diff --git a/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.dot b/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.dot
index 132e3de85641396dd4810289a15803411824e3db..401acb652fdf093d6198c64d26ffa37061e16f49 100644
--- a/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.dot
+++ b/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.dot
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ rankdir="LR"
 "Roll PID"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Roll PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=35.000] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=1.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.880]"]
 "Roll" -> "Roll PID":f1 [label="Constant"]
-"Yaw Correction" -> "Roll PID":f2 [label="Rotated Y"]
+"RC Roll" -> "Roll PID":f2 [label="Constant"]
 "Ts_IMU" -> "Roll PID":f3 [label="Constant"]
 "Pitch PID"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Pitch PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=35.000] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=1.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.880]"]
 "Pitch trim add" -> "Pitch PID":f1 [label="Sum"]
-"Yaw Correction" -> "Pitch PID":f2 [label="Rotated X"]
+"RC Pitch" -> "Pitch PID":f2 [label="Constant"]
 "Ts_IMU" -> "Pitch PID":f3 [label="Constant"]
 "Yaw PID"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Yaw PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=2.600] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=0.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
-"Integrated gyro z" -> "Yaw PID":f1 [label="Integrated"]
+"PSI Sum" -> "Yaw PID":f1 [label="Sum"]
 "Yaw Setpoint" -> "Yaw PID":f2 [label="Constant"]
 "Ts_IMU" -> "Yaw PID":f3 [label="Constant"]
 "Roll Rate PID"[shape=record
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ label="<f0>Pitch Rate PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |
 "Yaw Rate PID"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Yaw Rate PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=0.297] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=0.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
 "Gyro Z" -> "Yaw Rate PID":f1 [label="Constant"]
-"Yaw PID" -> "Yaw Rate PID":f2 [label="Correction"]
+"RC Yaw" -> "Yaw Rate PID":f2 [label="Constant"]
 "Ts_IMU" -> "Yaw Rate PID":f3 [label="Constant"]
 "X pos PID"[shape=record
 label="<f0>X pos PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=0.550] |<f5> [Ki=0.007] |<f6> [Kd=0.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ label="<f0>Lidar  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
 label="<f0>Flow Vel X  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
 "Flow Vel Y"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Flow Vel Y  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
+"Flow Vel X Filt"[shape=record
+label="<f0>Flow Vel X Filt  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
+"Flow Vel Y Filt"[shape=record
+label="<f0>Flow Vel Y Filt  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
 "Flow Quality"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Flow Quality  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
 "Flow Distance"[shape=record
@@ -116,26 +120,32 @@ label="<f0>RC Yaw  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
 label="<f0>RC Throttle  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
 "X Vel PID"[shape=record
 label="<f0>X Vel PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=-0.100] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=-0.020] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
+"Flow Vel X Filt" -> "X Vel PID":f1 [label="Constant"]
+"X Vel Clamp" -> "X Vel PID":f2 [label="Bounded"]
+"Ts_IMU" -> "X Vel PID":f3 [label="Constant"]
 "Y Vel PID"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Y Vel PID  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=0.100] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=0.020] |<f7> [alpha=0.000]"]
+"Flow Vel Y Filt" -> "Y Vel PID":f1 [label="Constant"]
+"Y vel Clamp" -> "Y Vel PID":f2 [label="Bounded"]
+"Ts_IMU" -> "Y Vel PID":f3 [label="Constant"]
 "X Vel"[shape=record
 label="<f0>X Vel  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=0.000] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=0.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.880]"]
 "Y Vel"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Y Vel  |<f1> --\>Cur point |<f2> --\>Setpoint |<f3> --\>dt |<f4> [Kp=0.000] |<f5> [Ki=0.000] |<f6> [Kd=0.000] |<f7> [alpha=0.880]"]
 "X Vel Clamp"[shape=record
-label="<f0>X Vel Clamp  |<f1> --\>Bounds in |<f2> [Min=-0.174] |<f3> [Max=0.174]"]
+label="<f0>X Vel Clamp  |<f1> --\>Bounds in |<f2> [Min=-2.000] |<f3> [Max=2.000]"]
 "X pos PID" -> "X Vel Clamp":f1 [label="Correction"]
 "Y vel Clamp"[shape=record
-label="<f0>Y vel Clamp  |<f1> --\>Bounds in |<f2> [Min=-0.174] |<f3> [Max=0.174]"]
+label="<f0>Y vel Clamp  |<f1> --\>Bounds in |<f2> [Min=-2.000] |<f3> [Max=2.000]"]
 "Y pos PID" -> "Y vel Clamp":f1 [label="Correction"]
 "Yaw Correction"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Yaw Correction  |<f1> --\>Current Yaw |<f2> --\>X Position |<f3> --\>Y Position"]
-"Integrated gyro z" -> "Yaw Correction":f1 [label="Integrated"]
-"X Vel Clamp" -> "Yaw Correction":f2 [label="Bounded"]
-"Y vel Clamp" -> "Yaw Correction":f3 [label="Bounded"]
+"PSI Sum" -> "Yaw Correction":f1 [label="Sum"]
+"X Vel PID" -> "Yaw Correction":f2 [label="Correction"]
+"Y Vel PID" -> "Yaw Correction":f3 [label="Correction"]
 "OF Offset Angle"[shape=record
 label="<f0>OF Offset Angle  |<f1> --\>Current Yaw |<f2> --\>X Position |<f3> --\>Y Position"]
-"Integrated gyro z" -> "OF Offset Angle":f1 [label="Integrated"]
+"PSI Sum" -> "OF Offset Angle":f1 [label="Sum"]
 "Flow Vel X" -> "OF Offset Angle":f2 [label="Constant"]
 "Flow Vel Y" -> "OF Offset Angle":f3 [label="Constant"]
 "OF Integrate X"[shape=record
@@ -158,12 +168,29 @@ label="<f0>OF X Trim Add  |<f1> --\>Summand 1 |<f2> --\>Summand 2"]
 label="<f0>OF Y Trim Add  |<f1> --\>Summand 1 |<f2> --\>Summand 2"]
 "OF Integrate Y" -> "OF Y Trim Add":f1 [label="Integrated"]
 "OF Trim Y" -> "OF Y Trim Add":f2 [label="Constant"]
-"Integrated gyro z"[shape=record
-label="<f0>Integrated gyro z  |<f1> --\>Integrator In |<f2> --\>Integrator dt"]
-"Gyro Z" -> "Integrated gyro z":f1 [label="Constant"]
+"PSI Dot"[shape=record
+label="<f0>PSI Dot  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
+"PSI Dot Offset"[shape=record
+label="<f0>PSI Dot Offset  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
+"PSI Dot Sum"[shape=record
+label="<f0>PSI Dot Sum  |<f1> --\>Summand 1 |<f2> --\>Summand 2"]
+"PSI Dot" -> "PSI Dot Sum":f1 [label="Constant"]
+"PSI Dot Offset" -> "PSI Dot Sum":f2 [label="Constant"]
+"PSI Angle"[shape=record
+label="<f0>PSI Angle  |<f1> --\>Integrator In |<f2> --\>Integrator dt"]
+"PSI Dot Sum" -> "PSI Angle":f1 [label="Sum"]
+"Ts_IMU" -> "PSI Angle":f2 [label="Constant"]
+"PSI Angle Offset"[shape=record
+label="<f0>PSI Angle Offset  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
+"PSI Sum"[shape=record
+label="<f0>PSI Sum  |<f1> --\>Summand 1 |<f2> --\>Summand 2"]
+"PSI Angle" -> "PSI Sum":f1 [label="Integrated"]
+"PSI Angle Offset" -> "PSI Sum":f2 [label="Constant"]
+"Mag Yaw"[shape=record
+label="<f0>Mag Yaw  |<f1> [Constant=0.000]"]
 "Signal Mixer"[shape=record
 label="<f0>Signal Mixer  |<f1> --\>Throttle |<f2> --\>Pitch |<f3> --\>Roll |<f4> --\>Yaw"]
-"T trim add" -> "Signal Mixer":f1 [label="Sum"]
+"RC Throttle" -> "Signal Mixer":f1 [label="Constant"]
 "P PWM Clamp" -> "Signal Mixer":f2 [label="Bounded"]
 "R PWM Clamp" -> "Signal Mixer":f3 [label="Bounded"]
 "Y PWM Clamp" -> "Signal Mixer":f4 [label="Bounded"]
diff --git a/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.png b/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.png
index d0c2ae5e41d0e3108c5c5480eb0748e18ffd2de0..b45f77b3e859babf1d2aa3e249d765ca6b43eb49 100644
Binary files a/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.png and b/quad/src/gen_diagram/network.png differ
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/control_algorithm.c b/quad/src/quad_app/control_algorithm.c
index 77f1c5771345210e8a2f41a8d655be909c838134..be9e842eca61a528edad09b017a4fb44b7a4e71f 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/control_algorithm.c
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/control_algorithm.c
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 #define USE_LIDAR
 #define USE_OF
-#define USE_MAG_YAW
-#define MAX_VALID_LIDAR (10.0) // Maximum valid distance to read from LiDAR to update
+#define USE_GYRO_YAW
+#define NO_VRPN
 //10 degrees
 #define ANGLE_CLAMP		(0.1745)
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
     ps->lidar = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "Lidar");
     ps->flow_vel_x = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "Flow Vel X");
     ps->flow_vel_y = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "Flow Vel Y");
+    ps->flow_vel_x_filt = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "Flow Vel X Filt");
+    ps->flow_vel_y_filt = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "Flow Vel Y Filt");
     ps->flow_quality = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "Flow Quality");
     ps->flow_distance = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "Flow Distance");
     // Sensor trims
@@ -125,8 +127,13 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
     ps->of_trimmed_x = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ADD, "OF X Trim Add");
     ps->of_trimmed_y = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ADD, "OF Y Trim Add");
-    // gyroscope z integrator
-    ps->gyro_yaw = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_INTEGRATOR, "Integrated gyro z");
+    // psi dot integrator
+    ps->psi_dot = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "PSI Dot");
+    ps->psi_dot_offset = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "PSI Dot Offset");
+    ps->psi_dot_sum = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ADD, "PSI Dot Sum");
+    ps->psi = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_INTEGRATOR, "PSI Angle");
+    ps->psi_offset = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "PSI Angle Offset");
+    ps->psi_sum = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ADD, "PSI Sum");
     //Complementary yaw
     ps->mag_yaw = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "Mag Yaw");
@@ -157,7 +164,7 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->roll_r_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->gyro_x, CONST_VAL);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->roll_r_pid, PID_DT, ps->angle_time, CONST_VAL);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->roll_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->cur_roll, CONST_VAL);
-    //graph_set_source(graph, ps->roll_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->vrpn_roll, CONST_VAL);USE_FAKE_YAW
+    //graph_set_source(graph, ps->roll_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->vrpn_roll, CONST_VAL);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->roll_pid, PID_DT, ps->angle_time, CONST_VAL);
     // Connect yaw PID chain
@@ -165,7 +172,13 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_r_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->gyro_z, CONST_VAL);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_r_pid, PID_DT, ps->angle_time, CONST_VAL);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->gyro_yaw, INTEGRATE_IN, ps->gyro_z, CONST_VAL);
+    //PSI-dot integration chain
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->psi_dot_sum, ADD_SUMMAND1, ps->psi_dot, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->psi_dot_sum, ADD_SUMMAND2, ps->psi_dot_offset, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->psi, INTEGRATE_IN, ps->psi_dot_sum, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->psi, INTEGRATE_DT, ps->angle_time, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->psi_sum, ADD_SUMMAND1, ps->psi, INTEGRATED);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->psi_sum, ADD_SUMMAND2, ps->psi_offset, CONST_VAL);
 #ifndef USE_OF
     // X velocity PID
@@ -177,19 +190,6 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
         // Connect velocity PID itself
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_DT, ps->pos_time, CONST_VAL);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->x_vel, PID_CORRECTION);
-    //graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->of_angle_corr, ROT_OUT_X);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->x_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_OUT);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_IN, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
-    // X/Y global to local conversion
-#ifdef USE_MAG_YAW
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_correction, ROT_YAW, ps->mag_yaw, CONST_VAL);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_correction, ROT_YAW, ps->cur_yaw, CONST_VAL);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_correction, ROT_CUR_X, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_correction, ROT_CUR_Y, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
     // Y velocity PID
         // Use a PID block to compute the derivative
@@ -200,47 +200,50 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
         // Connect velocity PID itself
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_DT, ps->pos_time, CONST_VAL);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->y_vel, PID_CORRECTION);
-    //graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->of_angle_corr, ROT_OUT_Y);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->y_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_OUT);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_IN, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
     // X position
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_DT, ps->pos_time, CONST_VAL);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->vrpn_x, CONST_VAL);
-    //graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->of_trimmed_x, CONST_VAL);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->x_set, CONST_VAL);
     // Y position
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_DT, ps->pos_time, CONST_VAL);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->vrpn_y, CONST_VAL);
-    //graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->of_trimmed_y, CONST_VAL);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->y_set, CONST_VAL);
-#ifdef USE_OF
     // X position
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_DT, ps->angle_time, CONST_VAL);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->of_trimmed_x, ADD_SUM);
-    //graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->of_trimmed_x, CONST_VAL);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->x_set, CONST_VAL);
     // Y position
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_DT, ps->angle_time, CONST_VAL);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->of_trimmed_y, ADD_SUM);
-    //graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->of_trimmed_y, CONST_VAL);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->y_set, CONST_VAL);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_IN, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_IN, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_DT, ps->angle_time, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->flow_vel_x_filt, PID_CORRECTION);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_DT, ps->angle_time, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->flow_vel_y_filt, PID_CORRECTION);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->x_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_OUT);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_IN, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
     // X/Y global to local conversion
-#ifdef USE_MAG_YAW
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_correction, ROT_YAW, ps->mag_yaw, CONST_VAL);
+#ifdef USE_GYRO_YAW
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_correction, ROT_YAW, ps->psi_sum, ADD_SUM);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_correction, ROT_YAW, ps->cur_yaw, CONST_VAL);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_correction, ROT_CUR_X, ps->x_vel_clamp, PID_CORRECTION);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_correction, ROT_CUR_Y, ps->y_vel_clamp, PID_CORRECTION);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_correction, ROT_CUR_X, ps->x_vel_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_correction, ROT_CUR_Y, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->y_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_OUT);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_IN, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->x_pos_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->x_set, CONST_VAL);
+    //graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->of_trimmed_y, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->y_pos_pid, PID_SETPOINT, ps->y_set, CONST_VAL);
     // Alt autonomous
 #ifdef USE_LIDAR
@@ -254,9 +257,9 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->throttle_trim_add, ADD_SUMMAND1, ps->alt_pid, PID_CORRECTION);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->throttle_trim_add, ADD_SUMMAND2, ps->throttle_trim, CONST_VAL);
     // Yaw angle
-#ifdef USE_MAG_YAW
+#ifdef USE_GYRO_YAW
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_pid, PID_DT, ps->angle_time, CONST_VAL);
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->mag_yaw, CONST_VAL);
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->psi_sum, ADD_SUM);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_pid, PID_DT, ps->pos_time, CONST_VAL);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->yaw_pid, PID_CUR_POINT, ps->cur_yaw, CONST_VAL);
@@ -275,8 +278,8 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->mixer, MIXER_YAW, ps->clamp_d_pwmY, BOUNDS_OUT);
     // Connect optical flow
-#ifdef USE_MAG_YAW
-    graph_set_source(graph, ps->of_angle_corr, ROT_YAW, ps->mag_yaw, ADD_SUM);
+#ifdef USE_GYRO_YAW
+    graph_set_source(graph, ps->of_angle_corr, ROT_YAW, ps->psi_sum, ADD_SUM);
     graph_set_source(graph, ps->of_angle_corr, ROT_YAW, ps->cur_yaw, ADD_SUM);
@@ -353,19 +356,11 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->clamp_d_pwmY, BOUNDS_MIN, -PWM_DIFF_BOUNDS);
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->clamp_d_pwmY, BOUNDS_MAX, PWM_DIFF_BOUNDS);
-#ifdef USE_OF
-    //Set angle clamping limits
-    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->x_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_MIN, -ANGLE_CLAMP);
-    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->x_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_MAX, ANGLE_CLAMP);
-    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->y_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_MIN, -ANGLE_CLAMP);
-    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->y_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_MAX, ANGLE_CLAMP);
     // Set velocity clamping limits
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->x_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_MIN, -VEL_CLAMP);
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->x_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_MAX, VEL_CLAMP);
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->y_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_MIN, -VEL_CLAMP);
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->y_vel_clamp, BOUNDS_MAX, VEL_CLAMP);
     // Set trims
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->pitch_trim, CONST_SET, PITCH_TRIM);
@@ -399,7 +394,11 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
 	// flap switch was just toggled to auto flight mode
 	if((last_fm_switch != cur_fm_switch) && (cur_fm_switch == AUTO_FLIGHT_MODE))
+#ifdef NO_VRPN
+		user_defined_struct->engaging_auto = 2;
 		user_defined_struct->engaging_auto = 1;
 		graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->throttle_trim, CONST_SET, user_input_struct->rc_commands[THROTTLE]);
@@ -471,18 +470,16 @@ int control_algorithm_init(parameter_t * ps)
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->gyro_y, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->gyr_y);
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->gyro_x, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->gyr_x);
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->gyro_z, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->gyr_z);
-    //if (fabs(sensor_struct->lidar_altitude) <= MAX_VALID_LIDAR) {
-        graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->lidar, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->lidar_altitude);
-    //}
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->psi_dot, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->psi_dot);
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->lidar, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->lidar_altitude);
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->flow_quality, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->optical_flow.quality);
-    //As per documentation, disregard frames with low quality, as they contain unreliable data
-    //NOTE: As per the Wehrneyton(R) Method(TM), we will be exponentially decaying the
-    //optical flow velocities when the quality is below the threshold
-    //if (sensor_struct->optical_flow.quality >= PX4FLOW_QUAL_MIN) {
-        graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->flow_vel_x, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->optical_flow.xVel);
-        graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->flow_vel_y, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->optical_flow.yVel);
-    //}
+    //Optical flow
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->flow_vel_x, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->optical_flow.xVel);
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->flow_vel_y, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->optical_flow.yVel);
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->flow_distance, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->optical_flow.distance);
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->flow_vel_x_filt, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->optical_flow.xVelFilt);
+    graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->flow_vel_y_filt, CONST_SET, sensor_struct->optical_flow.yVelFilt);
     // RC values
     graph_set_param_val(graph, ps->rc_pitch, CONST_SET, user_input_struct->pitch_angle_manual_setpoint);
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c b/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c
index 94566042e3ddc79352fe1d2ba89b49780ceacfa0..7079987a54d2288970d34af671f41d8b06e2cafd 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/log_data.c
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ void initialize_logging(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps) {
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->of_angle_corr, ROT_OUT_Y, m_s);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->of_integ_x, INTEGRATED, m);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->of_integ_y, INTEGRATED, m);
-	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->gyro_yaw, INTEGRATED, rad);
+	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->psi_sum, ADD_SUM, rad);
 	addOutputToLog(log_struct, ps->mag_yaw, CONST_VAL, rad);
 	addParamToLog(log_struct, ps->cur_roll, CONST_VAL, rad);
@@ -146,7 +146,6 @@ void initialize_logging(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps) {
 int log_data(log_t* log_struct, parameter_t* ps)
 	if(arrayIndex >= arraySize)
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.c b/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.c
index 7e23bfbd0fb1ceb104537003d2dd70155e1594e3..8e09dc8200452051b265704b9d8375a179028aa6 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.c
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/sensor_processing.c
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 #define GYRO_Z_OFFSET				(0.0073)
+#define MAX_VALID_LIDAR (10.0) // Maximum valid distance to read from LiDAR to update
 int sensor_processing_init(sensor_t* sensor_struct) {
 	float a0 = 0.0200833310260;
 	float a1 = 0.0401666620520;
@@ -32,11 +34,13 @@ int sensor_processing_init(sensor_t* sensor_struct) {
 	sensor_struct->accel_x_filt = filter_make_state(a0, a1, a2, b1, b2);
 	sensor_struct->accel_y_filt = filter_make_state(a0, a1, a2, b1, b2);
 	sensor_struct->accel_z_filt = filter_make_state(a0, a1, a2, b1, b2);
-	float vel_a0 = 0.0098;
-	float vel_a1 = 0.0195;
-	float vel_a2 = 0.0098;
-	float vel_b1 = -1.5816;
-	float vel_b2 = 0.6853;
+	//1 Hert filter
+	float vel_a0 = 2.3921e-4;
+	float vel_a1 = 4.7841e-4;
+	float vel_a2 = 2.3921e-4;
+	float vel_b1 = -1.9381;
+	float vel_b2 = 0.9391;
 	sensor_struct->flow_x_filt = filter_make_state(vel_a0, vel_a1, vel_a2, vel_b1, vel_b2);
 	sensor_struct->flow_y_filt = filter_make_state(vel_a0, vel_a1, vel_a2, vel_b1, vel_b2);
@@ -145,11 +149,10 @@ int sensor_processing(log_t* log_struct, user_input_t *user_input_struct, raw_se
 	sensor_struct->optical_flow = raw_sensor_struct->optical_flow;
 	flow_to_vel(&sensor_struct->optical_flow, raw_sensor_struct->lidar_distance_m);
-//	sensor_struct->optical_flow.xVel = biquad_execute(&sensor_struct->flow_x_filt, -sensor_struct->optical_flow.xVel);
-//	sensor_struct->optical_flow.yVel = biquad_execute(&sensor_struct->flow_y_filt, -sensor_struct->optical_flow.yVel);
-	//Note: This was wrong and dumb
-	//sensor_struct->optical_flow.xVel *= -1;
-	//sensor_struct->optical_flow.yVel *= -1;
+	//Filter OF velocities
+	sensor_struct->optical_flow.xVelFilt = biquad_execute(&sensor_struct->flow_x_filt, sensor_struct->optical_flow.xVel);
+	sensor_struct->optical_flow.yVelFilt = biquad_execute(&sensor_struct->flow_y_filt, sensor_struct->optical_flow.yVel);
 	 * Altitude double complementary filter
@@ -160,6 +163,10 @@ int sensor_processing(log_t* log_struct, user_input_t *user_input_struct, raw_se
 	static float last_lidar = 0;
 	float this_lidar = -raw_sensor_struct->lidar_distance_m;
+	if(this_lidar < (-MAX_VALID_LIDAR)) {
+		this_lidar = filtered_alt;
+	}
 	// Acceleration in m/s without gravity
 	float quad_z_accel = 9.8 * (accel_z + 1);
 	filtered_vel = alt_alpha*(filtered_vel + quad_z_accel*get_last_loop_time()) +
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/type_def.h b/quad/src/quad_app/type_def.h
index 7a5e2cb0de7060144035971061677feb0a1451b8..7dc7eba1ae043ffc99d3e12d9ac1a362e50c502f 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/type_def.h
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/type_def.h
@@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ typedef struct px4flow {
 	double flowX, flowY;
+	double xVelFilt, yVelFilt;
 	int16_t quality;
 	SensorError_t error;
@@ -367,6 +369,8 @@ typedef struct parameter_t {
 	int lidar;
 	int flow_vel_x; // optical flow
 	int flow_vel_y;
+	int flow_vel_x_filt;
+	int flow_vel_y_filt;
 	int flow_quality; // Quality value returned by optical flow sensor
 	int flow_distance;
 	// VRPN blocks
@@ -416,7 +420,13 @@ typedef struct parameter_t {
 	int of_trim_y;
 	int of_trimmed_x; // Trimmed optical flow integrated value (of_integ_x + of_trim_x)
 	int of_trimmed_y;
-	int gyro_yaw; // Integrates the gyro z value
+	//psi dot integration chain
+	int psi_dot;
+	int psi_dot_offset;
+	int psi_dot_sum;
+	int psi;
+	int psi_offset;
+	int psi_sum;
 	int mag_yaw; //Complementary filtered magnetometer/gyro yaw
 } parameter_t;
diff --git a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/src/hw_impl_zybo_imu.c b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/src/hw_impl_zybo_imu.c
index c7f2bfff3b7751ebf40346d52431eca8e15352f3..31b68f49d66c93896cb02f9f17afa4fe37f4cb34 100644
--- a/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/src/hw_impl_zybo_imu.c
+++ b/quad/xsdk_workspace/real_quad/src/hw_impl_zybo_imu.c
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 #define GYRO_X_BIAS	0.005f
 #define GYRO_Y_BIAS	-0.014f
-#define GYRO_Z_BIAS	0.0614//0.0541f
+#define GYRO_Z_BIAS	0.0534//0.0541f
 #define ACCEL_X_BIAS	0.023f
 #define ACCEL_Y_BIAS	0.009f