diff --git a/Unity/.gitattributes b/Unity/.gitattributes
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ad952260b5dd530b0d684d910876989b3faa202a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+*           text=auto
+# These files are text and should be normalized (convert crlf to lf)
+*.rb        text
+*.test      text
+*.c         text
+*.cpp       text
+*.h         text
+*.txt       text
+*.yml       text
+*.s79       text
+*.bat       text
+*.xcl       text
+*.inc       text
+*.info      text
+*.md        text
+makefile    text
+rakefile    text
+#These files are binary and should not be normalized
+*.doc       binary
+*.odt       binary
+*.pdf       binary
+*.ewd       binary
+*.eww       binary
+*.dni       binary
+*.wsdt      binary
+*.dbgdt     binary
+*.mac       binary
diff --git a/Unity/.gitignore b/Unity/.gitignore
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a383c3ccbf22d695fb420816d2fca754f3452827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/Unity/.travis.yml b/Unity/.travis.yml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ae9fa0c51b35badc53761ef6c5971909f1cbaf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+language: c
+ include:
+    - os: osx
+      compiler: clang
+      osx_image: xcode7.3
+    - os: linux
+      dist: trusty
+      compiler: gcc
+  - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]; then rvm install 2.1 && rvm use 2.1 && ruby -v; fi
+  - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]; then sudo apt-get install --assume-yes --quiet gcc-multilib; fi
+  - gem install rspec
+  - gem install rubocop
+  - cd test && rake ci
+  - make -s
+  - make -s DEBUG=-m32
+  - cd ../extras/fixture/test && rake ci
+  - make -s default noStdlibMalloc
+  - make -s C89
+  - cd ../../../examples/example_1 && make -s ci
+  - cd ../example_2 && make -s ci
+  - cd ../example_3 && rake
diff --git a/Unity/README.md b/Unity/README.md
new file mode 100755
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+Unity Test API
+[![Unity Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/ThrowTheSwitch/Unity.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ThrowTheSwitch/Unity)
+__Copyright (c) 2007 - 2017 Unity Project by Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, and Greg Williams__
+Running Tests
+    RUN_TEST(func, linenum)
+Each Test is run within the macro `RUN_TEST`.  This macro performs necessary setup before the test is called and handles cleanup and result tabulation afterwards.
+Ignoring Tests
+There are times when a test is incomplete or not valid for some reason.  At these times, TEST_IGNORE can be called.  Control will immediately be returned to the caller of the test, and no failures will be returned.
+Ignore this test and return immediately
+    TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE (message)
+Ignore this test and return immediately.  Output a message stating why the test was ignored.
+Aborting Tests
+There are times when a test will contain an infinite loop on error conditions, or there may be reason to escape from the test early without executing the rest of the test.  A pair of macros support this functionality in Unity.  The first `TEST_PROTECT` sets up the feature, and handles emergency abort cases. `TEST_ABORT` can then be used at any time within the tests to return to the last `TEST_PROTECT` call.
+Setup and Catch macro
+Abort Test macro
+    main()
+    {
+        if (TEST_PROTECT())
+        {
+            MyTest();
+        }
+    }
+If MyTest calls `TEST_ABORT`, program control will immediately return to `TEST_PROTECT` with a return value of zero.
+Unity Assertion Summary
+Basic Validity Tests
+    TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(condition)
+Evaluates whatever code is in condition and fails if it evaluates to false
+    TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(condition)
+Evaluates whatever code is in condition and fails if it evaluates to true
+    TEST_ASSERT(condition)
+Another way of calling `TEST_ASSERT_TRUE`
+    TEST_ASSERT_UNLESS(condition)
+Another way of calling `TEST_ASSERT_FALSE`
+    TEST_FAIL()
+    TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE(message)
+This test is automatically marked as a failure.  The message is output stating why.
+Numerical Assertions: Integers
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(expected, actual)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8(expected, actual)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT16(expected, actual)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32(expected, actual)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64(expected, actual)
+Compare two integers for equality and display errors as signed integers. A cast will be performed
+to your natural integer size so often this can just be used.  When you need to specify the exact size,
+like when comparing arrays, you can use a specific version:
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT(expected, actual)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8(expected, actual)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16(expected, actual)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(expected, actual)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(expected, actual)
+Compare two integers for equality and display errors as unsigned integers.  Like INT, there are
+variants for different sizes also.
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(expected, actual)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8(expected, actual)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX16(expected, actual)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32(expected, actual)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64(expected, actual)
+Compares two integers for equality and display errors as hexadecimal.  Like the other integer comparisons,
+you can specify the size... here the size will also effect how many nibbles are shown (for example, `HEX16`
+will show 4 nibbles).
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, actual)
+Another way of calling TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT
+    TEST_ASSERT_INT_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)
+Asserts that the actual value is within plus or minus delta of the expected value.  This also comes in
+size specific variants.
+    TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN(threshold, actual)
+Asserts that the actual value is greater than the threshold. This also comes in size specific variants.
+    TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(threshold, actual)
+Asserts that the actual value is less than the threshold. This also comes in size specific variants.
+    _ARRAY
+You can append `_ARRAY` to any of these macros to make an array comparison of that type.  Here you will
+need to care a bit more about the actual size of the value being checked.  You will also specify an
+additional argument which is the number of elements to compare.  For example:
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8_ARRAY(expected, actual, elements)
+Another array comparison option is to check that EVERY element of an array is equal to a single expected
+value. You do this by specifying the EACH_EQUAL macro. For example:
+    TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT32(expected, actual, elements)
+Numerical Assertions: Bitwise
+    TEST_ASSERT_BITS(mask, expected, actual)
+Use an integer mask to specify which bits should be compared between two other integers.  High bits in the mask are compared, low bits ignored.
+    TEST_ASSERT_BITS_HIGH(mask, actual)
+Use an integer mask to specify which bits should be inspected to determine if they are all set high.  High bits in the mask are compared, low bits ignored.
+    TEST_ASSERT_BITS_LOW(mask, actual)
+Use an integer mask to specify which bits should be inspected to determine if they are all set low.  High bits in the mask are compared, low bits ignored.
+    TEST_ASSERT_BIT_HIGH(bit, actual)
+Test a single bit and verify that it is high.  The bit is specified 0-31 for a 32-bit integer.
+    TEST_ASSERT_BIT_LOW(bit, actual)
+Test a single bit and verify that it is low.  The bit is specified 0-31 for a 32-bit integer.
+Numerical Assertions: Floats
+    TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)
+Asserts that the actual value is within plus or minus delta of the expected value.
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT(expected, actual)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE(expected, actual)
+Asserts that two floating point values are "equal" within a small % delta of the expected value.
+String Assertions
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(expected, actual)
+Compare two null-terminate strings.  Fail if any character is different or if the lengths are different.
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_LEN(expected, actual, len)
+Compare two strings.  Fail if any character is different, stop comparing after len characters.
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)
+Compare two null-terminate strings.  Fail if any character is different or if the lengths are different. Output a custom message on failure.
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_LEN_MESSAGE(expected, actual, len, message)
+Compare two strings.  Fail if any character is different, stop comparing after len characters. Output a custom message on failure.
+Pointer Assertions
+Most pointer operations can be performed by simply using the integer comparisons above.  However, a couple of special cases are added for clarity.
+    TEST_ASSERT_NULL(pointer)
+Fails if the pointer is not equal to NULL
+    TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(pointer)
+Fails if the pointer is equal to NULL
+Memory Assertions
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY(expected, actual, len)
+Compare two blocks of memory.  This is a good generic assertion for types that can't be coerced into acting like
+standard types... but since it's a memory compare, you have to be careful that your data types are packed.
+you can append _MESSAGE to any of the macros to make them take an additional argument.  This argument
+is a string that will be printed at the end of the failure strings.  This is useful for specifying more
+information about the problem.
diff --git a/Unity/auto/colour_prompt.rb b/Unity/auto/colour_prompt.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f1dc4e025d919c41a1a61dfe950621253600d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/auto/colour_prompt.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# ==========================================
+#   Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+#   Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+#   [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/
+  begin
+    require 'Win32API'
+  rescue LoadError
+    puts 'ERROR! "Win32API" library not found'
+    puts '"Win32API" is required for colour on a windows machine'
+    puts '  try => "gem install Win32API" on the command line'
+    puts
+  end
+  # puts
+  # puts 'Windows Environment Detected...'
+  # puts 'Win32API Library Found.'
+  # puts
+class ColourCommandLine
+  def initialize
+    return unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/
+    get_std_handle = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetStdHandle', ['L'], 'L')
+    @set_console_txt_attrb =
+      Win32API.new('kernel32', 'SetConsoleTextAttribute', %w(L N), 'I')
+    @hout = get_std_handle.call(-11)
+  end
+  def change_to(new_colour)
+    if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/
+      @set_console_txt_attrb.call(@hout, win32_colour(new_colour))
+    else
+      "\033[30;#{posix_colour(new_colour)};22m"
+    end
+  end
+  def win32_colour(colour)
+    case colour
+    when :black then 0
+    when :dark_blue then 1
+    when :dark_green then 2
+    when :dark_cyan then 3
+    when :dark_red then 4
+    when :dark_purple then 5
+    when :dark_yellow, :narrative then 6
+    when :default_white, :default, :dark_white then 7
+    when :silver then 8
+    when :blue then 9
+    when :green, :success then 10
+    when :cyan, :output then 11
+    when :red, :failure then 12
+    when :purple then 13
+    when :yellow then 14
+    when :white then 15
+    else
+      0
+    end
+  end
+  def posix_colour(colour)
+    # ANSI Escape Codes - Foreground colors
+    # | Code | Color                     |
+    # | 39   | Default foreground color  |
+    # | 30   | Black                     |
+    # | 31   | Red                       |
+    # | 32   | Green                     |
+    # | 33   | Yellow                    |
+    # | 34   | Blue                      |
+    # | 35   | Magenta                   |
+    # | 36   | Cyan                      |
+    # | 37   | Light gray                |
+    # | 90   | Dark gray                 |
+    # | 91   | Light red                 |
+    # | 92   | Light green               |
+    # | 93   | Light yellow              |
+    # | 94   | Light blue                |
+    # | 95   | Light magenta             |
+    # | 96   | Light cyan                |
+    # | 97   | White                     |
+    case colour
+    when :black then 30
+    when :red, :failure then 31
+    when :green, :success then 32
+    when :yellow then 33
+    when :blue, :narrative then 34
+    when :purple, :magenta then 35
+    when :cyan, :output then 36
+    when :white, :default_white then 37
+    when :default then 39
+    else
+      39
+    end
+  end
+  def out_c(mode, colour, str)
+    when /(win|w)32$/
+      change_to(colour)
+      $stdout.puts str if mode == :puts
+      $stdout.print str if mode == :print
+      change_to(:default_white)
+    else
+      $stdout.puts("#{change_to(colour)}#{str}\033[0m") if mode == :puts
+      $stdout.print("#{change_to(colour)}#{str}\033[0m") if mode == :print
+    end
+  end
+end # ColourCommandLine
+def colour_puts(role, str)
+  ColourCommandLine.new.out_c(:puts, role, str)
+def colour_print(role, str)
+  ColourCommandLine.new.out_c(:print, role, str)
diff --git a/Unity/auto/colour_reporter.rb b/Unity/auto/colour_reporter.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb1fbfce34715544b15d63ec11b827eccf298a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/auto/colour_reporter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# ==========================================
+#   Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+#   Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+#   [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+require "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/colour_prompt"
+$colour_output = true
+def report(message)
+  if !$colour_output
+    $stdout.puts(message)
+  else
+    message = message.join('\n') if message.class == Array
+    message.each_line do |line|
+      line.chomp!
+      colour = case line
+               when /(?:total\s+)?tests:?\s+(\d+)\s+(?:total\s+)?failures:?\s+\d+\s+Ignored:?/i
+                 Regexp.last_match(1).to_i.zero? ? :green : :red
+               when /PASS/
+                 :green
+               when /^OK$/
+                 :green
+               when /(?:FAIL|ERROR)/
+                 :red
+               when /IGNORE/
+                 :yellow
+               when /^(?:Creating|Compiling|Linking)/
+                 :white
+               else
+                 :silver
+               end
+      colour_puts(colour, line)
+    end
+  end
+  $stdout.flush
+  $stderr.flush
diff --git a/Unity/auto/generate_config.yml b/Unity/auto/generate_config.yml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a5e47424561d6acca50fc1388e40967b9fcb3a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/auto/generate_config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#this is a sample configuration file for generate_module
+#you would use it by calling generate_module with the -ygenerate_config.yml option
+#files like this are useful for customizing generate_module to your environment
+  :defaults:
+    #these defaults are used in place of any missing options at the command line
+    :path_src: ../src/
+    :path_inc: ../src/
+    :path_tst: ../test/
+    :update_svn: true
+  :includes:
+    #use [] for no additional includes, otherwise list the includes on separate lines
+    :src:
+      - Defs.h
+      - Board.h
+    :inc: []
+    :tst:
+      - Defs.h
+      - Board.h
+      - Exception.h
+  :boilerplates: 
+    #these are inserted at the top of generated files.
+    #just comment out or remove if not desired.
+    #use %1$s where you would like the file name to appear (path/extension not included)
+    :src: |
+      //-------------------------------------------
+      // %1$s.c
+      //-------------------------------------------
+    :inc: |
+      //-------------------------------------------
+      // %1$s.h
+      //-------------------------------------------
+    :tst: |
+      //-------------------------------------------
+      // Test%1$s.c : Units tests for %1$s.c
+      //-------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Unity/auto/generate_module.rb b/Unity/auto/generate_module.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13b4cc74d7ff084158aa800c5a8cfa218ed5c306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/auto/generate_module.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+# ==========================================
+#   Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+#   Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+#   [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+# This script creates all the files with start code necessary for a new module.
+# A simple module only requires a source file, header file, and test file.
+# Triad modules require a source, header, and test file for each triad type (like model, conductor, and hardware).
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'pathname'
+TEMPLATE_TST ||= '#include "unity.h"
+%2$s#include "%1$s.h"
+void setUp(void)
+void tearDown(void)
+void test_%1$s_NeedToImplement(void)
+    TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("Need to Implement %1$s");
+TEMPLATE_SRC ||= '%2$s#include "%1$s.h"
+TEMPLATE_INC ||= '#ifndef _%3$s_H
+#define _%3$s_H
+#endif // _%3$s_H
+class UnityModuleGenerator
+  ############################
+  def initialize(options = nil)
+    here = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/'
+    @options = UnityModuleGenerator.default_options
+    case options
+    when NilClass then @options
+    when String   then @options.merge!(UnityModuleGenerator.grab_config(options))
+    when Hash     then @options.merge!(options)
+    else raise 'If you specify arguments, it should be a filename or a hash of options'
+    end
+    # Create default file paths if none were provided
+    @options[:path_src] = here + '../src/'    if @options[:path_src].nil?
+    @options[:path_inc] = @options[:path_src] if @options[:path_inc].nil?
+    @options[:path_tst] = here + '../test/'   if @options[:path_tst].nil?
+    @options[:path_src] += '/'                unless @options[:path_src][-1] == 47
+    @options[:path_inc] += '/'                unless @options[:path_inc][-1] == 47
+    @options[:path_tst] += '/'                unless @options[:path_tst][-1] == 47
+    # Built in patterns
+    @patterns = {
+      'src'  =>  {
+        '' =>  { inc: [] }
+      },
+      'test' =>  {
+        '' =>  { inc: [] }
+      },
+      'dh'   =>  {
+        'Driver'    =>  { inc: [create_filename('%1$s', 'Hardware.h')] },
+        'Hardware'  =>  { inc: [] }
+      },
+      'dih'  =>  {
+        'Driver'    =>  { inc: [create_filename('%1$s', 'Hardware.h'), create_filename('%1$s', 'Interrupt.h')] },
+        'Interrupt' =>  { inc: [create_filename('%1$s', 'Hardware.h')] },
+        'Hardware'  =>  { inc: [] }
+      },
+      'mch'  =>  {
+        'Model'     =>  { inc: [] },
+        'Conductor' =>  { inc: [create_filename('%1$s', 'Model.h'), create_filename('%1$s', 'Hardware.h')] },
+        'Hardware'  =>  { inc: [] }
+      },
+      'mvp'  =>  {
+        'Model'     =>  { inc: [] },
+        'Presenter' =>  { inc: [create_filename('%1$s', 'Model.h'), create_filename('%1$s', 'View.h')] },
+        'View'      =>  { inc: [] }
+      }
+    }
+  end
+  ############################
+  def self.default_options
+    {
+      pattern: 'src',
+      includes: {
+        src: [],
+        inc: [],
+        tst: []
+      },
+      update_svn: false,
+      boilerplates: {},
+      test_prefix: 'Test',
+      mock_prefix: 'Mock'
+    }
+  end
+  ############################
+  def self.grab_config(config_file)
+    options = default_options
+    unless config_file.nil? || config_file.empty?
+      require 'yaml'
+      yaml_guts = YAML.load_file(config_file)
+      options.merge!(yaml_guts[:unity] || yaml_guts[:cmock])
+      raise "No :unity or :cmock section found in #{config_file}" unless options
+    end
+    options
+  end
+  ############################
+  def files_to_operate_on(module_name, pattern = nil)
+    # strip any leading path information from the module name and save for later
+    subfolder = File.dirname(module_name)
+    module_name = File.basename(module_name)
+    # create triad definition
+    prefix = @options[:test_prefix] || 'Test'
+    triad = [{ ext: '.c', path: @options[:path_src], prefix: '', template: TEMPLATE_SRC, inc: :src, boilerplate: @options[:boilerplates][:src] },
+             { ext: '.h', path: @options[:path_inc], prefix: '',     template: TEMPLATE_INC, inc: :inc, boilerplate: @options[:boilerplates][:inc] },
+             { ext: '.c', path: @options[:path_tst], prefix: prefix, template: TEMPLATE_TST, inc: :tst, boilerplate: @options[:boilerplates][:tst] }]
+    # prepare the pattern for use
+    pattern = (pattern || @options[:pattern] || 'src').downcase
+    patterns = @patterns[pattern]
+    raise "ERROR: The design pattern '#{pattern}' specified isn't one that I recognize!" if patterns.nil?
+    # single file patterns (currently just 'test') can reject the other parts of the triad
+    triad.select! { |v| v[:inc] == :tst } if pattern == 'test'
+    # Assemble the path/names of the files we need to work with.
+    files = []
+    triad.each do |cfg|
+      patterns.each_pair do |pattern_file, pattern_traits|
+        submodule_name = create_filename(module_name, pattern_file)
+        filename = cfg[:prefix] + submodule_name + cfg[:ext]
+        files << {
+          path: (Pathname.new("#{cfg[:path]}#{subfolder}") + filename).cleanpath,
+          name: submodule_name,
+          template: cfg[:template],
+          boilerplate: cfg[:boilerplate],
+          includes: case (cfg[:inc])
+                    when :src then (@options[:includes][:src] || []) | (pattern_traits[:inc].map { |f| format(f, module_name) })
+                    when :inc then (@options[:includes][:inc] || [])
+                    when :tst then (@options[:includes][:tst] || []) | (pattern_traits[:inc].map { |f| format("#{@options[:mock_prefix]}#{f}", module_name) })
+                    end
+        }
+      end
+    end
+    files
+  end
+  ############################
+  def create_filename(part1, part2 = '')
+    if part2.empty?
+      case (@options[:naming])
+      when 'bumpy' then part1
+      when 'camel' then part1
+      when 'snake' then part1.downcase
+      when 'caps'  then part1.upcase
+      else              part1
+      end
+    else
+      case (@options[:naming])
+      when 'bumpy' then part1 + part2
+      when 'camel' then part1 + part2
+      when 'snake' then part1.downcase + '_' + part2.downcase
+      when 'caps'  then part1.upcase + '_' + part2.upcase
+      else              part1 + '_' + part2
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  ############################
+  def generate(module_name, pattern = nil)
+    files = files_to_operate_on(module_name, pattern)
+    # Abort if all of the module files already exist
+    all_files_exist = true
+    files.each do |file|
+      all_files_exist = false unless File.exist?(file[:path])
+    end
+    raise "ERROR: File #{files[0][:name]} already exists. Exiting." if all_files_exist
+    # Create Source Modules
+    files.each_with_index do |file, _i|
+      # If this file already exists, don't overwrite it.
+      if File.exist?(file[:path])
+        puts "File #{file[:path]} already exists!"
+        next
+      end
+      # Create the path first if necessary.
+      FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(file[:path]), verbose: false)
+      File.open(file[:path], 'w') do |f|
+        f.write("#{file[:boilerplate]}\n" % [file[:name]]) unless file[:boilerplate].nil?
+        f.write(file[:template] % [file[:name],
+                                   file[:includes].map { |ff| "#include \"#{ff}\"\n" }.join,
+                                   file[:name].upcase])
+      end
+      if @options[:update_svn]
+        `svn add \"#{file[:path]}\"`
+        if $!.exitstatus.zero?
+          puts "File #{file[:path]} created and added to source control"
+        else
+          puts "File #{file[:path]} created but FAILED adding to source control!"
+        end
+      else
+        puts "File #{file[:path]} created"
+      end
+    end
+    puts 'Generate Complete'
+  end
+  ############################
+  def destroy(module_name, pattern = nil)
+    files_to_operate_on(module_name, pattern).each do |filespec|
+      file = filespec[:path]
+      if File.exist?(file)
+        if @options[:update_svn]
+          `svn delete \"#{file}\" --force`
+          puts "File #{file} deleted and removed from source control"
+        else
+          FileUtils.remove(file)
+          puts "File #{file} deleted"
+        end
+      else
+        puts "File #{file} does not exist so cannot be removed."
+      end
+    end
+    puts 'Destroy Complete'
+  end
+# Handle As Command Line If Called That Way
+if $0 == __FILE__
+  destroy = false
+  options = {}
+  module_name = nil
+  # Parse the command line parameters.
+  ARGV.each do |arg|
+    case arg
+    when /^-d/            then destroy = true
+    when /^-u/            then options[:update_svn] = true
+    when /^-p\"?(\w+)\"?/ then options[:pattern] = Regexp.last_match(1)
+    when /^-s\"?(.+)\"?/  then options[:path_src] = Regexp.last_match(1)
+    when /^-i\"?(.+)\"?/  then options[:path_inc] = Regexp.last_match(1)
+    when /^-t\"?(.+)\"?/  then options[:path_tst] = Regexp.last_match(1)
+    when /^-n\"?(.+)\"?/  then options[:naming] = Regexp.last_match(1)
+    when /^-y\"?(.+)\"?/  then options = UnityModuleGenerator.grab_config(Regexp.last_match(1))
+    when /^(\w+)/
+      raise "ERROR: You can't have more than one Module name specified!" unless module_name.nil?
+      module_name = arg
+    when /^-(h|-help)/
+      ARGV = [].freeze
+    else
+      raise "ERROR: Unknown option specified '#{arg}'"
+    end
+  end
+  unless ARGV[0]
+    puts ["\nGENERATE MODULE\n-------- ------",
+          "\nUsage: ruby generate_module [options] module_name",
+          "  -i\"include\" sets the path to output headers to 'include' (DEFAULT ../src)",
+          "  -s\"../src\"  sets the path to output source to '../src'   (DEFAULT ../src)",
+          "  -t\"C:/test\" sets the path to output source to 'C:/test'  (DEFAULT ../test)",
+          '  -p"MCH"     sets the output pattern to MCH.',
+          '              dh   - driver hardware.',
+          '              dih  - driver interrupt hardware.',
+          '              mch  - model conductor hardware.',
+          '              mvp  - model view presenter.',
+          '              src  - just a source module, header and test. (DEFAULT)',
+          '              test - just a test file.',
+          '  -d          destroy module instead of creating it.',
+          '  -n"camel"   sets the file naming convention.',
+          '              bumpy - BumpyCaseFilenames.',
+          '              camel - camelCaseFilenames.',
+          '              snake - snake_case_filenames.',
+          '              caps  - CAPS_CASE_FILENAMES.',
+          '  -u          update subversion too (requires subversion command line)',
+          '  -y"my.yml"  selects a different yaml config file for module generation',
+          ''].join("\n")
+    exit
+  end
+  raise 'ERROR: You must have a Module name specified! (use option -h for help)' if module_name.nil?
+  if destroy
+    UnityModuleGenerator.new(options).destroy(module_name)
+  else
+    UnityModuleGenerator.new(options).generate(module_name)
+  end
diff --git a/Unity/auto/generate_test_runner.rb b/Unity/auto/generate_test_runner.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07bde814c1100d5f694665e44f38b3f68922643c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/auto/generate_test_runner.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+# ==========================================
+#   Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+#   Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+#   [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'colour_prompt'))
+class UnityTestRunnerGenerator
+  def initialize(options = nil)
+    @options = UnityTestRunnerGenerator.default_options
+    case options
+    when NilClass then @options
+    when String   then @options.merge!(UnityTestRunnerGenerator.grab_config(options))
+    when Hash     then @options.merge!(options)
+    else raise 'If you specify arguments, it should be a filename or a hash of options'
+    end
+    require "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/type_sanitizer"
+  end
+  def self.default_options
+    {
+      includes: [],
+      defines: [],
+      plugins: [],
+      framework: :unity,
+      test_prefix: 'test|spec|should',
+      mock_prefix: 'Mock',
+      setup_name: 'setUp',
+      teardown_name: 'tearDown',
+      main_name: 'main', # set to :auto to automatically generate each time
+      main_export_decl: '',
+      cmdline_args: false,
+      use_param_tests: false
+    }
+  end
+  def self.grab_config(config_file)
+    options = default_options
+    unless config_file.nil? || config_file.empty?
+      require 'yaml'
+      yaml_guts = YAML.load_file(config_file)
+      options.merge!(yaml_guts[:unity] || yaml_guts[:cmock])
+      raise "No :unity or :cmock section found in #{config_file}" unless options
+    end
+    options
+  end
+  def run(input_file, output_file, options = nil)
+    @options.merge!(options) unless options.nil?
+    # pull required data from source file
+    source = File.read(input_file)
+    source = source.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1').encode('utf-8', replace: nil)
+    tests               = find_tests(source)
+    headers             = find_includes(source)
+    testfile_includes   = (headers[:local] + headers[:system])
+    used_mocks          = find_mocks(testfile_includes)
+    testfile_includes   = (testfile_includes - used_mocks)
+    testfile_includes.delete_if { |inc| inc =~ /(unity|cmock)/ }
+    # build runner file
+    generate(input_file, output_file, tests, used_mocks, testfile_includes)
+    # determine which files were used to return them
+    all_files_used = [input_file, output_file]
+    all_files_used += testfile_includes.map { |filename| filename + '.c' } unless testfile_includes.empty?
+    all_files_used += @options[:includes] unless @options[:includes].empty?
+    all_files_used += headers[:linkonly] unless headers[:linkonly].empty?
+    all_files_used.uniq
+  end
+  def generate(input_file, output_file, tests, used_mocks, testfile_includes)
+    File.open(output_file, 'w') do |output|
+      create_header(output, used_mocks, testfile_includes)
+      create_externs(output, tests, used_mocks)
+      create_mock_management(output, used_mocks)
+      create_suite_setup(output)
+      create_suite_teardown(output)
+      create_reset(output, used_mocks)
+      create_main(output, input_file, tests, used_mocks)
+    end
+    return unless @options[:header_file] && !@options[:header_file].empty?
+    File.open(@options[:header_file], 'w') do |output|
+      create_h_file(output, @options[:header_file], tests, testfile_includes, used_mocks)
+    end
+  end
+  def find_tests(source)
+    tests_and_line_numbers = []
+    source_scrubbed = source.clone
+    source_scrubbed = source_scrubbed.gsub(/"[^"\n]*"/, '') # remove things in strings
+    source_scrubbed = source_scrubbed.gsub(/\/\/.*$/, '')      # remove line comments
+    source_scrubbed = source_scrubbed.gsub(/\/\*.*?\*\//m, '') # remove block comments
+    lines = source_scrubbed.split(/(^\s*\#.*$)                 # Treat preprocessor directives as a logical line
+                              | (;|\{|\}) /x)                  # Match ;, {, and } as end of lines
+    lines.each_with_index do |line, _index|
+      # find tests
+      next unless line =~ /^((?:\s*TEST_CASE\s*\(.*?\)\s*)*)\s*void\s+((?:#{@options[:test_prefix]}).*)\s*\(\s*(.*)\s*\)/
+      arguments = Regexp.last_match(1)
+      name = Regexp.last_match(2)
+      call = Regexp.last_match(3)
+      params = Regexp.last_match(4)
+      args = nil
+      if @options[:use_param_tests] && !arguments.empty?
+        args = []
+        arguments.scan(/\s*TEST_CASE\s*\((.*)\)\s*$/) { |a| args << a[0] }
+      end
+      tests_and_line_numbers << { test: name, args: args, call: call, params: params, line_number: 0 }
+    end
+    tests_and_line_numbers.uniq! { |v| v[:test] }
+    # determine line numbers and create tests to run
+    source_lines = source.split("\n")
+    source_index = 0
+    tests_and_line_numbers.size.times do |i|
+      source_lines[source_index..-1].each_with_index do |line, index|
+        next unless line =~ /\s+#{tests_and_line_numbers[i][:test]}(?:\s|\()/
+        source_index += index
+        tests_and_line_numbers[i][:line_number] = source_index + 1
+        break
+      end
+    end
+    tests_and_line_numbers
+  end
+  def find_includes(source)
+    # remove comments (block and line, in three steps to ensure correct precedence)
+    source.gsub!(/\/\/(?:.+\/\*|\*(?:$|[^\/])).*$/, '')  # remove line comments that comment out the start of blocks
+    source.gsub!(/\/\*.*?\*\//m, '')                     # remove block comments
+    source.gsub!(/\/\/.*$/, '')                          # remove line comments (all that remain)
+    # parse out includes
+    includes = {
+      local: source.scan(/^\s*#include\s+\"\s*(.+)\.[hH]\s*\"/).flatten,
+      system: source.scan(/^\s*#include\s+<\s*(.+)\s*>/).flatten.map { |inc| "<#{inc}>" },
+      linkonly: source.scan(/^TEST_FILE\(\s*\"\s*(.+)\.[cC]\w*\s*\"/).flatten
+    }
+    includes
+  end
+  def find_mocks(includes)
+    mock_headers = []
+    includes.each do |include_path|
+      include_file = File.basename(include_path)
+      mock_headers << include_path if include_file =~ /^#{@options[:mock_prefix]}/i
+    end
+    mock_headers
+  end
+  def create_header(output, mocks, testfile_includes = [])
+    output.puts('/* AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT. */')
+    create_runtest(output, mocks)
+    output.puts("\n/*=======Automagically Detected Files To Include=====*/")
+    output.puts("#include \"#{@options[:framework]}.h\"")
+    output.puts('#include "cmock.h"') unless mocks.empty?
+    output.puts('#include <setjmp.h>')
+    output.puts('#include <stdio.h>')
+    if @options[:defines] && !@options[:defines].empty?
+      @options[:defines].each { |d| output.puts("#define #{d}") }
+    end
+    if @options[:header_file] && !@options[:header_file].empty?
+      output.puts("#include \"#{File.basename(@options[:header_file])}\"")
+    else
+      @options[:includes].flatten.uniq.compact.each do |inc|
+        output.puts("#include #{inc.include?('<') ? inc : "\"#{inc.gsub('.h', '')}.h\""}")
+      end
+      testfile_includes.each do |inc|
+        output.puts("#include #{inc.include?('<') ? inc : "\"#{inc.gsub('.h', '')}.h\""}")
+      end
+    end
+    mocks.each do |mock|
+      output.puts("#include \"#{mock.gsub('.h', '')}.h\"")
+    end
+    output.puts('#include "CException.h"') if @options[:plugins].include?(:cexception)
+    return unless @options[:enforce_strict_ordering]
+    output.puts('')
+    output.puts('int GlobalExpectCount;')
+    output.puts('int GlobalVerifyOrder;')
+    output.puts('char* GlobalOrderError;')
+  end
+  def create_externs(output, tests, _mocks)
+    output.puts("\n/*=======External Functions This Runner Calls=====*/")
+    output.puts("extern void #{@options[:setup_name]}(void);")
+    output.puts("extern void #{@options[:teardown_name]}(void);")
+    tests.each do |test|
+      output.puts("extern void #{test[:test]}(#{test[:call] || 'void'});")
+    end
+    output.puts('')
+  end
+  def create_mock_management(output, mock_headers)
+    return if mock_headers.empty?
+    output.puts("\n/*=======Mock Management=====*/")
+    output.puts('static void CMock_Init(void)')
+    output.puts('{')
+    if @options[:enforce_strict_ordering]
+      output.puts('  GlobalExpectCount = 0;')
+      output.puts('  GlobalVerifyOrder = 0;')
+      output.puts('  GlobalOrderError = NULL;')
+    end
+    mocks = mock_headers.map { |mock| File.basename(mock) }
+    mocks.each do |mock|
+      mock_clean = TypeSanitizer.sanitize_c_identifier(mock)
+      output.puts("  #{mock_clean}_Init();")
+    end
+    output.puts("}\n")
+    output.puts('static void CMock_Verify(void)')
+    output.puts('{')
+    mocks.each do |mock|
+      mock_clean = TypeSanitizer.sanitize_c_identifier(mock)
+      output.puts("  #{mock_clean}_Verify();")
+    end
+    output.puts("}\n")
+    output.puts('static void CMock_Destroy(void)')
+    output.puts('{')
+    mocks.each do |mock|
+      mock_clean = TypeSanitizer.sanitize_c_identifier(mock)
+      output.puts("  #{mock_clean}_Destroy();")
+    end
+    output.puts("}\n")
+  end
+  def create_suite_setup(output)
+    return if @options[:suite_setup].nil?
+    output.puts("\n/*=======Suite Setup=====*/")
+    output.puts('static void suite_setup(void)')
+    output.puts('{')
+    output.puts(@options[:suite_setup])
+    output.puts('}')
+  end
+  def create_suite_teardown(output)
+    return if @options[:suite_teardown].nil?
+    output.puts("\n/*=======Suite Teardown=====*/")
+    output.puts('static int suite_teardown(int num_failures)')
+    output.puts('{')
+    output.puts(@options[:suite_teardown])
+    output.puts('}')
+  end
+  def create_runtest(output, used_mocks)
+    cexception = @options[:plugins].include? :cexception
+    va_args1   = @options[:use_param_tests] ? ', ...' : ''
+    va_args2   = @options[:use_param_tests] ? '__VA_ARGS__' : ''
+    output.puts("\n/*=======Test Runner Used To Run Each Test Below=====*/")
+    output.puts('#define RUN_TEST_NO_ARGS') if @options[:use_param_tests]
+    output.puts("#define RUN_TEST(TestFunc, TestLineNum#{va_args1}) \\")
+    output.puts('{ \\')
+    output.puts("  Unity.CurrentTestName = #TestFunc#{va_args2.empty? ? '' : " \"(\" ##{va_args2} \")\""}; \\")
+    output.puts('  Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber = TestLineNum; \\')
+    output.puts('  if (UnityTestMatches()) { \\') if @options[:cmdline_args]
+    output.puts('  Unity.NumberOfTests++; \\')
+    output.puts('  CMock_Init(); \\') unless used_mocks.empty?
+    output.puts('  UNITY_CLR_DETAILS(); \\') unless used_mocks.empty?
+    output.puts('  if (TEST_PROTECT()) \\')
+    output.puts('  { \\')
+    output.puts('    CEXCEPTION_T e; \\') if cexception
+    output.puts('    Try { \\') if cexception
+    output.puts("      #{@options[:setup_name]}(); \\")
+    output.puts("      TestFunc(#{va_args2}); \\")
+    output.puts('    } Catch(e) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32_MESSAGE(CEXCEPTION_NONE, e, "Unhandled Exception!"); } \\') if cexception
+    output.puts('  } \\')
+    output.puts('  if (TEST_PROTECT()) \\')
+    output.puts('  { \\')
+    output.puts("    #{@options[:teardown_name]}(); \\")
+    output.puts('    CMock_Verify(); \\') unless used_mocks.empty?
+    output.puts('  } \\')
+    output.puts('  CMock_Destroy(); \\') unless used_mocks.empty?
+    output.puts('  UnityConcludeTest(); \\')
+    output.puts('  } \\') if @options[:cmdline_args]
+    output.puts("}\n")
+  end
+  def create_reset(output, used_mocks)
+    output.puts("\n/*=======Test Reset Option=====*/")
+    output.puts('void resetTest(void);')
+    output.puts('void resetTest(void)')
+    output.puts('{')
+    output.puts('  CMock_Verify();') unless used_mocks.empty?
+    output.puts('  CMock_Destroy();') unless used_mocks.empty?
+    output.puts("  #{@options[:teardown_name]}();")
+    output.puts('  CMock_Init();') unless used_mocks.empty?
+    output.puts("  #{@options[:setup_name]}();")
+    output.puts('}')
+  end
+  def create_main(output, filename, tests, used_mocks)
+    output.puts("\n\n/*=======MAIN=====*/")
+    main_name = @options[:main_name].to_sym == :auto ? "main_#{filename.gsub('.c', '')}" : (@options[:main_name]).to_s
+    if @options[:cmdline_args]
+      if main_name != 'main'
+        output.puts("#{@options[:main_export_decl]} int #{main_name}(int argc, char** argv);")
+      end
+      output.puts("#{@options[:main_export_decl]} int #{main_name}(int argc, char** argv)")
+      output.puts('{')
+      output.puts('  int parse_status = UnityParseOptions(argc, argv);')
+      output.puts('  if (parse_status != 0)')
+      output.puts('  {')
+      output.puts('    if (parse_status < 0)')
+      output.puts('    {')
+      output.puts("      UnityPrint(\"#{filename.gsub('.c', '')}.\");")
+      output.puts('      UNITY_PRINT_EOL();')
+      if @options[:use_param_tests]
+        tests.each do |test|
+          if test[:args].nil? || test[:args].empty?
+            output.puts("      UnityPrint(\"  #{test[:test]}(RUN_TEST_NO_ARGS)\");")
+            output.puts('      UNITY_PRINT_EOL();')
+          else
+            test[:args].each do |args|
+              output.puts("      UnityPrint(\"  #{test[:test]}(#{args})\");")
+              output.puts('      UNITY_PRINT_EOL();')
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      else
+        tests.each { |test| output.puts("      UnityPrint(\"  #{test[:test]}\");\n    UNITY_PRINT_EOL();") }
+      end
+      output.puts('    return 0;')
+      output.puts('    }')
+      output.puts('  return parse_status;')
+      output.puts('  }')
+    else
+      if main_name != 'main'
+        output.puts("#{@options[:main_export_decl]} int #{main_name}(void);")
+      end
+      output.puts("int #{main_name}(void)")
+      output.puts('{')
+    end
+    output.puts('  suite_setup();') unless @options[:suite_setup].nil?
+    output.puts("  UnityBegin(\"#{filename.gsub(/\\/, '\\\\\\')}\");")
+    if @options[:use_param_tests]
+      tests.each do |test|
+        if test[:args].nil? || test[:args].empty?
+          output.puts("  RUN_TEST(#{test[:test]}, #{test[:line_number]}, RUN_TEST_NO_ARGS);")
+        else
+          test[:args].each { |args| output.puts("  RUN_TEST(#{test[:test]}, #{test[:line_number]}, #{args});") }
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      tests.each { |test| output.puts("  RUN_TEST(#{test[:test]}, #{test[:line_number]});") }
+    end
+    output.puts
+    output.puts('  CMock_Guts_MemFreeFinal();') unless used_mocks.empty?
+    output.puts("  return #{@options[:suite_teardown].nil? ? '' : 'suite_teardown'}(UnityEnd());")
+    output.puts('}')
+  end
+  def create_h_file(output, filename, tests, testfile_includes, used_mocks)
+    filename = File.basename(filename).gsub(/[-\/\\\.\,\s]/, '_').upcase
+    output.puts('/* AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT. */')
+    output.puts("#ifndef _#{filename}")
+    output.puts("#define _#{filename}\n\n")
+    output.puts("#include \"#{@options[:framework]}.h\"")
+    output.puts('#include "cmock.h"') unless used_mocks.empty?
+    @options[:includes].flatten.uniq.compact.each do |inc|
+      output.puts("#include #{inc.include?('<') ? inc : "\"#{inc.gsub('.h', '')}.h\""}")
+    end
+    testfile_includes.each do |inc|
+      output.puts("#include #{inc.include?('<') ? inc : "\"#{inc.gsub('.h', '')}.h\""}")
+    end
+    output.puts "\n"
+    tests.each do |test|
+      if test[:params].nil? || test[:params].empty?
+        output.puts("void #{test[:test]}(void);")
+      else
+        output.puts("void #{test[:test]}(#{test[:params]});")
+      end
+    end
+    output.puts("#endif\n\n")
+  end
+if $0 == __FILE__
+  options = { includes: [] }
+  # parse out all the options first (these will all be removed as we go)
+  ARGV.reject! do |arg|
+    case arg
+    when '-cexception'
+      options[:plugins] = [:cexception]
+      true
+    when /\.*\.ya?ml/
+      options = UnityTestRunnerGenerator.grab_config(arg)
+      true
+    when /--(\w+)=\"?(.*)\"?/
+      options[Regexp.last_match(1).to_sym] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+      true
+    when /\.*\.h/
+      options[:includes] << arg
+      true
+    else false
+    end
+  end
+  # make sure there is at least one parameter left (the input file)
+  unless ARGV[0]
+    puts ["\nusage: ruby #{__FILE__} (files) (options) input_test_file (output)",
+          "\n  input_test_file         - this is the C file you want to create a runner for",
+          '  output                  - this is the name of the runner file to generate',
+          '                            defaults to (input_test_file)_Runner',
+          '  files:',
+          '    *.yml / *.yaml        - loads configuration from here in :unity or :cmock',
+          '    *.h                   - header files are added as #includes in runner',
+          '  options:',
+          '    -cexception           - include cexception support',
+          '    --setup_name=""       - redefine setUp func name to something else',
+          '    --teardown_name=""    - redefine tearDown func name to something else',
+          '    --main_name=""        - redefine main func name to something else',
+          '    --test_prefix=""      - redefine test prefix from default test|spec|should',
+          '    --suite_setup=""      - code to execute for setup of entire suite',
+          '    --suite_teardown=""   - code to execute for teardown of entire suite',
+          '    --use_param_tests=1   - enable parameterized tests (disabled by default)',
+          '    --header_file=""      - path/name of test header file to generate too'].join("\n")
+    exit 1
+  end
+  # create the default test runner name if not specified
+  ARGV[1] = ARGV[0].gsub('.c', '_Runner.c') unless ARGV[1]
+  UnityTestRunnerGenerator.new(options).run(ARGV[0], ARGV[1])
diff --git a/Unity/auto/parse_output.rb b/Unity/auto/parse_output.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f16cdb036f340b866ede1ef948b5b407fd8f1e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/auto/parse_output.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#  Author:   John Theofanopoulos
+#  A simple parser.   Takes the output files generated during the build process and
+# extracts information relating to the tests.
+#  Notes:
+#    To capture an output file under VS builds use the following:
+#      devenv [build instructions]  > Output.txt & type Output.txt
+#    To capture an output file under GCC/Linux builds use the following:
+#      make | tee Output.txt
+#    To use this parser use the following command
+#    ruby parseOutput.rb [options] [file]
+#        options:  -xml  : produce a JUnit compatible XML file
+#        file      :  file to scan for results
+class ParseOutput
+  def initialize
+    @test_flag = false
+    @xml_out = false
+    @array_list = false
+    @total_tests = false
+    @class_index = false
+  end
+  #   Set the flag to indicate if there will be an XML output file or not
+  def set_xml_output
+    @xml_out = true
+  end
+  #  if write our output to XML
+  def write_xml_output
+    output = File.open('report.xml', 'w')
+    output << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
+    @array_list.each do |item|
+      output << item << "\n"
+    end
+    output << "</testsuite>\n"
+  end
+  #  This function will try and determine when the suite is changed.   This is
+  # is the name that gets added to the classname parameter.
+  def test_suite_verify(test_suite_name)
+    return if @test_flag
+    @test_flag = true
+    # Split the path name
+    test_name = test_suite_name.split('/')
+    # Remove the extension
+    base_name = test_name[test_name.size - 1].split('.')
+    @test_suite = 'test.' + base_name[0]
+    printf "New Test: %s\n", @test_suite
+  end
+  # Test was flagged as having passed so format the output
+  def test_passed(array)
+    last_item = array.length - 1
+    test_name = array[last_item - 1]
+    test_suite_verify(array[@class_name])
+    printf "%-40s PASS\n", test_name
+    return unless @xml_out
+    @array_list.push '     <testcase classname="' + @test_suite + '" name="' + test_name + '"/>'
+  end
+  # Test was flagged as having passed so format the output.
+  # This is using the Unity fixture output and not the original Unity output.
+  def test_passed_unity_fixture(array)
+    test_suite = array[0].sub('TEST(', '')
+    test_suite = test_suite.sub(',', '')
+    test_name = array[1].sub(')', '')
+    return unless @xml_out
+    @array_list.push '     <testcase classname="' + test_suite + '" name="' + test_name + '"/>'
+  end
+  # Test was flagged as being ingored so format the output
+  def test_ignored(array)
+    last_item = array.length - 1
+    test_name = array[last_item - 2]
+    reason = array[last_item].chomp
+    test_suite_verify(array[@class_name])
+    printf "%-40s IGNORED\n", test_name
+    if test_name.start_with? 'TEST('
+      array2 = test_name.split(' ')
+      @test_suite = array2[0].sub('TEST(', '')
+      @test_suite = @test_suite.sub(',', '')
+      test_name = array2[1].sub(')', '')
+    end
+    return unless @xml_out
+    @array_list.push '     <testcase classname="' + @test_suite + '" name="' + test_name + '">'
+    @array_list.push '            <skipped type="TEST IGNORED"> ' + reason + ' </skipped>'
+    @array_list.push '     </testcase>'
+  end
+  # Test was flagged as having failed  so format the line
+  def test_failed(array)
+    last_item = array.length - 1
+    test_name = array[last_item - 2]
+    reason = array[last_item].chomp + ' at line: ' + array[last_item - 3]
+    test_suite_verify(array[@class_name])
+    printf "%-40s FAILED\n", test_name
+    if test_name.start_with? 'TEST('
+      array2 = test_name.split(' ')
+      @test_suite = array2[0].sub('TEST(', '')
+      @test_suite = @test_suite.sub(',', '')
+      test_name = array2[1].sub(')', '')
+    end
+    return unless @xml_out
+    @array_list.push '     <testcase classname="' + @test_suite + '" name="' + test_name + '">'
+    @array_list.push '            <failure type="ASSERT FAILED"> ' + reason + ' </failure>'
+    @array_list.push '     </testcase>'
+  end
+  # Figure out what OS we are running on.   For now we are assuming if it's not Windows it must
+  # be Unix based.
+  def detect_os
+    os = RUBY_PLATFORM.split('-')
+    @class_name = if os.size == 2
+                    if os[1] == 'mingw32'
+                      1
+                    else
+                      0
+                    end
+                  else
+                    0
+                  end
+  end
+  # Main function used to parse the file that was captured.
+  def process(name)
+    @test_flag = false
+    @array_list = []
+    detect_os
+    puts 'Parsing file: ' + name
+    test_pass = 0
+    test_fail = 0
+    test_ignore = 0
+    puts ''
+    puts '=================== RESULTS ====================='
+    puts ''
+    File.open(name).each do |line|
+      # Typical test lines look like this:
+      # <path>/<test_file>.c:36:test_tc1000_opsys:FAIL: Expected 1 Was 0
+      # <path>/<test_file>.c:112:test_tc5004_initCanChannel:IGNORE: Not Yet Implemented
+      # <path>/<test_file>.c:115:test_tc5100_initCanVoidPtrs:PASS
+      #
+      # where path is different on Unix vs Windows devices (Windows leads with a drive letter)
+      line_array = line.split(':')
+      # If we were able to split the line then we can look to see if any of our target words
+      # were found.  Case is important.
+      if (line_array.size >= 4) || (line.start_with? 'TEST(')
+        # Determine if this test passed
+        if line.include? ':PASS'
+          test_passed(line_array)
+          test_pass += 1
+        elsif line.include? ':FAIL:'
+          test_failed(line_array)
+          test_fail += 1
+        elsif line.include? ':IGNORE:'
+          test_ignored(line_array)
+          test_ignore += 1
+        elsif line.start_with? 'TEST('
+          if line.include? ' PASS'
+            line_array = line.split(' ')
+            test_passed_unity_fixture(line_array)
+            test_pass += 1
+          end
+        # If none of the keywords are found there are no more tests for this suite so clear
+        # the test flag
+        else
+          @test_flag = false
+        end
+      else
+        @test_flag = false
+      end
+    end
+    puts ''
+    puts '=================== SUMMARY ====================='
+    puts ''
+    puts 'Tests Passed  : ' + test_pass.to_s
+    puts 'Tests Failed  : ' + test_fail.to_s
+    puts 'Tests Ignored : ' + test_ignore.to_s
+    @total_tests = test_pass + test_fail + test_ignore
+    return unless @xml_out
+    heading = '<testsuite tests="' + @total_tests.to_s + '" failures="' + test_fail.to_s + '"' + ' skips="' + test_ignore.to_s + '">'
+    @array_list.insert(0, heading)
+    write_xml_output
+  end
+# If the command line has no values in, used a default value of Output.txt
+parse_my_file = ParseOutput.new
+if ARGV.size >= 1
+  ARGV.each do |a|
+    if a == '-xml'
+      parse_my_file.set_xml_output
+    else
+      parse_my_file.process(a)
+      break
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/Unity/auto/stylize_as_junit.rb b/Unity/auto/stylize_as_junit.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b3d8f4097bacf6c9322805bff5939e941f634006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/auto/stylize_as_junit.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# unity_to_junit.rb
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'optparse'
+require 'ostruct'
+require 'set'
+require 'pp'
+VERSION = 1.0
+class ArgvParser
+  #
+  # Return a structure describing the options.
+  #
+  def self.parse(args)
+    # The options specified on the command line will be collected in *options*.
+    # We set default values here.
+    options = OpenStruct.new
+    options.results_dir = '.'
+    options.root_path = '.'
+    options.out_file = 'results.xml'
+    opts = OptionParser.new do |o|
+      o.banner = 'Usage: unity_to_junit.rb [options]'
+      o.separator ''
+      o.separator 'Specific options:'
+      o.on('-r', '--results <dir>', 'Look for Unity Results files here.') do |results|
+        # puts "results #{results}"
+        options.results_dir = results
+      end
+      o.on('-p', '--root_path <path>', 'Prepend this path to files in results.') do |root_path|
+        options.root_path = root_path
+      end
+      o.on('-o', '--output <filename>', 'XML file to generate.') do |out_file|
+        # puts "out_file: #{out_file}"
+        options.out_file = out_file
+      end
+      o.separator ''
+      o.separator 'Common options:'
+      # No argument, shows at tail.  This will print an options summary.
+      o.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do
+        puts o
+        exit
+      end
+      # Another typical switch to print the version.
+      o.on_tail('--version', 'Show version') do
+        puts "unity_to_junit.rb version #{VERSION}"
+        exit
+      end
+    end
+    opts.parse!(args)
+    options
+  end # parse()
+end # class OptparseExample
+class UnityToJUnit
+  include FileUtils::Verbose
+  attr_reader :report, :total_tests, :failures, :ignored
+  attr_writer :targets, :root, :out_file
+  def initialize
+    @report = ''
+    @unit_name = ''
+  end
+  def run
+    # Clean up result file names
+    results = @targets.map { |target| target.tr('\\', '/') }
+    # puts "Output File: #{@out_file}"
+    f = File.new(@out_file, 'w')
+    write_xml_header(f)
+    write_suites_header(f)
+    results.each do |result_file|
+      lines = File.readlines(result_file).map(&:chomp)
+      raise "Empty test result file: #{result_file}" if lines.empty?
+      result_output = get_details(result_file, lines)
+      tests, failures, ignored = parse_test_summary(lines)
+      result_output[:counts][:total] = tests
+      result_output[:counts][:failed] = failures
+      result_output[:counts][:ignored] = ignored
+      result_output[:counts][:passed] = (result_output[:counts][:total] - result_output[:counts][:failed] - result_output[:counts][:ignored])
+      # use line[0] from the test output to get the test_file path and name
+      test_file_str = lines[0].tr('\\', '/')
+      test_file_str = test_file_str.split(':')
+      test_file = if test_file_str.length < 2
+                    result_file
+                  else
+                    test_file_str[0] + ':' + test_file_str[1]
+                  end
+      result_output[:source][:path] = File.dirname(test_file)
+      result_output[:source][:file] = File.basename(test_file)
+      # save result_output
+      @unit_name = File.basename(test_file, '.*')
+      write_suite_header(result_output[:counts], f)
+      write_failures(result_output, f)
+      write_tests(result_output, f)
+      write_ignored(result_output, f)
+      write_suite_footer(f)
+    end
+    write_suites_footer(f)
+    f.close
+  end
+  def usage(err_msg = nil)
+    puts "\nERROR: "
+    puts err_msg if err_msg
+    puts 'Usage: unity_to_junit.rb [options]'
+    puts ''
+    puts 'Specific options:'
+    puts '    -r, --results <dir>              Look for Unity Results files here.'
+    puts '    -p, --root_path <path>           Prepend this path to files in results.'
+    puts '    -o, --output <filename>          XML file to generate.'
+    puts ''
+    puts 'Common options:'
+    puts '    -h, --help                       Show this message'
+    puts '        --version                    Show version'
+    exit 1
+  end
+  protected
+  def get_details(_result_file, lines)
+    results = results_structure
+    lines.each do |line|
+      line = line.tr('\\', '/')
+      _src_file, src_line, test_name, status, msg = line.split(/:/)
+      case status
+      when 'IGNORE' then results[:ignores] << { test: test_name, line: src_line, message: msg }
+      when 'FAIL'   then results[:failures] << { test: test_name, line: src_line, message: msg }
+      when 'PASS'   then results[:successes] << { test: test_name, line: src_line, message: msg }
+      end
+    end
+    results
+  end
+  def parse_test_summary(summary)
+    raise "Couldn't parse test results: #{summary}" unless summary.find { |v| v =~ /(\d+) Tests (\d+) Failures (\d+) Ignored/ }
+    [Regexp.last_match(1).to_i, Regexp.last_match(2).to_i, Regexp.last_match(3).to_i]
+  end
+  def here
+    File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
+  end
+  private
+  def results_structure
+    {
+      source: { path: '', file: '' },
+      successes: [],
+      failures: [],
+      ignores: [],
+      counts: { total: 0, passed: 0, failed: 0, ignored: 0 },
+      stdout: []
+    }
+  end
+  def write_xml_header(stream)
+    stream.puts "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>"
+  end
+  def write_suites_header(stream)
+    stream.puts '<testsuites>'
+  end
+  def write_suite_header(counts, stream)
+    stream.puts "\t<testsuite errors=\"0\" skipped=\"#{counts[:ignored]}\" failures=\"#{counts[:failed]}\" tests=\"#{counts[:total]}\" name=\"unity\">"
+  end
+  def write_failures(results, stream)
+    result = results[:failures]
+    result.each do |item|
+      filename = File.join(results[:source][:path], File.basename(results[:source][:file], '.*'))
+      stream.puts "\t\t<testcase classname=\"#{@unit_name}\" name=\"#{item[:test]}\" time=\"0\">"
+      stream.puts "\t\t\t<failure message=\"#{item[:message]}\" type=\"Assertion\"/>"
+      stream.puts "\t\t\t<system-err>&#xD;[File] #{filename}&#xD;[Line] #{item[:line]}&#xD;</system-err>"
+      stream.puts "\t\t</testcase>"
+    end
+  end
+  def write_tests(results, stream)
+    result = results[:successes]
+    result.each do |item|
+      stream.puts "\t\t<testcase classname=\"#{@unit_name}\" name=\"#{item[:test]}\" time=\"0\" />"
+    end
+  end
+  def write_ignored(results, stream)
+    result = results[:ignores]
+    result.each do |item|
+      filename = File.join(results[:source][:path], File.basename(results[:source][:file], '.*'))
+      puts "Writing ignored tests for test harness: #{filename}"
+      stream.puts "\t\t<testcase classname=\"#{@unit_name}\" name=\"#{item[:test]}\" time=\"0\">"
+      stream.puts "\t\t\t<skipped message=\"#{item[:message]}\" type=\"Assertion\"/>"
+      stream.puts "\t\t\t<system-err>&#xD;[File] #{filename}&#xD;[Line] #{item[:line]}&#xD;</system-err>"
+      stream.puts "\t\t</testcase>"
+    end
+  end
+  def write_suite_footer(stream)
+    stream.puts "\t</testsuite>"
+  end
+  def write_suites_footer(stream)
+    stream.puts '</testsuites>'
+  end
+end # UnityToJUnit
+if __FILE__ == $0
+  # parse out the command options
+  options = ArgvParser.parse(ARGV)
+  # create an instance to work with
+  utj = UnityToJUnit.new
+  begin
+    # look in the specified or current directory for result files
+    targets = "#{options.results_dir.tr('\\', '/')}**/*.test*"
+    results = Dir[targets]
+    raise "No *.testpass, *.testfail, or *.testresults files found in '#{targets}'" if results.empty?
+    utj.targets = results
+    # set the root path
+    utj.root = options.root_path
+    # set the output XML file name
+    # puts "Output File from options: #{options.out_file}"
+    utj.out_file = options.out_file
+    # run the summarizer
+    puts utj.run
+  rescue StandardError => e
+    utj.usage e.message
+  end
diff --git a/Unity/auto/test_file_filter.rb b/Unity/auto/test_file_filter.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aad28e38e77ff484ec2888e74f1a13a45cf412b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/auto/test_file_filter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# ==========================================
+#   Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+#   Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+#   [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+module RakefileHelpers
+  class TestFileFilter
+    def initialize(all_files = false)
+      @all_files = all_files
+      return false unless @all_files
+      return false unless File.exist?('test_file_filter.yml')
+      filters = YAML.load_file('test_file_filter.yml')
+      @all_files = filters[:all_files]
+      @only_files = filters[:only_files]
+      @exclude_files = filters[:exclude_files]
+    end
+    attr_accessor :all_files, :only_files, :exclude_files
+  end
diff --git a/Unity/auto/type_sanitizer.rb b/Unity/auto/type_sanitizer.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dafb8826e71ceb74afa2c4a1563ce66e659b230a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/auto/type_sanitizer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module TypeSanitizer
+  def self.sanitize_c_identifier(unsanitized)
+    # convert filename to valid C identifier by replacing invalid chars with '_'
+    unsanitized.gsub(/[-\/\\\.\,\s]/, '_')
+  end
diff --git a/Unity/auto/unity_test_summary.py b/Unity/auto/unity_test_summary.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c20e528dfaef182cc4cc63ea2fe47ac95b02fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/auto/unity_test_summary.py
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#! python3
+# ==========================================
+#   Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+#   Copyright (c) 2015 Alexander Mueller / XelaRellum@web.de
+#   [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+#   Based on the ruby script by  Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+# ==========================================
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+from glob import glob
+class UnityTestSummary:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.report = ''
+        self.total_tests = 0
+        self.failures = 0
+        self.ignored = 0
+    def run(self):
+        # Clean up result file names
+        results = []
+        for target in self.targets:
+            results.append(target.replace('\\', '/'))
+        # Dig through each result file, looking for details on pass/fail:
+        failure_output = []
+        ignore_output = []
+        for result_file in results:
+            lines = list(map(lambda line: line.rstrip(), open(result_file, "r").read().split('\n')))
+            if len(lines) == 0:
+                raise Exception("Empty test result file: %s" % result_file)
+            details = self.get_details(result_file, lines)
+            failures = details['failures']
+            ignores = details['ignores']
+            if len(failures) > 0: failure_output.append('\n'.join(failures))
+            if len(ignores) > 0: ignore_output.append('n'.join(ignores))
+            tests,failures,ignored = self.parse_test_summary('\n'.join(lines))
+            self.total_tests += tests
+            self.failures += failures
+            self.ignored += ignored
+        if self.ignored > 0:
+            self.report += "\n"
+            self.report += "--------------------------\n"
+            self.report += "UNITY IGNORED TEST SUMMARY\n"
+            self.report += "--------------------------\n"
+            self.report += "\n".join(ignore_output)
+        if self.failures > 0:
+            self.report += "\n"
+            self.report += "--------------------------\n"
+            self.report += "UNITY FAILED TEST SUMMARY\n"
+            self.report += "--------------------------\n"
+            self.report += '\n'.join(failure_output)
+        self.report += "\n"
+        self.report += "--------------------------\n"
+        self.report += "OVERALL UNITY TEST SUMMARY\n"
+        self.report += "--------------------------\n"
+        self.report += "{total_tests} TOTAL TESTS {failures} TOTAL FAILURES {ignored} IGNORED\n".format(total_tests = self.total_tests, failures=self.failures, ignored=self.ignored)
+        self.report += "\n"
+        return self.report
+    def set_targets(self, target_array):
+            self.targets = target_array
+    def set_root_path(self, path):
+        self.root = path
+    def usage(self, err_msg=None):
+        print("\nERROR: ")
+        if err_msg:
+            print(err_msg)
+        print("\nUsage: unity_test_summary.py result_file_directory/ root_path/")
+        print("     result_file_directory - The location of your results files.")
+        print("                             Defaults to current directory if not specified.")
+        print("                             Should end in / if specified.")
+        print("     root_path - Helpful for producing more verbose output if using relative paths.")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    def get_details(self, result_file, lines):
+        results = { 'failures': [], 'ignores': [], 'successes': [] }
+        for line in lines:
+            parts = line.split(':')
+            if len(parts) == 5:
+                src_file,src_line,test_name,status,msg = parts
+            elif len(parts) == 4:
+                src_file,src_line,test_name,status = parts
+                msg = ''
+            else:
+                continue
+            if len(self.root) > 0:
+                line_out = "%s%s" % (self.root, line)
+            else:
+                line_out = line
+            if status == 'IGNORE':
+                results['ignores'].append(line_out)
+            elif status == 'FAIL':
+                results['failures'].append(line_out)
+            elif status == 'PASS':
+                results['successes'].append(line_out)
+        return results
+    def parse_test_summary(self, summary):
+        m = re.search(r"([0-9]+) Tests ([0-9]+) Failures ([0-9]+) Ignored", summary)
+        if not m:
+            raise Exception("Couldn't parse test results: %s" % summary)
+        return int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(3))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  uts = UnityTestSummary()
+  try:
+    #look in the specified or current directory for result files
+    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+        targets_dir = sys.argv[1]
+    else:
+        targets_dir = './'
+    targets = list(map(lambda x: x.replace('\\', '/'), glob(targets_dir + '*.test*')))
+    if len(targets) == 0:
+        raise Exception("No *.testpass or *.testfail files found in '%s'" % targets_dir)
+    uts.set_targets(targets)
+    #set the root path
+    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
+        root_path = sys.argv[2]
+    else:
+        root_path = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
+    uts.set_root_path(root_path)
+    #run the summarizer
+    print(uts.run())
+  except Exception as e:
+    uts.usage(e)
diff --git a/Unity/auto/unity_test_summary.rb b/Unity/auto/unity_test_summary.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b37dc5fa7cb3cfa084799320ccb1cfc5a29bb158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/auto/unity_test_summary.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# ==========================================
+#   Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+#   Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+#   [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+# !/usr/bin/ruby
+# unity_test_summary.rb
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'set'
+class UnityTestSummary
+  include FileUtils::Verbose
+  attr_reader :report, :total_tests, :failures, :ignored
+  attr_writer :targets, :root
+  def initialize(_opts = {})
+    @report = ''
+    @total_tests = 0
+    @failures = 0
+    @ignored = 0
+  end
+  def run
+    # Clean up result file names
+    results = @targets.map { |target| target.tr('\\', '/') }
+    # Dig through each result file, looking for details on pass/fail:
+    failure_output = []
+    ignore_output = []
+    results.each do |result_file|
+      lines = File.readlines(result_file).map(&:chomp)
+      raise "Empty test result file: #{result_file}" if lines.empty?
+      output = get_details(result_file, lines)
+      failure_output << output[:failures] unless output[:failures].empty?
+      ignore_output  << output[:ignores]  unless output[:ignores].empty?
+      tests, failures, ignored = parse_test_summary(lines)
+      @total_tests += tests
+      @failures += failures
+      @ignored += ignored
+    end
+    if @ignored > 0
+      @report += "\n"
+      @report += "--------------------------\n"
+      @report += "UNITY IGNORED TEST SUMMARY\n"
+      @report += "--------------------------\n"
+      @report += ignore_output.flatten.join("\n")
+    end
+    if @failures > 0
+      @report += "\n"
+      @report += "--------------------------\n"
+      @report += "UNITY FAILED TEST SUMMARY\n"
+      @report += "--------------------------\n"
+      @report += failure_output.flatten.join("\n")
+    end
+    @report += "\n"
+    @report += "--------------------------\n"
+    @report += "OVERALL UNITY TEST SUMMARY\n"
+    @report += "--------------------------\n"
+    @report += "#{@total_tests} TOTAL TESTS #{@failures} TOTAL FAILURES #{@ignored} IGNORED\n"
+    @report += "\n"
+  end
+  def usage(err_msg = nil)
+    puts "\nERROR: "
+    puts err_msg if err_msg
+    puts "\nUsage: unity_test_summary.rb result_file_directory/ root_path/"
+    puts '     result_file_directory - The location of your results files.'
+    puts '                             Defaults to current directory if not specified.'
+    puts '                             Should end in / if specified.'
+    puts '     root_path - Helpful for producing more verbose output if using relative paths.'
+    exit 1
+  end
+  protected
+  def get_details(_result_file, lines)
+    results = { failures: [], ignores: [], successes: [] }
+    lines.each do |line|
+      _src_file, _src_line, _test_name, status, _msg = line.split(/:/)
+      line_out = (@root && (@root != 0) ? "#{@root}#{line}" : line).gsub(/\//, '\\')
+      case status
+      when 'IGNORE' then results[:ignores]   << line_out
+      when 'FAIL'   then results[:failures]  << line_out
+      when 'PASS'   then results[:successes] << line_out
+      end
+    end
+    results
+  end
+  def parse_test_summary(summary)
+    raise "Couldn't parse test results: #{summary}" unless summary.find { |v| v =~ /(\d+) Tests (\d+) Failures (\d+) Ignored/ }
+    [Regexp.last_match(1).to_i, Regexp.last_match(2).to_i, Regexp.last_match(3).to_i]
+  end
+  def here
+    File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
+  end
+if $0 == __FILE__
+  # parse out the command options
+  opts, args = ARGV.partition { |v| v =~ /^--\w+/ }
+  opts.map! { |v| v[2..-1].to_sym }
+  # create an instance to work with
+  uts = UnityTestSummary.new(opts)
+  begin
+    # look in the specified or current directory for result files
+    args[0] ||= './'
+    targets = "#{ARGV[0].tr('\\', '/')}**/*.test*"
+    results = Dir[targets]
+    raise "No *.testpass, *.testfail, or *.testresults files found in '#{targets}'" if results.empty?
+    uts.targets = results
+    # set the root path
+    args[1] ||= Dir.pwd + '/'
+    uts.root = ARGV[1]
+    # run the summarizer
+    puts uts.run
+  rescue StandardError => e
+    uts.usage e.message
+  end
diff --git a/Unity/auto/unity_to_junit.py b/Unity/auto/unity_to_junit.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71dd568883d7e55ab5a7b539f86d3d350c4748d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/auto/unity_to_junit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+import sys
+import os
+from glob import glob
+from pyparsing import *
+from junit_xml import TestSuite, TestCase
+class UnityTestSummary:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.report = ''
+        self.total_tests = 0
+        self.failures = 0
+        self.ignored = 0
+        self.targets = 0
+        self.root = None
+        self.test_suites = dict()
+    def run(self):
+        # Clean up result file names
+        results = []
+        for target in self.targets:
+            results.append(target.replace('\\', '/'))
+        # Dig through each result file, looking for details on pass/fail:
+        for result_file in results:
+            lines = list(map(lambda line: line.rstrip(), open(result_file, "r").read().split('\n')))
+            if len(lines) == 0:
+                raise Exception("Empty test result file: %s" % result_file)
+            # define an expression for your file reference
+            entry_one = Combine(
+                oneOf(list(alphas)) + ':/' +
+                Word(alphanums + '_-./'))
+            entry_two = Word(printables + ' ', excludeChars=':')
+            entry = entry_one | entry_two
+            delimiter = Literal(':').suppress()
+            tc_result_line = Group(entry.setResultsName('tc_file_name') + delimiter + entry.setResultsName(
+                'tc_line_nr') + delimiter + entry.setResultsName('tc_name') + delimiter + entry.setResultsName(
+                'tc_status') + Optional(
+                delimiter + entry.setResultsName('tc_msg'))).setResultsName("tc_line")
+            eol = LineEnd().suppress()
+            sol = LineStart().suppress()
+            blank_line = sol + eol
+            tc_summary_line = Group(Word(nums).setResultsName("num_of_tests") + "Tests" + Word(nums).setResultsName(
+                "num_of_fail") + "Failures" + Word(nums).setResultsName("num_of_ignore") + "Ignored").setResultsName(
+                "tc_summary")
+            tc_end_line = Or(Literal("FAIL"), Literal('Ok')).setResultsName("tc_result")
+            # run it and see...
+            pp1 = tc_result_line | Optional(tc_summary_line | tc_end_line)
+            pp1.ignore(blank_line | OneOrMore("-"))
+            result = list()
+            for l in lines:
+                result.append((pp1.parseString(l)).asDict())
+            # delete empty results
+            result = filter(None, result)
+            tc_list = list()
+            for r in result:
+                if 'tc_line' in r:
+                    tmp_tc_line = r['tc_line']
+                    # get only the file name which will be used as the classname
+                    file_name = tmp_tc_line['tc_file_name'].split('\\').pop().split('/').pop().rsplit('.', 1)[0]
+                    tmp_tc = TestCase(name=tmp_tc_line['tc_name'], classname=file_name)
+                    if 'tc_status' in tmp_tc_line:
+                        if str(tmp_tc_line['tc_status']) == 'IGNORE':
+                            if 'tc_msg' in tmp_tc_line:
+                                tmp_tc.add_skipped_info(message=tmp_tc_line['tc_msg'],
+                                                        output=r'[File]={0}, [Line]={1}'.format(
+                                                            tmp_tc_line['tc_file_name'], tmp_tc_line['tc_line_nr']))
+                            else:
+                                tmp_tc.add_skipped_info(message=" ")
+                        elif str(tmp_tc_line['tc_status']) == 'FAIL':
+                            if 'tc_msg' in tmp_tc_line:
+                                tmp_tc.add_failure_info(message=tmp_tc_line['tc_msg'],
+                                                        output=r'[File]={0}, [Line]={1}'.format(
+                                                            tmp_tc_line['tc_file_name'], tmp_tc_line['tc_line_nr']))
+                            else:
+                                tmp_tc.add_failure_info(message=" ")
+                    tc_list.append((str(result_file), tmp_tc))
+            for k, v in tc_list:
+                try:
+                    self.test_suites[k].append(v)
+                except KeyError:
+                    self.test_suites[k] = [v]
+        ts = []
+        for suite_name in self.test_suites:
+            ts.append(TestSuite(suite_name, self.test_suites[suite_name]))
+        with open('result.xml', 'w') as f:
+            TestSuite.to_file(f, ts, prettyprint='True', encoding='utf-8')
+        return self.report
+    def set_targets(self, target_array):
+        self.targets = target_array
+    def set_root_path(self, path):
+        self.root = path
+    @staticmethod
+    def usage(err_msg=None):
+        print("\nERROR: ")
+        if err_msg:
+            print(err_msg)
+        print("\nUsage: unity_test_summary.py result_file_directory/ root_path/")
+        print("     result_file_directory - The location of your results files.")
+        print("                             Defaults to current directory if not specified.")
+        print("                             Should end in / if specified.")
+        print("     root_path - Helpful for producing more verbose output if using relative paths.")
+        sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    uts = UnityTestSummary()
+    try:
+        # look in the specified or current directory for result files
+        if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+            targets_dir = sys.argv[1]
+        else:
+            targets_dir = './'
+        targets = list(map(lambda x: x.replace('\\', '/'), glob(targets_dir + '*.test*')))
+        if len(targets) == 0:
+            raise Exception("No *.testpass or *.testfail files found in '%s'" % targets_dir)
+        uts.set_targets(targets)
+        # set the root path
+        if len(sys.argv) > 2:
+            root_path = sys.argv[2]
+        else:
+            root_path = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
+        uts.set_root_path(root_path)
+        # run the summarizer
+        print(uts.run())
+    except Exception as e:
+        UnityTestSummary.usage(e)
diff --git a/Unity/docs/ThrowTheSwitchCodingStandard.md b/Unity/docs/ThrowTheSwitchCodingStandard.md
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a85adef3dee5000feb59717974b9f8c895b87e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/docs/ThrowTheSwitchCodingStandard.md
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# ThrowTheSwitch.org Coding Standard
+Hi. Welcome to the coding standard for ThrowTheSwitch.org. For the most part,
+we try to follow these standards to unify our contributors' code into a cohesive
+unit (puns intended). You might find places where these standards aren't
+followed. We're not perfect. Please be polite where you notice these discrepancies
+and we'll try to be polite when we notice yours.
+## Why Have A Coding Standard?
+Being consistent makes code easier to understand. We've made an attempt to keep
+our standard simple because we also believe that we can only expect someone to
+follow something that is understandable. Please do your best.
+## Our Philosophy
+Before we get into details on syntax, let's take a moment to talk about our
+vision for these tools. We're C developers and embedded software developers.
+These tools are great to test any C code, but catering to embedded software has
+made us more tolerant of compiler quirks. There are a LOT of quirky compilers
+out there. By quirky I mean "doesn't follow standards because they feel like
+they have a license to do as they wish."
+Our philosophy is "support every compiler we can". Most often, this means that
+we aim for writing C code that is standards compliant (often C89... that seems
+to be a sweet spot that is almost always compatible). But it also means these
+tools are tolerant of things that aren't common. Some that aren't even
+compliant. There are configuration options to override the size of standard
+types. There are configuration options to force Unity to not use certain
+standard library functions. A lot of Unity is configurable and we have worked
+hard to make it not TOO ugly in the process.
+Similarly, our tools that parse C do their best. They aren't full C parsers
+(yet) and, even if they were, they would still have to accept non-standard
+additions like gcc extensions or specifying `@0x1000` to force a variable to
+compile to a particular location. It's just what we do, because we like
+everything to Just Workâ„¢.
+Speaking of having things Just Workâ„¢, that's our second philosophy. By that, we
+mean that we do our best to have EVERY configuration option have a logical
+default. We believe that if you're working with a simple compiler and target,
+you shouldn't need to configure very much... we try to make the tools guess as
+much as they can, but give the user the power to override it when it's wrong.
+## Naming Things
+Let's talk about naming things. Programming is all about naming things. We name
+files, functions, variables, and so much more. While we're not always going to
+find the best name for something, we actually put quite a bit of effort into
+finding *What Something WANTS to be Called*â„¢.
+When naming things, we more or less follow this hierarchy, the first being the
+most important to us (but we do all four whenever possible):
+1. Readable
+2. Descriptive
+3. Consistent
+4. Memorable
+#### Readable
+We want to read our code. This means we like names and flow that are more
+naturally read. We try to avoid double negatives. We try to avoid cryptic
+abbreviations (sticking to ones we feel are common).
+#### Descriptive
+We like descriptive names for things, especially functions and variables.
+Finding the right name for something is an important endeavor. You might notice
+from poking around our code that this often results in names that are a little
+longer than the average. Guilty. We're okay with a tiny bit more typing if it
+means our code is easier to understand.
+There are two exceptions to this rule that we also stick to as religiously as
+First, while we realize hungarian notation (and similar systems for encoding
+type information into variable names) is providing a more descriptive name, we
+feel that (for the average developer) it takes away from readability and
+therefore is to be avoided.
+Second, loop counters and other local throw-away variables often have a purpose
+which is obvious. There's no need, therefore, to get carried away with complex
+naming. We find i, j, and k are better loop counters than loopCounterVar or
+whatnot. We only break this rule when we see that more description could improve
+understanding of an algorithm.
+#### Consistent
+We like consistency, but we're not really obsessed with it. We try to name our
+configuration macros in a consistent fashion... you'll notice a repeated use of
+UNITY_EXCLUDE_BLAH or UNITY_USES_BLAH macros. This helps users avoid having to
+remember each macro's details.
+#### Memorable
+Where ever it doesn't violate the above principles, we try to apply memorable
+names. Sometimes this means using something that is simply descriptive, but
+often we strive for descriptive AND unique... we like quirky names that stand
+out in our memory and are easier to search for. Take a look through the file
+names in Ceedling and you'll get a good idea of what we are talking about here.
+Why use preprocess when you can use preprocessinator? Or what better describes a
+module in charge of invoking tasks during releases than release_invoker? Don't
+get carried away. The names are still descriptive and fulfill the above
+requirements, but they don't feel stale.
+## C and C++ Details
+We don't really want to add to the style battles out there. Tabs or spaces?
+How many spaces? Where do the braces go? These are age-old questions that will
+never be answered... or at least not answered in a way that will make everyone
+We've decided on our own style preferences. If you'd like to contribute to these
+projects (and we hope that you do), then we ask if you do your best to follow
+the same. It will only hurt a little. We promise.
+#### Whitespace
+Our C-style is to use spaces and to use 4 of them per indent level. It's a nice
+power-of-2 number that looks decent on a wide screen. We have no more reason
+than that. We break that rule when we have lines that wrap (macros or function
+arguments or whatnot). When that happens, we like to indent further to line
+things up in nice tidy columns.
+    if (stuff_happened)
+    {
+        do_something();
+    }
+#### Case
+- Files - all lower case with underscores.
+- Variables - all lower case with underscores
+- Macros - all caps with underscores.
+- Typedefs - all caps with underscores. (also ends with _T).
+- Functions - camel cased. Usually named ModuleName_FuncName
+- Constants and Globals - camel cased.
+#### Braces
+The left brace is on the next line after the declaration. The right brace is
+directly below that. Everything in between in indented one level. If you're
+catching an error and you have a one-line, go ahead and to it on the same line.
+    while (blah)
+    {
+        //Like so. Even if only one line, we use braces.
+    }
+#### Comments
+Do you know what we hate? Old-school C block comments. BUT, we're using them
+anyway. As we mentioned, our goal is to support every compiler we can,
+especially embedded compilers. There are STILL C compilers out there that only
+support old-school block comments. So that is what we're using. We apologize. We
+think they are ugly too.
+## Ruby Details
+Is there really such thing as a Ruby coding standard? Ruby is such a free form
+language, it seems almost sacrilegious to suggest that people should comply to
+one method! We'll keep it really brief!
+#### Whitespace
+Our Ruby style is to use spaces and to use 2 of them per indent level. It's a
+nice power-of-2 number that really grooves with Ruby's compact style. We have no
+more reason than that. We break that rule when we have lines that wrap. When
+that happens, we like to indent further to line things up in nice tidy columns.
+#### Case
+- Files - all lower case with underscores.
+- Variables - all lower case with underscores
+- Classes, Modules, etc - Camel cased.
+- Functions - all lower case with underscores
+- Constants - all upper case with underscores
+## Documentation
+Egad. Really? We use markdown and we like pdf files because they can be made to
+look nice while still being portable. Good enough?
+*Find The Latest of This And More at [ThrowTheSwitch.org](https://throwtheswitch.org)*
diff --git a/Unity/docs/UnityAssertionsCheatSheetSuitableforPrintingandPossiblyFraming.pdf b/Unity/docs/UnityAssertionsCheatSheetSuitableforPrintingandPossiblyFraming.pdf
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28f0c32144c4f2b55ff07007555e5777480320ac
Binary files /dev/null and b/Unity/docs/UnityAssertionsCheatSheetSuitableforPrintingandPossiblyFraming.pdf differ
diff --git a/Unity/docs/UnityAssertionsReference.md b/Unity/docs/UnityAssertionsReference.md
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2dcf5e3a279043245c1d8a98a3ccac38eee59317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/docs/UnityAssertionsReference.md
@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
+# Unity Assertions Reference
+## Background and Overview
+### Super Condensed Version
+- An assertion establishes truth (i.e. boolean True) for a single condition.
+Upon boolean False, an assertion stops execution and reports the failure.
+- Unity is mainly a rich collection of assertions and the support to gather up
+and easily execute those assertions.
+- The structure of Unity allows you to easily separate test assertions from
+source code in, well, test code.
+- Unity's assertions:
+- Come in many, many flavors to handle different C types and assertion cases.
+- Use context to provide detailed and helpful failure messages.
+- Document types, expected values, and basic behavior in your source code for
+### Unity Is Several Things But Mainly It's Assertions
+One way to think of Unity is simply as a rich collection of assertions you can
+use to establish whether your source code behaves the way you think it does.
+Unity provides a framework to easily organize and execute those assertions in
+test code separate from your source code.
+### What's an Assertion?
+At their core, assertions are an establishment of truth - boolean truth. Was this
+thing equal to that thing? Does that code doohickey have such-and-such property
+or not? You get the idea. Assertions are executable code (to appreciate the big
+picture on this read up on the difference between
+[link:Dynamic Verification and Static Analysis]). A failing assertion stops
+execution and reports an error through some appropriate I/O channel (e.g.
+stdout, GUI, file, blinky light).
+Fundamentally, for dynamic verification all you need is a single assertion
+mechanism. In fact, that's what the [assert() macro in C's standard library](http://en.wikipedia.org/en/wiki/Assert.h)
+is for. So why not just use it? Well, we can do far better in the reporting
+department. C's `assert()` is pretty dumb as-is and is particularly poor for
+handling common data types like arrays, structs, etc. And, without some other
+support, it's far too tempting to litter source code with C's `assert()`'s. It's
+generally much cleaner, manageable, and more useful to separate test and source
+code in the way Unity facilitates.
+### Unity's Assertions: Helpful Messages _and_ Free Source Code Documentation
+Asserting a simple truth condition is valuable, but using the context of the
+assertion is even more valuable. For instance, if you know you're comparing bit
+flags and not just integers, then why not use that context to give explicit,
+readable, bit-level feedback when an assertion fails?
+That's what Unity's collection of assertions do - capture context to give you
+helpful, meaningful assertion failure messages. In fact, the assertions
+themselves also serve as executable documentation about types and values in your
+source code. So long as your tests remain current with your source and all those
+tests pass, you have a detailed, up-to-date view of the intent and mechanisms in
+your source code. And due to a wondrous mystery, well-tested code usually tends
+to be well designed code.
+## Assertion Conventions and Configurations
+### Naming and Parameter Conventions
+The convention of assertion parameters generally follows this order:
+    TEST_ASSERT_X( {modifiers}, {expected}, actual, {size/count} )
+The very simplest assertion possible uses only a single "actual" parameter (e.g.
+a simple null check).
+"Actual" is the value being tested and unlike the other parameters in an
+assertion construction is the only parameter present in all assertion variants.
+"Modifiers" are masks, ranges, bit flag specifiers, floating point deltas.
+"Expected" is your expected value (duh) to compare to an "actual" value; it's
+marked as an optional parameter because some assertions only need a single
+"actual" parameter (e.g. null check).
+"Size/count" refers to string lengths, number of array elements, etc.
+Many of Unity's assertions are apparent duplications in that the same data type
+is handled by several assertions. The differences among these are in how failure
+messages are presented. For instance, a `_HEX` variant of an assertion prints
+the expected and actual values of that assertion formatted as hexadecimal.
+_All_ assertions are complemented with a variant that includes a simple string
+message as a final parameter. The string you specify is appended to an assertion
+failure message in Unity output.
+For brevity, the assertion variants with a message parameter are not listed
+below. Just tack on `_MESSAGE` as the final component to any assertion name in
+the reference list below and add a string as the final parameter.
+    TEST_ASSERT_X( {modifiers}, {expected}, actual, {size/count} )
+becomes messageified like thus...
+    TEST_ASSERT_X_MESSAGE( {modifiers}, {expected}, actual, {size/count}, message )
+#### TEST_ASSERT_X_ARRAY Variants
+Unity provides a collection of assertions for arrays containing a variety of
+types. These are documented in the Array section below. These are almost on par
+with the `_MESSAGE`variants of Unity's Asserts in that for pretty much any Unity
+type assertion you can tack on `_ARRAY` and run assertions on an entire block of
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_TYPEX_ARRAY( expected, actual, {size/count} )
+"Expected" is an array itself.
+"Size/count" is one or two parameters necessary to establish the number of array
+elements and perhaps the length of elements within the array.
+- The `_MESSAGE` variant convention still applies here to array assertions. The
+`_MESSAGE` variants of the `_ARRAY` assertions have names ending with
+- Assertions for handling arrays of floating point values are grouped with float
+and double assertions (see immediately following section).
+Unity provides a collection of assertions for arrays containing a variety of
+types which can be compared to a single value as well. These are documented in
+the Each Equal section below. these are almost on par with the `_MESSAGE`
+variants of Unity's Asserts in that for pretty much any Unity type assertion you
+can inject _EACH_EQUAL and run assertions on an entire block of memory.
+    TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_TYPEX( expected, actual, {size/count} )
+"Expected" is a single value to compare to.
+"Actual" is an array where each element will be compared to the expected value.
+"Size/count" is one of two parameters necessary to establish the number of array
+elements and perhaps the length of elements within the array.
+- The `_MESSAGE` variant convention still applies here to Each Equal assertions.
+- Assertions for handling Each Equal of floating point values are grouped with
+float and double assertions (see immediately following section).
+### Configuration
+#### Floating Point Support Is Optional
+Support for floating point types is configurable. That is, by defining the
+appropriate preprocessor symbols, floats and doubles can be individually enabled
+or disabled in Unity code. This is useful for embedded targets with no floating
+point math support (i.e. Unity compiles free of errors for fixed point only
+platforms). See Unity documentation for specifics.
+#### Maximum Data Type Width Is Configurable
+Not all targets support 64 bit wide types or even 32 bit wide types. Define the
+appropriate preprocessor symbols and Unity will omit all operations from
+compilation that exceed the maximum width of your target. See Unity
+documentation for specifics.
+## The Assertions in All Their Blessed Glory
+### Basic Fail and Ignore
+##### `TEST_FAIL()`
+This fella is most often used in special conditions where your test code is
+performing logic beyond a simple assertion. That is, in practice, `TEST_FAIL()`
+will always be found inside a conditional code block.
+- Executing a state machine multiple times that increments a counter your test
+code then verifies as a final step.
+- Triggering an exception and verifying it (as in Try / Catch / Throw - see the
+[CException](https://github.com/ThrowTheSwitch/CException) project).
+##### `TEST_IGNORE()`
+Marks a test case (i.e. function meant to contain test assertions) as ignored.
+Usually this is employed as a breadcrumb to come back and implement a test case.
+An ignored test case has effects if other assertions are in the enclosing test
+case (see Unity documentation for more).
+### Boolean
+##### `TEST_ASSERT (condition)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_TRUE (condition)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_FALSE (condition)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_UNLESS (condition)`
+A simple wording variation on `TEST_ASSERT_FALSE`.The semantics of
+`TEST_ASSERT_UNLESS` aid readability in certain test constructions or
+conditional statements.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_NULL (pointer)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL (pointer)`
+### Signed and Unsigned Integers (of all sizes)
+Large integer sizes can be disabled for build targets that do not support them.
+For example, if your target only supports up to 16 bit types, by defining the
+appropriate symbols Unity can be configured to omit 32 and 64 bit operations
+that would break compilation (see Unity documentation for more). Refer to
+Advanced Asserting later in this document for advice on dealing with other word
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8 (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT16 (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32 (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64 (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8 (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16 (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32 (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64 (expected, actual)`
+### Unsigned Integers (of all sizes) in Hexadecimal
+All `_HEX` assertions are identical in function to unsigned integer assertions
+but produce failure messages with the `expected` and `actual` values formatted
+in hexadecimal. Unity output is big endian.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8 (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX16 (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32 (expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64 (expected, actual)`
+### Masked and Bit-level Assertions
+Masked and bit-level assertions produce output formatted in hexadecimal. Unity
+output is big endian.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_BITS (mask, expected, actual)`
+Only compares the masked (i.e. high) bits of `expected` and `actual` parameters.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_BITS_HIGH (mask, actual)`
+Asserts the masked bits of the `actual` parameter are high.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_BITS_LOW (mask, actual)`
+Asserts the masked bits of the `actual` parameter are low.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_BIT_HIGH (bit, actual)`
+Asserts the specified bit of the `actual` parameter is high.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_BIT_LOW (bit, actual)`
+Asserts the specified bit of the `actual` parameter is low.
+### Integer Less Than / Greater Than
+These assertions verify that the `actual` parameter is less than or greater
+than `threshold` (exclusive). For example, if the threshold value is 0 for the
+greater than assertion will fail if it is 0 or less.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT8 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT16 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT32 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT8 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT16 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT32 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX8 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX16 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX32 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT8 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT16 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT32 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_UINT (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_UINT8 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_UINT16 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_UINT32 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_HEX8 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_HEX16 (threshold, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_HEX32 (threshold, actual)`
+### Integer Ranges (of all sizes)
+These assertions verify that the `expected` parameter is within +/- `delta`
+(inclusive) of the `actual` parameter. For example, if the expected value is 10
+and the delta is 3 then the assertion will fail for any value outside the range
+of 7 - 13.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_INT_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_INT8_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_INT16_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_INT32_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_INT64_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_UINT_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_UINT8_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_UINT16_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_UINT32_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_UINT64_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_HEX_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_HEX8_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_HEX16_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_HEX32_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_HEX64_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+### Structs and Strings
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR (expected, actual)`
+Asserts that the pointers point to the same memory location.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING (expected, actual)`
+Asserts that the null terminated (`'\0'`)strings are identical. If strings are
+of different lengths or any portion of the strings before their terminators
+differ, the assertion fails. Two NULL strings (i.e. zero length) are considered
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY (expected, actual, len)`
+Asserts that the contents of the memory specified by the `expected` and `actual`
+pointers is identical. The size of the memory blocks in bytes is specified by
+the `len` parameter.
+### Arrays
+`expected` and `actual` parameters are both arrays. `num_elements` specifies the
+number of elements in the arrays to compare.
+`_HEX` assertions produce failure messages with expected and actual array
+contents formatted in hexadecimal.
+For array of strings comparison behavior, see comments for
+`TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING` in the preceding section.
+Assertions fail upon the first element in the compared arrays found not to
+match. Failure messages specify the array index of the failed comparison.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT16_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX16_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_ARRAY (expected, actual, len, num_elements)`
+`len` is the memory in bytes to be compared at each array element.
+### Each Equal (Arrays to Single Value)
+`expected` are single values and `actual` are arrays. `num_elements` specifies
+the number of elements in the arrays to compare.
+`_HEX` assertions produce failure messages with expected and actual array
+contents formatted in hexadecimal.
+Assertions fail upon the first element in the compared arrays found not to
+match. Failure messages specify the array index of the failed comparison.
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT8 (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT16 (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT32 (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT64 (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT8 (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT16 (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT32 (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT64 (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX8 (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX16 (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX32 (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX64 (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_PTR (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_STRING (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+#### `TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_MEMORY (expected, actual, len, num_elements)`
+`len` is the memory in bytes to be compared at each array element.
+### Floating Point (If enabled)
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+Asserts that the `actual` value is within +/- `delta` of the `expected` value.
+The nature of floating point representation is such that exact evaluations of
+equality are not guaranteed.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT (expected, actual)`
+Asserts that the ?actual?value is "close enough to be considered equal" to the
+`expected` value. If you are curious about the details, refer to the Advanced
+Asserting section for more details on this. Omitting a user-specified delta in a
+floating point assertion is both a shorthand convenience and a requirement of
+code generation conventions for CMock.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+See Array assertion section for details. Note that individual array element
+float comparisons are executed using T?EST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT?.That is, user
+specified delta comparison values requires a custom-implemented floating point
+array assertion.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_INF (actual)`
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is equivalent to positive infinity floating
+point representation.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NEG_INF (actual)`
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is equivalent to negative infinity floating
+point representation.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NAN (actual)`
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is a Not A Number floating point representation.
+Asserts that ?actual?parameter is a floating point representation usable for
+mathematical operations. That is, the `actual` parameter is neither positive
+infinity nor negative infinity nor Not A Number floating point representations.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_INF (actual)`
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is a value other than positive infinity floating
+point representation.
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is a value other than negative infinity floating
+point representation.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NAN (actual)`
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is a value other than Not A Number floating
+point representation.
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is not usable for mathematical operations. That
+is, the `actual` parameter is either positive infinity or negative infinity or
+Not A Number floating point representations.
+### Double (If enabled)
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_WITHIN (delta, expected, actual)`
+Asserts that the `actual` value is within +/- `delta` of the `expected` value.
+The nature of floating point representation is such that exact evaluations of
+equality are not guaranteed.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE (expected, actual)`
+Asserts that the `actual` value is "close enough to be considered equal" to the
+`expected` value. If you are curious about the details, refer to the Advanced
+Asserting section for more details. Omitting a user-specified delta in a
+floating point assertion is both a shorthand convenience and a requirement of
+code generation conventions for CMock.
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements)`
+See Array assertion section for details. Note that individual array element
+double comparisons are executed using `TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE`.That is, user
+specified delta comparison values requires a custom implemented double array
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_INF (actual)`
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is equivalent to positive infinity floating
+point representation.
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is equivalent to negative infinity floating point
+##### `TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NAN (actual)`
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is a Not A Number floating point representation.
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is a floating point representation usable for
+mathematical operations. That is, the ?actual?parameter is neither positive
+infinity nor negative infinity nor Not A Number floating point representations.
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is a value other than positive infinity floating
+point representation.
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is a value other than negative infinity floating
+point representation.
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is a value other than Not A Number floating
+point representation.
+Asserts that `actual` parameter is not usable for mathematical operations. That
+is, the `actual` parameter is either positive infinity or negative infinity or
+Not A Number floating point representations.
+## Advanced Asserting: Details On Tricky Assertions
+This section helps you understand how to deal with some of the trickier
+assertion situations you may run into. It will give you a glimpse into some of
+the under-the-hood details of Unity's assertion mechanisms. If you're one of
+those people who likes to know what is going on in the background, read on. If
+not, feel free to ignore the rest of this document until you need it.
+### How do the EQUAL assertions work for FLOAT and DOUBLE?
+As you may know, directly checking for equality between a pair of floats or a
+pair of doubles is sloppy at best and an outright no-no at worst. Floating point
+values can often be represented in multiple ways, particularly after a series of
+operations on a value. Initializing a variable to the value of 2.0 is likely to
+result in a floating point representation of 2 x 20,but a series of
+mathematical operations might result in a representation of 8 x 2-2
+that also evaluates to a value of 2. At some point repeated operations cause
+equality checks to fail.
+So Unity doesn't do direct floating point comparisons for equality. Instead, it
+checks if two floating point values are "really close." If you leave Unity
+running with defaults, "really close" means "within a significant bit or two."
+with the `delta` parameter calculated on the fly. For single precision, delta is
+the expected value multiplied by 0.00001, producing a very small proportional
+range around the expected value.
+If you are expecting a value of 20,000.0 the delta is calculated to be 0.2. So
+any value between 19,999.8 and 20,000.2 will satisfy the equality check. This
+works out to be roughly a single bit of range for a single-precision number, and
+that's just about as tight a tolerance as you can reasonably get from a floating
+point value.
+So what happens when it's zero? Zero - even more than other floating point
+values - can be represented many different ways. It doesn't matter if you have
+0 x 20or 0 x 263.It's still zero, right? Luckily, if you
+subtract these values from each other, they will always produce a difference of
+zero, which will still fall between 0 plus or minus a delta of 0. So it still
+Double precision floating point numbers use a much smaller multiplier, again
+approximating a single bit of error.
+If you don't like these ranges and you want to make your floating point equality
+assertions less strict, you can change these multipliers to whatever you like by
+documentation for more.
+### How do we deal with targets with non-standard int sizes?
+It's "fun" that C is a standard where something as fundamental as an integer
+varies by target. According to the C standard, an `int` is to be the target's
+natural register size, and it should be at least 16-bits and a multiple of a
+byte. It also guarantees an order of sizes:
+char <= short <= int <= long <= long long
+Most often, `int` is 32-bits. In many cases in the embedded world, `int` is
+16-bits. There are rare microcontrollers out there that have 24-bit integers,
+and this remains perfectly standard C.
+To make things even more interesting, there are compilers and targets out there
+that have a hard choice to make. What if their natural register size is 10-bits
+or 12-bits? Clearly they can't fulfill _both_ the requirement to be at least
+16-bits AND the requirement to match the natural register size. In these
+situations, they often choose the natural register size, leaving us with
+something like this:
+char (8 bit) <= short (12 bit) <= int (12 bit) <= long (16 bit)
+Um... yikes. It's obviously breaking a rule or two... but they had to break SOME
+rules, so they made a choice.
+When the C99 standard rolled around, it introduced alternate standard-size types.
+It also introduced macros for pulling in MIN/MAX values for your integer types.
+It's glorious! Unfortunately, many embedded compilers can't be relied upon to
+use the C99 types (Sometimes because they have weird register sizes as described
+above. Sometimes because they don't feel like it?).
+A goal of Unity from the beginning was to support every combination of
+microcontroller or microprocessor and C compiler. Over time, we've gotten really
+close to this. There are a few tricks that you should be aware of, though, if
+you're going to do this effectively on some of these more idiosyncratic targets.
+First, when setting up Unity for a new target, you're going to want to pay
+special attention to the macros for automatically detecting types
+(where available) or manually configuring them yourself. You can get information
+on both of these in Unity's documentation.
+What about the times where you suddenly need to deal with something odd, like a
+24-bit `int`? The simplest solution is to use the next size up. If you have a
+24-bit `int`, configure Unity to use 32-bit integers. If you have a 12-bit
+`int`, configure Unity to use 16 bits. There are two ways this is going to
+affect you:
+1. When Unity displays errors for you, it's going to pad the upper unused bits
+with zeros.
+2. You're going to have to be careful of assertions that perform signed
+operations, particularly `TEST_ASSERT_INT_WITHIN`.Such assertions might wrap
+your `int` in the wrong place, and you could experience false failures. You can
+always back down to a simple `TEST_ASSERT` and do the operations yourself.
+*Find The Latest of This And More at [ThrowTheSwitch.org](https://throwtheswitch.org)*
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49202eb22d852d2f3bfeb1392668759978bcc30d
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+++ b/Unity/docs/UnityConfigurationGuide.md
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+# Unity Configuration Guide
+## C Standards, Compilers and Microcontrollers
+The embedded software world contains its challenges. Compilers support different
+revisions of the C Standard. They ignore requirements in places, sometimes to
+make the language more usable in some special regard. Sometimes it's to simplify
+their support. Sometimes it's due to specific quirks of the microcontroller they
+are targeting. Simulators add another dimension to this menagerie.
+Unity is designed to run on almost anything that is targeted by a C compiler. It
+would be awesome if this could be done with zero configuration. While there are
+some targets that come close to this dream, it is sadly not universal. It is
+likely that you are going to need at least a couple of the configuration options
+described in this document.
+All of Unity's configuration options are `#defines`. Most of these are simple
+definitions. A couple are macros with arguments. They live inside the
+unity_internals.h header file. We don't necessarily recommend opening that file
+unless you really need to. That file is proof that a cross-platform library is
+challenging to build. From a more positive perspective, it is also proof that a
+great deal of complexity can be centralized primarily to one place in order to
+provide a more consistent and simple experience elsewhere.
+### Using These Options
+It doesn't matter if you're using a target-specific compiler and a simulator or
+a native compiler. In either case, you've got a couple choices for configuring
+these options:
+1. Because these options are specified via C defines, you can pass most of these
+options to your compiler through command line compiler flags. Even if you're
+using an embedded target that forces you to use their overbearing IDE for all
+configuration, there will be a place somewhere in your project to configure
+defines for your compiler.
+2. You can create a custom `unity_config.h` configuration file (present in your
+toolchain's search paths). In this file, you will list definitions and macros
+specific to your target. All you must do is define `UNITY_INCLUDE_CONFIG_H` and
+Unity will rely on `unity_config.h` for any further definitions it may need.
+## The Options
+### Integer Types
+If you've been a C developer for long, you probably already know that C's
+concept of an integer varies from target to target. The C Standard has rules
+about the `int` matching the register size of the target microprocessor. It has
+rules about the `int` and how its size relates to other integer types. An `int`
+on one target might be 16 bits while on another target it might be 64. There are
+more specific types in compilers compliant with C99 or later, but that's
+certainly not every compiler you are likely to encounter. Therefore, Unity has a
+number of features for helping to adjust itself to match your required integer
+sizes. It starts off by trying to do it automatically.
+The first thing that Unity does to guess your types is check `stdint.h`.
+This file includes defines like `UINT_MAX` that Unity can make use of to
+learn a lot about your system. It's possible you don't want it to do this
+(um. why not?) or (more likely) it's possible that your system doesn't
+support `stdint.h`. If that's the case, you're going to want to define this.
+That way, Unity will know to skip the inclusion of this file and you won't
+be left with a compiler error.
+        #define UNITY_EXCLUDE_STDINT_H
+The second attempt to guess your types is to check `limits.h`. Some compilers
+that don't support `stdint.h` could include `limits.h` instead. If you don't
+want Unity to check this file either, define this to make it skip the inclusion.
+        #define UNITY_EXCLUDE_LIMITS_H
+If you've disabled both of the automatic options above, you're going to have to
+do the configuration yourself. Don't worry. Even this isn't too bad... there are
+just a handful of defines that you are going to specify if you don't like the
+Define this to be the number of bits an `int` takes up on your system. The
+default, if not autodetected, is 32 bits.
+        #define UNITY_INT_WIDTH 16
+Define this to be the number of bits a `long` takes up on your system. The
+default, if not autodetected, is 32 bits. This is used to figure out what kind
+of 64-bit support your system can handle. Does it need to specify a `long` or a
+`long long` to get a 64-bit value. On 16-bit systems, this option is going to be
+        #define UNITY_LONG_WIDTH 16
+Define this to be the number of bits a pointer takes up on your system. The
+default, if not autodetected, is 32-bits. If you're getting ugly compiler
+warnings about casting from pointers, this is the one to look at.
+        #define UNITY_POINTER_WIDTH 64
+##### `UNITY_SUPPORT_64`
+Unity will automatically include 64-bit support if it auto-detects it, or if
+your `int`, `long`, or pointer widths are greater than 32-bits. Define this to
+enable 64-bit support if none of the other options already did it for you. There
+can be a significant size and speed impact to enabling 64-bit support on small
+targets, so don't define it if you don't need it.
+        #define UNITY_SUPPORT_64
+### Floating Point Types
+In the embedded world, it's not uncommon for targets to have no support for
+floating point operations at all or to have support that is limited to only
+single precision. We are able to guess integer sizes on the fly because integers
+are always available in at least one size. Floating point, on the other hand, is
+sometimes not available at all. Trying to include `float.h` on these platforms
+would result in an error. This leaves manual configuration as the only option.
+By default, Unity guesses that you will want single precision floating point
+support, but not double precision. It's easy to change either of these using the
+include and exclude options here. You may include neither, either, or both, as
+suits your needs. For features that are enabled, the following floating point
+options also become available.
+        //what manner of strange processor is this?
+        #define UNITY_EXCLUDE_FLOAT
+        #define UNITY_INCLUDE_DOUBLE
+Unity aims for as small of a footprint as possible and avoids most standard
+library calls (some embedded platforms don’t have a standard library!). Because
+of this, its routines for printing integer values are minimalist and hand-coded.
+Therefore, the display of floating point values during a failure are optional.
+By default, Unity will print the actual results of floating point assertion
+failure (e.g. ”Expected 4.56 Was 4.68”). To not include this extra support, you
+can use this define to instead respond to a failed assertion with a message like
+”Values Not Within Delta”. If you would like verbose failure messages for floating
+point assertions, use these options to give more explicit failure messages.
+If enabled, Unity assumes you want your `FLOAT` asserts to compare standard C
+floats. If your compiler supports a specialty floating point type, you can
+always override this behavior by using this definition.
+        #define UNITY_FLOAT_TYPE float16_t
+If enabled, Unity assumes you want your `DOUBLE` asserts to compare standard C
+doubles. If you would like to change this, you can specify something else by
+using this option. For example, defining `UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE` to `long double`
+could enable gargantuan floating point types on your 64-bit processor instead of
+the standard `double`.
+        #define UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE long double
+documented in the big daddy Unity Assertion Guide, you will learn that they are
+not really asserting that two values are equal but rather that two values are
+"close enough" to equal. "Close enough" is controlled by these precision
+configuration options. If you are working with 32-bit floats and/or 64-bit
+doubles (the normal on most processors), you should have no need to change these
+options. They are both set to give you approximately 1 significant bit in either
+direction. The float precision is 0.00001 while the double is 10-12.
+For further details on how this works, see the appendix of the Unity Assertion
+        #define UNITY_FLOAT_PRECISION 0.001f
+### Toolset Customization
+In addition to the options listed above, there are a number of other options
+which will come in handy to customize Unity's behavior for your specific
+toolchain. It is possible that you may not need to touch any of these... but
+certain platforms, particularly those running in simulators, may need to jump
+through extra hoops to operate properly. These macros will help in those
+By default, Unity prints its results to `stdout` as it runs. This works
+perfectly fine in most situations where you are using a native compiler for
+testing. It works on some simulators as well so long as they have `stdout`
+routed back to the command line. There are times, however, where the simulator
+will lack support for dumping results or you will want to route results
+elsewhere for other reasons. In these cases, you should define the
+`UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR` macro. This macro accepts a single character at a time (as
+an `int`, since this is the parameter type of the standard C `putchar` function
+most commonly used). You may replace this with whatever function call you like.
+Say you are forced to run your test suite on an embedded processor with no
+`stdout` option. You decide to route your test result output to a custom serial
+`RS232_putc()` function you wrote like thus:
+        #define UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(a) RS232_putc(a)
+        #define UNITY_OUTPUT_START() RS232_config(115200,1,8,0)
+        #define UNITY_OUTPUT_FLUSH() RS232_flush()
+        #define UNITY_OUTPUT_COMPLETE() RS232_close()
+`UNITY_OUTPUT_FLUSH()` can be set to the standard out flush function simply by
+specifying `UNITY_USE_FLUSH_STDOUT`. No other defines are required. If you
+specify a custom flush function instead with `UNITY_OUTPUT_FLUSH` directly, it
+will declare an instance of your function by default. If you want to disable
+##### `UNITY_NO_WEAK`
+For some targets, Unity can make the otherwise required setUp() and tearDown()
+functions optional. This is a nice convenience for test writers since setUp and
+tearDown don’t often actually do anything. If you’re using gcc or clang, this
+option is automatically defined for you. Other compilers can also support this
+behavior, if they support a C feature called weak functions. A weak function is
+a function that is compiled into your executable unless a non-weak version of
+the same function is defined elsewhere. If a non-weak version is found, the weak
+version is ignored as if it never existed. If your compiler supports this feature,
+you can let Unity know by defining UNITY_WEAK_ATTRIBUTE or UNITY_WEAK_PRAGMA as
+the function attributes that would need to be applied to identify a function as
+weak. If your compiler lacks support for weak functions, you will always need to
+define setUp and tearDown functions (though they can be and often will be just
+empty). You can also force Unity to NOT use weak functions by defining
+UNITY_NO_WEAK. The most common options for this feature are:
+        #define UNITY_WEAK_ATTRIBUTE weak
+        #define UNITY_WEAK_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((weak))
+        #define UNITY_WEAK_PRAGMA
+        #define UNITY_NO_WEAK
+Some compilers require a custom attribute to be assigned to pointers, like
+`near` or `far`. In these cases, you can give Unity a safe default for these by
+defining this option with the attribute you would like.
+        #define UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((far))
+        #define UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE near
+By default, Unity outputs \n at the end of each line of output. This is easy
+to parse by the scripts, by Ceedling, etc, but it might not be ideal for YOUR
+system. Feel free to override this and to make it whatever you wish.
+This is an option for if you absolutely must squeeze every byte of memory out of
+your system. Unity stores a set of internal scratchpads which are used to pass
+extra detail information around. It's used by systems like CMock in order to
+report which function or argument flagged an error. If you're not using CMock and
+you're not using these details for other things, then you can exclude them.
+        #define UNITY_EXCLUDE_DETAILS
+If your embedded system doesn't support the standard library setjmp, you can
+exclude Unity's reliance on this by using this define. This dropped dependence
+comes at a price, though. You will be unable to use custom helper functions for
+your tests, and you will be unable to use tools like CMock. Very likely, if your
+compiler doesn't support setjmp, you wouldn't have had the memory space for those
+things anyway, though... so this option exists for those situations.
+        #define UNITY_EXCLUDE_SETJMP
+## Getting Into The Guts
+There will be cases where the options above aren't quite going to get everything
+perfect. They are likely sufficient for any situation where you are compiling
+and executing your tests with a native toolchain (e.g. clang on Mac). These
+options may even get you through the majority of cases encountered in working
+with a target simulator run from your local command line. But especially if you
+must run your test suite on your target hardware, your Unity configuration will
+require special help. This special help will usually reside in one of two
+places: the `main()` function or the `RUN_TEST` macro. Let's look at how these
+##### `main()`
+Each test module is compiled and run on its own, separate from the other test
+files in your project. Each test file, therefore, has a `main` function. This
+`main` function will need to contain whatever code is necessary to initialize
+your system to a workable state. This is particularly true for situations where
+you must set up a memory map or initialize a communication channel for the
+output of your test results.
+A simple main function looks something like this:
+        int main(void) {
+            UNITY_BEGIN();
+            RUN_TEST(test_TheFirst);
+            RUN_TEST(test_TheSecond);
+            RUN_TEST(test_TheThird);
+            return UNITY_END();
+        }
+You can see that our main function doesn't bother taking any arguments. For our
+most barebones case, we'll never have arguments because we just run all the
+tests each time. Instead, we start by calling `UNITY_BEGIN`. We run each test
+(in whatever order we wish). Finally, we call `UNITY_END`, returning its return
+value (which is the total number of failures).
+It should be easy to see that you can add code before any test cases are run or
+after all the test cases have completed. This allows you to do any needed
+system-wide setup or teardown that might be required for your special
+##### `RUN_TEST`
+The `RUN_TEST` macro is called with each test case function. Its job is to
+perform whatever setup and teardown is necessary for executing a single test
+case function. This includes catching failures, calling the test module's
+`setUp()` and `tearDown()` functions, and calling `UnityConcludeTest()`. If
+using CMock or test coverage, there will be additional stubs in use here. A
+simple minimalist RUN_TEST macro looks something like this:
+        #define RUN_TEST(testfunc) \
+            UNITY_NEW_TEST(#testfunc) \
+            if (TEST_PROTECT()) { \
+                setUp(); \
+                testfunc(); \
+            } \
+            if (TEST_PROTECT() && (!TEST_IS_IGNORED)) \
+                tearDown(); \
+            UnityConcludeTest();
+So that's quite a macro, huh? It gives you a glimpse of what kind of stuff Unity
+has to deal with for every single test case. For each test case, we declare that
+it is a new test. Then we run `setUp` and our test function. These are run
+within a `TEST_PROTECT` block, the function of which is to handle failures that
+occur during the test. Then, assuming our test is still running and hasn't been
+ignored, we run `tearDown`. No matter what, our last step is to conclude this
+test before moving on to the next.
+Let's say you need to add a call to `fsync` to force all of your output data to
+flush to a file after each test. You could easily insert this after your
+`UnityConcludeTest` call. Maybe you want to write an xml tag before and after
+each result set. Again, you could do this by adding lines to this macro. Updates
+to this macro are for the occasions when you need an action before or after
+every single test case throughout your entire suite of tests.
+## Happy Porting
+The defines and macros in this guide should help you port Unity to just about
+any C target we can imagine. If you run into a snag or two, don't be afraid of
+asking for help on the forums. We love a good challenge!
+*Find The Latest of This And More at [ThrowTheSwitch.org](https://throwtheswitch.org)*
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+# Unity - Getting Started
+## Welcome
+Congratulations. You're now the proud owner of your very own pile of bits! What
+are you going to do with all these ones and zeros? This document should be able
+to help you decide just that.
+Unity is a unit test framework. The goal has been to keep it small and
+functional. The core Unity test framework is three files: a single C file and a
+couple header files. These team up to provide functions and macros to make
+testing easier.
+Unity was designed to be cross platform. It works hard to stick with C standards
+while still providing support for the many embedded C compilers that bend the
+rules. Unity has been used with many compilers, including GCC, IAR, Clang,
+Green Hills, Microchip, and MS Visual Studio. It's not much work to get it to
+work with a new target.
+### Overview of the Documents
+#### Unity Assertions reference
+This document will guide you through all the assertion options provided by
+Unity. This is going to be your unit testing bread and butter. You'll spend more
+time with assertions than any other part of Unity.
+#### Unity Assertions Cheat Sheet
+This document contains an abridged summary of the assertions described in the
+previous document. It's perfect for printing and referencing while you
+familiarize yourself with Unity's options.
+#### Unity Configuration Guide
+This document is the one to reference when you are going to use Unity with a new
+target or compiler. It'll guide you through the configuration options and will
+help you customize your testing experience to meet your needs.
+#### Unity Helper Scripts
+This document describes the helper scripts that are available for simplifying
+your testing workflow. It describes the collection of optional Ruby scripts
+included in the auto directory of your Unity installation. Neither Ruby nor
+these scripts are necessary for using Unity. They are provided as a convenience
+for those who wish to use them.
+#### Unity License
+What's an open source project without a license file? This brief document
+describes the terms you're agreeing to when you use this software. Basically, we
+want it to be useful to you in whatever context you want to use it, but please
+don't blame us if you run into problems.
+### Overview of the Folders
+If you have obtained Unity through Github or something similar, you might be
+surprised by just how much stuff you suddenly have staring you in the face.
+Don't worry, Unity itself is very small. The rest of it is just there to make
+your life easier. You can ignore it or use it at your convenience. Here's an
+overview of everything in the project.
+- `src` - This is the code you care about! This folder contains a C file and two
+header files. These three files _are_ Unity.
+- `docs` - You're reading this document, so it's possible you have found your way
+into this folder already. This is where all the handy documentation can be
+- `examples` - This contains a few examples of using Unity.
+- `extras` - These are optional add ons to Unity that are not part of the core
+project. If you've reached us through James Grenning's book, you're going to
+want to look here.
+- `test` - This is how Unity and its scripts are all tested. If you're just using
+Unity, you'll likely never need to go in here. If you are the lucky team member
+who gets to port Unity to a new toolchain, this is a good place to verify
+everything is configured properly.
+- `auto` - Here you will find helpful Ruby scripts for simplifying your test
+workflow. They are purely optional and are not required to make use of Unity.
+## How to Create A Test File
+Test files are C files. Most often you will create a single test file for each C
+module that you want to test. The test file should include unity.h and the
+header for your C module to be tested.
+Next, a test file will include a `setUp()` and `tearDown()` function. The setUp
+function can contain anything you would like to run before each test. The
+tearDown function can contain anything you would like to run after each test.
+Both functions accept no arguments and return nothing. You may leave either or
+both of these blank if you have no need for them. If you're using a compiler
+that is configured to make these functions optional, you may leave them off
+completely. Not sure? Give it a try. If you compiler complains that it can't
+find setUp or tearDown when it links, you'll know you need to at least include
+an empty function for these.
+The majority of the file will be a series of test functions. Test functions
+follow the convention of starting with the word "test" or "spec". You don't HAVE
+to name them this way, but it makes it clear what functions are tests for other
+developers.  Test functions take no arguments and return nothing. All test
+accounting is handled internally in Unity.
+Finally, at the bottom of your test file, you will write a `main()` function.
+This function will call `UNITY_BEGIN()`, then `RUN_TEST` for each test, and
+finally `UNITY_END()`.This is what will actually trigger each of those test
+functions to run, so it is important that each function gets its own `RUN_TEST`
+Remembering to add each test to the main function can get to be tedious. If you
+enjoy using helper scripts in your build process, you might consider making use
+of our handy generate_test_runner.rb script. This will create the main function
+and all the calls for you, assuming that you have followed the suggested naming
+conventions. In this case, there is no need for you to include the main function
+in your test file at all.
+When you're done, your test file will look something like this:
+#include "unity.h"
+#include "file_to_test.h"
+void setUp(void) {
+    // set stuff up here
+void tearDown(void) {
+    // clean stuff up here
+void test_function_should_doBlahAndBlah(void) {
+    //test stuff
+void test_function_should_doAlsoDoBlah(void) {
+    //more test stuff
+int main(void) {
+    RUN_TEST(test_function_should_doBlahAndBlah);
+    RUN_TEST(test_function_should_doAlsoDoBlah);
+    return UNITY_END();
+It's possible that you will require more customization than this, eventually.
+For that sort of thing, you're going to want to look at the configuration guide.
+This should be enough to get you going, though.
+## How to Build and Run A Test File
+This is the single biggest challenge to picking up a new unit testing framework,
+at least in a language like C or C++. These languages are REALLY good at getting
+you "close to the metal" (why is the phrase metal? Wouldn't it be more accurate
+to say "close to the silicon"?). While this feature is usually a good thing, it
+can make testing more challenging.
+You have two really good options for toolchains. Depending on where you're
+coming from, it might surprise you that neither of these options is running the
+unit tests on your hardware.
+There are many reasons for this, but here's a short version:
+- On hardware, you have too many constraints (processing power, memory, etc),
+- On hardware, you don't have complete control over all registers,
+- On hardware, unit testing is more challenging,
+- Unit testing isn't System testing. Keep them separate.
+Instead of running your tests on your actual hardware, most developers choose to
+develop them as native applications (using gcc or MSVC for example) or as
+applications running on a simulator. Either is a good option. Native apps have
+the advantages of being faster and easier to set up. Simulator apps have the
+advantage of working with the same compiler as your target application. The
+options for configuring these are discussed in the configuration guide.
+To get either to work, you might need to make a few changes to the file
+containing your register set (discussed later).
+In either case, a test is built by linking unity, the test file, and the C
+file(s) being tested. These files create an executable which can be run as the
+test set for that module. Then, this process is repeated for the next test file.
+This flexibility of separating tests into individual executables allows us to
+much more thoroughly unit test our system and it keeps all the test code out of
+our final release!
+*Find The Latest of This And More at [ThrowTheSwitch.org](https://throwtheswitch.org)*
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+# Unity Helper Scripts
+## With a Little Help From Our Friends
+Sometimes what it takes to be a really efficient C programmer is a little non-C.
+The Unity project includes a couple Ruby scripts for making your life just a tad
+easier. They are completely optional. If you choose to use them, you'll need a
+copy of Ruby, of course. Just install whatever the latest version is, and it is
+likely to work. You can find Ruby at [ruby-lang.org](https://ruby-labg.org/).
+### `generate_test_runner.rb`
+Are you tired of creating your own `main` function in your test file? Do you
+keep forgetting to add a `RUN_TEST` call when you add a new test case to your
+suite? Do you want to use CMock or other fancy add-ons but don't want to figure
+out how to create your own `RUN_TEST` macro?
+Well then we have the perfect script for you!
+The `generate_test_runner` script processes a given test file and automatically
+creates a separate test runner file that includes ?main?to execute the test
+cases within the scanned test file. All you do then is add the generated runner
+to your list of files to be compiled and linked, and presto you're done!
+This script searches your test file for void function signatures having a
+function name beginning with "test" or "spec". It treats each of these
+functions as a test case and builds up a test suite of them. For example, the
+following includes three test cases:
+void testVerifyThatUnityIsAwesomeAndWillMakeYourLifeEasier(void)
+void test_FunctionName_should_WorkProperlyAndReturn8(void) {
+  ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(8, FunctionName());
+void spec_Function_should_DoWhatItIsSupposedToDo(void) {
+  ASSERT_NOT_NULL(Function(5));
+You can run this script a couple of ways. The first is from the command line:
+ruby generate_test_runner.rb TestFile.c NameOfRunner.c
+Alternatively, if you include only the test file parameter, the script will copy
+the name of the test file and automatically append "_Runner" to the name of the
+generated file. The example immediately below will create TestFile_Runner.c.
+ruby generate_test_runner.rb TestFile.c
+You can also add a [YAML](http://www.yaml.org/) file to configure extra options.
+Conveniently, this YAML file is of the same format as that used by Unity and
+CMock. So if you are using YAML files already, you can simply pass the very same
+file into the generator script.
+ruby generate_test_runner.rb TestFile.c my_config.yml
+The contents of the YAML file `my_config.yml` could look something like the
+example below. If you're wondering what some of these options do, you're going
+to love the next section of this document.
+  :includes:
+    - stdio.h
+    - microdefs.h
+  :cexception: 1
+  :suit_setup: "blah = malloc(1024);"
+  :suite_teardown: "free(blah);"
+If you would like to force your generated test runner to include one or more
+header files, you can just include those at the command line too. Just make sure
+these are _after_ the YAML file, if you are using one:
+ruby generate_test_runner.rb TestFile.c my_config.yml extras.h
+Another option, particularly if you are already using Ruby to orchestrate your
+builds - or more likely the Ruby-based build tool Rake - is requiring this
+script directly. Anything that you would have specified in a YAML file can be
+passed to the script as part of a hash. Let's push the exact same requirement
+set as we did above but this time through Ruby code directly:
+require "generate_test_runner.rb"
+options = {
+  :includes => ["stdio.h", "microdefs.h"],
+  :cexception => 1,
+  :suite_setup => "blah = malloc(1024);",
+  :suite_teardown => "free(blah);"
+UnityTestRunnerGenerator.new.run(testfile, runner_name, options)
+If you have multiple files to generate in a build script (such as a Rakefile),
+you might want to instantiate a generator object with your options and call it
+to generate each runner thereafter. Like thus:
+gen = UnityTestRunnerGenerator.new(options)
+test_files.each do |f|
+  gen.run(f, File.basename(f,'.c')+"Runner.c"
+#### Options accepted by generate_test_runner.rb:
+The following options are available when executing `generate_test_runner`. You
+may pass these as a Ruby hash directly or specify them in a YAML file, both of
+which are described above. In the `examples` directory, Example 3's Rakefile
+demonstrates using a Ruby hash.
+##### `:includes`
+This option specifies an array of file names to be ?#include?'d at the top of
+your runner C file. You might use it to reference custom types or anything else
+universally needed in your generated runners.
+##### `:suite_setup`
+Define this option with C code to be executed _before any_ test cases are run.
+##### `:suite_teardown`
+Define this option with C code to be executed ?after all?test cases have
+##### `:enforce_strict_ordering`
+This option should be defined if you have the strict order feature enabled in
+CMock (see CMock documentation). This generates extra variables required for
+everything to run smoothly. If you provide the same YAML to the generator as
+used in CMock's configuration, you've already configured the generator properly.
+##### `:plugins`
+This option specifies an array of plugins to be used (of course, the array can
+contain only a single plugin). This is your opportunity to enable support for
+CException support, which will add a check for unhandled exceptions in each
+test, reporting a failure if one is detected. To enable this feature using Ruby:
+:plugins => [ :cexception ]
+Or as a yaml file:
+  -:cexception
+If you are using CMock, it is very likely that you are already passing an array
+of plugins to CMock. You can just use the same array here. This script will just
+ignore the plugins that don't require additional support.
+### `unity_test_summary.rb`
+A Unity test file contains one or more test case functions. Each test case can
+pass, fail, or be ignored. Each test file is run individually producing results
+for its collection of test cases. A given project will almost certainly be
+composed of multiple test files. Therefore, the suite of tests is comprised of
+one or more test cases spread across one or more test files. This script
+aggregates individual test file results to generate a summary of all executed
+test cases. The output includes how many tests were run, how many were ignored,
+and how many failed. In addition, the output includes a listing of which
+specific tests were ignored and failed. A good example of the breadth and
+details of these results can be found in the `examples` directory. Intentionally
+ignored and failing tests in this project generate corresponding entries in the
+summary report.
+If you're interested in other (prettier?) output formats, check into the
+Ceedling build tool project (ceedling.sourceforge.net) that works with Unity and
+CMock and supports xunit-style xml as well as other goodies.
+This script assumes the existence of files ending with the extensions
+`.testpass` and `.testfail`.The contents of these files includes the test
+results summary corresponding to each test file executed with the extension set
+according to the presence or absence of failures for that test file. The script
+searches a specified path for these files, opens each one it finds, parses the
+results, and aggregates and prints a summary. Calling it from the command line
+looks like this:
+ruby unity_test_summary.rb build/test/
+You can optionally specify a root path as well. This is really helpful when you
+are using relative paths in your tools' setup, but you want to pull the summary
+into an IDE like Eclipse for clickable shortcuts.
+ruby unity_test_summary.rb build/test/ ~/projects/myproject/
+Or, if you're more of a Windows sort of person:
+ruby unity_test_summary.rb build\teat\ C:\projects\myproject\
+When configured correctly, you'll see a final summary, like so:
+blah.c:87:test_sandwiches_should_HaveCondiments:FAIL:Expected 1 was 0
+meh.c:38:test_soda_should_BeCalledPop:FAIL:Expected "pop" was "coke"
+How convenient is that?
+*Find The Latest of This And More at [ThrowTheSwitch.org](https://throwtheswitch.org)*
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+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) <year> 2007-14 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_1/makefile b/Unity/examples/example_1/makefile
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cca79b42a8833d1f5dcdaca86727301f72b1f0c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_1/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# ==========================================
+#   Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+#   Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+#   [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+#We try to detect the OS we are running on, and adjust commands as needed
+ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
+  ifeq ($(shell uname -s),) # not in a bash-like shell
+	CLEANUP = del /F /Q
+	MKDIR = mkdir
+  else # in a bash-like shell, like msys
+	CLEANUP = rm -f
+	MKDIR = mkdir -p
+  endif
+	CLEANUP = rm -f
+	MKDIR = mkdir -p
+ifeq ($(shell uname -s), Darwin)
+CFLAGS += -Wall
+CFLAGS += -Wextra
+CFLAGS += -Wpointer-arith
+CFLAGS += -Wcast-align
+CFLAGS += -Wwrite-strings
+CFLAGS += -Wswitch-default
+CFLAGS += -Wunreachable-code
+CFLAGS += -Winit-self
+CFLAGS += -Wmissing-field-initializers
+CFLAGS += -Wno-unknown-pragmas
+CFLAGS += -Wstrict-prototypes
+CFLAGS += -Wundef
+CFLAGS += -Wold-style-definition
+SRC_FILES1=$(UNITY_ROOT)/src/unity.c src/ProductionCode.c  test/TestProductionCode.c  test/test_runners/TestProductionCode_Runner.c
+SRC_FILES2=$(UNITY_ROOT)/src/unity.c src/ProductionCode2.c test/TestProductionCode2.c test/test_runners/TestProductionCode2_Runner.c
+all: clean default
+default: $(SRC_FILES1) $(SRC_FILES2)
+	- ./$(TARGET1)
+	./$(TARGET2)
+test/test_runners/TestProductionCode_Runner.c: test/TestProductionCode.c
+	ruby $(UNITY_ROOT)/auto/generate_test_runner.rb test/TestProductionCode.c  test/test_runners/TestProductionCode_Runner.c
+test/test_runners/TestProductionCode2_Runner.c: test/TestProductionCode2.c
+	ruby $(UNITY_ROOT)/auto/generate_test_runner.rb test/TestProductionCode2.c test/test_runners/TestProductionCode2_Runner.c
+ci: CFLAGS += -Werror
+ci: default
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_1/readme.txt b/Unity/examples/example_1/readme.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dfed81502293e43d15b55be05f3900912dc10911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_1/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Example 1
+Close to the simplest possible example of Unity, using only basic features.
+Run make to build & run the example tests.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_1/src/ProductionCode.c b/Unity/examples/example_1/src/ProductionCode.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d039c3e896ae3aef849d987d59fb24ce0ba7be20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_1/src/ProductionCode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#include "ProductionCode.h"
+int Counter = 0;
+int NumbersToFind[9] = { 0, 34, 55, 66, 32, 11, 1, 77, 888 }; /* some obnoxious array to search that is 1-based indexing instead of 0. */
+/* This function is supposed to search through NumbersToFind and find a particular number.  
+ * If it finds it, the index is returned.  Otherwise 0 is returned which sorta makes sense since 
+ * NumbersToFind is indexed from 1.  Unfortunately it's broken 
+ * (and should therefore be caught by our tests) */
+int FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(int NumberToFind)
+    int i = 0;
+    while (i <= 8) /* Notice I should have been in braces */
+        i++;
+        if (NumbersToFind[i] == NumberToFind) /* Yikes!  I'm getting run after the loop finishes instead of during it! */
+            return i;
+    return 0;
+int FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable(void)
+    return Counter;
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_1/src/ProductionCode.h b/Unity/examples/example_1/src/ProductionCode.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..250ca0dc6fe9c1f30238da929c9e685a972fbf3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_1/src/ProductionCode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+int FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(int NumberToFind);
+int FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable(void);
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_1/src/ProductionCode2.c b/Unity/examples/example_1/src/ProductionCode2.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98ee7eebc044f8ceb9e083e8003d59dd17f6ff4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_1/src/ProductionCode2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "ProductionCode2.h"
+char* ThisFunctionHasNotBeenTested(int Poor, char* LittleFunction)
+  (void)Poor;
+  (void)LittleFunction;
+  /* Since There Are No Tests Yet, This Function Could Be Empty For All We Know.
+   * Which isn't terribly useful... but at least we put in a TEST_IGNORE so we won't forget */
+  return (char*)0;
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_1/src/ProductionCode2.h b/Unity/examples/example_1/src/ProductionCode2.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34ae980d182f27aedad61bd012f642e6dd160a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_1/src/ProductionCode2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+char* ThisFunctionHasNotBeenTested(int Poor, char* LittleFunction);
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_1/test/TestProductionCode.c b/Unity/examples/example_1/test/TestProductionCode.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..806088625176f1da4526b17e67b1d2ee7531dfde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_1/test/TestProductionCode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#include "ProductionCode.h"
+#include "unity.h"
+/* sometimes you may want to get at local data in a module.
+ * for example: If you plan to pass by reference, this could be useful
+ * however, it should often be avoided */
+extern int Counter; 
+void setUp(void)
+  /* This is run before EACH TEST */
+  Counter = 0x5a5a;
+void tearDown(void)
+void test_FindFunction_WhichIsBroken_ShouldReturnZeroIfItemIsNotInList_WhichWorksEvenInOurBrokenCode(void)
+  /* All of these should pass */
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(78));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(1));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(33));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(999));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(-1));
+void test_FindFunction_WhichIsBroken_ShouldReturnTheIndexForItemsInList_WhichWillFailBecauseOurFunctionUnderTestIsBroken(void)
+  /* You should see this line fail in your test summary */
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(34));
+  /* Notice the rest of these didn't get a chance to run because the line above failed.  
+   * Unit tests abort each test function on the first sign of trouble. 
+   * Then NEXT test function runs as normal. */
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(8, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(8888));
+void test_FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValue(void)
+    /* This should be true because setUp set this up for us before this test */
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x5a5a, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable());
+    /* This should be true because we can still change our answer */
+    Counter = 0x1234;
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x1234, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable());
+void test_FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValueAgain(void)
+    /* This should be true again because setup was rerun before this test (and after we changed it to 0x1234) */
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x5a5a, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable());
+void test_FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnCurrentCounter_ButFailsBecauseThisTestIsActuallyFlawed(void)
+    /* Sometimes you get the test wrong.  When that happens, you get a failure too... and a quick look should tell
+     * you what actually happened...which in this case was a failure to setup the initial condition. */
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x1234, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable());
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_1/test/TestProductionCode2.c b/Unity/examples/example_1/test/TestProductionCode2.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d940c171cfc35d834e0bcb3b7c0d57ae9bf2e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_1/test/TestProductionCode2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "ProductionCode2.h"
+#include "unity.h"
+/* These should be ignored because they are commented out in various ways:
+#include "whatever.h" 
+#include "somethingelse.h"
+void setUp(void)
+void tearDown(void)
+void test_IgnoredTest(void)
+    TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("This Test Was Ignored On Purpose");
+void test_AnotherIgnoredTest(void)
+    TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("These Can Be Useful For Leaving Yourself Notes On What You Need To Do Yet");
+void test_ThisFunctionHasNotBeenTested_NeedsToBeImplemented(void)
+    TEST_IGNORE(); /* Like This */
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_1/test/test_runners/TestProductionCode2_Runner.c b/Unity/examples/example_1/test/test_runners/TestProductionCode2_Runner.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf72c219d2c8fe7df1fb0f5ed5d818ade49f9c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_1/test/test_runners/TestProductionCode2_Runner.c
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/*=======Test Runner Used To Run Each Test Below=====*/
+#define RUN_TEST(TestFunc, TestLineNum) \
+{ \
+  Unity.CurrentTestName = #TestFunc; \
+  Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber = TestLineNum; \
+  Unity.NumberOfTests++; \
+  if (TEST_PROTECT()) \
+  { \
+      setUp(); \
+      TestFunc(); \
+  } \
+  if (TEST_PROTECT()) \
+  { \
+    tearDown(); \
+  } \
+  UnityConcludeTest(); \
+/*=======Automagically Detected Files To Include=====*/
+#include "unity.h"
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "ProductionCode2.h"
+/*=======External Functions This Runner Calls=====*/
+extern void setUp(void);
+extern void tearDown(void);
+extern void test_IgnoredTest(void);
+extern void test_AnotherIgnoredTest(void);
+extern void test_ThisFunctionHasNotBeenTested_NeedsToBeImplemented(void);
+/*=======Test Reset Option=====*/
+void resetTest(void);
+void resetTest(void)
+  tearDown();
+  setUp();
+int main(void)
+  UnityBegin("test/TestProductionCode2.c");
+  RUN_TEST(test_IgnoredTest, 18);
+  RUN_TEST(test_AnotherIgnoredTest, 23);
+  RUN_TEST(test_ThisFunctionHasNotBeenTested_NeedsToBeImplemented, 28);
+  return (UnityEnd());
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_1/test/test_runners/TestProductionCode_Runner.c b/Unity/examples/example_1/test/test_runners/TestProductionCode_Runner.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b49af748cd3b4176acb2056e0f526233ec50906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_1/test/test_runners/TestProductionCode_Runner.c
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/*=======Test Runner Used To Run Each Test Below=====*/
+#define RUN_TEST(TestFunc, TestLineNum) \
+{ \
+  Unity.CurrentTestName = #TestFunc; \
+  Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber = TestLineNum; \
+  Unity.NumberOfTests++; \
+  if (TEST_PROTECT()) \
+  { \
+      setUp(); \
+      TestFunc(); \
+  } \
+  if (TEST_PROTECT()) \
+  { \
+    tearDown(); \
+  } \
+  UnityConcludeTest(); \
+/*=======Automagically Detected Files To Include=====*/
+#include "unity.h"
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "ProductionCode.h"
+/*=======External Functions This Runner Calls=====*/
+extern void setUp(void);
+extern void tearDown(void);
+extern void test_FindFunction_WhichIsBroken_ShouldReturnZeroIfItemIsNotInList_WhichWorksEvenInOurBrokenCode(void);
+extern void test_FindFunction_WhichIsBroken_ShouldReturnTheIndexForItemsInList_WhichWillFailBecauseOurFunctionUnderTestIsBroken(void);
+extern void test_FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValue(void);
+extern void test_FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValueAgain(void);
+extern void test_FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnCurrentCounter_ButFailsBecauseThisTestIsActuallyFlawed(void);
+/*=======Test Reset Option=====*/
+void resetTest(void);
+void resetTest(void)
+  tearDown();
+  setUp();
+int main(void)
+  UnityBegin("test/TestProductionCode.c");
+  RUN_TEST(test_FindFunction_WhichIsBroken_ShouldReturnZeroIfItemIsNotInList_WhichWorksEvenInOurBrokenCode, 20);
+  RUN_TEST(test_FindFunction_WhichIsBroken_ShouldReturnTheIndexForItemsInList_WhichWillFailBecauseOurFunctionUnderTestIsBroken, 30);
+  RUN_TEST(test_FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValue, 41);
+  RUN_TEST(test_FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValueAgain, 51);
+  RUN_TEST(test_FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnCurrentCounter_ButFailsBecauseThisTestIsActuallyFlawed, 57);
+  return (UnityEnd());
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_2/makefile b/Unity/examples/example_2/makefile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..99d8d9681b76ab1d52b76b78cbbefc7813f32612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_2/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# ==========================================
+#   Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+#   Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+#   [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+#We try to detect the OS we are running on, and adjust commands as needed
+ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
+  ifeq ($(shell uname -s),) # not in a bash-like shell
+	CLEANUP = del /F /Q
+	MKDIR = mkdir
+  else # in a bash-like shell, like msys
+	CLEANUP = rm -f
+	MKDIR = mkdir -p
+  endif
+	CLEANUP = rm -f
+	MKDIR = mkdir -p
+ifeq ($(shell uname -s), Darwin)
+CFLAGS += -Wall
+CFLAGS += -Wextra
+CFLAGS += -Wpointer-arith
+CFLAGS += -Wcast-align
+CFLAGS += -Wwrite-strings
+CFLAGS += -Wswitch-default
+CFLAGS += -Wunreachable-code
+CFLAGS += -Winit-self
+CFLAGS += -Wmissing-field-initializers
+CFLAGS += -Wno-unknown-pragmas
+CFLAGS += -Wstrict-prototypes
+CFLAGS += -Wundef
+CFLAGS += -Wold-style-definition
+  $(UNITY_ROOT)/src/unity.c \
+  $(UNITY_ROOT)/extras/fixture/src/unity_fixture.c \
+  src/ProductionCode.c \
+  src/ProductionCode2.c \
+  test/TestProductionCode.c \
+  test/TestProductionCode2.c \
+  test/test_runners/TestProductionCode_Runner.c \
+  test/test_runners/TestProductionCode2_Runner.c \
+  test/test_runners/all_tests.c
+INC_DIRS=-Isrc -I$(UNITY_ROOT)/src -I$(UNITY_ROOT)/extras/fixture/src
+all: clean default
+	- ./$(TARGET1) -v
+ci: CFLAGS += -Werror
+ci: default
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_2/readme.txt b/Unity/examples/example_2/readme.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0fce657cf7901b0b18041783e01840f16bd14d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_2/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Example 2
+Same as the first example, but now using Unity's test fixture to group tests
+together. Using the test fixture also makes writing test runners much easier.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_2/src/ProductionCode.c b/Unity/examples/example_2/src/ProductionCode.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..500b44b52f35349d7ee80d4ca31fafbc669364a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_2/src/ProductionCode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#include "ProductionCode.h"
+int Counter = 0;
+int NumbersToFind[9] = { 0, 34, 55, 66, 32, 11, 1, 77, 888 }; //some obnoxious array to search that is 1-based indexing instead of 0.
+// This function is supposed to search through NumbersToFind and find a particular number.  
+// If it finds it, the index is returned.  Otherwise 0 is returned which sorta makes sense since 
+// NumbersToFind is indexed from 1.  Unfortunately it's broken 
+// (and should therefore be caught by our tests)
+int FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(int NumberToFind)
+    int i = 0;
+    while (i <= 8) //Notice I should have been in braces
+        i++;
+        if (NumbersToFind[i] == NumberToFind) //Yikes!  I'm getting run after the loop finishes instead of during it!
+            return i;
+    return 0;
+int FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable(void)
+    return Counter;
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_2/src/ProductionCode.h b/Unity/examples/example_2/src/ProductionCode.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..250ca0dc6fe9c1f30238da929c9e685a972fbf3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_2/src/ProductionCode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+int FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(int NumberToFind);
+int FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable(void);
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_2/src/ProductionCode2.c b/Unity/examples/example_2/src/ProductionCode2.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77c969f1746c3c636ab991ff7dbb3e7aa2ee402b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_2/src/ProductionCode2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "ProductionCode2.h"
+char* ThisFunctionHasNotBeenTested(int Poor, char* LittleFunction)
+  (void)Poor;
+  (void)LittleFunction;
+  //Since There Are No Tests Yet, This Function Could Be Empty For All We Know.
+  // Which isn't terribly useful... but at least we put in a TEST_IGNORE so we won't forget
+  return (char*)0;
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_2/src/ProductionCode2.h b/Unity/examples/example_2/src/ProductionCode2.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34ae980d182f27aedad61bd012f642e6dd160a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_2/src/ProductionCode2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+char* ThisFunctionHasNotBeenTested(int Poor, char* LittleFunction);
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_2/test/TestProductionCode.c b/Unity/examples/example_2/test/TestProductionCode.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff318abbbdeb54b49ab96facf11e8f26f7b78891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_2/test/TestProductionCode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "ProductionCode.h"
+#include "unity.h"
+#include "unity_fixture.h"
+//sometimes you may want to get at local data in a module.
+//for example: If you plan to pass by reference, this could be useful
+//however, it should often be avoided
+extern int Counter;
+  //This is run before EACH TEST
+  Counter = 0x5a5a;
+TEST(ProductionCode, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken_ShouldReturnZeroIfItemIsNotInList_WhichWorksEvenInOurBrokenCode)
+  //All of these should pass
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(78));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(1));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(33));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(999));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(-1));
+TEST(ProductionCode, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken_ShouldReturnTheIndexForItemsInList_WhichWillFailBecauseOurFunctionUnderTestIsBroken)
+  // You should see this line fail in your test summary
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(34));
+  // Notice the rest of these didn't get a chance to run because the line above failed.
+  // Unit tests abort each test function on the first sign of trouble.
+  // Then NEXT test function runs as normal.
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(8, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(8888));
+TEST(ProductionCode, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValue)
+    //This should be true because setUp set this up for us before this test
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x5a5a, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable());
+    //This should be true because we can still change our answer
+    Counter = 0x1234;
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x1234, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable());
+TEST(ProductionCode, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValueAgain)
+    //This should be true again because setup was rerun before this test (and after we changed it to 0x1234)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x5a5a, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable());
+TEST(ProductionCode, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnCurrentCounter_ButFailsBecauseThisTestIsActuallyFlawed)
+    //Sometimes you get the test wrong.  When that happens, you get a failure too... and a quick look should tell
+    // you what actually happened...which in this case was a failure to setup the initial condition.
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x1234, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable());
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_2/test/TestProductionCode2.c b/Unity/examples/example_2/test/TestProductionCode2.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9f4efe318aac91cf3b96edf9204d45181014196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_2/test/TestProductionCode2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "ProductionCode2.h"
+#include "unity.h"
+#include "unity_fixture.h"
+/* These should be ignored because they are commented out in various ways:
+#include "whatever.h"
+//#include "somethingelse.h"
+TEST(ProductionCode2, IgnoredTest)
+    TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("This Test Was Ignored On Purpose");
+TEST(ProductionCode2, AnotherIgnoredTest)
+    TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("These Can Be Useful For Leaving Yourself Notes On What You Need To Do Yet");
+TEST(ProductionCode2, ThisFunctionHasNotBeenTested_NeedsToBeImplemented)
+    TEST_IGNORE(); //Like This
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_2/test/test_runners/TestProductionCode2_Runner.c b/Unity/examples/example_2/test/test_runners/TestProductionCode2_Runner.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6fcc3b120430597d266fc92eebde5ee3a297a200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_2/test/test_runners/TestProductionCode2_Runner.c
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#include "unity.h"
+#include "unity_fixture.h"
+  RUN_TEST_CASE(ProductionCode2, IgnoredTest);
+  RUN_TEST_CASE(ProductionCode2, AnotherIgnoredTest);
+  RUN_TEST_CASE(ProductionCode2, ThisFunctionHasNotBeenTested_NeedsToBeImplemented);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_2/test/test_runners/TestProductionCode_Runner.c b/Unity/examples/example_2/test/test_runners/TestProductionCode_Runner.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41a416a6e006af79f287a025d1ed56363b5dba35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_2/test/test_runners/TestProductionCode_Runner.c
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "unity.h"
+#include "unity_fixture.h"
+  RUN_TEST_CASE(ProductionCode, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken_ShouldReturnZeroIfItemIsNotInList_WhichWorksEvenInOurBrokenCode);
+  RUN_TEST_CASE(ProductionCode, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken_ShouldReturnTheIndexForItemsInList_WhichWillFailBecauseOurFunctionUnderTestIsBroken);
+  RUN_TEST_CASE(ProductionCode, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValue);
+  RUN_TEST_CASE(ProductionCode, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValueAgain);
+  RUN_TEST_CASE(ProductionCode, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnCurrentCounter_ButFailsBecauseThisTestIsActuallyFlawed);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_2/test/test_runners/all_tests.c b/Unity/examples/example_2/test/test_runners/all_tests.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e706ece7d09f67fb73489c6f0e6d5553ffb809c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_2/test/test_runners/all_tests.c
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#include "unity_fixture.h"
+static void RunAllTests(void)
+  RUN_TEST_GROUP(ProductionCode);
+  RUN_TEST_GROUP(ProductionCode2);
+int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
+  return UnityMain(argc, argv, RunAllTests);
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_3/helper/UnityHelper.c b/Unity/examples/example_3/helper/UnityHelper.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9cf42c6784c86ae12b4a771ef70bed935e112046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_3/helper/UnityHelper.c
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#include "unity.h"
+#include "UnityHelper.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+void AssertEqualExampleStruct(const EXAMPLE_STRUCT_T expected, const EXAMPLE_STRUCT_T actual, const unsigned short line)
+    UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(expected.x, actual.x, line, "Example Struct Failed For Field x");
+    UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(expected.y, actual.y, line, "Example Struct Failed For Field y");
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_3/helper/UnityHelper.h b/Unity/examples/example_3/helper/UnityHelper.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..151611158a9181d629ba31c31546184def587d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_3/helper/UnityHelper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#ifndef _TESTHELPER_H
+#define _TESTHELPER_H
+#include "Types.h"
+void AssertEqualExampleStruct(const EXAMPLE_STRUCT_T expected, const EXAMPLE_STRUCT_T actual, const unsigned short line);
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_EXAMPLE_STRUCT_T(expected, actual, line, message) AssertEqualExampleStruct(expected, actual, line);
+#endif // _TESTHELPER_H
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_3/rakefile.rb b/Unity/examples/example_3/rakefile.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf9f42be126b3962d1ed60976286bb6ebb36c503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_3/rakefile.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+HERE = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/'
+UNITY_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/../..'
+require 'rake'
+require 'rake/clean'
+require HERE + 'rakefile_helper'
+  File.join(HERE, 'build')
+TEMP_DIRS.each do |dir|
+  directory(dir)
+  CLOBBER.include(dir)
+task prepare_for_tests: TEMP_DIRS
+include RakefileHelpers
+# Load default configuration, for now
+DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = 'target_gcc_32.yml'.freeze
+task unit: [:prepare_for_tests] do
+  run_tests unit_test_files
+desc 'Generate test summary'
+task :summary do
+  report_summary
+desc 'Build and test Unity'
+task all: %i(clean unit summary)
+task default: %i(clobber all)
+task ci: [:default]
+task cruise: [:default]
+desc 'Load configuration'
+task :config, :config_file do |_t, args|
+  configure_toolchain(args[:config_file])
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_3/rakefile_helper.rb b/Unity/examples/example_3/rakefile_helper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a186cf0ff5260995993aff7cfa500e3566db14c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_3/rakefile_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+require 'yaml'
+require 'fileutils'
+require UNITY_ROOT + '/auto/unity_test_summary'
+require UNITY_ROOT + '/auto/generate_test_runner'
+require UNITY_ROOT + '/auto/colour_reporter'
+module RakefileHelpers
+  C_EXTENSION = '.c'.freeze
+  def load_configuration(config_file)
+    $cfg_file = config_file
+    $cfg = YAML.load(File.read($cfg_file))
+  end
+  def configure_clean
+    CLEAN.include($cfg['compiler']['build_path'] + '*.*') unless $cfg['compiler']['build_path'].nil?
+  end
+  def configure_toolchain(config_file = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)
+    config_file += '.yml' unless config_file =~ /\.yml$/
+    load_configuration(config_file)
+    configure_clean
+  end
+  def unit_test_files
+    path = $cfg['compiler']['unit_tests_path'] + 'Test*' + C_EXTENSION
+    path.tr!('\\', '/')
+    FileList.new(path)
+  end
+  def local_include_dirs
+    include_dirs = $cfg['compiler']['includes']['items'].dup
+    include_dirs.delete_if { |dir| dir.is_a?(Array) }
+    include_dirs
+  end
+  def extract_headers(filename)
+    includes = []
+    lines = File.readlines(filename)
+    lines.each do |line|
+      m = line.match(/^\s*#include\s+\"\s*(.+\.[hH])\s*\"/)
+      includes << m[1] unless m.nil?
+    end
+    includes
+  end
+  def find_source_file(header, paths)
+    paths.each do |dir|
+      src_file = dir + header.ext(C_EXTENSION)
+      return src_file if File.exist?(src_file)
+    end
+    nil
+  end
+  def tackit(strings)
+    result = if strings.is_a?(Array)
+               "\"#{strings.join}\""
+             else
+               strings
+             end
+    result
+  end
+  def squash(prefix, items)
+    result = ''
+    items.each { |item| result += " #{prefix}#{tackit(item)}" }
+    result
+  end
+  def build_compiler_fields
+    command = tackit($cfg['compiler']['path'])
+    defines = if $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'].nil?
+                ''
+              else
+                squash($cfg['compiler']['defines']['prefix'], $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'])
+              end
+    options  = squash('', $cfg['compiler']['options'])
+    includes = squash($cfg['compiler']['includes']['prefix'], $cfg['compiler']['includes']['items'])
+    includes = includes.gsub(/\\ /, ' ').gsub(/\\\"/, '"').gsub(/\\$/, '') # Remove trailing slashes (for IAR)
+    { command: command, defines: defines, options: options, includes: includes }
+  end
+  def compile(file, _defines = [])
+    compiler = build_compiler_fields
+    cmd_str  = "#{compiler[:command]}#{compiler[:defines]}#{compiler[:options]}#{compiler[:includes]} #{file} " \
+               "#{$cfg['compiler']['object_files']['prefix']}#{$cfg['compiler']['object_files']['destination']}"
+    obj_file = "#{File.basename(file, C_EXTENSION)}#{$cfg['compiler']['object_files']['extension']}"
+    execute(cmd_str + obj_file)
+    obj_file
+  end
+  def build_linker_fields
+    command = tackit($cfg['linker']['path'])
+    options = if $cfg['linker']['options'].nil?
+                ''
+              else
+                squash('', $cfg['linker']['options'])
+              end
+    includes = if $cfg['linker']['includes'].nil? || $cfg['linker']['includes']['items'].nil?
+                 ''
+               else
+                 squash($cfg['linker']['includes']['prefix'], $cfg['linker']['includes']['items'])
+               end.gsub(/\\ /, ' ').gsub(/\\\"/, '"').gsub(/\\$/, '') # Remove trailing slashes (for IAR)
+    { command: command, options: options, includes: includes }
+  end
+  def link_it(exe_name, obj_list)
+    linker = build_linker_fields
+    cmd_str = "#{linker[:command]}#{linker[:options]}#{linker[:includes]} " +
+              (obj_list.map { |obj| "#{$cfg['linker']['object_files']['path']}#{obj} " }).join +
+              $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['prefix'] + ' ' +
+              $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['destination'] +
+              exe_name + $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['extension']
+    execute(cmd_str)
+  end
+  def build_simulator_fields
+    return nil if $cfg['simulator'].nil?
+    command = if $cfg['simulator']['path'].nil?
+                ''
+              else
+                (tackit($cfg['simulator']['path']) + ' ')
+              end
+    pre_support = if $cfg['simulator']['pre_support'].nil?
+                    ''
+                  else
+                    squash('', $cfg['simulator']['pre_support'])
+                  end
+    post_support = if $cfg['simulator']['post_support'].nil?
+                     ''
+                   else
+                     squash('', $cfg['simulator']['post_support'])
+                   end
+    { command: command, pre_support: pre_support, post_support: post_support }
+  end
+  def execute(command_string, verbose = true, raise_on_fail = true)
+    report command_string
+    output = `#{command_string}`.chomp
+    report(output) if verbose && !output.nil? && !output.empty?
+    if !$?.exitstatus.zero? && raise_on_fail
+      raise "Command failed. (Returned #{$?.exitstatus})"
+    end
+    output
+  end
+  def report_summary
+    summary = UnityTestSummary.new
+    summary.root = HERE
+    results_glob = "#{$cfg['compiler']['build_path']}*.test*"
+    results_glob.tr!('\\', '/')
+    results = Dir[results_glob]
+    summary.targets = results
+    summary.run
+    fail_out 'FAIL: There were failures' if summary.failures > 0
+  end
+  def run_tests(test_files)
+    report 'Running system tests...'
+    # Tack on TEST define for compiling unit tests
+    load_configuration($cfg_file)
+    test_defines = ['TEST']
+    $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'] = [] if $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'].nil?
+    $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'] << 'TEST'
+    include_dirs = local_include_dirs
+    # Build and execute each unit test
+    test_files.each do |test|
+      obj_list = []
+      # Detect dependencies and build required required modules
+      extract_headers(test).each do |header|
+        # Compile corresponding source file if it exists
+        src_file = find_source_file(header, include_dirs)
+        obj_list << compile(src_file, test_defines) unless src_file.nil?
+      end
+      # Build the test runner (generate if configured to do so)
+      test_base = File.basename(test, C_EXTENSION)
+      runner_name = test_base + '_Runner.c'
+      if $cfg['compiler']['runner_path'].nil?
+        runner_path = $cfg['compiler']['build_path'] + runner_name
+        test_gen = UnityTestRunnerGenerator.new($cfg_file)
+        test_gen.run(test, runner_path)
+      else
+        runner_path = $cfg['compiler']['runner_path'] + runner_name
+      end
+      obj_list << compile(runner_path, test_defines)
+      # Build the test module
+      obj_list << compile(test, test_defines)
+      # Link the test executable
+      link_it(test_base, obj_list)
+      # Execute unit test and generate results file
+      simulator = build_simulator_fields
+      executable = $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['destination'] + test_base + $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['extension']
+      cmd_str = if simulator.nil?
+                  executable
+                else
+                  "#{simulator[:command]} #{simulator[:pre_support]} #{executable} #{simulator[:post_support]}"
+                end
+      output = execute(cmd_str, true, false)
+      test_results = $cfg['compiler']['build_path'] + test_base
+      test_results += if output.match(/OK$/m).nil?
+                        '.testfail'
+                      else
+                        '.testpass'
+                      end
+      File.open(test_results, 'w') { |f| f.print output }
+    end
+  end
+  def build_application(main)
+    report 'Building application...'
+    obj_list = []
+    load_configuration($cfg_file)
+    main_path = $cfg['compiler']['source_path'] + main + C_EXTENSION
+    # Detect dependencies and build required required modules
+    include_dirs = get_local_include_dirs
+    extract_headers(main_path).each do |header|
+      src_file = find_source_file(header, include_dirs)
+      obj_list << compile(src_file) unless src_file.nil?
+    end
+    # Build the main source file
+    main_base = File.basename(main_path, C_EXTENSION)
+    obj_list << compile(main_path)
+    # Create the executable
+    link_it(main_base, obj_list)
+  end
+  def fail_out(msg)
+    puts msg
+    puts 'Not returning exit code so continuous integration can pass'
+    #    exit(-1) # Only removed to pass example_3, which has failing tests on purpose.
+    #               Still fail if the build fails for any other reason.
+  end
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_3/readme.txt b/Unity/examples/example_3/readme.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7371fea05a0c1d222fc671c488587be283b6affc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_3/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Example 3
+This example project gives an example of some passing, ignored, and failing tests.
+It's simple and meant for you to look over and get an idea for what all of this stuff does.
+You can build and test using rake. The rake version will let you test with gcc or a couple
+versions of IAR.  You can tweak the yaml files to get those versions running.
+Ruby is required if you're using the rake version (obviously).  This version shows off most of
+Unity's advanced features (automatically creating test runners, fancy summaries, etc.)
+Without ruby, you have to maintain your own test runners.  Do that for a while and you'll learn
+why you really want to start using the Ruby tools.
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_3/src/ProductionCode.c b/Unity/examples/example_3/src/ProductionCode.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..500b44b52f35349d7ee80d4ca31fafbc669364a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_3/src/ProductionCode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#include "ProductionCode.h"
+int Counter = 0;
+int NumbersToFind[9] = { 0, 34, 55, 66, 32, 11, 1, 77, 888 }; //some obnoxious array to search that is 1-based indexing instead of 0.
+// This function is supposed to search through NumbersToFind and find a particular number.  
+// If it finds it, the index is returned.  Otherwise 0 is returned which sorta makes sense since 
+// NumbersToFind is indexed from 1.  Unfortunately it's broken 
+// (and should therefore be caught by our tests)
+int FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(int NumberToFind)
+    int i = 0;
+    while (i <= 8) //Notice I should have been in braces
+        i++;
+        if (NumbersToFind[i] == NumberToFind) //Yikes!  I'm getting run after the loop finishes instead of during it!
+            return i;
+    return 0;
+int FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable(void)
+    return Counter;
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_3/src/ProductionCode.h b/Unity/examples/example_3/src/ProductionCode.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..250ca0dc6fe9c1f30238da929c9e685a972fbf3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_3/src/ProductionCode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+int FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(int NumberToFind);
+int FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable(void);
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_3/src/ProductionCode2.c b/Unity/examples/example_3/src/ProductionCode2.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77c969f1746c3c636ab991ff7dbb3e7aa2ee402b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_3/src/ProductionCode2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "ProductionCode2.h"
+char* ThisFunctionHasNotBeenTested(int Poor, char* LittleFunction)
+  (void)Poor;
+  (void)LittleFunction;
+  //Since There Are No Tests Yet, This Function Could Be Empty For All We Know.
+  // Which isn't terribly useful... but at least we put in a TEST_IGNORE so we won't forget
+  return (char*)0;
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_3/src/ProductionCode2.h b/Unity/examples/example_3/src/ProductionCode2.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34ae980d182f27aedad61bd012f642e6dd160a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_3/src/ProductionCode2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+char* ThisFunctionHasNotBeenTested(int Poor, char* LittleFunction);
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_3/target_gcc_32.yml b/Unity/examples/example_3/target_gcc_32.yml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f155508c627ee52d4e5b34a33a2d6741baba55fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_3/target_gcc_32.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Copied from ~Unity/targets/gcc_32.yml
+unity_root:  &unity_root '../..'
+  path: gcc
+  source_path:     'src/'
+  unit_tests_path: &unit_tests_path 'test/'
+  build_path:      &build_path 'build/'
+  options:
+    - '-c'
+    - '-m32'
+    - '-Wall'
+    - '-Wno-address'
+    - '-std=c99'
+    - '-pedantic'
+  includes:
+    prefix: '-I'
+    items:
+      - 'src/'
+      - '../../src/'
+      - *unit_tests_path
+  defines:
+    prefix: '-D'
+    items:
+  object_files:
+    prefix: '-o'
+    extension: '.o'
+    destination: *build_path
+  path: gcc
+  options:
+    - -lm
+    - '-m32'
+  includes:
+    prefix: '-I'
+  object_files:
+    path: *build_path
+    extension: '.o'
+  bin_files:
+    prefix: '-o'
+    extension: '.exe'
+    destination: *build_path
+colour: true
+  :plugins: []
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_3/test/TestProductionCode.c b/Unity/examples/example_3/test/TestProductionCode.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28a55812cf4e4a4f74e7157d275b265a280fbd2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_3/test/TestProductionCode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#include "ProductionCode.h"
+#include "unity.h"
+//sometimes you may want to get at local data in a module.
+//for example: If you plan to pass by reference, this could be useful
+//however, it should often be avoided
+extern int Counter; 
+void setUp(void)
+  //This is run before EACH TEST
+  Counter = 0x5a5a;
+void tearDown(void)
+void test_FindFunction_WhichIsBroken_ShouldReturnZeroIfItemIsNotInList_WhichWorksEvenInOurBrokenCode(void)
+  //All of these should pass
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(78));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(1));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(33));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(999));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(-1));
+void test_FindFunction_WhichIsBroken_ShouldReturnTheIndexForItemsInList_WhichWillFailBecauseOurFunctionUnderTestIsBroken(void)
+  // You should see this line fail in your test summary
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(34));
+  // Notice the rest of these didn't get a chance to run because the line above failed.  
+  // Unit tests abort each test function on the first sign of trouble. 
+  // Then NEXT test function runs as normal.
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(8, FindFunction_WhichIsBroken(8888));
+void test_FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValue(void)
+    //This should be true because setUp set this up for us before this test
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x5a5a, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable());
+    //This should be true because we can still change our answer
+    Counter = 0x1234;
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x1234, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable());
+void test_FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValueAgain(void)
+    //This should be true again because setup was rerun before this test (and after we changed it to 0x1234)
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x5a5a, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable());
+void test_FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnCurrentCounter_ButFailsBecauseThisTestIsActuallyFlawed(void)
+    //Sometimes you get the test wrong.  When that happens, you get a failure too... and a quick look should tell
+    // you what actually happened...which in this case was a failure to setup the initial condition.
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x1234, FunctionWhichReturnsLocalVariable());
diff --git a/Unity/examples/example_3/test/TestProductionCode2.c b/Unity/examples/example_3/test/TestProductionCode2.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2119cc3819aca9e271133bef9ada6b0e115f574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/example_3/test/TestProductionCode2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "ProductionCode2.h"
+#include "unity.h"
+/* These should be ignored because they are commented out in various ways:
+#include "whatever.h" 
+//#include "somethingelse.h"
+void setUp(void)
+void tearDown(void)
+void test_IgnoredTest(void)
+    TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("This Test Was Ignored On Purpose");
+void test_AnotherIgnoredTest(void)
+    TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("These Can Be Useful For Leaving Yourself Notes On What You Need To Do Yet");
+void test_ThisFunctionHasNotBeenTested_NeedsToBeImplemented(void)
+    TEST_IGNORE(); //Like This
diff --git a/Unity/examples/unity_config.h b/Unity/examples/unity_config.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da3c2af1765bbd0ea894fd371e2991b3ae9e250e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/examples/unity_config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+/* Unity Configuration
+ * As of May 11th, 2016 at ThrowTheSwitch/Unity commit 837c529
+ * Update: December 29th, 2016
+ * See Also: Unity/docs/UnityConfigurationGuide.pdf
+ *
+ * Unity is designed to run on almost anything that is targeted by a C compiler.
+ * It would be awesome if this could be done with zero configuration. While
+ * there are some targets that come close to this dream, it is sadly not
+ * universal. It is likely that you are going to need at least a couple of the
+ * configuration options described in this document.
+ *
+ * All of Unity's configuration options are `#defines`. Most of these are simple
+ * definitions. A couple are macros with arguments. They live inside the
+ * unity_internals.h header file. We don't necessarily recommend opening that
+ * file unless you really need to. That file is proof that a cross-platform
+ * library is challenging to build. From a more positive perspective, it is also
+ * proof that a great deal of complexity can be centralized primarily to one
+ * place in order to provide a more consistent and simple experience elsewhere.
+ *
+ * Using These Options
+ * It doesn't matter if you're using a target-specific compiler and a simulator
+ * or a native compiler. In either case, you've got a couple choices for
+ * configuring these options:
+ *
+ *  1. Because these options are specified via C defines, you can pass most of
+ *     these options to your compiler through command line compiler flags. Even
+ *     if you're using an embedded target that forces you to use their
+ *     overbearing IDE for all configuration, there will be a place somewhere in
+ *     your project to configure defines for your compiler.
+ *  2. You can create a custom `unity_config.h` configuration file (present in
+ *     your toolchain's search paths). In this file, you will list definitions
+ *     and macros specific to your target. All you must do is define
+ *     `UNITY_INCLUDE_CONFIG_H` and Unity will rely on `unity_config.h` for any
+ *     further definitions it may need.
+ */
+/* ************************* AUTOMATIC INTEGER TYPES ***************************
+ * C's concept of an integer varies from target to target. The C Standard has
+ * rules about the `int` matching the register size of the target
+ * microprocessor. It has rules about the `int` and how its size relates to
+ * other integer types. An `int` on one target might be 16 bits while on another
+ * target it might be 64. There are more specific types in compilers compliant
+ * with C99 or later, but that's certainly not every compiler you are likely to
+ * encounter. Therefore, Unity has a number of features for helping to adjust
+ * itself to match your required integer sizes. It starts off by trying to do it
+ * automatically.
+ **************************************************************************** */
+/* The first attempt to guess your types is to check `limits.h`. Some compilers
+ * that don't support `stdint.h` could include `limits.h`. If you don't
+ * want Unity to check this file, define this to make it skip the inclusion.
+ * Unity looks at UINT_MAX & ULONG_MAX, which were available since C89.
+ */
+/* The second thing that Unity does to guess your types is check `stdint.h`.
+ * This file defines `UINTPTR_MAX`, since C99, that Unity can make use of to
+ * learn about your system. It's possible you don't want it to do this or it's
+ * possible that your system doesn't support `stdint.h`. If that's the case,
+ * you're going to want to define this. That way, Unity will know to skip the
+ * inclusion of this file and you won't be left with a compiler error.
+ */
+/* ********************** MANUAL INTEGER TYPE DEFINITION ***********************
+ * If you've disabled all of the automatic options above, you're going to have
+ * to do the configuration yourself. There are just a handful of defines that
+ * you are going to specify if you don't like the defaults.
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ /* Define this to be the number of bits an `int` takes up on your system. The
+ * default, if not auto-detected, is 32 bits.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_INT_WIDTH 16 */
+/* Define this to be the number of bits a `long` takes up on your system. The
+ * default, if not autodetected, is 32 bits. This is used to figure out what
+ * kind of 64-bit support your system can handle.  Does it need to specify a
+ * `long` or a `long long` to get a 64-bit value. On 16-bit systems, this option
+ * is going to be ignored.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_LONG_WIDTH 16 */
+/* Define this to be the number of bits a pointer takes up on your system. The
+ * default, if not autodetected, is 32-bits. If you're getting ugly compiler
+ * warnings about casting from pointers, this is the one to look at.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_POINTER_WIDTH 64 */
+/* Unity will automatically include 64-bit support if it auto-detects it, or if
+ * your `int`, `long`, or pointer widths are greater than 32-bits. Define this
+ * to enable 64-bit support if none of the other options already did it for you.
+ * There can be a significant size and speed impact to enabling 64-bit support
+ * on small targets, so don't define it if you don't need it.
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_INCLUDE_64 */
+/* *************************** FLOATING POINT TYPES ****************************
+ * In the embedded world, it's not uncommon for targets to have no support for
+ * floating point operations at all or to have support that is limited to only
+ * single precision. We are able to guess integer sizes on the fly because
+ * integers are always available in at least one size. Floating point, on the
+ * other hand, is sometimes not available at all. Trying to include `float.h` on
+ * these platforms would result in an error. This leaves manual configuration as
+ * the only option.
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ /* By default, Unity guesses that you will want single precision floating point
+  * support, but not double precision. It's easy to change either of these using
+  * the include and exclude options here. You may include neither, just float,
+  * or both, as suits your needs.
+  */
+/* #define UNITY_EXCLUDE_FLOAT  */
+/* For features that are enabled, the following floating point options also
+ * become available.
+ */
+/* Unity aims for as small of a footprint as possible and avoids most standard
+ * library calls (some embedded platforms don't have a standard library!).
+ * Because of this, its routines for printing integer values are minimalist and
+ * hand-coded. To keep Unity universal, though, we eventually chose to develop
+ * our own floating point print routines. Still, the display of floating point
+ * values during a failure are optional. By default, Unity will print the
+ * actual results of floating point assertion failures. So a failed assertion
+ * will produce a message like "Expected 4.0 Was 4.25". If you would like less
+ * verbose failure messages for floating point assertions, use this option to
+ * give a failure message `"Values Not Within Delta"` and trim the binary size.
+ */
+/* If enabled, Unity assumes you want your `FLOAT` asserts to compare standard C
+ * floats. If your compiler supports a specialty floating point type, you can
+ * always override this behavior by using this definition.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_FLOAT_TYPE float16_t */
+/* If enabled, Unity assumes you want your `DOUBLE` asserts to compare standard
+ * C doubles. If you would like to change this, you can specify something else
+ * by using this option. For example, defining `UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE` to `long
+ * double` could enable gargantuan floating point types on your 64-bit processor
+ * instead of the standard `double`.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE long double */
+ * documented in the Unity Assertion Guide, you will learn that they are not
+ * really asserting that two values are equal but rather that two values are
+ * "close enough" to equal. "Close enough" is controlled by these precision
+ * configuration options. If you are working with 32-bit floats and/or 64-bit
+ * doubles (the normal on most processors), you should have no need to change
+ * these options. They are both set to give you approximately 1 significant bit
+ * in either direction. The float precision is 0.00001 while the double is
+ * 10^-12. For further details on how this works, see the appendix of the Unity
+ * Assertion Guide.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_FLOAT_PRECISION 0.001f  */
+/* #define UNITY_DOUBLE_PRECISION 0.001f */
+/* *************************** TOOLSET CUSTOMIZATION ***************************
+ * In addition to the options listed above, there are a number of other options
+ * which will come in handy to customize Unity's behavior for your specific
+ * toolchain. It is possible that you may not need to touch any of these but
+ * certain platforms, particularly those running in simulators, may need to jump
+ * through extra hoops to operate properly. These macros will help in those
+ * situations.
+ **************************************************************************** */
+/* By default, Unity prints its results to `stdout` as it runs. This works
+ * perfectly fine in most situations where you are using a native compiler for
+ * testing. It works on some simulators as well so long as they have `stdout`
+ * routed back to the command line. There are times, however, where the
+ * simulator will lack support for dumping results or you will want to route
+ * results elsewhere for other reasons. In these cases, you should define the
+ * `UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR` macro. This macro accepts a single character at a time
+ * (as an `int`, since this is the parameter type of the standard C `putchar`
+ * function most commonly used). You may replace this with whatever function
+ * call you like.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * Say you are forced to run your test suite on an embedded processor with no
+ * `stdout` option. You decide to route your test result output to a custom
+ * serial `RS232_putc()` function you wrote like thus:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(a)                    RS232_putc(a) */
+/* #define UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR_HEADER_DECLARATION    RS232_putc(int) */
+/* #define UNITY_OUTPUT_FLUSH()                    RS232_flush() */
+/* #define UNITY_OUTPUT_FLUSH_HEADER_DECLARATION   RS232_flush(void) */
+/* #define UNITY_OUTPUT_START()                    RS232_config(115200,1,8,0) */
+/* #define UNITY_OUTPUT_COMPLETE()                 RS232_close() */
+/* For some targets, Unity can make the otherwise required `setUp()` and
+ * `tearDown()` functions optional. This is a nice convenience for test writers
+ * since `setUp` and `tearDown` don't often actually _do_ anything. If you're
+ * using gcc or clang, this option is automatically defined for you. Other
+ * compilers can also support this behavior, if they support a C feature called
+ * weak functions. A weak function is a function that is compiled into your
+ * executable _unless_ a non-weak version of the same function is defined
+ * elsewhere. If a non-weak version is found, the weak version is ignored as if
+ * it never existed. If your compiler supports this feature, you can let Unity
+ * know by defining `UNITY_SUPPORT_WEAK` as the function attributes that would
+ * need to be applied to identify a function as weak. If your compiler lacks
+ * support for weak functions, you will always need to define `setUp` and
+ * `tearDown` functions (though they can be and often will be just empty). The
+ * most common options for this feature are:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_SUPPORT_WEAK weak */
+/* #define UNITY_SUPPORT_WEAK __attribute__((weak)) */
+/* #define UNITY_NO_WEAK */
+/* Some compilers require a custom attribute to be assigned to pointers, like
+ * `near` or `far`. In these cases, you can give Unity a safe default for these
+ * by defining this option with the attribute you would like.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((far)) */
+/* #define UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE near */
+#endif /* UNITY_CONFIG_H */
diff --git a/Unity/release/build.info b/Unity/release/build.info
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..50fb6eaf4aa97c0e6a6cfc4e81f9a501e6f3f1ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/release/build.info
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/Unity/release/version.info b/Unity/release/version.info
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b674b9235460be0198e277c3ec7bd397880f8e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/release/version.info
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/Unity/src/.gitignore b/Unity/src/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2416a678e7d3f25ea206b6982136c2f49dcbb1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/src/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/Unity/src/Makefile b/Unity/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9bb394140d25d2d49c443487debe6710624f94d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+NAME = unity
+include $(TOP)/library.mk
diff --git a/Unity/src/unity.c b/Unity/src/unity.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9783efac1e38af3e76990a993b1994d70f5c7ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/src/unity.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1565 @@
+/* =========================================================================
+    Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+    Copyright (c) 2007-14 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+    [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+============================================================================ */
+#include "unity.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+/* If omitted from header, declare overrideable prototypes here so they're ready for use */
+/* Helpful macros for us to use here in Assert functions */
+#define UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL   { Unity.CurrentTestFailed  = 1; TEST_ABORT(); }
+#define UNITY_IGNORE_AND_BAIL { Unity.CurrentTestIgnored = 1; TEST_ABORT(); }
+#define RETURN_IF_FAIL_OR_IGNORE if (Unity.CurrentTestFailed || Unity.CurrentTestIgnored) return
+struct UNITY_STORAGE_T Unity;
+static const char UnityStrOk[]                     = "OK";
+static const char UnityStrPass[]                   = "PASS";
+static const char UnityStrFail[]                   = "FAIL";
+static const char UnityStrIgnore[]                 = "IGNORE";
+static const char UnityStrNull[]                   = "NULL";
+static const char UnityStrSpacer[]                 = ". ";
+static const char UnityStrExpected[]               = " Expected ";
+static const char UnityStrWas[]                    = " Was ";
+static const char UnityStrGt[]                     = " to be greater than ";
+static const char UnityStrLt[]                     = " to be less than ";
+static const char UnityStrElement[]                = " Element ";
+static const char UnityStrByte[]                   = " Byte ";
+static const char UnityStrMemory[]                 = " Memory Mismatch.";
+static const char UnityStrDelta[]                  = " Values Not Within Delta ";
+static const char UnityStrPointless[]              = " You Asked Me To Compare Nothing, Which Was Pointless.";
+static const char UnityStrNullPointerForExpected[] = " Expected pointer to be NULL";
+static const char UnityStrNullPointerForActual[]   = " Actual pointer was NULL";
+static const char UnityStrNot[]                    = "Not ";
+static const char UnityStrInf[]                    = "Infinity";
+static const char UnityStrNegInf[]                 = "Negative Infinity";
+static const char UnityStrNaN[]                    = "NaN";
+static const char UnityStrDet[]                    = "Determinate";
+static const char UnityStrInvalidFloatTrait[]      = "Invalid Float Trait";
+const char UnityStrErrFloat[]                      = "Unity Floating Point Disabled";
+const char UnityStrErrDouble[]                     = "Unity Double Precision Disabled";
+const char UnityStrErr64[]                         = "Unity 64-bit Support Disabled";
+static const char UnityStrBreaker[]                = "-----------------------";
+static const char UnityStrResultsTests[]           = " Tests ";
+static const char UnityStrResultsFailures[]        = " Failures ";
+static const char UnityStrResultsIgnored[]         = " Ignored ";
+static const char UnityStrDetail1Name[]            = UNITY_DETAIL1_NAME " ";
+static const char UnityStrDetail2Name[]            = " " UNITY_DETAIL2_NAME " ";
+ * Pretty Printers & Test Result Output Handlers
+ *-----------------------------------------------*/
+void UnityPrint(const char* string)
+    const char* pch = string;
+    if (pch != NULL)
+    {
+        while (*pch)
+        {
+            /* printable characters plus CR & LF are printed */
+            if ((*pch <= 126) && (*pch >= 32))
+            {
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(*pch);
+            }
+            /* write escaped carriage returns */
+            else if (*pch == 13)
+            {
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\\');
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('r');
+            }
+            /* write escaped line feeds */
+            else if (*pch == 10)
+            {
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\\');
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('n');
+            }
+            /* unprintable characters are shown as codes */
+            else
+            {
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\\');
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('x');
+                UnityPrintNumberHex((UNITY_UINT)*pch, 2);
+            }
+            pch++;
+        }
+    }
+void UnityPrintLen(const char* string, const UNITY_UINT32 length)
+    const char* pch = string;
+    if (pch != NULL)
+    {
+        while (*pch && (UNITY_UINT32)(pch - string) < length)
+        {
+            /* printable characters plus CR & LF are printed */
+            if ((*pch <= 126) && (*pch >= 32))
+            {
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(*pch);
+            }
+            /* write escaped carriage returns */
+            else if (*pch == 13)
+            {
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\\');
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('r');
+            }
+            /* write escaped line feeds */
+            else if (*pch == 10)
+            {
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\\');
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('n');
+            }
+            /* unprintable characters are shown as codes */
+            else
+            {
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\\');
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('x');
+                UnityPrintNumberHex((UNITY_UINT)*pch, 2);
+            }
+            pch++;
+        }
+    }
+void UnityPrintNumberByStyle(const UNITY_INT number, const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style)
+    {
+        UnityPrintNumber(number);
+    }
+    {
+        UnityPrintNumberUnsigned((UNITY_UINT)number);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('0');
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('x');
+        UnityPrintNumberHex((UNITY_UINT)number, (char)((style & 0xF) * 2));
+    }
+void UnityPrintNumber(const UNITY_INT number_to_print)
+    UNITY_UINT number = (UNITY_UINT)number_to_print;
+    if (number_to_print < 0)
+    {
+        /* A negative number, including MIN negative */
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('-');
+        number = (UNITY_UINT)(-number_to_print);
+    }
+    UnityPrintNumberUnsigned(number);
+ * basically do an itoa using as little ram as possible */
+void UnityPrintNumberUnsigned(const UNITY_UINT number)
+    UNITY_UINT divisor = 1;
+    /* figure out initial divisor */
+    while (number / divisor > 9)
+    {
+        divisor *= 10;
+    }
+    /* now mod and print, then divide divisor */
+    do
+    {
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR((char)('0' + (number / divisor % 10)));
+        divisor /= 10;
+    } while (divisor > 0);
+void UnityPrintNumberHex(const UNITY_UINT number, const char nibbles_to_print)
+    int nibble;
+    char nibbles = nibbles_to_print;
+    if ((unsigned)nibbles > (2 * sizeof(number)))
+        nibbles = 2 * sizeof(number);
+    while (nibbles > 0)
+    {
+        nibbles--;
+        nibble = (int)(number >> (nibbles * 4)) & 0x0F;
+        if (nibble <= 9)
+        {
+            UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR((char)('0' + nibble));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR((char)('A' - 10 + nibble));
+        }
+    }
+void UnityPrintMask(const UNITY_UINT mask, const UNITY_UINT number)
+    UNITY_UINT current_bit = (UNITY_UINT)1 << (UNITY_INT_WIDTH - 1);
+    UNITY_INT32 i;
+    for (i = 0; i < UNITY_INT_WIDTH; i++)
+    {
+        if (current_bit & mask)
+        {
+            if (current_bit & number)
+            {
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('1');
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('0');
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('X');
+        }
+        current_bit = current_bit >> 1;
+    }
+/* This function prints a floating-point value in a format similar to
+ * printf("%.6g").  It can work with either single- or double-precision,
+ * but for simplicity, it prints only 6 significant digits in either case.
+ * Printing more than 6 digits accurately is hard (at least in the single-
+ * precision case) and isn't attempted here. */
+void UnityPrintFloat(const UNITY_DOUBLE input_number)
+    UNITY_DOUBLE number = input_number;
+    /* print minus sign (including for negative zero) */
+    if (number < 0.0f || (number == 0.0f && 1.0f / number < 0.0f))
+    {
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('-');
+        number = -number;
+    }
+    /* handle zero, NaN, and +/- infinity */
+    if (number == 0.0f) UnityPrint("0");
+    else if (isnan(number)) UnityPrint("nan");
+    else if (isinf(number)) UnityPrint("inf");
+    else
+    {
+        int exponent = 0;
+        int decimals, digits;
+        UNITY_INT32 n;
+        char buf[16];
+        /* scale up or down by powers of 10 */
+        while (number < 100000.0f / 1e6f)  { number *= 1e6f; exponent -= 6; }
+        while (number < 100000.0f)         { number *= 10.0f; exponent--; }
+        while (number > 1000000.0f * 1e6f) { number /= 1e6f; exponent += 6; }
+        while (number > 1000000.0f)        { number /= 10.0f; exponent++; }
+        /* round to nearest integer */
+        n = ((UNITY_INT32)(number + number) + 1) / 2;
+        if (n > 999999)
+        {
+            n = 100000;
+            exponent++;
+        }
+        /* determine where to place decimal point */
+        decimals = (exponent <= 0 && exponent >= -9) ? -exponent : 5;
+        exponent += decimals;
+        /* truncate trailing zeroes after decimal point */
+        while (decimals > 0 && n % 10 == 0)
+        {
+            n /= 10;
+            decimals--;
+        }
+        /* build up buffer in reverse order */
+        digits = 0;
+        while (n != 0 || digits < decimals + 1)
+        {
+            buf[digits++] = (char)('0' + n % 10);
+            n /= 10;
+        }
+        while (digits > 0)
+        {
+            if(digits == decimals) UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('.');
+            UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(buf[--digits]);
+        }
+        /* print exponent if needed */
+        if (exponent != 0)
+        {
+            UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('e');
+            if(exponent < 0)
+            {
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('-');
+                exponent = -exponent;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('+');
+            }
+            digits = 0;
+            while (exponent != 0 || digits < 2)
+            {
+                buf[digits++] = (char)('0' + exponent % 10);
+                exponent /= 10;
+            }
+            while (digits > 0)
+            {
+                UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(buf[--digits]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+static void UnityTestResultsBegin(const char* file, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE line)
+    UnityPrint(file);
+    UnityPrintNumber((UNITY_INT)line);
+    UnityPrint(Unity.CurrentTestName);
+static void UnityTestResultsFailBegin(const UNITY_LINE_TYPE line)
+    UnityTestResultsBegin(Unity.TestFile, line);
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrFail);
+void UnityConcludeTest(void)
+    if (Unity.CurrentTestIgnored)
+    {
+        Unity.TestIgnores++;
+    }
+    else if (!Unity.CurrentTestFailed)
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsBegin(Unity.TestFile, Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrPass);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Unity.TestFailures++;
+    }
+    Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 0;
+    Unity.CurrentTestIgnored = 0;
+static void UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(const char* msg)
+    if (msg)
+    {
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrSpacer);
+        if (Unity.CurrentDetail1)
+        {
+            UnityPrint(UnityStrDetail1Name);
+            UnityPrint(Unity.CurrentDetail1);
+            if (Unity.CurrentDetail2)
+            {
+                UnityPrint(UnityStrDetail2Name);
+                UnityPrint(Unity.CurrentDetail2);
+            }
+            UnityPrint(UnityStrSpacer);
+        }
+        UnityPrint(msg);
+    }
+static void UnityPrintExpectedAndActualStrings(const char* expected, const char* actual)
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected);
+    if (expected != NULL)
+    {
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\'');
+        UnityPrint(expected);
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\'');
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrNull);
+    }
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrWas);
+    if (actual != NULL)
+    {
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\'');
+        UnityPrint(actual);
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\'');
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrNull);
+    }
+static void UnityPrintExpectedAndActualStringsLen(const char* expected,
+                                                  const char* actual,
+                                                  const UNITY_UINT32 length)
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected);
+    if (expected != NULL)
+    {
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\'');
+        UnityPrintLen(expected, length);
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\'');
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrNull);
+    }
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrWas);
+    if (actual != NULL)
+    {
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\'');
+        UnityPrintLen(actual, length);
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\'');
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrNull);
+    }
+ * Assertion & Control Helpers
+ *-----------------------------------------------*/
+static int UnityIsOneArrayNull(UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR expected,
+                               UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR actual,
+                               const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                               const char* msg)
+    if (expected == actual) return 0; /* Both are NULL or same pointer */
+    /* print and return true if just expected is NULL */
+    if (expected == NULL)
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrNullPointerForExpected);
+        UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    /* print and return true if just actual is NULL */
+    if (actual == NULL)
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrNullPointerForActual);
+        UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0; /* return false if neither is NULL */
+ * Assertion Functions
+ *-----------------------------------------------*/
+void UnityAssertBits(const UNITY_INT mask,
+                     const UNITY_INT expected,
+                     const UNITY_INT actual,
+                     const char* msg,
+                     const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber)
+    if ((mask & expected) != (mask & actual))
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected);
+        UnityPrintMask((UNITY_UINT)mask, (UNITY_UINT)expected);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrWas);
+        UnityPrintMask((UNITY_UINT)mask, (UNITY_UINT)actual);
+        UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+    }
+void UnityAssertEqualNumber(const UNITY_INT expected,
+                            const UNITY_INT actual,
+                            const char* msg,
+                            const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                            const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style)
+    if (expected != actual)
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected);
+        UnityPrintNumberByStyle(expected, style);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrWas);
+        UnityPrintNumberByStyle(actual, style);
+        UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+    }
+void UnityAssertGreaterNumber(const UNITY_INT threshold,
+                              const UNITY_INT actual,
+                              const char *msg,
+                              const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                              const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style)
+    if (!(actual > threshold))
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected);
+        UnityPrintNumberByStyle(actual, style);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrGt);
+        UnityPrintNumberByStyle(threshold, style);
+        UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+    }
+void UnityAssertSmallerNumber(const UNITY_INT threshold,
+                              const UNITY_INT actual,
+                              const char *msg,
+                              const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                              const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style)
+    if (!(actual < threshold))
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected);
+        UnityPrintNumberByStyle(actual, style);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrLt);
+        UnityPrintNumberByStyle(threshold, style);
+        UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+    }
+#define UnityPrintPointlessAndBail()       \
+{                                          \
+    UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); \
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrPointless);         \
+    UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);           \
+void UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR expected,
+                              UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR actual,
+                              const UNITY_UINT32 num_elements,
+                              const char* msg,
+                              const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                              const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style,
+                              const UNITY_FLAGS_T flags)
+    UNITY_UINT32 elements = num_elements;
+    unsigned int length   = style & 0xF;
+    if (num_elements == 0)
+    {
+        UnityPrintPointlessAndBail();
+    }
+    if (expected == actual) return; /* Both are NULL or same pointer */
+    if (UnityIsOneArrayNull(expected, actual, lineNumber, msg))
+    while (elements--)
+    {
+        UNITY_INT expect_val;
+        UNITY_INT actual_val;
+        switch (length)
+        {
+            case 1:
+                expect_val = *(UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_INT8*)expected;
+                actual_val = *(UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_INT8*)actual;
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                expect_val = *(UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_INT16*)expected;
+                actual_val = *(UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_INT16*)actual;
+                break;
+#ifdef UNITY_SUPPORT_64
+            case 8:
+                expect_val = *(UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_INT64*)expected;
+                actual_val = *(UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_INT64*)actual;
+                break;
+            default: /* length 4 bytes */
+                expect_val = *(UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_INT32*)expected;
+                actual_val = *(UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_INT32*)actual;
+                length = 4;
+                break;
+        }
+        if (expect_val != actual_val)
+        {
+            if (style & UNITY_DISPLAY_RANGE_UINT && length < sizeof(expect_val))
+            {   /* For UINT, remove sign extension (padding 1's) from signed type casts above */
+                UNITY_INT mask = 1;
+                mask = (mask << 8 * length) - 1;
+                expect_val &= mask;
+                actual_val &= mask;
+            }
+            UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+            UnityPrint(UnityStrElement);
+            UnityPrintNumberUnsigned(num_elements - elements - 1);
+            UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected);
+            UnityPrintNumberByStyle(expect_val, style);
+            UnityPrint(UnityStrWas);
+            UnityPrintNumberByStyle(actual_val, style);
+            UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+            UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL;
+        }
+        if (flags == UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+        {
+            expected = (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(length + (const char*)expected);
+        }
+        actual   = (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(length + (const char*)actual);
+    }
+/* Wrap this define in a function with variable types as float or double */
+#define UNITY_FLOAT_OR_DOUBLE_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, diff)                       \
+    if (isinf(expected) && isinf(actual) && ((expected < 0) == (actual < 0))) return 1;   \
+    if (UNITY_NAN_CHECK) return 1;                                                        \
+    diff = actual - expected;                                                             \
+    if (diff < 0) diff = -diff;                                                           \
+    if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;                                                        \
+    return !(isnan(diff) || isinf(diff) || (diff > delta))
+    /* This first part of this condition will catch any NaN or Infinite values */
+  #define UNITY_NAN_CHECK isnan(expected) && isnan(actual)
+  #define UNITY_NAN_CHECK 0
+  #define UNITY_PRINT_EXPECTED_AND_ACTUAL_FLOAT(expected, actual) \
+  {                                                               \
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected);                                 \
+    UnityPrintFloat(expected);                                    \
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrWas);                                      \
+    UnityPrintFloat(actual); }
+  #define UNITY_PRINT_EXPECTED_AND_ACTUAL_FLOAT(expected, actual) \
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrDelta)
+static int UnityFloatsWithin(UNITY_FLOAT delta, UNITY_FLOAT expected, UNITY_FLOAT actual)
+    UNITY_FLOAT diff;
+    UNITY_FLOAT_OR_DOUBLE_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, diff);
+void UnityAssertEqualFloatArray(UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_FLOAT* expected,
+                                UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_FLOAT* actual,
+                                const UNITY_UINT32 num_elements,
+                                const char* msg,
+                                const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                                const UNITY_FLAGS_T flags)
+    UNITY_UINT32 elements = num_elements;
+    UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_FLOAT* ptr_expected = expected;
+    UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_FLOAT* ptr_actual = actual;
+    if (elements == 0)
+    {
+        UnityPrintPointlessAndBail();
+    }
+    if (expected == actual) return; /* Both are NULL or same pointer */
+    if (UnityIsOneArrayNull((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)expected, (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)actual, lineNumber, msg))
+    while (elements--)
+    {
+        if (!UnityFloatsWithin(*ptr_expected * UNITY_FLOAT_PRECISION, *ptr_expected, *ptr_actual))
+        {
+            UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+            UnityPrint(UnityStrElement);
+            UnityPrintNumberUnsigned(num_elements - elements - 1);
+            UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+            UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL;
+        }
+        if (flags == UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+        {
+            ptr_expected++;
+        }
+        ptr_actual++;
+    }
+void UnityAssertFloatsWithin(const UNITY_FLOAT delta,
+                             const UNITY_FLOAT expected,
+                             const UNITY_FLOAT actual,
+                             const char* msg,
+                             const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber)
+    if (!UnityFloatsWithin(delta, expected, actual))
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+        UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+    }
+void UnityAssertFloatSpecial(const UNITY_FLOAT actual,
+                             const char* msg,
+                             const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                             const UNITY_FLOAT_TRAIT_T style)
+    const char* trait_names[] = {UnityStrInf, UnityStrNegInf, UnityStrNaN, UnityStrDet};
+    UNITY_INT should_be_trait = ((UNITY_INT)style & 1);
+    UNITY_INT is_trait        = !should_be_trait;
+    UNITY_INT trait_index     = (UNITY_INT)(style >> 1);
+    switch (style)
+    {
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_INF:
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_INF:
+            is_trait = isinf(actual) && (actual > 0);
+            break;
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NEG_INF:
+            is_trait = isinf(actual) && (actual < 0);
+            break;
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NAN:
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NAN:
+            is_trait = isnan(actual) ? 1 : 0;
+            break;
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_DET: /* A determinate number is non infinite and not NaN. */
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_DET:
+            is_trait = !isinf(actual) && !isnan(actual);
+            break;
+        default:
+            trait_index = 0;
+            trait_names[0] = UnityStrInvalidFloatTrait;
+            break;
+    }
+    if (is_trait != should_be_trait)
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected);
+        if (!should_be_trait)
+            UnityPrint(UnityStrNot);
+        UnityPrint(trait_names[trait_index]);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrWas);
+        UnityPrintFloat((UNITY_DOUBLE)actual);
+        if (should_be_trait)
+            UnityPrint(UnityStrNot);
+        UnityPrint(trait_names[trait_index]);
+        UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+    }
+#endif /* not UNITY_EXCLUDE_FLOAT */
+static int UnityDoublesWithin(UNITY_DOUBLE delta, UNITY_DOUBLE expected, UNITY_DOUBLE actual)
+    UNITY_DOUBLE diff;
+    UNITY_FLOAT_OR_DOUBLE_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, diff);
+void UnityAssertEqualDoubleArray(UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_DOUBLE* expected,
+                                 UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_DOUBLE* actual,
+                                 const UNITY_UINT32 num_elements,
+                                 const char* msg,
+                                 const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                                 const UNITY_FLAGS_T flags)
+    UNITY_UINT32 elements = num_elements;
+    UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_DOUBLE* ptr_expected = expected;
+    UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_DOUBLE* ptr_actual = actual;
+    if (elements == 0)
+    {
+        UnityPrintPointlessAndBail();
+    }
+    if (expected == actual) return; /* Both are NULL or same pointer */
+    if (UnityIsOneArrayNull((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)expected, (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)actual, lineNumber, msg))
+    while (elements--)
+    {
+        if (!UnityDoublesWithin(*ptr_expected * UNITY_DOUBLE_PRECISION, *ptr_expected, *ptr_actual))
+        {
+            UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+            UnityPrint(UnityStrElement);
+            UnityPrintNumberUnsigned(num_elements - elements - 1);
+            UNITY_PRINT_EXPECTED_AND_ACTUAL_FLOAT(*ptr_expected, *ptr_actual);
+            UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+            UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL;
+        }
+        if (flags == UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+        {
+            ptr_expected++;
+        }
+        ptr_actual++;
+    }
+void UnityAssertDoublesWithin(const UNITY_DOUBLE delta,
+                              const UNITY_DOUBLE expected,
+                              const UNITY_DOUBLE actual,
+                              const char* msg,
+                              const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber)
+    if (!UnityDoublesWithin(delta, expected, actual))
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+        UNITY_PRINT_EXPECTED_AND_ACTUAL_FLOAT(expected, actual);
+        UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+    }
+void UnityAssertDoubleSpecial(const UNITY_DOUBLE actual,
+                              const char* msg,
+                              const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                              const UNITY_FLOAT_TRAIT_T style)
+    const char* trait_names[] = {UnityStrInf, UnityStrNegInf, UnityStrNaN, UnityStrDet};
+    UNITY_INT should_be_trait = ((UNITY_INT)style & 1);
+    UNITY_INT is_trait        = !should_be_trait;
+    UNITY_INT trait_index     = (UNITY_INT)(style >> 1);
+    switch (style)
+    {
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_INF:
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_INF:
+            is_trait = isinf(actual) && (actual > 0);
+            break;
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NEG_INF:
+            is_trait = isinf(actual) && (actual < 0);
+            break;
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NAN:
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NAN:
+            is_trait = isnan(actual) ? 1 : 0;
+            break;
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_DET: /* A determinate number is non infinite and not NaN. */
+        case UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_DET:
+            is_trait = !isinf(actual) && !isnan(actual);
+            break;
+        default:
+            trait_index = 0;
+            trait_names[0] = UnityStrInvalidFloatTrait;
+            break;
+    }
+    if (is_trait != should_be_trait)
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected);
+        if (!should_be_trait)
+            UnityPrint(UnityStrNot);
+        UnityPrint(trait_names[trait_index]);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrWas);
+        UnityPrintFloat(actual);
+        if (should_be_trait)
+            UnityPrint(UnityStrNot);
+        UnityPrint(trait_names[trait_index]);
+        UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+    }
+#endif /* not UNITY_EXCLUDE_DOUBLE */
+void UnityAssertNumbersWithin(const UNITY_UINT delta,
+                              const UNITY_INT expected,
+                              const UNITY_INT actual,
+                              const char* msg,
+                              const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                              const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style)
+    {
+        if (actual > expected)
+          Unity.CurrentTestFailed = (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(actual - expected) > delta);
+        else
+            Unity.CurrentTestFailed = (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(expected - actual) > delta);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if ((UNITY_UINT)actual > (UNITY_UINT)expected)
+            Unity.CurrentTestFailed = (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(actual - expected) > delta);
+        else
+            Unity.CurrentTestFailed = (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(expected - actual) > delta);
+    }
+    if (Unity.CurrentTestFailed)
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrDelta);
+        UnityPrintNumberByStyle((UNITY_INT)delta, style);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected);
+        UnityPrintNumberByStyle(expected, style);
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrWas);
+        UnityPrintNumberByStyle(actual, style);
+        UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+    }
+void UnityAssertEqualString(const char* expected,
+                            const char* actual,
+                            const char* msg,
+                            const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber)
+    UNITY_UINT32 i;
+    /* if both pointers not null compare the strings */
+    if (expected && actual)
+    {
+        for (i = 0; expected[i] || actual[i]; i++)
+        {
+            if (expected[i] != actual[i])
+            {
+                Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 1;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    { /* handle case of one pointers being null (if both null, test should pass) */
+        if (expected != actual)
+        {
+            Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    if (Unity.CurrentTestFailed)
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+        UnityPrintExpectedAndActualStrings(expected, actual);
+        UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+    }
+void UnityAssertEqualStringLen(const char* expected,
+                               const char* actual,
+                               const UNITY_UINT32 length,
+                               const char* msg,
+                               const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber)
+    UNITY_UINT32 i;
+    /* if both pointers not null compare the strings */
+    if (expected && actual)
+    {
+        for (i = 0; (i < length) && (expected[i] || actual[i]); i++)
+        {
+            if (expected[i] != actual[i])
+            {
+                Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 1;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    { /* handle case of one pointers being null (if both null, test should pass) */
+        if (expected != actual)
+        {
+            Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    if (Unity.CurrentTestFailed)
+    {
+        UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+        UnityPrintExpectedAndActualStringsLen(expected, actual, length);
+        UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+    }
+void UnityAssertEqualStringArray(UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR expected,
+                                 const char** actual,
+                                 const UNITY_UINT32 num_elements,
+                                 const char* msg,
+                                 const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                                 const UNITY_FLAGS_T flags)
+    UNITY_UINT32 i = 0;
+    UNITY_UINT32 j = 0;
+    const char* expd = NULL;
+    const char* act = NULL;
+    /* if no elements, it's an error */
+    if (num_elements == 0)
+    {
+        UnityPrintPointlessAndBail();
+    }
+    if ((const void*)expected == (const void*)actual)
+    {
+        return; /* Both are NULL or same pointer */
+    }
+    if (UnityIsOneArrayNull((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)expected, (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)actual, lineNumber, msg))
+    {
+    }
+    if (flags != UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+    {
+        expd = (const char*)expected;
+    }
+    do
+    {
+        act = actual[j];
+        if (flags == UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+        {
+            expd = ((const char* const*)expected)[j];
+        }
+        /* if both pointers not null compare the strings */
+        if (expd && act)
+        {
+            for (i = 0; expd[i] || act[i]; i++)
+            {
+                if (expd[i] != act[i])
+                {
+                    Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 1;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        { /* handle case of one pointers being null (if both null, test should pass) */
+            if (expd != act)
+            {
+                Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        if (Unity.CurrentTestFailed)
+        {
+            UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+            if (num_elements > 1)
+            {
+                UnityPrint(UnityStrElement);
+                UnityPrintNumberUnsigned(j);
+            }
+            UnityPrintExpectedAndActualStrings(expd, act);
+            UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+            UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL;
+        }
+    } while (++j < num_elements);
+void UnityAssertEqualMemory(UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR expected,
+                            UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR actual,
+                            const UNITY_UINT32 length,
+                            const UNITY_UINT32 num_elements,
+                            const char* msg,
+                            const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                            const UNITY_FLAGS_T flags)
+    UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const unsigned char* ptr_exp = (UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const unsigned char*)expected;
+    UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const unsigned char* ptr_act = (UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const unsigned char*)actual;
+    UNITY_UINT32 elements = num_elements;
+    UNITY_UINT32 bytes;
+    if ((elements == 0) || (length == 0))
+    {
+        UnityPrintPointlessAndBail();
+    }
+    if (expected == actual) return; /* Both are NULL or same pointer */
+    if (UnityIsOneArrayNull(expected, actual, lineNumber, msg))
+    while (elements--)
+    {
+        bytes = length;
+        while (bytes--)
+        {
+            if (*ptr_exp != *ptr_act)
+            {
+                UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber);
+                UnityPrint(UnityStrMemory);
+                if (num_elements > 1)
+                {
+                    UnityPrint(UnityStrElement);
+                    UnityPrintNumberUnsigned(num_elements - elements - 1);
+                }
+                UnityPrint(UnityStrByte);
+                UnityPrintNumberUnsigned(length - bytes - 1);
+                UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected);
+                UnityPrintNumberByStyle(*ptr_exp, UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX8);
+                UnityPrint(UnityStrWas);
+                UnityPrintNumberByStyle(*ptr_act, UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX8);
+                UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg);
+                UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL;
+            }
+            ptr_exp++;
+            ptr_act++;
+        }
+        if (flags == UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+        {
+            ptr_exp = (UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const unsigned char*)expected;
+        }
+    }
+static union
+    UNITY_INT8 i8;
+    UNITY_INT16 i16;
+    UNITY_INT32 i32;
+#ifdef UNITY_SUPPORT_64
+    UNITY_INT64 i64;
+    float f;
+    double d;
+} UnityQuickCompare;
+UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR UnityNumToPtr(const UNITY_INT num, const UNITY_UINT8 size)
+    switch(size)
+    {
+        case 1:
+          UnityQuickCompare.i8 = (UNITY_INT8)num;
+          return (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(&UnityQuickCompare.i8);
+        case 2:
+          UnityQuickCompare.i16 = (UNITY_INT16)num;
+          return (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(&UnityQuickCompare.i16);
+#ifdef UNITY_SUPPORT_64
+        case 8:
+          UnityQuickCompare.i64 = (UNITY_INT64)num;
+          return (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(&UnityQuickCompare.i64);
+        default: /* 4 bytes */
+          UnityQuickCompare.i32 = (UNITY_INT32)num;
+          return (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(&UnityQuickCompare.i32);
+    }
+UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR UnityFloatToPtr(const float num)
+    UnityQuickCompare.f = num;
+    return (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(&UnityQuickCompare.f);
+UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR UnityDoubleToPtr(const double num)
+    UnityQuickCompare.d = num;
+    return (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(&UnityQuickCompare.d);
+ * Control Functions
+ *-----------------------------------------------*/
+void UnityFail(const char* msg, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE line)
+    UnityTestResultsBegin(Unity.TestFile, line);
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrFail);
+    if (msg != NULL)
+    {
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(':');
+        if (Unity.CurrentDetail1)
+        {
+            UnityPrint(UnityStrDetail1Name);
+            UnityPrint(Unity.CurrentDetail1);
+            if (Unity.CurrentDetail2)
+            {
+                UnityPrint(UnityStrDetail2Name);
+                UnityPrint(Unity.CurrentDetail2);
+            }
+            UnityPrint(UnityStrSpacer);
+        }
+        if (msg[0] != ' ')
+        {
+            UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(' ');
+        }
+        UnityPrint(msg);
+    }
+void UnityIgnore(const char* msg, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE line)
+    UnityTestResultsBegin(Unity.TestFile, line);
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrIgnore);
+    if (msg != NULL)
+    {
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(':');
+        UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(' ');
+        UnityPrint(msg);
+    }
+  UNITY_WEAK_ATTRIBUTE void setUp(void) { }
+  UNITY_WEAK_ATTRIBUTE void tearDown(void) { }
+#elif defined(UNITY_WEAK_PRAGMA)
+  #pragma weak setUp
+  void setUp(void) { }
+  #pragma weak tearDown
+  void tearDown(void) { }
+void UnityDefaultTestRun(UnityTestFunction Func, const char* FuncName, const int FuncLineNum)
+    Unity.CurrentTestName = FuncName;
+    Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber = (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)FuncLineNum;
+    Unity.NumberOfTests++;
+    if (TEST_PROTECT())
+    {
+        setUp();
+        Func();
+    }
+    if (TEST_PROTECT())
+    {
+        tearDown();
+    }
+    UnityConcludeTest();
+void UnityBegin(const char* filename)
+    Unity.TestFile = filename;
+    Unity.CurrentTestName = NULL;
+    Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber = 0;
+    Unity.NumberOfTests = 0;
+    Unity.TestFailures = 0;
+    Unity.TestIgnores = 0;
+    Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 0;
+    Unity.CurrentTestIgnored = 0;
+int UnityEnd(void)
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrBreaker);
+    UnityPrintNumber((UNITY_INT)(Unity.NumberOfTests));
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrResultsTests);
+    UnityPrintNumber((UNITY_INT)(Unity.TestFailures));
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrResultsFailures);
+    UnityPrintNumber((UNITY_INT)(Unity.TestIgnores));
+    UnityPrint(UnityStrResultsIgnored);
+    if (Unity.TestFailures == 0U)
+    {
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrOk);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        UnityPrint(UnityStrFail);
+    }
+    return (int)(Unity.TestFailures);
+ * Command Line Argument Support
+ *-----------------------------------------------*/
+char* UnityOptionIncludeNamed = NULL;
+char* UnityOptionExcludeNamed = NULL;
+int UnityVerbosity            = 1;
+int UnityParseOptions(int argc, char** argv)
+    UnityOptionIncludeNamed = NULL;
+    UnityOptionExcludeNamed = NULL;
+    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+    {
+        if (argv[i][0] == '-')
+        {
+            switch (argv[i][1])
+            {
+                case 'l': /* list tests */
+                    return -1;
+                case 'n': /* include tests with name including this string */
+                case 'f': /* an alias for -n */
+                    if (argv[i][2] == '=')
+                        UnityOptionIncludeNamed = &argv[i][3];
+                    else if (++i < argc)
+                        UnityOptionIncludeNamed = argv[i];
+                    else
+                    {
+                        UnityPrint("ERROR: No Test String to Include Matches For");
+                        UNITY_PRINT_EOL();
+                        return 1;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 'q': /* quiet */
+                    UnityVerbosity = 0;
+                    break;
+                case 'v': /* verbose */
+                    UnityVerbosity = 2;
+                    break;
+                case 'x': /* exclude tests with name including this string */
+                    if (argv[i][2] == '=')
+                        UnityOptionExcludeNamed = &argv[i][3];
+                    else if (++i < argc)
+                        UnityOptionExcludeNamed = argv[i];
+                    else
+                    {
+                        UnityPrint("ERROR: No Test String to Exclude Matches For");
+                        UNITY_PRINT_EOL();
+                        return 1;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    UnityPrint("ERROR: Unknown Option ");
+                    UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(argv[i][1]);
+                    UNITY_PRINT_EOL();
+                    return 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+int IsStringInBiggerString(const char* longstring, const char* shortstring)
+    const char* lptr = longstring;
+    const char* sptr = shortstring;
+    const char* lnext = lptr;
+    if (*sptr == '*')
+        return 1;
+    while (*lptr)
+    {
+        lnext = lptr + 1;
+        /* If they current bytes match, go on to the next bytes */
+        while (*lptr && *sptr && (*lptr == *sptr))
+        {
+            lptr++;
+            sptr++;
+            /* We're done if we match the entire string or up to a wildcard */
+            if (*sptr == '*')
+                return 1;
+            if (*sptr == ',')
+                return 1;
+            if (*sptr == '"')
+                return 1;
+            if (*sptr == '\'')
+                return 1;
+            if (*sptr == ':')
+                return 2;
+            if (*sptr == 0)
+                return 1;
+        }
+        /* Otherwise we start in the long pointer 1 character further and try again */
+        lptr = lnext;
+        sptr = shortstring;
+    }
+    return 0;
+int UnityStringArgumentMatches(const char* str)
+    int retval;
+    const char* ptr1;
+    const char* ptr2;
+    const char* ptrf;
+    /* Go through the options and get the substrings for matching one at a time */
+    ptr1 = str;
+    while (ptr1[0] != 0)
+    {
+        if ((ptr1[0] == '"') || (ptr1[0] == '\''))
+            ptr1++;
+        /* look for the start of the next partial */
+        ptr2 = ptr1;
+        ptrf = 0;
+        do
+        {
+            ptr2++;
+            if ((ptr2[0] == ':') && (ptr2[1] != 0) && (ptr2[0] != '\'') && (ptr2[0] != '"') && (ptr2[0] != ','))
+                ptrf = &ptr2[1];
+        } while ((ptr2[0] != 0) && (ptr2[0] != '\'') && (ptr2[0] != '"') && (ptr2[0] != ','));
+        while ((ptr2[0] != 0) && ((ptr2[0] == ':') || (ptr2[0] == '\'') || (ptr2[0] == '"') || (ptr2[0] == ',')))
+            ptr2++;
+        /* done if complete filename match */
+        retval = IsStringInBiggerString(Unity.TestFile, ptr1);
+        if (retval == 1)
+            return retval;
+        /* done if testname match after filename partial match */
+        if ((retval == 2) && (ptrf != 0))
+        {
+            if (IsStringInBiggerString(Unity.CurrentTestName, ptrf))
+                return 1;
+        }
+        /* done if complete testname match */
+        if (IsStringInBiggerString(Unity.CurrentTestName, ptr1) == 1)
+            return 1;
+        ptr1 = ptr2;
+    }
+    /* we couldn't find a match for any substrings */
+    return 0;
+int UnityTestMatches(void)
+    /* Check if this test name matches the included test pattern */
+    int retval;
+    if (UnityOptionIncludeNamed)
+    {
+        retval = UnityStringArgumentMatches(UnityOptionIncludeNamed);
+    }
+    else
+        retval = 1;
+    /* Check if this test name matches the excluded test pattern */
+    if (UnityOptionExcludeNamed)
+    {
+        if (UnityStringArgumentMatches(UnityOptionExcludeNamed))
+            retval = 0;
+    }
+    return retval;
diff --git a/Unity/src/unity.h b/Unity/src/unity.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..258e21c9f861c083aac78219f3d0be3b20e153ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/src/unity.h
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+/* ==========================================
+    Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+    Copyright (c) 2007-14 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+    [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+========================================== */
+#define UNITY
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#include "unity_internals.h"
+void setUp(void);
+void tearDown(void);
+ * Configuration Options
+ *-------------------------------------------------------
+ * All options described below should be passed as a compiler flag to all files using Unity. If you must add #defines, place them BEFORE the #include above.
+ * Integers/longs/pointers
+ *     - Unity attempts to automatically discover your integer sizes
+ *       - define UNITY_EXCLUDE_STDINT_H to stop attempting to look in <stdint.h>
+ *       - define UNITY_EXCLUDE_LIMITS_H to stop attempting to look in <limits.h>
+ *     - If you cannot use the automatic methods above, you can force Unity by using these options:
+ *       - define UNITY_SUPPORT_64
+ *       - set UNITY_INT_WIDTH
+ *       - set UNITY_LONG_WIDTH
+ *       - set UNITY_POINTER_WIDTH
+ * Floats
+ *     - define UNITY_EXCLUDE_FLOAT to disallow floating point comparisons
+ *     - define UNITY_FLOAT_PRECISION to specify the precision to use when doing TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT
+ *     - define UNITY_FLOAT_TYPE to specify doubles instead of single precision floats
+ *     - define UNITY_INCLUDE_DOUBLE to allow double floating point comparisons
+ *     - define UNITY_EXCLUDE_DOUBLE to disallow double floating point comparisons (default)
+ *     - define UNITY_DOUBLE_PRECISION to specify the precision to use when doing TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE
+ *     - define UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE to specify something other than double
+ *     - define UNITY_EXCLUDE_FLOAT_PRINT to trim binary size, won't print floating point values in errors
+ * Output
+ *     - by default, Unity prints to standard out with putchar.  define UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(a) with a different function if desired
+ *     - define UNITY_DIFFERENTIATE_FINAL_FAIL to print FAILED (vs. FAIL) at test end summary - for automated search for failure
+ * Optimization
+ *     - by default, line numbers are stored in unsigned shorts.  Define UNITY_LINE_TYPE with a different type if your files are huge
+ *     - by default, test and failure counters are unsigned shorts.  Define UNITY_COUNTER_TYPE with a different type if you want to save space or have more than 65535 Tests.
+ * Test Cases
+ *     - define UNITY_SUPPORT_TEST_CASES to include the TEST_CASE macro, though really it's mostly about the runner generator script
+ * Parameterized Tests
+ *     - you'll want to create a define of TEST_CASE(...) which basically evaluates to nothing
+ * Tests with Arguments
+ *     - you'll want to define UNITY_USE_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS if you have the test runner passing arguments to Unity
+ *-------------------------------------------------------
+ * Basic Fail and Ignore
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE(message)                                                                 UNITY_TEST_FAIL(__LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_FAIL()                                                                                UNITY_TEST_FAIL(__LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE(message)                                                               UNITY_TEST_IGNORE(__LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_IGNORE()                                                                              UNITY_TEST_IGNORE(__LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ONLY()
+/* It is not necessary for you to call PASS. A PASS condition is assumed if nothing fails.
+ * This method allows you to abort a test immediately with a PASS state, ignoring the remainder of the test. */
+#define TEST_PASS()                                                                                TEST_ABORT()
+/* This macro does nothing, but it is useful for build tools (like Ceedling) to make use of this to figure out
+ * which files should be linked to in order to perform a test. Use it like TEST_FILE("sandwiches.c") */
+#define TEST_FILE(a)
+ * Test Asserts (simple)
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Boolean */
+#define TEST_ASSERT(condition)                                                                     UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(       (condition), __LINE__, " Expression Evaluated To FALSE")
+#define TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(condition)                                                                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(       (condition), __LINE__, " Expected TRUE Was FALSE")
+#define TEST_ASSERT_UNLESS(condition)                                                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(      !(condition), __LINE__, " Expression Evaluated To TRUE")
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(condition)                                                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(      !(condition), __LINE__, " Expected FALSE Was TRUE")
+#define TEST_ASSERT_NULL(pointer)                                                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NULL(    (pointer), __LINE__, " Expected NULL")
+#define TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(pointer)                                                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL((pointer), __LINE__, " Expected Non-NULL")
+/* Integers (of all sizes) */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(expected, actual)                                                    UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8(expected, actual)                                                   UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT16(expected, actual)                                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT16((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32(expected, actual)                                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64(expected, actual)                                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, actual)                                                        UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(expected, actual)                                                    UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(((expected) !=  (actual)), __LINE__, " Expected Not-Equal")
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT(expected, actual)                                                   UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT( (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8(expected, actual)                                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8( (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16(expected, actual)                                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16( (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(expected, actual)                                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(expected, actual)                                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64( (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(expected, actual)                                                    UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8(expected, actual)                                                   UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8( (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX16(expected, actual)                                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX16((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32(expected, actual)                                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64(expected, actual)                                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_BITS(mask, expected, actual)                                                   UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_BITS((mask), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_BITS_HIGH(mask, actual)                                                        UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_BITS((mask), (UNITY_UINT32)(-1), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_BITS_LOW(mask, actual)                                                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_BITS((mask), (UNITY_UINT32)(0), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_BIT_HIGH(bit, actual)                                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_BITS(((UNITY_UINT32)1 << (bit)), (UNITY_UINT32)(-1), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_BIT_LOW(bit, actual)                                                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_BITS(((UNITY_UINT32)1 << (bit)), (UNITY_UINT32)(0), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+/* Integer Greater Than/ Less Than (of all sizes) */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN(threshold, actual)                                                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT(threshold, actual)                                            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT8(threshold, actual)                                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT8((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT16(threshold, actual)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT16((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT32(threshold, actual)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT32((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT(threshold, actual)                                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT8(threshold, actual)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT8((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT16(threshold, actual)                                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT16((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT32(threshold, actual)                                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT32((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX8(threshold, actual)                                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX8((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX16(threshold, actual)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX16((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX32(threshold, actual)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX32((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(threshold, actual)                                                   UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT(threshold, actual)                                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT8(threshold, actual)                                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT8((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT16(threshold, actual)                                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT16((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT32(threshold, actual)                                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT32((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_UINT(threshold, actual)                                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_UINT((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_UINT8(threshold, actual)                                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_UINT8((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_UINT16(threshold, actual)                                            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_UINT16((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_UINT32(threshold, actual)                                            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_UINT32((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_HEX8(threshold, actual)                                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_HEX8((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_HEX16(threshold, actual)                                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_HEX16((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_HEX32(threshold, actual)                                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_HEX32((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+/* Integer Ranges (of all sizes) */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_INT_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_INT8_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT8_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_INT16_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT16_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_INT32_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT32_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_INT64_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT64_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_UINT_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_UINT8_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT8_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_UINT16_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT16_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_UINT32_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT32_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_UINT64_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT64_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_HEX_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX32_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_HEX8_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX8_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_HEX16_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX16_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_HEX32_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX32_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_HEX64_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX64_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+/* Structs and Strings */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(expected, actual)                                                    UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(expected, actual)                                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_LEN(expected, actual, len)                                        UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_LEN((expected), (actual), (len), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY(expected, actual, len)                                            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY((expected), (actual), (len), __LINE__, NULL)
+/* Arrays */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT16_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT16_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX16_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX16_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_ARRAY(expected, actual, len, num_elements)                        UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (len), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+/* Arrays Compared To Single Value */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT(expected, actual, num_elements)                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT8(expected, actual, num_elements)                                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT8((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT16(expected, actual, num_elements)                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT16((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT32(expected, actual, num_elements)                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT32((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT64(expected, actual, num_elements)                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT64((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT(expected, actual, num_elements)                                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT8(expected, actual, num_elements)                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT8((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT16(expected, actual, num_elements)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT16((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT32(expected, actual, num_elements)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT32((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT64(expected, actual, num_elements)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT64((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX(expected, actual, num_elements)                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX32((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX8(expected, actual, num_elements)                                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX8((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX16(expected, actual, num_elements)                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX16((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX32(expected, actual, num_elements)                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX32((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX64(expected, actual, num_elements)                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX64((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_PTR(expected, actual, num_elements)                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_PTR((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_STRING(expected, actual, num_elements)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_STRING((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_MEMORY(expected, actual, len, num_elements)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_MEMORY((expected), (actual), (len), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+/* Floating Point (If Enabled) */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT(expected, actual)                                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_FLOAT(expected, actual, num_elements)                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_FLOAT((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_INF(actual)                                                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_INF((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NEG_INF(actual)                                                       UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NEG_INF((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NAN(actual)                                                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NAN((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_DETERMINATE(actual)                                                   UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_DETERMINATE((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_INF(actual)                                                       UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_INF((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NEG_INF(actual)                                                   UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NEG_INF((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NAN(actual)                                                       UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NAN((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_DETERMINATE(actual)                                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_DETERMINATE((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+/* Double (If Enabled) */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual)                                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE(expected, actual)                                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE((expected), (actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements)                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_DOUBLE(expected, actual, num_elements)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_DOUBLE((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_INF(actual)                                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_INF((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NEG_INF(actual)                                                      UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NEG_INF((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NAN(actual)                                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NAN((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_DETERMINATE(actual)                                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_DETERMINATE((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_INF(actual)                                                      UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_INF((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_NEG_INF(actual)                                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_NEG_INF((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_NAN(actual)                                                      UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_NAN((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_DETERMINATE(actual)                                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_DETERMINATE((actual), __LINE__, NULL)
+ * Test Asserts (with additional messages)
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Boolean */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(condition, message)                                                    UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(       (condition), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_TRUE_MESSAGE(condition, message)                                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(       (condition), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_UNLESS_MESSAGE(condition, message)                                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(      !(condition), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FALSE_MESSAGE(condition, message)                                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(      !(condition), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_NULL_MESSAGE(pointer, message)                                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NULL(    (pointer), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL_MESSAGE(pointer, message)                                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL((pointer), __LINE__, (message))
+/* Integers (of all sizes) */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                   UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT16_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT16((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                       UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                   UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(((expected) !=  (actual)), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT( (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8( (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16( (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64( (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                   UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8( (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX16_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX16((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_BITS_MESSAGE(mask, expected, actual, message)                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_BITS((mask), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_BITS_HIGH_MESSAGE(mask, actual, message)                                       UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_BITS((mask), (UNITY_UINT32)(-1), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_BITS_LOW_MESSAGE(mask, actual, message)                                        UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_BITS((mask), (UNITY_UINT32)(0), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_BIT_HIGH_MESSAGE(bit, actual, message)                                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_BITS(((UNITY_UINT32)1 << (bit)), (UNITY_UINT32)(-1), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_BIT_LOW_MESSAGE(bit, actual, message)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_BITS(((UNITY_UINT32)1 << (bit)), (UNITY_UINT32)(0), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+/* Integer Greater Than/ Less Than (of all sizes) */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT8_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT8((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT16_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT16((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT32_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT32((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT8_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT8((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT16_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                        UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT16((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT32_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                        UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT32((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX8_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX8((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX16_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX16((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX32_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX32((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT8_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT8((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT16_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT16((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_INT32_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT32((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_UINT_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_UINT((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_UINT8_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_UINT8((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_UINT16_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_UINT16((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_UINT32_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_UINT32((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_HEX8_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_HEX8((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_HEX16_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_HEX16((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_HEX32_MESSAGE(threshold, actual, message)                            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_HEX32((threshold), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+/* Integer Ranges (of all sizes) */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_INT_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_INT8_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT8_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_INT16_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT16_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_INT32_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT32_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_INT64_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT64_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_UINT_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_UINT8_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT8_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_UINT16_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                        UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT16_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_UINT32_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                        UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT32_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_UINT64_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                        UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT64_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_HEX_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX32_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_HEX8_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX8_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_HEX16_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX16_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_HEX32_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX32_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_HEX64_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX64_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+/* Structs and Strings */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                   UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_LEN_MESSAGE(expected, actual, len, message)                       UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_LEN((expected), (actual), (len), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, len, message)                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY((expected), (actual), (len), __LINE__, (message))
+/* Arrays */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT16_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT16_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX16_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX16_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, len, num_elements, message)       UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (len), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+/* Arrays Compared To Single Value*/
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT8_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT8((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT16_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT16((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT32_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT32((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT64_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT64((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT8_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT8((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT16_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT16((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT32_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT32((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT64_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT64((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX32_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX32((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX8_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)               UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX8((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX16_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX16((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX32_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX32((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX64_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX64((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_PTR_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_PTR((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_STRING((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, len, num_elements, message)        UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_MEMORY((expected), (actual), (len), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+/* Floating Point (If Enabled) */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_FLOAT_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_FLOAT((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_INF_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_INF((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NEG_INF_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                      UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NEG_INF((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NAN_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NAN((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_DETERMINATE_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_DETERMINATE((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_INF_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                      UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_INF((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NEG_INF_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NEG_INF((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NAN_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                      UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NAN((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_DETERMINATE_MESSAGE(actual, message)                              UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_DETERMINATE((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+/* Double (If Enabled) */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_WITHIN_MESSAGE(delta, expected, actual, message)                        UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE_MESSAGE(expected, actual, message)                                UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE((expected), (actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE_ARRAY_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE_ARRAY((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_DOUBLE_MESSAGE(expected, actual, num_elements, message)             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_DOUBLE((expected), (actual), (num_elements), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_INF_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_INF((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NEG_INF_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                     UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NEG_INF((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NAN_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                         UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NAN((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_DETERMINATE_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_DETERMINATE((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_INF_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                     UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_INF((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_NEG_INF_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                 UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_NEG_INF((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_NAN_MESSAGE(actual, message)                                     UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_NAN((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_DETERMINATE_MESSAGE(actual, message)                             UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_DETERMINATE((actual), __LINE__, (message))
+/* end of UNITY_FRAMEWORK_H */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Unity/src/unity_config.h b/Unity/src/unity_config.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a2f161a7a7220b13064aac865cc3856e5c2d788c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/src/unity_config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+/* Unity Configuration
+ * As of May 11th, 2016 at ThrowTheSwitch/Unity commit 837c529
+ * Update: December 29th, 2016
+ * See Also: Unity/docs/UnityConfigurationGuide.pdf
+ *
+ * Unity is designed to run on almost anything that is targeted by a C compiler.
+ * It would be awesome if this could be done with zero configuration. While
+ * there are some targets that come close to this dream, it is sadly not
+ * universal. It is likely that you are going to need at least a couple of the
+ * configuration options described in this document.
+ *
+ * All of Unity's configuration options are `#defines`. Most of these are simple
+ * definitions. A couple are macros with arguments. They live inside the
+ * unity_internals.h header file. We don't necessarily recommend opening that
+ * file unless you really need to. That file is proof that a cross-platform
+ * library is challenging to build. From a more positive perspective, it is also
+ * proof that a great deal of complexity can be centralized primarily to one
+ * place in order to provide a more consistent and simple experience elsewhere.
+ *
+ * Using These Options
+ * It doesn't matter if you're using a target-specific compiler and a simulator
+ * or a native compiler. In either case, you've got a couple choices for
+ * configuring these options:
+ *
+ *  1. Because these options are specified via C defines, you can pass most of
+ *     these options to your compiler through command line compiler flags. Even
+ *     if you're using an embedded target that forces you to use their
+ *     overbearing IDE for all configuration, there will be a place somewhere in
+ *     your project to configure defines for your compiler.
+ *  2. You can create a custom `unity_config.h` configuration file (present in
+ *     your toolchain's search paths). In this file, you will list definitions
+ *     and macros specific to your target. All you must do is define
+ *     `UNITY_INCLUDE_CONFIG_H` and Unity will rely on `unity_config.h` for any
+ *     further definitions it may need.
+ */
+/* ************************* AUTOMATIC INTEGER TYPES ***************************
+ * C's concept of an integer varies from target to target. The C Standard has
+ * rules about the `int` matching the register size of the target
+ * microprocessor. It has rules about the `int` and how its size relates to
+ * other integer types. An `int` on one target might be 16 bits while on another
+ * target it might be 64. There are more specific types in compilers compliant
+ * with C99 or later, but that's certainly not every compiler you are likely to
+ * encounter. Therefore, Unity has a number of features for helping to adjust
+ * itself to match your required integer sizes. It starts off by trying to do it
+ * automatically.
+ **************************************************************************** */
+/* The first attempt to guess your types is to check `limits.h`. Some compilers
+ * that don't support `stdint.h` could include `limits.h`. If you don't
+ * want Unity to check this file, define this to make it skip the inclusion.
+ * Unity looks at UINT_MAX & ULONG_MAX, which were available since C89.
+ */
+/* The second thing that Unity does to guess your types is check `stdint.h`.
+ * This file defines `UINTPTR_MAX`, since C99, that Unity can make use of to
+ * learn about your system. It's possible you don't want it to do this or it's
+ * possible that your system doesn't support `stdint.h`. If that's the case,
+ * you're going to want to define this. That way, Unity will know to skip the
+ * inclusion of this file and you won't be left with a compiler error.
+ */
+/* ********************** MANUAL INTEGER TYPE DEFINITION ***********************
+ * If you've disabled all of the automatic options above, you're going to have
+ * to do the configuration yourself. There are just a handful of defines that
+ * you are going to specify if you don't like the defaults.
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ /* Define this to be the number of bits an `int` takes up on your system. The
+ * default, if not auto-detected, is 32 bits.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_INT_WIDTH 16 */
+/* Define this to be the number of bits a `long` takes up on your system. The
+ * default, if not autodetected, is 32 bits. This is used to figure out what
+ * kind of 64-bit support your system can handle.  Does it need to specify a
+ * `long` or a `long long` to get a 64-bit value. On 16-bit systems, this option
+ * is going to be ignored.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_LONG_WIDTH 16 */
+/* Define this to be the number of bits a pointer takes up on your system. The
+ * default, if not autodetected, is 32-bits. If you're getting ugly compiler
+ * warnings about casting from pointers, this is the one to look at.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_POINTER_WIDTH 64 */
+/* Unity will automatically include 64-bit support if it auto-detects it, or if
+ * your `int`, `long`, or pointer widths are greater than 32-bits. Define this
+ * to enable 64-bit support if none of the other options already did it for you.
+ * There can be a significant size and speed impact to enabling 64-bit support
+ * on small targets, so don't define it if you don't need it.
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_INCLUDE_64 */
+/* *************************** FLOATING POINT TYPES ****************************
+ * In the embedded world, it's not uncommon for targets to have no support for
+ * floating point operations at all or to have support that is limited to only
+ * single precision. We are able to guess integer sizes on the fly because
+ * integers are always available in at least one size. Floating point, on the
+ * other hand, is sometimes not available at all. Trying to include `float.h` on
+ * these platforms would result in an error. This leaves manual configuration as
+ * the only option.
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ /* By default, Unity guesses that you will want single precision floating point
+  * support, but not double precision. It's easy to change either of these using
+  * the include and exclude options here. You may include neither, just float,
+  * or both, as suits your needs.
+  */
+/* #define UNITY_EXCLUDE_FLOAT  */
+/* For features that are enabled, the following floating point options also
+ * become available.
+ */
+/* Unity aims for as small of a footprint as possible and avoids most standard
+ * library calls (some embedded platforms don't have a standard library!).
+ * Because of this, its routines for printing integer values are minimalist and
+ * hand-coded. To keep Unity universal, though, we eventually chose to develop
+ * our own floating point print routines. Still, the display of floating point
+ * values during a failure are optional. By default, Unity will print the
+ * actual results of floating point assertion failures. So a failed assertion
+ * will produce a message like "Expected 4.0 Was 4.25". If you would like less
+ * verbose failure messages for floating point assertions, use this option to
+ * give a failure message `"Values Not Within Delta"` and trim the binary size.
+ */
+/* If enabled, Unity assumes you want your `FLOAT` asserts to compare standard C
+ * floats. If your compiler supports a specialty floating point type, you can
+ * always override this behavior by using this definition.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_FLOAT_TYPE float16_t */
+/* If enabled, Unity assumes you want your `DOUBLE` asserts to compare standard
+ * C doubles. If you would like to change this, you can specify something else
+ * by using this option. For example, defining `UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE` to `long
+ * double` could enable gargantuan floating point types on your 64-bit processor
+ * instead of the standard `double`.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE long double */
+ * documented in the Unity Assertion Guide, you will learn that they are not
+ * really asserting that two values are equal but rather that two values are
+ * "close enough" to equal. "Close enough" is controlled by these precision
+ * configuration options. If you are working with 32-bit floats and/or 64-bit
+ * doubles (the normal on most processors), you should have no need to change
+ * these options. They are both set to give you approximately 1 significant bit
+ * in either direction. The float precision is 0.00001 while the double is
+ * 10^-12. For further details on how this works, see the appendix of the Unity
+ * Assertion Guide.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_FLOAT_PRECISION 0.001f  */
+/* #define UNITY_DOUBLE_PRECISION 0.001f */
+/* *************************** TOOLSET CUSTOMIZATION ***************************
+ * In addition to the options listed above, there are a number of other options
+ * which will come in handy to customize Unity's behavior for your specific
+ * toolchain. It is possible that you may not need to touch any of these but
+ * certain platforms, particularly those running in simulators, may need to jump
+ * through extra hoops to operate properly. These macros will help in those
+ * situations.
+ **************************************************************************** */
+/* By default, Unity prints its results to `stdout` as it runs. This works
+ * perfectly fine in most situations where you are using a native compiler for
+ * testing. It works on some simulators as well so long as they have `stdout`
+ * routed back to the command line. There are times, however, where the
+ * simulator will lack support for dumping results or you will want to route
+ * results elsewhere for other reasons. In these cases, you should define the
+ * `UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR` macro. This macro accepts a single character at a time
+ * (as an `int`, since this is the parameter type of the standard C `putchar`
+ * function most commonly used). You may replace this with whatever function
+ * call you like.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * Say you are forced to run your test suite on an embedded processor with no
+ * `stdout` option. You decide to route your test result output to a custom
+ * serial `RS232_putc()` function you wrote like thus:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(a)                    RS232_putc(a) */
+/* #define UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR_HEADER_DECLARATION    RS232_putc(int) */
+/* #define UNITY_OUTPUT_FLUSH()                    RS232_flush() */
+/* #define UNITY_OUTPUT_FLUSH_HEADER_DECLARATION   RS232_flush(void) */
+/* #define UNITY_OUTPUT_START()                    RS232_config(115200,1,8,0) */
+/* #define UNITY_OUTPUT_COMPLETE()                 RS232_close() */
+/* For some targets, Unity can make the otherwise required `setUp()` and
+ * `tearDown()` functions optional. This is a nice convenience for test writers
+ * since `setUp` and `tearDown` don't often actually _do_ anything. If you're
+ * using gcc or clang, this option is automatically defined for you. Other
+ * compilers can also support this behavior, if they support a C feature called
+ * weak functions. A weak function is a function that is compiled into your
+ * executable _unless_ a non-weak version of the same function is defined
+ * elsewhere. If a non-weak version is found, the weak version is ignored as if
+ * it never existed. If your compiler supports this feature, you can let Unity
+ * know by defining `UNITY_SUPPORT_WEAK` as the function attributes that would
+ * need to be applied to identify a function as weak. If your compiler lacks
+ * support for weak functions, you will always need to define `setUp` and
+ * `tearDown` functions (though they can be and often will be just empty). The
+ * most common options for this feature are:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_SUPPORT_WEAK weak */
+/* #define UNITY_SUPPORT_WEAK __attribute__((weak)) */
+/* #define UNITY_NO_WEAK */
+/* Some compilers require a custom attribute to be assigned to pointers, like
+ * `near` or `far`. In these cases, you can give Unity a safe default for these
+ * by defining this option with the attribute you would like.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ */
+/* #define UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((far)) */
+/* #define UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE near */
+#endif /* UNITY_CONFIG_H */
diff --git a/Unity/src/unity_internals.h b/Unity/src/unity_internals.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b57cd0262eb0d6e019557362dfda1484732930e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/src/unity_internals.h
@@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
+/* ==========================================
+    Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+    Copyright (c) 2007-14 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+    [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+========================================== */
+#include "unity_config.h"
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <math.h>
+/* Unity Attempts to Auto-Detect Integer Types
+ * Attempt 1: UINT_MAX, ULONG_MAX in <limits.h>, or default to 32 bits
+ * Attempt 2: UINTPTR_MAX in <stdint.h>, or default to same size as long
+ * The user may override any of these derived constants:
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+ * Guess Widths If Not Specified
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Determine the size of an int, if not already specified.
+ * We cannot use sizeof(int), because it is not yet defined
+ * at this stage in the translation of the C program.
+ * Therefore, infer it from UINT_MAX if possible. */
+  #ifdef UINT_MAX
+    #if (UINT_MAX == 0xFFFF)
+      #define UNITY_INT_WIDTH (16)
+    #elif (UINT_MAX == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+      #define UNITY_INT_WIDTH (32)
+      #define UNITY_INT_WIDTH (64)
+    #endif
+  #else /* Set to default */
+    #define UNITY_INT_WIDTH (32)
+  #endif /* UINT_MAX */
+/* Determine the size of a long, if not already specified. */
+  #ifdef ULONG_MAX
+    #if (ULONG_MAX == 0xFFFF)
+      #define UNITY_LONG_WIDTH (16)
+    #elif (ULONG_MAX == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+      #define UNITY_LONG_WIDTH (32)
+      #define UNITY_LONG_WIDTH (64)
+    #endif
+  #else /* Set to default */
+    #define UNITY_LONG_WIDTH (32)
+  #endif /* ULONG_MAX */
+/* Determine the size of a pointer, if not already specified. */
+  #ifdef UINTPTR_MAX
+    #if (UINTPTR_MAX <= 0xFFFF)
+      #define UNITY_POINTER_WIDTH (16)
+    #elif (UINTPTR_MAX <= 0xFFFFFFFF)
+      #define UNITY_POINTER_WIDTH (32)
+      #define UNITY_POINTER_WIDTH (64)
+    #endif
+  #else /* Set to default */
+  #endif /* UINTPTR_MAX */
+ * Int Support (Define types based on detected sizes)
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+#if (UNITY_INT_WIDTH == 32)
+    typedef unsigned char   UNITY_UINT8;
+    typedef unsigned short  UNITY_UINT16;
+    typedef unsigned int    UNITY_UINT32;
+    typedef signed char     UNITY_INT8;
+    typedef signed short    UNITY_INT16;
+    typedef signed int      UNITY_INT32;
+#elif (UNITY_INT_WIDTH == 16)
+    typedef unsigned char   UNITY_UINT8;
+    typedef unsigned int    UNITY_UINT16;
+    typedef unsigned long   UNITY_UINT32;
+    typedef signed char     UNITY_INT8;
+    typedef signed int      UNITY_INT16;
+    typedef signed long     UNITY_INT32;
+    #error Invalid UNITY_INT_WIDTH specified! (16 or 32 are supported)
+ * 64-bit Support
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef UNITY_SUPPORT_64
+    #define UNITY_SUPPORT_64
+  #endif
+#ifndef UNITY_SUPPORT_64
+    /* No 64-bit Support */
+    typedef UNITY_UINT32 UNITY_UINT;
+    typedef UNITY_INT32 UNITY_INT;
+    /* 64-bit Support */
+  #if (UNITY_LONG_WIDTH == 32)
+    typedef unsigned long long UNITY_UINT64;
+    typedef signed long long   UNITY_INT64;
+  #elif (UNITY_LONG_WIDTH == 64)
+    typedef unsigned long      UNITY_UINT64;
+    typedef signed long        UNITY_INT64;
+  #else
+    #error Invalid UNITY_LONG_WIDTH specified! (32 or 64 are supported)
+  #endif
+    typedef UNITY_UINT64 UNITY_UINT;
+    typedef UNITY_INT64 UNITY_INT;
+ * Pointer Support
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+#elif (UNITY_POINTER_WIDTH == 64)
+#elif (UNITY_POINTER_WIDTH == 16)
+    #error Invalid UNITY_POINTER_WIDTH specified! (16, 32 or 64 are supported)
+ * Float Support
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* No Floating Point Support */
+#define UNITY_EXCLUDE_DOUBLE /* Remove double when excluding float support */
+/* Floating Point Support */
+#define UNITY_FLOAT_PRECISION (0.00001f)
+#define UNITY_FLOAT_TYPE float
+/* isinf & isnan macros should be provided by math.h */
+#ifndef isinf
+/* The value of Inf - Inf is NaN */
+#define isinf(n) (isnan((n) - (n)) && !isnan(n))
+#ifndef isnan
+/* NaN is the only floating point value that does NOT equal itself.
+ * Therefore if n != n, then it is NaN. */
+#define isnan(n) ((n != n) ? 1 : 0)
+ * Double Float Support
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* unlike float, we DON'T include by default */
+  /* No Floating Point Support */
+  #else
+  #endif
+    #ifndef UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE
+    #define UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE double
+    #endif
+  /* For parameter in UnityPrintFloat(UNITY_DOUBLE), which aliases to double or float */
+  #endif
+  /* Double Floating Point Support */
+  #define UNITY_DOUBLE_PRECISION (1e-12)
+  #endif
+  #define UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE double
+  #endif
+ * Output Method: stdout (DEFAULT)
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Default to using putchar, which is defined in stdio.h */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(a) (void)putchar(a)
+  /* If defined as something else, make sure we declare it here so it's ready for use */
+  #endif
+/* We want to use the stdout flush utility */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define UNITY_OUTPUT_FLUSH() (void)fflush(stdout)
+/* We've specified nothing, therefore flush should just be ignored */
+/* We've defined flush as something else, so make sure we declare it here so it's ready for use */
+ * Footprint
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * Language Features Available
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+#if !defined(UNITY_WEAK_ATTRIBUTE) && !defined(UNITY_WEAK_PRAGMA)
+#   ifdef __GNUC__ /* includes clang */
+#       if !(defined(__WIN32__) && defined(__clang__)) && !defined(__TMS470__)
+#           define UNITY_WEAK_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((weak))
+#       endif
+#   endif
+ * Internal Structs Needed
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef void (*UnityTestFunction)(void);
+#define UNITY_DISPLAY_RANGE_INT  (0x10)
+#define UNITY_DISPLAY_RANGE_HEX  (0x40)
+typedef enum
+#ifdef UNITY_SUPPORT_64
+#ifdef UNITY_SUPPORT_64
+#ifdef UNITY_SUPPORT_64
+typedef enum UNITY_FLOAT_TRAIT
+    UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_INF       = 0,
+typedef enum
+    const char* TestFile;
+    const char* CurrentTestName;
+    const char* CurrentDetail1;
+    const char* CurrentDetail2;
+    UNITY_LINE_TYPE CurrentTestLineNumber;
+    UNITY_COUNTER_TYPE NumberOfTests;
+    UNITY_COUNTER_TYPE TestFailures;
+    UNITY_COUNTER_TYPE TestIgnores;
+    UNITY_COUNTER_TYPE CurrentTestFailed;
+    UNITY_COUNTER_TYPE CurrentTestIgnored;
+    jmp_buf AbortFrame;
+extern struct UNITY_STORAGE_T Unity;
+ * Test Suite Management
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+void UnityBegin(const char* filename);
+int  UnityEnd(void);
+void UnityConcludeTest(void);
+void UnityDefaultTestRun(UnityTestFunction Func, const char* FuncName, const int FuncLineNum);
+ * Details Support
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define UNITY_SET_DETAIL(d1)
+#define UNITY_SET_DETAILS(d1,d2)
+#define UNITY_CLR_DETAILS()      { Unity.CurrentDetail1 = 0;   Unity.CurrentDetail2 = 0;  }
+#define UNITY_SET_DETAIL(d1)     { Unity.CurrentDetail1 = d1;  Unity.CurrentDetail2 = 0;  }
+#define UNITY_SET_DETAILS(d1,d2) { Unity.CurrentDetail1 = d1;  Unity.CurrentDetail2 = d2; }
+#define UNITY_DETAIL1_NAME "Function"
+#define UNITY_DETAIL2_NAME "Argument"
+ * Test Output
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+void UnityPrint(const char* string);
+void UnityPrintLen(const char* string, const UNITY_UINT32 length);
+void UnityPrintMask(const UNITY_UINT mask, const UNITY_UINT number);
+void UnityPrintNumberByStyle(const UNITY_INT number, const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style);
+void UnityPrintNumber(const UNITY_INT number);
+void UnityPrintNumberUnsigned(const UNITY_UINT number);
+void UnityPrintNumberHex(const UNITY_UINT number, const char nibbles);
+void UnityPrintFloat(const UNITY_DOUBLE input_number);
+ * Test Assertion Functions
+ *-------------------------------------------------------
+ *  Use the macros below this section instead of calling
+ *  these directly. The macros have a consistent naming
+ *  convention and will pull in file and line information
+ *  for you. */
+void UnityAssertEqualNumber(const UNITY_INT expected,
+                            const UNITY_INT actual,
+                            const char* msg,
+                            const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                            const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style);
+void UnityAssertGreaterNumber(const UNITY_INT threshold,
+                            const UNITY_INT actual,
+                            const char* msg,
+                            const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                            const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style);
+void UnityAssertSmallerNumber(const UNITY_INT threshold,
+                            const UNITY_INT actual,
+                            const char* msg,
+                            const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                            const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style);
+void UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR expected,
+                              UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR actual,
+                              const UNITY_UINT32 num_elements,
+                              const char* msg,
+                              const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                              const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style,
+                              const UNITY_FLAGS_T flags);
+void UnityAssertBits(const UNITY_INT mask,
+                     const UNITY_INT expected,
+                     const UNITY_INT actual,
+                     const char* msg,
+                     const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber);
+void UnityAssertEqualString(const char* expected,
+                            const char* actual,
+                            const char* msg,
+                            const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber);
+void UnityAssertEqualStringLen(const char* expected,
+                            const char* actual,
+                            const UNITY_UINT32 length,
+                            const char* msg,
+                            const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber);
+void UnityAssertEqualStringArray( UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR expected,
+                                  const char** actual,
+                                  const UNITY_UINT32 num_elements,
+                                  const char* msg,
+                                  const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                                  const UNITY_FLAGS_T flags);
+void UnityAssertEqualMemory( UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR expected,
+                             UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR actual,
+                             const UNITY_UINT32 length,
+                             const UNITY_UINT32 num_elements,
+                             const char* msg,
+                             const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                             const UNITY_FLAGS_T flags);
+void UnityAssertNumbersWithin(const UNITY_UINT delta,
+                              const UNITY_INT expected,
+                              const UNITY_INT actual,
+                              const char* msg,
+                              const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                              const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style);
+void UnityFail(const char* message, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE line);
+void UnityIgnore(const char* message, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE line);
+void UnityAssertFloatsWithin(const UNITY_FLOAT delta,
+                             const UNITY_FLOAT expected,
+                             const UNITY_FLOAT actual,
+                             const char* msg,
+                             const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber);
+void UnityAssertEqualFloatArray(UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_FLOAT* expected,
+                                UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_FLOAT* actual,
+                                const UNITY_UINT32 num_elements,
+                                const char* msg,
+                                const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                                const UNITY_FLAGS_T flags);
+void UnityAssertFloatSpecial(const UNITY_FLOAT actual,
+                             const char* msg,
+                             const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                             const UNITY_FLOAT_TRAIT_T style);
+void UnityAssertDoublesWithin(const UNITY_DOUBLE delta,
+                              const UNITY_DOUBLE expected,
+                              const UNITY_DOUBLE actual,
+                              const char* msg,
+                              const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber);
+void UnityAssertEqualDoubleArray(UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_DOUBLE* expected,
+                                 UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE const UNITY_DOUBLE* actual,
+                                 const UNITY_UINT32 num_elements,
+                                 const char* msg,
+                                 const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                                 const UNITY_FLAGS_T flags);
+void UnityAssertDoubleSpecial(const UNITY_DOUBLE actual,
+                              const char* msg,
+                              const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber,
+                              const UNITY_FLOAT_TRAIT_T style);
+ * Helpers
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR UnityNumToPtr(const UNITY_INT num, const UNITY_UINT8 size);
+UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR UnityFloatToPtr(const float num);
+UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR UnityDoubleToPtr(const double num);
+ * Error Strings We Might Need
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern const char UnityStrErrFloat[];
+extern const char UnityStrErrDouble[];
+extern const char UnityStrErr64[];
+ * Test Running Macros
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define TEST_PROTECT() (setjmp(Unity.AbortFrame) == 0)
+#define TEST_ABORT() longjmp(Unity.AbortFrame, 1)
+#define TEST_PROTECT() 1
+#define TEST_ABORT() return
+/* This tricky series of macros gives us an optional line argument to treat it as RUN_TEST(func, num=__LINE__) */
+#ifndef RUN_TEST
+#ifdef __STDC_VERSION__
+#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+#define RUN_TEST(...) UnityDefaultTestRun(RUN_TEST_FIRST(__VA_ARGS__), RUN_TEST_SECOND(__VA_ARGS__))
+#define RUN_TEST_FIRST(...) RUN_TEST_FIRST_HELPER(__VA_ARGS__, throwaway)
+#define RUN_TEST_FIRST_HELPER(first, ...) (first), #first
+#define RUN_TEST_SECOND(...) RUN_TEST_SECOND_HELPER(__VA_ARGS__, __LINE__, throwaway)
+#define RUN_TEST_SECOND_HELPER(first, second, ...) (second)
+/* If we can't do the tricky version, we'll just have to require them to always include the line number */
+#ifndef RUN_TEST
+#ifdef CMOCK
+#define RUN_TEST(func, num) UnityDefaultTestRun(func, #func, num)
+#define RUN_TEST(func) UnityDefaultTestRun(func, #func, __LINE__)
+#define TEST_LINE_NUM (Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber)
+#define TEST_IS_IGNORED (Unity.CurrentTestIgnored)
+#define UNITY_NEW_TEST(a) \
+    Unity.CurrentTestName = (a); \
+    Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber = (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(__LINE__); \
+    Unity.NumberOfTests++;
+#ifndef UNITY_BEGIN
+#define UNITY_BEGIN() UnityBegin(__FILE__)
+#ifndef UNITY_END
+#define UNITY_END() UnityEnd()
+ * Command Line Argument Support
+ *-----------------------------------------------*/
+int UnityParseOptions(int argc, char** argv);
+int UnityTestMatches(void);
+ * Basic Fail and Ignore
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define UNITY_TEST_FAIL(line, message)   UnityFail(   (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line))
+#define UNITY_TEST_IGNORE(line, message) UnityIgnore( (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line))
+ * Test Asserts
+ *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(condition, line, message)                                              if (condition) {} else {UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), (message));}
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NULL(pointer, line, message)                                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(((pointer) == NULL),  (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), (message))
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(pointer, line, message)                                       UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(((pointer) != NULL),  (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), (message))
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(expected, actual, line, message)                             UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8(expected, actual, line, message)                            UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT8 )(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT8 )(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT8)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT16(expected, actual, line, message)                           UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT16)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT16)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT16)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32(expected, actual, line, message)                           UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT32)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT32)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT32)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT(expected, actual, line, message)                            UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8(expected, actual, line, message)                           UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT8)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16(expected, actual, line, message)                          UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT16)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT16)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT16)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(expected, actual, line, message)                          UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT32)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT32)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT32)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8(expected, actual, line, message)                            UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT8 )(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT8 )(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX8)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX16(expected, actual, line, message)                           UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT16)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT16)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX16)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32(expected, actual, line, message)                           UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT32)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT32)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX32)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_BITS(mask, expected, actual, line, message)                            UnityAssertBits((UNITY_INT)(mask), (UNITY_INT)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line))
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertGreaterNumber((UNITY_INT)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT8(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertGreaterNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT8 )(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT8 )(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT8)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT16(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertGreaterNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT16)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT16)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT16)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT32(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertGreaterNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT32)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT32)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT32)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertGreaterNumber((UNITY_INT)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT8(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertGreaterNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT8)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT16(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertGreaterNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT16)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT16)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT16)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT32(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertGreaterNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT32)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT32)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT32)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX8(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertGreaterNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX8)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX16(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertGreaterNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT16)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT16)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX16)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_HEX32(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertGreaterNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT32)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT32)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX32)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertSmallerNumber((UNITY_INT)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT8(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertSmallerNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT8 )(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT8 )(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT8)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT16(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertSmallerNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT16)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT16)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT16)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_INT32(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertSmallerNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT32)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT32)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT32)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_UINT(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertSmallerNumber((UNITY_INT)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_UINT8(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertSmallerNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT8)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_UINT16(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertSmallerNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT16)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT16)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT16)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_UINT32(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertSmallerNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT32)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT32)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT32)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_HEX8(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertSmallerNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX8)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_HEX16(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertSmallerNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT16)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT16)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX16)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_SMALLER_THAN_HEX32(threshold, actual, line, message)               UnityAssertSmallerNumber((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT32)(threshold), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT32)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX32)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                     UnityAssertNumbersWithin((delta), (UNITY_INT)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT8_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                    UnityAssertNumbersWithin((UNITY_UINT8 )(delta), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT8 )(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT8 )(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT8)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT16_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                   UnityAssertNumbersWithin((UNITY_UINT16)(delta), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT16)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT16)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT16)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT32_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                   UnityAssertNumbersWithin((UNITY_UINT32)(delta), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT32)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT32)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT32)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                    UnityAssertNumbersWithin((delta), (UNITY_INT)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT8_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                   UnityAssertNumbersWithin((UNITY_UINT8 )(delta), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT8)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT16_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                  UnityAssertNumbersWithin((UNITY_UINT16)(delta), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT)(UNITY_UINT16)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT)(UNITY_UINT16)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT16)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT32_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                  UnityAssertNumbersWithin((UNITY_UINT32)(delta), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT)(UNITY_UINT32)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT)(UNITY_UINT32)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT32)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX8_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                    UnityAssertNumbersWithin((UNITY_UINT8 )(delta), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT)(UNITY_UINT8 )(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX8)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX16_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                   UnityAssertNumbersWithin((UNITY_UINT16)(delta), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT)(UNITY_UINT16)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT)(UNITY_UINT16)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX16)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX32_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                   UnityAssertNumbersWithin((UNITY_UINT32)(delta), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT)(UNITY_UINT32)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT)(UNITY_UINT32)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX32)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(expected, actual, line, message)                             UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_PTR_TO_INT)(expected), (UNITY_PTR_TO_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_POINTER)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(expected, actual, line, message)                          UnityAssertEqualString((const char*)(expected), (const char*)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line))
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_LEN(expected, actual, len, line, message)                 UnityAssertEqualStringLen((const char*)(expected), (const char*)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(len), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line))
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY(expected, actual, len, line, message)                     UnityAssertEqualMemory((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(len), 1, (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)         UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT,     UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)        UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT8,    UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT16_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT16,   UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT32,   UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)        UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT,    UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT8,   UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)      UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT16,  UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)      UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT32,  UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)        UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX8,    UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX16_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX16,   UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX32,   UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)         UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_POINTER, UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)      UnityAssertEqualStringArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (const char**)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_ARRAY(expected, actual, len, num_elements, line, message) UnityAssertEqualMemory((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(len), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)          UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)              expected, sizeof(int)),  (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT,     UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT8(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)         UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT8  )expected, 1),            (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT8,    UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT16(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)        UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT16 )expected, 2),            (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT16,   UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT32(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)        UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT32 )expected, 4),            (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT32,   UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)         UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)              expected, sizeof(unsigned int)), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT,    UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT8(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)        UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT8 )expected, 1),            (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT8,   UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT16(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT16)expected, 2),            (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT16,  UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT32(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT32)expected, 4),            (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT32,  UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX8(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)         UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT8  )expected, 1),            (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX8,    UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX16(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)        UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT16 )expected, 2),            (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX16,   UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX32(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)        UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT32 )expected, 4),            (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX32,   UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_PTR(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)          UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_PTR_TO_INT)       expected, sizeof(int*)), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_POINTER, UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_STRING(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UnityAssertEqualStringArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (const char**)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_MEMORY(expected, actual, len, num_elements, line, message)  UnityAssertEqualMemory((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(len), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#ifdef UNITY_SUPPORT_64
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64(expected, actual, line, message)                           UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(expected, actual, line, message)                          UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64(expected, actual, line, message)                           UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT64,  UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)      UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT64, UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UnityAssertEqualIntArray((UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(expected), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX64,  UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_INT64(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)        UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT64)expected, 8), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT64,  UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_UINT64(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_UINT64)expected, 8), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT64, UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_HEX64(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)        UnityAssertEqualIntArray(UnityNumToPtr((UNITY_INT)(UNITY_INT64)expected, 8), (UNITY_INTERNAL_PTR)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX64,  UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT64_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                   UnityAssertNumbersWithin((delta), (UNITY_INT)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT64_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                  UnityAssertNumbersWithin((delta), (UNITY_INT)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX64_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                   UnityAssertNumbersWithin((delta), (UNITY_INT)(expected), (UNITY_INT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64(expected, actual, line, message)                           UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErr64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(expected, actual, line, message)                          UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErr64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64(expected, actual, line, message)                           UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErr64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT64_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErr64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)      UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErr64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX64_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErr64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_INT64_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                   UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErr64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_UINT64_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                  UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErr64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_HEX64_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                   UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErr64)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                   UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrFloat)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT(expected, actual, line, message)                           UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrFloat)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrFloat)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_FLOAT(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)        UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrFloat)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_INF(actual, line, message)                                    UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrFloat)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NEG_INF(actual, line, message)                                UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrFloat)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NAN(actual, line, message)                                    UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrFloat)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_DETERMINATE(actual, line, message)                            UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrFloat)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_INF(actual, line, message)                                UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrFloat)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NEG_INF(actual, line, message)                            UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrFloat)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NAN(actual, line, message)                                UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrFloat)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_DETERMINATE(actual, line, message)                        UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrFloat)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                   UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)(delta), (UNITY_FLOAT)(expected), (UNITY_FLOAT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line))
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT(expected, actual, line, message)                           UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_WITHIN((UNITY_FLOAT)(expected) * (UNITY_FLOAT)UNITY_FLOAT_PRECISION, (UNITY_FLOAT)(expected), (UNITY_FLOAT)(actual), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), (message))
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_FLOAT_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UnityAssertEqualFloatArray((UNITY_FLOAT*)(expected), (UNITY_FLOAT*)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_FLOAT(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)        UnityAssertEqualFloatArray(UnityFloatToPtr(expected), (UNITY_FLOAT*)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_INF(actual, line, message)                                    UnityAssertFloatSpecial((UNITY_FLOAT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_INF)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NEG_INF(actual, line, message)                                UnityAssertFloatSpecial((UNITY_FLOAT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NEG_INF)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NAN(actual, line, message)                                    UnityAssertFloatSpecial((UNITY_FLOAT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NAN)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_DETERMINATE(actual, line, message)                            UnityAssertFloatSpecial((UNITY_FLOAT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_DET)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_INF(actual, line, message)                                UnityAssertFloatSpecial((UNITY_FLOAT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_INF)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NEG_INF(actual, line, message)                            UnityAssertFloatSpecial((UNITY_FLOAT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NEG_INF)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NAN(actual, line, message)                                UnityAssertFloatSpecial((UNITY_FLOAT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NAN)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_IS_NOT_DETERMINATE(actual, line, message)                        UnityAssertFloatSpecial((UNITY_FLOAT)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_DET)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                  UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrDouble)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE(expected, actual, line, message)                          UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrDouble)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)      UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrDouble)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_DOUBLE(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrDouble)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_INF(actual, line, message)                                   UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrDouble)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NEG_INF(actual, line, message)                               UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrDouble)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NAN(actual, line, message)                                   UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrDouble)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_DETERMINATE(actual, line, message)                           UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrDouble)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_INF(actual, line, message)                               UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrDouble)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_NEG_INF(actual, line, message)                           UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrDouble)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_NAN(actual, line, message)                               UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrDouble)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_DETERMINATE(actual, line, message)                       UNITY_TEST_FAIL((UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UnityStrErrDouble)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_WITHIN(delta, expected, actual, line, message)                  UnityAssertDoublesWithin((UNITY_DOUBLE)(delta), (UNITY_DOUBLE)(expected), (UNITY_DOUBLE)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)line)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE(expected, actual, line, message)                          UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_WITHIN((UNITY_DOUBLE)(expected) * (UNITY_DOUBLE)UNITY_DOUBLE_PRECISION, (UNITY_DOUBLE)expected, (UNITY_DOUBLE)actual, (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), message)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE_ARRAY(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)      UnityAssertEqualDoubleArray((UNITY_DOUBLE*)(expected), (UNITY_DOUBLE*)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)line, UNITY_ARRAY_TO_ARRAY)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EACH_EQUAL_DOUBLE(expected, actual, num_elements, line, message)       UnityAssertEqualDoubleArray(UnityDoubleToPtr(expected), (UNITY_DOUBLE*)(actual), (UNITY_UINT32)(num_elements), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)line, UNITY_ARRAY_TO_VAL)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_INF(actual, line, message)                                   UnityAssertDoubleSpecial((UNITY_DOUBLE)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_INF)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NEG_INF(actual, line, message)                               UnityAssertDoubleSpecial((UNITY_DOUBLE)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NEG_INF)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NAN(actual, line, message)                                   UnityAssertDoubleSpecial((UNITY_DOUBLE)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NAN)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_DETERMINATE(actual, line, message)                           UnityAssertDoubleSpecial((UNITY_DOUBLE)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_DET)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_INF(actual, line, message)                               UnityAssertDoubleSpecial((UNITY_DOUBLE)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_INF)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_NEG_INF(actual, line, message)                           UnityAssertDoubleSpecial((UNITY_DOUBLE)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NEG_INF)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_NAN(actual, line, message)                               UnityAssertDoubleSpecial((UNITY_DOUBLE)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_NAN)
+#define UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NOT_DETERMINATE(actual, line, message)                       UnityAssertDoubleSpecial((UNITY_DOUBLE)(actual), (message), (UNITY_LINE_TYPE)(line), UNITY_FLOAT_IS_NOT_DET)
diff --git a/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model_R2016_B.slx b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model_R2016_B.slx
index 5845d44124f35d4a571cc0f9319c8dc54f693804..9ddda3cdbd05db65d455a676fe14b5b871b4b78c 100644
Binary files a/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model_R2016_B.slx and b/controls/model/Quadcopter_Model_R2016_B.slx differ
diff --git a/controls/model/modelParameters.m b/controls/model/modelParameters.m
index beb6434884bf008200fd53dbb289c4656bc4991d..afe8eb6e624c655a1b3a0336d1b87ce3f92c560d 100644
--- a/controls/model/modelParameters.m
+++ b/controls/model/modelParameters.m
@@ -1,91 +1,113 @@
-% Add Library Blocks to Path
-    path = genpath('Library_blocks');
-    addpath(path);
+% Add Library Blocks and 3D animation to Path
+    path_1 = genpath('Library_blocks');
+    path_2 = genpath('3D_Animation');
+    addpath(path_1, path_2);
 % Log Analysis Toggle
-    logAnalysisToggle = 1;          % 1 for log analysis, 0 for normal operation
+    logAnalysisToggle = 0;          % 1 for log analysis, 0 for normal operation
 % Physics Verification Toggle
     physicsVerificationToggle = 1;
 % Define Simulink Runtime (if logAnalysisToggle is selected, this will be
 % automatically set based on the log files time)
-     runtime = 55;
+     runtime = 40;%max(time);
 % Model Parameters
-    m = 1.216;                      % Quadrotor + battery mass
-    g = 9.81;                       % Acceleration of gravity
-    Jxx = 0.0130;                   % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bx (pitch)
-    Jyy = 0.0140;                   % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around by (roll)
-    Jzz = 0.0285;                   % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bz (yaw)
-    Jreq = 4.2012e-05;              % Rotor and motor moment of inertia around axis of rotation 
-    Kt = 1.2007e-05;                % Rotor thrust constant
-    Kh = 3.4574e-04;                % Rotor in-plane drag constant
-    Kd = 1.4852e-07;                % Rotor drag constant
-    rhx = 0.16;                     % X-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
-    rhy = 0.16;                     % Y-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
-    rhz = 0.03;                     % Z-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
-    r_oc = [0; 0; 0];               % Vector from origin to center of mass
-    Rm = 0.235;                     % Motor resistance
-    Kq = 96.3422;                   % Motor torque constant
-    Kv = 96.3422;                   % Motor back emf constant
-    If = 0.3836;                    % Motor internal friction current
-    Pmin = 0;                       % Minimum zybo output duty cycle command
-    Pmax = 1;                       % Maximum zybo output duty cycle command
-    Tc = 0.04;                      % Camera system sampling period
-    Tq = 0.005;                     % Quad sampling period
-    tau_c = 0;                      % Camera system total latency
-    Vb = 12.3;                      % Nominal battery voltage (V)
-    x_controlled_o = 0;             % Equilibrium lateral controller output
-    y_controlled_o = 0;             % Equilibrium longitudinal controller output
-    yaw_controlled_o = 0;           % Equilibrium yaw controller output
-    Kp_mahony = 0.4;                % Proportional term for mahony filter
-    Ki_mahony = 0.001;              % Integral term for mahony filter
-    delta_T = 4 * [ 0,  0,  2.351e-4 ];
+    m = 1.216;                          % Quadrotor + battery mass
+    g = 9.81;                           % Acceleration of gravity
+    Jxx = 0.0110;%0.0130;               % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bx (pitch)
+    Jyy = 0.0116;%0.0140;               % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around by (roll)
+    Jzz = 0.0223;%0.0285;               % Quadrotor and battery motor of inertia around bz (yaw)
+    Jreq = 4.2012e-05;                  % Rotor and motor moment of inertia around axis of rotation 
+    Kt = 1.2007e-05;                    % Rotor thrust constant
+    delta_T = [ 0,  0,  9.404e-04 ];    % Thrust constant adjustment factor
+    Kh = 3.4574e-04;                    % Rotor in-plane drag constant
+    Kd = 1.4852e-07;                    % Rotor drag constant
+    rhx = 0.16;                         % X-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
+    rhy = 0.16;                         % Y-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
+    rhz = 0.03;                         % Z-axis distance from center of mass to a rotor hub
+    r_oc = [0; 0; 0];                   % Vector from origin to center of mass
+    Rm = 0.235;                         % Motor resistance
+    Kq = 96.3422;                       % Motor torque constant
+    Kv = 96.3422;                       % Motor back emf constant
+    If = 0.3836;                        % Motor internal friction current
+    Pmin = 0;                           % Minimum zybo output duty cycle command
+    Pmax = 1;                           % Maximum zybo output duty cycle command
+    Tc = 0.01;%0.04;                          % Camera system sampling period
+    Tq = 0.005;                         % Quad sampling period
+    tau_c = 0;                          % Camera system total latency
+    Vb = 12.3;                          % Nominal battery voltage (V)
+    x_controlled_o = 0;                 % Equilibrium lateral controller output
+    y_controlled_o = 0;                 % Equilibrium longitudinal controller output
+    yaw_controlled_o = 0;               % Equilibrium yaw controller output
+    Kp_mahony = 0.4;                    % Proportional term for mahony filter
+    Ki_mahony = 0.001;                  % Integral term for mahony filter
     % Define Biquad Filter Parameters
-    b0 = 0.020083;
-    b1 = 0.040167;
-    b2 = 0.020083;
-    a0 = 1;
-    a1 = -1.561;
-    a2 = 0.6414;
-    SOS_Matrix = [b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2];
+    accel_Fc = 10;
+    Fs = 1/Tq;
+    accel_K = tan(pi * accel_Fc / Fs);
+    Q = 0.707;
+    accel_norm = 1.0 / (1.0 + accel_K/Q + accel_K*accel_K);
-    % Determine Initial Conditions
+    accel_b0 = accel_K*accel_K*accel_norm;
+    accel_b1 = 2.0*accel_b0;
+    accel_b2 = accel_b0;
+    accel_a0 = 1;
+    accel_a1 = 2.0*(accel_K*accel_K -1) * accel_norm;
+    accel_a2 = (1.0 - accel_K/Q + accel_K*accel_K) * accel_norm;
-    % Equilibrium rotor speeds
-    omega0_o = sqrt((m*g)/(4*Kt));
-    omega1_o = sqrt((m*g)/(4*Kt));
-    omega2_o = sqrt((m*g)/(4*Kt));
-    omega3_o = sqrt((m*g)/(4*Kt));
+    accel_SOS_Matrix = [accel_b0, accel_b1, accel_b2, accel_a0, accel_a1, accel_a2];
-    % Equilibrium height controller output
-    height_controlled_o = (((Rm*If   ...
-    + (((omega0_o * 2 * Rm * Kv * Kq ...
-    * Kd + 1)^2) - 1)/(4* Rm*Kv^2*Kq ...
-    * Kd))/Vb)*(Pmax - Pmin) + Pmin);
+    OF_Fc = 7;
+    OF_K = tan(pi * OF_Fc / Fs);
+     OF_norm = 1.0 / (1.0 + OF_K/Q + OF_K*OF_K);
+    OF_b0 = OF_K*OF_K*OF_norm;
+    OF_b1 = 2.0*OF_b0;
+    OF_b2 = OF_b0;
+    OF_a0 = 1;
+    OF_a1 = 2.0*(OF_K*OF_K -1) * OF_norm;
+    OF_a2 = (1.0 - OF_K/Q + OF_K * OF_K) * OF_norm;
+    OF_SOS_Matrix = [OF_b0, OF_b1, OF_b2, OF_a0, OF_a1, OF_a2];
+    % Determine Initial Conditions
-    % Equilibrium positions
+    % Position Initial Conditions
     x_o = 0;
     y_o = 0;
     z_o = 0;
-    % Equilibrium velocities
+    % Velocity Initial Conditions
     x_vel_o = 0;
     y_vel_o = 0;
     z_vel_o = 0;
-    % Equilibrium angles
+    % Euler Angle Initial Conditions
     roll_o = 0;
     pitch_o = 0;
     yaw_o = 0;
-    % Equilibrium angular rates
+    % Euler Rate Initial Conditions
     rollrate_o = 0;
     pitchrate_o = 0;
     yawrate_o = 0;
+    % Equilibrium rotor speeds
+    omega0_o = sqrt((m*g)/(4*Kt));
+    omega1_o = sqrt((m*g)/(4*Kt));
+    omega2_o = sqrt((m*g)/(4*Kt));
+    omega3_o = sqrt((m*g)/(4*Kt));
+    % Equilibrium height controller output
+    height_controlled_o = (((Rm*If   ...
+    + (((omega0_o * 2 * Rm * Kv * Kq ...
+    * Kd + 1)^2) - 1)/(4* Rm*Kv^2*Kq ...
+    * Kd))/Vb)*(Pmax - Pmin) + Pmin);
 if logAnalysisToggle == 1
     %%%%%% Commented out section until logging is .txt file based %%%%%%
     % FNAME
@@ -96,10 +118,10 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
     %fname = 'sampleLogFile.txt';  
     fname = '';
-    fpath = '';
+    fpath = 'C:\Users\Andy\Documents\School\MicroCART\GitRepo\MicroCART_17-18\controls\model\logFiles\';
-        [fname, fpath] = uigetfile('.txt','Select log file');
+        [fname] = uigetfile('.txt','Select log file', fpath);
     params.file.name = fname;               % file name only
@@ -210,10 +232,7 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
     raw_gyro_data_arr = ...
         [ raw_gyro_data_x , raw_gyro_data_y , raw_gyro_data_z ];
     raw_gyro_data = timeseries( raw_gyro_data_arr , time );
-    % Create time series object for z command
-    throttle_command = timeseries(dataStruct.RC_Throttle_Constant.data, time);
     % Pull the measurements from the complimentary filter
     pitch_measured_IMU = dataStruct.Pitch_trim_add_Sum.data;
     roll_measured_IMU = dataStruct.Roll_Constant.data;
@@ -222,9 +241,9 @@ if logAnalysisToggle == 1
     IMU_angle_data = timeseries( IMU_angle_arr, time);
     % Pull VRPN pitch and roll
-    pitch_measured_VRPN = dataStruct.VRPN_Pitch_Constant.data;
-    roll_measured_VRPN = dataStruct.VRPN_Roll_Constant.data;
+    pitch_measured_VRPN = dataStruct.Pitch_trim_add_Sum.data;
     % Define setpoint timeseries
     x_setpoint_model = timeseries(x_setpoint, time);
     y_setpoint_model = timeseries(y_setpoint, time);
diff --git a/groundStation/README.md b/groundStation/README.md
index f9902a1c4b154c3862e52dd71a220caabf871b40..586465beddb0ec00447dfabd55c902d303da0f89 100644
--- a/groundStation/README.md
+++ b/groundStation/README.md
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 ## Make Process
-First, if submodules were not recursevly added through git. Run this command if you have made any attempt to make vrpn manually. 
+First, if submodules were not recursively added through git. Run this command if you have made any attempt to make vrpn manually.
     git submodule update --init --recursive
-Now that you have all of the files necissary.
+Now that you have all of the files necessary.
 cd into the groundstation folder.
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ cd into the groundstation folder.
-run the program with privledges
+run the program with privileges
 ## Changing Defaults
-If you wish to change the way the backend communicates to the quad and vice versa, look at `src/config.h`. 
+If you wish to change the way the backend communicates to the quad and vice versa, look at `src/config.h`.
 This provides a list of environment variables which you can set and use for your computer or time of use.
 ## Using
-First, the backend daemon must be running. Run the backend with 
+First, the backend daemon must be running. Run the backend with
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ running the `getoutput` program will effectively run `cli getoutput`.
 The names of the binaries is subject to change.
-For a list of cli commands and more in depth usage explainations, use the `--help` flag.
+For a list of cli commands and more in depth usage explanations, use the `--help` flag.
     ./Cli --help
@@ -77,8 +77,13 @@ or alternatively with symlinks
 This will fetch the `block_id`, `type_id` and name of every node in the current graph
-You can run any number of any combination of frontend tools at the same time. 
-If you find it helpful, with this setup you can create a bash script that simply 
+You can run any number of any combination of frontend tools at the same time.
+If you find it helpful, with this setup you can create a bash script that simply
 runs the same commands. This has been found to be of use when we are tuning.
-There are a couple of already written bash scripts in the `scripts/` folder.
\ No newline at end of file
+There are a couple of already written bash scripts in the `scripts/` folder.
+## Documentation
+ - [Getting Started](./documentation/getting_started.md)
+ - [Packet Information](./documentation/packets.md)
diff --git a/groundStation/documentation/getting_started.md b/groundStation/documentation/getting_started.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5786378444d151853d5b90c6ab0f359d3bed1317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/documentation/getting_started.md
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Getting Started - Ground Station
+The Ground Station as a whole allows all the different systems and hardware to
+communicate with each other. The Ground Station has four main components including:
+	- Command Line Interface (CLI)
+	- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
+	- Frontend
+	- Backend
+Both the CLI and GUI are user interfaces. The GUI uses all the same commands as the 
+CLI but has extra functionality. The GUI shows the controls graph, provides extra
+navigation help, and will soon support real time graphing of the data. The Frontend
+does all the reading from and writing to the backend via a socket connected to the 
+backend. The backend is primarily a server that manages all connections and where all
+data passes through between the VRPN (Camera System), the quad, and user interfaces.
+**Figure 1** shows the main components and their interaction. Both user interfaces use
+the frontend to manage the writing and parsing of return messages from the backend.
+**Figure 1** Ground Station main components
+**Figure 2** Shows a sample connection with the VRPN system, a packet sent or recieved
+from the quad, an initialization file, and the Crazyflie adapter. The initialization file
+and Crazyflie adapter are both proposed changes to the system. The VRPN connection gets
+trackable information from the camera system with an identifier for the trackable object.
+This allows for distinguishing between multiple trackables. The packets used between the 
+quad and the ground station are custom packets created specifically for reliable communication
+over wifi to the quad. The initialization file will help with connecting multiple quads, or
+other flying machines to be connected into the lab setup. The Crazyflie adapter will allow
+the Crazyflies to work with the MicroCART system.
+**Figure 2** Ground Station connections and packets
+Ground Station Commands
+All commands can be used directly when using the CLI rather than the GUI. Shown below are the main commands
+as symbolic links, they can also be used by the CLI like follows `./Cli getsource`.
+Example Command and Flow through Ground Station
+Here is an example of how a press of the "Send to quad" button in the GUI is processed and the command sent to the quad.
+**Figure 3** Ground Station call stack flowchart
diff --git a/groundStation/documentation/images/buttonPressCallStackFlowchart.png b/groundStation/documentation/images/buttonPressCallStackFlowchart.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..134b935de0a88e14fe1cd10749482b7121638bb2
Binary files /dev/null and b/groundStation/documentation/images/buttonPressCallStackFlowchart.png differ
diff --git a/groundStation/documentation/images/groundStationComponents.jpg b/groundStation/documentation/images/groundStationComponents.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e692266b30918a387e2efc06a4d7a4f7a92dd0cf
Binary files /dev/null and b/groundStation/documentation/images/groundStationComponents.jpg differ
diff --git a/groundStation/documentation/images/groundStationDiagram.jpg b/groundStation/documentation/images/groundStationDiagram.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bdd4fbe0b8e1a8ae6cca5f5cb6345c9c9b1381dd
Binary files /dev/null and b/groundStation/documentation/images/groundStationDiagram.jpg differ
diff --git a/groundStation/documentation/images/src/groundStationComponents.vsdx b/groundStation/documentation/images/src/groundStationComponents.vsdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84df0f7f1304df9aae87dcafae5ff84a0697c107
Binary files /dev/null and b/groundStation/documentation/images/src/groundStationComponents.vsdx differ
diff --git a/groundStation/documentation/images/src/groundStationDiagram.vsdx b/groundStation/documentation/images/src/groundStationDiagram.vsdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c92ab539a1580a6f689c5b89543dfa06fec00594
Binary files /dev/null and b/groundStation/documentation/images/src/groundStationDiagram.vsdx differ
diff --git a/groundStation/documentation/packets.md b/groundStation/documentation/packets.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..290d29d7ecde5975f66f979f72b83e158046e59a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groundStation/documentation/packets.md
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Packet Information #
+The MicroCART project uses custom packets to communicate with the quad. This may seem complex at first,
+but the structure of all packets is the same, only the formatting of the data differs 
+between packets. 
+## Introduction ##
+All packets are the same in the sense that they have consistent headers with a start character and all end with a checksum. 
+The basic structure is shown below. 
+| Index             | 0               | 1            | 2          | 3           | 4    | 5        |
+| Message Parameter | Begin Character | Message Type | Message ID | Data Length | Data | Checksum |
+| Bytes             | 1               | 2            | 2          | 2           | var  | 1        |
+The begin character is defined in the Message enum in [commands.h](../../quad/src/commands/commands.h). Message types
+are defined within the MessageTypeID enum in [commands.h](../../quad/src/commands/commands.h). Message ID is managed within the backend
+[backend.c](../../groundStation/src/backend/backend.c) and is just a counter that is used in client_recv to number packets. Data length
+varies with the command that is being sent, but the length of a command is constant. The data is sent in a specific format set by commands. 
+Lastly, checksum is computed within [packet.c](../../groundStation/src/backend/packet.c).
+All packets sent within the system are commands, defined by the MessageTypeID enum referenced earlier, or a VPRN packet. Much of the time when
+flying autonomously the commands that the user is responsible for are the getparam and setparam packets that are used to set waypoints or change
+values within the computation graph, see [control_algorithm.c](../../quad/src/quad_app/control_algorithm.c) for the PID blocks. 
+## Adding a new packet and/or command (CLI or GUI to Backend/Quad) ##
+There are many files that need to be created and changed to add a packet and/or a command. If only adding a command that does not send a packet only
+the CLI and GUI, frontend, and backend must be changed. If also sending a packet then commands and quad_app must also be changed. The instructions below
+will take you through what must be changed in all the different areas to support new functionality. Many times a good method to creating the new files is
+to copy the files from another command and change what you need.
+### CLI and GUI ###
+Adding to the CLI is an easy process as most of the code is used to display help messages to the user. First, create a c file and c header file for your new commands. The [cli.c](../../groundStation/src/cli/cli.c) does not need to be edited
+at all, but the header [cli.h](../../groundStation/src/cli/cli.h) needs to be changed to recognize the command that you enter. Include your new header file and add to 
+CommandNameIds, cli_functions, and commandsNames. The header file you create only needs the functions your intend to create. Inside the c write the functions declared in the
+h file and make sure that you have all the checks for help and display the correct usage if need be. Then call the frontend function you create in the next step and print
+out the return if there is one.
+The GUI is programmed using QT as such it is written in C++ and uses a thread to do communication with the backend. The main files of the GUI to edit are
+[controlworker.h](../../groundStation/gui/MicroCART/controlworker.h) and [mainwindow.h](../../groundStation/gui/MicroCART/mainwindow.h) and the corresponding 
+source files. To add connectivity to the backend add a slot and signal to the controlworker.h file and add a corresponding signal and slot on the mainwindow.h. Next,
+connect the slots and signals in the [mainwindow.cpp](../../groundStation/gui/MicroCART/mainwindow.cpp) file and add any additional UI to the mainwindow.ui form.
+### Frontend ###
+The frontend handles the writing of the command to the backend. You must create a new c file and c header file with the new functions that will be called from
+the clients. 
+The frontend functions always take in a connection to the backend from the client and can be configured to take in the other parameters you desire.
+Functions in [frontend_common.h](../../groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.h) handle physically writing to the backend connection, meaning that your functions
+must only structure your commands to be parsed in the backend later. If this command expects a response then your method must execute a blocking condition until the 
+response is obtained, parsed, and whatever action you plan for it taken. Also if you will be defining structs for the data passed into your method, add the structs to
+either your header file or [frontend_common.h](../../groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.h).
+### Backend ###
+The file that contains the main function in the backend is [backend.c](../../groundStation/src/backend/backend.c) and the message that is written by the frontend
+is passed here. If a client connection sent the message that is being called, the function client_recv() will be called to handle the request. This function decides how
+to process the data based upon the first word. If it is a command that is meant for the quadcopter a different path will be taken than if it is data being sent from
+the VRPN system. If you intend to send a packet this is where the first difference comes in, a command for the quadcopter should be declared in commands in the
+quad directory (discussed later) so that it is recognized by the findCommand() function. If your function is not intended to send a packet, your changes should be made
+in the condition that has msg_type = -1, otherwise take a look at the else condition. 
+**The rest of the description is only needed when sending a packet**. You must create a file for encoding your new command. This will require a c file and c header 
+file. The function that should be made is an Encode<Name> for your new command. If also expecting a response from the quadcopter a Decode<Name> function will also
+have to be made. The main point of the encode function is to take the written command and parse it so that the values can be added to the data of the packet, decode
+reads the response data and populates a string for the frontend to parse.
+If getting a response the backend will call the quad_recv() function in [backend.c](../../groundStation/src/backend/backend.c) which must be configured for your new msg_type.
+The backend uses the handle_response() function to call the correct decode function and the return of the decode function will be written back to the frontend. 
+**Note: If not sending a packet you should not make the changes that the below areas suggest, as stated in the intro.**
+### Commands ###
+From this point onword you will be working in the quad/src directory instead of the backend/src directory. The commands files are meant to define commands that the quadcopter
+and backend will be communicating with. Inside [commands.h](../../quad/src/commands/commands.h) add a MessageTypeID for your new command that will be used to distinguish
+the message sent from all the others. Inside [commands.c](../../quad/src/commands/commands.c) is where a callback must be defined for the new message type and you must also
+add to the MessageTypes array so that the command, data type, and callback are all connected.
+### Quad_app ###
+The only thing that needs to be done here is to add the callback you defined in [commands.c](../../quad/src/commands/commands.c) to [callbacks.c](../../quad/src/quad_app/callbacks.c).
+This callback should parse the data sent and also send a response if that is required. Here is also where you should define the data portion of the packet sent in a table so that
+it can be understood by the next MicroCART team. Also remember to add the created tables to this markdown file to provide an easier means of seeing all the packets currently defined
+in the system.
+## Data Format ##
+For all commands other than the message bundle packet there is a defined length and format for sending and receiving packets. Many of the formats 
+will be discussed below. These packet formats are referenced from [callbacks.c](../../quad/src/quad_app/callbacks.c).
+**Note:** this document may get out of date. [callbacks.c](../../quad/src/quad_app/callbacks.c) should have all the up to date packet formats.
+### setparam ###
+**Sent from Ground Station**
+| data index |    0 - 1    |    2 - 3    |    4 - 7    |
+| parameter  |   node ID   | node parmID |  param val  |
+|   bytes    |      2      |      2      |      4      |
+Does not send any response.
+### getparam and getoutput ###
+**Sent from Ground Station**
+|  data index |     0 - 1     |    2 - 3    |
+|   parameter |     node ID   | node parmID |
+|       bytes |        2      |      2      |
+**Response to Ground Station**
+The response will be of type RESPPARAM_ID.
+|  data index |     0 - 1    |    2 - 3    |    4 - 7    |
+|   parameter |    node ID   | node parmID |  param val  |
+|       bytes |       2      |      2      |      4      |
+### setsource ###
+**Sent from Ground Station**
+| data index |     0 - 1    |     2 - 3     |    4 - 5    |     6 - 7     |
+| parameter  | dest node ID | dest input ID | src node ID | src output ID |
+|   bytes    |       2      |       2       |      2      |       2       |
+Does not send any response.
+### getsource ###
+**Sent from Ground Station**
+|  data index |     0 - 1     |    2 - 3    |
+|   parameter |     node ID   | node parmID |
+|       bytes |        2      |      2      |
+**Response to Ground Station**
+The response will be of type RESPSOURCE_ID.
+| data index |     0 - 1    |     2 - 3     |    4 - 5    |     6 - 7     |
+| parameter  | dest node ID | dest input ID | src node ID | src output ID |
+|   bytes    |       2      |       2       |      2      |       2       |
+### getnodes ###
+**Response to Ground Station**
+|  data index |   0 - 2*N-1  |  2*N - 4*N-1   | 4*N - (< 4096)  |
+|   parameter |   Node IDs   | Node type Is   |    Node names   |
+|       bytes |      2*N     |      2*N       |      < 4096     |
+### addnode ###
+**Sent from Ground Station**
+|  data index |    0 - 1     |     2 +       |
+|   parameter |    type ID   | New node name |
+|       bytes |       2      |       var     |
+**Response to Ground Station**
+|  data index |    0 - 1     | 
+|   parameter |    node ID   |
+|       bytes |       2      |
+### msgbundle ###
+**Sent from Ground Station**
+| data index |    0+    |    var             |
+|  parameter | packet 1 | end or next packet |
+|      bytes |   var    |    var             |
+**Response to Ground Station**
+Currently msgbundle packets cannot capture packets that give a response back to the backend.
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c b/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
index 2f49b313c2b47290b3da2f2a9a46d3441f1ba8d5..a32de916f06618d31ead92445686d05bfd0f01ea 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/backend.c
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 /* Author: Kris Burney & Jake Drahos
- * BlueTooth socket program for passing vrpn data to quad.
+ * Interface between Quad, front end, Virtual and VRPN tracker.
+ * Main uses a standard socket select loop to receive data from any source described above.
+ * Based on the data received from sockets it calls receive functions based on the socket received from.
 #define _GNU_SOURCE
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ static int new_client(int fd);
 static ssize_t get_client_index(int fd);
 /* Returns pointer to client buffer, or -1 */
 static char * get_client_buffer(int fd);
-/* Return pointer to client pending responses, or -1*/ 
+/* Return pointer to client pending responses, or -1*/
 static int * get_client_pend_responses(int fd);
 /* Return positive integer if successful, -1 otherwise */
 static int clientAddPendResponses(int fd, uint16_t packet_id);
@@ -131,7 +133,7 @@ static void sig_handler(int s) {
 // Callback to be ran whenever the tracker receives data.
-// Currently doing much more than it should. It will be slimmed down 
+// Currently doing much more than it should. It will be slimmed down
 // 		in the future.
 static void cb(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData * td) {
 	static int count = 0;
@@ -143,7 +145,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	int activity;
-	/* 
+	/*
 	 * Create backend listening socket
 	/* Determine socket path */
@@ -212,7 +214,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&quadSocketMutex)) {
 		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_unlock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
 	// watch for input from stdin (fd 0) to see when it has input
 	safe_fd_set(fileno(stdin), &rfds_master, &max_fd);
@@ -231,7 +233,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 		// create vrpnTracker instance
 		tracker = ucart_vrpn_tracker_createInstance(TRACKER_IP);
 		// this function will be called whenever tracker receives data
-		ucart_vrpn_tracker_addCallback(tracker, cb);	
+		ucart_vrpn_tracker_addCallback(tracker, cb);
 	} else {
 		printf("Ignoring VRPN information...\n");
@@ -358,7 +360,7 @@ int connectToZybo() {
 			local_comm_channel = 1;
 			char * fifo_rx = QUAD_LOCAL_DEFAULT_TX;
 			char * fifo_tx = QUAD_LOCAL_DEFAULT_RX;
 			if (getenv(QUAD_LOCAL_RX)) {
 				fifo_tx = getenv(QUAD_LOCAL_RX);
@@ -385,14 +387,14 @@ int connectToZybo() {
 			printf("Using BT Settings\n");
 			struct sockaddr_rc addr;
-			// allocate a socket	
+			// allocate a socket
-			//set the connection params ie. who to connect to	
+			//set the connection params ie. who to connect to
 			addr.rc_family = AF_BLUETOOTH;
 			addr.rc_channel = (uint8_t) QUAD_BT_CHANNEL;
 			str2ba( QUAD_BT_ADDR, &addr.rc_bdaddr );
 			printf("Attempting to connect to zybo. Please be patient...\n");
 			// blocking call to connect to socket sock ie. zybo board
 			status = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));
@@ -420,7 +422,7 @@ int connectToZybo() {
 		if (getenv(QUAD_PORT_ENV)) {
 			/* Quick 'n dirty, oh yeah! */
-			addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(getenv(QUAD_PORT_ENV)));		
+			addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(getenv(QUAD_PORT_ENV)));
 		} else {
 			addr.sin_port = htons(QUAD_PORT_DEFAULT);
@@ -489,9 +491,9 @@ static ssize_t writeQuad(const uint8_t * buf, size_t count) {
 	if (local_comm_channel) {
 		retval = write(zybo_fifo_tx, buf, count);
-	} else {	
+	} else {
 		retval = write(zyboSocket, buf, count);
-	}	
+	}
 	if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&quadSocketMutex)) {
 		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_unlock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
@@ -512,9 +514,9 @@ static ssize_t readQuad(char * buf, size_t count) {
 	if (local_comm_channel) {
 		retval = read(zybo_fifo_rx, buf, count);
 	} else {
-		retval = read(zyboSocket, buf, count);	
+		retval = read(zyboSocket, buf, count);
 	if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&quadSocketMutex)) {
 		err(-2, "pthrtead_mutex_unlock (%s:%d):", __FILE__, __LINE__);
@@ -661,7 +663,7 @@ static void client_recv(int fd) {
 		// printf("tmpbuff = '%s'\n", tmp);
 		first_word = strtok(tmp, " ");
 		// printf("first word = '%s'\n", first_word);
 		ssize_t msg_type, i;
 		for (i = 0; i < MAX_TYPE_ID; ++i) {
 			if ((msg_type = findCommand(first_word)) != -1)
@@ -682,7 +684,7 @@ static void client_recv(int fd) {
 					write(fd, dummy, strlen(dummy));
 				} else if (ucart_vrpn_tracker_getData(tracker, &td)) {
 					write(fd, TD_MAGIC " ERROR\n", strlen(TD_MAGIC " ERROR\n"));
-				} else { 
+				} else {
 					/* more than sufficient buffer */
 					char buffer[2048];
 					/* Map VRPN XYZ to Height Lat Long (right now it's
@@ -708,7 +710,7 @@ static void client_recv(int fd) {
 			uint8_t packet[64];
 			struct metadata m;
 			uint8_t *data = malloc(sizeof(*data) * 128);
-			ssize_t result;  
+			ssize_t result;
 			ssize_t psize;
 			printf(" found a msg_type of %ld\n", msg_type);
@@ -755,7 +757,7 @@ static void client_recv(int fd) {
 			/* Only add the client to the pending responses if it was a getparam command */
-			if (m.msg_type == GETPARAM_ID || m.msg_type == GETOUTPUT_ID || 
+			if (m.msg_type == GETPARAM_ID || m.msg_type == GETOUTPUT_ID ||
 				m.msg_type == GETSOURCE_ID || m.msg_type == GETNODES_ID || m.msg_type == ADDNODE_ID) {
 				if (clientAddPendResponses(fd, BytesTo16(packet[ID_L], packet[ID_H])) == -1) {
 					warnx("Ran out of room! Consider increasing CLIENT_MAX_PENDING_RESPONSES!\n");
@@ -767,7 +769,7 @@ static void client_recv(int fd) {
 			// 	printf(" %.2x ", packet[i]);
 			// }
 			// printf("'\n");
 			int retval = writeQuad(packet, psize);
 			// printf("sent %d bytes\n", retval);
@@ -792,7 +794,7 @@ static void quad_recv() {
 	ssize_t datalen;
 	size_t packetlen;
-	respLen = readQuad((char *) respBuf + respBufLen, 
+	respLen = readQuad((char *) respBuf + respBufLen,
 			CMD_MAX_LENGTH - respBufLen);
 	if (respLen <= 0) {
 		perror("ERROR reading from quad...\n");
@@ -838,7 +840,7 @@ static void quad_recv() {
 		if (datalen < 0){
 			/* Not enough data yet. We need to wait for more */
 			// printf("not enough\n");
-			return;	
+			return;
 		packetlen = PacketSize(&m);
@@ -847,7 +849,7 @@ static void quad_recv() {
 		char * debug_string;
 		switch (m.msg_type) {
-			case DEBUG_ID: 
+			case DEBUG_ID:
 				/* in case of debug. Quad send null terminated string in data */
 				debug_string = strndup((char *)data, m.data_len);
 				printf(" (Quad) : %s\n", debug_string);
@@ -880,7 +882,7 @@ static void quad_recv() {
 			case LOG_END_ID:
 				if (quadlog_file_open) {
-					quadlog_file_open = 0;	
+					quadlog_file_open = 0;
 				printf("\n(Quad) : Log End found\n");
 				receiving_logs = 0;
@@ -996,10 +998,10 @@ char * create_log_name(char * buffer, size_t max) {
 	strftime(c_time_string, 256, format_string, tmp);
 	if(strcmp(user_specified_log_name, "") == 0) {
-		sprintf(buffer, "%s/%s_%lu.txt", prefix, c_time_string, num_logs++);	
+		sprintf(buffer, "%s/%s_%lu.txt", prefix, c_time_string, num_logs++);
 	} else {
 		sprintf(buffer, "%s/%s_%lu.txt", prefix, user_specified_log_name, num_logs++);
 	return buffer;
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/param.c b/groundStation/src/backend/param.c
index 5fdba8fd5126414be4b8aee2239b3b14f0ce2205..b5e027b0c0142d7ceddcb44cc9f4042172e008a1 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/param.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/param.c
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ ssize_t EncodeSetParam(
         struct metadata * m,        /* data_len and msg_type will be populated*/
         uint8_t * data,             /* Output buffer */
         size_t data_size,           /* Max buffer size */
-        const char * msg)       /* Message to encode */
+        const char * msg)           /* Message to encode */
 	m->msg_type = SETPARAM_ID;
 	m->data_len = SP_DATA_SIZE;
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ int DecodeResponseParam(
 		return -1;
-	return snprintf(msg, max_len, "getparam %" PRId16 " %" PRId16 " %f\n", 
-		BytesTo16(data[RESP_BLOCK_ID_L], data[RESP_BLOCK_ID_H]), 
-		BytesTo16(data[RESP_PARAM_ID_L], data[RESP_PARAM_ID_H]), 
+	return snprintf(msg, max_len, "getparam %" PRId16 " %" PRId16 " %f\n",
+		BytesTo16(data[RESP_BLOCK_ID_L], data[RESP_BLOCK_ID_H]),
+		BytesTo16(data[RESP_PARAM_ID_L], data[RESP_PARAM_ID_H]),
 		BytesToFloat(data[RESP_VAL_1], data[RESP_VAL_2],
 			data[RESP_VAL_3], data[RESP_VAL_4]));
diff --git a/groundStation/src/backend/source.c b/groundStation/src/backend/source.c
index dd2540e371ee6d8b0d5aa91535e6af13f76145bf..6f3e7fbc4ca389c918bc570dc10393ed7287ca4d 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/backend/source.c
+++ b/groundStation/src/backend/source.c
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ ssize_t EncodeSetSource(
 	if (data_size < SS_DATA_SIZE) {
 		return -1;
 	int16_t dst_block, dst_input;
 	int16_t src_block, src_output;
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ int DecodeResponseSource(
 		return -1;
-	return snprintf(msg, max_len, "getsource %" PRId16 " %" PRId16 " %" PRId16" %" PRId16 "\n", 
+	return snprintf(msg, max_len, "getsource %" PRId16 " %" PRId16 " %" PRId16" %" PRId16 "\n",
 		BytesTo16(data[RESP_DST_BLOCK_ID_L], data[RESP_DST_BLOCK_ID_H]),
 		BytesTo16(data[RESP_DST_INPUT_ID_L], data[RESP_DST_INPUT_ID_H]),
 		BytesTo16(data[RESP_SRC_BLOCK_ID_L], data[RESP_SRC_BLOCK_ID_H]),
diff --git a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.h b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.h
index 2fef5c52ae8978e70b153f0579b063d62d979fe4..827802875d089908631568fa4d1b713e39569c44 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_common.h
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+ * Frontend contains the functions used by both the GUI and CLI to communicate
+ * with the quad and VRPN system.
+ *
+ * frontend_common.c has the varius structs used within the frontend to pass
+ * data between the system. It also contains the methods to connect, disconnect,
+ * and write from/to the quad. 
+ */
 #include <stdlib.h>
diff --git a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_nodes.h b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_nodes.h
index fa7d57f14c6123ad04f6b07ab114a3deee2006aa..74bedc547bb154cf1ee887411e0e16ea742272d0 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_nodes.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_nodes.h
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+ * frontend_nodes writes the getnodes or setnodes command to the backend connection.
+ */
diff --git a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_output.h b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_output.h
index f0e2fbaea121bf7a5c726501c187640d9d1d2434..8552abe63305752a0d5532406199bec8debaf96c 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_output.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_output.h
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+ * frontend_output writes the getoutput command to the backend connection.
+ */
diff --git a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_param.h b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_param.h
index 392fbd83bf6d02424d0f6d54bb0187c579105eab..adf6ff06186c8cd7505ebb082d3566ffeb8ec2ea 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_param.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_param.h
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+ * frontend_param writes the getparam or setparam command to the backend connection.
+ */
diff --git a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_source.h b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_source.h
index 9488869efdef60d46e7ab06b33e52d42ef1928c8..3de04fea68447bf3de515ac5d817c08f7a7fe4dd 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_source.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_source.h
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+ * frontend_source writes the getsource and setsource command to the backend
+ * connection.
+ */
diff --git a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_tracker.h b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_tracker.h
index cbf56dbb33beae39e43e2ef5e31c623a938b9001..6a80a822f6b01151a22364b417367d6bcbf33bda 100644
--- a/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_tracker.h
+++ b/groundStation/src/frontend/frontend_tracker.h
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+ * frontend_tracker contains the struct for VRPN data and provides the method to
+ * get the data from the frontend by writing TRACKERDATA to the backend.
+ */
diff --git a/quad/Makefile b/quad/Makefile
index 109dc6c91c6dbcc0b3944cac7d5f87a94b907bb3..46eecc4cfaf0e087cee2e3a1d82c89909b877078 100644
--- a/quad/Makefile
+++ b/quad/Makefile
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ BOOT = $(OUTDIR)/BOOT.bin
 all: libs bins
-	$(MAKE) -C src/test
+	$(MAKE) -C ../Unity/src
 	$(MAKE) -C src/queue
 	$(MAKE) -C src/computation_graph
 	$(MAKE) -C src/graph_blocks
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ test: all
 	rm -rf $(INCDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(OUTDIR) $(EXEDIR)
-	$(MAKE) -C src/test clean
+	$(MAKE) -C ../Unity/src clean
 	$(MAKE) -C src/queue clean
 	$(MAKE) -C src/computation_graph clean
 	$(MAKE) -C src/graph_blocks clean
diff --git a/quad/README.md b/quad/README.md
index fdfbd1ff70ce792b3451e5258793e6fa253488d8..c71d49fb42905f4e43bbb4d09a19e5de3004eaf0 100644
--- a/quad/README.md
+++ b/quad/README.md
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ make test
 And glad to hear you are interested in writing your own unit tests! Look at the
-[README](src/test/README.md) and examples in our simple testing library at
+[README](/Unity/README.md) and examples in the Unity testing library at
+[`Unity/`](/Unity/). A few notes about using Unity are [here](doc/Unity_notes.md).
 #### Manually testing the hardware interface
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ Ideally, you would run these tests from the XSDK IDE.
 ## Other Documents
 * [Hardware Block Diagram](doc/images/FPGA_Diagram.png)
-* [Zybo Pinout Assignments](doc/zybo_pinout_assignments.md)  
+* [Zybo Pinout Assignments](doc/zybo_pinout_assignments.md)
 * [How to use Xilinx software tools](doc/how_to_use_XSDK.md)  
 * [How to use the makefile structure](doc/Makefiles.md)
+* [Unity notes](doc/Unity_notes.md)
diff --git a/quad/doc/Unity_notes.md b/quad/doc/Unity_notes.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..874c5ecc431a0000f38c4736c6b341e145a16ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quad/doc/Unity_notes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Unity Notes
+- When using Unity, be sure to define `UNITY_INCLUDE_CONFIG_H`
+to use the [`unity_config.h`](/Unity/src/unity_config.h). (Details on why are in the
+[Unity Configuration Guide](/Unity/docs/UnityConfigurationGuide.md).)
+  - For the quad directory, this is done at compile-time of the Unity library [_here_](/Unity/src/Makefile#L4)
+and at compile-time of the test runner [_here_](/quad/library.mk#L58). Both rely on the flag defined
+- Follow the examples in the [`Unity/examples`](/Unity/examples) for a guide, as well
+as the documentation in [`Unity/docs`](/Unity/docs)
+  - The [Unity Getting Started guide](/Unity/docs/UnityGettingStartedGuide.md) and the
+[Unity Assertions Cheat Sheet Suitable for Printing and Possibly Framing]
+are nice references
+  - Generally, the format is to start `main()` with `UNITY_BEGIN()`, followed by calls to
+`RUN_TEST(test_function)` where `test_function` is a test to run, ended with
+`return UNITY_END()`. Additionally, each `test_function` should be a `void` and call the
+[appropriate asserts](/Unity/docs/UnityAssertionsReference.md).
diff --git a/quad/library.mk b/quad/library.mk
index b02b460a3d01d3e874b718cd65ef5fae3578fc66..88914b2dad79799038b95bb1db9924dde324413b 100644
--- a/quad/library.mk
+++ b/quad/library.mk
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ TESTOBJECTS = $(patsubst $.c, %.o, $(TESTSOURCES))
 TARGET = $(LIBDIR)/lib$(NAME).a
 TESTBIN = run_tests
+# For Unity; allows custom configuration
 .PHONY: default test clean
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ $(TARGET): $(OBJECTS) | $(LIBDIR)
 	$(AR) rcs $@ $^
 $(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.c | $(OBJDIR) $(INCDIR)
-	$(GCC) -c -g -o $@ $< -I$(INCDIR) -Wall
+	$(GCC) -c -g -o $@ $< -I$(INCDIR) -Wall $(DEFINES)
 $(INCDIR)/%.h : %.h | $(INCDIR)
 	cp $^ $(INCDIR)
@@ -52,4 +55,4 @@ $(LIBDIR):
 	mkdir $(LIBDIR)
-	$(GCC) -g -o $(TESTBIN) $^ -I$(INCDIR) -L$(LIBDIR) $(REQLIBS)
diff --git a/quad/src/computation_graph/Makefile b/quad/src/computation_graph/Makefile
index ddd1f5c2e82619162c544e52c82cd774958782dd..343eb358cc462958ab73758a1852c3472009ffc3 100644
--- a/quad/src/computation_graph/Makefile
+++ b/quad/src/computation_graph/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 NAME = computation_graph
-REQLIBS = -ltest -lm -lgraph_blocks
+REQLIBS = -lunity -lm -lgraph_blocks
 include $(TOP)/library.mk
diff --git a/quad/src/computation_graph/test/test_computation_graph.c b/quad/src/computation_graph/test/test_computation_graph.c
index f44d713813d72502f7a8403c67ad8bfe6717a850..d5b64e669c5a553842b14eb5b9d9adc5a62c9892 100644
--- a/quad/src/computation_graph/test/test_computation_graph.c
+++ b/quad/src/computation_graph/test/test_computation_graph.c
@@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
-#include "test.h"
+#include "unity.h"
 #include "computation_graph.h"
 #include "graph_blocks.h"
 #define GRAPH_TEST_EPS 0.00001
-static int nequal(double val1, double val2) {
-    if (fabs(val1 - val2) < GRAPH_TEST_EPS) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return -1;
-int test_adding_2_numbers() {
+void test_adding_2_numbers() {
     struct computation_graph *graph = create_graph();
     int block = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ADD, "Add");
     int cblock3 = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "3");
@@ -25,11 +18,11 @@ int test_adding_2_numbers() {
     int to_compute_for[1] = {block};
     graph_compute_nodes(graph, to_compute_for, 1);
     double result = graph_get_output(graph, block, ADD_SUM);
-    return nequal(result, 7);
-int test_computing_cycles() {
+void test_computing_cycles() {
     struct computation_graph *graph = create_graph();
     int gain1 = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_GAIN, "gain1");
     int gain2 = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_GAIN, "gain2");
@@ -38,20 +31,19 @@ int test_computing_cycles() {
     int to_compute_for[1] = {gain2};
     graph_compute_nodes(graph, to_compute_for, 1);
     // If no infinite loop, then success. Value is undefined for circular graphs
-    return 0;
-int test_resetting_cycles() {
+void test_resetting_cycles() {
     struct computation_graph *graph = create_graph();
     int acum1 = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ACCUMULATE, "accumulator1");
     int acum2 = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ACCUMULATE, "accumulator2");
     graph_set_source(graph, acum2, ACCUM_IN, acum1, ACCUMULATED);
     graph_set_source(graph, acum1, ACCUM_IN, acum2, ACCUMULATED);
-    return 0; // Passes if no infinite loop
+    // Passes if no infinite loop
 // Tests the accumulator block, thereby testing reset and state changes
-int test_accumulator_state() {
+void test_accumulator_state() {
     struct computation_graph *graph = create_graph();
     int cblock = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "const");
     int acum_b = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ACCUMULATE, "accumulator");
@@ -66,10 +58,9 @@ int test_accumulator_state() {
     graph_compute_nodes(graph, to_compute_for, 1);
     double result = graph_get_output(graph, acum_b, ACCUMULATED);
-    if (nequal(result, 9)) {
-        printf("graph_test_accumulator failed on step 1, equals %f\n", result);
-        return -1;
-    }
+    TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_WITHIN_MESSAGE(GRAPH_TEST_EPS, 9, result, "graph_test_accumulator failed on step 1");
     // Test reset on source set
     int gain_b = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_GAIN, "Gain");
@@ -78,16 +69,12 @@ int test_accumulator_state() {
     to_compute_for[0] = gain_b;
     graph_compute_nodes(graph, to_compute_for, 1);
     result = graph_get_output(graph, gain_b, GAIN_RESULT);
-    if (nequal(result, -2)) {
-        printf("graph_test_accumulator failed on step 2\n");
-        return -2;
-    }
-    return 0;
+    TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_WITHIN_MESSAGE(GRAPH_TEST_EPS, -2, result, "graph_test_accumulator failed on step 2");
 // Tests that a block will only execute once per compute,
 // even if its output is connected to multiple inputs
-int test_that_blocks_only_get_executed_once() {
+void test_that_blocks_only_get_executed_once() {
     struct computation_graph *graph = create_graph();
     int acum_b = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ACCUMULATE, "accumulator");
     int add_block = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ADD, "Add");
@@ -102,11 +89,11 @@ int test_that_blocks_only_get_executed_once() {
     int to_compute_for[1] = {add_block};
     graph_compute_nodes(graph, to_compute_for, 1);
     double result = graph_get_output(graph, add_block, ADD_SUM);
-    return nequal(result, 4);
 // Tests that upon connection of a second child, a block will not reset
-int tests_that_already_connected_blocks_dont_get_reset() {
+void tests_that_already_connected_blocks_dont_get_reset() {
     struct computation_graph *graph = create_graph();
     int cblock = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "5");
     graph_set_param_val(graph, cblock, CONST_SET, 5);
@@ -129,19 +116,18 @@ int tests_that_already_connected_blocks_dont_get_reset() {
     double result = graph_get_output(graph, gain2, GAIN_RESULT);
     // Equals 5 and not 10 because the inputs to the accumulator did not change,
     // so it didn't run again'
-    return nequal(result, 5);
-int test_that_a_self_loop_computation_terminates() {
+void test_that_a_self_loop_computation_terminates() {
     struct computation_graph *graph = create_graph();
     int gain1 = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_GAIN, "gain1");
     graph_set_source(graph, gain1, GAIN_INPUT, gain1, GAIN_RESULT);
     int to_compute_for[1] = {gain1};
     graph_compute_nodes(graph, to_compute_for, 1);
-    return 0;
-int test_that_nodes_only_update_when_their_inputs_change() {
+void test_that_nodes_only_update_when_their_inputs_change() {
     struct computation_graph *graph = create_graph();
     int cblock = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "const");
     int acum_b = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ACCUMULATE, "accumulator");
@@ -153,7 +139,7 @@ int test_that_nodes_only_update_when_their_inputs_change() {
     graph_compute_nodes(graph, to_compute_for, 1);
     double result = graph_get_output(graph, acum_b, ACCUMULATED);
-    return nequal(result, 3);
@@ -161,7 +147,7 @@ C1 --->| accum_b1 --->|
                       | Add --->
 C2 --->| accum_b2 --->|
-int test_that_updates_propagate_only_to_their_children() {
+void test_that_updates_propagate_only_to_their_children() {
     struct computation_graph *graph = create_graph();
     int cblock1 = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "const1");
     int cblock2 = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "const2");
@@ -181,7 +167,8 @@ int test_that_updates_propagate_only_to_their_children() {
     graph_compute_nodes(graph, to_compute_for, 1);
     double result2 = graph_get_output(graph, add_b, ADD_SUM);
-    return nequal(result1, 7) || nequal(result2, 8);
@@ -192,7 +179,7 @@ This caused problems, because if a node had its output to two things, then it wo
 Since it didn't get marked as "updated" when it got connected to the computation path, and it had its original "updated" flag cleared,
 the node would never get set.
-int test_that_nodes_get_executed_when_updated_even_if_disconnected() {
+void test_that_nodes_get_executed_when_updated_even_if_disconnected() {
     struct computation_graph *graph = create_graph();
     int d_block = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "const1");
@@ -210,44 +197,33 @@ int test_that_nodes_get_executed_when_updated_even_if_disconnected() {
     graph_compute_nodes(graph, to_compute_for, 1);
     double set_val = graph_get_output(graph, gain_block, GAIN_RESULT);
-    return nequal(set_val, 2*1.2345);
-int test_that_the_get_source_call_works_normally() {
+void test_that_the_get_source_call_works_normally() {
     struct computation_graph *graph = create_graph();
     int add_block = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ADD, "Add");
     int cblock3 = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_CONSTANT, "3");
     graph_set_source(graph, add_block, ADD_SUMMAND1, cblock3, CONST_VAL);
     struct node_src source = graph_get_source(graph, add_block, ADD_SUMMAND1);
-    if (source.controller_id != cblock3 || source.controller_output != CONST_VAL) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    else {
-        return 0;
-    }
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(cblock3, source.controller_id);
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CONST_VAL, source.controller_output);
-int test_that_the_get_source_call_returns_ID_neg_1_when_invalid_ID_is_passed() {
+void test_that_the_get_source_call_returns_ID_neg_1_when_invalid_ID_is_passed() {
     struct computation_graph *graph = create_graph();
     int add_block = graph_add_defined_block(graph, BLOCK_ADD, "Add");
     struct node_src source = graph_get_source(graph, 123, ADD_SUMMAND1);
-    if (source.controller_id != -1) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    else {
-        return 0;
-    }
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(-1, source.controller_id);
-int test_that_new_nodes_can_be_created_by_ID() {
+void test_that_new_nodes_can_be_created_by_ID() {
     struct computation_graph *graph = create_graph();
     int desired_id = 87;
     int add_block = graph_add_node_id(graph, desired_id, "Add", &node_add_type);
-    if (add_block != desired_id) {
-        return -1;
-    }
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(desired_id, add_block);
     int const1 = graph_add_node_id(graph, 12, "const1", &node_const_type);
     graph_set_param_val(graph, const1, CONST_SET, 3.5);
     int const2 = graph_add_node_id(graph, 123, "const2", &node_const_type);
@@ -260,22 +236,23 @@ int test_that_new_nodes_can_be_created_by_ID() {
     double result = graph_get_output(graph, add_block, ADD_SUM);
     printf("n_nodes: %d, size: %d\n", graph->n_nodes, graph->size);
     printf("result: %f", result);
-    return nequal(result, 3.5 + 2.5);
 int main() {
-  TEST(test_adding_2_numbers);
-  TEST(test_computing_cycles);
-  TEST(test_resetting_cycles);
-  TEST(test_accumulator_state);
-  TEST(test_that_blocks_only_get_executed_once);
-  TEST(tests_that_already_connected_blocks_dont_get_reset);
-  TEST(test_that_a_self_loop_computation_terminates);
-  TEST(test_that_nodes_only_update_when_their_inputs_change);
-  TEST(test_that_updates_propagate_only_to_their_children);
-  TEST(test_that_nodes_get_executed_when_updated_even_if_disconnected);
-  TEST(test_that_the_get_source_call_works_normally);
-  TEST(test_that_the_get_source_call_returns_ID_neg_1_when_invalid_ID_is_passed);
-  TEST(test_that_new_nodes_can_be_created_by_ID);
-  return test_summary();
+  RUN_TEST(test_adding_2_numbers);
+  RUN_TEST(test_computing_cycles);
+  RUN_TEST(test_resetting_cycles);
+  RUN_TEST(test_accumulator_state);
+  RUN_TEST(test_that_blocks_only_get_executed_once);
+  RUN_TEST(tests_that_already_connected_blocks_dont_get_reset);
+  RUN_TEST(test_that_a_self_loop_computation_terminates);
+  RUN_TEST(test_that_nodes_only_update_when_their_inputs_change);
+  RUN_TEST(test_that_updates_propagate_only_to_their_children);
+  RUN_TEST(test_that_nodes_get_executed_when_updated_even_if_disconnected);
+  RUN_TEST(test_that_the_get_source_call_works_normally);
+  RUN_TEST(test_that_the_get_source_call_returns_ID_neg_1_when_invalid_ID_is_passed);
+  RUN_TEST(test_that_new_nodes_can_be_created_by_ID);
+  return UNITY_END();
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/Makefile b/quad/src/quad_app/Makefile
index 02cc8d007386acd8b03e61623248cd1e75059829..c9e3ace9eab34682fe9a386a23e30ab1fbb8b237 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/Makefile
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 NAME = quad_app
-REQLIBS = -ltest -lcomputation_graph -lm -lqueue -lgraph_blocks -lcommands
+REQLIBS = -lunity -lcomputation_graph -lm -lqueue -lgraph_blocks -lcommands
 include $(TOP)/library.mk
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/callbacks.c b/quad/src/quad_app/callbacks.c
index 8c06e3bdd5283a234578398a2246a1a322291ba5..d4c839bef19746020afe887433a3e0616adea8d7 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/callbacks.c
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/callbacks.c
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ int cb_getnodes(struct modular_structs *structs, struct metadata *meta, unsigned
  * |  data index ||    0 - 1     | 
  * |-----------------------------|
  * |   parameter ||    node ID   |
- * |------------------------------
+ * |-----------------------------|
  * |       bytes ||       2      |
  * |-----------------------------|
diff --git a/quad/src/quad_app/test/test_quad_app.c b/quad/src/quad_app/test/test_quad_app.c
index 8c9a45deada50d444eeac0b5996ff285d8656984..71de8b208b50651e65e885ae940a3bb071aadba4 100644
--- a/quad/src/quad_app/test/test_quad_app.c
+++ b/quad/src/quad_app/test/test_quad_app.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #include "communication.h"
 #include <string.h>
 #include "queue.h"
-#include "test.h"
+#include "unity.h"
 struct Queue *queue;
 struct UARTDriver *uart;
@@ -67,8 +67,11 @@ extern u8 packet[MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
 extern int bytes_recv;
 extern unsigned char packet_checksum;
+/*--------- TESTS ---------*/
 // Test fails when no BE and run out
-int test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_no_BE_and_run_out() {
+void test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_no_BE_and_run_out() {
   bytes_recv = 0;
   uart = mock_uart_malloc();
   queue = queue_malloc(5);
@@ -76,35 +79,32 @@ int test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_no_BE_and_run_out() {
   queue_add(queue, 0);
   queue_add(queue, 1);
-  test_assert(try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 0);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, bytes_recv);
-  // Try again to verify that we actually ran out
-  test_assert(try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 0);
-  return 0;
+  // Try again to verify that we actually ran out
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, bytes_recv);
 // Test fails when no BE and too much (check resume)
-int test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_no_BE_and_too_much() {
+void test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_no_BE_and_too_much() {
   bytes_recv = 0;
   uart = mock_uart_malloc();
   int size = 255;
   queue = queue_malloc(size);
   queue_add_corruption(queue, size);
-  test_assert(try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 0);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, bytes_recv);
   // Ensure that we quit trying
-  test_assert(size - queue_size(queue) <= MAX_PACKET_SIZE);
-  return 0;
+  TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(size - queue_size(queue) <= MAX_PACKET_SIZE);
 // Test fails when BE and run out (check resume)
-int test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_and_run_out() {
+void test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_and_run_out() {
   bytes_recv = 0;
   uart = mock_uart_malloc();
   queue = queue_malloc(100);
@@ -115,23 +115,18 @@ int test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_and_run_out() {
   queue_add(queue, 2);
   queue_add(queue, 3);
-  test_assert(try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 4);
-  test_assert(packet[0] == 0xBE);
-  test_assert(packet[1] == 1);
-  test_assert(packet[2] == 2);
-  test_assert(packet[3] == 3);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, bytes_recv);
+  u8 expected[] = {0xBE, 1, 2, 3};
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_ARRAY(expected, packet, 4);
   // Try again to verify that we actually ran out
-  test_assert(try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 4);
-  return 0;
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, bytes_recv);
 // Test fails when BE and nonsensical length (check resume)
-int test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_and_big_length() {
+void test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_and_big_length() {
   bytes_recv = 0;
   uart = mock_uart_malloc();
   queue = queue_malloc(500);
@@ -143,18 +138,16 @@ int test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_and_big_length() {
   queue_add_short(queue, 500);
   for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) queue_add_corruption(queue, i);
-  test_assert(try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 0);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, bytes_recv);
   // Try again to verify that we actually ran out
-  test_assert(try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 0);
-  return 0;
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, bytes_recv);
 // Test fails when BE and length and run out (check resume)
-int test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_and_run_out() {
+void test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_and_run_out() {
   bytes_recv = 0;
   uart = mock_uart_malloc();
   queue = queue_malloc(500);
@@ -167,27 +160,18 @@ int test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_and_run_out() {
   unsigned char data[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
   for (i = 0; i < 2; i += 1) queue_add(queue, data[i]);
-  test_assert(try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 9);
-  test_assert(packet[0] == 0xBE);
-  test_assert(packet[1] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[2] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[3] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[4] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[5] == 4);
-  test_assert(packet[6] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[7] == 1);
-  test_assert(packet[8] == 2);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(9, bytes_recv);
+  u8 expected[] = {0xBE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 1, 2};
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_ARRAY(expected, packet, 9);
   // Try again to verify that we actually ran out
-  test_assert(try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 9);
-  return 0;
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(9, bytes_recv);
 // Test fails when BE and length and data and run out (check resume)
-int test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_data_and_run_out() {
+void test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_data_and_run_out() {
   bytes_recv = 0;
   uart = mock_uart_malloc();
   queue = queue_malloc(500);
@@ -200,29 +184,18 @@ int test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_data_and_run_out() {
   unsigned char data[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
   for (i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) queue_add(queue, data[i]);
-  test_assert(try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 11);
-  test_assert(packet[0] == 0xBE);
-  test_assert(packet[1] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[2] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[3] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[4] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[5] == 4);
-  test_assert(packet[6] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[7] == 1);
-  test_assert(packet[8] == 2);
-  test_assert(packet[9] == 3);
-  test_assert(packet[10] == 4);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(11, bytes_recv);
+  u8 expected[] = {0xBE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_ARRAY(expected, packet, 11);
   // Try again to verify that we actually ran out
-  test_assert(try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 11);
-  return 0;
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(11, bytes_recv);
 // Test fails when BE, length, data, and checksum fails
-int test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_data_and_bad_checksum() {
+void test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_data_and_bad_checksum() {
   bytes_recv = 0;
   uart = mock_uart_malloc();
   queue = queue_malloc(500);
@@ -237,58 +210,44 @@ int test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_data_and_bad_checksum() {
   queue_add(queue, 0xFF); // bad checksum
   queue_add(queue, 0xBE); // next start
-  test_assert(try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 1);
-  test_assert(packet[0] == 0xBE);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, bytes_recv);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0xBE, packet[0]);
   // Try again to verify that we actually ran out
-  test_assert(try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 1);
-  return 0;
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, bytes_recv);
 // Test succeeds when BE, length, data, checksum
-int test_try_receive_packet_succeeds() {
+void test_try_receive_packet_succeeds() {
   bytes_recv = 0;
   uart = mock_uart_malloc();
   queue = queue_malloc(500);
   int i;
-  queue_add_corruption(queue, 10);;
+  queue_add_corruption(queue, 10);
   unsigned char data[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
   unsigned char checksum = queue_add_packet(queue, 0, 0, 4, data);
-  int failure = try_receive_packet(uart);
-  test_assert(!failure);
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 12);
-  test_assert(packet[0] == 0xBE);
-  test_assert(packet[1] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[2] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[3] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[4] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[5] == 4);
-  test_assert(packet[6] == 0);
-  test_assert(packet[7] == 1);
-  test_assert(packet[8] == 2);
-  test_assert(packet[9] == 3);
-  test_assert(packet[10] == 4);
-  test_assert(packet[11] == checksum);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(12, bytes_recv);
+  u8 expected[] = {0xBE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, checksum};
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_ARRAY(expected, packet, 12);
   // Try again to verify that we don't lose the ready packet
-  test_assert(!try_receive_packet(uart));
-  test_assert(bytes_recv == 12);
-  return 0;
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, try_receive_packet(uart));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(12, bytes_recv);
 int main() {
-  TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_no_BE_and_run_out);
-  TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_no_BE_and_too_much);
-  TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_and_run_out);
-  TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_and_big_length);
-  TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_and_run_out);
-  TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_data_and_run_out);
-  TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_data_and_bad_checksum);
-  TEST(test_try_receive_packet_succeeds);
-  return test_summary();
+  RUN_TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_no_BE_and_run_out);
+  RUN_TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_no_BE_and_too_much);
+  RUN_TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_and_run_out);
+  RUN_TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_and_big_length);
+  RUN_TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_and_run_out);
+  RUN_TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_data_and_run_out);
+  RUN_TEST(test_try_receive_packet_fails_when_BE_length_data_and_bad_checksum);
+  RUN_TEST(test_try_receive_packet_succeeds);
+  return UNITY_END();
diff --git a/quad/src/queue/Makefile b/quad/src/queue/Makefile
index b1121285df3bd56474ce02b2be03b0d03fbb7900..2298a7b8f0c81b593fdd725eb79f53fe4e4fce80 100644
--- a/quad/src/queue/Makefile
+++ b/quad/src/queue/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 NAME = queue
-REQLIBS = -ltest
+REQLIBS = -lunity
 include $(TOP)/library.mk
diff --git a/quad/src/queue/test/test_queue.c b/quad/src/queue/test/test_queue.c
index aa23c9efa115704f7493042bf078c8be012c35f7..9230e39faed165cd2a4c1723ce0bc889c51dda11 100644
--- a/quad/src/queue/test/test_queue.c
+++ b/quad/src/queue/test/test_queue.c
@@ -1,43 +1,39 @@
-#include "test.h"
 #include "queue.h"
+#include "unity.h"
-int test_free() {
+void test_free() {
   struct Queue *q = queue_malloc(4);
-  return 0;
-int test_add() {
+void test_add() {
   struct Queue *q = queue_malloc(4);
   unsigned char c;
-  test_assert(!queue_add(q, 'a'));
-  test_assert(!queue_add(q, 'b'));
-  test_assert(!queue_add(q, 'c'));
-  test_assert(!queue_add(q, 'd'));
-  test_assert(queue_add(q, 'x'));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, queue_add(q, 'a'));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, queue_add(q, 'b'));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, queue_add(q, 'c'));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, queue_add(q, 'd'));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, queue_add(q, 'x'));
   queue_remove(q, &c);
   queue_remove(q, &c);
-  test_assert(!queue_add(q, 'e'));
-  test_assert(!queue_add(q, 'f'));
-  test_assert(queue_add(q, 'x'));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, queue_add(q, 'e'));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, queue_add(q, 'f'));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, queue_add(q, 'x'));
-  return 0;
-int test_remove() {
-  int failed = 0;
+void test_remove() {
   struct Queue *q = queue_malloc(4);
   unsigned char c;
   queue_add(q, 'x');
   queue_add(q, 'x');
-  test_assert(!queue_remove(q, &c));
-  test_assert((c == 'x'));
-  test_assert(!queue_remove(q, &c));
-  test_assert((c == 'x'));
-  test_assert(queue_remove(q, &c));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, queue_remove(q, &c));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, queue_remove(q, &c));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, queue_remove(q, &c));
   queue_add(q, 'a');
@@ -45,126 +41,116 @@ int test_remove() {
   queue_add(q, 'c');
   queue_add(q, 'd');
   queue_add(q, 'x');
-  test_assert(!queue_remove(q, &c));
-  test_assert((c == 'a'));
-  test_assert(!queue_remove(q, &c));
-  test_assert((c == 'b'));
-  test_assert(!queue_remove(q, &c));
-  test_assert((c == 'c'));
-  test_assert(!queue_remove(q, &c));
-  test_assert((c == 'd'));
-  test_assert(queue_remove(q, &c));
-  return failed;
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, queue_remove(q, &c));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, queue_remove(q, &c));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, queue_remove(q, &c));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, queue_remove(q, &c));
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, queue_remove(q, &c));
-int test_size() {
-  int failed = 0;
+void test_size() {
   struct Queue *q = queue_malloc(4);
   unsigned char c;
-  test_assert(queue_size(q) == 0);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, queue_size(q));
   queue_add(q, 'a');
-  test_assert(queue_size(q) == 1);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, queue_size(q));
   queue_add(q, 'b');
-  test_assert(queue_size(q) == 2);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, queue_size(q));
   queue_add(q, 'c');
-  test_assert(queue_size(q) == 3);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, queue_size(q));
   queue_add(q, 'd');
-  test_assert(queue_size(q) == 4);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, queue_size(q));
   queue_remove(q, &c);
   queue_remove(q, &c);
-  test_assert(queue_size(q) == 2);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, queue_size(q));
   queue_add(q, 'e');
-  test_assert(queue_size(q) == 3);
+  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, queue_size(q));
-  return failed;
-int test_full() {
-  int failed = 0;
+void test_full() {
   struct Queue *q = queue_malloc(4);
   unsigned char c;
-  test_assert(!queue_full(q));
+  TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(queue_full(q));
   queue_add(q, 'a');
   queue_add(q, 'b');
   queue_add(q, 'c');
-  test_assert(!queue_full(q));
+  TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(queue_full(q));
   queue_add(q, 'd');
-  test_assert(queue_full(q));
+  TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(queue_full(q));
   queue_remove(q, &c);
-  test_assert(!queue_full(q));
+  TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(queue_full(q));
   queue_remove(q, &c);
   queue_add(q, 'x');
   queue_add(q, 'x');
-  test_assert(queue_full(q));
+  TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(queue_full(q));
-  return failed;
-int test_empty() {
-  int failed = 0;
+void test_empty() {
   struct Queue *q = queue_malloc(4);
   unsigned char c;
-  test_assert(queue_empty(q));
+  TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(queue_empty(q));
   queue_add(q, 'a');
   queue_add(q, 'b');
   queue_add(q, 'c');
-  test_assert(!queue_empty(q));
+  TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(queue_empty(q));
   queue_add(q, 'd');
-  test_assert(!queue_empty(q));
+  TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(queue_empty(q));
   queue_remove(q, &c);
-  test_assert(!queue_empty(q));
+  TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(queue_empty(q));
   queue_remove(q, &c);
   queue_remove(q, &c);
-  test_assert(!queue_empty(q));
+  TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(queue_empty(q));
   queue_remove(q, &c);
-  test_assert(queue_empty(q));
-  return failed;
+  TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(queue_empty(q));
 int main() {
-  TEST(test_free);
-  TEST(test_add);
-  TEST(test_remove);
-  TEST(test_size);
-  TEST(test_full);
-  TEST(test_empty);
-  return test_summary();
+  RUN_TEST(test_free);
+  RUN_TEST(test_add);
+  RUN_TEST(test_remove);
+  RUN_TEST(test_size);
+  RUN_TEST(test_full);
+  RUN_TEST(test_empty);
+  return UNITY_END();
diff --git a/quad/src/test/.gitignore b/quad/src/test/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index da2dc67a4f0e61a89b67664a64a475efc2adca6d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/src/test/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/quad/src/test/Makefile b/quad/src/test/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2156f7994add62a9f65f41b3b33ffc852097de5d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/src/test/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-NAME = test
-REQLIBS = -ltest
-include $(TOP)/library.mk
diff --git a/quad/src/test/README.md b/quad/src/test/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a484745cc317fe93bb0acf11953eb5f4043409fd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/src/test/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-Basic Testing Suite in C
-THIS IS NOT A DIRECTORY OF TESTS. Rather, it is a library of test utility
-functions that you can use to write unit tests.
-The functions in this library help handles the result of every test
-whether it be a success, failure, or segfault, and keeps running until
-all tests have been executed. It then gives a summary of the test results.
-To use, just write your tests using functions that return `int`s to indicate
-failure. 1 means failure. 0 means success.
-Then in your main function for your tests, pass these functions to the `test()`
-function along with a name you want included in the test report.
-int main() {
-    TEST(test_func);
-    TEST(another_func);
-    ...
-When writing your `test_func`, you can use the `test_assert` method to perform
-basic assertions. If any assertion fails, then `test_func` will fail right
-away. If you have multiple assertions in a single `test_func`, the output will
-tell you specifically which assertion failed.
-Then at the end of your main function, call the `test_summary()` function, and
-return its return value from your main function.
-int main() {
-    ...
-    return test_summary();
-An example of creating a `test/` directory in your project is done in this 
-folder. To run the unit tests in your project, run
-make test
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quad/src/test/test.c b/quad/src/test/test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a5573bf45b29ef67c3850e560e7c5932c13b1bb8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/src/test/test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#include "test.h"
-#include <unistd.h>
-static int num_tests = 0;
-static struct Test tests[255];
-static int longest_test_name = 0;
-static int num_assertions = 0;
-void test(int (*function)(), char *test_name) {
-  int test_name_length = strlen(test_name);
-  if (test_name_length > longest_test_name) {
-    longest_test_name = test_name_length;
-  }
-  pid_t pid = fork();
-  if (pid == 0) {
-    // test process
-    puts("----------------------------------------");
-    printf("#%3d: %s\n", num_tests + 1, test_name);
-    int exit_status = function();
-    exit(exit_status);
-  } else {
-    int status;
-    waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
-    struct Test test;
-    strcpy(test.name, test_name);
-    if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
-      int exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(status);
-      if (exit_status == 0) {
-	test.failed = 0;
-	strcpy(test.result_msg, "passed");
-      } else {
-	test.failed = 1;
-	strcpy(test.result_msg,  "FAILED");
-      }
-    } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
-      test.failed = 1;
-      strcpy(test.result_msg, "ERROR!");
-    }
-    tests[num_tests++] = test;
-  }
-void test_assert(int success) {
-  num_assertions += 1;
-  if (!success) {
-    printf("FAILED assertion #%d\n", num_assertions);
-    exit(1);
-  }
-int test_summary() {
-  unsigned char at_least_one_test_failed = 0;
-  int num_failed = 0;
-  puts("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
-  puts("Test results:");
-  puts("");
-  int i = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < num_tests; i += 1) {
-    printf("#%3d: %-*s (%s)\n", i + 1, longest_test_name, tests[i].name, tests[i].result_msg);
-    num_failed += tests[i].failed;
-    at_least_one_test_failed |= tests[i].failed;
-  }
-  puts("");
-  printf("Total: %3d of %-3d tests passed\n", num_tests - num_failed, num_tests);
-  puts("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
-  num_tests = 0;
-  longest_test_name = 0;
-  return at_least_one_test_failed;
diff --git a/quad/src/test/test.h b/quad/src/test/test.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ac50248ece65f20b0060e5ae7f5509a38a8fb821..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/src/test/test.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TEST_H
-#define TEST_H
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#define TEST(name) test(name, #name)
-struct Test {
-  char name[255];
-  char result_msg[255];
-  unsigned char failed;
-void test(int (*)(), char *);
-void test_assert(int success);
-int test_summary();
diff --git a/quad/src/test/test/example.c b/quad/src/test/test/example.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a114d81d3154cababc6eb7c621c11c5dc5e0c33..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quad/src/test/test/example.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "test.h"
-int test_always_passes() {
-  puts("hi world.");
-  return 0;
-int test_always_fails() {
-  return 1;
-int test_assertions() {
-  test_assert(1 == 1);
-  test_assert(2 == 3);
-  test_assert(3 == 3);
-  return 0;
-int test_always_segfaults() {
-  int *bad = NULL;
-  int x = *bad;
-  return 0;
-int main() {
-  TEST(test_always_passes);
-  TEST(test_always_fails);
-  TEST(test_assertions);
-  TEST(test_always_segfaults);
-  return test_summary();