/* Author: Kris Burney * * BlueTooth socket program for passing vrpn data to quad. */ //system includes #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <bluetooth/bluetooth.h> #include <bluetooth/rfcomm.h> #include <pthread.h> //user created includes #include "communication.h" #include "parse_packet.h" #include "vrpn_tracker.hpp" #include "type_def.h" #include "commands.h" #include "logger.h" #define QUAD_BT_ADDR "00:06:66:64:61:D6" #define QUAD_BT_CHANNEL 0x01 #define CMD_MAX_LENGTH 1024 // function prototypes void killHandler(int); void readAndPrint(void); void sendVrpnPacket(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData *); void sendStartPacket(void); void getVRPNPacket(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData *); void printVrpnData(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData *); int connectToZybo(); void *handleQuadResponse(); void *handleCliInput(); static void cb(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData *); // global variables static volatile int keepRunning = 1; const char *TRACKER_IP = "UAV@"; int quadlog_file; int zyboSocket, status, bytes_read; struct ucart_vrpn_tracker * tracker = NULL; const char *logHeader = "";//"#\n#\tDefault log header\n#\tEverything after '#'`s will be printed as is in the processed logs.\n#\n\0"; pthread_mutex_t quadResponseMutex, cliInputMutex ; unsigned char *respBuf, *commandBuf; int newQuadResponse = 0, newCliInput = 0; // Callback to be ran whenever the tracker receives data. // Currently doing much more than it should. It will be slimmed down // in the future. static void cb(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData * td) { static int count = 0; if(!(count % 10)) { sendVrpnPacket(td); updateLogFile(td); } count++; // This will print the vrpn data to the terminal if necissary. // Commented out because the callback will cover quad log data // at the end of flight. /**if(!(count % 100)) { printVrpnData(td); printf("[Info] Received %d tracker updates.\n", count); }**/ } void *handleQuadResponse() { unsigned char buffer[255]; while(keepRunning) { printf("in quad response thread\n"); fflush(0); // Clear the buffer and read the message from the socket (from the server) memset(buffer, 0, 255); // If there was an error reading from the socket, throw an error if(read(zyboSocket, buffer, 255) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "CLI QUAD: ERROR reading from quad.\n"); fflush(stderr); continue; } pthread_mutex_lock(&quadResponseMutex); newQuadResponse = 1; memcpy(respBuf, buffer, 255); pthread_mutex_unlock(&quadResponseMutex); //parse_packet(buffer, &respBuf, &metadata); printf("CLI QUAD: %s\n", buffer); } pthread_exit(NULL); } void *handleCliInput() { while(keepRunning) { printf("in cli input thread\n"); fflush(0); char userCommand[CMD_MAX_LENGTH] = {}; fprintf(stderr, "$microcart> "); while(fgets(userCommand, sizeof(userCommand), stdin) != NULL && keepRunning) { // if the user simply hit enter then let them try again if((userCommand[0] == '\n') || (userCommand[0] == '\r')) { fprintf(stderr, "$microcart> "); memset(userCommand, 0, CMD_MAX_LENGTH); continue; } pthread_mutex_lock(&cliInputMutex); newCliInput = 1; memcpy(commandBuf, &userCommand, CMD_MAX_LENGTH); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cliInputMutex); fprintf(stderr, "$microcart> "); memset(userCommand, 0, CMD_MAX_LENGTH); } } pthread_exit(NULL); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { pthread_t quadResponse, cliInput; respBuf = malloc(1024); commandBuf = malloc(CMD_MAX_LENGTH); signal(SIGINT, killHandler); // if ((zyboSocket = connectToZybo()) < 0) // { // perror("Error connecting to Zybo..."); // exit(1); // } // create vrpnTracker instance // tracker = ucart_vrpn_tracker_createInstance(TRACKER_IP); // Retrieve VRPN data from the control loop fprintf(stderr, "CLI: Starting quad receiving thread...\n"); pthread_create(&quadResponse, NULL, handleQuadResponse, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "CLI: Thread quad receiving started.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "CLI: Starting cli input thread...\n"); pthread_create(&cliInput, NULL, handleCliInput, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "CLI: Thread Cli input started.\n"); // open the log file // if( (status = createLogFile(argc, argv[1])) < 0) // { // perror("Error creating log file..."); // exit(1); // } // writeLogHeader(logHeader); //tell the quad we are ready to send it vrpn data // printf("sending Start Packet...\n"); // sendStartPacket(); // this function will be called whenever tracker receives data // ucart_vrpn_tracker_addCallback(tracker, cb); while(1) { char tmpRespBuf[1024]; char tmpCommandBuf[CMD_MAX_LENGTH]; //check for user input via cli if(newCliInput) { pthread_mutex_lock(&cliInputMutex); newCliInput = 0; memcpy(tmpCommandBuf, commandBuf, CMD_MAX_LENGTH); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cliInputMutex); // I can use printf becuase the command was gathered using fgets. printf("\nINPUT FOUND via CLI: '%s'\n", tmpCommandBuf); fflush(0); } //check for update/response from quad if(newQuadResponse) { pthread_mutex_lock(&quadResponseMutex); newQuadResponse = 0; memcpy(tmpRespBuf, respBuf, 1024); pthread_mutex_unlock(&quadResponseMutex); printf("\nINPUT FOUND via QUAD: '"); fflush(0); fwrite(tmpRespBuf, 1024, 1, stdout); printf("'\n"); fflush(0); } usleep(10000); } ucart_vrpn_tracker_freeInstance(tracker); //free(vrpnData); free(respBuf); free(commandBuf); pthread_mutex_destroy(&cliInputMutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&quadResponseMutex); close(zyboSocket); close(quadlog_file); return 0; } // signal handler to exit while loop of main function void killHandler(int dummy) { keepRunning = 0; printf("\nleaving Bluetooth module\n"); } void readAndPrint() { // read data from the server // this is a blocking call. //TODO: Implement a non blocking version of this. bytes_read = read(zyboSocket, respBuf, sizeof(respBuf) -1); if( bytes_read > 0) { respBuf[bytes_read] = '\0'; printf("%s", respBuf); } } void sendStartPacket() { unsigned char packet[8] = {0}; metadata_t metadata = { BEGIN_CHAR, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0 }; packet[0] = metadata.begin_char; // BEGIN //PACKET_START_BYTE; packet[1] = metadata.msg_type; // UPDATE //'U'; // U for vrpn camera update, C for command packet[2] = metadata.msg_subtype; // BEGIN UPDATE packet[3] = 1; // MSG ID(1) packet[4] = 0; // MSG ID(2) packet[5] = 0; // DATALEN(1) packet[6] = 0; // DATALEN(2) char checksum = 0; int i; for(i=0; i < metadata.data_len + 7; i++) checksum ^= packet[i]; packet[metadata.data_len + 7] = checksum; //PACKET_END_BYTE; status = write(zyboSocket, &packet, metadata.data_len + 8); if (status != 8) { perror("Error sending start packet...\n"); keepRunning = 0; }else { printf("Start packet successfuly sent...\n"); } } void sendVrpnPacket(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData *info) { int pSize = sizeof(info) + 8; int n; char packet[pSize]; packet[0] = 0xBE; // BEGIN //PACKET_START_BYTE; packet[1] = 0x04; // UPDATE //'U'; // U for vrpn camera update, C for command packet[2] = 0x00; // N/A //TODO Figure out Packet ID with this new ucar_vrpn_TrackerData struct packet[3] = (0x00 & 0x000000ff); // MSG ID(1) packet[4] = ((0x00 >> 8) & 0x000000ff); // MSG ID(2) packet[5] = (sizeof(info) & 0x000000ff); // DATALEN(1) packet[6] = ((sizeof(info) >> 8) & 0x00000ff); // DATALEN(2) memcpy(&packet[7], &info, sizeof(info)); char checksum = 0; int i; for(i=0; i < pSize - 1; i++) checksum ^= packet[i]; packet[pSize - 1] = checksum; //PACKET_END_BYTE; n = write(zyboSocket, packet, pSize); if(n < 0) { perror("vrpnhandler: ERROR writing to socket"); keepRunning = 0; } } void getVRPNPacket(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData *td) { int status; if((status = ucart_vrpn_tracker_getData(tracker, td)) < 0) { perror("Error receiving VRPN data from tracker..."); keepRunning = 0; } } void printVrpnData(struct ucart_vrpn_TrackerData * td) { printf("FPS: %lf Pos (xyz): (%lf %lf %lf) Att (pry): (%lf %lf %lf)\n", td->fps, td->x, td->y, td->z, td->pitch, td->roll, td->yaw); } int connectToZybo() { int sock; struct sockaddr_rc addr = { -1 }; // allocate a socket sock = socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTPROTO_RFCOMM); //set the connection params ie. who to connect to addr.rc_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; addr.rc_channel = (uint8_t) QUAD_BT_CHANNEL; str2ba( QUAD_BT_ADDR, &addr.rc_bdaddr ); printf("Attempting to connect to zybo. Please be patient...\n"); // blocking call to connect to socket sock ie. zybo board status = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)); // connection failed if(status < 0) { close(sock); printf("Connection failed!...\n"); return -1; } else { printf("connection successful!...\n"); return sock; } }