# jekyll-theme-hackcss [Dead simple CSS framework](http://hackcss.com/) now with Jekyll. Mobile-ready, modern, stylish, simple. ## Theme modes This theme comes in three modes, which could be configured in `_config.yml`.    ## Installation Clone this repo. Create your own website. Easy. ## Configuration See [docs](https://github.com/wemake-services/jekyll-theme-hackcss/blob/master/docs.md). ## License GNU PGL 3. See [LICENSE](https://github.com/wemake-services/jekyll-theme-hackcss/blob/3cbe97b71a56a19eba386dd928e125b71e50c71e/LICENSE) for more information. ## Contributing Create or edit a page in this directory. Use the `.md` extension. When you are ready to build the site: ``` make build ``` If you want to run the site on localhost: ``` bundle exec jekyll serve # http://localhost:4000 ``` To deploy the website to our team url: ``` make deploy ```