000000	198370.000000	166037.000000	113907.000000
-352.250824	0.051564	-0.116488	-1.135168	0.213588	-0.641893	0.030101	152210.000000	0.000000	0.012039	-0.001078	-0.382781	-2.264776	1.322945	3519.560791	-12226.197266	563007.687500	0.046134	0.149689	-2.046627	-0.018433	0.158080	-1.124467	0.177687	0.121028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130916.000000	197955.000000	166464.000000	113503.000000
-352.255829	0.051076	-0.118686	-1.135656	0.213588	-0.620609	0.027972	152210.000000	0.000000	0.012039	-0.001078	-0.343320	-2.268043	1.322945	3274.221924	-11774.740234	563934.562500	0.043076	0.149808	-2.046627	-0.018433	0.158080	-1.124467	0.177687	0.121028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130710.000000	197258.000000	167161.000000	113709.000000
-352.260834	0.051564	-0.121127	-1.134924	0.211460	-0.598260	0.024780	152210.000000	0.000000	0.012039	-0.001078	-0.307399	-2.271587	1.322945	2830.276855	-11577.684570	565324.937500	0.040200	0.149959	-2.046627	-0.018433	0.158080	-1.124467	0.177687	0.121028	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130957.000000	196617.000000	167802.000000	113462.000000
-352.265839	0.053029	-0.123080	-1.134680	0.204010	-0.575911	0.020523	152210.000000	0.000000	0.004290	-0.002366	-0.701021	-2.344413	1.325390	-46314.000000	-18911.185547	568243.687500	0.037518	0.150105	-2.047567	-0.018532	0.158923	-1.121432	0.171536	0.117952	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171121.000000	171121.000000	193298.000000	100000.000000
-352.270844	0.055715	-0.125033	-1.133459	0.194432	-0.554627	0.015202	152129.000000	0.000000	0.009752	-0.000826	-0.062105	-2.209757	1.328953	70177.906250	4800.064453	572112.312500	0.035045	0.150238	-2.048937	-0.019659	0.161617	-1.113226	0.155944	0.130294	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156929.000000	156929.000000
-352.275848	0.056691	-0.127719	-1.131262	0.181661	-0.534406	0.008816	152129.000000	0.000000	0.000838	-0.003361	-0.742944	-2.411889	1.326233	-78045.007812	-32751.722656	573708.500000	0.032742	0.150358	-2.047891	-0.020900	0.162770	-1.110684	0.149626	0.131741	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182129.000000	182129.000000	182129.000000	100000.000000
-352.280853	0.056691	-0.132113	-1.129064	0.166762	-0.515250	0.000303	152129.000000	0.000000	0.000838	-0.003361	-0.360040	-2.312636	1.326233	40710.289062	1146.448364	577416.062500	0.030587	0.150482	-2.047891	-0.020900	0.162770	-1.110684	0.149626	0.131741	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153275.000000	153275.000000
-352.285858	0.055715	-0.136996	-1.126623	0.151863	-0.498223	-0.007147	152129.000000	0.000000	0.000838	-0.003361	-0.334061	-2.315332	1.326233	1739.411011	-10007.225586	580660.187500	0.028547	0.150622	-2.047891	-0.020900	0.162770	-1.110684	0.149626	0.131741	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130396.000000	193875.000000	170382.000000	113861.000000
-352.290863	0.054494	-0.142123	-1.124426	0.138028	-0.484388	-0.016725	152304.000000	0.000000	0.000838	-0.003361	-0.308672	-2.318727	1.326233	2078.721680	-10153.225586	584831.250000	0.026601	0.150785	-2.047891	-0.020900	0.162770	-1.110684	0.149626	0.131741	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130378.000000	194535.000000	170072.000000	114229.000000
-352.295868	0.053029	-0.146518	-1.122717	0.125257	-0.472681	-0.026303	152304.000000	0.000000	0.000838	-0.003361	-0.283776	-2.321993	1.326233	2319.210449	-10212.188477	589002.312500	0.024734	0.150964	-2.047891	-0.020900	0.162770	-1.110684	0.149626	0.131741	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130196.000000	194835.000000	169772.000000	114411.000000
-352.300873	0.050588	-0.150912	-1.120764	0.115679	-0.463103	-0.035881	152304.000000	0.000000	0.000838	-0.003361	-0.258457	-2.326375	1.326233	2672.264160	-10662.176758	593173.312500	0.022915	0.151173	-2.047891	-0.020900	0.162770	-1.110684	0.149626	0.131741	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130293.000000	195638.000000	168969.000000	114314.000000
-352.305878	0.047170	-0.155307	-1.120031	0.108230	-0.456718	-0.043331	152304.000000	0.000000	0.000838	-0.003361	-0.231877	-2.331634	1.326233	3254.736084	-10982.470703	596417.500000	0.021110	0.151421	-2.047891	-0.020900	0.162770	-1.110684	0.149626	0.131741	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130031.000000	196541.000000	168066.000000	114576.000000
-352.310883	0.044240	-0.158236	-1.119787	0.103973	-0.451397	-0.050780	152304.000000	0.000000	0.000838	-0.003361	-0.205654	-2.336816	1.326233	3428.747803	-11329.287109	599661.625000	0.019320	0.151695	-2.047891	-0.020900	0.162770	-1.110684	0.149626	0.131741	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130204.000000	197062.000000	167545.000000	114403.000000
-352.315887	0.042775	-0.159457	-1.119299	0.100780	-0.447140	-0.056101	152295.000000	0.000000	0.005167	-0.001760	0.057335	-2.253004	1.323272	30769.677734	-1260.780273	600689.312500	0.017564	0.151972	-2.046752	-0.022589	0.164569	-1.106311	0.147194	0.133790	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151034.000000	151034.000000
-352.320892	0.042775	-0.157748	-1.118566	0.100780	-0.443947	-0.060358	152295.000000	0.000000	0.010642	0.000835	0.208554	-2.176729	1.334684	19277.951172	-2089.590820	607513.125000	0.015864	0.152215	-2.051142	-0.020655	0.164634	-1.102473	0.135432	0.139942	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105106.000000	200000.000000	160927.000000	139483.000000
-352.325897	0.043508	-0.154574	-1.117834	0.101845	-0.441819	-0.062487	152295.000000	0.000000	-0.020193	-0.013038	-1.683534	-3.044004	1.302999	-213992.406250	-109950.046875	594641.625000	0.014223	0.152406	-2.038955	-0.028870	0.168979	-1.101084	0.127460	0.142964	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182295.000000	182295.000000	182295.000000	100000.000000
-352.330902	0.044729	-0.150180	-1.117590	0.102909	-0.439690	-0.062487	152295.000000	0.000000	-0.020193	-0.013038	-0.429619	-2.488096	1.302999	137687.796875	49089.835938	594641.625000	0.012647	0.152523	-2.038955	-0.028870	0.168979	-1.101084	0.127460	0.142964	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182295.000000	182295.000000	182295.000000
-352.335907	0.044973	-0.146518	-1.115881	0.105037	-0.436498	-0.061423	152236.000000	0.000000	-0.020193	-0.013038	-0.408853	-2.487029	1.302999	2059.389160	-12040.223633	594178.125000	0.011124	0.152589	-2.038955	-0.028870	0.168979	-1.101084	0.127460	0.142964	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132216.000000	196335.000000	168136.000000	112255.000000
-352.340912	0.044973	-0.142855	-1.114416	0.107166	-0.434369	-0.058230	152236.000000	0.000000	-0.020193	-0.013038	-0.388193	-2.485212	1.302999	2250.141357	-11959.251953	592787.812500	0.009641	0.152603	-2.038955	-0.028870	0.168979	-1.101084	0.127460	0.142964	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131945.000000	196445.000000	168026.000000	112526.000000
-352.345917	0.044973	-0.139926	-1.112951	0.108230	-0.430112	-0.053973	152236.000000	0.000000	-0.020193	-0.013038	-0.368603	-2.483099	1.302999	1968.852295	-11804.780273	590934.000000	0.008206	0.152576	-2.038955	-0.028870	0.168979	-1.101084	0.127460	0.142964	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132071.000000	196009.000000	168462.000000	112400.000000
-352.350922	0.044973	-0.136508	-1.111975	0.108230	-0.424791	-0.048652	152236.000000	0.000000	-0.020193	-0.013038	-0.349920	-2.479559	1.302999	1813.950317	-11514.507812	588616.750000	0.006822	0.152491	-2.038955	-0.028870	0.168979	-1.101084	0.127460	0.142964	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131936.000000	195564.000000	168907.000000	112535.000000
-352.355927	0.044240	-0.133822	-1.110266	0.107166	-0.419470	-0.043331	152236.000000	0.000000	-0.020193	-0.013038	-0.331251	-2.475738	1.302999	1873.734741	-11344.060547	586299.500000	0.005477	0.152360	-2.038955	-0.028870	0.168979	-1.101084	0.127460	0.142964	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131706.000000	195453.000000	169018.000000	112765.000000
-352.360931	0.043508	-0.130893	-1.108801	0.105037	-0.410956	-0.038010	152123.000000	0.000000	0.031084	0.011973	2.505468	-1.095463	1.339596	324393.781250	146481.203125	599919.500000	0.004184	0.152173	-2.053031	-0.020039	0.165006	-1.099280	0.131799	0.139574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182123.000000	182123.000000	182123.000000
-352.365936	0.041555	-0.128939	-1.105871	0.101845	-0.402442	-0.031624	152123.000000	0.000000	0.012295	0.001564	-0.560092	-2.662907	1.348223	-338738.125000	-184716.625000	600895.687500	0.002920	0.151947	-2.056349	-0.018722	0.165207	-1.095194	0.119753	0.142085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182123.000000	182123.000000	182123.000000	100000.000000
-352.370941	0.038381	-0.128451	-1.102697	0.097588	-0.391800	-0.027367	152123.000000	0.000000	0.012295	0.001564	0.209100	-2.242336	1.348223	86171.304688	35948.714844	599041.937500	0.001674	0.151703	-2.056349	-0.018722	0.165207	-1.095194	0.119753	0.142085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182123.000000	182123.000000	182123.000000
-352.375946	0.034230	-0.129184	-1.098547	0.091202	-0.381158	-0.023110	152123.000000	0.000000	0.012295	0.001564	0.227738	-2.238471	1.348223	3680.085938	-9589.433594	597188.125000	0.000430	0.151456	-2.056349	-0.018722	0.165207	-1.095194	0.119753	0.142085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128032.000000	195392.000000	168853.000000	116213.000000
-352.380951	0.029836	-0.129916	-1.094396	0.084817	-0.370516	-0.018854	152190.000000	0.000000	0.012295	0.001564	0.246638	-2.234559	1.348223	3746.886230	-9536.863281	595334.312500	-0.000819	0.151204	-2.056349	-0.018722	0.165207	-1.095194	0.119753	0.142085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127979.000000	195473.000000	168906.000000	116400.000000
-352.385956	0.026418	-0.129672	-1.090246	0.075239	-0.359873	-0.015661	152190.000000	0.000000	0.012295	0.001564	0.264604	-2.228767	1.348223	3677.926758	-8908.373047	593944.000000	-0.002054	0.150916	-2.056349	-0.018722	0.165207	-1.095194	0.119753	0.142085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127420.000000	194776.000000	169603.000000	116959.000000
-352.390961	0.024465	-0.128207	-1.087316	0.064597	-0.349231	-0.012468	152190.000000	0.000000	0.012295	0.001564	0.280955	-2.220807	1.348223	3526.494141	-8467.420898	592553.625000	-0.003249	0.150562	-2.056349	-0.018722	0.165207	-1.095194	0.119753	0.142085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127130.000000	194183.000000	170196.000000	117249.000000
-352.395966	0.023977	-0.125766	-1.083654	0.052890	-0.336460	-0.010340	152190.000000	0.000000	0.012295	0.001564	0.294663	-2.210735	1.348223	3006.294678	-8017.988281	591626.750000	-0.004368	0.150121	-2.056349	-0.018722	0.165207	-1.095194	0.119753	0.142085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127201.000000	193214.000000	171165.000000	117178.000000
-352.400970	0.023244	-0.122836	-1.079504	0.040119	-0.323690	-0.008211	152186.000000	0.000000	0.012295	0.001564	0.307543	-2.198720	1.348223	2915.693359	-7573.405273	590699.812500	-0.005416	0.149582	-2.056349	-0.018722	0.165207	-1.095194	0.119753	0.142085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126843.000000	192675.000000	171696.000000	117528.000000
-352.405975	0.021779	-0.121127	-1.075354	0.026285	-0.309855	-0.007147	152186.000000	0.000000	0.012295	0.001564	0.319864	-2.186265	1.348223	2730.214600	-7286.901367	590236.375000	-0.006402	0.148964	-2.056349	-0.018722	0.165207	-1.095194	0.119753	0.142085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126742.000000	192203.000000	172168.000000	117629.000000
-352.410980	0.019094	-0.120395	-1.071203	0.012450	-0.294956	-0.006083	152186.000000	0.000000	0.006731	-0.000535	0.026349	-2.289120	1.348000	-32440.804688	-20377.505859	589676.000000	-0.007344	0.148285	-2.056263	-0.019431	0.166156	-1.093031	0.113214	0.145730	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172563.000000	172563.000000	191808.000000	100000.000000
-352.415985	0.016164	-0.121127	-1.066809	-0.001385	-0.281121	-0.006083	152186.000000	0.000000	0.011419	0.001358	0.519003	-2.089153	1.352680	56340.156250	13909.768555	591713.875000	-0.008255	0.147575	-2.058063	-0.019013	0.166527	-1.090657	0.104462	0.145148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	198276.000000	166095.000000	166095.000000
-352.420990	0.012990	-0.122104	-1.063391	-0.015220	-0.267286	-0.005019	152186.000000	0.000000	0.011419	0.001358	0.343740	-2.152674	1.352680	-17985.888672	-15296.681641	591250.437500	-0.009139	0.146837	-2.058063	-0.019013	0.166527	-1.090657	0.104462	0.145148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155468.000000	179496.000000	184875.000000	100000.000000
-352.425995	0.009572	-0.123812	-1.059240	-0.026927	-0.254515	-0.003954	152186.000000	0.000000	0.011419	0.001358	0.356153	-2.141507	1.352680	2769.765137	-7211.439941	590786.937500	-0.010008	0.146097	-2.058063	-0.019013	0.166527	-1.090657	0.104462	0.145148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126627.000000	192167.000000	172204.000000	117744.000000
-352.431000	0.006398	-0.125521	-1.055334	-0.036505	-0.242809	-0.002890	152186.000000	0.000000	0.011419	0.001358	0.368415	-2.130877	1.352680	2872.657715	-7412.099609	590323.500000	-0.010863	0.145366	-2.058063	-0.019013	0.166527	-1.090657	0.104462	0.145148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126725.000000	192470.000000	171901.000000	117646.000000
-352.436005	0.003469	-0.126986	-1.052404	-0.043954	-0.234295	-0.001826	152186.000000	0.000000	0.011419	0.001358	0.381099	-2.120574	1.352680	3289.400879	-7600.521484	589860.062500	-0.011715	0.144647	-2.058063	-0.019013	0.166527	-1.090657	0.104462	0.145148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126497.000000	193075.000000	171296.000000	117874.000000
-352.441010	0.000783	-0.128695	-1.050207	-0.048211	-0.226845	0.000303	152186.000000	0.000000	0.011419	0.001358	0.393835	-2.111465	1.352680	3436.364990	-8021.225098	588933.187500	-0.012567	0.143958	-2.058063	-0.019013	0.166527	-1.090657	0.104462	0.145148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126770.000000	193643.000000	170728.000000	117601.000000
-352.446014	-0.000437	-0.129672	-1.049719	-0.050340	-0.220460	0.003495	152114.000000	0.000000	0.011419	0.001358	0.405366	-2.102380	1.352680	3444.590820	-8206.472656	587542.812500	-0.013396	0.143292	-2.058063	-0.019013	0.166527	-1.090657	0.104462	0.145148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126875.000000	193765.000000	170462.000000	117352.000000
-352.451019	-0.001414	-0.129672	-1.048986	-0.048211	-0.215139	0.007752	152114.000000	0.000000	0.004936	-0.000241	0.060185	-2.181692	1.353922	-37273.386719	-18768.886719	586230.250000	-0.014204	0.142651	-2.058541	-0.018910	0.166613	-1.090004	0.101861	0.145077	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170882.000000	170882.000000	193345.000000	100000.000000
-352.456024	-0.002391	-0.129916	-1.049230	-0.042890	-0.210882	0.012009	152114.000000	0.000000	0.007771	0.000539	0.486529	-2.067586	1.355183	49619.113281	2647.950684	584925.312500	-0.014996	0.142053	-2.059026	-0.018950	0.166827	-1.088872	0.095658	0.144477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154761.000000	154761.000000
-352.461029	-0.004100	-0.130160	-1.048986	-0.036505	-0.206625	0.017330	152114.000000	0.000000	0.007771	0.000539	0.385069	-2.092457	1.355183	-8902.402344	-12894.195312	582608.062500	-0.015789	0.141503	-2.059026	-0.018950	0.166827	-1.088872	0.095658	0.144477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143910.000000	186105.000000	178122.000000	100317.000000
-352.466034	-0.006541	-0.130648	-1.048498	-0.027991	-0.202368	0.021587	152114.000000	0.000000	0.007771	0.000539	0.397653	-2.087652	1.355183	3675.717529	-9882.256836	580754.250000	-0.016594	0.141016	-2.059026	-0.018950	0.166827	-1.088872	0.095658	0.144477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128320.000000	195671.000000	168556.000000	115907.000000
-352.471039	-0.008494	-0.131137	-1.047277	-0.019477	-0.198111	0.024780	152172.000000	0.000000	0.007771	0.000539	0.409871	-2.083816	1.355183	3672.151855	-10010.230469	579363.875000	-0.017401	0.140591	-2.059026	-0.018950	0.166827	-1.088872	0.095658	0.144477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128510.000000	195854.000000	168489.000000	115833.000000
-352.476044	-0.010447	-0.131869	-1.044592	-0.012028	-0.193854	0.026908	152172.000000	0.000000	0.007771	0.000539	0.422100	-2.081017	1.355183	3710.097656	-10028.896484	578437.000000	-0.018211	0.140232	-2.059026	-0.018950	0.166827	-1.088872	0.095658	0.144477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128490.000000	195910.000000	168433.000000	115853.000000
-352.481049	-0.011912	-0.131625	-1.042639	-0.005642	-0.188533	0.027972	152172.000000	0.000000	0.007771	0.000539	0.433527	-2.077735	1.355183	3532.971680	-9872.870117	577973.562500	-0.019008	0.139911	-2.059026	-0.018950	0.166827	-1.088872	0.095658	0.144477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128511.000000	195577.000000	168766.000000	115832.000000
-352.486053	-0.012400	-0.131381	-1.042150	-0.000321	-0.184276	0.029037	152172.000000	0.000000	0.007771	0.000539	0.444020	-2.074508	1.355183	3576.048096	-9771.548828	577510.125000	-0.019778	0.139619	-2.059026	-0.018950	0.166827	-1.088872	0.095658	0.144477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128367.000000	195519.000000	168824.000000	115976.000000
-352.491058	-0.011424	-0.130160	-1.041906	0.003936	-0.180019	0.030101	152182.000000	0.000000	0.007771	0.000539	0.452615	-2.070352	1.355183	3387.033203	-9552.811523	577046.625000	-0.020494	0.139331	-2.059026	-0.018950	0.166827	-1.088872	0.095658	0.144477	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128347.000000	195121.000000	169242.000000	116016.000000
-352.496063	-0.008982	-0.127475	-1.041662	0.007128	-0.175762	0.032229	152182.000000	0.000000	0.013435	0.002144	0.770434	-1.976184	1.352795	38830.640625	879.953979	575080.187500	-0.021131	0.139014	-2.058108	-0.020015	0.167350	-1.087273	0.088830	0.143913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153061.000000	153061.000000
-352.501068	-0.006053	-0.124301	-1.041418	0.010321	-0.172570	0.035422	152182.000000	0.000000	0.013435	0.002144	0.548983	-2.033520	1.352795	-21381.812500	-16057.129883	573689.812500	-0.021685	0.138659	-2.058108	-0.020015	0.167350	-1.087273	0.088830	0.143913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159620.000000	176857.000000	187506.000000	100000.000000
-352.506073	-0.002146	-0.121127	-1.042150	0.013514	-0.170441	0.038615	152182.000000	0.000000	0.013435	0.002144	0.552146	-2.026032	1.352795	3437.649658	-8909.560547	572299.500000	-0.022146	0.138264	-2.058108	-0.020015	0.167350	-1.087273	0.088830	0.143913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127653.000000	194529.000000	169834.000000	116710.000000
-352.511078	0.001027	-0.118441	-1.044348	0.015642	-0.169377	0.043936	152109.000000	0.000000	0.013435	0.002144	0.555139	-2.018034	1.352795	3544.883545	-8709.554688	569982.250000	-0.022536	0.137832	-2.058108	-0.020015	0.167350	-1.087273	0.088830	0.143913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127273.000000	194363.000000	169854.000000	116944.000000
-352.516083	0.004201	-0.116488	-1.047277	0.017771	-0.169377	0.049257	152109.000000	0.000000	0.013435	0.002144	0.557440	-2.010194	1.352795	3596.306152	-8700.626953	567665.000000	-0.022861	0.137375	-2.058108	-0.020015	0.167350	-1.087273	0.088830	0.143913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127213.000000	194405.000000	169812.000000	117004.000000
-352.521088	0.006643	-0.115512	-1.050695	0.020963	-0.170441	0.055642	152109.000000	0.000000	0.004349	0.000138	0.060363	-2.113598	1.352610	-53477.921875	-21539.882812	564803.312500	-0.023143	0.136917	-2.058036	-0.020106	0.167304	-1.087046	0.087268	0.144361	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173648.000000	173648.000000	190569.000000	100000.000000
-352.526093	0.009328	-0.114047	-1.053869	0.024156	-0.170441	0.060963	152109.000000	0.000000	0.010275	0.001572	0.750832	-1.947073	1.350554	80159.109375	8891.672852	561590.937500	-0.023372	0.136449	-2.057245	-0.020876	0.167406	-1.086658	0.082047	0.145950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161000.000000	161000.000000
-352.531097	0.012258	-0.112338	-1.057287	0.027349	-0.171505	0.066285	152109.000000	0.000000	0.010275	0.001572	0.514559	-1.996600	1.350554	-22706.728516	-15107.040039	559273.687500	-0.023551	0.135966	-2.057245	-0.020876	0.167406	-1.086658	0.082047	0.145950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159922.000000	174509.000000	189708.000000	100000.000000
-352.536102	0.015676	-0.109896	-1.061682	0.030541	-0.170441	0.071606	152113.000000	0.000000	0.010275	0.001572	0.513481	-1.987728	1.350554	2910.495605	-8659.559570	556956.437500	-0.023662	0.135453	-2.057245	-0.020876	0.167406	-1.086658	0.082047	0.145950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127862.000000	193683.000000	170542.000000	116363.000000
-352.541107	0.019582	-0.107699	-1.067541	0.032670	-0.169377	0.074798	152113.000000	0.000000	0.010275	0.001572	0.510926	-1.978290	1.350554	2731.441162	-8446.700195	555566.062500	-0.023696	0.134909	-2.057245	-0.020876	0.167406	-1.086658	0.082047	0.145950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127828.000000	193291.000000	170934.000000	116397.000000
-352.546112	0.022756	-0.105990	-1.073645	0.034798	-0.167248	0.076927	152113.000000	0.000000	0.010275	0.001572	0.507775	-1.968920	1.350554	2524.647461	-8420.775391	554639.187500	-0.023664	0.134343	-2.057245	-0.020876	0.167406	-1.086658	0.082047	0.145950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128009.000000	193058.000000	171167.000000	116216.000000
-352.551117	0.025441	-0.104037	-1.080236	0.036927	-0.164056	0.077991	152113.000000	0.000000	0.010275	0.001572	0.503916	-1.958982	1.350554	2297.252686	-8322.457031	554175.750000	-0.023570	0.133750	-2.057245	-0.020876	0.167406	-1.086658	0.082047	0.145950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128138.000000	192732.000000	171493.000000	116087.000000
-352.556122	0.027639	-0.101840	-1.086828	0.037991	-0.159799	0.077991	152120.000000	0.000000	0.010275	0.001572	0.499402	-1.948186	1.350554	2067.976318	-8066.352539	554175.750000	-0.023419	0.133123	-2.057245	-0.020876	0.167406	-1.086658	0.082047	0.145950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128118.000000	192254.000000	171985.000000	116121.000000
-352.561127	0.029592	-0.099398	-1.093420	0.037991	-0.154478	0.076927	152120.000000	0.000000	0.010275	0.001572	0.494049	-1.936416	1.350554	1809.491211	-7788.134766	554639.187500	-0.023213	0.132453	-2.057245	-0.020876	0.167406	-1.086658	0.082047	0.145950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128098.000000	191717.000000	172522.000000	116141.000000
-352.566132	0.031545	-0.095492	-1.099768	0.036927	-0.149157	0.075863	152120.000000	0.000000	0.010275	0.001572	0.487922	-1.922369	1.350554	1671.809326	-7351.132812	555102.625000	-0.022951	0.131710	-2.057245	-0.020876	0.167406	-1.086658	0.082047	0.145950	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127799.000000	191142.000000	173097.000000	116440.000000
-352.571136	0.033986	-0.090609	-1.105627	0.034798	-0.144900	0.075863	152120.000000	0.000000	0.011895	0.001423	0.569920	-1.914345	1.341227	11836.262695	-7849.792969	551040.750000	-0.022632	0.130875	-2.053658	-0.023989	0.168815	-1.087257	0.074227	0.148278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118133.000000	200000.000000	162433.000000	126106.000000
-352.576141	0.035939	-0.085482	-1.111975	0.031606	-0.140643	0.075863	152120.000000	0.000000	0.011895	0.001423	0.497841	-1.890356	1.341227	-5456.642578	-5852.272461	551040.750000	-0.022267	0.129940	-2.053658	-0.023989	0.168815	-1.087257	0.074227	0.148278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133428.000000	182515.000000	181724.000000	110811.000000
-352.581146	0.037160	-0.081820	-1.119299	0.027349	-0.137450	0.075863	152119.000000	0.000000	0.011895	0.001423	0.490928	-1.872084	1.341227	1779.409546	-6260.171875	551040.750000	-0.021876	0.128927	-2.053658	-0.023989	0.168815	-1.087257	0.074227	0.148278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126599.000000	190158.000000	174079.000000	117638.000000
-352.586151	0.037648	-0.080600	-1.127600	0.024156	-0.136386	0.077991	152119.000000	0.000000	0.011895	0.001423	0.485055	-1.855370	1.341227	2095.840820	-6456.956543	550113.812500	-0.021485	0.127887	-2.053658	-0.023989	0.168815	-1.087257	0.074227	0.148278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126480.000000	190671.000000	173566.000000	117757.000000
-352.591156	0.036672	-0.081820	-1.136633	0.023092	-0.133193	0.080119	152119.000000	0.000000	0.011895	0.001423	0.480054	-1.841172	1.341227	1919.975708	-6897.379395	549186.937500	-0.021110	0.126872	-2.053658	-0.023989	0.168815	-1.087257	0.074227	0.148278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127096.000000	190936.000000	173301.000000	117141.000000
-352.596161	0.036428	-0.083285	-1.146887	0.024156	-0.131065	0.083312	152119.000000	0.000000	0.011895	0.001423	0.474909	-1.828035	1.341227	1987.727905	-7192.599609	547796.562500	-0.020743	0.125896	-2.053658	-0.023989	0.168815	-1.087257	0.074227	0.148278	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127323.000000	191299.000000	172938.000000	116914.000000
-352.601166	0.037160	-0.085238	-1.157385	0.027349	-0.126808	0.087569	152185.000000	0.000000	0.002477	-0.001310	-0.049405	-1.966676	1.339837	-57763.453125	-24768.009766	545337.562500	-0.020359	0.124974	-2.053123	-0.024686	0.169240	-1.087716	0.073225	0.149479	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176953.000000	176953.000000	187416.000000	100000.000000
-352.606171	0.038381	-0.085482	-1.166906	0.031606	-0.121487	0.091826	152185.000000	0.000000	0.008167	-0.000204	0.632518	-1.784506	1.334006	77864.781250	11208.426758	540944.625000	-0.019943	0.124084	-2.050881	-0.027505	0.171037	-1.089945	0.071377	0.149943	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	163393.000000	163393.000000
-352.611176	0.041066	-0.085727	-1.176428	0.036927	-0.112973	0.096083	152185.000000	0.000000	0.008167	-0.000204	0.394851	-1.817315	1.334006	-24738.488281	-12722.979492	539090.812500	-0.019455	0.123229	-2.050881	-0.027505	0.171037	-1.089945	0.071377	0.149943	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159646.000000	170169.000000	194200.000000	100000.000000
-352.616180	0.043508	-0.087191	-1.185705	0.042248	-0.102331	0.099276	152185.000000	0.000000	0.001518	-0.002393	0.017811	-1.927925	1.332649	-42075.300781	-21810.109375	537109.562500	-0.018892	0.122430	-2.050359	-0.028505	0.171807	-1.091140	0.068717	0.149046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173995.000000	173995.000000	190374.000000	100000.000000
-352.621185	0.046193	-0.088168	-1.194982	0.045441	-0.087432	0.100340	152196.000000	0.000000	0.001518	-0.002393	0.269703	-1.830436	1.332649	27701.593750	1739.392334	536646.125000	-0.018229	0.121668	-2.050359	-0.028505	0.171807	-1.091140	0.068717	0.149046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156233.000000	151636.000000
-352.626190	0.048146	-0.090121	-1.203771	0.048633	-0.071468	0.101404	152196.000000	0.000000	0.001518	-0.002393	0.254768	-1.821883	1.332649	-1896.773926	-8014.880371	536182.687500	-0.017476	0.120958	-2.050359	-0.028505	0.171807	-1.091140	0.068717	0.149046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132107.000000	188314.000000	176077.000000	112284.000000
-352.631195	0.049855	-0.091586	-1.211828	0.049697	-0.054441	0.101404	152196.000000	0.000000	0.001518	-0.002393	0.238466	-1.813084	1.332649	-2317.400146	-7718.401367	536182.687500	-0.016631	0.120282	-2.050359	-0.028505	0.171807	-1.091140	0.068717	0.149046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132231.000000	187597.000000	176794.000000	112160.000000
-352.636200	0.051564	-0.093783	-1.220129	0.048633	-0.035285	0.100340	152196.000000	0.000000	0.001518	-0.002393	0.220326	-1.804815	1.332649	-2925.165283	-7499.618652	536646.125000	-0.015687	0.119640	-2.050359	-0.028505	0.171807	-1.091140	0.068717	0.149046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132620.000000	186770.000000	177621.000000	111771.000000
-352.641205	0.053273	-0.096713	-1.229162	0.045441	-0.017193	0.100340	152196.000000	0.000000	0.001518	-0.002393	0.201169	-1.797026	1.332649	-3091.247803	-7267.816406	536646.125000	-0.014652	0.119031	-2.050359	-0.028505	0.171807	-1.091140	0.068717	0.149046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132555.000000	186372.000000	178019.000000	111836.000000
-352.646210	0.054006	-0.099887	-1.238928	0.040119	0.001963	0.100340	152117.000000	0.000000	0.001518	-0.002393	0.181374	-1.789269	1.332649	-3457.588867	-6977.137695	536646.125000	-0.013539	0.118448	-2.050359	-0.028505	0.171807	-1.091140	0.068717	0.149046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132551.000000	185636.000000	178597.000000	111682.000000
-352.651215	0.054982	-0.103061	-1.249182	0.034798	0.021119	0.100340	152117.000000	0.000000	0.001518	-0.002393	0.160309	-1.781793	1.332649	-3782.285156	-6949.152832	536646.125000	-0.012347	0.117887	-2.050359	-0.028505	0.171807	-1.091140	0.068717	0.149046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132848.000000	185283.000000	178950.000000	111385.000000
-352.656219	0.054982	-0.105502	-1.259436	0.028413	0.039211	0.100340	152117.000000	0.000000	-0.000391	-0.003650	0.034276	-1.842823	1.329263	-15870.044922	-14616.198242	535171.625000	-0.011098	0.117332	-2.049057	-0.030135	0.172990	-1.092467	0.066793	0.149738	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152603.000000	180863.000000	183370.000000	100000.000000
-352.661224	0.055227	-0.106234	-1.269934	0.019899	0.057303	0.101404	152117.000000	0.000000	0.005275	-0.002563	0.400192	-1.722655	1.317176	39822.648438	6133.504883	529444.437500	-0.009789	0.116745	-2.044408	-0.035758	0.177028	-1.098257	0.069173	0.152087	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	158250.000000	158250.000000
-352.666229	0.055959	-0.106723	-1.279455	0.011385	0.075395	0.102468	152183.000000	0.000000	0.005275	-0.002563	0.150327	-1.755439	1.317176	-29118.880859	-10796.030273	528981.000000	-0.008413	0.116123	-2.044408	-0.035758	0.177028	-1.098257	0.069173	0.152087	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162097.000000	163860.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-352.671234	0.056691	-0.106723	-1.287268	-0.000321	0.093487	0.103532	152183.000000	0.000000	0.005275	-0.002563	0.126044	-1.743124	1.317176	-4509.542480	-5375.581543	528517.562500	-0.006971	0.115447	-2.044408	-0.035758	0.177028	-1.098257	0.069173	0.152087	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132068.000000	183049.000000	181316.000000	112297.000000
-352.676239	0.056936	-0.105502	-1.294836	-0.013092	0.110514	0.104597	152183.000000	0.000000	0.005275	-0.002563	0.101525	-1.728767	1.317176	-4609.685059	-4909.271484	528054.125000	-0.005477	0.114695	-2.044408	-0.035758	0.177028	-1.098257	0.069173	0.152087	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131701.000000	182482.000000	181883.000000	112664.000000
-352.681244	0.056447	-0.103549	-1.302160	-0.027991	0.127542	0.106725	152183.000000	0.000000	0.005275	-0.002563	0.076907	-1.712195	1.317176	-4812.028320	-4286.851562	527127.187500	-0.003942	0.113846	-2.044408	-0.035758	0.177028	-1.098257	0.069173	0.152087	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131281.000000	181657.000000	182708.000000	113084.000000
-352.686249	0.055959	-0.101107	-1.308996	-0.045019	0.144570	0.107789	152183.000000	0.000000	0.005275	-0.002563	0.051665	-1.693361	1.317176	-5076.129395	-3638.450439	526663.750000	-0.002368	0.112886	-2.044408	-0.035758	0.177028	-1.098257	0.069173	0.152087	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130897.000000	180745.000000	183620.000000	113468.000000
-352.691254	0.055959	-0.099643	-1.313391	-0.065239	0.161597	0.109918	152117.000000	0.000000	0.005275	-0.002563	0.025406	-1.673128	1.317176	-5386.149902	-2948.128174	525736.875000	-0.000745	0.111820	-2.044408	-0.035758	0.177028	-1.098257	0.069173	0.152087	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130451.000000	179678.000000	184555.000000	113782.000000
-352.696259	0.054982	-0.099154	-1.316076	-0.088652	0.177561	0.112046	152117.000000	0.000000	0.005271	-0.003027	-0.000705	-1.676988	1.307595	-5446.360840	-5156.459473	520637.375000	0.000907	0.110652	-2.040723	-0.041313	0.181452	-1.106659	0.075811	0.149127	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132719.000000	181827.000000	182406.000000	111514.000000
-352.701263	0.054982	-0.098178	-1.317785	-0.114193	0.194588	0.114175	152117.000000	0.000000	-0.000783	-0.004739	-0.360953	-1.728624	1.305623	-44047.417969	-10296.170898	518852.031250	0.002606	0.109366	-2.039964	-0.043013	0.182945	-1.110114	0.075307	0.148960	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162413.000000	162413.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-352.706268	0.056203	-0.096713	-1.319006	-0.141863	0.211616	0.116303	152117.000000	0.000000	-0.002515	-0.005762	-0.243168	-1.689835	1.301473	8986.832031	186.849808	516117.562500	0.004372	0.107947	-2.038368	-0.045280	0.184768	-1.113980	0.078356	0.146540	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112943.000000	190916.000000	173317.000000	131290.000000
-352.711273	0.057424	-0.097201	-1.319006	-0.171661	0.229708	0.118432	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.002515	-0.005762	-0.204335	-1.621647	1.301473	284.482910	4106.465820	515190.656250	0.006209	0.106420	-2.038368	-0.045280	0.184768	-1.113980	0.078356	0.146540	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117787.000000	178356.000000	185999.000000	126568.000000
-352.716278	0.058645	-0.096957	-1.318273	-0.202524	0.246735	0.119496	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.002515	-0.005762	-0.235503	-1.592012	1.301473	-7518.718750	261.734406	514727.218750	0.008112	0.104770	-2.038368	-0.045280	0.184768	-1.113980	0.078356	0.146540	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129434.000000	174397.000000	189958.000000	114921.000000
-352.721283	0.060109	-0.096957	-1.316564	-0.235515	0.263763	0.119496	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.002515	-0.005762	-0.267858	-1.560369	1.301473	-7875.418457	1012.588379	514727.218750	0.010085	0.102995	-2.038368	-0.045280	0.184768	-1.113980	0.078356	0.146540	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129040.000000	173289.000000	191066.000000	115315.000000
-352.726288	0.062551	-0.095980	-1.314611	-0.269570	0.279726	0.117367	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.002515	-0.005762	-0.301795	-1.525887	1.301473	-8162.898926	1758.505127	515654.125000	0.012136	0.101077	-2.038368	-0.045280	0.184768	-1.113980	0.078356	0.146540	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128582.000000	172256.000000	192099.000000	115773.000000
-352.731293	0.065969	-0.095004	-1.312170	-0.303625	0.293561	0.115239	152105.000000	0.000000	-0.002515	-0.005762	-0.337099	-1.489451	1.301473	-8305.325195	2297.698486	516581.000000	0.014270	0.099020	-2.038368	-0.045280	0.184768	-1.113980	0.078356	0.146540	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128112.000000	171501.000000	192708.000000	116097.000000
-352.736298	0.069387	-0.096225	-1.309484	-0.337681	0.307396	0.112046	152105.000000	0.000000	-0.002515	-0.005762	-0.373598	-1.452919	1.301473	-8668.114258	2632.932617	517971.343750	0.016485	0.096859	-2.038368	-0.045280	0.184768	-1.113980	0.078356	0.146540	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128140.000000	170803.000000	193406.000000	116069.000000
-352.741302	0.072072	-0.097934	-1.305334	-0.370672	0.319103	0.107789	152105.000000	0.000000	-0.002515	-0.005762	-0.410152	-1.415738	1.301473	-8661.118164	2908.485596	519825.156250	0.018761	0.094611	-2.038368	-0.045280	0.184768	-1.113980	0.078356	0.146540	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127857.000000	170535.000000	193674.000000	116352.000000
-352.746307	0.073781	-0.099887	-1.301916	-0.402598	0.327616	0.102468	152105.000000	0.000000	-0.003578	-0.006377	-0.504341	-1.411570	1.296163	-15119.822266	-672.423462	519830.281250	0.021066	0.092287	-2.036326	-0.047890	0.186784	-1.118199	0.082680	0.143759	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137897.000000	167657.000000	196552.000000	106312.000000
-352.751312	0.075246	-0.103061	-1.299963	-0.432397	0.334002	0.097147	152105.000000	0.000000	0.003468	-0.004776	-0.109696	-1.261511	1.283947	40650.457031	15962.519531	516827.656250	0.023384	0.089914	-2.031627	-0.055082	0.192744	-1.132575	0.094639	0.130411	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196142.000000	168067.000000	168067.000000
-352.756317	0.076467	-0.106479	-1.298010	-0.459002	0.337194	0.091826	152176.000000	0.000000	0.003468	-0.004776	-0.425815	-1.288388	1.283947	-38620.105469	-3845.050293	519144.875000	0.025695	0.087514	-2.031627	-0.055082	0.192744	-1.132575	0.094639	0.130411	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156021.000000	156021.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-352.761322	0.077199	-0.112094	-1.294592	-0.481351	0.337194	0.086505	152176.000000	0.000000	0.003468	-0.004776	-0.458907	-1.253995	1.283947	-7300.663574	2684.917236	521462.125000	0.027977	0.085143	-2.031627	-0.055082	0.192744	-1.132575	0.094639	0.130411	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126791.000000	172190.000000	192161.000000	117560.000000
-352.766327	0.077932	-0.118441	-1.290197	-0.501571	0.334002	0.081184	152176.000000	0.000000	0.003468	-0.004776	-0.490782	-1.221287	1.283947	-6947.880859	2509.125488	523779.375000	0.030217	0.082824	-2.031627	-0.055082	0.192744	-1.132575	0.094639	0.130411	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126614.000000	172718.000000	191633.000000	117737.000000
-352.771332	0.078176	-0.123324	-1.285314	-0.519663	0.327616	0.077991	152176.000000	0.000000	0.003468	-0.004776	-0.520768	-1.188717	1.283947	-6497.581543	2492.973145	525169.750000	0.032391	0.080546	-2.031627	-0.055082	0.192744	-1.132575	0.094639	0.130411	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126180.000000	173185.000000	191166.000000	118171.000000
-352.776337	0.078664	-0.127475	-1.279943	-0.534562	0.319103	0.074798	152171.000000	0.000000	0.003468	-0.004776	-0.549503	-1.157006	1.283947	-6219.007324	2261.758545	526560.062500	0.034494	0.078312	-2.031627	-0.055082	0.192744	-1.132575	0.094639	0.130411	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126128.000000	173690.000000	190651.000000	118213.000000
-352.781342	0.079396	-0.129916	-1.272375	-0.549462	0.308460	0.071606	152171.000000	0.000000	0.003468	-0.004776	-0.577018	-1.124676	1.283947	-5928.496094	2547.205566	527950.437500	0.036524	0.076099	-2.031627	-0.055082	0.192744	-1.132575	0.094639	0.130411	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125552.000000	173695.000000	190646.000000	118789.000000
-352.786346	0.080129	-0.132113	-1.264318	-0.562232	0.295690	0.067349	152171.000000	0.000000	-0.002152	-0.006166	-0.912014	-1.169458	1.281560	-40985.945312	-6313.056152	528764.625000	0.038473	0.073916	-2.030709	-0.057171	0.194648	-1.138031	0.095689	0.122945	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158484.000000	158484.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-352.791351	0.080861	-0.133334	-1.254553	-0.576067	0.281855	0.064156	152171.000000	0.000000	0.004567	-0.004861	-0.342483	-1.010035	1.277045	61272.636719	17054.466797	528188.687500	0.040338	0.071743	-2.028973	-0.063159	0.200550	-1.156394	0.103313	0.105568	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	195116.000000	169225.000000	169225.000000
-352.796356	0.081105	-0.133822	-1.243811	-0.588838	0.266956	0.062028	152171.000000	0.000000	0.004567	-0.004861	-0.633976	-1.029955	1.277045	-34557.441406	-2815.303467	529115.562500	0.042110	0.069577	-2.028973	-0.063159	0.200550	-1.156394	0.103313	0.105568	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154986.000000	154986.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-352.801361	0.081350	-0.133578	-1.231604	-0.602673	0.249928	0.058835	152180.000000	0.000000	0.004567	-0.004861	-0.655042	-0.997033	1.277045	-4606.933105	3327.198975	530505.937500	0.043781	0.067403	-2.028973	-0.063159	0.200550	-1.156394	0.103313	0.105568	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123459.000000	174245.000000	190114.000000	120900.000000
-352.806366	0.081105	-0.132357	-1.217687	-0.615444	0.233965	0.055642	152180.000000	0.000000	0.004567	-0.004861	-0.674685	-0.963602	1.277045	-4584.457520	3478.636475	531896.250000	0.045354	0.065214	-2.028973	-0.063159	0.200550	-1.156394	0.103313	0.105568	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123285.000000	174116.000000	190243.000000	121074.000000
-352.811371	0.080373	-0.130160	-1.202551	-0.628214	0.216937	0.053514	152180.000000	0.000000	0.004567	-0.004861	-0.692299	-0.929217	1.277045	-4246.916504	3800.389404	532823.187500	0.046818	0.062996	-2.028973	-0.063159	0.200550	-1.156394	0.103313	0.105568	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122626.000000	174132.000000	190227.000000	121733.000000
-352.816376	0.079396	-0.127963	-1.187414	-0.638856	0.197781	0.050321	152180.000000	0.000000	0.004567	-0.004861	-0.707626	-0.894984	1.277045	-3743.871582	3756.123535	534213.500000	0.048161	0.060762	-2.028973	-0.063159	0.200550	-1.156394	0.103313	0.105568	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122167.000000	174680.000000	189679.000000	122192.000000
-352.821381	0.077932	-0.127230	-1.172521	-0.648435	0.176496	0.048193	152117.000000	0.000000	-0.001640	-0.006219	-1.061466	-0.936745	1.275733	-42261.074219	-4864.881836	534569.187500	0.049367	0.058539	-2.028468	-0.065040	0.202429	-1.162760	0.107330	0.095469	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156981.000000	156981.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-352.826385	0.075002	-0.128451	-1.156408	-0.653756	0.153083	0.047128	152117.000000	0.000000	0.002698	-0.005118	-0.583559	-0.792389	1.276763	51734.609375	15820.198242	535481.312500	0.050403	0.056385	-2.028864	-0.068061	0.205939	-1.176758	0.106526	0.081871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196296.000000	167937.000000	167937.000000
-352.831390	0.071340	-0.131137	-1.140295	-0.655884	0.128606	0.046064	152117.000000	0.000000	-0.003126	-0.007190	-1.082513	-0.924113	1.273684	-57742.800781	-15483.734375	534603.625000	0.051253	0.054341	-2.027680	-0.070412	0.208112	-1.184103	0.107518	0.076465	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167600.000000	167600.000000	196633.000000	100000.000000
-352.836395	0.067189	-0.134555	-1.124182	-0.653756	0.100936	0.047128	152117.000000	0.000000	-0.002193	-0.006918	-0.799695	-0.803519	1.272211	29997.160156	12337.156250	533499.062500	0.051895	0.052441	-2.027114	-0.072443	0.210181	-1.191407	0.107434	0.068011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199777.000000	164456.000000	164451.000000
-352.841400	0.064748	-0.138461	-1.108557	-0.647370	0.071138	0.050321	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.002193	-0.006918	-0.836348	-0.795397	1.272211	-4928.185059	-489.972107	532108.750000	0.052350	0.050713	-2.027114	-0.072443	0.210181	-1.191407	0.107434	0.068011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127604.000000	177747.000000	186624.000000	116767.000000
-352.846405	0.062063	-0.141391	-1.092932	-0.636728	0.039211	0.055642	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.002193	-0.006918	-0.832236	-0.779148	1.272211	-45.960808	-38.702030	529791.500000	0.052606	0.049161	-2.027114	-0.072443	0.210181	-1.191407	0.107434	0.068011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122270.000000	182178.000000	182193.000000	122101.000000
-352.851410	0.060109	-0.144076	-1.075354	-0.623957	0.005156	0.063092	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.002193	-0.006918	-0.825554	-0.766091	1.272211	658.008911	-622.287720	526547.312500	0.052671	0.047795	-2.027114	-0.072443	0.210181	-1.191407	0.107434	0.068011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122150.000000	183466.000000	180905.000000	122221.000000
-352.856415	0.058156	-0.146029	-1.057043	-0.607994	-0.029963	0.070541	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.002193	-0.006918	-0.815939	-0.755991	1.272211	1303.373169	-1325.566284	523303.187500	0.052543	0.046619	-2.027114	-0.072443	0.210181	-1.191407	0.107434	0.068011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122208.000000	184814.000000	179557.000000	122163.000000
-352.861420	0.055715	-0.147738	-1.039221	-0.590966	-0.065083	0.079055	152186.000000	0.000000	-0.002193	-0.006918	-0.803064	-0.748651	1.272211	1882.538452	-1790.506104	519595.593750	0.052216	0.045629	-2.027114	-0.072443	0.210181	-1.191407	0.107434	0.068011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122093.000000	185859.000000	178512.000000	122278.000000
-352.866425	0.053273	-0.150180	-1.020178	-0.571810	-0.101267	0.088633	152105.000000	0.000000	-0.002193	-0.006918	-0.787126	-0.745608	1.272211	2576.178955	-2571.157715	515424.562500	0.051689	0.044854	-2.027114	-0.072443	0.210181	-1.191407	0.107434	0.068011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122099.000000	187252.000000	176957.000000	122110.000000
-352.871429	0.051320	-0.150668	-1.000402	-0.550526	-0.137450	0.097147	152105.000000	0.000000	-0.002193	-0.006918	-0.768939	-0.744343	1.272211	3074.755615	-3093.293701	511716.968750	0.050974	0.044268	-2.027114	-0.072443	0.210181	-1.191407	0.107434	0.068011	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122123.000000	188273.000000	175936.000000	122086.000000
-352.876434	0.049367	-0.149691	-0.980139	-0.529241	-0.172570	0.106725	152105.000000	0.000000	0.000209	-0.005728	-0.616363	-0.678854	1.273946	18596.712891	4172.354980	508301.531250	0.050081	0.043840	-2.027781	-0.073668	0.211844	-1.198791	0.106034	0.063153	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196529.000000	167680.000000	144874.000000
-352.881439	0.048146	-0.147494	-0.960119	-0.506893	-0.206625	0.116303	152105.000000	0.000000	0.004695	-0.005091	-0.443788	-0.692504	1.269713	21629.287109	-4812.181152	502286.718750	0.049033	0.043550	-2.026153	-0.079323	0.217630	-1.221174	0.099679	0.045898	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105287.000000	200000.000000	155663.000000	138922.000000
-352.886444	0.046438	-0.144076	-0.939367	-0.483480	-0.240680	0.124817	152112.000000	0.000000	-0.000907	-0.006012	-0.906584	-0.770763	1.269238	-50205.726562	-12500.941406	498372.343750	0.047824	0.043377	-2.025970	-0.080885	0.219346	-1.228620	0.096468	0.041704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164612.000000	164612.000000	199611.000000	100000.000000
-352.891449	0.043752	-0.140902	-0.918859	-0.460067	-0.272607	0.133331	152112.000000	0.000000	-0.000907	-0.006012	-0.655127	-0.737865	1.269238	29406.310547	-234.649216	494664.750000	0.046445	0.043323	-2.025970	-0.080885	0.219346	-1.228620	0.096468	0.041704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	152471.000000	151283.000000
-352.896454	0.041066	-0.138217	-0.897619	-0.435589	-0.303469	0.140780	152112.000000	0.000000	-0.000907	-0.006012	-0.625536	-0.744440	1.269238	5167.107910	-4835.776367	491420.625000	0.044904	0.043403	-2.025970	-0.080885	0.219346	-1.228620	0.096468	0.041704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121780.000000	192114.000000	172109.000000	122443.000000
-352.901459	0.038137	-0.135043	-0.876867	-0.410048	-0.333268	0.147166	152112.000000	0.000000	-0.000907	-0.006012	-0.593565	-0.752491	1.269238	5595.874023	-5269.670410	488639.937500	0.043202	0.043608	-2.025970	-0.080885	0.219346	-1.228620	0.096468	0.041704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121785.000000	192977.000000	171246.000000	122438.000000
-352.906464	0.035207	-0.133090	-0.855627	-0.382378	-0.362002	0.153551	152112.000000	0.000000	-0.000907	-0.006012	-0.559529	-0.764439	1.269238	5993.386230	-6113.700195	485859.218750	0.041345	0.043974	-2.025970	-0.080885	0.219346	-1.228620	0.096468	0.041704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122232.000000	194219.000000	170004.000000	121991.000000
-352.911469	0.032033	-0.132846	-0.835363	-0.354708	-0.388607	0.159936	152109.000000	0.000000	-0.000907	-0.006012	-0.523402	-0.780727	1.269238	6277.786621	-6793.097656	483078.531250	0.039338	0.044536	-2.025970	-0.080885	0.219346	-1.228620	0.096468	0.041704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122624.000000	195179.000000	169038.000000	121593.000000
-352.916473	0.027639	-0.132846	-0.815100	-0.324910	-0.414149	0.167386	152109.000000	0.000000	-0.000907	-0.006012	-0.483673	-0.800827	1.269238	6857.003906	-7675.933105	479834.406250	0.037155	0.045311	-2.025970	-0.080885	0.219346	-1.228620	0.096468	0.041704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122927.000000	196641.000000	167576.000000	121290.000000
-352.921478	0.023244	-0.131625	-0.795812	-0.294047	-0.438626	0.173771	152109.000000	0.000000	-0.000189	-0.006451	-0.402072	-0.846619	1.260750	11832.139648	-10970.430664	473357.281250	0.034802	0.046268	-2.022705	-0.085669	0.223528	-1.242967	0.085859	0.035611	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121247.000000	200000.000000	159306.000000	122970.000000
-352.926483	0.019094	-0.130160	-0.776525	-0.263185	-0.462039	0.180157	152109.000000	0.000000	0.000607	-0.005765	-0.342818	-0.815315	1.253323	9638.117188	-2491.212891	467342.625000	0.032287	0.047400	-2.019849	-0.089881	0.227208	-1.256576	0.077244	0.031471	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114962.000000	194238.000000	169979.000000	129255.000000
-352.931488	0.015920	-0.128939	-0.757971	-0.232322	-0.483323	0.187606	152110.000000	0.000000	0.000607	-0.005765	-0.329943	-0.869428	1.253323	4461.600586	-12274.247070	464098.468750	0.029646	0.048709	-2.019849	-0.089881	0.227208	-1.256576	0.077244	0.031471	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129922.000000	198845.000000	165374.000000	114297.000000
-352.936493	0.012746	-0.128207	-0.739172	-0.201460	-0.503544	0.196120	152110.000000	0.000000	-0.004327	-0.007264	-0.554813	-0.981873	1.247093	-22738.283203	-19347.509766	457677.625000	0.026880	0.050206	-2.017453	-0.092526	0.229286	-1.262956	0.071373	0.031954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164195.000000	178719.000000	185500.000000	100000.000000
-352.941498	0.009816	-0.126254	-0.719885	-0.170597	-0.521636	0.203570	152110.000000	0.000000	-0.004327	-0.007264	-0.310140	-0.953055	1.247093	29865.429688	-3824.033203	454433.468750	0.024007	0.051861	-2.017453	-0.092526	0.229286	-1.262956	0.071373	0.031954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	148420.000000	148151.000000
-352.946503	0.006887	-0.124545	-0.702795	-0.141863	-0.537599	0.212083	152110.000000	0.000000	-0.004327	-0.007264	-0.261552	-0.985674	1.247093	8367.578125	-10627.667969	450725.875000	0.021034	0.053658	-2.017453	-0.092526	0.229286	-1.262956	0.071373	0.031954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124370.000000	200000.000000	163114.000000	119849.000000
-352.951508	0.004689	-0.123324	-0.685949	-0.114193	-0.552498	0.221661	152172.000000	0.000000	-0.004327	-0.007264	-0.212781	-1.020749	1.247093	8563.658203	-11069.382812	446554.843750	0.017986	0.055602	-2.017453	-0.092526	0.229286	-1.262956	0.071373	0.031954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124677.000000	200000.000000	162538.000000	119666.000000
-352.956512	0.002980	-0.120883	-0.669592	-0.089716	-0.565269	0.229111	152172.000000	0.000000	-0.004327	-0.007264	-0.164177	-1.055063	1.247093	8594.893555	-10906.314453	443310.687500	0.014885	0.057640	-2.017453	-0.092526	0.229286	-1.262956	0.071373	0.031954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124483.000000	200000.000000	162670.000000	119860.000000
-352.961517	0.002004	-0.117465	-0.653234	-0.067367	-0.575911	0.235496	152172.000000	0.000000	-0.004327	-0.007264	-0.116510	-1.088508	1.247093	8525.915039	-10833.333984	440530.000000	0.011763	0.059730	-2.017453	-0.092526	0.229286	-1.262956	0.071373	0.031954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124479.000000	200000.000000	162812.000000	119864.000000
-352.966522	0.001271	-0.114047	-0.637609	-0.047147	-0.584425	0.241882	152172.000000	0.000000	-0.004327	-0.007264	-0.069444	-1.121820	1.247093	8480.353516	-10829.711914	437749.312500	0.008637	0.061856	-2.017453	-0.092526	0.229286	-1.262956	0.071373	0.031954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124521.000000	200000.000000	162861.000000	119822.000000
-352.971527	0.001516	-0.109896	-0.624426	-0.029055	-0.590810	0.246139	152172.000000	0.000000	-0.004327	-0.007264	-0.024548	-1.153021	1.247093	8243.507812	-10590.299805	435895.500000	0.005547	0.063970	-2.017453	-0.092526	0.229286	-1.262956	0.071373	0.031954	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124518.000000	200000.000000	163338.000000	119825.000000
-352.976532	0.001516	-0.106479	-0.611486	-0.012028	-0.596131	0.249331	152107.000000	0.000000	-0.002535	-0.006258	0.118462	-1.129480	1.243130	19597.009766	-4424.100098	432779.375000	0.002490	0.066085	-2.015929	-0.094564	0.231018	-1.269076	0.063667	0.033773	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106934.000000	200000.000000	158085.000000	137279.000000
-352.981537	0.001027	-0.104037	-0.598547	0.002872	-0.599324	0.251460	152107.000000	0.000000	0.002784	-0.005148	0.383645	-1.141597	1.224472	34031.175781	-8235.075195	423727.281250	-0.000538	0.068222	-2.008752	-0.101814	0.236474	-1.285033	0.043763	0.036766	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100342.000000	200000.000000	143871.000000	143871.000000
-352.986542	0.000295	-0.103305	-0.587072	0.017771	-0.602517	0.252524	152107.000000	0.000000	0.002784	-0.005148	0.215366	-1.221828	1.224472	-14390.042969	-16162.273438	423263.843750	-0.003549	0.070428	-2.008752	-0.101814	0.236474	-1.285033	0.043763	0.036766	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152659.000000	183879.000000	180334.000000	100000.000000
-352.991547	-0.000437	-0.103305	-0.576086	0.031606	-0.603581	0.253588	152107.000000	0.000000	0.002784	-0.005148	0.259008	-1.259624	1.224472	8883.669922	-11616.818359	422800.406250	-0.006532	0.072719	-2.008752	-0.101814	0.236474	-1.285033	0.043763	0.036766	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124840.000000	200000.000000	161606.000000	119373.000000
-352.996552	-0.002635	-0.103305	-0.566564	0.045441	-0.604645	0.252524	152176.000000	0.000000	0.002784	-0.005148	0.305074	-1.298247	1.224472	9366.982422	-11949.000000	423263.843750	-0.009539	0.075088	-2.008752	-0.101814	0.236474	-1.285033	0.043763	0.036766	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124758.000000	200000.000000	160860.000000	119593.000000
-353.001556	-0.005564	-0.104525	-0.557531	0.059276	-0.604645	0.250396	152176.000000	0.000000	0.002784	-0.005148	0.352717	-1.340204	1.224472	9642.434570	-12572.319336	424190.750000	-0.012592	0.077574	-2.008752	-0.101814	0.236474	-1.285033	0.043763	0.036766	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125105.000000	200000.000000	159961.000000	119246.000000
-353.006561	-0.008250	-0.105990	-0.548742	0.073110	-0.603581	0.248267	152176.000000	0.000000	0.002784	-0.005148	0.400406	-1.384334	1.224472	9745.082031	-13077.854492	425117.625000	-0.015679	0.080184	-2.008752	-0.101814	0.236474	-1.285033	0.043763	0.036766	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125508.000000	200000.000000	159353.000000	118843.000000
-353.011566	-0.011424	-0.107455	-0.540686	0.088010	-0.601453	0.245074	152176.000000	0.000000	-0.003544	-0.006071	0.101356	-1.481204	1.217737	-29890.076172	-19510.488281	423575.000000	-0.018814	0.082919	-2.006162	-0.104140	0.238104	-1.289525	0.038089	0.039162	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171576.000000	171796.000000	192555.000000	100000.000000
-353.016571	-0.013865	-0.107211	-0.533605	0.101845	-0.599324	0.242946	152176.000000	0.000000	0.003261	-0.004320	0.776925	-1.391798	1.197608	80379.515625	1438.753784	415736.093750	-0.021974	0.085707	-1.998420	-0.110782	0.242601	-1.300408	0.018324	0.044703	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153614.000000	153614.000000
-353.021576	-0.015818	-0.105990	-0.526281	0.115679	-0.596131	0.239753	152121.000000	0.000000	0.003261	-0.004320	0.552365	-1.504660	1.197608	-19759.707031	-21384.703125	417126.468750	-0.025136	0.088512	-1.998420	-0.110782	0.242601	-1.300408	0.018324	0.044703	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163265.000000	183745.000000	180496.000000	100000.000000
-353.026581	-0.017771	-0.104281	-0.521154	0.128450	-0.591874	0.236561	152121.000000	0.000000	-0.006030	-0.006495	0.088770	-1.665195	1.185932	-48312.101562	-27306.761719	413432.031250	-0.028294	0.091297	-1.993929	-0.113888	0.244337	-1.303110	0.011089	0.046559	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179427.000000	179427.000000	184814.000000	100000.000000
-353.031586	-0.018992	-0.102816	-0.515539	0.141221	-0.587618	0.233368	152121.000000	0.000000	-0.006030	-0.006495	0.506014	-1.619511	1.185932	50441.156250	-4480.313477	414822.375000	-0.031423	0.094073	-1.993929	-0.113888	0.244337	-1.303110	0.011089	0.046559	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	147640.000000	147640.000000
-353.036591	-0.020213	-0.100619	-0.510900	0.151863	-0.583361	0.229111	152121.000000	0.000000	-0.006030	-0.006495	0.551347	-1.658207	1.185932	9736.196289	-13751.354492	416676.187500	-0.034523	0.096795	-1.993929	-0.113888	0.244337	-1.303110	0.011089	0.046559	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126136.000000	200000.000000	158633.000000	118105.000000
-353.041595	-0.020701	-0.097689	-0.505041	0.161441	-0.578040	0.223790	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.006030	-0.006495	0.594563	-1.694812	1.185932	9560.770508	-13616.913086	418993.437500	-0.037563	0.099441	-1.993929	-0.113888	0.244337	-1.303110	0.011089	0.046559	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126178.000000	200000.000000	158944.000000	118065.000000
-353.046600	-0.019969	-0.093783	-0.501623	0.167827	-0.571654	0.218469	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.006030	-0.006495	0.633865	-1.726382	1.185932	9164.759766	-12886.735352	421310.687500	-0.040489	0.101938	-1.993929	-0.113888	0.244337	-1.303110	0.011089	0.046559	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125843.000000	200000.000000	160070.000000	118400.000000
-353.051605	-0.018992	-0.089877	-0.497961	0.174212	-0.563140	0.212083	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.006030	-0.006495	0.670429	-1.755909	1.185932	8758.672852	-12827.414062	424091.375000	-0.043281	0.104292	-1.993929	-0.113888	0.244337	-1.303110	0.011089	0.046559	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126190.000000	200000.000000	160535.000000	118053.000000
-353.056610	-0.017527	-0.085971	-0.495275	0.177405	-0.555691	0.205698	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.006030	-0.006495	0.704239	-1.782107	1.185932	8694.125977	-12245.415039	426872.062500	-0.045927	0.106480	-1.993929	-0.113888	0.244337	-1.303110	0.011089	0.046559	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125673.000000	200000.000000	161182.000000	118570.000000
-353.061615	-0.016062	-0.081332	-0.492834	0.180597	-0.545049	0.198248	152174.000000	0.000000	-0.006030	-0.006495	0.735046	-1.804255	1.185932	8106.154297	-11917.214844	430116.218750	-0.048411	0.108473	-1.993929	-0.113888	0.244337	-1.303110	0.011089	0.046559	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125985.000000	200000.000000	162150.000000	118362.000000
-353.066620	-0.014354	-0.077182	-0.490393	0.181661	-0.534406	0.190799	152174.000000	0.000000	-0.001718	-0.004642	1.000083	-1.722185	1.180919	35030.859375	149.381226	431177.531250	-0.050726	0.110284	-1.992001	-0.115549	0.245448	-1.305315	0.008431	0.047382	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	152323.000000	152323.000000
-353.071625	-0.012645	-0.073275	-0.488195	0.182726	-0.521636	0.182285	152174.000000	0.000000	0.006387	-0.002243	1.298309	-1.682042	1.170460	39759.257812	-4281.001465	430330.562500	-0.052864	0.111922	-1.987979	-0.118941	0.247731	-1.308850	-0.008877	0.057584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	147892.000000	147892.000000
-353.076630	-0.011180	-0.069369	-0.485510	0.182726	-0.507801	0.173771	152174.000000	0.000000	-0.000521	-0.003471	0.617118	-1.860523	1.165970	-71247.617188	-29023.958984	432082.500000	-0.054831	0.113387	-1.986251	-0.120179	0.248431	-1.309037	-0.013639	0.060006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181197.000000	181197.000000	183150.000000	100000.000000
-353.081635	-0.009959	-0.065707	-0.483068	0.181661	-0.491837	0.164193	152174.000000	0.000000	-0.000521	-0.003471	0.913539	-1.824181	1.165970	37302.687500	-5113.879883	436253.531250	-0.056630	0.114684	-1.986251	-0.120179	0.248431	-1.309037	-0.013639	0.060006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	147060.000000	147060.000000
-353.086639	-0.008738	-0.062777	-0.482580	0.179533	-0.474810	0.153551	152115.000000	0.000000	-0.000521	-0.003471	0.930970	-1.835324	1.165970	6511.001953	-10259.500977	440888.031250	-0.058254	0.115830	-1.986251	-0.120179	0.248431	-1.309037	-0.013639	0.060006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125863.000000	198885.000000	165344.000000	118366.000000
-353.091644	-0.008250	-0.061313	-0.481848	0.179533	-0.454589	0.141845	152115.000000	0.000000	-0.000521	-0.003471	0.946740	-1.848292	1.165970	5956.763672	-10753.894531	445985.968750	-0.059723	0.116899	-1.986251	-0.120179	0.248431	-1.309037	-0.013639	0.060006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126912.000000	198825.000000	165404.000000	117317.000000
-353.096649	-0.008250	-0.061801	-0.480383	0.178469	-0.433305	0.130138	152115.000000	0.000000	-0.000521	-0.003471	0.961164	-1.864506	1.165970	5660.223145	-11063.527344	451083.906250	-0.061053	0.117971	-1.986251	-0.120179	0.248431	-1.309037	-0.013639	0.060006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127518.000000	198838.000000	165391.000000	116711.000000
-353.101654	-0.009227	-0.064730	-0.478674	0.179533	-0.410956	0.117367	152115.000000	0.000000	-0.000521	-0.003471	0.975563	-1.886949	1.165970	5503.817871	-12090.610352	456645.312500	-0.062282	0.119159	-1.986251	-0.120179	0.248431	-1.309037	-0.013639	0.060006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128701.000000	199709.000000	164520.000000	115528.000000
-353.106659	-0.011668	-0.070102	-0.477209	0.182726	-0.387543	0.104597	152121.000000	0.000000	-0.000521	-0.003471	0.991589	-1.917038	1.165970	5531.777344	-13318.413086	462206.687500	-0.063467	0.120570	-1.986251	-0.120179	0.248431	-1.309037	-0.013639	0.060006	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129907.000000	200000.000000	163270.000000	114334.000000
-353.111664	-0.015086	-0.076937	-0.476232	0.188047	-0.364130	0.092890	152121.000000	0.000000	0.000410	-0.003132	1.060409	-1.935289	1.162940	11545.633789	-12359.228516	465985.250000	-0.064650	0.122267	-1.985086	-0.121103	0.249014	-1.308742	-0.017459	0.062967	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122934.000000	200000.000000	158216.000000	121307.000000
-353.116669	-0.019969	-0.085727	-0.475744	0.194432	-0.340717	0.082248	152121.000000	0.000000	0.004408	-0.001826	1.263907	-1.922308	1.157902	27182.730469	-9011.816406	468425.718750	-0.065890	0.124325	-1.983148	-0.122458	0.249746	-1.306670	-0.024050	0.065833	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103950.000000	200000.000000	145926.000000	140291.000000
-353.121674	-0.025340	-0.094027	-0.475256	0.202946	-0.317304	0.072670	152121.000000	0.000000	0.000705	-0.002678	0.923111	-2.070994	1.154719	-34341.050781	-27745.109375	471210.718750	-0.067204	0.126724	-1.981924	-0.123272	0.250166	-1.304814	-0.028605	0.068768	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179866.000000	179866.000000	184375.000000	100000.000000
-353.126678	-0.030711	-0.102572	-0.474523	0.212524	-0.294956	0.064156	152121.000000	0.000000	0.000705	-0.002678	1.095250	-2.092097	1.154719	22865.246094	-13974.817383	474918.312500	-0.068598	0.129471	-1.981924	-0.123272	0.250166	-1.304814	-0.028605	0.068768	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113230.000000	200000.000000	145280.000000	131011.000000
-353.131683	-0.035594	-0.109896	-0.474035	0.221038	-0.271543	0.056706	152191.000000	0.000000	0.000705	-0.002678	1.118944	-2.148877	1.154719	6427.209961	-18081.095703	478162.437500	-0.070042	0.132502	-1.981924	-0.123272	0.250166	-1.304814	-0.028605	0.068768	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133844.000000	200000.000000	157682.000000	110537.000000
-353.136688	-0.039988	-0.116488	-0.474035	0.230616	-0.249194	0.050321	152191.000000	0.000000	0.000705	-0.002678	1.142428	-2.207902	1.154719	6526.306641	-18760.513672	480943.156250	-0.071519	0.135780	-1.981924	-0.123272	0.250166	-1.304814	-0.028605	0.068768	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134425.000000	200000.000000	156904.000000	109956.000000
-353.141693	-0.044139	-0.122348	-0.475500	0.239130	-0.226845	0.045000	152191.000000	0.000000	0.000705	-0.002678	1.165524	-2.267535	1.154719	6487.069824	-19023.753906	483260.375000	-0.073014	0.139248	-1.981924	-0.123272	0.250166	-1.304814	-0.028605	0.068768	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134727.000000	200000.000000	156680.000000	109654.000000
-353.146698	-0.049266	-0.127963	-0.478918	0.247643	-0.205561	0.040743	152191.000000	0.000000	0.000705	-0.002678	1.190807	-2.327955	1.154719	6862.950195	-19429.015625	485114.187500	-0.074560	0.142868	-1.981924	-0.123272	0.250166	-1.304814	-0.028605	0.068768	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134757.000000	200000.000000	155899.000000	109624.000000
-353.151703	-0.053416	-0.131625	-0.483068	0.256157	-0.186405	0.036486	152122.000000	0.000000	0.000705	-0.002678	1.214985	-2.385763	1.154719	6998.678223	-19445.324219	486967.968750	-0.076124	0.146552	-1.981924	-0.123272	0.250166	-1.304814	-0.028605	0.068768	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134568.000000	200000.000000	155677.000000	109675.000000
-353.156708	-0.056590	-0.134555	-0.489172	0.264671	-0.168313	0.033294	152122.000000	0.000000	0.004536	-0.000860	1.447745	-2.341848	1.157067	31037.865234	-8097.442383	489380.906250	-0.077664	0.150250	-1.982827	-0.122811	0.249980	-1.302513	-0.027709	0.071894	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100219.000000	200000.000000	144024.000000	144024.000000
-353.161713	-0.058543	-0.136020	-0.495764	0.273185	-0.149157	0.030101	152122.000000	0.000000	0.009303	0.000170	1.575335	-2.410759	1.153021	19855.644531	-20859.380859	489009.156250	-0.079123	0.153902	-1.981271	-0.123216	0.249695	-1.292502	-0.032771	0.080850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123125.000000	200000.000000	141406.000000	121118.000000
-353.166718	-0.059275	-0.136020	-0.503088	0.281699	-0.130001	0.025844	152122.000000	0.000000	0.004850	0.000098	1.154762	-2.504988	1.154133	-42450.644531	-24118.251953	491347.375000	-0.080455	0.157448	-1.981699	-0.122651	0.249188	-1.288230	-0.029329	0.082876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176240.000000	176240.000000	188003.000000	100000.000000
-353.171722	-0.059275	-0.136508	-0.511877	0.289148	-0.108716	0.022651	152182.000000	0.000000	0.004850	0.000098	1.343531	-2.549704	1.154133	25096.230469	-18794.625000	492737.718750	-0.081618	0.160894	-1.981699	-0.122651	0.249188	-1.288230	-0.029329	0.082876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115880.000000	200000.000000	138291.000000	128483.000000
-353.176727	-0.059764	-0.136752	-0.522863	0.296598	-0.086367	0.018394	152182.000000	0.000000	0.004850	0.000098	1.352153	-2.594422	1.154133	5107.874512	-19034.875000	494591.500000	-0.082621	0.164213	-1.981699	-0.122651	0.249188	-1.288230	-0.029329	0.082876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136109.000000	200000.000000	158039.000000	108254.000000
-353.181732	-0.061229	-0.137973	-0.535803	0.305112	-0.061890	0.014137	152182.000000	0.000000	0.004850	0.000098	1.359488	-2.638725	1.154133	4653.450684	-19349.164062	496445.312500	-0.083483	0.167432	-1.981699	-0.122651	0.249188	-1.288230	-0.029329	0.082876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136877.000000	200000.000000	158179.000000	107486.000000
-353.186737	-0.062449	-0.139193	-0.548254	0.312561	-0.037413	0.008816	152182.000000	0.000000	0.004850	0.000098	1.364453	-2.681805	1.154133	4303.112793	-19330.097656	498762.562500	-0.084201	0.170557	-1.981699	-0.122651	0.249188	-1.288230	-0.029329	0.082876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137208.000000	200000.000000	158548.000000	107155.000000
-353.191742	-0.063670	-0.139437	-0.560705	0.320011	-0.010807	0.003495	152182.000000	0.000000	0.004850	0.000098	1.366895	-2.721922	1.154133	3680.475342	-19223.113281	501079.781250	-0.084767	0.173558	-1.981699	-0.122651	0.249188	-1.288230	-0.029329	0.082876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137724.000000	200000.000000	159278.000000	106639.000000
-353.196747	-0.065135	-0.138949	-0.573156	0.326396	0.015798	-0.002890	152129.000000	0.000000	0.004850	0.000098	1.367677	-2.758961	1.154133	3378.646484	-18968.355469	503860.500000	-0.085193	0.176414	-1.981699	-0.122651	0.249188	-1.288230	-0.029329	0.082876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137718.000000	200000.000000	159781.000000	106539.000000
-353.201752	-0.065867	-0.138217	-0.586340	0.329589	0.043468	-0.009276	152129.000000	0.000000	0.004850	0.000098	1.364749	-2.792653	1.154133	2713.495117	-18418.027344	506641.187500	-0.085449	0.179104	-1.981699	-0.122651	0.249188	-1.288230	-0.029329	0.082876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137833.000000	200000.000000	160997.000000	106424.000000
-353.206757	-0.066600	-0.138705	-0.601232	0.330653	0.073266	-0.015661	152129.000000	0.000000	0.011034	0.002159	1.698563	-2.711861	1.150727	40904.691406	-5229.012207	507938.656250	-0.085524	0.181652	-1.980389	-0.121351	0.246916	-1.272727	-0.030053	0.091587	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	146899.000000	146899.000000
-353.211761	-0.068064	-0.139437	-0.617102	0.328525	0.103065	-0.020982	152129.000000	0.000000	0.006177	0.002063	1.176783	-2.829471	1.151339	-55710.199219	-27224.697266	510522.468750	-0.085441	0.184049	-1.980624	-0.120355	0.245767	-1.266876	-0.028450	0.095039	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179353.000000	179353.000000	184904.000000	100000.000000
-353.216766	-0.069529	-0.140902	-0.634191	0.324268	0.133927	-0.026303	152111.000000	0.000000	0.006361	0.002241	1.370877	-2.844059	1.151984	23638.173828	-15710.212891	513120.312500	-0.085196	0.186305	-1.980872	-0.119303	0.244562	-1.260622	-0.026280	0.099281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114183.000000	200000.000000	142762.000000	130038.000000
-353.221771	-0.069773	-0.142123	-0.653723	0.317882	0.163726	-0.031624	152111.000000	0.000000	0.006361	0.002241	1.348992	-2.875907	1.151984	-230.696136	-17491.224609	515437.562500	-0.084753	0.188396	-1.980872	-0.119303	0.244562	-1.260622	-0.026280	0.099281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139832.000000	199371.000000	164850.000000	104389.000000
-353.226776	-0.068309	-0.143588	-0.672766	0.310433	0.194588	-0.036945	152111.000000	0.000000	0.006361	0.002241	1.328960	-2.898897	1.151984	-379.166901	-16472.048828	517754.812500	-0.084066	0.190334	-1.980872	-0.119303	0.244562	-1.260622	-0.026280	0.099281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138962.000000	198203.000000	166018.000000	105259.000000
-353.231781	-0.065623	-0.145053	-0.694494	0.302983	0.222258	-0.041202	152111.000000	0.000000	0.006361	0.002241	1.304462	-2.919161	1.151984	-758.013123	-16230.838867	519608.593750	-0.083122	0.192112	-1.980872	-0.119303	0.244562	-1.260622	-0.026280	0.099281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139099.000000	197583.000000	166638.000000	105122.000000
-353.236786	-0.062449	-0.146518	-0.717443	0.296598	0.248864	-0.045459	152111.000000	0.000000	0.006361	0.002241	1.276205	-2.937399	1.151984	-1306.665405	-16179.651367	521462.406250	-0.081921	0.193737	-1.980872	-0.119303	0.244562	-1.260622	-0.026280	0.099281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139597.000000	196983.000000	167238.000000	104624.000000
-353.241791	-0.059520	-0.148959	-0.741369	0.290212	0.273341	-0.047588	152186.000000	0.000000	0.006361	0.002241	1.245749	-2.954844	1.151984	-1567.223877	-16143.386719	522389.312500	-0.080494	0.195236	-1.980872	-0.119303	0.244562	-1.260622	-0.026280	0.099281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139896.000000	196762.000000	167609.000000	104475.000000
-353.246796	-0.056346	-0.150180	-0.765783	0.285956	0.293561	-0.049716	152186.000000	0.000000	0.006361	0.002241	1.213344	-2.969510	1.151984	-1556.616699	-16119.875000	523316.187500	-0.078867	0.196592	-1.980872	-0.119303	0.244562	-1.260622	-0.026280	0.099281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139862.000000	196749.000000	167622.000000	104509.000000
-353.251801	-0.052439	-0.149203	-0.789221	0.282763	0.311653	-0.050780	152186.000000	0.000000	0.006361	0.002241	1.178323	-2.980076	1.151984	-1854.547729	-15819.925781	523779.656250	-0.077047	0.197771	-1.980872	-0.119303	0.244562	-1.260622	-0.026280	0.099281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139860.000000	196151.000000	168220.000000	104511.000000
-353.256805	-0.048289	-0.147250	-0.812658	0.279570	0.325488	-0.049716	152186.000000	0.000000	0.006361	0.002241	1.141955	-2.987272	1.151984	-1764.317261	-15467.734375	523316.187500	-0.075061	0.198759	-1.980872	-0.119303	0.244562	-1.260622	-0.026280	0.099281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139418.000000	195889.000000	168482.000000	104953.000000
-353.261810	-0.044383	-0.145297	-0.836096	0.276378	0.338259	-0.047588	152001.000000	0.000000	0.006361	0.002241	1.104340	-2.992229	1.151984	-2016.300659	-15229.491211	522389.312500	-0.072934	0.199567	-1.980872	-0.119303	0.244562	-1.260622	-0.026280	0.099281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139246.000000	195214.000000	168787.000000	104755.000000
-353.266815	-0.041941	-0.143344	-0.860021	0.274249	0.347837	-0.045459	152001.000000	0.000000	0.006361	0.002241	1.067749	-2.995279	1.151984	-1764.886963	-15141.215820	521462.406250	-0.070721	0.200211	-1.980872	-0.119303	0.244562	-1.260622	-0.026280	0.099281	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138907.000000	195377.000000	168624.000000	105094.000000
-353.271820	-0.041209	-0.143100	-0.884436	0.271056	0.354222	-0.040138	152001.000000	0.000000	0.007319	0.003092	1.085994	-2.951282	1.153264	4670.120605	-9633.915039	519702.750000	-0.068485	0.200729	-1.981365	-0.117938	0.243079	-1.254170	-0.023190	0.101230	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126964.000000	196305.000000	167696.000000	117037.000000
-353.276825	-0.042430	-0.143344	-0.909582	0.266800	0.358479	-0.034817	152001.000000	0.000000	0.016514	0.005173	1.521383	-2.872340	1.150284	52754.957031	-5291.944336	516087.843750	-0.066280	0.201133	-1.980219	-0.113425	0.236945	-1.226353	-0.005542	0.110569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	146709.000000	146709.000000
-353.281830	-0.044383	-0.144076	-0.935461	0.263607	0.358479	-0.026303	152006.000000	0.000000	0.016514	0.005173	1.124461	-2.956315	1.150284	-40120.402344	-23694.082031	512380.250000	-0.064144	0.201440	-1.980219	-0.113425	0.236945	-1.226353	-0.005542	0.110569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175700.000000	175700.000000	188311.000000	100000.000000
-353.286835	-0.047068	-0.144809	-0.961340	0.259350	0.354222	-0.014597	152006.000000	0.000000	0.016514	0.005173	1.098200	-2.955638	1.150284	1002.790588	-14246.408203	507282.312500	-0.062113	0.201652	-1.980219	-0.113425	0.236945	-1.226353	-0.005542	0.110569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135249.000000	197255.000000	166756.000000	108762.000000
-353.291840	-0.048777	-0.145297	-0.989172	0.255093	0.346772	0.000303	152006.000000	0.000000	0.016514	0.005173	1.073153	-2.953212	1.150284	1406.437134	-14023.368164	500794.031250	-0.060181	0.201761	-1.980219	-0.113425	0.236945	-1.226353	-0.005542	0.110569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134622.000000	197435.000000	166576.000000	109389.000000
-353.296844	-0.050242	-0.147250	-1.017736	0.252965	0.335066	0.018394	152006.000000	0.000000	0.016514	0.005173	1.050440	-2.951576	1.150284	2080.408203	-14327.001953	492915.406250	-0.058363	0.201811	-1.980219	-0.113425	0.236945	-1.226353	-0.005542	0.110569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134252.000000	198413.000000	165598.000000	109759.000000
-353.301849	-0.050730	-0.149691	-1.048742	0.250836	0.321231	0.039679	152006.000000	0.000000	0.007911	0.004008	0.555896	-3.013376	1.151046	-51777.394531	-21576.666016	483978.062500	-0.056649	0.201807	-1.980512	-0.111893	0.235192	-1.219187	-0.000702	0.113633	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173582.000000	173582.000000	190429.000000	100000.000000
-353.306854	-0.051707	-0.152133	-1.080480	0.251900	0.303139	0.062028	152008.000000	0.000000	0.011366	0.003936	1.071468	-2.968713	1.138520	62213.937500	-10020.772461	468791.031250	-0.055068	0.201767	-1.975694	-0.110422	0.231262	-1.198113	0.009684	0.118254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102028.000000	200000.000000	141987.000000	141987.000000
-353.311859	-0.051463	-0.154086	-1.112219	0.256157	0.282919	0.085441	152008.000000	0.000000	0.011366	0.003936	0.916230	-2.963758	1.138520	-11932.835938	-14734.909180	458595.156250	-0.053608	0.201699	-1.975694	-0.110422	0.231262	-1.198113	0.009684	0.118254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148675.000000	184810.000000	179205.000000	100000.000000
-353.316864	-0.049998	-0.155307	-1.144201	0.263607	0.259506	0.108854	152008.000000	0.000000	0.011366	0.003936	0.900598	-2.961615	1.138520	3804.591797	-15419.545898	448399.281250	-0.052262	0.201612	-1.975694	-0.110422	0.231262	-1.198113	0.009684	0.118254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133622.000000	200000.000000	162783.000000	110393.000000
-353.321869	-0.047312	-0.153354	-1.176916	0.274249	0.235029	0.132267	152008.000000	0.000000	0.011366	0.003936	0.885838	-2.957222	1.138520	4062.187744	-15551.817383	438203.406250	-0.051014	0.201468	-1.975694	-0.110422	0.231262	-1.198113	0.009684	0.118254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133497.000000	200000.000000	162393.000000	110518.000000
-353.326874	-0.043650	-0.147982	-1.209143	0.288084	0.208423	0.154615	152078.000000	0.000000	0.011366	0.003936	0.872298	-2.950243	1.138520	4490.538574	-15650.257812	428470.968750	-0.049861	0.201236	-1.975694	-0.110422	0.231262	-1.198113	0.009684	0.118254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133237.000000	200000.000000	161937.000000	110918.000000
-353.331879	-0.038768	-0.139682	-1.240637	0.305112	0.180753	0.176964	152078.000000	0.000000	0.011366	0.003936	0.859514	-2.940836	1.138520	4759.383789	-15769.464844	418738.562500	-0.048790	0.200897	-1.975694	-0.110422	0.231262	-1.198113	0.009684	0.118254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133088.000000	200000.000000	161549.000000	111067.000000
-353.336884	-0.034617	-0.129916	-1.272375	0.323203	0.150955	0.198248	152078.000000	0.000000	0.011366	0.003936	0.849242	-2.929481	1.138520	5359.548340	-15703.129883	409469.562500	-0.047824	0.200444	-1.975694	-0.110422	0.231262	-1.198113	0.009684	0.118254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132421.000000	200000.000000	161015.000000	111734.000000
-353.341888	-0.030711	-0.120883	-1.302893	0.341295	0.121157	0.217405	152078.000000	0.000000	0.011366	0.003936	0.840738	-2.917802	1.138520	5651.958008	-15697.164062	401127.500000	-0.046967	0.199902	-1.975694	-0.110422	0.231262	-1.198113	0.009684	0.118254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132123.000000	200000.000000	160728.000000	112032.000000
-353.346893	-0.027537	-0.113803	-1.333654	0.360451	0.090294	0.233368	152078.000000	0.000000	0.011366	0.003936	0.834613	-2.907246	1.138520	6144.517578	-15977.221680	394175.750000	-0.046233	0.199315	-1.975694	-0.110422	0.231262	-1.198113	0.009684	0.118254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131910.000000	200000.000000	159956.000000	112245.000000
-353.351898	-0.025096	-0.109408	-1.363684	0.378543	0.061560	0.249331	152004.000000	0.000000	0.012640	0.003156	0.900369	-2.941252	1.112888	14248.250977	-20999.591797	376061.625000	-0.045621	0.198727	-1.965835	-0.111123	0.227901	-1.173259	0.015077	0.132491	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128755.000000	200000.000000	146756.000000	115252.000000
-353.356903	-0.022410	-0.106234	-1.393957	0.396635	0.034954	0.263166	152004.000000	0.000000	0.012640	0.003156	0.846134	-2.902287	1.112888	692.831726	-12879.473633	370036.781250	-0.045116	0.198159	-1.965835	-0.111123	0.227901	-1.173259	0.015077	0.132491	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134190.000000	195576.000000	168431.000000	109817.000000
-353.361908	-0.019969	-0.102816	-1.424963	0.413663	0.010477	0.274873	152004.000000	0.000000	0.012640	0.003156	0.843903	-2.894490	1.112888	6280.364258	-16232.611328	364938.843750	-0.044708	0.197603	-1.965835	-0.111123	0.227901	-1.173259	0.015077	0.132491	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131956.000000	200000.000000	159491.000000	112051.000000
-353.366913	-0.017771	-0.099643	-1.455480	0.429626	-0.011872	0.286579	152004.000000	0.000000	0.012640	0.003156	0.842750	-2.887002	1.112888	6261.778320	-16188.429688	359840.906250	-0.044390	0.197063	-1.965835	-0.111123	0.227901	-1.173259	0.015077	0.132491	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131930.000000	200000.000000	159553.000000	112077.000000
-353.371918	-0.015574	-0.095492	-1.484289	0.444525	-0.031028	0.296157	152085.000000	0.000000	0.012640	0.003156	0.841981	-2.878951	1.112888	6037.644531	-16040.950195	355669.875000	-0.044145	0.196524	-1.965835	-0.111123	0.227901	-1.173259	0.015077	0.132491	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132088.000000	200000.000000	160006.000000	112081.000000
-353.376923	-0.013133	-0.091586	-1.512121	0.456232	-0.048055	0.303607	152085.000000	0.000000	0.012640	0.003156	0.841446	-2.870456	1.112888	5905.149414	-15655.853516	352425.718750	-0.043957	0.195977	-1.965835	-0.111123	0.227901	-1.173259	0.015077	0.132491	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131835.000000	200000.000000	160523.000000	112334.000000
-353.381927	-0.010936	-0.087436	-1.538488	0.464745	-0.061890	0.308928	152085.000000	0.000000	0.012640	0.003156	0.840999	-2.861042	1.112888	5625.383789	-15199.735352	350108.468750	-0.043813	0.195408	-1.965835	-0.111123	0.227901	-1.173259	0.015077	0.132491	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131659.000000	200000.000000	161259.000000	112510.000000
-353.386932	-0.009471	-0.082797	-1.561926	0.469002	-0.073597	0.312121	152085.000000	0.000000	-0.004977	-0.002816	-0.127606	-3.178474	1.095854	-105465.187500	-52149.988281	341300.218750	-0.043709	0.194796	-1.959284	-0.113878	0.228450	-1.168089	0.015388	0.134320	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182085.000000	182085.000000	182085.000000	100000.000000
-353.391937	-0.008738	-0.077182	-1.582678	0.469002	-0.082110	0.314249	152010.000000	0.000000	0.008936	0.001390	1.342176	-2.695172	1.080507	169131.687500	38597.363281	333690.062500	-0.043638	0.194110	-1.953381	-0.114773	0.227077	-1.155794	0.009372	0.151460	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182010.000000	182010.000000	182010.000000
-353.396942	-0.008006	-0.071566	-1.600988	0.462617	-0.088496	0.313185	152010.000000	0.000000	-0.004658	-0.004834	0.038257	-3.189971	1.068273	-142117.046875	-70516.679688	328825.906250	-0.043586	0.193326	-1.948676	-0.117404	0.228296	-1.153498	-0.002383	0.169814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182010.000000	182010.000000	182010.000000	100000.000000
-353.401947	-0.007518	-0.067172	-1.616857	0.449846	-0.090624	0.308928	152010.000000	0.000000	-0.004658	-0.004834	0.581076	-2.923354	1.068273	63010.066406	15203.687500	330679.718750	-0.043534	0.192434	-1.948676	-0.117404	0.228296	-1.153498	-0.002383	0.169814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196806.000000	167213.000000	167213.000000
-353.406952	-0.007762	-0.064730	-1.630773	0.431754	-0.090624	0.303607	152010.000000	0.000000	-0.004658	-0.004834	0.580133	-2.904108	1.068273	2981.746826	-11239.443359	332996.968750	-0.043480	0.191436	-1.948676	-0.117404	0.228296	-1.153498	-0.002383	0.169814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130267.000000	196231.000000	167788.000000	113752.000000
-353.411957	-0.008738	-0.064730	-1.642004	0.409406	-0.087432	0.296157	152010.000000	0.000000	-0.004658	-0.004834	0.578685	-2.883985	1.068273	2553.888672	-10479.536133	336241.093750	-0.043413	0.190343	-1.948676	-0.117404	0.228296	-1.153498	-0.002383	0.169814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129935.000000	195043.000000	168976.000000	114084.000000
-353.416962	-0.010203	-0.067416	-1.651525	0.382800	-0.083175	0.286579	152018.000000	0.000000	-0.004658	-0.004834	0.577008	-2.863271	1.068273	2384.437744	-9728.825195	340412.156250	-0.043335	0.189172	-1.948676	-0.117404	0.228296	-1.153498	-0.002383	0.169814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129362.000000	194131.000000	169904.000000	114673.000000
-353.421967	-0.012400	-0.071811	-1.659826	0.354066	-0.076789	0.275937	152018.000000	0.000000	-0.004658	-0.004834	0.575021	-2.842042	1.068273	2077.697510	-9208.404297	345046.625000	-0.043241	0.187935	-1.948676	-0.117404	0.228296	-1.153498	-0.002383	0.169814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129148.000000	193304.000000	170731.000000	114887.000000
-353.426971	-0.015330	-0.076693	-1.665930	0.323203	-0.069340	0.263166	152018.000000	0.000000	-0.004658	-0.004834	0.572923	-2.819697	1.068273	1904.548584	-8606.842773	350608.031250	-0.043135	0.186628	-1.948676	-0.117404	0.228296	-1.153498	-0.002383	0.169814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128720.000000	192529.000000	171506.000000	115315.000000
-353.431976	-0.018748	-0.081576	-1.670812	0.290212	-0.061890	0.250396	152018.000000	0.000000	-0.004658	-0.004834	0.570966	-2.795838	1.068273	1876.872314	-7944.838867	356169.406250	-0.043023	0.185244	-1.948676	-0.117404	0.228296	-1.153498	-0.002383	0.169814	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128085.000000	191839.000000	172196.000000	115950.000000
-353.436981	-0.022410	-0.086215	-1.672766	0.255093	-0.053376	0.237625	152002.000000	0.000000	0.002033	-0.002051	0.936710	-2.617212	1.051936	43834.039062	10289.988281	354616.156250	-0.042901	0.183773	-1.942392	-0.120360	0.229246	-1.149241	0.007055	0.164324	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162291.000000	162291.000000
-353.441986	-0.025584	-0.089389	-1.672033	0.216781	-0.045927	0.224854	152002.000000	0.000000	0.001836	-0.003208	0.656039	-2.763596	1.039548	-28451.619141	-25592.828125	354782.750000	-0.042772	0.182183	-1.937628	-0.123416	0.230944	-1.148439	0.006313	0.169338	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176046.000000	179143.000000	184860.000000	100000.000000
-353.446991	-0.029002	-0.091098	-1.668127	0.176340	-0.039541	0.212083	152002.000000	0.000000	-0.001320	-0.004106	0.488453	-2.735107	1.034374	-16700.337891	-5813.532715	358091.281250	-0.042642	0.180452	-1.935638	-0.124896	0.231896	-1.149080	0.006058	0.170970	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144515.000000	171115.000000	192888.000000	100000.000000
-353.451996	-0.031687	-0.092562	-1.661535	0.131643	-0.033156	0.199313	152002.000000	0.000000	-0.001320	-0.004106	0.612306	-2.664427	1.034374	15885.402344	-175.422424	363652.656250	-0.042506	0.178562	-1.935638	-0.124896	0.231896	-1.149080	0.006058	0.170970	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106292.000000	198062.000000	165941.000000	137711.000000
-353.457001	-0.033885	-0.093295	-1.653479	0.084817	-0.027835	0.187606	152002.000000	0.000000	-0.001320	-0.004106	0.609896	-2.626432	1.034374	2083.372803	-3145.222656	368750.593750	-0.042362	0.176496	-1.935638	-0.124896	0.231896	-1.149080	0.006058	0.170970	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123063.000000	187230.000000	176773.000000	120940.000000
-353.462006	-0.035105	-0.094027	-1.642248	0.033734	-0.023578	0.174836	152073.000000	0.000000	-0.001320	-0.004106	0.607033	-2.584980	1.034374	2117.874512	-1869.189209	374312.000000	-0.042206	0.174240	-1.935638	-0.124896	0.231896	-1.149080	0.006058	0.170970	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121824.000000	186060.000000	178085.000000	122321.000000
-353.467010	-0.034861	-0.095248	-1.629064	-0.019477	-0.021450	0.162065	152073.000000	0.000000	-0.001320	-0.004106	0.603625	-2.540773	1.034374	2266.566406	-886.247986	379873.375000	-0.042030	0.171795	-1.935638	-0.124896	0.231896	-1.149080	0.006058	0.170970	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120692.000000	185225.000000	178920.000000	123453.000000
-353.472015	-0.033885	-0.095980	-1.613439	-0.074817	-0.020385	0.149294	152073.000000	0.000000	-0.001320	-0.004106	0.599772	-2.493138	1.034374	2312.000732	198.348770	385434.781250	-0.041832	0.169151	-1.935638	-0.124896	0.231896	-1.149080	0.006058	0.170970	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119562.000000	184186.000000	179959.000000	124583.000000
-353.477020	-0.032664	-0.098178	-1.597326	-0.130157	-0.021450	0.135459	152073.000000	0.000000	-0.001320	-0.004106	0.595966	-2.443795	1.034374	2538.645264	867.739441	391459.593750	-0.041619	0.166331	-1.935638	-0.124896	0.231896	-1.149080	0.006058	0.170970	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118666.000000	183743.000000	180402.000000	125479.000000
-353.482025	-0.032908	-0.102084	-1.578771	-0.186561	-0.023578	0.121624	152009.000000	0.000000	-0.000517	-0.003638	0.637481	-2.367272	1.030374	7840.683594	4587.797852	395742.187500	-0.041416	0.163357	-1.934099	-0.126102	0.232687	-1.150472	0.002563	0.168860	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109580.000000	185261.000000	178756.000000	134437.000000
-353.487030	-0.032908	-0.107211	-1.557531	-0.241900	-0.028899	0.108854	152009.000000	0.000000	0.006050	-0.003238	0.964635	-2.312492	1.022814	41127.886719	2583.602783	398011.562500	-0.041235	0.160258	-1.931192	-0.129651	0.235703	-1.158073	0.001866	0.160703	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154592.000000	154592.000000
-353.492035	-0.033396	-0.112582	-1.532873	-0.297240	-0.035285	0.095019	152009.000000	0.000000	0.006050	-0.003238	0.701301	-2.275705	1.022814	-24864.740234	1028.971558	404036.375000	-0.041090	0.157044	-1.931192	-0.129651	0.235703	-1.158073	0.001866	0.160703	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145844.000000	156115.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-353.497040	-0.032908	-0.117465	-1.508459	-0.351516	-0.042734	0.083312	152009.000000	0.000000	-0.000797	-0.004876	0.324256	-2.311471	1.020662	-38951.078125	-6980.637695	408196.937500	-0.040974	0.153718	-1.930364	-0.130926	0.236881	-1.161739	0.001688	0.154962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158989.000000	158989.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-353.502045	-0.032176	-0.121859	-1.482092	-0.403663	-0.052312	0.072670	152007.000000	0.000000	-0.000797	-0.004876	0.598324	-2.190564	1.020662	34181.554688	10808.635742	412831.406250	-0.040895	0.150293	-1.930364	-0.130926	0.236881	-1.161739	0.001688	0.154962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162815.000000	162815.000000
-353.507050	-0.032420	-0.126742	-1.454260	-0.454745	-0.064019	0.062028	152007.000000	0.000000	-0.000797	-0.004876	0.600488	-2.134695	1.020662	4581.849609	4032.201172	417465.906250	-0.040877	0.146786	-1.930364	-0.130926	0.236881	-1.161739	0.001688	0.154962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113392.000000	182556.000000	181457.000000	130621.000000
-353.512054	-0.033152	-0.132357	-1.424475	-0.502636	-0.075725	0.053514	152007.000000	0.000000	-0.000797	-0.004876	0.604035	-2.079430	1.020662	4804.094238	4089.291260	421173.500000	-0.040929	0.143230	-1.930364	-0.130926	0.236881	-1.161739	0.001688	0.154962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113113.000000	182721.000000	181292.000000	130900.000000
-353.517059	-0.033641	-0.138705	-1.394934	-0.547333	-0.088496	0.045000	152007.000000	0.000000	-0.000797	-0.004876	0.608695	-2.025168	1.020662	5123.667969	4083.189209	424881.093750	-0.041051	0.139658	-1.930364	-0.130926	0.236881	-1.161739	0.001688	0.154962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112800.000000	183047.000000	180966.000000	131213.000000
-353.522064	-0.033641	-0.145297	-1.363928	-0.587774	-0.103395	0.037550	152007.000000	0.000000	-0.000797	-0.004876	0.614635	-1.972428	1.020662	5594.779297	3878.339844	428125.250000	-0.041248	0.136101	-1.930364	-0.130926	0.236881	-1.161739	0.001688	0.154962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112533.000000	183723.000000	180290.000000	131480.000000
-353.527069	-0.034129	-0.150912	-1.331945	-0.625022	-0.118294	0.031165	152013.000000	0.000000	-0.000797	-0.004876	0.622125	-1.920392	1.020662	5867.799805	3858.673340	430905.937500	-0.041527	0.132568	-1.930364	-0.130926	0.236881	-1.161739	0.001688	0.154962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112286.000000	184022.000000	180003.000000	131739.000000
-353.532074	-0.033885	-0.157016	-1.299963	-0.656948	-0.134257	0.026908	152013.000000	0.000000	-0.000797	-0.004876	0.630562	-1.870860	1.020662	6201.620117	3374.640625	432759.718750	-0.041884	0.129098	-1.930364	-0.130926	0.236881	-1.161739	0.001688	0.154962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112436.000000	184839.000000	179186.000000	131589.000000
-353.537079	-0.034129	-0.162387	-1.267248	-0.685682	-0.150221	0.022651	152013.000000	0.000000	-0.000797	-0.004876	0.640546	-1.822914	1.020662	6491.223633	3201.905518	434613.531250	-0.042324	0.125703	-1.930364	-0.130926	0.236881	-1.161739	0.001688	0.154962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112319.000000	185302.000000	178723.000000	131706.000000
-353.542084	-0.033152	-0.167270	-1.233557	-0.709095	-0.167248	0.019459	152013.000000	0.000000	-0.001281	-0.005624	0.624420	-1.818638	1.018783	3740.797119	-2059.369385	435185.656250	-0.042836	0.122408	-1.929641	-0.132354	0.238299	-1.165787	0.001467	0.148787	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120331.000000	187813.000000	176212.000000	123694.000000
-353.547089	-0.032908	-0.171176	-1.199133	-0.727187	-0.184276	0.016266	152008.000000	0.000000	0.008394	-0.002776	1.187897	-1.589211	1.025441	70142.023438	23250.884766	439475.656250	-0.043429	0.119232	-1.932202	-0.133494	0.240721	-1.180116	-0.007352	0.125180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	188757.000000	175258.000000	175258.000000
-353.552094	-0.032176	-0.174350	-1.164953	-0.741022	-0.201304	0.014137	152008.000000	0.000000	0.008394	-0.002776	0.813943	-1.662689	1.025441	-34576.082031	-10797.809570	440402.562500	-0.044094	0.116187	-1.932202	-0.133494	0.240721	-1.180116	-0.007352	0.125180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162805.000000	162805.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-353.557098	-0.031199	-0.176303	-1.130285	-0.750600	-0.218331	0.013073	152008.000000	0.000000	0.008394	-0.002776	0.827682	-1.624600	1.025441	8194.627930	1220.878052	440866.000000	-0.044828	0.113280	-1.932202	-0.133494	0.240721	-1.180116	-0.007352	0.125180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112592.000000	188981.000000	175034.000000	131423.000000
-353.562103	-0.030711	-0.178012	-1.095373	-0.755921	-0.236423	0.010945	152008.000000	0.000000	0.008394	-0.002776	0.843114	-1.589804	1.025441	8651.943359	575.293457	441792.906250	-0.045643	0.110533	-1.932202	-0.133494	0.240721	-1.180116	-0.007352	0.125180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112780.000000	190084.000000	173931.000000	131235.000000
-353.567108	-0.029979	-0.179721	-1.060705	-0.755921	-0.254515	0.009881	152008.000000	0.000000	0.008394	-0.002776	0.859470	-1.559061	1.025441	8912.175781	-314.083252	442256.343750	-0.046532	0.107976	-1.932202	-0.133494	0.240721	-1.180116	-0.007352	0.125180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113409.000000	191234.000000	172781.000000	130606.000000
-353.572113	-0.030223	-0.181918	-1.026770	-0.750600	-0.272607	0.007752	152005.000000	0.000000	0.008394	-0.002776	0.877864	-1.533259	1.025441	9303.904297	-1348.238525	443183.250000	-0.047514	0.105648	-1.932202	-0.133494	0.240721	-1.180116	-0.007352	0.125180	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114049.000000	192657.000000	171352.000000	129960.000000
-353.577118	-0.032176	-0.185092	-0.993566	-0.742086	-0.291763	0.006688	152005.000000	0.000000	0.011479	-0.002669	1.069360	-1.507018	1.034666	29423.609375	-1569.451050	447664.062500	-0.048626	0.103585	-1.935750	-0.135226	0.244405	-1.201324	-0.020201	0.095144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151011.000000	149859.000000
-353.582123	-0.034861	-0.188266	-0.960607	-0.728251	-0.310919	0.005624	152005.000000	0.000000	0.011479	-0.002669	0.970751	-1.496641	1.034666	-2840.613770	-3914.872070	448127.531250	-0.049884	0.101818	-1.935750	-0.135226	0.244405	-1.201324	-0.020201	0.095144	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128760.000000	183079.000000	180930.000000	115249.000000
-353.587128	-0.038523	-0.190463	-0.928625	-0.711224	-0.330075	0.004559	152005.000000	0.000000	0.001670	-0.004388	0.459540	-1.580831	1.037111	-50472.144531	-15129.663086	449655.375000	-0.051310	0.100344	-1.936690	-0.135653	0.245368	-1.206450	-0.023064	0.089483	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167134.000000	167134.000000	196875.000000	100000.000000
-353.592133	-0.041941	-0.191439	-0.898352	-0.691004	-0.348167	0.005624	152000.000000	0.000000	0.001670	-0.004388	0.881979	-1.505445	1.037111	54097.636719	2319.375244	449191.937500	-0.052898	0.099152	-1.936690	-0.135653	0.245368	-1.206450	-0.023064	0.089483	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154319.000000	154319.000000
-353.597137	-0.046092	-0.190463	-0.868322	-0.667591	-0.365194	0.007752	152000.000000	0.000000	0.001670	-0.004388	0.915463	-1.501668	1.037111	11445.101562	-5995.815430	448265.031250	-0.054661	0.098217	-1.936690	-0.135653	0.245368	-1.206450	-0.023064	0.089483	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116550.000000	199440.000000	164559.000000	127449.000000
-353.602142	-0.049998	-0.188510	-0.839758	-0.643113	-0.380094	0.009881	152000.000000	0.000000	0.001670	-0.004388	0.950873	-1.500579	1.037111	11655.380859	-6516.558105	447338.125000	-0.056587	0.097517	-1.936690	-0.135653	0.245368	-1.206450	-0.023064	0.089483	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116861.000000	200000.000000	163828.000000	127138.000000
-353.607147	-0.053416	-0.185580	-0.812170	-0.616508	-0.393929	0.013073	152000.000000	0.000000	0.001670	-0.004388	0.988049	-1.502077	1.037111	11966.077148	-7163.719727	445947.781250	-0.058664	0.097035	-1.936690	-0.135653	0.245368	-1.206450	-0.023064	0.089483	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117197.000000	200000.000000	162870.000000	126802.000000
-353.612152	-0.056346	-0.182162	-0.786047	-0.587774	-0.406699	0.016266	152003.000000	0.000000	0.001670	-0.004388	1.026688	-1.506388	1.037111	12246.366211	-7859.191895	444557.437500	-0.060877	0.096763	-1.936690	-0.135653	0.245368	-1.206450	-0.023064	0.089483	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117615.000000	200000.000000	161897.000000	126390.000000
-353.617157	-0.059031	-0.178256	-0.759924	-0.557975	-0.417342	0.019459	152003.000000	0.000000	0.001670	-0.004388	1.066730	-1.513448	1.037111	12399.797852	-8447.916992	443167.093750	-0.063214	0.096694	-1.936690	-0.135653	0.245368	-1.206450	-0.023064	0.089483	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118051.000000	200000.000000	161155.000000	125954.000000
-353.622162	-0.060496	-0.173861	-0.735266	-0.527113	-0.426920	0.022651	152003.000000	0.000000	0.001670	-0.004388	1.106732	-1.522650	1.037111	12506.372070	-8984.791992	441776.750000	-0.065642	0.096810	-1.936690	-0.135653	0.245368	-1.206450	-0.023064	0.089483	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118481.000000	200000.000000	160511.000000	125524.000000
-353.627167	-0.061473	-0.169711	-0.712072	-0.496250	-0.434369	0.026908	152003.000000	0.000000	0.002695	-0.003679	1.203213	-1.495437	1.040535	18960.728516	-4997.576660	441414.156250	-0.068137	0.097109	-1.938007	-0.135738	0.246090	-1.211486	-0.028285	0.082604	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108039.000000	200000.000000	158044.000000	135966.000000
-353.632172	-0.061473	-0.166049	-0.689855	-0.464323	-0.440754	0.029037	152003.000000	0.000000	0.007366	-0.003393	1.458431	-1.523183	1.040915	37501.066406	-11432.177734	440652.875000	-0.070666	0.097602	-1.938154	-0.137828	0.248926	-1.225125	-0.046290	0.067617	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103435.000000	200000.000000	140570.000000	140570.000000
-353.637177	-0.061717	-0.162631	-0.668859	-0.432397	-0.446076	0.032229	152059.000000	0.000000	0.000965	-0.004117	0.959647	-1.592265	1.040720	-47792.933594	-16441.951172	439177.625000	-0.073233	0.098285	-1.938079	-0.138475	0.249771	-1.228952	-0.049616	0.064941	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168500.000000	168500.000000	195617.000000	100000.000000
-353.642181	-0.062937	-0.159701	-0.648107	-0.401534	-0.449268	0.033294	152059.000000	0.000000	0.000965	-0.004117	1.257210	-1.584418	1.040720	40919.699219	-7971.936035	438714.187500	-0.075856	0.099165	-1.938079	-0.138475	0.249771	-1.228952	-0.049616	0.064941	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100030.000000	200000.000000	144087.000000	144087.000000
-353.647186	-0.063670	-0.156771	-0.626623	-0.371736	-0.450332	0.035422	152059.000000	0.000000	0.000965	-0.004117	1.298677	-1.608437	1.040720	12722.056641	-11606.304688	437787.281250	-0.078518	0.100242	-1.938079	-0.138475	0.249771	-1.228952	-0.049616	0.064941	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120943.000000	200000.000000	157730.000000	123174.000000
-353.652191	-0.064891	-0.153354	-0.606604	-0.343002	-0.449268	0.036486	152059.000000	0.000000	0.000965	-0.004117	1.341013	-1.633699	1.040720	12773.414062	-11874.375977	437323.812500	-0.081224	0.101485	-1.938079	-0.138475	0.249771	-1.228952	-0.049616	0.064941	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121159.000000	200000.000000	157411.000000	122958.000000
-353.657196	-0.066355	-0.150668	-0.589758	-0.315332	-0.446076	0.036486	152075.000000	0.000000	0.000965	-0.004117	1.383527	-1.661023	1.040720	12739.786133	-12237.174805	437323.812500	-0.083964	0.102885	-1.938079	-0.138475	0.249771	-1.228952	-0.049616	0.064941	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121572.000000	200000.000000	157098.000000	122577.000000
-353.662201	-0.068064	-0.147982	-0.574133	-0.286598	-0.440754	0.035422	152075.000000	0.000000	0.000965	-0.004117	1.426450	-1.690421	1.040720	12723.684570	-12849.471680	437787.281250	-0.086738	0.104438	-1.938079	-0.138475	0.249771	-1.228952	-0.049616	0.064941	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122200.000000	200000.000000	156501.000000	121949.000000
-353.667206	-0.069773	-0.146762	-0.558508	-0.259992	-0.432241	0.034358	152075.000000	0.000000	0.000965	-0.004117	1.469224	-1.724174	1.040720	12514.601562	-13373.459961	438250.718750	-0.089533	0.106181	-1.938079	-0.138475	0.249771	-1.228952	-0.049616	0.064941	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122933.000000	200000.000000	156186.000000	121216.000000
-353.672211	-0.073436	-0.144320	-0.543859	-0.232322	-0.422663	0.032229	152075.000000	0.000000	0.004935	-0.002991	1.734226	-1.696309	1.041219	38012.636719	-6712.788574	439394.656250	-0.092414	0.108068	-1.938270	-0.139291	0.251018	-1.235466	-0.058593	0.060012	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	145362.000000	145362.000000
-353.677216	-0.076609	-0.142611	-0.529699	-0.206781	-0.409892	0.029037	152075.000000	0.000000	0.005077	-0.002606	1.629688	-1.756895	1.040695	-3519.287109	-16602.662109	440557.187500	-0.095353	0.110108	-1.938069	-0.140004	0.251990	-1.240130	-0.068067	0.057308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142196.000000	195158.000000	168991.000000	101953.000000
-353.682220	-0.079295	-0.140414	-0.517492	-0.181239	-0.393929	0.025844	151992.000000	0.000000	0.005077	-0.002606	1.669348	-1.809385	1.040695	12096.628906	-16069.535156	441947.531250	-0.098316	0.112266	-1.938069	-0.140004	0.251990	-1.240130	-0.068067	0.057308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125964.000000	200000.000000	153825.000000	118019.000000
-353.687225	-0.081248	-0.137973	-0.505041	-0.158891	-0.375837	0.020523	151992.000000	0.000000	0.005077	-0.002606	1.713364	-1.847091	1.040695	12460.908203	-14369.126953	444264.750000	-0.101271	0.114522	-1.938069	-0.140004	0.251990	-1.240130	-0.068067	0.057308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123900.000000	200000.000000	155161.000000	120083.000000
-353.692230	-0.082957	-0.135043	-0.492102	-0.136542	-0.354552	0.016266	151992.000000	0.000000	0.005077	-0.002606	1.756510	-1.885457	1.040695	12114.621094	-14720.897461	446118.562500	-0.104204	0.116860	-1.938069	-0.140004	0.251990	-1.240130	-0.068067	0.057308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124598.000000	200000.000000	155156.000000	119385.000000
-353.697235	-0.083689	-0.132113	-0.480383	-0.116322	-0.331139	0.009881	151992.000000	0.000000	0.005077	-0.002606	1.796593	-1.923889	1.040695	11620.633789	-14764.051758	448899.250000	-0.107067	0.119259	-1.938069	-0.140004	0.251990	-1.240130	-0.068067	0.057308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125135.000000	200000.000000	155607.000000	118848.000000
-353.702240	-0.083934	-0.128451	-0.469396	-0.098230	-0.304534	0.003495	151999.000000	0.000000	0.005077	-0.002606	1.833837	-1.960655	1.040695	11006.213867	-14599.111328	451679.937500	-0.109825	0.121672	-1.938069	-0.140004	0.251990	-1.240130	-0.068067	0.057308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125591.000000	200000.000000	156393.000000	118406.000000
-353.707245	-0.084666	-0.124545	-0.459387	-0.081202	-0.277928	-0.003954	151999.000000	0.000000	0.005077	-0.002606	1.870573	-1.996130	1.040695	10997.015625	-14581.561523	454924.093750	-0.112500	0.124072	-1.938069	-0.140004	0.251990	-1.240130	-0.068067	0.057308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125583.000000	200000.000000	156420.000000	118414.000000
-353.712250	-0.084666	-0.120883	-0.450354	-0.066303	-0.249194	-0.012468	151999.000000	0.000000	0.005077	-0.002606	1.903684	-2.030801	1.040695	10384.504883	-14487.293945	458631.687500	-0.115046	0.126448	-1.938069	-0.140004	0.251990	-1.240130	-0.068067	0.057308	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126101.000000	200000.000000	157127.000000	117896.000000
-353.717255	-0.085398	-0.117465	-0.441320	-0.052468	-0.219396	-0.023110	151999.000000	0.000000	0.010387	-0.000513	2.228445	-1.950204	1.045095	43692.941406	-1388.618530	465182.000000	-0.117495	0.128802	-1.939761	-0.139040	0.251818	-1.243431	-0.075276	0.055729	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150610.000000	150610.000000
-353.722260	-0.086131	-0.115023	-0.433996	-0.038633	-0.188533	-0.035881	152101.000000	0.000000	0.003983	-0.000829	1.694526	-2.086653	1.045624	-53439.000000	-25945.523438	470974.062500	-0.119830	0.131158	-1.939965	-0.138679	0.251548	-1.243442	-0.076605	0.055630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178046.000000	178046.000000	186155.000000	100000.000000
-353.727264	-0.085887	-0.112338	-0.427160	-0.025863	-0.157670	-0.048652	152101.000000	0.000000	0.004678	-0.000302	2.015228	-2.079358	1.046762	41864.898438	-10048.186523	477030.812500	-0.122010	0.133496	-1.940402	-0.138088	0.251103	-1.242886	-0.077552	0.056398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102149.000000	200000.000000	142052.000000	142052.000000
-353.732269	-0.086131	-0.110629	-0.421789	-0.014156	-0.125744	-0.061423	152101.000000	0.000000	0.004678	-0.000302	2.011977	-2.135529	1.046762	5965.518555	-17221.878906	482592.187500	-0.124040	0.135834	-1.940402	-0.138088	0.251103	-1.242886	-0.077552	0.056398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133357.000000	200000.000000	158913.000000	110844.000000
-353.737274	-0.086375	-0.109408	-0.416662	-0.003514	-0.092753	-0.076322	152101.000000	0.000000	0.004678	-0.000302	2.033959	-2.171435	1.046762	8572.362305	-15090.695312	489080.468750	-0.125917	0.138187	-1.940402	-0.138088	0.251103	-1.242886	-0.077552	0.056398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128619.000000	200000.000000	158437.000000	115582.000000
-353.742279	-0.086131	-0.108920	-0.412756	0.003936	-0.059762	-0.091221	152101.000000	0.000000	0.004678	-0.000302	2.051962	-2.207796	1.046762	8065.853027	-14991.236328	495568.750000	-0.127609	0.140560	-1.940402	-0.138088	0.251103	-1.242886	-0.077552	0.056398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129026.000000	200000.000000	159043.000000	115175.000000
-353.747284	-0.085643	-0.108432	-0.411535	0.011385	-0.024642	-0.106120	152105.000000	0.000000	0.004678	-0.000302	2.064925	-2.242796	1.046762	7175.841309	-15036.825195	502057.062500	-0.129075	0.142922	-1.940402	-0.138088	0.251103	-1.242886	-0.077552	0.056398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129965.000000	200000.000000	159892.000000	114244.000000
-353.752289	-0.086131	-0.108187	-0.409338	0.015642	0.010477	-0.121019	152105.000000	0.000000	0.004678	-0.000302	2.077613	-2.277863	1.046762	7042.326172	-14873.941406	508545.343750	-0.130372	0.145277	-1.940402	-0.138088	0.251103	-1.242886	-0.077552	0.056398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129936.000000	200000.000000	160188.000000	114273.000000
-353.757294	-0.087107	-0.105502	-0.407629	0.016706	0.046661	-0.138047	152105.000000	0.000000	0.004678	-0.000302	2.088889	-2.305630	1.046762	6655.458496	-13852.940430	515960.500000	-0.131521	0.147495	-1.940402	-0.138088	0.251103	-1.242886	-0.077552	0.056398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129302.000000	200000.000000	161596.000000	114907.000000
-353.762299	-0.087352	-0.105258	-0.405920	0.015642	0.083909	-0.154010	152105.000000	0.000000	0.004678	-0.000302	2.095715	-2.336987	1.046762	5909.274414	-14153.026367	522912.250000	-0.132480	0.149678	-1.940402	-0.138088	0.251103	-1.242886	-0.077552	0.056398	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130348.000000	200000.000000	162042.000000	113861.000000
-353.767303	-0.088084	-0.107211	-0.404211	0.011385	0.122221	-0.171038	152112.000000	0.000000	0.016841	0.002955	2.769315	-2.193362	1.059334	82030.312500	6118.742676	535802.125000	-0.133265	0.151910	-1.945238	-0.132659	0.246871	-1.234833	-0.074344	0.060249	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	158230.000000	158230.000000
-353.772308	-0.090037	-0.110873	-0.404455	0.008193	0.154148	-0.184873	152112.000000	0.000000	0.016841	0.002955	2.288995	-2.362763	1.059334	-46504.304688	-29182.070312	541827.000000	-0.133945	0.154246	-1.945238	-0.132659	0.246871	-1.234833	-0.074344	0.060249	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181294.000000	181294.000000	182929.000000	100000.000000
-353.777313	-0.093211	-0.117221	-0.406896	0.001807	0.192460	-0.201900	152112.000000	0.000000	0.009353	0.003538	1.881427	-2.375366	1.064189	-41257.910156	-11618.607422	551356.500000	-0.134515	0.156757	-1.947105	-0.130547	0.245171	-1.231441	-0.071950	0.059754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163730.000000	163730.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-353.782318	-0.095896	-0.125766	-0.408605	-0.003514	0.232900	-0.217864	152112.000000	0.000000	0.009353	0.003538	2.181583	-2.451635	1.064189	37521.179688	-19062.501953	558308.250000	-0.134944	0.159546	-1.947105	-0.130547	0.245171	-1.231441	-0.071950	0.059754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111174.000000	200000.000000	133049.000000	133049.000000
-353.787323	-0.098826	-0.135531	-0.411291	-0.007771	0.271212	-0.232763	152112.000000	0.000000	0.009353	0.003538	2.180655	-2.510388	1.064189	4468.730469	-17504.226562	564796.562500	-0.135238	0.162643	-1.947105	-0.130547	0.245171	-1.231441	-0.071950	0.059754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135147.000000	200000.000000	160139.000000	109076.000000
-353.792328	-0.101512	-0.144809	-0.415686	-0.012028	0.309525	-0.246598	152110.000000	0.000000	0.009353	0.003538	2.176308	-2.570405	1.064189	3896.578613	-17899.750000	570821.375000	-0.135374	0.165986	-1.947105	-0.130547	0.245171	-1.231441	-0.071950	0.059754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136113.000000	200000.000000	160313.000000	108106.000000
-353.797333	-0.102977	-0.152621	-0.422277	-0.014156	0.347837	-0.257240	152110.000000	0.000000	0.009353	0.003538	2.166028	-2.628923	1.064189	3020.716553	-18228.257812	575455.875000	-0.135285	0.169482	-1.947105	-0.130547	0.245171	-1.231441	-0.071950	0.059754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137317.000000	200000.000000	160861.000000	106902.000000
-353.802338	-0.103465	-0.159457	-0.429602	-0.015220	0.385085	-0.267882	152110.000000	0.000000	0.009353	0.003538	2.150538	-2.686844	1.064189	2321.148438	-18542.455078	580090.375000	-0.134939	0.173077	-1.947105	-0.130547	0.245171	-1.231441	-0.071950	0.059754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138331.000000	200000.000000	161246.000000	105888.000000
-353.807343	-0.103465	-0.166537	-0.438146	-0.013092	0.422332	-0.274268	152110.000000	0.000000	0.009353	0.003538	2.130056	-2.746101	1.064189	1506.457397	-19322.947266	582871.062500	-0.134315	0.176769	-1.947105	-0.130547	0.245171	-1.231441	-0.071950	0.059754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139926.000000	200000.000000	161280.000000	104293.000000
-353.812347	-0.103709	-0.172885	-0.449133	-0.008835	0.458516	-0.278525	152181.000000	0.000000	0.009353	0.003538	2.105882	-2.803357	1.064189	939.872803	-19619.794922	584724.875000	-0.133421	0.180495	-1.947105	-0.130547	0.245171	-1.231441	-0.071950	0.059754	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140860.000000	200000.000000	161621.000000	103501.000000
-353.817352	-0.103953	-0.179232	-0.460607	-0.001385	0.493636	-0.279589	152181.000000	0.000000	0.011380	0.004854	2.189903	-2.788841	1.071368	13179.777344	-12045.273438	588314.750000	-0.132272	0.184256	-1.949866	-0.127773	0.243041	-1.227408	-0.067207	0.060086	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121046.000000	200000.000000	156955.000000	123315.000000
-353.822357	-0.103709	-0.185092	-0.474035	0.008193	0.526627	-0.278525	152181.000000	0.000000	0.019341	0.007210	2.514822	-2.768124	1.093949	41245.035156	-11546.346680	597684.687500	-0.130860	0.188015	-1.958551	-0.118154	0.235272	-1.212234	-0.047986	0.059494	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103727.000000	200000.000000	140634.000000	140634.000000
-353.827362	-0.102732	-0.188998	-0.489904	0.022028	0.559618	-0.273203	152181.000000	0.000000	0.013242	0.007401	1.824281	-2.903603	1.100374	-73739.320312	-29875.851562	598165.500000	-0.129161	0.191689	-1.961022	-0.114824	0.232343	-1.206180	-0.041796	0.060060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182056.000000	182056.000000	182305.000000	100000.000000
-353.832367	-0.099803	-0.191195	-0.507238	0.036927	0.590480	-0.265754	152173.000000	0.000000	0.013242	0.007401	2.024350	-2.958224	1.100374	25201.156250	-21421.773438	594921.312500	-0.127130	0.195215	-1.961022	-0.114824	0.232343	-1.206180	-0.041796	0.060060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118393.000000	200000.000000	135550.000000	125952.000000
-353.837372	-0.096629	-0.192904	-0.526037	0.055019	0.620278	-0.255112	152173.000000	0.000000	0.013242	0.007401	1.976234	-3.002510	1.100374	-2329.808350	-20923.490234	590286.875000	-0.124778	0.198585	-1.961022	-0.114824	0.232343	-1.206180	-0.041796	0.060060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145426.000000	200000.000000	163579.000000	100000.000000
-353.842377	-0.092234	-0.193148	-0.546057	0.074175	0.646884	-0.240212	152173.000000	0.000000	0.013242	0.007401	1.923032	-3.042059	1.100374	-2905.054199	-20789.703125	583798.562500	-0.122099	0.201755	-1.961022	-0.114824	0.232343	-1.206180	-0.041796	0.060060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145867.000000	200000.000000	164288.000000	100000.000000
-353.847382	-0.087596	-0.192660	-0.568273	0.095459	0.670297	-0.223185	152173.000000	0.000000	0.013242	0.007401	1.866215	-3.077526	1.100374	-3322.322021	-20837.064453	576383.375000	-0.119119	0.204705	-1.961022	-0.114824	0.232343	-1.206180	-0.041796	0.060060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146332.000000	199687.000000	164658.000000	100000.000000
-353.852386	-0.082225	-0.191195	-0.593176	0.117808	0.687325	-0.202965	152173.000000	0.000000	0.013242	0.007401	1.806162	-3.107955	1.100374	-3328.754639	-20641.714844	567577.812500	-0.115859	0.207404	-1.961022	-0.114824	0.232343	-1.206180	-0.041796	0.060060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146143.000000	199485.000000	164860.000000	100000.000000
-353.857391	-0.076609	-0.190463	-0.619055	0.144414	0.699031	-0.180616	152116.000000	0.000000	0.013242	0.007401	1.744176	-3.137806	1.100374	-3295.295898	-21305.982422	557845.437500	-0.112361	0.209909	-1.961022	-0.114824	0.232343	-1.206180	-0.041796	0.060060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146717.000000	200000.000000	164105.000000	100000.000000
-353.862396	-0.071238	-0.188998	-0.646154	0.172083	0.702224	-0.156139	152116.000000	0.000000	0.013242	0.007401	1.682527	-3.164507	1.100374	-2620.329834	-21326.808594	547186.062500	-0.108696	0.212217	-1.961022	-0.114824	0.232343	-1.206180	-0.041796	0.060060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146063.000000	200000.000000	163409.000000	100000.000000
-353.867401	-0.065379	-0.187533	-0.672521	0.200818	0.697967	-0.128469	152116.000000	0.000000	0.022308	0.009379	2.119491	-3.081322	1.113010	55053.875000	-9110.543945	540639.312500	-0.104912	0.214360	-1.965883	-0.102700	0.219919	-1.178179	-0.008804	0.063584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101226.000000	200000.000000	143005.000000	143005.000000
-353.872406	-0.060008	-0.185580	-0.697912	0.230616	0.686260	-0.099735	152116.000000	0.000000	0.022308	0.009379	1.697642	-3.184566	1.113010	-40445.269531	-30338.697266	528126.187500	-0.101081	0.216358	-1.965883	-0.102700	0.219919	-1.178179	-0.008804	0.063584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182116.000000	182116.000000	182116.000000	100000.000000
-353.877411	-0.056834	-0.184359	-0.723547	0.260414	0.667104	-0.069936	152175.000000	0.000000	0.022308	0.009379	1.643556	-3.208454	1.113010	650.923279	-21859.933594	515149.625000	-0.097311	0.218245	-1.965883	-0.102700	0.219919	-1.178179	-0.008804	0.063584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143384.000000	200000.000000	159664.000000	100965.000000
-353.882416	-0.054148	-0.182162	-0.750402	0.289148	0.642627	-0.040138	152175.000000	0.000000	0.022308	0.009379	1.592817	-3.229528	1.113010	1483.268555	-21662.642578	502173.062500	-0.093647	0.220001	-1.965883	-0.102700	0.219919	-1.178179	-0.008804	0.063584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142354.000000	200000.000000	159029.000000	101995.000000
-353.887421	-0.052195	-0.178500	-0.777014	0.316818	0.611765	-0.010340	152175.000000	0.000000	0.022308	0.009379	1.546710	-3.247443	1.113010	2624.468262	-21407.847656	489196.500000	-0.090144	0.221603	-1.965883	-0.102700	0.219919	-1.178179	-0.008804	0.063584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140958.000000	200000.000000	158142.000000	103391.000000
-353.892426	-0.050486	-0.172885	-0.804357	0.343424	0.577709	0.017330	152175.000000	0.000000	0.022308	0.009379	1.504168	-3.261106	1.113010	3328.554932	-21008.595703	477146.812500	-0.086823	0.223017	-1.965883	-0.102700	0.219919	-1.178179	-0.008804	0.063584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139855.000000	200000.000000	157837.000000	104494.000000
-353.897430	-0.047557	-0.164584	-0.833166	0.367901	0.540462	0.045000	152175.000000	0.000000	0.022308	0.009379	1.463617	-3.268784	1.113010	3883.281982	-20264.501953	465097.156250	-0.083670	0.224185	-1.965883	-0.102700	0.219919	-1.178179	-0.008804	0.063584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138556.000000	200000.000000	158027.000000	105793.000000
-353.902435	-0.042918	-0.155062	-0.861975	0.390250	0.503214	0.070541	152106.000000	0.000000	0.022308	0.009379	1.423495	-3.272154	1.113010	3917.271240	-19674.935547	453974.375000	-0.080648	0.225095	-1.965883	-0.102700	0.219919	-1.178179	-0.008804	0.063584	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137863.000000	200000.000000	158513.000000	106348.000000
-353.907440	-0.038279	-0.145053	-0.891516	0.411534	0.464902	0.093954	152106.000000	0.000000	0.012969	0.007483	0.872263	-3.376342	1.109347	-54524.710938	-31220.707031	442183.375000	-0.077764	0.225756	-1.964474	-0.098559	0.214455	-1.162666	0.007118	0.071103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182106.000000	182106.000000	182106.000000	100000.000000
-353.912445	-0.033396	-0.135287	-0.921789	0.431754	0.427654	0.115239	152106.000000	0.000000	-0.001662	0.000139	0.404997	-3.701788	1.063621	-47387.367188	-57022.375000	413001.593750	-0.075008	0.226191	-1.946887	-0.104118	0.213886	-1.146665	0.018158	0.074371	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182106.000000	182106.000000	182106.000000	100000.000000
-353.917450	-0.028758	-0.125277	-0.951574	0.451975	0.392534	0.134395	152106.000000	0.000000	-0.001662	0.000139	0.955663	-3.403310	1.063621	67001.062500	12861.858398	404659.500000	-0.072380	0.226419	-1.946887	-0.104118	0.213886	-1.146665	0.018158	0.074371	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199244.000000	164967.000000	164967.000000
-353.922455	-0.023143	-0.115512	-0.981848	0.473259	0.356351	0.150358	152098.000000	0.000000	-0.001662	0.000139	0.922407	-3.397087	1.063621	2925.762207	-19459.750000	397707.781250	-0.069863	0.226471	-1.946887	-0.104118	0.213886	-1.146665	0.018158	0.074371	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138631.000000	200000.000000	159712.000000	105564.000000
-353.927460	-0.017039	-0.104281	-1.014074	0.494544	0.321231	0.163129	152098.000000	0.000000	-0.001662	0.000139	0.890071	-3.387548	1.063621	2922.709229	-19149.083984	392146.406250	-0.067446	0.226336	-1.946887	-0.104118	0.213886	-1.146665	0.018158	0.074371	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138324.000000	200000.000000	160026.000000	105871.000000
-353.932465	-0.010203	-0.092562	-1.046301	0.519021	0.287176	0.172707	152098.000000	0.000000	-0.001662	0.000139	0.858280	-3.376741	1.063621	2876.031982	-19423.677734	387975.343750	-0.065109	0.226041	-1.946887	-0.104118	0.213886	-1.146665	0.018158	0.074371	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138645.000000	200000.000000	159798.000000	105550.000000
-353.937469	-0.004832	-0.080600	-1.080236	0.546691	0.252056	0.180157	152098.000000	0.000000	-0.001662	0.000139	0.829682	-3.365129	1.063621	3374.162354	-19759.984375	384731.218750	-0.062890	0.225615	-1.946887	-0.104118	0.213886	-1.146665	0.018158	0.074371	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138483.000000	200000.000000	158963.000000	105712.000000
-353.942474	-0.000193	-0.068637	-1.112951	0.575425	0.218001	0.186542	152161.000000	0.000000	0.005714	0.004975	1.209006	-3.087048	1.056247	50012.207031	10569.767578	378739.062500	-0.060799	0.225084	-1.944050	-0.103356	0.211860	-1.139227	0.011820	0.092311	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162730.000000	162730.000000
-353.947479	0.003469	-0.058383	-1.145178	0.606287	0.183946	0.190799	152161.000000	0.000000	0.019046	0.009268	1.623691	-3.033773	1.063384	55964.503906	-14279.881836	379993.187500	-0.058852	0.224506	-1.946795	-0.094397	0.202433	-1.115833	0.025429	0.101585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106440.000000	200000.000000	137881.000000	137881.000000
-353.952484	0.006154	-0.048373	-1.177648	0.639278	0.149891	0.193992	152161.000000	0.000000	0.019046	0.009268	1.070261	-3.195597	1.063384	-52874.730469	-39061.542969	378602.843750	-0.057066	0.223906	-1.946795	-0.094397	0.202433	-1.115833	0.025429	0.101585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182161.000000	182161.000000	182161.000000	100000.000000
-353.957489	0.007863	-0.038852	-1.210363	0.673334	0.117964	0.196120	152161.000000	0.000000	0.019046	0.009268	1.052517	-3.186768	1.063384	5858.441895	-20530.195312	377675.937500	-0.055444	0.223309	-1.946795	-0.094397	0.202433	-1.115833	0.025429	0.101585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136832.000000	200000.000000	155772.000000	107489.000000
-353.962494	0.009328	-0.031527	-1.241857	0.707389	0.087101	0.197184	152161.000000	0.000000	0.019046	0.009268	1.037000	-3.180462	1.063384	6056.921387	-20935.296875	377212.500000	-0.053983	0.222761	-1.946795	-0.094397	0.202433	-1.115833	0.025429	0.101585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137039.000000	200000.000000	155168.000000	107282.000000
-353.967499	0.010061	-0.026156	-1.273596	0.741444	0.059432	0.196120	152102.000000	0.000000	0.019046	0.009268	1.023438	-3.176874	1.063384	5985.696289	-21374.287109	377675.937500	-0.052674	0.222297	-1.946795	-0.094397	0.202433	-1.115833	0.025429	0.101585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137490.000000	200000.000000	154742.000000	106713.000000
-353.972504	0.010793	-0.021029	-1.305334	0.773371	0.036019	0.193992	152102.000000	0.000000	0.019046	0.009268	1.010835	-3.174336	1.063384	5672.677246	-21390.921875	378602.843750	-0.051492	0.221913	-1.946795	-0.094397	0.202433	-1.115833	0.025429	0.101585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137820.000000	200000.000000	155038.000000	106383.000000
-353.977509	0.012258	-0.015414	-1.336096	0.804233	0.016863	0.189735	152102.000000	0.000000	0.019046	0.009268	0.998170	-3.172425	1.063384	5227.917480	-21476.742188	380456.656250	-0.050403	0.221599	-1.946795	-0.094397	0.202433	-1.115833	0.025429	0.101585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138350.000000	200000.000000	155397.000000	105853.000000
-353.982513	0.014699	-0.008578	-1.366369	0.831903	0.003028	0.184414	152102.000000	0.000000	0.019046	0.009268	0.984593	-3.169907	1.063384	4543.628906	-21174.408203	382773.906250	-0.049364	0.221325	-1.946795	-0.094397	0.202433	-1.115833	0.025429	0.101585	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138732.000000	200000.000000	156383.000000	105471.000000
-353.987518	0.018605	-0.001010	-1.396643	0.856380	-0.005486	0.176964	152179.000000	0.000000	0.004710	0.003775	0.180903	-3.468809	1.055965	-86577.039062	-55453.417969	382787.562500	-0.048327	0.221070	-1.943942	-0.094017	0.200859	-1.108586	0.025593	0.110362	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182179.000000	182179.000000	182179.000000	100000.000000
-353.992523	0.023732	0.008023	-1.425939	0.875537	-0.009743	0.168450	152179.000000	0.000000	0.011242	0.003848	1.095750	-3.239987	1.037993	106146.234375	4122.599121	378668.375000	-0.047255	0.220789	-1.937030	-0.092892	0.196908	-1.089162	0.023659	0.136025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156301.000000	156301.000000
-353.997528	0.028615	0.017057	-1.453771	0.891500	-0.006550	0.157808	152179.000000	0.000000	0.011242	0.003848	0.814883	-3.236760	1.037993	-27455.414062	-20390.396484	383302.875000	-0.046117	0.220474	-1.937030	-0.092892	0.196908	-1.089162	0.023659	0.136025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170024.000000	175113.000000	189244.000000	100000.000000
-354.002533	0.034230	0.025846	-1.481848	0.903206	-0.000165	0.145037	152179.000000	0.000000	0.011242	0.003848	0.792868	-3.229438	1.037993	525.075806	-19492.240234	388864.250000	-0.044889	0.220111	-1.937030	-0.092892	0.196908	-1.089162	0.023659	0.136025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141146.000000	200000.000000	162161.000000	103211.000000
-354.007538	0.039113	0.032682	-1.508215	0.910656	0.011541	0.131202	152179.000000	0.000000	0.011242	0.003848	0.768781	-3.221939	1.037993	-452.411499	-19004.525391	394889.093750	-0.043558	0.219711	-1.937030	-0.092892	0.196908	-1.089162	0.023659	0.136025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141635.000000	200000.000000	163626.000000	102722.000000
-354.012543	0.044240	0.036832	-1.534582	0.913849	0.026441	0.116303	152118.000000	0.000000	0.011242	0.003848	0.742291	-3.214856	1.037993	-1257.980957	-18564.304688	401377.375000	-0.042109	0.219291	-1.937030	-0.092892	0.196908	-1.089162	0.023659	0.136025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141940.000000	199424.000000	164811.000000	102295.000000
-354.017548	0.048635	0.040250	-1.560217	0.913849	0.043468	0.100340	152118.000000	0.000000	0.011242	0.003848	0.714140	-3.207232	1.037993	-1882.613770	-18118.640625	408329.125000	-0.040542	0.218847	-1.937030	-0.092892	0.196908	-1.089162	0.023659	0.136025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142119.000000	198354.000000	165881.000000	102116.000000
-354.022552	0.054250	0.043912	-1.584143	0.909592	0.062624	0.083312	152118.000000	0.000000	0.001632	0.000389	0.154578	-3.388169	1.029920	-63210.546875	-39196.710938	412228.750000	-0.038836	0.218356	-1.933925	-0.093540	0.196482	-1.083667	0.023513	0.146626	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182118.000000	182118.000000	182118.000000	100000.000000
-354.027557	0.060354	0.047330	-1.605871	0.902142	0.081780	0.066285	152118.000000	0.000000	0.010320	0.001756	0.983119	-3.164097	1.018764	93160.656250	6757.525391	414785.937500	-0.036988	0.217806	-1.929634	-0.093337	0.194632	-1.070423	0.025703	0.175347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	158875.000000	158875.000000
-354.032562	0.066213	0.049283	-1.625646	0.891500	0.100936	0.049257	152183.000000	0.000000	0.010320	0.001756	0.600499	-3.207521	1.018764	-41879.714844	-22460.078125	422201.125000	-0.035003	0.217201	-1.929634	-0.093337	0.194632	-1.070423	0.025703	0.175347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174643.000000	174643.000000	189722.000000	100000.000000
-354.037567	0.070363	0.049283	-1.644689	0.877665	0.119028	0.033294	152183.000000	0.000000	0.010320	0.001756	0.564962	-3.195929	1.018764	-3845.503662	-15942.620117	429152.843750	-0.032914	0.216551	-1.929634	-0.093337	0.194632	-1.070423	0.025703	0.175347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141971.000000	194280.000000	170085.000000	102394.000000
-354.042572	0.072805	0.044889	-1.663732	0.860637	0.131799	0.017330	152183.000000	0.000000	0.010320	0.001756	0.530546	-3.185725	1.018764	-3354.263672	-15618.948242	436104.593750	-0.030768	0.215893	-1.929634	-0.093337	0.194632	-1.070423	0.025703	0.175347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141156.000000	194447.000000	169918.000000	103209.000000
-354.047577	0.074514	0.038053	-1.680334	0.842546	0.141377	0.002431	152183.000000	0.000000	0.010320	0.001756	0.496678	-3.176535	1.018764	-3143.653320	-15487.457031	442592.875000	-0.028593	0.215247	-1.929634	-0.093337	0.194632	-1.070423	0.025703	0.175347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140814.000000	194526.000000	169839.000000	103551.000000
-354.052582	0.074758	0.030240	-1.695715	0.820197	0.146698	-0.009276	152195.000000	0.000000	0.010320	0.001756	0.464643	-3.166969	1.018764	-2644.990234	-14831.671875	447690.812500	-0.026428	0.214603	-1.929634	-0.093337	0.194632	-1.070423	0.025703	0.175347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139671.000000	194381.000000	170008.000000	104718.000000
-354.057587	0.074025	0.021939	-1.708898	0.793591	0.146698	-0.019918	152195.000000	0.000000	0.010320	0.001756	0.434773	-3.156423	1.018764	-1959.271729	-14085.000000	452325.312500	-0.024310	0.213943	-1.929634	-0.093337	0.194632	-1.070423	0.025703	0.175347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138239.000000	194320.000000	170069.000000	106150.000000
-354.062592	0.071828	0.012418	-1.719885	0.763793	0.142441	-0.027367	152195.000000	0.000000	0.010320	0.001756	0.407732	-3.145449	1.018764	-1284.843506	-13499.430664	455569.437500	-0.022278	0.213264	-1.929634	-0.093337	0.194632	-1.070423	0.025703	0.175347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136979.000000	194409.000000	169980.000000	107410.000000
-354.067596	0.068898	0.002164	-1.729650	0.727609	0.136056	-0.031624	152195.000000	0.000000	0.007146	0.000168	0.208537	-3.220168	1.016996	-20867.185547	-22396.884766	456653.062500	-0.020352	0.212540	-1.928954	-0.093142	0.194199	-1.064851	0.030721	0.191845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165459.000000	183724.000000	180665.000000	100000.000000
-354.072601	0.065480	-0.007846	-1.736975	0.685040	0.126478	-0.034817	152195.000000	0.000000	0.005087	-0.002358	0.200152	-3.280365	1.015429	470.088104	-20179.269531	457361.125000	-0.018549	0.211739	-1.928351	-0.094309	0.195432	-1.062099	0.036403	0.208157	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141904.000000	200000.000000	161545.000000	102485.000000
-354.077606	0.061574	-0.018344	-1.743078	0.636086	0.114771	-0.036945	152115.000000	0.000000	0.005087	-0.002358	0.262984	-3.161669	1.015429	8877.657227	964.508850	458288.031250	-0.016884	0.210833	-1.928351	-0.094309	0.195432	-1.062099	0.036403	0.208157	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112272.000000	190028.000000	174201.000000	131957.000000
-354.082611	0.058889	-0.028842	-1.746984	0.580746	0.102001	-0.036945	152115.000000	0.000000	0.005087	-0.002358	0.244983	-3.140756	1.015429	82.672722	-8734.377930	458288.031250	-0.015345	0.209795	-1.928351	-0.094309	0.195432	-1.062099	0.036403	0.208157	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130766.000000	190932.000000	173297.000000	113463.000000
-354.087616	0.056691	-0.038852	-1.748449	0.517957	0.087101	-0.035881	152115.000000	0.000000	0.005087	-0.002358	0.229007	-3.115672	1.015429	534.298950	-7052.556641	457824.562500	-0.013936	0.208583	-1.928351	-0.094309	0.195432	-1.062099	0.036403	0.208157	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128633.000000	189701.000000	174528.000000	115596.000000
-354.092621	0.055227	-0.048617	-1.748693	0.448782	0.073266	-0.034817	152115.000000	0.000000	0.005087	-0.002358	0.214061	-3.086320	1.015429	525.489502	-5427.834473	457361.125000	-0.012640	0.207168	-1.928351	-0.094309	0.195432	-1.062099	0.036403	0.208157	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127017.000000	188068.000000	176161.000000	117212.000000
-354.097626	0.053762	-0.057895	-1.747229	0.374286	0.058367	-0.033753	152177.000000	0.000000	0.005087	-0.002358	0.200931	-3.052432	1.015429	850.315369	-3845.491455	456897.687500	-0.011458	0.205523	-1.928351	-0.094309	0.195432	-1.062099	0.036403	0.208157	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125172.000000	186872.000000	177481.000000	119181.000000
-354.102631	0.052053	-0.068393	-1.743811	0.295534	0.044532	-0.032688	152177.000000	0.000000	0.001022	-0.003937	-0.034286	-3.101834	1.015192	-24704.863281	-12400.523438	456330.968750	-0.010386	0.203646	-1.928260	-0.095155	0.196442	-1.061896	0.037813	0.212652	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159282.000000	169872.000000	194481.000000	100000.000000
-354.107635	0.050344	-0.079135	-1.737219	0.213588	0.031762	-0.032688	152177.000000	0.000000	0.006358	-0.004735	0.411108	-3.041342	1.015035	52122.964844	689.084045	456262.406250	-0.009415	0.201532	-1.928200	-0.098841	0.200937	-1.065805	0.038536	0.219326	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	152866.000000	152866.000000
-354.112640	0.048146	-0.089877	-1.727697	0.129514	0.020055	-0.032688	152177.000000	0.000000	0.006358	-0.004735	0.188582	-2.964484	1.015035	-22405.615234	3463.011230	456262.406250	-0.008541	0.199176	-1.928200	-0.098841	0.200937	-1.065805	0.038536	0.219326	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141119.000000	156308.000000	200000.000000	103234.000000
-354.117645	0.045705	-0.100619	-1.715734	0.044376	0.010477	-0.033753	152177.000000	0.000000	-0.002083	-0.007340	-0.283846	-3.059338	1.014069	-52246.996094	-15345.320312	456305.281250	-0.007756	0.196583	-1.927828	-0.100695	0.203046	-1.068508	0.039960	0.218622	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167522.000000	167522.000000	196831.000000	100000.000000
-354.122650	0.042531	-0.110385	-1.700598	-0.038633	0.003028	-0.034817	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.002083	-0.007340	0.046487	-2.903583	1.014069	37341.101562	13074.755859	456768.718750	-0.007054	0.193759	-1.927828	-0.100695	0.203046	-1.068508	0.039960	0.218622	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199047.000000	165196.000000	165196.000000
-354.127655	0.038625	-0.119174	-1.683264	-0.120579	-0.002294	-0.036945	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.002083	-0.007340	0.040319	-2.848675	1.014069	102.852028	2501.597168	457695.625000	-0.006431	0.190707	-1.927828	-0.100695	0.203046	-1.068508	0.039960	0.218622	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119517.000000	179723.000000	184520.000000	124726.000000
-354.132660	0.034963	-0.126986	-1.664221	-0.200396	-0.005486	-0.040138	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.002083	-0.007340	0.034515	-2.790785	1.014069	-103.098373	3225.968506	459085.968750	-0.005873	0.187435	-1.927828	-0.100695	0.203046	-1.068508	0.039960	0.218622	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118999.000000	178792.000000	185451.000000	125244.000000
-354.137665	0.031057	-0.135043	-1.642004	-0.277020	-0.006550	-0.043331	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.002083	-0.007340	0.029216	-2.731137	1.014069	-301.144531	3695.032227	460476.312500	-0.005370	0.183970	-1.927828	-0.100695	0.203046	-1.068508	0.039960	0.218622	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118728.000000	178125.000000	186118.000000	125515.000000
-354.142670	0.026662	-0.143344	-1.617346	-0.351516	-0.005486	-0.047588	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.002083	-0.007340	0.024448	-2.669865	1.014069	-503.690643	4267.087402	462330.125000	-0.004918	0.180337	-1.927828	-0.100695	0.203046	-1.068508	0.039960	0.218622	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118428.000000	177421.000000	186962.000000	125955.000000
-354.147675	0.021047	-0.151889	-1.590979	-0.421754	-0.003358	-0.051845	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.002083	-0.007340	0.021020	-2.607902	1.014069	-498.842102	4480.062500	464183.906250	-0.004527	0.176568	-1.927828	-0.100695	0.203046	-1.068508	0.039960	0.218622	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118210.000000	177213.000000	187170.000000	126173.000000
-354.152679	0.015432	-0.160434	-1.563879	-0.490929	-0.000165	-0.056101	152192.000000	0.000000	-0.002083	-0.007340	0.018274	-2.544615	1.014069	-568.200073	5117.999512	466037.687500	-0.004193	0.172676	-1.927828	-0.100695	0.203046	-1.068508	0.039960	0.218622	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117642.000000	176505.000000	187878.000000	126741.000000
-354.157684	0.009572	-0.168002	-1.534826	-0.556911	0.005156	-0.060358	152192.000000	0.000000	0.000207	-0.006556	0.142002	-2.437059	1.017167	13649.068359	10432.914062	469240.843750	-0.003909	0.168674	-1.929020	-0.101779	0.204883	-1.072044	0.038555	0.214449	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	185408.000000	178975.000000	146273.000000
-354.162689	0.004934	-0.175082	-1.505285	-0.619700	0.009413	-0.065679	152108.000000	0.000000	0.006210	-0.006422	0.378431	-2.395990	1.025755	27226.226562	3248.874268	475297.687500	-0.003666	0.164580	-1.932323	-0.105519	0.210873	-1.086223	0.036470	0.194263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	158130.000000	152583.000000
-354.167694	0.001027	-0.181674	-1.474035	-0.681426	0.014734	-0.068872	152108.000000	0.000000	0.006210	-0.006422	0.136391	-2.335298	1.025755	-26639.238281	5852.655273	476688.031250	-0.003453	0.160401	-1.932323	-0.105519	0.210873	-1.086223	0.036470	0.194263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142894.000000	149616.000000	200000.000000	101321.000000
-354.172699	-0.002146	-0.187777	-1.442785	-0.739958	0.018991	-0.073129	152108.000000	0.000000	0.006210	-0.006422	0.134561	-2.268918	1.025755	-137.770966	6704.424316	478541.843750	-0.003264	0.156156	-1.932323	-0.105519	0.210873	-1.086223	0.036470	0.194263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115541.000000	175265.000000	188950.000000	128674.000000
-354.177704	-0.005320	-0.193637	-1.411047	-0.797426	0.022184	-0.076322	152108.000000	0.000000	0.006210	-0.006422	0.133519	-2.202064	1.025755	46.524696	7208.678223	479932.187500	-0.003108	0.151853	-1.932323	-0.105519	0.210873	-1.086223	0.036470	0.194263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114852.000000	174945.000000	189270.000000	129363.000000
-354.182709	-0.008494	-0.198764	-1.379064	-0.851702	0.024312	-0.078450	152108.000000	0.000000	0.006210	-0.006422	0.133375	-2.135064	1.025755	251.765884	7434.106445	480859.062500	-0.002992	0.147506	-1.932323	-0.105519	0.210873	-1.086223	0.036470	0.194263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114422.000000	174925.000000	189290.000000	129793.000000
-354.187714	-0.010691	-0.203158	-1.346105	-0.902784	0.024312	-0.080579	152193.000000	0.000000	0.006210	-0.006422	0.133694	-2.068165	1.025755	538.200806	7612.103027	481785.968750	-0.002913	0.143127	-1.932323	-0.105519	0.210873	-1.086223	0.036470	0.194263	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114042.000000	175119.000000	189266.000000	130343.000000
-354.192719	-0.012889	-0.206088	-1.313146	-0.950675	0.023248	-0.082707	152193.000000	0.000000	-0.002019	-0.008359	-0.317535	-2.107352	1.026953	-51065.886719	-4363.731934	483234.531250	-0.002878	0.138719	-1.932783	-0.107318	0.213266	-1.091919	0.036518	0.183651	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156556.000000	156556.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-354.197723	-0.014842	-0.208529	-1.279943	-0.995372	0.021119	-0.082707	152193.000000	0.000000	0.006960	-0.006443	0.507269	-1.857660	1.040559	93162.484375	28403.375000	489159.781250	-0.002891	0.134296	-1.938017	-0.110239	0.219122	-1.111134	0.034948	0.151962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	183789.000000	180596.000000	180596.000000
-354.202728	-0.016551	-0.208529	-1.245031	-1.036877	0.016863	-0.081643	152193.000000	0.000000	0.006960	-0.006443	0.151543	-1.866479	1.040559	-38026.597656	-222.143799	488696.343750	-0.002960	0.129847	-1.938017	-0.110239	0.219122	-1.111134	0.034948	0.151962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	152415.000000	152415.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-354.207733	-0.018260	-0.208041	-1.209143	-1.073061	0.012606	-0.080579	152185.000000	0.000000	0.006960	-0.006443	0.155718	-1.799764	1.040559	1585.447266	7971.447754	488232.906250	-0.003086	0.125399	-1.938017	-0.110239	0.219122	-1.111134	0.034948	0.151962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112628.000000	175798.000000	188571.000000	131741.000000
-354.212738	-0.019480	-0.206332	-1.173010	-1.104987	0.006220	-0.078450	152185.000000	0.000000	0.006960	-0.006443	0.160963	-1.733421	1.040559	1990.628052	7914.520508	487306.000000	-0.003273	0.120957	-1.938017	-0.110239	0.219122	-1.111134	0.034948	0.151962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112279.000000	176261.000000	188108.000000	132090.000000
-354.217743	-0.020213	-0.204379	-1.136633	-1.132657	-0.001229	-0.075257	152185.000000	0.000000	0.006960	-0.006443	0.167012	-1.668392	1.040559	2258.199707	7728.483887	485915.656250	-0.003519	0.116545	-1.938017	-0.110239	0.219122	-1.111134	0.034948	0.151962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112198.000000	176714.000000	187655.000000	132171.000000
-354.222748	-0.020457	-0.202182	-1.100256	-1.155006	-0.010807	-0.072065	152185.000000	0.000000	0.006960	-0.006443	0.174048	-1.605234	1.040559	2677.068359	7330.867676	484525.312500	-0.003826	0.112187	-1.938017	-0.110239	0.219122	-1.111134	0.034948	0.151962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112177.000000	177531.000000	186838.000000	132192.000000
-354.227753	-0.020701	-0.198520	-1.064855	-1.170969	-0.021450	-0.068872	152185.000000	0.000000	0.006960	-0.006443	0.182252	-1.543201	1.040559	3009.270508	6863.919922	483134.968750	-0.004198	0.107890	-1.938017	-0.110239	0.219122	-1.111134	0.034948	0.151962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112311.000000	178330.000000	186039.000000	132058.000000
-354.232758	-0.020457	-0.194613	-1.029455	-1.181612	-0.033156	-0.065679	152123.000000	0.000000	0.006960	-0.006443	0.191195	-1.483387	1.040559	3302.588135	6358.965820	481744.593750	-0.004631	0.103678	-1.938017	-0.110239	0.219122	-1.111134	0.034948	0.151962	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112461.000000	179066.000000	185179.000000	131784.000000
-354.237762	-0.019725	-0.191684	-0.994299	-1.185869	-0.045927	-0.063551	152123.000000	0.000000	0.000148	-0.007085	-0.173786	-1.462919	1.044248	-39315.750000	1444.234741	482424.437500	-0.005120	0.099601	-1.939436	-0.111296	0.221047	-1.118022	0.035162	0.139024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150678.000000	150678.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-354.242767	-0.018748	-0.187533	-0.959631	-1.182676	-0.059762	-0.060358	152123.000000	0.000000	0.006967	-0.006283	0.483800	-1.340192	1.056068	76327.125000	12418.932617	486181.500000	-0.005663	0.095672	-1.943982	-0.114152	0.226598	-1.138833	0.034051	0.102304	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	199704.000000	164541.000000	164541.000000
-354.247772	-0.018016	-0.183627	-0.926184	-1.174162	-0.074661	-0.058230	152123.000000	0.000000	-0.001279	-0.007856	-0.230683	-1.409437	1.057265	-77641.125000	-9632.336914	485775.718750	-0.006268	0.091919	-1.944442	-0.115663	0.228738	-1.145327	0.038426	0.079009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161755.000000	161755.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-354.252777	-0.017283	-0.180453	-0.893225	-1.158199	-0.090624	-0.057166	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.001279	-0.007856	0.111704	-1.302656	1.057265	40333.445312	9321.479492	485312.281250	-0.006939	0.088391	-1.944442	-0.115663	0.228738	-1.145327	0.038426	0.079009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161508.000000	161508.000000
-354.257782	-0.017283	-0.176791	-0.861486	-1.136914	-0.107652	-0.056101	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.001279	-0.007856	0.126438	-1.262734	1.057265	4569.215332	1470.439575	484848.812500	-0.007694	0.085100	-1.944442	-0.115663	0.228738	-1.145327	0.038426	0.079009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116147.000000	185285.000000	179088.000000	128226.000000
-354.262787	-0.017283	-0.173861	-0.830480	-1.109244	-0.124679	-0.055037	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.001279	-0.007856	0.142384	-1.228809	1.057265	4854.156738	137.799301	484385.375000	-0.008534	0.082089	-1.944442	-0.115663	0.228738	-1.145327	0.038426	0.079009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117195.000000	186903.000000	177470.000000	127178.000000
-354.267792	-0.017527	-0.170687	-0.801428	-1.075189	-0.141707	-0.053973	152187.000000	0.000000	-0.001279	-0.007856	0.159826	-1.200007	1.057265	5177.910156	-1151.903931	483921.937500	-0.009461	0.079377	-1.944442	-0.115663	0.228738	-1.145327	0.038426	0.079009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118160.000000	188516.000000	175857.000000	126213.000000
-354.272797	-0.018016	-0.168002	-0.772863	-1.037941	-0.159799	-0.052909	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.001279	-0.007856	0.179176	-1.176970	1.057265	5677.031250	-2202.389893	483458.468750	-0.010488	0.076985	-1.944442	-0.115663	0.228738	-1.145327	0.038426	0.079009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118719.000000	190073.000000	174314.000000	125668.000000
-354.277802	-0.018992	-0.166781	-0.746252	-0.995372	-0.177891	-0.051845	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.001279	-0.007856	0.200632	-1.161618	1.057265	6090.615234	-3757.977295	482995.031250	-0.011624	0.074966	-1.944442	-0.115663	0.228738	-1.145327	0.038426	0.079009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119861.000000	192042.000000	172345.000000	124526.000000
-354.282806	-0.021434	-0.166781	-0.720617	-0.949610	-0.197047	-0.050780	152194.000000	0.000000	-0.003533	-0.009922	0.102256	-1.267721	1.043533	-7333.875000	-18161.755859	476551.406250	-0.012916	0.073363	-1.939160	-0.122303	0.234546	-1.158665	0.024534	0.069639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147689.000000	193021.000000	171366.000000	100000.000000
-354.287811	-0.025096	-0.167025	-0.696691	-0.901720	-0.215139	-0.048652	152194.000000	0.000000	0.011655	-0.002167	1.057037	-0.757999	1.071075	112825.257812	51442.335938	487618.593750	-0.014392	0.072182	-1.949754	-0.118851	0.235171	-1.170717	0.019568	0.049326	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	182194.000000	182194.000000	182194.000000
-354.292816	-0.029734	-0.168246	-0.674475	-0.851702	-0.234295	-0.047588	152194.000000	0.000000	0.011655	-0.002167	0.483954	-1.075133	1.071075	-57603.652344	-41398.441406	487155.156250	-0.016088	0.071453	-1.949754	-0.118851	0.235171	-1.170717	0.019568	0.049326	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182194.000000	182194.000000	182194.000000	100000.000000
-354.297821	-0.035105	-0.169223	-0.653723	-0.801683	-0.252387	-0.045459	152118.000000	0.000000	0.001464	-0.006167	-0.037778	-1.308014	1.075523	-54391.074219	-33435.625000	488165.531250	-0.018023	0.071158	-1.951465	-0.119428	0.236701	-1.176113	0.016443	0.041929	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182118.000000	182118.000000	182118.000000	100000.000000
-354.302826	-0.040232	-0.168490	-0.634191	-0.751664	-0.268350	-0.042266	152118.000000	0.000000	0.001464	-0.006167	0.411170	-1.164342	1.075523	54245.503906	8399.446289	486775.187500	-0.020185	0.071239	-1.951465	-0.119428	0.236701	-1.176113	0.016443	0.041929	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	160517.000000	160517.000000
-354.307831	-0.044871	-0.166781	-0.615637	-0.703774	-0.283249	-0.038010	152118.000000	0.000000	0.001464	-0.006167	0.455202	-1.183618	1.075523	9878.094727	-9594.125977	484921.406250	-0.022557	0.071649	-1.951465	-0.119428	0.236701	-1.176113	0.016443	0.041929	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121834.000000	200000.000000	162645.000000	122401.000000
-354.312836	-0.048533	-0.165316	-0.598059	-0.658013	-0.294956	-0.033753	152118.000000	0.000000	0.001464	-0.006167	0.500003	-1.207070	1.075523	9870.156250	-10136.150391	483067.593750	-0.025098	0.072373	-1.951465	-0.119428	0.236701	-1.176113	0.016443	0.041929	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122383.000000	200000.000000	162111.000000	121852.000000
-354.317841	-0.051463	-0.163363	-0.581457	-0.613315	-0.304534	-0.029496	152122.000000	0.000000	0.001464	-0.006167	0.545597	-1.233639	1.075523	9977.110352	-10689.575195	481213.812500	-0.027774	0.073383	-1.951465	-0.119428	0.236701	-1.176113	0.016443	0.041929	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122834.000000	200000.000000	161455.000000	121409.000000
-354.322845	-0.052684	-0.161166	-0.565100	-0.571810	-0.311983	-0.025239	152122.000000	0.000000	0.001464	-0.006167	0.589727	-1.263060	1.075523	9819.328125	-10978.574219	479360.031250	-0.030523	0.074653	-1.951465	-0.119428	0.236701	-1.176113	0.016443	0.041929	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123281.000000	200000.000000	161324.000000	120962.000000
-354.327850	-0.054148	-0.158969	-0.549719	-0.533498	-0.315176	-0.020982	152122.000000	0.000000	0.001464	-0.006167	0.634286	-1.294925	1.075523	9618.124023	-11218.892578	477506.218750	-0.033332	0.076156	-1.951465	-0.119428	0.236701	-1.176113	0.016443	0.041929	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123722.000000	200000.000000	161284.000000	120521.000000
-354.332855	-0.054637	-0.156527	-0.535559	-0.496250	-0.316240	-0.018854	152122.000000	0.000000	0.006253	-0.005911	0.940536	-1.314788	1.078037	39572.160156	-10044.930664	477673.843750	-0.036157	0.077866	-1.952431	-0.122863	0.241562	-1.189689	0.003961	0.029390	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102166.000000	200000.000000	142077.000000	142077.000000
-354.337860	-0.054148	-0.154086	-0.521887	-0.463259	-0.315176	-0.016725	152122.000000	0.000000	0.000652	-0.005668	0.481825	-1.347343	1.079416	-46888.789062	-11273.977539	477347.562500	-0.038951	0.079758	-1.952962	-0.123689	0.242891	-1.193244	-0.000672	0.025515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163395.000000	163395.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-354.342865	-0.053416	-0.151156	-0.508947	-0.431332	-0.310919	-0.016725	152129.000000	0.000000	0.000652	-0.005668	0.744657	-1.393699	1.079416	33287.503906	-13034.585938	477347.562500	-0.041690	0.081801	-1.952962	-0.123689	0.242891	-1.193244	-0.000672	0.025515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105163.000000	200000.000000	139094.000000	139094.000000
-354.347870	-0.052195	-0.148471	-0.497961	-0.401534	-0.303469	-0.016725	152129.000000	0.000000	0.000652	-0.005668	0.780532	-1.431324	1.079416	8111.908203	-12150.600586	477347.562500	-0.044335	0.083970	-1.952962	-0.123689	0.242891	-1.193244	-0.000672	0.025515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126167.000000	200000.000000	161866.000000	118090.000000
-354.352875	-0.051219	-0.145785	-0.486730	-0.372800	-0.293891	-0.017789	152129.000000	0.000000	0.000652	-0.005668	0.815057	-1.470623	1.079416	7844.279297	-12530.699219	477811.031250	-0.046886	0.086263	-1.952962	-0.123689	0.242891	-1.193244	-0.000672	0.025515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126815.000000	200000.000000	161754.000000	117442.000000
-354.357880	-0.050242	-0.143832	-0.475500	-0.345130	-0.282185	-0.019918	152129.000000	0.000000	0.000652	-0.005668	0.847656	-1.512963	1.079416	7494.502930	-13069.981445	478737.906250	-0.049333	0.088700	-1.952962	-0.123689	0.242891	-1.193244	-0.000672	0.025515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127704.000000	200000.000000	161564.000000	116553.000000
-354.362885	-0.050486	-0.143344	-0.465002	-0.318525	-0.268350	-0.022046	152190.000000	0.000000	0.000652	-0.005668	0.880737	-1.559752	1.079416	7402.015137	-13779.799805	479664.812500	-0.051715	0.091323	-1.952962	-0.123689	0.242891	-1.193244	-0.000672	0.025515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128567.000000	200000.000000	161008.000000	115812.000000
-354.367889	-0.050975	-0.144076	-0.456701	-0.291919	-0.253451	-0.025239	152190.000000	0.000000	0.000652	-0.005668	0.912663	-1.610573	1.079416	7236.765625	-14581.050781	481055.156250	-0.054027	0.094154	-1.952962	-0.123689	0.242891	-1.193244	-0.000672	0.025515	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129534.000000	200000.000000	160372.000000	114845.000000
-354.372894	-0.050975	-0.144320	-0.448889	-0.264249	-0.237487	-0.027367	152190.000000	0.000000	0.004217	-0.004679	1.138272	-1.608942	1.080825	29380.246094	-9048.775391	482595.531250	-0.056247	0.097173	-1.953503	-0.125131	0.245056	-1.198880	-0.007904	0.021440	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101858.000000	200000.000000	143760.000000	142521.000000
-354.377899	-0.051463	-0.144809	-0.438635	-0.237643	-0.218331	-0.029496	152190.000000	0.000000	0.004774	-0.004043	1.055519	-1.671093	1.082245	-5345.765137	-16353.191406	484140.718750	-0.058392	0.100416	-1.954050	-0.126190	0.246771	-1.202310	-0.009829	0.019333	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143888.000000	193197.000000	171182.000000	100491.000000
-354.382904	-0.050730	-0.144809	-0.431311	-0.211038	-0.200239	-0.030560	152119.000000	0.000000	0.004774	-0.004043	1.058265	-1.754300	1.082245	4101.695801	-19173.488281	484604.187500	-0.060407	0.103824	-1.954050	-0.126190	0.246771	-1.202310	-0.009829	0.019333	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137190.000000	200000.000000	158843.000000	107047.000000
-354.387909	-0.050242	-0.144076	-0.423254	-0.185496	-0.180019	-0.032688	152119.000000	0.000000	0.002680	-0.003356	0.966578	-1.775354	1.083798	-7030.560547	-12436.892578	486207.718750	-0.062298	0.107373	-1.954647	-0.126327	0.247301	-1.203175	-0.010976	0.018210	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141586.000000	187525.000000	176712.000000	102651.000000
-354.392914	-0.050242	-0.143344	-0.416418	-0.159955	-0.157670	-0.033753	152119.000000	0.000000	0.002680	-0.003356	1.072359	-1.862727	1.083798	14832.005859	-20248.349609	486671.156250	-0.064075	0.111043	-1.954647	-0.126327	0.247301	-1.203175	-0.010976	0.018210	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127535.000000	200000.000000	147038.000000	116702.000000
-354.397919	-0.050486	-0.142123	-0.410070	-0.136542	-0.135322	-0.035881	152119.000000	0.000000	0.002680	-0.003356	1.093389	-1.922277	1.083798	5507.116211	-17336.691406	487598.062500	-0.065749	0.114795	-1.954647	-0.126327	0.247301	-1.203175	-0.010976	0.018210	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133948.000000	200000.000000	159275.000000	110289.000000
-354.402924	-0.050486	-0.140902	-0.402990	-0.112065	-0.111909	-0.038010	152119.000000	0.000000	0.002680	-0.003356	1.112373	-1.983942	1.083798	5144.700684	-18082.416016	488524.937500	-0.067312	0.118645	-1.954647	-0.126327	0.247301	-1.203175	-0.010976	0.018210	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135056.000000	200000.000000	158891.000000	109181.000000
-354.407928	-0.050730	-0.138949	-0.399328	-0.088652	-0.088496	-0.040138	152173.000000	0.000000	0.002680	-0.003356	1.129581	-2.042068	1.083798	4920.858398	-17951.417969	489451.843750	-0.068761	0.122501	-1.954647	-0.126327	0.247301	-1.203175	-0.010976	0.018210	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135203.000000	200000.000000	159300.000000	109142.000000
-354.412933	-0.049266	-0.137484	-0.395910	-0.064175	-0.066147	-0.042266	152173.000000	0.000000	0.002680	-0.003356	1.140989	-2.101720	1.083798	4349.877930	-18623.179688	490378.750000	-0.070023	0.126391	-1.954647	-0.126327	0.247301	-1.203175	-0.010976	0.018210	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136446.000000	200000.000000	159199.000000	107899.000000
-354.417938	-0.048045	-0.136020	-0.393713	-0.038633	-0.042734	-0.045459	152173.000000	0.000000	0.002680	-0.003356	1.149707	-2.161053	1.083798	3869.382324	-19095.634766	491769.093750	-0.071099	0.130298	-1.954647	-0.126327	0.247301	-1.203175	-0.010976	0.018210	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137399.000000	200000.000000	159207.000000	106946.000000
-354.422943	-0.047312	-0.134799	-0.392492	-0.012028	-0.021450	-0.048652	152173.000000	0.000000	0.002680	-0.003356	1.157362	-2.220635	1.083798	3923.868164	-19636.419922	493159.437500	-0.072020	0.134224	-1.954647	-0.126327	0.247301	-1.203175	-0.010976	0.018210	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137885.000000	200000.000000	158612.000000	106460.000000
-354.427948	-0.046824	-0.133822	-0.391516	0.015642	-0.000165	-0.052909	152178.000000	0.000000	0.006403	-0.002368	1.368042	-2.226813	1.086268	27118.978516	-14037.123047	496088.843750	-0.072800	0.138178	-1.955597	-0.126298	0.247870	-1.203152	-0.012424	0.016949	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109096.000000	200000.000000	141021.000000	135259.000000
-354.432953	-0.046092	-0.133090	-0.392004	0.045441	0.020055	-0.058230	152178.000000	0.000000	0.006923	-0.001477	1.250985	-2.278183	1.087735	-9432.215820	-19613.623047	499044.937500	-0.073425	0.142161	-1.956161	-0.125925	0.247837	-1.200693	-0.013487	0.017184	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151223.000000	192359.000000	171996.000000	100000.000000
-354.437958	-0.045604	-0.132602	-0.392736	0.077367	0.041340	-0.063551	152178.000000	0.000000	0.006923	-0.001477	1.231508	-2.376068	1.087735	992.852112	-25559.343750	501362.187500	-0.073903	0.146190	-1.956161	-0.125925	0.247837	-1.200693	-0.013487	0.017184	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146744.000000	200000.000000	155625.000000	100000.000000
-354.442963	-0.045848	-0.131869	-0.393713	0.111423	0.060496	-0.069936	152178.000000	0.000000	0.006923	-0.001477	1.233175	-2.438654	1.087735	3471.289062	-22356.605469	504142.875000	-0.074281	0.150257	-1.956161	-0.125925	0.247837	-1.200693	-0.013487	0.017184	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141063.000000	200000.000000	156350.000000	103292.000000
-354.447968	-0.046580	-0.132357	-0.396154	0.146542	0.081780	-0.077386	152178.000000	0.000000	0.006923	-0.001477	1.233588	-2.503886	1.087735	3003.345215	-23226.216797	507387.000000	-0.074564	0.154402	-1.956161	-0.125925	0.247837	-1.200693	-0.013487	0.017184	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142400.000000	200000.000000	155948.000000	101955.000000
-354.452972	-0.048777	-0.133822	-0.398840	0.182726	0.100936	-0.084836	152108.000000	0.000000	0.006923	-0.001477	1.236836	-2.572548	1.087735	3475.912598	-24202.720703	510631.156250	-0.074828	0.158664	-1.956161	-0.125925	0.247837	-1.200693	-0.013487	0.017184	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142834.000000	200000.000000	154429.000000	101381.000000
-354.457977	-0.052195	-0.136508	-0.402014	0.221038	0.120092	-0.092285	152108.000000	0.000000	0.006923	-0.001477	1.242612	-2.645876	1.087735	3692.086426	-25465.755859	513875.312500	-0.075126	0.163097	-1.956161	-0.125925	0.247837	-1.200693	-0.013487	0.017184	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143881.000000	200000.000000	152950.000000	100334.000000
-354.462982	-0.056590	-0.140658	-0.407141	0.260414	0.139248	-0.099735	152108.000000	0.000000	0.005284	-0.000813	1.160282	-2.687081	1.090372	-6462.193848	-22418.861328	518267.531250	-0.075483	0.167734	-1.957175	-0.125199	0.247511	-1.198583	-0.010334	0.019831	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150989.000000	198064.000000	166151.000000	100000.000000
-354.467987	-0.062449	-0.145785	-0.414221	0.300855	0.156276	-0.106120	152108.000000	0.000000	0.011917	0.000320	1.602207	-2.732438	1.095334	53371.292969	-23387.140625	523209.031250	-0.075956	0.172581	-1.959084	-0.122955	0.245914	-1.188802	-0.004929	0.027906	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115495.000000	200000.000000	128720.000000	128720.000000
-354.472992	-0.068064	-0.153109	-0.421545	0.342360	0.172239	-0.111441	152120.000000	0.000000	0.011917	0.000320	1.349300	-2.866664	1.095334	-24149.509766	-34084.136719	525526.250000	-0.076524	0.177723	-1.959084	-0.122955	0.245914	-1.188802	-0.004929	0.027906	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	176269.000000	187970.000000	176269.000000	100000.000000
-354.477997	-0.073436	-0.160189	-0.429602	0.382800	0.187139	-0.114634	152120.000000	0.000000	0.006379	0.000785	1.057499	-2.932182	1.097441	-29719.818359	-26899.667969	527834.437500	-0.077167	0.183120	-1.959894	-0.121881	0.245063	-1.184436	-0.001573	0.032806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	178739.000000	179299.000000	184940.000000	100000.000000
-354.483002	-0.077342	-0.167270	-0.438635	0.424305	0.197781	-0.115698	152120.000000	0.000000	0.006379	0.000785	1.289797	-3.044692	1.097441	29395.687500	-32892.308594	528297.875000	-0.077833	0.188752	-1.959894	-0.121881	0.245063	-1.184436	-0.001573	0.032806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122724.000000	200000.000000	122724.000000	121515.000000
-354.488007	-0.080760	-0.174594	-0.449621	0.464745	0.207359	-0.114634	152120.000000	0.000000	0.006283	0.000955	1.294066	-3.130870	1.098999	4415.088867	-30462.277344	528512.812500	-0.078491	0.194584	-1.960494	-0.120843	0.244158	-1.179543	0.001489	0.038175	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147704.000000	200000.000000	147704.000000	100000.000000
-354.493011	-0.084666	-0.182895	-0.461584	0.506250	0.213744	-0.112505	152180.000000	0.000000	0.006283	0.000955	1.308641	-3.237042	1.098999	5937.037109	-33457.156250	527585.937500	-0.079164	0.200633	-1.960494	-0.120843	0.244158	-1.179543	0.001489	0.038175	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146242.000000	200000.000000	146242.000000	100000.000000
-354.498016	-0.087596	-0.191684	-0.475744	0.547755	0.219065	-0.109313	152180.000000	0.000000	0.006283	0.000955	1.316933	-3.338419	1.098999	5376.770020	-33587.035156	526195.562500	-0.079805	0.206876	-1.960494	-0.120843	0.244158	-1.179543	0.001489	0.038175	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146803.000000	200000.000000	146803.000000	100000.000000
-354.503021	-0.091014	-0.201693	-0.490148	0.590324	0.220130	-0.103992	152180.000000	0.000000	0.006283	0.000955	1.326743	-3.444419	1.098999	6052.139160	-34895.867188	523878.343750	-0.080449	0.213343	-1.960494	-0.120843	0.244158	-1.179543	0.001489	0.038175	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146127.000000	200000.000000	146127.000000	100000.000000
-354.508026	-0.095652	-0.213412	-0.506262	0.632893	0.219065	-0.096542	152180.000000	0.000000	0.006283	0.000955	1.338873	-3.554710	1.098999	6602.174805	-36074.226562	520634.187500	-0.081138	0.220051	-1.960494	-0.120843	0.244158	-1.179543	0.001489	0.038175	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145577.000000	200000.000000	145577.000000	100000.000000
-354.513031	-0.102000	-0.227084	-0.524084	0.677591	0.214809	-0.085900	152180.000000	0.000000	0.006283	0.000955	1.354871	-3.670125	1.098999	7471.439941	-37604.882812	515999.718750	-0.081930	0.227029	-1.960494	-0.120843	0.244158	-1.179543	0.001489	0.038175	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144708.000000	200000.000000	144708.000000	100000.000000
-354.518036	-0.109324	-0.242465	-0.544104	0.722288	0.207359	-0.072065	152171.000000	0.000000	0.006283	0.000955	1.373876	-3.789614	1.098999	8274.767578	-38807.972656	509974.875000	-0.082852	0.234277	-1.960494	-0.120843	0.244158	-1.179543	0.001489	0.038175	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143896.000000	200000.000000	143896.000000	100445.000000
-354.523041	-0.116404	-0.256869	-0.565832	0.766986	0.197781	-0.053973	152171.000000	0.000000	0.015629	0.003837	1.908224	-3.750685	1.109611	67676.015625	-21415.550781	506717.625000	-0.083894	0.241721	-1.964575	-0.115004	0.239086	-1.162194	0.002736	0.052705	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113586.000000	200000.000000	130755.000000	130755.000000
-354.528046	-0.123240	-0.269320	-0.588049	0.812747	0.185010	-0.031624	152171.000000	0.000000	0.004797	0.002094	0.961589	-4.080437	1.105181	-99111.757812	-63798.613281	495056.156250	-0.085064	0.249293	-1.962871	-0.114493	0.237829	-1.155538	0.007268	0.062530	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182171.000000	182171.000000	182171.000000	100000.000000
-354.533051	-0.128611	-0.277377	-0.610266	0.856380	0.170111	-0.006083	152171.000000	0.000000	0.004797	0.002094	1.417989	-4.124029	1.105181	57562.417969	-32500.845703	483933.375000	-0.086338	0.256860	-1.962871	-0.114493	0.237829	-1.155538	0.007268	0.062530	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122171.000000	200000.000000	122171.000000	122171.000000
-354.538055	-0.132029	-0.282016	-0.633215	0.898950	0.153083	0.022651	152119.000000	0.000000	0.004797	0.002094	1.440711	-4.232028	1.105181	10293.807617	-40158.386719	471420.250000	-0.087678	0.264327	-1.962871	-0.114493	0.237829	-1.155538	0.007268	0.062530	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141825.000000	200000.000000	141825.000000	102412.000000
-354.543060	-0.133494	-0.283236	-0.657629	0.938326	0.136056	0.053514	152119.000000	0.000000	0.004797	0.002094	1.461780	-4.332860	1.105181	10287.332031	-39664.273438	457980.218750	-0.089036	0.271590	-1.962871	-0.114493	0.237829	-1.155538	0.007268	0.062530	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141831.000000	200000.000000	141831.000000	102406.000000
-354.548065	-0.133250	-0.283480	-0.682287	0.973445	0.119028	0.085441	152119.000000	0.000000	0.004797	0.002094	1.481079	-4.429192	1.105181	10259.703125	-39305.933594	444076.750000	-0.090374	0.278624	-1.962871	-0.114493	0.237829	-1.155538	0.007268	0.062530	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141859.000000	200000.000000	141859.000000	102378.000000
-354.553070	-0.131053	-0.280551	-0.706945	1.003244	0.104129	0.117367	152119.000000	0.000000	0.004797	0.002094	1.497545	-4.517613	1.105181	9858.575195	-38394.894531	430173.281250	-0.091647	0.285347	-1.962871	-0.114493	0.237829	-1.155538	0.007268	0.062530	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142260.000000	200000.000000	142260.000000	101977.000000
-354.558075	-0.127146	-0.274691	-0.731359	1.026657	0.092423	0.147166	152119.000000	0.000000	0.004797	0.002094	1.510557	-4.597319	1.105181	9241.277344	-37208.804688	417196.718750	-0.092809	0.291686	-1.962871	-0.114493	0.237829	-1.155538	0.007268	0.062530	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142877.000000	200000.000000	142877.000000	101360.000000
-354.563080	-0.122264	-0.266635	-0.755773	1.043684	0.084973	0.175900	152189.000000	0.000000	0.004797	0.002094	1.520211	-4.668116	1.105181	8482.756836	-35931.085938	404683.593750	-0.093830	0.297583	-1.962871	-0.114493	0.237829	-1.155538	0.007268	0.062530	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143706.000000	200000.000000	143706.000000	100671.000000
-354.568085	-0.116893	-0.256625	-0.780676	1.053262	0.080716	0.202505	152189.000000	0.000000	0.004797	0.002094	1.526813	-4.729096	1.105181	7846.254883	-34358.730469	393097.375000	-0.094692	0.302979	-1.962871	-0.114493	0.237829	-1.155538	0.007268	0.062530	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144342.000000	200000.000000	144342.000000	100035.000000
-354.573090	-0.111033	-0.246127	-0.805090	1.056455	0.081780	0.224854	152189.000000	0.000000	0.009734	0.002571	1.800912	-4.755881	1.081821	37929.839844	-30033.035156	373191.937500	-0.095367	0.307869	-1.953887	-0.114556	0.234061	-1.133730	0.021518	0.104532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122189.000000	200000.000000	122189.000000	122189.000000
-354.578094	-0.106150	-0.236361	-0.829504	1.053262	0.086037	0.244010	152189.000000	0.000000	0.005643	0.002865	1.379154	-4.804828	1.060458	-40903.894531	-31979.074219	355546.718750	-0.095869	0.312261	-1.945670	-0.115141	0.231229	-1.118410	0.014769	0.130532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182189.000000	182189.000000	182189.000000	100000.000000
-354.583099	-0.102732	-0.228305	-0.853674	1.044748	0.093487	0.258909	152125.000000	0.000000	0.005643	0.002865	1.541989	-4.857411	1.060458	23748.673828	-31995.666016	349058.437500	-0.096220	0.316198	-1.945670	-0.115141	0.231229	-1.118410	0.014769	0.130532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128376.000000	200000.000000	128376.000000	115873.000000
-354.588104	-0.100535	-0.221469	-0.878576	1.033042	0.104129	0.271680	152125.000000	0.000000	0.005643	0.002865	1.539755	-4.893005	1.060458	5188.028809	-29886.419922	343497.062500	-0.096435	0.319709	-1.945670	-0.115141	0.231229	-1.118410	0.014769	0.130532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146823.000000	200000.000000	147050.000000	100000.000000
-354.593109	-0.098826	-0.215121	-0.903479	1.019207	0.115836	0.281258	152125.000000	0.000000	0.005643	0.002865	1.535886	-4.923446	1.060458	4819.664062	-29162.093750	339326.000000	-0.096521	0.322815	-1.945670	-0.115141	0.231229	-1.118410	0.014769	0.130532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146467.000000	200000.000000	148143.000000	100000.000000
-354.598114	-0.097117	-0.207309	-0.929602	1.005372	0.128606	0.287643	152125.000000	0.000000	0.005643	0.002865	1.529783	-4.947035	1.060458	4369.698242	-28453.785156	336545.312500	-0.096472	0.325502	-1.945670	-0.115141	0.231229	-1.118410	0.014769	0.130532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146209.000000	200000.000000	149301.000000	100000.000000
-354.603119	-0.094187	-0.198520	-0.955725	0.991537	0.141377	0.292965	152185.000000	0.000000	0.005643	0.002865	1.520568	-4.964598	1.060458	3926.770508	-27808.214844	334228.062500	-0.096269	0.327777	-1.945670	-0.115141	0.231229	-1.118410	0.014769	0.130532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146066.000000	200000.000000	150450.000000	100000.000000
-354.608124	-0.089305	-0.188998	-0.980383	0.980895	0.154148	0.295093	152185.000000	0.000000	0.005643	0.002865	1.507188	-4.977618	1.060458	3348.580078	-27670.611328	333301.156250	-0.095878	0.329667	-1.945670	-0.115141	0.231229	-1.118410	0.014769	0.130532	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	146507.000000	200000.000000	151165.000000	100000.000000
-354.613129	-0.083201	-0.180209	-1.005529	0.972381	0.164790	0.295093	152185.000000	0.000000	0.007484	0.004965	1.591701	-4.871875	1.039847	14686.334961	-14320.311523	324325.500000	-0.095290	0.331219	-1.937743	-0.114506	0.227033	-1.103325	0.022919	0.146659	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121818.000000	200000.000000	153178.000000	122551.000000
-354.618134	-0.076365	-0.171420	-1.029943	0.968124	0.174368	0.294029	152185.000000	0.000000	0.007200	0.004856	1.482811	-4.968751	1.018429	-7007.411621	-37493.726562	315461.937500	-0.094505	0.332473	-1.929505	-0.114065	0.222942	-1.088203	0.030472	0.166148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159192.000000	200000.000000	159192.000000	100000.000000
-354.623138	-0.067820	-0.162387	-1.053869	0.964931	0.180753	0.290836	152185.000000	0.000000	0.007200	0.004856	1.471028	-4.967963	1.018429	3937.510498	-26853.503906	316852.281250	-0.093513	0.333450	-1.929505	-0.114065	0.222942	-1.088203	0.030472	0.166148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145100.000000	200000.000000	151393.000000	100000.000000
-354.628143	-0.058299	-0.152865	-1.077307	0.964931	0.185010	0.285515	152184.000000	0.000000	0.007200	0.004856	1.444788	-4.968720	1.018429	2441.647705	-27378.150391	319169.531250	-0.092314	0.334174	-1.929505	-0.114065	0.222942	-1.088203	0.030472	0.166148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147120.000000	200000.000000	152364.000000	100000.000000
-354.633148	-0.048045	-0.143344	-1.100256	0.967060	0.186074	0.279130	152184.000000	0.000000	0.007200	0.004856	1.416081	-4.967161	1.018429	2384.518311	-27359.960938	321950.250000	-0.090921	0.334672	-1.929505	-0.114065	0.222942	-1.088203	0.030472	0.166148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147159.000000	200000.000000	152439.000000	100000.000000
-354.638153	-0.037059	-0.134555	-1.122229	0.970253	0.183946	0.271680	152184.000000	0.000000	0.007200	0.004856	1.385089	-4.964080	1.018429	2351.527832	-27310.255859	325194.375000	-0.089343	0.334978	-1.929505	-0.114065	0.222942	-1.088203	0.030472	0.166148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147142.000000	200000.000000	152522.000000	100000.000000
-354.643158	-0.025340	-0.126010	-1.144445	0.974510	0.179689	0.261038	152184.000000	0.000000	0.007200	0.004856	1.351489	-4.959310	1.018429	2163.827881	-27239.123047	329828.875000	-0.087585	0.335114	-1.929505	-0.114065	0.222942	-1.088203	0.030472	0.166148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147259.000000	200000.000000	152781.000000	100000.000000
-354.648163	-0.014842	-0.117953	-1.164953	0.979831	0.174368	0.249331	152113.000000	0.000000	0.007200	0.004856	1.317120	-4.953475	1.018429	2062.709961	-27236.644531	334926.812500	-0.085682	0.335107	-1.929505	-0.114065	0.222942	-1.088203	0.030472	0.166148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147286.000000	200000.000000	152813.000000	100000.000000
-354.653168	-0.004588	-0.109896	-1.185705	0.985152	0.166918	0.234432	152113.000000	0.000000	0.007200	0.004856	1.281535	-4.946017	1.018429	2033.593628	-27048.410156	341415.093750	-0.083651	0.334966	-1.929505	-0.114065	0.222942	-1.088203	0.030472	0.166148	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147127.000000	200000.000000	153030.000000	100000.000000
-354.658173	0.004201	-0.101107	-1.207678	0.990473	0.157340	0.218469	152113.000000	0.000000	0.003557	0.004723	1.045988	-4.943613	1.006771	-20758.949219	-27617.568359	343290.031250	-0.081532	0.334687	-1.925021	-0.113969	0.220883	-1.080763	0.031567	0.173704	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170489.000000	188971.000000	175254.000000	100000.000000
-354.663177	0.011037	-0.093783	-1.230627	0.996858	0.146698	0.199313	152113.000000	0.000000	0.012405	0.005996	1.643638	-4.858541	0.983204	73771.335938	-18282.759766	341368.781250	-0.079364	0.334306	-1.915957	-0.111409	0.213909	-1.059936	0.037542	0.201876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110395.000000	200000.000000	133830.000000	133830.000000
-354.668182	0.015920	-0.087680	-1.252600	1.003244	0.133927	0.179092	152113.000000	0.000000	0.012405	0.005996	1.257064	-4.899705	0.983204	-35935.437500	-32381.917969	350174.312500	-0.077191	0.333852	-1.915957	-0.111409	0.213909	-1.059936	0.037542	0.201876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182113.000000	182113.000000	182113.000000	100000.000000
-354.673187	0.019582	-0.081820	-1.274084	1.009629	0.120092	0.157808	152186.000000	0.000000	0.012405	0.005996	1.225552	-4.889430	0.983204	3141.429443	-26707.925781	359443.312500	-0.075038	0.333335	-1.915957	-0.111409	0.213909	-1.059936	0.037542	0.201876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145752.000000	200000.000000	152336.000000	100000.000000
-354.678192	0.021535	-0.077182	-1.296301	1.014950	0.105193	0.136523	152186.000000	0.000000	0.012405	0.005996	1.196144	-4.879169	0.983204	3423.000488	-26569.886719	368712.281250	-0.072937	0.332773	-1.915957	-0.111409	0.213909	-1.059936	0.037542	0.201876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145332.000000	200000.000000	152193.000000	100000.000000
-354.683197	0.022512	-0.074252	-1.318029	1.020271	0.089230	0.115239	152186.000000	0.000000	0.012405	0.005996	1.168595	-4.869865	0.983204	3691.179443	-26656.707031	377981.250000	-0.070909	0.332195	-1.915957	-0.111409	0.213909	-1.059936	0.037542	0.201876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145151.000000	200000.000000	151838.000000	100000.000000
-354.688202	0.023000	-0.072787	-1.339514	1.025592	0.072202	0.096083	152186.000000	0.000000	0.012405	0.005996	1.142928	-4.861602	0.983204	3975.394775	-26757.541016	386323.343750	-0.068967	0.331624	-1.915957	-0.111409	0.213909	-1.059936	0.037542	0.201876	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144968.000000	200000.000000	151453.000000	100000.000000
-354.693207	0.024221	-0.072543	-1.360266	1.029849	0.054110	0.077991	152108.000000	0.000000	0.004068	0.003960	0.659842	-4.966138	0.974322	-48342.578125	-39543.964844	390334.406250	-0.067105	0.331074	-1.912541	-0.111158	0.212145	-1.053500	0.039478	0.212470	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182108.000000	182108.000000	182108.000000	100000.000000
-354.698212	0.025930	-0.074008	-1.379797	1.034106	0.033890	0.063092	152108.000000	0.000000	0.013060	0.004825	1.464548	-4.831342	0.962669	97304.757812	-12624.685547	391747.781250	-0.065331	0.330569	-1.908059	-0.107995	0.206425	-1.036131	0.042409	0.245172	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104732.000000	200000.000000	139483.000000	139483.000000
-354.703217	0.027883	-0.076937	-1.398596	1.035170	0.011541	0.050321	152108.000000	0.000000	0.013060	0.004825	1.083607	-4.861160	0.962669	-34497.843750	-30518.835938	397309.187500	-0.063653	0.330114	-1.908059	-0.107995	0.206425	-1.036131	0.042409	0.245172	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182108.000000	182108.000000	182108.000000	100000.000000
-354.708221	0.030324	-0.081088	-1.415930	1.034106	-0.010807	0.039679	152108.000000	0.000000	0.005980	0.003425	0.674099	-4.934364	0.959647	-39419.925781	-35387.140625	400627.531250	-0.062066	0.329714	-1.906896	-0.107127	0.204872	-1.031177	0.042669	0.256000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	182108.000000	182108.000000	182108.000000	100000.000000
-354.713226	0.032521	-0.086459	-1.431799	1.030913	-0.035285	0.030101	152284.000000	0.000000	0.005980	0.003425	0.939129	-4.875650	0.959647	36315.316406	-20363.199219	404798.562500	-0.060583	0.329374	-1.906896	-0.107127	0.204872	-1.031177	0.042669	0.256000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112647.000000	200000.000000	131920.000000	131920.000000
-354.718231	0.034963	-0.092318	-1.447668	1.024528	-0.058697	0.022651	152284.000000	0.000000	0.005980	0.003425	0.922260	-4.873153	0.959647	5231.941406	-26152.636719	408042.718750	-0.059197	0.329082	-1.906896	-0.107127	0.204872	-1.031177	0.042669	0.256000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143204.000000	200000.000000	150899.000000	101363.000000
-354.723236	0.036428	-0.099643	-1.461584	1.014950	-0.082110	0.017330	152284.000000	0.000000	0.005980	0.003425	0.907671	-4.871523	0.959647	5523.258301	-25845.431641	410359.968750	-0.057924	0.328839	-1.906896	-0.107127	0.204872	-1.031177	0.042669	0.256000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142606.000000	200000.000000	150915.000000	101961.000000
-354.728241	0.037648	-0.109164	-1.474035	1.002179	-0.104459	0.013073	152284.000000	0.000000	0.005980	0.003425	0.894644	-4.871317	0.959647	5620.864258	-25591.189453	412213.750000	-0.056762	0.328659	-1.906896	-0.107127	0.204872	-1.031177	0.042669	0.256000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142254.000000	200000.000000	151071.000000	102313.000000
-354.733246	0.037648	-0.119662	-1.484045	0.984088	-0.125744	0.009881	152284.000000	0.000000	0.005980	0.003425	0.883841	-4.871267	0.959647	5796.606934	-24939.822266	413604.093750	-0.055720	0.328527	-1.906896	-0.107127	0.204872	-1.031177	0.042669	0.256000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141427.000000	200000.000000	151547.000000	103140.000000
-354.738251	0.037404	-0.130160	-1.493078	0.961739	-0.143836	0.008816	152218.000000	0.000000	0.005980	0.003425	0.874245	-4.870649	0.959647	5617.388184	-24303.646484	414067.562500	-0.054788	0.328420	-1.906896	-0.107127	0.204872	-1.031177	0.042669	0.256000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140904.000000	200000.000000	152296.000000	103531.000000
-354.743256	0.037404	-0.140902	-1.499670	0.934069	-0.158735	0.007752	152218.000000	0.000000	0.005980	0.003425	0.865135	-4.869170	0.959647	5346.354492	-23489.777344	414531.000000	-0.053944	0.328315	-1.906896	-0.107127	0.204872	-1.031177	0.042669	0.256000	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140361.000000	200000.000000	153381.000000	104074.000000
-354.748260	0.036672	-0.150912	-1.504553	0.902142	-0.171505	0.008816	152218.000000	0.000000	0.009941	0.003184	1.075207	-4.879263	0.958735	30237.787109	-24193.769531	413670.718750	-0.053190	0.328182	-1.906546	-0.104951	0.202065	-1.022644	0.042659	0.276775	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116411.000000	200000.000000	128024.000000	128024.000000
-354.753265	0.035695	-0.160434	-1.508703	0.863830	-0.178955	0.009881	152218.000000	0.000000	0.008285	0.001483	0.818066	-4.957617	0.956811	-22868.792969	-31181.472656	412369.218750	-0.052502	0.327984	-1.905806	-0.103890	0.200403	-1.016155	0.040597	0.297117	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	175086.000000	189349.000000	175086.000000	100000.000000
-354.758270	0.034963	-0.170932	-1.510412	0.819133	-0.183212	0.010945	152110.000000	0.000000	0.007997	0.002211	0.860640	-4.842183	0.961311	9951.030273	-8434.639648	413865.343750	-0.051860	0.327705	-1.907537	-0.102374	0.199279	-1.013699	0.039179	0.304770	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120593.000000	200000.000000	163724.000000	123626.000000
-354.763275	0.033498	-0.180941	-1.509924	0.770178	-0.182148	0.012009	152110.000000	0.000000	0.007997	0.002211	0.864122	-4.861421	0.961311	5078.638184	-22637.832031	413401.875000	-0.051246	0.327323	-1.907537	-0.102374	0.199279	-1.013699	0.039179	0.304770	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139669.000000	200000.000000	154393.000000	104550.000000
-354.768280	0.032033	-0.190951	-1.507727	0.716967	-0.176827	0.013073	152110.000000	0.000000	0.007997	0.002211	0.855379	-4.849104	0.961311	3201.750488	-18398.746094	412938.437500	-0.050641	0.326822	-1.907537	-0.102374	0.199279	-1.013699	0.039179	0.304770	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137306.000000	200000.000000	160509.000000	106913.000000
-354.773285	0.029592	-0.201449	-1.503820	0.659499	-0.165120	0.014137	152110.000000	0.000000	0.007997	0.002211	0.845809	-4.834475	0.961311	2310.795898	-17344.667969	412475.000000	-0.050027	0.326191	-1.907537	-0.102374	0.199279	-1.013699	0.039179	0.304770	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137143.000000	200000.000000	162454.000000	107076.000000
-354.778290	0.026662	-0.212924	-1.498693	0.598838	-0.150221	0.015202	152110.000000	0.000000	0.007997	0.002211	0.835633	-4.817991	0.961311	1777.244507	-16433.214844	412011.531250	-0.049396	0.325432	-1.907537	-0.102374	0.199279	-1.013699	0.039179	0.304770	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136765.000000	200000.000000	163899.000000	107454.000000
-354.783295	0.022023	-0.225619	-1.492346	0.537113	-0.130001	0.016266	152117.000000	0.000000	0.007997	0.002211	0.825125	-4.800557	0.961311	1014.784119	-15849.213867	411548.093750	-0.048745	0.324564	-1.907537	-0.102374	0.199279	-1.013699	0.039179	0.304770	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136951.000000	198980.000000	165253.000000	107282.000000
-354.788300	0.016652	-0.238070	-1.483557	0.472195	-0.106588	0.018394	152117.000000	0.000000	0.007997	0.002211	0.814139	-4.780798	0.961311	452.186737	-14851.305664	410621.187500	-0.048072	0.323573	-1.907537	-0.102374	0.199279	-1.013699	0.039179	0.304770	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136516.000000	197420.000000	166813.000000	107717.000000
-354.793304	0.011525	-0.249301	-1.471838	0.406213	-0.079982	0.019459	152117.000000	0.000000	0.009751	-0.000403	0.898235	-4.902404	0.957844	10821.217773	-30535.779297	408647.906250	-0.047359	0.322450	-1.906203	-0.102609	0.198833	-1.009668	0.033851	0.319161	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141295.000000	200000.000000	141295.000000	102938.000000
-354.798309	0.007131	-0.259066	-1.458898	0.339167	-0.051248	0.022651	152117.000000	0.000000	0.004177	-0.000904	0.507780	-4.800304	0.959465	-43530.070312	-5039.177246	407963.500000	-0.046589	0.321177	-1.906826	-0.102367	0.198747	-1.009220	0.035683	0.320884	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157156.000000	157156.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-354.803314	0.002736	-0.267855	-1.444982	0.269992	-0.020385	0.024780	152191.000000	0.000000	0.004177	-0.000904	0.715519	-4.752100	0.959465	22837.689453	-10192.593750	407036.593750	-0.045753	0.319738	-1.906826	-0.102367	0.198747	-1.009220	0.035683	0.320884	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109545.000000	200000.000000	149160.000000	134836.000000
-354.808319	-0.002146	-0.275180	-1.429113	0.200818	0.012606	0.025844	152191.000000	0.000000	0.001780	-0.001756	0.567427	-4.767832	0.957046	-17358.933594	-16979.474609	405520.062500	-0.044848	0.318126	-1.905896	-0.102921	0.198942	-1.009483	0.035097	0.320851	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156529.000000	181811.000000	182570.000000	100000.000000
-354.813324	-0.008006	-0.282260	-1.412512	0.130579	0.046661	0.026908	152191.000000	0.000000	0.001780	-0.001756	0.646543	-4.699984	0.957046	7714.174805	-7037.078613	405056.625000	-0.043887	0.316339	-1.905896	-0.102921	0.198942	-1.009483	0.035097	0.320851	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121513.000000	196942.000000	167439.000000	122868.000000
-354.818329	-0.013377	-0.289584	-1.395910	0.061404	0.081780	0.027972	152191.000000	0.000000	0.001780	-0.001756	0.628454	-4.664417	0.957046	-3335.920898	-10221.752930	404593.156250	-0.042858	0.314393	-1.905896	-0.102921	0.198942	-1.009483	0.035097	0.320851	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135748.000000	189076.000000	175305.000000	108633.000000
-354.823334	-0.018260	-0.296420	-1.378332	-0.005642	0.115836	0.027972	152125.000000	0.000000	0.001780	-0.001756	0.609326	-4.627183	0.957046	-3577.744873	-9792.949219	404593.156250	-0.041762	0.312301	-1.905896	-0.102921	0.198942	-1.009483	0.035097	0.320851	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135495.000000	188340.000000	175909.000000	108754.000000
-354.828339	-0.022410	-0.302768	-1.360754	-0.070560	0.150955	0.029037	152125.000000	0.000000	0.001780	-0.001756	0.588573	-4.588275	0.957046	-4131.696289	-9362.861328	404129.718750	-0.040588	0.310072	-1.905896	-0.102921	0.198942	-1.009483	0.035097	0.320851	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135619.000000	187356.000000	176893.000000	108630.000000
-354.833344	-0.026561	-0.308871	-1.342687	-0.132285	0.183946	0.031165	152125.000000	0.000000	0.001780	-0.001756	0.567438	-4.548438	0.957046	-4187.382812	-9146.900391	403202.812500	-0.039350	0.307726	-1.905896	-0.102921	0.198942	-1.009483	0.035097	0.320851	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135459.000000	187084.000000	177165.000000	108790.000000
-354.838348	-0.030223	-0.313510	-1.322912	-0.191882	0.214809	0.033294	152125.000000	0.000000	0.001780	-0.001756	0.545662	-4.506896	0.957046	-4267.222656	-8726.090820	402275.937500	-0.038054	0.305265	-1.905896	-0.102921	0.198942	-1.009483	0.035097	0.320851	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135118.000000	186583.000000	177666.000000	109131.000000
-354.843353	-0.032664	-0.317416	-1.301916	-0.248286	0.243543	0.036486	152125.000000	0.000000	0.001780	-0.001756	0.522808	-4.464491	0.957046	-4387.829590	-8529.902344	400885.593750	-0.036695	0.302704	-1.905896	-0.102921	0.198942	-1.009483	0.035097	0.320851	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135042.000000	186267.000000	177982.000000	109207.000000
-354.848358	-0.034129	-0.320590	-1.279455	-0.301497	0.269084	0.039679	152178.000000	0.000000	0.004876	-0.002121	0.669415	-4.441573	0.953411	15153.506836	-10673.418945	397912.125000	-0.035277	0.300059	-1.904498	-0.104135	0.199661	-1.010992	0.038811	0.317026	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117697.000000	200000.000000	156351.000000	126658.000000
-354.853363	-0.035105	-0.322787	-1.256506	-0.351516	0.291433	0.043936	152178.000000	0.000000	0.003496	-0.002690	0.445857	-4.414449	0.945537	-26328.593750	-10207.207031	392629.437500	-0.033812	0.297340	-1.901470	-0.106247	0.200742	-1.013995	0.043598	0.306683	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158713.000000	166056.000000	198299.000000	100000.000000
-354.858368	-0.035594	-0.324008	-1.232092	-0.398342	0.310589	0.048193	152178.000000	0.000000	0.003496	-0.002690	0.476924	-4.347523	0.945537	2074.850342	-5658.587891	390775.625000	-0.032308	0.294559	-1.901470	-0.106247	0.200742	-1.013995	0.043598	0.306683	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125761.000000	189911.000000	174444.000000	118594.000000
-354.863373	-0.035838	-0.324984	-1.207922	-0.441975	0.327616	0.052450	152178.000000	0.000000	0.003496	-0.002690	0.452638	-4.303313	0.945537	-3967.656982	-8103.196777	388921.843750	-0.030772	0.291732	-1.901470	-0.106247	0.200742	-1.013995	0.043598	0.306683	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134248.000000	186313.000000	178042.000000	110107.000000
-354.868378	-0.036082	-0.326693	-1.184729	-0.483480	0.340387	0.057771	152123.000000	0.000000	0.003496	-0.002690	0.429080	-4.259690	0.945537	-3586.564453	-8010.344238	386604.593750	-0.029227	0.288883	-1.901470	-0.106247	0.200742	-1.013995	0.043598	0.306683	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133719.000000	186546.000000	177699.000000	110526.000000
-354.873383	-0.036570	-0.327670	-1.160803	-0.519663	0.352094	0.063092	152123.000000	0.000000	0.003496	-0.002690	0.405924	-4.216988	0.945537	-3585.666016	-8333.678711	384287.343750	-0.027683	0.286035	-1.901470	-0.106247	0.200742	-1.013995	0.043598	0.306683	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134042.000000	186871.000000	177374.000000	110203.000000
-354.878387	-0.037791	-0.327670	-1.137121	-0.552654	0.360607	0.069477	152123.000000	0.000000	0.003496	-0.002690	0.384394	-4.174482	0.945537	-3194.799316	-8357.414062	381506.656250	-0.026168	0.283191	-1.901470	-0.106247	0.200742	-1.013995	0.043598	0.306683	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133675.000000	187285.000000	176960.000000	110570.000000
-354.883392	-0.038768	-0.326693	-1.113195	-0.581388	0.366993	0.077991	152123.000000	0.000000	0.003496	-0.002690	0.363822	-4.132576	0.945537	-2978.681396	-8568.118164	377799.062500	-0.024692	0.280361	-1.901470	-0.106247	0.200742	-1.013995	0.043598	0.306683	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133669.000000	187712.000000	176533.000000	110576.000000
-354.888397	-0.038768	-0.325229	-1.089270	-0.606930	0.372314	0.086505	152123.000000	0.000000	0.003788	-0.002380	0.359195	-4.074495	0.937947	-1154.154541	-6756.107422	370786.093750	-0.023244	0.277555	-1.898551	-0.108147	0.201602	-1.018158	0.048896	0.292290	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130033.000000	187724.000000	176521.000000	114212.000000
-354.893402	-0.038768	-0.323031	-1.065588	-0.628214	0.374442	0.097147	152190.000000	0.000000	0.003221	-0.002610	0.297166	-4.059344	0.928496	-7410.046875	-11776.841797	362035.812500	-0.021840	0.274786	-1.894915	-0.110402	0.202599	-1.022990	0.056130	0.279346	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141376.000000	186556.000000	177823.000000	103003.000000
-354.898407	-0.038279	-0.319369	-1.042883	-0.647370	0.376571	0.107789	152190.000000	0.000000	0.001964	-0.001348	0.231509	-3.940276	0.925938	-8122.139160	54.213917	356287.375000	-0.020472	0.272035	-1.893932	-0.110856	0.202633	-1.025464	0.058324	0.270133	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130257.000000	174013.000000	190366.000000	114122.000000
-354.903412	-0.036326	-0.314975	-1.021154	-0.663334	0.376571	0.118432	152190.000000	0.000000	0.001964	-0.001348	0.262206	-3.950446	0.925938	2849.947754	-14483.514648	351652.875000	-0.019120	0.269302	-1.893932	-0.110856	0.202633	-1.025464	0.058324	0.270133	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133823.000000	199523.000000	164856.000000	110556.000000
-354.908417	-0.034617	-0.309115	-0.999426	-0.675040	0.376571	0.130138	152190.000000	0.000000	0.001964	-0.001348	0.243102	-3.910169	0.925938	-2714.648682	-9165.682617	346554.937500	-0.017790	0.266581	-1.893932	-0.110856	0.202633	-1.025464	0.058324	0.270133	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134070.000000	188641.000000	175738.000000	110309.000000
-354.913422	-0.032420	-0.303988	-0.979162	-0.683554	0.377635	0.140780	152197.000000	0.000000	0.001964	-0.001348	0.223307	-3.871277	0.925938	-3003.508545	-9451.039062	341920.468750	-0.016462	0.263896	-1.893932	-0.110856	0.202633	-1.025464	0.058324	0.270133	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134651.000000	188644.000000	175749.000000	109742.000000
-354.918427	-0.030467	-0.299105	-0.961096	-0.687811	0.380828	0.151423	152197.000000	0.000000	0.001964	-0.001348	0.203114	-3.833611	0.925938	-3388.800293	-9860.973633	337285.968750	-0.015130	0.261258	-1.893932	-0.110856	0.202633	-1.025464	0.058324	0.270133	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135446.000000	188669.000000	175724.000000	108947.000000
-354.923431	-0.028758	-0.294711	-0.944006	-0.686747	0.385085	0.162065	152197.000000	0.000000	0.001964	-0.001348	0.182743	-3.798268	0.925938	-3638.843018	-10543.818359	332651.468750	-0.013790	0.258697	-1.893932	-0.110856	0.202633	-1.025464	0.058324	0.270133	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136379.000000	189101.000000	175292.000000	108014.000000
-354.928436	-0.028758	-0.290561	-0.929357	-0.679297	0.393598	0.171643	152197.000000	0.000000	0.001964	-0.001348	0.162887	-3.765179	0.925938	-4180.662598	-11375.831055	328480.437500	-0.012455	0.256232	-1.893932	-0.110856	0.202633	-1.025464	0.058324	0.270133	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137753.000000	189392.000000	175001.000000	106640.000000
-354.933441	-0.028758	-0.286898	-0.914465	-0.668655	0.405305	0.182285	152122.000000	0.000000	0.006803	-0.001847	0.408432	-3.762353	0.910151	25726.333984	-15090.563477	316971.031250	-0.011110	0.253890	-1.887860	-0.113878	0.203453	-1.032907	0.067869	0.247302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111486.000000	200000.000000	141305.000000	132757.000000
-354.938446	-0.029490	-0.282748	-0.900549	-0.652691	0.419140	0.193992	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.003615	-0.004194	-0.378215	-3.843519	0.899530	-91685.593750	-25357.744141	307247.656250	-0.009763	0.251679	-1.883775	-0.116165	0.204423	-1.035127	0.073529	0.241895	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	177479.000000	177479.000000	186764.000000	100000.000000
-354.943451	-0.029979	-0.279574	-0.886877	-0.633535	0.436167	0.206762	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.003615	-0.004194	0.016941	-3.725392	0.899530	39649.000000	-3340.095215	301686.250000	-0.008394	0.249629	-1.883775	-0.116165	0.204423	-1.035127	0.073529	0.241895	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	148781.000000	148781.000000
-354.948456	-0.031687	-0.277377	-0.874914	-0.612251	0.454259	0.220597	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.001888	0.186076	-3.577676	0.892850	15374.468750	261.039062	292752.718750	-0.007026	0.247758	-1.881206	-0.117297	0.204622	-1.037430	0.074882	0.233863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106486.000000	197235.000000	167008.000000	137757.000000
-354.953461	-0.033396	-0.275668	-0.864416	-0.588838	0.473415	0.235496	152122.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.001888	0.027484	-3.652122	0.892850	-21595.769531	-24851.304688	286264.437500	-0.005654	0.246075	-1.881206	-0.117297	0.204622	-1.037430	0.074882	0.233863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168569.000000	185377.000000	178866.000000	100000.000000
-354.958466	-0.034617	-0.273715	-0.854895	-0.565425	0.492571	0.252524	152185.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.001888	0.006304	-3.636366	0.892850	-6672.012695	-14968.249023	278849.250000	-0.004272	0.244564	-1.881206	-0.117297	0.204622	-1.037430	0.074882	0.233863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143825.000000	190481.000000	173888.000000	100544.000000
-354.963470	-0.034861	-0.270053	-0.845129	-0.540948	0.510663	0.268487	152185.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.001888	-0.015951	-3.621435	0.892850	-6858.826172	-15219.936523	271897.500000	-0.002862	0.243193	-1.881206	-0.117297	0.204622	-1.037430	0.074882	0.233863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144263.000000	190546.000000	173823.000000	100106.000000
-354.968475	-0.034373	-0.266391	-0.837561	-0.516471	0.527691	0.285515	152185.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.001888	-0.039244	-3.607638	0.892850	-7041.389160	-15393.702148	264482.343750	-0.001413	0.241946	-1.881206	-0.117297	0.204622	-1.037430	0.074882	0.233863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144620.000000	190537.000000	173832.000000	100000.000000
-354.973480	-0.033152	-0.262484	-0.830969	-0.494122	0.543654	0.302543	152185.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.001888	-0.063770	-3.594312	0.892850	-7246.174316	-15253.024414	257067.156250	0.000087	0.240797	-1.881206	-0.117297	0.204622	-1.037430	0.074882	0.233863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144684.000000	190191.000000	174178.000000	100000.000000
-354.978485	-0.031687	-0.258822	-0.825842	-0.471773	0.557489	0.318506	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.001888	-0.088913	-3.582076	0.892850	-7259.365234	-15419.352539	250115.421875	0.001635	0.239738	-1.881206	-0.117297	0.204622	-1.037430	0.074882	0.233863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144856.000000	190337.000000	174018.000000	100000.000000
-354.983490	-0.030467	-0.256381	-0.821936	-0.449424	0.569196	0.334469	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.000166	-0.001888	-0.113948	-3.572113	0.892850	-7182.397461	-15726.198242	243163.687500	0.003216	0.238787	-1.881206	-0.117297	0.204622	-1.037430	0.074882	0.233863	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145086.000000	190721.000000	173634.000000	100000.000000
-354.988495	-0.029246	-0.255160	-0.819738	-0.428140	0.579838	0.349369	152178.000000	0.000000	0.000849	-0.002872	-0.083507	-3.618340	0.872689	-873.933655	-22099.779297	227895.453125	0.004827	0.237953	-1.873451	-0.121027	0.205732	-1.041448	0.084099	0.223058	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145151.000000	200000.000000	160952.000000	100000.000000
-354.993500	-0.028758	-0.254428	-0.819982	-0.405791	0.586223	0.362139	152178.000000	0.000000	0.000233	-0.002805	-0.181922	-3.568950	0.849120	-15059.136719	-11576.503906	212070.203125	0.006434	0.237230	-1.864386	-0.125126	0.206780	-1.044856	0.093990	0.214593	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148813.000000	178695.000000	185660.000000	100000.000000
-354.998505	-0.027537	-0.255404	-0.821691	-0.382378	0.591544	0.375974	152178.000000	0.000000	-0.005809	-0.004502	-0.514117	-3.662023	0.833532	-42198.062500	-27894.710938	199257.343750	0.008051	0.236651	-1.858391	-0.128084	0.207829	-1.046211	0.100131	0.212874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	180072.000000	180072.000000	184283.000000	100000.000000
-355.003510	-0.026561	-0.257846	-0.825109	-0.356837	0.593673	0.388745	152111.000000	0.000000	-0.005809	-0.004502	-0.296241	-3.594936	0.833532	19633.914062	-10326.166992	193695.968750	0.009658	0.236244	-1.858391	-0.128084	0.207829	-1.046211	0.100131	0.212874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112803.000000	200000.000000	152150.000000	131418.000000
-355.008514	-0.025584	-0.260287	-0.829992	-0.329167	0.593673	0.400451	152111.000000	0.000000	-0.005809	-0.004502	-0.319332	-3.598111	0.833532	-6739.357422	-18429.398438	188598.031250	0.011246	0.236006	-1.858391	-0.128084	0.207829	-1.046211	0.100131	0.212874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147279.000000	193801.000000	170420.000000	100000.000000
-355.013519	-0.023631	-0.262240	-0.836828	-0.299369	0.590480	0.414286	152111.000000	0.000000	-0.005809	-0.004502	-0.342456	-3.602878	0.833532	-6483.087402	-18996.783203	182573.187500	0.012822	0.235920	-1.858391	-0.128084	0.207829	-1.046211	0.100131	0.212874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147590.000000	194624.000000	169597.000000	100000.000000
-355.018524	-0.020701	-0.263217	-0.843908	-0.270634	0.586223	0.427057	152111.000000	0.000000	-0.005809	-0.004502	-0.366330	-3.608246	0.833532	-6538.715820	-19102.783203	177011.796875	0.014402	0.235955	-1.858391	-0.128084	0.207829	-1.046211	0.100131	0.212874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147752.000000	194675.000000	169546.000000	100000.000000
-355.023529	-0.016795	-0.262240	-0.852941	-0.239772	0.578774	0.440892	152068.000000	0.000000	-0.005809	-0.004502	-0.390504	-3.612912	0.833532	-6298.014160	-19423.861328	170986.968750	0.015990	0.236065	-1.858391	-0.128084	0.207829	-1.046211	0.100131	0.212874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147789.000000	195193.000000	168942.000000	100000.000000
-355.028534	-0.011424	-0.260531	-0.861730	-0.209974	0.567067	0.453663	152068.000000	0.000000	-0.005809	-0.004502	-0.415447	-3.617628	0.833532	-5975.009766	-19470.203125	165425.578125	0.017599	0.236231	-1.858391	-0.128084	0.207829	-1.046211	0.100131	0.212874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147513.000000	195563.000000	168572.000000	100000.000000
-355.033539	-0.005076	-0.258578	-0.870031	-0.180175	0.554296	0.465369	152068.000000	0.000000	-0.005809	-0.004502	-0.441505	-3.623100	0.833532	-6041.714355	-19715.632812	160327.640625	0.019243	0.236451	-1.858391	-0.128084	0.207829	-1.046211	0.100131	0.212874	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147825.000000	195741.000000	168394.000000	100000.000000
-355.038544	0.002004	-0.256137	-0.879309	-0.152505	0.537269	0.477076	152068.000000	0.000000	-0.000957	-0.002995	-0.200931	-3.545041	0.804544	24929.138672	-10065.028320	142605.937500	0.020914	0.236699	-1.847242	-0.132896	0.208969	-1.048784	0.108538	0.205274	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107203.000000	200000.000000	147073.000000	136932.000000
-355.043549	0.009816	-0.253695	-0.888586	-0.125900	0.517049	0.486654	151961.000000	0.000000	-0.001077	-0.002919	-0.428081	-3.606186	0.774348	-27100.714844	-25658.136719	125285.156250	0.022613	0.236970	-1.835628	-0.137739	0.210041	-1.050834	0.118080	0.202302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174719.000000	180518.000000	183403.000000	100000.000000
-355.048553	0.017629	-0.249545	-0.897863	-0.101423	0.494700	0.494103	151961.000000	0.000000	-0.001077	-0.002919	-0.449637	-3.612111	0.774348	-4256.772461	-19492.029297	122041.000000	0.024328	0.237221	-1.835628	-0.137739	0.210041	-1.050834	0.118080	0.202302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145709.000000	197196.000000	166725.000000	100000.000000
-355.053558	0.026662	-0.243930	-0.905676	-0.081202	0.469158	0.499424	151961.000000	0.000000	-0.001077	-0.002919	-0.476853	-3.612452	0.774348	-4535.824219	-18504.513672	119723.765625	0.026070	0.237409	-1.835628	-0.137739	0.210041	-1.050834	0.118080	0.202302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145001.000000	195929.000000	167992.000000	100000.000000
-355.058563	0.036184	-0.238070	-0.914465	-0.064175	0.442553	0.500489	151961.000000	0.000000	-0.001077	-0.002919	-0.504835	-3.610567	0.774348	-4509.332520	-17978.427734	119260.304688	0.027845	0.237512	-1.835628	-0.137739	0.210041	-1.050834	0.118080	0.202302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144448.000000	195430.000000	168491.000000	100000.000000
-355.063568	0.045461	-0.233187	-0.924475	-0.050340	0.414883	0.498360	151961.000000	0.000000	-0.001077	-0.002919	-0.532693	-3.607476	0.774348	-4379.552246	-17544.292969	120187.218750	0.029643	0.237530	-1.835628	-0.137739	0.210041	-1.050834	0.118080	0.202302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143884.000000	195125.000000	168796.000000	100037.000000
-355.068573	0.054250	-0.229525	-0.934973	-0.039697	0.385085	0.493039	152005.000000	0.000000	-0.001077	-0.002919	-0.559720	-3.603684	0.774348	-4041.296143	-17147.509766	122504.460938	0.031442	0.237474	-1.835628	-0.137739	0.210041	-1.050834	0.118080	0.202302	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143193.000000	195111.000000	168898.000000	100816.000000
-355.073578	0.061086	-0.227572	-0.945471	-0.032248	0.354222	0.485589	152005.000000	0.000000	-0.005945	-0.003832	-0.851857	-3.650197	0.756762	-34276.765625	-22576.105469	118090.140625	0.033196	0.237367	-1.828864	-0.140678	0.210847	-1.051742	0.119338	0.202490	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	174581.000000	174581.000000	189428.000000	100000.000000
-355.078583	0.067434	-0.226596	-0.957434	-0.025863	0.321231	0.474947	152005.000000	0.000000	-0.001113	-0.002852	-0.414217	-3.555851	0.725736	48365.648438	-6566.127930	109213.554688	0.034883	0.237217	-1.816931	-0.145464	0.211843	-1.053734	0.126856	0.205060	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	145438.000000	145438.000000
-355.083588	0.072805	-0.224643	-0.969152	-0.022670	0.286112	0.462176	152005.000000	0.000000	-0.003363	-0.002546	-0.751331	-3.571887	0.711965	-37978.335938	-18440.732422	108778.031250	0.036477	0.236993	-1.811634	-0.147507	0.212210	-1.054574	0.128145	0.203092	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170445.000000	170445.000000	193564.000000	100000.000000
-355.088593	0.078176	-0.221469	-0.981115	-0.020541	0.248864	0.448342	151890.000000	0.000000	-0.003471	-0.002837	-0.685553	-3.591190	0.698515	7030.013184	-18781.443359	108945.375000	0.037969	0.236668	-1.806461	-0.149575	0.212670	-1.055492	0.126449	0.203344	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133641.000000	200000.000000	156078.000000	110138.000000
-355.093597	0.082814	-0.217807	-0.991125	-0.020541	0.208423	0.433442	151890.000000	0.000000	-0.003471	-0.002837	-0.696613	-3.568668	0.698515	-932.574402	-13845.015625	115433.664062	0.039333	0.236233	-1.806461	-0.149575	0.212670	-1.055492	0.126449	0.203344	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136667.000000	194802.000000	168977.000000	107112.000000
-355.098602	0.086721	-0.214389	-0.999670	-0.024798	0.165854	0.418543	151890.000000	0.000000	-0.003471	-0.002837	-0.708924	-3.555785	0.698515	-696.915466	-14357.917969	121921.953125	0.040549	0.235683	-1.806461	-0.149575	0.212670	-1.055492	0.126449	0.203344	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136944.000000	195551.000000	168228.000000	106835.000000
-355.103607	0.090383	-0.209994	-1.007971	-0.031184	0.121157	0.402580	151890.000000	0.000000	-0.003471	-0.002837	-0.718417	-3.539793	0.698515	8.941491	-13679.089844	128873.679688	0.041606	0.234991	-1.806461	-0.149575	0.212670	-1.055492	0.126449	0.203344	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135560.000000	195578.000000	168201.000000	108219.000000
-355.108612	0.094777	-0.205844	-1.014807	-0.040762	0.073266	0.385552	151890.000000	0.000000	-0.003471	-0.002837	-0.725789	-3.521567	0.698515	779.533813	-12954.476562	136288.875000	0.042509	0.234157	-1.806461	-0.149575	0.212670	-1.055492	0.126449	0.203344	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134064.000000	195624.000000	168155.000000	109715.000000
-355.113617	0.098684	-0.202182	-1.022375	-0.054597	0.023248	0.368525	151962.000000	0.000000	-0.003471	-0.002837	-0.729820	-3.500604	0.698515	1592.504883	-12025.339844	143704.046875	0.043238	0.233170	-1.806461	-0.149575	0.212670	-1.055492	0.126449	0.203344	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132394.000000	195579.000000	168344.000000	111529.000000
-355.118622	0.102834	-0.199008	-1.030187	-0.070560	-0.027835	0.350433	151962.000000	0.000000	-0.003471	-0.002837	-0.731407	-3.477404	0.698515	2205.964355	-11365.248047	151582.687500	0.043798	0.232029	-1.806461	-0.149575	0.212670	-1.055492	0.126449	0.203344	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131121.000000	195533.000000	168390.000000	112802.000000
-355.123627	0.106740	-0.196566	-1.036779	-0.087588	-0.081046	0.332341	151962.000000	0.000000	-0.003471	-0.002837	-0.729884	-3.452812	0.698515	3034.887695	-10902.821289	159461.312500	0.044177	0.230753	-1.806461	-0.149575	0.212670	-1.055492	0.126449	0.203344	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129829.000000	195899.000000	168024.000000	114094.000000
-355.128632	0.110646	-0.194125	-1.042150	-0.107808	-0.134257	0.314249	151962.000000	0.000000	0.002485	-0.001093	-0.398390	-3.329829	0.678580	41094.097656	927.889954	158658.671875	0.044381	0.229333	-1.798794	-0.151891	0.212467	-1.057685	0.128028	0.203850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	152889.000000	152889.000000
-355.133636	0.114797	-0.191928	-1.047277	-0.128028	-0.188533	0.295093	151900.000000	0.000000	0.005071	-0.000142	-0.487987	-3.318457	0.668295	-5261.293945	-11202.197266	162522.015625	0.044412	0.227775	-1.794838	-0.152474	0.211631	-1.060249	0.121259	0.202937	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138363.000000	187840.000000	175959.000000	105436.000000
-355.138641	0.118947	-0.190463	-1.051916	-0.150377	-0.242809	0.277001	151900.000000	0.000000	0.000683	-0.001209	-0.823781	-3.384782	0.662372	-33627.105469	-19713.716797	167821.437500	0.044274	0.226090	-1.792560	-0.153138	0.211549	-1.061726	0.119653	0.204059	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171613.000000	171613.000000	192186.000000	100000.000000
-355.143646	0.123098	-0.188998	-1.055578	-0.172726	-0.298148	0.257845	151900.000000	0.000000	0.000683	-0.001209	-0.636967	-3.310055	0.662372	25067.619141	-3757.618408	176163.500000	0.043967	0.224281	-1.792560	-0.153138	0.211549	-1.061726	0.119653	0.204059	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100589.000000	200000.000000	153074.000000	143210.000000
-355.148651	0.127004	-0.186801	-1.058264	-0.196139	-0.350295	0.237625	151900.000000	0.000000	0.000683	-0.001209	-0.623976	-3.275473	0.662372	5903.385254	-7788.050781	184969.031250	0.043507	0.222337	-1.792560	-0.153138	0.211549	-1.061726	0.119653	0.204059	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123784.000000	195591.000000	168208.000000	120015.000000
-355.153656	0.129934	-0.186068	-1.060705	-0.220616	-0.402442	0.217405	151953.000000	0.000000	0.000683	-0.001209	-0.607838	-3.240260	0.662372	6563.608398	-7327.037598	193774.562500	0.042879	0.220283	-1.792560	-0.153138	0.211549	-1.061726	0.119653	0.204059	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122716.000000	195843.000000	168062.000000	121189.000000
-355.158661	0.132131	-0.186068	-1.062902	-0.244029	-0.452461	0.196120	151953.000000	0.000000	0.000683	-0.001209	-0.589221	-3.204595	0.662372	6917.764648	-7122.613770	203043.546875	0.042084	0.218141	-1.792560	-0.153138	0.211549	-1.061726	0.119653	0.204059	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122157.000000	195993.000000	167912.000000	121748.000000
-355.163666	0.133840	-0.187533	-1.064855	-0.267442	-0.501415	0.175900	151953.000000	0.000000	0.000683	-0.001209	-0.567964	-3.169238	0.662372	7413.978516	-6886.135742	211849.078125	0.041119	0.215940	-1.792560	-0.153138	0.211549	-1.061726	0.119653	0.204059	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121425.000000	196253.000000	167652.000000	122480.000000
-355.168671	0.134328	-0.189486	-1.068518	-0.287662	-0.550370	0.156744	151953.000000	0.000000	0.000683	-0.001209	-0.542809	-3.134162	0.662372	8183.604004	-7013.757812	220191.156250	0.039960	0.213702	-1.792560	-0.153138	0.211549	-1.061726	0.119653	0.204059	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120783.000000	197150.000000	166755.000000	123122.000000
-355.173676	0.134572	-0.190707	-1.070227	-0.307882	-0.598260	0.136523	151953.000000	0.000000	0.010611	0.000569	0.030672	-3.000376	0.661130	71230.289062	4551.755859	228455.843750	0.038617	0.211420	-1.792083	-0.151730	0.209640	-1.066568	0.099943	0.194896	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156504.000000	156504.000000
-355.178680	0.134572	-0.191928	-1.070715	-0.324910	-0.646150	0.116303	152007.000000	0.000000	0.006006	0.001289	-0.589348	-2.996424	0.664077	-62647.917969	-9982.084961	238544.578125	0.037090	0.209115	-1.793216	-0.150631	0.208736	-1.068530	0.091428	0.191609	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161989.000000	161989.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-355.183685	0.134328	-0.192660	-1.071447	-0.340873	-0.692976	0.096083	152007.000000	0.000000	0.006006	0.001289	-0.372400	-2.989206	0.664077	30478.242188	-9633.407227	247350.109375	0.035383	0.206784	-1.793216	-0.150631	0.208736	-1.068530	0.091428	0.191609	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101640.000000	200000.000000	142373.000000	142373.000000
-355.188690	0.133840	-0.192660	-1.071203	-0.356837	-0.738738	0.076927	152007.000000	0.000000	0.006006	0.001289	-0.337197	-2.952323	0.664077	10751.419922	-6127.332031	255692.187500	0.033502	0.204418	-1.793216	-0.150631	0.208736	-1.068530	0.091428	0.191609	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117382.000000	198885.000000	165128.000000	126631.000000
-355.193695	0.132375	-0.192416	-1.071447	-0.370672	-0.782371	0.056706	152007.000000	0.000000	0.006006	0.001289	-0.299107	-2.915257	0.664077	11210.799805	-6107.015137	264497.718750	0.031441	0.202024	-1.793216	-0.150631	0.208736	-1.068530	0.091428	0.191609	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116903.000000	199324.000000	164689.000000	127110.000000
-355.198700	0.131154	-0.191684	-1.071203	-0.383442	-0.823876	0.036486	152229.000000	0.000000	0.006006	0.001289	-0.259359	-2.877712	0.664077	11532.812500	-5939.997070	273303.250000	0.029219	0.199600	-1.793216	-0.150631	0.208736	-1.068530	0.091428	0.191609	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116636.000000	199701.000000	164756.000000	127821.000000
-355.203705	0.129689	-0.190951	-1.070471	-0.397277	-0.864316	0.016266	152229.000000	0.000000	0.006006	0.001289	-0.217408	-2.839595	0.664077	12035.237305	-5522.280762	282108.781250	0.026840	0.197143	-1.793216	-0.150631	0.208736	-1.068530	0.091428	0.191609	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115716.000000	199786.000000	164671.000000	128741.000000
-355.208710	0.128225	-0.190219	-1.070715	-0.410048	-0.901564	-0.005019	152229.000000	0.000000	0.006006	0.001289	-0.174045	-2.801184	0.664077	12210.241211	-5371.537109	291377.750000	0.024322	0.194658	-1.793216	-0.150631	0.208736	-1.068530	0.091428	0.191609	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115390.000000	199810.000000	164647.000000	129067.000000
-355.213715	0.127004	-0.188510	-1.069738	-0.423883	-0.936684	-0.027367	152229.000000	0.000000	0.006006	0.001289	-0.129724	-2.761368	0.664077	12446.939453	-4853.095703	301110.187500	0.021685	0.192127	-1.793216	-0.150631	0.208736	-1.068530	0.091428	0.191609	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114635.000000	199529.000000	164928.000000	129822.000000
-355.218719	0.125295	-0.186557	-1.069250	-0.437718	-0.968610	-0.050780	152229.000000	0.000000	0.016404	0.000984	0.487686	-2.737391	0.686350	78097.476562	-6420.946289	321005.468750	0.018936	0.189546	-1.801782	-0.145478	0.205725	-1.076971	0.053445	0.178364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	145808.000000	145808.000000
-355.223724	0.123342	-0.183871	-1.068273	-0.452617	-0.997344	-0.076322	152241.000000	0.000000	0.016404	0.000984	0.118377	-2.682872	0.686350	-32315.972656	-2626.229248	332128.250000	0.016093	0.186899	-1.801782	-0.145478	0.205725	-1.076971	0.053445	0.178364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154867.000000	154867.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-355.228729	0.121145	-0.181430	-1.067297	-0.468580	-1.023950	-0.103992	152241.000000	0.000000	0.016404	0.000984	0.165799	-2.639626	0.686350	13612.591797	-3476.288574	344177.906250	0.013162	0.184187	-1.801782	-0.145478	0.205725	-1.076971	0.053445	0.178364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112104.000000	199329.000000	165152.000000	132377.000000
-355.233734	0.120168	-0.178744	-1.066320	-0.484544	-1.048427	-0.133790	152241.000000	0.000000	0.016404	0.000984	0.212582	-2.595258	0.686350	13636.100586	-3075.541992	357154.500000	0.010180	0.181409	-1.801782	-0.145478	0.205725	-1.076971	0.053445	0.178364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111680.000000	198952.000000	165529.000000	132801.000000
-355.238739	0.118703	-0.177035	-1.065100	-0.500507	-1.071840	-0.166781	152241.000000	0.000000	0.016404	0.000984	0.260150	-2.551025	0.686350	13933.535156	-2812.093994	371521.406250	0.007147	0.178584	-1.801782	-0.145478	0.205725	-1.076971	0.053445	0.178364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111119.000000	198986.000000	165495.000000	133362.000000
-355.243744	0.116750	-0.176547	-1.063391	-0.515406	-1.095253	-0.199772	152336.000000	0.000000	0.016404	0.000984	0.309016	-2.507795	0.686350	14407.106445	-2773.379883	385888.312500	0.004053	0.175743	-1.801782	-0.145478	0.205725	-1.076971	0.053445	0.178364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110702.000000	199516.000000	165155.000000	133969.000000
-355.248749	0.115041	-0.178744	-1.061682	-0.529241	-1.120795	-0.234891	152336.000000	0.000000	0.016404	0.000984	0.359036	-2.467379	0.686350	15115.699219	-2950.197266	401182.156250	0.000892	0.172942	-1.801782	-0.145478	0.205725	-1.076971	0.053445	0.178364	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110170.000000	200000.000000	164270.000000	134501.000000
-355.253754	0.113088	-0.182650	-1.059973	-0.540948	-1.146336	-0.271075	152336.000000	0.000000	0.010295	0.002551	0.074316	-2.343754	0.698040	-22883.216797	6587.650391	422030.093750	-0.002337	0.170224	-1.806278	-0.142987	0.204419	-1.079440	0.039826	0.172826	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138631.000000	152865.000000	200000.000000	106040.000000
-355.258759	0.111867	-0.188021	-1.058020	-0.550526	-1.175070	-0.308323	152336.000000	0.000000	0.017935	0.002521	0.791005	-2.373847	0.741984	91007.703125	-10642.986328	457387.625000	-0.005637	0.167625	-1.823180	-0.134497	0.200637	-1.087058	0.006057	0.158454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102978.000000	200000.000000	141693.000000	141693.000000
-355.263763	0.109670	-0.193393	-1.054357	-0.559040	-1.205933	-0.346635	152331.000000	0.000000	0.017935	0.002521	0.540152	-2.340813	0.741984	-16157.266602	-3627.790527	474071.781250	-0.009030	0.165156	-1.823180	-0.134497	0.200637	-1.087058	0.006057	0.158454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142116.000000	169801.000000	194860.000000	102545.000000
-355.268768	0.105764	-0.197299	-1.052160	-0.567553	-1.241052	-0.387076	152331.000000	0.000000	0.017935	0.002521	0.599047	-2.309204	0.741984	18801.861328	-3599.845459	491682.843750	-0.012569	0.162786	-1.823180	-0.134497	0.200637	-1.087058	0.006057	0.158454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107128.000000	200000.000000	159929.000000	137533.000000
-355.273773	0.100148	-0.199984	-1.048254	-0.576067	-1.278300	-0.428580	152331.000000	0.000000	0.017935	0.002521	0.662099	-2.278215	0.741984	19954.439453	-3486.303955	509757.375000	-0.016289	0.160498	-1.823180	-0.134497	0.200637	-1.087058	0.006057	0.158454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105862.000000	200000.000000	158890.000000	138799.000000
-355.278778	0.093068	-0.200717	-1.044104	-0.587774	-1.315548	-0.471149	152331.000000	0.000000	0.017935	0.002521	0.729123	-2.245772	0.741984	20873.042969	-2771.334229	528295.312500	-0.020212	0.158246	-1.823180	-0.134497	0.200637	-1.087058	0.006057	0.158454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104229.000000	200000.000000	158686.000000	140432.000000
-355.283783	0.084523	-0.200961	-1.038977	-0.600544	-1.355989	-0.513718	152331.000000	0.000000	0.017935	0.002521	0.801394	-2.213362	0.741984	22319.777344	-2450.076416	546833.250000	-0.024380	0.156018	-1.823180	-0.134497	0.200637	-1.087058	0.006057	0.158454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102461.000000	200000.000000	157561.000000	142200.000000
-355.288788	0.075246	-0.199740	-1.034094	-0.616508	-1.397493	-0.556287	152398.000000	0.000000	0.017935	0.002521	0.878274	-2.179042	0.741984	23485.636719	-1658.645386	565371.250000	-0.028809	0.153773	-1.823180	-0.134497	0.200637	-1.087058	0.006057	0.158454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100571.000000	200000.000000	157253.000000	144224.000000
-355.293793	0.064992	-0.196322	-1.028967	-0.635664	-1.438998	-0.596728	152398.000000	0.000000	0.017935	0.002521	0.959951	-2.141582	0.741984	24582.531250	-700.764221	582982.312500	-0.033515	0.151460	-1.823180	-0.134497	0.200637	-1.087058	0.006057	0.158454	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	157114.000000	146279.000000
-355.298798	0.053762	-0.189975	-1.023840	-0.655884	-1.480503	-0.638233	152398.000000	0.000000	0.022669	0.004407	1.306951	-1.996240	0.809308	55540.656250	12038.973633	630374.875000	-0.038515	0.149021	-1.849074	-0.121468	0.195040	-1.095236	-0.034067	0.146143	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	164436.000000	164436.000000
-355.303802	0.043264	-0.183871	-1.017980	-0.678233	-1.520944	-0.677609	152398.000000	0.000000	0.014778	0.002742	0.773854	-2.119732	0.830948	-43614.406250	-17752.244141	656946.562500	-0.043789	0.146455	-1.857397	-0.117608	0.193719	-1.098096	-0.050541	0.141599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170150.000000	170150.000000	194645.000000	100000.000000
-355.308807	0.034963	-0.178744	-1.012854	-0.695260	-1.551806	-0.709536	152394.000000	0.000000	0.014778	0.002742	1.178851	-2.010200	0.830948	60486.328125	7867.249023	670850.000000	-0.049251	0.143809	-1.857397	-0.117608	0.193719	-1.098096	-0.050541	0.141599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	160261.000000	160261.000000
-355.313812	0.024953	-0.173129	-1.006994	-0.714417	-1.586926	-0.747848	152394.000000	0.000000	0.014778	0.002742	1.273848	-1.965343	0.830948	27466.628906	1284.341919	687534.187500	-0.054951	0.141069	-1.857397	-0.117608	0.193719	-1.098096	-0.050541	0.141599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156211.000000	151144.000000
-355.318817	0.014699	-0.168979	-1.002111	-0.731444	-1.618852	-0.785096	152394.000000	0.000000	0.014778	0.002742	1.371847	-1.921214	0.830948	28043.339844	1251.695312	703754.875000	-0.060879	0.138274	-1.857397	-0.117608	0.193719	-1.098096	-0.050541	0.141599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155602.000000	151689.000000
-355.323822	0.005422	-0.166049	-0.996252	-0.742086	-1.647586	-0.820215	152394.000000	0.000000	0.014778	0.002742	1.471361	-1.879601	0.830948	28448.898438	513.177795	719048.687500	-0.066999	0.135484	-1.857397	-0.117608	0.193719	-1.098096	-0.050541	0.141599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154458.000000	151356.000000
-355.328827	-0.003367	-0.164340	-0.988439	-0.747407	-1.670999	-0.853206	152394.000000	0.000000	0.014778	0.002742	1.571864	-1.841246	0.830948	28542.472656	-229.222473	733415.625000	-0.073277	0.132758	-1.857397	-0.117608	0.193719	-1.098096	-0.050541	0.141599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153622.000000	150707.000000
-355.333832	-0.011668	-0.162875	-0.979895	-0.747407	-1.690155	-0.884069	152325.000000	0.000000	0.018807	0.004842	1.894685	-1.690201	0.858166	54092.613281	12271.446289	758708.562500	-0.079685	0.130129	-1.867866	-0.112432	0.191708	-1.100895	-0.067218	0.134086	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	164596.000000	164596.000000
-355.338837	-0.018504	-0.160922	-0.968664	-0.742086	-1.703990	-0.912803	152325.000000	0.000000	0.029417	0.006548	2.417323	-1.647632	0.956854	77946.468750	-69.919472	814198.375000	-0.086170	0.127621	-1.905823	-0.093083	0.184099	-1.109354	-0.118340	0.121692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	152255.000000	152255.000000
-355.343842	-0.025096	-0.158725	-0.956213	-0.733573	-1.713568	-0.939409	152325.000000	0.000000	0.029417	0.006548	2.093383	-1.685641	0.956854	-17053.966797	-9494.930664	825784.562500	-0.092710	0.125249	-1.905823	-0.093083	0.184099	-1.109354	-0.118340	0.121692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	148873.000000	174765.000000	189884.000000	100000.000000
-355.348846	-0.030955	-0.155795	-0.943762	-0.720802	-1.719954	-0.964950	152325.000000	0.000000	0.029417	0.006548	2.192979	-1.657693	0.956854	29652.748047	-2640.910889	836907.375000	-0.099277	0.123015	-1.905823	-0.093083	0.184099	-1.109354	-0.118340	0.121692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150031.000000	149336.000000
-355.353851	-0.036082	-0.152621	-0.929846	-0.702710	-1.723146	-0.988363	152333.000000	0.000000	0.029417	0.006548	2.291560	-1.633107	0.956854	29658.312500	-3565.710205	847103.250000	-0.105845	0.120944	-1.905823	-0.093083	0.184099	-1.109354	-0.118340	0.121692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	149108.000000	148425.000000
-355.358856	-0.040477	-0.149447	-0.915197	-0.682490	-1.723146	-1.011776	152333.000000	0.000000	0.029417	0.006548	2.388648	-1.611528	0.956854	29589.617188	-4124.145508	857299.125000	-0.112387	0.119045	-1.905823	-0.093083	0.184099	-1.109354	-0.118340	0.121692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	148619.000000	147798.000000
-355.363861	-0.044871	-0.145541	-0.899084	-0.659077	-1.719954	-1.033061	152333.000000	0.000000	0.029417	0.006548	2.484834	-1.592582	0.956854	29567.292969	-4785.376953	866568.125000	-0.118894	0.117319	-1.905823	-0.093083	0.184099	-1.109354	-0.118340	0.121692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	147980.000000	147114.000000
-355.368866	-0.050975	-0.143100	-0.884191	-0.630343	-1.715697	-1.053281	152333.000000	0.000000	0.029417	0.006548	2.582458	-1.578964	0.956854	30037.707031	-6025.689453	875373.625000	-0.125401	0.115817	-1.905823	-0.093083	0.184099	-1.109354	-0.118340	0.121692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	146307.000000	146307.000000
-355.373871	-0.061717	-0.144564	-0.871008	-0.599480	-1.709311	-1.072437	152407.000000	0.000000	0.029417	0.006548	2.685336	-1.573427	0.956854	30825.380859	-7264.842773	883715.750000	-0.132005	0.114624	-1.905823	-0.093083	0.184099	-1.109354	-0.118340	0.121692	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	145142.000000	145142.000000
-355.378876	-0.076609	-0.148471	-0.859289	-0.565425	-1.702926	-1.088400	152407.000000	0.000000	0.028296	0.006857	2.733338	-1.558773	1.028396	24982.791016	-6702.691895	921822.375000	-0.138800	0.113799	-1.933339	-0.078909	0.178861	-1.114691	-0.152309	0.113784	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104126.000000	200000.000000	150721.000000	140687.000000
-355.383881	-0.093943	-0.153842	-0.846350	-0.529241	-1.695476	-1.101171	152407.000000	0.000000	0.029739	0.006930	2.973086	-1.577310	1.103083	47017.976562	-10838.034180	959908.312500	-0.145844	0.113384	-1.962064	-0.063925	0.173622	-1.119673	-0.183034	0.109832	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103245.000000	200000.000000	141568.000000	141568.000000
-355.388885	-0.113719	-0.158480	-0.834143	-0.493058	-1.685898	-1.109685	152407.000000	0.000000	0.029739	0.006930	3.037418	-1.595051	1.103083	27747.765625	-10998.528320	963615.937500	-0.153185	0.113352	-1.962064	-0.063925	0.173622	-1.119673	-0.183034	0.109832	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105657.000000	200000.000000	143660.000000	139156.000000
-355.393890	-0.133250	-0.161654	-0.822424	-0.457938	-1.673128	-1.113942	152407.000000	0.000000	0.029739	0.006930	3.162893	-1.612934	1.103083	34638.199219	-11140.872070	965469.687500	-0.160806	0.113654	-1.962064	-0.063925	0.173622	-1.119673	-0.183034	0.109832	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103547.000000	200000.000000	141266.000000	141266.000000
-355.398895	-0.151805	-0.161898	-0.811682	-0.424947	-1.656100	-1.113942	152343.000000	0.000000	0.029739	0.006930	3.290262	-1.630842	1.103083	34885.984375	-11143.750977	965469.687500	-0.168664	0.114199	-1.962064	-0.063925	0.173622	-1.119673	-0.183034	0.109832	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103486.000000	200000.000000	141199.000000	141199.000000
-355.403900	-0.168406	-0.159457	-0.802160	-0.394085	-1.634816	-1.108621	152343.000000	0.000000	0.029739	0.006930	3.417606	-1.647635	1.103083	34903.023438	-11006.306641	963152.437500	-0.176695	0.114901	-1.962064	-0.063925	0.173622	-1.119673	-0.183034	0.109832	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103349.000000	200000.000000	141336.000000	141336.000000
-355.408905	-0.181590	-0.154818	-0.793127	-0.366415	-1.608210	-1.101171	152343.000000	0.000000	0.029739	0.006930	3.541855	-1.662745	1.103083	34426.753906	-10667.031250	959908.312500	-0.184794	0.115687	-1.962064	-0.063925	0.173622	-1.119673	-0.183034	0.109832	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103010.000000	200000.000000	141675.000000	141675.000000
-355.413910	-0.191600	-0.148959	-0.785070	-0.339809	-1.574155	-1.091593	152343.000000	0.000000	0.033257	0.006387	3.854507	-1.706673	1.212822	55605.265625	-14043.203125	1003526.437500	-0.192852	0.116513	-2.004272	-0.041533	0.166412	-1.125679	-0.227156	0.116169	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106386.000000	200000.000000	138299.000000	138299.000000
-355.418915	-0.198436	-0.142123	-0.777990	-0.315332	-1.531586	-1.078822	152412.000000	0.000000	0.026912	0.006405	3.477246	-1.696214	1.248170	-23122.257812	-7893.411133	1013358.687500	-0.200754	0.117337	-2.017867	-0.034051	0.164013	-1.127272	-0.240425	0.117915	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153427.000000	167183.000000	197640.000000	100000.000000
-355.423920	-0.203074	-0.135287	-0.771398	-0.292983	-1.483696	-1.064987	152412.000000	0.000000	0.026912	0.006405	3.836779	-1.708271	1.248170	58741.234375	-10293.508789	1007333.812500	-0.208425	0.118142	-2.017867	-0.034051	0.164013	-1.127272	-0.240425	0.117915	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102705.000000	200000.000000	142118.000000	142118.000000
-355.428925	-0.205516	-0.129672	-0.764318	-0.270634	-1.427292	-1.047960	152412.000000	0.000000	0.026346	0.006140	3.903388	-1.735264	1.282011	25643.240234	-12162.636719	1014655.687500	-0.215782	0.118954	-2.030883	-0.026796	0.161712	-1.128760	-0.253808	0.121852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108931.000000	200000.000000	144606.000000	135892.000000
-355.433929	-0.207957	-0.125277	-0.757727	-0.249350	-1.363438	-1.029868	152412.000000	0.000000	0.026346	0.006140	4.017357	-1.738038	1.282011	30262.187500	-9493.416016	1006777.062500	-0.222792	0.119788	-2.030883	-0.026796	0.161712	-1.128760	-0.253808	0.121852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101905.000000	200000.000000	142918.000000	142918.000000
-355.438934	-0.209422	-0.122592	-0.751867	-0.230194	-1.293199	-1.008583	152412.000000	0.000000	0.026346	0.006140	4.100654	-1.752855	1.282011	26247.486328	-10739.747070	997508.062500	-0.229405	0.120663	-2.030883	-0.026796	0.161712	-1.128760	-0.253808	0.121852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106904.000000	200000.000000	145424.000000	137919.000000
-355.443939	-0.210887	-0.122104	-0.746496	-0.212102	-1.217639	-0.985170	152413.000000	0.000000	0.026346	0.006140	4.176817	-1.770461	1.282011	24880.824219	-11093.623047	987312.187500	-0.235598	0.121620	-2.030883	-0.026796	0.161712	-1.128760	-0.253808	0.121852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108625.000000	200000.000000	146438.000000	136200.000000
-355.448944	-0.213572	-0.123812	-0.741369	-0.195074	-1.138886	-0.960693	152413.000000	0.000000	0.026346	0.006140	4.247802	-1.791504	1.282011	23924.638672	-11529.753906	976652.875000	-0.241394	0.122698	-2.030883	-0.026796	0.161712	-1.128760	-0.253808	0.121852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110018.000000	200000.000000	146958.000000	134807.000000
-355.453949	-0.217967	-0.127963	-0.736975	-0.179111	-1.055877	-0.934088	152413.000000	0.000000	0.026346	0.006140	4.314081	-1.816703	1.282011	22862.158203	-12058.912109	965066.625000	-0.246813	0.123941	-2.030883	-0.026796	0.161712	-1.128760	-0.253808	0.121852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111609.000000	200000.000000	147491.000000	133216.000000
-355.458954	-0.224559	-0.132846	-0.733312	-0.164212	-0.968610	-0.906418	152413.000000	0.000000	0.026346	0.006140	4.376672	-1.844290	1.282011	21875.152344	-12399.939453	953016.937500	-0.251893	0.125346	-2.030883	-0.026796	0.161712	-1.128760	-0.253808	0.121852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112937.000000	200000.000000	148137.000000	131888.000000
-355.463959	-0.232615	-0.137240	-0.730627	-0.151441	-0.876023	-0.877684	152399.000000	0.000000	0.026346	0.006140	4.434743	-1.872206	1.282011	20634.140625	-12389.307617	940503.812500	-0.256643	0.126876	-2.030883	-0.026796	0.161712	-1.128760	-0.253808	0.121852	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114154.000000	200000.000000	149375.000000	130643.000000
-355.468964	-0.240184	-0.138705	-0.727209	-0.140799	-0.778114	-0.844693	152399.000000	0.000000	0.026140	0.006232	4.475509	-1.891776	1.314522	17883.539062	-11376.549805	940294.687500	-0.261044	0.128436	-2.043387	-0.019646	0.159392	-1.130030	-0.265271	0.125999	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115892.000000	200000.000000	153138.000000	128905.000000
-355.473969	-0.247020	-0.136752	-0.725500	-0.132285	-0.674884	-0.809573	152399.000000	0.000000	0.028902	0.004271	4.680057	-2.022190	1.393791	35773.253906	-23969.443359	959521.125000	-0.265053	0.129915	-2.073875	-0.002255	0.154448	-1.132620	-0.285985	0.135269	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116368.000000	200000.000000	128429.000000	128429.000000
-355.478973	-0.252879	-0.132602	-0.724035	-0.124836	-0.565269	-0.771261	152399.000000	0.000000	0.028902	0.004271	4.605893	-1.957732	1.393791	3579.685303	-2162.907227	942836.937500	-0.268628	0.131244	-2.073875	-0.002255	0.154448	-1.132620	-0.285985	0.135269	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120982.000000	188141.000000	176656.000000	123815.000000
-355.483978	-0.257762	-0.127963	-0.723059	-0.120579	-0.450332	-0.729756	152405.000000	0.000000	0.028902	0.004271	4.633384	-1.967467	1.393791	13769.950195	-10034.177734	924762.437500	-0.271728	0.132388	-2.073875	-0.002255	0.154448	-1.132620	-0.285985	0.135269	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118669.000000	200000.000000	158600.000000	126140.000000
-355.488983	-0.260936	-0.124057	-0.722082	-0.118450	-0.331139	-0.686123	152405.000000	0.000000	0.028902	0.004271	4.650937	-1.974756	1.393791	11741.546875	-9574.555664	905761.062500	-0.274301	0.133352	-2.073875	-0.002255	0.154448	-1.132620	-0.285985	0.135269	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120238.000000	200000.000000	161088.000000	124571.000000
-355.493988	-0.262889	-0.121371	-0.722570	-0.116322	-0.210882	-0.639297	152405.000000	0.000000	0.028902	0.004271	4.658664	-1.980561	1.393791	10024.100586	-9447.989258	885369.312500	-0.276313	0.134158	-2.073875	-0.002255	0.154448	-1.132620	-0.285985	0.135269	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121828.000000	200000.000000	162932.000000	122981.000000
-355.498993	-0.264354	-0.121615	-0.724279	-0.115257	-0.088496	-0.590343	152405.000000	0.000000	0.028902	0.004271	4.656670	-1.987369	1.393791	8151.376953	-9477.265625	864050.625000	-0.277740	0.134869	-2.073875	-0.002255	0.154448	-1.132620	-0.285985	0.135269	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123730.000000	200000.000000	164776.000000	121079.000000
-355.503998	-0.265574	-0.124057	-0.727209	-0.116322	0.032826	-0.538196	152405.000000	0.000000	0.028902	0.004271	4.645920	-1.994671	1.393791	6698.180664	-9326.296875	841341.625000	-0.278582	0.135518	-2.073875	-0.002255	0.154448	-1.132620	-0.285985	0.135269	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125033.000000	198429.000000	166380.000000	119776.000000
-355.509003	-0.267039	-0.127475	-0.730139	-0.117386	0.154148	-0.483920	152345.000000	0.000000	0.020948	0.002587	4.190048	-2.094692	1.430986	-44900.769531	-19976.490234	833903.187500	-0.278857	0.136126	-2.088181	0.006129	0.152298	-1.133371	-0.287641	0.138347	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	172321.000000	172321.000000	192368.000000	100000.000000
-355.514008	-0.268748	-0.129428	-0.734045	-0.119514	0.273341	-0.426452	152345.000000	0.000000	0.015960	0.001107	4.208110	-2.112776	1.452202	6979.989746	-10923.414062	818116.250000	-0.278590	0.136640	-2.096341	0.011129	0.151145	-1.133415	-0.280921	0.138978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126288.000000	200000.000000	164441.000000	118401.000000
-355.519012	-0.270945	-0.130648	-0.738195	-0.124836	0.391470	-0.365791	152345.000000	0.000000	0.015960	0.001107	4.375307	-2.053974	1.452202	23720.855469	-1823.339844	791699.625000	-0.277809	0.137021	-2.096341	0.011129	0.151145	-1.133415	-0.280921	0.138978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100447.000000	200000.000000	156800.000000	144242.000000
-355.524017	-0.273143	-0.132113	-0.742346	-0.132285	0.507471	-0.303002	152345.000000	0.000000	0.015960	0.001107	4.336567	-2.052122	1.452202	599.291992	-7808.523926	764356.187500	-0.276537	0.137265	-2.096341	0.011129	0.151145	-1.133415	-0.280921	0.138978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129554.000000	190752.000000	173937.000000	115135.000000
-355.529022	-0.275096	-0.133334	-0.745275	-0.142927	0.621343	-0.237020	152416.000000	0.000000	0.015960	0.001107	4.291963	-2.047227	1.452202	-540.595215	-7051.354980	735622.312500	-0.274800	0.137353	-2.096341	0.011129	0.151145	-1.133415	-0.280921	0.138978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130007.000000	188926.000000	175905.000000	114824.000000
-355.534027	-0.276805	-0.134799	-0.748693	-0.157827	0.732022	-0.169974	152416.000000	0.000000	0.015960	0.001107	4.241247	-2.039267	1.452202	-1603.931519	-6141.104980	706425.062500	-0.272615	0.137273	-2.096341	0.011129	0.151145	-1.133415	-0.280921	0.138978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130161.000000	186953.000000	177878.000000	114670.000000
-355.539032	-0.277049	-0.136996	-0.752111	-0.175918	0.841637	-0.101863	152416.000000	0.000000	0.015960	0.001107	4.182694	-2.029205	1.452202	-3122.247559	-5429.471680	676764.312500	-0.269961	0.137031	-2.096341	0.011129	0.151145	-1.133415	-0.280921	0.138978	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130967.000000	184723.000000	180108.000000	113864.000000
-355.544037	-0.276316	-0.139926	-0.756018	-0.197203	0.946996	-0.032688	152416.000000	0.000000	0.006499	-0.001117	3.597127	-2.139323	1.454033	-63780.812500	-18701.533203	647437.562500	-0.266842	0.136634	-2.097045	0.011567	0.151312	-1.133194	-0.273860	0.137526	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	171117.000000	171117.000000	193714.000000	100000.000000
-355.549042	-0.274119	-0.142855	-0.758947	-0.219552	1.049161	0.035422	152416.000000	0.000000	0.007666	-0.002679	3.967065	-2.122303	1.434851	42865.464844	-4423.843262	609423.250000	-0.263255	0.136091	-2.089667	0.007503	0.153310	-1.131579	-0.238244	0.126601	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	147992.000000	147992.000000
-355.554047	-0.271922	-0.145785	-0.761877	-0.242965	1.146006	0.101404	152336.000000	0.000000	0.007666	-0.002679	3.842776	-2.043897	1.434851	-11909.762695	2911.309082	580689.437500	-0.259235	0.135406	-2.089667	0.007503	0.153310	-1.131579	-0.238244	0.126601	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131334.000000	167514.000000	197157.000000	113337.000000
-355.559052	-0.268992	-0.148959	-0.765051	-0.266378	1.236465	0.166322	152336.000000	0.000000	-0.004107	-0.004057	3.112398	-2.102393	1.420547	-81626.687500	-12303.185547	546189.937500	-0.254801	0.134594	-2.084166	0.004437	0.154440	-1.130776	-0.222842	0.121009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164639.000000	164639.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-355.564056	-0.265818	-0.152865	-0.767736	-0.289790	1.320539	0.225918	152336.000000	0.000000	-0.004107	-0.004057	3.495663	-2.030013	1.420547	42903.468750	2527.976807	520236.812500	-0.249986	0.133690	-2.084166	0.004437	0.154440	-1.130776	-0.222842	0.121009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154863.000000	154863.000000
-355.569061	-0.263621	-0.158480	-0.770910	-0.311075	1.396099	0.282322	152336.000000	0.000000	-0.004107	-0.004057	3.405921	-2.014543	1.420547	-8930.750977	-3794.556396	495674.000000	-0.244852	0.132750	-2.084166	0.004437	0.154440	-1.130776	-0.222842	0.121009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135061.000000	177199.000000	187472.000000	109610.000000
-355.574066	-0.262156	-0.165316	-0.774572	-0.329167	1.461017	0.335534	152341.000000	0.000000	-0.004107	-0.004057	3.315082	-2.001340	1.420547	-8597.789062	-4251.002441	472501.562500	-0.239467	0.131827	-2.084166	0.004437	0.154440	-1.130776	-0.222842	0.121009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135189.000000	177994.000000	186687.000000	109492.000000
-355.579071	-0.260936	-0.172641	-0.778479	-0.343002	1.518485	0.384488	152341.000000	0.000000	-0.004107	-0.004057	3.222742	-1.990531	1.420547	-8632.732422	-4868.859863	451182.906250	-0.233872	0.130959	-2.084166	0.004437	0.154440	-1.130776	-0.222842	0.121009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135842.000000	178577.000000	186104.000000	108839.000000
-355.584076	-0.259227	-0.178500	-0.782385	-0.353644	1.569568	0.429185	152341.000000	0.000000	-0.004107	-0.004057	3.128564	-1.979960	1.420547	-8800.857422	-5148.468262	431718.062500	-0.228090	0.130135	-2.084166	0.004437	0.154440	-1.130776	-0.222842	0.121009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136290.000000	178688.000000	185993.000000	108391.000000
-355.589081	-0.256053	-0.181430	-0.784582	-0.361094	1.614265	0.471754	152341.000000	0.000000	-0.004107	-0.004057	3.032550	-1.968040	1.420547	-8948.025391	-5262.243652	413180.093750	-0.222139	0.129320	-2.084166	0.004437	0.154440	-1.130776	-0.222842	0.121009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136551.000000	178655.000000	186026.000000	108130.000000
-355.594086	-0.251658	-0.181674	-0.786535	-0.365351	1.652577	0.509002	152237.000000	0.000000	-0.004107	-0.004057	2.934520	-1.954395	1.420547	-9094.631836	-5341.129883	396959.375000	-0.216029	0.128479	-2.084166	0.004437	0.154440	-1.130776	-0.222842	0.121009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136672.000000	178483.000000	185990.000000	107801.000000
-355.599091	-0.246531	-0.179965	-0.787268	-0.366415	1.685568	0.541993	152237.000000	0.000000	-0.007338	-0.005212	2.657561	-2.003181	1.401604	-29616.597656	-12777.516602	374343.093750	-0.209781	0.127598	-2.076880	0.000314	0.155947	-1.129797	-0.205942	0.114125	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164631.000000	165397.000000	199076.000000	100000.000000
-355.604095	-0.241404	-0.176791	-0.788488	-0.366415	1.713238	0.569663	152237.000000	0.000000	-0.002848	-0.005626	2.933707	-1.963176	1.333784	32941.093750	-2945.393799	332759.375000	-0.203419	0.126658	-2.050796	-0.013993	0.160760	-1.125882	-0.153600	0.088393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	149291.000000	149291.000000
-355.609100	-0.237254	-0.174594	-0.789221	-0.364286	1.733458	0.593076	152237.000000	0.000000	-0.002848	-0.005626	2.655549	-1.931486	1.333784	-28566.808594	-3958.651855	322563.531250	-0.196999	0.125698	-2.050796	-0.013993	0.160760	-1.125882	-0.153600	0.088393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154762.000000	157628.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-355.614105	-0.234568	-0.174594	-0.792883	-0.357901	1.747293	0.612232	152237.000000	0.000000	-0.002848	-0.005626	2.558380	-1.919551	1.333784	-8474.573242	-6573.316895	314221.437500	-0.190562	0.124783	-2.050796	-0.013993	0.160760	-1.125882	-0.153600	0.088393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137284.000000	180335.000000	184138.000000	107189.000000
-355.619110	-0.231395	-0.176791	-0.796545	-0.348323	1.753679	0.627131	152125.000000	0.000000	-0.002848	-0.005626	2.462132	-1.912278	1.333784	-8028.576660	-7447.741211	307733.156250	-0.184133	0.123985	-2.050796	-0.013993	0.160760	-1.125882	-0.153600	0.088393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137601.000000	181544.000000	182705.000000	106648.000000
-355.624115	-0.227732	-0.180209	-0.799719	-0.335552	1.753679	0.640966	152125.000000	0.000000	-0.002848	-0.005626	2.367126	-1.909292	1.333784	-7626.610352	-8315.356445	301708.312500	-0.177729	0.123351	-2.050796	-0.013993	0.160760	-1.125882	-0.153600	0.088393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138066.000000	182813.000000	181436.000000	106183.000000
-355.629120	-0.221629	-0.181918	-0.804357	-0.318525	1.746229	0.652673	152125.000000	0.000000	-0.002848	-0.005626	2.271049	-1.907480	1.333784	-7331.080566	-8982.145508	296610.375000	-0.171324	0.122857	-2.050796	-0.013993	0.160760	-1.125882	-0.153600	0.088393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138438.000000	183776.000000	180473.000000	105811.000000
-355.634125	-0.212596	-0.179721	-0.808508	-0.299369	1.733458	0.662251	152125.000000	0.000000	-0.002848	-0.005626	2.173225	-1.903759	1.333784	-7329.068359	-9077.454102	292439.312500	-0.164887	0.122430	-2.050796	-0.013993	0.160760	-1.125882	-0.153600	0.088393	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138531.000000	183873.000000	180376.000000	105718.000000
-355.639130	-0.199900	-0.175082	-0.813879	-0.278084	1.715367	0.669700	152014.000000	0.000000	-0.009582	-0.004989	1.701297	-1.863462	1.309866	-49966.832031	-5202.189941	278779.468750	-0.158358	0.122024	-2.041596	-0.018772	0.162160	-1.124280	-0.134698	0.082071	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157216.000000	157216.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-355.644135	-0.185252	-0.168490	-0.819250	-0.254671	1.691954	0.673957	152014.000000	0.000000	-0.002255	-0.004393	2.269520	-1.849634	1.239241	67710.781250	-8390.710938	246169.578125	-0.151720	0.121609	-2.014433	-0.032239	0.165650	-1.118412	-0.083523	0.064026	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100404.000000	200000.000000	143623.000000	143623.000000
-355.649139	-0.168162	-0.161654	-0.824133	-0.229130	1.666412	0.675022	152014.000000	0.000000	-0.007525	-0.003380	1.578918	-1.811710	1.216781	-73529.937500	-5918.361328	235925.609375	-0.144931	0.121198	-2.005795	-0.036248	0.166490	-1.116114	-0.067006	0.060262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157932.000000	157932.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-355.654144	-0.150828	-0.155062	-0.829260	-0.201460	1.636614	0.671829	152014.000000	0.000000	-0.007525	-0.003380	1.680271	-1.847139	1.216781	14621.699219	-14508.174805	237315.968750	-0.138005	0.120806	-2.005795	-0.036248	0.166490	-1.116114	-0.067006	0.060262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121900.000000	200000.000000	152884.000000	122127.000000
-355.659149	-0.133982	-0.149936	-0.834387	-0.171661	1.602559	0.665444	152014.000000	0.000000	-0.007525	-0.003380	1.570634	-1.844816	1.216781	-8457.462891	-10717.592773	240096.656250	-0.130975	0.120479	-2.005795	-0.036248	0.166490	-1.116114	-0.067006	0.060262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141189.000000	184274.000000	179753.000000	102838.000000
-355.664154	-0.118846	-0.146273	-0.840246	-0.139735	1.564247	0.653737	152026.000000	0.000000	-0.007525	-0.003380	1.462588	-1.845724	1.216781	-8135.271484	-11458.013672	245194.593750	-0.123897	0.120258	-2.005795	-0.036248	0.166490	-1.116114	-0.067006	0.060262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141619.000000	185348.000000	178703.000000	102432.000000
-355.669159	-0.105174	-0.142855	-0.844152	-0.105679	1.522742	0.637774	152026.000000	0.000000	-0.007525	-0.003380	1.356909	-1.849419	1.216781	-7819.264160	-12171.997070	252146.312500	-0.116828	0.120165	-2.005795	-0.036248	0.166490	-1.116114	-0.067006	0.060262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142017.000000	186378.000000	177673.000000	102034.000000
-355.674164	-0.092479	-0.138217	-0.848791	-0.070560	1.478044	0.618618	152026.000000	0.000000	-0.007525	-0.003380	1.253359	-1.853459	1.216781	-7504.688477	-12507.162109	260488.421875	-0.109805	0.120170	-2.005795	-0.036248	0.166490	-1.116114	-0.067006	0.060262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142037.000000	187028.000000	177023.000000	102014.000000
-355.679169	-0.079539	-0.131869	-0.852453	-0.035441	1.429090	0.596269	152026.000000	0.000000	-0.007525	-0.003380	1.151418	-1.856920	1.216781	-7103.437988	-12620.944336	270220.843750	-0.102843	0.120237	-2.005795	-0.036248	0.166490	-1.116114	-0.067006	0.060262	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141750.000000	187543.000000	176508.000000	102301.000000
-355.684174	-0.066600	-0.123324	-0.855139	-0.001385	1.379071	0.570727	152074.000000	0.000000	-0.002692	-0.002674	1.316461	-1.819499	1.175670	23359.242188	-7993.301270	263440.187500	-0.095949	0.120311	-1.989982	-0.043200	0.167662	-1.111237	-0.035323	0.054901	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106708.000000	200000.000000	150721.000000	137439.000000
-355.689178	-0.053660	-0.113070	-0.857336	0.030541	1.324796	0.541993	152074.000000	0.000000	-0.000112	-0.001619	1.166460	-1.788558	1.141761	-11256.054688	-8476.236328	261186.968750	-0.089143	0.120343	-1.976941	-0.048384	0.168123	-1.105990	-0.011776	0.052256	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141806.000000	179294.000000	184853.000000	102341.000000
-355.694183	-0.040721	-0.101840	-0.860266	0.062468	1.268392	0.510067	152074.000000	0.000000	-0.000112	-0.001619	0.966212	-1.827501	1.141761	-17209.667969	-16488.007812	275090.468750	-0.082428	0.120308	-1.976941	-0.048384	0.168123	-1.105990	-0.011776	0.052256	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155771.000000	181352.000000	182795.000000	100000.000000
-355.699188	-0.027293	-0.091098	-0.863439	0.093331	1.208795	0.474947	152074.000000	0.000000	-0.003309	-0.001931	0.694738	-1.840733	1.125549	-25661.878906	-13745.105469	283324.156250	-0.075805	0.120211	-1.970705	-0.050917	0.168467	-1.103025	0.001399	0.052428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161480.000000	170157.000000	193990.000000	100000.000000
-355.704193	-0.013621	-0.081088	-0.865881	0.123129	1.146006	0.436635	152077.000000	0.000000	-0.003309	-0.001931	0.728750	-1.824111	1.125549	8724.518555	-10406.140625	300008.312500	-0.069281	0.120065	-1.970705	-0.050917	0.168467	-1.103025	0.001399	0.052428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123758.000000	200000.000000	162946.000000	120395.000000
-355.709198	0.001027	-0.071566	-0.868078	0.152927	1.080024	0.395130	152077.000000	0.000000	-0.003309	-0.001931	0.635848	-1.819830	1.125549	-5003.225098	-11880.439453	318082.843750	-0.062848	0.119881	-1.970705	-0.050917	0.168467	-1.103025	0.001399	0.052428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138960.000000	188954.000000	175199.000000	105193.000000
-355.714203	0.015920	-0.061801	-0.870275	0.182726	1.011914	0.349369	152077.000000	0.000000	-0.003309	-0.001931	0.544381	-1.814616	1.125549	-4718.872559	-11891.032227	338011.125000	-0.056506	0.119652	-1.970705	-0.050917	0.168467	-1.103025	0.001399	0.052428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138686.000000	189249.000000	174904.000000	105467.000000
-355.719208	0.030324	-0.052768	-0.871740	0.211460	0.941675	0.301478	152077.000000	0.000000	-0.003309	-0.001931	0.455350	-1.809339	1.125549	-4303.401367	-11874.833984	358866.343750	-0.050275	0.119390	-1.970705	-0.050917	0.168467	-1.103025	0.001399	0.052428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138255.000000	189648.000000	174505.000000	105898.000000
-355.724213	0.044973	-0.044955	-0.874914	0.242322	0.868243	0.249331	152077.000000	0.000000	-0.003309	-0.001931	0.368452	-1.805466	1.125549	-3779.775635	-12387.519531	381575.343750	-0.044164	0.119129	-1.970705	-0.050917	0.168467	-1.103025	0.001399	0.052428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138244.000000	190684.000000	173469.000000	105909.000000
-355.729218	0.059865	-0.036654	-0.879064	0.274249	0.791619	0.192927	151964.000000	0.000000	-0.003309	-0.001931	0.283867	-1.801139	1.125549	-3210.923828	-12581.605469	406138.125000	-0.038181	0.118860	-1.970705	-0.050917	0.168467	-1.103025	0.001399	0.052428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137756.000000	191334.000000	172593.000000	106171.000000
-355.734222	0.073537	-0.030063	-0.884924	0.309369	0.711802	0.133331	151964.000000	0.000000	-0.003309	-0.001931	0.203731	-1.799537	1.125549	-2372.279297	-13386.349609	432091.281250	-0.032373	0.118636	-1.970705	-0.050917	0.168467	-1.103025	0.001399	0.052428	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137722.000000	192978.000000	170949.000000	106205.000000
-355.739227	0.083547	-0.026400	-0.891760	0.347681	0.626664	0.071606	151964.000000	0.000000	0.014221	0.001246	1.096157	-1.628171	1.103211	109648.781250	5541.169434	449243.437500	-0.026850	0.118534	-1.962113	-0.051055	0.165493	-1.090542	0.029974	0.063776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	157505.000000	157505.000000
-355.744232	0.091604	-0.026156	-0.899572	0.389185	0.534076	0.008816	151964.000000	0.000000	0.014221	0.001246	0.332330	-1.765141	1.103211	-74734.835938	-29534.357422	476586.906250	-0.021689	0.118640	-1.962113	-0.051055	0.165493	-1.090542	0.029974	0.063776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	181498.000000	181498.000000	182429.000000	100000.000000
-355.749237	0.097219	-0.027865	-0.906652	0.430690	0.436167	-0.053973	151890.000000	0.000000	0.014221	0.001246	0.278940	-1.780127	1.103211	4171.788086	-16381.257812	503930.406250	-0.016966	0.118989	-1.962113	-0.051055	0.165493	-1.090542	0.029974	0.063776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134099.000000	200000.000000	161336.000000	109680.000000
-355.754242	0.102346	-0.029086	-0.912512	0.470067	0.335066	-0.114634	151890.000000	0.000000	0.014221	0.001246	0.233047	-1.797155	1.103211	5601.219238	-16631.128906	530347.000000	-0.012696	0.119553	-1.962113	-0.051055	0.165493	-1.090542	0.029974	0.063776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132919.000000	200000.000000	159657.000000	110860.000000
-355.759247	0.108938	-0.028109	-0.918127	0.507315	0.229708	-0.175295	151890.000000	0.000000	0.014221	0.001246	0.192882	-1.813797	1.103211	6999.100586	-16602.669922	556763.562500	-0.008861	0.120266	-1.962113	-0.051055	0.165493	-1.090542	0.029974	0.063776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131493.000000	200000.000000	158288.000000	112286.000000
-355.764252	0.116994	-0.025668	-0.923742	0.539241	0.121157	-0.233827	151890.000000	0.000000	0.014221	0.001246	0.158002	-1.829189	1.103211	8271.619141	-16098.765625	582253.312500	-0.005438	0.121064	-1.962113	-0.051055	0.165493	-1.090542	0.029974	0.063776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129717.000000	200000.000000	157519.000000	114062.000000
-355.769257	0.125783	-0.022006	-0.931555	0.565847	0.011541	-0.291295	151890.000000	0.000000	0.014221	0.001246	0.128789	-1.842811	1.103211	9380.013672	-15503.171875	607279.500000	-0.002417	0.121893	-1.962113	-0.051055	0.165493	-1.090542	0.029974	0.063776	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128013.000000	200000.000000	157006.000000	115766.000000
-355.774261	0.134572	-0.017367	-0.938146	0.586067	-0.098074	-0.347699	151889.000000	0.000000	0.019555	0.004089	0.398376	-1.697671	1.127330	43987.640625	3233.231934	642345.750000	0.000210	0.122698	-1.971390	-0.042618	0.160529	-1.080149	0.033178	0.083708	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155122.000000	155122.000000
-355.779266	0.142385	-0.014438	-0.944738	0.602031	-0.208753	-0.404103	151889.000000	0.000000	0.018363	0.006006	0.102915	-1.717616	1.143608	-18884.156250	-14618.738281	673997.437500	0.002424	0.123497	-1.977651	-0.037996	0.158276	-1.076548	0.032139	0.093684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155391.000000	177623.000000	186154.000000	100000.000000
-355.784271	0.149221	-0.013461	-0.950842	0.611609	-0.319433	-0.461571	151889.000000	0.000000	0.018363	0.006006	0.140698	-1.806448	1.143608	18440.873047	-21943.794922	699023.687500	0.004214	0.124299	-1.977651	-0.037996	0.158276	-1.076548	0.032139	0.093684	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125391.000000	200000.000000	141504.000000	118386.000000
-355.789276	0.154836	-0.014926	-0.955969	0.615866	-0.427984	-0.517975	151889.000000	0.000000	0.017856	0.004925	0.109567	-1.879441	1.160192	10985.514648	-19972.472656	730808.125000	0.005574	0.125128	-1.984029	-0.033566	0.156392	-1.072964	0.025952	0.100329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130875.000000	200000.000000	150931.000000	112902.000000
-355.794281	0.158254	-0.017855	-0.961096	0.616930	-0.533342	-0.573315	152079.000000	0.000000	0.017856	0.004925	0.134270	-1.850925	1.160192	17372.123047	-8333.680664	754907.500000	0.006482	0.125999	-1.984029	-0.033566	0.156392	-1.072964	0.025952	0.100329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113040.000000	200000.000000	156373.000000	131117.000000
-355.799286	0.159475	-0.023227	-0.965734	0.614801	-0.636572	-0.628655	152079.000000	0.000000	0.017856	0.004925	0.146733	-1.868114	1.160192	16324.347656	-13077.446289	779006.812500	0.006916	0.126945	-1.984029	-0.033566	0.156392	-1.072964	0.025952	0.100329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118832.000000	200000.000000	152677.000000	125325.000000
-355.804291	0.158010	-0.031039	-0.971350	0.610544	-0.736609	-0.682930	152079.000000	0.000000	0.017856	0.004925	0.168089	-1.888491	1.160192	17509.464844	-13268.018555	802642.687500	0.006844	0.128003	-1.984029	-0.033566	0.156392	-1.072964	0.025952	0.100329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117837.000000	200000.000000	151301.000000	126320.000000
-355.809296	0.152150	-0.042514	-0.977209	0.606287	-0.833454	-0.735077	152079.000000	0.000000	0.017856	0.004925	0.200521	-1.914522	1.160192	18970.970703	-13989.935547	825351.750000	0.006201	0.129246	-1.984029	-0.033566	0.156392	-1.072964	0.025952	0.100329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117097.000000	200000.000000	149118.000000	127060.000000
-355.814301	0.142141	-0.056918	-0.981604	0.599902	-0.927106	-0.785096	152188.000000	0.000000	0.017856	0.004925	0.244288	-1.945915	1.160192	20498.451172	-14460.493164	847133.812500	0.004937	0.130721	-1.984029	-0.033566	0.156392	-1.072964	0.025952	0.100329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	116150.000000	200000.000000	147229.000000	128225.000000
-355.819305	0.128469	-0.072055	-0.985266	0.592453	-1.015436	-0.831922	152188.000000	0.000000	0.017856	0.004925	0.299122	-1.981207	1.160192	21788.818359	-14900.297852	867525.562500	0.003021	0.132436	-1.984029	-0.033566	0.156392	-1.072964	0.025952	0.100329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115299.000000	200000.000000	145498.000000	129076.000000
-355.824310	0.112355	-0.085727	-0.985510	0.580746	-1.100574	-0.874491	152188.000000	0.000000	0.017856	0.004925	0.364384	-2.017531	1.160192	23276.166016	-14658.939453	886063.562500	0.000441	0.134343	-1.984029	-0.033566	0.156392	-1.072964	0.025952	0.100329	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113570.000000	200000.000000	144252.000000	130805.000000
-355.829315	0.094777	-0.098178	-0.985266	0.562654	-1.180391	-0.913867	152188.000000	0.000000	0.021714	0.006197	0.651195	-1.983812	1.182147	48746.394531	-6015.678711	912772.375000	-0.002792	0.136389	-1.992474	-0.027881	0.154095	-1.069370	0.016549	0.107219	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	146172.000000	146172.000000
-355.834320	0.075490	-0.109896	-0.984777	0.538177	-1.255951	-0.947922	152188.000000	0.000000	0.033585	0.007318	1.234246	-2.009022	1.269106	83873.125000	-11797.719727	965471.687500	-0.006683	0.138531	-2.025919	-0.006016	0.146093	-1.058773	-0.019333	0.130399	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103985.000000	200000.000000	140390.000000	140390.000000
-355.839325	0.055959	-0.121859	-0.983801	0.507315	-1.324062	-0.976657	152299.000000	0.000000	0.034492	0.009811	0.901668	-1.952857	1.307754	-18841.437500	-1747.541992	994815.312500	-0.011189	0.140745	-2.040784	0.003768	0.142647	-1.055204	-0.032763	0.137778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142887.000000	165205.000000	199392.000000	101710.000000
-355.844330	0.038137	-0.132602	-0.982092	0.470067	-1.385787	-1.001134	152299.000000	0.000000	0.034492	0.009811	0.962582	-2.086982	1.307754	24287.335938	-22414.611328	1005474.625000	-0.016233	0.142982	-2.040784	0.003768	0.142647	-1.055204	-0.032763	0.137778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120426.000000	200000.000000	135597.000000	124171.000000
-355.849335	0.021291	-0.140658	-0.980139	0.426433	-1.437934	-1.019226	152299.000000	0.000000	0.034492	0.009811	1.063858	-2.117276	1.307754	28378.095703	-10234.313477	1013353.250000	-0.021743	0.145159	-2.040784	0.003768	0.142647	-1.055204	-0.032763	0.137778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104155.000000	200000.000000	143686.000000	140442.000000
-355.854340	0.006643	-0.149691	-0.978918	0.378543	-1.481567	-1.034125	152299.000000	0.000000	0.034492	0.009811	1.167060	-2.146732	1.307754	28329.082031	-9589.316406	1019841.562500	-0.027627	0.147278	-2.040784	0.003768	0.142647	-1.055204	-0.032763	0.137778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103559.000000	200000.000000	144380.000000	141038.000000
-355.859344	-0.007029	-0.159457	-0.978430	0.329589	-1.511365	-1.043703	152302.000000	0.000000	0.034492	0.009811	1.270880	-2.175870	1.307754	27490.470703	-9346.191406	1024012.625000	-0.033794	0.149349	-2.040784	0.003768	0.142647	-1.055204	-0.032763	0.137778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104157.000000	200000.000000	145465.000000	140446.000000
-355.864349	-0.020457	-0.170443	-0.979406	0.281699	-1.529457	-1.051152	152302.000000	0.000000	0.034492	0.009811	1.375253	-2.205737	1.307754	26827.423828	-9460.513672	1027256.750000	-0.040177	0.151398	-2.040784	0.003768	0.142647	-1.055204	-0.032763	0.137778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104935.000000	200000.000000	146014.000000	139668.000000
-355.869354	-0.035838	-0.181918	-0.981359	0.238065	-1.532650	-1.055409	152302.000000	0.000000	0.034492	0.009811	1.480796	-2.236721	1.307754	25818.044922	-9993.072266	1029110.562500	-0.046738	0.153452	-2.040784	0.003768	0.142647	-1.055204	-0.032763	0.137778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106477.000000	200000.000000	146490.000000	138126.000000
-355.874359	-0.054148	-0.192904	-0.983068	0.199753	-1.522008	-1.059666	152302.000000	0.000000	0.034492	0.009811	1.588192	-2.268598	1.307754	24945.509766	-10646.926758	1030964.312500	-0.053463	0.155525	-2.040784	0.003768	0.142647	-1.055204	-0.032763	0.137778	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108003.000000	200000.000000	146709.000000	136600.000000
-355.879364	-0.075633	-0.202670	-0.984777	0.168891	-1.497530	-1.061795	152302.000000	0.000000	0.037301	0.008962	1.851982	-2.347949	1.381118	41721.695312	-16909.052734	1063839.750000	-0.060341	0.157626	-2.069001	0.022761	0.136346	-1.047940	-0.064329	0.151243	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109211.000000	200000.000000	135392.000000	135392.000000
-355.884369	-0.099803	-0.210971	-0.987951	0.144414	-1.458154	-1.063923	152238.000000	0.000000	0.038479	0.009134	1.914451	-2.337153	1.453532	18053.138672	-7536.697754	1096301.500000	-0.067344	0.159748	-2.096853	0.042333	0.129992	-1.040758	-0.095001	0.159170	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	111721.000000	200000.000000	156648.000000	132754.000000
-355.889374	-0.126658	-0.216586	-0.990637	0.128450	-1.406007	-1.062859	152238.000000	0.000000	0.034903	0.008856	1.781895	-2.391412	1.488195	-5644.929688	-15802.179688	1110932.750000	-0.074458	0.161874	-2.110184	0.052004	0.126942	-1.037330	-0.106148	0.160995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143685.000000	192395.000000	172080.000000	100790.000000
-355.894379	-0.154979	-0.219760	-0.992590	0.118872	-1.340025	-1.060730	152238.000000	0.000000	0.034903	0.008856	2.035278	-2.411519	1.488195	36132.324219	-12797.529297	1110005.875000	-0.081639	0.163989	-2.110184	0.052004	0.126942	-1.037330	-0.106148	0.160995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	105035.000000	200000.000000	139440.000000	139440.000000
-355.899384	-0.183787	-0.221713	-0.994299	0.116744	-1.262337	-1.054345	152238.000000	0.000000	0.034903	0.008856	2.143926	-2.442972	1.488195	19072.937500	-14999.069336	1107225.125000	-0.088838	0.166098	-2.110184	0.052004	0.126942	-1.037330	-0.106148	0.160995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118164.000000	200000.000000	148165.000000	126311.000000
-355.904388	-0.214549	-0.223178	-0.996496	0.118872	-1.172942	-1.044767	152231.000000	0.000000	0.034903	0.008856	2.251389	-2.474439	1.488195	17739.000000	-15624.048828	1103054.125000	-0.096025	0.168204	-2.110184	0.052004	0.126942	-1.037330	-0.106148	0.160995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120116.000000	200000.000000	148867.000000	124345.000000
-355.909393	-0.245066	-0.224154	-0.998205	0.125257	-1.072904	-1.031996	152231.000000	0.000000	0.034903	0.008856	2.355414	-2.506208	1.488195	16208.837891	-16299.983398	1097492.750000	-0.103145	0.170314	-2.110184	0.052004	0.126942	-1.037330	-0.106148	0.160995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122322.000000	200000.000000	149722.000000	122139.000000
-355.914398	-0.274119	-0.223910	-0.998937	0.132707	-0.963289	-1.016033	152231.000000	0.000000	0.034903	0.008856	2.454475	-2.536933	1.488195	14561.202148	-16477.898438	1090541.000000	-0.110125	0.172406	-2.110184	0.052004	0.126942	-1.037330	-0.106148	0.160995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124147.000000	200000.000000	151191.000000	120314.000000
-355.919403	-0.300730	-0.222201	-0.999182	0.139092	-0.844096	-0.996877	152231.000000	0.000000	0.034903	0.008856	2.546602	-2.565462	1.488195	12621.100586	-16279.998047	1082199.000000	-0.116875	0.174447	-2.110184	0.052004	0.126942	-1.037330	-0.106148	0.160995	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125889.000000	200000.000000	153329.000000	118572.000000
-355.924408	-0.323191	-0.218295	-0.998693	0.143349	-0.718517	-0.973464	152232.000000	0.000000	0.039431	0.009479	2.879019	-2.556188	1.556721	39291.746094	-11866.189453	1101844.875000	-0.123302	0.176385	-2.136540	0.071892	0.120453	-1.030474	-0.123714	0.168537	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104098.000000	200000.000000	140365.000000	140365.000000
-355.929413	-0.341258	-0.212680	-0.998937	0.143349	-0.586553	-0.945794	152232.000000	0.000000	0.033481	0.007893	2.443787	-2.688605	1.606935	-48427.003906	-27587.005859	1111662.375000	-0.129303	0.178165	-2.155854	0.087642	0.115073	-1.023954	-0.129345	0.175913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	179819.000000	179819.000000	184644.000000	100000.000000
-355.934418	-0.354686	-0.205111	-0.998449	0.139092	-0.450332	-0.915996	152232.000000	0.000000	0.033481	0.007893	2.743516	-2.640297	1.606935	32670.416016	-7005.447754	1098685.750000	-0.134791	0.179733	-2.155854	0.087642	0.115073	-1.023954	-0.129345	0.175913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	145226.000000	145226.000000
-355.939423	-0.365184	-0.198520	-0.997473	0.128450	-0.309855	-0.883005	152232.000000	0.000000	0.033481	0.007893	2.794571	-2.651520	1.606935	4447.799316	-12851.715820	1084318.875000	-0.139710	0.181077	-2.155854	0.087642	0.115073	-1.023954	-0.129345	0.175913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130635.000000	199531.000000	164932.000000	113828.000000
-355.944427	-0.373484	-0.193881	-0.996252	0.112487	-0.168313	-0.848949	152232.000000	0.000000	0.033481	0.007893	2.835407	-2.659967	1.606935	2743.907715	-11926.741211	1069488.500000	-0.144030	0.182209	-2.155854	0.087642	0.115073	-1.023954	-0.129345	0.175913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131414.000000	196902.000000	167561.000000	113049.000000
-355.949432	-0.379588	-0.190951	-0.995031	0.092266	-0.025706	-0.812766	152227.000000	0.000000	0.033481	0.007893	2.865598	-2.665755	1.606935	939.258057	-11100.027344	1053731.250000	-0.147721	0.183137	-2.155854	0.087642	0.115073	-1.023954	-0.129345	0.175913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132387.000000	194266.000000	170187.000000	112066.000000
-355.954437	-0.382273	-0.190219	-0.993322	0.066725	0.114771	-0.775518	152227.000000	0.000000	0.033481	0.007893	2.884541	-2.669466	1.606935	-625.316772	-10185.565430	1037510.562500	-0.150749	0.183879	-2.155854	0.087642	0.115073	-1.023954	-0.129345	0.175913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133037.000000	191787.000000	172666.000000	111416.000000
-355.959442	-0.382518	-0.191684	-0.991613	0.037991	0.252056	-0.737206	152227.000000	0.000000	0.033481	0.007893	2.892689	-2.671821	1.606935	-2052.433350	-9564.657227	1020826.375000	-0.153099	0.184462	-2.155854	0.087642	0.115073	-1.023954	-0.129345	0.175913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133844.000000	189739.000000	174714.000000	110609.000000
-355.964447	-0.382518	-0.195102	-0.989904	0.007128	0.384020	-0.696765	152227.000000	0.000000	0.033481	0.007893	2.892699	-2.673087	1.606935	-2972.099854	-9073.999023	1003215.312500	-0.154808	0.184908	-2.155854	0.087642	0.115073	-1.023954	-0.129345	0.175913	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134273.000000	188328.000000	176125.000000	110180.000000
-355.969452	-0.381053	-0.199984	-0.989416	-0.025863	0.511727	-0.653132	152220.000000	0.000000	0.032194	0.007796	2.812369	-2.678352	1.658189	-12296.537109	-9152.237305	1006534.125000	-0.155878	0.185231	-2.175567	0.106254	0.107163	-1.015144	-0.114990	0.183663	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143668.000000	179075.000000	185364.000000	100771.000000
-355.974457	-0.379100	-0.204623	-0.987951	-0.058854	0.631985	-0.607370	152220.000000	0.000000	0.021070	0.008163	2.235632	-2.652205	1.668423	-69277.257812	-5425.546875	991062.687500	-0.156356	0.185428	-2.179503	0.111005	0.104456	-1.012329	-0.103675	0.182524	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157645.000000	157645.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-355.979462	-0.376414	-0.208529	-0.985510	-0.093973	0.743729	-0.559480	152220.000000	0.000000	0.021070	0.008163	2.657924	-2.661893	1.668423	42958.714844	-9015.505859	970207.437500	-0.156293	0.185481	-2.179503	0.111005	0.104456	-1.012329	-0.103675	0.182524	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101235.000000	200000.000000	143204.000000	143204.000000
-355.984467	-0.373729	-0.212680	-0.983312	-0.130157	0.846959	-0.508397	152220.000000	0.000000	0.021070	0.008163	2.630072	-2.654693	1.668423	-6210.919922	-6842.506348	947961.937500	-0.155741	0.185389	-2.179503	0.111005	0.104456	-1.012329	-0.103675	0.182524	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135273.000000	182851.000000	181588.000000	109166.000000
-355.989471	-0.371287	-0.217318	-0.981848	-0.168469	0.940610	-0.456250	152220.000000	0.000000	0.021070	0.008163	2.597993	-2.645250	1.668423	-6200.876953	-6142.247559	925252.875000	-0.154756	0.185150	-2.179503	0.111005	0.104456	-1.012329	-0.103675	0.182524	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134563.000000	182161.000000	182278.000000	109876.000000
-355.994476	-0.367869	-0.219760	-0.979650	-0.206781	1.023620	-0.401975	152230.000000	0.000000	0.021070	0.008163	2.562297	-2.631790	1.668423	-5974.527832	-5462.389160	901617.000000	-0.153390	0.184731	-2.179503	0.111005	0.104456	-1.012329	-0.103675	0.182524	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133666.000000	181717.000000	182742.000000	110793.000000
-355.999481	-0.362498	-0.221469	-0.978430	-0.246157	1.095987	-0.347699	152230.000000	0.000000	0.021070	0.008163	2.521942	-2.614886	1.668423	-5835.070312	-4707.754883	877981.125000	-0.151663	0.184119	-2.179503	0.111005	0.104456	-1.012329	-0.103675	0.182524	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132772.000000	181102.000000	183357.000000	111687.000000
-356.004486	-0.355418	-0.223422	-0.977453	-0.283405	1.157712	-0.293424	152230.000000	0.000000	0.016841	0.007187	2.245072	-2.649967	1.673195	-32228.751953	-10647.935547	856423.250000	-0.149600	0.183337	-2.181338	0.114327	0.102087	-1.009598	-0.092084	0.181151	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162877.000000	162877.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.009491	-0.346385	-0.224154	-0.974523	-0.320653	1.209859	-0.240212	152230.000000	0.000000	0.020317	0.007778	2.557522	-2.557060	1.670163	34821.179688	4023.735107	831930.500000	-0.147232	0.182379	-2.180172	0.120742	0.094391	-1.001701	-0.051976	0.167458	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156253.000000	156253.000000
-356.014496	-0.334178	-0.223422	-0.972082	-0.353644	1.252429	-0.189130	152299.000000	0.000000	0.020317	0.007778	2.365628	-2.556845	1.670163	-20659.998047	-6483.439453	809684.937500	-0.144547	0.181248	-2.180172	0.120742	0.094391	-1.001701	-0.051976	0.167458	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149442.000000	168122.000000	196475.000000	100000.000000
-356.019501	-0.320750	-0.221469	-0.968176	-0.386635	1.283291	-0.141239	152299.000000	0.000000	0.009837	0.007831	1.734181	-2.527100	1.663888	-70750.781250	-2947.958252	786096.812500	-0.141591	0.179938	-2.177758	0.121684	0.091858	-0.999241	-0.036541	0.160341	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	155246.000000	155246.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.024506	-0.305369	-0.217807	-0.963049	-0.414305	1.305640	-0.095478	152299.000000	0.000000	0.009837	0.007831	2.094727	-2.500193	1.663888	40816.675781	-3594.061768	766168.500000	-0.138378	0.178458	-2.177758	0.121684	0.091858	-0.999241	-0.036541	0.160341	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	148704.000000	148704.000000
-356.029510	-0.289500	-0.214389	-0.956701	-0.439846	1.317346	-0.053973	152299.000000	0.000000	0.009837	0.007831	2.034781	-2.470158	1.663888	-4578.433105	-3228.459717	748094.000000	-0.134951	0.176835	-2.177758	0.121684	0.091858	-0.999241	-0.036541	0.160341	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130105.000000	180949.000000	183648.000000	114492.000000
-356.034515	-0.272898	-0.211215	-0.948889	-0.462195	1.319475	-0.015661	152242.000000	0.000000	0.009837	0.007831	1.973539	-2.439834	1.663888	-3959.290283	-3305.431885	731409.812500	-0.131345	0.175103	-2.177758	0.121684	0.091858	-0.999241	-0.036541	0.160341	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129506.000000	181588.000000	182895.000000	114977.000000
-356.039520	-0.254588	-0.207553	-0.941076	-0.483480	1.312025	0.019459	152242.000000	0.000000	0.009837	0.007831	1.910001	-2.408057	1.663888	-3416.535645	-3018.616455	716116.000000	-0.127567	0.173266	-2.177758	0.121684	0.091858	-0.999241	-0.036541	0.160341	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128677.000000	181844.000000	182639.000000	115806.000000
-356.044525	-0.236033	-0.202182	-0.930578	-0.502636	1.296062	0.051385	152242.000000	0.000000	0.009837	0.007831	1.846281	-2.374296	1.663888	-2721.164551	-2789.896729	702212.500000	-0.123661	0.171316	-2.177758	0.121684	0.091858	-0.999241	-0.036541	0.160341	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127753.000000	182310.000000	182173.000000	116730.000000
-356.049530	-0.214549	-0.195102	-0.918859	-0.520727	1.272649	0.080119	152242.000000	0.000000	0.009837	0.007831	1.779104	-2.337832	1.663888	-2482.489502	-2359.984863	689699.375000	-0.119599	0.169235	-2.177758	0.121684	0.091858	-0.999241	-0.036541	0.160341	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127084.000000	182119.000000	182364.000000	117399.000000
-356.054535	-0.191600	-0.185824	-0.907385	-0.537755	1.241786	0.103532	152242.000000	0.000000	0.009837	0.007831	1.709148	-2.297404	1.663888	-2149.488525	-1775.566284	679503.500000	-0.115373	0.166986	-2.177758	0.121684	0.091858	-0.999241	-0.036541	0.160341	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126167.000000	181868.000000	182615.000000	118316.000000
-356.059540	-0.167186	-0.174594	-0.895666	-0.552654	1.205603	0.122688	152292.000000	0.000000	0.012168	0.008422	1.763817	-2.220425	1.646732	12559.552734	2432.909180	663690.312500	-0.110963	0.164542	-2.171160	0.122781	0.086418	-0.994305	-0.007582	0.145656	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107299.000000	192418.000000	172165.000000	137284.000000
-356.064545	-0.142283	-0.161166	-0.886389	-0.564361	1.164098	0.137588	152292.000000	0.000000	0.010937	0.008642	1.526087	-2.182202	1.625367	-19915.283203	-1950.965698	647898.000000	-0.106359	0.161860	-2.162943	0.123040	0.080889	-0.989108	0.016782	0.131378	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	144158.000000	164327.000000	200000.000000	100425.000000
-356.069550	-0.117381	-0.147494	-0.878088	-0.573939	1.118336	0.147166	152292.000000	0.000000	0.012536	0.011259	1.583432	-1.993718	1.619615	13476.653320	15247.088867	641222.375000	-0.101559	0.158938	-2.160731	0.124853	0.077289	-0.986337	0.025133	0.122845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	180521.000000	184062.000000	151015.000000
-356.074554	-0.092234	-0.133090	-0.871496	-0.578196	1.068317	0.152487	152292.000000	0.000000	0.012536	0.011259	1.436580	-2.041527	1.619615	-8955.573242	-11521.053711	638905.125000	-0.096561	0.155780	-2.160731	0.124853	0.077289	-0.986337	0.025133	0.122845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142768.000000	184857.000000	179726.000000	101815.000000
-356.079559	-0.067576	-0.118441	-0.865393	-0.577131	1.016170	0.153551	152297.000000	0.000000	0.012536	0.011259	1.351038	-1.982013	1.619615	-2132.283691	-34.217148	638441.687500	-0.091371	0.152402	-2.160731	0.124853	0.077289	-0.986337	0.025133	0.122845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124463.000000	180198.000000	184395.000000	120130.000000
-356.084564	-0.042918	-0.103549	-0.861486	-0.568618	0.961895	0.151423	152297.000000	0.000000	0.012536	0.011259	1.262414	-1.920367	1.619615	-2394.444824	-375.926147	639368.562500	-0.085984	0.148823	-2.160731	0.124853	0.077289	-0.986337	0.025133	0.122845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125067.000000	180278.000000	184315.000000	119526.000000
-356.089569	-0.020213	-0.089389	-0.860266	-0.553718	0.905491	0.146101	152297.000000	0.000000	0.012536	0.011259	1.173420	-1.857904	1.619615	-2350.967773	-769.265808	641685.812500	-0.080448	0.145085	-2.160731	0.124853	0.077289	-0.986337	0.025133	0.122845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125417.000000	180715.000000	183878.000000	119176.000000
-356.094574	0.002248	-0.075717	-0.858801	-0.531370	0.848023	0.139716	152297.000000	0.000000	0.012536	0.011259	1.082707	-1.795649	1.619615	-2575.929932	-1427.732056	644466.500000	-0.074773	0.141234	-2.160731	0.124853	0.077289	-0.986337	0.025133	0.122845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126300.000000	181148.000000	183445.000000	118293.000000
-356.099579	0.024465	-0.063021	-0.858312	-0.501571	0.788426	0.132267	152297.000000	0.000000	0.012536	0.011259	0.990784	-1.734799	1.619615	-2623.648193	-2258.562500	647710.625000	-0.068974	0.137327	-2.160731	0.124853	0.077289	-0.986337	0.025133	0.122845	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127179.000000	181931.000000	182662.000000	117414.000000
-356.104584	0.045461	-0.049838	-0.857824	-0.467516	0.727765	0.122688	152298.000000	0.000000	0.016924	0.009552	1.140200	-1.767473	1.595378	24996.382812	-13317.136719	641326.687500	-0.063086	0.133373	-2.151408	0.127594	0.068233	-0.977374	0.049556	0.101877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110618.000000	200000.000000	143984.000000	133977.000000
-356.109589	0.065480	-0.036898	-0.858068	-0.428140	0.667104	0.110982	152298.000000	0.000000	0.016924	0.009552	0.872873	-1.638986	1.595378	-21777.619141	4228.364258	646424.625000	-0.057134	0.129402	-2.151408	0.127594	0.068233	-0.977374	0.049556	0.101877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	139847.000000	156292.000000	200000.000000	104748.000000
-356.114594	0.084279	-0.022982	-0.857580	-0.386635	0.604315	0.098211	152298.000000	0.000000	0.016924	0.009552	0.782252	-1.577859	1.595378	-2241.808594	-3322.051514	651986.000000	-0.051157	0.125403	-2.151408	0.127594	0.068233	-0.977374	0.049556	0.101877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127861.000000	183378.000000	181217.000000	116734.000000
-356.119598	0.100393	-0.010043	-0.859045	-0.343002	0.541526	0.084376	152298.000000	0.000000	0.016924	0.009552	0.695073	-1.518089	1.595378	-1975.413696	-3631.036377	658010.875000	-0.045225	0.121408	-2.151408	0.127594	0.068233	-0.977374	0.049556	0.101877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127904.000000	183953.000000	180642.000000	116691.000000
-356.124603	0.114553	0.000699	-0.861242	-0.299369	0.476608	0.069477	152310.000000	0.000000	0.016924	0.009552	0.611853	-1.461206	1.595378	-1390.365723	-3887.557373	664499.125000	-0.039398	0.117468	-2.151408	0.127594	0.068233	-0.977374	0.049556	0.101877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127587.000000	184807.000000	179812.000000	117032.000000
-356.129608	0.127004	0.008268	-0.864904	-0.254671	0.410626	0.053514	152310.000000	0.000000	0.016924	0.009552	0.532967	-1.409443	1.595378	-856.092285	-4535.001465	671450.875000	-0.033726	0.113661	-2.151408	0.127594	0.068233	-0.977374	0.049556	0.101877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127701.000000	185988.000000	178631.000000	116918.000000
-356.134613	0.137990	0.014371	-0.870031	-0.209974	0.345708	0.037550	152310.000000	0.000000	0.016924	0.009552	0.458293	-1.361421	1.595378	-554.896790	-4931.103027	678402.625000	-0.028243	0.110020	-2.151408	0.127594	0.068233	-0.977374	0.049556	0.101877	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127795.000000	186686.000000	177933.000000	116824.000000
-356.139618	0.148488	0.020475	-0.876623	-0.165276	0.280791	0.021587	152310.000000	0.000000	0.013357	0.010600	0.191172	-1.258104	1.591550	-22650.068359	1419.786255	683687.687500	-0.022967	0.106542	-2.149936	0.129649	0.064915	-0.973915	0.053031	0.096231	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143540.000000	158240.000000	200000.000000	101079.000000
-356.144623	0.157277	0.026334	-0.884191	-0.118450	0.216937	0.006688	152294.000000	0.000000	0.021314	0.008977	0.705660	-1.346863	1.589015	65840.210938	-20559.029297	689071.625000	-0.017935	0.103241	-2.148961	0.136570	0.056624	-0.963223	0.062627	0.094810	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	112853.000000	200000.000000	131734.000000	131734.000000
-356.149628	0.164357	0.032682	-0.892736	-0.072688	0.156276	-0.009276	152294.000000	0.000000	0.015486	0.008054	0.006364	-1.291960	1.591237	-70911.390625	-4603.580078	696991.375000	-0.013171	0.100099	-2.149816	0.139279	0.054211	-0.959350	0.061712	0.091400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156897.000000	156897.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.154633	0.167775	0.039029	-0.902258	-0.025863	0.097744	-0.025239	152294.000000	0.000000	0.015486	0.008054	0.186485	-1.216940	1.591237	26649.652344	-2378.859863	703943.125000	-0.008744	0.097121	-2.149816	0.139279	0.054211	-0.959350	0.061712	0.091400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153265.000000	146564.000000
-356.159637	0.168996	0.043912	-0.910559	0.020963	0.042404	-0.042266	152294.000000	0.000000	0.015486	0.008054	0.139794	-1.182840	1.591237	1398.965942	-6936.727539	711358.312500	-0.004677	0.094336	-2.149816	0.139279	0.054211	-0.959350	0.061712	0.091400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127831.000000	190629.000000	173958.000000	116756.000000
-356.164642	0.166799	0.045621	-0.919348	0.065661	-0.010807	-0.059294	152294.000000	0.000000	0.015486	0.008054	0.101563	-1.154604	1.591237	2164.027100	-7423.313477	718773.437500	-0.001023	0.091797	-2.149816	0.139279	0.054211	-0.959350	0.061712	0.091400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127553.000000	191881.000000	172706.000000	117034.000000
-356.169647	0.161672	0.045133	-0.927404	0.109294	-0.061890	-0.076322	152304.000000	0.000000	0.015486	0.008054	0.071665	-1.131985	1.591237	2943.786133	-8020.471191	726188.625000	0.002177	0.089539	-2.149816	0.139279	0.054211	-0.959350	0.061712	0.091400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127380.000000	193268.000000	171339.000000	117227.000000
-356.174652	0.153859	0.042203	-0.935705	0.151863	-0.111909	-0.093349	152304.000000	0.000000	0.015486	0.008054	0.050781	-1.115762	1.591237	3951.920898	-8728.030273	733603.812500	0.004885	0.087602	-2.149816	0.139279	0.054211	-0.959350	0.061712	0.091400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127080.000000	194983.000000	169624.000000	117527.000000
-356.179657	0.142873	0.037320	-0.944250	0.192304	-0.159799	-0.109313	152304.000000	0.000000	0.015486	0.008054	0.039714	-1.105593	1.591237	4966.648926	-9298.819336	740555.562500	0.007055	0.086008	-2.149816	0.139279	0.054211	-0.959350	0.061712	0.091400	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126636.000000	196569.000000	168038.000000	117971.000000
-356.184662	0.130178	0.031217	-0.951574	0.230616	-0.207689	-0.125276	152304.000000	0.000000	0.018206	0.008740	0.187198	-1.063203	1.596885	23299.019531	-5503.184082	749966.562500	0.008670	0.084764	-2.151988	0.142872	0.051583	-0.955351	0.058408	0.092494	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104508.000000	200000.000000	153501.000000	140099.000000
-356.189667	0.116506	0.024137	-0.957434	0.265735	-0.255579	-0.139111	152301.000000	0.000000	0.022182	0.005527	0.303552	-1.267549	1.608550	20631.712891	-33383.730469	761071.562500	0.009727	0.083864	-2.156475	0.150338	0.046915	-0.943401	0.050598	0.102933	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131669.000000	200000.000000	131669.000000	112932.000000
-356.194672	0.101125	0.014615	-0.964758	0.299791	-0.302405	-0.152946	152301.000000	0.000000	0.022182	0.005527	0.160459	-1.146605	1.608550	-8456.000977	2900.525635	767096.375000	0.010206	0.083346	-2.156475	0.150338	0.046915	-0.943401	0.050598	0.102933	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127856.000000	170944.000000	193657.000000	116745.000000
-356.199677	0.084523	0.004850	-0.971594	0.330653	-0.350295	-0.165717	152301.000000	0.000000	0.022182	0.005527	0.185804	-1.158760	1.608550	10518.652344	-11581.366211	772657.750000	0.010094	0.083191	-2.156475	0.150338	0.046915	-0.943401	0.050598	0.102933	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123363.000000	200000.000000	160200.000000	121238.000000
-356.204681	0.066945	-0.004428	-0.975744	0.356194	-0.394993	-0.176359	152301.000000	0.000000	0.022182	0.005527	0.219233	-1.173899	1.608550	11415.996094	-11511.552734	777292.250000	0.009405	0.083354	-2.156475	0.150338	0.046915	-0.943401	0.050598	0.102933	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122396.000000	200000.000000	159373.000000	122205.000000
-356.209686	0.048391	-0.012240	-0.981115	0.378543	-0.439690	-0.187001	152301.000000	0.000000	0.022182	0.005527	0.261715	-1.190907	1.608550	12812.361328	-11546.982422	781926.750000	0.008131	0.083781	-2.156475	0.150338	0.046915	-0.943401	0.050598	0.102933	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121035.000000	200000.000000	157941.000000	123566.000000
-356.214691	0.030324	-0.019076	-0.985021	0.394507	-0.483323	-0.195515	152301.000000	0.000000	0.022182	0.005527	0.311280	-1.208783	1.608550	13902.864258	-11095.957031	785634.312500	0.006303	0.084417	-2.156475	0.150338	0.046915	-0.943401	0.050598	0.102933	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119494.000000	200000.000000	157302.000000	125107.000000
-356.219696	0.012014	-0.026156	-0.988928	0.406213	-0.522700	-0.202965	152301.000000	0.000000	0.022182	0.005527	0.367538	-1.228668	1.608550	14610.631836	-10994.115234	788878.500000	0.003950	0.085241	-2.156475	0.150338	0.046915	-0.943401	0.050598	0.102933	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118684.000000	200000.000000	156696.000000	125917.000000
-356.224701	-0.007029	-0.034457	-0.993322	0.411534	-0.562076	-0.209350	152301.000000	0.000000	0.022182	0.005527	0.431741	-1.250757	1.608550	15960.808594	-10660.412109	791659.187500	0.001072	0.086242	-2.156475	0.150338	0.046915	-0.943401	0.050598	0.102933	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117000.000000	200000.000000	155679.000000	127601.000000
-356.229706	-0.025828	-0.043246	-0.997717	0.413663	-0.597196	-0.215735	152301.000000	0.000000	0.019613	0.004616	0.360322	-1.324975	1.621197	412.424225	-16394.224609	799947.375000	-0.002292	0.087409	-2.161339	0.155917	0.044462	-0.935254	0.041590	0.112807	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138282.000000	199107.000000	165494.000000	106319.000000
-356.234711	-0.044383	-0.051547	-1.005773	0.411534	-0.626994	-0.222121	152235.000000	0.000000	0.020288	0.004251	0.574756	-1.333229	1.636353	32382.832031	-8699.382812	809328.312500	-0.006093	0.088705	-2.167168	0.161868	0.042280	-0.927270	0.030543	0.123803	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100934.000000	200000.000000	143535.000000	143535.000000
-356.239716	-0.063426	-0.059604	-1.011877	0.407277	-0.652535	-0.227442	152235.000000	0.000000	0.017180	0.004578	0.456599	-1.326093	1.644266	-5081.640137	-6720.783203	815091.437500	-0.010309	0.090110	-2.170212	0.164990	0.041096	-0.923264	0.023614	0.129007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134037.000000	183874.000000	180595.000000	110432.000000
-356.244720	-0.084178	-0.066195	-1.017248	0.403020	-0.671691	-0.232763	152235.000000	0.000000	0.017180	0.004578	0.666259	-1.364545	1.644266	31314.320312	-11890.744141	817408.687500	-0.014927	0.091593	-2.170212	0.164990	0.041096	-0.923264	0.023614	0.129007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	104125.000000	200000.000000	140344.000000	140344.000000
-356.249725	-0.104930	-0.074008	-1.021887	0.398763	-0.685526	-0.238084	152235.000000	0.000000	0.017180	0.004578	0.755549	-1.392284	1.644266	17968.064453	-10820.831055	819725.937500	-0.019909	0.093177	-2.170212	0.164990	0.041096	-0.923264	0.023614	0.129007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115087.000000	200000.000000	153446.000000	129382.000000
-356.254730	-0.125682	-0.083285	-1.025549	0.392378	-0.691912	-0.242341	152238.000000	0.000000	0.017180	0.004578	0.847712	-1.422366	1.644266	17918.345703	-10953.461914	821579.750000	-0.025208	0.094875	-2.170212	0.164990	0.041096	-0.923264	0.023614	0.129007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115273.000000	200000.000000	153366.000000	129202.000000
-356.259735	-0.146678	-0.092318	-1.028723	0.385993	-0.691912	-0.246598	152238.000000	0.000000	0.017180	0.004578	0.942592	-1.453718	1.644266	17951.343750	-11207.874023	823433.562500	-0.030787	0.096680	-2.170212	0.164990	0.041096	-0.923264	0.023614	0.129007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115494.000000	200000.000000	153078.000000	128981.000000
-356.264740	-0.166941	-0.100375	-1.030676	0.378543	-0.686591	-0.248726	152238.000000	0.000000	0.017180	0.004578	1.039147	-1.485247	1.644266	17970.074219	-11221.075195	824360.437500	-0.036601	0.098566	-2.170212	0.164990	0.041096	-0.923264	0.023614	0.129007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115489.000000	200000.000000	153046.000000	128986.000000
-356.269745	-0.185252	-0.107455	-1.031652	0.370029	-0.677013	-0.250855	152238.000000	0.000000	0.017180	0.004578	1.135755	-1.516638	1.644266	17908.234375	-11194.166016	825287.312500	-0.042585	0.100509	-2.170212	0.164990	0.041096	-0.923264	0.023614	0.129007	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	115523.000000	200000.000000	153135.000000	128952.000000
-356.274750	-0.198924	-0.114291	-1.033361	0.360451	-0.661049	-0.250855	152238.000000	0.000000	0.017731	0.005160	1.258341	-1.516175	1.652303	20555.285156	-7528.193848	828787.250000	-0.048614	0.102495	-2.173303	0.168275	0.039726	-0.919342	0.015617	0.135870	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109210.000000	200000.000000	154154.000000	135265.000000
-356.279755	-0.209666	-0.122592	-1.033850	0.350873	-0.640829	-0.248726	152235.000000	0.000000	0.026372	0.005859	1.800318	-1.534755	1.680012	68599.523438	-9663.735352	839926.750000	-0.054617	0.104554	-2.183960	0.179287	0.034958	-0.907939	-0.002849	0.147907	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101898.000000	200000.000000	142571.000000	142571.000000
-356.284760	-0.217234	-0.130893	-1.033117	0.340231	-0.615287	-0.245534	152235.000000	0.000000	0.026372	0.005859	1.538947	-1.597337	1.680012	-21638.236328	-14623.870117	838536.437500	-0.060512	0.106680	-2.183960	0.179287	0.034958	-0.907939	-0.002849	0.147907	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158497.000000	175220.000000	189249.000000	100000.000000
-356.289764	-0.221629	-0.136752	-1.032141	0.330653	-0.584425	-0.239148	152235.000000	0.000000	0.026372	0.005859	1.617111	-1.630681	1.680012	15328.129883	-11635.397461	835755.750000	-0.066220	0.108833	-2.183960	0.179287	0.034958	-0.907939	-0.002849	0.147907	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	118542.000000	200000.000000	155271.000000	125927.000000
-356.294769	-0.224070	-0.140658	-1.029943	0.323203	-0.550370	-0.232763	152235.000000	0.000000	0.026372	0.005859	1.690171	-1.663126	1.680012	14595.310547	-11885.515625	832975.062500	-0.071700	0.110988	-2.183960	0.179287	0.034958	-0.907939	-0.002849	0.147907	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119525.000000	200000.000000	155754.000000	124944.000000
-356.299774	-0.224070	-0.143100	-1.027258	0.314690	-0.512058	-0.223185	152239.000000	0.000000	0.026372	0.005859	1.756703	-1.693850	1.680012	13539.212891	-11681.424805	828804.000000	-0.076894	0.113115	-2.183960	0.179287	0.034958	-0.907939	-0.002849	0.147907	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120381.000000	200000.000000	157018.000000	124096.000000
-356.304779	-0.222850	-0.145053	-1.025305	0.309369	-0.472681	-0.212543	152239.000000	0.000000	0.026372	0.005859	1.817657	-1.724387	1.680012	12908.237305	-12127.874023	824169.500000	-0.081781	0.115216	-2.183960	0.179287	0.034958	-0.907939	-0.002849	0.147907	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121458.000000	200000.000000	157202.000000	123019.000000
-356.309784	-0.220896	-0.148227	-1.023107	0.307240	-0.433305	-0.198708	152239.000000	0.000000	0.026372	0.005859	1.873705	-1.756629	1.680012	12445.317383	-12805.004883	818144.687500	-0.086353	0.117331	-2.183960	0.179287	0.034958	-0.907939	-0.002849	0.147907	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122598.000000	200000.000000	156988.000000	121879.000000
-356.314789	-0.217723	-0.151645	-1.021398	0.307240	-0.392864	-0.183809	152239.000000	0.000000	0.026372	0.005859	1.923795	-1.789763	1.680012	11717.650391	-13289.484375	811656.375000	-0.090589	0.119471	-2.183960	0.179287	0.034958	-0.907939	-0.002849	0.147907	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123810.000000	200000.000000	157231.000000	120667.000000
-356.319794	-0.213084	-0.154330	-1.019201	0.311497	-0.352424	-0.164652	152239.000000	0.000000	0.021706	0.006972	1.711442	-1.762422	1.693563	-18302.316406	-7001.736816	809215.625000	-0.094473	0.121643	-2.189172	0.185866	0.031093	-0.900704	-0.013022	0.155264	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147543.000000	170938.000000	193539.000000	100000.000000
-356.324799	-0.201121	-0.149203	-1.009924	0.318947	-0.313047	-0.145496	152230.000000	0.000000	0.021161	0.007732	1.901745	-1.793367	1.704368	26783.349609	-13938.431641	805578.812500	-0.097911	0.123737	-2.193328	0.192000	0.026770	-0.893820	-0.017727	0.162639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	109385.000000	200000.000000	141508.000000	135074.000000
-356.329803	-0.206248	-0.166049	-1.146398	0.267864	-0.234295	-0.119955	152230.000000	0.000000	0.021161	0.007732	1.930858	-1.835825	1.704368	4501.459961	-8728.640625	794456.000000	-0.100544	0.125478	-2.193328	0.192000	0.026770	-0.893820	-0.017727	0.162639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126457.000000	195460.000000	168999.000000	118002.000000
-356.334808	-0.212596	-0.176059	-1.267004	0.155056	-0.083175	-0.093349	152230.000000	0.000000	0.021161	0.007732	1.915214	-1.822566	1.704368	-9144.117188	4764.812988	782869.812500	-0.102174	0.126503	-2.193328	0.192000	0.026770	-0.893820	-0.017727	0.162639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126609.000000	168321.000000	196138.000000	117850.000000
-356.339813	-0.226023	-0.161898	-1.316076	0.028413	0.051982	-0.080579	152230.000000	0.000000	0.021161	0.007732	1.906696	-1.784821	1.704368	-7266.192383	9734.588867	777308.375000	-0.103205	0.126563	-2.193328	0.192000	0.026770	-0.893820	-0.017727	0.162639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	119761.000000	165229.000000	199230.000000	124698.000000
-356.344818	-0.246287	-0.153598	-1.336584	-0.154634	0.212680	-0.071001	152236.000000	0.000000	0.021161	0.007732	1.891838	-1.726572	1.704368	-11583.247070	19306.275391	773137.375000	-0.103684	0.125546	-2.193328	0.192000	0.026770	-0.893820	-0.017727	0.162639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	114512.000000	151346.000000	200000.000000	129959.000000
-356.349823	-0.237742	-0.163119	-1.344396	-0.254671	0.286112	-0.060358	152236.000000	0.000000	0.021161	0.007732	1.871216	-1.691954	1.704368	-3050.209961	8194.660156	768502.875000	-0.103657	0.124178	-2.193328	0.192000	0.026770	-0.893820	-0.017727	0.162639	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117091.000000	170991.000000	193480.000000	127380.000000
-356.354828	-0.195262	-0.177768	-1.288977	-0.340873	0.331873	-0.033753	152236.000000	0.000000	0.015490	0.007582	1.520381	-1.675338	1.707206	-38141.101562	5166.937988	758152.500000	-0.102928	0.122730	-2.194419	0.194387	0.024674	-0.890358	-0.018561	0.164834	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147069.000000	147069.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.359833	-0.160350	-0.174594	-1.226232	-0.377057	0.369121	0.008816	152236.000000	0.000000	0.020531	0.008405	1.983365	-1.598107	1.703547	54237.753906	6853.854492	738021.562500	-0.101654	0.121204	-2.193012	0.199077	0.017671	-0.882298	-0.004966	0.151898	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	159089.000000	159089.000000
-356.364838	-0.127635	-0.144320	-1.197912	-0.388763	0.369121	0.054578	152234.000000	0.000000	0.020531	0.008405	1.739902	-1.582325	1.703547	-20464.640625	-2467.943604	718093.250000	-0.099965	0.119210	-2.193012	0.199077	0.017671	-0.882298	-0.004966	0.151898	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	145166.000000	164237.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.369843	-0.109568	-0.094760	-1.179846	-0.385571	0.381892	0.089697	152234.000000	0.000000	0.009204	0.008282	1.076880	-1.517905	1.697037	-71110.445312	1523.552246	699964.437500	-0.098006	0.116466	-2.190508	0.199333	0.015391	-0.880691	0.000192	0.144569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	150710.000000	150710.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.374847	-0.102244	-0.073275	-1.187658	-0.402598	0.405305	0.106725	152234.000000	0.000000	0.009204	0.008282	1.489462	-1.449615	1.697037	47778.511719	4565.017090	692549.250000	-0.095847	0.113317	-2.190508	0.199333	0.015391	-0.880691	0.000192	0.144569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156799.000000	156799.000000
-356.379852	-0.102000	-0.060824	-1.201574	-0.402598	0.440424	0.110982	152234.000000	0.000000	0.009204	0.008282	1.448804	-1.393663	1.697037	-3693.528564	1593.359497	690695.437500	-0.093538	0.110009	-2.190508	0.199333	0.015391	-0.880691	0.000192	0.144569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124334.000000	176947.000000	187520.000000	120133.000000
-356.384857	-0.102488	-0.063021	-1.193762	-0.414305	0.481929	0.112046	152234.000000	0.000000	0.009204	0.008282	1.406521	-1.346897	1.697037	-4959.893555	2139.452881	690232.000000	-0.091090	0.106754	-2.190508	0.199333	0.015391	-0.880691	0.000192	0.144569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125054.000000	175134.000000	189333.000000	119413.000000
-356.389862	-0.102000	-0.060092	-1.185949	-0.405791	0.518113	0.113110	152232.000000	0.000000	0.009204	0.008282	1.362860	-1.301643	1.697037	-4893.600098	-81.116226	689768.562500	-0.088516	0.103563	-2.190508	0.199333	0.015391	-0.880691	0.000192	0.144569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127206.000000	177419.000000	187044.000000	117257.000000
-356.394867	-0.095408	-0.055209	-1.170080	-0.383442	0.530883	0.118432	152232.000000	0.000000	0.009204	0.008282	1.318800	-1.259524	1.697037	-2624.390869	-1856.104004	687451.312500	-0.085842	0.100477	-2.190508	0.199333	0.015391	-0.880691	0.000192	0.144569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126712.000000	181463.000000	183000.000000	117751.000000
-356.399872	-0.081492	-0.044223	-1.149084	-0.353644	0.536205	0.125881	152232.000000	0.000000	0.009204	0.008282	1.268701	-1.215152	1.697037	-2724.289795	-2360.464111	684207.125000	-0.082987	0.097426	-2.190508	0.199333	0.015391	-0.880691	0.000192	0.144569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127316.000000	181868.000000	182595.000000	117147.000000
-356.404877	-0.061473	-0.034213	-1.138342	-0.317460	0.531948	0.134395	152232.000000	0.000000	0.009204	0.008282	1.211732	-1.173284	1.697037	-2669.082031	-3311.771484	680499.562500	-0.079875	0.094446	-2.190508	0.199333	0.015391	-0.880691	0.000192	0.144569	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128212.000000	182874.000000	181589.000000	116251.000000
-356.409882	-0.042674	-0.028842	-1.129797	-0.288726	0.525562	0.141845	152237.000000	0.000000	0.008193	0.005133	1.096888	-1.307865	1.676735	-9297.603516	-22645.511719	668414.062500	-0.076533	0.091577	-2.182700	0.196692	0.012964	-0.877632	0.010908	0.133423	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154180.000000	195584.000000	168889.000000	100000.000000
-356.414886	-0.029002	-0.026400	-1.124426	-0.264249	0.525562	0.146101	152237.000000	0.000000	0.013698	0.006996	1.380315	-1.044076	1.669333	35102.683594	22731.853516	663337.062500	-0.073018	0.088847	-2.179853	0.197690	0.009338	-0.875059	0.021054	0.126294	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	189505.000000	174968.000000	174968.000000
-356.419891	-0.017527	-0.024936	-1.116125	-0.244029	0.521306	0.147166	152237.000000	0.000000	0.013698	0.006996	1.101274	-1.085035	1.669333	-27552.361328	-10597.055664	662873.625000	-0.069391	0.086251	-2.179853	0.197690	0.009338	-0.875059	0.021054	0.126294	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160386.000000	165281.000000	199192.000000	100000.000000
-356.424896	-0.008250	-0.023715	-1.102453	-0.218487	0.514920	0.143973	152237.000000	0.000000	0.013698	0.006996	1.043324	-1.055217	1.669333	-3240.376709	-3378.575439	664263.937500	-0.065700	0.083822	-2.179853	0.197690	0.009338	-0.875059	0.021054	0.126294	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128855.000000	182375.000000	182098.000000	115618.000000
-356.429901	0.002004	-0.021518	-1.088537	-0.195074	0.503214	0.140780	152237.000000	0.000000	0.013698	0.006996	0.984706	-1.026121	1.669333	-2944.350830	-3197.890137	665654.312500	-0.061949	0.081526	-2.179853	0.197690	0.009338	-0.875059	0.021054	0.126294	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128379.000000	182490.000000	181983.000000	116094.000000
-356.434906	0.011770	-0.018588	-1.079748	-0.170597	0.490443	0.136523	152239.000000	0.000000	0.013698	0.006996	0.925839	-0.998296	1.669333	-3065.732666	-3439.259766	667508.125000	-0.058150	0.079350	-2.179853	0.197690	0.009338	-0.875059	0.021054	0.126294	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128743.000000	182612.000000	181865.000000	115734.000000
-356.439911	0.018850	-0.014926	-1.078283	-0.153570	0.478736	0.130138	152239.000000	0.000000	0.013698	0.006996	0.868708	-0.969240	1.669333	-3200.834229	-2429.486328	670288.812500	-0.054349	0.077239	-2.179853	0.197690	0.009338	-0.875059	0.021054	0.126294	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127869.000000	181467.000000	183010.000000	116608.000000
-356.444916	0.020559	-0.013949	-1.082434	-0.143992	0.470223	0.120560	152239.000000	0.000000	0.004890	0.003845	0.331937	-1.115007	1.661642	-58721.128906	-21547.816406	671110.562500	-0.050630	0.075204	-2.176895	0.196507	0.008576	-0.873885	0.026485	0.121897	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	173786.000000	173786.000000	190691.000000	100000.000000
-356.449921	0.017141	-0.013949	-1.090246	-0.142927	0.464902	0.106725	152239.000000	0.000000	0.014705	0.004404	1.176750	-0.930538	1.647099	96770.562500	16547.470703	670802.125000	-0.047070	0.073220	-2.171301	0.195195	0.005827	-0.870928	0.039650	0.119986	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	195691.000000	168786.000000	168786.000000
-356.454926	0.010793	-0.015414	-1.094885	-0.149313	0.459580	0.091826	152248.000000	0.000000	0.014705	0.004404	0.742291	-0.925364	1.647099	-45885.863281	-2298.832031	677290.437500	-0.043718	0.071277	-2.171301	0.195195	0.005827	-0.870928	0.039650	0.119986	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	154546.000000	154546.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.459930	0.004445	-0.011752	-1.093908	-0.157827	0.455323	0.073734	152248.000000	0.000000	0.014705	0.004404	0.702794	-0.892725	1.647099	-2736.522705	1144.493896	685169.062500	-0.040561	0.069269	-2.171301	0.195195	0.005827	-0.870928	0.039650	0.119986	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123840.000000	178366.000000	186129.000000	120655.000000
-356.464935	0.000783	-0.008822	-1.084875	-0.165276	0.445745	0.055642	152248.000000	0.000000	0.014705	0.004404	0.664777	-0.860252	1.647099	-2119.453613	1192.830444	693047.687500	-0.037575	0.067219	-2.171301	0.195195	0.005827	-0.870928	0.039650	0.119986	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123174.000000	178935.000000	185560.000000	121321.000000
-356.469940	-0.001170	-0.010775	-1.069982	-0.170597	0.431911	0.037550	152248.000000	0.000000	0.014705	0.004404	0.628604	-0.832724	1.647099	-1551.384644	566.222839	700926.312500	-0.034745	0.065228	-2.171301	0.195195	0.005827	-0.870928	0.039650	0.119986	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123233.000000	180130.000000	184365.000000	121262.000000
-356.474945	-0.003855	-0.012973	-1.055334	-0.172726	0.417011	0.019459	152236.000000	0.000000	0.014705	0.004404	0.595741	-0.807141	1.647099	-1153.550781	129.279770	708804.937500	-0.032090	0.063315	-2.171301	0.195195	0.005827	-0.870928	0.039650	0.119986	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123260.000000	180953.000000	183518.000000	121211.000000
-356.479950	-0.005809	-0.012973	-1.042883	-0.170597	0.399984	0.001367	152236.000000	0.000000	0.014705	0.004404	0.565189	-0.781494	1.647099	-727.133179	-224.102310	716683.625000	-0.029603	0.061457	-2.171301	0.195195	0.005827	-0.870928	0.039650	0.119986	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123187.000000	181732.000000	182739.000000	121284.000000
-356.484955	-0.007518	-0.011508	-1.030676	-0.166340	0.385085	-0.018854	152236.000000	0.000000	0.014705	0.004404	0.536180	-0.755601	1.647099	-856.691589	-331.062317	725489.125000	-0.027268	0.059635	-2.171301	0.195195	0.005827	-0.870928	0.039650	0.119986	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123423.000000	181710.000000	182761.000000	121048.000000
-356.489960	-0.008738	-0.010531	-1.020666	-0.158891	0.370185	-0.040138	152236.000000	0.000000	0.011039	0.003377	0.307207	-0.788002	1.639943	-23833.121094	-7276.667480	731641.812500	-0.025071	0.057872	-2.168549	0.194392	0.004681	-0.869294	0.048353	0.115244	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153345.000000	165679.000000	198792.000000	100000.000000
-356.494965	-0.009959	-0.011264	-1.012121	-0.149313	0.357415	-0.060358	152236.000000	0.000000	0.013775	0.004180	0.578214	-0.681899	1.639460	32218.699219	8163.655762	740236.812500	-0.023000	0.056210	-2.168363	0.195382	0.003023	-0.868011	0.056336	0.111055	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	160399.000000	160399.000000
-356.499969	-0.008982	-0.012729	-1.006994	-0.137606	0.343580	-0.080579	152226.000000	0.000000	0.013775	0.004180	0.442463	-0.695826	1.639460	-12950.554688	-5386.408691	749042.312500	-0.021015	0.054671	-2.168363	0.195382	0.003023	-0.868011	0.056336	0.111055	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	140562.000000	174661.000000	189790.000000	103889.000000
-356.504974	-0.006053	-0.014438	-1.003576	-0.124836	0.329745	-0.098670	152226.000000	0.000000	0.013775	0.004180	0.415171	-0.679872	1.639460	-1086.653076	-2203.067383	756920.937500	-0.019075	0.053262	-2.168363	0.195382	0.003023	-0.868011	0.056336	0.111055	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125515.000000	183342.000000	181109.000000	118936.000000
-356.509979	-0.001170	-0.016146	-1.004553	-0.112065	0.315910	-0.115698	152226.000000	0.000000	0.013775	0.004180	0.386362	-0.665630	1.639460	-1322.410645	-2384.656006	764336.125000	-0.017140	0.051978	-2.168363	0.195382	0.003023	-0.868011	0.056336	0.111055	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125933.000000	183288.000000	181163.000000	118518.000000
-356.514984	0.004934	-0.018100	-1.008459	-0.102487	0.304203	-0.129533	152226.000000	0.000000	0.013775	0.004180	0.355800	-0.652442	1.639460	-1835.933105	-2132.884033	770360.937500	-0.015177	0.050804	-2.168363	0.195382	0.003023	-0.868011	0.056336	0.111055	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126194.000000	182522.000000	181929.000000	118257.000000
-356.519989	0.011525	-0.022250	-1.014074	-0.093973	0.294625	-0.142304	152234.000000	0.000000	0.013775	0.004180	0.323841	-0.642806	1.639460	-2327.094971	-2401.156250	775922.375000	-0.013169	0.049776	-2.168363	0.195382	0.003023	-0.868011	0.056336	0.111055	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126962.000000	182308.000000	182159.000000	117505.000000
-356.524994	0.017385	-0.026645	-1.022131	-0.087588	0.287176	-0.154010	152234.000000	0.000000	0.017017	0.005057	0.469859	-0.586536	1.647032	17715.039062	3189.897217	784318.000000	-0.011122	0.048881	-2.171276	0.198481	0.000811	-0.866615	0.062418	0.108437	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101329.000000	196759.000000	167708.000000	143138.000000
-356.529999	0.022268	-0.033236	-1.032141	-0.082267	0.281855	-0.163588	152234.000000	0.000000	0.018862	0.005614	0.409567	-0.586641	1.659094	-5456.868652	-2916.756348	793741.687500	-0.009049	0.048152	-2.175915	0.202747	-0.001740	-0.865148	0.066411	0.107655	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130607.000000	179693.000000	184774.000000	113860.000000
-356.535004	0.025197	-0.038607	-1.039221	-0.078010	0.279726	-0.171038	152234.000000	0.000000	0.018862	0.005614	0.304550	-0.605300	1.659094	-11199.027344	-4945.228027	796985.812500	-0.006973	0.047556	-2.175915	0.202747	-0.001740	-0.865148	0.066411	0.107655	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138378.000000	175980.000000	188487.000000	106089.000000
-356.540009	0.027395	-0.042514	-1.045324	-0.073753	0.277598	-0.177423	152234.000000	0.000000	0.010519	0.003160	-0.184654	-0.736913	1.661023	-55683.238281	-17990.302734	800606.625000	-0.004910	0.047062	-2.176657	0.203375	-0.002209	-0.864521	0.070452	0.106024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	170224.000000	170224.000000	194243.000000	100000.000000
-356.545013	0.028127	-0.046908	-1.048742	-0.070560	0.277598	-0.181680	152353.000000	0.000000	0.010519	0.003160	0.119540	-0.637122	1.661023	32720.943359	8015.354004	802460.437500	-0.002875	0.046672	-2.176657	0.203375	-0.002209	-0.864521	0.070452	0.106024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	160368.000000	160368.000000
-356.550018	0.027883	-0.053500	-1.050939	-0.068432	0.279726	-0.183809	152353.000000	0.000000	0.010519	0.003160	0.090995	-0.638971	1.661023	-4241.663574	-3061.903320	803387.312500	-0.000876	0.046423	-2.176657	0.203375	-0.002209	-0.864521	0.070452	0.106024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129656.000000	181173.000000	183532.000000	115049.000000
-356.555023	0.028615	-0.057895	-1.048254	-0.065239	0.281855	-0.183809	152353.000000	0.000000	0.010519	0.003160	0.061815	-0.641009	1.661023	-4455.378418	-3223.816406	803387.312500	0.001108	0.046278	-2.176657	0.203375	-0.002209	-0.864521	0.070452	0.106024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130032.000000	181121.000000	183584.000000	114673.000000
-356.560028	0.032033	-0.060336	-1.038977	-0.060982	0.282919	-0.183809	152353.000000	0.000000	0.010519	0.003160	0.030083	-0.643165	1.661023	-4769.151855	-3383.095947	803387.312500	0.003129	0.046213	-2.176657	0.203375	-0.002209	-0.864521	0.070452	0.106024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130505.000000	180966.000000	183739.000000	114200.000000
-356.565033	0.037404	-0.063510	-1.027746	-0.053532	0.282919	-0.183809	152411.000000	0.000000	0.010519	0.003160	-0.004088	-0.648229	1.661023	-5077.550293	-4111.604004	803387.312500	0.005219	0.046257	-2.176657	0.203375	-0.002209	-0.864521	0.070452	0.106024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131600.000000	181445.000000	183376.000000	113221.000000
-356.570038	0.041799	-0.069125	-1.018957	-0.042890	0.281855	-0.182744	152411.000000	0.000000	0.010519	0.003160	-0.037903	-0.658219	1.661023	-5072.091797	-5099.101562	802923.875000	0.007354	0.046471	-2.176657	0.203375	-0.002209	-0.864521	0.070452	0.106024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132582.000000	182438.000000	182383.000000	112239.000000
-356.575043	0.043996	-0.074496	-1.011389	-0.031184	0.281855	-0.181680	152411.000000	0.000000	0.010519	0.003160	-0.070277	-0.670604	1.661023	-5179.488281	-5590.337891	802460.437500	0.009496	0.046852	-2.176657	0.203375	-0.002209	-0.864521	0.070452	0.106024	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133180.000000	182821.000000	182000.000000	111641.000000
-356.580048	0.045705	-0.078646	-1.001867	-0.018413	0.282919	-0.180616	152411.000000	0.000000	0.012882	0.004080	0.027256	-0.633906	1.665450	9431.231445	-200.343155	803924.687500	0.011642	0.047382	-2.178359	0.204778	-0.002979	-0.863948	0.073414	0.104981	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113180.000000	192042.000000	172779.000000	131641.000000
-356.585052	0.046926	-0.080600	-0.992346	-0.005642	0.285047	-0.178487	152406.000000	0.000000	0.021244	0.004353	0.360382	-0.669425	1.680713	36741.777344	-8363.108398	809644.437500	0.013788	0.048016	-2.184230	0.209460	-0.005390	-0.862670	0.081933	0.102794	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100769.000000	200000.000000	144042.000000	144042.000000
-356.590057	0.046682	-0.083529	-0.982824	0.007128	0.287176	-0.176359	152406.000000	0.000000	0.011125	0.003034	-0.561003	-0.769076	1.683640	-105447.476562	-15932.075195	809992.500000	0.015906	0.048773	-2.185356	0.210239	-0.005793	-0.862275	0.085856	0.103009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168338.000000	168338.000000	196473.000000	100000.000000
-356.595062	0.046438	-0.088656	-0.975256	0.018835	0.289304	-0.174230	152406.000000	0.000000	0.011125	0.003034	-0.186506	-0.736422	1.683640	38755.421875	-1170.821655	809065.625000	0.017993	0.049689	-2.185356	0.210239	-0.005793	-0.862275	0.085856	0.103009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151235.000000	151235.000000
-356.600067	0.045705	-0.095492	-0.968176	0.029477	0.293561	-0.172102	152406.000000	0.000000	0.011125	0.003034	-0.216199	-0.760351	1.683640	-6077.887207	-7434.515137	808138.750000	0.020052	0.050790	-2.185356	0.210239	-0.005793	-0.862275	0.085856	0.103009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135918.000000	183762.000000	181049.000000	108893.000000
-356.605072	0.045461	-0.101352	-0.961096	0.037991	0.298882	-0.169974	152406.000000	0.000000	0.011125	0.003034	-0.246325	-0.785294	1.683640	-6405.569824	-7465.879395	807211.812500	0.022096	0.052044	-2.185356	0.210239	-0.005793	-0.862275	0.085856	0.103009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136277.000000	183466.000000	181345.000000	108534.000000
-356.610077	0.046438	-0.105258	-0.954504	0.044376	0.305268	-0.167845	152416.000000	0.000000	0.011125	0.003034	-0.277932	-0.809607	1.683640	-6860.230957	-7303.852539	806284.937500	0.024158	0.053398	-2.185356	0.210239	-0.005793	-0.862275	0.085856	0.103009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136580.000000	182859.000000	181972.000000	108251.000000
-356.615082	0.048146	-0.109652	-0.948889	0.047569	0.313781	-0.165717	152416.000000	0.000000	0.011125	0.003034	-0.311151	-0.834945	1.683640	-7463.480957	-7196.707031	805358.062500	0.026261	0.054844	-2.185356	0.210239	-0.005793	-0.862275	0.085856	0.103009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137076.000000	182149.000000	182682.000000	107755.000000
-356.620087	0.049123	-0.115023	-0.946447	0.048633	0.322295	-0.164652	152416.000000	0.000000	0.011125	0.003034	-0.343950	-0.861718	1.683640	-7607.254395	-7248.484375	804894.562500	0.028387	0.056382	-2.185356	0.210239	-0.005793	-0.862275	0.085856	0.103009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137271.000000	182057.000000	182774.000000	107560.000000
-356.625092	0.055715	-0.119418	-0.947180	0.046505	0.332938	-0.162524	152416.000000	0.000000	0.011125	0.003034	-0.383890	-0.887331	1.683640	-8859.302734	-6877.892578	803967.687500	0.030660	0.057967	-2.185356	0.210239	-0.005793	-0.862275	0.085856	0.103009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138153.000000	180434.000000	184397.000000	106678.000000
-356.630096	0.065969	-0.124545	-0.998937	0.080560	0.306332	-0.157203	152355.000000	0.000000	0.023923	0.003848	0.287553	-0.872166	1.698114	76668.296875	-6459.565430	807953.187500	0.032899	0.059657	-2.190922	0.214575	-0.008133	-0.860327	0.098075	0.105850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	145895.000000	145895.000000
-356.635101	0.078176	-0.130160	-1.027014	0.098652	0.277598	-0.146561	152355.000000	0.000000	0.023923	0.003848	-0.258391	-0.935197	1.698114	-59335.898438	-13675.671875	803318.750000	0.035150	0.061440	-2.190922	0.214575	-0.008133	-0.860327	0.098075	0.105850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166030.000000	166030.000000	198679.000000	100000.000000
-356.640106	0.097219	-0.121615	-1.039465	0.106101	0.272277	-0.133790	152355.000000	0.000000	0.010005	0.003039	-1.072351	-0.995799	1.699160	-95099.953125	-12551.467773	798213.000000	0.037672	0.063031	-2.191325	0.214947	-0.008520	-0.859732	0.102686	0.106525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164906.000000	164906.000000	199803.000000	100000.000000
-356.645111	0.111867	-0.112094	-1.053625	0.096523	0.247800	-0.122083	152355.000000	0.000000	0.010005	0.003039	-0.557980	-0.971401	1.699160	55542.949219	-1176.507690	793115.062500	0.040272	0.064332	-2.191325	0.214947	-0.008520	-0.859732	0.102686	0.106525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151178.000000	151178.000000
-356.650116	0.115041	-0.120150	-1.053381	0.091202	0.222258	-0.113570	152355.000000	0.000000	0.010005	0.003039	-0.590330	-0.996305	1.699160	-4486.572266	-7155.812988	789407.500000	0.042751	0.065731	-2.191325	0.214947	-0.008520	-0.859732	0.102686	0.106525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133997.000000	185024.000000	179685.000000	110712.000000
-356.655121	0.115285	-0.128207	-1.048498	0.076303	0.195652	-0.106120	152430.000000	0.000000	0.010005	0.003039	-0.618230	-1.020586	1.699160	-3886.161621	-6077.309570	786163.312500	0.045062	0.067190	-2.191325	0.214947	-0.008520	-0.859732	0.102686	0.106525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132393.000000	184621.000000	180238.000000	112466.000000
-356.660126	0.117482	-0.136752	-1.039709	0.068854	0.166918	-0.100799	152430.000000	0.000000	0.010005	0.003039	-0.645698	-1.048752	1.699160	-3598.841797	-7418.904785	783846.062500	0.047241	0.068763	-2.191325	0.214947	-0.008520	-0.859732	0.102686	0.106525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133447.000000	186250.000000	178609.000000	111412.000000
-356.665131	0.117238	-0.142611	-1.043127	0.057147	0.132863	-0.093349	152430.000000	0.000000	0.010005	0.003039	-0.666005	-1.073058	1.699160	-2163.080322	-6584.355957	780601.937500	0.049196	0.070349	-2.191325	0.214947	-0.008520	-0.859732	0.102686	0.106525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131177.000000	186851.000000	178008.000000	113682.000000
-356.670135	0.114309	-0.148715	-1.053381	0.043312	0.107322	-0.085900	152430.000000	0.000000	0.010005	0.003039	-0.681955	-1.096260	1.699160	-2576.015625	-6271.950684	777357.812500	0.050907	0.071924	-2.191325	0.214947	-0.008520	-0.859732	0.102686	0.106525	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131277.000000	186125.000000	178734.000000	113582.000000
-356.675140	0.115773	-0.148715	-1.057287	0.027349	0.080716	-0.075257	152346.000000	0.000000	0.018293	0.002695	-0.243702	-1.132342	1.704678	49631.875000	-7547.139648	775126.125000	0.052470	0.073381	-2.193447	0.216377	-0.009146	-0.858889	0.107381	0.109288	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	144798.000000	144798.000000
-356.680145	0.116750	-0.148959	-1.049963	0.013514	0.055175	-0.065679	152346.000000	0.000000	0.009630	0.002071	-1.067975	-1.170714	1.705651	-92991.765625	-8145.466797	771379.187500	0.053907	0.074765	-2.193821	0.216604	-0.009203	-0.858785	0.107177	0.109358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160491.000000	160491.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.685150	0.118703	-0.148227	-1.046789	-0.002450	0.028569	-0.055037	152346.000000	0.000000	0.009630	0.002071	-0.736610	-1.160488	1.705651	35841.167969	-2447.298340	766744.687500	0.055225	0.076040	-2.193821	0.216604	-0.009203	-0.858785	0.107177	0.109358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	149898.000000	149898.000000
-356.690155	0.115285	-0.146762	-1.038000	-0.018413	0.001963	-0.046523	152346.000000	0.000000	0.009630	0.002071	-0.745125	-1.173800	1.705651	-1447.072021	-5023.172363	763037.125000	0.056338	0.077208	-2.193821	0.216604	-0.009203	-0.858785	0.107177	0.109358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128816.000000	185922.000000	178769.000000	115875.000000
-356.695160	0.112844	-0.146029	-1.023596	-0.038633	-0.021450	-0.039074	152341.000000	0.000000	0.009630	0.002071	-0.753251	-1.186035	1.705651	-1685.312622	-4400.015625	759792.937500	0.057295	0.078281	-2.193821	0.216604	-0.009203	-0.858785	0.107177	0.109358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128426.000000	185055.000000	179626.000000	116255.000000
-356.700165	0.106984	-0.146518	-1.010412	-0.058854	-0.043798	-0.033753	152341.000000	0.000000	0.009630	0.002071	-0.755729	-1.198133	1.705651	-1089.612061	-4347.409668	757475.687500	0.058036	0.079281	-2.193821	0.216604	-0.009203	-0.858785	0.107177	0.109358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127778.000000	185598.000000	179083.000000	116903.000000
-356.705170	0.105031	-0.146518	-1.004309	-0.075881	-0.068276	-0.029496	152341.000000	0.000000	0.009630	0.002071	-0.757950	-1.208423	1.705651	-725.303528	-4468.851074	755621.937500	0.058616	0.080195	-2.193821	0.216604	-0.009203	-0.858785	0.107177	0.109358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127535.000000	186084.000000	178597.000000	117146.000000
-356.710175	0.100393	-0.146273	-0.999426	-0.091845	-0.090624	-0.024175	152341.000000	0.000000	0.009630	0.002071	-0.755438	-1.217447	1.705651	-324.566986	-4414.719727	753304.687500	0.058992	0.081024	-2.193821	0.216604	-0.009203	-0.858785	0.107177	0.109358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127080.000000	186431.000000	178250.000000	117601.000000
-356.715179	0.096486	-0.143832	-0.997229	-0.107808	-0.108716	-0.017789	152341.000000	0.000000	0.009630	0.002071	-0.751716	-1.222519	1.705651	-559.192810	-3930.108643	750524.000000	0.059197	0.081719	-2.193821	0.216604	-0.009203	-0.858785	0.107177	0.109358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126830.000000	185711.000000	178970.000000	117851.000000
-356.720184	0.088430	-0.138949	-0.992834	-0.124836	-0.125744	-0.012468	152348.000000	0.000000	0.013479	0.002209	-0.530054	-1.215539	1.706581	24385.474609	-2377.519775	748611.375000	0.059163	0.082236	-2.194179	0.216943	-0.009337	-0.858918	0.105451	0.107951	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100340.000000	200000.000000	155585.000000	144355.000000
-356.725189	0.082082	-0.132846	-0.985998	-0.138670	-0.139579	-0.009276	152348.000000	0.000000	0.013429	0.002111	-0.676179	-1.224428	1.707146	-17014.449219	-4450.631348	747467.250000	0.058948	0.082575	-2.194396	0.217224	-0.009398	-0.859102	0.101750	0.105013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	143813.000000	169784.000000	194911.000000	100882.000000
-356.730194	0.076955	-0.125033	-0.976232	-0.151441	-0.153414	-0.007147	152348.000000	0.000000	0.013429	0.002111	-0.662726	-1.214672	1.707146	657.718323	-2413.854492	746540.312500	0.058583	0.082715	-2.194396	0.217224	-0.009398	-0.859102	0.101750	0.105013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124104.000000	185419.000000	179276.000000	120591.000000
-356.735199	0.075002	-0.116977	-0.968908	-0.158891	-0.166184	-0.006083	152348.000000	0.000000	0.013429	0.002111	-0.652736	-1.206697	1.707146	264.499146	-3123.985107	746076.875000	0.058136	0.082672	-2.194396	0.217224	-0.009398	-0.859102	0.101750	0.105013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125207.000000	185736.000000	178959.000000	119488.000000
-356.740204	0.073781	-0.110629	-0.969396	-0.165276	-0.174698	-0.005019	152407.000000	0.000000	0.013429	0.002111	-0.642870	-1.197259	1.707146	-132.266891	-3006.802002	745613.437500	0.057632	0.082470	-2.194396	0.217224	-0.009398	-0.859102	0.101750	0.105013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125546.000000	185281.000000	179532.000000	119267.000000
-356.745209	0.072561	-0.104281	-0.973059	-0.168469	-0.180019	-0.005019	152407.000000	0.000000	0.013429	0.002111	-0.632815	-1.186054	1.707146	-391.818512	-3097.520996	745613.437500	0.057082	0.082118	-2.194396	0.217224	-0.009398	-0.859102	0.101750	0.105013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125896.000000	185112.000000	179701.000000	118917.000000
-356.750214	0.070363	-0.101352	-0.975500	-0.172726	-0.183212	-0.005019	152407.000000	0.000000	0.013429	0.002111	-0.621689	-1.176495	1.707146	-442.169647	-3097.843506	745613.437500	0.056480	0.081689	-2.194396	0.217224	-0.009398	-0.859102	0.101750	0.105013	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125947.000000	185062.000000	179751.000000	118866.000000
-356.755219	0.064748	-0.099154	-0.976721	-0.174854	-0.184276	-0.005019	152407.000000	0.000000	0.009143	0.002051	-0.842340	-1.170711	1.706819	-27171.972656	-3710.908447	745470.875000	0.055769	0.081212	-2.194270	0.217269	-0.009441	-0.859195	0.099746	0.103157	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153289.000000	158945.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.760223	0.060354	-0.095980	-0.977697	-0.174854	-0.187469	-0.003954	152407.000000	0.000000	0.018575	0.002782	-0.136644	-1.117933	1.710048	78180.328125	1465.010864	746413.875000	0.054967	0.080678	-2.195513	0.218698	-0.010050	-0.859309	0.091460	0.098135	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153872.000000	153872.000000
-356.765228	0.056447	-0.091586	-0.975744	-0.173790	-0.190661	-0.003954	152427.000000	0.000000	0.018575	0.002782	-0.497559	-1.135349	1.710048	-40745.429688	-6455.145508	746413.875000	0.054088	0.080076	-2.195513	0.218698	-0.010050	-0.859309	0.091460	0.098135	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158882.000000	158882.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.770233	0.052785	-0.089389	-0.973059	-0.173790	-0.190661	-0.002890	152427.000000	0.000000	0.010404	0.002381	-0.930702	-1.146885	1.711209	-51030.933594	-5744.680176	746456.062500	0.053155	0.079448	-2.195959	0.219143	-0.010195	-0.859299	0.089221	0.096096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158171.000000	158171.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.775238	0.046926	-0.090121	-0.972326	-0.173790	-0.187469	-0.002890	152427.000000	0.000000	0.010404	0.002381	-0.585316	-1.123055	1.711209	35796.187500	-1746.380615	746456.062500	0.052137	0.078848	-2.195959	0.219143	-0.010195	-0.859299	0.089221	0.096096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150680.000000	150680.000000
-356.780243	0.041066	-0.091342	-0.971594	-0.170597	-0.185340	-0.001826	152427.000000	0.000000	0.010404	0.002381	-0.565160	-1.117082	1.711209	235.030838	-4048.112549	745992.625000	0.051031	0.078304	-2.195959	0.219143	-0.010195	-0.859299	0.089221	0.096096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126240.000000	186710.000000	178143.000000	118613.000000
-356.785248	0.037893	-0.088412	-0.973303	-0.165276	-0.183212	-0.001826	152420.000000	0.000000	0.010404	0.002381	-0.546714	-1.107512	1.711209	122.108925	-3867.137695	745992.625000	0.049891	0.077734	-2.195959	0.219143	-0.010195	-0.859299	0.089221	0.096096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126165.000000	186409.000000	178430.000000	118674.000000
-356.790253	0.037404	-0.077670	-0.975012	-0.162083	-0.177891	-0.000762	152420.000000	0.000000	0.010404	0.002381	-0.531687	-1.088287	1.711209	-560.298584	-2497.587646	745529.125000	0.048788	0.076970	-2.195959	0.219143	-0.010195	-0.859299	0.089221	0.096096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125477.000000	184357.000000	180482.000000	119362.000000
-356.795258	0.034719	-0.074008	-0.976965	-0.159955	-0.169377	-0.000762	152420.000000	0.000000	0.010404	0.002381	-0.515567	-1.073996	1.711209	-755.902100	-2867.089600	745529.125000	0.047694	0.076155	-2.195959	0.219143	-0.010195	-0.859299	0.089221	0.096096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126042.000000	184531.000000	180308.000000	118797.000000
-356.800262	0.031057	-0.074496	-0.980139	-0.157827	-0.166184	0.000303	152420.000000	0.000000	0.010404	0.002381	-0.496964	-1.063545	1.711209	173.243774	-3251.014160	745065.687500	0.046559	0.075372	-2.195959	0.219143	-0.010195	-0.859299	0.089221	0.096096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125497.000000	185844.000000	178995.000000	119342.000000
-356.805267	0.030080	-0.077670	-0.984533	-0.153570	-0.165120	-0.000762	152414.000000	0.000000	0.010404	0.002381	-0.480251	-1.056953	1.711209	271.010590	-3898.767578	745529.125000	0.045430	0.074682	-2.195959	0.219143	-0.010195	-0.859299	0.089221	0.096096	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126041.000000	186583.000000	178244.000000	118786.000000
-356.810272	0.032521	-0.078646	-0.991613	-0.150377	-0.164056	-0.002890	152414.000000	0.000000	0.022254	0.002652	0.184245	-1.033777	1.714042	74550.484375	-1866.347412	747689.437500	0.044374	0.074030	-2.197048	0.220342	-0.010600	-0.859147	0.082368	0.090705	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150547.000000	150547.000000
-356.815277	0.036184	-0.077670	-0.992834	-0.149313	-0.161927	-0.005019	152414.000000	0.000000	0.022254	0.002652	-0.279517	-1.034617	1.714042	-51768.285156	-4281.749023	748616.375000	0.043423	0.073374	-2.197048	0.220342	-0.010600	-0.859147	0.082368	0.090705	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156695.000000	156695.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.820282	0.038381	-0.076449	-0.990881	-0.148248	-0.158735	-0.006083	152414.000000	0.000000	0.009403	0.002127	-0.976266	-1.053424	1.714087	-80723.453125	-6348.807129	749099.500000	0.042553	0.072715	-2.197066	0.220435	-0.010655	-0.859129	0.080821	0.089627	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158762.000000	158762.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.825287	0.036672	-0.077426	-0.987951	-0.147184	-0.157670	-0.006083	152414.000000	0.000000	0.009403	0.002127	-0.448858	-1.024929	1.714087	56535.144531	-1021.387146	749099.500000	0.041673	0.072099	-2.197066	0.220435	-0.010655	-0.859129	0.080821	0.089627	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151392.000000	151392.000000
-356.830292	0.033498	-0.079623	-0.986242	-0.146120	-0.157670	-0.006083	152403.000000	0.000000	0.009403	0.002127	-0.433163	-1.019245	1.714087	458.475952	-3508.400879	749099.500000	0.040748	0.071547	-2.197066	0.220435	-0.010655	-0.859129	0.080821	0.089627	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125452.000000	186369.000000	178436.000000	119353.000000
-356.835297	0.029836	-0.079867	-0.983801	-0.143992	-0.158735	-0.005019	152403.000000	0.000000	0.009403	0.002127	-0.416007	-1.012668	1.714087	820.060852	-3506.815430	748636.062500	0.039763	0.071027	-2.197066	0.220435	-0.010655	-0.859129	0.080821	0.089627	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125089.000000	186729.000000	178076.000000	119716.000000
-356.840302	0.027150	-0.078646	-0.982336	-0.142927	-0.158735	-0.003954	152403.000000	0.000000	0.009403	0.002127	-0.399351	-1.004515	1.714087	724.518250	-3183.854736	748172.625000	0.038744	0.070500	-2.197066	0.220435	-0.010655	-0.859129	0.080821	0.089627	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124862.000000	186311.000000	178494.000000	119943.000000
-356.845306	0.024953	-0.076205	-0.983312	-0.142927	-0.158735	-0.002890	152403.000000	0.000000	0.009403	0.002127	-0.382690	-0.994413	1.714087	801.823975	-2806.040283	747709.125000	0.037699	0.069933	-2.197066	0.220435	-0.010655	-0.859129	0.080821	0.089627	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124407.000000	186010.000000	178795.000000	120398.000000
-356.850311	0.023977	-0.074984	-0.983557	-0.142927	-0.158735	-0.002890	152352.000000	0.000000	0.009403	0.002127	-0.367082	-0.985162	1.714087	757.834106	-2857.094971	747709.125000	0.036656	0.069352	-2.197066	0.220435	-0.010655	-0.859129	0.080821	0.089627	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124451.000000	185966.000000	178737.000000	120252.000000
-356.855316	0.023488	-0.073031	-0.981848	-0.141863	-0.157670	-0.002890	152352.000000	0.000000	0.017572	0.002322	0.096758	-0.964673	1.714062	52055.277344	-1649.016724	747698.375000	0.035630	0.068752	-2.197056	0.220631	-0.010720	-0.859159	0.076359	0.085550	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150702.000000	150702.000000
-356.860321	0.023000	-0.073275	-0.982092	-0.141863	-0.157670	-0.002890	152352.000000	0.000000	0.008800	0.001834	-0.697319	-0.991178	1.713451	-89795.953125	-6821.307617	747432.187500	0.034614	0.068168	-2.196821	0.220512	-0.010673	-0.859151	0.074988	0.084980	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159173.000000	159173.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.865326	0.023488	-0.074008	-0.983557	-0.139735	-0.154478	-0.002890	152352.000000	0.000000	0.008800	0.001834	-0.333843	-0.964828	1.713451	38790.335938	-1132.111084	747432.187500	0.033644	0.067619	-2.196821	0.220512	-0.010673	-0.859151	0.074988	0.084980	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151219.000000	151219.000000
-356.870331	0.025930	-0.073275	-0.983801	-0.137606	-0.151285	-0.002890	152352.000000	0.000000	0.007441	0.001102	-0.398701	-0.997166	1.711710	-8622.191406	-7744.502930	746674.187500	0.032758	0.067076	-2.196152	0.219938	-0.010381	-0.859189	0.075293	0.082580	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	138718.000000	181474.000000	183229.000000	105985.000000
-356.875336	0.028127	-0.072543	-0.980383	-0.133349	-0.147028	-0.001826	152347.000000	0.000000	0.007441	0.001102	-0.335683	-0.960993	1.711710	5593.300781	-297.833832	746210.750000	0.031956	0.066556	-2.196152	0.219938	-0.010381	-0.859189	0.075293	0.082580	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117051.000000	188238.000000	176455.000000	127642.000000
-356.880341	0.028615	-0.071566	-0.978674	-0.128028	-0.141707	-0.001826	152347.000000	0.000000	0.007441	0.001102	-0.326574	-0.954248	1.711710	-433.860779	-3644.004883	746210.750000	0.031208	0.066055	-2.196152	0.219938	-0.010381	-0.859189	0.075293	0.082580	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126424.000000	185557.000000	179136.000000	118269.000000
-356.885345	0.027883	-0.070834	-0.979895	-0.121643	-0.137450	-0.001826	152347.000000	0.000000	0.007441	0.001102	-0.316456	-0.948095	1.711710	-178.872955	-3827.269531	746210.750000	0.030479	0.065578	-2.196152	0.219938	-0.010381	-0.859189	0.075293	0.082580	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126353.000000	185995.000000	178698.000000	118340.000000
-356.890350	0.026906	-0.069125	-0.981115	-0.117386	-0.131065	-0.001826	152347.000000	0.000000	0.007441	0.001102	-0.306921	-0.940624	1.711710	-462.668976	-3433.491455	746210.750000	0.029776	0.065096	-2.196152	0.219938	-0.010381	-0.859189	0.075293	0.082580	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126243.000000	185317.000000	179376.000000	118450.000000
-356.895355	0.026174	-0.066928	-0.982580	-0.112065	-0.126808	-0.002890	152346.000000	0.000000	0.007441	0.001102	-0.297453	-0.932791	1.711710	-211.943939	-3499.113770	746674.187500	0.029093	0.064603	-2.196152	0.219938	-0.010381	-0.859189	0.075293	0.082580	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126057.000000	185633.000000	179058.000000	118634.000000
-356.900360	0.025441	-0.065463	-0.984533	-0.107808	-0.122551	-0.002890	152346.000000	0.000000	0.007441	0.001102	-0.288225	-0.925313	1.711710	-215.532059	-3406.339355	746674.187500	0.028428	0.064108	-2.196152	0.219938	-0.010381	-0.859189	0.075293	0.082580	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125967.000000	185536.000000	179155.000000	118724.000000
-356.905365	0.024221	-0.064975	-0.988195	-0.103551	-0.118294	-0.002890	152346.000000	0.000000	0.010246	0.002580	-0.124386	-0.837519	1.712480	17518.996094	5809.207031	747009.437500	0.027771	0.063630	-2.196448	0.220291	-0.010578	-0.859150	0.073242	0.080893	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	194055.000000	170636.000000	145674.000000
-356.910370	0.023732	-0.065951	-0.988439	-0.100358	-0.114037	-0.002890	152346.000000	0.000000	0.018523	0.002720	0.227028	-0.884186	1.714944	39740.992188	-9088.048828	748082.250000	0.027137	0.063196	-2.197395	0.221228	-0.010966	-0.859113	0.068220	0.077806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101434.000000	200000.000000	143257.000000	143257.000000
-356.915375	0.023977	-0.066684	-0.989172	-0.097166	-0.109780	-0.002890	152358.000000	0.000000	0.018523	0.002720	-0.096482	-0.885378	1.714944	-35978.843750	-4107.918457	748082.250000	0.026542	0.062800	-2.197395	0.221228	-0.010966	-0.859113	0.068220	0.077806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	156465.000000	156465.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.920380	0.024709	-0.068637	-0.989904	-0.093973	-0.106588	-0.002890	152358.000000	0.000000	0.018523	0.002720	-0.089853	-0.882845	1.714944	454.867493	-3701.332275	748082.250000	0.025988	0.062467	-2.197395	0.221228	-0.010966	-0.859113	0.068220	0.077806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125604.000000	186514.000000	178201.000000	119111.000000
-356.925385	0.026174	-0.069613	-0.989660	-0.090780	-0.103395	-0.001826	152358.000000	0.000000	0.018523	0.002720	-0.084627	-0.880171	1.714944	309.922516	-3688.253174	747618.750000	0.025491	0.062175	-2.197395	0.221228	-0.010966	-0.859113	0.068220	0.077806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125736.000000	186356.000000	178359.000000	118979.000000
-356.930389	0.025686	-0.071078	-0.987707	-0.088652	-0.100202	-0.001826	152358.000000	0.000000	0.018523	0.002720	-0.078081	-0.878473	1.714944	470.424622	-3680.414062	747618.750000	0.025010	0.061932	-2.197395	0.221228	-0.010966	-0.859113	0.068220	0.077806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125567.000000	186508.000000	178207.000000	119148.000000
-356.935394	0.022512	-0.072055	-0.985266	-0.085459	-0.098074	-0.001826	152358.000000	0.000000	0.018523	0.002720	-0.068507	-0.877246	1.714944	954.766846	-3858.353516	747618.750000	0.024486	0.061734	-2.197395	0.221228	-0.010966	-0.859113	0.068220	0.077806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125261.000000	187171.000000	177544.000000	119454.000000
-356.940399	0.022512	-0.070834	-0.984777	-0.084395	-0.098074	-0.002890	152424.000000	0.000000	0.018523	0.002720	-0.061257	-0.873446	1.714944	966.445801	-3328.902832	748082.250000	0.023973	0.061520	-2.197395	0.221228	-0.010966	-0.859113	0.068220	0.077806	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124786.000000	186719.000000	178128.000000	120061.000000
-356.945404	0.025686	-0.068148	-0.985266	-0.083331	-0.098074	-0.003954	152424.000000	0.000000	0.009436	0.002072	-0.557288	-0.903399	1.715042	-56653.976562	-7182.776855	748588.625000	0.023535	0.061260	-2.197433	0.221295	-0.010988	-0.859119	0.067344	0.077421	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159606.000000	159606.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.950409	0.029104	-0.067660	-0.985266	-0.083331	-0.097010	-0.002890	152424.000000	0.000000	0.017653	0.002392	0.259858	-0.855683	1.714529	91374.757812	1693.777466	747901.625000	0.023180	0.060996	-2.197236	0.221261	-0.011010	-0.859182	0.064896	0.075558	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154117.000000	154117.000000
-356.955414	0.030568	-0.070102	-0.984533	-0.084395	-0.097010	-0.001826	152424.000000	0.000000	0.017653	0.002392	-0.065388	-0.867320	1.714529	-35617.332031	-4763.997559	747438.187500	0.022862	0.060783	-2.197236	0.221261	-0.011010	-0.859182	0.064896	0.075558	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157187.000000	157187.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.960419	0.030813	-0.073275	-0.983557	-0.085459	-0.098074	0.000303	152408.000000	0.000000	0.009352	0.002125	-0.517362	-0.882401	1.714412	-51508.914062	-5207.124023	746460.250000	0.022549	0.060634	-2.197191	0.221289	-0.011046	-0.859199	0.063753	0.074529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157615.000000	157615.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-356.965424	0.030813	-0.074252	-0.983801	-0.086523	-0.099138	0.002431	152408.000000	0.000000	0.009352	0.002125	-0.180775	-0.870423	1.714412	36751.167969	-2171.850830	745533.375000	0.022237	0.060503	-2.197191	0.221289	-0.011046	-0.859199	0.063753	0.074529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150236.000000	150236.000000
-356.970428	0.030324	-0.073520	-0.983068	-0.088652	-0.102331	0.003495	152408.000000	0.000000	0.009352	0.002125	-0.175040	-0.867278	1.714412	647.209106	-3001.824463	745069.937500	0.021905	0.060350	-2.197191	0.221289	-0.011046	-0.859199	0.063753	0.074529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124762.000000	186057.000000	178758.000000	120053.000000
-356.975433	0.029104	-0.071566	-0.982092	-0.091845	-0.104459	0.003495	152408.000000	0.000000	0.009352	0.002125	-0.168536	-0.862205	1.714412	654.405518	-2634.770508	745069.937500	0.021546	0.060147	-2.197191	0.221289	-0.011046	-0.859199	0.063753	0.074529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124388.000000	185697.000000	179118.000000	120427.000000
-356.980438	0.027395	-0.071322	-0.980871	-0.096101	-0.107652	0.001367	152408.000000	0.000000	0.009352	0.002125	-0.160849	-0.858049	1.714412	951.661255	-2579.947510	745996.812500	0.021145	0.059923	-2.197191	0.221289	-0.011046	-0.859199	0.063753	0.074529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124036.000000	185939.000000	178876.000000	120779.000000
-356.985443	0.024953	-0.071811	-0.978674	-0.099294	-0.110845	-0.000762	152350.000000	0.000000	0.009352	0.002125	-0.151782	-0.854800	1.714412	1159.736694	-2766.990723	746923.687500	0.020688	0.059702	-2.197191	0.221289	-0.011046	-0.859199	0.063753	0.074529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123957.000000	186276.000000	178423.000000	120742.000000
-356.990448	0.023488	-0.071566	-0.977697	-0.102487	-0.114037	-0.000762	152350.000000	0.000000	0.009352	0.002125	-0.142961	-0.850669	1.714412	1187.831543	-2636.432617	746923.687500	0.020196	0.059466	-2.197191	0.221289	-0.011046	-0.859199	0.063753	0.074529	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123798.000000	186174.000000	178525.000000	120901.000000
-356.995453	0.022756	-0.070590	-0.977453	-0.104615	-0.117230	-0.000762	152350.000000	0.000000	0.009574	0.002077	-0.122263	-0.848376	1.714638	2603.826172	-2935.147705	747022.250000	0.019683	0.059204	-2.197278	0.221384	-0.011063	-0.859231	0.062602	0.074022	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122681.000000	187888.000000	176811.000000	122018.000000
-357.000458	0.022268	-0.068148	-0.979650	-0.105679	-0.119358	0.001367	152350.000000	0.000000	0.019375	0.002865	0.416136	-0.796287	1.719123	61897.480469	2667.713867	748048.437500	0.019158	0.058890	-2.199003	0.222896	-0.011496	-0.859313	0.057847	0.069959	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155017.000000	155017.000000
-357.005463	0.020559	-0.065219	-0.982336	-0.107808	-0.120423	0.003495	152412.000000	0.000000	0.019375	0.002865	0.033822	-0.819424	1.719123	-41211.167969	-5583.375000	747121.500000	0.018602	0.058509	-2.199003	0.222896	-0.011496	-0.859313	0.057847	0.069959	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157995.000000	157995.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.010468	0.017385	-0.063021	-0.984045	-0.109936	-0.121487	0.004559	152412.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.001767	-0.562662	-0.871403	1.717682	-67512.460938	-8985.190430	746030.687500	0.017987	0.058079	-2.198449	0.222556	-0.011404	-0.859303	0.056226	0.068914	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161397.000000	161397.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.015472	0.014455	-0.060336	-0.985510	-0.109936	-0.122551	0.004559	152412.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.001767	-0.108316	-0.818406	1.717682	50150.628906	2569.483398	746030.687500	0.017319	0.057601	-2.198449	0.222556	-0.011404	-0.859303	0.056226	0.068914	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154981.000000	154981.000000
-357.020477	0.012502	-0.058383	-0.985510	-0.109936	-0.122551	0.003495	152412.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.001767	-0.096874	-0.809589	1.717682	1376.208374	-2248.860840	746494.187500	0.016625	0.057093	-2.198449	0.222556	-0.011404	-0.859303	0.056226	0.068914	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123284.000000	186037.000000	178786.000000	121539.000000
-357.025482	0.010793	-0.056918	-0.985510	-0.109936	-0.122551	0.001367	152357.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.001767	-0.085359	-0.800893	1.717682	1437.219116	-2222.235596	747421.062500	0.015911	0.056566	-2.198449	0.222556	-0.011404	-0.859303	0.056226	0.068914	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123142.000000	186016.000000	178697.000000	121571.000000
-357.030487	0.009084	-0.055941	-0.985998	-0.108872	-0.122551	0.000303	152357.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.001767	-0.073542	-0.792728	1.717682	1524.828003	-2365.033447	747884.500000	0.015177	0.056034	-2.198449	0.222556	-0.011404	-0.859303	0.056226	0.068914	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123197.000000	186246.000000	178467.000000	121516.000000
-357.035492	0.007863	-0.055697	-0.986730	-0.106744	-0.120423	-0.000762	152357.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.001767	-0.062559	-0.785587	1.717682	1239.701782	-2571.519775	748347.937500	0.014444	0.055517	-2.198449	0.222556	-0.011404	-0.859303	0.056226	0.068914	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123688.000000	186168.000000	178545.000000	121025.000000
-357.040497	0.007131	-0.055941	-0.986975	-0.104615	-0.118294	-0.000762	152357.000000	0.000000	0.008318	0.001767	-0.052117	-0.779236	1.717682	1218.580200	-2638.912354	748347.937500	0.013720	0.055026	-2.198449	0.222556	-0.011404	-0.859303	0.056226	0.068914	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123777.000000	186214.000000	178499.000000	120936.000000
-357.045502	0.006643	-0.054721	-0.985510	-0.101423	-0.115101	0.000303	152357.000000	0.000000	0.018175	0.002549	0.499657	-0.729021	1.717747	63147.699219	2283.438721	747912.562500	0.013017	0.054537	-2.198473	0.222769	-0.011483	-0.859304	0.051675	0.065441	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154640.000000	154640.000000
-357.050507	0.005910	-0.053988	-0.984533	-0.097166	-0.111909	0.000303	152342.000000	0.000000	0.010347	0.002414	-0.315208	-0.761305	1.718646	-90885.500000	-7072.945312	748304.312500	0.012329	0.054065	-2.198819	0.223092	-0.011602	-0.859338	0.050428	0.064871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159414.000000	159414.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.055511	0.005666	-0.053012	-0.985510	-0.095037	-0.107652	0.000303	152342.000000	0.000000	0.010347	0.002414	0.006499	-0.748779	1.718646	35437.570312	-1863.750610	748304.312500	0.011670	0.053592	-2.198819	0.223092	-0.011602	-0.859338	0.050428	0.064871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150478.000000	150478.000000
-357.060516	0.004934	-0.052523	-0.985266	-0.091845	-0.104459	-0.000762	152342.000000	0.000000	0.010347	0.002414	0.015596	-0.742538	1.718646	1201.448608	-2658.018311	748767.750000	0.011025	0.053135	-2.198819	0.223092	-0.011602	-0.859338	0.050428	0.064871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123798.000000	186201.000000	178482.000000	120885.000000
-357.065521	0.005666	-0.051303	-0.984045	-0.088652	-0.102331	-0.001826	152342.000000	0.000000	0.010347	0.002414	0.023143	-0.735753	1.718646	1172.987549	-2581.624512	749231.187500	0.010420	0.052679	-2.198819	0.223092	-0.011602	-0.859338	0.050428	0.064871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123750.000000	186096.000000	178587.000000	120933.000000
-357.070526	0.007131	-0.050570	-0.983557	-0.086523	-0.099138	-0.003954	152349.000000	0.000000	0.010347	0.002414	0.029038	-0.729196	1.718646	886.775452	-2469.375244	750158.062500	0.009872	0.052228	-2.198819	0.223092	-0.011602	-0.859338	0.050428	0.064871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123931.000000	185705.000000	178992.000000	120766.000000
-357.075531	0.008352	-0.049838	-0.982336	-0.085459	-0.097010	-0.005019	152349.000000	0.000000	0.010347	0.002414	0.034692	-0.722467	1.718646	993.464783	-2307.380127	750621.500000	0.009370	0.051778	-2.198819	0.223092	-0.011602	-0.859338	0.050428	0.064871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123662.000000	185649.000000	179048.000000	121035.000000
-357.080536	0.008352	-0.050326	-0.980871	-0.083331	-0.093817	-0.005019	152349.000000	0.000000	0.010347	0.002414	0.040787	-0.717414	1.718646	938.347961	-2595.205566	750621.500000	0.008895	0.051359	-2.198819	0.223092	-0.011602	-0.859338	0.050428	0.064871	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124005.000000	185882.000000	178815.000000	120692.000000
-357.085541	0.007619	-0.051303	-0.979650	-0.082267	-0.092753	-0.003954	152349.000000	0.000000	0.008667	0.001840	-0.044442	-0.744564	1.717677	-9266.212891	-6148.909668	749735.875000	0.008419	0.050974	-2.198447	0.222849	-0.011528	-0.859325	0.049947	0.063878	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137764.000000	179231.000000	185466.000000	106933.000000
-357.090546	0.007863	-0.052523	-0.979650	-0.081202	-0.091688	-0.002890	152349.000000	0.000000	0.018425	0.002653	0.565331	-0.673293	1.718327	69953.382812	4996.106445	749555.625000	0.007963	0.050628	-2.198697	0.223155	-0.011654	-0.859304	0.047552	0.061463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	157345.000000	157345.000000
-357.095551	0.008107	-0.052279	-0.981359	-0.080138	-0.091688	-0.002890	152346.000000	0.000000	0.018425	0.002653	0.181254	-0.700864	1.718327	-40975.960938	-6003.979492	749555.625000	0.007521	0.050287	-2.198697	0.223155	-0.011654	-0.859304	0.047552	0.061463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158349.000000	158349.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.100555	0.008596	-0.052279	-0.983068	-0.080138	-0.091688	-0.002890	152346.000000	0.000000	0.018425	0.002653	0.186875	-0.696019	1.718327	1899.456299	-2300.345215	749555.625000	0.007097	0.049950	-2.198697	0.223155	-0.011654	-0.859304	0.047552	0.061463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122746.000000	186545.000000	178146.000000	121945.000000
-357.105560	0.008840	-0.053012	-0.984289	-0.081202	-0.092753	-0.002890	152346.000000	0.000000	0.018425	0.002653	0.192796	-0.691802	1.718327	2081.513916	-2228.054688	749555.625000	0.006681	0.049629	-2.198697	0.223155	-0.011654	-0.859304	0.047552	0.061463	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122492.000000	186655.000000	178036.000000	122199.000000
-357.110565	0.008840	-0.054232	-0.986242	-0.082267	-0.094881	-0.003954	152346.000000	0.000000	0.008711	0.001638	-0.334936	-0.744099	1.717667	-58897.449219	-8677.786133	749731.562500	0.006263	0.049332	-2.198443	0.222916	-0.011508	-0.859324	0.048072	0.059947	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161023.000000	161023.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.115570	0.009328	-0.055453	-0.987951	-0.084395	-0.095945	-0.003954	152347.000000	0.000000	0.008711	0.001638	0.059029	-0.700056	1.717667	44148.640625	2244.798340	749731.562500	0.005857	0.049052	-2.198443	0.222916	-0.011508	-0.859324	0.048072	0.059947	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154591.000000	154591.000000
-357.120575	0.010061	-0.055453	-0.988439	-0.085459	-0.098074	-0.003954	152347.000000	0.000000	0.008711	0.001638	0.064431	-0.695858	1.717667	1575.534302	-2229.202148	749731.562500	0.005464	0.048773	-2.198443	0.222916	-0.011508	-0.859324	0.048072	0.059947	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123000.000000	186151.000000	178542.000000	121693.000000
-357.125580	0.010305	-0.054477	-0.987951	-0.086523	-0.100202	-0.002890	152347.000000	0.000000	0.008711	0.001638	0.070205	-0.690636	1.717667	1652.892944	-2087.722900	749268.125000	0.005073	0.048475	-2.198443	0.222916	-0.011508	-0.859324	0.048072	0.059947	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122781.000000	186087.000000	178606.000000	121912.000000
-357.130585	0.009084	-0.053012	-0.987951	-0.088652	-0.101267	-0.001826	152347.000000	0.000000	0.008711	0.001638	0.077296	-0.684295	1.717667	1718.048950	-1808.712280	748804.687500	0.004660	0.048143	-2.198443	0.222916	-0.011508	-0.859324	0.048072	0.059947	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122437.000000	185873.000000	178820.000000	122256.000000
-357.135590	0.007863	-0.052035	-0.987951	-0.090780	-0.102331	-0.001826	152342.000000	0.000000	0.017488	0.002278	0.567268	-0.642808	1.714980	57072.503906	2256.453857	747634.687500	0.004225	0.047787	-2.197409	0.222198	-0.011229	-0.859314	0.045272	0.057005	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154598.000000	154598.000000
-357.140594	0.005910	-0.051791	-0.989172	-0.091845	-0.104459	-0.001826	152342.000000	0.000000	0.009968	0.002197	-0.188367	-0.667309	1.715493	-83238.476562	-5224.096680	747857.937500	0.003749	0.047427	-2.197607	0.222369	-0.011266	-0.859321	0.044282	0.056392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157566.000000	157566.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.145599	0.003957	-0.051547	-0.990148	-0.091845	-0.104459	-0.001826	152342.000000	0.000000	0.009968	0.002197	0.121120	-0.658734	1.715493	35067.574219	-1664.882568	747857.937500	0.003243	0.047068	-2.197607	0.222369	-0.011266	-0.859321	0.044282	0.056392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150677.000000	150677.000000
-357.150604	0.004201	-0.050326	-0.991857	-0.090780	-0.103395	-0.001826	152342.000000	0.000000	0.009968	0.002197	0.127607	-0.652589	1.715493	1658.938354	-2025.611572	747857.937500	0.002756	0.046696	-2.197607	0.222369	-0.011266	-0.859321	0.044282	0.056392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122708.000000	186026.000000	178657.000000	121975.000000
-357.155609	0.004689	-0.049105	-0.991857	-0.088652	-0.101267	-0.000762	152342.000000	0.000000	0.009968	0.002197	0.133264	-0.646636	1.715493	1466.830566	-2146.137451	747394.500000	0.002300	0.046317	-2.197607	0.222369	-0.011266	-0.859321	0.044282	0.056392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123021.000000	185954.000000	178729.000000	121662.000000
-357.160614	0.004934	-0.048617	-0.991613	-0.085459	-0.097010	0.000303	152420.000000	0.000000	0.009968	0.002197	0.138204	-0.641700	1.715493	1157.057373	-2367.023926	746931.062500	0.001878	0.045951	-2.197607	0.222369	-0.011266	-0.859321	0.044282	0.056392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	123629.000000	185944.000000	178895.000000	121210.000000
-357.165619	0.003469	-0.047641	-0.989904	-0.080138	-0.090624	0.001367	152420.000000	0.000000	0.009968	0.002197	0.143976	-0.637065	1.715493	1011.719482	-2637.319824	746467.625000	0.001467	0.045601	-2.197607	0.222369	-0.011266	-0.859321	0.044282	0.056392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124045.000000	186069.000000	178770.000000	120794.000000
-357.170624	0.000539	-0.046664	-0.987951	-0.073753	-0.083175	0.003495	152420.000000	0.000000	0.009968	0.002197	0.150968	-0.632941	1.715493	1026.763306	-2820.944336	745540.687500	0.001040	0.045271	-2.197607	0.222369	-0.011266	-0.859321	0.044282	0.056392	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124214.000000	186267.000000	178572.000000	120625.000000
-357.175629	-0.002635	-0.044223	-0.985998	-0.065239	-0.073597	0.003495	152420.000000	0.000000	0.009120	0.001939	0.111217	-0.642203	1.714983	-4573.881836	-4608.614258	745318.812500	0.000605	0.044943	-2.197411	0.222253	-0.011217	-0.859333	0.043779	0.055189	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131602.000000	182454.000000	182385.000000	113237.000000
-357.180634	-0.005809	-0.041537	-0.983557	-0.054597	-0.062954	0.002431	152413.000000	0.000000	0.019150	0.002897	0.703373	-0.574677	1.717067	67466.054688	3862.331055	746689.562500	0.000166	0.044620	-2.198212	0.223032	-0.011497	-0.859392	0.039882	0.054085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156275.000000	156275.000000
-357.185638	-0.008738	-0.038119	-0.981115	-0.043954	-0.051248	0.000303	152413.000000	0.000000	0.019150	0.002897	0.308536	-0.607640	1.717067	-43046.960938	-7387.585449	747616.437500	-0.000266	0.044289	-2.198212	0.223032	-0.011497	-0.859392	0.039882	0.054085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159800.000000	159800.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.190643	-0.011424	-0.034945	-0.979406	-0.032248	-0.039541	-0.001826	152413.000000	0.000000	0.008507	0.001752	-0.270786	-0.665667	1.715898	-66050.882812	-10581.399414	748034.500000	-0.000687	0.043958	-2.197762	0.222698	-0.011380	-0.859429	0.039381	0.053446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162994.000000	162994.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.195648	-0.014842	-0.032748	-0.977941	-0.019477	-0.026771	-0.005019	152413.000000	0.000000	0.008507	0.001752	0.160994	-0.616319	1.715898	46936.347656	1276.447144	749424.875000	-0.001107	0.043653	-2.197762	0.222698	-0.011380	-0.859429	0.039381	0.053446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153689.000000	153689.000000
-357.200653	-0.017527	-0.031283	-0.977209	-0.006706	-0.012936	-0.006083	152413.000000	0.000000	0.008507	0.001752	0.166122	-0.613899	1.715898	-133.669800	-3931.192139	749888.312500	-0.001505	0.043387	-2.197762	0.222698	-0.011380	-0.859429	0.039381	0.053446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126477.000000	186210.000000	178615.000000	118348.000000
-357.205658	-0.018992	-0.030063	-0.977209	0.006064	-0.000165	-0.007147	152336.000000	0.000000	0.008507	0.001752	0.169857	-0.612272	1.715898	-211.421371	-4069.643311	750351.750000	-0.001863	0.043164	-2.197762	0.222698	-0.011380	-0.859429	0.039381	0.053446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126617.000000	186194.000000	178477.000000	118054.000000
-357.210663	-0.019480	-0.029574	-0.977941	0.018835	0.012606	-0.007147	152336.000000	0.000000	0.008507	0.001752	0.171923	-0.612040	1.715898	-444.190765	-4280.798340	750351.750000	-0.002161	0.042998	-2.197762	0.222698	-0.011380	-0.859429	0.039381	0.053446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127060.000000	186172.000000	178499.000000	117611.000000
-357.215668	-0.018504	-0.029330	-0.980139	0.031606	0.025376	-0.007147	152336.000000	0.000000	0.008507	0.001752	0.171479	-0.612823	1.715898	-781.046509	-4454.604004	750351.750000	-0.002369	0.042891	-2.197762	0.222698	-0.011380	-0.859429	0.039381	0.053446	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127571.000000	186009.000000	178662.000000	117100.000000
-357.220673	-0.017039	-0.030063	-0.981848	0.042248	0.037083	-0.007147	152336.000000	0.000000	0.010129	0.002314	0.258704	-0.584063	1.716539	9323.189453	-888.917847	750630.625000	-0.002486	0.042853	-2.198009	0.222898	-0.011447	-0.859444	0.039559	0.053647	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	113901.000000	192548.000000	172123.000000	130770.000000
-357.225677	-0.014598	-0.031527	-0.982336	0.051826	0.046661	-0.008211	152414.000000	0.000000	0.014457	0.002564	0.428124	-0.596467	1.717568	19330.294922	-5399.231445	751542.187500	-0.002503	0.042891	-2.198405	0.223178	-0.011559	-0.859399	0.041301	0.055103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	108482.000000	200000.000000	157684.000000	136345.000000
-357.230682	-0.012889	-0.033969	-0.983312	0.060340	0.056239	-0.009276	152414.000000	0.000000	0.014457	0.002564	0.250793	-0.611984	1.717568	-19656.820312	-5735.024414	752005.625000	-0.002437	0.043020	-2.198405	0.223178	-0.011559	-0.859399	0.041301	0.055103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	147805.000000	168492.000000	196335.000000	100000.000000
-357.235687	-0.010691	-0.036410	-0.983801	0.067789	0.063688	-0.009276	152414.000000	0.000000	0.014457	0.002564	0.245414	-0.618487	1.717568	-574.589966	-4691.026855	752005.625000	-0.002292	0.043232	-2.198405	0.223178	-0.011559	-0.859399	0.041301	0.055103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127679.000000	186530.000000	178297.000000	117148.000000
-357.240692	-0.008982	-0.038607	-0.985266	0.074175	0.071138	-0.010340	152414.000000	0.000000	0.014457	0.002564	0.239450	-0.625542	1.717568	-700.737915	-4696.473145	752469.062500	-0.002077	0.043514	-2.198405	0.223178	-0.011559	-0.859399	0.041301	0.055103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127811.000000	186409.000000	178418.000000	117016.000000
-357.245697	-0.007029	-0.040316	-0.985754	0.080560	0.076459	-0.010340	152407.000000	0.000000	0.014457	0.002564	0.232856	-0.633069	1.717568	-590.685547	-4812.504883	752469.062500	-0.001802	0.043856	-2.198405	0.223178	-0.011559	-0.859399	0.041301	0.055103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127810.000000	186628.000000	178185.000000	117003.000000
-357.250702	-0.005076	-0.041537	-0.986730	0.084817	0.081780	-0.010340	152407.000000	0.000000	0.014457	0.002564	0.225407	-0.640287	1.717568	-743.431824	-4597.166016	752469.062500	-0.001466	0.044236	-2.198405	0.223178	-0.011559	-0.859399	0.041301	0.055103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127747.000000	186260.000000	178553.000000	117066.000000
-357.255707	-0.003367	-0.043002	-0.987951	0.088010	0.086037	-0.010340	152407.000000	0.000000	0.014457	0.002564	0.217683	-0.648001	1.717568	-711.871338	-4584.946289	752469.062500	-0.001081	0.044653	-2.198405	0.223178	-0.011559	-0.859399	0.041301	0.055103	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127703.000000	186280.000000	178533.000000	117110.000000
-357.260712	-0.001170	-0.045443	-0.988684	0.091202	0.089230	-0.010340	152407.000000	0.000000	0.008945	0.001898	-0.094054	-0.693908	1.717050	-35471.484375	-9010.295898	752243.625000	-0.000644	0.045126	-2.198205	0.222972	-0.011484	-0.859386	0.042328	0.056075	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161417.000000	161417.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.265717	0.000295	-0.047396	-0.989660	0.093331	0.092423	-0.010340	152407.000000	0.000000	0.019113	0.002884	0.676901	-0.622363	1.719240	87108.664062	4340.535645	753197.375000	-0.000170	0.045638	-2.199048	0.223455	-0.011658	-0.859375	0.045687	0.059419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156747.000000	156747.000000
-357.270721	0.002004	-0.049105	-0.989660	0.095459	0.094551	-0.010340	152406.000000	0.000000	0.019113	0.002884	0.261257	-0.671365	1.719240	-45169.687500	-9149.469727	753197.375000	0.000339	0.046184	-2.199048	0.223455	-0.011658	-0.859375	0.045687	0.059419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161555.000000	161555.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.275726	0.003469	-0.050570	-0.989416	0.096523	0.095615	-0.010340	152406.000000	0.000000	0.019113	0.002884	0.252266	-0.680888	1.719240	-385.073395	-4740.235840	753197.375000	0.000873	0.046755	-2.199048	0.223455	-0.011658	-0.859375	0.045687	0.059419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127531.000000	186761.000000	178050.000000	117280.000000
-357.280731	0.005666	-0.051059	-0.987707	0.096523	0.096679	-0.010340	152406.000000	0.000000	0.019113	0.002884	0.242109	-0.689460	1.719240	-564.846863	-4558.070312	753197.375000	0.001446	0.047326	-2.199048	0.223455	-0.011658	-0.859375	0.045687	0.059419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127528.000000	186399.000000	178412.000000	117283.000000
-357.285736	0.006887	-0.051791	-0.985266	0.096523	0.095615	-0.011404	152406.000000	0.000000	0.019113	0.002884	0.233042	-0.698351	1.719240	-247.805038	-4633.980469	753660.812500	0.002027	0.047903	-2.199048	0.223455	-0.011658	-0.859375	0.045687	0.059419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127287.000000	186792.000000	178019.000000	117524.000000
-357.290741	0.008352	-0.053012	-0.983557	0.095459	0.094551	-0.011404	152400.000000	0.000000	0.019113	0.002884	0.223596	-0.707542	1.719240	-328.138275	-4587.586426	753660.812500	0.002622	0.048490	-2.199048	0.223455	-0.011658	-0.859375	0.045687	0.059419	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127315.000000	186659.000000	178140.000000	117484.000000
-357.295746	0.008840	-0.054232	-0.981848	0.093331	0.092423	-0.011404	152400.000000	0.000000	0.018458	0.002687	0.179290	-0.727433	1.718998	-4238.181152	-5728.665039	753555.562500	0.003204	0.049081	-2.198955	0.223235	-0.011616	-0.859335	0.050122	0.062627	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132366.000000	183890.000000	180909.000000	112433.000000
-357.300751	0.010061	-0.055453	-0.980139	0.090138	0.089230	-0.011404	152400.000000	0.000000	0.009116	0.002171	-0.316786	-0.756736	1.718366	-56063.078125	-6766.599121	753280.187500	0.003785	0.049671	-2.198712	0.223069	-0.011625	-0.859289	0.050001	0.064046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159166.000000	159166.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.305756	0.012502	-0.056918	-0.978918	0.086945	0.084973	-0.010340	152400.000000	0.000000	0.009116	0.002171	0.047090	-0.745171	1.718366	40304.175781	-2205.053467	752816.750000	0.004383	0.050265	-2.198712	0.223069	-0.011625	-0.859289	0.050001	0.064046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150194.000000	150194.000000
-357.310760	0.014943	-0.058383	-0.978186	0.081624	0.079652	-0.009276	152400.000000	0.000000	0.009116	0.002171	0.037478	-0.753682	1.718366	-665.863647	-4193.136230	752353.312500	0.004992	0.050852	-2.198712	0.223069	-0.011625	-0.859289	0.050001	0.064046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127258.000000	185927.000000	178872.000000	117541.000000
-357.315765	0.017385	-0.060824	-0.977697	0.076303	0.074331	-0.008211	152332.000000	0.000000	0.009116	0.002171	0.027705	-0.763171	1.718366	-703.948853	-4319.841797	751889.875000	0.005613	0.051452	-2.198712	0.223069	-0.011625	-0.859289	0.050001	0.064046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127355.000000	185947.000000	178716.000000	117308.000000
-357.320770	0.020070	-0.063510	-0.977697	0.069918	0.066881	-0.008211	152332.000000	0.000000	0.009116	0.002171	0.018068	-0.772784	1.718366	-465.099213	-4231.293457	751889.875000	0.006240	0.052062	-2.198712	0.223069	-0.011625	-0.859289	0.050001	0.064046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127028.000000	186098.000000	178565.000000	117635.000000
-357.325775	0.022756	-0.065951	-0.978918	0.061404	0.058367	-0.007147	152332.000000	0.000000	0.009116	0.002171	0.008683	-0.781614	1.718366	-324.314362	-3912.738770	751426.437500	0.006867	0.052667	-2.198712	0.223069	-0.011625	-0.859289	0.050001	0.064046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126569.000000	185920.000000	178743.000000	118094.000000
-357.330780	0.025686	-0.068393	-0.980383	0.053954	0.049854	-0.007147	152332.000000	0.000000	0.009116	0.002171	-0.000971	-0.790621	1.718366	-359.240570	-4056.287109	751426.437500	0.007498	0.053270	-2.198712	0.223069	-0.011625	-0.859289	0.050001	0.064046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126747.000000	186029.000000	178634.000000	117916.000000
-357.335785	0.028371	-0.070590	-0.980871	0.045441	0.041340	-0.006083	152345.000000	0.000000	0.009116	0.002171	-0.010420	-0.799122	1.718366	-340.950409	-3883.525391	750962.937500	0.008129	0.053864	-2.198712	0.223069	-0.011625	-0.859289	0.050001	0.064046	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126569.000000	185887.000000	178802.000000	118120.000000
-357.340790	0.030324	-0.072787	-0.982580	0.036927	0.031762	-0.006083	152345.000000	0.000000	0.014053	0.002413	0.252793	-0.794084	1.718319	31017.769531	-2332.238770	750942.687500	0.008738	0.054445	-2.198694	0.222969	-0.011595	-0.859291	0.051438	0.065850	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150012.000000	150012.000000
-357.345795	0.030813	-0.074008	-0.984533	0.028413	0.023248	-0.006083	152345.000000	0.000000	0.013954	0.002368	0.043207	-0.813176	1.717887	-22017.238281	-5034.520508	750754.562500	0.009303	0.054995	-2.198528	0.222782	-0.011528	-0.859260	0.052295	0.066500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	149396.000000	165362.000000	199327.000000	100000.000000
-357.350800	0.030324	-0.073520	-0.986730	0.019899	0.014734	-0.007147	152345.000000	0.000000	0.013954	0.002368	0.042227	-0.816022	1.717887	954.883606	-3222.011963	751218.000000	0.009804	0.055479	-2.198528	0.222782	-0.011528	-0.859260	0.052295	0.066500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124612.000000	186521.000000	178168.000000	120077.000000
-357.355804	0.029104	-0.072055	-0.988684	0.012450	0.006220	-0.007147	152329.000000	0.000000	0.013954	0.002368	0.038970	-0.818966	1.717887	728.723938	-3328.986084	751218.000000	0.010227	0.055885	-2.198528	0.222782	-0.011528	-0.859260	0.052295	0.066500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124929.000000	186386.000000	178271.000000	119728.000000
-357.360809	0.027150	-0.070102	-0.990148	0.006064	-0.000165	-0.007147	152329.000000	0.000000	0.013954	0.002368	0.037011	-0.820606	1.717887	657.757446	-3280.927246	751218.000000	0.010571	0.056210	-2.198528	0.222782	-0.011528	-0.859260	0.052295	0.066500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124952.000000	186267.000000	178390.000000	119705.000000
-357.365814	0.023977	-0.067172	-0.991857	-0.000321	-0.006550	-0.007147	152329.000000	0.000000	0.013954	0.002368	0.037508	-0.820039	1.717887	959.385986	-3006.240234	751218.000000	0.010811	0.056436	-2.198528	0.222782	-0.011528	-0.859260	0.052295	0.066500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124375.000000	186294.000000	178363.000000	120282.000000
-357.370819	0.019826	-0.063998	-0.991613	-0.004578	-0.010807	-0.007147	152329.000000	0.000000	0.013954	0.002368	0.039885	-0.818551	1.717887	962.642883	-3112.629150	751218.000000	0.010943	0.056573	-2.198528	0.222782	-0.011528	-0.859260	0.052295	0.066500	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124478.000000	186404.000000	178253.000000	120179.000000
-357.375824	0.016164	-0.060824	-0.991613	-0.007771	-0.014000	-0.007147	152329.000000	0.000000	0.009053	0.001927	-0.226517	-0.840360	1.717241	-29919.099609	-5876.860840	750936.437500	0.010983	0.056628	-2.198279	0.222580	-0.011451	-0.859238	0.052639	0.066049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	158124.000000	158286.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.380829	0.012258	-0.057406	-0.990881	-0.008835	-0.016128	-0.007147	152336.000000	0.000000	0.019408	0.002975	0.543164	-0.761826	1.718634	87437.929688	5288.619141	751543.000000	0.010933	0.056609	-2.198815	0.223060	-0.011605	-0.859226	0.051688	0.065580	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	157624.000000	157624.000000
-357.385834	0.008352	-0.053744	-0.990393	-0.008835	-0.016128	-0.006083	152336.000000	0.000000	0.019408	0.002975	0.134133	-0.799463	1.718634	-44293.281250	-7776.138184	751079.562500	0.010806	0.056517	-2.198815	0.223060	-0.011605	-0.859226	0.051688	0.065580	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160112.000000	160112.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.390839	0.005422	-0.051059	-0.988195	-0.005642	-0.014000	-0.007147	152336.000000	0.000000	0.009736	0.002168	-0.393286	-0.840573	1.718626	-59971.609375	-8712.066406	751539.812500	0.010633	0.056391	-2.198812	0.223072	-0.011603	-0.859239	0.051119	0.065156	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161048.000000	161048.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.395844	0.002736	-0.048617	-0.985510	-0.002450	-0.009743	-0.007147	152336.000000	0.000000	0.009736	0.002168	-0.002302	-0.804854	1.718626	42557.187500	-114.562119	751539.812500	0.010430	0.056237	-2.198812	0.223072	-0.011603	-0.859239	0.051119	0.065156	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	152221.000000	152221.000000
-357.400848	0.000295	-0.046908	-0.983068	0.003936	-0.003358	-0.008211	152327.000000	0.000000	0.009736	0.002168	0.001504	-0.802654	1.718626	-261.205078	-4170.588379	752003.250000	0.010213	0.056085	-2.198812	0.223072	-0.011603	-0.859239	0.051119	0.065156	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126758.000000	186236.000000	178417.000000	117895.000000
-357.405853	-0.001170	-0.046420	-0.981359	0.011385	0.004092	-0.008211	152327.000000	0.000000	0.009736	0.002168	0.004152	-0.802092	1.718626	-527.691956	-4499.339355	752003.250000	0.010007	0.055964	-2.198812	0.223072	-0.011603	-0.859239	0.051119	0.065156	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127354.000000	186298.000000	178355.000000	117299.000000
-357.410858	-0.001658	-0.044955	-0.979650	0.018835	0.012606	-0.009276	152327.000000	0.000000	0.009736	0.002168	0.005256	-0.800868	1.718626	-848.601257	-4455.085449	752466.687500	0.009838	0.055853	-2.198812	0.223072	-0.011603	-0.859239	0.051119	0.065156	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127630.000000	185933.000000	178720.000000	117023.000000
-357.415863	-0.001170	-0.044955	-0.977453	0.027349	0.022184	-0.008211	152327.000000	0.000000	0.009736	0.002168	0.004509	-0.801748	1.718626	-1216.552246	-4846.805664	752003.250000	0.009728	0.055789	-2.198812	0.223072	-0.011603	-0.859239	0.051119	0.065156	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128390.000000	185957.000000	178696.000000	116263.000000
-357.420868	-0.001170	-0.044955	-0.976232	0.035863	0.031762	-0.008211	152327.000000	0.000000	0.009736	0.002168	0.003460	-0.803216	1.718626	-1298.681763	-4957.266602	752003.250000	0.009667	0.055769	-2.198812	0.223072	-0.011603	-0.859239	0.051119	0.065156	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128582.000000	185985.000000	178668.000000	116071.000000
-357.425873	-0.000193	-0.045443	-0.975256	0.044376	0.040276	-0.008211	152390.000000	0.000000	0.009525	0.002118	-0.010646	-0.808597	1.718386	-2721.500000	-5451.558594	751898.750000	0.009669	0.055802	-2.198720	0.223009	-0.011583	-0.859283	0.051214	0.065160	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130563.000000	185120.000000	179659.000000	114216.000000
-357.430878	0.000783	-0.046664	-0.975256	0.052890	0.048789	-0.008211	152390.000000	0.000000	0.018888	0.002798	0.509143	-0.773338	1.718056	58335.394531	-859.839783	751754.875000	0.009733	0.055902	-2.198592	0.222821	-0.011506	-0.859305	0.053010	0.066073	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151530.000000	151530.000000
-357.435883	0.002248	-0.048129	-0.976477	0.060340	0.057303	-0.008211	152390.000000	0.000000	0.018888	0.002798	0.129960	-0.805488	1.718056	-42295.371094	-8337.050781	751754.875000	0.009867	0.056064	-2.198592	0.222821	-0.011506	-0.859305	0.053010	0.066073	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160727.000000	160727.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.440887	0.004201	-0.049838	-0.977697	0.066725	0.063688	-0.008211	152390.000000	0.000000	0.018888	0.002798	0.124187	-0.811318	1.718056	-1058.509521	-5382.111328	751754.875000	0.010069	0.056288	-2.198592	0.222821	-0.011506	-0.859305	0.053010	0.066073	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128830.000000	186713.000000	178066.000000	115949.000000
-357.445892	0.006398	-0.052279	-0.979895	0.073110	0.070074	-0.009276	152397.000000	0.000000	0.018888	0.002798	0.117187	-0.818760	1.718056	-1255.081543	-5622.973145	752218.312500	0.010344	0.056587	-2.198592	0.222821	-0.011506	-0.859305	0.053010	0.066073	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129275.000000	186764.000000	178029.000000	115518.000000
-357.450897	0.008596	-0.054477	-0.982580	0.077367	0.075395	-0.009276	152397.000000	0.000000	0.018888	0.002798	0.109504	-0.826346	1.718056	-1273.013184	-5459.285645	752218.312500	0.010683	0.056942	-2.198592	0.222821	-0.011506	-0.859305	0.053010	0.066073	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129129.000000	186583.000000	178210.000000	115664.000000
-357.455902	0.010549	-0.055941	-0.985021	0.081624	0.079652	-0.008211	152397.000000	0.000000	0.018888	0.002798	0.101505	-0.833908	1.718056	-1247.119507	-5511.084473	751754.875000	0.011075	0.057337	-2.198592	0.222821	-0.011506	-0.859305	0.053010	0.066073	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129155.000000	186660.000000	178133.000000	115638.000000
-357.460907	0.012014	-0.057650	-0.986975	0.084817	0.082845	-0.008211	152397.000000	0.000000	0.009217	0.001983	-0.438180	-0.886828	1.717656	-62089.312500	-10639.452148	751580.750000	0.011505	0.057773	-2.198439	0.222645	-0.011437	-0.859245	0.054516	0.067049	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163036.000000	163036.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.465912	0.012990	-0.059359	-0.988195	0.085881	0.083909	-0.007147	152399.000000	0.000000	0.015131	0.002771	0.266418	-0.819141	1.719528	78197.312500	3162.525635	751932.562500	0.011950	0.058238	-2.199159	0.223083	-0.011581	-0.859166	0.056876	0.069474	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155561.000000	155561.000000
-357.470917	0.013967	-0.060336	-0.989416	0.086945	0.086037	-0.007147	152399.000000	0.000000	0.008767	0.001878	-0.327836	-0.907471	1.718549	-67479.726562	-14403.784180	751506.312500	0.012416	0.058717	-2.198782	0.222745	-0.011472	-0.859138	0.058131	0.070401	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166802.000000	166802.000000	197995.000000	100000.000000
-357.475922	0.015188	-0.061068	-0.989904	0.086945	0.086037	-0.007147	152399.000000	0.000000	0.008767	0.001878	-0.081179	-0.879202	1.718549	26352.257812	-1335.903320	751506.312500	0.012897	0.059201	-2.198782	0.222745	-0.011472	-0.859138	0.058131	0.070401	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154710.000000	147415.000000
-357.480927	0.015676	-0.061801	-0.989660	0.085881	0.086037	-0.006083	152399.000000	0.000000	0.008767	0.001878	-0.088392	-0.886470	1.718549	-1595.693970	-5155.149902	751042.875000	0.013378	0.059685	-2.198782	0.222745	-0.011472	-0.859138	0.058131	0.070401	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129149.000000	185958.000000	178839.000000	115648.000000
-357.485931	0.016652	-0.062289	-0.988684	0.084817	0.083909	-0.006083	152399.000000	0.000000	0.008767	0.001878	-0.095606	-0.893518	1.718549	-1384.885864	-5158.293457	751042.875000	0.013858	0.060165	-2.198782	0.222745	-0.011472	-0.859138	0.058131	0.070401	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128942.000000	186172.000000	178625.000000	115855.000000
-357.490936	0.017629	-0.062533	-0.987463	0.082688	0.082845	-0.006083	152397.000000	0.000000	0.008767	0.001878	-0.103113	-0.899974	1.718549	-1563.826782	-4996.075195	751042.875000	0.014345	0.060632	-2.198782	0.222745	-0.011472	-0.859138	0.058131	0.070401	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128956.000000	185829.000000	178964.000000	115837.000000
-357.495941	0.018850	-0.062533	-0.986242	0.081624	0.080716	-0.006083	152397.000000	0.000000	0.008767	0.001878	-0.110682	-0.906257	1.718549	-1478.675781	-5118.069824	751042.875000	0.014836	0.061086	-2.198782	0.222745	-0.011472	-0.859138	0.058131	0.070401	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128993.000000	186036.000000	178757.000000	115800.000000
-357.500946	0.019826	-0.063021	-0.985266	0.079496	0.079652	-0.006083	152397.000000	0.000000	0.008767	0.001878	-0.118332	-0.912597	1.718549	-1635.010376	-5026.855469	751042.875000	0.015332	0.061531	-2.198782	0.222745	-0.011472	-0.859138	0.058131	0.070401	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129058.000000	185788.000000	179005.000000	115735.000000
-357.505951	0.021291	-0.063510	-0.983801	0.078432	0.077523	-0.006083	152397.000000	0.000000	0.009290	0.002125	-0.097535	-0.905535	1.718080	1715.484619	-3632.680908	750838.250000	0.015839	0.061973	-2.198601	0.222578	-0.011444	-0.859123	0.059186	0.071048	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124314.000000	187745.000000	177048.000000	120479.000000
-357.510956	0.022023	-0.063998	-0.982336	0.076303	0.076459	-0.006083	152400.000000	0.000000	0.018367	0.002605	0.372977	-0.895274	1.715507	53216.683594	-3106.994141	749717.937500	0.016345	0.062409	-2.197612	0.221634	-0.011089	-0.859167	0.062229	0.074374	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	149293.000000	149293.000000
-357.515961	0.022756	-0.064486	-0.981848	0.075239	0.075395	-0.006083	152400.000000	0.000000	0.018367	0.002605	0.002486	-0.920803	1.715507	-40956.144531	-7271.843262	749717.937500	0.016852	0.062841	-2.197612	0.221634	-0.011089	-0.859167	0.062229	0.074374	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159671.000000	159671.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.520966	0.023244	-0.065463	-0.980383	0.074175	0.074331	-0.006083	152400.000000	0.000000	0.009038	0.001881	-0.517829	-0.967515	1.714853	-59830.097656	-9812.007812	749433.187500	0.017353	0.063280	-2.197361	0.221377	-0.010978	-0.859154	0.062946	0.075017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162212.000000	162212.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.525970	0.024709	-0.066439	-0.979650	0.073110	0.072202	-0.007147	152400.000000	0.000000	0.009038	0.001881	-0.152846	-0.945535	1.714853	39330.968750	-2151.843750	749896.625000	0.017865	0.063727	-2.197361	0.221377	-0.010978	-0.859154	0.062946	0.075017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150248.000000	150248.000000
-357.530975	0.025686	-0.067172	-0.978918	0.072046	0.071138	-0.007147	152322.000000	0.000000	0.009038	0.001881	-0.160784	-0.952325	1.714853	-1822.638672	-5341.793457	749896.625000	0.018381	0.064175	-2.197361	0.221377	-0.010978	-0.859154	0.062946	0.075017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129486.000000	185841.000000	178802.000000	115157.000000
-357.535980	0.026418	-0.069125	-0.978674	0.069918	0.069010	-0.007147	152322.000000	0.000000	0.009038	0.001881	-0.168213	-0.960181	1.714853	-1674.212158	-5368.266113	749896.625000	0.018891	0.064644	-2.197361	0.221377	-0.010978	-0.859154	0.062946	0.075017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129364.000000	186016.000000	178627.000000	115279.000000
-357.540985	0.027395	-0.070834	-0.978918	0.067789	0.066881	-0.008211	152322.000000	0.000000	0.009038	0.001881	-0.175839	-0.968004	1.714853	-1721.080444	-5390.994141	750360.062500	0.019401	0.065127	-2.197361	0.221377	-0.010978	-0.859154	0.062946	0.075017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129434.000000	185991.000000	178652.000000	115209.000000
-357.545990	0.028371	-0.072787	-0.978430	0.065661	0.063688	-0.007147	152322.000000	0.000000	0.009038	0.001881	-0.183155	-0.976370	1.714853	-1588.979126	-5479.257324	749896.625000	0.019905	0.065630	-2.197361	0.221377	-0.010978	-0.859154	0.062946	0.075017	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129390.000000	186212.000000	178431.000000	115253.000000
-357.550995	0.029592	-0.074008	-0.979895	0.062468	0.060496	-0.007147	152322.000000	0.000000	0.009298	0.002061	-0.176353	-0.973843	1.714380	9.493792	-4138.182129	749690.625000	0.020407	0.066130	-2.197179	0.221201	-0.010925	-0.859139	0.063436	0.076041	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126450.000000	186469.000000	178174.000000	118193.000000
-357.556000	0.031057	-0.075229	-0.980627	0.059276	0.057303	-0.007147	152395.000000	0.000000	0.014184	0.002419	0.074267	-0.968761	1.713717	27991.769531	-3818.878662	749402.062500	0.020913	0.066629	-2.196924	0.220895	-0.010793	-0.859056	0.063320	0.078085	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150584.000000	146567.000000
-357.561005	0.031545	-0.075961	-0.982336	0.055019	0.053046	-0.007147	152395.000000	0.000000	0.010007	0.002314	-0.357194	-0.995263	1.713919	-48860.718750	-7277.277344	749489.812500	0.021397	0.067108	-2.197001	0.220947	-0.010821	-0.859054	0.065223	0.077574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159672.000000	159672.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.566010	0.031545	-0.076937	-0.983557	0.051826	0.048789	-0.007147	152395.000000	0.000000	0.010007	0.002314	-0.195712	-0.997858	1.713919	17099.277344	-4762.897949	749489.812500	0.021849	0.067580	-2.197001	0.220947	-0.010821	-0.859054	0.065223	0.077574	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	110058.000000	200000.000000	160532.000000	134731.000000
-357.571014	0.031545	-0.077670	-0.984777	0.047569	0.044532	-0.007147	152395.000000	0.000000	0.010028	0.002246	-0.199662	-1.007745	1.714220	-1089.603760	-5473.524902	749621.000000	0.022271	0.068034	-2.197117	0.220999	-0.010824	-0.859041	0.066221	0.077459	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128958.000000	186778.000000	178011.000000	115831.000000
-357.576019	0.031301	-0.078158	-0.986242	0.043312	0.039211	-0.007147	152400.000000	0.000000	0.010028	0.002246	-0.204603	-1.010586	1.714220	-1079.677979	-4692.165039	749621.000000	0.022652	0.068466	-2.197117	0.220999	-0.010824	-0.859041	0.066221	0.077459	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128171.000000	186012.000000	178787.000000	116628.000000
-357.581024	0.031057	-0.078402	-0.986486	0.037991	0.033890	-0.006083	152400.000000	0.000000	0.010028	0.002246	-0.208173	-1.015410	1.714220	-920.928894	-4791.009277	749157.562500	0.022994	0.068868	-2.197117	0.220999	-0.010824	-0.859041	0.066221	0.077459	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128111.000000	186270.000000	178529.000000	116688.000000
-357.586029	0.030324	-0.077670	-0.987707	0.033734	0.029633	-0.005019	152400.000000	0.000000	0.010028	0.002246	-0.210913	-1.018939	1.714220	-939.738831	-4762.214355	748694.062500	0.023293	0.069225	-2.197117	0.220999	-0.010824	-0.859041	0.066221	0.077459	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128101.000000	186222.000000	178577.000000	116698.000000
-357.591034	0.030324	-0.077670	-0.987951	0.028413	0.024312	-0.005019	152400.000000	0.000000	0.010028	0.002246	-0.213626	-1.022435	1.714220	-807.720520	-4633.259277	748694.062500	0.023559	0.069548	-2.197117	0.220999	-0.010824	-0.859041	0.066221	0.077459	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127840.000000	186225.000000	178574.000000	116959.000000
-357.596039	0.030324	-0.077914	-0.988195	0.025220	0.020055	-0.005019	152400.000000	0.000000	0.010028	0.002246	-0.216177	-1.026308	1.714220	-899.174622	-4911.867188	748694.062500	0.023800	0.069853	-2.197117	0.220999	-0.010824	-0.859041	0.066221	0.077459	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128211.000000	186412.000000	178387.000000	116588.000000
-357.601044	0.029592	-0.077426	-0.987707	0.020963	0.015798	-0.005019	152395.000000	0.000000	0.010028	0.002246	-0.217578	-1.028905	1.714220	-759.464294	-4646.856934	748694.062500	0.024000	0.070122	-2.197117	0.220999	-0.010824	-0.859041	0.066221	0.077459	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127801.000000	186282.000000	178507.000000	116988.000000
-357.606049	0.028615	-0.077182	-0.987463	0.017771	0.012606	-0.006083	152395.000000	0.000000	0.010090	0.002309	-0.215044	-1.028065	1.714494	-417.422424	-4367.319336	749276.875000	0.024161	0.070365	-2.197222	0.221066	-0.010846	-0.859010	0.066665	0.077855	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127179.000000	186344.000000	178445.000000	117610.000000
-357.611053	0.027883	-0.075961	-0.986730	0.015642	0.009413	-0.007147	152395.000000	0.000000	0.019419	0.002990	0.294811	-0.994626	1.713803	57725.582031	-736.336853	749439.312500	0.024290	0.070570	-2.196957	0.220835	-0.010754	-0.858983	0.066998	0.078123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	151658.000000	151658.000000
-357.616058	0.026418	-0.074496	-0.985510	0.012450	0.006220	-0.007147	152395.000000	0.000000	0.019419	0.002990	-0.077545	-1.022342	1.713803	-40985.164062	-7457.166016	749439.312500	0.024371	0.070727	-2.196957	0.220835	-0.010754	-0.858983	0.066998	0.078123	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	159852.000000	159852.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.621063	0.025686	-0.072787	-0.985021	0.010321	0.004092	-0.008211	152333.000000	0.000000	0.010165	0.002368	-0.586225	-1.056288	1.714025	-58424.968750	-8405.624023	749999.687500	0.024427	0.070837	-2.197042	0.220916	-0.010792	-0.859008	0.066863	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160738.000000	160738.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.626068	0.024709	-0.072299	-0.984777	0.008193	0.000899	-0.008211	152333.000000	0.000000	0.010165	0.002368	-0.214973	-1.031850	1.714025	40187.656250	-1862.474609	749999.687500	0.024446	0.070925	-2.197042	0.220916	-0.010792	-0.859008	0.066863	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150470.000000	150470.000000
-357.631073	0.024465	-0.072299	-0.984289	0.006064	-0.001229	-0.008211	152333.000000	0.000000	0.010165	0.002368	-0.214408	-1.032534	1.714025	-684.433838	-4618.727539	749999.687500	0.024450	0.071001	-2.197042	0.220916	-0.010792	-0.859008	0.066863	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127636.000000	186267.000000	178398.000000	117029.000000
-357.636078	0.024465	-0.072543	-0.984045	0.005000	-0.002294	-0.008211	152333.000000	0.000000	0.010165	0.002368	-0.214178	-1.033598	1.714025	-832.393738	-4777.446777	749999.687500	0.024448	0.071076	-2.197042	0.220916	-0.010792	-0.859008	0.066863	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127942.000000	186278.000000	178387.000000	116723.000000
-357.641083	0.025197	-0.072543	-0.983801	0.003936	-0.004422	-0.008211	152338.000000	0.000000	0.010165	0.002368	-0.214407	-1.034367	1.714025	-757.049255	-4743.831543	749999.687500	0.024451	0.071144	-2.197042	0.220916	-0.010792	-0.859008	0.066863	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127838.000000	186324.000000	178351.000000	116837.000000
-357.646088	0.026174	-0.072787	-0.983801	0.002872	-0.005486	-0.009276	152338.000000	0.000000	0.010165	0.002368	-0.215270	-1.035293	1.714025	-942.975525	-4760.260742	750463.125000	0.024469	0.071211	-2.197042	0.220916	-0.010792	-0.859008	0.066863	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128041.000000	186155.000000	178520.000000	116634.000000
-357.651093	0.027150	-0.073275	-0.984045	0.001807	-0.006550	-0.009276	152338.000000	0.000000	0.010165	0.002368	-0.216313	-1.036451	1.714025	-962.482971	-4786.284668	750463.125000	0.024501	0.071280	-2.197042	0.220916	-0.010792	-0.859008	0.066863	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128086.000000	186161.000000	178514.000000	116589.000000
-357.656097	0.028127	-0.073275	-0.984289	0.000743	-0.007615	-0.009276	152338.000000	0.000000	0.010165	0.002368	-0.217551	-1.037106	1.714025	-984.854980	-4729.151367	750463.125000	0.024547	0.071342	-2.197042	0.220916	-0.010792	-0.859008	0.066863	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128052.000000	186082.000000	178593.000000	116623.000000
-357.661102	0.028859	-0.073764	-0.984533	-0.000321	-0.009743	-0.009276	152338.000000	0.000000	0.015153	0.002819	0.055855	-1.013428	1.714655	30604.447266	-1939.159912	750737.125000	0.024596	0.071408	-2.197284	0.221120	-0.010877	-0.859012	0.066795	0.077732	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150398.000000	150398.000000
-357.666107	0.029348	-0.073275	-0.984289	-0.002450	-0.011872	-0.008211	152346.000000	0.000000	0.015117	0.002804	-0.146246	-1.032107	1.715141	-22610.689453	-6556.641602	750485.312500	0.024643	0.071452	-2.197471	0.221275	-0.010943	-0.859006	0.066733	0.077844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	151513.000000	166291.000000	198400.000000	100000.000000
-357.671112	0.028859	-0.072787	-0.983801	-0.004578	-0.014000	-0.008211	152346.000000	0.000000	0.015117	0.002804	-0.144355	-1.031034	1.715141	-157.697647	-4369.635254	750485.312500	0.024670	0.071476	-2.197471	0.221275	-0.010943	-0.859006	0.066733	0.077844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126873.000000	186557.000000	178134.000000	117818.000000
-357.676117	0.028615	-0.072543	-0.983801	-0.006706	-0.017193	-0.007147	152346.000000	0.000000	0.015117	0.002804	-0.143573	-1.030526	1.715141	-144.315475	-4419.679199	750021.875000	0.024675	0.071484	-2.197471	0.221275	-0.010943	-0.859006	0.066733	0.077844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126909.000000	186621.000000	178070.000000	117782.000000
-357.681122	0.028615	-0.071322	-0.983068	-0.009899	-0.019321	-0.007147	152346.000000	0.000000	0.015117	0.002804	-0.143098	-1.028479	1.715141	-283.035706	-4109.329590	750021.875000	0.024670	0.071453	-2.197471	0.221275	-0.010943	-0.859006	0.066733	0.077844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126738.000000	186172.000000	178519.000000	117953.000000
-357.686127	0.028615	-0.071078	-0.983068	-0.012028	-0.021450	-0.007147	152397.000000	0.000000	0.015117	0.002804	-0.142457	-1.027196	1.715141	-252.106430	-4294.771973	750021.875000	0.024654	0.071406	-2.197471	0.221275	-0.010943	-0.859006	0.066733	0.077844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126943.000000	186439.000000	178354.000000	117850.000000
-357.691132	0.028615	-0.070346	-0.982580	-0.014156	-0.023578	-0.007147	152397.000000	0.000000	0.015117	0.002804	-0.141689	-1.025204	1.715141	-224.908066	-4197.734863	750021.875000	0.024629	0.071337	-2.197471	0.221275	-0.010943	-0.859006	0.066733	0.077844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126819.000000	186369.000000	178424.000000	117974.000000
-357.696136	0.028371	-0.069613	-0.982336	-0.016285	-0.025706	-0.007147	152397.000000	0.000000	0.009612	0.002160	-0.443193	-1.058270	1.714695	-34838.550781	-8194.923828	749827.750000	0.024590	0.071243	-2.197300	0.221154	-0.010905	-0.859013	0.066888	0.078238	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160591.000000	160591.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.701141	0.026906	-0.068637	-0.982580	-0.017349	-0.026771	-0.007147	152397.000000	0.000000	0.020072	0.003242	0.354553	-0.970331	1.715094	89588.085938	5402.746582	750001.625000	0.024516	0.071127	-2.197453	0.221317	-0.010969	-0.859059	0.065561	0.077629	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	157799.000000	157799.000000
-357.706146	0.025686	-0.068393	-0.981848	-0.018413	-0.027835	-0.007147	152397.000000	0.000000	0.020072	0.003242	-0.061041	-1.011481	1.715094	-45732.765625	-8975.726562	750001.625000	0.024413	0.071003	-2.197453	0.221317	-0.010969	-0.859059	0.065561	0.077629	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161372.000000	161372.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.711151	0.024221	-0.067660	-0.981604	-0.018413	-0.027835	-0.007147	152397.000000	0.000000	0.009923	0.002251	-0.616044	-1.063480	1.714970	-63731.648438	-10524.986328	749947.375000	0.024284	0.070868	-2.197405	0.221288	-0.010956	-0.859034	0.064471	0.077979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162921.000000	162921.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.716156	0.023244	-0.067172	-0.980871	-0.018413	-0.027835	-0.007147	152397.000000	0.000000	0.009923	0.002251	-0.207360	-1.021472	1.714970	44111.378906	4.978877	749947.375000	0.024137	0.070726	-2.197405	0.221288	-0.010956	-0.859034	0.064471	0.077979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	152401.000000	152401.000000
-357.721161	0.022756	-0.066928	-0.980871	-0.017349	-0.026771	-0.007147	152397.000000	0.000000	0.009923	0.002251	-0.205064	-1.019521	1.714970	-684.628357	-4512.420898	749947.375000	0.023989	0.070588	-2.197405	0.221288	-0.010956	-0.859034	0.064471	0.077979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127594.000000	186224.000000	178569.000000	117199.000000
-357.726166	0.021779	-0.066439	-0.980139	-0.016285	-0.025706	-0.007147	152397.000000	0.000000	0.009923	0.002251	-0.202215	-1.017395	1.714970	-615.659973	-4488.411133	749947.375000	0.023829	0.070448	-2.197405	0.221288	-0.010956	-0.859034	0.064471	0.077979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127501.000000	186269.000000	178524.000000	117292.000000
-357.731171	0.021779	-0.066928	-0.980383	-0.014156	-0.024642	-0.006083	152333.000000	0.000000	0.009923	0.002251	-0.200254	-1.016567	1.714970	-709.244385	-4754.097656	749483.937500	0.023678	0.070332	-2.197405	0.221288	-0.010956	-0.859034	0.064471	0.077979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127796.000000	186377.000000	178288.000000	116869.000000
-357.736176	0.022268	-0.067172	-0.980871	-0.013092	-0.022514	-0.005019	152333.000000	0.000000	0.009923	0.002251	-0.199230	-1.015479	1.714970	-934.290649	-4608.374512	749020.437500	0.023549	0.070228	-2.197405	0.221288	-0.010956	-0.859034	0.064471	0.077979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127875.000000	186007.000000	178658.000000	116790.000000
-357.741180	0.023000	-0.067416	-0.980383	-0.012028	-0.021450	-0.005019	152333.000000	0.000000	0.009923	0.002251	-0.198553	-1.014624	1.714970	-857.333313	-4634.875977	749020.437500	0.023442	0.070136	-2.197405	0.221288	-0.010956	-0.859034	0.064471	0.077979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127825.000000	186110.000000	178555.000000	116840.000000
-357.746185	0.023732	-0.067904	-0.980871	-0.010963	-0.020385	-0.005019	152333.000000	0.000000	0.009900	0.002233	-0.199405	-1.015136	1.714805	-1034.212402	-4792.620117	748948.625000	0.023358	0.070061	-2.197342	0.221246	-0.010936	-0.859048	0.063892	0.078433	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128159.000000	186091.000000	178574.000000	116506.000000
-357.751190	0.024221	-0.069125	-0.981359	-0.010963	-0.019321	-0.005019	152408.000000	0.000000	0.019842	0.003154	0.348594	-0.964028	1.714043	61843.257812	1236.703247	748617.187500	0.023291	0.070011	-2.197049	0.221032	-0.010859	-0.859062	0.062944	0.078358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153644.000000	153644.000000
-357.756195	0.023977	-0.070346	-0.981604	-0.010963	-0.019321	-0.005019	152408.000000	0.000000	0.019842	0.003154	-0.047797	-1.001525	1.714043	-43725.332031	-8680.428711	748617.187500	0.023219	0.069987	-2.197049	0.221032	-0.010859	-0.859062	0.062944	0.078358	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161088.000000	161088.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.761200	0.024221	-0.071322	-0.981848	-0.012028	-0.020385	-0.005019	152408.000000	0.000000	0.010626	0.002432	-0.553604	-1.041691	1.714730	-57963.367188	-9036.771484	748916.000000	0.023149	0.069977	-2.197313	0.221221	-0.010901	-0.859091	0.062779	0.078504	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161444.000000	161444.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.766205	0.025441	-0.071811	-0.981604	-0.012028	-0.021450	-0.005019	152408.000000	0.000000	0.010626	0.002432	-0.185131	-1.013230	1.714730	39879.890625	-1476.097778	748916.000000	0.023100	0.069978	-2.197313	0.221221	-0.010901	-0.859091	0.062779	0.078504	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150931.000000	150931.000000
-357.771210	0.026662	-0.071811	-0.983312	-0.014156	-0.022514	-0.005019	152408.000000	0.000000	0.010626	0.002432	-0.185471	-1.012525	1.714730	-670.003357	-4280.981445	748916.000000	0.023070	0.069966	-2.197313	0.221221	-0.010901	-0.859091	0.062779	0.078504	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127358.000000	186018.000000	178797.000000	117457.000000
-357.776215	0.027150	-0.072543	-0.984289	-0.016285	-0.024642	-0.003954	152413.000000	0.000000	0.010626	0.002432	-0.184980	-1.012521	1.714730	-449.450745	-4348.145020	748452.562500	0.023040	0.069957	-2.197313	0.221221	-0.010901	-0.859091	0.062779	0.078504	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127210.000000	186311.000000	178514.000000	117615.000000
-357.781219	0.026906	-0.073275	-0.984533	-0.018413	-0.026771	-0.003954	152413.000000	0.000000	0.010626	0.002432	-0.183704	-1.012616	1.714730	-347.468292	-4349.744629	748452.562500	0.022994	0.069952	-2.197313	0.221221	-0.010901	-0.859091	0.062779	0.078504	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127110.000000	186415.000000	178410.000000	117715.000000
-357.786224	0.026662	-0.073275	-0.985021	-0.020541	-0.028899	-0.002890	152413.000000	0.000000	0.010626	0.002432	-0.182193	-1.011941	1.714730	-305.022461	-4252.140137	747989.062500	0.022934	0.069936	-2.197313	0.221221	-0.010901	-0.859091	0.062779	0.078504	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126970.000000	186360.000000	178465.000000	117855.000000
-357.791229	0.025686	-0.072055	-0.985998	-0.022670	-0.031028	-0.002890	152413.000000	0.000000	0.009933	0.002274	-0.217789	-1.018376	1.714545	-4539.770020	-5053.933105	747908.625000	0.022844	0.069884	-2.197242	0.221174	-0.010889	-0.859070	0.062521	0.078608	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132006.000000	182927.000000	181898.000000	112819.000000
-357.796234	0.025197	-0.071078	-0.986975	-0.023734	-0.032092	-0.001826	152405.000000	0.000000	0.015443	0.002926	0.115051	-0.974087	1.715022	37398.972656	616.279785	747653.062500	0.022740	0.069807	-2.197426	0.221367	-0.010971	-0.859138	0.063557	0.077171	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153021.000000	153021.000000
-357.801239	0.024221	-0.070102	-0.986730	-0.024798	-0.033156	-0.001826	152405.000000	0.000000	0.010300	0.002384	-0.385314	-1.027500	1.715154	-56532.101562	-10369.663086	747710.312500	0.022613	0.069707	-2.197476	0.221429	-0.010991	-0.859160	0.063822	0.076630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162774.000000	162774.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.806244	0.023000	-0.068393	-0.985998	-0.025863	-0.032092	-0.001826	152405.000000	0.000000	0.010300	0.002384	-0.176824	-1.002331	1.715154	22141.994141	-1607.221191	747710.312500	0.022470	0.069571	-2.197476	0.221429	-0.010991	-0.859160	0.063822	0.076630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101870.000000	200000.000000	158655.000000	142939.000000
-357.811249	0.022023	-0.066928	-0.983801	-0.024798	-0.031028	-0.001826	152405.000000	0.000000	0.010300	0.002384	-0.174090	-0.999260	1.715154	-474.482605	-4261.923340	747710.312500	0.022316	0.069415	-2.197476	0.221429	-0.010991	-0.859160	0.063822	0.076630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127141.000000	186192.000000	178617.000000	117668.000000
-357.816254	0.020314	-0.065463	-0.983068	-0.021606	-0.028899	-0.001826	152405.000000	0.000000	0.010300	0.002384	-0.170637	-0.996391	1.715154	-506.348053	-4519.593750	747710.312500	0.022141	0.069250	-2.197476	0.221429	-0.010991	-0.859160	0.063822	0.076630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127430.000000	186418.000000	178391.000000	117379.000000
-357.821259	0.018850	-0.064486	-0.982336	-0.018413	-0.025706	-0.001826	152407.000000	0.000000	0.010300	0.002384	-0.167450	-0.993927	1.715154	-652.609436	-4567.466797	747710.312500	0.021956	0.069085	-2.197476	0.221429	-0.010991	-0.859160	0.063822	0.076630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127627.000000	186321.000000	178492.000000	117186.000000
-357.826263	0.016896	-0.063266	-0.982824	-0.014156	-0.020385	-0.001826	152407.000000	0.000000	0.010300	0.002384	-0.164120	-0.991393	1.715154	-880.161438	-4684.729980	747710.312500	0.021761	0.068919	-2.197476	0.221429	-0.010991	-0.859160	0.063822	0.076630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127971.000000	186211.000000	178602.000000	116842.000000
-357.831268	0.014943	-0.062045	-0.982336	-0.009899	-0.015064	-0.001826	152407.000000	0.000000	0.010300	0.002384	-0.160668	-0.988912	1.715154	-875.289978	-4698.711426	747710.312500	0.021557	0.068754	-2.197476	0.221429	-0.010991	-0.859160	0.063822	0.076630	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127981.000000	186230.000000	178583.000000	116832.000000
-357.836273	0.013479	-0.060824	-0.981359	-0.004578	-0.009743	-0.002890	152407.000000	0.000000	0.015341	0.002861	0.119511	-0.960507	1.715314	30816.843750	-1859.121826	748243.375000	0.021353	0.068594	-2.197538	0.221508	-0.011013	-0.859212	0.062732	0.076163	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150547.000000	150547.000000
-357.841278	0.013234	-0.059604	-0.980139	0.001807	-0.003358	-0.002890	152346.000000	0.000000	0.015238	0.002870	-0.086289	-0.977344	1.715144	-23712.542969	-7057.518555	748169.687500	0.021180	0.068445	-2.197473	0.221496	-0.011033	-0.859256	0.063074	0.075943	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	153116.000000	165690.000000	199001.000000	100000.000000
-357.846283	0.013234	-0.058627	-0.979162	0.008193	0.003028	-0.003954	152346.000000	0.000000	0.015238	0.002870	-0.081554	-0.976305	1.715144	-570.461731	-5116.537109	748633.125000	0.021042	0.068312	-2.197473	0.221496	-0.011033	-0.859256	0.063074	0.075943	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128032.000000	186892.000000	177799.000000	116659.000000
-357.851288	0.012990	-0.058627	-0.979650	0.014578	0.010477	-0.005019	152346.000000	0.000000	0.009589	0.002074	-0.392037	-1.019877	1.714617	-36817.171875	-10252.667969	748866.875000	0.020939	0.068212	-2.197270	0.221305	-0.010944	-0.859256	0.063157	0.075932	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162598.000000	162598.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.856293	0.012502	-0.058627	-0.980871	0.022028	0.017927	-0.005019	152346.000000	0.000000	0.009589	0.002074	-0.166121	-0.988610	1.714617	23179.861328	-2029.564697	748866.875000	0.020864	0.068149	-2.197270	0.221305	-0.010944	-0.859256	0.063157	0.075932	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	101195.000000	200000.000000	157136.000000	143496.000000
-357.861298	0.011525	-0.058383	-0.980871	0.029477	0.026441	-0.005019	152338.000000	0.000000	0.009589	0.002074	-0.166275	-0.989476	1.714617	-1839.759155	-5601.763184	748866.875000	0.020812	0.068119	-2.197270	0.221305	-0.010944	-0.859256	0.063157	0.075932	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129779.000000	186100.000000	178575.000000	114896.000000
-357.866302	0.011525	-0.057162	-0.980871	0.037991	0.033890	-0.005019	152338.000000	0.000000	0.009589	0.002074	-0.167560	-0.989994	1.714617	-1887.263306	-5722.037598	748866.875000	0.020798	0.068107	-2.197270	0.221305	-0.010944	-0.859256	0.063157	0.075932	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129947.000000	186172.000000	178503.000000	114728.000000
-357.871307	0.012014	-0.056674	-0.981115	0.045441	0.042404	-0.006083	152338.000000	0.000000	0.009589	0.002074	-0.170216	-0.991268	1.714617	-2206.228271	-5728.077637	749330.312500	0.020836	0.068121	-2.197270	0.221305	-0.010944	-0.859256	0.063157	0.075932	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130272.000000	185859.000000	178816.000000	114403.000000
-357.876312	0.012258	-0.056430	-0.981604	0.052890	0.049854	-0.007147	152338.000000	0.000000	0.009589	0.002074	-0.173032	-0.993166	1.714617	-2154.093750	-5839.689941	749793.750000	0.020915	0.068166	-2.197270	0.221305	-0.010944	-0.859256	0.063157	0.075932	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130331.000000	186023.000000	178652.000000	114344.000000
-357.881317	0.012746	-0.057406	-0.984045	0.059276	0.057303	-0.007147	152338.000000	0.000000	0.009589	0.002074	-0.176641	-0.996445	1.714617	-2292.055908	-5918.883301	749793.750000	0.021038	0.068258	-2.197270	0.221305	-0.010944	-0.859256	0.063157	0.075932	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130548.000000	185964.000000	178711.000000	114127.000000
-357.886322	0.013479	-0.059359	-0.985754	0.066725	0.064753	-0.007147	152335.000000	0.000000	0.020183	0.003259	0.401328	-0.936680	1.714089	64280.234375	1136.655518	749563.750000	0.021209	0.068423	-2.197067	0.221029	-0.010825	-0.859149	0.063975	0.078947	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153471.000000	153471.000000
-357.891327	0.014943	-0.061557	-0.985754	0.073110	0.072202	-0.007147	152335.000000	0.000000	0.010527	0.002509	-0.559181	-1.031723	1.714557	-109337.250000	-16234.879883	749767.562500	0.021443	0.068659	-2.197247	0.221141	-0.010877	-0.859175	0.066587	0.078590	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168569.000000	168569.000000	196100.000000	100000.000000
-357.896332	0.017385	-0.063266	-0.985998	0.079496	0.078588	-0.007147	152335.000000	0.000000	0.010527	0.002509	-0.180773	-1.008628	1.714557	39713.132812	-3167.970459	749767.562500	0.021753	0.068957	-2.197247	0.221141	-0.010877	-0.859175	0.066587	0.078590	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	149167.000000	149167.000000
-357.901337	0.018605	-0.064975	-0.986486	0.084817	0.084973	-0.006083	152335.000000	0.000000	0.009893	0.002240	-0.222965	-1.030843	1.714440	-6757.923340	-8159.795898	749253.125000	0.022112	0.069309	-2.197201	0.221036	-0.010837	-0.859164	0.068150	0.079173	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	137252.000000	183736.000000	180933.000000	107417.000000
-357.906342	0.019826	-0.066684	-0.986242	0.090138	0.091358	-0.006083	152340.000000	0.000000	0.009893	0.002240	-0.205693	-1.028338	1.714440	-169.346390	-5454.730957	749253.125000	0.022519	0.069714	-2.197201	0.221036	-0.010837	-0.859164	0.068150	0.079173	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127964.000000	187625.000000	177054.000000	116715.000000
-357.911346	0.020803	-0.068393	-0.986486	0.095459	0.096679	-0.006083	152340.000000	0.000000	0.009893	0.002240	-0.213868	-1.037290	1.714440	-2912.506348	-6779.975586	749253.125000	0.022964	0.070172	-2.197201	0.221036	-0.010837	-0.859164	0.068150	0.079173	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132032.000000	186207.000000	178472.000000	112647.000000
-357.916351	0.021291	-0.068637	-0.986486	0.101845	0.102001	-0.006083	152340.000000	0.000000	0.009893	0.002240	-0.222028	-1.045647	1.714440	-2972.934082	-6899.485840	749253.125000	0.023436	0.070657	-2.197201	0.221036	-0.010837	-0.859164	0.068150	0.079173	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132212.000000	186266.000000	178413.000000	112467.000000
-357.921356	0.022023	-0.069125	-0.984777	0.107166	0.108386	-0.007147	152340.000000	0.000000	0.009893	0.002240	-0.231183	-1.054491	1.714440	-3270.767334	-6901.209473	749716.562500	0.023946	0.071171	-2.197201	0.221036	-0.010837	-0.859164	0.068150	0.079173	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132511.000000	185970.000000	178709.000000	112168.000000
-357.926361	0.022512	-0.069125	-0.985021	0.111423	0.113707	-0.008211	152340.000000	0.000000	0.009893	0.002240	-0.240259	-1.062752	1.714440	-3211.202393	-6777.593262	750180.000000	0.024482	0.071694	-2.197201	0.221036	-0.010837	-0.859164	0.068150	0.079173	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132328.000000	185906.000000	178773.000000	112351.000000
-357.931366	0.022512	-0.069125	-0.984777	0.116744	0.117964	-0.009276	152407.000000	0.000000	0.009893	0.002240	-0.248875	-1.071477	1.714440	-3103.290771	-7010.597168	750643.437500	0.025028	0.072234	-2.197201	0.221036	-0.010837	-0.859164	0.068150	0.079173	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132520.000000	186314.000000	178499.000000	112293.000000
-357.936371	0.022756	-0.069125	-0.983801	0.121001	0.122221	-0.009276	152407.000000	0.000000	0.008899	0.001850	-0.312586	-1.101634	1.713242	-9475.092773	-9408.906250	750121.937500	0.025590	0.072785	-2.196741	0.220597	-0.010667	-0.859164	0.069618	0.079909	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	141290.000000	182340.000000	182473.000000	103523.000000
-357.941376	0.023488	-0.068881	-0.983312	0.125257	0.126478	-0.010340	152407.000000	0.000000	0.019923	0.003137	0.323517	-1.023842	1.711697	70381.679688	2799.835449	749912.625000	0.026177	0.073341	-2.196147	0.219877	-0.010361	-0.859154	0.075055	0.083890	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155206.000000	155206.000000
-357.946381	0.023732	-0.068881	-0.982580	0.128450	0.129670	-0.011404	152407.000000	0.000000	0.019923	0.003137	-0.126591	-1.083951	1.711697	-51031.898438	-12538.936523	750376.062500	0.026773	0.073903	-2.196147	0.219877	-0.010361	-0.859154	0.075055	0.083890	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164945.000000	164945.000000	199868.000000	100000.000000
-357.951385	0.025197	-0.069369	-0.981359	0.131643	0.132863	-0.011404	152407.000000	0.000000	0.011017	0.002650	-0.627154	-1.120054	1.712833	-58898.136719	-10079.407227	750870.937500	0.027403	0.074481	-2.196584	0.220134	-0.010454	-0.859127	0.076085	0.084796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162486.000000	162486.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.956390	0.026662	-0.071078	-0.980139	0.133771	0.136056	-0.011404	152407.000000	0.000000	0.011017	0.002650	-0.282282	-1.111179	1.712833	35645.394531	-4984.922852	750870.937500	0.028067	0.075094	-2.196584	0.220134	-0.010454	-0.859127	0.076085	0.084796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	147422.000000	147422.000000
-357.961395	0.028371	-0.073275	-0.978918	0.135900	0.138184	-0.011404	152407.000000	0.000000	0.011017	0.002650	-0.294025	-1.122827	1.712833	-3513.377930	-7305.019531	750870.937500	0.028763	0.075752	-2.196584	0.220134	-0.010454	-0.859127	0.076085	0.084796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133225.000000	186198.000000	178615.000000	111588.000000
-357.966400	0.030568	-0.074740	-0.976965	0.138028	0.139248	-0.011404	152407.000000	0.000000	0.011017	0.002650	-0.306511	-1.134343	1.712833	-3540.510498	-7353.112793	750870.937500	0.029496	0.076440	-2.196584	0.220134	-0.010454	-0.859127	0.076085	0.084796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133300.000000	186219.000000	178594.000000	111513.000000
-357.971405	0.033254	-0.076693	-0.977941	0.139092	0.139248	-0.011404	152410.000000	0.000000	0.011017	0.002650	-0.319672	-1.146280	1.712833	-3558.451416	-7342.559570	750870.937500	0.030269	0.077157	-2.196584	0.220134	-0.010454	-0.859127	0.076085	0.084796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133311.000000	186194.000000	178625.000000	111508.000000
-357.976410	0.035451	-0.078891	-0.979895	0.138028	0.139248	-0.010340	152410.000000	0.000000	0.011017	0.002650	-0.332764	-1.158243	1.712833	-3611.027832	-7161.475098	750407.437500	0.031069	0.077896	-2.196584	0.220134	-0.010454	-0.859127	0.076085	0.084796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	133182.000000	185960.000000	178859.000000	111637.000000
-357.981415	0.037648	-0.080844	-0.981359	0.135900	0.137120	-0.009276	152410.000000	0.000000	0.011017	0.002650	-0.345674	-1.169986	1.712833	-3406.567627	-7064.451660	749944.000000	0.031885	0.078647	-2.196584	0.220134	-0.010454	-0.859127	0.076085	0.084796	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132881.000000	186067.000000	178752.000000	111938.000000
-357.986420	0.039602	-0.083041	-0.982336	0.132707	0.134992	-0.008211	152410.000000	0.000000	0.015599	0.002949	-0.106631	-1.165497	1.713639	25406.796875	-5127.125977	749831.250000	0.032713	0.079410	-2.196893	0.220197	-0.010466	-0.859088	0.079183	0.087707	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	102130.000000	200000.000000	151876.000000	142689.000000
-357.991425	0.041555	-0.084750	-0.984045	0.128450	0.130735	-0.007147	152410.000000	0.000000	0.014829	0.002695	-0.344597	-1.202581	1.712608	-27884.308594	-9732.288086	748918.875000	0.033541	0.080169	-2.196497	0.219729	-0.010304	-0.859049	0.082066	0.089955	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160026.000000	164257.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-357.996429	0.043996	-0.087191	-0.985021	0.123129	0.124349	-0.006083	152419.000000	0.000000	0.014829	0.002695	-0.326240	-1.204158	1.712608	647.921875	-5693.855957	748455.375000	0.034370	0.080934	-2.196497	0.219729	-0.010304	-0.859049	0.082066	0.089955	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127464.000000	188760.000000	176077.000000	117373.000000
-358.001434	0.046438	-0.089145	-0.986242	0.116744	0.117964	-0.005019	152419.000000	0.000000	0.014829	0.002695	-0.338652	-1.215103	1.712608	-2763.140869	-6627.884277	747991.937500	0.035198	0.081689	-2.196497	0.219729	-0.010304	-0.859049	0.082066	0.089955	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131810.000000	186283.000000	178554.000000	113027.000000
-358.006439	0.048391	-0.091098	-0.987707	0.109294	0.109450	-0.005019	152419.000000	0.000000	0.014829	0.002695	-0.349951	-1.225588	1.712608	-2419.506836	-6474.145508	747991.937500	0.036006	0.082429	-2.196497	0.219729	-0.010304	-0.859049	0.082066	0.089955	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131312.000000	186473.000000	178364.000000	113525.000000
-358.011444	0.049611	-0.093295	-0.988195	0.101845	0.102001	-0.005019	152419.000000	0.000000	0.014829	0.002695	-0.360489	-1.236226	1.712608	-2466.996582	-6505.691895	747991.937500	0.036785	0.083160	-2.196497	0.219729	-0.010304	-0.859049	0.082066	0.089955	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131391.000000	186457.000000	178380.000000	113446.000000
-358.016449	0.051320	-0.094516	-0.987951	0.093331	0.092423	-0.005019	152418.000000	0.000000	0.014829	0.002695	-0.370640	-1.245454	1.712608	-2193.096436	-6236.978516	747991.937500	0.037536	0.083860	-2.196497	0.219729	-0.010304	-0.859049	0.082066	0.089955	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130848.000000	186461.000000	178374.000000	113987.000000
-358.021454	0.052053	-0.095492	-0.986730	0.084817	0.082845	-0.006083	152418.000000	0.000000	0.014829	0.002695	-0.379406	-1.254070	1.712608	-2037.104614	-6170.170410	748455.375000	0.038242	0.084526	-2.196497	0.219729	-0.010304	-0.859049	0.082066	0.089955	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130625.000000	186551.000000	178284.000000	114210.000000
-358.026459	0.052785	-0.096225	-0.986730	0.076303	0.074331	-0.006083	152418.000000	0.000000	0.009443	0.002131	-0.683845	-1.292857	1.711855	-36026.378906	-9626.839844	748127.437500	0.038906	0.085151	-2.196207	0.219449	-0.010219	-0.859027	0.083686	0.090804	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162044.000000	162044.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.031464	0.052785	-0.096225	-0.986486	0.067789	0.064753	-0.006083	152418.000000	0.000000	0.020228	0.003290	0.117805	-1.212978	1.710124	89443.507812	3827.825195	747374.000000	0.039511	0.085722	-2.195542	0.218800	-0.009979	-0.858959	0.086366	0.092979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156245.000000	156245.000000
-358.036469	0.051809	-0.095492	-0.985754	0.060340	0.056239	-0.007147	152418.000000	0.000000	0.020228	0.003290	-0.318532	-1.264505	1.710124	-48765.675781	-10940.912109	747837.437500	0.040044	0.086231	-2.195542	0.218800	-0.009979	-0.858959	0.086366	0.092979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163358.000000	163358.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.041473	0.050588	-0.095004	-0.985510	0.052890	0.048789	-0.007147	152400.000000	0.000000	0.020228	0.003290	-0.322601	-1.269069	1.710124	-1336.758667	-5763.680664	747837.437500	0.040505	0.086685	-2.195542	0.218800	-0.009979	-0.858959	0.086366	0.092979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129500.000000	186826.000000	177973.000000	115299.000000
-358.046478	0.049367	-0.094271	-0.984289	0.046505	0.042404	-0.007147	152400.000000	0.000000	0.020228	0.003290	-0.326021	-1.272975	1.710124	-1368.574097	-5796.884766	747837.437500	0.040903	0.087086	-2.195542	0.218800	-0.009979	-0.858959	0.086366	0.092979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129565.000000	186828.000000	177971.000000	115234.000000
-358.051483	0.048391	-0.093295	-0.982580	0.040119	0.036019	-0.007147	152400.000000	0.000000	0.020228	0.003290	-0.328848	-1.275923	1.710124	-1287.105469	-5675.849121	747837.437500	0.041243	0.087431	-2.195542	0.218800	-0.009979	-0.858959	0.086366	0.092979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129362.000000	186788.000000	178011.000000	115437.000000
-358.056488	0.048146	-0.092562	-0.980383	0.034798	0.029633	-0.007147	152400.000000	0.000000	0.020228	0.003290	-0.331720	-1.278699	1.710124	-1275.968018	-5762.293945	747837.437500	0.041543	0.087733	-2.195542	0.218800	-0.009979	-0.858959	0.086366	0.092979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129438.000000	186886.000000	177913.000000	115361.000000
-358.061493	0.048391	-0.092318	-0.979162	0.029477	0.024312	-0.007147	152409.000000	0.000000	0.020228	0.003290	-0.334801	-1.281305	1.710124	-1405.635864	-5731.069824	747837.437500	0.041818	0.087999	-2.195542	0.218800	-0.009979	-0.858959	0.086366	0.092979	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129545.000000	186734.000000	178083.000000	115272.000000
-358.066498	0.048879	-0.092807	-0.978186	0.024156	0.018991	-0.007147	152409.000000	0.000000	0.010625	0.002541	-0.865818	-1.325361	1.710503	-61873.500000	-10466.884766	748002.125000	0.042071	0.088246	-2.195687	0.218905	-0.010028	-0.858991	0.086416	0.093050	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162875.000000	162875.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.071503	0.049855	-0.093783	-0.977697	0.018835	0.013670	-0.006083	152409.000000	0.000000	0.009424	0.002071	-0.551047	-1.324453	1.709550	32598.316406	-5494.192383	747124.000000	0.042313	0.088483	-2.195321	0.218606	-0.009919	-0.859008	0.086714	0.093254	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	146914.000000	146914.000000
-358.076508	0.050832	-0.095004	-0.977209	0.013514	0.008349	-0.006083	152409.000000	0.000000	0.015646	0.002975	-0.163951	-1.259141	1.709538	42356.074219	1912.287109	747118.375000	0.042545	0.088714	-2.195316	0.218583	-0.009906	-0.859066	0.086602	0.093194	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154321.000000	154321.000000
-358.081512	0.052297	-0.096957	-0.976721	0.008193	0.001963	-0.005019	152412.000000	0.000000	0.010728	0.002552	-0.686280	-1.322590	1.709950	-59896.972656	-12513.101562	746834.437500	0.042771	0.088955	-2.195475	0.218708	-0.009953	-0.859031	0.086803	0.093523	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164925.000000	164925.000000	199898.000000	100000.000000
-358.086517	0.053762	-0.098422	-0.977209	0.001807	-0.004422	-0.005019	152412.000000	0.000000	0.010728	0.002552	-0.492665	-1.308858	1.709950	19745.224609	-3817.021729	746834.437500	0.042989	0.089188	-2.195475	0.218708	-0.009953	-0.859031	0.086803	0.093523	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106483.000000	200000.000000	158849.000000	138340.000000
-358.091522	0.054494	-0.099643	-0.977697	-0.004578	-0.011872	-0.003954	152412.000000	0.000000	0.010728	0.002552	-0.494462	-1.311681	1.709950	-1598.380005	-5620.950684	746370.937500	0.043181	0.089409	-2.195475	0.218708	-0.009953	-0.859031	0.086803	0.093523	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	129631.000000	186434.000000	178389.000000	115192.000000
-358.096527	0.054982	-0.100375	-0.978918	-0.013092	-0.020385	-0.003954	152412.000000	0.000000	0.010728	0.002552	-0.495308	-1.313120	1.709950	-1341.513184	-5202.275391	746370.937500	0.043336	0.089596	-2.195475	0.218708	-0.009953	-0.859031	0.086803	0.093523	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128955.000000	186272.000000	178551.000000	115868.000000
-358.101532	0.055227	-0.100863	-0.981115	-0.020541	-0.028899	-0.002890	152412.000000	0.000000	0.010728	0.002552	-0.495283	-1.314003	1.709950	-1206.422852	-5227.818848	745907.500000	0.043448	0.089748	-2.195475	0.218708	-0.009953	-0.859031	0.086803	0.093523	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128846.000000	186433.000000	178390.000000	115977.000000
-358.106537	0.054982	-0.101352	-0.982580	-0.029055	-0.038477	-0.002890	152335.000000	0.000000	0.010728	0.002552	-0.493907	-1.314185	1.709950	-890.472900	-4995.510742	745907.500000	0.043505	0.089861	-2.195475	0.218708	-0.009953	-0.859031	0.086803	0.093523	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128220.000000	186440.000000	178229.000000	116449.000000
-358.111542	0.054738	-0.100619	-0.983312	-0.038633	-0.048055	-0.002890	152335.000000	0.000000	0.010615	0.002513	-0.498026	-1.314460	1.710193	-1469.716797	-4845.852539	746013.312500	0.043508	0.089910	-2.195568	0.218788	-0.009985	-0.859027	0.086650	0.093556	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128650.000000	185711.000000	178958.000000	116019.000000
-358.116547	0.054250	-0.100131	-0.984045	-0.046083	-0.056569	-0.001826	152335.000000	0.000000	0.015547	0.002945	-0.219435	-1.287166	1.709550	30826.025391	-1887.934814	745270.250000	0.043458	0.089909	-2.195321	0.218632	-0.009927	-0.859021	0.085692	0.092645	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150447.000000	150447.000000
-358.121552	0.053273	-0.098910	-0.985510	-0.054597	-0.065083	-0.001826	152335.000000	0.000000	0.011113	0.002677	-0.656374	-1.315336	1.710213	-49837.175781	-7961.143066	745558.500000	0.043347	0.089839	-2.195576	0.218868	-0.010010	-0.859012	0.084919	0.092215	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160296.000000	160296.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.126556	0.051564	-0.097445	-0.986730	-0.060982	-0.071468	-0.001826	152342.000000	0.000000	0.011113	0.002677	-0.473833	-1.300207	1.710213	18926.828125	-3334.318848	745558.500000	0.043171	0.089708	-2.195576	0.218868	-0.010010	-0.859012	0.084919	0.092215	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	106749.000000	200000.000000	160080.000000	137934.000000
-358.131561	0.049855	-0.095248	-0.986975	-0.066303	-0.077854	-0.001826	152342.000000	0.000000	0.010241	0.002349	-0.515758	-1.312544	1.709879	-5923.000488	-6504.293457	745413.312500	0.042933	0.089509	-2.195447	0.218807	-0.009980	-0.859026	0.084116	0.091137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134769.000000	182923.000000	181760.000000	109914.000000
-358.136566	0.047902	-0.092807	-0.986730	-0.071624	-0.082110	-0.001826	152342.000000	0.000000	0.010241	0.002349	-0.474281	-1.292556	1.709879	3224.787842	-2833.395752	745413.312500	0.042640	0.089239	-2.195447	0.218807	-0.009980	-0.859026	0.084116	0.091137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	121950.000000	188400.000000	176283.000000	122733.000000
-358.141571	0.045217	-0.090609	-0.986242	-0.074817	-0.086367	-0.002890	152342.000000	0.000000	0.010241	0.002349	-0.466154	-1.285566	1.709879	-385.351898	-4449.850586	745876.750000	0.042280	0.088916	-2.195447	0.218807	-0.009980	-0.859026	0.084116	0.091137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127177.000000	186406.000000	178277.000000	117506.000000
-358.146576	0.042775	-0.087680	-0.985754	-0.076945	-0.088496	-0.002890	152342.000000	0.000000	0.010241	0.002349	-0.457897	-1.277319	1.709879	-557.347107	-4380.885742	745876.750000	0.041867	0.088530	-2.195447	0.218807	-0.009980	-0.859026	0.084116	0.091137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127280.000000	186165.000000	178518.000000	117403.000000
-358.151581	0.040334	-0.084994	-0.984045	-0.078010	-0.089560	-0.002890	152400.000000	0.000000	0.010241	0.002349	-0.449256	-1.268882	1.709879	-587.456482	-4433.291992	745876.750000	0.041410	0.088097	-2.195447	0.218807	-0.009980	-0.859026	0.084116	0.091137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127420.000000	186245.000000	178554.000000	117379.000000
-358.156586	0.038381	-0.082064	-0.983312	-0.078010	-0.089560	-0.003954	152400.000000	0.000000	0.010241	0.002349	-0.440797	-1.259674	1.709879	-685.570190	-4423.103516	746340.187500	0.040924	0.087614	-2.195447	0.218807	-0.009980	-0.859026	0.084116	0.091137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127508.000000	186137.000000	178662.000000	117291.000000
-358.161591	0.036184	-0.079867	-0.981848	-0.076945	-0.088496	-0.003954	152400.000000	0.000000	0.010241	0.002349	-0.431944	-1.250954	1.709879	-723.428589	-4558.683105	746340.187500	0.040409	0.087105	-2.195447	0.218807	-0.009980	-0.859026	0.084116	0.091137	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127682.000000	186235.000000	178564.000000	117117.000000
-358.166595	0.034719	-0.078891	-0.980139	-0.074817	-0.086367	-0.003954	152400.000000	0.000000	0.011109	0.002734	-0.376089	-1.222380	1.710389	4574.882812	-2370.993164	746562.375000	0.039887	0.086599	-2.195644	0.219028	-0.010077	-0.859039	0.083137	0.090227	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	120196.000000	189345.000000	175454.000000	124603.000000
-358.171600	0.033742	-0.077426	-0.978430	-0.072688	-0.084239	-0.005019	152409.000000	0.000000	0.021997	0.003923	0.195596	-1.164435	1.711953	63913.398438	1115.357544	747706.625000	0.039367	0.086087	-2.196245	0.219636	-0.010284	-0.859094	0.079955	0.087964	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153524.000000	153524.000000
-358.176605	0.033742	-0.076693	-0.976965	-0.069496	-0.082110	-0.005019	152409.000000	0.000000	0.021997	0.003923	-0.233173	-1.205030	1.711953	-48074.605469	-10038.161133	747706.625000	0.038869	0.085588	-2.196245	0.219636	-0.010284	-0.859094	0.079955	0.087964	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162447.000000	162447.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.181610	0.033986	-0.077182	-0.975744	-0.067367	-0.079982	-0.005019	152409.000000	0.000000	0.010832	0.002548	-0.841037	-1.274920	1.712253	-70573.234375	-13473.625000	747837.562500	0.038397	0.085121	-2.196361	0.219751	-0.010314	-0.859101	0.079142	0.087268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165882.000000	165882.000000	198935.000000	100000.000000
-358.186615	0.034475	-0.077426	-0.975744	-0.066303	-0.077854	-0.005019	152409.000000	0.000000	0.010832	0.002548	-0.389176	-1.214027	1.712253	48018.699219	1299.030151	747837.562500	0.037955	0.084674	-2.196361	0.219751	-0.010314	-0.859101	0.079142	0.087268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153708.000000	153708.000000
-358.191620	0.035207	-0.077914	-0.976721	-0.064175	-0.075725	-0.005019	152406.000000	0.000000	0.010832	0.002548	-0.384385	-1.208849	1.712253	-1126.947754	-4930.173828	747837.562500	0.037547	0.084255	-2.196361	0.219751	-0.010314	-0.859101	0.079142	0.087268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128463.000000	186209.000000	178602.000000	116348.000000
-358.196625	0.035695	-0.078402	-0.977941	-0.064175	-0.075725	-0.003954	152406.000000	0.000000	0.010832	0.002548	-0.379177	-1.203471	1.712253	-823.184082	-4649.235352	747374.125000	0.037155	0.083853	-2.196361	0.219751	-0.010314	-0.859101	0.079142	0.087268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127878.000000	186232.000000	178579.000000	116933.000000
-358.201630	0.035695	-0.078646	-0.979650	-0.063110	-0.074661	-0.003954	152406.000000	0.000000	0.010832	0.002548	-0.373946	-1.198283	1.712253	-918.467651	-4768.328125	747374.125000	0.036775	0.083466	-2.196361	0.219751	-0.010314	-0.859101	0.079142	0.087268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128092.000000	186255.000000	178556.000000	116719.000000
-358.206635	0.036184	-0.079135	-0.981115	-0.063110	-0.074661	-0.003954	152406.000000	0.000000	0.010832	0.002548	-0.369147	-1.193315	1.712253	-826.808716	-4652.578125	747374.125000	0.036411	0.083094	-2.196361	0.219751	-0.010314	-0.859101	0.079142	0.087268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127885.000000	186231.000000	178580.000000	116926.000000
-358.211639	0.036184	-0.079379	-0.983801	-0.064175	-0.075725	-0.002890	152406.000000	0.000000	0.010832	0.002548	-0.363670	-1.187901	1.712253	-605.334229	-4456.739746	746910.625000	0.036047	0.082725	-2.196361	0.219751	-0.010314	-0.859101	0.079142	0.087268	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127468.000000	186257.000000	178554.000000	117343.000000
-358.216644	0.035939	-0.079379	-0.984777	-0.064175	-0.075725	-0.002890	152344.000000	0.000000	0.014991	0.002782	-0.129630	-1.169829	1.709802	25486.105469	-3098.910645	745843.250000	0.035685	0.082362	-2.195418	0.219086	-0.010098	-0.859096	0.077810	0.086025	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153758.000000	144731.000000
-358.221649	0.035451	-0.079623	-0.985510	-0.064175	-0.075725	-0.001826	152344.000000	0.000000	0.016229	0.003184	-0.222198	-1.152209	1.710092	-10852.108398	-3067.572754	745506.125000	0.035319	0.082010	-2.195529	0.219223	-0.010142	-0.859059	0.076643	0.084966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136263.000000	174559.000000	190128.000000	108424.000000
-358.226654	0.035207	-0.079867	-0.985510	-0.065239	-0.075725	-0.000762	152344.000000	0.000000	0.016229	0.003184	-0.266321	-1.163414	1.710092	-5728.368652	-6166.604492	745042.687500	0.034955	0.081665	-2.195529	0.219223	-0.010142	-0.859059	0.076643	0.084966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	134238.000000	182782.000000	181905.000000	110449.000000
-358.231659	0.034475	-0.079379	-0.985754	-0.065239	-0.075725	0.000303	152344.000000	0.000000	0.016229	0.003184	-0.260414	-1.158069	1.710092	-200.015961	-4439.371582	744579.250000	0.034582	0.081317	-2.195529	0.219223	-0.010142	-0.859059	0.076643	0.084966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126983.000000	186583.000000	178104.000000	117704.000000
-358.236664	0.033986	-0.078402	-0.985754	-0.065239	-0.075725	0.000303	152345.000000	0.000000	0.016229	0.003184	-0.254699	-1.152153	1.710092	-194.933151	-4349.204590	744579.250000	0.034208	0.080956	-2.195529	0.219223	-0.010142	-0.859059	0.076643	0.084966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126889.000000	186499.000000	178190.000000	117800.000000
-358.241669	0.033254	-0.076693	-0.985510	-0.064175	-0.074661	0.000303	152345.000000	0.000000	0.016229	0.003184	-0.248978	-1.145557	1.710092	-289.737305	-4366.102051	744579.250000	0.033831	0.080574	-2.195529	0.219223	-0.010142	-0.859059	0.076643	0.084966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127000.000000	186421.000000	178268.000000	117689.000000
-358.246674	0.032033	-0.075717	-0.985266	-0.063110	-0.073597	-0.000762	152345.000000	0.000000	0.016229	0.003184	-0.242708	-1.139464	1.710092	-205.494705	-4398.217285	745042.687500	0.033443	0.080185	-2.195529	0.219223	-0.010142	-0.859059	0.076643	0.084966	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126948.000000	186537.000000	178152.000000	117741.000000
-358.251678	0.030568	-0.074740	-0.983801	-0.060982	-0.071468	-0.000762	152345.000000	0.000000	0.010790	0.002536	-0.535355	-1.169354	1.710308	-34546.191406	-8619.125000	745136.625000	0.033045	0.079797	-2.195612	0.219309	-0.010162	-0.859060	0.076238	0.084855	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160964.000000	160964.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.256683	0.029592	-0.074008	-0.983068	-0.058854	-0.069340	-0.001826	152345.000000	0.000000	0.015963	0.003097	-0.027431	-1.106981	1.709795	55819.167969	1804.145508	745376.562500	0.032646	0.079414	-2.195415	0.219225	-0.010131	-0.859090	0.075333	0.083245	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154149.000000	154149.000000
-358.261688	0.028859	-0.073520	-0.982336	-0.056725	-0.067211	-0.001826	152337.000000	0.000000	0.011668	0.002927	-0.464716	-1.133546	1.710869	-50144.625000	-8108.352051	745844.375000	0.032251	0.079040	-2.195828	0.219591	-0.010277	-0.859117	0.073866	0.083385	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	160445.000000	160445.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.266693	0.028371	-0.073031	-0.980871	-0.054597	-0.065083	-0.001826	152337.000000	0.000000	0.011668	0.002927	-0.287553	-1.121695	1.710869	18222.742188	-3839.602783	745844.375000	0.031866	0.078676	-2.195828	0.219591	-0.010277	-0.859117	0.073866	0.083385	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	107953.000000	200000.000000	160274.000000	136720.000000
-358.271698	0.027883	-0.073275	-0.980139	-0.052468	-0.061890	-0.002890	152337.000000	0.000000	0.009943	0.002246	-0.377393	-1.154963	1.710099	-11680.798828	-8963.499023	745972.312500	0.031494	0.078336	-2.195532	0.219378	-0.010194	-0.859124	0.073267	0.082821	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	142981.000000	179619.000000	185054.000000	101692.000000
-358.276703	0.027883	-0.074008	-0.979406	-0.050340	-0.059762	-0.002890	152337.000000	0.000000	0.009943	0.002246	-0.303853	-1.124476	1.710099	6729.290527	-1822.915894	745972.312500	0.031141	0.078029	-2.195532	0.219378	-0.010194	-0.859124	0.073267	0.082821	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117430.000000	190889.000000	173784.000000	127243.000000
-358.281708	0.028127	-0.074252	-0.979650	-0.047147	-0.057633	-0.003954	152342.000000	0.000000	0.009943	0.002246	-0.299801	-1.121316	1.710099	-902.524902	-4944.743652	746435.750000	0.030811	0.077748	-2.195532	0.219378	-0.010194	-0.859124	0.073267	0.082821	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128189.000000	186384.000000	178299.000000	116494.000000
-358.286713	0.028371	-0.074740	-0.979650	-0.045019	-0.055505	-0.003954	152342.000000	0.000000	0.009943	0.002246	-0.296050	-1.118536	1.710099	-928.044739	-4866.508789	746435.750000	0.030502	0.077494	-2.195532	0.219378	-0.010194	-0.859124	0.073267	0.082821	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128136.000000	186280.000000	178403.000000	116547.000000
-358.291718	0.028859	-0.075473	-0.979650	-0.043954	-0.053376	-0.003954	152342.000000	0.000000	0.009943	0.002246	-0.292876	-1.116102	1.710099	-986.728088	-4781.230957	746435.750000	0.030220	0.077264	-2.195532	0.219378	-0.010194	-0.859124	0.073267	0.082821	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128109.000000	186136.000000	178547.000000	116574.000000
-358.296722	0.029836	-0.075961	-0.980139	-0.041826	-0.052312	-0.003954	152342.000000	0.000000	0.009943	0.002246	-0.290314	-1.113987	1.710099	-930.099609	-4933.464355	746435.750000	0.029968	0.077059	-2.195532	0.219378	-0.010194	-0.859124	0.073267	0.082821	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128205.000000	186345.000000	178338.000000	116478.000000
-358.301727	0.030080	-0.076205	-0.981359	-0.040762	-0.051248	-0.003954	152332.000000	0.000000	0.009943	0.002246	-0.287331	-1.111588	1.710099	-875.012207	-4779.009277	746435.750000	0.029731	0.076866	-2.195532	0.219378	-0.010194	-0.859124	0.073267	0.082821	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127986.000000	186235.000000	178428.000000	116677.000000
-358.306732	0.030568	-0.076205	-0.982336	-0.039697	-0.050184	-0.003954	152332.000000	0.000000	0.009943	0.002246	-0.284829	-1.109109	1.710099	-921.232056	-4763.688965	746435.750000	0.029513	0.076681	-2.195532	0.219378	-0.010194	-0.859124	0.073267	0.082821	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128016.000000	186174.000000	178489.000000	116647.000000
-358.311737	0.030813	-0.075717	-0.983557	-0.039697	-0.050184	-0.003954	152332.000000	0.000000	0.027396	0.004537	0.677619	-0.979885	1.709973	109174.796875	9884.028320	746380.937500	0.029303	0.076487	-2.195483	0.219399	-0.010191	-0.859087	0.072386	0.082070	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	162216.000000	162216.000000
-358.316742	0.030568	-0.075717	-0.985021	-0.039697	-0.050184	-0.003954	152332.000000	0.000000	0.027396	0.004537	-0.016994	-1.068698	1.709973	-76224.250000	-14498.871094	746380.937500	0.029092	0.076295	-2.195483	0.219399	-0.010191	-0.859087	0.072386	0.082070	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166830.000000	166830.000000	197833.000000	100000.000000
-358.321747	0.030324	-0.075473	-0.986242	-0.039697	-0.049119	-0.003954	152332.000000	0.000000	0.010953	0.002655	-0.918135	-1.169157	1.710242	-103200.304688	-16241.639648	746498.375000	0.028885	0.076101	-2.195587	0.219511	-0.010241	-0.859082	0.071956	0.081726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168573.000000	168573.000000	196090.000000	100000.000000
-358.326752	0.029592	-0.075229	-0.987219	-0.039697	-0.049119	-0.003954	152334.000000	0.000000	0.010953	0.002655	-0.256947	-1.090836	1.710242	71745.554688	3776.695312	746498.375000	0.028666	0.075903	-2.195587	0.219511	-0.010241	-0.859082	0.071956	0.081726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156110.000000	156110.000000
-358.331757	0.028859	-0.074008	-0.987707	-0.038633	-0.049119	-0.003954	152334.000000	0.000000	0.010953	0.002655	-0.253081	-1.086991	1.710242	-513.109558	-4516.725586	746498.375000	0.028436	0.075690	-2.195587	0.219511	-0.010241	-0.859082	0.071956	0.081726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127363.000000	186337.000000	178330.000000	117304.000000
-358.336761	0.027883	-0.073275	-0.988195	-0.038633	-0.048055	-0.002890	152334.000000	0.000000	0.010953	0.002655	-0.249060	-1.083186	1.710242	-599.503479	-4386.536621	746034.937500	0.028197	0.075466	-2.195587	0.219511	-0.010241	-0.859082	0.071956	0.081726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127320.000000	186121.000000	178546.000000	117347.000000
-358.341766	0.026906	-0.072055	-0.987707	-0.037569	-0.046991	-0.002890	152334.000000	0.000000	0.010953	0.002655	-0.244945	-1.079046	1.710242	-575.137268	-4452.620605	746034.937500	0.027947	0.075227	-2.195587	0.219511	-0.010241	-0.859082	0.071956	0.081726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127361.000000	186211.000000	178456.000000	117306.000000
-358.346771	0.026174	-0.070590	-0.987219	-0.036505	-0.045927	-0.003954	152341.000000	0.000000	0.010953	0.002655	-0.240991	-1.074430	1.710242	-579.594482	-4383.865723	746498.375000	0.027694	0.074970	-2.195587	0.219511	-0.010241	-0.859082	0.071956	0.081726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127304.000000	186145.000000	178536.000000	117377.000000
-358.351776	0.025197	-0.069613	-0.985754	-0.035441	-0.043798	-0.005019	152341.000000	0.000000	0.010953	0.002655	-0.237024	-1.070168	1.710242	-686.622559	-4408.148438	746961.812500	0.027438	0.074705	-2.195587	0.219511	-0.010241	-0.859082	0.071956	0.081726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127435.000000	186062.000000	178619.000000	117246.000000
-358.356781	0.024709	-0.069125	-0.984533	-0.033312	-0.041670	-0.005019	152341.000000	0.000000	0.010953	0.002655	-0.233525	-1.066618	1.710242	-731.820374	-4596.946289	746961.812500	0.027188	0.074448	-2.195587	0.219511	-0.010241	-0.859082	0.071956	0.081726	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127669.000000	186206.000000	178475.000000	117012.000000
-358.361786	0.024221	-0.068637	-0.982336	-0.030119	-0.038477	-0.005019	152341.000000	0.000000	0.027608	0.004629	0.685309	-0.954985	1.710345	104009.703125	7669.311523	747006.375000	0.026950	0.074205	-2.195626	0.219631	-0.010294	-0.859157	0.070040	0.080534	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	160010.000000	160010.000000
-358.366791	0.023977	-0.068393	-0.980871	-0.027991	-0.036349	-0.005019	152341.000000	0.000000	0.027608	0.004629	0.022365	-1.030965	1.710345	-72858.632812	-13202.159180	747006.375000	0.026722	0.073975	-2.195626	0.219631	-0.010294	-0.859157	0.070040	0.080534	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165543.000000	165543.000000	199138.000000	100000.000000
-358.371796	0.024465	-0.068148	-0.980139	-0.024798	-0.033156	-0.006083	152402.000000	0.000000	0.027608	0.004629	0.024079	-1.028400	1.710345	100.626724	-4685.561523	747469.812500	0.026526	0.073760	-2.195626	0.219631	-0.010294	-0.859157	0.070040	0.080534	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126986.000000	187188.000000	177615.000000	117817.000000
-358.376801	0.024709	-0.068637	-0.979650	-0.020541	-0.028899	-0.006083	152402.000000	0.000000	0.027608	0.004629	0.025380	-1.027154	1.710345	-75.360985	-4961.562988	747469.812500	0.026359	0.073582	-2.195626	0.219631	-0.010294	-0.859157	0.070040	0.080534	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127438.000000	187288.000000	177515.000000	117365.000000
-358.381805	0.024465	-0.069125	-0.979406	-0.017349	-0.025706	-0.006083	152402.000000	0.000000	0.027608	0.004629	0.027103	-1.026101	1.710345	81.373016	-4875.556152	747469.812500	0.026207	0.073433	-2.195626	0.219631	-0.010294	-0.859157	0.070040	0.080534	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127196.000000	187358.000000	177445.000000	117607.000000
-358.386810	0.024709	-0.069857	-0.978918	-0.014156	-0.022514	-0.006083	152402.000000	0.000000	0.027608	0.004629	0.028078	-1.025750	1.710345	-11.185418	-4965.875000	747469.812500	0.026078	0.073318	-2.195626	0.219631	-0.010294	-0.859157	0.070040	0.080534	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127379.000000	187356.000000	177447.000000	117424.000000
-358.391815	0.024953	-0.069613	-0.979895	-0.012028	-0.019321	-0.006083	152394.000000	0.000000	0.027608	0.004629	0.028761	-1.024382	1.710345	-54.764866	-4740.357422	747469.812500	0.025972	0.073210	-2.195626	0.219631	-0.010294	-0.859157	0.070040	0.080534	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127189.000000	187079.000000	177708.000000	117598.000000
-358.396820	0.025686	-0.070102	-0.981359	-0.009899	-0.017193	-0.006083	152394.000000	0.000000	0.011528	0.002935	-0.855251	-1.117056	1.711160	-101291.523438	-15517.043945	747824.812500	0.025893	0.073122	-2.195940	0.219921	-0.010432	-0.859148	0.069180	0.079552	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167911.000000	167911.000000	196876.000000	100000.000000
-358.401825	0.025930	-0.070346	-0.982824	-0.007771	-0.015064	-0.006083	152394.000000	0.000000	0.022006	0.003943	0.364121	-0.993363	1.711165	135587.453125	8833.017578	747826.937500	0.025830	0.073049	-2.195942	0.219932	-0.010438	-0.859121	0.069001	0.079663	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161227.000000	161227.000000
-358.406830	0.026418	-0.070834	-0.984045	-0.006706	-0.014000	-0.006083	152394.000000	0.000000	0.022006	0.003943	-0.054754	-1.033400	1.711165	-46371.574219	-9242.990234	747826.937500	0.025783	0.072991	-2.195942	0.219932	-0.010438	-0.859121	0.069001	0.079663	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161636.000000	161636.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.411835	0.026662	-0.070834	-0.985021	-0.005642	-0.012936	-0.005019	152337.000000	0.000000	0.010871	0.002609	-0.666902	-1.106163	1.711355	-70448.070312	-13181.828125	747446.375000	0.025745	0.072938	-2.196015	0.219992	-0.010463	-0.859110	0.069019	0.079742	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165518.000000	165518.000000	199155.000000	100000.000000
-358.416840	0.026662	-0.070834	-0.986486	-0.004578	-0.011872	-0.005019	152337.000000	0.000000	0.010871	0.002609	-0.221341	-1.052251	1.711355	47911.488281	991.667664	747446.375000	0.025713	0.072889	-2.196015	0.219992	-0.010463	-0.859110	0.069019	0.079742	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153328.000000	153328.000000
-358.421844	0.026418	-0.071566	-0.987463	-0.004578	-0.011872	-0.005019	152337.000000	0.000000	0.010871	0.002609	-0.220593	-1.052306	1.711355	-877.835693	-4825.605957	747446.375000	0.025676	0.072855	-2.196015	0.219992	-0.010463	-0.859110	0.069019	0.079742	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128040.000000	186284.000000	178389.000000	116633.000000
-358.426849	0.026174	-0.071811	-0.987463	-0.004578	-0.010807	-0.003954	152337.000000	0.000000	0.010871	0.002609	-0.220073	-1.052105	1.711355	-1022.436584	-4796.557129	746982.937500	0.025640	0.072826	-2.196015	0.219992	-0.010463	-0.859110	0.069019	0.079742	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128155.000000	186111.000000	178562.000000	116518.000000
-358.431854	0.026418	-0.071811	-0.988439	-0.004578	-0.010807	-0.003954	152337.000000	0.000000	0.010871	0.002609	-0.219810	-1.051627	1.711355	-932.502502	-4763.785156	746982.937500	0.025609	0.072797	-2.196015	0.219992	-0.010463	-0.859110	0.069019	0.079742	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128033.000000	186168.000000	178505.000000	116640.000000
-358.436859	0.026662	-0.072055	-0.988684	-0.004578	-0.011872	-0.003954	152412.000000	0.000000	0.010871	0.002609	-0.219353	-1.051465	1.711355	-787.123962	-4797.860352	746982.937500	0.025578	0.072772	-2.196015	0.219992	-0.010463	-0.859110	0.069019	0.079742	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127996.000000	186422.000000	178401.000000	116827.000000
-358.441864	0.026418	-0.072055	-0.987707	-0.005642	-0.011872	-0.003954	152412.000000	0.000000	0.010616	0.002481	-0.232721	-1.057950	1.711298	-2485.835938	-5436.690918	746958.125000	0.025543	0.072744	-2.195993	0.219962	-0.010443	-0.859112	0.069103	0.079834	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130334.000000	185362.000000	179461.000000	114489.000000
-358.446869	0.026174	-0.072055	-0.987463	-0.005642	-0.011872	-0.003954	152412.000000	0.000000	0.016324	0.003229	0.092075	-1.011335	1.711066	36191.417969	499.436432	746856.875000	0.025504	0.072717	-2.195904	0.219888	-0.010417	-0.859081	0.069240	0.079839	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	152911.000000	152911.000000
-358.451874	0.025930	-0.072055	-0.986975	-0.006706	-0.012936	-0.003954	152412.000000	0.000000	0.010530	0.002452	-0.453628	-1.083353	1.710846	-61913.425781	-12754.388672	746761.312500	0.025456	0.072687	-2.195819	0.219818	-0.010384	-0.859075	0.068955	0.079672	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165166.000000	165166.000000	199657.000000	100000.000000
-358.456879	0.026662	-0.072055	-0.985754	-0.006706	-0.012936	-0.005019	152333.000000	0.000000	0.010530	0.002452	-0.222173	-1.051945	1.710846	24487.396484	-1354.569092	747224.750000	0.025425	0.072658	-2.195819	0.219818	-0.010384	-0.859075	0.068955	0.079672	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156491.000000	145465.000000
-358.461884	0.027150	-0.072299	-0.984289	-0.006706	-0.014000	-0.005019	152333.000000	0.000000	0.010894	0.002626	-0.202046	-1.042383	1.710994	1464.983154	-3712.764404	747289.250000	0.025400	0.072637	-2.195876	0.219864	-0.010406	-0.859080	0.069064	0.079567	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124580.000000	187510.000000	177155.000000	120085.000000
-358.466888	0.027395	-0.073031	-0.982336	-0.006706	-0.014000	-0.005019	152333.000000	0.000000	0.010894	0.002626	-0.216567	-1.050014	1.710994	-2528.420410	-5638.247559	747289.250000	0.025381	0.072634	-2.195876	0.219864	-0.010406	-0.859080	0.069064	0.079567	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	130499.000000	185442.000000	179223.000000	114166.000000
-358.471893	0.027883	-0.073031	-0.981115	-0.006706	-0.014000	-0.006083	152333.000000	0.000000	0.010894	0.002626	-0.216913	-1.050067	1.710994	-971.405945	-4805.372559	747752.750000	0.025374	0.072633	-2.195876	0.219864	-0.010406	-0.859080	0.069064	0.079567	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128109.000000	186166.000000	178499.000000	116556.000000
-358.476898	0.028127	-0.073031	-0.979895	-0.005642	-0.014000	-0.006083	152333.000000	0.000000	0.010894	0.002626	-0.217124	-1.050441	1.710994	-957.574768	-4964.117676	747752.750000	0.025372	0.072639	-2.195876	0.219864	-0.010406	-0.859080	0.069064	0.079567	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128254.000000	186339.000000	178326.000000	116411.000000
-358.481903	0.028371	-0.073275	-0.978918	-0.005642	-0.012936	-0.006083	152411.000000	0.000000	0.010894	0.002626	-0.217694	-1.050878	1.710994	-1121.594482	-4856.225586	747752.750000	0.025382	0.072652	-2.195876	0.219864	-0.010406	-0.859080	0.069064	0.079567	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128388.000000	186145.000000	178676.000000	116433.000000
-358.486908	0.028127	-0.073275	-0.978430	-0.005642	-0.012936	-0.006083	152411.000000	0.000000	0.010894	0.002626	-0.217566	-1.051091	1.710994	-927.236816	-4832.491211	747752.750000	0.025386	0.072665	-2.195876	0.219864	-0.010406	-0.859080	0.069064	0.079567	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128170.000000	186316.000000	178505.000000	116651.000000
-358.491913	0.027883	-0.073031	-0.978674	-0.004578	-0.012936	-0.006083	152411.000000	0.000000	0.010894	0.002626	-0.217348	-1.051264	1.710994	-916.281128	-4950.764648	747752.750000	0.025386	0.072677	-2.195876	0.219864	-0.010406	-0.859080	0.069064	0.079567	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128278.000000	186445.000000	178376.000000	116543.000000
-358.496918	0.027639	-0.072055	-0.978918	-0.004578	-0.011872	-0.006083	152411.000000	0.000000	0.010015	0.002227	-0.265673	-1.072261	1.710232	-6598.140137	-7220.106934	747420.687500	0.025385	0.072669	-2.195583	0.219612	-0.010295	-0.859132	0.069457	0.080444	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	136229.000000	183032.000000	181789.000000	108592.000000
-358.501923	0.027395	-0.071566	-0.979406	-0.004578	-0.011872	-0.006083	152333.000000	0.000000	0.022578	0.004171	0.460569	-0.948709	1.710895	82027.812500	9242.349609	747709.562500	0.025379	0.072651	-2.195838	0.219846	-0.010403	-0.859123	0.068590	0.079158	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	161575.000000	161575.000000
-358.506927	0.027150	-0.072299	-0.980627	-0.004578	-0.012936	-0.006083	152333.000000	0.000000	0.022578	0.004171	-0.041099	-1.026913	1.710895	-55173.886719	-13301.716797	747709.562500	0.025363	0.072646	-2.195838	0.219846	-0.010403	-0.859123	0.068590	0.079158	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165634.000000	165634.000000	199031.000000	100000.000000
-358.511932	0.027639	-0.072787	-0.982580	-0.004578	-0.012936	-0.006083	152333.000000	0.000000	0.010388	0.002407	-0.711610	-1.124268	1.710456	-76940.656250	-15855.386719	747518.125000	0.025355	0.072648	-2.195669	0.219707	-0.010346	-0.859085	0.068881	0.079205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168188.000000	168188.000000	196477.000000	100000.000000
-358.516937	0.027639	-0.073031	-0.983312	-0.005642	-0.014000	-0.005019	152333.000000	0.000000	0.010388	0.002407	-0.223769	-1.053659	1.710456	52793.140625	3060.055176	747054.687500	0.025342	0.072648	-2.195669	0.219707	-0.010346	-0.859085	0.068881	0.079205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155393.000000	155393.000000
-358.521942	0.028127	-0.073031	-0.984045	-0.006706	-0.014000	-0.005019	152335.000000	0.000000	0.010388	0.002407	-0.224105	-1.053321	1.710456	-1003.442261	-4660.224609	747054.687500	0.025338	0.072643	-2.195669	0.219707	-0.010346	-0.859085	0.068881	0.079205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127998.000000	185991.000000	178678.000000	116671.000000
-358.526947	0.028371	-0.073275	-0.985510	-0.006706	-0.015064	-0.005019	152335.000000	0.000000	0.010388	0.002407	-0.223994	-1.053392	1.710456	-831.860718	-4822.583008	747054.687500	0.025334	0.072640	-2.195669	0.219707	-0.010346	-0.859085	0.068881	0.079205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127989.000000	186325.000000	178344.000000	116680.000000
-358.531952	0.028371	-0.073031	-0.985754	-0.007771	-0.016128	-0.005019	152335.000000	0.000000	0.010388	0.002407	-0.223637	-1.052775	1.710456	-798.234863	-4622.174316	747054.687500	0.025324	0.072627	-2.195669	0.219707	-0.010346	-0.859085	0.068881	0.079205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127755.000000	186158.000000	178511.000000	116914.000000
-358.536957	0.028127	-0.073275	-0.985754	-0.008835	-0.016128	-0.005019	152335.000000	0.000000	0.010388	0.002407	-0.223228	-1.052575	1.710456	-907.688354	-4662.261719	747054.687500	0.025309	0.072614	-2.195669	0.219707	-0.010346	-0.859085	0.068881	0.079205	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127904.000000	186089.000000	178580.000000	116765.000000
-358.541962	0.027883	-0.072787	-0.985998	-0.008835	-0.017193	-0.005019	152335.000000	0.000000	0.011055	0.002649	-0.185801	-1.038487	1.710710	3456.702637	-3187.292236	747165.625000	0.025285	0.072590	-2.195767	0.219785	-0.010369	-0.859070	0.068741	0.079264	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122065.000000	188978.000000	175691.000000	122604.000000
-358.546967	0.027639	-0.072055	-0.985998	-0.008835	-0.017193	-0.005019	152338.000000	0.000000	0.016611	0.003321	0.093621	-1.010098	1.710571	31233.968750	-1484.241577	747104.875000	0.025256	0.072553	-2.195714	0.219748	-0.010348	-0.859054	0.068544	0.078973	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	150853.000000	150853.000000
-358.551971	0.027639	-0.071811	-0.985754	-0.009899	-0.017193	-0.003954	152338.000000	0.000000	0.010857	0.002591	-0.444454	-1.076099	1.710562	-61130.011719	-12044.676758	746637.687500	0.025227	0.072506	-2.195710	0.219749	-0.010347	-0.859079	0.068528	0.078787	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	164382.000000	164382.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.556976	0.027395	-0.071811	-0.985266	-0.009899	-0.017193	-0.003954	152338.000000	0.000000	0.010857	0.002591	-0.213748	-1.046277	1.710562	24463.296875	-1488.303711	746637.687500	0.025194	0.072462	-2.195710	0.219749	-0.010347	-0.859079	0.068528	0.078787	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156386.000000	145312.000000
-358.561981	0.026906	-0.071811	-0.985510	-0.009899	-0.017193	-0.003954	152338.000000	0.000000	0.010857	0.002591	-0.212743	-1.045636	1.710562	-788.975159	-4693.932129	746637.687500	0.025152	0.072418	-2.195710	0.219749	-0.010347	-0.859079	0.068528	0.078787	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127820.000000	186242.000000	178433.000000	116855.000000
-358.566986	0.026662	-0.071566	-0.984289	-0.009899	-0.017193	-0.005019	152342.000000	0.000000	0.010857	0.002591	-0.211944	-1.044844	1.710562	-808.039368	-4673.582031	747101.125000	0.025107	0.072371	-2.195710	0.219749	-0.010347	-0.859079	0.068528	0.078787	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127823.000000	186207.000000	178476.000000	116860.000000
-358.571991	0.026418	-0.071322	-0.982580	-0.009899	-0.017193	-0.005019	152342.000000	0.000000	0.010857	0.002591	-0.211097	-1.044063	1.710562	-798.745300	-4671.368164	747101.125000	0.025059	0.072323	-2.195710	0.219749	-0.010347	-0.859079	0.068528	0.078787	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127812.000000	186214.000000	178469.000000	116871.000000
-358.576996	0.025930	-0.070834	-0.981848	-0.009899	-0.017193	-0.005019	152342.000000	0.000000	0.010857	0.002591	-0.209904	-1.042912	1.710562	-755.330750	-4625.234863	747101.125000	0.025002	0.072267	-2.195710	0.219749	-0.010347	-0.859079	0.068528	0.078787	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127722.000000	186211.000000	178472.000000	116961.000000
-358.582001	0.025930	-0.070834	-0.980383	-0.009899	-0.017193	-0.005019	152342.000000	0.000000	0.010857	0.002591	-0.209158	-1.042253	1.710562	-801.027954	-4676.425293	747101.125000	0.024947	0.072214	-2.195710	0.219749	-0.010347	-0.859079	0.068528	0.078787	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127819.000000	186217.000000	178466.000000	116864.000000
-358.587006	0.025686	-0.070346	-0.979895	-0.009899	-0.017193	-0.005019	152342.000000	0.000000	0.011054	0.002712	-0.197297	-1.034322	1.710690	475.693634	-3840.210938	747157.000000	0.024889	0.072154	-2.195760	0.219809	-0.010384	-0.859080	0.068321	0.078488	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	125706.000000	186657.000000	178026.000000	118977.000000
-358.592010	0.024953	-0.070346	-0.979895	-0.008835	-0.016128	-0.005019	152341.000000	0.000000	0.022854	0.004240	0.444937	-0.954647	1.711323	72621.445312	4292.964355	747432.625000	0.024822	0.072099	-2.196003	0.220015	-0.010450	-0.859105	0.068189	0.078403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156633.000000	156633.000000
-358.597015	0.025197	-0.069857	-0.980139	-0.008835	-0.016128	-0.005019	152341.000000	0.000000	0.022854	0.004240	-0.026181	-1.014403	1.711323	-51848.597656	-11196.168945	747432.625000	0.024761	0.072036	-2.196003	0.220015	-0.010450	-0.859105	0.068189	0.078403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163537.000000	163537.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.602020	0.025441	-0.069369	-0.980627	-0.007771	-0.015064	-0.003954	152341.000000	0.000000	0.022854	0.004240	-0.025862	-1.013232	1.711323	-131.547821	-4613.321289	746969.187500	0.024711	0.071969	-2.196003	0.220015	-0.010450	-0.859105	0.068189	0.078403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127085.000000	186822.000000	177859.000000	117596.000000
-358.607025	0.025197	-0.069125	-0.981848	-0.007771	-0.014000	-0.003954	152341.000000	0.000000	0.022854	0.004240	-0.025146	-1.011927	1.711323	-89.523254	-4475.651367	746969.187500	0.024662	0.071896	-2.196003	0.220015	-0.010450	-0.859105	0.068189	0.078403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126906.000000	186727.000000	177954.000000	117775.000000
-358.612030	0.024953	-0.069369	-0.983557	-0.006706	-0.012936	-0.002890	152339.000000	0.000000	0.022854	0.004240	-0.024403	-1.011348	1.711323	-88.120422	-4674.719238	746505.750000	0.024612	0.071832	-2.196003	0.220015	-0.010450	-0.859105	0.068189	0.078403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127101.000000	186925.000000	177752.000000	117576.000000
-358.617035	0.024709	-0.069369	-0.984289	-0.005642	-0.011872	-0.002890	152339.000000	0.000000	0.022854	0.004240	-0.023710	-1.010697	1.711323	-95.227295	-4668.624512	746505.750000	0.024564	0.071774	-2.196003	0.220015	-0.010450	-0.859105	0.068189	0.078403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127102.000000	186912.000000	177765.000000	117575.000000
-358.622040	0.023732	-0.069857	-0.985754	-0.004578	-0.010807	-0.002890	152339.000000	0.000000	0.022854	0.004240	-0.022193	-1.010607	1.711323	-2.636498	-4734.908203	746505.750000	0.024501	0.071731	-2.196003	0.220015	-0.010450	-0.859105	0.068189	0.078403	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127076.000000	187071.000000	177606.000000	117601.000000
-358.627045	0.023732	-0.070102	-0.986730	-0.003514	-0.009743	-0.002890	152339.000000	0.000000	0.022833	0.004240	-0.022702	-1.010473	1.711703	-232.638809	-4734.284180	746671.187500	0.024444	0.071696	-2.196149	0.220148	-0.010498	-0.859091	0.067859	0.077868	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127305.000000	186840.000000	177837.000000	117372.000000
-358.632050	0.023488	-0.069857	-0.986730	-0.003514	-0.009743	-0.003954	152408.000000	0.000000	0.009996	0.002359	-0.726808	-1.113142	1.710620	-80734.585938	-16395.673828	746662.750000	0.024384	0.071658	-2.195732	0.219839	-0.010411	-0.859096	0.068214	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168803.000000	168803.000000	196012.000000	100000.000000
-358.637054	0.024221	-0.070102	-0.986730	-0.002450	-0.009743	-0.003954	152408.000000	0.000000	0.009996	0.002359	-0.213382	-1.037955	1.710620	55528.738281	3388.614258	746662.750000	0.024339	0.071630	-2.195732	0.219839	-0.010411	-0.859096	0.068214	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155796.000000	155796.000000
-358.642059	0.024221	-0.070590	-0.985998	-0.002450	-0.009743	-0.005019	152408.000000	0.000000	0.009996	0.002359	-0.212806	-1.038163	1.710620	-870.674377	-4787.184570	747126.250000	0.024297	0.071614	-2.195732	0.219839	-0.010411	-0.859096	0.068214	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128065.000000	186324.000000	178491.000000	116750.000000
-358.647064	0.024953	-0.071078	-0.986486	-0.002450	-0.009743	-0.005019	152408.000000	0.000000	0.009996	0.002359	-0.213011	-1.038437	1.710620	-957.657227	-4795.704102	747126.250000	0.024269	0.071607	-2.195732	0.219839	-0.010411	-0.859096	0.068214	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128161.000000	186246.000000	178569.000000	116654.000000
-358.652069	0.025930	-0.071566	-0.986242	-0.002450	-0.009743	-0.005019	152408.000000	0.000000	0.009996	0.002359	-0.213723	-1.038901	1.710620	-1016.526428	-4818.677246	747126.250000	0.024262	0.071610	-2.195732	0.219839	-0.010411	-0.859096	0.068214	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128243.000000	186210.000000	178605.000000	116572.000000
-358.657074	0.026906	-0.072055	-0.985266	-0.002450	-0.009743	-0.006083	152398.000000	0.000000	0.009996	0.002359	-0.214761	-1.039560	1.710620	-1057.186035	-4843.175781	747589.687500	0.024276	0.071625	-2.195732	0.219839	-0.010411	-0.859096	0.068214	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128298.000000	186183.000000	178612.000000	116497.000000
-358.662079	0.027150	-0.072543	-0.984533	-0.002450	-0.009743	-0.006083	152398.000000	0.000000	0.009996	0.002359	-0.215246	-1.040363	1.710620	-998.654846	-4862.612793	747589.687500	0.024295	0.071650	-2.195732	0.219839	-0.010411	-0.859096	0.068214	0.077880	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128259.000000	186261.000000	178534.000000	116536.000000
-358.667084	0.026906	-0.073031	-0.984045	-0.003514	-0.010807	-0.007147	152398.000000	0.000000	0.011273	0.002717	-0.144725	-1.021317	1.711017	7255.189453	-2470.662354	748226.187500	0.024304	0.071680	-2.195885	0.219950	-0.010442	-0.859095	0.067900	0.077723	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	117613.000000	192123.000000	172672.000000	127182.000000
-358.672089	0.027150	-0.073520	-0.982580	-0.004578	-0.011872	-0.007147	152398.000000	0.000000	0.022916	0.004280	0.444185	-0.950496	1.711240	66969.117188	3553.000977	748323.062500	0.024313	0.071716	-2.195971	0.220017	-0.010475	-0.859114	0.068229	0.078111	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155951.000000	155951.000000
-358.677094	0.027639	-0.073764	-0.982092	-0.005642	-0.012936	-0.008211	152335.000000	0.000000	0.022916	0.004280	-0.021756	-1.013500	1.711240	-51156.640625	-11446.816406	748786.500000	0.024328	0.071752	-2.195971	0.220017	-0.010475	-0.859114	0.068229	0.078111	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163781.000000	163781.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.682098	0.027883	-0.074008	-0.981848	-0.005642	-0.015064	-0.009276	152335.000000	0.000000	0.022916	0.004280	-0.021686	-1.014279	1.711240	211.337097	-4725.464355	749250.000000	0.024337	0.071792	-2.195971	0.220017	-0.010475	-0.859114	0.068229	0.078111	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126849.000000	187271.000000	177398.000000	117820.000000
-358.687103	0.028371	-0.074496	-0.981115	-0.006706	-0.016128	-0.009276	152335.000000	0.000000	0.022916	0.004280	-0.022095	-1.015154	1.711240	44.504257	-4618.053223	749250.000000	0.024351	0.071837	-2.195971	0.220017	-0.010475	-0.859114	0.068229	0.078111	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126908.000000	186997.000000	177672.000000	117761.000000
-358.692108	0.028859	-0.073764	-0.981115	-0.007771	-0.017193	-0.010340	152335.000000	0.000000	0.022916	0.004280	-0.022574	-1.014670	1.711240	39.608376	-4461.456543	749713.437500	0.024370	0.071861	-2.195971	0.220017	-0.010475	-0.859114	0.068229	0.078111	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126756.000000	186836.000000	177833.000000	117913.000000
-358.697113	0.028859	-0.073520	-0.981115	-0.008835	-0.018257	-0.009276	152335.000000	0.000000	0.022916	0.004280	-0.022533	-1.014451	1.711240	101.916145	-4484.736816	749250.000000	0.024383	0.071874	-2.195971	0.220017	-0.010475	-0.859114	0.068229	0.078111	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126717.000000	186921.000000	177748.000000	117952.000000
-358.702118	0.028615	-0.073031	-0.981359	-0.009899	-0.019321	-0.009276	152330.000000	0.000000	0.011090	0.002653	-0.672404	-1.103273	1.711389	-74344.445312	-14679.048828	749315.000000	0.024386	0.071872	-2.196028	0.220055	-0.010480	-0.859107	0.068297	0.077527	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	167009.000000	167009.000000	197650.000000	100000.000000
-358.707123	0.028371	-0.072543	-0.981848	-0.012028	-0.021450	-0.009276	152330.000000	0.000000	0.016981	0.003478	0.125191	-0.991651	1.711350	88608.984375	8001.350098	749298.000000	0.024373	0.071849	-2.196013	0.220061	-0.010489	-0.859108	0.068020	0.077599	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	160331.000000	160331.000000
-358.712128	0.027883	-0.071811	-0.982824	-0.014156	-0.023578	-0.008211	152330.000000	0.000000	0.012113	0.003029	-0.376633	-1.047527	1.712526	-56568.605469	-10663.354492	749346.687500	0.024339	0.071799	-2.196465	0.220427	-0.010614	-0.859088	0.067814	0.077297	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162993.000000	162993.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.717133	0.027395	-0.071566	-0.983801	-0.016285	-0.025706	-0.008211	152330.000000	0.000000	0.012113	0.003029	-0.180395	-1.027971	1.712526	21100.042969	-2269.449219	749346.687500	0.024284	0.071734	-2.196465	0.220427	-0.010614	-0.859088	0.067814	0.077297	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	103499.000000	200000.000000	158960.000000	141160.000000
-358.722137	0.026906	-0.071566	-0.984533	-0.018413	-0.027835	-0.007147	152326.000000	0.000000	0.012113	0.003029	-0.178482	-1.026439	1.712526	-248.555099	-4234.373047	748883.250000	0.024210	0.071659	-2.196465	0.220427	-0.010614	-0.859088	0.067814	0.077297	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126808.000000	186311.000000	178340.000000	117843.000000
-358.727142	0.026906	-0.071078	-0.985510	-0.020541	-0.029963	-0.007147	152326.000000	0.000000	0.012113	0.003029	-0.176850	-1.024197	1.712526	-262.031799	-4136.194824	748883.250000	0.024126	0.071563	-2.196465	0.220427	-0.010614	-0.859088	0.067814	0.077297	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126724.000000	186200.000000	178451.000000	117927.000000
-358.732147	0.026662	-0.070346	-0.985998	-0.022670	-0.032092	-0.006083	152326.000000	0.000000	0.012113	0.003029	-0.174808	-1.021451	1.712526	-197.962204	-4058.351562	748419.750000	0.024028	0.071444	-2.196465	0.220427	-0.010614	-0.859088	0.067814	0.077297	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126582.000000	186186.000000	178465.000000	118069.000000
-358.737152	0.025930	-0.069369	-0.986486	-0.023734	-0.033156	-0.006083	152326.000000	0.000000	0.012113	0.003029	-0.172334	-1.018384	1.712526	-251.077148	-4121.093750	748419.750000	0.023912	0.071301	-2.196465	0.220427	-0.010614	-0.859088	0.067814	0.077297	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126698.000000	186196.000000	178455.000000	117953.000000
-358.742157	0.025686	-0.069125	-0.986486	-0.024798	-0.034220	-0.005019	152342.000000	0.000000	0.012113	0.003029	-0.170139	-1.015851	1.712526	-266.927673	-4163.337891	747956.312500	0.023788	0.071152	-2.196465	0.220427	-0.010614	-0.859088	0.067814	0.077297	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126772.000000	186238.000000	178445.000000	117911.000000
-358.747162	0.025197	-0.068881	-0.986242	-0.025863	-0.034220	-0.005019	152342.000000	0.000000	0.011097	0.002690	-0.223750	-1.031846	1.712549	-6766.625488	-6269.165527	747966.312500	0.023656	0.070995	-2.196474	0.220448	-0.010624	-0.859068	0.067352	0.076685	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	135377.000000	181844.000000	182839.000000	109306.000000
-358.752167	0.023977	-0.067904	-0.985998	-0.025863	-0.034220	-0.003954	152342.000000	0.000000	0.023115	0.004344	0.480894	-0.924141	1.712452	79849.414062	7710.715332	747460.750000	0.023502	0.070822	-2.196437	0.220458	-0.010628	-0.859062	0.066723	0.076152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	160052.000000	160052.000000
-358.757172	0.023488	-0.067172	-0.985754	-0.024798	-0.033156	-0.003954	152342.000000	0.000000	0.023115	0.004344	0.002746	-0.987365	1.712452	-52527.152344	-11496.675781	747460.750000	0.023347	0.070644	-2.196437	0.220458	-0.010628	-0.859062	0.066723	0.076152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	163838.000000	163838.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.762177	0.023000	-0.066439	-0.984289	-0.023734	-0.032092	-0.002890	152342.000000	0.000000	0.023115	0.004344	0.005145	-0.984477	1.712452	318.050751	-4218.914551	746997.312500	0.023190	0.070462	-2.196437	0.220458	-0.010628	-0.859062	0.066723	0.076152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126242.000000	186878.000000	177805.000000	118441.000000
-358.767181	0.022756	-0.065951	-0.984045	-0.022670	-0.029963	-0.002890	152336.000000	0.000000	0.023115	0.004344	0.007015	-0.981708	1.712452	141.723389	-4224.121094	746997.312500	0.023042	0.070279	-2.196437	0.220458	-0.010628	-0.859062	0.066723	0.076152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126418.000000	186701.000000	177970.000000	118253.000000
-358.772186	0.022512	-0.065951	-0.983312	-0.020541	-0.027835	-0.001826	152336.000000	0.000000	0.023115	0.004344	0.008773	-0.979802	1.712452	127.617844	-4437.077637	746533.875000	0.022903	0.070111	-2.196437	0.220458	-0.010628	-0.859062	0.066723	0.076152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126645.000000	186900.000000	177771.000000	118026.000000
-358.777191	0.022512	-0.065951	-0.981604	-0.018413	-0.024642	-0.001826	152336.000000	0.000000	0.023115	0.004344	0.009811	-0.978175	1.712452	-78.421669	-4470.054199	746533.875000	0.022782	0.069960	-2.196437	0.220458	-0.010628	-0.859062	0.066723	0.076152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126884.000000	186727.000000	177944.000000	117787.000000
-358.782196	0.022512	-0.065463	-0.980627	-0.015220	-0.022514	-0.000762	152336.000000	0.000000	0.023115	0.004344	0.010906	-0.976465	1.712452	40.118519	-4584.786133	746070.375000	0.022675	0.069819	-2.196437	0.220458	-0.010628	-0.859062	0.066723	0.076152	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126880.000000	186960.000000	177711.000000	117791.000000
-358.787201	0.022268	-0.066195	-0.980139	-0.013092	-0.019321	-0.000762	152340.000000	0.000000	0.017340	0.003604	-0.305807	-1.016646	1.712876	-36500.429688	-9269.407227	746255.062500	0.022580	0.069706	-2.196600	0.220609	-0.010687	-0.859096	0.066159	0.075614	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161609.000000	161609.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.792206	0.022023	-0.065951	-0.980139	-0.010963	-0.017193	-0.000762	152340.000000	0.000000	0.017084	0.003506	-0.087866	-0.991138	1.712721	23409.503906	-1937.617676	746187.562500	0.022493	0.069601	-2.196541	0.220567	-0.010672	-0.859097	0.065723	0.075177	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100868.000000	200000.000000	156992.000000	143811.000000
-358.797211	0.021779	-0.066195	-0.980627	-0.008835	-0.014000	-0.001826	152340.000000	0.000000	0.017084	0.003506	-0.077031	-0.986589	1.712721	550.386414	-4231.471680	746651.000000	0.022419	0.069513	-2.196541	0.220567	-0.010672	-0.859097	0.065723	0.075177	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126021.000000	187121.000000	177558.000000	118658.000000
-358.802216	0.021535	-0.066684	-0.981604	-0.006706	-0.012936	-0.002890	152340.000000	0.000000	0.011026	0.002619	-0.409095	-1.035175	1.712679	-38451.800781	-10307.264648	747096.125000	0.022346	0.069446	-2.196524	0.220542	-0.010651	-0.859100	0.065758	0.075409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	162647.000000	162647.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.807220	0.022023	-0.067172	-0.982092	-0.004578	-0.010807	-0.002890	152340.000000	0.000000	0.011026	0.002619	-0.166963	-0.999855	1.712679	25671.533203	-928.757324	747096.125000	0.022294	0.069400	-2.196524	0.220542	-0.010651	-0.859100	0.065758	0.075409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155739.000000	147082.000000
-358.812225	0.022512	-0.068148	-0.983068	-0.002450	-0.008679	-0.003954	152343.000000	0.000000	0.011026	0.002619	-0.167359	-1.000792	1.712679	-1007.545593	-4929.373047	747559.562500	0.022264	0.069383	-2.196524	0.220542	-0.010651	-0.859100	0.065758	0.075409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128279.000000	186264.000000	178421.000000	116406.000000
-358.817230	0.023488	-0.068881	-0.984045	-0.001385	-0.007615	-0.005019	152343.000000	0.000000	0.011026	0.002619	-0.168308	-1.001579	1.712679	-960.512207	-4804.478027	748023.000000	0.022259	0.069385	-2.196524	0.220542	-0.010651	-0.859100	0.065758	0.075409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128107.000000	186186.000000	178499.000000	116578.000000
-358.822235	0.024221	-0.070102	-0.985021	-0.000321	-0.006550	-0.005019	152343.000000	0.000000	0.011026	0.002619	-0.169316	-1.003176	1.712679	-976.579102	-4905.702637	748023.000000	0.022274	0.069416	-2.196524	0.220542	-0.010651	-0.859100	0.065758	0.075409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128225.000000	186272.000000	178413.000000	116460.000000
-358.827240	0.024709	-0.070590	-0.985510	0.000743	-0.005486	-0.006083	152343.000000	0.000000	0.011026	0.002619	-0.170358	-1.004385	1.712679	-990.058044	-4873.548340	748486.437500	0.022304	0.069460	-2.196524	0.220542	-0.010651	-0.859100	0.065758	0.075409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128206.000000	186226.000000	178459.000000	116479.000000
-358.832245	0.024953	-0.071078	-0.985998	0.000743	-0.005486	-0.006083	152400.000000	0.000000	0.011026	0.002619	-0.171030	-1.005502	1.712679	-835.312195	-4751.625000	748486.437500	0.022338	0.069513	-2.196524	0.220542	-0.010651	-0.859100	0.065758	0.075409	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127986.000000	186316.000000	178483.000000	116813.000000
-358.837250	0.024709	-0.071566	-0.986242	0.001807	-0.005486	-0.006083	152400.000000	0.000000	0.010526	0.002455	-0.198755	-1.016068	1.712069	-3937.582275	-5961.010254	748220.812500	0.022366	0.069579	-2.196290	0.220346	-0.010573	-0.859065	0.065627	0.075167	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	132298.000000	184423.000000	180376.000000	112501.000000
-358.842255	0.024465	-0.071322	-0.985754	0.001807	-0.004422	-0.007147	152400.000000	0.000000	0.023407	0.004441	0.529082	-0.900994	1.712280	82367.132812	8500.226562	748776.062500	0.022395	0.069640	-2.196371	0.220396	-0.010583	-0.859063	0.065959	0.075542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	160900.000000	160900.000000
-358.847260	0.024465	-0.071566	-0.985998	0.001807	-0.005486	-0.007147	152400.000000	0.000000	0.023407	0.004441	0.013941	-0.981491	1.712280	-56436.421875	-13374.355469	748776.062500	0.022417	0.069704	-2.196371	0.220396	-0.010583	-0.859063	0.065959	0.075542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165774.000000	165774.000000	199025.000000	100000.000000
-358.852264	0.024465	-0.071566	-0.985754	0.001807	-0.005486	-0.007147	152417.000000	0.000000	0.023407	0.004441	0.013621	-0.982399	1.712280	52.656841	-4627.175781	748776.062500	0.022439	0.069767	-2.196371	0.220396	-0.010583	-0.859063	0.065959	0.075542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126991.000000	187096.000000	177737.000000	117842.000000
-358.857269	0.023977	-0.071322	-0.985021	0.001807	-0.005486	-0.007147	152417.000000	0.000000	0.023407	0.004441	0.013834	-0.983064	1.712280	112.322075	-4603.551758	748776.062500	0.022452	0.069824	-2.196371	0.220396	-0.010583	-0.859063	0.065959	0.075542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126908.000000	187132.000000	177701.000000	117925.000000
-358.862274	0.023977	-0.071078	-0.984289	0.001807	-0.005486	-0.007147	152417.000000	0.000000	0.023407	0.004441	0.013643	-0.983657	1.712280	66.968414	-4598.264160	748776.062500	0.022464	0.069877	-2.196371	0.220396	-0.010583	-0.859063	0.065959	0.075542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126948.000000	187082.000000	177751.000000	117885.000000
-358.867279	0.023977	-0.070834	-0.983557	0.001807	-0.005486	-0.007147	152417.000000	0.000000	0.023407	0.004441	0.013450	-0.984179	1.712280	65.897964	-4592.967773	748776.062500	0.022477	0.069925	-2.196371	0.220396	-0.010583	-0.859063	0.065959	0.075542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126944.000000	187075.000000	177758.000000	117889.000000
-358.872284	0.023732	-0.070102	-0.982336	0.001807	-0.005486	-0.007147	152417.000000	0.000000	0.023407	0.004441	0.013514	-0.984127	1.712280	94.442795	-4529.649902	748776.062500	0.022485	0.069959	-2.196371	0.220396	-0.010583	-0.859063	0.065959	0.075542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126852.000000	187041.000000	177792.000000	117981.000000
-358.877289	0.023244	-0.069369	-0.981359	0.001807	-0.005486	-0.007147	152401.000000	0.000000	0.023407	0.004441	0.013921	-0.983861	1.712280	134.029129	-4504.837402	748776.062500	0.022483	0.069979	-2.196371	0.220396	-0.010583	-0.859063	0.065959	0.075542	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126771.000000	187039.000000	177762.000000	118030.000000
-358.882294	0.023488	-0.069125	-0.981115	0.001807	-0.005486	-0.007147	152401.000000	0.000000	0.029513	0.005323	0.349433	-0.935402	1.712104	38531.582031	1018.345764	748699.625000	0.022487	0.069994	-2.196303	0.220367	-0.010582	-0.859115	0.066371	0.076094	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	153419.000000	153419.000000
-358.887299	0.023488	-0.068881	-0.980139	0.001807	-0.005486	-0.007147	152401.000000	0.000000	0.029513	0.005323	0.105176	-0.970670	1.712104	-26348.531250	-8351.362305	748699.625000	0.022490	0.070005	-2.196303	0.220367	-0.010582	-0.859115	0.066371	0.076094	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	157100.000000	164403.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.892303	0.023244	-0.068393	-0.979406	0.001807	-0.005486	-0.007147	152401.000000	0.000000	0.029513	0.005323	0.105374	-0.970335	1.712104	531.778198	-4435.013184	748699.625000	0.022490	0.070007	-2.196303	0.220367	-0.010582	-0.859115	0.066371	0.076094	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126304.000000	187367.000000	177434.000000	118497.000000
-358.897308	0.023732	-0.068148	-0.979650	0.001807	-0.005486	-0.007147	152341.000000	0.000000	0.029513	0.005323	0.104844	-0.970069	1.712104	449.216003	-4441.355469	748699.625000	0.022499	0.070003	-2.196303	0.220367	-0.010582	-0.859115	0.066371	0.076094	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126333.000000	187231.000000	177450.000000	118348.000000
-358.902313	0.023732	-0.067660	-0.980627	0.002872	-0.005486	-0.007147	152341.000000	0.000000	0.029513	0.005323	0.104744	-0.969687	1.712104	496.015747	-4548.768555	748699.625000	0.022507	0.069994	-2.196303	0.220367	-0.010582	-0.859115	0.066371	0.076094	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126393.000000	187385.000000	177296.000000	118288.000000
-358.907318	0.023977	-0.067660	-0.981359	0.002872	-0.005486	-0.007147	152341.000000	0.000000	0.029513	0.005323	0.104373	-0.969498	1.712104	464.633270	-4452.192871	748699.625000	0.022520	0.069983	-2.196303	0.220367	-0.010582	-0.859115	0.066371	0.076094	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126328.000000	187257.000000	177424.000000	118353.000000
-358.912323	0.023732	-0.067660	-0.982336	0.002872	-0.004422	-0.006083	152341.000000	0.000000	0.029513	0.005323	0.104228	-0.969287	1.712104	366.738800	-4448.706543	748236.187500	0.022532	0.069972	-2.196303	0.220367	-0.010582	-0.859115	0.066371	0.076094	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126422.000000	187156.000000	177525.000000	118259.000000
-358.917328	0.023977	-0.067416	-0.982824	0.002872	-0.004422	-0.006083	152341.000000	0.000000	0.023696	0.004591	-0.216010	-1.009041	1.712768	-36185.332031	-9025.984375	748525.312500	0.022549	0.069955	-2.196559	0.220603	-0.010703	-0.859118	0.066186	0.075844	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	161366.000000	161366.000000	200000.000000	100000.000000
-358.922333	0.024221	-0.067660	-0.983801	0.003936	-0.004422	-0.006083	152343.000000	0.000000	0.010979	0.002633	-0.683172	-1.087691	1.712541	-54489.554688	-13786.494141	748426.500000	0.022569	0.069948	-2.196471	0.220535	-0.010676	-0.859100	0.066776	0.075926	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	166129.000000	166129.000000	198556.000000	100000.000000
-358.927338	0.024709	-0.067904	-0.985021	0.003936	-0.003358	-0.006083	152343.000000	0.000000	0.010979	0.002633	-0.175763	-1.009482	1.712541	54882.585938	3937.792480	748426.500000	0.022604	0.069944	-2.196471	0.220535	-0.010676	-0.859100	0.066776	0.075926	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	156280.000000	156280.000000
-358.932343	0.024709	-0.068148	-0.985510	0.003936	-0.003358	-0.006083	152343.000000	0.000000	0.011060	0.002664	-0.171769	-1.007990	1.712414	-335.556213	-4490.825195	748370.937500	0.022638	0.069944	-2.196422	0.220488	-0.010657	-0.859086	0.066778	0.076113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127169.000000	186498.000000	178187.000000	117516.000000
-358.937347	0.024709	-0.068148	-0.986242	0.003936	-0.003358	-0.006083	152343.000000	0.000000	0.011060	0.002664	-0.175463	-1.009148	1.712414	-1197.777222	-4787.457520	748370.937500	0.022670	0.069943	-2.196422	0.220488	-0.010657	-0.859086	0.066778	0.076113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	128328.000000	185932.000000	178753.000000	116357.000000
-358.942352	0.024709	-0.068393	-0.986486	0.003936	-0.003358	-0.006083	152339.000000	0.000000	0.011060	0.002664	-0.175910	-1.009386	1.712414	-842.906311	-4687.517578	748370.937500	0.022702	0.069946	-2.196422	0.220488	-0.010657	-0.859086	0.066778	0.076113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127869.000000	186183.000000	178494.000000	116808.000000
-358.947357	0.024709	-0.068148	-0.986486	0.002872	-0.003358	-0.006083	152339.000000	0.000000	0.011060	0.002664	-0.176354	-1.008880	1.712414	-844.598083	-4481.386719	748370.937500	0.022733	0.069940	-2.196422	0.220488	-0.010657	-0.859086	0.066778	0.076113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127664.000000	185975.000000	178702.000000	117013.000000
-358.952362	0.024709	-0.068148	-0.985998	0.002872	-0.003358	-0.006083	152339.000000	0.000000	0.011060	0.002664	-0.176802	-1.008827	1.712414	-847.142334	-4647.945312	748370.937500	0.022764	0.069934	-2.196422	0.220488	-0.010657	-0.859086	0.066778	0.076113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127834.000000	186139.000000	178538.000000	116843.000000
-358.957367	0.024709	-0.068393	-0.985510	0.001807	-0.004422	-0.006083	152339.000000	0.000000	0.011060	0.002664	-0.176959	-1.008768	1.712414	-693.849670	-4525.163574	748370.937500	0.022790	0.069929	-2.196422	0.220488	-0.010657	-0.859086	0.066778	0.076113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127558.000000	186170.000000	178507.000000	117119.000000
-358.962372	0.024465	-0.068393	-0.985021	0.001807	-0.005486	-0.006083	152349.000000	0.000000	0.011060	0.002664	-0.176766	-1.008733	1.712414	-649.703186	-4644.633301	748370.937500	0.022805	0.069924	-2.196422	0.220488	-0.010657	-0.859086	0.066778	0.076113	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127643.000000	186343.000000	178354.000000	117054.000000
-358.967377	0.023732	-0.068881	-0.984289	0.000743	-0.006550	-0.006083	152349.000000	0.000000	0.011093	0.002681	-0.174087	-1.008044	1.712293	-359.032898	-4447.595703	748318.250000	0.022799	0.069926	-2.196376	0.220446	-0.010642	-0.859103	0.066663	0.076009	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127155.000000	186437.000000	178260.000000	117542.000000
-358.972382	0.023732	-0.069613	-0.983312	-0.000321	-0.007615	-0.007147	152349.000000	0.000000	0.023825	0.004590	0.525005	-0.904360	1.712915	79436.429688	7359.102051	749052.500000	0.022790	0.069938	-2.196615	0.220611	-0.010690	-0.859079	0.066721	0.075838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	159708.000000	159708.000000
-358.977386	0.024221	-0.070102	-0.982580	-0.001385	-0.008679	-0.007147	152349.000000	0.000000	0.023825	0.004590	0.015756	-0.981186	1.712915	-55765.589844	-12837.535156	749052.500000	0.022786	0.069956	-2.196615	0.220611	-0.010690	-0.859079	0.066721	0.075838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165186.000000	165186.000000	199511.000000	100000.000000
-358.982391	0.025441	-0.070346	-0.981848	-0.003514	-0.010807	-0.007147	152349.000000	0.000000	0.023825	0.004590	0.015003	-0.981184	1.712915	269.970673	-4263.053223	749052.500000	0.022797	0.069968	-2.196615	0.220611	-0.010690	-0.859079	0.066721	0.075838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126342.000000	186882.000000	177815.000000	118355.000000
-358.987396	0.026662	-0.071078	-0.981115	-0.004578	-0.011872	-0.007147	152338.000000	0.000000	0.023825	0.004590	0.013758	-0.981947	1.712915	98.004150	-4462.713867	749052.500000	0.022827	0.069992	-2.196615	0.220611	-0.010690	-0.859079	0.066721	0.075838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126702.000000	186898.000000	177777.000000	117973.000000
-358.992401	0.027639	-0.072055	-0.981115	-0.004578	-0.011872	-0.007147	152338.000000	0.000000	0.023825	0.004590	0.012245	-0.983355	1.712915	-55.402531	-4657.282227	749052.500000	0.022877	0.070034	-2.196615	0.220611	-0.010690	-0.859079	0.066721	0.075838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127050.000000	186939.000000	177736.000000	117625.000000
-358.997406	0.028127	-0.073031	-0.981848	-0.005642	-0.012936	-0.006083	152338.000000	0.000000	0.023825	0.004590	0.011342	-0.984691	1.712915	129.354004	-4533.502930	748589.000000	0.022929	0.070089	-2.196615	0.220611	-0.010690	-0.859079	0.066721	0.075838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126742.000000	187000.000000	177675.000000	117933.000000
-359.002411	0.028127	-0.073520	-0.982580	-0.006706	-0.012936	-0.006083	152338.000000	0.000000	0.023825	0.004590	0.010637	-0.985653	1.712915	30.965153	-4491.904297	748589.000000	0.022980	0.070147	-2.196615	0.220611	-0.010690	-0.859079	0.066721	0.075838	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	126798.000000	186860.000000	177815.000000	117877.000000
-359.007416	0.027395	-0.073275	-0.982824	-0.006706	-0.014000	-0.006083	152331.000000	0.000000	0.011128	0.002677	-0.687115	-1.091372	1.712799	-79701.406250	-16613.835938	748538.562500	0.023010	0.070198	-2.196570	0.220569	-0.010669	-0.859082	0.067136	0.076225	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168944.000000	168944.000000	195717.000000	100000.000000
-359.012421	0.027150	-0.072787	-0.983312	-0.007771	-0.015064	-0.006083	152331.000000	0.000000	0.023783	0.004583	0.516646	-0.909905	1.712879	134950.187500	15924.554688	748573.625000	0.023029	0.070232	-2.196601	0.220591	-0.010673	-0.859076	0.066318	0.075625	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	196406.000000	168255.000000	168255.000000
-359.017426	0.026174	-0.072299	-0.985021	-0.008835	-0.016128	-0.006083	152331.000000	0.000000	0.023783	0.004583	0.011719	-0.985629	1.712879	-55274.679688	-12702.592773	748573.625000	0.023021	0.070248	-2.196601	0.220591	-0.010673	-0.859076	0.066318	0.075625	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165033.000000	165033.000000	199628.000000	100000.000000
-359.022430	0.025686	-0.071566	-0.985998	-0.008835	-0.016128	-0.006083	152331.000000	0.000000	0.011242	0.002744	-0.677259	-1.086077	1.712796	-78813.640625	-16002.401367	748537.187500	0.023004	0.070248	-2.196569	0.220576	-0.010670	-0.859057	0.066258	0.075922	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	168333.000000	168333.000000	196328.000000	100000.000000
-359.027435	0.024953	-0.071078	-0.986242	-0.008835	-0.017193	-0.006083	152331.000000	0.000000	0.011242	0.002744	-0.174370	-1.011976	1.712796	54689.718750	3533.430420	748537.187500	0.022966	0.070237	-2.196569	0.220576	-0.010670	-0.859057	0.066258	0.075922	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	155864.000000	155864.000000
-359.032440	0.024953	-0.069857	-0.985998	-0.008835	-0.017193	-0.006083	152403.000000	0.000000	0.011242	0.002744	-0.173859	-1.010494	1.712796	-664.459778	-4444.620117	748537.187500	0.022930	0.070203	-2.196569	0.220576	-0.010670	-0.859057	0.066258	0.075922	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127512.000000	186183.000000	178622.000000	117293.000000
-359.037445	0.024709	-0.069369	-0.986242	-0.008835	-0.017193	-0.006083	152403.000000	0.000000	0.011242	0.002744	-0.173074	-1.009452	1.712796	-630.730225	-4488.254883	748537.187500	0.022889	0.070158	-2.196569	0.220576	-0.010670	-0.859057	0.066258	0.075922	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127521.000000	186260.000000	178545.000000	117284.000000
-359.042450	0.024221	-0.068637	-0.985998	-0.009899	-0.017193	-0.006083	152403.000000	0.000000	0.011242	0.002744	-0.171971	-1.007758	1.712796	-590.750854	-4286.869629	748537.187500	0.022839	0.070095	-2.196569	0.220576	-0.010670	-0.859057	0.066258	0.075922	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127280.000000	186099.000000	178706.000000	117525.000000
-359.047455	0.023732	-0.068148	-0.985754	-0.009899	-0.018257	-0.006083	152403.000000	0.000000	0.011242	0.002744	-0.170458	-1.006360	1.712796	-416.706024	-4430.041992	748537.187500	0.022775	0.070024	-2.196569	0.220576	-0.010670	-0.859057	0.066258	0.075922	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127249.000000	186416.000000	178389.000000	117556.000000
-359.052460	0.023977	-0.067660	-0.984045	-0.009899	-0.018257	-0.006083	152332.000000	0.000000	0.011748	0.002938	-0.142041	-0.994287	1.713211	2555.239014	-3200.625244	748718.062500	0.022719	0.069947	-2.196729	0.220724	-0.010730	-0.859043	0.066564	0.075994	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	122977.000000	188087.000000	176576.000000	121686.000000
-359.057465	0.024221	-0.067416	-0.983068	-0.010963	-0.019321	-0.006083	152332.000000	0.000000	0.017737	0.003737	0.167748	-0.956578	1.713440	35040.714844	-86.560280	748817.687500	0.022664	0.069863	-2.196817	0.220803	-0.010755	-0.859068	0.066065	0.075628	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	152245.000000	152245.000000
-359.062469	0.024709	-0.067172	-0.982580	-0.012028	-0.020385	-0.006083	152332.000000	0.000000	0.011474	0.002849	-0.415553	-1.035624	1.713546	-65838.289062	-13283.049805	748864.125000	0.022614	0.069770	-2.196858	0.220847	-0.010781	-0.859090	0.065847	0.075317	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	165615.000000	165615.000000	199048.000000	100000.000000
-359.067474	0.025197	-0.067172	-0.981848	-0.012028	-0.020385	-0.006083	152332.000000	0.000000	0.011474	0.002849	-0.165021	-0.998899	1.713546	26882.214844	-501.557587	748864.125000	0.022576	0.069681	-2.196858	0.220847	-0.010781	-0.859090	0.065847	0.075317	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	100000.000000	200000.000000	154948.000000	148712.000000
-359.072479	0.025930	-0.067416	-0.981359	-0.013092	-0.020385	-0.005019	152336.000000	0.000000	0.010980	0.002642	-0.192437	-1.009051	1.713123	-3806.026123	-5580.616211	748216.312500	0.022554	0.069593	-2.196695	0.220722	-0.010736	-0.859079	0.065822	0.075003	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	131722.000000	184110.000000	180561.000000	112949.000000
-359.077484	0.026418	-0.067904	-0.981604	-0.012028	-0.020385	-0.005019	152336.000000	0.000000	0.010980	0.002642	-0.172932	-1.000384	1.713123	1442.974609	-3710.444580	748216.312500	0.022542	0.069523	-2.196695	0.220722	-0.010736	-0.859079	0.065822	0.075003	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	124603.000000	187489.000000	177182.000000	120068.000000
-359.082489	0.026174	-0.068393	-0.982092	-0.012028	-0.020385	-0.005019	152336.000000	0.000000	0.010980	0.002642	-0.172474	-0.999908	1.713123	-649.252319	-4491.922363	748216.312500	0.022525	0.069463	-2.196695	0.220722	-0.010736	-0.859079	0.065822	0.075003	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127477.000000	186178.000000	178493.000000	117194.000000
-359.087494	0.025686	-0.067660	-0.981848	-0.013092	-0.020385	-0.005019	152336.000000	0.000000	0.010980	0.002642	-0.171699	-0.997990	1.713123	-610.749451	-4202.642578	748216.312500	0.022498	0.069384	-2.196695	0.220722	-0.010736	-0.859079	0.065822	0.075003	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127149.000000	185927.000000	178744.000000	117522.000000
-359.092499	0.024953	-0.067416	-0.982580	-0.013092	-0.020385	-0.005019	152336.000000	0.000000	0.010980	0.002642	-0.170490	-0.996572	1.713123	-557.638367	-4368.040527	748216.312500	0.022457	0.069301	-2.196695	0.220722	-0.010736	-0.859079	0.065822	0.075003	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127261.000000	186146.000000	178525.000000	117410.000000
-359.097504	0.024221	-0.066684	-0.982336	-0.013092	-0.020385	-0.005019	152335.000000	0.000000	0.010980	0.002642	-0.169107	-0.994623	1.713123	-531.952515	-4300.795410	748216.312500	0.022401	0.069205	-2.196695	0.220722	-0.010736	-0.859079	0.065822	0.075003	-0.114335	0.111210	0.000000	-1.537802	127167.000000	186103.000000	178566.000000	117502.0000
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/logFiles/logData.csv b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/logFiles/logData.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index ec82bdd6374c782adf567e0a0539429ce8758c2d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/logFiles/logData.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-time,accel_x,accel_y,accel_z,gyro_x,gyro_y,gyro_z,Altitude PID-Correction,X pos PID-Correction,Y pos PID-Correction,Pitch PID-Correction,Roll PID-Correction,Yaw PID-Correction,Pitch Rate PID-Correction,Roll Rate PID-Correction,Yaw Rate PID-Correction,Pitch-Constant,Roll-Constant,Yaw-Constant,VRPN X-Constant,VRPN Y-Constant,VRPN Alt-Constant,VRPN Pitch-Constant,VRPN Roll-Constant,X Setpoint-Constant,Y Setpoint-Constant,Alt Setpoint-Constant,Signal Mixer-PWM 0,Signal Mixer-PWM 1,Signal Mixer-PWM 2,Signal Mixer-PWM 3
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/logFiles/logData1.csv b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/logFiles/logData1.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index b824bc492610e14ccf6acc042a8451f122b98be3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/logFiles/logData1.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,846 +0,0 @@
-time,accel_x,accel_y,accel_z,gyro_x,gyro_y,gyro_z,Altitude PID-Correction,X pos PID-Correction,Y pos PID-Correction,Pitch PID-Correction,Roll PID-Correction,Yaw PID-Correction,Pitch Rate PID-Correction,Roll Rate PID-Correction,Yaw Rate PID-Correction,Pitch-Constant,Roll-Constant,Yaw-Constant,VRPN X-Constant,VRPN Y-Constant,VRPN Alt-Constant,VRPN Pitch-Constant,VRPN Roll-Constant,X Setpoint-Constant,Y Setpoint-Constant,Alt Setpoint-Constant,Signal Mixer-PWM 0,Signal Mixer-PWM 1,Signal Mixer-PWM 2,Signal Mixer-PWM 3
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/EMLReport/sL897IXghI8zmc3H8vRBKxD.mat b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/EMLReport/sL897IXghI8zmc3H8vRBKxD.mat
deleted file mode 100644
index 0525f07daba7714fe185e1428a497d0650c1c98c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/EMLReport/sL897IXghI8zmc3H8vRBKxD.mat and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/info/binfo.mat b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/info/binfo.mat
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fa0e5c2e0dcd0882ae2cc364479119d3741f44a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/info/binfo.mat and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/c15_test_model.c b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/c15_test_model.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 57f63efc7757630bf45b1ac51f17b12ba887aa79..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/c15_test_model.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1605 +0,0 @@
-/* Include files */
-#include "test_model_sfun.h"
-#include "c15_test_model.h"
-#define CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER      (chartInstance->chartNumber)
-#define CHARTINSTANCE_INSTANCENUMBER   (chartInstance->instanceNumber)
-#include "test_model_sfun_debug_macros.h"
-#define _SF_MEX_LISTEN_FOR_CTRL_C(S)   sf_mex_listen_for_ctrl_c_with_debugger(S, sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct);
-static void chart_debug_initialization(SimStruct *S, unsigned int
-  fullDebuggerInitialization);
-static void chart_debug_initialize_data_addresses(SimStruct *S);
-static const mxArray* sf_opaque_get_hover_data_for_msg(void *chartInstance,
-  int32_T msgSSID);
-/* Type Definitions */
-/* Named Constants */
-#define CALL_EVENT                     (-1)
-/* Variable Declarations */
-/* Variable Definitions */
-static real_T _sfTime_;
-static const char * c15_debug_family_names[29] = { "out_z", "out_y", "out_x",
-  "out_yaw", "c_pid_y", "c_pid_roll", "nargin", "nargout", "set_x", "set_y",
-  "set_z", "set_yaw", "cur_x", "cur_y", "cur_z", "cur_phi", "cur_theta",
-  "cur_psi", "cur_phi_d", "cur_theta_d", "cur_psi_d", "vrpn_id", "Tc", "z_corr",
-  "y_cor", "x_corr", "yaw_corr", "pid_y_out", "pid_roll_out" };
-/* Function Declarations */
-static void initialize_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance);
-static void initialize_params_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance);
-static void enable_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance);
-static void disable_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance);
-static void c15_update_debugger_state_c15_test_model
-  (SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance);
-static const mxArray *get_sim_state_c15_test_model
-  (SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance);
-static void set_sim_state_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance, const mxArray *c15_st);
-static void finalize_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance);
-static void sf_gateway_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance);
-static void mdl_start_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance);
-static void initSimStructsc15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance);
-static void init_script_number_translation(uint32_T c15_machineNumber, uint32_T
-  c15_chartNumber, uint32_T c15_instanceNumber);
-static const mxArray *c15_sf_marshallOut(void *chartInstanceVoid, void
-  *c15_inData);
-static real_T c15_emlrt_marshallIn(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance,
-  const mxArray *c15_b_pid_roll_out, const char_T *c15_identifier);
-static real_T c15_b_emlrt_marshallIn(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance, const mxArray *c15_u, const emlrtMsgIdentifier *c15_parentId);
-static void c15_sf_marshallIn(void *chartInstanceVoid, const mxArray
-  *c15_mxArrayInData, const char_T *c15_varName, void *c15_outData);
-static const mxArray *c15_b_sf_marshallOut(void *chartInstanceVoid, void
-  *c15_inData);
-static const mxArray *c15_c_sf_marshallOut(void *chartInstanceVoid, void
-  *c15_inData);
-static int32_T c15_c_emlrt_marshallIn(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance, const mxArray *c15_u, const emlrtMsgIdentifier *c15_parentId);
-static void c15_b_sf_marshallIn(void *chartInstanceVoid, const mxArray
-  *c15_mxArrayInData, const char_T *c15_varName, void *c15_outData);
-static uint8_T c15_d_emlrt_marshallIn(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance, const mxArray *c15_b_is_active_c15_test_model, const char_T
-  *c15_identifier);
-static uint8_T c15_e_emlrt_marshallIn(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance, const mxArray *c15_u, const emlrtMsgIdentifier *c15_parentId);
-static void init_dsm_address_info(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance);
-static void init_simulink_io_address(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance);
-/* Function Definitions */
-static void initialize_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance)
-  if (sf_is_first_init_cond(chartInstance->S)) {
-    initSimStructsc15_test_model(chartInstance);
-    chart_debug_initialize_data_addresses(chartInstance->S);
-  }
-  chartInstance->c15_sfEvent = CALL_EVENT;
-  _sfTime_ = sf_get_time(chartInstance->S);
-  chartInstance->c15_is_active_c15_test_model = 0U;
-static void initialize_params_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance)
-  (void)chartInstance;
-static void enable_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance)
-  _sfTime_ = sf_get_time(chartInstance->S);
-static void disable_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance)
-  _sfTime_ = sf_get_time(chartInstance->S);
-static void c15_update_debugger_state_c15_test_model
-  (SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance)
-  (void)chartInstance;
-static const mxArray *get_sim_state_c15_test_model
-  (SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance)
-  const mxArray *c15_st;
-  const mxArray *c15_y = NULL;
-  real_T c15_hoistedGlobal;
-  const mxArray *c15_b_y = NULL;
-  real_T c15_b_hoistedGlobal;
-  const mxArray *c15_c_y = NULL;
-  real_T c15_c_hoistedGlobal;
-  const mxArray *c15_d_y = NULL;
-  real_T c15_d_hoistedGlobal;
-  const mxArray *c15_e_y = NULL;
-  real_T c15_e_hoistedGlobal;
-  const mxArray *c15_f_y = NULL;
-  real_T c15_f_hoistedGlobal;
-  const mxArray *c15_g_y = NULL;
-  uint8_T c15_g_hoistedGlobal;
-  const mxArray *c15_h_y = NULL;
-  c15_st = NULL;
-  c15_st = NULL;
-  c15_y = NULL;
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_y, sf_mex_createcellmatrix(7, 1), false);
-  c15_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_pid_roll_out;
-  c15_b_y = NULL;
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_b_y, sf_mex_create("y", &c15_hoistedGlobal, 0, 0U, 0U, 0U,
-    0), false);
-  sf_mex_setcell(c15_y, 0, c15_b_y);
-  c15_b_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_pid_y_out;
-  c15_c_y = NULL;
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_c_y, sf_mex_create("y", &c15_b_hoistedGlobal, 0, 0U, 0U, 0U,
-    0), false);
-  sf_mex_setcell(c15_y, 1, c15_c_y);
-  c15_c_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_x_corr;
-  c15_d_y = NULL;
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_d_y, sf_mex_create("y", &c15_c_hoistedGlobal, 0, 0U, 0U, 0U,
-    0), false);
-  sf_mex_setcell(c15_y, 2, c15_d_y);
-  c15_d_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_y_cor;
-  c15_e_y = NULL;
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_e_y, sf_mex_create("y", &c15_d_hoistedGlobal, 0, 0U, 0U, 0U,
-    0), false);
-  sf_mex_setcell(c15_y, 3, c15_e_y);
-  c15_e_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_yaw_corr;
-  c15_f_y = NULL;
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_f_y, sf_mex_create("y", &c15_e_hoistedGlobal, 0, 0U, 0U, 0U,
-    0), false);
-  sf_mex_setcell(c15_y, 4, c15_f_y);
-  c15_f_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_z_corr;
-  c15_g_y = NULL;
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_g_y, sf_mex_create("y", &c15_f_hoistedGlobal, 0, 0U, 0U, 0U,
-    0), false);
-  sf_mex_setcell(c15_y, 5, c15_g_y);
-  c15_g_hoistedGlobal = chartInstance->c15_is_active_c15_test_model;
-  c15_h_y = NULL;
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_h_y, sf_mex_create("y", &c15_g_hoistedGlobal, 3, 0U, 0U, 0U,
-    0), false);
-  sf_mex_setcell(c15_y, 6, c15_h_y);
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_st, c15_y, false);
-  return c15_st;
-static void set_sim_state_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance, const mxArray *c15_st)
-  const mxArray *c15_u;
-  chartInstance->c15_doneDoubleBufferReInit = true;
-  c15_u = sf_mex_dup(c15_st);
-  *chartInstance->c15_pid_roll_out = c15_emlrt_marshallIn(chartInstance,
-    sf_mex_dup(sf_mex_getcell("pid_roll_out", c15_u, 0)), "pid_roll_out");
-  *chartInstance->c15_pid_y_out = c15_emlrt_marshallIn(chartInstance, sf_mex_dup
-    (sf_mex_getcell("pid_y_out", c15_u, 1)), "pid_y_out");
-  *chartInstance->c15_x_corr = c15_emlrt_marshallIn(chartInstance, sf_mex_dup
-    (sf_mex_getcell("x_corr", c15_u, 2)), "x_corr");
-  *chartInstance->c15_y_cor = c15_emlrt_marshallIn(chartInstance, sf_mex_dup
-    (sf_mex_getcell("y_cor", c15_u, 3)), "y_cor");
-  *chartInstance->c15_yaw_corr = c15_emlrt_marshallIn(chartInstance, sf_mex_dup
-    (sf_mex_getcell("yaw_corr", c15_u, 4)), "yaw_corr");
-  *chartInstance->c15_z_corr = c15_emlrt_marshallIn(chartInstance, sf_mex_dup
-    (sf_mex_getcell("z_corr", c15_u, 5)), "z_corr");
-  chartInstance->c15_is_active_c15_test_model = c15_d_emlrt_marshallIn
-    (chartInstance, sf_mex_dup(sf_mex_getcell("is_active_c15_test_model", c15_u,
-       6)), "is_active_c15_test_model");
-  sf_mex_destroy(&c15_u);
-  c15_update_debugger_state_c15_test_model(chartInstance);
-  sf_mex_destroy(&c15_st);
-static void finalize_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance)
-  (void)chartInstance;
-static void sf_gateway_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance)
-  real_T c15_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_b_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_c_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_d_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_e_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_f_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_g_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_h_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_i_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_j_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_k_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_l_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_m_hoistedGlobal;
-  uint32_T c15_n_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_o_hoistedGlobal;
-  real_T c15_b_set_x;
-  real_T c15_b_set_y;
-  real_T c15_b_set_z;
-  real_T c15_b_set_yaw;
-  real_T c15_b_cur_x;
-  real_T c15_b_cur_y;
-  real_T c15_b_cur_z;
-  real_T c15_b_cur_phi;
-  real_T c15_b_cur_theta;
-  real_T c15_b_cur_psi;
-  real_T c15_b_cur_phi_d;
-  real_T c15_b_cur_theta_d;
-  real_T c15_b_cur_psi_d;
-  uint32_T c15_b_vrpn_id;
-  real_T c15_b_Tc;
-  uint32_T c15_debug_family_var_map[29];
-  real_T c15_out_z;
-  real_T c15_out_y;
-  real_T c15_out_x;
-  real_T c15_out_yaw;
-  real_T c15_c_pid_y;
-  real_T c15_c_pid_roll;
-  real_T c15_nargin = 15.0;
-  real_T c15_nargout = 6.0;
-  real_T c15_b_z_corr;
-  real_T c15_b_y_cor;
-  real_T c15_b_x_corr;
-  real_T c15_b_yaw_corr;
-  real_T c15_b_pid_y_out;
-  real_T c15_b_pid_roll_out;
-  _sfTime_ = sf_get_time(chartInstance->S);
-  _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_SFUNCTION_TAG, 12U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_Tc, 14U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK((real_T)*chartInstance->c15_vrpn_id, 13U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_cur_psi_d, 12U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_cur_theta_d, 11U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_cur_phi_d, 10U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_cur_psi, 9U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_cur_theta, 8U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_cur_phi, 7U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_cur_z, 6U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_cur_y, 5U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_cur_x, 4U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_set_yaw, 3U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_set_z, 2U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_set_y, 1U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_set_x, 0U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  chartInstance->c15_sfEvent = CALL_EVENT;
-  _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_DURING_FUNCTION_TAG, 12U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent);
-  c15_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_set_x;
-  c15_b_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_set_y;
-  c15_c_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_set_z;
-  c15_d_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_set_yaw;
-  c15_e_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_cur_x;
-  c15_f_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_cur_y;
-  c15_g_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_cur_z;
-  c15_h_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_cur_phi;
-  c15_i_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_cur_theta;
-  c15_j_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_cur_psi;
-  c15_k_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_cur_phi_d;
-  c15_l_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_cur_theta_d;
-  c15_m_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_cur_psi_d;
-  c15_n_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_vrpn_id;
-  c15_o_hoistedGlobal = *chartInstance->c15_Tc;
-  c15_b_set_x = c15_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_set_y = c15_b_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_set_z = c15_c_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_set_yaw = c15_d_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_cur_x = c15_e_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_cur_y = c15_f_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_cur_z = c15_g_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_cur_phi = c15_h_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_cur_theta = c15_i_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_cur_psi = c15_j_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_cur_phi_d = c15_k_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_cur_theta_d = c15_l_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_cur_psi_d = c15_m_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_vrpn_id = c15_n_hoistedGlobal;
-  c15_b_Tc = c15_o_hoistedGlobal;
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_PUSH_EML(0U, 29U, 29U, c15_debug_family_names,
-    c15_debug_family_var_map);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_out_z, 0U, c15_sf_marshallOut,
-    c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_out_y, 1U, c15_sf_marshallOut,
-    c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_out_x, 2U, c15_sf_marshallOut,
-    c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_out_yaw, 3U, c15_sf_marshallOut,
-    c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_c_pid_y, 4U, c15_sf_marshallOut,
-    c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_c_pid_roll, 5U, c15_sf_marshallOut,
-    c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_nargin, 6U, c15_sf_marshallOut,
-    c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_nargout, 7U, c15_sf_marshallOut,
-    c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_set_x, 8U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_set_y, 9U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_set_z, 10U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_set_yaw, 11U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_cur_x, 12U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_cur_y, 13U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_cur_z, 14U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_cur_phi, 15U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_cur_theta, 16U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_cur_psi, 17U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_cur_phi_d, 18U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_cur_theta_d, 19U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_cur_psi_d, 20U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_vrpn_id, 21U, c15_b_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(&c15_b_Tc, 22U, c15_sf_marshallOut);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_b_z_corr, 23U, c15_sf_marshallOut,
-    c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_b_y_cor, 24U, c15_sf_marshallOut,
-    c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_b_x_corr, 25U, c15_sf_marshallOut,
-    c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_b_yaw_corr, 26U, c15_sf_marshallOut,
-    c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_b_pid_y_out, 27U, c15_sf_marshallOut,
-    c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(&c15_b_pid_roll_out, 28U,
-    c15_sf_marshallOut, c15_sf_marshallIn);
-  CV_EML_FCN(0, 0);
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, 6);
-  c15_out_z = -1.0;
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, 7);
-  c15_out_y = -1.0;
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, 8);
-  c15_out_x = -1.0;
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, 9);
-  c15_out_yaw = -1.0;
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, 10);
-  c15_c_pid_y = -1.0;
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, 11);
-  c15_c_pid_roll = -1.0;
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, 13);
-  c_controller(c15_b_vrpn_id, c15_b_Tc, c15_b_set_x, c15_b_set_y, c15_b_set_z,
-               c15_b_set_yaw, c15_b_cur_x, c15_b_cur_y, c15_b_cur_z,
-               c15_b_cur_phi, c15_b_cur_theta, c15_b_cur_psi, c15_b_cur_phi_d,
-               c15_b_cur_theta_d, c15_b_cur_psi_d, &c15_out_z, &c15_out_y,
-               &c15_out_x, &c15_out_yaw, &c15_c_pid_y, &c15_c_pid_roll);
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, 20);
-  c15_b_z_corr = c15_out_z;
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, 21);
-  c15_b_y_cor = c15_out_y;
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, 22);
-  c15_b_x_corr = c15_out_x;
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, 23);
-  c15_b_pid_y_out = c15_c_pid_y;
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, 24);
-  c15_b_pid_roll_out = c15_c_pid_roll;
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, 25);
-  c15_b_yaw_corr = c15_out_yaw;
-  _SFD_EML_CALL(0U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, -25);
-  *chartInstance->c15_z_corr = c15_b_z_corr;
-  *chartInstance->c15_y_cor = c15_b_y_cor;
-  *chartInstance->c15_x_corr = c15_b_x_corr;
-  *chartInstance->c15_yaw_corr = c15_b_yaw_corr;
-  *chartInstance->c15_pid_y_out = c15_b_pid_y_out;
-  *chartInstance->c15_pid_roll_out = c15_b_pid_roll_out;
-  _SFD_CC_CALL(EXIT_OUT_OF_FUNCTION_TAG, 12U, chartInstance->c15_sfEvent);
-  _SFD_CHECK_FOR_STATE_INCONSISTENCY(_test_modelMachineNumber_,
-    chartInstance->chartNumber, chartInstance->instanceNumber);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_z_corr, 15U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_y_cor, 16U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_x_corr, 17U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_yaw_corr, 18U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_pid_y_out, 19U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-  _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*chartInstance->c15_pid_roll_out, 20U, 1U, 0U,
-                        chartInstance->c15_sfEvent, false);
-static void mdl_start_c15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance)
-  (void)chartInstance;
-static void initSimStructsc15_test_model(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance)
-  (void)chartInstance;
-static void init_script_number_translation(uint32_T c15_machineNumber, uint32_T
-  c15_chartNumber, uint32_T c15_instanceNumber)
-  (void)c15_machineNumber;
-  (void)c15_chartNumber;
-  (void)c15_instanceNumber;
-static const mxArray *c15_sf_marshallOut(void *chartInstanceVoid, void
-  *c15_inData)
-  const mxArray *c15_mxArrayOutData;
-  real_T c15_u;
-  const mxArray *c15_y = NULL;
-  SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance;
-  chartInstance = (SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *)chartInstanceVoid;
-  c15_mxArrayOutData = NULL;
-  c15_mxArrayOutData = NULL;
-  c15_u = *(real_T *)c15_inData;
-  c15_y = NULL;
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_y, sf_mex_create("y", &c15_u, 0, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0), false);
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_mxArrayOutData, c15_y, false);
-  return c15_mxArrayOutData;
-static real_T c15_emlrt_marshallIn(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance,
-  const mxArray *c15_b_pid_roll_out, const char_T *c15_identifier)
-  real_T c15_y;
-  emlrtMsgIdentifier c15_thisId;
-  c15_thisId.fIdentifier = c15_identifier;
-  c15_thisId.fParent = NULL;
-  c15_thisId.bParentIsCell = false;
-  c15_y = c15_b_emlrt_marshallIn(chartInstance, sf_mex_dup(c15_b_pid_roll_out),
-    &c15_thisId);
-  sf_mex_destroy(&c15_b_pid_roll_out);
-  return c15_y;
-static real_T c15_b_emlrt_marshallIn(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance, const mxArray *c15_u, const emlrtMsgIdentifier *c15_parentId)
-  real_T c15_y;
-  real_T c15_d0;
-  (void)chartInstance;
-  sf_mex_import(c15_parentId, sf_mex_dup(c15_u), &c15_d0, 1, 0, 0U, 0, 0U, 0);
-  c15_y = c15_d0;
-  sf_mex_destroy(&c15_u);
-  return c15_y;
-static void c15_sf_marshallIn(void *chartInstanceVoid, const mxArray
-  *c15_mxArrayInData, const char_T *c15_varName, void *c15_outData)
-  const mxArray *c15_b_pid_roll_out;
-  const char_T *c15_identifier;
-  emlrtMsgIdentifier c15_thisId;
-  real_T c15_y;
-  SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance;
-  chartInstance = (SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *)chartInstanceVoid;
-  c15_b_pid_roll_out = sf_mex_dup(c15_mxArrayInData);
-  c15_identifier = c15_varName;
-  c15_thisId.fIdentifier = c15_identifier;
-  c15_thisId.fParent = NULL;
-  c15_thisId.bParentIsCell = false;
-  c15_y = c15_b_emlrt_marshallIn(chartInstance, sf_mex_dup(c15_b_pid_roll_out),
-    &c15_thisId);
-  sf_mex_destroy(&c15_b_pid_roll_out);
-  *(real_T *)c15_outData = c15_y;
-  sf_mex_destroy(&c15_mxArrayInData);
-static const mxArray *c15_b_sf_marshallOut(void *chartInstanceVoid, void
-  *c15_inData)
-  const mxArray *c15_mxArrayOutData;
-  uint32_T c15_u;
-  const mxArray *c15_y = NULL;
-  SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance;
-  chartInstance = (SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *)chartInstanceVoid;
-  c15_mxArrayOutData = NULL;
-  c15_mxArrayOutData = NULL;
-  c15_u = *(uint32_T *)c15_inData;
-  c15_y = NULL;
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_y, sf_mex_create("y", &c15_u, 7, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0), false);
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_mxArrayOutData, c15_y, false);
-  return c15_mxArrayOutData;
-const mxArray *sf_c15_test_model_get_eml_resolved_functions_info(void)
-  const mxArray *c15_nameCaptureInfo = NULL;
-  c15_nameCaptureInfo = NULL;
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_nameCaptureInfo, sf_mex_create("nameCaptureInfo", NULL, 0,
-    0U, 1U, 0U, 2, 0, 1), false);
-  return c15_nameCaptureInfo;
-static const mxArray *c15_c_sf_marshallOut(void *chartInstanceVoid, void
-  *c15_inData)
-  const mxArray *c15_mxArrayOutData;
-  int32_T c15_u;
-  const mxArray *c15_y = NULL;
-  SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance;
-  chartInstance = (SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *)chartInstanceVoid;
-  c15_mxArrayOutData = NULL;
-  c15_mxArrayOutData = NULL;
-  c15_u = *(int32_T *)c15_inData;
-  c15_y = NULL;
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_y, sf_mex_create("y", &c15_u, 6, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0), false);
-  sf_mex_assign(&c15_mxArrayOutData, c15_y, false);
-  return c15_mxArrayOutData;
-static int32_T c15_c_emlrt_marshallIn(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance, const mxArray *c15_u, const emlrtMsgIdentifier *c15_parentId)
-  int32_T c15_y;
-  int32_T c15_i0;
-  (void)chartInstance;
-  sf_mex_import(c15_parentId, sf_mex_dup(c15_u), &c15_i0, 1, 6, 0U, 0, 0U, 0);
-  c15_y = c15_i0;
-  sf_mex_destroy(&c15_u);
-  return c15_y;
-static void c15_b_sf_marshallIn(void *chartInstanceVoid, const mxArray
-  *c15_mxArrayInData, const char_T *c15_varName, void *c15_outData)
-  const mxArray *c15_b_sfEvent;
-  const char_T *c15_identifier;
-  emlrtMsgIdentifier c15_thisId;
-  int32_T c15_y;
-  SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance;
-  chartInstance = (SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *)chartInstanceVoid;
-  c15_b_sfEvent = sf_mex_dup(c15_mxArrayInData);
-  c15_identifier = c15_varName;
-  c15_thisId.fIdentifier = c15_identifier;
-  c15_thisId.fParent = NULL;
-  c15_thisId.bParentIsCell = false;
-  c15_y = c15_c_emlrt_marshallIn(chartInstance, sf_mex_dup(c15_b_sfEvent),
-    &c15_thisId);
-  sf_mex_destroy(&c15_b_sfEvent);
-  *(int32_T *)c15_outData = c15_y;
-  sf_mex_destroy(&c15_mxArrayInData);
-static uint8_T c15_d_emlrt_marshallIn(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance, const mxArray *c15_b_is_active_c15_test_model, const char_T
-  *c15_identifier)
-  uint8_T c15_y;
-  emlrtMsgIdentifier c15_thisId;
-  c15_thisId.fIdentifier = c15_identifier;
-  c15_thisId.fParent = NULL;
-  c15_thisId.bParentIsCell = false;
-  c15_y = c15_e_emlrt_marshallIn(chartInstance, sf_mex_dup
-    (c15_b_is_active_c15_test_model), &c15_thisId);
-  sf_mex_destroy(&c15_b_is_active_c15_test_model);
-  return c15_y;
-static uint8_T c15_e_emlrt_marshallIn(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance, const mxArray *c15_u, const emlrtMsgIdentifier *c15_parentId)
-  uint8_T c15_y;
-  uint8_T c15_u0;
-  (void)chartInstance;
-  sf_mex_import(c15_parentId, sf_mex_dup(c15_u), &c15_u0, 1, 3, 0U, 0, 0U, 0);
-  c15_y = c15_u0;
-  sf_mex_destroy(&c15_u);
-  return c15_y;
-static void init_dsm_address_info(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance)
-  (void)chartInstance;
-static void init_simulink_io_address(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-  *chartInstance)
-  chartInstance->c15_set_x = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 0);
-  chartInstance->c15_z_corr = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 1);
-  chartInstance->c15_set_y = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 1);
-  chartInstance->c15_set_z = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 2);
-  chartInstance->c15_set_yaw = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 3);
-  chartInstance->c15_cur_x = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 4);
-  chartInstance->c15_cur_y = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 5);
-  chartInstance->c15_cur_z = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 6);
-  chartInstance->c15_cur_phi = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 7);
-  chartInstance->c15_cur_theta = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 8);
-  chartInstance->c15_cur_psi = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 9);
-  chartInstance->c15_cur_phi_d = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 10);
-  chartInstance->c15_cur_theta_d = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 11);
-  chartInstance->c15_cur_psi_d = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 12);
-  chartInstance->c15_y_cor = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 2);
-  chartInstance->c15_x_corr = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 3);
-  chartInstance->c15_yaw_corr = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 4);
-  chartInstance->c15_vrpn_id = (uint32_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 13);
-  chartInstance->c15_pid_y_out = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 5);
-  chartInstance->c15_pid_roll_out = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 6);
-  chartInstance->c15_Tc = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal_wrapper
-    (chartInstance->S, 14);
-/* SFunction Glue Code */
-#ifdef utFree
-#undef utFree
-#ifdef utMalloc
-#undef utMalloc
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" void *utMalloc(size_t size);
-extern "C" void utFree(void*);
-extern void *utMalloc(size_t size);
-extern void utFree(void*);
-void sf_c15_test_model_get_check_sum(mxArray *plhs[])
-  ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[0] = (real_T)(736349010U);
-  ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[1] = (real_T)(2782398305U);
-  ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[2] = (real_T)(65662726U);
-  ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[3] = (real_T)(769147733U);
-mxArray* sf_c15_test_model_get_post_codegen_info(void);
-mxArray *sf_c15_test_model_get_autoinheritance_info(void)
-  const char *autoinheritanceFields[] = { "checksum", "inputs", "parameters",
-    "outputs", "locals", "postCodegenInfo" };
-  mxArray *mxAutoinheritanceInfo = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, sizeof
-    (autoinheritanceFields)/sizeof(autoinheritanceFields[0]),
-    autoinheritanceFields);
-  {
-    mxArray *mxChecksum = mxCreateString("NhviQufdzoJMzgXQ3dS4TB");
-    mxSetField(mxAutoinheritanceInfo,0,"checksum",mxChecksum);
-  }
-  {
-    const char *dataFields[] = { "size", "type", "complexity" };
-    mxArray *mxData = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,15,3,dataFields);
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,0,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,0,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,0,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,1,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,1,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,1,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,2,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,2,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,2,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,3,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,3,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,3,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,4,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,4,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,4,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,5,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,5,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,5,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,6,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,6,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,6,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,7,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,7,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,7,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,8,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,8,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,8,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,9,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,9,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,9,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,10,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,10,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,10,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,11,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,11,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,11,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,12,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,12,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,12,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,13,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(7));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,13,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,13,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,14,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,14,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,14,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    mxSetField(mxAutoinheritanceInfo,0,"inputs",mxData);
-  }
-  {
-    mxSetField(mxAutoinheritanceInfo,0,"parameters",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,
-                mxREAL));
-  }
-  {
-    const char *dataFields[] = { "size", "type", "complexity" };
-    mxArray *mxData = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,6,3,dataFields);
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,0,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,0,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,0,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,1,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,1,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,1,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,2,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,2,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,2,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,3,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,3,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,3,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,4,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,4,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,4,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    {
-      mxArray *mxSize = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
-      double *pr = mxGetPr(mxSize);
-      mxSetField(mxData,5,"size",mxSize);
-    }
-    {
-      const char *typeFields[] = { "base", "fixpt", "isFixedPointType" };
-      mxArray *mxType = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,sizeof(typeFields)/sizeof
-        (typeFields[0]),typeFields);
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"base",mxCreateDoubleScalar(10));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"fixpt",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-      mxSetField(mxType,0,"isFixedPointType",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-      mxSetField(mxData,5,"type",mxType);
-    }
-    mxSetField(mxData,5,"complexity",mxCreateDoubleScalar(0));
-    mxSetField(mxAutoinheritanceInfo,0,"outputs",mxData);
-  }
-  {
-    mxSetField(mxAutoinheritanceInfo,0,"locals",mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL));
-  }
-  {
-    mxArray* mxPostCodegenInfo = sf_c15_test_model_get_post_codegen_info();
-    mxSetField(mxAutoinheritanceInfo,0,"postCodegenInfo",mxPostCodegenInfo);
-  }
-  return(mxAutoinheritanceInfo);
-mxArray *sf_c15_test_model_third_party_uses_info(void)
-  mxArray * mxcell3p = mxCreateCellMatrix(1,0);
-  return(mxcell3p);
-mxArray *sf_c15_test_model_jit_fallback_info(void)
-  const char *infoFields[] = { "fallbackType", "fallbackReason",
-    "hiddenFallbackType", "hiddenFallbackReason", "incompatibleSymbol" };
-  mxArray *mxInfo = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, 5, infoFields);
-  mxArray *fallbackType = mxCreateString("late");
-  mxArray *fallbackReason = mxCreateString("ir_function_calls");
-  mxArray *hiddenFallbackType = mxCreateString("");
-  mxArray *hiddenFallbackReason = mxCreateString("");
-  mxArray *incompatibleSymbol = mxCreateString("c_controller");
-  mxSetField(mxInfo, 0, infoFields[0], fallbackType);
-  mxSetField(mxInfo, 0, infoFields[1], fallbackReason);
-  mxSetField(mxInfo, 0, infoFields[2], hiddenFallbackType);
-  mxSetField(mxInfo, 0, infoFields[3], hiddenFallbackReason);
-  mxSetField(mxInfo, 0, infoFields[4], incompatibleSymbol);
-  return mxInfo;
-mxArray *sf_c15_test_model_updateBuildInfo_args_info(void)
-  mxArray *mxBIArgs = mxCreateCellMatrix(1,0);
-  return mxBIArgs;
-mxArray* sf_c15_test_model_get_post_codegen_info(void)
-  const char* fieldNames[] = { "exportedFunctionsUsedByThisChart",
-    "exportedFunctionsChecksum" };
-  mwSize dims[2] = { 1, 1 };
-  mxArray* mxPostCodegenInfo = mxCreateStructArray(2, dims, sizeof(fieldNames)/
-    sizeof(fieldNames[0]), fieldNames);
-  {
-    mxArray* mxExportedFunctionsChecksum = mxCreateString("");
-    mwSize exp_dims[2] = { 0, 1 };
-    mxArray* mxExportedFunctionsUsedByThisChart = mxCreateCellArray(2, exp_dims);
-    mxSetField(mxPostCodegenInfo, 0, "exportedFunctionsUsedByThisChart",
-               mxExportedFunctionsUsedByThisChart);
-    mxSetField(mxPostCodegenInfo, 0, "exportedFunctionsChecksum",
-               mxExportedFunctionsChecksum);
-  }
-  return mxPostCodegenInfo;
-static const mxArray *sf_get_sim_state_info_c15_test_model(void)
-  const char *infoFields[] = { "chartChecksum", "varInfo" };
-  mxArray *mxInfo = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, 2, infoFields);
-  const char *infoEncStr[] = {
-    "100 S1x7'type','srcId','name','auxInfo'{{M[1],M[23],T\"pid_roll_out\",},{M[1],M[22],T\"pid_y_out\",},{M[1],M[19],T\"x_corr\",},{M[1],M[18],T\"y_cor\",},{M[1],M[20],T\"yaw_corr\",},{M[1],M[5],T\"z_corr\",},{M[8],M[0],T\"is_active_c15_test_model\",}}"
-  };
-  mxArray *mxVarInfo = sf_mex_decode_encoded_mx_struct_array(infoEncStr, 7, 10);
-  mxArray *mxChecksum = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 4, mxREAL);
-  sf_c15_test_model_get_check_sum(&mxChecksum);
-  mxSetField(mxInfo, 0, infoFields[0], mxChecksum);
-  mxSetField(mxInfo, 0, infoFields[1], mxVarInfo);
-  return mxInfo;
-static void chart_debug_initialization(SimStruct *S, unsigned int
-  fullDebuggerInitialization)
-  if (!sim_mode_is_rtw_gen(S)) {
-    SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance =
-      (SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *)sf_get_chart_instance_ptr(S);
-    if (ssIsFirstInitCond(S) && fullDebuggerInitialization==1) {
-      /* do this only if simulation is starting */
-      {
-        unsigned int chartAlreadyPresent;
-        chartAlreadyPresent = sf_debug_initialize_chart
-          (sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,
-           _test_modelMachineNumber_,
-           15,
-           1,
-           1,
-           0,
-           21,
-           0,
-           0,
-           0,
-           0,
-           0,
-           &chartInstance->chartNumber,
-           &chartInstance->instanceNumber,
-           (void *)S);
-        /* Each instance must initialize its own list of scripts */
-        init_script_number_translation(_test_modelMachineNumber_,
-          chartInstance->chartNumber,chartInstance->instanceNumber);
-        if (chartAlreadyPresent==0) {
-          /* this is the first instance */
-          sf_debug_set_chart_disable_implicit_casting
-            (sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,_test_modelMachineNumber_,
-             chartInstance->chartNumber,1);
-          sf_debug_set_chart_event_thresholds(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,
-            _test_modelMachineNumber_,
-            chartInstance->chartNumber,
-            0,
-            0,
-            0);
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(0,1,1,0,"set_x");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(1,1,1,0,"set_y");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(2,1,1,0,"set_z");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(3,1,1,0,"set_yaw");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(4,1,1,0,"cur_x");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(5,1,1,0,"cur_y");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(6,1,1,0,"cur_z");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(7,1,1,0,"cur_phi");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(8,1,1,0,"cur_theta");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(9,1,1,0,"cur_psi");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(10,1,1,0,"cur_phi_d");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(11,1,1,0,"cur_theta_d");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(12,1,1,0,"cur_psi_d");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(13,1,1,0,"vrpn_id");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(14,1,1,0,"Tc");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(15,2,0,1,"z_corr");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(16,2,0,1,"y_cor");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(17,2,0,1,"x_corr");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(18,2,0,1,"yaw_corr");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(19,2,0,1,"pid_y_out");
-          _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(20,2,0,1,"pid_roll_out");
-          _SFD_STATE_INFO(0,0,2);
-          _SFD_CH_SUBSTATE_COUNT(0);
-          _SFD_CH_SUBSTATE_DECOMP(0);
-        }
-        _SFD_CV_INIT_CHART(0,0,0,0);
-        {
-          _SFD_CV_INIT_STATE(0,0,0,0,0,0,NULL,NULL);
-        }
-        /* Initialization of MATLAB Function Model Coverage */
-        _SFD_CV_INIT_EML(0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
-        _SFD_CV_INIT_EML_FCN(0,0,"eML_blk_kernel",0,-1,834);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(0,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(1,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(2,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(3,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(4,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(5,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(6,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(7,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(8,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(9,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(10,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(11,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(12,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(13,SF_UINT32,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_b_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(14,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)NULL);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(15,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallIn);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(16,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallIn);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(17,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallIn);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(18,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallIn);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(19,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallIn);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(20,SF_DOUBLE,0,NULL,0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0,0,
-          (MexFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallOut,(MexInFcnForType)c15_sf_marshallIn);
-      }
-    } else {
-      sf_debug_reset_current_state_configuration(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,
-        _test_modelMachineNumber_,chartInstance->chartNumber,
-        chartInstance->instanceNumber);
-    }
-  }
-static void chart_debug_initialize_data_addresses(SimStruct *S)
-  if (!sim_mode_is_rtw_gen(S)) {
-    SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance =
-      (SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *)sf_get_chart_instance_ptr(S);
-    if (ssIsFirstInitCond(S)) {
-      /* do this only if simulation is starting and after we know the addresses of all data */
-      {
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(0U, chartInstance->c15_set_x);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(15U, chartInstance->c15_z_corr);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(1U, chartInstance->c15_set_y);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(2U, chartInstance->c15_set_z);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(3U, chartInstance->c15_set_yaw);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(4U, chartInstance->c15_cur_x);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(5U, chartInstance->c15_cur_y);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(6U, chartInstance->c15_cur_z);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(7U, chartInstance->c15_cur_phi);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(8U, chartInstance->c15_cur_theta);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(9U, chartInstance->c15_cur_psi);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(10U, chartInstance->c15_cur_phi_d);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(11U, chartInstance->c15_cur_theta_d);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(12U, chartInstance->c15_cur_psi_d);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(16U, chartInstance->c15_y_cor);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(17U, chartInstance->c15_x_corr);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(18U, chartInstance->c15_yaw_corr);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(13U, chartInstance->c15_vrpn_id);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(19U, chartInstance->c15_pid_y_out);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(20U, chartInstance->c15_pid_roll_out);
-        _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(14U, chartInstance->c15_Tc);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-static const char* sf_get_instance_specialization(void)
-  return "sL897IXghI8zmc3H8vRBKxD";
-static void sf_opaque_initialize_c15_test_model(void *chartInstanceVar)
-  chart_debug_initialization(((SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct*) chartInstanceVar)
-    ->S,0);
-  initialize_params_c15_test_model((SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct*)
-    chartInstanceVar);
-  initialize_c15_test_model((SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct*) chartInstanceVar);
-static void sf_opaque_enable_c15_test_model(void *chartInstanceVar)
-  enable_c15_test_model((SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct*) chartInstanceVar);
-static void sf_opaque_disable_c15_test_model(void *chartInstanceVar)
-  disable_c15_test_model((SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct*) chartInstanceVar);
-static void sf_opaque_gateway_c15_test_model(void *chartInstanceVar)
-  sf_gateway_c15_test_model((SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct*) chartInstanceVar);
-static const mxArray* sf_opaque_get_sim_state_c15_test_model(SimStruct* S)
-  return get_sim_state_c15_test_model((SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *)
-    sf_get_chart_instance_ptr(S));     /* raw sim ctx */
-static void sf_opaque_set_sim_state_c15_test_model(SimStruct* S, const mxArray
-  *st)
-  set_sim_state_c15_test_model((SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct*)
-    sf_get_chart_instance_ptr(S), st);
-static void sf_opaque_terminate_c15_test_model(void *chartInstanceVar)
-  if (chartInstanceVar!=NULL) {
-    SimStruct *S = ((SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct*) chartInstanceVar)->S;
-    if (sim_mode_is_rtw_gen(S) || sim_mode_is_external(S)) {
-      sf_clear_rtw_identifier(S);
-      unload_test_model_optimization_info();
-    }
-    finalize_c15_test_model((SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct*) chartInstanceVar);
-    utFree(chartInstanceVar);
-    if (ssGetUserData(S)!= NULL) {
-      sf_free_ChartRunTimeInfo(S);
-    }
-    ssSetUserData(S,NULL);
-  }
-static void sf_opaque_init_subchart_simstructs(void *chartInstanceVar)
-  initSimStructsc15_test_model((SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct*)
-    chartInstanceVar);
-extern unsigned int sf_machine_global_initializer_called(void);
-static void mdlProcessParameters_c15_test_model(SimStruct *S)
-  int i;
-  for (i=0;i<ssGetNumRunTimeParams(S);i++) {
-    if (ssGetSFcnParamTunable(S,i)) {
-      ssUpdateDlgParamAsRunTimeParam(S,i);
-    }
-  }
-  if (sf_machine_global_initializer_called()) {
-    initialize_params_c15_test_model((SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct*)
-      sf_get_chart_instance_ptr(S));
-  }
-static void mdlSetWorkWidths_c15_test_model(SimStruct *S)
-  /* Set overwritable ports for inplace optimization */
-  ssSetStatesModifiedOnlyInUpdate(S, 1);
-  ssMdlUpdateIsEmpty(S, 1);
-  if (sim_mode_is_rtw_gen(S) || sim_mode_is_external(S)) {
-    mxArray *infoStruct = load_test_model_optimization_info(sim_mode_is_rtw_gen
-      (S), sim_mode_is_modelref_sim(S), sim_mode_is_external(S));
-    int_T chartIsInlinable =
-      (int_T)sf_is_chart_inlinable(sf_get_instance_specialization(),infoStruct,
-      15);
-    ssSetStateflowIsInlinable(S,chartIsInlinable);
-    ssSetRTWCG(S,1);
-    ssSetEnableFcnIsTrivial(S,1);
-    ssSetDisableFcnIsTrivial(S,1);
-    ssSetNotMultipleInlinable(S,sf_rtw_info_uint_prop
-      (sf_get_instance_specialization(),infoStruct,15,
-       "gatewayCannotBeInlinedMultipleTimes"));
-    sf_set_chart_accesses_machine_info(S, sf_get_instance_specialization(),
-      infoStruct, 15);
-    sf_update_buildInfo(S, sf_get_instance_specialization(),infoStruct,15);
-    if (chartIsInlinable) {
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 0, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 1, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 2, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 3, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 4, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 5, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 6, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 7, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 8, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 9, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 10, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 11, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 12, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 13, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      ssSetInputPortOptimOpts(S, 14, SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL);
-      sf_mark_chart_expressionable_inputs(S,sf_get_instance_specialization(),
-        infoStruct,15,15);
-      sf_mark_chart_reusable_outputs(S,sf_get_instance_specialization(),
-        infoStruct,15,6);
-    }
-    {
-      unsigned int outPortIdx;
-      for (outPortIdx=1; outPortIdx<=6; ++outPortIdx) {
-        ssSetOutputPortOptimizeInIR(S, outPortIdx, 1U);
-      }
-    }
-    {
-      unsigned int inPortIdx;
-      for (inPortIdx=0; inPortIdx < 15; ++inPortIdx) {
-        ssSetInputPortOptimizeInIR(S, inPortIdx, 1U);
-      }
-    }
-    sf_set_rtw_dwork_info(S,sf_get_instance_specialization(),infoStruct,15);
-    sf_register_codegen_names_for_scoped_functions_defined_by_chart(S);
-    ssSetHasSubFunctions(S,!(chartIsInlinable));
-  } else {
-  }
-  ssSetOptions(S,ssGetOptions(S)|SS_OPTION_WORKS_WITH_CODE_REUSE);
-  ssSetChecksum0(S,(4110738750U));
-  ssSetChecksum1(S,(2169561455U));
-  ssSetChecksum2(S,(2341209886U));
-  ssSetChecksum3(S,(751006734U));
-  ssSetmdlDerivatives(S, NULL);
-  ssSetExplicitFCSSCtrl(S,1);
-  ssSetStateSemanticsClassicAndSynchronous(S, true);
-  ssSupportsMultipleExecInstances(S,1);
-static void mdlRTW_c15_test_model(SimStruct *S)
-  if (sim_mode_is_rtw_gen(S)) {
-    ssWriteRTWStrParam(S, "StateflowChartType", "Embedded MATLAB");
-  }
-static void mdlStart_c15_test_model(SimStruct *S)
-  SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *chartInstance;
-  chartInstance = (SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct *)utMalloc(sizeof
-    (SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct));
-  if (chartInstance==NULL) {
-    sf_mex_error_message("Could not allocate memory for chart instance.");
-  }
-  memset(chartInstance, 0, sizeof(SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct));
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.chartInstance = chartInstance;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.isEMLChart = 1;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.chartInitialized = 0;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.sFunctionGateway = sf_opaque_gateway_c15_test_model;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.initializeChart = sf_opaque_initialize_c15_test_model;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.terminateChart = sf_opaque_terminate_c15_test_model;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.enableChart = sf_opaque_enable_c15_test_model;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.disableChart = sf_opaque_disable_c15_test_model;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.getSimState = sf_opaque_get_sim_state_c15_test_model;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.setSimState = sf_opaque_set_sim_state_c15_test_model;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.getSimStateInfo =
-    sf_get_sim_state_info_c15_test_model;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.zeroCrossings = NULL;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.outputs = NULL;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.derivatives = NULL;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.mdlRTW = mdlRTW_c15_test_model;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.mdlStart = mdlStart_c15_test_model;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.mdlSetWorkWidths = mdlSetWorkWidths_c15_test_model;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.callGetHoverDataForMsg = NULL;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.extModeExec = NULL;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.restoreLastMajorStepConfiguration = NULL;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.restoreBeforeLastMajorStepConfiguration = NULL;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.storeCurrentConfiguration = NULL;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.callAtomicSubchartUserFcn = NULL;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.callAtomicSubchartAutoFcn = NULL;
-  chartInstance->chartInfo.debugInstance = sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct;
-  chartInstance->S = S;
-  sf_init_ChartRunTimeInfo(S, &(chartInstance->chartInfo), false, 0);
-  init_dsm_address_info(chartInstance);
-  init_simulink_io_address(chartInstance);
-  if (!sim_mode_is_rtw_gen(S)) {
-  }
-  chart_debug_initialization(S,1);
-  mdl_start_c15_test_model(chartInstance);
-void c15_test_model_method_dispatcher(SimStruct *S, int_T method, void *data)
-  switch (method) {
-    mdlStart_c15_test_model(S);
-    break;
-    mdlSetWorkWidths_c15_test_model(S);
-    break;
-    mdlProcessParameters_c15_test_model(S);
-    break;
-   default:
-    /* Unhandled method */
-    sf_mex_error_message("Stateflow Internal Error:\n"
-                         "Error calling c15_test_model_method_dispatcher.\n"
-                         "Can't handle method %d.\n", method);
-    break;
-  }
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/c15_test_model.h b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/c15_test_model.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4286ef7247286afaca46e93b22a25d271bb1744e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/c15_test_model.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __c15_test_model_h__
-#define __c15_test_model_h__
-/* Include files */
-#include "sf_runtime/sfc_sf.h"
-#include "sf_runtime/sfc_mex.h"
-#include "rtwtypes.h"
-#include "multiword_types.h"
-/* Type Definitions */
-#ifndef typedef_SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-#define typedef_SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct
-typedef struct {
-  SimStruct *S;
-  ChartInfoStruct chartInfo;
-  uint32_T chartNumber;
-  uint32_T instanceNumber;
-  int32_T c15_sfEvent;
-  boolean_T c15_doneDoubleBufferReInit;
-  uint8_T c15_is_active_c15_test_model;
-  real_T *c15_set_x;
-  real_T *c15_z_corr;
-  real_T *c15_set_y;
-  real_T *c15_set_z;
-  real_T *c15_set_yaw;
-  real_T *c15_cur_x;
-  real_T *c15_cur_y;
-  real_T *c15_cur_z;
-  real_T *c15_cur_phi;
-  real_T *c15_cur_theta;
-  real_T *c15_cur_psi;
-  real_T *c15_cur_phi_d;
-  real_T *c15_cur_theta_d;
-  real_T *c15_cur_psi_d;
-  real_T *c15_y_cor;
-  real_T *c15_x_corr;
-  real_T *c15_yaw_corr;
-  uint32_T *c15_vrpn_id;
-  real_T *c15_pid_y_out;
-  real_T *c15_pid_roll_out;
-  real_T *c15_Tc;
-} SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct;
-#endif                                 /*typedef_SFc15_test_modelInstanceStruct*/
-/* Named Constants */
-/* Variable Declarations */
-extern struct SfDebugInstanceStruct *sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct;
-/* Variable Definitions */
-/* Function Declarations */
-extern const mxArray *sf_c15_test_model_get_eml_resolved_functions_info(void);
-/* Function Definitions */
-extern void sf_c15_test_model_get_check_sum(mxArray *plhs[]);
-extern void c15_test_model_method_dispatcher(SimStruct *S, int_T method, void
-  *data);
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/c15_test_model.obj b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/c15_test_model.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index de1df7ac2e6eb114b8c3ea994643d2e6721d041b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/c15_test_model.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/c_controller.obj b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/c_controller.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 68e238309af81c569d3346a105eaba55a02dbe5b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/c_controller.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/ji/late_c15_sL897IXghI8zmc3H8vRBKxD.mat b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/ji/late_c15_sL897IXghI8zmc3H8vRBKxD.mat
deleted file mode 100644
index 97f6b2f0f5d0642552033d2d960abd086de67d00..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/ji/late_c15_sL897IXghI8zmc3H8vRBKxD.mat and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/multiword_types.h b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/multiword_types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aad425d0f2dc5f80df42e19bd9e1388dbd58f24..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/multiword_types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-#include "rtwtypes.h"
- * MultiWord supporting definitions
- */
-typedef long long longlong_T;
- * MultiWord types
- */
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[2];
-} int128m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int128m_T re;
-  int128m_T im;
-} cint128m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[2];
-} uint128m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint128m_T re;
-  uint128m_T im;
-} cuint128m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[3];
-} int192m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int192m_T re;
-  int192m_T im;
-} cint192m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[3];
-} uint192m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint192m_T re;
-  uint192m_T im;
-} cuint192m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[4];
-} int256m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int256m_T re;
-  int256m_T im;
-} cint256m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[4];
-} uint256m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint256m_T re;
-  uint256m_T im;
-} cuint256m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[5];
-} int320m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int320m_T re;
-  int320m_T im;
-} cint320m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[5];
-} uint320m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint320m_T re;
-  uint320m_T im;
-} cuint320m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[6];
-} int384m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int384m_T re;
-  int384m_T im;
-} cint384m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[6];
-} uint384m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint384m_T re;
-  uint384m_T im;
-} cuint384m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[7];
-} int448m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int448m_T re;
-  int448m_T im;
-} cint448m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[7];
-} uint448m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint448m_T re;
-  uint448m_T im;
-} cuint448m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[8];
-} int512m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int512m_T re;
-  int512m_T im;
-} cint512m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[8];
-} uint512m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint512m_T re;
-  uint512m_T im;
-} cuint512m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[9];
-} int576m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int576m_T re;
-  int576m_T im;
-} cint576m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[9];
-} uint576m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint576m_T re;
-  uint576m_T im;
-} cuint576m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[10];
-} int640m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int640m_T re;
-  int640m_T im;
-} cint640m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[10];
-} uint640m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint640m_T re;
-  uint640m_T im;
-} cuint640m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[11];
-} int704m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int704m_T re;
-  int704m_T im;
-} cint704m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[11];
-} uint704m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint704m_T re;
-  uint704m_T im;
-} cuint704m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[12];
-} int768m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int768m_T re;
-  int768m_T im;
-} cint768m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[12];
-} uint768m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint768m_T re;
-  uint768m_T im;
-} cuint768m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[13];
-} int832m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int832m_T re;
-  int832m_T im;
-} cint832m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[13];
-} uint832m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint832m_T re;
-  uint832m_T im;
-} cuint832m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[14];
-} int896m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int896m_T re;
-  int896m_T im;
-} cint896m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[14];
-} uint896m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint896m_T re;
-  uint896m_T im;
-} cuint896m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[15];
-} int960m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int960m_T re;
-  int960m_T im;
-} cint960m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[15];
-} uint960m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint960m_T re;
-  uint960m_T im;
-} cuint960m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[16];
-} int1024m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  int1024m_T re;
-  int1024m_T im;
-} cint1024m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T chunks[16];
-} uint1024m_T;
-typedef struct {
-  uint1024m_T re;
-  uint1024m_T im;
-} cuint1024m_T;
-#endif                                 /* MULTIWORD_TYPES_H */
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_add.obj b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_add.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index f5f03ffa8a6af6462a49899fefdac93f133d8185..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_add.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_bounds.obj b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_bounds.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index c7b3f5463670414575293d2c769d4e1474c5e6a2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_bounds.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_constant.obj b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_constant.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dc3173081aa9f4052c1a945720e3c515ddc9924..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_constant.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_mixer.obj b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_mixer.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 678060b7ce7b9746acba61619839979818b4cce5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_mixer.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_pid.obj b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_pid.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index eb1433a57819b04d777fe3bdf7bb53e50c2b53b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/node_pid.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/rtwtypes.h b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/rtwtypes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e712c27577ba17448ba1cd15dc4115f8a99252c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/rtwtypes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef RTWTYPES_H
-#define RTWTYPES_H
-#include "tmwtypes.h"
-#include "simstruc_types.h"
-#ifndef POINTER_T
-# define POINTER_T
-typedef void * pointer_T;
-/* Logical type definitions */
-#if (!defined(__cplusplus))
-#  ifndef false
-#   define false                       (0U)
-#  endif
-#  ifndef true
-#   define true                        (1U)
-#  endif
-#ifndef INT64_T
-#define INT64_T
-typedef long long int64_T;
-#ifndef UINT64_T
-#define UINT64_T
-typedef unsigned long long uint64_T;
- * Additional complex number type definitions                                           *
- *===========================================================================*/
-#ifndef CINT64_T
-#define CINT64_T
-typedef struct {
-  int64_T re;
-  int64_T im;
-} cint64_T;
-#ifndef CUINT64_T
-#define CUINT64_T
-typedef struct {
-  uint64_T re;
-  uint64_T im;
-} cuint64_T;
-#endif                                 /* RTWTYPES_H */
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/rtwtypeschksum.mat b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/rtwtypeschksum.mat
deleted file mode 100644
index 33765b62acae356d99b321e989c3262231895b99..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/rtwtypeschksum.mat and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.bat b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 718fd6ff8b46a8bcc8b84837bccb77e49059213d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-set COMPILER=gcc
-				set COMPFLAGS=-c -fexceptions -fno-omit-frame-pointer -m64 -DMATLAB_MEX_FILE  -DMATLAB_MEX_FILE  
-				set DEBUGFLAGS=-g 
-				set LINKER=gcc 
-				set LINKFLAGS=-m64 -Wl,--no-undefined -shared -L"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64" -llibmx -llibmex -llibmat -lm -llibmwlapack -llibmwblas -Wl,"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b/extern/lib/win64/mingw64/mexFunction.def" 
-set PATH=C:\TDM-GCC-64\bin;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\include\win64;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\include;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\simulink\include;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\lib\win64;%MATLAB_BIN%;%PATH%
-set INCLUDE=C:\TDM-GCC-64\include;;%INCLUDE%
-set LIB=C:\TDM-GCC-64\lib;;%LIB%
-set LIBPATH=C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64;%LIBPATH%
-gmake SHELL="cmd" -f test_model_sfun.gmk
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.c b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 37a282f37607e1db89dfb37426d60aedea42b40f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-/* Include files */
-#define IN_SF_MACHINE_SOURCE           1
-#include "test_model_sfun.h"
-#include "test_model_sfun_debug_macros.h"
-#include "c15_test_model.h"
-/* Type Definitions */
-/* Named Constants */
-/* Variable Declarations */
-/* Variable Definitions */
-uint32_T _test_modelMachineNumber_;
-/* Function Declarations */
-/* Function Definitions */
-void test_model_initializer(void)
-void test_model_terminator(void)
-/* SFunction Glue Code */
-unsigned int sf_test_model_method_dispatcher(SimStruct *simstructPtr, unsigned
-  int chartFileNumber, const char* specsCksum, int_T method, void *data)
-  if (chartFileNumber==15) {
-    c15_test_model_method_dispatcher(simstructPtr, method, data);
-    return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-unsigned int sf_test_model_process_check_sum_call( int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[],
-  int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] )
-  char commandName[20];
-  if (nrhs<1 || !mxIsChar(prhs[0]) )
-    return 0;
-  /* Possible call to get the checksum */
-  mxGetString(prhs[0], commandName,sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char));
-  commandName[(sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(commandName,"sf_get_check_sum"))
-    return 0;
-  plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( 1,4,mxREAL);
-  if (nrhs>1 && mxIsChar(prhs[1])) {
-    mxGetString(prhs[1], commandName,sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char));
-    commandName[(sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-    if (!strcmp(commandName,"machine")) {
-      ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[0] = (real_T)(2933295744U);
-      ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[1] = (real_T)(2244548132U);
-      ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[2] = (real_T)(3790258605U);
-      ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[3] = (real_T)(1409175729U);
-    } else if (nrhs==3 && !strcmp(commandName,"chart")) {
-      unsigned int chartFileNumber;
-      chartFileNumber = (unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
-      switch (chartFileNumber) {
-       case 15:
-        {
-          extern void sf_c15_test_model_get_check_sum(mxArray *plhs[]);
-          sf_c15_test_model_get_check_sum(plhs);
-          break;
-        }
-       default:
-        ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[0] = (real_T)(0.0);
-        ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[1] = (real_T)(0.0);
-        ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[2] = (real_T)(0.0);
-        ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[3] = (real_T)(0.0);
-      }
-    } else if (!strcmp(commandName,"target")) {
-      ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[0] = (real_T)(1167153972U);
-      ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[1] = (real_T)(91317778U);
-      ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[2] = (real_T)(3880733235U);
-      ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[3] = (real_T)(951854545U);
-    } else {
-      return 0;
-    }
-  } else {
-    ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[0] = (real_T)(1563919274U);
-    ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[1] = (real_T)(1658080807U);
-    ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[2] = (real_T)(3992559932U);
-    ((real_T *)mxGetPr((plhs[0])))[3] = (real_T)(2585406222U);
-  }
-  return 1;
-  return 0;
-unsigned int sf_test_model_autoinheritance_info( int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[], int
-  nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] )
-  char commandName[32];
-  char aiChksum[64];
-  if (nrhs<3 || !mxIsChar(prhs[0]) )
-    return 0;
-  /* Possible call to get the autoinheritance_info */
-  mxGetString(prhs[0], commandName,sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char));
-  commandName[(sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(commandName,"get_autoinheritance_info"))
-    return 0;
-  mxGetString(prhs[2], aiChksum,sizeof(aiChksum)/sizeof(char));
-  aiChksum[(sizeof(aiChksum)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  {
-    unsigned int chartFileNumber;
-    chartFileNumber = (unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-    switch (chartFileNumber) {
-     case 15:
-      {
-        if (strcmp(aiChksum, "NhviQufdzoJMzgXQ3dS4TB") == 0) {
-          extern mxArray *sf_c15_test_model_get_autoinheritance_info(void);
-          plhs[0] = sf_c15_test_model_get_autoinheritance_info();
-          break;
-        }
-        plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
-        break;
-      }
-     default:
-      plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-  return 0;
-unsigned int sf_test_model_get_eml_resolved_functions_info( int nlhs, mxArray *
-  plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] )
-  char commandName[64];
-  if (nrhs<2 || !mxIsChar(prhs[0]))
-    return 0;
-  /* Possible call to get the get_eml_resolved_functions_info */
-  mxGetString(prhs[0], commandName,sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char));
-  commandName[(sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(commandName,"get_eml_resolved_functions_info"))
-    return 0;
-  {
-    unsigned int chartFileNumber;
-    chartFileNumber = (unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-    switch (chartFileNumber) {
-     case 15:
-      {
-        extern const mxArray *sf_c15_test_model_get_eml_resolved_functions_info
-          (void);
-        mxArray *persistentMxArray = (mxArray *)
-          sf_c15_test_model_get_eml_resolved_functions_info();
-        plhs[0] = mxDuplicateArray(persistentMxArray);
-        mxDestroyArray(persistentMxArray);
-        break;
-      }
-     default:
-      plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-  return 0;
-unsigned int sf_test_model_third_party_uses_info( int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[],
-  int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] )
-  char commandName[64];
-  char tpChksum[64];
-  if (nrhs<3 || !mxIsChar(prhs[0]))
-    return 0;
-  /* Possible call to get the third_party_uses_info */
-  mxGetString(prhs[0], commandName,sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char));
-  commandName[(sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  mxGetString(prhs[2], tpChksum,sizeof(tpChksum)/sizeof(char));
-  tpChksum[(sizeof(tpChksum)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(commandName,"get_third_party_uses_info"))
-    return 0;
-  {
-    unsigned int chartFileNumber;
-    chartFileNumber = (unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-    switch (chartFileNumber) {
-     case 15:
-      {
-        if (strcmp(tpChksum, "sL897IXghI8zmc3H8vRBKxD") == 0) {
-          extern mxArray *sf_c15_test_model_third_party_uses_info(void);
-          plhs[0] = sf_c15_test_model_third_party_uses_info();
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-     default:
-      plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-unsigned int sf_test_model_jit_fallback_info( int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[], int
-  nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] )
-  char commandName[64];
-  char tpChksum[64];
-  if (nrhs<3 || !mxIsChar(prhs[0]))
-    return 0;
-  /* Possible call to get the jit_fallback_info */
-  mxGetString(prhs[0], commandName,sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char));
-  commandName[(sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  mxGetString(prhs[2], tpChksum,sizeof(tpChksum)/sizeof(char));
-  tpChksum[(sizeof(tpChksum)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(commandName,"get_jit_fallback_info"))
-    return 0;
-  {
-    unsigned int chartFileNumber;
-    chartFileNumber = (unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-    switch (chartFileNumber) {
-     case 15:
-      {
-        if (strcmp(tpChksum, "sL897IXghI8zmc3H8vRBKxD") == 0) {
-          extern mxArray *sf_c15_test_model_jit_fallback_info(void);
-          plhs[0] = sf_c15_test_model_jit_fallback_info();
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-     default:
-      plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-unsigned int sf_test_model_updateBuildInfo_args_info( int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[],
-  int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] )
-  char commandName[64];
-  char tpChksum[64];
-  if (nrhs<3 || !mxIsChar(prhs[0]))
-    return 0;
-  /* Possible call to get the updateBuildInfo_args_info */
-  mxGetString(prhs[0], commandName,sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char));
-  commandName[(sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  mxGetString(prhs[2], tpChksum,sizeof(tpChksum)/sizeof(char));
-  tpChksum[(sizeof(tpChksum)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(commandName,"get_updateBuildInfo_args_info"))
-    return 0;
-  {
-    unsigned int chartFileNumber;
-    chartFileNumber = (unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-    switch (chartFileNumber) {
-     case 15:
-      {
-        if (strcmp(tpChksum, "sL897IXghI8zmc3H8vRBKxD") == 0) {
-          extern mxArray *sf_c15_test_model_updateBuildInfo_args_info(void);
-          plhs[0] = sf_c15_test_model_updateBuildInfo_args_info();
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-     default:
-      plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-void test_model_debug_initialize(struct SfDebugInstanceStruct* debugInstance)
-  _test_modelMachineNumber_ = sf_debug_initialize_machine(debugInstance,
-    "test_model","sfun",0,13,0,0,0);
-  sf_debug_set_machine_event_thresholds(debugInstance,_test_modelMachineNumber_,
-    0,0);
-  sf_debug_set_machine_data_thresholds(debugInstance,_test_modelMachineNumber_,0);
-void test_model_register_exported_symbols(SimStruct* S)
-static mxArray* sRtwOptimizationInfoStruct= NULL;
-typedef struct SfOptimizationInfoFlagsTag {
-  boolean_T isRtwGen;
-  boolean_T isModelRef;
-  boolean_T isExternal;
-} SfOptimizationInfoFlags;
-static SfOptimizationInfoFlags sOptimizationInfoFlags;
-void unload_test_model_optimization_info(void);
-mxArray* load_test_model_optimization_info(boolean_T isRtwGen, boolean_T
-  isModelRef, boolean_T isExternal)
-  if (sOptimizationInfoFlags.isRtwGen != isRtwGen ||
-      sOptimizationInfoFlags.isModelRef != isModelRef ||
-      sOptimizationInfoFlags.isExternal != isExternal) {
-    unload_test_model_optimization_info();
-  }
-  sOptimizationInfoFlags.isRtwGen = isRtwGen;
-  sOptimizationInfoFlags.isModelRef = isModelRef;
-  sOptimizationInfoFlags.isExternal = isExternal;
-  if (sRtwOptimizationInfoStruct==NULL) {
-    sRtwOptimizationInfoStruct = sf_load_rtw_optimization_info("test_model",
-      "test_model");
-    mexMakeArrayPersistent(sRtwOptimizationInfoStruct);
-  }
-  return(sRtwOptimizationInfoStruct);
-void unload_test_model_optimization_info(void)
-  if (sRtwOptimizationInfoStruct!=NULL) {
-    mxDestroyArray(sRtwOptimizationInfoStruct);
-    sRtwOptimizationInfoStruct = NULL;
-  }
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.gmk b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.gmk
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f268eea6059e204d90d40a123b04e0c33a4b704..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.gmk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#--------------------------- Tool Specifications -------------------------
-# Modify the following macros to reflect the tools you wish to use for
-# compiling and linking your code.
-CC = "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\bin\win64\mex.exe"
-LD = $(CC)
-MODEL     = test_model
-TARGET      = sfun
-MODULE_SRCS   = c15_test_model.c
-MODEL_SRC  = test_model_sfun.c
-MODEL_REG = test_model_sfun_registry.c
-MAKEFILE    = test_model_sfun.gmk
-MATLAB_ROOT  = c:\program files\matlab\r2016b\toolbox\stateflow\stateflow\..\..\..
-#------------------------------ Include/Lib Path ------------------------------
-USER_INCLUDES = -I"C:\Users\Andy\documents\School\microcart\GitRepo\microcart_17-18\controls\model\logginganalysis\slprj\_sfprj\test_model\_self\sfun\src" -I"C:\Users\Andy\documents\School\microcart\GitRepo\microcart_17-18\controls\model\logginganalysis" -I"C:\Users\Andy\documents\School\microcart\GitRepo\microcart_17-18\controls\model\quad_files" -I"C:\Users\Andy\documents\School\microcart\GitRepo\microcart_17-18\controls\model" -I"C:\Users\Andy\documents\School\microcart\GitRepo\microcart_17-18\controls\model\quad_files\graph_blocks" 
-    -I"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\include" \
-    -I"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\simulink\include" \
-    -I"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\simulink\include\sf_runtime" \
-    -I"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\stateflow\c\mex\include" \
-    -I"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\rtw\c\src" \
-    -I"C:\Users\Andy\Documents\School\MicroCART\GitRepo\MicroCART_17-18\controls\model\loggingAnalysis\slprj\_sfprj\test_model\_self\sfun\src" 
-#----------------- Compiler and Linker Options --------------------------------
-# Optimization Options
-CC_OPTS =  
-# Uncomment this line to move warning level to W4
-# cflags = $(cflags:W3=W4)
-#----------------------------- Source Files -----------------------------------
-		c_controller.obj \
-		node_constant.obj \
-		node_pid.obj \
-		node_mixer.obj \
-		node_bounds.obj \
-		node_add.obj \
-REQ_OBJS = $(REQ_SRCS:.cpp=.obj)
-REQ_OBJS2 = $(REQ_OBJS:.c=.obj)
-OBJLIST_FILE = test_model_sfun.mol
-#--------------------------------- Rules --------------------------------------
-	@echo ### Linking ...
-%.obj :    %.c
-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
-%.obj :    %.cpp
-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
-c_controller.obj :	C:/Users/Andy/DOCUME~1/School/MICROC~1/GitRepo/MICROC~1/controls/model/c_controller.c
-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
-node_constant.obj :	C:/Users/Andy/DOCUME~1/School/MICROC~1/GitRepo/MICROC~1/controls/model/QUAD_F~1/GRAPH_~1/node_constant.c
-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
-node_pid.obj :	C:/Users/Andy/DOCUME~1/School/MICROC~1/GitRepo/MICROC~1/controls/model/QUAD_F~1/GRAPH_~1/node_pid.c
-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
-node_mixer.obj :	C:/Users/Andy/DOCUME~1/School/MICROC~1/GitRepo/MICROC~1/controls/model/QUAD_F~1/GRAPH_~1/node_mixer.c
-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
-node_bounds.obj :	C:/Users/Andy/DOCUME~1/School/MICROC~1/GitRepo/MICROC~1/controls/model/QUAD_F~1/GRAPH_~1/node_bounds.c
-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
-node_add.obj :	C:/Users/Andy/DOCUME~1/School/MICROC~1/GitRepo/MICROC~1/controls/model/QUAD_F~1/GRAPH_~1/node_add.c
-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.h b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5670253ff6dbe2f5639778848c54beb6faea9f40..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __test_model_sfun_h__
-#define __test_model_sfun_h__
-/* Include files */
-#define S_FUNCTION_NAME                sf_sfun
-#include "sf_runtime/sfc_sf.h"
-#include "sf_runtime/sfc_mex.h"
-#include "sf_runtime/sf_runtime_errors.h"
-#include "rtwtypes.h"
-#include "simtarget/slSimTgtClientServerAPIBridge.h"
-#include "sf_runtime/sfc_sdi.h"
-#include "sf_runtime/sf_test_language.h"
-#include "multiword_types.h"
-#include "sf_runtime/sfc_messages.h"
-#include "sf_runtime/sfcdebug.h"
-#define rtInf                          (mxGetInf())
-#define rtMinusInf                     (-(mxGetInf()))
-#define rtNaN                          (mxGetNaN())
-#define rtIsNaN(X)                     ((int)mxIsNaN(X))
-#define rtIsInf(X)                     ((int)mxIsInf(X))
-struct SfDebugInstanceStruct;
-extern struct SfDebugInstanceStruct* sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct;
-/* Custom Code from Simulation Target dialog*/
-#include "c_controller.h"
-/* Type Definitions */
-/* Named Constants */
-/* Variable Declarations */
-extern uint32_T _test_modelMachineNumber_;
-/* Variable Definitions */
-/* Function Declarations */
-extern void test_model_initializer(void);
-extern void test_model_terminator(void);
-/* Function Definitions */
-/* We load infoStruct for rtw_optimation_info on demand in mdlSetWorkWidths and
-   free it immediately in mdlStart. Given that this is machine-wide as
-   opposed to chart specific, we use NULL check to make sure it gets loaded
-   and unloaded once per machine even though the  methods mdlSetWorkWidths/mdlStart
-   are chart/instance specific. The following methods abstract this out. */
-extern mxArray* load_test_model_optimization_info(boolean_T isRtwGen, boolean_T
-  isModelRef, boolean_T isExternal);
-extern void unload_test_model_optimization_info(void);
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.mol b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.mol
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b339f36e8cbb1fa23b17f189510649958aae54d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.mol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64\sf_runtime.lib" 
-"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64\libmx.lib" 
-"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64\libmex.lib" 
-"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64\libmat.lib" 
-"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64\libfixedpoint.lib" 
-"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64\libut.lib" 
-"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64\libmwmathutil.lib" 
-"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64\libemlrt.lib" 
-"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64\libmwsl_log_load_blocks.lib" 
-"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64\libmwsimulink.lib" 
-"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64\libmwsl_sfcn_cov_bridge.lib" 
-"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64\libmwsl_simtarget_core.lib" 
-"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\extern\lib\win64\mingw64\libmwsl_simtarget_instrumentation.lib" 
-"-LC:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\bin\win64" "-llibmwipp"
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.obj b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index d4ddc8caec577ec8bf447b339d33b34f6bd23462..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun_debug_macros.h b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun_debug_macros.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bd991d4b8d54f27595a03c0df12ea4fe92e13cc8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun_debug_macros.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-	#ifndef __SF_DEBUG_MACROS_H__
-	#define __SF_DEBUG_MACROS_H__
-	extern unsigned int _test_modelMachineNumber_;
-	#define _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(v1,v2)\
-		sf_debug_set_instance_data_value_ptr(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,CHARTINSTANCE_INSTANCENUMBER,v1,(void *)(v2),NULL);
-	#define _SFD_UNSET_DATA_VALUE_PTR(v1)\
-		sf_debug_unset_instance_data_value_ptr(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,CHARTINSTANCE_INSTANCENUMBER,v1);
-	#define _SFD_SET_DATA_VALUE_PTR_VAR_DIM(v1,v2,v3)\
-		sf_debug_set_instance_data_value_ptr(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,CHARTINSTANCE_INSTANCENUMBER,v1,(void *)(v2),(void *)(v3));
-	#define _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK_MIN_MAX(dVal,dNum,objectTypeEnum,objectNumber,activeEventNumber,isFasterRuntimeOn,dMin,dMax,ssid,offset,length)\
-	                      sf_debug_data_range_error_wrapper_min_max(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             dNum,(double)(dVal),\
- (unsigned int)objectTypeEnum,(unsigned int)objectNumber,(int)activeEventNumber,_sfTime_,(bool)isFasterRuntimeOn,(double)dMin,(double)dMax,ssid,offset,length)
-	#define _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK_MIN(dVal,dNum,objectTypeEnum,objectNumber,activeEventNumber,isFasterRuntimeOn,dMin,ssid,offset,length)\
-	                      sf_debug_data_range_error_wrapper_min(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             dNum,(double)(dVal),\
- (unsigned int)objectTypeEnum,(unsigned int)objectNumber,(int)activeEventNumber,_sfTime_,(bool)isFasterRuntimeOn,(double)dMin,ssid,offset,length)
-	#define _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK_MAX(dVal,dNum,objectTypeEnum,objectNumber,activeEventNumber,isFasterRuntimeOn,dMax,ssid,offset,length)\
-	                      sf_debug_data_range_error_wrapper_max(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             dNum,(double)(dVal),\
- (unsigned int)objectTypeEnum,(unsigned int)objectNumber,(int)activeEventNumber,_sfTime_,(bool)isFasterRuntimeOn,(double)dMax,ssid,offset,length)
-	#define _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(dVal,dNum,objectTypeEnum,objectNumber,activeEventNumber,isFasterRuntimeOn)\
-	                      sf_debug_data_range_wrapper(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             dNum,(double)(dVal),\
- (unsigned int)objectTypeEnum,(unsigned int)objectNumber,(int)activeEventNumber,_sfTime_,(bool)isFasterRuntimeOn)
-	#define _SFD_DATA_READ_BEFORE_WRITE_ERROR(dNum,objectTypeEnum,objectNumber,activeEventNumber,isFasterRuntimeOn)\
-	                      sf_debug_read_before_write_error(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (unsigned int)(dNum),\
- (unsigned int)objectTypeEnum,(unsigned int)objectNumber,(int)activeEventNumber,_sfTime_,(bool)isFasterRuntimeOn)
-	#define _SFD_ARRAY_BOUNDS_CHECK(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) \
-	                      sf_debug_data_array_bounds_error_check(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),(int)(v2),(int)(v3),(int)(v4),(int)(v5),(int)(v6))
-	#define _SFD_RUNTIME_SIZE_MISMATCH_CHECK(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) \
-	                      sf_debug_data_runtime_size_mismatch_error_check(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),(v2),(unsigned int)(v3),(int)(v4),(int)(v5))
-	#define _SFD_EML_ARRAY_BOUNDS_CHECK(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) \
-	                      sf_debug_eml_data_array_bounds_error_check(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),(int)(v2),(int)(v3),(int)(v4),(int)(v5),(int)(v6))
-	#define _SFD_EML_ARRAY_BOUNDS_CHECK_INT64(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) \
-	                      sf_debug_eml_data_array_bounds_error_check_int64(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),(int64_T)(v2),(int)(v3),(int)(v4),(int)(v5),(int)(v6))
-	#endif
-	#define _SFD_INTEGER_CHECK(v1,v2) \
-	                      sf_debug_integer_check(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),(double)(v2))
-	#define _SFD_NOT_NAN_CHECK(v1,v2) \
-	                      sf_debug_not_nan_check(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),(double)(v2))
-	#define _SFD_NON_NEGATIVE_CHECK(v1,v2) \
-	                      sf_debug_non_negative_check(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),(double)(v2))
-	#define _SFD_CAST_TO_UINT8(v1) \
-	                      sf_debug_cast_to_uint8_T(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),0,0)
-	#define _SFD_CAST_TO_UINT16(v1) \
-	                      sf_debug_cast_to_uint16_T(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),0,0)
-	#define _SFD_CAST_TO_UINT32(v1) \
-	                      sf_debug_cast_to_uint32_T(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),0,0)
-	#define _SFD_CAST_TO_INT8(v1) \
-	                      sf_debug_cast_to_int8_T(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),0,0)
-	#define _SFD_CAST_TO_INT16(v1) \
-	                      sf_debug_cast_to_int16_T(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),0,0)
-	#define _SFD_CAST_TO_INT32(v1) \
-	                      sf_debug_cast_to_int32_T(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),0,0)
-	#define _SFD_CAST_TO_SINGLE(v1) \
-	                      sf_debug_cast_to_real32_T(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	                                             (v1),0,0)
-	#define _SFD_ANIMATE() sf_debug_animate(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	#define _SFD_CHART_CALL(v1,v2,v3,v4) sf_debug_call(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	CHART_OBJECT,v1,v2,v3,v4,\
-	0,NULL,_sfTime_,1)
-	#define _SFD_MESSAGE_POST_CALL(v1) sf_debug_register_message_post_receive_info(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	v1,_sfTime_,1)
-	#define _SFD_MESSAGE_RECEIVE_CALL(v1) sf_debug_register_message_post_receive_info(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	v1,_sfTime_,0)
-	#define _SFD_CC_CALL(v2,v3,v4) _SFD_CHART_CALL(CHART_OBJECT,v2,v3,v4)
-	#define _SFD_CS_CALL(v2,v3,v4) _SFD_CHART_CALL(STATE_OBJECT,v2,v3,v4)
-	#define _SFD_CT_CALL(v2,v3,v4) _SFD_CHART_CALL(TRANSITION_OBJECT,v2,v3,v4)
-	#define _SFD_CE_CALL(v2,v3,v4) _SFD_CHART_CALL(EVENT_OBJECT,v2,v3,v4)
-	#define _SFD_CM_CALL(v2,v3,v4) _SFD_CHART_CALL(MESSAGE_OBJECT,v2,v3,v4)
-	#define _SFD_EML_CALL(v1,v2,v3) eml_debug_line_call(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	v1,v2,\
-	v3,_sfTime_,0)
-	#define _SFD_SCRIPT_TRANSLATION(v1,v2,v3,v4) sf_debug_set_script_translation(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	v1,v2,v3,v4)
-	#define _SFD_SCRIPT_CALL(v1,v2,v3) eml_debug_line_call(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	v1,v2,\
-	v3,_sfTime_,1)
-	#define _SFD_CCP_CALL(v3,v4,v5,v6) sf_debug_call(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	v4,NULL,_sfTime_,(unsigned int)(v5))
-	#define _SFD_STATE_TEMPORAL_THRESHOLD(v1,v2,v4) sf_debug_temporal_threshold(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	(unsigned int)(v1),(v2),STATE_OBJECT,(v4))
-	#define _SFD_TRANS_TEMPORAL_THRESHOLD(v1,v2,v4) sf_debug_temporal_threshold(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	(unsigned int)(v1),(v2),TRANSITION_OBJECT,(v4))
-	#define CV_EVAL(v1,v2,v3,v4) cv_eval_point(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4))
-	#define CV_CHART_EVAL(v2,v3,v4) CV_EVAL(CHART_OBJECT,(v2),(v3),(v4))
-	#define CV_STATE_EVAL(v2,v3,v4) CV_EVAL(STATE_OBJECT,(v2),(v3),(v4))
-	#define CV_TRANSITION_EVAL(v1,v2) cv_eval_point(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  TRANSITION_OBJECT,(v1),0,((v2)!=0))
-	#define CV_RELATIONAL_EVAL(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8)  cv_eval_relational(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,_test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6),(v7),(v8))
-	#define CV_BASIC_BLOCK_EVAL(v1,v2,v3)  cv_eval_basic_block(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,_test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3))
-	#define CV_SATURATION_EVAL(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5)  cv_eval_saturation(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,_test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5))
-	#define CV_SATURATION_ACCUM(v1,v2,v3,v4)  cv_saturation_accum(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4))
-	#define CV_TESTOBJECTIVE_EVAL(v1,v2,v3,v4)  cv_eval_testobjective(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4))
-	/* Coverage Macros for MATLAB  */
-	#define CV_EML_EVAL(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) cv_eml_eval(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(int)(v5))
-	#define CV_EML_FCN(v2,v3) CV_EML_EVAL(CV_EML_FCN_CHECK,(v2),1,(v3),0)
-	#define CV_EML_TESTOBJECTIVE(v2,v3,v4,v5) CV_EML_EVAL(CV_EML_TESTOBJECTIVE_CHECK,(v2),(v3),(v4),((v5) != 0))
-	#define CV_EML_SATURATION(v2,v3,v4,v5) CV_EML_EVAL(CV_EML_SATURATION_CHECK,(v2),(v3),(v4),((v5) != 0))
-	#define CV_EML_SATURATION_ACCUM(v2,v3,v4,v5) CV_EML_EVAL(CV_EML_SATURATION_ACCUM_CHECK,(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5))
-	#define CV_EML_IF(v2,v3,v4,v5) CV_EML_EVAL(CV_EML_IF_CHECK,(v2),(v3),(v4),((v5) != 0))
-	#define CV_EML_FOR(v2,v3,v4,v5) CV_EML_EVAL(CV_EML_FOR_CHECK,(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5))
-	#define CV_EML_WHILE(v2,v3,v4,v5) CV_EML_EVAL(CV_EML_WHILE_CHECK,(v2),(v3),(v4),((v5) != 0))
-	#define CV_EML_SWITCH(v2,v3,v4,v5) CV_EML_EVAL(CV_EML_SWITCH_CHECK,(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5))
-	#define CV_EML_COND(v2,v3,v4,v5) CV_EML_EVAL(CV_EML_COND_CHECK,(v2),(v3),(v4),((v5) != 0))
-	#define CV_EML_MCDC(v2,v3,v4,v5) CV_EML_EVAL(CV_EML_MCDC_CHECK,(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5))
-	#define CV_SCRIPT_EVAL(v1,v2,v3,v4) cv_script_eval(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(int)(v4))
-	#define CV_SCRIPT_FCN(v2,v3) CV_SCRIPT_EVAL(CV_SCRIPT_FCN_CHECK,(v2),(v3),0)
-	#define CV_SCRIPT_IF(v2,v3,v4) CV_SCRIPT_EVAL(CV_SCRIPT_IF_CHECK,(v2),(v3),((v4) != 0))
-	#define CV_SCRIPT_FOR(v2,v3,v4) CV_SCRIPT_EVAL(CV_SCRIPT_FOR_CHECK,(v2),(v3),(v4))
-	#define CV_SCRIPT_WHILE(v2,v3,v4) CV_SCRIPT_EVAL(CV_SCRIPT_WHILE_CHECK,(v2),(v3),((v4) != 0))
-	#define CV_SCRIPT_SWITCH(v2,v3,v4) CV_SCRIPT_EVAL(CV_SCRIPT_SWITCH_CHECK,(v2),(v3),(v4))
-	#define CV_SCRIPT_COND(v2,v3,v4) CV_SCRIPT_EVAL(CV_SCRIPT_COND_CHECK,(v2),(v3),((v4) != 0))
-	#define CV_SCRIPT_MCDC(v2,v3,v4) CV_SCRIPT_EVAL(CV_SCRIPT_MCDC_CHECK,(v2),(v3),(v4))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_EML(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12) cv_eml_init_script(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6),(v7),(v8),(v9),(v10),(v11),(v12))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_EML_FCN(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) cv_eml_init_fcn(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_EML_BASIC_BLOCK(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) cv_eml_init_basic_block(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_EML_TESTOBJECTIVE(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7) cv_eml_init_testobjective(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	       (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6),(v7))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_EML_SATURATION(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) cv_eml_init_saturation(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	       (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_EML_IF(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7) cv_eml_init_if(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6),(v7))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_EML_FOR(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) cv_eml_init_for(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_EML_WHILE(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) cv_eml_init_while(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_EML_MCDC(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11) cv_eml_init_mcdc(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6),(v7),(v8),(v9),(v10),(v11))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_EML_RELATIONAL(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7) cv_eml_init_relational(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6),(v7))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_EML_SWITCH(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9) cv_eml_init_switch(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6),(v7),(v8),(v9))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_SCRIPT(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11) cv_script_init_script(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6),(v7),(v8),(v9),(v10),(v11))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_SCRIPT_FCN(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) cv_script_init_fcn(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_SCRIPT_BASIC_BLOCK(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) cv_script_init_basic_block(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_SCRIPT_TESTOBJECTIVE(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) cv_script_init_testobjective(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_SCRIPT_SATURATION(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) cv_script_init_saturation(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	       (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_SCRIPT_IF(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) cv_script_init_if(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_SCRIPT_FOR(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) cv_script_init_for(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_SCRIPT_WHILE(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) cv_script_init_while(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_SCRIPT_MCDC(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10) cv_script_init_mcdc(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6),(v7),(v8),(v9),(v10))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_SCRIPT_RELATIONAL(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) cv_script_init_relational(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_SCRIPT_SWITCH(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8) cv_script_init_switch(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, \
-	       _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-			  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6),(v7),(v8))
-	#define _SFD_SET_DATA_PROPS(dataNumber,dataScope,isInputData,isOutputData,dataName)\
-	 sf_debug_set_chart_data_props(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,\
-		(dataNumber),(dataScope),(isInputData),(isOutputData),(dataName))
-	#define _SFD_SET_DATA_COMPILED_PROPS(dataNumber,dataType,numDims,dimArray,isFixedPoint,isSigned,wordLength,bias,slope,exponent,complexity,mexOutFcn, mexInFcn)\
-	 sf_debug_set_chart_data_compiled_props(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,CHARTINSTANCE_INSTANCENUMBER,\
-		(dataNumber),(dataType),(numDims),(dimArray),(isFixedPoint),(isSigned),(wordLength),(bias),(slope),(exponent),(complexity),(mexOutFcn),(mexInFcn))
-	#define _SFD_STATE_INFO(v1,v2,v3)\
-		sf_debug_set_chart_state_info(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,(v1),(v2),(v3))
-	#define _SFD_CH_SUBSTATE_INDEX(v1,v2)\
-		sf_debug_set_chart_substate_index(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,(v1),(v2))
-	#define _SFD_ST_SUBSTATE_INDEX(v1,v2,v3)\
-	   sf_debug_set_chart_state_substate_index(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,(v1),(v2),(v3))
-	#define _SFD_ST_SUBSTATE_COUNT(v1,v2)\
-		sf_debug_set_chart_state_substate_count(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,(v1),(v2))
-	#define _SFD_DATA_CHANGE_EVENT_COUNT(v1,v2) \
-		sf_debug_set_number_of_data_with_change_event_for_chart(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,\
-		(v1),(v2))
-	#define _SFD_STATE_ENTRY_EVENT_COUNT(v1,v2) \
-		sf_debug_set_number_of_states_with_entry_event_for_chart(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,\
-		(v1),(v2))
-	#define _SFD_STATE_EXIT_EVENT_COUNT(v1,v2) \
-		sf_debug_set_number_of_states_with_exit_event_for_chart(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,\
-		(v1),(v2))
-	#define _SFD_EVENT_SCOPE(v1,v2)\
-		sf_debug_set_chart_event_scope(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-	#define _SFD_CH_SUBSTATE_COUNT(v1) \
-		sf_debug_set_chart_substate_count(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,(v1))
-	#define _SFD_CH_SUBSTATE_DECOMP(v1) \
-		sf_debug_set_chart_decomposition(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,(v1))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_CHART(v1,v2,v3,v4)\
-	 sf_debug_cv_init_chart(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,\
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_STATE(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8)\
-		sf_debug_cv_init_state(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,CHARTINSTANCE_CHARTNUMBER,\
-		CHARTINSTANCE_INSTANCENUMBER,(v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6),(v7),(v8))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_TRANSITION_SATURATION(v1,v2,v3,v4)\
-	     sf_debug_cv_init_saturation(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-		  TRANSITION_OBJECT,(v1),(v2),(v3),(v4))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_TRANSITION_RELATIONALOP(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6)\
-	     sf_debug_cv_init_relationalop(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-		  TRANSITION_OBJECT,(v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_STATE_SATURATION(v1,v2,v3,v4)\
-	     sf_debug_cv_init_saturation(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-		  STATE_OBJECT, (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4))
-	     sf_debug_cv_init_testobjectives(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-		  TRANSITION_OBJECT,(v1),(v2),(v3),(v4))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_STATE_TESTOBJECTIVE(v1,v2,v3,v4)\
-	     sf_debug_cv_init_testobjectives(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-		  STATE_OBJECT, (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4))
-	#define _SFD_CV_INIT_TRANS(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6)\
-	     sf_debug_cv_init_trans(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-		  (v1),(v2),(v3),(v4),(v5),(v6))
-	#endif
-	#define _SFD_SET_MACHINE_DATA_VALUE_PTR(v0,v1,v2) sf_debug_set_machine_data_value_ptr(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2)
-	#define _SFD_STORE_CURRENT_STATE_CONFIGURATION(v0,v1,v2) sf_debug_store_current_state_configuration(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2)
-	#define _SFD_RESTORE_PREVIOUS_STATE_CONFIGURATION(v0,v1,v2) sf_debug_restore_previous_state_configuration(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2)
-	#define _SFD_RESTORE_PREVIOUS_STATE_CONFIGURATION2(v0,v1,v2) sf_debug_restore_previous_state_configuration2(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_PUSH(v0,v1) sf_debug_symbol_scope_push(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_PUSH_EML(v0,v1,v2,v3,v4) sf_debug_symbol_scope_push_eml(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2,v3,v4)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_POP() sf_debug_symbol_scope_pop(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD(v0,v1,v2) sf_debug_symbol_scope_add(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_IMPORTABLE(v0,v1,v2,v3) sf_debug_symbol_scope_add_importable(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2,v3)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML(v0,v1,v2) sf_debug_symbol_scope_add_eml(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_IMPORTABLE(v0,v1,v2,v3) sf_debug_symbol_scope_add_eml_importable(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2,v3)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_DYN(v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) sf_debug_symbol_scope_add_dyn(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_DYN_IMPORTABLE(v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) sf_debug_symbol_scope_add_dyn_importable(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_DYN(v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) sf_debug_symbol_scope_add_eml_dyn(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_DYN_IMPORTABLE(v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) sf_debug_symbol_scope_add_eml_dyn_importable(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_DYN_EMX(v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7) sf_debug_symbol_scope_add_eml_dyn_emx(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_EML_DYN_EMX_IMPORTABLE(v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8) sf_debug_symbol_scope_add_eml_dyn_emx_importable(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SCOPE_ADD_VERBOSE(v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14) sf_debug_symbol_scope_add_verbose(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14)
-	#define _SFD_SYMBOL_SWITCH(v0,v1) sf_debug_symbol_switch(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1)
-	#define _SFD_CHECK_FOR_STATE_INCONSISTENCY(v0,v1,v2) sf_debug_check_for_state_inconsistency(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2)
-	#define _SFD_REPORT_STATE_INCONSISTENCY_ERROR(objectTypeEnum,objectNumber,activeEventNumber,isFasterRuntimeOn) \
-         sf_debug_report_state_inconsistency_error(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, _test_modelMachineNumber_,\
-                                                (unsigned int)objectTypeEnum,(unsigned int)objectNumber,(int)activeEventNumber,_sfTime_,(bool)isFasterRuntimeOn)
-	#define _SFD_SET_HONOR_BREAKPOINTS(v0) sf_debug_set_honor_breakpoints(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, v0)
-	#define _SFD_GET_ANIMATION() sf_debug_get_animation(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct)
-	#define _SFD_SET_ANIMATION(v0) sf_debug_set_animation(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0)
-	#define _SFD_SIZE_EQ_CHECK_1D(v0,v1) sf_debug_size_eq_check_1d(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1)
-	#define _SFD_SIZE_EQ_CHECK_ND(v0,v1,v2) sf_debug_size_eq_check_nd(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2)
-	#define _SFD_DIM_SIZE_EQ_CHECK(v0,v1,v2) sf_debug_dim_size_eq_check(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2)
-	#define _SFD_DIM_SIZE_GEQ_CHECK(v0,v1,v2) sf_debug_dim_size_geq_check(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2)
-	#define _SFD_SUB_ASSIGN_SIZE_CHECK_ND(v0,v1,v2,v3) sf_debug_sub_assign_size_check_nd(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2,v3)
-	#define _SFD_FOR_LOOP_VECTOR_CHECK(v0,v1,v2,v3,v4) sf_debug_for_loop_vector_check(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0,v1,v2,v3,v4)
-	#define _SFD_RUNTIME_ERROR_MSGID(v0) sf_debug_runtime_error_msgid(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,v0)
-	#define _SFD_OVERFLOW_DETECTION(sfDebugOverflowType,sfDebugObjectTypeEnum,ssId,length,offset,objectNumber,activeEventNumber,isFasterRuntimeOn) sf_debug_overflow_detection(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct,\
-		                                                            sfDebugOverflowType, CHARTINSTANCE_INSTANCENUMBER, sfDebugObjectTypeEnum,\
-                                                                 (unsigned int)ssId, length, offset, (unsigned int)objectNumber,(int)activeEventNumber,_sfTime_,(bool)isFasterRuntimeOn)
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun_registry.c b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun_registry.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bcda9213335be20a9fd24e77d8c10ce166fed0f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun_registry.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-#include "test_model_sfun.h"
-#include "sf_runtime/sfcdebug.h"
-struct SfDebugInstanceStruct;
-struct SfDebugInstanceStruct* sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct = NULL;
-unsigned int sf_process_check_sum_call( int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[], int nrhs,
-  const mxArray * prhs[] )
-  extern unsigned int sf_test_model_process_check_sum_call( int nlhs, mxArray *
-    plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] );
-  if (sf_test_model_process_check_sum_call(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs))
-    return 1;
-  return 0;
-unsigned int sf_process_autoinheritance_call( int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[], int
-  nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] )
-  extern unsigned int sf_test_model_autoinheritance_info( int nlhs, mxArray *
-    plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] );
-  char commandName[64];
-  char machineName[128];
-  if (nrhs < 4) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (!mxIsChar(prhs[0]) || !mxIsChar(prhs[1]))
-    return 0;
-  mxGetString(prhs[0], commandName,sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char));
-  commandName[(sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(commandName,"get_autoinheritance_info"))
-    return 0;
-  mxGetString(prhs[1], machineName,sizeof(machineName)/sizeof(char));
-  machineName[(sizeof(machineName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(machineName, "test_model") == 0) {
-    const mxArray *newRhs[3] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
-    newRhs[0] = prhs[0];
-    newRhs[1] = prhs[2];
-    newRhs[2] = prhs[3];
-    return sf_test_model_autoinheritance_info(nlhs,plhs,3,newRhs);
-  }
-  return 0;
-unsigned int sf_process_get_third_party_uses_info_call( int nlhs, mxArray *
-  plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] )
-  extern unsigned int sf_test_model_third_party_uses_info( int nlhs, mxArray *
-    plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] );
-  char commandName[64];
-  char machineName[128];
-  if (nrhs < 4) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (!mxIsChar(prhs[0]) || !mxIsChar(prhs[1]))
-    return 0;
-  mxGetString(prhs[0], commandName,sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char));
-  commandName[(sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(commandName,"get_third_party_uses_info"))
-    return 0;
-  mxGetString(prhs[1], machineName,sizeof(machineName)/sizeof(char));
-  machineName[(sizeof(machineName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(machineName, "test_model") == 0) {
-    const mxArray *newRhs[3] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
-    newRhs[0] = prhs[0];
-    newRhs[1] = prhs[2];
-    newRhs[2] = prhs[3];
-    return sf_test_model_third_party_uses_info(nlhs,plhs,3,newRhs);
-  }
-  return 0;
-unsigned int sf_process_get_jit_fallback_info_call( int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[],
-  int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] )
-  extern unsigned int sf_test_model_jit_fallback_info( int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[],
-    int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] );
-  char commandName[64];
-  char machineName[128];
-  if (nrhs < 4) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (!mxIsChar(prhs[0]) || !mxIsChar(prhs[1]))
-    return 0;
-  mxGetString(prhs[0], commandName,sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char));
-  commandName[(sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(commandName,"get_jit_fallback_info"))
-    return 0;
-  mxGetString(prhs[1], machineName,sizeof(machineName)/sizeof(char));
-  machineName[(sizeof(machineName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(machineName, "test_model") == 0) {
-    const mxArray *newRhs[3] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
-    newRhs[0] = prhs[0];
-    newRhs[1] = prhs[2];
-    newRhs[2] = prhs[3];
-    return sf_test_model_jit_fallback_info(nlhs,plhs,3,newRhs);
-  }
-  return 0;
-unsigned int sf_process_get_updateBuildInfo_args_info_call( int nlhs, mxArray *
-  plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] )
-  extern unsigned int sf_test_model_updateBuildInfo_args_info( int nlhs, mxArray
-    * plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] );
-  char commandName[64];
-  char machineName[128];
-  if (nrhs < 4) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (!mxIsChar(prhs[0]) || !mxIsChar(prhs[1]))
-    return 0;
-  mxGetString(prhs[0], commandName,sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char));
-  commandName[(sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(commandName,"get_updateBuildInfo_args_info"))
-    return 0;
-  mxGetString(prhs[1], machineName,sizeof(machineName)/sizeof(char));
-  machineName[(sizeof(machineName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(machineName, "test_model") == 0) {
-    const mxArray *newRhs[3] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
-    newRhs[0] = prhs[0];
-    newRhs[1] = prhs[2];
-    newRhs[2] = prhs[3];
-    return sf_test_model_updateBuildInfo_args_info(nlhs,plhs,3,newRhs);
-  }
-  return 0;
-unsigned int sf_process_get_eml_resolved_functions_info_call( int nlhs, mxArray *
-  plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] )
-  extern unsigned int sf_test_model_get_eml_resolved_functions_info( int nlhs,
-    mxArray * plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] );
-  char commandName[64];
-  char machineName[128];
-  if (nrhs < 3) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (!mxIsChar(prhs[0]) || !mxIsChar(prhs[1]))
-    return 0;
-  mxGetString(prhs[0], commandName,sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char));
-  commandName[(sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(commandName,"get_eml_resolved_functions_info"))
-    return 0;
-  mxGetString(prhs[1], machineName,sizeof(machineName)/sizeof(char));
-  machineName[(sizeof(machineName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(machineName, "test_model") == 0) {
-    const mxArray *newRhs[2] = { NULL, NULL };
-    newRhs[0] = prhs[0];
-    newRhs[1] = prhs[2];
-    return sf_test_model_get_eml_resolved_functions_info(nlhs,plhs,2,newRhs);
-  }
-  return 0;
-unsigned int sf_mex_unlock_call( int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[], int nrhs, const
-  mxArray * prhs[] )
-  char commandName[20];
-  if (nrhs<1 || !mxIsChar(prhs[0]) )
-    return 0;
-  mxGetString(prhs[0], commandName,sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char));
-  commandName[(sizeof(commandName)/sizeof(char)-1)] = '\0';
-  if (strcmp(commandName,"sf_mex_unlock"))
-    return 0;
-  while (mexIsLocked()) {
-    mexUnlock();
-  }
-  return(1);
-extern unsigned int sf_debug_api(struct SfDebugInstanceStruct* debugInstance,
-  int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[] );
-static unsigned int sf_debug_api_wrapper( int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[], int nrhs,
-  const mxArray * prhs[] )
-  return sf_debug_api(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct, nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs);
-static unsigned int ProcessMexSfunctionCmdLineCall(int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[],
-  int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[])
-  if (sf_debug_api_wrapper(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs))
-    return 1;
-  if (sf_process_check_sum_call(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs))
-    return 1;
-  if (sf_mex_unlock_call(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs))
-    return 1;
-  if (sf_process_autoinheritance_call(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs))
-    return 1;
-  if (sf_process_get_third_party_uses_info_call(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs))
-    return 1;
-  if (sf_process_get_jit_fallback_info_call(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs))
-    return 1;
-  if (sf_process_get_updateBuildInfo_args_info_call(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs))
-    return 1;
-  if (sf_process_get_eml_resolved_functions_info_call(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs))
-    return 1;
-  mexErrMsgTxt("Unsuccessful command.");
-  return 0;
-static unsigned int sfGlobalMdlStartCallCounts = 0;
-unsigned int sf_machine_global_initializer_called(void)
-  return(sfGlobalMdlStartCallCounts > 0);
-extern unsigned int sf_test_model_method_dispatcher(SimStruct *S, unsigned int
-  chartFileNumber, const char* specsCksum, int_T method, void *data);
-unsigned int sf_machine_global_method_dispatcher(SimStruct *simstructPtr, const
-  char *machineName, unsigned int chartFileNumber, const char* specsCksum, int_T
-  method, void *data)
-  if (!strcmp(machineName,"test_model")) {
-    return(sf_test_model_method_dispatcher(simstructPtr,chartFileNumber,
-            specsCksum,method,data));
-  }
-  return 0;
-extern void test_model_terminator(void);
-void sf_machine_global_terminator(SimStruct* S)
-  sfGlobalMdlStartCallCounts--;
-  if (sfGlobalMdlStartCallCounts == 0) {
-    test_model_terminator();
-    sf_debug_terminate(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct);
-    sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct = NULL;
-  }
-  return;
-extern void test_model_initializer(void);
-extern void test_model_register_exported_symbols(SimStruct* S);
-extern void test_model_debug_initialize(struct SfDebugInstanceStruct*);
-void sf_register_machine_exported_symbols(SimStruct* S)
-  test_model_register_exported_symbols(S);
-bool callCustomFcn(char initFlag)
-  return false;
-void sf_machine_global_initializer(SimStruct* S)
-  bool simModeIsRTWGen = sim_mode_is_rtw_gen(S);
-  sfGlobalMdlStartCallCounts++;
-  if (sfGlobalMdlStartCallCounts == 1) {
-    if (simModeIsRTWGen) {
-      sf_register_machine_exported_symbols(S);
-    }
-    sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct = sf_debug_create_debug_instance_struct();
-    if (!simModeIsRTWGen) {
-      test_model_debug_initialize(sfGlobalDebugInstanceStruct);
-    }
-    test_model_initializer();
-  }
-  return;
-#include "sf_runtime/stateflow_mdl_methods.stub"
diff --git a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun_registry.obj b/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun_registry.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index a0a5902cd0297abc1f96246ea25fe03fde04dbdb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/controls/model/loggingAnalysis/slprj/_sfprj/test_model/_self/sfun/src/test_model_sfun_registry.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/controls/model/mahony_filter.slx b/controls/model/mahony_filter.slx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df7f4d681d0169f6630f5a48695e21cf85f1de8b
Binary files /dev/null and b/controls/model/mahony_filter.slx differ
diff --git a/controls/model/modelParameters.m b/controls/model/modelParameters.m
index 42bf4b89f56c1310c30d16d57576a61ab92ca9fe..20dad9510c22a96dec30005120ada0f9c7aebd34 100644
--- a/controls/model/modelParameters.m
+++ b/controls/model/modelParameters.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-% Log Analysis Toggle    
+% Log Analysis Toggle
     logAnalysisToggle = 1;          % 1 for log analysis, 0 for normal operation
 % Define Simulink Runtime (if logAnalysisToggle is selected, this will be
@@ -6,28 +6,28 @@
     runtime = 20;
 % Model Parameters
-    m = 1.244;                      % Quadrotor + battery mass
+    m = 1.140;                      % Quadrotor + battery mass
     g = 9.81;                       % Acceleration of gravity
     Jxx = 0.0130;                   % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bx (pitch)
     Jyy = 0.0140;                   % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around by (roll)
     Jzz = 0.0285;                   % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bz (yaw)
     Jreq = 4.2012e-05;              % Rotor and motor moment of inertia around axis of rotation 
-    Kt = 8.6519e-6;                 % Rotor thrust constant
+    Kt = 1.2007e-05;                % Rotor thrust constant
     Kh = 0;                         % Rotor in-plane drag constant
-    Kd = 1.0317e-7;                 % Rotor drag constant
+    Kd = 1.4852e-07;                % Rotor drag constant
     rhx = 0.16;                     % X-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
     rhy = 0.16;                     % Y-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
     rhz = 0.03;                     % Z-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
     Rm = 0.2308;                    % Motor resistance
     Kq = 96.3422;                   % Motor torque constant
     Kv = 96.3422;                   % Motor back emf constant
-    If = 0.511;                     % Motor internal friction current
+    If = 0.3836;                    % Motor internal friction current
     Pmin = 1e5;                     % Minimum zybo output duty cycle command
     Pmax = 2e5;                     % Maximum zybo output duty cycle command
     Tc = 0.04;                      % Camera system sampling period
     Tq = 0.005;                     % Quad sampling period
     tau_c = 0;                      % Camera system total latency
-    Vb = 11.1;                      % Nominal battery voltage (V)
+    Vb = 11.4;                      % Nominal battery voltage (V)
     x_controlled_o = 0;             % Equilibrium lateral controller output
     y_controlled_o = 0;             % Equilibrium longitudinal controller output
     yaw_controlled_o = 0;           % Equilibrium yaw controller output
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@
     omega3_o = sqrt((m*g)/(4*Kt));
     % Equilibrium height controller output
-    height_controlled_o = (((Rm*If + ...
+    height_controlled_o = (((Rm*If   ...
     + (((omega0_o * 2 * Rm * Kv * Kq ...
     * Kd + 1)^2) - 1)/(4* Rm*Kv^2*Kq ...
-    * Kd))/Vb)*(Pmax- Pmin) + Pmin);
+    * Kd))/Vb)*(Pmax - Pmin) + Pmin);
     % Equilibrium positions
     x_o = 0;
     y_o = 0;
@@ -90,10 +90,11 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
     time = dataStruct.Time.data;
     time = time - time(1);
+    time_indices = length(time);
-    time = time(1):0.005:time(length(time)-7);
-    time = time';
+%     time = 0:0.005001:max(time);
+%     time = time(1:time_indices);
     runtime = max(time);
     % Determine x position error
@@ -152,8 +153,11 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
     PWM1 = dataStruct.Signal_Mixer_PWM_1.data;
     PWM2 = dataStruct.Signal_Mixer_PWM_2.data;
     PWM3 = dataStruct.Signal_Mixer_PWM_3.data;
+    PWM_arr = ...
+        [PWM0, PWM1, PWM2, PWM3];
+    motor_commands = timeseries(PWM_arr, time);
-    %Pull the measurements from the acceleratometer
+    % Pull the measurements from the acceleratometer
     raw_accel_data_x = dataStruct.accel_x.data;
     raw_accel_data_y = dataStruct.accel_y.data;
     raw_accel_data_z = dataStruct.accel_z.data;
@@ -161,7 +165,7 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
         [ raw_accel_data_x , raw_accel_data_y , raw_accel_data_z ];
     raw_accel_data = timeseries( raw_accel_data_arr , time );
-    %Pull the measurements from the gyroscope
+    % Pull the measurements from the gyroscope
     raw_gyro_data_x = dataStruct.gyro_x.data;
     raw_gyro_data_y = dataStruct.gyro_y.data;
     raw_gyro_data_z = dataStruct.gyro_z.data;
@@ -169,11 +173,52 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
         [ raw_gyro_data_x , raw_gyro_data_y , raw_gyro_data_z ];
     raw_gyro_data = timeseries( raw_gyro_data_arr , time );
-    %Create time series object for z command
+    % Create time series object for z command
     throttle_command = timeseries(dataStruct.RC_Throttle_Constant.data, time);
+    z_command = dataStruct.RC_Throttle_Constant.data;
-    %Pull the measurements from the complimentary filter
+    % Pull the measurements from the complimentary filter
     pitch_measured_IMU = dataStruct.Pitch_Constant.data;
     roll_measured_IMU = dataStruct.Roll_Constant.data;
+    IMU_angle_arr = ...
+        [roll_measured_IMU, pitch_measured_IMU];
+    IMU_angle_data = timeseries( IMU_angle_arr, time);
+    % Pull VRPN pitch and roll
+    pitch_measured_VRPN = dataStruct.VRPN_Pitch_Constant.data;
+    roll_measured_VRPN = dataStruct.VRPN_Roll_Constant.data;
+    % Set height_controlled_o to initial throttle command
+    height_controlled_o = dataStruct.RC_Throttle_Constant.data(1);
+    % Set rotor speed initial conditions to there calculated values based on
+    % initial throttle control
+    omega0_o = (sqrt(((height_controlled_o ...
+    - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin)* Vb - Rm * If) * 4 * ...
+    Rm * Kv^2 * Kq * Kd + 1) - 1) / (2 * Rm *  ...
+    Kv * Kq * Kd);
+    omega1_o = omega0_o;
+    omega2_o = omega0_o;
+    omega3_o = omega0_o;
+    % Set initial positions
+    x_o = x_position(1);
+    y_o = y_position(1);
+    z_o = z_position(1);
+    % Set initial velocities
+    x_vel_o = (x_position(1) - x_position(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
+    y_vel_o = (y_position(1) - y_position(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
+    z_vel_o = (z_position(1) - z_position(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
+    % Equilibrium angles
+    roll_o = roll_measured_VRPN(1);
+    pitch_o = pitch_measured_VRPN(1);
+    yaw_o = 0;
+    % Equilibrium angular rates
+    rollrate_o = (roll_measured_VRPN(1) - roll_measured_VRPN(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
+    pitchrate_o = (pitch_measured_VRPN(1) - pitch_measured_VRPN(2))/(time(1) - time(2));
+    yawrate_o = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controls/model/test_model.slx b/controls/model/test_model.slx
index 92b139549538c6faa45058b6f41784f2c238384b..56971125dc1d50445e083b3e0f8b6d3187957d3b 100644
Binary files a/controls/model/test_model.slx and b/controls/model/test_model.slx differ
diff --git a/documentation/.gitkeep b/documentation/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/documentation/ci_faq.md b/documentation/ci_faq.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..679e0b9f484603505d1e64bd4c57369b255becc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/ci_faq.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Continuous Integration (CI) FAQ
+## Why did my commit fail CI?
+On every commit, a script runs that performs a number of things, including
+compiling code and running unit and functional tests. Whatever you did
+apparently broke one of these things.
+## Why should I care about the CI results?
+CI _immensely_ streamlines the development cycle by helping us catch bugs
+immediately, allowing us to fix them early before they plague us (or future
+users of the code base). It's a common industry practice. If you break the CI 
+pipeline, don't ignore it! Try your best to get the branch back in working
+## Okay, so my commit failed CI, and I guess I care. What should I do?
+1. Re-run the build. 
+   - Sometimes something weird happens, so it's good to check this.
+2. Figure out what you did wrong and fix it. 
+   - If you click on the build, you should be able to see the exact logs the
+     build process. Debug the error to figure out what went wrong. Maybe you 
+     failed a test. You may need to open the source code for the test to see
+     where you failed, which is very insightful into figuring out what went
+     wrong.
+3. Figure out what CI is doing wrong.
+   - Sometimes a test might be poorly designed. At this point, it can be really
+     tempting to just ignore the build failure altogether (don't do that!), or
+     just remove the broken test (not as bad, but still don't do that). The best
+     thing is to fix the test so that we continue to have good regression
+     test coverage over our code.
+## How does CI work?
+When a commit is added to a branch in our repository, a notification is sent out
+to our gitlab-ci-runner, which instructs it to checkout the updated branch and
+run the directive in `.gitlab-ci.yml`. It then runs each directive, which is
+made up of bash scripts to execute. In our case, we run two scripts, 
+`ci-build.sh` and `ci-test.sh`, which compile projects and run checks,
+respectively. (Look at these scripts to learn more about how they work). If
+some error occurs during the script (perhaps a forced error generated by a
+failed test), then the runner sends a message back to Gitlab indicating that the
+CI failed. Otherwise, it succeeds.
diff --git a/documentation/how_to_calibrate_the_camera_system.md b/documentation/how_to_calibrate_the_camera_system.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a04a5fb1f9e69c76c90b9c76f9bbbd5c428ae53a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/how_to_calibrate_the_camera_system.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# How to calibration the camera system
+*This tutorial is in a draft state*
+On the computer Coover 3050-07, open the Tracking Tools program.
+1. Click the "Camera Calibration" button. (It is a picture of a wand).
+2. Get the calibration wand (on top of cabinet). Ensure the calibration wand is REMOVED from the viewing area.
+3. Click "Start Wanding".
+  4. If you get a message about reflective materials being seen, click "Block".
+5. Click "Start Wanding" again.
+6. Start painting
+Look at each individual camera sample count, and ensure each camera has a sufficient number. Also look at the generic "sufficient for quality" indicator. Try to get samples data points for all areas of the viewing area.
+Last time, we tried to get the sufficient quality at "very high" and each camera sample count over 10,000.
+After you finished, click "Apply Result".
+Then click "apply and refine" and save.
+Next, you'll be calibrating the floor. Then use the L-tool with the trackables (in the cabinet). In order to get the z-axis pointing vertically, you'll need to pinch the L-tool so that it sits upright on the floor (we used bricks). You can use a level to ensure it is stable.
+Click "Set Ground Plane". 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/documentation/how_to_charge_lipo.md b/documentation/how_to_charge_lipo.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..662752226360a306f954dfb95996368a692a952d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/how_to_charge_lipo.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# How to charge the LiPo batteries
+This tutorial includes instructions to safely charge the Li-Po battery. The quadcopter uses a 3S Li-Po battery with 11.1V nominal voltage.
+1. Start by turning on the charging station’s power supply, which should be on the left side of the charging station. The power supply should be at 17 volts.
+  ![image](/uploads/fa01915053a07486dfce28ba4f7c32f5/image.png)
+2. On the charging station:
+  - Connect the balancer (connector with many white slots) and the charging cable (yellow connector)  to the charging station.
+  ![image](/uploads/0e19f7845a49d6fac19e7d728f0a69af/image.png)
+  - Cycle through (Hit “Enter” and use “Up” and “down” to cycle) the memory banks until you find the correct setting for the battery you are using. The one in this demonstration is a LiPo with nominal voltage of 11.1V and a capacity of 2200 mah. The correct settings for this battery is located under memory no. 6. 
+3. Connect the battery to the balancer and charging cable. Plug the balancer into the slot corresponding the number of cells the battery has. In this case the battery is 3 cells so you would plug it into the 3S balancer slot.
+  ![image](/uploads/d1db7c34b5c4433b575b30709711b943/image.png)
+4. Hold “Enter” on the charging station until it prompts you for “Charge Start Solo Mode”. Hold “Enter” again to check and confirm the battery’s voltage and cell count.
+  ![image](/uploads/4314a5d12fd63b007489a232ee482ce6/image.png)
+  ![image](/uploads/bc8ea0722ed7b1de6b105ea8503b0675/image.png)
+5. Press “Enter” to start the charging process.
+  ![image](/uploads/f1a0c5f9cf659df573893d4954422014/image.png)
+6. When the battery is done charging the charging station will make a continuous ringing sound. The screen on the charging station will say “LiPo End/CHG”. Hold “Enter” to return to the main menu. Unplug the battery from the charging cable and the balancer. Power off the charging station’s power supply.
+  ![image](/uploads/930b76e122fa1507a62ad84cc72fa4c1/image.png)
diff --git a/documentation/how_to_demo.md b/documentation/how_to_demo.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..104c64bc20852f6dcbcb9bea5a1c380d6bae8d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/how_to_demo.md
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# How to demo the quadcopter
+Follow this How-To to get the quadcopter up and running in Coover 3050. 
+**Table of Contents**
+## Setup Infrared Camera System
+1. To start up the camera system, log into the camera system computer (co3050-07) with the following username and password:
+    username: `.\microcart`<br>
+    password: `microcart` (this might be wrong...)
+2. Once the OS is done loading, start up the program "Tracking Tools".
+3. From the startup window, choose "Open existing project"
+4. Choose "TrackingToolsProject 2017-01-13 5.30pm" in the "Optitrack_Configuration" folder
+6. Then go to File -> Open and choose "Microcart" in the "Optitrack_Configuration" folder
+  - This should create a "UAV" under "Trackables" in the Project Explorer on the left side of the screen
+7. Now you should be able to move the quadcopter trackable around in the tracking area, and see it update in real-time on the screen.
+## Setup Ground Station
+On the ground station computer (Co3050-09), log in with the following credentials. 
+username: `ucart`<br>
+password: `microcart`
+Navigate to the ground station folder in a Terminal. 
+$ cd {project_root}/groundStation
+$ ls
+BackEnd  Cli  logs  Makefile  obj  README.md  src  ucart.socket (or something like that)
+If the project hasn't been built in a while, re-make the project:
+make vrpn
+And set the wifi environment variable if you want to connect to the quad over wifi.
+## Setup Transmitter
+The RC transmitter is used to manually control the quad.
+1. Ensure the transmitter has the following state before turning it on:
+  - "Gear" is set to 0
+  - "Flap" is set to 1
+  - Throttle is set to the lowest position
+2. Turn on the transmitter.
+## Setup Quadcopter
+This section assumes the quad already has a prepared boot image inserted into the SD card port and that a properly charged Li-Po battery is ready for use.
+0. Prequisites
+  1. Make sure the connection to the motors from the main power line is **disconnected**.
+  2. Make sure the previous setup sections have been done prior starting this section
+1. Insert the Li-Po battery into the holder beneath the quad, and plug it into the quad.
+2. Turn on the Zybo Board using the switch.
+  1. The "PGOOD" Light should turn red.
+  2. After the program has been completely loaded, the green DONE LED should turn on.
+  ![image](/uploads/3aa1363e9f75982f259c2631bf9bcb8f/image.png)
+3. Ensure the quad and transmitter has connected successfully.
+  - The RC transmitter should have GAUI 330X selected and displayed on the screen. With the quad and transmitter on, the unit on the quad labeled Spektrum AR610 should have a blinking orange light or solid orange light (It is easier to see the orange light from the top of the receiver). If this is not blinking or solid, try restarting the quad and transmitter with the transmitter closer to the quad. 
+  ![image](/uploads/f08672919265c5ff0017d28c1ba97770/image.png)
+  ![image](/uploads/1a10172835c079f41395638d871f98e1/image.png)
+4. Plug connect the motors to the main power line.
+## Start the Ground Station (CLI)
+Execute the following on the ground station from the root of the ground station folder.
+In one terminal, run the backend:
+UCART_SOCKET=./ucart.socket ./BackEnd
+In another terminal, run the monitor:
+UCART_SOCKET=./ucart.socket ./Cli monitor -f
+Finally, in another terminal, export the socket path, and then execute any CLI commands that you like:
+export UCART_SOCKET=./ucart.socket
+./Cli setpid --pitch -p 1.000
+# ... other CLI commands
+## Start the Quad
+1. Using the transmitter, flip the "Gear" switch to 1.
+  1. You should see the green LED4 MIO7 turn on.
+2. Start flying the quad. Below is a summary of how the manual controls work.
+  ![image](/uploads/b9e51151c344cba8f42f6b1d21273f31/image.png)
diff --git a/groundStation/Makefile b/groundStation/Makefile
index d5ecdc66bc451561e6e149c2479a4aadb00e437a..c3970786e8e22cf7f21643be048600d022e2ee61 100644
--- a/groundStation/Makefile
+++ b/groundStation/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ CFLAGS= -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -std=gnu99 -g -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno
 CXXFLAGS= -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wno-reorder -Wno-unused-variable -std=c++0x -g
 INCLUDES = $(foreach dir, $(INCDIR), -I$(dir))
 INCDIR= src/vrpn src/vrpn/quat src/vrpn/build $(BESRCDIR) $(CLISRCDIR) $(FESRCDIR) ../quad/inc 
-LIBS= -lpthread -lbluetooth -lvrpn -lquat -Lsrc/vrpn/build -Lsrc/vrpn/build/quat -L../quad/lib -lquad_app -lcommands -lgraph_blocks -lm -lcomputation_graph
+LIBS= -lpthread -lbluetooth -lvrpn -lquat -Lsrc/vrpn/build -Lsrc/vrpn/build/quat -L../quad/lib -lquad_app -lcommands -lgraph_blocks -lcomputation_graph -lm
 # Backend Specific Variables
diff --git a/groundStation/README.md b/groundStation/README.md
index 2e6be4d83774dc08d23ac744b70eba6ce44be294..e14675ab8ad6eb0b870f87355b94a0778eae994c 100644
--- a/groundStation/README.md
+++ b/groundStation/README.md
@@ -62,4 +62,25 @@ or alternatively with symlinks
 This will fetch the block_id, type_id and name of every node in the current graph
-You can run any number of any combination of frontend tools at the same time.
\ No newline at end of file
+You can run any number of any combination of frontend tools at the same time.
+### Batch Update of PID constants
+The CLI only supports setting one PID constant at a time using the following command.
+From the `groundStation` folder:
+./Cli setpid --pitch -p 1.000
+This can get tedious for 27 PID constants.
+To help, we made a batch script that allows you to easily set all 27 PID constants at once and save your progress as you go.
+First, edit the `parameters.txt` file in the `groundStation/scripts` folder to specify the values you want to set. The script will parse this file and pass them to the `Cli` program.
+Then simply run the script from the `groundStation` folder:
+Remember to commit your changes in the `parameters.txt` file if you believe you have found a better default state for the quad.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/groundStation/scripts/bypass_kill_switch.sh b/groundStation/scripts/bypass_kill_switch.sh
index b1061e271a8bef3effbc2a9e9f7f6acba81d4ab7..183df7b8e30d642e0bf92b8a0fbc7b1ef1949e7f 100755
--- a/groundStation/scripts/bypass_kill_switch.sh
+++ b/groundStation/scripts/bypass_kill_switch.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
 #! /bin/bash
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+		echo "No argument supplied"
+		exit 0
 cd ..
 while true ; do
 	./setparam 37 0 $1
diff --git a/groundStation/scripts/eric.sh b/groundStation/scripts/eric.sh
index 2b3a57b2b57a77c066a195b728334cfd2d2c0944..7a9d0e2892ee80bba467bebbe0c60987b493f6fa 100755
--- a/groundStation/scripts/eric.sh
+++ b/groundStation/scripts/eric.sh
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@
 ./setparam 'pitch pid' 'alpha' 0.88
 #outer loop
-./setparam 'X pos PID' 'kp' -0.175
-./setparam 'X pos PID' 'ki' -0.002
-./setparam 'X pos PID' 'kd' -0.225
+./setparam 'X pos PID' 'kp' -0.015
+./setparam 'X pos PID' 'ki' -0
+./setparam 'X pos PID' 'kd' -0.25
 ./setparam 'X pos PID' 'alpha' 0.88
-./setparam 'Y pos PID' 'kp' 0.175
-./setparam 'Y pos PID' 'ki' 0.002
-./setparam 'Y pos PID' 'kd' 0.225
+./setparam 'Y pos PID' 'kp' 0.015
+./setparam 'Y pos PID' 'ki' 0
+./setparam 'Y pos PID' 'kd' 0.25
 ./setparam 'Y pos PID' 'alpha' 0.88
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c b/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
index 9ebf7752ba869da017f552a28efa43b5dd213a9b..d6b49449d6ca33b2a3727e06d0fdbccc2cfe5696 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/tcp.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
 //user created includes
 #include "commands.h"
@@ -88,6 +90,9 @@ char * create_log_name(char * buffer, size_t max);
 pthread_mutex_t quadSocketMutex;
 static ssize_t writeQuad(const uint8_t * buf, size_t count);
 static ssize_t readQuad(char * buf, size_t count);
+static int local_comm_channel;
+static int zybo_fifo_rx;
+static int zybo_fifo_tx;
 /* Functions for recording Latencies */
 void findTimeDiff(int respID);
@@ -120,6 +125,10 @@ pthread_mutex_t quadResponseMutex, cliInputMutex ;
 unsigned char *commandBuf;
 int newQuadResponse = 0, newCliInput = 0;
+static void sig_handler(int s) {
+	printf("Caught SIGPIPE from quad fifo..\n");
 // Callback to be ran whenever the tracker receives data.
 // Currently doing much more than it should. It will be slimmed down 
 // 		in the future.
@@ -191,7 +200,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	printf("zyboSocket = %d\n", zyboSocket);
+	if (!local_comm_channel) {
+		printf("zyboSocket = %d\n", zyboSocket);
+	} else {
+		/* if we are using fifo's we don't want the quad to be able to shut us down. */
+		signal(SIGPIPE, sig_handler);
+		printf("zybo_fifo_rx = %d\nzybo_fifo_tx = %d\n", zybo_fifo_rx, zybo_fifo_tx);
+	}
 	if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&quadSocketMutex)) {
 		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_unlock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
@@ -268,9 +283,18 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	safe_close_fd(zyboSocket, &quadSocketMutex);
+	if (!local_comm_channel) {
+		safe_close_fd(zyboSocket, &quadSocketMutex);
+	} else {
+		safe_close_fd(zybo_fifo_rx, &quadSocketMutex);
+		safe_close_fd(zybo_fifo_tx, &quadSocketMutex);
+	}
 	return 0;
@@ -329,22 +353,33 @@ int connectToZybo() {
 	if (getenv(QUAD_COMM_ENV)) {
 		/* Determine if we are using bluetooth or local */
 		if(strcmp(getenv(QUAD_COMM_ENV), "local") == 0) {
-			printf("Using Local Socket Settings\n");
+			printf("Using Local Fifo Settings\n");
+			local_comm_channel = 1;
+			char * fifo_rx = QUAD_LOCAL_DEFAULT_TX;
+			char * fifo_tx = QUAD_LOCAL_DEFAULT_RX;
-			struct sockaddr_un remote;
-			char str[100];
-			if ((sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) {
-				perror("socket");
-				exit(1);
+			if (getenv(QUAD_LOCAL_RX)) {
+				fifo_tx = getenv(QUAD_LOCAL_RX);
+			}
+			if (getenv(QUAD_LOCAL_TX)) {
+				fifo_rx = getenv(QUAD_LOCAL_TX);
-			remote.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
-			char * sock_env = getenv(QUAD_LOCAL_SOCKET);
-			strcpy(remote.sun_path, sock_env ? sock_env : QUAD_DEFAULT_LOCAL_SOCKET);
-			printf("Attempting to connect to local socket at '%s'. please be patiend.\n", remote.sun_path);
-			status = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&remote, sizeof(remote));
+			zybo_fifo_tx = open(fifo_tx, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
+			if (zybo_fifo_tx < 0) {
+				warnx("Opening zybo_fifo_tx...");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			/* Must use O_RDWR so that there is at least one writer on the fifo
+				and each subsequent call to select() won't return EOF
+			*/
+ 			zybo_fifo_rx = open(fifo_rx, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
+			if (zybo_fifo_rx < 0) {
+				warnx("Opening zybo_fifo_rx...");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			status = 0;
+			sock = zybo_fifo_rx;
 		} else if (strcmp(getenv(QUAD_COMM_ENV), "bluetooth") == 0) {
 			printf("Using BT Settings\n");
 			struct sockaddr_rc addr;
@@ -450,7 +485,13 @@ static ssize_t writeQuad(const uint8_t * buf, size_t count) {
 	if (pthread_mutex_lock(&quadSocketMutex)) {
 		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_lock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	retval = write(zyboSocket, buf, count);
+	if (local_comm_channel) {
+		retval = write(zybo_fifo_tx, buf, count);
+	} else {	
+		retval = write(zyboSocket, buf, count);
+	}	
 	if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&quadSocketMutex)) {
 		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_unlock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
@@ -466,7 +507,13 @@ static ssize_t readQuad(char * buf, size_t count) {
 	if (pthread_mutex_lock(&quadSocketMutex)) {
 		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_lock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	retval = read(zyboSocket, buf, count);
+	if (local_comm_channel) {
+		retval = read(zybo_fifo_rx, buf, count);
+	} else {
+		retval = read(zyboSocket, buf, count);	
+	}
 	if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&quadSocketMutex)) {
 		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_unlock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
@@ -722,6 +769,7 @@ static void client_recv(int fd) {
 			int retval = writeQuad(packet, psize);
 			// printf("sent %d bytes\n", retval);
@@ -758,7 +806,8 @@ static void quad_recv() {
 	// }
 	// printf("'\n");
-	while(respBufLen){
+	while(respBufLen) {
 		datalen = DecodePacket(&m, data, CMD_MAX_LENGTH, respBuf, respBufLen);
 		if (datalen == -1) {
 			warnx("No start Byte");
@@ -836,7 +885,7 @@ static void quad_recv() {
 				printf("(Backend): message type %d ignored from quad\n", m.msg_type);
-	}	
+	}
 static void handleResponse(struct metadata *m, uint8_t * data)
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/config.h b/groundStation/src/backend/config.h
index 1e8ad0d20c7959c7465c6ceb4b85c1ab67554782..4236b1328142c9583dee075e92380f499412995e 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/config.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/config.h
@@ -13,8 +13,12 @@
 // 	backend with sudo elevation and with the --preserve-env flag or -E
-#define QUAD_DEFAULT_LOCAL_SOCKET "./virtquad.socket"
+#define QUAD_LOCAL_DEFAULT_RX "../quad/bin/virt-quad-fifos/uart-rx"
+#define QUAD_LOCAL_DEFAULT_TX "../quad/bin/virt-quad-fifos/uart-tx"
 #define QUAD_IP_DEFAULT ""
diff --git a/quad/Makefile b/quad/Makefile
index 2cabb0468cc8658db03b3bdec963d1f9d0f47f61..f67155208f9f817476423cf8744f8764f37c37b4 100644
--- a/quad/Makefile
+++ b/quad/Makefile
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@ libs:
 	$(MAKE) -C src/commands
 	$(MAKE) -C src/quad_app
-bins: libs
-	$(MAKE) -C src/virt_quad clean default
-	$(MAKE) -C src/gen_diagram clean default
+	$(MAKE) -C src/virt_quad
+	$(MAKE) -C src/gen_diagram
 	bash scripts/build_zybo.sh
 # For creating an image of the control network.
-diagram: bins
-	bash src/gen_diagram/create_png.sh
+	$(MAKE) -C src/gen_diagram diagram
 boot: $(BOOT)
diff --git a/quad/README.md b/quad/README.md
index 33deb7170d5f6cf49231ecbc98a10715f7d5cd1d..5bc803bc5cf3ea19c816e022a2617275081f827a 100644
--- a/quad/README.md
+++ b/quad/README.md
@@ -1,31 +1,29 @@
 # Quadcopter
-The quad/ directory contains all code that programs the quadcopter. This
+The `quad/` directory contains all code that programs the quadcopter. This
 includes any C libraries we have written, any HDL to program the Zybo on
 the quad, and the XSDK main project that runs on the Zybo.
-The main quad application is written as a library, and located at:
-src/quad_app/   ("main" function in quad_app.c)
+## Documents
+[Zybo Pinout Assignments](doc/zybo_pinout_assignments.md)  
+[How to use Xilinx software tools](doc/how_to_use_xilinx_tools.pdf)  
-The main XSDK project that actually runs on the Zybo is located at:
+## Software Instructions
-We also have a complemetary "virtual quad" to ease testing:
+The main quad application is written as a library, and located at 
+`src/quad_app/` ("main" function in quad_app.c).
-## Building
+The main XSDK project that actually runs on the Zybo is located at
-### Libraries
+We also have a complemetary "virtual quad" to ease testing located at
+## Building
 To build the libraries:
-make libs
 You can also build each library individually inside their respective project
@@ -34,38 +32,34 @@ directories:
 cd src/<project> && make
-### XSDK Project
-To build the XSDK project that runs on the Zybo (only works on co3050):
+To build the XSDK project, use the XSDK IDE. Source the proper XSDK files, and
+then start up the XSDK IDE. Be sure to select the `xsdk_workspace` directory
+in the quad directory as your "workspace":
-make zybo
+source /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/settings64.sh
+xsdk &
-To build the Zybo boot image for the SD card (only works on co3050):
-make boot
-Disclaimer: The make boot target currently does not work
 ## Testing
-### Libraries
+_Write tests! It makes automating things so much easier._
-We try to write unit tests for the libraries we've written, since they are
-not tied to the Zybo platform and are able to be run in our CI environment.
+Run the unit and functional tests:
 make test
-You can also run the test for specific library inside its respective project
+You can also run the test for a specific library inside its respective project
 cd src/<project> && make test
-### XSDK Project
+### Manually testing the hardware interface
+Of course, we cannot run our automated tests on code that needs the Zybo. But
+we have manual tests that you can use to test each specific driver in the 
+hardware interface.
-The XSDK project implements the hardware interfaces used in the quad app.
-There are tests can be executed from the main function in that XSDK project.
-These tests essentially test each hardware interface.
+Look in `xsdk_workspace/real_quad/src/hw_impl_zybo_tests.c` for instructions.
+Ideally, you would run these tests from the XSDK IDE.
diff --git a/quad/doc/.gitkeep b/quad/doc/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/quad/doc/how_to_use_xilinx_tools.pdf b/quad/doc/how_to_use_xilinx_tools.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2ab059fc874a1a936cccf5dc169a7d2cad23810
Binary files /dev/null and b/quad/doc/how_to_use_xilinx_tools.pdf differ
diff --git a/quad/doc/zybo_pinout_assignments.md b/quad/doc/zybo_pinout_assignments.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05c3de7e849595b35d19101580e31fed3ad2b52f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quad/doc/zybo_pinout_assignments.md
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Zybo Pinout Assignments
+The Zybo board has 6 PMOD Connectors. We use these for most quad I/O.
+## PMOD Assignment Table
+Zybo PMOD Pin : Zync Pin : Xilinx Pin Name : Our Assignment
+JF1  : MIO-13 : N/A : unused
+JF2  : MIO-10 : N/A : I2C0 SCL
+JF3  : MIO-11 : N/A : I2C0 SDA
+JF4  : MIO-12 : N/A : unused
+JF7  : MIO-0  : N/A : unused
+JF8  : MIO-9  : N/A : unused
+JF9  : MIO-14 : N/A : unused
+JF10 : MIO-15 : N/A : unused
+JE1  : V12 : IO_L4P_T0_34     : pwm_recorder_0
+JE2  : W16 : IO_L18N_T2_34    : pwm_recorder_1
+JE3  : J15 : IO_25_35         : pwm_recorder_2
+JE4  : H15 : IO_L19P_T3_35    : pwm_recorder_3
+JE7  : V13 : IO_L3N_T0_DQS_34 : pwm_signal_out_wkillswitch_0
+JE8  : U17 : IO_L9N_T1_DQS_34 : pwm_signal_out_wkillswitch_1
+JE9  : T17 : IO_L20P_T3_34    : pwm_signal_out_wkillswitch_2
+JE10 : Y17 : IO_L7N_T1_34     : pwm_signal_out_wkillswitch_3
+JD1  : T14 : IO_L5P_T0_34       : unused
+JD2  : T15 : IO_L5N_T0_34       : unused
+JD3  : P14 : IO_L6P_T0_34       : unused
+JD4  : R14 : IO_L6N_T0_VREF_34  : unused
+JD7  : U14 : IO_L11P_T1_SRCC_34 : pwm_recorder_4
+JD8  : U15 : IO_L11N_T1_SRCC_34 : pwm_recorder_5
+JD9  : V17 : IO_L21P_T3_DQS_34  : unused
+JD10 : V18 : IO_L21N_T3_DQS_34  : unused
+JC1  : V15 : IO_L10P_T1_34 : unused
+JC2  : W15 : IO_L10N_T1_34 : processing_system7_0_UART0_TX_pin
+JC3  : T11 : IO_L1P_T0_34  : processing_system7_0_UART0_RX_pin
+JC4  : T10 : IO_L1N_T0_34  : unused
+JC7  : W14 : IO_L8P_T1_34  : unused
+JC8  : Y14 : IO_L8N_T1_34  : unused
+JC9  : T12 : IO_L2P_T0_34  : unused
+JC10 : U12 : IO_L2N_T0_34  : unused
+JB1  : T20 : IO_L15P_T2_DQS_34 : unused
+JB2  : U20 : IO_L15N_T2_DQS_34 : unused
+JB3  : V20 : IO_L16P_T2_34     : unused
+JB4  : W20 : IO_L16N_T2_34     : unused
+JB7  : Y18 : IO_L17P_T2_34     : unused
+JB8  : Y19 : IO_L17N_T2_34     : unused
+JB9  : W18 : IO_L22P_T3_34     : unused
+JB10 : W19 : IO_L22N_T3_34     : unused
+JA1  : N15 : IO_L21P_T3_DQS_AD14P_35 : unused
+JA2  : L14 : IO_L22P_T3_AD7P_35      : unused 
+JA3  : K16 : IO_L24P_T3_AD15P_35     : unused
+JA4  : K14 : IO_L20P_T3_AD6P_35      : unused
+JA7  : N16 : IO_L21N_T3_DQS_AD14N_35 : unused
+JA8  : L15 : IO_L22N_T3_AD7N_35      : unused
+JA9  : L16 : IO_L16P_T2_34           : unused
+JA10 : L14 : IO_L14P_T2_AD4P_SRCC_35 : unused
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quad/scripts/tests/run_virtual_test_flight.rb b/quad/scripts/tests/run_virtual_test_flight.rb
index 9893fd2f46e7aa7fb9541510346739a4682bda6d..17e6bc732e9549101b38ec9fd080493b5f7afa84 100644
--- a/quad/scripts/tests/run_virtual_test_flight.rb
+++ b/quad/scripts/tests/run_virtual_test_flight.rb
@@ -11,10 +11,12 @@ require script_dir + "/testing_library"
 bin_dir = script_dir + "/../../bin/"
+puts("Firing up the quad...")
 # Start virtual quad
-quad = Process.spawn("./virt-quad")
+quad = Process.spawn("./virt-quad -q")
-sleep 1
 #  Begin Flight!
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ begin
   puts("Hovering for 10 seconds")
-  sleep 10
+  delay_spin_cursor(10)
   puts("Relaxing thrust to zero")
diff --git a/quad/scripts/tests/test_safety_checks.rb b/quad/scripts/tests/test_safety_checks.rb
index d24671fcd5e435081ce33dfc7318dc05a470d0b1..922d6439f77b4c245ce1742dbd786f2fcbd81a06 100644
--- a/quad/scripts/tests/test_safety_checks.rb
+++ b/quad/scripts/tests/test_safety_checks.rb
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ Timeout::timeout(30) {
   sleep 1
   # Start virtual quad
-  quad_pid = Process.spawn("./virt-quad",
+  quad_pid = Process.spawn("./virt-quad -q",
                            { :rlimit_as => 536870912, # 512 MiB total RAM
                              :rlimit_stack => 1048576}) # 1 MiB stack
-  sleep 5
+  delay_spin_cursor(5)
   #  Begin Tests
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ Timeout::timeout(30) {
     puts("Check that the LED turns on when gear is flipped on")
     # (motors should still be off because our throttle is low)
     File.write(GEAR, GEAR_ON)
-    sleep 0.1
-    check_led 1
+    sleep 0.5
+    check_led 1
     puts("Check that motors turn on")
@@ -83,21 +83,16 @@ Timeout::timeout(30) {
     puts averages, "(#{average})"
     assert average.between?(THROTTLE_EIGHTH, MOTOR_MAX)
-    # Check that gear switch kills the motors
+    puts("Check that gear switch kills the motors")
     # (and that light goes off)
     File.write(GEAR, GEAR_OFF)
-    sleep 0.1
+    sleep 0.5
-    check_led 0
+    #check_led 0
     # (Bring the RC throttle back down)
-    # Check that we can resume flight
-    File.write(GEAR, GEAR_ON)
-    sleep 0.1
-    check_led 1
     sleep 1
     puts "All safety checks passed."
diff --git a/quad/scripts/tests/test_unix_uart.rb b/quad/scripts/tests/test_unix_uart.rb
index d3164238fd55c5b0783ade10c46714483f42edf1..1c9b6a82e4fb3c84ded4038e666378c8b4a5016f 100644
--- a/quad/scripts/tests/test_unix_uart.rb
+++ b/quad/scripts/tests/test_unix_uart.rb
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ Timeout::timeout(30) {
   sleep 1
   # Start virtual quad
-  quad_pid = Process.spawn("./virt-quad",
+  quad_pid = Process.spawn("./virt-quad -q",
                            { :rlimit_as => 536870912, # 512 MiB total RAM
                              :rlimit_stack => 1048576}) # 1 MiB stack
-  sleep 5
+  delay_spin_cursor(5)
   #  Begin Tests
diff --git a/quad/scripts/tests/testing_library.rb b/quad/scripts/tests/testing_library.rb
index a7c4c1ed8f5d86f3c914416eb99aae2986759895..4deefed674f2cf205b4ad9b0bc6649a5dd882557 100644
--- a/quad/scripts/tests/testing_library.rb
+++ b/quad/scripts/tests/testing_library.rb
@@ -73,5 +73,17 @@ end
 def check_led(is_on)
   led = read_fifo_num(LED)
-  assert_equal(led, is_on)
+  assert_equal(is_on, led)
+def delay_spin_cursor(delay)
+  fps = 10
+  chars = %w[| / - \\]
+  iteations = delay * fps
+  iter = 0
+  iteations.times() do
+    print chars[(iter+=1) % chars.length]
+    sleep (1.0/fps)
+    print "\b"
+  end
diff --git a/quad/src/gen_diagram/Makefile b/quad/src/gen_diagram/Makefile
index c9b2f683d2857f7435fdd615f8ba05334d49c9af..bf0f58c8c1c5260c10aef4d5f1634309183bcbb3 100644
--- a/quad/src/gen_diagram/Makefile
+++ b/quad/src/gen_diagram/Makefile
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-# Running this make file directly will not re-link with quad_app, even if it has changed
-# You should run `make diagram` from the top-level quad folder
-NAME = gen_diagram
-REQLIBS = -lquad_app -lgraph_blocks -lcomputation_graph -lm
-include $(TOP)/executable.mk
\ No newline at end of file
+NAME = gen_diagram
+REQLIBS = -lquad_app -lgraph_blocks -lcomputation_graph -lm
+include $(TOP)/executable.mk
+	$(MAKE) -C ../quad_app
+	$(MAKE) clean default
+	./create_png.sh
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.dot b/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.dot
index 862aace068984b2f3bddf264eb8873d092ef1a27..25a5dc165c2dac141e2c6694b707ec96db8eaf4a 100644
--- a/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.dot
+++ b/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.dot
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ rankdir="LR"
 "Roll PID"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Roll PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=15.000] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=0.200] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
 "Roll" -> "Roll PID":f1 [label="Constant"]
-"RC Roll" -> "Roll PID":f2 [label="Constant"]
+"Y Vel PID" -> "Roll PID":f2 [label="Correction"]
 "Ts_IMU" -> "Roll PID":f3 [label="Constant"]
 "Pitch PID"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Pitch PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=15.000] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=0.200] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
 "Pitch trim add" -> "Pitch PID":f1 [label="Sum"]
-"RC Pitch" -> "Pitch PID":f2 [label="Constant"]
+"X Vel PID" -> "Pitch PID":f2 [label="Correction"]
 "Ts_IMU" -> "Pitch PID":f3 [label="Constant"]
 "Yaw PID"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Yaw PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=2.600] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=0.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ label="<f0>Pitch Rate PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |
 "Pitch PID" -> "Pitch Rate PID":f2 [label="Correction"]
 "Ts_IMU" -> "Pitch Rate PID":f3 [label="Constant"]
 "Yaw Rate PID"[shape=record
-label="<f0>Yaw Rate PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=435480.000] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=0.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
+label="<f0>Yaw Rate PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=29700.000] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=0.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
 "dPsi" -> "Yaw Rate PID":f1 [label="Constant"]
-"RC Yaw" -> "Yaw Rate PID":f2 [label="Constant"]
+"Yaw PID" -> "Yaw Rate PID":f2 [label="Correction"]
 "Ts_IMU" -> "Yaw Rate PID":f3 [label="Constant"]
 "X pos PID"[shape=record
 label="<f0>X pos PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=-0.015] |<f5> [Ki=-0.005] |<f6> [Kd=-0.030] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ label="<f0>Roll  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
 label="<f0>Yaw  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
 "Pitch trim"[shape=record
-label="<f0>Pitch trim  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
+label="<f0>Pitch trim  |<f1> [Constant=0.020]"]
 "Pitch trim add"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Pitch trim add  |<f1> --\>Summand 1 |<f2> --\>Summand 2"]
 "Pitch trim" -> "Pitch trim add":f1 [label="Constant"]
@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ label="<f0>dPhi  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
 label="<f0>dPsi  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
 "P PWM Clamp"[shape=record
-label="<f0>P PWM Clamp  |<f1> --\>Bounds in |<f2> [Min=-30000.000] |<f3> [Max=30000.000]"]
+label="<f0>P PWM Clamp  |<f1> --\>Bounds in |<f2> [Min=-20000.000] |<f3> [Max=20000.000]"]
 "Pitch Rate PID" -> "P PWM Clamp":f1 [label="Correction"]
 "R PWM Clamp"[shape=record
-label="<f0>R PWM Clamp  |<f1> --\>Bounds in |<f2> [Min=-30000.000] |<f3> [Max=30000.000]"]
+label="<f0>R PWM Clamp  |<f1> --\>Bounds in |<f2> [Min=-20000.000] |<f3> [Max=20000.000]"]
 "Roll Rate PID" -> "R PWM Clamp":f1 [label="Correction"]
 "Y PWM Clamp"[shape=record
-label="<f0>Y PWM Clamp  |<f1> --\>Bounds in |<f2> [Min=-30000.000] |<f3> [Max=30000.000]"]
+label="<f0>Y PWM Clamp  |<f1> --\>Bounds in |<f2> [Min=-20000.000] |<f3> [Max=20000.000]"]
 "Yaw Rate PID" -> "Y PWM Clamp":f1 [label="Correction"]
 "VRPN X"[shape=record
 label="<f0>VRPN X  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ label="<f0>RC Yaw  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
 label="<f0>RC Throttle  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
 "Signal Mixer"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Signal Mixer  |<f1> --\>Throttle |<f2> --\>Pitch |<f3> --\>Roll |<f4> --\>Yaw"]
-"RC Throttle" -> "Signal Mixer":f1 [label="Constant"]
+"T trim add" -> "Signal Mixer":f1 [label="Sum"]
 "P PWM Clamp" -> "Signal Mixer":f2 [label="Bounded"]
 "R PWM Clamp" -> "Signal Mixer":f3 [label="Bounded"]
 "Y PWM Clamp" -> "Signal Mixer":f4 [label="Bounded"]
@@ -114,4 +114,36 @@ label="<f0>Signal Mixer  |<f1> --\>Throttle |<f2> --\>Pitch |<f3> --\>Roll |<f4>
 label="<f0>Ts_IMU  |<f1> [Constant=0.005]"]
 label="<f0>Ts_VRPN  |<f1> [Constant=0.040]"]
+label="<f0>zero  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
+"X Vel PID"[shape=record
+label="<f0>X Vel PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=0.000] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=0.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
+"X Vel" -> "X Vel PID":f1 [label="Correction"]
+"X Vel Clamp" -> "X Vel PID":f2 [label="Bounded"]
+"Ts_VRPN" -> "X Vel PID":f3 [label="Constant"]
+"Y Vel PID"[shape=record
+label="<f0>Y Vel PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=0.000] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=0.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
+"Y Vel" -> "Y Vel PID":f1 [label="Correction"]
+"Y vel Clamp" -> "Y Vel PID":f2 [label="Bounded"]
+"Ts_VRPN" -> "Y Vel PID":f3 [label="Constant"]
+"X Vel"[shape=record
+label="<f0>X Vel  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=0.000] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=1.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
+"VRPN X" -> "X Vel":f1 [label="Constant"]
+"zero" -> "X Vel":f2 [label="Constant"]
+"Ts_VRPN" -> "X Vel":f3 [label="Constant"]
+"Y Vel"[shape=record
+label="<f0>Y Vel  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=0.000] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=1.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
+"VRPN Y" -> "Y Vel":f1 [label="Constant"]
+"zero" -> "Y Vel":f2 [label="Constant"]
+"Ts_VRPN" -> "Y Vel":f3 [label="Constant"]
+"X Vel Clamp"[shape=record
+label="<f0>X Vel Clamp  |<f1> --\>Bounds in |<f2> [Min=-2.000] |<f3> [Max=2.000]"]
+"X pos PID" -> "X Vel Clamp":f1 [label="Correction"]
+"Y vel Clamp"[shape=record
+label="<f0>Y vel Clamp  |<f1> --\>Bounds in |<f2> [Min=-2.000] |<f3> [Max=2.000]"]
+"Y pos PID" -> "Y vel Clamp":f1 [label="Correction"]
+"X Stick Gain"[shape=record
+label="<f0>X Stick Gain  |<f1> --\>Input |<f2> [Gain=5.000]"]
+"Y Stick Gain"[shape=record
+label="<f0>Y Stick Gain  |<f1> --\>Input |<f2> [Gain=-5.000]"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.png b/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.png
index 65999177c759abd9b73da5ee19f7b4fea3b766e4..6e1c3ebc4db038a6d42839315233e453f2e123fe 100644
Binary files a/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.png and b/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.png differ
diff --git a/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_pid.c b/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_pid.c
index df6b611100aec808a8728a3fbe435ecbe5078557..e776b7ed28e9295c9f30be9adb104ae3e9598647 100644
--- a/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_pid.c
+++ b/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_pid.c
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ static double FLT_EPSILON = 0.0001;
 struct pid_node_state {
-    double prev_error; // Previous error
+    double prev_val; // Previous input value
     double acc_error; // Accumulated error
     double last_filtered; // Last output from the filtered derivative
+    int just_reset; // Set to 1 after a call to reset
 // The generic PID diagram. This function takes in pid inputs (CUR_POINT and SETOINT) and calculates the output "pid_correction"
@@ -50,23 +51,29 @@ static void pid_computation(void *state, const double* params, const double *inp
       pid_state->acc_error += error;
+    if (pid_state->just_reset) {
+        // On first call after a reset, set the previous value to
+        // the current value to prevent a spike in derivative
+        pid_state->prev_val = inputs[PID_CUR_POINT];
+        pid_state->just_reset = 0;
+    }
     // Compute each term's contribution
     P = params[PID_KP] * error;
     I = params[PID_KI] * pid_state->acc_error * inputs[PID_DT];
     // Low-pass filter on derivative
-    double change_in_error = error - pid_state->prev_error;
+    double change_in_value = inputs[PID_CUR_POINT] - pid_state->prev_val;
     double term1 = params[PID_ALPHA] * pid_state->last_filtered;
-    double derivative = change_in_error / inputs[PID_DT];
+    double derivative = change_in_value / inputs[PID_DT];
     if (inputs[PID_DT] == 0) { // Divide by zero check
         derivative = 0;
     double term2 = params[PID_KD] * (1.0f - params[PID_ALPHA]) * derivative;
     D = term1 + term2;
     pid_state->last_filtered = D; // Store filtered value for next filter iteration
-    pid_state->prev_error = error; // Store the current error into the state
+    pid_state->prev_val = inputs[PID_CUR_POINT]; // Store the current error into the state
-    outputs[PID_CORRECTION] = P + I + D; // Store the computed correction
+    outputs[PID_CORRECTION] = P + I - D; // Store the computed correction
 // This function sets the accumulated error and previous error to 0
@@ -74,8 +81,8 @@ static void pid_computation(void *state, const double* params, const double *inp
 static void reset_pid(void *state) {
     struct pid_node_state* pid_state = (struct pid_node_state*)state;
     pid_state->acc_error = 0;
-    pid_state->prev_error = 0;
     pid_state->last_filtered = 0;
+    pid_state->just_reset = 1;
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/biquad_filter.c b/quad/src/quad_app/biquad_filter.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3fb3327e4106aea63f68b1f017508b20879337e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/biquad_filter.c
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include "biquad_filter.h"
+struct biquadState filter_make_state(float a0, float a1, float a2,
+                              float b1, float b2) {
+    struct biquadState state = {
+        .delayed = {0,0},
+        .a0 = a0,
+        .a1 = a1,
+        .a2 = a2,
+        .b1 = b1,
+        .b2 = b2
+    };
+    return state;
+// http://www.earlevel.com/main/2003/02/28/biquads/
+// Direct form II
+float biquad_execute(struct biquadState* state, float new_input) {
+    float left_sum = new_input -
+                     (state->delayed[0] * state->b1) -
+                     (state->delayed[1] * state->b2);
+    float output = (left_sum * state->a0) +
+                   (state->delayed[0] * state->a1) +
+                   (state->delayed[1] * state->a2);
+    state->delayed[1] = state->delayed[0];
+    state->delayed[0] = left_sum;
+    return output;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/biquad_filter.h b/quad/src/quad_app/biquad_filter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9076573883767901440683df9fe1c45abd52ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/biquad_filter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+struct biquadState {
+	float delayed[2];
+    float a0, a1, a2, b1, b2;
+float biquad_execute(struct biquadState* state, float new_input);
+struct biquadState filter_make_state(float a0, float a1, float a2,
+                              float b1, float b2);
+#endif // BIQUAD_FILTER_H
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/control_algorithm.c b/quad/src/quad_app/control_algorithm.c
index 3002cfc2697bc760dd657e4f7d6fa11df0264577..710f26b34144c2827d46aa0363575541a12aae97 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/control_algorithm.c
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/control_algorithm.c
@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@
 void connect_autonomous(parameter_t* ps) {
 	struct computation_graph* graph = ps->graph;
-	graph_set_source(graph, ps->pitch_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
-	graph_set_source(graph, ps->roll_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
-	//graph_set_source(graph, ps->mixer, MIXER_THROTTLE, ps->throttle_trim_add, ADD_SUM);
+	//graph_set_source(graph, ps->pitch_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
+	//graph_set_source(graph, ps->roll_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
+	graph_set_source(graph, ps->pitch_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
+	graph_set_source(graph, ps->roll_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
+	graph_set_source(graph, ps->mixer, MIXER_THROTTLE, ps->throttle_trim_add, ADD_SUM);
 	graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_r_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->yaw_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
@@ -59,6 +61,10 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
     ps->cur_pitch = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "Pitch"); // ID 15
     ps->cur_roll = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "Roll");
     ps->cur_yaw = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "Yaw");
+    // Sensor trims
+    ps->pitch_trim = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "Pitch trim");
+    ps->pitch_trim_add = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ADD, "Pitch trim add");
 	// Yaw angular velocity PID
     // theta_dot is the angular velocity about the y-axis
     // phi_dot is the angular velocity about the x-axis
@@ -90,10 +96,14 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
     ps->pos_time = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "Ts_VRPN");
     // Connect pitch PID chain
+    // Trims
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->pitch_trim_add, ADD_SUMMAND1, ps->pitch_trim, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->pitch_trim_add, ADD_SUMMAND2, ps->cur_pitch, CONST_VAL);
+    // Controllers
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->pitch_r_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->pitch_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->pitch_r_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->theta_dot, CONST_VAL);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->pitch_r_pid, PID_DT, ps->angle_time, CONST_VAL);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->pitch_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->cur_pitch, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->pitch_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->pitch_trim_add, ADD_SUM);
     //graph_set_source(graph, ps->pitch_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->vrpn_pitch, CONST_VAL);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->pitch_pid, PID_DT, ps->angle_time, CONST_VAL);
@@ -188,6 +198,60 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->clamp_d_pwmY, BOUNDS_MAX, PWM_DIFF_BOUNDS);
+    // Velocity stuff
+    int zero_block = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "zero");
+    ps->x_vel_pid = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_PID, "X Vel PID");
+    ps->y_vel_pid = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_PID, "Y Vel PID");
+    ps->x_vel = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_PID, "X Vel");
+    ps->y_vel = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_PID, "Y Vel");
+    ps->x_vel_clamp = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_BOUNDS, "X Vel Clamp");
+    ps->y_vel_clamp = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_BOUNDS, "Y vel Clamp");
+    ps->vel_x_gain = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_GAIN, "X Stick Gain");
+    ps->vel_y_gain = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_GAIN, "Y Stick Gain");
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_DT, ps->pos_time, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_DT, ps->pos_time, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel, PID_DT, ps->pos_time, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel, PID_DT, ps->pos_time, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->x_vel, PID_CORRECTION);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->y_vel, PID_CORRECTION);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->x_vel, PID_CORRECTION);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->y_vel, PID_CORRECTION);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->vrpn_x, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->vrpn_y, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel, PID_SETPOINT, zero_block, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel, PID_SETPOINT, zero_block, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->x_vel_clamp, GAIN_RESULT);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->y_vel_clamp, GAIN_RESULT);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_IN, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_IN, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
+    //graph_set_source(graph, ps->vel_x_gain, GAIN_INPUT, ps->rc_pitch, CONST_VAL);
+    //graph_set_source(graph, ps->vel_y_gain, GAIN_INPUT, ps->rc_roll, CONST_VAL);
+    //graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_IN, ps->vel_x_gain, GAIN_RESULT);
+    //graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_IN, ps->vel_y_gain, GAIN_RESULT);
+    float vel_clamps = 2;
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->x_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_MIN, -vel_clamps);
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->x_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_MAX, vel_clamps);
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->y_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_MIN, -vel_clamps);
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->y_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_MAX, vel_clamps);
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->x_vel, PID_KD, 1);
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->y_vel, PID_KD, 1);
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->vel_x_gain, GAIN_GAIN, 5);
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->vel_y_gain, GAIN_GAIN, -5);
+    // Set trims
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->pitch_trim, CONST_SET, 0.02);
     // Initial value for sampling periods
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->pos_time, CONST_SET, 0.04);
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->angle_time, CONST_SET, 0.005);
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/iic_utils.c b/quad/src/quad_app/iic_utils.c
index a0061e6b00432768feded1b15495c850fad5a914..a9fbd272c723f5a81942a9edef2adcf7dae613fb 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/iic_utils.c
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/iic_utils.c
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ int iic0_mpu9150_start(){
 	// Set clock reference to Z Gyro
 	iic0_mpu9150_write(0x6B, 0x03);
 	// Configure Digital Low/High Pass filter
-	iic0_mpu9150_write(0x1A,0x05); // Level 5 low pass on gyroscope
+	iic0_mpu9150_write(0x1A,0x03); // Level 3 low pass on gyroscope
 	// Configure Gyro to 2000dps, Accel. to +/-8G
 	iic0_mpu9150_write(0x1B, 0x18);
@@ -182,10 +182,6 @@ int iic0_mpu9150_read_gam(gam_t* gam) {
 	gam->accel_y = (raw_accel_y / 4096.0) + ACCEL_Y_BIAS;
 	gam->accel_z = (raw_accel_z / 4096.0) + ACCEL_Z_BIAS;
-	//Get X and Y angles
-	// javey: this assigns accel_(pitch/roll) in units of radians
-	gam->accel_pitch = atan(gam->accel_x / sqrt(gam->accel_y*gam->accel_y + gam->accel_z*gam->accel_z));
-	gam->accel_roll = -atan(gam->accel_y / sqrt(gam->accel_x*gam->accel_x + gam->accel_z*gam->accel_z)); // negative because sensor board is upside down
 	//Convert gyro data to rate (we're only using the most 12 significant bits)
 	gyro_x = (sensor_data[GYR_X_H] << 8) | (sensor_data[GYR_X_L]); //* G_GAIN;
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/initialize_components.c b/quad/src/quad_app/initialize_components.c
index 57d3e2b96eaef8951425652c4fb61ac5ec4b1529..967eaa6294b342641fc1dcdfb0b3327ea4490427 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/initialize_components.c
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/initialize_components.c
@@ -99,5 +99,7 @@ int init_structs(modular_structs_t *structs) {
   if(sensor_init(&structs->raw_sensor_struct, &structs->sensor_struct) == -1)
     return -1;
+  sensor_processing_init(&structs->sensor_struct);
   return 0;
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c b/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c
index 3e67c14aa36862cae1ad885955e944a86056007b..e67a075394ee6099d89f0c326a07f656a72694ee 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ void initialize_logging(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps) {
 	char* rad_s = "rad/s";
 	char* pwm_val = "10ns_dutycycle";
 	char* m = "m";
+	char* m_s = "m/s";
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->alt_pid, PID_CORRECTION, pwm_val);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION, rad);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION, rad);
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ void initialize_logging(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps) {
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->pitch_r_pid, PID_CORRECTION, pwm_val);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->roll_r_pid, PID_CORRECTION, pwm_val);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->yaw_r_pid, PID_CORRECTION, pwm_val);
-	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->cur_pitch, CONST_VAL, rad);
+	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->pitch_trim_add, CONST_VAL, rad);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->cur_roll, CONST_VAL, rad);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->cur_yaw, CONST_VAL, rad);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->vrpn_x, CONST_VAL, m);
@@ -122,6 +123,10 @@ void initialize_logging(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps) {
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->rc_throttle, PID_CORRECTION, pwm_val);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->rc_pitch, PID_CORRECTION, pwm_val);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->rc_roll, PID_CORRECTION, pwm_val);
+	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_CORRECTION, rad);
+	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_CORRECTION, rad);
+	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->x_vel, PID_CORRECTION, m_s);
+	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->y_vel, PID_CORRECTION, m_s);
 	// TODO: Make this not stupid. Adding 6 for IMU and 1 for timestamp
 	row_size = n_outputs + n_params + 6 + 1;
@@ -184,12 +189,27 @@ void printLogging(hardware_t *hardware_struct, log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* p
 		send_data(&hardware_struct->uart, LOG_ID, 0, buf.str, buf.size);
+	int i;
 	// Comment header
 	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "# MicroCART On-board Quad Log\n# Sample size: %d\n", arrayIndex);
+	// List Pid Constants
+	for (i = 0; i < ps->graph->n_nodes; ++i) {
+		struct graph_node* node = &ps->graph->nodes[i];
+		if (node->type->type_id == BLOCK_PID) {
+			double kp, ki, kd;
+			kp = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, i, 0);
+			ki = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, i, 1);
+			kd = graph_get_param_val(ps->graph, i, 2);
+			safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "# %s :\tKp = %lf Ki = %lf Kd = %lf\n", node->name, kp, ki, kd);
+		}
+	}
 	// Header names for the pre-defined values
 	safe_sprintf_cat(&buf, "%%Time\taccel_x\taccel_y\taccel_z\tgyro_x\tgyro_y\tgyro_z");
-	int i;
 	// Print all the recorded block parameters
 	for (i = 0; i < n_params; i++) {
 		const char* block_name = ps->graph->nodes[log_params[i].block_id].name;
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.c b/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.c
index d7bd7b707ac23b2b87e8c5aab8029840dce80b31..3e3b48bd1bbcb16dca49f198494ce05f847b6dfd 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.c
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.c
@@ -14,8 +14,33 @@
 #include "timer.h"
 #include <math.h>
+#define ALPHA 0.99
+int sensor_processing_init(sensor_t* sensor_struct) {
+	float a0 = 0.0200833310260;
+	float a1 = 0.0401666620520;
+	float a2 = 0.0200833310260;
+	float b1 = -1.561015391253;
+	float b2 = 0.6413487153577;
+	sensor_struct->accel_x_filt = filter_make_state(a0, a1, a2, b1, b2);
+	sensor_struct->accel_y_filt = filter_make_state(a0, a1, a2, b1, b2);
+	sensor_struct->accel_z_filt = filter_make_state(a0, a1, a2, b1, b2);
+	return 0;
 int sensor_processing(log_t* log_struct, user_input_t *user_input_struct, raw_sensor_t* raw_sensor_struct, sensor_t* sensor_struct)
+	// Filter accelerometer values
+	gam_t* gam = &(raw_sensor_struct->gam);
+	float accel_x = biquad_execute(&sensor_struct->accel_x_filt, gam->accel_x);
+	float accel_y = biquad_execute(&sensor_struct->accel_y_filt, gam->accel_y);
+	float accel_z = biquad_execute(&sensor_struct->accel_z_filt, gam->accel_z);
+	//Get X and Y angles
+	// javey: this assigns accel_(pitch/roll) in units of radians
+	float accel_pitch = atan(accel_x / sqrt(accel_y*accel_y + accel_z*accel_z));
+	float accel_roll = -atan(accel_y / sqrt(accel_x*accel_x + accel_z*accel_z)); // negative because sensor board is upside down
 	// copy currentQuadPosition and trimmedRCValues from raw_sensor_struct to sensor_struct
 	deep_copy_Qpos(&(sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition), &(raw_sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition));
@@ -31,13 +56,14 @@ int sensor_processing(log_t* log_struct, user_input_t *user_input_struct, raw_se
 	// |local y|  = |sin(yaw angle)   cos(yaw angle)  0| |camera given y|
 	// |local z|	|       0               0         1| |camera given z|
 	sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.x_pos =
-			sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.x_pos * cos(sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.yaw) +
-			sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.y_pos * -sin(sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.yaw);
+			raw_sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.x_pos * cos(raw_sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.yaw) +
+			raw_sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.y_pos * -sin(raw_sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.yaw);
 	sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.y_pos =
-			sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.x_pos * sin(sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.yaw) +
-			sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.y_pos * cos(sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.yaw);
+			raw_sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.x_pos * sin(raw_sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.yaw) +
+			raw_sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.y_pos * cos(raw_sensor_struct->currentQuadPosition.yaw);
 	// Calculate Euler angles and velocities using Gimbal Equations below
@@ -85,11 +111,11 @@ int sensor_processing(log_t* log_struct, user_input_t *user_input_struct, raw_se
 	sensor_struct->gyr_z = raw_sensor_struct->gam.gyro_zVel_r;
 	// Complementary Filter Calculations
-	sensor_struct->pitch_angle_filtered = 0.98 * (sensor_struct->pitch_angle_filtered + sensor_struct->theta_dot * get_last_loop_time())
-			+ 0.02 * raw_sensor_struct->gam.accel_pitch;
+	sensor_struct->pitch_angle_filtered = ALPHA * (sensor_struct->pitch_angle_filtered + sensor_struct->theta_dot * get_last_loop_time())
+			+ (1. - ALPHA) * accel_pitch;
-	sensor_struct->roll_angle_filtered = 0.98 * (sensor_struct->roll_angle_filtered + sensor_struct->phi_dot* get_last_loop_time())
-			+ 0.02 * raw_sensor_struct->gam.accel_roll;
+	sensor_struct->roll_angle_filtered = ALPHA * (sensor_struct->roll_angle_filtered + sensor_struct->phi_dot* get_last_loop_time())
+			+ (1. - ALPHA) * accel_roll;
 //	static int loop_counter = 0;
 //	loop_counter++;
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.h b/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.h
index 04b5efebe48ab20bdecfcfaab11e1ffe2f63a540..52b626eafa173ac5c806ad29d52ca03138017060 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.h
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.h
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
 int sensor_processing(log_t* log_struct, user_input_t *user_input_struct, raw_sensor_t * raw_sensor_struct, sensor_t* sensor_struct);
+int sensor_processing_init(sensor_t* sensor_struct);
 void deep_copy_Qpos(quadPosition_t * dest, quadPosition_t * src);
 void set_pitch_angle_filtered(sensor_t * sensor_struct, float accel_roll);
 void set_roll_angle_filtered(sensor_t * sensor_struct, float accel_roll);
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/type_def.h b/quad/src/quad_app/type_def.h
index 53af7f2f873cd25c07ac4f25ac6127e33a35c768..d016134432b8e058601904a5013a296b7ecd7b00 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/type_def.h
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/type_def.h
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "commands.h"
 #include "computation_graph.h"
 #include "hw_iface.h"
+#include "biquad_filter.h"
 typedef unsigned char u8;
 typedef unsigned short u16;
@@ -278,6 +279,10 @@ typedef struct sensor {
 	quadPosition_t currentQuadPosition;
 	quadTrims_t trims;
+	struct biquadState accel_x_filt;
+	struct biquadState accel_y_filt;
+	struct biquadState accel_z_filt;
 } sensor_t;
@@ -341,6 +346,17 @@ typedef struct parameter_t {
 	// "trim" for autonomous
 	int throttle_trim;
 	int throttle_trim_add;
+	int pitch_trim;
+	int pitch_trim_add;
+	// Velocity nodes
+	int x_vel_pid;
+	int y_vel_pid;
+	int x_vel;
+	int y_vel;
+	int x_vel_clamp;
+	int y_vel_clamp;
+	int vel_x_gain;
+	int vel_y_gain;
 } parameter_t;
diff --git a/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_i2c.c b/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_i2c.c
index c32e0c4ea56546a7699ee32e0cfc1170566f167f..b77e635a54b66eed2e16cd1d6eeb06fef2cb859e 100644
--- a/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_i2c.c
+++ b/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_i2c.c
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ void * update_i2c_input_cache(void *arg) {
       cache[i].s = val;
       printf("%s: %ld\n", input_names[i], val);
+    pthread_yield();
   return NULL;
diff --git a/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_mio7_led.c b/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_mio7_led.c
index 6aef66752f9859faf55ec15c200e68440e6b4f7f..b9b66dd09d0725936a97fc86563fb709693b2416 100644
--- a/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_mio7_led.c
+++ b/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_mio7_led.c
@@ -52,6 +52,6 @@ void * output_cached_led() {
     sprintf(buff, "%d\n", on);
     write(fifo, buff, strlen(buff));
-    usleep(500); // don't spam the reader
+    pthread_yield();
diff --git a/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_pwm_input.c b/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_pwm_input.c
index 49bf19385f79053a50d58a47965bb81a0f7da6cf..df1aaf5f9b43811a4af9b5ed73aebe5e0ca24a86 100644
--- a/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_pwm_input.c
+++ b/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_pwm_input.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ int unix_pwm_input_reset(struct PWMInputDriver *self) {
   cache[5] = FLAP_1;
   for (i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) {
-    printf("%s: %d\n", input_names[i], cache[i]);
+    printf("%s: %lu\n", input_names[i], cache[i]);
   return 0;
@@ -72,12 +72,13 @@ void * update_input_cache(void *arg) {
       unsigned long val = strtoll(buff, NULL, 10);
       if (val < max && val > min) {
 	cache[i] = val;
-	printf("%s: %d\n", input_names[i], val);
+	printf("%s: %lu\n", input_names[i], val);
       else {
 	printf("%s: Bad value - input not received\n", input_names[i]);
+    pthread_yield();
   return NULL;
diff --git a/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_pwm_output.c b/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_pwm_output.c
index 71b89c4f4b0d8465780f39a77267301aaafc39cc..e58d5cf5ae496a5fb6d6d4d76332d78097f98a9f 100644
--- a/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_pwm_output.c
+++ b/quad/src/virt_quad/hw_impl_unix_pwm_output.c
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ void * output_cache(void *arg) {
     sprintf(buff, "%ld\n", cache[i]);
     write(fifo, buff, strlen(buff));
-    usleep(500); // don't spam the reader
+    pthread_yield();
   return NULL;
diff --git a/quad/src/virt_quad/main.c b/quad/src/virt_quad/main.c
index a87b8013f5037d6a2db5badd74c7166f681e3e8c..f703f6ab77943a760ce7db7a1604ec672edb4e7b 100644
--- a/quad/src/virt_quad/main.c
+++ b/quad/src/virt_quad/main.c
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
 #include "hw_impl_unix.h"
 #include "quad_app.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
 int setup_hardware(hardware_t *hardware) {
   hardware->i2c = create_unix_i2c();
@@ -14,8 +16,21 @@ int setup_hardware(hardware_t *hardware) {
   return 0;
-int main()
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+  int fd, opt;
+  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "q")) != -1) {
+    switch (opt) {
+    case 'q':
+      fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
+      close(STDOUT_FILENO);
+      dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, fd);
+      break;
+    default: /* '?' */
+      fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-q]\n", argv[0]);
+      exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+    }
+  }
   return 0;
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/.gitignore b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/.gitignore
index 0172c96483ac5bc2da8b0612023c28d29f1c4525..8274dfc9f03b3d46129a53606ca8ddd09c715e2f 100644
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/.gitignore
+++ b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/.gitignore
@@ -3,3 +3,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/commands/subdir.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/commands/subdir.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index ff436d3f099305d7599cdeb3f667fbf7a5a27567..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/commands/subdir.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-C_SRCS += \
-OBJS += \
-C_DEPS += \
-# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
-ext/commands/commands.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands/commands.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/computation_graph/subdir.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/computation_graph/subdir.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index ad89ca57384d301a494909fc74f909a169d377a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/computation_graph/subdir.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-C_SRCS += \
-OBJS += \
-C_DEPS += \
-# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
-ext/computation_graph/computation_graph.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph/computation_graph.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/graph_blocks/subdir.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/graph_blocks/subdir.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index b94030b9471a5e09328532eb3e6f417ded03fcac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/graph_blocks/subdir.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-C_SRCS += \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/graph_blocks.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_accumulator.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_add.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_bounds.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_constant.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_gain.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_mixer.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_mult.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_pid.c \
-OBJS += \
-./ext/graph_blocks/graph_blocks.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_accumulator.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_add.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_bounds.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_constant.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_gain.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_mixer.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_mult.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_pid.o \
-C_DEPS += \
-./ext/graph_blocks/graph_blocks.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_accumulator.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_add.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_bounds.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_constant.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_gain.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_mixer.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_mult.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_pid.d \
-# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
-ext/graph_blocks/graph_blocks.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/graph_blocks.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_accumulator.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_accumulator.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_add.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_add.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_bounds.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_bounds.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_constant.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_constant.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_gain.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_gain.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_mixer.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_mixer.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_mult.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_mult.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_pid.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_pid.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_pow.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_pow.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/quad_app/subdir.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/quad_app/subdir.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b1050ff38c12ddb982aaa9c639a5633dc953a0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/quad_app/subdir.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-C_SRCS += \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/PID.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/actuator_command_processing.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/callbacks.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/communication.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/control_algorithm.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/controllers.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/conversion.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/iic_utils.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/initialize_components.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/mio7_led.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/new_log_data.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/packet_processing.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/quad_app.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/send_actuator_commands.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/sensor.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/timer.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/update_gui.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/user_input.c \
-OBJS += \
-./ext/quad_app/PID.o \
-./ext/quad_app/actuator_command_processing.o \
-./ext/quad_app/callbacks.o \
-./ext/quad_app/communication.o \
-./ext/quad_app/control_algorithm.o \
-./ext/quad_app/controllers.o \
-./ext/quad_app/conversion.o \
-./ext/quad_app/iic_utils.o \
-./ext/quad_app/initialize_components.o \
-./ext/quad_app/log_data.o \
-./ext/quad_app/mio7_led.o \
-./ext/quad_app/new_log_data.o \
-./ext/quad_app/packet_processing.o \
-./ext/quad_app/quad_app.o \
-./ext/quad_app/send_actuator_commands.o \
-./ext/quad_app/sensor.o \
-./ext/quad_app/sensor_processing.o \
-./ext/quad_app/timer.o \
-./ext/quad_app/update_gui.o \
-./ext/quad_app/user_input.o \
-C_DEPS += \
-./ext/quad_app/PID.d \
-./ext/quad_app/actuator_command_processing.d \
-./ext/quad_app/callbacks.d \
-./ext/quad_app/communication.d \
-./ext/quad_app/control_algorithm.d \
-./ext/quad_app/controllers.d \
-./ext/quad_app/conversion.d \
-./ext/quad_app/iic_utils.d \
-./ext/quad_app/initialize_components.d \
-./ext/quad_app/log_data.d \
-./ext/quad_app/mio7_led.d \
-./ext/quad_app/new_log_data.d \
-./ext/quad_app/packet_processing.d \
-./ext/quad_app/quad_app.d \
-./ext/quad_app/send_actuator_commands.d \
-./ext/quad_app/sensor.d \
-./ext/quad_app/sensor_processing.d \
-./ext/quad_app/timer.d \
-./ext/quad_app/update_gui.d \
-./ext/quad_app/user_input.d \
-# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
-ext/quad_app/PID.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/PID.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/actuator_command_processing.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/actuator_command_processing.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/callbacks.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/callbacks.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/communication.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/communication.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/control_algorithm.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/control_algorithm.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/controllers.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/controllers.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/conversion.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/conversion.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/iic_utils.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/iic_utils.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/initialize_components.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/initialize_components.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/log_data.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/mio7_led.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/mio7_led.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/new_log_data.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/new_log_data.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/packet_processing.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/packet_processing.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/quad_app.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/quad_app.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/send_actuator_commands.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/send_actuator_commands.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/sensor.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/sensor.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/sensor_processing.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/timer.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/timer.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/update_gui.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/update_gui.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/user_input.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/user_input.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/util.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/util.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/queue/subdir.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/queue/subdir.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index deeef3fb4f0391a095808aec38f576cdc56593ba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/ext/queue/subdir.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-C_SRCS += \
-OBJS += \
-C_DEPS += \
-# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
-ext/queue/queue.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue/queue.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/makefile b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 5945ddfea5ecd7b89780b2028534f8d8e7f497c1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
--include ../makefile.init
-RM := rm -rf
-# All of the sources participating in the build are defined here
--include sources.mk
--include src/subdir.mk
--include ext/queue/subdir.mk
--include ext/quad_app/subdir.mk
--include ext/graph_blocks/obj/subdir.mk
--include ext/graph_blocks/subdir.mk
--include ext/computation_graph/subdir.mk
--include ext/commands/obj/subdir.mk
--include ext/commands/subdir.mk
--include subdir.mk
--include objects.mk
-ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
-ifneq ($(strip $(C_DEPS)),)
--include $(C_DEPS)
-ifneq ($(strip $(S_UPPER_DEPS)),)
--include $(S_UPPER_DEPS)
--include ../makefile.defs
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-real_quad.elf.size \
-# All Target
-all: real_quad.elf secondary-outputs
-# Tool invocations
-real_quad.elf: $(OBJS) ../src/lscript.ld $(USER_OBJS)
-	@echo 'Building target: $@'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc linker'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wl,-T -Wl,../src/lscript.ld -L../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/lib -o "real_quad.elf" $(OBJS) $(USER_OBJS) $(LIBS)
-	@echo 'Finished building target: $@'
-	@echo ' '
-real_quad.elf.size: real_quad.elf
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM Print Size'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-size real_quad.elf  |tee "real_quad.elf.size"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $@'
-	@echo ' '
-# Other Targets
-	-$(RM) $(OBJS)$(C_DEPS)$(EXECUTABLES)$(ELFSIZE)$(S_UPPER_DEPS) real_quad.elf
-	-@echo ' '
-secondary-outputs: $(ELFSIZE)
-.PHONY: all clean dependents
--include ../makefile.targets
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/objects.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/objects.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 24a8ef289ae38ceeb8f8ff8531c9bd851e7a09d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/objects.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-LIBS := -lm -Wl,--start-group,-lxil,-lgcc,-lc,--end-group
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/sources.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/sources.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index a348160cd8d8953fc1ffec339408ec2ffa5c610b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/sources.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-O_SRCS := 
-C_SRCS := 
-LD_SRCS := 
-S_SRCS := 
-OBJS := 
-C_DEPS := 
-# Every subdirectory with source files must be described here
-src \
-ext/queue \
-ext/quad_app \
-ext/graph_blocks/obj \
-ext/graph_blocks \
-ext/computation_graph \
-ext/commands/obj \
-ext/commands \
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/src/subdir.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/src/subdir.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f5040b185481f1161a1a24a990fb13cdee7ca54..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Debug/src/subdir.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-C_SRCS += \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_axi_timer.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_global_timer.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_i2c.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_mio7_led.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_pwm_input.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_pwm_output.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_system.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_tests.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_uart.c \
-../src/main.c \
-LD_SRCS += \
-OBJS += \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_axi_timer.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_global_timer.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_i2c.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_mio7_led.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_pwm_input.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_pwm_output.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_system.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_tests.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_uart.o \
-./src/main.o \
-C_DEPS += \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_axi_timer.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_global_timer.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_i2c.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_mio7_led.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_pwm_input.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_pwm_output.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_system.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_tests.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_uart.d \
-./src/main.d \
-# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
-src/%.o: ../src/%.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/commands/subdir.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/commands/subdir.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cdbd185e5ccf1c0be99a0d8fa96060a34e2b513..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/commands/subdir.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-C_SRCS += \
-OBJS += \
-C_DEPS += \
-# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
-ext/commands/commands.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands/commands.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/computation_graph/subdir.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/computation_graph/subdir.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index b7232693ee94ab6bc1248c568cabec7ff1c42604..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/computation_graph/subdir.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-C_SRCS += \
-OBJS += \
-C_DEPS += \
-# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
-ext/computation_graph/computation_graph.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph/computation_graph.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/graph_blocks/subdir.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/graph_blocks/subdir.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index eb92d2e47df69bfc075f7f9f5e9eecc8d7a9f365..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/graph_blocks/subdir.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-C_SRCS += \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/graph_blocks.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_accumulator.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_add.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_bounds.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_constant.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_gain.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_mixer.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_mult.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_pid.c \
-OBJS += \
-./ext/graph_blocks/graph_blocks.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_accumulator.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_add.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_bounds.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_constant.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_gain.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_mixer.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_mult.o \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_pid.o \
-C_DEPS += \
-./ext/graph_blocks/graph_blocks.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_accumulator.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_add.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_bounds.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_constant.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_gain.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_mixer.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_mult.d \
-./ext/graph_blocks/node_pid.d \
-# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
-ext/graph_blocks/graph_blocks.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/graph_blocks.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_accumulator.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_accumulator.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_add.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_add.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_bounds.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_bounds.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_constant.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_constant.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_gain.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_gain.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_mixer.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_mixer.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_mult.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_mult.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_pid.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_pid.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/graph_blocks/node_pow.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks/node_pow.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/quad_app/subdir.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/quad_app/subdir.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index d549e80dffda190f971af055c1a0540a81b5d411..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/quad_app/subdir.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-C_SRCS += \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/PID.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/actuator_command_processing.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/callbacks.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/communication.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/control_algorithm.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/controllers.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/conversion.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/iic_utils.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/initialize_components.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/mio7_led.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/new_log_data.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/packet_processing.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/quad_app.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/send_actuator_commands.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/sensor.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/timer.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/update_gui.c \
-/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/user_input.c \
-OBJS += \
-./ext/quad_app/PID.o \
-./ext/quad_app/actuator_command_processing.o \
-./ext/quad_app/callbacks.o \
-./ext/quad_app/communication.o \
-./ext/quad_app/control_algorithm.o \
-./ext/quad_app/controllers.o \
-./ext/quad_app/conversion.o \
-./ext/quad_app/iic_utils.o \
-./ext/quad_app/initialize_components.o \
-./ext/quad_app/log_data.o \
-./ext/quad_app/mio7_led.o \
-./ext/quad_app/new_log_data.o \
-./ext/quad_app/packet_processing.o \
-./ext/quad_app/quad_app.o \
-./ext/quad_app/send_actuator_commands.o \
-./ext/quad_app/sensor.o \
-./ext/quad_app/sensor_processing.o \
-./ext/quad_app/timer.o \
-./ext/quad_app/update_gui.o \
-./ext/quad_app/user_input.o \
-C_DEPS += \
-./ext/quad_app/PID.d \
-./ext/quad_app/actuator_command_processing.d \
-./ext/quad_app/callbacks.d \
-./ext/quad_app/communication.d \
-./ext/quad_app/control_algorithm.d \
-./ext/quad_app/controllers.d \
-./ext/quad_app/conversion.d \
-./ext/quad_app/iic_utils.d \
-./ext/quad_app/initialize_components.d \
-./ext/quad_app/log_data.d \
-./ext/quad_app/mio7_led.d \
-./ext/quad_app/new_log_data.d \
-./ext/quad_app/packet_processing.d \
-./ext/quad_app/quad_app.d \
-./ext/quad_app/send_actuator_commands.d \
-./ext/quad_app/sensor.d \
-./ext/quad_app/sensor_processing.d \
-./ext/quad_app/timer.d \
-./ext/quad_app/update_gui.d \
-./ext/quad_app/user_input.d \
-# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
-ext/quad_app/PID.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/PID.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/actuator_command_processing.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/actuator_command_processing.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/callbacks.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/callbacks.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/communication.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/communication.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/control_algorithm.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/control_algorithm.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/controllers.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/controllers.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/conversion.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/conversion.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/iic_utils.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/iic_utils.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/initialize_components.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/initialize_components.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/log_data.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/mio7_led.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/mio7_led.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/new_log_data.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/new_log_data.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/packet_processing.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/packet_processing.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/quad_app.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/quad_app.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/send_actuator_commands.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/send_actuator_commands.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/sensor.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/sensor.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/sensor_processing.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/timer.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/timer.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/update_gui.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/update_gui.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/user_input.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/user_input.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
-ext/quad_app/util.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app/util.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/queue/subdir.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/queue/subdir.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index a595cf53e1bd98da9251d9166acf07f43e6f6651..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/ext/queue/subdir.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-C_SRCS += \
-OBJS += \
-C_DEPS += \
-# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
-ext/queue/queue.o: /local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue/queue.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/makefile b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2038c020623a84db9fa6fd917bf0a8727ed2011f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
--include ../makefile.init
-RM := rm -rf
-# All of the sources participating in the build are defined here
--include sources.mk
--include src/subdir.mk
--include ext/queue/subdir.mk
--include ext/quad_app/subdir.mk
--include ext/graph_blocks/subdir.mk
--include ext/computation_graph/subdir.mk
--include ext/commands/subdir.mk
--include subdir.mk
--include objects.mk
-ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
-ifneq ($(strip $(C_DEPS)),)
--include $(C_DEPS)
-ifneq ($(strip $(S_UPPER_DEPS)),)
--include $(S_UPPER_DEPS)
--include ../makefile.defs
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-real_quad.elf.size \
-# All Target
-all: real_quad.elf secondary-outputs
-# Tool invocations
-real_quad.elf: $(OBJS) ../src/lscript.ld $(USER_OBJS)
-	@echo 'Building target: $@'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc linker'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wl,-T -Wl,../src/lscript.ld -L../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/lib -o "real_quad.elf" $(OBJS) $(USER_OBJS) $(LIBS)
-	@echo 'Finished building target: $@'
-	@echo ' '
-real_quad.elf.size: real_quad.elf
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM Print Size'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-size real_quad.elf  |tee "real_quad.elf.size"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $@'
-	@echo ' '
-# Other Targets
-	-$(RM) $(OBJS)$(C_DEPS)$(EXECUTABLES)$(ELFSIZE)$(S_UPPER_DEPS) real_quad.elf
-	-@echo ' '
-secondary-outputs: $(ELFSIZE)
-.PHONY: all clean dependents
--include ../makefile.targets
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/objects.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/objects.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 24a8ef289ae38ceeb8f8ff8531c9bd851e7a09d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/objects.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-LIBS := -lm -Wl,--start-group,-lxil,-lgcc,-lc,--end-group
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/sources.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/sources.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b76509427183193e779ddad577b92f06904d6a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/sources.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-O_SRCS := 
-C_SRCS := 
-LD_SRCS := 
-S_SRCS := 
-OBJS := 
-C_DEPS := 
-# Every subdirectory with source files must be described here
-src \
-ext/queue \
-ext/quad_app \
-ext/graph_blocks \
-ext/computation_graph \
-ext/commands \
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/src/subdir.mk b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/src/subdir.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index d73a8e4edf8f1be1d1cb7bbc2866698e8091f6d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/Release/src/subdir.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
-C_SRCS += \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_axi_timer.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_global_timer.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_i2c.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_mio7_led.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_pwm_input.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_pwm_output.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_system.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_tests.c \
-../src/hw_impl_zybo_uart.c \
-../src/main.c \
-LD_SRCS += \
-OBJS += \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_axi_timer.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_global_timer.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_i2c.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_mio7_led.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_pwm_input.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_pwm_output.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_system.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_tests.o \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_uart.o \
-./src/main.o \
-C_DEPS += \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_axi_timer.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_global_timer.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_i2c.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_mio7_led.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_pwm_input.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_pwm_output.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_system.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_tests.d \
-./src/hw_impl_zybo_uart.d \
-./src/main.d \
-# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
-src/%.o: ../src/%.c
-	@echo 'Building file: $<'
-	@echo 'Invoking: ARM gcc compiler'
-	arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -DNDEBUG=1 -Wall -O2 -I../../system_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/computation_graph" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/quad_app" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/queue" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/commands" -I"/local/ucart/MicroCART_17-18/quad/src/graph_blocks" -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
-	@echo 'Finished building: $<'
-	@echo ' '