#include <err.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "frontend_setpid.h" #include "pid_common.h" #include "frontend_common.h" int frontend_setpid( struct backend_conn * conn, struct frontend_pid_data * pid_data, int mask) { if (conn == NULL) { return -1; } char * controller; switch (pid_data->controller) { case PID_PITCH: controller = "pitch"; break; case PID_ROLL: controller = "roll"; break; case PID_YAW: controller = "yaw"; break; case PID_PITCH_RATE: controller = "pitchrate"; break; case PID_ROLL_RATE: controller = "rollrate"; break; case PID_YAW_RATE: controller = "yawrate"; break; case PID_HEIGHT: controller = "height"; break; case PID_LAT: controller = "lat"; break; case PID_LONG: controller = "long"; break; default: warnx("Unsupported PID constant"); return -1; } char buffer[2048]; /* Set the P, I, and D */ if (mask & SET_P) { if (snprintf(buffer, 2048, "set%sp %f\n", controller, pid_data->p) >= 2048) { errx(0, "Buffer to small to format!"); } ucart_backendWrite(conn, buffer); } if (mask & SET_I) { if (snprintf(buffer, 2048, "set%si %f\n", controller, pid_data->i) >= 2048) { errx(0, "Buffer to small to format!"); } ucart_backendWrite(conn, buffer); } if (mask & SET_D) { if (snprintf(buffer, 2048, "set%sd %f\n", controller, pid_data->d) >= 2048) { errx(0, "Buffer to small to format!"); } ucart_backendWrite(conn, buffer); } return 0; }